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01_230116 CUP Submittal Corrections 1 Response Letter
1. Pre-Application Meeting Summary_STAFF COMMENTS_PRE21-000333
10. 230116 Construction Mitigation Description
16._02_230222 ARB Architectural Drawing Set_Land Use Submittal Correction 2
17-18. Landscaping Plan ARB_CUP CORR LANDS
2. Waiver Form_ARB Change of Use and Addition_PRE21-000333
20. ARB SURVEY 220292-T-24x36
22. Tree Retention and Tree Credit Worksheet_ARB
230330 ARB Renton Alternate Parking with Sound Transit Easement V8
3. Land Use Permit Master Application
30. Geotechnical Report 22150 - GES - ARB c-o Broderick Architects
31. 230116 Conditional Use Permit Letter of Understanding Geologic Risk
32-35. Civil ARB TIR
32-35. Civil Figures 1-3 - ARB
33. Figure 2 - 720 Rainier Ave S - Drainage Control Plan
35. Figure 3 - 720 Rainier Ave S - Grading Plan
36. 220314 ARB Flagship Store (720 Rainier Ave S) - Trip Generation Memo - 3-14-22
36. Traffic Study 220314 ARB Flagship Store (720 Rainier Ave S) - Trip Generation Memo - 3-14-22
38. 230116 Conditional Use Permit Hazardous Materials Management Statement
41. 230116 Urban Design Regulations Narrative_AND SEE ARCH SET
42. Urban Design Regulations Narrative
5. 230116 Conditional Use Permit Project Narrative
5. 7. 10. ARB_Conditional Use Permit Project Narrative and Justification
6. SEPA Checklist_Updated 221028
7. 230116 Conditional Use Permit Justification
7. Parking Modification Request Justification 230412 V3
7. Street Modification Request Justification 230222
9. Sound Transit Temporary Construction Easement
9. Title Report_V1 (includes recorded document links)
9. Title Report_V2
9. TITLE_POL-Recorded documents 20210928000230_Statutory Warranty Deed
Arb board of directors consent
arb renton deed
arb signed land use permit application
Fire Dept Approval 221110 ARB Site Plan with Fire Lanes
Fire Dept Approval 221114 Broderick Architects Mail - Fwd_ ARB Flagship Store Tenant Improvement & Change of Use
Fire Dept Approval 230116 Fire Submittal Response Letter