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Shortcut to CED's LUA20-000305
2-18-2021 Final Decision - Master Plan, PP, SP and SM -- Solera Modified
2-19-2021 - LUA20-000305 - Party of Record List 2-19-2021
2-19-2021 Decision ltr
2-23-2021 - POR FULL - 2-23-2021
2-23-2021 Affidavit of Mailing
2-23-2021 Revised Decision Letter & Decision
2-23-2021 Revised Decision Ltr
3-11-2021 Citys Request for Reconsideration Solera
3-14-2021 - REVISED - Final Decision Master Plan, PP, CU and SM -- Solera
LUA20-000305 - POR List_Combined with LUA18-000490_210222
Req for Recon & Revised Decision Ltr
Undeliverable: eric & laura - HEX - Solera Master Plan Final Decision - LUA-20-000305