HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-05-002 March 5,2007 � Renton City Council Minutes '�ry Page 74 � petition as quickly as possible, and discussing the situation with the King , County Council. Mr. Puckett noted the hardship this presents to the mobile home park residents, and asked for any assistance the City can provide. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 2/26/2007. Council concur. 2/26/2007 Appointment: Planning Mayor Keolker reappointed Ray Giometti, 323 Pelly Ave. N., Renton, 98057, to Commission the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring 1/31/2010. Council concur. Appointment: Library Board Mayor Keolker appointed Peter Hartley, 600 Cedar Ave. S., Renton, 98057, to the Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Heidi Beckley, who has resigned (term to expii�e 6/1/2010). Refer to Conununit�Services Committee. Community Services: 200 Mill Community Services Department recommended approval of lease agreements Building Leases (Sth Floor), with Washington Information Network 211, Children's Home Society of Network 211 & Children's Washington, and United Way of King County for a shared space on the fifth Home Society& United Way floor of the 200 Mill Building. Expenditure required: $77,508; revenue generated over five-year lease: $426,259.81. Refer to Finance Committee. Annexation: Merritt II, SE Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department May Valley Rd&Coal Creek recommended adoption of an ordinance extending the effectuation date for Parkway Phase II of the Merritt II Annexation from 3/31/2007 to 12/31/2007. Council concur. (See page 75 for ordinance.) Fire: King County Medic Fire Department recommended setting a public hearing on 3/19/2007 to One/Emergency Services consider a resolution supporting the 2008-2013 King County Medic Levy, 2008-2013 One/Emergency Medical Services Levy. Council concur. Human Resources: Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval to Compensatory Time, Rescind rescind Resolution 2265 related to accumulation and allowance of Resolution 2265 compensatory time. Council concur. (See page 75 for resolution.) Transportation: Trails and Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the Bikeways Study and Map, amount of$158,131.20 with MacLeod Reckord for a trails and bikeways study MacLeod Reckord and map. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Utility: Wastewater �Utility Systems Division recommended approval of the request from LandTrust, Improvements Cost Sharing, Inc. for an additional $16,989.79 for the oversizing associated with the Wedgewood Lane Preliminary wastewater improvements for the Wedgewood Lane subdivision (PP-03-053; Plats, LandTrust �� � PP-OS-009; PP-OS-086) for a total oversizing reimbursement of$278,082.62. �Council approved the initial request on 1/9/2006. Council concur. � Utility: Heather powns �Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the amount of Interceptor Replacement, Roth $189,900 with Roth Hill Engineering Partners, LLC for the Heather powns Hill Engineering Partners Interceptor replacement pre-design report. Council concur. Added Item 6.k. Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a letter of Transportation: Rainier Ave S understanding with Burlington Northem Santa Fe Railway for the City to & Hardie Ave SW Railroad reimburse BNSF to design and construct replacement railroad bridges across Bridges, BNSF Rainier Ave. S. and Hardie Ave. SW as part of the Rainier Ave. and Hardie Ave. transportation improvement projects. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. C�' OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA�iLL �, AI #: �' � �. Submittin�Data: For Agenda of: March 5, 2007 Dept/Div/Board.. PBPW/Utility System Division Staff Contact...... Dave Christensen (ext. 7212) Agenda Status Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing.. LandTrust Request for Oversizing Reimbursement Correspondence�.. Above Original Approved Authorization Ordinance............. Resolution............ Old Business........ Exhibits: New Business....... Issue Paper Study Sessions...... Letter Requesting Additional Reimbursement for Information......... Oversizing Recommended Action: Approvals: Council Concur Legal Dept......... Finance Dept..... Other............... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $278,082.62 Transfer/Amendinent....... Amount Budgeted....... $350,000.00 Revenue Generated......... Total Project Budget $350,000.00 City Share Tota1 Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: In January of 2006, Council approved LandTrust's request for estimated oversizing reimbursement in an amount not to exceed $261,092.83. LandTrust has completed aLl ��orl< associated with the Wedgewood project and has submitted their request for final reiinbLirsement for the oversizing. LandTrust encountered additional costs that they are requesting reimbursement from the City. Final requested reimbursement is $278,082.62, which is an increase of$16,989.79, or 6.5°/, fi-oin the original estimated cost. The Wastewater Utility has sufficient funds in the project blidget to pay for tlus increase. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve LandTrust's request for an additional $16,989.79 for oversizing associated with the Wedgewood project for a total oversizing reimbursement of$278,082.62. H:AFile Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-03-0000 Correspondence-WastewaterAdavecAWedgewood Oversizing Final AB.docADMCtp v.r� � ' �ti`SY O� PLANNING/BUILDING/ � �� �- , PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � � �'�N�� M E M O R A N D U M DA"TE: February 23, 2007 '�[�O: Toni Nelson, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VI�: L' Kathy Keolker, Ma o �� FROM: Gregg Zimmerm ministrator S'TAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility a11d 'I�echnical Services Supervisor (ext. 7212) SUBJECT: LandTrust Oversizing Reimbursement Above Original Approved Authorization Request ISSIIE: Sliould the City approve LandTrust rec�uest for an increase in their previously approved oversizing reimbursement of$261,092.83 by $16,998.79 for a new tota] of$278,082.62? R�COMMENDATION: Approve LandTrust's request for oversizing in the total amount of$278,082.62. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: In January of 2006, Council approved an oversizing request for LandTrust for an amoui�t not to exceed $261,092.83. The oversizing provides the City with a new lift station that includes sufficient capacity to serve the entire basin and also allowed the City to decommission two existing lift stations. Since that time, the developer has completed all work associated with this project and has prescnted final cos�s that are slightly higher than the original estimated costs. The additional costs total $16,998.79, which is 6.5 % over the original estimate. This small increase can be attributed to three items: (1) Wastewater staff deter�ni�led that a water connection at this site was advisable, and since the station is in another watEr district, the cost of the water meter was over $6,000. (2) The sewer inain that was constructed to allow us to eliminate the Apollo Lift Station encountered additional material costs, needed additional surveys, and soil monitoring due to poor soils. (3) Poor soils contributed to additional direct costs for pipe installation and indirect costs associated with additional paving required for the Hoquiam main extiension. Council/LandTrust Oversi� "'� • Page 2 of 2 February 23, 2007 The Wastewater Utility has sufficient funds i11 the project budget to pay for tllis increase. CONCLUSION: The requested increase is re�latively small, and the value to the City of these improvements is far greater than the amount requested in the oversizing. As silch, it is recommended that the Council authorize the additional amount requested by the developer for the oversizing for a total anzount of$278,082.62. cc: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director H:AFile Sys\WWP -WasteWater\WWP-03-0000 Correspondence- Wastewater\davec\Wedgewood � Oversizing Final Issue.doc\DMCtp v✓ � ��.�1CIT1'L1St ���� ������� _� �.s� �,'' �,:.-� INC. RESIDEMUI.PAOPER7YDEVE(APMEM '?: 4 `� 3 , -_.,t. �� �d-�(„]j 1 �i'Y ;�t�7=�vt't�s February 20, 200�� David Christensen City of Renton Building/Planning/Public Works Department Wastewater Utility Division Renton City Hall-5'" Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, �b'A 98055 Subject: Revised Cost-Sharing Request for Sanitary Sewer Improvements Associated with the Wedgewood Lane Subdivision,Divisions 1,2 and 3 (LUA's 03-053, 05-009,05-086) Dear Mr. Christensen: Herewith I am submitting a revised schedule of values that reflects actual costs that we incurred while installing the Wedgewood Lane Sanitary Sewer Lift Station and Hoquiam Avenue sewer main extension. As you may recall,I submitted a request to the Renton City Council on November 23, 2005, asking to be reimbursed for: 1) the City's share of the lift station, which was sized to serve a tributary area that included property out side of our project boundaries, and 2) the City's share of the sewer main that we installed along our project frontage on Hoquiam Avenue NE, which also serves properties other than ours. My original letter stated the estimated cost of these sanitary sewer improvements, as well as the estimated portion of those costs that would be the responsibility of the City. Now that the project is complete and all sewers have been installed, inspected, and accepted by the City's Public Works Department, we have revised the cost estimate to reflect actual costs paid by us. Some costs increased, as did the City's share of those costs. The purpose of this letter is to explain the cost overruns and request payment of the City's share. SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION: The cost-increases in this category were not attributable to the construcfion lift station itself, since it was a design-bid product, but in fact were attributable to the addition of a water meter at the request of fhe City's Wastewater Utility Department. 1560140rx AvE[YE $UITE 10� BELLEVUE,WA 9SOO$ (425]747-1726 [425]747-4157 Fnx WWW.[.ANDTRUST[NC.COM Page 1 of 2 � � This caused an increase of$6,042.67, plus tax,which includes the cost of the tap, setter, meter ' box, meter, 2 months of usage charges (the bill for the meter now goes to the City), and a � General Facilities Charge assessed by King County Water District No. 90. GRAVITY CONNECTION FROM THE EXISTING LIFT STATION IN NE 10TH STREET: The difference in price between the original estimate and the actual cost represents a 5% increase, which is due to increase in material costs, as well as 31ine items that were not included in the original budget, such as earthwork monitoring and testing, survey work, and additional engineering design costs. H_O_QUTAM AVENUE NE SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION AND ROAD RESTORATION: The cost of installing sanitary sewer main in Hoquiam Avenue from NE 8t''Street to NE 7�h Place increased exponentially due to problems created by unanticipated poor soil conditions and excessive groundwater in the construction trench, both of which caused severe sloughing of the trench walls. All of these conditions caused road bed and shoulder to be reconstructed from bearing soil, and the entire west half of the road to be repaved. In summary, our request for reimbursement has increased$16,989.79 over the original request of$261,092.83, for a total reimbursement of$278,082.62. If you would like any further information regarding these cost increases, please contact me directly at(425) 747-1726, extension 102. Otherwise, please authorize our request for reimbursement and process payment as soon as possible. � � Sincerely, LANDTRUST,INC. Patrick J. Gilroy Page 2 of 2 `�r+; .,�, SANITARY SEWER DEPARTMENT-CITY OF RENTON 2/20/07 WED�'a,E'WOOD,RENTON WA 98056 ORIGINAL COST ESTIMATE/BUDGET REVISED COST CITY OF RENTON COST SHARING Sanita Sewer Lift Station 9� y Lift Station 1 LS 437,700.00 437,700.00 1 LS 467,709.00 467,709.00 135,000.00 Water Meter 1 1 LS 6,042.67 6,042.67 6,042.67 Subtotal 437,700.00 473,751.67 141,042.67 Tax(8.8�0 38,517.60 41,690.15 '12,411.75 Total 476,217.60 515,441.82 153,454.42 Gravi Conx from Ex.Lift Station 10th PertnRs 1 LS Demo&Clear 1 LS 3 150.00 3,150.00 1 LS 3,150.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 Erosion Cntrl 1 LS 840.00 840.00 1 LS 840.00 840.00 640.00 Raise Ex MH to finish rade t LS 630.00 630.00 1 LS 630.00 630.00 630.00 Core,connect,re-channei ex MH t LS 3,360.00 3,360.00 1 LS 3,360.00 3,360.00 3,360.00 10"PVC 485 LF 29.40 14,259.00 488 LF 27.99 13,659.12 13,659.12 10"DI 21 LF 44.10 926.10 21 LF 43.98 923.58 923.58 T e II 48"MH 3 LS 2,850.00 8,550.00 3 LS 3,220.29 9,660.87 9,660.87 Redeai nManhole#29 1 LS 1,554.00 1,554.00 1,554.00 Surve 1 LS 1,538.00 1,538.00 1,538.00 Soifs Testin 1 LS 3,054.00 3,054.00 3,054.00 OverX Sewer 1 LS 394.00 394.00 394.00 Extra De th 9 VF 315.00 2,835.00 9 VF 315.00 2,835.00 2,635.00 De-Water 1 LS 1,575.00 1,575.00 1 LS 1,575.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 Qua Rock 1 LS 1,575.00 1,575.00 1 LS 838.96 838.96 838.96 Ex oR U�suitable 725 TN 10.50 7,612.50 810 TN 3.55 2,875.50 2,875.50 Seled Backfiil 1260 TN 13.00 16,360.00 1702 TN 1120 19,062.40 19,062.40 Swee er for Im ort 1 LS 2,040.00 2,040.00 2,040.00 Sawcut,demo,restore road 1 LS 3,750.00 3,750.00 1 LS 3,750.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 Construdtem road 1 LS 1890.00 1890.00 1 LS 3,142.00 3,142.00 3,142.00 Potholeexutils t LS 1,260.00 1,260.00 1 LS 1,260.00 1,260.00 1,260.00 Re air 24"culvert 1 LS 525.00 525.00 f LS 525.00 525.00 525.00 Connect to ex lift sta 1 LS 1,050.00 1,050.00 1 LS 1,077.45 1,077.45 1,077.45 Tra�ccntrl 1 LS 1,260.00 1,260.00 1 LS 1,260.00 1,260.00 ' 1,260.00 Test and t.v. 1 LS 535.00 535.00 1 LS 642.62 642.62 642,g2 Extra De th Manhole#1 6 FT 299.32 1,795.92 1 795.92 5%Field su ervision and eneral cond'Rions LS 0.00 1 LS 4,286.50 4,286.50 4,286.50 Subtotal T1,962.60 85,729.92 85,729.92 Tax(8.8°� 6,332.71 7,544.23 7,544.23 - Contincenc 15% 10,794.39 0.00 0.00 Total 89,089.70 93,274.15 93,274.15 Ho uiam Ave SS Instatl 8 SS Rd Restoration Includes West Side Road Restoration Desi n 8 ermit tees 1 LS 13,414.00 73,414.00 1 LS 13,414.00 13,414.00 3,353.50 Soils Testin -Road and Sewer 1 LS 1,880.00 1,880.00 470.00 Asbuilt and Surve 1 LS 2,400.00 2,400.00 600.00 To o and des' n 1 LS 4,800.00 4,800.00 1,200.00 48"MH 3 EA 2,650.00 8,550.00 3 EA 3,229.57 9,688.71 2,422.18 E�Rra de th 3 VF 315.00 945.00 3 VF 340.81 1,022.43 255.61 8"PVC Off-Site 493 LF 24.50 12,078.50 529 LF 79.00 41,791.00 tp,447.75 6"PVC 90 LF 20.00 1,800.00 60 LF 128.44 7,706.40 1,926.50 Pothole exist utils 1 LS 900.00 900.00 1 LS 900.00 900.00 z25,pp Ex oR s oils 438 CY 10.50 4,599.00 598 CY 10.50 6,279.00 1,569.75 Select backfill 644 TN 13.00 8,372.00 1368 TN 10.80 14,774.40 3,693.60 Sawcut 1026 LF 3.52 3,611.52 1026 LF 3.52 3,611.52 gpz_gg Traffic cntrl-Si ns-Submittals 1 LS 8,000.00 8,000.00 1 LS 6,900.00 6,900.00 �,7ZS.pp 4"ATB 155 TN 52.00 8,060.00 116 TN 52.00 6,032.00 1,508.00 Test and t.v. 493 LF 0.88 433.84 631 LF 1.27 801.37 200.34 Raise MH to finish rade 3 EA 253.00 759.00 3 EA 488.12 1,464.36 366.09 Grindin as hak demo&remove 110 TN 32.00 3,520.00 184 TN 32.00 5,888.00 1,472.00 Remove 9"sub rade 110 CY 9.20 1,012.00 0 CY 9.20 0.00 0.00 Install aushed rock base 120 TN 18,31 2,19720 367.02 TN 19.40 7,120.19 1,780.05 Fine Grade 1 LS 1,325.28 1,32528 331.32 2"Class b 75 TN 60.00 4,500.00 151.5 TN 60.00 9,090.00 2,272.50 Stri in 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 1 LS 924.60 924.80 23120 5°�Field su ervision and eneral conditions LS 0.00 1 LS 7,779.66 7,779.66 1,944.91 Subtotdl 83,752.06 155,593.11 38,898.28 Onl Taxable Items (8.8°k 5,234.11 8,431.27 2,107.82 Contincenc (15°h) 10,550.71 0.00 0.00 Total 99,536.88 164,024.38 41,006.10 ��.r �,rr _— .t F�, �t�t �� •i �..•G --' ,r- f r, ' _:� ! �`•� /,i�. ti. 1 �;i� .,,✓�' �..,�. � ��,i• ��,,,✓"' �,.ak�� .i� ff ,� -- `h,,, y ! � ! 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A r� �,� �M ����� � -` N � � �tt I 1)� �� j� � �VI � r� � i I � .O � cN � W ,l'�.� � � 1 I ,,` , ,�I : i w �' �, Q I (� .� �� ! �`"� /` '.. s ,''. �i,f I I .,.� ;" ��: I �' � \ �i � ! /� !� a t °fl � \� � ` �" I ;r d F � ,X f � >, i 'l ,/ I � O � �. � � �,�/ � ` �- - - -- _J � ` �' � \� � v / -� � �n � 'i ' �� 49 � $ (� -i�;r ' ,�,i r ,�.,_,, -f ''a � �� �--"Tf � � '< W��GEIl�OOD LANE N DlI�l�IQN 3 SAN�TARY SEN/ER LIFT STATION - TRACT E SCALE: 1" = 40' �ti`�Y o� � CITY�OF RENTON � ��� � ♦ City Clerk �j ,� Kathy Keolker,Mayor Bounie I.Walton �'NT� January 10, 2006 Mr. Patrick J. Gilroy LandTrust, Inc. 1560 140t�' Ave. NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 Re: Request for Sewer Oversizing &Extension Reimbursement; Wedgewood Lane Division 1, 2 & 3 (LUA-03-053, LUA-OS-009 and-096) Dear Mr. Gilroy: At the regular Council meeting of January 9, 2006, the Renton City Council approved your request for reimbursement of actual costs,not to exceed the requested amount of $261,092.83, for upsizing of a sanitary sewer lift station and installation of a sewer main in Hoquiam Ave. NE as associated�vith the referenced plat. The Council also required that any costs in excess of the requested amount must be resubmitted to the City Council for approval. If I can provide additional information or assistance regarding this matter,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, � � �G���.Oy�� Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk cc: Mayor Kathy Keolker Council President Randy Corman David Christensen, Utility Engineering Supervisor 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 R E N T O N AHEAll OF THE CURVE � �This paper contains 50%recycled matenal,30%post consumer , �o�,��e� � � CITY OF RENTQN ��Y DEc o s zoo5 �� PLANNINGBUILDING/ RECEIVED • ;� � * PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY CLERK'S OFFICE � ��N��� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 7, 2005 TO: Randy Corman, Committee Chair Members of the Utilities Committee CC: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Members of the Renton City Council Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Gregg Zimmerma�''A�nistrator STAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen, Wastewater Utility Supervisor, (ext. 7212) SUBJECT: LandTrust Inc. Request for Cost Sharing Plat of Wedgewood Lane ISSUE: Should the Council approve an oversizing/cost-sharing request made by LandTrust Inc., in the estimated total amount of$261,092.83, for wastewater improvements associated with their development of the Wedgewood Plat? RECOMMENDATION: • Staff recommends that Council approve the request for oversizing/cost-sharing utilizing the method of cost reimbursement developed by the staff and the developer. � Staff further recommends that the amount to be reimbursed to the developer be based upon actual construction costs, not to exceed $261,092.83. Costs in excess of the requested amount shall be brought back to Council for its approval. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: LandTrust, Inc. is in the process of developing the plat of Wedgewood. This plat has three separate divisions located in the NE 10`�' and Hoquiam area of Renton. As part of the development of this plat, a new sewage lift station was needed to provide service. In reviewing the application, staff noted that the north end of this development, along NE 10`� Street, was an ideal location for the City to build a regional sewage lift station. Randy Corman � .:. Members of the Utilities C. nittee December 8,2005 � °`�� Page 2 of 2 Staff worked with LandTrust, Inc. to allow for a sewage lift station that not only met the needs of the current development, but also provided the capacity needed to allow for the remainder of the basin to be served by this facility. This substantially increased the size of the wet well, pumps, forcemain and other aspects of the station beyond the current needs. In addition to the oversizing of the station, staff also requested that the developer extend the sewer in NE 10`", easterly from their plat to connect to our existing Apollo Lift Station. This extension allows the City to decommission a very old and undersized existing station. The elimination of the existing station through this construction saves ratepayers more than$300,000 in replacement costs in the near future. Staff also requested that the developer perform additional extension work in Hoquiam Avenue NE in order to better provide future service to properties west of the development. The total estimated cost of the oversizing and cost-sharing is $261,092.83. While this cost is a relatively significant amount compared to our estimated costs of over $800,000 if the City was to make these same improvements, it represents a significant value to the rate payers. LandTrust, Inc. is making this request in accordance with Renton City Code 4-6-OlOC, Oversizing. This code allows developers to be reimbursed for costs associated with the enlargement or addition of utility facilities required by the City's Utility Section. Funding for the requested oversizing/cost-sharing request would come from the Wastewater Utility through cost savings achieved from our Sunset Interceptor Phase III project. Staff originally budgeted $1,500,000 for this project. In early 2005, our consultant completed a preliminary design report that identified an altemative to our original replacement of the sewer main in Duvall Avenue NE. The report determined that we could wait to achieve the capacity we needed through a project scheduled in the 2008 through 2010 time period, at minor additional cost, thus allowing us to save approximately$900,000 of the original $1,500,00 budgeted. The work order number for Sunset Interceptor III is 421/45400 and the account number is 421/45000. CONCLUSION: The development of the Wedgewood Plat by LandTrust, Inc. has allowed the Wastewater Utility the opportunity to partner with the developer to provide for regional facilities to meet the long term needs within this basin at a significant cost savings to our rate payers. The developer is in the process of installing all of the requested facilities to accommodate this need. The costs presented by the developer are reasonable, and final payment, if authorized by Council, will be based upon the actual final construction costs. cc: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,Mayor Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Bonnie Walton,City Clerk H:�File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-03-0000 Correspondence-Wastewater\daveclWedgewood Oversizing.docDClp i �I W TR,4CT C� �� I � oPEN sPAc:E -%--- . �� ' � . ;. .__..._:- � � ��� � �� � 183,111t SF. /�� � � ; z � , a _ ; � � :. � h � � t _.- / w�, ' .. � .. .. � o ��F�� � ti j w � ��. �� V ; .� � r, � � t � r � � ���� � �� � � � ° Q �"� . , _ � so� . , � 1�, ; >m ,.��� 26 uri�iri- � , � , € � ; .: , �ss . �� � aocmon��u,. rR,4 Z � ; , ; .._� '` .�= k s,:�' ,� ��e4�R Er�i O Ct � STC�Rh1 D � : � �,q� �' . ,_1 � OPEN SPACE � I� �� �1PtR' RCJ�tt = >EDI,CA ION' ' � � >' �' t 5f. 10,393t SF. 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I ``__`� � KITS,d►fi' i �. 1�1.E. � . , .. - . . i i � . � ., � �, � � = .� -=— . � , I r . - � �. . .i►ccE�B —1 I I I I ��a�� II P� ? � ' ' ... .... �+'�R�—R'il`lI . � � �'. e . ( j --•� � —�_. � � , 2ti'R IT1'P) � � �' � � � , � �� � .� : �� 1 � I I � _ ..I� ���)� � , � .. , �,, I�_ .I. � _. . , . , ;. : � � � � '� � �� ��ob ��. � � � �� � ,�.. .. 2_ � Z1 ° w ; �� � ����� � � �.- � ���o s�. � � �,aas s�. � ..f . g,000 sF�, b� �� � M .. � Q � U . � . r December 5,2005 `�r+` Renton City Council Minutes `�+" Page 435 CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Patrick J. Gilroy,LandTrust,Inc., 1560 140th Ave.NE, Citizen Comment: Gilroy- Suite 100,Bellevue,98005, stating that in order to service the Wedgewood Wedgewood Lane Preliminary Lane Divisions 1, 2 and 3 preliminary plats with sanitary sewer, City staff Plats Utility Improvements, requested two improvements to facilitate the future development of surrounding Cost Share Request properties. Mr. Gilroy asked that the City share the cost of the infrastructure improvements. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW,COLINCIL �C., �(�,�a�i REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTII.ITIES COMMTTTEE. CARRIED. UNFIIVISHED BUSINESS Council President Briere presented a Committee of the Whole report regarding Committee of the Whole adoption of the 2006 budget ordinances. Budget: 2006 Annual City of property Tax Levy. The preliminary information provided by King County, Renton and used to develop the revenue estimates,provided a total general government property tax estimate of$21,755,827. This was based on a new construction estimate of$167,912,009. In developing the 2006 budget estimate,the property tax estimate used contained the long-term financial forecast of$22,026,700. This was based on an estimate of$250,000,000 in new construction. It was believed that the estimate was a bit high, but left some room for fine-tuning of King County's estimates. A revised preliminary property tax worksheet was recently provided by King County. It revised the estimate for total general government property taxes to $22,209,409 based on$311,622,057 in new construction. The difference will not be coll"ected without a revision to the ordinance. � Original Budget Final Kin Countv Estimate King County Tax Amount 21,755,827 22,026,700 22,209,409 New Construction AV 167,912,009 250,000,000 311,622,057 The recommendation was to add$182,709 to General Fund reserves and amend the 2006 Budget to invest in needs as identified in the priorities of govemment effort and at the Council retreat. These funds cannot be spent without additional Council action. Fire Prevention Fees. The Committee recommended that certain fire plan review and inspection fees be increased. Golf Course Greens Fees. The Committee recommended that certain golf course greens fees be increased. Various Utilities Fees. To meet the capital and operating expenses of utilities, as recommended by the Planning/Building/Public Works Administration,the Committee recommended that certain utility fees be increased for surface water, surface water utility services, special rates for senior andlor disabled citizens and double occupancy households, the fire protection charge, minimum rates for metered water, commodity rates, commercial customers, low-income rates, disposal rates for sewage, and King County wastewater sewer rates. 2006 Budget. The Committee recommended adoption of the 2006 Budget, including the following changes: • Increase the revenue estimate in the General Fund for property taxes by $50,000. � � ia-s aoas . � `� �`�`,� ,.� ��u!� _ LandTrust�N� ��e u�-OS OD,� :���T�OF RENTQ{v RESIDEMIALPROPER7YDEVEIAPMEM�.��� - ��v z � ���� RECEIVED November 23,2005 �+�Y CLERK'S OFFICE ,. �c� G�t'���J�'.-�c>t �•.� Z �,� Renton City Council Renton City Hall--7th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 RE: COST SHARII�G REQUEST Wedgewood Lane Divisions 1,2 and 3 (LUA03-053, LUA05-009,-086) HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: In order to service the above-mentioned preliminary plats with sanitary sewer, the City's Wastewater Utility has requested that we make two improvements to facilitate future development of surrounding properties: a. Upsizing of a sanitary sewer lift station to handle a tributary area of approximately 238 acres; b. Installation of a sewer main in Hoquiam Avenue NE that will accommodate future development to the west of our project. I have attached a schedule of values that outlines our costs to perform this work. We respectfully request that the City Council approve their share of the cost to make these improvements,per this estimate. Actual costs may vary. Sincerely, LANDTRUST,INC. , �, ,., �Patrick J. Gilroy ��� �� (;� 1560140TH AvE NE $UITE 1�� BELLEVUE,WA 9SOOS [425]747-1726 [425]747-4157 Fax WWW.LpNDTRUSTWC.COM Page 1 of 9 LB�dTf�St,I�C. RTAXABLEITEMS Wed ewood Lane,123 Lots ORI�INAL COST ESTIMATE/BUDGET # Cit of Renton Cost Sharin LandTrustCost Sharin Sanita Sewer Lift Station L'rft Station 1 LS 437 700.00 437,700.00# 1 LS 135,000.00 135,000.00 1 LS 302,700.00 302,700.00 Forcemain to Ho uiam 1 LS 60,493.00 60 493.00# 1 LS 0.00 0.00 1 LS 60,493.00 60,493.00 Permit 1 LS 14,025.00 14,025.00 1 LS 0.00 0.00 1 LS 14,025.00 14,025.00 SubtoWl 512 218.00 135,000.00 577,218.00 Tax B.Bk 43840.98 11880.00 37,960.98 Total 556 058.98 146,880.00 409,178.98 Grevi Conx from Ex.Lift Station Demo 8 Clear 1 LS 3,150.00 3,150.00# 1 LS 3,150.00 3,150.00 0 LS 3,150.00 0.00 Erosion Cntrl 1 LS 840.00 840.00# 1 LS 840.00 840.00 0 LS 840.00 0.00 Raise Ex MH to rade 1 LS 630.00 630.00# 1 LS 630.00 630.00 0 LS 630.00 0.00 Core connecl,rechannel ex MH 1 LS 3,360.00 3 360.00# t LS 3 360.00 3,360.00 0 LS 3,360.00 0.00 10"PVC 485 LF 29.40 14 259.00# 485 LF 29.40 14,259.00 0 LF 29.40 0.00 10"DI 21 LF 44.10 926.10# 21 LF 44.10 926.10 0 LF 44.10 0.00 T e II 48"MH 3 LS 2 850.00 8 550.00# 3 LS 2,850.00 8 550.00 0 LS 2 850.00 0.00 Extra De th 9 VF 315.00 2 835.00# 9 VF 315.00 2 835.00 0 VF 315.00 0.00 De-Water t LS 1,575.00 1,575.00# t LS 1,575.00 1 575.00 0 LS 1 575.00 0.00 Quar Rock 1 LS 1 575.00 1,575.00# 1 LS 1,575.00 1,575.00 0 LS 1,575.00 0.00 �° Ex ort Unsuitable 725 TN 10.50 7 612.50# 725 TN 10.50 7 612.50 0 TN 10.50 0.00 Select Backfill 1260 TN 13.00 16 380.00# 1260 TN 13.00 16,380.00 0 TN 13.00 0.00 Sawcut,demo,restore road 1 LS 3,750.00 3 750.00# t LS 3,750.00 3 750.00 0 LS 3,750.00 0.00 Constructtem road 1 LS 1,890.00 1 890.00# 1 LS 1 890.00 1 890.00 0 LS 1,890.00 0.00 Pothole ex utils 1 LS 1,260.00 1 260.00# 1 LS 1,260.00 1 260.00 0 LS 1,260.00 0.00 Re air 24"culvert 1 LS 525.00 525.00# 1 LS 525.00 525.00 0 LS 525.00 0.00 Connect to ex lift sta 1 LS 1,050.00 1 050.00# 1 LS 1 050.00 1,050.00 0 LS 1,050.00 0.00 Traffic cntrl 1 LS 1 260.00 1 260.00# 1 LS 1,260.00 1 260.00 0 LS 1 260.00 0.00 Test and t.v. 1 LS 535.00 535.00# 1 LS 535.00 535.00 0 LS 535.00 0.00 SubtoWl 71 962.60 71 962.60 0.00 Tax 8.8% 6 332.71 6 332.71 0.00 Contin enc 75% 10 794.39 10 794.39 0.00 Total 89 069.70 89 089.70 0.00 Ho uiam SS Install S Rd Restoration Desi n& ermit fees 1 LS 13 414.00 13 414.00 1 LS 3,353.50 3 353.50 1 LS 10 060.50 10 060.50 48"MH 3 EA 2 850.00 8,550.00# 3 EA 712.50 2 137.50 3 EA 2 137.50 6,412.50 Extra de th 3 VF 315.00 945.00# 3 VF 78.75 236.25 3 VF 236.25 708.75 8"PVC 493 LF 24.50 12 078.50# 493 LF 6.13 3 019.63 493 LF 18.38 9,058.88 6"PVC 90 LF 20.00 1 800.00# 90 LF 5.00 450.00 90 LF 15.00 1,350.00 Pothole exist utils 1 LS 900.00 900.00# t lS 225.00 225.00 1 LS 675.00 675.00 Ex ort s oils 438 CY 10.50 4 599.00# 438 CY 2.63 1,149.75 438 CY 7.88 3,449.25 Select backfill 644 TN 13.00 8,372.00# 644 TN 3.25 2,093.00 644 TN 9.75 6,279.00 Sawcut 1026 LF 3.52 3 611.52# 1026 LF 0.88 902.88 1026 LF 2.64 2,708.64 Traffic cntrl 1 LS 8,000.00 8,000.00# 1 LS 2,000.00 2,000.00 1 LS 6,000.00 6,000.00 4"ATB 155 TN 52.00 8,060.00# 155 TN 13.00 2,015.00 155 TN 39.00 6,045.00 � Test and t.v. 493 LF 0.88 433.84# 493 LF 022 108.46 493 LF 0.66 325.38 Raise MH to finish rade 3 EA 253.00 759.00# 3 EA 63.25 189.75 3 EA 189.75 569.25 As halt demo&remove 110 TN 32.00 3,520.00# 110 TN 8.00 880.00 110 TN 24.00 2,640.00 Remove 9"sub rade 110 CY 920 1 012.00# 110 CN 2.30 253.00 110 CY 6.90 759.00 Install crushed rock base 120 TN 18.31 2 197.20# 120 TN 4.58 549.30 120 TN 13.73 1,647.90 2"Class b 75 TN 60.00 4,500.00# 75 TN 15.00 1,125.00 75 TN 45.00 3,375.00 Stri in 1 LS 1,000.00 1 000.00# 1 LS 250.00 250.00 1 LS 750.00 750.00 Subtotal 83 752.06 20 938.02 62 814.05 Tax 8.6% 6188.75 1 547.44 4 642.31 Contin enc 15% 10 550.71 2 637.68 7,913.03 Total 100 492.52 25,123.73 75,a69.39 Summary: Grand Total 5745,641.20 LandTrust Cost Sharing (5484.548.37) City of Renton Cost Sharing 5261,082.83 •