HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-06-003 November 27,2006 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 416 s " CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Jack Alhadeff,JDA Group LLC President, 95 S. Tobin Citizen Comment: JDA Group St., Suite 201, Renton, 98055,requesting reimbursement in the amount of -Oversizing Reimbursement $53,750 for oversizing the water main at NW 6th St. for the Sixth Street Short for Water Main for Sixth Street Plat at the City's request. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, Short Plat ��� ���,��2, COLTNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES �� � COMMITTEE. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 254370 -254892 and one wire transfer totaling$3,400,181.33; Finance: Vouchers and approval of Payroll Vouchers 66588 - 66746,one wire transfer, and 637 direct deposits totaling $2,008,809.35. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Waiver of Water- Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report regarding the Pam Curley Related Charge, Curley request related to a reconnection fee. The Committee met to consider the request by Pam Curley to waive a water-related charge. After a complete review of the matter,the Committee believed that the City's current policy and procedures were followed appropriately. Therefore,the Committee recommended that no further action be taken on this matter at this time. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Corman presented a Committee of the Whole report Utility: 2007 Rates regarding the 2007 water, wastewater, and surface water utility rates. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the following utility rate changes effective 1/1/2007: 1. A 5 percent increase in water utility rates; 2. A 5 percent increase in wastewater utility rates; 3. A 3 percent increase in surface water utility rates; 4. A monthly King County rate adjustment charge of 56 cents per residential account,and 56 cents per 750 cubic feet of water use for multi-family, commercial, and industrial accounts; and 5. A collection of the King County wastewater treatment charge of$27.95 per residential customer equivalent per month. The Committee referred the subject of utility rates to the Committee of the ' Whole, to be reviewed in early 2007. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first and second reading and adoption. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 418 for ordinance.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution #3843 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and Ci , Clerk to take those Annexation: Preserve Our actions necessary to place Proposition 1 before the voters, including the Plateau, SE 128th St preparation of information for the voter's pamphlet, for the special election to be held on 2/6/2007 regarding the annexation of approximately 1,475 acres of contiguous unincorporated territory within Renton's East Renton Plateau Potential Annexation Area, also known as the Preserve Our Plateau Annexation C���'esPoh c�eh�� I/-�7�0�� � ' �i'�e #u�-06-�03 ,J DA GI'OU LLC p 95 S Tobin St�Suite 201 • Renton � WA 98055� Ph 425-891-1002• Fax 425-687 1405� alhadef�ackQhotmail.com November 21, 2006 ��,�f,�, .� CITY C?F RENTQN. r- - NO V 2 2 70p6 Mr. Randy Corman RECElVED Renton �ty Council President �%�TY CLERK�S OFFICE Renton City Hall �ad 7ae/1vcr�� 1055 South Grady Way ��Q �dou�G�� Renton, WA 98055-3232 Project: 6th Street Short Plat — New 8" Water Main in NW 6"' Street, Permit #U050112 Subject: Waterline Reimbursement Request Dear Mr. Corman, I have been working with AHBL Engineers and the City of Renton on development of my proposed short plat located at the end of NW 6�' Street. As part of the devefopment, the City has requested that the existing 4inch water main in NW 6�' Street be up-sized to an 8-inch main. The new 8-inch water main will extend from Taylor Avenue to the east for approximately 675 feet within NW 6"' Street. The new water main will benefit the proposed development as well as the surrounding neighborhood. Following is a request for the City to share in the cost of the new water main. The design of the new water main has recently been approved by the City and we are currently under construction. The construction costs are itemized as follows: 10x8 Cut in Tee (connection by City) 1 EA 10"Gate Valve 1 EA 10"Adapter 1 EA 10 Sleeves 2 EA 8" DIP 676 LF 8"Gate Valve 2 EA Bends/Blocking 3 EA Hydrant Assemblies 1 EA 6" Hydrant Ductile Iron 30 LF Remove Existing Fire Hydrant 1 EA Relocate Existing Service & Meter (in cul-de-sac) 1 EA Abandon Existing 4" Line in Place (Plug Ends Only) 1 LS Sawcut Asphalt (6" Max. Depth) 1,148 LF Asphalt Removal (6" Max. Depth) 162 CY Select Backfifl 494 TON Asphalt Trench Patch (6" Max Depth) 226 SY Traffic Control 36 HR TOTAL $93,500 In addition to the construction costs, JDA Group has incurred additional soft costs specifically related to the water main improvement. These additional costs include: � J DA�Grou LLC � � 4 p 95 S Tobin St� Suite 201 • Renton� WA 98055• Ph 425-891-1002• Fax 425-687 1405• alhade_ff�ack@hotmail.com Engineering Topographic Survey Construction Survey Perm its Architectural oversight These additional soft costs are approximately $14,000. Combining the construction costs and soft costs, the resulting water main infrastructure total cost is: Total Water Main Cost: $107,500 Your assistance is requested to petition the City of Renton for some financial partnership in the subject water main infrastructure improvement project. We propose the following cost sharing arrangement: 7DA Grou� 1h Water Main Soft Costs $7,000 �h of Construction Bid 46 750 Total $53,750 City of Renton �/z Water Main Soft Costs $7,000 1/z of Construction Bid 46 750 Total $53,750 It is our opinion that the above proposal and financial partnership is a mutual benefit to JDA Group, the City of Renton, and the surrounding neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration of this request. I trust the above stated proposal will meet with the City's approval. If you have any questions or need additional information related to this proposal, please call me at (425) 891-1002. Si cerely, � ack Alhadeff President, JDA Group c: Abdoul Gafour, City of R�enton Rich Wagner, Baylis Architects Matt Weber, AHBL December 11,2006 � � Renton City Council Minutes �� Page 449 4 +.;�' Development Services: Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report Removal of Restrictive concurring with the staff recommendation to remove restrictive covenants Covenants on Dalpay placed on the Dalpay properties(tax nos. 30423059273, 0423059273,and Properties, Union Ave NE 142305235) in 1984, and recorded by King County as no. 8404300578. The properties are located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of NE 12th St. and Union Ave. NE. The property owner James Dalpay requested consideration of this action. Staff concurred due to conflicts between the recorded restrictions and current Comprehensive Plan policy. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Utility: Oversizing concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the request for Reimbursement for Water reimbursement in the total amount of$53,750 from JDA Group LLC, for costs Main, Sixth Street Short Plat, related to the installation of a new eight-inch water line in NW 6th St. as JDA Group requested by the City's Utility Division. City Code allows developers to request the City to participate in the cost of the ��'-� D� — D�3 utility improvement when the City requires a route far the utility that is more expensive than other potential routes for the best interest of the City and the general locality. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3847 A resolution was read approving the Cottages at Honey Creek Final Plat; Plat: Cottages at Honey Creek, approximately 4.1 acres located at 4821 NE Sunset Blvd. MOVED BY NE Sunset Blvd, FP-06-041 BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3848 A resolution was read approving the Savannah at the Park Final Plat; Plat: Savannah at the Park, approximately 1.73 acres located in the vicinity of the 900 block of Union Ave. Union Ave NE, FP-06-127 NE. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COiJNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Development Services: Boeing An ordinance was read designating a Planned Action for Sub-District 1-B of the Subdistrict 1B Planned Action Boeing Renton Plant property, an approximately 51-acre parcel bounded by Logan Ave. N.,Garden Ave. N.,N. 8th St., and N. 6th St. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance#5242 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was Development Services: Boeing MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Subdistrict 1 B Planned Action ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Annexation: Maplewood An ordinance was read annexing approximately 60.5 acres of property located Addition,Maple Valley Hwy primarily along the south side of SE Renton- Maple Valley Hwy. east of Maplewood Gardens and west of the Cedar River where it crosses under the SE Renton-Maple Valley Hwy. (Maplewood Addition). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. � � � t - UTILITIES COMMITTEE ���'��'����� COMMITTEE REPORT � �=� ������ ����� /�-11- ��� December 11,2006 Water Main Improvements in NW 6t'' Street Request for Reimbursement for Developer's Extension of Water Main (November 27, 2006) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence of the staff recommendation to approve the request for reimbursement in the total amount of$53,750.00 from JDA Group LLC, for costs related to the installation of a new 8-inch water line in NW 6"' Street as requested by the City's Water Utility section. City Code allows developers to request the City to participate in the cost of the utility improvement when the City requires a route for the utility that is more expensive than other potential routes for the best interest of the City and the general locality. � Dan Clawson, Chair � . Terri Briere, Vi e Chair . , Denis W. Law, Member cc: Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems Director Abdoul Gafour,Water Utility Supervisor J ' � � / '�'' �' R�c�ivEd �� �ll�?�,�r.,t�r� � �%�� �,,�.� �`sY 0 PLANNINGBUILDING/ �"� ' �'�� a 1 20Q6 � �'s � + PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT �EN r�� �ifY Cou�vcil � ��'N��� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: November 29, 2006 TO: Dan Clawson, Chair Members of the Utilities Committee VIA: Kathy Keolker, Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerma��ministrator STAFF CONTACT: Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Supervisor(ext. 7210) SUBJECT: Request for Cost Participation from JDA Group LLC for Water Main Improvements in NW 6th Street ISSUE: Should Council approve the request from JDA Group LLC, for the City to participate in the cost sharing of water main improvements in NW 6�' Street installed by the developer? RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request from JDA Group LLC in the amount of$53,750.00 for the City to participate in the cost for the installation of the water main in NW 6th Street. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: JDA Group LLC, owner and developer of NW 6th Street short plat, a six-lot residential subdivision in the West Hill area(see attached map), installed a new 8-inch water line in NW 6�' Street in conjunction with utilities improvements for the short plat. During the review of the engineering plans for utilities improvements for the short plat, the City's Water Utility Department requested that the developer replace the existing 4-inch water line in NW 6�' Street with about 676 feet of new 8-inch water line, as the existing 4-inch water line cannot provide the required minimum fire flow demand for the short plat. The developer could have met the minimum requirements to provide water service to the short plat by installing a shorter, and less expensive, section of water line from Rainier Avenue North. The replacement of the water line along NW 6�' Street will better serve and benefit the City's overall water system in the area and reduce the City's cost to maintain, repair, and replace the old water line in the future. City Code allows developers to request the City to participate in the cost of the water line improvement when the City requires a route for the water line that is more expensive than other potential routes for the best interest of the City and the general locality. h:\file sys\wtr-drinking water utility\wtr-01 -general�nw6thstreet-short-issue-paper-1112806.docWGmd CounciUNW 6`�'Street W�i..ine Reimbursement �r � November 29,2Q06 Page 2 of 2 The estimated cost difference between the City's selected route to replace about 676 feet of existing water line in NW 6�' Street and the alternate potential route for the water line extension from Rainier Avenue North is about$53,750.00, which is 50 percent of the developer's total cost of$107,500.00 of the line installed in NW 6�' Street. The Water Utility has reviewed the cost requested by the developer for the City's share of the new water line and found it to be within the acceptable range for the work performed. The Water Utility has budgeted sufficient funds in the 2006 Capital Improvement Program budget for water main oversizing, account number 425.000500.018.5960.0034.65.055100,to cover this request for cost participation. CONCLUSION: JDA Group LLC has installed a new 8-inch water line in NW 6�' Street as requested by the City. The cost difference between the City's selected route for the water line and the alternate route is about$53,750.00. Staff recommends that Council authorize the reimbursement in the amount of$53,750.00, to JDA Group LLC, the developer of the NW 6th Street short plat for water main improvements in NW 6�' Street. h:�file sys\wtr-drinking water utility\wtr-01 -general�nw6thstreet-short-issue-paper-1112806.doc � � � � • •, . - s � � ,w�.' e� i - • • • • 'q • e s• • 4 F��� •, • • � . x ��� � � �� �� � , � � Y� �� ��� �� �1 l;. 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