HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/2022 - Minutes RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, October 4, 2022 – 6:00 pm Renton City Hall – Conferencing Room (726) or via Zoom Members Present: Bill Huls, Evelyn Reingold, Janna Kushneryk, Kaie Wise, Marsha Rollinger, Mary Clymer, Susan Jessick Staff Present: Jessie Kotarski, RMAC Staff liaison Guests Present: • Amy Handy, Commission applicant • Bruce McIntyre, Commission applicant • Dawn Castenada, Commission applicant • Franchesca “Fancy” Vargas, Commission applicant • Jeffrey Dineen, Commission applicant • Jeffrey Giuliani, Commission applicant • Marvin Rosete, Commission applicant • Dave Brethauer, Renton business owner Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by RMAC Chair, Mary Clymer at 6:14 pm. Introduction of Guests: Eight individuals submitted applications to serve on the Renton Municipal Arts Commission. Seven of the applicants attended the meeting. The applicants were given an opportunity to introduce themselves and their interest in serving with the Commission. Dave Brethauer is the owner of the Cortona building in downtown Renton and a small business owner and artist. He is interested in supporting the creation of more public art in downtown and expressed an interest in learning more about the public art process and how to work with the Arts Commission to facilitate projects in the city. Correspondence & Announcements: • Key to Change Launch Party at their new studio in Renton (200 SW Langston) Rd on Friday, October 7 at 5:30pm. • Key to Change private launch for donors and supporters is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19 at 6pm. Attendees must RSVP; this is an invite-only event. • First Friday (October 7 from 5 to 8pm) in downtown Renton will feature Roadshow performance by Abel Ames • Diwali Festival of Lights Art exhibit and bazaar at the Renton Chamber of Commerce is Saturday, October 15 from 11am to 5pm. • KingConNW is October 15 and 16 at the Renton Civic Theatre and Renton Pavilion event center. • The Fall Family Concert featuring the Seattle Philharmonic and sponsored by Allied Arts of Renton is Saturday, October 23 starting at 2pm at the IKEA Performing Arts Center. • Oct 6, 7 and 8 is the last weekend to catch AvenueQ at the Renton Civic Theater. • “Notner” the Utility Box robot wrap was installed on Saturday, October 1 on the corner of NE 44th & 144th AVE SE. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and carried to approve the minutes from the September meeting. MSC (Bill/Susan) Budget Update: – The 2023/2024 Biennial budget update was presented to Council in COW meeting last night. 4Culture application for sustained support was submitted before the 10/15 deadline (with a nod from 4Culture); no indication of amount this year and is dependent on their support from King County. We do have in our budget a little over $20,000 in unmarked funds in the Arts & Culture project account. These funds can be used to support the first round of art grants funds which will give us a leg up on the 2023 budget. Promotions Committee update: • Olde Fashioned Halloween – is Saturday, October 29 from 1 to 4pm. • The Arts Commission will host a craft activity and is seeking volunteers to manage the table, collect AEP surveys and judge the scarecrow contest • Small Business Saturday – • The Arts Commission will host a craft activity and is seeking volunteers to manage the table seeking volunteers on Sat, Nov 26 from 12pm to 7pm • An order of RMAC-branded pens (including contact info) was placed to be used in the collection of AEP surveys and continue to promote the work of RMAC Roadshow Committee update: • October 7 is First Friday – Abel Ames is performing outside Macadons • The stage at the Olde Fashioned Halloween event will include performances by Mikey the Rad Scientist • The roadshow is currently seeking performers for Small Business Saturday and community performance arts groups who would like to take the stage during the event that is scheduled for 12pm to 7pm. Grants Committee update: • The first review cycle for the 2023 Arts Grant program closes on Thursday, October 13. • There is Q&A sessions at the History Museum from 3 to 4pm on Friday, October 7. Selection Committee • The Committee will be reaching out to the current applicants to schedule interviews the week of October 10th Old Business: • BLM wall mural – An updated design proposal was submitted to the Commission for review by the artists Trenise Williams. The Commission reviewed the changes made to the final mural proposal. A motion was made and carried to approve the final design proposal for the BLM Wall mural. (MSC Evelyn/Marsha). The contract with The Owl project will be amended to include the new mural design and extend the timeline for the project from August 31, 2022, to December 31, 2022. • Film Frenzy – the launch party for the Renton Film Frenzy is Wednesday, October 5. Film teams will be paired with a downtown business and the secret element for the 72 hour challenge will be revealed. • AEP Study 6 –We have received a total of 122 audience surveys from the City of Renton. This represents 15.3% of the total sample of at least 800 surveys. We are working on the list of eligible arts and culture organizations that are in the City of Renton. The “Starter list” will be sent to the Commission to help identify nonprofits who have not yet been added to the list. • Creative Economy marketing piece – the draft of the resource is ready for review. The goal of this piece is to serve as a tool to help connect artists and art organizations interested in getting involved in the arts in Renton to connect with the Arts Commission and the resources they need to funding, permitting and networking in Renton. • Arts & Culture Center – A project summary has been drafted and shared with the Commission. The next step is to finalize the RFP to seek a partner organization to manage the daily operation of the Arts and Culture space. Once the RFP has been published, a series of open houses will be held to encourage dialogue and answer questions about the project New Business: • Renton Connector Stakeholder meeting – The Design contract team for the Renton Connection project (Burnett Linear Park expansion) will present at the meeting on November 8. They are seeking feedback from the Commission on placement, process, and wayfinding for the project. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.