HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, August 21, 2017 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATIONS a) Ready in Renton Month - September 2017 b) National Recovery Month - September 2017 4. PUBLIC HEARING a) Tim D. Annexation and Proposed Zoning (A-16-002) 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting. • Each speaker is allowed five minutes. • When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: Pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of August 14, 2017. Council Concur b) AB - 1979 City Clerk submits 10% Notice of Intent to Annex petition for the proposed Wolf Woods Annexation and recommends a public meeting be set on 9/18/2017 to consider the petition; 8-acre site located at the Northeastern portion of City limits. Council Concur; Set Public Meeting on 09/18/2017 c) AB - 1969 Police Department recommends approval of a professional services agreement with American Traffic Solutions in the amount of approximately $90,007 per month, to add the operation of Red Light Camera and School Zone Speeding Camera enforcement programs within the City, at Maplewood Heights Elementary School, and three intersections (Park Ave. N/Logan Ave. N; S Grady Way/Talbot Rd. S; and S Puget Dr./Benson Dr. S). Refer to Public Safety Committee d) AB - 1978 Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a change order to CAG-16-049, Sunset Lane NE Improvements Project 2016, contractor Road Construction Northwest, in the amount of $347,510, to resolve a conflict between a 24-inch storm sewer and an existing Puget Sound Energy (PSE) underground conduit. Council Concur 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Finance Committee: Vouchers; FINI Grant Amendment; Utility Billing Adjustment (Kentucky Fried Chicken/A&W); Utility Billing Adjustment (Westgate Condominiums) b) Transportation (Aviation) Committee: Aerodyne, LLC Amendment to Lease Agreement; Rainier Flight Service, LLC Amendment to Lease Agreement c) Community Services Committee: Renton Municipal Arts Commission Appointment 9. LEGISLATION Ordinances for first reading: a) Ordinance No. 5857: Tim D. Annexation Ordinance (See Item 5.a.) b) Ordinance No. 5858: Tim D. Zoning Ordinance (See Item 5.a.) Ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: c) Ordinance No. 5860: Langston 14, LLC. Street Vacation (VAC-17-001) (Approved via Committee Report on 8/14/2017) Ordinance for second and final reading: d) Ordinance No. 5859: At Large/Vicious Animal Ordinance (First Reading on 08/14/2017) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 6:00 p.m. - 7th Floor - Conferencing Center Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings - - 0 — D e n i s L a w M a y o r P r o c t a m a t i o n W h e r e a s , S e p t e m b e r h a s b e e n d e s i g n a t e d b y t h e P r e s i d e n t o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a a s “ N a t i o n a l P r e p a r e d n e s s M o n t h ” a n d c o i n c i d e s w i t h t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n ’ s “ R e a d y i n R e n t o n ” e m e r g e n c y p r e p a r e d n e s s c a m p a i g n ; a n d W h e r e a s , R e n t o n h a s e x p e r i e n c e d n a t u r a l a n d h u m a n - c a u s e d d i s a s t e r s i n t h e p a s t , a n d s c i e n t i f i c e v i d e n c e i n d i c a t e s t h e c i t y a n d t h e r e g i o n r e m a i n v u l n e r a b l e t o d i s a s t e r s i n t h e f u t u r e ; a n d W h e r e a s , t h e c i t y a n d r e g i o n a r e l o c a t e d i n a g e o l o g i c a l l y a c t i v e a r e a a n d a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y a t r i s k f o r p o t e n t i a l d a m a g e d u e t o e a r t h q u a k e a n d o t h e r g r o u n d m o v e m e n t s ; a n d W h e r e a s , i n v e s t i n g i n t h e p r e p a r e d n e s s o f o u r s e l v e s , o u r f a m i l i e s , o u r b u s i n e s s e s , a n d o u r n e i g h b o r h o o d s c a n r e d u c e i n j u r i e s , f a t a l i t i e s , a n d e c o n o m i c d e v a s t a t i o n f r o m d i s a s t e r s o f a l l k i n d s ; a n d W h e r e a s , t h e b a s i c s t e p s o f e m e r g e n c y p r e p a r e d n e s s a r e t h e s a m e f o r e v e r y o n e : m a k e a p l a n , b u i l d a k i t , b e p r e p a r e d t o b e s e l f - s u f f i c i e n t f o r t h e n e w l y r e c o m m e n d e d t i m e p e r i o d o f u p t o t w o w e e k s , a n d h e l p o n e a n o t h e r ; a n d W h e r e a s , b e c a u s e s t a y i n g i n f o r m e d i s a v i t a l p a r t o f r e s p o n d i n g a p p r o p r i a t e l y t o e m e r g e n c i e s , a l l m e m b e r s o f t h e R e n t o n c o m m u n i t y a r e e n c o u r a g e d t o l o c a t e a n d b o o k m a r k t h e i r s o u r c e s o f e m e r g e n c y i n f o r m a t i o n i n a d v a n c e a t r e n t o n w a . g o v a n d t o f o l l o w t h e c i t y ’ s s o c i a l m e d i a a c c o u n t s o n F a c e b o o k , T w i t t e r , a n d N e x t D o o r ; a n d W h e r e a s , “ R e a d y i n R e n t o n ” c r e a t e s a n i m p o r t a n t o p p o r t u n i t y f o r e v e r y m e m b e r o f t h e R e n t o n c o m m u n i t y t o p r e p a r e t h e i r h o m e s , b u s i n e s s e s , a n d n e i g h b o r h o o d s f o r a n y t y p e o f e m e r g e n c y ; W o w , t h e r e f o r e , I , D e n i s L a w , M a y o r o f t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n , d o h e r e b y p r o c l a i m t h e m o n t h o f S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 7 t o b e ? ? a d 5 i n e n t o n 1 o n t f i i n t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n a n d e n c o u r a g e a l l R e n t o n r e s i d e n t s t o f o r m u l a t e a p r e p a r e d n e s s p l a n . I n w i t n e s s w h e r e o f , I h a v e h e r e u n t o s e t m y h a n d a n d c a u s e d t h e s e a l o f t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n t o b e a f f i x e d t h i s 2 1 s t d a y o f A u g u s t , 2 0 1 7 . D e n i s L a w , M a y o r C i t y o f R e n t o n , W a s h i n g t o n R e n t o n C i t y H a I l , 7 t h F l o o r 1 0 5 5 S o u t h G r a d y W a y , R e n t o n , W A 9 8 0 5 7 r e n t o n w a . g o v A G E N D A I T E M # 3 . a ) D e n i s L a w M a y o r W f i e r e a s , b e h a v i o r a l h e a l t h i s a n e s s e n t i a l p a r t o f h e a l t h a n d o n e ’ s o v e r a l l w e l i n e s s ; a n d ‘ T 4 l f i e r e a s , p r e v e n t i o n a n d t r e a t m e n t o f m e n t a l a n d s u b s t a n c e u s e d i s o r d e r s i s e f f e c t i v e , a n d p e o p l e r e c o v e r i n o u r a r e a a n d a r o u n d t h e n a t i o n ; a n d ‘ 1 / f r f i e r e a s , p r e v e n t i n g a n d o v e r c o m i n g m e n t a l a n d s u b s t a n c e u s e d i s o r d e r s i s e s s e n t i a l t o a c h i e v i n g h e a l t h y l i f e s t y l e s , b o t h p h y s i c a l l y a n d e m o t i o n a l l y ; a n d W f i e r e a s , w e m u s t e n c o u r a g e r e l a t i v e s a n d f r i e n d s o f p e o p l e w i t h m e n t a l a n d / o r s u b s t a n c e u s e d i s o r d e r s t o i m p l e m e n t p r e v e n t i v e m e a s u r e s , r e c o g n i z e t h e s i g n s o f a p r o b l e m , a n d g u i d e t h o s e i n n e e d t o a p p r o p r i a t e t r e a t m e n t a n d r e c o v e r y s u p p o r t s e r v i c e s ; a n d W t i e r e a s , a n e s t i m a t e d 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e i n K i n g C o u n t y a r e a f f e c t e d b y t h e s e c o n d i t i o n s ; a n d W f t e r e a s , t o h e l p m o r e p e o p l e a c h i e v e a n d s u s t a i n l o n g - t e r m r e c o v e r y , t h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h a n d H u m a n S e r v i c e s ( H H S ) , t h e S u b s t a n c e A b u s e a n d M e n t a l H e a l t h S e r v i c e s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ( S A M H S A ) , t h e W h i t e H o u s e O f f i c e o f N a t i o n a l D r u g C o n t r o l P o l i c y ( O N D C P ) , a n d t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n i n v i t e a l l r e s i d e n t s o f R e n t o n t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n N a t i o n a l R e c o v e r y M o n t h ; . W o w , t ñ e r e f o r e , I , D e n i s L a w , M a y o r o f t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n , d o h e r e b y p r o c l a i m S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 7 t o b e W a t i o n a t R % c c o v e I y 7 v L o n t ñ i n t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n , a n d 1 e n c o u r a g e a l l c i t i z e n s t o o b s e r v e t h i s m o n t h w i t h a p p r o p r i a t e p r o g r a m s , a c t i v i t i e s , a n d c e r e m o n i e s t o s u p p o r t t h i s y e a r ’ s R e c o v e r y M o n t h t h e m e , “ J o i n t h e V o i c e s f o r R e c o v e r y : S t r e n g t h e n F a m i l i e s a n d C o m m u n i t i e s . ” I n w i t n e s s w ñ e r e o f I h a v e h e r e u n t o s e t m y h a n d a n d c a u s e d t h e s e a l o f t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n t o b e a f f i x e d t h i s 2 1 s t d a y o f A u g u s t , 2 0 1 7 D e n i s L a w , M a y o r C i t y o f R e n t o n , W a s h i n g t o n P r o c t a m a t i o n R e n t o n C i t y H a l l , 7 t h F l o o r 1 0 5 5 S o u t h G r a d y W a y , R e n t o n , W A 9 8 0 5 7 . r e n t o n w a . g o v A G E N D A I T E M # 3 . b ) August 14, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MINUTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, August 14, 2017 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Armondo Pavone, Council President Randy Corman Ryan McIrvin Ruth Pérez Don Persson Ed Prince Carol Ann Witschi ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Shane Moloney, City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs Administrator Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Jan Hawn, Administrative Services Administrator Commander Kevin Keys, Police Department Cliff Long, Economic Development Director SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) Governor's Smart Communities Award: Community and Economic Development Administrator Chip Vincent introduced Gary Idleburg from the Department of Commerce who presented the "2017 Governors Smart Community Award" to Mayor Law for the City of Renton Arts and Culture Master Plan that enables the Renton Municipal Arts Commission to allocate resources for the creation of public art. He attributed the success of the project to considerable public involvement and reinforcement of the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) August 14, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2017 and beyond. Items noted were:  Renton for the Renton Farmers Market will be held on Tuesday, August 15th, from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Piazza Park in downtown. The market will be filled with fresh flowers and farm fresh produce every Tuesday from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. through September 26th. In addition to market fare, shoppers will enjoy live music, food trucks, tips from Master Gardeners, cooking demonstrations, and children’s activities.  The City is in the process of updating its Bicycle and Trails Master Plan and is interested in public input. Please join us for an open house on Thursday, September 28th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Renton Community Center, 1715 SE Maple Valley Highway in Renton.  The famous Renton Loop returns for one day only on August 19th! The “Cruz the Loop” event will run from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Renton High School, with cruising from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. It will be an afternoon of music, food, and family fun, capped by cars cruising the loop. Registration is now open, so get your spot early.  Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. AUDIENCE COMMENTS The following individuals spoke in opposition to the proposed Resolution No. 4317 (see below):  Jerri Wood, Renton  Gordon Glasgow, Renton The following individuals spoke in favor of the proposed Resolution No. 4317 (see below):  Warren McPherson, Renton  Charles Thomas, Renton  John Hansen, Renton CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of August 7, 2017. Council Concur. b) AB - 1973 Administrative Services Department submitted a request for utility billing adjustments for Westgate Condominium, at the service address of 2300 Benson Rd. S, and recommended approving adjustments in the total amount of $9,754.80. Refer to Finance Committee. c) AB - 1974 Community Services Department recommended approval of Amendment No. 4 to CAG-16-129 with The City of Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment to accept additional FINI Grant Funding for 2017 (increasing the amount to $15,577.50), to fund an incentive program for shoppers using their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Refer to Finance Committee. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) August 14, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES d) AB - 1975 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an amendment to the Rainier Flight Service, LLC. Lease Agreement (LAG-14-005) for an automatic lease rate adjustment that will increase the leasehold amount from $93,482.64 to $99,253.77. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. e) AB - 1976 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an amendment to the Aerodyne, LLC. Lease Agreement (LAG-84-006) for an automatic lease rate adjustment that will increase the annual leasehold amount from $58,747.53 to $62,378.80. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Council President Pavone presented a report recommending consideration of a future ballot measure that would fund improvements to the city’s parks, trails and community facilities. Following Committee discussions at its May 15th, June 12th and August 14th meetings, the Committee recommended the City Council authorize the Administration to prepare materials for the Committee’s further consideration that will:  Consider a ballot measure in November of 2018.  Provide potential early direction as to projects, type of financing, funding parameters, and any projects that must be included.  Create a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), including its composition and scope of work.  Authorize staff to bring back a budget amendment to fund the cost of the planning and preparation for the ballot measure. MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (COUNCILMEMBER PERSSON OPPOSED). b) Council President Pavone presented a report recommending that the resolution regarding opposing the siting of illegal substance injection facilities be presented for reading and adoption. The Committee further recommended that an ordinance be prepared, and presented for first reading when complete, amending Title IV, Development Regulations, of the Renton Municipal Code to reflect the intent and will of the City Council, as expressed in the Resolution, prohibiting the siting of supervised injection facilities within the City of Renton. MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. c) Utilities Committee Chair McIrvin presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to accept the appraisal and set compensation for Street Vacation Petition VAC- 17-001 at $2,925 for an approximately 2,436 square foot portion of land located primarily west of SW Langston Rd. Additionally, the Utilities Committee recommended the ordinance regarding this matter be prepared and presented for first reading and advancement to second and final reading at the next Council Meeting. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) August 14, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES d) Utilities Committee Chair McIrvin presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to execute Amendment No. 1 to CAG-16-103 with RH2 Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $227,276 for the design of the replacement of the Highlands 435-Zone reservoirs and mains. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. e) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on August 14, 2017 claims vouchers 10038-10039, 357984-357987, 358013-358330, 358342-358346, 358362- 358363, 358383-358715 and 4 wire transfers and 2 payroll runs with benefit withholding payments totaling $11,961,665.18 and payroll vouchers including 1,458 direct deposits and 146 payroll vouchers totaling $3,038,718.68. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. f) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the conversion of a vacant Mechanic’s Assistant (Grade a09) position to a Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic (Grade a15) position with the estimated fiscal impact of $10,891 in 2017 and $11,163 in 2018. The Fleet Maintenance Section’s 501 budget has sufficient funding available to absorb the increase in salary and benefit costs. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. g) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the addition of a 1.0 FTE Maintenance Services Worker II Utility Locator (Pay Grade a08) position. The cost of the additional 1.0 FTE will be split one-third each between the Water Maintenance, Wastewater Maintenance, and Surface Water Maintenance sections, which have sufficient funding in the 2017 and 2018 budgets to absorb the increase in salary. The budget adjustment for funding this position will be incorporated into the next budget adjustment ordinance. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. h) Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the ordinance amending Renton Municipal Code Chapter The Committee further recommended presenting the associated ordinance 6-6 to clarify owners' responsibility to keep animals under control and strengthen penalties for violations. The Committee further recommends this ordinance be presented for first reading. (See below for ordinance.) MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. LEGISLATION Resolutions: a) Resolution No. 4316: A Resolution was read authorizing Interlocal Agreement with King County Relating to Landmark Designation and Protection Services. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) August 14, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES b) Resolution No. 4317: A Resolution was read Opposing the Siting of Illegal Substance Injection Facilities within Renton City Limits or within areas of Unincorporated King County Associated with the Potential Annexation Areas or Urban Growth Areas of the City of Renton, Washington. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Following the adoption of Resolution No. 4317 Mayor Law clarified that the intent of the resolution is to state the position of the City, right now, in relation to injection sites, however it does not close the door for future consideration. He further noted that Council's position today is in no way diminishing the seriousness of this epidemic and stated that each City in King County, including Renton, has begun implementing seven of the eight recommendations made by The Heroin and Prescription Opiate Addiction Task Force so as to better address this crisis. He emphasized that comments from those who have contacted Council and expressed concerns about the passage of this resolution are not being ignored. Ordinance for first reading: c) Ordinance No. 5859: An Ordinance was read amending RMC Sections 6‐6‐1, 6‐6‐4, and 6‐6‐5, Repealing RMC Section 6‐6‐3, and adding a New RMC Section 6‐6‐13, “Enforcement and Penalties,” all to Clarify Owners’ Responsibility to Control their Animals, including making Animal Owners Strictly Liable for their Animals being at Large and Strengthening Penalties for Violations; Providing for Severability and Establishing an Effective Date. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Ordinance for second and final reading: d) Ordinance No. 5855: An Ordinance was read Amending Chapter 4-1 of the Renton Municipal Code, by adding a new Section 4-1-260, “Landmark Preservation,” providing for Landmark Designation and Protective Services for Landmark Buildings, Sites, Districts, Structures and Objects; and Providing for Severability, and Establishing an Effective Date. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY WITSCHI, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:52 P.M. Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor, CMC, Recorder Monday, August 14, 2017 AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar August 14, 2017 August 21, 2017 Monday 4:00 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson – Council Conference Room 1. FINI Grant Amendment 2. Utility Billing Adjustment – Kentucky Fried Chicken / A&W 3. Utility Billing Adjustment – Westgate Condominiums 4. Vouchers 5. Emerging Issues in Revenue Streams 5:00 PM Transportation Committee, Chair Pérez – Council Conference Room 1. Aerodyne, LLC Amendment to Lease Agreement 2. Rainier Flight Service, LLC Amendment to Lease Agreement 3. Emerging Issues in Transportation 5:30 PM Community Services Committee, Chair Witschi 1. Renton Municipal Arts Commission Appointment - Patterson 6:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Pavone – Conferencing Center 1. Emergency management Continuity of Government Table Top Exercise AGENDA ITEM #7. a) AB - 1979 City Council Regular Meeting - 21 Aug 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Proposed Annexation - Wolf Woods 10% Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Bev Wolf, Petitioner, submitted the 10% Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation proceedings on July 24, 2017. The Department of Community and Economic Development verified sufficiency of the petition and now requests a public meeting with the initiator be set on September 18, 2017. This 8 -acre site is located at the northeastern portion of City limits. It is bordered by NE 20th St to the north, Nile Ave NE to the east, a par cel line in proximity of NE 18th St (if extended) to the south, and a parcel line near Ilwaco Ave NE to the west. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. 10% Petition C. Fiscal Impact Analysis D. Area Map STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Set a Public Meeting with the Initiator on September 18, 2017 to consider the 10% Notice of Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings for the proposed Wolf Woods Annexation. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:August 14, 2017 TO:Armondo Pavone, Council President City Councilmembers VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Chip Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development STAFF CONTACT:Angie Mathias, x6576 SUBJECT:Proposed Wolf Woods Annexation – 10% Notice of Intent Petition ISSUE: The City is in receipt of a 10% Notice of Intent petition to annex an 8-acre area using the direct petition method; the proposed annexation is called Wolf Woods State law requires that Council hold a public meeting with the annexation proponents within 60 days of receipt of a 10% Notice of Intent petition. The purpose of the meeting is for Council to decide whether to accept or reject the proposal and whether to require the simultaneous adoption of City zoning consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, if the proposed annexation is successful. RECOMMENDATION: On the basis of the following analysis, the Administration recommends that Council accept the 10% Notice of Intent petition. If Council concurs, the Administration recommends that it take the following actions (pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120): Accept the 10% Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation petition; and Authorize the circulation of a 60% Direct Petition of Annex for the 8-acre area; and Require that property owners within the proposed annexation area accept City of Renton zoning that is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan land use designation and their proportionate share of the City’s bonded indebtedness. BACKGROUND: 1. Location: The proposed 8-acre Wolf Woods Annexation is located at the northeastern portion of the City limits. It is bordered by Northeast 20th to the north, Nile Avenue Northeast to the east, a parcel line in proximity of Northeast AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Proposed Wolf Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 2 of 5 18 (if extended), and a parcel line near Ilwaco Avenue Northeast to the west. The boundaries to the north, south, and west are coterminous with existing City limits. It is in the East Plateau Community Planning Area. 2. Assessed value: The 2017 assessed valuation of the subject annexation site is $4,019,000. 3. Natural features: Approximately 375 feet of Greenes Creek runs through the site. Greenes Creek is a type Ns stream. Type Ns streams are waters that do not contain fish or fish habitat and have intermittent flows, they are seasonal non- habitat streams in which surface flow is not present for at least some portion of a year of normal rainfall. Ns Waters must be physically connected by an above- ground channel system to Type S, F, or Np Waters. Greenes Stream is physically connected to May Creek, which is a type F (or fish bearing) stream. Any future development would be required to comply with Critical areas regulations which require a 50 foot buffer from the stream and an additional 15 foot structure setback beyond the buffer. A wetland extends from the south onto the large parcel that constitutes the southern boundary of the annexation area. The category of the wetland is unknown and therefore the buffer is not known at this time. Approximately 400 square feet of the wetland are on the parcel. There does not appear to be steep slopes within the annexation area. 4. Existing land uses: There are five single-family residences and vacant land. 5. Existing zoning: Existing King County zoning is R-4. The area was pre-zoned in 1997 with both R-5 and R-1 zoning. The R-1 zone was zoned on the parcels to the north. The City does not have an R-5 zone any more so, the area will need to be zoned concurrently with the annexation process. The first public hearing regarding zoning would occur in conjunction with the public hearing for the 60% petition, if it is submitted and determined to be sufficient. 6. Comprehensive Plan: Renton’s Comprehensive Plan designates the subject annexation site as Residential Low Density (RLD). 7. School District: The Wolf Woods Annexation area is in the Issaquah School District. 8. Public services: All responding City of Renton departments and divisions noted that the annexation represents a logical extension of their respective services and systems and presents no foreseeable problems. Specific comments follow: Water Utility. The subject site is located in Water District 90’s service area. Applicants for new development and redevelopment will need to contact Water District 90 to request a certificate of water availability prior to any development. The proposed annexation would cause no impact to the water utility. Staff did not indicate any concerns regarding this proposed annexation. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Proposed Wolf Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 3 of 5 Wastewater Utility. The area is within the Wastewater Divisions service area. There are no known deficiencies or problems in the existing infrastructure. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the services provided by the division. Parks. There are no improved parks in close proximity to this annexation area. King County’s May Valley Park in approximately 900 feet to the southeast of the area. May Valley Park has trails for hikers and equestrians. Staff did not indicate any concerns regarding the proposed annexation. Police. The Police Department did not indicate any concerns regarding this proposed annexation. Under current conditions, it is estimated that the area will generate an additional 5 calls for service annually. Fire. Renton Fire Authority currently provides fire and emergency services to the area. Staff did not indicate any concerns regarding this proposed annexation. Surface Water. The site is located in the May Creek drainage basin. Any future development will be required to comply with the current adopted City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual. The flow control standard that would be applied to new development in the annexation area is the Flow Control Duration matching Forested Site Conditions as the pre-developed condition. The area contains no developed surface water infrastructure. The runoff is carried via sheet flow and natural drainage towards the middle into Greens Creek that runs north-south through the annexation area. King County iMap records indicate drainage complaints have been reported on one parcel within the annexation area. Specifically, at 10403 147th Ave SE. This parcel also has a sensitive area notice on the title. Additionally, several parcels located along 147th Ave SE and two parcels that abut the annexation area have reported drainage complaints. Under current conditions, the area would not require additional resources for this division. However, if new development occurs, there would be a small incremental need for additional maintenance resources to serve the area. The annexation represents a logical extension of their services. Transportation Systems. The Transportation Systems staff has no concerns regarding the proposed annexation. Staff indicated access to the site is provided by three private roads. SE 105th which provides access from Nile Ave NE to the proposed annexation area is a private unimproved gravel road. 145th Place SE from Lyons Ave NE to the west is a paved private road with no curb and sidewalks. SE 104th St which provides to the site from 147th Ave SE is a private unimproved gravel road. NE 20th St could provide access to the AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Proposed Wolf Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 4 of 5 proposed annexation area; however, the street is gated at the west boundary of the annexation area. Building. The Building section did not indicate any concerns regarding the proposed annexation. Planning. The Planning section did not indicate any concerns regarding the proposed annexation. ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION: 1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: Renton’s Comprehensive Plan annexation policies support this proposed annexation. The subject site is within the City’s Potential Annexation Area and is subject to development pressure that might benefit from City development regulations. Policy L-8 states that the City should “support annexation where infrastructure and services allow for urban densities and it would consolidate service providers and/or facilitate the efficient delivery of services.” 2. Consistency with the Boundary Review Board Objectives: (from RCW 36.93.180) a. Preservation of natural neighborhoods and communities; The proposed annexation would cause no disruption to the larger community. b. Use of physical boundaries, including but not limited to bodies of water, highways, and land contours; The subject site uses physical boundaries. c. Creation and preservation of logical service areas; Water and sewer service boundaries will not change as a result of this annexation. The Wolf Woods Annexation Area is in the Issaquah School District. The school district boundaries will not change, the area will remain in the Issaquah School District. Renton will take over police service for the 8-acres upon annexation; the King County Sheriff’s Department currently provides police protection to the area. Renton Fire Authority currently provides services to the area that will not change with annexation. d. Prevention of abnormally irregular boundaries; This annexation does not have irregular boundaries. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Proposed Wolf Woods Annexation 10% Notice of Intent Page 5 of 5 e. Discouragement of multiple incorporations of small cities and encouragement of incorporations of cities in excess of ten thousand population in heavily populated urban areas; Not applicable. No incorporations are proposed in this area. f. Dissolution of inactive special purpose districts; Not applicable. There are no inactive special purpose districts here. g. Adjustment of impractical boundaries; Not applicable. h. Incorporation as cities or towns or annexation to cities or towns of unincorporated areas which are urban in character; King County has designated this area for urban development because of its location within the Urban Growth Boundary. The County has also indicated that it wants to divest itself from providing urban services to these unincorporated urban areas by turning them over to cities as quickly as possible. Because the subject annexation site is within Renton’s PAA and not in an area under consideration for incorporation, annexation is appropriate at this time. i. Protection of agricultural and rural lands which are designated for long term productive agricultural and resource use by a comprehensive plan adopted by the county legislative authority. Not applicable. No portions of the proposed annexation are rural or designated for long term productive agricultural use in the King County or Renton Comprehensive Plans. 3. A fiscal analysis for the proposed annexation is attached. The fiscal impact analysis that is used for annexations considers costs on a per capita basis. The fiscal analysis indicates that the proposed annexation would have a net positive fiscal impact of $2,846 to the operating budget per year. Over a 10-year period and with additional construction of single family homes on the existing vacant lots, it is estimated that the fiscal impact would be $2,884 per year for the operating budget. For the capital and enterprise funds the annexation represents a balance of positive $973 currently and in ten years will be $944. CONCLUSION: The proposed Wolf Woods Annexation is consistent with relevant County and City annexation policies, as well as Boundary Review Board objectives for annexation. The staff that reviewed the proposed annexation for each department did not identify any major impediments to the provision of City services to the area or indicate that they feel the annexation is untimely. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) CITY OF RENTO R u. 24 zo 7 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO COMMENCE ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER RCW 35A.14,120 j Direct Petition Method) 10i6 P TlTION—WOLF WOODS ANNEXAT10N) TO: THE CITY COUNCIL OF SUBMITTED BY: uu1 ( THE CITY OF RENTON ADDRESS, /`i J.. S: /,` sr.r- City Hall, c/o City Clerk t, v l f vcs I 1055 South Grady Way PHONE: E.- ° . 3 F3 3 Rentan WA 98057 The undersigned are property owners in the proposed annexation area who represent not less than ten peCcent (10%) of the area's estimated assessed value who desire to annex to the City of Renton. We hereby advise the City Councii of the City of Renton that it is our desire to commence annexatian proceedings under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.20, of all or any part of the area described below. N The territory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and is contiguous to the City of Renton. A map (Exhibit 1) and legal description (Exhibit 2 are included as part of j; this petition. The City Council is requssted to set a date not fater than sixty days after the filing of this request for a public meetfng with the undersigned. 1, At such meeting, the City Council will decide whether the City will accept, reject or geographically modify the proposed annexation; 4 E 2. The City Cauncil wiil decide whether to require simultaneous adoption of a proposed zoning regulation; and jj 3. The City Council will decide whether to require the assumption of a proportional share of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. G This page is the first of a group of pages containing identical text material, It is intended by the t signers that such multiple pages of the Notice of intention be presented and considered as one Notice of Intention. It may be filed with other pages containing additional signatures which i cumulatively may be considered as a single Notice of Intention. Wolf Woods Annexation Petition F; f AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Wolf Woods Annexation WARNING: Every person who slgns this petltion with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly slgns more than one of these petitfons, or signs a petftfon seeking to annex when he or she is not the owner of record of property within che annexation area, or signs a petltlon when he or she !s otherwlse not quallfied to slgn, or who makes hereln any false statement, sha(1 be guilty of a misdemeanor. The undersigned have read the above petition and consent to the filing of this petition, Names of petftloners should be in identical form as the name that appears on record in [he tlt/e to the real estate.) ax Lot Leg 1 No Prope y' FBn urea d UesGription' . Ass ss t'7{Q, :'i i d I t rie o Uwner of. Mailfng A,ddress r Lot,8ltl k,AWt;AsseSFQf'Nd 1 I lll.; g,R cc,t f praper y;. of Qwn r of Pra per y. 3 r . 9t,Pthkf) e Ar r k- ik x, sPL oY' oa•.•d5 1. ey__e_v_-1 _" V1/o_1_' l f 5. k 9 0- y 4 z b o U l f e v h 1ll.A 9 e y;y c o d b S SS raxn, aic i e.3 rw„ 3 1 40'3 \ "f+ti 5 t..t a-z3 5 5` Doc 2. 52- :_wO f RC.V''C VI Il f c ancq d.e. a4r 5S tiaxa D en.,, `. x.' ' 0 'T rn 23 0 Va1un. 3. f 4. 5. 6. i i? 7. t; 8. t r 9. 5 1Q. It F C AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Woif Woods Annexation Lats 1,2,3,and 4 of King County 5hort P{at Number S91S0034, Recorded under Auditor's fi e nurnber 199711209002, King County Records,Kfng County Washingtan. Together with Lots A and B of King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number L08L0038,Recorded under Auditor's file number 20080826900005,King Caunty Recards,King County Washington. Containing 354,765 square feet(8.114 acres)more or less. p I 1- P.y rPro-- ' sGvt p-cati LaT Li:; c`3._3-oJ Blc c.1c, '10{.7 1 OSaS 'SeC 3 1+. Z 3 t'S Lc"1 = l„c T 0 3"`z3--C 5 "F31 c e L al l S i 1 c.. SS t,--3 'C-wh Z3 `5 i i i t 6113 a r / - t3..w vv T k sa t l Q._ dS y, u. tl s r; l i i 3 i i AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Y CITY OF RENTON Receipt 0, City Clerk Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 r_ ;' ! y T 425-430-6510 Date I . _ Cash Copy Fee 0 Notary Service L Check No. ...., Appeal Fee y q i Description: i h.. `'t + i -1 :, _. t-.., 4.. ti ,t r.za Funds Received From: r,_ Amount $ ., , - Name ti° L , -- 1 r' 1 '_ Address w y;__ City/Zip k t r t L? a City Staff Signature AGENDA ITEM #7. b) A N N E X A T I O N F I S C A L A N A L Y S I S H o u s i n g U n i t s P o p u l a t i o n C u r r e n t 5 1 1 Y e a r 1 0 1 3 2 9 A s s u m p t i o n : 2 . 2 P e r s o n s p e r s i n g l e f a m i l y h o u s e h o l d O p e r a t i n g F u n d R e v e n u e s E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 2 0 1 1 R a t e R e g u l a r l e v y $ 1 1 , 3 8 2 . 0 9 $ 3 2 , 3 6 5 . 9 0 2 . 8 3 2 0 7 A s s u m p t i o n : $ 4 , 0 1 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 B a s e y e a r t a x a b l e v a l u e o f a r e a T o t a l R e v e n u e s E x i s t i n g $ 1 3 , 1 7 2 . 1 5 Y e a r 1 0 $ 3 7 , 8 0 3 . 6 6 P e r C a p i t a E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 L i q u o r t a x $ 4 . 6 1 $ 5 0 . 7 1 $ 1 3 1 . 8 5 L i q u o r B o a r d p r o f i t s $ 7 . 4 4 $ 8 1 . 8 4 $ 2 1 2 . 7 8 F u e l T a x $ 1 2 . 7 3 $ 1 4 0 . 0 3 $ 3 6 4 . 0 8 A r t S t F u e l T a x $ 6 . 7 9 $ 7 4 . 6 9 $ 1 9 4 . 1 9 C r i m i n a l j u s t i c e $ 2 . 1 9 $ 2 4 . 0 9 $ 6 2 . 6 3 I T o t a l $ 3 3 . 7 6 $ 3 7 1 . 3 6 $ 9 6 5 . 5 4 M i s c e l l a n e o u s R e v e n u e s P e r C a p i t a E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 S a l e s T a x , C $ 1 9 . 8 4 $ 2 1 8 . 2 4 $ 7 0 8 . 6 3 U t i l i t y t a x $ 7 6 . 3 9 $ 8 4 0 . 3 3 $ 2 , 7 2 8 . 6 0 F i n e s & f o r f e i t s $ 1 3 . 9 6 $ 1 5 3 . 5 6 $ 3 9 9 . 2 6 P e r m i t $ 1 5 . 3 5 $ 3 3 . 7 8 $ 8 7 . 8 2 P l a n R e v i e w $ 9 . 2 4 $ 2 0 . 3 3 $ 5 2 . 8 7 F r a n c h i s e F e e s $ 1 3 . 8 6 $ 1 5 2 . 4 6 $ 4 9 5 . 0 4 B u s i n e s s L i c e n c e s n / a n / a n / a S t a t e S h a r e d R e v e n u e s A s s u m p t i o n s : T o t a l $ 1 4 8 . 6 5 2 0 % 1 1 . 2 % 2 . 5 % $ 1 , 4 1 8 . 7 0 P o r t i o n o f p e r c a p i t a r e v e n u e a n t i c i p a t e d f r o m p e r m i t s a n d p l a n r e v i e w A n n u a l p o p u l a t i o n / h o u s i n g u n i t g r o w t h r a t e b a s e d o n c a p a c i t y f o r n e w h o u s i n g i n a r e a A n n u a l i n f l a t i o n S 4 , 4 7 2 . 2 2 P a g e 1 o f 3 AGENDA ITEM #7. b) O p e r a t i n g F u n d C o s t s T o t a l C o s t s E x i s t i n g $ 1 0 , 3 2 6 . 5 3 Y e a r 1 0 $ 3 4 , 9 1 9 . 7 6 D r i v e r E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s F a c i l i t i e s F T E s $ 1 2 7 . 4 0 $ 4 5 1 . 4 5 F i n a n c e & I S I S F T E ’ s $ 7 0 . 2 0 $ 2 4 8 . 7 6 H R A d m i n F T E s $ 1 6 . 8 1 $ 5 9 . 5 7 R i s k R e d u c t i o n F T E s $ 3 3 . 3 1 $ 1 1 8 . 0 3 A n n u a l i n c r e a s e i n c o s t s A c r e s o f p a r k s i n a r e a P o r t i o n o f p e r c a p i t a c o s t s a n t i c i p a t e d f r o m p e r m i t s a n d p l a n r e v i e w E x i s t i n g l i n e a r f e e t o f r o a d w a y Y e a r 1 0 l i n e a r f e e t o f r o a d w a y N e t O p e r a t i n g F i s c a l I m p a c t E x i s t i n g $ 2 , 8 4 5 . 6 3 Y e a r 1 0 $ 2 , 8 8 3 . 9 0 P e r C a p i t a A N N E X A T I O N F I S C A L A N A L Y S I S D r i v e r P e r C a p i t a E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 E x e c u t i v e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s ( P r i n t S h o p ) P o p u l a t i o n $ 1 . 5 7 $ 1 7 . 2 7 $ 6 1 . 2 0 H e a r i n g E x a m i n e r N e w D e v e l o p m e n t $ 1 . 6 7 $ 1 8 . 3 2 $ 6 4 . 9 2 C i t y A t t o r n e y P o p u l a t i o n $ 1 7 . 7 7 $ 1 9 5 . 4 7 $ 6 9 2 . 6 5 C o u r t S e r v i c e s P o p u l a t i o n $ 1 5 . 3 4 $ 1 6 8 . 7 4 $ 5 9 7 . 9 4 C o m m u n i t y a n d E c o n 0 e v E c o n 0 e v C o m m e r c i a l S q F t N o c o m m e r c i a l S q F t i n a r e a P l a n n i n g P o p u l a t i o n $ 8 . 0 3 $ 8 8 . 3 3 $ 3 1 3 . 0 0 D e v . S e r v i c e s P o p u l a t i o n $ 2 3 . 2 1 $ 5 1 . 0 6 $ 1 8 0 . 9 4 C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s H u m a n S e r v i c e s P o p u l a t i o n $ 5 . 6 9 $ 6 2 . 5 9 $ 2 2 1 . 7 9 S p e c i a l E v e n t s / N e i g h . P o p u l a t i o n $ 2 . 4 1 $ 2 6 . 5 1 $ 9 3 . 9 4 P a r k s P l a n n i n g , N a t R e s . P o p u l a t i o n $ 1 . 9 2 $ 2 1 . 1 2 $ 7 4 . 8 4 I T o t a l $ 7 7 . 6 1 $ 6 4 9 . 4 1 $ 2 , 3 0 1 . 2 2 P e r A c r e / M i l e / C a l l f o r S e r v i c e P e r A c r e / D r i v e r M i l e / C a l l E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e s P a r k s P a r k A c r e a g e $ 2 , 4 9 7 . 0 3 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 P B P W S t r e e t M a i n t F e e t o f R o a d w a y $ 3 . 2 6 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 1 5 , 5 9 5 . 0 9 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n S y s t e m s F e e t o f R o a d w a y $ 0 . 3 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 8 7 . 4 1 P o l i c e P a t r o l , O p s . , I n v e s t i g . , a n d J a i l C a l l s f o r S e r v i c e $ 2 6 8 . 1 0 $ 1 , 2 6 0 . 0 7 $ 4 , 0 9 1 . 5 0 V a l l e y C o m m C a l l s f o r S e r v i c e $ 2 6 . 5 0 $ 1 9 8 . 5 7 $ 6 9 1 . 4 9 F i r e E m e r g e n c y R e s p o n s e C a l l s f o r S e r v i c e $ 7 , 9 7 0 . 7 5 $ 1 0 , 2 7 5 . 2 4 P e r F T E I T o t a l n / a $ 9 , 4 2 9 . 3 9 $ 3 1 , 7 4 0 . 7 3 A s s u m p t i o n s : T o t a l $ 2 4 7 . 7 2 $ 8 7 7 . 8 1 3 . 5 % 0 2 0 % 0 3 . 4 5 0 P a g e 2 o f 3 AGENDA ITEM #7. b) A N N E X A T I O N F I S C A L A N A L Y S I S C a p i t a l a n d E n t e r p r i s e F u n d s P e r C a p i t a E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 J R e v e n u e $ 2 4 . 6 4 $ 5 4 . 2 1 $ 1 7 6 . 0 2 P u b l i c W o r k s - S u r f a c e W a t e r P e r H o u s i n g U n i t E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 R a t e R e v e n u e $ 1 2 4 . 4 4 $ 6 2 2 . 2 0 $ 7 7 7 . 0 4 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d U t i l i t y C o s t s $ 2 5 . 3 0 $ 1 2 6 . 5 2 $ 1 5 8 . 0 1 I B a l a n c e $ 1 4 9 . 7 4 $ 7 4 8 . 7 2 $ 9 3 5 . 0 5 P u b l i c W o r k s - W a s t e W a t e r P e r H o u s i n g U n i t E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 R a t e R e v e n u e $ 2 8 6 . 5 6 $ 1 , 4 3 2 . 8 0 $ 3 , 7 2 5 . 2 8 W a s t e w a t e r M a i n t . a n d U t i l i t y C o s t s $ 2 0 1 . 8 7 $ 1 , 0 0 9 . 3 5 $ 3 , 5 7 6 . 6 7 I B a l a n c e $ 4 8 8 . 4 3 $ 4 2 3 . 4 5 $ 1 4 8 . 6 1 P u b l i c W o r k s - W a t e r P e r H o u s i n g U n i t E x i s t i n g Y e a r 1 0 I I w a t e r M a i n t . a n d U t i l i t y S e r v e d b y W a t e r D i s t r i c t # 9 0 T o t a l R e v e n u e s E x i s t i n g $ 2 , 1 0 9 . 2 1 Y e a r 1 0 $ 4 , 6 7 8 . 3 4 T o t a l C o s t s E x i s t i n g $ 1 , 1 3 5 . 8 7 Y e a r 1 0 $ 3 , 7 3 4 . 6 8 C a p i t a l & E n t e r p r i s e B a l a n c e E x i s t i n g $ 9 7 3 . 3 3 Y e a r 1 0 $ 9 4 3 . 6 6 R e a l E s t a t e E x c i s e T a x A s s u m p t i o n s : 2 0 % 3 . 3 % 5 1 3 1 1 . 2 % 2 . 5 % P o r t i o n o f R e a l E s t a t e E x c i s e T a x r e v e n u e a n t i c i p a t e d f r o m p e r m i t s a n d p l a n r e v i e w A n n u a l i n c r e a s e i n c o s t s E x i s t i n g H o u s i n g U n i t s Y e a r 1 0 H o u s i n g U n i t s A n n u a l p o p u l a t i o n / h o u s i n g u n i t g r o w t h r a t e b a s e d o n c a p a c i t y f o r n e w h o u s i n g i n a r e a A n n u a l i n f l a t i o n P a g e 3 o f 3 AGENDA ITEM #7. b) S E R e n t o n I s s a q u a h R d NE21stStNE21stSt I l w a c o A v e N E H o q u i a m A v e N E I l w a c o A v e N E NE 20th St NE 17th St 1 4 7 t h A v e S E 1 5 1 s t A v e S E N E S u n s e t Blvd NE 17th St 1 4 8 t h A v e S E L y o n s A v e N E NE 25th St NE 24th St F i e l d A v e N E NE24thCt NE 13th Pl NE 24th St NE 20th P l N E 23rd St NE 16th St N i l e A v e N E NE 23 rd St Private Rd N E 1 3 t h P l 145th Pl SE SE 105th St N E 2 2 n d Ct K i t s a p P l N E L y o n s A v e N E N i l e A v e N E N i l e A v e N E 1 4 5 t h P l S E J e r i c h o P l N E NE 26th St SE RentonIssa q u a h R d 1 4 8 t h A v e S E Field Pl N E City of Renton Unincorporated King County Annexation Boundary Parcels City Limits Wol f Woods A nn exation °0 225 450 Fee t Exhibit 1. Vicinity A G E N D A I T E M # 7 . b ) AB - 1969 City Council Regular Meeting - 21 Aug 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: American Traffic Solutions Professional Services Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Public Safety Committee DEPARTMENT: Police STAFF CONTACT: Chad Karlewicz, Commander EXT.: 7640 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: Approximately $90,007 to be offset by fines collected through traffic infractions cited at new locations. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City uses a private company to operate its Red Light Camera and School Zone Speeding Camera enforcement program. The current agreement expires on September 6, 2017. This professional services agreement renews our relationship with American Traffic Solutions for this service. It also adds one school site (Maplewood Heights Elementary School) and three intersections (Park Avenue N/Logan Avenue N, S Grady Way/Talbot Road S, and S Puget Drive/Benson Drive S) to the program. The monthly fixed costs for the system will be $90,007. Monthly processing fees vary depending on the number of citation issued, but are typically insignificant (typically under $10/month). The revenue generated from fines collected through traffic infractions cited at these new l ocations will more than offset the cost to add them. EXHIBITS: A. Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the professional services agreement with American Traffic Solutions. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Professional Services Agreement includes the attached Exhibits (“Agreement”) and is made by and between American Traffic Solutions, Inc. (“ATS”), with its principal place of business at 1150 N. Alma School Road, Mesa, AZ 85201, and the City of Renton, Washington, a municipal corporation of the state of Washington (“City”), with principal offices at 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 (ATS and City individually, a “Party”, and collectively, the “Parties”). This Agreement sets forth the terms, conditions and obligations of the Parties. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City desires to implement and operate a traffic safety camera system pursuant to Washington State Law 46.63.170; and WHEREAS, public convenience and necessity require the City to obtain the services of ATS which has photo enforcement implementation and operations experience and is a leading provider of photo enforcement systems with the City and across the country; and WHEREAS, ATS has the exclusive knowledge, possession and ownership of certain equipment already installed in the City, and has licenses, and back-office processes through an automated web-based Citation processing system (collectively referred to as the “AxsisTM System” or “Axsis”) currently used by the City for its existing photo enforcement program ; and WHEREAS, the City finds ATS is qualified to perform and is experienced in providing the required services; and WHEREAS, the City desires to engage ATS to provide traffic safety camera services, also known as photo enforcement services; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties herein do mutually agree as follows: The attached Exhibits include: EXHIBIT A…………..SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE EXHIBIT B…………..SCOPE OF WORK EXHIBIT C…………..ADDITIONAL CAMERA LOCATIONS EXHIBIT D…………..FORM NOTICE TO PROCEED EXHIBIT E…………..DMV SERVICES SUBSCRIBER AUTHORIZATION By signing below, the Parties agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement together with the attached Exhibits. This Agreement contains the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the Parties relating to the matters referenced herein and replaces any prior oral or written representat ions or communications between the Parties. Each individual signing below represents that such individual has the requisite authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the entity which such individual represents and that all the necessary formalities have been met. [SIGNATURE PAGE ON FOLLOWING PAGE] AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 2 of 24 ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY: AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS, INC. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON By: By: Elizabeth Caracciolo Senior Vice President/General Manager, Government Solutions Date Denis Law, Mayor Name/Title Date ATTEST: By: Jason A. Seth, City Clerk Name/Title Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Shane Moloney, City Attorney Date This Agreement is effective on the date of execution by the last signatory to this cover page (“Effective Date”). [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 3 of 24 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ........................................................................................... 1 I. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................. 4 II. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS .......................................................................................... 5 1. ATS AGREES TO PROVIDE: ................................................................................................... 5 2. CITY AGREES TO PROVIDE: .................................................................................................. 5 3. TERM: ..................................................................................................................................... 5 4. ASSIGNMENT: ........................................................................................................................ 5 5. FEES AND PAYMENT: ............................................................................................................ 5 6. SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS: ................................................................................................. 5 7. COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION: .................................................................................. 6 8. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ............................................................................................. 6 9. OWNERSHIP OF SYSTEM: ..................................................................................................... 6 10. INDEMNIFICATION: ................................................................................................................ 6 11. INSURANCE: ........................................................................................................................... 7 12. STATE LAW TO APPLY: .......................................................................................................... 8 13. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: ......................................................................................................... 8 14. CHANGE ORDERS: ................................................................................................................. 9 15. TERMINATION: ....................................................................................................................... 9 16. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT: ................................................................................ 10 17. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: ...................................................................................................... 10 18. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION: ..................................................................................................... 10 19. PRIOR AGREEMENT SUSPENDED: ..................................................................................... 11 20. LIMITED AGENCY: ................................................................................................................ 11 21. FORCE MAJEURE: ................................................................................................................ 11 22. TAXES: .................................................................................................................................. 11 23. NOTICES: .............................................................................................................................. 11 24. SURVIVAL: ............................................................................................................................ 11 25. EXECUTION: ......................................................................................................................... 11 EXHIBIT A ............................................................................................................................................. 13 SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE............................................................................................................... 13 EXHIBIT B ............................................................................................................................................. 15 SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................................ 15 1. ATS SCOPE OF WORK ..................................................................................................... 15 2. CITY SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................................................... 17 EXHIBIT C ............................................................................................................................................ 21 ADDITIONAL CAMERA LOCATIONS ................................................................................................ 21 EXHIBIT D ............................................................................................................................................ 22 FORM OF NOTICE TO PROCEED ................................................................................................... 22 EXHIBIT E ............................................................................................................................................. 24 DMV SERVICES SUBSCRIBER AUTHORIZATION .......................................................................... 24 AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 4 of 24 I. DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement, the following words and terms shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the respective meanings provided below: 1. “Approach”: One (1) direction of travel on a road or a traffic intersection, including up to four (4) contiguous lanes controlled by up to two (2) signal phases. 2. “Business Hours”: Eight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. 3. “Business Rules”: The Business Rules Questionnaire to be completed by City and delivered to ATS setting forth the business rules for the implementation and operation of the Program. 4. “Camera System” or “Camera”: A photo-traffic monitoring device consisting of one (1) rear camera, strobe and, if necessary, one (1) front camera with strobe for driver image, and traffic monitoring device (including the wiring associated with each) capable of accurately detecting a traffic infraction on up to four (4) contiguous lanes which records such data with one (1) or more images of such vehicle. “Camera System” shall, where the context requires, also include any enclosure or cabinet, wiring, and related appurtenances in which the equipment is stationed. “Camera System” may refer to either a red light or fixed site school zone speed safety camera system, depending on the context, and also includes any and all Camera Systems installed in the City and owned by ATS prior to the effective date of this Agreement. 5. “Change Order Notice”: Written notice from the City requesting changes to the work required to be performed or the addition of products or services to those required to the terms of this Agreement, setting forth in reasonable detail the proposed changes. 6. “Change Order Proposal”: A written statement from ATS describing the cost of the changes to the work or addition of products or services requested by City in a Change Order Notice. 7. “Citation”: A citation, notice of violation, notice of infraction or equivalent instrument issued by a competent state, county or municipal law enforcement agent or agency or by a court of competent jurisdiction relating to a Violation documented or evidenced in Axsis. 8. “Designated Safety Zone”: A designated safety zone in which a Camera System may be installed or deployed. 9. “Event”: An image captured of a potential Violation. 10. “Fees”: The amount payable by City to ATS for equipment, services, and maintenance as set forth in EXHIBIT A. 11. “Fixed Site School Zone Speed Safety Camera System”: A Camera System installed in a Designated Safety Zone. 12. “Notice to Proceed”: Written confirmation from City that ATS may proceed with the installation of a given Camera System, a form of which is attached as EXHIBIT C. 13. “Owner”: The owner(s) of a motor vehicle as shown by the motor vehicle registration records of the motor vehicle department or the analogous agency of another state or country, including a lessee of a motor vehicle under a lease of six months or longer. 14. “Person” or “Persons”: Any individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated association, governmental authority or political subdivision thereof or any other form of entity. 15. “Project Time Line”: The initial schedule and timelines required to begin the implementation of City’s project, as mutually agreed upon by the Parties. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 5 of 24 16. “Red Light Safety Camera System”: A Camera System installed at an intersection Approach. 17. “System”: A Camera System and the related Infrastructure. 18. “Violation”: A failure to obey an applicable traffic law or regulation, including, without limitation, failure to obey a traffic signal, or operation of a motor vehicle in excess of the posted speed limit. II. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ATS AGREES TO PROVIDE: The scope of work identified in EXHIBIT B, Section 1. 2. CITY AGREES TO PROVIDE: The scope of work identified in EXHIBIT B, Section 2. 3. TERM: This Agreement shall commence upon the Effective Date and shall continue for a term of five (5) years beginning on September 6, 2017. This Agreement will automatically extend for consecutive five (5) year terms. However, City or ATS may terminate this Agreement at the expiration of any term by providing written notice of its intent not to extend the Agreement one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the expiration of the then-current term. 4. ASSIGNMENT: Neither Party may assign all or any portion of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. However, for business financing or other corporate reorganizational purposes, ATS may sell, assign, transfer or convey any interest in this Agreement in whole or in part without the written consent of City. 5. FEES AND PAYMENT: City shall pay for all equipment, services and maintenance based on the fee schedule indicated in the EXHIBIT A, Service Fee Schedule 1. 5.1 City shall pay all Fees due ATS based upon invoices from the preceding month within thirty (30) days of submission. Late payments are subject to interest calculated at 1.5% per month on open balances. If City is more than sixty (60) days past due on payments to ATS, ATS may, in its sole discretion, either (i) withhold all transfers/sweeps of Citation payments to City until City becomes current on its payments or (ii) exercise any other remedies pursuant to Section 14(iii) of this Agreement for non-payment of Fees by City. 5.2 Invoices shall be in standard ATS format. 5.3 ATS’s Fees will be fixed for the first five (5) year term of the Agreement; thereafter, unit prices will increase at the beginning of each five (5) year renewal term by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), according to the average change during the prior twelve (12) months in the CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for U.S. City average, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor for the Services category listed under Commodity and Service Group. 6. SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS: Prior to installing any System, ATS may conduct a statistical analysis of each road or intersection Approach being considered for a System or Systems (“Site Selection Analysis”) to assist City in determining which road or Approaches will be the most beneficial to City in pursuit of its traffic safety and enforcement goals. For any road or Approach recommended by City, ATS may deploy or install a System if a constructability analysis concludes a deployment or an installation is feasible. ATS makes no AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 6 of 24 representations or warranties that any Violation rate estimates will be predictive of actual future traffic Violation rates. 7. COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION: ATS will comply with reasonable requests from City for information obtained by ATS through operation of the Axsis™ System. ATS reserves the right to assess a fee for such services. Unless ATS is deemed a “Custodian of Record”, under applicable “Public Records Act” laws or similar laws, ATS will not be under any obligation to provide information directly to non-City requesting parties. Should ATS choose to respond to non-City requesting parties, ATS and City shall work collaboratively in a good faith effort to provide requested information in a timely manner, which good faith effort may include, but not be limited to, City’s review and prior approval of ATS disclosing information. 8. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: No information given by ATS to City will be of a confidential nature, unless specifically designated in writing as proprietary or confidential by ATS (“ATS Confidential Information”). If, however, ATS does designate certain information as proprietary or confidential, City shall treat the ATS Confidential Information with the same degree of care and same restrictions as City treats its own proprietary and confidential information, but in no event with less than reasonable care and reasonable restrictions. City will use ATS Confidential Inform ation solely in connection with its rights and obligations under this Agreement, and will not use ATS Confidential Information for any other purpose, including but not limited to any use to harm or injure ATS or in any other way detrimental to ATS. If City receives a request or becomes legally obligated or compelled (by deposition, interrogatory, request for documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand, other demand or request by governmental agency or the application of statutes, rules and regulations under the federal securities laws or similar process) to disclose any of the ATS Confidential Information, City will promptly provide ATS with written notice of such request or requirement before any disclosure, and will cooperate with ATS’ reasonable efforts to obtain confidential treatment of the ATS Confidential Information. If a protective order or other confidential treatment is not obtained or if ATS waives its rights under this paragraph, City agrees to furnish only so much of the ATS Confidential Information as it is legally required to furnish and, where appropriate, to exercise its best efforts to obtain written assurances that confidential treatment will be accorded to the ATS Confidential Information. City will give ATS an opportunity to review the ATS Confidential Information prior to its disclosure, and City will allow ATS to participate in any related proceeding. However, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed contrary to the terms and provisions of any “Public Records Act” or similar laws, insofar as they may be applicable. 9. OWNERSHIP OF SYSTEM: Under all circumstances, ATS shall retain ownership of all Camera Systems and the Axsis™ System provided for use by the City under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In order to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, for the term of this Agreement, ATS grants City a non-exclusive, non- transferable license to use the Axsis™ System. 10. INDEMNIFICATION: 10.1 Indemnification by ATS. Subject to Section 10.3, ATS agrees to indemnify City and its managers, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives and successors (individually a "City Party" and collectively, the "City Parties") against all claims, liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties and judgments (collectively, "Losses"), which may be imposed on or incurred by any City Party arising out of or related to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of ATS, its employees or agents which result in death or bodily injury to any natural person (including third parties) or any damage to any real or tangible personal property (including the personal property of third parties), except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any City Party. 10.2 Indemnification by City. Subject to Section 10.3, City hereby agrees to indemnify ATS and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, managers, officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives and successors (individually an "ATS Party" and collectively, the "ATS Parties") against any and all Losses which may be imposed on or incurred by any ATS Party arising out of or related to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of City, its employees, contractors or agents which result in death AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 7 of 24 or bodily injury to any natural person (including third parties) or any damage to any real or tangible personal property (including the personal property of third parties), except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of ATS. Upon the termination of this Agreement and subject to Section 10.3, City agrees to indemnify ATS Parties against any and all Losses which may be imposed on or incurred by any ATS Party arising out of or related to (a) any claim, action or demand (a “Claim”) related to the Systems, if City retains the Systems or (b) if City elects for ATS to remove the Systems pursuant to Section 15.2(iv), any Claim related to the foundation, conduit, or other below-grade infrastructure. 10.3 Indemnification Procedures. In the event of any Claim in respect of which any Party hereto seeks indemnification from the other, the Party seeking indemnification (the "Indemnified Party") shall give the Party from whom indemnification is sought (the "Indemnifying Party") written notice of such Claim promptly after the Indemnified Party first becomes aware thereof; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall not preclude indemnification with respect to such Claim except to the extent of any additional or increased Losses or other actual prejudice directly caused by such failure. The Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party shall cooperate in the defense or settlement of any Claim and no Party shall have the right to enter into any settlement agreement that materially affects the other Party's material rights or material interests without such Party's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 10.4 Limited Liability. In no event shall ATS’s liability under this Agreement exceed the greater of $1,000,000 or the average of the prior twelve (12) months of Fees paid by City pursuant to this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable to the other, by reason of any representation or express or implied warranty, condition or other term or any duty at common or civil law, for any indirect, incidental, special, lost profits or consequential damages, however caused and on any theory of liability, arising out of or relating to this Agreement. 11. INSURANCE: ATS shall maintain the following minimum scope and limits of insurance: 11.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance including coverage for bodily injury, property damage, premises and operations, products/completed operations, personal and advertising injury, and contractual liability with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for the Term of this Agreement. Professional Liability insurance with minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 for each occurrence, shall also be secured for any professional services being provided to Renton that are excluded in the commercial general liability insurance. Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance may be used to reach minimum required coverage limits. 11.2 Workers’ Compensation as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of Washington, and Employer’s Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $500,000 each accident. ATS shall at all times maintain Worker’s Compensation insurance coverage in the amounts required by law, but shall not be required to provide such coverage for any actual or statutory employee of City. 11.3 Comprehensive Business Automobile Liability Insurance for all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles and other vehicles used by ATS with a minimum $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit bodily injury and property damage. 11.4 City and its officers and employees, shall be named as additional insured on the comprehensive general liability policies provided by ATS under this Agreement on a non- contributory primary basis. ATS shall require any subcontractors doing work under this Agreement to provide and maintain the same insurance, which insurance shall also name City and its officers, employees, and authorized volunteers as additional insureds. The City’s insurance policies shall not be a source for payment of any Contractor liability. 11.5 Certificates showing ATS is carrying the above described insurance, and evidencing the additional insured status specified above, shall be furnished to City prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement. Such certificates shall show that City will be notified in accordance with the AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 8 of 24 policy language relating to cancellations of such insurance policies. ATS shall forthwith obtain substitute insurance in the event of a cancellation. 11.6 City shall be responsible for vehicle insurance coverage on any vehicles driven by City employees. Coverage will include liability and collision damage. 11.7 ATS shall provide the City with written notice of any policy cancellation within two (2) business days of ATS receiving such notice. 11.8 The City does not represent that the minimum required insurance or insurance limits are adequate to cover all potential claims or related claim costs. 12. STATE LAW TO APPLY: This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 13. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: All disputes arising out of or in connection with the Agreement shall be attempted to be settled through good-faith efforts between senior management of both Parties. Following thirty (30) days of unsuccessful negotiation, the Parties shall participate in professionally-assisted mediation, with a mediator acceptable to both Parties. The Parties agree to discuss their differences in good faith and to attempt, with the assistance of the mediator, to reach an amicable resolution of the dispute. The mediation will be treated as a settlement discussion and therefore will be confidential. The mediator may not testify for either Party in any later proceeding relating to the dispute. No recording or transcript shall be made of the mediation proceedings. Each Party will bear its own costs in the mediation. The fees and expenses of the mediator will be shared equally by the Parties. 13.1 Failing resolution through negotiation or mediation, any remaining dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules for Professional Accounting and Related Services Disputes of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA Rules”) before a single arbitrator. The place of arbitration will be mutually agreed upon within fourteen (14) days of a decision to seek arbitration. Limited discovery will be permitted in connection with the arbitration upon agreement of the Parties and upon a showing of substantial need by the Party seeking discovery. 13.2 The arbitrator’s decision shall follow the plain and natural meaning of the relevant documents and shall be final and binding. The arbitrator will have no power to award: a) damages inconsistent with the Agreement; or, b) punitive damages or any other damages not measured by the prevailing Party’s actual damages, and the Parties expressly waive their right to obtain such damages in arbitration or in any other forum. 13.3 All aspects of the arbitration will be confidential. Neither the Parties nor the arbitrator may disclose the existence, content or results of the arbitration, except as may be necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements. 13.4 Each Party will promptly pay its share of all arbitration fees and costs, provided that such fees and costs shall be recoverable by the prevailing Party as determined by the arbitrator. If a Party fails to pay such share promptly upon demand, the arbitrator shall, upon written request by the other Party, enter a final and binding decision against the nonpaying Party for the full amount of such share, together with an award of attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by the other Party in obtaining such decision, which decision may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Except for the failure of a Party to pay arbitration fees and costs that requires resort to the arbitrator to order such payment, the Parties will bear their own attorneys’ fees in any matter or dispute under this Agreement. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 9 of 24 14. CHANGE ORDERS: City may from time to time request changes to the work required to be performed or the addition of products or services to those required to the terms of this Agreement by providing a Change Order Notice. Upon ATS’s receipt of a Change Order Notice, ATS shall deliver a Change Order Proposal describing the cost, if any. Following City’s receipt of the Change Order Proposal, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith and agree to a plan and schedule for implementation of the proposed changes; the time, manner and amount of payment or price increases or decreases, as the case may be; and any other matters relating to the proposed changes. In the event that any proposed change involves only the addition of equipment or services to the existing Designated Intersection (as defined in EXHIBIT B) Approaches or the addition of Approaches to be covered by the terms of this Agreement, to the maximum extent applicable, the pricing terms set forth in EXHIBIT A shall govern. Any failure of the Parties to reach agreement with respect to any of the foregoing as a result of any proposed changes shall not be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement, and any disagreement shall be resolved in accordance with Section 13. Such Change Order shall not invalidate the procurement process or this Agreement nor relieve or release ATS or City of any of its obligations under this Agreement unless stated therein. 15. TERMINATION: 15.1 ATS’s services may be terminated: (i) By mutual written consent of the Parties; or (ii) For Cause, by either Party where the other Party fails in any material way to perform its obligations under this Agreement. a) Where City is in material breach of this Agreement for non-payment of Fees to ATS, then ATS may exercise any or all of the following remedies: (1) provide City written notice and ten (10) days to cure before suspending performance and turning off ATS’s cameras; (2) withhold payments to City, as described in Section 5.1; (3) terminate this Agreement for cause where City’s account remains delinquent sixty (60) days after written notice; and (4) in addition to the foregoing, seek any other available remedies at law or equity. b) Termination under this subsection for any reason other than non- payment of Fees by City is subject to the condition that the terminating Party notifies the other Party of its intent to terminate, stating with reasonable specificity the grounds therefore, and the other Party fails to cure the default within forty-five (45) days after receiving written notice. In the event of Termination by ATS under this subsection for breach by City (including non-payment of Fees), City shall pay ATS an early termination fee based on a price of $76,660 per Camera System amortized over sixty (60) months on a straight-line basis. The amortization schedule for said costs shall be reduced by 1/60th for each month each Camera System is operational. Said another way, for every month a Camera System is operational, $1,277 will be subtracted from the total $76,660 early termination fee for each Camera System. 15.2 Upon termination of this Agreement, including because it has reached the end of its term, the Parties recognize that City will have to process Events in the “pipeline”, and that ATS accordingly must assist City in this regard. Accordingly, the Parties shall take the following actions and shall have the following obligations, which survive termination during the wind-down period: (i) City shall cease using the Axsis™ System to capture Events. (ii) Unless it is unlawful to do so, ATS shall, for a period of ninety (90) days, continue to process all Events captured before termination and provide all services associated with processing in accordance with this Agreement and shall be entitled to a monthly fee of $4,750 per Camera System. After such ninety (90) day period, ATS shall terminate all use of the Axsis™ System AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 10 of 24 for City’s Program and upon such termination, the Axsis™ System, including violationinfo.com website, and related lockbox shall no longer be capable of accepting payments. (iii) Except as provided for in Sections 8 and 15.2(iv) related to the Systems, City shall return or allow ATS to recover all provided equipment within a reasonable time not to exceed ninety (90) days. (iv) Upon City’s request or if otherwise required by law, regulation, or administrative agency, and subject to the limitations set forth herein, ATS shall remove any and all Systems ATS installed in connection with ATS’s performance of its obligations under this Agreement for the actual cost of the removal (presently estimated at approximately $5,000 per System) plus an additional 20% service fee (the “Removal Fee”). Such removal shall include but not be limited to housings, poles and Camera Systems. As part of the services performed for the Removal Fee, ATS shall restore the surface of City’s property to substantially the same condition as such property was in immediately prior to this Agreement, except for foundation removal, which shall be left approximately flush with grade with no exposed bolts, or other hazards. Installed underground conduit, foundations, and other equipment shall not be required to be removed. City shall accept and observe any and all duties, obligations, or liabilities associated with the remaining foundation, conduit, or other below-grade Infrastructure. (v) Within one hundred twenty (120) days of termination of the Agreement, ATS shall provide City all evidence package data and information for all Violations currently maintained on the Axsis™ System on behalf of City. The information shall be delivered in the standard ATS format to City on removable media. Upon delivery of said evidence package data and information City agrees that ATS is no longer under any obligation to maintain evidence package data or information and that any public records request for such information shall be responded to exclusively by City, as City wi ll be the custodian of records for any and all Violations and related evidence package data and information. 15.3 In the event of termination by ATS for non-payment of Fees by City, ATS shall cease processing Events as of the date of termination. 16. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT: The Parties may from time to time consider it in their best interest to modify or extend terms, conditions or covenants of this Agreement; require modifications in the Scope of Work to be performed; or request the performance of additional services regardless of and without invalidating the process that was used to procure the services enumerated under this Agreement. If modifications result in additional costs to City, ATS will provide a written estimate of such. Any such addition, deletion, extension or modification, including any increase or decrease in the amount of ATS’s compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between City and ATS shall be incorporated in written amendments to this Agreement. Such amendments shall not invalidate the procurement process or this Agreement nor relieve or release ATS or City of any of its obligations under this Agreement unless stated therein. 17. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: During the term of this Agreement, from time-to-time ATS may propose certain new technologies for City to consider (e.g., school bus, bus lane, pedestrian, railroad, other undeveloped technologies, or Program enhancements) and, if so desired, City may procure from ATS the new technologies through an amendment to this Agreement upon terms to be mutually agreed upon. 18. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION: In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. This Agreement shall be enforced to the AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 11 of 24 maximum extent possible so as to give effect to the intent of the Parties and shall be reformed without further action by the Parties to the extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable herein. 19. PRIOR AGREEMENT SUSPENDED: This Agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement of the Parties and supersedes any prior understanding, written or oral, between the Parties respecting the written subject matter. 20. LIMITED AGENCY: ATS shall act as a limited agent of the City solely for purposes of (i) opening and maintaining bank accounts; (ii) access to DMV records; (iii) generating and administratively processing recorded images of Events as described in this Agreement and (iv) the Business Rules. Employees, contractors, agents and servants of ATS shall in no event be considered to be employees, agents (other than in the limited capacity described herein), contractors or servants of City. This Agreement does not and shall not be interpreted as creating a general agency relationship between ATS and City. 21. FORCE MAJEURE: Neither Party will be liable to the other or be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement for any failure or delay in rendering performance arising out of causes beyond its reasonable control and without its fault or negligence (an event of “Force Majeure”). Such causes may include but are not limited to, acts of God or the public enemy, terrorism, significant fires, floods, earthquakes, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, or unusually severe weather. For the avoidance of doubt, road construction is not an event of Force Majeure. The Party whose perf ormance is affected agrees to notify the other promptly of the existence and nature of any delay. 22. TAXES: Where required by law, ATS shall pay for and maintain in current status all taxes assessed against ATS that are necessary for contract performance. City agrees to pay State of Washington sales or use taxes on all applicable services and materials and agrees to furnish ATS with an exemption certificate where appropriate, and City agrees to reimburse ATS for any excise taxes if charged against ATS. 23. NOTICES: Any notices or demand which, under the terms of this Agreement or under any statute, must or may be given or made by ATS or City shall be in writing and shall be given or made by personal service, first class mail, Federal Ex press, or by certified mail to the Parties at the following address: City of Renton American Traffic Solutions, Inc. 1055 South Grady Way 1150 N. Alma School Road Renton, WA 98057 Mesa, Arizona 85201 Attn: Chad Karlewicz, Commander Attn: Legal Department 24. SURVIVAL: The following provisions of the General Terms and Conditions shall survive the termination of this Agreement: Sections 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, and this Section 24. 25. EXECUTION: This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original copy of this Agreement, and all of which, when taken together, shall be deemed to constitute one and the same Agreement. The exchange of copies of this Agreement and of signature pages by facsimile or “.pdf” transmission shall constitute effective execution and delivery of this Agreement as to the Parties AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 12 of 24 and may be used in lieu of the original Agreement for all purposes. Signatures of the Parties transmitted by facsimile or “.pdf” shall be deemed to be their original signatures for any purpose whatsoever. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK; EXHIBITS ON FOLLOWING PAGES] AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 13 of 24 EXHIBIT A SERVICE FEE SCHEDULE 1.0 Description of Pricing Fees are based on per camera per month and are as follows: Product Description Fee per Camera per Month 1-2 Lane Red Light Safety Camera System – includes existing Camera Systems and Camera System s installed subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement - the parties shall mutually agree on the number of units to be installed. Fee is for a single Camera System monitoring a single direction of travel. $3,500 3-4 Lane Red Light Safety Camera System – includes existing Camera Systems and Camera System s installed subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement - the parties shall mutually agree on the number of units to be installed. Fee is for a single Camera System monitoring a single direction of travel. $3,750 1-4 Lane Fixed Site School Zone Speed Safety Camera System – includes existing Camera Systems and Camera Systems installed subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement - the parties shall mutually agree on the number of units to be installed. Fee is for a single Camera System monitoring a single direction of travel. Fee includes up to 800 issued infractions per camera per month. $4,750 Service Fees: All Service Fees per Camera System above includes all costs required and associated with a Camera System installation for monitoring up to 4 lanes and two signal phases, routine maintenance, and use of Axsis System for back-office operations. Includes camera equipment for monitoring up to 4-lanes and up to two (2) signal phases, installation, maintenance, Event processing services, DMV records access, First Class mailing of notice of infraction with return envelope, lockbox and epayment processing services (excluding per item process fee and user convenience fee), IVR call center support for general Program questions and public awareness Program support This pricing applies to all Cameras installed within the first twelve (12) months of the term of this Agreement. Service fees for Cameras installed after the first 12 months of term of this Agreement shall be subject to a negotiated fee or extension of the term of this Agreement. Monthly service fee includes postage for the first class mailing of the 1st and 2nd notices. Any required certified mail is not included and the fee is extra and will be billed per unit as published by the US Postal Service (http://www.usps.com/prices/extra-services-prices.htm). ATS’s monthly fee includes postage for the first class mailing of standard offering. Certified mail is extra and will be billed per unit as published by the US Postal Service plus a $2.00 per unit service charge. Fee for Optional Services 1. Issuance of 2nd Notice with return envelope (fee per unit) $1.50 2. Lockbox payment processing service including processing of checks, money orders, cashier checks and case as well as initial program setup and ongoing monthly account fees. (fee per processed item) $1.50 3. Affidavit/Transfer of Liability and New Address processing service – (fee per processed item) $2.00 4. Inbound and outbound call support related to hearing scheduling, payments, disputes, etc. (fee per call processed) $3.00 5. Fee per 1st notice of infraction issued above the first 800 per camera per month $5.00 AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 14 of 24 6. Collections services if allowed by law – includes collections activity on all in-state and out of state delinquent payments remaining after second notice. Service includes noticing, phone contact, and credit reporting. ATS will add the collections fee to the outstanding notice balance such that City net equals $124. 25% of collections 7. Skip Tracing (per good address located) $3.50 2.0 Optional Collection Services: ATS may initiate collection efforts of delinquent notices upon written request by City, so long as collection of said recovered revenue amounts does not conflict with applicable state law. ATS will be entitled to receive portions of the collected revenue as noted below. The maximum is 30% total for both pre-collection and collection services. For those accounts in default that go to collection, this is in addition to our Fees noted above. Pre-Collection Letters 10% of Recovered Revenue Delinquent Collections Services 30% of Recovered Revenue In the event that City elects to have ATS provide collections services, City shall so notify ATS in writing. City agrees that, once ATS’s collections services are elected, City may not utilize another vendor for these collections services without prior written consent from ATS through an amendment to this Agreement. 3.0 Optional Annual Training Conference: ATS may provide a comprehensive user training conference (the “Conference”) for active photo traffic safety and enforcement clients. The Conference’s main focus is training of the Axsis™ System. Core elements include training on implementation methods and improvements, operational monitoring and improvements, statistical analysis, public relations and technology assessment. The sessions include participation by industry members, industry speakers and panel discussions. City shall be invoiced $100 per month per attendee and can assign up to three (3) project team members to attend the Conference. The $1,200 fee per attendee will cover travel, accommodations and all related Conference fees. Any excess funds that are not required for attendance at the Conference will be refunded to the City. 4.0 Optional Public Relations Services: ATS may provide additional public relations services upon written request by City. These services may include advertising, media relations, and public relations consultants. The fee for such services shall be mutually agreed upon based on the scope of the public relations services to be provided. 5.0 Video Retrieval Fee: ATS shall retrieve up to one (1) video per week at no cost to City. For all additional video retrievals, the fee is $10.00 each. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 15 of 24 EXHIBIT B SCOPE OF WORK Photo Enforcement (Red Light and Speed Enforcement) 1. ATS SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 ATS IMPLEMENTATION 1.1.1 ATS agrees to provide Camera System(s), use of the Axsis™ System and related services to City as outlined in this Agreement, excluding those items identified in Section 2 titled “City Scope of Work”. ATS and City understand and agree that new or previously unforeseen requirements may, from time to time, be identified and that the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to assign the proper Party the responsibility and cost for such items. In general, if work is to be performed by City, unless otherwise specified, City shall not charge ATS for the cost. 1.1.2 City and ATS will complete the Project Time Line within thirty (30) days of Agreement execution date, unless mutually agreed to otherwise by the Parties. ATS agrees to make every effort to adhere to the Project Time Line. 1.1.3 ATS will conduct a Site Selection Analysis of candidate sites. ATS will assist City in determining which Approaches will be the most beneficial to City in pursuit of its traffic safety and enforcement goals. Considerations may include collision history, community safety, police department staff review and engineering feasibility assessment. Camera System installations will be based on mutual agreement by City and ATS. 1.1.4 ATS will install or deploy Camera System(s) at a number of intersections or Designated Safety Zones to be mutually agreed upon between ATS and City after completion of Site Selection Analysis. In addition to any initial Designated Intersections or , the Parties may mutually agree to add additional Camera System(s) or Approaches, which shall be reflected in a written Notice to Proceed as set forth in EXHIBIT C. 1.1.5 ATS will operate each Camera System on a 24-hour basis, barring downtime for maintenance, normal servicing activities, or other unforeseen instances (e.g., Force Majeure event, etc.). 1.1.6 ATS’s Communications Department will assist City with public information content and outreach campaign strategies. Depending upon the mutually agreed-upon strategy, ATS may provide public relations consultants, advertising, or media relations for an additional fee as described in EXHIBIT A. 1.1.7 ATS agrees to provide a secure website (www.violationinfo.com) accessible to Owners who have received notices of violation by means of a Notice # and PIN, which will allow Violation image and video viewing. As part of the secure website, a space will be provided for a Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) page approved by City. ATS will operate this secure website on a 24-hour basis, barring downtime for maintenance, normal servicing activities, or other unforeseen instances (e.g., Force Majeure event, etc.). 1.1.8 ATS will provide technician site visits to each Camera System, as needed, to perform maintenance checks consisting of camera enclosure lens cleaning; camera, strobe and controller enclosure cleaning; inspection of exposed wires; and, general system inspections and maintenance. 1.1.9 ATS shall actively maintain the System located at each Approach to ensure minimum standards as set forth in applicable law, or regulation, or ATS service level agreements, are met or exceeded. ATS shall take reasonable best efforts to repair a non-functional System within seventy-two (72) hours (excluding weekends and holidays) of determination of a malfunction, except for causes of Force Majeure. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 16 of 24 1.1.10 If City is using ATS lockbox or epayment services, ATS will establish a dedicated demand deposit account. If City is more than sixty (60) days past due on payments to ATS, ATS may withhold all transfers/sweeps of Violation payments to City until City becomes current on its payments. 1.1.11 ATS is authorized to charge, collect and retain a service/convenience fee of $5.00 or up to 5% of the total payment, for each electronic payment processed, whichever is higher. Such fee is paid by the violator and retained by ATS to cover the administration of providing this service. 1.2 ATS OPERATIONS 1.2.1 ATS shall implement and operate the Program in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the City’s Business Rules. 1.2.2 If a warning period is required, ATS shall provide City with a one-time warning period up to thirty (30) days in length following the installation and activation of the first installed Camera System. City shall not be charged a fee for the warning period; however for any warning period exceeding thirty (30) days City shall be responsible for the normal monthly Service Fee. 1.2.3 ATS shall provide City with access to the Axsis™ System, including image processing, first notice printing and mailing of Citation per chargeable event and a mailing of a text only reminder notice, a hearing scheduled letter, a hearing denied letter, an insufficient information letter, and a dismiss letter. The Axsis™ System shall ensure each Citation or notice of infraction is delivered by First Class mail to the Owner within the statutory period. In the case of a transfer of liability by the Owner, the Axsis™ System shall be setup to mail a Citation or notice of infraction to the driver identified in the affidavit of non-liability or by a rental car company. Costs of certified mailings are priced separately and paid by City for additional compensation to ATS as indicated in EXHIBIT A. 1.2.4 Subsequent notices, other than those specified in Subsection 1.2.3 may be delivered by First Class or other mail means for additional compensation to ATS as agreed upon by the Parties. 1.2.5 The Axsis™ System shall allow the law enforcement officer to apply the officer’s electronic signature to the Citation when authorized to do so by an approving law enforcement officer. 1.2.6 ATS shall seek records from out-of -state vehicle registration databases and use such records to assist City in processing Citations. In its capacity as limited agent pursuant to the DMV Services Subscriber Authorization found in EXHIBIT D, ATS may seek records from out-of -state vehicle registration databases. ATS reserves the right to mail Citations to the address of the Owner obtained through the DMV, obtained through the National Change of Address (NCOA) database provided by the United States Postal Service, or obtained through other means including but not limited to skip tracing. 1.2.7 If City is unable to or does not desire to integrate Axsis data to its adjudication system, ATS shall provide Axsis as an adjudication processing module to allow City to review cases, related images, and other related information required to adjudicate the disputed Violation. The Axsis™ System will also enable the court staff to accept and account for payments. Any costs charged by a third party vendor related to the provision of Axsis data to the adjudication system are the responsibility of City. 1.2.8 The Axsis™ System shall provide City with the ability to run and print standard system reports. ATS provides a robust suite of standard program reporting at no charge to clients with active Programs. Upon notice to City, ATS reserves the right to modify the suite of standard program reporting available to City, so long as such change applies generally to Cities with similar programs. Customized reporting services are available upon written request. The fee for such services shall be mutually agreed upon based on the substance and form of the report to be provided. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 17 of 24 1.2.9 During the twelve (12) month period following the installation of the first camera, upon ATS’s receipt of a written request from City at least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of a court proceeding, and if required by the court or prosecutor, ATS shall provide City with or train a local expert witness to testify in court on matters relating to the accuracy, technical operations, and effectiveness of the Camera System or the Axsis™ System until judicial notice is taken. City shall use its best efforts to obtain judicial notice as soon as possible. If an ATS expert witness is required more than two (2) times during the twelve (12) month period, City shall reimburse ATS for any reasonable time and travel costs incurred for the additional dates. 1.2.10 In those instances where damage to a System (or sensors where applicable) is caused by (i) negligence on the part of ATS or its authorized agent(s), ATS shall bear the cost of repair or (ii) negligence or recklessness on the part of a driver or severe weather or other Force Majeure events, ATS and City shall bear the cost of repair equally with City reimbursing ATS for its portion of the cost of repair. For all other causes of damage, including road construction, City negligence, etc. City shall reimburse ATS for the cost of repair. 1.2.11 ATS shall provide a help-line to assist City with resolving any problems encountered regarding its Camera System and/or the Axsis™ System. The help-line shall function during Business Hours. 1.2.12 As part of the Axsis™ System, a website will be made available to allow alleged violators the ability to view their Citations online. This online viewing system shall include a link to the ATS payment website(s) and may offer the opportunity to download an affidavit of non- liability online. Online obtained affidavits, if approved by the court, may be directed to and processed by ATS processors and communicated to the court via the Axsis transfer described above. 1.2.13 For video retrievals requested by City unrelated to enforcement of a Violation, including but not limited to investigation of a criminal matter, ATS will provide up to one (1) video retrieval per week at no cost to City. For each additional video retrieval, City shall pay a fee, pursuant to EXHIBIT A (“Video Retrieval Fee”). 2. CITY SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS 2.1.1 Within seven (7) business days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, City shall provide ATS with the name, title, mailing address, email address and phone number of: o A project manager with authority to coordinate City responsibilities under this Agreement; o Municipal Court manager responsible for oversight of all Court-related program requirements; o The police contact; o The court contact; o The person responsible for overseeing payments by violators (might be court); o The Prosecuting Attorney; o The City Attorney; o The finance contact (who receives the invoices and will be in charge of reconciliation); o The IT person for the police; o The IT person for the courts; o The public works and/or engineering contact responsible for issuing any/all permits for construction; and o Municipal Court manager responsible for oversight of all Court-related program requirements. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 18 of 24 2.1.2 City and ATS shall complete the Project Time Line within thirty (30) calendar days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, unless mutually agreed to otherwise by the Parties. City shall make every effort to adhere to the Project Time Line. 2.1.3 In cooperation with ATS, City shall prepare the Business Rules for implementation and operation of the Program. 2.1.4 City shall direct the Chief of Police or approved alternate to execute the DMV Services Subscriber Authorization, attached as EXHIBIT D, to provide verification to the State Department of Motor Vehicles, National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, or appropriate authority indicating that ATS is acting on behalf of City for the purposes of accessing vehicle ownership data pursuant to the list of permissible uses delineated in the Drivers Privacy Protection Act 18 U.S.C. 2721, Section (b) (1) and as may otherwise be provided or required by any provision of applicable state law. 2.1.5 City is responsible for notifying ATS of any local legislative and/or ordinance changes in writing within forty-eight (48) hours of the first read of the proposed legislation. ATS will not be responsible for complying with any change in applicable local law, until such time as ATS has been notified by City in writing of the change in law. 2.1.6 City is responsible for all final jurisdictional issues. 2.1.7 Once a Notice to Proceed is granted to ATS in writing, City shall not issue a stop work order to suspend activity on the implementation process, unless City reimburses ATS for costs incurred up to the date the stop work order is issued. 2.1.8 Once a Camera System is installed and certified by ATS as operational, it shall be immediately put into service. 2.1.9 Pursuant to RCW §46.63.170(1)(a), City shall post an annual report of the number of traffic accidents that occurred at each location where an automated traffic safety camera is located as well as the number of notices of infraction issued for each camera and any other relevant information about the automated traffic safety cameras that the City deems appropriate on the City's web site. 2.2 STREETS AND TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS 2.2.1 If City requests that ATS move a System to a new Approach after initial installation, City shall pay for the costs to relocate the System, which may be up to $120,000 per System. City may not request the relocation of a site within the first year after installation. 2.2.2 If a construction or improvement project requires an installed Camera System to be deactivated or requires a Camera System, including imbedded sensors, to be moved or removed, City shall continue to pay the Service Fee and any costs for moving or removing the System, which may be up to $120,000 per System. City may elect to reimburse ATS directly or ATS may recover its costs from Program funds in addition to its normal fee. 2.2.3 Prior to the installation of any System, City shall provide ATS information regarding any and all road construction or improvement projects scheduled during the term of this Agreement for any intersection Approach designated for System installation. 2.2.4 City will design, fabricate, install and maintain camera warning signs. If City cannot provide such signage, ATS will do so and City shall reimburse ATS for such costs. 2.2.5 City understands that proper operation of the System requires access to traffic signal phase connections. City, therefore, shall provide free access to traffic signal phase connections according to approved design. When traffic signal phase connections are not under the jurisdiction of City, it shall be City’s responsibility to negotiate agreements with the owner or maintaining agency of the traffic signal controller and infrastructure in order to provide AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 19 of 24 the required access to said phase connections and infrastructure and any costs associated with needed agreements shall be funded by City. 2.2.6 City understands that proper operation of the System sometimes requires attachment of certain items of detection equipment to existing signal masts, mast arms and/or other street furniture. City, therefore, shall provide free access to ATS to attach certain items of detection equipment to existing signal masts, mast arms and / or other street furniture for the proper operation of the System. 2.2.7 If available, City shall allow ATS to access power from existing City power sources at no cost and shall allow or facilitate access to traffic signal phase connections to a pull box, pole base, or controller cabinet nearest to each System within City’s jurisdiction. If these items are not made available, ATS may agree to cover these costs. If existing power sources are not immediately available, City will allow ATS to use temporary power until the existing power is established. In situations where it is not possible to obtain electrical power from a pre-existing source, ATS may bear the costs for obtaining/routing power. When access to power facilities is not under the jurisdiction of City, the City shall assist ATS in negotiating any necessary agreements with the owner or maintaining agency of the power facility and infrastructure in order to provide required access to said power facilities and infrastructure. If power costs or running of conduit is cost-prohibitive at a certain location, as determined by ATS, the parties agree to work on finding another mutually agreeable location. 2.2.8 City shall not require ATS to provide installation drawings stamped by a licensed civil engineer. However, ATS work product and drawings shall be overseen and approved by an ATS PE and such deliverables shall conform to applicable engineering norms and reflect the details of installation work to be completed. 2.2.9 City shall approve or reject ATS submitted plans in a timely manner and shall make best efforts to as few as possible revisions beyond the initially submitted plans. City shall provide its best efforts in providing aid in achieving expeditious plan approvals when plans are being reviewed and permitted by any state and/or county agencies. 2.2.10 City, or any department of City, shall not charge ATS or its subcontractor(s) for building or construction permits. The City may charge ATS for electrical permits, based on the value of the work, and right of way use permits, as determined by the City’s Community & Economic Development Department. 2.2.11 City understands and agrees that time is of the essence and that public safety is at issue and shall issue all needed permits to ATS and its subcontractor(s) as soon as practical after plan approval. City shall provide its best efforts to aid in achieving expeditious permit issuance when permitted by any state and/or county agency. 2.2.12 If required by the submitted design for proper operation, City shall allow ATS to install vehicle detection sensors in the pavement of roadways within City’s jurisdiction, as permitted. City shall provide its best efforts to aid in acquiring any and all required permission and permits when the roadway is under the jurisdiction of the state or county. 2.2.13 ATS may build needed infrastructure into any existing City-owned easement, conditioned upon approval from the City. 2.2.14 If use of private property right-of -way is needed, City shall assist ATS in acquiring permission to build in existing utility easements as necessary. If any fees are required in securing a private property right-of -way lease/rental the parties shall negotiate in good faith how the fees shall be paid or the parties may look for a different location. 2.2.15 City shall comply in all aspects with RCW §46.63.170(1)(b). AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 20 of 24 2.3 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS 2.3.1 City shall process each Event in accordance with state law and/or municipality ordinances within three (3) business days of its appearance in the law enforcement review queue, using Axsis to determine which Events constitute Violations that will be issued as Citations. In the event that City fails to process Events within this timeframe, ATS shall not be liable for failure of the Axsis™ System to allow City to issue a notice or Citation within statutory timeframes. 2.3.2 For optimal utilization, City workstation computer monitors for Event review and approval should provide a resolution of 1280 x 1024. 2.3.3 For optimal data throughput, City workstations should be connected to a high-speed internet connection with bandwidth of T-1 or greater. 2.3.4 City shall provide signatures of all authorized law enforcement users who will review events and issue Citations on forms provided by ATS for setup of the Axsis™ System to allow said users to apply their electronic signatures to a Citation. 2.4 COURTS OPERATIONS 2.4.1 If City does not provide payment processing services, City shall use the Axsis™ System for payment processing services. The fees for lockbox and epayment services are presented in EXHIBIT A. 2.4.2 City shall provide a judge or hearing officer and court facilities to schedule and hear disputed Citations. 2.4.3 City shall provide the specific text required to be placed on the Citation or notice of infraction to be issued by City using the Axsis™ System within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of this Agreement. 2.4.4 City shall approve the Citation form within fifteen (15) days of receipt from ATS. ATS may make non-substantive formatting or incidental changes to the Citation without approval by City. 2.4.5 City shall handle inbound and outbound phone calls and correspondence from defendants who have questions about disputes and other issues relating to Citation adjudication. City may refer citizens with questions regarding the Camera System technology and processes to websites and/or toll free telephone numbers provided by ATS for that purpose. 2.4.6 Within ten (10) days after expiration of a second notice, City shall pursue delinquent collections of unpaid notices with an existing contractor or ATS. 2.4.7 Any potential, one-time, direct costs to ATS to develop an interface with the Court system will be initially paid by ATS and any such cost will be reimbursed to ATS from collected revenues in addition to the Fees in EXHIBIT A, Service Fee Schedule 1. 2.5 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS 2.5.1 In the event that remote access to the Axsis™ System is blocked by City network security infrastructure, City’s Department of Information Technology shall coordinate with ATS to facilitate appropriate communications while maintaining required security measures. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) EXHIBIT C ADDITIONAL CAMERA LOCATIONS ATS shall make its best efforts to install additional Camera Systems within thirty (30) days of permits being granted and power delivered for each agreed-upon location, providing that City has received permission for all implementations in writing from any third-party sources. Execution of this Agreement shall serve as written Notice to Proceed by City for the installation of Camera Systems for all locations designated as follows: Red Light Safety Camera Locations: NB Park Ave N & Logan Ave N WB Park Ave N & Logan Ave N NB Talbot Road S & S Grady Way / SR515 SB Talbot Road S & S Grady Way / SR515 WB S Grady Way / SR515 & Talbot Road S WB S Puget Dr / S 15th St & Talbot Road S / Benson Dr S / SR515 Fixed Site School Zone Speed Safety Camera Locations: NB 144th Ave SE SB 144th Ave SE (Jericho Ave) Implementation and installation of any Approach or location is subject to Site Selection Analysis and constructability analysis results and must be mutually agreed to by the parties. Additional Approaches and locations may be selected in addition to the Approaches and locations listed above and may be selected based on Site Selection analysis, collision history, input, community safety, recommendations from City and a construction feasibility assessment. The Approaches and locations will be designated by the City, which designation will be based upon City Staff review. Camera installations will be based on mutual agreement by City and ATS and shall only be installed upon a written Notice to Proceed (see Exhibit D). Pursuant to RCW § 46.63.170(1)(a), prior to installation the City shall perform and prepare an analysis of all the additional Approaches or locations within the jurisdiction where Camera Systems are proposed to be located. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 22 of 24 EXHIBIT D FORM OF NOTICE TO PROCEED Reference is made to the Standard Professional Services Agreement by and between American Traffic Solutions, Inc. (“ATS”) and ______________ (“City”), dated as of [date] (the “Agreement”). Capitalized terms used in this Notice to Proceed shall have the meaning given to such term in the Agreement. City hereby designates this [first] phase implementation of cameras at designated intersections. ATS shall make its best efforts to install a Camera System within thirty (30) days of permits being granted and power delivered for each agreed-upon Approach, providing that City has received permission for all implementations in writing from any third-party sources. Below is a list of locations provided by City, which have been analyzed based on traffic volumes, road geometry, and existing infrastructure and are believed to be locations at which a Camera System would increase public safety. Execution of this Notice to Proceed by City shall serve as authorization for the installation of Camera Systems for all intersections designated as follows: Red Light Safety Camera Locations: NB Park Ave N & Logan Ave N WB Park Ave N & Logan Ave N NB Talbot Road S & S Grady Way / SR515 SB Talbot Road S & S Grady Way / SR515 WB S Grady Way / SR515 & Talbot Road S WB S Puget Dr / S 15th St & Talbot Road S / Benson Dr S / SR515 Fixed Site School Zone Speed Safety Camera Locations: NB 144th Ave SE SB 144th Ave SE (Jericho Ave) City understands that implementation and installation of any Approach or location is subject to Site Selection Analysis and constructability results. City recognizes the substantial upfront costs ATS will incur to construct and install the Systems for the above listed intersection approaches or locations. City agrees that the Systems authorized by this Notice to Proceed for the above-list ed Approaches or locations shall remain installed and operational for the duration of the current term of the Agreement. ATS reserves the right to bill City for any upfront costs associated with the intersection approaches or locations listed above in the event City elects to cancel or suspend the installation. [SIGNATURE PAGE ON FOLLOWING PAGE] AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 23 of 24 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has executed this Notice to Proceed as of the date written below. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON By: Name: Title: Date ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO BY: AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS, INC. By: Elizabeth Caracciolo Senior Vice President/General Manager, Government Solutions Date AGENDA ITEM #7. c) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Confidential Page 24 of 24 EXHIBIT E DMV SERVICES SUBSCRIBER AUTHORIZATION Agency ORI: _____________ DATE NLETS 1918 W. Whispering Wind Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85085 Attn: Steven E. Correll, Executive Director Re: Authorization for American Traffic Solutions, Inc. to Perform MVD Inquiry Dear Mr. Correll: Please accept this letter of acknowledgement that an Agreement to perform automated enforcement between _______________________________ and American Traffic Solutions, Inc. is or will be entered into and will be or is in force. As a requirement of and in performance of that Agreement between __________________________________ and American Traffic Solutions, Inc., it will be necessary for American Traffic Solutions, Inc. to access NLETS motor vehicle data. Please accept this letter as authorization from ____________________________ for American Traffic Solutions, Inc. to run motor vehicle inquiries. This authorization is and will be in effect for the term of our Agreement with NLETS and any subsequent renewals. This authorization will automatically expire upon the termination of the Agreement between _________________________________and American Traffic Solutions, Inc., and, such authorization is limited to violations detected by the automated enforcement camera systems. By completing the information below and signing this letter, I am stating that I am a member of the _________________________________and have the authority to empower American Traffic Solutions, Inc. to use ORI ____________________for this function. SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION Subscriber Agency/Name NLETS Agency ORI Name/Title of Authorized Representative Mailing Address Telephone Fax Email Signature of Authorized Representative Date Signed AGENDA ITEM #7. c) AB - 1978 City Council Regular Meeting - 21 Aug 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Sunset Lane NE Improvements Project; CAG-16-049 Change Order #8 - Resolution of Puget Sound Energy Conflict RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Keith Woolley, Transportation Design Project Manager EXT.: 7318 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The initial contract with Road Construction Northwest (RCNW), was for $4,704,216. Change orders to date have increased the final amount by $162,381 to $4,866,597, a 3.45% increase. This proposed change order for $347,510 will increase the total contract amount to $5,214,107, a 10.84% total increase. The total project budget is $5,513,662, and the final contract amount falls within the bud get. Payment will be made from the Sunset Lane NE Improvements account (317.122122.016.595.30.63.001). SUMMARY OF ACTION: The subject project, which reconstructs Sunset Lane NE as a two-lane roadway providing access to the new Renton Highlands Library, the Sunset Neighborhood Park and new private development is currently under construction. The construction contract CAG -16-049 is with Road Construction Northwest. The project started on August 15, 2016 and is scheduled to be completed in Octobe r 2017. This change order is necessary to revise the work to resolve a conflict between a 24 -inch storm sewer and an existing Puget Sound Energy (PSE) underground conduit, and between proposed storm sewer pipe and existing PSE power poles. This change order adds 54 working days to the contract and compensates the contractor for added equipment standby time and project overhead. This change order also compensates the contractor for added erosion and/or water pollution control related to the PSE conduit c onflict. Puget Sound Energy has been notified regarding the delay experienced by the projectdue to these PSE conflicts. City project staff and PSE are in discussion regarding PSE’s reimbursement to the City for costs associated with this change order. EXHIBITS: A. CHANGE ORDER #8 to CAG-16-049 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order #08 to CAG -16-049 with Road Construction Northwest. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) CityofRenton CHANGE ORDER No.8 Resolution of Conflict between PSE Conduit and Proposed HDPE Pipe Date:August 1st.2017 Page 1 of8 T0:‘PROJECTIDENTIFICATION: Road Construction Northwest Sunset Lime NE Po Box 133 ‘ Renton #CAG-16-049 Renton,WA 98057 Registration No‘RCNW*CN978L6 TEL (425)-254-9999 Ordered by Engineer under the terms ofsection FAX (425)-25-I-1334 1-0+4 ofthe Standard Speci?cations Cltzsttgcp1n;w~c:li>;.t'1~i:I::v.t‘iut' We the undersigned Contractor,have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree,if this proposal is approved,that we will provide all equipment,furnish all materials except as may otherwise be noted below,and perform all services necessary for the work below speci?ed,and will accept as full payment therefore the prices shown below. Endorsed By:Road Construction NW ‘Consent given by Surety:(when required) DngttallysignedbylellteyM BY T,_gffres M,Ka r,,K,0;Y?_ ‘ __ ‘I '.1 FE lde?r__"T :Attorney in Fact \’ou are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this change order. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The contractor shall install an HDPE bend to route the proposed 24"Slorm Sewer Pipe between CB#1-l and CB#6I under the existing PSE conduits which are in conflictwitlt the pipe per the attached sheet.This work will be tracked by forceaccount and paid using COS-A82 -Fahricate and Install 2-/"HDPE bend at PSE Conduit Conflict. The contractorsltttll revise their schedule tuulplanttetl crew to continue work during the time between the discorerr that the existing PSE conduit could not be moved and the time the direction to install the HDPE [tend under the existing conduit was given.The contractor shall revise their schcclttle amlplannedcrew to E‘0t)I[)lL'lt.’the/‘ixto route the proposed 2-t"Storut Sewer Pipe between CBf4l4 and CB#6l under the existing PSE conduit which cannot be moved. This work will require the addition of54 winking days to the contract.The added costforthe added working da_v.\'will be paid as a lump sum item as was agreed as a result ofthe equitable at_l/ustment negotiation betweert the contractor and the City ofRenton.Tltis lttmp stun item will be C()S«A83 —Revise Schedule and Revised ll"ork Plan to Continue Work During Resolution o/‘PSEConduit Con/lt'ct_ The contractor shall provide additional e'I‘().\'l0I1/l\'£IlL'l'/)()llltllt)I1 control as required to handle water in the new storm sewer system that could not be discharged using the proposed 24"Storm Sewer Pipe which could not be ittstalledper the original plan.The conlraetor.\'ltall provide additiotml et'0sirm/write!‘pollution control as required to handle the water which comes in contact with the open e.\'cttvation during the time l7etwecn the discorety ofthe existing PSE conduit which cannot be moved and the completion o/thefix to route the proposed 24'’Storm Sewer Pipe between CB#l-I and CB#6l under the e.vt'stittg PSE conduit which cannot be moved.This will be tracked byforce account and paid using CO8-A84 -Added Erosion/Watet‘Pollution Control related to PSE Conduit Conflict. These itettts will cover all direct and indirect costs incurred by the cotttt'aetot'to resolve the conflictbenreen the existittg PSE conduit and the propo.\'etl 24"Storm Sewer Pipe hetweett CB#l4 and CB#6l,to revise the schedule and planned crew or the work,and the added work to provide additional erosion control. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) CityofRent0n CHANGE ORDER No.8 Resolution of Conflict between [‘SE('.o111luit and Proposed IIDPE Pipe Page 2 of8 Sections 1-04.-I and 1-045 of the 2016 Staiidard Specilicatioiis shall govern tl1e issuance of this Change Order. The work of this contract is herein modilied to i11cl11dethe change detailed below.Additional or deleted quantities for existing and new items shall constitute the complete and ?nal settlement for all costs oflabor, material,equipment,overhead,pro?t,permit fees,damages (whether direct or indirect),and all other claims by the contractor as a result of this change. Conditions:This work shall be performed 111accordance with the provisions herein,the contract speci?cations, plans,and details as applicable.The rights of the "Owner"are not prejudiced.All claims against the ‘‘Owner'‘ which are incidental or as a consequence of this change are waived. 1\lliASURE1\lE1\'T AND PAYMENT:Estiniate and Lump Sum CO.\"l'R.\CT DAYS ADDED FOR CII.-\.\'GI€ORDER:Q schedule No 1 Original Contract Current Contract Amount This E Contract Total '1 Amount 1 Amount 1_Change Order 1 after Change SCHEDULEA S 2.611,850.00 S 2,746,811.76 S 3-17,509.67 _S 3,094,321.43 SCHEDULE B $463,973.40 2 519 471,678.39 ___$ _______7-__:l_7_1;6_7_8_.§_ SCHEDULE C S 396.953.93 1 S 397,553.53 5 -3 S 397,553.53 SCHEDULE D 5 $76,130.00 15 580,713.00 5 -,S 580,713.00 "‘M‘_’”“’TDUET0,1 UN11'ITEMS AND SCHEDULE E $498,942.23 1 $512,824.18 5 -1 $512,824.18 FORCE ACCOUNI‘ SCHEDULE F s 156566.00 1 s 157,016.24 s -1 s 157,016.24 Wu‘ TOTALS 35 4,704.215.56 $4,866,597.10 $5,214,106.77 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER 5 347,509.67 *ESTIMATED INCREASE l’erce11lage of'l'OT.»\L Original Co11tr11L'lAmount:1[)3,.l5‘%,7.39%IIO.8-U’/n Approval Recnriinieudcd:.»\ppro\'1Il Recolnillended: PERTE ET,INC. B)./E ‘ Shawn Shirey.P.E.Dale Rcsidcm lingineer Project 1\la11z1ger ,INC./1/L 3/£111-1 Datepa,Bail 111+:-.I\¢_l1 Approved:.\ppro\'ed: CITY QI7,REN'I\‘3'1\ 11;Q Z 9 /<9/Z017111 Keith Woolley Date (7 ob 1111115011.l’.E. Project 1\r1a11ager Design Eiigineering Supervisor Approved:.-\ppr(1\'e1l: Cl Y OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON 2057 B1‘ Gregg Zin1 1 ma .I’.13.Denis Law Dene Public Works Adniinistrutor Mz1)01' AGENDA ITEM #7. d) CityofRenton CHANGE ORDER No.8 Resolution of Conflict between PSE Conduit and Proposed HDPE Pipe Date:August 1st,2017 Page 3 of 8 Road Construction Northwest Sunset Lane NE PO Box 188 Renton #CAG-16-049 Renton.WA 98057 RegistrationNo.RCNW*CN978L6 Item Description Qty Unit ;Price CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE A The following changes are made to the Contract: CO8-A82 Fabricate and Install 24"HDPE bend at PSE Conduit Conflict 1 EST $30,000.00 $30,000.00 C08-A83 Revise Schedule and Revised Work Plan to Continue Work During Resolution of PSE Conduit Conflict ‘-3 $31 '-509-67 3 311-50957 C08-A84 Added Erosionlwater Pollution Control related to PSE Conduit conflict EST $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Estimated Total Increase 347,509.67 AGENDA ITEM #7. d) Change Order #8 Page 4 of 8 cs an .1‘1PE 2-4 SYA 15 LT)ca-326.24‘ IE-522.;94'24‘(N‘M L.__..____.______,E=__,.l3‘9,._.,2n.(3E_j__.__j_._...._____..__.. _...._ lE:322’94'24'(5 SEE swan DP!roe comm ATION 330 . __330 5 a . _ 7 »—\ 325 ggggSm \_xmmc ‘325_______....__.....-__#_,__“DE._-_.__ 320 4__ 320 E H,WP 2-48' EXISTING 4"PSEWSDEIISGENNGLI6 315 14.5 Er24'so 0‘max __<i<EJ§|3UITS (ISM LY 315 ugxsns95'2f (NE) IE=Ju5.aI‘2's‘(SE) 1732 LF aurr FUSED 24‘NDPE o s Elms 50‘2‘.(NW) 5 :51 n 2-4a‘''.12 .50“L K H5 _______.#___.___.,_____ ? pm l6+M.25 (2o.5'LT) cc-323.50 |K‘'0E-322.65.gs:sn (NE) 305 E=mf5-?;‘f‘”_’_.‘ 7 WW ,_______ >>>> __ V _305 24"HDPE VERTICAL BEND ‘v 1 x Image taken from plan sheet DP3 AGENDA ITEM #7. d) CITYOFRENTON CHANGE ORDER No.8 “Resolution of Conflict PSE Conduit and Proposed HDPE Pipe” Date:August ist,2017 Page 5 of 8 JUSTIFICATIONS Road Construction NW,Prime Contractor City of Renton Sunset Lane NE PO Box 188 Registration No.RCNW*CN978L6 1)Why is this change order being written?(Describe) This change order is being written to resolve the conflict between the proposed 24"Storm Sewer Pipe between CB#14 and CB#61 and the existing PSE Conduits which could not be moved. 2)What did the plans and specifications require? The plans and specifications required the contractor to install a 24"Storm Sewer Pipe between CB#l 4 and CB#6l.The plans do not identify any conflicts with this proposed pipe.The specifications require the contractor to complete this work as part of the allowed 220 working days. 3)Why won't the current plans work? The current plans won’t work because two PSE Conduits were in conflict with the proposed 24"Storm Sewer Pipe between CB#l 4 and CB#6l.The current specifications won't work because the 220 working days allowed in the contract do not account for the time that the contractor was delayed due the inability to install the 24"Storm Sewer Pipe between CB#l 4 and CB#6l as they planned on their approved critical path schedule.This delay was partially caused by pushing the critical path work and partially caused by the increased durations of activities clue to inability to use two crews as was originally planned. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) JUSTIFICATIONS Page 6 of 8 4)Which items will be added by this Change Order? CO8-A82 —Fabricate and Install 24"HDPE bend at PSE Conduit Conflict- Schedule A CO8—A83 —Revise Schedule and Revised Work Plan to Continue Work During Resolution of PSE Conduit Conflict —Schedule A CO8-A84 —Added Erosion/Water Pollution Control related to PSE Conduit Conflict -Schedule A 5)Which items will be affected by this Change Order?(Include increased or decreased plan quantities) CO8-A82 -Fabricate and Install 24"HDPE bend at PSE Conduit Conflict - Schedule A CO8—A83 —Revise Schedule and Revised Work Plan to Continue Work During Resolution of PSE Conduit Conflict —Schedule A CO8-A84 —Added Erosion/Water Pollution Control related to PSE Conduit Conflict -Schedule A 6)What does this change order accomplish? This change order accomplishes the revision of the plans to resolve the conflict between the proposed 24"Storm Sewer between CB#l 4 and CB#6l and creates an item to compensate the contractor for the extra work to route the 24"HDPE under the existing conduits.This change order accomplishes the revision of the contract by adding 54 working days to the contract and by creating an item to compensate the contractor for the added equipment standby time and the added project overhead.This change order creates an item to compensate the contractor for the added Erosion/Water pollution control related to the PSE Conduit Conflict. 7)(A)How does this change order solve the problem? This change order solves the problem that is the conflict between the proposed 24"storm sewer pipe between CB#l 4 and CB#6i by providing AGENDA ITEM #7. d) Page 7 of 8 an added sheet which details the installation of a HDPE bend below the PSE Conduits connecting the HDPE pipe to the catch basin and by creating an item to compensate the contractor for this work. This change order solves the problem that is the insufficient amount of working days to achieve physical completion due to delays.These delays were a result of delays to the critical path work and extensions to activity durations due to the inability to use two crews.These delays were caused by the inability to install the 24"Storm Sewer Pipe between CB#l 4 and CB#6i .This change order solves the problem by revising the contract to add 54 working days to the contract and by creating an item to compensate the contractor for the added equipment standby time and the added project overhead. This change order solves the problem that is the lack of an item to track erosion/water pollution control work done as a direct result of the conflict between the PSE Conduits and the Proposed HDPE Pipe by creating an item to compensate the contractor for this work. (B)What is it you are asking the Contractor to do? We are asking the contractor to furnish and install a HDPE bend to route the 24"HDPE pipe under the PSE conduits.We are now asking the contractor to achieve physical completion within 274 working days.We are asking the contractor to perform Erosion/Water Pollution Control for the newly installed pipe that could not be connected due to the conflict with the PSE conduits and for the area that could not be backfilled clue to the conflict with the PSE conduits. 8)What new materials (if any)will be incorporated into this change order? None. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) JUSTIFICATIONS Page 8 of 8 9)Are you requiring the Contractor to use a speci?c procedure to do this work? If so please explain the procedure in as much detail as possible. We are requiring the contractor to create a bend out of HDPE pipe,connect the bend to the HDPE pipe,and then connect the bend to the catch basin. 10)which units will you be using for this C.O.?(square foot,square yard,cubic yard,ton,Force Account etc.)List the item and how it will be paid. CO8—A82 —Fabricate and Install 24"HDPE bend at PSE Conduit Conflict - Schedule A —Estimate CO8—A83 —Revise Schedule and Revised Work Plan to Continue Work During Resolution of PSE Conduit Conflict -Schedule A -Lump Sum CO8-A84 —Added Erosion/Water Pollution Control related to PSE Conduit Conflict —Schedule A —Estimate 1 1)Will working days be affected by this change order? YES_x_NO If YES state the number of days that will be affected by this change order: ?DAY.Justification(How was contractor's critical path affected?) The contractors critical path was affected by the conflict between the existing PSE conduit and the proposed 24"HDPE pipe.This delayed other work which was to be completed after the proposed HDPE pipe installation.This also extended durations of some activities because it limited the amount of work the contractor could perform and thereby prevented the contractor from running two crews as was originally planned for in the approved critical path schedule. 12)Will we need an updated Progress Schedule from the Contractor to show the impact of the additional work resulting from this C.O.? Yes X No AGENDA ITEM #7. d) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ANNEXING CERTAIN  TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF RENTON (TIM D ANNEXATION; FILE NO. A‐16‐002).     WHEREAS, under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120, as amended, a written petition for  annexation was presented and filed with the City Clerk on or about October 27, 2016; and   WHEREAS, prior to the filing and circulation of the petition for annexation to the City of  Renton, pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, the petitioning parties, comprised of property owners of  not less than ten percent (10%) in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation  of the area to be annexed, notified the City Council of their intention to commence the direct  petition for annexation proceedings; and   WHEREAS, after a public hearing, it was determined that the petitioning owners agreed  to accept that portion of the City's Comprehensive Plan as it pertains to the territory including  the applicable Zoning Code relating thereto; and    WHEREAS, the King County Department of Assessments examined and verified the  signatures on the petition for annexation on or about November 29, 2016, and determined that  the signatures represent at least sixty percent (60%) of the assessed value (excluding streets) of  the area to be annexed, as required by RCW 35A.14.120; and   WHEREAS, the Department of Community and Economic Development of the City of  Renton considered and recommended that the City of Renton annex the property; and  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) ORDINANCE NO. _______    2  WHEREAS, consistent with RCW 35A.14.130, the City Council set February 27, 2017, in  the City Council Chambers, City Hall, as the time and place for a public hearing on the petition  with notice as required by law; and    WHEREAS, pursuant to the notice, the public hearing was held at the time and place  specified, and the City Council considered all matters in connection with the petition and  determined that all legal requirements and procedures applicable to the RCW 35A.14.120   petition method for annexation have been met; and   WHEREAS, a "Notice of Intention," including all required information for review of the  annexation, was transmitted to the King County Boundary Review Board and approved as of June  8, 2017;    NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:   SECTION I. The findings, recitals, and determinations are hereby found to be true and  correct in all respects.  All requirements of the law in regard to the annexation by petition  method, including the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120, .130, .140, and .150 have been met.  It is  further determined that the petition for annexation to the City of Renton of the property and  territory described below is hereby approved and granted; the following described property  being contiguous to the city limits of the City of Renton is hereby annexed to the City of Renton,  and such annexation to be effective on and after the approval, passage, and thirty (30) days after  publication of this ordinance; and on and after said date the property shall constitute a part of  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) ORDINANCE NO. _______    3 the City of Renton and shall be subject to all its laws and ordinances then and thereafter in force  and effect; the property being described as follows:  See Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein    [The property, approximately 2.7‐acres, of which the southern and western  boundaries are coterminous with existing City limits. The southern boundary is  located near Northeast 25th Street and the western boundary is near Lynnwood  Avenue Northeast. Parcel lines near 124th Avenue Southeast comprise the eastern  boundary. Parcel lines near Northeast 26th Court comprise the northern  boundary.]     and the owners of the property within the annexation shall be subject to the City's  Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code.   SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30)  days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The  summary shall consist of this ordinance’s title.   A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Council, State of  Washington, and as otherwise provided by law.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of _____________________, 2017.                         Jason Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2017.                         Denis Law, Mayor   AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) ORDINANCE NO. _______    4 Approved as to form:             Shane Maloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:1979:7/17/17:scr    AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) Tim D. Legal Description That partion of the Northeast Quarter af the Northwest Quarter of Sectian 4,Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington bounded by the following: Bounded on the north by the plat of Paradise Estates, attording to Volume 95 of Plats, Page 093; Alsa baunded on the north by the plat of Paradise Estates No. 2, according ta Volume 102 of Plats, Page 031; Also bounded on the easi by the plat of Western Hills, according ta Valume 81 oF Plats, Pages 004 and 005; Alsa bounded on the south by city limits as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance#4095; Alsa baunded on the west by city limits as annexed by City of Rentan Qrdinance#4337; EXCEP'f the East 142.82 feet of the South 96 feet of the North 670.75 feet af the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said section. pANA o u,S P c , " '_. l C a` 44624 J,' O crs r,tE° e- QMAL LAI3DSJ 1 J2-oi AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) e t . a ° cs l f i iY;-___, Unincorporated Kmg County 1 Jr t f1 i q 1 v pg M"... f1 j) I1 s, . d...s f iI i s v„ a_a_ .-, s_. i i . ~ m--PrivatRd . .. r.. s • r 1 s S I s 9 'A 'T-z.. , 1 n yy 21 i ,,s 0 ° 27th t."( ` s x, k? i I . = i o I j b " 2'th S..r' -.....i._- \ . : T" 1 m3 , y i i i , 1 C r , r 5 _ _ _ _ .. r zs, r i oo,s`r c x NE 24tk A4 ! NE?qr,r r .. . I 1-; , -,City of Re on i Fs t __ _ . ,, a 2'dEl 7- - .% E m i / _ '1 ` , -- o I. 1 f z I t ; E-`-'( j r i ' v r `,><,i I I • rw!Q f .1-_ r ,I I PIE.23rr Stz t r ,.' , t 1--- ' .-Z _ 1r m i ( ( p u NE 22nd PI .7`__l "'Accesm t/ , p ,/ /.7.._ s- -- i_1,_ o. I ,r oo p d ' r a S s° . R 9`%- e r + ` a: s' R E S__'.r. i `'. a ;.:z t d f t Nf 22nd St ; izu ._,..t rt r_ r t_ tr J -. ._...i_ b fiJe2tsrsr t o r o9t°!!C,G. ,`' Sr 2L St41h er I AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING THE  ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ANNEXED WITHIN THE CITY OF  RENTON FROM R‐4 (URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE, KING  COUNTY ZONING) TO R‐4 (RESIDENTIAL 4 DU/AC; FOUR DWELLING UNITS PER  ACRE, CITY OF RENTON ZONING) (TIM D ANNEXATION, FILE NO. A‐16‐002).     WHEREAS, under Section 4‐2‐020 of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts – Uses and Standards, of  Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal code, as amended, and the maps and  reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has not been  zoned in the City of Renton; and   WHEREAS, property owners petitioned the City of Renton for annexation and concurrent  rezoning, which annexation having previously been approved and ordinance adopted which will  annex the property to the City of Renton, and the City having held two public hearings in the  matter of zoning, the first hearing being held on February 27, 2017, and the second hearing being  held on August 21, 2017, and the zoning being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan,  as amended, and the City Council duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties  were heard appearing in support or in opposition;   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby zoned to  R‐4.  The annual ordinance adopting the maps of the City’s zoning ordinance is hereby amended  to evidence the rezoning and the Administrator of the Community and Economic Development  AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) ORDINANCE NO. _______  2 Department is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the zoning ordinance, as  amended, to evidence the rezoning, to wit:  See Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein.    The property, approximately 2.7‐acres, of which the southern and western  boundaries are coterminous with existing City limits. The southern boundary is  located near Northeast 25th Street and the western boundary is near Lynnwood  Avenue Northeast. Parcel lines near 124t h Avenue Southeast comprise the eastern  boundary. Parcel lines near Northeast 26th Court comprise the northern  boundary.]     SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30)  days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The  summary shall consist of this ordinance’s title.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of _____________________, 2017.                         Jason Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2017.                         Denis Law, Mayor       AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) ORDINANCE NO. _______  3 Approved as to form:             Shane Maloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:1980:7/7/17:scr    AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) Tim D. Legal Description That partion of the Northeast Quarter af the Northwest Quarter of Sectian 4,Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington bounded by the following: Bounded on the north by the plat of Paradise Estates, attording to Volume 95 of Plats, Page 093; Alsa baunded on the north by the plat of Paradise Estates No. 2, according ta Volume 102 of Plats, Page 031; Also bounded on the easi by the plat of Western Hills, according ta Valume 81 oF Plats, Pages 004 and 005; Alsa bounded on the south by city limits as annexed by City of Renton Ordinance#4095; Alsa baunded on the west by city limits as annexed by City of Rentan Qrdinance#4337; EXCEP'f the East 142.82 feet of the South 96 feet of the North 670.75 feet af the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said section. pANA o u,S P c , " '_. l C a` 44624 J,' O crs r,tE° e- QMAL LAI3DSJ 1 J2-oi AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) e t . a ° cs l f i iY;-___, Unincorporated Kmg County 1 Jr t f1 i q 1 v pg M"... f1 j) I1 s, . d...s f iI i s v„ a_a_ .-, s_. i i . ~ m--PrivatRd . .. r.. s • r 1 s S I s 9 'A 'T-z.. , 1 n yy 21 i ,,s 0 ° 27th t."( ` s x, k? i I . = i o I j b " 2'th S..r' -.....i._- \ . : T" 1 m3 , y i i i , 1 C r , r 5 _ _ _ _ .. r zs, r i oo,s`r c x NE 24tk A4 ! NE?qr,r r .. . I 1-; , -,City of Re on i Fs t __ _ . ,, a 2'dEl 7- - .% E m i / _ '1 ` , -- o I. 1 f z I t ; E-`-'( j r i ' v r `,><,i I I • rw!Q f .1-_ r ,I I PIE.23rr Stz t r ,.' , t 1--- ' .-Z _ 1r m i ( ( p u NE 22nd PI .7`__l "'Accesm t/ , p ,/ /.7.._ s- -- i_1,_ o. I ,r oo p d ' r a S s° . R 9`%- e r + ` a: s' R E S__'.r. i `'. a ;.:z t d f t Nf 22nd St ; izu ._,..t rt r_ r t_ tr J -. ._...i_ b fiJe2tsrsr t o r o9t°!!C,G. ,`' Sr 2L St41h er I AGENDA ITEM # 9. b)   1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A SIX‐ FOOT (6’) ALLEY, LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF STEVENS AVENUE SW AND SW  SUNSET BOULEVARD.   (LANGSTON 14, LLC; VAC‐17‐001.)    WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a six‐foot (6’) alley as hereinafter more  particularly described was filed with the City Clerk on April 21, 2017, and that petition was  signed by the owners representing more than two‐thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon  the street or alley to be vacated; and  WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 4310, passed on May 22, 2017, set June  12, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton as the time and place  for a public hearing on this matter; and the City Clerk gave proper notice of this public hearing  as provided by law, and all persons were heard who appeared to testify in favor or in  opposition on this matter, and the City Council considered all information and arguments  presented to it to determine whether the vacation is in the public interest, whether the  property is not required for overall circulation of traffic within the City, and that the requested  vacation is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare; and  WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic  Development has considered this petition for vacation, and has found it to be in the public  interest and for the public benefit, and that it is unlikely that injury or damage to any person  or properties will result from this vacation; and  AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________    2  WHEREAS, on August 7, 2017, the City Council determined that the vacation should be  granted and adopted the recommendation of the Department of Community and Economic  Development to accept compensation at the appraised value of $2,925.00;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The following described alley, to wit:  (A six‐foot (6’) alley, located in the vicinity of Stevens Avenue SW and SW  Sunset Boulevard.)  See Exhibit A, and depicted in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part  hereof as if fully set forth herein, is hereby vacated.  SECTION II. Compensation is hereby set at the appraised value of $2,925.00 for the  six‐foot (6’) alley vacation.  SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after  publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall  consist of this ordinance’s title.      A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the King County Recorder’s Office,  and as otherwise provided by law.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2017.                       Jason A. Seth, City Clerk  AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________    3    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2017.                       Denis Law, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:1983:8/10/17:scr     AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________    4       AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________    5      AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING RMC  SECTIONS 6‐6‐1, 6‐6‐4, AND 6‐6‐5, REPEALING RMC SECTION 6‐6‐3, AND ADDING  A NEW RMC SECTION 6‐6‐13, “ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES,” ALL TO CLARIFY  OWNERS’ RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTROL THEIR ANIMALS, INCLUDING MAKING  ANIMAL OWNERS STRICTLY LIABLE FOR THEIR ANIMALS BEING AT LARGE AND  STRENGTHENING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY  AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.     WHEREAS, the City of Renton prioritizes the safety, security, health, and welfare of its  residents, visitors, and animals; and  WHEREAS, animals that are not kept under control by their owners negatively impact the  safety, security, health, and welfare of its residents, visitors, and animals; and    WHEREAS, to protect the safety, security, health and welfare of the City’s residents,  visitors, and animals, this ordinance imposes strict liability for those that fail to control their  animals;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. Section 6‐6‐1 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  6‐6‐1 UNLAWFUL TO RUN AT LARGE CONTROL OF ANIMALS OFF OWNER  PREMISES:  It shall be unlawful for any horses, cattle or other domestic animals, except for  dogs and cats, to run at large on any street, alley or public place or to trespass  upon any private property within the limits of the City; and it shall be unlawful for  the owner of any such animal or any person who has control of the animal or to  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  whom custody of the same has been entrusted, to permit the same to run at large  contrary to the provisions of this Chapter. A violation of this Section shall  constitute a civil infraction punishable by a fine of up to $250, not including costs.  A. Animal at Large: An Owner is in violation of this Section if his or her Animal  is At Large.  This subsection does not apply to (a) cats, or (b) dogs in an Off Leash  Dog Park so long as the dog and Owner are in compliance with all other applicable  rules and regulations.  If the Animal is a Vicious Animal or has previously been  declared a Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous Dog, the violation is punishable as  a misdemeanor.  Other violations of this subsection are punishable as an  infraction.    B. Injury Caused By Animal At Large:  An Owner is in violation of this Section  if, while his or her Animal is At Large, the Animal (a) physically injures a person or  domestic animal or (b) causes monetary damage to another person’s real or  personal property. A violation of this subsection is punishable as a misdemeanor.      C. Affirmative Defense:  This Section is intended to impose strict liability  upon Owners without requiring the City to prove intent, knowledge, recklessness,  or negligence.  However, an Owner may avoid a committed or guilty finding for  violations of this Chapter if the Owner proves as an affirmative defense by a  preponderance of the evidence that he or she took such precautions that were  within his or her control to prevent the violation as would a reasonable person in  the same or similar circumstances knowing what the owner knew or should have  known at the time about the animal’s disposition, past behavior and other  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  relevance circumstances.  It is not, by itself, an affirmative defense for an Owner  to establish that he or she was not present or that the animal was on a leash at  the time of the violation.  Multiple Owners may be charged with violating this  Section for the same occurrence.  SECTION II. Section 6‐6‐3 of the Renton Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety and  shall be marked “Reserved,” as follows:  6‐6‐3 FOWL AT LARGE:[RESERVED]  It shall be unlawful for any person to allow or permit any chicken, pigeon or other  domestic fowl owned or in the custody or control of said person, to run at large in  the City. The number of fowl permitted on a lot shall be consistent with RMC 4‐4‐ 010, Standards for Animal Keeping Accessory to Residential/Commercial Uses.  Violations of this Section shall constitute a civil infraction punishable by a fine of  up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), not including costs.  SECTION III. Section 6‐6‐4 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  6‐6‐4 DEFINITIONS:  For the purpose of this Chapter the following definitions shall be controlling:  A. ANIMAL: Any nonhuman mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian.  B. ANIMAL CONTROL AUTHORITY: An entity acting alone or in concert with  other local governmental units for enforcement of the animal control laws of the  City, County and State, and the shelter and welfare of animals.  C. ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER: Any individual employed, contracted with or  appointed by the City for the purpose of aiding in the enforcement of this Chapter  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  or any other law or ordinance relating to the licensure of animals, or seizure and  impoundment of animals, and includes any State or local law enforcement officer  or other employee whose duties in whole or in part include assignments that  involve the seizure and impoundment of any animal.  D. AT LARGE: An animal is “At Large” when it is (a) outside a premises owned  or controlled by the animal’s owner and (b) not Under Control.     E.  DANGEROUS DOG: Any dog that: (a) inflicts or has inflicted severe injury or  death on a human being without provocation on public or private property, (b)  inflicts or has inflicted severe injury or death on kills a domestic animal without  provocation while the dog is off the owner’s property, (c) has been previously  found to be potentially dangerous because of injury inflicted on a human, the  owner having received notice of such and the dog again aggressively bites, attacks  or endangers the safety of humans, or (d) has been adjudicated as a dangerous  dog elsewhere in this state or any other state.   F. DOMESTIC ANIMAL: An animal that is lawfully owned or harbored by a  person.   G. OFF‐LEASH DOG PARK: A specifically designated area within the confines  of a City‐owned public park which allows dogs to run or roam without being  leashed, as long as their owner, handler or custodian is nearby within the park  premises.   H. OWNER: Any person or legal entity who (a) harbors, keeps, causes or  permits an animal to be harbored or kept, (b) has an animal in his/her possession  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  5  or custody, (c) permits an animal to remain on or about his/her premises, or (d)  who has legal title to an animal., firm, corporation, organization or department  possessing, harboring, keeping, having an interest in or having control or custody  of an animal.   I. POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG: Any dog that when unprovoked: (a)  inflicts a bite or bites on a human or a domestic animal either on public or private  property, or (b) chases or approaches a person upon the streets, sidewalks or any  public grounds in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack, or any dog  with a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause  injury, or to cause injury or otherwise to threaten the safety of humans or  domestic animals.  J. PROPER ENCLOSURE OF A DANGEROUS DOG: While on the owner’s  property, a dangerous dog shall be securely confined indoors or in a securely  enclosed and locked pen or structure, suitable to prevent the entry of young  children and designed to prevent the animal from escaping. Such pen or structure  shall have secure sides and a secure top, and shall also provide protection from  the elements for the dog.  K. SEVERE INJURY: Any physical injury that results in broken bones or  disfiguring lacerations requiring multiple sutures or cosmetic surgery.  L.  UNDER CONTROL:  For an animal to be “under control,” it must be (a)  restrained by leash or other method that effectively restrains the animal from  approaching, chasing, jumping upon, or lunging at any person, moving vehicle, or  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  6  other domestic animal, except as welcomed by invitation or mutual play, (b)  restrained from entering private property or public property where such animal is  not authorized, and (c) restrained from causing damage or injury to property,  other animals, and/or persons.    M. VICIOUS ANIMAL: An animal other than a , including but not limited to a  dog that displays, that the Owner knows or should know has displayed the  characteristics or propensity to do an act that, if left At Large, might endanger the  safety of a person, animal, or property of another, including but not limited to a  disposition to mischief or fierceness as might occasionally lead to attack on human  beings or other animals without provocation, whether in play or an outbreak of  an untrained nature.  SECTION IV. Section 6‐6‐5 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  6‐6‐5 DOGS AT LARGE; REQUIREMENT OF LEASH OR CHAIN ADDITIONAL  VIOLATIONS:  It shall be a violation of this Chapter for any Owner:  A.    It shall be unlawful for any owner or custodian to cause, permit or allow  any dog owned, harbored, controlled or kept by him in the City to roam, run or  stray away from the premises where the same is owned, harbored, controlled or  kept, except that while away from said premises such dog shall at all times be  controlled by means of a leash or chain not exceeding eight feet (8') in length by  the owner or some duly authorized and competent person, or is at heel of such  owner or custodian, such control to be exercised by such owner or custodian or  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  7  other competent authorized person. “At heel” shall mean that the dog shall be  immediately at the owner’s or custodian’s heel; provided, however, that such  leash or chain is not required for any dog when otherwise safely and securely  confined or completely controlled while in or upon any vehicle. Furthermore, this  section shall not apply to dogs which are in special areas designated by the City as  dog training areas and/or designated off‐leash parks, and as long as the  regulations of the City, or its authorized representative, with respect to the use of  such areas are complied with and said dogs are under the custody and control of  a competent trainer. A violation of this Subsection shall constitute a civil infraction  punishable by a fine of up to $250, not including costs.   B.    It shall further be unlawful for any owner or custodian:  1.    To suffer or permit any animal, reptile or fowl to trespass upon private  or public property so as to damage, disturb, injure, destroy or soil any property or  thing of value. A violation of this Subsection shall constitute a civil infraction  punishable by a fine of up to $250, not including costs.  2.    To permit a dog to run at large within the City at any time without a  license as provided in Chapter 5‐4 RMC. A violation of this Subsection shall  constitute a civil infraction punishable by a fine of up to $250, not including costs.  3.    To permit any animal, whether licensed or not, to run at large in any  public park (other than a specifically designated off‐leash area of a public park),  public beach, pond, fountain, stream, public playground, school ground or any  other public facility permitting swimming and/or boating activities; provided,  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  8  however, that this section shall not prohibit a person from walking or exercising a  dog in a public area, except on any public beach, pond, stream or similar facility  which permits swimming and/or boating activities, when such dog is on a leash or  otherwise under the immediate control of its owner or custodian and proper  safeguards are taken to protect the public and property from injury or damage  from said dog. The Park Director is hereby authorized and directed to post such  areas as hereinabove set forth. A violation of this Subsection shall constitute a civil  infraction punishable by a fine of up to $250, not including costs.   4.    To permit any animal to enter any place where food is stored,  prepared, served or sold to the public or any other public building or hall;  provided, however, that this Subsection shall not apply to service dogs, blind  persons using a trained seeing eye dog, veterinary offices or hospitals, or to animal  shows or exhibitions where at least twenty four (24) hours’ advance notice has  been given to the agency designated herein to enforce the provisions of this  Chapter. A violation of this Subsection shall constitute a civil infraction punishable  by a fine of up to $250, not including costs.  5.    To permit any female dog, whether licensed or not, to run at large  while in heat. A female dog will be prohibited from entering any designated off‐ leash area of a public park during the period in which the dog is in heat. A violation  of this Subsection shall constitute a civil infraction punishable by a fine of up to  $250, not including costs.   AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  9  6.    To permit any dog to chase, run after or jump at vehicles using the  public streets and alleys. A violation of this Subsection shall constitute a civil  infraction punishable by a fine of up to $250, not including costs.  A. 7.    To keep or harbor any dog, cat or other animal or fowl whether licensed  or not, that emits habitual howling, yelping, barking or other frequent, long, or  continued noise that would disturb a reasonable person. The first or second  violation of this Subsection shall constitute a civil infraction punishable by a fine  of up to $250, not including costs. Any subsequent violation of this Subsection  shall constitute a misdemeanor in accordance with RCW 9A.20.021(3), as now or  hereafter amended.  B. 8.    To keep, harbor or maintain any dangerous dog, potentially dangerous  dog, or vicious animal in a manner which may or does endanger the safety, health  and well being of persons or the safety of property being or located off the  owner’s or custodian’s premises or lawfully on said premises. A violation of this  Subsection shall constitute a misdemeanor in accordance with RCW 9A.20.021(3),  as now or hereafter amended.  9.    To allow a dangerous dog, potentially dangerous dog, or vicious animal  to run at large at any time, or allow such dog or animal off the owner’s or  custodian’s premises unless securely leashed and in the control of a person of  suitable age and discretion to control and/or restrain such dog or animal at all  times. A violation of this Subsection shall constitute a misdemeanor in accordance  with RCW 9A.20.021(3), as now or hereafter amended.  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  10  C.    Any dog doing or performing any of the acts prohibited in this Section is  hereby declared to be a public nuisance and such animal may be seized and  impounded by the City’s Animal Control Officer, or its duly designated  representative.  D.    This Section shall not apply to police animals while being exhibited,  exercised or used in discharging or attempting to discharge any lawful duty or  function or power of office, by any bona fide officer or representative of such  officer, or any police agency.  SECTION V. Chapter 6‐6 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended to add a new  section 6‐6‐13, to read as follows:  6‐6‐13 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES:  A. Public Nuisance: All violations of this Chapter are declared a public  nuisance and may, in addition to penalties provided herein, be enforced as a code  violation under the authority of Chapter 1‐3 of the Renton Municipal Code.  The  code compliance inspector has authority to order the owner of any animal to take  steps necessary and appropriate to abate the nuisance and prevent any continuing  or repeated violations of this Chapter.    B. Penalties: Except as otherwise specified, any violation of this chapter shall  be punishable as a civil infraction. Violations identified herein to be misdemeanors  are punishable as provided in RMC 1‐3‐1.    C. Police Animals Exempt:  This Chapter shall not apply to police animals  while being exhibited, exercised or used in discharging or attempting to discharge  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  11  any lawful duty or function or power of office, by any bona fide officer or  representative of such officer, or any police agency.  SECTION VI. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or work of this  ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court or competent jurisdiction,  such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the constitutionality of any other  section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance.  SECTION VII. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after  publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary shall  consist of this ordinance’s title.      PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2017.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2017.                         Denis Law, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD:1981:8/9/17:scr    AGENDA ITEM # 9. d)