HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions Tabled or Defeated (1974) Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/18/74 Pg. 3 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Funding City Shop Finance and Personnel Committee Report submitted by Chairman Schellert Storage recommended appropriation of$1 ,700 from excess revenue received from Remodeling the sale of surplus traffic control and lighting equipment, into Traffic Engineering budget account 104/542.90.39.00, for the necessary remodeling of the City Shop storage area. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Fire Station Council President Clymer announced Special Fire Station Committee Committee consisting of Councilmen Delaurenti , Stredicke and Clymer with first meeting as shown on attached schedule. Trail System MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, QUESTION OF THE TRAIL SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. P.S.G.C. Councilman Stredicke asked Councilmen to note his report submitted re recent trip to Los Angeles as representative for the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, along with Mayor Garrett. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert approved for pay- #2297-2308 Voided ment Vouchers No. 2309 through 2491 in the amount of $145,037. 11 #2309-2491 O. K. (No. 2297 through 2308 machine voided in processing) , Vouchers having received departmental certification as to receipt of services and/or merchandise. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted resolution extend- ing provisions of "Bill of Rights" to other officers of the Renton Resolution #1897 Police Department not included when heretofore City and the Renton "Bill of Rights" Police Officers Guild, as part of the Collective Bargaining process, Renton Police amended Article III (Employment Practices) by adopting a so-called Department "Bill of Rights for the members of the Renton Police Officers Guild. Following reading of the resolution by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1898 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted resolution closing L. I.D. 248 Fund L. I. D. #248 Fund and transferring $2,911 .36 unto Local Improvement Closed District Guaranty Fund 602/271 . Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLU- TION AS READ. CARRIED.. Proposed Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented resolution for Resolution adoption prohibiting all smoking in the Council Chambers during Ban on Smoking regular and special meetings of the City ._ ng in line with Governor's pros,,.,,-„- .:; _r;. ArliCdll Society request. Follow- ing readi gq of the resolution, it was moved by Perry and'seconded by • Stredicke that resolution be adopted. It was subsequently MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE TABLED. Roll Call : AYE - CLYMER, GRANT, BRUCE,• DELAURENTI and SCHELLERT, NO - STREDICKE and PERRY. MOTION CARRIED, RESOLUTION TABLED. Ordinance #2838 Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented requested by the Motor Vehicle Finance Director creating and establishing a "Motor Vehicle Intoxica- Intoxication tion Fund" in accordance with State law. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED Fund BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following reading of ordinance creating and establishing revenue fund 606/208.04, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call : ALL AYES. CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. First Reading Legislz'-.i, �::.7or4'nrl ordinance for first Ordinanc^ "^ Ec�iii<< •_..:,Eci; -.es c., nfFicers of Officials the City, listing those elective officers as Mayor and Councilmen and Salaries appointive officers as those appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council : Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED Renton City Council Meeting Minutes of 3/18/74 Pg. 4 ORDINANCES - Continued First reading BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEE TO BE HELD FOR Continued ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Upon inquiry from Councilman Grant, the appoint- ive officials were listed: Finance Director, City Attorney, Munici- pal Court Judge, Personnel Director, Planning Director,Director of Public Works, Police and Fire Chief per applicable Civil Service laws. The Library Director and Park Directors appointed by the Boards; Airport Director not covered by ordinance at this time. Ordinance #2839 An ordinance which had been placed on first reading March 11 , 1974, was L. I .D. 279 presented by Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke for second and Final Assessment final readings. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance confirming final Roll - Sewers assessment roll for L. I .D. 279 Sanitary Sewers in the Talbot Rd.S. area. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2840 An ordinance having been placed on first reading March 11 , 1974 was Uniform Fire Code presented for second and final reading, which adopted and established 1973 Edition by reference a "Uniform Fire Code, 1973 Edition" describing regula- tions governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and/or explosions. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Discussion of legal gasoline storage cans ensured. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2841 An ordinance providing for appropriation of funds was presented for Appropriation of reading, appropriating and transferring excess revenue to purchase Funds $1 ,700 material to remodel City shop area to provide for the storage of Remodel City traffic materials now stored in the Highlands Administration Bldg. Shops Following first reading of the ordinance and a request from the Public Works Director as to the need for use of the funds, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk read ordinance appropriating $1 ,700. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Animal Control MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , QUESTION OF ANIMAL KENNEL LICENSE OR LIMITING THE NUMBER OF DOGS PER HOUSEHOLD, BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR DRAFTING AN ORDINANCE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Myrtle Clymer, 505 Windsor Pl . N.E. , inquired as to upkeep on FHA repossessed houses and noted number of junk cars in the area. Mayor Garrett asked Police Chief Darby to check cars. Councilman Clymer noted low standards of FHA on remodeling. School Levy MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL BY UNANIMOUS VOTE ENDORSE THE MARCH 26, 1974 SCHOOL LEVY. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. Meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. c. 72vd Delores A. Mea , Cit Clerk ROLL CALL VOTE DATE / —7 y ORD. # J SUBJECT: AYE / NO CLYMER, Pres. GRANT / BRUCE v STREDICKE v PERRY DELAURENTI SCHELLERT !/ TOTAL } RESOLUTION NO . /Kgg WHEREAS the Governor of the State of Washington has heretofore issued Ids proclamation in conjunction with the appeal of the American Cancer Society to protect and promote the right of hoV� - smokers to be free from the uigggmmg smoke of others, and WHEREAS this right issupported by medical research • evidencing the harmful effects of aY.�_E. smoke to smokers as well as non-smokers alike, and . WHEREAS it is in the public interest to prohibit ekga - e, smoking at regular and special council. meetings , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR. AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The above findings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct. . SECTION II A11 a ' . -rLLe smoking s the grec3 a man::_: y Lhe ov-erri-or: ot _,the . S La Le o-f Wa-s-h4ngton is hereby prohibited during regular and special council meetings in the Council. Chambers , Renton City Hall. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this , day of March, 1974 . Delores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of March, 1974 . Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney . King County Unit _(A, 7y AVERICAN CANCERH119 WEST HARRISON STREET • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98119 • 284-7993 BOCIETY February 27, 1974 Dear Mayor: Perhaps you have already read Governor Evan's statement on not smoking. Enclosed you will find a copy of his proclamation and the Non-Smokers Bill of Rights; In Tukwila, the City Council passed a resolution to prohibit smoking at Council Meetings. We of the American Cancer Society applaud this endeavor and urge you and your City Council to give this matter your favorable con- sideration. Not only will many people be grateful, but you will be contri- buting to cleaner air and promoting better health. It would be of great assistance to us if we could have a favorable response from you in this matter. Sincerely yours, 42-tkv i2e-66/ &oan Todd, (Mrs. Frank) Chairman Education Committee King County Unit American Cancer Society JT/vr Encls. +ffpQ�y��a9 '•..v,, Nun- 'uwkrr'ti itit of 1&ig1tLI IC NON-SMOKERS HELP PROTECT THE HEALTH, COMFORT AND SAFETY OF EVERYONE BY INSISTING ON THE FOLLOWING RIGHTS: THE RIGHT TO BREATHE CLEAN AIR ti( NON-SMOKERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO BREATHE CLEAN AIR, FREE FROM HARMFUL AND I RRITAT- °i - INGTOBACCO SMOKE.THIS RIGHT SUPERSEDES THE RIGHT TO SMOKE WHEN THE TWO CONFLICT. THE RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT 11`' NON-SMOKERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS - FIRMLY BUT POLITELY -THEIR DISCOMFORT AND ADVERSE REACTIONS TO TOBACCO SMOKE. THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOICE THEIR OB- 4`, JECTIONS WHEN SMOKERS LIGHT UP WITHOUT ASKING PERMISSION. THE RIGHT TO ACT <<� NON-SMOKERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE ACTION THROUGH LEGISLATIVE CHANNELS, SOCIAL PRESSURES OR ANY OTHER LEGITIMATE MEANS - AS INDIVIDUALS OR IN GROUPS - TO PRE- VENT OR DISCOURAGE SMOKERS FROM POLLUTING THE ATMOSPHERE AND TO SEEK THE RE- STRICTION OF SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES. H. ` , Washington State Interagency Council on Smoking and Health,P.O. Box 1705, Olympia,Washington 98507' ,1 • .z.- L4,0 STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF ?HE GOVERNOR OLYMPIA CANIEL J. EVANS GOVCRNOR A STATEMENT BY THE GOVERNOR Healthful living and working conditions are esoential to all people for the enjoyment of lifer The Washington State Interagency Council on Smoking and Health is promoting the right of the non-smoker to be free from the cigarette smoke of others. This right is supported by medical research that now shows the non-smoker's health is impaired when he must breathe the smoke from other's clgarettes This is particularly true in conference rooms and other meeting places where ventilation is insuf- ficient to remove the smoke from the air., Therefore, I, Daniel J. Evans, Governor of the State of Wishington, in recognition of the hazard of cigarette smoke to non-smokers and in support of the Washington Lateragency Council on Smoking and Heillth, proclaim January 11 - 17, 1974 THE RIGHT OF THE NON-SMOKER WEEK in Washingion. I urge all citizens to. work toward recognizing the right of non-smokers to be free from cigarette smoke pollution in their work and recreation „ 9 • Daniel Ev2n3 Governor 6 T3- 3 4 ks.; r., ,•• 6 .714'y r"0 tr • AepoS Ja:weJt ueopewV 6uows you JOJ noA UBqj Thank you for not smoking Americanj,Cancer Society , v a L.)~ ' 08 1` THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 g ' �,o �. AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR O,S) 4T4' 0 SEPjE0" MEMORANDUM TO: Del Mead, City Clerk DATE : February 26 , 1974 FROM: Mayor Garrett SUBJECT: Appointment of Airport Director This is to officially notify you that I am appointing Mr. Del Bennett as Airport Director for the City of Renton effective Friday, March 1, 1974 . This is pursuant to the effective date of the ordinance abolishing the Aviation Board and its respon- sibilities, including that of appointing an Airport Director. LAO/IL— ery Gar ett, Mayor cc : City Council Members Del Bennett All Department Heads Cc � e r RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 4 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the, Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF WILLIAM J. GRANT, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI, Council President Pro tem; HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCILMEN EARL CLYMER AND KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City IN ATTENDANCE Attorney; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; CAPT. BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Department Rep. ; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent and JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant. MINUTES FOR MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 25, APPROVAL 1974 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. 2/25/74 This being the date set and proper notices having been published PUBLIC HEARING and posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hear- L. I .D. 279 ing to consider the final assessment roll for L. I.D. 279, Sanitary Talbot Road S. Sewer Project for Talbot Road South. Clerk presented complaint filed Sanitary Sewers by Mr. Frank Nakanishi, 3315 Talbot Rd.S. , that assessment of $3,319,64 was too high, that this benefits the developer that can sell lots , Final Assessment that the contractor plugged drain field, tore up fence and left $57,088. 14 Total downed trees. Public Works Director Gonnason outlined project with the aid of display map, explaining original estimate on project $82,012.00 and the actual assessment $57,088.14; that the contractor has filed $1 ,000 performance bond guaranteeing final restoration in the spring; that the Public Works Department recommends protest be overruled and final assessment roll' be confirmed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL AS PRESENTED BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Mrs. Joan Todd, Chairman, Education Committee of the King County Unit of the American Cancer Society enclosed Governor Non-Smokers Evan's statement on not smoking and the Non-Smokers Bill of Rights, Bill of Rights urging City Council to adopt a resolution prohibiting smoking at Council meetings, as Tukwila has done. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER THE MATTER OF BANNING SMOKING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Proposed LID 284 Letter from City Clerk Mead presented Petition filed for creation of Sanitary Sewer Local Improvement District for sanitary sewer installation in the Jones Ave. N.E. vicinity of Jones Ave. N.E. between N.E. 40th and N.E 44th Streets. N.E. 40 - 44th Letter recommended the Petition be referred to the Department of Public Works for certification as to validity of percentage of signa- tures and ownerships, along with referral to the Board of Public Works and the Public Works Committee for recommendation. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, PUBLI( WORKS COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. SR-515 Letters in response to Resolution 1893 urging completion of SR 515 Response to through the City and connection to I-405 were read: Senate Transpor- Resolution #1893 tation & Utilites Committee Chairman Gordon L. Walgren, State llth District Representative Shinpoch, llth District State Senator Grant, and Department of Highways Director Andrews who urged a sub-regional transportation study, both auto and transit, to precede any action modifying the highway system in the City. Letter from Renton City Council C• Meeting 3/4/74 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued SR-515 Mayor Garrett suggested the matter of a sub-regional transporta- tion study be referred to the Planning Commission, the Council 's Sub-Regional Transportation Committee and the City's bard of Public Works for Transportation further consideration, as he felt it is essential that the City Study resolve the long range question of SR 515, Puget Sound Governmental Conference's 1990 Transportation Plan and relating to updating Compre- hensive Land Use Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Upon inquiry of Councilman Stredicke as to cost of study, Public Works Director Gonnason reported $90,000 total , with $30,000 for transit and $60,000 for highway element, being hopeful of plan and research money on matching program; that although funds removed from the 1974 Budget, the study was approved in the 6-year construc- tion program, that application had been made to Puget Sound Govern- mental Conference prior to Budget cut: Gonnason confirmed Council- man Perry that Budget funds could be provided if matching funds available. ROLL CALL: 3 Aye, PERRY, DELAURENTI and SCHELLERT: 2 NO, GRANT and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton Historical City Clerk Mead submitted for approval the Historical Society lease Society Lease to the West Wing of the Highlands Administration Building, reflect- LAG 1934-72 ing change in date of availability from March 1 , 1975 to May 1 , Supplement #1 1974. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND CITY BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Public Service Letter from Mayor Garrett presented Department of Labor and Employees Industries Notice of Presentation Hearing on March 19, 1974 from Local #674 Mr. Willard Olson, Assoc. Chief Labor Mediator, to consider petition from Public Service Employees Local #674 requesting certification Presentation as bargaining representative for Supervisors , Dept. Heads and Managers. Hearing 3/19/74 Mr. Olson requested listing of all personnel classified under those headings. Mayor Garrett' s letter requested this matter be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee for coordination and consideration of input from Mayor' s Office, City Attorney and Finance & Personnel Committee prior to the March 19 Hearing. .MOVED BY DELAURENTI SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, SUBJECT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT , Purchasing Agent Church introduced Mr. Bob McGirr from Melbourne, Mr. Bob McGirr Australia, visiting Renton, taking delivery on planes for Australian Airlines, who was welcomed by the Mayor. Mr. G. T. McDaniels Mr. Gene T. McDaniels submitted letter to the Clerk for presentation to the Council . In order that extra copies could be made, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:03 p.m. Roll Call : All present as previ- ously recorded. Upon reading of the McDaniel letter listing flood damage and events leading to the filing of suit against the City on March 13, 1972 and objecting to the restrictions which would be placed against his property on May Creek by the proposed Shore- line Management Ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Mr. McDaniel also presented lettersfrom Mrs. Phyllis Arnold and ►Department of Public Assistance regarding rental property, as supporting documents to his letter. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Garrett's appointment of Mr. Del Bennett as Airport Director Airport Director effective March 1 , 1974, was read; noting appointment pursuant to Mr. Del Bennett the effective date of the ordinance abolishing the Aviation Board and its responsibilities , including appointment of Airport Director. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF MR. DEL BENNETT AS AIRPORT DIRECTOR. CARRIED. Letter of reappointment of Mr. Norman L. Ross, Jr. , to the Renton Planning Commission for a six-year term, expiring 1/1/79, was reads noting Ross' dedicated membership in the commission since 1968. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED SCHELLERT, REFER APPOINTMENT TO FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • • • Renton City Council Meeti, • Minutes of 2/25/74 - Page-4 OLD .BUSINESS - Continued Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted report and Committee Report findings of the Committee which was provided to the gasoline dealers of the area to substantiate their request for additional Gasoline gasoline allocations , requesting approval and entry into official Allocation records. The report prepared by the City in cooperation with Report service stations showed the base year for present gas allocations of 1972 as a bad year in Renton with 25% apartment vacancy, employ- ment low, streets torn up by construction, Boeing employment low and a loss of 20 service stations in area. The report signed by Mayor and Councilmen asked' immmediate action as crisis affecting safety and welfare of citizens , as well as industry and business. Boeing Commercial Airplane Company letter verified increase in employment of more than 16,000 persons in the Seattle-Renton area. Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason verified construction and report included a Gasoline Consumption Report which showed realistic base for gallon per month allotments with a 25% increase over the 1972 allocations. Upon request of Councilman Perry, City Clerk Mead read letter of Mayor Garrett which expressed . pleasure with cooperation between Executive and Legislative branches of Renton City Government on the gasoline problem to assist residents during gasoline crisis. MOTION BY CLYMER, WITH SECOND BY SCHELLERT, ASKED COUNCIL CONCURRENCE IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Perry announced meetings being scheduled with the oil companies individually. Legislation I Legislation Committee Chairman Stredicke returned the matter of Committee impeachment of the President of the United States to the Council Report / without recommendation as he felt the matter of impeachment of the I President was an improper subject for a non-political , Renton City Impeachment / Council committee, urging those interested citizens to contact / their representatives at the national level . Those persons present ' l asking the City to adopt proposed resolution presented 2/11/74: / Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Robel., 3606 Meadow Ave. N. ; Mr. Lenus Westman, . 19415 143rd Place S. E. ; Mr. Kemper Mullins 15646 S. E. 138th Place. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened at 10:59 p.m. All Councilmen present at Roll Call . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, SUBJECT OF REQUEST FOR RESOLUTION FOR IMPEACHMENT BE TABLED AND INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS BE ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT—NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES. . CARRIED-. Intersection MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SUBJECT MATTER OF of Sunset & N. E. SUNSET BLVD. CROSSING AT KIRKLAND AVE. N.E. BE REFERRED TO Kirkland N.E. THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Review of MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THE MATTER OF DOG KENNELS Animal Control BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. , Ordinance CARRIED. Salaries MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , SUBJECT OF TITLE I , Elected/Appointive CHAPTER 11 .)F THE CITY CODE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGAL OFFICE FOR Offices CLARIFICATION. CARRIED. Joint Use of MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE School COUNCIL BE SET FOR THRUSDAY MARCH 14, 1974 TO MEET WITH RENTON Facilities SCHOOL BOARD FOR JOINT USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Letter from Council President Clymer requested concurrence in National League attendance at the National League of Cities Congressional City of Cities Conference in Washington, D.C. March 3 through March 6, 1974, Conference announcing appointment to the Human ;Resources Development Committee with the first meeting during the conference. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECOND PERRY, GRANT REQUEST, Roll Call : All Aye, Clymer abstained. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted committee . APPROVAL report recommending payment of Vouchers No. 1772 through 2048 in #1574 - #1771 Void amount. of $446,264.20 having received departmental certification as #1772 - #2048 O. K. to receipt of merchandise and/or services, asking Voucher No. 1807 Except #1807 be withheld for further review; Vouchers No. 1574 through 1771 were voided in processing. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED DELAURENTI , COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #1772 - 2048, EXCEPT VOUCHER #1807. CARRIED. / , . , . RENTON CITY COUNCIL ' • Regular Meeting February 11 , 1974 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M .. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led tAle Pledge of Allegiance and called the Meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI , GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT.. CITY OFFICIALS . AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Director; G. t.iR SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; SCOTT HASKINS, Legislative Aide; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; HUGH DARBY , Police Chief; RICHARD GEISLER, Assistant Fire Chief; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; RICHARD HOUGHTON, Acting Public Works Director and VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. MINUTES FOR Upon inquiry by Council President Clymer for corrections or addi- APPROVAL tions to the Council Minutes of 2/4/74, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, correction to Page 1., L. ID. 282 Hearing , in motion by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce, remove the word "Proceed" and insert the word "Negotiate" , so that motion reads : Public Hearing be closed, that L. I .D. 282 be terminated and authorization . given for Public Works Department to negotiate installation of water main in Aberdeen Ave. N.E. between N.E. 27th and 28th, home owners bearing cost of materials ; also, Page 3, Parking on Burnett Ave. S. ,"Stredicke" name be removed in 15th line first paragraph "Clymer" inserted. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. Special Presentation Fireman Bruce Phillips introduced his daughter, Julie,and Stefanie Parkinson, Issaquah High School students observing City government. CORRESPONDENCE City Clerk presented February 7, bid opening for Orillia Sanitary Sewers, L. 1 .D. 273, reporting five bids received , (as shown on the Bid Opening attached tabulAtion) reporting Engineer's confirmation of bid L. I. D. 273 totals not yet completed. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, , BID RESULTS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE Mr. Eugene Robel , 3606 Meadow Ave. N. , presented proposed resolution COMMENT which urged the House of Representatives to vote to impeach Presi- ent Richard Nixon so that a full public hearing may be held. Mrs. Resolution Thorun Robel gave further information, along with Mr. Ray Campbell Request Re 114 S. . 12th St. ,. Renton. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Impeachment SUBJECT OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION REGARDING IMPEACHMENT BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Mr. Robel noted petition bearing 1 ,500 signatures delivered to Mr. Joel Pritchard, U.S. Congressman. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee Shoreline Master report recommended Public Hearing, ,Monday, February 25, 1974 on Plan - 2/25/74 the Shoreline Master Plan. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY Public Hearing STREDICKE, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • Sign Ordinance Community Services Committee report stated the Ad Hoc Committee on Signs completed review of the Sign Ordinance and made recommenda- tions and will be presented to Council upon completion of typing in approximately two weeks. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT AND SIGN ORDINANCE BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. 1973 Edition Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti presented committee Fire Code report recommended adoption of the 1973 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Commi- ttee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY 'COMMITTEE AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. ry • • • • • Feb. 6, 1974 • • . Request from D - hubgrt— �5=1,67?) asking that the Redmond City Council pass the following resolution : • "We urge the House of Representatives to vote to impeach President Richard Ma Nixon so that a full public hearing on the facts may take place in conformity with the .procedures established by the Con- stitution. • Evidence has been developed sufficient to establish probable cause that the President or persons acting under his direct authority may be responsible for acts which constitute high crimes and misdemeanors ' under the Constitution. Among such evidence are statements by witnesses and in documents sugrest- ing repeated violations of the fundamental constitutional rights of Americans, corrupt practices, interference with fair election practices, • and obstruction of justice. The constitutional powers of government should be employed to develop the whole truth with regard to these alleged violations of law and to take appropriate means to assure that our government observes the law . scrupulously, /4;1 / • • • • • • • • • , Jr1,41t4olatilikikAgtoi.24..?,,.. 4',.i.1•1744Q,,,ii&Ik.,‘,..-ui..,..a.,,y4..,,,,,...,.,,:,,,,..,.w.i.e.a,.,...,....... ..,. .,..,..-,....,,..m„,„,„.,„,„___ - - . . , .1 141tk/ • . •• CI., 9 #21 6/..c2 -1...;• -1,--.^--t.--c-1_sZ. :10 , L g 7 5--- 6,4 Request from Susan Willenborg (Al. 5-584.3 ) asking that the Renton Oie City Council pass A the following resolution :if '-54r 7,We urge the Rouse of Representatives to vote to imoeecb President Richard M. , PAxon so that a full public hearing on the facts may tee i, place in conformity with the procedures established hy the Consti- tution. ,..i " I nridence has been developed sufficient to establish probable cause . . that the President or persons acting under his direct authority may be responsible for acts which constitute high crimes and misdemeanors under the Constitution. Among such evidence are statements by witnesses end in documents suggest- ing repeated violations of the fundamental constitutional tights of Americans , corrupt practices , interference with fair election prac- tices and obstruction of justice. The constitutional powers of government, should be employedtto develop the whole truth with rer.:ard to these alleged violations of law end • to take apnronriate means to assure that our government observes the law take *This same resolution is being presented . this week to the King County Council and the Seattle , Bellevue , Percer island, Tukwila , Issaquah, Redmond , (7.,:, Kirkland. City Councils. re-,- /:,---c-i - 41'''1°--1 ,-" i'iN 7,7% ii, C V-_e? ,1,17-- , V -- •:C-e-c."' I; ..2 11/ - x:-D-- ? 64•91,),11,-. .-,..ceti --We''-'14 i fr-.S.,et..<4.' l.,.."--..-- , 1.4_,..-L ..,71 ,. .` • 6' c 1 974 ,...t., p r P.r.: V 1:1) c•••••:.:•1 • ,.. ,, -• -?7.--::: ,,,,,,, ,,t RENTON .,,';/ ,-,•,.,, •„o E il -'- i cjI i ii /.1 •,...,,L, 6.),,,, ..4,,,_. , L-4---Ct...., i,,t.A..A.,(t-I•,..;': :`,.,.. ,-t,.-- / --- I' •