HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Ordinance - Highlands Hospital District Purchase (1969) RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Office of City Clerk /Ii April 28 , 1969 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council w c- lied to order by D. W. Custer , Mayor, at 8 : 00 p.m. in the . Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building . • The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS : Perry, Barei , Shane , Grant , Bruce , Maxin, Edwards , Garrett , Trimm, Delaurenti , Schellert and Morris . OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT : D . W. Custer , Mayor , Helmie Nelson, City Clerk , Dorothea Gossett , City Treasurer , G . M. Shellan , City Attorney , Clarence Williams , Chief of Police , Vic Tegantvoort , Street Commissioner, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Del Bennett , Traffic Engineer, James Magstadt , Asst . Planning Director and. Bernard Ruppert , Building Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY EDWARDS , THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF APRIL 21 , 1969 BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN AND MAILED OUT. CARRIED . PUBLIC HEARING : Proposed Emergency Ordinance appropriating monies for the purpose of providing funds for purchase of real estate located in the Highlands District of the City . This being the date, set , the hearing was , declared open . The proposed Ordinance was read and audience comment invited. Mr . Robert Boggs objected to the $400 , 000 . 00 price of. the property and inquired as to the_ original zoning on the property which Asst . Planning Director Magstadt advised was GS-1 or single, family residential use with 35 , 000 sq. ft . lot size require=' . ments . Mr . Art Scholes , 1708 Ferndale S .E . inquired regarding date of acquisition and was advised it was about 10 years ago and upon inquiry as to- cost at that time was advised by Mr . Norman Ross that it cost $30 , 000 . 00 which Mr . Scholes , comparing with the present $400 ,000. 00 price did not feel the council should pay..:• '.Mrs . Judith Stoleson , 1633 Ferndale added that development costs would cascade the price of the property and felt there were other properties available at a lesser cost . Mr . Frank Storey 1325.:Kennewick . said that the cost was outrageous noting other possible developments and restrictive use of this lacation.Mr . Jim Denzer , 3613 Lake Wn . Blvd . North , noted Kennydale Beach is near condemnation from sewage and he felt the, $400 , 000 . 00 should be used for trunk sewers in .this area. Mr . Gene McDaniels , 1925 N.E . 31st Place ,noted 'funding and pointed .out- that if •apar.tment zoning is forced more schools will be needed resulting in. greater cost to the tax- payer . Mr . Albert Vaughn, 3013 N . E , 8th stated that since higher zoning had been previously denied and the property value should not be based on that zoning . Mr . Norman Ross , 450 Index P1 . N .E . reviewed actions of the Council resulting in a . lower cost than appraisal value urging the acquisition as was given concurrence by 54 . 25% of the voters , pointing but development and self-paying recreation project in Yakima . of a like nature . Further discussio ensued regarding .the appraisals , comparisons to privately owned property valu=s and availability of other properties . Mr . Bruce Hulse noted privar.y question to be whether a park is needed in the location and whether the purchase was a . • Park Board recommendation;4_also.use :as golf course , in which event people ' would travel some distance to use it...,.if it werec.to-be used a-s: a°:neighborhood park it should be located near the neighborhood served, the question being is this the-plape for a park and did the Park Board recommend it. Norm Ross read a letter from the Park Director recommending change in the Comprehensive Plan to reflect Park and Recreation use . Mr. Boggs inquired whether the Council could be forced to rezone for multiple use and it was noted that a court decision would supply such an answer , it being noted that present zoning is GS-1 . At conclusion of discussion , it was MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED`. :The hearing.:'.was declared. .. clo's'ed' and further 'council::action was invited. MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY ;'. GRANT, THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. It was noted the proposed mode of funding is from Limited: G. O.:.`:Bonds and 'repayment"would befrom within the City ' s. 16 mill levy, and after discussion pro and con , the motion- carried and the City Clerk read the proposed Ordinance . MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY GRANT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ . Upon dissenting voice vote. roll call requests brought the . following vote : Aye : Perry, Morris, Delaurenti , Garrett,. Bruce and Grant . No : Schellert , Trimm, Edwards , Maxin:, Shane and Barei . The motion lost , one more than a majority being. required to carry the emergency ordinance ; also , the Mayor not required to vote . • r w MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/28/69 Discussion ensued regarding the Highlands property , and fact that vote cannot be changed if voting results have been announced , also that a motion may be made subsequent-ly ,to ,reconsider ,i•f ' ori prevailing' side . Pointed out was the existing designation on the Comprehensive Plan which it was. .recommended' be -. discussedLi. .Committee;that zoning must be in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan , rezone thus would require Comprehensive Plan revision with hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council , the plan needing to be updated periodically as it may become outdated in various areas in any event . MOVED BY GARRETT , SECONDED BY BAREI , TO REFER THE MATTER UNDER DISCUSSION TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . CARRIED . Council President Perry announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday , May 5 , at 7 : 00 p .m. in the 6th floor conference room. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION : LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN TRIMM SUBMITTED PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No . 260 for the improvement of a certain area within the City of Renton by the construction and installation of certain water mains and appurtenances thereto and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots , tracts , parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll as confirmed by the City Council ; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund District No . 260 of the City of. Renton as created by Ordinance No . 2446 . After the introductory reading , it was MOVED BY TRIMM , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . AFTER FINAL READING , IT WAS MOVED BY BAREI , SECONDED BY SHANE , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2480 AS READ . ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN ALL PRESENT VOTING AYE AND THE MOTION CARRIED . PROPOSED ORDINANCE WAS PRESENTED WHICH HAD BEEN PLACED ON FIRST READING ON April 21 , amending Chapter 6 of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to removal of weeds , providing for the enforcement thereof , and prescribing penalties for the violation . The Law and Ordinance Committee recommended second and final reading at this time . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO PLACE THE DOCUMENT ON SECOND AND FINAL READING . CARRIED . After the final reading , it was MOVED BY SHANE , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO . 2481 AS READ . Roll, call vote resulted in 10 ayes , Edwards voting No and Barei absent for the vote . The motion carried . Letter from Jack Wilson , City Engineer , noted request of the Urban Arterial Council Chairman , for additional information to be incorporated in a Resolution , regarding additions and deletions to the City ' s Arterial Street . Plan as outlined with a listof new street names per Resolution No . 1616 , for purpose of applying for urban arterial funds . Pursuant thereto , a supple- mental Resolution was prepared and presentation for adoption was now re- quested. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY MAXIN , TO CONCUR WITH REFERRAL TO THE LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED . Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Trimm reported recommendation for approval and the Resolution was submitted for reading , after which it was MOVED BY MORRIS , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO . 1624 AS READ . THE MOTION CARRIED . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS : Mayor Custer reported receipt of two additional items for the agenda and petition was read from residents of the Tiffany Park area urging the City to require installation of adequate lighting by the developer . Mayor Custer noted the area had been platted without lighting being required some` years ago . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE LIGHT AND POWER COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED . -2- !' O "ENT.11►; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED ORDINANCE A Public' Hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton, 'Washington on April 28, 1969 at 8 o'clock p.m. on the following proposed ordinance. Any and all interested' persons are invited to appear and voice approval or disapproval to same or may submit their protests in writing at or prior to the time of such hearing. pee D DINfi t/c / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, / DECLARING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS AND APPROPRIATING / MONIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED, IN THE HIGHLANDS DISTRICT,. RENTON. - i WHEREAS since the adoption of the 1969 Annual Budget of the City of Renton, it has become necessary to provide for the appropriation expenditure of certain funds as hereinafter set forth, and such expenditures being necessary and required and being in the public interest and for the public. health and safety, and welfare, and WHEREAS it is necessary for the operation and maintenance of / the ,City to appropriate funds for the purchase of a parcel of real property for municipal purposes, and r WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of King County Hospital District No. 1 have offered to the City of Renton 16 . 46 acres of real property located in the Highland District of Northwest Renton, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TIME. ,MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I'_ The foregoing recitals and facts are hereby found and determined by the City Council to be true and existing and by reason thereof the Council hereby declares that an emergency exists which could, not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of making of the 1969 budget, ' acquiring the appropriation of certain funds , as hereinafter set forth, for the purchase of a parcel of real property located in Renton. SECTION II: That there be and is hereby allowed and established the following sum for expenditures in the following classification and said sum is appropriated as herein set forth, to-wit: UNTO: Limited General Obligation Bond for $400 , 000 . 00 to purchase said property, plus additional sums related to acquisition costs . _. '.rsn �` -1- a i • SECTION III : This Ordinance is an emergency Ordinance which • shall not be voted upon until one week shall have elapsed after its introduction, .and a copy thereof shall be published and posted as a proposed Ordinance with notice of the time set for voting thereon. /SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval. and legal publication. Introduced for first reading /✓LF day of April, 1969 . • / HE.:AR N-G--HLL-D-AND.-PASSED`13Y_ TFIE= CITY =09t = �fZ - i-Ielmie Nelson, City Clerk • • Approved as to Form: • Jerome L. Hillis • Of HODGE & HILLIS Special City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION APR 2 31969 I • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • PROPOSED ORDINANCE A Public Hearing will be held in the Cit / bl 9y City of Renton, Washington on April 28, 1969 atu8 o'clockncil berm.sof the .et following proposed ordinance. on the Any and all interested persons are invited to appear'and voice approval or disapproval to same or may submit their 1 protests in writing at or prior to the time. of such hearing. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS AND APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR THE- PURPOSE. OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY- LOCATED IN THE HIGHLANDS DISTRICT, RENTON: WHEREAS since the adoption of the 1969 Annual Budget of the City of Renton, it has become necessary to provide for the appropriation aftd expenditure . of certain funds as hereinafter set forth, and such expenditures being necessary and required and being in the public interest and for the public health and =safety, and welfare, and WHEREAS it is necessary for the operation and maintenance of the City to appropriate funds for the purchase of a .parcel of real property for municipal purposes, and • WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of King County Hospital District No. 1 have offered to .the City of Renton 16.46 acres of real property located in the Highland District of Northeast Renton, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED- BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON., WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: • SECTION ,I : The foregoing recitals and facts are hereby found and determined by the City Council to be true and existing and by reason thereof the Council hereby declares that an emergencyy. exists which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of making of the 1969 budget, acquiring the appropriation of certain funds, as hereinafter set forth, for the purchase of a parcel of real property located in Renton. SECTION II: That there be and is hereby allowed and established the following sum for expenditures in' the following classification and said sum is appropriated as herein pet forth, to-wit: AU'NTO: Limited General Obligation Bond for. $400,000 .00 to purchase said property, plus additional sums related to acquisition costs. -1- F, • • SECTION III: This Ordinance is an emergency Ordinance which shall not be voted upon until one week shall have elapsed after its introduction, and a copy thereof shall be published and posted as a proposed Ordinance with notice of the time set for voting thereon. SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. Introduced for first reading 2 ISM` day of 4pril, 1969 . HEARING HELD AND PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS day of , 1969 . • Helmie' Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS day of 1969 . Donald' W. Custer, Mayor Approved as to Form: Jerome L. Hillis Of HODGE & HILLIS Special City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION. as a proposed ordinance: April 23, 1969 DATE OF PUBLICATION after adoption: _2- N