HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - Green River Interchange Supplement (1964) voT4ilvavouT Tgoso4q pI ?j,c0A.To4rgT UOdU 0116 Isf:7'aVUTUTa (.5M;1'.4 4nin9TjStIMI mit,4 po41)o,711:4 w)..v,-roNoT i 4vao • i,13 Cat ;-":7,17pgt11:::.: 04 1PeriU07.=n rqr-b "t-,,--rq't 01 '1,71:0441e. 01;35'044 a0V;;TiotI 3vinz4 clottow7:Tactl- ' t I7E'41 O. ri4M.VT,', 40,7 ;7f,UTjQf0 I I:VA, fl scUltcl.; fm.pqtxx*o 4717::4oil vzja *04,1-',TE .01.ToT1Vcjitcr.) 71.,m13 4,47,5.! viro,-(40uvu: e4 ovrEt LTc1 „e:tquozvoad Q04:041.:(17,' cVT WJ.,73/a11. S0 TfIVNJOATi) .1nqn uoacm2ao7 ol' 41",t4noedoolno naTTRA dulm :;30 pouo4o4.V.1 am. CJDO SO Iomn3 0714 t.1T voulr oT„%rmaq arx clunp I1Ta fo:TtIZ •Pc14e0:. acoZ4-0X, u 111:111'za qvuJ e.111:1 ,oa3 qVit.1.; 71L,vr.,T, .01.4 0.1:11, CV-4 I.:TO ,111 r+4,4"f* 00eCj r.t4 0003 "'V. 1311341, V.04:;.;;;I:aa.g: t; 4.-c3c,;i0 lisTql ç tTe,/411.112;T.C 'tt,z4. ;so Artit . oy..F4 jct., Awl; 717, Tvly,A. Aztv1,-ta.i4Ittio 2f.7 T."?fj 17,V,'? 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Ixtve l',041111•=4ciorilod: In010117i65 trall4 oo0,5A5t1tgli 1474. thd 0,60 10 00caratt tho zal,oblotr, iAtia,!:A5 thltt, Dooria oft prtzwipotiall • tho T'.„dat Aztrtai faztif4,14 t:',1.4101v;ly t',41114i1V0 11.1 tiagt tleOfittat.q AV .0.742.,5 kortkVer, that. ro ar* nrclx4-4 uee OtAte,, 21'10)1243E W:1:07a1:4W,:140 tr) ortlo•r' tQb3A1:11-1 thts zio60.• proi4001 aide 1*- 4A1.10.•Q tho, Cmvilootoutt., ze V,OV,VIOttOr1 that tiKy at:Oa-law/a topota 4i40,,Ci 1.0 ckboollItety 2104e43:::47.4,ry xVot14.4; W/0 Mta trari't.0 Dr0bletath tho Sbls • hu arcain 17 Itt;"0 cc 010,14 • COgMISZIOrLMOTa4P1qa bzwe, bad. 4n t'_)-.0portm_paty oWevvo 4:Lna stu6,7 it 411..6 t 378l2 tblo prope4o1).3.. a:74 prof,-4ent VI* ,.).. 1,1t tilbt.16t1cc thq.t 1.tfain 3ivuel beauso etromerilotio 71.115.untritt.1 • ogpawn •olm41.1.y vtaler: vay nal even e.foottia.2: 7thef 1'Pt21, trar:10 .pittt.tro Ito Oartaitti0104,* therig'or•o,o, !!..t4 .taric 1434r4114,ito c.:-4-201,4:itoriat,ton of thlo 'essal-Itio110,1 •u;;;•ix4c, 'rota .from. :4,eorpry art3 tnoluslon In, th4 o0r.o4ractiora oV th4n. r5,eoti.,=. o tfroeso7* •. • 21q y'{�y� on j, ,fit. t�, y� �¢ad,. y6.. �ti the „,! e�;� r,�y� �q�yy At r ,41iA'WrSw* t B/11 matter '+ry the -i+'7csr+'+els°. sal "�+`i f $ +•t'> s *s3:.dWlds lia'i: n will be dean01 an sty' of 81106 path as tti,s wortr to \solve these iV R. Bowen • i3 S. Hogue R??.a yyto ,L.�. ply5 / In1,i.#r17 Committee ar5**+�i,: Ji � '. CM:tt!.11,0 :?vo�y,`N�n GTeenORiuer'Ti terchange .Supplement Resolution confirmed and ratified by unanimous vote of the Renton City Council at its regular meeting of February 3, 1964. CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Frank Aliment, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk , r J EXCERPT FROM MINUTES OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3, 1964 A Resolution submitted to the Hon. Albert D. Rosellini, Governor of the State of Washington and members of the Washington Highway Commission by the Valley Regional Planning Commission, requested consideration of the addition of a second off-on ramp from the proposed freeway to South 153rd Street in proximity of 82nd or 84th Avenue South in the area between the East and West Valley High- ways. The Clerk read the document. Upon motion duly made by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, and unanimously carried, it was Resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington to go on record in fully supporting, confirming and ratifying that certain Resolution regarding the Green River Interchange Supplement, and to adopt same in its entirety. CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I, HELMIE W. NELSON, the duly elected, qualified and Acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, Washington do hereby Certify that the above is a true and correct Excerpt from the Minutes of the regular meeting of the Renton City Council held on February 3, 1964 as appearing on file in the records of the office of the City Clerk in said City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal of the City of Renton, King County, Washington this 4th day of February, 1964. ( SEAL) //Oo Helmie W. Nelson, City Cle-:k RESOLUTION Green River Interchange Supplement The Valley Regional Planning Commission, composed of persons duly appointed from the cities of Renton, Kent, Auburn and Tukwila, respectfully submits the following resolution for consideration by the Honorable Albert D. Rosellini, governor of the State of Washington, and members of the Washington Highway Commission: After careful study of the proposed Renton freeway accesses between the West Valley and East Valley highways, the commission is convinced that a grave error will result if an off-on ramp is not constructed from the freeway to 153rd at approximately 82nd or 84th Ave. So. Necessity for such an access road is strongly urged in order to provide a smooth and unhampered flow of traffic in this key area. The area becomes especially vital in view of the traffic to Longacres race track. Intensive study of this situation indicates that 75 to 80 per cent of all Longacres traffic - involving 2000 to 5000 cars daily during the racing season - will approach from the west, on the Renton freeway, and must be parked within a two-hour period. This will produce nothing less than traffic chaos in the funneling of cars through the one presently proposed off ramp to the West Valley Highway and subsequently to the Longacres entrance. This diversion of Traffic into the Longacres entrance, as presently planned, will also stifle the traffic flow to Tukwila Downs Industrial Park, now in final stages of completion. Addition of a second off-on ramp in the proposed area connecting with South 153rd will permit excessive freeway traffic to bypass the West Valley off ramp for approximately one-half mile, leading Longacres traffic into an easier traffic pattern to 153rd Street and then west to the parking lots. Not only is Longacres traffic affected by the insufficient off-on ramp planning. The area involved is at present a key industrial section of the valley. Present industrial construction now under way will be completed and in use before the freeway is open, such as the new Boeing Space Center and Tradewell Distribution Depot, creating an immediate heavy traffic usage on the West Valley Highway. Heavy traffic already is recorded in this area, and the number of cars using the main and feeder roads is absolutely certain to increase measurably with the opening of these new industries already on the drawing boards, with no consideration of those proposed for the future. Consequently, in a very few years, a complete group of off-on ramps will be needed in order for traffic to flow both north and south through the center of the valley. Only by anticipating this tremendous traffic flow now and correcting the present plan can any acceptable traffic pattern be assured for the immediate future. • -1- The Valley Regional Planning Commission is highly appreciative of the work and planning which already have been recorded in easing traffic congestion in the valley. The Commission also is cognizant of the problems involved in adding this second off ramp, principally the lack of federal funds. So strongly do we believe in the necessity for this second ramp, however, that we are urging use of state monies, if necessary, in order to build this road. The proposal is made because of the Commission's sincere conviction that the additional access road is absolutely necessary in meeting the real traffic problem in the valley. This is the area in which we live and work; Commission members have had an opportunity to observe and study at first hand this proposal and present it in the certain knowledge that its inclusion is vital and urgent because of the tremendous industrial expansion already under way and even now affecting the total traffic picture. The Commission, therefore, is urging immediate consideration of this proposed additional access road from the freeway and its inclusion in the original construction of this section of the Renton freeway. Action on this matter by the governor and the highway commission will be deemed an act of good faith as we work together to solve these vexing traffic problems. /s/ R. Bowen R. Bowen /s/ S. Hogue S. Hogue Regional Valley Planning Commission Highway Committee Green River Interchange Supplement Resolution confirmed and ratified by unanimous vote of the Renton City Council at its regular meeting of February 3, 1964. CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 4-/ZefA / Fr8iment', Miyor 114"- Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk