HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - Pending/Tabled (1961-1964) RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS the belowmentioned departments end classifications have been required to meet certain obligations and expenditures, the exact amount and type thereof having not been foreseeable at the time of the adoption of the 1964 Budget, and WHEREAS it is necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of the belowmentioned departments to transfer funds between items as provided by law, and said transfers being in the public interest and for the public benefit, NOV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The City Clerk and the City Treasurer are hereby authorized to make the following transfers, to—wit: FROM: Street Maintenance Account 3240, Maintenance and Operation 417 $4,996.50 UNTO: Street Maintenance Account 3240, Capital Outlay 605 $4,996.50 FROM: Current Fund, Executive Account 1200, Maintenance and Operation, Account 504, Travel Expense $300.00 UNTO: Current Fund, Executive Account 1200, Capital Outlay Account No. 606, Office Equipment $300.00 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 8th day of June , 1964. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 8th day of June, 1964. Donald W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan,, City Attorriy • i:\\\ RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS the Library Board of the City of Renton has heretofore on various occasions requested the City Council to appropriate and allocate funds unto a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the construction of a public library and relate;' purposes, and WHErmS the City Council is willing to make such funds available for the construction of a new main library building within the general area of Liberty Park as may hereafter be determined by the Library Board and the City Council, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND ZHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RRITON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The City Clerk and the City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to appropriate and transfer the sum of `.r235,OOO.00 from the City's"Cedar River. Acquisition Fund", unto the Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1975, also known as "Cumulative Reserve Fund for the Acquisition of a Public Library Site, Construction of a Public Library, and Acquisition of Materials, Supplies, and Furnishings for a Public Library, and Improvements, Repairs, Additions and Alterations of Library Properties and Appurtenances thereto, Together with Payment of Consultants and Experts' Services Relative to the Foregoing Purposes"; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that this transfer unto the aforesaid Cumulative Reserve Fund shall be made for the sole purpose of constructing a main library building within the general area of Liberty Park and for no other purpose without the prior approval of the City Council. The Library shall furnish unto the City Council its written approval and consent to the aforesaid condition. It is anticipated that the total construction cost of such new main library building, together with related facilities will be in the approximate amount of e335,OOO.00. It is, therefore, contemplated by the Library Board and the City Council that a general obligation bond issue in the sum of approximately ,I150,000.00 be placed on the ballot for either the primary or the general election in 1964 for the purpose of financing the balance of said project, or as otherwise may be permitted by law, ; together with such other general obligation bond issues for branch and other library needs as may be determined by the City Council and the Library Board. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of July, 1964. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of July, 1964. Donald W. Custer, Mayor A:'PROVED AS TO FORM: Gard M. Shcl7^n, City Attorney RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF' THE CITY OF RENTON WHEREAS the continued growth and development of the City, together with annexations of additional territories thereto from time to time, require the continuous study of development problems and the attendant expansion and improvement of aacom- prehensive plan for the coordinated and orderly development of the City of Renton; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission, together with independent consultants and special committees have studied this problem for sometime pastiand public hearings having been held in connection with such comprehensive plan and due nbtice thereof having been given as provided by law and all parties appearing at such public hearings before the Planning Commission having been heard thereon;and WHEREAS the Planning Commission has recommended to the City Council the adoption of the hereinbelow specified comprehensive plan and the City Council having duly held public meetings thereon, as provided by law, and due notice thereof having been given and all parties appearing in favor or opposition to said comprehensive plant: having been heard htrsueh hearing; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON that the following comprehensive plan of the City is hereby adopted, to-wit: THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I. PURPOSE. The primary purpose of this Comprehensive Plan is to define and establish the policy relating to the development of the community as a whole; to indicate the principles and objectives which shall guide the establishment, development and implementation of definite and precise plans, public and private; to provide for the coordination of the many separate plans which govern the development of this community; to officially adopt a program and guide which will enable the City of Renton to attain the principles and objectives set forth in R.C. W. 35.63 0 of the Revised Code of Washington, in the manner provided. II. PARTS: This Comprehensive Plan is composed of the next" which presents the existing conditions, the problems, the objectives and the proposed policies, and the "Maps" which illustrate the program. Additional supplementary parts developed in the future may include, but not be limited to, special studies, charts, graphs, additional general maps, localized maps, including specific development of the down town business area, reports or schedules.iwhich when adopted will become an integral part of the comprehensive plan. . 1. The "Land Use Map" attached hereto, labeled Exhibit "A" and by reference -1- thereto: incorporated herein as if fully set forth, illustrates in broad and general terms the foreseeable development of the City of Renton. The use areas shown thereon indicate the principles which are intended to guide implementation of this development program. 2. Streets and Arterials/ The "Arterial Streets Map" attached hereto, labeled Exhibit "B" and by reference 'thereto' incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein, illustrates the proposed program for traffic circulation and is intended as a guide in the dedication, development, construction and/or acquisition of rights of way,the development of standards and regulations and purposes related thereto. 3. The "Text" attached hereto, labeled Exhibit 19C" and by reference .thereto incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein, illustrates briefly the history of the City of Renton, the studies heretofore undertaken and the goals set forth which are to be achieved when such comprehensive plan has been fully implemented. III. IMPLEMENTATION: In order to fully accomplish the objectives and principles of this comprehensive plan, and as same may be amended from time to time, all resolutions and ordinances of the City of Renton concerned with the development and welfare of the community and its people shall be considered in::thel.l*khthefeand related to the principles, objectives and policessset forth herein. To fulfill the requirements of R.C.W. 35.63, and in the interest of public safety, health, morals and the general welfare, the following instruments of official implementation, among others, will be developed in detail, to embody the necessary controls, regulations, standards and penalties, and upon adoption by the City Council will become implements of the comprehensive plan: 1. Zoning Ordinance; 2. Street and Arterial Plan; 3. Land Subdivision and Platting Plan; 4. Building Codes; 5. Capital Improvements program. VI. AMENDMENT It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to continue to observe the development of the City and its erivdirons in relation to the Plan and to prepare reports and submit same to the City Council from time to time, and whenever necessary, after proper study and deliberation amendments may be recommended by the Commission to the City Councilrof this Comprehensive Plan. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of April, 1964. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _ day of April, 1964. Donald W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney -2- RESOLUTION • A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF RENTON WHEREAS the, continued growth and development of the City, together with annexations of additional territories thereto from time to time, require the continuous study of development problems and the attendant expansion and improvement of eacom- prehensive plan for the coordinated and orderly development of the City of Renton; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission, together with independent consultants and special committees have studied this problem for sometime pastiand public hearings having been held in connection with such comprehensive plan and due notice thereof having been given as provided by law and all parties appearing at such public hearings before the Planning Commission having been heard thereon,and WHEREAS the Planning Commission has recommended to the City Council the adoption of the hereinbelow specified comprehensive plan and the City Council having duly held public meetings thereon, as provided by law, and due notice thereof having been given and all parties appearing in favor or opposition to said comprehensive planel having been heard hersuch hearing; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON that the following comprehensive plan of the City is hereby adopted, to-wit: THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I. PURPOSE. The primary purpose of this Comprehensive Plan is to define and establish the policy relating to the development of the community as a whole; to indicate the principles and objectives which shall guide the databiltahment, development and implementation of definite and precise plans, public and private; to provide for the coordination of the many separate plans which govern the development of this community; to officially adopt a program and guide which will enable the City of Renton , to attain the principles and objectives set forth in R.C. W. 35.63 of the Revised Code of Washington, in the manner provided. ' II. PARTS: This Comprehensive Plan is composed of the 'iText" which presents the existing conditions, the problems, the objectives and the proposed policies, and the "Maps" which illustrate the program. Additional supplementary parts developed in the future may include, but not be limited to, special studies, charts, graphs, additional general maps, localized maps, including specific development of the down town business area, reports or schedules,1which when adopted will become an integral part Of the comprehensive plan. ' ,, 1. The "Land Use Map", attached hereto, labeled Exhibit "A" and by reference -1- . thereto incorporated herein as if fully set forth, illustrates in broad and general terms the foreseeable development of the City of Renton. The use areas shown thereon indicate the principles which are intended to guide implementation of this development program. 2. Streets and Arterials/ The "Arterial Streets Map" attached hereto, labeled Exhibit t°B" and by heference thereto' incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein, illustrates the proposed program for traffic circulation and is intended as a guide in the dddication, development, construction and/or acquisition of rights of way,the development of standards and regulations and purposes related thereto. 3. The "Text" attached hereto, labeled Exhibit "C" and by reference .thereto incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein, illustrates briefly the history of the City of Renton, the studies heretofore undertaken and the goals set forth which area to be achieved when such comprehensive plan has been fully implemented. III. IMPLEMENTATION: In order to fully accomplish the objectives and principles of this comprehensive plan, and as same may be amended from time to time, all resolutions and ordinances of the City of Renton concerned with the development and welfare of the community and its people shall be considered in:hheiljjhthefeand related to the principles, objectives and policyessset forth herein. To fulfill the requirements of R.C.W. 35.63, and in the interest of public safety, health, morals and the general welfare, the following instruments of officiai implementation, among others, will be developed in detail, to embody the necessary controls, regulations, standards and penalties, and upon adoption by the City Council will become implements of the comprehensive plan: 1. Zoning Ordinance; 2. Street and Arterial Plan; 3. Land Subdivision and Platting Plan; 4. Building Codes; 5. Capital Improvements program. VI. AMENDMENT It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to continue to observe the development of the City and its env&rons in relation to the Plan and to prepare reports and submit same to the City Council from time to time, and whenever necessary, after proper study and deliberation amendments may be recommended by the Commission to the City Councilrof this Comprehensive Plan. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of April, 1964. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of April, 1964. Donald W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney -2- Radek* NIN WHEREAS it is necessary for the below ftindc id bOrro0 certain sums ft =t the Cedar River Acquisition Fund *kat* receipt Of tax monieS and such loan being necessary and required for the Proper idkifilitration Of the city4s departmen%mHOW PORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND cm COUNCIL OP THE OiTY OP RENTON AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City Clerk and the dity treasurer tire hereby authdrized and directed to transfer the following sum from the Cedar Rivet AdqUiditiOn Pbnd, to-vit: FROM: Cedar River Acquiiitien Fund $26,000,00 UNTO: Current Fund $25,000.00 and said transfer shall be and constitute a loan ,to said fundi bearing interest at th,2 rate of 4%, and such transfer to be effective as of March 10, 1064, and to be repaid i: . any event, to the Cedar River Acquisition Fund not later than December 31, 1964. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6th day of April, 1964. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day of April, 1964. D04414 Wk' ster, MAY= APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO, WHEREAS, the hereinafter gamed.a,cnployee of the CITY OF RENTON is ''a.member of the Washington Statewide City Employees' Retirement System, in the classifica- tion of UNIFORMED PERSONNEL, and said person having attained retirement age as provided by law, but said person being physically fit to continue such employment and service with the CITY OF RENTON, and said person having requested extension of the Compulsory Retirement Age , and the Mayor and the City Council of the CITY OF RENTON having approved the request of said employee: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: That the time of compulsory retirement of the following named employee of the CITY OF RENTON, who is a member of the Washington Statewide City Employees' Retirement System under the classification of UNIFORMED PERSONNEL, to-wit: C. S. WILLIAMS BE AND T:'.E SAME IS HEREBY EXTENDED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED ONE YEAR, to-wit: until May 1, 1965. A copy of this Resolution, adopted pursuant to Section XIV, Chapter 71 , Laws of 1947, as amended subsequently thereto, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the CITY OF RENTON to the Board of Trustees of the aforesaid Washington Statewide City Employees' Retirement System, a PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6th day of April, 1964, He m1e NeCity Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day •f April, 1964, Verfa d NT Custer,'M y�r APPROVED AS TO FORM: yard M. Shellan, City Attorn`°'eyy Ra SOLHTIOU WHEREAS the City of Renton had heretofore acquired and appropriated by condemnation action certain properties and improvements located within an area generally known as "Cedar River Park" and such acquisition and appro- priation by condemnation action certain properties and improvements located within an area generally known as "Cedar River Park" and such acquisition and appropriation having been made for the following public uses and purposes, to- wit: site, construction, maintenance of a civic center, City Hall, library and other general public or municipal purposes including earl-s, playgrounds and recreational areas, and WHEREAS since such acquisition and appropriation, special reference being hereby made to Ordinance No. 1415 and Resolutions 826 and 834, considerable, major changes have taken place within and about said Cedar River Park Area, ; including the condemnation and acquisition of approximately eight acres thereof by the State of Washington Highway Department for highway purposes which high- way construction is now in progress and will result in the erection and mainte- nance of a large dirt fill along the boundaries of said Cedar River Park area, and IHEREAS it is in the interest of the public and fors the public tre .fare and benefit that the aforestated public uses and purposes, as so limited to the Cedar River Park site, be modified and amended so as to reflect the major changes that have come about since the original acquisition of said:.properties by the City so as to fully utilize said area and adjoining properties for the benefit of the public; now therefore TiE IT RJ SOLV D DY THE I"AYOR AHD THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF k ENTON, NA; IIINCTOr'i AS FOI LUnS: SECTION I: The aforestated facts and findings are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects and it is further found necessary and advis-. able to modify and amend the restrictions and limitations set forth in City of Renton Ordinance No. 1415 and its Resolutions Nos. 826 and 834. SECTION II: It is hereby determined to be the policy and intent of the City of Renton_ that all existing monies in, together with any monies here- after deposited in and to, the "Cedar River Par% Acquisition and Project Fund" be utilized arid used for the following described purposes within the presently existing Cedar River Park area and adjacent Liberty Park, to-wit: for the purposes of erection, construction, maintenance, improvements and additions of a City Hall, civic center, public library, parks, playgrounds, recreational areas and such other general, public or mun1cipal purposes as may be determined by the City Council of the City of Renton from time to time. The aforesaid "Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund" shall not be permanently used for any other purposes, or be diverted to any other areas or projects unless the City Council has determined, after a proper hearing and investigation, that ublie necessity warrants a change and modification of the aforesaid policies. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of January, 1961. Vern H. Norris, City Clerk APPROVED BY TILE NI YOR this day of January, 1961. Frank Aliment, Nayor Approved as to Form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney - 2 - , • RESOLUTION NO. .WHEREAS'the City of Renton has heretofore caused to he placed on the ballot at thejapt general election ieroponitionfot.theeonstruction and furnishing of a .ndwlibrary buildingwithin, theCiOyof Renton et a cost of $450,000.00s and • ..WHEREAS Said proposition, known, elit Prepaaition .Ne. 14, was narrowly defeated at 'the polls on November 8; 1900, and' • WOEREAS the present library building is overcrowded and insufficient to accommodate the public in en efficient meaner, and . WHEREAS there is grossly insufficient storage space to, store and . shelve bOoks-and other library materials, end , • WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore acquired a certain parcel of property. 'immediately adjoining the present library building which said property is. presently under lease to a private business but which lease by its terms, will. expire,on or about March Hs 1961, and . • . ',WHEREAS said building would be suitable, on a temporary basis only, to provide fer the storage, ofi,00ks and other material and provide'a limited work area:for the. IihrerY:staff, and such' eecomModationa being considered of ' , public:benefit, as a. temporary expedient, and the Library Board having heretofore furnished' untc the City an itemized statement as to the anticipated expenses to be. ineurred in the utilization of such adjoinAhg building, including main- , tenance and operations •and 'acqUisitien of tort-pin shelving and other library furniture, and WHEREAS the Library*Egard:does not presently beim funds in' hand to finance such tatter ' and aloan to said. Library "Board. from. the Cedar River Park 'Acquisition: Fund further being deemed proper and, adviSable, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY, THE MAYORAND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: Section I. It-is. hereby found that the foregoing recitals and findings mre true and correctin all respects. Section It. The Library Beard is hereby. given the right and per.. mission to occupy end use that certain building immediately adjoining the library building, now occupied by Frankie kelohnnyeslerniture Store and such -1.. • ' • • ' epcdpation and Use:to'becoMe effective. when the City's present lease with Ilfild'f*hit4rel;!.Store' expires.' It is understood that such use and occupation • shall ba' of a.teMPorary Oatute 'only in order to immediately alleviate the present pveretowding and inaUfficiency of feCilitioanOW prevailing In the present libraty building' and that every .iffori shall be made by said Library Board and others to look toward the construction, of an adequate new library buildingaS 'sopoai possible. Sectionliefeience is 'hereby made tethat.certain itemized - atateMent .pieSented' to the:City Council by, the Library Board marked Exhibit "AV*, ' which i4sattilched heretO and, suchepditures7Aisted are cpnstdated to be proper. and reasonable. ' • . SectioalAi. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer üno the Library Board, as a 'temperaty loang, the sum ol; $14,460.000 which phallibe repaid, in throe equal annual. installments -commencing with the • 'yeor -1962 and said Obligation. sall be Paid off',in full not later than January .3% 1964; or the City touncil may grant such extension as it may deem lywetlaaky 'froM time to:time. 'Said. loan shall be and remain an obligation of the. Library BoLrd until repatd in full. Such equal annual installment, to.wit: the. sum of $4,820.00 shall be provided for, by the library in its annual budget ' to be submitted to the Council. . . . • f ' PASSED BY TUE CITY COUNCIL this, . . day of 'January, 1961. • Vern n.:Motrtat -City.Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of January, 1961. Approved es to Form: . rrank.Aliment, -MaYar • ;Gerard. M. Shellen, 'City Attorney .2. • a -) (fit Cif-t ) 01(, RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS the .City of :Renton has heretofore caused to be placed on the ballot at the last general election a proposition for the construction and • furnishing of a new library building within the City of Renton at a cost of .$450,000.00, ,and WHEREAS said proposition, known as Proposition No. 1, was narrowly defeated at the polls on November 8, 1960; and W"tIEREAS the present library building is overcrowded and insufficient to accommodate the public in an efficient manner, and WHEREAS there is grossly insufficient storage space to store and shelve books and other library materials, and • WHEREAS the _City of Renton has heretofore acquired a certain parcel . of property immediately adjoining the present library building which said property is presently under lease to a private business but which lease by its terms, will expire on or about March 31', 1961, .and WHEREAS said building would be suitable, on a temporary basis only, to provide for the storage of books 'and other materials and provide a limited work area for the library staff, and such accommodations being considered of public benefit, as a temporary expedient, and the :Library Board having heretofore furnished unto the City an itemized statement as to the anticipated expenses to be incurred in the utilization of such adjoining; building, including main- tenance and operation, and acquisition. of certain shelving and other library furniture, and WHEREAS the .Library Board does not presently have funds in hand to finance such matters and a loan to said Library Board from the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund further being deemed proper and advisable, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON.AS FOLLOWS: .Section .I. It is hereby found that the foregoing recitals and findings are true and correct in all respects'. Section .II. The Library Board is hereby given the right and per- mission to occupy and use that certain building immediately adjoining the library building, now occupied by Franki'e & Johnny's Furniture Store and such -lam occupation and use to become effective when the City's present lease with said furniture: store expires. It is understood that such use and occupation shall be of a temporary nature only in order to iunuediately alleviate the present overcrowding and insufficiency of facilities now prevailing in the present library building and.that .every effort shall be made by said Library Board and others to look toward the construction of an adequate new library building as soon as possible. Section III. Reference is hereby made to that certain itemized statement presented to the City Council by the Library Board marked Exhibit "A"*', which is attached hereto and such expenditurest.listed are considered to be proper and reasonable. .Section IV. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer unto the Library Board, as a temporary loan, the sum of =$14,460.O0, .which sum shall be repaid in three equal annual installments commencing with the year 1962 and said obligation shall be paid off in full not later than January 31, 1964; or the City Council may grant such extension as it may deem necessary from time to time. ' .Said loan shall be and remain an obligation of the Library Board until repaid in full. Such equal annual installment, to-wit: the sum of -$4,820.00' shall be provided for by the library in its annual budget to be submitted to the Council. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of 'January, 1961. Vern H. Morris, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of January, 1961. Approved as to Form: Frank Aliment, Mayor Gerard _M. Shellan, City Attorney 2« • • LLN ••■••••••••••••••wirenrem th City of Eton r4.2a3 heretaEore tutie d to bs riloced on the sonerz!.!, ulectimt n)rtr-f)Stti.,pn f.or the ornistruct iGia end 2kirialr..hint; for a acrotFit tdthin thst City of. &intim et a cr.bst of 4451,000.000 and WAILREA'_; FvEliti proposition, lotosan NA PrOpt)*Klan N , 1, iaat; wirrovilY • dAteol 44t the polls on november Re 1960, and 74.1C!1 0.70 nTlf.t.f.ei ent tta::;,c.7,1-v;_xlotcst k4 t LMroul W4'7'Art:V.1 thcre 1...crAfff-7.eistfnt ltoress to fito:ns and. tev.lva "..tY00%3 and othar. Interialft* fire V.-it City of Renton hAfit tutyetofora eclat,C fild 4 cert:4.1n parcel of property inciediately ailjolning Cita fr.:482ra 1..tb:eAy7;,,4' 1, t CV, 7 Adel; sPid praparty 13 presant UnItIr .1.e,S4vz ir74.41Wit,3 'AO 33 ilAit 4-kakii3 by tti te.,7-,1Ev WO. ii1r n a rcirl ie aid izr,:rol•-:s '...o4a..c..:t.i,:b9Q0 on e ta.7ry only, tnrov1/1.3 f.-[..1••••• k7: Titi‘A trOt-eri a.7nJpravidc: lirated 14Nt) iltr5.1.r) RUA Z.1 rad NI/0-1 occ-aztv-xittiona bring c_caaidered of public lyenw'r.:.it, tflorqrery expetliclAt, gni the Library VS: I-Aving heretofore furnished unto the, City n itextUed stAtersant 001 tt) thti sn L.,.tte :AMAMI.' tOt,einenrred in the utilirk:ation.of ..rech adjoining 'L-12114/14, tenen‹.1.$. xtrid 0,yere.tion, and ecquisition of certain ehelvivg and other library •furniture, and W111g.:.; Vas Litosary na.srd ct nit pr.ea CM« y anuallt han4 to finencs such matters_and a loan to 3r3id 4brary Roard from the Cedar ri%1w,r Park Acquisition Fund ffurther being deemed proper and advisable) 144../ .E LT AZ.VOLVEZ. 1.4 TAZ AAYOR THL erry CAAC/1, THE CIV.! OF 731:14.17-.4.;: tn I. It la hereby found that the foregoing recital.* end findings *re true an/ corructin all respects. 2NssizLELL Thu Library 34ar4 is hereby given the riRnt ond 'per- mission:to occupy and use thetcertein building immediately adjoining the library-building, noo occupied by Frankie L johnnyss Furniture Store and such r • . • occupation and us* to become effective when the +City 's present lease with said furniture shore expires. :It is understood that such use end occupation shall=be of a temporary nature Only in order to. immedistely alleviate the present oveir+crowding, and insufficiency of facilities 'nee prevatlinfi. In the ' '. Oraasnt library building and that every effort shall be. made by sold Library ' Board and others' to lack towerd the Construction of on adequate new literary building as soon as possible. Section ': Reference lc' hsr+aby made to that; eertein itemised statement presented to t ue',CIty+ Council by the Library toard tsar sd Exhibit 0.Pme • which is attached hereto and such expenditures listed are considered to be. • , prorer And reasonable. 'Sea't son XV. The Ci ty' peas cr' 14.hereby t% ri red to transfer • unto the Tabrar'y Board, +x4 a:temporary loan, the Faun of 414,46O.00, vhioh svn, •t 1I be rapid in thres ,oujuatinpaal i ata l bits Fong with the year 1962 ami esid obligation-obell he paid otf;in full not later' than .2aa e y .310, 1 fir; Or info City* may grsnt Such extens i one es It may loves ratio s.sary a-ns' time t O ttClew sae.ld 'loan mhall in1 roman an e,bli ,tion of the Library F tr4 tenth-nrtpii+ii in full.' '= :ch equa1'camel installment, to.vitt the (1LlM La $4020.0C shell be pr,ovi4ed for by the library in its annual budget toe be auboz.trted to the Counoi 1. . VAOStO by TM; CITY COUNCIL, this ; ; damyr n1 jan4ary. 1%61. . • = Vern )a'. rriS, cit"•�'r...e .r.�....+.,.... rS:PPLIVC0'1t': ' u r 'l*AYOR this day of January, 1961. %opprawsd as to Tom: 1`'rartir li nt.nt, mayor. rard M. Shallops City Attorney L e_.Ct 71/c/ / (.i 'c;;, / l C)� 7�-)--/ /1 • RESOLUTION NO. .-..,.ram. • • • - WHEREAS the City of Renton had heretofore acquired and appropriated by • condonation action certain properties and improvements located within an • area generally known as "Cedar River Park" and such acquisition and appropriation ,having.been made for the following.public .uses and purposes, to-wit: site, - construction, maintenance of'a civic center, City Hall, library and other general public or municipal purposes including,parks, playgrounds and recreational areas, and MMUS since such acquisition and'appropriation, special reference being • • hereby made to Ordinance No.-,11:15 and Resolutions 826 and 8314,'`considerable ' • major changes have taken plane within and about .said Cedar River Park Area, ' including, the condemnation.and acquisition of approxi.nately'eight. acres thereof• • by the State of Washirgton Highway Department for highway,purposes which'highway construction is now in progress :and will reaxlt in the erection and maintenance • of,a• large dirt fill along the boundaries of said-Cedar River Park areas and WHEREAS it is in the interest of the public and for the public welfare . and benefit that the aforestated public uses and purposes, as so limited to the Cedar River Pa* site, be Modified and amended so as to reflect-the na1or changes that have come about-since the original.•acquisition of said properties by the City so as to fully utilize said area and adjoining properties for the . benefit of the. public; now the. • BE IT RESOLVED BY TM NUOR'AND,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF R2TON, WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS: ' SECTION I: The •aforestated facts, and findings are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects and it is feather found necessary and'advis- able to modify.and amend the•restricticns and limitations set forth in City of Renton Ordinance No,' Va5 and its Resolutions Nos. 826 and 831. SECTION II: . It is hereby determined..to be'the policy and intent. of the • ' 'City ofRenton that all existing rrec.4n,together with any monies hereafter deposited in and to,the "Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund" be utilized and used for the following described purposes within the presently existing Cedar River Park area and adjacent Liberty. Park, to• :ta for the purposes of erection,.-construction, maintenance, improire:ants and-additions of a City Hall, civic tester, public library, parks, playgrounds, recreational areas and each other general, public or municipal purposes as may be determined by,the- City Council of the City of-Renton free time to time. The aforesaid "Cedar River Park Acquisition and Project Fund" shall not be permanently need. for may other purposes, or be diverted to any other areas or projects Unless the City Council has determined, after a'proper hearing and investigation, that public necessity warrants a change and codification of,the aforesaid policies.. • a,SSED BY'THE CITY COUNCIL this day of January, 1961. Tern H.'Morris, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR. this day cf January, 1961. Fraeni Aliment', mayor ,Approved as to Forms. _ , . Gerard M. Siellan, City Attorney .. .2- jiff. C°o et ate RESOLt1TCON NO. WHEREAS it.is advisable and in the public interest and for the public benefit to establish a revised schedule of rental charges for the use and rental of certain equipment and materials, as hereinafter.set forth, and such respective rental charges to be paid by the office or department of the' City so using and renting said equipment, or in the event of the use and rental of said equipment for the benefit of third parties as set forth in said schedule, and WHEREAS it has been deteradned that such revised rental schedule is fair and equitable, now therefore BE IT. RESOLVED_BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION Is The above facts and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION III The attached *Equipment Rental Charge" labeled Exhibit "A• is hereby rde a part of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein and said equipment rental charge is hereby found to be proper sad reasonable. SECTION III: Each office or Department of the City shall pay the respective sma or sums as set forth in said Schedule unto the Department owning said equip- ment for the use and rental thereof, all as set forth in said Schedule. SECTION. IV: All equipment rental, charges or other rental schedules heretofore adopted by,the City of Denton for the purposes herein mentioned are hereby superseded and declared null and void. PASSED By the City Council this _day of January,'1961. Vern H. Norris, sty Clerk APPROVED by the Mayor this _ day of January, 1961. 'rani.Aliment, or "" • Approved as to Form: Gerard 4 .Shell m,'City Attorney. 44/ V/ 1 / EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHARGE CITY OF RENTON EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION OF DEPARTMENT INTER DEPT. OUTSIDE RATE NUMBER EQUIPMENT OWNING EQUIPMENT RATE PER PER HOUR - HOUR PLUS OPERATOR Pickup Trucks All Departments .75 1.50 Dump Trucks All Departments 2.50 4.00 E-5 Truck Shovel Water 5.00 8.004.ot1 E-8 Case Back Hoe b"d:,t., 3.50 6.50 E-16 Hopto Back-Hoe V1_t ;c 6.00 10.00 S-9 C.H. & E. Dump Truck Water .50 1.00 S-10 Ford Marlow Pump Water 1.00 2.00 S-21 Ingersoll Compressor Water 1.50 2.75 S-23 Marquette Welder Water 2.00 4.00. S-26 Marlow Pump Water .50 1.00 S-32 _ Hom::li to Diaphrame Pump Water S-14 Sewer-King Sewer Transmission. 2.00 3.50 D-I9 Street Flusher, Street 3.00 5e00 D-20 Sewer Eductor Street 6.00 10.00 C Wrecker Street 1425 2.50 E-1 Ten Ton Steel Roller Street 4.00 7.00 E-2 Oil 'Distributor Street 3.00 6.00 E-3 Int'l. Mower Street 3.00 6.00 E-6 Traffic Line Marker Street 1.50 3.00 E.-7 Austin-West Grader Street ' 8.00 15.00 E-9 Pulvi-Mixes Street 4.00 7,00 E-10 Bros Pneu. Roller Street 4.00 7.00 E-11 Mixermohile Scoop Street 5.00 7.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHARGE - Continued EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION OF DEPARTMENT INTER DEPT. OUTSIDE RATE NUMBER EQUIPMENT OWNING EQUIPMENT RATE PER PER HOUR - HOUR PLUS OPERATOR E-12 Wayne Sweeper Street 10.00 15.00 E-14 One Ton Roller Street 1.50 2.50 E-15 Ready Mix Roller Street 4,00 6.50 E-17 Huber Grader Street 4.00 7.00 E-19 Caterpillar Grader Street 8.00 15.00 E-21 M1. higen Loader Street • 6,00 10.00 S-2 Rex Pump Street .50 1.00 S-3 Sr am Compressor Street 1.50 2.75 S-4 Hydrc-Hammer Street 1.00 2.50 S-6 Kohler Light Plant Street .50 1.00 S-7 Cross-Walk Marker Street 1.00 1.50 S-8 Gra,;* Spreader Street 1.00 1.50 S-11 Chain Saw • Street .50 1.00 S-13 Power Sander Street .50 1.00 S-15 Curb Machine • Street 2.00 3.00 S-16 Miller Asphalt Spreader Street 1.00 2.00 S-25 Bar,o Tamper Street 1.00 2.50 S-28 Midland Pump Street 1.00 2.00 S-33 • Marquette Welder • Street 2.00 4.00 S-34 Steam Cleaner Street 1.00 • 2.50 1�/ I ICJ � y _x-c;‘) I-, /� •j • , r • RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS 'the CITY OF RENTON, heretofore adopted its Resolution No. 1005 under date .of June -2, .1959 establishing and fixing subsistence rates for members of the City Council , Mayor, 'Conmissi_ons or Boards as well as salaried personnel of the CITY OF RENTON and WHEREAS it,is deemed advisable to amend said Resolution• relative to the advisability by city officials and other employees to travel outside the State of Washington on City business,, NOW THEREFORE • BE IT RESOLVED BY-THE MAYOR- AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON • AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I:. Existing Resolution No. 1005 is hereby amended by adding. to Section I thereof the following paragraph: Section I (as amended) Subsistence rates to be paid to the Mayor, members of the City Council, Boards or Commissions of the City of Renton are hereby fixed in the amount of $15.00 per day inside. the .S,tate of Washington and $20.00 per day out- side the .State: of Washington; and salaried employees in the amount of $12.00 per day • within the State of Washington and $17.00 per day outside the State of Washington, when away from the City .of Renton: on official, authorized City business. In case of salaried employees the proper Department Head shall determine when an employee may be. authorized to attend official City business; in case of the City Council, Boards or Commissions the majority -of its members shall determine the authorized attendance at such official City business: .. ' No City official or employee of any Department of the City shall be author- ized to travel. beyond the radius of ‘j miles, while on City business, without having received the prior approval therefor by the City Council: No subsistence , per diem, or other expenses shall be allowed unless such prior approval has been secured. In case of an emergency involving the protection of City property or rights such permission may be granted by the Department Head for any such City employee, and incase of a Department Head traveling on such emergency, the Mayor • may approve same, and make the necessary report thereof to the Members of the Council at its 'next regular. meeting. PASSED BY TIME CITY COUNCIL this day of December, 1961. • Helmie Nelson, City Clerk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _ day of December, 1961 . APPROVED AS TO FORM: (',c.!rarA ►�. 9�hellan. City Attorney Frank Aliment, Mayor .