HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - Unumbered (1909 - 1921) r°, !� RE SOLUT ION . . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ,OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WAS INGTON:. • Section 1. That on, to-wit, the 25th. day of September, 1909, there shall be held a special election in the City of Renton, Washington, and in the territory hereinafter described, for the purpose of allowing the qualified voters of said city and of said territory hereinafter described to vote for or against the annexation of said territory to the §ity Limits of said city of Renton, said territory being described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly boundary of the right of way of the Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad Company, Newcastle Branch, with the southerly boundary of Cedar River, running thence northeasterly along Laid easterly boundary of said right of way through the Northwest quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, and the 0outhwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East to the North boundary of said Southwest quarter of the South- east quarter of said Section 8; thence East along said North boundary to the Northeast corner of said Southwest quarter of the South- east quarter of said Section. 8; thence North on the line running North and South between the East half of the East half and the West half of the West half of said Section 8 to the North Section line of said Section 8; thence West along said North section line of said Section 8 to the shore line of Lake Washington; thence in a Southwesterly direction following the shoreline of Lake Washington to Black River; thence in a Southerly direction along the Easterly boundary of Black River to the South boundary of the ddsit Tract; . Thence East 1326 feet; thence North to the South boundary of the bank of Cedar River; thence in. a Southeasterly 'direction along said Southerly boundary of the Bank of' Cedar 'River t o the place of beginning.Said -.election to be so held in said territory shall be held in the storeroom of'Prank Price', and William Denning shall be the inspector thereof, and F. C. Hearl and John Falls shall be the judges thereof. That at said election to br so held in said City of, Renton F. B. Hayes shall be the inspector thereof and Frank Davis and Thomas Olsen shall be the judges thereof. Approged. this 24th. day of. August, 1909. ui,/ L ay¢r 1. Passed this 24th. day of August, 1909. ". 'Ole r �. ... • . • • RESOLUTION `_"ittRtiWikitirlife- AUTHORIZING, DIRECTING A D EIS O;SING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF RENTON,• WASHING TON TO EMPLOY ADDITIONAL. COUNSEL IN THE PROSECUTION OF TIE CONDBT dATION SUITS NOW PENDING, IN TITS SUYk;RIOR COURT OF. THE STATE OF GIASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington: Nf- . Section 1. That the .Mayor of said City be and he' is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to employ counsel for the purpose of assisting the City Attorney of said City in the prosecution of the, condemnation suit now pending in the Superior Court of Kirk. County, estate of Washington, , in which the said City of Renton, Washington is Petitioner, the services to be obtained as aforesaid '.to cost not exceeding One Thousand. Dollars. Passed this 9th. day of e tuber,' 1909. . • 'ty le rk. - • Approved cl this. 9th.. ' ay, of Dece ber, 1909`. 6 • • " • . Mayor. • • $44,!#:' ,„ ) r R E S OL U I O N. • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: OF THE CI'iY OF RENTON, WASHING-TON: Section 1. , That whereas a petition is now beibE• cir-- cul .ted. for the formation of a commercial waterway district for the improvement of Cedar River, and. whereas the formation of such dis- trict Grill be of great '.bone fit to all of the property within the boundaries of Uaid. City of Renton, therefore, be it resolved that thei Mayor of the City of Renton be and he is hereby authorized to ,F,ign on, behalf of . said city said petition for the formation of said Cedar River Commercial Waterway. , Approved this :let.'•day of March, 1910.. • • N '. Mayor. • Fassed this ' let .: day of-March,-, 1910. • City Attorney. • 1'#' • 7':,' 0°4 -7.,fr,-; p4. -...-- 4t,, .f:• - z gyp.. .. ^ , ' rY dY f i ;J` ., • /:;,. r , . ,! ,1:, ik fl. . 14t � ' ' •:' ' 4,1 c"-- I RES GLUT 1 ON . WHEREAS , the right of way of the Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad Company passes through the town of Renton, and WHEREAS , the said Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad Company . is about to construct over its said private right of way a plank crossing at a point where Cedar Street of said town if produced north would cross said right of way, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the planking of said right of way at the place mentioned, and the permission by said . Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad. Company of the use of said plankway for public traffic, shall not be taken or considered as an admission that said right of way is subject to a public easement or right of way, nor an admission upon the part of said Railroad Company that it has not the right at anytime to enclose such right of way and prevent the public from crossing the same at any time it sees fit so to do, nor shall the said planking of the use of said plankway by the public be taken or considered as a claim upon the part of ' said town that the said crossing is subject to public use for traffic or other purposes, it being the intention hereof that the placing of said crossing at said point by said. Railroad Company and the use of the same by the public , shall not change the present conditions 1 and rights of the parties . APR 5® 1910 Passed by the Council this day of April, 1910 . 4: /...01.: :-4.,CC-,.. C._.... Attest: Mayor Clerk. RESOLU. T' I' O' N . RESOLUTION APPOINTING pN,11 "F U„,zflPr OF THE CITY OF RENTON TO 'REPRESENT. THE CITY OF RENTON IN THE REPLATTING 0 SECOND CLASS SHORE. LANDS ON LATE WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, at a conference held in the office of the Port Commission .on' April •8th, 1913, attended by representa- tives of of several public agencies interested in the replatting of second class shore. lands of Lake Washington' in accordance with "Chapter '183 of the 1913 Session Laws, it was decided that a working organization should be perfected by the selection of an Executive . Committee to act in an advisory capacity in assist- ing the Commissioner of Public Lands of the State of 'Washington, in working out the..provisions of said act, 'and WHEREAS it was there agreed that the City of Renton." should" be allowed one representative, on said. Executive Committee. THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of :Renton, ' Washington that PaLi3. ";r.rouEnr_ of said City, be and he is :hereby authorized., .Ordered and Directed to represent the City of, Renton as a member of said' Advisory Board.. P- � dE,'h ,}— = a af' �pr=il ._r :-=•D.---1-9� .... • f. City Clerk. Passed .and approved 'thie f '' day of April, A. D. 1913. 4/414 *V; Mayor. • . . RESOLUTIOr NO. -000- RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, declaring its intention to tak.e such steps as may be necessary to improve certain streets in the City• of Renton, Washington, by the construction of a brick pavement thereon under the terms and provisions of Chanter 51 of the Session Laws of 1913 of the State of Washington. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, as follows: Sec. 1: That portion of Mills Street North, bounded on • the South by First Ave North said on the North by 5th Ave. North, that portion of Fifth Ave. North bounded on the East by Hills Street North and on the West by East approach to the trestle known as State Road No. • 7. Approved this day of May 1913. MAYOR. • Passed this day of May 1913. • Clerk. • RESOLD" ION NO . -0000000- FL]SOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, declaring its intention to take such steps as may be necessary to improve certain streets in the city of Renton, Washington, by the constraction of a brick pavement thereon under the terms and provisions of Chapter 51 of the Session Laws of 1913 of the State of Washington. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, as follows: Sec. 1: That portion of First Ave. North des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the Northerly approach of MillsStreet Bridge crossing Cedar River and thence in a Northeasterly and Eastely Direction along said First Ave. North to the City. Limits. Approved this day of May 1913. MAYOR. Passed this day of May 1913. • RESOLUTION NO . •-0000000- RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, declaring its intention to take such steps as may be necessary to improve certain streets in the City of Renton,. Washington, by 'the construction -of a brick pavement thereon under the terms and provisions of Chapter 51 of the Session Laws of 1913 of the State of Washington. BE IT RESOLVED by the 'City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, as follows: Sec. 1. That portion of Walla Walla Avenue bounded on the East by Barnett Street and on the West by Smithers Street; - that portion. of Smithers-Street bounded. on the North by Walla Walla Ave. and on the South by the County Road.. That portion of county road bounded. on the East by Smithers Street and on the West by the City LiillitS• Approved this day of May 1913* • MAYOR. •Passed this day of May 3.91 ., CLERK, - RESOLUTIOD. NO. -000- RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City 'of Renton, Washington, declaring its intention to take such steps as may be necessary td improve certain streets in the City of Ren- ton, Washington, 17 the construction of a brick pavement thereon under the terms and provisions of Chapter 51 of the Session Laws of 1913 of the State of Washdngton. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, as follows: Sec. 1: That portion of Williams Street North, bound- ed on the South by the right .of way- of Commercial Waterway District No. 2 and an the North by the Southorly a-gproach to the trestle constituting state road No. }7, such improvement to bo initiated by a proper resolution of the City Council . providing for the paving of said above described streets, and curbing the same to a width of not less than foot on a basis di) the locyment out of the general fand of the City of - Renton of 2610 of the cost thereof. The payment by K-'ng County of 25' of the cost thereof, 50% of the cost thereof to be paid by an assesment levied upon abutting property. Approved this day of May 1913. m1Yoa. • . Passed this day. of [fay 1913. . CLERK.• . • RESOLUTION NO . . —0000000— RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of .Renton, ' Washington, declaring its intention to take such steps as may be necessary to improve certain streets in the City of Renton, l'ilashington, by the construction of • a brick pavement thereon under the terms and provisions of Chapter 51 of the Session Laws of 1913 of the State of Washington. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, as follows: Sec. 1. That the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, does hereby declare its intention to improve that portion of Burnett Street as platted in Smithers First addition to the Town of Renton, bounded on the North by Walla Walla -Ave. and_ on the South By County- . Road; that portion of County Road bounded- on the East by Burnett Street and on the West by the City Limits. Approved this day of May 1913* MAYOR. Passed this day of May 1913. CLERK. • • '%. (', r. .. ' t, +.i11, . _, ' 1.°: ')J' ••l._ -. _) .0;t 5 -t-' „r f' IJIA J_1.- , ` 1 ,{'; :1'�'u -F , r .- -I ' .. .T• , . 14 c; . •_ r.v ' .,f, 1 • . ., :) {`n 11. ' bt , 1. EJ is :,'t?C.: ai: f;0 ', i �(` , 'e' .n 'r ;lc,c ,1,;;:i , .!. .:.; t ,.1. 'a I?, 0•'. I ,i .i ,L1 • 7i-'fl 7 t.I.. • 'f"'I,l'i , -prom Ar:et . 1', .•a .r t.' .... El"1,_ '1 ls.I. t-f :)1' -L(�' toi "or;-; ',-iC'.re!');.: ir.l.0.6. ;f? L f>',...1.f to .,:O V L.C -,C t,,,.. .`i .L - r_7)7"'Lry ' ,ii t. .)-'1.., y ,fr...a"•, I[i , L . •, }.l1. ._ LT,-; "1(1 `:0-Je ;i fIc e 'v , 1';3', lni foci- 07 ,'f:d.r,, flcy, i_''):. , `),1.rn poi, ;(i :..L,; :lc �'..;; _'tloo.. , ,.11 .%li '_.i. S,-',;. r;.o.l i}"'yr t.,E F .i.d .•(•J'ne :LC; L:orriJr'S., ...Jn . y��t�`v /�� t)•y is�� „ . c i:- • /iz' vt:"--oe---s2-rf---r----k-- �k}----a' fa'4.y r_,l .. 9 1 ,4:; 1._-----(....=,---; 01. V,Y tr.Ym i. _ STATE OF ',IASHII•TGTON: COUNTY OF KING : SS . CITY OF RENTON .• I ,Grant Bates City Clerk, in and for the City of Renton ,Coun ty of King ,state of Washing ton, do hereby certify that the above add foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution passed and approved on the 8th, day of July, A.D,1913 ,whereby, the City of Renton,wa-shington does pledge itself to construct the said Carnegie Library building, according to said plans and spec- ifications for a sum not to exceed the Ten Thousand Dollars prom- ised by the said Carnegie Corporation • • IN WITNESS WTILREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Renton, "lashington , this 9 th,day of J.uly,A.D,1913 . City Clerk. 1 • • A ...;•:":LU'i.'IOli 'xn CITY COUNCIL '1!..., CITY OF I:!'�i`.`eOI:f '' t'- n TN , i ii ' T'' h'' P'71 i'r• 1 l T T iY l2 ,T? T T'T l- 1J T \T �` J �� 10 ` I'I )�rI ITS;,. 1.:...y� 1; „ C�'�:I'.I;G�'-, C,()1_�.C;..,�1TC1,. :3.... _ :TOT 1 1�.'1T t '.'!-) LIABLE leon ! U. T . ( 1 10, 000 .00 FOR T''_ i: ,} +.CT l`':T rVd.') CJ Cl- TIOFF O 13 , , T�'•P-•, I T11, T.7 BUILDING r Till'''. t'r� CITY , ,= T r ST :UCi LI_, J "1 .� (,_'>r...,. ,f,1.�, LI.-., . . 3,iJIL.'7Ii•>G Ii.. a.l.. , 0�+ T: ).iTl�)Ta ,'�7i�..�.-�- IJ GT'0ll. i l'•.t HIT �. ,n ,:Y„l BY '1L'•A C T '1 t1' 1 T ,i CITY Tel 1,',' T c•T .�,.. -.1 _..,,�,L,L ..,,� 'l:l..� ,.IlY C,b�,.tC,I.., os i'�`a=. C)_ .,t. �0id9'il.L�ti- Section 1; That the City of 'Renton shall not ask of the Carnegie Corpor ati.on, znd s:aic1 Corporation shall in no way be liable for any funds in excess of`'l0, O00.00 required for the erection and construc- tion of the Carnegie Library Building in the City of Renton ,1aehington. :Section 2; This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from add f Ler its paleage ,approva.l and legal publication. Approved this F.tnd,day of 53ept.191?1 . I. a.yor .. Passed this ; rid ,da.y of :3ept, 1913 . Clerk. Date of publication September 5 th, 191.�. • To The Honorable Mayor and City Council of- the City of .Sea the That whereas the Seattle Renton & 'outhern Street Railway is the . main ar tery of, commerce and passenger -traffic binding this City to- the great metropolis, of the State' of• Washington.;making their - interests one and inseparable;and the severance- of this IRON LINK - in to two parts-,by the municipal- ownership by Seattle ,of that por- • tion. withi_n 'her -Ci ty 'limits would lessen: the -close- business ties now existing and create new annoyances , by substituting• two manage- • ments .for. one,two separate fares , two separate bills of lading, two separate sets of -conductors and motormen ,and inevitably inaugurate strife between two conflicting interests . The Town of Renton being_ abandoned and left. alone -to contend - . ".with a private and• foreggn corporation,whose claims are now task- , ing the legal` acumen of Seattle' s well paid and able attorneys . BE- IT RESOLVED .BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF- RENTON: lst,'T'hat ',While we will welcome the acquisition and control of the entire line of -said Railway by the . City of Seattle.,we• most ear- • ne-stly protest against the severance- of the same into two• incong- • ruous and warring parts . _ • 2nd, That we now take advantage of -the , temporary lull in the • negotiations to ask the "Ci ty- Council of Seattle . to obtain from the legislature of the State of Washington 'the:, power to- purchase , owri • and manage the entire Seattle,Renton & "outhern Railway prop'rty. • 3rd, That we respectfully, request that the, purchase of any part of the said .Railway be postponed until such legislative san'ct- . ion- can be obtained,,unlees some bond or other arrangement can be made .for the sole control- of - the entire: line •by the City of Sea the . .4th, That-.We make "-this protest only for the purpose, of still . • closer knitting the intimate social and traffic relations now ex- . . isting between Seattle and Renton : . " - - - 'approved this .the 22nd,day o f September 1.914. - C44;1., Mayo r. - Passed this 22nd,day of September, 1.914. 4 V V - e City Clerk. RESOLUTION. • At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Renton held at its Council Chambers on the 0 day''b"" �• s"t 1914, the following Resolution wasp, offered by , Councilman: HVMEREAS the C,ol,umbis & Puget Sound Railroad Company, a Washington corporation;r 'has filed its 'Petition with the City Clerk praying for the vacation pf the east twenty-five (25) feet • of Seventh Avenue North and !'the east twenty-five p25 ) feet of Eight Avenue North, as same are shown on the official plat of Renton : arm Acreage as same appears of record in the office of the Auditor of King County,W'ashington; :•.and WHEREAS said4petition is signed by the owner of all of the property on both. .sides of each of said portions of streets sought to be vacated; ' and' WEREAS said petition is regular in all other respects: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City C_ ounci of the City of Renton ,that ' rrt-L the 2 (-4 of .-_ a thehour of 7 otclock Iof said day t:: hie 191 r, a t �'' � �' Council Chambers in the City of Renton, the same being the time and place of a regular meeting of the Council of said City, • be and the same is hereby 'set as the time and place then the said petition shall be heard and determined. BE IT ITURTER RESOLVED that the City Clerk give at least twenty days notice of the pendency of said petition by a written or printed notice set up in three of the most public places in said City and a like notice in a conspicuous place on that portion of each of i e streets sought to be vacated, which notice shall contain a statement that a petition has been filed to vacate the pQt ons of the streets above mentioned together with a statement of the time and placed fixed for the hearing of said petition. " ' It was moved and seconded that said resolution be adopted. Thereupon a vote being taken in due form and it appearing that each and all of the councilmen present, there being a quorum present, voted in favor of the adoption of said Resolution, it is therefore declared that said Resolution be and the sa:rne was duly adopted. • 4., Y,0 -/!{p`Np�(T`ett,0�yyynS..?',r!. m r' '" f• R 3i1SOLUTIOE . �{"It a regular meeting of she City Covnri _ of the City of ^ held l n t ! �, � the .'__I' day',.a i _^ c i r-+ = '' 9 4 Ren'�on ��. � at its Council Chambers on ,; c_...�r o_" .�1u�1...u`�, .1.,�1_a the following resolution was offered by Councilman eC.` ,. °. Wheroas the Renton Real Estate Con, a Jashin ton corpora- tion, has filed its pei i'GiOa with the City Clerk praying for the vacation of all of Col lercial venue lyin : east of the west line of Dot Thirty four Block Three projected north, and all that y;o'rtion of 3hw'i;';uch Street _;o.t."i/h lying Berth of ne following described line, 7 be- taring- ri'i�r •P -,3 i'�•'_ s�ci- = o 16 ) feet n� .✓, n .�9,�e southeast V.t).'_...i. � C.L t! a � � .1 J 1,J .:.1�J C C.L1 ( t7 ) �:.L�li RJ 1.�I ll i�. �'_ J 1,_ corner of JLo't, Bighteon Block Three, on the east; line of said Lot, try once oast fifty feet to the west line of Lot Por ty in Block Four, :r both of sa.ic? Streets being in Renton Real i,sate Cots 1st. Addition pA to Renton, according to the recordec? plat -thereof, and Whereas saiCE petition is signed by the caner of all of the property on both sides of each of said portions of streets sought to be vacated; anc?, Whereas said petition is regular in all other respects; Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton that the , x day of Soni er_nber 1914 at the hour of eight o 'clock Y. M. of said day at the City Council Chambers in the City of Renton, the same bins_ the time and place of a regular meeting of the City Council of said City, be and, the same a is hereby set as the time and place when and where said petition shall be heard yid date'r'm iile c a: De it further resolved that '1;he City Clerk give at leas` twenty days notice of the pendency of said _`etition by a written or r'. notice set up in three of the most public places in said city and a like notice in a cousnic'Uous `il ace on that Bortion of each of the streets sought to be vacated, which notice sh_ll con-• <3 t in a statement that a petition has been f'i 1ea to vacate 't;1 portions of the streets above na:moc', 't;o e'Ghor with a statement of the time ana y1aoo fizeCL ±o'1' the hearing of sail oe';i ian.i, ii It was imoveC7 aii(:% secon eJ that sail re solution be al0'p'tiel e, Thereupon i r� vote ` e�j•� -i r-`+-• "( "'i -� •�' n r that t each OZ1 a JOLT �)�. .i...� .;a1'LC.�1 in t:L_e :'�'O1',�_ an/ it c:-!��:C c�.�- i�1" �+..-c.� and all of the councilmen present, there being a ciuorum u osent, votel in favor of the alo ition of sail resolution, it it therefore leclareC that sail_ resolution a_:.._ the sac ;as ,1_11_lz a1opteCL ' '----- ------ 1-61r4 City Clerk, v 1 a 4 .,. . RESOLUTION NO. 501• Al_ Be it resOlvod by the City of Renton:- (1) THAT WHEREAS, heretofore by' Resolution No. 500 the City Council of Renton determined that a fill of the hereinafter described. Property is necessary as a sanitary measure, the said. City Council of Renton does now hereby deolare its intention to establish a new eleva- tion and grade of the said property and provide for the filling thereof, so as to bring the surface of the said property to a height of three (3) feet above the lowered elevation of Lake Washington at the regulated level of twenty-five tg5) feet above extreme low water of Puget Sound; together with the necessary bulk-heading thereof, and, doing any and all such other work as may be incidental thereto or necessary in conn- ection therdwith. (2) That any and all protests against Said proposed itprovement may be filed in the office of the City Clerk of said city at any time . 6gAN on or before 2:00 o'clock P. M. , the 4 aftth day of October, 1919. (3) The property to be improved as herein provided is that cer-, tain real estate situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, and store particularly described as follows: ',Beginning at the Southwest corner of C. H. Adsit Lake Washington Plat in, Section Seven (7), Township Twenty7three (23) North, Range Five (5), East; thence north no degrees, sixteen (16) minutes West, Fourteen Hundred and. Twenty (1420' ) feet to place of beginning; thence continuing north no degrees, sixteen (16) minutes West, Fifteen Hundred and Eighty-four ...-.. „. . and Four-tenths (1564.4t) feet to the inner harbor line as shown on Map No. -6 of Lake Washington. Shore Line "Renton Section", bearing date 1914, now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Ren- ton, Washington; thence north ninety (90) degrees east along said inner harbor line Two Hundred. and. Thirty-eight (2389 feet; thence north Forty-five (45) degrees, Forty-five (45) minutes east along said li inner harbor line Ten Hundred and Ninety (1090') feet; thence south thirteen (13) degrees, Twenty-nine (29) minutes east, Nine Hundred and Eighty-four (9$49 feet; thence south Forty-three (43) degrees, five (5) minutes west, Eighteen Hundred Sixty (1660t) feet to place of beginning. s 'That the total cost and expense of making the sa ,i improvement ,as provided by law to be assessed against said propert)r is here estimated at the sum of Thirty--five ,Thousand ( 35,O00.00) Dollars. Passed. the City Council of Renton this : dcay of , 1919, as Aigned by me in. open session in authentication of its passage this etat1 .ay of mr, 1919. 1 '-1 ' Trvii ,' Mayar o'f the said City of Renton. tifApproved by me this .... day of .._,_- - , 1919. ' v Y nvii , 6-1,-- / Mayor for the said City of Renton. Filed byme this a of 1 1 . � 7 , � 9 4V , tt — city Clerk the said city. -of Senton Date .of first publication. ►th day of 5eptem0 1919. , "7' ' 46,,,A A-4 e , , . _ ... _ _ % al-4 4t',4 (64/ 44r-ei iS24, /?/7 1 RESOLUTION • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON: that WHEREAS, The State Highway Commissioner of the State of Washington, contemplates the construction of the Pacific Highway between Kent and Seattle, in such a location that it will not pass through the city limits of the City of Renton but will pass at least a quarter of a mile to the West thereof, and WHEREAS, such construction of said road will very materially injure the industrial possibilities of the City of Renton and of King County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Z. That this orPanization earnestly petitions the State Highway CommisEioner of the State of Washinfrton to abandon the present route of the Pacific Highway and that the same be reconstructed so as to pass through the city liLits of the City of Renton, Washington# II. That a copy of this' Resolution be tranmnitted by the Mayor and City Clerk forthwith to the State Highway Commissioner of the State of Washington, Passed and approved this March 16th, 1920e • Attest: ' C-Y/ / „ City Cleric, MAR 17 1920 City Clerk RESOLUTION ITO. DE IT_ iESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington•, as follows: ITH EAS, the Pacific Highway is continuously • paved from the City of Olympia on the south to the City of or-""" - on the north, a distance of approximately f, miles , save and- except for a • nineteen hundred (1900 ft. ) foot section thereof lying immediately south of the City of Renton, Washington, and whereas , such nineteen hundred. (1900 ft. ) foot section is in a deplorable condition at the present time and is almost impassable except at a very slow rate of speed.. ADD, t S, du ring the year 1920 the State of Washington and King County in said State of Washington acquired the necessary right of way for that, portion of the Pacific Highway bounded on the south by the right of way of the Northern Pacific Ry. and on the 'north by the south boundary of the Smithers Estate , ai'fi in so doing re- . moved the objectionable and, dangerous right-angled turn at the northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (TU ) -of section Nineteen (19 ) , and. thereafter graded the same to the grade established for the permanent paving thereof. AND, r. an, the money for the paving of su ch incompleted portion of the .Paeific Highway has been ap- propriated and is, ready for immediate use, • NOW, BE IT R SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, that the State Highway Depart-' meat be. and they are hereby earnestly requested immediately A U G 9 1921 ' City Oier% ;2_ to pave with a suitable material, tiie incompleted portion of said Pacific Highway. Approved this 9th day of August, 1921. ldaYo(r Passed this 9th day of August, ,1921. City Clerk. , 'RESOLUTION NO. • BE IT- RESOLVED by the City Council of . the • City of Renton, Washington, as follows: • • WHI1111 S, the. Pacific Highway .is continuously • paved from the City of Olympia on the south to the south boundary of the Snohomish County line on the north, a dis- tance of approximately' ninety-six miles , save •and. except for a nineteen hundred (1900 ft. ) foot section thereof lying immediate ly south of the. City of Renton, Washington, and, whereas, such nineteen hundred (1900 ft. ) foot section is in a deplorable. condition.. "at• the present..time and is .al- _ most impasbable except at a very slow rate of speed. . ATM, 7 ;R : S, during the ; ear 1920 the State of . Washington 'an d'King County in said -Mate of YlFS.;;hington • acquired tho_ necessary right of way for .that portion 'of the Pacific .IIigh-tiaay bounded on-the south by the right of • way of the Northern Pacific RY. and On the north by the south boundary of the Smi the rs Es,tate and in so doing re- moved-. the objectionable .end dangerous right-angled turn - at the northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NZ ) of - - section Nineteen (19) , and thereafter graded the same .to the grade established for the permanenit paving thereof. ' AND, 17H'R 7AS., the 'money fo•r the paving of su ch incompleted portion of the -Pacific Highway has been a e- propriated and is ready for immediate use. • NOW, BE IT RESOLVED by' the City Council of- the City of Renton, Washington, that the State Highway Depart- . ment be and they are hereby earnestly requested immediately • -2 • to pave with a suitable material the incompleted portion of oa-?d Pa af:ic Highway. approve A.-this" 9th 'd<zy.of Alm gust,, 1921. ayor Passed this 9th .day.. of August, 1921.. , V/.: J. -T7ILLIAI'LI :. - • - v. C RTIFICATE :. I, W. .J.: Williams;. City Clerk of the City of: Renton, • Washington,. hereby certify at the above and foregoing is a • • true and correct copy of-Resolution No: ;: passed,by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington,. on August 9, • • 19 21, and approved by. the Mayor there of as shown by the. records ' . on file in my"office._ Witness my hand and. official seal of the City of :. - Renton, - Washington, this. August (sEA1) •