HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - Unumbered (1933 - 1935) • • • RESOLUTION • BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City. of Renton, that the City of Renton go on record as favoring the early passage. by the Cenate of Roue e ,Res oluti on No« 11930 relating to Green River Washington Mood Control, • said .Resolution having passed the U. $« House of Representatives June 27, 1932. • APPROVED this 29th day of November, 1932. MAYOR PASSED this 29th day of November, 1932. CITY CLERK • • • • • • • ftE8OitIT ION `" " • " _ • • • • '-•RJ SOL by the City . 'Ccurse-i1 of the City of • rtenton, •as fallowst - • taetcti3n_ 1a ...That-the ty''of iient�i11' take such •etev as are n ecescary, to, obtain the, neceeessscry fin nc1e�l sea/stance Of' the tiatp hZ.ghway Departzent= to widen = ?i ra t Avenue iior'Sh`.end- ' sr;neon t ay, .and .construct a ; = pa. es lent, p.ns. to Widen s.e'br'id ,e *crow Cedar 'kliver conform vri rhi the, s treett, and that he street .be eighty (80) feet wide frost in .treet eastward:. 4PIROM t ,i a ritti day' of January. 1933. • • ' ' tLiej 17.t i;.day of J a seta* , 1933,.' -4,gn City Clerk;, - • • • ;i � . • • • • • • • RESOLUTION 0. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton, as follows: . Section 1.: That the City of. Renton take such. steps as are -necessary to obtain the necessary financial assistance of the State Highway Department, to widen First Avenue North and Bronson Way, and construct a pavement, and to widen. th-e bridge across Cedar River to conform with the street, and that the street be eighty (80) feet wide from Main Street eastward. APPROVED this 17th day of January , 1933. MAYOR: PASSED this 17th day of anua ry , 1.933. 71ty Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the Mayors of the cities Of the State of Washington, at a.meeting held at the Olympia Hotel,Hotel, Seattle, 'Washington, on , the 13th. day of Sanuary, -1933; passed the resolution hereinafter -set forth; and :WHEREAS, the City Council: of the City ..of Renton- believes it would be. for the best interests of the City of Renton, as well as other municipalities •of.' the State that such measure be passed., • Now, Therefore BE. :I T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton:: Section 1 That the -City Council of the City of Renton hereby adopts the resolution as passed at the meeting. hereinabove set forth, to-wit:.. "We recommend.. that the State Highway Lawa be amended to ,provide that there be allocated to the - i.ncorporated. cities and towns in addition :to the amount now fixed by law for maintenance and construction of streets, lateral streets, and/or lateral highways , . ' an amount equal to three-fourths of a. cent per gallon of the' gasoline tax money collected, 'such amount to. be allocated according to population as shown by the last • . federal census , and'be used by such cities and towns for the: purpose of construct ion:, maintenance and repair -of streets, lateral Streets , and/or lateral highways., and/or bridges, connecting directly or ind_irectly to the State- - Highway System.* _ APPROVED this l7th day of Yanuary, 1933. • ' • • MAYOR - PASSED •this 17th day of January, .1933. ; . ay 7'1.JU Li--64.417:0 1 11} . City Clerk. p iI I • • • • • RESOLUTION„ • BE. IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITYOF RENTON, WASHINGTON: " • That we endorse and cooperate with the 3rd Avenue -Improvement. Club of Renton- in working for. the extension -of , : 3rd Avenue. and Walla Walla Avenue , from the intersection of fl1 Street and 'Walla Walla Avenue, thence running North East on the West Side of the Pacific Coast Rail Road Company right - of way connecting with First Avenue North :at the intersection of the Sunset Highway and the "Maple Valley-Black Diamond Highway. or any other revision recommended by the County Engineer or State Highway Engineers Said "improvement to be known as the . 3rd Avenue ; and .Walla: Walla Avenue connection with the Sunset "G'. Highway and the Maple Valleyo'Bia ck Diamond-.Enumclaw Highway. DATED this l7 day of January, 1933. APPROVE this 17th day of January, 1933. , • Mayor • PASSED ,this 17th. day of January, 1933. : , _ - ar 1,1) 11.4914) City Clerk _ : : RESOLUTION lit. WHEREAS, the location of the City of Renton is such that. it must depend upon a natural outlet for its sewer system; and - WHEREAS, the, population.,of' the said City of Renton has increased and is. increasing until it will be but a .short. time before the sewage disposal:.plant now taking care of the sewage, of the said city will have to be enlarged and a right�of-way acquired to carry away the sewage to empty into salt water; and "WHEREAS, -'the bed of Black. River; is the only natural course , over which` the salty could .obtain a rightr►ofs►way for such purpose; and . WHEREAS, it is .a matter which involves the health, welfare . and public safety of the -population of said city that necessary steps be taken to provide for an outl-et,- Now, Therefore, BE 'IT RESOLVED by the -City Council of the City of Renton that .the- Ci ty of Renton take such steps as will- enable: a bill to be presented to, the -present legislature to . provide that the bed of_`Black River:from the intake. on Lake Washington to the outlet on Duwamish- River be, deeded:--to the County of King, in order that ' • . the City, of Renton may in :,the near future acquire a r.ightiof_ray ' far. a trunk sewer to salt. water.. - ' 24th . APPROVED this Vith day of Tanuary, 1933. - MAYOR ' . • 24th ' - PASS this 22th ,day of January, .193.3. City .Clerk. , ti ! �.� e P s'• Y if ` . �� . 1'. . . I/ • • ll 12, 19 . • Board of County Coniassioners , . County-City auattle , Gentlemen: lInclocea herewith find. Oopy of Resolution aoprovea zi1vassed by tne City CouoiL of IZenton, koril llth, 1933. '22.*wting that the enclosed Resolution will receive favorable ounsiaerlt- tion, we are , Very truly yours, CITY 0 City Clerk RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: - THAT '!IEEREAS, DR. C . .L. DIXON, has been a, very capable and efficient County. Health Officer and. has diligently fulfilled the duties of that oril,e; and WHEREAS the members of the City Council are all personally acquainted: with Dr. C. L. Dixon and know his .character; ability as a physician and his qualifications for the office of :County Health Officer; BE IT RESOLVED: That the Renton City Council go on record as urging'.the. Board. of County Commissioners of King County to reappoint said. Dr. C. L. Dixon to the position. of County Health Officer. Approved this llth day of April 1933: It) 10dA4.40(-42,4-avvit.).. Mayor Passed. this -11th day of April 1933. areil/ f City Clerk 7 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON: THAT WHEREAS, sixty-five (65%) of the motor vehicle fund is pai& by the citizens of Washington cities and towns, and WHEREAS, the State has in the past appropriated almost the entire amount of the motor vehicle fund for state highways and county roads, and has left the cities and towns without funds to properly care for street construction and maintenance, and WHEREAS, thousands of municipal citizens who regularly pay gasoline taxes and license fees are compelled to use unpaved and worn-out streets, which, clue to lack of funds, municipalities can neither maintain nor improve-, and WHEREAS many millions of dollars are collected annually in tax on gasoline used in automobiles, motor busses, and taxicabs operat- ing' exclusively on city streets., and on gas used by municipally- owned police ears, fire tracks; street graders and other municipal vehicles, and WHEREAS, the taxable wealth within municipalities has been so reduced and their ability to raise money so restricted that multi,. eipalities are left without means to prtvide for the most meagtr requirements: in repair, maintenance and reconstruction of their streets, NOW THEREFORE, BE I.T RESOLVED, that we, THE CITY COUNCIL OF RENTON, protest against this unfair discrimination against the citizens of our city and urge our legislators to use their utmost efforts to secure the adoption of Senate Bill No. 138 which will return twenty-five (25) per cent of the motor vehicle fund to municipalities for use on city and town streets; and that, we further protest those provisions of the propose& highway code, Senate Bill No. 55, which would continue this unfair discriminat- ion against municipal citizens. Approved this 19th day of February 1935. passed this 19th day of February 1935, MAYOR r *** *** *** *** **A= *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ,ASSOCIATION OF UASHINGTON CITIES * * *** ' *** *** j°eekly Legislative Bulletin *** • *** *** *** ' • February 9, 1935 *** *** . *** . ' *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ASSOCIATION. BILL INTROPUCEP1 CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORST The Association's till requesting that twenty-five per cent of the motor vehicle . fUt be returned to cities and towns was introduced in, the legislature as Senate Bill . No. 13S, on February 4th by Senator Nugent of Centralia and Senator Maxwell of Renton. It his been. referred to the Senate Road and Bridge Committee.. The Senate Road and Bridge, Committee has now under consideration the proposed High,. .Way Code,: Senate Bill No. 65, which unjustly discriminates against municipalities, and eliminates the secondary highway fund. It allots municipalities only 600 per mile of state bighr/ay or road within corporate limits. This is less than 2% of the Motor Ve•. bide Fund. In addition to this injustice, the code •requires- city and town police ears,, fire trucks, and other municipal vehicles to pay the state gasoline tax for the privilege of using local streets paid for by local taxpayers. You are urged to communicate immediately with the members of the Senate Woad and Bridge Committee and the representatives and senators from your district, urging favorable consideration of Senate Bill No. 138, the Association's municipally shared . • motor vehicle fund bill, and protesting the unfair discrimination against cities and towns in the proposed Highway Code, Senate Bill No. 55. Contact your legislators immediately. For your convenience a suggested sample resal— ution On Senate Bill No. 138 is contained on the following page, along with a list Of the members of the Senate Road and Bridge Committee.,. '7e urge the adoption of this Ca' a similar resolution by your city council and by business and service organizations Of your municipality, to be forwarded to the state legislators. Cooperation of every municipal official in 7ashington is needed. Communications to 1egialators from your city council and the officials and citizens of your city urging support Of Senate Bill Na. 138 is absolutely necessary to insure proper consideration Of interests of 'ashirgton cities and towns. . Sincerely yours, N ASSOCIATION OF ::ASHINGTON CITIES- . H. E. GORMAN, Chairman of Executive Committee '� IL 5 I SUGGESTED RESOLUTION _ON SENATE BILL NO. 138 (To be forwarded to Senate Road & Bridge Committee and legislators.) WHEREAS, 65% of the motor vehicle fund is paid by the citizens of Washington cities and towns, and WHEREAS, the state has in the past appropriated almost the entire amount of the motor vehicle fund for state highways and county road's, and has left the cities and towns without funds to properly care for street construction and maintenance, and WHEREAS, thousands of municipal citisens who regularly pay gasoline tuxes and license fees are compelled to use unpaved and worn-out streets, which, due to lack of funds, municipalities can neither maintain nor improve, and WHEREAS, many millions of dollars are collected annually in tax on gasoline • used in automobiles, motor busses, and taxicabs operating exclusively, on city streets, and on gas used by minicipally-owned police cars,. fire trucks, street graders end other municipal vehicles, and WHEREAS, the taxable wealth•within municipalities has been so reduced and their ability to raise money so restricted that municipalities are left without means to provide for the most meager .requirements in repair, maintenance and reaon• etruotion of their streets, NOW, THERLTORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we protest against • this unfair discrimination against the citizens of our city and urge our legislators to use their utmost efforts to secure the adoption of Senate Bill No. 138 which will return 2521. of the motor vehicle fund to municipalities for use on city and town • streets; and that we further protest those provisions of the proposed highway codes Senate Bill No. 55, which would continue this unfair discrimination against muni. cipal citizens. BY SENATE ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: WALTER G. RONALD (D) Ellensburg, Grant and Kittitas Counties MEMBERS: J. H. FERRYMAN (D) 'Wenatchee,- Chelan County GEO. G. GANNON (D) Pullman, Whitman County C. NIFTY GARRETT (I)) Sumner, Pierce County J. P. TELLER (D) Odessa,, Ferry, Lincoln and Adams Counties DAVID E. McMILLAN (D) Colville,. Pend Oreille and Stevens REBEL MURPHY (D) Spokane, Spokane County GEO. Mo.CAULEY (D) Yakima, Yakima County EARL MAXWELL (D). Renton, King County EDMUND J. MILLER (D) Seattle, King FRED NORMAN (R) Raymond, Pacific and Grays iIarbor S. C. ROLAND (D) Bellingham, Whatcom County H. L. NELSON (D) Vancouver, Clark County HORACE E. SMITH '(R) Omak, Douglas and Okanogan Counties C. F. STINSON (R) Pasco, Bonto4,. Franklin, Klickitat and Skamania J. W. THEW (D) Abordeon, Grays Harbor J. P. VIORUM (D) Clarkston, Asotin, Garfield and Columbia • RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, That whereas the matter of improvement of Rainier Avenue between the city limits. of Seattle and the junction of Third. Avenue; Renton and State Highway No. 2 is soon to be ooiiaidered. RESOLVED that we urge the construction of a permanent four-lane-traffic highway with a four-foot pedestrian walk on one side. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this Resolution be spread on the minutes of the City of Renton and one copy be sent to the Sing County Commissioners for their considera- tion. Dated. at Renton, Washington, this. 28th day of May 1935. E. P. WILSON Mayor AGNES EDWARDS City Clerk