HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegislation/Petitions (1910-1944) Renton Washington",0ctober 17, 1910 1 To The Hon. Mayor and City Council , of The City of Renton Washington: We the undersigned property owners,residents• - of the City of Renton,respectfully petition your honerable body • to refrain from opening up the ditch for the purpose of putting in the contemplated Sewer in that portion of Williams Street between First and Second Streets ,for the reason that the district is low land and subject to overflow from the swolen '�w rs o� Cedar River at this time of the yeax, We respectfully request that the ditchVbe with- held until all danger from high water has ceased. We subscribe ourselves Yours very respectfully ..,e f 4 . _ /nte- . . „. ,../ 0/,,,,,,%,„,,, ,14/ .,_. _ f serofr - . c , .��� . 6. i (7) ; ,,,i' i ,,,, ,1 /114€4-L14,--)- T.3 -i-,40‘ ,z,?se tri• . • , 7 .y �, _ ‘v i# ''','X'7,/,_,, ,/ 1 ,,7 ; -`t il _,,_, /'f , /CY' (L-4.-----z---2----7--,7---04t-----44( AI 77/ A 11 l' ' "g i 1 • !i . . • . ' . •. * . _ . , .• • • ! . • 1 • - I . • I . ' 1 °' - . I I . . f liy I . . • • . . . -4 5 ........‘,, e'"'''' / / ‘.9 1 if/ ,,,..i..4.4 / , ,. ,.-- 4„, ,, vi 7,- ,„ ... re ,9,ty /7 , / .44. Cl , 57 " i o 9 . . } Oi0,Z // , - • .. .) . ,74:ft'N, . .4"---)---)"1-,-(7?-a ' A------,--51--5---t--,--72.-----11-& 62 2 / -A / 1 . / .. •-- ii .. .. ' ., WY e"--).---6)----W__. 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'' .','.., pr • . . . . . . . . , 1 . . . I . . . . . • . . ..: i . . . . 1 REgOLUTION VUMMIAS„ on September 10th, 1918, et the Primary Mloction in Xing County, the Voters will' naminate Calididates for County CommissiOnere • frwl the North •and the. South districts; and ulft.M7A30 a suitable candidate can be sucurd in our vicinity *who will rclpreseot the North District as' yell as the County at 1rge, 14 a _ _creditable manner, and _ vnIgulot this ioeai is .desirous of- sei-eCting a Candidate for the I _ Vorth District who is voll known to you all, he ha7imi; been a mine worker for a number of years, a reaident of King County for 33 years and who has nada him homein Renton for the paot 20 rear a and n heavy t. 1,gyer ( l Re t tft),, 7 1-1 N01:4 PIP1OF ORn Be It Resolved by the member oK:ocal of the 40i**47,Q41i*vZfalmrs of America and taxpayers of Renton, ''::,?..shington, from • the forth Commissionerlo Districts that Thu, Dobson haa proven that he is tbe logical dandidate to creditably represen the norO:District,„ 0end A1,44,04.4 rer* • in the Interests of Good government, - t4k4g,iatzzzdggbasgvm6- 2.vzitkfnfAkUoog-r-fi---fxdumrwtt'vgreoavttvzwa-r--454ovwitiggt'te voters and 7arpayers e4 Ring County as n Candiethte haring the praotictla experience anci the neoessary qualifications to fill thiv importrInt office, a man who is inherently boncot, eapmble and who hqs been successful in hip oWn busine tm w k the Vetere And TaxmePs to come to his • support on September 10th, 1113, Ina his Election on Vovember 5th, 191% •Passed this dav of 39/R* • PRESIDENT 0 Secretary . _0 A • - NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL. Improvement of/.���� I�u �� P�i� St By L. I. D - Ord 6 / Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. _/-2-0 for i7.-/Z. 1t. the improvement of • • (insert s-treets-or portions the-reof`t-o e-nmpi ved) by (specify-ing-natture=offimprovem-erif) c711,6,e4 a4,444f • • is now on file in the office of the City Clerk. Said roll has been set clown for hearing at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Renton at g. o'clock /- __ M. on the day of .. , 19,121_ and all persons who may desire to object to said assessment are notified to make such objections in writing and to file same with the City Clerk, at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing. At the time and place fixed and at such other times as the hearing may be continued to, the Council will sit as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of considering such roll, and at such hear- ing, or hearings, will consider such objections made thereto, or any part thereof, and will correct, revise, raise, lower, change or modify such roll, or any part thereof, or set aside such roll and order that such assess- ment be made de novo, as to such body shall appear just and equitable, and then proceed to confirm same by ordinance. - PETITION THE COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY Whereas, the growth of North Renton in .King County demands, an outlet for traffic at the northern extremity of the community to Rainier Avenue, and a shorter and connecting- link between Rainier Avenue and Lake Washington Boulevard, the members of the. North. Renton Improvement Club do hereby petition that the county right of way along Sixth Avenue in North Renton, crossing Cedar River- and connecting with Rainier Avenue, be improved with a roadway and a bridge across Cedar River. WM Hoyt , ':President , No. Renton Improvement Club. Winona Smyth, Secretary, No. Renton Improvement Club. • • TO THE. _CITY COUNCIL OF R ENTON • The "North, Renton Improvement" .Club :wishes to, call the - attent'ion:.of the City Council to the danger' 'incurred by- chil- dren who .crawl over and under the trains of the;:Milwaukee Rail- road, and 'Pacific ..Coast Railroad on their way to school ,school , and petitions ,that a grade separation be 'made..'on Morris Street be- tween Fourth.. and Fifth A-venues :and :on Tobin Avenue- between , Burnett and Logan Streets-. crossing the N,orthern`Pacific Railroad. Wm:. Hoyt , President;- - . Winona Smyth, Secretary:, • • - No.' Renton Improvement Club. PETITION TO '.THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Whereas, the present .Bronson Way bridge over Cedar river in the city of Renton has:_proved• inadequate for the ever in— creasing volume of motor traffic that crosses it , and whereas, the consequent congestion of traffic is unsafe for life and.. property, ' Be it resolved that we, the members of the North Renton . Improvement Club, do earnestly petition the Highway Depart— • ment of the State of Washington to widen this bridge to pro- vide for four lanes of traffic Wm® Hoyt, . Pres. No.. Renton Im. .Club _ Winona Smyth,.. Secretary No.. Renton Imp. Club ' / . ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING THAT PORTION OF BRONSON WAY AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at a point on the West line of Main Street 68.65 feet North from the Southeast corner of Block Twelve (12) in the original Town of Renton; thence South 48 7 ' West 101.40 feet; thence South 89 07 ' East 14.77 feet; thence North 48 17' East 81. 37 feet; thence North 46 t4 East 13. 56 feet to the point of begining containing 918 feet , more or less. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: '�; Section 1: That whereas Meredith Rees and Mary J. Rees , his wife , did on the 15th day of September ,, 1925, file with the City Clerk of the City of Renton a petition asking the City Council of the City of Renton to vacate the followigg described property, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the West line of Main Street 68.65 feet North from the Southeast corner of .Block Twelve (12) - in the original Town of Renton; thence South 48 7' West 101. 40 feet; thence South 89 07 ' East 14. 77 feet; thence North 48 17 ' Yxit East 81. 37 feet; thence North 46' East 13.56 feet to the point of beginning containing 918 feet , more or less, , Section 2: And whereas from the said petition that said Meredith Rees and Mary J. Rees, hiw sife, were at said time the owners of all abutting property upon said street and portion of the st r e et/s ought to be vacated, .% `''AND WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Renton, did by resolution passed on the 22nd dgy of September, 1925, fix "the 13th day of October , 1925, at 8 P. M. as the time when said petition would be heard and determined by said City Council , AND WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Renton has given twenty days notice of the pendency of said petition by written \\3. notice set up in three of the most public places of said City of en and by a like notice in a conspicuous place on that portion )ton , which of Bronson Way sought to be vacated and mf said notices contained a statement that said petition had been filed to vacate said strip of land which was described in said notice as above set forth and contained a statement of the the and place fixed for the hearing of said petition , AND WHEREAS, the affidavit of posting has been filed by Peter Dullahant from which it appears that twenty days notice of the filing of said petition and time and place for the hearing thereof has been given, NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordered that said petition of said Meredith Rees and Mary J. Rees , his wife , be granted and that the following strip of land lying outside of Bronson Way as approved and described hereinbefore, be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days from and after !Est its passage, approval and legal publication as provided by law. 0 Passed by the City Council of the City of Renton, Wash- regular ington, the 13th day of October, 1925, at a/meeting held at 8 P. M. of the City Council of the City of Renton, Washingtaum on said date. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) $s COUNTY OF KING PETER DULLAHANT being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is naw and at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States and, a resident of the State of Washington; that he is over the age of twenty- one years; that affiant , , on the 23rd day of September , 1925, received copies of notice to which this affidavit is attached; that at the request and on behalf of the City Clerk of ;the City of Renton, on September 23, 1925, he posted nopies of notices in three conspictious places in said. City of Renton , one at the corner of Third and Wells , one between Main and. Third and one at the corner of Burnett and. Walla Walla Avenue and one in a conspicuobs place upon the strip of land to be vacated. / • Subsoribed and sworn to before me this day of October , 1925. • • •vti 4. • RESOLUTIOV DO. 2005 • • WHEREAS, Lake washington is a great body of fresh • water situated within the County of 'King; and WHERZA2, a large and growing population, located upon and adjacent to stUd lake, is now using and will oon- , tinue to use its waters ,for drinking and culinary purposes; and, WHERFAS, sewage from municipal sewers, and. from private sources, water-closet cleanings, drainage contain- ing human excrement, cloud animals, garbage, kitchen waste, • barnyard drainage, animt,1 refuse, and other substances whith. may petrify and contaminate, have been and now are being de- posited into the waters of said. lake and into the streams flowing into said lake; and, • HERE , the Statutes of the Stoto of Washington • make it a grose demeanor to pollute any spring, well, stream, river or lake which is or may be used for drinking purposes; • and, WIL',REAS, the St.,,te Board of Health end the Health Officer of king County have each separately condemned the - use of said lake and affluents for sowafze Purposes; and, WHERE2, in the opinion of the Board of County Commissioners of King County, Washington, acting as the • County Board of Health of said County, it is necessary for the provorttion, supproseion and control of any dangerous, contagious or inleotious diseases, that the deposit of sewage, water-closet cleaninge, drainage containing human excrement, dead animals, garbage, kitchen waste, barnyard drainage, animal refuse, and other substances which may pollute and con- taminate, into the waters of Lake Viashinpton be discontinued , unless waste shall firnt have been purified to such a degree - 2 - that it shall not contain the germs of human diseases, and will conform with the U.S, P.H.S. Bacteriolopioal Standard as provided in SectIon 70, Rules and aegulations of the State Board of Health; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVFD by the County Board of Health of king County, Washington, as follows: FIRST: That the County Board of Healthof King County, Washington, aoting under and pursuant to the powers conferred upon them by law, does hereby declare that • it is necessary for the prevention, suppression and control of any dangerous, contagious or infectious disease, that the deposit of sewage, wator-closot cloanings, drainage contain- ing human excrement, dead animals, garbage , kitchen waste, barnyard drainage, animal refuse, and other substances which may contaminate, into the waters of Lako VJashington be dis- • continued unless tho same shall first have been purified to such a degree that it shall not contain the germs of human diseases and will conform with the U.S. ?•111.8. ih,eteriological St„Indard for drinking water. • SEC010 : That from and after the first day of •Vovember, 1V25, the forogoinEr regulation be actively on- forced and any municipal corporation, or any officer, agent or employee thereof, or any person, firm, association, co- partnership or corporation violatinp any of the toms there- of be subjected to the penalties providdd by law. THIRD: That publication of this Resolution shall be made by the Clerk of the Board in the official newspaper of King County, and, by publication at least once In two or more newspapers of general daily circulation in the City of Seattle, ' VASSED this gOth day of October, 192e. • •• ( sined ) Wm. Gaines . President . • 1 ' (Signed ) Frank H. Paul . • ,COmmissionereCourt, , ' (signed) Wm. Brawn Xing (jr Wash*. ( signed) Geo. H. T. Sparling County .Board of Health .of Kin County. .ATTEST: • • . .D. Eii .Perguson . Clerk of the Board ' .By (signed) 0. F. Gage . • • 130puty • Approved this 20th day of October,. 1925. STANE BOARD OP TILALTHOF WASUINGTON 3/ (signed). A. • Chairman. - ATTEST: (signed ) C. E. Dori• sy Secretary • • . • • • • • • • , • • " . . •• RESOLUTION • WHEREAS, the City (or Town)' of —Renton _ _ will not satis- factorily accomplish and will delay and be unable to perform the repair and maintenance of its city (or town) streets which form a part of the route of primary highways, or of other city streets upon which expenditure may be autho- rized by the director of highways; and WHEREAS,. it is the desire of the City (or Town) of ___g n ' that the director of highways perform such repair and maintenance; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City (or Town) of Rentto. __ does hereby acknowledge that it will not satisfactorily accomplish and will de- lay and be unable to perform such repair and maintenance on such City(or Town) streets and waives notice of the director of highways thereof; 'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the director of highways is requested and permitted to perform such repair and maintenance to the amount of $21.93 dollars, an amount not in excess of .the amount of money now •credited or reasonably anticipated to accrue to the City (or Town) of EfaitQ_ _ in the motor vehicle fund during the next fiscal year, such repair and mainte- nance cost to be charged against the amount so credited or to be credited; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon statement of the cost of :such repair and maintenance and journal voucher therefor, approved by the City (or Town) of Renton , for all labor, equipment, material, supplies and engineer- ing, the State Auditor is authorized and directed to reserve and credit to the department of highways in payment for such.repair• and maintenance a-ny funds credited or to be credited to the City (or Town) of ;Renton 'in the motor vehicle fund.not to exceed the above specified sum; all in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 41, Session Laws of 1933, as amended and supplemented by Chapter 111, Session Laws of 1935. • CERTIFICATE OF PASSAGE; December 29, 1936 D.F. -- #30 City Clerk Mayor • "cf. 'Ay' c3'•)"'_) ,!"'?,' 1-1‘ '37:7771(YJ r37trIusey s "1.7.: irX‘'7,f,r17# T '771 C;Y",: a :!1'.3 ,i1'.717`"',11$WAf.41- $ ; 2?. ?1:; ,71r,:*,1,11.%S. at a rozui.v.z. moetint'!7C tie Clity Cotmoll of Vie City of riton, ':.'athington thoro .eao brix_Ett to t'..tt7, ettentiori of MI6 City Cowl. oil the zn4ttlr of th, tofmr.in,..; al V.10 clove i,etttl,ono 40,4 1,111or tv-0 proiltdOrr3 )''.0f1171,3tOrte:',: :ilk:111110d l';tittUtiPS. ‘.-motiori 1160? prov.t.zizr..3i owls far rir.:,.tosto boin;-3 f!tic(, 4rAl. et 2ctc1/4•.c zos-D;;A.,:rty alltrirA 0(13 tach ,7ro2orty been "unjoetly or $.1.3preliorly inelnael within the propoied. Albite r;tilit, inel!!!n.1.03 tird iV P0111 utility i io ars4 takwo ceircr 0,•,;i: tit) prt irate ,yoz-ier Os14-1 territory tle tat reysr.liez, o t .9 ( it;7 w11,1 bo by oxty substituted pitroent Tat ao Gther fre a.4 sou:roe/in1t t and w^') i fthe fAtj. thc. Citz; 1..lonton fe'...A that to maintain our City frolr.;rni.:.o.at at al.'rehere netir the etexklor !:.7fti.ntal“e:1 it ID EA)6.1o1,11.1;eiy ontcr tO find ,f-,,the:v eDdreNr. ro71-. Ite to th uetherslerp anti WO ts31,iinr) that the City 1:f" .:,cratea voulti be in it 1414.01 better 0o4tionL to provide ot%Or revoaue to tak,l place o the tax. roVOlLEV Width Itlaj, mitiootionebly be lv fft t4;,,r t'P!o forast.tart Or tido thkotrict if eorilxrato anti ail:4171ot it out3ids of eald power aotri.ot, Tra *711- ,.17,?(X.:130 Wr,Ori:',11%7D by the City arLio.11 of E.,z City of nton that w protect t:;.e tc ut ell )roporty within the 0:1rPs orate I.V.Ito of 1t & 'ilenton within *aid Aibllo oL` Z1717, pattty,on the 3oord of .1. • • Olt:Int/ t/;)• lia;;;;Ijati rt Ut e o C•41,t,y .1: 14 trtt t : O Y. Ci10:-Y-"t111# •1E4;irtve tho 0,1,17 ,.:13t,:.;;.1 EpT, 4,3;„4-J• tAt :;•,-,;(2V.I,' tit ; CLIC oil r z t ca,...4 ty II •by tA,;,.„),_ilar LA, 1. (-4 74 ti..; £ ze ..t;s f:'o;i1"'AFIsol,otiors to ETotev1; earv3ftioof itt! of:' if'la),ML rgit1:Uter ttt cittrI.A:oilon Vita Sth v cif jtv,,zaurx 1937.• • cry • .02.• RESOLUTION WHEREAS it is required under Sections 62 and 64 of Chapter 187 of the session laws of 1937 that a City Street Fund be established BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton Washington, that the City Treasurer be and is hereby directed to establish a City street Fund BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That all items budgeted in the Current Expense Fund for use on streets be transferred to said City Street Fund; that all moneys received from any source for use on streets shall be deposited in said City Street Fund to be expended from such fund for the construction, alteration, repair, improvement and maintenance of cty streets as provided by law. Approved this 4th day of May 1937® ZrZyC --- Mayor® L Passed this 4th day of May 1937. /e/rF'AiprAdo / City Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City (or Town) of — Renton will not satis- factorily accomplish and will delay and be unable to perform the repair and maintenance of its city (or town) streetsfwhich form a part of the route of primary highways, or of other city streets upon which expenditure may be autho- rized by the director of highways; and • WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City (or Town) of Renton that the director of highways perform such repair . and maintenance; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City (or Town) of Renton does hereby acknowledge that it will not satisfactorily accomplish and will de- lay and be unable to perform such repair and maintenance on such City (or Town) streets and waives notice of the director of highways thereof; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the director of highways is requested and permitted to perform such repair and maintenance to the amount of 465:0Q dollars, an amount not in excess of the amount of money now credited or reasonably anticipated to accrue to the City (or Town) of Renton in the motor vehicle fund during the next fiscal year, such repair and mainte- nance cost to be charged against the amount so credited or to be credited; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon statement of the cost of such repair and maintenance and journal voucher therefor, approved by the City (or Town) of Renton , for all labor, equipment, material, supplies and engineer- ing, the State Auditor is authorized and directed to reserve and credit to the department of highways in payment for such repair and maintenance any funds credited or to be credited to the City (or Town) of Renton in the motor vehicle fund not to exceed the above specified sum; all in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 187, Session Laws of 1937. Passed by the City (or Town) Council of the City (or Town) of Renton in regular session the h day of April , 19 39- =, w (Affix Seal) • tre./4-4' / City - Town Clerk D1F 30.01 • BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY C OTUNC IL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, '?ASHINGTON: That the bed of Black River be deeded to the State Highway Department of-the State of Washington for a Highway and for a right of way for a sewer from the Duwamish River to the Boeing Plant on Lake Washington, a distance of three miles. This highway would connect with the east marginal highway as planned by the Chamber e Commerce of Seattle and furnish a level highway for all freight coming to or going through from manufacturing plants in Renton. Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington this 23d day of September.1944® - Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUE CITY OF RENTON: WHEREAS the Supreme Ruler of the Universe has seen fit to call James P. Flynn for the journey to the unknown shore and, WHEREAS' the family has thus lost a loving brother, The community a good citizen and the City of Renton an old and valued employee. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Renton that we express to the family our deepest sympathy in their bereavement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy' of this resolution be spread upon the minutes; one sent to the family and one given the press for publication. Dated this 8th day of November, 1944. ayor Gity Oerk Vs �P6 ,off y c'(' 0) O 0- vk ckf'e't\N) .Z" - IT ri4\Knu!(hptor, s •,y� Z A Steam P/ant • ��,.• V `."-\-\ * PSPi4.co �.i BOEING r. P 4 Q A/RCRAFr 4+ �� Co. • • •t.10 W RCNTON •,, . DIV a V . I. \ ,4 1 l �j� I k. : aTN AVE N. _ _ _ -M/7 �/ S\ 6 PARKING 0 Q it 410 W • LOT ■ f / c ',,, ='.. f - �NO M R LV zz It 141 `,, ' oisft s,- !Illb I I P qN T 11/�1� I/' s The AVE 11 III Y $, SO G ‘G , s v Z N \0�\o0 0 , ■ .- _ 2ri =lip . \ k ;I:'„ ko z ritil'- ‘'Q' Ilugeri ,-.3 •N/4:5 2,4 0 v 1 i I i q.• MT ■• I ' 4W o CEA/C -o RIPER PARK ` Cemetery r,ii im S HOUSING IJJI Ill Ping 11j51 toi,41-_ , ,ilv- zi Cc! 111 .\ N • , — ll Is �, \1F 'P ..,_....40,0 -Ull ary le-- $ .-... ,, t,,.. o �� CITY OF R E NTON ��?� F . " AND VICINITY \,. k \ .�. AVE ♦' \� / 1 �� 4.,,, Sca/e : 1-Mi. =4-In. �.. .,� -N .•..\\.\ `BTNA -aw.r By I. L. - 2 -z6 -44. ` ` "' or L.10 Ear/R.Pie rt -City £n,r. . 4. 1 RENTON : TARN PLAT . I 30' — N .1 0, I -p I byI 1 • `o o I = I N w I I . I I I I ! I I eo so' 4S• I 45' t 45' I as• . I •as• so• I 4s• I 45• I • as• I ems• I 45. I so• a i I 4. ' .. 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IX ! /b' ,are ,..s I` -7Lit' ! 'r oar if 11r' ,ai i ex' . D t. I. a y V -1 . 13 IZ 11 10. ' .9 8 7 k 3 O • Df.d' d73' .. .. .. .. Jf.T• Ir.®r fir.a0' ., 4J'Jz' RTN' 2 ' a 111 1 2 3 4 5 G o . , az . . . . . • w3..a+' +__ .. 4Eg, .l.�f' . fOU RTH AVENUE N.