HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - Unumbered (1960-1971) 9µ� yi J 1 , tr' RESOLUTION NO. A resolution relating to city public officers and employees; prohibiting acts resulting in conflict of interest; establishing a code of ethics for city officials and employees; establishing a city of Renton Board of Ethics and prescribing its duties and functions; and prescribing penalties . • WHEREAS , high moral and ethical standards among public officials is essential to gain. and maintain the confidence of the public and such confidence is essential to the conduct of free government. ( WHEREAS, the proper operation of democratic government requires of public officials and employees be independent and im- partial in reaching their decisions and establishing policy; that I. 4 public office not .be used for personal gain . WHEREAS , A code of ethics is necessary for the guidance of public officials to prevent conflict of interests in public office, to improve standards of public service, and to promote and strengthen the faith and confidence of ,the people of the city of Renton and their public officials . { Now hereby be it resolved by the Mayor and the city:'.Renton, ( Washington as follows : • SECTION 1: RESPONSIBILITIES OF PUBLIC OFFICE • Public officials and employees are agents of public pur- pose and hold office for the benefit of the public . They are bound to uphold the constitution and the laws of the United States; the constitution and laws 'of this state and the ordinances of the f " ( city of Renton to carry out impartially these duties and thus to foster respect for all government. They are bound to observe in their official acts the highest standards in morality and to dis- h charge faithfully, the duties of their office regardless of personal consideration, recognizing that the public interest must be their fe promary concern . Their conduct should always be above reproach. SECTION 2: FAIR AND EQUAL TREATMENT a. Interest in. appointment Any person who is seeking to be appointed to a position in the city or has a matter before council in which he has a financial interest, is hereby prohibited from canvassing members of the council directly or indirectly, in order to obtain preferential consideration . Such canvassing shall disqualify the person for appointment. b. Use of 'public property No official or employee shall request or permit the use of city owned vehicles, equipment, materials, or property for personal convenience or profit, except when such services are available to the public generally or are provided as city policy for the use of such official or employee in the conduct of official f ' business. l c, Obligations to citizens No official or employee shall grant, or shall any citi- zen attempt to obtain, any special consideration, treatment, or advantage to any citizen beyound that which is available to every other citizen. SECTION 3 : CODE OF ETHICS The purpose of the code of ethics is to assist city officials and employees to establish guidelines to govern their -2- pp own conduct. The code is also intended to help develop the tra- ditions for responsible public service. No official or employee shall engage in any act which is in conflict of interest with the performance of this official duties . An official or employee shall be deemed to have engaged in an act which constitutes a conflict of interest if he: 1 . receives or has any financial interest in any sale to or by the city of any service or property when such finan- cial interest was received with the prior knowledge that the city intended to purchase such property or obtain such service; 2 . accepts or seeks for others, any service or thing of value on more favorable terms than those granted to the public generally, from any person, firm or corporation, having dealings with the city' 3 . accepts any gift or favor from any person, firm or corporation having any dealings with the city. 4 . influences the selection of, or the conduct of bus- iness with a corporation, person or firm having business with the city if he personally or through household relatives shall have financial interest in or with said corporation, person, or firm, ° unless he has disclosed such interest pursuant to the provisions of this resolution, unless such interest does not exceed one tenth of one percent of the outstanding, securities of the business con- cern or if the interest is an unincorporated business concern, one percent of the net worth of such concern; or the financial interest of a corporation, person, or firm, does not exceed five percent of the net worth of the employee and his household relatives; 5 . is an employee, officer, partner, director, or con- sultant, of any corporation, firm, or person having business with the city unless he has disclosed such relationship as provided by this resolution; -3- 6. engages in or accepts private employment or renders services for private industry when such employment or service is { incompatible with the proper discharge of his official duties or would tend to impair his independence of judgement or action in the performance of his official duties; 7 . ' discloses, without proper legal authorization, con- fidential information concerning the property, government, or af- t fairs •of the city or uses such information to advance the fin- , ancial or. other private interest of himself or others; 8.. appears in behalf of a private interest before any governmental agency or represents a private interest in any action or proceeding against the interest of the city in any litigation to which the city is a. party. A .city councilman may appear be- fore governmental agencies on behalf of constituents in the. course of his duties as a representative. of the electorate or in the Per- . formance of public or civic obligations, however, no official or employee shall accept a retainer or compensation that is contin- 4 ' gent. upon aspecific action by a city agency; • . 9. has a. substantial 'or controlling interest in any bus- iness entity which conducts business or contract with the citym • or in the sale ' of real estate, materials, supplies, or services to the city, without disclosing such interest as provided by this resolution . • An official or employee shall not be deemed interested in any contract or purchase or sale of land- or any other thing of val- • ue, unless such contract or sale is approved, awarded, entered into, voted on or authorized by.. him in his official capacity. • 10 . . a- city councilman who has a financial or other private interest 'in any legislation and fails to disclose such interest on the records of the city .council and the board of ethics stating the nature and .extent of such interest. Any other official or employee who • • • has a financial or other private interest, and who participates in discussion with or gives an official opinion to the city cbuncil and fails to disclose on the records of the 'city council the nature ti • and extent of such interest. • .11. posses any substantial or controlling investment, direct or indirect in any financial business, commercial or pri- vate transaction which creates 'or may create a conflict with his . official duties; or invests in any business regulated or licensed } • by or doing business with the city in which he is employed, or is a party to any transaction on which he may be called to make a decision in his offi ial capacity which creates or may create a conflict of his official duties . In the event such official or employee shall possess: such substantial or .controlling interest • in any transaction, any .presumpjion of conflict of interest with his public duties .shall be removed by his disclosure 'of the nature • and extent of- such investment as required by this resolution. • • • SECTION 4: DISCLOSURE -OF INCOME AND INVESTMENTS 6 , Every elected official, paid whole or in part from city ti funds; all members of any board or commission of• the city of Renton; • • persons appointed directly by the Mayor; and all employees of the council; such other public , employees which may be provided for t , herein., shall, within thirty days after the effective date of this . resolution and thereafter on or before January 31, of each year, and every candidate for county 'office shall, within five days after the f , filing of a declaration of candidacy, file with the city clerk a - written statement of: • 1 . all sources 'of. income to him; or his wife; any .member • of his fam .lyyresiding within .his household, and; 2 .: the name of any corporation, firm, or enterprise sub- ject to the, jurisdiction of any regulatory agency in which he has - • a - f1 . a direct financial interest, provided: that policies of insurance issued to himself or his spouse, accounts in banks, savings and. loan associations or credit unions, are not to be considered financial interest, and; 3 . every office or directorship held by him or his spouse or any member of his household in any corporation, firm or enter- prise which is subject to the jurisdiction of any regulatory agency, f _ and; 4 . the name of any person, corporation, firm, partnership, or other business association from which he receives compensation, by virtue of his being an officer, director, employee, partner, or member of any such person, corporation, firm, partnership, or any other business association, and; 5 . as to attorneys or others practicing before regulatory agencies during the preceding twelve month period, the name, the agency or agencies and the name of the firm, partnership or associ- ation in which he is a member, partner, or employee and the gross compensation received by the attorney and the firm, partnership or association respectively for such practice before such regulatory agency, and; 6. a list of legal description of all real property in the State of Washington which any interest whatsoever, including options to buy, was acquired during the preceding calendar year. For the purposes of this section and this section only, the shall adopt and promulgate rules- and regulations delineating such personnel other than those specifically numerated in this ordinance employed by the city that shall be required to complete and file a financial statement as set forth in this section . -6- SECTION 5: PENALTIES Any city officer or employee who willfully violates in any person or form, or corporation who aids or abets such violation or request or seeks such violation may subject to removal from office, and a vote of censure by the city council . Any person or corporation that negligently aids or abets any city officer or employee, in violating any requirement of this • resolution or negligently seeks or requests .such , a violation shall be subject to a -censure motion by the city .council . • - • SECTION 6 BOARD OF ETHICS - There is _hereby created a Board of Ethics composed of five members consisting .of the Municipal Judge; -the chairman of the city Planning 'Commission; one. member to be selected from the Renton Ministerial Association; one member to be selected from the institutions { of higher education located' in King County, both selected by the city council by a ,majority .of seven members.; and one member selected at large to• be appointed by the city council by a majority of seven members . . • A majority of the city council, but not the mayor, may remove a member of the Board of Ethics for just cause after written charges have been served on the member and a public hearing has been held by the city council. • - The Board shall be advisory and shall. meet as frequently as it deems necessary, but not less than twice a calendar year-. A majority of -the Board shall constitute" a quorum. • . The- principal duties of the board of Ethics are to receive and initiate complaints of violations of the Code of Ethics; to , hear' and investigate complaints and transmit findings to the appro- priate authorities; to render advisory opinions or interpretations with respect to application of the code, -either on written ' request • • r1)i A or its own initiative; and to propose revisions to the code to in- l sure its continuing pertinence and effectiveness . Request for ad- visory opinions or interpretation and all complaints and investiga- tions shall be kept confidential . All hearings shall be public and all findings, recommendations, advisory opinions, interpretations, and proposed revisions shall be made public . All advisory opinions and interpretations shall be published in permanent form twice a year, with the necessary deletions to prevent disclosure of the iden- tity of the official or employee involved. All reports of-the Board of Ethics are advisory. The city council, as a legislative body is responsible for , the application of the code to its own membership and to the employees of the council . The mayor is responsible for the application of the code to appointive officials and employees . SECTION 7: APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE This resolution, unless otherwise indicated, shall apply to all elected city officials and other officials and officers, in- cluding members of all Boards and Commissions established by ordin= ance, all employees of such boards and commissions, officials and officers and all other employees of the City of Renton . • t .. ' o lVej)' • SENATE BILL NO. 16 State of Washington By Senators Ta31ey, Riley 37th Regular Session & Freise (By Legislative Council Request) Read first time January 12, 1961 and referred to Committee on Cities, Towns and Counties, . AN ACT Relating to cities and towns; amending section 2, chapter 245, Laws of 1907 as amended by section 6, chapter 248, Laws of 1951 and RCW 35.13.020 through 35.13.050; amending section 3, chapter 245i Laws of 1907 and RCW 35013.060 and 35013.080; amending section 4, chapter 245, Laws of 1907 and RCW 35.13,070 and 35.13.090; amending section 2, chapter 239, Laws of 1957 and RCW 35.130100; amending section 3, chapter 128, Laws of 1945 and RCW 35.13,130; amending section 6, chapter 239, Laws of 1957 and RCW 35.13.160; amending section 1, chapter 248, Laws of 1951 as amended by: section 1, chapter 119, Laws of 1957 and RCW 35.13.220; amending section 4, chapter 248, Laws of 1951 as amended by section 1, chapter 27, Laws of 1951 second extraordinary session, and RCW 35.13.250; adding seven new sections to chapter 35.13.RCW; and repealing sections 2 and 3, chapter 248, Laws of 1951 and ROW 35.13.230 and 35.13.2400 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: NEW SECTION. Section 1. There is added to chapter 35.13 RCW a new section to read as follo s: In addition to the method prescribed by section 7 of this amendatory act for the commencement of annexation proceedings, the legislative body of any city or town may, whenever it shall determine by resolution that the best interests and general welfare of such city or town would be served by the annexation of unincorporated territory contiguous to such city or town, file a certified copy of the resolution with the board of county commissioners of the county in which said territory is located. The resolution of the city of town initiating such election shall describe the boundaries of the area to be annexed, as nearly as may be,, state the number of voters residing therein, pray for the calling of an election to be held among the qualified voters therein upon the question of annexation, and provide that said city or town will pay the cost of the annexation election. The resolution may require that there also be submitted to the electorate of the territory sought to be annexed a proposition that all property within the area annexed shall, upon annexation, be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as the property of such annexing city or town is assessed and taxed to pay for any then outstanding indebtedness of the city or town to which said area is annexed, contracted prior to, or existing at, the date of . annexation. NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 There is added to chapter 35.13 RCW a new section to read as fo Lowsi Within ten days after the filing of a cityes or townts annexation resolution with the board of county commissioners, or within ten days after filing with the county commissioners a petition calling for an election on annexation, as provided in section 7 of this amendatory act, or within ten days after approval by the legislative body of a city or town, a petition of property owners calling for annexation, as provided in section 17 of this amendatory act, the mayor of the city or town concerned sha11 convene a review board composed of the following persons: (1) The mayor of the city initiating the annexation resolution, or an alternate designated by him; (2) The chairman of the board of county commissioners of the county wherein the property to be annexed is situated, or an alternate designated by him; (3) The director of the state department of commerce and economic development, or an alternate designated by him; (4) The chairman or chairmen of the board of school directors of any or all school districts situated in whole or in part of the area to be annexed. An additional member to be designated by a majority of the members above designated, who shall be a resident of and a property owner in the area proposed to be annexed, shall be added to-the original membership and the full board thereafter convened upon call of the mayor.. NEW SECTION. Section 3, Whenever a petition is filed by either of the methods provided in sections 7 and 19 of this amendatory act, or a resolution is adopted by the -1- r- city council, as provided in section 1 of this amendatory act, and the area proposed for annexation is less than ten acres and less than two hundred thousand dollars in assessed valuation, the mayor of the city or town to which the area is proposed to be annexed and the chairman of the bard of county commissioners and county superintendent of schools can agree by majority that a review proceeding, as provided herein, is not necessary for the protection of the interest of various parties, in which case such review procedures shall be dispensed with. NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. There is added to chapter 35.13 ROW a new section to read as follows: The review board shall by majority action, within three months, determine whether the property proposed to be annexed is of such character that such annexation would be in the public interest and for the public welfare, and in the best interest of the city,, county, and other political subdivisions affected. The governing officials of the city, county, and other political subdivisions of the state shall assist the review board insofar as their offices can, and all relevant information and records shall be furnished by such offices to the review board. In making their determination the review board shall be guided, but not limited, by their findings with respect to the following factors: (1) The immediate and prospective populations of the area to be annexed; (2) The assessed valuation of the area to be annexed, and its relationship to population; (3) The history of and prospects for construction of improvements in the area to be annexed; (4) The needs and possibilities for geographical expansion of the city; (5) The present and anticipated need for governmental services in the area pro- posed to be annexed, including but not limited to water supply, sewage and garbage disposal, zoning, streets and alleys, curbs, sidewalks, police and fire protection, playgrounds, parks, and other municipal services, and transportation and drainage; (6) The relative capabilities of the ci..ty, county, and other political sub- divisions to provide governmental services then the need arises; (7) The existence of school districts and special districts within the area pro- posed to be annexed, and the impact of annexation upon such districts; (8) The elimination of isolated unincorporated areas existing without adequate economical governmental services; (9) The immediate and potential revenues that would be derived by the city as a. result of annexation, and their relation to the cost of providing service to the area. Whether the review board determines for or against annexation, its reasons therefor, along with its findings on the specified factors and other material considerations shall : (1) In the case of a petition signed by property owners calling for an annexation without election, be filed with the legislative body of the city or town concerned: (2) In the case of a petition signed by registered voters calling for an election on annexation, be filed with the board of county commissioners; (3) In the case of a resolution of a city or town initiating annexation pro- ceedings, be filed with the board of county commissioners. Such findings need not include specific data on every point listed, but tall indicate that all factors were considered. NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. There is added to chapter 35.13 ROW a new section to read as follows: Upon receipt by the board of county commissioners of a determination by a majority of the review board favoring annexation of the proposed area, the board of county commissioners shall fix a date on which an annexation election shall be held which date will be not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days thereafter. a.2.'. • 7,4 • • NEW SECTION, Sec. 6. Section 2, chapter 245, Laws of 1907, as amerided-by Section' s chapter 248, -Laws of 1951 (heretofore divided and codified as RCW 35.13.020, 35.13.030, 35.13.040 and 35.13.050) is divided and amended as set forth in sections 7 through 10 of this amendatory act. Sec, 7 (RCW 35.13.020) A petition for an election to vote upon the annexation of a portion of a county to a contiguous city or town signed by qualified voters resident in the area equal in number to twenty percent of the votes cast at the last election may be filed in the offices of the board of county commissioners; PROVIDED, That any such petition shall first be filed with the legislative body of the city or town to which the annexation is proposed, and such legislative body shall, by resolution entered within sixty days from the date of presentation, notify the petitioners, either by mail or by publication in the same manner notice of hearing is required by section 9 of this amendatory act to be published, of its approval or rejection of the proposed action. In approving the proposed action, the legislative body may require that there also be submitted to the electorate of the territory to be annexed a proposition that all property within the area to be annexed shall, upon annexation be assessed and taxed at the same and on the same basis as the property of such annexing city or town is assessed and taxed to pay for any then outstanding indebtedness of the city or town to which said area is annexed, contracted prior to, or existing at, the date of annexation. The approval of the legislative body shall be a condition precedent to the filing of such petition with the board of county commissioners as hereinafter provided. The costs'of con- ducting such election shall be a charge' against the city or town concerned Sec, 8. (RCW 35.13.030) A petition filed with the county commissioners to call an annexation election shall particularly describe the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed, state the number of voters residing therein as nearly as may be, State the provisions, if any there be, relating to assumption of debt by the owners of pro- pert of the area proposed to be annexed, and shall pray for the calling of an election oo be held among the qualified voters therein upon the question of annexation. Sec. 9. (RCW 35.13.040) Upon the filing of approval by the review board of a petition to call an annexation election, the board of county commissioners at its next meeting shall fix a date for hearing thereon to be held not less than two weeks nor more than four weeks thereafter, of which hearing the petitioners must give notice by publication for at least two weeks prior thereto in some newspaper printed and published in the city or town to which the area is proposed to be annexed. Upon the day fixed, the board shall hear the petition, and if it complies with the requirements of law and has been approved by the review- board, shall grant it. The hearing may be continued from time to time for an aggregate period not exceeding two weeks. Sec. 10 (ROW 35.13.050) After the filing with the board of county commissioners of a petition or resolution to call an annexation election, pending the hearing there- on, and pending the election to be called thereunder, the board of county commissioners shall not consider any other petition or resolution involving any portion of the territory embraced therein: PROVIDED, That the petition or resolution may be withdrawn or a new petition or resolution embracing other or different boundaries substituted therefor by a majority of the signers thereof, or in the case of a resolution b the legislative body of the city or town, and the same proceeding shall be taken as in t e case of an original petition or resolution. NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. Section 3, chapter 245, Laws of 1907 (heretofore divided and codified as RCW35.13.060 and 35.13.080) is divided and amended as set forth in sections 12 and 13 of this amendatory act. Sec. 12. (RCW 35.13.060) Upon granting the petition, the board of county commissioners shall fix a date for the annexation election, which must be not less than thirty nor more than sixty days thereafter. Sec. 13 (RCW 35.13.080) Notice of an annexation election shall particularly describe the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed, state the objects of the election as prayed in the petition or as stated in the resolution and require the voters to cast ballots which shall contain the words "For annexation" and "Against annexation" or words equivalent thereto, and which in case the assumption of indebtedness is pro- posed, shall contain as a separate proposition, the words "For assumption of indebtedness" and "Against assumption of indebtedness" orwords equivalent thereto. The notice shall be posted for at least two weeks prior to the date of election in four public places, within the area proposed to be annexed and published for at least two weeks prior to the date of election in a newspaper printed and published within the limits of the territory proposed to be annexed, or, if there is not such newspaper, in a newspaper printed and published in the city or town to which the area is proposed to be annexed, or if there is no newspaper published in the city or town, in a newspaper of general circulation in the area published and printed in the county. - -3- NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. Section 4, chapter 245, Laws of 1907, (heretofore divided and codified as RCW 35.13.070 and 35.13.090) is divided and amended as set forth in sections 15 and 16 of this amendatory act. Sec. 15. (ROW 35.13.070) An annexation election shall be held in accordance with the general election laws of the state, and only registered voters who have resided in the area proposed to be annexed for ninety days immediately preceding the election shall be allowed to vote therein. Sec. 16 (ROW 35.13.090) On the Monday next succeeding the annexation election, the board of county commissioners shall proceed to canvass the returns thereof. The proposition for or against annexation s'hafl be deemed approved if a majority of the votes cast on that proposition are cast in favor of annexation. If a proposition for or against assumption of indebtedness was submitted to the electorate, it shall be. deemed approved if a majority of at least three-fifths of the electors of the territory proposed to be annexed voting on such proposition vote in favor thereof, and the number of persons voting on such proposition constitutes not less than forty percent of the total number of votes cast in such territory at the least preceding eneral election. If either or both propositions were approved by the electors, the board shall enter a finding to that effect on its minutes, a certified copy of which shall be forthwith transmitted to and filed with the clerk of the city or town to which annexation is pro- posed, together with a certified abstract of the vote showing the whole number who voted at the election, the number of votes cast for annexation and the number cast against annexation, and if a proposition for assumption of indebtedness was submitted to the electorate, the abstract shall include the number of votes cast for assumption of indebtedness and the number of votes cast against assumption of indebtedness, together with a statement of total number of votes cast in such territory at the last preceding general election. Sec. 17. Section 2, chapter 239, Laws of 1957 and RCW 35.13.100 are each amended to read as follows: Upon filing of the certified copy of the finding of the board of county com- missioners, the clerk shall transmit it to the legislative body of the city or town at the next regular meeting or as soon thereafter as practicable. Iff+on1yy a proposition relating to annexation was submitted to the voters and such proposition was approved, the legislative body shall adopt an ordinance providing for the annexation. If pro- positions for annexation and assumption of indebtedness were both submitted, and both were approved, the legislative body shall adopt an ordinance providing for the annexation including the assumption of indebtedness. If both propositions were sub- mitted and only the annexation proposition was approved, the legislative body may, if it deems it wise or expedient, adopt an ordinance providing for the annexation. NEW SECTION. Sec. 18. There is added to chapter 35.13 ROW a new section to read as follows: Proceedings for the annexation of territory pursuant to section 19 of this amenda- tory act, RCW 35.13.140; 35.13.150, section 20 of this amendatory act and ROW 35.13.170 shall be commenced as provided in this section. Prior to the circulation of a petition for annexation, the initiating party or parties who shall be the owners of not less than ten percent in value according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is petitioned, shall notify the legislative body of the city or town of their intention to commence annexation proceedings. The legislative body shall set a date, not later than sixty days after the filing of the request, for a meeting with the initiating parties to determine whether the city or town will accept the proposed annexation, and whether it shall require the assumption of existing city or town indebtedness by the area to be annexed. If the legislative body requires the assumption of indebtedness, it shall record this action in its minutes and the petition for annexation shall be so drawn as to clearly indicate this fact. There shall be no appeal from the decision of the legislative body. Sec. 19. Section 3, chapter 128, Laws of 1945 and RCW 35.13.130 are each amended to read as follows: A petition for annexation of an area contiguous to a city or town may be made in writing addressed to and filed with the legislative body of the municipality to which annexation is desired. It must be signed by the owners of not less than seventy-five percent in value, according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the pro- , perty for which annexation is petitioned, shall set forth a description of the property according to government legal subdivisions or legal plats and shall be accompanied by a plat which outlines the boundaries of the property sought to be annexed. If the legislative body has required the assumption of city or town indebtedness by the area annexed, this fact, together with a quotation of the minute entry of such requirement shall be set forth in the petition. Sec. 20. Section 6, chapter 239, Laws of 1957 and RCW 35.13.160 are each amended to read as follows: Upon the date fixed in the ordinance of annexation the area annexed shall become part of the city or town. All property within the territory hereafter annexed shall, if the annexation petition so provided, be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as the property of such annexing city or town is assessed and taxed to pay for any then outstanding indebtedness of the city or town to which said area is annexed, contracted prior to, or existing at, the date of annexation. • Sec. 21. Section 1, chapter 248, Laws of 1951 as amended by section 1, chapter 119, Laws of 1957, and RCW35.13.220 are each amended to read as follows: Whenever any territory which includes all the territory of a water, sewer or fire protection district, hereinafter referred to as "the district," has been heretofore or is hereafter annexed to a city or town, all real and personal property, franchises, rights, assets, taxes levied but not collected for the district for other than indebtedness, water or sewer lines, facilities, or equipment of the district shall become the property of a city or town to which annexation is made and such city shall, in addition to its other powers, have the same_,soUrer to manage, oontrol, maintain and operate such facilities and to fix and collect charges to customers as the commissioners of the district had prior to annexation, subject, however, to any outstanding indebted- ness, bonded or otherwise, of the district .or local arnnrovement district or utility local improvement district thereof, which indebtedness a city or town may by resolution of its governing body elect to assume and pay at the times and in the manner said indebtedness is due and payable. Such election to assume said indebtedness may be made either upon the effective date of such annexation or at any time thereafter during the period such indebtedness remains outstanding. Until such election is made, the property annexed and the owners and occupants thereof shall continue liable for its and their proportion of the unpaid indebtedness and the district, or local improvement district or utility local improvement district, and its officers shall continue to function for the sole purpose of certifying the amount of property tax or assessments to be collected and paid on such indebtedness in the same manner and by the same means as if the annexation had not been made. If a city or town elects to assume outstanding indebtedness, and property taxes or assessments have been levied for such purpose but not collected for the.district or local improvement district or utility local improvement district thereof prior to the date of such election by the city or town, the same shall when collected belong and be paid to the annexing city and be used by such city or town so far as necessary for payment as and when due of the indebtedness of the district or local improvement district or utility local improvement district existing and unpaid on the date such city o for own elects to assume such indebtedness. If a city or town takes over any funds which have been collected for paying any bonded or other indebtedness of the district the same shall be used for the purpose for which collected and for no other purpose. NEW SECTION. Sec. 22. There is added to chapter 35.13 ROW a new section to read as follows; If a portion of the district equal to at least sixty percent of the area or sixty percent of the assessed valuation of the real property included within the district is annexed to a city or town, the city or town may: (1) Adopt an ordinance assuming the full and complete management and control of the entire district, whereupon the provisions of section 21 of this amendatory act shall be operative as to such annexation; or (2) Adopt an ordinance assuming jurisdiction of the district's responsibilities, property, facilities and equipment within the area annexed: PROVIDED, That if the annexed area contains any property, facilities or equipment which, on the date of ' annexation, were serving any portion of the district not annexed, the city or town shall assume full ownership, management and control of such property, facilities and equipment subject to any one of the following conditions acceptable to the district and city or town concerned: • (a) The city or town shall, for the economic life of such property, facilities and equipment, make such property, facilities and equipment available for use by the district to the same extent such property, facilities and equipment served the unannexed portion of the district on the date of annexation; or • • (b) The city or town shall pay to the district that proportion of the equity of the district in such property, facilities and equipment equal to the proportion the assessed valuation of all property subject to taxation situated within the area of the -5_ .r, district not annexed bears to the total assessed valuation of all property subject to taxation situated within the district prior to annexation. For the purpose of this paragraph, assessed valuation shall be the valuation of the property as last determined by the county assessor. In determining the equity of the district for purposes of this paragraph due consideration shall be given to depreciation of the economic life of the property, facilities and equipment due to age and condition, and to replacement costs for comparable property, facilities and equipment to serve that portion of the district not annexed; or (c) The city or town shall, for the economic life of such property, facilities and equipment, provide for continuity of service to the unannexed portion of the district served by such property, facilities and equipment on the date of annexation. A city or town acquiring property, facilities and equipment under the provisions of subdivision (2) of this section shall acquire such property subject to-:the debts and obligations of the district for which such property, facilities and equipment would have been liable if no annexation had been made; and, in such cases, the annexed property, and the owners and occupants thereof, shall continue liable for payments of its and their proportionate share of any unpaid indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, with the right on the part of the district officials to make tax levies and collect charges on such property or owners or occupants, and to enforce such collections as if the annexation had not been made. • NEW SECTION. Sec. 23. There is added to chapter 35.13 RCW a new section to read as follows:: If the portion of the district annexed to a city or town is less than sixty percent of the area of the district and less than sixty percent of the assessed valuation of the real property within the district, the provisions of section 22 of this amendatory act, except subdivision (1), as now or hereafter amended, shall apply. Sec. 24. Section 4., chapter 248, Laws of 1951 as amended by section 1, chapter 27, Laws of 1951 second extraordinary session and RC`,T 35.13.250 are each amended to read as follows: Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this chapter to the contrary as now or hereafteF, amended, the city may, through its legislative authority authorize a contract with the district, with respect to rights, duties and obligations of the , city and the district as to ownership of property, serices, assets, liabilities and . debts and any other questions arising out of the annexation, which contract may also make provisions for services by the district and use of its facilities or read estate within the city, and which contract may also provide for such time as the • contract may provide such district may continue to exercise all rights, privileges, powers and functions of such district provided by law as if there had been no annexation, including but not by way of limitation the right to levy and collect special assessments, adopt and carry out the provisions of a comprehensive plan, or amendments thereto, for a system of improvements, and issue and sell revenue and general obligation bonds. NEW SECTION. Sec. 25. Section 2 and 3, chapter 248, Laws of 1951 and ROW 35.13.230 and 35.13.240 are each repealed. Passed the Senate March 8, 1961 (John A. Cherberg) President of the Senate Approved March 21, 1961 Passed the House March 6, 1961 (Albert D. Rosellini) Speaker of the House 21,';')/ RESOLUTI ON WHEREAS, the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, United States of America have received word that the Citizens of the City of Nishiwaka, Japan, desire the City of Renton to become its Sister City and, WHEREAS, to formalize said city affiliation relation- ship, a group of Citizens of Renton have met and formed a City Affiliation Committee, which proposes to operate under the general concept of People to People Program, and, WHEREAS, the said proposed City. Affiliation is supported by such civic organizations as the Lions Club, n,iwanis, Rotary, Civitan, Exchange, Junior Chamber and Chamber of Commerce, most of which have clubs in Renton, and, WHEREAS, the United States Information Agency and the State Department support the City. Affiliation idea as mak- ing a major contribution to good will and better international understanding between cities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in regular meeting duly assembled, that they and the Citizens of the City of Renton, Washington, herewith accept the invitation of the City of Nishiwaka, Japan, to encourage the exchange of ideas, culture, students and teachers, business and economic exchanges and other programs of a miscellaneous nature designed to facilitate and encourage the relationship between the two cities and to create better international understanding and good will between the Citizens of the two Cities. Passed this _®..:.. day of �, 1969. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney • RESOLUTION NO. • BE I'I' IU SOLVED BY TIIE MAYOR AND THE .CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : • SECTION I : Whereas the King County Labor Council has declared the Renton City Council as being unfair in negotiating with city employees and has placed six of its members on the "Unfair" list, the Renton City Council takes exception to this finding and rules the King County Labor Council judgment as .� cdhre3o/v,d Ad it keodve being premature since the matter is still <:..s; SECT ION II • 737,117.1: 73•; a Committee of the Whole meeting a7 the Council voted not to appear before the King County Labor Ca4.S11.1f ieS " Council and instructed any Councilman that decided to appear to appear as a private citizen and individual and not as a member of the Renton City Council. Whereas Councilman. George J . Perry appeared before the Labor Council in defending his action as a Councilman and not as an individual citizen, therefore the Renton City Council publicly censures Councilman George J. Perry for his act in regard to the King County Labor Council discussion and findings . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS 20th day of September, 1971 . • Helmie Nelson, City Clerk ,APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 20th day of September, 1971. • Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to Form: • _ _ f Gerard M. Slie1Ian,City Attorney • • --1- •