HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/2022 - MinutesMINUTES Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners Meeting Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at Renton City Hall, Room 726, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 and via Zoom.us 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Al Dieckman called the meeting to order at 4:36pm. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Cynthia Burns, Marlene Winter, Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Tim Searing, and Troy Wigestrand Members Absent: None City Staff Present: Carrie Nass, Recreation Director; Erica Schmitz, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director; and Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Cynthis Burns motioned to approve the agenda as presented, motioned seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Larry Reymann motioned to approve the October 11, 2022 meeting minutes, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Cynthia Burns shared interest in having department leadership staff attend these meetings, like one division every other month, so the board can get to know them and their roles and responsibilities. b. Larry Reymann expressed gratitude for Carrie Nass and staff for the great turnout at the Environmental Science Center Open House at the Liberty Park Building. c. Troy Wigestrand expressed to department staff, “keep up the good work” d. Marlene Winter shared that she would like to have Economic Development/ Jessi Kotarski share at a commission meeting on all the development that’s taking place in the city. She also thanked the Parks Planning team for the great signage and communication that went out about the closure of the north end of Coulon Park and shared her impression of possible, limited public concern when the north gate is re-opened after the closure. 7. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS a. Board Vacancy and Interview/Appointment Process – Carrie and Roberta explained the upcoming interview process with options for full or partial board attendance at meetings to review the applications and interview candidates for the vacant board position. Cynthia Burns motioned that a committee of three board members be created to review the applications, and an interview team committee of three board members conduct the interviews, both committees will include department staff, for the selection process of filling the vacant board position. Motion was seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Based on board member and staff availability, the chair will create the committees and work with staff to schedule the meetings and candidate interviews. b. Bylaws Review and Updates Discussion – Board discussed the provided red-lined Bylaws that incorporated the approved edits from the last meeting regarding the new guidelines of the Open Public Meetings Act, as well as minor wording suggestions for increased clarity and alignment to current Parks Commission Meeting November 8, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). processes. Larry Reymann motioned to approve all the edits discussed, pending input from the clerk’s office for accurate wording on ‘notice of potential quorum’ when no city business is conducted. Motion was seconded, all in favor, motion carried. c. Eastrail Plan Through Renton – Erica shared that King County is in negotiations with BSNF to acquire the necessary property to create the extension of the Eastrail extending south running alongside Lake Washington Boulevard and Coulon Park. No timeline for design or construction is available at this time. d. Salmon Journey Update – Larry Reymann provided an update about the salmon activities and counts in the area waters and concern for the Cotton Wood tree that fell across the river. Erica shared the status of the recent fallen tree over the Cedar River, its impacts to the river and how the city arborist is working through permitting process to deal with it. 8. ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT a. Carrie Nass offered to answer board member questions on Kelly’s 2023-24 Parks and Recreation Department Budget presentation to the Committee of the Whole and she summarized the new budget requests that were included in the approved budget. No questions from the board. Erica said that one request for her division will be added in the first budget adjustment. Carrie will also have her committee presentation of Fall Recreation events be forwarded to board members as an informational resource. 9. OLD BUSINESS a. The Parks and Recreation Boards and Commissions Holiday Gathering will be held at the Renton History Museum on Wednesday, December 7th, from 4:30pm – 6:00pm, where no official city business will take place. Cynthia expressed appreciation for the effort of the city and staff in putting on the Halloween Drive-Through event. 10. ADJOURNMENT Larry Reymann motioned to adjourn at 6:00pm; motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Minutes approved by: _______________________________________________________ Recorder: Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant Date Roberta Graver November 8, 2022 11/16/2022 1 2022 Holiday Events and Engagement Senior Resource Expo September 30 Don Persson Senior Activity Center 500 registered attendees Informational Speakers Vendors and Providers 1 2 11/16/2022 2 Truck-or-Treat Drive-Thru Halloween Event October 28 Renton Community Center 400 cars Approximately 800 children Multiple City Departments Fall Harvest Food Drive November 12 Renton Community Center 3 4 11/16/2022 3 Holiday Bazaar November 18 & 19 Renton Community Center Senior Thanksgiving Meal Service November 24 Don Persson Senior Activity Center 5 6 11/16/2022 4 Renton Farmers Market Holiday Market November 26 Piazza Park Daily Dec 3 – Jan 1, 5-9pm 7 8 11/16/2022 5 K9 Candy Cane 5K Fun Run & Walk December 4 Renton Community Center Support Staff for Battle of the Badges Holiday Lights Renton Community Center 9 10 11/16/2022 6 Winter Concert December 11 Ikea Performing Arts Center Polar Bear Plunge January 1 Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 11 12 11/16/2022 7 Hope to see you there! 13