HomeMy WebLinkAboutTitle Insurance Policies (1923-1978) kn. F. Davis Insurance CITY INSURANCE POLICIES Broker , :e Effectivei Policy Amount of Amount of Date ;" Number Coverage & Insuring Company Coverage Premium Pd.' II , ,z,,A"e eek,s Ail�-�oy .yre.ch r,,174:44,, 1/10/69 B-874483 Pioneer Natinnal Title T _-fir--.. $52.00 ,LnAAc,Jas4,i,�c,7g E 2 . Par/C 4h. 1/10/69 B-874485 L Pioneer National, Title Ins _ -Co _. .__ ._ —_ - $51.00 I T c�d,-Z.vee '',&,-1' Limited Liability 12/11/69 i B-899251 ,I 'Pioneer National Title Ins. Co. Report $50.00 ,CaKc cz,ec a,' • .�7 , '01ad, Pa-A'�h 1/7/70 349352 Transamerica Title Ins. Co. $400,000.00 . $895.50 t-' w'e, SAe_6( 1 1/16/70 350561 I Transamerica Title Ins. Co. • $52,500.00 $228.75 C%i/y sAer, 8/3/70 354555 Transamerica Title Ins. Co. $9,000.00 $75.50 6/13/72 420688 Transamerica Title Ins. Co. . $40,000.00 $199.00 B-990643 6v/%yle.'• csarde.,s '4//, -ah $1,000.00 $27.50 10/9/74 B-990644 Pioneer National.Title Ins. Co. $11,000.00 $85.75 Order # f/a,-oiV yler<�4 7/9/75 424191 Transamerica Title Ins.Co. • $5,000.00 $50.00 $ « • mac..-/! 5/21/77 . A-179388 Pioneer Title Ins. Co. $20,000.00 $124.00 . 7078 R 319) -i-,„y yh'(t ,T,, .4.-,..� 8/2/78 787510 Chicago Title Ins. Co. $4,000.00 • I i i i • i -- ___—;----14 --— i I . I - • -4 • 1 m. F. Davis Insurance CITY INSURANCE POLICIES Broker 'e Effective, Policy • Amount of Amount of Date Number Coverage & Insuring Company Coverage Premium Pd. 1.,, ye5b., Esfn/c:Cum.reec.ti4s«ycapital $ uu,UUU4/18/23A-37471 'Washington Title-Ins. Co_-Pic.,✓, Ses 6_4/ Guaranty Fund $150.000 $ 1 p.00 w,'//. ...a . �,�,.,K,i., 4/22/31 II A109L55 bL�s11 nn Title Tns_ Co. - __$500.no $15.00 t 7,,,A-,rr%v.a1 Wroo,' Capital 6/3/35 L B-106871 Washington:.Title Ins. Co, $1,3,50,000 $52.50 Lshington 4'Q,�de.-, ,¢✓e. A✓eq • 8/14/35 B-106871 Title Ins. Co.p j� $6,500.00 __.$52.50/aC,' .'c oA 57F ,,€ , 7/25/391. 26900 Jawyers & Realtors Title Ins. Co. $3,000.00 . $48.75 �r/v f/t✓s ? ✓'C • 9/15/39 : B-143829 1Washinzton Title Las Co 000.00 $35.00 ,4;✓/,o✓1 9/25/47 B-303957 I Washington Title Ins. Co. Order # 214("4/ '4'6''''( Limited Liability 4/5/50 134272 Puget Sound Title Ins. Co._ Report --- 5,1- Ta.,K 9/14/54 B-472547 Washington Title Ins. Co. $9,500.00 $60.00 . .i..4<r F..o,-,,' f"-,,, ✓/y 5/9/55 ; B-478868 ' Washington Title Ins._ Co.���P� �a�� c�A/ ;25,000.00 $115.75 ~ �A /eW0„.1 ,kGy9 rO,..,'Ci ' 9/18/56 1200062 Puget Sound Title Ins. Co. '¢✓� 01,000.00 $30.00 " Urder # .. ,(e.e,,./s,•a,•rti of �a,,TJoo d 9/9/59 232905 ' Puget Sound Title Ins. Co. "''-'e✓ $24.75 P,ie S,'ie,n 74 /Ju'"\d 1/22/62 _ B-659432 Washington Title._ns. Co. ,$18,920 00 $103. 50 ri etr-e s,�/e,,•f raa v 4- 2/5/62 256155 Puget Sound Title Ins. Co. $3,000.00 $31.50 ----- ,,(�, /,.?-T 4a.4'./ Lo-. #3 1/13/64 277046 ;Puget Sound Title Ins.// Co. _ $21,500.00 $114.75 frier -rt tea„' ,' ceAs Xe- . R.� „ Supplemental 4/27/64 196819 . . !Fidelity Title Co. �j � I Report //j LH �/�AN /e_ #' `1' 1 3/8/65 1284245 ',Puget Sound Title Ins. Co. '$4,000.00 $36.00 If 4/15/65 , B-766618 Washington Title Ins. Co. —� 1$1 ,OA0.9A--- $90_00 4/20/65 B-766619 Washington Title Ins. Co.,/ • �$55,000.00 $234.00 Ci'/o'4% (/!r'/r/*ff#4 �n n.,,!w 6/2/65 B-770190 Washington Title Ins. Co. y 1$9,000.00 $58.50 ---i B-755889 s«rk,d C'e✓,111;•.,...1e-c:ve, ra..'d/ee S:41 9/28/65 B-755891 Washington Title Ins. Co. I 1O.O0 *--" /mac/,,,,,,,..10t ryl,O ,,.,, ..,e.+/-. Cede✓ S,�e 10/28/65 B-780857 Washington Title Ins. Co. Cr ill " 1 1,500.00 $24.75 12/3/65 I B-782427 Washington Title Ins. Co. 1$18,©00.00 $99.00. 1/5/66 1 295633 Transamerica Title Ins. Co. $30,000.00 $148.50 AA,"4 WI..- 0., .TN ✓Jut.ag//re 3/16/66 ' 292900 Transamerica Title Ins. Co. 48,000.00 $213.50 7/8/66 B-802587 Pioneer National Title Ins. Co. $98,000.00 $350.25 ---'-----._----•- i�--- ---- ----- ` --- /a4 &as4. De'otcl /ar/7 1/9/69 1'; B-874484 Pioneer National Title Ins. Co. 1 $50 00 tim. F. Davis Insurance Broker CITY INSURANCE POLICIES Policyte Effective Amount of Amount of t. Date Number Coverage & Insuring Company Coverage Premium Pd. 0 -4 � 4m F. DavisInsurance^ ^ CITY INSURANCE POLICIES Broker te t EffeCtiV�.;: Policy Amount of Amount of � ^ Date /! Number Coverage & Insuring Company' Coverage Premiufn.Pd: � |' ' | U � ~ . . � l / ---- l � � | � � | ' � . . � | � � / ^ 1 : � ' [ . ----r \ . � � . | | } / \ � | ' --- | ' ! : | .( ! , im. F. Davis Insurance CITY INSURANCE POLICIES Broker to EffectiveH Policy • — Amount of Amount of t. Date ;i Number Coverage & Insuring Company Coverage Premium Pd., l; I -- -- --- - . ,, 1 1. M i .4 it I 1 1 ._._-----w 1._ r ;i 1 t I -- fl !I I 'I Ili 1 II II I i . Form V16-8-2Z-10M i� 1, tit �tie huuwanr TompattH 1 • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Capital$500,000 $150,000 Guaranty Fund Deposited with State Treasurer 1r1aPrL itaitrg Policy No. .. . . . i Amount $ •• • . 0 0 • For value, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereinafter called the company, a cor- poration incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington and duly authorized by the State Insurance Commissioner to insure titles in said state, doth hereby insure, subject to the annexed conditions, hereby made a part of this policy, .•• ... .• . . . '.`: F'i..... :;.`.. .. representatives and assigns, hereinafter called the insured, against loss or damage not exceeding •:0 •• .. ..`R: . . .. Dollars, which the insured may sustain by reason of any defect in the title.of :• .. :: hereinafter referred to as the seller, to all the estate or interest in the premises specified and described in Schedule A, hereto annexed and hereby made a part of this policy, or by reason of liens'or incumbrances charging the same, ; --at the date of this policy; saving and excepting, and this policy does'not insure against loss and damage by reason - of any estate or interest, defect, lien, incumbrance or objection noted in annexed Schedule B, which is a part hereof. Any loss under this policy is to be established in the manner provided in said conditions and shall be paid upon compliance by the insured with and as prescribed in said conditions, and not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these Ares- -ents to be signed by two of its officers and its corporate seal to be affixed; but this policy is void and of no effect unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. Dated this 3 day of `;i 19 ••• • , at • o'clock •••• M, ‘4i;Irtealtlaki.Ark.-.. , . ..- President. , ,-- C — . . Manager,.%' ;;-' Attest,- s' �n _ • k-1 Assistant Secretary. V13-3 Z2-51% PURCHASER'S • Schedule A • 1. The estate or interest of the seller covered by this policy. Fee simple estate. ._ .. - • • 2.- The premises in which the seller has the estate or interest covered by this policy. A portion of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section Seven (7) , Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range Five (5) East of Willamette Meridian described as follows : Beginning at a point on the northeasterly marginal line of right of way of Commercial Waterway No. 2, which. point is 30.82 feet south 13°29' east from the southwest corner of Government Lot 2 in said Section 7 , running thence easterly parallel with and 30 feet distant south from said south line of Lot 2, 276 feet; thence south 0°16' east 170' feet; thence westerly parallel with the south line -of said Lot 2, 236 feet , more or less , to the northeasterly marginal line of said right of way of Commercial Waterway No. 2; thence northwesterly along said marginal line 174 feet, more or less , to the point of beginning, containing one acre, more or less , - .- - j situate in King County, State of Washington. - - - _ • Page 2 of Policy No. A 37471 • r V.-10-22-10M P • Schedule B. This policy does not insure against: 1. Questions of boundary dependent ,on actual survey for determination. 2. The existence of roads or ways not'established of record, or existence of county roads. •• ' 3. Rights or claims of persons'in possession or claiming to be in possession, not shown of record; rights 'claimed under instruments of which no notice is of record; material or-labor liens of which no notice . is of record. • • 4. Matters relating to municipal assessments, if any, preceding the same becoming fixed and shown as a lien. 5.. General taxes fora the year 1922 in - the sum of 643-.46 on_ 'south east quarter of southeast quarter of said' section, except County ,`, road, State Road No. 7, Northern Pacific right of way, Commercial Waterway No. 2, and portion deeded to City of Renton June 18, 1920. Assessment for Commercial Waterway No. 2', payable on the_ 1922 tax roll in the sum of ' 183.63. .6. Liability to further assessment -for Commercial Waterway No. 2. - 7. Special assessments , :if 'any, levied by the City of Renton. _._.____._ ;, _ • (End of Schedule B of Policy No.-'A 37471) . . ;, . /' • � . 7 Page 3 of Policy No. A 3'7471 ' - , ' _ V 6-1.23-10M • Conditions of the Policy I. NOTICE OF DEFECT, SUIT OR ACTION: The Company will and shall have the right to, at its own costs, defend the insured in all suits, actions or proceedings founded upon a claim of title, incum- brance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior in date to this policy and not excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the policy in full. In case any such suit, action or proceeding shall be begun it shall be the duty of the insured at once to give notice thereof in writing to the company at its Home Office, and if the insured is a party to such,suit, action or proceeding to secure to the company, within ten days after service of the first process upon the insured, the right to defend such suit, action or proceeding in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and to render all reasonable assistance in such defense.. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the company in regard to the subject matter of such suit, action or proceeding shall cease and be determined; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the insured if the insured shall not have any knowledge of such suit, action or pro- ceeding. 2. CLAIM OF LOSS—PAYMENT OF LOSS: In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the insured is dispossessed or deprived of the real estate covered hereby or his estate or interest insured is impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or incumbrance hereby insured against, or, if this policy covers a mortgagee's interest, if such final judicial determination shall defeat or impair the mortgagor's title to all or any part of the mortgaged premises or establish the priority to the mortgage of a lien or incumbrance not excepted in this policy, claim may be made here- under, provided the conditions have been in all ways complied with. Every claim for loss under this policy must be in writing, giving a full statement thereof, and be delivered to the company at its Home Office within sixty (60) days after the insured has had notice of such final judicial determination, whereupon the loss hereunder shall be payable to the insured on or before thirty (30) days. 3. LIMIT OF LIABILITY—SUBROGATION: The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the company shall terminate. The total liability under this policy, exclusive of costs, shall in no case exceed the face of the policy, and every payment by the 'company shall reduce the policy by the amount paid. When the company shall have paid a loss under this policy it shall be subro- gated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property in respect of such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall forthwith transfer all such rights to the company accordingly. If the payment made by the company does not cover the loss of the insured, then such subrogation of the company shall be proportionate. ` Or the company may in case this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only, pay the insured the entire mortgage indebtedness, with interest at the rate specified in the mortgage, and thereupon the insured shall assign and transfer to the company the mortgage and the indebtedness thereby secured, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, or shall convey to the company any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of foreclosure of the mort- gage, and all liability of the company shall thereupon terminate. 4. REFUSAL TO PURCHASE ESTATE: The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the refusal of any party to enter into or carry out any contract respecting the estate or interest insured. 5. MORTGAGEE'S POLICY: If this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only, discharge of the mortgage, otherwise than through foreclosure thereof, shall terminate this policy and all liability of the company hereunder, but in case of foreclosure of the mortgage this policy shall cover any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of such foreclosure. Page 4 of Policy No. A 37471 •rA /Y 01. mil - ( s". Z' ,� • • ' ,, a ;1- • . Oa*"7:441e..... • .• -" (-11'1-'.7".24") .29.),..31 Or' 54;0 47 CS.5%,,,,,,:..........si4, ' ' • • e li . r THi�s - OVAL -ry ,ri ,OF SFATTLE ., 0. a5' ,xR.r_- ._ .2 S 's``-".' <p J=..-v ,y9 f WITH EXCHANGE 0."---7X c* ' • . er6 CI:07/ ,ef°. (//leal,a/17,e .'stlifr• ''' ->---- 'ieiV)Ik 4."._61"..114.4.. 41."'‹ 14:2114-•'‘' • • • �� : .;:r,. ESLER ESTATE, INCORPORATED ."..6-7+ g:! ...." 14.4--""j(4)....-.......-...7. .. . . • , r ,r4�,.y� 4 7 .�. 3:.- `'e ) �'..1� NC �3.t+t'TS"A" tr,,.' 4 �_'� ‘ �'3P. -2-- �• ,,R� ( "' its ��+4 ,, 4' �i 4 fa ice �. , 7V: ';. J 3 -/r . .a ,• `-. ,. t „.0 aim ,YXN .ii 5 e r ;4 4.: 'k ` 4 F i° • • el S I k k. -• t I ' }.,. „'y _Y _L�S'V'�, •`=.ca4.-..5.3+'w:. , '. i . . ._ -. "d, v _.h..'- ... .. �.. . . . . . ' 1 ---,, , • '" . .. 4, t . . i . /7.5 . /f•t:'-i?..2a /-/-1-5.,---547/. ,' I . ' . Read the Conditio4s of this Policy. f . . - . . .. . . ,. . i Ce.72.2<rraie.f.x.a_t' — ; . • --Af... A ., .•. . .. ' No.A 7;74.7-1 • ; . . . , 'apliingtan i . . -CTitle 3nouratta Tnutpaitu . „ . . • Issued from the office of 1 - OSBORNE, TREMPER '& CO.. INC. 1 , • r • 816 SECOND AVENUE . . . , . 'SEATTLE, - - WASH. • - i , . . . ! . Person Insured 1 , . . Ili E 0 i T ce o F R E f..1 T o 14 , 1 . • , . . , . .. . . . • . . , . - 1•, - . -. - . i _ Amoimt insured ,• i . . . . . . , $ 5(.11.:). 0 0 1 t . • ! .' . . . , This Company Offers . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . .. I. Thorough Examination of your Title. . 2. Absolute Guarantee. . ' 3. Saving in Time and Expense. ... 4. Cheapness of all subsequent Transfers or . . , . Mortgages. 4. . . . . .. . . , Form P 3 HR 1U.� FE_�CjrE � � . .W - m .,_ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON C21.1=)IT..L';7$1,350,000 Crwm-t S PoLICY f AMOUNT $ 500.00 PREMIUM $ 15.00 POLICY No. A 109155 For value, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereinafter called the company, a cor- poration incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington and duly authorized by the State Insurance Commissioner to insure titles, does hereby insure, subject to the annexed conditions, hereby made a part of this policy, WILLIAM TONKIN * * * * heirs and devisees (if a corporation, its successors) hereinafter called the insured, against loss or damage not exceeding. FIVE HUNDRED * * * Dollars, _ which the insured may sustain by reason of any defect in the insured's title to all the estate or interest in the premises specified and described in Schedule A, hereto annexed and hereby made a part of this policy, or by reason of liens or incumbrances charging the same, at the date of this policy, save and except this policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of any estate or interest, defect, lien, incumbrance or objection noted in annexed Schedule B, which is a part hereof. Any loss under this policy is to be established in the manner provided in said conditions and shall be paid upon compliance by the insured with and as prescribed in said conditions, and not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the company has caused these presents to be authenticated by the facsimile signatures of its President and its Manager respectively, lithographed hereon,and its corporate seal to be affixed; but this policy is not valid unless attested by a Vice-President, the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. - - Dated this 22nd day of April 19 31 , at 8:00 o'clock A• M. - W.A5I3MAT NM'I L£NS T GEI MP 1-de r r President. Manager. . *fir. Attest: ssistant Secretary�g Farm p 15 OWNERS OR MORTGAGEES + - o Schedule A I. The estate or interest of the insured covered by this policy. Fee simple estate, subject to the community interest of his wife, Sarah Tonkin _ , • • Description of the property in respect of which this policy is issued. Block "A" of Plat of the Town of Renton, according to plat recorded in volume . 1 of plats, page 135, records . of King County, Washington; -- situated in King County, State of Washington • • age 2 of Policy No.. A 109155 Form P 19 • Schedule B This policy does not insure against: . i. Questions of location, boundary and area; overlaps and encroachments by improvements belonging to these or adjoining premises; all dependent upon actual survey for determination. 2. The existence of roads or ways not established of record, or existence'of county roads. 3. Rights or claims of persons in possession or claiming to be in possession, not shown of record; rights claimed under instruments of which no notice is of record and rights or claims based upon facts of which no notice is of record but of which the insured has notice; material or labor liens of which no notice is of record. 4. General taxes not yet payable;matters relating to municipal assessments, if any, preceding the same becom- ing fixed and shown as a lien. 5. Regulations and Restrictions provided by building and zoning ordinances. 6 . Delinquent general taxes for the years 1928 and 1929 in the • respective sums of $61.51 and 062.95 . General taxes for the year 1930 in the sum of $57 .60, together with special assessment for Commercial Water. .play District No . 2 in the sum of $2.12 . 7 . Special assessments, if any, levied by the Town of Renton. 8. Any unpaid bill for water consumed on the premises owing to the Town of Renton. • (End of Schedule B) ":._e 3 of Policy No. A109155 Form P 24 Conditions of the Policy 1. NOTICE OF DEFECT, SUIT OR ACTION: The Company will and shall have the right, at its own cost, to defend the insured in all suits, actions or proceedings founded upon a claim of title, incum- brance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior in date to this policy and not excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the policy in full. In case any such suit, action or proceeding shall be begun it shall be the duty of the insured at once to give notice thereof in writing to the company at its Home Office, and if the insured is a party to such suit, action or proceeding to secure to the company, within ten days after service of the first process upon the insured, the right to defend such suit, action or proceeding in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and to render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the company in regard to the subject matter of such suit, action or proceeding shall cease and be determined; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the insured if the insured shall not have any knowledge of such suit; action or pro- ceeding. • 2. CLAIM OF LOSS—PAYMENT OF LOSS: In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the insured is dispossessed or deprived of the real estate covered hereby or his estate or interest insured is impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or incumbrance hereby insured against, or, if this policy covers a mortgagee's interest, if such final judicial determination shall defeat or impair the mortgagor's title to all or any part of the mortgaged premises or establish the priority to the mortgage of a lien or incumbrance not excepted in this policy, claim may be made here- under, provided the conditions have been in all ways complied with. Every claim for loss under this policy must be in writing, giving a full statement thereof, and be delivered to the company at its Home Office within sixty (60) days after the insured has had notice of such final judicial determination, whereupon the loss hereunder shall be payable to the insured on'or before thirty (30) days. 3. LIMIT OF LIABILITY--SUBROGATION: The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the company shall terminate. The total liability under this policy, exclusive • of costs, shall in no case exceed the face of the policy, and every payment by the company shall reduce the policy by the amount paid. When the company shall have paid a loss under this policy it shall be subro- gated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property in respect of such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall forthwith transfer all such rights to the company accordingly. If the payment made by the company does not cover the loss of the insured, then such subrogation of the company shall be proportionate. Or the company may in case this policy cover a mortgagee's interest only, pay the insured the entire mortgage indebtedness, with interest at the rate specified,in the mortgage, and thereupon the insured shall assign and transfer to the company the Mortgage. and the indebtedness thereby secured, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, or shall convey to the company any estate lawfully vested in the insured by.,virtue of foreclosure of the mort- gage, and all liability of the company shall thereupon terminate. 4. REFUSAL TO PURCHASE ESTATE: The company .shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the refusal of any party to enter into or carry out any contract respecting the estate or interest insured. 5. MORTGAGEE'S POLICY: If this policy covers a mortgagee's' interest only, discharge of the mortgage, otherwise than through foreclosure thereof, shall terminate this policy and all liability of the com- pany hereunder, but in case of foreclosure of the mortgage this policy'shall..cover any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of such foreclosure. Page 4 of Policy No. A109155 1,1 r Uell44 1 fL, l 0 • /i/./i T ('P Ti/i TOWN ijrRENTOINI ,95 LA/0 OUT BY ,t,.1 ry 4.41,,Snthers;L5/ffrr1s 8 CJJShaUUucic. 1875. eJcate/soft.to em inch. '' �Iti,'/,`L Rzcordew Jeecle'joo" 10 r �� N..! Kik c'-'2'---:) ,,,,,-%-7,__,_-.,-IPii,1_, --,:7.;..--77.1-:----'---- :: 1. ,,,,,....:ii, ,,,,., limn IN CM \ I t I --Yo IHhiiaJih o ue a ,a a li 3 A EN a q :: Ie • ,a a IE s la. ifilM 1 11 17 S._/I_ 1 _t_ e 0 2 _lo 'C s n A ® Y 'a • • ! I Ij a • a 9u' SL, t• 0 to L1 . a IS-- _ -I p Is ,I , , St ___ _ - to — is to_ 2.. _ -t t — • y t IS ! i_• ] a q a IS 16 5 !7 1p _f ) _ /4 _) , 1t— _v0 14 • _ _ • -1a a —•_.1 .1 —p T y . ,• „ 1� ,. 10 11 , rite /m livl poirzt of this plea is the sorrl/L&es1 Cernter of bloc/ ,.28 rafric/r corar cr is/7efl ✓Yorl/c arscl/6o ft/rest of the Coster to aeclrorrs/7. /8./9 4 20 of Tor.oreshz,v 2,3,/✓or/h of/eairye 5 Eos/. Lois So 4 /2e ereep$/r ctcorzrti/ols..Slreetr 6oft wfae /y lla-/Yalla.err:Soft tb1c7e. Territory cf//raahi)zytor:# Ccur¢ty oflfis� ss /,E:rtzsmus.Af..srezrlh.ers 7i-urloe for//rr ////c /c//re prryo-r/yeNt6rec- ed uidhiru the tweeArc?s of llze raifhri errrc-0 hereto ny/.recr r/p/o/,rind /c/r,hore4f slat the-scairae tea the-Traits.of Re-nth-pl.",herety rrer//o e//1re,1/IF./rirscl rice,et icrr trythe<Streets to tyre uses of the/vublrG. witness tray hand anee..sr?al Gh/s 4lh r-/ay of Scp/em6or/r76 6/P.r Y//.Y 4/,.5//i/hers <r.;rf) • 7'erritory of iX shirz9 oo-) • Cunty of Mrzq ss . On/his Hlh.e!c•y nf,Se/,lem.b.r/6;6 riypea re ri/'r-/'oar/rre..4'/1 d/e////era trustees for the title-to the lands ziz the Tourer of. erztort"rrnrl-ac/rrroro/or/gc/the pia/gbh? asooa'eiedcccati"orc of the same, us/cis fret:clef and deecL rra,.ess my Arane-e,sd..ecal the clay ar/d ,r•.z r obrrz-e urrlieet-. ' f'led for R cord A./Wackir, sk Aieary 1 iA/,C.//,"I'frr`Fr 6y 4.44...ssm thers .,re'pe rsrbar 4//k/876 at 4/-/A /34-6.,j3oolh;au/rife,-ofL"t,rq Co,7/!7' PERFECT PHOTO-RECORDS • Vol.! of PLATS Page Beg KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON. /41c.a c• / a-L-Pa -�Q Q , Read the Conditions of this Policy No. A__1Q9155 kh MBIting#nn �ifIP .huiurttnrie CInmpnni Issued from the office of OSBORNE, TREMPER & CO., INC 525 EXCHANGE BUILDING SEATTLE - - WASH Person Insured William Tonkin Amount Insured 500.00 This Company Offers 1. Thorough Examination of your Title. 2. Absolute Guaranty. 3. Saving in Time and Expense. :A.1- 6-11ING-TTO NVEIT E SUS 6 C E v A1- . CAPITAL $1,350,000 C - "- SEATTLE, WASHINGTON SEATTLE TITLE COMPANY,AGENT WITH WHICH IS AFFILIATED June OSBORNE,TREMPER&CO.,INC. 803 SECOND AVENUE 3rd, MAIN 1534 1935 REFER TO B-106871 PRELIMINARY REPORT John Dobson, Renton, Washington. Dear Sir: - In the matter of your application for owner's policy of title insurance in the sum of $6500.00, in favor of City of Renton, a municipal corporation, our No. B-106871 : • The following preliminary report is hereby submitted solely as a basis for policy of title insurance as applied for, in our usual form, in all other respects this report to be of no force or effect. Dated as of the 3rd day of June, 1935, at 8 A. M. Description: IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON That certain portion of government lot 4, section 17, town- ship 23 north, range 5 east, V .M. , described as follows : Beginning at a point in the west line of said government lot 4, 781.39 feet south of the northwest corner thereof, • said point being the northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded 'in volume 977 of deeds, page 492, records of said county; thence east along the north line of said tract., 630.81 feet to the west line of a tract of land conveyed to the Seattle Car Manufacturing Company by deed recorded in volume 544 of deeds, page 323, records of said county; thence northerly along the said west line of the Seattle Car Manufacturing Company tract to an intersection with the southeasterly line of 1st Avenue North; thence southw.e4terly along the said southeasterly line of 1st Avenue North to a point 103 feet east of (measured at right angles) the southerly prolongation of the east line of Garden Avenue, said point being the northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to W.C.D s . Edwards by deed recorded• in volume. 1406 of deeds, page 190, records of said county; thence south along the east line of said Edwards tract to the southeast corner thereof; thence west along the south line of said, tract, 103 feet to a line in prolongation of the said east line of Garden Avenue; thence north along said prolongation B-106871, Sheet #2 of the east line of Garden Avenue, 60 feet to the southeasterly line of 1st Avenue North; thence south- westerly along said southeasterly line to an inter- section with the west line of Garden Avenue produced south; thence south along the said west line of Garden Avenue produced south, 170 feet; thence west at right angles thereto 102 feet; thence north parallel to the said west line of Garden Avenue produced south, to an intersection with the said southeasterly line of 1st Avenue North; thence southwesterly along the said south- easterly line to the northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded in volume 865 of deeds, page a15, records of said county; thence south 1°52'10" east along the east line of said City of Renton tract, 146. 58 feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence south 88°07' 50" west, along . the south line thereof, 102 feet to the southwest corner thereof ; thence north 1°52'10" west along the west line thereof, 54.28 feet to the said southeasterly line of 1st Avenue North; thence south 45°59'30" west along said southeasterly line, 80.91 feet to the west line of said government lot 4; thence south 1°52'10" east along the said west line of government lot 4 to the point of beginning. The record title to said premises is vested in JENNIE SARTORI as to an undivided five-eighths interest, as her separate estate, and an undivided three-eighths interest for the term of her natural life, with remainder in ERSILIA M. SBARBORO , KATHERINE M. SARTORI and LA_URA G. SARTORI, as their separate estates, subject to the following: 1. Second half of general taxes for the year 1934, payable in the sum of $52.81, TOGETHER with a levy by Commercial Waterway No. 2, in the sum of $28.00. 2. Local improvement assessments, if any, levied by the Town of Renton. 3. Any unpaid charges for water or electric light or power, if furnished to said premises by a city, town or district. 4. Water, water rights and matters relating thereto. 5. Right of the public in and to streets and alleys, whether dedicated or undedicated, in the unrecorded plat of Sartori's First Addition to Renton. B-106871- ` Sheet #3 Title is to vest in City of Renton, a municipal corporation. Upon execution and record of a proper conveyance from Jennie Sartori, Ersilia M. Sbarboro, Katherine M. Sartori and Laura G. Sartori, to City of Renton, a municipal corporation, we will issue owner's policy of title. insurance as above, subject to the taxes shown above under Paragraph "1" (unless paid) and to the matters noted above under Paragraphs t12", "3", "4" and "5" :Provided no change. occurs other- wise subsequent to the date hereof. WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PREMIUM : 052. 50 A . ' c etary. SAC :. V ti' • • • • • • • • • yG'h,0.3r • `µ 1_ • t'ormrS BG , • • AS. - HINGE F I AT U - ego ® �, R A A __- SEATTLE, VITAE HINGTONQ • CAPITAL $1,350,000 �+R ° OLI • 727 AMOUNT $ 6500,00 PREMIUM $ 52.50 POLICY No. B-106871 For value, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereinafter called the company, a cor- poration incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington and duly authorized by the State Insurance Commissioner to insure titles, does hereby insure, subject to the annexed conditions, hereby made a part of this • policy, CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, • heirs and devisees (if a corporation, its successors) hereinafter called the insured, against loss or damage not exceeding. SIXTY—FIVE HUNDRED Dollars, which the insured may sustain by reason of any defect in the insured's title to all the estate or interest in the premises specified and described in Schedule A, hereto annexed and hereby made a part of this policy, or by reason of liens or incumbrances charging the same, at the date of this policy, save and except this policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of any estate or interest, defect, lien, incumbrance or objection noted in annexed Schedule B, which is a part hereof. Any loss under this policy is to be established in the manner provided in said conditions and shall be paid upon compliance by the insured with and as prescribed in said conditions, and not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the company has caused these presents to be authenticated by the facsimile signatures of its President and its Manager respectively, lithographed hereon,and its corporate seal to be affixed; but this policy is not valid unless attested by a Vice-President, the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary: Dated this 14th day of August 19 35 , at eight o'clock A, NI. ‘) Errtilit.10;1•64M—, President. coN Manager. A t: 2 Assistant Secretary. Form P 15 OWNERS OR MORTGAGEES • • Schedule A 1. The estate or interest of the insured covered by this policy. Fee simple estate. 2. Description of the property in respect of which this policy is issued. IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON That' certain portion of government lot four (4) , section seventeen (17) , township twenty-three (23) north, range five ( 5) east, W.M. , described as follows: Beginning at a point in the west line of said government lot 4, 781.39 feet south of the northwest corner thereof, said point being the northwest corner of a tract of land conveyed -to the City of Renton by deed recorded in volume 977 of deeds, page 492, records of said county; thence east along the north line of said tract , 630.81 feet to the west line of a tract of land conveyed to the Seattle Car Manufacturing Company by deed recorded in volume 544 of deeds, page 323, records of said county; thence northerly along the said west line of the Seattle Car Manufacturing Company tract to an. intersection with the south- easterly line of 1st Avenue North; thence southwesterly along the said southeasterly line of 1st Avenue North to a point 103 feet east of (measured at right angles) to southerly prolongation of the east line of Garden Avenue , said point being the northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to W.C.D. Edwards by deed recorded in volume 1406 of deeds, page 190, records of said county; thence south along the east line of said Edwards tract to the southeast corner thereof; tence west along the south line of said tract, 103 feet to a line in prolongation of the said east line of Garden Avenue; thence north along said pro- longation of the east line of Garden Avenue, 60 feet to the southeasterly line of 1st Avenue North; thence southwesterly, along said southeasterly line to an intersection with the west Page 2 of Policy No. B-106871 (Continued on sheet following) Form .' 23 • SCHEDULE "A'r- - Second Sheet . • line of Garden Avenue produced south; thence south along the said west line of Garden Avenue produced south, 170 feet ; thence west at right angles thereto 102 feet; thence north parallel' to the said west line of Garden Avenue • produced south, to an intersection with the said south- easterly line of 1st Avenue North; thence southwesterly along the said southeasterly line: to the northeast' corner of a tract of land conveyed to. the City of Renton by deed recorded in volume. .865 of deeds, page 615, records of said county; thence south 1°52,10" east along the east line of said -City of Renton. tract, 146.58 feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence south 88°07'5Q'.*. west along the south line thereof, 102 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence north 1°52:*10" west along the west, line thereof, 54.28 feet to the said southeasterly line of lst Avenue North; thence south 45°59'30", west along said southeasterly line , .80.91rfeet to the west line of .said government lot 4; thence south 1°52'10" east. along the said west line of government lot 4 to the point of beginning, • • • Page 3 of Policy No. B-106871 • ■'talin r JJ l • • • • • . Schedule B This policy does not insure against: 1. .Questions of location, boundary and area; overlaps and encroachments by improvements belonging to these or adjoining premises; all dependent upon actual survey for determination. 2. The existence of roads or ways not established of record, or existence of county roads. 3. Rights or claims of persons in possession or claiming to be in possession, not shown of record; rights claimed under instruments of which no notice is of record and rights or claims based upon facts of which no notice is of record but of which the insured has notice; material or labor liens of which no notice is of record; liens created under the Workmen's Compensation Act. 4. Exceptions.and reservations in United States patents; regulations and restrictions provided by building and zoning ordinances. 5. General taxes not'yet payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming fixed and shown as a lien. • 6. Second half of the 'general taxes for the year 1934, payable in the sum of $52.81, TOGETHER with a levy by Commercial Waterway District No. 2 in the sum of : 28.00. 7. Local improvement assessments,if any, levied by the Town of Renton. • 8. Any unpaid charges for water or electric light or power, if furnished to said premises by a city, town or district. 9. Water, water rights and matters relating thereto. 10. Exception and reservation in deed from Jennie Sartori, .Ersilia M. Sbarboro, Katherine E. Sartori and Laura G. Sartori , to City of Renton, a _municipal corporation, the insured herein, dated July 8, 1935, recorded. August 14, 1935, under auditor's file No. 2863947, records of King County, Washington, as follows: "The grantors except from the operation of this deed and reserve unto themselves their heirs and assigns all coal' mineral and oil in and under the surface of said lands with the right to mine and remove the same , but without the right to enter upon or damage the surface of said lands for such purpose". 11. Right of the owners of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 3 and-lots 4, 5 and 6, block 2, -.Sartori's First Addition to Renton, an unrecorded plat, to the use of Garden Street from Bronson. Way North; thence south to northerly line of River Avenue and the alleys abutting upon lot 4 in said block 2 and lot 3 in said block 3 of said unrecorded plat. (End of Schedule B) Page 4 of Policy No. B-106871 Form P 98 Conditions of the Policy 1. The Company will and shall have the right, at its own cost, to defend the insured in all suits, actions of proceedings founded upon a claim of title, incumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior in date to this policy and not excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the policy in full. In case any such suit, action or proceeding shall be begun it shall be the daty of the insured at once to give notice thereof in writing to the company at its Home Office, and if the insured is a party to such suit, action or proceeding to secure to the company, within ten days after service of the first process upon the insured, the right to defend such suit, action or proceeding in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and to render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the company in regard to the subject matter of such suit, action or proceeding-shall cease and be determined; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the insured if the insured shall not have any knowledge of such suit, action or proceeding. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the insured is dispossessed or deprived of the real estate covered hereby or his estate or interest insured is impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or incumbrance hereby insured against, or, if this policy covers a mortgagee's interest, if such final judicial determination shall defeat or impair the mortgagor's title to all or any part of the mortgaged premises or establish the priority to the mortgage of a lien or incumbrance not excepted in this policy, claim may be made hereunder, provided the conditions have been in all ways complied with. A statement in writing of any loss or damage for which it is claimed the company, is liable under this policy shall be furnished to-the company within sixty (60) days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained: No right of action shall accrue under this policy until thirty (30) days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had under this policy unless an action shall have been commenced threon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. B. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the company shall termi- nate. The total liability under this policy, exclusive of costs (the costs not including in any case fees of counsel or attorneys employed by the insured), shall in no case exceed the face of the policy, and every payment by the company shall reduce the policy by the amount paid. When the company shall have paid a loss under this'policy it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property. in respect of such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall forthwith transfer all such rights to the company accordingly. if the payment made by'the company does not cover the loss of the insured, then such subrogation of the company shall be proportionate. Or the company may in e•ise this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only, pay the insured the entire mortgage indebtedness, with interest al the rate speci- fied in the mortgage, and thereupon the insured shall assign and transfer to the company the mortgage and the indebtedness thereby secured, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, or shall convey to the company any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of acquisition of said land, and all liability of the company shall thereupon terminate. No payment can be demanded without producing the policy for endorsement of such payment. If the policy be not so produced, indemnity satisfactory to the company must be furnished. 4. The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the refusal of any party to enter into or carry out any contract respecting the estate or interest insured. 5. If this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only and if any insured acquires said land, or any part thereof, by foreclosure, or other legal manner, in.satisfaction of said indebtedness, or any part thereof, this policy shall continue in force in favor of such insured, subj eel to all of the conditions hereof applicable to an owner of land. Page 5 of Policy No.. B-106871 F46(J ALAJA-c-t, te Read'the Conditions of this Policy No._163,0661-71 Washington Title Insurance Company Issued from the office of SEATTLE TITLE COMPANY , • With Which Is Affiliated Osborne,Tremper&Co.,Inc. `!) 803 SECOND AVE. SEATTLE, WASH., Person Insured CITY OP RENTON Amount Insured $ 6500.00 This Company Offers I. Thorough Examination of your Title. 2. Absolute Guaranty. 3. Saving in Time and Expense. r Read the Conditions of this Policy No..161068-71 • Washington = Title Insurance Company Issued from the office of SEATTLE TITLE COMPANY • With Which is Affiliated Osborne,Tremper& . ' 803 SECOND AVE. SEATTLE,,_WASH: Person Insured • CITY OF RENTON Amount Insured $ 6500.00 `). This Company Offers 1. Thorough Examination of your Title. 2. Absolute Guaranty. 3. Saving in Time and Expense. • PURCHASER'S POLICY • Lawyers 8 Realtors Title Insurance Company SEATTLE, WASHINGTON CAPITAL $350,000 Incorporated under the laws of Washington,and duly authorized by the State Insurance Commissioner to insure titles in said state. Amount $ 3000.00 No. 26900 Premium $ 48.7 5 DOES HEREBY INSURE CITY OF RENTON heirs and devisees (if insured-be a corporation, then its successors), hereinafter called the insured, against loss or damage not exceeding THREE THOUSAND dollars, which the insured shall sustain because of any existing defects, at the date hereof, in the title of PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. , a corporation,, to the estate and real property described in Schedule A or by reason of liens or incumbrances affecting the same at the date hereof excepting only such liens, incumbrances and other matters noted in Schedule B. Schedules A and B and the annexed conditions are a part hereof and the right to recovery hereunder shall be established only in the manner provided in said conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, LAWYERS £i REALTORS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be signed by its president, but the same shall not be binding upon the company unless attested by its secretary or an assistant secretary. Attested and dated this®25 day of sI_L17.Y, 19__39, at 8 A.M. fi President. � Assistan Secretary. Schedule A 1. The estate or interest coy- ered by this policy. Fee simple estate. 2. Descrip'i on of the real estate of which this policy is issued.IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON: PARCEL "A" : Portion in the southwest quarter of Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M. , described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 2, Plat of the Town of Renton as laid out by E. M. Smithers , I. B. Morris & C. B. Shattuck; thence along the northerly line of Walla Walla Avenue produced north 63°04' east 223.12 feet to a point of curve; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 530 feet, 122.41 feet to a point of tan- gency; thence north 49°50' east 62.41 feet to an intersection with the westerly marginal right of way line of the canal of Commercial Waterway District No. 2; thence northwesterly along said right of way line 16.79 feet; thence on a curve to the right hav- ing a radius of 744.46 feet, 157 .00 feet to a point of tangency; thence south 63°04' west 225.87 feet to an intersection with the east line of said Lot 8; thence south 0°46' west on the east line of said Lot 8, 28.24 feet to the point of beginning, EXCEPT portion taken for road by the files in Volume 32 of Commissioner's Records, page 454, and EXCF:PT roads; Page 2 of Policy No. 26900 -Continued on next sheet- -Schedule "A" Continued- PARCEL "B": A strip 100 feet in width in the northwest quarter of Section 17 , Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M. , described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north- erly marginal right of way line of the canal of Commercial Waterway District No. 2 and the westerly marginal right of way line of Pacific Coast R. R. Co's Newcastle Branch; thence north- easterly along said westerly marginal right of way line to the southerly line of Bronson Way North, in the City of Renton; thence westerly along said southerly line of Bronson Way North to a point 100 feet distant, measured at right angles to the aforesaid westerly marginal right of way line of railroad; thence southwesterly and parallel to said westerly marginal right of way line of Pacific Coast R. R. Co's Newcastle Branch to an intersection with the said northerly marginal right of way line of Commercial Waterway District No. 2; thence southeasterly along said northerly marginal right of way line of Commer- cial Waterway District No. 2 to the point of be- ginning, EXCEPT portion taken for road by the files in Volume 32 of Commissioner's Records, page 454, and EXCEPT roads . Page 3 •f Policy No. 26900 • Schedule B This policy does not insure against: 1. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; regulations and restrictions provided by building and zoning ordinances, or resolutions; general taxes not yet payable; matters relating to municipal assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming fixed and shown as a lien. 2. Rights or claims of persons in possession'or claiming to be in possession, not shown of record; rights claimed under instruments of which no notice is of record and rights or claims based upon facts of which no notices is of record but of which the insured has notice; material or labor liens of which no notice is of record; liens created under the Workmen's Compensation Act. 3. Questions of location, boundary and area; overlaps and encroachments by improvements belonging to these or adjoining premises all dependent upon actual survey for determination. The existence of roads or ways not established of record or existence of county roads. Unpaid water bills. Water, water rights and matters relating thereto. 4. General taxes and assessment for Commercial Waterway District No. 2, if any, affecting Parcel "A" . 5. Special assessments, if any, levied by the City of Renton. 6. Leasehold estates, if any, under unrecorded leases. 7 . Right granted to the public by the files in Volume 32 of Commis- sioners Records, page 454, to make all necessary slopes for cuts or fills. 8. Reservations affecting Parcel "B" contained in instrument recorded under Auditor's file No., 477920, .records of King County, Washing- ton, substantially as follows: Excepting and reserving to first party (Ignazio Sartori and Jennie Sartori , his wife) , heirs and assigns, out of the grant hereby made, all coal deposits which may be found on or underlying said . lands, together with the right to mine for and remove the same, provided however, that such mining shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere with the occupants of the land hereby conveyed, and provided further than no mine openings shall be upon the lands hereby conveyed. 9. Right of way 60 feet wide as reserved in instrument recorded under , Auditor's file No. 477920, records of King County, Washington, af- fecting Parcel "B", (End of Sched • P.ge 4 of Policy No. 26900 s tl • Conditions of the Policy 1. NOTICE OF DEFECT, SUIT OR ACTION: The Company will and shall have the right, at its own cost, to defend the insured in all suits, actions or proceedings founded upon a claim of title, incumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior in date to this policy and not excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the policy in full. In case any such suit, action or proceeding shall be begun it shall be the duty of the insured at once to give notice thereof in writing to the company at its Home Office, and if the insured is a party to such stilt, action or proceeding to secure to the company, within ten days after service of the first process upon the insured, the right to defend such suit, action or proceeding in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and to render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the company in regard to the subject matter of such suit, action or proceeding shall cease and be determined; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the insured if the insured shall not have any knowledge of such suit, action or proceeding. 2. CLAIM OF LOSS—PAYMENT OF LOSS: In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the insured is dispossessed or deprived of the real estate covered hereby or his estate or interest insured is impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or incumbrance hereby insured against, or, if this policy covers a mortgagee's interest, if such final judicial determination shall defeat or impair the mortgagor's title to all or any part of the mortgaged premises or establish the priority to the mortgage of a lien or incumbrance not excepted in this policy, claim may be made hereunder, provided the conditions have been in all ways complied with. Every claim for loss under this policy must be in writing, giving a full statement thereof, and be delivered to the company at its Home Office within sixty (60) days after the insured has had notice of such final judicial determination, whereupon the loss hereunder shall be payable to the insured on or before thirty (30) days. 3. LIMIT OF LIABILITY—SUBROGATION: The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the company shall terminate. The total liability under this policy, exclusive of costs, shall in no case exceed the face of the policy, and every payment by the company shall reduce the policy by the amount paid. When the company shall have paid a loss under this policy it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property in respect of such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall forthwith transfer all such rights to the company accordingly. If the payment made by the company does not cover the loss of the insured, then such subrogation of the company shall be proportionate. Or the company may in case this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only, pay the insured the entire mortgage indebtedness, with interest at the rate specified in the mortgage, and thereupon the insured shall assign and transfer to the company the mortgage and the indebtedness thereby secured,with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, or shall convey to the company any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of fore- closure of the mortgage, and all liability of the company shall thereupon terminate. 4. REFUSAL TO PURCHASE ESTATE: The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the refusal of any party to enter into or carry out any contract respecting the estate or interest insured. 5. MORTGAGEE'S POLICY: If this policy covers a mortgagees interest only, discharge of the mortgage, otherwise than through foreclosure thereof, shall terminate this policy and all liability of the company hereunder, but in case of foreclosure of the mortgage this policy shall cover any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of such foreclosure. Page 5 of Policy No. 26900 A i 6)a-.;;44:e-. a4t11-4-1-• , ::„' 4?-7._,4°: ,5 _ /7?r : " r z - ' 1Pui baser Policy, t1 3. • -: No ,2694fl . (.\:„p \ i: *, at Lawyers -& ''Realtors Title Insurance Company - s Washington Mutual Building SEATTLE,WASH. _ , • INSURED ,. . • . , ;,- . - " x'" .b !v,'s' ..s'',. p- ,t, ark+a w CITY OF RENTON `:AMOUNT: $ .Z000.00 , This Company -Offers i - 4. 2horougb Examination'of your Title.' - '>_ 2 ...c jb,�olutei..guarantee. s ' 3. -Sauiig in Time,and Expenae in Closing Your t.. Sales and in Negotiating Loans. f et. 5-17../93r. Purchaser Policy No 26900 Lawyers & Realtors Title Insurance Company Washington Mutual Building 'SEATTLE, WASH. INSURED CITY OF RENTON AMOUNT: $ 3000.00 This 'Company Offers • 1 Thorough Examination of your Title. 2 e/lbsolute guarantee. 3. Saving in Time and Expense in Closing Your • Sales and in Negotiating Loans. 7 Form r 3 • ✓ • ' Wr S�I�INION T o r6E. CAE G o SEATTLE, WASHINGTON C.ArITAI $1,350,000 D ER 134311 AMOUNT $ 2000.00 PREMIUM $ 35.00 POLICY No. B-143829 For value, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereinafter called the company, a cor- poration incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington and duly authorized by the State Insurance Commissioner to insure titles, does hereby insure, subject to the annexed conditions, hereby made a part of this policy, CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, heirs and devisees (if a corporation, its successors) hereinafter called the insured, against loss or damage not exceeding TWO THOUSAND Dollars, which the insured may sustain by reason of any defect in the insured's title to all the estate or interest in the premises specified and described in Schedule A, hereto annexed and hereby made a part of this policy, or by reason of liens or encumbrances charging the same, at the date of this policy, save and except this policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of any estate or interest, defect, lien, encumbrance or objection noted in annexed Schedule B, which is a part hereof. Any loss under this policy is to be established in the manner provided in said conditions and shall be paid upon compliance by the insured with and as prescribed in said conditions, and not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the company has caused these presents to be authenticated by the facsimile - signatures of its President and its Manager respectively, lithographed hereon, and its corporate seal to be affixed; but this policy is not valid unless attested by a Vice-President, the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. Dated this 15th day of September, 19 39, at eight, o'clock A. M. �.. 14Y�I��,�1°ll� . (4611— President. Manager. Attest: aa--) Assistant ecreta Form P 16 OWNERS OR MORTGAGEES • StHeEEU S 1. The estate or interest of the insured covered by this policy. Fee simple estate. 2. Description of the property with respect to which this policy is issued. IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON Portion of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section eight (8) , township twenty-three (23) north, range five (5) east, W. M. , described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of said subdivision with the west line of Park Avenue in Renton Farm Plat, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 10 of plats, page 97, records of said county, produced north; thence south along said west line to a point 215 feet north of the south line of said subdivision; thence west 107.5 feet; thence south 185 feet ; thence west and parallel to and distant 30 feet north from the south line of said subdivision to the center line of Pelly Avenue produced; thence north along said center line 630 feet ; thence west and parallel to said south subdivision line to the east line of the Northern Pacific Railway right of way; thence north along said right of way line to the north line of said subdivision; thence east to point of beginning. PAGE 2 OF POLICY No. B-143829 r orm r 'i • • • • tSellieRLET gip This policy does not insure against: 1. Questions of location, boundary and area; overlaps and encroachments by improvements belonging to these or adjoining premises; all dependent upon actual survey for determination. 2. The existence of roads or ways not established of record, or existence of county roads. 3. Rights or claims of persons in possession or claiming to be in possession, not shown of record; rights claimed under instruments of which no notice is of record and rights or claims based upon facts of which no notice is of record but of which the insured has notice; material or labor liens of which no notice is of record; liens created under the Workmen's Compensation Act. 4. Exceptions and reservations in United States patents; regulations and restrictions provided by building and zoning ordinances or resolutions. 5. General taxes not yet payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming fixed and shown as a lien. 6. Local improvement assessments, if any, levied by the City of Renton. 7. Any unpaid charges for water or electric light or power furnished to said premises by a city, town or district. 8. Easement for electric transmission line as granted by Lee Monohon, a bachelor, to City of Seattle, a municipal corporation, by instrument dated December 24, 1934, recorded December 27, 1934, in volume 1614 of deeds, page 626, under auditor's file No. 2836038, records of said county. 9. Limitations and restrictions contained in deed dated September 8, 1939, executed by Lee Monohon, a bachelor, to City of Renton, recorded September 14, 1939, under auditor's file No. 3063635, records of said county, substantially as follows: The east 250 feet of the real estate conveyed herein is conveyed to grantee for use by grantee exclusively for City Park purposes and the remainder of said real estate is deeded in fee to grantee to be used by grantee for industrial development purposes, provided however, that the grantee shall at all times retain the fee title thereto. (End of Schedule B) PAGE 3 of POLICY No. B-143829 Form P 98 olnDI+TrI°oas:on TII POLI O-r , 1. NOTICE OF DEFECT, SUIT OR ACTION: The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own cost, defend the insured in all suits, actions or proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior in date to this policy and not excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the policy in full. In case any such suit, action or proceeding shall be instituted it shall be the duty of the insured at once to give notice thereof in writing-to the com- pany at its Home Office, and, if the insured is a party to such suit, action or proceeding, to secure to the company, within ten days after service of the first process upon the insured, the right to defend such suit, action or proceed- ing in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and to render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the company with regard to the subject matter of such suit, action or proceeding shall cease and be determined; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the insured if the insured shall not have any knowledge of such suit, action or proceeding. 2. CLAIM OF LOSS; PAYMENT OF LOSS: In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the insured is dispossessed or deprived of the premises covered hereby or the estate or interest insured is impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not excepted herein, or, if this policy covers a mortgagee's interest, and such final judicial determination shall defeat or impair the mort- gagor's title to all or any part of said premises or establish the priority to the mortgage of a lien or encumbrance not excepted in this policy, claim may be made hereunder, provided the conditions have been complied with in all respects. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the company is liable under this policy, shall be furnished to the company within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue under this policy until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall he had under this policy unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. 3. LIMIT OF LIABILITY; SUBROGATION: The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the company shall terminate. The total liability under this policy, exclusive of costs (the costs not including in any case fees of counsel or attorneys employed by the insured), shall in no case exceed the face of the policy, and every payment by the company shall reduce the policy by the amount paid. When the company shall have paid a loss under this policy it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall forthwith transfer all such rights to the company accordingly. If the payment made by the com- pany does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. In case this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only, the company may pay the insured the entire mortgage indebtedness, with interest at the rate specified in the mortgage, and thereupon the insured shall assign and transfer to the company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, together with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, or shall convey to the company any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of acquisition of said premises, and all liability of the company shall thereupon terminate. Demand for payment must he accompanied by production of the policy for endorse- ment of such payment. If the policy be not so produced, indemnity satisfactory to the company must be furnished. 4. REFUSAL TO PURCHASE ESTATE: The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage result- ing from the refusal of any party to enter into, or carry out, any contract respecting the estate or interest insured. 5. LIABILITY UNDER MORTGAGEE'S POLICY: If this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only and the insured acquires said premises, or any part thereof, by foreclosure,or in other legal manner,in satisfaction of said indebtedness, or any part thereof, this policy shall continue in force in favor of such insured, subject to all of the conditions hereof applicable to an owner of land. PAGE 4 Of POLICY No. B-143829 szP710'11 T N A At - :.'CITY Y OF R E N .: Arthur L: Haugan, Attorney Councilmen' y y`M1' Di. C. L.,Dixon, Health Officer Steve Tamborini, Pres.' Vincent Stewart, Chief of Police KING COUNTY, WASH.: Joe R. Baxter `�:J. E. McFarland, Police Judge Ben Richardson Perry H. Mitchell, Mayor J. E. Morrison, Mgr. Utilities Dorothea S. Gossett, Treasurer Falter Reid : E. M. McHugh, Engineer Wiley Crook, Clerk George D. Swift ' ;P. E. Lawrence, Fire Chief Charles Delaurenti Andrew Gigli October 10, 1947 • • Mr. Wiley Crook City Clerk � Renton, Washington � Dear Wiley: I hand you herewith, for your records, the original ' ' .., deed from U.S. Government and R. F. C. to City of Renton conveying to the city the Renton Airport and certain pro- • perties therewith. This deed was accepted by City Council Jwo) 2 Resolution No. 688. As you will note it was duly recorded / off' in County Auditor' s office on September 25th, 1947, under. ' la" Auditor' s Receiving No. 37275'23. Also at our request, the War Assets Administration have by letter dated September . `, . 26th, 191+7 notified the King County Assessor and the King County Treasurer that the title of this property has passed of record to the City of Renton. This was done so that the property would not be included on the tax roll for 1948 : - ;'` - taxes. Very truly yours, . ALH:if A?THUR Encl. City Attorney ` P.S. I also hand you herewith Certificate of Title No. B-303957 issued by Washington Title Insurance Company dated August 5th, 1947. This is in lieu I. of the usual form. Title Insurance Policy. ,, • . . . „. . „. .. . . . - ,. .. . , , , .,; • .. . . ..v i. -I.. • . ,:.„,,,,• .. , ''::;.j .44:• :". .. • . . . , . • .• • . , . . • , . . . . . : . ' Penton, Vash . . . . . . November 7, .1952 . . , . .. . . • . '. , . . , . . . , . . . . . .. . . . ' . .„ , . • . .. . . . : . • . . . , . . . • . . . • ... . . . . . . . ., . . . • ' . STATTA OF 1,4ASHINGTON ) . . . . COO , T! OF KING ) . . • CITT OF FENTON ) . . . .,. . . . , . . , . • .- .. . . . . . . , . . • . . , . , . . . . . . , Is WILEY CROOK, City Clark, in and for the City' of Benton, Washington, ' . . . _ . . • , DO liggEBY CERTIFY that Wider Quit Claim Deed No. 3727523 by and . . . ' between the United States of America, acting through the Beconstruotion ... . : Finance Corporation, Party of the lot part, and the City of Benton, tine County, Washington, a municipality incorporated under the State . .. • . . . laws of the State of Washington, Party or the 2nd part, that ono (1) • . • , crash track Serial No. 51837 and all attached equipment was deeded to the City of Renton and that said crash truck is a 1944 Kenworth, motor . ,. . . . No. 262137 and that the above referred to deed vas recorded in the deed rocordd of King County, Washington, Volome No. 2668, pages 36 to 395 . , inclusive and that subject truck was noted along with other properties . . . . , . on page 388 of subject volume and that the above referred to deed was . : records,,: September 25, 1947, and that the above statements are all true , • . .: and correct according to available records in the office of the City . , . . . ' , . - Clerk, and that subject truck a 1944 Konvorth„ Serial No. 51837, Motor . . : . No. 262137, is the property of the City of Renton and is in the custody . . of the Firs Department of said City. . , . . . . . ., . . • . . . . . To the best of my knowledge and belief, ne(sertificate of ownership . • . . . - . - - ' or registration was transferred to the City of Renton, at the time the . . above mentioned truck was transferred from the Reconstruction Pittartee . Cororaon oti to the City of Renton. . . . : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sat my hand and official sal of . . . . _ .. ,. the City of RentaWashinzton, this 'TO. . day of November, 1952. . . .. . . . . . , . . . . • • ,. • Wiley Crook/- City Clerk . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . • . , . . , • • . • , . . • . „ . . . • . . „ . -, -' . ,.. ".-:'-•'' '''. '--','.--....-;',''' \:::'"'''',':•'• ',-::-.: ,', ,--' •••,,,- ,% . .• , ,.. , . , . -,, • -_,.....• , . . • . . . . , • . .. •. . . . • • . . , , - _ _ ._ . . . • . • , . •- :. . , . . . .. . . .,.. ., ,_ . . ., • • • ..- - ---- - . . . ....______ . . , , ,, .. _....,_ .... ,...._....., . . • . . - . -- _ • . . ' • . . . _...... ., , . . . . - • . . . / �)/ + J' �/ `' ;ram"::'..: fi .� :. I:7 I4 _y r Re&An, ta4413h ' November 70 195Z . STATE OF WASHIAITON ) , COUNTY' OF 1�INO ) CITY OF EU` ON ) / ;thy,X, CROOX0 City Cl rk0 in and for the City of Renton, Washington, DO 'MEM CERTI F C that under t-Claim Deed Se. 3727523.by j, . . . . •'. ::1' . . botAmen the United States of Ameriee0 wing through the ROOGUATUOtiOn .nanee Corporation, Party of the let part, and the City of Maori, lens County, Washington, a municipality incorporatedunder the State laws of the Stete of Washington!, Party of thepart 0 ©rash true Serial No. 51837 and all attached equipment was doodad to the City of Renton and that amid crash truck is a 1944 ?c nwor h0 motor No. 262137 and that the above referred to dead use recorded in the deed records of King County, Waebingtanp VolumeNo. 26680 pages 386 to 395 irsclnaive and that subject ject truck was noted along with other properties • an page 388 of subject volume and that the above referred to dead was - racorded September er 250 19479 and that the above statements aro all tree and oorre t a000rd,ing to available records in the office of the City Clerk and that subject truck a 1944 Xenr orth, Serial No. 51837, Moto' So. 202137, is the property of the City of Renton and is in tho custody . • . of the Fire Department of said City. To the bast of my knowledge and belief, na`=',cer°tifioate of ownership • or registration was transfer rod to the Ci t •of Renton® at the time the above mentioned truck was transferred i'rr : floe EsC onstrtiOt C131 Finance Corporation to the City of Wore IS WITNESS it iE ,,( , I have hereunto oet my hand and official seal of the City of Rentoni:'ashin n0 this " i:day of November, 1952. ' t.1ia.c y Gropit City /• L 1. ", h.: Al . :l • � : t ,r '',i`-:;'' 0L QUITCI�IM DEED' . 12, i= THIS' INDENTURE, made this Y� da ' of Se tember ' 1 7 ; ' Y P , 94 , between the UNITED STATES OF AKEERICA and the RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION, r • ''' `';; `,a corporation created under the laws of the United States, which corporation has I succeeded pursuant to the provisions of Public haw 109, 79th Congress, approved June 30, 1945, to all of the rights and assets of Defense Plant Corporation, acting .' ''''• } - byand throughWar Assets Administrator, under and' pursuant to Executive Order'•9689;; l'-3 -'. ; ' :dated Januaxy 31, '1946,' and the powers and authority contained in the provisions.,of • 'r ;;' ;. the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, and applicable rules, regulations and .• '1:;-,' ' 'orders," party of the first part and the City of Renton, a municipal corporation , ' r."' ;,'.`I,:" under the laws. of the State of Washington, acting by and through its Mayor, party ;, of the second parts WITNESSETH: ' I" That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration'of the' , . I% assumption by the party of the second part of all the obligations and its taking k=:, 'y;','':.; ; subject.to 'certain' reservations, restrictions, and conditions and its covenant to :. abide by and agreement to certain other reservations, restrictions and conditions, all as set out hereinafter, conveys and quitclaims to the said party of the second t% `. '"�- part, its successors and assigns, under and subject to the reservations,' restrict- ions, conditions and exceptions hereinafter set out, all its right, title and in- rT terest in the following-described property, situated in the County of King, State , ': . of Washington, to-wit: , :i t' Portions of' sections seven (7) and eighteen (18) fi't : township twenty-three ( ) north, range five 5 E;�;>�I,,:, : . ; . ', '; , • . en three 23 not � ( ) ki••' ,: .,'. , ; ; east, VV.M., and certain shorelands, more particularly e; - described as follows:- ,, `''. ' , - Beginning at a point on the inner harbor line of' Lake Washington as shown upon sheet No. 26 of the E s plat' of Lake Washington Shore Lands Survey 1921, , C', ,, as said plat was filed with the auditor of King i'%; - County, Washington, Sept. 19, 1921, under auditor's '., , file No. 1552504, which point bears north 35 00 r;; • west 92.62 feet from the angle point in said inner Yi::,,',,::,', ,x;, ; - 2' _ harbor line designated "86 " on said plat, and run*- ' ning thence south 350 00' 00" east along said 'inner harbor line 92.62 feet to said angle point; ' �' '9, ` - ' '"' thence eat along said inner harbor line, 0 0 �'`''�' - s � 4 3�7 ; ;V:,, ne of 1 t28" :' ' 'feet; the c south h���' 3 east 2 ,.` •, s 539 .b7 feet • , . thence south 76°' 06 32 •west 50.00 feet; thence I �;;' + "' ° rt ' ?I;,, ', South 53' 8 east 318.15 feet; thence south µ,' L�'.'1 ''',A 7. ° ' 28" t' 08' east 2 00 feet; thencesouth l4 '�" 3 39 15° k ' uo t rr a e t f 12 0 sfeet; thence south 2 e n u h 18 16 <<'' 5 99.52e s 5 ,I, east 100.01 feet; thence south 21 391 45" east ••k' �. • : .; - 100.45 feet; thence south 24° 31' 35" east 104.68 s` ,-` iO13' 20" - feet; thence south 2 eqst et• en e 81feet;00. 7 9 f= thence south 1° 1 rr a 3 11 40 east 100.27 feet; thence +'f".V' •t, ,I, fit' • ' ,-. • , 1' . F1,' ,.I W ve . . • i • IZ ;', e,Jf // . i'Y - � W .It, .1 i i.F ,-, ,r rf r i r VOL6ptar387 ' j ,,- south 34° 18' 30" east' 100.02 feet; thence south., ' L 370 14' 05" east 100.05 feet; thence south 40° :''' 03' 10" east 100.33 feet; thence south 42° 53' 30" 1 ,: .. east 100.87 feet; thence south 45° 39' 20" east 101.62 feet to a point on a line which is a pro- ' ' duction northerly of the east line of lot twenty- three (23), block four (4), Renton Real Estate Co's 1st addition to Renton; thence south 00 31' 47" 1,"; west, along said produced line and the east line !' '' of lots twenty-three '23) and eighteen '18), block four (4) of said plat, 254.62 feet to the inter- , . section of the north line of Dixie Avenue as now , , located and established with the east line of lot eighteen (18), block four (4) of the said addition; thence along the north line of said Dixie Avenue, `. north 880 34' 43" west 1486.84 feet to the west ,',ti;- line of Lake Street; thence north 00 31' 47" east, ` ' ' along said west line, 10.00 feet; thence north , ' ' . . 880 34' 43" west, along the north line of said . ,' Dixie Avenue, 225.49 feet to an angle point in said ' r ' : ' line; thence north 710 29 ' 12" west along said north line, 152.58 feet, more or less, to the easterly right of-way line of Primary State Hiway No. 5 as now fixed .' ,,, and established; thence northerly, along said right- D ',• " of-way line, fallowing the tangent and curving courses ' .;>:,':. thereof, to an intersection with a line which is 5 feet south of and parallel to the line between lots seven (7) and eight (8), block eighteen (18), of the plat of Bryn Mawr, King County, Wash., produced east- _ - ' according to plat thereof recorded in volume 5 , , of plats, page 58, records of said county; thence r;;.,;;; south 880 27' 28" east, along said parallel line, . '' 89.23 feet to a point which is 540.00 feet west, mea- f=-- • sured along said parallel line, from the west line of Black River Waterway as shown upon sheet No. 5 pre- pared by Udo Hesse, Court Commissioner, and filed in ' King County Superior Court Cause No. 156371; thence north 5° 16' 51" east 438.90 feet to an intersection with a line which is 2 feet south of and parallel to the line between lots one (1) and two (2), block seven !; teen (17), of said plat of Bryn Mawr, produced easterly, • said point of intersection being 520.00 feet west, mea- i '.:: cured along; said parallel line, of the west line of said ,,; waterway; thence north 400 09' 47" east 138.55 feet; ' , ..' thence north 60.00 feet; thence north 2 o00' 4 " : :� 9 0 west . 197.07 feet to a point on a line which is 300 feet north,, ' i •'' measured at right angles thereto, of and parallel to the i:' ' north line of Bowling Street (formerly Emerson Avenue) ` produced easterly; thence south 880 27' 28" east, along said parallel line, 355.00 feet to the place of begin- ning, containing 161.83 acres, more or less; � ':,?': ' ' ' together with buildings, structures, improvements, and personal property de- w<,; - , scribed as follows 1 Flight service Building; 1 Guard house " 6 Tool Shed Buildings; I 2 Storage Snacks; k 1 Storage Building; 1 Office and Inspection Building; ' 2 Ammunition Storage Revetments; € ' " 1 Gun Target Revetment Structure; (all permanently , -,1 :, installed fixtures and equipment located in the _' aoove buildings); t` 2 Gasoline underground storage tanks and pump house �4, and all attachments; 1 wind Tee; VOL All of the Electrical Distribution System and Air- port Lighting System; all of the Sewage Disposal System; all of the +eater Service and Distribution System; and all of the Compressed Air Distribution System located on the property conveyed above; All of the boundary fence consisting of approximately 12,966 linear feet located on the property conveyed ' above; Runway and all Taxi.wa s Parking Areas Roadwa s Eialks Field Markin e h`• g and Drainage located on the property conveyed above; 1 Ceiling Projector Light; 19./-.q 1 Crash Truck, serial No. i' 51837, and all attached equip- lt rt r o•rtIj merit; Mc c -r 9- 9.3 '7 1 International Pickup Half-Ton Truck, serial No. K3-13532; 1 International Diesel Tractor, TD-9, and attachments in- cluding a Carco Winch, Model "L", Serial No. TDCJ3M 3374T7RH, Motor No. TDCI3M 3270 1 Tri-Ton Tandem Roller; 1 Radio Transmitter, M a_ �d l oe g-C® 3 3,-4 Radio Receivers, Model SX-28; - 2 Radio Receivers, Model 5-22; 1 Interference Filter Miller Type 7845; 2 Console Tables; 1 Transmitter Cabinet Stand; 30 Ground Rods; 30 Ground Rod Clamps; 1500 Ft. No. 10 Copper Wire; 1 Air Traffic Tight; 6-1 Portable Electric PlanW•--- - 8 CO2 Fire Extinguishers; i 30 Soda Acid Extinguishers; �---' 0 -1 Receiver; o - 1 Transmitter; : ., 1 Antenna; 1 Microphone; 1 Control Unit; 1 Speaker; 1 Turntable - welded steel; being a part of the same property acquired by the United States of America, the Defense Plant Corporation and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, under pur- chase and condemnation, all of record in the files of the Auditor of King County, Washington, and the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, Northern Division. The above-described premises are transferred, subject to exist- ing easements for roads, highways, public utilities, railways and pipe lines. EXCEPTING, HOEEV R, from this conveyance, all right, title and interest in and to all property in the nature of equipment, furnishings and other personal property which can be removed from the land without material injury to the land or structures located thereon other than property of such nature located on the premises conveyed hereby which is required for the efficient operation for 'i. ';,,`,,'; ' airport purposes of the structures and improvements specifically listed herein- above as being transferred hereby; and further excepting from this conveyance all structures on the 'above-described premises other than structures specifically described or enumerated above as being conveyed hereunder, and reserving to the '' party of the first part the right of removal from the premises of the property -3- 7 and structures excepted. hereby� within a reasonable period..of 'time '�after. the date_hereof, which shall not be construed to mean any period less than one "(1) year after the date of this instrument. ' . -'„` ,' ., ,,; Said property transferred hereby was duly declared surplus and was assigned to the Var Assets Administrator for dis osal acting , pursuant to. �• ;;'; the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, as amended, ExecutiveCrder,968j, • and applicable rules, regulations and orders. As,used herein, the terms hereinafter set forth are defined as , follows: "Landing Area" means any land, or combination of water and 'la / . land, together with improvements thereon and necessary, operational 'equip- ';:;.went used in connection therewith, which is used for landing, take-offs, and parking of aircraft. ' The term includes, but it is not limited to, runways, • strips, taxiways and parking aprons • "Building Area" means any land, other.thanalandingarea',r used ` j„ ;:;. _ or necessary for or in connection with the operation or maintenance of an air port. "Non-aviation facilities" means any buildings, structures, im- - provements, and equipment located in a building area and used in connection "` with but not required for the efficient operation and maintenance of the, land- ing area or the airport facilities • "Airport facilities" means any buildings structures, ments, and operational equipment, other than non-aviation facilities, 'which are used and necessary for or in connection with the operation and maintenance of an airports "Air navigation facility" means any facility used in, available ` ;'for use in, or designed for use in, aid of air navigation, including landing areas, lights, any apparatus or equipment for disseminating weather information, for signaling, for radio-directional finding, or for radio or other electrical 1u: ' communication, and any other structure or mechanism having a similar purpose is for guiding or controlling flight in the air or the landing and take-off of aircraft. "' By the acceptance of this deed or any rights hereunder, the said .',. 'party'of the second part, for itself, its successors and assigns agrees grees 'that � , . • :transfer of the property transferred by this instrument, is accepted subject to the following restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this ,:'.. . paragraph, which shall run with the land, imposed pursuant to the authority' of ;,fir. kticle 4 Section.3, Clase 2 of•the .Constitution 'of the United=Staten of :,` •.. � . := u America, '' ;:`:;i;• ;.;.;,+ the Surplus Property, Act of 1944,: as amended, Executive Order 9689 and applicable rules, regulations and orders: (1) That all of the property transferred hereby, hereafter in this in- strument called the "airport", shall be used for public airport purposes, and only ` : for such purposes, on reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination and with- ' ' ' out grant or exercise of any exclusive right for use of the airport within the meaning of Section 303 of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 193S. As used herein, "Pub- lic airport purposes" shall be deemed to exclude use of the structures conveyed hereby, or any portion thereof, for manufacturing or industrial purposes. 'However, until, in the opinion of Civil Aeronautics Administration or its successor:Gov- ernment agency, it is needed for public airport purposes, any particular structure. , transferred hereby may be utilized for non-manufacturing or nonindustrial purposes '•` in such manner as the party of the second part deems advisable, provided that such.' , . use does not interfere with operation of the remainder of the airport as a public airport. (2) That the entire landing area of the airport and all structures, im ' provements, facilities and equipment of the airport shall be maintained at all time in good and serviceable condition to assure its efficient operation, provided, how- ever, that such maintenance shall be required as to structures, improvements, 1 ,7 '',`':' ` facilities and equipment only during the remainder of their estimated life, as de- termined by the Civil Aeronautics Administration or its successor Goverrmient agency. In the event materials are required to rehabilitate or repair pair certain of the afore- , mentioned structures, improvements, facilities or equipment they may be procured ='''`'.. by demolition of other structures, improvements, facilities or equipment transferred hereby located on the above-described° •;; ;;. �• y premises, which have outlived their use 1- as as airport property in the opinion of the Civil Aeronautics Administration or its successor Government agency. By the acceptance of this deed or any rights hereunder, the said party of the second part for itself, its successors and assigns, also assumes the obli- . ` ' gations of, covenants to abide by and agrees to, and this transfer is made sub- '' ' jest to, the following reservations and restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (1) to (6) of this paragraph, which shall run with the land, imposed pursuant to the authority of Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States of America, the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, Executive Order 9659 and applicable rules, regulations and orders: ir` titerin • VOL 400n -fmr3 i (1) That insofar as it is within its power and reasonably possible, the party of the second part and all subsequent transferees shall prevent any use of land either within or outside the boundaries of the airport, including the con- struction, erection, alteration, or growth of any structure or other object there- on, which use would be a hazard to the landing, taking-off, or maneuvering of air- craft at the airport, or otherwise limit its usefulness as an airport, (2) That the building areas and non-aviation facilities of or on the I airport shall be used, altered, modified, or improved only in a manner which does not interfere with the efficient operation of the landing area and of the airport facilities, (3) That itinerant aircraft owned by the United States of America (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Government") or operated by any of its employees or agents on Government business shall at all times have the right to use the airport in common with others; Provided, however, that such use may be limited as may be determined at any time by the Civil Aeronautics Administration' or the successor Government agency to be necessary to prevent interference with use by other authorized aircraft, so long as such limitation does not restrict Government use to less than twenty-five (25) per centum of capacity of the land- ing area of the airport. Government use of the airport by virtue of the provisions of this subparagraph shall be without charge of any nature other than payment for damage caused by such itinerant aircraft. (4) That during the existence of any emergency declared by the Pres- ident of the United States of America or "the Congress thereof, the Government shall : '4 have the right without charge, except as indicated below, to the full, unrestricted possession, control and use of the landing area, building areas, and airport fa- cilities, or any part thereof, including any additions or improvements thereto made subsequent to the declaration of any part of the airport as surplus; Provided, however, that the Government shall be responsible during the period of such use- for the entire cost of maintaining all such areas, facilities and improvements, or the portions used, and shall pay a fair rental for the use of any installations or structures which have been added thereto without Federal aid. (5) That no exclusive right for the use of any landing area or air nav- igation facilities, included in or on the airport shall be granted or exercised. -6- 411 VOL20�) ����i�3 5 (NOTICE) DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY NO. 17 DELEGATION OF .AUTHORITY INCIDENT TO THE CARE, HANDLING, AND CONVEYANCING OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSIGNED FOR DISPOSAL THEREWITH The Deputy'Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, and each Associate Deputy Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, War Assets Admini- stration; the Zone Administrator, the Deputy Zone Administrator for Real Property Disposal, the Associate Deputy Zone Administrator for Real Property Disposal, and the Assistant Deputy Zone Administrator for Real Property Disposal, in each and ;:... ; ;.; every War Assets Administration Zone Office; the Regional Director and the Deputy Regional Director for Real Property Disposal, in each and every War Assets Admini- stration Regional Office; the District Director and the Deputy District Director for Real Property Disposal, War Assets Administration District Office, Columbia, South Carolina; and any person or persons designated to act, and acting, in any of the foregoing capacities, are hereby authorized, individually (1) to execute, aclmow- { ledge and deliver any deed, lease, permit, contract, receipt, bill of sale, or other instruments in writing in connection with the care, handling and disposal of sur- plus real property, or personal property assigned for disposition with real property, located within the United States, its territories and ossessions, .�. possessions, (2) to accept any notes, bonds, mortgages, deeds of trust or other security instruments taken as consideration in whole or in part for the disposition of such surplus real or personal property, and to do all acts necessary orproper to release and discharge any such instrument or any lien created by such instrument or otherwise created, and (3) to do or perform any other act necessary to effect the transfer of title to any such surplus real or personal property located as above provided; all pursuant to the provisions of the Surplus Property Act of 19)1)1, 58 Stat. 765, as r, amended (50 U.S.C. App. Supp. 1611); Public Law 181, 79th Congress, 59 Stat. 533; `, Executive Order 9689 (11 F.R. 1265); War Assets Administration Regulation No. 1 (12 F.R. 2249); and Surplus Property Administration General Amendment of January 5, 1946 (11 F.R. )403), The Zone Administrator in each and every War Assets Administration Zone Office is hereby authorized to redelegate to such person or persons as he may 'designate the authority delegated to him by this instrument. L. S. Wright, the. Secretary of the Real Property Review Board, A. W. Manley, Associate Deputy Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, and Jo T. Daly, Associate Deputy Administrator, Office of Real Property Disposal, War Assets Administration, are hereby authorized, individually, to certify true copies of this Delegation and provide such further certification as may be necessary to effectuate the intent of this Delegation in form for recording in any jurisdiction, as may be required. This Delegation shall be effective as of the opening of business on June 9 , 1947. This authority is in addition to, but shall not in any manner supersede delegations of authority previously granted under dates of May 17, 1946; May 29, 1946; July 30, 1946; September 16, 1946; October 31, 19)46; November 22, 1946; and January 13, 1947; as do not conflict with the provisions of this Delegation. • lieturow 0:a, v. ITTLEJOHN Administrator 47-4oe6 � Plledtor!Recorq'�Z 7/ '? teb��.3 ._ , Request o4� ' RO ERT A, MORRIS. County Audttot . y c . . . . is • Iti' \ \\\\.\' ., . . . RECORLi 3P8 OF. deeds -. VOL.__.__._._• r_GUEST OF -'� PpGSE. 386 .__R • to SEP ?5 Pm 3 07 p -,',T r; MOR IS At.1DITOR. t'� I�1 IY �b :' E� `, ,,,,. �, / Z ,'.1 STY • •. • r� :« itilw . T? .' ,•.tom' �)"- - - `IVOL.26�� P . • F (6). That the property transferred hereby may be successively trans- ferred only with the approval of the Civil Aeronautics Administration or the ' .successor Government agency and with the proviso that any such subsequent trans feree assumes all the obligations imposed upon the party of the second part by the provisions of this instrument. By acceptance of this instrument or any rights hereunder, the party of , ' the second part further agrees with the party of the first part as follows: (1) That upon a breach of any of the aforesaid reservations or res-. ; tractions by the party of the second part or any subsequent transferee, whether • caused by the legal inability of said party of the second part or subsequent transferee to perform any of the obligations herein set out, or otherwise, the title, right of possession and all other rights transferred to the party of the ' X' second part, or any portion thereof, shall at the option of the party of the first part revert to the party of the first part upon demand made in writing by the 'War Assets Administration or its successor Government agency at least sixty (60) days prior to the date fixed for the revesting of such title, right of pos- session and other rights transferred or an y portion thereof; Provided, that , as to installations or structures which have been added to the premises without Tbderal aid, the Government shall have the option to acquire title to or use of the same at the then fair market value of the rights therein to be acquired by the Government. (2) That if the construction as covenants of any of the foregoing reservations and restrictions recited herein as covenants or the application of the same as covenants in any particular instance is held invalid, the par- ticular reservations or restrictions in question shall be construed instead merely as conditions upon the breach of which the Government may exercise its option to cause the title, right of possession and all other rights transferred to the party of the second part by this instrument or any portion thereof, to revert to it, and the application of such reservations or restrictions as covenants in any other instance and the construction of the remainder of such reservations and re- strictions as covenants shall not be affected thereby. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with appurtenances and under and subject to the aforesaid reservations, restrictions, and conditions, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. -7.. '.. • 4r. yF; M1 dry' } ,,�� :von •TF1.4t7E39J • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused these pre- sents to be executed as of the day and year first above written* UNITED STARS OF AMERICA AND RLCONSTRUCTION FINANCB CORPORATION Acting by and through Bar ,Assets Administrator tI TNESSES: By C. H. F.i EMING • Deputy Regional Direc Real Property Dispos 'Uar Assets . dministr for STATE OF 1'`iASHINGTON ) ) SS , . : COUNTY OF KING • ) On this 2rday of September, 1947, before me Gv Notary Public in and for the ,�t• e of Washington, allota �', personally appeared C. R.Fleming, Deputy Regional Director, Real Property Dis- posal, War Assets Administration, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and who under oath stated that he was ,';. . , duly authorized, empowered and delegated by the War Assets administrator pursuant '''' to 6,Delegation of Authoritydated June 1947, to execute the said instrument, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed, acting for and on behalf of the ',ar Assets Administrator, acting for and on behalf : of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and acting for and on behalf of the United States of. America for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, IN WITNESS 1a'IIE2.E0F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official r,. seal the day ' and year r first above written* • 4otary Public in and. for • the State of l.ashington, • ,w{ ,. p-z, �.sy Residing; at Seattle 2668 { CERTIFICATE I , the undersigned L. S. Wright Secretary Real Property Review Board , War Assets Administration, in my official capacity as such Secretary and duly authorized in the DELEGATION OF AUTHORI'TY INCIDENT TO THE CARE, .'.. HANDLING AID CONVEYANCING dated June 6, 1947, to make the following certi- fication, do hereby certify; 1. That C. R. Fleming „-t';.• - is the Deputy Regional Director ?. Real Property Disposal War Assets Administration, duly appointed, authorized and acting in such capacity at the time of the execution of the attached instrument. i 2. That the attached DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY INCIDENT TO :i'NF; CARE, HANDLING AND CONVEYANCING is a true and correct copy of the original t-. of said DELEGATION OF AU`. HORITY, dated June 6, 19474 25th Se tenber 7 �.. Given under my hand this day of p 194 , ( &)-13,,,1 itir Secre, ref (Title) r . Real Property Review Board &Office) War Assets Administration ; • •jn .am '(, F A'7 i. , , -., FINALt!: 51„ k.= 5. - • • •• 11 - ;id f,rF - .4 ' ,.,;. CERTIF C TEOFTITLE.t 1: .�, NO B 0 3 57 9 1'• a;: ,t' , - WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COI+APANY 4 ' 803;� • • Second , Avenue ' • ,3: Seatt a Yla h• i, 1 sin' ton . y,, :frt. 't' •• ,Docket N It ,; ` • Parcel No. '{' ';'' '`TO THE UNI, L. T�•� TED S ATE3 OF�A[+dERICA s ��� =1i' 1_f The Washington Title Ineur�noe Company, 'a Corporation, organized and 'y;!";"'; :existing under the laws of the State of'Washington,' with its principal ' '` office in the City' of Seattle, State of Washington, hereby certifies that 'n "` , _ it has made.'a: through search_of the title,to the property described in :, . '::•' SCHEDULE "A" hereof, beginning with the inception of title and that the ; ;`''.:',' ' title .to said property was indefeasibly vested in fee simple of record 'tn$ "„ n , ' i' `as follows: • That portion of the premises. described ini Schedule A `' 41'"' „ ,' condemned 'in Cause No: 7047 in the United States District Court for Western x,,. ,,,''' '' District of Washington, Northern Division, in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: and ^ '"'`• '', : the remainder of said premises in RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION, a .`yi corporation `,as of the th d of August,' 1947, at 8 of clock A `':;':�r>=�;': ,>k.• 5 � � A. M., fre®''and clear' . ;;; '-'`= `'of all encumbrances, defects, interests and all other matters whatsoever, >; ',:.,,�, _, , `:';' `;.', •'••Y ' ' either of record or otherwise known to the Corporation, impairing or, • • • *'' `1''' 'adversely affecting .the title to said property except as shown in SCHEDULE %I``";::` -':"B" hereof. j I f:‘..:::.''''i!:!,:).i7,'''.;.,1,``' The maximum liability of the undersigned under this certificate is .. ': ,_' `limited to the sum of • ; " THREE HUNDRED T NTY•EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE and '82/100 DOLLARS s ,( 3 , 9 ) � ,,y.,; ='' ,In consideration of the premium paid, this certificate issued for. 1.=i a' "the use and benefit of the United States of America. ;` '^ ' WITNESSCorporation has caused these presents to,be" ; r� ' IN WHEREOF, said C r; signed in its name and behalf, sealed with its corporate seal, and '' delivered by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized as of the date last above mentioned. WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY : , f, By: George B G SEAL - s or artier � / g 't, e e Vic Pr siden• ?• 9r ^A tte : A t . i irla. •I ;.��—f •Robert D. Allen.- , ,s Assistant Secret ri— li ail 111' 1 4, ens."' • i " " a'` t of pages which•are numbered at end of each' 'This certificate tonsil s 7 p g page.' ` ° -Page 1 of: Certificate No. B-303957 • ' ! 1 2�4 7`i ,ti :1' _ ., f. ,,., is ,I� t' -r;� 'vl "t: • • iY'i 'I' .l .f GYP,t-'(�r, 4, • • "1 i , • i', • I l:. '.2 - 1'r a , ' . .• b ' Wit•". ` q l ';f: j. , " C ` 11 "Yc!.j.n4I ( y 'r, � ! y:li;a, f '.i }�'1 :,�' „ ', 't, t ai•re 1.; R4.. - 7:,, , ti,y:ka; dl • 1, ifs " I h � `• .��'n�3 '�S t J^' ! , ' �t WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY `t• •f t ` Pa ,i r• �J tr , 'i ' {} CHEDT�s " C , I I• b 1 • .tfi • 'I g, ; :The property covered ter' this certificate is accurately and fully " described as follows: '''^`''' IN THE COUNTY OF KING, � A 1 ` t ; J STATE OF �IASHINGTOft , . �' f 9iter rt(2' i - ;E Portios of sections seven (7) and eighteen (18), township twenty- r':' `::': §Y three 3 north :ran a five ) east I. M . and cer i sh p i tr'; ) � g .(5) ' ' rain s ore' ., i+i,�•:, - lands,,more particularly described as follows; r{ r , Be innin at apoint on the inner harbor line of Lake Tiashin I ;,' '''' s g on Sheet No. 26 of theShore -,,,,,:', ore :, F, :'gas hown up plat of Lake Washington Shore - ,, 0.:f° ,,,;r -; Lands Survey 1921,`as said plat was filed with the Auditor of . , , '° > ');. ' '' Kin Count Washin ton September 1 21 under auditor's f e :r rr;; .,. ,.:, P' 7, ! P 19, 9it ou,,i liri''' i,; .:,,,,,.,:No. ,1552504, which point bears north 35°00' west 92.62 feet from . e; ;' "' the angle point:'in said Inner .harbor line designated " 62" said '''`,``` gna 8 on: a , f 1' plat, and running. thence south 35°00' east, along said inner harbor r t:t i ' l,f.;Y r:;'r - ;'.; line, .92.62 feet:".to• said angle point; thence east, along said' inner _ +i�,:; r' harbor. line, 403' .70• feet; thence south 13°53'28"- east 924.67 fNeet• thence south 76°06 32 west 50.00 feet; thence south 28 east�,� ;;�} o l3 53 r;' , + ; ,{; 318.15 feet; thence south 14 08'28" east 3239.00 feet; thence south .i*;'; " . '''' :',. ''' -15°12'50" east'.99.52 feet; thence south 18°16'25" east 100.01 feet. r: `: ,''" ::thence south 21°39'45" east 100.45 feet; thence south 24°31'35" - east 104.68 feet; thence south 28°13 20 east 100.79 feet, thence I° ,: ,sou th'31°11'40" east 100.27 feet; thence south 34°18'30" east 100e02 ' feet; thence south 37°14'05" east 100.05 feet; thence south, 40°03'10" '`; `'` `I ^1 east 100.33 feet;-„thence south 42°53'30" east 100.87 feet; thence F'' outh 45°39'20", a..-east101.62 feetto k >,�; �- s a an intersection with the east �;� ', ,, 't. :,line of lot twentpithree (23), .block four (4) of the plat of ^'r' Renton Real'Estate Co's.' 1st Addition to Renton, accordingto plat I.> thereof recorded- in volume 21 of plats, page 50, records of said . , . ', ; ; ..,,',• , ' county, produced,',northerly; thence south 0 31'47" west, along.'the ". I :,; ',;* ''', " ; ' east.line of said.lot and the same produced, and the east line' of �'" '`',ty'^"kj; �' '', - lot eighteen (18)',..in said block, 254.62 feet to the north line ': I ' ", ,k t} , of. Dixie Avenue. as 'heretofore acquired and established by the State J 'of Washington .for' highway purposes; 'thence along said north •line: � ,. ,, `' ``iW!,' " w/. north 88°34'43" west 1486.84 feet to the west line of' Lake Street; ' .`;`,.. t° : ;,'' :,. .thence north 0°3147" east along said west line 10.00 feet; thence ; . : north 88°34'43n west along the north line of said Dixie Avenue ' 225.49 feet to an angle point in said line; thence north 71°29'12" ' r1 west along said north line 152.58 feet, more or less, to the easterly ,I;`', ' �:.. -:-- ht of wayline of PrimaryState Highway as now fixed an ,:, 8 g ay No. 5 d -.,,.0 'established; thence northerly along said right of way line, following the tangent and' curving courses thereof, to an intersection with a ; line which is 5 feet south of andparallel to the line between.lots '`'` ;'- 'seven: (7) and eight (8), block eighteen (18), of the plat of Bryn Mawr, ^ according to plat. thereof recorded in volume 5 ,of plats, page 58, records of said county, produced easterly; thence south 88027'28" ;;; "•, ,1:;- ``' east along said parallel line, 89.23 feet to a point which is 540.00 SF sir„fir+:_ i,°,: „ .'.,i '�:�� - .;��." '?''-__ feet'west measured along said parallel line, from the west line of ' ;' ',^ `;Black River ester a as shown upon Sheet No.' 5 prepared by Udo Hesse `'�''`� ys „ f ,„ Court Commissioner, and filed in King County Superior Court Cause Bo. ',156371; thence north .5°16'51" east 438.90 feet to an intersection ''"'' '''''':1'-'''''''''''''''''''''''"'''=with a'line which;-is 2 feet south of and parallel to the line between :¢ %�,; '''''' '' lots one (1) and two •(2), block seventeen (17), of said plat of :> ; ,, ,z; ..Bryn,Mawr produced easterly, said point of intersection being 520.00 ,,' _.' ,'` °��' , rFJ'�`'.vi=-.. � eline of the wests ;;.,:,�; ;`.:,: ( `., feet west, measured along said parall l line of •' '-`` ,`` said waterway, thence north 40°09'47" east 188.55 feet; thence north :i.,`,,, , �l i {,t ;y. I. `-1 S� _ t'. I' ; mil'. t' - 1" -is ::F; - I,il! : ,1'.; >r .2 'of'Certificate''No. B 0 7 Continued on the sheet followin . Page 3 395 ( g) :::,,:i..., r •a..s. �t d,14' .� ! L _ J� � r. , �hf • • Ji � f _ r ' t , i / i . '.,t' `��� ''F ells , i Y . .';. I t ' • SCHEDULE A «-----� Second Sheet. • .r 60®00 feet; thence north 29000140w west 197.07 feet to a` ,. - point on aline which is 300 feet north, measured at right ' ` : angles thereto, of and parallel to the north line of Bowling '' ,-.- • Street (formerly Emerson Avenue) produced easterly; thence • south 88027128�' east along said parallel line 355.00 feet to !', the place of beginning. • l:A [,. , , 'A t{t t5,' r • , { t • • . °.G 'Page :3:of Certificate No. B-30395? .,t'd `:)': EI ' r { • . 3� - • a', I I` ! r`, • , {' i 1; yi i b. C f., : �Y 'I' { t' „ 4' 'r t�� 'ti of �p.;.,.,„ �i I' S 1. 1H' b 1.i_ 1' 3" I r• : : °: iWa x�GTON 'TITLE COMPANY I r , ' 4 i '!, i. G 'u b: ll,L; ":}r6 38 • • MB Q f, IC S i'. `;,` .The' propertydescribed in SCHEDULE "A" hereof is free,•and clear from ,' ;'''t;,:. ''::6:'I ;,,:::all;'interest, encumbrances and defects of title and all other'matters . '''�`'"`'""'-1' "whatsoever,' of record, or which, though not of record, are known to this ,,_5j:,,: ''''` :Corporation to'exist impairing or adversely affecting the title to said f•tV' 'property, except'the following: };.: "ragainst the foregoing land, upto and 'includin !�• '`;�':.,:;, ;>>:.1,'�'''�11�tease 'assessed 8 g I 8.:;?''' : ,�i:ors : . the year 1947, ,have been paid, except as follows: NIL.. ,, - •''`,, t,;" 2. ' Levies by Commercial Waterway District No, •2 as follows: . ,, ':i'.:(:;:.;::ZJ::; ::;;::::;';:'.: + For``the yore`-1941, 1942 an 19 d 43 delinquent in the'original amount of $39,62 each year on: �T >, Lots 24 to 37, block 4, Renton Real Estate Co's 1st Addition G' to Renton, � ' .''''' 1 18 1 1 1 20 1921, 1922 1923, 1930 ,. For the years'`1917, 9 , 9 9, 9 , , , ' ;,;1`.',; 2 1 1 35 1936 1937 1938 1940 1941, , �; 1931, 193 ; 933, 1934, 9 , , , , ,,,;`. .''`'- 19 and• 1943 delinquent in the respective original amounts of, , • ,,, ,:Y, L, 42,t $2.16, $9.24, 11.83, .70, $9.01, $7.33,. $2.11, $5.64, $4.23, !, " is 1. $1.41, $2.80 $2.82, $2.82, $2.82, $2.83, $2.83, $2*83, i ., . '$2.83 and $2.83 on:k4 LotBlock Renton Real Estate Co's. let Addition to �-; ', ',I 38, 4, i_::,, ;'' s"'',4 ,1"''{• ' Renton• • • , r,.h. 5'. -` :'; Far the ye 1942 and 1943, delinquent in the original amount , .;a '' ,'` of $36.52 each year on: ' '' `Issaid remises• described as follows: ' . �`:, _:' �� ':i� Portion of, p , ?.:';'t1: f Henry . Tobin Donation Claim No. 37 in '. ' ,,;,, .That portion o my , '''," :�:: °;` `'' a181,.. 2 north, range 5 east, W. described ul sectio township 3 g M., ` ; , 5 r as folloatasi .'..,' Beginning•at intersection of northerly line of Dixie Avenue i.Le.,;'', ,..,.:".-.' 't7 as conveyed to State of Washington by deeds recorded under , ''."T`,': z:' t 2 records of said‘ ' !��` ��':�. �� � auditor s file Nos.• 3262529 and 326 530, ', `%'-, icJ: th west line of Lake Avenue asplatted in Renton �: , :'''; :., county;.wi �'' '.. = s =a ,'''- Real Estate Cos. let Addition to Renton, according to .. ,,' plat. thereof recorded in volume 21 of plats, page 50, records k,`'`,;:;-:_ of said county; thence-north 0°31'47" east along said west `'' set to southwesterl line of Southeast 129th ?. 'r line, 298.59 f y :; ~" ,', thence 'north 61°00' " west •;�;= �<� Street (formerly Mitchell Road); 43 '''i=` 5,' line 120 feet, more or less to the ,,t �.,: along said southwesterly s S ''' ! '` shore line 'of Black River; thence south 34°08'47" west ',. :'-;' ,'` al 'said' shore line 246 feet; thence south 0°31'47" west • i�: fsaid shore line,67.74 feet, thence south 18 30 48 ,: }(,,r:::�'`:�s'� •:r; along• _ ° t5` said shore line 70.66 feet to said northerly line .,',. west along -'.` ; thence south 71°29112" east along said ' , >,:�;; ; .,('.Y of Dixie A�enu®, ;. .'t : '.:' ''- _ line, 0 thence south 88 34 43 east along said t:: Ir ��- ,. northerly 4 feet; 1:+ -f sF'' "'! 225.49feet to beginning; ALSO.,. northerly.-line g g, • ,; :' f< '<•4'°': on of Henn H. Tobin Donation Claim No. •'37 in c; Than porn y .:,;' e east, Ti. described _ ��'ry' section 18 township23 .north, rang 5 M., ,0,,,;;,. ,, , as'followst ' .,; intersection' of produced west line of Lake r Be inning at inters et �- g g : Renton Real Estate Co's. 1st Addition -,;4 Avenue as.platted in :' = plat thereof recorded in volume . f. <<; to Renton, according to ., of said county, with northeasterly' 4 4 r ''r 21 of plats, page 50, records f.: '` . "`''. .''; Street (formerlyMitchell Road) ; thence ,'o... line of .Southeast 129th Str t ) , ,; >, CY^ o + " east alongsaid produced west line, 43.94 feet . r'y. �, north 0 31 47 l'jai'::,..rr•r', ik:".: ,-;`�tiPage of Certificate No. B-303957 , (Continued on the sheet following) - v I` kv }9 Ft: �f� d 1 r • :I'v, �. r�' W i , 'I 1. • r7p , ".l. - , ^.ki •• i elf.:.,B Se andSheet'i ;,z5 1; SCHEDULE -M Wit 5. O ,> - I', s e` a of Cedar:: River; thence south 88 53 .;; to� old shor lin , _36" west along said old shore line 77.04 feet to said '''`'' '`' northeasterly line of Southeast 129th Street; thence _, ' ' `' °` outh 61°00 t " .59 �"-{ : :`, s 1�3 east along said northeasterly line 87 :' f '- , `:'• feet to beginning' .,.; ;'tr' 6 8 1 i' "r; .>For the gears 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 193 , 1937, 193 , 940, -. ;` 1 1 and 1943, delinquent in the respective origins] { 941, 942 q , , �I`, :•, ' • ;,, amount of $2.81, $2.81, $5.609 $5.63, 5.63, 5.63, 5.63s 5.64, 5.64,; 5.64 and $�5064, on: . �' _ Portion of said premises described as follows: r'' :�!`r That portion of block 52, N. H. Latimer's Lake Washington , ":,;': "';;' Plat according to plat thereof recorded in volume 6 of plates }' y'i page 70, 'records of said county,' lying easterly of Primary State Hi hway No. 5 :' TOGETHER with southerly half 'of vacated South 130th Street °!`" ' former •Judson Street) ad oinin ; also ( lY � g� ''-TOGETHER with that portion of vacated 101st'Avenue South , ., •,,.::,,,..-;;,,,,, ,,,,,:. ,..„... ..,.. ..r.,:,,.,: .., . (former New York Avenue) lying east of said block 52; and '.That portion, if any,' of unnumbered tract east of block 52� �, . ' said N. H. Latimer's Lake Washington Plat, which lies south- ', 't, : westerly of,Southeast 129th Street (formerly Mitchell Road), , , !:fti'- ',` = > TOGETHER 'with that portion of the sou therl half of vacated ; ';','``'L;' '` South 130th Street (formerly Judson Street), if any, adjoining I(,'. and lying southwesterly of said Southeast 129th Street; �:,. O'''-f.',:0.k;:,.:::: ',,[:,.qk ';'-.;.ziaitha ears 1931 1932 1934 1935 1940, 1941, 1942 and 1943 `' `i,l delinquent in the respective original amounts of $2.92, $.77, i `,;r;,;: 2 .17 .17 5.I7 and $5.17, on s r,-;:F' ' ....P• Portion' of said premises described as follows= ,..,:.:...,-;,..:::::.,. _' -:.,. Be inning_'at•southwest corner of C. H. Ads it's Lake Washington �,;; - : ".+ Plat according-to plat thereof recorded in volute 8 of plates ` ' ' e 79 records of said county; thence south 89 44 west ,?J,: - 21 feet to true oint of be innin • thence north 26°42t west 7043 P g g9 `:1 '' feet to Government meander line; thence south 43o12'54" ;,`r h LLB` °-' ` :`west 27.20 feet along said meander line; thence south 24°ll,'36" ''r ' ''`east 477.51: feet to south line of Government lot 3; thence ,,: `` •' 1''; north 89°44' east 51.37 feet along said south tine of Government ;;u '; : < lot 3 to true point of beginning. ' :ry�'a ::; ;' • ,:''` NOTE s All of'the property against which said Commercial ' '` ,',t;=aj1. i teraa levies appear as a lien on the tax rolls in the '! ':' office of Treasurer of King County, was acquired by ';r condemnation in said District Court Cause No. 704 and '.° No 2 received such - 'said Commercial Waterway District ; . a were awarded as can ensation in full for its :`. .%r-. _ ;r r__;.` amount8• as p ': t';,, orits was stipulated that amounts still on. ;�,,;: ':�`. claims p '. {` in the registry of the court constituted full k''` ;`I, ` d®posit g a'Y , '' .‘ " :�: Nevertheless said levies do ;, ;s. com ensation therefore. , ,,. :;'' .; •,;,; paid on the tax rolls - t7' not show . •i :�}�' �.r;rt`- - ..• r;,is - e d telephone line and under round conduit., 3.: Easement' for 'overh a p g , ``'�' '' `:'. and cable'line over lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 23, Latimer: :. •`: ' ;4:= hake Park Addition, Black River Waterway Tracts 13 and 14, . , . , 4„ :, .f,= ''''' '';: y'''' t a 1 in section Take �lashimgton Shorelands and Government 10 3, 1 ;`` ed ..9 r!. ` ; l;i 7 township.23 north, range 5 east, W. M.s as grant by ' to No 3.303957 . ;;f' ,® of Certifica �Pag 5 ;' o" II il'' ;;Yr is 4' �' r7: Y`f aF.� a" �.hy , . +III: k% Il a s,,f � I , S'� -1:>I: rr it�: 1 ' 'Y� Lr{ `' '1 fi..,'.., ,br ....r 1.f` iSt 'r , ' , I I YLS? i. a t.t - :, 1 .'jl `'�d,Ci' : 'f'', i i' ', i',ar: >y 1- L; w4 :r ['.,.. ,e. :' t ': .tev. . : 1l. ' 1 .ji.i £tiF. f F •l i'%' 1l`c 1 , 1, k l(' ,,.y y. „ `:� SCHEDULE B Third �Sheet i m, .,. li. la' ,i'.; i. r'Int' i... ...6 `I ,ii •±I.,,, .i. ����`Defense.Plant Cor oration a co oration to the' Te ® hone and Telegraph Company, a California . ;: :, Pacific'.. 1 p g P ' ''''''''''''''I':''''''' '''''': '''''''':''!':';'''' '''''' '::: '' 'tt e t dated August co oration inn rum n ugus 19 1943 corporation, 'by: �i - September .2 volume 2 66 of deed :'Ir= recordea' 8, 1943, in 1 s :;';i' page• 208, .under 'auditor s file No. 3337990, records of , said county. 1.,, '''' 4. 'Easement to :construct and maintain a drainage pipe line '.I: :t�,''•'''.:... .1.''0.:,:i-::;.'•';',:'',..':'V ,ov® d across lots 27 and-28 block 2 N. H. Latimer s , ;�:. ; r• -an , 3, • .',': 'Lake Washington Addition, as granted by Frank B. Bonnell , s '"'' ,, .a;'. `r. .and DorothyMargaret Bonnell, his wife to State of ; ,"'`.f {, e dated 2 ,' ,i- Wash on Instrument a January 5 1941 ii 1'. of recorded February 17, 1941, in volume 194? deeds, e�' page 318 under auditor's file No. 3146397, records of • said' coup „ . • Easement`tol..construct and maintain a drains e pipe from . `+' ' . 5 g P P •qt: _ Primary State Highway No. 5, Seattle, to Renton Section °nF , .over and across lot 1, block 28, Bryn Mawr, as granted , : a,_ F. M. Roberts and Edith S. Roberts, his wife, to • , ` „ State•of Washington, by instrument dated April 25, 19/+0 recorded May 9� 1940, in volume 1899 of deeds, page 41 ':_- ;, '' '., ,, under auditor's 'file No. 3100479, records of said county• , '''''` ;tie;;, i. ;{,'y :ls: .. T.; 6 .Easement:for' electric transmission line over lots 2 to 8, •'1''t,i.;' `,, inclusive block 27, and lots I to 8, inclusive, block 28 `„` 4, Vacated Hawthorne Avenue adjoining, Bryn Mawr, as granted ,y,F` _ :'by 'F. M. 'Roberts and Edith S. Roberts, his wife, to Puget ; Sound Power &; Light Company, a Massachusetts corporation `,1: b iustrument.dated •Jul 18 1941 recorded August 28 _ 1` ;'';���': `1941 in•volume 1992 of deeds, 'page'193, under auditors , ,�;,„ ,; `A�:` -',- ..1 ,'file No. 187088 records of said count • ,: ,i ' r i sion line 'ov r the following ::''':;' °���' ?. Easement'fors' electric t ansm s e F,,'`.' described property: the ri ht of w of the ''�' :"�' '•Be 4nnin at 'a point oneastg ay 'i "'' Seattle Rainier Valley Railroad line 9 feet north of the• '' P" ',;r^:d 4 - ham , , . '„ ,t ;; south'line of Garry Street (formerly Johnson Avenue) u ''` .--' of the Bryn Mawr Plat as shown of record in the auditor's" ;;C„ :sr.µ w' -< e� ® n0 said t t b in(' Washington, r'',;� a hins ���,`. ,j ,,°; office �of Kin County, s on '° ...,' !.V 'vacated b 'order of the KingCountyCourt thence due east ''''' Black'River, about 680 feet, more or less; Y>II`' to Black s . 'as granted .by. George W. Saulsberry, a single man, tp Piet `1.,: '. .'' :°< ht Company, a Massachusetts co oration ;,�; .,: �Sound Power &''Lig a'P s ;:'' ',; -!:I':;> "- 3:';;',' ,'3;. 1927, recorded September 1 •,r't` ,,p:r by instrument dated August19, P •_ 4„i,`<- of deeds, page 5 under auditor's . .r ., _ :.` 1927, in volume1358 P g 94, :' { file No. 2400102, records of said county• I' 8 `Easement for he right too upon the following described •,'''",,,5 em es for the purpose of maintenance of ` ''' ^`:r portion of:said premises :t ';;, such and or in `' ;k 'i.,, ,x, without the right to obstructs 1 any . water�aay g � •(�A;' granted to Commercial dater =, '.'.�."�-:u;`` {; "r way deposit any materialthereon, ''' w District No. 2 order entered May19, 1947, in said ^,.� � ay is by '�', United Staten District.Court Cause No. 704, >r: -ii: B gi nnimp at the intersection of the north line of ixi , . now located and established with the east lineof ,'x, �;' ,.;,<� : !venue asi '' ''° ', k; Re E tate Cols. lst Addition to Renton ,''c: lot'18,• blocR 4, Renton al s ,� ''''' �- = monument and runnin thence ':: ,.:, ,` which point is marked by a concrete mo um g r .I. .ram .. -? may'_ .5.. .1 - .. .,1�f �r :.}1� ;,� _ thesheet follow _} • B Continued on ing) .,,., �''= :: ''Pa�e�'6 of Certificate No.� 303957 ...(Continued i.. ,rs: a^: 4. b: fr �;j •I -��,L!," , . .l �j p " F•1. $ p, ''1� , 'u3, iis t . �`: 4 1r.+ � 1� I _ I�a• ' j Z` l, - I} Aa^A '(i 1 y .Y''�.�, '�". , 1a,'_•i41��i:i .. ,.rr .r '1� ..tom . 1 .. .., �.^{'., - y1!'`:'.P...•.:: ... ,...• � .: t � ., .. .fl.,,,.,,, - !7=';i: .S'... 'LI ;'i':� -. - :� '1 • 'i` I� . u ,r ''= , i ice. il, 1i i l:�r i,l'S� t ,;r" i.l •I t 4� I: ;:jr_ =l' ^Sr' ,I , • s • J I ;t " iI''u I J L. ':its" jr9: �,'. • + '!'t 3 k•f,;.:. •!I' .r:' ., :p, r>;'yg, ...r q° 4 �r r. I L' • .i 'j • IIL: ' '1 FY„i^,'d\''.? ,l az r'}; r;,a•(.Y-`._\ *r. ..I.�,i'�fi,,y„•' • • ',� 'i :s.:Yr „4,'-g w'>'_ r''': >t r,,.t SCHEDULE B' FOURTH SHF T .j,'L,�,. I ,'._ :j'( �-_i;l! s5 :I'{;,q IL', '1'; ''I. nr' L ''. I `1k`',..?;„,, r.'tq�• I'E`'r' .4.. :i;.HlGlrry =1•t ,f°. j,'' - • . I if 1. f s- " i' north 0 31.47 'east along the east line of said lot 18 and the , c'r . :a::; - east line of lot 23, said block 4 and the same roduced ',: f,r,- '` <', northerly''322.93 feet to an intersection with a curve to the -, °' k;'',. ;'' a .right having,•a\radius .of 1980.00 feet the centerofwhich ` '"k'ti•':` ' ,''. ', "'t r<`curve bears,north °09'36" east from' this point of inter .• ,Y:' ::= r:i;; :._.'''section; thence northwesterly alongsaid curve to the.right) , J ,' :'1. �`� ' thro h a' central angle of 1 6 a distance }. ,:,; �� `- ':R.': : ug g 3 °56'S " of 1104.07 '', ' ;'.,' ` -''- , feet; thence along a line tangent to said curve north 13053'28p Y - ;i ,i'• - -,west 3488.48':,:feet to the true oint'of be inni;nTgn of this • 'd.�'� .r, ,,. }',`,;{':'r,r'" p g ins �' 'rTr`-'I ri ., 'a.,r' ••- , „!'` !•:.;,„ description; 'thence continuing north 13°53'28" west 924.67 ' '' 'feet to the ';' :;'' Abner harbor line of Lake Washington; thence �, ;, f west'alon said inner harbor line 51 51 fee Cr._ ,',1.: • H: t; th®nee south '- �;I-.,.: . . ' ▪ ,`'�; ' '4',.P�1Er-_. '_13°53128n east. 937.03 feet to a point from which the true point `` .. '- t"•;,,_. :.,. *: � ::;'.- of beginning'.bears north 76°06'32" east a distance of 50.00,•' . ''{ ,', ,1'�' `'` I ; °' ` ;- feet; thence north ?6°O6'32" east 50.00 feet to the true '':f'`1'-- »:,, L,r- • point of beginning 'J!'.I�o ' '+.,ti,^ '` ;. '` ::' ' :E cos tions and''reservations contained in various 'deeds ''f,, 'c� P xl: :'�`'"° fi ;;:„ r '}- from the State of Washington, under which title to portions , ,,'`�r. " ''' ''' ` :of shore''lands is claimed, wherebythe ,. _ L 1 N'1;•':...; grantor saves, • . "``•'.f ;-'excepts r s s ll oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals ;f';; ��� �� '� and, ® erne a ''f„ ti'': ;' • 'fossils, etc.',';;'together with the right to enter upon said •- ' ' '' ' ~'-'', ;! . 'lands'for':the"purpose of opening, developing and working -, �`•_`•,. mines, et°..,."provided that no rights shall be:,; ;'.1; , „': exercised -': under this reservation anti.]. provision has been made by the ,; ',',4 = ;- state, its successors or assigns, for full payment of all ' • ' ' :�`'• `i. ';;' damages sustained by owner by reason of such entering, • . , 'j:!' . 1' '',,t,ti',';+'`' .`!10. 'e`''.Right Of State .Of- Washington to remove' and/or place earth • _ ":'' _ materials '.from''and/or upon portions of said promises . • '- . .'.,._�: ,")4''' 'ad oinin Primary ry State Highway No. granted in t •-i ',,,,-,„ 5' .d: �;.' g', a�Ti 5, by 2'u11ent8 .u,a :=1t. c ;p„.;I.:r. .,,: '14'.' recorded under auditor's file Nos. 3100467, 3100480, 3102.235, ', .,: '';''' Ai -?, :°°.' 3103925, 3104477, 3250231, 3250232, 3250234,• 3250235, 3250236y :-i,:; • ''` `' °,;:t''; 3250237 :3250238 3256693 and 3256694 records of !aid county. < • i f '!',I:. ',;; • ....II' '. Unpay id charges for installation of water service and for !i' :'. '';- .''` '.i-, water electric light, power or sewer service furnished to 'y�. ` : . ' • said. premises;by a city, town or district. ?:I.'.'° :'12.n" 'Questions of survey, boundary lines and encroachments. ',:. `;`' 'I. 13..` ,Liens for labor and material of whichis o d -•z '' `.'.i i no notice of rec r . ;`' 14o•'•Rights of' persons' in possession. ' Y - ;sr End of Schedule B L kT° ,r '-,,..r.;,,,r.':-iEf-, i;is } • ti. .I i •1.. 'r` • • �C� . .' • Ff+r :1 I 1 r. kkI ,. CI zti: ':, - - . .. • 'Ire ; • is ";.. ; P e 7! of Certificate°No. B-303957 . I.r' •• • • r _ 1,1, ,' ' I•a� ,t ,• • 1 I I1`, i' -� Iv '7.Ai• - .1v i L , •4, ' I' 4i.. J'i l 'r: ▪ �'A f f• �i, 'r Fe �'t i `f' ,r f <��,:" ..;s;°'i= rr 5.:.:14a'4:'a,r,.s.3Q<';i ''%�.f,' ' :�;,er-(.'y�`.;'-;fj.i,;.. .,.�,��,{�.I,�sir?.v''�.� -p-)7 Lif 747r-4-3 -v ./.�efC C' '� ✓E'(jf :-� _`J i /Ce fir.ter/ .-.. PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY LIBERTY PARK LIMITED LIABILITY REPORT City of Renton Renton, Washington Order No. 134272 Attention: Mr. B. M. McHugh Dear Sir: In the matter of the title to: PARCEL "A" : That portion of Government Lot 4 in Section 17, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , lying Southerly and Southeasterly of First Avenue North (Now known as Bronson Way North) in the City of Renton, lying Westerly of the Columbia & Puget Sound R. R.. Company right-of-way (now known as the Pacific Coast R. R. Co 's Newcastle Branch right-of-way) , and lying Northerly ' of the Northerly line and and said Northerly line extended Easterly of that certain tract of land conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded in Volume 977 of Deeds on page 492 and bearing Auditor's File No. 1159934, records of King County, which Northerly line is described as follows: Begin- ning at a point on the West boundary line of said Government Lot 4, said point being 781.39 feet South of the Northwest Corner thereof and 60 feet South of the point where said West boundary line intersects the Southerly margin of the County Road, and running thence East, at right angles to said West boundary line, a distance of 630.81 feet ; EXEEPT that portion of the above described tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the inter- section of the West line of Garden Avenue in the City of Renton, extended South, with the Southeasterly line of First Avenue Ncr th (now known as Bronson Way North) in said City; thence South 170 feet; thence West at right angles 102 feet ; thence North parallel with the West line of said Garden Avenue produced South, to an intersection with the Southeasterly line of said Garden Avenue. produced South, to an intersection with the Southeasterly line of said First Avenue North; thence Northeasterly, along said South- easterly line, to the point of beginning; ALSO EXCEPT that portion of said above described tract of land heretofore condemned in King County Superior Court Cause No. 267917 for widening of First Avenue North, as provided by O!dinance No. 935 .of the City of Renton, which condemned portion is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of Garden Avenue extended South with the Southeasterly line of First Avenue North in the City of Renton; thence South, along said extended Avenue line, to a point on a line which is parallel with and 15 feet Southeasterly, measured at right angles, from said Southeasterly line of First Avenue North;: thence North 47°50' East 86.74 feet to a point of curve, which point is 35 feet Southeasterly, measured along the radial line from Engineer Station 3476.33 PT as the same is designated upon the plat of the Highway location of the State Highway Department; thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of 188.52 feet , a distance of 47.02 feet, more or less, to intersecti a hx±± line which is paralles with and 103 feet East, measured at right angles, from said Easterly line of Garden Avenue extended South;. thence North, along said parallel line to said Southeasterly line of First Avenue North; thence Southwesterly, along said Southeasterly line, to the point of beginning;. ALSO City of Renton Order No. 134272 Page two PARCEL "BTT: That portion of Government Lot 4 in Section 17, Township 23 North Range 5 East W.M. , described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the West line of Garden Avenue in the City of Renton, extended South with the Southeasterly line of First Avenue North (now known as Bronson Way North) in said City; thence South 170 feet; thence West at right angles, 102 feet; thence North, parallel with said West line of Garden Avenue produced South, to an intersection with said Southeasterly line of First Avenue North; thence Northeasterly, along said Southeasterly line, to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the Northwesterly 15 feet in width thereof heretofore condemned • in King County Superior Court Cause No. 267917 for widening of First Avenue North, as provided by Ordinance No. 935 of the City of Renton; ALL 'situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. The record title thereto is vested in THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation as to Parcel "A", and in ANTON DIME and STAFFE DIME , husband and wife, presumptively as community property as to the balance herein described, subject to the following: 1. 1944-45-46-47-48-49-50 taxes on Tax Lot 56 amounting to $41.85 and interest, $40.41 and interest, 41-.81 and interest, $45.60 and interest, $56.10 and interest, $50.70 and interest, and 00.50, respectively. 1950 taxes on Tax Lot 55 amounting to $285.56. • Commercial Waterway #2 Taxes on Tax Lot 38 for 1939-1940-1941 amounting to $52.03 and interest, $52.19 and interest, and $52.19 and interest, respectively. Commercial Waterway #2 Taxes on Tax Lot 56 for 1938-1940-1941-1942- 1943-1944-1945-1946-1947-194$-1949-1950 amounting to '$2.84 and interest, 42.86 and interest, $2.86 and interest, $2.86 and interest, $2.86 and interest, $5.72 and interest,- $3 .57 and interest, $4.28 and interest, $3 .58 and interest, $3 .61 and. interest, $3 .61 and interest, and $3 .61, respectively. Commercial Waterway #2 Taxes on Tax Lot 55 for 1946 and 1950 amounting to $5.38 and interest and ti4.54, respectively. Commercial Waterway #2 Taxes levied in lump sum on Tax Lot 12, assessed as an operating property and on other similar operating prop- erties, the amount of which has not been ascertained. Renton municipal assessments, if any, no search having been made therefor. 2. Reservation of coal, etc. , as disclosed by deed from Jennie Sartori, Ersilia M. Sbarboro, Katherine E. Sartori and Laura G. Sartori, to W. C. D. Edwards, dated July 28, 1928, filed August 6, 1928 as File No. 2480326 and recorded in Volume 1406 of Deeds, - page 190, affecting Parcel "B" and a portion of Parcel "A" as follows: "First parties hereby except from the operation of this • • • City of Renton Order No. 134272 Page three deed and reserve unto themselves, their heirs and assigns, ' all coal, mineral and oil in and under the surface of said lands, with the right to mine and remove the same, but without the right to enter upon the surface of said lands for such purpose, and provided that the first parties shall protect the surface of said lands from all damages by reason of such mining," Reservation of coal, etc. , substantially the same as the foregoing dated July $, 1935, filed August 14, 1935 as File No. 2863947, and recorded in Volume 1646 of Deeds, page 243 , affecting a portion of Parcel "A", reference to which record is mail for further particulars. 4. Reservation contained in Deed dated December 21, 1912, filed January 16, 1914 as File No. 910208, and recorded in Volume 865, of Deeds, page 615, affecting a portion of Parcel A described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of North line of Cedar River Waterway and West margin line of Lot 4., Section 17, Township) • 23 , Range 5 ; thence North 1°52110" =^Jest along said West margin 293 .1 feet to Southeasterlyl',margin of Renton-Issaquah road; thence North 45°59130" East along said Southeasterly margin line 80.91 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing North 45°59'30" East along said Southeasterly margin line 137.56 feet ; thence South 1052110't East 146.58 feet; thence South 88007150" West 102.0 feet ; thence North 0°52110" West 54.28 feet to point of beginning (being Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block 3 of Sartori's 1st Addition to City of Renton, unrecorded ) , reservation as follows: "This conveyance is made solely for the purpose of providing the City of Renton, Washington with a suitable site for a public library building. And it .is understood and agreed that in case of City of Renton, Washington shall not build a public library on said described property. or cause said library to be built within a period of two years from date hereof that then and in that event the title to said above described real estate shall revert to and vest in grantors herein, free from any claim or demand of the City of Renton, Washington or its assigns." 5. Rights acquired by the Snoqualmie Fall Power Company in that certain action in the Superior Court of King County known as Cause No. 25953 , wherein the Snoqualmie Fall Power Company was plaintiff and Charles D. Ross, et al, were defendants, and wherein plaintiff acquired the right with respect to land covered by their transmission line to enter, not only said land, but also upon all lands within 200 feet of its center line, for the purpose of entry and cutting down trees . Reference to the decree in said cause is made for further particulars. 6. An easement for the construction and maintenance of transmission line as created by that certain instrument wherein Ignazio Sartori is first party and Postal Telegraph Cable Co. is second party, dated August 3 , 1910, filed November 23 , 1910 and recorded in Voltame 739 of Deeds, page 514, reference to which record is made for further particulars. City of Renton Order No. 134272 Page four 7. An easement for a pole line over Parcel "A" from Pacific Coast R. R. Co. to Puget Soung Power and Light Company dated March 31, 1928 as disclosed by deed dated. August 9, 1939, filed August 16, 1939 as File No. 3059250 and recorded in Volume 1856 of Deeds, page 439, reference to which record is made for further particulars. $. Reservation 'of easement for access to Pacific Coast R. R. Co. North Renton Team Track as disclosed in deed from Pacific Coast R. R. Co. to the City of Renton, dated August 9, 1939, filed August 16, 1939 as File No. 3059250, and recorded in Volume 1856 of Deeds, page 439, affecting a portion of the property herein described as follows: Beginning at the intersedtion of the Westerly marginal right of way line of Pacific Coast R. R. Co's. Newcastle Branch and the .Southerly marginal line of Bronson Way North in the City of Renton; thence Westerly along said Southerly marginal line of Bronson Way North 47 feet ; thence Southerly 40 feet distant from and parallel with the aforesaid Westerly marginal right of way line of railroad 140 feet; thence Easterly and at right angles 40 feet to the aforesaid Westerly marginal right of way line of railroad; thence Northerly along aforesaid Westerly marginal right of way line of railroad 164.72 feet , more or less to point of beginning; reference to which record is made for further particulars. 9. Rights of the public in and to roads along the Easterly and the Southerly lines of Parcel "A" as disclosed by the records of the King County Assessor. 10. A lease dated July 1---, filed June 13 , 1945 as File No. 3477810, and recorded in Volume 102 of Leases, page 38, made by . Stewart & Lewis, to Antone Dime, leasing Lots 1, 2 and 3 , Block 3 Satoris First Addition to Renton, for the term commencing July 1, 1945 and ending July 1, 1946 with option of a four year lease on same terms at expiration of the total five years, reference to which record is made for further particulars. Records searched up to April 5, 1950 at $ o 'clock A.N. KING COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, Agent By jsigned/ Kenneth C. Klepser bd Title Officer • • '�'.'� !"f+ :.i%iw�.'�i►Y� .,�� _�� ,�;^'.';:x• ;'�'�', �,r. 3r. �+' 4' -�`' aa•,.; ..�rw,:• r'• ,i, ;yq, &'? ,�'�''F y +lx, � a •x,e��. �..,t•3"�- .hf.k, a, 'R ',•j,p{«S +�y;i;n y"t 'K s' • •• ',i;;.. : 'F� ,�' -`�,t.,y.' 1�rtY. »k„',.'•.q„�,{� +r'i'd: ,+�F �*', ��" i�'1' �` ,F.,.M` yy 1.i t�ti...,��, -a n�.�• :?�'�T,+ Ft(+,•i�".��,,� E -S.i�ty ti ��ty �= t,�t. • CyG'.. 1 e' r 47 M •�, . .r t.: t.. a,y "'' ] 'd. 1: l S; ytfe -.,i r .. '?►' ,,> s .ti ., L',',,yJyF ,M' Y kr;% .'-'..rG ♦ IT'. 7 A" 1 k�'Bq', '•' N ::i'R a .. 'i A.6' fi. ,,\'• ` ,. '., i-r.•`', r'�`, .4,:�Ay .el,.'iat :`•r f ii:,"t� ,° Y' ,tt l* _4,i''.} ;4,, ' Pt4 fL. �yYr J '.y ,: ' ''7�, 'ii 1r-. t�"'., ' '!' K• 4 r' i ,f�� .. 1 '�' '.0; • &`" vv,r, „� ';s i' , J.,% ). S `,y 4. y S i :: of m. " t*',''Y t' Xa • zyy��G �y r„+ ve j.t5 y '•� o .. drat. ny'll' 4f,.r J fl W - r, - ,, • i , s.:h yl r t^'I F. 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'J•,•'y .{,'i:'.pay �''�}f k .f.`•°t�';�.;., .'`i': L .w ^t ` - ;"+x,Frf ft• _ :Na Kh. :4;'i.�rF`7C'4'�'. it �! ry.v �µ''" •'•ram dry .1S,r"%.• a�S� `"` A r r?^ l �s W, .7T♦ ' t+F ,a! ,, ,< � � ?s. r:, °'i,, i ,r "iJ i ,y'f],'• t,10,ac ., ^-- .,i._At �,), .. YP t 4rrt*... - ,r .. z, - �!,, P (�' il, ,y� S'•' 40!'.. i'- .- ,,{!. r L;'Jd,:r.,(r,y. +,r' l; k�rri, .k.. • • , ,yy` u.l �.. �.4,'yt ` arT ` -'a _ .wf• .{P .. -'- •i _ • t •`'ri 1'i •a IL- .,I,., .' '' - • ,�, • ,}yy;. •I ,, V'I., • f , • ..r y ],y•! yip + ' - -• • _ ; lZ,l is ' . • '.y •. ; • - • ,h•^` } fay'. • ia'KY4a14, 'it '.. w .' •• _.t.. , ,. ,.,'M} '�%� .V, j .. , ' 1 • • • aF+,-1/« ° y'i'.Y v. .4». .. -'aiA''r,% ` .t�. ".Y ra'd:" ,-r,`tW- _ _ 1 ;r•{,' w01i'<-:r .:+;y :A.yy, ..i•5.-' •1' r ' V'..:-i .f '{!' ..,y,;..0.: .gh.,.. �. 'F•' '9 Wr t F ,",,,;� i;� .;rF"✓'.• -,' •y rP.. .li.(-./' L,t'.;, a*4 b,,. .��' cl., r•,.5•.�f, ^;yr"i; •+,a, '.T.' 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BRUCE HEALTH OFFICER CHARLES DELAURENTI ANG BUSATO OLIN A. HANSEN CHIEF OF POLICE RAY E. HEPPENSTALL VERN H. MORRIS F. E. LAWRENCE WALTER P. REID FIRE CHIEF BEN. J. RICHARDSON JAMES HIGHTON GEORGE D. SWIFT CITY ENGINEER STEVE TAMBORINI DAVID J. PUGH VERLE R. VIETZKE • SUPT. OF UTILITIES DR. LOYD A. WHITE ELTON L. ALEXANDER BUDGET CONTROLLER September 17, 1954 Mr. Wiley Crook City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Sir: This is to acknowledge receipt of Statutory Warranty Deed from Albert S. Balch and Edith A. Balch to the City of Renton, together with title insurance policy No. B-472547. It appears that the sales tax has been paid and that the revenue stamps have been attached to the deed. We wish to call the Engineer's attention to Items No. 8 and 9 of the title policy for the purpose of having him make a physical inspection of the property to insure the City that said electric transmission easement will not interfere with the purposes for which the City is acquiring this property. The same applies to the water rights granted to the cemetery. If it is determined that said easements do not interfere with the City' s construction program, it is suggested that proper - - payment be made to Mr. and Mrs . Albert S. Balch and that the Warranty Deed be placed on record with the County Auditor's office without delay thereafter. We remain, Yours very truly, HAUGAN SI} LAN City tto neys for the CITY ENTON BY: Ger d . Shellan Assistant City Atty. GMS:f lb c c: Jim Highton ,- City Engineer Form P5, pw • • S=I3III-G'O SEATTLE 4WASHINGTON LTRCHASER-_ O o L_c AMOUNT $ 9500.00. PREMIUM $ 60.00 POLICY No. B-472547 For value, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereinafter called the company, a corporation • incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington and duly authorized by the State Insurance Commissioner to insure titles, does hereby insure, subject to the annexed conditions, hereby made a part of this policy, CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, • representatives (if a corporation, its successors) and assigns, hereinafter called the insured, against loss or damage not exceeding NINETY-FIVE HUNDRED Dollars, which the insured may sustain by reason of any defect in the title of ALBERT S. BALCH and EDITH A. BALCH, his wife, hereinafter referred to as the seller, to all the estate or interest in the premises specified and described in Schedule A, hereto annexed and hereby made a part of this policy, or by reason of liens or encumbrances charging the same, at the date of this policy, save and except this policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of any estate or interest, defect, lien, encumbrance or objection noted in annexed Schedule B, which is a part hereof. Any loss under this policy is to be established in the manner provided in said conditions and shall be paid upon compliance by the insured with and as prescribed in said conditions, and not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be authen- ticated by the facsimile signature of its President, and its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed;but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. Dated this 14th day of September, 1954 , at 8:30 o'clock A • M. W HI�I�IWIN ttiagE=s,IN R NTE,'E.i,C©�MrPA�I�IY ,,......• hi By ay P T. g l•`•'j^• �' j • President • 11111\\\\�\�x���` Attest: Assistant Secretary Form P 17 PURCHASER'S + POLICY No. B-472547 • S C-HEnu Ai. 1. The estate or interest of the seller covered by this policy. Fee simple estate . 2. The premises in which the seller has the estate or interest covered by this policy. IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON i That portion of the south 425 feet of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section seventeen (17) , township twenty- three (23) north, range five (5) east, W.M., lying southerly and easterly of County Road No. 174 and northerly of Mt. Olivet Cemetery Road; EXCEPT the east 100 feet thereof . • Form P •93� POLICY• No. B-472547 • • • • • This policy does not insure'against:.• • 1. Questions-of location, boundary and area; overlaps and encroachments by improvements belonging,to. these or adjoining'premises; all dependent upon actual survey for determination. • . 2. The existence of roads or ways not established of record, or existence of county roads. . • 3. Rights or claims of-persons in possession, not shown of record; rights.claimed under instruments of which • no notice is of record and rights or claims based upon-facts of which no notice is of record but of which . the insured has notice; material or labor liens of which no notice is of record; liens created under the • Workmen's Compensation Act. - 4. Exceptions and reservations in United States patents; any governmental action based upon the.claim that . • any part of said premises is-the bed of navigable waters; action by.any governmental agency for the • • purpose of regulating occupancy or use of said premises or any building or structure thereon. 5. General taxes not-yet payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming fixed and shown as a lien. 6. Local improvement assessments, if any, levied by the City of • Renton. 7. Any unpaid charges for water, sewer or electric service fur- nished to said premises by a city, town or district, or for installation of any such services. 8. Easement for electric transmission--line, granted by instrument dated September 3, 1918, recorded October 8, 1.918 in volume 1023 of deeds, page 300, under auditor's file No. 1251411, _ records of said county. 9. Water right granted to E. E. Duff, recorded in volume 1116 of deeds, page 368, under auditor's file No. 1459217, records .of . said county, granting a perpetual right to appropriate and use from the-..stream of water flowing across section 17, a sufficient quantity as may be necessary to be used in the proper preservation and care of Mt. Olivet Cemetery, together with the right to locate hydraulic rams and necessary piping or other . necessary device or devices for pumping the same from the creek where said water is procured granting a perpetual right to use. the ram now in place in said stream and pipe line and pump house now in place. - 10. Matters relating to water and water rights . (End of Schedule B) , . Form P 98 0 Nun I ZEIN OF' ZH�F ligaT 1. NOTICE OF DEFECT, SUIT OR ACTION: The Company shall-have the right to,and will,at its own cost,-defend the insured in all suits,actions or proceedings founded upon a claim of title,encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior in date to this policy and not excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the policy in full.In case any such suit,action or proceeding shall be instituted it shall be the duty of the insured at once to give notice thereof in writing to the company at its Home Office,and,if the insured is a party to such suit,action or proceeding, to secure to the company, within ten days after service of the first process upon the insured,the right to defend such suit,action or proceeding in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured,and to render all reasonable assis- tance in such defense.If such notice shall not be given,or the right to defend secured,as above provided,then all liability of the company with regard to the subject matter of such suit,action or proceeding shall cease and be determined; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the insured if the insured shall not have any knowledge of such suit, action or proceeding. 2. CLAIM OF LOSS; PAYMENT OF LOSS: In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent juris- diction, under which the insured is dispossessed or deprived of the premises covered hereby or the estate or interest insured is impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not excepted herein, or, if this policy covers a mortgagee's interest, and such final judicial determination shall defeat or impair the mortgagor's title to all or any part of said premises or establish the priority to the mortgage of a lien or encumbrance not excepted in this policy, claim may be made hereunder, provided the conditions have been complied with in all respects. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the company is liable under this policy, shall be furnished to the company within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue under this policy until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had under this policy unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. 3. LIMIT OF LIABILITY; SUBROGATION: The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the company shall terminate. The total liability under this policy, exclusive of costs (the costs not including in any case fees of counsel.or attorneys employed by the insured), shall in no case exceed the face of the policy,and every payment by the company shall reduce the policy by the amount paid.When the company shall have paid a loss under this policy it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim,or would have if this policy had not been issued,and the insured shall forthwith transfer all such rights to the company accord- ingly.If the payment made by the company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. In case this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only, the company may pay the insured the entire mortgage indebtedness, with interest at the rate specified in the mortgage, and thereupon the insured shall assign and transfer to the company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, together with all instruments evidencing or securing the same,or shall convey to the com- pany any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of acquisition of said premises, and all liability of the company shall thereupon terminate. Demand for payment must be accompanied by production of the policy for endorsement of such pay- ment. If the policy be not so produced, indemnity satisfactory to the company must be furnished. 4. REFUSAL TO PURCHASE ESTATE: The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the refusal of any party to enter into, or carry out, any contract respecting the estate or interest insured. 5. LIABILITY UNDER MORTGAGEE'S POLICY: If this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only and any insured acquires said premises, or any part thereof, by foreclosure, or in other legal manner, in satisfaction of said indebtedness, or any part thereof, or under FHA insurance contract, this policy shall continue in force in favor of such insured, and each successor in interest in ownership, subject to all of the conditions hereof applicable to an owner of land. 6. ASSIGNMENT OF POLICY: The obligations of the Company under this policy shall extend to the Insured`above named; to anyone to whom this policy may be assigned in writing endorsed hereon; to the executors,administrators,heirs and devises of the Insured; and to any assignee of any mortgage which may be insured by this policy. The "Insured," when hereto- fore mentioned, refers to each party separately to whom the Company is,at the time referred to,obligated under the terms of this policy. 16,44,11101,4wariwarfrikt viv4 vvivolA „Afigat , 4 4 . oo 7L4 ‘ 4 4 • 141 '' 4 4 1 . '11",,..,. ,k7; ----,...„----,.. -,,-,:.,, ,,,,„,,,,x,-„-.,,,,,-,,-,,,.yhr,A-, Atcologarin*- •-- 101.- 1:0•Olt6tiriff.T.KeT,474116. (01•46. -,6"400,0"..462., ,,' ,6. 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OF UTILITIES STEVE TAMBORINI ON L. ALEXANDER ELT BUDGET CONTROLLER May 12, 1955 Mr. Floyd l'd. Shaff City Clerk, City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Sir: • It gives us pleasure to submit to you herewith the following documents in connection with the just completed exchange of properties, to wit: 1. Warranty Deed from the Pacific Coast R.R. Co. to the City of Renton, which Deed has been recorded with the office of the King County Auditor, Volume 3461 of Deeds, Page 530; and 2. Quit Claim Deed from the various heirs of the original grantor, Lee Monohan, unto the City of Renton, which document has likewise been re- corded in Volume 3461 of Deeds, Page 532; and 3. Policy of title insurance in the sum of $25,000.00 issued by the Wash- ington Title Insurance Company, Policy No. B-478868. The amount of p25,000.00 was agreed on by the undersigned's office and the Railroad as the proper amount for purposes of title insurance; the City in turn is also submitting a policy of like amount unto the Pacific Coast R.R. Co. for portion of Mothers Park property. • We trust that the foregoing will meet with your full approval and we are confident that the acquisition of said beach property thrill prove to be of great benefit to our city. We remain, Yours very truly, HA4GAN 4 SHELLANN Ci, y .� torneys for th/ CIT' IF RENTO By 4 1 4 Gerard M. 6-"-' lan • Assistant City Attorney GMS:oh Enclosures 'Foim p 3 fb • WAS Hi NGTOI 4E- E=�IN--N=S RAl C  • SEATTLE 4WASHINGTON (oIE _ OLIC . AMOUNT $ 25,000.00 PREMIUM $ 115.75 POLICY NO. B-4+78868 For value, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereinafter called the company, a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington and duly authorized by the State Insurance Commissioner to. insure titles, does hereby insure, subject to the annexed conditions, hereby made a part of this policy; CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, • heirs and devisees (if a corporation, its successors) hereinafter called the insured, against loss or damage not exceeding TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND Dollars, which the insured may sustain by reason of any defect in the insured's title to all the estate or interest in the premises specified and described in Schedule A, hereto annexed and hereby made a part of this policy, or by reason of liens or encumbrances charging the same, at the date of this policy, save and except this policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of any estate or interest, defect, lien, encumbrance or objection noted in annexed Schedule B, which is a part hereof. Any loss under this policy is to be established in the manner provided in said conditions and shall be paid upon compliance by the insured with and as prescribed in said conditions, and not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be authen- ticated by the facsimile signature of its President, and its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed;but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. Dated this 9th day of May, 1955 , at eight •o'clock A. M. Wi HI=I3SG ro TI�T�LE lksiETR ISIM C IV EPAIIY • RA By a) ‹„\c. ,.p resident • tku Attest: I I 1 ! • Assis a t ecretary >� n ,.Fgrm P, 16 ' OWNERS OR MORTGAGEES POLICY NO, B-478868 �_C=HED!U�LE_ 1. The estate or interest of the insured covered by this policy. Fee simple estate. 2. Description of the property with respect to which this policy is issued. All that part of lots 26 to 51, both inclusive, in block 361 of C. D. Hillman ' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 5, according to plat recorded in volume 11 of plats, page 83, as delineated on Sheet No. 3 of map prepared by Udo Hesse and filed in King County Superior Court Cause No. 156371, together with all the shore lands in front thereof, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southwesterly boundary of said lot 51 as delineated on said Udo Hesse map, perpendicularly distant westerly 170.0 feet from the center line of the track and right of way of the "Lake Washington Belt Line" of the Northern Pacific Railway Company; thence northwesterly along the said southwesterly boundary of lot 51, a distance of 1080 feet, more or less, to the Inner Harbor Line; thence north 45°45' east 721.076 feet along the Inner Harbor Line to an angle point in said line; thence south 19°45' east along a production of the Inner Harbor Line, 320 feet, more or less to the line between Lots 32 and 33 in said block 361; thence south 58°13'58" east along the said line 120.0 feet; thence north 70°38' east 100 feet, more or less, to a point perpendicularly distant southwesterly 170 feet from the said center line of track and right of way; thence southerly parallel with the said center line to the point of beginning; ALSO All that part of the shore lands fronting upon government lot 1 in section 8 and government lot 4 in section 5, township 23 north, range 5 east, W.M'. , described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly boundary of (Continued on sheet following) 0 Forrn•P 2 • • POLICY N6. B-478868 ' SCHEDULE A -- Second Sheet lot 51 in block 361 of C. D. Hillman ' s Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 5, as delineated on Sheet No. 3 of map prepared by Udo Hesse, and filed in King County Superior Court Cause No. 156371, with the Inner Harbor Line; thence south 4+5°451 west 317.915 feet; thence south 44°15' east 680. feet, more or less, to the line between sections 5 and 8 in said township and range produced; thence east along the said section line produced 630 feet, more or less, to a point perpendicularly distant easterly 170 feet from the center line of the track and the right of way of the "Lake Washington Belt Line" of the Northern Pacific Railway Company;. thence northerly, parallel with said center line, to a point in the southwesterly boundary of said lot 51; thence northwesterly along said southwesterly boundary 1080 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. All in King County, Washington. • Form P)3. , • POLICY No. B-4.78868 SJCHEDU I.EA This policy does not insure against: • 1. Questions of location, boundary and area; overlaps and encroachments by improvements belonging to these or adjoining premises; all dependent upon actual survey for determination. 2. The existence of roads or ways not established of record, or existence of county roads. 3. -Rights or claims of persons in possession, not shown of record; rights claimed under instruments of which no notice is of record and rights or claims based upon facts of which no notice is of record but of which the insured has notice; material or labor liens of which no notice is of record; liens created under the Workmen's Compensation Act. 4. Exceptions and reservations in United States patents; any governmental action based upon the claim that any part of said premises is the bed of navigable waters; action by any governmental agency for the purpose of regulating occupancy or use of said premises or any building or structure thereon. 5. General taxes not yet payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming fixed and shown as a lien. 6. General taxes for the year 1955, delinquent in the original amount of $22.00 on a portion of said premises. 7. Any unpaid charges for water, sewer or electric service furnished to said premises by a city, town or district or for installation of any such services. _ (End of Schedule B) Form P 9.8 • TI'0!I'55 OF' 1 O=L��I°C r 1. NOTICE OF DEFECT, SUIT OR ACTION: The Company shall-have the right to,and will,at its own cost,defend the insured in all suits,actions or proceedings founded upon a claim of title,encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior in date to this policy and not excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the policy in full. In case any such suit,action or proceeding shall be instituted it shall be the duty of the insured at once to give notice thereof in writing to the company at its Home Office,and,if the insured is a party to such suit,action or proceeding, to secure to the company,within ten days after service of the first process upon the insured,the right to defend such suit, action or proceeding in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured,and to render all reasonable assis- tance in such defense.If such notice shall not be given,or the right to defend secured,as above provided,then all liability of the company with regard to the subject matter of such suit,action or proceeding shall cease and be determined; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the insured if the insured shall not have any knowledge of such suit, action or proceeding. 2. CLAIM OF LOSS; PAYMENT OF LOSS: In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent juris- diction, under which the insured is dispossessed or deprived of the premises covered hereby or the estate or interest insured is impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not excepted herein, or, if this policy covers a mortgagee's interest, and such final judicial determination shall defeat or impair the mortgagor's title to all or any part of said premises or establish the priority to the mortgage of a lien or encumbrance not excepted in this policy, claim may be made hereunder, provided the conditions have been complied with in all respects. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the company is liable under this policy, shall be furnished to the company within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue under this policy until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had under this policy unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. 3. LIMIT OF LIABILITY; SUBROGATION: The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the company shall terminate. The total liability under this policy, exclusive of costs (the costs not including in any case fees of counsel or attorneys employed by the insured), shall in no case exceed the face of the policy,and every payment by the company shall reduce the policy by the amount paid. When the company shall have paid a loss under this policy it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim,or would have if this policy had not been issued,and the insured shall forthwith transfer all such rights to the company accord- ingly.If the payment made by the company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. In case this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only, the company may pay the insured the entire mortgage indebtedness,with interest at the rate specified in the mortgage, and thereupon the insured shall assign and transfer to the company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby,together with all instruments evidencing or securing the same,or shall convey to the com- pany any estate lawfully vested in the insured by virtue of acquisition of said premises, and all liability of the company shall thereupon terminate. Demand for payment must be accompanied by production of the policy for endorsement of such pay- ment. If the policy be not so produced, indemnity satisfactory to the company must be furnished. 4. REFUSAL TO PURCHASE ESTATE: The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the refusal of any party to enter into, or carry out, any contract respecting the estate or interest insured. 5. LIABILITY UNDER MORTGAGEE'S POLICY: If this policy covers a mortgagee's interest only and any insured acquires said premises, or any part thereof, by foreclosure, or in other legal manner, in satisfaction of said indebtedness, or any part thereof, or under FHA insurance contract, this policy shall continue in force in favor of such insured, and each successor in interest in ownership, subject to all of the conditions hereof applicable to an owner of land. 6. ASSIGNMENT OF POLICY: The obligations of the Company under this policy shall extend to the Insured above named; to anyone to whom this policy may be assigned in writing endorsed hereon; to the executors,administrators,heirs and devises of the Insured; and to any assignee of any mortgage which may be insured by this policy.The "Insured," when hereto- fore mentioned, refers to each party separately to whom the Company is,at the time referred to,obligated under the terms of this policy. not.surveyed the premises described'in ¢ ���6 The Company has - ' ' The sketch below'is made solely for the purpose of assisting in locating said premises and the Company assumes no liability for variations, if any, in dimensions and location ascertained by actual survey. It does not purport to show ALL highways, roads and easements adjoining or affecting said premises. \,,,\ \ '')\ ,,y' r, o /. 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AporeiNik\z„,,z -,,N.k.,I41744,WPIP-W4010,44r,e,""-4wrg Wef„„,Arr.attoliiiennAraferfiligif* „4.-.. tts*Rtrogri,,,,AgrelearefetikaMLIAta,,,Itr.466,447.4,4,0,4,,,,,,AVOi4itgpq filf,plAW.I,04,014.§4 v\v• ?go "fpkt.T,4140_440 -41.r,„if.; jtsilAtt.**74_0763,Volf 50/4,, eW NSYS>14 kifrpreA M.0.0:0•2044.720.41V iir,.,:,Artkazzeozo,stmegy AN wt g2t,,,,t40,...z.w_seav_Role" 4,40 .14, ,gtare...-_4re,a,....:1110, --troleasysrerwr,riew,,,:4-A1\;110,.•,,-; 0,„ga _.2,..L..../.. •c,,...,s_t_____.. „It>... ,,,„„.,....,: ______77_e_______„.„,,....._____ ._../\....__,-------,—•—, 4' q.-,- • , , . , •-a • ! .. ' • '. -P. • ..., • "..-.ttt,,i,1411, - 6 -' i ,QUIT CLAIM DEED . r. TH i' RAN'i.'OltS, ROBERT MARTIN BAUNTON, I-HAROLD ARTHUR BAUNTON, CHARLOTTE t ,- "' :// Efa'IriE De MARS, II'RAAICE'S6 GERTRtTDF. MONOHAN and FRANKLIN L. MOT`OIiAN, for ,-- /) i 1 and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration ii t, in hand paid, convey and quit claim to the CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal I .corporation, GRANTEE, all interest in the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington, to—:^rit:: i . That portion of the Northwest Quarter of the South— . , west Quarter (NW of SW*) of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M.-, described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the P�orth line ii of said subdivision with the Plorth Producti on of the West line of Park Avenue as shown in Renton Farm 'r Plat, as per plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats on . ., ,a,-- 47 page 97, records of King County; thence South along l'71 :!-�, <<�;:;. __ said produced line, to a point thereon which is 215 ' line of said subdivision; m i' A, ; feet North of the South 1 , .7,1: �,°i feet thence South 185 feet to the . -:.,br,,;',.I thence 1'Vest 107.5 ; ' °:i '�`'"1' r i North line of the South 30 foot of said subdivision; . '� ''r` ;Z1, thence West, parallel to the South line of said sub— �:-`~ "'=�=4' division to the center line of Polly Avenue as shown ++ . ^�:i .'t ' on said Penton Farm Plat, produced North; thence III 'f " III; North along said produced line, 630 feet; thence West . parallel to the South line of said subdivision; to the Easterly line of the Northern Pacific Railway Ticar R= Company's right of way; thence Northerly along said "`>jr� J�. .- I Easterly l:Lne, to the North line of said _subdivision, I_ r� �,;,, � ` thence East, along said North line, to the point of `. 1� ,,` beginning; EXCEPT the North 80 feet thereof; situate— f=ag .z,., .-, 's = -�}�i in the City of Renton, County of King, State of1Nash. :i.n ;ton. This deed is executed and delivered by the Grantors, the sole heirs of Lee Monohan, deceased, for the purpose of extinguishing and removing all restrictions, limitations or conditions created by or reserved in that cer— f -tai.n deed from said Lee Monohan, as Grantor, to the said City of Renton, as Grantee, dated September 8, 1939, and recorded under Auditor's File No. 30636:35 in Volume 1861 of Deeds at page 142, records of King County, Wash— ington, that certain Waiver of Restrictive Provision of Warranty executed by the said Lee Monohan, dated July 21, 1947, and recorded under Auditor's File No. 3715549 in Volume 2655 of Deeds at page 85, records of King County, and that certain Waiver of Restrictive Provisions of Warranty Deed executed by the said Leo Monohan, dated October 4, 1949, and recorded Linder. Auditor's r'i:I_e No. 3945996, Volw.um 2881. of Deeds at page 516, records of King County; and cI +J• A r • I i .,l_ • -,ax .. :�• rtf;;n�a :,,t----6-a.:,;— .,'�.v a:=•M;„� r+ ;at,�t:gtitirt:1 itll i it}t;:;, ,r,!'✓•° ,t .,{a�z�}• a Y ` s. tip '•'?i: °•�Gi�, :„�:.?X�... u,.; �7 ;:�s'A y 1{ _ . .. x a. '��,:1,. :g.�:c •, 4, . f',..�.:},5,i. rt,tl' � tic;t f � i 141•, ,r{r,;1;, I,Il h 15,. %! .•r; es t { ; i f. , ,, •,,• Y ,�v:-:. L `' i .r r' n'!,A: j .i'., 'I, .1c,I t t 1,'1."�jtt,I,i I. ','t; !>1?:.'..rfiPP � hJ l�7 •�'a'-a�,�F.^,4:ei,, �,.. �• p •'}. •i�, 5'�F. J 3 �f l e. 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TC �,7,C t „{�U",�;,v�to�t,..,t ((�� ;t�'� . ,.7��A'�A „f„;,c�.� „t ryeg( ,I,� I{ i c„ �1,14 t.7.1{ „ICI' ,�1 t t I d J I ,!'','t , 1 ir`'.•1tn,e.,...}•fx,t.�,at.,,A.;:,y';:�,lc,: „i,ni,yt'�-&, ,m,i ,, ., I :ca'�:l:•.;.l�irddf!t 1;�1•: ,.r,�:s;r!1 A 3. t,,...,,..�7c : r r�,l�It 1. (ttt,�7ar i, nt.itl,r{ 1,,. Ir ul,l, i ( ' ,u'� t' .1.. a../,.,t.t.,,.1,1.. a rr tt11 ,.., I' ,,,„,!;tag ,,,,,$a 7 ;ra .,,,1,1 y . :;+1, t 1,�.,., „ .,,41 7 , ly,a,t, s'x.,4. 4.i ,'� •i'''`i!�'`:,.1, �'t1 f I t,.1 , i1,l , i I 1. t t 1 I I I i�I 1{at 'it i 1. t't„t'i,, ;' ,s,1,tfY n.1,a+.1s t11,e,i,�,7a:a�.a,lf�i..a*! v1y1,11 i a„ i ,t��IitQ :!r/ ,.1 t y, } I..,, i i,II I I V , ,i f t t I t,f(d; �i 'io 1.rf U:.X i..4 i., .0 ,a; t, .+ 9 1 ":�N:+JJ'"=t ..f .,t..,:tt:tl.. ;:�:tlti'.i.: 1. IIff�n %qq•,,>'},t^rY�v.a,.a'!1::,;,.. �-•. ,,i a�:�l{l�,f�I{11 'Fill't{t}1)f1�;E:ial't�)tlSit.i,q,talid!',I J..I„t!f.it'11,I'r1f�13t,f t{ Ht `.(,7/ 1 ;j{/ry t:' u, . ....,,r.,..t.:u.t,a'�t..',h•.i:. .hI,K!dh lu H4u• - ,,, ^;%.,�i::d1L,�f...a,......,.,.�..-,.. •�1,•..... .L..i.x� N�1�..,,..,1.4..11.1}t:17P.f..,Al. ,tiE.,.:.. .,..�ue.:..,�t.11.l r.tf�.lr 1>�n.i.t,,tii,� „1'C�.d,'.'1:>`..Y4�,i 111 r,!,}rt:�il,a Vd�c3� _L' ,P�',GEr�v' `,' r� 4. , • :1 . « is Without limiting the foregoing, the said Grantors, ,on behalf of themselves, their heirs and assigns, do hereby consent to the exchange of all or any part of said property by the City of Renton for other , i; property to be used for park, playground or other recreational pur- I` . t . poses. DATED this /%:e..-G'r..r day of GC .ems ___----> 1955. ! • .14:et : '\ )4?1\-- —• ( ;) f) r-IA--1-- -- f• R01)oA Mar in aunton -, V--/-—-——.54&.7 _47 a .,„/„.„Li. . 2„,,,,,r_e_.,,,,,. .....,..? Harold Arthur Bea i 7 ' ''''"X° $&9117//1,. nt):_q- C9) _1 /!22/2/2 , Charlotte L+mme Do Mars ,// r( Franc.Rs Horn '�!: t.;e":e ' .e. <.�,,-C)-- -t.az.:.: _-4.2._.-.._.________ Gertrude ?r'lonohani ----/_. 1/-4,1--1(t--11;'"'"' '' ' .7--'6"- -12‘z--"--- Franklin Le Monohan • .;T TI,.: OW AIf,KAV,l,;i County oi' °-6, ,�.,4___-� :�c+. _.J I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and the;,State of Arkansas, do hereby certify that on this %G"••r_G'... day of C,C,rrr;• - .`. ---' , 1955, per- sonally appeared before me Robert Martin Baunton/ to me known to be one of the individuals described in and who executed the within Quit Claim Deed, and ackn.diAled ed that he signed and sealed the same as his free and volun- tary;.act•.ap& ;deed for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. , / (;'!.1.Ar N. t f?R `1 ' UA`JD ANT) OFFICIAL SEAL. this /0 41, day o.f C(-•/(-•t.-c.C.^: , ''''' '' ''' 6.-' e) e , ;r f Notary Fu lc 1h and !or The bta'te or"—' ,2j� C; -a; `,.�;.�2�\ �,_-z _ /,t Arkansas ` esiding at ��J.,,,(�,...__r....CC_ ,:)`.C'C'�, J 'llrllrllllnlU'' t .... .. ... ,.,�,...�-;ro•:;;��.- �R..�-.,... .,.. ..._.,. � ,•. �--�-•- ';�..t :.x•� - K�tr Ts:';�,�;:;:.yfrr:iir i;i+i •- n�°I" .t t'"t`'T2�I�iii �r:-.-..,:_..;,,. ,.. ... >•-. .., r, r ,tS..s.,. t - ., r ..,.;, , :;I:. 'y'ri1�Gi:"'jsaif«,l,.z. .t.,.a,.d t�i�{�tl:: U�}i.� t'����{t c`{;i ,,v. a t. .z „r Yp ,3it �f?.,t, ,.+ r« r.e •x���'"' :o-: Algi 'tt ingi::t,,..l.:r,,,, .r, la:att;t.i.' .a t:,:,.. Srli �;�a' PI, �,.J�c, wrth sl„ ,�,• ,1' t;�. ;}`�,ox, .� ..a;t.• ,.. ,x'>. aay...,. ,i ";,,,;�..r r,,,.c°�Cs,ArJ•4 a l,,,a,;r i h ,++ ' .a ,.r,r .g',.P1: § #. ;i ::,Lnitw, •� Ai :i,k.i�q+r .xi. �ina.l• �, .n t. �;',,,.?`�!°$n' ::::1::::,::::..:,:::::,::,1::'.::::.,: ,;..,..•:a'tan:iitih^'. a .,..3: ''.a h.l.r,...,�: „t, ^J !; 4�:, q{v t,„ ,n' x I . fir' #F' T,.,,•,+r �a;.i .,,.,;.•.�..•.,�.,;,,t;. .? 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(ti, (m I ), '1 v,d:nC,: ';t,aari•'� ,v r,T d,:a ,r •t, j1t tl 6 ;, r1'+"}<;e ,a{ca44 .I ,t.i r:iti, :•,;'1 r l t{it i '11 1 11,E 3 4'1 i t , � ,f•''}*,., f+ t .I,:1 1ti1�,. i t "; ,,t a'L`all:., .4", 1 ..m, }t 1. .A.,,1 iiif, t :t t,i. I t i i(,t I hh 1sf+ �}j,y� ��'„!i''t 1. a.a„ ," r g�i«'�1 h ,I�f I, 11 ..q� J,� J� .1.{•'rV''�::.' .,D ;tt �,,r�t .rf,{.{,f,1:d �i, tr'• r �I:'l,.te:,',1;•'I'4 .,, ', !"'t! !a, t,�+'1 a� I"t, 1,,,, �,'': t '�t1 ��1t.(( t It�'•tl,t'„tf, t, d.,, v ,� a;• �}"t . !.Il,Ild'I t tsar. ��, � ti'�q'},ta'nr,:..1�,.,,1�.,{' 1.`Yll.t.r�t�'•,:1a,�rt,'cl,aJ�,l .,k ,{,"L�,.,,�. „'I ,. 14',t �, ,+f 'r:4q:tsl,tli,:, t;:` pt,.1 ,)( I ,,tl;.,hl�•t, } r�7 ,,t,. 4),,, t„,,i� �[r�.,, `,. ?s. "';" 1.it Ittt: !,"a-,.,,, :, ,lf6S, ,I 1. Ihi, tqf 1:9i�:''�?+,1 r,;ol i, ,t+} yi i ,r , ,. ,,{t,.�,'';:;', '.; ,,1,t,. ht i �,� y,�,,;d 1 I:�,,, � 1� :��!' ), ;�;��' ;�t•,�, ,:.,',,,I,t!I� � � =„ , � ',}t' ;'i�'' �1 ,t„ s 1. ,1;,,. � a�yy 4 { l f ,,1 I:: a tItl,..,,li ,y Ott' , . ,r t.,lyl,{';i'xr,''n:� ,,�!, i :r,11i�; � p .'��'�'d.:,,, .,[` { , . . .i '(;}l(.;,.�''.fl;'141��f�{• i I {A ,}�,I.,tr,,r ,t 3.. t t r r•Li +,!I,r,.;!11 .,j ,s r t, ,j:,ll, Il t�;l-I,�'t 1,: , , I.:, .1[( i�• i it l'1 :.h '), r 1 ,, „�;,., :1 ..+5* -, :b ,i'. r t :�t .a s,�i l a ,r.i ,t.,+•!`rill ,� 1}I l(ir ri f;,:, ,f,,f i 4. i'I:1 !t(:f,,} L:.v:l- 1 1I Ia,, I,} p7,•4!/ 1!,c) ! 11i,; o., 't Il.:u �r',,If I�.,�: :},t �l gt!..,� mt i,��,1,. �.�,. a �,� �w!+: °�;�.y, t,i.•i �If :� tt'f.! �51 1!. I. , 1 i,l 1{y 1 71 t rt 1,� „�,•::i'� +,i;,.,:,,t�fi!'}I.}; ,rl.,�(�:l'6:�h�•�..�?;'�!.?ahy{,tV.t�-r}+•.'�1fbS;.i�'L'lt�,ieH:i9!�t#�s�e.:e:l��'t.:.'S.... 1�"I:'ik�iL'i!:)isi.h•(1:.;,j�'!I.'i(,idutii.i:'v„��L.IIr}t{L,l:t.t`�t:t..l:.11}',,,(�a�al�aat„Y1,Gw Jt�dt., .t.�,,,LL1.��a.,dJ .�Ql�h t, :J,,�, _ G f� ' : a E; i.� ,t. x.. '' elt ' ; + . kl le, • • f STATE OF CALF ORNIA ) it...7.2).445.... )'sS. 11. COUT1'ty "♦ ceJ` • - and for the&te of ali— I, the Luu:Iersi�ed, a Notary' Iub1i -j ____clay of _ , fornia, do hereby certify that on thi��l __' /� d Ger ude Mono, 7fi'tp1.955, personally appear ed before me I /f�� to me known to be the individuals described inandwho executedethed within Quit Claim Deed, and acknowledged that they sided and the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and pUr_ ` pores therein mentioned. CTVEN UNDER NI HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this__‘.... day of -- '5;; •••• &?"----1:116;4'.12-**' �-_ �, , ,' .o.tar , u.b zc �_n and I or,:ttate of forr_ia residin_g a 4s ��� • • STATE OF WASHTN(yTON) ) ski. Comity of King ) • ' ate �P�rashing-- I, the undersigned, a Notary Publicand dayfor of th 5 11 5 ton, do I--ereby certify that on this -219 personally appeared before meel��Gl�d n Arthur theuntont,ndividualsodescribedDin M• ars and Franklin L. Monohan, to m Deed, and acknowledged that they signed • who executed the within Quit Claim and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses • and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN UNDER. MI11A BAN AND OFFICIAL SEAL this ay of ._ _ —' • 1955. (....__— 6 _--- ,, Notary pub! c a n and for the Sta to of �.. c ^fL Washington residing at Seattle, Wash. <? rt f)('it,+, L:2,2: .. tn' Ir i i i d 't ,l 1;1;i `lc� jJ :i 4 Filed for Record ^gr ti 3 1. 4 Request of hu gcl SoutiV Title Insurnnce Co, —3_ r RC)[IERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor at i.,,;.i •s r!us.u,..;:t x . : :�;,::? ...J:.i.4rdu�;,`,.\t.:.:^ •.,.:t, �«;;a:„G%:%r:c.:„:;:t Wi::rt;�,.;,c,^.,t.:::.:.:.i : „a t,3 I ,.: : r{y"ait5�il�^,h�t r.t .�t ,r}r , �� :�� r��"� �, : ;* i nu�"tTi4t<}j pia1 s � {� E 7 � q t,:.l::'6.ti : J rI„t. ;,rlr,r ,,:,. 1. � r.�b r. �a ,Y , . :4t°�A t � +T�rt4 }�I �Y �f�i, ;^ " r5d, �t��.lt e ,_'itl y:�.t;.t, s Nf < i t; : ;.,. l•t tl#f"ztr„:it ,,(tS�i°r i �1J ,t:J .-. ,tt✓ � Y. Utft "r r' { .";r :, i'"1�4.,ktr ta� x Y Lwtkt.v.:uy�s c; , C,..< S;i�rR � .•1.� '; 1h txi 1� .h: ....y. IL fr'r�[fi, t4 �c , :�r �'J �� _ctt11Y � '{: ) ty .. �%: f.^:.. ,n'41.; J,� ;vH fi "'.'..fiYN _�.9•Fi g7,1 i1ti«.,ii � ,...... J.:.," 4t"•7�3,✓ .t.ht :^ ,ii!T ,1, iYi;� dS rr. �: t, t> N , j . j Q��n xk � �:y.. d'� Y 1 -nk•.ta�c:.kf� i33:�tvVtit� ...•.X,Cif; Sf;' t{a'f f �hCSE,Lt.t k.sf,.,ki,1t %, ".;a 11' 1 � 'l � ` t}j•I ,1 •, ±tt,,.�1 kkt` t. . :4 . ,' ' f` :se„ . x1;;�!: ..,,;R.,,�: ';c v p^'�:L::v,..Yl'�„y.r!itA,y.r ,��}I,,+,L :i Cy ;•t.iS.}.,.L r... f��� +),4 .q, l�,a,. �;t. ': rr;7 rrii. �r���1 >11,vPli,Ici,i��it P t,t,i.a���✓� .!if:R.a .�'���':� ''N� , � 4 -40:9i�nyi,.,,:,. ;yifitu.J . ,.,,dr �„�,. j:l,"attiLt.L„ ••:... cG, i ., ;r i ti o fi� a; .tS.,ty; ;!' ,ttg 2� ) , , R a (�CY: r �t �. �' ?f: , t � ,t:: d..:'::::tI�3t1,d„: ; 3,l :1.:piii•«.t:„.,,T..i„.,i YL.,1 {fllo:tI,II, `1 , s�.etf f :u.i.i .:;1:1.n7JY �Y•iJ! .k: ., F� M fhrir �'k aS ��i � ti� L�`fr� Lv�:.),Y!•r ;n^. 4.,; �, 11,w :itt, ti''i£ 1snr S ,,,rSty : cr_;rL :t v,:',A,D.. „v.,.��„6..u�.FSk.,,4: •1; A?;.,;$aktvtv...^i.k ,2 F rtf�i« L iN� W .et t�„.a 6"'f� lr, 1Sil�rt i ..•d�:,1:,i�r:1�i,.Y 4*, '4: ...,. �4::t,,� <:�.._.+;',w".gsii':w:.,., 5 2 . .. . ' ,--... . - ,. . . . ' , • . , . . . . . . .. , . . • , • . • , . . • • :. : . • - • . . . . ,. . . . , . . . . WARRANTY DEED , . . . - . . . . . . . . , THE GRANTOR , PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. „ a Washington cor- . . . . . peration, for valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby . . . . acknowledged , CONVEYS and WARRANTS to the CITY OF RENTON, a muni- cipal corporation. of the State of Washington, GRANTEE, the follow- . • ing described real estate situate in the County of King, State of . • . . Washington, to-wit: ‘t• , • • .. . . . . . . All that part of Lots 26 to' 51„ both inclusive, •:;, . .. . • in Block 361 of C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington. . . . . . .. _. . ,';',i. V: ,'"•4'e-.,;:r:'.:1L-L' . . Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, . . , . . . • . Division No. 5, according to plat thereof record- . . _ . . ed in Volume 11 of Plats , page 837 records of • 1 ;.r .,. ,L•2.=--':....:f•:"•.:,:i s,:f said County, as delineated on Sheet No. 3 of map l•--a-,1(A ,a.,7e,ey:1:4_ei'_4,:U , ,w.,. prepared by Gdo Hesse and filed in King County ,,J,•f---T:', 41..-.0 7-;'.:'',.7-1,,--.-- ' Superior Court Cause No, 156371, together with - ,ipe-- 1-FT . :„ . •: .. • - 4.;e:;:-:..; .,••:i',- -, • . all the shore lands in front thereof, described ,„,-,7,:1,0P-.!, li _.• • .,,,•,,. .• , .-,:,., , .. as follows : ,„--d.•:(1 (' '<,),,,. . ...,,,Id,•ci1 ,,I.• ?f,._Nol.. Beginning at a point in the southwesterly 1! _t•r.(te,,,,,;-;. .er,-•••• ,i,. .•,!• el, boundary of said Lot 51 as delineated on said • .. ,t,'''fr4ei,:',• ;,•)::'ir-1 Udo Hesse map, perpendicularly distant westerly reAp ...-e::e*:ajete ir.:4,e•:: -::: -, ea . eeaai 170.0 feet from the center line of the track and '.,,V-.(e%,2-41trel I ! 1 right of way of the "Lake Washington Belt Line', 40,e e040eave. a • ',,',:? ,..,•:.,-.,,,•, •. •.•,'''-`•••r,-,!l'•'`,• . of the Northern Pacific Railway Company; thence ;I:'::--1-c-e•Pe:7,,,:• -•:---114,*_71Y ,,,e, e_-,ttiaa„.-efeeeeees northwesterly along the said southwesterly boun- dary 1-—• - _,2---------- -- , • . . d.ary of Lot 51, a distance of 1080 feet, more or. .. -- , • less , to the Inner Harbor Line; thence north c './. .!7;',4k• IWCII1j1 45°451' east 721.076 feet along the Inner Harbor WY OW1Pliyi Line to an angle point in said line thence southNevare,-710/nTe_ 011 • • ,;1, i .,:: 'le . .. • 19°45' east along a production of the Inner Har- bor 4P-''-e1,-' Zii . ,,,,a- oi,•4a-e-a-a-e:1-i..1/4a-,,- . . . . Line, 320 feet, more or less to the line be- „ . , . . _. . tween Lot 32 and 33 in said Block J 361; thence - . . . . . - o Y .,•••,,d; , . r,y-1, south 58°13 '5°" east along the said line 120.0 •‘.•-•,/,',ix.. a,. • . . , •feet; thence north 70°38' east 100 feet, more or l''''''''• .401/.. 4 • •e • • , less , to a point perpendicularly distant south- 1.1:11 ..!e*e.1.2a-.,... - ,, . . rei.i!4 .. :.e : ,. aewesterly 170 feet from the said center line of t.e. Ap - * track and right of way; thence southerly parallel . • . . • ' ' • . . - e.. . with the said center line to the point of beginning; . . , . • • . . . . .. .. , . . . ' - • • - e- ALS07. all that part: of the shore lands fronting •• , . upon Government Lot 1 in Section 8 and Government . . . . . . . . . . „ • Lot 4 in Section 5, Township 23• North, Range 5 . . . . • . . : ' East of ehe 14111amette Meridian, described as fol- . lows: . • Beginning at the intersection of the south- . westerly boundary of Lot 51 in Block 361. of C. D. Hillman's Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 5, as delineated on Sheet • No. 3 of map prepared by Udo Hesse, and filed in King County Superior Court Cause No. 156371, with . , the Inner Harbor Line; thence south 45°45 west 317. 915 . . . . , --r .r • . • ,,',. •• • tr,a,,,eie,,, ,, ;w •..,',.. ,••,,„,e.. • . . .•. a .2,..•..,::, •x,,,;, :, ei.-tai.lai-v:y0.10,,•, ;••, ,,l;'.:,:i,,,;.;,,:,.-R:e••;,,ir;-,;,,..,4,• :.•;, ,;•;,..T-,:a7,;,,.v,:e.,;.:,,, ,,,,:a•,,,t,:,Nc,Ne:,,i,';.,'; •:,..,: '' . ' ' .,,'" irl.`1 ;? : :Th'!.:::.;!i:::;i'i '.:1•:`..!.)!:;„:',:',. \"1-: q-4:,.0::;;;ci,u;-2A1.•q..;:0::.;::.t '.';1".;,;.'.:' ,i, ,.*:,::,11y,!,;!,::al.'., •;.,.'i% .,.:1V''. ,1: t1,''.,?:,' ,eV,Mtil,r14„V.:',.`A !0.1! ..; .'. W4 'IV64AetiVe41P,WPMO.M .'dW. 1:..'' !,',i: 1 ' ! Cj?,..!) .i-•: -'i".:..:!'. i .i.-.::; ;',,.-1:,, ::., k W. P .,.-0..Pi.:;i;r::;; i -V,g:4AX!i i !OI,l';' ;;, 1..:i, i;, - ..;:,?I•g,.4 . 4•: ,'e, N ' '':V.C.i!WV4r<r5i4F0.1:' 1.• .e;V;i:: .. ' ' :' .NIM''';V!:'::r ,1,cr,4, ;'6,-Pg. e5-:,..t:',;.,-,ATt- ,:::?.,-ii?: ),,,..4;:z:c.;.,wostiwp, 4',•; ,f' ,i4 , ,.:,1:,, . :i,.;.;,--,,,.,'.9.m, .. ;.;,,,•,,nr , 1,. ::12;,,..:;1 ,,;10,;i.,:,,4i. i,.,. .. . ,.‘ . , !. :,.i.i::,t,,,,,i,,:„,:. ,3,...,,,:::',,.;!1:.::,(.,.;,:: ,•:,;,,,-,'::.::',,,,::.;,....,,,,,,?,,,..::,,,q„.7.1:,.r,,,,-,;„-•,„t.'„,-.;,„4..y.,,,..74,1:e.3 ,,,,,,,,-;', -;- ,c'.i, ' ' •.....:1:;'.' '',`: ' '4`, .14,:q,.t...-. '4,..M ';IT64*' '.', ''.''41,1T,,A;i::,'','U,,',.;', ;:-. miii4.46.:ik.Y;;. -1 .3.0.Y. .::Ys'.. .i.. ...IINIDA.,ii.4= 0;:34.).! T:.',,:,..'cx,WI*10Z;,'J.i. ,',!. feet; thence south 44°15e. east 680 feet., more or • less , to the line between sections 5 and 8 in said township and range produced; thence east along the said section line produced 630 feet, more or less , to a point perpendicularly distant easterly 170 feet from the center line of the track and the right of way of the " Lake Washington Belt Line" of the Northern Pacific Railway Company; thence northerly, parallel with said center line, to a point in the southwesterly boundary of said Lot 51; thence Northwesterly along said Southwesterly boundary 1080 feet, more or less , to the point of beginning. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this i.n- st;rume.:nt to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this _ 29th day of April _______r._._, 1955• • • PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. ' • • • • - /j- . President;. Attest' -' ��,} "r�f•r`i! , �. %.�F •s.,..a.."�.a Secretary® STATE. OF WASH I NG TON ) sse County of King ) On this 29th day of April' 1955, before me per- . _zonally appeared THOMAS .PALMER and R. PAUL TJOSSEM, to me known to be . ehe Yresident and . Secretary, respectively, of the Pacific Coast R. R. - CO', , '.the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein men- ti'oned, and on. oath stated that they were authorized to execute said .instrument, and that the seal affixed is ;he corporate seal of the said: corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my. 'official seal the day and year first above written. k ` ri. , Notary ,Public in 'and for the/State of a . Washintoa7., residing at ,Seattle. 2 ;('.,1 of `)uc!:':I SoLif tI {III . 1vuiiiric,. Co. kC.,':':::i r\, i''AoRidS,,Comity Auditor ' ...,;..,.:..ay.1 ..............r....s !: •^, .. :r• :'Y 1 I•<f: ..s: fi' ; . . . r..ti . "xs% � "° I r .r7,":'.:r•':..^: : '• - i ;aC; f '' t .rLL 1 . Ei jA 1 r , S . n 7 :Rafirb ... .rr n ' :w :.k;i t : , i r .k tic : 'iL ;, ' .:' �.3 ,r:r vI`,. � . .r.•,J... t-., .' .•i i *m. T . .A _. ^�:1"4., t 11 :..:' ,. : *,l..r .i. L. .. ,. =, 1 ... a .., . ,J•fei..r>t - l.. " s ^ ri .t �Y jiv 1 Y. •« C r: ' ; , ' y _ Ni iivij ,. � 57 Sxn .: .. s b. rt, .,.: .wt. f 11.. n1. r a: N. •:i" {{r •}: :: :4'_ ti:' :-, ..( - -(:' • :.t(; »r+:„7if . .I!" .:J.ot;,'+.1!. , r 1 1 1 bgap dpooM izchlU 'CITY. OF RENTON BING COUNTY, WASHINGTON JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR e DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, TREASURER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., POLICE JUDGE ELTON L. ALEXANDER, CLERK GERARD SHELLAN COUNCILMEN CITY ATTORNEY VERN H. MORRIS, PRES. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN HUGH D. BRUCE ASST. CITY ATTORNEY CHARLES DELAURENTI DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE HEALTH OFFICER AVERY GARRETT ANG BUSATO • OLIN A. HANSEN CHIEF OF POLICE RAY E. HEPPENSTALL F. E. LAWRENCE - WALTER P. REID FIRE CHIEF ' BEN J. RICHARDSON JAMES HIGHTON GEORGE D. SWIFT CITY ENGINEER THOMAS W. TRIMM DAVID J. PUGH Sept ember 20, 1956 VERLE R. VIETZKE SUPT. OF UTILITIES DR. LLOYD A. WHITE • Mr. Elton L. Alexander • City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find original of_ title insurance policy . relative to the Maplewood Playground area which had been deeded to the City of Renton. We are sure you will find said policy in order. .. Also enclosed is an additional bill in the sum of 5. 00 which, together with the previous bill of. 325.00 should be paid to the Puget Sound Title Insurance Company to cover the cost of this policy. We trust that you will find the foregoing in- order. • We remain, . Yo s very truly, f4A AN & SHELLAN • '1ty Attorn s • // . By Gerard M. Shellan ,/ City Attorney GMS : aw U/ Encl. cc Mr. Gene Coulon • Park Superintendent CITY OF RENTON RING COUNTY, WASHINGTON • JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT. TREASURER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., POLICE JUDGE ELTON L. ALEXANDER, CLERK GERARD SHELLAN COUNCILMEN CITY ATTORNEY ARTHUR L. HAUGAN September 17tp., 1956 VERN H. MORRIS, PRES. ASST. CITY ATTORNEY FJ`�. HUGH D. BRUCE DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE CHARLES DELAURENTI HEALTH OFFICER AVERY GARRETT ANG BUSATO OLIN A. HANSEN CHIEF OF POLICE RAY E. HEPPENSTALL F. E. LAWRENCE WALTER P. REID FIRE CHIEF BEN J. RICHARDSON JAMES HIGHTON GEORGE D. SWIFT CITY ENGINEER THOMAS W. TRIMM DAVID J. PUGH VERLE R. VIETZKE SUPT. OF UTILITIES DR. LLOYD A. WHITE Hon. Joe R. Baxter , and City Council, City Hall, Renton, Washington. Re: Maplewood Improvement Assn. Gentlemen: This is to advise you that we have now succeeded in clearing up the title to that certain playground area heretofore owned by the Maplewood Improvement Association, Inc. The officers of said Association have now signed a Quit Claim Deed, prepared by our office, which deed we are now placing on record. The • title policy will be issued at an early date, giving the City good title subject to certain easements. We have in the meantime advised the Association of this action and expressed our thanks for their courteous cooperation. • We are enclosing a bill from the Puget Sound Title' :.Ins•. Company for $25.00 to cover title insurance. • Will you • please be good enough to have said claim paid at an early date? Ver; tr y yours, - A UGA11 & SHELLAz.; // ' t Attorne- i // .y j/ / a • • sty ttor ey V`� GIVIS: lh Enc. • cc Gene Coulon, Park Supt. FORM 2-OP-42 _Policy No. •200062 SCHEDULE A 1. The title to said property is, at the date hereof, vested in CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation. 2. Description of the property, title to which is insured by this policy. That portion of land within the Defense Plant right of way as delineated on the plat of Maplewood Div. No. 2, as per plat recorded in Volume 39 of Plats, page 39, records of King County; lying between Southeast 142nd Street and Southeast 144th Street; situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. • FORM B-50 Policy No. 200.062 . • • SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against: 1. Questions of boundary or area dependent upon survey for determination, or encroachments by improvements belonging to this or adjoining property. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States patents;,any governmental action based on the claim that any part of the insured premises is within or under navigable waters; regulations and restrictions imposed by building and zoning ordinances or by a planning authority. 3. The existence of roads or ways not established of record, or existence of public roads;water rights, mining rights or matters relating thereto, if any. 4. Rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not shown of record; rights claimed under instruments of which no notice is of record and rights or claims based upon facts of which no notice is of record but of which the Insured has notice; material or labor liens of which no notice is of record. 5. General taxes not now payable;matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any,preceding the same becoming fixed and shown as a lien; unpaid charges for sewer services, for installation of water service and for water, light or power consumed on the premises, owing to and furnished by any City or Sewer District or Water District of the State. 6. Right granted to the public in the dedication of the plat of Maplewood Div. No. 2 to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots, blocks or parcels of land shown on the plat in the reasonable original grading of all the streets shown thereon. 7. An easement for sewer purposes over and across the property herein described as disclosed by plat of Maplewood Div. No. 2. 8. An easement granted to the United States of America, dated August 17, 1943, filed August 28, 1943, as File No. 332114 and recorded in Volume 2158 of Deeds, page 488, with the right to erect, maintain, repair, rebuild, operate and patrol one or more electric power transmission lines and appurtenances over, upon, under and across the property herein described and other property. Reference to said record is hereby made for further particulars. • NOTE: The Company has made no search for and does not insure against assessments levied by the Municipality of Renton. t • • • CONDITIODS OF THIS POLICY 1. The obligations of the Company under this policy shall extend to the Insured above named; to anyone to whom this policy may be assigned in writing endorsed hereon; to the executors, administrators, heirs and devisees of the Insured;and to any assignee of any mortgage which may be insured by this policy.The "Insured," when hereinafter mentioned, refers to each party separately to whom the Company is, at the time referred to, obligated under the terms of this policy. 2. The Company will at its own costs defend the Insured in all legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, incumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior in date to this policy and not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying this policy in full. In case any such legal proceedings shall be begun and the Insured shall have knowledge thereof, it shall be the duty of the Insured at once to give written notice thereof to the Company at its Home Office; and, if the Insured is a party to such legal proceedings, to secure to the Company, within ten days after service of the first process upon the Insured, the right to defend such proceeding in the name of the Insured so far as necessary to protect the Insured, and to render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of this Company in regard to the subject matter of such proceedings shall terminate as to such Insured who failed to perform such duty in the manner and within the time required. 3. Loss shall be payable hereunder upon a final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the Insured is dispossessed or deprived of the real estate covered hereby or his estate or interest insured is impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or incumbrance hereby insured against, provided the conditions of this policy have been in all ways complied with. 4. The total liability under this policy, exclusive of costs, shall in no case exceed the face of the policy, and every payment by the Company shall reduce the policy by the amount paid and shall be endorsed on the policy. When the Company shall have paid a loss under this policy, it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the Insured may have against any person or property in respect of such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the Insured shall forthwith transfer all such rights to the Company accordingly; but if the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the Insured, then the subrogation and transfer to the Company shall be proportionate. Or, the Company may, in case this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, pay the mortgagee the entire mortgage indebtedness, and thereupon the mortgagee shall assign and transfer to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness thereby secured, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, or shall convey to the Company any estate vested in the mortgagee by virtue of foreclosure of the mort- gage, and all liability of the Company to such mortgagee shall thereupon terminate. 5. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the refusal of any party to enter into or carry out any contract respecting the estate or interest insured. . , "X.C<EMAKOIMOVONTATMOOMOMIUMMOKOMOKOKOMMCIAMOMEIMUKTP10110=0=01.\0'1011MMOKOMMOMOUOVOTIMOMAOMMIYMVAITMOUBICOMATMOMMOX0110tg I :.;" ,>, Z .. - M 0 . :4 . m , 1, '11' 1- ; m ) ; , Q ra . ,..fl, NI. •:.4 m: C) ''---.z.y. Z >4 — t m .:4 § k cyq* .;.4 :4 N. 4.' '\I lq 11=1) CI,f 1 I ,,,,, Ximmi 'll, ,.E ^ r,,M , 0-'J 0 I II) < A- Q ' 0 9 •• . >AI . ,,g .:‹ m .4, “ttt• ft% M CI 'mil 4 il --'' I I, I"'1" ' II 'Iti f I • r•1 " _,',11 ,LI 1 a IWO I W ti 1 pi 1 . 18 m ..z A ii; • , -..i._-_ ! 'Cr' D id- i m 3 9 M‘ m %0 igi im PI m W m >1 ;4. ‘ IA :4 ',a • ...Z •-• ., C) 14 Z ) •1.,. If - o ii :‘.%•- .1 I 4Z . 0 •—• In T•", 0 .. , • M \ =• ill P.1 li,:ilil 0 komoncronomemourimonomonomonemonominomonomanomomononomommonexemonommonatemmonceoroonommommomonommemincoannommeszonKOng . _ f, `• . ." ' . .. T ' '6; FORM OP-42 • KING COUNTY TITLE - • P KENNETH C. KLEPSER, PRESIDENT COMPANY,AGENT luezi J CARLRCHELICH:JR.,VICE PRESIDENT W.A. LANGLOW,VICE PRESIDENT SEATTLE ^ - AND SECRETARY A. READY,TREASURER I I 1illy � MAIN 6133 HOME OFFICE 705 THIRD AVENUE, SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE POLICY (OWNER-PURCHASER) • AMOUNT $ 1,000.00 PREMIUM $ 30.00 POLICY No. 200062 IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMIUM WHICH HAS BEEN PAID FOR THIS,P❑LICY, THE • PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A WASHINGTON CORPORATION, HEREINAFTER CALLED THE COMPANY, ODES HEREBY INSURE subject to the annexed conditions, hereby made a part of this policy, CITY OF RENTON, hereinafter called the Insured, against loss or damage not exceeding ONE THOUSAND Dollars, which the Insured may sustain by reason of any defect in the title to the property described in Schedule A, hereto annexed, as therein vested, or by reason of liens or incumbrances charging the same, at the date of this policy, saving and excepting, and this policy does not insure against, loss or damage by reason of any estate or interest, defect,lien,incumbrance or objection noted in annexed Schedule B which is a part hereof. Any loss under this policy is to be established in the manner provided in said conditions and shall be paid upon compliance by the Insured with and as prescribed in said conditions, and not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Company has executed these presents; but this policy shall not be valid unless countersigned by the duly authorized agent of the Company. PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Attest: By: ( A)-0 e Secretary President Countersigned and dated at Seattle, Washington, September 18, 1956 at 8:30 o I clock A.M. KING COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, Agent By f] 43 Udi, n ik hs Assistant Title Officer. t / V CYUI / F-4 1 . _ ' FORM 1-R-8 //yy T ,T 4 U GET SOU ■ - KENNETH C.KLEPSER, PRESIDENT i� sill CARL SCHEIJCH.JR.,VICE PRESIDENT KING COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, • W.A. LANGLOW,VICE PRESIDENT �'.".� f ` AND SECRETARY AGENT i AIM � A.READY,TREASURER SEATTLE jr��-{����,1 �7' ;���{ MAIN 2-6126 - _ - • © �:JUtom 'J HOME OFFICE 705 THIRD AVENUE-DEXTER HORTON DUILDIND SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON TITLE REPORT Dated as of September 9 , 1951) at 8: 30 o 'clock A. M. Order No. 232905 Premium $ 2s'1 , !5 Reporting to City of Renton Upon Title to That portion of Government Lot 6 in Section 16 , Township 23 ;at rt.l , Range 5 East W. M. , described as follows : Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Lot 12 in Book 4 of Maplewood Div. No. 2 , as per plat recorded in Volume 39 of Pats on page 39, records of King County, and .rune :n,; `hence North 7h° 36 '07 East 180. 94 feet ; thence South 45' 14 ' 20 ' East 210 feet , more or le: ti , to the Northwesterly line of the Defense Plant Corporation right of way; thence South 52°02 ' 30 ' West 170 feet., more or less , to toe most Easterly corner of Lot 15 in Block 4 of said Maplewood Div. No . 2 ; thence Northwesterly on a curve to the left along Lae Nort neast_c.' -y° margin of Lots 15, 14, 13 and 12 in said Block 4, 267 . 20 feet to the point of beginning ; situate in the City atRenton, County Of King,State of W Jr ton . PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY hereby obligates itself to issue on request within sixty days and upon the payment of the above premium, itsOwner 's form policy for $ 1 , 500. 00 with the Insured to be named by you insuring that the title to the above described property is vested, on the above mentioned date, in CARL E. HANNIFF and VERNA I. RENE ' HANNIFF, husband and wife , presumptively as community property; (SEE NOTES) SUBJECT TO: i_. Local_ improvement assessments , if any, levied by municipality of Renton. 2. Lien of real estate excise tax upon any sale of said pr.emiL,es , if unpaid. NOTES: 1 , The vestees acquired the property herein described by Deed from Jack Lanning dated August 31, 1946 and filed October 4 , 1946 under Auditor 's File No. 3614630 . Jack Lanning quit- claimed t.ue property herein described and other property to Carol Dobson and Frank AI l_aent by Deed dated and filed March 30, 1950 under Auditor ' s File No . 39999868. It is assumed that the vestees herein did not re-convey said premises to Jack Lanning , but the Company does not insure a<,ainst any rights based upon a contrary state of tacts . It will facilitate the "Closing" of this order if all instruments to be filed before a policy is issued are filed through our office City of Renton -- 2- • Order No. 232905 2 . There is no recorded means of in-22,ress and egress to a public road from the property herein described and it is assumed that there exists a valid and subsisting easement for that purpose over adjoin- ing properties , but the Company does not insure against any rights based on a contrary state of facts . 3 . General taxes for ir'59 in the sum af $3 . 69 , have been paid. KING COUNZY TITLE COMPANY, Agent. BY OP ." if CtGU' AwisLant. Title Officer rl • 77-6-ife& rt-34 .2-44, co. (.2; ' o0 ; , i I Zi j .I I >I U o, ,. Ipi4 K41 I it >4 C.] ri . o to ,-; ,, FORM L58 Statutory Warranty Deed ','HE GRANTORS C, la. i . L. . i.IFF and V...i-111.'. 11.::,.. kt.•NNIFF, his aic"e, for and in consideration of Ten •0o114.'rs (?LO.UO) clnd other &OW end V ki Waal! Me=1'ier. a.i-ai in hand paid, conveys and warrants to the CITY '.4' 1'1‘..'61-al, a municipal cotpoac',tion of the sect-Jed cl-ss under the Iowa o. the :itz-ts of �ictehinT,ton the following described real estate, situated in the County of King , State of Washington: h,:.t portion of oovsrnetent Lot 6 in •-,ectictt 16, Township 23 t;orth, Lange 5 W. st .F . ded^r1bed as r allows 4:1 in, 1t-►,. at too ct:Aat: Northerly cor,ier of Lot 12 in block 4 of ka1:lewood uiv. t,o, 2, . ..3 ,1F.Y F=l. t recoxdee. if. k'o1us 39 •..:it: : is+''ts :xi phw 39, records of 1..in ,:ounty, c..id r.anctinf,, thence iNorth 70'336'07" Last 180.94 feet; thence aowth 45°14'20" Last 210 feet, more s r tees, to the hortts+estsrly line of the Defense Plant `orpar- ation ri ht of wry; thence Soutb 52'02'30" peat 170 feet, more or less, to the most masterly corner of Lot 15 in flock 4 of said Maplewood Div. No. 2; thence }lorthwesterly ow • curve to the let cicagthr.1 t ortheastsrly margin of Lots 15, 14, 13 and 12 in said ilbck 4, 267.20 feet to the point of beginning; situate in City of kentr n, County of Ling, t•ts of Washington , and any port ion under which them is an existing water main. Tocether with all easements, permits and ruts for water mains and latsrcls located within Maplewood Division al and Saplewood Division #2, as rewarded in Volume 39 of ante, page 24 Lind Volume 39 of t latM, page 39 ,e3peet.ive1::, ,.tother with roll ri;c;ht, title and inters t of Grcntor in and to thet certain k.esement for meter mein to the Tank site property hereinabove conveyed extendinCover , on, unto and across Lot 13, Moak 4, Maplewood L'ivision i2, records of Kini; Count!! '1.141tor's Office, t-in County, Washington. . Dated this day of September, 1959. ---- — - -- (SEAL) • f ----- ----- ---------- -- (sEAL) STATE OF WASHINGTON, KM: +ss. County of , On this day personally appeared before me C-" 1 tis• tir+i 1FIr rrxi 11:-R:ti: 1l•r.t.c. 3. t :I e', :,f., •.'! ..tt to me known to be the individual* described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. . GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of septsadser, 1959. Notary Pubic in and for the State of Washington, residing at 't t11..°d . INTER-OFFICE MEMO Dam' February 1, 1962 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Re: Acquisition of park property fromlPirst Investment Company and President Park To: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Development Co. Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent Message: Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find Washington Title Insurance Policy B-659432 concerning the properties purchased from First Investment Company and President Park Development Company. Thgstdocuments should be kept by you in a safe place. GMS 1. Local improvement assessments, it any, .leviea by the uitywor xenon. 2 . Permanent easement and right of way over said premises and other property, granted to-Defense Plant Corporation, a corporation created under an Act of Congress by instrument dated September 15, 1943, recorded November 23, 194+3 under auditor's file No.43350228; and by instrument dated September 28, 194+3 recorded November 24, 194+3 under auditor's file No. 3350590, for the following purposes: To enter and to erect, maintain, repair, rebuild, operate and patrol one or more electric power transmission lines, and one or more tele- phone and/or telegraph lines, including the right to erect such poles and other transmission line structures, wires, cables and the appur- tenances necessary thereto; the further right to clear said right of way and keep the same clear of brush, timber, inflammable structures and fire hazards; and the right to remove dangerous trees, if any, located beyond the limits of said right of way. 3. Right of the public to- make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises in the reasonable original grading of streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. 4. Reservations and execptions contained in deed from Northern Pacific Railroad Company, recorded August 3, 1890 under auditor's file No. 48915 as amended by instrument recorded under auditor's file No. 4450143, substantially as follows: Execepting -and reserving unto the grantor, its successors and assigns, forever, all minerals, including coal and iron upon or in said lands, together with use of such of the surface as may be necessary for exploring for and mining or otherwise extracting and carrying away the same; but the grantor, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the present legal owners, or to their heirs, successors or assigns, the market value at the time mining operations are commenced of such portion of the surface as may be used for such operation, or injured thereby, including any improvements thereon. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location,boundary and area,which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession,not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights, claims, instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding the same becoming a lien. ' (End of Schedule B) CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS • 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days,after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured; as above provided,then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Frvery pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability/ shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate.. If a policy insuring•the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy,are merged herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms,condi- tions and limitations of this policy. • 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in•ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof,by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) .any person,or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate.as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the,recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein. Z W wo LL. 3 i( 1 ,m"i a I' ...doom.— II r1) I 1-7 i • . ... .,-,4,,; , rrVnnO CO a,. .-,,7,-..,--•,.. sir o ., G in -IF- = IL . _ ■ �f (1) A • 4 • • S 4' i Legal Beacr :ption for policy B-659432 (a) The north 165. 00 feet of the south 330.00 feet of the south- east quarter of the northeast quarter of section 9, township 23 north, range 5 east, W.M. , in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the east 30.00 feet thereof for road; and EXCEPT that portion thereof lying west of a line which is 50. 00 feet easterly of the westerly line. of the Bonneville Power Transmission Line Righ3 of Way Easement, on which portion a fulfillment deed has already been delivered. ,..,'(b) That portion of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 9, township 23 north, range 5 east, W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows : - Beginning at a point 330.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence west 660. 00 feet; thence north 421.00 feet; thence east 360.00 feet; thence south 102. 00 feet; thence east 300. 00 feet; thence south 50. 00 feet; thence west 300. 00 feet; thence south 100.00 feet; thence east 300.001.1 feet; thence south 169. 00 feet to the point of beginning, EXCEPT thAt portion thereof lying within the east 30.00 feet of said subdivision. (c) Unplatted tract "B" and that portion of unplatted tract "A" lying southerly of a line parallel with and 421. 0 feet northerly of the south line of said unplatted tract "B" as delineated on Albert Batch's President Park No. 10 as recorded in volume 61 of plats, page 30, in King County, Washington. me SCHEDULE A NO. B-6592 32 AMOUNT $ 18,920.00 DATE January 22, 1962 at 8: 30 a.m. PREMIUM $ 103.50 1. INSURED City of Renton, a municipal corporation. 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE,LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN The named insured. 3. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate. 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED As hereto attached. SCHEDULE B , ~� DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE WASHINGTON TITLE INSU i'ANCE COMPANY 719 Second Avenue Seattle 4, Washington hereinafter called the Company, a Washington corporation, for valuable considera- tion, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule. A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in,! or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or ` I 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at'the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- -, cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, ien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, • but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By //JIB A .• , A/•� President . 1 1 Attest: 11111 ' � . Assistant Secreta q� ,oft' a-�✓' � % C ✓ �F.ti JJ • CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY February 13, 1962 Mrs. Helmie Nelson City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Williams - City of Renton Real Estate Transaction Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find original of Title Insurance Policy No. 256155 re the above captioned transaction. We suggest ou keep said document in a safe place. Very truly yours, HAUGAN, SHELIAN'/ By Gerard M. Shellan 1 City Attorney GMS:nd , Encl. • • SCHEDULE A NO. February 5, 1962 at 8:30 A.M. AMOUNT $ 3,000.00 DATE PREMIUM $ 31. 50 1. INSURED CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation. 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE,LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN The named insured 3. ESTATE,LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED The North 100 feet of the South 599 feet of the East 300 feet of the Southeast 3/4 of the Northeast . of Section 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. ( .as measured along the East line of said subdivision ) EXCEPT County road AND LESS all coal and minerals and the right to explore for and mine the same; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. SCHEDULE B DEFECTS, LIEN , ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS r • WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 705 Third Avenue Seattle 4, Washington hereinafter called the Company, a Washington corporation, for valuable considera- tion, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and.4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or . 3. Any defect in the execution of any,instrument shown in item'.,3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract • respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident,to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy'to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. ' • PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • By ./.6,44.ezi e President Attest: �� ~ Assistant Secretary 1. General taxes tor 1VbZ in the sum of ALL.Si5, payable . February 15, , 1962. 2. Local improvement assessments, if any, levied by municipality of Renton. 3. Reservations contained in deed from the Northern Pacific Railroad Company and Central Trust Company of New York, Trustee, to John F. Clark dated December 4, 1889, under Auditor ' s File No. 48915, and recorded in Volume 89 of Deeds , page 538, as follows: Reserving and excepting from said described premises so much and such parts thereof as are or may be mineral lands or contain coal or iron, and also the use and the right and title to the use of such surface ground as may be necessary for mining operations and the right of access to such reserved and excepted mineral lands including lands containing coal or iron, for the purpose of exploring, developing and working the same. Said reservations were amended by agreement dated May 5, 1954, filed May 28, . 1954, under Auditor' s File No. 4450143, as follows: Excepting and reserving unto the grantor, its successors and assigns forever, all minerals, including coal and iron upon or in said lands, TOGETHER WITH use of such of the surface as may be necessary for exploring for and mining or . otherwise extracting and carrying away the same, but the grantor, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the present legal owners , to their heirs , successors or assigns, the market value at the time mining operations are commenced of such portion of the surface as may used for such operations, or injured thereby including any improvements thereon. 4. Reservation contained in deed from the State of Washington recorded under Auditor 's File No. 5362604 reserving to the grantor all oil, gases, coal, ores, minerals, fossils, etc. , and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same and providing that such rights shall not be exercised until provision has been made for full payment of all damages sustained by reason of such entry. 5. Right of State of Washington or its successors , subject to payment of compensation therefor, to acquire rights of way for private railroads, skid roads, flumes, canals, water courses or other easements for transporting and moving timber, stone, minerals and other products from this and other property as reserved in instruments recorded under Auditor's File No. 4885374 and 5362604. xfp GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location,boundary and area,which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession,or claiming to be in possession,not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service,installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights, claims, instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding the same becoming a lien. (End of Schedule B) R-1 CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the inured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest,lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of.costs incurred by the Company •as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by.the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured ands costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued,'and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the-Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall'be proportionate. Whenever the Company.shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this, policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of'the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided--in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the'provisions of this policy. Any'other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms,condi- tions and limitations of'this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b)' "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- . edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof,by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home'office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein. "111,?V1nU1,Cral tVPfiMflnIIIKTI utWMI,. . $(4.9 iAUffiTACH ttliVA nIIAMIXI ITIVICTANCIMAIMMICT1'rrfl/NrMIAIWN'rXAO(i;xiHg9UlsTMIY!rtHfhftlAunfCrXl4:resM1;RAnIDIIRWInN,MININ TOCIO/1,:i IALT AMIKiRSnIU irrAkerixasItiLlK x +'. ❑ZZa 7. Q to IN i.'`-=, " Q i 4 w En a w m� Z L. ❑ w I 1' . . . , ,, _. in 02 ,1 ,\,, fr.,. ,,. ,, . LiA6t1HRJiU ra..\LLWLyy/leNirar_]4totv.iminauuma1weAsAroe.A.a iVJyYfminmo1WlaWmormriaLIARllUkl4Villmor-JLLQINtNY1.1L7nlRi.�4hunimIZIIPm1.a46UiQ5YbJRlln ourtatiomiilecou11walf{ruou itiminxi Mmakii.i110LL}YRWwgmaMM.laitAUNfN7 n W+M•Wd • --9Arzsc /9 . ar i vyzFo_ yi.c, ri?2,74 �O a7fi'b'7 , S'c!/ 7/7ty_ AFFIDAVIT -and REAL ESTATE SALE$-'TAXX REC'EIP ' • As STATE OF WASHINGTON, • PURSUANT TO COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S RESOLUTION No `. - S,. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ` COUNTY OF KING ' This Becomes Your Receipt When Stamped Paid by ���t /1/ I. County Treasurer. Payment Must Be Made by Cash or f , being first duly sworri,,on Certified Check. oath deposes and says: That he is familiar with all the details of this transaction -rind that he is 24uiz'l+fi heap Ctex3k f ar the authorized agent of the buyer S rac.(cross A. A. TREMPER, County Treasurer out part not applicable). SELLING SALES t That the following information,relative to the sale of real estate is true and correct. PRICE TAX Seller's Name Laving R. Bennett, a widow; aka Lavine biah Benriet21,500 04 Nil Address -310 Pelly Street, Renton, Washington , Buyer's Name City of Renton, a muniaei-pa1 corporation,- - PENALTY •\ - p �'�� Address City_ l-a11,""Renton,_ Washington TOTAL ZNJ 2 .\) Nil • al Date. of Instrumeri't t —1 6 4 Date of Delivery to Purchaser 1-1-_r6 c s 0 Q Natur'�of Instrument Statutory Warranty Deed % =�"` • o u Sale Price, Including Any Mortgage, Encumbrance, or Contract Balance__ Twenty__One___T'I]eisansi.._F_ire__}1un re-d__.and t1 a—'. Legal Description of Property. Conveyed no/1,40th& Doi tar_s__G` 21f_5_00..00a Lot 1, Block 151 Town of Renton as recorded in Vol.ume__1___o£__F7ats_,___Page_135, records of King County, Washington; except the__east__S___fee_t__dee_ded_£or__a7.1ey , recorded in Volume 3464 of Dee ds_,__im age___233_r__records___of__King__C nt-yT__Wa-sh-, .:, ,—r 4 •- Yezeiviil ak7y ..-/-uj Signature i ....0. -SUBSCBEDANDSWORNtobeforemethis -1. LJJ*-::; ;�;�+ ms` r 4 a....3 7th ; `, _ ' fln F` C day of January 9 64. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,residing'gt,_ r { . r-.j.,6a BOM 3-62 tLh wi F-y�Z.S,.____ 2. Agreement -entered into March 1, 1918, by and between Ben Atkinson and- the Chicago; Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R. Co. , whereby said Ben Atkinson has given an easement to construct in the street opposite the property herein described a steel bridge and for such purpose to occupy and use a portion of the adjoining parking strip, recorded March 30, 1918, under Auditor' s File No. 1202695 . xcar GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or oc- cupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights,claims,instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable;matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding the same becoming a lien. (End of Schedule B) • R-1 • . CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1..The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon'a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date ` hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein;,reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once.give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent,of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided.. A statement in writing of any,loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its home office within sixty days after such loss"or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect, thereto until thirty days"after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an'action shall have been commenced thereon within'one,year after the expiration'of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the'Company against a. named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. ' 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon.all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims - hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule, any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms, condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof,by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein. o = ::; --.3;ea e.,-- �a`-;--.tea =--io ci =.. 'o ,. Wit. 4..z<--t,R3. ;-&.4; zt}.,: •ob::a:=-fey ..w;;�- := -moo: "�y'7,0 v Z 0; 1 I Id1 In ,' e'er_ ' 0)er } ®alb Iv'ul w J o o/i Nal I41g L. Q 03 W 0 W ID 1 r=+� i II oCZ - Y ., IMIE L a N �r e r <ar=:F:'-� ...6 ..o�= io.. s...„.= oI.:. :_ s3'�:„:- ?. :' . oA= .: ._ :mot'—'o .. • • SCHEDULE A NO. 277046 AMOUNT $ 21,500.00 DATE January 13, 1964 at 8 :30 A.M. PREMIUM $ 114.75 1. INSURED THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN The named insured 3. ESTATE,LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate • 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED Lot 1 in Block 15 of Town of Renton, as per plat recorded in Volume 1 of plats, page 135, records of King County; EXCEPT the East 5 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Renton, for alley by deed recorded under Auditor' s File No. 4571646; situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. SCHEDULE B DEFECTS,LIENS,ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: SPECIAL. EXCEPTIONS • WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 705 Third Avenue Seattle 4, Washington hereinafter called the Company, a Washington corporation, for valuable considera- tion, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest'defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident.to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By ,/,(:::54.44..e.rAe President • Attest: Assistant Secretary ' 0 • pLw r OP 7-He.... TOWN D RENTON E AIS LAID OUT BY ..g,JYI,Sriuthe7.s;LB e edishazwicif:, ` a • 1875. Jere/e/Sett./o ua inch. - I\\ ,,'l/teeerrik_ Je/t/e 3oo" e 11``l\\ • 0 p`� \ j1 A-� 1�\. �` _ ^ "0� .11 s se MIEN 0 a • • .s \� ; \.Qc-a' `'.' 1 Ye 20 17.2. 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TO: Washington State highway Department 6431 Corson Avenue South' Seattle, Washington' '98108' Attention , Lucille Angell I • Certificate' •: The following information affects'the title to the property covered by our pAgl but is not intended to represent a complete report to dates General taxes for . the year 1965, 'in the original amount;,:of '' $31,949 . 23 , on the following: All that portion oe the northwest quarter of theCo /� , quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 5 lL.W.M. , ' . • lying west of Goliunbia and Puget Sound Railway right 'of'" way, less north 200 foot easement for City of Seattle u transmission line, less portion lying southerly of a line beginning on the easterly, line of Pacific Coast Railroad right of 'way at a point , 333,.07 feet northwesterly of south ,. line of Government Lot' l and bearing north 89°52 ' east. (Carried on ,tax roll as • operating property) ,'' • Dated as of the 2 0 th day of 1 ,19 6 5,at 8 0 0 A.M. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION I CERTIFICATE V Refer to Order' No, " 19681:) Sheet P . S .I-1. No. 1 - ' R. L .. 4 P . S,,11 , 'No. 2 , R . E .,. '.Department of Highways . ' . North Renton Interchange Olympia, Washington C .S . 1713 L-2882 , C .S . 1744 L- 2'885' For the purpose of determination of necessary 'parties defendant in a suit, to condemn.' the 'following described property, this Company'certifies fr.om..a search 'of the records,with respect to said property, as follows: , , , ' • . ' , .. . PROPERTY situate in the County of King,, State' of Washington " . SEE •SECOND' PAGE 'Or CERTIPICATL . , , • , • . ./,:: , RECORD 0 ER: I. ,'/_'. WN f • PACIFIC : COAST ,RAILROAD COMPANY',,; a Washington corporation. ':`_'( ENCUMBRANCES. , : ''',1..: General taxes for the 'year .1964,• in the original . amou'nt, of $110 .81 , on ' ; Tax Lot No". 49. General taxes for the ,year 1964 , , in ' th'e original, amount 'of $ 1890 , 58 On Tax Lot NC'. 10 . . General taxes for the year ' 1964 ,. in ' the ' original amount of $259 , 92.: on �';;, Tax Lot No. 106 . ,, 2.. ,Special assessments , if any, 'levied) by. the .C'ity. ,of Renton. ' `; 3. Easement ; for. 'electric transmission• :line over and across a portion-of said `:i '/ premises ;'within Government Lot 1 of 'said Section 8 , as ' granted to Puget ''',: Sound Pow,er '',I4 'Light 'Company,. a Massachusetts corporation, by 'instri.}ment ', recorded ' January : 2 , 1929 ,'. in Volume 1419 of Deeds , page '3:22 , ''under;',Audi:; :' tor ' s ,'ri;le- 'No. '. 25.09416 , , (CONTINUED) . ''' •, REMARKS ; • Pacific Coast R,.R .Co. ;,(vendee' • ;_ C/o' R,' M . Boyd (a.), Address .of record (., ,.or , Great Northern Building � �' (owner XX ' ' ` 4'04 'Union Str,eet ,, :Seattle 1 ; Washington ' . 'i. (b) I=Consideration $ , ' ) (1 _Contrac,t) • , (,vendee ;, 1ReveLLue' (State ) $ , ' ) i ,(. ,) record or ' •: (Federal), $ ) (l'' deed ' )' ,(owner : (c) Records. eXamined to April .'27 ,: 1964 , , ' , 00 o'clock A.M. . at 8: . '. It is unde'rsto'od ,that such abstracters liability as may exist, for errors and omissions • in: the prepar.at'i,on,,'of this 'statement; shall ',in no event ,exceed, the sum of $500.,00 ' , '1 ' ' • . . I i 'FIDELITY TITL'E.COMPANY• I ' . By W� de Charge' $'25 00' `{' . i (-?-- ' .. :.' `.,. '. 'Assistant Secretary , . y rI r/ ` Ord'er. No;I 196819 ' I ' 'CER IFI E ' ;: ' r: PROPERTY : r / Tha,t portion of Government Lot 1 and the northwest quarter ' of the: "north- er9,st quarter, of Section, 8, , Township 23 North,' Range 5 East W.'�i;'A'•\ in ''King `', 'County, 'Washington, lying easterly of Lake Washington ' Boulevard. arid `;; .:':westerly,.' of the Puget Sound , Power F, Light .Company' s Transmission ;line ` .j Right of 'Way, I , EXCEPT that' oo'rtion convoyed' ',to'' the State of Washington for Secondary 1 State ' H .ghway' N'o .' 2-A (Renton to . Kennydale) AND ,EXCE,PT'' any portion of''the ' above;, described ' property, ' which liesr':'within the following' described parcels ' :PARCEL' "A'.' Ir p :', .That portion 'of northwest quarter (NW '1/4) ' of Section 8 , Townshi.p : 23' 'North, : 4. (k '': Range 5,' East 1v .M. LI , described as follows ;. Beginning , at the intersection ' of the south line of said northwest quarter (NW 1'/4)I with the easterly margin of 'Park Street, also known as,' Secondary ':: ' J:.;: State Highway No. 2-A (Lake Washington ' Boulevard) ; thence south `89i 28 ' 1.9, `- '.'it;,. ; east along said south , lino' 771.. 21 feet ; thence. north 0°31 ' 51" east '253 . 23 . ;;; 1 . feet to ''the' point 'of curvature of a curve' to the left of radius,' 850.feet;;. 14 . . 'the'nce.'northerly 'along said, curve '1274. 82, :feet to the point of . tangency;, :, `:thence :north' 17°59' 39" west ' 1484. 81 'feet' .tq' a'• point on a curve ' of- a curve to the' right , said point being on the southeasterly margin of ''Lak'e,, Washi - ng - =t=on Boulevard; thence southwesterly, said curve to the point. .of ;' : k :;' reverse, curvature' of a curve to the left from whence 'the center bears south ' c 49 °18 ' 19" '' 'east. 28,8 .'67. 'feet ; thence southerly along 'said curve 250 ,57 feet to 'the', point of tangency , said point of tangency being on the easterly WJ'.' :margin of "said, Park ' Street ; thence south 0°57 ' 41" west along said' 'easterly; ,`': margin '1581.30 feet. to the point ;of beginning. r r PARCEL "3" t '. :. Beginning' rat the northeast corner of Government Lot 1 , Section', 8 , Township 23 North, 'Range S East ,' W.M, , said point being the 'northwest corner of ' ' ,.:, ::, I the northeast quarter of said Section 8 ; ' thence' westerly along the north :' : ,, I. line of ,said Lot 1 a distance of 758 feet , moreor less , to a point 100 . feet distance easterly 'from, measured at right angles , from the center :r,Yline:, of Pacific Coast Railraod company,! s Lake , Washington' Branch;. thence i. southeasterly along a ' li,ne parallel With and 100 feet distance' from , '.' ;'; ',measured at right angles to , , the center line, of said railroad a':distance ': :.•,;:;: :'of 221 feet, more or' less', to a point 'distance '200, feet, southerly from', ,,• ,;' '' measured at -right , angles to; the ',north line Of said Lot 1 ; thence 'easterly.,- ; ,i;=.,, along a, line parallel , and ,200 feet distance from , 'measured at. right . . I angles ''to,' the north line ' of said Cot 1 , a 'distance of '694 feet, more or,; ;.;,':':,;;:•less, 'to,,,,the westerly margin of the 'right of way of the Pacific.''Coast 1 : .:'. Rai.lroa'd'"Company's .Newcastle Branch in the northwest quarter of the north- _;' .east ' quarter of said. Section 8 , 'said, right of way margin being. 25. ,feet .'' ".distance .westerly from , ' measured at right angles „to,' the center 'line of ";2'' .` ':.: said railroad branch ; thence northerly ' first tangent and then on a : curve :' to Pthe' ,left along, said westerly margin of ' said,, right of way a distance of . 2.01; :feet•,; :more or less , to an.' intersection with-the' north line of Section 8 as above:mentioned ; thence ,westerly along `said ' north line of Section 8,; ' ;I' - continued ' �• •Ij, .I. 4 i•,'n it I J; it ! Order No, 196819 CEFtTIIFICATE ' �`•` I I I fI a' distance'' of 16 feet 'More 'or less ,, to the point of beginning' ' • PARCEL "C" . I r I I. ; A. strip o land 60 feat in' width in the northivelst quarter of Section' 8 ' 'I' - .1'•ownsh'ip, 23 North , Range .5Eas•t', W,M. ,, deeded' to the, City cf Renton,. '` ►Vashington', a' municipal corporation, o'r ' street purposes , by deed) •�dated. ''"'' Dec'ember. .'20 ,. 1962 , under Auditor' s File ;N'o. ''.5'335459 , extending from `the north margin of Eighth Avenue North to. the ' southeasterly margin' 'of.' Lake' Washington Boulevard in ,said city, the 'Westerly margin, thereof be'ii''ig` described' a's follows : ;. Commencing at the • intersection , of the south line of .said northwest! quarter': :' °'.; with the' easterly margin of. Park . Street thence south. 89°28 ' 19'ti:, east ,along _I said south:line ' .77,1, 21 'foot to the, true point,; of beginning ; thence; north`', S1':' east 253. 23 feet to ,the point.;of 'curvature of a curve ,to,,the ,;left of 'radius ' 850 feet ; thence.'' northerly oalong.��said curve, 27'4; 82,' feet to the :p, li'ont of! t c'e,,tangency ;, then north 17, 59, 39 west 1484 , 81 ,feet'. to the __s_ou-th�easterly, margin of''. Lake Washington Boulevard and the terminus`' of Said •access roa'd', . E'NCU;IBRANCES CONTINUED ; �' r i. 4,' Easement for road purposes over a strip'', of :land 15 feet in width, which. =.`. •;.'. lies easterly of, and parallel to Pacific Coast Railroad Company' s ,Lake .;. Washington Branch in Government Lot, 1 , of, said Section 8 , granted .by strument dated May, 20 ,, 1949 , in,,Volume ,2,846 of Deeds , page 4 , under' tor' s File No, 3905471 ,' Easement, to construct , maintain and operate a culvert drain underground across that portion of the Railway Company' s ''.100 feet right . of 'way, for Belt-Line. in Government Lot 1 of said ,Section . 8 , Townshilp 23 North,'' ;Range 5 ;East , W.M. , as 'granted to the. 'State of Washington, by ,in,strument. dated June`. 27 , 1951 , recorded August 7 , 1951 , under Auditor' s File`"No , 4159369 . i 6,.'a;Easement ' for a' sanitary sewer line , which lies . in Government Lot 1 ',of Section'' 84. granted , to:' the'' Municipality of Metropolitan '•Seattle,': a' : d munici'pa1''`'corporatio.n of , the State of Washington (herei,n called,,, ,"Metro'") by" inst'r;ument dated December, 9 , , 1963', recorded .December 30 , 1963, under •Auditor', s `File No, 5,681392, + Re l'inquishment; of. right 'of access .to State Highway and of .light , under terms '.9f deed' to the ' State of : Washington, recorded October:;' 1956 , under :Auditor' s File No,• 4746681, 1. right in and to the waters of Lake Washington not exceeding 150 cubic; feet. Per: second, under a certificate. 'of, water 'rights issued : June '28 , 1930 , uy ,Charles J, ' Bort,hout , State'. Supervisor of Hydraulics to '::Fuget; :;.:Sound ';13,owe:r & Light Co . , recorded June 30 , 1930 ,' 'in Volume 2 of•'`wate'r , rights °'' '' ag'e 1087 , under' Auditor''s .File No, 261455.3, i:. i .r continued • Order •'No;'.',196819 I CERTIFICATE i a'ge ..,. :'4':- , I . °:'9 ., 'iZeserv,'atioin ns contained deed from Pacific Coast R . R . Co . , a 1 • Ivashingto.n . corporation,, 1recorded 'May 27 ,, 194,91, under Auditor' s File No . 3905470 , • as follows, '' :.,. Grantor reserves unto itsel,f',' its successors ,and asigns , the right to mine and, remove, all coal , , oil .and other 'mine'rals underlying the surfa•co `of said ''described real estate , • , , ., REMARKS: ' I ,. ' There have been no recorded transfers' or sales of . the property described' in : the above certificate within a five year period. prior to the date hereof.. •' '' •, •'I ' it ,• ' `_ I • . ,' ' I . F10:r n I , 1 ' I I • ' ,I • • • • • • • 1 I I .1 I r CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Gerard M.Shellan, City Attorney Arthur L. Haugan,Ass't.City Attorney March 12, 1965 Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Acquisition of Kennydale Park Property Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find original of Puget Sound Title Insurance Company policy No. 284245 regarding the above captioned park acquisition by the City of Renton. We suggest that you keep said document in a safe place. We remain, You very truly, UGAN & SHELLAN / Ger.rd M. Shellan C'ty Attorney GMS:mr cc-Mayor Park Superintendent CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any,loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the company at its home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms, condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof,by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein. =a=-::rA:.�a-.tom- - _ _.,:.: -.%,a.. cx_..m. 1., .. I - j z fin' ul hi y1j'All � c� m;1 Ef I w m w, f ❑ F SCHEDULE A vo. 284245 AMOUNT $ 4,000.00 )ATE March 8, 1965 at 8 :30 A.M. PREMIUM $ 36.00 1. INSURED CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN the named insured. 3. ESTATE,LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate. 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED Tract 241 of C. D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, as per plat recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, on page 82, records of King County; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within the right-of-way of City of Seattle Electric Transmission line; AND EXCEPT the North 150 feet of the above mentioned Tract 241; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. SCHEDULE B DEFECTS,LIENS;ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT-INSURE: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS' WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 705 Third Avenue Seattle 4, Washington hereinafter called the Company, a Washington corporation, for valuable considera- tion, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect. in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident.to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By 44.terre• President • Attest: Assistant Secretary FORM aO-aP ? • Drawn by % Checked Date Plat VoL PG. Order No`, r .. /_ - At SKETCH OF PROPERTY SET UT IN ATTACHED ORDER To assist in locating the premises. It is not based on a survey, and the company assumes no liability for variations, ' any, in dimensions and location. VA4- A T^ r. 4 v 6 v 4, k_f.� 1 R'r i +Fj 1 t • t • J-- Note—This map does not purport to show all hiehways, roads or easements affecting thy. nrnne.rty 7°-"btrre-74-1A4. ,P9i/A/r - .Chrfrir 4or e7r,r; 1"""s ifi4V v •10 r evrrfe __ �'�-•.-•W� 9tvn Land Title Assouation at' `'- 5. -.. i, e. - _� Pf_yminary Commitment Farm TI - .- Washington Title Insurance Company - _ 4 HOME OFFICE t " 719-2ND AVENUE • SEATTLE.WASH.98104 • TEL. MU 2-6600 PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT, FOR TITLE INSURANCE No. B-766618 . --'--- - _ ,--`:-.-..Unit;.�16 , _ ._ . A consolidated statement of all To: City Of '..Rent On charges and advances in connection City'Hall =. Cedar River ;Park with this order will be provided Renton, Washington • . • at dosing. ,• • ' • (RE: City of Renton Date: April 15, 1965 at 8:00 a.m. Amount Premium 4% Tax ( - ) Owner's standard coverage . .' (x) Purchaser's standard coverage $16,000.00 $90,00 $3.60 ( ) Mortgagee's standard coverage - ( ) Mortgagee's ATA coverage WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE.COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of any appropriate documents, its policy or Policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on this preliminary commitment that title to the property described herein is vested on the date shown above in • THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . . subject only to the exceptions shown,herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. . : This report and commitment shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the coverage specified herein. . By i r_,o C..E.7j i s- -•�.-+--1 -- DESCRIPTION: 1 risfanf Secretary Lot 17, block 6, ' Renton Highlands, according to plat recordedAn volume 46 of plats, pages,. 34 to 41, in King County, Washington. , \ .. EXCEPTIONS: 1. =• General taxes for 1965 are carried as exempt on the 1965 'tax roll. 2. Lien of real estate, excise sales tax upon any sale of -said 'premises, if unpaid. ' 3. . Restrictions •in Plat Reservation and in Declaration of Protective . Restrictions dated May 2, 1949, executed by United States of America, ' recorded May '10, 1949, under auditor's file No. 3900127, as. ,hereto attached, ,. • . , 4. Right ' of, the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises in the reasonable original grading of all streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. • ��';,:`0Dedication of said premises to the City of Renton for public use for fire station' purposes by instrument executed by the United States, of . America, recorded January 25, 1957' under auditor's file. No:. '4766924. . _ KL/jsh - . NOTE:Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service,installation, maintenance,or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. Auditor's File 'N.o. 3900127 ® RENTON HIGHLANDS Ail lots in the tract shall be known and designated as residential lots, except lots 18 through 24 in block 6. On any such residential lot no structure shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain for other than residential use, and no dwelling shall exceed two stories in height, and no private garage shall be built to accommodate more than one car for each dwelling unit. No structures shall be erected, altered or placed on any residential building lot after the date of this instrument nearer to the front lot line or nearer to the side street line than the structures presently located upon the said plots; nor nearer to the side lot line than 6 feet, except for garages located back of rear dwell- ing wall. No residential lot, as shown on the recorded plat, shall be further subdivided. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be,or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any structure of temporary character be used as a residence. Exclusive of open porches and garages, the ground floor area of no dwelling unit shall be less than 500 square feet in the case of one story structure or less than 6b0 square feet in the case of one and one-half and two story structures. These covenants are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1970; at which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 years unless by vote of a majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed to change said covenants in whole or in part. - If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning any real property situate in said development or subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenant and either to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation. Invalidation of any one of these Covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in.full force and effect. RENTON HIGHLANDS (Plat Reservation) tics ervations contained in the dedication of the plat of Renton Highlands, substanti�ily as follows: All uranium, thorium, and all other materials determined pursuant to section 5 (b) (1) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (60 Sta't. 761) to be peculiarly essential to the production of fissionable material, con- tained in whatever concentration, in deposits in the lands covered by this instrument are hereby reserved for the use of the United States, together with the right of the United States, through its authorized agents or representatives at any time to enter upon the land and prospect for, mine and remove the same, making just compensation for any damage or injury occasioned thereby. However, such land may be used, and any rights otherwise acquired by this disposition may be exercised, as if no reservation of such material has been made. except that, when such use results in the extraction of any such material from the land in quantities which may not be transferred or delivered without a license under the Atomic Energy Act of 1946. as it now exists or may hereafter be amended, such material shall be the property of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and the Commission may require del"very of such material to it by any possessor thereof after such material has been separated as such from the ores in which it was contained. If the commission requires the delivery of such material to it, it shall pay to the person mining or extracting the same, or to such other person as the Commission determines to be entitled thereto, such sums, including profits as the Commission deems fair and reasonable for the discovery, mining, developroknt, production, extraction, and other services performed with respect to such material prior to such delivery, but such payment shall not include any amount on account of the value of such material before removal from its.place of deposit in nature. If the Commission does not require delivery of such material to it, the reservation hereby made shall be of no • further force or effect. • �� _ 1 7 V n `..4A ���� - ir �22 6)t9.N.As pm.ST.�-- /VPO1•E. 277Z..72: _- 2� imiLc 60.7 17.7 42.5 $e 60.0 60.0 60. �• 250.0 / il 61.9Z�g•v 2 0 • 3i n!.215.61 t. m , 0 L m 0 0 03 0 ti 23 ,0 22 21 ; , 20 $ • Is $* 19 o 8400 8400 _ FIRE 3TATI0PI V®' 7157 =' 7897 8400 8400 34221 • „ 1 z z c.. �N so. CA;,-, 1 60.0 60.0 60.0 0 60.0 60.0 i • 234.88' 5 /'0,.4"W �° Ir j N.I'01'16'E. ALLEY. 140.0 t$. 60.o 60.0 O.o 60.0 60.0 } 60.0 60.0 m 108.15 1 8 ,p 3 I ;i 262 • . b - n n m v a / 9 4 9 v ^ to r 11 '.I 12 13 14 15 hi v 16 N 132.3 R 0 - 7540. ' 6946 '" 6946' h - 6946 ...,'0 , 6946 h - 6946 . h - 6946 -® (0680 °' "?/ �'I Z 1° 56'-O"E .. 4, ' • / } co /// I 3 7c. / . it '341 r- 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 76.8 / pf 117.0 b.0 6 i / SS 4t 2 ' P! 29'16'E. i� �•N• T.64.5' . G PLACE N.O.57 45"E. /// MMit 3 455.62 Day �1. 1• UNIMPROVED 4 Io .../ bq5 2g.5 83.0' �' 58.0 60.0 63.0 60.0 ^/- 86.03 �ti T E °mi % • ^� 1s ,&34 . A . /00 32206 •1 • T.• Q • SOS N $• 65.3 - i3.f 72.0 72.8 £ n te. ,f. O 0 17 .R 40,90. F. 3p ry 5555 a Al, fj 2 so'0 .,4 / m o a,, ro h 0 • 53 0 0 0 / 3600 e V W 8O/ CL,/ /o So' f6 Q ,r N.ie.'./ 734/ 7/65 o•' /6.12 5i. 5520 0 �/ o p �•' !i ti S/ 39 0 j,4,. / Q lg. o rn n �z. AI w� 7 Q 7 .0 �� 7 0 , 0 �; J4 S 2 ^ f 1.0•97'45 e. N•o•57'as'a.. 58001 h a y $' 4s9 iA A 473/ m N lOa a Is ,� • Sirs. ,,, 46 II h 2 4.31.04•M r n 1 .sit.... 0 w \6423 ama's®•F • t0 1 94n ir 71'o a N ao 0 5?�,IY.1•ob'N • O M . 0 5903 ; so' n.l0. 1 \ 484 za' n �e'az I o \ \•. .3l 72.7 72.0 • 82.4 I .1 1 0 /A /Lc? V.7 ..,..: Wasiiggta^,Lary Title Association Preliminary Commitment Form 7, Washington Title Insurance Company : , HOME OFFICE 719-2ND AVENUE • SEATTLE,WASH. 9610,1 • TEL. MU 2-6600 . • PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE • • -19 Attn: City Engineer, Mr, Jack Wilson 9 • • /40'. B-766619 . i (Re: City of Renton) A consolidated statement of all To: City of Renton — City Hall charges and advances in connection Cedar River Park, with this order will be provided X • Seattle, Washington at closing. Date: April 20, 1965, at 8:00 a.m. Amount Premium ` 4% Tax . ( ) Owner's standard coverage . . (X) Purchaser's standard coverage ' $55,000,00 ' $234,00 $9,36 ( ) Mortgagee's standard coverage ( ) Mortgagee's ATA coverage . • • WASHINGTON'TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of any appropriate documents, its policy or.policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on this preliminary commitment that title to the property described herein • is vested on the date shown above in Or OF RENTON° ° . a Municipal corporation, subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form, This report and commitment shall have no force or effect except as a basir for the coverage specified herein, r c:.. .,. Mj � + f 11 r? DESCRIPTI®IV: /r Asrista Secretary A portion 'of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 4' 7, township 23 north, range 5 east, W,M. , in King ,County, Washington, I:.4 lying easterly of Commercial Waterway District No, 2 right-of-way and westerly of Logan Street North Extension as deeded to the State of Washington, . by deed recorded under auditor' s file No, 3261297, described as follows Beginning at the south margin of 6th Avenue North and the west margin of Logan. Street North; thence north 89°34'11" west along the south margin of 6th Avenue North, 674,91 feet to the most northerly and westerly corner .of a tract conveyed to The Boeing Company, by deed recorded under . • auditor' s file No, 5701683, and the true point of beginning;. thence continuing north 89°34' 11" west, along said south margin, 441,54 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Commercial Waterway District No, 2, as condemned in King County Superior Court Cause No, 211409; thence south 12°47 '42" east, along said right-of-way line, 328,72 feet to the intersection with a line parallel with and 320,00 feet south"of," . measured at right angles to, the south margin of 6th Avenue North; thence ..south 89°34'1111 east along said parallel line, 366,34 feet; thence north O'25'49" east 320,00 feet to the true point of beginning. . , EXCEPTIONS: ' 1. General taxes for 1965 are carried as exempt on the tax ro116. NOTE:-The-forthcoming sale must be authorized- by the CitCouncil of .. the City of Renton, according to the Statute, . HCl tv . PS: Please furnish us with the name of the incoming purchaser. NOM Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service, installation, maintenance,or construction charges for sewer, wryer or eleriricijy, 7 FORM O-9; "dl4i. .. • - • -` • •.e SHIN'GTON•TITLE• INSURANCE COMPANY y.', 719 SECOND AVENUE _ MUTUAL2-6600 _ .SEATTLE'4,WABII INC,TON ra 24 196• • (- City.;' '' Fenton :,.Rent on-, Washington 980515 •f` .t r' _ • :.' Your -Identificatio.n ' • Our "Number '•' Loan/Escrow No'. or. Purchaser/Owner: Amount 1�.9/65 75 898 CitYt of Renton/ /29/65 757102 C�Lty `of' Renton,/ ¢ 6�.92 it TOTAL- 97, ,76" NW- SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Your Loan No. • Our Order No. B-755898 (( - (Mortgagor) To: Jack Wilson, City Engineer (Purchaser) ( -City of Renton) City of Renton Renton, Washington There has been no change in the title to the property covered by our preliminary report since April 15, , 19 , at 8 A.M., EXCEPT as checked below: ❑ Mortgage ❑ Assignment of Mortgage ❑ Satisfaction of Mortgage ❑ Deed ❑ 1. Changed to purchaser form policy for $9,000. 00 insuring City of Renton. 2. Lien of real estate excise sales tax upon any sale of said premises, if unpaid. 3 . Delinquent general taxes for 1962 , 1963 and 1964 in the respective sums of $5517 , $64 .48 , and $473 .29 plus interest. General taxes for 1965 in the sum o.f $470. 57 , FORM a•7 '' ';i=- . ' ' _.., WASIIINGTON TITLP:'INSURANCE COMPANY ' - 719 SECOND AVENUE : . . MUTUAL 2-6600 .. SEATTLE �,WASHIN(,TON May 24, • 1965 • • • • • City -oC Renton - . ' Renton; Washington 98055. Your Identification : Our Number • Loan/Escrow No . 'or Purchaser/Owner • Amount' , . , • /29/65 :• P 755898. City of Renton%' : ., ?.''•r2..m..f....4_:'„_. ' • '34'-84 • . "29,/65 7571.02' City of Renton/ `,:_ 62,92 K TOTAL, , 97.7E `t. • ., , WASIHINGTON TITLE IN6TTRANCE COMPANY 719 SECOND AVENUE - - SEATTLE �,WABIIINGTON ' • May 24, 1965 .,• . • City of Renton ' Renton, Washington 98055 • . - ' Your Identification Our Number Loan/Escrow No. or Purchaser/Owner - ' ,'Amount '- , /29/65 75.5898 : City , of Renton/ . . :....:t.s...(- '� : ._34 82-�:, /29/65 '757102 City of Renton/ " .�r ja: ', 62.92 • .. .'.TOTAL .97:76 FORM O 7 vsJ: .-,. .;.- , ' WASHINGTON TITLE. INSURANCE COMPANY ' 7(9 SECOND AVENUE • .MUTUAL 2-6600' - SEA.TTLE 4,.VASkIINC:TON ' Tlay 21�, 1�?65 � . "" City of:Renton Rentona. 1Ja �h`� zgton 98055 • •• • . . • ; , . , , • Your Identification ' - .. Our' Number' ' Loan/Escrow No . or Purchaser/Owner Amount •entoni/ Ia' :H-J s.-----, 3,1 :8). ' / /65 755898 City of `!� �r> c�� /29/C5., ..757102 ; CAtvT o,f Renton/ /r:,.,, t. . , ��. . , :_.. . ' T0T JI 97•'7 .ij '''' xr - l' i ] _' Washington land Title Association W. �',' l 1 w - Vrelint•nmy Commitment Form a' • T 31 . Washington Title Insurance .Company , HOME OFFICE 719-2ND AVENUE • SEATTLE,WASH:98104 • TEL. NlU 2-6600 • PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE N0, - B-770190 (Re: O 'Neill-City of Renton) Unit 20 A consolidated statement of all To:. Haugan & Shellan charges and advances in connection . Attorneys at Law , • with this order will be provided - . 100 Second Avenue at closing. Renton, Washington Date: June . 2 , 1965 at 8 :0 0 a.m. Amount Premium 4 2%'.Tax (x) Owner's standard coverage $9 ,0 0 0 .0 0 58 .50 $2 .4 6 ( ) Purchaser's standard coverage ( ) Mortgagee's standard coverage ' ( )•Mortgagee's ATA,coverage .. WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of any appropriate documents, its policy . or policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on this preliminary commitment that title to the property described herein .'is vested on the date shown above in - STDNEY V. O'NEILL' and HYLDA O'NEILL,. who is identical with Hilda N. O'Neill, his wife,. subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. ' This report and commitment shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the coverage specified herein. By�•.)\ r' :. ' ::DESCRIPTION: nt Secretary . . :Lot 2 , EXCEPT 'the north 5 feet 1.. block -2 , Town of Renton, according•• .L.' l .i: ... .. .7 rl4 1 •I V ici1. . ,.Vi-6.t�41 J-14 vw.Luill. A. v.. ---- .. - . .J iTi VZ-6 -��,_ +y 4� k' i% s 2'•'h� a --cam � �' Washington. - EXCEPTIONS ' ' 1n" . Delinquent. general taxes. for 1962 , 1963, 1964 and 1965 in the res- ' .-pec .ve sums of $55..17, $64.48 , $68. 11 and $67.72 plus interest on . said premises . - . 2B• .Lien•'of.` real estate excise sales tax upon any sale of said premises;:. ' . ' ' i:f unpaid. 3 Assignment of contract in tie nature. of a mortgage dated June 24.,.; 1958 , executed 'by Sidney V. O'Neill and Hilda N. O'Neill, his wife, " '* . . to Citizens Federal Savings & Loan Association of Seattle, to secure .. ' .::...' ,payment of $109500 .00 and interest; recorded June 26 , 1958 , under - ' auditor's file No. 4915731. ' 'Duplicate of said instrument filed as a chattel mortgage under vault file No. 353.8404. ' . NH,:rs, . • i1' NOTE: Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service,installation, maintenance,or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. teidte. 4tiliz; Ohit& v 6 - 770170 N 1.7Vashington Title' Insurance Company, HOME OFFICE, `1 E,LATTt.,r WA:,t-1, ')filet 'PV ML.; SECOND ' "W E I TO, B-755889 CERTIFICATE 1 Unit 23 Jack Wilson, City 'Engineer Re: Civic Center Site City of Renton , Renton, Washington- Dear °Sir:: For the purpose of determination of necessary parties defendant in a suit; to condemn the following described property., this company certifies from, a search of the records with respect to said property as follows: PROPERTY East half ,of lots 11, . 12 and 13, block 2, Town of Renton, according' to plat recorded in volume 1 of plats, page 135, in King County, Wdashin;ton e RECORD OWNER CITY. 'OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation. ENCUMBRANCES " NONE. Liability of the company under this certificate is 'limited to the compensation received therefor. , Records examined to September '28, 1965 at 8:00a.m. Very truly yours, Assistant Secretary CHARGE: 10.00 . `-F a 2.% tax 0.42 ' 1-- Washington Title insurance Company HOME OFFICE 719-2ND AVENUE • SEATTLF:, WASH. 9H10,1 • TEL MU 2-6600 SECOND CERTIFICATE MIFEt To. B^755891 Unit 18 Re : Civic Center Site Jack Wilson, City Engineer City of .Renton Renton, Washington Attention: R.: L, Houk Dear Sir: For the purpose of determination of necessary parties defendant in a suit to condemn the following described property, this company certifies from a search of the records with respect to said property as follows: PROPERTY (a) That portion of the Henry H, 'Tobin Donation Claim No . 37 in township 23 north, range 5 east, W,M,, lying easterly of the easterly line of 'block 2, Town of Renton, according to plat recorded in volume 1 of plats, page 135, in King County, Washington, and the. northerly production thereof, northerly of northerly line of Houser Way, as deeded to the City of Renton, by deed recorded under auditor, s file No, 3069040, records of said county, and ' southwesterly of edge of bank of Cedar River, EXCEPT that portion of said premises, if any, lying within the right of way of Commercial Waterway No, 2, (b) , 'That portion of the bed and shore of Cedar River lying between the southwesterly edge of bank of said river and the thread of said stream., and lying northwesterly of Houser Way, as deeded to City of Renton, by deed recorded under auditors file No . 3069040, and south of the south line of block 1 of Town of Renton, according to plat recorded in volume 1 of plats, page 135, records of said county, , and the easterly production thereof; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within Commercial Waterway No . 2, and EXCEPT any portion thereof lying within Block 2 of said plat of Town of Renton, RECORD OWNER THE CITY OF SEATTLE, .a municipal corporation. ENCUMBRANCES 1, Right, title' and interest of State of Washington and/or Commercial Waterway District No , 2 of King County to the bed and shores of Cedar River, if said ri ver was a navigable . strewn,' NOTE: By decree entered July 3, 1956 in King County Superior Court Cause. No. 494024 all property and property rights of Commercial Waterway, District No, 2 of King County., Washington were distributed to the City of Renton as a result of dissolution of said district.' (Continued) /IF B-755891 Rage 2 2. . Right of the public in and to any portions of said premises lying within 2nd Avenue or the production thereof, for street and utility purposes. 3. Any question of boundary or location which may result from a shift of location of the thread or bank of Cedar River, 4, Reservations and restrictions contained in deed from The Seattle Electric Company, a Washington corporation, recorded May 31, 1905 under auditor7s file No . 340140, as follows : The grantor excepts and reserves all coal, clay, stone, oil and all minerals or mineral products thereunto belonging, with the right to mine, quarry and procure the same at any time hereafter; and the land aforesaid is sold on the condition that neither said grantee nor any one deriving title from or through him shall sell or keep for sale any spirituous, malt, vinous or other intoxicat- ing liquors or permit the same to be sold or kept for sale or keep or permit to be kept any house of prostitution upon the real estate herein described. Liability of the company under this certificate is limited to the compensation received therefor. Records examined to September 28, 1965 at 8: 00 a.m. Verb truly yours, /gal ! id-4a4C--__.---__..- Assistant Secretary HBD:hh C? �Q_/%dam B• 7S5 889 !' r.1`;I•• "" WASHINGTON LAND 11TIE ASSOC A110H `,a: 'RRI'[IMINARY'COMMITMENT FORM • Washington Title Insurance Company' = HOME OFFICE EATTLF..WASH. ,HH1O•I ,.• /19-?Nf� AVENUE S_ I It L.. MU 2-F",Ci(lO ,• ` s PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE •• • - ' l , ' Unit 16 . .. No. B-780857 ( Re: Sartori) A consolidated statement of all . I To: Haugan, Shellan �' Pain . charges and advances in connection :.,- . Attorneys at Law . ' with this order will be provided ' —2nd Avenue Building. ac closing. : `—Renton, Washington . Date: October 28 ; 1965 at 8 : 00 a.m. Amount Premium , . 4 . 2% Tax ". - (X ) Owner.'s standard coverage : , $1, 5 0 0 . 0 0 ' ' $.2 4 . 7 5 ' ' $1. 04 ' ..( )..Purchaser's:standard coverage _ _ '- - . . • . • . - ._. _. ( , ) Mortgagee's standard coverage ( ) Mortgagee's ALTA coverage • . , : , WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of any appropriate documents, its.policy`. , or policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on this preliminary commitment that title to the property described herein'.,. is vested on the date shown above in KATHERINE E. SARTORI, LAURA G. SARTORI and ERSILIA,' . M. SBARBORO, as Trustees under deed executed by Katherine E '. Sartori, , .. " et al, recorded December. 1 , 1943 , under auditor' s file No. ,3352094, and ,',. , deed executed by Horace B. Sartori , recorded April 19 1953 , under ' - " ' auditor' s file No. 4329700 , • with full power of sale and conveyance.._ ..,,' "., ' ' , subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form, , . • , • - This report and commitment shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the cover le specified herein. r` i ,gyp q ' . . D'FSCRIPTION:'. . - ' !Assist cretary ,. .' Any portion of government lot 4 of section' 17 townshi 23 north , ' ' range 5 east ,. W.M. - in King County, Washington, lying south of ' Cc mmerci.al Waterway No. 2 , and' west of a- line parallel with and'r.':.., . 100 feet west of the right of way: of Pacific Coast Railroad Company. : ; - • EXCEPTIONS . ` 1. ' Lien .of real estate excise sales tax uponany sale ,of said premises, if unpaid. .. . . . : . 2 . . - Right9. title and interest of State of Washington ' and/or Commercial.:.' Waterway District No. 2 of King, County to the bed and shores of Cedar '. : River, if said river was a navigable stream. r. . , NOTE: By decree entered ' July 3 , • 1956 ,' in King County Superior' . . Court Cause No. 494024 , all property and props-rty rights of Commercial Water District No. 2 of._ King County,, Washington' wer' ..,. ' r distributed to the City of Renton as a result of dissolution .of+ said district. ; 3. Any question of boundary or location' which may result from,. a , shift of location of .the thread or bank of. Cedar :River. ' 4. - We are unablel to determine from the public records whether or ' . • - not there- is in- 'fact 'any portion of the premises described in the : ' • . ". .,, . caption -hereof actually existing outside the bounds of premises 2 - ',.. :.: :::.,, . :.- ' . acquired by Commercial Waterway District No. 2. H. NOTE : General taxes for 1965. in the sum of $16 . 58 are paid in : , full on said premises. . . ' . - i'QTF:: Investigation should be male to determine:J"there are any service, instlsllation, maintenance,or construction chargei for sewer;1r'aler or ele;trn,)1), Ce) as SCHEDULE A NO. B-782427 AMOUNT $ 18,000.00 DATE December 3, 1965, at 8:30 a.m. PREMIUM $ 99.00 1. INSURED The City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation. 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN The named insured. 3. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate . 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED Lot 1 and the north 5 feet of lot 2, block 2, Town of Renton, according to plat recorded in volume 1 of plats, page 135, in King County, Washington. SCHEDULE B DEFECTS,LIENS,EN.CUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS • WASHI'NGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 719 Second Avenue Seattle 4, Washington hereinafter called the Company, a Washington corporation, for valuable considera- tion, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, `against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title.existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or . 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. - The total liability is'limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By • President Attest: {fi t a 1 Assistant Secretary - I - CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full.. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of'competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its; home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time;pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all (rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the'Company_does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of-a defect in the title to-a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms,condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof,by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein; (f) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. KjI Z a., 0 r 7 17 U :i.-'i.i:'®Win":'?"-:+_ j. 0 Z In f- rn 0 e• w <4. Z ° " (n J0 / S� 7f<ea`- .,e �1 l.. /.7 a' 7j is-l7/dh 7GGIA7/C/0 2 / d Yr . a a ' 1 r I INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date January 13, 1966 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Deparmental Account N.O . Re: Acquisition of Fire Station site To: Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Expenditure Account No . cc-Mayor Property Committee Dear Helmie: Attached hereto you will find the original of Transamerica Title Insurance Company Policy No. 295633 dated Jan. 5, 1966 insuring the City of Renton in the above captioned matter, as well as a map of said property. We suggest that you keep this document in a safe place. We remain, -ours ery truly, HAD erard M. Shell GMS:mr City Attorney Enclosure ` WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM • . POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON • hereinafter called the Company, a Washington corporation, for valuable considera- • tion, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item , of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition Fob';"the insured" as set forth in the _ • conditions and stipulations;"a"gainst loss or damage �sustaijied by. reason of: . 1. c> if . Title to the estaate, lien or interest defined in°items 3 and 4 of;Shedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise thanr`as/stated in item 2 of'Schedule A; or$ 2. Any defect in, or lien or-encumbrance on,.-said title`existing at thg date here- of, not shown in Schedule/ ;.or ,, • 3. Any defect in the execution of auk-instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the dateiiiereof,-.over any,,suclr--instrument, of any lief%or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; ) ) <) j provided, however, the Company shall;-h t;be liable for'any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any: person to enter into, or perform��-a y contract respecting°the estate, lie {or interest'insured. / e4\ , / I 41 The total liability is limited to the amount shown -ifi.Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an inident to_.defense-or settlement of claims here- under. .,.)In witness whey ;TILE COMPANY has caused this olicy to be authenticated • by the facsimile signature%f its President, but this policy is,not valid unless attest- ed by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary.L/ TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By e„....z.,,s.......x. c,:e7s...a...4.4.......c...4 , President f, Attest: �.„ • 4 Assistant Secretary w nr.irul.r, ti vo. 295633 AMOUNT $ 30,000. 00 )ATE January 5, 1966, at 8 :30 A.M. PREMIUM $ 148.50 1. INSURED THE CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation, 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN The named insured. 3. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate. 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED Lots 1 to 32 inclusive, in Block 4 of C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. 1, as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats on page 74, records of King County; situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. SCHEDULE B DEFECTS,LIENS,ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: SPECIAL EXC'EPTIONS 1.. General taxes for 1966 in an amount not yet available from the - County Treasurer's records, which cannot be paid until February 15, 1966. eh GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or oc- cupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights,claims,instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable;matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding the same becoming a lien. (End of Schedule B) CONDITIONS ANL ST1rULAt1oNS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said'thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be•enforceable.only under the terms,condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein; (f) "mortgage": mortgage, 'deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. W >" az © a' • w z I,- d fl v G 0 U O Z w Z E., �` <, >i 0 � �' � v 0 C C...) C-) z 2 . �--� u. C7 C .-� 400 L 11 d C24 W O z O A VI Q BIM 0 H W0cf) w . d Qit- WI ~ fq a H z . 3 oF . C < x o a 6- Co • � x Z z F d& \÷ < v, w • TITk-�G � z u ..y. ,, , -• f.r . /VI - F 61 80 R A----6 Order No. ,.7,951,;3 3 . . ,,,41.5-,,,-i /Ar' o: i o /5?5:4-1," 2 :..- -- -20 s ,... 3 . . . 7 9 . 1- /96,4(0 II_ •' 2 7 , 0 : Al ... ,, \ , i 7 k A . ___. ...........,.. ..,.......„ . ......., , .c\ ,Z ‘k • • ::. '. .2..>1. ::: z,,- i k, L. ..._. -.24 ,f , 1 - /0 l f ) , 1.0 L .. 1 ., . . . . . . _, .. 2/ . /2 z /52S;z7 PO /=3' I I _, .,___„. ,_., . L / i z ,9 /4( /8 •:-.' •=,- 45— k • , . . . ' q Ps /7 - 40,0/ . ,,. ,f,„5";6 d , I—--;--------- . . l/..."---847:4' • This map does not purport to show all highways, roads or easements affecting said property; no liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and location. . } _Sg-1 roRM ,-R-7 TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY MAIN 2-6128 705 THIRD AVENUE—DEXTER HORTON BUILDING 2, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION FORM No. 292900 TO: City of Renton c/o Gerald M. Shellan (Pacific Coast R. R. Co. ) Renton, Washington Date: March 16, 1966 at 8: 00 A . M. Amount Premium (x) Owner's standard coverage $48,000. 00 $213. 5 0 ( ) Purchaser's standard coverage ( ) Mortgagee's standard coverage ( ) Mortgagee's ATA coverage ( ) Tax Registration _ Amount 8213. 50 Sales Tax $ 8. 97 Total $2 2 2. 4 7 TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of any appropriate docu- ments, its policy or policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on this preliminary commitment that title to the property described herein is vested on the date shown above in CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation; subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. This report and commitment shall have no force or effect except as a basisfor the coverage specifies) herein. • By .4 Assistant Secretary DESCRIPTION: A copy of which is hereto attached. EXCEPTIONS: 1. General taxes for 1966 in the sum of $7, 507. 15 . 2. Relinquishment of right of access to state highway and of light, view and air, under terms of deed to the State of Washington, recorded October 1.8, 1956, under Auditor ' s File No. 4740681. (Affects parcel A) 3. Reservation contained in deed recorded under Auditor' s File No. 5972111, as follows : Excepting and reserving unto the Grantor, its successors and assigns , forever, all iron, natural gas , coal, oil and all minerals of any nature whatsoever upon or in the lands above described, to- gether with the sole and exclusive and perpetual right to explore Enr. , remove and dispose of the same by any meads or methods suLtable -contiUL'Ld- NOTE: Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service, installation, maintenance, or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. etF - Page 2 TO: City of Renton ORDER NO. 292900 to the Grantor, its successors and assigns, but without entering upon or using the surface of the Ina ds above described, and in such manner as not to interfere with the use thereof by the Grantee, its successors and assigns. And the Grantor does hereby transfer and convey to the Grantee all interest of the Grantor in and to all drainage, sewer and water facilities now constructed or installed on the property hereby conveyed. 4. Easement for electric transmission and distribution line granted to Puget Sound Power & Light Company, by instrument recorded under Auditor' s File No. 2509416, reference to which record is made for further particulars . (Affects parcel A) 5 . An easement for public road and highway purposes over a strip of land 15 feet wide and approximately 78 feet long lying parallel and adjacent to the Easterly right of way boundary of existing Secondary State Highway No. 2-A in Government Lot 1, said Section 8, described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Secondary State Highway No. 2-A with the boundary between Section 8, Township 23 North Range 5 East W. M. and Section 5 , Township 23 North Range 5 East W. M. ; running Southerly on a curve to the right , a distance of 470. 29 feet ; thence at right angles to the tangent of said curve Easterly, distant 30 feet to the point of true beginning ; thence 15 feet along the same radial line in an Easterly direction; thence Southerly on right curve, parallel to the Easterly right of way boundary of Secondary State Highway No. 2-A, a distance of 78 feet, more or less ; thence 15 feet Westerly on a radial element of curvature of Secondary State Highway No. 2-A, which element intersects the center line of said highway, a distance of 545 . 29 feet Southerly from the original point of beginning; thence Northerly along the Easterly boundary of the right of way of Secondary State Highway No. 2-A, a distance of 77 feet , more or less , to the point of true beginning ; as disclosed by instrument recorded under Auditor' s File No. 4171781, reference to which record is made for further particulars . kf No. 292900 DESCRIPTION PARCEL "A" All that portion of Government Lot 1, Section 8 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East W .M. , lying Westerly of existing Primary State Highway No , 1-RE , Renton to Kennydale , Easterly of Houser W6, North (conveyed by pacific Coast Railroad Company to the City of Renton oy deed dated July 14, 1965 under Auditor' s File No . 592937 , Southeasterly of Lake Washington Boulevard and Northerly of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Renton, by Deed' recorded Deccriber 4 , 196 in Volume 4604 of Deeds , page 557 , under Auditor' s. File No. I5191.97 . • • PARCEL "B" All that portion of Government Lot 1 in Section 8 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. , lying Southeasterly of Lake Washington Boulevard, Easterly of Garden Street, Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and 25 feet Westerly when measured at right angles and/or radially from the "Proposed R.R.Reloeation" centerline of Primary State Highway iNo . d1, (SR e405)5s Nforth Renton Interchange and Northwesterly of a Beginning at a point on the Easterly line of Garden Street which is 75 feet Southeasterly when measured at right angles from the A-Line survey of said highway; thence Northeasterly in a straight line to a point 60 feet South- easterly as measured at right angles from Highway Engineer' s Station 7+50, A-Line Survey; thence Northeasterly in a straight line to a point 100 feet Southeasterly as measured at right angles from Highway Engineer' s Station 11+81 .83, A-Line Survey and the end this description; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington . INTER-OFFICE MEMO . Date April 12, 1966 From: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Departmental Account No . Jack Wilson, City Engineer To: Expenditure Account No . Re: Pacific Coast RR Co - North Renton Interchange Dear Jack: After writing to Transamerica Title Insurance Company they have forwarded to us the revised description which shows the exception re Puget Sound Power and Light Company. Would you please substitute the attached in your preliminary title report. If you have any further questions at all in this matter, please call us. We remain Veruly yours, HA & SPIEL By Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney GMS:ds cc: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk • No, 292900 DESCRIPTION PARCEL "A" • All that portion of Government Lot 1, Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. , lying Westerly of existing Primary State Highway No. 1-RE, Renton to Kennydale, Easterly of Houser We North (conveyed by Pacific Coast , Railroad Company to the City of Renton oy deed dated July 14, 1965 under Auditor' s File No. 592937 , Southeasterly of Lake Washington Boulevard and Northerly of a tract of land conveyed to the City of Renton, by Deed' recorded December 4, 1964 in Volume 4604 of Deeds, page 557, under Auditor' s. File No. 5819197 . EXCEPTING therefrom a tract of land conveyed to the Puget Sound Power and Light Company by deed recorded January 2, 1929, under Auditor 's File No 2509415; PARCEL "B" All that portion of Government Lot 1 in Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. , lying Southeasterly of Lake Washington Boulevard, Easterly of Garden Street, Westerly of a line drawn parallel with and 25 feet Westerly when measured at right angles and/or radially from the "Proposed R.R.Relocation" centerline of Primary State Highway No. 1, (SR 405) North Renton Interchange and Northwesterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly line of Garden Street which is 75 feet Southeasterly when measured at right angles from the A-Line survey of said highway; thence Northeasterly in a straight line to a point 60 feet South- easterly as measured at right angles from Highway Engineer' s Station 7+50, A-Line Survey; thence Northeasterly in a straight line to a point 100 feet Southeasterly as measured at right angles from Highway Engineer' s Station 11+81 .83, A-Line Survey and the end of this description; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. U • ° WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM ° POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION 719 SECOND AVENUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 hereinafter called the Company, a California corporation, for valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or • 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date hereof, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Sched- ule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or encumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense re- sulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs in- curred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder. In witness whereof, Pioneer National Title Insurance Company has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President and Secretary but this policy is not valid unless attested by an authorized signatory. Pioneer National Title Insurance Company Y <di:v.7.e-- /0 ..90/)..ea..e.s__ _- - _ y PRESIDENT `' 1 ECRETARY ;044) a 794It4J2ftA4 - Attest: 6. ",,•;, AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY - ' ces SCHEDULE A NO. B-802587 AMOUNT $ 98,000.00 DATE July 8, 1966 at 8:30 a.m. PREMIUM $ 350,25 1. INSURED • The City of Renton, a municipal corporation. 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN The named insured. 3. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate . 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED Lots 4 to 10 inclusive, block 2, Town of Renton, according to plat recorded in volume 1 of plats, page 135, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT those portions of said lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, conveyed to ;the City of Renton by deeds recorded under additor's file Nos. 3055297, 3055761, and 30690k0, in.:King County, Washington, • AND west half of lot 11, block 2, Town of Renton, according to plat recorded in volume 1 of plats, page 135, in King County, Washington. • SCHEDULE B DEFECTS,LIENS,ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE:^ SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Exceptions and reservations and restrictions contained in deed from The Seattle Electric Company, a Washington corporation, to Town of Renton, a municipal corporation, recorded May 31, 1905, under auditor;s file No. 340140, which deed covers said portions of lots 8 and 9 and said lot 10, as follows : Grantor excepts and reserves all coal, clay, stone, oil and all minerals or mineral products thereunto belonging, with the right to mine, quarry and procure the same at any time hereafter, and the land aforesaid is sold on the condition that neither said grantee nor any one deriving title from or through him shall sell or keep for sale any spirituous, malt, vinous or other intoxicating liquors or permit the same to be sold or kept for sale or keep or permit to be kept any house of prostitution upon the real estate herein described. • • GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or oc- cupancy; defects,•liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights,claims,instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable;matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding the same becoming a lien. • (End of Schedule B) 3-2 CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest,lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shallreduce the liability of,the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is other wise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms,condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof,by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at the address shows herein; (f) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. • 0 o : z z • CD 1-4 Cll onkZi . CTS 0 1-1 d � 3 -� �s� � . �� `vo�47�:5 DACE_ �`7_ r ;,ha . .. i .:, ,� t r;* a;,• I itd/•' '.`: ;,v'er i 1 (us g1 1w Its'f'"""_,:,�. ;3 �;i{'n-ii_til .'' --,.. i it t VO i.•,,,..,. , • fit''. `^\''®-,-,..'�...+'.f i1 •�1.. --,... _,..ill- 1.' '_ I �+ t tIr :t7 ' *�it ,• ' 0 J 1 + i_-,'C `i,^i. r`l f?.11 'l_va -r1W.4;1 QS r y . !'P C' ' � z._a - _ � --���� =; 1 ,f. �7�. RE.•i:IIES1 r 1i�T61"-i`� llI- � ��r akli-R'I i i' • 1 ' 14a.`I,,, tom.: _- Cr) o 'i�t i5 t; �it __ o ! ii. ,C c • •�`!I;y1 :- "} \,;"'I i l'q.',' 11 I te+ Ili :: �� sr.�! i iKiNG 'i 'i i l; ��. l rA�„ 1.----- � "". - - Q��I)•, ' i:i i•u�'�i�� ":i .ro�d .l:; �„"p, i°,� . <1a ! p ' _ 4 irlt, , itj, 0,1. ,- '; .,=s C/7 -'i:T i i j r h-�I i i ,. fy;�r raMx-w litE " t.-r a i,,,, . n FolaM L Y� � ^fir;.,,.'.� Statutory Warranty Deed Prr. o'. . + -°, t • . . Xt:-''' ''),: •.o THE GRANTOR • HUGH G. WHITE and AGNES J. WHITE, his wife �.- ,'�._4 C_1 t _ILL �..- �,1 for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration t�.,_-s. c=1 ' in hand paid, conveys and warrants to THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING , State of • Washington: • . Lots 4 to 10 inclusive, block 2, Town of Renton, according to plat Irl tn, r , recorded in volume 1 of plats, page 135, in King County, Washington;- > EXCEPT those portions of said lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, conveyed to the .t�:4 - , City of Renton by deeds recorded under auditor's file Nos. 3055297, , • ', :y,i r' 3055761 and .3069040, records of King County, Washington °',., ,,�,. . . and ,tt,a;:•I t/,LItIf1,,, West half of lot 11, block 2, 'Town of Renton, according, to plat ;• _.._ `..,14 recorded in volume ] of plots, page l35 in King County, Washington, •• - - - allil . situate in King County, State of Washington ' "�, "'��," • SUBJECT to exceptions, reservations and restrictions as set forth in t ',••.; 6�,._1 ; 111. • Washington Title Insurance Company Certificates B755900 and B757101. -, ;y ;a;-.71,• • . 114 4' • Dated this 30tla day of December,. 1965. • • ✓4,G 1.,. /.-6 ,,, (SEAL Hh G hi t e •• c. - l f=-"-"C�._ (SEAL) Agnes J. White • • STATE OF WASHINGTON, . ss. County of KING . On this day personally•appeared before me HUGH G. WHITE and AGNES J. WHITE to me known to. be the individuals described in and who executed the within ,and foregoing instrument, and 1teltnOWIc(Ise(' that•''' they signed the same as their -' .` ) flee and voluntary act and deed, for the ;(SC;t.titldl pul'pu;l!'tt.thert•m mentioned. (i'14'1`:N undo my hand and official seal Ihi� lttt-lt /fl of T)E;cc�mbtaa , b`,a 2 Notary 1'uhlir in and for the .State of Washington, residing at Menton. 1.' • Vr G1 j 0 4 i'S'-) - •r- . , ... . -0N- . . . t:. .., , • • Pioneer National Title Insurance Company LL WASHINGTON STATE DIVISION , 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEAT-1-LE,WASHINGTON 9E3104 • TELEPHONE 1206` 6(3?-6600 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Your Loan No. Renton4Park Dept. To: B-874484 Our Order No. City Hall -- --- - . - ------ 200 Mill Avenue S. (Mortgagor) (Purchaser) Dillingham Corpo_ ratio_ n Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. Gene Coulon ' There has been no change in the title to the property covered Ly our prelirnin ,,y report since S . t , 19 , at 8 A.M. Except as set forth below: • • el Title is now vested in Dillingham Corporation, a corporation. ' We find no other changes of record since our report of January 9 , 1969 . •'t I {' .l ,,1 ' .1 1,- . I 1,1 1 • Dated as of the 18th day of_.____, September , 1969 ,8 A.M. •�'' /797 I Pioneer National Title Insurance Company y_, lz O WASNINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION RN-. Pioneer National Title Insurance Company . WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR ECCO TWOc FFICE TITLE INSURANCE 719 SECOND AVENU 1 ON 98104 • TELEPHONE 6826600 CERTIFICATE 'NUMBER ' B-874484 UNIT - ; 21 R. LYMAN HOUK CITY OF RENTON ENGINEER' S OFFICE CITY HALL 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON ATTENTION ' R. LYMAN HOUK GENTLEMEN ' FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINATION OF NECESSARY PARTIES DEFENDANT IN .A';SULT. TO CONDEMN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, THIS COMPANY CER'TFETES` FROM A SEARCH OF THE RECORDS WITH RESPECT TO SAID PROPERTY AS FOLLOWS : RECORD OWNERS' FOSS LAUNCH & TUG CO. , A WASHINGTON CORPORATION PROPERTY' PARCEL A ' LOTS 10 TO 22 , INCLUSIVE , BLOCK 360 , C. D. HILLMAN 'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN, DIVISION NO. 5, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 83, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ; AND ADJOINING SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ACCORDING TO COMMISSIONER' S MAP APPROVED AND ON FILE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 156371 ; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF LYING NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE' BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4 IN BLOCK 361 OF SAID PLAT WITH THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 76°11 '0611 WEST A DISTANCE OF 42.65 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LINE HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 20°43 ' 26" WEST 622.29 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF LOT 9 IN' SAID BLOCK 360 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE. PARCEL B1 THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1 TO 32 , INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 361 , C. D. HILLMAN 'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 59 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS , PAGE 83 IN KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON ; AND ADJOINING SECOND CLASS SHORE LANDS, ACCORDING TO COMMISSIONER 'S MAP APPROVED AND ON FILE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 156371 , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' R-R744R4 DAMP 1 • BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4 IN 4AJD BLOCK 361 WITH THE WESTERLYrBOOPARY OF' NORTHERN- PACIFIC ''RAILWAY RIGHT OF ' WAYs THENCE NORTH 76°11106o WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE 42.65 FEET; THENCE-NORTH 20°432401 101P4T )44.2 . FEET, MORE OR LESS. TO THE .NORTHERLY' END :OF . A STRIP CONVEYED TO PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY' BY DEED RECORDED. UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 4691996. AND THE TRINT ' OP:BEGINNINO THENCE NORTH . . 20P43° 40,, WEST 32 FEET. MORE OR LESS. TO THE NORTHERLY LINE. OF SAID .BLOCK. 361 . THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 01007114.o. WEST TO' THE INNER HARBOR LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON* THENCE ALONG SAID LINE AND ITS PROJECTION SOUTH 10045tOWI ' EAST ;930 FEET, moRE.,,QR LESSi• TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID:LOT 2t'ThENCE ,SOWTH' 4801.3158" EAST. 120 FEET* MORE OR_LESS.HT0 A. Poik'n4/11.;cH BEARS SOUTH 77o03E02. 4 WW ' FRom -THE MOST SOUTHERLY COINER OF A I,T 'FOOT STRIP CONVEYED1'Q PACIFIC COAST. RAILROAD CP. -,BYInp RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 4691995$ THENCE NORTH 70038 ! 40 EAsT106i1.04 FEET TO SAID. SOUTHERLY' CONER. THENCE NORTH 20043 ,24 /EsT .40NG THE WESTERLY LINE OF AI • STRIP. 80 .03FEET. MORE OR LESS TO A POINT QF COVE IN SAID WESTERLY LINE; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHICH 14 CONCENTRIC WITH AND 8.5 FEET WESTERLY OF 7930OOO!! RAILROAD CURVE, 4Q.N4 • THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID STRIP AND ALONG THE mg§TERLy OF SAID STRIP CONVEYED BY SAID AUDITOR 'S FILE NO: .4694904*. TO THE . TRUE. POINT OF BEGINNING. • • ENCUMBRANCES* • • . NOTEt • NO SEARCH Off GENERAL TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS ' HAS BEEN MADE, • 1 ' LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY UNDER THIS CERTIFICATE IS LIMITED To THE COMPENSATION RECEIVED THEREFOR. - • • . RECORDS EXAMINED TO JANUARY 9t1.949 AT 009 AIM.' • • E rd3 • 7P-f- 4•76 7k:41,1,1.1.r . AUTHORIZED $10ATORY- ' • . , • CHARGE 0 $50.00 TAX $2i25 . • . • , . .. . • . . . • • . „ . . , . RBAsRS • • . • . • .B..0874484 -.PAGE- V 4' • C • T • , • ' • ",4.07DU410..) VIATIA'216 50T , • :-T=H'AY.-,1HT510A 'HTOff • • . . • , „ . • syi c,;A 0 0 •“:'• W J." .°41) . . •N . • 1;.• ' • • • • • I' .-•,,, Cs • , , . • . . , MO C,V, T.-iDiAAAUej0,3, C3i . • AHT 1-"Ti t75.:,:qW7.1 ' el • . , - ‹ . . • . CS ,„ 91.3q.'11AK COA JD 2flAJ-.) 3HT OT (111/,A 17,HT OT 1.33L0U8 YDIJOq 'FIHT VI d".-.:W1ATOOD ,:2AOIT':i3DX3 CAA ijAHZ, TM3M71MMOD CliAA 1.(;10c13:7-1 al.HT . '„,macrJH CJI117-1ID3ga 3ir z1e,A6 'YOTAVZIa (13.ST5,:i0HTUA av;OITql,'X'SIZ'DO , . •• - TaA=2HTUO8 0 LIT1AU0 TZ3WHTq01,1 3HT 90 Ft3TF.AU i•Hf 1Qv IVOITD32 • 07 ; ,?,,,V4 4 OUOD • `; AO I alAa :10 YVA VICTJ XAT e3JAe TrATa-I JA35', 03IJ GJ 1.-/(- , • . • .ot e 1 4, •,.4 1,,, e, _ ,,pN3 •t. Pioneer National Title Insurance Company . • ;.:... . WASWINSTON STATE DIVISION • t . 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 981011 • TELEPHONE '2061682-6600 e, ':,- • SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT ,,.. .;„.. Your Loan No.__ To: Rent9n Park Dept.?•:, .... !'... City Hall • Our Order No. B-874483 . ! 200 Mill Avenue S. (Mortgagor) , .• . Renton, Washington (Purom,,,,) Scott Pacific Terminal ,Ini • Attention: Mr. Gene Coulon i •• , • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by our preliminary report since , 19 at 8 A.M. Except as set forth below: 1 -• • . - • .',.; . . We find no changes of record since our report of January 10, 1969. i •,, 1 . 1 . . i • hl . . .1 .,' ..., . i ' • . • . i :.. . i ., .. . -. -..! . . i - 1 . • ,i . . 1 ' . ' 1 . 1 IA • !.‘4 .1 . 1 . . • . .::1 . a . .. :i Dated as of the 18th day of 8eptember , A.M. - • i , Pioneer National Title Insurance Company' By 4,-..,• f'...:, • .Lb..A •:7:z..i.•7-1._._ _: -, i' wAeHINGToN STATE DIVISION . . AIMUMUMM INNIMMIIIIk • PN © Pioneer National-Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION WASNINGTOy LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR KING COUNTY OFFICE TITLE INSURANCE 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE.'WASHINGTON 98104 • TELEPHONE 682.6600 CONDEMNATLON CERTIFICATE ' " NUMBER; 6-874483 UNIT ; 21 • CITY' OF RENTON ' .ENGINEER'S OFFICE CITY HALL :zoo MILL AVENUE SOUTH • :12ENTON','••WASHINGTON ATTENTION ; 'R. LYMAN HOUK RE; SCOTT PACIFIC TERMINAL INC. GENTLEMEN ; • FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINATION OF NECESSARY PARTIES DEFENDANT A SUIT TO CONDEMN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, THIS COMPANY CE,RT°j.FIES .FROM A SEARCH OF THE RECORDS WITH RESPECT TO SAID PROPERTY AS FOLLOWS; RECORD OWNERS; SCOTT- PACIFIC TERMINAL , INC. , A WASHINGTON CORPORATION PROPERTY; • "A" TRACT 5 OF THE COMMISSIONER' S MAP APPROVED BY DECREE ENTERED OCTOBER ,19, 1923 IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 156371, • THE METES AND B.OLINDS DESCRIPTION FOR SAID TRACT 5 APPROVED BY SAID DECREE BEING AS -FOLLOWS; . ' A PARCEL OF 2ND CLASS SHORELANDS ABUTTING UPON GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SECTION 5 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5, EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY i, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT_ A POINT SITUATED UPON 'THE WESTERLY. BOUNDARY LINE . OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY "BELT LINE" RIGHT OF WAY, WHICH POINT BEARS SOUTH' 58°50 ' 18" WEST. 135.629 FEET FROM THE STONE MONUMENT AT 'THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE GOVERNMENT MEANDER LINE WITH THE NORTH BOUNDARY. LINE OF SAID LOT 2t RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 58°50 ' 18" WEST 244.835 FEET TO THE INNER HARBOR LINE ; THENCE SOUTH 40°35 ' 00" EAST ALONG THE INNER HARBOR LINE . 118 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID INNER HARBOR LINE ; THENCE SOUTH 19°45' 00" EAST, CONTINUING ALONG THE INNER HARBOR LINE, 1215.467 FEET ; THENCE NORTH 69°2056" EAST 305.683 FEET TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 19°21 ' 48" R—f27•[L4QQ . oAf_c i • WEST ALONG SAID BOUNDARY LINE 739.113 FEET TO THE BEGINNING POINT,:, OF A CURVE; THENCE TO THE LEFT ON. THE ARC OF A CURVE HAVING_ A RADIUS 1860.08 FEET AND THE LONGCHORD OF WHICH ARC BEARS NORTH 27°28 ° 58" WEST 527.097 FEET TO ,THE POINT OF BEGINNING ; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION. IF ANY. ' OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 2 . LYING WITHIN 'THE METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR SAID TRACT 5. "B" A PARCEL OF 2ND CLASS SHORELANDS ABUTTING UPON GOVERNMENT LOT. 3 IN SECTION 5 . TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5. EAST . W.M. . IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ACCORDING TO THE COMMISSIONERS MAP FIL,ED` I N KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. '156371. WHICH MAP AND THE SEVERAL METES. AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION FOR' SAID PARCEL WERE APPROVED BY DECREE ENTERED OCTOBER 19, 1923 IN SAID CASE NO. 1563719 ' THE' PROPER METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF SAID PARCEL 'OF 2ND CLASS SHORELANDS. ' BASED ON SAID COURT DECREE. BEING- AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY '!BELT LINE"_ RIGHT OF WAY AS LOCATED AND ESTABLISHED BY SAID .COURT 'DECREE. SAID POINT BEARING SOUTH 69°26' 56" WEST 39.421' FEET FROM THE STONE MONUMENT AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE GOVERNMENT MEANDER LINE WTTH THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3 ; THENCE SOUTH 69°26' 56" WEST 3.05.683 FEET TO THE INNER HARBOR LINE; THENCE SOUTH 19°45 ° 00!' EAST ALONG' THE' INNER HARBOR LINE 277.:006 FEET; THENCE NORTH 80°25 '29" EAST 308.236 FEET TO THE WESTERLY .BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID RAILWAY RIGHT" OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 19°21 °48!' WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE 335.737 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THE ' UPLANDS, IF ANY, WITHIN THE METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION LASTABOVE 'SET FORTH; THE FOREGOING DESCRIBED LAND CONSTITUTING A PARCEL OF 'LAND SOMETIMES DESCRIBED AS LOTS 1 TO 9. INCLUSIVE. BLOCK 360 OF C,D. HILLMAN °S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION' NO. 5. AND THE ADJOINING 2ND CLASS SHORELANDS, ACCORDING TO THE COMMISSIONER'S MAP APPROVED AND FILED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, CAUSE NO. . 156371. • "Cu - ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 10 TO2.2r INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 360, AND LOTS 1 TO 4. INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 361 OF 'C.D.. HILLMAN 'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. SAND ADJOINING 2ND CLASS SHORELANDS. ACCORDING TO' THE COMMISSIONEVS .MAP APPROVED AND ON FILE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 156371 , AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF. THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 4. .BLOCK 361 . SAID C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN' DIVISION .NO. 5 . WITH. THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE NORTH 76°11 ' 06" ;WEST 42.65 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20 '43 '24" WEST 622.29 FEET, MORE �•OR L.ESS, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF LOT 9, BLOCK '3.60; THENCE NORTH 80°25 ' 29" EAST' 51.22 FEET , MORE OR LESS, , ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF LOT 9 ' T0 THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTH 19°21 ' 48" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY 636.75 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE PAINT OF BEGINNING. ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 5 TO 26, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 361 OF C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE 'WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION Nov 5 , AND ADJOINING 2ND CLASS SHORELANDS ACCORDING' TO THE COMMISSIONER 'S MAP APPROVED AND ON FILE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE - NO. 156371 , LYING WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED BOUNDARIES' BEGI.N-NING AT THE' INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 24, -.QL.00K 361, SAID C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN D'I•VISION NO. 5, WITH THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTH 19°21 ' 48" EAST 55 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTH 70°38 / 12" WEST 15.78. FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°43 ' 26" WEST 839.00 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE SOUTH 76°1.1 '06" EAST ALONG THE' NORTH BOUNDARY OF LOT 5 A DISTANCE .OF 42.65 FEET, MORE. OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTH 19°21'48" EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY 760.42 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ENCUMBRANCES' • 1. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION .OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR . $ RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY IN FAVOR OF a PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION RECORDED ' AUGUST 7, 1934 AUDITOR'S NO. ' 2813502 AND 2813503 AFFECTS a EASTERLY 15 FEET OF LOTS 6 TO 24, . INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 36.1 2. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR ' INGRESS AND EGRESS IN FAVOR OF $ PACIFIC TOW BOAT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION RESERVED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED' MARCH 1, 1956 UNDER AUDITORS FILE NO. $ 4668725 {f y • AFFECTS $ PARCEL "C" NO SEARCH OF GENERAL TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS HAS BEEN MADE. ; LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY UNDER THIS CERTIFICATE IS LIMITED TO THE COMPENSATION RECEIVED THEREFOR. RECORDS EXAMINED TO JANUARY 10. 1969 AT 8800 A.M. rac.Q-k../.4;LGUla AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY CHARGE' $52.00 TAX s $2.34 RBA/TH R—A744A1 DAMP [L 4, frt/ 7,; TI Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON STATE DIVISION 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE.WASHINGTON 98104 • TELEPHONE C2061 682-6600 - •• SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT • 4 Your Loan No. ----------- ----------------------To: Renton Park Dept. B-874485 City Hall Our Order No. _ 200 Mill Avenue S. (Mortgagor) f 1C Coast R.R. Co. Renton, Washington (Purchaser) Pacific__ Attention: Mr. Gene Coulon There has been no change in the title to the property covered by our preliminary report since , 19- ---, at 8 A.M. Except as set forth below: We find no changes of record since our report of January 10, 1969. • • • • Dated as of the 18th. day of September , 19 69 ,8 A.M. Pioneer National Title Insurance Company By - WASHINGTON STATE DIVISION . .. . , ' . . L - — , ' . . • 0,-- •V . National Title T . . WASHINGTON LANO TITLE ASSOCIATION . o Pioneer .insurarIce Company WASHINGTON TITLE. DIVISION TONc3.cyryrITy OFFICE PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT f OR TITLE INSURANCE • , . 719 SECOND AVENUE • :E..ArTLE ‘A/A9111)NGT-Di•i 00104 • TELEPHONE 682 6600 CrRTIFICATE • 0067.0.3 \--() NUMBER g 6-874485 ' UNIT S 21 . . . . . . R . LYMAN HOUK ' • . . CITY OF RENTON, . ENGINEER ' S OFFICE . , • CITY HALL 200 : MILL AVENUE SOUTH . . NCR TONS WASHING TON . , ATT=NTIONs N LYMAN HOUK REg PACIFIC COAST RR CO. • .. . . .. . . ,GENTLEMEN3 ' .. . ,FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINATION OF NECESSARY PARTIES DEFENDANT • IN A SUIT TO CONDEMN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY9 THIS COMPANY CERTIFIES FROM A SEARCH OF THE RECORDS WITH RESPECT TO SAID . . PROPERTY AS FOLLOWSg . . . . .. . . . , RECORD OWNERS :,s-• PACIFIC COAST N. Ro CO. 9 AjWASHINGTON CORPORATION . . PROPERTYs PARCEL Aa ALL THAT ' PORTION OF LOTS 2 * 3o AND 49 BLOCK 3619 . . Co D . HILLMAN ; S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NOo , CCORDNG T',-.) THE . PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS * PAGE 83 IN KING COUNTY ) WASHINGTON AND ADJOINING SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS9 ACCORDING TO THE COMMISSIONER ' S MAP APPROVED AND ON FILE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 136371 LYING ,WITHIN THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED POUNDARIESs BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT • . : 4 ): FROM WHICH THE INTERSECTION : OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF . . SAID LOT 4 AND THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC • . RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY BEARS SOUTH 76°11 ° 06" EAST b2',D42 FEET ; THENCE SOUTH 76° 1100" EAST 19077 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY . . BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 4 ; THENCE NORTH 20°43 ° 26" WEST 11502 FEET9 . • MORE OR LESS , TO A POINT UN THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID .' . . .. .:LOT 2 ; THENCE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION ON A LINE WHICH PARALLELS . . . • . - AND LIES 805 . FEET WESTERLY FROM A 7'30 ° 00" RAILROAD CURVE CENTER _ . • . LINE A DISTANCE OF 1C-8 FEET9 MORE OR 'LESS9 TO THE POINT OF . . . BEGINNING . . • , . . . . . . .' :-PARCEL Bs A STRIP OF LAND 17 FEET IN WIDTH BEING 8. 5 FEET , '!ON EACH SIDE OF A CENTERLINE ACROSS LOTS 5 TO 279 INCLUSIVE 9 . .• , . . . . ._ . . .,.. . . . . . . . . . • ry ' BLOCK 3619 Ci Do HILLMAN ° S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO. 59 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS , PAGE 83 IN KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON ; AND ADJOINING SECOND CLASS SHORE! ANDS S ACCORDING TO THE COMMISSIONER ' S MAP APPROVED AND ON PILE IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NOo 156371 , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS ' BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 24 IN SAID BLOCK 36.1 WITH THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY ; THENCE SOUTH 19°21948" EAST 55000 FEET ; THENCE SOUTH 7° 38 ° 12" WEST '24028 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID CENTERLINE ; THENCE NORTH 20°43 ' 2611 WEST 806023 FEET 9 MORE OR LESS , TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY • . BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 5 ; THENCE. ACROSS LOT 5 ON A 7°30100" CURVE TO THE RIGHT 37 FEET , MORE OR : LESS , TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY • • • BOUNDARY OF LOT 5 , AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID CENTERLINE° ENCUMBRANCES ' • 10 RIGHT ,. TITLE AND INTEREST OF FOSS LAUNCH & TUG CO0 , A WASHINGTON CORPORATION , IN THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN SAID LOTS 29 3 AND 4o UNDER DEED DATED MARCH 159 195? EXECUTED BY PACIFIC TOWBOAT COMPANY , RECORDED MARCH 26o 1957 , UNDER AUDITOR ° S FILE NO° 47825790 SAID DEED PURPORTED TO CONVEY SAID PORTION AND OTHER LANDS , ALTHOUGH THE GRANTOR THEREIN HAD PREVIOUSLY CONVEYED SAID PORTION TO PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY ° THE DEED REFERRED TO ABOVE RECITES THAT THE PROPERTY --IN QUESTION IS THE SUBJECT OF AN EASEMENT FOR RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY° '. NOTE ! NO SEARCH OF GENERAL TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS HAS BEEN MADE° • LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY UNDER THIS CERTIFICATE IS LIMITED TO THE COMPENSATION RECEIVED THEREFOR0 • ' RECORDS EXAMINED TO JANUARY 109 1969 AT 8' 00 AoMo . • • AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY . CHARGE ! $51 °00 TAX a $2030 . i. , • y C 6 - )/-d , , I PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT . RENTON, WASHINGTON Date Dec. 16, 1969 TO: Helmie Nelson FROM: Gene Coulon SUBJECT: Cedar River Park Transmitted herewith is the property description of Cedar River Park as obtained from Pioneer Na- tional Title Insurance Company in their title re- port. l \ Pioneer National Title Insurance Company "WWII © • WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION KINGCOUNTY OFFICE nNE 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLI1.WASHINGTON 114104 • TELEPHONE 45241400 LIMITED LIABILITY REPORT • REFER TO® NUMBER A B--899251 . UNIT ® 21 CITY OF RENTON CITY HALL • RENTON . WASHINGTON ATTN. R. LYMAN HOUK. ENGINEERING DEPTe DATE . DECEMBER 11 , 1969 AT 8800 A.M, THIS IS A REPORT AS OF THE DATE SHOWN ABOVE. SHOWING THE RECORD TITLE IS VESTED IN THE CITY OF RENTON. A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION • COVERING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTYa THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 7 AND OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST . W.Mo . IN KING COUNTY . WASHINGTCN . DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS/ BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE PACIFIC . COAST RAILROAD COMPANY' S RIGHT—OF—WAY WITH THE CENTERLINE PRODUCED ! NORTH 81°56' EAST OF FIRST AVENUE ,NORTH, SHOWN AS COUNTY ROAD ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF CAR WORKS ADDITION TO RENTON. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS . PAGE 47. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. THENCE SOUTH 23°38 '45" WEST ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY 38.76 FEET. MORE OR LESS. TO THE SOUTHERLY .LINE OF A COUNTY ROAD AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHICH POINT IS MARKED BY A CONCRETE MONUMENT : THENCE ALONG SAID COUNTY ROAD LINE NORTH 86°12 ' EAST 99. 82 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 286.48 FEET , WHICH POINT IS IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF MAPLE VALLEY ROADia THENCE CONTINUING ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF SAID MAPLE VALLEY ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 180.45 FEET . THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID MAPLE VALLEY ROAD LINE SOUTH 41°25 ' EAST 1228845 FEET TO THE NORTH SIDE OF FENCE MARKING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF A • • TRACT OF LAND LEASED TO THE 'STONEWAY DOCK COMPANY . A CORPORATION. BY INSTRUMENT DATED MARCH lnl 19370 AND RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR 'S FILE NO. 29943878 SAID POINT BEING DESIGNATED AS MONUMENT . NO, 18 THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SAID FENCE LINE S.iUTH 47°32 ' 30" WEST 273.25 FEET TO MONUMENT NO. 21 THENCE SOUT:i 88°26000" WEST 251.95 FEET TO MONUMENT NC. 38 THENCE SOUTH pp G_A�e9f1 £ AP I fr • r i y • ' 6a 39°24° 35" WEST 73020 FEET TO MONUMENT NO, 43 THENCE NORTH 79°04'40" WEST 176004 FEET TO MONUMENT NO. 5; THENCE SOUTH 27°58 ° 20" WEST 400 FEET ; MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID ' GOVERNMENT LOT 48 THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID GOVERNMENT LOT LINE 980 FEET ; MORE OR LESS; TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY ° S RIGHT—OF—WAY ; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT°�OFWAY LINE 1350 FEET . MORE OR LESS, TO T-iE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO0 6013616 , SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF THE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO0 440308 "KNOWN AS CEDAR RIVER PARK" ; SAID CORNER BEING THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF MAPLE VALLEY ROAD "STATE HIGHWAY NO. 169" ; WITH THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID CONVEYED PROPERTY; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN . OF MAPLE VALLEY ROAD "STATE HIGHWAY NO0 169" A DISTANCE OF ;r ' 60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ; THENCE CONTINUING NORTHWESTERLY E, • ALONG SAID ROAD MARGIN 100 FEET ; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY PARALLEL WITH AND 160 FEET NORTHWESTERLY FROM SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 225 FEET ; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY PARALLEL WITH AND 225 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY FROM SAID SOUTHERLY ROAD MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 100 FEET ; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY PARALLEL WITH AND 60 FEET NORTHERLY FROM THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 225 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING • AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY 5--M; BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 5137511 SUBJECT T08 10 RELINQUISHMENT OF RIGHT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY AND GF LIGHTt VIEW AND AIR; UNDER TERMS OF DEED TO THE STATE Or` ► AGHINGTOZI. RECORDED 8 MARCH 4, 1960 AUDITOR 'S NO. 8 5137511 20 AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN; AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES.' FOR 8 ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/CR DISTRIBUTION LINE IN FAVOR OF 8 PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANYo A WA.SHINGTGN CORPORATION' RECORDED 8 MARCH 23 ; 1961 o- AUDITOR 'S N0. 8 5264946 , AFFECTS 8 A 25 FOOT STRIP OF LAND OVER SAID PREMISES AND OTHER LANDS ° 1r HI 30 AN EASEMENT AFFE/CTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN , AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. l FOR a SEWERLINE 0 IN FAVOR OF 8 MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE, A WASHINGTON r' CORPORATION . r; RECORDED e JUKr: 12 , 1962 i`i AUDITOR 'S NOos 5433753 AFFECTS a A 10 FOOT STRIP OF LAND OVER A PORTION OF SAID ., PREMISES ti. 4. A RIGHT OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENT , WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES f OVER, THROUGH, k-:ROSS AND UNDER SAID PREMISES AS FOLLOWSa f FORa GAS PIPELINE OR PIPELINES t ; A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OVERa ,i4. 20 FEET IN WIDTH OVER A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES I A PERMANENT EASEMENT OVERe ` 5 FEET IN WIDTH EXECUTED BY ' a THE CITY OF RENTON , A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TO a WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY, A PUBLIC UTILITY CORPORATION � 5 • DATED a OCTOBER 19 1963 k' RECORDED s OCTOBER 149 1963 i AUDITOR 'S FILE NOos 5650932 50 . AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES I±'`„ STATED HEREIN,, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR R ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE IN FAVOR OF $ PUGET SOUND ' POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY RECORDED $ APRIL 3, 1899 i• AUDITOR'S NOea 174950 .f 6, GRANT BY JENNIE SARTORI , KATHERINE E. SARTORI , LAURA Go SARTORI AND ERSILIA SBARBORO TO E. E. DUFF , OF PERPETUAL RIGHT q.-- TO APPROPRIATE AND USE FROM THE STREAM OF LATER FLOWING ACROSS P •.• THE LAND OF GRANTORS IN SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE #f 5 EAST, W.M. v IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SUCH QUANTITY OF WATER AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO BE USED IN THE PROPER PRESERVATION AND CARE OF MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY "5 ACRES , MORE OR LESS, IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 179 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 979 OF DEEDS, PAGE 319 RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY" , TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO • LOCATE HYDRAULIC RAMS AND NECESSARY PIPE OR OTHER DEVICES • t FOR PUMPING THE WATER FROM THE CREEK WHERE SAID WATER IS PROCURED AND THE PERPETUAL RIGHT TO USE THE RAM THEN IN PLACE IN SAID '` . STREAM AND THE PIPE LINE AND PUMP HOUSE THEN IN PLACE IN FURNISHING ' WATER TO SAID CEMETERY AND THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN AND REPAIR THE SAME, BY INSTRUMENT ACKNOWLEDGED SEPTEMBER 7, 1.920, RECORDED OCTOBER 149 19209 UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 1459217. NOTEa ' THE RECORD DOES NOT DISCLOSE THE LOCATION OF THE CREEK , REFERRED TO IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 1459217. NOR DOES THE RECORD DISCLOSE IF THE RIGHTS GRANTED UNDER SAID INSTRUMENT AND UNDER EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR ' S .. - • Rm899251 PO�,F y ^ FILE N . 174950 WERE EXTINGUISHED BY PROCEEDINGS IN KING COUNTY • SUPERIOR COURT NOo 440308 UNDER WHICH TITLE IS HELD* • 70 ANY QUESTION THAT MAY ARISE DUE TO SHIFTING OR CHANGE IN THE COUFSE OF THE RIVER OR C,REF( HEREIN NAMED CR DUE". TO SAID RIVER OR CREEK HAVING CHANCED ITS COURSE° CEE AR RIVER 8- RIGHT OF THE STATE ; OF WASHINGTON IN AND TO THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES9 IF ANY9 LYIN1G IN THE BED OF THE CEDAR RIVER THIS REPORT IS RESTRICTED TO THE USE OF THE ADDRESSEES AND IS NOT . TO BE USED AS A BASIS( FOR CLOSING ANY TRANSACTION AFFECTING TITLE TO SAID PROPERTY° LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY IS LIMITED TO THE • COMPENSATION RECEIVED THEREFORe BY AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY . CHARGES S50.00 TAX S S2o25 RBA/BAJ • • aa.A0Q/c1 DerF 4 1144) A j1°Crc-k ' r NMI PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT RENTON, WASHINGTON Date Dec. 16, 1969 TO: Helmie Nelson FROM: Gene Coulon SUBJECT: Cedar River Park Transmitted herewith is the property description of Cedar River Park as obtained from Pioneer Na- tional Title Insurance Company in their title re- por t NOW • WAtMO�TEM LA110 TIRE ASUICIATINI PN Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOA KING COUNTY OFFICE TITLE INSURANCE 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE.WASHINGTON 96104 • TELEPHONE 662.6600 LIMITED LIABILITY REPORT REFER T0; NUMBER 8 8�899251 UNIT 8 21 CITY OF RENTON CITY HALL • RENTON ; WASHINGTON ATM; Re LYMAN HOUK; ENGINEERING DEPTo DATE 8 DECEMBER 119 1969 AT 8800 A.M, THIS IS A REPORT AS OF THE DATE SHOWN ABOVE; SHOWING THE RECORD TITLE IS VESTED IN • THE CITY OF RENTON; A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION COVERING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY; THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 7 AND OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17; TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH; RANGE 5 EAST; WoMo ; IN KING COUNTY; WASHINGTON ; DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTIOiN OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY' S RIGHT—OF—WAY WITH THE CENTERLINE PRODUCED NORTH 81°56 ° EAST OF FIRST AVENUE NORTH9 SHOWN AS COUNTY ROAD ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF CAR WORKS ADDITION TO RENTON; ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS9 PAGE 479 IN KING COUNTY; WASHINGTQN8 THENCE SOUTH 23°38 °45t° . WEST . ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID RAILROAD RIGHT�OF—WAY 38076 FEET; MORE OR LESS; TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A COUNTY ROAD AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; WHICH POINT IS MARKED BY A CONCRETE MONUMENT ; THENCE • ALONG SAID COUNTY ROAD LINE NORTH 86°12 ' EAST 99082 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 286048 FEET ; WHICH POINT I& IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF MAPLE VALLEY ROAD; THENCE CONTINUING ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF SAID MAPLE VALLEY ROAD; A DISTANCE OF 180e45 FEET THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID MAPLE VALLEY ROAD LINE SOUTH 41°25 ° EAST 1228645 FEET TO THE NORTH SIDE OF FENCE MARKING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF A TRACT O.F LAND LEASED TO THE STONEWAY DOCK COMPANY ; A CORPORATION9 BY INSTRUMENT DATED MARCH 19 19379 AND RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S ' FILE N09 29943878 SAID POINT BEING DESIGNATED AS MONUMENT . NO, 18 THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SAID FENCE LINE SOUTH 47°32030" WEST 273625 FEET TO MONUMENT NOo 28 THENCE SOUTH 88026 ° 00U WEST 251695 FEET TO MONUMENT NCI) 38 THENCE SOUTH w 39°24° 35" WEST 73020 FEET TO MONUMENT NO0 48 THENCE NORTH 79°04° 40" WEST 176004 FEET TO MONUMENT NO® 58 THENCE SOUTH 27°58 ° 20" WEST 400 FEET. MORE OR LESS. TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 48 THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID GOVERNMENT LOT LINE 980 FEET . MORE OR LESS . TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY ' S RIGHTmOF- WAYS THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHTOF..WAY LINE 1350 FEET . MORE OR LESS. TO TIE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR° S FILE NO0 6013616 . SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSB BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF THE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO0 440308 "KNOWN AS CEDAR RIVER PARK" . SAID CORNER BEING THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF MAPLE VALLEY ROAD "STATE HIGHWAY NOo 169" . WITH THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY. LINE OF SAID CONVEYED - PROPERTYB THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF MAPLE VALLEY ROAD "STATE HIGHWAY NOo 169" A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINGS THENCE CONTINUING NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID ROAD MARGIN 100 FEETB THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY PARALLEL WITH AND 160 FEET NORTHWESTERLY FROM SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 225 FEETB THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY PARALLEL WITH AND 225 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY FROM SAID SOUTHERLY ROAD MARGIN A DISTANCE OF 100 FEETB THENCE NORTHEASTERLY PARALLEL WITH AND 60 FEET NORTHERLY FROM THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 225 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF -CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY 5=M. BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO® 5137511 SUBJECT T08 10 RELINQUISHMENT OF RIGHT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT. VIEW AND AIR . UNDER TERMS OF DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON0 RECORDED 8 MARCH 49 1960 AUDITOR °S N0o8 5137511 20 AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN. AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSESa FOR 8 ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION LINE IN FAVOR OF 8 PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY . A WASHINGTON CORPORATION RECORDED 8 MARCH 23 . 1961 AUDDITOR ' S N0o8 5264946 AFFECTS 8 A 25 FOOT STRIP OF LAND OVER SAID PREMISES AND OTHER LANDS � r 3o AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED. HEREIN; AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR s SEWER LINE IN FAVOR OF 8 MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE; A WASHINGTON CORPORATION RECORDED 8 JUNE 12 , 1962 AUDITORS NOos 5438753 AFFECTS 8 A. 10 FOOT STRIP OF LAND OVER A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES 40 A RIGHT OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENT ; WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES OVER; THROUGH; ACROSS AND UNDER SAID PREMISES AS FOLLOWSs FORE GAS PIPELINE OR PIPELINES A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OVERs 20 FEET IN WIDTH OVER A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES A PERMANENT EASEMENT OVER; 5 FEET IN WIDTH EXECUTED BY 8 THE CITY OF RENTON ; A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TO . s WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY; A PUBLIC UTILITY CORPORATION DATED 8 OCTOBER 1 ; 1963 RECORDED $ OCTOBER 14; 1963 AUDITOR 'S FILE NO, ; 5650932 50 AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN; AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, FOR ; ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE IN FAVOR OF 8 PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY RECORDED 8 APRIL 3, 1899 AUDITOR°S NO, E 174950 6o GRANT BY JENNIE SARTORI ; KATHERINE E. SARTORI ; LAURA Go SARTORI AND ERSILIA SBARBORO TO E. Eo .DUFF , OF PERPETUAL RIGHT TO APPROPRIATE AND USE FROM THE STREAM OF LATER FLOWING ACROSS THE LAND OF GRANTORS IN SECTION 17 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH; RANGE 5 EAST; W.M. ; IN KING COUNTY; WASHINGTON; SUCH QUANTITY OF WATER AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO BE USED IN THE PROPER PRESERVATION AND CARE OF MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY "5 ACRES , MORE OR LESS; IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17; ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 979 OF DEEDS; PAGE 31 ; RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY" ; TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO LOCATE HYDRAULIC RAMS AND NECESSARY PIPE OR OTHER DEVICES FOR PUMPING THE WATER FROM THE CREEK WHERE SAID WATER IS PROCURED AND THE PERPETUAL RIGHT TO USE THE RAM THEN IN PLACE IN SAID STREAM AND THE PIPE LINE AND PUMP HOUSE THEN IN PLACE IN FURNISHING WATER TO SAID CEMETERY AND THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN AND REPAIR THE SAME; BY INSTRUMENT ACKNOWLEDGED SEPTEMBER 7; 1920; RECORDED OCTOBER 14; 1920; UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO, 1459217o NOTE; THE RECORD DOES NOT DISCLOSE THE LOCATION OF THE CREEK REFERRED TO IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO, 1459217, NOR DOES THE RECORD DISCLOSE IF THE RIGHTS GRANTED UNDER SAID INSTRUMENT AND UNDER EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR° S ' ` 7 • FILE NJo 174950 WERE EXTINGUISHED BY PROCEEDINGS IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT NOo 440308 UNDER WHICH TITLE IS HELD* 70 ANY QUESTION THAT MAY ARISE DUE TO SHIFTING OR CHANGE IN THE COURSE OF THE RIVER OR CREEK HEREIN NAMED9 OR DUE TO SAID RIVER OR CREEK HAVING CHANGED ITS COURSE o CEDAR RIVER 8e RIGHT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND TO THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES0 IF ANYo LYING IN THE BED OF THE CEDAR RIVER THIS REPORT IS RESTRICTED TO THE USE OF THE ADDRESSEES AND IS NOT TO BE USED AS A BASIS FOR CLOSING ANY TRANSACTION AFFECTING TITLE TO SAID PROPERTYc LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY IS LIMITED TO THE COMPENSATION RECEIVED THEREFORo BY AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY CHARGES S50000 TAX S S2025 RBA/BAJ 9 LJ-66(41 /ec_,_49g4L l • - // q • ,nN. wrs u .4/ .1- , ice• PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT ' l /�� . RENTON, WASHINGTON ljf '% r' '; ,„,,, Date February 10, 1970 TO: Helmie Nelson FROM: Gene Coulon SUBJECT: Baxter property C::// 177 Attached you will find original of Title Insurance Policy issued by Transamerica Title Insurance Com- pany on the Baxter property. Also attached is copy of letter from Jerry Shellan conveying said title policy, together with his let- ter to the County Assessor regarding tax exemption. OV R � �4 • }.�r O OFFICE OF TIIL CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON O {' �' l . o POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 . ® o '.p GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY -V ��c E A • QR, CAPITAL 0 JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY February 9 , 1970 • Mr. Gene Coulon • Park Director City Hall Renton, Washington Re : Baxter property Dear Gene : . We are returning to you herewith the original of the Title Report issued by Transamerica, Title Insurance Company pertaining to the above transaction which appears to be in order. Of course , Item 1 should be eliminated since the property is tax exempt. We have notified the County Assessor' s office as per the enclosed 1 ,_,1-, L `.v. We suggest .`you turn the original:Of this Title Report over to Helmie for safekeeping. We remain -� V ry truly ur , �' f .r erard e an GMS :ds / Enc. / cc : Mayor President Council/ City Clerk / . . 4:1'.. y b.' 1 1� I fL: r � v ���gaaa ' `'nfak r z�'r FLEAI 0197 A ) f cif' tf r E i--- . • • OFFICE oi' TIIE C'IrTY ATTORNEY" • RENTON, WASII I NCI TON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100.2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY • February 9 , 1970 • County Assessor King County Courthouse Seattle, Washington Re : Baxter to City of Renton transaction Gentlemen: This is to let you know that the City of Renton recently acquired as part of its Lake Washington Beach expansion program, the property described 'on the attached Exhibit from the J. H. Baxter Company , a California corporation. The Deed is dated December 31, 1969 and was recorded January 7 , 1970 , File No. 6606192. Since . the City of Renton is 'tax exempt any, 1970 tax lien is to be stricken from the rolls. • If there is any question. on the matter you can contact the under- signed or Mr. James Hanken, Attorney for the Baxter Company, Phone MA 4-•4212. We remain Very truly yours , • • • Gerard Pi: §hellan City Attorney GMSds ec: Mr. James Hanken Mayor Pre: , Council City Clerk Park Director • • WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE A Service of Transamerica.Corporation ISSUED BY Transamerica Title Insurance Company hereinafter called the Company, a California corporation, for valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution,of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company 'shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident,to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, THE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, and its Secretary. Transamerica Title Insurance Company By A„...,...4„4 na a _ President By Secretary CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its state office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its state office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of,the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule, any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable.only under the terms,condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "state office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein; (f) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. SCH-HEDULEA N„ 349352 Amounts 400 ,000. 00 Dne January 7, 1970 at _8 : 30 A.M. Premium $ 895.50 1. Insured CITY OF RENTON, a Muncipal Corporation. 2. Title to the estate, lien or interest insured by this policy is vested in The named insured. • 3. 'Estate, lien or interest insured • Fee simple estate. • 4. Description of the real estate with respect to which this policy is issued • PARCEL "A" : That portion of Government Lot 1 , Section 6 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East , W.M. , in King County, Washington , lying Westerly of the Northern Pacific Railway Company right of way, together with second class shorelands in front thereof as said shore lands were defined by decree entered in King County Superior Court Cause No . 156371. • PARCEL "B" : Block E, Lake Washington Shore Lands Section No . 2 , in King County , Washington, EXCEPT the Southeasterly 75 feet thereof. PARCEL "C" : Block D and the Southeasterly 75 feet of Block E , Lake Washington Shore Lands Section No . 2 in King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH second class shorelands adjoining all of the above parcels. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King , State of Washington. • 349352 • SCHEDULE B Defects, liens, encumbrances and other matters against which the company does not insure: Special exceptions 1® 1970 taxes in the sum of $1, 219. 51, which became a lien on January 1, 1970, not payable until February 15, 1970. .2. Reservation contained in deed from the State of Washington recorded under Auditor 's File No . 711139 reserving to the grantor all oil , gases , coal , ores , minerals , fossils , etc. , and the right ofientry for opening, developing and working the same and providing that such rights shall not be exercised until provision has been made for full payment of all damages sustained by reason of such entry; to second class shore- lands adjoining Parcel A. 3. Reservations contained in deed from the State of Washington recorded under Auditor's File No. 2530326 reserving 'to the grantor all oil , gases , coal , ores , minerals , fossils , etc. , and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same and providing that such rights shall not be exercised until provision has been made for full payment of all damages sustained by reason of such entry, to tide and shorelands of the first class adjoining Parcel B. Right of State of Washington or its successors , subject to payment of compensation therefore, to acquire rights of way for private railroads , skid roads , flumes , canals , water courses or other easements for transporting and moving timber , stone , minerals and other products from this and other property, as reserved in deed referred to above . 4. Reservations contained in deed from the State of Washington recorded under Auditor's File No . 3124824 reserving to the grantor all oil , gases , coal , ores , minerals , fossils , etc. , and the right of entry for opening, developing and working the same and providing that such rights shall not be exercised until provision has been made for full payment of all damages sustained by reason of such entry, to shorelands of • the first class adjoining Parcel C. Right of State of Washington or its successors , subject to pay- ment of compensation therefore , to acquire rights of way for private railroads , skid roads , flumes , canals , water courses or other easements for transporting and moving 'timber, stone , minerals and other products . from this and other property, as reserved in deed referred to above . GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose: public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensa ''n Act not disclosed by the public records: water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or oc- cupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created. or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights,claims,instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any.preceding the same becoming a lien. 4. "Consumer Credit Protection", "Truth in Lending" or similar law, or failure to comply with said law(s). X f b (End of Schedule B) .z.— / ,.•‘-' C_D-Afi(L -A7 — --7 /e2 . j ----- /-..)....„ • / /4/ , ' 1 . c. . , \ • ..- • \ , 0 o 10 \ i • i 1 , Iv .,, ,- •:,"":,-.. i f . --------.....) I --...7-- .. \ -)7270 - • C-r- • , G----r)1:7- /0 7 / \ N ',-:::- :--, ,, - 7-- "\-- ,------, \-:--3N 7- 22 k.2.. I , -..(.._ I • ,—,. , 1 1 ''-'-- . , ./7„.." 7 ----- --•/- ii . \ , - • ----__7---, fr„,"" \..3-• --.2% . \- .. , --. 4,....'..; , • / ..../ I ..-- ( \ r \ •_._ ...) \ .• 977/ wr e Z.- )---1:- \ C Y ---,, - pi \ . i \N, -7 ......„, --,. - -z_____.„ \ • , - - \ .. 1 •, (3- _ ......., 0 67-ZA'.6: CCi/17/ •L5C /56-17/ cz \ / • _ , i: ----:N\ \ \ ,..)- . . . . N' • \ \, .. '•',,, 1, ,,,',,,, This map does not purport to show all highways , roads or easements affecting said property; no liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and location. \,...".'"ee' _ A (_ • - • I Transamerica Title Insurance Company Transamerica Title Insurance Company I Benton County • 224 West Kennewick Avenue,Kennewick - 586-3191 260 Williams Boulevard, Richland - 943-9290 • Title �l t i e - Chelan,Wenatchee 101 South Wenatchee Avenue,Wenatchee NO 2-7141 • • DIVISIONS Clark County 110 East 13th Street,Vancouver • 695-1301 • • Cowlitz County Insurance 1522 Vandercook Way,Longview • 423-5330 Douglas▪County 101 South Wenatchee Avenue,Wenatchee - NO 2.7141 • California Division Franklin County Policy .508 West Clark,Pasco - 547-5521 1330 Broadway • Grant County 234 1st Avenue N.W.,Ephrata • SK 4-2505 Oakland,California 94612 • Jefferson Po County (415) 835-4070 936 Washington Street,Port Townsend - 385.2000 • King County Issued by 720 Second Avenue,Seattle - MA 4-5555 • Kitsap County 327 Pacific Avenue,Bremerton - ES 7-3768 . • Lewis County 1117 Park Street,Chehalis - 748.8641 • Mason County Suite 5-Capital Savings Center,Shelton - 426-2255 • Okanogan County Title Building,Okanogan - 422-3490 er Spokane County West 717 Sprague Avenue,Spokane - TE 8-3688 Northwest Division Thurston County 4° 720 Second Avenue Fifth&Washington,Olympia - 352.4828 ! Whitman County Seattle,Washington 98104 f P.O.Boa 110, Pullman LO 4.1269 • (206)624-5555 Transamerica Tit • le ASSOCIATED COMPANIES Clallam County Brumfield&Davis Title a Company 113 North Laurel Street, Port Angeles es - 457-4525 Insurance Company • Ferry County Ferry County Title&Escrow Co.,Inc. Title Building,Republic - 775-2424 • • Garfield County Garfield County Title Company 494 Main Street,Pomeroy - 843-1851 • Grays Harbor County Grays Harbor Title Company 224 East Wishkah,Aberdeen, • LE 2-3851 . • . Island County Land Title Company of Island County Southwest Division 3003-30th N.W.,Oak Harbor - OR 5-2246 • KIttlhs County 114 West Adams Street Kittitas County Title Company Land Title Building-5th&Pearl Street,Ellensburg - 925.9863 Phoenix,Arizona 85003 • Pacific• county (602) 262-0511 Pacific County Abstract&Title Co. 125 Alder Street,South Bend - TR 5-5721 - Pierce County Tacoma Title Company, Inc. 1111 A Street,Tacoma - FU 3-1443 • ' Skagit County • Land Title Co.of Skat• . 601 South Second Street,M lint Vernon linty ED 6-2158 • Skamania County I. Skamania County Title Company P.0.Box 277,Stevenson - 427-5711 • Snohomish County -- Everett Abstract&Title Company Service of 2939 Colby Avenue, Everett - AL 2-1156 • Midwest Division 7 r Transamerica CoY oration WaCountym county 11 Wahkiakum County Abstract Company P.O.Box 56,Cathlamet - 795-3741 1720 California Street • Denver,Colorado 80202 Wallawalla walla comty y Walla Title unty 12 North Second Avenue,Walla Walla • JA 5-8660 (303) 534-9066 • - Whatcom County Bellingham Title Company 1321 Commercial Street,Bellingham - 734-7000 • Yakima County Schreiner Title Company 30 North Second Street,Yakima - GL 3-5501 • or IC'E OF TIIE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON, WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY January S, 1970 Transarseriea Title Insurance Company 720 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington Attention: Mr. Ben McDonald Res City of Renton - J. H, Baxter Co. Dear Ben: • . We are hand-ng you herewith the original, together with Exhibit A, . of the Statutory Warranty Deed from the J. H. Baxter Company to the City of Renton. Would you please put said document on • ' record forthwith, attach the required revenue stamps thereto, and bill the cost to Mr. James Harken, Attorney at Law, 11l4 Horton Building, Seattle, Washington, as attorney for Grantor. As you know, there is no sales tax due. Wald you please also see to it that Item 2 -'en, your Preliminary Title Report is eliminated since the vacation of easement is being recorded today. The original of the owner's title policy may be forwarded to our office. If you have any .questions please let us know. We remain •• • Very truly yours, • ( / Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GMBtds Eno. . cc: Mr. Harken Mr. Coulon City Clerk . .`�•f - ,. ;y, ... 'l;.°!�Y" -:, ,.,o- ;5,.`:Frq;.F„r,,.ps.}.:m(:'Ji•. .-'' '`' DAL REVENUE STAMPS. `.,art;... � ,t , • I ThiIS SPACE PFSFPVED rr)P'RFCnrnf v'r i)c,f -!'`` 4.4i:rl ;,i's.t4eiic..I' 711it`)-.IZ.eiii,;iii.:} ' Jo .•i; xf+'A'i1{it:OTdrf TITLiDiVllilON 'Filed for Record at Request of • TO PILtb FOR RES^-40 BY SHELLAN.PAIN.STONE & SWANSOf • ATTORNEYS AT.LAW• 100 S. 2nd St. Bldg. . • P. 0. BOX 626 RENTON, WASH. 98055• . " . • • • • FORM L59 Statutory Ol4•�cr:c aty Deed (CO R PO�PCi2—Fp t�M) • , THE GRANTOR J. H. BAXTER & CO. , a California corporation, • for and ih consideration of FOUR HUNDRM THOUSAND and no/100 (S400,000.00) Dollars • in hand paid, conveys and warrants to CITY OF RENTON-, a municipal corporation, • the'following described real estate, situated in the County of .ding State of Washington: . • • . SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. 'The above Grantee hereby agrees that the above-described premises or any interest therein =ay not be sold, ,-;ased, or otherwise • transferred without the prior written approval of the Secretary . of Housing and Urban Development, his designee, or any successor thereto and the foregoing shall be a covenant running with the land. • • .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 31 s t day of December, 1969 • • • J. H. BAXT & CO. • (Mc\x/t \ • ) ) ; -- resident. • By... - - C ,< Californiaiforn � Secretary. STATE OF a b4: Ii1'i.'>,l a�::j 1 County of ..1 r. i. .. I S ss. On this day of . , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ALFRE X. BAXTER and R. B. MOSS' AN , ,. e3 r to me known to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of aE B.P.E.1223. c?: CO. S the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and vph ntarv,act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that • t=�1Ly �vv:L'e authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate'seal of said • corporation. d Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the dOand year first above 'tte • • • • ''.. aeo' ; .ilei 7 Z t. , . /g.41.g/..--.v, . olary Publ' in a rfi for the Slate ni i vfl"i", ""' esiding at .'an '1'2te° • ft EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL " " f . r That portion of Government Lot ,1, Section 6, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, lying Westerly • of the Northern Pacific Railway Company right of way, together with second class shorelands in front thereof as said shore lands were defined by decree entered in King County Superior • Court Cause No. 156371. PARCEL "B" . Block E, Lake Washington Shore Lands Section No. 2, in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the Southeasterly 75 feet thereof. PARCEL "C" • Block D and the Southeasterly 75 feet of Block E, Lake Washington Shore Lands Section No. 2 in King County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH second class shorelands adjoining all of the above parcels. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. • f PARCEL "D" All rights and interest in Harbor Area Lease No. 92 from the Port of Seattle to 3. H. Baxter to the extent it covers harbor area adjacent to Parcels "A", "B" and "C". �+ PARCEL "E" 0 * All rights and interest from a permit from the Army Corps. of Engineers to operate and interfere with navigation on that por- tion of Lake Washington adjacent to Parcels "A", "B" and "C", covered by such a permit. �. Exhibit A cont. . . . • . PARCEL "F" All rights and interest in a crossing permit from the Northern Pacific Railway and held by J. H. Baxter and Company and/or its predecessors in interest, including that certain Lease dated !. July 1, 1939 as supplemented by Lease dated March 29 , 1946 , No. 57220. P - , . . ... . - -- _ - ' „ . . . ,.• -. . . _ . . , , i . . . . . , - •. , , , . . , , I . . ... ., X tQ 'k (11 ‘\ Q ) \ , \ 1 k 4,/ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON _I' POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ART CAPITAL of JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY February 2 , 1970 Mrs . Helmie Nelson C C/ City Clerk !. /C Y-7,) City Hall �/ Renton, Washington Re: McKean to City of Renton Real Estate Transaction Dear Helmie : We are handing you herewith the original of the Title Insurance Report regarding the purchase by the City of Renton of certain property, from Fergus R. McKean et ux, together with 'a copy of the 1% Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit. Also' enclosed is the original of the Real Estate Contract which has been recorded in Volume 2.65 of records , Page '311, King County Auditor' s office . We presume that you will makeprbper entry in your record to provide for the timely an,rivalf payments due under the terms of the Real Estate Co'tra;ct . We remain Yours ver ruly, erard M. S e 1 City Attorney GMS :nd Encl. INV • WASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE A Service of Transamerica.Corporation ISSUED BY Transamerica Title Insurance Company hereinafter called the Company, a California corporation, for valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident.to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, THE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, and its Secretary. Transamerica Title Insurance Company By President By 144 .� Secretary CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own'expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its state office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- - sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein; claim may be Made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its state office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated.herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable.only under the terms, condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "state office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein; (f) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. F J I Transamerica Title Insurance Company -Transamerica Title Insurance Company • Benton County - - 224 West Kennewick Avenue,Kennewick - 586-3191 - , 260 Williams Boulevard,Richland • 943.9290 • • Chelan Counb Title .. 101 South Wenatchee Avenue,Wenatchee - NO 2-7141 DIVISIONS - • Clef,County • 110 East 13th Street,Vancouver - 695.1301 - Cowilte CountyInsurance1522 Vanderceok Way,Longview - 423-5330 Douglas County . - - • 101 South Wenatchee Avenue,Wenatchee • NO 2-7141 Franklin County - California Division • .508 West Clark,Pasco - 547-5521 PO.II,C • 1330 BroadwayYGrant County 234 1st Avenue N-W.,Ephrata - SK 4-2505 Oakland,California 94612 Jefferson County (415) 835-4070 936 Washington Street. Port Townsend - 385-2000 • King County Issued by. . • 720 Second Avenue,Seattle - MA 4-5555 - Kitsap County - - --- - -- - - — - - - - - '- - _ -- — - — 327 Pacific Avenue,Bremerton - ES 7-3768 —— - - • ._- � Lewis County - 1117 Park Street,Chehalis - 748.8641 Mason County Suite 5-Capital Savings Center,Shelton - 426.2255 -- - _ Okanogan County Title Building,Okanogan 422-3490 - • .. •_6 Spokane County4- West 717 Sprague Avenue,Spokane - TE 8-3688 Northwest Division Thurston County Fifth&Washington,Olympia - 352-4828 720 Second Avenue = Whitman County P.O. Seattle,Washington 98104 • Transan eruca Title Box 110, Pullman - LO 4-1269ASSOCCIATED CCounOMPANIESty (206)624-5555 "• &Davis" Brumfield&Dav Title Company _ Insurance Company 133 North Laurel Street, Port Angeles - 457-4525 Fern County Ferry Counb Title&Escrow Co.,Inc. Title Building, Republic - 775-2424 • • - Garfield County - Garfield County Title Company 494 Main Street, Pomeroy - 843-1851 • Grays Harbor County Grays Harbor Title Company 224 East Wishkah,Aberdeen - LE 2-3851 • Island County __ _ Land Title Company of Island County Southwest Division 3003-306 N.W.,Oak Harbor - OR 5.2246 Minas County 114 West Adams Street Kittitas County Title Company Land Title Building-5th&Pearl Street,Ellensburg - 925-9863 Phoenix,Arizona 85003 � •" • • Pacific County (602) 262-0511 - = Pacific County Abstract&Title Co. .. 125 Alder Street,South Bend - TR 5-5721 . • Pierce County Tacoma Title Company, Inc.. - 1111 A Street,Tacoma • FU 3-1443 Skagit County ' • - - - - 601 South Second Strreee t,o.of Skagit ernon County ED 6-2158 • - 4 Skamania County - Skamania County Title Company ' _ P.O.Box 277,Stevenson - 427-5711 • .. Snohomish County - _ '.. Everett Abstract&Title Company • A Service Of _ - r- • 2939 Colby Avenue, Everett - AL 2-1156 Midwest Division Transamerica.Corporation i' wahkiakum count;Ab�act Coty mpany 1720 California Streetlir P.O.Box 56,Cathlamet. •"795,3741 • Denver,Colorado 80202 ;c wane Walla Countypa_ Walla Walla Title Comny: (303) 534-9066 12 North Second Avenue,Walla Walla JA 5-8660 • Whatcom Count/ _ Bellingham Title Company i ,li' 1321 Commercial Street,Bellingham - 734-7000 • Yakima County ' ` Schreiner Title Company - . • 30 North Second-Street,Yakima --GL 3-5501 • it , • SCI-IIT'LE A No 350561 Amount S 52, 500, 00 D,ttc January 16 , 1970 at 8 : 30 A.M. Premium $ 228 . 75 In urcd TIIE CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation. Title to the estate, lien or interest insured by this policy is vested in • Heirs and Devisees of CHARLES R. PERRYMAN, Deceased', . . Estate, lien or interest insured • Fee simple estate. 4. Description of the real estate with respect to which this policy is issued The Northwest %. of the Southwest 4 of the Northwest 4 of Section 5 , Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W,M, , Less portion previously deeded to the City of Renton under Auditor' s File No. 4727748 recorded in Volume 3608 of Deeds , page 563 , records of King County, Washington, TOGETHER WITH the East 24 feet of the Southwest 4 of the Southwest n of the Northwest 4 of Section 5 , Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W,M, , Less the south 30 feet thereof for county road. Situate in the County of King, State of Washington, • 350561 SCHGI)ULE B Defects, liens, encumbrances and other matters against which die company does nut insure: Special exceptions 16 ASSESSMENT: Amount : $ 260 .60 Interest: 5 0 From: June 11 , 1961 Annual Installments : 15 Installments Paid:' 7 Installments Delinquent: 1 Next Installment Delinquent : June 11, 1970 Levied by: Water District Nog 58 UE.L. I.D. Noe : 2 2. CONTRACT OF SALE : Seller: Charles R. Perryman and Elizabeth J. Perryman his wife Purchaser: Fergus R, McKean and Virginia M. McKeanp his wife Dated: April 15 , 1957 Recorded: April 19 , 1957 Auditor' s No. : 4789892 (E# 256493) 3. CONTRACT OF SALE: Seller: Fergus R. McKean and Virginia M. McKean, his wife; Purchaser: The City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation; Dated: January 9, 1970 Recorded: January 16, 1970 Auditor' s No. : 6609766 (E#097064) :4. Easement for ingress and egress over the East 24 feet of the Southwest 4 of the Southwest 4 of the Northwest 4 of said Section 5 , as reserved in deed filed under Auditor' s File No. 47275'4 , • xfb GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1; Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed liv the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records: water rights in- matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdiision. use, enjoyment or oc- cupancy: defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights,claims,instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding the same becoming a lien. 4. "Consumer Credit Protection", "Truth in Lending" or similar law, or failure to comply with said law(s). (End of Schedule 13) • • , fd4 80-R • ORDER NO • ESCROW NO. LOAN NO , MORTGAGOR PLAT MAP Vol PG _ _ ii C\.„ •••,1 r I • 1.^4 This map does not purport to show all highways , roads or easements affecting said property; no liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and locatio: , . CH,t•-„PIFF; ; [-• I_ (-V FcT T 4-1 , •--1 T', 20'331 atria of Selo?'anti con,ip!ee address • t,',;411 Name of Putchasot and LcEri?pgHe addref,s EGAL DESCRiPTION OF REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN V,tt,liCi COUNTY; PARCEL NO, , A 5 f.„,•;.arff t taireviti)vzsty . ;46, tit r.'•••••,;01-.4 2-4 Zect„ 1.1 ft.;:re / of tL /4 •• DESCRlPTION OF ,,)ERSONAL PROPERTY IP INCL.UDED N SALE. GROSS SALES PRICE . . , plus} 1%Excise Tax _ , . $ PERSONAL PROPERTY (Deduct) . . „ — $. Penalty I% per month TAXABLE SAL ES PRICE „ „ . . . . . . . $ after 30 days) $ _ Total " " $ DATE OF CONTRACT--(On date of delivery of instrument if that is closing. date provided in ; AFF IDAVIT contract; otherwise upon execution of contract) 9, 1_970. The undersigned being first sworn, on oath says that the foregoing TYPE OF INSTRUMENT ;444,14,----4‘,4itAtte- inforte7ticiti s a true and correct statement of the facts pertaining tutoe iransftr of the above described real estate_ If lax exemption Is claimed explain fully the nature of the transfer „ --7„;grau e . - Any person wilfully giving false information in this affidavit shad be subject to the PERJURY LAWS of the State of Washington. It sale covers property traded in under Section $1, Chapter 149; 1961 Ex: Sesstori, give, Prior Affidavit No _ Subscribed and sworn to tetore me Ibis._ ..... #OR STATS 0,EPARTNIENT REVENUIAME ONLY . jaalf - r 1 9 • • • • • • Notary Public in and to the state if Veasitington Land . „ School D .strict , residing at- - Improvements . $ Y eat Last Appr P R 0 C.r E Fly A r T Total _ — $ - Property Glass _ ;1,41P PP, E M1JO CAA 'lit . t•Ir s,-y•;" ",' L ,M -r- •. -'- : 1, “ _ _ _ 43 \ . . _ a • �•I, - o WASHINGTON LAND TITLE I ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM POLICY OF .TITLE INSURANCE A(Service of Transamerica.Corporation ISSUED BY Transamerica Title Insurance Company hereinafter called the Company, a California corporation, for valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does/ hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by,reason of: 1., Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in; or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any;lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident,to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, THE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, and its Secretary. I . Transamerica Title Insurance Company By President By Secretary CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its state office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its state office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable.onlyunder the terms, condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "state office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein; (f) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. 1 � • • SCl-lEllULE. A • No. 354555 Amount $ 9 ,000.00 Date August 3, 1970 at 8: 00 A.M. Premium $ 75. 50 1. Inured THE CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation. 2. Title to the estate, lien or interest insured by this policy is vested in The named insured. 3. Estate, lien or interest insured Fee simple estate. • 4. Description of the real estate with respect to which this policy is issued The South h of the South 1.1 of the Southeast 4 of the Northeast 4 of the Northeast % of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. EXCEPT Roads ; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. • • 354555 • . SCHEDULE B Defects, liens, encumbrances and other matters against which the company does not insure: Special exceptions • NONE • • • • • • xfb GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records: material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservation in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or oc- cupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights,claims,instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any.preceding the same becoming a lien. 4. "Consumer Credit Protection", "Truth in Lending" or similar law, or failure to comply with said law(s). (End of Schedule A) 80-fit • . ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. LOAN NO. MORTGAGOR PLAT MAP Vol PG_ • � I • N 06 Df'4/,' This map does not purport to show all highways , roads or easements affecting said property; no liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and location Transamerica Title Insurance Company Transamerica Title Insurance Company Banton County 224 West Kennewick Avenue,Kennewick - 586-3191 260 Williams Boulevard,Richland - 943-9290 . • Title Chelan County Wen 101 South Wenatchee Avenue,Wenatchee - NO 2-7141 DIVISIONS Clark County 110 East 13th Street,Vancouver - 695-1301 • Cowlitz County Insurance 1522 Vandercook Way,Longview - 423-5330 • Douglas County 101 South Wenatchee Avenue,Wenatchee - NO 2-7141 • Franklin•County California Division Policy I i .508 West Clark,Pasco - 547-5521 1330 BroadwayGreet County - 234 1st Avenue N.W.,Ephrata - SK 4.2505 Oakland;California_94612 •• County (415) 835-4070 - -- - - - - __ Jefferson Po County 936 Washington Street, Port Townsend - 385.2000 • -- - - --- _ _ _ King County Issued by - _ _ -- 720 Second Avenue,Seattle - MA 4-5555 • Mop County---- _ 327 Pacific Avenue,Bremerton - ES 7.3768 - - • Lewis County• 1117 Park Street,Chehalis - 748-8641 • • , Mason County Sults 5•Capital Savings Center,Shelton - 426-2255 , • Okanogan County Title Building,Okanogan 422-3490 ' • Spokane County West 717 Sprague Avenue,Spokane - TE 8-3688 1 Northwest Division Thurston County Ili . Fifth&Washington,Olympia - 352-4828 720 Second Avenue • Seattle,Washington 98104 Transamerica Title CIATEWhitman• County P.0.Box 110,Pullman - LO 4-1269 (206)624-5555 ASSOC',IiEm COMPANIES Brumfield S.Davis Title Company • 113 North Laurel Street,Port Angeles - 457-4525 Insurance Company ' Ferry• County Ferry County Title&Escrow Co.,Inc. Title Building,Republic - 775.2424 • 0 Garfield County Garfield County Title Company 494 Main Street,Pomeroy - 843-1851 • Grays Harbor County Grays Harbor Title Company 224 East Wishkah,Aberdeen - LE 2-3851 • Island Cmmb Land Title Company of Island County Southwest Division 3003-30M N.W.,Oa:Harbor - OR 5.2246 114 West Adams Street Klnitas Coounttyy bs Tit a Company Phoenix, Adams 85003 Land Title Building-5th&Pearl Street,Ellensburg - 925.9863 • Pacific (602) 262-0511 Pacific County Abstract&Title Co. 125 Alden Street,South Bend - TR 5-5721 • Pierce County ' Tacoma Title Company, Inc. 1111 A Street,Tacoma - F11 3.1443 • • Skagit County Land Title Co.of Skagit County • 601 South Second Street,Mount Vernon ED 6.2158 • Slnmania County • - Skamanie County Title Company P.0.Box 277.Stevenson - 427.5711 • Snohomish County Everett Abstract&Title Company A Service of 2939 Colby Avenue,Everett - AL 2-1156 • • Midwest Division ir T7 ansamerica Coe oration waCountym Darmb p Wahkiakum County Abound Company P.O.Box 56,Cathlamet - 795.3741 1720 California Street • Walla Willa County Denver,Colorado 80202 walla Walla Title Company 12 North Second Avenue,Walla Walla • lA 5.8660 (303) 534-9066 • Whatcom County Bellingham Title Company ' 1321 Commercial Street,Bellingham - 734-7000 . • Yakima County Schreiner Title Company 30 North Second Street,Yakima - GL 3-5501 a _ v- --"r.r 7--1-"--'---77-7. :.7. ',•eT-r..:';fi ��y i9 ."'•" i;'may 3t .:.R,.'- .';t,;.-. .i•'` ;-1 f •,$. .. .y. .: ,'r .• '' . '• .,. ;. te , `c..� ';. `,. : V . �% 7: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY` • RENTON,WASHINGTON ;,:•;..; ''ti.`/:,- ,'- ,', ;4 POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055,ALPINE 5.8678-'•' ,rs:`, + �� 1 ,4 t ek p , r r 9 GERARD M. SNELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ?yS,,,, ; c CAS JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY �f. RT CAPITA�‘r August 7 , 1970. r\ . --(----;,6/-----i---ril- 1 '' ' *c7 e , ---'' 24/1-41>jv .-'1'.--eJ i/ • . � • � '', • Mrs. ' Helmie Nelso - /'/ - ' � •: City Clerk i City Hall '/ G/hs-4J Renton, Washington 98055 : • Re : Montague City Of Renton Real Estate Transaction ' 1 Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find original of the Statutory Warranty Deed from Mr. and Mrs . Mont- ue to the City of Renton which has been recorded in o ume 426 , page 80, King County Auditor's Office . We sug:;est you keep said document in a safe place. We are also -nc osing a copy of the closing statement and would appr: ci- e it if you would remit your . ' check for the $2 . 00 fil' g ee . The Title Insurance Com- pany will forward to yo t' e policy at an early date . We remain V tr yo s, e ar M. Shellan ty. Attorney . GMS:bjm Enc.• • CGS , /' �j INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Mrs . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk DATE August 11 , 1970 Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney FROM: RE: Montague - City of Renton Dear Helmie : Enclosed you will find original e Title Insurance Report No. 354555 issued by Transameri6a Title Insurance Company regarding the above matter. We trust t at ou will find same in order. We remain ery truly y . he n GMS :ds Enc. cc : Mayor, Engineer ////:1 / • -r INTER—OFFICE MEMO • G.M. Shellan DATE July 13, 1970 FROM: Gwen Marshall RE: Your letter to the Mayor re: Montague property, please be advised the City intends to purchase said property from the 1965 Water & Sewer Construction Fund and there is approximately $13,000.00 in that fund. • _.r .;/ • • ti c.j �% .® '� OFFICE OF TIIE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND.STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 c pp GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY �y •,. , :;. Aso 1r JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY !�' L» Ls ,�, t Nf ART CAPITA\-OE July 7 , 1970 iUL 13 I97E; MAYOR Hon. Avery Garrett, Mayor City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Montague property Dear Avery: We are enclosing herewith the original of the "Assignment of Interest in Real Estate" signed by Mr. Espey. ' We are presently awaiting a supplementary title report and will then be in a position to close this matter as soon as you advise us that there are sufficient funds on hand to do so. If you have any questions in this atter please et us know. We remain y ruly yours , Gerard M. Sh lan GMS:ds - Enc. P. S. Since dictating the above letter we have also received the Supplemental Report from the Title Company and a sketch showing the approximate dimensions of, the property. This should be verified by the City Engin er. G.M. S. • • 1OR 4 8O-R ORDER NO. 3—4` SSJ ESCROW NO. LOAN NO. MORTGAGOR PLAT MAP Vol PG • 11 O�� J 1 • th4 eVar/4' .e/I44774r7 - I r%z g'% pF • J . Off.041-OW tic • This map does not purport to show all highways , roads or asements affecting :said property; no liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and location. TransamericaTitle Insurance Co (206)EMAN4-555NUE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 SU1?PLEMENTAL - I{FF{ (PENCIL) r IF ) '. I I YOUR LOAN NO. MORTGAGOR Montague PURCHASER City of Renton ORDER NO. 354555 G. Shellan,;;.P.ain, :Swanson & Stone k • P.O. Box''626 r 100 So. Znd St. Building • . F' Renton, Washington 98055 1 L J i There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since i * * * * * * * at 8:30 A.M. EXCEPT as checked below: i i (The dole of our former report) Deed dated and recorded as file No. I Mortgage dated and recorded _as file No. I El Paragraph(s) No of our preliminary committment is eliminated. The policy is being issued in accordance with your instructions. I ' Our inspection of the premises on discloses: F _X Note is eliminated. t X Attached please find copies of sketch. • I. i. i I • f {. i'. • . Dated as of --- * * * * * '* _ at 8:30 A.M. € A Service of TRANSA ERICA TITLE INSURANCE CO. Transamerica Corporation 5 7C---- l''', F. B Y C/ f ' ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10 .00) and other good and valuable consideration, the undersigned hereby assigns , sets over, transfers and conveys unto the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, all of his right, title and interest in and to that certain "Earnest Money Receipt and Agreement" dated June 9 , 1970 , in which the undersigned appears as Purchaser and G. W. MONTAGUE and MARIE MONTAGUE , his wife, as Seller, pertaining to the following described property, to-wit: South one-half of the South one-half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 16 , Township 23 North, Range 5 E . , W.M. , less roads , all situated in King County, Washington and the undersigned further agrees and covenants to execute and deliver unto the CITY OF RENTON any and all other documents reasonably necessary to effectuate the terms of this Assignment. William F. Espey STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me WILLIAM F. ESPEY, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and seal this day of JdunA , 1970 . t'L G'ZI ' Notary Public in and for the State of Washingon, residing at Renton c"), _ s- � l� I c .Q0 2, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ® RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 GERARD M. SHELLAPN, CITY ATTORNEY 9ySo � 9OHN K. PA0P7, Al., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 0 C)Rr cAaITM- June 30 , 1972 2//42..e_z_144.Mr. Ted Bennett Finance Director City Hall ✓' Renton, Washington Re : Mill St. property - G. W. Jones Dear Ted : We are handing you the original of the Policy of Title Insurance , No. 420688 , in the abovecaptioned transaction. You will find the policy in good odder and there are no encumbrances of any type , whichfi- cludes the deletion of real estate taxes for the s-`c.nd half of 1972 . If you have any further ques ' Sons , please advise . We remain ery rul your Ger.r ellan GMS :ds Enc. ////) VVASHINGTON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION AND ALASKA STANDARD FORM A Service of , POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE 1r Transamerica Corporation ISSUED BY Transamerica Title Insurance Company hereinafter called the Company, a California corporation, for valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations in- cluded in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and tipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Sche ule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Sc edule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at th date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of chedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lieIh or encum- brance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense re- sulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any Contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereu der. In witness whereof, THE COMPANY has caused this policy to a authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, and its Secretary. Transamerica Title irsu nee Company n, ate . I ,,-.4. . r qt1,-,,ip, : .:. . -''''0' * Of s @=3 � 0 P-xgfsdent =6,1 fi By Vim-• / 0 ` t * etit, e * 0 1E" Z, 0'a Q a cretary ,'': _ L P.F.4 - 11-70 I CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim! of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or exceptpd herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In calse any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its state office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that] failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the claim of the insured unless the Com- pany shall be actually prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest,lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein, claim may be Made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its state office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company'against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. All actions or proceedings against the Company must be based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may bring against the Company with respect to serv- ices rendered in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms,condi- tions and limitations of this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) 1"the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or liy reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "state office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein; (f) "mortgage": mortgage,,deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument described in Schedule A. • • ( - 1 Transamerica Title Insurance Company Trsneamerica Title Insurance Company HOME OFFICE WASHINGTON COUNTY & AGENCY 1330 Broadway OFFICES Oakland,California 94612 Benton County 123 Vista Way,Kennewick -783.6182 r (415)835,4070 260 Williams Boulevard,Richland - 943-92% • Title Chelan Count, Northern California Operations 2os Nartn Mission Street,�Wenatchee-NO 2-7141 IIS East 13th Street,Vancouver - 695-1301 ty 1330 Broadway Insurance Cowlitz Cou • Oakland,California 94612 "h (415)835.4070 1322 Vandercook Way. - 423.5330 Douglas County • -• 209 North Mission Street,Wenatchee-NO 2-7141 Policy Franklin County Southern California Operations 508 west Clark,Pasco - 547-5521 Third and La Cienega Greet• County Los Angeles,California 90048 Ephrata234 1st Avenue N.W.,05 S Ash St.,Moses Lake ROSE$2505 -- — - -(213) 937-3800 - -- — - - - - -- -- - - J:RenonoCounty - - - - J L 936 Washington Street,Port Townsend - 385-2003 • Washington-Alaska Operations Issued by Klue,C • ounty 720 Second Avenue,Seattle - MA 4.5555 720 Second Avenue • K County Seattle,Washington 98104 327 Pacific Avenue,ue,B Br merton - ES 7-3768 (206) 624-5555 Lewis County 1117 Park Street.Chehalis - 748-8641 • • Mason County .- 112 Railroad Ave.,Shelton-426-1626 Oregon Operations - Okanogan n County 409 S.W.Ninth Avenue Title Building,Okanogan - 422-3490 •Portland,Oregon 97205 Spokane County (503)222-9931 - ' West 808 Sprague Avem ,Spokane - TE 8-3688 - Thurston County Fifth&Washington,Olympia -943-4150 Arizona Operations Transamerica Title Whifm�County P.O.Bo<I10,Pullman LO 4-1269 114 West Adams Street ASSOCIATED COMPANIES' Phoenix,Arizona 85003 Wallace-Frazier TiAsofin tle Co. (602),262-0511 914-6th sr.,Clarkston - PL a-net • Insurance CompanyClallam• County • Brumfield&Davis Title Company 113 North Laurel Street,Port Angeles - 457-4525 • • Colorado Operations • Ferry County Title Co untyEscr Co.,Inc. • 1837 California Street Title Building,Republic - 775-2424 Denver,Colorado 80202 • 6arliald County (303) 534-9066 Garfield County Title CC mpeny 494 Main Street,Pomeroy - 843-1851 • • Grays Harbor County Greys Harbor Title Company Michigan Operations 224 East Wishkah.Aberdeen - LE 2-3851 320 Ottawa Avenue,N.W. Islanpd•County Grand Rapids,Michigan 49502 3003a d Title Co Oak of Isllrand OR Sni246 (616)454-9301 • Kilita County Kittitas County Title Company • Land Title Building-5th&Pearl St..Ellensburg-925-9863 Pacific County ALASKA OFFICES Fecific County Abstract 8 Title Co. State Office 125 Alder Street,South Bend - TR 5-5721 • 705-Sixth Avenue Pierce County • Tacoma Title Company Inc. Anchorage,Alaska 99501 1111 A Street,Tacoma - FU 3-1443 (907)277-1461 Skagit County Land Title Ca.of Skagit County 601 South Second Street,Mount Vernon • ED 6-2158 BRANCH OFFICES skam.n:County Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 Skamania County Title Company 536-4th Avenue P.O.Box 277,Stevenson - 427-571 i A Service of Snohomish Cos Phone 452-21937 Transamerica Co oration Everett Abstract&Title COMPeny 2939 Colby Avenue,Everett - AL 2-1156 • Wahkiakum County Juneau,Alaska 99801 Wahkiakum County Abstract Company P.O.Box 56,Cathlamet • 795-3741 311 Seward Walla Willa County Phone 586-1215 Walla Walla Title Company 12 North Second Avenue,Walla Walla - JA 5.8660 • Whatcom County Bellingham Title Company Ketchikan,Alaska 99901 - - 1321 Commercial Street,Bellingham - 734-700) • 213 Main St, • Schreiner T Title Company Phone 225-2936 30 North Second Street,Yakima • GL 3-5501 . • ALASKA AND WLTA POLICY • SCHEDULE A No. 420688 Amount ,$ 40 ,000. 00 . Date June 13 , •19 7 2 at 8 :0 0 A.M. Premium $ 199.00 1. Insured CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation; • 2. Title to the estate, lien or interest insured by this policy is vested in • The named insured; • 3. Estate, lien or `.nterest insured • • Fee simple estate; • • • 4. Description of the real estate with respect to which this policy is issued Lots 18 and 19 in Block 10 of Town of Renton, as per plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats , page 135 , records of King County; the *:� t' ,.�. '• �..-r 1 a r King EXCEPT .a:..• e e� E`. 5 _.r�';:c. e,�:ia�.",i,ie� 2v:, c`;..11e� in a�ing • . County Superior Court Cause .NO2., 87129 , pursuant to Ordinance No. 272 of City of Renton; • . Situate in the City of Renton, County of. King, State of Washington; • PF 5 -7-70 • WLTA WA•SHINGTON POLICY • • SCHEDULE B Defects, liens,encumbrances and other matters against which the company does not insure: Special exceptions None GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and area, which an accurate surve may disclose; public or private easements, streets, roads, alleys or highways, unless disclosed of record by recorded Pl.t or conveyance, or decree of a Court of record; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in posses ion, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charger for sewer, water, electricity, or garbage removal. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents: right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use enjoyment or occupancy; any prohibition or limitation on the use, occupancy or improvement of the land resulting from the rights of the public or riparian owners to use any waters which may cover the land; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instru+ts or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights, claims, instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levie'S, if any, preceding the same be- coming a lien. 4. "Consumer credit protection," "truth-in-lending," or similar law, or the failure to comply with said law or laws. (End of Schedule B) PF 6 - 11-70 • ft; ORDER NOo I/ 2i�7C �� • • . O N NO ..._.a:, wM�1, a ::x lc . . . I Pl-LAcia:frcP:t:L.G i' :: .-,-- .5.i. [ . '- ..73(i0._(, .!" _. ., ' - 7r i- - - N V V S 2P ST - - —. — '- —. 60 O I' Q:L?� :' ^ •• r ' • -- -_- ..._.. —�- co f 6o . I ("). ri.„.) 1 . •1_,j '4 I. MIw -�— - . .� r f.k._ �o` 60 o - Ni• - • .. .F.1. . 1 tlia"-..•-)•,. 7. o...1,44. • 5 ' : 6 ...-,z-7:.jetf. . : 14 ' :c.:_i_ • 6•3.-14 i-g..t...''' jr. .. • .,-.14 rsN • . 7 • 3 Z ram; ilk 1 ' _• 7� ,ram / 3�` . r37'�f.'r . ,,.sy '-,3•Z : I, ,' , '� r •0 5 �_- / �0 m P� f� `„5• A0, ' /l..� _2j-ft'1:3,p, l� 4 s Q. / 1 1j N� i � h Q k. Q� I � '� 0/ " NCI\i� �..•Iq� � oil rt • f 1 L ./_I.__ \.-��` j_-' y,,,.;��•• ti :.- f 116.�3 ', N C %fie , roc, _.... . s-T' - , -- • • 2 9• ;; i. o , ` i• 9 " ~ k, ç % v1iço , i !? 7 'h- Dr - ,'S ': i `-,) fir' i ' ' ' • to ' This map does not purport• to show all highways , roads or easements affecting said property; no liability -is assumed for variations in dimensions and location. ��6/ Fj "7 7 - r OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY 2750 NORTHRUP WAY, BELLEVUE,WA 98004 (711 p /J October 25, 1974r`k I � C ; ., 1 v �•`i Lam / Delores A. Mead r> ,o� ` ,�, City Clerk ` ' � . ' ' City of Renton c'f� Municipal Building OrstsI L\3\, Renton , Washington 98055 Re : Olympic Pipe Line Co. R/W File KI -231 Dear Ms . Mead : Enclosed for your records and files is Pioneer National Title Insurance Policy No. B-990644, dated October 9 , 1974 at 8 : 00 a.m. to the City of Renton , Washington , covering Certain Real Estate Property Deed tolthe City of Renton by Max Farr and Rennell R. Farr, his wife , under terms of Paragraph ( 4) , page (3 ) , of the Agreement dated July 23, 1974, between City of Renton and Olympic Pipe Line Company. If you have any questions regarding this matter , please let me know. Very truly yours , �, ( am, Max Farr Project Right of Way Manager MF : eh Enclosure i. • WLTA NUMBER : B-990644 DATE = OCTOBER 90 1974 AT 8 : 00 A.M. AMOUNT : $11 ,000.00 PREMIUM: $85.75 SCHEDULE A 1. INSURED CITY 0 RENTON , STATE OF WAS-kill?UZI, 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS OLICY IS VESTED IN THE NAMED INSURED 3. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED FEE SIMPLE ESTATE 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED LOT 57 , BLOCK 7, C. D. HILLMAN ' S EARLINGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE, DIVISION NO. 1 , ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON , EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR 'S FILE NO. 5424482. B-990644 PAGE 1 • 4`. • • I �� • , r 4. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES ANDIFOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN , AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR a A GAS PIPELINE OR PIPELINES IN FAVOR OF s WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY, A PUBLIC UTIILITY CORPORATION RECORDED = JUNE 20, 1963 AUDITOR ' S NO. : 5599437 AFFECTS ' THE NORTH 15 FEET , LESS THE NORTH 10 FEET OF THE EAST 172 FEET • 5. RELINQUISHMENT OF RIGHT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR , UNDER TERMS OF DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. RECORDED s MAY 10 , 1962 I AUDITOR ' S NO. : 5424482 • 1 . . .END OF SCHEDULE B. . . . I 1 i B-990644 PAGE 3 i - - - -. . . • • ,_ ., ,. . - . - . . . . hAVP011 111411.14- ' -- . ' - - - - .-- --- it. ,,oa , . .... • . _:-: . .. . . : , .. . . . .- . _ _-_ . . _ .. . . ._ .. ... . . . ___ . . . ,_ ; ._ _ _ • . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ .. . . . . . ,, . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . .. . . .. _ _ _ _ , . _ _.. . . . . . . __ . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . _ . _ . _ . . • . . . _ . _.. ._ _ . . . .. . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . ... . ,,. . . . . . _ . . _ . •.. . . _ _ . . . . .. , . . . , ._. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . _ , . . 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Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and prohibition or limitation on the use, occupancy or im- area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public provement of the land resulting from the rights of the or private easements, streets, roads, alleys or high- public or riparian owners io use any waters which may ways, unless disclosed of record by recorded Plat or - cover the land; defects, lilens, encumbrances, or other conveyance, or decree of a Court of record; rights or matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in claims based upon instruments or upon facts not dis- possession, not disclosed by the public records; ma- closed by the public records but of which rights, terial or labor liens, or liens under the Workmen's claims, instruments or facts the insured has know- Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; ledge. 1 water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water, 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to electricity, or garbage removal. special assessments and:special levies, if any, preceding the same becoi ing a lien. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents: right of use, control or regulation by the United States 4. "Consumer credit protection," "truth-in-lending," of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; or similar law, or the failure to comply with said limitation by law or governmental regulation with re- law or laws. spect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; any • Conditions and Stipulations I 1 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim un- expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands der the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encum- to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be brance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted here- which the value of the defective portion bears to the value in; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, un- claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any less liability is otherwise specifically segregated herein. such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is shall be instituted the insured shall at once give notice there- made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebted- of in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the in- ness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company sured is-a party tb such legal proceedings, secure to the the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all Company, within ten days after service of first process upon instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall con- the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the vey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the in- satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the sured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assist- Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the ance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or lien of a mortgage is issued)simultaneously with this policy the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter schedule, any payment by the Company on said mortgage of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense in- policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule cident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that A hereof shall reduce pro tento the liability under this policy. failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the All actions or proceedings against the Company must be claim of the insured unless the Company shall be actually based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may such prejudice. bring against the Company with respect to services rendered 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or in- herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms, con- terest insured is defeated or impaired by reason of any ad- ditions and limitations of this policy. verse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein, claim may be made as herein provided. A statement 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its as insured in Schedule A of this policy: (b) "the insured": home office within sixty days after such loss or damage such named insured together with (1) each successor in shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue ownership of any indebtedness secured by any mortgage with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had un- in ownership of any such indebtedness who acquires title less an action shall have been commenced thereon within to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental be equally available against any person or corporation who agency or instrumentalitylwhich insures or guarantees shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such said indebtedness or any(part thereof, and (4) any person named insured. or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by 3. The Company may at anytime pay this policy in full, reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. corporate named insured;)(c) "date hereof": the exact Every payment made by the Company, exclusive of costs day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "pub- incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settle- lic records": records which, under the recording law, ment of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the impart constructive notice with respect to said real Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and the address shown hereon; (t) "mortgage": mortgage, costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument Company shall have paid a claim hereunder it shall be sub- described in Schedule AL rogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may I have against any person or property with respect to such 5. All notices required to be given the Company and any claim, or would have. if this policy had not been issued, statement in writing required to be furnished the Company and the ins' ed'Fj'll'transfer'all such rights to the Company. shall include the number of this policy and*Oa ll be ad- If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss dressed to it at the office which issued this licy br to its of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Home Office, Claims Department, 433 South Spring Street, '. ' `IT P.O. Box 54730,'Los Angeles, California 90094. • r • • Jr PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE ATICOR COMPANY Policy of Title Insurance • PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date hereof, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or encumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder. This policy shall not be valid or binding until countersigned below by a validating officer of the Company. Pioneer National Title Insurance Company by; ^'rt g � G , President Attest /, /� 900,fail Secretary Countersigned; . ' By ' Valid tin� tory TO 1483 PNTI (2-74) WA Washington Land Title Association Standard Form Policy • OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY 2750 NORTHRUP WAY,BELLEVUE,WA 98004 f AG � � _ � October 24 , 1974 zz , CY\J (,{ r ) t-NJ .tcRi City Clerk `r'° 1-.1j 7>. City of Renton A • ,:> Municipal Building �✓� Renton , Washington 98055 Re : Olympic Pipe Li -o-mpany Gentlemen : Enclosed for your records and files is Pioneer National Title Insurance Policy No . B-990643 , dated October 9, 1974 at 8 : 00 a .m. to the City of Renton , Washington , covering Certain Real Estate Property Deed to the City of Renton by Max Farr and Rennell R. Farr, his wife , under terms of Paragraph (3) , page (3) of a Certain Agreement dated July 23rd, 1974, between City of Renton and Olympic Pipe Line Company. If you have any questions in this matter, please et me know. Very trul yours , Max Farr Project Right of Way Manager MF :eh Enclosure ,tom.' • WLTA NUMBER : 8-990643 DATE : OCTOBER 9 , 1974 AT 8 : 00 A.M. AMOUNT : $1 ,000.00 PREMIUM: $27.50 SCHEDULE A 1 . INSURED CITY OF RENTON , STATE OF WASHINGT.ON 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATES LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN THE NAMED INSURED 3. ESTATE , LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED FEE SIMPLE ESTATE 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 20 AND 21 , BLOCK 7, C. H. HILLMAN ' S EAR INGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE , DIVISION NO. 1 , ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS , PAGE 74, IN KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON , LYING EASTERLY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 5, "SR-167" AS CONDEMNED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 588967. B-990643 . PAGE 1 . .o.` •S SCHEDULE B DEFECTS, LIENS , ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ALL MATTERS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPHS NUMBERED 1 TO 4 INCLUSIVE ON THE COVER SHEET OF THIS POLICY UNDER THE HEADING SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 1 . AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN' AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : PIPELINE PURPOSES RECORDED s OCTOBER 19 , 1973 AUDITOR ' S NO. : 7310190353 AFFECTS : AN UNDISCLOSED PORTION OF SAID PREMISES 2. CONDEMNATION BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON OF RIGHT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT , VIEW AND AIRS BY DECREE ENTERED : DECEMBER 40 1962 CASE NO. : 588967 . . .END OF SCHEDULE B. . . B-990643 PAGE 2 , , -- ,1,7:1 ,,,AL,,..- kr1.11,,ii.,-, ."N I 'TN::_!.;',:'.-.1.-:.'7; 'h. 41:1,m,' Ill:74.."'an, ' • '-" . , -'-'",': :.:-:.-.:•. ..1.:: - '.--1! 7-,1 !: --. ,.".i i',-; .;:f,-)-;-2t-‘,7..,:,. ..- Q.k.-A- ..-ii:.:T.1..- iin 1/4-zycH el,...,..-,6:117! ,';,..• • • . . ,,. .. .•, i - ,,,lt.kl.„•-. ,..,A,r,.-,1',,J '1/4;:-..!,,,-;';,. k, , czZa'-- till n_ --, ;11- .. _ :. --; ,. ,. ., . .. , , : :..:' , , •c,:L!c , ,±-!,,-. ., ,,',4,'61,,,„',:‘21.paii:'''!'"s'...; „,\11 +.11:":7,1, .1!2;1 11,91 •1 `" - •' ' .''' 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Eli..-..c' I ga Eli ;:i,,.41)c...., ,,..,t., ,-, , • • Jr • PIONEER NATIONAL ' TITLE INSURANCE ATICOR COMPANY Policy of Title Insurance PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called -he Company, for a valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss o damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being veste , at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date hereof, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or encumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resul-ing from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder. This policy shall not be valid or binding until countersigned below by a validating officer of the Company. • „ . Pioneer National Title Insurance Company by .wi a President Attest Secretary Countersigned; By Valida ing Signatory TO 1483 PNTI (2-74) WA Washington Land Title Association Standard Form Policy Schedule B, General Exceptions 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and prohibition or limitation on the use, occupancy or im- area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public provement of the land resulting from the rights of the or private easements, streets, roads, alleys or high- public or riparian owners to use any waters which may ways, unless disclosed of record by recorded Plat or cover the land; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other conveyance, or decree of a Court of record; rights or matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in claims based upon instruments or upon facts not dis- possession, not disclosed by the public records; ma- closed by the public records but of which rights, terial or labor liens, or liens under the Workmen's claims, instruments or facts the insured has know- Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; ledge. water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water, 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to electricity, or garbage removal. special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents: right of use, control or regulation by the United States 4. "Consumer credit protection," "truth-in-lending," of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; or similar law, or the failure to comply with said limitation by law or governmental regulation with re- law or laws. spect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; any • Conditions and Stipulations 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim un- expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands der the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encum- to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be brance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted here- which the value of the defective portion bears to the value in; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, un- claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. •In case any less liability is otherwise specifically-segregated herein. such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is shall be instituted the insured shall at once give notice there- made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebted- of in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the in- ness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company sured is-a party tb such legal proceedings, secure to the the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all Company, within ten days after service of first process upon instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall con- the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the vey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the in- satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the sured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assist- Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the ance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter schedule, any payment by the Company on said mortgage of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense in- policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule cident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the All actions or proceedings against the Company must be claim of the insured unless the Company shall be actually based on the provisions of this policy. Any other action or prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may such prejudice. bring against the Company with respect to services rendered 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or in- herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms, con- terest insured is defeated or impaired by reason of any ad- ditions and limitations of this'policy. verse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein, claim may be made as herein provided. A statement 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its as insured in Schedule A of this policy: (b) "the insured": home office within sixty days after such loss or damage such named insured together with (1) each successor in shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue ownership of any indebtedness secured by any mortgage with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shown in Item 3 of Schedule A, (2) any owner or successor shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had un- in ownership of any such indebtedness who acquires title less an action shall have been commenced thereon within to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental be equally available against any person or corporation who agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such• said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person named insured, or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. .corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact Every payment made by the Company, exclusive of costs day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "pub- incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settle- lic records": records which, undet the recording law, ment of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the impart constructive notice with respect to said real Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and the address shown hereon; (t) "mortgage": mortgage, costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument Company shall have paid a claim hereunder it shall be sub- described in Schedule A. rogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such 5. All notices required to be given the Company and any claim, or would have if this,policy had not been issued, statement in writing required to be furnished the Company and the insured shall'transferall such rights to the Company. shall include the number of this policy and shall be ad- If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss dressed to it at the office which issued this policyto its of the insured, suchsubrogation shall be proportionate. Home Office, Claims Department, 433 South Sdring S r et, P.O. Bois 54730,Los Angeles, California 90054. - 1 +1e, I, ugRN 9 Oddi11od , A vice Transamerica Title Insurance Co TransSer o americf a Corporation e. 1 Please address correspondence to the office checked below: RICHMOND MAIN CROWN HILL WEDGE-WOOD HIGHLANDS WEST SEATTLE MERCER ISLAND BELLEVUE AUBURN RENTON ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Park Place 8040 15th Ave.N.W. 8038 35th Ave.N.E. 18405 Aurora Ave.N. 4450 Calif.Ave.S.W. 7600 S.E.27th St. 10635 N.E.8th St. 310 Auburn Way No. 222 Williams Ave.S. 6th Ave.at University St. Seattle,Wa.98117 Seattle,WA 98115 Suite"E" Seattle,Wa.98116 Mercer Island,Wa.98040 Box 1493 Auburn,Wa.98002 Renton,Wa.98055 Seattle,WA 98101 (206)789.4400 (206)525.6800 Seattle,Wa.98133 (206)935.5785 (206)232-7601 Bellevue,WA 98009 (206)839.2566 (206)228-5050 (206)628.4676 (206)546.5191 (206)6 8.4661 r -1 City of Renton Your Order.No. 200 Mill Avenue South Renton , WA 98055 Our Order No. 424191 L J PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Washington Land Title Association Form Amount Premium Sales Tax Total ( ) Owner's standard coverage • ( ) Purchaser's standard coverage ((X) Mortgagee's standard coverage $5 ,0 0 0.0 0 $5 0.0 0 I $2.6 5 $52.65 ( ) Mortgagee's ALTA coverage ( ) Tax Registration ( ) Total Date: July 9 , 1975 at 8 :00 A.M. - $52.65 TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of any appropriate documents, its policy or policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on this pre- liminary commitment that title to the property described herein is vested on the dater shown above in HAROLD YTREDAL AND KATHE.RINE YTREDAL , his wife ; ' I subject only to the exceptions shown herein and the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. This report and commitment shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the coverage specified herein. By • Description: -as hereto attached- NOTE:1.Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service, installation, maintenance, or construction charges for sewer,water or electricity. 2.In the event this transaction fails to close, a cancellation fee will bed charged for services F rm rT wr_u_��Q rendered in accordance with our rate schedule. Page 2 _ I Order No . 424191 EXCEPTIONS : A. Second half taxes for 1975 in the sum of $116.39 , plus !special tax • in the sum of $1 .00 (Tax Account No. 242304-9049-05) (Affects a portion of the property herein described) Second half taxes for 1975 in the sum of $121 . 19 , plus! special tax in the sum of $1 .00 (Tax Account No. 242304-9050-01 ) (Affects the remainder of the property herein described) I • 1 . EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: • Disclosed by: Instrument recorded under Auditor ' s File No. 4919321 Purpose : Water pipe Area Affected : The West 3 feet of the property herein described i 2. Right to make necessary slopes for. cuts or fills upon! property herein described as granted to King County by deeds recorded under Auditor' s . File Nos. 2919490 and 2919483 . 3. .Relinquishment of right of access to state highway and of light, view and air, under terms of deed to the State of Washington , recorded October 31 , 1962 , under Auditor ' s File No. 5500257. i 4. CONTRACT OF SALE AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Seller: ,. Julia Kusnierz , a widow, !as her separate estate Purchaser: Malcolm C . Hooper and Rozella V. Hooper , his wife Dated : January 8 , 1973 • Recorded : January 11 , 1973 Recording No : 7301110445 E# 204693 Seller' s interest is now held of record by vestee herein. je/MF . . i • a• ,. Order No . 424191 DESCRIPTION That portion of the following described property lying !Southerly of the Southerly line of Black River Junction Renton Road ; ALSO KNOWN AS Secondary Highway No . 1-L ; That portion Pf the Southwest 1 /4 of the Northeast 1 /4 and of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1 /4 of Section 24 , Township 23 North , Range 4 East , W . . , in King County Washington described as follows : 1 Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly margin ;of bond issue road No . 10 " Survey No . 1142" "Now South 153rd Street" with the West boundary of C. D. Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle , Division No . 1 , as per plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , on page 74, records of King County , Washington ; running thence Westerly, along said Northerly margin of road ; 607 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the tract of land herein described ; thence continuing Westerly , along said Northerly margin , 120 feet ; thence at right angles to said Northerly margin of road , Northerly 715 feet, more or less , to the Southeasterly margin of the Puget Sound Electric Railway right-of way "Seattle-Renton Interurban Right- of- . way" ; thence Northeasterly , along said Southeasterly margin!, to intersect a line drawn Northerly and at right angles to the Northerly margin of said bond issue Road No . 10 , through the True Point cf Beginning ; thence Southerly, along said last described line , 745 feet ; more or less to the True Point of Becii nni ng; ,._ BEING KNOWN'AS that portion of Tracts 7 and 8 of Sunset Home Gardens , an unrecorded plat, lying Southerly of secondary State Highway No . 1 -L ; EXCEPT portion conveyed to State of Washington for highway purposes by deed recorded under Auditor' s File No. 5500257 ; Situate in the City of Renton , County of King , State' of Washington . • • . • lie e-.5- --- --gk-iii:.,:-!-.,,,. ..:,,,,. 1., - ' '..- . ..... , , .. •f,,.-',. ...d-, . - , , ...,. ,,!. .,„ , •?, . .,. .a i-., • I. •- * itAlite. , . 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Ai Mbl.: il of Slits, P. 74 Mang County, Wiih.; running - .• - •..4 A ... , . ...7:V. • , ' •. litytheetly sairgisi Of road, 605 feet to true pt. of beginn -c) , , , . •, . ., '.. . . )...„,. -10.044. disiiatibed: ,themoi oMetinuing westerly, along said , . . , i--s• -. - ' '•,'Irp•....' r. • f_tra. at right emigloi to said nortbewly margin of road, norther t-* ,. ,.. • "•,'"-rx 41'..to•the 00Uthiltliterly.ila.tglit Of the Puget Sound Blectric :,..:.......,• . •-:. -, • _ iit- -ma !tilaattleillenton interval** Right-of-ilaymt thence northeaster!. ..s. ... itient4 a„tekkitissiga vulpine drawn northerly aniciehtush ./ .. . v..; , - .-----:, . ;c .. ....-.-: ----,---- (c 10,500.00 ) maws,a swo bet. •• ,.. , •,' ".' 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Til...;.? 1.61"-mitlis mmeasaalaimaaa Central Brnnuh,Nat:onal Ban!4 of Commerce • ,.. . ,,:.. tf-.4-.14.,..,:'.'.....:'08••'• Ow olpr mall find l . e PPP* • ;- ' • . • • ,' * I' 4'a‘ - r illliVii, ot -said bomd issue Road no. 10, through tha true pt. •••• • ., „,,,,•‘• . ‘,..‘• • . ,.... ad. - imethorly, along said last described line, 745 foot, more or . I • -•‘• •. - ..4::!t':' tillgjaniagj 1.11100 known as that portion of Thrifts 7 and $ of mok.antonorded plat', lying southerly of eecondep State Sighway ' •-••40000•• 4 * -..... • 47 , • _,. Oonveyed to stata of Washington for highway purposes - - • ',•*,-- - ..,L"---- sosatothe file So. 6500257. 1•013JaCT to ealiallibt 11111 . , • . . ...s, • .. ' "1 •- . : • Y, 10 ',401•32). and $OLINCS to relinquishment of right of,accomel ' . .. ‘ .. -i. ''.),__; • : " ,,. • '•_ eed.of light, view and air, under terms of dead to the skate of •' Arc•• f ••••-•?-0""*""' ". : • - - seder auditor's file Mio. 5500257. NO LIENS OR SNCOMIIReacI5 J. ••••1144. • ...okr" A.r..;fAt -' „. Irtt '' .106 ,,' 0 ea the property and all tames are to be paid promptly. ... , .• • • ••••.. •••••• ' ''• efsioesime,o/lasiador ma bo-data-of-entrvis-eowt-wder in case number ... 4-',..', • - : '-'. 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LOAN NO.® �_ MORTGAGORI PLAT MAP Vol PG • ,ETA) .54.4 y y - . 576-1/ a fag„Afil, . :4 1 -------- AC-. eP . ?: This map does not purport to show all highways , roads or easements affecting said property; no liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and location. - I N S uF NCB \ftRedal • k1ec 1/4- dAI C, _L f /12P ?-'f-/ • r/o // • / T r WLTA NUMBER : A-179388 DATE : MAY 21, 1977 AT 8:00 A.M. AMOUNT : $20,000.00 PREMIUM: $124.00 SCHEDULE A 1. INSURED THE CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN THE NAMED INSURED 3. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED FEE SIMPLE ESTATE 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED LOTS 15 THRU 20, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 3, EARLINGTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 14 OF PLATS, PAGE 7, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON A-179388 PAGE 1 i SCHEDULE B DEFECTS, LIENS , ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAINST WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ALL MATTERS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPHS NUMBERED 1 TO 4 INCLUSIVE ON THE COVER SHEET OF THIS POLICY UNDER THE HEADING SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS NONE ...END OF SCHEDULE B... THE TERMS OF THIS POLICY ARE MODIFIED BY THE ATTACHED INDORSEMENT. WA: 10 , I • A-1793B8 PAGE 2' • • 'TO 1919.1 PNTI WA (5-75) z '. _ ENDORSEMENT FORM WA 10.4EV d OWNER'S INFLATION PROTECTION ENDORSEMENT I ATTACHED TO POLICY NO. �47( ,7 r ISSUED BY Pioneer National Title Insurance Company The Company, recognizing the current effect of inflation on real property valuation and intending to provide additional monetary protection to the Insured Owner named in said Policy, hereby modifies said Policy,as follows: 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in said Policy to the contrary, the amount of insurance provided by said Policy, as stated in Schedule A thereof, is subject to cumulative annual upward adjustments in the manner and to the extent hereinafter specified. 2. "Adjustment Date" is defined, for the purpose of this Endorsement, to be 12:01 a.m. on the first January 1 which occurs more than six months after the Date of Policy, as shown in Schedule A of the Policy to which this Endorsement is attached and on each succeeding January 1. 3. An upward adju3tment will be made on each of the Adjustment Dates, as defined above, by increasing the maximum amount of insurance provided by said Policy (as said amount may have been increased theretofore under the terms of this Endorsement) by the same percentage, if any, by which the United States Department of Commerce Composite Construction Cost • Index (base period 1967) for the month of September immediately preceding exceeds the highest Index number for the month of September in any previous byear which is subsequent to Date of Policy; provided, however, that the maximum amount of insurance in force shall never exceed 150% of the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A of said Policy, less the amount of any claim paid under said Policy which, under the terms of the Conditions and Stipulations, reduces the amount of insurance in force. There shall be no annual adjustment in the amount of insurance for years in which there is no increase in said Construction Cost Index. 4. In the settlement of any claim against the Company under sail Policy, the amount of insurance in force shall be deemed to be the amount which is in force as of the date on which the insured claimant first learned of the assertion or possible assertion of such claim, or as of the date of receipt by the Company of the first notice of such claim, whichever shall first occur. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as extending or changing the effective date of said Policy. This Endorsement is made a part of said Policy and is subject to the schedules, conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Pioneer National Title Insurance Company By g �-19 C�,` > )1I President . 9 Attest: 0 7,.., Secretary NOTE: In connection with a future application for title insurance covering said land, reissue credit on premium charges (if applicable at all) will be allowed only upon the original face amount of insurance as stated in Schedule A of said Policy. r .. 1. . . +1 . ." , .,.. . . _ _. .. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . ._ •. - . . :. . . • &Si ' • . . . . _ , . . . . ._ • fiii..irpti, _ . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . •. _• . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , • ... . . . _ _ . . . .: . . 4.0a,_ , _ :.: _ .._____,. , go.irio _ ._. .., . . . . .. „.. _ ., . . . _ . . . .. _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . " , . .. . , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . __. .... . . .... . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ ._ . . . . . . . . . .,..... . . . . . : , . . . . . . . .. .. . . ... . .. _ . . . . . . . . .. . . . c, . . . . . . . . _ . . . . .: . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . : . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . , . .. , . !. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. _. . ., . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . , . . . . . . .,_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . • _ . . . . .. . . . _ . . . . _ _. . . . . . O 1 A_ -' i. PIONEER NATI NALTITLE NSUR NCE. ATICOR COMPANY - , Schedule B, General Exceptions 1. Encroachments or questions of location, boundary and prohibition or limitation on the use, occupancy or im- area, which an accurate survey may disclose; public provement of the land resulting from the rights of the _ or private easements, streets, roads, alleys or high- public or riparian owners to use any waters which may ways, unless disclosed of record by recorded Plat or cover the land; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other conveyance, or decree of a Court of record; rights or matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in claims based upon instruments or upon facts not dis- possession, not disclosed by the public records; ma- closed by the public r cords but of which rights, terial or labor liens, or liens under the Workmen's claims, instruments of facts the insured has know- Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; ledge. water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water, 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to electricity, or garbage removal. special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents: right of use, control or regulation by the United States 4. "Consumer credit protection," "truth-in-lending," of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; or similar law, or the failure to comply with said limitation by law or governmental regulation with re- law or laws. spect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; any Condition and Stipulations 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim un- expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands der the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encum- to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be brance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted here- which the value of the def'ctive portion bears to the value in; reserving, however,the option at any time of settling the of the whole at the time o the discovery of the defect, un- claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any less liability is otherwise specifically segregated herein. such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is shall be instituted the insured shall at once give notice there- made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebted- of in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the in- ness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company sured is a party tb such legal proceedings, secure to the the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all Company, within ten days after service of first process upon instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall con- the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the vey to the Company any p operty acquired in full or partial name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the in- satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the • sured,and the insured shall render all reasonable assist- Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the ance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter schedule any payment by the Company on said mortgage of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense in-' policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule cident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that A hereof shall reduce prd tanto the liability under this policy. failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the All actions or proceedings against the Company must be claim of the,insured unless the Company shall be actually based on the provisions pf this policy.Any other action or prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of actions or rights of action that the insured may have or may such prejudice. bring against the Company with respect to services rendered 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of in connection with the issuance of this policy, are merged competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or in- herein and shall be enforceable only under the terms, con- terest insured is defeated or impaired by reason of any ad- ditions and limitations 0this policy. verse interest, lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein, claim may be made as herein provided. A statement 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its as insured in Schedule/11 of this policy: (b) "the insured": home office within sixty days after such loss or damage such named insured together with (1) each successor in shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue ownership of any indebtedness secured by any mortgage with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shown in Item 3 of Sche ule A, (2) any owner or successor shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had un- in ownership of any suc indebtedness who acquires title less an action shall have been commenced thereon within to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental be equally available against any person or corporation who agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such said indebtedness or arfy part thereof, and (4) any person named insured. •or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or deyy'isee of a named insured or by 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, reason of the dissoluti(�n, merger, or consolidation of a whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. corporate named insure ; (c) "date hereof": the exact Every payment made by the Company, exclusive of costs day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "pub- incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settle- lic records": records which, under the recording law, ment of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the impart constructive notice with respect to said real Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company estate; (e) "home office":the office of the Company at shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and the address shown hereon; (t) "mortgage": mortgage, costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the deed of trust, trust de d, or other security instrument Company shall have paid a claim hereunder it shall be sub- described in Schedule A. rogated to all rights and•remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such 5. All notices required to be given the Company and any claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, statement in writing required to be furnished the Company and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. shall include the number of this policy and shall be ad- If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss dressed to it at the Vice which issued this policy or to its of the insured,such subrogation shall ba;proportionate. ' Home Office, Claims,,Repart?iert,-433 South Spring Street, P.O. Box 54730, Los Angeles, Ca l i forn la 90054. r 7 . : . ._ rPIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE ATICOR COMPANY Policy of Title Insurance PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date hereof, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or encumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder. This policy shall not be valid or binding until countersigned below by a validating officer of the Company. Pioneer Nationa Aitle`,Insurance Company �~ GF7,p a\ v . l by ,_ 7°t0 �� de-ad) Q, r =o Sr :•. ;':,-, '0 a"5'//J President WO,_.. tt -o Attest l> ; .o o\•...._ �'f (r <o'o°uoom,1`. Gmire ‹4 Il4�S NgE) , k Secretary Countersigned: /� •/ l�l\'00oe,,a��`�- 7 (� Validating Signatory TO 1483 PNTI WA (7-74) Washington Land Title Association Standard Form Policy • PIONEER NATIONAL REVENUE STAMPS TITLE INSURANCE THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE ATICOR COMPANY •- Filed for Record at Request of MAT 20 2 34 Fri '71! AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: George W. Akers . ° RECORDED r e "E 1515 Norton Bldg. SPatt1P, WA 98104 r- O FORM L59 Statutory Warranty Deed r-- 5_., RENTON SCHOOLcBT IET°W. 403, a Washington municipal THE GRANTOR corporation and the successor through consolidation to King County School District No. 7, among other districts . for and in consideration of- Twenty thousand Dollars ($20,000) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King , State of Washington: Lots 15 through 20 , inclusive, Block 3 , Earlington, according to the plat recorded in Volume M4 of Plats , Page 7 in King County, Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 20th day of May, 1977. RENTON. -CIQQL DISTR CT NO.`' 03 L BY JaiCi=% ' f. • / ' President. Secretary. STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. County of King On this 20th day of May, 1977 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared James R. Hawkins and Gary F. Kohlwes to me known to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of The' Bpcit.d,,9f Directors of the Renton School District No. 403 1 � the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrumei t-to:.Ib e-,she free am/ voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, ail on oath %st t,od that they authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the IOoR orate seal of t sa;it corporation. ,� 4 i‘ri:1,A,- I ,., Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and ,rear first above written. I..' 15 EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED QUIRED Notary ('trblic in and for the State of Washington, Pig CO. Ipco ds Division residing at By..... settle. 1 ......,... .•, Deputy Sc..\\001Dcst (Ear�iNit011 Scô) C Si e refer : ��ed 7705a oo1d3S acptis' i o4 i p ! ; r -tea • FORM 3555-WN SCHEDULE A No. 1078 R 319 Number Date of Policy Amount of Ins rance 787510 August 2 , 1978 at 10 :13 a.m. $4, 000. 00 1. Name of Insured: CITY OF RENTON. 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: Fee simple 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in the insured. 4. The land herein described is encumbered by the following mortgage or trust deed and assignments: NONE and the mortgages or trust deeds, if any, shown in Schedule B hereof. 5. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden, of Eden Addition, to City of Seattle No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 63 , in King County, Washington. This policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. OWNERS. FORM _ Y. tt"s LOAN FORM • SCHEDULE B Policy Number 787510 Owners This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: (1) Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. (2) Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. (3) Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. (4) Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. (5) Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. (6) Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. (7) General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. (8) (a) Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (b) water rights, claims or title to water. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: The mortgage, if any, referred to in Item 4 of Schedule A. NONE Countersigned df,Ri.da, Authorized Signatory Schedule B of this Policy consists of 1 pages. Form 2446 Wn. R-5/78 This sketch is not based •upon a survey of' the property described in Order No . 7g7670 . of Chicago Title Insurance Company, It is • - furnished without charge solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the said premises . It does not purport to show all roads or- easements . The. Company assumes no liability for inaccuracies therein., . L s. .1 . n ` • w4a • Ic4Y ; v Z` � ?5 z� aI � < ' 1.- . -4.rnr ae!r . SE. •89TH ^ST • (9T'-4 Av.) r+. . , QM I • /J , T •tL,J '.. \‘') kW 4 CCD I .• Y I 4 L .z ..; • 'A 0SE 90TH\• S-�., G � T 8 H /A.(E =--z rlYa..-0 r . u • n CONDITIONS' AND STIPULATIONS 1. Definition of Terms • policy, th`e Company may pursue any such litigation to final determi- The following terms when used in this policy mean: nation by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and, subject to right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from any adverse judgment or any rights or defenses the Company may have had against the named order. insured, those who succeed to the interest of such insured by operation (e) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company of law as distinguished from purchase including, but not limited to, to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, heirs, distributees, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of the insured hereunder shall secure t 1 the Company the right to so kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. prosecute or provide defense in such action or proceeding, and all (b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or damage here- appeals therein, and permit the Company to use,at its option,the name of such insured for such purpose. Whenever requested by the Com- under. pany, such insured shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any (c) "knowledge": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or such action or proceeding, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, notice which may be imputed to an insured by reason of any public obtaining witnesses, or prosecuting o defending such action or pro- records. ceeding, and the Company shall rbimburse such insured for any (d) "land": the land described,specifically or by reference in Schedule expense so incurred. A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real prop- erty;provided, however,the term"land" does not include any property 4. Notice of Loss—Limitation of Action beyond the lines of the area specifically described or referred to in In addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b) of these Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting Conditions and Stipulations, a statement in writing of any loss or dam- streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, but nothing age for which it is claimed the Co ►pany is liable under this policy herein shall modify or limit the extent to which a right of access to shall be furnished to the Company within 90 days after such loss or and from the land is insured by this policy. damage shall have been determined and no right of action shall accrue (e) "mortgage": mortgage,deed of trust,trust deed, or other security to an insured claimant until 30 day after such statement shall have been furnished. Failure to furnish uch statement of loss or damage instrument. shall terminate any liability of the such under this policy as to (f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive such loss or damage. notice of matters relating to said land. 5. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims 2. Continuation of Insurance after Conveyance of Title The Company shall have the option to pay or otherwise settle for The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of or in the name of an insured claimant any claim insured against or to Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insured retains an estate terminate all liability and obligations of the Company hereunder by or interest in the land, or holds an indebtedness secured by a purchase paying or tendering payment of the amount of insurance under this money mortgage given by a purchaser from such insured, or so long policy together with any costs, attcn-neys' fees and expenses incurred as such insured shall have liability by reason of covenants of warranty up to the time of such payment or tender of payment, by the insured made by such insured in any transfer or conveyance of such estate or claimant and authorized by the Company. interest; provided, however, this policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from such insured of either said estate or 6. Determination and Payment of Loss interest or the indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage (a) The liability of the Company' under this policy shall in no case given to such insured. exceed the least of: (i) the actual loss of the insured claimant; or 3. Defense and Prosecution of Actions—Notice of Claim (ii) the amount of insurance sta ed in Schedule A. to be given by an Insured Claimant (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue delay, shall (b) The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insured against provide for the defense of an insured in all litigation consisting of by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in litigation carried actions or proceedings commenced against such insured, or a defense on by the Company for such insured, and all costs, attorneys' fees and interposed against an insured in an action to enforce a contract for a expenses in litigation carried on by such insured with the written sale of the estate or interest in said land, to the extent that such litiga- authorization of the Company. tion is founded upon an alleged defect, lien, encumbrance, or other (c) When liability has been definitely fixed in accordance with the matter insured against by this policy. conditions of this policy, the loss or damage shall be payable within (b) The insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing (i) in 30 days thereafter. case any action or proceeding is begun or defense is interposed as set 7. Limitation of Liability forth in (a) above, (ii) in case knowledge shall come to an insured No claim shall arise or be maintainable under this policy (a) if the hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the Company, after having received notice of an alleged defect, lien or title to the estate or interest, as insured, and which might cause loss encumbrance insured against hereunder, by litigation or otherwise, or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this removes such defect, lien or encumbrance or establishes the title, as policy, or (iii) if title to the estate or interest, as insured, is rejected as insured, within a reasonable'time after receipt of such notice; (b) in unmarketable. If such prompt notice shall not be given to the Corn- the event of litigation until there as been a final determination by a pany, then as to such insured all liability of the Company shall cease court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals there- and terminate in regard to the matter or matters for which such from, adverse to the title, as inslured, as provided in paragraph 3 prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure to notify hereof; or (c)for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in settling shall in no case prejudice the rights of any such insured under this any claim or suit without prior written consent of the Company. policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced by such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. .. 8. Reduction of Liability (c) The Company shall have the right at its own cost to institute All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, and without undue delay prosecute any action or proceeding or to do attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of the insurance any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to pro tanto: No payment shall be ade without producing this policy establish the title to the estate or interest as insured, and the Company for endorsement of such payment ess the policy be lost or destroyed, may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy,whether in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to or not it shall be liable thereunder, and shall not thereby concede the satisfaction of the Company. liability or waive any provision of this policy. 9. Liability Noncumulative (d) Whenever the Company shall have brought any action or inter- It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this posed a defense as required or permitted by the provisions of this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Company may pay under CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS (Continued on Reverse Side) CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS (Continued) any policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the estate or interest covered by perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Company to use this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured which the name of such insured claimant in any transaction or litigation is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in involving such rights or remedies. If the payment does not cover the Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to this policy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the pay- such rights and remedies in the proportion which said payment bears ment of any such mortgages any amount that otherwise would be pay- to the amount of said loss. If loss should result from any act of such able hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Com- by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment pany, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses under this policy to said insured owner. insured-against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation. 10. Apportionment If the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more parcels 12. Liability Limited to this Policy which are not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting This instrument together with all endorsements and other instru- one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed ments, if any, attached hereto bythe Company and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount of insurance under p y is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, subsequent to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest been agreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policy. express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto': No amendment of or endorsement to this-policy can be made except by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the 11. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement President, a Vice President, the Secretar y, an Assistant Secretary, or Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated to and 13. Notices,Where Sent be entitled to all rights and remedies which such insured claimant All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in would have had against any person or property in respect to such writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to its claim had this policy not been issued, and if requested by the Com- principal office at 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602, pany, such insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights or at any branch office of the Company. 14 .s"`•.'=":%+,# °;,._vi._.v;-A1.., Zei„ .�. :M�>11, �r��;• i,.,r�.#aiNife•.=:.ism-ce•..I.,E;'.`_�:,:).-",' ;;VIV.Z.J.M;:+��1W1W.rW.1� V'tV ..r 3 cam„'°0 u n 5= 0> F+ I R A '' H n ►--i x M I-' 7 cl 7 i O C7 1 CI p -i z � r .44r 7d yI—I O co 'Ti el, 14cn m Z C Zr-, et -sg o H 0 r 2.. E it- IA' CC po D 70 (1 > r Q o O y 9 (,� 0 > y OIF by n ., m � = z o z O w mA�NY • 3�y o y IVn , tT1 O A tri trl D Li ' 1 z i EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: 1. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, su ered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant becafne an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. r M7/ c Z/° ,*,,, N' ,WIA - gitU' `' . =,Fty 'V.- `~!,W't ,t �r> t s -4 o AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B-1970 (Amended 10-17-70) FT IfZ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY i . SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Missouri corporation, herein called the Company, 74 insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of Iinsurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 6- 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; ki . Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; ti 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land;or 4. Unmarketability of such title. 4 In Witness Whereof, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be signed k 01 and sealed as of the date of policy shown in Schedule A, the policy to become valid when countersigned N' by an authorized signatory. i ,,,,,-.; ia CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By. 0,1 Issued by: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY '/2 1415 Fifth Avenue it Peoples National Bank Building tNSUR "� President. . Seattle, Washington 98171 , .: ..F t _ (206) 628-5666 \ o CORPORATE'•., 1 ATTEST: ** Secretary. r:: IMPORTANT rdr This policy necessarily relates solely to the title as of the date of the policy. In order that a purchaser ;=: of the real estate described herein may be insured against defects, liens or encumbrances, this policy should be reissued in the name of such purchaser. 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