HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances (1901-1985) , . _ . . 5. ORDINANCE #3 . . . AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING REPTEOA IL EA*0 P r,;.10:1• rt,.- • N G •.:7 OR THE Ave' Iv COLLECTION THEREOF : OR D. No 10 576 41................. ... . Section 1 ; That every male inhabitant of 1-7E.e75711-17f- Penton between the ages of twenty one and fifty years ahaI]. pay an annual street poll tax of Four Dollars,provided that every. such person who shall appeaf at the hour of 8 oclock A.M. and peg form- eight hours faithful and diligent laboit on the public roads within the :limits of the Town of Renton under the direction of the superv- isor of streets shall be entitled to a ' credit account of said t . : taxes of -two :Dollars per day for such labor., ', - - .' • • . 8ection •2 ;• It shall be . the duty. Of the Town Clert to procure at, the expense pf ;the Town one or thane books or. boos of tax , - • receipts and deliver the same from :time • totiMe. tothe marshall forcollection“takimg his receipttherefor,andcparginghim with ,,- - . a sum. equal :to the• total amount of,the . tax :receipts, so . delivered, . . • at the rate of Two Dollars for each blank rebeiptand upon the return of the Stubbs the marshall shall be credited with. a aike amount : . - . , . . . • . . . . .. . . , . . , . Section : ; , The;' Town Marshall 'shall thereupon proceed to collect the ampunt of the said Street. poll tsx from every person subtiectto . the came Tie shall fill out one of said blank receipts . . and • deiived the same to each person' paying said tax:;, Hre shall at the expiration of every month-pay to the Treasurer all 'taxes • collected by him during said month takiuz duplicate. receipt there- , . .-... ., • . - . . - for, one Of which he shall- file with the Clerk,mho shall give the Marshall' credit 'for the same So collected' and charge the. same to . , the Treasurer .. . • . . . .. , . . .SeCtion,-4; HThiS Ordinance shall take effect and be In force f . from.; and after publication on the King County Weekly. .- . -- . , .,.- , . . • • .-, . , . . Approved this 8th day of October, 1901. ' • , . . . A. I .Beach,Myor, . . .. , . , .. . . . . . Attest , G.eo .W .Ouster, G,lerk-. . . : . , State of Washington; I ,Grantjjated„City ' Clerk., in and for theCity of " F . County of King . . ; RentOn,Washington,do here by Certify that the .City of Renton . . ; Above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance ;3 as it appearson -file in my office,arid that the same has been .published' accordingto law. . Copied by me this . . Oity Clerk. . . . . . r , ! ib1` . . v . ndinance No. 11 - ,fin Ordinance defining vagrancy, and pr.oa viding for the punishment of vagrants and vagrancy. Be it ordained by the Council of the town of Renton:- Section 1 . That every person ( except a native Indian) without visible means of living,who has the phypicial ability to work, anti who does not for the space of five days seek emp l oyment nor labor,when employment is offered him; every healthy beggar who solicits alms as a business; every person who roams about from place to place without any lawful business; every idle or dbssolute person, or associate of known thieves who wanders about the streets at late or unusual hours of the night or who lodges in any barn, shed, .shop,out-houso,or. place other than such as is kept for lbclging purposes,without the permission of the owner of party entitled to the possession thereof; every lewd and dissolute person who lives in and about houses of ill fame, and every common prostitute or common drunkard, and every person who follows gambling for a livelihood, is a vagrant and guilty of vagrancy. Section 2. That any person convicted of any of tiro above acts of vlgrancy shall ho punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, together. with the costs of prosecution, aril shall be imprbsonoci in the town Jail in default of payment of the fine and costs imposed, until the same are discharged by due process of law, and shall ,moreover, be liable to work out such costs and fine upon the streets of the town under the supervision of the - _ town marshal . FillSection 2. This ordinance shall take effect and he in fore() from and after its publication in the King County Weekly. Approved this 15th day of Ootober, 1901 . ,--) i'_'. / ..1: % ;<2 ° 6: r yor. Attest,./. c:-/- ,1_41"" 12(--- . I. I i tt: Ord inano e- No, i . An•- Qrdiriai o el. repealing Ordi hanc a No. s enti•tled"an; .ordinance to prevent':,; rl1mals' from running at large within the town of, Renton• 1901. . . • Be it ordained by ;:the .Council of the town of Renton:- Section 1. That n.o .hcrees., ;shiiep, MuleP•, gbe;'ts. cr hogs - • -shall be permitted to grape or,, run. at. large. on the streets, alleys or public gr'ounds.;tof .tfiO:aw .of, Benton'., . ' ( • section 2. It Shall be, the. duty 'ef' the marshal ' of the town of Renton' to take up -and impound any horses,mules, sheep,• hogs or goats found running at 'large, contrary to the provi- ' sions of section 1 of this ordinance-, and to. secure, the same in someplace to be. provided for that purpose. . . • -Section 3. The town marshal shall,' under the direction of the committee on Streets and Alleys, prepare a suitable pound for the impounding .of ._animal's 'taken up under ••this 'ordi- nanc e, and shall have charge of such pound. . : . Section 4. \Uhenever `anyanimal ' shall have been .taken up and impounded under this ordinance, the town Marshal shall ,....forthwith cause to be Posted in front of the town hall in the • town of Renton, a notice describingythe :animals taken- up and. .. pounded, and gIging notice that plaid animals will' be sold at public p.uctiort unless redeemed by;,;•the owners at the tine and Place. mentioned: in si.'.ch notice. said sale shall take. place not less than three nor more than seven..days• after the posting of such notice. Section 5. . ,Unless 'the, animals . s'q impounded sh : . have been redeemed befr- a the 'time. 'set for the `sale,a the town mar- . I? i•. shal shall proceed to sell .the .same. .atpublio auction in the manner prescribed for' the sane of chattel property taken upon execution, , and shall , turn over the .prOoeeds of •such sale into- �. •• ;"./ P4 • e.l b the:: town:•treasurer the town treasury, which;.shall.�b a._;h, �.. •;�4 sub j not t o t ie `owner' of.' animals after' deducting the:' feeds. ` '��U�: �'as hereinafter. spedified. ' Section 6. ' !„• 'fihe. Peen%�t'+�.•.:be allowed the t own.'unden;this• ordinance and t o be deduct:eC r.om''the' prboeeds of such sale . shall be as follows:- One Dollar. .( 1.00) • for.: each animal im- : pounded; One Dollar 1.( ') Jor daft, for the time the marshal shall have the'•,animal:',rif. • 1.00) for the,..0444. df' he sam end grin 0:purchaser a • certificate 'of' purchase; 'and ( ; ) for preparing and posting each notice. Section 7. -.;'The ',.o'ymer of ,'any stook impounded under this ' ordinance may redeem the same .at:.;: tny. time before. sale by pro- ving propdrty and paying all 'fee.•qacoruing upon. ;the same up to suchi title such owner mayreceive a warrant Upo the . town treasurer for thly amount .+pr money received for any su a animal over, and. above the feeso s •he ,ein specified, upon pree-�' eating proof, of ownership :to-.,the:;a;tovn',,a.aauioi.l,. . l Section 8. - '.Any in 1vidu ;'; who ';shall:•take, up-any. ani- mals found running at. large o.entrary to: the provisions •of', this section and deliver 'the;,s.eme.. ,ov:er, . to;.the town marshal to be im- pounded shall receive theref or one-half of the fees herein pre- scribed scribed for the impounding of animals.:, Section 9. Any person rho Shp.11 rescue, or attempt to •rescue,: any animal ,from,•the; to:irr '.pau 'd +,,.:cr from !the custody of ' the town marshal: or` from'•.the.'.c tie tody'',of: any individual who • shall have taken them •delti er,u to .:t,othe 'tc n marshal under , the provistent; of 'thin'. ordinanc .,fined.••in any sum not to. exceed:,trrn ',MO. doll -each atimal so rescued or attempted to b ,,e, flawed. ' ' • Section 10. Ordinance no. V , of the town of Renton, beini an ordinance entitled " An ordinance to prevent animals from running at large within the town of penton, "approved OierWe/L, Ar os a, is hereby repealed. { Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect on and after five ( 5) days from its publication. Passed the Town Council this /f day of I//t7J' ,1903. l' ) Mayor ok he t,own�of Kenton. Approved by me this /Y4 day of /9/ 1903. J ' ',, ' ' 611- - i' &- ,e Mayor of t ie town of Renton. Attest:- Q----I -"town C er o e own o en on. ,. 4 Published this 22- day of _'A ,1903. F___. Maw Section 10. Ordinance no, , of the town of Renton, being an ordinance entitled " An ordinance to prevent animals from running at large within the town of nenton, "approved * 4 ...,LC,19ol, is hereby repealed. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect on and after five ( 5) days from its publication. Passed the Town Council this /f day of "7-1/ ,1903. G'J Mayor o� he t own-2of RenTon. Approved by me this /f day of /0 ,1903. (‘ PiY f (4 Mayor of tie town of Renton. Attest: IA - , own C er o he own oceon. c, u published this 7-2- daY of ,1903; . _ • ..ate \'N'3;•hASt,t:5*'' vr,N, ORDINANCE NO.?.Z . . ;: s.-,,•. ` ,, 3, a `' .4 \ AN ORDINANCE appropr`iating',the sum .of, $250.00` for the • relief of the San Franoia ;� BE IT ORDAINED by'‘the Council; of the Town `of Rent on Section I. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $250.00 to be turned over to thp, Seattle Chamber of Commerce and by them expended to purchase supplies for* the relief of the • fan Francisco sufferer•e: Section IY'. .That the Mayor an _,Ton 1Clerk are hereby author- e - issue a warrant in the strnt' dfA$250 00 in the cam of • •'• . .. . • . . . . : and the Treasurer of Town of Renton is hereby authorized to pay said' ar �ht out&.pi>the general fund of the Town of Renton and said . . .. is hereby authorized to deliver said $250.00 to the Seattle Chamber of Commerce upon receiving a receipt for the same which said receipt shall be filed with the treasurer of the Town of= Renton. Section III . This Ordinancd shall be in force and effect*;4prom and after its passage . Passed the Town Council thi . . of sway, 1906. V ay or Approved by tie this .. . . . . . .day f vay, 1906. mayor. Attest : Clerk . t:, r ORDINANCE NO.?.Z . . k, x. si .\k:' 'F AN ORDINANCE appropriating: the cum of, $250.00 for the rei'ief• of the 'San 1Pr9nesiica sufferers : s '''';�'a '' .s.•., ' ak e ' ♦t. _ \`:4. *� '. BE IT ORDAINED by`'the Councilor the Town of Rent on Section I. That there is hereby''appropria ,ed the sum of '` " ' ' $250.00 to be turned over to the,,seattle Chamber of Commerce and %, > , by them expended to purchas supplies for the relief of the h \ flan Francisco eufferer�6�,'`A'i , , )• � �.•. ~�,�' Section• II .That the Mayor an Topin ,Clerk are hereby author- -.-‘ issue a warrant in the atmt of $250 00 in the nue► of and the Treasurer of the Tam of Renton is hereby authorized to ,( i pay �aic� ar ht �out�,.��the general fund. of the Town of Renton and said � L/ is hereby authorized to deliver said $250.00 to the Seattle Chamber of Commerce upon receiving a receipt for the same , which said receipt shall be filed with the treasurer of the Town ofRenton. Section III . This Ordinance shall be in force and effect.rrom and after its passage . Passed the Town Council thi . : .. . .day of dray, 1906. V ay or Approved by me this .. . . . . . .day f "fay', 1906. _ I 7,, Mayor. Attest : -X'.-' - c_ Clerk r N • RT7OLUTTPTT OF TIM CITY COMMIT, OF THE CITY OP REIiTOT1,t?i\sIMIGTOl . e?t / C)'".;' -, • 7TITPTAfIr the present market for Washington ripples has been prac— tie,111y destroyed by the lamentable European war; and, TTTIr4S, a movement has been initiated to create a new near— knt, -ror this Washington prothi.ot' and thereby relieve the apr].e rroo''rerre of this state; YOW e THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington: • 1. ThA.t the City Council of the City of Lenten, 'Ta$hing— ton, hereby heartily endorses the campaign for the creation of a home market for Washington apples. 2. That the members hereof pledge themselves to "buy a box of 17ashinrton apples" on APPLE DAY and to use their indi— v'idtl efforts to ornate in the City of Renton a market for this Washington product. Pesr'eci this October 6, 1914. Mayor. Passe& this October 6, 1914. "1 ? City Clerk. icJ 7 n r(7,3TI( T OP r T+, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP &ErTTCTd,t^.?: d?I TGTOIT. • 71.T^?fin n r the present market for Washington apples has bean prnc- ticq lly destroyed by the lamentable European war ; and, T7T97T14+$, a movement has been initiated to create a new mar- ket for this Washington pror:uet' and thereby relieve the apple rt'r"rere of this state; JO J, THERB ORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington: • 1. That the City Council of the City of Renton, Th hing- ton, hereby heartily endorses the campaign for the creatt(Tt of a home m!erket for "Washington apples. 2. That the members hereof pledge themselves to "buy a box of 7anhington apples" on APPLE DAY and to use) their iadi- virir. 1 efforts to create in the City of Benton a market for this Washington product. ►tiered this October 6, 1914. (AL"- c-e-2 -4A Mayor. Passed this October 6, 1914. City Clerk. s 76/ • L i AN ORD NAIICE ,Lepn 'I c # JL r` ' r' J %14' //L 1/4 _aL �L # !L # # -7;4 L /L JL JL L JL t J All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION OF CERTAIN DOMESTIC V 1-4ANIMALS TILE TOWN OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, FOR ISSUING PJERI,IITS; •ALLOVIIIIC REGISTERED A''NIMALS TO RUN AT LARGE DURING CERTAIN HOURS, PROH1Bi.'I'ING. THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF ANY AIR) ALL UNREGISTERED DOMESTIT AHIISALS VIITIIIII THE k• CITY LIMITS OF SAID TOWN, PROHIBITING REGISTERED ANIMALS FROU '[t1.IN11IuG 6 AT LARGE DURING CERTAIN HOURS, PROVIDING FOR THE CANCELLATION, IN CERTAIN I, CASES, OF THE PERI,MIT ALLOWIING IUIGISTERED ANIMALS TO RUN AT LARGE DURING 1 CERTAIN HOURS, PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIIOLATIOII HEREOF, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUNDING OF ANY UNREGISTERED DOMESTIC ANIMALS FOUND RUNNING AT LARGP, WITHIN THE LIMITS OF SAID TOWN OR ANY REGISTERED ANIMALS FOWII) RIJIflIING AT LARGE DURING CERTAIN HOURS, PROVIDING FOR IMPOUNDING FEES AND CHARGES . FOR AFW.G!L:S' .I.MPOUNDED, PROVIDING A METHOD FOR FINAL 1)ISPOSITIOII OF IM- POUNDED ANIMALS, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS', OF ORPPINAIIOES IN CONFLICT WITH TIIE PROVISIONS HEREOF. BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF 'RENTOII, WASHINGTON:- Section 1 . Any person residing within the, city limits of Town 1 Washington, o ♦ E a r a the of Renton, „ashinP;ton, may by proper petition, presented to the City Council, make application for permission to allow One milch cow to run at largo within the limits of said town. Such petition shall be signed by the person so anrlying for ouch permission, and shall state the sex, age, color, weight., height, markings and name of the animal for which such permission is sought, and shall designate the place where such animal is to be confined during the hours prohibited for the running oa at large of any and all domestic animals. Q Section S. If ouch permission he granted by. the 'Qity Council the person so arTlyittg shall, upon the payi.i3nt of on:, dollar ( 01.00 to the Town 010n of said town, receive a permit,to be signed by the Mayor of said Town, countersigned by said Clerk, which shall recite the fact of ouch petition having been presented to the Council, the na. ,c of the petitioner, the date thereof, th9, description of such 'animal , us set forth its such petition, and uhallauthori e said petitioner to allow the animal described in said petition:yto run at large within thu city 11.mits of said Town during the heurs hereinafter set forth ,and designated for the rumin,,, at 1;Ate of rogistei'ed animals, from the date of ouch petition to the first day of January next succeeding. Said petitioner :chall also receive from said clerk a metal tag, which 'ehall``be stamped Town of Renton, Washington. Cow Licentie, n and shall have stamped thereon the year such permit is issued, and shall show in flumerala at least two ( ? ) inches in height, on both sides of said tag, the number of the permit, so issued as aforesaid. Section 3. The Town Clerk of said Town shall keep a record known and designated as n Cow Permit Registernin which shall be inserted the name of the petitioner, his• address, the date of such petition, and a full description of the animal designated therein, the action of the Council thereon, the date and number of the permit and tag issued, if favorable action is taken on said petition. Section 4. Tho tag so issued to said petitioner shall be attached,by the owner. :thereof, in a firm manner, around the neck of the animal described in said petition, and shall be kept tier() during the time designated in said _. . permit.' Section 5. such permit, no issued as aforesaid, shall authorize the owner or keeper of the animal described therein to allow the said animal to run at large, within the limitsyofesaidnTown/froma7oA. M. to 5 P. M. from October let, to April let. , and from G1 A. M. to 8 P. M. from Apt'il lot. to October lat. ov-Ge=-Mtzch of"Stt2'1'Sr-ur-trtsth-of--aaid date pexinde-a Sir;included 'betwoorr"tha'/of`much--permtrtiritt-thtr-first-dey---of" Januaxy-next-Weadding. Section 6. Upon the written complaint of any resident of said Town that any animal for which: a permit to run at largohas been issued, as herein provided, had broken through. a lawful fence, pushed down or jumped over the same, or in any other manner unlawfully entered an enclosure, or that the 'owner 'of any registered animal, or keeper thereof has know -iiigl ,- .- , .� '• � y permitted, or allowed the same to run at large contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, the Council may, upon motion, cancel the permit so issued, if satisfied• tliatthe , allegations contained in said complaint are true, whereupon it shall be the duty mf the Town Marshal • to notify the person to whom such permit' has been issued that the same ti. V/ has been cancelled and, upon receipt of said' permit and metal tag from such person, ahall' repay to such person the foe of one dollar ( $1;b0 ) hereinbofore provided for. Upon the cancellation of any permit as heroin provided it shall be unlawful for 'the ' owner or keeper of the animal described therein to allow such animal .to run at lame within the city • limits of said Town. : Section 7. No permit shall be issued, for any animal other than a milch cow of the age of two years or over. No permit shall be issued to a cow known to be breathy. In no instance shall permits ho issued for two cows } opt by the same family. Section 8. No permit shall. bo issued at the same mooting tion ' at which the peti4 therefor irk presented, but ,action thereon shall be next regular • ta.cen at the /followin jrfloeting, at .Which any .objections to the issuing of :said permit shall be heard by the council. . Section 9. No owner .or l:oeper of any cattle, horses,' mules, swine 1, nheep,t- - flier animals .shalt" permit such animals to run at large within the city limits of the Town of Renton, Washington, except as hereinbeforo provided. �.., �.. • Section 10. , Any person owning or Keeping any cattle, horses, mules, swine, sheep ^'' r �.''� � i 3 vrho shall permit them to run at large in violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished lit:;}:eu. by a fine of not more that 4w.en4y. five 'dollars for the first offense, and for the -same offense committed by the same owner or keeper after one conviction under this ordinance, ' shall be punished by a find of not lammAiwW-tiertt4M144Warnore than twenty five dollars. Section 11. It shall be the duty of the Marshal, or any per- :•:t;-son who may he appointed by him, `'to seize and impound anycattle''. horses, : mutes, amine, sheep, goats ,.tiff. other that Tillcli cows for which a permit in accordance rrith tho provisions hereof has been issued and which aro gearing a cow 'tag as provided 'hereiri, astray or running gat large within the limits of said town, and' to detain at the public pound or other suitablo place, any stray animal named' fin,' or reasonably to be considered as included within the provisions of this ordinance, until the r. Ir c? . theNownor thereof has substantiated his right to ouch anima] to the' Marshal, or person appointed by him for such purpose, or in sass of dis- pute as to o in:3r3lrili, before any court of competent jurisdiction, subject to the penalties, fees and costs � 7 presc.rihc� herein for the regulation of the public pound. Provided however, it shall be th4•duty of the ISr_rshal or person appointed by him for that purpose, 'to impound any registered animal for which a permit .has been' isouod :as ' heroin provided where such animal in found running at large within the limits of said town without the tag heroin Trovided for, or where such animal' is found running at large within the limits of said Town at any time other than during the hours heroin provided for the running at large of registered animals . • Section 12. The only doMestic animals that ran lawfully run at large at any time within the limits of said town from and after the time the provisions hereof take effect, shall be ouch animals -for which a permit tutu tag have boon issued .by the Council as above set forth, pro- vided- however that in case such permit is cancelled by the Council, it shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of the animal dosigiiatgd therein ; ,to knowingly permit or allow such animal to run at largo within the limits - of said Town, after receiving notice of such cancellation from the Marshal of said Town, and if, after receiving such notice, such owner or keeper shall knowingly g y permit or allow such raiiirnal to run at large, such animal shall be dealt with by the Marshal in the same manner provided heroin for animals for which a' permit has never been issued.. Section 13. The. llarshal,shall charge the owner of any impoun- ded anilaalfifty cents for each day, or part of a. day, computing from mid- night, it is detained, for the care and• feeding thereof; and shall take such measuree au shall be necessary to insure its proper care and feeding; and he shall chants an impounding foe of two dollars for each animal im- pounded, to be paid into the City Treasury as other fines and fees are paic Section 13a If at the expiration of two days, any impounded animal shall not be released by. the owner or Keeper thereof by the payment .: of the costs and fees herein provided, the Marshal shall proceed to give fifteen days notice by publication in some newspaper published in said Town of the time and place when and where he will expose the said animal .to sale at public auction,• at which' time and place ho shall, at puiicblic. r If .._.._,_.,. l �. 414 y r t., �. S t}.j'• , M` N v. ,,: Ill- f auction, ox7 0se said aniiau ` . th. fj `,Fa ,a, o, endrgell the "qio •tv the higho st A bidder for " 4c w . t v, �,,SAS;. cash, and out •oho roceeds �'� �r 9„$hall pay ' 3n 1t • -�,r•�,rtI'r ;Y� 'y�.�s�'�.. .. �1', �,:,,,. . I 3 all of the c.:tl:� r ,s aforesaid ` " 1 and .all^„�othe �o ensos and pay '"� y t •,I- ,, there. due, if any there be, 44 to the City Treasurer;'"' The said notice shall doecribod the said animal ; frith reasonable certainty, and shall rstate the name of tho owner or keopei -s.if the same be Known to the Marshall, and if tho nano of the owner or kaepor be u1�Y.noti�n to the Id r A JIX)44 -.� ,:,, , o n; , ar¢hal, {ftri�'t4'fact"shall" bo, t 1-'f'",u4le*/1= ,I'4,1?r 'I;77:"41414 s.� ,ate stated 111 said notice i lsuch owner or keeper be known and he can be found ins ` said Town, a copy of such notice shall be served upon him at least one day prior to such sale. Section 15. A,t any time within six months from the• date of the sale of any animal the former owner thereof, upon proper application to the City Treasurer, and upon satisfactor A; Y proof to ouch City 2rrjtr:3LLI'er that he is the former owner, may roceivo the residue of the proceeds of the sale provided for in the foregoing section horoof, after deducting all costs and expenses, and if atrthe expiration of six months the former owner shall not have applied to tho City Treasurer as provided for in thle .soction, then said City Treasurer shall pay said residue into the general fund. • Section 16 . All ordinances or conflict of ordinances in with the provisions hereof shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. :section 17. Thin ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days Afrom and after its passage, approval, and legal publication. Approved this (day of -6. , A. I). 1908 . 7._ l c" 1 e v L z - Cam, r MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF ItENTON. Passed this /j4day of 7-G4i‘ f. F A. D. I908. CLERK SYF TIHE TOWN OF RENTON. I `m00T40 ; f4t1- w;‘.,44.-. y`�f" .�•�, • Y.{�(}; i�� H j • ,YYt • tJr r (iQ t ,�� Y '1 {�L 1. • +t, auction, oxI use said r an1 aX0 • _,.g. ©l,and,,Sell the 'ogier t -itho highest 1 ''' .,,4 bidder for cash, ,and out`of� � he proceeds Y ,9��sha11 pay all 01' the exponues • FRS r �P A ��. . „ •.u�," .:,. . aforesaid and :all �otheiri'O .. enses and t , c ;:': y,. .' .,. pay he ;residue, if any there be, to the City Treasurer:r .:The said notice shall doucribod the said animal With reasonable certainty, and shall state the nano of the owner or Keopei - if .the name be Known to the Marshal •, , and if the nano of the ownor or Keeper. be unKnown to the'Y2drar has. kfaat •1 '.,,.t . �' .:.,.; 7y; ;`, �., 1,1 r4$ 7k '� 4 .f4 1harl' bo stated in said notice 1/ ifAuc;h. owner or, keeper be known 'and he can be found in said Town, a copy of such notice shall be served upon him at least one day prior to such sale. 8eetioii 16. At any tine within six months from the date of the sale of any animal the former owner thereof, upon proper application to the City Treasurer, and upon satisfactory proof to such City Tro;i:;ux'er that he in the former owner, may receivo the reoiduo of the proceeds of the Salo provided for in the foregoing section hereof, after deducting all costs and expenses, and if at . the expiration of six months the former owner shall not have applied to the City Treasurer as provided for in 'this .soction, then said City Treasurer shall pay said residue into the general fund. Section 16 . All ordinances erpaxts of ordinances in conflict olflict with the provisions hereof shall be, and the same are hereby ropoaled. Section 17 . This ordinance shall be in full force and offect thirty days Afrom and after its passage, approval, and legal publication. Approved this /(//day of - ,u , A . ID. 1908 . b r' MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF I ENTON. Passed this Li day. of G2�it s /� A. D. I908, CI,ERIt 9:1A' THE TOWN OF RENTON. • , t Resolution No. 1. 0 /, 1 • Resolution of the City Council of Renton Washington determining the amount of taxes to• be levied upon the current. assessment roll for Ithe City of .Renton for the ensuing year. Whereas the City Council of the City of Renton havingIlheretofore made and approved an itemized statement of proposed expenditures ,and of receipts for the ensuing year, (including the deficiency for I9I5) in the City of Renton, Washington, in conformity to the laws of the State of Washington,a copy of said estimate being hereto attached and marked exhibit"A" and made a part of this ' resolution. : And whereas due and proper notice of the time and place of hearing,of objections to said proposed levy gouty was giveax; 4th day of October And whereas on the 1512.3txdaymalx/mgpast I9I5, the City Council of. the city of Renton,Washington, met in special session for the purpose of hearing objections to said proposed tax levy in conformity to said notice; And whereas no objections to. said •proposed levy wereimade at said meeting 'held as aforesaid; • Now therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the city of Renton,, Washington: Section I--That there shall be and is hereby levied against all the real and personal property within the boundaries of the city ()if Renton, Wash- ington,the a&xat sums of • • . $I2,600. 00 For current expenses for I9I6. And the sum of $ 6, 300. 00 (being amount estimated on a 6 mill levy to pay on city debt. ) - • xMakimg . . Making in all the sum of Eighteen thousand and nine hundred dollars ($I8,900. 00) Section 2. --That the City Clerk of the city of REnton,Washington,be and is hereby ordered and directed to forthwith transmit to the Auditor of King county,' Washington a certified copy hereof. ! • Section 3. --That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after it passage and approval. Passed this 4th day of October I9I5. Approved this 4th ay of October I9I5 f f�`?f Mayor Attest ; �j, ja / City Clerk " EXHIBIT A. " Expenditures . City flail 100.00 Fire Department 200.00 Streets & Sewers 2000.00 Light Department 2200.00 Garbage Collection 400 .00 Bridge Fund 500.00 Comfort Station 50.00 Jail ,meals ,etc . 40.00 Fuel 40.00 Stationery & Printing 325.00 elections 325.00 Sonds,City Officials 35.00 Park,maintenance 300.00 Library,maintenance 1250.00 Sinking fund, 'ater Bonds No.1, 490.00 Salaries. Per.Mo. Gen.Fund Water Fund. City Attorney 50.00 600.00 City Engr. Street & Water Supt . 80 .00 480.00 480.00 Health Officer 5 .00 60.00 Night Marshal 80.00 960.00 Chief of Police 80 .00 960.00 City Clerk 100.00 720.00 480.00 City Treasurer 25.00 300.00 0780.00 1260.00 --_ _ .._ _ , -- 5040.00 Interest on '!Water Bonds, 1804.00 Water Dept.maantenance 4000.00 Estimated surplus,Water Dept. 2936.00 Miscellaneous Sundry,not classified, 1705.00 Deficit,1015, 6300.00 Total expenditures, S30040.00 • " EXHIBIT A. " Expenditures, City Hall 100.00 Fire Department 200.00 Streets & Sewers 2000.00 Light Department 2200.00 Garbage Collection 400.00 Bridge Fund 500.00 Comfort Station 50.00 Jail,meals ,etc.. 40.00 Fuel 40.00 Stationery & Printing 325 .00 elections 325.00 flonds,City Officials 35.00 Park,maintenance 300.00 tibrary,maintenance 1250.00 Sinking fund , ''ater Bonds No.1, 490.00 Salaries. Per.Mo. Gen.Fund Water Fund. City Attorney 50.00 600.00 City Engr. Street & Water Supt. 80 .00 480.00 480.00 Health Officer 5 .00 60.00 Night Marshal 80.00 960.00 Chief of Police 80.00 960.00 City Clerk 100.00 720.00 480.00 City Treasurer 25.00 300.00 3780.00 11260.00 - -- 5040.00 Interest on Water Bonds, 1804.00 Water Dept.maintenance 4000.00 Estimated surplus,Water Dept. 2936.00 Miscellaneous Sundry,not classified, 1705.00 Deficit,1915, 6300.00 Total expenditures, „'30040.00 2 .y,/, y b Ordinance Yo. '/ .n 1- An ordinance prohibiting expectoration in public places and providing a penalty therefor. The City Council of the City of Renton do ordain as follows: Section I It shall be unlawful for any person to expectorate on the floor of ariy street railway etas, cr other public conveyance or public huil'iin , or in any hall or ®xtxxea entrance to any plaoe where enter- tnitrnente or lodge mee ingr; are held, or on Any sidewalk in the City of Renton. Section 2-kny person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance uhall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars and the cost of prosecution. Section 3 It shall be the duty of the police officers of the city of Renton to enforce the proviuionaa n-d prosecute, xfgur;}Rxx violator.; of the same when practicable. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect_ and he in force 5 dai-o after its passage,approval and legal publication. Passed this 24th day of August 1915. Approved this 24th day of August 1915. • i -zOt ..a:;or Attest ./ _42c—' City Clerk. i/Z.. Cv it:,,„4-6. e.4271-4 -"`" Z 7 - 7 / y� ---1,-...---' L'-' g"--7-7.--7_,7 • . • - • ,-..--- .._,._,, _.�.....----.-ems,:r;�: _.- •-..go-,..-.:w y:;:i�e _, ;., .........- arn:o.o,.....:...,.. F . •r ...._ ..ram Ordinance n /To. ✓ An ordinance prohibiting expectoration in public places and providing a penalty therefor. The city Council of the City of Renton do ordain as follows: Section I It shall be unlawful for any person 'to expectorate on the floor of any street railway car, or other public conveyance or 'public b uild.in g, or in any hall or extxmacir entrance to any plaoe where enter- : . taiiment2 or lodge meetings are held, or on Any side-Nark in the City of Renton. Section 2-&ny person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars and the cost of prosecution. Section 3 It 3ha11 be the duty of the police officers of the City of Renton to enforce the provi2ionns and prosecute xfialuAl xx violator►, of the same when practicable. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 5 day after its passage,appr oval and legal publication. Passed this 24th day of August I915. Approved this 2th day of August 1215. zQo Attest / City Clerk. .1�Cv e Z 7 - .4pT • • • Resolution Z. 6-1 /7�- A Resolution condemning allwi$gn�xn�cxlciaWn10existing, alon g each and every of the paved streets in Renton,Wankkttg±x Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton: Section I . That all wooden sidewalks ,now existing (which are) on paved streets in the City of Renton , be and the same are hereby condemned as defective and unsafe for the public to travel upon,and dangerous for persons having occasion to use the same. Section 2. That provision shall be made by the City Engineer for the removal of said wooden Sidewalks when new concrete walks AXE are ordered by the City Council. Passed this 2nd day of March, I920.• .. Approved this 2nd day of March, I920. Ai±11.1 t.xxxxXXXXXXX Attest , ; Mayor City Clerk Resolution No. 2_ 6-1 7,- ks A Resolution condemning allwitam s3cken a,now existing, along each and every of the paved streets in Renton,Washicmgtx Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Renton: Section I. That all wooden sidewalks ,now existing (which are ) on paved streets in the City of Renton , be and the same are hereby condemned as defective and unsafe for the public to travel upon,and dangerous for persons having occasion to use the same. Section 2. That provision shall be made by the City Engineer for the removal of said wooden Sidewalks when new concrete walks sas are ordered by the City Council. Passed this 2nd day of March, I920. Approved this 2nd day of March, I920. pi A±±as±xxxxxxxxxxx Mayor Attest / City Clerk 1/1-111e57.7 IL' Nlet' fir j''''.- ' . it AVV U` W rOrdinanceNo. . ;+!""t � t Ordinance .t , tar closing toilets on care whale passing th.ro;• 1 -:r *'cil of this city of Renton do ordain as follows! #' t .._% * A,aaW*ig:1 Z.a LI x ci at AA It XII O . IMOLIUSIl :+cap. .x r sax ana;c xa LWIL ix txAe� uaaJcztattkl t # v or y toilet a to or i ! • .!1/ railroad car while the same is pass - rough or . $ n:a city of Renton, oWsshingt 4 a - VI I ent,ran,:ea and rs to toilets on railroad pare iUx. ., ; . u-tk s:; - .• lockud d fastened :rhiie said cars aro *1 ,h4.11 ;, ;ee ,4T. Vrws7 -;.or. 4 A-; ' 10rer railroad oenducter ox ..;otthsr *lust• ♦IA • •,e a1" :-�. r . . e, a ltawaxaxxjxpri m axtzx t allows any Per** within a. 4 ' • weir it pashas through t, ntan,or whu ,. , , • ;I e,1 V 1;re the do a to all toilets on railroad t«airs r. .; u (.0'.0: r tha limits of the city of Benton or v:;• i - ranee* and doors of all toilets on the t.ra.v,_ c..i° • c ,.•�• cor: - - ..,I gecur>oly fastegod and lock a :,;- „ At. i4 tra r . n pasting t or x t 0 cit.,' ' of ten 'war,', ,. i L, .; . ity of a misdenxanor and ral. - ..v.ia L...,,, 0-all N. ,', , , ;m lot exceeding $I OO.00 ,; . , -rie^ re^ ►2l take effect •.e in forcer 5 day after it. i,40,,er.,; :k? •4.; 1 . ,.,al public . f A sped t'tis , da. •ctr,ber I I!i. c.-4d is da : of October 1915. . RESOLUTION NO. 545 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RTENT0N, WASHINGTON: Section 1: That the following work shall be done on the streets of the City of Renton, Washington, and the cost thereof paid from revenue received from the State gas tax, to-wit: Third Avenue by removing street car tracks and re- placing with concrete pavement from West side of Burnett Street to Main Street at a total cost of 41748.20 % 690.14 of this amount being labor donated by the Works Progress Administration and 41058.06 being concrete and expansion joints furnished by the City of Renton. Section 2: That a certified copy of this Resolution be immediately forwarded to Mr. Kenyon, District Engineer, Department of Highways, Seattle, Washington. Approved this 4th day of March 1941. Mayor Passed this 4th day of March 1941. aren7041/714.141 City Clerk Date of publication: March 6, 1941. J Y f RESOLUTION NO. 545 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENNTON, ,/ASHINGTON: Section 1: That the following work shall be done on the streets of the City of Renton, Washington, and the cost thereof paid from revenue received from the State gas tax, to-wit: Third Avenue by removing street car tracks and re- placing with concrete pavement from West side of Burnett Street to Lain Street at a total cost of $1748.20 tiv690.14 of this amount being labor donated by the III Works Progress Administration and $1058.06 being concrete and expansion joints furnished by the City of Renton. Section 2: That a certified copy of this Resolution be immediately forwarded to Mr. Kenyon, District Engineer, Department of Highways, Seattle, Washington. Approved this 4th day of March 1941. Mill MI Mayor 1 Passed this 4th day of March 1941. arfl(f-6411 City Clerk 004 Date of publication: March 6, 1941. RESOLUTION NO. 551 RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY OF RE TON, WASHINGTON, ACIG O,iLED LING THE FUL+'ILLI.=: ITT OF A POLITICAL PROMISE: ;11EREAS one Archie Phelps, when a candidate for County Commissioner in the South District, promised the voters of Renton and the Renton district, that if elected a member of the Board of County Commissioners, he would see that the County's portion of the second Avenue extension to Rainier Avenue would be completed in the summer of the year 1941. AND WHEREAS E iS the County road crew is now at work on the construction of the County's portion of the said Second avenue extension, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of i{enton, +ashington, that the Renton people extend to Commissioner Phelps our gratitude for so promptly fulfilling a campaign pledge, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to 1:r. Phelps. 1Lnnroved this 17th day of June 1941 • Mayor Pro Tem Passed this 17th day of June 1941. City Clerk Appr t for Paul Isar, City ilttorney. Published: June 19, 1941. • IMIWOMOIMMINft RESOLUTION NO. 551 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ACIGTOAEDGING TILE FULFILLIU NT OF A POLITICAL PROMISE: .IILEREAS one Archie Phelps, when a candidate for County Commissioner in the South District, promised the voters of Renton and the Denton district, that if elected a member of the Board of County Commissioners, he would see that the County's portion of the second Avenue extension to Rainier Avenue would be completed in the summer of the year 1941. AND WHEREAS the County road crew is now at work on the construction of the County' s portion of the said Second Avenue extension, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TUE CITY COLIrCIL of the City of Kenton, .u'ashington, that the Renton people extend to Commissioner Phelps our gratitude for so promptly fulfilling a campaign pledge, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Mr. Phelps. Approved this 17th day of June 1941 Mayor Pro Tem Passed this 17th day of June 1941. City Clerk Appr t for • Iaul s er, City Attorney. Published: June 19, 1941. R :SOLJTInN NO. 890 Pursuant to the Subversive Activities Act of the State of Washington and particular- ly the provisions of Chapter 377, Laws of 1955, intended to exclude from public employment those persons who act toward the overthrow or destruction of our present form of govern- ment by force or violence, BE IT RESOLVED as follows; SECTIC 1 1. Every person in the employ of the City of Renton, a Aunicipal Corpora- tion, and every applicant for employment by said City hereafter, shall be required to state on oath whether or not he or she is a member of any subversive organization as defined in said laws. The statement shall be in substantially the following form, as approved by the State Committee on Standards on June 3, 1955, to.,wits sTATRuRNT I, , do hereby certify that I have read the provisions of Section 14, Chapter 254, Laws of 1951, and as Amended in Chapter 377, Laws of 1955 of the State of Washington quoted above; that I understand and I am faai)i ar with th- contents thereof; and I am not a subversive person as therein defined. I further certify that I know and understand that this statement is made under oath and is therefore subject to the penalties of perjury, as provided in section 17 of the Subversive Activities Act cited above. Signature Office or apartment Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 Notary Public in and f or tine State of Xashington residing at S cTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of Renton is authorized and directed to obtain and file the written sworn Statements hereinabove required from employees and to carry out the provisions of said laws. In any cane where he finds it necessary or help- ful, in securing relevant facts to ascertain whether any applicant for employment is a subversive person, th, City Clerk is authorized and directed to require the applicant to sign an additional written statement containing answers to such inquiries as may be material, and containing notice that it is subject to the penalties o`' perjury. PASSED by the City Council this }ch day of September, 1955. FLOYD W. SHAFF City Clerk APPROVED by the Mayor this jith day of September, 1955. JOE R. BAXTER • '.vac as to fo. ,ns MA U 4. i lELLAN y „or RESOLUTION NO. 890 Pursuant to the Subversive Activities Act of the State of Washington and particular- ly the provisions of Chapter 377, Laws of 1955, intended to exclude from public employment those persons who act toward the overthrow or destruction of our present form of govern- ment by force or violence, BE IT P? SOWED as ''ollowss SECTION 1. Every person in the employ of the City of Renton, a .unicipal Corpora- tion, and every applicant for employment by said City hereafter, shall be required to state on oath whether or not he or she is a member of any subversive organization as defined in said laws. The statement shall be in substantially the following form, as approved by the State Co m it :ee on Standards on June 3, 1955, to-wits STATEMENT do hereby certify that I have read the provisions of Section iii, Chapter 254, Laws of 1951, and as Amended in Chapter 377, Laws of 1955 of the State of Washington quoted above; that I understand and I am familiar with thy. contents thereof; and I am not a subversive person as therein defined. I further certify that I know and understand that this statement is made under oath and is therefore subject to the penalties of perjkry, as provided in section 17 of the Subversive Activities Act cited above. Signature Office or Department Subscri ed and cwcrn to before me this day of , 19 Notary Public in and forthe State of Washington residinn at SECTION 2. The City Clerk of the City of Renton is authorized and directed to obtain and file the written sworn statements hereina.bove required from employees and to carry out the provisions of said laws. In any case where he finds it necessary or help- ful, in securing relevant facts to ascertain whether any applicant for employment is a subversive person, the City Clerk is authorized and direoted to require the applicant to sign an additional written statement containing answers to such inquiries as may be material, and containing notice that it is subject to the penalties of perj*ry. PASSED by the City Council thisL th day of September, 1955. FLOYD W. SHAFF City Clerk APPROVED by the Mdayor this ' tth day of September, 1955. JOE R. BAXTER r.r7e1i_ as to f o.ms .1 JRAhD �p JIIhLLAN �r. 1I� • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3931 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADDING SECTIONS TO TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE \OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF. RENTON" ADDING DEFINITIONS AND REGULATING SALES ACTIVITIES ON RESIDENTIAL PREMISES COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS GARAGE SALES AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENT*, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Existing subsections (G) and (P) of Section 4-702 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4-702 (G) 1. GARAGE SALE. Shall mean and include all general sales, open to the public, conducted from or on a residential premises in any residential zone, as defined by the zoning ordinance, for the purpose ur of disposing P P p g of personal. property including, but not limited to, all sales entitled "garage" , "lawn, "\\ "yard, " "attic, " "porch, " "room, " "backyard, " "patio, " "flea market, " or "rummage" sale. This definition shall not include a situation where no more than five (5) specific items are held out for sal and all advertisement of such sale specifically names those items \to be sold. 2 . GREENBELT: An area designated on the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan intended for open space, 11'\ recreatio.n very low density residential uses, agriculture, geographic relief between uses, or other compatible low intensity use. -1- ORDINANCE NO. 3931', Section 4-702- (P) 1 . PERSONAL PROPERTY: \ Shall mean property which is owned, utilized and maintained by an individual or I members of his or her residence and does not include merchandise which was purchased for resale or obtained on consignment;. 2 . PUBLIC GARAGE: Any premises used for', the storage or housing or more than three (3) towable or motor-driven vehicles, or where such vehicles are repaired or kept for hire or sale . SECTION II: Existing subsection (I) of Section 4-722 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1621'8 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended by adding the following subsection: Section 4-722 (I) 15 . Garage sales as defined in Section 4-702 (G) shall not be considered as an allowable home occupation. Exemptions and conditions for garage sales shall include: (a) Incidental garage sales consisting of no more than one (1) such sale per calendar quarter, and no more than three (3) within the same calendar year and with no such sale continuing for more than two (2) days, shall be exempt from this Section. (b) Garage sales shall be supervised and are the res onsi- Pp bility of the occupant or the tenant who occupies the 'dwelling unit. This person shall not permit vehicles to impede the passage of traffic on any roads or streets in the area of the person' s property. (c) Goods are not to be displayed in public rights-of-way. (d) Signs advertising such sales shall not be attached to any public structures, signs, or traffic control deviises nor to any -2- ORDINANCE NO. 3931 utility poles. Signs may only be placed on property owned by person conducting the sale or on property where an owner gives consent to post such sign. All such signs shall be removed twenty-four (24 ) hours after the sale is completed. (e) A garage sale which violates one or more of the above conditions shall be considered a business and must be brought into compliance with all requirements for business uses, including compliance with the Zoning Code . (f) Any person found in violation of this section shall be informed in writing by the Building and Zoning Department of the violation and shall be given fourteen (14) days to comply with this section. Followin this action, if a subsequent garage sale is conducted in violation of this section, each day the sale is conducted shall be considered a separate violation and shall be subject to the following penalty. (g) Penalty: Any person conducting any garage sale as defined herein in Section 4-702 (G) without being properly licensed therefor or who shall violate any of the other terms and regulations of this Ordinance, shall upon conviction, be fined not less than twenty- five ($25 .00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100 .00) dollars or to be imprisoned for a period of not to exceed ten (10) days for each violatio SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of August, 1985 . Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of August, 1985 . Approved as to form �Barbara ..�'�. Pl,l,(1�pG Y. Shinpoc , Mayor 04404-1444-d-,e Lawrence J. W ren, City Attorney "ate of Publication: August 16 , 1985 ORDINANCE NO. 3931 utility poles. Signs may only be placed on property owned by person conducting the sale or on property where an owner gives consent to post such sign. All such signs shall be removed twenty-four (24) hours after the sale is completed. (e) A garage sale which violates one or more of the above conditions shall be considered a business and must be brought into compliance with all requirements for business uses, including compliance with the Zoning Code . (f) Any person found in violation of this section shall be informed in writing by the Building and Zoning Department of the violation and shall be given fourteen (14 ) days to comply with this section. Followin this action, if a subsequent garage sale is conducted in violation of this section, each day the sale is conducted shall be considered a separate violation and shall be subject to the following penalty. (g) Penalty: Any person conducting any garage sale as defined herein in Section 4-702 (G) without being properly licensed therefor or who shall violate any of the other terms and regulations of this Ordinance, shall upon conviction, be fined not less than twenty- five ($25. 00 ) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100 .00) dollars or to be imprisoned for a period of not to exceed ten (10) days for each violatio SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of August , 1985 . e Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of August, 1985 . o C aZtil.c4)..t. Approved as to form Barbara Y . Shinpoc'h, Mayor P Y Lawrence J. W ren, City Attorney \ate of Publication: August 16 , 1985