HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ordinances (1946-1985) 4' gizet,.. ;#1.1",,J;441.1,4042,,c, {y*i ORDINANCE NO. 1246 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ANNEXING PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF RENTON, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 128, OF `2±1L SESSION LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR 1945. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Chapter 128 of the Session Laws of the State of Washington for 1945, a petition in writing asking for the annexation of certain property contiguous .to the City limits of the City of Renton, hereinafter more particularly described, has been_. filed with the City Council signed by the owners of not less than 75% in value according to the assessed valuation for general taxation of the property for which annexation is petitioned, which petition sets forth a legal. description of the property and was accompanied by plat or drawing outlining the boun.dariesof 'the property. soughtto be annexed, and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore fixed April 9 , 1946, at the hour of 8:00 P. M. , in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing upon such petition, and a, copy of said notice was published in the Renton News Record, .a legal newspaper of the City of .Ren.ton, 'and was posted in three public places within the territory proposed for annexation, which notices specified the time and place of such hearing and invited interested persons to appear and voice approval or disapproval of the annexation, and . WHEREAS, at the time and placeset for 'said hearing no one appeared to voice disapproval of the annexation, and no written protest against such annexation having been filed, the City Council by motion instructed the City Attorney to prepare and present at the next regular meeting of the Council, an ordinance annexing the property described in said petition as of April 30 , 1946. • -1- Now, Therefore , the City Council of the City. of Renton do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That pursuant the provisions of Chapter 128 of theme session Laws of the State of Washington for 1945, the following described property, contiguous to the City limits .of the City of Renton, to wit: Commencing at the one quarter corner common to Section8 and 9 , Township. 23 North, Range 5 East , Willamette Meridan; Thence in a northerly direction North 0 degrees 57 minutes 45 seconds east along west lihe of said Section 9 for 995.10 feet to true point of beginning; Thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes 16 seconds Weit, for 1060.03 feet ; Thence South 0 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West for 331.55 feet ; Thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 52 seconds West for 264.98 feet ; Thence South 0 dgrees 56 minutes 36 seconds West for 563.02 feet , to the Northeast corner of Lot 33, plat of Harries Garden Home Tracts; Thence North ,89 degrees 02 n 0 tes 21 seconds West , along the North line of said Lot 33. for 184'.05 feet ; ' to ah intersection with the Ely margin of State Highway No. 2. (Sunset Highway); Thence South 8"degrees 28 minutes 59 seconds West , along said Ely margin for 305.03 feet ; Thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 01 seconds east along the south line of Lot 35 for 222.72 feet , to the southeast cornr thereof ; Thence south 0 degrees 59 minutes 02 seconds West for 463.63 feet ; Thence South 89 degrees 29 minutes 54 sedon.ds' East for 662.16 feet ; ' Thence South 0 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds West for 663.77 feet ; Thence South 89 degrees 29 minutes 04 seconds East for 691.98 feet ; Thence South 1 degree 01 minutes west for 303.01 feet ; . . Thence South 88 degrees 59 minutes East for 862.80 feet ; Thence South 1 degree 01 minutes West for 520.54 feet ; Thence South 89 degrees 06 minutes 52 seconds East for 431.39 feet ; Thence South 1 degree 01 minute West for 469.57. feet; Thence South 89 degrees 14 minutes 37 seconds East. for 1298.28 feet, to the Southwest : corner of-tlock 18 in the plat of Rainier Acres, King.County, Washington; -2- • • Thence north 0 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds West parallel to and • 30 feet west of the north south center line of said Section 9, for 2607.88 feet ; Thence north 0 . degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds west for 2631.28 feet ; • Thence •North 88 degrees .59 minutes 45 seeonds.West parallel to and 30 feet south of the 'n'orth line of the Northwest quarter of said section . 9 , . also being South margin of County Road for 607 .02, feet ; Thence North 1 degree 03 minutes 02 seconds Eastlalong the East . line of the West half of the southeast quarter: of Southwest quarter, and along the East line of the -West half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest. - quarter of Section 4, Township 23 .North. Range 5 , East Williamette Meridan for 2647 .31 feet, to the Northeast corner of the West half of said. North east 'quarter of Southwest quarter; Thence North 88 degrees 20 minutes' 30 - seconds West along North line . of the Southwest quarter of said Section 4, for 1289.13 feet ; . Thence South 0 degrees 41 minutes 44 seconds West for 512.80 .feet ; Thence North 88 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds .West . for 161.11 feet ; Thence South 0 degrees 31 .minutes 09 seeonds .West for 477.61. feet.; Thence North 89 degree's, 28 minutes 51 seconds West 'for 216.78 feet ; Thence South 0 degrees 31 minutes 09 seconds West for. 100. feet ; . Thence ATorth 89 degrees 28 :minutes: 51 seconds " Tes't for 235. feet to a point 30 feet East of West. line of said Section-4:,. also being East margin of County Road; Thence South-0 degrees 31 minutes ' 09 seconds West parallel to, and 30 feet East of .West• line of said Section 4 for 550.06 feet ; . Thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 57 seconds 'Eapt for 609.44 feet ; to the Southeast' corner of the North half . of the'Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter of .said Section 4. Thence South Q degrees 41 minutes 44 seconds West along West line of the East .hair of Southwest quarter. of Southwest quarter of said Section 4 for 1017 .01 feet , .to an intersection with 'South margin :of County ,Road; ' Thence North 88 degrees 59 minutes 45 seconds West along South margin of said County road for 318.27 feet ; 'Thence South 0 degrees 49 minutes .15 seconds Nest 1629 .10 feet ; ' ' Thence North' .88 degrees. 53 minutes 44 seconds West for 322.30 feet , to an. intersection with the _.West line of said Section 9 which is the true point ofbeginning •of this'-perimeter description containing approximately ' a total acreage of 421.830. shall be and the same hereby is annexed to the .,City of Renton. • • • • a, • SECTION: 2: The said annexation shall be affective on and after - April 30, 1946, and from and after said date said property shall be subject to all the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, then and thereafter in force . . SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days from and after its legal publication as provided by law. PASSED this 16th day of April, 1946. E. E. BURROWS MAYOR. APPROVED this 16th day of April, 1946. AGNES WARDS - CITY C .TJER . ' Approved as to form: ;' ohn W5.1)1&5-8?)-n6-7 -2--) City Attorney 0 (0 Date of first publication: April 1 g1 1 "I -4- , 416 /73 Z,,ONING : ORDINANCE .. ORDINANCE NO. 1472 (Passed 12/8/53) AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE`A1ARESTRICT' THE LOCATION.ND USE OF BUILDINGS; AND THE USE OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTCN,. WASH:Q.?GTON; TO LIMIT THE ' HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS, TO PRESCRIBE BUILDING LINES AND TM SIZE OF YARDS AND . OTHER OPEN SPACES, AND FOR THESE PURPOSES TO DIVIDE THE CITY INTO DISTRICTS . AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1164`OF THE CITY OF RENTON, lilASHINGTON. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL C THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOILOWS: SECTION I 1. This Ordinance shall be known a e "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Rentcn." 2. This Ordinance shall consietc.of the text hereof and as well as c that certain map or book of maps identified by the approving signature of the Mayor and City Clerk on the title page and marked and designated as "The Maps of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Renton," which map or book is now on file in the office of the City Clerk.of this City. Said book of maps has been heretofore examined in detail by the City Council, and is hereby adopted as a part of this Ordinance. Said Ordinance, and each• ard all of the terms, are to be read and interpreted in the light of the. contents of said books of maps. If any conflict between the map or book of maps and the text of this Ordinance is deemed to arise, the text of 1 ' the Ordinance will prevail. SECTION II For the purpose of the Ordinance certain tigds and t erms are defined as follows: Words used in the present tense include the future; worc+n the singular include the plural and w.mrats in the plural number include the singular number. Words not defined herein shall be construed" as defined. `, in the Building Ordinances of the City of Renton if defined therein. ' 1. "ACCESSORY USE OR BUILDING:" :A subordinate use or building customarily indident.to the and located upon the same lot occupied by the main use or building. 2. "ALLEY:" A vehicular right—of-way not over thirty feet wide. 3. "APARTMENT HOUSE:" A building or portion thereof used or intended , �I; .. p a . to be used as the home of three or more families or householders living independently of each other; : 4. "COURT:" An open, unoccupied space other than a yard on the lot on which a building is erected or situated. A court, one entire side • . or end of which 1.Vound by a frontyard)• a rear yard, or al side yard, or • 1 • by the front of a. lot) by a str2et or public alley, isian "outer Court". Every court which;is not an "outer court" is an"inner court." 5. "COURT HEIGHT:" The Court height shall be measured from the ' floor level of the lowest story in the building on which there are windows served by the said court, to the highest point of the enclosing walls of the said court. ' 6. "ESTABLISH ED GRADE:" The• curb line grade at the front lot line- as established by the City.Council. ' 7. "FAMILY:" •A number of related individuals or not more than four (4) unrelated individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit and doing their cooking on the premises. 8. "HEIGHT OF•BUILDING:" The height of a`building is a vertical distance at the center of a building's principal front mea ured from the level of the first floor above grade to the highestpoint n of the roof beams in the case of flat roofs, to the deck line of mansard roofs, or to the center height between eases and ridges for gable hip or gambrel roofs For buildings set back from the street line, the keight may bemeasured from the average elevation of the finished grade, along the front of the building. ' First Floor above grade means the floor which isnot more than four feet six inches above grade. 9. "LOT:" Land occupied or, to be occupied by a building and its accessory building, including such open spaces as are required under this ordinance, and having frontage upon a street or alley. 10. "PUBLIC GARAGE:" Any premises used for the storage or housing of more than three towable or motor-driven vehicles, or where such vehicles are repaired or kept for hire or sale. 11. "FRONT YARD:" An open, unoccupied . ace on the (same lot with • a building, between the front line of the building (exclusive of steps) and . . . the front property line. 12. "FRONT PROPERTY LINE:" the front property line shall be the front line as shown upon the official plats of the property. 13. "MULTIPLE UNIT RESIDEITCES:" A building arranged to be occupied F 'ALies by more tha living independently of each other d having sep- arate baths and kitchens. • .. 2 .. ` . 14. R'REAA YARDS:" , :An open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building between the rear line of the building (exclusive of , steP s porches and accessory'building) and the :rear. line of the lot. 15. "SIDE 'BARD:". An open unoccupied space of the same lot with a building between the Side wall line of the building and the side line of the same lot. . 16. "SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING:" A building arranged or designed to be occupied by\not more than one fami1,y. 17. "STORY:" That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor andthe surface of the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above .it. " G: 18. "COMMISSION:" Planning Commission of the City of Renton. Whenever the term "this ordinance" is used herein, it shallbe deemed to include, where the context permits, all amendments thereto as the sae may hereafter from time to time be adopted. SECTION III USE DISTRICTS The City of Renton is hereby divided into five (5) types of use districts as follows; 1. SR-1 Suburban Residence #1 - RS-1 is symbol on maps. OhGNIANoS) 2. SR-2 Suburban Residence #2 - RS-2 is symbol on maps. 3. 'RS- Residence Sirgle Family District.'RS is symbol on Maps. 4. S-1 Surburban Residence District. S 1 is symbol on maps. 5. R-1 Residence district. R-1 is symbol on Maps. 6. R-2 Residence District. R-2'.is symbol on Maps. 7.. P-1 Public (Medical, Health, Fire, Eduacation, etc.) District. P-1 is the symbol on Mpg. 8. B-1 Business District. V-1 is symbol on Maps. 9. L-1 Light Industrial District. L-1 is symbol on Maps. 10. H 1 Heavy Indistrial District. H-1 is symbol on Maps. 11. *T Trailer Parks - T is symbol in Maps. SECTION IV In the R-S, Residence Single Family District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected 'or structurally altered, unless otherwise provided for in thisordinance, except for one or more of the following or similar uses: 1. One Family Dwellings. 2. Art Galleries, libraries, museums. • 3. Buildings necessary fnr the operation of public utilities or government functions, when b permitted by the Planning Commission upon approval of plans of site arrangement so as to harmonize with the district. 4. Churches, schools, colleges, non-commercial playgrounds and golf- courses upon approval by the Planning Commission of plans of site arrange- ment so as to harmonize with the district. : .... 3M_. 11) 5. Accessory buildings such as are ordinarily appurt- enant to single family dwellings shall be permitted, including one private garage to each family when located not less than sexty (60) feet from front property line nor less than ten (10) feet from any flanking streetline, unless attached or within the family dwelling. A. The office of a physician, dentist or other pro= fessional person when located in his or her dwelling, also home occupation engaged in by individuals withintheir own dwellings are permitted provided that no window display is made nor any sign shown other than one not to exceed two (2 ) square feet in area and bearing only the name and occupation of the occupant . No neon signs of any kind shall be permitted. B. Signs not exceeding six (6) square feet in area pertaining to the leasing, rental or sale of buildings or premises and signs on a non-conforming use are permitted, provided however that such signs shall be erected flat against the building or painted upon the sides thereof or erected not less than 20 feet from the front property line. All other signs, signboards, billboards and outdoor advertising are prohibited. C. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed 'to prohibit the use of vacant property fot gardening or fruit raising. D. No trailer shall be used as a place of habitation but shall be stored only in an accessory or other building on the property. E . A commercial nursery or greenhouse may be located within the District for a period of not more than ten (10) years, upon a special permit issued by the Council after hearing and examination of the location and the making of a finding by the City Planning Commission that such nursery or greenhouse may be maintained for such period without undue detriment to adjacent and surrounding property. F. Private garages in R-S Residence District shall be ' limited to ten percent (10%) of the lot area, provided that • nothing in this regulation be construed to prevent the building of a ILrivate garage of not more than two (2 ) car , capacity, i.e. passenger or Panel truck of less than one ton capacity, on any lot or plot of record at the time of • I passage of this ordinance.'. G. a. (Front Yard) There shall be a front yard for every family dwelling having a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet. b. (Rear Yard ) There shall be a rear yard for every family dwelling having a minimum depth of twenty-five (25 ) feet ;a except on a lot which is a complete unit held under separate and distinct ownership From the adjoining lots and of record prior to the taking ' effect of this ordinance in which case the depth of the rear yard may be reduced to not less than ten (10) feet ; if necessary to such an extent only as will permit a building depth of thirty (30) feet . c . (Side Yard ) There shall be a side yard for every family dwelling of not less than five (5 ) feet in width 'on each side of a one to one and one half (1i ) story building, of not less than six feet for 2 to 2i story building and of not less than eight feet for 22 to 3 story building, provided however, that on a lot having a width of 40 feet or less as shown by the last conveyance of record at the time of the passage of this ordinance , the side ;card on each side of a one story building shall be not less than three (3 ) feet in width (side of building means outer face of any part of building nearest to side lin , not includingroof eaves ) and the side yard along a flanking side street shall not be less than ten (10) feet in width. d. Single car garages are allowed within three (3 ) feet of side property lines by written consent of adjoining property owners. H. SITE AREAS: Every building hereafter erected or structurally altered which is located in an R-S residence district shall provide a lot of not less than five thousand (5 ,000)square feet with a minimum width of fifty ( 50) feet for a single family dwelling, provided, however, that where a ldat has 5 MO 1 - a a 1 1 less area than herewith required as shown by the last con- , veyance of record at the time of the passage of this ordinance, this regulation shall not prohibit one (1) private dwelling and its accessory buildings oritsuch lot . In any event sixty-five (65 ) per cent of the area of all sites must be left. vacant and free .from structures. I. HEIGHT LIMIT: No building shall exceed a height of thirty-five (35 ) feet , nor more than two (2 ) stories, whichever is less. . SECTION V S-1, SUBURBAN RESIDENCE DISTRICT In the S-1, Suburban Residence District, no building or premises shall be used and' no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided ' I in this ordinance, except for one or more of the following or similar uses: 1. Any use permitted in the R-S Residence Stgle Family - District if Utilities, i.e .- sewers and dedicated streets are available . 2. On any tract of land having an area in one ownership of 40,000 sq. ft . or more and a width of at least 140 feet , the following uses are permitted: - (a) Farming, truck gardening, and such other uses as are ordinarily appurtenant hereto, except stock raising and dairying. (b) The keeping of one cow and the requisite number of horses, not to exceed 3 in number, to carry on the farming permitted in paragraph (a) provided that nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to nullify or supercede the provisions of other ordinances of this city relative to the keeping of horses, cattle and the maintenance of stables. (c ) Stock raising (except the raising of swine ) and dairying may be permitted by the Planning Commission by temporary and conditional permit after public gearing hereon' and an examination of the location with the finding by the Commission that the location and use thereof will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof. . All permits granted under the «. 6 .. , provision's of this paragraph shall be subject to and not less restrictive than the provisions of any other ordinances of the City of: Renton relative to the keeping of animals or the operation of dairies. FRONT YARD, REAR YARD, SIDE YARD, OPEN SPACE AND HEIGHT LIMIT, OFF-STREET PARKING, MINIMUM ROOM SIZES, NET LOT AREAS regulations 'and requirements shall be the same as for R-S Residence Single Family District as heretofore defined. SECTION VI R-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICT In the R-1, Residence District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered, unless otherwise provided' in this ordinance, , except' for one or more of the following or similar uses: 1. Any use permitted in the R-S Residence Single Family District . 2 . Atigili , family dwellings and residences of one story height only. 3 . Apartments, hotels and offices may be allowed by special permit , if approved .by the Planning Commission after public hearing hereon and an examination of theilocation, with a finding by the Commission that such proposed use i will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof. Any building erected pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2, 3 , above shall have the following requirements : 4. a. REAR YARD shall be not less than tweity feet . b. HEIGHT limited to one story only c . SITE AREA not less than 4,000 square feet . d . CORNER LOTS should have at least fifty-five ( 55 ) percent open spaces. • SECTION VII R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT In R-2 , Residence District , no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided in this • ordinance, except for one or more of the following or similar uses: -- 7 M A. 1. Any use permitted in R-1 District . 2 . Clubs or fraternal societies, community club houses , memorial buildings, excep' those the chief activity 1 of which is a service customarily carried on asi a business, and except those where alcoholic beverages of any kind are sold, given away, or dispensed in any manner. 3 . Flats, apartments, boarding-houses, lodging-houses duplexes, and multiple unit dwellings such as motels and modern cabin courts which have separate sanitary facilities built for each unit according to State Board Health Regulations. Clinics only by approval of the Planning Commission after a public hearing thereon etc . . • B. BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT: Not to exceed three (3 ) stories in height or forty (40) feet, whichever is less C . BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED: At least 4I thousand (4000) square feet , sixty-five (65 ) percent of said area to be open and free from structures if on interior lots, fifty-five( 55 ) percent of said area to be open and free from structures if on corner lots. D . FRONT YARD REQUIRED: There shall be front yard having a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet . E . SIDE YARD REQUIRED: There shall be a side yard of not less than five ( 5 ) feet in width on each side of a 1 to I . 12 Story Building, of not less than six (6) feet j for 2-2i story building, and of not less than eight (8) feet for a 3 story building; provided however, that on a lot having a width of forty (40). feet or less as shown by the last convey- ance of record at the time of the passage of this ordinance, there shall be a side yard, on each side of a building of not less than three (3 ) feet in width ( side of building means outer face of any part of building nearest to side line, not including roof eaves ) and a side yard along flanking side street to be not less than ten (10) feet provided the other requirements of this section are complied with. F . Single car garages are allowed within. three (3 ) feet of side property lines by written consent of adjoining property owners. t G. - REAR YARD REQUIRED: There shall be a rear yard having a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet except on a :lot which is a complete unit held: under separate and distinct ownership from the adjoining lots and of record prior to -Lhe taking effect of this ordinance in which case the depth of the rear yard may be reduced to not less than ten (10) feet ; if necessary to such an extent'. only as will permit a building depth of thirty (30) feet . Table 1 HEIGHT, AREA, AND YARD REQUIREMENTS LOT COVERAGE I:'INIMUM ROOM SIZES , OFF -STREET PARKING 'F OR R-S, S-1, R-1, and R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICTS DISTRICT HEIGHTS NET LOT AREAS FRONT YARDS Maximum Permitted Least Depths "R-S" 2 stories or 35 ft . ; Minimum lot size 20 feet Single institutional .build- 5 ,000 sq. ft . Residence ings - 3 stories or District 40 feet ; "S-1" 2 stories or 35 ft . ; Minimum lot size 20 feet Suburban institutional build 40,000 sq. ft. Residence ings - 3 stories or District 40 feet "R-1" 1 story or 20 ft . ; Minimum lot size 20 feet Residence institutional build- 4,000 sq. ft. District ings- 3 stories or 1, 250 sq. ft . per dl.u. - 40 feet of 2 bedrooms or more 850 sq.ft . per d.u. of 1 bedroom 600 sq.ft . per d.u. of 0 bedroom "R-2" 3 stories or 40 ft . ; Minimum lot size 20 feet Residence institutional build- 4,000 sq. ft . District ings - 3 stories or 2,000 sq.ft . per d.u. 40 feet of 2 bedrooms or more 1, 500 sq.ft . per d.u.. of 1 bedroom 1,000 sq.ft . per d .u. or 0 bedroom d.u. means Dwelling Unit In all residence districts there shall be at least one perma- nently maintained parking space on the same lot or tract with each re sidence unit erected on the lot, or within one hundred (100) feet of such unit , providing it is on a lot or tract owned by the unit owner. Such parking space need not be separately zoned. .. 9 .. r . 6. Private clubs, franternities and lodges. 7. Professional Service Offices, such as for doctors, dentists, etc. $. Residential Hotels. 9. Schools, public and private. This area is reserved for public and semi-public uses. All display of merchandise or products, all advzrtising devices and any manufacturing is prohibited. Buildings requiring services I • such as food, drugs, cigars, etc. , usually incidental to a public building, office building or hotel, may contain same within the interior thereof. Entrances from street must not display advert- ising on same. Street deliveries are prohibited except during. certain designated hours or building shall be so designed as to facilitate unleading fuel and merchandise from vehicle placed in alley, driveway or loading area on private property. All structures contemplated for this district must first have plans, specifications, and uses approved by the planning commission and said plans and stated uses are to be filed with the permit. The Planning Commission is charged with the responsibility of ascertaining and determining that the architectural design, the yard widths, the landscaping, etc . , shall conform to the adjacent development . Said structures shall further meet the following requirements; a. FRONT YARD: There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of 15 feet . b. SIDE YARD: There shall be a 5 foot yard o1n each side on interior lots, in case of corner lots, a yard 10 feet wide on flanking streets. c. REAR YARD: There shall be a rear yard of minimum depth of 10 feet . d. HEIGHT LIMIT: Height limit shall be four (4 ) stories, excluding necessary elevator penthouse. SECTION X B-1, BUSINESS DISTRICT - USES PERMITTED In the B-1, Business District , no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, except for one or more of the following or similar uses: —]fir. . T .e'':'�1' :rZr c, .,' • s,.,•- '.c,i>, e;4 �'1 f.q•v, ::i`+'. ''.k -.a;'.;'�r s4:v:'*!. �{':; .y"\+F•`:1' =:'2,, a.:rv�;rir. "t'13• �::.d.,`�J.. , {-fi ,�Y;: ,. .1: l,.:t.. ..j. :.f•-:ti.'.`a.' 1;f t.Y,..:S:q.•..'t;'+ :;,ti tl i.•-,,.,: S, .., c , .t .;5,. ..'''#,Ma . $ 'i},. 3-t ,.,:1::t;.r nd;.,.....i' ...:, i.Sr:`^« • t, .'�. ,�, r:n, > ,,.. ,�, ',.q.ry� �ri:Ey.y„+. ..d. r rl i t:..:9�' f� :;!r�7:r 1` in,a._, i-,o.,,':'I t;'4,.V. ," , ;t1X :, t w'A, .r \'�f?.,i,Si An• � use r ittedr �R• and r•" u�' .` y' *•pe m -+yin l . ;�;,,.,'. - -r�;•:,: . ,,,��:,,�;�� ., ; ,: 1'.0, ,,y ,'Z•.:'• ?.i,r ! :K...(ii:'i-, :1.' ;,': •^••'''.1 4 y,;.�1. r.r.:.;• ;FF,,f'':1,, :'1:'r" - .. 7f:.'.'.a,t;}:�',;`:b'i:lttit: :�: r`=;. is 2 • �,tii; Ban k it, S ';fir:' y .•i;'•.c { 'i: .,.i`i !4i' '•'a,-. :if' ., 'i1 vl fi! �:;.rr'r''(�� ',i e,`s r;,,;. !+: ��?•d.rrv''a. .:L-`>!t��.' .1 j;.,+ ra}�: ,f.4.a., .!. ::12.('a: ,1r•`.3•..E1...,_c';:;,. sr., ..�yer. r,y ;+1:''! ti,{±t.: •r,i .,�,'.,4, ''r 1.f.,!(, :a1, '/:i:r <: • , '.1• , .,, $*y,S, ,.r.. tt -1'.7' t, ,!i :r, ,y!..r:!r..r. t :/,.'A r,:':; ;ry.,i4.'., .7(, .3., (i6a.,ttt:C �+f a�'r f a ..': cf.. .l;•, 1;. 3 . Barber sho s besot' ` "arlors ; ers' '.! n ;'st;;::,e•�w;=i��<> n,' P ; ' Y.;'P ,.,p onal'.-,!service shops'' �'i. :. <rt. i !'i.•1'?:• pr.'i-�S7y,(:,,;F am ;:,`i'1i r„ tt'ht::,1 }.:' '.if' j,i':it i,. •?;'i::.,,,:j:0 .4,1,e;:,•.(:: . I,J:i 44�� ,,,Jj 1',7 NN,iigl.d':t•:. :'l.:`.i'ti ;.:•i,.,. !\i,,,,,, :... - .1. .;�.•_': ,?I76 �'tlC.`.:'5,,.. :f,�:( ,.0 ,..(,:•:,t:i.. :)..I...r; .,( .V.'.^..'-:. M )�:1••vx. ��..��. :L�J.. :1:1'- :e:.1. .,:J.)„ :'r'� '•�':r! .`.1.;:1 �.,!y.�.(-1,'.'.� 4• . urniture :st'ores"- g drup' �`st�ore•s +1, ,,:�a..:4 f:.'.; ?� :,.•.::. �: ;� �,i,.x+��j+.:� . . - :-•,r: ,:! .i: .c!t`a :a,a;, i„ ., ,s.i. ,:, :q,,+„(.. :,{S. rtz':Y;Y7'��,: !::. '7r .;p ..,ry,i."''d' <a .1 .!< .it::h`t.tl :'i'741,'t:% b+`�i+ ,•SK=! •i�,` 11!-:, !:'i.} !:F<':- .hI',':.:, ,M. `''i!w• .,:n.�1,..(El,f,j`,.,lr„ y•.rK ,� �V.:, ,,ii:!'. ,:hy f•l i:a,,v !.�Y<, t: . :1''e . .ir,.,..,,.r R,.ea` ,•.4�•t:' .`r"•i:r: ,x.. { :f „1"¢¢":+'�'�.'.';.'i'i�•. 'Ct�.r 'tl .,r.it,.; .•, Hand'. laundrie ....i r �.:.;:s..r: , rf V..,,:.,.�; r: s IcTotbiers i�:clean g; p :,;.,g ,,;• I. ;,� tl�:.,,..::. . in and', re'ssin .;v�ri9,i itt,,,-t . 014,,,t. •+li',:� brit,4:i:}Y.^i,,ri:;'^4'l•.;p :tii ,S'j •s;� •i.I. `;li;' .:.�; .:5./: -,i't* y'„ !•.v>Cr.�'�:i isr y}';' ,..i. „s`;4, }}P 'i✓{: a�:i4,,, 't•':.•i; ;dx, '.i s1:-,-r ';{' ,.l s?,.1�' ' ..7�'S•.?I:✓i?!;•K':. �r:..,r rr. �;e.,pT'�.'r } rau lh.. .. '4: af:. - �:{!, ,,. ' ,SCit. :S'•:':F•' ''. ��'i Cl� 1,-1.ff-- r.9'0. J .t,�,i II,: :I yip :,f":t''i',•.,1.: ,•';I ` ' *:tl f..a . .3�.•4'f`S..g!5�... �, iS,`.;± :'i..+.'� ,. '�,:. .r .,i'c, :.r.n .,b. o . th's � , hoe .arid±��otYi'er•:�,repair:•, sho• s?°,}�Ii,��:^>'•: '{ : -�.:':.:.' N:. -1 a.11,t;Y , : I lq 'f% r-f:'.- ..1:I` ! .i_�yt Z:�':;�q: :}'11' . • :.'iti. rt da. :r .+l,t�i ,� �'!�, '7 ii: �.i'• '�i'+r 'a:•);+;1F��'':'' - ,, . �•r ,.: ..,.mac; ., p .r,. ;r, •�f":_;•' 't,:E.:, 7. Lumber ards j:c'oal+',andwfuell' ardsje :' rovideu l `�` '' ' +°':rf- Y that when'YL, ,, .a.- :rrt. tt i�'�t>.�-^J...}:r. it. :t. .j,,.P ,s.i::.`"r;:y= unhoused• 7'` • r..,. r. ,..::, :.. s they shall b'e'':surroundedR,y:b an ,c.i 'ht ,$` ifoot s l ^r:'' i' ` �(;.U,a ;SLr�,lji�T`,,%;i1:5: v, pjtt� 1, Y� it':. ..t',.;';+,'. "',i' tit C, L'r' 'i'1 is R'u'ti sit or sight-obscurn `fence 'h'erein' ,kri ,.1:a" '-r g' own( s` '`a .structure and the yard' tl Sr, , 1E, ;; r I �''' .i ,:r.i ;.•r:.,;1,: wpi�,'Yw4.01. ii; 14:i'1! ,:•:.. :',' ,:�yr; •d,eiGi; .-1;. j ;, r{.; : �lr:•.�...t{, I.i `4'F:,16.,, Gi i:,.. r:;:..;, r` ':, r• e ulat ions of. his d' tr;..t':, 4j g t 'strict , sha1l;,.be 'ItobsF.z veu. •'an,i provided ' •'T: .k:,"3r further than no such lumber yards' coal and fug; '` - ".,i``'"`!t`,'`.';� "'`',:. 1 •yards; shalh-.b r ''r -1•' Yoty..,•i�,�jy1 S k.,'.-J:,: • • .11•/'.J „Y':' (i:t maintained closer than `one hun CIII,,, i ' dred`'i.-(100) feet •to the aide line;,of t,:'; an R 1 Dist c t �, ( • f! • ,.,fig ..�:, a`:,.i. 11 .a�ay..7:r:.�` ^i' $. Police 'ors fire :st�ati`on t �.,,";;r.. .t1'-i .Y.'':�1.,4(o.*--Is:.It�i • :ivy a.,. y, !a�'Sirl.. Par • ?,k,'fa:t,. i'1 :��:; r:i, t�;• ,ftY ;'` 9. kin(J' lots. {a�, r ty'� ,u,,;;, r :1. `.t,,�rki, �',l::..: ' :'S$3r.+.°5:�:�,'pa,2'•P's i?+1'7tr '.'��.�'t;:;, �r:i�.O 1; ,��' 10. Printing --establishments ' .nd}`,newspa er printin ;*,:.: `'�iy' :::::' q;: .',:;?a:o+.:i�':Id;�'h;'tf i1?"��.:.;:.,;ir f:�:i.��+i�.T,t .. 11. Public garages, repair ;;shops 'and battery service stations;;~ and tire r sho s • :,t', ,. } • ; ' : :• epair p ,ry4a _ %.+{r.,.t. :: ; ls 12. Restaurants, 'cafete'ri'as` and'"cat•ering. -< 13 . Retail trade ,s•hop • :i.lOr:,.,:.op}.; :` '' atom work 's s.-or; sho s•'' for`'cu or the making!' of articles not manufactured:::b chemical process. . ; 14. Sales rooms or.'store 1rooms �for motor vehicles and otherr: ,r ' articles of merchandise 1 '` :I;. 'f',,4 i,^ it . I i^: lS . Service Stations a`',! a : '� . ,. ....:::: • 160 Stores,•r:retail 'and wholesale'imarkets. 17. Studios,'.`'offices, business: or 'professional. 1$ :. . ':•. ,-, . ,I.,:••=,,.:i.,-;, Tele hone`;.exchan e r; �,.. .,. - p g s,' a�elegraph offices and Employment = E. agencies ::,•;1r:'" :1; :, 19. Undertaking Si. ..: :, :,.,; .., -:.':; _ :;' . 9 e• stablishments and `crematories only when:, ::� •''rr �.it M1'•i:'r, rvl.lxc `•i:. ' ;tl 'r!.' , :q_t:';, ;}`,:.n>,�1;•;�;:'. apermit theref re' <' r, ,4 �;'::+t,. ,: `�' �:t}: z±3'i�k1 o ..has• ;•been obtainedr;from 'the': Planning:i'Commi'ssionri. `;''i ` a; 'y;' r'F'- "�yr)+C:. ±''• :',:air: � • .'Yt=,,,: r.;l ik@. i` nl�. f"r • i,: 20. Billboards n advertising ��signs' arid-"devices,;o�f':��any `sz`ei- ,}:,.;s::`,. '!.i d! Y; i` i.ey` i`tY.:'r:,,.; . .,i,lS`x";� >:is?I'.;,•. �t� Ar: 'l.;al::;�;ti,:' '�'i+i '•�i:j. ;.Sp.,i��.�+'. I tj,.t i .:; ..;rl�`:W'r:,`�r tr:.,:,�• provided the sameheig `and��yard�'regulations governing 'buildings:;;{y 'b ''" �.: and structures 'in' B-1:'tare 'complied':with' `and','provded further't f'°'''' �'y ' 1. ��'� Y±,:1,ti•e',-S.. ,t.�.', ,,t.^ �1:.,, .1i t nr7. ^Iv f, ls= two 2 c o e s `of`>ldrawin 4or t's�Cet he s'i.t,: -,k f:i P gi; c ,:(. sYiowing the;tproposedsize'' t�(„�.rrlFr .I /4 ., At-' t:, ',,.-;!,'s;'e, _'tk },j :i.',l,'t,a-s.:' S`: ^�'t:4r�tila•ti ,,:'I. .;1: . �r :r`�&`���'!.. a,l' is �'': ; ,,;,r � '4 `,... lali ,.:.:.,,e�' , i ,r"!,.,,: letteringand loc'ationon''th } 'round lan� 'shall ' fi `�"' be led with'i;,:�.; ;;!;, , g P , -, the Plannin Commission 'for` a "ro a }i; I g PP v 1: f ._." ,' •�''`'�`,is • ..., HEIGHT LIMIT. Whenever,''any;i:B-1. District is :loc•ated wit• hin' ;':`•; '; : or adjacent. to on' two. 'or m' '" ' >:. ;; or.e, ,;side`s,. any Residence or Suburban`r; tr . • ,.I.. f(F!!6L: ..It.' i.,;''.I5 is • .. '�G.:,i::i:jl'./. r:s%lit1'�1''':,•I�:' '}Y.' 1.1:. '1 Fj;, ,:'i• '•a' `1• - 'i, qq Y .i i' .k.`J• 'W ., 'i' .:j(.: ''i.i<:jj;;,, ai'r rsw I:T-•`•t' 'L"�' '•Td •P„14 1., ?� r, j. :.4'''75r: v: •: !,'✓ S i:., 'y`f) , (ij,,,, ,. .14:A., k�k •SC:.y� . 'f`r ,•. R,! aq•..,4AN ., 1• •,' . I'Iff.,'ik �;1;: '=iF�. . 1�r-r,! �.. .�.r �- 'C Y, 7�?)•,µ,e:�1'�yi`. ?. e,1•Y4''' x;..i:a,�` {r,n,i,.. �t,,`:M'•e �I''•'3'�.2'.. -,1 L,r �.sl.�w..� .ro',a. �,"�'• �� j ,1 •:LL. _ ,_,)_��'.f f l4•.��:n-r,:;::k,-r.,t:'r; . ., `Residence District ;the:�:.buildings: i.ri " u Distri t •. ; il11,<<,' ,: s ch-..B=1'i'U'sc, c �shaTh,...t,*•,1 limit ed to one.: 1 story ' ' ,,. ( ) yin' height,i provided however that;.; ,.i;',"' ri rr�:, r • Council may •allowla building .t`o ,t e'� ere cted`:to- an , additional Yr`•, ' - 0-+'',l tl- :.4G :9Y..,jt-e f::il::. ..il,.: \ height, not exceeding°:;two (2 );�additional stories by special ermi i,5.1 di}ry,, a?.: !'!•:y'w ii'i•j6}Ii�' %I'F!'ll: ,. ;.P" , '.i' :['J� .� �r A sl , • after ub].ic hear in °and :.fir": , • -?"`''!`''`. p g; examination'?�;•of�,'�t�he �loeaton, �upon�due' = r {:<! i:'i' -:A•4:..•cirv' :,' action ''of:' h. ' , proofto the' :� :t�.s• f c t=t e'.'`Cit "f Planriirin ✓Coinmissinn the '' • t , • ,.' ,' ': '' ;such additi• onaLhe _gh will �riot� be. andly detr;m ntal ,to ad acent• and, surround i.n o p ert� -No'':;,bu i]d�.ng' sht.�].l exc Jed,'a :he i ht 4�'of: is aN:S•�i 1,.F b r.,;�q,:iFs.Y • `:':�:f,`', :�j..,. forty (40) feet or.•thrloe" f3 ) :stories ;,l" ':,'.s:; • • I FRONT YARD AND SIDE YARD , .,,,,A y Y t ;.,c;:;:.,,., '5 .. :�;:,No�.i aros ��..re c���ulr�ea� ��,xcept ':.,: :� for lots whose • side line- is ad jacentl•to a recictents.al district -'• .`' • . where said and regulations shallthen • be ...the some as in the* ,;'S ' s Residential District'; Front yard'`' ll. conform to adJacent `'S'`' :,•," 'i l- `'�iG,, she ii.: .Lai•.::," residences, side .yard to'•be •riots -less•.than five ( 5 ) ' feet, side: yards ;':; ': ': ets, to`` confor ::to front yard on flanking stre m' s of , residences, to` : ,._." __ : . the rear but to' be.' not. less ••than`: ten•; (10) feet and it rear yard..shall-;:`' ''` r`ri not be less than ten (10) feet i.. . -I . • • SECTION'XI • i'' : : • ';L-1 :LIGTINDUTRY DISTRICT ' a',;: : is In the L-1, Light Industrial` District, no building or premises' shall be used and no building?:t4shall• be hereafter erected or :struct • urally altered unless• : otherwise in this ordinance,';excepf :." : ' • for •one or more of the follow'`; or .: ;, .. • ` •:;: . ., - �ng or similar •uses, ,' i' • • - A. USE PERMITTED. : : . -'`:'' • 1. Any 'use permitted''in- B-11Districts; 2. Any light':manufacturing using:,'power note in excess of: ;.'..` 5 H.P. in one unit,: • - , Auto as• .�.�- ;'� ,: '1;,. 3 . sembly"p• lane`s ,. r. ,,,, 4. Auto laundries, :fender°and: body repair shops. : : {' WreckingC! • }` ` 5 • yards�;``��Ilum•ber:;yards� ;;coal';, and fuel yards, ••;;, .:''`f�' 7`� �' , provided that when unhoused they shall be surrounded by an ,ei".ht �,.l;. ''ii" • r ,. . (8) foot solid,wall or•. sight-obscuring. fence 'known herein as• a` '•'•}r ;y�::l'.. -,.` •r. ;iF;t}:'. structure , and the ,yard:::regulations of,'.this ;district shall be: '• provided'' fur observed, and therti that no, auto wrecking .places ;;;,1:: lumberyards, coal'' and' fu shall .be. m i• �.ta uelyards " a n ined �closer�' 41 , than one hundred (100) feet to theside lines of 'an •R-1 District 6. Bakeries employing more :than, twent�' 2 ohs >•_ : Express and hauling companies, . - . • „ • . „ . . . , ..' ! ••• ... ?I';: ••. • • • -.' . -•,. 1:2••:.;'• •'F••••?:.: ,-•:y.-,...•.:-,,•:. •• .• ; '. • . . ._ • • • :-..,:,.;•;..!........W..'.4.:-z.:.1";:,..:-'j.;:!,,,..,;•,:i'iii!•`;,4',1`...;!,':3:••::',.;,. ,:,,,„:••"1,v•'!!•!,..E.4:••,4...'8.•-":,..!1.'!;.6,,,,ii41•4.ii,;:'::c',I.;',„'s.'',..':-,'..,::',,•;.,„•,,',',..;•;......;,,,,:,.i.,',.,:...:;,.,..i! .;......'•• •_,. . •t••••.34;1'..1,,',','.4•••''.--,..-:.',1;-••:' -'-".' • • ; ei• ; A-i,'•••'1".'r 91: ,11,"I'?•'',0"'!"!-,•,.'', :!•..Z.1!•V.;'•iii,,:-.;,..0.4.'..:0',V4eji',V'1:11,7g,o..,.:•••i,,,-,••,...,-).0„,-,.!.. ,...,•:,,:::.:„..:..,;:.,:.....•-••r.::,. . . •..,!..;0„,,,.,,..,0„,,,mt.,,,......,.,,,-0411.4,;..„,„".;..,..,,....,.• • .oi uleaningand,dyeingettablit . . • ••' •... ,::-. .: .;',.:••;'42.,:';•:'.:,:,' •:_.;:'i:',i 14.::•.';,!l'.. k:,...„;.',..,-•••.1;.,.......: . ..„„ ''...:.: “. '•'''.'',, . 9. Clothirig -Mahufad'tiii4j!niA- i.rL';'. H1--; • • • • . :• ..'...1.....'•:..,.!••:'..i.:,•';:•:,411P.,::••,;'„,....:!:-'•1,'Ai...i.,:i.,..,.t.4••••,..,,,,,,„„.„.,•• ., -•., ., . . .• • • , ,.:';',,,,•.;. 'i,•,..,..:••• .„,,.•••1:r.i•!•, ...:,..-..:.,.:• 10. Distilleriesandwih 0 We ,i1J.tg:!-,1':';-- ...'..c.''',-. - ..'" . • ,,..;,•,..,.:4. -17,,,,,,,,,:o.,..c•r", •••••• • . • : .,..•... .•. • .., • • '. •.';.:4:',..'..'.:..':-'%•',e-.-..',.;'::L07V-.,'.;,'Y'-,.t.'',A":..,4:-,',,.::..4,v.,0,,;,,":6,i!4-•'.,i..:...-,,...•.',:'-.!''."::4••".,1:w,A..„,,;.g,,,,%i1,'.1,4,6p•...,!4:;.:,i-.c,i,,.:.:,:,N::,i',-;...o. t4i'A'4i,-.'7,'.'C1,.,:"',"','••;:,0":'',:''w;;:fkv4.k"S,,1i01,'40*.t''p,y,A',,a.A1'I1.1•,1'1"'',fI%r.:,,,.I•.,',....,.'..•'•,;•'',;i..''.'•,",,x'"::4-0.-•:1,".'•'3'''e-t':t•t'.-. „'I•.;•.,.''•,'.-,'''!'.•:'"'•,.H'.r...'.:_,.•;..•• .'.-•••••:'::711 Dress Manufaetirins'. 4 ' Wi . ,..•-.•..-'.:'::•::;:'••i;:.l.,•1,„'fL.l:iqrp.iint.,::,:..,,.,,:i:•:1!.;,',•.;,'•'4,;.:,..0.,!,„i,1„1.4,1.1.q.!4,1:.•1ie;41t:,4.t;,.;•t.,,,R,,;.g..!:.';..;.1:;;.:''.'':.'::,...f:.:':'.. • ••• • ::'•'•;',...' :.;' ..•,r$,;•q.,,:i,ti:j.p.7.,..i4.4'4.5.,',A1,....L...,,.k:,..,,. ..•:. 12 . 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Any use permittedin• L-1. '.-'-'' • • -'• • -• . . • , • 2 . Airplane manufacturing .'"'' .' • '..''‘ • .. ' . " • ._•,:-.... . ..,„..„.,,,',."-..,:'•:::. :;•••,0.,•.:.•!,:, .. :.• ....... , • • ...:.:. :.-•.. 4. .,.,:i ILV,:'.: .''',:',.,'', ?, .C'.:1,:.••. • ' ; • . . -. 3 . Assaying (other'..thanc gold 'andsilver) . . ,.... ,. , . .,.• ,,. , . • • •• • •,:i'-':.•:::.,, ...‘ ,..'i,g....••.: !; ...•;•.:,•'...:-......',4:',.:•••.- ..• • 4. Automobile manUfacturing'A. . - ,,..•.• . - .• .. . 5 . Blast furnaces -.: ' :-'4.-...... • :- -::-:1,.• ' : . • . ...,,,...v.,;-, ,.. .: ,. ,••:;•'.:-... . . . - . • ' - . • . i. '•:. . . ....:.:.,';';'•;;'•:: ,',, :...:,,.:1. • .: ,, :•;;.•,.::. „....•- .i ,.., • • • 6. Boiler works 'Ji ....'•::...'-.c. ; ...;)... 1.-. . . . ,„,. H . . .... ..,,','.:;... . ..:.::.„',. . • „ . .. . • • - • ,.,.......• .,..!;;:'''?,.::'• •„ . •Y:,;•4..1.;„.• -..:,;•.,,,••:: „!.. . ,.. . • . ; . '..,,..,,,.,..":.. .'... • ,‘..'•i.i . . • 7. Boat building.::and. repairing.• .••',: ::' •:.••''..: • • l•'. :.'' • '''' - .. ...•..i.;-:',•••.:.4.;:-:..*•:---,,• • ,:;:,.,1!:,-....•,• •„ ,:i....„.,.;.:- :... . 1.,,,--•.• ••• ...;,; •:..• ,- f....',':•.:-.;•i-••••..• III.y •::!.:•,', ., •. Breweries and '' '....',..,..,--, .....'*--:•--.--:: .,•:;;:•'..;..,.;,.,r,:,'.. ,::::......,:•, • . : , „ ...:•4•. ..,. . • . :•••.. • •-L,•.,,,i.•:::.,.,:.•,.•,....,....,,,.., :,.1•,„• ',...:••..• , •'" .'..'',:,.•••'!:,, •:.......';':•:.,.,....'..,..,,:f,,::•:,•?.::,,.. .:...• . . .. .,., . . • . .,... .,... . . r..•r r r r • , .,• • • ' ., . r • !:.'• 'Ir'''': '' ' rr:;i;.0 9. Broom and brush:!:manufaCturingiii.„:,,:„!.,•: •-,',......',•- •" -. :•':.,:„'•';'..•:; : .' .!;. • 1.:-.,,,'::::;', :,.1'4 .;;:.:...::: -. •,..,„..ii..,, ..4.:,!i...-„,.. •• • , . ..-,.• ,,•.,..„,.,.i.,;,,,,,i,...,...;,;„ ,..,p;7,.,:•.,„4...,::.:4...:,,,..;.,..iic'.1 ::''•.:1;-..6.1.•.;,'• •, .j..' !,. .1., ; :•.:.,,:•. , ' •• • „•'..•7•P„4,i,-,..4:-.,.... 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' heniih1:. ..'' ''''')'''''.'::!A -Mair:,--,.'i!...i...MJ.,';''KA.,... .....:1':;'. , - . . ..-t-:::'. * : ': . • . ,•-i,..',:'f,ji,...,,:.4,i,'!.• ,:',.1.4,',....:i..f.'„•!••.:•.,.:..:,•,,i. , ManUf a C't 11:±4!,-VCf:':,:-.'illiV;'i:t:•:•:';.'''-li .!';'',0''''''‘f-•'.....i......'-:"'::';". :':''':: i ... . . ''' •'-`-',•;• •••••••:•rr,i1 v::: 13.1,:,.-••1:•••••''';,,.,-.1,:•:',.:... •..... , . . •• ;;P:•:•."i;.:*:,4,•::•.•::,;•;,11,,!:::'• ',.....•• 4,1,,- ,, .:.!...;.i.woi -1-4,..0.... ......0:i,-,k,,,,,:-.,,', . -..:.: • .:-.{ji...;.',..::,........‘r,,4,1,..4,r.)-..:..,..,....;• .. . . ,••..':.•::.-..,:-,,.•;..,.,-,:,,...,......:.;..-1-,1P,:;,...,-;•:::;•,..-7„,....:,, ,, •-••;:r..., .„ ,,.,,,, ..,,.„. „;:,...t.,,!:;.,,,,....,.,:.,. :..,.,.; • . ..• 17. Cooperage':wOrk'S•I',.P,7„.,0,..g,'.3.t...,1,52,1....r.,',;,-.).%1.-iiii,•3..;;;'.,...1•i',',.?;f9,4:ii.ii•-;•.. ..,,'('_'j•••,;.•'...'-•-•?,:::,'''.••!?&,' ''.'il':',••••:'•••••••1,..::: .•:' - • •• ,..r...:: :,,,,,..,....:•'•.....,,P:v4,• •.,. ',iv. •-: ...:1,„i1J..-7.*:...‘k,'•-!::;-iPW : .•••[4,..,•,:,,, ....,,...a."A!.:?..,,,,,•••:„.:,..ki,,,i1,:•k• -,4,...N.0,11t.r.,..,:,,:,,,,,,. .31.. . ...f,•,,:.:...,,, ,•.!.•;,....,•...„„,...,1:...-•,:.,, .• •, ..,......-.:;:.1,•,t:,,,.,,,, ,c111.,,,,,„11.,,, •.. : •.-,. ,,,,,;,:yr......:*!iv.,,:.,:::o,?:,....•..'..,• . • 18. Dog pound ...,•.•,,,::.,..ii,t,v.o.,...!•..,.1.,g,404.itq4.-olo.,:.„.1,1..;m),..a.g..t,, ,j;:.,,,,..,....:yi,.., .......,:.11:'..,..,:!-,i .:,... • .:.• • :,..,;•;,,':;'','•:•;:f•,':!,•-•7•Arl•if,.",:•,4:... •''.' • ... . , „...,,,,,,,,:,,.!,•,,,,„...:1.r'A•ps-',N,,ii ..),.t.l..-.;;Aq.k,!•,• s ;e„,sz•:q..7 ,f,...,:t•:,.:•.-!:•;•;',,,!:•l'::',-I:;,1,',,..,?g,.'i'•,..,'••',...,%.,•' :•':.''.*J4:•',1•-i:,1;41;•;:•:1:::''.X0,:•1•,!;.',...•,'',.•'. .• ; • .•,...q...•::;;;,I,,,-.,•:•:::. ..,.,14111.1.t„...•..1,..::: 4,,,y,i,70:?•!',.',.•.;,,E,;.'4 •/,...:;:i.:AA',;•,..•, •:.••••• `1 • ' '•••-:; •.',':; '1.1 •'•'I::•• : ::'-'••!,',",':1,L'il,'4 ';.•1,:q..; ',..',';::, :':,''.'. 19. Dry 1.., ,• --:.,,,,-..;„,.,, ,,:......,..J-4..,,,..$3.-:,;-„,,..: -qilig-A,..:y.k!.., um;i.:.,iAsr,.i.. ic-lins -. :: ?..,-'...,-•:A4,!,..--t,..:tiff.k.:1144.:-,!, .- .:.;...r.i.A.'.-,.-..-: -,::.-::;...,. . •••,:•••.!•:,-...„!:,,,,,,,. ...A.:.•,:;,.,,• • :. . . ..':::::.... .!!,-;::',............,!.. .,,,g•! ,!•,,,.::1•..,t,s,A,,,tr..!,,,q4,..:;;,1,,),-,,..,•!•,--,•• . - , !.....,,,,.., ; .,,,,?...,T::„,... :!•,,,..,i,...• -. • , . . ,- . . ,...,,-..;_•.,,.,.,e.•,,,.....,„-.i.....•.,.,,.,:,,•,:,T..4:.,:.!..;.,,;:iV,2:y.•r-,,:,..,.;.:.-.:-,-,,•.,.,c,,,-:•.,:...;..-.;1,,.,,,.,4),,,-,,,':,Wt.,pF,7,.,4,....:1,::%:-.1,:3W.,r...,,•,--p•-,'..q',,.:'.!..',•-!,,'yX.,:.,:".'.,-,-:,1.4,!..:,•-..'!.,'-.',.'.•.•'""..:-..'...:.,'.,.'.::...:.:--'=,...•,‘;•.:,..,H-.::..,..:i.;,..',•'..-..--,.H.,.%..0,•-:,-:..:V'.'.,....'y;';'.,%.',.:-.....'.'..„'•.'.;:,e-.r.i:..,',:ll..,i:.','.: ''.,,'',,.,....-'!,:•::'.'::1';,'':..•'•*•:.•"'••'„:•-1 pi I 20• Dyestuff manufaCtUrePnH ,i4,,t'''0i.',,q,'...,'y,'0,,,:•,Ii,,.-":o-,g-••:,•:'•..''•!-!:,•:.!,'.:,...:•• • • • ... ..,":,:;'-':.c.'...WI.P:i .",',, -.,:. • •:. . .;):42::,:::''3'. • ,:,.",,, ,..;;:.•-r,",11,,,4...!. .,,,.:, . 21. Emery clotli,.'O4i.-:135. :!1.::: '!'• . ',H -.,..---:,:,..,:T.. ,,,,A,,,,,,,,.. i.,... r...s andpapermanufaCt"' '' ' ''' • : ''.1:‘:' - '-' ''. • '' '''''''''::'''i''''''''v'4''' '' ' • . -.,n,, ,,,wfd...,,,,,,.., 1,:, .1,....... :.yii;.•:,,:e... .... ..:,..., ., 'Are •.:.,. ,;.•• . ,••••....... :,-....,..,... 22. Enameling'::,.. fi . .:..'11.' f:-..c.v,...C.1 :: i -: ::: : . ,- :%.;,:- .--, ...:;::.....:: ,....-,,....'!..rimv,.- :;.-...i..,--6t.,,,„,,,-,4,,,,,... . ..1i..tw....„,,,,..,,T5-.:: ,,,-,.,.:.,,,.:.... . .. „ .. , . . ... :::,:. . .:',.. ,:i::; -,..,,,: ,1,,,,:,1:: ,. ..- '..-:,..:..?„.x...!,:l..,.%.,:,...:H ...L'....,.... 4vd... ..;.',.?' ., . ;:..i') . 2...-.,,,,.:. ! ..,-....... y...:..,:p.,1„0,...„. .. . -... . ,... ...1.. . se t isons,:manufacture '... H.'W n: ::;;;...14:V:;:';''''''''''': 23 . ExterminatOi4O ''441'' ' ''''' '' ' '':''''l '''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''' -:- .'..c • . .;::. :.:i„,..;•i:,.!,.,, ..1.,......„,•-••,.,,,„.„ „,..„. ..,%!,,,,,,,,,,,,., . , 1;-... 24. Flour '. •-. .t?A.5,:.;:".,; )f ,;4.1.:17.,.;::,, ,.• .. • . '•'.--,. "..'.*: 1 i,''..,• . 7,-.1;1••••et,',:!•‘:.,,f;',...:'•-•:iq.;).,i..i:',./..• *,,.•• mills.•1;'ff:,',, '...;;;;.1q•:,...!,,,,J,r'S„,,••;:,,,,-,7;;A:111.,i.'i:1:1';,1;;;;IF!..!"-0!...2.,"'.',.:...'..::- •, ' •..:. 1 .•.:I' : ' . •-,:,P.,4?b",, pi,i,-• .•,i,,:.,,.:,1•:,*,..•-••'.. . . '.e1.!...7' !::::;:,!,;Y:q$0,f01,.-:.;1WV.0...t..q.. ..i.1: 1-7P;'::::.:,,;:55 ',:. • - •, '''',' ••••••,':.-,'''.i:',:C''.:',i*::::''.r,':•?,'",•,,ilit.q.,';'-..,).V0:40°.',',':,•:,L...'',••• .,•r•,... : . - • .• ;.- , , , -,.•;,.....!-•.;•1,1•,-,,,,•;,:.;;•-„k•LT,.'....... . •.. 25 . Foundries .. :' : ''''''''''';: ''''''7-'" ''44:'''''''itT "I'''' '''':'' ''''''''-'-- :' --% v.•,:;v;/.,:' :,. .).. , .: ,,t • "%, .iit,?',•::::,„;_?-,i.:,:;•,,If.4,4,,,,,,;•,..-... ::.:" ., .-...:i..;!•:.,::::•,:. '''' ' ' -,.:: ,..41 ,c1.6- ...-OP-•;,: r ,::-: .::•1:',&'..'''',' . •. .!-•,::',- .•••• • , 2.:-:..:::.Y.'•:;•::•-•.:',`:41g•i:i',V. ,-:..,!;1,,,‘,:itig,44.1i1.::60i1, 4::',;::::•••,•.... .;.:,,,,,••2:', " .r.,•,:1 • .1! .• : . *V::,:,•,,....'-;.4'.1.:j0,.., 26. Glass or .:. wi,i4 .40,,,,, j„ , ,.„,,,,..1 „... ,.i,ri,,,,:..., :• ........ .:..- , .....-, • , ...1„:1„).-„,„1,.,:i.),,r„,-:-,, ,•,.... . glass :productsmanUlattUre-:' ' ''. .. . - • .!!• - - :. ! . !!• .•••• • -,. ... .::..;.. ,.....-...,..,..,,,,,,,•!::::i.•.,,••,.• . . - ..'.,,,,,f,•!. ...,,......7.•:,..,;.:•>, ••••o,,,,,., , . • 27. Hangar • .....-4'.',:',•::.;••;;•:•,.,,V...•;.,y.i::,:;.:V.,•.:;:iiMg. ,0- ••,.;•'.,;.•••;:;•,',.,•.:v . • ,1„.•:::.:-......:,••• . ... , . • -•:, . • • .J.,i'.:41.v..,`',,i':',."',''t.s,•0'•'-'....'•••••'-'- .....„,,•::.1-,.,.::;...7....t.,;.,•;•,i, •.,.i.•..,1 . • ••::.•.•::-•••,-,,t';;•,,-t5.:4,,:•.,;•.:e......:r.9'vf'`,r7';'VI'i';;;i;•:....,:'..,i...,'. •,,.:.. ..;:::,-'.•.:,:. ' . , . .•.: . '!:,..'1'4'.;:,:f•'.Z....f,' •••i.' .::.r; ' • . T' ':','N:• i,t•;.:•;:',,"!..f.-2,-,f•?45.4, , .14;-•:', , ,,,,'. ,•:'•:,,.. •,:, .:.1..-'•-; •'. • , ' .' • •'.'....i•,....A.::4 4- ,..,••.A.,1,•1,•,,• • . . .,•••„-,,,;, ,,•,...J,,•••1`,1'%:i .1,•,?....; ••:•••,{••:,-:•-•?,,V(41::•••!14,:„1,...1.•,'-?4•:i,7'i'i .2:'; ".,.1 ,•..‘,-.',','.,.', '' '.' •.., ' " • ': • `..):',0,..W;I.,;.".;;i',1.-;! , F ,•:;::.: , 28, Ice manufact'Ue .'70.'-'. ,•g:t.,,,,tw,!... w,-1,'. , • i .--:;,.. ....,'.. H.',!... . ., ': ' ,!„,!.:..,.,;....•,•:.F., ...„•,,.!,,,,•-i-.:,!,!-..!:.,•,••,;:.• .....••,,,,,,,,...0„....4,070... - .. ;,'.1k. `13•;:-:...f••:!';'•:•1•;,, ,:. :•,.-;.!;.!.,•!,....!:•.,,,,, • • ... . T.!!!..,.. - . ••,: ,. ,. •,. ., .•••;!:!?.••:',',-,i'!,:•!1.1-i,,,.:1-*•s,::!... ' '...- . • • • -! ,-...•••••!:, •:..... .•!..,,,,.:,. .;2,•:•. .....,.,.,....41-4,::'.%:::•••,.--.:... •,. -- .,• ,.•..• !,:.•, . • ...,•,•,. -;. •. .:• -,.......,....., :.1:,:,..,::., •.•!!:11;-,,!-.. ;-.. ! • 29. Jap-inrii . ,••••:-•:',1.24i."••-• •••.!"-,...•:,•;•,-;:•••-.. ..• •-.T•:• ,, .::„.-.....,...:i..: .,., • • ,..,... "• c. pg..,.,:,.:„,-.:..,:‘,..:..., ..:1,!.:,,,,,,,...,..,:.,,, ,......,-,4,,,,,y,,,.•,,,.,,,,-,,,,,,,,.:•..,.....• :• ... -..., •• : :•, .. . •. • • •:••:.•,. ,;;•-•;4,,k.,..!, ,c11(-..•, ..• •••.•:. . ....,,:,.• •,..:f.i.'.1...,-, .1 11?;,!1•...:-...'..,.'..';•1'.f.:'..;..',..:-,•: , ':',','•• • '•.-. ..-.. ' .•''' ' • ' °,;'..:^v".:(..ii.:--Y i-•'!--11-;,-•',.i;. . • . :'•.'. -..-..A.-i::.' - -•'..4,;!,V... '':-:;!'• : '1i' .:..-;?,:1-',..,,.;;‘?,4)'...'•i *• •'i.r. :-... *,. '..;-:;', , ', ,.• ...i.•,,,•;.;;;;,:,,Y, • , 30. . Junk ' • •,•:•; ..... -. .. . .: •-•••'••• :. ... :•' •-••••1,..!:,•,;...,v,.,:„.!,•::.,4;,;•-..:-.,..1,..,.,•"•..• .,-,...,,•„..: : . .:• • - • .,, • • • :i.•••,..1::.....,,....!-,,,....cq.,.....,, ,,•: .?..-••:: . ; rags,HscraP' in':: 5iiaPer;rto'' o); bailing. -,.•::gis,A..,,..i?r,i;i:4..k..-i,.;,2f, :-.,• ,, ,... .. age •••'...!...,-!...!.. • -: •;••4.-,i,'!.•!, .... .... . ....- •••;-• , 31. Lamp black manufacture ::::.,f4vv,-;' .,!' J '' i.' .':-.'..;; . . . ,,,,..:,„.4,,„,..:.i,,,.. .. ,-. ,... ..,. g--. ,•, - :'•''''-:....'•'.if r:',V.,,I-r..'. •...,,,:...,•,•.,. .,. -' .k4.;::',....::' *.'' ,i''; '.....',/'::•i:....:.':,,:.' ; . .•. ',-. 32 . Heavy manufaCturelridli!liceiOiICA. : :::::. ..EL . .-"1.:-.4:!.•;,,'•;..t.;•.:„.::..,,ei;,,,,;.;,...d,....-,.: , ..,....: , . ... . .. . . • ..„.. .•..,..,i,.,..,;,..,.;...i!..v.,,,,-;,' ; .• . ;!.. 33 . Lubricating gE.iaSelMnU 1 -t‘tix..e:.: OroiiicOmPoUnds . •• ... ...t,,,,,,,,,,•,,IN4:,..,., : •: ...•:.,.......,...,3:........f.:,:!::•.,%''..,.7.,: .. .. . . • .,..:.!,i i,...'....• V•,:,....;•:.•;:;, `..,..:,‘'..'..,•: •i::' -•'-'.:' % ' '.'.-, '••:,1:•,:..':.:•,';.-: ; , ' ... .• • •,••• •,.. . ,:i••..,.•:.• ,, •, ',:i•:.,1:.'......-: . 1.',.... : ;... 34. Lumber and shinglemill6" . •:.,......:......:,..,:.-: • , • I ..•.!:.,.:.... !...,..,......4:.„ . . . , . , .:'•.!. • .• ,,....-,iy,-,•-•ii•v.,..:.,. .i1,,-;,,...-:-.:;?!;.: •,'. :. ' :' . . . . -- ..:,, . ' -,-'.•-•,,-.-'.:'7:.;,'...;. !!•-:...'::•,,i. " • ... . , ; • • 35 . Machinery manufaCture- 'AV.:: ::: . ii- : '; . . . , •!...,,::-...:. ., „•„;..;•...:....;.. • - . - 1 ,•,...::!.,,...!,, . . •.•„,.,-.., :. . , • . „. . • . , . . 36. Heavy machine shops . . • ...-i,...! ... ,..-,-,,-,• • . • -:-',:-:-...,::•••• .:;,•••:' 37. Match manufacturing : .,',Y.:.'':-: '''4 : : '.: • . . • . . .•-:-..e..-.•;..., . •yi,... • • • • • • 38. Oil cloth and linoleum manufacture • : • .,. - • • r-,...,,,.•.,..•.::,•• . ..1.?„ . . . .,. ,. . • . •• . .: . . ....... . ..:••,...,.'....', ...:. . .-,-,•... :., • _ • . . . . , - • . 39. Oxygen manufacture • '' ' ''''''''''''.'± -;" ''' ' ' '''''' ,. • • ... .- -... ....... : .• .• .,,!•-,--:, • ,.; .. .,.. ;:•„ • • .."..)-',1.:',. :-. - • !::-.-- :.' : .. . . . . • • . .....-;i:.0..,...-..:••• .t,:,,•;...- ,..; : 40. Paint , oil, shellac, • ' :.;',.::"...--...;: ,..:, --,.:. ' va7nish:ortUrpentine manufactU.rer.4':„:: .i: . . ,..... ,, , ... . .,.. 41. Paper box manufacture :i•-.,',1':'i:..,-. ....--::' .:-.. . ' ' • , ''-: Y/. ..'• '..:•:: ::-... :.,. .'.,..--:-..... -''.-- • . . . • ... : • .. . ..- • .. . : ... • 42 . Planing mill or woOcrworking.. Piant : - ' - ' ' • • -•• • - • .. „- • . . • .• . • • - • - •• • , • . ... . ., .. ! ••• . , • 43 . Plaster or wallbc3'adMariU'iCtU :',w,. .. . '.. .. ' -:•:' -.•,4,'i',.-,:."••• ''.- :-•:::f-. ' ',1C.-:::::.,',.--,-... re ., . - •••:;!,..,,!,:••••.! •!::-y..,!..- :• • • ••.. .1- . ,-, .. • i..-"!...! •:.-•,, .-. !..!:-:•-::;!:.!.,:--...! ! ,.,. 7 s-teamplant' (Central: Station)H ..,,,..''',;e'..,',: ,,i: •••••; -!0','.;-•,;•:- • 44. Power, light • •- . --- ,-: -.....-„,?...„-•:• •,---;,,,,.,,......:v:. •, . - :. •.:. 45 . Printing • k .. .- • .• •••••,... ::.:-.. .••;,,':...,..-„:.•• •... ...... .,.•.,,,• .. ,.. . .. ,. i ••.:•.... , . . .. , .. ,......, in manufacture: 'AL' ', --P-,-:..:: • :.. ,,,-. ! ..,;;,,• 1. ..,.. --i,,,,,...4.-,...., . :. .:'. , . . . . 46. Railroad yards and ' roundhouse . :: ,,,,,,, .. . .„.. .. . ,•! ! : • , :,...,,,,,,,......„,...,,,• .,,,i,:1,..,:„..,...,•, . [-:::,,,,--,3.•••• ,,......„-: - -. • • '.' -“, 1 ,- .••• ..'...••••,•••,,,...:-... -:.fk:.;',?;i,!..:i.::."z •. ,,,4'.'Zi•J''. ..,i---;:i••••;:: ji::: , „- :' - ';'.•-' , :- ''.': '!'.•'•''..'.•,-;•,;•'4 •:- ;•:•.•;1,..F:.: •-• • • 47. Rolling or. bloominemill . ::,.4 .- - , ,-J • ..: • -- :, . ;:i ,:.;':.. .!,::•,. ..-,,,,,,,;(. ....,....y. .•••.•!,..!.,•!..i.,'.!.! ••••, • -. • . ., .!..• ., !•,.' -•-•,,;•••!,•-•,,,,•,.. ..:k•-•,..,-:-,,i..•.••• • 48. Rope manufacture .,..;:o.:,,,,i•=1,..y,......,•ze,:v. ... .. 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Stove, polialiManift ,ireA ' j , j ; 1 t p 61. Storage warehouidi1411: Ii 1;:t.:,:.''.,.:• =• •.• • .3*'...'3.''':•"'...:'. •, * .i * .7 • '...,.1.4,:iii;bk,:iVI.X1:11.j':;P:T,.' :: - .• 62.. Textile IIiiiiii '' '' 4.3" :'.'i'';131•:;Vo.';',..i,' .,,. ., ..•••••• ..:,.,.'! .. • '.,..., ': ;:.;.••'..i.,.1.:',.!1•••Y'.44i;(: ..!. .•' . • a•...1.... ..: •,i( ;,!4!:V .,:..... ...:. V; '..::''..L: ''' .':•''.':• :'••i;: •• ' :..I..••-•:.,•;',,;:;4•'.‘. ';''."'',;...111:!;:,-; •,:... ' . . •1 '• . ., :.3,343 . .,.. • , •. ••••.,-..-.•....- ...;.,.:?.,..,A..:.J..;;;.;,,.,,.•,?.......•,:..-=::,....' '',.•:•-••='. • „ •• Ii ..••• ,••..'•:,••,••••,...,,.T..,.•;";.;.r,......f.i='.;•:'.•.••C•,-,.,.,•'•P:''''V, !. ( 6 3•Tobsec° (chewing) or cigar manufacture. f ,',".•,.;;','";,:.::,'...)•.•••-.••..•-..•,... : . .••••••••..•Nk.,.11..k,=::-• ': • 64. •Vege,able...oil•:or other .611.;manufacture and refining or:stOra •••!".'''''''''' ' • ...., • •.1-• =•=.=.4..,..1:=11,,,: •• . . ge,,-4r..-1, • • ,..,• .... - ... • ••,..,:.,..t.,;:•••••,....).-,.• -,.i.•:,• .•••,•.. ',•-.f': ;.,..."=;1,==;••=•'•-• •••••••• • = .,.,.....,.... .,.; ,„..,:e.. ...,,•••: ,.:. • . 405..,Ye•ast Plants . -''-== .• .,',..:;........:.:.- .i-.,:•,••.:•.,,...i..s...!•;'•,:!'..,?'.f..•"••••::.',.;'.,.,.'..-..••.'.,•Y•..,..••••••.=i.;.„.=.....i;..•-:.:...,...,.i,:,.'.•i.=11.1;.••••.=..:(,.,.-'.:.i,;•.:;:,I•.:••:.:=.-'.',:..•,.•=-,.-.,.:...‘.•.•• ..' • . ..I VVLtcl41= • ••.•-;'.,:Y.•-.1.==.,•,:.,..-.r...•••.!......,;...!•q,..•n.:.....-....••=•••s- • , . . • a. Wholesale houses heavy'e'••q••I'uipm4e:•'n..I"t:HI.' • -• ''• • ' ' ..• ,:f;••;..!.....: -•i!,::f=-,..,••••::• .. - • . f, ..,• . 1 • • • . .•.:.!.•:•:,; ,..,•`•;:r,•.;..E......:',..1:;.'":',: •. .: '.!',',......; •;,."-•.•'-.i:','-rtii • • 67. Any use of:electrie'.:POwSiM,OtOra requiring = . five (,5) horsepower - '••••• • ....'.:-..•-- •'c.••••;•gi'!-L•-•,•,:.•A:•4•;;,......:.A.: .• .i . . • A. The following listed and any'not.",liitedifhavingOnoxiousorodiZis7 :110?:: .- • = , noise; smoke, dust. and air..polutin' g[,substances are prohibited. ., • 1..%„...,,...'„•••':,••••:, • ,...............,..j,.,•,',,,,,,-.:Ai:,.....,..: . • .. • .. .. •••• .., •.:: .,...!•,,.,•- . .-..'-....:.;:.......••.. - • .., . 1. Ammonia,•chlorine or bleaching powder manufacture . . ,,,,-,-=.1i...••:=•.. .,!:7,::.:,.1.,",''..,..,- • • '::P.'.'•'..;..:.;,..,...p.:•:,1.',f:;.', , •.,::,,,-.. •.i. : ,...,,,,;:t.::,,,...:', • 2. Asphalt manufacting or refiring g 1 • ',... ;. - • . I • I , , .. - •:•• , .,, -.,.., -L.,' , ., . .. . . . , . , 3. Brick; tile, or terra-cotta manufacture or storage ; -.: •::;,.. . ....:f.-i=- . . . 4. Coke ovens .. .'::" • ,..,.. . • ,. • = •,. . • ;..•••• . • •..:.;;......;...,-....•:, ..-,-..:J, . .. ' 1,1:'.•-•:.;•.;;'.: .', •..: '' 5. Creosote treatment': or''manufacture = = :.„••••••.; ,•.,,:-; '., .. 1 4 3 1 1 6. Disinfecting'manufacture •.'''..''''''''''I':• •• '' I•'• . .,. .,. . , . . .„ ..,.. ... .....,„ „ . -:. • .•• • ..:....... ..,. •.:;•':=.,==••:....•.• ::-.'-'••• .,•`,"•".•• : . I ' i . .. . . . .. 7. Distillation of wood; coal and.bones', 'or manUfI actureof any •' • ":I.'. of their by-products • : , ... ,• • . „ . •,•,.. . ,...,... .... • . . - •. . . • 8. Explosives •storage':.''''.. . • '• 1.• ";•• ''••• •: • - ; , . , • • . , : . • ••••,.:;•,.......,.•'•:,...•.,:;;•,•=::..=•-•-•-=" 343 ., . •, ,..,,., :,.........., -..=,„...,,,„....,,,....‘,,:..:.=.:•.,:;.. .- •, • • •-..., • 9. Gas (i...llum: ina...t.in. g;.O,.,r.,,..,,.; heatngI ) man U a'C•tU.r•e in••.•.•....,'g•i•••i rr •.••.‘,s •1:tI. •ora e• •''.'.• ;••'e'''...'..'.''..•':'-.'.'•'%'.V•:".,-. ...:•.•1,••••,..,.. ..,• ••• •• . . , , .. . . ... .- .. , . . .. .. . .. .. .. . , .. . . 10. Incineration ded, U.• C‘tion•••••.o.f. garbage, ••offal.-:,dead•animals" • d•7;.-,,',:k•.. •••• • -.=:!..... i=•• ...4.7,20:,,,,==• •. ':'..,',•...,:): • 11. Ke•1p •• "• I ...••• .'''•••-.:;;;•='..,-.P.:,.-11:.-:--!,*, *,'': •' * • .:. .:11 .. .,*.refuse•L.4•g.•••••• • reduction. and „the''extraction of:it ., . . ; -- : . .,..•-•,..,-,•••,.::••:: . .:Y1,....,.•.1.. . . , s by-products. • -•-••.,,..,, :,..,,,,Ini•;•!:.....: . • •••:::c,-;.,i•::•:..•,..,„.;...,- -.-,,...,.,--:=.•.•.: =.,..,:..=.11 '.....:,=•••••If4,,,•- •;,•= 7,......, •• . :" •• .,..!:=•,,,,-, .=,..... i',...r....,•. l2. .Paper-•,-and::-..1...;•-... ... ..!.;:i:,-..;..il.•••:...,.;Tok.,,,••••••=twt....;%. .i......., ,....,•• •.*. • ••••••• • • :.•,i,===?..,••••;-.:--,0;;..;,•:::,-, ••:-.• • ' . •• .V".141 manufacture ..'.?..;,••••••• ;•4'.•:••• :-‘. • •• ...'':• .'. • •i. ,:,,.::.:;..-:„.,.;:,:!1::;1•!;1-,•:: • .,. . ••••.-',,-•'..;i.r..,-:,. .1.,r,,,.,.....:,.• . ' '....-...,,,:....,:::,....,...'4....:J... ":..i."^•::":".T." „;„.,...;'''..:).•..1.•'''..".' . ;,.'... c'..•,....,-;:. •: ' ,,..: . .....:.i',.'.i.,.',7;;:•.,.,,p.';;,.V.',40,:. ..• ;. ... .,..refining•::7,•storage ...or manufacture of any of:i.I1.fii'''....'''''''•[....'.:::1?'''' 1.'..':':1'..; 13. Petroleum. ' ' •••'''"I-= •=. =•II'II"••': . ' •'''' •'=' ' Y....I' ' = - • . ..... :,_ .....,..• , 4.,„,..., .- .. :':.e.....::•,•1•.=.:;:.., • 14. Reducing or;refining aluminum, copper, tin or zinc ••••,•=-:•..., ',.„,...\if,••-,..... . •, • = :. •-•=.,..•..<..=,:.1i...., .. ---•-,';*:.;:••.,,;!...•-'-'...i.:.•-•1=..r.-...; . . - • '' • • .=`,..,....,,!.v:•=• •1::,•,..,:•,;,,..,.-•::..' ,......•.. - . 1 • , 343 15. Soap.,and .compound •manufaottir •I. . ' • ' ' • •I.= I • =•==-, ,:„....: , •,,,,==. .. ... •,:••• • ,..,-0:13/4....,,•• ••.••• „... . .. . .. .. ••• ,. 16 .., ..••• .......,•••.... , , ,,,,•,...,.;,,.....:!....,:, i,••••••ic• •,••,. •• • .,.;•:1•. . Tanning.• curing or'..,:iiitorager...OfI.'raii hides or.'••••'iikins:• ' . ..•.,:.:'.,•;, ...y...,.... .. . .-• , ,=•,;-...;:,..,, ,•:. ,f.,,,,.::.•;:-:.,,5••••... . • : • '..r.'="':..1.....'•••••:...:,. ••••:',4,??:,,:,..,„... .:::., ',.:,..-...,..i.l. ., . ... 17. Tar distillition'OrMnUfaC '' . 'I. ''..... 'I ' I . ..........,• ,,.,,..'•.i.'./,..:,,,...,... . ..'i".."..;';'4.;';•1';.'••'. '•g'3.:-I.'''. .'' • -,,,::::iii',.,:i....',• t:*••.•:c..: •,•• . • . . . . ..•':!,';''14'.' ..''.34.!1;;Fi):"f.'3 '... ,', • • ... , . . .,**,,I.:,• :',..:):;.:•:',„,[,1,,i:.;'•,., ' . . . . ' "'''. . • .. F.:.a, J,, v •yb •3 Fi'.,r 'a'Y.- . x ! 4„'#,%-.�1�..•i: :l;':.:�, 1r A• .1 :1?, :r,Z'r...�4�.-: .sln,�.a.a a,,;� ctt �':i' (y ff'I .•j�iit�.1 t ..G#:.:r..tii'G :.i ,}_. trl,-•1F 4, ;1. 11Wi r� r.ra.�,r.•:-%Ii0 .•I•:;xk:; ...,4,f2:.J:.0 • 18: Tar-roof i o'i�;r. 'ar�'-:water iroofin' ,m riuf �vv.r? 1" ': ''- • 19. Cement, lime'j' ` ; sum' ri sf�ufa8t'ure ' �'�Ji!iJ,• I1����[:.: :"[.ir'..f': �yL.ti l.a.,:' "Ij�.' � '� �:`>•; ,' • 20. Fat rende•r�n :�� <:,..z: .�t ,::,;,r..rr <<- • • � . ,,;<;"r7,3(;'c,= Nw.a J.,..r.,. :;14 ,,,:,i}{rM,.tS;,k,t,11'r,;&:n. .,, ;;": j,. ,, .'�`.. '.�'~ •.T'.y�: 4:�, r..y;k.; I;,'..:,,1;1!"+',�,.!� ., � .t'.,Z.il:� 21. Fertilizer manufacture: x''.A 4 ? .;;, ;: .: I I " Ir; „7 ii '3,r,Y}, � U7.j, :.,a,<' MO ?;r;a tj:}f "'I'.. .. • •,.+ c;�,, i'I .,1: ,,M � rY,�'..e :�'i Sy ,,.� .• .lr •)�, .�..` .j.,.• )!i '.I)r.;:':�;� tom. �.r .,iks; �;. �,,�{..,•.3 i,,.,;�>y'fi'" +,t,:Y::;yo :l[G r�. 1.Pj• ..t .1. 'A:.'�:�::�':'�;• (.Lar�' �.,• +1)(i,t..?;a}, .�•W '� :aj;•�A.ldp.._,'��K'1'.:�'::f.."7w:,.�..,•„i:'; i": r ;t.,.. l r atN.,,a!i }, • 22. Glue: Manufactu e',.', "+,. vv',:+M . .,a.:;,' :';: , ;;� :1.::r. ii tr'i:.� r';ri Via'{:!'1�' f v. � i: a.:;1:: 23 . Stock ards'� ,,i,- j.,' ;s�: ,•' • REARAR No`,' rea•r' a�;".a ,:i ' :-' ��'•;,:_;;: ,.'= ,: . : >�� r,. . ...::...,. •, ;.. x D: y r 'is'requ3 'red except where: the industrial, 'TIC :•• ;,.,..•.,,i1 , district abuts on a residential district• with no-intervening `' •• street or alley in which '`case`-i,?a re`ar:;.yard of not less than 'twenty'`.;;:: (20) feet is req• uired. � :; . .;, 0;.:: 'v. j; • . SIDE YARD. • No side' yard' is regz'•red• e p .:; i except where an indust�.;r'�•:,°�. rial district adjoins'a' `residential; district with no intervening' ;';.;:';.; . ' street or alley, in which case'1 the';• side yard shall be the same,'as :, : -, 1'. i';! it required for the residential' d ''istrict . 1 24. Other uses which can ''be 'reasonable considered similar• _ >: or related to the , uses ' listed . above:° u on approval of the Plannin '`• ;, t,, P PP gr: Commission. • • • :1: • :-•:. SECTION XIII . " . { :';fit,;;<i ; rs. FRONT,' SIDE ',-AND REAR YARDS 1. FRONT YARD: Where any;,front yard .is required, no building shall be hereafter erected oraltered : so that any portion thereof';'";. ' . shall be nearer the front property,;line than ' the' distance indicated by the depth of the required.;;.front;:yard. , • EXCEPTIONS: ' Eaves, cornices; st'eps, terraces;, . platforms and- porches having no, roof covering, , and'`:being' not over forty-two, ' t . (42 ) inches high may be`. built::;'within a front yard., When forty' (40) •per cent or more, on: front foot" b'asis'•, of all the property on one'; . side of a street between twointersecting streets at the time• of ,.•j passage of this ordinance has:,been built upwith buildings having. .,,,: g g g a minimum front yard, of more'; or ;less 'depth' than• that established : bythe ordin rice and � " I`a , 'provided �that• the majority'.of. such fronts .. . front ..., ,,..! . . .. . yards do not •vary more. .than ;�six '(6) .feet i• n 'depth,' no buildiing tii.S.;`` . shall be built within' or 'shall`�.an! t po'rtion, save :'ais above exceptet.,v'?.•,: y: project into such" minimum front.; ard', '�,;•'• rovided . further that `no` x new buildings be required to`1 set back"more than thirty-five.�.,('35 )• ,, . feet from the street line in,.'the R-1 or R-2t, Residential District �r°;. .. :',• .. nor more than two (2 ) , feet: farther.�,tharl any. building on an adjoin- ,<�:', ing lot and that .this'` regulat`ion '..shall not, .be so interpreted "as', ;Jr ;' . • .. �'y:r,r• 1�pS' 1� .. ul�l r,.� err,.'y{;ip;,�•'` '.:�.., • ..i. #, ,1L'' • J•. i,4.1 ::Y; -, Yv,,Ap7iI gr-F :!i . Y!-,,,q-a :'I. .ri:.i.l•' r ••1'• .. ••1,;:� ���, - , to reduce a .requ". ed' fr� i to (less' °th ,:, . '.. �;,;:,5;;: uir atif';;yard= an'�t�en�`..�(!10). feet ��;���;.t: ,� •±'�f;!'r,': is in depth. r;' �:..; >: .:: • j Si , •„ �:Y .. r:.,ti ;' `�; 4: �� I^i'!.f. r,: rr ;., ' ., vi, 11Ij`: •,v';`;''i:kq.:s% �'; ,1 •"•,E. :.;_� 4 � ,+ ;,.. }.S; :2 SICE 'yAR$ WYlereany. s ecified 'side yard is required i ,, , ,.v ,,11!}�: "1+ '1:.+ 8*:p i:::tr„L.iro' tr,q� t�;=i` ,:ii .r;,:i "" r'�•:''. • no buildingshall 'be �e ate `"' 'so that an '!` �!'''' r a tern, r c d':':'Oraltered' ,: . ,;>. .. :i.. :rgi'S;;(ti: �1:iL��'c".,`'!;'"'''' ;`T-i1}' ,t .�ja'v,'i r'. ..5�., l�r. :( .t" :I,{i�'-'';: .r.ir�;S,v... ''•{'',:r':n,',7 r:;r"',i(:�., "'t;,f:,,, ri::,tr,6r ..t' '��' ,!. - ;ii portion .ther , � r�r"t : ,,,;.:: ''t:� ���::, ' eof y`sha1l� be�:,�nearer. to `x'the side :lot''�:'line than 1''' '��saE: ,�r.�r.; .,�: ,;:, .�, the" distance indicated �by;:the:wdth: oftle required side yard' ' ' EXCEPTIONS E , ::.:, . . ..s f;, ' ave'sand .cornices may• extend •over'. the required 't ''.;; • side yard for a distance'.of note more than two (2 ) feet°'. . •Access- ory buildings when erected sothatthe-entire building is within ofthirty. (30)'''feet` 'fr , rear. lot also i.'''`" • om�'ttie re lane, may occupythe side yard 'onl.'an ineide '°lo '• : "' Fences not /over .forty-two''t' ;:'• y c a sid`e''?'y�ard'"'` '' �a;.f42:),:'-,` nthes.:•ma o cupy.. • Y � ^t.+.. 7 feet from front property line' then raise to 6 feet to depth 'i '{ . of property or "rear lot li:. .1y : ', ''; ' P P Y n e � t 1 1 •, 3 . REAR YARD ,• ` Where `anyspecified rear yard is required °x`rE '' no building shall be hereafter erected• or altered so that an 'F`��`1':. portion thereof .may .be, nearer' .t o',the rear lot line , than the '' '.;` c'.istance indicated by .:tY e depth `of the' required rear yard . ' : ', Accessory buildings."may4b;e:;:built within a rear yard,• provided• the required total open.: space is•:;not exceeded. No accessor • building shall cover more thanfift�� 0 ,.-',; € y (5 ) per centiof the area of the rear yard. • 1•a,tr i' .;.;; • i ' SECTION` Xty - , I; PARKING 'AND. LOADING'„SPACE REQUIREMENTS io In addition to the ,:re ulat o:,:�� ;:nhereinabove prescribed for ': each of the respective districts; no•. new building or structure,; . or enlargement or increase in'':.;size:',of' industry building or struct-: . . ure shall be hereafter erected°:::unle'ss' in connection there-with there is provided off-street °parking and loading space' equal.': o' .;�: ;':`'.; the following , o lowing requirements ,:< �!� � ,, ;� There shall be established•''and maintained a permanent off- street parkingarea upon .site;:of. residential p property or in case :.�°�.;',:�•�� of commercial and manufacturing property •within one thousand : (1000) y : . feet of the front entrance -thereo ;, f; .,The capacity of parking ' area shall be as . follow 's, for the. following uses; ` One parking space shall equal at least an area of eight •:($) ,J. `;;:'; by twenty 1 20) feet. ' .. , '' 1 Land Us : : ..., - :.�,,.,.,,: ;f Y: . e . ..�' :-` :.,;,,:',,: �.�,' Nu#nber`of' Parkin Spaces .��;-, .. One family' dv>rellintg - Two: spaces er d • i,.,; Twofamily �e1�in s ,Crielspace per d.u. �:..,< , :. .' ,i ;� � S '`°Multiple family r gameas above ,,W ;r. Apart Houses > a,�:'' �'. '+` p ;'.. ...f..7' I,n. :� ;Same'' as� above Ali;. ''1 ails ;;;:�i .tf Roomingand lod gin house , ;; 4.g g�: es�, �� ` �1`'for� each. 3 occupants �; '�f' _ club rooms, fraternity. houses'` I. dormitories �+ Trailers or cabins' One"space per each sleeping unit` %:;;, ' :and one for each trailer tow car' Hotels and hospitals ' `'�'" One .'space per each 600 sq. ft. . . f , ' ' of floor space Sanitoriums and orphanages,' ..;;,,,._`:. : One space for each 1000 sq. ft.-::,*,.: convalescent homes, homes':for:;;;;: of gross floor space the aged, and asylums Theaters + �'�;;� One space � for each 100 sq, ft . �`" : :'i ;,: °of gross floor space•. Stadiums and auditoriums ne ;'space for each 120 sq. ft . churches, school auditoriums ;: ,;: of gross floor space ,O Libraries and museums : ne,° space for each 250 sq. ft.' ' " ; .,- of gross floor space •.`:' Dance halls, assemblyy halls ` . "' '`' �'�,halls . .;-.: One space for each 150 sq. ft. . .i 1, '� �.�;1- of gross floor space • Skating rinks and other commerce '.'.,; 1 for each 100 sq. ft . of gross , cial recreation places ' ,r.,: floor area of the building : Outdoor sports areas or ;parks`;i_4::'. ' Subject to review by Planning ' without fixed seats • .;: ri, : :' Commission Bowling Alleys - ;; ;.: 5. spaces for each alley Medical or dental clinics, ; ''' ` ''° 'One ; space for each 200 sq. ft . of:. banks, and professional office's gross floor space ,I . •`Mortuaries or funeral homes . One space for each 50 sq. ft, of . gross floor space Banks, business and profession''- 1 for each 200 sq. ft . gross : al offices floor area of the building , ' Restaurants, taverns, and any`' ; , . 1 for each 100 sq. ft'. of gross . I establishment for the sale and:. :. floor area of the building consumption on the premises of: ,. .: , i , food, alcoholic beverages , or.'; , refreshments Food stores, markets, and shopping centers: ,ci':; I: ,fit having not more than' 2,000` . : :;'1 for each propietor and or co- .;;:':.-. sq. . ft . of gross floor area's,: ; owner and each regular employee exclusive of basement -;;;:,i,; .: :"..: . : having more than 2,000 sqY, 1. for each 400 sq. ft . of. gross ' ft . but not more than 5 ,000: floor area of the building ., sq. ft . of gross floor area I exclusive of basement j , having more than 5;000 sq. . ' .1 for each 200 sq. ft . of gross,.',:! ft . of gross floor area, . , floor area of the building , exclusive of basement ; 1 19.. .,,t • • • • ,t-' ,..,;;•: ,.'vW.•:}+1-.i;iic,;;dr.'• Cyl ,.w.:d'• '..°:o' �4r I. '•fil.,y Other retail establishte'n `. >g' ,• ,.s fF:i:• t•s`,.<K,, �,,.;<'r' r'!.esc � 500: q, ft . of :gross t � : such as furniture, appliahce` : f�.bor area of, the,".... , e building. hardware stores, 'rhousehold ,: • prioi'riding that each must have equipment service : shops, , ;r': at .,least 2 parking spades • clothing or shoe repair: or. service shops : ;,,. ,'.;.:>:;, 'i �i3r.[fir` ');fit.':. -}t,•, :,1.r:�i,.• 'y,� (•'YALff,4i'Y .Sl'1� . :` ��<: ,��;+'q i, Wholesale.storesareh'ouses"4'•t� j'f� .. .. and ;:��:,Y'�: ;'-1• ;for; each: 2 employe � ' �•,�= ldn �It�w �+,��:��, es, at:"beast,,',,;! storage. bui gs -. motor,.,;;,:. "+-'zr:1 for` each` $00' sq °'' ' vehicle or machiner sales °`44`"` 1 '• - ft. of gross ?,„ Y:. , � ;i floor space of !building Manufacturinguses includiri each 3 w H ' research andte g:. �l'` for employees, ith`"'a. � :���:�' sear sting labora ?:'i�;ss � rninimum �of 2 spaces, and at ;;�>�:." tories,. creameries, bottling ""; :...least 1 for each $00 sq. ft ..: of M establishments,, bakeries,:. can'= °gross floor space .of the build- neries, printing and engraving,': angs. shops, machine shops, lumberz-+ outlets. r.. ,: ,.. ; ; Each commercial and industrial';::.:;.':;:;;; One; unloading space is the ;;equal buildingshall 'provide.'. unload-.. area � of sixty (60) by forty-four';: ing space as follows. (44) ft. One uriloadin s '_l,^ , g space building having 10 000 sq .'. q1,r ft .`r of floor area or less: twir oy ;sn,, ;,; spaces for building havinglbet- ''' , ween 10 000 130,000 .,;,�;•5 and sq. . feet''::-'';�';';` offloor area. For building havinggreater floor areas� shall'`::: :; ' - provide one additional 25,000 • s :ft of floor area or any portion thereof.1 SECTION. XV.. EXTENSION OF NON-CONFORMING USES i. . Any use not excluded�f• rom�;,the!` H-1, Industrial District, Wh'icY i•`' is a non-conforming user.in' anydistrict in the city may be cont- inued by reconstruction or alteration, upon any tr1act of land held": ' under the ownership and: partially..occupied by said use at the time of the passage of this ordinance, provided, however, that ' in: case of reconstructionthe yard. provisions of the district within? which the use may be ideated shall be complied with. In case of destruction by', fire :or other cause) reconstruction may be permitted if said reconstruction is made within one year from time of destruction and provided, however, that the yard provisions of the district within which the use was located shall be complied with. • SECTION •XVI - • OWNERSHIP DIVIDED DYA DISTRICT BOUNDARY LINE If a district boundary linecuts.'property having a single • ownership as of record 'at thetimeof passage of this ordinance, all such property may: take the: least restrictive classification, . •". :;',: provided the property is developed as one unit. • , ' • • • • .'7,•.,•.d: r,1' %4�A,!�a::il•�: �'b',Ylrl�:4.':y�ti. _ „l3il,�e cs r.,}iri}:..,.i" :�, •`f' 'e�"`YY, :•71 *?17'M'. :alit :.-I• y}•: •: ,'% f,....a.).:i•'F"ri ';e!',; .,.,,}r, .'•i4: ,e,rr:... :<'t. .•1.'l • SECTIdf X#ii ' ;:,_• COURTS In all hereafte;...•„, .. ;:. .:,�: ,.. buildings': r ;erected. or` structurally altered,' ' ;"r14y {;, Y 7:c;C,41,y� ?:{i;n ,1Cn':�1,; �.:. .,..,'•(' .: 7..�lj iii i iii all windows shall open`'`upon_r a;yard,'} court, street `'or alley , s as - hereafter provided. ' In'f:no''revent; shall':' any yard or court be made to' serve two building's' hereafter', erected,'': or any existing and a building hereafter erected. Every court shall be open`;;and unobstructed to the sky from . the floor level of the lowest;"st'oryrin a' building; in which there are windows from rooms or apartments' abutting the said court and served by the said court, except .;,that 'a cornice, belt course 'of similar projection on the building':may extend into an "outer• court , " two inches for each foot`i'in width of such court, and may extend into an "inner 'court" one ' inch 'for each such foot in width of such court . INNER COURT: An inner court shall be of a width of not less than four (4) feet nor less than sixteen (16 ) per cent of the court height, provided, further that in no case shall a width of more than twenty (20) feet be required. A.minimum court length of one and one-half (1i) 'times the court width' is required. r OUTER COURT: An outer court shall be of width of not less than four (4) feet, nor less : than ten (10) per cent of the court height , provided further that in no case shall a width of more than ten (10) feet be required. VENTILATION AND LIGHT: Every room used for habitation shall have openings to the exterior with an area through which light may pass of not less than one-eighth of the floor area. Exterior doors and windows shall open to the extent of not less than five ( 5 ) per cent of the floor area. Windows shall face unobstructed, uncovered, horizontal areas' of at least the extent of the' glass area of all the windows opening thereon, but no dimension of 'which *is less than five feet . • • i.l SECTION XVf1I ,ADMINISTRATION AND ,ENFORCEMENT INTERPRETATION AND;'APPLICATION ' 1. In `and interpretin a `the provisions. of this'. PP1Ying.;; ordin- ance, they shall be held..to, the minimum requirements for the pro- motion of the public health, safety,' morals and general welfare; therefore where this ordinance; imposes a greater restriction upon the use of the buildings or premises, or upon the height of buildings, or requires larger,;:open spaces than are imposed or'' requi-.r ed by other laws, ordinancesrules' or regulations, the provisions of this ordinance' shall control' 2. Furthermore, : recognizing' that there are certain uses of property that may" be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, depending upon the facts of each part- icular case, a limited power to issue permits for such uses is vested, by specific mention in this ordinance, in the Planning Commission, subject to review by the 'Council as herein provided. Subject to such review, the City Planning Commission (or the Council on review) , shall have power to impose in said permit such condit- ions or limitations as in: its f.<:judgment are required to secure adequate protection to the zone or locality in which the use is to : : be permitted. Likewise subject to such review, the City Planning Commission (or the Council on review) shall have power to terminate any such permit, upon complaint and public hearing, for any violation of the terms or limitations there prescribed. 3 . The council may permit in a' zone any use not described in this ordinance and deemed by the Planning Commission to be in general keeping with the uses authorized in such zone subject to a public hearing thereon. 4. The Planning Commission may' approve the grantinE of ' temporary and conditional permits for structures and uses that do :..:';. not conform with the regulations herein prescribed for not more than two year periods,", upon such terms and conditions as the Commission may prescribe. ;:'..; : 5 . In specific cases the Planning Commission by specific regulations may authorize . the•"`permit for a variation of the appli-;4,:;•.• cation of the use district regulations herein established, in harmonywith their general purpose and' intent, bygrantinga. permit , P P :. -22- • for a temporary building or land use for commerce land or industry:.;;:! in ah undevploped':t esidence .district, t which is incidental to the residential development: and "such permit to be issued for a period of not more than one year..- ' °{ 6. The Council may, in :specific cases where the topography of the premises or the location of buildings existing prior to the passage of this ordinance:;,makes compliance with the provisions governing the location "of private garages impossible, grant a. special permit for . a priv�ite:; garage'' to be located nearer to the street line than the main structure, but in any case where such location is within a required ''front or side yard, Ithe highest point' of a building so located shall not:: ibe`�more than thirty (30) inches ` . above the average level of the ground on the side farthest from the street line. 7. It shall be the`'duty';;of .the: City Planning Commission: a. To interpret the' provisions of this ordinance in sucli a way as to carry out the intent. and purpose of the plan thereof, ' as shown by the maps fixing the several districts, accompanying and made part of this ordinance in case where the street layout actually on the ground varies from the street layout as shown on the maps aforesaid, s b. To rule on the proper application, or to interpret the mean- ing of the zoning ordinance in case there is a dispute between the administrative officials of the city and any owneror owners of ' Appeal property. ppe 1 to the planning Commission may be made within ten days from such ruling. Appellant shall, file with the building inspector and with the Council written notice of the appeal. The building inspector shall forthwith transmit to the Planning Com- mission all papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken, .andin addition thereto the Planning Commission may receive 'such additional evidence asl seems relevant to it . f $. The Planning Commission may approve the granting of temporary and conditional permits for structures and uses that' do ' . • not conform with the regulations herein prescribed for not more than two year periods, upon such terms and conditions as the Commission may prescribe. , 1M -23- . -, ' slit+. .itil.'?.. 1 • ,':4 rt: �NVI:li .':�' '�'f,'�f iln',ii:. 5� - _ :�: ';t'•��j: ., ".f;:" .;V9f:��.i'';fi• .7 �. ^�.N r,.. 11 �c:i: ',�t,:-�',,• �Vr,: .:+� I ,-i:. . !+;1::•>F••f:+.,t¢ _."�„,,.1 {.i.7r'^i:•'=''.Y.,.1';d,�;i' sr 7:,,;:5:• .•.i:`�7',9'i�' •'• '1i:,c..?.j;i .'t;�•�.h " • ' .,.Ai, ;•rn';t pt..�:r.tk33';,'.• :e,• ':•,ii,,,�� ,:M•; i`"riir;f. .,ilv:.'(i:,� 9. '.•,{Yi:, I' ;,,,• SECTION :XIX , ; . ;'};'':APPEALS :. . :';::.jt ,<,';,,; •TO`';THE';CITY. COUNCIL ``'`' . Any interested ;�ait istrative :off r of ''1!. en m n z d ice they �{`` ' city',;• '} . • . may. appeal` to .the CityCouncil :from any :ruling •of tithe Plannin` c:;i. 1j,',,,. f.q,�: •,T� •'l�l�i•f!1 i�a,,'i'r.:.'�''j., i. `: • itG,'.:� `•ja';b Commission ertainin � ;' 1' r'p ng°tothegranting 'or denial �of: any' permit'. �:•� • ,i.�"r.*„t. i applied for hereurider .'when• such''ruling is•°adverse 'to..his interests{ :' �F• • II" , :1 9:' : 4it,�e' .•,'.• ";::P4''i. ,•• .'' : '.... :. : : . ;'' • 'by filing with the:•Secretaryr,of the3lanning Commission within','; : :;i'::` , ' ± . c � ri k� wr ",;.� �ten (10) days from such�ru lia , itt en notice of. appeal. � �Thereupon the Secretary., of the Planning Commission' shall forthwith• "',' • transmit to the Councils''copied�:'of:''all papers constituting the ': i').'.k•�j'" . •• record upon which':the.+,a•'.t.io... :',,.:::;.ija `,,,i :. '. c on' appealed: from• was taken, and in '��,;`� l�p'''i ',i addition thereto, the i City :Council '.may: at its hearing receive .;, i=.•i such further' 'evidence-°'as seems to it• relevant. ' Upon due and ;,,,,: • public hearing,:;the: Council Shall,:have power by vote of 3/�. of :`:i!`i•.. . councilmen' present..to'�.overrule�:or,.:'alter any such ruling of the 1.. •;,;,,-:.: • �..,: :�. . 4:•:•. Planning • Commission ertainin - to?'the grantingor with-holdiri "' = ••P g gi:. of any, permit so applied` foal r • ' •• `t;. SECTION.'XX ii• 'i: ' , i; • `BOUNDARIES AND DISTRICTS L ' • 1. The . boundaries of •thevarious'.districts shall be shown;: . f;S;; on the Use and Area' maps 'accompanying :and hereby made a part 'of, • , this ordinance. The ,said district;'boundaries are, unless other- '':'•• . wise indicated, the center• lines.; of.:streets, alleys or lot line as shown on the said maps. :•• Where', the' location of the boundaries `, .' in such districts, as indicated on these maps, are shown to be other than street, alley. or lot :'lines, then' such boundary shall . be ,'. ' construed to be distance::*one`•hundred twenty . (120) , feet from and • parallel with the : frontage'• street°:line,' unless shown to• be otherwise by a distance':in figures.:'. • • 2 Where the street la '''lit yo actually .on the 'ground varies' ,..:. ;•.:..... from that shown' on the :Use: District' maps, , the designations shown <:� !;'', , on the maps ,shall.. pp '�`iv.il.'`'al be'� a l �by;r;tYe Planning Commission to the� aia�:i,:�ri: .F" 'ai 3.`• .ii r,-4+i&i• .Sy,,';1 < • . Anr .}t 4}''s, street as actua l ly,'laid :outs "a t '`` :i''1 0 s'- o• icarr out the intent and•=1.>. :r�F�„ :;: «.,, ':' .1 1 purpose of the • zoning;,'plan'•of;;that.:district'.: ,SECTION XXI'.' • , ; - ENFORCEMENT' :' ,t�',.:;i;. It shall be"''the dutys of.•. the... Building-'Inspector •(or o fi'ci• al) ''� . in charge of issuing .buildIng 'permit's'•;and inspection of bu .�'``' 1`ildi�ngs. � . -?ii;-. d';.,'. r t ., .• j. •! ,'ri- •'a'l:i:�):}i}j .c.`• "iF.•�4:k `t' i!;' ): ' ;� .�y• q; ,L .c'^ .,.::,q1-!,. r I;l';: is : ;'s, ` ' << �o ,O.ee that this ordinaneeis��enforced through the- proper legal , ,j T . cHarinels He shal•r •i. '"`�:`; .- ' : "'1� ssu'e;;�no;.�permt for'the`�construction or '`�� ' �""`'�` alteration :an `'•buildin o'r° pa 4 "+y:. gt, rt° alere'of uness the plans, ,Jtir,'C." .' ;fr:,p, ,,yyk ! �: .•41; o!ri;�.� lu��•,1'( specificationsandf'=intended, us''e�}of°�such.•building conform in all : ': '�?" ' ° . 4 ,-- ir-`;' 'respects with the 'provisions`!of`this` ordinance I; ' PLATS: ,All specificatioiffor building perniits• shall be ,accom `- , panied by a plat .in` duplicater�`drawn •to! scale, showing the actual ' 'I :; :: ' dimensions of the Alo't, to' be !built 'upon, the'.size .he use and • '..),,..!'.'• ' .. t . fir. :'1 :A.,,» tl' ':1•, • ,1,. ....,•.,1 .1 ' ,,.)i .. location of existin � bu ''``' g• ildings�,�°ands buildings to be 'ierected, and i''A,;,,.,, ; • '....'....:.;,.':.;,'..'''....�...., .::•.('-:• ...i,:,,• • ' ` . ;.- .. ..: ;-'l•it ,. • .. such other information as may',be' necessary. to 'prov'de .for the en �':;!_.` `• ',i•` !force of 'this `ordinance. " carefulrecord of such application ., ,. ., ' ' i � and plats shall be�keptin 'tYeoffice of the building inspector ;,:°'or proper enfo'rcement' 'official'� " ,'::. SECTION'`XXII ::'i, , .: • • AMENDMENTS, • • . .'!1' 1. The City Council' mayupoWproper petition or upon its ,:;'!t ' • .:, ;;iP.:,,:,5:`'�:�:;:,:. •. ,`;:. r"=; own motion, after a • public hearing :th'ereon • and referral to and :.:•:. ..a!'!'s'.::: 4',- . • is .r,�.z'', report from the City Planning`:C'ommission, ch• ange by ordinance the . ,' district boundary lines .or zone''classifications as shown on the ' . district maps. ' - ;�.`.;;: • , • r 2. The City Council may''upon� its own motion after public hearing and referral to ' and. r• eport from the City Planning • Commission, amend, supplementor change by ordinance the regul- ations herein established. ,;f •+,;' ' • ' 3 . A petition for a. change• 'of zone classification or district boundary lines shall be made .'by the . property owner on a form .• '. provided by and filed with the; Building Inspector. Said petition • :;' shall be accompanied by ..a certified or cashier' s 'check made • payable to the City •Treasurer ;to' the 'sum of ten (1Q) dollars;•. :,!;•,:,:.,. non-refundable, to • cover cost"s,; incurred ''in, connectio•n with •3 ...:Of€;:;: • ��p�✓yy{� • }., posting of the premises ;and mailing' of n'ot ices to property . i '"ll'" . . =U'Fif"'•,,. :. ::�� ;;:Jj! �, ���°�i •`4 -,-;rY 7,ii.'•lh'� ' . ._ `! �*46.:;, T'4e_,' S N F NACU:'` ;�:>a:!;,;. affected I:;;:,r••':= owners affe , � : �'�;: �'s 't:. f • �pFpibN BE OLD d1� ' Ph7Y A4� : :r i .;. Petitions for change'`'of °'',;;' . zone shall be accompanied by :.'a' plat'!` in' duplicate,': drawn to .scale; showing the actual • dimensions .of the tract to •be changed,' the . size,• the use and •location• of..;:existing• buildings •and buildings`''toi*f :: :i.:' be erected, and such' other information as may be necessary. :: If .; k;''';',',' ,., .:3 4:`.. 5 iC'''i+S; i e,l'•''rS;1:�.I. :):;:. •.change of zone classification'is:granted by.•ordinance, such' „;.. `'`j'""'' ��it.• � `•L'1' change will remaineffective ;'onl '.for "six'months un s .'"''�,.µ• ' y 1'es Chan ie ;'. .. �y�>y' :i:.f'i i1"".,0'INl�.='t ::,4' `Ij i�•17i,:t. �f'b 'iiti 32� I<;7,i; x!�,t%3T�.yi" J' "';ii'' j. o 'I use ranted is'Abe;ru : ;,, ,.� •'� ... :�',. ;;, ' ,, g g ri• •witlrin,r,that3:;t•ime�: �If •not 3n� use within �"'� :• . ;.• .;�ih,. ,:. .^.f'• 'i,�"}.,f•9,•;N, ' Y1fd.�:b'>'(;;.i}i}t?.fi1L'..., �I •1 : said t im ..; :�:; ! . �: �3.t. �u� :, ;,,_<, ... �;f •;,f ,.;�;;: . .• , : � :'i '•:I r�?,:�:;<, e the ordinance`/sha1�1"'be nul �� o d' "and= th ��` s'>' ;��;. 1 ,�and�• v , . e original`�",:;;i":;:,j;�:... use shall become . effective'ithe'rewith; " • ` •i1`j!` SECTIONXXIII " ; ;} COMPLETION•*ANDRESTOR'ATIONj;OF: EXISTING BUILDINGS ':&/; ;; •.:v. .nFi. :•! Nothing herein. contained*shallrequire any change in the ' , °: plans, cons•truction' .•d... si ed•..;,::,�.r: u • e gnated''�or.4f:intended use of a buildin .it;, { E" g `ii. 4. for which a building permit` has heretofore'• been issued, or plans !r; .;. .6:n,,., .,, ,. ,,,i,,:, ;.,s; ti for which are now' on `file •with ;the ,'building :inspector, and •a •;{.' 't ;:'• , ,;.. .. .:•i�' .., fif„pis..: .,. ,i, ..,.,.. . ,., rr ip permit for the erection;- of whichis'::issued within one (1) month after the adoption of this, ordinance ;and the construction of 'j` ' -.' case shall 'h3 " '. which in either ave�,�tegun 'and been dil�'gently pros= '•:!$'r;C • •'T • .:4k�.I:If,iii�.'.:4".:;A..,' ':' ; ,�f1;'t�ur;;:�� ecuted within one (1) month after the adoption of this ordinance . :• and which building shall be :entire'ly' `completed according to such '� ': • plans as filed within one year, from"the adoption of this ordinance`;; Nothing in this ordinanc'e' s'hall prevent the restoration 'of ' a building within a per 'iod .ofone year from the date of its • • destruction, which has been partly:destroyed by fire or other '• cause, subsequent to the passage 'of this ordinance, or prevent ;• the. continuance 'of the use of, suchbuildings, as part of such' •,. restoration. '•t -4: • • The lawful use of the land existing at the time of the • ' passing of this ordinance, although 'such use 4oes. not conform to' H the provisions of this ordinance, maybe continued; but if such . • . nonconforming use is discontinued for a period of one year or ' more, any further use of those lands and premises shall be in ' conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. ; SECTION XXIV ',: • CERTIFICATE • OF. OCCUPANCY 11�j"'•'•• No vacant land shall:.be `o'c• `c• iipied''`or"•use• d and no',,building ii' 1'' ''` ' :'t 1� 4:. ;;:,1. ..V712•41.'}!e; .1 i 'i.. ,1• I r,!,,.,.:'t:3il'41''t'' i' ' hereafter erected' shall' be' occupied; or used, nor Shall the 'use"•of ;'���'` ,, a building be changed:`fro `m' ause , limited to• one •distr'ict to `that �,'!pi:;�•: ' rite.... . ' ': ' t ' I,.. of any other district'j`as ' defined ' by' this ordinance until a cert N 'p�z�, ': ificate of occupancy, shall have',been ''issued ,by the building- :;` ',11 7,:'''' . :•: '.: • , inspector. No permit for excavation• for any building shall . be„ , ' t - '. . ,,.i,.,tif':. ..,1., :5:;!' . • !�i.'.1::. r • . r :r ;: I a . w t' r • ' ',k:"i'':r` ;si+ oil:`• f.,;,:,"t •:q' '• ',•I;j�.D•: • • issued before the' application has'ibeen:made for certivicate of • occupancy. . . '• :as ''5 • • •.i', i., !,:.1 ' i. ,' • ,fit,: • LAND: • .:,3;: .;.-.: , • . .: � ', Certificat'el o`f�'occupancy 1for the use of.'vaccint lands , :it,>', 4 ,. i•{'„',:r:!«G:`.'i'r0 !••••;1,,,I r�`iii,;,„ ,,A.''i3,: .l,d•t,. ;I1. • ,:'',il r° '1,�',':,r.:i�r''�j,.. ;� , .:lw � (�:.. '?i •:{ Via. :�K„• p'u;:: ., or the change iri' the use•_=:of1�'� la'ndasYierein provided, shall be'` }'�" '" ;.: ;;: :;i,? ,;:ail, is • • : • • -,•. applied for before any's'uch':land `shall be occupied or • used, and '.E_ ; ' • a certificate of occupancy shall be'. issued ,within ten (10) days after the application..ha's beerimade°, providing such use is in7 !:, ' P: conformity with the. provisions of`'these regulation' . . . ii.^ NON-CONFORMING USES s' :Upori't`a'�written request of the owner,. ''' ', : the building inspec• tor shall,;�issuea certificate 'of occupancy' ' ,• ; for any building' or' land;•existingk at'. the time this ordinance . :•:i;' ., takes effect, certifying, afte• r':inspection, the '.'• se of the .''.�"4,;'i .. building or land ':and `whether such? use `conforms to the provisions .:,; ";: of the ordinance. . Where . a'. iat as: abeveprovided p s not already 4 on .file, an application : for &certificate of occupancy. shall 'be ;.' !;•:_ . ' • accompanied by a survey •in duplicate form such as is required : .. s:!; .. . for a permit . '• .. • a • • SECTION XXV ' •• ..• . .• • VALIDITY • . I • Should any section, clause,or' provision of this ordinance._be', '!: declared by the courts to be :.invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the ordinance :las a: whole or any part thereof,: other than the part so declared to i be.. invalid. • . SECTION XXVI • • CONFLICTING PROVISIONS si Ordinance #1164. and .all :.ordinances or parts of ordinances : . : ,:it. in conflict herewith. be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION XXVII s -• ' • : VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES - ; :'. Any person, ' firm-of corporation who violates, ,disobeys, .;. • : ! :.: ' ;_`.. ;: omits, neglects or refuses to; comply with , or who resist the :'1``' ,'' '` enforcement of any of:the`: provisions of this ordinance, shall .be �• ;.• s. • deemed guilty 'of 'a misdemeanor, and ' shall' be fine in anysum `' ,, ' is ''•a;,°: not to exceed one hundred (100) dollars ' or imprisoned in the :'.:,, . , .' ,� city jail for a term of, not: exceeding. thirty (30) days, or bothi ; :; ;,,i:::, , , for each offense': Each-day that •a violation is permitted by :;`i: '•' • owner to exist shall.,con'stitute a separate offense. �. - ' ' et ?' .; • • SECTION XXVIII This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and , after its passage, approval and legal publication. Approved this 8th day of December , 1953 • JOE R. B 1 ' ' MAYOR • Passed this $th day of ." ' December , 1953 y,..11-4, /� 6.,...6........k. Wiley Crool CITY CLERK , Approved as to form: e 4-/ :�:./` s' Assistant CITY ATTORNEY GERARIfl . SHELLAN Date of publication: December 31, 1953. • CITY OF RENTON -'- ZONING ORDINANCE I' . • . lot occupied by the main use or housing Ilof more than three tow- buildin . en vehicles or ., • ZONING 2. "ALLEY;".A vehicular right- where such vehiclves are repaired• O R D I N A N C E • of-way not over thirty feet wide. or kept for hire or sale. ORDINANCENO. 1472 3. "APARTI►E HOUSE:"A • 11. "FRONT YARD:"An open, A S A M E•ND E D building or portion thereof used .unoccupied space on the same lot or. intended to be. used as the 'with a building,between the front' fc• AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY home of three or more families line of the building.(exclusive of • • OF RENTON, WASHINGTON,•AS or householders living independ- steps)and the front property line• r" AMENDED BY"ORDINANCE ently of each other. 12• "FRONT P R O P E R T Y NO.1542 TE AND. NO.1 RESTRICT THE LO- 4. "COURT:"An open, unocch-. LINE:" The front property line • CATION AND .USE OF BUILD- ,,pied space other'than a yard on shall be the front line as shown • INGS AND THE USE OF LAND the lot on.which a building••Is upon be official plats of the WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, erected or situated. A court, one property. i •WASHINGTON, TO ;LIMIT THE entire side•or end of which is 13•. "MULTIPLE UNIT RESI- HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS, TO bound by a.front yard,"a rear •DENCES"-A building arranged • . PRESCRIBE BUILDING LINES yard, or a side yard, or by the to be occupied by.more than three AND-TUE'SIZE OF YARDS AND front of a lot, by a.street or f ig living independently of • OTHER OPEN SPACES, AND public alley, is an "outer Court." each other and having separate FOR THESE PURPOSES TO DI- Every court which is not an"out- •: • VIDE THE CITY INTO DIS- baths and kitchens: • TRICTS THE REPEALING ORDI- et court"is an"inner court" 14 l YARDS:" An open '` NANCE NO. 1164 OF THE CITY: 5 "COURT GHT:" The unoccupied space on.the same lot ', OF RENTON, WASHINGTON. :Court height shall be measured.with a building between the•rear• P. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE from the floor level. of•the low- line of the building(exclusive of MAYOR AND THE CITY COLN- est story the building on which steps, "porches and accessory • CIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON there'are windows served by the building)land the rear line of the AS FOLLOWS: . said court,to the highest point of lot. • SECTION I there enclosingthe walls of the said 15.."SIDE YARD:"An open un-" •3 occupied space of the-same lot '.": • 1. This Ordinance s h a 11 be 6 "ESTABLISHED GRADE:" with a building between the side known.as-the "Zoning Ordinance The curb line'grade at-the front wall line'of the building and the of the City of Renton.,, lot line as established by the side line of the same lot. • 2. This Ordinance shall.consist .City Council. .16.: "SINGLE - FAMILY '`'• of the text hereof and as well as 7. "FAMILY:"A number of re- DWEI.,LTD1G:"' A building ar- • that certain map "or .Book of lated individuals or not more than ranged or designed to be occu- 'i maps identified by the approving..(4) unrelated individuals liv- pied not more than one family ?r"signature of the Mayor and City. Ing together.as a single house- •17• -'STORY:" That portion of I`• Clerk on the title page and marked keeping unit and doing their a building' included tween the 11 • and designated as "The Maps of cooking on •the premises- surface of any.floor and the sur- I.', the Zoning Ordinance of the City 8. "HEIGHT OF BUILDING:" face of the floor next above it,or of Renton," which map or book The height of a building is a if there be,no floor above it;then is now on file in the office of the vertical distance at the center of the space between such floor and City Clerk of this City. Said book a building's principal front meas- the ceiling)next above it. of maps has been heretofore ex-- ured from the level•of the first 18. "COMMISSION:" Planning emitted in detail by the City Coun- floor above grade to the highest Commission of the City of Ren- ii • cll.. and is hereby adopted as a point of the roof beams-in the. ton. Whenever• the term "this' . :part of this Ordinance. Said or- case of flat'roofs, to the deck ordinance"is used-herein, it shall dinance, and each and all of the line of mansard roofs, or to the be deemed to include, where the terms, are tote-read and inter- center height between eaves and context permits, all amendments preted in the light of the contents ridges for.gable hip or gambrel thereto est the same,may here- ' of said books of maps.If any con- roofs. For buildings set back after from time' to time be.flirt between the map or book of from the street line, the•height adopted. maps and the text of this"Ordi- may be measured from the aver- 19. "BUILDING LINE" is the I'- nanice is deemed to arise,the text age elevation of the finished line between which and the street • • Of the Ordinance will prevail. • grade,. along the front of the line or•lot line no building or ' SECTION II building. First Floor above grade other structure or portion"there s • means•the floor which is not of, except as provided in this For the purpose.of the Ordi- more than four feet'six inches ;code, may be erected above the , • mince certain words and terms above grade. ,grade level: The building line is s . • are defined as follows: • 9. "LOT:"Land accupied or to ,considered �a vertical surface-in- • i; be occupied by a building and its tersecting the ground on .such Words used in the present tense accessory building,including such line. include the future,' words-in the open spaces as are required un- 20."AIRPORT"means the Ren- singular include the plural and der"this ordinance, and having ton Municipal Airport, !. • • words "in-the plural number in- frontage upon a street. The term 21. "A I R PORT HAZARD" s • elude the singular number:Words 'lot"'or "tract" as used in this means any structure or tree or not defined herein shall-be con-'ordinance shall have for•building use of land which obstructs'the • strued as'defined in'the Sending purposes.the necessary frontage air space required for the flight Ordinances•'of the City Of Renton :on a"public street as.required of aircraft 'in landing or taking- • If.defined therein. herein;•in.case of irregularly off at the airport or is otherwise shaped • , • • 1. "A C G R S S O R Y USE OR width shall bemeasurmed andporn- Making off f tlanding or BUILDING:" A subordinate use puted at the.front'building line. 22. "STRUCTURE"means any • or building customarily incident . 10. 'PUBLIC GARAGE:" Any object"constructed or installed-by •• to the and located upon the same premises used for the storage or man,including but without Iiinita- 1 . • I I • - • - - Hon, buildings, towers, smoke- A. The office.of a physician, building depth of thirty (30) feet: • . . - - ' ' stacks, -and overhead transmfs, dentist or other professional per- c. (Side Yard) . • Sion lines• • son when-located in his or her There shall be a side 23. "LANDING AREA"means dwelling,also home occupation en- yard for every family dwelling of the area of the Airport used for gaged. .in .by individuals within not less-than five (5) feet in • •• ' the landing,tadte-off,or taxiing•of their own dwellings are permitted width on each side of'a one to . aircraft. . . . provided that:no window display one and one half .(1%) story • 24.. "TREE" means any-object is made-not any sign shown other building of not less than six feet • of natural growth.' 'than-one not to exceed two 1(2) for 2 to 2% story building. and SECTION.III square feet in area a23d bearing of not'less than-eight feet for 23,�. • only the name and occupatio of 'to 3 story building,provided how- • - - USE DISTRICTS the occupant..No neon signs of ever,that on a lot having a.width • any kind shall be permitted. • of 40 feet or less as shown by the ' .: divided i the following nton is types B. Signs not exceeding six (6) a of tht e passage ofance of othis ordi- - of use'districts.: square feet in area pertaining to Hance,the side yard on each side the.leasing,rental or sale Of build- _ - - 1. SR-1 Suburban Residence of a one story building shall not' ingi No. SR-1 is symbol on maps. non-.or premises and signs on a be less than three 1(3) feet in • • - • 2. USSR-2 Suburban Residence nonconforming use are permit- width (side of buildingmeans • ted provided however that such No.2;$R 2 is symbol on maps: signs shall be erected flat against outer face of any part of build- o side line not in• - District; Re1i is symbodence l onn le the building.or painted upon theoof ing nearest teaves) and,the side • • - maps. sides the for erected not less g 4. S-k Suburban Residence•Dis-'than 20 feet from the front pro- yard along a flanking side street -- tract;S-1 is symbol on maps. perty line. All other signs, sign- shall not be less than ten'(10) . - 5- R-2 Residence District; R-2 boards,billboards and outdoor'ad- feet in width- . ' • is symbol on maps. d. Single car garages may• . vertising are prohibited. - 6.R3 Residence District; R3 be allowed on lots of 50 feet ar less is symbol on maps. C. Nothing'h e r e i n contained in width within three (3) feet. of . 7. P-1 Public (Medical, Health, shall be deemed to prohibit the. side property lines by written con- .• Fire,Education,etc.) District.P-1 use of vacant property for gar-is the symbol on maps. den seeersnt of the-adjoining property own- ing or fruit raising. . aB1 Business District. B-1 is D. No trailer shall be used as H. SITE AREAS: • ' symbol on maps. a place.of habitation but shall be Every building hereafter • - • - • - - 9. L-1 Light Industrial.District. stored only.in'An accessory or erected or structurally altered ` - ° - - .•• L-1 is symbol on maps.. other building on the.property. 'which.is located in an R-1 resi- 10. H1 Heavy Industrial Dis- E. A commercial nursery or•deuce district shall provide a lot . -' . ° tract.H-1 is symbol on maps. greenhouse may be located within of not less than five thousand It •T Trailer'Parka. - T is the District for a period of.not (5,000) square feet with a mini- . • • - . • .symbol on maps, more•than ten (10) years,upon a mum width of fifty- (50) feet for • . .12. B P Business Parking (off- special'permit issued by the Coun- a single family dwelling,provided; street parking).B-P is symbol on Gil after hearing and examination however,that.where a lot has less . maps. (*See Section VIM) of the location and the making;of area'than herewith.required as . - _ . . ; a -•' - ..- SECTION 1V a finding by-the City.Planning shown by the last Conveyance.of .. Commission that such nursery!or record at the time of the passage In the R,1, Residence Single greenhouse may be maintained of this ordinance, this regulation Family District, no building or for such period without undue ;shall not prohibit one (1) private premises shall be used and•no detriment, to adjacent and Sur• dwelling and its accessory.build- b u i l d i n g shall' be. hereafter rounding property 1 ings on such lot. In any event • . . - " - • -- " erected or structurally altered, F.:Private garages-in R 1 Res- sixty-five (65) -per cent of the unless otherwise provided for'in idence District'shall be limited!to area of all sites 'must be left this ordinance, except for one or ten percent(10%)of the lot area, vacant and'free from structures. ' ' • more of the following or similar provided that.nothing in this reg= • I. HEIGHT LIMIT: • . ' • - uses: ulation•be. construed to.prevent No building shall exceed a 1. One Family Dwellings- the building of a private garage height of thirty-five (35) feet, 2. Art Galleries, libraries, mu- of not more than two (2) "car'ea- nor more than two (2) stories, seums. pacity, i.e. passenger or panel whichever is less. • • _ 3., Buildings necessary for the truck of less than one ton capac- SECTION IV-A operation of-public. utilities or Sty, on any lot or plot of accord In the•SR-1, Suburban Resi- .. government functions,when per- at the time of. passage- of this denee No: 1-District, all require- mitted.by'the•Planning Commis- ordinance- ments and.provisions applicable - - ' •- •sion upon approval- of plans -of G. a. (Front Yard) it R-1 District,as hereinabove de- • . • site•arrangement so as to har- There shall be a front fined, shall likewise' apply, EX- - • - . - monize with the district. ''yard for•every'family' dwelling CEPT that the building site area . - 4. Churches, schools, colleges, having a•minimum depth of twen- required.shall be as follows: • - .. - noncommercial Playgrounds and ty (20) feet. ' • • 1. Lot•size-75 feet in width'at •- - - golf-courses upon approval by'the b. (Rear Yard) building. line; 85 feet in width . Planning Commission_of-plans of 'There shall be a rear 'for.corner lots. site arrangement.�so'as to•liar- 'yard for every.family dwelling 2. A minimum depth of'80 •• monize with the'district. • having a minimum depth of tweri- feet. • -5. Accessary.buildings such as ty-five (25) feet except on a.let 3. A minimum lot area of 7500 • . , - are ordinarily -appurtenant to which is a complete'unit held un- square feet. . • - single.family dwellings shall be der separate and distinct owner- SECTION.IV-B• - -permitted,•including one'private ship from'the adjoining lots and In the SR-2,•Suburban Resi- - garage to each family when•lo- of'record prior-to the taking lei- dence No:2 District, all require- . . . . - cated not less than sixty(60)feet feet of this ordinance in which ments and provisions applicable • - - from front property line nor less case'the depth of the rear yard to •R-2 District, as hereinabove - than-ten(10)feet from any flank.'may be reduced to not less than provided, shall likewise apply, - . ° +. ing street line, Unless attached or ten (10)feet;if necessary to such I EXCEPT that the building site ` within the family dwelling, an extent only as Will permit a area required'shall•be as follows: • 2 • • 1. Lot size-75 feet in width at liar uses: • property lines by written consent • building.•line; 85 feet in ieldth 1. Any use permitted in the"of adjoining property owners. for corner lots. R-1 Residence Single Family Dis-. 2. Minimum lot area of 10,0Q0 frict SECTION VIi. feet, 2. Duplex family dwellings and- . . SECTION V • residences of .one story height R-3 RESIDENCE DISTRICT S-1, SUBURBAN RESIDENCE. only- • In R-3 Residence District, no • DISTRICT 3. Apartments, hotels and of-, buildingor premises shall be • In the S-1,Suburban Residence flees may be allowed by special, used d no building shall be • District;.no building or premises permit, if.approved by the.Plan- be•used and no building 'ring Commission .after public hereafter erected or structurally • . shall .be hereafter erected• or tearing hereon and an examine- altered unless otherwise provided ! . structurally altered unless other- tion of'the location, with a find- this ordinance, except for one • wise provided in this ordinance, ing by the Commission,that such or more of the following or shill- except..for one or more' of the proposed use Will not be unduly far uses: following or similar •uses: . detrimental to adjacent and stir- A. 1. Any use permitted in R 2 • 1. Any use permitted In the-R-1 rounding properties and the en- District Residence.Single Family District joyment thereof. 2. Clubs or fraternal;socil ties, •. . • if Utilities, i.e.-sewers and dedt- community club houses, memor• Any building erected pursuant, id buildings, except those' the cated streets are available. to paragraphs 1,2,3, above shall chief activity of which is a service• 2:•On any tract of land having have the following requirements: customarily carried on as a busi- j an area in one ownership of 40,-• 4. a. REAR YARD shall be not ness, and except those where al- . 000 sq,ft or more and a width of. less than twenty feet ' coholic beverages of anykind 'i at least 140 feet, the following' b. HEIGHT limited to one are sold, given away, dis- I.t • • uses are permitted:- I (a) Farming, truck garden- story Snly. pensed in any manner. • G SITE AREA.not less than. 3. Flats, apartments, boarding- ing, and such other.uses as are 5,000 square feet houses, lodging-houses, duplexes, •i . • ordinarily appurtenant hereto,ex- d. CORNER LOTS shall have and multiple unit dwellings Such 'i cept stock raising'and dairying. at least fifty-five (55) per cent as motels and modern cabin s (b) The keeping of one cow open spaces. . courts which have separate sari- , and the requisite number of hors- e. Single oar garages may be tar3' facilities built for each unit i • es,not to exceed 3 in number, to allowed on lots 50 feet or less in according to State Board Health s carry on the farming permitted width within three (3) feet of side' Regulations. Clinics only by ap- in paragraph (a) provided that 1 nothing in this ordinance shall be TABLE 1 I i deemed to nullify or supersede HEIGHT,AREA, •AND YARD REQUIREMENTS,LOT COVERAGE • -the provisions of other ordinances MINIMUM ROOM SIZES,OFF-STREET PARKING FOR: i • of this city relative to tile keep- SR-1,SR2,R-1,S-1,R-2 and R-3 RESIDENCE DISTRICTS ing,of horses, cattle and the • DISTRICT HEIGHTS NET LOT AREA FRONT ` - maintenance of.stables. Maximum Permitted YARDS ::: • • (c)'Stock raising (except Least is• the raising•of swine) and dairy- ' Depths 11 • •ing may be permitted by the . Planning'Commission by tempo- "SR-I." 2 stories or 35 ft,; Minimum lot size 20 feet ' •i .rary and conditional permit after 'Suburban institutional build- 7,500 sq. ft , public hearing hereon and an Residence ings-3 stories or I. { examination of the location with No. 1 Dist 40 feet the finding by the•Commission I' that the location and use thereof "SR-2" 1 story or 20 ft,; Minimum lot size • 20 feet i will not be unduly detrimental to Suburban institutional build- 10,000 sq. ft. . adjacent:and surrounding proper Residence ings- 3 stories or ties and the enjoyment thereof. •No. 2 Dist. 40 feet . : All'permits granted under the 'B 1" 2 stories or 35 ft.; Minimum lot size. 20 feet • provisions of this paragraph shall Single institutional build- 5,000 sq. ft. be subject to and not less restric- Residence ings-3 stories or live than the 'otherordinances ofrothe City oof ! �ct 40 feet Keaton relative to the• S 1 2 stories or 35 ft.; •Minimum lot size 20 feet • keeping Suburban institutional build- 40,000 sq.fk . of animals or the operation of Residence ings--3•stories'or dairies. District .40 feet FRONT YARD, REAR YARD,• •'R 2" 1 story or 20 it; SIDE YARD,OPEN SPACE AND Minimum lot size '20 feet HEIGHT. •LIMfl' OFF-STREET Residence institutional build- 5,000 sq.ft • I'A A K I N G, MINIMUM ROOM District roar stories or 1,250 sq:ft per d.u. 40 feet of 2 bedrooms or more . frmr.S, NET LOT AREAS, regu- 850 sq. ft. per d.u. of Wiens and.requirements shall be 1 bedroom • '.the wane as for R-1 Residence' 600 sq. ft per d.u. of . 'Single 1"amily District as here- 0 bedrooms . tofore defined- "R-3" . 3 stories or 40 ft; Minimum lot size 20 feet • • SECTION VI Residence institutional build- 5,000 sq. ft. • R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT District ings-3 stories or• 2,000 sq. ft per d.u. 40 feet of 2 bedrooms or more In the R-2, Residence District, 1,500 sq. ft per d.u. no.'building or•premises shall be of 1 bedroom used and.no building shall be 1,000 sq. ft. per d.u. - • • 1 hereafter erected or structurally • bedroom •• altered,unless otherwise provided d.u. means Dwelling Unit maintained parking space on the • • is this ordinance, except for one residence districts there l same lot or tract with each resI- or more'of the following or sim-. shall be at least one permanently dence unit erected on the lot or 3 • a If: . within one hundred (100) feet of.l Such parking space need not be a side yard along flanking side such unit,providing it is on a lot I separately zoned. i.street to be not less than ten (10) or tract owned by the unit owner. feet provided the other•require • SIDE YARDS REAR LOT I ments of this section are corn- MINIMUM OFF. plied with. • Least Widths YARDS COVERAGE ROOM STREET F. Sin • Story Side Abutting Least LIMITS SIZES PARKING gle car garages are - Yard Street Depths 1 within three t of • Yards • In- COD- side•pro written con- . • Side tenor ner sent:of g prop • Lots Lots ers REAR YARD REQUIRED _i - There shall be a rear yard having I td :5 ft. 10 ft. 25 ft 35% 35%Form No. 2 spaces a minimum depth of twenty (20) 1% p feet except on a lot which is a 2278 July, 10'x20' complete unit•held under sepa- . 2 to 6 ft. F.H.A.952 F. A. each . rate and distinct ownership from • 2% Dwelling the adjoining lots and of record 3 8 ft. ,Unit size prior to the taking effect•of this • • • regulations ordinance in which case the depth .= —_. of the rear yard may be reduced SR-2 to not less than ten (10) feet;•if • 1 to 5 ft 10 ft. 25 ft 35% 35%Form No. 2 spaces necessary to such an extent only 1 2278 July, 10'x20' of will permit a building depth 2t0 6 ft. 1952 F.H.A. each thirty (30) feet. • 2%. Dwelling R-4 DISTRICT • 3 8 ft. Unit size regulations APARTMENT HOUSES AND • MULTIPLE DWELLINGS • R-1 In the R-4 District, no building • Ito 5ft: 10 ft. 25 ft 35% 35%Form No. 2 spaces ,or premises-shall be used.and no 1% 2278 July, 10'x20' buildings shall be hereafter erected 2 to 6 it. • 1952 F.H.A. each• or struetdrally altered unless oth- 2 D erwise provided in this Code, ex- 3 8 ft. welling cept for one or more of the follow- Unit size ing or similar uses: L - • I a. 1 Any use as permitted in •• S•1 R 3 District. 1 to 5 ft. 10 ft. 25 ft. 35% 35%Same as Same as• ment sand otheor high mu multiple unit h�- • . 13( Above Above ing. • • 2 to - I b. Building Height Limit:Not to 2% 6.ft, exceed six (6) stories in height or • $ Sit 95 feet,.whichever is less. j c. Building Site Area Required: At least five t h o u s.a n d (5,000) ' square feet,fifty-five.(55) per cent R.2 • • • of said area.to be open and free 1 to 5 ft 10 ft 20 ft. 35% 45%Same as. 1 car space from structures if on interior lots, 1 fifty per cent of said area to Above 10'x bi20' open and free from structures • 2 to 6 ft. for each d• .u. if on corner lots. • 2%i. d. Net lot Area: Minimum lot 3 8 ft. size is five thousand (5,000) square feet; 600 square feet per dwelling unit•of 0 bedroom unit,800 square R3 feet per dwelling unit of 1 bedroom 1 5 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. 35% 45%Same.as Same as units. and 1000 square feet per Above Above dwelling unit of 2 bedrooms or • . • . more. • i e. Front and Side Yard Re- proval of the Planning Commis- E. SIDE YARD REQUIRED: quiff:There shall be a front yard Sion after apublic hearingthere-; Q having a minimum depth of ten There shall be a side yard of not (10) feet; there shall be a side ' on,etc.• Bless-than five (5) feet in width'Yard of not less than five (5) feet •• B. BUILDING HEIGHT LIM-:on each side of a 1 to 1% Story in width on each side of a one story • IT: Not to exceed. three• (3) Building, of not less than.six (6) building, six.(6) feet in case of a stories in height•or forty (40) feet for 2-2% sto building, and two story building, eight (8) feet • - feet, whichever is less. • of not less,than eight (8 feet •in caan of a th10) feet story.seilof - • C. BUILDING .BITE AREA for a 3 story building:.provided, and ten (10) feet in case of a building of four stories or more. REQUIRED: At least 5:thousand, however, that on a lot having In case the side yard abutts on a • (5000) square feet,sixty-five (65) a width of forty (40) feet or public street• the side yard re- •• percent of said area to be open.less as shown by the last convey- Tired shall be not less than ten • and free from structtires if on in- ance of record at the time of the (10) feet. tenor lots,fifty-five (55)':percent passage of this ordinance, there f• Rear Yard Required: There • of said area#o be open and free shall be a side yard on each side shall be a rear yard having a mini- • from structures if on corner lots. of•a building of not less than mum depth of.twenty r feed up • t0 and• mcluding a three story • • • D.FRONT YARD REQUIRED: three .(3) feet in width (side-of building; thereafter the rear yard There shall be front yard having building means'outer face of any shall be increased by two (2) feet • • a minimum'depth of twenty (20) part of building nearest to side for each story above a three story • AO. line,not including roof eaves)and•building. 4 • f g. Minimum Room Sizes: Mini- advertising devices and any man- yard regulations of this, district. Ide mum 'room sizes shall be as de- ufacturing is prohibited. Build- shall be observed, and provided ' :0) teimined by Form No. 2218 of the rags requiring. services such as further that no such 11u m b e r re- Federal Housing Administration is- food, drugs, clears, etc., usually yards, coal and fuel yards shall ,m. sued July, 1952, or any amend- incidental to a public building, be maintained closer than one • ments• theeto. office buildingor hotel; maycon- hundred(100)feet to the Side line •• Ow h. Off-Street Parking: There shall be off-street parking provided tam same within the interior of an R-1 District. • • of at the rate of one car space, ten thereof. Entrances from street 8. Police or fire stations. • Dii• (10) feet by twenty (20) feet in'must not display advertising on' 9. Parking lots.. . dimension, for each dwelling unit same. Street deliveries are pro- 10. Printing establishments and I in the building. 'hibited except during certain newspaper printing. 37: i. .The aforespecifled, height, designated hours or building shall. 11. Public garages, repair • ng area, yard'and other requirements be so designed as to facilitate un- shops and battery service stations 10) as contained in Paragraphs (b) loading fuel and merchandise and tire repair shops. through • l (h) hereinabove,cent are TABLEhere- from vehicle placed in alley, 12. Restaurants,cafeterias and � a by included in that certain ' pa- I and the same is hereby amended driveway or loading area on pri- catering. DM I accordingly. vote property. . 13. Retail trade shops or shops • Ord ' I SECTION VIII • All structures contemplated for for custom work or the making his this district must first have plans, of articles not manufactured by • Zth 1 TRAILER PARKS specifications, and uses approved chemical process. ed ¢ The use, hi an area designated by the planning commission and 14. Sales rooms or store rooms • • -if "T" on the Zoning.Map,-shall in said plans, specifications, and for motor vehicles and other ar- aly • dude in.addition to •any other uses approved by the planning tides of merchandise. ?th• uses- permitted therein use for commission and said'plans and 15. Service Stations. i trailers and trailer camps as per- stated uses are to be filed with 16. Stores,retail and wholesale matted and subject to the applic-the permit. The Planning Com- markets. . able statutes and lawful regula- mission is charged with the re- 17. Studios,offices,business or tions of the State••of Washington sponsibility of ascertaining and professional. • . . . • and the ordinances and lawful determining that the architectur- 18. Telephone exchanges, tele- regulations of the City of Ren- al design, the yard widths, the graph offices and Employment ing ton. In the•event of use for a landscaping, etc., shall conform agencies. no trailer park, the height and area to the adjacent development. 19. Undertaking establishments ted regulations shall not apply. The Said:structures shall further and crematories—only when a . ,th• use of any other land in the City meet.the following requirements: permit therefore has' been ob• ex- for the parking.of trailers or for. a. FRONT YARD: There shall tamed 'from the Planning Corn- • xv- a trailer camp is hereby prohib- be a front yard having a mini- mission. I • . • ited. mum depth of 15 feet. 20. Billboards, advert 1 sing .• in SECTION IX b. SIDE YARD: There shall be signs and devices of any size, a 5 foot yard on each side- on provided the same height and _ P-1 PUBLIC (FIRE, POLICE, interior lots, in case of corner yard regulations governing-build • • - usPUBLIC PARKS,) DISTRICT lots,a-yard 10 feet wide on flank- mgs and structures in' B-1 are . to (HOSPITALS, CLINICS; mg streets. • complied with and provided fur • - or c. REAR YARD:. There shall ther that two (2) copied of draw- EDUCATION, ' FC.) be a rear yard.of minimum depth mg or sketches,showing the pro- ad: 1 In the P-1, Public District, no of 10 feet. posed size lettering and location 00) building or premises shall be d. HEIGHT LIMIT: Height on the ground plan,shall be filed ant used and no building Shall be lint shall be four (4) stories, with the Planning Commission • ree hereafter erected or structur- excluding n e c e s s a r y elevator for approval to ally altered unless otherwise pro- penthouse. HEIGHT LIMIT: 'Whenever res. vided in this ordinance, except •SECTION X ally'B-1 District is located within • for one or more of the follow- • or adjacent to, on two)or more . lot ing or similar Uses: B-1, BUSINESS DISTRICT- sides,any Residence or Suburban • are • 1:• Governmental buildings'and Residence District, the buildings ing useS ire:, Federal, State, County, USES PERMITTED such B-1 Use District shall be • are .Municipal or other governmental •In the B-1,Business District,no limited to one (1)story in height, om a or quasi-governmental' subdivi-building or premises shall be provided however that the Council Per sion. - ' used and no building shall be may allow a building toy be erect- 2. Hospitals and sanatoriums, hereafter erected or structurally ed to an additional height, not Re- clinics, public and private,eikcept 'altered unless otherwise provided exceeding two (2) additional stor- ard ; those for inebriates, insane or in this ordinance, except for one les, by special permit after pub- • ten µ mental disease which shall be •or more'of the following or soya- lie hearing and examination of ide subject to regulations of.•.the lar uses: the location, upon duel proof to • bet Health Department. . 1. Any use permitted in R3 the satisfaction of the City Plan- . 3. 'Institutions for education, .and R.4. ning•Commission that Ouch adds- eet philanthropic or eleemosynary 2. Banks. tional height will not be unduly ild- uses. 3. Barber shops, beauty par- detrimental to adjacent and sur- of • . 4. Libraries, art galleries, and Tors, personal service shops. rounding property. No building • ore. museums. . 4. Furniture stores, drug shall exceed a height I of forty a a 5. Parks, playgrounds, tennis stores. (40) feet or three (3) stories. re- courts and like recreational uses. .5. Hand. laundries, clothiers, FRONT YARD AND SIDE ten ' 6.: Private dubs, fraternities cleaning and pressing. YARDS: No yards are' required . ere and lodges. ( 6. Locksmiths, shoe and other except for lots whose I side line ' ini- 7. Professional iService Offices, repair shops. is adjacent to a residential dis- up such as.3or doctors, dentists, etc. 7. Lumber yards,coal and fuel trict where said yard regulations • Dry 8. Residential Hotels. • yards, provided that when un- shall then be the same I as in the and -9. Schools, public and private• housed they shall be surrounded Residential District: Font yard eet •This area is reserved for public by an eight (8) foot solid wall or shall conform to adjacent resi- m'y • and semi-public uses. All display sight-obscuring fence herein dences, side yard to be-not less of merchandise or products, all known as a structure, and the than five (5) feet, side I yards on 5 I I • flanking streets to conform to •shall be used' and no building- .56.. Stables, commercial . front yards. of residences to the shall .be hereafter erected for 57..Starch,glucose;Sr dextrose rear but to be not less than ten 'structurally altered'unless other- manufacture (10):feet and rear yard.shall not wise provided•In,.this ordinance, 58. Steel or Iron mills be less than.ten (10).feet, :except for one or.more of the .59.•Stoneware'and earthenware following or similar uses: • 1 60_ Stove polish manufacture SECTION•XI • • • 1. Any.use permitted in L-1. 61. Storage warehouses • • • • r.•-i. IC.;HT I NDUsTRY 2.. Airplane manufacturing 62. Textile mills • .:DISTRICT' ' • 3. 'Assaying (other than gold 63. Tobacco (chewing) or cigar • • In the L1,J.ight Industial Dis- :and silver) • • 1 manufacture . . . trict, no building' or :premises... 4. Automobile manufacturing 64. Vegetable oil or other oil shall be..used and no building 5. Blast'furhaces• • • 1 manufacture and refining or stor- shall, be. •hereafter erected or ' 6. Boiler works. • 1 age • • struccuially altered unless other; 7. Boat building and repairing 65..Yeast••Plants' • • wise provided in this,ordinance, 8. Breweries and.distilleries 66. Wholesale houses heavy except' for one or more of the 9. Broom and brush manufac- equipment • following.or'similar uses: 'curing 67. Any use of electric power- A: USE.PERMPITTED: • : 10. Candle manufacturing motors requiring five (5) horse • - 1. .Any use permitted in B-1 . u• 'Carbon•manufacturing power or,more . acts 12.' Celluloid or similar cellu- A..The following listed and any, . .2. Any light manufacturing us-.lose•materials manufactured. not listed"if having obnoxious • ing power not in excess of 5 H.P. 13. F,eed and•Cereal mill odors,noise, smoke, dust and air • • in one emit. 14. Chain and cable manufac- polluting substances are prohilr . • 3. Auto assembly plants. turing i • ited: • ''4. Auto laundries, fender and : 15 C ha r coal manufacturing " • 1.'Amonia,chlorine or bleach- • • • body repair shops. • :and pulverizing '". ing powder manufacture • "5. Wrecking yards, l u m b e r ;' 16. Chemical manufacture 2. Asphalt manufacturing or yards, coal and fuel yards, pro: 17. Cooperage works ' refining ' vided that when unhoused they 18. Dog Pound • 3. Brick, tile, or terra-cotta shall be surrounded by an eight 19. Pry kilns' manufacture or storage (8).foot solid'wall "or sight-ob. 20. Dyestuff manufacture 4. Coke ovens scuring fence known herein as a '21. Emery cloth or sandpaper 5. Creosote treatment or man- • . structU e, and the yard regula- manufacture.' ufacture • • tions of this district shall be ob- ' 22. Enameling 6.•Disinfecting manufacture served,and provided further,that :23. Exterminators or insect poi- 7. Distillation of wood,-coal no auto wrecking places, lumber sons manufacture • and bones,or manufacture of any • • • • yards, coal'and fuel yards shall . 24- Flour mills• of their by-products '•i. be maintained closer than one" •25- Foundries- 8. Explosive'storage hundred (100) feet to the. side 26. Gums or glass products 9. Gas (illuminating or heat- • : lines of an R 1 District. manufacture •.ing) manufacturing or storage 6. Bakeries employing more 27. Hangar. 10.. Incineration or deduction than.'twenty.(20) persons. 28. Ice manufacture of Garbage, offal, dead animals . 7. Express and hauling corn- 29• JaP�g and refuse panies. • 30. Junk, rags; scrap iron or •ii. Kelp reduction and the ex-• 8. Cleaning.and dyeing estab- paper storage,or bailing. traction of its by-products lishments. 31. Lamp black manufacture " 12. Paper and pulp manufac- . 9. Clothing manufacturing. • 32. Heavy manufacture. and tare 10. Distilleries arid wineries large warehousing ' j 13. Petroleum,refining Or stor- 11. Dress manufacturing.' 33. Lubricating grease:manu- age or manufacture of any.of its • 12. E 1 e c t r i e manufacturing facture or oil'compounds 1 by-products'.. . .1 - shops." .- 34. Lumber and shingle'mills •14. Reducing or refining lumf " 13.":Laundries. 35. Machinery manufacture 1 • num, 'copper, tin 9r.zinc - - ' •14. Milk bottling plants.. • `36. Heavy machine shops 15. Soap and"compound:.manu-.• ' • •• 15. Painting•and.decorating 37: Match manufacturing. facture • ; ;-. shops. " -r.. :; .. 38..Oil cloth and linoleum man- :.16. Tanning, curing or storage 16. Manufacturi;►g_of plumbing .ufacture of raw hides or skins . • • • supplies. • . .. . 39. Oxygen manufacture.. 1 , 17. Tar distillation or manufac-. • . 17, Upholstery stops. : 40. Paint, oil, shellac, varnish ture . • : 18. Warehouses; ' " .: • or turpentine manufacture I 18: Tar roofing or tar water .. 19. Welding and Sheet ,metal • '41. Paper box manufacture proofing manufacture • • Works. 42. Planing mill or wood work- 19. Cement,lime,gypsum man- : • 20'. Other uses.which can be ing plant I ufacture reasonably considered similar.or 43. Plaster or wallboard manu- •• 20. Fat rendering • • related to the uses listed above,i facture ' 1 21. Fertilizer manufacture' upon approval of the Planning •44. Power,light or steam plant 22.. Glue manufacture Commission. (central station) 23. Stock yards • BUILDING 'HEIGHT: Three . 45.. Printing ink manufacture REAR YARD: No rear'yard is (3):stories or thirty-five (35)feet • 46. Rai/toad yards and round- required except where the.Indus- . except when otherwise approved house 1 . trial district abuts on a resider- . . •• " by'the City.Planning Commis- 47. Rolling or blooming mill tial district with no. intervening . • . sion. ." ' ' " 48. Rope manufacture. street or alley in which case a FRONT• YARDS AND SIDE 49. Rubber or caoutchouc man- rear yard of not less than twenty YARDS: Required same as B-i. ufacture from crude "material (20) feet is required. , SECTION XlI 50. Salt works 1 SIDE YARD: No side yard is' . • 51. Saw mills required except where an Indus- . . • H-1 HEAVY INDUSTRY 52. Shoddy manufacture trial district adjoins a residential' DISTRICT 53. Shoe manufacture district with no intervening street • In the Ni, Heavy Industrial 54. Shoe-blacking manufacture or alley, in which case the side . i District, no building or premises 55. Soap manufacture yard shall be the same' as re- • 6 ' . 1 I I • • 1 quired for the residential dis- ed side yard for a distance of not zoning is provided in connection diet. More than two (2) feet: Acces- with such use,the occupancy and • 24. Other uses which can be sory buildings when erected so use of.the building or structure • reasonably considered.similar or that the entire building Is within becomes illegal and the occup• . . related to the uses listed above ja distance of thirty(30)feet from ancy permit is void.The capacity upon•approval of the Planning the rear lot line,may also occupy ,of such parking area shall be as Commission. the side yard Of an inside lot.line. 'follows for the following uses:, • SECTION XII A Fences and'•hedges not over One parking space shall equal • forty-eight (48) inches in height, at least an area of eight (8) 'by All buildings and/or uses. of • every type and descri tion abut- measured from the ground on twenty(20) feet. P which the fence or hedge stands, { •tang or fronting on a'Primary may be built along or within a See Land Use Table, Page 8 State Highway within the City.front and/or side yard to a depth. i • of Renton shall maintain a of seventy (70)'feet from.the: twenty (20) foot setback from front property line;. thereafter SECTION IV their lot lines,provided that such such. fence may be raised to a AIRPORT ZONING I. twenty foot setback need,not be height of seventy-two (72) Inches 1. ZONES:In order to complied with in cases where' for the remaining distance to theregulate more than sixty (60) per cent of rear property line. Fences and the use of property In the vicin- existing buildings within such hedges'over thirty-six (36) inches Ity of the Airport,all of.the land block have maintained less than in height along or within a front two (2) miles south,and a twenty foot.setback;otherwise, and/or side yard of corner lots one (1) mile east and west of or • the twenty (20) foot set-back must have the prior written al). that part of the area that is with- shall beadhered to in all cases. proval of the Building Depart- in the city limits of the'City of went.- Fences or hedges which Renton, Washington, whichever SECTION XIII deprive adjacent properties of a is nearest the boundaries of the FRONT; SIDE AND REAR natural view of the landscape . ort hereby divided.'iinto • YARDS which is a contributing factor inAirport approach, transition land • . • the value of the land are prohib- turning zones, the boundaries • 1. FRONT YARD: Where any Ited. thereof are shown on the Renton front yard.Is required, no build- 3. REAR YARD: Where any :Airport Approach Plan Number • - ing shall be hereafter erected or wed rear and ed No. 1, dated Match I altered so that any portion there- no building shall be hereafter which Approach Plan is atta d of.shall be nearer the front pro- erected or altered so that any par- hereto and made a part hereof. perty line than the distance in• tion thereof may be nearer to the 2. HEIGHT LIMITS..'Except.as dicated by the depth of the re- rear lot line than the distance otherwise provided in this•ordin- • • quired front yard. indicated by the depth of the re- ance, no structure or tree' shall EXCEPTIONS: Eaves, cor- wired rear yard •be erected, altered, allowed to • • aces, steps, terraces, platforms Accessory buildings may 'be grimor maintain in any Airport d porches having no roof•Coy- Built within a rear yard,provided Writing :approach zone or Airport rning ering, and being not over forty the required total open space is zone to a height in excess of the twbuilot (a+�ithin inches front high may be not exceeded. No accessory build- height limit herein established forty (40)th yard. When ing shall cover more than -fifty for such zone. For Purposes of per cent or more, on (50) percent of the area of the this regulation, the following front foot basis, of all the prop rear yard. height limits are hereby establish- erty on one side of a street be- ed for each of the-zones in gins- tween two intersecting streets at SECTION XIV tion: the time of passage of this ordin- a. Approach 'zones (shaded • ance has been built up with build- PARKING AND LOADING dark red on plan): Height limit • ings having a minimum front yard SPACE REQUIREMENTS to be one foot in height for each . of more or less depth than that es In addition to the regulations 40 feet lateral separation from • tablished.by the ordinance, and hereinabove prescribed for each the Renton Airport boundary, provided that -the majority .of of the respective districts, no b. Approach transition zone such front yards do not vary new building or structure, or en- (shaded light red on plan): • more than six (6) feet in depth,'largement or increase in size'of Height limit to be one foot in • no building shall be built within industry building or structure height for each 7 feet of lateral or shall any portion, save as shall be hereafter'erected unless separation from the Renton.Air- ' 1 above excepted,project into'such in connection there-with there is port boundary. I - minimum front yard; provided provided off-street parking and c.. Airport turning zone: Any i further that no new buildings loading space equal to the follow- object over 150 feet in height is be required to set back more than ing requirements; ' an obstruction. • thirty-five (35) feet from the There s h a 11 be established 3. USE R.ESTR.IC11ONS: Not- • street line in the R-1 or R-2, and maintained a permanent :withstanding any other provisions Residential District, nor more off-street parking area Upon of this :ordinance, no use may • than two (2) feet'farther'than site of residential property or.in be made of land within any air- any building on an adjoining lot case of commercial and manufac- port approach zone or airport • and that this regulation shall not turing property within one thous- turning.zone in such.a manner as be so interpreted as to reduce a and (1000) feet of the front en-' to create electrical interference ' required front yard to less than trance thereof. Such off-street with radio communication be • • ten (10) feet in depth. parking area, except on resident- tween the airport and' aircraft, 2. SIDE YARD: Where any tial property, to be zoned•as B-P make it difficult for fliers to dis- . specified side yard is required, (Business - Parking) and same tinguish between airport lights no building shall be hereafter shall be graded and surfaced to and others, result in glare in the erected or altered So that any por- a -standard comparable to the eyes of fliers using the Airport,' tion thereof shall be nearer to street which serves the parking impair visibility in the vicinity • the side lot line than the distance area as•determined by the City thereof, or .otherwise endanger • indicated by the width of the re- Engineer. If the required B P the landing, taking-off,or marine- . quired side yard. zoning ceases to exist in connect vering of aircraft, EXCEPTIONS: Eaves and cor- tion with the use for which it was. 4. HAZARD MARKING AND nices may extend over the requir- granted, and no equivalent B-P LIGHTING. Any permit or vari- 7 Y f once granted as provided in this as to require the owner of the thereon Stich'markers and lights - ordinance and effecting.the Air. structure or tree in question to;as may be necessary to give ade •, port approach,transition•or turn-I permit the city,at its expense,to, quote notice to aircraft of-the ing zone, shall be so conditioned .install, operate, and maintain; presence of such airport hazard, • 1- land Use Number of Parking 'Spaces One family dwellings Two spaces per d.u. . Two family dwellings One space per d.u. Multiple family dwellings Same as above Apartment Houses . - Same as above • Rooming and lodging houses,club 1 for each 3 occupants t . rooms, fraternity houses, dormi- • ' • • tortes• • Trailers or cabins " One space for each sleeping unit . and one for each trailer tow car Hotels and hospitals One space per each 600 sq.ft. of building having 10,000 sq: ft:.of. floor space E Saaitoriums and orphanages,con- One space for each 1000 sq.it of floor area or less:two spaces forbuilding having between 10,000 valescent homes, homes for the gross floor'space and 30,000"sq. feet of floor area aged, and asylums I For building having greater Theatres One space for each 100 sq. ft.of• floor shall provide one ad- gross floor space ditional.25,000 sq.ft of floor area Stadiums and auditorium's, One space for each 120 sq. ft. of or any portion thereof.. • churches; school auditoriums gross"floor space Libraries and museums One space for each 250 sq. ft. of SECTION XVI gross floor space OWNERSHIP DIVIDED BY-.A • Dance halls, assembly balls One space for each 150 sq.It of DISTRICT BOUNDARY LINE • gross floor space it a district boundary line cuts Skating rinks and other commer- 1 for each 100 sq. ft of gross ship rt o having at the timeof c owner- ial recreation places floor area of the building. pas�ge of this ordinance, all . • Outdoor spotts areas or parks Subject to review by Planning such property may take the least • without fixed seats Commicdon restrictive classification,provided • the property is developed as one Bowling Alleys 5 spaces for each alley unit. . • Medical or dental' clinics, banks, One space for each 200 sq.ft.of SECTION XVII • • and professional offices gross floor space• I • •COURTS •• Mortuaries or funeral homes One space for each 50 sq. ft. of • gross floor space' In all buildings hereafter erect- ed or structurally altered, all Banks, business and professional 1 tor each 20(E sq.,ft. gross floor windows shall open upon a-yard, • offices area of the building I court,street or alley as hereafter • • Restaurants,'taverns,and any es- 1 for each 100 sq. ft. of gross provided. In no event shall any tabli.shment for the sale and con- floor area of the building • yard or'court be made to serve. • • sumpton on the premises of food, two buildings hereafter erected, - alcoholic .beverages, or refresh- or any existing building and a meats . building hereafter erected. Food stores, markets, and shop- Every court shall be open and ping centers: unobstructed to the sky from the having not more than 2,000 sq. 1 for each proprietor and or err "floor level of the lowest story in • • ft.of gross floor area,exclusive owner and each regular employee a building in which there are win- • of basement ! dows from rooms or apartments having more than 2,000 sq. if: 1 for each 400 sq. ft. of gross abutting the said' Court and but not more than 5,000 sq.ft. floor area of the building served by-the•said court; except • . of gross floor area exclusive of • that a cornice,.belt course of sim-• basement, • liar projection on the building. . Having more than 5,000 sq. ft. 1 for each 200 sq. ft of gross may extend into an"outer court," of gross poor area exclusive of floor area of the building 1 two inches'or each foot of width basement, • I of such court, and may extend Other retail establishments,such 1 for each 500 sq. ft. of gross into an"inner•court"one-inch for• • as furniture,appliance,hardware floor area of the building provid- each such foot in width of such" • stores,household equipment sere- ing that each must.have at least cow, • • ice shops,clothing or'shoe repair 2 parking spaces. INNER. COURT: An inner or.service shops, easlt court shall be of a width.of.net •. . Wholesale stores, warehouses, 1 for.each 2 employees,.at I less than four (4) feet'nor less - Ind 'storage buildings,motor ye 1 for each 800 sq. ft of gross than sixteen (16) per cent of the hide or machinery sales floor space of building ! -court height, provided, further Manufacturing uses including re 1 for each 3 employees, with a that in no case shall a'width of search and testing laboratories, minimum of 2 spaces,and at least more than twenty (20) feet be • creameries, bottling establish.- 1 for each 800 sq. ft. of gross r'e q u.1 red. A minimum court • " • meats, bakeries,.canneries, print- floor space of the buildings. length.of one and one-half (1%) " lag and engraving shops,machine times the court width is required. shops, lumber outlets. OUTER COURT: An• outer • Each commercial and industrial One unloading space is the equal court.shall be of width of not building shall provide unloading area of sixty (60) by forty-four less than four (4) feet, nor less • . space as follows: (44) ft. One unloading space for than ten '(10) per cent of the . 8 • • court height; provided: further 5. In specific cases the Plan- to the.street line than th'e main that in no case shall a width of ning Commission may, by spe. structure, but in any case where more than ten (10) feet be re- cific determination, authorize a such location is within a Irequit- quired.. variance fro;n the strict applica- ed front or side•yard; the highest VENTILATION AND'LIGHT: tion.of.any of the requirements, point of a building:so located . 'Every room used for habitation of this ordinance,.including but shall not be more than thirty(36) shall have openings.to the eater- not.lirnited•to cases of exception- inches above the.average level of ' for with an area through which-ally irregular,narrow,shallow,or the ground on the side farthest • .• • light may pass et not less than steep.lots; or other exceptional from the street line. Likewise, • One-eighth of the floor area. Ex- physical conditions wherein such the Building •Department may, • teiior doors and windows 'shall strict application would result in upon proper application, grant a • .open to the extent of not less than practical difficulty. or unneces- special permit for the location of five(5)per cent of the'floor area. sary hardship that would deprive a.garage on the low side1'of the . •Windows shall face unobstruct- the'owner'of the reasonable use street nearer to the street line • ed, uncovered, horizontal areas of•the land or building involved. than the main building. 1 of at least the extent of the glass The ,granting of any variance' 7. It shall be•the duty'of the area of all the windows opening shall'•be'subject to the approval City Planning Commission: thereon, but •no dimension of• of.the:City:Council;and the Plan- a. To interpret.the provisions ••• • . which i ring Commission •or the City of this ordinance in such�a s less than five feet. way Council'may prescribe any con- as to carry out the intent and SECTION XVIII ditions upon the.variance deem- purpose of the plan thereof, as • • ADMINISTRATION• ed to be necessary or desirable. shown by the maps fixing the AND ENFORCEMENT • However, no variance from the several districts, accompanying . • INTERPRETATION strict application of any provision and made part of this ordinance . AND APPLICATION of this'ordinance shall be grant- in case where the street layout • ed by the Planning Commission actually on the ground (varies . • 1. In'interpreting and applying Or by the City Council unless it 'frori1 the street layout as shown the provisions of this ordinance; finds: • . . on the maps aforesaid. • . 'they shall be held to the mini- a. That there are special dr- b. To rule on the prop I'appli- i mum requirements for the pro- cumstances or conditions fully cation, or to interpret thelmean- I motion of;the public health,safe- described in its findings apply-: tug of the zoning ordinance in • • a • ty, morals and general welfare; lug to the land or building f. case there is a dispute between • therefore where this ordinance 'which•a variance is sought,which the administrative officials • of • 'imposes a greater restriction up- circumstances or conditions are the city and any'owner or own-. on the use of the buildings or peculiar to.such land or buildings prs 'of property. Appeal to the premises, or upon the height of alyd do not apply generallyto Planning Commission may be buildings,or requires larger open' land or buildings in the neigh- made within ten days from such. spaces than are imposed or re- borhood; and that such.circurir ruling: Appelant shall'file with quir'ed by other laws, ordinances,* stances or conditions are such the.building inspector and with • rules or regulations, the provi- that•the strict application of the.the Council written notice'of the siom of this ordinance shall con- provisions of this ordinance trot would deprive the applicant of appeal The building .inspector. • • the'reasonable use of such land snail forthwith transmit to. the 2. Furthermore, recognizing or building. Pla? g Commission all papers • that there are certain uses of g• cdnstttuting'the record upon • • i property that may be detrimental' b. That, for reasons fully suet•'which:•the.action appealed from . to the public health, safety,mor- forth in the findings, the grant- was taken, and in'addition there- als and general welfare, depend- ing of the variance is necessary to the Planning Commission may • ing upon the facts of each par. for the reasonable use of the land receive such additional. evidence •titular case, a limited 'power to or bedding and that the variance as seems relevant to it. . Issue permits for such uses is as determined by the Planning 8. The Planning Commission vested,by specific mention in this Commission is a minimum var- may approve the granting of tern- : • ordinance, in the Planning Com- lance that will accomplish this 'porgy and 'conditional permits • mission, subject to review by the: pur'pOSe, • for structures:and uses that do • ' - a Council as herein provided. Sub-' c. That the granting of the var- not conform.with the regulations • • ject to such review, the City lance will be in harmony with the herein prescribed for not more Planning Commission (or the general purpose and intent of than two year periods,upon such Council on review) shall have this ordinance and will not be terms and conditions as the Coin- • power to impose in said permit injurious to the neighborhood or mission may.prescribe. ' such conditions or limitations as otherwise detrimental to the pub-_ ••in its judgment are required to lie welfare. In'addition to con- SECTION XIX . secure adequate protection to,the sidering the character and use of APPEALS TO THE CITY zone or locality in which the use adjoining buildings and those.in • COTINCIL is to be permitted. Likewise sub- the vicinity, the'Planning Corn- 'Any interested citizen or adman- • ject to'such'review the City Plan- mission in determining its find.' istrative officer of the city may • ning Commission (or the Council ings shall take into account the appeal to the City Council from on review) shall have power to number of persons .residing or any ruling of the Planning Corn- terniinate,any such permit, upon Working in such buildings or mission pertaining to the,grant- - . complaint'and public hearing,for upon'such land and traffic con- tug or•denial of any permit•ap- any,violation of the• terms or ditions in the vicinity, plied for hereunder when i such • limitations there prescribed 6. The Building Department ruling is adverse to his interests, 3. The council may.permit in may, in• specific oases where by filing with the Secretary Of • a zone any use not described In the topography of the premises or the Pinning Commission within this ordinance and deemed by the the location of buildings existing ten (1,9) days from such ruling Planning Commission to be in prior to the passage of this ordin- a written notice of appeal There- • general keeping with the uses au- ance makes compliance with the upon the Secretary of the Plan- • thorized in such.zone subject to a 'provisions governing the location ning•.Commission shall forthwith public hearing thereon. bf private garages impossible, .transriiit-to the'Council copies of ' 4. Deleted by Ordinance No. grant a special permit for a priv- all papeIFs•constituting the record • 1542. (Same as Paragraph 8.) ate garage to be located nearer upon which the action appealed 9 • from was taken,.and in addition SECTION XXII forth"in Paragraph.XIX If the thereto,-the City Council may at. Commission recommends disap• . its hearing receive:such further AMENDMENTS proval of the,petition, that deci- evidence as•seems to it relevant. 1. The City Council may upon sion shall be •final unless the Upon due and.public hearing;theowner files Notice of • • Council shall have power by vote 'proper petition or upon its own Appeal to motion, after a public hearing the City.Council as specified in • • of 11 of the councilmen present thereon and referral to and re- AppealSection XIX. Upon receiving No- : to overrule or alter any such rid- tice of ing of the Planning Commission por•t from the City Planning Corn- the Council shall. pertaining to .the mission, change by ordinance the set a date for hearing of the sub - ion,g granting or district boundary lines or zone' jest and shall notify the parties • withholding of any permit so an- classifications as shown on the it deems:most concerned..Three • • • "plied for. district maps. notices, at least ten days prior SECTION XX 2. The City Council may upon,to any such hearing,shall be post- its own,motion after public hear--ed within or about the'area pro-. • • BOUNDARIES AND DISTRICTS ing and referral to and report Posed to be re-zoned or re-classi- • . from the City Planning Commis- follow Following this hearing the • • 1. The boundaries of the vari- Sion; amend, s u p p 1 em e n t or.Council may follow the recom- :' ous districts shall be'shown on change by ordinance the regula- mendation of the Commission or • the Use and Area maps accom- bons herein established. refer subject to the Commis- • • . • panying and hereby made a part . 3. A petition for a change Sion for their reconsideration and of this ordinance. The said dis- in•use district boundaries or re subsequent report to the.Council, trio boundaries are,unless other- classification of property shall be upon receipt of which the Coun • - . ! wise indicated, the center lines cil shall take final action,by the property owner on a :grant- • of streets, alleys or lot line as form provided by and filed with ing or denying re-classification, • shown on the said maps. Where the Building Inspector. Said pe- within thirty(30)days thereafter.• the location of the boundaries in tition shall be.accompanied by a b. All petitions for a change of • such districts, as indicated 'on certified or cashier's check made use district'bounda,ries shall be :. these maps, are shown to be payable to the City Treasurer.in accompanied by a plat in dupli- • • other•than street, alley or lot- the sum of Twenty-five Dollars cate,drawn•to scale,showing the • ?. lines,then such boundary shall be ($2,5.00),'non-refundable;to cover actual dimensions of the tract to .. • construed to be a distance of one costs in connection with proceed- lie changed, the size, the use and • • hundred-twenty (120) feet from ings.upon such.petition. The pe- location of existing buildings and . • and parallel with the. frontage .tition shall be submitted by the buildings to-be erected, and such . street line, unless shown.to be Building.Inspector to the City of other .pertinent information as • otherwise by a distance .in fig- Benton Planning Commission may be required by the Building . • uses. which shall make investigation of Inspector. . • 2. Where.the street layout ac- tyre matters involved in the pets- 1 c. Any ordinance granting and tually on the ground varies from thin. The Commission shall then providing such change in use dis- that shown on the Use District call a public hearing to hear the trict boundaries or re-classifica maps, the designations shown on public and interested parties on tiozi of property, after petition the maps shall be applied by the the proposal, and three notices, •thereof by the property:owner or :' P 1 a n n i n g Commission to the at least ten .days prior to any owners, as hereinabove provided, • street as actually laid out so as such hearing, shall"be. posted shall remain effective for a pe • - to carry out the intent and.pur- within or about the area propos- nod of one year unless the prop- .. pose of the zoning plan of that ed to be re-zoned or re-classified. •erty owner or any one of'•the district. Following the hearing and after property owners originally.peti- consideration of the facts of the tioning,as the case may be,have . SECTION XXI proposal, and all other pertinent commenced a'change of.use dur- . matters, the Commission. shall ing that period. If no change of • ENFORCEMENT within thirty (30) days make a use has been consummated wit • • h- shall be'the duty of the Build- recommendation to the City Coun- in that time,the ordinance grant-. i 9rrg Inspector (or 'official) in �• If the Commission after ing.such change in use district • • • charge of issuing building per- thorough study of the proposal boundaries' or re-classification mats and inspection of buildings and the petition determines that shall be null and void, in which • • to see that this ordinance is en- the re-classification of the prop- case the use and classification in forced through,the proper legal erty or,the change in use district existence prior to the filing of' channels.He shall issue no permit boundaries is neci.scary for the said petition.shall become effee- • • for the construction or alteration preservation and enjoyment of tive again as to such property. of any building or part thereof. ' substantial property rights. I d. A petition for a change in • • unless the plans, specifications of the petitioner and not iriateri use'distrIct boundaries or reclas- • and intended use of such building ally detrimental to the public sification of property cannot be conform in'all respects with the welfare or.the property of other re-submitted to the Building In- - ;P • provisions of this ordinance. persons located in the vicinity,:spector,'Planning Commission,or ! and not out Of harmony with'the the City Council for a'period of PLATS: All specification' for .Purposes and effect of the'over- six months from the date of dis• building permits shall be accom- all. plan of the established zone'approval of such.petition: j • panted by a plat in duplicate classification and use district SECTION XXIII' .z . - drawn to scale showing the ac- boundaries, the Commission may • tual dimensions of the lot to be recommend that the'Council'ap- 1. Pending Permits Valid.Noth- built upon, the size,'the use and Prove the re-classification of the ing herein contained shall require location of existing buildings and property. • • . any change in the plans,construe- • .buildings to be.erected, and such a. If the Commission, follow- lion, designated or intended use • • • . . other information as may be nee- ing a public hearing, makes no of a building, for which a build- . essary to provide for the enforce- decision 9n the petition or sends ing permit has heretofore been • 'ment of this ordinance. 'A care- no recommendation to the Coun.issued,or plans for which are now • • • ful record of such application cil within thirty (30) days, this en file with the-Building Inspec• • . • 'and plats shall be kept in the may be taken as a disapproval .tor, a permit for the erection'of office of the building inspector of the petition and the owner which is issued within one.1(1) _or proper enforcement official may thereupon appeal as set month after the adoption of this • 10 • ordinance, and the construction.damage occurred; otherwise'tiny such use.conforms•to the.provi- of which in either.case restoration or reconstriiction•shall. signs of the ordinance, Where a • a. Shall'have begun,and been 'conform to the Mgulation§'-and. plat AS above provided is not al- • . diligently prosecuted within one ..uses :specifiec.Y in' this.•ordinance.'ready on.file, an application for • • (1) month from the adoption of_ .f. Abandonment: A non-con a certificate of occupancy shall this ordinance; and .• forming, use. (of a building on be accompanied, by a survey in b. Be entirely completed ac-• premises) which has been•aban- duplicate form such as is re- ' cording.to•such .plans .as filed cloned shall not thereafter be re-'quired for a permit.. . • • within one year.from the adop- •sumed A nonconforming use . tion of this-ordinance. '_ . ' •• shall be.considered abandoned: SECTION•XXV 2. Non-Conforming-Uses. The (1) When, the intent: of the VALIDITY. - lawful•use of anylbuilding,struc- :owner to discontinue the use is . ture or land existing at the time .apparent, and•discontinuance•for Should any section, clause or . of.the•enactment.of this ordin• a eriod Of one (1) year or more'provision of this ordinance he.de- . Once may be,continued, although slisll•be prima=facie evidence that dared by the courts.to be inval- such use does not conform with .the non-conforming use has been id, the same shall not affect the the provisions of this'ordinance,. abandoned,Or •• . • validity Of the Ordinance as'a provided the following conditions• (2) When it has been replaced; whole• or any part thereof;Other •are met: than the. part so declared'to be a. Unsafe Structures: Nothing by a 2bnfotming use;or :'invalid. . • .in this ordinance shall prevent the (3) When it'has been changed . • • • strengthening or restoring to a to another use under permit from • - S GrION marl • safe condition of any portion of a 'the City of Renton:or its autliori . building or structure declared vn• ed representative. CONFLICTING' PROVISIONS •safe•by.a•proper.authority. SECTION XXIV • Ordinance'No:1164 and all"or- . b.. Alterations::a'non-conform: dinances or parts of ordinances • 'Mg building:or structure'may be CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY' in conflict herewith be and the altered; improved or reconstruct No vacant land'shall be occu•. ,same are hereby repealed. • • • • .ed illcompliance with the re' pied or used and no building here- . quirements of the City of Renton. after erected. shall .be occupied- ' SECTION XXVII • Building Code provided such work..or;used, nor shall the use of a Is not.'to an extent exceeding,an building be changed from a use VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES aggregate.cost of fifty (50) per., limited to one'district to that of • cent of the value of the building any other'district as defined by Any.person, firm ora• or.structure; unless the building•'this ordinance until a certificate tion who violates,disobebe cotys,omits, • or structure is changed to a con- .of occupancy shall have been is- neglects or refuses• to comply • • forming use. sued by the building inspector., wit•h, or who.resists'the enforce- c. Extension: A non-conform .No permit for excavation for any meet of any of the provisions o! Ing•.use shall not be-extended, buildig shall be issued befoe •this ordinance,•shall •be deemed but the extension of,a.lawful•use the application has been made for ty of a misdemeanor,) and . to any portion of a non-conform- certificate.of occupancy. shall'be fined in any sum not to ing building or structure which .exceed one hundred (10Q) dollars • existed; riot to the enactment of �r Certificate of oceds dr or imprisoned-in the city jail for P cy for the use of vacant lands,dr • this ordinance shall not be deem the change in the use of land as a term of not exceedingthirty • ed the extension of such noncon-• herein provided, shall be applied (30)•days, or both, forra each of- forming use. for before any such land shall be fence. •Each day that a violatipn . • d. Changes:. No nonconform-. occupied or used,"and-a certifi- is permitted by.owner to I exist. . trig building, structure or use. ,sate of occupancy shall;be'issued shall constitute a separate of- • shall be changed to another non- within ten (10) days after the fQ1 • conforming use. application has been made, pro- SECTION XXVIII: This ordin • - e. Restoration: Nothing in this viding such use is in conformity ance shall become effective from . ordinance shall prevent the re- with the provisions of these regu• and alter its, passage, approval • construction, repairing, rebuild lations. and legal publication. ing and continued-use of any non- NON-CONFORMING USES: conforming building or structure' Upon a written request of the Ordinance'No.1472 passed and damaged by fire, collapse,_explo- owner, the building inspector approved December 8, 1953! • sign, or act.of God;subsequent shall issue a certificate of occu- I . to •the.date'of this ordinance, pancy for any building or land Ordinance No.1542 passed and `I wherein•the expense of such work existing at the time this ordi- approved April 17,.1956. . . does not exceed'fifty (50).per nance takes effect, certifying, Ordinance No. 1683 passed and , cent Of the'value of the'building after.inspection, the use of the or structure at the time such building or land and whether approved June 17, 1958. • Date of publication: June 25, ' 1958• . • 11 I t. k attlt 14 16 0,10165° I / it ORDINANCE NO. 1542 e AN ORDINANCE OF- THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS II, III, VI , VII, XIII, XIV, XVIII, XXIIksand XXIII, ESTABLISHING NEW SECTIONS TO BE KNOW SECTIONS IV-A, IV-B, AND XII-A, ALSO REPEALING EXISTING SECTION XV AND ESTABLISHING A NEW SECTION XV RELATING TO AIRPORT ZONING, OF ORDINANCE NO. 1472, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, PERTAINING TO THE REGULATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS AND THE USE OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, LIMITING THE HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS,, PRESCRIBING BUILDING LINES AND THE SIZE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES AND DIVIDING THE CITY INTO DISTRICTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION it Existing Paragraph 9 of Section II of Ordinance No. 1472 reading as follows: "9. 'tOT' : Land occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory building, including such open spaces as - are required under this ordinance, and having frontage upon a street or alley." BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: • Paragraph 9 of Section II as amended: "LOT" :. Land occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory building, including such . open spaces as are required under this ordinance, and having frontage_ upon a street. The term "lot" or''tract" as used in this ordinance IffiffeliiF € 5eNsiblft.`shall have for building purposes the necessary frontage on 'a public street as required herein; in case of irregularly shaped "lots", the minimum lot width shall be measured and computed at the front building line. SECTION II : There are hereby established and created new paragraphs to Section' II', to be known and designated as Paragraphs 19,, 20, 21,E 22, 23 and 24 respectively, to read as follows: Paragraph 19 of Section II: "BUILDING LINE" is the line between which and the street line or lot line no building or other structure or portion thereof, except as provided in this code, may be erected above the grade level. The building line is considered a vertical surface intersecting the, ground on such line . , )) f J `?, sS� i a`' • r :1�•. • .. ' I. n'. Paragraph 20 of Section II: "AIRPORT" means the Renton I Municipal Airport. ; , . Paragraph 21 of Section II : "AIRPORT HAZARD" means any structure or 'tree or use of land which obstructs the air space required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking-off at the airport or is otherwise hazardous to Such landing or 1 • taking-off of aircraft. I Paragraph 22 of Section II: "STRUCTURE" means any object constructed or installed by man, including but without limitation,- 1 bufldings, towers, smokestacks, and overhead transmission lines. . Paragraph 23 of Section II : "LANDING AREA means the area' of the Airport used for the landing, take-off, or taxiing of • 1 . aircraft. • Paragraph 24 of Section II: "TREE" means any object of natural growth. 1 SECTION III: Existing Section III , reading as follows, to-wit: I "Section III . USE DISTRICTS . The City of Renton is hereby divided into five (5) types of use districts as follows: 1. SR-1 Suburban Residence No, 1 - RS - 11is symbol on maps . 2. SR-2 Suburban Residence No. 2 - RS - 21is •symbol on maps. 3. RS-1 Residence Single Family District. RS is symbol on maps. 1 • 4. S-1 Suburban Residence District. S-1 3;s symbol on maps. 5. R-1 Residence district. R-1 is symbol 'on 'maps. 6. R-2 Residence District. R-2 is symbol on maps. . 7. P-1 Public (Medical, Health, Fire, Education, etc. ) District, P-1 is the symbol on maps. 8. B-1 Business District. B-1 is symbol on maps. ' 9. .... L-1 Light Industrial District. L-1 is 1symbol on maps. 10. H-1 Heavy Industrial District. H-1 is 1symbol on maps. 11 . *T Trailer Parks.pT is symbol on maps." • BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: • AMENDED SECTION III . USE DISTRICTS. The City of Renton is hereby divided into the following types of use` districts: 1. SR.-1 Suburban Residence No. 1; SR-1 isIsymbol on maps. 2. , SR-2 Suburban Residence No. 2;-SR-2 islsymbol on maps. 3. IR -rL. Residence Single Family District; R-1 is symbol on maps. 1 . 4. S-1 Suburban Residence District; S-1 is symbol on maps. 5. Ri2 Residence District; R-2 is symbol on maps. 6. R-3 Residence District; R-3 is symbol on maps . 7. P-1 PubliQjMedical, Health, Fire, Education, etc. ) . District. P-1 is the symbol on maps. • -2_ •• . • t1Jt \, 8. B-1 Business District. B-1 is symbol on maps. 9. L-1 Light Industrial District. L-1 is symbol on maps. 10. H-1 .Heavy Industrial District. H-1 is symbol on maps. 11. *T Trailer Parks. - T is symbol on maps . 12. B-P Business Parking (off-street parking) . B-P is symbol on maps. SECTION IV: There is hereby established and created a new section, to be known and designated henceforth as Section IV-A to read as follows, to-wit : Section IV-A: In the SR-1, Suburban Residence No. 1 District, all requirements and provisions applicable toR..l District, as hereinabove defined, shall likewise apply,EXCEPT that the building site area required shall be as follows: 1. Lot size--75 feet in width at building line; 85 feet width for corner lots. 2. A minimum depth of 80 feet. ,J;P/ 11"' 3 A minimum lot area of 7500 square feet, VP \A1. SECTION V: There is hereby established and created a new section, to be known and designated henceforth as Section IV-B to read as follows, to-wit: Section IV-B. In the SR•2, Suburban Residence No. 2 District, all (requirements and provisions applicable to R-2 District, as herein- above provided, shall likewise apply, EXCEPT that the building site area required shall be as follows: 1. Lot size--75 feet in width at building line; 85 feet in width for corner lots. 2. Minimum lot area of 10,000 feet. SECTION VI : Existing Paragraph 4 of Section VI reading as follows, to-wit : / "4. a. REAR YARD shall be not less than twenty feet. b. HEIGHT limited to one story only. c. SITE AREA not less than 4,000 square feet. d. CORNER LOTS should have at least fifty-five (55) per cent open spaces. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended Paragraph 4 of Section VI : 4. a. REAR YARD shall be not less than twenty feet. b. HEIGHT limited to one story only. c. SITE AREA not less than 5,000 square feet, d. CORNER LOTS shall have at least ( I=) nor rr,rf- • SECTION VII: Existing Paragraph C of Section VII, BUYILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED, reading as follows, to-wit: "C. BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED: At least 4 thousand (4000) square feet, sixty-five (65) percent of said area to be open and free from structures if on interior lots, fifty-five (55) percent of said area to be open and free from structures if on corner lots," BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended Paragraph C of Section VII : C. BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED: At least 5 thousand (5000) square feet, sixty-five (65) percent of said area to be open and free from:�structures if on interior lots, fifty-five (55) percent of said area to be open and free from structures if on corner lots. SECTION VIII : There is hereby established and created a new TABLE I, relating to height, area and yard requirements, Lot coverage, minimum room sizes, off-street parking, to supersede existing Table I of Ordinance No. 1472, said new TABLE I to read a follows: I , 3-A I - ' r • • I ry r • Y V . TABLE I HEIGHT, AREA, AND YARD REQUIREMENTS, LOT COVERAGE MINIMUM ROOM SIZES, OFF-STREET PARKING FOR: SR•l, SR-2, R-1, S•1, -R-2 and R.3 RESIDENCE DISTRICTS DISTRICT HEIGHTS NET LOT AREAS FRONT YARDS Maximum . :IPerinitted Least Depths "..,SR-1" 2 Stories or 35 ft; Minimum lot size 20 feet Suburban institutional build• 7,500 sq.ft. Residence ings • 3 stories or No.1 District 40 feet "SR-2 1 Story or 20 ft; Minimum lot sie 20 feet Suburban institutional build- 10,000 sq.ft. Residence ings - 3 stories or No. 2 District 40 feet "R-1" Single 2. stories or 35 ft; Minimum lot size 20 feet Residence institutional build. 5,000 sq. ft. District ings • 3 stories or 40 feet "S-1" 2 stories or 35 ft, Minimum lot size 20 feet Suburban institutional build* 40, 000 sq.ft, Residence ings • 3 stories or District 40 feet "R-2" 1 story or 20 ft; Minimum lot size 20 feet Residence institutional build. 50000 sq. ft. District ings • 3 stories or 1,250 sq. ft. per d.u. 40 feet of 2 bedrooms or more 850 sq.ft. per d.u. of 1 bedroom 600 sq.ft. per d.u. of 0 bedrooms "R-3" 3 stories or 40 ft. Minimum lot, size 20 feet - Residence institutional build. 5,000 sq.ft,. District ings • 3 stories or 2,000 sq.ft. per d.u. 40 feet Of 2 bedrooms or more 1,500 sq.ft. 'per d.u. of 1 bedroom 1,000 sq.ft. per d.u. of 0 bedroom d.u. means Dwelling Unit In all residence districts such unit, providing it is on a . there shall be at least one per.. lot or tract .owned by the unit manently maintained parking space owner. Such parking space need on the same lot or tract with each not be separately zoned. residence unit erected on the lot, or within one hundred (100) feet of * 4 - • • SIDE YARDS REAR LOT MINIMUM OFF STREET Least Widths YARDS COVERAGE ROOM SIZES PARKING Least LIMITS Depths Story Side Abutting Interior Corner Yard Street , Lots Lots Side Yards SR.1 1 to 5 ft. 10 ft. 25 feet 35% 35% Form No. 2 spaces 11 2278 July, 101 x 201 2 to 6 ft. 1952 F.H.A. each 21 Dwelling 3 8 ft. - Unit size regulations SR.2 1 to 5 ft. 10 ft. 25, feet 35% 35% Form No. 2 spaces 2278 July, 101 x 201 2.'.to g ft. 1952 F.H.A. each 21 Dwelling 3�_ 8 ft. Unit size regulations R,�1 1 to 5 ft. 10 feet 25 feet 35% 35% Form No. 2 spaces li 2278 July, 101 x 201 2 to 6 ft. 1952 F.H.A.. each 21 Dwelling 32— 8 ft. Unit size • • • Cont td.• TABLE''I° • • • SIDE YARDS REAR LOT MINIMUM OFF STREET Least Widths . YARDS COVERAGE ROOM SIZES PARKING Least LIMITS Depths Story Side Abutting Interior Corner Yard ' Street Lots Lots Side Yards • • S-1 1 to 5 ft. 10 feet 25 feet 35% 35% Same as Same as Above Above • 2 to 22 6 ft. • 3 8 ft. • • R-2 1 to 5 ft. 10 feet 20 feet o r 35� , 45� sam®�s I cati apace . 1 z Above •1011-442 0 1 2 to for each d.0 21 6 ft. 3 8 ft. • 1 5 ft. 10 feet 20 feet. 35%' 45% Same as Same as Above Above • • SECTION IX 'Th®re$,ls hereby established and created a' new . section, to be.;^known and designated as Section XII-A, to read as follows, to-wit: • • Section XII-A. All builAngs and/or uses of every type and j- 't description abutting or , fronting on aAStaeHighway within the City of Renton shall maintain a• twenty (20) foot set-back from their lot lines, provided that such twenty foot set-back need not be complied with in • cases where more than sixty (60) per cent of existing buildings within such block have maintained less than a twenty foot set-back; otherwise, the twenty (20) foot set-back shall be adhered to in all cases. SECTION X: Existing Paregraph 2 of Section XIII, reading as • follows, to-wit: . ' • • "SIDE YARD: Where any specified side yard is required, no building shall •be hereafter erected or altered so that any' portion thereof shall .be nearer to the side lot line than the distance indicated. by the width of the required side yard. -5 • - • EXCEPTIONS: Eaves and cornices may extend over the required • side yard for a distance of not more than two (2) feet. Accessory buildings when erected so that the entire building is within a distance of thirty (30) feet from the rear lot line, may also occupy the side yard of an inside lot line. Fences not over forty-two (42) inches may . occupy a side yard 70 feet from front, property line, then raise to 6 feet to depth of property. or rear lot line. BE AND THE SAME IS. HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended Atregraph 2 of: Section XIII. "SIDE YARD: Where any specified side yard is required, no building shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be hearer to the side lot line than the distance ' indicated by the width of the required side yard. EXCEPTIONS: Eaves and cornices may. extend over the required side yard for a distance 'of not more than two (2) feet. Accessory . buildings when erected so that the entire building is within a distance of thirty (30) feet from the rear lot line, may also occupy the side yard of an inside lot line. Fences and hedges not over forty-eight (48) inches in height, measured from the ground ' on which the fence or hedge stands, may be built along or within a front and/or side yard to a depth of seventy (70) feet from the front ' property line; thereafter such fence may be raised to a height of seventy-two (72) inches for the remaining distance to the rear property line. Fences and hedges over thirty-six (36) ' inches in height along or within a front and/or side yard of corner lots must have the prior written approval of the Building Department. Fences or hedges which deprive' adjacent properties of a natural view of the landscape which is a contributing factor in the value of the land are prohibited. SECTION XI: Existing Paragraph 2 of gection XIV, reading as follows, to-wit: "There shall be established and maintained a permanent off-street parking area upon site of residential property or in. case of commercial and manufacturing property within one thousand (1000) feet of the front entrance thereof. The capacity of such parking area shall be as follows, for the following uses: ' One parking space shall equal at least an area of eight' (8) by twenty (20) feet." . s •,8, • BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended Paragraph 2 of Section XIV. There shall be established and maintained a permanent orf-street parking area upon site of residential property :or in, c 'se of commercial and' manufacturing property within one thousand (1000) fQet of the front entrance thereof. . Such off-street parking area, exge'pt on residential property, to be zoned as B-P (Business-Parking) and !same shall be graded and surfaced to a standard comparable to the street which serves the parking 'area as determined by the pity 'Engineer. If the required $-P zoning' ceases to exist in connection with the use for- which it was granted, and no equivalent B-P zoning is provided i eonnection with such use, the occupancy and use of the building ors 'structure 'becomes illegal and the occupancy permit is void. The capacity of such pwking area shall be as follows for the follAwing uses:.,'. One parking space shall, equal at )least an ._area of eight (8) by twenty (20) feet. SECTION XII : Section bXV, . entitled "Extension of Non-Conforming Uses" reading as follows; "tq-wit: "Any use not excluded from the H-1, Industrial District, which is a non-conforming use ,'in any district in the city may be con- tinued by reconstruction '+,'or alteration, upon any tract of land held under the, ownership land partially occupied by' said use at the time of the.' passage o ' this ordinance, provided, however, that in case q ' reconstrution the yard 'provieion's' of the district within which the use'' may be located shall be complied with. In case of destruction by• fire or other cause reconstruction may be permitted if said reconstruction is made within one year from time of dest'ructidn and provided, -' however, that, the yard provisions of the! district within which', the uee was located shall be complied with.'!, • BE AND THE SAkE IS HEREBY REPEALED. , ! r SECTION XIII : There is 1iereby established a new Section XV to be entitled "AIRPQRT ZONING"!, reading as f o1].ows t ZONES: 1. In order :to, regulate\\, the use of property in the vicinity of the Airport, all of the land within two (2) miles south and one (1) mile east and west 'of or that dart.. of the area that is within the i city limits of the,` City of ''l entbn, Washington, whichever is nearest the boundaries ofil the Airport, /is, hereby divided into Airport l�, -7- • • approach, transition and turning zones, the boundaries thereof are shown on the Renton Airport Approach Planed Numbered No. 1, dated March 1st , 1956, which Approach Plan is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. HEIGHT LIMITS. Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, no structure or tree shall be erected, altered, allowed to grow or Airport maintained in any/approach zone or Airport turning zone to a height in excess of the height limit herein established for such zone. For purposes of this regulation, the following height limits are hereby established for each of the zones in question: a. Approach zones (shaded darired on plan) : Height limit to be one foot in height for each 40 feet lateral separation from the Renton Airport boundary. b. Approach transition zone ( shaded light red on plan) : Height limit to be one foot in height for each 7 feet of lateral separation from the Renton Airport boundary. c. Airport turning zone : Any object over 150 feet in height is an obstruction. 3. USE RESTRICTIONS: Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, no use may be made of land within any airport approach zone or airport turning zone in such a manner as to create electrical interference with radio communication between the airport and aircraft, make it difficult for fliers to distinguish between airport lights and others, result in glare in the eyes of fliers using the Airport, impair visibility in the vicinity thereof, or otherwise endanger the landing, taking-off, or manuevering of aircraft. 4. HAZARD MARKING AND LIGHTING. Any permit or variance granted as provided in this ordinance and affecting the Airport approach, transition or turning zone, shall be so conditioned as to require the owner of the structure or tree in question to permit the City, at its expense, to install, operate, and maintain thereon such markers and lights as may be necessary to give adequate notice to aircraft of the presence of such airport hazard. I -8- • SECTION XIV: Existing Paragraph 4 of Section! XVIII entitled "ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT, INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION", reading as follows, to-wit: "4. The Planning Commission may approve the granting of temporary and conditional permits for structures and uses that do not con- form with the regulations herein prescribed for not more than two year periods, upon such terms and conditions as the Commission may prescribe. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY REPEALED. Existing Paragraph 5 of Section XVIII entitled "ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT, INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION", reading as follows, to-wit: "5. In specific cases the Planning Commission by specific regulations may authorize the permit for a variation of the application of the use district regulations herein established, in harmony with their general purpose and intent, by granting a permit for a temporary building or land use! for commerce and/or industry in an undeveloped residence district,' which is incidental to the residential development and such permit to be issued for a. period of not more than one year . " BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended Paragraph 5 of Section XVIII , In specific cases the Planning Commission may, by specific determination, authorize a variance from the strict application of any of the requirements of this ordinance, including but not limited to cases of exceptionally irregular, narrow, shallow, or steep lots, or other exceptional physical conditions wherein such strict application would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship that would deprive the owner of the reasonable use of the land or building involved. The granting of any variance shall be subject to the approval of the City Council; and the Planning Commissionior the City Council may prescribe any conditions upon the variance deemed to be necessary or desirable . However, no variance from the strict application of any provision of this ordinance shall be granted by the Planning Commission or by the City Council unless it finds : a. That there are' special circumstances or conditions fully described in its findings applying to the land or building for which a variance is sought, which circumstances or conditions are peculiar to such land or buildings and do not apply generally to land or buildings in the neighborhood, and that such circumstances or conditions are such that the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance would -9- "t f! • • ' 1. �'�i'I,.` • deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of such land or building. b. That, for reasons fully set forth in the findings, the granting of the variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land or building and that the variance as de- termiriedl by the Planning Commission is a minimum variance that, wi11 accomplish this purpose. c. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or other- wise detrimental to the public welfare. In addition to considering the character and use of adjoining buildings and those in the vicinity, the Planning Commission in determining its findings shall take into account the number of persons residing or working in such buildings or upon such land and traffic conditions in the vicinity. SECTION XV: Existing Paragraph 6 of Section XVIII , reading as follows: "The Council may, in specific cases where the topography of the premises or the location of buildings existing prior to the passage of this ordinance makes compliance with the provisions governing the location of private garages im- possible, grant a special permit for a private garage to be located nearer to the street line than' the main structure, but in any case where such location is-within a required front or side yard, the highest point of a building so located shall not be more than thirty (30) inches above the average level of the ground on the side farthest from the street line." BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended Paragraph 6 of Section XVIII . The Building Depart- ment may, in specific cases where the topography of the premises or the location of buildings existing prior to the passageF of this ordinance makes compliance with the provisions governing the location of private garages impassible, grant a special permit for a private garage to be located nearer to the street line than the main structure, but in any case where such location is within a required front or side yard, the highest point of a building so located shall not be more than thirty -10- • • r r • (30) inches above the average level of the ground on the side farthest from the street line. Likewise, the Building Department may, upon proper application, . grant a special permit for the location of a garage on the low side of the street, nearer to the street line than the main building. SECTION XVI: Existing Paragraph 3 of Section XXII, reading as follows, to-wit : "3. A petition for a change of zone classification or district boundary lines shall be .made by the property owner on a form provided by and filed with the Building Inspector. Said petition shall be accompanied by ai 'certified or cashier's check made payable to the City Treasurer to the sum of ten ($10.00) Dollars, non-refundable, to cover costs incurred in connection with posting of the premises and mailing of notices to property owners affected. A hearing, after posting proper notices thereof, shall thereupon be held on said petition. Petitions for change of zone shall be accompanied by a plat in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the tract to be changed, the size, the use and location of existing buildings and buildings to be erected, and such other information as may be necessary. If change of zone classification is granted by ordinance, such change will remain effective only for six months, unless change of use granted is begun within that time. If not in use within said time the ordinance shall be null and void, and the original use shall become effective therewith." BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended Paragraph 3 of Section XXII . A petition for a change in use district boundaries or reclassification of property shall be made by the property owner on a form provided by and filed with the Building Inspector. Said petition shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier 's check made payable to the City Treasurer in the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) , non-r®fundable, to cover costs in connection with proceedings upon such petition. The petition shall be submitted by the Building Inspector to the City of Renton Planning Commission which shall make investigation of the matters involved in the petition. The Commission shall then call a public hearing to hear the public and interested parties on the at least ten days proposal, and three notices,Kprior to any such hearing, shall be posted within or about the area proposed to be reTzoned or re- classified. Following the hearing and after consideration of the -11- • • • • • facts of the proposal, and all other pertinent matters, the Commission shall within thirty (30) days make a recommendation to the City Council. If the Commission after thorough study of the proposal and the' petition determines- that the re-classification of the property or the change in use district boundaries is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of any substantial property rights of the petitioner and not materially detrimental to the public welfare or the property of other persons located ' in the vicinity, and not out of harmony with the purposes and effect of the overall plan of the established zone classification and use district boundaries, the Commission may recommend that ' the Council approve the re-classification of the property. a. If the ' Commission, following a public hearing, makes no decision on the petition or sends no recommendation to the Council within thirty (30) days, this may be 'taken as a disapproval of the petition and the owner may thereupon appeal as set forth i!n Paragraph XIX. If the Commission recommends disapp'roval of the petition, that decision shall be final unless the , owner files Notice of Appeal to the City Council as specified in Section XIX, Upon receiving Notice of. Appeal the Council shall set a date) for hearing of the subject and shall notify the parties it deems most at least ten days • concerned. Three notices, /prior to' any such hearing, shall be posted within or about the1 area proposed to be re-zoned or re-classified. Following this hearing . the Council may follow the recommendation of the Commission or refer the subject to the Commission for their reconsideration and subsequent report to the Council, upon receipt of which the Council shall take final action, granting or denying re-classification, within thirty (30) days thereafter. • -12- •• b. All petitions for a. change of use district boundaries shall be accompanied by a plat in dupliicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the tract to be changed, the size, the use and location of existing I • buildings and buildings to be erected, and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Building Inspector. c. Any ordinance granting and providing such change in use district boundaries or re-classification of property, after petition thereof by the property owner or owners, as hereinabove provided, shall remain effective for a period of one year unless the property owner for any one of the property owners /originally petitioning, as the case r may be, have commenced a change of use during that period. If no change of use has'' been c onsummated within that time , the ordinance granting ;such change in use district boundaries or re-classification shall be null and void, in which case the use and classification in existence prior to the filing of said petition shall become effective again as to such property. d. A petition for a change in use district boundaries or re- classification of property cannot be rye- submitted to the Building Inspector, Planning Commission, or the City Council ,•for'•a period of six months from the date of disapproval of such petition. SECTION XVII: xisting Section XXIII entitled "COMPLETION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTNG BUILDINGS" reading as follows: ' I "Nothing herein (contained shall require any change in the plans; construction, designated or intended use of a building, for which a building permit- has heretofore been issued, or plans for which; are now on file with the building inspector, and a permit for the erection of which is issued within one (1) month after the adoption of this ordinance, and the construction of, which in either case shall have begun and been diligently' prosecuted within one (1) month after the adoption' of this ordinance, and whichbuil'ding shall be entirely`• completed according to such plans, as filed within one year from the adoption of this ordinance. Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent) the restoration of a building within a period of one year from the date of r rr its destruction, which has been partly destroyed by fire or other cause, subsequent to the passage of this ordinance, or prevent the continuance of the use of such buildings, as part of such restoration. The lawful use of the land existing at the time of the passing of this ordinance , although such use does not con- form to the provisions of this ordinance, may be continued; but if such nonconforming use is discontinued for a period of one year or more, any further use of those lands and premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance." BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended Section XXIII ; 1 . Pending Permits Valid. Nothing herein contained shall require any change in the plans, construction, designated or intended use of a building, for which a building permit has heretofore been issued, or plans for which are now on file with the Building Inspector, a permit for the erection of which is issued within one (1) month after the adoption of this ordinance, and the construction of which in either case i a. Shall have begun and been diligently Hprosecuted within one (1 ) month from the adoption of this ordinance, and b. Be entirely completed according to such plans as filed within one year from the adoption of this ordinance. 2. Non-Conforming Uses. The lawful use of any building, structure or land existing at the time of the enactment of this ordinance may be continued,- although such use does not conform with the provisions of this ordinance, provided the following conditions are met: a. Unsafe Structures: Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent the strengthening or restoring ID a safe condition of any portion of a building or structure declared unsafe by a proper authority. b. Alterations: A non-conforming building or structure may be altered, improved or reconstructed in compliance with the requirements of the City of ;Renton Building Code provided such work is not to an extent exceeding an aggregate cost of fifty (50) per cent of the value -14- of the building or structure, unless the building or structure is changed to a conforming use. c. Extension: A non-conforming use shall not be extended, but the extension of a lawful use to any portion of a non-conforming building or structure which existed prior to the enactment of this ordinance shall not be deemed the extension of such non-conforming use. d. Changes : No non-conforming building!, structure or use shall be changed to another non-conforming use. e. R.eetoration: Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent the reconstruction, repairing, rebuilding and continued use of any' non-conforming building or structure damaged by fire, collapse, explosion, or act of God, subsequent to the date of this ordinance, wherein the expense of such work does not exceed fifty (50) per cent of the value of the building or structure at the time such damage occurred; otherwise any restoration or re- construction shall conform to the regulations and uses specified in this ordinance. f. Abandonment: A non-conforming use (of a building or premises ) which has been abandoned shall not thereafter be resumed. A non-conforming use shall be considered abandoned: (1) When the intent of the owner to discontinue the use is apparent, and discontinuance for a pp , period of one (1 ) year or more shall be prima-facie evidence that the non-conforming use has been abandoned, or (2) ' When it has been replaced by a conforming use, or (3) When it has been changed to another use under permit from the City of Renton or its authorized representative. ' -15- i • • • • • SECTION XVIII : This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th dray of April, 1956. ./%Z/ Fl y W. Shari, ity Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of April , 1956. it Joe R . Baxter, Ma or A oved as to form z..t.t., /A( Tit/(eg5/ erard M. Shellan Assistant City Attorney Date of publication: April 26, 1956 •) W16- l:Y.+'�1. Orej /6 3 i372- 'may/`gi b, _alei -asa AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 7:ENTITLED "ZONING" OF TITLE IV (BUILDING.EEGULA.. TIONS) OF THE "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The last sentence of sub-paragraph (5) (g) of Section 4.706..= R-1 » RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY reading as follows: "Single car garages are allowed within three (3) feet of side property lines by written consent of adjoining property owners." BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: The last sentence of subparagraph (5)(g) of.Section .4»706: R»1 RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY as amended: Single car garages may be allowed on lots of 50 feet or less in width within three (3) feet of side property lines by written consent of the adjoining property owners. SECTION II: There is hereby established a new sub.rparagraph to para- graph (4) of :Section.4.708, :.R»2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT, to read as follows:: Sub..paragraph .(e) of paragraph (4) of Section 4-708, ;R.-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT to read as follows: (e) Single car garages may be allowed on lots 50 feet or less in width within three (3) feet of side property lines by written consent of adjoining property owners. ' SECTION III: Sub-paragraph. (f) of 'Section 4.709 - R-3 RESIDENCE DISTRICT, reading as follows: "(f) Single car garages 'are allowed within three (3) feet of side property lines by written consent of adjoining property owners." BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY DELETED AND REPEALED. SECTION IV: There is hereby established a new paragraph immediately succeeding paragraph .(g) in Section 4.709 to be hereafter known as Section 4-709 B as follows: SECTION 4.709 B»»R.4,APARTMENT HOUSES AND 4ULTIPL;E DWELLINGS: In the R»4 District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise' provided in this Code, except for one or more of ;the following or similar uses: »1» • (a) (1) Any use as permitted in Section 4•-709 (a), (2) and (3). (2) For high density •apartments and other multiple unit housing. (b) Building•Height Limit: Not to exceed six (6) stories in height or 95 feet, whichever is less. (c) Building ,Site Area Required: At least five thousand (5,000) square feet, fifty..five (55) per cent of said area to be open and free from structures if on interior lots, fifty (50) per cent of said area to be open and free from struc.• tures if on corner lots. (d) Net Lot Area: Minimum lot size is five thousand :(5,000) square feet; 600 square feet per dwelling unit. of 0 bedroom units, 800 square feet per dwelling unit of 1 bedroom units, and 1000 square feet per dwelling unit of 2 bedrooms or more. (e) Front and Side Yard Required: There shall be a 'front yard having a minimum depth of ten (10) feet; there shall be a side yard of not less than five (5) feet in width on each side of a one story building, six (6) feet in case of a two story building, eight (8) feet in case of a three story building, and ten (10) feet in case of a building of four stories or more. In case the side yard abutts on a public street, the side yard required shall be not less than ten (10) feet. (f) Rear Yard Required: There shall be a rear yard having a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet up to and including 'a three story building; thereafter the rear yard shall be increased by two (2) feet for each story above a three story building. (g) Minimum Roam Sizes: Minimum room sizes shall be as determined by Form No. 2278 of the Federal Housing Administration issued July, 1952, or any amendments thereto. (h) Off-Street Parking: There shall be off-street parking provided at the rate of one car space, ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet in dimensions, for each dwelling unit in the building. • SECTION V: The aforespecified height, area, yard and other require.. ments as contained in Section 4-709 B, Paragraphs (b) through (h) hereinabove, are hereby included in that' certainrTABLE I as set forth in Paragraph (h) of Section 4.709, and the same is hereby amended accordingly. SECTION VI: Existing sub*.+paragraph (1) of :Section 4-711, BM1 BUSINESS DISTRICT, reading as follows: 1,(1) Any use permitted in R-2 and R»3.N BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Amended •sub..paragraph. (1) of :Section 4»711, B-1BUSINESS DISTRICT: (1) Any use permitted in R-3 'and »4. SECTION VII: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this %7 day of , l958'.. Elton Z.. Alexander,_,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this / - 'day of .1 , 1958� 1 Joe R. Baxter, :May r APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. .Shellan, City Attorney IA z "3" Prr&Id Ed ORDINANCE NO. 1948 AN ORDINANCE OF THE.CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AMENDING SECTION 4G 7-11 OF TITLE• IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON". 1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Existing Sub-Section (1) of Section 4-7-11 of Title IV (Building Regulations) • 1 of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "CODE OF GENERAL 7DINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTO reading as follows: 1 SUB-SECTION I OF SECTION 4-7-11 B=1 BUILDING DISTRICT: In the Bul Business District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered unless other- wise provided in this Chapter, except for one or more of the following or similar uses: (1) Any use permitted in R=3 and R-4. BE AND THE SAME IS BEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SUB-SECTION I OF SECTION 4-7-11 AS AMENDED B-1 BUILDING DISTRICT: In the B-1 Business District, no building, structure or premises shall be used or hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided for in this Chapter, except for one .or more of the following or similar uses: (1) Any use permitted in Residence District (R-3) and Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings District (R-4) (but excluding any residential fartilly dwelling uses specified i in a Residential 1 and Residential 2 District); but any such use herein permitted in a R-3 and R-4 District shall be subject to all limitations and restrictions, including height and set-back . requirements as are applicable to a Business District (B-1). 1 SECTION II: All other terms 'and provisions of Section 4-7-11, unless otherwise expressly provided hereinabove, shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 9th day of April, 1 1962. /s/ ;Helmie Nelson Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of April, 19162. /s/ FLank Aliment Frank Aliment, Mayor . APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 /s/ Gerard M. Shellan, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date Of Publication e April 19, 1962 y .W ,,t r ::' t� r f4t `t-, � ' r �,7f�.s �2.1 'r` . � � � . i[`1'. • �,• �7:4 .�{A .3�<:N.. i...,,. ,.s�-., �s ''`.�:c.e'r.t'+ ,.i•?d .a:;`; • ,4 ,f1'`.` .F}..;A` !—:: '":0,-,. 1, t;A,r,. '.bs'i'J• r rw:a.:I ,'. 'j. • .!: 'P� :A���ry{{�FyFy t: c J t r:�'� C a '.ti r,.C' • r �,ti 'i.I '�,11 r .. • .1.,. .ry i•Ii '' i. ',••';:+�52., y.' J i • .hd::'. • , � .. :-��t%: r,�:r .�• , ;a{;,c�S��.+4{rr.[�['{'.t.a�. ,i, ,16,:, r '.;~�•`:�,`:':{,.. a- �.3 : :i`� ,<•a+ Repealed by Ordinance • ,, '1=-i No. .3599 ORDINANCE NO. 1/214.4, . AN ORDINANCE OF;'THE'CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON . ' AMENDING:CHAPTERA.'(ZONING) OF TITLE IV (BUILDING • REGULATIONS) •OF ORDINANCE NO.. 1628, KNOWN AS THE OFFICIAL';;CODE OF. GENERAL 'ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ' RENTON,'°AND' ESTABLISHING A NEW GENERAL CLASSIFICATION ' : ZONE FOR;1ALL PREVIOUSLY.'.ANNEXED AREAS 'OR' HEREAFTER +'..i, ANNEXED,AREAS'NOT,1ZONED BY ;CITYOF RENTON ORDINANCE. . ! BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR"AND' THE,.CITY:COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: r, • SECTION I: There-As' hereby established'and•fixed:a new section, , hereafter known as Section 4-729'of Chapterr7 entitled (Zoning) of Title IV •'' (Building Regulations) of:OrdinanCa No. .1628, Code of Gene al Ordinances of the City of Renton, whi "ch'Section '4-729 shall read as follows: Section 4-729. 'GENERAt'`CLASSIFICATION DISTRICT "G" A. .Purpose of Classification: . ,The' purposeland object of this ' classification is to':regulate the'use,of land and generally '. . undeveloped .areas or',�in areas' not other'iise zoned following ' annexation thereof to the. City of Renton so as to prevent the uncontrolled and scattered intrusion of business, industrial ' . and similar uses which would be _in conflict or incompatible • with existing or'planned future land uses, and which would • constitute .non-conforming intrusions into areas best suited for ' • protected residential uses. The standards and requirements set', forth 'in this�.section are considered to be the minimum necessary'.:" to accomplish this purpose. • 1 B. Those areas`:iheretofore or .herea'fter annexed to the City of ,, Renton for•which' no''zonirig classification has been fixed or ' determined.bity' Ordinances 'shall be zoned "G", General Classification District,' 'subject to the existing status, uses, rights and limitations established and existing in such areas . respectivelyat. the.itime of such annexation. • ' C. Permitted Uses. In a '!'G" District the following uses only are . ' permitted: ' . • .a. Any use permitted;in "R-1", 'R-2", "'SR-1"Aand "S-1" - 1 • • .!p� l;E:,f':- :n,' >>:. 'I; .r$.;1 fie,, ' .'•1, ' ;Tt[ ,.Y1.ty�Y'.'t`=-'� ,". ':)i 1 ,f • .:J' .M1' .1�: .kf1.J':'`3". .},r' Yi:, '.V.••w j1L. .'I, .'L' • JS.(. � 1• i.. 1. �jf4 .�'M1 d i i i' n•1. 4•;y' ,'n• a. t .f. r Lti •=•1 r� 'i ^Y l �" as 1 i rd' 'Y '4i .SF ) �, - ..{� csf. �, '• - o Give."'��i^;p �i'' f (' •,1•'��' . J..1:1'C.bS... 1T' :t'• .t y� :a'' UseDistricts,,:.subject however to all requirements, restrictions.:and limitations applicable to the res- pective .uses in:such Districts as set forth in this Chapter,. .e'xcept.;that.apartments, hotels and offices • • shall..not';be`'allowed by special permit in a "G" classification District: D. ,hot. area ` ,In ,a, "G"' District •the following lot area requirements ` 'shall a 1 `,.. , PP Y:;'.. • ,, , • :i '' "R-1" • a. For'.uses permitted in/"R-2", SR-1", SR-2" and "S-1" Districts the minimum,_required' lot area shall be 35;000 square feet:except as hereinafter provided. b. F6 permitted in uses "R-1", "SR-1"'and "S-1" Districts the area requirements' shall conform to the King County Use District map designations curre tly. applicable in the"'respective:;:areas;on the date of their annexation; said'map designations'as hereafter amended being here- ' by.•,;incorporated {by.' this reference tlg'eto as a part, of • this Chapter;,•;and a copy of said map evidencing the . annexed areas is 'attached hereto labelled "Exhibit A" and. made 'a,'part, hereof; said County map requirements''; now in.effect being identified as follows: • R-6 : 6,000 sq. ft. minimum required area per single' family nr-e R-S 7,200 or R-7.2. ••.'7,200 sq. ft. min. required a ea " " " :' " R-8.4 , .'8,400 tM ' :, " II " 'i ii ii It is R-S 9,600 or R-9.6 9,600 " ,." '" nil 1 '' II II II - R-12 . 12,000 FF " • " '' " n '' II ' II R-S 15,000 or R-15 15,000 ;," " • " Fi it II n IF '" l) ;, : • S-1 '35;000 I,;''"'I'' '. "' IIII ' II " it ' ie ,,,r`,. ,.A-1 ..35,000 .. ",•• ' 1 , it . " 11 • it II II 11 E. Height: In.`=,a ;"G" •District every lot shall conform to the require- ments for thetuse,as set forth in Table 1, as amended, of this Chapter. -. • ' F. Front Yard, 'Rear Yard, Side Yard and Open Spaces regulations and requirements shall..`be the, same ;as for R-1 Residence Single Family District as"'set''forth iri. Table,1, as amended, of this Chapter'. • • G. MiriimUm Ro&taq.Sizes :for• each use district shall be as determined • by Form No. :2278'of•'the F.H.A'.`.issued July 1952 or any amendments , thereto. ' • - 2 . IJ' H. Off-Street Parking: Off-street parking shall beII providedfor each use as set forth in Table 1, as amended, of this' Chapter. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ,7 zi day of Febru y, 1961. RN H. MORRIS, Citfy Clerk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this Y day of February, 1961. FRANK ALIME , Mayor • AP/ROVED AS TO FO AGE RD M. HE City Atto ney Published 2-7-1961 Error in publication - Republished 2-14,-1961 - 3 - A LfYialed Zy Ceo c. ORDINANCE No. ,2 3 72 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SEC- - TIONS 4-708 and 4-709 B OF TITLE IV (BUILDING RGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE No. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" RELATING TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-2). BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FO LLDWS: Section I: Existing sub-sections 4-708 (2) and 4-708 (4)(b) of Title IV (Build- ing Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628, are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4-708 (2) , as amended: Duplex family dwellings and residences not to exceed two stories or 25 feet, whichever is. less. Section 4-708 (4)(b) , as amended: Height is limited to a maximum of two stories or 25 feet, whichever is less. Section II: Existing section 4-709 B (i) is hereby amended to read as follows, relating to the maximum height permitted in Residential District (R-2) of Table I, to- wit: Section 4-709 B (i) , as amended, The following table is established and- -- . - created, relating to height, area and yard requirements, lot coverage, minimum rooms sizes and off-street parking: TABLE I The maximum height permitted as to "R-2" (Residence District, as contained in Table R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT : I of said section .s hereby fixed and es- tablished at two stories or 25 feet, which- ever is less; institutional buildings at three stories or 40 feet, whichever is less. Section III All other terms and provisions of said Chapter '7 (Zoning) of Title I IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", unless expressly modified hereinabove, shall remain in full force and effect. Section IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this // day of• Deeember, 1967 /s/ Helmie Nelson Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this // day of December, 1967 /s/ Donald W. Custer Approved as to form: Donald W. Custer, Mayor` /s/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION DEC 14 1967 • +++ ORDINANCE Na. �S"CS"� 4,1,„461+-6/2"X30 ,I '- 365-D u ,t OAL 34.3G AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-706 , 4-711", 4'-'716 , 4-730 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) . .OF ORD.INANCEI NO. 1.628 ENTITLED. "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF: THE CITY OF RENTON" RELATING TO SIGNS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: I SECTION I : Existing Sections 4-706 (5) (a) and (b) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No.. 1628 entitled "C;ode of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" be and the :same are. .he'reby amended to 1 read as follows: .4-706 (5) Accessory .bui.ldin.gs. .such as are .ordinarily appurtenant to single family dwellings shallbe permitted. Detached single car garages. are allowed withlni three (3) feet .of side .property lines by written .consent] of adjoining property owners. (a) The office. f. a physician, dentist, i .o attorney, accountant, Or other simi'lar' professional person, when located in his or her dwelling, also a home occupation not involving any machinery or motor in excess of one (1) .horsepower, .engaged in by. individuals withrin their own dwellings., are .permitted provided' that .no .window display is made. or. signs shown other .than one in compli- ance with' the provisions of the' "Renton Sign Code" , also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Reguilations) of Ordinance No.. 1628 . (b) Signs are permitted only. .as specifically pro- vided for in the "Renton. Sign' Code"., also. known as Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Regulations) br Ordi- nance No . 1628 . SECTION II : Existing. Section 4-711. . (20) . of Title IV (Build- ing Regulations) of. Ordinance No. . 1628. .entitled. "Code ofi General Ordi- nances of the City of Renton" be and the .same. is hereby .'amended to read as follows : • .4-711 (20) .Signs ar.e. .permitted ..only as specifically provided in the ."Renton• Sign. Code" , also known' as Chapter ' 19 of Title IV (Building' Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 . SECTION III : Existing Section..4-716. .of. .Title. ;IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" be and the .same is hereby .amended to read as follows: • • COPY CiFa/ /6% (,f,,/ dog 3,138 /472- ORDINANCE NO.Q.S,Z �- 1683 of 3 17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGU- LATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" RELATING TO MOBILE HOME PARKS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNTIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Existing Section 4-708 (3) of Title IV (Building Regu- lations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4-708 (3) as amended: (3) Apartments, hotels, professional offices, and mobile home parks may be allowed by special permit upon approval by the Planning Commission, after public hearing thereon and the acceptance of the design and an examination of the location with a finding by the Commission that such proposed use is in compliance with all provisions, regulations and standards and will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and sur- rounding properties and the enjoyment thereof. SECTION II. Existing Section 4-709A (a) (3) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordi- nances of the City of Renton" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4-709A (a) (3) as amended: (3) Apartments, boarding houses, lodging houses, duplex and multiple unit dwellings. Professional offices, clinics and mobile home parks may be allowed by special permit if approved by the Planning Commission after public hearing thereon, the acceptance of the design, and an + -2- examination of the location with a finding by the Commission that such proposed uses will not be detri- mental to adjacent and surrounding properties and the i enjoyment thereof. ' SECTION III. Existing Section 4-711 of Title IV (Building Regula- tions) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" be and the same is hereby amended to include the following: Section 4-711 (21) as amended : (21) Mobile home parks as provided in Section 4-714 of this Ordinance may be allowed by special permit if approved by the Planning Commission after public hearing thereon, the acceptance of tie design, and an examination of the location with a finding by the Commission that such proposed use will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof . SECTION IV. Existing Section 4-712 of Title IV (Building Regula- tions) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4-712 (a) (1) as amended: (a) Use Permitted: (1) Any use permitted in B-1 Districts except item (21) , Mobile Home Parks . SECTION V. Existing Section 4-714 of Title IV (Building Regula- tions of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4-714 as amended: "T" Trailer Parks: A zone designated solely for mobile home parks. Such zones may be allowed in low, medium and high Y ,, + -3- density multi-family residential and commerci.l areas as designated on the City ' s Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Devel- opment plans shall comply with City ordinance requirements and shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission after public hearing thereon and the acceptance of the design and an examination of the location with a fin ing by the Com- mission that such proposed use is in complian e with all pro, visions of mobile home park regulations and standards and will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof. SECTION VI: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS/SAY OF OV-4-1A-4,,I.,//, 190 . Wix-Ze.)21A2(.14 I Helmie Nelson, Cit)i Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS.tV3AY OF `y-4j , 19.) fir' . 17 Audej,"4„.. Approved as to form: , 73'w f A e i 41'°X I Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of publication: SEC 31969 ORDINANCE NO. ,021j e V AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-706 , 4-710 OF TITLE Iy (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : Existing Section 4-706 (3) (R-1 Residence Single Family) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City ofRenton' is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 4-706 (3) as amended: (3) Quasi public institutions , churches , ; non-commercial playgrounds and golf courses , non-public schools and colleges , upon approval by the Planning Commission of the use , plans , design and determination that the development is not detrimental to the adjacent surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof. SECTION II : Existing Section 4-706 (4) (R-1 Residence Single Family) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City ofIRenton" is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 4-706 (4) as amended: (4) Government owned structures and uses shall be governed by the provisions of Section 4-710 . . 1 • -2— SECTION III Existing Section 4-710 P=1 Public District of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 'No. 1628 entitled "Code of 'General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby • amended to read as follows: • • Section 4-710 P-1 Public District, as ',amended: 1. Permitted Uses: In the P-1 Public District, no structure, building or premises shall .be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered, unless otherwise provided in this Chapter, except for one or more of the following or similar uses: A. Governmental buildings and uses; i.e. , Federal, • State, County, Municipal or other governmental or • quasi-governmental institutions. • B. Hospitals and sanatoriums; clinics, public and private, except those for inebriate's, insane or • mental diseases which shall be subject to .regula- • tions of the Health Department. . C. Institutions for educational, philanthropic or eleemosynary uses. • D. Libraries, art galleries and museums. E. Parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, and like recreational uses. F. Private clubs, fraternities and lodges. • G. Professional service offices, such as for • doctors, dentists. H. Residential hotels. I. Schools, private and public., ' 2. Intent and Accessory Uses Permitted. This area is ' reserved for public and quasi-public uses. All display of merchandise or products, all advertising devices and any manufacturing is prohibited. Buildings requiring . services such as foci' i drugs, cigars, etc. , usually incidental to a public building, office building or . . • . • • -3-, hotel, may contain same within the interior thereof. Entrances from street must not display advertising on same. Street deliveries are prohibited except during certain designated hours, or building shall be so designed as to facilitate unloading fuel and merchan- dise from vehicle placed in alley, driveway or loading area on private property. 3. Review of Non-Municipal Improvements. All structures, except as hereinbelow specified, contemplated for this District must first have plans, general specifications and uses approved by the Planning Commission and said documents are to be filed simultaneously with the appli- . cation. The Planning Commission is charged with the responsibility of ascertaining and determining that the general design and development conform! with the adjacent surroundings; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the requirements specified in this subparagraph shall not apply to structures owned or built by the Federal, State or County government, school districts, and like govern- mental units, in which cases such structures shall comply only with applicable building codes and be subject to • the minimum standards for streets, alleys, front, side and back yard setbacks, and matters of ingress and egress as they pertain to public streets and thorough- fares adjoining such premises. • 4. Review of Municipal Improvements . In case of any wuiicipal development including but not limiting it to parks , playgrounds and recreational areas which contain building structures , initiated or undertaken by the City Park Board , Airport Board, or any other municipal department , board or commission, then copies of such plans , general specifications and uses shall be submitted to the Planning Commission, Planning Depart- ment, City and Traffic Engineers , and the Building Department for their respective recommendations and • .. ''. • • -4- • • • • advices. Such submission shall be made at least sixty (60) • days prior to the commencement of any con:,tr .:tion. • 5. . Setback and Height Limitations. Structures shall meet the following requirements: . A. Front Yard. There shall be a , minimum front yard • • • of twenty (20) feet. Any yard abutting a public right- • of-way shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. • • B. Side Yard. The side yards shall be a minimum of •• five (5) feet. • • C. Rear Yard. The rear yard shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet except that if the property is contiguous to a zone with a more restrictive rear yard require- ment, the minimum rear yard requirement shall be the same as the more restrictive zone.! D. Height. The height limit shall be no more than four (4) stories with a forty ('40) foot limitation, <` `; excluding the necessary elevator penthouse ( • -- LP) ) ttiOA • SECTIONIV: Any and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. • SECTION V. : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this/?fAjday of ! , l9 /://// • Helmie Nelson, City Clerk • • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this/ 7this/N day of , ,,�,1i , 197 Avery Garrett, Mayor . • APP t ED AS TO FO ri: � 7 /97/ • f •.„', �;.�l Date of Publication Ge and •M. %City Attorney • • ORDINANCE NO. 069.e) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-716 (a) , 4-722 AND 41J731 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" RELATING TO ZONING MATTERS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : Existing Section 4-716 (a) (Primary State Highway Restrictions ) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 4-716 (a) , as amended: (a) All buildings , structures and/or uses of every type, • and description abutting or fronting on a Primary • State Highway within the City shall maintain a twenty (20 ) foot setback from their lot lines ; except that signs may be allowed by revocable permit within the setback along the following streets : (1) S. 2nd Street from Rainier Ave. S. to Bronson - Way S . (2) S. 3rd Street from Rainier Ave. S. to Houser Way S. (3 ) Houser Way S. from Main Ave. S . to Mill Ave. S. (4) Bronson Way North and South from Main Ave. S. to Houser Way N. SECTION II : Existing Section 4-722 (Administration and Enforcement ; Interpretation and Application) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 4-722 , as amended: 4-722 Administration, Interpretation and Permits . 1. Minimum Requirements . In interpreting and applying the provisions of this Chapter, the requirements herein shall be considered the minimum for the promotion of the public • • • health, safety, morals and general welfare ; therefore , where this Chapter imposes a greater restriction upon the use of the buildings or premises , or upon the height of buildings , or requires larger open spaces than are im- posed or required by other laws , ordinances , rules or regulations , the provisions of this Chapter shall control. 2 . Special Permits . Recognizing that there are certain uses of property that may be detrimental to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare , depending upon the facts of each particular case , a limited power to issue permits for such uses is vested, by specific mention in this Chapter, In the Planning Commission, subject to review by the Council as herein provided. Subject to such review, the City Planning Commission shall have the power to im- pose in said permit such conditions or limitations as in its judgment are required to secure adequate protection to the zone or locality in which the us.e is to be permitted. Likewise subject to such review, the City Planning Commission shall have power to terminate or modify any such permit , upon written complaint and notice to the permiLiee , and upon public hearing , for any violation of the terms or limitations there prescribed. 3. Steep Topography (Garage Location) . The Planning Department may, in specific cases where the topography of the premises or the location of buildings existing prior to the passage of this Code make compliance with the provisions governing the location of private garages impossible, grant a special permit for a private garage to be located nearer to the street line than the main structure , but in any case where such location is within a required front or side yard , the highest point of a building so located shall not be more than thirty (30 ) inches above the average level of the = 2 - r , ground on the side farthest from the street line. Likewise, the Planning Department may , upon proper appli- cation, grant a special permit for the location of a garage on the low side of the street nearer to the street line than the main building. 4. Interpretation. It shall be the duty of the City Planning Commission to interpret the provisions of this Chapter in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of the plan thereof, as shown by the maps fixing the several districts , accompanying and made part of this Code , in cases where the street layout actually on the ground varies from the street layout as shown on the maps aforesaid. 5. Temporary Permits . The Planning Commission may approve the granting of temporary permits for structures and uses that do not conform with the regulations herein prescribed. A temporary permit shall be granted for a maximum period up to two years and may include any conditions imposed by the Commission. SECTION III : Existing Section 4-731 , (C) , 10 Board of Adjustment) of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 4-731, (C) , 10 , as amended : 10 . Effective Date of Decision; Appeal to Court. The action of the Board of Adjustment shall be final and conclusive , unless within ten C10) days. ¶rom the date of the action the original applicant or an adverse party applies to the King County Superior Court for a writ of certiorari , a writ of prohibition, or a writ of mandamus . -3- SECTION IV : Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION V : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS ( . day of April , 1971. V%-16124-4-} Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this A0-day of April , 1971. •Very rdtt , Mayor APPRO FAD AS TO FORM.it/ 481/6i/Zi gH. Ger d M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: APR a 0 1971 -4- ZONING CODE ' r ORDINANCE #1472.•• / 12-8-5 #1542 - / 4-17-56 __ #1683 / 6-17-58 #1948 / 4-9-62 amended by #2377 / 12-11-67 Ord. #3050 #2505 / 9-22-69 / 11-24-69 #2613•• • / 1-18-71 #2630• / 4-26-7 #3050.••' / 8-2-76 eff. 8-11-76 #3463 8/11/80 • if (L V •1�'ti ti �. (>, ..yam' . 1�%L -• - ' 1, ?. off. `i � . ".F": �, 'r ": ,Sty r .,� tf :� •1. s.' ,1 e- •'V' 1�t13'' (�11 �.1.�r may. • f: Y ,,' CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.. 3050 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WAS INGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING' REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY - OF RENTON" RELATING TO ZONING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : Existing Section 4-706 of Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 enti it. led "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended as follows: Section 4-706 , as amended: R-1 RESIDENE SINGLE FAMILY. In the R-1 Residence Single Family District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be hereafter rected or structurally altered, unless otherwise provided for in this Chapter, except for one (1) or more of the following purposes or simi ar uses: (1) One-family dwellings (2) Detached buildings and/or structur s , up to a maximum of 720 square feet, such as are ordinaril, appurtenant to single family dwellings shall be permitted. (3) Churches by special permit followi g recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval by the Ci y Council, after public hearing thereon and acceptance of the desi n and examination of the location with a finding that such proposed use is in compliance with all provisions, regulations and standards , a hereipafter. se-t and its activitieS. I n idental thereto forth, and a further finding that the church will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent or surrounding properties or the enjoyment thereof. (a) Such lot or parcel of land to e used for church purposes shall, among others, meet the- following requirements : 1. Access . Access shall be ether from an arterial street or from two (2) intersecting or parallel streets that have at least two (2) moving lanes and is not a cil-de-sac. 2. Lot Coverage. No more than thirty percent } (30%) of the lot shall be covered by buildings an structures. -1- • J 3. Setback. Building and structures shall not be located closer than one hundred feet (100 ' ) to any other developed lot which is zoned residential. i 4. Landscaping. Except for driveways and sidewalks there shall be at least twenty five feet (25 ' ) of land- scaping along all property lines except those lot lines abutting public right-of-ways which shall have at least fifteen feet (15 ' ) of landscaping. 5. Parking of vehicles shall be at least ' twenty five feet (25 ' ) from any adjoining developed residential lot or area. 6 . Views . Views from adjacent properties shall not Be dmi,ni:. i ;; s ignif cantly by structures that are higher and larger than the average surrounding residential buildings, and further, building and structure heights are limited to thirty five feet (35 ' ) or two and one-half stories (21) in height, whichever is less, not including a spiral or bell tower. 7. There shall be proper surface drainage to be approved by the Public Works Department and shall comply with the design specifications set forth in the latest editions or revision of "Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction" by the Washington State Chapter, American Public Works Association and "Highway Hydraulics Manual" by the Washington State Highway Commission, Department of Highways. 8 . Adequate provision shall be made for proper traffic flow and circulation so as not to unduly increase any hazards to persons and/or property and having due regard to existing and anticipated traffic flow and congestion if any. A definite traffic flowpattern shall be provided on the property for all traffic. Curb cuts shall be kept to a minimum on both nu er and width con- sistent with a proper traffic flow pattern. 9. Esthetic Compatibility with Surrounding Area. 4 A determination shall. be made that the proposed acility is not detrimental to the adjacent or adjoining properties and the enjoyment -2- .J • f thereof. 10 . A landscaping plan as presently required by Ordinance No. 2787 shall be provided subject to .Lhe approval by the City' s Planning Department. The maintenance of landscaping shall be assured prior to the issuing of a building permit by re- quiring the posting of a performance bond for 150% of the estimated cost of maintenance of landscaping for a three year period, or filing with the City Clerk a copy of the service contract for maintenance of landscaping for a three year period, or such other written com- mitments that will assure satisfactory maintenance of landscaping for such three year period. (4) Notwithstanding the terms of this Section hereinabove detailed, the following uses are declared to be permitted within this Zone: (a) All offices of a professional person when located in his or her home and all home occupations, when approved by the Board of Public Works when such home occupation does not involve any machinery or motor in excess of one horsepower, and further provided that no window displays made or signs shown or permitted other than signs in compliance with the provisions of the "Renton Sign Code" , also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Regulations) . (b) Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the use of vacant property for gardenin or fruit raising. (c) No travel trailers , recreational vehicles or mobile homes shall be used as a place of habitation. (5) Setbacks. (a) The front yard for every single family dwelling shall have a minimum, depth of twenty (20) feet. (b) The rear yard for every single family dwelling shall have a minimum depth of twenty-five (25) feet. (c) For every family dwelling there shall be a side yard of not less than five (5) feet in width on each side of a one to one and one-half (1 - 111) story building, and of not less than six (6) feet for two to two and one-half (2 - 21) story -3- • , _ fey �� '7. :'-0.,',i. ;-114 F !:11�: ;t ! aft .:�lqr f i building. The side yard along a flanking side street shall not be less than twenty (20) ' feet in width (except on previous existing platted lots fifty (50) feet or less in width the side yard shall be ten (10) feet; for each foot in width over fifty (50) feet the required yard shall increase one (1) foot up to .Lwenty. (20) feet. (d) Detached accessory buildings hall have a minimum of three (3) foot side and rear yard setback, a minimum of six (6) feet setback from residence, and shall not be allowed within required front or side yard along street. (6) Site Areas : Every building hereafter erected or structurally, altered which is located in an R-1 esidence Districts shaU be situated on a lot of t less than seventy two hundred (7,200) square feet with a minimum width of fifty (50) f et for a single family dwelling, provided however, that where a pre-existing platted lot has less area than herein required, this reg lation shall not prohibit one (1) private dwelling and its access ry buildings on such lot. In any event sixty-five per cent (65%f of the area of all sites must be left vacant and free from structures . (7.) Height Restrictions : No building shall exceed thirty five (35) feet in height. SECTION II: Existing Section 4-708 of Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 ntitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is her by amended as follows: SECTION 4-708 , as amended: R-2 RESIDENCE DISTRICT In the R-2 Residence District, no building or premi es shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered, unless otherwise provided in this Code, except f r one or more of the following or similar uses : (1) Any use permitted in the R-1 Resi ence Single Family District. (2) Duplex family dwellings and resid nces not to exceed thirty five feet (35 ' ) in height. -4- (3) Townhouses or duplexes or other structures sharing a common wall or a common floor/roof not to exceed thirty five (35) feet in height, and no, more than two dwelling units shall be located on any site area of at leash 7,200 square feet. ouses and duplexes containing more than two dwelling units , but less than eleven dwelling units per acre, may be allowed by special permit, upon recommendation by the Planning Commission and ap!roval by the City Council, after public hearing thereon and acceptance of the design and an examination of the location with a finding that such proposed uses is in compliance with all provisions, regulations and standards and will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent surrounding properties and enjoyment thereof. (4) Any building erected pursuant to aragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, shall have the following requirements ; (a) There shall be a front yard h ving a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet. (b) There shall be a rear yard ha ing a minimum depth of twenty-five (25) feet. (c) There shall be a side yard of not less than five (5) feet in width on each side of a one to one and one-half (1 - 11) story building, and of not less than six (6) feet for two to two and one-half (2 - 21) story building. The side yard along a flanking side street shall not be less than twenty (20) f et in width (except on previous existing platted lots fifty (50) feet or less in width the side yard shall be ten (10) feet; for each fcsot in width over fifty (50) feet the required yard shall increase one (1) foot up to twenty (20) feet. (d) Height is limited to a maximum of thirty five (35) feet. (e) Site area not less than 7200 square feet, provided, however, that where a pre-existing plated lot has less area than herein required, this regulation shall not prohibit the construction of more than one private dwelling and accessory building on such lot so long as there is full compliance of this section. -5- (f) All lots shall have at least sixty five per cent (65%) open spaces. SECTION III: Existing Section 4-709A .f Chapter 7, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended as follows: Section 4-709A, as amended: R-3 RESIDENCE DISTRICT In the R-3 Residence District, no building or premises hall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided in this Code, except for one Lr more of the following or similar uses : A. (1) Any use permitted in R-2 Dist ict. (2) Apartments with maximum density of no more than thirty (30) units per acre and boarding and lodg'ng houses. (3) The following uses may be allowed by special permit if approved by the Planning Commission after pub is hearing thereon, with acceptance of the design, and an examinatio of the location with a finding by the Commission that such proposed uses will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent and surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof: (a) professional offices (b) clinics (c) mobile home parks (d) clubs or fraternal societies, community club houses, memorial buildings, except those the chi f activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a b siness,, _._ .. z - — 4 (e) art galleries , libraries, museums . (f) quasi public institutions, churches , non- commercial playgrounds and golf courses, non-pub is schools and colleges , upon recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council, after public hearing thereof and acceptance of the design and examination of the location with finding that such -6- • • proposed use is in compliance with all provisions , regulations and standards and will not be unduly detrimental to adjacent surround- ing properties and enjoyment thereof. (g) government owned structures and uses. B. Side Yard Required: There shall be a side yard of not less than five (5) feet in width on each side of a building having a height of twenty (20) feet and one (1) foot for each . additional ten (10) feet in height. C. Front Yard Required: There shall be a front yard having a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet. D. Rear Yard Required: There shall be a rear yard having a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet. E. Building Height Limit: Not to exceed sixty (60) feet in height, unless adjacent to a developed single family residence district in which case the height limitation shall not exceed forty (40) feet. F. Building Site Area Required: At 1 ast five thousand (5 ,000) square feet, sixty-five (65%) per cent of said area to be open and free from structures . SECTION IV: Existing Section 4-710 of Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended by adding a new subsection "J" to subsection 1, as ollows : Section 4-710 1. J. Quasi public institutions , non- commercial playgrounds and golf courses , non-public schools and colleges , upon recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council, after public hearing thereon and accept- ance of the design and examination of the location with a finding that such proposed use is in compliance with all provisions, regulations and standards and- will not be unduly detrimental to the adjacent or surrounding properties and the enjoyment thereof. SECTION V: Existing Section 4-711 of Chapter 7 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended as follows : -7- • y �. n Section 4-711, as amended: B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT. A. In the B-1 Business District, no building, structure or premises shall be used or hereafter erected or structurally altered unless otherwise provided for in. this Chapter, except for one (1) or more of the following or similar uses : (1) Any use permitted in Residence District R-2, Residence District R-3 and Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings District R-4 (but excluding any residential fami 31 �y dwelling. uses specified in Residence District R-1; but any such use herein permitted in a R-2, R73 and R-4 District shall be subject to all limitations and restrictions , including height and setback requirements as are applicable in the R-4 District. • (2) Banks (3) Barber shops, beauty parlors, personal service shops . (4) Furniture stores, drug stores. (5) Laundries , clothiers , cleaning and pressing establishments. (6) Locksmiths , shoe and other repair shops. (7) Lumber yards , and fuel yards , allowed by special permit following recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council, after public hearing thereon and acceptance of the design and an examination of tze location with a findings that such proposed use is in compliance with all provisions , regulations and standards and will not be unduly detrimental to , adjacent surrounding properties and enjoyment thereof; provided that when unhoused they shall be surrounded by an eight (8) foot solid wall or sight-obscuring fence herein known as a structure, and the yard regulations of this district shall be observed and provided further, that no such lumber yard or fuel yards shall be maintained closer than one hundred feet (100 ' ) to the side line of Residential Districts . (8) Police and fire stations. (9) Parking lots -8- • • to the adjacent and surrounding property. No building shall exceed a height of ninety-five (95) feet. D. Front Yard and Side Yards : No yards are required except for lots whose side line is adjacent to a residential district where said yard regulations shall then be the same as in the residential district; front yard shall conform to adjacent resi- dences , side yard to be not less than five feet (5 ' ) , side yards on adjacent streets to conform to front yards of residences to the rear but to be not less than ten feet (10 ' ) and rear yard shall not be less than ten feet (10 ' ) . SECTION VI : Existing Section 4-715 , subsection (a) of Chapter 7 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended as follows : Section 4-715 , subsection (a) , as amended: All business , retail and wholesale, shall provide adequate off-street parking facilities for employees and customers . Proper signs shall designate off-street parking; provided however, that this Section does not apply to the downtown core area described as that area bounded by the centerlines of Smithers Avenue South from South Fourth Place to South Third Avenue and Logan Avenue South from South Third Street to the Cedar River, bounded on the North by Cedar River, east to Mill Avenue South, south to South Fourth Street lnd west to Smithers Avenue South. SECTION VII : Existing Section 4-722 , subsection (B) of Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended as follows : Section 4-722 , subsection (B) , as amended: Special Permits . Recognizing that there are certain uses of property that may be detrimental to the public, health, safety, morals and general welfare, and not permitted by right in the Zone where proposed, depending upon the facts of each particular case, a limited power -10- • . r to issue permits for such uses' is vested in the City Council, following recommendation by the Planning Commission . SECTION VIII : Any and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.. SECTION IX: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval arid five (5) days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2nd day of August, 1976. zad,,,,,z,, a. 72vad Delores A. 'lead, city Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2nd day of August, 1976. (C:-.4U-... 1-4-6Q--167L) i-E-4-eliii 2 ' Charles . Delaurenti , Mayor 4 Approved as to form: • 0# .;011/.14104014: . Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: 8-6-76 - 11 - _ Amended by Ordinance No. 3953 Repeals Ordinance No. 1869 CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AMENDING A PORTION OF CHAPTER 7 , TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERALIORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" RELATING TO ZONING . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : A new Section 4-704 General Zone (G-1 ) , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" shall be added as follows : SECTION 4-704 GENERAL ZONE (G-1 ) (A) Purpose: The General Zone (G-1 ) is established to provide and protect suitable environments for low density single family residential dwellings . It is further intended to prohibit the development of incompatible uses that are detrimental to the residential environment . This zoning classification may be permitted in an area designated as Single Family Residential in the Comprehensive Plan . (B) Uses : In the General Zone (G-1 ) the following uses are permitted and prohibited : ( 1 ) Principal Uses : a . One single family dwelling . b . Farming , truck gardening or the raising of animals and other uses normally associated with these uses . c . Agriculture , gardening and fruit raising . d . Neighborhood parks . e . One ( 1 ) cow and a maximum of three (3 ) horses may be kept for use in permitted farming activities , provided , the minimum lot width is at least one hundred forty ( 140) feet , and the use does not violate City ordinances pertaining to the keeping of cows and horses and the maintenance of stables . - 1 - (2) Accessory Uses : a . A maximum of two detached buildings and/or structures , up to a maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) square feet for each building , such as are ordinarily associated with single family dwellings . b . One barn or stable up to a maximum of two thousand (2 , 000) square feet provided , the lot is a minimum of one ( 1 ) acre , and the lot width is a minimum of one hundred forty ( 140) feet . c . Home occupations when approved by the Board of Public Works . d . Day care for a maximum of six (6 ) persons . (3) Conditional Uses : In the General Zone (G-1 ) the following uses and their accessory uses may be allowed by Conditional Use Permits as provided in Section 4-748 of the City Code: a . Dairying and stock raising . b . Schools , both private and public . c . Group homes . d . Public and quasi-public buildings essential to the physical and economic welfare of an area , such as fire stations , electrical substations , telephone exchanges and community and regional park . Buildings shall conform to and harmonize with the surrounding buildings as to the type of architecture , setback and landscaping . e . Day care for seven (7) or more persons . f. Churches . (4 ) Prohibited Uses : In the General Zone (G-1 ) the following uses are prohibited : a . Travel trailers , recreational vehicles or mobile homes used for habitation . (C) Development Standards : In the General Zone (G-1 ) the following development standards shall apply. ( 1 ) Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area : The dwelling unit density in the G-1 zone shall not exceed onle dwelling unit per acre ( including area dedicated for public purposes) . The lot area shall not be less than 35 , 000 square feet . - 2 - (2) Lot Width: a . A minimum of seventy-five (75) feet for an interior lot and eighty-five (85) feet for corner lots . b . A minimum of one hundred forty ( 140) feet for lots used for farming , truck gardening or the raising of animals . (3) Lot Depth: A minimum of eighty-five (85) feet . (4 ) Setbacks: a . Front Yard : A minimum depth f twenty (20) feet . b . Rear Yard : A minimum of twenty-five (25 ) feet. c . Side Yards: ( i) Interior Lots: A minim m . of six (6 ) feet. ( ii) Corner Lots: The side yard along a street shall not be less than twenty (20 ) feet in width , EXCEPT on previously platted lots which are fifty (50) feet or less in width in which case the side yard shall be not less than ten ( 10) feet ., If a corner lot is less than the minimum width required by this section , then for each foot in width in e $cess of fifty (50) feet , the required yard shall be increased from a minimu of ten ( 10) feet by one ( 1 ) foot up to a maximum of twenty (20) feet . (5 ) Special Setbacks : a. Detached accessory buildings shall have a minimum of three (3) feet side and rear yard setback, a minimum of six (6 ) feet setback from residences and shall not be allowed within required front or side yards along streets . b . Barns and stables must be loc9ted a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any property line . (6 ) Height : a . The height of a dwelling or structure shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet . b . Accessory buildings and/or structures shall not exceed fifteen ( 15 ) feet in height . c . Barns shall not exceed thirty-five ( 35 ) feet in height . - 3 - • (7 ) Lot Coverage : The maximum area covered by buildings shall not -exceed fifteen ( 15) percent of the total area , EXCEPT that in the case of a pre-existing platted lot the ' maximum lot coverage shall not exceed thirty five (35% ) percent of the total area . (8) Parking : See Chapter 22 , Title IV of the City Code . (9 ) Signs : See Chapter 19 , Title IV of the City Code . ( 10 ) Pre-existing Plats : Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the construction of a single family dwelling and sits accessory buildings on a pre-existing platted lot with less area than herein required . Such structures shall comply with the setback requirements of this Chapter . SECTION II : Section 4-706 ( R-1 ) , Title IV ( Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled " Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton : is amended to read as follows : SECTION 4-706 RESIDENTIAL ZONE (R-1 ) (A) Purpose: The Residential Zone (R-1 ) is established for low density single family residential dwellings . It is further intended to prohibit the development of incompatible uses that are detrimental to the residential environment . This zoning classification may be permitted in an area designated as Single Family Residential in the Comprehensive Plan . (B) Uses : In the Residential Zone (R-1 ) the following uses are permitted and prohibited : ( 1 ) Principal Uses : a . One single family dwelling . b . Gardening or fruit raising , non-commercial . c . Neighborhood parks . (2) Accessory Uses : a . A maximum of two (2) detached buildings and/or structures , up to a maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) square feet for each building , such as are ordinarily associated with single family dwellings . - 4 - • b . Home occupations when approved by the Board of Public Works . c . Daycare for a maximum of six (6) persons . (3 ) Conditional Uses : In the Residential Zone (R-1 ) the following uses and their accessory uses may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit as provided in Section 4-748 of the City Code : a . Churches . b . Schools , both public and private . c . Public and quasi-public uses essential to the physical and economic elfare of an area , such as fire stations , electrical substations , telephone exchanges and community and regional parks . Buildings shall conform to and hormonize with the surrounding buildings as to type of architecture , setback , and landscaping . (4 ) Prohibited Uses : In the Residential Zone (R-1 ) the following uses are prohibited : a . Travel trailers , recreational, vehicles or mobile homes used for habitation . (C) Developmental Standards : In the Residential Zone (R-1 ) the following developmental standards shall apply: ( 1 ) Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area : The dwelling unit density in the R-1 Zone shall not exceed 6 .0 dwelling units per acre ( including area dedicated for public purposes) . The lot area shall not be less than 7 , 200 square feet for any single family dwelling . (2) Lot Width: A minimum of seventy-five (75) feet for an interior lot and eighty-five (85) feet for corner lots . (3 ) Lot Depth: A minimum of of eighty-five (85 ) feet . (4 ) Setbacks : a . Front Yard : A minimum depth of twenty (20 ) feet . b . Rear Yard : A minimum depth of twenty-five (25 ) feet . c . Side Yards : ( i) Interior Lots : A minimum of six (6 ) feet . - 5 - ( ii) Corner Lots: The side yard along a street shall not be less than twenty (20 ) feet in width , EXCEPT on previously existing platted lots which are fifty (50) feet or less in width in which case the side yard shall be no less t an ten ( 10) feet . If a corner lot 0 less than the minimum width required by this section , then for each foot in width in excess of fifty (50) feet , the required yard shall be increased from a minimum of ten ( 10) feet by one ( 1 ) foot up to a maximum of twenty (20 ) feet . (5 ) Special Setbacks : a . Detached accessory buildings shall have a minimum of three (3) feet side and rear yard setback, a minimum of six (6 ) feet setback from residences , and shall not be allowed within required front or side yards along streets . (6) Height : • a . The height of a dwelling or structure shall not exceed thirty-five (35) fe1et . b . Accessory buildings and/or strluctures shall not exceed fifteen ( 15) feet ih height . (7) Lot Coverage : The maximum area covered by buildings shall not exceed thirty-five ( 35 ) percent of the total lot area. (8 ) Parking : See Chapter 22 , Title IV of the City Code . (9 ) Signs : See Chapter 19 , Title IV of the City Code . ( 10 ) Pre-existing Plats: Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the construction of a single family dwelling and its accessory b'iildings on a pre-existing platted lot with less area than herein required . - 6 - SECTION III : Section 4-708 ( R-2 ) , Title IV ( Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to read as follows : SECTION 4-708 RESIDENTIAL ZONE (R-2) (A) Purpose : The Residential Zone (R-2) is established to provide and protect suitable environments for low to medium density multi-family residential dwellings . It is further intended to prohibit the development of incompatible uses that are detrimental to the residential environment . This zoning Flassification may be permitted in an area designated as Low Density Multi-family Residential in the Comprehensive Plan . (B) Uses : In the Residential Zone (R-2) the following uses are permitted and prohibited : ( 1 ) Principal Uses : a . One single family dwelling . b . Two dwelling units . c . Gardening and fruit raising , non- commercial . d . Neighborhood parks . (2) Accessory Uses : In the Residential Zone (R-2) the following accessory uses are permitted : a . A maximum of two detached buildings and/or structures up to a maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) square feet for Bach building , such as are ordinarily associated with single family and duplex dwellings . b . Home occupations when approved by the Board of Public Works . c . Daycare for a maximum of six (6 ) persons . (3) Conditional Uses : In the Residential Zone (R-2) the following uses and their accessory uses may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit as provided in Section 4-748 of the City Code . a . Townhouses containing three (3) or more dwelling units but less than twelve ( 12) dwelling units per acre , mdy be allowed together with normally associated accessory uses . b . Schools , both private and pub=ic . - 7 - c . Public and quasi-public buildings essential to the physical and economic welfare of an area such as fire station , electrical substations , telephone exchanges , community and regional parks , and si ilar uses of public . services . Buildings shall conform to and harmonize with the surrounding buildings as to type of rchitecture , setback and landscape . d . Churches . (4 ) Prohibited Uses: In the Residential Zone (R-2 ) the following uses are prohibted : a . Travel trailers , recreational vehicles- or mobile homes used for habitation . ( C) Development Standards: In the Resident}al Zone (R-2) the following development standards shall apply. ( 1 ) Dwelling Unit Density and Lot Area: a . Single family dwellings : Shall not exceed 6 . 0 dwelling units per acre ( including area dedicated for public purpos ) . The lot area shall not be less than 7 ,200 square feet . b . Two dwelling units: Shall not exceed 12 . 1 dwelling units per acre ( including area dedicated for public purposes) . The lot area shall not be less than 7 , 200 square feet. (2) Lot Width: A minimum of seventy-flive (75) feet for an interior lot and eighty-five (85) feet for corner lots . (3) Lot Depth: A minimum of eighty-five (85) feet . (4 ) Setbacks : a . Front Yard : A minimum depth of twenty (20) feet . b . Rear Yard : A minimum depth of twenty-five (25) feet . c . Side Yards: (i) Interior Lots : A minimum depth of six (6 ) feet . ( ii) Corner Lots : The side yard along a street shall not be less than twenty (20 ) feet in width , EXCEPT on previously existing platted lots which are fifty (50 ) feet or less in width in which case the side - 8 - yard shall be ten ( 10) feet . If a corner lot is less than the minimum width required by this section , then for each foot in width in excess of fifty ( 50 ) feet the required yard shall be increased from a minimum of ten ( 10) feet by one ( 1 ) foot up to twenty (20 ) feet. (5 ) Special Setbacks : a . Detached accessory buildings shall have a minimum of three (3) feet side and rear yard setback, a minimum of six (6) feet setback from residences , and shall not be allowed within required front or side yards along streets . (6) Height: The height of a dwelling or structure shall not exceed thirty-five (35) eet . (7) Lot Coverage : The maximum area covered by buildings shall not exceed thirty-five ( 35 ) percent of the total area . (8) Parking: See Chapter 22 , Title IV of the City Code . (9 ) Signs: See Chapter 19 , Title IV of the City Code . ( 10) Pre-existing Plats: Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the cnstruction of single family dwelling or two dwelling units and associated accessory buildings on a pre-existing platted lot with less area than herein required . SECTION IV: A new Section 4-748 ( Conditional Use Permit) , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" shall be added as follows : SECTION 4-748 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (A) Purpose : The purpose of a conditional use permit is to allow certain uses in districts from which they are normally prohibited by this Chapter when the proposed uses are deemed consistentl with other existing and potential uses within the general area of the proposed use . Except as provided in this - 9 - section , a conditional use permit may not reduce the requirements of the zone in which the use is to be located . (B) Conditional Use Permit : The Hearing Examiner may grant , with or without conditions , or deny the requested conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 30 , Title IV of the City Code . The Hearing Examiner may limit the term and duration of the conditional use permit . Conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner shall reasonably assure that nuisance or hazard to life or property will not develop . (C) Criteria for Conditional Use: The Hewing Examiner shall consider_.. the following factors , among all other relevant information : ( 1 ) Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose , goals , objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan , the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan , program , map or ordinance of the City of Renton . (2) Community Need : There shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of communiJty need the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors , among all other relevant information : a. The proposed location shall riot result in either the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use . b . That the proposed location i6 suited for the proposed use. (3 ) Effect On Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be required : a . Lot Coverage: Lot coverage in residential districts (R-1 and R-2) shall not exceed fifty (50 ) percent of the lot coverage of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located . Lot coverage in all other zones shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located . - 10 - • b . Yards : Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located . Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard . c . Height : Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located . Spires , belltowers , public utility antennas , or similar structures may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance . Building heights should be related to surrounding uses in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation , and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures . (4 ) Compatibility : The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of the neighborhood . (5 ) Parking: Parking areas shall not be allowed in the front , side and rear yard setbacks gXCEPT upon approval by the Hearing Examiner as provided in Section 4-708 (B) (3) ( a) . Parking under the building structure should be encouraged . Lot coverage may be Jncreased to as much as seventy-five (75) percent of the lot coverage requirement of the zone in which the proposed use is located if all parking is provided underground or within the structure . (6 ) Traffic : Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians rel9ting to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on , and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area . (7) Noise ; Glare: Potential noise , light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based o'in the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas , outdoor recreational , areas and refuse storage areas . (8 ) Landscaping : Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving . The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use . (9 ) Accessory Uses : Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools , auditoriums used for social and sport activities , health centers , convents , pre-school facilities , convalescent - 11 - homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the u e district in which they are located . ( 10 ) Conversion: No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditio al use unless such building or structure com lies , or is brought into compliance , with the provisions of this Chapter . ( 11 ) Public Improvements : The prop sed use and location shall be adquately sery d by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements , facilities , utilities and services . Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditioned upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements , facilities , utiliJties , and/or services . (D) Additional Uses Permitted : ( 1 ) Uses Prohibited Elsewhere: The Hearing Examiner may grant a conditional use permit for the following uses in districts from which they are prohibited where such uses are deemed essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare , and are in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the comprehensive plan : a. Cemetery , columbarium , crematory or mausoleum. b . Development of natural resources (excluding the drilling for or producing of oil , gas or other Hydrocarbon substances) together with thie necessary buildings , apparatus , or a purtenances incident thereto . c . Educational institution , public or private . d . Government offices and facilities (Federal , State and local) . e . Hospital , sanitarium or similar uses . f. Public or nonprofit library ok museum. g . Nursery or greenhouse . h . Park , playground , or recreational or community center . i . Philanthropic institution . j . Private club , fraternal or nonprofit organization . k. Public utility use or structure . 1 . Radio or television transmitter . - 12 - (2) Less Restricted Uses : The Hearing Examiner may permit a less restricted use , in a more restricted district as follows , provided such use , due to its limited nature , modern devices , or building design will be no less objectionable than the uses permitted in such district : a . Any B-1 District use in the P-1 District . b . Any L-1 District use in the B-1 District . c . Any H-1 District use in the L-1 District . (E) Application Procedure : Application for a conditional use permit shall be submitted and reviewed pursuant to Chapter 30 , Title IV of the City Code . The application shall include a site plan drawn to scale showing the actual dimensions and shape of the proposed site , the exact sizes and locations of existing buildings and structures , if ainy, and of the proposed building or alteration . The plan shall show proposed landscaping , off-street parking , signs , ingress and egress , and adjacent lanld uses . Any additional information requested by the Building Department shall be included in the application . SECTION V: COMBINATION OF ZONES (A) The General Zone (G-1 ) as created by this ordinance shall combine the zoning districts formerly labelled S- 1 (Suburban Residence ) , G (General ) , and GS- 1 (General Suburban) . Upon adoption of this ordinance , those former zoning districts shall be combined into the General Zone (G-1 ) and the appropriate changes made on the zoning map . (B) The Residential Zone ( R- 1 ) as created by this ordinance shall combine the zoning districts formerly labelled SR- 1 , R- 1 , G-7200 , G-6000 , G-8400 , and G-9600 . Upon adoption of this ordinance , those former zoning districts shall be combined into the Residential Zone (R-1 ) and the appropriate changes made on the zoning map . ( C) The Residential Zone ( R-2 ) as created by this ordinance shall include the zoning districts formerly labelled R=2 &_ SR 2.Upon adoption of thlis ordinance , those former zoning districts shall be combined into the Residential Zone ( R-2 ) and the appropriate changes made on the zoning map . - 13 - SECTION VI : REPEALER Existing Sections 4-704 (SR-1 ) , 4-705 (SR-2) , 4-707 (S-1 ) , 4-722( F) and 4-729 (G) of Chapter 7 , Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" are repealed in their entirety . SECTION VII EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval , and thirty ( 30 ) days after its publication . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL on January . llth , 1982 . DELORES A. MEAD , Ci y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR on 44414a Y llth , 1982- 91/A t+1la t Shut_p0 Ck BARBARA V. SHIN'POCH, Mayor Approved as to form: LAWRENCE J . W REN , City Attorney P AT E O F R&1 ClaT/014 , - 14 - . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . 3750 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON REPEALING EXISTING SECTION 4-711 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO . I11628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION RELATING TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B- 1 ) ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : Existing Section 4-711 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby repealed and a new section enacted as follows : Section 4-711 B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT : (A) PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of the Business District Zone , (B-1 ) is to provide for retail sales of products of every type , and description, a wide variety of personal and professional services to clients and/or customers at the business location , and all manner of recreation or entertainment uses . The B-1 Business District provides for conditional approval, after public hearing, of retail or entertainment uses involving storage and recreation outside of an enclosed structure . Prohibited from the B-1 Business District are uses which involve the bulk storage of products , or the exterior storage of products in a manner which would be construed as bulk storage except that the minimum area requirements are not exceeded, manufacturing uses or activities as a principal use . -1 - (B) USES : In the Business District Zone (B-1 ) , the following and similar uses are permitted . The Building and Zoning Department may determine that any other use is similar in general character to the following specific uses, and is in keeping with the intent of this zone . Upon such administrative determination the subject use shall become a principal, accessory or conditional use whichever is appropriate. ( 1 ) Principal Uses : a . Retail Sales : 1 . Apparel and accessories . 2 . Automotive and marine accessories . 3 . Garden supplies : Small tree , shrubs , flowers and light supplies and tools within an enclosed building. 4+ . Grocery stores . 5 . Dry goods . 6 . Department and variety stores . 7 . Eating and drinking establishments . 8 . Furniture and home furnishings . 9 . Auto , boat and motorcycle sales . b . Offices : 1 . Professional offices such as lawyers , doctors and dentists . 2 . Personal offices such as real estate , insurance and architects . 3 . All types of business offices . c . Services : 1 . Boarding and lodging houses . 2 . Bus terminals , taxi headquarters not including exterior parking of commercial vehicles . 3 . Business services : duplicating and blueprinting, steno and employment . 4 . Car washes . 5 . Churches . 6 . Commercial day care . 7 . Funeral homes . 8 . Governmental services and facilities , excluding utility facilities . 9 . Hotels and motels . 10 . Libraries , museums , art galleries . • -2- 11 . Indoor public assembly : motion picture theaters and theatrical production theaters , sports arenas , audi?oriums and exhibition halls ( except school facilities) . 12. Parking lots and garages . 13 . Parks and open space . 14 . Personal services such as barber shop , beauty parlor . 15. Pet shop and grooming . 16 . Professional and business schools . 17 . Rental services not involving exterior storage.. 18. Repair service facilities withiout outside storage : watch , T .V. , ,electrical , upholstery. 19 . Veterinary offices . 20. Auto repair . d . Residential : Residential dwelling units when located in a mixed use building of commercial and residential uses . No residential uses are allowed on the first floor . iI (2) Accessory Uses : In the Business District (B- 1 ) , the following uses are allowed where incidental to a permitted use and shall not exceed thirty-three (33i) percent of the gross floor area: a. Apparel , fabric and leather goods fabrication. b . Food preparation . c . Handcrafting products . d . Storage of products in conjunction with retail sales. ( 3) Conditional Uses : In the Business District (B-1 ) , the following uses and their accessory uses may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit as provided in Section 4-748. a. Aircraft transportation: Heliports . b . Communications broadcast and relay towers . c . Convalescent and nursing homes . d . Gasoline service stations . e . Group homes . f . Heights exceeding ninety-five (95) fe'et . See Section 4-711 (E) , special conditional use requirements . g . Horticultural nurseries ; trees , shrubs , ground cover , flowers and related supplies . h . Hospitals . i . Outdoor recreation or entertainment uses . j . Park'n Ride lots . k . Private utilities . 1 . Recycling centers and drop or collection centers . -3- m. Rental service facilities with outside storage . o. Self service storage facilities contained entirely within one building . p . Special schools : technical and industrial processes . (C) PROHIBITED USES : In the Business District (B-1 ) Zone , the following uses are prohibited : ( 1 ) Bulk storage of products , or the exterior storage of products in a manner which would be construed as bulk storage except for the fact they do not exceed the minimum area requirements of Section 4-734 . (2) Manufacturing activities . (3 ) Travel trailers or recreational vehicles for habitation . (4 ) All other uses . (D) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS : In the Business District (B-1 ) the following development standards shall apply, EXCEPT as otherwise provided in this ordinance : ( 1 ) Setbacks : Setbacks in the B-1 Zone shall be required as follows EXCEPT for the downtown area defined in Section 4-715 (a) : a. Front Yard: A minimum of ten ( 10 ) feet . Maximum Building b. Street Setback : Height Setback Less than 40 feet 10 feet 40 feet - 80 feet 20 feet Over 80 feet 30 feet c . Rear and Side Yards : None shall be required EXCEPT in the landscaping section below. (2) Height : a. General : 1 . A maximum of ninety-five (95) feet . -4- b . Special Height Allowances : 1 . Heights may exceed the maximum height under Conditional Use Permit . 2 . When a building is adjacent to a residential lot zoned G- 1 , R-1 or R-2 on the City of Renton Zoning Map and designated as single family or low density multiple family on the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, the building may exceed the height allowed in the adjacent residential zone by a maximum of twenty (20) feet . (3) Lot Coverage : Lot coverage for buildings are listed below, but do not pertain to the downtown area defined in Section 4-715 (a) : a. Lot coverage for buildings shall not exceed sixty-five percent (65%) of the total lot area . b . Lot coverage may be increased up to seventy-five percent (75%) of the total lot area if parking is provided within the building or within a parking garage. (4) Parking: See Chapter 22, Title IV of the City Code . (5 ) Signs : See Chapter 19 , Title IV of the City Code . (6 ) Landscaping : Landscaping along areas abutting public streets shall have a minimum landscaping strip of ten ( 10) feet , EXCEPT for the downtown area as defined in Section 4-715 (a) . a. Lot Line Requirements : 1 . Fronting Public Streets : A minimum of ten ( 10) feet . 2 . Special requirements : If the B-1 lot is adjacent to a residential lot designated Residential on the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map , then there shall be a fifteen ( 15) foot landscaped strip or a five (5 ) foot wide sight obscuring landscaped strip and a solid six (6 ) foot high barrier used along the common boundary. (7 ) Utilities : All on-site utility surface mounted equipment shall be screened from public view . -5- • ( 8) Roof-top Equipment : All operating equipment located on the roof of any building shall be enclosed so as to be shielded from view, EXCEPT for telecommunication equipment . (9 ) Outdoor Storage : a. Permitted outdoor storage must be screened from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. b . Materials covered by buildings with roofs but without sides shall be considered outside storage and subject to the screening provisions of this section . ( 10) Refuse : All garbage , refuse or dumpsters !contained within specified areas shall be screened , EXCEPT for access points , by a fence or landscaping or some combination thereof . (E) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR EXCESS HEIGHT : In consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for a building height in excess of ninety-five (95) feet the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors in addition to the criteria in Section 4-748, among all other relevant information .! ( 1 ) Location Criteria : Proximity of arterial streets which have sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the development . Developments are encouraged to locate in areas served by transit . (2) Comprehensive Plan : The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose , goals , objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan , program , map or ordinance of the City of Renton. ( 3) Effect on Adjacent Properties : Buildinigs in excess of ninety-five (95) feet in height at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects . on adjacent property . When a building in excess of ninety-five (95) feet in height is adjacent to a multiple family lot zoned R-3 or R-4 on the City !of Renton Zoning Map and Medium Density Multi-family or High Density Multi-family on the City of Renton Comlprehensive Plan , then setbacks shall be equivalent to the requirements of the adjacent residential zone . -6- (4) Building Height and Bulk : a. Buildings near public open spaces should permit visual access and , where feasible , physical access to the public open space . b . Whenever practicable , buildings should be oriented to minimize the shadows th y cause on publicly accessible open spaces . ( 5) Light and Glare : Due consideration shall be given to mitigation of light and glare impacts upon streets , major public facilities , and major public open spaces . SECTION II : If any section , subsection , sentence , clause , phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction , such portion shall be deemed to be a separate , distinct and an independent provision and such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance . SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS 26th day of September 1983. e Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 26th day of September , 1983 . Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Approved as to form : _2 c- v Lawrence J. Wa en, City Attorney Date of Publication : September 30 , 1983. (Summary Form) -7- • CITY OF RENT ON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2617 WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Renton is considering adopting new zoning Ordinances for Manufacturing Park (M-P), Office Park (O-P), Light Industry (L-1), and Heavy Industry (H-1) Districts, and WHEREAS the City Council wishes to state the findings of fact that have been made and. the process utilized in arriving at these Ordinances establishing Zoning Districts, now therefore the City Council of the City of Renton do resolve as follows: SECTION I: The above is found to be true and correct. SECTION II: Findings of Fact: 1. That review of these zoning revisions was undertaken as part of a comprehensive update of the City's Zoning Code (Title IV, Chapter 7); 2. That the Planning Commission and City Council have thoroughly considered the draft proposals, public testimony, staff reports, and other pertinent information; 3. That the City Council did refer the topic of these zoning revisions to the Council's Planning and Development Committee and such Committee met on May 23, July 25, August 1 and August 8, 1985, and adopted a report dated August 19, 1985. At the regular meeting of August 26, 1985, the full Council considered the comments received to date, the City staff reports dated February 8 and July 18, 1985, and the Council Committee's recommendation. The City Council concurs in the report of the Planning and Development Committee and incorporates the same herein as if it had been fully set forth; 4. That the proposed zoning revisions have been reviewed iby City officials in accordance with the Renton Environmental Ordinance (Title IV, Chapter 28) and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and have been determined to have no significant adverse environmental impacts; RESOLUTION NO. 2617 5. That the City of Renton has previously adopted and from time to time has amended a Comprehensive Plan, including the Valley Plan (Ordinance #3850), which documents have provided the policy basis for this zoning review and recommendation; 6. That the Comprehensive Plan, including the Valley Plan, sets forth policies related to types of allowed uses, quality of development, environmental objectives, and development standards; 7. That a public hearing was held on November 9, 1983, for the M-P, L-1, and H-1 zones by the Planning Commission and subsequent hearings were conducted on proposed revisions to the M-P, O-P, L-1, and H-1 zones on February 13, 1985, by the Planning Commission and on June 17, 1985, by the City Council; • 8. That public testimony at these hearings revealed: -- support for updating the zones; -- support for flexibility in setback and landscaping requirements; -- a need for certain types of accessory uses, such as will-call windows, security residences, repair activities, and fuel storage in industrial/commercial areas; -- a desire to permit specific uses, especially retail uses, in the proposed zones; -- a changing market situation wherein wholesale, retail, service, office, and industrial uses occur in close proximity or even within the same building; -- concern about the impacts of strip commercial development, such as numerous driveways, free-standing uses, and excessive signs; -- the need for setbacks from more sensitive land uses; -- the need to define certain terms, such as setbacks, retail, wholesale, services, and supportive uses. - 2 - I RESOLUTION NO. 2617 9. That adoption of the zones, as revised, will provide functional Zoning Districts that promote commerce, industry and economic development, while mitigating the potential on-site and off-site impacts of such uses; 10. That the revised ordinances will provide one Zoning District (H-1) appropriate for heavy industrial activities that are not compatible with more sensitive . land use zones; another Zoning District (L-1) for medium to small scale industrial activities with limited development standards; an M-P zone intended for a range of industrial, office, and commercial activities with development standards to ensure a quality environment; and a Zoning District (O-P) with high development standards intended to create a park-like setting that allows office park uses along with high quality industrial and other uses; and 11. That retail and service uses can be made compatible with the M-P and O-P zones by applying certain conditions that control strip commercial impacts and ensure park-like settings. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 9th day of September, 1985. Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th 'day of September, 1985. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City.Attorney Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor - 3 - •. `. . - Amends Portions of Ordinance No. - 2023, 25221, 3333, 3572, 3905, 3927 Amended by Ordinance No. 3955 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3938 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CTT Y OF RENT ON" RELATING TO LIGHT INDUSTRY ZONE (L-1) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: Existing Section 4-712 of Chapter 7 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended by substituting the following: Section 4-712: Light Industry District (L-1). (A) Purpose and Intent: The purpose of the Light Industry Zone (L-1) is to provide areas for low intensity, non-nuisance generating in terms of odor, air and water pollution, noise, vibration and glare industrial. activities. The permitted uses are similar to those of the Manufacturing Park (M-P) Zone, but with less restrictive development standards. (B) Uses: In the Light Industry Zone (L-1), the following and similar uses are permitted. The Building & Zoning Department may determine that any other use is similar in general character to the following specific uses and is in keeping with the intent of this zone. Upon such administrative determination, the subject use shall become a principal, accessory or conditional use, whichever is appropriate. Unless indicated by the text, definitions of the uses listed in this zone are consistent with the descriptions in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual. ORDINANCE NO. 3938 (1) Principal Uses: (a) Manufacturing of and product servicing uses as follows: 1. Distilleries and wineries. 2. Electronics manufacturing and assembly. 3. Food and kindred products. 4. Manufacturing, processing, assembling and packaging of articles, products or merchandise from previously prepared natural or synthetic materials. 5. Manufacturing, processing, treating an assembling and packaging of articles, products ormerchandise from previously prepared ferrous or alloyed metals. 6. Signs and advertising. (b) Service uses as follows: 1. Automobile and truck sales, rentals, and repair establishments and body shops. 2. Car washes. 3. Churches 4. Commercial laundries and/or dry-cleaning. 5. Contractors and manufacturers' representatives. 6. Contractors' construction office and storage of materials and equipment, provided storage areas are screened as required by Section 4-737. 7. Express delivery and hauling activities with limited cargo handling at a central terminal. 8. Gasoline service stations. 9. Lumber yards, provided storage areas are screened as required by Section 4-737. - 2 - I ORDINANCE NO. 3938 10. Mobile home, trailer and recreational vehicle sales, rental and repair establishments. 11. Printing, publishing and allied industries. 12. Rental services. 13. Research and development laboratories. 14. Theaters. 15. Tow truck operations and auto impoundment yards provided yard areas are screened as required by Section 4-737. 16. Veterinary facilities and/or kennels. 17. Warehousing and storage. 18. Wholesale outlets and stores. 19. Recycling collection stations or centers provided that they are located outside any required landscaping area. 20. Offices of less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet. (2) Accessory Uses: In the Light Industrial Zone (L-1) the following uses are allowed where incidential to a permitted use: (a) Buildings or structures which are ordinarily associated with the permitted uses. (b) Outside storage of materials, products and cont iners is permitted within the buildable area provided the storage area is screened from all adjacent property sharing a common boundary line and designated any residential, public, commercial, office park or manufacturing park use. These properties must be designated as one of the categories both on the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and.Zoning Map. Screening shall consist of an existing structure, a solid wall or sight-obscuring fence a minimum of six (6) feet in - 3 - ORDINANCE NO. 3938 • height up to a maximum of ten (10) feet or as required by the Bulk Storage Ordinance, Section 4-734. (c), Retail and office uses where ordinarily associated with the permitted use. (d) A security building may be allowed in the non-landscaped portion of the required open space provided the building does not contain more than one hundred fifty (150) square feet. (e) A restaurant or cafeteria, recreational and daycare facilities (for employees use only) may be operated in conjunction with a principal use. (f) One residence per establishment for security or maintenance personnel. (g) Storage of petroleum or natural gas or any of their by-products, when the total storage capacity is less than fifty thousand (50,000) gallons, or other applicable unit of measure. (3) Conditional Uses: In the Light Industry Zone (L-1) the following uses and their accessory uses may be allowed by Conditional Use Permit as provided in Section 4-748 of the City Code. • (a) . Any principally permitted use whose operations are predominantly conducted out of doors rather than completely enclosed within a building. (b) Height limits to exceed fifty (50) feet. (c) Coal and fuel yards and self-service storage provided that: 1. When NOT entirely contained within a building, the area is surrounded by a site obscuring screen consisting of a solid fence and landscaping. - 4 - ORDINANCE NO. 3938 • 2. Coal and fuel yards shall be located a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from the side lines of any residential zoning district. (d) Truck terminals and associated warehouse facilities. (e) Additional uses as identified in Section 4-748(D)1. (4) Prohibited Uses: In the Light Industrial Zone (L-1) the following uses are prohibited: (a) Residential uses, EXCEPT for one security or maintenance personnel residence as provided in Section 712(B)(2)(f). (b) Refining, manufacture, or bulk storage of petroleum, or any of its by-products, EXCEPT as provided above in Section 712(B). (c) All other uses, except as provided in Section 4-712(B) above. (C) Development Standards: In the Light Industrial Zone (L-1) the following development standards shall apply, EXCEPT as otherwise provided by this ordinance: (1) Setbacks: (a) Building setback abutting public streets: Minimum setback on the following types of streets as defined by the Six-Year Street Plan shall be: Street Type Yard Setback: Arterials 20' All others 10' (b) Adjacent to Residential Lots: A twenty (20) foot wide setback, including either a five (5) foot wide sight-obscuring landscaping strip or a solid six (6) foot high barrier, shall be required along the common property lire if an L-1 lot is adjacent to a lot with a residential designation on both the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map. - 5 - ORDINANCE NO. 3938 • (2) Landscaping (a) All areas of a site not covered by buildings, structures, paved or crushed rock surfaces shall be landscaped. Areas set aside for future development on a lot may be hydroseeded. An adequate means of irrigation shall also be provided. (b) All garbage, refuse or dumpster areas shall be screened, EXCEPT for access points, by a fence or landscaping or some combination thereof as determined by the Building and Zoning Department. (3) Lot Coverage: The maximum area covered by buildings shall NOT exceed sixty-five (65) percent of the lot. (4) Height: A maximum height of fifty (50) feet, EXCEPT, as provided above in Section 4-712(B)(3)(b). (5) Parking: See Chapter 22, Title IV of the City Code. (6) Signs: See Chapter 19, Title IV of the City Code. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and approval and thirty days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16th day of September, 1985. 70 Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16th day of September, 1985. Approved as to form: (7-eac-o-4,4-a Lawrence 1 War n, City Attorney Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Date of Publication: September 20, 1985 - 6 - I . ;1 . ,ilk ORDINANCE No. )--01 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-1) TO BUSINESS DIS- TRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Ren ton", as amended, and the maps in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow1described have hereto- fore been zoned as Residential District (R-1) ; and WHEREAS the City Council, on its own motion, fixed and established November 7, 1966, as the date of public hearing on such proposed rezoning, and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing as provided by law, and this matter having been duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and study, and said proposed rezoning being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and all par- ties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Business District (B-1) ; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: North 118 feet of Lot 17, Block 6 as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands of record in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, inclusive in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington. (More generally known as: Property located North of Renton Fire ( Station No. 2 in the Highlands area) SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of November, 1966. r � Helmie Nelson, .City Clerk /C 1'', APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of November-, 1966. -. Y la r � - - --7,e,,eli _ • . .4(p,,v„t: ...,_ P4ayor ., v Bruce T. Hulse, y ;Le-_ Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: N O Y 16 M66 7Y;- i: fly F,. t October 3 , 1966 Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor. Members of the City Council Re: Rezone Recommendation - Property North of Highlands Fire Station V • . Gentlemen and Mrs. Da.hiquist . . . The Planning Commission at its meeting of September 28, 1966, reviewed the possible use of above mentioned pro- • perty. On the basis of its review, the Planning Commission recommended that the property be rezoned. to .R-3.i g-0}k. / 7/;i/ s- Very. truly yours, V Gordon. Y. Ericksen / Planning Director I ! - GYE/da. Lu Lue rorK i u ira. ror pursuance. doves a Poll, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. - Carried. a" iv It was recommended that upon vacation of Cedar River Park City Hall facilities by the present City Administrative Offices, that the area be set aside-for park purposes. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahiquist, to concur in the recommendation. `' The motion carried. , Committee of. the Whole roport,from meeting of October 18th,recommended that the City proceed to build alternates No. 2 and Item 5 of the proposed grandstand plans::; ..,j.:' as submitted by Architects Olsen-Richert & Associates. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur. . It was pointed out that Alternate No. 2 was the center - section of the proposed grandstand estimated at cost of $55,000.00 with $11,000.00 'for roof cover. Item 5 includes necessary sundries such as relocation of fencing ' removal of poles, a screen backstop, etc. Discussion ensued regarding advisability .' .' ;. of completing the grandstand in stages instead in one contract since increase in all costs will continue with rising..economy base. Further discussion included the matter of whether the grandstand should be located in Liberty or Cedar River Park it being suggested that Liberty Park might not have adequate area for sufficient accommodation but it also being pointed out that this land was ready for use: '; ` whereas Cedar River would have to be improved for utilization which would take some time. Upon inquiry of Park Director Coulon his report was that the Park ;Hoard had directed letter to the Council that the lights be installed in Liberty Park and that this location is then where the grandstand should be ` Inquiry was made regarding funding and it was pointed out that $30,000.00 had been set aside toward this project with the entire cost anticipated at $809500.00: .:::'=.::.f Gianini suggested..that the construction be funded from Cedar River acquisition fund with repayment over a period of years and that the whole project be built 'at one time to save considerable dollars. Discussion ensued 'regarding funding and Morris with statement that if a project is going to be started 'the funding.., must be provided, Moved that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Com- a mittee. Garrett speaking against the motion felt the Council should determine 'whether the grandstand is going to be built before funding is determined and if so then the matter of additional funds for financing would be referred, unless the intent was to build the Committee would not know what was to be funded. Dahlqui.st added that the matter was put into committee because of intent to build : I however, Morris clarified that the matter was referred to committee to SO if funds were available to carry out such a project and then determination would be made ' as to whether the project can be built. Hulse added that this is what he seconded and upon the question vote was taken on thepending motion which was declared lost: Roll call vote was requested resulting as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist; ;. Perry, Poli and Morris. No: Gianin:i,, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm and Delaurenti. The motion carried referring the matter to the Ways and Meane Committee. Ways and Means Committee report was read recommending that the City piocood with purchase of Parcel tIB", 'Lake Washington Shorelands, to be funded from Cedar River. . •;;., : :Maintenance and Improvement'with 10%.down and nine annual installments. Further recommended that $250.00be transferred from Cedar River M. .: Cedar• RiverM. & I. 3400/4l7 unto and. I. 3400/605 to cover down payment with referral to the Law"' , 'and Ordinance Committee for proper resolution. Moved by Hulse, seconded by,Perry; to concur: The motion carried. Councilman Pedersen submitted Property Committee report recommending sale for cash - .. :(1-of City-owned property located north of the Fire station with bid call on the B-1`: ;' zoned parcel to be published and posted and..December. 19th set as date for opening of, the bids, as described in Resolution 1385 subject to easments, restrictions and' ;.. ' _' ;reservations, if any. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poll, to concur in the recom- mendations. The,motion carried.': _q- aving been previously approved y the Auditing and Accounting Committee;;=be,, , approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: , Current ,5609 - 5637 $ 10,886.17 ` ' ` City Street: -. 5638 - 5653 14 610.22 ' Cedar River M. & I. 5654 - 5657 - 41..28 OLf-Stroot Parking 5658 100.00 Equipment Rental 5659 - 5670 681.14 ' Library . , 5671 - 5715 4,251.72 Parks 5716 - 5731 : ` Water Works Utility ` 5732 '- 5747 12,529.59 1965.W. & S. Const. 5748 - 5749 1,505.98 Airport , 5750 - 5755 578.68 Cumulative 1975 5756 - 5759. 804.09 : Cumulative 1990 5760 , 12.46 $ 49,818.02 : ,. Council President Hulse reminded Committee of the Whole of the meeting tomorrow ' , e: :;,;.,;....:„: :;: November 1.5th at; 7:30 p.m. ,t'.. t r. ORDINANCES}AND RESOLUTIONS , Lay and Ordinance Committee Chairman Vern Morris submitted proposed Resolution vof,~.,' -''`` the City, authorizing the City Clerk to transfer funds within the. Waterworks De-" partment as follows: From: Account 7120/605, Capital Outlay, $4,500.00 unto '7120/302; ; ,.`,` -, Maintenance and Operation, $3,500.00 and 417, $1,000.00, in order to continue normal :' .: operations for the balance of the year. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poll.,`;to adopt, ..:'; ,. .,'. Resolution No.' 1406 as read. The motion carried. A proposed' Resolution was read appropriating $4,386.82 excess revenues`received `from : .''' : .a ", Wilson & Dean Construction Company,pz rtaining to public improvement of 36" storm'= "::' .`: , 4 ::,: C sewer in ,7th Avenue'.South, into Street Maintenance Fund Account 3200/605, Capital ` .; '': . '.:., ` Outlay (Working Budget Street Acct.' 3240/605, Capital Outlay) Moved by Schellert„' .,; . , ", - ;: seconded by Dahlquist, to adopt Resolution No. 1407 as read. . The motion carried. A proposed Resolution was 'read. vacating easement for.water line,designated Parcel A ,..', :' '' ', , same being superseded by revised easement owners have heretofore conveyed unto the' city pertaining to said relocated facilities over, unto and across designated Parcel B. -`? The Easement described.as Parcel A is hereby relinquished and vacated in all respects. in favor. of the estate` of Frank Bonnell, Sr., now deceased, his heirs and .distributees::``, ' '` Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce;. to. adopt Resolution No. 1408 as read. Carried. 'Tlie Committee �ed .., -, -. : �::�;' ,:..';:•:,: .'. �1; .,},, . submitt 'a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing,':_:;., the zoning classification of ,certain ,properties within the City from Residential Die-=. ,,; ,6: '.' = trig (R-1) to Business District (B-1) as read by the Clerk. Moved by Morris, seconded . . by`:Poll., to place the proposed Ordinance on its second and final reading. Carried. ` After .final reading, it was moved by Poll., seconded by Bruce, to adopt Ordinance No.•'2287r. <;_: - as 'read.. Roll call vote was taken, with all Council Members present voting aye. Carried. `'" Schellert inquired regarding surplussing of this property and it was noted that-the `'. - property was declared surplus and to be sold to highest bidder follgging appraisal as. `'_` per Resolution No. 1385. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schelle r, to proceed,with'.;` the sale and bid' advertisement.: It waspointed out b -Ci AttorneyShellan that: any . , a, y tyy:'�::,,.:� .,,,..':��. such action will need to be published locally and in the Daily Journal of Commerce ; ':';, ;: ,; , and.bid notices' posted with 4 weeks notice at least and terms of sale to be set forth =:-` ,,.`".,;;` „ , and:terms,:and reservations included. Pedersen withdrew his motion with consent of "�' .',::''';' ": second at this time Schellert pointed out that the reason he had brought the matter: '-'. ;;' up was that. the Ways and Means Committee is cognizant of the fact that the need for eceipt of the subject funds is approaching since they have been earmarked to repay.;: '' ; :: another fund within the budget. -3- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 7,1966 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk >,The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order`by D. W. Custer,., Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited by the assembly. ROLL. CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Hulse, Bruce, Schellert, Pedersen, Garrett, Trim, Perry, Poli. and Morris and Delaurenti. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Bruce, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk,' Gerard .M.' Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer,, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Marcella Hillgen, Librarian, Gordon Ericksen,'Planning Director, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGantvoort, .,. Street Commissioner, and Ted Bennett, Utility Accountant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 24th be approved as written. The motion carried. 'PUBLIC HEARING: Rezone of city-owned property to B-1 - "H" Street north of Highlands Fire Station This being the date set, the hearing was declared opep. There were no written communications to be presented and audience comment was invited. There being none;it was moved by Schellert, seconded by' Ppli, that the hearing be dlosed. The" motion was carried and the hearing was declared closed, Council action was invited and it was moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the property be toned B-1 and the matter referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: ' Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted recommendation of the Planning Commission from its meeting of October 26th, that the Tejan Development Company property be rezoned from B-1 to R-4. Application No. R-363-66, property : ` located on Renton Avenue between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South,, which proposed 20-unit apartment is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the rezone with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Letter from Tejan Development Co., Inc. 848 - 106th Ave. N. E., Bellevue,. Washington petitioned the Council to change the fire zone on their property located between 90th.. ... and 91st Avenue S.E. from Fire Zone #1 to a residential fire zone. Moved by Perry, r,. seconded by Poli, to refer the request to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried:.; Application from Frances Cunningham requested required license to operate coin machine pool table at Boulevard Tavern, 10826 Lake Washington Blvd. Moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, to refer the application to. the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from John Barer advised of notice from the City Engineer that a sloughiIg of dirt into the Black River Channel caused from apartment construction,at 11600, Rainier Avenue will cause drainage problem unless corrective measures are taken before 'a rainfall. It was requested that the city cooperate in correcting the problem by ,, ". ,;' u : tiling for approximately 180 feet along the eastern boundary of Mr. Hareem property ..7411 ciwni ch fill 'to eliminate the open channel and perform' the fill. It ;was; Minutes-Renton City Council Meeting 10-24-66 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont.) The Law and Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton vacating a portion of Mountain View Avenue as read by the Clerk. (Rudy Hessen petition) Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poll., to place the document on second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved , by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt Ordinance No. 2286 as read. Carried. piscussion ensued relative to action to be taken regarding the rezoning of City- , owned property next to Fire Station #2 at 9th and H Street in the Highlands. : Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised that due to the close similarity in zoning use of the two, R-3 and B-1 zoning,he felt no gross problem exists in the action taken. There are certain permitted uses in B-1 not allowable under R-3, - but since there was no protest the public obviously did not care one way or another. It would, however, have been his opinion if asked last week that the change wao not in order and that another notice be posted and public hearing held as revised. It was pointed out that a majority of the Council had voted for the zoning and alternative action to legally effect the will of the majority was desired and course of pursuance was discussed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that November 7th be set for hearing on rezoning of the subject property. arried. Mr. Robert Shane requested that the matter of storm drain connected with his Aloha Ranch development be considered by the Council as the interest point has increased 1.6% since he came in on the matter. Committee Members Garrett and Schellert advised they wished to meet with the City Attorney prior to making a recommendation. It was pointed out that the Council does not meet for two weeks since next week is a 5th Monday. The question is whether the City is obligated to provide a line through Aloha Ranch Development #1 which street was dedicated and accepted by the City or whether the responsibility is Mr. Shane's since he wishes to use the line for getting rid of excess water in developing Aloha Ranch #2. Recess was requested and galled upon motion by Perry and second by Hulse and carried. " After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. Councilman Garrett reported the findings of the Committee that the City has no obligation in the matter. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the report of the Street and Alley Committee. " Discussion, ensued and upon inquiry by Perry as to further details, Councilman -Garrett drew a diagram on the chalk board and explained alternative route or drain and catch basin plan which might be utilized by Mr. Shane. City Engineer Wilson - ' advised that the present drainage facilities are adequate for the area the City is concerned with, the problem being the water in the area now being developed. Upon - inquiry as to cost it was estimated that a line through the existing #1 develop- ment would cost approximately $3,000.00 but City Engineer Wilson stated that all, that is practically needed are a couple of catch basins and a stOrm line for future ,expansion. Mr. Shane pointed out other developments in the area, and re-stated his stand that he should not have to pay to run a line through property accepted by the City. He asked why he wasn't required to install it before since the City knew , he intended to further develop the area and it was pointed out that there was no storm seWordown 116th at that time but it had been installed subsequently by emergency measures. Perry felt the City should provide a place for the water when Mr. Shane comes to the end of his Plat'but it was pointed out there is no Ordinance requiring line to be run to private properties. Question was called for on the pending motion and the vote followed and the ...... .-A , ' "2, • , ", , • •' • L, ,1„ , •`1`, , ;, c\ ,; , ' ' ,/ • '"., r ▪ '" • • • r- j, • , - ' , , • 4' • - , • - - • -• , • ' Minutes - Renton City Council'o ' „ •no non. - • 10,47s,66n::•• • '• , , • 1:Lit HEARINGS:- (Cont4') I' • ' n,•1 n.• os' • ,s.• •‘• • , Rezone of,City'Owned, property located North of Fire Station No. 2 in •thenHighlands, „ ,n • .J, (9th and "H" Street). , ' , , ns , .• s • 1, _ • So "' s • • • - . .••• o • o • - ••n ',S.' on • ns This being the date set the hearing was declared open. ,As there were no column-4es- tions nor'comment from the audience, Council action, was invited."' Councilman:, s 1 • ‘, - 'Pedersen, Property Committde Chairman, reported that although the Planning'Commission ., • had recommended R-3 zoning, 'the whole block from the Fire Station to Sunset 'is zoned, '• • B-1 with exception of one apartment which has been built in a B-1 zoning. The , , •-. s. Property Committee, in looking out for interest of the public feels that, the highest ' • and best use in community interest would be B-1. Upon inquiry regarding existing ••.; • zoning, Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the B-1 zonings in the area and R-1, ' ,. • nearby and advised that the Commission wished to point out that the apartment is .1., • '• • , adjacent, with apartments along- entire west side of the block with addition being newly constructed on the existing apartment and it was the feeLing,in keeping with the use of the area,it would be more desirable for the area .to go into Multiple use n • rather than B-1. A portion of property near the corner is R-1, never having been 2 , • . rezoned however the R-3 was felt to be more compatible use for the area than Bsl. • • • Perry expressed opinion it'should be alike and not a B-i then R-3 and the Fire Station., • '.,. Moved by Hulse; seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Carried.' Moved by • - , • Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the Planning recommendation of R-3 and , n . refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. , , -.• o, , • ,„ Pedersen inquired whether R-3 would allow Doctors offices and dental clinics and Mr. Ericksen advised they could be allowed by special permit from the Planning Corn- mission. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen to amend the motion by ,substituting B-=1 . *, - in lieu of the R-3 zoning. Schellert stated the City has an opportunity to rezone ' its own property as it may wish and if the Planning Commission says it should be R-3' ' the Council should go along with the recommendations of the City Body.- •• • •- , • Garrett replied that ea a duly elected Councilman you should go, along with the Planning Commission recommendations if your convictions allow however he,feels if •a • Picte of property has B-1 on 3 sides it should also be zoned B-1, and he is well .; aware of the existence of an apartment on property with B-1 zoning, Council's •., , • , o'• obligation being to zone for best and highest use. ' ,s• Dahlquist pointed out that apartment housing is on two sides of the property . • ., • • e AJ. and the fire station on the 3rd and across the street is B-land she also, felt the ' , Council should accept recommendation of the Planning Commission when they have, been ',`••=s° • • asked for a recommendation, and having done the planning for the whole City. Pedersen added that this was not an easy decision for the Planning Commission - • and they at one time had thought about zoning half of it one zoning and the other '• ' half another, but the Property Committee recommends B-1 as being the highest and •I . . • • , best use as the property will be put up for bids and sold as previously authorized. • nso. , „ Garrett pointed out that the apartment house is R-3 use but is in a B-i zoning ' and if zoned B-1 the person could put in apartments if he so desired, and it should-' ••••; • be understood that you are not violating or restricting use and that structures are • not reflecting the zoning. • Hulse requested ruling of legality of the motion since • , it changes the intent, The chair ruled the motion in, order,the change allows,the. like s'.. - use and only one-half of the motion being amended. Upon inquiry Attorney Haugan stated • the Mayor's ruling to have merit. Schellert inquired whether the zoning posted for n ' public hearing can be changed by Council. City Attorney Haugan gave his opinion • n that the action would hold water. in court as there is 'not any great radical change, the R-3 and B-]. Scarcely 'ally different insofar as'permitted use. Dahlquist stated that ' •• • since apartments are permitted in B-1 and business in R-3 by special permit, the '''"•n' ,. • , Council should uphold the Planning Commission recommendation. Hulse added that the. so . nn highest and best use seems to be indicated by what has happened'already in the area' • , .affirming:.retommehdation of the Planning Commission. Garrett countered that the B-1 use allowed would bring in more revenue to', the 'taxpayer than the R-3 and this should-- be considered. Question was called for on the motion to •amend and the Chair ruled the •,' • motion carried. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Ayes: Bruce, sn- - ,„.• Pedersen, Garrett, Perry and Delaurenti. . No:. Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poll. amendment carried.- The motion was voted upon as amended, rezoning the property to,- •. . -1 with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. •3 •' ,••,. n •,` ' .; • , .• s • , • , • c' •, -o • sot' o ", ,• -- • - - - .s ors- „. . • • ,• v., . s, , r' o• ' .•ooso ••• „ • '; ,„, . • „ - • " • • • .' • ;•:, •••• • -", -r , ,]•••ti r,•, • •-`.•4 •‘"••-• , ••• "• •• •- • •, • ' - 1 , " ,4.' - . ', e.. ,Minutes. .- Renton City Council Meeting (Cont). 10-3-1966 ' .. ' . . Budget Hearing: . ': matter was not referred and then later in the evening,. in order ,to,.' • balance' the' budget it was moved, by Garrett and seconded by Trimm to - adopt the Revenue section of the budget as presented by the Mayor,:` . . . . 'and she` did not- think such. actions were justifiable. Therefore, she '..' could not vote for the budget adoption. '.. . COMMUNICATIONS; ; ' Letter'from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, .final :. .,. estimate for work performed on the. 116th Avenue S.E. storm sewer contract by 'South End Concrete Products. The work was accepted by the Engineering. Depart-. . , ment' as of September 30, 1966. It was also recommended that the Council accept: - :.. ' ,the 'project at this time commencing the 30 day lien period, after which,- If no - ' liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities Contractor be paid $771.60 of the $826.60 retained. The remaining '._ .. $55.00 to .be paid to the Street Department for labor and equipment in shaping ' -and clean-up of shoulders. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur.• , ' `. • ,;in the recommendations- with referral,to the Auditing. and Accounting Committee - . _ .with power to act. Carried. •. ',: City Engineer Wilson requested authorization of Council for Mr. Bob Puhich°and ' . Mr. Matt Cole to attend the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control, meeting in,.. ' Portland., Oregon, October 19th through 21st. Moved by' Hulse, seconded by ' - . . Dahlquist, that authorization be granted as requested. Carried. r • city'Engineer''s -report was read on the 'Petition for Annexation of property in , ` , ' vicinity of S.E. 96th Street and F.A. 1. Highway No. 405. Signatures thereon - reprclontod 86.90N of the assessed valuation of the property. The area contains . - _ aprronimately 19 acres and has an assessed valuation of $20,651.00. Moved'by Sefiellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Mayor to convene the Review Board. Carried.. (E. A. Sweazey et alpproperties) , , , - Building Director Sven Johnson submitted application for sign at 913 Third ' • Avenue as requested by owner of "Wigs by, DeMason Blu" which will project over ' ."right-of--way and Revocable Permit was recommended. Moved by Bruce, seconded, byy:' ' Hulse, to grant the permit as recommended. Carried. . Letter from'Building Inspector Ruppert recommended granting of Revocable Permit to Lily Hedberg Backman for sign to project over sidewalk right-of-way at 305 , Second Avenue (World Travel Service). Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to ` ' concur in the recommendation. Carried. - Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, 'submitted Planning Commission • recommendation from its meeting of September 28th that. the property located North of the Renton Fire Station #2 in the Highlands be rezoned to R-3, recommendation . having been requested by Council referral of 7-25-66. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, however, -- • . discussion ensued regarding procedure for Council initiated rezone and .it was . ruled that the motion was out of order at this time, a Public Hearing being required. Proved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that October 17, 1966 be set for hearing on ' the recommendation to ,.rezone the City-owned property to R-3. The motion was dis- ` . cussed with regard to timeliness of rezoning action and City Attorney Shellan upon request for opinion, stated that if the City does not rezone it but sells it and the new owner rezones and sells it at a higher price to another party, then the people have been deprived of the higher price which the City might have gotten if the property had been rezoned before the City sold it. The pending motion carried. • letter from Mr. Fred Hanis, Recording Secretary, City Employees' Club, requested permission to work on the legal holiday of October 12th (Colombus Day) in exchange for November 25th allowing a four-day weekend for all city employees. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. The motion carried., ' • Notice was read of Valley Development Conference being sponsored by the Valley Regional Planning Commission on Thursday, November 10, 1966 at the Renton Inn. Bulletin gave notice of the 17th Annual Governor's Industrial Safety Conference • . to be held November 17 and 18, 1966 at the Legislative Building in Olympia. A letter from Mrs. E. R. Reed submitted application #10 for license 'to operate a fireworks stand in Renton in 1967. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to • - refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. • . . . . Carried. I- . , 73" evea Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25,•. 1966 COMM �`tEE' €;SPORTS a'jCont. located. Councilman Perry suggested that the Boeing newspaper might also be asked to -conduct such a poll . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, ,to concur in. the' recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. • Councilman Garrett, Chairman of ''the' Street'.and Alley. Committee reported that his • committee had held a meeting with Service Laundry relative to a parking or l oadi ng =, zone at their place of business. Mr. Garrett advised that the Traffic Division .has . • taken pictures and is making a study of the matter and requested more time for his' committee. NEW BUSINESS: : • 'Moved 'by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 4269, - 4358, : having been previously approved by the Auditing ,and Accounting Committee, be approved;.. by the Council for payment at this time. Carried, Fund` breakdown is ,as, follows: Current 4269 - 4294 $26,043.53 , • _f' City Street 4295 - 4300 16,855.91 Cedar River M. .& I. 4301 - 4303 , 101 .25 Equipment Rental :,. 4304 4315 8,576.17 Library -', 4316 - 4318 i,000.64 Parks 4319 - 4326 2,337.23 k , , Water Works Utility 4327 - 4334 • 7,032.35 1965 Water..& Sewer' Construction 4335 - 4336._ 22,568.80 Airport " . 4337 4341 888.07 . „ Firemen's Pension 4342 - 4357 2,429.83 ... r{, Arterial Street 4358. 2,500.00 • ; . $90,333.78 Councilman Hulse requested a meeting'of the Committee of the Whole to be held '. ° immediately following adjournment. of this. Council meeting and also for a subsequent '' ` a:•';.' meeti net to be hold at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. Councilman Schellert requested a meeting with the Park Board on Aujcust. 10th at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. • ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed `, '''; Resolution for the vacation'of a certain alley, being described as that certain , '' ' sixteen foot alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands, according to the plat recorded Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41, records of King County,':. Washington, and setting the time of hearing on said vacation to be the 22nd day of August, 1966, at the hour. , of 8:00 p.m.,, in the City Council Chambers. Moved by Schellert, seconded by €col i, to adapt Resolution 'No. 1383 as read. Carried. 'A proposed Resolution was submitted extending the compulsory retirement of .Frank A::`;<::" ' •'''. Henry under the classification of Uniformed Personnel for a period not to exceed one year, 'to-wit: until October 1, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pol i; > :;°; to adopt Resolution No. 1384 as read. Carried. _ ,, - t A Proposed Resolution was submitted declaring surplus certain property described as , the North 118 feet of Lot 17, Block 6, as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands, . of record in Voiume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41, inclusive, in the office of. the '.•; ;';:;, ,. Auditor, King County, Washington, and authorizing to advertise for bids for 'the sale of the,afore described property. .Moved by-;Bruce, seconded by Poll, to adopt : " Resolution No. 1385 as read. Councilman Schellert inquired as to present zoning of the Property whether Council should consider the advisibility of a rezone prior to :, ' .`' offering the property for sale. The Pending motion carried. Moved by Schellert; seconded by Pederson to refer this to the PLANNING COMMISSION for recommendation of-, rezone.'. Planning Director Ericksen stated that he believed that the property was ; now zoned R-1, which was confirmed by the Fire Chief. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: 5 1°AYES", Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trim and Poli, '4., "NOS!';. >; Bruce, Pederson, Perry and Morris. The motion carried. A proposed Resolution was submitted recognizing the King County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Planning Committee as the community agency for/planningc development;;. 'and implementation of community mental health and mental retardation programs. ,Moved';; ::<:.: `•; by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1386 as read. Carried.,_:`, ::_,.-e '- :;... .t.. , Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 7-11-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) Unfinished Business: Committee of the Whole Report: • 2. Regarding referral of 6-27-66 of Equipment Rental Rate Schedule for 1967, . - : , it was recommended that the rates presented be adopted as of January 1, 1967 and that the coming budget reflect same. Moved by Poll, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The , motion carried. 3. Mrs Ralph Shafar, President, Renton School District Council of P.T.A., ; ' requested that a Council Member be appointed to the P.T.A. Safety,Committee and Councilman Schellert has been so appointed. The City Clerk was requested to so advise Mrs. Shafar. 4.' 'Letter from King County Medical Service Corporation,as referred to the le Committee of the Whole on 6-13-66,•was considered. Mr. John Alexander, Pres•, , Local 864, International Assn. of Firefighters advised that no action is re- quired at this time regarding additional medical coverage for Firemen and their, . , , 1, - dependents. ` Planning 'Committee report was submitted on referral of 6-27-66 pertaining,, to the - :,' ` •Charles Redmon appeal on rezone of property from GS 1 to R-4 and it was recom- mended, after review with the Planning Department, Commission and the applicant, ` :,that the rezone be amended to`R-3 zoning in conformance with the Comperhensive , General Development Plan of the City of Renton. Mr. Redmon has agreed to the :, lower:-density R-3 zoning, so amending his application. Voved by Perry, seconded by Hulse,to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Committee with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper : ; _ :.Ordinance designating the R-3 rezone classification. The motion carried. ` Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that the two rezones granted per Planning •Com-,,. ';"thission recommendations, be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. '`` ,'' . ' ,Councilman Bruce reported that the King County Assessor's Board of Equalization ' ' ���' �,;', had met and there was one parcel to be considered in the Renton area, however, ;s :;. , . `, ; no decision has been reached and the matter has begincontinued for further heara.ng: ;. z , .,-Property Committee report was submitted by Chairman Pedersen recommending,jointly `-`,with .the, Park Board,that the bid be rejected and new bid call be advertised for „' `d' ` construction of a shelter building at' the Kiwanis Park, with July 25, 1966 being <. ' -, the date for opening of the new bids. ` : '= Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the new bid call as recommended. Carried: ` % '°''Property Committee Chairman Pedersen submitted report recommending that the ' '' :1 property on the East bank of Cedar River, North of 6th Avenue North, Lots 1,2 `{ ' and 3 be leased to The Boeing Company for $450.00 per month (Formerly leased to ,, ,'. � �` •;:Y�ePack.Veneer Co.) and that property South of 6th Avenue North, adjoining former ,,.. . " .. .', ', , sewage disposal plant, be leased for $200.00 monthly to the Boeing Company with,: :`' ° . rental to be negotiated every five years. All improvements shall be made at no ,: .:: cost to the City and the City shall have access at all times for,river maintenance. • 'A, ',=`:The Lease shall be drawn by the City Attorney with the Mayor and City Clerk being fin , ': ;,',::,,' °,::authorized to sign. t,'." Moved by Hulse, seconded by Gianini, to concur in. the recommendations''ofthe ,r-4• a y Carried. . ... . 7 'Property Committee. ', `' .r '': The Property Committee recommended that a letter be sent once again the the State .r��� _ � .� = P Y the Public Boat ''; '+`=' ,_ " of Washington Department of Game, directing them to clean up . i;' ���,; ' .':.._,'`Launching area with lease cancellation in event of non-compliance: Moved .b t, :' Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. Carried: ,.. ; 3- be declared suxplus . :'t,- It was -recommended that "'the property North of Fire Station #2 „ - ��',��:�� .. ,�:-:and sold to the highest' 'bidder. Discussion ensued regarding terms of such a`sale ':.f,, +, ''1- ;:r :: after which it was moved by„Hulse,, seconded by Pedersen,''° concur: in the'.recom- 4 mendation and that the proceeds from such sale go into the fund from which the °'° - � 3rd .fire'_station site was purchased. " Carried. . '. , The Commi.ttoo recommended that the Hegh White property,' recently �cui:�dd. by the q City for Civic Center Site (Aa��;obahn) be added to,our blianlccl: fire insurance policy ,. _ at a valuation of $50 000.00.. ; ' Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, to concur`'in the recommendation. Carried. r Minutes - Renton.City Council Meeting (Cont') 10-3-1966 Budget Haring: matter was not referred and then Teter in the evening, in order to balance the budget it was moved by Garrett and seconded by Trimm to adopt the Revenue section of the budget as presented by the Mayor, and she did not think such actions were justifiable. Therefore, she could not vote for the budget adoption. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City Engineer Wilson submitted and recommended for payment, final estimate for work performed on the 116th Avenue S.E. storm sewer contract by South End Concrete Products. The work was accepted by the Engineering Depart- ment as of September 30, 1966. It was also recommended that the Council accept the project at this time commencing the 30 day lien period,' after which, if no liens or claims are filed against the project and upon proof of payment of tax liabilities Contractor be paid $771.60 of the $826.60 retained. The remaining $55.00 to be paid to the Street Department for labor and equipment in shaping and clean-up of shoulders. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. City Engineer Wilson requested authorization of Council for Mr. Bob Puhich and Mr. Matt Cole to attend the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control meeting in Portland, Oregon, October 19th through 21st. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, that authorization be granted as requested. Carried. City Engineer's report was read on the Petition for Annexation of property in vicinity of S.E. 96th Street and F.A. I. Highway No. 405. Signatures thereon represented 86.90% of the assessed valuation of the property. The area contains approximately 19 acres and has an assessed valuation of $20,651.00. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Mayor to convene the Review Board. Carried. (E. A. Sweazey et al properties) Building Director Sven Johnson submitted application for sign at 913 Third Avenue as requested by owner of "Wigs by DeMason Blu" which will project over right-of-way and Revocable Permit was recommended. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to grant the permit as recommended. Carried. Letter from Building Inspector Ruppert recommended granting of Revocable Permit to Lily Hedberg Backman for sign to project over sidewalk right-of-way at 305 Second Avenue (World Travel Service). Moved by Poll, seconded by Schellert, to ncur in the recommendation. Carried. Letter from Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendation from its meeting of September 28th that the property located North of the Renton Fire Station #2 in the Highlands be rezoned to R-3, recommendation having been requested by Council referral of 7-25-66. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, however, discussion ensued regarding procedure for Council initiated rezone and it was ruled that the motion was out of order at this time, a Public Hearing being require . Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that October 17, 1966 be set for hearing on the recommendation to .. rezone the City-owned property to R-3. The motion was dis- cussed with regard to timeliness of rezoning action and City Attorney Shellan upon request for opinion, stated that if the City does not rezone it but sells it and the new owner rezones and sells it at a higher price to another party, then the people have been deprived of the higher price which the City might have gotten if the property had been rezoned before the City sold it. The pending motion carried A letter from Mr. Fred Hanis, Recording Secretary, City Employees' Club, requested permission to work on the legal holiday of October 12th (Colombus Day) in exchange for November 25th allowing a four-day weekend for all city employees. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. The motion carried. Notice was read of Valley Development Conference being sponsored by the Valley Regional Planning Commission on Thursday, November 10,. 1966 at the Renton Inn. Bulletin gave notice of the 17th Annual Governor's Industrial Safety Conference to be held November 17 and 18, 1966 at the Legislative Building in Olympia. A letter from Mrs. E. R. Reed submitted application #10 for license to operate a fireworks stand in Renton in 1967. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. -3- I. ' Y Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting July 25, 1966 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont. ) located. Councilman Perry suggested that the Boeing newspaper might also be asked to conduct such a poll . Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee reported that his committee had held a meeting with Service Laundry relative to a parking or loading zone at their place of business. Mr. Garrett advised that the Traffic Division has taken pictures and is making a study of the matter and requested more time for his committee. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 4269 - 4358, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown is as follows: Current 4269 - 4294 $26,043.53 City Street 4295 - 4300 16,855.91 Cedar River M. & I. 4301 - 4303 101 .25 Equipment Rental 4304 - 4315 8,576.17 Library 4316 - 4318 1,000.64 Parks 4319 - 4326 2,337.23 Water Works Utility 4327 - 4334 7,032.35 1965 Water & Sewer Construction 4335 - 4336 22,568.80 Airport 4337 - 4341 888.07 Firemen's Pension 4342 - 4357 2,429.83 Arterial Street 4358 2,500.00 $90,333.78 Councilman Hulse requested a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to be held immediately following adjournment of this Council meeting and also for a subsequent meeting. to be heldat 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. Councilman Schellert requested a meeting with the Park Board on Aujust 10th at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution for the vacation of a certain alley, being described as that certain sixteen foot alley in Block 11, Renton Highlands, according to the plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41, records of King County, Washington, and setting the time of hearing on said vacation to be the 22nd day of August, 1966, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adapt Resolution No. 1383 as read. Carried. A proposed Resolution was submitted extending the compulsory retirement of Frank A. Henry under the classification of Uniformed Personnel for a period not to exceed one year, to-wit: until October 1, 1967. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1384 as read. Carried. A Proposed Resolution was submitted declaring surplus certain property described as the North 118 feet of Lot 17, Block 6, as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands, of record in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41, inclusive, in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington, and authorizing to advertise for bids for the sale of the afore described property. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to adopt Resolution No. 1385 as read. Councilman Schellert inquired as to present zoning of //) the Property whether Council should consider the advisibility of a rezone prior to offering the property for sale. The Pending motion carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Pederson to refer this to the PLANNING COMMISSION for recommendation of rezone. Planning Director Ericksen stated that he believed that the property was now zoned R-1, which was confirmed by the Fire Chief. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: 5 "AYES", Hulse, Schellert, Garrett, Trimm and Poli, 4 "NOS" Bruce, Pederson, Perry and Morris. The motion carried. A proposed Resolution was submitted recognizing the King County Meroa1 Health and Mental Retardation Planning Committee as the community agency for/planning, development and implementation of community mental health and mental retardation programs. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to adopt Resolution No. 1386 as read. Carried. -6- 1114 ♦ ' RESOLUr±Ou No /3 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore acquired by quit Claim Deed dated M4rch 2t, 1966, executed by the United States of America, acting by and through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Grantor's right, title and interest in and to certain lands, including reversionary interest in and to certain Highlands properties including Lot 17,of Block 6, as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands as hereinafter moreparticularly described, and WHEREAS it has been determined that the North Half of said Lot 17 is no longer needed or required for any public purposes whatever and such land should be declared surplus and disposed of in the best and most advantageous manner to the City of Renton, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: Section i= The aforeee d S indings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects. Section II: It is hereby found and determined that the following described prsorGtt is no longer needed for any public use or purpose and that there is no foreseeable need or requirement for said property and same is to be sold upon such terms and conditions as nay be most beneficial to the City of Renton including sale of said property to the highest bidder or by negotiations, as the Council may de termine; said property being described es follows, to-wit: North 118 •eej of Lot 17, Block 6 as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands, of record in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34-41, inclusive, in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the sale of the aforedescribed property and to sell same to the highest bidder, or as otherwise may be determined by the City Council; the City, however, reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to sell said property for cash, or upon such terms as the OW Council may hereafter determine. Section ITT: Upon such sale, the Mayor eed City Clerk are further authorized and directed to execute any and all quit Claim beetle Or other instruments of canveyipee -1. r , as may reasonably be necessary to dispose of such property. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25th day of July, 1966.`e"%z:;.i ?..G1.4-0J Helmie Nelson, City Clerk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 25th day of July, 1966 de- Donald-.W. -Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney • -2- (AA) CITY OF RENTON 7-/'ic ,,,¢� 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING icNG� . RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has setNovember 7, 1966 at 8L00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as • the time and piece for a Public Hearing to consider reclassification of properties ' from Residential (R-1) to Business District (B-1) , described as: • • North 118 feet of Lot 17, Block 6 as shown on. the Plat of Renton Highlands of record in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, ' inclusive in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington. • ' More generally known as: Property located North of Renton Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands area. Ar'iy and all-interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval• or disapproval to same. CITY'0F RENTON Heiniie Nelson City Clerk - DATE OF PUBLICATION: November 2, 1966 • CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I, i-- t'4 --i \ L? hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property-described above and one copy was posted•at the City Hall, Renton,..Washington on Signed __ r. k•- •(/ - •• G. /!'-�G-GG a' '/- 1./. :K-- l ATTESYi:; , f% \� • ;W ary Wash I rtg c,UT i\r f'r V +)ng at 'Reir,'0416 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set October 7.7, 1966 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council. Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a Public Hearing to tonsiderreclassifiFation of properties from Residential (R-1) to Residential District (R-3), described as: 00 /r013.10....,..0 North 113 feet of Lot .17, Block 6 as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands of record in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, inclusive 'in the office of . the Auditor, King County, Washington. • More generally known as: Property located North of Renton Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands area. Any .end al I: interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval• or disapproval to same, CITY 'OF RENTON w,2_4(..:6);12:Arpti Helniie Nelson City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: OstobPr 5_ 1,966 • CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF K l NG ) • I,��c'� L. ' " ' �5r'�� hereby certify that three (3) Copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above acid one copy was posted-at the City Hall, Renton,..Washington on 41- dCy O Oe. -4a.1.), /9 6 / , .G , Signeds � ' .oe •• "4 _`r : : PI 0 Sf: -:- "?. 2 8,i —4-ii---Z oe._,t_, ._,c..."- - c-Yt--—ei ,i, ;Z;-/---------, n . y Pub l �e n x,�c: (77,;;i ;ti of West,init+:Ft, rnei RdIng at Rein •�1".3 o. rA y/ Y r : f i Minutes Renton City Council 10-17-66 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (.Cont.) v Rezone of City owned property located North of Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands (9th and "H" Street) This being the date set the hearing was declared open. As there were no communica- tions nor comment from the audience, Council action was invited. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman, reported that although the Planning Commission had recommendedR-3 zoning, the whole block from the Fire Station to Sunset is zoned B-1 with exception of one apartment which has been built in a B-i zoning. The Property Committee, in looking out for interest of the public feels that the highest and best use in community interest would be B-1. Upon inquiry regarding existing zoning, Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the B-1 zonings in the area and R-1 nearby and advised that the Commission wished to point out that the apartment is adjacent, with apartments along entire west side of the block with addition being newly constructed on the existing apartment and it was the feeling,in keeping with the use of the area,it would be more desirable for the area to go into Multiple use rather than B-1. A portion of property near the corner is R-1, never having been rezoned however the R-3 was felt to be more compatible use for the area than B-1. Perry expressed opinion it should be alike and not a B-1 then R-3 and the Fire Station. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the Planning recommendation of R-3 and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Pedersen inquired whether R-3 would allow Doctors offices and dental clinics and Mr. Ericksen advised they could be allowed by special permit from the Planning Com- mission. . Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen to amend the motion by substituting B-1 in lieu of the R-3 zoning. Schellert stated the City has an opportunity to rezone its own property as it may wish and if the Planning Commission says it should be R-3 the Council should go along with the recommendations of the City Body. Garrett replied that as a duly elected Councilman you should go along with the Planning Commission recommendations if your convictions allow however he feels if a piece of property has B-1 on 32 sides it should also be zoned B-1, and he is well aware of the existence of an apartment on property with B-1 zoning, Council's obligation being to zone for best and highest use. Dahlquist pointed out that apartment housing is on two sides of the property and the fire station on the 3rd and across the street is B-1 and she also felt the Council should accept recommendation of the Planning Commission when they have been asked for a recommendation. and having done the planning for the whole City. Pedersen added that this was not an easy decision for the Planning Commission and they at one time had thought about zoning half of it one zoning and the other half another, but the Property Committee recommends B-1 as being the highest and best use as the property will be put up for bids and sold as previously authorized. Garrett pointed out that the apartment house is R-3 use but is in a B-1 zoning and if zoned B-i the person could put in apartments if he so desired and it should be understood that you are not violating or restricting use and that structures are not reflecting the zoning. Hulse requested ruling of legality of the motion since it changes the intent. The chair ruled the motion in order,the change allows.the. like use and only one-half of the motion being amended. Upon inquiry Attorney Haugan stated the Mayor's ruling to have merit. Schellert inquired whether the zoning posted for public hearing can be changed by Council. City Attorney Haugan gave his opinion that the action would hold water in court as there is not any great radical change, the R-3 and B-1 scarcely 'any different insofar as permitted use. Dahlquist stated that since apartments are permitted in B-1 and business in R-3 by special permit, the Council should uphold the Planning Commission recommendation. Hulse added that the highest and best use seems to be indicated by what has happened already in the area affirming:-.recommendation. of the Planning Commission. Garrett countered that the B-1 use allowed would bring in more revenue to the 'taxpayer than the R-3 and this should be considered. Question was called for on the motion to amend and the Chair ruled the motion carried. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Ayes: Bruce, Pedersen,- Garrett, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. Amendment carried. The motion was voted upon as amended, rezoning the property to B-1 with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- Minutes - Renton. City Council 10-17-66 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont.) Rezone of City owned property located North of Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands (9th and' "H" Street) This being the date set the hearing was declared open. As there were no communica- tions nor comment from the audience, Council action was invited. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman, reported that although the Planning Commission had recommended R-3 zoning, the whole block from the Fire Station to Sunset is zoned B-1 with exception of one apartment which has been built in a B-1 zoning. The Property Committee, in looking out for interest of the public feels that the highest and best use in community interest would be B-1. Upon inquiry regarding existing zoning, Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the B-1 zonings in the area and R-1 nearby and advised that the Commission wished to point out that the apartment is adjacent, with apartments along entire west side of the block with addition being newly constructed on the existing apartment and it was the feeling,in keeping with the use of the area,it would be more desirable for thearea to go into Multiple use rather than B-1. A portion of property near the corner is R-1, never having been rezoned however the R-3 was felt to be more compatible use for the area than B-1. Perry expressed opinion it should be alike and not a B-1 then R-3 and the Fire Station. Moved. by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the Planning recommendation of R-3 and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Pedersen inquired whether R-3 would allow Doctors offices and dental clinics and Mr. Ericksen advised they could be allowed by special permit from the Planning Com- mission. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen to amend the motion by substituting B-1 in lieu of the R-3 zoning. Schellert stated the City has an opportunity to rezone its own property as it may wish and if the Planning Commission says it should be R-3 the Council should go along with the recommendations of the City Body. Garrett replied that as a duly elected Councilman you should go along with the Planning Commission recommendations if your convictions allow however he feels if a piece of property has B-1 on $2 sides it should also be zoned B-1, and he is well aware of the existence of an apartment on property with B-1 zoning, Council'.s obligation being to zone for best and highest use. Dahlquist pointed out that apartment housing is on two sides of the property and the fire station on the 3rd and across the street is B-1 and she also felt the Council should accept recommendation of the Planning Commission when they have been asked for a recommendation. and having done the planning for the whole City. Pedersen added that this was not an easy decision for the Planning Commission and they at one time had thought about zoning half of it one zoning and the other half another, but the Property Committee recommends B-1 as being the highest and best use as the property will be put up for bids and sold as previously authorized. Garrett pointed out that the apartment house is R-3 use but is in a B-1 zoning and if zoned B-1 the person could put in apartments if he so desired and it should be understood that you are not violating or restricting use and that structures are not reflecting the zoning. Hulse requested ruling of legality of the motion since it changes the intent. The chair ruled the motion in order,the change allows the like use and only one-half of the motion being amended. Upon inquiry Attorney Haugan stated the Mayor's ruling to have merit. Schellert inquired whether the zoning posted for public hearing can be changed by Council. City Attorney Haugan gave his opinion that the action would hold water in court as there is not any great radical change, the R-3 and B-1 scarcely 'any different insofar as permitted use. Dahlquist stated that since apartments are permitted in B-1 and business in R-3 by special permit, the Council should uphold the Planning Commission recommendation. Hulse added that the highest and best use seems to be indicated by what has happened already in the area affirming-recommendation of the Planning Commission. Garrett countered that the B-1 use allowed would bring in more revenue to the taxpayer than the R-3 and this should be considered. Question was called for on the motion to amend and the Chair ruled the motion carried. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Ayes: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. Amendment carried. The motion was voted upon as amended, rezoning the property to B-i with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- - Minutes - Renton City Council 10-17-66 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont.) Rezone of City owned property located North of Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands (9th and "H'? Street) This being the date set the hearing was declared open. As there were no communica- tions nor comment from the audience, Council action was invited. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman, reported that although the Planning Commission had recommended R-3 zoning, the whole block from the Fire Station to Sunset is zoned B-1 with exception of one apartment which has been built in a B-1 zoning. The Property Committee, in looking out for interest of the public feels that the highest and best use in community interest would be B-1. Upon inquiry regarding existing zoning, Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the B-1 zonings in the area and R-1 nearby and advised that the Commission wished to point out that the apartment is adjacent, with apartments along entire west side of the block with addition being newly constructed on the existing apartment and it was the feeling,in keeping with the use of the area,it would be more desirable for the area to go into Multiple use rather than B-1. A portion of property near the corner is R-1, never having been rezoned however the R-3 was felt to be more compatible use for the area than B-1. Perry expressed opinion it should be alike and not a B-1 then R-3 and the Fire Station. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the Planning recommendation of R-3 and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Pedersen inquired whether R-3 would allow Doctors offices and dental clinics and Mr. Ericksen advised they could be allowed by special permit from the Planning Com- mission. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen to amend the motion by substituting B-1 in lieu of the R-3 zoning. Schellert stated the City has an opportunity to rezone its own property as it may wish and if the Planning Commission says it should be R-3 the Council should go along with the recommendations of the City Body. Garrett replied that as a duly elected Councilman you should go along with the Planning Commission recommendations if your convictions allow however he feels if a piece of property has B-1 on 32 sides it should also be zoned B-1, and he is well aware of the existence of an apartment on property with B-1 zoning, Council's obligation being to zone for best and highest use. Dahlquist pointed out that apartment housing is on two sides of the property and the fire station on the 3rd and across the street is B-1 and she also felt the Council should accept recommendation of the Planning Commission when they have been asked for a recommendation, and having done the planning for the whole City. Pedersen added that this was not an easy decision for the Planning Commission and they at one time had thought about zoning half of it one zoning and the other half another, but the Property Committee recommends B-1 as being the highest and best use as the property will be put up for bids and sold as previously authorized. Garrett pointed out that the apartment house is R-3 use but is in a B-1 zoning and if zoned B-1 the person could put in apartments if he so desired and it should be understood that you are not violating or restricting use and that structures are not reflecting the zoning. Hulse requested ruling of legality of the motion since it changes the intent. The chair ruled the motion in order,the change allows.the. like use and only one-half of the motion being amended. Upon inquiry Attorney Haugan stated the Mayor's ruling to have merit. Schellert inquired whether the zoning posted for public hearing can be changed by Council. City Attorney Haugan gave his opinion that the action would hold water in court as there is not any great radical change, the R-3 and B-1 scarcely 'any different insofar as permitted use. Dahlquist stated that since apartments are permitted in 8-1 and business in R-3 by special permit, the Council should uphold the Planning Commission recommendation. Hulse added that the highest and best use seems to be indicated by what has happened already in the area affirming-recommendation of the Planning Commission. Garrett countered that the B-1 use allowed would bring in more revenue to the 'taxpayer than the R-3 and this should be considered. Question was called for on the motion to amend and the Chair ruled the motion carried. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Ayes: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poll. Amendment carried. The motion was voted upon as amended, rezoning the property to B-1 with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- Minutes - Renton City Council • 10-17-66 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont.) Rezone of City owned property located North of Fire Station No. 2 ih the Highlands (9th and "H" Street) This being the date set the hearing was declared open. As there were no communica- tions nor comment from the audience, Council action was invited. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee Chairman, reported that although the Planning Commission had recommended R-3 zoning, the whole block from the Fire Station to Sunset is zoned B-1 with exception of one apartment which has been built in.a B-1 zoning. The Property Committee, in looking out for interest of the public feels that the highest and best use in community interest would be B-1. Upon inquiry regarding existing zoning, Planning Director Ericksen pointed out the B-1 zonings in the area and R-1 nearby and advised that the Commission wished to point out that the apartment is adjacent, with apartments along entire west side of the block with addition being newly constructed on the existing apartment and it was the feeling,in keeping with the use of the area,it would be more desirable for the area to go into Multiple use rather than B-1. A portion of property near the corner is R-1, never having been rezoned however the R-3 was felt to be more compatible use for the area than B-1. Perry expressed opinion it should be alike and not a B-1 then R-3 and the Fire Station. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur with the Planning recommendation of R-3 and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Pedersen inquired whether R-3 would allow Doctors offices and dental clinics and Mr. Ericksen advised they could be allowed by special permit from the Planning Com- mission. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen to amend the motion by substituting B-1 in lieu of the R-3 zoning. Schellert stated the City has an opportunity to rezone its own property as it may wish and if the Planning Commission says it should be R-3 the Council should go along with the recommendations of the City Body. Garrett replied that as a duly elected Councilman you should go along with the Planning Commission recommendations if your convictions allow however he feels if a piece of property has B-1 on 32 sides it should also be zoned B-1, and he is well aware of the existence of an apartment on property with B-1 zoning, Counci,l''s obligation being to zone for best and highest use. Dahlquist pointed out that apartment housing is on two sides of the property and the fire station on the 3rd and across the street is B-1 and she also felt the Council should accept recommendation of the Planning Commission when they have been asked for a recommendation. and having done the planning for the whole City. Pedersen added that this was not an easy decision for the Planning Commission and they at one time had thought about zoning half of it one zoning and the other half another, but the Property Committee recommends B-1 as being the highest and best use as the property will be put up for bids and sold as previously authorized. Garrett pointed out that the apartment house is R-3 use but is in a B-1 zoning and if zoned B-1 the person could put in apartments if he so desired and it should be understood that you are not violating or restricting use and that structures are not reflecting the zoning. Hulse requested ruling of legality of the motion since it changes the intent. The chair ruled the motion in order,the change allows the like use and only one-half of the motion being amended, Upon inquiry Attorney Haugan stated the Mayor's ruling to have merit. Schellert inquired whether the zoning posted for.. public hearing can be changed by Council. City Attorney Haugan gave his opinion that the action would hold water in court as there is not any great radical change, the R-3 and B-1 scarcely 'any different insofar as permitted use. Dahlquist stated that since apartments are permitted in B-1 and business in R-3 by special permit, the Council should uphold the Planning Commission recommendation. Hulse added that the highest and best use seems to be indicated by what has happened already in the area affirming:.reeommendation of the Planning Commission. Garrett countered that the B-1 use allowed would bring in more revenue to the 'taxpayer than the R-3 and this should be considered. Question was called for on the motion to amend and the Chair ruled the motion carried. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Ayes: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. Amendment carried. The motion was voted upon as amended, rezoning the property.to B-i with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -2- if . . ._ 4- - - •gt r - • • '' ' ' ' '"A :— •. • . . . ! • . , I . .. . , , 1 • "A 0:59 • . .n •• ' • ' . . . ) ( ' ' ... ' M . . ,, . , . . 1 • ' . •.:_ . , I. .. . . • ,. r . ' . .. • ... . ' • '... : 7'1, : ' '...i,.7.1.-•. . ..:- '!..t"..(7.".i l''''' '.) ifei;.i flay of . . A o , — . - 19',.;',7 ji -t 1',-., 1 •1-,'; '.',''''.,r.',fi 1 L's t;.,...., tf>1.-13W,r4.7475, , 1 . .. , . . .,t . 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''L1,::,,,!1,e,,,;',1,'-.:.',,1.:'i1-_,f;,::.4'i:..,.:.•i,::;:1.)-.•,. ' \r: - " ; : ' i ,.4 ;., ,: A . , ' e ! % 'P , '/F '; t '\\ . 4%} 4e f0 e - ' ,:. .1.. • .:;...-,, , :,:.. • • • STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I ' I, ROBERT A. MORRIS, Auditor of King County, State of Washington, and ex-officio Recorder of Deeds, and the legal keeper of records,hereinafter mentioned, in and for said County, do hereby certify the above and :'foregoing to be a true and correct copy of a DEED OF DEDICATION' AIJD. REC. #4766924 • . 6'� DEEDC 293-.z94 Ac J9rdcd in this office in Vol 3647 of Page Records of King County WITNESS my hand and official seal this 10th day of JANUAKK , .19 66 ROBERT A. MORRIS iidit r of King County,Washington By • N2 7467 ram-.. , - .• • ,WW09 5: . von 4 ii� Pay ► • QUITCLAIM DEED ' ,..�� This Indenture, made on the _,..day ,� of Na el , 1966 by and between the UNrrED STATES OF AMERICA, acting by and through the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, under and pursuant to the powers and authority contained in the Lanham Act (54 Stat. 1125, as eeencde(1; 42 U.S.C.A. 1521), the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- men; Act (?.L. 89-174, 79 Stat. 667), Department Interim Order II (31 F.R. 815), and Delegation of Authority (25 F.R. 2654, as amended by 25 F.R. 1.4521), GRANTOR, and the CITY OF RENTON, County of King, State of Washington, a public body corporate and politic, organized and existing under the Jaws of the State of Washington, GRANTEE. elet' e1;TH: That, sr i,d ReeNTO , for and in eenetderat•1on of the rue of ELEW''N THOUSAND DOLLARS ($11,000.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise and release and forever quitclaim and convey unto the said GRANTEE all of the .A - '.CFt'S right, title, and interest in and to the following parcels ee land ni uate in the City of Renton, County of Kira,, State of 7eiehir gton, heretofore dedicated or granted by G'?A*;TOR unto GRANTEE, :i'-nludin; ei h_eut iimitetion the release of restrictions placed upon tee use of such lands by the dedications or grants thereof: A. Fire Station Propertz Lot 17 of Block 6 as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands, of record in Volume h6 of Plate, penes 34-410 inclusive, in the Office of the AedLtor, King County, Whshington. O. ell pleyerouretel piri.s, public use and nervice areas, and all a-i ieyes etroets and avonveu, wherencever situated, shown on tho fol1oirinr; plats recorded in the Office of the Auditor, King County, Washington: The plat of Fenton Highlands, recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 31.E-41 inclusive. Corrected plat of Renton Highlands No. 2 recorded in Volume 57 of Plats, pages 92-98, inclusive. Plat of Suburban Heights, an addition to the City of Penton (sane being a replat of Block 26 and 27, Renton Highlands Po. 2, corrected plat), recorded in Volume 58 of Plats, page 55. ...a.... -,........7 el" teinfl6MALMetelliZZIOVAW2441.1ga4 •••• . ..., 1• - A . . . , :N ,*" , ' Plat of :Vista Heights, an addition to the City of • Renton (same being a replat of Tract 26A and a portion r•,.1 of Block 26, Renton Highlands No. 2, corrected plat), ' e 1 ' recorded in Volume 60 of Plats, page 36. .. . ,, , . . • , N e EXCEPTING therefrom, however, that certain tract of land with im- provements. thereon consisting of 9.7447 acres, more or less, . .. , . r , ,- generally described as the "Highlands Administration Building" ' ,..e.. area and more particularly described in that certain "Deed of ' • . ' Dedication" dated January 11, 1957, from the United States of , America to the City of Renton, recorded in said Auditor,s office in Volume 3655 at pages 659-61, irclusive„ which said tract • shall remain subject to dedication for public purposes. • - — ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises together ' . .. with the appurtenances unto the daid GRANTEE. IN WITNESS NHEREOF, the GRANTOR has caused this instrument to , ' • , , be executed in its name as of the day and year first above written. - . -. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting by . ' • and through the SrilCRETARY OF HOUSIM , ., . AND URBAN DEVUOPMENP F , '1 ,BY - jee l.. .7 €-` .' (-','/•.(''te'f7-3----„ • • Direq.b 2 Community Dispositioneaaff 'atne5ses: . e/ -1. 7 - • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) ' • . • ) SS: • • DISTRICT OF COLUNBIA , . 1 -. ;/' •_ On this ,A, --/ day of AZeteitet / , 1966, before me the undersigned, e......_ a Notary Public in and for the flietrict aforesaid, personally appeared Jneceh P. Smith, Jr., Director nE the Conmunity Disposition Staff, Deenetment of Henning and Urben Development, known to me to be the pereon uhoel name in eubecribed to thu within inebrument and to be slid officer, end eanuelodeed said inotrnment to be the free act and deed of the United Tbetoo of America for the purposes therein contained and on oath stated •t he was authorized to execute said instrument. 1 . • • • . . . • Qat-, , _ U ,<_\ Notary Public . ' . . . ,, . • My commission expires: . : ,' .,7,,:l'I'l F• ,ml ini:iy :31 1ga • • . • . . , , . .• ..,...., • 1 00•-; , ' V 141 , . • •,. (4111.) ol , . . , •• s .1 _ , , . • i " . ! I • .;, , . . . . , _ ' ' • ' . • . ..., , .• . ,- ,• ,„ ' •^'' s riled for Recordap4,z 44. 19 6,6 /;(./Yi. mok4444:4;4a; 7241..L.,..4 • 0....2:zz e.,..".1.,./, ,44? .-- . • •,- _ U Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. COrkStenco i'1• Pfr tc -rr being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that .clay'- is thei •c- t,;-1-e--.4 of THE RECORD-CHRONICLE, a weekly newspaper. Tiiat said news- paper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, Washing- ton. That the annexed is a Public -le a r.1.n it: Ao c la s s iTf +"xU3.7. as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each week for a period of ' Odic consecutive weeks, commencing on the 5th 66 day of October , 19 , and ending the _- CITY OF RENTON- day of , 19 both dates NOTICE OF inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its PUBLIC HEARING • subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee RENTON CITY COUNCIL 1r67 CITY HALL charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ which NOTICE IS has been•paid in full at the rate of$2.40 per folio of one hundred words • ft1 BY GIVEN, for the first insertion and$1.80 per folio of one hundred words for each :that the City C+ ncil has set: subsequent insertion. October 17, 1".1 t DA:00 P.M. in t 22/. /a :the Council Q4�ambers City; t. 'n � .� Hall, Renton, ev shington, as W Vz.>,.....y.....w R !fi a ring a- er a Public th a i� �� • • Hearing to consider reclassi-' '2 w• o L. • _ operties froml • , �z,, a , r- ..-.. 'Reside t d(iRgi)to Residential .,/,-,i C K 5th 1 Distric te. deseriPbed as:,•0 Subscri!d anti ewe n.•to before me this day of North ` i,43 feet'of Lot 17, ' Block 6 as shown on the Plat O r•s;n,ti;:).y. 66 ( of Renton.f ti'•hlands, of rec.,- f ord in VVo to46 of Plats, 'a, �+ � Pages 34-4"1,Ni: lusive, in the // 1k W : �C i.M1,A uditor, ,King Notary Public : d for the State of Washington, County,Washington. resi., at Renton, King County. More generally known `as:: r Property located North, of ' Renton Fire Station No. 2 '—Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective in the Highlands area. 1. Any and all interested per- [sons 9th, 1955. [sons are invited to be present —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, :and voice approval or dis / adopted by the newspapers of the State. (approval to same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Published in- The Renton, ,Record-Chronicle October a 5 {1966. .,t -- —] 1 .w. COW bIt.t1A1VICE No. oZ1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (R-1) TO BUSINESS DIS- TRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code. of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps in conjunction therewith, the properties hereinbelow described have hereto- fore been zoned as Residential District (R-1) ; and WHEREAS the City Council, on its own motion, fixed and established November 7, 1966, as the date of public hearing on such proposed rezoning, and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing as provided by law, and this matter having been duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and study, and said proposed rezoning being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and all par- ties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS EO LLOWS: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Business District (B-1) ; the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: North 118. feet of Lot 17, Block 6 as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands of record in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, inclusive in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington. (More generally known as: Property located North of Renton Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands area) SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of November, 1966. -�� J -261. 1 Helmie Nelson,:City Clerk•_. " ' - APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of November, 1966. 4 ' : r-,1 - - cli iz-/, P yot� - 7� Bruce T. Hulse, Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney N 1 b 11y66 Date of Publication: . CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has setNovember 7, 1966 at B:04 P•M. In the Council. Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as +he time and place for a Public Hearing to consider reclassification of properties from Residential (R-1) to Business District (B-1) , described as: ---� • North 118 feet of Lot 17, Block 6 as shown on the Plat Of Renton Highlands of record in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, inclusive in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington: • More generally known as: Property located North of Renton Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands area. • Any and all' Interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval• or disapproval to same,, CITY OF RENTON He Iniie Nelson City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: • November 2, 1966 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) • ss COUNTY OF KING ) i, � hereby certify that three (3) copies of the ab a document were posted;b'y me in three conspicuous places on the property-described above and one copy was posted-at the City Hall, Renton,..Washington on a Signed: • ATTEST: Wary Pub s g . aind ro�.ftFitie P£ A Wash i ngtch, kill n.3 at ter, •oarn ' . , CITY OF RENTON NOT ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set Noverabex 7, 1966 at 8:00 P.A. In the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as the time and pi-ace for a Public Hearing to consider reclasei ication of properties from Residential (R-1) to Business District (B-1) , described as: • North 118 feet of Lot 17, Block 6 as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands of record in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, inclusive in the office of the Auditor, King County, Washington. More generally known as: Property located North of Renton Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands area. Any and all' interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval. or disapproval to same. CITY OF RENTON He hale Nelson City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: • November 2, 1966 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I, hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy was posted at the City Hall, Renton, Washington on Signed: ATTEST: P1atarrniT Ic " n r177.ld r l ate of Washingt , e r Id1 ng at Reni•ov4 • • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that the City Council has set October 17, 1.966 at S:OO P.M, in the Council Chambers, City Ha l l, Renton, Washington, as the time and,piece for a Public. Hearing to consider reclassification of . properties from Residential (R=l) to Residential District (R-3), .described as: North 118 feet of Lot 17, Block 6 as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands of record in Volume 46 of Plats, Pages 34-41, inclusive'in the office of . the Auditor, King County, Washington. /it-''eA/ 46-111 • •• ,.„"c/44//fila More generally known as: Property located North of Renton Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands area. Any .and' alt: Interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval or disapproval to same. CITY' OF RENTON • ):Y40,c/ • He trade Nelson City Clerk . DATE OF PUBLICATION: hptotot 5. 4966 .966 • • • CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) . 'I, hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy was postedat the City Hall, Renton,..Washington on Signed: • ATTEST: No ar.y Pubro xr ne9 r ' irn e of Washingtoh, re-Siding at R ;rs't.'onb, • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY C OUNCI L CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set October 1.7., •1966' at 800 P.M. In the Council. Chaffers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as the, time and piece for a Public Hearing to consider reclassification of • properties from Residential (R-1) to Residential District (R-3), described as: . • North 118 feet of•Lot17, Block 6 as shown on the Plat of Renton Highlands of record in Volume 46 of Plats, ages 34-41, inclusive• in the office of the Auditor, Bing County, Washington. • • • • More generally known as: Property located North of Renton Fire Station No. 2 in the Highlands area. • Any and ail' Interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval• or disapproval to same; • CITY•OF RENTON He Inrie Nelson - V City ,Clerk DATE OF 'PUBLICATION: - V • ft*ahaT E ,- 196.6 . i r CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I,�1AM�S L- M46 5 IAA i hereby certify that three (3) copies of 'the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property-described above and one copy was posted:-at the City Hall, Renton,..Washington on i�'''t e 77 �! /9‘6. S I g ned. G ,7 l -AFTE sT s .Now ry Pub i ,c • n rid rAr).-Itirrte o 'Weebingtcha re pldina at RonW,m4 • . ' � n LEGAL NOTICE_...... _� (� f ,NO,TI, CE.00F "*., P MC HEARING / y O ........L.,rjAA/112.) RE ' ` ' COUNCIL U/ RENTe ` WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REG- ULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON FEBRU- 1 ARY 7,'1966, AT 8:00 P.M. TO - CONSIDER"A PROPOSED RE- j ZONE F R 0 M "UNCLASSI 12f�TON ENTERPWSE FI•ED" TO B-1 COVERING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIB- ED PROPERTY.: Generally located at '92nd Renton Town Talk Ave. South and 7th Avenue More particularly described Renton, Wash. as: All that portion of the fol- ' • lowing described property Proof of Publication lying East of a line 40 feet ' easterly of and parallel with This is a copy of your the north-south center-line of Section 19, Township 23 • _NOTI_CE._.OE.--PUBL.IC___REA$_XNG North; Range 5 East, •W.M., southerly of existing!South as it appeared for the first time this week. margin of 7th Avenue, and It will be published on the following dates: northerly of •the existing northwesterly margin of Rai- • vier Avenue (State Highway January No; 167); said' property de- scribed as follows: Commencing at,-the _.N.orth Immediately following the last insertion the one-quarter corner of Section affidavit of publietion will be delivered to 19, Township •23, North, your office. Range 5 East, W.M. running North 82 24' East 36 feet;, thence South '1 58' West 34.3 Cost of notice..934-_.per_-_1QQ--woxd..-.386 words..1x feet to the true point of be- • at the regular statutory rate, will be ginning; thence due East 30.02 feet;thence South 1 58' West 847.39 ' feet; thence $_. .66 South 75 45' West 2.0 feet; thence, North 0 15' "West ------, 847.39 feet; thence due. east 4.44 feet to the true point- Thank You of beginning; • containing 0.353 acres more or less and We are pleased to have this oppor- lying and being in the North- wwest one-quarter of the I• tunity of serving you and hope that Northeast one-quarter of Sec- you will favor us with your next tion 19, Township 23 North. publication. ' Range 5 East, W! M. Said (• portion containing approxi- mately 6.093 square feet • ANY iAND ALL 'PERSONS , INTERES'iI1 JI.) OR OBJECT- ING TO SAID PROPOSED RE- ZONE ARE I1�NVVRI-i u TO BE I PRESENT AT THE RENTON 'CITY cOUrNt , N)DETING ON FEBRUAIRY,7, 1966 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR/ PROTEST'OR OBJECTION TO , E NELSON, City Clerk • published an The• Renton, Enterprise, January 19,1.966. tt p( ORDINANCE NO. .:21,21/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM UNCLASSIFIED TO BUSINESS DISTRICT (B-1) WHEREAS under Chapter VII, Title IV (Business Regulations) of Ordnance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps adopted in con .unction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore.been unclassified as to zoning, but is surrounded by properties zoned Business District (B-1); and WHEREAS at the owner's request the City Council has initiated action to .r classify said property as Business District (B-1) zone, and by Motion has duly referred AO the matter to the Planning Commission for investigationA study a , and a public hearing"having.been held thereon on or about 'J , 1966, all pursuant:.- . to. notice of hearing duly published and posted as provided by law; ,and. said matter having been duly considered by the Planning Commission which approves and -recommends such B-1 zoning, and the same being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plans, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW.THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION T: The following described property.in the City of Renton is hereby zoned Business' District (B-a and the City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, -to evidence said rezoning as follows: All that portion of the following described property lying;East of a line 40 feet easterly of and parallel with the::north-south center-line of Section19, Township 23:;North, Range 5 East, W.M., southerly :of existing South margin of 7th avenue, and northerly of the existing northwesterly margin of Rainier Avenue (State Highway No. 167); &Ed property described as follows: Commencing at the North one-quarter corner of Section 19, Township 23, North, Range 5 East, W.M. running North 82°24' East. 36 feet; thence South 1°58' West 34.3 feet to the true point of beginning; thence due East 30.02 feet; thence South 1°58' West 847.39 feet; thence South 75°45' West 2.0 feet; thence North 0°15' West 847.39 'feet; thence due east 4.44 feet to the true point of beginning; containing 0.353 acres more or less and lying and b,3; in the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter-of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Said portion containing approxi- mately 6,093 square feet, all situate in Renton, King County, Washington (property located at intersection of Rainier Avenue South with 92nd Avenue South.) SECTION'II: This Ordinance shall be 'in full force and effect from and • • . _ after its passage, approval and legal publiCatinn. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of February, 1966 • • • -- Helmie Ne44u,.:P1LIO&A'' • (-1 . a •.,71.= • • • irepf • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of Februar , 1966.+ ec • • ..a) 'maid W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: . • • • . Date of First Publication: FEB 1 6 1966, • • • • • • • • Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 2-7-66 HEARING: Council Initiated Rezone - Emilio Pierotti property from Unclassified to B-1 This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. There were no written communi- cations regarding the rezone and audience comment was invited. Mr. Pierotti stated that the request was in conformance with zoning of surrounding properties and that he should be entitled to like classification. As there was no objection voiced, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Poli, to close the hearing, and Mayor Custer declared the hearing closed. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper Ordinance. Carried. OMMUNICATIONS: Communication from City Engineer Wilson reported,regarding Petition for Vacation of 106th Avenue S.E.,that 100% of abutting property owners on portion of said right-of- way,Southeast of Puget Drive, had signed the petition. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for Resolution setting date of hearing and to the Planning Commission and City Engineer for recommendation. Carried. Engineer Wilson reported on Petition for vacation of portion of South 130th Street, between 87th and 88th Avenues South, that 100% of abutting property owners were represented by the signatures and that the northerly 15 ft. of the Street has been previously vacated by the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee, the Planning Commission and City Engineer Carried. Applications were read from Azzola Tavern, Alki Tavern and Christyts Tavern owners for license to operate coin-device pool tables in said business places and from Rainbow Cafe owner for one additional pinball machine. Moved by Poli, seconded by Gianini, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Hulse opposed. A letter signed by City Engineer Wilson and Street Commissioner Vic TeGantvoort reported that work under the 116th Avenue S .E. Storm Sewer Contract was completed on January 26, 1966 by Contractor, Anton T. Bowers, and accepted by the Street Department on February 1, 1966. Amount due Contractor - $3,122.87 and if after 30 days no liens or claims are filed against the project and all tax liabilities are satisfied, the retained amount of $346.99 may be released to Contractor. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter from City Engineer Jack Wilson recommended that the City retain a Consulting Structural Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for widening the Logan Street Bridge to allow for an additional lane for South Bound traffic which improvement will greatly improve the traffic movement in this area and help reduce congestion. The project is to be funded from Arterial Street Funds, and at present there are not adequate funds available as allowed. It is recommended therefore that the signal planned for Main Street and Grady Way be postponed and the budgeted funds be assigned to the Logan Street Bridge project. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations of the City Engineer. Carried. A letter from Pay'N Save Drugs submitted application for 1966 Fireworks Stand Permit. This is application No. 11 received to date. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the request to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter read from T. J. O'Connell, Chairman, King County ASCS, advised of interest of the Department of Agriculture and the Soil Conservation Service in taking over the office space occupied by the King County Health Department in the Renton Highlands Administration Building at 802 "E" Street, upon vacation by said Department in April or May of this year. Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the request to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from the City Clerk reported need for transfer of funds within the Street Fund Account, effective December 31, 1965 in order to maintain proper accounting balance in the Functional Budget, as until the working budget was completed, it was not possible to determine amounts to be designated for the functional accounts. From: City Street Fund 3200, M. & 0. 801, Roads, $67,359.74 Unto: City Street Fund Acct. 3200, M. & 0. 902, Street Cleaning, $4,108.78; 903, Street lighting, $2,386.18; 1000, Overhead, $52,043.75 and Capital Outlay 605, Construction, $8,821.03. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur and refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. -3- // NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WTT,T, BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL RENTON ON > February 7, 1966 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER AEII 03k proposed rezone from "Unclassified" to Bt../ COS Cf.NO Y7HE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: Generally located at 92nd Ave. South .,nd 7th Avenue. More particularly described as: All that portion of the following described property lying East of a line 40 feet easterly of and parallel with the north-south center-line of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , southerly of existing South margin of 7th Avenue, and northerly of the existing northwesterly margin of Rainier Avenue (State Highway. No. 167); said property described as follows: Commencing at the North one-quarter corner of Section 19, Township 23, North, Range 5 East, W.M. running North 82°24' East 36 feet; thence South 1°58' West 34.3 feet to the true point of beginning; thence due East" 30.02 fact; thence South 1958' Went 847.39 feet; thence South 75°45' West 2.0 feet; thence North 0015' West 847.39 feet; thence due east 4.44 feet to the true point of beginning; containing 0.353 acres more or less and lying and being in the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section /9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Said portion containing approximately b, 093 square feet. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID prapored rezone ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON February 7, 1966 AT 8:00 P.M. TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR -OBJECTION TO SAME. "ilc27--)t.,<-0-/ HELMIE NELSON, CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: J I� CERTIFICATION I,� 5 1n- 0vl4FST DT HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON ON AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED: G'" -7/e.G' ccG.. ✓? ; ;;V :. ATTEST: NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND 1'OH THE STATE O] WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON 'C ... (.f Si"H. � r c • wX�.1{'Yak.p•4.4��Yp9 ��Y�i�'k+i�e2aiyk.(yil fj."r, ' AV M>�'�Iot,.'.,,,!'.§!''h{'f iio,,,^d{x 0 Iq!,+r cq l/�_f 51�#5 "jbSE 3". �.i'd >r0 vNt,, ?,`z'4 ,` A 0 t E NI G Y el,9m the Jet Transport Capita! of the World / �- r.^., w�.'k':i; :,c' PLANNING DEPARTMENT ck:,3: (;�y}� h,.i'Sar4�£�'a3:rJ:yr{i - . 3i ; r ; K • .11: 1-1-1-..." AI) ' Honor, able Donald W. Custer , Mctyor.l Members of the City Council • ' .Re : E . Pier. otti rezone }� e/f .471,--1,-../. (-7:4-34-/ Gentlemen : • - The Planning Commission at its meeting of January 12 , 1J66 , considered the proposed rezone of the property purchased by Mr> Pierotti from the City to }3 1. The rezone would conform to the zone of the adjacent Prop- . erty and is. in conformance w:i.tli the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission recommends the rezoning to C3-1 of the • subject property. . . . Ver, y ,,truly, your_ „ ,, • /;'1/i-1-, 74 Z' '''..-'''' '''' , /7'./. Gyrdon Y. . rricksen . lanning f ir, ector • . GYf;: pc ' 1 r/ INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date January 12, 1966 From: Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Departmental Account No. To: Gorden Ericksen, Planning Director Expenditure Account No. and Renton Planning Commission MESSAGE: We are attaching hereto copy of Resolution No. 1333 and Quit Claim Deed which will give you the description of the Pierotti property which is being rezoned by council initiation and your recommendation is requested by the Council for its public hearing of February 7, 1966. The property has heretofore been undedicated street area and is now being recommended for B-1 zoning. Helmie CON RESOLUTION NO. / ,3,3 WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore acquired from the State of Washington a certain parcel of property as per Deed dated November. 8,. 1961, which parcel of property is located at and near 92nd Avenue South within the City of Renton and is irregularly shaped and WHEREAS only a portion of said property so acquired from the State of Washington is needed and required for street right-of-way and similar public purposes and the hereinafter described balance of said property being excess or surplus property and not needed by the City of Renton or any Department, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The above recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects. Section 2: The following described property is hereby declared surplus and no longer needed or useable for any public purpose or use whatsoever; to-wit.i All that portion of the following described property lying East of a line 40 feet easterly of and parallel with the north-south center-line of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , southerly of existing South margin of 7th Avenue, and northerly of the existing northwesterly margin of Rainier Avenue (State Highway No. 167); said property described as follows: Commencing at the North one- quarter corner of •Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. running North 82°24' East 36 feet; thence South 1°58' West 34.3 feet to the true point of beginning; thence due East 30.02 feet; thence South 1°58° West 847.39 feet; thence South 75°45' West 2.0 feet; thence North 0°1S' West 847.39 feet; thence due East 4.44 feet to the true point of beginning; containing 0.353 acres more or less and lying and being in the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. ' Said portion containing approximately 6,093 square feet. The Mayor and the appropriate committee of the City Council are hereby authorized and directed to secure an appraisal of the above described property to evidence its present fair market value and that thereafter the City Council take such action, as it may deem necessary, for the disposition, if any, of said surplus property. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of October, 1965. Vi`�a'- S' i:4 'r, .� •..!.. •• t Helmie Nelson .Cf. :,.--`.'r APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of Octobe , 1965. 7 r.l,; •, C.A CCM,OfrA::.'''-' : 1::,":1"/-:-.. .--- Donald W. Custer; ;Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney '—- r,"•:''`—"" ../--- ; -r Yi•--1•'•"---e--•/...- VI, . , 72 7.) ----,, , ,,,, _ . -4:",- ,t...,„ / )--.2,... i) ,,, .v/ . -,, -- , r-•".7','.'.... - -• .4':.'. ' .' • ci',' „ . , . 1,,- • ,Y),v.:,'/,/... ' .,. , .. . .. 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Moved by Perry, seconded by Dahlquist, to refertte matter to the Mayor to report back. Intent of the motion was discussed as to whether sale is hereby authorized and after suggested motion to refer to the Committee of the Whole, Councilman Perry, with consent of second amended the motion originally made to read that the Mayor shall report to the Committee of the Whole when he has completed investigation of the matter. The amendment carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. A letter read from City Engineer Wilson advised that his office has no objections to the construction as planned of the proposed Bridge at the mouth of the Cedar River as requested by the Boeing Company in its revised application to the Corps of Engineers. Since review of the plans it is evident that the new structure will provide more clearance both vertically and horizontally than the existing bridge, which was the point of objection prior to plan review. A Permit will undoubtedly be requested in the near future since normal procedure for obtaining permission from the Corps of Engineers and the City has been instituted.. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter was read from City Attorney Shellan submitting copy of a letter from the Department of Natural Resources pertaining the the City's proposed acquisition of Blocks "A" and "B", Third Supplemental Maps of Lake Washington Shorelands. If it is the City's intent to purchase said properties on a deferred basis, the down payment of $4,850.00 will be required and the balance then payable in nine equal annual in- stallments together with the interest on such deferred payments. It was pointed out by Mr. Shellan that the City has exercised its right cf preference but now must de- cide how it is going to purchase, on deferred plan or outright and that the State is now waiting for the money. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Discussion ensued regarding time element and Garrett stated his opinion that he felt there was no doubt that the City wanted to purchase the land and that motion should be to vote to buy the land with referral to the Ways and Means Committee or other Committee to bring in recommendations of how to pay for it. Berry, with permission of second,restated the motion to approve purchase of the property with referral to the Ways and Means Committee to report back recommended means of the funding. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, presented joint recommendation of . Committee and Library Board that the low bid of Hal Fogman & Associates, Inc. in sum of $14,054.12,for Ames stacks,be accepted at this time. This is a portion of the furniture placed on bid call and opened on 12-20-65, for furnishing and equipping of the new library building. Inquiry was made as to whether money had been budgeted for the purchase and Marcella Hiligen, Librarian advised that the money is available for this portion of the furnishings which is essential equipment and can be set up com- pletely. The part to be left can be secured on time payments but this is budgeted and available now. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the bid award.Carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to action taken by the Council concurring in rezone of property being purchased by Emilio Pierotti and recommended referral to the Planning Commission for its recommendation. City Attorney Shellan advised that the matter could be referred properly for recommendation and the hearing could be set by the City Council and posted and published as required but this was initiated by the Council, an alternate method of rezoning. It was pointed out by Mr. Perry that the rezone was not to be effected until after the sale. Mr. Schellert called to mind the fact that the Commission only meets twice monthly. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, presented a joint recommendation of the Committee and City Engineer, that the low bid of W. C. Frost Construction in the sum of $ 15,620.00 on Main Street and 2nd Avenue Storm Sewer Installations, be accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Contracts upon approval thereof by the City Attorney. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Perry advised he wished to commend the Street Department for the very fine work on the streets during the recent and sudden snow and ice storm, noting that traffic flowed very smoothly during this period. Councilman Hulse advised that favorable comment was made by a Tacoma resident on the early action of the street department 1ipon seeing- trucksall loaded with sand and ready to go at an early hour. -2- • Renton City Council teeting 12-20-65 COUNCIL C01.11ITTEE REPO-R.1'S: OLD BUSINESS Property Committee report (Cont.) ding raiuest of Emilio Pierotti to purchase suiTins m6perty At 9,nd Averthe South P,a4nier Avenue the Committee recommended in fav62 of the sale and that the City arratIge for necessary documents with Mayor and CitY Olefk,alitil6rized t6 e;:e:lute sane at the aporaised price. Recommended further that hii6h eattipletion of the aar) the City Council instigate action to zone said property to B-1 to conf6tM with zoning of abutting properties. Dahlquist inquired regarding the city initiating a rer,une when property owner had not requested one. Perry advised the request had been mad-, by the pr:,perty owner to the Committee to whom. the matter had been referredi The Y; was originally dedicated as a street and therefore had rcoc: oncqation is in accordance with the land use map. Dahlquist :;•:N-y.;.red whether the subject applicant was the abutting property owner. City Attorney nellan u:on inuiry advised that there is no law or ordinance which makes it mandatory to give abutting na- .)e-tY owner first chance but in this particular case, Mr. Pierotti is the ad-joinif,g ueiner. This is land which the State granted to the City and the part was declared tx.rplus which Hr. Pierotti wishes to buy. A part is to remain as City land and is to h2 dedi,.,:ated as right of way. The City may call for bids or negotiate and is ususr_y a matter of courtesy to allow abutting property first opportunity to buy. Eoved by D21,, enti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the 2raperty Committee as read, Garrett pointed out that there would be no fee required if the City init-lates and if the property owner requests the rezone he would pay the $50.00. 7ho pending notion cornied The Property Commite recoTmended that the Porter Lease on the parking lot at Cedar River Hater-:,ay 1-,rocerty be renewed on a month to month rental basis. -elDV2C7. by s-Jccnded by Dahiquist, to concur in the Lease Renewal as rccommendera. Carried. rer.:rest of Seattle Real Estate Company to use a portion of 3rd Place North ad Kouser it was recommended that a Revocable Public Use Permit be granted with a 6:) day tarxination Ca:UF.2 for fee of $500.00 payable annually, proper hold harmless aoj to To executed and insurance all to be filed with the City. This property to he 2 ::21. 3 and ingress and parking only. Maps of the area were distributed. IfoTed E.-Doc-n-1:d by 'Hulse, to concur in the Property Committee recommenda- , :he mution csrried, was recemm._,nded by the Property Committee that when the Library Board vacates the old 12.-Er:117 hr:,IFling that it be transferred to the supervision of the Park Board because the oerti is a very Dnoortant part of Liberty Park. Also, that primary consideration be t- on to tile Lllied A7.7 (.11mmisoion for use of the building to establish an Art Gallery and possible beg ririThg of a Renton Historical Museum. tioved by leiaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carrLed, Councilman Felaurenti, Chairman of Police and License Committee, moved that the matter of revision of. the Fenton Harbor Code, previously referred to his Committee, be referred to the Law and Crdine,nce Atee for revisions. The motion was seconded by Schellert arid carried. :JounellT:an Lelaurenti requested a meeting of the Fire and Water Committee with the Mayor, " ire :Thief and City Engineer on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Mayorts office. loved by Hulce, seconded by Schellert, that Vouchers No. 1520 through 1622, having been all- ro-i.ed by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council 2_-or payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: C11.::1:ent Fonj 1521 - 1560 and 1622 $ 5,732.58 Street 1:-und 1561 - 1565 5 778.52 North horiL-on T.7_terchange 1566 2.20 Equifment P.ental Fund 1567 - 1586 2,371.36 Park FE-1:.1 1587 - 1598 1,517.90 1599 - 1615 9,423.65 w, a S. Const=tfen Fund 1520 53,650.00 LirTcrc Fund 1616 - 162k 433.20 $ 78,909.41 LOLD. i254!, Cash l $ 5,295.73 5,295.73 -6- . , . . . . IN'LER-OF F 1 CE MEMO , . 1 vi)61 ' Date Dec. 21, 1965 •, From: Departmental Account No . Mr, Porlra M. Rhellan, City AttornRy Re: Sale of surplus property near 92nd Ave. S. To: Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Expenditure Account No . and 7th Ave. . cc-Chairman, Property Committee Mayor • ' City Engineer , . . Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find original and one copy of a proposed Quit Claim Deed Pertaining to the surplus land sold to Emilio Pierotti. Will you please have the City Engineer verify the legal description to be absolutely correct. •/ We understand that the sales price is supposed to be te-,,appraisal amount . and you undoubtedly have a. copy of same. - ,--- / i r We remain, :7(ours very tryl)Y, - ,-- / 1AUGAN gz S I,I:16 N ( / /7 . . //7-747---2-147/, . . / / Gerard M. Shelian GMS:mr /// City Attorney 7 . . _ . t • i : • : . U) ,QtslAN • . . / — 3 — (c7C.f7 • . . „,. • . . . 13 • _ --...- . • . . • , g,_ „„,__,,j . . • ., . . . . • i . , q11aiSir;1M, •.'a.ys er.w rutNru: • Original • 1': CITX ' TREAS.'URER ' S RF, CEIP7[' l 1726 'I RENTON. WASH. - - 1-�1-�.`_Y/J/ 7 196 (1;7 • , RECEIVED O� �`��_ ...2«%�'� / ...=s -�t ,..,.___4.�1�t.�/ • !I . , . f , `ram.lf�L•-C' F' J •r :. ���e-C 1--(�_, �A--(,-J �'-c 1- sZ/�.e> �� -� •-`� --- I. FOR \-,_ %L:(/1.,-C���._--o „42 CA---7��%!2e= ).?i !;�J ,�� • '(4:•-z---i.e.--g->/_. f , • • T 0 T A L.' 1 r. ' • DORO?HEA S. GOSSETT . 0ITY, TR VASURER • • i1r :_ `f 1 .f'Z�✓fir.. C H u�.;,_ ,�._rY cr._ iJGE;T' Oi3:a�, I m 2 �� v ' (_.r ,-�g . ems, n • L L`-A5� CbA-ks--`:c Le C. 141____, . z • Form 468-C-Rev. • QuTi Claim. Deed . (CORPORATE FORM) • • . THE GRANTOR CITY OF RLTl"iON, a. municipal corporation, • - for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1,00) and other good and valuable consideration, conveys and quit claims'to EMILIO PIEROTTI and GLADYS L. PIEROTTI, his wife', the following described real,estate, situated in the County of K I N G . - Stare of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: ,.. All that portion of the following described property lying East of a line 40 feet easterly -of and parallel with the north-south center-line of \ ' Section 19, Township' 23 North, Range 5 East, W,M, , southerly of existing 1 . South margin of 7th Avenue, and' northerly of the existing northwesterly ' margin of Rainier Avenue (State Highway No., 167) ; said property described • as follows: • .Commencing at the North one-quarter corner of Section 19, Township 23, .North, Range 5 East, WM, running North 82°24' East ,36 feet; thence South ' - 1°58' West 34,3 feet to the true point of beginning; thence due East 30,02 ' feet; thence South 1°58' West 847039 feet; thence South 75°45° West 2.0 feet; \'-.7 . thence North O°15° West 847,39 feet; thence due east 4,44 feet to the. true point . " of beginning; containing 00353 acres more or less and lying and being 'in the . Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Said portion containing approximately 6, 093 square • • feet. , SUBJECT TO all restrictions, limitations,. easements and reservations of record, • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed' by its proper officers and'-its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of December , 19 65 . CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation By • • • . . Mayor xa�. . • By , ' - . City Clerk *rt. STATE OF WASHINGTON, ) . `l SS. County of )ICING 1 - - December 19 65 before • On this day'of 1. , me, the undersigned, a'Notary Public in and for the State of'Washington, 'duly commissioned,and sworn, personally appeared ' , UONALD W.,' CUSTER .. • ' and- Ht LMIE NELSON . • - to me known to be the Mayor and ,City Clk. cZ, respectively, of, CITY OP RENTON, municipal . t; , . , :' . '. , ' the/coi-poi-ation t;hat•;''r�xecu,Eet i_";the=;foregoing 'instrument, ,a.nd acknowledged the said instrument instrument to be the free`and .' volutil.dry nc;t}`a nil°' ttc''cl {i?'.;I cid euipot It.0)fl For the usc,`; 'fund pinpo t;s therein mentioned, sand on oath stated that ' tttttlinfi✓ci.l to OW l'' daii 4 titl instrument iu)il :thoi (he seal, ti1U'(d i,;r the col )ot1i.t0 %Nil- of said ' r. r orporal ir.tlt, Witness'iiiy,hand and official seal hcrito affixed the day and year lust above written. • ' Notary Priblic in and for the Static, of Washington, . ." residing at Renton. lihh . A' ll;! / 1 ,/,' 0;!/ , ‘,...-7 y1.1.7 i r,..z,k," (Z 'A-,7 '-'" I . Emilio Pierotti 17034 - S.E. 184th Renton, Washington . . December 7, 1965 Honorable Mayor & City Council Cedar River Park . . • City of Renton , , . . • Renton, Washington . . , . Dear Sirs : . . This letter i% an offer to purchase your surplus strip of land off. of • 92nd Avenue South and West Of my property and adjoining it, between 7th . ' Avenue South and Rainier Ave. „....,--",-- . . • . . ,. - I an Willing to pay the appraisal figure for the land and deed and . . title insurance. Yours truly . , . . „ . . . 7----") —7-17-----. .., , — . . . . ... ...--1/1,..„-....-(, 6, ,// Emilio Pierotti , . . . . . . . . . , . .. , . . .. . , „ . . . .. . . . , . ' . . . . . .. . . . . . . ' . •. ' . , . . . . , . . ' . . . , • . . . . . . . . . , . . . ' , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . • , . . . . . . „ • , . . . . . . . , , • . . ' . . . . , / 4,4" ,--ic,.., ,,,, , . -- .-)„,i , 4. ..1 f!,..1/ ,' r , . . r