HomeMy WebLinkAboutComp Plan Ordinances (1931-1971) 1 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DEED . 2 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 4 COUNTY OF KING. ( SS • 5 CITY OF RENTON. ) 6 /%/ 7 THIS INDENTURE made this /7' day of March, 1931, 8 between Thomas F. Meehan, as Treasurer of the City of Renton, 9 King County, State of Washington, Party of the First Part , and the 10 City of Renton, a municipal corporation of the third class , King 11 County, Party of the Second Part , 12 WITI\TES S:ETH: THAT, 13 WHEREAS, at a public sale of real property held on 14 the 17th day of January, 1931 and duly and regularly adjourned and 15 continued dates thereof pursuant to a real property Local Improve- 16 ment Assessment Judgment entered in the Superior Court of the State 17 of Washington for the County of King on' the 29th Iday of September, 18 1930 , in proceedings to foreclose local improvement assessment 19 liens upon real property, being cause No, 228568 ; of said causes , 20 the Party of the Second Part duly purchased in compliance with the 21 laws of the State of Washington the real property hereinafter de- 22 scribed, and that said party of the second part has complied with 23 the laws of the State of Nashington to entitle it to a deed to said 24 real property, NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the Party of the First 25 Part in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the statutes . 26 of the State of Washington in such cases made and provided,' does 27 hereby grant and convey unto the Party of the Second Part, its 28 successors and assigns forever, the following described real proper- 29 ty situated in the City of Renton, in the County of King, and State' ' 30 of Washington, to-wit : IYLAND,ELVIDGE a ALVORD -1- LAWYERS 3 EATTLE, WASH, I , . _. '...-1-; . • i--, . . i . . . . , , , . ,.,....,„,,,„ ,„,,,,,,,,,?.7- ,r:.a,K,:•-- ,- ' t,,,.'50(4c Wi.r.,:f.:4:,,,,.1..i.,a'r 44-i t --4,,, ,,,,,,,,st-;4-1;1,-,-,-,',=-sh t,,.:I', n.,4$11;6106:',',":'kir',.....L.Lti,,;4_,:....L--,,:::.,..4:,, ,.,,,,, At,,,oi.the above propertk:being 1:n:Car Works .A,ddition: to:the,Cityrt: pe Renton King County, Washington: -.-.-- ot.18,2Block 3,. ,,- „ i , , 4-, ,.;..,-, , t;49 ,Igo$k',3 ••A,- ' , ' •. •A . A.,..1,-,....,-, A -1..4.,...,.:..r , ,BiObAlq-A,34: -,.: ,4,..:' A', ,i„„'„ ,--: .'; ',A„,e,• 'A:''s.,, * 1,,iii''4i Og1600,;' ',..7,:,'t',,,''' :..''.,..: : '' ,4 ",,'" '.'L-,,!4 1 otA2,•IBIOck'3. , s . ,. ILot Block 3„ . 0,-zi;131oCk A3; ,.,„.,.. `..‘,. ' ' -,.:A': . A''' - „ Ao , 2 ...ot'26,131si:ak:3, iLot. viriAock 3,,..,.A.„, • 3 . , 4-Aot'?8',':Bloelc 3', ..- 1 Lot'29,Block 3, ,' ..,, iLot-30, Block 3, " • , 4 g_,ot 31, Block 3„ :'4,\:4 , ,' ' I. . ..-'' .,, . , tt 22, BiOC.10,, :.' , , ..„.. „, „,; , • .,, . (1,1 , r t 38, li3lock:'3, • ' ' ' - ll , \4,\ 5 . ILoir 34,, Block 3, ,- ,. . 'All of the above property being in Renton Real Estate Companyri 6 Addition to'the'City of Renton, King County; Washington. . strip 100 feet in width lying north -_a- li PP) of.Commercial Avenae;7 bounded, on „ „ V1.., ( IP . , - A weat'bY-that margin ofif.4.a4ea,Btueeti...A, '-i.,-,...:4,/,, -- ...,....,..,•,„ ..,,,, ..., . 7- .. .. 7 '7";.1.. ,rodtopif on eastl' o. - ' A A '..-/` ,6,-rer li \I \C"y - - , ....- ._, 'b., 0 margin:of,Shattuck‘§tneet, producect ' " 8 ,--c ktract of land polu?clAti on north by .',. c •(, , oogpiimrplia Avenue, )COnnection,, on t ' \f.`„' ');,,,,4r.,'-/ - tho,sOtith 13.yr Connii6rcial;Avenued on A' ‘' :, ,-,/ ;., 9 the,West hy,-,east. margin A of Lgike , I Sraeti ra!ocluaed ' ' •" , ; .The'aboVeq3e61V4r1.Y'being iii ,gift-coinitk,,Washington. 10 Lot4, Block 6: • ' • ' ' Lot 5, Block 6, " .., ...,.. I - Lot 19„Block 6; ...:„.....t.....4............ --4 " 1 11 Lot'18,'Block 5, .:... "`'' .',- • , •. . 4,17, Block 5, . ',,,,i , ' tot 16,„ Block 5, ; 4 Lot 12 . , . 'AI5, Block 5,,'.....,' ' . , , A• - , . Lot 14, 13lock,5, .;+, A., • , 13 Lot.13, Block 5, ' -4--V , . , . , Lot lig, Block 5, -...„......„- ' Lot 11, Block 5, -A::...`,. 14 Lot210, Block 5, Lot 9, Block '5, ,,,, ; • • Lot ,8,:Block 5 • ,!....4..., ..., ,t :. : ' , , 15 Lot ','7, 'Block '5. tot' 6_Block 5, , ' , L. -All of the foregoing property' being in ,Renton ,Real EState Cornj -' 16 party's;Addition to the City of Renton, King Count', W'ashirigtOn. -:--- , DesCription , . Lot 5, block 5, ; 2. 17 , ., Lot, 4, Block 5,_ ,,..A.; : , . . - ‘ , • -,A. - ( ILot 3,,,Block 5, .• ' : 18 , , Lot 2, BlockA 6, . _ _ Lot 1., Block r5; „ _ , - ' .. E1,,,,, •Lot.9, Block‘3.' ' ----- I 19 Lot.10.;,,Block,3, , Lot, 1,-Block a , . ' 'Lot 1 ; „ " ',' ', - , . ' ' ' ,. . Blo.ck 3, ___, °. , . . 2(' Lo13 .Block 3,, , ,' ,- -Lot 14) BlOck 3, Lot,15,'ABIOnk 3, • r . ' , r 21 . -Lot 116, Biock 3., ' , " ,. , • .. . Lot 17,'Bloek 3, . , 22, Lot 40, Block 4, :_..........„-,,.... • '. , o. 39, Block 4 . i Lot 38, Block 4, ' ' .' • . 23 Lot 37,..Block, 4, .,:„ , • ot pq, tiocii,4, , • Lipti 35/Block-4, " , 244, ot 34, Block , . . ot 33, Block 4, ' , , -.....,.----- . Lot 32-Block,4, :• • 25 Lot 31, Block 4, • ,E. 3.53'Lot 30, Block 4, ._.,..., Lot 20;.Biocl.KA 447' 2 6 , Lot; 19,-BloCk.4,• .., Lot 18, 1316W.4, ' ' - At t:t ,, - L,:. Lot 1, Bl -. ck 4, , . ,. . 2 7 Lot'16; BlockA 4, , ''! '' .. , A ' Lot 15, airksk,4, " ' .. - . ., Lot'14; Block 4, , , . 28 . Lot 13, Block 4, ' ! • Let lz, Block 4, . , . . ' Lot g, Block.4, . 29 Lot 10:.Block A, - , T• „ • . , Lot"9, ...B.lock 4; Lot ':81Block. 4; ' ' . . 30 Lot.',71, 1339‘4,.,•,4- , ,,...'..,;,' 44.:4i.,.. 13;4:,:,i,;., ,2. -. .' , 1 Lot ,..6( 13io-olf.jii,'' •• _,.,.- . ,;, f‘, •:-'.' N V4 • -, -"-1741- Xs' :, , • \ 1 1 • 1-4Pt.AA5:Alo' , 1;, ,e,-,-,,it,,,,,!.,,,!,,, wit.7-, „ -`,,-r•1*.+ P4rettii'7".:Ae,."1:7:74.rr`l---I Lot'`i-'4,; 131,00,4"4i,-,, ..... ...• .....,. ; . 'Zz:•.,-......1,..;,.....44....;.".,.3'.4.4474.,•,.' t 1 , 1I LAW.Y-ERS 1,4,o t'P:^;r'A.i.,t9,,V.:,,i,Bi,,,l,,o,.:l.,• #kS.;,F,..,:4,,A,',; .• ..',, ', .-.2-•,,', 'i''•,.1' ''."' ,. "?"4:•-;.,.•i,,, 4,'., -..1;• r OYLANDELVIDGE 016k 4"v : ' , .. ' &ALVORD 40i: *OI .-±' 4 , , : , . , , 7 Ot pe 4, ..,„+,44,,tAA-;--AAA-AA -4_7 -'4A` A"----7r-- --r„r.AtVA-A-- ,,•,fr,- , A--:-.-7--- . . All,of the fOlgegOingAprOicitir,being4n, R,enton Real!,EstatcA,Corad sEATTLE. WASH. .aclit'ioa tote City;Aof'Renton King County.;Nirashington:...,J ; i - -2- . ,,_. f-Atti, '4911,,/,#1**,, ,i,....,/----•-04./.,..,/-7,/,,,,„/51/i";-/.4/t-',.,////:,- ,/,-4,;,-*::',H,„,,t,'.., ,, _. ,-:::,, , . ,_ , ,. ., 1,6t44'.*016.4<.-'1n.14....4 'i.."4,."4.:.:2,!..":-',''4 .'',--:;* L•.'e. '• '---.•. •'•' ' ' - . 1-t)i'fAliMP4•'I'CV1,7,744•ti ,704:kir,t;0 '•. - '-- - ''- ''"-.• 2 '''''' L''• •' ' . . 1-4t-;6431041,:i;•''- -2'..;„,4,fr-:.;,..,t!'...,. .. ,,i,.,•,1= ,14pt•-•ill,,,,,Fi.-..., ',',,,.'.ii..0 N ''' '2.7 •'-'-'4"4-''''',1'.A."•' Tr7.,V.°;7:11c.g7!'"')Inl., 7,17-',14,.,,71-t-'....,'.;,, ,16.. .3/"'U-,..4545'41-*,-/- ,/4,-//,,, ,,-;:,,/'-iL .'.•'7:',.-'. . '-.,,', ,/,/ ,,. - •_ tta/,;,9,11t.',:eli,T.,2)IM4,;:..1i4 4,..,Zt .L4...i,,e.,.:11,..;;..45,..-.:447.1 ,, Itet,4/l81, ely:"Z''.*4!-1,,„41--.;i41.14-2'':.'1,,74,..i:, -4L:'-c,,*'.•'" Lot' '5, Block'2, ' ' r- '.:,...',,,,..•.. ,.R''. Lot 6', 'Block 2, Lqt 1,..,B1,itipy,,:'2; I . I . !L,Ctian:),&,'!%**!0i At.' 1,0-g'1,11; :$1i6C1K.- 2 '' ` :1 4__ ,_.,, '„ ,, ,, ..,_, ,•.4. 44 4 4e-.... 1 . . , • Lot...jk:''' '1:00k.:2i.,,....1 ''.'777"-Hkle,...1.4.......,.... T.40t;2;%.14,10,ek Z ' /,• i', ,,44 ' '•. ., ,' ,', ., ' 2 Lot, 13...„ Block 2.'„.', , ' „'‘,,:,, ,r , Lt:14„ Block 2,. ' , „ 4.„... , Lot 15',HBlOck 2, ' ,-, ' ',."'- 3 Lot 16cBlock'2, -, . ' Lot 17; Block 2, , __ .." .=. , Lot 1,,Bleck 3,; _ • - . . 3, ,.p '4 4 'Lot,,g0-13toQi5. ,, . ' . ,.. , ,. 1..,,-3,'Block a, ' ' . • • ' •-. '. , ' . 4et,',4,, l'oek 3, ' ',,',•--'' r.- • , 5 t.„,-,T---,-,,,c,3,;.,..:, ‘ 7 ' .- * • i . 'Lot 5;'Stock 3^,,'" ' ' '; ,t ,- - -/- .,.. _ Lot 7, 'Block 3, . '.. , . r •. , 6 Lot '8,. Block A, . '', , Lot- '0,,Block.3"-, , - _ . . --- ---,,. - - -44‘,400.4•IX0,q411, ,;*,-,-....,'47..„, -tr; , ..• . . 7 Lot 11; Block. : _ .. .:.',*,;._,' - :•'-' - -, ...,„, ..,, Lot 12, Block-X.% ,.„,.' '..„ „:. ,. ..1.., , ,r_:,,,,, , 8 Lot 13, BloOk,8,• ,.., ,..,.. ... .. ,, - -, -^T''". - "'''''',1 Lot 14, Block0,3„ , ' '' ,- •,.. LOt15,,,Bleck.,3., ' " , .. ,,, . 9 cLot lifl„ BIdek 3,. .' „,, _ , ...., . . .. . , L _ ,. _ --. . . 'Lot 17-,•Block.3,,,•' - ,,•,,,,:,•' .' - Lot-18I1604 3 10 Let ,Block'3• ' -- 'Lot'20, * - .„ ' ' ' , . - - -•,-11'-i Lot,21, Block 3,, ' . ! , t,-. -. u , _ , .. 11 . Lot,22;Block,3„ . , . Lot 23,, Block' -. ,3,-' , . ; . .: Lot 21, Block 3'''. „ ., , 12 LOt.25, Slack 3, , ''. , ,,,,' ,-.' - - , _ .1 • Lot .26i, Block 13„.,.., ,. ' . --„, Lot 27„Mock 3, , I: . L -• , - 13 40, 't 28,, Block 3 ' -,''. .. , . , Lot 29,,Sleek 3,. .1 Lot 30, 13lock"3 ', - .- '', ' 14 .Lot 31,,,Black 3; .., . - ,, -. _ . , - :Lot',32; Block .3. ., . ,Lot 33,,Block.3,' ., 't ' I 15 LcIt.34,, Mock 3 ,' : ., . 1, , - . 1 Lot 1,.73166k71, ' . ,,.-..,.,4,1;...,_ . ' . .; 16 Lot 2,.131.6ck 4, ' Lot,,.,3,. 131Ock 4 -±- „, , _ - . . . -,' .. .', ' .- , ; - Lot 4, Block 4, ' . :, - . .. _ • • 17 "Lot 5,.Sleek 4,,,. _,, . . - , .J..ot '6,,Block 4, , ' -. . , •• „Lot.'7,,'Block'4, „ 18 .Lot .'8.; Biotic 4, - , . . „ . , , „ . -. . , - , ,, _ „ - - • • . Lot 9,, Block 4,' -,_' ..- . ' r --.. , 'Lc4.14; Block 4, '' - , •_ ._ 19 Lot:11, Block 4; ' ' Lot 13 „Block 4; , 'r , . , . , . . . Lot 13, Block 4„._ ', , - .`., ' ,.... _ A. 20 Lot' , Block,4 . .. ,, •: . . ,,- • _.... .. ,. . ,4' 4 ` 1.40',VJA„ Block'4 • ,,, 1 Lot,I,A, Block 4,, ,-' :', ' ,. .' 21 Lot.,17, Block'4,,: , . s .. I -, . Lot',It Block 4„.. -; ,,r ,. : . .„ .. ' ' .ot;10,,Bloat 4, ' '.-_, ,.,,I• 22 Lot 20, Block 4,,• . . , ... . - , ' ,..-, 1.. ." - Lot 21, Block .,..., .' 23 , Lot 22, Block 4,, .' ' . .- ,,..„,., Lot:-.2.3 Block 4„ , . ' „. .,,. ',- •• . Lot 2,4, Slook..4,. - - - , . -. • ' , 2 Lot;'25..,,,Block 4; ..,_ .,- , - , _ , , . ,.•-- . . Lot 26, Block 4, Lot 27, Block 4, ',.' , - • i 25 , Lot,128, Block,4, . ',„. 1. , _. 'Lot.29, Block.4; I LOU 30;, BICek'4, . '' ' . ., - . • , 2 6 Lot,31, Block 4',-'-', .., /, '' " ' - ,', • , . . 'Lot:32, Block 4;' ' ,, .' ' : . _1• .• ,, Let.'.33', Black 4, ' ' . . • . 27 ' Lot::34,,,Block 4>,,, ,',.,, . ,7,' ' , ,, „..:_, • • 'Let:.35,„Block,4 '' ,„ „ Lot 3 , Block 4, ''' '' . . - . 'Lat.31, Block. 4, -, -' . . 28 . .ILot 88,Black 4, , ..4 -,-, '''•' ' Lot 39,,','Bloek.4, -' - . - r. - _. • ' 29 . Lot 40,, Block 4, ' .. . . . . ., . Lo,-t. 1, Block"r,-...,._ ,-_ ..- t ) • ' Lot',24 Block 5., ,_ - „'" , -., , , ., . , , 30 'Lot, A;, Block ,,•'''' • ,/ LoV.'4,.01c4..:A,,;,..:4,40...',7;,.; ;,. ,:: ; ,. ”, .:_:.,: ,2„,',,:'''', ,,. " • „ . . • ' ,T,,Qtr7 5,Block.6, 2- .,--; ., 2 --„ . *.., - : .. .1,,tit,"'.16331.0,4*:''S','. :.'' 'it-, ,;-.:' '', ..,,, ..•..,!1,;,-..,'4,.:i-i-,7:';,'„!.'' --- --.1;-4 -' ... .-.11p- , . 1.,iit,Pt..,'0,1‘,"Clii.';5i''lirt.t;.:;. 4.,.._..,..2,;;;...1.:::................................. ' , -., • . . i tYLAND,"ELVIDGE ' / It ALVORD ,.,ii..,,.,4..7...,. ,,,,_.,.,'' .-.,:-/. , .741...'";, ,t4'7").,,,,,, ,, .',O, . '' •• '^'•' ' " ::-`-' i ./. / Lat',"„9.crook,45,.'i...140.,;-,,,';'..1 .. ,;.....z,i.'....4..„..4,444;,' ' . . LAWYERS ' t4; 4'N1,4,i i"r-, 's .. ,, ',.,r' '' 'T10!:s 14°P'W'''5J:;•';17*:::fs4,4441'4*-1:: -;;01, '`(44,:'.Y'",4 , ! ''' .""i -s' • .; '..."-,,'1. i.• , ,. 5 EATTLE. WASH, 'X0111;7iiitV7:.5,;i1. .4'..)44;,i, , -';' ,1'' '''.,"•';'°'''-'';',:f' :4' ''''' T ' '''''.:::' ''''f;'Ll..:4141 1 , , T;'-.Blit 4.,.,,c''''_ ' ''''".'.:* ±L'. f i) :1' :" 4 Is j ;I.1.0:e.,,i4,','''tlitit046;y4 j 4.tt''''''' .'..-p,'_'‘,.:.''„'g.;044;;:.#,`,"...4,..'2'Z'L.,...,4;';'47.`4.*i..•;+-.44f,*,:..-44-;L.„--.,-! ' -•5,--..,•.-„,,,,•.„:4,.*,.. ' .6.**4-=':'..-", " -----.-'"'-- ''''''',-.it'.'4.'It''' '-) 1 _I 1 . . . • , . . • ' ' ••:„ . , .2).i'',-i'•,"00:1) ;4!-„-:•.•'-1).;',-el.'":"'?"'". f,,,f.ort.,-e-i:•„,..:. _ ,, , ' -2,-, '-• Lot;, 7, 13locAN,it, „,,,,,,c-y! ,, 1,...,1,7.4;- .--L- Tik,.-k;_ir''' '.z„;ri'...: .-.,j i -'1,oif 14„BIOCk.V.!..•?..`4:',"T ' ':,,,,i-t7,,,,''-'-,r1,4`,.', :,-i,:._::„,:,?1,4,•., _':, :.',4‘ '4,,. ,';47:-.--, _,-- -----1-,-„--1,-4-1--- -„--- . ., Lot'134k 45.,n''' '' ?: ' :' ''''' ' .fl '. ' , B1,cick 5,: ,-,, ' , :„ 4 Y.411.yofthe ali0O07 property;being in,; rnithers , aftb,Ad44104,tCr gl.q 1 '1,OftY7Pf 13.ellt04; tigçnty3 WaShington. j, ,, , :,,,...,,,,,,, .. -"- Lot 27' • ''4. ',4%-a-4.:i.4..,...44.t.,1)...N.,AL.L.f 3 „ 2 Tract 35 , I.4.',„..,,,.....t.V...U.:.,.,......... , ,The,,aboVekproPertybeing in highland Addition to the QAY,of Rend ton,;King.County, Washington. " 3 Lot .7', Block 1-1 - . Lot;;;8, Block 1, •r 7 ,,,: . Lot 7 9„ EfOck 1„." ',1, - - _ - 4 Lot40, Block 1,, , ,--, - - • 1 ' ..,„;,, „ ' , 5 JT,4'...`:4 §look: Z' ,,,: -..,'' ' . ., , , - r. ‘Lot';5, Black 2',4 ,1.,- ", -4 . •- 1 i Lot :-6, B,lock 2,, 6 Lot:'.7.Block 2, :„, _,... ' .:.,, , -i, ' }:;..it.„..i.„i,,', , , •-• --7- --. - --- Lot'20, Block'Z.; - „„ - • - ' ''-+,...61,41,4•141---r- -----• Lot 21, Block 2,%''..!.'..LIN,2.--• ' 8 %'..I,The'abO ie ert Yb'in 1nrkVor a,n's'Gra?)d 'View 14.1?*. t th.e City of RentOn, King County Washington..., , .,1,,,,•,', ep4-iler r- • • ------------ Lot 24 Sec. 17,,:twp.' ,23, Range '5 P.', . . •.''' '' '1 I ....------• 9 King. County, Wash., . , - i.----, --` ` ' 7--,t,- I . N. 10 ft. Lot 8, Block 10, .4,,_e 1%, ' .,-,. ..,,-, ...,, , '; "-- I V' . 15:fee , Lot 9, Black 10,. '.4"..:-L .-- ; ' , :n 1 1,../ 10 lim4001,11110,1010, '.,, , , - . 0 I ' Lo0-,:4,-Block•15, ' ,/i i',/41!.c"/„.' r' '•..,... f.r 2 .•,. 11 ' .All of,the above property being J,n,Renton,Firm plat,"AdditiOn to thd Cd.:tY,:of Rentonr.k stlieltY 1p/.,.„,„ ,, ,4. ." , -• 47,1 (?el ,-- -*P ' ,,a4-••4 •!•,4 • 12 irt54.-"e7-41.041-44,, All of above property being in Car-Works Addition to The City O7f-1 Renton, King Connty,,Washington. • 13 Lot D7, Bk..a.-0, „ • _ ___.:,x2.0114, - _,,,,......_.1 _.......:.....________,,........_. : . .11 , 7 . 14 • --:,, Lot--.10 Block 27, ...‘. , ., .4-":,/ c. ` o, ,..,:,;4_, .,. 'The..-above?property being id the Town of. Renton'' ddition to%he(' 15 c437,pflterippn, King County, Washington; - Lot•15,,Block 6, ....k/i...:127.4.2,. / .Cl'i..44,i.,,,,I .....7S:.,:l t ' ' ',IT,,Ile above'Pa4operty)beitig,in Car,W,orks AdditiOn:to fake,Cif3e:Of Ren:.3 16 ' i'Ciii,10tig COunty,,WAshington. .,'. '' "; ", '; ,, ,', ** 1.. . . . . :1,„ Lot 14, Block 6,,,.- .,- , - I , iLot 15, Bieck 6,. - ', " • 17 Lot 4, Block'1.5, ' •il '' ' ' '' - The above property being in FtentonArtn'Tlat Addition to eho Cityl i 18 of Renton, King'County, Wash , ington. ' 1DiVision No, 3.-A strip Of land in the •NWv, of the §W14 of Sec.18, Town- '4 • , . . . 19 ,ship, 23, North, Range 5 K. W. M.ly- . . ling 6.mmediately east of,and parallel Street North, said-strip-being : • .,q. ', 20 , feet long and 107.5 feet wide ' ' t''' '`. ' . \'. I:4)64 bt9o88Ou7:1e'd' on the north by the north „ i i - ;. ' , .. 1 t, 4. line,Of the NW% of the WI-it of bath . Y • 23. section, 'King County; Washington i..1-,r--,7,0 . ,' DiVision No.' '5,--A strip of land . ' °„ ; . , : `, thrUngb'Government Lot 3„.glaction 8, 'd 22 Township 23 North,'Range 5, K. W. ,• . f - ' 1/Z.,. lying immediately 'east of and ' , . . parallel to Mill 'Street NOrth, said „ • Strip being 107:5 feet Wi de,'bounded , , • .. 14 te . ,0 7 • on tha nofth-by,the north line. and , on the south':by the. south line of ,, .. . 24 .,--, a foysttla Lot'3, King,County, Washington_ , , Division,No..6-A stripof land through 1 . '. . , 'Government LOt 3, section 8, Town- ;,' 25 . , snip 23 North;Rage'5 E.-W. M„ ly- ing'Immediately west',of and parallel ! ; • 1 to Mill Street'North„,said strip:being ' , . . , . 26 ...,`„. 107,5 feet wide, bounded On the,Mirth , ', , 1 . by -the north, tine and on' the south ., ' , , • 2 7 by. the south-flue.:of,aforesaid Lot 3, : : . s•i;1 , I , f; Kink County, Vi''-uangtatx ..,-._._.....,_ . .. ,., .. , - _-._. -• _ - --- ' '' . La.5, Block,2, Smithers' SbctlyAddi- 28 , i don to the City of Renton, King 1 County, Washington • 1 1--VtAriatelteCrStnttherellIft111481161- 29 tiosilibo.-tio....ciir -ItilifeimPairalg . . , I . 1 i,P9.141144600060.SAINf ton ..._ _..________ . • } . ! , . 30 , . . ...4. ' . HYLAND:ELVIDGE . . . R ALVORD , . LAWYERS SEATTLE.,WASH. . . 1 1 . i,.. • . 1 This deed is subject to the lien of, all 'unpaid general 2 taxes and local improvement assessments , other than the particular 3 installment or installments thereof for which the judgment aforesaid was entered. 4 5 Given under my hand this / ! day of March, 6 . 1931. 8 City Treasurer of the City of Renton, 'King County, Washington. 9 10 STATE OF WASHINGTON, ) 11 ( SS COUNTY OF KING. ) 12 I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the 13 State of Washington, residing at Renton, in the above named County 14 and State , duly comrnivioned, sworn and qualifie , do hereby certi- 15 fy that on this day of March, A. D. 193rl, before me 16 _J / personally appeared Thomas F. Meehan, City Treasurer of the City 17 of Renton, to me known to be the individual described in, and who 18 executed the within instrument for himself and also as City 19 Treasurer of the City of Renton, and acknowledged to me that he 20 signed and sealed the same as his own free and voluntary act and 21 deed for himself, and also as his free and voluntary act and deed 22 as City Treasurer, of the City of Renton for the uses and purposes 23 therein mentioned. 24 7 Given under my hand and official seal this 25 day of March, 1931.26 27 Notar Public . 'n an for t e State of Washington, residing at Renton. 28 29 30 -5- 1YLAND.ELVIDGE I " &ALVORD LAWYERS TTLE. WASH. Assessrne i'{ tee d 3-/ 9-3/ � n U Deed to PrQi:lrty acquirea. ay / - II city in FORECLOSURE PROCEEDI1 GS. / �` 2 . .+ . kilaiqr i //9 /3( . It RECORDED-• . F.'•r2,1-- `*.__RE QUES OF lleeas Ames N. Richmond ..',? 27 PM 2 54 .i... . - /-c-...--.4,....44,.....- .., ,,,...t ji N 44 r / t I V ' • . • HYLAND, ELVIDGE & ALVORD, 910 C.EXTER HORTON BLDG. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON A lTORNEYS AT LAW 1 ORDINANCE NO. ��53 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AP PDING THE CITY'S"COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PAP" WHEREAS the Planning Commission and the City Council have heretofore adopted a Comprehensive Plan as evidenced by Resolution No. 1240 and Orc'.rn' e No. 2142 and WHEREAS since such adoption the Planning Commission has duly recommended to the City Council certain amendments to the City's "Land Use Map" end the Planning Commission and the City Council having duly held public meetings in relationto such amendments and due notice thereof having been given as provided by 1 w, and all parties appearing in favor or opposition to said amendments having been dully heard at such public hearings, NW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLWS: SECTION I: The City's "Land Use Map" is hereby modified and amended, pursuant to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the public hearings held thereon by the Planning Commission and the City Council in the following respects: A. That certain area lying between Mill Street, Houser Way and the Cedar River shall be designated as "Public Use Area". B. Lots 1 through 5, inclusive, Block 9, Car WorksiAddit=on to Renton according to the Plat thereof recorded in Vol-Ime..l5. of Plats, page 47, records of King County, Washington shall be esignate "Retail-Commercial Use." i C. That certain area of land lying between 3rd Plaee North, Factory Street and 3rd Avenue North shall be designated "Retail-Commercial Use". and the City Engineer and Planning Director are hereb:r And directed to make the necessary changes on said "Land Use Map" to evidence said amendiments. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 26th day of April 1965. /s/ Helmie Nelson Helmie Nelson, City Gierk APPROVED EY THE MAYOR this 26th day of April, 1965, /s/ Doncild W. Custer Donald W. Custer, 'rnvor Approved as to Form: • /s/ Gerard M. Shollan Gerard .M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: 4/28/65 ot_ezet it/02 44 elfriktiarL+C ace-- -277 ApL__ VOL L I FACE 4 40 _ _ ` CERTIFICATION• • • April 21 1965 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I, HELMIE NELSON, the duly elected, qualified nd acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby Certify that the attached Ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 2142 of the City of Renton, as it appears on Lfile in the re- cords of the office of the City Clerk in said City, land as the same was duly and regularly adopted, passed and approved on the 5th day of April 19 65 , and published according to Law on the 7th day of April 1965 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 21st day of A,pri1 19 65 ,. i; '4 ,; =; . . HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk ,•• 3, • • VOL• 4647 PAGE et.- ..e„-f_.---,,--,--p---1 • ORDINANCE NO. 2142 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, V7ASHINGTON RE A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE PHYSICAL -DEVELOPMENT OF ADOPTING - CITY OF RENTON AND PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE "LAND USE MAP" THEREOF WHEREAS the continued growth and development of the City, together tions of additional territories thereto from time to time, g r with annexe iof development prbblems and the attendant expansion require the continuous stu P ion and improvement of a comprehensiv yi r1 plan for the coordinated and orderly development evelo Pwent of the City, and WHEREAS the Planning Commission and the City Council have heretofore adopted ' such a Comprehensive Plan as per Resolution No. 1240, dul 'r I passed and approved on May 4, 1964 after public hearings having been held thereon in conne . hensive Plan, after due notice thereof as provided b coon with such Compre- y law, and 3 WHEREAS since the ado tion of such Plan the Planning '-? P ..9 recommended to the City Council certain amendments to the ; Commission has duly a Land Use Map"p and the Planning Commission and the City Council having duly held public meets�.; � meetings in relation to such amendments and due notice thereof having been given as provided b i parties appearing in favor or o y law, and all opposition to said amendments and to said Comprehensive i Plan having been duly heard at such hearings, NOW THEREFORE . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, A ; FOLLOWS: S', i a Section 1: That certain Comprehensive Plan for the physical P Y al development of the City of Renton, together with all Exhibits thereto as more particularly specified ' Resolution No. 1240 passed and approved on MayP ied in 4, 1964, is hereby re-adopted in all respects, which Comprehensive Plan shall be as follows: I. PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this Comprehensive Plan is to define and establish the policy relating to the development of the community as a whole; to i the principles and objectives which shall guide the establishment, deve a ndicate implementation of definite and precise plans, public and private; lop and to provide for the _ ,; � a coordination of the many separate plans which govern the development of this community;to officially adopt P program and guide which will enable the City of Renton to attain the, principles and objectives set forth in R.C. W. 35.63 of the Revised Code of fin the manner provided. Washington II. PARTS This Comprehensive Plan is composed of the '"Text" which presents k the existing conditions, the problems, the objectives and the proposed 1 P policies, and the "Maps" which illustrate the program, Additional supplementary parts devel'oped in the future may include, but not be limited to, special studies, charts, graphs, -1- L vol.4647 PAGE 430 t additional general maps, localized maps, including specific development of the down t • business area, reports or schedules, which when adopted .will become an integral part ' the Comprehensive Plan. 1. The "Land Use Map" attached hereto, labe.le Exhibit "A" and by reference thereby incorporated herein as if fullyforth, set illustrates in broad and general I . terms the foreseeable development of the City of Renton. The use areas shown thereon 1 indicate the principles which are intended to guide implementation of this development program. Said "Land Use Map' , however, is hereby amended, pursuant to .the recommendat of the Planning Commission and the public hearings held thereon eon by the Planning Commis 1 and the City Council, in the following respects : m . A. The area generally westerly of 132nd Avenue S.E. and Sunset Blvd. continuously to an area easterly of 138th Avenue S. E. and both sides of Sunet Blvd. to a depth of approximately 500 feet on each side thereof shall be designated as a retail ;- commercial use area. P. B. That certain area east of 3rd Place North, and south of 4th Avenue :i North and west of the Pacific Coast Railroad track shall be designated I:1 as Light Industrial Use. I6, ii C. That certain area on the north side of the Maple Valley Highway in }; the vicinity of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 'y 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 .E. ,W.M. shall be designated Retail- Commercial Use. 11 D. That certain area lying between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue and between + , 1t. Main and Burnett Streets, EXCEPT the northerly 100 feet thereof,shall 14 be designated as Multiple Residential Use. , ; E. That certain area described as the northerly 100 feet of the area lying between 4th and 5th Avenues and between Main and Burnett Streets, shall k.1 be designated Retail-Commercial Use. F. That certain area east of Shattuck Street, west of Burnett Street, and f' between the alley south of 3rd Avenue and theiPacific Railroad, shall ' be designated Retail- Commercial Use. el ;, . and the City Engineer and Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to make :, fil , the necessary changes on said "Land. Use Map""to evidence said amendments. i 2. Streets and Arterials: The "Arterial Streets Map" attached hereto, labeled Exhibit "B" and by reference thereto incor orated.herein as,P if fully set forth herein, illustrates the proposed p program for traffic circulation and is intended as a guide in, ::? the dedication, development; construction and/or acquisition of rights of way, the development of standards and regulations and purposes related thereto. • 3. The "Text" attached hereto, labeled Exhibit "C"; and by reference thereto incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein illustrates briefly the history of the City of Renton, the studies heretofore undertaken and the goals set forth which are to be achieved ..when such',Comprehensive Plan has been fully implemented. • III. IMPLEMENTATION: In order to fully accomplish the objectives and principles of this Comprehensive Plan, and as same may be amended from time to time, all resolutions • . -2- h F_ II, �, VOL 04 7 PAGE`4c11 and ordinances of the City of Renton concerned with the development and welfare of the community and its people shall be considered in the light of and related to the principles, objectives and policies set forth herein. To fulfill the requirements of R.C.W." 35.63, and in the interest of public safety, health, morals and the general welfare, -the following instruments of official implementation, among others, will be dev- 9ed in detail, to embody the necessary controls, regulations, standards and penalties, and upon adoption by the City Council sill become implements of the Comprehensive Plan: 1. Zoning Ordinance; 2. Street and Arterial Plan; 3. Land Subdivision and Platting Plan; 4. Building Codes; 5. Capital Improvements program. • VI. AMENDMENT: It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to continue to observe the development of the City and its environs in relation to the Plan and to prepare reports and submit same to the City Council `from time to time, and whenever necessary, after proper study and' deliberation amendments may be recommended by the Commission to the City Council of this Comprehensive plan. -H,PAS'SED-Bk'lI1E 'CITY COUNCIL this „5-'-day of April, 1965. • .r Helmie Nelson, City C erk APirOVD BY''THE MAYOR this -. -day of April, 95. ,gv,b," .LYZ onald W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED ES TO FORM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: c�c f 2 4 .y -3- Filed for Recor f�- '41'(y4:>12--V crrtpre_r� S1v� � rd. a / `� a - S -GS 5PG95 .71 Ua /, yG y) P ya r a /2..e. . /.7yd o_.e, ay3q y 7c yee,e6i/a 7i 7o . '224, ,s--/ a .y770 COd ORDINANCE NO. J_,,.,,37 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY'S COI'aRrHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN & MAPS IN CONJUNCTION : THEREWITH WHEREAS. the Planning Commission of the City of Renton and the City Council have heretofore adopted and filed a "Comprehensive Plan" as evidenced by Resolution No. 1240 and City of Renton Ordinance No. 2142 and as further implemented and amended by various plans, codes, reports and records, and WHEREAS since such adoption the Planning Cc; i ssi on having heretofore duly. recommended to the City Council certain amendments to said City's "Comprehensive Plan"; and said Planning Commission and City Council having duly held public meetings in relation to such amendments, and due notice thereof having been given as provided by law, and said public meetings having been held on the following _ dates, to wit: 7/19, 8/16, 9/13 , 1967 and 4/29, 5/7, 7./29, 9/9s,nd 10/1)4, 1968 and such hearings having been duly continued, and all parties appearing in favor or opposition to said amendments having been duly heard at uch public hearings, and WHEREAS as a result of such public hearings it is advisable and appropriate to make amendments end modifications to said City's full "Comprehensive Plan"; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The aforestated findings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects. The City of Renton's "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and maps in conjunction therewith are hereby modified and amended, pursuant to the public hearings held in connection therewith as herein above specified, before the Planning Commission and the City Council, which amendma is and modifications are contained and specified on the attached exhibit, labelled "k" consisting t;np of items 1-28 inclusive, and which exhibit is hereby incorporated herein and made a part .of this Ordinance as if fully set forth; and said changes, amendments and modifications being likewise evidenced by the attached cry , labelled exhibit "B", • -which.- Eike s . ineorpormted lierein. and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth. 0 SECTION II: The City Engineer and Planning Director s e hereby authorized "Comprehensive directed to make the necessary changes of said City's Land Use Plan" and the maps in conjunction therewith to evidence the aforedescr€bed amendments. SECTION XII: The City Clerk and Planning Director are further authorized and directed to file this Ordinance, together with all exhibits and,ad^.nda theretoe with the King County Auditor's office and es otherwise provided by law, and a complete eopy of said documents likewise being on fil with the office of the City Clerk, City of Renton. SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and aft r its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of � 19d8, Li2/• lial ie Nelson City Clerk APPROM BY TEE MAYOR this Ad-. day of 1965. • Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approved s to Form: ,/ Carer Sb.ek'an, C ty Attorney . Date of Publication: OCT 2 5 1968 • EXHIBIT. A Ord i Nance 2) 39 • REVISIONS TO -_ • . CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVEE LAND USE PLAN SEPTEMBER 9., 1968 . EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN _.REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . . 1. KENNYDALE AREA: . Bounded on 1. -_Single family residential. ._ . - the north by S .E. . 84th St. , " - on the south. by S .E. 100th -. ...__...- . - . . -. .. St. , on the east by the freeway, on the west by Lake Washington Blvd. , now ' . - - indicated as multi-family . • residential (medium density) . • - 2.. KENNYDALE AREA: West of Lake 2. , Recreation. Washington Blvd. between Lake Washington Beach Park and S.E. • • 95th St. , now. indicated as . . multi-family residential (low density) . ' • 3. KENNYDALE AREA: Bounded on the 3. Single family residential. north by S.E. 97th St. , on the . south by 12th Ave. N. , on the . . . east by 116th Ave. S .E. , on the . west by the freeway, now indi- • cated as multi-family_ residen- tial (low density) . . 4. HIGHLANDS AREA: Bounded on 4. Low density multi-family .north the north by S .E. 104th St. of 14th Ave. N. and medium • extended, on the south by 12th , , density multi-family south Ave. N. , on the east by Puget ,of - 14th Ave. -N.- -- ---- - .- ---- - - Sound Power R/W, on. the west by - - - "H" St. , is now indicated as -.." -- multi-family residential. (high - -- - - _, -- density) . 5. HONEYDEW AREA: Bounded -on the 5. Medium density multi-family • north by 12th Ave. N. , on the . residential use. south by .11th Ave. N. , on the east by 136th Ave. S .E. , on the west by 132nd Ave. S .E. now indicated .as multi-family residential (high density) . . -- 6. HIGHLANDS AREA: Bounded on • 6. Low densit multi-family the north by 9th Ave. N. , on . residential use. the south by 5th Ave. N. , on ' • . -"- - - --- - the east by "I" St. , on the .. _ ._ . _ -- - -- west by "H" St, now indicated . . as multi-family residential (high density) . - 7. HIGHLANDS AREA: Bounded on 7 . Depth of 350 ' ± south from • the north by 5th Ave. N. ,. on , 5th' Ave. N. medium density - the south by 4th Ave. N. , on' multi-family residential; the 'east by 132nd Ave . S .E. , remaining depth of 600-' + on the west by "M" St. -- to 4th Ae. No business. . indicated as light industrial - -"-- - and business - - • -2- • • • EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN • 8. EAST CEMETERY RD. AREA: The . 8. Business to a depth of 600 ' four corners of 138th Ave S.E. surrounded by a 200 ' buffer • to. a depth of 300 ' indicated strip of multi-family resi- •as business . dential (medium density). • 9 . .NORTH RENTON AREA: Bounded 9. Light industrial. . . on the north by N. 4th St. , • . on the east by Houser Way, on the west by Factory Ave. • • • N. indicated as multi-family residential (high density) _. - • -- 'and commercial. __. • • 10. NORTH RENTON AREA: Bounded 10.. • The area bounded on the north on the north by N. 6th St. , by N. 6th St. , on the south by on the south by N. 3rd St. , N. 3rd St. , on the west by a on the west by a line mid- line midway between Pelly and way between Pelly and Park Park Aves . , and extending east Aves . , and on the east by to a oneHiot depth on the east Factory Ave. , shown, as multi- side of Park Ave. N.--commercial family residential (high The property bounded on the fort density) .` by N. 6th St. , on the south by N. 4th St. , on the west by a line approximately 100 ' east of Park Ave. , and on the east • • by 'Garden Ave.--light industrial • . Property bounded on the north by • N. 6th St. , on the south by • N. 4th St. , on the east by • Factory Ave. , and on the west • by Garden Ave.--heavy industrial Property bounded on the north by N. 4th St. , on the south by a line 100 ' north of N . 3rd St. , • on the west by the east boundary of the lets fronting on the east : side of Park Ave. N. and on the : east by Garden Ave.--public use (P-1) . Remainder of the • property described under • EXISTING column above--high • density multi-family residential • 11. EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL AREA: . 11. Light industrial or manufacturin Bounded on the north by Pacific park.. Coast Railroad, on the south • by Northern Pacific Railway, • on the east by 89th Ave. S . extended, on the west by Great • Northern Railroad, indicated • • as heavy industrial. -3- • EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 12 . RENTON HILL AREA: •That area 12 . Property bounded on the north by bounded on the north by the the freeuray, 7th St. , 8th St. , freeway and 8th St. , on the and 9th St. , on the south by the south by the southern southern boundary of Puget Sound Power and Light Company Trans- boundary of the Puget Sound mission Line Easement, on the Power and Light Transmission west by the freeway, and on the Line Easement, on the west east by a mid-point between Mill by the freeway, and on the and Cedar Ayes . , Cedar Ave. , east by Grant Ave. and Jones Renton Ave. and Grant Ave.-- - Ave. presently shown as medium density multi-family medium density multi-family residential. Property bounded residential. on the north by the freeway,. . on the south by 7th St. , on the west by a mid-point between Mill and Cedar Aves. , and on the east by Cedar Ave.--low density multi family residential. Remainder of area described under EXISTING column above--single family residential. • 13 . MONTEREY TERRACE AREA: 13. Commercial use. Bounded on the north by Bronson Way, the south by Maple Valley Rd. , on the east by Monterey Terrace, on the west by the freeway, indicated as multi-family residential (medium density) . 14. GLADDING McBEAN, HADDAD AREA: 14. The area revised to loci denSi=ty Bounded on the north by the multi-family is bounded on the Cedar River, the south by north by the Cedar River, the 5th St. & 7th St. extended, south by the railroad, and the the east byPuget Sound Power west by Sec. 16-23-15 . The area g revised to light industrial or and Light Transmission Line, manufacturing park is bounded on and on the west by Jones and the north by the railroad R/W, Grant .Aves . presently indicated • on the south by a line 400 ' as heavy industrial, low density south of the railroad, on the • multi-family and green belt west by the westerly R/W line (limited development area) . of Grant St. extended north to the railroad R/W, and on the east by the Cedar River. The • remaining portion of the area-- green belt (limited development area) . 15. PHILIP ARNOLD PARK AREA: 15. Single family residential. Bounded by Philip Arnold Park on the north, Bonneville Power - Administration Transmission Line Easement on the south, on the east by Cedar River Pipeline R/W, on the west by High Ave. extended, indicated as multi- • family residential (medium - • - density) . EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN _ REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 16. MAPLE VALLEY AREA: Bounded 16. - Recreational use. by the Cedar River on the west and north, on the east by 148th Ave. S.E. . extended, on the south by Milwaukee Rail- road mainline R/W indicated as reen belt (limited development area . 17. MAPLEWOOD HOMES AREA: Bounded 17. Multi-family residential (low on the north by Maple Valley density) . Road thence south 1200 ' , on the east by 140th Ave. S.E. , 'on the west by the Cedar River, designated for recreational use. 18. ROLLING HILLS AREA: From the 18. Single family residential. intersection of Rolling Hills Ave. S. and Puget Drive to a radius of 600 ' indicated as multi-family residential (medium density) . 19. TALBO.T HILL AREA: Bounded on 19. Single f:mil residential. the north by the freeway, on the south by 13th Ave. , on the. east by Talbot Rd, on the west by Lake Ave. S. , indicated as multi-family residential (low - density) . 20. WEST TALBOT HILL AREA: Bounded 20. Green beat (limited development on the north by 13th Ave. S . , area) on the south by S . 176th St. extended, on the west by East Valley Freeway, east to a, depth of 300 ' from the freeway indicated as multi-family residential (medium density) . 21. CASCADE AREA: Bounded on the 21. Single f.mily residential. north by S.E. 160th St. ex- tended, on the south by S.E. 176th St. , on the east by 116th Ave. S.E. , on the west by 108th Ave. S.E. indicated as multi-family residential (medium density) . 22. BENSON HILL AREA: Bounded by 22 . Single f.mily residential.- Benson Rd. on the north, S.E. 172nd St. extended on the south, 108th Ave. S.E. on the east, 104th Ave. S.E. on the west indicated as multi-family • residential (medium density) . • 4f. a a - - , EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 23 . BENSON HILL AREA: Starting 23. Reduce the area of commercial at the intersection of 108th from 10010 ' to 600 ' banded by a Ave. S.E. and S.E. 176th St. 400 ' strip of multi-family • to a radius of 1000 ' was to (medium density) . ' designated commercial bounded •' -- - .by a 500 ' band of multi- family residential (medium density) . 24. NORTH KENNYDALE LAKE FRONT 24. Heavy industrial use. VICINITY: Bounded on the north by S.E. 74th St. extended, on •the south by S.E. 84th St. , on the east by the railroad, and the west by the Inner Harbor Line, presently is medium density multi-family. 25. AREA WEST OF ROLLING HILLS: 25. Low density multi-family Bounded on the north by the residential use. Bonneville Power Administration line, on the south by Puget Dr. , on the west by 106th Ave. S.E. , and on the east by the west line of Rolling Hills Plat, presently single family residential. 26. HIGHLANDS HOSPITAL PROPERTY: 26 . Recreational use Bounded on the west by "E" St. , on the east by "I" St. on the north by S.E. 125th St. , and on the south by 4th Ave. N. Formerly shown as high and medium density multi-family residential uses . 27. NEW VALLEY GENERAL. HOSPITAL 27. Medium density multi-family SITE VICINITY: Bounded on the bounded by 600 ' south of north by S. 180th St. , on the - S. 180th St. extending west south by a line 800 feet south to the East Valley Freeway and of S. 180th St. , on the west by east to a depth of 600 ' east the East Valley Freeway, and of Springbrook Road. Remainder --low density multi-family.. the east by a line about 800 feet • east of Springbrook Rd. , presently single family residential use. 28. SOUTH HIGHLANDS AREA: - That area 28 . The south 200 feet ± of the bounded on the north by the south , property described under boundary of the Plat of Monterey EXISTING column to be revised Terrace and Mt. Olive Cemetery, to greenbelt (limited develop-- on the south by the Maple Valley ment) ; remainder of described area for single family resi- Highway and the north boundary of dential. the Plat of Maplewood, on the east by Bonneville Power Administration Transmission Line Easement Diablo- Seattle, and on the west by the southeast property line of the Cedar River Park, presently shown as light industrial. .m:.n.r.n-c:.7wwa•.v.»ann.- ,...mr ....�u.�arr .aN.x.+•vw-.....c -..:.wew <n+«a. ,,.wuer ww-..,:......:.:^-- +;.`,,..._._.7v "9"'^7?.:"j. RENTON URBAN AREA II - ', COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN , 1968 REVISIONS ©; r, • EXHIBIT B . Ordinance 2439 • A .71 : LAKE 1,, ` .S 44 °"F 1— s p($ NWASHNGTON 0. 1`��Wie ► ' - '. , Mali..- .. .-i1,-.-'1-,,1,''':'',_ „r _,___ ,. .x.91 wait emir hiov, tip.% :t_"'...•.- \ iiirq Oki \ 'I , r : .i BOEING -"t 111111"Al1 �� - iv =st • a j1 1 A J`k 411 IL 1 �nq caa A't11111 . !Ia.,C 1} a h. =hi \ =/l1 � tRv �a. •P gip - 14,04N1/1111111 (,_./? W1016411Will4. ittl/-4 ,,e i ' '17.---7 H i iiim.: An i ,ss �*At:Nin :ue 28I0' - $ 1--`4 -- J..,i L [ .4 .1 s,+. . I I , 91 1 q- 11 ) rAPP_ "- , 61. ' -._iI, ,::: a ,gar . , ,�._ i/`, ® p �b ems , 15,i„,_..! -,.:\ i FF. .:&" \/11 ',„.N. .,, ' ,--- 1 ..„,,„, i ,,, l' ■ ! aLLJ.:,t if 0, I r — 2. `4 ‘.. � Aa to gi . fmiein Z pa r - - -- r . 1 _ „'%L__L ..-----:,.. , .. , . p„e. t 1 _i ill .g . i; .. 1 cjf r 672',. • 1 i • I \ . L ,,,,,,,t.. I LAKE / - YOUNGS I • 1_\_--------1 L_ -. s- _ 1 • 1968REVISIONS TO THE COMPREHENSIVELAND USE- PLAN COLOR REPRESE NTATION NTATION OF USE DESIGNATIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN THE CITY CLERK' S OFFICE, RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND AT THE COUNTY AUDITOR' S OFFICE, KING COUNTY COURT HOUSE, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON . RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT OCTOBER 21, 1968 • 1 C tp'-e1?cn a f ive P/ can (7t4!.z '/3 9 2 70 Qom. / y.Z ' I OV • A -v ,e> FILED ior 6,1 ecord aikaquest oi 1 0 COVOiWOEOF TIE '''' CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 Address............................................. - 0 • RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 oc bednIh:b r . 6 , 1971 ' CAPITIOCJ - Cr 01 CD Records and Filing Cn cQ King County, Room 301 CQ Administration Building Seattle , Wa. 98104 Attn: Mr. Tom Docherty Re : Amendments to City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan Gentlemen : We attach hereto maps amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan since originally recorded on 10/30/68 under Auditoi 's File No . • 5031115, Records of King County , State of Washington. Please attach amending maps to the original as follows : Amending Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2492 as recorded in Vol . 128 , Pg. 112 , 113 and 114 , Auditors No . 6551130 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2526 as recorded in Vol . 247, Pg. 142 , #6601882 Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2539 , as recorded in Vol . 271 , Pg. 469 , #6612554 Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2640 as recorded, 710714 0492 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2641 as recorded 710716 0481 Thank you for your courteous attention to this matter. Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON • 24-/ ) Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosures (5) cc: Planning Department - RECO t,)F..5 vn J...., I Htii -4 DEGTCJ RECODE & FCTi COUNT)", 0 • C.) LU -- 5S,:11 =it' O, .J— o CovytAagoe.g.:44) orit-gid aot...e/ is - A . _ 7/ 7/ / i 3 03a_ 5 ' as,39 VOL 128 PAGE 112 65 51 130 ,opin ORDINANCE N0. R y9 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , ',WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY ' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND MAPS IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH RELATING TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE RENTON HIGHLANDS WHEREAS the Planning Commission of the City of Renton, and . acting by and through its City Council , have heretofore adopted and • filed a "Comprehensive Plans as evidenced by Resolltion No.. 1240 and Ordinance No. 2142 and as further implemented and amended by various • plans , codes , reports and . records , and WHEREAS since s..tch adoption the Planning Clommision and the City Council have heretofore duly amended said Comprehensive Plan from time to time, and WHEREAS the City, on its own initiative , has proceeded to amend said Comprehensive Land Use Plan pertaining to the hereinbelow described property, and public hearings therefor having been duly held before the City of Renton Planning Commission on June 11 , 1969 , . and before the City Council , at its regular meeting; ' on July 28 , 1969 , and due notice thereof having been given as provided by law, and all parties appearing in favor of or in opposition to said amendment having been duly heard at such public hearings , and WHEREAS as a result of such public hearings it is advisable and in the best public interest to amend the City' s1"Comprehensive Land Use Plan" as hereinbelow set forth; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY C',OUNCIL OF THE . CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS : • SECTION I : The aforestated findings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects . The City of Renton' s "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and maps in conjunction therewith are hereby modified and amended, pursuant to the public hearings held in connection therewith as hereinabovelspecified, before the City Planning Commission and the City Council , pertaining - 1 - . I • • II VOL 128 PAGE 113 • to the. following described property, to-wit : Blocks 1 , 6 and 7 . of Rainier Acres , ,all situated in Renton Highlands , Renton, King County , Wash- ington, bounded by NE 4th Street , NE 5th Place , Edmonds Avenue NE, and Index Place NE, and all as more particularly specified on the attached Exhibit"A" , which is incorporated h rein as if fully set forth. hereby . which above premises are/ designated on said Compre ensive Land Use Plan as "Single Family Residential". SECTION II : The City Engineer and the Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes on said City' s "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and the maps in conjunction therewith to evidence the aforedescribed amendment. SECTION III : The City Clerk and the Planning Director are further authorized and directed to file this Ordinance , together • with all exhibits and addenda thereto , with the King' County Auditor's office and as otherwise provided by law, and a complete copy of 'said documents likewise being on file with the office of the City Clerk, City of Renton. SECTION 'IV : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passa4e, approval and legal p � i "'">,�• • PASSED BY THE-CITY COUNCIL this // J'A gt+,s i69 . • Helmie Nets i r C .e , c ; APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this // • D n id W. Custer , Approved as to form: Gerar M. Shell n, City Attorney Date of Publication: AUG 15 1969 • • • • • - 2 - • • • • • • _. i 44.:Iti:i ".Qa D Z a hi - 7 • - - ' • IT 111 si 1 /7 in 'I I 1 1 i4ls lb . 1/ 3 , . o I IN, hok • . g a nniritifilhoril. r. 01. A t3 C , na i b 4110,041 . h 1.- :f', '� ©'���',� r o ® Q�c cl n , pl 4�' ,c 1 .� LL.r 4.a, :cI.a)cj: EXHIBIT "A" �. • <N0 ` ' •iV©O c/ 1O ' Q r lc gm ��. �.r., 1sisi t ' I 4 �� z� j N:E' G/Zv ay9,y c�i PRI® • .Oi` LD 2w .. ®;.1, O� �_L ,p. �S�' Pi-•. 7 ,i I , � •0 �? s c _sl' e�4 44?4 @E. c w �o:a tc�i• (for August 196941 . czar_114 �i �: ss '° It rr hI ril . i Z • � S riem� © t, C- to �fl ' �t� to ; ;' • �6 �1�1�w `f - ` :!{ Vol . 128, P 112 T: ,m4 /�( � . b L•• r, ��`I ,1 2 �� 1 ►�v� '6 S e y o � i g F� e�� o \� , e� G� • • s J I a Is w Ki w,„ �; #6551130 0 ` EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE • N 1L`.vciaouNO�eig I.1 e F* ,Y �•.q c. O u. ,� - •• S 11 6 ��ymill, 1 'e_- • �, r . ' :„ G ° - 5 9 <, db 7 `bt O® _ ` I LAND USE. PLAN li-\ ,... /��d ���Z o_ , _Z 3 4 5 5 ri la ��;'a. � 1lubs 014:. ,s 6 VAC. • I 1 , , 1 'L ` . _ I . . Blocks 1, 6 and 7 of . •��O 69 stee� ‘°J . 7 16 to 11* 2• 1 I _ Rainier Acres all . silt g:': :Ni•..{ .,•: :v:?r_:+• :.iK:ire>:::: 1 2% c0c_nc•w situated in Renton, :1 19E1 ^;:r ':+ ::. . Viz:: D 1 �© 0 # {,-..? ;> '??:�KK,O;i:r:::^,?<:>.:••:=:{:r : ®� 0� is w Highlands, bounded on �' r: ''``'''` ; Q� ® I CC the north by N.E. 5 th ." 4* AAT. w<1,V'1(7`v1% r• is 1II a 4::,. •:i,• ti , .�� Assir, I Q Place, on the south by k ; 41' _ �• ;: k:,•':: :,• AVMs: �O 19 N.E. 4th Street, on the ::g-1. f;:::r.:• ::e:sx::::< -?^ : : :x; r .s . :'*;4z :r• • 2 e P E• �.,�P41,14 : .,: •• .::::?.. ..:: � e 1 east by Index lace N. {•:a' >:., %t:::t ...;• '?:;.•fi?:Wx• { ;:. :•� �► N .t and on the west b i v?.f' 1 # *- .• : z., r}::?.,tom":•.ii .'; :2;�'•• ,?.:. +r'."+ i x:::`.::; :,i :a jit ceNJ 1x .� r. � M ,� Edmonds Avenue N.E. 4 � ��� }:,�. :r,� /. - :;•ors{'::f,::r iiiiiiii,: ::•�{Y.: s. ::�:,::.�?»::;>: vs�y: �. �al I • - i�_ y._. ti•: rig ‘:x'.,;. ...Y. QTri Previously shown as i J- 'i recreational use.______ — ..._: Viy , \\ ‘� , - ,�!'� // .// A REVISED COMPREHENSIVE J \\ \\ , - �' - //,�1..% : � a. L! LAND USE PLAN \ .� •• ` / .Single Family Residential • Use \ \ / tix44 \ 3Fi // / -• �\ / I �..�__ .' OF Rai (mil EU �`; 'r:ti ,t�i�] ,', a�u'1O" v„ A, ....... ......................... ... `', ®. ` RENTON,WASHINGTON U ,® , I 'Z, O E"'OF'"'I']E IE CITY CLERK • q 4 • �' RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RFNTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 - -- December .''6 , 1971 t 1 N I ' CO O Records and Filing CO ! King County, Room 301 Ni I Administration Building ' I Seattle , Wa. 98104 i � � "Attn: Mr. Tom Docherty I Re : Amendments to City of Renton -- --,-- Comprehensive Land Use Plan Gentlemen : We attach hereto maps amending the Comprehensive Lard Use Plan since originally recorded on 10/30/68 under Auditor 's File No. 5031115, Records of King County , State of Washington . -Please attach amending maps to the original as follows : Amending . Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2492, as recorded in Vol . 128 , Pg. 112 , 113 and 114 , Auditors No . 6551130 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2526 as recorded in Vol . 247 , Pg. 142 , #6601882 Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2539 , as recorded in Vol . 271 , Pg. 469 , #6612554 Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2640 as recorded, 710714 0492 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2641• as recorded 710716 0481 Thank you for your courteous attention to this matter. Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON .- .., /,,,,, ,- 9 Y. %,,,,) 2 Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosures (5) cc: Planning Department Cialpre enst-Ye P/a 465//3o (Jo i • / 7 V I ( • / Cyr ali )1 a H c e 2 d2eft-ge,„2/ 7 .� &40.*5‘. ' ? illt S 2 554 y VOL • 71 PAGE 469 y'; - "- A - -i 0 � 5L, "'r- 1; s - , j `^ / v ��e I ORDINANCE NO. 5 37 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AMENDING THE CITY 'S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND MAPS IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH WHEREAS the Planning Commission of the City of Renton and the City Council have heretofore adopted and filed a "Comprehensive Plan" as evidenced by Resolution No . 1240 , and Nt tO LID Ordinance No . 2142 , and as further implemented and amended by CV D various plans, codes , reports and records, and WHEREAS since such adoption the Planning Commission having heretofore duly recommended to the City Council certain amendments to said City' s "Comprehensive Plan" ; and said Planning Commission and City Council having duly held public hearings in relation to such amendments, and due notice thereof Q having been given as provided by law, and said public hearings having been held on the following dates , to-wit : October 8 and 22 , by Planning Commission, November 24, 1969 by City Council and all parties appearing in favor or opposition to said ' amendments having been duly heard at such public earings, and WHEREAS as a result of such public hearings it is deemed advisable and appropriate to amend and modify the City' s "Comprehensive Plan" ; NOW THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The aforestated findings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects . The City of Renton' s "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and maps in conjunction there- with are hereby modified and amended, pursuant to the public hearings held in connection therewith, as hereinabove specified,' which amendments and modifications pertain to the following described properties , to-wit: , -1- I • A. That portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 20, Township 23N, Range 5E . , W.M. , also being a portion of Parcel No. 30 as describe in instruments recorded under Auditor' s File Nos . 5959604 and 6150334 described as follows: Beginning at the NW corner 'of said SW 1/4; thence N 89°10 ' 20" E along the north line thereof a distance of 344 . 88 feet to a point v- on the, northeasterly margin of Benson road; ad; thence S 16°16 ' 56" E along the northeasterly fV margin of said road a distance of 980 .73 feet to. the True Point of Beginning of said Parcel 30; -10 %0 thence continuing S 16616 ' 56" E a distance of 349 . 25 feet to the True Point of Beginning of parcel described herein; thence continuing S 16°16 ' 56" E along said margin a distance of 28 . 00 feet to an angle point; thence S 21°20 '40" E along said margin of Benson Road a distance of 346 . 25 feet to the margin of intersection of Benson Road and Puget Drive; thence S 57°25 '58" E along said margin a distance of 138 . 89 feet to the northerly margin of Puget Drive; thence S 88°50 '40" E along said margin a distance of 3.35 . 00 feet; thence N 21°50 '14" W a distance of 458 . 25 feet to the southerly boundary of Parcel No . 40 as described in instruments recorded under Auditor ' s File Nos . 6517071 and 6517072 ; thence N 89°16 ' 56r W along said boundary a distance of 415 .00 feet to the True Point of beginning . Subject to mSements of record (Containing 3 . 75 acres more or less) which above described property is hereby designated to "Commercial" on said Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and any and all other plans and records pertaining thereto . SECTION 'II: The City Engineer and Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes on said City' s "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and the maps in conjunction therewith to evidence the aforedescribed amendment . SECTION III: The City Clerk and Planning Director are further authorized and directed to file this Ordinance , together with all exhibits and addenda thereto, with the King County Auditor' s office and as otherwise provided by law, and a complete copy of said documents likewise being on file with the office of the City Clerk, City of Renton. -2- VUL U. PAGE 4 it • . : ° , . I • SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. /9V PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this # th day of CQ .4.41X9,00 ..... 00, Mu• / %ID ' c_> trelmie ,41 'APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1th day of ( ,1 ,,."1,,j";\.;•. , 07.0 •-. ... ti y arret ayor Approved as to, form: • skle/4 Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION JAN 23 1970 -3- Filed for 9.ec. nord "'a:n/2i 19 7d //Am. Request of -,14.61-4. EY,VARD J. LOGAN, Recorder . •- - . _ .. . „ .1- --• . ..., , .., RECORDED . vn;,,..... 271 records ''''' ;;" 7-4.6.;;;. •;-,;:',;,;-,--•.;::!--,..:... . -- . `r?70 JAN 23 AM II 20 :•,:. :il-i'T A H,:•r,(,,;?, ,‘,w.::iT.:if'... • cl,<_. \\, , ,... ,•,.r i- !VV11VVlVVV1' . :'• •, 4., • , . . . . . . . :. , , . ' .• . . ,. , . .. ) . ..., —1• in '%4 I- = • 0 f`'.• 6 z mz (Nlw • 0 ix ..1%) - - . . • • . , . , . . . . s . • . . :;.,• 0 W, 1 Oi bE"OF"THE CITY CLERK • RENTON, WASHINGTON RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENT NN, WAS— HINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 ............ December .' 6 , 1971 �R�I CAPITAL i cr N cf) O Records and Filing N King County , Room 301 N Administration uilding -"' ' Seattle , Wa. 98 '04 • Attn: Mr. Tom Docherty i Re : Amendments to City of Renton 1 Comprehensive Land Use Plan - . Gentlemen : We attach hereto maps amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan since originally recorded on 10/30/68 under Auditor 's File No . 5031115, Records of King County , State of Washington . - - Please attach amending maps to the original as follows : Amending Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2492 as recorded in Vol . 128 , Pg. 112 , 113 and 114, Auditors No . 6551130 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2526 as recorded in Vol . 247 , Pg. 142 , #6601882 Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2539 , as recorded in Vol . 271 , Pg. 469 , #6612554 Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2640 as recorded , 710714 0492 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2641 as recorded 710716 0481 Thank you for your courteous attention to this matter. Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON 2/-1,1-•- t-i ) 2 1' CeZo Y ` Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosures (5) i 1 cc: Planning iepartment y 9 All" O b i. 1,� �.� A+ ��{ s', i } SU-41.0 7144 oZi.074 1/61' 2147 1):4_14'erfr; ORDINANCE NO . CV ODOD AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AMENDING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE i LAN CD AND MAPS IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH WHEREAS the Planning Commission of the City of Rento and the City Council have heretofore adopted and filed a "Comprehensive Plan" as evidenced by Resolution No. 1240 , and Ordinance No. 2142 , ' and as further implemented and amended by various plans , codes , reports and records , and WHEREAS since such adoption the Planning Commission having heretofore duly recommended to the City Council certain amendments to said City' s "Comprehensive Plan" ; and said Planning Commission and City Council having duly held public hearings in relatLn to such amendments , and due notice thereof having been given as provided by law, and said public hearings having been held on the following dates , to-wit: October 8 and 22 , by Planning Commission November 24 , 1969 by City Council and all parties appearing in favor or opposition to said a endments having been duly heard at such public hearings , and WHEREAS as a result of such public hearings it is deemed advisable and appropriate to amend and modify the City 's "Comprehensive Plan" ; NOW THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCILrOF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 'I : The aforestated findings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects . The City of Renton' s "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and maps in conjunction therewith are hereby modified and amended, pursuant to the public hearings held in connection therewith , as hereinabove specified , which amendments and modifications pertain to the following described properties , to-wit : A. The SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Sego_ 1, TT phe3 N. Range 5 E�W.M. , in King County ,7 east 435 . 8 feet thereof , subject to City of Seattle ' Transmission Line Right of Way. which above described property is hereby designated to " law density Multi Family Residential" on said Comprehensive Land Use plan, and any 1 ► a!- r r ' C, • • • 1 ° VOL 247 PAGE l43 ♦ I and all other plans and records pertaining thereto ; B. That portion of the SW 1/4 of "ection 20 , Township 23N, R. ge 5E. , W.M , .;lso being portion of Parc;1 No. 30 a des ribed in J struments 'recorded under Aditor 's File OD '•s . 595960 and 6150334 de-'cribe•, as fol ws : co B-ginning .t the N1 corner •f said'. SW 1/4, CD t )ence N :.•°10 ' 2 0" E along„the nor'h lin=; �O t .ereof a distance .f 344 88 feet t`d a point on the n•.rtheasterl mar:in of Benson R.ad; thence 16°16 ' 56" t alo g the north-aserlty ma :in df said road a d. stance of 98 i' . 7/3 feet to he rue Point o . B:,ginning of said/'Parcel 30 ; then e continuing S 6' 16 '56" E a distance 1of 349 . : 5 feet to the T e Point of Begi ! +ing bf parce described her_ ' n; thence cont. '�'ng S 16° ,6 ' 56" E along -,id margin a di..taice I f 28. 0 ►i' , eet to an any/le point ; thence/ S 2a °20 '40" E a on said margi of ',Benson Road .1 dis Lane of 346 25 � eet to the/marg�n of the in, ersec'.ion of ;Bens on Road and' Puge Drive ; th7ce S '7°I25 ' 58" E /.long said martin a di tance of '38 . 39 felt to the n.drtherl', margi F/ of Puge' Drive; ence' S 8:° 50 '40" a along aid m-/ gin a distance of, 335 . 00 fe_,t ; thence 21°5 0 ' ,4" W ;4 distance f 45 8 . 2,» feet to t' e'� southerly' bour'dary of Pars,-1 No. '40 as. descr6.ed in instru -n •s recorded under A i.itor's Filet ' os . 6517071 an '_ ,• 517072 ; thence N 8$)°16 ' 56" W alon ,, said bounda','y a distance of 15 , 00 feet to the True Point e�1 beginning. Sub . t to easements of record (Co t- 'ning 3 . 75 acres more or less) /q, C, ( roper y is ere I! d-rUmlirehensive Lana-US tan, acid simper ai SECTION II : The City Engineer and Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes on slid City' s "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and the maps in conjunction herewith to evidence the aforedescribed amendment. SECTION 'III: The City Clerk and Planning Director are further authorized and directed to file this Ordinance , together with all exhibits and addenda thereto ,with the King County Auditor's office and as otherwise provided by law, and a complete copy of sand documents likewise being on file with the office of the City Clerk, City of Renton. - 2 - co, 0 itriC 47 pAtE144 • • SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full-ifTozip-jcaLarICF\effect 4 . ... from and after its passage , approval and legal it.i).ub'n.4!Cayion*,*•.'- ‘, 7f...0 '4(4 C, •'4 • '.: It-404 ••-„ti. ,1; PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this /„, day df:215.0 .6mber„.; c\I • CO . • 1.4 (X) — . • C,, , • s •.1 • 1-1:0 Helmie Nelson , , 1•4!. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this / ay of December • 9 Awry arret , • ayor Approved as to form: AkNegie Gerard M. Shellan , City Attorney 014U, -• DEG 1 9 198 ) , • 4- C) r.1 - 3 - filed for Record 1.044•22 194, n4 Request of 441L-0-At ROBERT A. MORRIS res„ni. . . .. — • . . . • DEc_zs,;.69 f.,:i 0 00 61 • 6601882 1STRF 400 , F.... ,,,) ,:„.----- . ., . . y., ... .., ., ., .. . . . g ..... v..„, . , .., __ • , . , . . . , • t r• \.1., , , - .., . rt.! C:3 . C, i,. .— • ry r j-i' c2rn . . *, .., • 1 _ • t..1 -; -F- .. ; t\) . 1...".7f-:.):-., 1.--: . . . ti . ......__. . . ••••• V>: •-:j _.r.: 77.0 ......,r c_.7- —-f •a. . 0 ' 0 .. ,1 P.. .4, cs) i . . _ .. Be 11. A le 1 10/- e . : ., ,..0.- re a esfre FILEtior 6 I . . Name - -,1 ----- f .L446d at Requ...e...st of... 'Address. _........... ........- • - ., • ----OFFICE . THEF CITY CLERK . :I ... . . ,... . . RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. - 1 , • • 4 , 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH , • .... RENTON, WASH. 98055 •. „,../ . . . . . • lammmemmi • • O HIED k.00OF0 l e•;i y 'n.S ue v ®'D ® WI:: 'Z, OiattbE•••OF••THE CITY CLERK . RENTON,WASHINGTON ............ _.. u �� Address.................................... . . . . . ` RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 ap December 6 , 1971 �'r CAP%TAv 1 N O I Records and Filing N j King County, Room 301 - (v ) . Administration Building Seattle , Wa. 98104 • L Attn: Mr. Tom Docherty Re: Amendments to City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan • Gentlemen : We attach hereto maps amending the Comprehensive Lard Use Plan since originally recorded on 10/30/68 .under Auditor 's File No . 5031115, Records of King County , State of Washington . Please attach amending maps to the original as follows : Amending • Map adopted by Ordinance No. -2492 as recorded in Vol . 128 , Pg. 112, • 113 and 114, Auditors No . 6551130 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2526 as recorded in Vol . 247 , Pg. 142 , #6601882 i Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2539 , as recorded in Vol . 271 , Pg. 469 , • #6612554 • Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2640 as recorded, 710714 0492 • Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2641 as recorded 710716 0481 Thank you for your courteous attention to this matter. . Yours very truly , • CITY OF RENTON • 1, -/141(.-ie...-) ` Helmie W. Nelson • City Clerk • HWN/dm • Enclosures (5) cc: Planning Department • I . 6,rt‘ 7°,6 9.9XS V/ - ai ash J /02 --Q 3 I7 ,/ #-,( 0/ ���-- itte 02 y7 ,2 � y/�` -� s_3y ✓ ,. .. ` tt 0 7Wfy 1-0 t gy ((+• rr' l.'!{; roipirw �. 4 11,110 i ,,, i e.', ` .".A..A....-A.-.4,- eta - _ ' Ali:269/O 0 0/ a,„„tta.0,-Ita...„0 izireil, ! ORDINANCE NO. 6, • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY''S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND MAPS AND DATA IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH RELATING TO PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF THE LONGACRES RACE TRACK. CV WHEREAS the Planning Commission of the Cit, of Renton and O the City Council have heretofore adopted and filed a " lomprehensive 0 Plan" as evidenced by Resolution No . 1240 , and Ordinance No. 2142 , and f� as .same have been implemented and amended from time to time, together with- the adoption of various codes, reports and records , and WHEREAS since said adoption the Planning Commission has heretofore duly recommended to the City Council, from time to time, certain amendments to said City' s "Comprehensive Plan" ; and said Planning Commission and City Council having duly held public hearings in relation to such amendments , and due notice thereof having been ,given as provided by law, and said public hearing been held on April 14 , 1971 before the Planning Commission and thereafter .continued from time to time and a Public hearing likewise having been held before the City Council on June 7 , 1971, afters due notice as provided by law, and all parties appearing in favor or opposition to said amendments having been duly heard at such public hearing;and WHEREAS as a result of such public hearings , it is deemed advisable and appropriate to amend and modify the City' s "Comprehensive Plan"; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: The aforestated findings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects . The City of Renton' s "Comprehensive Land USe Plan" and maps , data and reports in conjunction therewith are hereby modified and amende1, pursuant to the public hearings held in connection therewith, as hereinabove specified, which amendments and modifications pertain to the following described properties , to-wit: -1- s' a ! r T • A. That certain parcel of property 1 cated north of SW 16th Street, south of FAI 405, easterly from Burlington Northern Railway ine and westerly of Oakdale Avenue SW CV ON O ' V' R which above described property is hereby designa ed as "Commercial" O on said "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and any anti all other plans and records pertaining thereto . • SECTION II : The City Engineer and Planning Director are hereby authorized and directed to make the neces ary changes on said City' s. "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and the maps in conjunction therewith to evidence the aforedescribed amendment. SECTION III : The City Clerk and Planning Director are further authorized and directed to file this Ordinance, together with all exhibits and addenda thereto, with the Director of Records and Elections of King County and as otherwise provided by law, and a complete copy of said documents likewise being oh file with the Office of the City Clerk, City of Renton . SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and f effect from and after its passage; .approval and.l�e'g l 0/1 .ication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this °�,L%,i d -,:Jtipp: 3;1971 . Helmie Nel ri,,M City cl mk i 4,.`• or u• . `.'_ . 6. � ;gyp,,- : ' ,. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ctil- £=° e .�19 71 . Avery Garrett , Mayor Ap ved as to le al form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney ' PUBLICATION' PATE9-vt.6-7 ;/ /' 7/ 2- i - t ' , r v ',__: ' " --- ':=--- / i ‹.\ i - ,-, 17, -- fie NI .. ...... Q '. \ M E T R i:.''";.� 5 • c.- \ W �_ I ---- \ '• ----- — a- — H • a' _ _I --- o•+. Rom: D 15 P 0 S AILvairo "A ''0.. } �► Pp, •A w►r �,• � .tNER uY \ �� I INOR AL ` oe► • : s w i:11 �IIIIIlIIIIIIII! i !IIIIIIIIII_I• _� �IIIIII'�IIIIIIb,\ :ill=1= III1011111M- illllllllllbIIIIIIII!,, /::: IIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIII�� w. I �IIIIIl.�'>.—' `.� � I �111111/• ll IIllllllllll�a�\ �dl a►11III11�- . III/ ,` I -� i �\ v. \ INTERSTATE 405 f:. P e f m ^ III :now"- _ � saa u1+ a, •III \ ` � � ¢�19 a!I11111111 °�IIIIIIIIh !IIIIIII�� 81 k f kVt i �.�.. �. n�nnu�n ,' �1JJ L11L�Lu�l tf u�J�. t ." , (-- ---4...-, , :lt111 7, 7 \ ...„--- ,A J� r Y a_I 1_ a U __, Lj \ II I J N.RI ',ILINE HMEADER D07N:TOh CLAMIdO 11111 1W 71 1 Q d' \\ II I a pi ! 0 2 Li a I-- •L --U WJ; f d\ Li Q i; 1 I gi 1 lillil � I 'I � � I W, ,,\3 .) \\,___ l_f_____ i lig-\ -YL-. ' —r- �� W I CHANGE TO THE CITY OF RENTON ' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: From Medium Density Multi-Family to Commercial PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : That certain parcel of property located north of SW 16th Street, south of FAI 405 , easterly from Burlington Northern Railway Line and westerly of Oakdale Avenue SW o,,p;o 7 .710 7114 01-19 2 LST— RF 4.00 •'4 :17 fr; • • -IP 0 Kr) - p m - 3-3 C.C3 Z5 U1 4-1( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RENTON MUNICIPAL BLDG. 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH RENTON, WASH..: 98055 Oa � ' 4 � l L iu t ,,t.)N ,} A 1 t?1 U ®s1 °• 1 OP `1E"O'F-THE CITY CLERK • RENTO ,WASHINGTON *° RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASH IN oN 98055 BA 8-3310 's, t�` Decembe 6 , 1971 �Ht CAPITAL O N ' • 0 Records and Filing Nl King County , Room 301 . (NJ Administration Building — Seattle , Wa. 98104 ` : Attn: Mr. Tom Docherty • Re : Amendments to City of Renton ' _ J Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Gentlemen : , We attach hereto maps amending the Comprehensive Lard Use Plan , since originally recorded on 10/30/68 under Auditor s File No . ''i ' 5031115, Records of King County , State of Washington . -- Please attach amending maps to the original as follows : . Amending , Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2492 as recorded in Vo . 128,. Pg. 112 , 113 and 114, Auditors ido. 6551130 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2526 as recorded in Vo . 247, Pg. 142 , #6601882 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2539 , as recorded in Vol . 271 , Pg. 469 , #6612554 : Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2640 as recorded, 710714 0492 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2641 as recorded 710716 0481 Thank you. for your courteous attention to this mat er. Yours ve y truly , CITY OF 'ENTON ., - . i , ) / i • Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm . . • Enclosures (5) , cc: Planning Department 44d aMe.44 eZtg, &mit. ettla ze_ FIRe•iji QApe. 77* Ce74.6109.,,, 7/47' w 0 0.2, t" 61- 711 ! Hi r/i ORDINANCE NO. ).4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY' S COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AND MAPS AND DATA IN CONJUNCTION THEREWITH RELATING TO PROPERTY LOCATED NEAR NORTHEAST THIRD AND NORTHEAST FOURTH STREETS WHEREAS the Planning Commission of the City of Renton and the City Council have heretofore adopted and filed a "Comprehensive Plan" as evidenced by Resolution No. 1240 , and Ordinance No. 2142 , and as same have been implemented and amended from time to time , together with the adoption of various codes , reports and records , and . WHEREAS since said adoption the Planning Commission has heretofore duly recommended to the City Council , from time to time , certain amendments to said City' s "Comprehensive Plan" ; and said Planning Commission and City Council having duly held public hearings in relation to such amendments , and due notice thereof having been given as provided by law, and said public hearing been held on April 14 , 1971 before the Planning Commission and thereafter continued from time to time and a Public Hearing likewise having been held before the City Council on June 7 , 1971, and as continued , after due notice as provided by law, and all parties appearing in favor or opposition to said amendments having been duly heard at such public hearing; and WHEREAS as a result of such public hearings , it is deemed advisable and appropriate to amend and modify the City' s "Com.rehensive Plan" ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The aforestated findings and recitals are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects . The City of Renton' s "Compre- hensive Land Use Plan" and maps , data' and reports in conjunction therewith are hereby modified and amended , pursuant to the public hearings held in connection therewith , as hereinabove specified, which amendments and modifications pertain to the following described properties , to-wit : - 1 - l ( M ./- • • That triangular area bounded on the South by - N. E. 3rd Street, on the North by N. E. 4th Street and on the West by Harrington A e. N F extended southerly. . All situate in Renton, .King County , Was ington , subject to that certain "Declaration of Restrictive Covenants" executed by the Petitioners r Owners under date of June 21 , 1971 . further reference hereby being had thereto , which above described property is hereby designated as "Commercial" on said "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and any and all other plans and .records pertaining thereto. • SECTION II : The City Engineer and Panning Director are hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary change's on said City' s "Comprehensive Land Use Plan" and the ma-.)s in conjunction therewith to evidence the aforedescribed amendment. SECTION III : The City Clerk and Planning Director are further authorized and directed to file this Ordnance , together with all exhibits and addenda thereto , with the DLrector of records and Elections of King County and as otherwise provided by law , and a complete copy of ,said documents likewise being on file with the office of the City Clerk, City of Renton. SECTION IV : This Ordiance' shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this42,77 ay of July , 1971. Helmi3 Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this21/1) day of July , 1971. f1 A-A-kiLA,--t , ______ 4ja i. Ary Garret , Mayor"2App : ed as to le al form: 9-,,ir i‘ ,4-11:--4:, G ard. M. Sellan, City Attorney ^, 1971 `Date of Publication.: VI- - 2 - EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE 2641 3 "' 1 ,; :>F� ' ,..Hc > to .- ' • ,; ..p I• rNv.• ie. ,,,A' 'aD':mme�m. 7 -. Z r; a - 'b°--. 4 i ...r b,is , - ,. " i_. 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MOa Arm Ili Mr oUVEr I 1 1 � 'rlf% , CEMETERrI -1 711117 a`.rip I 1 I'1'I`1'r CP i �_J I ,.� CHANGE TO THE CITY OF RENTON ' S COMPREHENS:=VE LAND USE PLAN : From High Density Multi-Family to Commercial • PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: • That triangular area bounded on the South by N. E. 3rd Street , on the North by N. E. 4th • Street and on the West by Harrington Ave, N. E. extended southerly. All situate in Renton, King County , Washington , subject to that certain "Declaration of Restrictive Covenants" executed by the Petitioners - Owners under date of June 21 , 1971 , further reference hereby being had thereto, • c $ LL, i t, ,,_ .',.: ro UU ® 'Z, O$ �E"OF THE CITY CLERK • RENTON,WASHINGTON A Address....................................................... tddi{SS....................................................... . s� RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHIN N 98055 BA 8-3310 . , 'asp .��`� December 6 , 1971 E .................... 0q' CAPITPx 0 N O I Records and Filing C King County , Room 301 CV CV Administration Building ' Seattle , Wa. 98104 1 „ ' Attn: Mr. Tom Docherty Re : Amendments to City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Plan Gentlemen•: We attach hereto maps amending the Comprehensive Lard Use Plan since originally recorded on 10/30/68 under Auditors File No . 5031115, Records of King County , State of Washingt6n . Please atta ch amending maps to the original as foll ws : Amending Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2492 as recorded in Vol . 128 , Pg. 112 , 113 and 114 , Auditors No . 6551130 Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2526 as recorded in Vo . 247 , Pg. 142 , #6601882 ' Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2539 , as recorded in Vol . 271 , Pg. 469 , #6612554 • Map adopted by Ordinance No . 2640 as' recorded, 710714 0492 . Map adopted by Ordinance No. 2641 as recorded 710716 0481 Thank you for your courteous attention to this matter. Yours very truly , CITY OF RENTON /„/ ;0 / • ' Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk • HWN/dm Enclosures (5) ' cc: Planning Department e-f1)72/ )‘ 12 ciz4 ) 7/o7i6 007/