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HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/20/2019 - MinutesMINUTESCityofRentonBoardofParkCommissionersMeetingTuesday,August20,2019,4:30pmAtEnvironmentalScienceCenter,2220SWSeahurstParkRd,Burien,WA98166Amendment:Atthe10/9/19ParksCommissionmeeting,itwasdecidedtoaddtheword“speed”tosection4todescribethetypeofexcessiveinfractions.Theseminuteswereapprovedascorrected.1.CALLTOORDERChairTimSearingcalledthemeetingtoorderat4:32pm.2.ROLLCALLMembersPresent:AlDieckman,LarryReymann,TimSearing,TroyWigestrand,ShunTakano,andCynthiaBurnsMembersAbsent:MarleneWinterCityStaffPresent:LeslieBetlach,ParksPlanningandNaturalResourcesDirector;CailInHunsaker,ParksandTrailsDirector;andRobertaGraver,AdministrativeAssistantMarleneWinteremailedstaffofherabsence,anditwillberecordedasanexcusedabsence.3.APPROVALOFAGENDACynthiaBurnsmotionedtoapprovetheagendaaspresented,motionseconded,allinfavor,motioncarried.4.APPROVALOFMINUTESLarryrequestedtheJune11,2019minutesbemodifiedtomoreaccuratelyreflecttheboard’sconcernfortheParkRangerCoordinator’sreportofexcessivespeedinfractionsontheCedarRiverTrailandthepossibilityformorepolicepresenceandspeedlimitenforcement.Alrepliedthatinvolvingmorepolicepresenceisaprocess.Larrysuggestedthatthisissuebeaddressedatafuturemeeting.LarryReymannmotionedtoapprovetheJune11,2019minutesascorrected,motionwasseconded,allinfavor,motioncarried.5.ORALCOMMUNICATIONS/PUBLICCOMMENTSNone6.BOARDCOMMUNICATIONNone.7.DISCUSSION/ACTIONITEMSChairElection—TimSearingcompletedMarleneWinter’stermaschaireffectiveJune2019,andagreedtoserveaschairforthenexttwo-yeartermifapproved.TroyWigestrandmotionedtoapproveTimSearingaschairforthe2019-2021term,motionseconded,allinfavor,motioncarried.ParksCommissionMunicipalCodeRecommendation—TheCityLegaldepartmentpreparedtheordinanceamendingtheRentonMunicipalCode2-9revisingtheParksCommissionregulationsrelatedtofunction,membersandterm,aligningwithcurrentpracticeandprovidingforseverability.Theboardmembersreviewedtheordinance.CynthiaBurnsmotionedtorecommendthattheordinancepresentedbeforwardedtocouncilforadoptionandbeincorporatedintothecitymunicipalcode.Motionseconded,allwereinfavor,motionpassed.WheelchairAccessible.AmericanSignLanguage(ASL)interpreteravailableuponrequest.Forthisorotherassistance,pleasecall48hoursinadvance:711(TDD)or425-430-6600(voice).
Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request.
For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice).
City of Renton
Board of Park Commissioners Meeting
Tuesday, August 20, 2019, 4:30 pm
At Environmental Science Center, 2220 SW Seahurst Park Rd, Burien, WA 98166
Chair Tim Searing called the meeting to order at 4:32pm.
Members Present: Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Tim Searing, Troy Wigestrand, Shun Takano, and Cynthia
Members Absent: Marlene Winter
City Staff Present: Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director; Cailín Hunsaker, Parks
and Trails Director; and Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant
Marlene Winter emailed staff of her absence, and it will be recorded as an excused absence.
Cynthia Burns motioned to approve the agenda as presented, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Larry requested the June 11, 2019 minutes be modified to more accurately reflect the board’s concern for
the Park Ranger Coordinator’s report of excessive infractions on the Cedar River Trail and the possibility for
more police presence and speed limit enforcement. Al replied that involving more police presence is a
process. Larry suggested that this issue be addressed at a future meeting. Larry Reymann motioned to
approve the June 11, 2019 minutes as corrected, motion was seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Chair Election – Tim Searing completed Marlene Winter’s term as chair effective June 2019, and agreed to
serve as chair for the next two-year term if approved. Troy Wigestrand motioned to approve Tim Searing as
chair for the 2019-2021 term, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
Parks Commission Municipal Code Recommendation – The City Legal department prepared the ordinance
amending the Renton Municipal Code 2-9 revising the Parks Commission regulations related to function,
members and term, aligning with current practice and providing for severability. The board members
reviewed the ordinance. Cynthia Burns motioned to recommend that the ordinance presented be forwarded
to council for adoption and be incorporated into the city municipal code. Motion seconded, all were in favor,
motion passed.
Parks Commission Bylaws – The City Legal department reviewed the board’s draft bylaws, providing
appropriate legal terminology to the board’s intentions. The board members reviewed the bylaws. Al
Parks Commission Meeting
August 20, 2019
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Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request.
For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice).
Dieckman motioned to adopt the bylaws as presented when the municipal code revising the Park
Commission regulations (in previous motion) is adopted and incorporated into the city municipal code.
Commissioners asked city staff for clarification on what constitutes a ‘meeting’. A meeting is when a quorum
of board members convene a conversation regarding agency business, whether they are communicating in
person, via phone, or email
Commissioners asked by the Lake Washington water at City parks are so bad this year. Cailín shared that
there are many factors affecting the condition of the water, but not certain the exact reason. Some of the
contributing factors are the increase in waterfowl, excess warm weather, wind currents, and bacteria. Parks
department currently has a sump pump being used in various locations to help stir up the water to keep it
from being stagnant.
Environmental Science Center - Board members and city staff convened at the center for a presentation of
their public and school programs and regional resources. The Renton Recreation and Neighborhoods
division works in collaboration with the center with the afterschool STREAM program, and the center will be
hosting a regional Water Monitoring Day event at the Cedar River behind the Renton Community Center
September 18th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This will bring together Philippe Cousteau, Jr’s Earth Echo
International and others to partner with Sartori Elementary students in for an experience with water
monitoring and improving water health for native salmon populations.
The meeting adjourned after the presentation at 6:10pm.
Minutes approved by:
_________________________________________ Recorder:
Tim Searing, Board Chair Date Roberta Graver
August 20, 2019
NEXT MTG: 9/10/2019
City of Renton Parks Commission Bylaws Page 1
City of Renton Parks Commission Bylaws
August 20, 2019
The City of Renton Parks Commission (the “Commission”) has adopted the following as its
Bylaws setting forth the rules and procedures deemed necessary to carry out its duties
established in chapter 2-9 of the Renton Municipal Code (“RMC”). The Commission will file a
copy of these Bylaws with the City Clerk of the City of Renton.
I. Membership
A. Membership on the Commission will be as established in RMC 2-9-4.
B. Procedures for filling Commission vacancies, including term expirations.
1. Pursuant to RMC 2-9-5, upon the expiration of a Commissioner’s term, the
Mayor will reappoint the incumbent or appoint a successor, subject to City
Council confirmation. The following provisions establish the Commission’s
process in making recommendations to the Mayor’s Office regarding such
reappointments or appointments. The following also applies to Commission
vacancies for reasons other than expiration of a Commissioner’s term.
2. Identification of candidates to fill a vacancy.
a. Upon a vacancy or pending vacancy, the Commission chairperson or a
City staff member will check with the Mayor’s Office to obtain any
existing applications on file for membership to the Commission.
b. The Commission may advertise to fill a vacancy.
c. In the case of a pending term expiration, the Commission chairperson
will contact a Commission member whose term is about to expire to
inquire whether he or she would like to be considered for
3. Any person interested in being interviewed for Commission membership must
complete the City’s application for boards/commissions/committees (available
online or by request). The Commission maintains an objective of having a
broad and inclusive membership (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity), and candidates
should have a passion for parks. Candidates are invited to attend one or more
Commission meetings to hear subject matters discussed.
4. The Commission chairperson will appoint a nominating committee that may
consist of Commission members and others to review applications and set up
interviews to fill vacancies. The Commission will interview candidates and
City of Renton Parks Commission Bylaws Page 2
formulate recommendations by consensus. The full list of candidates, with
Commission recommendations, will be referred to the Mayor for action.
II. Term
A. The length of term of Commissioners is set forth in RMC 2-9-5.A. The expiration
date of Commissioners’ terms will be staggered so that not more than four (4) positions
expire in the same year.
B. Any newly appointed Commissioner will attend an orientation with the
Commission chairperson and the Community Services Administrator or his/her
C. Persons appointed to Commission membership during the pendency of the term
for that position will serve until the end of the term unless circumstances warrant
III. Chairperson and Officers
A. Biennially, the Commission will elect a chairperson, by a majority vote, and such
officers, as the Commission deems necessary.
B. The duties of the chairperson are as follows:
1. Preside over the Commission and exercise all powers incidental to the
office, and may propose motions or second motions.
2. Establish special committees and appoint a committee lead to carry out
assigned tasks.
3. Call special Commission meetings as needed.
4. Determine the agenda.
5. Coordinate Commission appointments for vacant positions.
C. In the absence of the chairperson from any meeting, the chairperson will
designate a member to perform all the duties incumbent upon the chairperson, and,
while performing the chairperson’s duties, may propose motions or second motions.
D. Chairperson appointments will follow in sequence of term seniority so that every
member has the opportunity to serve a two (2)-year term, if approved by a majority of
the Commission.
E. The Commission will appoint officers, if any, at the meeting in May to begin
serving at the June meeting. Officers hold office for a two (2)-year term. There is no limit
on the number of terms to which officers may be approved. All officers will be elected
City of Renton Parks Commission Bylaws Page 3
biennially. In the event of a vacancy by an officer, an election for the newly vacant
position will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission.
IV. Rules of Procedure
A. Quorum
A quorum consists of a majority of the voting members of the Commission. In
the event a quorum is not present, a minimum of three (3) members must be present
to hold a meeting. This meeting will be for discussion purposes only. Voting cannot
take place at such a meeting.
B. Voting
When a quorum is present, a simple majority vote suffices for all action unless
otherwise expressly provided by law or these Bylaws. No vote may be made by proxy
or conference call.
C. Meetings
The Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 4:30 p.m. to
6:00 p.m. To continue past this time of adjournment, a majority vote is required.
Additional meetings may be held upon the call of the chairperson or at the written
request of at least three (3) Commissioners. All members will be given notice of
additional meetings.
Not less than forty-eight (48) hours’ notice will be given for the posting,
publication or cancellation of any meeting of the Commission.
D. Agendas and Minutes
Minutes of Commission meetings may be kept.
A copy of the next meeting’s agenda, prior meeting draft minutes, if any, and
handouts for each Commission meeting may be sent to each Commission member in
advance of the next meeting.
E. Code of Ethics
All members of the Commission must abide by the City of Renton Code of Ethics
established in Renton Municipal Code Chapter 1-6.
F. Amendment
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be presented in writing and
distributed to the membership at least three (3) days before the meeting at which the
amendments are to be considered. These Bylaws may be amended by majority vote at
any Commission meeting when a quorum is in attendance.
G. Adoption
City of Renton Parks Commission Bylaws Page 4
The undersigned chairperson of the City of Renton Parks Commission does
hereby attest that the foregoing Bylaws have been duly adopted by a majority vote of
the members of the Commission. These Bylaws supersede any previously passed
bylaws of the Commission.
By: ________________________________ _______________________
Chairperson, Parks Commission Date