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t L. Ror4.- L 0 c K 1. C A R. W' o R, iks fi 0 DIV. fo RE Nro 0 Plop, BUSI NESS 801 ID I Ai G? 1 CHRDEN ammommeramoran SiREEr j 4 1 - 1 ‘, E: 1SsrEl NG IHu 42.Prop, ceilci- 1 200 Al I I I IL ..= 1 i 4 .I -1 . I - ' ' - - PA Rx.tiriis t i q 1 1 74111111111111111111111111111111 I 1: LI•=IMP. •• tmesm.—.. •••ais mammem••• .mml•fl/R. m=iMe•••11•11 -111Pm• •!• MENEM. a•••• amino• .m•IMM. ./MV.I0 •••=1••• MINEW• .MI11...1 In 5(„.." I 0 3/ Sc"• /-/.',.: i ig : .1 R- 118-lok I 1 RENTON P NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARI1 ` LANNING,COMMIS ply 1 ,RENTON,WASHINGTON''a1APUBLICHEARINGWILLBEHELD BYTHERENTONPLANNINGCOM- The Renton-ChrOhilGlilMISSIONATTHEIRREGULARMEETING,IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY Renton, Wash.HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTONOctober10, 1962 at 8:00 P. ON CONSIDER A PETITION FOR Reg TO!THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PRO-} Proof of PublicationPERTY: 1. From R-2 to 8-1. 4 This 1is a copy—of your Lot 4, Block 1, Car Works Addition e.-k-z-' )-JW.-1--"k-e— to Renton as recorded in Vol. 15 of i1Plats, Page 47, records of KingCounty,Washington. it appeared for the first time this week.2. From "G" to R-3 (Apartments)B-1(Business) and' To R- : It will be published on the following dates:3 Lots 4 and 5, Block 8,AkersFarmsNo. 6,as recorded inVol. 42 of Plats, Page 16, 7-6 -2./King County, Washington. 'To B-1: Lots 6 and 7, Block 8,AkersFarmsNo.6,as recorded inVol. 42 of Plats, Page 16, Immediately following the last insertion Kin 3. From G-7200 to County, Washington. 'the affidavit•of publication will be deliver- M17 for a Rest Home.-3 and for a PER- Beginning at the Northwest corner ed to your office. of Section 9,Twp.23 N, Cost of notice W.M., in KingRange 5 E, , nn thence County Washington; W6TCj5-South Odeg.59'21" West663.24';thence South 88deg,55'37" 1 at the regular statutory gate, will be— Ithence point of beginning;South 88deg.55'37" East289.64' to the west line of Renton d Highlands;as recorded in Vol.46 ofPlots, Page 34, records of KingiCounty, Washington; thence South asp ,0deg.47'05" West 121.20'. henc -souf6;60deg.35'05" the no'rtheasterl west 230:74' ryStateHighwayymarginofPrimary" Thank You westerly along No. 2;thence north- margin of P.S.H. the northeasterly I We are pleased to have this oppor-S.H. No. 2 to the east tunity of-serving you and hope thatimarginof116thAve. S. E.;thencenorthOdeg.59'2 1.. You will favor us with your next the true east 124.73' to publication.j ANY AND Point of beginning, ORANALL PERSONS INTERESTED INVITED TOOBJECTINGBE TO SAID Rezones ARE PLAN-PIING PRESENT AT THE PLAN-COMMISSION MEETING ON Oct-telober 10, 1962 at 8:00 P.M. TO VOICETHEIRPROTESTORSAME. OBJECTION TO 1'DOUG FELKER,SECRETARY 1 RENTON PLANNING COMMISSIONPublishedinRecord-ChronicleSeptember19,1962. I I I I APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF •ZONE: IN THE CITY OF RENTON 495-v FOR OFFICE" USE ONLY Application Noa : Sec0 Twpo®Ro Date of Filing Area Map: Plana - Como Action: Kroll Page: Date: City Council°s Action: • Date: Ord. No. APPLICANT TO ANSWER ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS NEATLY AND ACCURATELY: Name of Applicant Herbert Fischer Address 3512 4th. Ave. No RentonTelephoneNoo2 Property Pet':i ione or rezoningzs situated on 122 Garden St. Street between Bronson Wa Street' and treeto Legal Description of Su Sect Property._ Let Four (4 Block one (gip Car worker ai r o Benton_ according to Plat thereof recorded in voile l5 ® PisPage47recordsofsaidCounty Dxiufirig -Z6hing. R-2 Zoning Requested • g_ What' are the uses you propose to, develop an this property? Officeandparkingforcars: Number of -permanent off-street parking spaces that will be provided on this property?. _ . 4 Number required NOTE TO APPLICANT: The following factors are considered in reclassifying , .roperty, v Bence or. additiona' infor- mation you desire to su mit to su stantiate your re uest may e attar a to • t ese s eets , 1 . In what way is this proposed change in zoning in the public interest? erg _is a need for more business area. Whit—S ss -is t erearea nee in t is community or more zoning othetypeyou 'request? Business in this area is .gr wina. 2o Do you consider the property involved in this application to be More suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone than for the uses per-mitted in the present classification? Please explain Yes 4. What provision would you make to protect adjacent and surrounding prop- erties from the detrimental effects of any uses permitted in the proposed zone? n s lacendscap ng and off StrpQ} narlri nn ,64 7 aerovided A AFFIDAVIT 19 ,1' be ing duly sworn declare that I am the owner of property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith sub- mitted are in all resepects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to me this y 919 2 s s /4-/da of Name o Ownerr Notary Public in 'and for the State of Was ° n Mailing Address a_ S a f _ C ty State resin' ; 3 G3 7'22 C[-cti( E - a` " 1.!C CZ y Telep one o 1y. { , City) OFFICE USE ONLY) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and has' been found to be thorough and complete in every particular and to conform to the rules and regulations of the Planning Department gov- erning the filing of such application. Date received' yo NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION AT ITSREGULARMEETINGINTHECOUNCILCHAMBERS , CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON,oN 19 AT 8 : 00 P..M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR REZONEOCTOBER10 , 62 reNwrIR DESCRIBED PROPERTY: Lot 4, Block 1, Car Oorks Addition to Renton as recorded in Vol. IS , of Plats , Page 470 records of King County, Washington. ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID REZONE ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON OCT. 10, 1962 19 AT 8:00 P.M. , TO VOICE THEIR:PROTEST OR OBJECTION TO SAME.62 SECRETARYPUBLISHEDREWEadAtNGCOMMISSION depLttatv 1C , 1CC2 CERTIFICATION I , 44E7athu hereby certify that three (3 ) copies of the above, document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the prop-erty described above as prescribed by laws . Signed: 11Jem.k_o 1,-‘014 . • 41' T 4 , 0 - liOnUt“ n 'Ic. VtB NOT Y PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON. October 9 , 1962 REZONE REPORTS : 1. Herbert Fischer re uest from R.4 to B-1 , Lot 49 Block 1, Car Works ition to enton. Committee Report: Recommend approval of .the B-1 rezone in that it is a reas.on- able' extension of the existing business district on the south, Director's Report : Recommend approval of this- rezone request from R-2 to B-1 for the following reasons : a) This is a natural.,: extension of. the existing .B-1 zone.. im'- mediately to the south, . b) It is anticipated that this..expansion will be in harmony. with the comprehensive. plan as it is, developed: 2 . Jar, Gould and James F. Charlton re uest for RI-3 on Lots 4 8' 5 Blk. 8 an on o s ers arms o. Committee Report: Recommend approval of the R-3 provided that setbacks `.of 50 ' from the center, line of both Benson Highway and Southeast 168th be provided. Recommend rejection of the B-1 rezone, request for the follow- ing reasons : a) There is sufficient B-1 zoning now existing in the area for present needs. b) Rezoning to B--1 would tend to encourage strip zoning. Di,rector°s Reports It is recommended that if this rezone is granted that the fol- lowing factors be given consideration: a) That the west 209 of Lots 6 & 7 be deeded to the City for roadway and utility purposes by quit claim deed together' with the south 10 ° of, Lots 5 6 6 . b) That structures observe a minimum setback. of 709 from the center line of 108th Avenue Southeast (Benson Highway) and a min- imum setback of 509 from the center line, of Southeast 168th Street. c) It is further 'recommended that a ma.. imum distance beyond the property line for any sign be limited tb 'S ° . The above recommendations are made in consideration of .the in- creasing traffic volumes on the Benson Highway and further, in consideration of the potential requirement for traffic movement as 16.8th Street becomes more important as an arterial link in the community area.. 3. David W. Stritmater and Walter C. Higgenbotham request from G- o - A pr e Y on a nor eas corner. of Sunset Blvd. and 116th S. E. w1 i Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting October 16, 1962 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from Mayor Aliment recommended the extension of the Retirement Date of Patrolman James R. Chadwick. The present retirement date is December 1, 1962. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation of the Mayor. Carried. A Western Union Telegram directed to Mayor Aliment was read pursuant to previous telegrams sent by Senator Henry M. Jackson,advising that the recent House Resolution signed by the President,11594, on October 10, 1962, is now Public Law 87-787. A letter was read from Planning Director Jensen, submitted by Director of the Planning Commission, James Denzer, advising that the Planning Commission voted to recommend to the Council the rezone of the Herbert Fischer property. Upon inquiry, Mr. Logan of the Planning Department advised that waiver of the ten day appeal period had been advocated due to the zoning being delayed previously when the Planning Com- mission lacked a quorum and could take no action. The rezone had been approved October 10, 1962 by the Commission. This property is located on Garden Street North of Bronson Way behind the Bryant Motor Sales establishment, and the rezone has been previously held up for two weeks. The rezone is found to be in harmony with the 701 comprehensive plan. Moved by Custer, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, granting the rezone. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Chairman Dullhant, of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance amending the present Taxicab License Fees, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Custer to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recom- mendation. After discussion on the requirement that the licenses shall be non-transferrable from vehicle to vehicle, the motion carried. Councilman Dullahant advised the Ordinance would be held in Committee for the present time. A proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, was submitted Fixing,.The License Fees for Bowling Alleys, which was read by the Clerk. The fee suggested was $30.00 per lane. Councilman Custer Moved that the Ordinance be referred back to the Ordinance Committee with the recommendation that the amendment designate $15.00 per lane instead of 30.00. The motion was seconded by Bruce and carried. Chairman Dullahant advised that the Committee wished to hold the proposed Ordinance for further consideration. OLD BUSINESS: The City Clerk advised that the Urban Planning Commission Contract had been confirmed as to validity by the City Attorneys at the previous Council Meeting and that approval of the Council was now in order. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Contract. Carried. Councilman Reid, President of the Council As A Whole, presented his Committee re- port which was read by the Clerk with actions taken as•follows: 1. Milwaukee Land Company rezone - Recommended that the Planning Commission recommendation to grant the rezone be denied. Moved by Dahlquist not to approve.of the Council As A Whole recommendation but to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, granting the rezone. The motion was seconded by Gianini. After discussion on the order of the motion and,upon inquiry,the City Attorneyb opinion that it was in order, if unusual, a roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Reid, Dullahant, Custer, Delaurenti and Bruce, No - Hulse, Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen and Poli, Aye. The •.voting resulted in a tie. Mayor Frank.. Aliment voted Aye, carrying the motion. 2. Edgewater Rezone - The Council As A Whole recommended that no action be taken on this matter at this time. Moved by Custer, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. After discussion on the advisability of taking positive action, Custer rescinded his motion with consent of second and Moved to concur with sentiments of the Council As A Whole and reject the application of Edgewater. The motion was seconded by Bruce. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Dullahant,Re 'd,Hulse,._Custer and Bruce, - Aye, Gianini, Dahlquist, .Pedersen, ,Delaurenti and 'Poli, , No. . The vote was tie 5: to 5. Mayor Aliment voted against the motion and it was thereby defeated. 2- AN, ORDINANCE Or'•TPA: 'Mil;T! 'b .P.671 N, WiS1tNG2)N, CUANGINO TRH ZONING •MtkgsIf(ATlON cr..'CEIVkAIN PRO RTY:WITHIN ¶ ig '.... CITY'Or RENTON 8RCM•RES/DSNTIAL DISTRICT (,ar2)'TO 'BUSYNESS. DISTRIGT WHEREAS under Chapter VYI, Title IV •(Building Regulations). of.Ordinance' No.-. 1628, 'a;vrii nra••as •the "Code 2 of.'Oe nanoraiOrdinces of the,-.City`of .Renton" as amended,_ a7nd the maps .adopted..in coujuncttion therewith, the property hereinbeloar_.described " ' • has heretofore,'-been "zoned" aa"'Residcwntlal..Pia'tr'iot (11-2.);. „end. WUERr,A. undue'the .sforeso.d'' OrdLnance, es' emended, .o.p o r petition for change" of zone claaeifleetion,,•:of: tle'"hsreinbel .described•.property has:,been' filed • ' with.the Pity Clerk of .the City of Renton ,on.or. about August- 22, "1962 ,. which. petition waas; thereat ter referred'.to•the`Pl,ann ng':.Go ais.issien .for •inve tigat'Lon, 'Study' and•" public''teaaring; .end e' pubi'ie ..tearing hiving been held:thereon_ on:,October,•i0; 1962, in the.• Cou'nci.1. 6taiabers:off:' the ,City .of ' enton, all `purstunnt "to' notice::of •bearing duly"published•and posted ee,,provided- by.. law.; 'said .Planning O;oananission having duly considered, and studied said,.'petition and`all,'parties having:been', heard ".appearing:in: . . • support ,thereof .or ,"i.n.opposition thereto;;NOJ THRRHfORg 138.,IT,:O3RDAIN D 'Irk, "I IIYt?R .AN13 THE•CITY f3 A•r Yiix CI 'Y.Ott .R N: RECTION I: The:fol3°+n atng.'described, property 'in the 'City,of''Renton is ' hereby..rezoned •tea'.g3tzsinass5.'District _(B-i) as -epecifidd beioca; the City.13ngineer - ' . . and the .rlannitiig.,Diroctor `ere .i .ereby _authorized'-'and directed. 'to change the 'maps oil ' the.-Zcozuuag Ord .nance,' as. nded, of th.o City.o; Iteritota'•to era.c?enc• e .this rezoning; said.•property being' described as. alowez • . tot sour..(4)..Bloei:"one'-(1)., Cer.'WorkS"Addition' .to: Renton:. :. according,,; co" Piet-thereof- recorded .iaa Yoluw" "ice •.of Plats - '` .:' Page "47, ::eccrda o thing County, Slate Of. ;aasb.z.ngtori end said .rezoning to be 'further subject;to the laws-a and ordinances of the;City of • SECTION III This Ordinance shell. he in _full-'foree• and effect, froea.and,, after ite-pe siege,- iapprovsl ,and."legal',pttblicatLon.. PASSED'BY. TRS''CZTY•,'COUNCIL "th3.a _22nd day- of •October,.',1962.;'``l6'`'' a.i'.6.;; ' : l alle F son,: . t t,„,„;,,= APPROVIia1 131 •.THE I4AYOR: ttt3.e-2y day of. Oetobe 'A-is' APPR:ftltD Via$:TO 0.0 t'" 4 , .v - Gerard N. S'bellsn, "City.Attorney October 15, 1962 I ' Honorable Mayor Frank Aliment Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The Renton Planning Commission at it hearing meeting of October 10 , 1962 , upon bxi' voted to ,recommend to the City Council th5 on of the Herbert Fischer property described one Block 1,. Car Works Addition to Renton, fro Pt 4, B-1 for the following reasons: to a) This is a natural extension of :th ing B-i zone immediately to the south. 't- b) It is anticipated that this expans be, in harmony with the comprehensive pl 1 is developed. t Your concurrence with this request is res ly requested. J. David Jensen Planning Director James Denzer Chairman JD:pc iER? RT FIS'C1/EP e - ii5- e2 NAME OF PROPER_TY OWNEZ FILE NUMBER RECLASSIFICATION FROM R-2 TO 5- SEPT ems. 1962 328 PATE OF PUBLIC NEARING KROL L PAGE NUMBER a . E3l.Cal' 17 El to 17 to 10 1 ...... 4 Z tl 4_ mom. D ' m I—/1 giii:. I/ 2-Z© r' B 19 B 87 1' 5 W MI MD Q. 5_ 1 —=© 3 7 20 zi , 7 74 7 „,. 8 6 21 6 6 Q NM 5 T2 5 S .. . 8 Q MN E'1 w NSs ' A 1 z ? R-2 b ® © LOT 4, 8L k 1 4->• i7 © I v. 12 N. AVE101,•,9I- II 13 1 to z z../ \,,, 4 Ia 1 10 4 :,..--A„/ N,Ls.IR ,4 cOBIA1 AVE 114 e ° ti IN©e4 L----; f A i 1 J ,x 0 PARK 3 L ._.PARK 4 MITI MIME! • Eirt-k av NN 9 Mr mums 2` F l z.-•61 .P.mair 2 AVE p' / i01 ,1,3 I Yo MIN mit an t.4 1* f`!7 tt7 a to S ` L s 4 L i$ nM mirl 0 fill!OM 1•i• 4 9 / " 14 T 14 7 14 MEM m I 17, .o , . 4 a „ 13 :+1 id' 14 9 IL 4 AVE 1 17 II' '••E 111zwz!i 1 :.:'i2. .70 I '!1} Izi3 9 3 cum AREA RECL A SSIFIED BY THIS ORDINANCE PASSED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL /4/t' /9‘L AT e--4e....c.A.,—/- 7,/,---6-7----- ) ' ilELMIE NELSON, .CITY CLERK P APPROVED BY ME MAYOR A% //tc' TTTT i RANK ALIMENT, MAYOR ORDINANCE NUMBER. fl 2 D2TE :/o/.,2 f /, 4? OF PUBLIC fT/O EXHIBIT A 1'