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i BEGINNING1, FILE0F 1 i eji) FILE Tli 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,1 0 r/ -. iA7,40,7 t-',,,o&-74ey,t4 hi 611 1 t CIl.attnun (Cr Neil ® ASSOCIATES REALTY, INC. Qv HOME.FINDERS RELOCATION C. Kelly O'Neil DRONER Broker Factoria Office Area Code 206 3717 - 128th Avenue S.E. Bus: 747-8777 Bellevue, WA 98006 Res: 271-6690 I I I I. I . . I . . . I . . I.. . : I. 1 LEGAL DESC AIPT10N LEVY SR ILL E LEVY MADGE LTAX SPEC ASSAY TOTAL ASSOUNT AAO RECT I•DATEPARIkh.i ld BER NAY k&ADDRESS Tj RATE E% YR 'T CODE 11A884AI0 202305-9120-00 202305 I 5120 864.703 83 T 2110L 2940r 25422 2542. CITRUST DEVELOPMEN.T% CORP 0678IPOR SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 WLY OF PO BOX 11151 ROYAL' ENTRE BENSON RD I SLY OF. PUGET DR I ELY VANCOUVER B 1. V6E 3%6 OF LN BEARING N 21-20-40 W FR PT ON S LN 179.27 FT W• FR W MGN BENSON RD 202305-9122-08 202305 _ 9122 864.703 ,81 .T 21101. 27000" 23147 23141 thTRUST DEVELOPMENT CORP G678 POR SY 1/4 OF SW 1/4 BAAP- ON. S Lt PO BOX 11151 ROYAL CENTRE SUBD 70.26 FT E FR SW COR TH N VANCOUVER B.0 V6E 356- 02-06-30 E 501.87'FT TN N 87-09-25 'E 801.99 FT TH S 21-20-401-527.25 FT TO S LN SEC . 179.27 FT W OF W MGN BENSON RD TH W ALC SEC LN TO BEG LESS ST HWY LESS POR PLATTED VICTORIA HILLS 202305=9123-07-- ` "202305 '9123 864.703 83 T 21104; 10000 8447 8641 S,-W14_4 RENTON ELKS LODGE 01809i I C0179 POR BEG ON ELY MGN OF BENSON RD 1600 EAGLE RDG DR AT PT N 00-44-05 E 329.59 FT. & RENTON_WA_ _ __ ,-- - 98055 N 87-23-49 E 256.46 FT FR,SW COR OF NW 1/4 TH N 87-23-49 E 600.22 FT 111 N 02-36-11 W 100 FT.TH S 87-23-49 W 612.72 FT TO ELY MGN SD RD TH SLY ALG MGN 100.79 FT TO:BEG SUBJ TO' BONNEVILLE ESMT 202305-9124-06 20-23-05' 9124 .864.703 '.3 T 2110E 101100 . MOBIL OIL CORP 91077 POR W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 BEG AT NW 1103100. 176572 176172 PROPERTY TAX DIV - COR SD SUBD TH S 2-06-30 W'I PO BOX 290 494.94 FT TO SLY LN OF PUGET DALLAS TX 75221 SOUND'P L L'S 120 FT R/W TH N 74-32-17 E 297.53 fT TAP ON ELY LN OF PUGET DRIVE TH S 16r20-40 . .' E ALG SD' LN 1047.42 FT TO TPOB-T - - . ' N 68-39-20-E 135.50' FT TAP ON F WLY MGN OF BENSON•RD TH S 21-20-40 E ALG SD WLY MGN 291.82 FT' TN S 17-51-28 W ALG . I R/W NXN 'OF BENSON RD B PUGET DRIVE 48.36 FT TAP OF CURVATURE ON ELY LN OF PUGET DRIVE TH ALG N PUGET DRIVE' CURVE ROTHAVING ARAD OF 3026FT AN ARC DIST OF 296..30 fT TH',N 16-20-40 W ALG.SD LN 67.26 FT _ TO TPOB LESS'E-20.'FT 202305-9126-04 20-23-05 9126 864.703 83 T 2110L 48000 MAXWELL THOMAS.E MD POR OF SW 1/4.LY BET PUGET .1.175900, 193607 193607 1920 S PUGET DR DR 8 BENSON RD BEG NXN E-LN RENTON WA.- - 98055 PUGET DR &- S LN PSP I L• CO..R/W ' TH. SELY ALG SD E LN 869.42 F.T- TO TPOB TH N 73-43.-04 E-130".12 F - TO WLY LN BENSON.RD TH SELY ALG SD WLY LN 166.27_1T TH S 68-39-20 W 135 FT TO-ELY LN' PUGET DR TH NWLY ALG_.SD E LN 1778 FT TO TPOB LESS•-S I-HWY, . . 202305-9127-03 . 20-23-05 9127,..'' 8.64..703 83 1 2110L 81200 PAR C E L C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PAGE I. i LEVY SR RE S LEVY VAIWTEt6 A.Cc...•_'.'tlER NAME&ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION . RATE E% YR T COOE LAASO4R815 GEM.TAX SPEC.ASIT TOTAL AEADLENT FWD MCI I-DATE SOUTH PUGET DR INVESTORS, C0781TPOR OF SW 1/4 BEG ON-ELY MGN 1667000 646971, 646971 ' 1999 S BASCOFI AVE'0 500 PUGET DR AT PT S 02-06-30 CAMPBELI. CA 950081W 494.94 FT FI N 74-32=17 E. 297.5.31T FR NW COR OF: SUBD TH 1 ' S 16-20-40 E 669.42 FT TO TPOB AKA PT A TN.N. 73-43-04 E 130.34 t.. FT TO PT ON.WLY LN OF BENSON RD . TN SELY ALG SD MGN 200 'FT TH S 73-43-04 W 130.18 FT TO PT ON ELY LN PUGE'T.DR TN NWLY ALG SD ' LN 200:FT 10 TPOB TOW SLY.60 FT' OF FOLG DESC TR BEG AT PT A PREVIOUS DESC TR TH.N 73-43-04 E 130.34' FT TAP ON WI! MGN BENSON '' I TPOB TH-S 73-4.3-04 W 130.34 FT TH N 16r20-40 I W 200 FT TN N 73-43-04 E TAP ON ' ' SD WLY MGN TH SLY ALG SD WLY- '-GN TO TPOB 202305-9128-02 20-23-05 9128 83 0 2111 7500 NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORP C0475 POP- OF' SE 1/4 OF SIR 20-23-0.5 I P 0 BOX 1526 ' I DAF - BEG ON SE-COP OF SD SALT LAKE-CITY U' 84110.SEC 20 TH N 88-46-15 W ALG S LA OF SD SEC 20 A DIST- OF 30 FT TH N 01-50-38 E 294.91 FT TN•N 01-50-38 E 50 FT TO TPOB • . TH N 88-46-15 W PLY S IN OF SE 1/4 OF SD SEC 20 A DIST.' OF 648.13 FT TH S 69-19-00 W 315 FT TN 5 01-50-38 W 105.40. FT TN S 56-59-00 W 121 FT TH N 88-46-15 W PLY I 55 FT I.' DIST' 1294D6 FTT5NM SE 1/4 A 4' rCIZ !OTI N.42-35-54 W 385.8 FT TH . N 01-46-02 E 26.7 FT TH 4r9/0t-0-22 N.89-23-00 W 25 FT TO W IN nF ce cF tit TM c D1-LA-02 u I A3 SD CRV 8 E LNIAN ARC DIST OF 67.92 FT TAP ON N LN OF C OF S 200 FT -'"'.OIR/W TH 1. R7-23-49 E ALG SD 60.79 FT- TO.T005 LESS R/ I TALBOT RD I 100TH Ave se I 1 202305-9090-06 202305 9090 864.703 3 T 21101 1021000 8820, 88$O1 RENTON PLAZA C1277 POR Y 1/2 SEC 20 I SE 1/4 OF j 924 BRONSON WAY S NE 1/4 OF SEC 19 YLY OF. BENSON R RENTON WA 98055 SWLY OF BPA COVINGTON-RENTON FUTURE LN 12 SLY OF BPA I RELOCATION DIABLO-SEATTLE 200 FT R/W ESMT ELY OF TALBOT RD BURNET ST EXT i NELY, OF BPA LN 1 1 350 FT R/W ESMT AKA LONG MILE 10 FR COVINGT,ON LESS POR IN I. 100TH AVE S E 202305-9093-03 20-23-05 9093 3 0 21101E 7000 i 'PUGET SOUND POWER 1- LIG T CO • W 70 FT OF SW-1/4 LY SLY PO BOX 868 OF P S P 6 CCOS 120 FT - i BELLEVUE WA 98009 TRANS LN-R/W-SUBJ GAS ESMT j 1 LESS ST HWY. . - 202305-9094-02 20-23-OS - 9094 864.703 1:3 T 21101. 100" 8.8. I. LINCOLN PROPERTY 242467 POR NE 1/4 OF, SW 1/4 NLY OF P S • I CO 1277. LTD L L COS 120 FT TRAN LN R/W . j. 11400 SE 6TH ST STE' 220 BELLEVUE WA 98004. 1 1L202305- 9097-09 - _ - -- 202305 - 9097 864.703 :3 T 2110E 68900 5957: 5957: - RENTON ELKS LODGE 111809 ' .00179 BEG AT NXN OF N LN OF NW 1/4 OF 1600 EAGLE RDG DR SW 1/4 WITH ELY MGN OF J BENSON RENTON WA 98055 RD TH SELY ALG SD MGN TO NLY MGN. PSP 8 L°COS 120 FT R/W TH ELY ALr i SD R/W 467.64 FT TH N 02-36-11 W I TO N LN OF SUBD TH W TO BEG' SUBJ i ' - TO, B P A TRANS LN ESMT . 1----- --- - - 202305-9103-01 20-23-05 9103 864.703 83 T 21101 4000 345.' 345' LINCOLN PROPERTY-.__•__ 242467 POR OF. NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 ELY OF CO 1277 LTD BENSON RD I NWLY OF EAGLE RIDGE 11400_SE .67H. SI STE 22 .,' DR I4 SWLY OF!BPA TRANS. LN ESMT I" ` PARCEL C 0 N T' I N U E 0 0 N N E X T PAGE 1 AS PARCEL NUMBER IiAMEp 1'J DRF. F LEGAL RIiTION LEVY. SR RL 'S LEVI, WLLWTIO S RATE EX YR T CODE IiNO MPS GENL TAX SPEC AS'MT TOTAL AMOUNT AAIO REC./•.DATE BELLEVUE WA v3OO4fl OVINGTON-SEATTLEE LN N•1 INCL THEREIN-POR,VAC EAGLE RIDGE DR DESC IN DEED 31:5/485 PARC C 202305-9104-00 20-23-05 9104 • . ' 83" 0 21101. 500 PUGET SOUND POWER C LIGHT S-1180 POR OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF IC7 17-1319 STR 2023-05 LY SWL'Y OF SW' PUGET POWER BLDG LN OF C OF .S PIPELINE.R/W I j BELLEVUE.WA _ 98009.MLY OF N MGN OF PUGET DR 6 ELY. OF FOLG DESC LN BEG I AT E 1/4 COP OF SD SEC'20 - TH N 73-41-20 W 523.70 FT TH S 45-07-35. E ALG W'"LN- OF SD-PIPELINE R/W 283. FT.. TO TPO8 'IF SD LN DESC'TH ' S 55-51-30 W 105 FT-M/L TO NXN WITH N MGN OF PUGET DR -- TC0 17-1319- - i202305-9108-06 20-23-05 9108` 864.703 23 T 2111 29000 25076 25074. i' SHORE RICHARD.0 BEG ON E LN NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF 1626 GRANT AVE S SW 1/4 S 00-08-49 W 475.79 FT FR RENTON WA 98055 NE COR THOF TH CONTG S 'ALG SD LN 159.79 FT TAP WCH IS, 635.58 FT F'R SD NE COR TH W PLY N LN SD SUBD 499.67 FT TH N 26-18-59 W;TO NXN WITH LN EXTENDING•WLY THRU SD P08 1 PLY N LN SD SUBD1TH E ALG SD LN TO POB LESS WLY 30 FT LESS BEG CN N-LN OF ABOVE DESC TR 341.55 FT YLY OF NE COR THOF TH S 00-08-49 W 25 FT TO TPOB TN S 00-08-49 W 65 FT TH WLY PLY N LN 159.35' FT TO E LN SD 30 FT TH N 26-18-59-W ALG SD LN•70.99 FT M/L TO A LN ' PLY N LN SD SUBD WCH PASSES THRU . TPOB TH ELY 191 FT TO TPOB LESS • • C/M RGTS ' 202305-9109-05 202305 109 83 X 2111 110001 CITY OF RENTON BEG 646.62 FT S OF NE COR OF 1 71201 SE 1/4 1H N 88-09-22 W 00 FT TH S 46-50-38rW 766.92 FT TN N . 43-09-22 Y' 561.35 FT TO SELY MGN PUGET DRIVE TH NELY ALG SD MGN TO E LN OF SD, SUED TH S ALG•SD E LN •• 280.88 FT TO PO8 1202305-9110-02 202305 9110 " 83 'A- 2111E 77`501 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 0 403 POR NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 BEG AT NW COR OF SUBD.TH E ALG N LN THOF C' 929.67 FT 'TH .S 01-43-38 . W 818.33 FT TH S 71-05-12 Y 109.48 FT TO NELY MGN OF i- C-OF S PL ESMT TH NW ALG SD MGN 1148.20 FT TH N 01-46-02 1 ' -- e _ nCE.33.14 f T"TO BEG I'A,r?+ 041_- INCL POP VAC. CO RD P test-C ZA' I202305=- z 9111-01 20-23-05 9111 864.703 83 T 21111 63601 54995 54995 1_LINC-0LN PROPERTY 242467 BEG NXN N LN BPA RELOCATION r c I.CO:-I277 LTD DIABLO-SEATTLE R/W b E IN OF O O f F 1 f n TJ T I N I •' rl n-a I u c v r n 144.82 FT) TAP IN EXISTING CO RD SD PT BEING S 27-35-00 W 1256.51 FT c® NE' COR OF SD SEC 20 TH -05-30 E 15 FT TO TPOB 01 LN DESC TH NWLY AROUND A L... .0 'LFT - A.RAD OF 212.57 FT WITH A C/A OF 43-00-00 A DIST-;OF 159.53 FT TH NWLY AROUND A CRV TO RGT - A RAD OF 130.15 FT WITH A•C/A OF 58-01-30 - AN ARC DIST OF 131.81 FT TH N 19-53-00 70 FT M/L TAP ON SLY MGN OF NLY 35 FT OF PSP L L CO'S. TRANS LN L TERMINUS OF SD LN DESC 202305-9002-03 20-23-05'9002 83 0 2111E 2500 PUGET SD PUP L LIGHT CO . 14 61 . POR NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 SLY OF. PSP L 200 FT R/W SUBJ TO SD ESMT- 202305-9003-02 202305 9003 83 0 21111 277`:500 PUGET SD PWR L LIGHT CO 6 14 61 SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LESS POR LY I _18100 BET PSP L L CO 50 FT ESMT L BPA 200 FT ESMT LESS POR WITHIN PSP L L CO 200 FT SHUFFLETON R/W SUBJ TO ESMTS 202305-9005-00 20-23-05 9005 83 0 21101 7000 PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO POR OF GL 1 LY ELY OF PRIM ST PUGET- POWER BUILDING HWY M1 WITHIN BEVERLY N1 I BELLEVUE WA 98004 100 FT R/W - TCO. 1.7-1263 202305-9006-09 20-23-05 9006 83 0 2110L 181000 I - PUGET SOUND POWER L LIGHT S-0181 POR OF GL 10 OF STR 17-23-05 Il TCO 17-1043 1 OF GL 1 OF STAR 20-23-OS PUGET POWER BLDG OAF .- BEG ON N,LN OF SD GL 1 BELLEVUE WA 98009' AT A PT 528 FT 'W OF NE COR OF SD GL 1 ,TH N 53 f T TH W PLW S LN OF SD GL 10 A DIST OF 232.46'FT M/L TO E I- 1 LN OF TR OF LAND,DEEDED i PAR C E L CONTINUEO O N N E X T P AGE - ARCEL f.UMBER NAME 6 gimpLEGALDESCRIPTION LEW SR RL S I SEW YLLWTglS GENL TAX SC ASAT TOTAL ASKANT PAID I1ECT••DATE ' RATE EX YR 7 CODE IAMBI-WS TO PUGET SOUND, TRACTION COMPANY UNDER AUD 0817107 WCH IN IS PLY L 445.30 FT EOF WLNOF SD SECS171 20 TH S ALG SD E LN 313 FT. 1. M/L TO N LN OF TRACT OF LAND DEEDED TO RENTON CO-OPERATIVE COAL COMPANY' UNDER AUD 0200930 (DEC 26, 1900) TH ELY ALG SD.N L'N TO W LN" j - OF E 528 FT OFi SD GL 1 TH N ALG SD W LN '260 FT M/L TO POB LESS CO RD -- TCO 17-1043 202305-9007-08 • 20-23-0: ' 9007 83 0 2110E *89400 PUGET SD PWR. L LIGHT 'CO BEGAT NW COR,OF GL 1 TH E 448 FT 1127&800 TH S 260 FT TH N 89-45-00 E 232.46 FT TH S 400 FT TH W . 680.46 FT TH N 660 FT TO BEG LESS CO RD LESS STATE HWY LESS POR IN 200 FT.TRANS LN R/W 202305-9008-07 20-23-05 ' •9008 864.703' 83 T 2110E 274400 437274 437474 PUGET SOUND POWER 1 LIGHT CO POR OF S 660 FT OF' GL 1 LY W OF PUGET POWER BUILDING JOHN F BENSON RD L N OFF -A LN BEG BELLEVUE WA 98004 1140 FT S OF NW COP OF SEC L BEARING N 89-32-41 E L SLY OF 200 FT P S P L L CO TRAPS LN R/W LESS ST HWY 202305-9010-03'- ------ 20-23-05 9010 83 0 2110E .3000 ' PUGET SOUND POWER L LIGHT 5-0381 POR OF GL 2 IN NW 1/4 OF TCO 17-1345 •== _ -- STR 20-23-05 LY WITHIN ' PUGET POWER SLOG' CERTAIN PARCEL DESC UNDER BELLEVUE.'WA i 98009 DEED REC AF 07910190367 TGW POR OF SD GL '2 UITHIN BPA. DIABLO - SEATTLE RELOCATION R/W LESS POR OF S'!D BPA R/W OAF.- BEG AT SW COR OF SD GL 2 TH N 00-44-05 E ALG WLY LIMIT OF SD GL 2 A 'DIST OF 329.59 FT TO SLY MGN OF SD BPA R/W TH N 87-23-49 E ALG SD SLY MGN 256.46 FT TO TPOB TH CONTG ALG'SD SLY MGN • N' 87-23-49 E .600.22 FT TH N 02-36-11 W'100 FT TH lS87-23-49 W'612.72 FT TO ELY MGN OF.PENSON RD TH SLY ALG SD RD MGN TO TP08 LESS POR BPA COVINGTON - RENTON FUTURE LN 02 LY ELY OF.SD BENSON RD LESS ST HWY LESS 100TH ST SO LESS", BENSON RD LESS EAGLE RIDGE DR SO -- TCO 17-1345 4. 202305-9011-02 20-23-05 9011 864.703 83 T 2110L 600 51A 519 B.I.TAR A A ESTATE BEG 360 FT E'L S 00-48-00 E- 82 T 2110E 400 167 F "67 j,L / 0 I (( A501- 61BERDE2NDWATAR KADEY TH N 303 FT FR 98520 TO BEGO FTLESSTHC/MR RGTS 40 T .TH.S 50 FT 80 T 2110L 200 235t84 F 35E 1 P1 -• • -`"' 202305-9012-01 20-23-05 9012 ' 83 0 2110E 95000_. 1 PARCEL CONT I N.UE O ON ! NE XLj PAGEI I BEG AT PT ON N. LN OF SD SEC W 1783.40 FT FR NE COR TH S 00-17-' u 30 FT TH S 00-21. 665.38 FT TO TPOB I OF LN DI H S 36-40-50 W 219.60 FI ,. PT ON NLY LN OF S GRADY WAY b :TERMINUS SD LN 192305-9076-07 19-23-05 , 9076 : 864.703 :3 T 2110 265300 22940. 1 618- 2357;9' BEMP ASSOCIATES C0379 S 1/2-OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 2 T 211' 19650' 18026' 1 416 F 18443• 3016 BENSON RD S LESS E 40 FT FOR ST 1 T 2110. 196506 18881 1 668'F 19549 RENTON WA 98055 0 T 211' 9100' 13137 .1 245:F Y34Q3" 19 T 211 6: 7400' 13198 1 288 F 1;34 8 T 2111, 74000 . 11439' 1 304;H III-. 192305-9077-06 ' 19-23-05 ' 9077 3- 0 211' 60' I PUGET SOUND POWER &,LIGHT S-1276 POR NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LY SLY OF I PUGET POWER BLDG N 30 FT SD SUBD ELY OF TALBOT BELLEVUE WA 98004 RD EXT & NAY OF ABANDONED NP i R/W . - 1192305-9078-05 19-23-05 ; 9078 - 864.703 :3 T 211'L 59400 1 43 WELLS DUANE A C0480 POR ABANDONED 120 FT R/W IN GL 1127430' 115325 ' 115369 25 S GRADY WAY 2 & IN SW 1/4'OF NW 1/4 BEG - RENTON WA - 98055 AT NXN W LN LIND AVE WITH NLY LN , OF SD R/W TH ISWLY ALG NLY LN 300 FT TH S PLW W LN OF LIND AVE TO. SLY LN OF SD R/W TH NELY ALG SLY LN TO W LN OP.LIND AVE TH NLY ALT W LN TO BEG 1192305-9079-04 19-23-05 9079 864.703 83 T 2110L 1940' 1617' 1 ZOi 1697- WELLS DUANE A C0480 POR ABANDONED 120 FT R/W IN GL 2 25 GRADY WAY IN SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 BEG AT NXN I. RENTON WA 98055 OF W LN LIND;AVE WIN NLY LN OF 1 SD R/W TH SWI!Y ALG NLY LN 300 FT i TO TPOB.TH CONTG SWLY-ALG SD R/W 100 FT TH S.,PLW W-LN OF LIND AVE TO SLY LN SD:R/W TH NEL.Y.ALG SLY - - 1 LN 100 FT TH NLY PLW W LN LIND AVE TO TPOB 1' 1192305- 01 19 23-05 , 9080 864.703 83 T .2110L 334206 28898 1 1860 - 29084 ' WESTERN WESTERN INC E0681 POR ABANDONED 120 FT. R/W 82 T 21101. 241606 22714: 1 1Z1 22816 22816 i PUGET POWER BLDG OVER NW 1/4 LY BTWN SLY BELLEVUE WA 98009 EXTAVEESWINANDOF E W' LNLNOFOFRAIIND -INIER AVE T1192305-9081-00 ____ 19-23-05 9081 SS X 2116L 100E • CITY OF RENTON r A0279 E 40 FT OF N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 I- 1 CITY HALL-200 MILL AVE S,` OF SW 1/4 RENTON WA - -- -- - 08055 1192305-9083-08 19-23-05 ' 9021 864.703. 83 T 21111. 48806 4219A 1 291 4248 _ I . , P AR CEL CO•N- T .I NU : D ON NEXT' P AGEI' l3 LEVY SR RL S LEVY TALWTEI GEN'L TAX SPEC.AS'MT TOTAL AMOUNT PAID 11EC-T A-DATESI T PARCEL NUMBER:•YAMF 6 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE EX VR T CODE lLAXOI XAT6 WELLS DUANE A C0480 BEGAT NXN OF N MGN Of - 15 S GRADY WAY SW GRADY WAY WITH W MGN OF RENTON WA 98055 LIND AVE SWiTH SWLY ALG N • MGN OF SW GRADY' WAY 395 FT • TH NWLY AT R/A'S TO SW. GRADY WAY TO S LN, OF.ABANDONED BN RR R/W 50 FT M/L TN NELY ALG S LN OF! BN RR R/W. TO W MGN OF LIND-.AVE SW . TH SLY-. ALG 'SD W MGN TO POB 192305-9084-07 L19-23-05 ' 9084. 864.703 3 T 211' 11240 9719 1- 605. 97/9: WELLS DUANE R E INC S-0879 LOT 3 OF CITY OF RENTON-SHORT 2 T 211'L 8330C 7641' 1 394 7681 76811 15 SO GRADY WAY PLAT NO 138-81 RECORDING NO RENTON WA 98055• FUGET4SOUNDSDPOWER & PLAT DAF LIGHT -CO R/W LY,ELY OF E LN OF THOMAS AVE. PROJECTED SLY IN SE- 1/4 OF NE 1/ OF SEC 24-23-04 & WLY .OF FOLG - - I i; ,- POR OF PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO R/W FORMERLY PUGET SOUND _ ELECTRIC R/W - RENTON BRANCH, IN NW 1/4 OF SEC 19-23-05 DAF - BEG INTSN OF N MGN OF SW GRADY WAY WITH W MGN'OF LIND AVE SW TH SWI: - ALG N MGN OF SW GRADY WAY 395 FT TH NWLY AT'R/A TO SW GRADY WAY Ti SLY LN OF ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR R/W TN NELY ALG SLY LN OF- BURLINGTON NORTHERN I RR R/W TO ,W MGN OF LIND AVE SW T 1 . SLY ALG SD W MGN TO POB TGW POR 1 I '' BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC FORMER j 100 FT WIDE R/W IN SE 1/4 OF NE 1/4-OF 'SEC-24-23-04 DAF - BEG INTSN,OF E LN SD SEC 24 & NLY LN OF SD R/W WCH INTSN IS APPROX. 210 FT NLY, MEAS AT R/A,_ FR C/L OF GRADY WAY TH SWLY ALG SD NLY LN,APPROX 230 FT M/L TO E LN OF PART OF THOMAS AVE SW -UCH LIES N OF,SD R/W TH S ALG SLY EX - OF SD E LN OF THOMAS AVE SW TO SLY LN OF SD R/W TH NELY ALG SD SLY LN OF''SD R/W APPROX 230 FT M/L TOE LN OF SD SEC 24 TH NLY ALG SD E LN OF SEC 24 TO POB TGW POR OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC'FORMER 120 FOOT WIDE R/W IN GL 2 & THE FRACTIONAL SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OFi SEC 19-23-05 DAF - COM II,} Sa AT INTSN OF W LN OF LIND AVE,, ' O - A BEING 40 'FT W, MEAS AT R/A FR Ei C/L THOF ,I NLY LN OF SD R/W.WCH INTSN Is APPROX 220 FT NLY. I- PUGET SUUNU rUYCK 6 LLGNI S-U70I run ur OL c in nw Ir. yr . T-CO 17-1345 STR 20-23-05 L'Y WITHIN PUGET POWER BLDG CERTAIN PARCEL' DESC UNDER BELLEVUE WA 98009 DEED RE- -- 07910190367 TGW POR OF . 2 WITHIN BPA DIABLO ITTL'E RELOCATION R/W LESS POR OF SD BPA R/W DAF - BEG AT SW COR OF SD GL 2 TH N 00-44-05,E ALG WLY LIMIT OF SD GL 2' A DIST OF 329.59 FT TO SLY MGN OF SD BPA R/W TN N 87-23-49 E ALG SD SLY MGN 256.46 FT TO TPOB. TH CONTG ALG SD SLY MGN N 87-23-49 E 600.22 FT TH N 02-36-11 W 100 FT TH S 87-23-49 W 612.72 FT TO ELY MGN OF PENSON, RD TH SLY ALG' SD RD MGN TO TPOB LESS POR BPA COVINGTON - RENTON FUTURE IN 02 LY ELY OF 'SD BENSON RD LESS ST HWY LESS 1;00TH ST SO.LESS BENSON RD LESS EAGLE RIDGE DR SO -- TCO 17=1345 202305-9011-02 20-23-05 9011 864.703 83 T 2111E 601 51' 51' BITAR A A ESTATE BEG 360 FT E 8 S 00-48-00 E ' 82 1 2111L 401 16 F ¶ 6 VICTORIA BITAR KADEY 303 FT FR NW!COR GL 2 TH W 40 FT 81 T 2111E 401 501 W 2ND 5T TH N 50 FT TH E 40 FT TH S 50 FT 80 T 2111E 201 28' F 28' ABERDEEN WA 98520 TO BEG LESS C/M RGTS 79 T 2111L 201 . 35. F 35 I. 202305-9012-01 20-23-05 9012 83 0 21114 95001 • PARCEL CONTINU ; O ON NE XL PAGE 0 4 - - PAR,,;;Nr.MBER AANE&ADDRESS LEGAL DESCAiPTION LEW. SR RL S LEW YN.INTIR! GEM.TAX SPEC AVAST TOTAL AMOUNT AA RECT••DATE RATE E% TR T CODE L 6R/S PUGET SOUND POWER Q, LIGHT S-0580 POR OF GL 3 IIN STR 20-23-05. 1C0 17-1313 LY SLY OF N MGN OF BPA PUGET POWER BLDG _ RELOCATION DIABLO-SEATTLE BELLEVUE WA 98009 TRANS R/W LESS POR WLY OF C;TY OF'SEATTLE ESMT REC AF Y 53-3805 EX PSP e L CO'S 120 FT R/W REC AF 05687370 a POR OF SD GL 3 LY NLY OF FOLG - DESC LN - BEG AT SE COR OF SD NW 1/4 TH N 01-46-02 E ALG ELY MGN•OF SD NW 1/4 1043.86 FT .T0 S MGN OF SD i PSP L L CO'S 1P LN 82 TO.TPOB OF SD LN DISC TH S 86-43-23 W 739.5 F: THIN 69-14-13 W TO WLY LN OF SD.GL 3 LESS POR.•LY'WITHIN 200 FOOT WIDE • FI PSP 6 L CO'S SHUFFLETON - 4 ,TRANS LN R/W -- TCO.17-1313 - 262305-9013-00 ~`— 20-23-05 9013 83 0 2110.. 48501 PUGET SOUND POWER_6_L_,GHT-(- S-1280 POR NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF I . TCO 17-806 STR 20-23-05 WITHIN-FOLG - PUGET POWER BLDG BONNEVILLE PWR'LN ESMT - BELLEVUE WA r 98009 SEATTLE CITY LIGHT PWR ESMT - ESMT .TO—USA EX POR DEEDED TO C L HILL 2/27/62 6 PSPIL CO'S 120 FOOT R/W LESS ETHIER ' RD ---TC0-17-806 02305=9014-09- ---- --—_20-23-05 ' . 9014 83 0 21101 41001 _ I PUGET SOUND POWER 11 LIGHT S-0481 POR OF NW 1/.4 OF SW 1/4 OF I TCO 17-1314 SIR 20-23-O5_CY WITHIN BPA - I f.PUGET POWER BLDG'' ESMTS LESS,FOLG PORS THOF - BELLEVUE WA - 98009 ELY OF BENSON RD I NLY OF PSP 6 L CO'S 120 FT R/W TGW POR OF SD SURD LY WITHIN SD 120 FT R/W LESS PUGET DR i BENSON RD I EAGLE RIDGE .DRIVE TGW POR OF SD NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 0 LY ELY OF E MGN 'OF PUGET DR . - SWLY OF SW LN OF BPA R/W L NO OF PSP&L CO'S -120 FOOT R/W LESS POR'OF SD BPA ESMTS LY WLY OF BENSON RD 6 SLY OF PSPBL CO'S 120 FOOT R/W -- SUBJ TO BPA ESMTS• TCO 17-1314 CORP DESC 202305-9015-00 20-23-05 , 9015 83 0 2110E 100 PUGET SOUND POWER I. LIGHT S-1280 POR OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF' I TCO 17-804 STR 20-23-05 LY WITHIN PUGET POWER BLDG BONNEVILLE PWR LN R/W SUBJ I BELLEVUE WA 98009 TO ESMT IN SD R/W.-- TCO 17-804. 202305-9016-07 20-23-05 ' 9016 83 0 2110L 34000 PUGET SOUND POWER i LIGHT S-1280 POR SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 I TCO 17-805,. . C OF W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 I I -PUGET. POWER BLDG OF STR 20'-23-05 LY WITHIN I BELLEVUE. WA 98009 BPA 350 FOOT R/W SUBJ TO ESMTS IN ;SD H/W LESS PUGET DR LESS POR WITHIN FOLG - BAAP ON E LN.OF BENSON RD 734.63 FT • i PARCE L C-ONT INU.E 9. ON 1NE XC PAGE E 4 osizC PAActcN6S EA NAME 6ADDaESS. I LEGAL DESCRIPTION LMW 5% RLR S CW -l=,! GENT TAX SPEC.AS•AT TOTAL AMOUNTPAID RECTE-DATE T1- ASMEAS ALG RDFRSUNOF 0 I SD- SEC - TH E PLW N LN SD SE 1/4 A D151 OF 906.31 FT TH S 317.81 FT TH W PLW SD N I LN•772.44 FT TO E MGN SD RD 0 TN NLY ALG RD TO P08 TGW POP L 4 LEVY IM r... ..S., +din >v+ >_'J a a LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE Es• MR 1 COIN 11/r1Wa'i GEM.TAX NEC ASSET I TOTAL _A1WUNT/AiD, RECTE•OAT(: BELLEVUE WA 98005'I 1 214134-0210-02 TR A 83 1 6239E 1500 KING COUNTY A0179 EAGLES ncfif aS OPEN AREA 214134-0220-00 TR B 83 K 6239L 1500 I KING COUNTY A0179 EAGLES MERE IS OPEN AREA i 214200=OOT0=03 `r UNIT1 BLDGA 861.703 83 T 2110E 10342 YODER ERVIN ETAL 51278 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 84232 8177E 81771 8060 S 114TH i PCT Of VALUE: 3.3623 SEATTLE WA 98178 214200-0020-01 ,___ _. UNIT2 BLDGA 864.703 83 T 2111- 10342 BUYLEN MARGUERITE MRS ; R0479 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 84232 81776 81770 1633 EAGLE RIDGE DR S- a2 PCT OF VALUE 3.3623 RENTON WA. -- 98055 21-4200-00030-09 UN113 BLDGA 864.703- 83 1 2111: 10342 HAUTER R L '- -0780 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 84232 81778 8117E 1929 JONES CT SE PCT OF VALUE 3.3623 RENTON WA 98055 I 114200=0040=077" BLDGA 864.703 83 T 2110. 10342 YODER ERv1N ETAL 51278 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 84232 81/76 8177E 8060 S 114TH,PCT OF VALUE 3.3623 SEATTLE WA 98178 214200-0050-04 UNIT5 BLDGA 864.703. 83 T 2111 6597 YODER ERVIN ETAL- 51278 EAGLERIDGE 'ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 21600 24382 24381 8060 S 114TH i PCT OF VALUE 2.1449 SEATTLE WA , 98178 i 214200-0060-02 UNIT6 BLDGA 864.703 83 T 2111L 6597 YODER ERVIN ETAL 51278 EAGLERIDGE ESTATESgCONDOMINIUM 1 21600 24382 24381 8060 S 114TH SEATTLE WA 1 98178 I 242E0-E07N0O UNIT? BLDGA 864.703 83 1 21111 6597 YODER ERVIN ETAL' 51278 EAGLERIDGEIESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 21600 24182 24182 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE 2.1449 SEATTLE_WA 98178 I 21G200L0OB0-OS UNIT1 BLDGB 864.703 83 1 2111L 9986 7896C SMITH H W & MILLER D J i C0179 EAGLERIDGE' ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 81329 7896C 1..615 S EAGLE RIDGE DF a81 PCT' OF VALUE 3.2464 RENTON WA___-- •- _ - I 98055 214200-0090-06 IUNIT2 BLDGB 864.703 83 T 211TL 9986 NEUNER RUDY E- - -, 1N0333 EAGLERIDGE' ESTATES CONDOMINIUM- I 81329 7896C 7896C 1615 S EAGLE RIDGE D1 a2 PCT OF VALUE 3.2464 RENTON WA._ _ - -- 980551 214200-0100-04 UNITS , BLDGB 864.703 83 T 2111L 9986 NIGHTINGALE MA 'i CLAY 'IL 017.9IEAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 81329 7896( 7896C ; 1615 EAGLE RIDGE DR NB-3 98055 PCT OF VALUE'3.2.464' I REN1ON_WA- 214200-OLIO-02 _ , __ UNIT4 BLDGB 864.703 83 T 2111L 9986 SORENSEN HILDA W C0179 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 81329 7896C 7816C 1615 S EAGLE RIDGE DR IB4 PCT OF VALUE-3.2464 PARCEL C O N T I N U E fi 0 , N F'%; L P A G El L GAL DESCRIPTION LEVYSR AL S LEVYYYWTIOE GENT.TAT: -SPEC ABUT TOTAL AE•OIN!PED. REC1• DATE vim:A. %A :s a owt ns RATE ES r11 T CODE IA/WHIM RRENTON WA 98055' - 1 214200-0120-00 UNIT 1 BLDGC 864.703 83 T 21101E 10342 JORGENSEN CALHOUN i JANICE C0179;EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 84232' 81176 81178 1609 S EAGLERIDGE DR aC1, PCT.OF VALUE 3.3623 RENTON WA 980551 214200-0130-08 1UNIT'2 BLDGC 864.703 +•3 T 2110E 10342 T050 GILMAN L -- -- "R0479'EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 8I232 8177. 81771 1609 S EAGLE RIDGE DR UNIT ,a2 PCT OF VALUE 3.3623 RENTON WA - 98055 214200-0140-06 UNIT 3 BLDGC 864.703 .3 1 2114. 10342 POTTER YVETTE C0579 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 84.232 8177. 81178 11609 EAGLERIDGE DR S C-3 PCT OF :IeLUE 3.3623 RENTON _WA_ _ - _ 98055 1 214200150-03 UNIT 4 '0 BLDGC 864.703 .3 1 2110L 10342 WILSON ROBERT F- 1N09.68 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 84232. 8117 81771 1, 'PO Box 352 IPCT OF VALUE' 3.3623 OCEAN SNORES UA 98569 214200-0160-01 UNIT 1 , BLDGD 864.703 .3 T 2110 6275 1PSEN THAD L - - - C0780 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 67385 •6542 6542j UNIT 1603 SO EAGLERIDGE DRIVE' PCTPCT OF VALUE 2.6898 RENTON WA _ _ - - 214200-0170-09:UNIT 2 BLDGD 864.703 .3 1 21101. 1275 0885 RICHARD A 1180 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 67385 -6542 . 65423 1603 S EAGLERIDGE DR -a2 PCT OF VALUE 2.6898 RENTON WA 98055 214200=O1.80=07 - UNIT 3 ' BLDGD 864.703 .3 T 2110E 1275 JOOS PAUL N E0680 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 67385 6542 .65421 1603 S EAGLEF:IDG )FI 3D 98055 PCT' OF :VALUE 2.6898 F RENTON WA _ 214200-0190-05 UNIT 4 : BLDGD 164.703- •3 T 211Q 8275 1:1, p-._ P..pZ .fly LINDBERRG GARY W COS811EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 67385. •6542 65421 U 16821 DES MOIRES WAY SO •' 98148 PCT OF VALU`_ '.6898 SEATTLE WA 1AA_AIAA_Ai UNIT 5' BLDGD 364.703 1113 T 2110E 8275 it 1 2142UU-Ul,U-Uv vw 1 E MOi1S RICMARD.A 1180 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 67315 6542 1603 S EAGLERIDGE CDR tF PCT OF VALUE, 2.6891 RENTON WA 98055 I 214200-0180-07 UNIT BLDGD 864.703 .3 1 211 5275 6542 JOOS PAUL N E0680 EAGLE1.EDui ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 67385 -__423 1603 S EAGLERIDG DR 3D PCT OF VALUE 2.6891 RENTON WA 98055 214200-0190-05 UNIT 4 BLDGD 864.703 .3 T 211 1t275 LINDBERRG GARY W C0581 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 67385 65423 6542 16821 DES MOIRES WAY 0 PCT OF VALUE 7.6898 SEATTLE WA 98148 214200-0200=03 UNIT 5 BLOOD 864.703 =3 T 211 8275 THOMPSON ADRIENNE W _ - - E0980 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 67385 65423 6542 1603 EAGLERIDGE DR PD5 '• PCT OF VALUE 2.6898 RENTON WA 98055 214200=02T0=01- • UNIT 1-N BLDGE. 864.703 83 T 2110E 8024 CHAMBERS BELLE C0881IEAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 65353 -63449 6344' 1523 D EAGLERIDGE DR 1N IPCT OF VALUE 2.6087 RENTON WA 980551 214200-0220-09 UNIT 2-N BLDGE 864.703 83 T 21101 8024 BAILEY WILLIAM JA.'r I THOMAS C08801EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 65353 63449 6344'1 1521 EAGLE RIDGE DR S PCT OF VALUE 2.6087 I RENTON WA 98055' 21-4200-0230-07 UNIT 1-S BLDGE 864.703 83 T 2110E 8024 LAKOUS EDWARD-I PATRICIA C0781 ,EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 65353 63449 6344'I 1529 S EAGLERIDGE DR A 1-ES !PCT OF VALUE 2..6087 RENTON WA 98055! 214200-0240-05 lUNIT 2-5 , BLDGE 864.703 83 TI2110L 8024 i i' j 1 PARCEL C.O N T I N U E D O N N E X'T PAGE LEVY SR 1 RL I S LEVY VALWT GENT TAX SPEC A$MT TOTALAMDWT1IAID RECT a DATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE EX YR T CODE. liAt0411/5 YORK CHARLES D C0680-EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 6535' 63449-6344 1527 SE EAGLERIDGE D' 2E PCT OF VALUE 2.6087 RENTON WA , - 980551 214200=0250-02 ' UNIT 1 i BLDGF 864.703' :3 T 2110E 677. COCHRAN DO'CE.E E0680IEAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 55191 53582 5358. 1511 S EAGLERIDGE XF-1 !I 98055! PCT OF VALUE.2.2030 RENTON WA 214200-0260-00- UNIT 2 BLDGF 864.703 .3 T 21101 677. KILBURN JOHN D 200524'EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 55191 53582 5358. PO BOX 15322 GF1E PCT OF VALUE 2.2030 LITTLE ROCK AR I 72231 ' 214200=0270=08-- UNIT 3 •BLDGF 864.703 3 T 21101 677• 'I SCHAUER HENRY W E0680 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM • 1 55191- 53582 . 5358. 12028 NE 16151 ST PCT OF VALUE 2.2030 BOTHELL WA ( 98011 214200=0280=09! - • UNIT 4 'BLDGF 864.703 ':3 T 21111. 6776 SEATTLE 1ST NA1•L BANK 0581 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 55190 53582 5358. DOBSON GEORGE It TRUST PCT OF VALUE 2.2030 PO BOX 3586 TRUSTOE DEPT.,' I SEATTLE WA _ _ - . 98124 214200=0290=O4 UNIT 5 .BLDGF 864.703 .3 T 21101 6776 YODER EFEvIN ETAL S-0580 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 55190 53582 5358. 8060 S 110H PCT OF VALUE 2.2030 I'SEATTLE WA ' 98178 21-F200=0300=02 UNIT 6 . BLDGF 864.703 .3 T 21101. 6776 YODER ERVIN ETAL S-0580 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I ,55190 • 53582 5358. 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE 2.2030 SEATTLE WA 98178 214200-0310-00 ' UNIT 7 ' BLDGF 864.703 1.3 T 2110E 6776 i YODER ERVIN EIAL 5-0580 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I' 55190 5358" 5358 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE 2.2030 SEATTLE WA 98178 1' 214200=0320-08 UNIT 8 I BLDGF 864.703 .3 T 2110E 6776 YODER ERVIN ETAL S-0580 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 55189 5358 5358 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE 2.2030 v. I SEATTLE WA 98178 i= 294200-0330-06 UNIT 1 G 864.703 83 T 21.101E 7`490 YODER ERVIN E ET AL 249800 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 60994 5921. 5921. I 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE 2.4347 SEATTLE WA 98178 1 214200-0340-04-UNIT 2 6 864.703 .3 1 211011 7490 1 YODER ERVIN E ET L 249800 EAGLOFIDGE ESTATES7CONDOMINIUM 1 60994 5921. 5921. 8060 S 114TH PCT SEATTLE WA 1 98178 121.4200-0350=01 ------7 UNIT 3 G 864.703 83 T 2110L 7490 YODER ERVIN E ET ALr'249800 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 60994 5921. 5921• 8060 S 114TH ' PCT OF VALUE 2.4347 j SEATTLE WA 98178 214200-0360-05' UNIT 4 • G 864.703 83 T 2110L 7490 YODER ERVIN E ET,AL 249800 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 6.0994 5921 5921. 8060 S 114TH PCT OF 'VALUE 2.4347 PARCEL CONTINUED -ON INIIE_px/ L P AGEI 4 P\ -c z,q-Ss v...,.i.n,,vnea NAME 6+JJ.E is ---_ r_ LE GAL DESCRIPTION LEW SA ILL f LEW WILTS GENT TAX SPEC ASLT TOTAL MOUNT 1Y0 11ECT••DATEIHATEEltTNTCOOS1U1rf SEATTLE WA - 98178; 1nn_n/7A-AT IIIt t T S G 864.703 3 T 211 749 1 214200-0320-08 UNIT 8 1 BLDGF 864.703 M3 T 21100 677.i YODER ERVIN ETAL S-0580;EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 5510' 5358 5358 8060 S 114TH PCT OF "A!UE12.2030 SEATTLE WA 98178 214200-0330-06 UNIT I, - G- 864:703 83 T 211E 7`49L YODER ERVIN E ET AL 249800 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I 6099 5921. 5921• 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE, 2.4347 SEATTLE WA.98178 214200-0340-04 UNIT 2 G 864.703. 83 T 211'L 749E YODER ERVIN E ET AL 249800 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM i I 6099 5921. 5921. 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE. 2.4347 SEATTLE WA 98178 214200-0350-01 UNIT 3 G•864.703 83 T 2111L 749E YODER ERv1N E ET AL 249800 EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 6099- 5921: 5921:. 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE 2.4347 SEATTLE WA 98178 I 214200-0360-09 UNIT 4 G 864.703 83 T 211LL 7491' YODER ERVIN E ET AL 249800. EA.GLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM 1 6099 5921: 5921: 8060 S 114TH PCT OF VALUE 2.4347 PARCEL C 0 N T I N U O NEXT PAGEI H 4 ADO.,sS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEVY SR 1RL 5 LEVY YA{WTIOiS t ^c, GEN RATE EX YR T CODE LIMO Firs " L TAX SPEC AS'MT TOTAL AMOUNT PAID 11ECT•.DATEI SEATTLE WA 98178, 1 214200-0370-07 ? UNIT 5 G 864.703 83 T 2110L 7490 YODER ERVIN E ET AL : 2498001EAGLERIDGE ESTATES CONDOMINIUM I. 60994 59218 59218 I 8060 S 114TH l` PET OF VALUE 2.4347 SEATTLE WA 98178 1 214370-0005-04 A 639.2635 83 T 2110E 21500 HUMBLE DONALD:A C0478 EARLINGTON !ADD I 56600 4992E 49926 360 STEVENS AVE SW BEG AT NW COR LOT 1 BLK 8 THINLY RENTON WA 98055 ALG WLY PRODUCED 117.80 FT TH S 68-35-45 E 28.05 FT TH S 58-36-15 E 57.61 FT 'TH N 1.7-03'-15, E11.75 FT TH,S 58-36-15 E 17.84 FT TN S 17--n3-15 W 98.98.FT TH N 71-45-00 W'100 FT TO BEG ' 214370-0010-07 A . 83 X 21101. 4000 CITY OF RENTON ' A0975 EARLINGTON'ADD POR TR A BEG AT NE COR LOT 25 ELK 8 TH NELY ALG. WLY LN OF LIND ST PROD NLY 67.57 FT TN S 58.'DEG 36 MIN 15 SEC. E 61.93 FT TH SWLY I PLW W LN OF LIND ST PROD NLY I 52.24 FT TN WLY TO NE COR SD LOT 25 it POB LESS WLY.20 FT 214370-0011-06 A 864.703 83 1 21101 15600 1 IAPUTIL RUDOLPH R0777 EARLINGTON ADD I 600 14008 1400: 420 LIND AVE SW BEG NXN OF ELY MGN OF 89TH AVE.S RENTON WA 98055 A N LN OF ALLEY BTWN TR A & BLK 9 TH ELY. ALG SD ALLEY F 125.27 FT 'TO TPOB TN CONTG ELY ALG SD ALLEY 55.38 FT TH N 24 DEG 25 MIN 511SEC W 125.94 FT TO. SLY MGN OF STATE RD N 2 TH WLY ALG SD MGN TO PT !BEARING N 22'DEG 29 MIN I_54 SEC W OF TRUE BEG TH S 22 DEG 29 MIN 54'SEC E 113.86 FT TO TRUE-BEG I214370-0012.,05 A 864.703' 83 T 2110L 17`400 1 MATHEWSON H. F EARLINGTON ADD I 700 • 15651 1565 ' 42.5 MAPLE AVE S W BEG ON N LN OF ALLEY BETW BLK 9 ' RENTON WA 98055 TR A AT P1 180.65 FT ELY OF ELY MGN 89TH AVE S TN CONTG ELY ALG SD ALLEY 56.28 FT TH.N- 26 DEG 21 MIN 24'SEC W 140.06 FT TO SLY MGN ST RD,0 2 TH WLY ALG SD MGN 50 FT TO PT BRG N 24 DEG 25 MIN 51 SEC W FR'BEG TH S 24 DEG 25 MIN 51, SEC E TO BEG 214370-0019-08 A 864.,703 83 T 2110L B100 PRIEBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL EARLINGTON ADD I 42000 43122 4332• 203 SW SUNSET BLVD BEG NXN OF .RAINIER BLVD & ST HWY RENTON WA 98055 N 2 TH.SWLY ON WLY MGN OF RAINIE' BLVD TO A PT 238.64 FT NLY OF N LN OF ALLEY BTWN BLK 9 & TR A TN • NWLY.TO SELY MGN OF ST HWAY N 2 TO PT 168 FT NLY OF NWLY LN-OF LOT 2 TONKINS EARLINGTON HEIGHTS- UNREC TN 'NELY TO PT OF BEG I a.e.:.'......,,,E a-NAVE n a,»fac Si_- LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEVY SR RL S LEVY MUMMIESGENT.TAX - SPEC AS'MT TOTAL AMQUNi PAID REC•f i.DATE ADDIMPSRATEEXYR7CODElL 214370-0021-04 rA 864.703 83 T 2110'L 39200 SMITH GARRETT MRS EARLINGTON ADD 1 36400 65371 65371 385 MAPLE AVE SW - IBEG AT A! PT ON WLY LN'OF RAINIER RENTON WA 98055'BLVD 96.17 FT FR N LN OFALLEYIBTWNBLK' 9 & TR A TH NELY ALG ULY LN OF RAINIER BLVD TO SLY LN OF ST RD N 2 TH SWLY ALG SD SELY LN OF ST' RD TO• A PT ON LN WHICH . BEARS N 58 DEG 36 MIN 15 SEC W F P: OF BEG OF THIS DESC TH S 58 DEG 36 MIN 15 SEC E TO PT OF BEG LESS POR NLY OF A LN BEG • 142 FT NLY OF BEG TH.RNNG NWLY T SELY MGN OF' ST RD N 2 TO PT 1A41 FT -,II Y OF SLY LN OF TR THUNI;RH1LL INVtblURD j CO.QU. v..r......... - . --- -- ck!'-{/0 PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 130 P0_B4OX 389 94604 I OAKLAND CA FSiL.=T 2=4010=09-UNlT`1C 1104 864.703 .3 T 21101 3000 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS`''. 281655 THUNDER.:;.« CONDOMINIUM DIV III 1 27600 _ J' 2646 1--C/0 PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1:13 i. PO BOX 389 OAKLAND CA • 94604 1864412=0020-07--- p UNIT 111 1104 864:703 ''3 T 2110E 2500 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS i 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV 1l1 I 25800 2274. 2274. CIO PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .97 PO BOX 389 , 94604OAKLANDCA, y.. 8644-12=0030=05^ — UNIT -207 1104 864.703 :3 T 2110L 2500 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS - 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 23800 2274. 2274. C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES-1 PCT OF VALUE :97 . PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0040-03 IIN1-T= 21 1104 864.703 :3 T 2110E 2500 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS - " 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 25800 2274. • 2274. c/0 PLAZA PACIFIC EMT ES PCT OF VALUE .97 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0050=00 UNIT 101. 1200 864.703 83 T 2110L 2500 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 1 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV' Ill I 23000 2205' 2205' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUIT ES ' PCT OF VALUE1.94 PO BOX 389 1 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0060-08 UN11-102 1200 864.703 83 T 2110L 2500 I THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV 111 I 21000 2205' 2205' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE'.94I. PO BOX 389 OAKLAND-CA - 94604I 8IHUNDEROIL-06 3 UNIT_1'03' I 1200 864.703 83 T 2110L 2500 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS - 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV 111 I 23000 22051 22051 C/G PLAZA PACIFIC EQUI IES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 OAKLAND CA - 94604 . 864412;0080-04 UNIT 104 1200 864.703 83 T 2110L 2500 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 1 281655 THUNDERHILL ;CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 25000 2205' 2205' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIE'S PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389! 94604OAKLAND_CA' 864412-0090-02 UNIT -261;1200' 864.703 83 T 2110L 2500 ' PAR. CONT INUE 0„ ON INE XI P AGEI I B 3 LEG AL DESCRIPTION LEVY SR RL S LEVY Y/LWTE• .GEN'L TAX' SPEC AS'YT TOTAL• Ak1OUN1 EMO RECT E-DATEI PA RC EL'+u MBER NAME 6ADORE55 RATE EX YR T CODE 1.4120 MPS INU4DERH1LL INVESTORS _ 281655 THUNDERHILL.CONDOMINIUM DIV Ill 1 2300d 2205( 2205C C/0 PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES . PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 1164412-0100=00 UIT-2.02r , 1200 864.703 83 T 2116E 250C I. THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 1281655 THUNDERHILL LONDOMINIUM DIV III 1 25000 2205C 2205( C/0 PLAZA PACIFIC EQ ITIES• PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 . - 94604OAKLANDCA Bti44124110=08- --UNIf-203 1200 864.703 83 T 2110E 250C' THUNDERHILL INVESTOR 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 2300C 22050 2205C C/0 PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 ' 94604 I OAKLAND CA, ' 864412-0120-06 UNIT 204. 1200 864.703 83 T 2110. 250C THUNDERHILL INVESTOR - 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I -25O0C •,'22050 2205C C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0130-04 UNIT_ 111 ,1201C 864.703 Si T 2110. 250; THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 1 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 2300F 22050 2205C C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 164412=0140=02 - UNIT -112` 1201C 864:703 83 1 2110E 250i= THUNDERHILL INVESTORS J 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 2300' 22050 . 22CI5C I C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94. PO BOX 389 g4604OAKLANDCA 864412-0150-09 UNI1-113:" 1 1201C 864.703 83 T 2110L 250 THUNDERHILL INVEST RS , 281655 THUNDERHILL.CONDOMINIUM'DIV III I 2500C 22050 2205C C/0 PLAZA PACIFIC EQUIIIE'S PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0160-07 UNIT 114-'1201C 864.703 83 1 2110L 450C - THUNDERHILL INVESTORS- - 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 2300C - 22Q50 22d5C C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA •-' 864412-0170-05 UNIT__21-1 ,1201C 864.703. 83 T 2110L 250C THUNDERHILL INVESTORS --• 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV Ill 1 2300C 22050 2205C C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0180-03 UN1T,.212 1201C 864.703 83 T 2110E 50C I ZIN9.7\0 nceun 1 ,NUPcTORc 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM'DIV Ill I 2300C 22050 2205d G.I.i_i dt nA _"7 PO BOXA389PAClF1C EQUITIES PCT OF VALUEI . Y', OAKLAND CA 94604 I 164412-0180-03 UNIT' 1201C 864.703 83 1 211 L 50' IiHU NDEIHILL INVESTORS '281655 THUNOF VALUELLCONDOMINIUM DIV III I 23001 205 22050 C/O PACIFIC EQUITIES' PO BOX 389 OAKLAND CA 94604 864412-0190-01 -- UNIT 213'1201C 864.703 83 T .211 L 250' ' THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281655 THUNDERHILL,CONDOMINIUM DIV III • 1 2300' 2205 2205f C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 PARCEL CONT I NU 0 . ON NE Xt -PAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEVY SR RL 5 .LEVY VALUATIONS .GEN'L TAX "SPEC ASLT TOTAL AMOUNT PAID REC'T/•DATE P>tl:i;NuMf1iR NAME ADDRESS RATE EX YR T CODE LOWI PS OAKLAND CA 946041 864412-0200=09 - • UNIT 214- 1201C " 864.703 83 T 2910E 2500 THUNDERHILL PACIFICINVESTOR"-ORUITIES 281655 THUNDERHIO OF LL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 23000 -' 22050 22050 PO BOX 389= I 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0210=07-- UNIT_ 121_ . 1203C 864.703 83 T 2110L 3600 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS T 281655 INUNDERHIPCT OF LL CON3OMINIUM, DIV III 1. 33600 32167 32161 PO BOX 389 94604IOAKLANDCA 864412-02-20-05— - - UNIT 122 1203C 864.703 83 T 2110E 3600 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV' III I 33600 32167 32167 CtO PLAZA PACIFIC E UI'TIES Pa OF VALUE 1.37 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0230-03 UNIT 221 1203C 864.703 83 T 21100E 3600 THUNDERHILL INVESTO,S 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 35600 32167 32167 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES . PCT OF VALUE 1.37 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA i 16-4412-0240-01 UNIT 222 ,1203C 864.703 83 T 2110E 3600 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III , I 33600. 32167 32167 C/0_PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES' PCI OF VALUE 1.37 I PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 1 864412-0250-08 - - - UNIT 131. 1204 864.703 83 T 2110L 25500, THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III 1 25000 • 22050 2205' I' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC. OUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA' 864412-0260-06 UNIT 1-32 1204 864.703 83 T 2110E 2400 • THUNDERHILL INVEST RS '281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 22800' 21790 2179' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .93 PO BOX 389 - - 94604OAKLANDCA- I864412-0270=04 UNIT 133 1204 864:703 83 T 2110L 2500 I THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III 1 25000 22050 2205' iC/ O PLAZA PACIF.L EQUITIES PCI OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA ' 864412-0280-02 UNIT 134 1204 864.703 83 12110E 2500 THUNDERHILL 1NVES ORS • 281655. THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV Ill. I 23000 22050 2205' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389_ 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0290-0(' UNIT_231 1204 864.703 83 T 2110L 2500 - THUNDERHILL INVES ORS 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 25000 22050 2205' C/O PLAZA PACIFICIEQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 g4604OAKLANDCA 864412-0300-OC' UNIT- 232.,1204 864.703 83 T 2110L am] PARGEL C-0 N- T I N U E O O N I N E x t P A G EI D3 i LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEVY 51 RL S LEVT W11Y1 GENT TALI SPEC AS'MT TOTAL AAKSUNT N,D REC'T E DATE V>R.;E•_,...MRE A NAME 6 ADDAt'5 RATE EX % T CODE 1UE m CIO DERHILLINVPLAZA ISTORS1T1E5 2816551TPHUNDERHII OF LUECO9DOMINIUM DIV III I 2280d 21/90 21794 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 1864412=0310-06 UNIT-233'1204 864.703 83 4 2110E 7500 I THUNDERHILL INVESTORS :281655 THUNDERHILL. CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 23000 22050 22050 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE .94 I PO BOX 389 ' 94604OAKLANDCA 864412-0320-04 UNIT 234 1204 864.703- 83 421101 2500 1 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I 25000 22050 22050 C/O PLAZA FACIFIC EQUITIES: PCT OF VALUE .94 PO BOX 389 - - 94604OAKLANDCA i864412-0330-02 UNIT 141 1205C 864.703 83 T 2110E 2200 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281655 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV III I• 20300 1945E.1945! PACIFIC EQUITIES VALUEND PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA UNIT_142 1205C 864.703 3 T 21101 2200 A4412-0340-00 I I I T R>nd 1945E • 19G5d Ov KoA D A 96604 164413=0010-08 UNI144 _1101 864.703 83 T 211L 220 1997 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDEI ' ' CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 2090 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITI S PCT OF , E 1.08 6, PO BOX 389 - -" 94604OAKLANDCA,' 564413-0020=06 1 UNI'T9 ' 'Y101- 864.703 83 T 211 L 220 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM.DIV IV I 2090 1997 1917 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC MITI S/PCT OF VALUE 1.08 PO BOX 389_ __ PARCEL CGNT I N.0 O ON NE XL PAGE LEGAL DESLRIPT N LEVv SR (RL S LEW VAIUAT10iLS GEM.TAX SPEC AST TOTAL AMOUNT AfO 1tEC'T DATE PAR,-L N'JMdER NAME A A DRESS RATE EX I%LI CODE LiA4 zsm 1 OAKLAND CA 94604- • 864413-0030-04 UN11-C ' 1161) 864.703 83 T 2110L 2200 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS • _281,652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV 1 20900 19975 1947! C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE V.08 I PO BOX 389 - OAKLAND CA - 94604 1864411-0040-02 = ! UNIT_Di 110.11 864.703 83 T 2110E 2200 1gg7° 1_THUNDERH1Lt INVESTORS ' 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV -IV 1' 20900 19975 C/0'PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE; 1.08, IPO Box 389 • 1, OAKLAND CA 94604 864413-005009 - UNIT 1101; 864.703 83 T 21.10t 2200 THUNDERHILL INVISTORSIT,Iil ES 281652 THUNDERHIPCT OF LL - CONDDOMINIUM DIV IV - 1 20900 ' 19975 19975 f- UE PO BOX 389 - j_ OAKLAND CA 94604 864413-0060-07 UNIT- F.% 1.101, 864.703 83 T 2110C 2200 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS ] 281652 THUNDERHILL'CONDOMINIUM- DIV IV I 20900 19975 19975 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC. EOUITIE'S PCT OF VALUE 1.08- PO BOX 389 94604 I OAKLAND CA 1864413-0070-05- • UNIT,G 1101} 864.703 83 T 21101 7200 1997! THUNDERHILL INVESTORS / 281652 THUNDERHILL, CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 20900 19975 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.08 PO'BOX 389 OAKLAND CA 94604 864413-0080-03 UNIT HI 11.01a 864.,703 83 -T 2110L 2200 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS'' 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV-IV 1 20900 19975 19175 I _ C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES' P•CT OF VALUE 1:08 PO BOX 389 I 'OAKLAND CA 94604 86441-3-0090-01 UNI-T--I- 1-101-, 864.703 83, T 2110L. 2200 1 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS ' 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 20900 • '1.9975 1997! C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT'.OF VALUE 1.08 PO BOX 359: 94604OAKLANDCA 1 864413=0100-09 UNIT J 1-101 864.703 83 4-.2110L 2200 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV 1V 1 20900 - • 19175 . 19975 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.08 PO BOX 389 - 94604 -OAKLAND CA UNIT K - -1-101' • 864.703 83 T, 211OL 2200 1997!. THUNDERHILL INVESTO S : 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 20900 19975 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.08 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA: 864413EL05 UNIT- L 1101 864.703 83 1 2110L 2200 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 1281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV 1 20900 19975 1997° C/0 PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.08 1P0 BOX 309 , - - 94604OAKLANDCA 864413E0130-03 UNIT A i 1201D 864.703 83 T 2110L, 270 P AR C,EIL C0NT I' UE 0 ON INE x T PAGE' l3 LEW SR AL S LEW YALl1 TIEt4 GEN"L TAX SPEC.ASAIIT' TOTAL AMOUNT PAID REC'T A•DATE PARCEL NUMBER-N.ME A ADDRESS i LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE EX YR T CODE 11AlO LlrS THUNDERHILL INFI.OUITIES 281652 THPCTNDERHI OF LL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 24130 2413C . PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864413-0140-01 ' UNIT B 1 1201D 864.703- 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS TIES 281652 THUNDERHILL DIV IV I 25900 C/O PLAZA 24730 24730 I• OOA KBO 9A -94604 864413-0150-08 UNIT C ,1201D 864.703 83 .1 2116E 2700 I THUNDERHILL INVES ORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV 1 25900 24130 24.730 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF 'VALUE 1.33 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864413-0160-06 UNIT D 1201D 864.703 3 4 21101. 2700 THUNDERHILL INVES ORS 281652 THUNDERHILL' CONDOMINIUM,,DlV IV 1 25900 24130 24130 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33, PO BOX 389. 94604OAKLANDCA 664413-0170-04 UNIT Al 1203D . 864.703 3 T 21101 2700 THUNDERHILL INVE TORS - 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM.DIV IV 1 25900 24730 2473C o rtctti EDIIITIF5 PCT OF VALUE 1.33- 864413-0120-05 -... THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV. IV I 209Q C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE'1.08 PO BOX 389 OAKLAND CA 94604' • 864413-0130-03 , .UNITA-- 1201D 864.703 83 T 211CI L 2 7 9 PARCEL - CONTINUED ONINEXTI PAGE l 3 I T.___LEvY SR RL S LEVY VALUATIONS MAril.tt. 8ER NAME&•DDHESS LEGAir DESCRIPTION RATE EX YR T CODE L-1.11101-NM DEMI.TAX SPEC.AVNIT TOTAL AMOUNT PAID RECT•-DATE S THUNDERHILL INVESTORS - 281652 THUNDERHILL. CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 24730 - 24131 C/O PLAZA.PACIFIC EQU TIES. PCT OF VALUE 1.33. PO BOX 389 • OAKLAND CA ' 94604 i I • 864413-0140-01 UNIT B 1201D 864.703 83 1 2110L 2700 l' • THUNDERHILL INVESTORS .281652 THUNDERHILL' CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 24730 2473( C/0 PLAZA PACIFIC' EQU TIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 d 1 PO BOX 389 1 OAKLAND CA ' , 94604 1 I 864413-0150-08 UNIT C 1201D 864.703 33 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 2473C 2473( C/O PLAZA'PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 . I 1 PO BOX 389 , 1 OAKLAND CA . i 94604 I 864413-0160-06 UNIT'D 1 1201D. 864.703 83 T 21101. 2700 1 THUNDERHILL INVESTOR - 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV 1 25900 2473C 2473C I/OPLAZA PACIFIC'EQ 1TIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 PO BOX 389 1 . OAKLAND CA ' 94604 864413-0170-04 UNIT A 1203D. 864.703. 83 T 2110L 2700- 1 THUNDERHILL INVESTOR. 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 24730 2473C C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EUITIES. PCT OF VALUE 1.33 PO BOX 389 . ,I . OAKLAND CA 94604- I 864413--0180-02 UNIT B ' 1203D 864.703 83 T 21101. 3200 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV 1 30200 28881 - 28881 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC E UITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.55 H PO BOX 389 OAKLAND CA 94604 864413-0190-00 -- UNIT" C- ,1203D- 864.703 83 T 2110L 2700 1 i..:.,. . . THUNDERHILL INVESTORS • 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV-- ••.I 25900 24730 • 2473C C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 PO BOX.389 OAKLAND-CA 94604 864413-0200-08 UNIT If - .1203D 864.703 83 I 2110L - 2700 i THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 • 24730 24731 T .. C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 P0 BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 1 864413-0210-06 1 UNIT.A---J 1205D- 864.703 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL,INVEST RS - ,281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900. 24730 2473C C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES - PCT OF VALUE 1.33 PO. BOX 389 r. OAKLAND CA . . 94604 - ! 864413-0220-04 . -UNIT B ' 12050-. 864.703 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS : 281652 MNIgttit.JETBMINIUM DIV IV. I 25900 24730 2473C C/O.PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES- i PO BOX 389 , 1 - OAKLAND CA, . . .- 94604 864413-0230-02 UNIT C', . '1205D ' 864.703 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVES ORS - 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV 1 25900 24730 24731 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 PO BOX 389 PARCEL CONTINUED 0NfNEXt PAGE s. ,.. . . • 1 - R 3 1 1 - . Rld PARCEL 8 I .. , A 864411-1030,0 B 864411-1130-0 • - I C 864412-0100-0 D 864412-0200-09 E .864412-0310-06 x,,.... F 864412-0410-05 I G 864412-0520-02 1 H 864412-0620-01 1.44',,,,:...."-. 1 864412-0730-08 1. . -I: J 864412-0830-0 45"-.. f.- 7,. 4,. ,;: 1,,,,,, ...:,., K 864412-0940-L L 864413-0030-04 7.44 ..,. ••,.. i :,-:• M 864413-0140.-01 f; . .. . " ',••; 1=,1,.. ,. . 4:' 4 0 :.ii;. r— ' 3%•,' T.''' i''.''.. '--- 1 '-.' ' ' ' ," r co i 37'2 I,,.. • . 1. 1".. 4%4 l'4' • ... I• t'''' ' • . ' 4, 4 .. . v.. 4 ) •• o . 1 1 Ili-- I f 7 LEVY SR RL S LEVY VALIiATIOtl GEN'L TAX S EC ASMT TOTAL AA/W1NT PAID RECT GATE PAH,.t. +t•'?tlEN -NAME.S.ODNE 15 LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE EX YR T CODE LWOL1111S OAKLAND CA 94604' 864413-0240-00 UNIT D 1205:D:-'. 864.703 83 `T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS •281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV, IV 1 25900 2473C 24730 I C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCI OF ;VALUE 1.33 j PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864413-'0250-07 UNIT A 13010- 864-.703• 83 1 '2110L • 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 2473C 2- 1. C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF'VALUE 1.33. PO BOX 389 94604 1 OAKLAND CA 864413-0260-05 UNIT 1:3 1301D 864.703 83 T 2110L 2700- 2360. I THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM D'IV IV 1 24600 2360E C/D PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF! VALUE 1.27 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA' 864413-0270-03 UNIT C 1301D 864.703 83 T 21101 2700 THUNDERHILL INVE TORS 281652 THUNDERHILL..CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 24.73C 2473' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 PO BOX 389 g4604OAKLANDCA 864413-0280-01 UNIT D 1301D 864.703 83 T 2110 2700 THUNDERHILL INV STOPS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM 'DIV IV 1 25900" 2473C 24731 C/0 PLAZA PAC1F C EQUITIES' PCT• OF VALUE 1.33 PO Box 389 94604OAKLANDCA'' 864413-0290-09 UNIT IE 1301D 864.703 83 T 2110L 2700 C/ONPLAZALPACIFICL INV STEQUITIES 281652 PCTNDERHILUE CONDOMINIUM.DIV IV I 24600 23f106 236U' OF VA 1:27 1 PO BOX 389 4g604OAKLANDCA , 864413-0300-07 UNIT.F. 1301D 864.703 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV_- I 25900 2473C 2473' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCI OF VALUE 1.33 " PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA ' 864413-0310-05 UNIT,.A 1303D 864.703 - 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV. 1 25900 24730 24731 • C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT'OF VALUE 1.33 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCAS 864413-0320-03 UNIT B 1303D 864.703 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INdESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 2473C 24731! C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT'OF VALUE 1.33 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864413-0330-01 • UNIT C 1303D 864-.703 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 2473C 2473' C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT, OF VALUE 1.33 PO BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864413-0340-09 UNIT D, _ ' 1303D 864.703 83 1 2110L 2700 ' P A R G-E L C O N T I N U E D O N , N E X L PAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEVY SR RL 5 LEVY YRLWTIORS GEM.TAX SPEC AST TOTAL I AMOUNT PAID 11ECT OAT pA{tUEI hU M NER NAME 6 ADORE S RATE EX YR T CODE WAb411f7. THUNDERHILL NVESTORS 281652 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV 1 -25900 24730 24136 C/O. PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 P0. BOX 389 94604OAKLANDCA 864413-0350-0 UNIT A 1305D 864-.703 83 T 21101. 2700 THUNDERHILL NVESTORS 281651 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV I 25900 24730 24730 C/O PLAZA PACIFIC EQUITIES PC1 OF VALUE 1.33 1 PO BOX.389 94604OAKLANDCA 864413-0360-00,,4 UNIT B 1305D 864.703' 83 T 21101. 2500 THUNDERHILL I INVESTORS 281651 THUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV , I 23500 22482 2248., C/O PLAZA PIACIFIC EQUITIES 'PCT OF•VALUE 1.21. PO BOX 389 g4604 .OAKLAND CA• 864413-0370-02 UNIT C 1305D 864.703. 83 T 2110L 2700 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 281651 TIHUNDERHILL CONDOMINIUM DIV IV 1 25900 24730 2473C rin PI®,1A PACIFIC EQUITIES PCT OF VALUE 1.33 1 . LESS C/N-RGTS-LESS CO RD. - 3202305-9028-03 20-23-" , 9028 83 0 211 810 . PUGET SOUND POWER 11 LIG T CS-0580 POR 01 1 IN NW 1/4 OF ' f i TCO 17-731 THRU 733 STR 21 05 LY WLY OF W MON 1' PUGET POWER BLDG OF JOM. r BENSON CO RD SO L f BELLEVUE WA 98009 ELY OF E MGN'OF PSH 01 i-LY SLY OF S MGN,OF PSP I L C0'S• i200FTWIDESHUFFLETONTRANSR/W LESS PSP i L CO'S BEVERLY NO 1 TRANS LN LESS FOLG DESC PROP-BAAP ON E LN OF SD J F BENSON CO RD S 25-44-34. E1 934.11 FT FR,NW COR OF SD. SE.C. 1 PAR C E L CON T I N U 0 NEXT!! PAGE F oA . \ I..L \,. 'EILR .A. 6+f -UDRf.;S T LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEVY SR. RL S LEWD YALWTI RATE Ex rR T CAME l{ISO LRI{S MGEM.TAX SPEC ASSAY TOTAL AMOUNTPD REC.S-DATE 20 TH S 00-38-00 W 369.91 FT TO TPOB TH-S 00-38-00 W 109.14 FT TO S LN OF SD GL 1 TH S 88-55-00 W 183.03'FT TO ELY LN OF BENSON RD TH NLY ALG ELY LN SD RD 113.23 FT TH N 88-55-00 f 157.24 FT TO. TPOB TC0 17-731 THRU 17-733 . 202305-9029-02 --' 20-23-05 9029 864.703 :3 T 2110L 21001 FITZPATRICK STANLEY BEG 200 FT E i 628 FT S OF NW CO'; I 15601 29919 2991' 1236 BENSON RD - GL 2 TH E 180 FT TH S 75 FT TH W RENT.ON-WA - -- 98055 180 FT TH N, 75 FT TO BEG LESS CO RD' LESS C/M'RGTS I 202305-9030-09 20-23-05 - 9030 864.703. :3 T 21101 1250E 1 MANN JAMES E BEG 200 FT E OF NW COR OF GL 2 1 20001 28103 2840 1118 BENSON RD S TH S 353 FT TO TRUE BEG TH E RENTON-WA 98055 120 FT TH N' 50 FT TH W 120 FT TH S 50 FT TO ;TRUE BEG LESS C/N RGT LESS CO RD ; 202305=9031=08i 20-23-05 9031 664.703 :3 T 21101 32001 MAXON VERONICA 1N1586 BEG 200 FT .E L 778 FT S OF NW C0.1 I 32701 55946 5594r. PO BOX 604,:-'•OF GL 2 TH 'ELY 280 FT TH NLY 1 RENTON WA i 98057 75 FT•TH WUY 280 FT TH SLY 75 FT TO BEG LESS CO RD LESS C/M'.RGTS 2- 230 =903YO7I '--•-- 20-23-05 ' 9032. 864.703 ':3. T 21101 16001 FITZPATRICK. STANLEY! BEG 380 FT ,ELY i 628 FT S.OF NW 1 26401 36463 3646 1236 BENSON.RD_ _, COR OF GL 2 TH E 100 fT TH S 11RENION WA ?98055 75 FT TN W.10C FT TH N 75 FT 10 BEG. LESS C/M RGTS 202305=9033=06 ; 20-23-05 9033 864.703 :3 T 21101. 21004 i DRAVLAND LEROY'6 BEG 5:3 FT SLY L 200 FT ELY FR 1 22501 ' 37614 3761 u 1228 BENSON RD. NW COR OF GL 2 TH•E 180 FT TH S L REIN9N WA , 98055 75 FT. TH .W180 F T;TH N 75 FT TO BEG LESS CO RD LESS C/M RGTS i 3____--___- 207305=9035=04' . 20-23-05 , 9035 864.703 1:3 .T 21111 16001 C DRkVLAND LEROY C0378 BEG 553 FT S 8 380 FT ELY OF- NW 1 41701 49E93 49l9 1228 BENSON RD S COR OF GL 2 TH E 100 FT TH S 1 RENTON WA _ __. 98055 75 FT TN W100 FT TN N 75 FT•TO BEG LESS C/M RGTS 202305-9036-03 20-23-05 , 9036 864.703 83 1 21101 12501 BRYANT DENZIL BEG AT NW COR OF GL 2 TH N I 8601 18245 1824' 11.14 BENSON RD S _ 88-00-00 E' 360 FT TN S 00-48-00 I RENTON WA 98055 253 FT TO TRUE BEG TH S 00-48-00 E 50 FT TN, N 88-00-00 E 120 FT T ` N 00-48-001 W 50 FT TH S 88-00-00 W 120 FT TO TRUE BEG LESS C/M RGTS 202305-9037-02 20-23-05 9037 864.703 83 T 21101 36000 31129 3112' PUGET SOUND POWER L LIGHT CO BEG ON W LN OF SEC 1140 FT S Of PUGET POWER BUILDING NW COR THIS ALG W IN 453.27 FT BELLEVUE WA 98004 M/L TO WLY, LN OF CO RD 0 80 TH NELY-ALG SD WLY IN 505.95 FT TH • 89-32-41 W 219.91 FT M/L TO BEG LESS- CO RD LESS ST HWY 202505-9041-06 20-23-05 , 9041 83 X 21101 600 1 PAR C E L CONTI N tl E D O N NEXT P A G EI 1 A. I.0 f-•.0..f8E R NA f&ADDRESS --_ _j1_LE RATE E% YR T CODE LA LEVY DESCRIPTION LEVY SII RL LLEVY Y1l S MATEPS GEM.TAX SPEC.A8'MT I TOTAL AMOUNT PAID REC'T S-DATEIT STATE OF WN 1 16 5•IBEG AT PT.ON E IN OF J F BENSON RD S 25-44-34 E 934.11 FT FR NW COR OF SEC 20 TH S 00-38-00 W 369.91 FT, TO TRUE BEG.TH S 00-38-00 W 109.14 FT TO S LN OF GL 1 TH S' 88-55-00 W 183.03 FT TO ELY LN OF; BENSON RD TN NLY ALG ELY IN SD RD 113.23 FT TH N 88-55-00 iE 157.24 fT TO TRUE BEG LESS ST HWY- . 202305-9046-01 20-23-051 9046 639.263F 83 T 21101 20900 SNELSON AMELIA BEG 635.58 FT S OF CEN OF SEC TH I 15800 12593 1259 , 1.708 GRANT AVE S S 287.76 FT TN W 606.58 FT TH N RENTON WA - 98055 25-43-12 1 326.16 FT TH E 467.02 FT, TO BEG LESS C/,M RGTS TAXABLE PORTION PARTIALLY EXEMPT UNDER RCW 84.36.381 THRU .389 r202305-9046-84 20-23-05.9046 864.703 83 T 21101 28600 24730 24731 - 1 SNELSON AMELIA S-1179 BEG 635.58 FT S OF CEN OP SEC TH 1708 GRANT AVE S S 287.76 FT TH W 606.58 FT TN N RENTON WA 98055 25-43-18'E 326.16 FT TH E Ae fin e• A ace tree e1r ee.e 144.09 FIT TO WLY MGN OF RDWY TN I SLY ALG;SD RDWY 1352.705 FT TH.S 21-2"-40, E 429.865 FT TH S 8 '25 W 801.99 FT TO TPOB L IT -HWY TCO 17-819 202305-9073-07 202305 9073 864.703 '.3 T 2110C 4.900 ' 4237 423 ' LINCOLN PROPERTY 242467 POR SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 NLY OF BPA CO 0277 LTD DIABLO SEATTLE 200 FT R/W R SLY 11400 SE 6TH ST STE 220 OF PSP 6 L 1 P N. 2 LN 50 FT ESMT BELLEVUE WA - 98004 R/W 202305-9080-08 I 202305 9080 864.703 83 T 2110L 49600 42889 4288' LINCOLN PROPERTY CO 241272 POR N 1/2 SEC BEG NXN N-S C/L 8 11400 .SE.6TH.ST STE 220 N LN DIABLO SEATTLE R/W TH ELY BELLEVUE WA 98004 ALG SD N LN 808.4 FT TO NXN S IN PSP 6 L,1 P LN N 2 TH WLY ALG SD S LN 1413.59 FT TH S 01-46-02 W 407.25 FT 10 SD N LN DIABLO SEATTLE R/W TH ELY ALG SD N LN - 697.06-FT TO BEG EX POR IN NE 1/ 202305-9082-06 202305 . 9082 864.703 83 T 21101 100 86 8. , LINCOLN PROPERTY 242467 POR SW 1/4 BEG NE COR TH S ALG E CO 8277 LTD 'LN 317.79 FT TO S LN BPA R/W 11400 SE 6TH ST STE 220 CORRIDOR ESMT TH W ALG S IN . BELLEVUE WA 98004 527.26 FT TH SWLY ALG ESMT 188.70-FT TO TPOB TH NELY ALG. ESMT 77.37 FT TO NELY MGN UNDEDICATED ST TH CONT ALG SD ST S 24-41-30 E 238.24 FT TH S 27-07;-55 W 325.45• FT TH S 89-10-20 W 39.47 FT TO NELY MGN S E1IHIER RD TH N 57-08-26 W ALG SD NELY MGN 24.09 FT TH N 27-41-30 E 311.50 FT TH N 24-41-30 W 161.72 FT M/L TO i TPOB 202305-9084-04 202305 9084 864.703 83 T 2110E 4$000 41506 4150'11 'LINCOLN PROPERTY 242467 POR OF 6L 3 IN NW 1/4 LY SLY I P A R_C E L C 0 N T I N'U E O .. O N I N E X t. P•A G E I l 4 LEVY SR RL S LEVY VALWiIOX$ PARCEL NLNEIER NAME 6 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE E% YR T CODE L{1W FPS GEN•L TAX SPEC.AS'MT TOTAL MMOONT AID RECT R-DATE CO 8277 LTD TOE DIABLO TRANS LN ESMT B WLY 11400 SE 6TH ST STE 220 • OF CITY LIGHT ESMT AUD NO 5333805 BELLEVUE WA 98004 NLY OF PUGET SD R/W AUD N0'5687370 1202305-9085-03 20-23-05 9085 864.703 :3 T..2110L 74800 6468 64680. TRANSAMERICA DEVELOP-CO - 2D4968 POR GL'1 NLY OF PSP & L TRANS LN - 1111. S GRAND AVE R/W a ELY •OF-PSH-N 1 • DIAMOND BAR CA 91765- ' 02305=9086=02 202305' 9086 • 864.703 :3 T 21101. 214000. RENTON ELKS LODGE 81809 ' - C0179 BEG AT: INTSN OF S LN-GL 2 WIT,H. 1117/1100 11977100 11971100 1600 EAGLE ROG DI# ELY MGN OF J BENSON RD TH NLY RENTON WA , -98055 ALG RD, TO SLY MGN OF B P A I - DIABLO ''ATTLE TRANS LN ESMT T4 ELY; ALG SD MGN 600.22 FT TH S 02-36-11 E TO S LN SD GL TH.W,TO I BE, .SUBJ TO TRANS IN -ESMT 202305-9087-01 - ' 202305' 9087. 864.703. :3 T 21101,- 100 ' • 86 - 86 I L-INCON COUNTRY-H,LLS ASSO C0481 POR GL 2 NLY OF PSP I L 1 P IN 515 116TH AVE ME N 158 N 2 @ 'WLY OF W LN OF E 528 FT OF. I BELLEVUE WA 98005 GL 1. PROD. S 1 202305=9088=001.20-23105 9088 864.703 ,.3 .1.- 2110 53200 . 46002 -- 4600 LINCOLN PROPERTY-I 242417 POR G L 2 SLY OF B P•A DIABLO CO 0277 LTD Cf.__SEATTLE TRANS LN,ESMT 8 ELY OF • j 11400 SE 6T11 ST STE 220-) EAGLE 'RIDGE DR S TGW - BELLEVUE WA __ / 98004 POR.OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 NLY' OF PSP 6 L COS 120 FT IN R/W I4'ELY OF EAGLE RIDGE DR S J 202305-9089-09- 20-23105 9089 864.703 83 T 2110E 78400 67719! •677!9 f- RENTON VILLAGE VET SUPPLY/COE1280 POR OF NW 1/4 OF' SEC 20 8 82 1 2110E 49000 4495! F `4A'4451 5 TALBOT RD S--- -- -_- - NE 1/4 OF SEC 119-23-05 DAF - RENTON WA - 98055 BEG AT 1/4 COR COMMON TO SD SECS 19 8 20 TH N 00-44-05 E ALG COMMON SEC LN 568.77 fT TAP ON NELY LN OF BPA'S R/W 6 TPOB TH N 42-35-54 W ALG SD NELY LN 221.87 FT TO E LN OF!TALBOTMRD EXT TH N 02-39-07 E ALG SD E IN 77.94 FT TO SLY LN OF PSH Ni TN ALG SD SLY LN ON A CRV TO LFT - A RAD OF 2030 FT - RAD CTR OF WCH BRS N 26-50-55 W- • TH ALG SD CRV TO LFT AN ARC D1ST OF 183.97 FT TO NXN OF A PT OF A CRV TO LFT ON W R/W LN OF' BENSON RD - CTR OF WCH BRS S 89-25-15 E 3025 FT TN ALG ARC OF SD CRV 42.54 FT TAP ON SD CRY THAT BPS N 89-46-24 E 160 FT WHEN MEAS RADIALLY FR CTR LN OF BENSON RD AT' HWY ENG STA 36 • 50 TH S 25-0-51 E ALG SD R/W 171.45 FT TAP WCH MEAS S 86-'46-25 W 90 FT WHEN MEAS RADIALLY FR CTR IN OF BENSON RD AT HWY ENG STA • 38 4 ,00 1H CONTG ALG SD R/W PARCEL --00N'T1NUEff ON NEXt PAGE III L TH S 02-36-111W TO'N LN OF i 1 SD 1P LN 82' TH ELY ALG SD N LN TO TPOB i 202305-9112-00 20-23- 9112' 864.703 .3 1 2111 28801 0 2490 L1NCOLN PROPERTY 242467 POR OF /4' OF STR 20-23-OS CO 0277 LTD DAF - BEG AT SE COR OF SD NW 1/4 11400 SE 6TH ST STE 220 TH N 01-46-02 E 1043.86 FT ALG BELLEVUE WA __ _ _ ... 98004 ELY MGN OF SD NW 1/4 TAP ON SLY MGN OF PSP6L 1-PLN '82 TH S 86-43-23 W 739.50 ALG SD SLY MGN TH N 69-14-13 W 498.66 FT TO TPOB TH CONTG N 69-14-13 W 540.66 FT TH S 28-34-36 E136.40 FT TH S 32-12-52 E154' FT TH S 18-40-44 E 106.24 FT TH - S 21-26-29 E'272.51 FT TH S 31-08-07 E 239.61 FT TH 4. S 27-05-14 E 189.17 FT TH S 08-34-46 W, 12.14 FT TAP..ON . NLY MGN BPA'S RELOCATION CIABLO-SEATTLE TRANS LN R/W TH N 87-23-49 E-89.31 FT ALG SD NLY MGN TH N 02-36-11 E 622.38 FT TO: TPOB -- AKA 1i LOT 2 CITY OF RENTON BNDRY LN ADJ LLA-012-79 DATED 09/27/79 t• r20230911591153-09 _ 20-23-05 9113 864.703, 83 T 2111L 640101 LINCOLN COUNTRY HILLS . C0580 POR OF NW 1/4 OF STR 20-23-05 17712401 722243. •722243. ASSOCIATES LIMITEII DAF - BEG AT SE COR OF SD NW 1/4 515 116TH AVE NE 0158/ TH N 01-46-02 E ALG ELY MGN 7 BELLEVUE WA _- - ---98004 OF SD NW 1/4 A D1ST OF 1043.86 FT TAP ON SLY MGN OF PSP I L CO'S 1P-LN $2 R/W TH S 86-43-23.W 739.50 FT ALG SD SLY MGN TH N 69-14-13 U 1039.32 FT TO TPOB TH CONTG N 69-14-13 U 254.99 FT TH S 89-3.5-40•U 6.77 F! TH S. 00-24-20 E 185.83 FT TN N 79-46-56 U 152.98 FT PARCEL CON T I N U : 0 O N I N E X L P A G EI J LEVY SR - RL S LEVY YALWTIOIS 1•.No.E L`.1.'NEN NAME..GENES LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE E% YR T CODE LAUD 1tl1PS GEN•L TA% SPEC AS MT TOTAL AMOUNT PAID RECT I•DATE ' I1AP ON' ELY 'MGN PSH 81 TH CONTG ALG SD ELY-MGN SWLY' 73.78 FT ALG ARC OF NON-TANG CRV TO.RGT'- RAD PT OF WCH BRS' N 51-17-44 W - RAD OF. 2040 FT THRU-A C/A OF 02-04-20 TAP ON SD CRV TH_ S 00-47-40 W 730.64 FT TAP ON NLY MGN'OF BPA'S RELOCATION DIABLO-SEATTLE TRANS LN ESMT TH N 87-23-49 E 840.66 FT ALG SD NLY MGN TH N 08-34-46 E 12.14 FT TH N 27-05-14Ws 189.17 FT TH N 31-08-07 W• 239.61 T TH N 21-26-29 W, 272.51 FT ,TH N 18-40-44 W 106.24 FT TH-N 32-12-52 W' a_ . 54 FT TH NI 28-34-36 W j 36.40 FT TO TPOB -- AKA LOT 1 CITY OF RENTON BNDRY LN ADJ LLA-012-79, DATED 09/27/79 202305-9114-08 20-23-05 ' 9114 864.703 .3 T 211OL 31501 2723. 27238 LINCOLN-PROPERTT • . 242467 POR NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 BEG NE COR I CO $277 LTD SUBD TH S ,ALG E LN 317.79 FT TO . i 11400-SE 6TH ST STE '20 LN BPA R/W TH S 89-10-20 W ALG BELLEVUE WA 98004 S LN R/W 527.26 FT TO SELY LN SD R/W, TH S 26-09-18 W ALG SD R.'W 188.70 FT TO TPOB TH CONTG S 26-09-18-W 399.44 FT TO N MGN ETHER RD'TH SELY ALG SD RD 120.92 FT'TO WLY MGN UNDEDICATED RD TN N 27-07-55 E 311.49 FT TH N 24-41-30 W 161.72 FT ALG SD RD TO TPOB it 202305-9116-06 20-23-05 ,9116 864.703 83 T 21101 53601 ' 4634. 46348 LINCOLN PROPERTY 242467 POR W 1/2 SEC SLY OF PSP I L CO CO $277 LTD' 120 FT R/W ELY,OF BPA COVINGTON J:' 11400 SE 6TH SiSTE 220 RENTON FUTURE LN.12 NLY 'OF BELLEVUE WA 98004 OLD PROSPER ETHIER RD AS IN 1 SURVEY 20,-23-5-1 I WLY OF LN,BEG NXN N LN SD ETHIER RD I W-LN BPA SO CORRIDOR ESMT TH N. 22-42-56 E 669..54 FT TH CONY N i 1 • 89-10-20.E 146.26 FT TN N 08-37-30 'W 88.79 FT TO SD PSP I 120-.FT R/W I TERMINUS LESS BEG NXN OF SILN OF PSP I L CO R/W I ELY IN OE BPA•COVINGTON RENTON FUTURE LN 02 TH N 74-32-17 E ALG S LN PSP,1 L R/W 194.11 FT TO I TPOB TH CONTG NELY ALG SD S LN 597.40 FT TH S 02-20-59 E i . 179.19 FT TH S 343 75 FT TS2 - 1 ..37 EE 133.17 FT TH S 22-42-56 W 322.97 FT TH N 57-08-26 W 731.74 FT TH ALG CURVE TO.RGT" RAD 20 FT DIST 36.16 FT TH N 46-26-50'E 13.06 FT TO TP08 TGW VAC PROSPER ETHIER RD AS DES DEED 315/485 PARC E LESS EAGLE 1 1- .- P A R C E L. C O'N T I N U 4 O-4 4 FIX L ( P A G E • N 24-41-30 W 161.72 FT ALG SD I i RD TO TPOB 202305-4116-06 20-23-05 9116 864.703 93 T 211 i5600 46348 4634• LINCOLN PRO'ERTY i 1 POP V 1/2 SEC SLY OF PSP 6 L CO CO 8277 LTD ' 120 FT R/W ELY OF BPA COVINGTON 11400 SE 61 ST STE 220 ' RENTON FUTURE LN N 2 NLY OF BELLEVUE WA,98004 OLD PROSPER ETHIER RD AS iN SURVEY 20-23-5-1 i WLY OF LN BEG NXN N LN-SD ETHIER'RD & V LN BPA SO CORRIDOR ESMT TH N 22-42-56 E 669.54 FT TH CONT N 89-10-20 E 146.26 FT TH N. 08-37-30 W 88:79 FT TO SD PSP I L 120 FT R/W C TERMINUS LESS BEG NXN OF S LN OF PSP I L CO R/W i . ELY LN OF BPA COVINGTON RENTON FUTURE LN 82 TH N 74-32-17 E •ALG 5 LN PSP I L R/W 194.11 FT TO TPOB TH CONTG NELY ALG SD S LN 597.40 FT TH S 02-20-59 E 28.75 FT TH S 26-52-14 E 179.19 FT TH S 34-13-37 E - 133.17 FT TH 5 22-42-56 V 322.97 FT TH N 57-08-26 V I 731.74 FT TH ALG CURVE TO RGT - RAD 20 FT DIST 36.16 FT TH N 46-26-50 E 13.06 FT TO TPOB TGWVAC PROSPER' ETHIER RD AS DES ' DEED 315/485 PARC E LESS EAGLE E' PAR CE L C0NT I NUE 0 ON INE X t P DATE PAR: ,:.Ve1ER NAVE A ADD„ESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEVY SR RL S LEVY VALUATIONS GENE TAX SPEC AS'MT TOTAL AARTUNT PAW NEC RATE EX YR T CODE .LLUO4AVS RIDGE DR I NEW ALIGN S ETHIER RD LESS BEG NW COW OF SW' TH N 89-10-20 E 523.33 FT TAP ON NELY MGN BONNEVILLE POWER ADM R/A TH S 42-35-54_E 433.97 FT TO TPOB 1ISD PT BEING ON NLY MGN OLD ETHIER RD 1H ALG SD MGN ON CURVE TO RGT RAD 220.99 FT ARC DIST 243.06 FT TH S 32-51-34 V 60.01 FT TAP ON SWLY MGN OLD ETHIER RD TN ALG SD MGN ON CURVE TO LFT RAD 160.99 FT 1 ARC DIST 163.69 FT TAP ON NELY MGN BONNEVILLE POWER ADM R/A TH N 42-35-54 V 62.01 FT TO TPOB. 1. LESS POP. WCH LIE WITHIN BDRYS OF EAGLE.RIDGE DR.tI THE REALIGNED SEC 1 OF ETHIER'R• D 202305-9118-04 20-23-05.9118 864.703. 83 .1 21101. 142000 ABITARE ASSOCIATES' C0480 LOT 2 CITY OF RENTON SP 426-79 I3932600 3523319 3523319 515 116Tt NE SUITE 166 REC AF.87912129004 SD SP DAP - BELLEVUE WA 98004 POR OF SW 1/4 OF STR 20-23-05 DAF - BEG AT NW COP OF SD SW 1/4 TH N 89-10-20 E ALG N LN THOF 344.88 FT TAP ON NELY MGN OF BENSON RD TN S 16-16-56 E ALG - j WELT MGN OF SD RD 1329.98 FT TO TPOB TH CONTG S 16-16-56 E ALG 'SD MGN 28 FT TO AN ANGLE PT TH S 21-20-40 E ALG SD MGN OF BENSON RD 346.25 FT TO. MGN.OF NXN OF SD BENSON RD, 6'PUGET DR TH S 57-25-58 E ALG SD MGN 138.39 FT TO NLY MGN OF PUGET DR TH S 88-50-40 E ALG SD MGN 610 FT TO BEG OF TANG 683.23 i F001 RADIUS CRY TO RGT TH ALLi SD CRV 49.93 FT THRU AN ANGLE OF 04-11-13 TAP ON SWLY R/W LN- OF B.P.A. (COVINGTON.. SEATTLE) TRANS LN TH ALG SD LN N 42-35-54 W 587.65 FT TO SLY BNDRY OF PARCEL-840 AS DESC LN AF I'S 651707.1 b 6517072 TH ALG SD BNDRY N 89-16-56 W 512.20 FT TO TPOB' L T '02 05-9119-03 ,120-23 05 9119 864.703 83 T 2110L 48600 42024 4202y INVEST WEST CORP 1244737 POP W 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF 82 T 2110E '30400 27489 F 1 27489 301 11OIN AVE SE SUITE 380,-STR 20-23-05 DAF - BEG AT NW- 81 1 2110L 30400 29211 F 29211 I BELLEVUE WA ,,-------- 98004 COP OF SD SUBD TH S 02-06-30 W. B0 T 2110L 18200 26275 F 26275 494.94 FT TO SLY LN OF PSP 8 L i CO'S 120 FT R/W TN N 74-32-17 E 297.53 FT TAP ON ELY LN OF PUGET DR C TPOB TN S 16-20-40 E• . ALG SD LN 469.1,2 FT TH N 73-43-04 E TAP ON WLY LN OF BENSON RD TH NELY ALG SDRDITAPONSLYMGNOFPSPIL CO'S R/W TH SWLY ALG SD MGN • TO TP08 SUBJ TO BPA ESMT E5 l DATE- LEVY SR RL S LEVY VALUATIONS OVAL NuMBEa NAME 6ADURF55 r I LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE EX YR T COOS LIYDMIS GET"'TAX SPEC AS/IT (TOTAL AMOUNT PAW RE 202305- 120-00 1182305 9120 864.703 83 T 2110E 2440( 2542i! 25421 CITRUST DEVELOPMENTS CORP 0678 POR SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 WLY OF PO BOXI11151.ROYAL:CENTRE BENSON RD 6 SLY. OF PUGET DR I ELY VhNCOUVER B C V6E 356 OF LN BEARING N 21-20-40 V FR PT ON S LN 179.27 FT-W FR-V MGN BENSON RD ennxne_,»_n 2n2una 0122 A64.703'• 193 T 2110E 2700C 23347 23141 ALG SD NUT IN 30.01 ti IU IruC j TGW POR OF SD SEC 19 DAF - BAAP ON SWLY. LN OF SD BPA R/W - IT IS N 00-44-OS E 423.19 FT N MEAS ALG SEC LN FR OR COMMON TO SD SECS 19 6 20 TH N 42-35-54 W ALG SD SWLY LN 139.29 FT TO TPOB TH CONIC N 42-35-54 V 88.50 FT TAP ON;E IN OF TALBOT RD EXT - WCH IS A PT ON A CRV TO LFT'- RAD CTR OF NCH BRS S 88-36-39 E 2795 FT TH ALG SD CRV 6 E IN AN ARC DIST OF 67.92 FT TAP ON N LN OF C OF.S 200 FT DIABLO R/W TN N 87-23-49 E ALG SD N LN 60.79 FT TO TPOB LESS R/W FOR TALBOT- RD b 100TH AVE SE. 202305=9'090-06__' 202305. 9090 864.703 .3 T 2110E 102000 88Z00 88101 1 RENTON PLAZA I-- C1277 POR W 1/2 SEC 20 a SE 1/4`OF 924 BRONSON WAY S + NE 1/4 OF SEC 19 WLY OF BENSON Rh 1RENTON WA 98055 SWLY OF BPA COVINGTON-RENTON FUTURE. LN N 2 SLY OF BPA RELOCATION DIABLO-SEATTLE 200 FT R/W ESMT ELY OF TALBOT RD BURNETT ST EXT a NELY OF BPA LN 8.1 350 FT R/W ESMT AKA LONG MILE 10 FR ,COVINGTON LESS. POR IN j 100TH,AVE S E 202305-9093-03 20-23-05 9093 - 83 0 2110E 7000 PUGET SOUND POPE' I. LIGHT CO W 70 F,T OF SW 1/4 LY SLY PO BOX 868 OF P S P B L COS 120 FT i BELLEVUE WA 98009 TRANS LN R/W SUBJ GAS ESMT LESS ST 4VY, 202305-9096-02 20-23-05 •9094 864.703 83 T 2110i 100 '86 8. LINCOLN PROPERTY- 242467 POR NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 NLY OF P S ' CO 0277 LTD. L COS 120 FT TRAN IN R/W 11400 SE 6TH ST STE 220 j BELLEVUE WA 98004 , 202305-9097-09 202305 9097 864.703 83 T 2110E 68900 59978 5957 RENTON ELKS LODGE 01809 C0179 BEG AT NXN OF N IN OF NW 1/4 OF 1600 EAGLE RDG IR SW 1/4 WITH ELY MGN OF J BENSON RENTON WA 98055 RD THI SELY ALG SD MGN TO NLY MGN PSP e, L COS 120-FT R/W TH ELY ALt. SD R/W 467.64 FT rH N 02-36-11 W TO N 'LN OF SUBD TH W TO BEG SUBJ TO B.P A TRANS LN ESMT 202305-9103-01 20-23-05 9103 864.703 83 T 21101 4000 3459 345. LINCOLN PROPERTY 242467 POR OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 ELY OF CO 0277 LTD BENSON RD 8 NVLY OF EAGLE RIDGE ' 11400 SE 6TH ST STE 220 -DR.1ISWLY OF BPA TRANS IN ESMT' P A.R 'C E L C 0 N T' I N U E 0 0 H N E X L PAGE PAR_CE:NUMBER-NAME A ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEVY SR RL.S LEVY1 GENT TAX SPEC.AVIAT TOTAL AMOUNT PAID REGT••DATE RATE EX ' YR T CODE ll LAMOli S BELLEVUE WA 98004 COV-INGTON-SEATTLE LN N1 INCL THEREIN POR VAC EAGLE RIDGE' DR 1 DESC, IN DEED 315/485 PARC C 202305-9104-00 20-23-05 9104 - /83 0 2111 500 i PUGET SOUND POWER 1I LIGHT 5=1180 POR OF NE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF TCO 17-1319 STR 20-23-05 LY SWLY OF SW PUGET POWER BLDG LN OF C OF S PIPELINE R/W e BELLEVUE WA, 95009 NLY OF N MGNnF 1PUGET DR B ELY OF FOLD LESC LN - BEG AT E' 1/4 COR OF SD SEC 20. TH N 73741-20 W 523.70 FT TH S 45-07-35 E ALG V IN OF SD PIPELINE R/W 283 FT TO TPOB''F SD LN DESC TH S 55-51-30 W 105 FT M/L TO NXN'WITH N MGN OF PUGET DR -- TCO 17-1319 I . 202305-9100-06 20-23-05 9108 864.703 83 T 2111 24000 2507.-2507E SHORE RICHARD C BEG,ON E LN NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF - ' 1626 GRANT AVE'S SW 1/4 S 00-08-49 W 475.79 FT FR RENTON WA 98055 NE COR THOF TH CONTG S ALG SD LN 159.79 FT TAP WCH IS 635.58 FT FR SD NE COR TH W.PLW N IN SD SUBD 499.67 FT TH N 26-18-59 W TO NXN WITH LN EXTENDING WLY THRU SD POB 6 PLY N 1 LN SD SUED"TH E ALG SD LN TO POB LESS WLY 30 FT LESS BEG ON N-LN OF ABOVE DESC TR 341.55 FT WLY . OF NE COR THOF TH S 00-08-49 V 25 FT TO TPOB TH S 00-08-49 V 65 IT TN WLY PLY N IN 159.35 FT " TO 'E LN SD 30 FT TH N 26-18-59 Y ALG SD LN 70.99 FT M/L TO A LN PLY N LN SD SUBD WCH PASSES THRU TPOB TN ELY 191 FT TO TPOB LESS C/M RGTS 202305-9109-05 202305 109 83 X 2111 110000 CITY OF DENTOI . BEG 646.62 FT 5 OF NE COR OF I 71200 " SE 1/4 TN N 88-09-22 V 00 FT TH S 46-50-38 V 766.92 FT TN N 43-09-22 W 561.35 FT TO. SELY MGN PUGET DRIVE TH NELY ALG SD MGN TO E LN OF SD SUED TH S ALG SD ,E -LN 280.88 FT TO P08 202305-9110-021 202305 9110 83 X 2111L 71500 RFNTON 5[Hoohl DIST 8 403 POR NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 BEG AT T-_. LEVY SR RL S LEVY ' VALUATION GLN.TAX SPEC NWT TOTAL AMOUNT PAID NEC?/•DATE r•A R i.',WEN. 614 6 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE EX I YR T CODE L{A1 HOPS SOUTH PUGET DR INVESTORS C0781 }^^^ OF SW 1/4 BEG ON ELY MGN I '661" A, 6.,6971 84647 1999. S BASCOFI AVE 0 500 T DR AT PT S 02-06-30 CAMPBEa CA 95008 4.94 FT ` N 74-32-17 E cw'.53 FT FR NW COR OF SURD TH 3 C S 16-20-40 E 669.42 FT TO TPOB AKA.PT A TN N 73-43-04 E' 130.34 FT-TO.PT ON WLY LN OF BENSON RD TH-SELY ALG SD MGN 200 FT TH S i 73-43-04 W 130.18 FT TO PT ON - ELY LN,PUGET DR TN NWLY ALG SD LN 200'FT TO TPOB TGW SLY 60 FT 1 OF FOLG DESC TR BEGAT PT A PREVIOUS DESC TR TH N 73-43-04 .E 130.34 FT TAP ON WLY MGN BENSON, 'n L TPOB TH S 73-43-04 W 130.34 FT TH N 16-20-40 W 200 FT TN N 73-43-04 E TAP ON SD WLY. MGN TH SLY ALG SD 'WLY MON TO TPOB 202305-9128-02 20-23-05 9128 3 0 2111 7500 NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORP C0475 POR OF SE 1/4 OF STR 20-23-05 P 0 BOX 1526 DAF - BEG ON SE COR OF SD SALT LAKE CITY UT 84110 SEC 20 TH N 88-46-15 W ALG 1 _ - S LN OF SD SEC 20 A DIST OF 30 FT'TN N 01-50-38 E 294.91 FT TNN 01-50-38.E 50 FT TO TPOB TH N B8-46-15 W PLW S IN OF _SE''1/4 OF SD SEC 20 A D1ST OF 648.13 FT TN S. 69-19-00 W 315 FT TN S 01-50-38 W 105.40 FT TH S 56-59-00 W 121 FT TN N 88-46-15 W PLW. I 55 FT,N OF SD S LN OF. SE 1/4 A - DIST OF 1294.6 FT TN f ' N 42-35-54 W 385.8 FT TH N 01-46-02 E 26.7 FT TH N'89-23-00 W 25 FT'TO W LN OF SD' SE 1/4 TN S 01-46-02 W 36.4'FT TO EDGE OF BONNEVILLE PWR ADM. R/W.TH S 42-35-54 E i 405.24 FT TN S 88-46-15 E •PLW 1 30 FT N OF SD S LN OF SE'1L4 A DIS.T OF 1444..47 FT TM N 01-50-38 E 170.01 FT TN N 69-19-00 E 281.46 FT TN S 88446-15 E' PLW SD S LN OF t SE.1/,4 OF SEC. 20 639..93 FT TH N 01-50-38 E 40 FT-'TO TPOB TCO 17-1105 202305-9131-07 20-23-05 9131 864.703 83 T 2110L '29100 25163 ' 251.6! ' • EVERGREEN WEST PROPERTIES E1280 POR SW 1/4 BEG AT NW COR TH S 82 T 2110L 18200 16697 F 16697I RENDAHL J F1 1 HITE'J. H 02-06-30 W 494.94 FT TO SLY LN'OF81 T 2110L 18200 17480 f 174B0 ' 301 116TH A':,. E SUITE 380 PUGET SOUND P 8 L CO 120 FT R/W BELLEVUE WA 98004 TTNNYNL74-F2-17ET 297.53TH. FTSTAP ON 16-20-40 E ALG SD LN 669.42 FT TH N 73=43-04 E 130.34 FT TAP ON WLY LN BENSON RD BEING TPOB TH' S 73-43-04 W 130.34 FT TN.N 16-20-40 W 200 FT TN N 73=43-04 E TAP ON WLY LN OF- BENSON RD TN P A.R C E L C O N T 1 N•U E 0 O N 1.4 E.X F PAGE LEVY, SR RL S 'LEVY VALUATION PART. %QM.ER_ NAME 6 ADDRESS ' 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION RATE EX YR 7 CODE t{A/Q HIPS GERI TAX SPEC NUT TOTAL -AMOUNT PAC RECT/.DATE SLY'ALG SD-WLY LN TO TPOB LESS SLY 60 FT 202305-913.2-06,20-23-05 9132 864.703- 83 T 2110'L. 500 432 43i - PAMCO INC BEN ON LAND R0475 POR,OF FOLG LY WITHIN BPA TRANS C/0 R E DEPT '0 BOX 834 LN BEG NXN E LN BENSON RD WITH S SEATTLE WA 981.11 LN SD SEC TH NLY ALG SD E LN . 395%64 FT TO LN 338.99 FT O THE 906.31FTBTNNLYGTHDSE 317.81 FT TM W 772.44 FT TO TPOB LESS C/M RGTS 202305-9135-03 ' 2023-05 9135 864.7.03- 83 T 2110L 278001 240387 240387 EVERGREEN PROPERTIES E0780 LOT, 1 CITY OF RENTON SP 426-79 82 T 21104. 173801 159444 1:59444 59441 301 116TH AVE SE 1380 REC AF W7912129004 SD SP DAF - 81 T 21101. 173801 - 167004. 167Q0'/ 167Q01 BELLEVUE WA 98004 POR OF SW 1/4 OF STR 20-23-05 80 T 21101. 121701 .' 175698 17569,8 17569d DAF - BEG AT NW COR OF SD.SW 1/4 79 T 2110E 12170E 216404 216407 216407 TH N 89-10-20 E ALG N LN THOF 78 T 21101..121701 180010 MOO 180410 344:88 FT TAP ON NELY MGN OF BENSON RD TH S. 16-16-56 E ALG - NELY MGN OF SD RD 1329.98 FT TO'TPOB TH CONTG S 16-16-56-E 1 ALG SD MGN 28 FT TO AN ANGLE PTTH S 21-20-40 E ALG SD MGN Of BENSON RD 346.25 FT TO1MGN OF NXN OF SD BENSON RD'I. PUGET DR TH S 57-25-58 .E.' ALG SD MGN 138.39 FT TO-NLY MGN OF PUGET DR TH S 88-50-40 E ALG SD.MON' 610 FT TO BEG OF TANG 683.23 FOOT RADIUS CRV TO RGT TH ALG SD CRV 49.93 FT THRU AN ANGLE OF 04-11-13 TAP ON SWLY RAW LN. OF B.P.A. (COVINGTON- SEATTLE) TRANS LN TH ALG SD LN Ni42-35-54 W 587.65 FT TO SLY BNDRY OF PARCEL 040 AS DESC LN AF I'S 6517071 1 6517072 TH ALG SD BNDRY N,89-16-56 W 512.20 FT TO TPOB n-lt-nc MLA RA 6 71.1'01 ';A01 z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Ate o . RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTORZo 09 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 O 235-2540 09g7- 60 SE BARBARA Y. SH NPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: NJVEMBER 19, 1984 TO: MAXINE MOTOR, CITY CLERK FROM• ROGER BLAYLOCK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR SUBJ CT: HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT 023-83 The hort plat mylarihas been reviewed and approved. Signatures have been obtained. The City will be holding two easements for wate and sewer that will need to be filed after the deed. to Lot 1 has een transferredito Dr. Hancheroff from the Elks Club. The Board of Public Works is hold a bond for the deferral of off-site impr vements along Benson Road South. This file is now ready for permanent filing in your office and reco ding with the King County. i N,‘----, A Ifidavet ®f Publication Hi STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING s's. j U L, i 2 .' Cindy Strupp being first duly sworn on T" PUBUCHEARING RENTON LAND USE HEEXAMINER ' oath,deposes and says that she is the chief clerk EN ON,WASHINGTON1ofRENTON,WASHINGTON THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a A Public Hearing will be ' week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been held by the RentonLandformorethansixmonthspriortothedateofpublicationreferredto, Use Hearing Examiner at.his printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper regular meeting in theCounpublishedfour(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is cil Chambers,City Hall,Re- now and during ell of said time-was printed in an office maintained at the nton, Washington onMayaforesaidplaceofpublicationofsaidnewspaper.That the Daily Record 31, 1983, at 9:00 a.m. toChroniclehasbenapprovedasalegalnewspaperbyorderoftheSuperiorconsiderthefollowingpeti-Court of the Coiinty in which it is published, to-wit,King County, lion: FIARRISON SHORT PLAT Washington.Th t the annexed is a...Lan.d...U.S e...Hear.i-n. Application to Short"plat g as it was published in regular issues(and 1.78 acres Into four(4)lots with two'(2) variances, al- lowing a private street and a' reduction of its width,and a. waiver application for curbs' and sidewalk, File Sh. PI. not in suppleme t form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period 014-83,V-015-83,V-016-83 and W-017-83; located at 1832 N.E.20th Street. e HANCHEROFF SHORT of consecutive issues,commencing on the PLAT Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of pro-2 0 th day of. May 19 8 3 , and ending the perty.into two (2)lots for a proposed doctor's/medical office and a variance from ' dayof Section 4-1102(8) of the 19 both dates Subdivision Ordinance to al-inclusive, and that such newspaper wasi regularly distributed to its sub- low access to Lot#2 byanscribersduringallofsaidperiod. That the full amount of the fee established easement File Sh Q 83nd V 4- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.2.... Pwhich 1 located at 1600 Eagle has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the Ridge Drive. first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent LOUIS ANDERSON insertion. Application for a substan- tial shoreline development permit to allow a sundeck for a residence with a variance to allow the deck into the roar,yard setback withintenChi.e f.••C ierk 10),feet of the shoreline of Lake Washington, File SM- • 105-83 and V-030-83; lo-Subscribed and.worn to before me this 2.Q th day of cated at 3703. Lake i Washington Boulevard N. • M .y.., 19..8.3. Legal descirptions of the es notedabove are on file InRentontheRenton Building and , 7)., ') _./eer_..... ....__,Zoning Department. Notary Public in a or the State of Washington, All interested persons to residing at l elit;;King County. said petitions are invited to FPOra, PIc3,V be present at the Public Hearing on May 31,1983,at 9:00 a.m. to express their'Passed by th Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill281,effective June opinions.9th, 1955. Ronald G.Nelson Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, Building and theairectoradoptedbythenewspapersoftheState. Published in the Daily Re cord Chronicle May 20,1983' R8570 VN#87 Revised 5/8 MEMORANDUM TO Tern -King Co. Records & Elections , DATE 11/19/84 FROM nee - City Clerks Office - Renton 235-2501 SUBJECT Hancheroff Short Plat 023-83 Please record, send original to University Reprographics andreturnoriginalto . Thanks CITY OF RENTON 4 3 9 CITY TREASURER'S CHECK 19-3/1250 200 MILL AVE.SOUTH RENTON,•WASHINGTON '98055 NOV;. `19 19 84 PAY TO THE ORDER OF KING COUNTY RECORDER 25.00 The sum of 2 5 don 0 0 et S DOLLARS RAINIER NATIONAL BANK Renton Office-P.O.Box 599 Renton,Washington 90057 FOR n f C,U, I {, n.tir f, s Poo-gigI; L 2 50000 3 7 . 0 5 700 58 68 5 9 72av/ 1( 571 4111.0 OF RA, di' BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Z o RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR 09 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ®' 235-2540 0 , FDSES , P 9,1 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM D TE: NOVEMBER 19, 1984 T : MAXINE MOTOR, CITY CLERK F OM. ROGER BLAYLOCK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR . SUBJECT: HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT 023-83 The short plat mylar has been reviewed and approved. Signatures h ve been obtained. The City will be holding two easements for w ter and sewer that will need to be filed after the deed to Lot 1 h s been transferred to Dr. Hancheroff from the Elks Club. The Bard of Public Works is hold a bond for the deferral of off-site iMprovements along Benson Road South. This file is now ready for permanent filing in your office and r-cording with the King County. NOV 1 91984 eeegoteefAuht6v&./.3x___ efu1:1-67-2oTec719....wer 5 !IL . 2_55 ( 71- 0115 1 CITY OF RENTON BUILDING DEPARTMENT INSPECTION RECORD INS rECTOR ID REQUEST DATE A.M. INSPECTION DATE p,M.ADDRESS PE• IT NUMBER CONTRACTOR INS!' CTION TYPE OWNER CO II i NTS FORM #114 ' 4-26-84) SI° OF RA, 411 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT yr jiF-RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR a nil 0, 9 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 O9gr D P SEP BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR September 25, 1984 Mr. Jack Fox, Chairman Renton Elks Lodge #1809 1600 S. Eagle Ridge Drive Renton, Wa. 98055 Dear Mr. Fox: During my conversation with you and Mr. Smith. on September 25, 1984, I mentioned that I' would share with you the legal for the access easement to Lot 1. Since this was not done, I am enclosing a copy for you.i This legal description, as we discussed, will be placed on the face of the short plat mylar. At this point in time, we only need to, have the engineer print the access easement legal on the mylar and obtain the Land Use Hearing Examiner's signature, If you have any questions, please call our office at 235-2550. Sincerely, pY\ Jeanette Samek-McKague Zoning REsearch Technician JSM:plp Enc. OF '4 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT z JL RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 09 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0 SEP Et,03 4 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR September 25, 1984 Mr. Jack Fox, Chairman Renton Elks Lodge #1809 1600 S. Eagle Ridge Drive Renton, Wa. 98Q55 Dear Mr. Fox: During my conversation with you and Mr. Smith. on September 25, 1984, I mentioned that I would share with you the legal for the access easement to Lot 1. Since this was not done, I am enclosing a copy for you. This legal description, as we discussed, will be placed on the face of the short plat mylar. At this point in time, we only need to have the engineer print the access easement legal on the mylar arid obtain the Land Use Hearing Examiner's signature. If haveyou any questions, please call our office at 235-2550. Sincerely, Jeanette Samek-McKague Zoning REsearch Technician JSM:plp 1 Enc. 1 1 I A '• ,..,..': ns' merica p Transamerica. .. . .., , . , ,.• _ , J.., ' I,.... 4c..,4-.4,77;:.:"..;-l;,g, , , , : •,. ; s. . , ..--„,, jf,---' 71..', • .,-.-.-,,,,..:Iri...„irm,,,„„..„.,,,,,,:,.;„,,,, r„ il erica f T'itie Insurance Company. J UL•:.,,,.,. .198,, ,'° • " `yTrana 4 TitleInsurance Services Please address corres Iondence to the office checked below: BUILDING/ZONING'=t E h''; MAIN; AUBURN BALLARD,BELLEVUE ' 'BOTHELL : FEDERAL WRY :r'ISSAOUAH',:'''' . KENT'',':'`- ,' ' ;.'.",•''''•'•" Park'Place ,. 2 0 Auburn Way So. 6700 15th Ave.IJ.W. •10635 N.E.8th St. .17524 Bothell Way N.E. 33427 Pacific Hwy So., 1595 N.W.011man.8(vd:''524 West Meeker#2,`:!'•; . },'`.,. 6th Ave at University St. uburn,WA 98002 Seattle,WA 98117 -Box 1493_ Bothell,WA 98011 Federal Way.:WA 98003 •Issaquah WA'98027. . Kent:WA•980314..; ` " Seattle,-WA'98101 I , ( 206)839:2566 (206)628.4610 Bellevue,WA 98009 (206)628-4606 • (206)838.3411' :(206)628.4870'' ,•, ; (206)E52=8634:. - t ,.' 206)628.4676 I (206)628.4661 p Shannon Neil Realt • DyiNORTHAURORAFACTORIARENT.ON, WED(iW O'OD: 'WEST SEATTL'E',''..' 546 6 119th Avenue, Southeast 902 North 185th St. 3856 124th Ave.S.E. 222'Wilhama,Ave. :•8206 35th Ave.N,E.(4450 Cald Ave,S:W: ' Seattle.WA 98733 Bellevue'WA 98006 Renton,WA 9805 „ Seettle,WA 98115 'Seattle'WA 98118 ` Bellevue Washington 98006 206)628-4600 (206)628-5973 • (206)628.4625' 'I(206)628,4620' i(206)628-4615`:;,t; Attn: - ell. O'Neil 1 ` J Your Order'No. Our Order.No., Renton Elks. - Ha'ncherof f:.'.'''',' - PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE :INSURANCE - sy ' I. Washington Land Title Association Form • Amount ' ' Premium' Sals:Tax .Total`• X) Owner's standard coverage 10 ;00 0.0 0' ' ' . . $81 . 5 0 . 4. .32' ' .'$8'5 '8 2'; Purchas is standard coverage ( T•entative Amount' - r. See Note 4) Mortga_ec s standard coverages z i I Mortgagee's ALTA covers e . Tax,Re istration I: Total'' Date: j pril 17 , 1980 at 8 :00 A.M. 85''82.;,.•,:.. ,-,, TRA SAMERICA TITLE1 INSURANCE COMPANY agrees to issue on'.request and-on'.`recordiigof,, i ' ' any,appro3riate documents; its policy or policies as'applied for, with'coverage.as'ind'icated;'based on:this:''pre-.;':,.'...: ;;::fi .::,,,,, liminary cbinmitinent that title to the property described herein,is'vested-on.the,date shown,above'in'.r/.;, t:y', RENTON ODGE NO. • 18091 OF THE BENEVOLENT AND .PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS,, I C. a Washington corporation (See. Notes 1- , and` 2,) r l':;'-', sub'ect,,onto,the exceptions shown herein and the terms, conditions and exceptions'.contaiined .in the:policy''.;e, %: form: Thi yreport and'commitment shall have no force or 'effect except as a basis for the coverage specified,;'-:.f';: , ..';: , j,, herein. 4 `..7Jam` G By Title'Officec Descripti.n: i as hereto attached - continued -r' - A'.. j t. I there are an •service .installation:maintenance,::..'NOTE.'1.ln•vestigatio:should be made to'ile'termine'.if y . ,, e:.` ,' or construction char es for sewer,water or ele'ctricit 1' "1r! ~', .CAI: i? r ent this ransaction::' ails to close'a.cantctsllation•ee ivill:,'l%e`char r, i-2r In'the'tev t f f,g f, _ c,,?.;','; :,...: - ;, l i.^;: 'i Ili,:Arii`seadered in accordance with o`ur rate.'scbleditle.`` , ...t';-:.;: ,:>•,,... .-.. Page 2. Order No 708263 ' . EXCEPT,IO S A. lt Excis Tax if unpaid. B. General ' axes , as follows , together with interest after delinquency; Tax Account No. Year Amount Billed Amount Paid 202305-9097-09 1980 303 . 1$• ' 00 Affedts portion of property herein described and other property) <' , ' r, `:. ,,': :; Tax Account No. Year Amount Billed Amount;'Paid ; .. r,':•= j 1980 7 , 98,5 : 10 0;0, ' Affects portion of property herein described and' other. `p:rope'rty)`.' Tax_ Acco nt No: 1 Year Amount Billed Amount .Paid •. ;` „;. Affects remainder of property herein described and o hert . property;) . ' ', .' r 1 EASEMEN AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF':,'. Grantee Pacific Telephone' 'and 'Te legraph ,•Com an Purpose : Right of way t.;; Area af ected: The description contained 'therein is not''` ',,` sufficient to, determine its:exact :location ' , within the property, herein :described`` Recording No. . 1662041 4, 2. EASEMEN AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF In f-,avo of United States of America By Declaration of Taking in ICaLise No 458 u•A United States District Court Holding terms at .f Seattle z Certifi d _co recorded under. RecordingNo J . 3241106 f t' Purpose Transmission' line Area I a fec ed. t t Southerly portion of. ,property;`herein ; p'.,!'r'°-'; described 3 EASEME T AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF Grante . United States' of `America i yPurpos .: Transmission line L Areal_ a fected: Southerly portion ofproperty herein - described I ' Recording No... 3292927 rr` y1 -.•continued i•I r i v' 4- rN'i rt J l.i:u t r1 Y1.is i`'','.!r' y,J :'iFf i r'S.. h!':.a I i Page` 3 I Orderu'` To' .708263` 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Grantee: Re C ';;Reconstruction FinanceCorporation . . Purpose Transmission line Area aff-cted: Northerly portion of •property. herein . described 1 Recording No . . 3560496 Right I, title and, interest in said easement was: transferred to •';`' , ',: --`- the . City of Seattle by instrument recorded under;,Recording,.No . .3664560. 5 EASEMEN AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. THEREOF, t./ 4 s, Grantee : City of Renton, a 'municipal.. corporation Purpose Access to public 'utility .ea'semen;t•,°''lyi'ngIEasterlyofproperty. herein;`•:described Area Af ected: The description contained therein.is,:.not";. sufficient to determine its exact location' ''' within the property hrein .describe.d,' - Recordi g No . : 760226-0426 I 6. DEED. OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF Grantor . Renton Lodge No 1809 of';the Bene• o f' and Protective OrderElks Washington corporation' w: TrusteeI•:r I Pioneer National •Title ,Insurance .CompanyBenefis 'ary : Peoples National Bank .of' Washington. .and First Federal Savings" and 'Loan Association `. ':';•4-.,,,', of Renton iI +' r; Amount 230 ,000.00 Dated:: August 8, 1972 Recorde . October 4 `1972 ecord g No. : 721004-0329 r 1 7. DEED OF_ TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: I ,,, Grantor: Renton Lodge No . 1809 of ,the and Protective Order of' ` Elks', Inc a`: I' '' Washington corporation' '. Truste- Pioneer National Title. Insurance -Com Bene f i iar Peoplespany:`ey: National Bank of Washington, and, First Federal Savings and Loan Association' of Renton i.-;; Amount. 65 ,000 00 Dated. December 7 .1973, e ` ' Record=d December 28 , 1973' gLRecordingNo. . 731228-0621 i Ycontinuedi, ,: i tl.Ji f j I Page 4 Order No. 708263 NOTE 1 : We find no corporation under the name Renton Lodge No. 1809 of the ' Benevolenit and Protective Order of Elks , Inc. on the list of active , corporatiOns in the Office of the Secretary of State . If it is an unincorp7ated association, title to real property so acquired cannot be insured. A deed or contract to such association should run to ,named individuals , as Trustees for Renton Lodge No. 1809 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ,: Inc . NOTE 2i A satisfactory showing should be made of the authority of the officers executing the proposed instrument on behalf Of Renton Lodge No. 1809 Of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks , Inc. Current Afticles of Indorporation and By-Laws , if any, should be furnished both for said lodge , and for any higher discipline or organization to which it is responsible . A. That the Board of Directors adopt a resolution recommending the sale or mortgage and directing that it be put to a vote of the membetship . B. That written notice of the meeting stating one of the purposes is to secure approval of the Transaction to be given to each member, iniacicordance withlthe Articles and By-Laws , but in no case to be delivered less than 10 or more than 50 days before the meeting. C. That authorizationlat such meeting requires a two-third vote of ' the membership present, and D. That after such meeting the Board of Directors approve such trans- I action by appropriate resolution. NOTE 3 : We call your attention' to the fact that there is no recorded easement providing access to the remaining land of the vestee after the conveyance of the property herein described. NOTE 4: The sales price disclosed on the application is shown as tentative. The premilum shown herein is based on said tentative amount, and will be adjusted when the correct sales price is disclosed. NOTE According to the appliCation, title is to vest in Robert Hancheroff,, presumptively subject to the community interest of the spouse if married. We find no pertinent matters of record against the name of said party, however , the Company has been unable to search for and does not insure against matters relating to the spouse , if any, which encumber title to said property g. r, ;A*•,'? 7-1 Form Ng.WsAK-555.1 Privious Form No.80 SP) Drawn by Checked 1 Date Plat VoL fill PG: • Order Noy 748o2G 3 SKETCH OF PROPERTY SE OUT IN ATTACHED ORDER To assist in locating the premises. It i not based on a survey, and the company: ': assumes no liability for variations if any, in dimensions and location: 4 le, 4" 2:.' ,'. ' 1- I - 3O1'4'NbV1 LL- L ; L/- 5, J rUvv ,: 6t z r lIA! ISM vy6' r •1,r1 __ = c(' . ...I F 3 L .1*c \ • \ Li I 4,\ C N 11 % ti j. NN i p rVy 1 rwl N b' X ti I L'' ePit N \ \,. 10&a.( 1 qt0144 y e s&g7370JS J ^ 1 yl !l Note-This map:does not purport to show all highway*,s, roads easemeaffectingYor; ats tize' , i , .,, . ..• ,.,.,,,,.,;. -.: ,;-.• ,-,--:-: ,„,---,'....,',•.!1••'-',.',?i",..''•,' :7,;'•''','.`',•-•,•;•''r.:,,'.','.;•'1','','-'•-' Y .; '-- --; .•• ••- E.sre•r`Ovi.;,14-.":.S.60121.70,-;•',.--."..' 1.-_,,! 4_,.:------• ' .'" ri,i•.",F7.."'...`.'' '• „ - •r •FORM A.1964. L.. e..r- ,.T1' 4,-,.e.':.*':'';',,,,,.9881 '....'::,.,*:',','.'REAL ESTATE.'e 11-4''ct.,,,,'„ ,-•:•• THIS CCiNTRACT,Mule and enteredInto this St h day Of August,, 19•.80 .....•, ,•,.'•, .• . 1, .`- c/.,_ ...-..--.. .I,,',......-!••,'-, ,.-.,. 1:-..'''''. -.' . i',1;;•', 1_7. r.'.-''--•,." Li,-, ...,''; '•$'•;.''''''.2.:.• '',,.`,,•!reitli RENTON LODGE NO 1809 ,OF THE BENEVOLENT ..,ANB':.PROTECT,IVE .ORDEN•pF:t2,.ELKS,• INC. ,,. a Washington corporation ' . , :,•",,.,,:,, •,,,.',',..•-•.: .r".,-,...,.,..., ,.: :./ 1,•''..,•,•,.',-;',._t,: - "',•.',,.;,f,-,...";',,,,f...; i...'..;•,.',...-.2' .';• .• ';:. , '. ;' ' , •• 11.,..,:, . ,Iteeemater,called the"seller,"and r • ; i:::$ROBERT HANCHEROFF and LINDA HANCHEROFF, .husband-iiiiii';''Wif.e.' '-i".,..":..,,;',f'',..'•;; 7.:.:1',....,'.....:,'`.•,.'. 1.•':0,::', .,',1'..,...',..,•-::..-:-..i. ...- ,.. ..:-..,;',..''.. 1 ''. !' 7 • • .- ... r';-.'%: ::',•'-''.!:"'.!,•';','..',,--..",.. 9;,•;',.,,'-.:::::. '),;.i-'•:-.‘••••-;-..,',C1-• ?•.:0.;',-':C::1' hirebtafia•eallid the rmircheste; • • , • 1•„.',. ••.,'•:,:'•:i.•,'.', .',". ..." i '.'•, '"'','''.'...''..;Y•''.;•i•et.-11•••''',J. N... , ' IITTNESSE.THi That the seller agr,ess to Sell to the purchaser and thit•:pueclussei Sires eSiiiSechs4:feisin rt.*.nat?t!,i,ko oO,t !titi.i.C,',.•',".".•:,•.,'!,:••,,...,•,,'..CO deceibeci,seal State, with the.ithpurteniams,+a, KING . _, . ''... . -,'...:e.ii;oil,-,iiiiiiir,.iisoiiii.iiii:-:0 , AS 'PER EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND•MADE .A PART OF THIS•REAL ESTATE -..:'•',...•-•••"--.:(;'-.r L" 'CI ' CONTRACT I- .• ''..' i... .- j....• . ' . SUBJECT TO: Deed ,of Trust dated August 8); .1972`In . avcix::of'Feop.1e, . "....1-'..:: ..;:, '.•:,•:-:,1-• ,. :‘,_., National Bank of WA and .First'Federal Savings A •I,Cian.,Assi3O••:;',i4,.1 b6,40 t41',,le s 2.-....... j, and recorded under Recording No. .72200.4. 0•329; AND .SUBJECT TO .-,0o-.6c1:.of• '.•,..,":,,...7•••-•,.••:- Trust dated December, 7,, 1973 in favor of P,eopleiriNa.tionat...-tAiink -of WA "...:, .-.•:J.:'.and First .Federal Savings' & Loan Assn. ', as. henefiClari.e4ii-d•,.",i,e'Co,.ide.iy:,%.i:•,, ';'.. ...•-;:. under Recording No. 731228-0611 in"which the herei.n, s'eg,e:•tiliitree'i.:.,:-..tb' H,..• 1 • continue to pay .according to,their. terms and .cohdi.tiOnS.'',alid ihicac-FC-r-,-. . ,'''''. „:,",,•'/:dance with the terms and conditions in paragraph',0 below..,,„:':' ',,,...,-• .' ;-.: ,: i; . :, ' ,?.,:, Ile terms attd coaditiOsa of thi.s cootMet•are as:follows: Tle pur.chiM:Oice is '. .ONE:,HUNDRED:......tHI,AtY.,z;$EVEN.,•;;,,,-.:,,,..,..,ci,,:.. n. THOUSAND' FIVE HUNDRED AND ',No/fop-l,•...••• - .,.,. -.,.- - ,. s-;.,..-14 7,;$tv',.-0,0,1•,1,41;',,,.•.,;,,,,t,...i.4'1;1,,,,:,,,i, ....:-......,•; THIRTY NINE THOUSAND. EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY-:FIVE :4 No11.00 '3 9,,s1,,$;..4.0:.,,,'7) been Pala,Ms Teipt..lip:»1 is hereby iamb, ;111eiled.ad lb.balance of',"Id Plinhai!price shall is''Pildj.4440*'61... .•'''''''. 2..• .•..••'`''''.•• •• r-•,:',7.;':-.J• ONE THOUSAND AND NO/100 . 28th ''. 1, cici00b,.. ,',...::,..)..ifiiip;'..:,.::--), ar•moie at purchaser's optic',os or before the dai ctf ; September:,... -....;4.'.:;:,Y...,,,;I;‘:!'..,.:•., L' i:f„.._ ••••'.0,0,,. sad ONE THOUSAND AND ,N0/10 b.:- - - , - - . .• '-.-•--, -.-...,::-",;.,--.(0),;009,..:9,9:"..:::;,...:1",'Pfliost,. Sr more at purchaser's opthin,on or beide* the , ••SAME ' day of sick'Slacc#44.:Fiatn#St.,*00..r.sing!'•04.1,'b''.11.4.1:'#:Ilid• :-, ,,,,•••,';'. puede.e mica shall lave beea fully paid.The pnrchaser further:agrees Ie. pey.letereat DO the'!•ty;elLtbltie(bolateest.-0;aeld,pieeoeta ;:peiei.,.•.A at the nis s! • 12 • Pet.crd r€i an•li"2 'no*tbs' 28th ' day of• : ;,•4141,40:',, I,•:;.!•*,',3"•;.-;":•,;,, 1,'•...: ','•:'••0 1'42 ;''','1.„t• •'.....-1•2"-7';i'.1k• . . , wield;'itiareet shall'be deducted a.• iielt bastallesent Poyater4 sad lb; balance it!•sick:ijaiesni';a*Lej....*.'eic$040e•1.;:p.'tipg :::..!.,..,,;' i,;•!.„ 1.'.,, l'..-.j ' .,' . ..' ' ' ' '. t.; ."''... is0 Certilaets la be made lySetuidar Alai lio made at S ,..-••f''-T.';.•.';.‘,".,,,.,-:••;...%•,t'l:i• • • • • lir it nth other piece as them/kr may lisett bi''errialng. IN ADDITION TO THE•ABOVE TERMS AND.CONDITIONS, SEE,`EIH11111".''ll,'.";.ATTACHED',•; -....".;':),:..1`2i-:,:. A. . . 'HERETO AND MADE A.,,F.. 68.1 OF THIS REAL ESTATE'CONTRACT, ,.:' '!.....,..,"...:1,.,,,,'...,'.';',,,,,,;:.!.'..,..(..,•`!.. r.„..-r-.,"....-,:::-..'..;...',....'..'. 1., ::,:";,,, :;,•,,il'i\•,,...0 1 -1 i- . , ,, . - •,-...•.-1,..•'1,(R4t3;. 47.j.,...,'.•''''i,:;,•i"•''''...." T- 4T7' 1. ( i6 :1'' t .. r ‘•,'•'..-:''',.'''',.:.. i:4X,CISEY,14;411!,A•14$'11,. ,;,, ,• •.:-i;;','.;:',, r., r. • t -. . ' . ... 1.•,9 A 1 0 •Get/980;r•r'l.:r-'..1.,.•',•''...',..;.".1%Ar 6...- : .k.-:',• '.- •.', ." ' ' ' ' ' 1 i ' • •• j 4 1' .' JUL 2984 1•,• '•'•1•"5..4..‘4 9443f;.> ''.'j',•••: , t,••••• '•••' '•'-'•; ihail 0, L. .' ...••.. . . K . . ,, .,, •,..,., :,-..•„•,-,.,;,..,,',.*,1,,.•,-„,, - ,,.,,,,?:.,-,- ...,,•-,:;•„ c., 1 • 1 , • . •• A,•reisieed j'ela'thii;Sekki;*oijoi;;4•Fj,;4:- be August 28 ,-;.''.' '1980: .ifei i..,.04;..ii4,, c4iit-,:,;:.,',-,..,i• i.21. ,1_,,__Y'i.•-,.;!(I) The purchaser mimes and woes,to pay before delinquency all tams'and asaisanieUts.thit:DAY•ett,balilajnariflUlttskt WM...''',-•',••,,:%,,....°.;;.,..(7.-4'hematite become a lien on said real State; end if by the terror of thU'idstract the.Medusa het eassteMpLIntraftuk,erf.'hteeetlpth..." „ . .•,•,. ‘.•,,,ci.ciutrict or other encumbrance,or has assumed payment of or agreed to purchase,subjectr,to.any innta;wiegaeleaanti Dersr.4,... ..On laid i ,.;;.;,./,42,••;,:.i• real estate,the,purchaser agrees to pay the same before delinquency. 2- . • ' '' ',''. ,•„" 24:''',;,',',...,',.'',2,-,•.:-.:-:,/,'-•‘',•,_ ..'••:".1::•:•'":••,Z ' r:,\:.,-,,-.,2,:'•:;ti.:,I) The purchaser agrees,until the.purchase price is fully,paid,to keep the buildidp noir.laufbera,nikiri.' ,411.11,f#V•Pav-iil"),,,;!:',.;;.•',.:-4,',',:•...1;inured to the Mina"coal value•tbenef against lose or damage by both flre.and,larictdstonn bi:a•cotrepouyAacerpmte to,abeq . tand,,.se•....,,.,,..„,...„.4....„,./..the seller%beseht,as his interest may appear,'and,to•pay all premiums Itbarefor ancl,ps.deliver afl,.glegisillsa*, 1,,, .,,•,. ,.' ... pa ,4..,:,,,.., 4-- ';1 . / • •, • - the'eller: f,,,',1,,....-,:!,';',.'i:.fS',•'•,-.,•,'",'r'• -•',? •;::,'.,"•i':[:..:,3) The purchaser specs that lull inspection of said real estate has been made and that neither the iellerfaffibigjaiimtldesial:lefIllhid .,....;',••'•,••••••,:••••..i/.,••_,1 to any covenant respecting the condition of any Improvements thereon nor shall the purchaser or seller oithelsaipas!ef'Aithe,i,t11411', i L.. -- ,"•••,,,,•,,,,,,,any covenant or agreement for alterations,Improvements or repeirs•unlisa the'covenant.or-,sercenseat-rililarnif,..*:Con, . 'lasete:•er.f.s. ,-•, ; r r. ,,la writing and attached to and made a part of this contract. ' ' ' .' . • ' .• •,`/.'.:',`•.,_..., 1'"..,, ••••-•'',...P'r•''..,• f'',,....,,'.:'.'-.' ..',- ,(a) The purchaser ganimes all basardi of damage to or destruction of any Improvements now On lad'lea, lekikt,e.,,.._r•en dam_ ....,,,_,,,f4r: Vt,• r,', .2. -•':-•',1 .:thereon,and of the'i k ins of said real estate or any part thereof for public•ae;,and agrees kbal.PO,such.CWaileii*SKUIPAD. .411:14Raf .•''•''';.' ! ,“i"s•:. i j, -• ,,.• • . ;. . . constitute a failure of consideration.In,case any pin of said real estatmis taken for public me,the,portine.latthej.;e0O4cntattiselt. .t ,-- ,-. remainingg after payment of reasoneble expenses of procuring the same shall be paid to the seller'and alsOliect.•#cr•Y*01:•:••klik*,*OM i....,:,!.,•,„.,,,,...: y„; ..,, price herein unless the seller elects to allow the purchaser to apply all on ii,portion of such coaciesnation award,to the reheildoit'sr1,7,1:rt,,,.1-.,,,:..:,...:; •-•',.., .. . ..., ;,•,,,,-. ..., .. :: ., •,..,,. = mon/cian,yeuiTipirgez.teenrtswidazoymeagdoibri3: 4 tantil.etccese Goff dacumarignegotehedemstweuctionll,fLoindeavor;Tiat.oinIttieed tiolittili.le,;i1r=„ 9.=, Improvements within a reasonable time, unless purchaser elects that said proceeds shall be Paid to thel.erllq..foe'143.0001101.'0:'llt: ,_,'''•''..7 '";': 1ri;','''' ••' \ . :' ' ' " ,., ' • 'pima'se price herein. S) Tlse seller has delivered, or agrees to deliver within IS days of the date of *alit::i,,_•'lliglithisli,,„.„ ,6.04.4ci. ,,•fL.4110, 61a.11I,Ilili.K,Lill ' ,:•'.'•''''• ,:',.••'•`.:' ••••'atanderd form,or a commitment therefdr,'liaised.by•Tmt..voieslea into I ointanonr•gn!mary;.!.isp,oppg ipc' rppurchase:)to'Ira•,,,!,r,-.1130ter,'n!,.:;‘• ; '.,,,,,..., ; T'-'... •,'.; -,. . •• •",'- '--• ' ;.•' - •• :: said purchase price against los or damage by reason of defect in sakes tstle•tormid ma/estate as,allie date;Oficlosielgasul,ceeitsiteieg le Vc.,r,,..,,••/:-,,f,, :1, t•'?.:".';,...'....' i':.. . -1., • ;'., ,1' ' 1',..' .. eaceptions other than the following:.A.;.',..',, ,,',:',....::,•••••. ; , •. r,',, f„ - I.,' • ",,, ' , , •.•a; pitoted:general exceptions appearing be mid policy form; • •• •' ••- "- • •! '''' r"•'•• ,'.... r:• ;•'''''', .'';',..;'' YL. r•I.,____'17;••';',;:; 1:'-;•'.•••2'•:,',',`.‘',:•:''' i,I -•• b. iJess tie eacumbriaos which by the taw et•this contract.the•PueehaSer.ht.bs,ariattee,:er us ke,-eepttlt, .!Ubt.,:titi.riLisor..,,:•„,,,.: iu,,... 4.7,.. :'"•:,...;,."F•.) ,';'1•.:;,,,,''.,•,,, CY':._ .' • ' .• ....,-' i ' ' .:•"' '. is lb be made subject•andi''::';`‘',.".,.. -•:' • '.-.''' • ., •,:..'.-..'.•,': ',-', ' • , e. Amy exiithas assume;eitostracta'atehtr— isselleris Muataingaad leatestS4iriiii3OSti.onerigSge.:1M,•:4Vailligti,i1O4',4*., ,,•J'.•:•••,:;,•.? ,:iairbitlis,coot:act agrees to'par,:neate eir".erhSch'.:ter..the purpotteed,thhi ParagritasbH5). eboll'.11,11., ....43. 1, t'll,i...O0firt,!'„,•,7,; ',.,-,..? f. i.,,JI1.0::. •-• t“,:;.;'i'',.i'''•,;.j•...':..1.,..'`..t, -.:4'.'ll,''',-F'1 Jr,!,i;,',!,•:',',74(.`" ,-, 4, Y.•;:,. r ,. t'' .•14,....Y,.. ,',:•.;•-:.'. . r.,..i';•' ;,-,•;,,i,-.. q.",?'.. •.•'f;-.P;;,:,•i;'.'•,;,•••,N•••!'y,• .•;•.,...•.I,.,,,, ••••. . .•, •,• ,••J • , •• . - ' . • •- '•.' ,. ...' s•' S,---1,•:•('' '..-.•-;:.,1. ' ';•:..i.'•'llif:', ;j:';''.,:''':?: .•4'i!-'.'4;',1-'...,.. 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' '• I) The seller agrees,upon receiving full payment of the purchase price and.Interest In the manner i,bove specified,'to execute and' deliver to purchaser a statutory warranty fulfillment deed to said real estate,excepting any part thereof hereafter t, taken for public use,free of encumbrances except any that may attach after,date of dosing through;Any person other than the,seller,and 'r subject to the following: Restrictions, covenants and easements ,of record, if any j pNp l ID • (8) Unless.different date is provided for herein,'the purchaser shall,be entitled-to possession.of said'reel'eitate,.oe-date of.doling''' ` CI' -and to retain possession an long es'purchaser is riot in default bereunder,.-The purchaser,covenants'to keep the buildi gs-aindt other'impeove-•' • "'.,1• ',- i menu on said real estate in good.repair and not to permit wade and trot to use,,or permit the use of;the'real:'estate.for sty illegal i, purpose. The purchaser covenants to,pay ail service,installation or construction charges for water,sewer,of ctridty;,aarb'aai,or other utility y': services furnished to said real estate after the date purchaser is twilled to possession: . •••' l. 10) Ir case the purchaser falls to make'soy payment herein provided onto maintain sasuraace,as herein required,the aefler.:ttgy'aaka s such payment or effect such insurance,and any amounts so paid by the seller,together.with intnrest'at the rate of;10%ppesr annuri'thfreon v i from/fete of payment until repaid,shall be repayable by purchaser on seller's demand,all without prejudice to,any.other;eight..the'seller . +; '1-..; might have by reason of such default 10) Time Is o!the essence of this contract,and it Is agreed that !o prse the purchaser shall'fatl to comply:witb'er perform any Condition or agreement hereof or to make any payment required hereunder promptly at the'time'ard to the manner'hertl*i required,'t se •: seller may elect to declare all the purchaser's rights hereunder terminated,and upon his doing'ao,all payme©ti•uitide by the'purehiter i,,i hereunder and all improvements placed•upon the real estate,shall be forfeited to'.the seller u liquidated.damages, and'the,seller'shall , ; have right to re-enter lad take possession of the real estate;and no waiver'by the filler of any default'on the.past of,the,purchaser shall be conluved.0 a waiver of soy subsequent default. I Service upon purchaser of all demands,notices or other papers with respect to forfeiture and tecrnifiation'of ptuehastr'a t'I4bti tray:be. r j made by United States Mail,postage pre-paid,return receipt requested,directed to the purchaser'at_his address,kit kaosea:to,tbi,s ller, II) Upon seller's election to bring suit to enforce any covenant of this contract, Including Ault tocollect adyvpayment;sequired hereunder,the purchaser agrees to pay a reasonable sum as attorneys fees and all costs and'expenses In connection with inch`wit,;which, sums shall be included in any judgment or decree entered in such suit, , t , ,,',', If the seller shall bring suit to procure an adjudication of the termIsl tion of the purchaser's rights hereunder, aid,ju$asieot,ii..se. ' .' ' watered,the purchaser agrees to pay a reasonable sum as attorneys fees and.-all costa and expenses in,connections wits such sui .ant, d atsq'i'l, the.reasonable cog of searching'records to determine the condition of title at':the date such Suit is comment d, erb?eb;.alms;shall,be;';'';'.: "• ' included in any judgment or dean entered in such suit. IN eiTINISS SWWSERXOF, the parties hereto'hese executed this Instrument as of the date first written'above: x i`' Renton Lodge No' 1809 of the Betievol"ent_. T•' Robert H ncherof andc2at et,iYe Qr f 1#' :'I'Tlc s: BY•• 5 d i a Hunch roff BY 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON N O .........I,..... .._..._._ _.J e' COUNTY OF' "KING l', . _ rJt',. ','. cot TY F , On this day personally appeared before me ' On this •2 :?'',day'of E•sIS_^1 u... .:.,' ::: Ifti,.:B.a'... , before me, the undersigned,a Notary Public ;aa4'for;»the'State of Wish- ,`a;, ngton,duly cements/Ioned'and sworn,personally,appfaa. ,, s,?t', to me known to be the individual described in and r: _ „ .. i : who a eeutod the within'and fora instrument. i,»';.' i ttoLrfg, OC' ,E.^l^ 7 t,i.:i.:»:„:: ::::... sand.....:._.:_:..,.._.._.._.......... -t._.. .. :.......:...»:',..11:.».».:':. t•:'r and acknowledged that signed the same to me known to'be the Pfwident c' i' ''"`, tie __.....« tree and voluntary act and deed, respectively of Renton 'Lodge Nod '::S'8.09::rtOzd; r.-k'st:''''` foj the uses and purposes therein mentioned. the corporation"that executed the foregoing.iiuiteitta'ent %iS`t ifficindiail eg-','- a",,`, the said instrument to be the.free.and voluntary,act aifd•desd of said;oqrpb rii'•' ation,for the uses and'purposes therein th.entioned,aricl-on;oath statad'*it th-.r authoriaed.to execute the Said.irit tiaeneand:that Una Niel GIVEN under my hand and official Seal this affixed is the corporate seal cif,said corporation. i day of..._.._.....-_._.____._.._.._.._ ,111..._.. Witness my hand•atnd tsQidal seal hereto adieu!,t a day and year first.. above wiitten . Notary Public in and for the State'of Wash-Notary Public in and for.tH.'S_tate®(.Washington,, l, bitten,residing at..:.. -._. _!....__.,-_.__.._ residina'at .. E:+ TransamericaTransamericaTillsInaurinci Company r ` ` Title insurance TMIS,SPACE;PROVIDED.iO11iREC(3fiDEll'',tjt i' l t•,',: FILEDFD FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF r C, t1'7," u• .' 1 I? WmaN RECORDED RETURN TO 1 { .(,, f•: s4' ,,> t'• o,, Mr f Mrs Robert.Hancheroff .. I, r;, ' i ,I., r. `a; :1 r,:f;ra. i!,K 1 i•.'.. i. 7+ 2 x," ..Y .t r. 4 iN:Is% a.> d11 7' I'Y'.1 t r , r 2R" 1 Ytq;kr li" t s,r • ynb p ,t,,,. i t 1:a I y1. 1n?r i, rite`. tJ 1i+ .• ram., , 7!: a, f' tx, F n :.. ,, a`+o- c 7Fe• o` , l,,y;i.,.,Y%,:!L!._ ,,Y,... .:,t >._ ,,. t - frt.' ,..1,. .LT...•;.Y,. .- .rs'''' ;'S1". JC"i.....t. '.. .h..., '%.;§"a_- .,._,. .7=K-...a.,y;,r..., 4.1,X. ''‘ • ---' ' 7,- t - . 4 XHIB DSCRIPTIONE That portion of the West 1/2 o/f Section 20; TOwnship-21,North, Range,- .. ,.-.. „ 5 East, W.M. , King County,. Washington, described as follows : ..'. •.: : . ...'' I Commencing at the West 1/4 corner of said section;, , 4 thence North 0°44'05" East along the. West line, thereof;a. distance of,: " „: .'•';:', 329.59 feet to the Southerly margin of the Bonneville Power e Administration 200 foot Diablo-Seattle Transmission right-df-Way,- . .. • . .,.... N 3 .4 as described in instrument recorded under Recording No 3560494, J ... I i .• '•.• •., CD records of King. County, Washington; . 2 `=t thence North 87°23.49" East along said Southerly margin 856,.48-feet, 0 to a point noted as the true point of beginning of Parcel .25, as 2D i CV described in instrument recorded under Recording 116.- 6150314; „,. i. . records of King CoUnty, Washington, said point also being point 0 of beginning of the herein described tract; 1 cc! thence North 02°36'11" West 100.00 feet; thence South 87°23'49" West 612.72 feet to the Eaaterly 'Margin 'of . : .. ..: Benson Road;r. . thence Southerly along said Easterly margin to the. Northerly margin ••'. , ..1.r..: -. of that 120 foot strip of land described in that certain "Declaration of Ownership" recorded under Recording No. 5687370, records of King COunty, Washington; thence North 74°32'17" East along said Northerly margin•'.480.60 ,feet.: to a point which bears South 02°36'11" East from the ,point of ," beginning; thence North 02°36'll" West 490.00 feet to the point of beginping EXCEPT that portion thereof lying Easterly'2of the follbwing, described line: Commencing at the West 1/4 corner. of said section; 1", thence North 0°44'05" East along the West line .thereOf' adistanCe- ..." , . ',•;• of 329.59 feet to the Southerly margin of the Bonnaville-Power, Administration 200 foot Diablo-Seattle'TranSmissiOn Iine:*:right'Of:' • ... —'1.'....'. 1 0 way, as described in instrument recorded under, Recording:,NO.*.36046-, : i 'i records of King County, Washington; . C. thence North 8723'49' East along said Southerly ,d4rtin :481;At'lee. t I thence North 02°36'11" West,100.00 feet- to the point of beginning 1 . of the herein described line; m thence South 02'36'11" East to the Northerly. Margin ottbit:116-10t. - '.;'.. .• o strip of land described in that certain "Declaretion-afLOwnership , .i. - •, :,.,,,,,'', recorded under Recording No. 5687370, records, ofA(ingL•Couritrie. Washington, said Northerly margin being the terminus of the herein described line. All situate - ttp County of King, State of Washington „-: ...L ,.: ' „..'. 1•,,:::.-.. gt-,,/,-.5: 4''.... 0r .r. K. tee,c+• -1741',4-1') • ' . l '.:;.:,1: :.1 .-' .':; ',.Y.. 417- - ' I• - •:7i. . .. 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' -' • Attachment to Real Estate Contract dated 'August ,5,•'--.1•9$•0'..,between;*enten--...;•,"., --:,:-.',.--:-•S,,, '.•;,,..,:.--,',....' i,-.. - • g'6: 146,.. 1809 of the Benevolent .0nil:',pi-O'icti;ir ..-.0tet0i:::Fk4,41,i,-s.;.;,..A4 rchaser L':;:•,:l' i,.,:'.:,.- i.:-:;::,:",:`,.?:,'.1aS :contract .seller,and Robert-riancheroff•and Linda::, 14anCh'ey,C,.' f0s ..O0'ntt,:cti',„ :.,','-il,'•, ci,.:!' .• pu 1•'.':,..."..,":! ..•' '' ' I — r— Buyer agrees to'make additiOnal„princip:al,:peyment :.,:(hal100n)•:;.:,/ithi..n-,12.0 ,,:;',:.',..,?,,-,. ..'• 7,!:,..',, '-•... •:.. ,' ' • .;,.... . 1 • •• 53. months of .date of closing in a'sum,:equiyalent,,tb:::one ha,!lf.:,th".0:• cii...tS.it'andif,g'..:,:-1-i.: ..,...,l'.:"....t,•• '',:,.,•!':'•,• , ' , ', ' ' 0 prinCipal• amount due seller at time:Of•.payment 7 ".. At,•,,t.3.,m•e-:'of:/:..paymen,t..madA.:. i,,•,,,;.,...-A:. H' • ' ' : . ' ' ; • . ' ' V::.),,, Semllerandseller's' o:rtgageeS„ agree to. execute •ar.•-f4/1:'.'satil.stiOn':'Off'..,,','Ete',,,',-;,f'..... ...real estate contract and sObordinate•,,their•'•interest-, qt.:1. ..''.',.47,1::: h .'fi;rSt.:••,', '..•,,,y,:•:,,.y.',lien fielder' i•n the' form , eSSionalbuilditir of••Et 'second 1e.e..d"-of•Trtis t''alyoOst,X*Se4.''•,q•;', ofng in aM'OUnt',equiy.a.lent,.to. remai.o,ing', ContraC,t;',ptinci.'13.0".1"•,•••,.,,, ,1., , • ' s..till due to seller on real estate contract... .' At...tiMe.:::0:: ti!,4,:iiiii.:ri-,0.,4,i.. #.1.,:em.:•,::.-,::•.:-..,zionthly Contract payments are to be iadjusted ,}500-.9o.,.p.er.mOri,t,h3Itc.1,40.411 •'.,.;. ..:.'.-•;,;1‘,:' i reSt• at 12% based on diMinishing•''PrinCipal'ha.I.anCe.,.,•:,AtiyO'rii,'... 4ig're0.:',t0,,., 1.'' '''' '',' .. . ' , . ' :: ''• . 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Address and Ph. 3ie, ifte, o 6neNumberofProponent: Fi.P. . . . v5047-61A.4 JUL.12 1984 . 1 C. Date ChecklistSubmitted: U;l.i ,f`dv ZGPJIC+IG DEPT. D. Agency Requiring Checklist: COY .0P N7i-i EC.F- d p3 -3 y E. . Name of Proposal , if applicable: 11PeN pp.geS s/off— $!/!-dam/'./& F. Nature and. Brief Description of the Proposal (including but not limited to its size, general design elements, and other factors that. Will give an accurate understanding of its scope and nature) : TAB PX.e5, L. ,f",-- -.s - $u/Id7,114 WILL etP,X. G4-ocS o v 7W" i. tif<5 AX7getfc 1'1//L4- " Xowo5,6+ ca ,.P,riz yxz'c77 e44 4-4,4.14sw." 4y4' A P N1" 7 M r4L-. A/« 6/1-a ba/ W/ "- ,t5 1 /A/ 4017 A4-3eii./ C Lb c W/Lh P,E 46./ op'?"'WS/rylZE 1< jNE E.45..s7 ; o,= 714.c. 1 L)/ 4 YNY , yrAv MU_ Ncrlojo Al A ph /1/, •542.44. j G. Location of Proposal (describe the physical setting of the proposal , as well as the extent of the land area affected by any environmental impacts, including any other information needed to give an accurate understanding of the environmental , setting of the! proposal ) : 7,.) 5 L•oL.6.7 Sdtl71.4 45P ,eaLJ-'A1 CA/ ,13.acI.'bN ed15,ott,. .27 1 J.5 b i7' A,, 4"P'' o 4.eeAe.. ` o c 20 % UP' 41e,e,Iti 7 77.4o 7' r Aezitvisb ; 77 E /7 J ors cLu,5. 774E' 5/7' 1. 0:40en.y Vf/oo 77--1 0,0/#1NG /s .5/78c, Tc5 i 1 X1/ ! 77-4 .fix/7//4 7 5 ci,'l/,NG , A /2" C am. AT 7 f.j/2.) WEST eeveN , o, . aoi/I- "A . PIT0's/rE is i,f3 d c'o Y, ed elP 7, 4&. Ac 5 / . yV tW,445 szie 4.6.6e41 ---37 Phi oA/ ®1 7Abe S/7r. 5 7Z I j a' ey poWdseL/N.• 054.515/5fietigs 1 1 - i 1 1 H. Estimated :Date of,completion of the Proposal : 1 J . List of all Permits , Licenses, or Government Approvals 1 Required for the Proposal (federal ; state and lbcal-- •• - including rezones) : 1, 60/i...e:Vi•la I MIECI-144//461,... P-2-ff:C/r/C.A.L.- 06Vi/e5‹, 1 . J I Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain: Ne,. 1 K. I . Do.Ybu knbw of_ anY plan S' bY- Otners which may affect -the property covered by your.proposal? If yes;' explain':, : 1 Ale'-' • I I L. I Attach any other application form that has been completed 1 regarding the proposal ; if none has been completed but is 1 expected to be filed at some future date, describe the 11 L nature of such application form: III Ne,/•/ 1 1 • 1 r I 1 1 1 1 . I I 2 - 1 1 II. ENV RONMENTAL. lrirMCTS Ex.lanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required) . Yes Maybe No A. Earth. Will the proposal result in: 1 . Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? 2. .. . Disruptions, displacements, com- paction, or overcoveringrof the soil? 4 • . 3. Change in, topography or ground Xsurfacerelieffeatures? 4. The destruction, covering, or modification of any unique geologic ,or physical features? 5. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either On or off the site? 6. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposi- tion, . or erosion which may modify .the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Explanation: 2. V4•77o.,,t fit//a.,,o41, . reh/n/7'/4k1s 414,441/ 74w7' L/E' P 4 pAe /W 0.6,10 Wdy5 5. .ems 3 I' B. Air. Will the proposal result in: 1 . Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? 2. The creation of objectionable odors? if t 3 - I Yes Maybe No 3. Alteration of air movement, moisture or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? Explanation: 2 . fit//11._ eszo5E. coNA/AscTZ:: To Wi T/ 7 b 0$7: C. Water. Will the proposal result in: 1 . Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh water? 2.. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the amount of surface water run- off? 3. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? X 4. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? 5. . ,. Discharge into surface waters, or i n, any alteration' of s,ur . face water quality, . including • . but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity? 6. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? 7. Change intheg quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavation? 8. Deterioration in ground water quality, either through direct injection or through the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents, Waterborne virus or bacteria, or other substances into the ground waters? 4 - I Tes Maybe No 9. Reductionjin the amount of water otherwiselavailable for public water supplies: Explanation: iZ.ova so/h: ,:W/ ,- ' AV Cc c ' D. Flora. Will the proposal result in: 1 . Change in the diversity of species, or numbers, of any species of. flora including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, micro-flora and aquatic plants)? j 2. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species.,o,!f. flora? 3. . Introduction of new .species .of_ flora into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replen- ishment if existing species? 4. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? x Explanation: 3. ,f/77 t 0VAt7 i.I W1t1 ihrrel2PVCA Stozeiv5 E. Fauna. Will the proposal result in: 1 . Changes in the diversity of specie's, ior numbers of any species of fauna (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and; shellfish, benthic organisms, insects, or micro- fauna)? 2. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of fauna? 0 3. Introduction of new species of . fauna into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement) of fauna? 5 - Yes Maybe No 4. Deterioration of existing wildlife habitat? X_ Explanation: z: AioaM '743E le,EXAPP /1499044 .:may w W47EPoW c_ 714Eieo AvY o04)49 - 4404I-MI L. $ ec/.Sezbc r..r by 71-aE edo c77'o0-7• . F. Noise: Will the proposal increase existing noise levels? Explanation: YD/. 72) CMh/57'1CUe.pod-) W,i I i /A/CiZr- -N6 7- od• G. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? Explanation: r 4,6.ziN4 /s v y 85- e Gi-.' a ,mod 144 ST. /W.EVE 7 I$ WILL. ee /h/'-i 6 7P i57/A/G 7K....S a 4N y Gc,4s WILL ,or vc Law 4 H. Land Use. Will the proposal result Cad 0 in the alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Explanation: T. Natural Resources. Will the pro posal result in: 1 . Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? 2. Depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? Explanation: J. Risk of Upset. Does the,proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances including, but not limited to oil ; pesticides; chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Explanation: 6 - Yes Maybe No K. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Explanation: L. Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create demand for additional housing? Explanation: M. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: 1 . Generation of additional vehicular movement? . x 2. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? 3. Impact upon existing trans- portation systems? . 4. Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? x 5. Alterations to waterborne, rail , or air traffic? 6. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Explanation: ' yt6 T s'/ P47/a1 70t C 72 7, 4 5 G//7Pesc E+ Ye4Sr 127 c s/7772 W/ L ivO7 66 5tG/s1/P/e.97: 3 /49'6V/ , 7 - 4.. J Yes Maybe No N. Public Services. Will the proposal I have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: 1 '. Fire protection? 2. Police protection? . 3. Schools? 0 4. Parks or other recreational facilities? • 5. Maintenance of public facili- ties, including roads? X 6. Other governmental services? X Explanation: 1 Z 7 5 P2 7 IT/.4.L. Po< ai 755 Cos 1 0. . Energy. Will the proposal result in: I 1 . Use of substantial amounts of fuel or .energy? 1 . 2. Demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of II energy?X I Explanation: I P. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or altera- tions to the following utilities: 1 . Power or natural gas? I 8 .- Yes Maybe No 2. Communications systems? 3. Water? 4. Sewer or septic tanks? 5. Storm water drainage? 6. •So.lid .waste `and disposal? Explanation: lip P d9sh=L.(I 1:/d,J ®• lG;S W/ L. f,sGf.5/7 /", 7 N:5b. J Q. Human Health. Will the proposal result in the creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard excluding mental health)? Explanation: R. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Explanation: S. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? Explanation: T Archaeological/Historical . Will the proposal result in an alteration of a significant archaeological or historical site, structure, object or building? Explanation: g _ I I. I ,, the undersigned, state, that to the best of my knowledge the . above information is true. and: complete. It is. understood: that the lead- agency may withdraw any declaration of non-si.gn.ific"ance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful luck of full disclosure on, my part. Proponent: 159-01qP Da e: 7wi I Th 'Is checklist was reviewed by En ,ironmental Specialist, Department of Construction and Land: Use. Any co ents or changes made by the Department are entered in the body of the ch4klist and contain the initials of the reviewer. MAG7/25/80 • 10 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State .f Washington) County of King S E ELLISTON 1 being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states: That on the 90 day of June 19 83, affiant deposited in the mails: of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in t'he below entitled application or petition. r Subscribed and ;swor.n this 9th day of June 19 83 . Nota Pub c in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, PetitionIor Case: ROBERT W. HANCHEROFF: File SH. PL. 023-83; V-024-83 The mi.nwte,s contain a .ZLst o6 the pahti.ez neeon.d. ) J I t June 9, 1983 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AN• DECISION. APPLICANT: ROBERT W. HANCHEROFF FILE NO. Sh. Pl. 023-83; V-024-83 LOCATION: 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive SUMMARY •F RE'UEST: Applicant seeks approval of a two (2) lot short plat for a proposed doctor's/medical office, and a variance from Section 4-1102(8) of the Subdivision Ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an established easement. Lot #1 is intended to be developed into a medical office building. SUMMARY •F ACTION: Building and Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval subject to conditions. Hearing Examiner Decision: Short Plat is approved subject to conditions. Variance is approved. BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department Report was DEPARTME T REPORT: received by the Examiner on May 24, 1983. I PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building and Zoning Department Report, examining available information on file with the application and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on May 31, 1983, at 9:55 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The follo,Wing items were entered into the record: Exhibit #1: Yellow file containing the applications, staff report and other pertinent documents. Exhibit #2: Short Plat as proposed, with staff comments. Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator, reported this application has been heard before by the Hearing iExaminer, but the period of time for final submission was only one year and that time has lapsed; hat the applicant is now back for a re-review of the plat. The Exarnin r then entered the following into the record: Exhibit #3: Short Plat file 029-80 by reference only. Mr. Blayloc presented the staff report, noting that the subsequent development of the area is the mairi c ncern and will be considered at the proper time. He noted the staff recommends approval of he short plat and the variance request, subject to the following conditions: 1. No access on Lot #1 onto Benson Road South for approximately 375 feet from the northern property line. 2. Installation of fi 11 off-site improvements along Benson Road S. Discussion was held between the Examiner and Mr. Blaylock with respect to access onto Benson Road South and the limitationlof site lines due to the steepness of the terrain. II 11110 Robert W. Hanch roff Sh. P1. 023-83; V-024-83 June 9, 1983 Page 2 The Examiner called on the applicant. Testifying was: George Xenos 6018 - 152nd Avenue N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 Mr. Xenos scat d he believe the merits of this application were thoroughly reviewed in 1980. With respect" to staff recommendation #1, Mr. Xenos stated he would object to this and asked for a waiver of the installation of off-site improvements along Benson Road South under the bonding proces or the posting of a no-protest LID agreement until Benson Road can be designed or the improvement itself" is installed. I I The Examiner noted that a waiver was not requested prior to this hearing and he could therefore not consider it. If the short plat were to be approved, the applicant could apply to the Board of Pulbic Works separately for a deferral for up to five years and they candeferwhateverimprovementstheywoulddeemworthyoftherequest. Mr. Xenos n"ote that they are talking about almost $40,000 worth of improvements to this road; they realize' it has to be installed at the time of building, but they are hoping they can get the waiver so they an proceed with the project at this time. I The Examiner sked what would be the problem with access through the Elks Lodge site itself to also serve of 1. If Lot 1 acclessed onto the same easement on the Elks Lodge property and then came ou onto Benson Road by Eagle Ridge Road, there would be one less driveway on Benson. Mr. X nos noted they would then be accessing onto an easement, not a dedicated road. The Examiner stated he would hold the hearing open for an additional week and asked the developer to bmit a topographical map showing the various elevations and contours of the subject propery. The Examiner called for further tIestimony. Testifying was: Kelly O'Neil Real Estate Broker 3717 - 128th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, WA 98006 Mr. O'Neil reported the intended use for this property is for a medical/dental office Mr. O'Neil indicated he elt there was a need for access off of Benson for fire protection access and also the fact that the easement across the Elks property is quite a bit out of the way if a person were trying o gain access to the building; it would present a severe hardship on the property owner/develo er to use that form of access to the office buildings; and further, the request is a natural apply ation and use of the land. At this poIint, Mr. Xenos presented the Examiner with a topographical map. The Examiner noted it t ras not a full topographical map and does not show the necessary information. The Examiner tasked the applicant to provide him with a full topographical map and that he believes one is on file in the Building Department offices, and indicated he would hold the hearing open for one week from this date for submission of the written information.. The Exarz infer called for further testimony in support of the application. There was none. The Exarr.Iner then called for further testimony in opposition to the application. Testifying w s:Arletha York 1527 S. Eagle Ridge Drive Renton, WA 98057 Mrs. York dicated she was interested in the size and height of the building. She stated the neighboring property owners to the proposed development have beautiful views and they are concerned t at a structure will be constructed that will obstruct their views. She asked that the propert owners be allowed to object to anything that might be constructed that would be more than one or two stories high. Mr. BlaYloc indicated that in the B-1 zone, it would allow the construction of offices, retail uses, and apartment buildings at this point; that there is a 95' height restriction in this zone. i; IP 110 Robert W. Hancheroff Sh. Pl. 023E 83; V-024-83 June 9, 1983 Page 3 1 i Mrs. York;expressed concern for the existing greenbelt along the powerlines and along the Elks Club propertyll line, stating the property owners would like to retain as much of that greenbelt as possible d ing development and construction. She also indicated they would like to have the drive come in off of Benson. Also testifyin was: Ray Hauter I 1633 S. Eagle Ridge Drive Renton, WA 98057 Mr. Hauter e pressed three concerns: 1 1. Things have changed considerably since this matter first came to the city for conside ation because the Association has just recently been formed. I 2. The fat that Eagle Ridge and Benson Highway is a bad corner; there is no way for the people o get to Metro from this area and there should be some provision for foot traffic. I 3. Street ights should be considered for Eagle Ridge Drive. Testifying further was: Rudy Neuner 1615 S. Eagle Ridge Drive #2 Renton, WA 98057 Mr. Neuner stated he is not against the subdivision and supports the contention that access would bel better on Benson because of the bad intersection with Eagle Ridge Drive; he stated he was in favo of the site plan, but would like a height restriction placed at a maximum of two stories. Testimony as then heard from: Charles D. York 1527 S. Eagle Ridge Drive Renton, WA 98055 IIMr. Yorkk al o stated he was not objecting to the proposal; however, he feels access from Benson is to the b st interest of everyone. Mr. York expressed concern that there are developments and change that take place within neighborhoods and not everyone is advised. The Exam er suggested Mr. York express these concerns to the City Council so that perhaps the regulations governing notification to property owners might be amended to include more of the surroun ing neighbors. Mr. Xenos oted that the developer anticipates constructing a one-story, possibly a two-story complex at the maximum; that there is already a restriction on the property that nothing can be constructs higher than the footing level of the existing Elks Building; that the complex will be a very low key development on the site and will be something the neighborhood will be proud of. Roger Bla lock, Zoning Administrator, noted that the traffic levels in this area will decrease this surnmgr with the opening of SR515. Mr. Blaylock further recommended that the first condition ecommended in the staff report be deleted, since this can be a specific design review,IwhIether administrative or through the site plan approval process for the location of the driveway; it will meet city col es for site distance, slope, etc., whichever way it is done. The Examiner called for further testimony in support or opposition. There being none, the Examiner advised the hearing will be held open for one week to allow for written submission of the topogr phical map of the area. I FINDINGS CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner ow makes and enders the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Robert W. Hancheroff, filed a request for approval of a two-lot short plat, t ge her with a variance to allow access by easement. 2. The application file containing the application, the State Environmental Policy Act SE IA) documentation the Building and Zoning Department Report, and other pertinent documents was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. Pur uant to the City o Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA, the subject proposal is e I empt from environmental review. IP I. Robert W. Han heroff Sh. Pl. 023-83; -024-83 June 9, 1983 Page 4 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. The sub] ct property is located at 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive, which is the location of the Elks Clu Lodge. 6. The subj ct property was ennexed into the city by Ordinance 1547 in May of 1956 and Ordinanc 1871 in March of 1961. The Elks Lodge was constructed in 1967 on the easterly two-thir s of the site. The site was reclassified to B-1 (Business/Commercial) in two stages, the first in October, 1953 by Ordinance 2059 and the second in July, 1980 by Ordinance 3442. A short plat identical with that now proposed was approved but expired by the applicant's inaction (Sh. Pl. 029-80). 7. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into two lots consisting of 2.1 acres (Lot 1) and 5 cres (Lot 2) respectively. 1 8. While th subject property fronts on Benson Road, the access to the site has been via an easement from Eagle Ridge Drive. Segregation of the property as proposed would sever proposed Lot 2 containing Ithe Elks Lodge from any frontage upon a public right-of-way, whereas Section 9-1102(8) requires such frontage. The a pp.icant has therefore requested a variance from the above section. 9. Propertyowners in the vicinity of the subject site registered concern over the potential height cf f buildings which could be constructed on the site, the traffic and its impacts upon both! p destrian and vehiicular safety near the intersection of Eagle Ridge Drive and Benson, and notification of actual development on the site. They also requested that any develop ent on the site be approved subject to a site plan review hearing. 10. The I we tern portion of the subject site rises steeply above Benson Road, leveling off somew at in its eastern third, the site of the Elks Lodge. The, ap licant proposes constructing a medical/dental clinic on proposed Lot 1, together with it associated parking. The proposed development is still in its formative stage and the applicant has not determined the number of or nature of the buildings except that no structure will probably be more than two stories in height. 11. Responding to some of the concerns of nearby residents, the applicant indicated that restrictions imposed at the time of sale, hopefully not in violation of the subdivision ordinance, restricted development so as not to obstruct the view from the Elks Lodge. 12. The a sement currently serving the property crosses the Bonneville Power Line from Eagle R.idge Drive. The road is 30 feet wide and is paved to a width of 20 feet. Similar eas;em nts permitting access to otherwise landlocked parcels exist in other areas of the city. I 13. Aches to proposed Lot 1 would be via a driveway intersecting Benson Road approximately 250 fe t south of the north property line. Traffi Engineering did,not address the impact of additional curb cuts on the arterial functi ns of Benson Road, nor other traffic safety issues. 14. The Clomprehensive Plan for the area in which the subject site is located designates the site f r medium density development in the south and greenbelt in the north. I The 1980 reclassificati n of the property followed the prescribed greenbelt preservation poiic at the time and required by covenant that no more than 50% of the powerline corridor/greenbelt be employed for parking. The city's greenbelt preservation goals have since been strengthened and the new policy whichl guides development requires that not more than 25% of the greenbelt under powerlines be utilized for parking. I.IP Robert W. Hancheroff Sh. Pl. 023-483; V-024-83 June 9, 198'3 Page 5 1 i CONCLUSION: 1. The .pro osed short plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The subdivision itself i generally compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. It is the potential develop ent of parking in the greenbelt areas which may need modification and this can be specifically analyzed in the site plan review which will be required as a condition of shorti pl t approval. 1 2. The 'pre tion of the second lot, which may contain a separate and free standing dental clinic in this growing area of the city, will serve the public interest. 3. The variance to permit the easement to serve the existing Elks Club will not harm the public elfare, nor will it grant the applicant a special privilege. Similar easements have 1 been ap roved to allow access to the interior of large blocks and/or where topography has mad, r utine access from a public street difficult. i 1 4. The ina ure of the topography, the intervening powerlines and pre-existing nature of the I access easement all serve to make the property unique and the continuation of this r arrange ent will permit the applicant to make reasonable use of more of the subject site. Ili arrange 5. The;steep topography of the westerly proposed lot (Lot 1), along with the sensitive nature k of pote tial sight lines of any driveway access onto Benson require further review of the actual development plans. Similarly, while the applicant's purchase arrangement may j' precl a certain structuFal features, neighbors have expressed concern regarding both height and traffic. Therefore, site plan review will permit the city to monitor the develo ment. IP 6. While he access from Lot 1 is proposed to be to Benson Road, Traffic Engineering should i review the proposed access; as should the Fire Department for emergency access ii. i requir ments. The sight lines in the area may necessitate careful engineering of any drivew y. 1. Fu rthe , the Traffic Engineering Department should review any plans with an eye to minim zing the number of "blind" driveways and/or intersections in this area. The analysis y should consider whether 1 access via Eagle Ridge Drive, while increasing traffic on that f road, might not serve 1 traffic safety better by limiting the driveways and road i. inters ctions in this area. Pedes rian safety was raised as a special concern of the neighborhood residents and 1 additi nal driveways should be carefully monitored on this hilly stretch of Benson Road. 1. 7. Enier ency access to proposed Lot 1 may be necessary via proposed Lot 2 and therefore an j easement across the Elks Club (Lot 2) will be necessary to serve Lot 1 from Eagle Ridge Drive. DeIpe ding upon the analysis of the Traffic Engineering Department, the easement could serve as the primary access if access to Benson is either unwise from a safety aspect or unwa anted. 1.. DECISION: SHORT IPL T: 1.1 The short plat is approved, subject to the following conditions: 1 If, 1.1 Site plan review by the Hearing Examiner. 1I• 2.I Access from proposed Lot 1, the westerly lot shall not be finalized until approved at the site plan stage after analysis by the Traffic Engineering Division and the l Fire Department.is 3.j An easement across Lot 2 in favor of Lot 1 providing access to Eagle Ridge Drive. 1 1 1 1= 1 I 1 1 i Ii Robert W. Hancheroff Sh. Pl. 023, 83; V-024-83 June 9, 19a3 Page 6 j 1 VARIANCE: The variance I approved. ORDERED THIS 9th day of June, 1983. 41-*--ek, ,VCSAA.H_Fred J. Kau an Land Use HearingExaminerI TRANSMITT'D THIS 9th day of June, 1983 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: George Xenos 6018 - 152nd Avenue N.E. Redmond, WA 98052 Kelly O'Neil Real Estate Broker 3717 - 128th Avenue S.E. Bellevue, WA 98006 Arletha York 1527 S. Eagle Ridge Drive Renton, WA 98057 Ray Hauter 1633 S. Eagle Ridge Drive Renton, WA 98057 Rudy Neuner 1615 S. Eagle Ridge Drive, #2 Renton, WA 98057 Charles D. York 1527 S. Eagle Ridge Drive Renton, WA 98057 TRANSMIT ED THIS 9th day of June, 1983 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director David Clemens, Policy Development Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Ronald Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Roger Blaylock, Zoning Administrator Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle The Appea ance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communicatlions may occur concerning land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Cogincil. I All comet cations concerning the the proposal must be made in public. This permits all interested arties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the gvidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. I 110 Robert W. Hancheroff Sh. Pl. 023-83; V-024-83 June 9, 1983 Page 7 I The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests 'for Reconsideration as well as Appea s to the City Council. Pursuant to Title IV, Section 301,5 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on •r before June 23, 1983. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is eased on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of ew evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a writte request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, ;and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. Any appeal is governed by Title IV, Section 3011, which requires that such appeal be filed with the Superior ourt of Washington for King County within twenty (20) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. I I I i BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING May 31, 1983 APPLICANT: Robert W. Hancheroff FILE NUMBER: Short Plat-023-83, V-024-83 A. SUMMARY & PURPOSE.OF REQUEST: The applicant seeks approval of a two (2) lot short plat for a proposed doctoi1's/medical office and a variance from Section 4-1102(8) of the Subdivision Ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an establishment easement. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: ,Robert W. Hancheroff 2. pplicant: Robert W. Hancheroff 3.Location: Vicinity Map Attached) 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive 4.Legal Description: A detailed legal description is available on file in the Renton Building & Zoning Department. 5. Size of Property: 7 acres (305,000 square feet) 6. Access: Via Eagle Ridge Drive and Benson Road South 7. Existing Zoning: G-1, General; B-1, Business 8. Existing Zoning in the Area: G-1, General; R-1, Residential Single Family; R-4, Residential Multiple Family; B-1, Business. 9.Comprehensive Land Use Plan:Medium Density Multiple Family South); Greenbelt (North). 10.N tification: The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was properly published in the Daily Record Chronicle on May 20, 1983, and posted in three places on or near the site as required by City Ordinance on May 19, 1983. C. HISTORI /BACKGROUND: The subject site was annexed into the City by Ordinance #1871 of March 8, 1961, and Ordinance #1547 of May 24, 1956, at which time it was zoned GS-1. The Elks Lodge v as constructed in 1967. A portion of the site not located under the powerlinles was rezoned to B-1 by Ordinance #2059 on October 21, 1953. The remaindgr of the site was rezoned to B-1 by Ordinance #3442 on July 16, 1980. A short plat was approved on the subject site on May 27, 1980, by the Hearing Examine . The approval expired on May 27, 1981. D. PHYSIC L BACKGROUND: 1. Toography: The site rises fairly steeply from west to east, then levels off int• a large plateau where the Elks Lodge is located. I Y PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER HANCHEROFF: Short Plat-023-83, V-024-83 MAY il, 1983 PAGE; 2?. Soils: Alderwood Gravely Sandy Loam, 6-15% slopes (Ag C). Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Runoff is slow to moderate and the erosion hazard is moderate. This soil is used for timber, pasture, berries, row crops and for urban development. Alderwood 'Gravelly Sandy Loam, 15-30% slopes (AgD). Runoff is medium and the erosion hazard is severe. This soil is used mostly for timber. 3. Vegetation: The natural vegetation is concentrated on proposed Lot #1. 4.Wildlife: The existing vegetation on the site provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals. 5. Water: No surface water was evidenced on the site. 6. Land Use: The existing Elks Club is located on proposed Lot #2 of the short plat. The remainder of the subject site is undeveloped. E. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The surrounding properties are a mixture of undeveloped land, power transmission lines and rights-of-way, and some condominiums. F. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Water and Sewer: An eight-inch water main runs east-west on Eagle Ridge Drive and a ten-inch water main runs in a northwesterly-southeasterly direction in the easterly portion of the property. An eight-inch sanitary sewer is located on Eagle Ridge Drive and Benson Road. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. 3. Transit: METRO Transit Route #145 and #155 operates along Puget Drive South approximately 1/2 mile to the south of the subject site. 4. Schools: Spring Glen Elementary School and Fred Nelson Middle School are both within 1/2 of a mile to the south of the subject site while Renton High School is approximately 1-1/2 miles to the north. 5. Recreation: Talbot Hill Park is approximately 1-1/4 miles to the southwest of the subject site. G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-704; G-1, General Zone. 2. Section 4-701; B-1, Business. 3. Section 4-722(G); Variance. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1.Policies Element, Comprehensive Plan (1981), Commercial Areas Objectives 5.A and Commercial Structure and Sites Objective 5.B. 2. Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1105; Short Subdivisions. IMPACT ON THE NATURAL OR HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: 1. Natural Systems: Short platting the subject site will not directly impact the subject property. 2.Population/Employment: Minor. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER HANCHEROiF: Short Plat-023-83, V-024-83 MAY 31, 1983 PAGE 3 3. Schools: Not applicable. 4. Social: Not applicable. 5. Traffic: No specific plans have been submitted for theproposeddoctor's/medical office. Evaluation of the traffic impacts is best addressed hen specific plans are developed and submitted to the Building andZoningDepartment. J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuar it to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended, RCW 43-21C, the proposal is exempt from SEPA. K. AGENIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED: 1.City of Renton Building & Zoning Department. 2.City of Renton Design Engineering Division. 3.City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division. 4.City of Renton Utilities Engineering Division. 5.City of Renton Fire; Prevention Bureau. 6.City of Renton Policy Development Department. 7.City of Renton Parks & Recreation Department. L. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS; 1.rIlhe applicant is seeking a two (2) lot short plat, Short Plat-023-83, of approximately seven (7) acres along with a variance to allow access to the primary lot by established easement, V-024-83. The Elks Lodge presently occupies Lot #2. Lot #1 is intended to be developed into a medical office building. 2. The proposal complies with the zoning designation of B-1, Business Use and G-1, General Use and generally complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Medium Density Multiple Family and Greenbelt. The specific site was partial rezoned in 1980, with restrictive covenants limitingdevelopmentofthegreenbeltsto50%. This is now superseded with the new greenbelt policy adopted in the most recent Comprehensive Plan Amendments which would reduce parking lot development of thegreenbeltstoamaximumof25%. 3. T e proposal has been resubmitted because the original approval expired without posting a bond in 1981. All of the conditions surrounding the application have remained the same since that time. 4. The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department advises us that all off-site improvements on Benson Road S. will be required to be installed. Access to Lot #1 is to be equal to or lower than the existing centerline of the property as a result of grades. Storm water retention will have to be designed at a five (5) year release rate for a twenty-five (25) year storage. All improvements are required to have original mylars submittedincludingullilitiesofwaterandsewer. The Water Division advises that late corner's agreements are applicable for both water and sewer, and system development charges will be required for both water and sewer. The Traffic Division advises that a traffic study will be necessary to evaluate the total traffic to be generated at the time of development. This is a result q the variety of uses which could be developed under the B-1 zoning and not specifically the applicants present intent of office use. PRE IMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER HA CHEROFF: Short Plat-023-83, V-024-83 MA 31, 1983 PAG 4 M. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, it is recommended that the short plat request, Short Plat-023-83, and the variance request, V-024-83, be approved subject to the following conditions: 1.No access on Lot #1 onto Benson Road So. for approximately 375 feet from the northern property line. 2. Installation of full off-site improvements along Benson Road So. 1 ,ii:.-:' iK...IB11i t. s 4. . lr91t• Ft-1 0 P, 1. i I C._ __ i , I t Qt y i; I i el f. ``. t $ . i '' t I y sl I• • ii (; 1otcj• _ii®' 1 t- rill 1 I . i 1 t I I/ IIIIIIII •11111 •, • t 1-""----"---" •"' 10001' r I . 1 oI I ! Il I ,III I a-t t L 6I f,;I \ r. I.I.I.1.1•,I..r:. iii.%4 1 15 M I I%l ; Th. I , 1 rt. I. t 1 7freir4rir" Aviv/ 1 I 1 - -; Riat . 4;, s • j_ ' R-4 µ111 Cu f \ t l g I K R_4r6ln • -i' . I h u i m. 1t - . LA . v 1 ,•4f4941 1 I 1 i.,117 1• 1I 1 Imo, 7 I I NO\ 1 \ . s1sQIJL f'' , n'—_ i • e• A-1 ra1 f• t, •o a i s--_ 1 f• a,71 t, W ' • 7 -17 II 4i--'—_' J- rt _a• • ft t•' tt t 1' _ 1 i c e W a- _ r .a t' .• .--• s 4 f. ' G J 1 — R-4 3 . I---I i tl o w . wl1n i_______.. ._,.. osi "\.i. . .r,. -. J l'',/,/--7 ,. ILI'.' Li 2 7 ;t___. .6 I h' . t'r.-.1;. 1 I''.I r- ___:::= r-,.; -c/ 5,.' 2V.-, \ Ft-3 r 3 1. ! .. ..•. FR NElS( J 1.!.. Iy) T:Lfi01 .ull 1 laUGH1T621n!C1 AA HILL _ PARK 1 `'-'• '. .• 11 1 SC 0't 1 HANCHEI1OFF SHORT PLAT SHORT PILAT - 023-83 V-024- 3 APPL I CANT Robert Hancheroff TOTAL AREA - 7 acres (305,000 sq.f-) PRINCIP L ACCESS Via Eagle Ridge Drive EXISTi IN ZONING G- , General and B-1, Business EXIST„IN USE Renton Elks Lodge (Vacant) PROPOSE USE Doctor and Medical Office COMPREH NSIVE LAND USE PLAN Medium Density Multi-Family and Greenbelt COMMENT II 11 1I I i± 1 I 1' r A , cm ,,,,, .... oF IN 1..., WEST HALF OF SEC RENTON, KING ( 3;,: 11 ; . s 77 9A5/5 Of dCAR/NGS y EAGLER/qpf ESTI>ES 91' . ZO i j?i CONOD.N/N/UM 1' i VOL. 2/.416E 44-Io SCALE /''/06 8...2/v!'vr bi'c.z.,. ,`'.2W`..;J .,/,rLt. :.5,4 ... a*.3.5•5:l4.`17 N,7'I!'09 E A'Bi' „;j_ IJ:'5O 375.11 fP iJO n ~ q 8A NS72.1Io f ;4179'1 1OlR b S. h ti, Y,q A ca Of. 7J'-' dirt. a,v d a h •. 79! in° ply n ''.7 4",e4CE tr, • 2 tjL' 2 % o y4 e ti , b h F'.W w e', \ p p rrtrLr'so»iet') . c z ,tg'E y { f f v U ti ir'i3 ,-(:..\.1I^ , Jots!ere W. R COR• JEC.re,iw,z. z..Iii\ r\ - L R f— P .E, WAf. h " , a ' P i JJ. ji`. ..j, vwry4'-. i Jam\ '`5. - G•`"0. z• y jaq.Al 3In pio: p S.,. ti zo51 EVI' E 1R DESCRIPTION That portion of the West half of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, 11.M., King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the west quarter corner of said section; thence NO°44'05"E along the west line thereof a distance of 329.59 feet to the southerly margin of tie Bonneville Power Administration 200 fool Diablo - Seattle Transmission Right- of-Way as described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No. 3560456, records of King County, Washington; thence N87°23'49"E along said southerly margin 856.68 feet to a point noted as the True Point of Beginning of Parcel 25 as described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No. 6150334, records of King County, Washington, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence NO2°36'1I"W 100.00 feet; thence 587°23'49"W 612.72 feet to intersect the easterly margin of Benson Road at a point, on the arc of a curve the center of which bears N8I°17'33"E 2835.00 feet distant; thence southerly along said easterly margin and along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 7°34'29" an arc distance of 374.80 feet to a point of tangency; thence continuing along said easterly margin 516°16'56"E 337.58 feet to the northerly margin of that 120 foot strip of land described in that certain "Declaration of Ownership" recorded under Auditor's File No. j 5687370, records of King County, Washington; thence N74°32'17"E along said northerly margin 480.60 feet to a point which bears S02°36'11"E from the point of beginning; thence NO2°361l"W 490.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. i r.•. - , -' - ,. _... . .. . 4+.216,-?";&0:'.i`.`I(..-34`4 1 ':AA+<p,^'MS«;ei'"..,.:i-.:gitif,,,,,rf.•.x'i'S.®il_-ki..:roc9ato&'3 sii+WkAr:wBi:x9lt if(BFSrid'i3iess5dxH[YWr4 REVIEWING DEPARjTMENT/DIVIS I : W2 4V f /J4e 7 E - APPROVED ArrrcOVED WITH ONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED yR 4eet e 5 eSi /( 47 t‘li- i //v1 / Mtf-;DATE: SIG AT RE 04 DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 6/1082 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : z APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS SNOT APPROVED I QQ I 6 2( / , / c' . — Z. J:DATE : SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE fREVISION6/9002 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :,)` 17,7 El APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED 1 1 r DAT E: SIGNA URE OF DIITCTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVI _ __N : i - 42‘ -‘-- 3 ri APPROVED Fa APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ri NOT APPROVED I oc.,....„._ ,, 3 Q4- _,....„, z- , , &_ , J2g.,,,......- v4 0,--L._,,„,id--2...tve---- 2''."1----- a0 ,,,,„.:to-7 - z-e-i-e-..- --/,/ e_,-- ri2t--- e /-, 6.9( ---Afr-.-- d.r,-.1c,„.„- e -2...-1 /. 4-.-0 1- .0/ P.-:' 62-&- Q--- - z-e- d- 4.4.......-e. 9 G% V DATE : ,.5'7_17OF-7 SIGNATURE OF RE TOR OR A T ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 6g/4/Ty ritl&i/iVAF,Eelikl& r—viriAPPROVEDAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED UTILITY APPROVAL ;UBJECT 101 se3- 3 -83 LATE COMERS ASR(HEHT • WATER 1,itz ()-3 7^,-tw r y,.,,,,,,',. x.r 1 LATE COMERS AGR :MEUT - SEWER S c'- 7e ' l,(,ce,, /I SYSTEM DEYELOPM NT CHARGE • WATER y,E' s .047.c-, " ,1( f' SYSTEM DEVELOPM ET CHARGE • SEWER ea s • " eatc / " SPECIAL ASSESS(AE ' AREA CHARGE • WATER No SPECIAL ASSESSME rr AREA CHARGE • SEWER No APPROVED WATER LAN ye-5 J11457t4- ® T coca- - APPROVED SEWER LAll Ye5 APPROVED FIRE HYII RANT LOCATWRS BY FIRE 'PT. ers FIRE ROW AHALYS 9 OEA tvt 0e%10'""-ir 4- ` 93 5-z) lc DATE: 5/ C /13 SIGNATURE dF D RECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1082 REVIEWING 'DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7(1 .- A-, ;//C6-sr/4) - El APPROVED 14] APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED C t,,,. C' be/./C.0 ci.%'= -- S'72, .,. . // .-, • J' :s r L._ .-''=1 CD A V r:f j.i cr 1VVVi1 <¢\1- 4./tAirt,e'(•c-C' 644J I.( r It I U/ Gi ter: rz,l lIV`., DATE : •J,41/SIGNATURE F DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RENT() BUILDING & ZONING DEPAF BENT DBE ELOP ENT ,Y, PPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT -023-83, VARIANCE (V-024-83) PROPONENT : R bert W. Hancheroff PROJECT TITE : HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of 1 property into two lots for a proposed doctor s/medical office and variance from Section 4-1102(8) of the subdivision ordinance to allow access to Lbt 1#2 by an established easement. LOCATION : 1630 Eagle Ridge Drive TO : n PUBLIC W RKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : E:I ENGINEERING DIVISION OTRA FIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : El UTI ITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PRE ENTION BUREAU Ill PARKS & ECREATION DEPARTMENT ll BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE, D PARTMENT El POLICY D VELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OOTHERS : COMMENTS ORS GGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . LEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. 'N May 6, 1983, REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : POLICE OAPPROVED Eli APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED This short plat should be drafted so each piece of property has direct access to a city str et. Also should be designed so each piece of property can have asecondaryaccess.,) I 1I Cap . D.R,4e`r4sn DATE: 5 9 3 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE R Et CUPQSAKI C„CIAO CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING May 31, 1983 AGEN DA COMMENICING AT 9:00 A.M.: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The appli ations listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. HARRISON SHORT PLAT Application to short plat 1.78 acres into four (4) lots with two (2) varances, allowing a, private street and a reduction of its width, and a lwailver application for curbs and sidewalk, File Sh. Pl. 014-83, V-015-83, V-016-83, and W-017-83; located at 1832 N.E. 20th. HAbCHEROFF SHORT PLAT Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of property into two lots for a proposed doctor's/medical office and a variance from Section 4-1102(8) of the Subdivision Ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an established eas ment, File Sb. Pl. 023-83 and V-024-83; located at 1600 Eagle Ridge Dri 'e. LOUIS ANDERSON Application for a substantial shoreline development permit to allow a sunleck for a residence, with a variance to allow the deck into the rear yard setback within ten (10) feet of the shoreline of Lake Washington, File SM-1105-83 and V-030-83; located at 3703 Lake Washington Boulevard N. OF R 5, V y CZ'z NOTICEmIL9, o I ` O• O e, P E SEP1OM City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , ' CITY HALL ON SAY 131, 1983 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. . P.M. CONCERNING: FILE SH, PL. 023-83 AND V-024-83 1REZONE From To SPECIAL / CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT : To SITE APPROVAL E SHORT PLAT/SUBDIVISION of 2 Lots Li PLANNEDUNITDEVELOPMENT fl VARIANCE FROM GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: , f( LOCAI Ell AT 1600 EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE IN THE RENTON. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION SIGNIFICANT NON—SIGNIFICANT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL ;THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT. 235-2550 THIS N 0 ICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHO PRAPE= ALATH0FPIZATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON I A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON ON May 31, 1983, AT 9:00. A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: HARRISON SHORT PLAT 1 Application to short plat 1.78 acres into four (4) lots with two (2) variances, allowin a private street and a reduction of its width, and a waiver application for curbs a d sidewalk, File Sh. Pl. 014-83, V-015-83, V-016-83 and W-017-83; located . at 1832 .E. 20th Street. I HAN;CHEROFF SHORT PLAT I Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of property into two (2) lots for a proposed doctor's/medical office and a variance from Section 4-1102(8) of the Subdivision Ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an established easement, File Sh. Pl. 03-83 and V-024-83; located at 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive. I 1 LOUIS ANDERSON I Application for a substantial shoreline development permit to allow a sundeck for a residence with a variance to allow the deck into the rear yard setback within ten (10) feet of the shoreline of Lake Washington, File. SM-105-83 and V-030-83; located at 3703 Lake. Washington Boulevard N. I Legal';descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Deparitment. ALL INT RESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON May 31, 1983, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. I I PUBLISH D : May 20, 1983 Ronald G. Nelson I Building and Zoning Director I CERTIFICATION i I I, JERRY LIND, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE' P STED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. I I ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in the King County, on the I g day of May, 1'98311. SIGNED: t:1--(16aCLI I Page 1 of 2 1_ 4111 I HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT SHORT PLAT -023-83 V-024-83 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER NAME 202305-913-07 REN'I'ON ELKS LODGE #1809 202305-90.7-09 REN'I'ON ELKS LODGE #1809 202305-9103-01 LINCOLN PROPERTY 202305-90 0-03 I PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT 192305=90:1-00 CITY OF REN'I'ON 202305-90 3-00 PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT 202305-90 4-09 PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT 214200-00 0-03 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-00;0-09 R.L. HAUTER 214200-00 0-01 MARGUERITE BUYKEN 214200-0010-07 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-00.0-04 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-00.0-02 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-00 0-00 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-00:0-08 H.S. WMITH & D.J. MITTFR 214200-0090-06 RUDY E. NEUNER 214200-0 00-04 i M.A. NIGHTINGALE & J.L. CLAY 214200-0 10-02 HILDA W. SORENSEN 214200-0 20-00 j CALHOUN JORGENSEN & JANICE 214200-0 30-08 GIIMAN L. TOSO 214200-0 40-06 YVETTE POTTER 214200-0 50-03 ROBERT F. WILSON 214200-0 60-01 THAD L. IPSEN 214200-0 70-09 RICHARD A. HOBBS 214200-0 80-07 PAUL N. JOOS 214200-0 90-05 GARY W. LINDBERRG 214200-0'00-03 ADRIENNE W. THOMPSON 214200-0 10-01 RFT,LF CHAMBERS 214200-0 20-09 WILLIAM BAILEY & THOMAS 214200-0,30-07 i EDWARD LAKOUS & PATRICIA 214200-0 40-05 CHARLES D. YORK 214200-0250-02 DOYCE E. COCHRAN 214200-0260-00 JOHN D. KILBURN 214200-0270-08 HENRY W. SCHAUER 214200-0280-06 SEATTLE 1st NATL BANK 214200-1290-04 I ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-0300-02 i ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-0310-00 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-0320-08 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-0330-06 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-0340-04 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-0350-01 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-1360-09 ERVIN YODER ETAL 214200-1370-07 ERVIN YODER ETAL 864412-0010-09 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 864412-0020-07 864412 0030-05 864412 0040-03 864412 0050-00 864412 0060-08 864412 0070-06 864412 0080-04 864412 0090-02 864412 0100-00 864412 0110-08 864412 0120-06 864412 0130-04 864412 0140-02 864412 0150-09 864412 0160-07 864412 0170-05 864412 0180-03. 86441 0190-01 864414-0200-09 86441 -0210-07 86441.-0220-05 Page 2. of 2 HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER NAME 864412-0231-03 THUNDERHILL INVESTORS 864412-0241-01 11 864412-0251-08 11 864412-0261-06 11 864412-027 -04 II II864412-028I0-02 864412-02 0-00 864412-03 0-08 11 864412-03 0-06 864412-03 0-04 11 11 . 864412-00 0-08 II 0-06 I 864413-00 0-04 864413=00 0-02 II 0-09 I II864413-00 0-07 i II II II0-05 II864413-00 0-03 I 11 864413-00 0-01 864413-0100-09 864413-0110-07 11 864413-0 20-05 864413-0 70-04 11 864413-0 80-02. j 864413-0 90-00 j' 864413-0.00-08 864413-0.10-06 11 864413-0 '20-04 11 864413-0'30-02 864413-0'40-00 202305-9129-02 STANLEY FITZPATRICK 202305-9131-08 I VERONICA MAXON 202305-9132-07 STANLEY FITZPATRICK 202305-9133-06 I LEROY DRAVLAND 202305-9035-04 LEROY DRAVLAND 202305-9086-02 I RENTON ELKS LODGE #1809 202305-'088-00 LINCOLN PROPERTY 202305-'089-09 RENTON VILLAGE VET SUPPLY 202305-•112-00 LINCOLN PROPERTY 202305-'113-09 I LINCOLN COUNTRY HILLS 202305-'119-03 I INVEST WEST CORP. 202305-'090-06 I RENTON PLAZA I CERTIFICATION I, Rage Blaylock, hereby certify that the above lists of adjacent property ,owners and the; addresses were taken from the 1983 records of the King County Assessor's Rolll, otices of the public hearing on the subject plat were mailed to each adjacent proper i owner as prescribed by law. ArUEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public., in and fo the I State of Washington residing in the King County, on the _4g________ idayofMay, 1983. 1 I SIGNED: da, 1 0/0= )c ROri2N rewrote 0 F R A di BUILDING DIVISION c.) 4$ cg) z ralf „- ,. 1c5.1,-,,,200 Mill Avenue South , mil Renton,Washington 98055 V8 83 I)- , - sEpiso'. WI `,,, a, /11:- r--- ET---1r- C,j cf f':::::,n L I,,1 SO LI 1-1•1 LL-,L.---',LI' ../1' 1± ' ,J0924BRO ,ON TAMY . 6igyi2 RENTON, WA980551. .or.% i I MAY 2 3- 1983 s-7-7-•-, 4--. N 11 ADDRESSEE ---:----e-:- A104-0 -- cE,I o; IMITURN TO SENDER OF RA, 111 17/ 15:i:1?-;';i7'''3 0 0 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 200 Mill Avenue South 7seaaRenton,Washington 98055 18 '83 l'- Eo sEp-ce"- s. a..41 qtre. Sacfr1/ 7 r-1,--,c,t,el Fztart 7 JL CLAY 1 M.A. NIGHT 1615 EAG DGE bR.-: #B-3 1 RDNTON, . 98055 1 tv,F,3 2 3 d: L9c:::- iDORESSEE r' INV; 'N 1 6,.ip,:s r34 tts, Eitituu 10 -SENDERVA P ivi OF RF4,4 A. 1 CI BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 200 Mill Avenue South t* Renton,Washington 98055 F P ^ ;; E0 SEPSE11' t i. q, t". r `' 4 MICHAEL R. SMITH cirf or r.;.r. QailGir;&Z_: C,at. f 1835 NE 20th ST.tr n"'' _ RENTON, WA. 8 055 U i E( , ,1, ; i i MA Y 2 3 1983OTLi:1-cVERAB!_E . NS - --.nrSSED p TT ALA BI FORWARD c° 1983 C` . IETUtir: f0 WRITER 9 — P ivl MAY 20 G}/Acvh• 4 S CITY OF RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING May 31, 1983 AGENDA COMMEN ING AT 9:00 A.M.: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The appli ations listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in w ich they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing E aminer. HA RISON SHORT PLAT Ap lication to short' plat 1.78 acres into four (4) lots with two (2) var antes, allowing a private street and a reduction of its width, and a waiver application for curbs and sidewalk, File Sh. Pl. 014-83, V-015-83, V-016-83, and W-017-83; located at 1832 N.E. 20th. HA CHEROFF SHORT PLAT Ap lication to short plat 305,000 square feet of property into two lots for a pro osed doctor's/medical office and a variance from Section 4-1102(8) of the Subdivision Ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an established eas ment, File Sb. Pl. 023-83 and V-024-83; located at 1600 Eagle Ridge Dri e. LO IS ANDERSON Ap lication for a substantial shoreline development,.,permit, to allow a isun eck for a residence, with a variance to allow the deck into the rear ya d setback within ten (10) feet of the shoreline of Lake Washington, File SM 105-83 and V-030 183;_located,at 3703 Lake Washington Boulevard N. 1 71-•••- '• t; .--- i 1-:' '.': ---:--- • \ ,• I 1- ' .. 1_ i! _i_l I ..i'• 4 ,,I- 1 .-:i ;;--.1 1 k 7 A, amm i r..i 1_ Alim 1 I 1 1 i. 1--- VIII c1K .1! ..;, . I 410 /1 I II 9 ; I 7(.71 , • ' .5: •,..41 . 4' /4,' 4"" 1 r, 11 -:A' t q•1 45 4 ? 4 • 1• ,I I...---:1"- 16,1i... '7‘.-Ir 1 r , • 1 i , r-rT-'I I 10067911..-- I r'- ' I I 1 I a " . , 9. 64, illill017 I I I I I I S 1 I I 11110111"IiIIIII0* I I .• e ittl 41 I 1101111 ill I ill I- . 111. 1 6; .6-1 . l' N C,77.-.:7z7z-'07-p...".— .. 11 •". • I 1101 • , /1. 0111.01a 10;) linal r. .1.1-i•!•!•1•1'71-r. R. —41, P 1101011-',__•••• I ' s,--.....-.=_-_, 11116 4 ,1 I II I 11 11' 4- I TE.R.-' 4;t.,c: - 000: . - 11" ' 111•\' :. 7-_-:.--..---- -- - T. ' . .. . LII1111.01141W i I la.,--1 II 4-_--=--=-- -"....G--- - ' , .... • .11 .. 1! ' t !' . ,47----" L--- ----(= - J /** vi •1;..: ....1.; 1...h• : . . . - 79r,Aorg,,17 . 6 A . 5- V R-4 7_ (MI 1=, \\ I 1 I‘ i •1,; ,• , •.: ,,s .,-. Ill'1 r. ----' / ° Ib IIII,• t_ ini,:.. ,-,.,-_, _, F--.-_,--,.. 7. 4.;; Ir .:,) _ __ 7: ..,_ i• 4111 146 1•.1 .... • AMES -'UM — • -- 1 . 1 li ..,1k, al :. ., , R-4 1.4. 1 49 1 '; id I. ', • - It. .,.i .....„," I •. ....,..; MIR _ _!. 1 .1" ..ii ip.•_.v 1 .. 9 I • *WWII " . ' . .... 1; n 41 11111, \ .. / ,s‘ 1 VAI _ 5' 1... :., ....- 5 • -.. ., I be . 1-. imp ,-- :-... •sl,ljJ " • t,_ 1 1. .. I 7--. lac11uni G . 1 R•c' wii 6 .. I, . -- —N oilli.wes it, , .--)„;•• 0 , .=, . mtiN —a-, 1-7,•••---- .--,:- . ,, .R MP 1 \‘\* A‘ *. s B-'1 2 s i 41; 79 66 - :'•et7:1 MI G-1 67 . 94_ .19 11_ `0 ; '•.,T-- t 7 66 • St 7 ss 1 a 5 4 " I .G41i..,,' R-4 ty-• 7_. ! 1 — illi,\ III ' . ; 'IRV „ r. ,. . : ; r- r--*.•,'..".:, • •:,.-' 1:.. .• --- • ' . ----- ------ -1.1i• , -, 't• • mi .. . :, „Iq ,,i i..; . ll_<."..\ 41 h . • , ://-- - ,--- ---- -.1r;:74-i i_ -_=-__,_k_ __-: : -I BE i %. . rt I "' / 1 4 • . : ili4)-- i ' 9.9 • Q--.I 9N1 A, 1 •8 LT- "- -•11 til:3 - :• 4 3 -9 1 1 . 1•• ; .*, 5:,%.• A il 24 ..,...... . $ Tr; IALROKO I •IILL 4 ••:, 4 11 FR 11 NEI.5( III I IR iiCoi t _5C 0.-"- I 1 HANCHEIOFF SHORT PLAT SHORT PILAT - 023-83 V-024-83 I 1 I APPL tICA T Robei^t Hanc41eroff TOTAL • AREA - 7 acres (305,000 sq.fi) 1 PRINCIPAL ACCESS Via Eagle Ridge Drive 1 I ExisTIN! ZONING G-11, General and 8-1, Business EXIST, IN USE Renton Elks Lodge (Vacant) I PROPOSE' USE Doctor and Medical Office I COMPREH NS I VE LAND USE PLAN Medium Density Multi-Family and Greenbelt I COMMENTS i 1 I s I I I 1.> Clei ' 4 i r F IN . WEST HALF OF SEC RENTON, KING C 6_ BAS/S Of efAX/NGS 7 f. EA6(ER/06E E57A7E5 t"d to• Y4ti t OL. e/•476- 44-¢o sCALE'/'•/ca' g 1.9%/lil%:_Jai.[... ,` 2`,1,/ ,> .4L.L. ...5/11..6 '• 4. 356 'r96 N077-r'l f 6/1..71 I r CJ7 50 5.11p +'B 'T'fffR FsiJOooA 4 Ne771'49 f ;4'7f'/s70 fe I-- f 1.1.4 Y13.o0 —— 7,— ——— hk, so a av IS d'\ 0 p6E 7 ' '-- s 1 O• n ,, e,rACE 0I ek o$ \ /\ Z 10 b h > o h• ti V A. 00. 1... l of 1 a ti C, rl 1.., el1O '. 26. c., •ti J/ y' o ems.ee N.Ny` r \\ — I t e _ Ne,Wit92- fYcoysEc.to rwP zj,i%, N; ` \ L Pg • I h!A4. r a ->: tr. PA A R4.,..,:\r‘c...,, ..-_,... a sJ• v _ o j O i-- t jgL EJ r' J-j./.- J so F g3.7C N7e SZ \\ r 2. IN 1 V\ ...... I I.., ___ 1r . IRO E5M1 ho 1F5 . 80, E DESCRIPTION That portion of the West half of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. King County, Washington, described as follows: Comencing at the west quarter corner of said section; thence N0°44'05"E along the west Iine thereof a distance of 329.59 feet to the southerly margin of the Bonneville Power Administration 200 foot Diablo - Seattle Transmission Right- of-Way as described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No. 3560496, records of King County, Washington; thence N87°23'49"E along said southerly margin 856.68 feet to a point noted as the True Point of Beginning of Parcel 25 as described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File No. 6150334, records of King County, Washington, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence NO2°36'11"W 100.00 feet; thence S87°23'49"W E12.72 feet to intersect the easterly margin of Benson Road at a point, on the arc of a curve the center of which bears N8I°17'33"E 2835.00 feet distant; thence southerly along said easterly margin and along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 7°34'29" an arc distance of 374.80 feet to a point of tangency; thence continuing along said easterly margin 516°16156"E 337.58 feet to the northerly margin of that 120 foot strip of land described in that certain "Declaration of Ownership" recorded under Auditor's File No. 5687370, records of King County, Washington; thence N74°32'17"E along said northerly margin 480.60 feet to a point which bears 502°36'11"E from the point of beginning; thence NO2°36'll"W 490.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. REM& BUILDING k ZONING DEMENT D :VELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET CITY OF REN TON ECF - H - MAY 2 1983 POLICY APPLICATION 0(S) : SHORT P T -023-83, VARIANCE (V-024-83) DEVELOPMENT DF.PT. PROPONENT: I Robert W. Hancheroff i PROJECT TITL: : HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT BRIEF DESCRI •TION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of 1 property into two lots for a Icroposed doctor's/medical office and variance from Se1ction 4-1102(8) of ,he subdivision rdinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an established easement. LOCATION : 600 Eagle RidgeIDrive TO: 0 PUBLIC ORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : BEN INEERING DIVISION TRLFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIRE ' PREVENTION BUREfkU OPARKS : RECREATION DEPARTMENT L1BUID1 G & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLICE DEPARTMENT IMPOLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OOTHEIRS COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITIN1G . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M ON May 6, 1983 i REVIEWING D PARTMENT/DIVSION : 7/ 1 died/We APPROVED ri APPROVED WITH ONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED L < c6VJ41L$ esp /./h ° milT Dá/' Aft 1i 2 G,O DATE: v /9b°5 SIGIAT RE • DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 REND BUILDING & ZONING DEMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT -023-83, VARIANCE (V-024-83) PROPONENT: j Robert W. Hancheroff PROJECT TITLE : HANCHEROF SHORT PLAT BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of property into two lots for a Proposed doctor s/medical office and variance from Section 4-1102(8) of the subdivision ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an established easement. LOCATION : 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive I TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIVISION E] TRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : DUT:LITIES ENG, DIVISION El FIREiPREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT E] POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .M. ON May 6, 1983 REVIEWING1DEPARTMENT/DIVISION :G•a - APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS n NOT APPROVED 9--44reL, c/fr Jt) DATE: 3-/3/0E-7 SIGNATURE OF RE TOR OR A T ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1 I REVISION 5/1982 II REN BUILDING & ZONING DEITMENT Il EVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT -023-83, VARIANCE (V-024-83) PROPONENT: Robert W. Hancheroff PROJECT TITLE : HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT BRIEF DESCR:PTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of 1 property into two lots for a proposed doctor's/medical office and variance from Section 4-1102(8) Iof the subdivision ordinance to allow access to L'ot #2 by an established easement. LOCATION : 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive TO: E] PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ENGINEERING DIV SION DTRAFFIC ENG. DI'(ISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION Ei FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT D .BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Ei POLICE DEPARTMENT 1=1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERII1S COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITINGI. PLEASE PROVID COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.M. ON May 6, 198:3 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : T/L/ `k7A*,,/ oiEi 'AII APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Ei NOT APPROVED I UTILITY APPROVAL SUBJECT T0 NS- 3 7 83. LATE COMERS AGREEMENT WATER 1,& id-sgrZ w L LATE COMERS -AGREEMENT - SEWER s S- 7e ' l.+ifi SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - WATER 0,.041S-0 " SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE • SEWER S ea,04/,1 Pr " ea4 04k " SPECIAL ASSESSMENT', AREA CHARGE - WATER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, AREA CHARGE - SEWER /s/ APPROVED WATER PLAN YES 6,AU`- o °''ot&wr O ' - APPROVED SEWER PLAN MS APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS yerS BY FIRE D,PT. 7 DEPawv 6) f ek Qe xiPo err FIRE f'ur' ANAtYS-I r 4493 31- 7—DATE;5/ 13 SIGNATURE OF RECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE wPvinIAN 5/1Q82 REN' I BUILDING & ZONING DEF ____TMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT -023-83, VARIANCE (V-024-8 ) PROPONENT,: Robert W. Hancheroff PROJECT TIT E : HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT BRIEF DESCR PTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of property into two lots for a proposed doctor's/medical office and variance from Siection 4-1102(8) iof the subdivision ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an established easement. ;,I LOCATION : , 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive TO : PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : OEN INEERING DIVISION 1 ' flTRLFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : t` UTi LITIES ENG . DIVISION 1 , Ir: FIRE "PR VENTION BUREAU F-1 PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUIL6IN6 & ZONING DEPARTMENT'‘ EI POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR 'UGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P .O. ON May 6, 1983, REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : POLICE APPROVED I] APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED This shori plat should be drafted so each piece of property has direct access to a city st eet. Also should be designed so each piece of property can have a secondary access: Cap ,. D.R i 4r7 DATE: s/q/R3 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 RENi,-u`I BUILDING k ZONING DE1 _,::',WENT • II EVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET II ECF - APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT -023-83, VARIANCE- (V-024-83) PROPONENT : Robert W. Hancheroff PROJECT TIT E : HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT I I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat 305,000 square felt of property 'int. two lots for a proposed doctor's/medical office and variance from Section 4-1102(8)' of the subdivision ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an establishdd easement. LOCATION :I 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive 1 TO: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : E GINEERING DIVISION N TRAFFIC ENG. DI ISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG. DIVISION FIREIiPR VENTION BURE . 0 El PARKS & RECREATION D PARTMENT fl .BUILDIN & ZONING DEPARTMENT OPOLI4 DEPARTMENT OPOLICY "DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OOTHERIis : COMMENTS OR 'UGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING", PLEASE PROVID COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 ON May 6, 1983 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISI ON : OAPPRONI/ED ETA PROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED LL , / ' 4101111 4 am' d# /2 i Z Q s i 7- cA/1'./ e ll i c cow, cam 1 v R "S g 6 A s-,f6teel tv-euewae- qq j / r,4 tE (.,,,vL. tJcl `'''144Qe- - iG f f DATE: S e SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUZED REPRESENTATIVE I RFVISIAN 5/1982 o i BEN' .I BUILDING k ZONING DEP 'WENT • o l DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET 1 1 ECF — ! — APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT -023-83, VARIANCE (V-024-83) PROPONENT; Robert W. Hancheroff PROJECT TITLE : HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT f BRIEF DES',CR:PTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of property into two lots for a proposed doctor's/medical office and variance from Section 4-1102(8) ! of the subdivision ordinance to allow access to Lot #2 by an established easement. LOCATION :(1 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive II 1 i TO: d El PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 1 DENGINEERING DIVISION DTRAFFIC ENG. DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : I UTILITIES ENG. 6IVISION 0 FIRE jPREVENTION BUREAU 6iPARKS, & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 1 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 0 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 P.O. ON May 6, 1983 1 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVIS ON :BL 1 JELPPROV,ED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED a 1 i I I 1 1 I II I 1 I DATE: 0 3 SIGNATU' e '. DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 I I, I i REN'_ __I BUILDING &c ZONING DEP !WENT — --- Gureau i DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEE 1 ECF - MAY, 2 1983 I I APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT -023-83, VARIANCE, (V-024-83) PROPONENT ; Robert W. 'Hancheroff PROJECT TIT. E : HANCHEROFF SHORT PLAT BRIEF DESCR PTION OF PROJECT: Application to short plat 305,000 square feet of property 'into two lots for a proposed doctor's/medical office and variance from Section 4-1102(8) of the subdivision ordinance to allow access to Lbt #2 by an established easement. LOCATION ;, 1600 Eagle Ridge Drive TO : I 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : Ei ENGINEERING DIVIISION 0 TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : I} El UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION gFIRE1PREVENTION BUREAUU 0 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE EPARTMENT 0 POLICY EVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING, PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5:00 PA, ON May 6, 1983 I REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISlION :C%A/l/ E APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS El NOT APPROVED I I I' 1 i g1 0 DATE:7 6'^ - SIE 0' 1IRrTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I RPVICIflN 5/19132 I E RTY DE'VE L PME Aff0C. LAND CONSULTANTS George J. Xenos 6018-152nd Ave. N.E. 206): 8 :2--2898 Redmond; Via. 98052 April 1, 1983 c tycr Tire Roger J. Blaylock Buitai&ZoninPapt City of i`'enton Planning Dept. EQVM200MillAve. So. enton y T a. 98055 Re: Exception tol the Subdivision Ordinance APR 6 1983 Dear M;r. Blaylock : On ehalf of the Renton Elks and Dr. Hancheroff, we request for an; exception to the subdivision ordinance of their short Pla. This exc •ption would per.c6i_t the continued access of the Lodge, Lot 2 via the easement across the powerline corridor frorii Eagle Ridge :Drive. This request was approved in the previous applica- tion by he Land Use Hearing Examiner File No. She Pl. 029-80. Th. k you for yoL assistance. Sinc-rely, George . :e os y, Y o , " TY OF RENT FILE NO(S): (j1`gyp? V ILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT C724- ' ES cz, 1 boll 1•IrVC5c:' : - MASTER APPLICATION NOTE TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. Please print or type. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) 1 tea : . APPLI 0 .A NTT I I TYPE OF APPLICATION NAME FEES Robert- 'CAT.;_`‘. nrhEToff Q REZONE*(FROM TO ADDRESS . LJ SPECIAL PERMIT* 340 !4or;ri :- Ave. So. CITY mo"I ZIP 0 TEMPORARY PERMIT* Renton, la. 98055 Q CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT* TELEPHONE D SITE PLAN APPROVAL 2 5 5-2 5 51 GRADING AND FILLING PERMIT No. of Cubic Yards: VARIANCE CONT CT PERSON From Section: _ y-//O . (e) Justification Required 1 NAME rofesio1 al roperty Development George 1 J. Xen i s ADDRESS 1 SUBDIVISIONS: 6018-1.52 d Ave. NE. 1 SHORT PLAT CITYRedmond Wa. 98052 ZIP 1:::] TENTATIVE PLAT 0 PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE' i FINAL PLAT 882-2598 uWAIVERI Justification Required) 1 O W N E NO. OF LOTS: 2 I Hancheroff Short P1a.t NAME PLAT NAME: 1 Applicant ADDRESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Q PRELIMINARY CITY ZIP' FINAL I P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE I Residential 1:::] Ildustrial- Commercial n Mixed LOCA IOI1 MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS' )Opt) E Z,NO&Ib Uakie ED West Of , ento,n Elks C ,ub TENTATIVE EXISTINGT USE ' PRESENT,ZONING PRELIMINARY lkS L?C4 /*CQAt- . 37-1 /6--1 FINAL PROPOSEDD USSEi 1 1 p PARK NAME: D c c_ l ,es4t,e c - G[ e NUMBER OF SPACES: 0 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Si!.I FT. ACRES A AREA: 3 a - 000 TOTAL FEES 5 Cl, r.fiTve ,6: nqi,p STAFF USE ONLY -- ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING DATE IS f j r APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: Lk,\ APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE\\\, IM1 . 28 1983 Accepted v`,tOIJ Z `D (Z l(II ocC/,, 11 Incomplete Notification Sent On By: 6U66m?IN! ./7,0M,N6 D e"i'. Initials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: d Accepted ` Q. Incomplete Notification Sent On By: Initials) ROUTED TO: uilding Design Eng. Fire Parks olice t' I Policy Dev. Traffic Eng.Utilities REVISION 5/1982 Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). DESOR I PT I ON That portion of the West half of Sect-i_on 2,0, Township 23 North, Range 5 Eas , W.M. , King County, Washington, described as follows; Cgmmencing at the west quarter corner of said section; thence NO°44 '05"E all,ng - -- the west line thereof a distance of 329 .59 feet to the southerly margin of he Bonneville Power' Administration 200 foot Diablo - Seattle Transmission Righ, - 1 of-Way as described in instrument recorded under Auditor ' s File No. 3560496 f, records of King County, Washington; thence N87°23'49"E along said southerly' margin 856.68 feet to a point noted as the True Point of Beginning of Parce 25 as described in instrument recorded under Auditor ' s File No. 6150334, rel ords ; i of King County, Washington, said point' also being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the it herein described tract; thence NO2°36' 11"W 100.00 feet; thence S87°23'49"W I612.!72 feet to intersect the easterly margin of Benson Road at a point, on t e airc of a curve the center of which bears N81°17' 33"E 2835.00 feet distant; hence, southerly along said easterly margin and along the arc of said curve to the l!eft, through a central angle of 7°34'29" an arc distance of 374.80 feet to i, ploint of tangency; thence continuing along said easterly margin S16°16'56"E L 337.58 feet to the northerly margin of that 120 foot strip of land describe. in that certain "Declaration of Ownership" recorded under Auditor's File No, 5687370, records of King County, Washington; thence N74°32' 17"E along said northerly margin 480.60 feet to a point which bears S02°36' 11"E from the point of beginning; thence NO2°36' 11"W 490.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNINI . AFFIDAVIT ti-being duly sworn, declare that I -m authorized representative to act for t e/operty owner,,owner of the property involv, l d in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and tie information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowled Ii e and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BM MEME THIS 4`ilk-- DAY OF ca 19 K5. NOTARY PUBLIC. IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASH GTON,RESIDING AT IA.ru"e., EL 9 ‘. . C9___. 1-4/ If,74/: --7 -7. 1.---1 Name of Notary /ublic)Signature of Own r 37/T /.g8 5E &L.Le.rue, tdd Address) •9So Address) I ' 1....x--/// •rl J--- City) State) (Zip) 7L_-i7.-,7'' Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complet: application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete.application are listed i ll the "Application Procedure." ENDING1 1 O. FFILE1 1 FILE TITLE 1 Ely,N1i „.....„% it, 3 i3 1 1