HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermitLicense - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 1 of 18 LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (“License”), is made and entered into this ___________ day of ________________, 2023, by and between The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation (“Licensee”), and City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation (“Licensor”). Whereas, the City agreed to the terms under Access Agreement CAG-12-091, dated March 1, 2012, to provide a nonexclusive license for access to City-owned properties for the sole purpose of implementing actions required under a Cleanup Action Plan (“CAP”) per Agreed Order No. DE 97HZ-N233 dated October 10, 1997 with Washington State Department of Ecology (referred to herein as the “Agreement”); and, Whereas, the City agreed to the terms under License Agreement CAG-19-145 to grant Boeing a non-exclusive license to use additional real property; and, Whereas, Boeing is to Decommission thirty two (32) wells as depicted in EXHIBIT “A” installed to address historic releases of hazardous substances at Boeing’s Renton Plant, per Agreed Order No. DE 97HZ-N233 dated October 10, 1997, with Washington State Department of Ecology per the reference Decommission Plan accepted by WA State Department of Ecology, NWRO HWTR Program, Valerie Cramer on January 18, 2022 SEE EXHIBIT “B”; and Whereas, this License is only to provide access to the well sites and the City defers to Boeing and Department of Ecology for the regulation and proper decommissioning of the wells. For and in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived and other valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1.THE LICENSE Licensor does hereby grant to Licensee a non-exclusive license de-commission certain wells located on city property see Attached EXHIBIT “A.” Subject to the terms and conditions of this License the real such property to be used by Licensee solely for the purposes described in this License. This License is granted only for the purposes and uses expressly described; it does not substitute for any other permit or other authorization required for Licensee’s intended work. This License does not constitute an interest in real property, and Licensor shall not be deemed to have granted, conveyed, or transferred an interest in the Property to Licensee by reason of the execution and delivery of this License or the performance by either party of its obligations under this License. Licensee hereby accepts this License and agrees that Licensee’s use of the Licensed Property shall conform to the terms and conditions of this License. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B PAG-23-001 27th February License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 2 of 18 The license granted by this License is personal to Licensee and may not be assigned or sublicensed by Licensee in any way. Licensee shall not grant permission to any other person or entity to use the Licensed Property. 2.USE Licensee shall use the Licensed Property solely for the periodic non-exclusive use -subject to the following limitations: A.Licensee shall not make any improvements or alterations to the Licensed Property beyond those identified in the Ecology-approved Well Decommissioning Workplan (January 5, 2022; approved by Ecology on January 18, 2022) without Licensor’s prior written consent. Licensee shall hold Licensor and the Licensed Property harmless from and against any liens of contractors, subcontractors, or other persons supplying goods, services, equipment, materials, or labor to or on behalf of Licensee at the Licensed Property. At the request of Licensor, Licensee shall discharge any such liens. B.In its use of the Licensed Property, the Licensee shall not violate any applicable law, ordinance, deed, restriction or regulation affecting the Licensed Property or any part thereof. Licensee is solely responsible for obtaining all necessary permits, licenses, and approvals required from any governmental authority or agency and shall conduct its business at the Licensed Property strictly in conformance with all requirements of any applicable permits, licenses, and approvals. C.Licensee will erect signs or barricades on the Licensed Property as shown on the attached EXHIBIT “C” Barricade Plan. Any signs or barricades allowed by Licensor shall be removed by Licensee at the termination of this License. D.Licensee will not conduct any fueling, maintenance, or repair activity of any kind on any vehicles or other equipment on the Licensed Property. Licensee will not conduct any washing or cleaning of vehicles or any other equipment on the Licensed Property. E.Wells on Renton Park Property: Purpose of Licensee’s work in Cedar River Trail Park: Decommission ten (10) groundwater monitoring wells installed to address historic releases of hazardous substances at Boeing’s Renton Plant, per Agreed Order No. DE 97HZ-N233 dated October 10, 1997, with Washington State Department of Ecology. 1.Licensee will perform work on Park lawn areas: DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 3 of 18 Groundwater monitoring wells GW159S, GW160S, GW181I, GW182S and GW177I; a.Mud mats shall be used under heavy equipment on grass areas; b.Remove all debris, accumulated sediments, equipment and obstructions from well casings; c.Grout borehole with appropriate material (bentonite chips or slurry) from the bottom up; d.Well monuments shall be removed; e.All pipes abandoned under sidewalks and planters shall be filled with grout and capped; f.Imported topsoil shall be brought in and applied to grade level; g.Sod restoration is required for all work in the grass-planted areas. 2.Licensee will perform work in parking areas: Groundwater monitoring wells GW 149S, GW252S and GW254S; a.Remove all debris, accumulated sediments, equipment and obstructions from well casings; b.Grout borehole with appropriate material (bentonite chips or slurry) from the bottom up; c.Well monuments shall be removed; d.All pipes abandoned under sidewalks and planters shall be filled with grout and capped; e.Core out a two feet (2’) circle surrounding the existing well monument pad and fill with concrete patch. 3.Licensee will perform work in the roadway of Nishiwaki Lane: Groundwater monitoring wells GW179I and GW180S; a.Remove all debris, accumulated sediments, equipment and obstructions from well casings; b.Grout borehole with appropriate material (bentonite chips or slurry) from the bottom up; c.Well monuments shall be removed; d.Core out a two feet (2’) circle surrounding the existing well monument pad and fill with concrete patch; 4.Safety: a.Secure area around each work location with cautionary signage; b.Place two (2) cautionary signs on the Cedar River Trail approximately 200ft. in advance and on either side of work sites; DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 4 of 18 c.Two (2) flaggers will be present on Nishiwaki Lane when work is occurring on the roadway, one on either side of work area for traffic control. 5.Licensee will adhere to the following: a.Licensee members must wear identifiable, bright-colored vests; b.Licensee will minimize impacts to flora and fauna to the maximum extent possible; c.Licensee will restore any damage to grassy areas, parking areas and roadway to their original conditions. F.Wells On Airport Property: Purpose of Licensee’s work on Airport Property: Decommission twenty-two (22) groundwater monitoring wells installed to address historic releases of hazardous substances at Boeing’s Renton Plant, per Agreed Order No. DE 97HZ-N233 dated October 10, 1997, with Washington State Department of Ecology. 1.Licensee will perform work in Lessors Leased Parcel: Groundwater monitoring wells GW080S, GW081S, GW083S, GW084S, GW136S, GW233i, GW171S, GW079S, GW228S, GW229S, GW231S, GW262S, GW263S, GW265S, and GW 184S; a.If Licensee will perform work in the roadway of E. Perimeter Rd., Traffic Control Plans and Flaggers are required as needed; b.Tenant notifications for roadwork must be coordinated through the Airport Business Coordinator 72 hours prior. c.Licensee members must wear identifiable, bright-colored vests; d.Contractors will acquire an airport access badge or be escorted by the Licensee while inside the airport Area of Operation (inside the fence); e. Licensee will restore any damage to grassy areas, parking areas, paint striping (as needed) per Airport specifications, roadway, and parking aprons to their original conditions. 2.Licensee will perform work in/near Other Tenant’s Leased Parcel: Groundwater monitoring wells GW183S, GW225I, GW258S, GW255S, GW257S, GW256S, and GW212S; DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 5 of 18 a.If Licensee will perform work in the roadway of E. Perimeter Rd., Traffic Control Plans and Flaggers are required as needed; b.Tenant notifications for roadwork must be coordinated through the Airport Business Coordinator 72 hours prior. c.Tenant Coordination for access to Leased parcels must be coordinated through the Airport Business Coordinator no later than 7 days prior. d.Licensee members must wear identifiable, bright-colored vests; e.Contractors will acquire an airport access badge or be escorted by airport badged Licensee while inside the airport Area of Operation (inside the fence); f.Licensee will restore any damage to grassy areas, parking areas, roadway, and parking aprons to their original conditions. 3.Any work done on airport property including leased lands must be coordinated through the Airport Business Coordinator / Airport management office no later than 7 days prior as to the timing and to minimize impacts to the airport or airport tenants. 3.TERM Construction duration: This work may require several mobilizations of approximately 2-3 days each. The work schedule will be coordinated no later than 7 days through the Airport Business Coordinator. This License shall commence on mutual execution of the License (the “Commencement Date”) and shall continue (unless sooner terminated pursuant to this Section 3) until December 31, 2023. The date on which this License shall terminate is referred to here as the “Termination Date” and the period of time commencing on the Commencement Date and ending on the Termination Date is referred to here as the “Term”. Either party may terminate this License earlier than December 31, 2023 by strictly observing the following process: (1) Provide at least a sixty (60) day written notice of early termination to the other party, stating in such notice the date on which such termination shall be effective; (2) if the other party objects in writing to the termination date within twenty (20) days of the date of the notice, engage in a good faith attempt to resolve the dispute informally; and (3) if the dispute is not resolved through informal means within twenty (20) days of the other party’s objection, either party may exercise any available legal or equitable right to resolve the dispute through formal means. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 6 of 18 4.LICENSE, PERMIT, AND INSPECTION FEES AND COSTS The License is granted without charge; however, Licensor retains all rights to and intends to require Licensee to pay all costs and fees associated with permitting processes administered by Licensor in its capacity as a local government with regulatory authority; Licensee agrees to pay for such costs and fees. 5.SERVICES AND UTILITIES Licensor shall have no responsibility to provide any services or utilities to the Licensed Property. Licensee is responsible, at its sole risk and expense, to supply all services in connection with Licensee’s use of the Licensed Property. Licensee shall pay when due all charges for utilities and other services provided to or on behalf of Licensee at the Licensed Property. 6.CONDITION; “AS IS”; DISCLAIMER A. Warranty. Licensor warrants that it is the owner or lessee of the Licensed Property and that Licensor has the power and right to grant the License hereunder to Licensee. B.DISCLAIMER AND RELEASE. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTY IN PARAGRAPH 6.A, THE LICENSED PROPERTY, AND ALL OTHER GOODS OR SERVICES PROVIDED OR TO BE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CONTRACT ARE BEING PROVIDED TO THE LICENSEE “AS IS, WHERE IS” WITH ALL FAULTS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. C.EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL AND OTHER DAMAGES. NEITHER LICENSOR NOR ANY LICENSOR PARTY (DEFINED IN SECTION 6.F) SHALL HAVE ANY OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY TO LICENSEE WITH RESPECT TO ANY GOODS OR SERVICES PROVIDED OR TO BE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CONTRACT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT (INCLUDING WARRANTY), TORT (INCLUDING ACTIVE, PASSIVE OR IMPUTED NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, FOR LOSS OF USE, REVENUE OR PROFIT OR FOR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. D.Waiver of Claims for Damage to Licensee’s Property. Without limiting the generality of any other provision of this Article 6, Licensee does hereby release Licensor from, and waive, Licensee’s entire claim of recovery for loss of or damage to property arising out of or incident to fire, lightning or any other perils normally included in an “all risk” property insurance policy when such property is located on the Licensed Property, whether or not such loss or damage is due to the negligence of Licensor, or its respective agents, employees, guests, licensees, invitees or contractors. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 7 of 18 E.Waiver of Subrogation. Licensee shall cause its insurance carriers to waive all rights of subrogation against Licensor to the extent of Licensee’s undertakings set out in Section 6.D. F.Definition. “Licensor Party” means Licensor and every officer, employee, agent, contractor, or invitee of Licensor (other than Licensee, its directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, and invitees) and their successors and assigns. 7.MAINTENANCE Licensee, at Licensee’s sole cost and expense, shall be responsible throughout the Term for preventing damage to the Licensed Property as a result of the use of the Licensed Property by Licensee. 8.LICENSOR’S ACCESS/CONDITIONS OF ACCESS A.Licensor shall have the continuing right of access to the Licensed Property PROVIDED that Licensor shall not interfere with Licensee’s use of the Licensed Property, so long as Licensee is not in default hereunder. B.Renton Rowing Center (RRC) is a Lessee that operates their business next to the Cedar River Trail Park and requires access to Nishiwaki Lane. Parking spaces at the Park are used by RRC staff, the public and to store boating equipment. C.Cedar River Trail Park shall remain open to the public during the term of this project; therefore the parties will work together and minimize conflict between Licensee’s use and Licensor’s use of the Licensed Property. D.A copy of this License must be in Licensee’s possession when on-site at the Park. E.It is understood and agreed by the Licensee that the performance of any work under this License shall constitute an acceptance of all provisions and an agreement to adhere to all of Licensee’s Representations stated above. F.Contact: Parks: Prior to start of project (approximately two days prior), the Licensee shall communicate with Dana Appel, Parks Maintenance Supervisor, at (425) 766-6202 and/or dappel@rentonwa.gov to confirm start date and logistics. Airport: Prior to start of project (approximately two days prior), the Licensee shall communicate with Manny Cruz, Airport Business DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 8 of 18 Coordinator, at (425) 430-7478 (mobile phone 206-556-1891) and/or mcruz@rentonwa.gov to confirm start date and logistics. E.At no time shall Licensee in any way represent themselves as an employee, officer, or agent of the City. F.There shall be no entry onto the subject properties, nor onto any private property, except via public roads, without the permission of the affected owner(s). G.Overnight use of the subject properties is not allowed unless approved by the City. H.Licensee shall notify City staff of any unusual or unauthorized activities noted while on the Trail or in the Park. I.Any negative physical impact to Trail or Park property will be restored and/or corrected to the satisfaction of the Administrator of the Parks and Recreation Department. J.Licensee shall in no way obstruct or impede access to the subject properties. In addition, Licensee shall take action to ensure that all work in relation to this License is conducted in a safe and prudent manner. 9.CONDITION AT SURRENDER At the termination of the Term of this License, Licensee shall surrender the Licensed Property to Licensor in the same condition as at the Commencement Date, excepting normal wear and tear, casualty, condemnation, and alterations permitted by Licensor, and damage caused by other tenants or licensees of Licensor. However, this surrender does not constitute a removal of any obligation from the Boeing Company for unidentified hazardous materials findings and/or mitigation concerns in the future. 10.INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE A.Indemnity. Licensee will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, Licensor and every Licensor Party (as defined in Section 6.5) (hereinafter “Indemnitees”) from and against all actions, causes of action, liabilities, claims, suits, penalties, fines, judgments, liens, awards and damages of any kind whatsoever (hereinafter “Claims”), for injury to or death of any person (including without limitation claims brought by employees or invitees of Licensee or employees or invitees of any Contractor of DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 9 of 18 Licensee (hereinafter “Contractor”)) or damage to or loss of any property or cleanup of any discharge or release by Licensee or any Contractor, and expenses, costs of litigation, and reasonable attorneys’ fees related thereto, or incident to establishing the right to indemnification, to the extent such Claims arise out of or are in any way related to this License or the presence on the Licensed Property by Licensee, any Contractor or their respective employees or invitees. Licensee expressly waives any immunity under industrial insurance whether arising from Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington or any other statute or source, to the extent of the indemnity set forth in this paragraph. In the event that Licensee is successful in proving that the foregoing indemnity is limited by RCW 4.24.115, Licensee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnitees to the full extent allowed by RCW 4.24.115. In no event shall Licensee’s obligations hereunder be limited to the extent of any insurance available to or provided by Licensee. Licensee shall require each Contractor who desires access to the Licensed Property to provide an indemnity, enforceable by and for the benefit of the Indemnitees, to the same extent required of the Licensee. Nothing in this Section 10.A is intended to require Licensee to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless for any Claims to the extent they arise out of the negligence or willful misconduct of any Indemnitees. B.Licensee, at Licensee’s own cost and expense, will provide and keep in full force and effect during the Term, commercial general liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000 covering bodily injury to any person, including death, and loss of or damage to real and personal property, or shall self-insure for the same. Insurance provided hereunder may be provided under Licensee’s blanket liability insurance policy. During the Term Licensor shall be named as an additional insured under insurance carried pursuant to this section 10B to the extent of Licensee’s undertaking set forth in Section 10A and will provide to Licensor a memorandum evidencing such insurance. Licensee will provide Licensor fifteen days’ advance notice in the event of cancellation 11.ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS A.Definitions. As used herein, the term “Hazardous Substances” means any hazardous, toxic, chemical, or dangerous substance, pollutant, contaminant, waste or material, including petroleum, which is regulated under any and all federal, state, or local statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, or common law relating to chemical management, environmental protection, contamination, or cleanup including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 as amended (42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq.), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as amended (42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq.) or any other federal, state, county, or city law, or any other ordinance or regulation existing or which may exist. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 10 of 18 As used herein the term “Environmental Laws and Requirements” means any and all federal, state, local laws, statutes (including without limitation the statutes referred to in the first paragraph of this Paragraph 12 (B) above), ordinances, rules, regulations and/or common law relating to environmental protection, contamination, the release, generation, production, transport, treatment, processing, use, disposal, or storage of Hazardous Substances, and the regulations promulgated by regulatory agencies pursuant to these laws, and any applicable federal, state, and/or local regulatory agency-initiated orders, requirements, obligations, directives, notices, approvals, licenses, or permits, including but not limited to those for the reporting, investigation, cleaning, or remediation of Hazardous Substances on the Licensed Property. B.Compliance with Laws and Requirements. Except as otherwise agreed by Licensor in writing, Licensee shall be solely responsible at its expense for obtaining any permits, licenses or approvals, and for preparing, maintaining and submitting any records or reports, as required under applicable Environmental Laws and Requirements for its operations hereunder. Licensee shall comply with any and all Environmental Laws and Requirements and shall not cause, permit or allow the presence of and shall not generate, release, store, or deposit any Hazardous Substances on or about the Licensed Property in violation of any Environmental Laws and Requirements, or in a manner which may give rise to liability for environmental cleanup, damage to property, or personal injury to Licensor, or any other person. Licensee shall not release any Hazardous Substances into the soil, water (including groundwater) or air of the Licensed Property or onto any other adjoining property in violation of Environmental Laws and Requirements, or in a manner which may give rise to liability for environmental cleanup, damage to property, or personal injury to Licensor or any other person. In the event of a spill or other release of Hazardous Substances caused by Licensee, its agents, employees, contractors or invitees at or from the Licensed Property, Licensee shall undertake immediate response as required by law, including but not limited to reporting to appropriate agencies, and shall notify Licensor of same as soon as possible. C.Indemnification. Licensee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Licensor, and its directors, officers, employees, agents, assigns, and attorneys from any and all claims, losses, damages, response costs, and expenses arising out of or in any way relating to the violation of any Environmental Laws and Requirements, or to the generation, release, storage, deposit or disposal of Hazardous Substances, to the extent caused by Licensee, its agents, employees, contractors and invitees at any time during the term of this License, including but not limited to: (1) claims of third parties, including governmental agencies, for damages (including personal injury and/or property damage), response costs, fines, penalties, injunctive or DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 11 of 18 other relief; (2) the cost, expense, or loss to Licensor of any injunctive relief, including preliminary or temporary injunctive relief, applicable to the Licensor or the Licensed Property; and (3) the expense of reporting the existence of Hazardous Substances to any agency of any state government or the United States as required by applicable laws or regulations, before and after any trial or appeal therefrom whether or not taxable as costs; all of which shall be paid by Licensee when accrued. 12.DEFAULT OF LICENSEE: The following shall constitute events of default by Licensee: A.Licensee’s failure to maintain in force or pay the premium for any policy of insurance required to be obtained or maintained by Licensee pursuant to this License; or B.Any default by Licensee of its obligations under Section 11 (Environmental Matters); or C.Licensee’s failure to observe and perform any other provision, term or condition in this License within thirty (30) days after Licensor delivers written notice of the failure to Licensee, or if the cure cannot reasonably be concluded within thirty (30) days, then if Licensee fails to commence to cure the failure within such thirty (30) day period and thereafter proceed diligently to complete the cure. 13.REMEDIES OF LICENSOR A.Termination and Removal by Licensor. In the event of a Licensee default, Licensor may in addition to all other legal or equitable remedies, (a) terminate this License and Licensee’s right to possession of the Licensed Property by delivering written notice of termination to Licensee, and that action shall concurrently terminate the rights of Licensee under this License, or (b) with or without terminating this License, re-enter the Licensed Property by summary proceedings, proceedings in unlawful detainer, eviction, or otherwise, and may dispossess Licensee. B.Payment of Costs. Licensee agrees to be liable for and to pay Licensor all costs incurred by Licensor in connection with the enforcement of Licensor’s rights hereunder, including the reasonable fees and disbursements of Licensor’s attorneys. Such liability shall survive the termination of this License, the re-entry into the Licensed Property by Licensor, and the commencement of the action to secure possession of the Licensed Property. All amounts not paid to Licensor when due shall bear interest at the annual rate of twelve percent (12%) or, if less, the maximum rate permitted by law. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 12 of 18 14.ENFORCEMENT A. Nonwaiver. No failure by either party to insist upon the strict performance of any agreement, term, covenant or condition hereof or to exercise any right or remedy consequent upon a breach thereof, and no acceptance of full or partial rent by Licensor during the continuance of any such breach, shall constitute a waiver of any such breach or of such agreement, term, covenant, or condition. No agreement, term, covenant, or condition hereof to be performed or complied with by either party, and no breach thereof, shall be waived, altered or modified except by a written instrument executed by the parties. No waiver of any breach shall affect or alter this License, but each and every agreement, term, covenant and condition hereof shall continue in full force and effect with respect to any other then existing or subsequent breach thereof. B.Remedies Cumulative. Each right and remedy provided for in this License shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other right or remedy provided for in this License or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise, and the exercise or beginning of the exercise by either party of any one or more of the rights or remedies provided for in this License or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise shall not preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by such party of any or all other rights or remedies provided for in this License or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. 15.MISCELLANEOUS A.Successors and Assigns. Subject to the provisions of this Paragraph 15, all of the provisions of this License shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, but Licensee shall not assign this License nor grant any right of possession of the Licensed Property in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Licensor, which Licensor may withhold in its sole discretion. B.Notices. Where provision is made herein for notice of any kind, it shall be deemed sufficient, if such notice is addressed as shown below: Licensor: City of Renton Attention: Parks and Trails Director Renton City Hall – 6th Floor 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 13 of 18 (425) 430-6600 parksandrec@rentonwa.gov Licensee: The Boeing Company GES Environmental Remediation Attn: Nick Garson (nick.garson@boeing.com) P.O. Box 3707, MC 46-202 Seattle, WA 98124 All such notices shall be given either by hand or by recognized overnight delivery service, with all fees for next business day delivery prepaid. Notices shall be deemed given when delivered if given by hand or 24 hours after delivery to an overnight delivery service with next business day delivery charges prepaid. C.Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine, to any extent, that any provision, term or condition of this License shall be invalid or unenforceable, that determination shall not affect the remainder of this License, and each provision, term or condition in the remainder of this License shall be valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law. D.Licensee’s Interest; Holdover. Licensee has no right in the Licensed Property other than the license to use the Licensed Property as set out in this License. Licensee has no right to hold over after the end of the Term and agrees that Licensor may use all legal means to remove Licensee and its property and all Licensee Vehicles from the Licensed Property at and following the end of the Term, and that Licensee shall reimburse Licensor for all of Licensor’s reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in so doing. E.Attorneys’ Fees and Disbursements. Except for actions by Licensor pursuant to Paragraph 14 of this License upon a default by Licensee, if a dispute between Licensor and Licensee arises under this License, each party shall bear its own costs, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees. F.Captions. The marginal headings or titles to the sections of this License are not a part of the License but are inserted only for convenience. They shall have no effect on the construction or interpretation of any part of this License. G.Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of all covenants and conditions of this License in which time is a factor. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 14 of 18 H.Counterparts. This License may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall constitute an original License, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same License. I.Choice of Law. This License shall be governed by the Laws of the State of Washington, without reference to its choice of law rules. J.Agents and Brokers. Each party represents that it has hired or retained no agent or broker in connection with this License and shall hold the other party harmless from any claim by any agent or broker claiming payment of any commission, finders’ fee or the like in connection with this License. K.No Recording. Neither party shall record this License, nor any memorandum of this License. L.Survival. Licensee’s indemnification obligations set forth in this License shall survive the expiration or early termination of this License and shall not be limited by any provision of this License. M.Complete Agreement. This License, including Exhibit A, contains the entire and complete agreement between the parties hereto, with all previous negotiations, warranties, covenants, conditions and promises being merged herein. Licensor and Licensee further agree that no alteration, amendment or modification to this License shall be binding upon Licensor or Licensee unless same is first reduced to writing and signed by both Licensor and Licensee. Executed in duplicate as of the date first written above. LICENSEE: LICENSOR: The Boeing Company The City of Renton By: ______________________ By: __________________________ Name: ____________________ Name: Armando Pavone Title: Authorized Signatory___ Title: Mayor Date Signed: _______________ Date Signed: ___________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B David Gorman 01/27/2023 02/27/2023 License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 15 of 18 Attest: ___________________________________ Jason Seth, City Clerk Approved as to Legal Form: ___________________________________ SHANE MOLONEY City Attorney Clb 1-10-22 (1909) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B (approved by Cheryl Beyer via email on 2/3/2023) License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 16 of 18 EXHIBIT “A” DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA GW252S GW254S GW253I GW149S GW150S GW159S GW160S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well !UA Bioremediation Well AOC-060 SWMU/AOC GroupWells to Decommission atCity of Renton Boeing Renton Facility Bentonite Chip in Place Well(Monument removed)Well ID 4-42Building EXHIBIT "A" DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !UA !!UA!!UA!!UA !UA!UA !UA!UA !UA!UA !UA!UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA !!UA!!UA !UA!UA !!UA !UA!UA GW177I GW178S GW180S GW179I GW182S GW181I Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well !UA Bioremediation Well AOC-090Wells to Decommission atCity of Renton Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Bentonite Chip in Place Well(Monument removed) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !UA !UA !UA !UA GW265S GW263S GW264S GW262S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !UA Monitoring Well Apron A SWMU/AOC GroupWells to Decommission atCity of Renton Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Bentonite Chip in Place Well(Leave monument in place) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !UA !!UA !!UA!!UA GW228S GW229S GW230I GW231S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well SWMU-168Wells to Decommission atCity of Renton Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Bentonite Chip in Place Well(Leave monument in place) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA GW084S GW232S GW234S GW236S GW233I GW235I B172-01 B172-02 B172-03 B172-04 B172-05 B172-06 B172-07 B172-08 B172-09 B172-10 B172-11 B172-12 B172-13 B172-14 GW172SGW153SGW152S GW226S GW081S GW080S GW136S GW171S GW083S GW082S GW173S GW079S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well !UA Bioremediation Well SWMU-172/174Wells to Decommission atCity of Renton Boeing Renton Facility 5-09Building Well ID Bentonite Chip in Place Well(Leave monument in place) Over-drill Well(Monument removed)Well ID DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA GW255S GW256S GW257S GW258S GW224S GW212S GW211S GW221S GW184S GW225I GW183S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well Former Fuel Farm SWMU/AOC GroupWells to Decommission atCity of Renton Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Bentonite Chip in Place Well(Leave monument in place) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 17 of 18 EXHIBIT “B” DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B 2022-01-18 Boeing Renton Decommission of Groundwater Monitoring Well Request: Approval “Boeing Renton – Decommissioning of Groundwater Wells; Rev 1” by Calibre, January 5, 2022 To: The Boeing Company, Renton Plant, Remediation & Due Diligence Group, Nick Garson, Senior Project Manager From: WA State Department of Ecology, NWRO HWTR Program, Valerie Cramer Hi Nick, Thank you for submitting the Decommissioning of Groundwater Wells; Rev 1 Technical Memorandum for Boeing Renton, prepared by Calibre Systems on January 5, 2022. The Washington State Department of Ecology received the revised Technical Memorandum on January 5, 2022. The tech memo recommended 89 groundwater monitoring wells to be decommissioned. These recommended wells were divided into three categories: 1) wells no longer required due to the Compliance Monitoring Plan, Addendum 3 (Table 2); 2) wells used during the Remedial Investigation characterization activities only (Table 3); and 3) injection wells in areas that no longer require bioremediation activities due to the Compliance Monitoring Plan, Addendum 3 (Table 4). In November 2021, Boeing and Ecology discussed the site background and proposed recommendations within the tech memo. In January 2022, Boeing submitted a revised tech memo to address Ecology’s comments. The decommissioning of groundwater monitoring wells is tentatively planned for February/March 2022. Ecology appreciates Boeing’s updates and addressing Ecology’s comments from our November 2021 meeting. Ecology approves of the Decommissioning of Groundwater Wells; Rev 1 Technical Memorandum, prepared by Calibre Systems on January 5, 2022. Please notify Ecology 30 days in advance of the field work commencing. Please contact us at your convenience if you have any questions. Thank you, Val Valerie Cramer Environmental Engineer Hazardous Waste & Toxics Reduction Northwest Regional Office WA State Department of Ecology vcra461@ecy.wa.gov │ 425.698.5539 EXHIBIT "B" DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B Table 2 –Renton Groundwater Wells Recommended for Closure, Dropped from CMP Area Site Well Name Reason for recommended well abandoment1 Ecology Well tag ID Access comment 10-71 10-71-MW1 Dropped from CMP BBL-959 Parking area 10-71 10-71-MW2 Dropped from CMP BBL-960 Parking area 10-71 10-71-MW4 Dropped from CMP BBL-962 Parking area AOC-004 GW174S Dropped from CMP AFS 580 Behind fence AOC-060 GW149S Dropped from CMP Unknown Parking stall AOC-060 GW252S Dropped from CMP BID 811 Parking stall AOC-060 GW254S Dropped from CMP BID 809 Parking stall AOC-090 GW163I Dropped from CMP AFT 158 Plant area AOC-090 GW165I Dropped from CMP AFT 160 Plant area AOC-090 GW175I Dropped from CMP AHN 068 Plant area AOC-090 GW177I Dropped from CMP AHN 070 Plant area AOC-090 GW179I Dropped from CMP AHN 072 In roadway AOC-090 GW180S Dropped from CMP AHN 073 In roadway Apron A GW262S Dropped from CMP BIX486 By aircraft - Need flight lane training Bldg 4-70 GW259S Dropped from CMP BID 786 Need forklift Bldg 4-70 GW260S Dropped from CMP BID 785 Material hnadling area Bldg 4-78/79 GW038S Dropped from CMP Unknown Possible forklift Bldg 4-78/79 GW039S Dropped from CMP Unknown In roadway Bldg 4-78/79 GW209S Dropped from CMP BAB-499 Bldg 4-78/79 GW210S Dropped from CMP BAB 500 Bldg 4-78/79 GW238I Dropped from CMP BID 788 Handicap stall Bldg 4-78/79 GW239I Dropped from CMP BID 817 In roadway Bldg 4-78/79 GW241S Dropped from CMP BID 819 In roadway Bldg 4-78/79 GW242I Dropped from CMP BID 818 In roadway, large vault - old extraction well Bldg 4-78/79 GW243I Dropped from CMP BID 784 Near roadway FFF GW183S Dropped from CMP AHN-076 Easy access, near roadway FFF GW184S Dropped from CMP AHN-077 Easy access, near roadway, outside fence FFF GW212S Dropped from CMP BAB 498 Inside Renton muncipal airport FFF GW255S Dropped from CMP BID 931 Inside Renton muncipal airport FFF GW256S Dropped from CMP BID 930 Inside Renton muncipal airport FFF GW257S Dropped from CMP BID 932 Inside Renton muncipal airport FFF GW258S Dropped from CMP BID 908 Easy access, in parking area, outside fence SWMU-168 GW229S Dropped from CMP BID 826 limited access SWMU-172/174 GW081S Dropped from CMP Unknown Easy access SWMU-172/174 GW233I Dropped from CMP BID 797 Ok access, near road 1Well is no longer sampled and is dropped from the Compliance Monitoring Plan (CMP) with Ecology's approval For the wells listed above without an Ecology Well tag ID (listed as Unknown), the closure approach will likely required over-drilling of the well, unless a variance is received. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B Table 3 - Renton Groundwater Wells Recommended for Closure, Prior Characterization Wells Area Site Well Name Reason for recommended well abandoment1 Ecology Well tag ID Access comment 10-71 10-71-MW3 Prior characterization well BBL-961 Parking area AOC-034/035 GW216 Prior characterization well BAR 560 Close to fence AOC-034/035 GW217 Prior characterization well BAR 561 Easy access AOC-034/035 GW218 Prior characterization well BAR 562 Easy access AOC-034/035 GW251S Prior characterization well BID 837 Easy access AOC-034/035 GW001 Prior characterization well Unknown Easy access AOC-034/035 GW005 Prior characterization well Unknown Easy access AOC-034/035 GW007 Prior characterization well Unknown In driving lane AOC-060 GW159S Prior characterization well AER 895 In public park grass AOC-060 GW160S Prior characterization well AER 896 In public park grass AOC-060 GW148S Prior characterization well Unknown Parking stall AOC-060 GW013D Prior characterization well Unknown Inside Building, -Apply for variance AOC-060 GW015D Prior characterization well Unknown Inside Building, -Apply for variance AOC-090 GW144S Prior characterization well ACS 624 Right next to fence AOC-090 GW162S Prior characterization well AFT 157 Truck gate AOC-090 GW164 Prior characterization well AFT 159 Plant area AOC-090 GW166 Prior characterization well AFT 161 Plant area AOC-090 GW161I Prior characterization well AFT 166 Truck gate AOC-090 GW181I Prior characterization well AHN 074 Parking area AOC-090 GW182S Prior characterization well AHN 075 Parking area AOC-092 GW261S Prior characterization well BJA 909 Easy access next building Apron A GW263S Prior characterization well BIX487 By aircraft - Need flight lane training Apron A GW265S Prior characterization well BIX488 By aircraft - Need flight lane training Bldg 4-78/79 GW132S Prior characterization well ABZ 426 Parking stall Bldg 4-78/79 GW133S Prior characterization well ABZ 427 Inside Building Bldg 4-78/79 GW042D Prior characterization well Unknown Parking area Bldg 4-78/79 GW022S Prior characterization well Unknown Easy access, near roadway Bldg 4-78/79 GW023S Prior characterization well Unknown Easy access, near roadway Bldg 4-78/79 GW024D Prior characterization well Unknown Easy access, near roadway Bldg 4-78/79 GW026I Prior characterization well Unknown Easy access, near roadway Bldg 4-78/79 GW027D Prior characterization well Unknown Pedestrian walking area Bldg 4-78/79 GW028S Prior characterization well Unknown Pedestrian walking area Bldg 4-78/79 GW029 Prior characterization well Unknown Bldg 4-78/79 GW030S Prior characterization well Unknown Possible forklift Bldg 4-78/79 GW035S Prior characterization well Unknown Possible forklift Bldg 4-78/79 GW036S Prior characterization well Unknown Possible forklift Bldg 4-78/79 GW037S Prior characterization well Unknown Possible forklift Bldg 4-78/79 GW040S Prior characterization well Unknown In roadway Bldg 4-78/79 GW041S Prior characterization well Unknown Parking area FFF GW225I Prior characterization well BHB 493 By entrance SWMU-168 GW228S Prior characterization well BID 825 SWMU-168 GW231S Prior characterization well BID 827 SWMU-172/174 GW171S Prior characterization well AFS 577 SWMU-172/174 GW079S Prior characterization well Unknown Easy access SWMU-172/174 GW080S Prior characterization well Unknown curb by well SWMU-172/174 GW083S Prior characterization well Unknown Easy access SWMU-172/174 GW084S Prior characterization well Unknown Limited access -Apply for variance SWMU-172/174 GW136S Prior characterization well Unknown Limited access -Apply for variance 1The well is no longer sampled and is not a part of the CMP Compliance Monitoring Plan (CMP) For the wells listed above without an Ecology Well tag ID (listed as Unknown), the closure approach will likely required over-drilling of the well, unless a variance is received. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B Table 4 - Renton Groundwater Wells Recommended for Closure, Prior Bioremediation Wells Area Site Well Name Reason for recommended well abandoment1 Ecology Well tag ID Access comment AOC-004 B004-01 Prior bioremediation well BID 839 Behind fence AOC-004 B004-02 Prior bioremediation well BID 840 Behind fence Bldg 4-70 B70-1 Prior bioremediation well BID 796 Easy access, next to road Bldg 4-70 B70-2 Prior bioremediation well BID 795 Easy access, next to road Bldg 4-70 B70-3 Prior bioremediation well BID 794 Easy access, next to road Bldg 4-70 B70-4 Prior bioremediation well BID 793 Easy access, next to road Bldg 4-70 B70-5 Prior bioremediation well BID 792 Easy access, next to road 1Cleanup levels have been met, no further treatment in this area is planned, bioremediation wells to be closed DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !!UA !UA !!UA!!UA !!UA !!UA !UA !!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !!UA !UA!UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA GW031S B78-20 B78-18 GW042S GW028S GW029 GW237S GW244S GW241S GW242I GW239I GW238I GW243I GW240D B78-01 B78-02 B78-03 B78-04 B78-05 B78-06 B78-07 B78-08 B78-09 B78-10 B78-11 B78-12 B78-13 B78-14 B78-15 GW143S GW026I GW027D GW038S GW034SGW040S GW039SGW041S GW209S GW132S GW133S GW210S GW022S GW023S GW024D GW035S GW036S GW037S GW033S B78-16 B78-21 B78-19 B78-17 GW030S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well !UA Bioremediation Well !UA Abandoned Well Building 4-78/79 SWMU/AOC GroupWells to Decommission Boeing Renton Facility Well to be closed (Overdrill)Well ID Well ID Well to be closed (Bentonite) Wells B78-13, B78-17 to 21, GW031S, GW244Sclosed in August 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA !UA GW084S GW232S GW234S GW236S GW233I GW235I B172-01 B172-02 B172-03 B172-04 B172-05 B172-06 B172-07 B172-08 B172-09 B172-10 B172-11 B172-12 B172-13 B172-14 GW172SGW153SGW152S GW226S GW081S GW080S GW136S GW171S GW083S GW082S GW173S GW079S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well !UA Bioremediation Well SWMU-172/174Wells to Decommission Boeing Renton Facility 5-09Building Well ID Well to be closed (Bentonite) Well to be closed (Overdrill)Well ID DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !UA !!UA !!UA!!UA GW228S GW229S GW230I GW231S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well SWMU-168Wells to Decommission Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Well to be closed (Bentonite) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !UA !!UA!!UA!!UA !UA!UA !UA!UA !UA!UA !UA!UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA !!UA!!UA !UA!UA !!UA !UA!UA GW144S GW208S GW177I GW178S GW166S GW165I GW164S GW163I GW162S GW161I GW205I GW206S GW189S IPR3 IPR4 GW200S GW199S GW180S GW179I GW176S GW175I GW207S GW182S GW181I Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well !UA Bioremediation Well AOC-090Wells to Decommission Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Well to be closed (Bentonite) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA!UA !UA !UA !UA !UA GW252S GW254S GW253I GW149S GW150S GW148S GW014S GW015D GW013D GW009S GW010S GW011D GW147S GW012S GW159S GW160S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well !UA Bioremediation Well AOC-060 SWMU/AOC GroupWells to Decommission Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Well to be closed (Bentonite) Well to be closed (Overdrill)Well ID DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !UA !UA !UA !UA GW265S GW263S GW264S GW262S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !UA Monitoring Well Apron A SWMU/AOC GroupWells to Decommission Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Well to be closed (Bentonite) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B !UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA !!UA GW255S GW256S GW257S GW258S GW224S GW212S GW211S GW221S GW184S GW225I GW183S Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community ¹0 50 10025Feet Legend !!UA CPOC Monitoring Well !UA Monitoring Well Former Fuel Farm SWMU/AOC GroupWells to Decommission Boeing Renton Facility Well ID Well to be closed (Bentonite) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B License - Boeing Wells Decommissioning at CRTP and Renton Airport Page 18 of 18 EXHIBIT “C” DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B Boeing RentonWell Closure - Chip in PlaceBarricade RequestArea of AOC-060City of RentonNorthWells to be chipped in placeStake bed/support truck 8 ft x 20 ftBarricaded area with caution tapeCandlestick or cone20 ft 40 ft80 ftScale in feetCandlestick baricade for landscaping Asphalt cut 2' from monumentand replaced with a concrete patch. Barricades set up for overnight curing. 4-42EXHIBIT "C"DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B Boeing RentonWell Closure - Chip in PlaceBarricade RequestNorth Area of AOC-090City of RentonNorthWells to be chipped in placeCandlestick or coneCandlestick baricade for concrete curing 8-12 hours20 ft 40 ft80 ftScale in feetCandlestick baricade for landscaping Stake bed/support truck 8 ft x 20 ftBoeingsecurityCautionary signage posted200' North and South of worklocation with traffic control flaggers present. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B Boeing RentonWell Closure - Chip in PlaceBarricade RequestCentral Area of AOC-090City of RentonNorthWells to be chipped in placeStake bed/support truck 8 ft x 20 ftScale in feetCandlestick or coneAsphalt cut 2' from monument and replaced with a concrete patch.. Barricades set up for overnight curing.20 ft40 ft80 ftBoeingsecurityCautionary signage posted200' North and South of worklocation with traffic control flaggers present. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B Boeing RentonWell Closure - Chip in PlaceBarricade RequestSouth Area of AOC-090City of RentonNorthWells to be chipped in placeStake bed/support truck 8 ft x 20 ftCandlestick or cone20 ft 40 ft80 ftScale in feetCandlestick baricade for landscaping DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B NorthBoeing RentonWell Closure - Chip in PlaceBarricade RequestApron ACity of RentonWells to be chipped in placeCandlestick or coneCandlestick baricade for concrete curing 8-12 hoursScale in feet75 ft150 ftDocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B NorthBoeing RentonWell Closure - Chip in PlaceBarricade RequestBldg 5-09 area(SWMU 172-174 and SWMU-168)Wells to be chipped in placeWells to be over drilledStake bed/support truck ~8 ft x 20 ftBarricaded area with caution tapeCandlestick or conePick-up truckCandlestick baricade for concrete curing 8-12 hoursScale in feet5-0975 ft150 ftDocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B NorthBoeing RentonWell Closure - Chip in PlaceBarricade RequestFormer Fuel FarmCity of RentonWells to be chipped in placeStake bed/support truck ~8 ft x 20 ftCandlestick or coneCandlestick baricade for concrete curing 8-12 hoursScale in feet75 ft150 ftDocuSign Envelope ID: 5EC6212F-7C84-4ABC-86EC-9A07C17FCE8B