HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermitFebruary 22, 2023 John D. Brubaker, PE, CFM, Lead Engineer King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources Division jbrubaker@kingcounty.gov PERMISSION FOR RIGHT-OF-ENTRY TO CEDAR RIVER TRAIL Dear Mr. Brubaker: The City of Renton Parks and Recreation Department hereby permits King County (Permittee), its engineering consultant Herrera, Inc. (Herrera) and Herrera’s subcontractors to enter the Cedar River Trail (CRT) and Riverview Park for the purpose of conducting exploratory geotechnical borings in three (3) locations and fiber optic line potholing in four (4) locations on the south side of State Route (SR) 169 within the road right-of-way (ROW) and located within shoreline jurisdiction (Cedar River) and are subject to and per the terms specified below: Permittee’s Representations Purpose of Permittee’s Work: Boring and potholing are necessary to investigate alternatives for future revetment repair along the Cedar River and SR 169. Two future revetment repairs are proposed along the Cedar River and are referred to as the “Tabor-Crowall” site (near Riverview Park) and the “Brodell” site (southwest of the Maplewood Golf Course). See attached site plan exhibits (Figure 1). The Tabor-Crowall site is located in the southwest quarter of Section 16, Township 23 N, Range 05 E, W.M. The Brodell site is located in the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 23 N, Range 05 E, W.M. The locations of the boring and potholing are shown on the attached site plans (Figures 2 and 3). Permittee Will Perform Work as described in Exhibit “A,” ‘Project Narrative for Geotechnical Borings and Fiber Optic Line Potholing for the Tabor-Crowall and Brodell Revetment Repair Project’ and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) 1 and 2 (Figure 4) and with the following clarifications: •Permittee will cordon off work areas and drill rig/boring equipment to prevent unwanted entry into those sites and is responsible for the security of the project site for the duration of the project. Cones will be placed around any vehicle, equipment and work area that will encroach on the CRT such as: o Figure 4, TCP 2: For fiberoptic potholing at the Brodell site cones will be placed to delineate the work area to include where the small pick-up truck with the vacuum will be staged, in addition to the cones shown around the boring equipment. o Figure 4, TCP 1: Riverview Park parking lot closure is expected to take place on Tuesday, February 28, 2022, between 7am-5pm. PAG-23-002 Brubaker, King County Page 2 of 4 February 22, 2023 •Permittee will be responsible for maintaining directional signage for park users and pedestrians around work sites and equipment. Use of traffic cones, cautionary signage and/or other safety equipment (provided by Permittee) will be required. •Permittee is solely responsible for determining which permits or other approvals are required for Permittee’s work and for obtaining such permits. Permittee acknowledges that by granting this Permit the City is not otherwise authorizing Permittee’s work. Permittee Will Adhere to the Following: •While conducting work, Permittee, Herrera and Herrera’s subcontract representatives must wear identifiable, bright-colored vests; •Permittee is limited to access the Cedar River Trail from SR 169 either: o Via the access trail west of B1 and east of Maplewood Roadside Park, or o West of the intersection with 131 Ave SE. •Permittee will minimize impacts to flora and fauna to the maximum extent possible; •Permittee will minimize profiles of above-ground caps and monitoring equipment in boring holes to the maximum extent possible to avoid trip and trail hazards to trail users. Conditions of Right-of-Entry 1.A copy of this Permit must be in the possession of Permittee and contracted site personnel when on-site along the banks of the Cedar River. 2.It is understood and agreed by the Permittee that the performance of any work under this Permit shall constitute an acceptance of all provisions and an agreement to adhere to all of Permittee’s Representations stated above. 3.The term of this Permit shall begin at 6 AM on Thursday, February 23, 2023 and shall terminate at 11 PM on Friday, March 10, 2023 (additional permitted time in case of schedule changes). The City retains the right to terminate this Permit at any time it sees fit, and for any reasons it desires. 4.Prior to start of project on City of Renton Parks property (approximately two days prior), the Permittee shall communicate with Bryce Goldmann, Parks Maintenance Supervisor, at (425) 766- 6201 to confirm start date. 5.At no time shall Permittee, Herrera or Herrera’s subcontractors in any way represent themselves as an employee, officer, or agent of the City. 6.There shall be no entry onto the subject properties, nor onto any private property, except via public roads, without the permission of the affected owner(s). 7.Vehicles shall be kept on maintained roads and trails. 8.If soil and/or water sampling is done in support of Permittee’s work under this Permit then Permittee: A.Must take and preserve split samples – preserving one for the City, and B.Must provide a copy of all raw data and environmental analyses, and C.Must advise the City prior to any reporting to the Washington Department of Ecology. 9.Overnight use of the subject properties is not allowed unless approved by the City. Brubaker, King County Page 3 of 4 February 22, 2023 10.Permittee shall notify Parks and Recreation staff of any unusual or unauthorized activities noted while on the Trail. 11.Any negative physical impact to City properties will be restored and/or corrected to the satisfaction of the Administrator of the Parks and Recreation Department. 12.Permittee shall in no way obstruct or impede access to the subject properties. In addition, Permittee shall take action to ensure that all work in relation to this Permit is conducted in a safe and prudent manner. 13.City acknowledges, agrees, and understands that Permittee is self-funded for all of its liability exposures related to this Permit. Permittee agrees to have and provide City with a letter of self- insurance as adequate proof of coverage, at least equal to $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate, at the time of execution of this Permit, and thereafter upon City’s written request. 14.Permittee shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims (whether valid or alleged), demands, actions, suits, damages, losses, judgments, liabilities, environmental response or remediation costs, expenses and other costs, including but not limited to, court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by City on account of any such claims, demands, or liabilities, and from loss of any kind or nature arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with this Permit, except to the extent caused by the negligence, willful misconduct or strict liability of the City, its agents, officers, or employees. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided constitutes Permittee’s waiver of immunity under the Industrial Insurance Act, RCW Title 51, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. The parties have mutually negotiated and agreed to this waiver. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this license. 15. Nothing in this Permit shall be construed to grant Permittee an easement by implication, prescription, or any other operation of law, or to extend the term of the Permit past its expiration date as stated herein. 16.Permittee must make all necessary precautions and coordinate all efforts with the Parks and Recreation Department staff to insure the safety and security of the park and trail at all times. 17.Permittee must provide City with a report summarizing the work completed in electronic form. If you have further questions, please contact Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director, at (425) 430- 6606 or e-mail chunsaker@rentonwa.gov. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Agreement for the permit term described in Section 3. Brubaker, King County Page 4 of 4 February 22, 2023 City of Renton _____________________________ King County Water and Land Resources Division ________________________ KELLY BEYMER, Administrator JOHN D. BRUBAKER _____________________________ Date _____________________________ Date Approved as to Legal Form: _______________________________ SHANE MOLONEY City Attorney ________________________________ Date cc: Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director Steve Brown, Parks Maintenance Manager Bryce Goldmann, Parks Maintenance Supervisor 22 February 2023 Erica Schmitz on behalf of Kelly Beymer 02/24/2023 Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner Parks and Recreation 2-22-2023 Approved by Cheryl Beyer via 2/22/2023 email 1 Project Narrative for Geotechnical Borings and Fiber Optic Line Potholing for the Tabor-Crowall and Brodell Revetment Repair Project The proposed geotechnical borings and fiber optic line potholing for Tabor-Crowall and Brodell Revetment Repair Project includes conducting exploratory geotechnical boring in three locations and fiber optic line potholing in four locations on the south side of State Route (SR) 169, within the road right-of-way (ROW), located within shoreline jurisdiction (Cedar River). The boring and potholing are necessary for future revetment repair along the Cedar River and SR 169. Two future revetment repairs are proposed along the Cedar River and are referred to as the “Tabor-Crowall” site (near Riverview Park) and the “Brodell” site (southwest of the Maplewood Golf Course). See attached site plan exhibits (Figure 1). The Tabor-Crowall site is located in the southwest quarter of Section 16, Township 23 N, Range 05 E, W.M. The Brodell site is located in the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 23 N, Range 05 E, W.M. The locations of the boring and potholing are shown on the attached site plans (Figures 2 and 3). The project will be conducted as follows: 1.First, 811 one-call will be initiated at boring locations (total of three) and at utility potholing locations (total of four). Applied Professional Services (APS) will, in parallel, perform private utility locates at these locations, placing paint on the pavement and/or turf to mark utilities. 2.Next, APS will perform potholing of the fiber optic line in four locations, two at eachrevetment repair site. See attached site plan exhibits (Figures 1, 2, and 3) for the location ofthe potholes. Potholing will be accomplished by a vacuum mounted on the back of smallpick-up truck and the hole is typically less than 8-inches wide. All excavated material will bereplaced upon completion of work. The area will then be reseeded and restored to currentconditions. Potholing will be conducted as follows: a.Fiberoptic Utility pothole #1: located at Tabor-Crowall revetment, close to Boringlocation T2. APS will access location from the parking area of Riverside Park.Pedestrians will have access to the bridge over the river. Vehicles will have access to theparking lot, although one of the two lanes in/out will be closed for parking ofequipment. See traffic control plan (TCP) 1 (Figure 4). b.Fiberoptic Utility pothole #2: located at Tabor-Crowall revetment site, close to Boringlocation T1. APS will access the location by driving up and over the sidewalk onto thegrassy area. Sidewalk closure will not be necessary. c.Fiberoptic Utility pothole #3: located at the Brodell revetment site, next to the Cedar River Trail. This work will be accomplished without closing the trail. Signage will warn trail users to walk, or to walk their bikes next to equipment See TCP 2. Access will be via access trail to the west. No tree removal or tree pruning will be necessary to accomplish 2 this work. Light pruning of shrubs may be necessary between SR 169 and the Cedar River Trail to access this location, but no shrubs will be removed. d.Fiberoptic Utility pothole #4: located at the Brodell revetment site next to the CedarRiver Trail. This work will be accomplished without closing the trail. Signage will warntrail users to walk, or to walk their bikes next to equipment See TCP 2. Access will be viaaccess trail to the west. No tree removal or tree pruning will be necessary to accomplishthis work. Light pruning of shrubs may be necessary between SR 169 and the Cedar River Trail to access this location, but no shrubs will be removed. 3.Lastly, the geotechnical borings will take place. Borings will be approximately 8 inches wide and will be drilled from equipment mounted on the back of a small truck. All soil will be stockpiled adjacent to the borehole and replaced upon completion of the work. The exposed soil will then be reseeded and restored to current conditions. The boring work will be conducted as follows: a.T1, located near the Tabor-Crowall revetment: This boring location will be accessed by bringing the truck/rig over the curb and sidewalk to that location. Geotechnical driller Holocene will bring ‘mud mats’ to protect the turf. No closure of sidewalk, roadway, or trail is required. A piezometer will be placed in this boring to monitor groundwater levels. After borings are complete, the piezometer will be accessed via foot and cable download. b.T2, located near the Tabor-Crowall revetment: This boring location will be accessed viathe Riverview Park parking lot. The boring location is in the mowed grassy area just tothe east of the park entrance. Pedestrians will have access to the bridge over the river.Vehicles will have access to the parking lot, although one of the two lanes in/out will beclosed for parking equipment. See the attached traffic control plan (TCP) 1 (Figure 4). c.B1, located at the Brodell revetment: This boring is planned for the edge of thepavement of the Cedar River Trail. This work will be performed without closing the trail.Signage will be placed to warn trail users to walk or to walk their bikes next toequipment (see TCP 2, Figure 4). Access to this boring will be via the access trail to thewest. A piezometer will be placed in this boring for monitoring groundwater levels.Access to this piezometer after the borings will be via foot and via cable download. Figure 1. King County Tabor Revetment Repair Exhibit (Overview) Figure 2. King County Tabor Revetment Repair Exhibit (Boring and Pothole Locations for Tabor-Crowall Site) Figure 3. King County Tabor Revetment Repair Exhibit (Boring and Pothole Locations for Brodell Site) Figure 4. Traffic Control Plans Jacobs. CITY OF RENTON 16" DI WATER 12" DI SEWER 16" DI SEWER ta King County 16"W 42"5S ,· Ss---.ss..._ ss..._S.S....ss 24' ss --..s.s ..... s.s 's.s-...s.s ..... Bs 'Ss..._Ss..._ S.S..._s¾ KING COUNTY BRODELL REVETMENT REPAIR EXHIBIT 0 50 100 t=E:r:=;;;s�=====1 Fee1 1:360.001 PRELIMINARY CONCEPT FOR DISCUSSION ONLY N JOHN GARDIN APS Inc. NORTH BEND, WA TCS# 011864 JOHNG@APSLOCATES.COM (425) 864-5547 LEGEND CONE WORK AREA SPOTTER PED PATH Date:1/30/2023 Author:John Gardin Project:6511 VAC Comments: this plan is for Jacobs King County WLRD Tabor Revetment TCP 2 NOT TO SCALE SIGNS WILL BE EVENLY SPACED WORK HOURS 7:00AM-5:00PM SPEED LIMIT 35 SIGN SPACING=X(FEET) (1)FREEWAYS & EXPRESSWAYS 55/70 MPH 1500+/(OR AS PER MUCD) RURAL HIGHWAYS 60/65 MPH 800'+ RURAL ROADS 45/55 MPH 500'+ RURAL ROADS & URBAN ARTERIALS 35/40 MPH 350'+ RURAL ROADS, URBAN ARTERIALS 25/30 MPH 200'+ RESIDENTIAL & BUSINESS DISTRICTS URBAN STREETS 25/-MPH 100'+ ALL SIGNS ARE 48" BY 48" BLACK ON ORANGE UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. (1) All spacing may be adjusted to accommodate interchange ramps, at-grade intersections, and driveways (2) The spacing may be reduced in urban areas to fit roadway conditions Lane Width Feet MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH (L) IN FEET Posted Speed Limit 10 11 12 105 150 205 265 450 500 550 115 165 225 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 295 495 550 605 660 125 180 245 325 540 600 660 720 780 840 DEVICE SPACING MPH 50/70 25/30 35/45 40 20 30 80 40 60 TAPER TANGENT 650 700600 715 770 4' WIDTH MAINTAINED ***WALKYOURBIKE***WALKYOURBIKEUTILITYWORKAHEADUTILITYWORKAHEADSR 169 131ST AVE SEwww.invarion.com N JOHN GARDIN APS Inc. NORTH BEND, WA TCS# 011864 JOHNG@APSLOCATES.COM (425) 864-5547 LEGEND CONE WORK AREA SPOTTER PED PATH Date:1/30/2023 Author:John Gardin Project:6511 VAC Comments: this plan is for Jacobs King County WLRD Tabor Revetment TCP 1 NOT TO SCALE SIGNS WILL BE EVENLY SPACED WORK HOURS 7:00AM-5:00PM SPEED LIMIT 35 SIGN SPACING=X(FEET) (1)FREEWAYS & EXPRESSWAYS 55/70 MPH 1500+/(OR AS PER MUCD) RURAL HIGHWAYS 60/65 MPH 800'+ RURAL ROADS 45/55 MPH 500'+ RURAL ROADS & URBAN ARTERIALS 35/40 MPH 350'+ RURAL ROADS, URBAN ARTERIALS 25/30 MPH 200'+ RESIDENTIAL & BUSINESS DISTRICTS URBAN STREETS 25/-MPH 100'+ ALL SIGNS ARE 48" BY 48" BLACK ON ORANGE UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. (1) All spacing may be adjusted to accommodate interchange ramps, at-grade intersections, and driveways (2) The spacing may be reduced in urban areas to fit roadway conditions Lane Width Feet MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH (L) IN FEET Posted Speed Limit 10 11 12 105 150 205 265 450 500 550 115 165 225 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 295 495 550 605 660 125 180 245 325 540 600 660 720 780 840 DEVICE SPACING MPH 50/70 25/30 35/45 40 20 30 80 40 60 TAPER TANGENT 650 700600 715 770 ROADWORKAHEADR O A D W O R K A H E A D ROADWORKAHEADPEDESTRIAN ROUTE PEDESTRIAN ROUTE PEDESTIRIAN BRIDGE TO CROSS CEDAR RIVER SIDEWALK TO REMAIN OPEN SR 169 SE 5TH ST LEFT LANECLOSEDAHEADAREACLOSEDwww.invarion.com