HomeMy WebLinkAboutREGULAR COUNCIL - 02 Feb 2015 - Agenda - PdfAGENDA RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 2, 2015 Monday, 7 p.m. *REVISED* 1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2.ROLL CALL 3.PROCLAMATION a. National Black History Month - February 2015 4.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5.AUDIENCE COMMENT (Speakers must sign up prior to the Council meeting. Each speaker is allowed five minutes. The first comment period is limited to one-half hour. The second comment period later on in the agenda is unlimited in duration.) When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence for the record, SPELLING YOUR LAST NAME. 6.CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 1/12/2015. Council concur. b. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 1/26/2015. Council concur. c. Mayor Law reappoints Jerri Everett to the Municipal Arts Commission for a term expiring 12/31/2017. Council concur. d. Community Services Department recommends approval of Amendment No. 4 to the Landowner Collaboration for Knotweed Control along the Cedar River project agreement with King Conservation District to revise the budget worksheet regarding the City and Friends in-kind shares. Council concur. e. Utility Systems Division requests approval to establish the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Main Extension project, and authorization to transfer $150,000 from the 2015 Sewer Repair Replacement Project to fund this new project. Refer to Utilities Committee. 7.UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a. Finance Committee: Vouchers b. Transportation (Aviation) Committee: 2015-2016 ORCA Business Passport Contract; Rainier Flight Service Lease Amendment 1; Rainier Flight Service Lease Amendment 2 8.RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Page 1 of 14 Ordinance for first reading: a. Amending 1-3-2.P.4 to change the word "conviction" to "violation" for consistency (Approved via 1/26/2015 Consent Agenda) 9.NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; call 425-430-6512 for recorded information.) 10.AUDIENCE COMMENT 11.ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) COUNCIL CHAMBERS February 2, 2015 Monday, 6 p.m. Airport Master Plan Update; Airport Sustainability Plan Update; Regional Issues • Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 AND ARE RECABLECAST: Tues. & Thurs. at 11 AM & 9 PM, Wed. & Fri at 9 AM & 7 PM and Sat. & Sun. at 1 PM & 9 PM Page 2 of 14 r0ifiJttL-‘Mayor’sOfficeProctamationWttereas,thebeginningofBlackHistoryMonthwasfirstcalledNegroHistoryWeek,asconceivedandannouncedbyhistorianCarterG.WoodsonandcelebratedduringaweekinFebruary1926;andWIereas,in1976,fiftyyearsafterthefirstcelebration,theentirenationhadcometorecognizetheimportanceofBlackhistoryinthedramaoftheAmericanstory,andtheweekwasexpandedtoamonth;andWtzereas,confidentthattheirstrugglesmatterinhumanhistory,blackscholars,artists,athletesandleadershaveusedtheirtalentstochangehowtheworldviewedAfricanAmericans;and(4hereas,AfricanAmericans,aswellasotherpeopleofAfricandescent,havebeeninfluentialinshapingworldpoliticsanddiplomacy;andWñereas,theAssociationfortheStudyofAfricanAmericanLifeandHistory(ASALH)hasselected“ACenturyofBlackLife,HistoryandCulture”asthe2015NationalBlackHistoryMonththeme;andWñereas,TheCityofRenton,inpartnershipandcommunicationwithresidents,businesses,andschools,isdedicatedtobuildinganinclusivecitywithopportunitiesforall;andfrJ7ficreas,RentonHistoryMuseumishonoringBlackHistoryMonthwithspecialeventsandspeakersthatexplorecontemporarypopularculture,diversityissuesandsocialjusticethroughdiscussion,musicanddance;q\t0),therefore,I,DenisLaw,MayoroftheCityofRenton,doherebyproclaimthemonthofFebruary2015,tobe[ationatBtac41-[istory14onthintheCityofRenton,andIencourageallcitizenstojoinmeinlearningmoreabouttherichhistoryofAfricanAmericansduringthisspecialobservance.InwitnesswIereofIhavehereuntosetmyhandandcausedthesealoftheCityofRentontobeaffixedthis2nddayofFebruary,2015.DenisLaw,MayorCityofRenton,WashingtonRentonCityHall•1055SouthGradyWay•Renton,Washington98057•rentonwa.gov3a. - National Black History Month - February 2015Page 3 of 14 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Reappointment to Municipal Arts Commission: Jerri Everett Meeting: REGULAR COUNCIL - 02 Feb 2015 Exhibits: Memo to Mayor Law requesting reappointment Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Executive Staff Contact: April Alexander, x6520 Recommended Action: Council Concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Mayor Law reappoints the following to the Municipal Arts Commission: Ms. Jerri Everett, for a term expiring 12/31/17 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Concur with Mayor Law's reappointment of Ms. Everett to the Municipal Arts Commission. 6c. - Mayor Law reappoints Jerri Everett to the Municipal Arts Commission for Page 4 of 14 DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNY MEMORANDUM JAN212 MAYOR U DATE:January 16,2015 TO:Denis Law,Mayor FROM:C.E.“Chip”Vincent,CED Administrator SUBJECT:Reappointment to Renton Municipal Arts Commission Background Jerri Everett has been a valued member of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission since 1999.Her most recent term of office expired on December 31,2014. Jerri has attended meetings over the past two years without an absence and has volunteered for numerous RMAC-sponsored activities.She has been particularly involved in furthering the goals of the South County Coalition of Arts Organizations (SoCo).SoCo held its November 2014 meeting in Renton at the Renton History Museum. This was organized by Jerri,who also took responsibility for providing refreshments to attendees. Currently,the Renton Municipal Arts Commission has five open positions,due to the resignation Peter Hartley and Michele Bettinger at the end of 2014,and 3 others previous to that. At its February meeting,the RMAC will host potential Commissioners and hold preliminary interviews. Recommendation I recommend the reappointment Jerri Everett to the Renton Municipal Arts Commission. 6c. - Mayor Law reappoints Jerri Everett to the Municipal Arts Commission for Page 5 of 14 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Landowner Collaboration for Knotweed Control along the Cedar River - Addendum 4 Meeting: REGULAR COUNCIL - 02 Feb 2015 Exhibits: KCD Agreement Amendment Request KCD Budget Revision Detail Form Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Community Services Staff Contact: Terry Flatley x6601 Recommended Action: Council concur. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ 0 Transfer Amendment: $0 Amount Budgeted: $ 0 Revenue Generated: $0 Total Project Budget: $ 0 City Share Total Project: $ 0 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Interlocal Agreement between the City of Renton and the King Conservation District was approved February 6, 2012. The grant provides funding for controlling invasive knotweed along the banks of the Cedar River from the eastern city limits to Interstate 405. The combination of City staff, contractors and the Friends of the Cedar River Watershed (Friends) will treat knotweed and replace it with native plants in a three-year project that began in 2014 and will be completed by the end of 2016. Amendment One (2013) extended the date of completion for one year due to a late approval by the King Conservation District (KCD). Amendment Two (2013) extended the date of completion for 90 days to provide time to prepare, submit and obtain approval for Amendment Three. Amendment Three (2014) revised the scope of work to include a three year project (originally only one year projects were being approved by KCD) and requested additional funding to complete the three year project of treating knotweed and planting native shrubs and trees. This, Amendment Four, revises the budget worksheet regarding City and Friends in-kind shares. In-kind cannot be reasonably estimated at this time. Removal of in-kind amounts from the grant budget will allow processing grant reimbursement requests without regard to the match. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Amendment Four and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the amendment. 6d. - Community Services Department recommends approval of Amendment No. Page 6 of 14 Instructions: To request an amendment to your Grant Award, complete this form and submit it to the King Conservation District. You will receive a written response back from the District either approving or denying the request. Attach any supporting documents you think will aid the review of your request. WRIA Forum (if applicable): Grantee: City of Renton, Washington Project Title: Landowner Collaboration for Knotweed Control Along the Cedar River Agreement Year: 2012 Request to Amend Grant Award in the following manner (check all applicable categories and provide details in space provided below or attachments where indicated): Change the Project Completion Date from to Extend project up to 90 days past original completion date Extend project in excess of 90 days past original completion date Extend project due to permit and/or construction delays Other (e.g., matching funds delayed) Change the Project Scope of Work (attach completed Scope of Work Revision Detail form) Increase scope of work at same funding level Increase scope of work and request additional funds Decrease scope of work at same funding level Decrease scope of work and request additional funds Decrease scope of work and return funds Other (describe and provide explanation below) Change the Project Budget (attach completed Budget Revision Detail Form) Reallocate funds among awarded budget item(s) within 10% of total grant award Reallocate funds to new budget item(s) within 10% of total award Revise budget in excess of 10% of total grant award Other (e.g., request additional funding) Other Category of Revision Cancel project and return funds Cancel project and fund new grant proposal (attach Grant Application) Change applicant/principle partners without change in scope of work and funding level Other (describe and provide explanation below) Describe the proposed amendment, identify how the new proposal differs from the awarded grant, and provide the reason/justification for the request (attach additional pages if more space is needed). The budget spreadsheet has been amended from that of Addendum #3 which showed in-kind amounts for the City of Renton and the Friends of the Cedar River Watershed. The City of Renton and the Friends of the Cedar River Watershed intend to provide in-kind services as outlined in the grant application, but the value of those in-kind services cannot be reasonably estimated at this time, therefore we are requesting that they be removed from the grant budget. Authorized Signature, Funded Entity Date Authorized Signature, Forum (when applicable) Date Request approved Request denied (see attached for explanation) Additional information requested (see attached for requested information) Authorized Signature, King Conservation District Date Member Jurisdiction & WRIA Forum Grant Program Agreement Amendment Request Member Jurisdiction & WRIA Forum Grant Program • Agreement Revision Request, Cover Sheet • v7-18-08 6d. - Community Services Department recommends approval of Amendment No. Page 7 of 14 Grantee: Project Name: Awarded Project Budget (same as grant application budget)Proposed Revised Budget (same as information in most recent Expense Report-YTD actual expenditures) KCD Funds Total KCD Funds Total (by line item)(by line item) Salaries and Benefits 55000 25,000.00 48000 128,000.00 Salaries and Benefits 55000 55000 Travel/Meals/Mileage 2800 150 0 2950 Travel/Meals/Mileage 2800 2800 Office/Field Supplies 480.00 1,000.00 0 1,480.00 Office/Field Supplies 480 480 Contracted/Professional Land Acquisition 0 0 0 0 Land Acquisition 0 0 Permits 0 0 0 0 Permits 0 0 Other (specify)33000 0 0 33000 Other (specify)33000 33000 TOTAL (by source)189,280.00 26,150.00 48,000.00 263,430.00 TOTAL (by source)189,280.00 0.00 0.00 189,280.00 98000Contracted/ Professional Services Revised Project Budget: Use the tables below to compare the awarded project budget to the proposed revised project budget. Alternatives for completing the tables include inserting the budget table from the original grant application to replace the Awarded Project Budget table; inserting the budget summary table from the most recent copy of the project expense report to replace the Proposed Revised Budget table; attaching budgets from a matching fund grant that clearly identifies the revised allocation of KCD Special Assessment funds. Other Funds (specify) 98,000.00 0 0 Other Funds (specify) 98,000.00 98000 Other Funds (specify)Other Funds (specify) Member Jurisdiction & WRIA Forum Grant Program Budget Revision Detail Form 6d. - Community Services Department recommends approval of Amendment No. Page 8 of 14 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Subject/Title: Request to Establish New Wastewater CIP Project SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Main Extension Meeting: REGULAR COUNCIL - 02 Feb 2015 Exhibits: Issue Paper Map Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Public Works Staff Contact: Dave Christensen, x7212 Recommended Action: Refer to Utilities Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ $150,000 Transfer Amendment: $$150,000 Amount Budgeted: $ 0 Revenue Generated: $NA Total Project Budget: $ $150,000 City Share Total Project: $ NA SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Wastewater Utility is requesting to establish the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Main Extension Project to install sanitary sewer in a portion of SE 165th Street between 108th Avenue SE and the existing alley to the west. The project would be funded through the transfer of $150,000 from the existing 2015 Sewer Repair Replacement Project (426/465507) and a special assessment district would be established to ensure that each property that benefits from the sewer main extension will pay their fair share of the cost of the installation as they make connection to the City sewer system. The area is currently within Soos Creek Water and Sewer District’s service area, however the District has agreed to transfer the service area to the City upon our request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the establishment of the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Main Extension project and approve the request to transfer $150,000 from the 2015 Sewer Repair Replacement Project (426/465507) to fund this new project. 6e. - Utility Systems Division requests approval to establish the SE Page 9 of 14 PUBLICWORKSDEPARTMENTMEMORANDUMDATE:January15,2015TO:EdPrince,CouncilPresidentMembersofRentonCityCouncilVIA:DenisLaw,MayorFROM:GreggZimmermPcWorksAdministratorSTAFFCONTACT:DaveChristensen,WastewaterUtilityManager,x7212SUBJECT:RequesttoEstablishNewWastewaterCIPProjectSE165thStreetSanitarySewerMainExtensionISSUE:ShouldtheCity’sWastewaterUtilityestablishanewcapitalimprovementprojecttoextendsewerservicein165thStreetfrom103thAvenueSEtotheexistingalleyandtoestablishaprojectbudgetof$150,000tocompletetheprojectwork?RECOMMENDATION:ApprovetheestablishmentoftheSE165thStreetSanitarySewerMainExtensionProjectandapprovetherequesttotransfer$150,000fromthe2015SewerRepairReplacementproject(426/465507)tofundthisnewproject.BACKGROUNDSUMMARY:InNovemberof2014theCitywasapproachedbypropertyownersrepresentingnineexistinglotsthatfrontonSE165thStreet,between108thAvenueSEandtheexistingalleytothewest.TheneighborhoodhadbeenworkingwithSoosCreekWaterandSewerDistrict(District)toextendasanitarysewermaintoservetheblockofninehomes,buttheywereunabletocomeupwithasatisfactorymethod/pricefortheproject.TheDistrictatthattimeagreedtoallowtheneighborhoodtoapproachtheCitytoprovidetheserviceandtotransferthesewerserviceareafromtheDistricttotheCity.WastewaterstaffdevelopedapreliminaryplanofhowtheCitycouldprovideserviceandwhattheestimatedtotalprojectcostwouldbe.Forthepurposesofdeterminingapotentialfrontagecostperlot,weestimatedthetotalprojectcosttobeabout$120,000,orapproximately$13,000perlot.Thisinformationwaspresentedtotheresidentsofthisareawhowerecomfortablewiththeestimatedcostperlotandwith6e. - Utility Systems Division requests approval to establish the SE Page 10 of 14 Mr.Prince,CouncilPresidentPage2of2January15,2015theCityutilizingaSpecialAssessmentDistricttocollectthatfrontagecostatsuchtimeastheyconnecttothefacility.Aspartofour2015WastewaterCapitalImprovementFund,theWastewaterUtilityhasaprojectknownasthe2015SanitarySewerReplacement/Rehabilitation.Ithasaninitialbudgetof$1,300,000.TheWastewaterUtilitycanstillperformtheworkithadintendedwiththe2015projectevenwiththetransferof$150,000tocompletethissmallsanitarysewerextension.TheWastewaterUtilityalsohasstaffavailabilitytomanagethissmalladditionalprojectwithouthavingtosignificantlydelayorpostponeanyofitsotherplannedactivitiesforthisyeartocompletethisadditionalwork.CONCLUSION:TheadditionofthisminorcapitalprojecttotheWastewaterUtilityCapitalImprovementProgramwillnotresultinanyimpacttoeitherthefundingortimingofanyothercurrentcapitalprojectinourprogram.Inaddition,theWastewaterUtilityhassufficientstaffresourcestocompletethisminorprojectwithoutdelayingorpostponinganyofourexistingprojectsorprograms.Assuch,werecommendthattheCouncilauthorizethenewcapitalproject,SE165thStreetSanitarySewerMainExtension,andapproveatransferof$150,000fromthe2015SanitarySewerReplacement/Rehabilitationproject(426/465507)tocovertheanticipatedtotalprojectcosts.cc:LysHornsby,UtilitySystemsDirectorHaiNguyen,FinanceAnalystH:\FileSys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-03-0000Correspondence-Wastewater\DaveC\2015Correspondence\SE165thStreetSewerMainExtlssue.doc\DMCad6e. - Utility Systems Division requests approval to establish the SE Page 11 of 14 Legend City and County Boundary Other !City of Renton Addresses Parcels O 1st Floor Q 1st Floor Q 2nd Floor O 1st FlooroOtherBuildings Buildings LJ Lift Station Clean Outs 6t Manholes S Casings —Pressurized Mains Gravity Mains —KC Pressurized Mains KC Gravity Mains SE 165th Street Sewer Main Extension -Vicinity Map Notes None I Information Technology -GIS This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and 256 0 128 256 Feet iS for reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be City of J —ff1OJ)..RentonMapSupportRentonwa.gov accurate,current,or otherwise reliable.— WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere o im r 01/15/2015 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION i inance ii iW1StOfl 06e. - Utility Systems Division requests approval to establish the SE Page 12 of 14 CITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTONORDINANCENO.___ ___ _ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,AMENDINGSECTION1-3-2OFCHAPTER3,REMEDIESANDPENALTIES.OFTITLEI(ADMINISTRATION)OFTHERENTONMUNICIPALCODE,CLARIFYINGTHELANGUAGEINSUBSECTION1-3-2.PFORCONSISTENCY.THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DOESORDAINASFOLLOWS:SECTIONI.Subsection1-3-2.P.4ofChapter3,RemediesandPenalties,ofTitleI(Administrative)oftheRentonMunicipalCode,isherebyamendedasfollows:4.Afterthree(3)priorviolations,whethertheyoccurredatthesametimeorinsuccession,thefourthviolationshallconstituteagrossmisdemeanor.TheAdministratorand/orCCIhastheauthoritytosubmittheviolationstotheprosecutorforcriminalprosecutionasprovidedinRMC1-3-3.D.a.ThecriminaloffenseshallbeforfailingtoeliminateaviolationafteraFindingofViolationorafteraconfirmationormodificationofaFindingofViolation.b.Theprosecutor’sburdenistoprovebeyondareasonabledoubtastoanyViolatorcitedthatintheCityofRenton:i.TheViolatorhashadthree(3)priorviolationsunderthisSectionoftheCode;andii.Thepriorconvictionsviolationswerewithinthelastten(10)years.Timeservedinjailisnotexcludedfromtheten(10)yearperiod.18a. - Amending 1-3-2.P.4 to change the word "conviction" to "violation" for Page 13 of 14 ORDINANCENO.c.IfaViolator/Defendantisfoundguiltybeyondareasonabledoubt,theViolator/Defendantshallservenolessthanfive(5)daysinjailforthefirstconviction,nolessthanten(10)daysforthesecondconviction,andnolessthanthirty(30)daysforanysubsequentconviction.d.AViolator/DefendantshallnotbeeligibleforElectronicHomeDetentionoranyotheralternativetojailtime.e.AViolator/DefendantshallremainresponsiblefortheRMCcivilcodeviolationpenaltiesand/oranycosts,notincludingthecostofprosecution.SECTIONII.Thisordinanceshallbeeffectiveuponitspassage,approval,andthirty(30)calendardaysafterpublication.PASSEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILthis_ _ _ _ _ _ _dayof__ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _,2015.JasonA.Seth,CityClerkAPPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis_ _ _ _ ___dayof_____________________,2015.DenisLaw,MayorApprovedastoform:LawrenceJ.Warren,CityAttorneyDateofPublication:_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ORD:1859:12/18/14:scr28a. - Amending 1-3-2.P.4 to change the word "conviction" to "violation" for Page 14 of 14