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Mackenzie’s integrated team of design professionals will provide Interior Design services for the above project Our Basis of Design along with our detailed Scope of Services by phase is as follows: BASIS OF DESIGN The following describes in detail the elements that define the basis of our proposal. ƒIdentify with Client any specific goals of the project, including any existing furniture to be used. ƒIdentify with Client the budget for FF&E, including furniture items and installation. ƒIt is intended that the FF&E selection will be sourced from one (1) dealer, and dealers carry multiple manufacturers under their umbrella of manufacturer sources. ƒFurniture layout will be based on the Mackenzie preliminary layout. Any reconfiguration or addition of items may result in additional fees. SCOPE OF SERVICES Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Coordination 1. Provide coordination for new furniture selection with furniture vendor for 7th floor Human Resource Space furniture layout. 2. Provide generic workstation block plan and layout for new furniture. 3. Develop preliminary furniture concepts and furniture layouts. 4. Coordinate with selected furniture vendor for preliminary furniture concepts and provide furniture guidelines. 5. Meet with furniture vendor to finalize furniture selections and upholstery/finish options. 6. Meet at Mackenzie with Client to review final furniture selections and upholstery/finish options. 7. Provide coordination with furniture vendor for one (1) minor revision to furniture option or finishes. 8. Issue revised furniture options and finishes to Client electronically for final approval. 9. Provide coordination with furniture vendor and Client for final specifications. June 7, 2022 City of Renton Attention:Jeff Minisci 1055 S Grady Way, Suite 600 Renton, WA 98057 Re:City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Imp Project Number 2210142.04 Dear Jeff: Mackenzie appreciates this opportun f Rento of Services and fee proposal for th quipment east end of the 7th floor. ckenzie’s integrated tea r Design services s of Design along with our detailed Scope of Services by phase is as follows: E ne the basis of our proposal. project, including any existing furnitu including furniture items and installation ill be sourced from one (1) dealer, and deale er sources. the Mackenzie preliminary layout. Any reconfigu Furn quipment Coordination 1.nation for new furniture selection with furniture vendor for 7 th furniture layout. 2.Provide generic workstation block plan and layout for new furniture. 3.Develop preliminary furniture concepts and furniture layouts. 4.Coordinate with selected furniture vendor for preliminary furniture concepts and 5.Meet with furniture vendor to finalize furniture selections and upholstery/finish o 6.Meet at Mackenzie with Client to review final furniture selections and upholstery 7.Provide coordination with furniture vendor for one (1) minor revision to furniture 8.Issue revised furniture options and finishes to Client electronically for final approv 9.Provide coordination with furniture vendor and Client for final specifications. mprovement –FF&E Assistance unity, and we are pleased to present to the City of Renton (“Client”)the following Scope the Human Resource Furniture, Fixtures,and Equipment Coordination Assistance to the e Mack eam of design professionals will provide Interior Design services for the above project Our Basis of Design along with our detailed Scope of Services by phase BASIS OF DESIGN The following describes in detail the elements that define ƒIdentify with Client any specific goals of the pr ure to be used. ƒIdentify with Client the budget for FF&E, inc n. ƒIt is intended that the FF&E selection will ers carry multiple manufacturers under their umbrella of manufacturer ƒFurniture layout will be based on th uration or addition of items may result in additional fees. S C O PE O F S ERVICES urniture, Fixtures,s and Equi Provide coordinat h floor Human Resource Space furniture layou ovide gene lop p d provide furniture guidelines. options. y/finish options. e option or finishes. val. P 2 06.749 .9993 F 5 03.228.1285 W M C KNZE.COM Logan Building , 500 Union Streett, #410, Seattle, WA 98101 ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING TRANSPORRTATI ON PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Portland, Oregon Vancouver, Washington Seattle, Washington džŚŝďŝƚϮͲA-2          City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement – FF&E Assistance Project Number 2210142.04 June 7, 2022 Page 2 10. Issue final furniture selections to furniture vendor. All pricing to be provided by furniture vendor and coordinated directly with client for final approval and payment. Furniture vendor to provide order documentation and delivery coordination. Assumptions 1. Field verification and documentation of existing furniture is not required or will be provided by the City. 2. Final furniture specifications and installation documents will be developed and provided by vendor. 3. Furniture purchase will be negotiated by the City with a single furniture vendor. 4. Vendor will be responsible for punch list. Our hourly fees for the disciplines and related design services described above are as follows: Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Coordination:$14,800 TOTAL HOURLY FEE: $14,800 Reimbursable expenses (printing, copying deliveries, ride share vehicles, application-based transportation, mileage, etc.) are not included in the fee outlined above and will be invoiced at 1.12 times cost. ASSUMPTIONS Please review and notify Mackenzie if Client believes that any of the Assumptions listed here are either inaccurate or unreasonable prior to project commencement. Please also notify Mackenzie if any additional clarity is needed for the Client to fully understand these Assumptions. In addition to the Scope of Services outlined above, we have assumed the following: 1. Client-Provided Consultant Services 1.a. Scope and fee are based on Client not hiring a third party Client Representative to act on their behalf during any phase(s) of the project. If a third-party PM is hired by the Client, Mackenzie reserves the right to estimate scope and fee impacts that will result in additional services. 2. Scope of Service Acknowledgements 2.a. Mackenzie Scope of Service and fees are based on project phases running in sequential order without overlap, delay, pause, or project being put on hold for any reason between phases. 2.b. Fees are based on the estimated schedule duration as defined in phases above. If phase duration(s) are increased for any reason, we will need to assess and address those impacts in terms of scope, fee, and/or schedule as necessary via additional services. 2.c. Subject to the applicable Standard of Care, Mackenzie will design the Project in accordance with applicable laws, including current Federal ADA Accessibility Standards and as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for Building Permit per the AHJ’s current edition of the governing building code, and by reference therein ANSI ICC/A117.1 (“Building Code”) for new construction. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, the Client acknowledges that various governmental codes and regulations, including without limitation the ADA and FHA, are subject to varying and sometimes contradictory interpretation and that the ADA is not a detailed building code. In the case of such conflicts or differing interpretations, Mackenzie will notify the Client thereof and will endeavor to design to the most stringent interpretation acceptable to the AHJ. City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement –FF&E Assistance Project Number 2210142.04 June 7, 2022 Page 2 10.Issue final furniture selections to furniture vendor. All pricing t directly with client for final approval and payment.Furnitur coordination. Assumptions 1.Field verification and documentation of existing f 2.Final furniture specifications and installation d 3.Furniture purchase will be negotiated by th 4.Vendor will be responsible for punch list. Our hourly fees for the disciplines and relate Furniture, Fi TOTAL HO Reimbursable expenses (printing, are not included in the fee outl UMPTIONS view and n e prio 4, $14, ation-base ost. the Assumptions liste tify Mackenzie if any add he Scope of Services outline ot hiring a third party Client Representa third-party PM is hired by the Client, M s that will result in additional services. ents ervice and fees are based on project phases runni e, or project being put on hold for any reason between on the estimated schedule duration as defined in phases any reason, we will need to assess and address those impact s necessary via additional services. 2 t to the applicable Standard of Care, Mackenzie will design the Proje s, including current Federal ADA Accessibility Standards and as req Jurisdiction (AHJ) for Building Permit per the AHJ’s current edition of the g reference therein ANSI ICC/A117.1 (“Building Code”) for new construction. sentence, the Client acknowledges that various governmental codes and limitation the ADA and FHA, are subject to varying and sometimes contradic ADA is not a detailed building code.In the case of such conflicts or differing notify the Client thereof and will endeavor to design to the most stringent AHJ. g to be provided by furniture vendor and coordinated ure vendor to provide order documentation and delivery g furniture is not required or will be provided by the City. n documents will be developed and provided by vendor. the City with a single furniture vendor. st. ated design services described above are as follows: Fixtures, and Equipment Coordination:$14,800 HOURLY FEE: $,800 g, copying deliveries, ride share vehicles, applicatio ed transportation, mileage, etc.) a utlined above and will be invoiced at 1.12 times cos ASSUM Please review and notify Mackenzie if Client believes that any of th ed here are either inaccurate or unreasonable prior to project commencement. Please also notify Mackenzie if any additional clarity is needed for the Client to fully understand these Assumptions.In addition to the ed above,we have assumed the following: 1.Client-Provided Consultant Services 1.a.Scope and fee are based on Client not h tive to act on their behalf during any phase(s) of the project. If a th Mackenzie reserves the right to estimate scope and fee impacts t 2.Scope of Service Acknowledgemen 2.a.Mackenzie Scope of Service and fees are based on project phases running in sequential order without overlap, delay, pause, or project being put on hold for any reason between phases. 2.b.Fees are based on above.If phase duration(s) are increased for any reason, we will need to assess and address those impacts in terms of scope, fee, and/or schedule as n 2.c.Subject to ct in accordance with applicable laws, including current Federal ADA Accessibility Standards and as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for Building Permit per the AHJ’s current edition of the governing building code, and by . Notwithstanding the foregoing d regulations, including without ctory interpretation and that the g interpretations, Mackenzie will interpretation acceptable to the          City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement – FF&E Assistance Project Number 2210142.04 June 7, 2022 Page 3 2.d. All meetings will occur at Mackenzie’s office or virtually, other than construction site meetings, unless specifically noted otherwise within the Scope of Services outlined above. We will record and distribute minutes following each meeting for all meetings through all phases up to Construction Contract Administration. 3. Existing Conditions 3.a. Building/Site Renovation: Mackenzie will work with the Client to align on the Client’s program for the Project, including goals and objectives, and will develop the design in accordance with applicable codes and laws, subject to and in accordance with the applicable standard of care. Client acknowledges that Projects involving additions and remodels of existing sites/buildings (compared to new construction) create more uncertainty and subjectivity as to code and law interpretation and increases the chance that applicable agencies will have differing interpretations that might require redesign services. Such agency interpretations may not be made known until the Construction Documents and/or Plan Check phase of the Project. Accordingly, Client acknowledges and agrees that Mackenzie expressly excludes any services necessary to address these types of differing code and law interpretation issues from Mackenzie’s Scope of Services, and that such services (including any necessary redesign services) will, upon Client’s approval, be performed by Mackenzie as an additional service. 3.b. Conditions not depicted on available existing site and/or building documents, provided by the Client, or readily visible on project walkthroughs are excluded. Such impacts will be evaluated at the time of discovery and addressed via additional services as necessary. 4. Client and Jurisdiction Approvals 4.a. The Client will approve the Documents at the conclusion of each phase prior to proceeding with the next phase. Redesign efforts after prior Client approvals, including but not limited to Client-driven design modifications, value engineering, cost reduction alternatives to the approved design, or other such changes, will be provided as an additional service, with scope, schedule, and fees to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 5. Standard Design Items 5.a. Square footage calculations will be provided as required to confirm compliance with building and zoning code requirements only. EXCLUSIONS Please review and notify Mackenzie if Client believes that any of the Exclusions listed here are to be included in Mackenzie’s Scope of Services prior to project commencement. Please also notify Mackenzie if any clarity is needed for the Client to fully understand these Exclusions. In addition to any Exclusions outlined within the proposal above, we have also excluded the following from our proposed scope of services. Although excluded from our services these may be required to be provided by Client for execution of the project. 1. Client-Provided Consultant Services 1.a. Coordination of Client-provided consultants not identified at the date of this proposal. City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement –FF&E Assistance Project Number 2210142.04 June 7, 2022 Page 3 2.d.All meetings will occur at Mackenzie’s office or virtua specifically noted otherwise within the Scope of Se minutes following each meeting for all meeti Administration. 3.Existing Conditions 3.a.Building/Site Renovation:Mackenzie w Project, including goals and objectives laws, subject to and in accordance involving additions and remode uncertainty and subjectivity a agencies will have differing may not be made kn Project.Accordingly, necessary to addre Services, and tha performed by 3.b.Conditions readily and a vi nd/o enzie e retation is sign services) or building docume Such impacts will be ev the conclusion of each phase pr ent approvals, including but not t reduction alternatives to the approve ervice, with scope, schedule, and fees to tions will be provided as required to confirm comp nly. E Please review and notify Mackenzie if Client believes that any of the Exclusions list Mackenzi of Services prior to project commencement. Please also notify Macke the Client to fully understand these Exclusions.In addition to any Exclusions outlined with also excluded the following from our proposed scope of services.Although excluded f required to be provided by Client for execution of the project. 1.Client-Provided Consultant Services 1.a.Coordination of Client-provided consultants not identified at the date of th tually, other than construction site meetings, unless Services outlined above. We will record and distribute etings through all phases up to Construction Contract will work with the Client to align on the Client’s program for the ves, and will develop the design in accordance with applicable codes and ce with the applicable standard of care.Client acknowledges that Projects dels of existing sites/buildings (compared to new construction) create more y as to code and law interpretation and increases the chance that applicable ng interpretations that might require redesign services. Such agency interpretations known until the Construction Documents and/or Plan Check phase of the y, Client acknowledges and agrees that Mackenzie expressly excludes any services ress these types of differing code and law interpretation issues from Mackenzie’s Scope of that such services (including any necessary redesign services) will, upon Client’s approval, be by Mackenzie as an additional service. ons not depicted on available existing site and/or building documents, provided by the Client, or ly visible on project walkthroughs are excluded. Suc valuated at the time of discovery d addressed via additional services as necessary. 4.Client and Jurisdiction Approvals 4.a.The Client will approve the Documents at th rior to proceeding with the next phase. Redesign efforts after prior Clien limited to Client-driven design modifications, value engineering, cost reduction alternatives to the approved design, or other such changes, will be provided as an additional service, with scope, schedule, and fees to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 5.Standard Design Items 5.a.Square footage calculations will be provided as required to confirm compliance with building and zoning code requirements only EXCLUSIONS se review and notify ted here are to be included in zie’s Scope of S enzie if any clarity is needed for to fully un hin the proposal above, we have d the from our services these may be is proposal.          City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement – FF&E Assistance Project Number 2210142.04 June 7, 2022 Page 4 2. Standard Design Items 2.a. Square footage calculations beyond those required to confirm compliance with building and zoning code requirements. (Calculation of gross, net, and rentable square footages, such as BOMA calculations, are not included). 2.b. Any redesign efforts, including any revisions to the Documents, related to value engineering (VE) or other process(s) to reduce the construction cost (estimated, bid or actual) of the Work from that which is depicted in the Documents. Any redesign and subsequent revision to the Documents related to VE or other processes to reduce the construction cost (estimated, bid or actual) of the Work, shall be via Additional Services Agreement approved by Client in writing prior to the execution of such services by Mackenzie and/or our consultants. 3. Other Design Disciplines 3.a. Acoustical engineering design and/or services. 4. Unique Design Services 4.a. Graphics and/or signage design, permitting, and related coordination. 5. Graphics/BIM 5.a. Presentation-level 3D renderings other than conceptual studies to describe design intent or as utilized as part of Mackenzie's design process unless specifically noted within our Scope of Services above. 5.b. Marketing materials. 5.c. Use of CAD Drawings or BIM models by any parties other than the design team. 6. Expenses/Billing 6.a. Reimbursable expenses. 6.b. Special billing requirements required by Client outside of Mackenzie's standard billing procedures. 6.c. Building permit fees, design review fees, or any other fees paid to public bodies having jurisdiction over the project. It is our understanding the project will start immediately. If the proposal is agreeable to you, we will preparean Agreement for Professional Services for your review and approval. Please note that this proposal is valid for 90 days. We look forward to working with the City of Renton on this new project. If you need additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Kim Doyle Project Manager Enclosure(s): Hourly Billing Rate Schedule Reimbursable Rates Schedule c: Brueck Brakefield – Mackenzie City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement –FF&E Assistance Project Number 2210142.04 June 7, 2022 Page 4 2.Standard Design Items 2.a.Square footage calculations beyond those required t requirements. (Calculation of gross, net, and renta included). 2.b.Any redesign efforts,including any revisions process(s) to reduce the construction cost ( in the Documents.Any redesign and sub to reduce the construction cost (est Agreement approved by Client in w consultants. 3.Other Design Disciplines 3.a.Acoustical engineering d 4.Unique Design Services 4.a.Graphics and/or Graphics/BIM 5.a.Presentat part of Mar nation. al studies to describ y noted within our Scop rties other than the design te d by Client outside of Mackenzie's stand w fees, or any other fees paid to public bo art immediately. If the proposal is agreeable to yo iew and approval. Please note that this proposal is va th the City of Renton on this new project. If you need add questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincer Kim Doyle Project Manager Enclosure(s):Hourly Billing Rate Schedule Reimbursable Rates Schedule c:Brueck Brakefield –Mackenzie d to confirm compliance with building and zoning code ntable square footages, such as BOMA calculations, are not ns to the Documents, related to value engineering (VE) or other st (estimated, bid or actual) of the Work from that which is depicted ubsequent revision to the Documents related to VE or other processes estimated, bid or actual) of the Work, shall be via Additional Services n writing prior to the execution of such services by Mackenzie and/or our g design and/or services. or signage design, permitting, and related coordina 5. 5 tation-level 3D renderings other than conceptual studies to describe design intent or as utilized as of Mackenzie's design process unless specifically n pe of Services above. 5.b.Marketing materials. 5.c.Use of CAD Drawings or BIM models by any parties other than the design team. 6.Expenses/Billing 6.a.Reimbursable expenses. 6.b.Special billing requirements required by Client outside of Mackenzie's standard billing procedures. 6.c.Building permit fees, design review odies having jurisdiction over the project. It is our understanding the project will star u, we will prepare an Agreement for Professional Services for your review alid for 90 days. We look forward to working with ditional information or have any questions, please do not hesita erely,          O:\WP\WP Library\ADMIN-GENERAL OFFICE\Rate and Reimbursable Schedules\SEA Hourly Billing Rate Schedule-220426.docx HOURLY BILLING RATE SCHEDULE* PRINCIPALS $160–$290 ARCHITECTURE/LANDSCAPE Design Director $ 190 – $ 235 Senior Project Architect $ 160 – $ 260 Project Architect I – III $ 100– $ 210 Architectural Designer II-III $ 90 – $ 175 Architectural Designer I $ 65 – $ 100 Designer/Drafter $ 50 – $ 80 Intern $ 50 – $ 75 ENGINEERING Senior Project Engineer $ 160 – $ 250 Project Engineer I – III $ 100 – $ 200 Designer I – II $ 75 – $ 155 Transportation Analyst I – II $ 65 – $ 115 Designer/Drafter $ 85 – $ 140 Intern $ 55 – $ 85 PLANNING Senior Project Planner $ 150 – $ 235 Project Planner I – IV $ 90 – $ 210 Permit Coordinator $ 55 – $ 95 Assistant Planner $ 70 – $ 110 Intern $ 50 – $ 75 INTERIOR DESIGN Senior Project Interior Designer $ 150 – $ 230 Interior Designer III – V $ 100– $ 175 Interior Designer I – II $ 70 – $ 135 Intern $ 50 – $ 75 ADMINISTRATION Administrator $ 60 – $ 175 Word Processor $ 70 – $ 110 Graphic Artist $ 85 – $ 130 *Subject to change April 2023 O:\WP\WP Library\ADMIN-GENERAL OFFICE\Rate and Reimbursable Schedules\SEA Hourly Billing Rate Schedul HOURLY BILLING RAT PRINCIPALS ARCHITECTURE/LANDSCAPE Design Director Senior Project Architect Project Architect I –III Architectural Designer II-III Architectural Designer I Designer/Drafter Intern ENGINEERING Senior Project En Project Engine signer I por ior Designer r III –V Interior Designer I –II Int ADMINISTRATION Administrator Word Processor Graphic Artist *Subject to change April 2023 le-220426.docx ATE SCHEDULE* $160 –$290 $ 190 –$ 235 $ 160 –$ 260 $100 –$210 $ 90 –$175 $ 65 –$100 $ 50 –$ 80 $ 50 –$ 75 Engineer $ 160 –$ 250 Project Engineer I –III $100 –$200 Designer I –II $ 75 –$155 Transportation Analyst I –II $ 65 –$115 Designer/Drafter $ 85 –$140 Intern $ 55 –$ 85 PLANNING Senior Project Planner $ 150 –$ 235 Project Planner I –IV $ 90 –$210 Permit Coordinator $ 55 –$ 95 Assistant Planner $ 70 –$110 Intern $ 50 –$ 75 INTERIOR DESIGN Senior Project Interio $ 150 –$ 230 Interior Designer II $100 –$175 Interior Designe $ 70 –$135 ntern $ 50 –$ 75 $ 60 –$175 $ 70 –$110 $ 85 –$130          O:\WP\WP Library\ADMIN-GENERAL OFFICE\Rate and Reimbursable Schedules\Reimbursables-SEA.docx April 2018 REIMBURSABLE CHARGES Mackenzie will charge the following standard, cost-based rates for in-house reimbursable items listed below: IN-HOUSE PRINTING Scanning – Black & White Small Format: $0.25/sheet (8-1/2 x 11 - 11 x 17) Large Format: $1.00/sheet (Including Half Size) Scanning –Color Small Format: $0.50/sheet (8-1/2 x 11 - 11 x 17) Large Format: $3.00/sheet (Including Half Size) Printing/Copying – All Sizes Black & White: $0.21/sq. ft. Full Color: $4.00/sq. ft. Fax Local: $1.00/sheet Long distance: $1.30/sheet OTHER IN-HOUSE REIMBURSABLE ITEMS Digital Photo Documentation $15.00/download Check Generation Fee $25.00 Automobile Mileage Billed according to IRS guidelines Delivery Service Fixed rates: $7.75 to $54.40 (depending on mileage) Data Supplies CD documentation: $15.00 DVD documentation: $30.00 Report Binder Without tabs: $3.00/book With tabs: $4.00/book Foamcore:$4.25/sheet O:\WP\WP Library\ADMIN-GENERAL OFFICE\Rate and Reimbursable Schedules\Reimbursables-SEA.docx REIMBURSABLE Mackenzie will charge the following standard, cost below: IN Scanning –Black & White Small Format: $0 (8-1/2 x 11 -11 x Large Forma (Including Scanning – Sm : cal: Long distance: HOUSE REIMBURSABLE ITEMS d Mileage Billed according to IRS guidelines ery Service Fixed rates:$7.75 to $54.40 (depending on mileage) Data Supplies CD documentat DVD document Report Binder Without tabs: With tabs: Foamcore: April 2018 E CHARGES st-based rates for in-house reimbursable items listed IN-HOUSE PRINTING $0.25/sheet 1 x 17) mat:$1.00/sheet ng Half Size) –Color Small Format: $0.50/sheet (8-1/2 x 11 -11 x 17) Large Format:$3.00/sheet (Including Half Size) Printing/Copyinggg –All Sizes Black & White:$0.21/sq. ft. Full Color:$4.00/sq. ft. Fax Local $1.00/sheet Lo $1.30/sheet OTHER IN-HO Digital Photo Documentation $15.00/download Check Generation Fee $25.00 Automobile Mil Bil Delivery tion:$15.00 ation:$30.00 $3.00/book $4.00/book $4.25/sheet