HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_RVMPBejenari_FinalDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D_ Bejenari_Tree Removal_FINAL_230309 PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF DECISION: March 9, 2023 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA23-000055, RVMP PROJECT NAME: Bejenari Tree Removal PROJECT MANAGER: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner OWNER/APPLICANT: Vladimir Bejenari 104 236th Place SW Bothell, WA 98021 CONTACT: Same as Applicant/Owner PROJECT LOCATION: APN 0087000020 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of a Routine Vegetation Management Permit (RVMP) to approve the removal of seven (7) big leaf maple trees with calipers ranging in size from 15 inches (15”) to 35 inches (35”); one (1) tree is a landmark tree. A Routine Vegetation Management Permit is required for the removal of more than two (2) significant trees in a one (1) year period without an associated land development permit and any landmark tree without an associated land development permit. The property is approximately 17,600 square feet (0.40 acre) in size. The property is located within the Residential 8 (R-8) zone. The trees were removed without the benefit of permit review and a code case (CODE23-000017) was opened. Two (2) after the fact arborist reports were provided. The first was authored by Terrence J. Flatley. (Exhibit 1) A second report, authored by Andrew Raines, confirming the information provided in the first was provided after it appeared that Terrence J. Flatley’s certification had lapsed (Exhibit 2). Stumps and remaining trunks/branches were reviewed by the arborist. All of the removed trees were located along the eastern property line and in the southeast corner. All of the trees were deemed to be high-risk by the arborist due to previous topping, fungal diseases, advanced trunk decay and previous tree failures. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Devel opment Routine Vegetation Management Permit Bejenari Tree Removal LUA23-000055, RVMP Permit Date: March 9, 2023 Page 2 of 4 D_ Bejenari_Tree Removal_FINAL_230309 ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT REVIEW CRITERIA 4-9-195D4: YES 1. The lot shall comply with minimum tree credit requirements pursuant to RMC 4-4- 130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. Staff Comments: The minimum tree credit requirement is 30 tree credits per net acre. The property is approximately 17,600 square feet (0.40 acre); 12 tree credits are required (0.40-acre x 30 tree credits per acre = 12 credits). A minimum of 30% of significant trees are required to be retained on the site. The applicant did not provide a full tree survey of the site. However, staff determined from the site map provided in the arborist reports, a review of aerial images on COR Maps and a site visit, that prior to the tree removal there were at least 10 significant trees on the property; seven (7) trees were removed. As there are at least three (3) significant trees on the site, and the smallest preserved significant trees (six to nine caliper inches (6” – 9”)) are worth four (4) tree credits each, tree credit requirements are being met. In addition, at least 30% of the significant trees are retained as well. N/A 2. The land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with restrictions for critical areas, pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations, and RMC 4-3-050, Critical Areas Regulations. Staff Comments: Not applicable. Per COR Maps, the property is not encumbered with critical areas or critical area buffers. YES 3. Removal of a landmark tree shall meet the review criteria for removal off landmark tree, pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. i. The tree is determined to be dangerous; or ii. The tree is causing obvious physical damage to structures including but not limited to building foundations, driveways or parking lots, and for which no reasonable alternative to tree removal exists. Routine maintenance of roofs that is required due to leaf fall does not constitute obvious physical damage to structure; or iii. Removal of tree(s) to provide solar access to buildings incorporating active solar devices. Windows are solar devices only when they are south- facing and include special storage elements to distribute heat energy; or iv. The Administrator determines the removal is necessary to a chieve a specific and articulable purpose or goal of this Title. Staff Comments: A landmark tree is defined as a tree with a caliper of 24 inches (24”) or greater, except for big leaf maples, black cottonwoods and red alder trees which qualify as landmark trees with a caliper of 30 inches (30”) or greater. Per the Arborist Report there is big leaf maple which has a caliper of 35 inches (35”) and is a landmark tree. Review criterion RMC 4-4-130F2ci, “The tree is determined to be a high-risk tree,” applies per the analysis below. A high-risk tree is defined as: “Any tree that has been certified in a written arborist report, prepared by an arborist with ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ), as possessing the following ISA Tree Risk Assessment characterizations: DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Devel opment Routine Vegetation Management Permit Bejenari Tree Removal LUA23-000055, RVMP Permit Date: March 9, 2023 Page 3 of 4 D_ Bejenari_Tree Removal_FINAL_230309 1. The tree has a probable or imminent likelihood of failure; and 2. The tree has a medium or high likelihood of impact; and 3. The consequences of failure for the tree are significant or severe. The provided arborist report identifies that the tree has a probable cha nce of failure, high likelihood of impact and significant consequences for failure. (Attachment 2) Therefore, the tree is determined to be a high-risk tree and eligible for removal. N/A 4. Street frontage and parking lot trees and landscaping shall be preserved unless otherwise approved by the Administrator. Staff Comments: Not applicable. The trees are not street frontage trees or parking lot trees. Neither street frontage nor parking landscaping is proposed to be removed. N/A 5. The land clearing and tree removal shall not remove any landscaping or protected trees required as part of a land development permit. Staff Comments: Not applicable. The tree removal would not be removing landscaping or protected trees required as part of a land development permit. N/A 6. The land clearing and tree removal shall maintain visual screening and buffering between land uses of differing intensity, consistent with applicable landscaping and setback provisions. Staff Comments: Not applicable. The lot is currently vacant; visual screening is not required on vacant lots. Additionally, detached dwellings abut the lot on the east, north and west sides. Removal of the trees would not remove required visual screening and buffering between land uses of differing intensity. YES 7. The land clearing and tree removal shall not create or contribute to a hazardous condition, such as increased potential for blowdown, pest infestation, disease, or other problems that may result from selectively removing trees and other vegetation from a lot. Staff Comments: The Arborist Report did not indicate that the removal of the tree would create or contribute to a hazardous condition. N/A 8. The land clearing and the tree removal shall be consistent with the requirements of the Shoreline Master Program, pursuant to RMC 4-3-090F1, Vegetation Conservation, and RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. Staff Comments: Not applicable. The project is not located within shoreline jurisdiction. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Devel opment Routine Vegetation Management Permit Bejenari Tree Removal LUA23-000055, RVMP Permit Date: March 9, 2023 Page 4 of 4 D_ Bejenari_Tree Removal_FINAL_230309 DECISION: Bejenari Tree Removal, LUA23-000055 for the removal of seven (7) big leaf trees noted as Trees #1 through 7 in the arborist reports are Approved. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify their decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if they find there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 23, 2023. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11- 680). Appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. The appeal submitted in person may be paid on the first floor in our Finance Department. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. EXPIRATION: The Routine Vegetation Management Permit shall be valid for one (1) year from the date of decision. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one (1) year upon application by the property owner or manager. Application for such an extension must be made at least 30 days in advance of the expiration of the original permit and shall include a statement of justification for the extension. Attachments: Attachment 1: Arborist Report prepared by Terrence J. Flatley, February 7, 2023 Attachment 2: Arborist Report prepared by Andrew Raines, February 12, 2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 3/9/2023 | 4:46 PM PST for ARBORIST REPORT Prepared by Terrence J. Flatley Forester/Certi￿ied Arborist PN7272 A FOR VLADIMIR BEJENARI - TREE REMOVAL AND VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT 10502 SE 166 STREET FEBRUARY 7, 2023 RECEIVED PLANNING DIVISION 02/17/2023 AVanGordon DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 Arborist Report Tree Removal at 10502 SE 166 Street, Renton, WA Vladimir Bejenari, Property Owner Introduc)on Several trees were removed on property owned by Vladimir Bejenari at 10502 SE 166 Street, Renton, WA. Eight stumps and their tree trunks were found along the west line of Parcel IdenKficaKon Number (PID) 0087000022 on February 3, 2023. The property owner had the trees cut down following storm damaged branches falling onto the mowed lawn; all trees were thoroughly infested with up to five different fungal diseases. In the past, all the trees lost their upper branches from either storm damaging events or topped intenKonally by previous owners. Tree Inventory and Assessment Table Methodology Tree stumps were located and numbered according to the photographs on the following pages. Stump 1 was encountered closest to SE 166 Street, Stump 8 was found at the north end of the property with the other numbered stumps in between. The height of tree stumps was measured and the corresponding cut trunk diameter was measured at a point 54 inches (diameter at breast height or DBH) above exisKng grade (stump height + cut trunk length = DBH) using a yard sKck and Cruiser sKck. Tree condiKon was noted and each assigned a percentage value where 100% equals a tree in excellent condiKon and 0% represenKng trees in very poor or dead condiKon. Stump No.Species Diameter at 54 inches Condi)on (%) Comments 1 Bigleaf maple 35 0 Top lost, mulKple branch sprouKng, wood 100% decayed 2 Bigleaf maple 27 0 Top lost, mulKple branch sprouKng, wood 100% decayed 3 Bigleaf maple 17 0 Top lost, mulKple branch sprouKng, wood 100% decayed 4 Bigleaf maple 15 0 Top lost, mulKple branch sprouKng, trunk wood 100% decayed 5 Bigleaf maple 28 0 Top lost, mulKple branch sprouKng, large upper stem wounds 6 Bigleaf maple 28 0 Top lost, mulKple branch sprouKng, wood 100% decayed 7 Bigleaf maple 27 0 Top lost, mulKple branch sprouKng, wood 100% decayed 8 Western redcedar 30 0 ExisKng hollow stump with bark separaKon DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 Summary All trees removed were bigleaf maple species that showed extensive diseased wood from roots to tree crown. A Western redcedar stump was also measured even though it had been removed over 15 years ago and not part of the current removal process; it was hollow and the bark had become detached from the stump. All stumps and remaining tree trunks and branches were in similar condiKon and stages of decay with li_le variaKon among trees. ExisKng standing trees on the west parcel (PID 0087000020) a_est to the condiKon of those in this report including upper crown missing, storm damaged, reacKve epicormic branch sprouKng and advanced decay in tree trunks. InformaKon for VegetaKon Management Permit Neighborhood Loca)on Map 10502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari Page of 112 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 Tree Loca )on Map 10502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari Page of 113 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 Tree Stump Images 10502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari Page of 114 Stump 1. Extensive decay Hollow stump and wood decay Hollow upper trunk Upper trunk decay DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 Stump images containing a number on the photograph were taken by the property owner and may be different than the tree inventory table and the tree locaKon map image. All images taken by the owner are included as a separate A_achment A. 10502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari Page of 115 Stump showing extensive decay Western redcedar stump DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 Attachment A - Bejenari 10502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari 6 of 11 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 7 of 11 10502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 8 of 1110502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 9 of 1110502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 10 of 1110502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 11 of 1110502 SE 166 Street - Bejenari 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 ARBORIST REPORT SITE LOCATION: 10502 SE 166 Street Renton, WA PARCEL/S: 0087000020, 0087000022 PROPERTY OWNER: Vladimir Bejenari SCOPE: Seven trees were removed on property owned by Vladimir Bejenari at 10502 SE 166 St. Renton, WA. The trees are on the neighboring parcel 0087000020 who is owned by Vladimir Bejenari as well. The property owner had the trees cut down following storm damaged branches and leaders falling into the yard causing damage and cleanup expenses. After removal fungal diseases were present in trunk wood from the base to the previously topped area. This could have been a more serious event in a larger failure. History of previous owners is unknown and all the trees lost their tops from either storm damaging events or topped intentionally by previous owners. ARBORIST SOLUTIONS Andrew Raines ISA Certified Arborist ISA TRAQ Certified ISA Utility Specialist PN-7684AU 206-747-5907 Andrew.Raines.Arb@gmail.com TREE # TREE#DBH CONDITION Poor/Fair/Good MITIGATION RESULT 1 Bigleaf Maple 35”POOR; decaying trunk, previously topped, tops are suckers, fugal disease, previous failures Remove, Unhealthy and Hazardous 2 Bigleaf Maple 27”POOR; decaying trunk, previously topped, tops are suckers, fugal disease, previous failures Remove, Unhealthy and Hazardous 3 Bigleaf Maple 17”POOR; decaying trunk, previously topped, tops are suckers, fugal disease, previous failures Remove, Unhealthy and Hazardous 4 Bigleaf Maple 15”POOR; decaying trunk, previously topped, tops are suckers, fugal disease, previous failures Remove, Unhealthy and Hazardous 5 Bigleaf Maple 28”POOR; decaying trunk, previously topped, tops are suckers, fugal disease, previous failures Remove, Unhealthy and Hazardous 6 Bigleaf Maple 28”POOR; decaying trunk, previously topped, tops are suckers, fugal disease, previous failures Remove, Unhealthy and Hazardous 7 Bigleaf Maple 27”POOR; decaying trunk, previously topped, tops are suckers, fugal disease, previous failures Remove, Unhealthy and Hazardous RECEIVED PLANNING DIVISION 02/17/2023 AVanGordon DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 SITE MAP 1 234 5 6 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 NEIGHBORHOOD MAP DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 Summary: This is a POST written arborist report that was designed from another arborists reports data (Terrence J. Flatley PN7272 A). TRAQ forms are based off of this data that was founded by measuring the stumps diameter, studying the wood, and looking at pictures. Ive concluded that all the data was correct and accurate. All 7 Bigleaf maples had been previously topped around 15-20ft, entire canopy is sucker tops and branches, suckers growing from decaying trunk, the mature wood of trees have fungal diseases, and trees were having failing events. All of these trees conditions would have worsened with time and removal was the best mitigation. After doing TRAQ forms for all 7 trees, it was concluded that they were HIGH risk and mitigations actions would have required removal. PREVIOUS SUMMARY- Terrence J. Flatley PN7272 A All trees removed were bigleaf maple species that showed extensive diseased wood from roots to tree crown. A Western red cedar stump was also measured even though it had been removed over 15 years ago and not part of the current removal process; it was hollow and the bark had become detached from the stump. All stumps and remaining tree trunks and branches were in similar condition and stages of decay with little variation among trees. Existing standing trees on the west parcel (PID 0087000020) attest to the condition of those in this report including upper crown missing, storm damaged, reactive epicormic branch sprouting and advanced decay in tree trunks. ANDREW RAINES PN8684AU 2-12-2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 O t h e r s t u m p s p i c t u r e s DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 2PM DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4F990B2-A29E-4EB8-89D3-2CE452652A50