HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractTranspo Group USA, Inc.
12131 113th Ave NE, Suite 203, Kirkland, WA 98034
603 258 009
Transpo Group USA, Inc. (Consultant) will provide engineering services to the City of Renton (City) for the
design of bicycle and pedestrian improvements, including sidewalks and shared use paths, curb line
adjustments, pavement markings, signage, curb ramps, medians, and traffic signal modification in the City
of Renton, Washington.
South 7th Street Active Mode Improvements
City of Renton
City of Renton
Keith Woolley
1055 S Grady Way
Renton WA 98057
Brett Schock, PE, AICP, RSP2iTranspo Group USA, Inc.
12131 113th Ave NE, Suite 203
Kirkland WA 98034
Keith Woolley
City of Renton
1055 S Grady Way
Renton WA 98057
Mayor Armondo Pavone DATE
3-9-2023 ATTEST:
Jason A. Seth, City Clerk
Scope of Work
Client Name: City of Renton
Project Name: South 7th Street Active Mode Improvements
Exhibit Dated: January 17, 2023 TG: 1.20204.02
Scope of Services
Transpo Group USA, Inc. (Consultant) will provide engineering services to the City of Renton (City) for the
design of bicycle and pedestrian improvements, including sidewalks and shared use paths, curb line
adjustments, pavement markings, signage, curb ramps, medians, and traffic signal modification in the City
of Renton, Washington.
The Consultant will lead the project and work in coordination with subconsultants, LDC, Inc, EnviroIssues.
and RES Group Northwest to provide a consistent overall project design across engineering disciplines.
The scope of work includes an alternatives analysis and design tasks up to the delivery of 100% bid-
ready plans, specifications and estimate. The scope includes several items identified as “future”, including
future project elements and future work items. Future items are included in the scope to provide definition
of anticipated work items, but are not currently authorized and are not included in the associated fee
estimate for the scope of work. Completion of work for future items, including the scope of work for
EnviroIssues and RES Group Northwest, will require written approval from the City and negotiation of a
supplemental fee at the time of authorization.
Scope Schedules
The Consultant’s scope is divided into two schedules, Schedule 01 and Schedule 02. The dividing line for
the two schedules is the intersection of Shattuck Avenue and S 7th Street, with Schedule 01 to the east
and Schedule 02 to the west. The two Schedules have differences between scopes of intended active
mode facilities and modifications, funding sources and timelines. Some work elements are similar
between the two Schedules, but will be tracked separately during the completion of the scoped
deliverables described herein.
Work Program
The Consultant work program for both schedules is organized into the following tasks:
Task 1. Project Management
Task 2. Alternatives Analysis & Conceptual (10%) Project Design
Task 3. 50%, 90% and 100% Design Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E)
Task 4. Project Support
Task 5. Bid and Award Support
Schedule 01
Project Definition
The Consultant has developed this scope with the assumption of the following key project components.
Key components are identified based on the City’s grant funding applications and award letters for
funding through Sound Transit’s System Access Grants and PSRC’s FHWA funding.
South 7th Street – Shared Use Path
Project Limits: South 7th Street from Shattuck Avenue South to the trailhead 50 feet east of
Burnett Avenue South. Approximately 1,100 linear feet. May include changes on Talbot Road S,
Burnette Avenue S, S 6th Street and/or Smithers Avenue S
Project Elements: Design a shared use path on the north side of S 7th Street connecting existing
bike facilities on Shattuck Avenue to the Renton Connector Trail. Maintain at least one lane in
each direction on S 7th Street between Shattuck Avenue and Talbot Road S. Reconfigure Talbot
Road S and S 7th Street intersection to safely accommodate path crossing. May include striping
and signing changes on Talbot Road S, Burnette Avenue S, S 6th Street and/or Smithers Avenue
Future Project Elements: May include repairs and improvements to the south side sidewalks on S
7th Street, if project construction funding allows.
Design Standards
Reports, design documentation, plans and specifications, to the extent feasible, will be developed in
accordance with the following, as applicable:
1. Washington State Department of Transportation/American Public Works Association, “Standard
Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction”, M41-10, Current Electronic Version.
2. Washington State Department of Transportation, “Standard Plans for Road and Bridge
Construction”, M21-01, Current Electronic Version.
3. Washington State Department of Transportation, “Design Manual”, M22-01, Current Electronic
4. FHWA and Washington State Department of Transportation, “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices for Streets and Highways” 2009 or current version,
5. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO green book), 7th Edition, 2018.
6. NACTO Urban Street Design Guide and Urban Bikeway Design Guide, current versions
7. City of Renton Standard Plans – Current Versions
8. Applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended; and other applicable
local, State and Federal standards as required.
a. PROWAG 2005, as modified by the City of Renton
The Consultant has developed this scope with the assumption that the project elements identified in the
RFQ and described herein are the basis of design. Modifications to project elements described in this
scope, may require a negotiated fee and schedule modification between the Consultant and the City. The
Consultant will make a good faith effort to accommodate reasonable requests to modify the scope during
the design process and will notify the City as soon as possible of the anticipated impact of significant
changes to project elements on fee and schedule.
This Scope of Services assumes the following:
• Right of way acquisition is not desirable, but may be required for temporary construction
easements (TCE) or some small “strip” acquisitions to construct active mode facilities.
• Franchise utilities between Shattuck and Burnett on the north side of S 7th Street will require
relocation. in City right-of-way.
o The City has franchise permits with CenturyLink, Comcast and PSE (schedule 74).
o The Consultant will identify utilities that need to be relocated and potential relocation
o Franchise utility owners will provide the final design and complete relocations under the
terms and conditions of the franchise permits.
• The City will provide environmental permitting services via other consultants.
• The City will lead public outreach efforts with supporting documentation and graphics provided by
the Consultant. The Consultant will be present at public meetings.
• The Consultant shall prepare the special provisions and applicable amendments to the contract
provisions, Divisions two through nine, as required for the improvements. The Consultant will
prepare special provisions for those items not covered by the standard specifications, general
special provisions or amendments. The City of Renton will provide the Division one specifications
and upfront Bid Documents with information dependent on the City’s schedule and preferences.
The Consultant will compile the final specifications document for bid. The contract provisions shall
be prepared in accordance with the requirements of WSDOT and the City of Renton.
• The project may be funded with federal funding and must be designed to meet all federal funding
requirements. The project will meet all LAG manual requirements and the Consultant will assist
the City with WSDOT Local Programs coordination as required for federally funded projects..
• Traffic signal modifications are not anticipated or included in the scope.
Future Assumptions:
• Franchise utilities between Shattuck and Burnett on the both sides of S 7th Street may be
undergrounded, requiring a Joint Utility Trench (JUT) on the north side of S 7th Street, with
sweeps and utility boxes in City right-of-way at alleys and public paths north of the trail.
o The Consultant will provide the design of the JUT, including vaults, junction boxes and
conduit pathways, but franchise utility owners will provide additional necessary designs
o Undergrounding of utilities will require replacement of existing illumination, to be
designed by the Consultant
Additional assumptions specific to each task are included where necessary.
Schedule 01, Task 1 — Project Management
01.1.1 Project Coordination
The Consultant team project manager will coordinate with the City’s project manager on a regular basis
(weekly or bi-weekly) throughout the duration of the project. The coordination will address project
scope/status, technical and policy direction, budget, schedule, and meetings with additional stakeholders.
Coordination will be via video chat, telephone calls, and email, as appropriate.
The Consultant team project manager will also coordinate with subconsultants on a regular basis
regarding project scope/status, project direction, budget, and schedule.
01.1.2 Progress Reports and Invoicing
Detailed progress reports and invoices will be prepared on a monthly basis and provided to the City.
01.1.3 Design Meetings
The Consultant will conduct meetings at the following project milestones with the City Project Manager.
For efficiency of resource usage, all meetings are assumed to be video conferences, unless otherwise
stated or arranged by mutual agreement between the City and Consultant. The Consultant shall prepare
a meeting agenda for each meeting. It is assumed that the Consultant will not be required to distribute
meeting minutes following each meeting, but will keep an internal record of minutes. This will not preclude
as-needed communication by the Consultant with the City or Subconsultants to confirm understanding of
issues raised in these meetings.
1. Project Kickoff (on site meeting in Renton)
a. Including field visit/site walk with City project manager and staff
2. Design alternatives coordination meeting
3. Preliminary (50%) Design Review & Comment Resolution
Other design meetings may be necessary to discuss alternatives for specific project elements or provide
updates on field conditions located by the Consultant and Subconsultants which may affect project
designs. Additional meetings with the City will be held via phone or video conference, to the extent
possible, with the goal of minimizing expense.
Additional in-person meetings may be held at the request of the City, but may require adjustment to the
scope of services, fee projection and schedule. These meetings do not preclude regular communication
via email and phone between the City and the Consultant regarding project concerns and progress.
The Consultant will conduct two field visits. The first field visit will coincide with the Project Kickoff. Other
field data may be gathered by City staff if available, or during the second field visit. The Consultant
anticipates conducting the second field visit after the completion of the 10% design phase.
01.1.4 Project Schedule
The Consultant will provide a project schedule to the City and maintain the schedule with monthly
updates on progress and affected milestones. The schedule will show milestone dates and events
necessary to complete the plans and special provisions to complete the design of all the project
The anticipated overall schedule for this project is 20 months, with a kickoff in February 2023 and an
anticipated completion of the 100 percent design submittal by October, 2024. Revisions to extend the
schedule based on the availability of grant funding for construction may be discussed with the City and
the Consultant during the project.
Schedule 01, Task 2 — Alternatives Analysis & Conceptual
(10%) Project Design
01.2.1 Alternatives Analysis
The Consultant understands that the City of Renton has not selected the final form and detailed design of
the facilities in the project. The preferred alternative will construct a shared use path on the north side of
S 7th Street, consistent with the grant award supporting the project design phase.
The implementation of the active mode connection could require modifications to the existing roadway,
including but not limited to:
• Road diets, and lane reductions to not less than one lane per direction between Shattuck and
• One-way streets east of Talbot
• Reduced lane widths
• Relocation of existing curb lines (not desired)
• Bike signals, wide crossings and curb ramps, green painted crossings
All of the roadway modifications, both at intersections and along the linear roadway would be subject to a
traffic analysis (see Task 2.2) that would follow the safety, feasibility and geometric development of
potential alternatives for active mode connections. A combination of the benefits and tradeoffs identified
in the traffic modeling, safety analysis, geometric analysis, public feedback (see Task 4) and meetings
between the City project manager, City staff and the Consultant, shall result in the selection of a preferred
The alternatives process will assume;
• A minimum lane width of 11’ on arterials and collectors. Local residential streets have a minimum
lane width of 10’.
• A desirable shared use path width of 12 feet with a north shoulder of 2 feet to the right of way line
and a south buffer of 5 feet to the existing or relocated north curb of S 7th Street.
o Deviations from the desired section will be discussed with the City and meet the minimum
requirements of national, state and local design standards.
• A preference for a facility that appeals to a wide range of users (age, ability, comfort, etc.)
• Improvements will be within the existing right of way to the extent possible
• Traffic impacts, as identified in Task 2.2, may be acceptable if a facility has strong safety and
connectivity benefits for active mode users.
• The City must meet the requirements of the grant commitments.
Consultant Deliverables
• Technical memorandum summarizing
o All alternatives considered
o Evaluation criteria
o Traffic analysis conducted (see Task 2.2)
o Process for selecting a preferred alternative
01.2.2 Traffic Analysis
Using traffic models provided by the City, historical traffic data provided by the City, and new traffic data
acquired as part of Task 04, the Consultant will provide a traffic analysis of the impacts of any alternatives
that are determined to be feasible and are to be considered by the City. The traffic analysis will include
assessment of level of service, seconds of delay and queue lengths, compared to existing conditions, to
determine the impact of an alternative.
01.2.3 Conceptual 10% Design
As part of the development of alternatives that are considered the most feasible, the Consultant will
prepare cross sections and exhibits that include curblines and channelization to visualize the impact the
alternative will have on the corridor. For the preferred alternative(s), the conceptual exhibits will be used
as the basis for 10% design drawings. The 10% design will consider:
• Paving layouts and engineering-level cross section(s)
• Impact on utilities, including existing stormwater facilities
• Verify improvements are within the right of way
• Impacts to intersections and driveways
• Channelization of intersections and crossings
• Critical and custom signage
• Analysis of existing light levels and recommendations for added pedestrian-scale lighting either in
the buffer or co-located with street lighting using City of Renton standard details
• City staff will initiate coordination of utility impacts with franchise utility owners at the completion
of the 10% deliverable. Transpo will attend virtual meetings with the utility owners.
Consultant Deliverables
• Conceptual 10% design level corridor plans including:
o Cover sheet with vicinity map
o Typical roadway sections
o Sidewalk, shared Use path and curbs
o Striping and critical signing
o Urban Design and Streetscaping
o Drainage plans (if needed, LDC, Inc.)
• Planning level cost estimate
• Design Report documenting design decisions and standard references, as applicable
Schedule 01, Task 3 — 50% and 100% Design Plans,
Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E)
The Consultant will prepare and submit to the City for review and comment, design plans, specifications,
and estimates (PS&E) for:
• 50% level of design
• 90% level of design
• 100% level of design
Plan sheets will be developed at a 1”=20’ full size scale that allows for approximately 500 feet per plan
“window”. Two plan windows will be used on sheets where feasible to reduce the total number of sheets
and proposed work can be clearly and concisely conveyed to contractors. Topics may be combined on
sheets, as listed or per City approval to reduce the total number of sheets in the final package, but
completeness and clarity will be prioritized over sheet count.
The Consultant will submit the design plans for review by the City. The City’s review will identify issues,
resolve problems, recommend modifications, suggest actions required and provide direction and
guidance for the next stage of design. The City will closely monitor the design plan preparation process
and be responsive to communication from the Consultant to assist in avoiding substantial revision during
the review process. This effort shall not alter the Consultant’s responsibility for the work.
The Consultant will prepare the special provisions and applicable amendments to the contract provisions,
Divisions two through nine, as required for the improvements. The City of Renton will advise the Division
one specifications. The Consultant will compile the final specifications for bid. The contract provisions
shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of WSDOT and the City of Renton. The Consultant
shall prepare special provisions for those items not covered by the standard specifications, general
special provisions or amendments.
The Consultant will prepare quantity estimates and backup calculations in accordance with the WSDOT
bid item descriptions. Final quantity estimates will be prepared according to WSDOT format and backup
calculations for lump sum and unit price items will be provided. Quantity estimates will be used to prepare
the summary of quantity sheets, and all other material required for construction. Quantities will be
combined into a single bid package.
The Consultant will maintain a construction cost estimate throughout the project, updated at each design
milestone. The estimate will be developed in Excel format.
All electronic materials used to generate the Bid Set Plans, Specifications and Estimate will be submitted
to the City. Drawings will be submitted in PDF and AutoCAD/AutoCAD Civil 3D format. Specifications will
be submitted in editable Microsoft Word format. The Estimate will be submitted in Microsoft Excel format.
File names for submitted plans and specification files shall follow the convention:
01.3.1 50% Submittal
The 50% submittal will include drawings, special provisions, and the Engineer’s estimate. All 10% plan
submittal comments received will be incorporated into the submittal. The City will review the submittal and
return a consolidated set of comments to the Consultant, preferably in PDF format with plan markups
provided for context of comments. The review period will last a minimum of two weeks. The 50% plans
will include the following sheets, provided by Transpo unless otherwise indicated:
• Cover sheet with vicinity map and index
• Legend and abbreviations
• Demolition plans
• Roadway sections
• Roadway paving plans
• Roadway Storm Plan and Profiles, if applicable (LDC)
• Striping and signing plans
• Illumination plans and notes
The standard and custom design details will utilize City of Renton and WSDOT standards.
In addition to the plans and estimate, the Consultant will prepare a run list of special provisions for the
traffic signal, roadway and pedestrian-scale illumination and other specialized design elements to be
incorporated into the project manual based on the current edition of the City’s standard plans, and the
2023 WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction.
• City staff will review and provide written comments
• City staff to provide boilerplate and recently used special provisions, as requested, if available
Consultant Deliverables
• One electronic PDF copy of 50% Plans.
• 50% cost estimate in Excel format.
• 50% special provisions run list in Word format.
01.3.2 90% and 100% Submittal
The 90% and 100% submittal will include all drawings, special provisions, and the Engineer’s estimate.
The 50% Design Plan submittal comments will be incorporated into the 90% submittal. In addition to
modifications to the sheets identified for the 50% submittal, traffic signal wiring diagrams, signal details,
and traffic control plans will be prepared. The following additional sheets will be included with the 90%
submittal, provided by Transpo unless otherwise indicated. The 90% plans will be provided to the City for
review and comment, and the comments will be incorporated into the 100% submittal. No additional
sheets are anticipated at the 100% submittal level. The Consultant expects that no further changes to the
PS&E documents without the approval of the City will be made after the 100% submittal.
• Site preparation and TESC plans and details
• Roadway and curb ramp details
• Stormwater Details (LDC)
• Illumination Details
Consultant Deliverables (90%)
• Comment response letter/matrix from 50% submittal
• One electronic PDF copy of 90% Plans.
• 90% Cost estimate in Excel format.
• 90% Special provisions (except Division 1) in Word format.
• Draft Drainage Report in PDF format, if necessary (LDC)
• Draft ISI Envision certification application
Consultant Deliverables (100%)
• Comment response letter/matrix from 90% submittal
• One electronic PDF copy of Final Plans. Each sheet shall be stamped and signed by the
responsible engineer from the Consultant.
• 100% Cost estimate in Excel format.
• 100% Special provisions (except Division 1) in Word format.
• Final electronic CAD files.
• Final Drainage Report in PDF format, if necessary (LDC)
• Final ISI Envision certification application
• WSDOT Local Programs Checklist
Schedule 01, Task 4 – Project Support
The Consultant will provide ongoing project support elements that will span the design process. Support
will include survey, traffic data acquisition, and support for public outreach and engagement, led by the
01.4.1 Survey
The Consultant, via subconsultants will provide topographical survey along S 7th Street in the project
limits. Survey will be completed to 10 feet outside of the existing right of way. Survey control will be
established within the project limits. The survey will establish right of way for portions of the project for
which a full topographic survey is being obtained.
The detailed limits of survey and scope of services from subconsultants are included in attachments to
this scope.
• The topographic survey will include all significant features, grade breaks. Ground shots will be
acquired on a 50’ grid, and contours will be shown at one-foot intervals.
• Surveyor or ROW consultant will provide title reports for properties being impacted for which
Right-of-way is required.
• Pre and post construction record of survey is not included in this scope of work.
• Utility locates will be called in within the survey limits
• Upon completion of 50% design and identification of potential conflicts, design pot-holes will be
performed, as needed
o Continuous locates may be investigated as a alternative to pot-holes
Consultant Deliverables
• Survey base map for engineering design in Civil3D 2020.
01.4.2 Traffic Data Acquisition
The Consultant will, via a vendor, acquire traffic data, including daily volumes and turning movement
counts, at the intersections of S 7th Street with Rainier Ave S, Shattuck Ave S and Talbot Rd S. The data
will be used to confirm alternatives.
01.4.3 — Public and Stakeholder Involvement
The Consultant understands that the City will lead the public and stakeholder outreach. The Consultant
will provide material support for the outreach. Public outreach and stakeholder involvement will begin
during the alternatives evaluation phase (Tasks 2.1 and 2.4). Comments and feedback received at public
meetings shall inform the selection of a preferred alternative for each Project.
The City will arrange for and provide the invitations for an open house meeting. The Consultant will assist
the City with preparing materials for the open house meeting and attend the meeting to support the City.
The goal of the open house meeting will be to present the project to the public to confirm the design and
identify any early concerns that should be incorporated into the development of construction documents.
The Consultant will support the City project manager in preparing for, including preparation of exhibits,
presentations and handouts, City Council updates, as required. The Consultant will attend public
meetings and City Council meetings at the request of the City project manager.
Consultant Deliverables
•Draft and final versions of project graphics for public meetings
•Presence at public meetings and/or Council meetings (up to four)
01.4.4 Future Right of Way Services
If right of way acquisition does become necessary to achieve the project goals, the Consultant will
prepare right of way figures documenting the extent of required right of way for permanent and temporary
acquisitions to support the final design. The Consultant will provide the City with legal descriptions for any
Temporary Construction Permits or Temporary Construction Easements or Acquisitions.
Schedule 01, Task 5 – Bid and Award Support
The Consultant will provide assistance during the bid and award of the construction contract. The
following tasks will be provided on an as-needed basis. Written authorization from the City will be
obtained prior to providing any of the following services:
•If requested, the Consultant will attend a pre-construction meeting with the construction
contractor to assist the City in responding to questions and inquires.
•If requested, the Consultant will assist the City during the bid period to answer any questions that
arise concerning the PS&E documents, and will assist the City in preparing any addenda
Consultant Deliverables:
•Attend and participate in pre-construction meeting.
•Prepare response to bidder questions and bid document addenda.
End Schedule 01
Schedule 02
Project Definition
The Consultant has developed this scope with the assumption of the following key project components.
Key components are identified based on the City’s grant funding applications and award letters for
funding through Sound Transit’s System Access Grants and PSRC’s FHWA funding.
South 7th Street – Bike Facility
Project Limits: South 7th Street from Shattuck Avenue South to Oakesdale Avenue SW.
Approximately 1.1 miles.
Project Elements: Install intersection improvements including signage for cyclists, simplify bike
movements, push button activation for bikes, green bike lanes through conflict zones and
pavement markings. Improve mid-block crossing between Lind and Hardie.
Future Project Elements: Evaluate alternatives for linear active mode safety and service
improvements in the corridor, including anticipated traffic impacts, to provide a high comfort trail
connection between Naches Ave SW and Shattuck Avenue S.
Design Standards
Reports, design documentation, plans and specifications, to the extent feasible, will be developed in
accordance with the following, as applicable:
9. Washington State Department of Transportation/American Public Works Association, “Standard
Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction”, M41-10, Current Electronic Version.
10. Washington State Department of Transportation, “Standard Plans for Road and Bridge
Construction”, M21-01, Current Electronic Version.
11. Washington State Department of Transportation, “Design Manual”, M22-01, Current Electronic
12. FHWA and Washington State Department of Transportation, “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices for Streets and Highways” 2009 or current version,
13. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO green book), 7th Edition, 2018.
14. NACTO Urban Street Design Guide and Urban Bikeway Design Guide, current versions
15. City of Renton Standard Plans – Current Versions
16. Applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended; and other applicable
local, State and Federal standards as required.
a. PROWAG 2005, as modified by the City of Renton
The Consultant has developed this scope with the assumption that the project elements identified in the
RFQ and described herein are the basis of design. Modifications to project elements described in this
scope, may require a negotiated fee and schedule modification between the Consultant and the City. The
Consultant will make a good faith effort to accommodate reasonable requests to modify the scope during
the design process and will notify the City as soon as possible of the anticipated impact of significant
changes to project elements on fee and schedule.
This Scope of Services assumes the following:
• Right of way acquisition is not desirable, but may be required for temporary construction
easements (TCE) or some small “strip” acquisitions to construct active mode facilities.
• The City will provide environmental permitting services via other consultants.
• The City will lead public outreach efforts with supporting documentation and graphics provided by
the Consultant. The Consultant will be present at public meetings.
• The Consultant shall prepare the special provisions and applicable amendments to the contract
provisions, Divisions two through nine, as required for the improvements. The Consultant will
prepare special provisions for those items not covered by the standard specifications, general
special provisions or amendments. The City of Renton will provide the Division one specifications
and upfront Bid Documents with information dependent on the City’s schedule and preferences.
The Consultant will compile the final specifications document for bid. The contract provisions shall
be prepared in accordance with the requirements of WSDOT and the City of Renton.
• The project is funded with federal funding and must be designed to meet all federal funding
requirements. The project will meet all LAG manual requirements and the Consultant will assist
the City with WSDOT Local Programs coordination as required for federally funded projects..
• Traffic signals will be modified for up to five intersections, including the location of signal heads,
pushbuttons, and the potential addition of bike signals. No new or replaced traffic signal poles are
anticipated. Pedestrian pushbutton poles may be added based on ADA and/or active mode
facility upgrade requirements.
• The scope of the improvements in the project elements are not recommended for ISI Envision
certification as a standalone project. If the scope is expanded to include the future linear project
elements, ISI Envision certification will be pursued for the project.
Additional assumptions specific to each task are included where necessary.
Schedule 02, Task 1 — Project Management
02.1.1 Project Coordination
The Consultant team project manager will coordinate with the City’s project manager on a regular basis
(weekly or bi-weekly) throughout the duration of the project. The coordination will address project
scope/status, technical and policy direction, budget, schedule, and meetings with additional stakeholders.
Coordination will be via video chat, telephone calls, and email, as appropriate.
The Consultant team project manager will also coordinate with subconsultants on a regular basis
regarding project scope/status, project direction, budget, and schedule.
02.1.2 Progress Reports and Invoicing
Detailed progress reports and invoices will be prepared on a monthly basis and provided to the City.
02.1.3 Design Meetings
The Consultant will conduct meetings at the following project milestones with the City Project Manager.
For efficiency of resource usage, all meetings are assumed to be video conferences, unless otherwise
stated or arranged by mutual agreement between the City and Consultant. The Consultant shall prepare
a meeting agenda for each meeting. It is assumed that the Consultant will not be required to distribute
meeting minutes following each meeting, but will keep an internal record of minutes. This will not preclude
as-needed communication by the Consultant with the City or Subconsultants to confirm understanding of
issues raised in these meetings.
4. Project Kickoff (on site meeting in Renton)
b. Including field visit/site walk with City project manager and staff
5. Design alternatives coordination meeting
6. Preliminary (50%) Design Review & Comment Resolution
Other design meetings may be necessary to discuss alternatives for specific project elements or provide
updates on field conditions located by the Consultant and Subconsultants which may affect project
designs. Additional meetings with the City will be held via phone or video conference, to the extent
possible, with the goal of minimizing expense.
Additional in-person meetings may be held at the request of the City, but may require adjustment to the
scope of services, fee projection and schedule. These meetings do not preclude regular communication
via email and phone between the City and the Consultant regarding project concerns and progress.
The Consultant will conduct two field visits. The first field visit will coincide with the Project Kickoff. Other
field data may be gathered by City staff if available, or during the second field visit. The Consultant
anticipates conducting the second field visit after the completion of the 10% design phase.
02.1.4 Project Schedule
The Consultant will provide a project schedule to the City and maintain the schedule with monthly
updates on progress and affected milestones. The schedule will show milestone dates and events
necessary to complete the plans and special provisions to complete the design of all the project
The anticipated overall schedule for this project is 20 months, with a kickoff in February 2023 and an
anticipated completion of the 100 percent design submittal by October, 2024. Revisions to extend the
schedule based on the availability of grant funding for construction may be discussed with the City and
the Consultant during the project.
Schedule 02, Task 2 — Alternatives Analysis & Conceptual
(10%) Project Design
02.2.1 Alternatives Analysis
The Consultant understands that the City of Renton has not selected the form and detailed design of the
intersection improvements in the project limits. The preferred alternative may be selected from a number
of potential approaches to providing active mode improvements, including, but not limited to:
• Limited lengths of bike lanes and buffered bike lanes
• Limited lengths of shared lanes with sharrows
• Bike signals, wide crossings and curb ramps, green painted crossings and increased signal
priority at signalized intersections
The implementation of the active mode connection could require modifications to the existing roadway,
including but not limited to:
• Road diets, and lane reductions to not less than one lane per direction
• Reduced lane widths
• Removal of turn lanes at intersections
• Relocation of existing curb lines (not desired)
All of the roadway modifications at intersections would be subject to a traffic analysis (see Task 2.5) that
would follow the safety, feasibility and geometric development of potential alternatives for active mode
connections. A combination of the benefits and tradeoffs identified in the traffic modeling, safety analysis,
geometric analysis, public feedback (see Task 4) and meetings between the City project manager, City
staff and the Consultant, shall result in the selection of a preferred alternative. Multiple alternatives may
be identified within the limits of each project to be sensitive to the context, traffic needs and active mode
safety and connectivity.
The alternatives process will assume;
• A minimum lane width of 11’ on arterials and collectors. Local residential streets have a minimum
lane width of 10’.
• A preference for a facility that appeals to a wide range of users (age, ability, comfort, etc.)
• A preference to limit street tree removal; or replace unsuitable trees with suitable tree selection
• A preference to limit modifications to Rainier Avenue/SR 167
• Improvements will be entirely within the existing right of way and will avoid utility impacts to the
extent feasible
• Traffic impacts, as identified in Task 2.5, may be acceptable if a facility has strong safety and
connectivity benefits for active mode users.
• A rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) is the preferred replacement for the existing midblock
crossing between Lind and Hardie. The use of an RRFB will be verified as part of the alternatives
• The City must meet the requirements of the grant commitments
Consultant Deliverables
• Technical memorandum summarizing
o All alternatives considered
o Evaluation criteria
o Traffic analysis conducted (see Task 2.5)
o Process for selecting a preferred alternative Future Alternatives Analysis
The Consultant understands that the City of Renton has not selected the form and detailed design of the
linear facilities in the project limits. The preferred alternative may be selected from a number of potential
approaches to providing active mode connections, including, but not limited to:
• Bike lanes and buffered bike lanes
• Shared lanes with sharrows
• Two-way cycle tracks, separated by physical or painted buffers
• Shared use paths and cycle tracks behind a traffic curb
• Bike signals, wide crossings and curb ramps, green painted crossings and increased signal
priority at signalized intersections
The implementation of the active mode connection could require modifications to the existing roadway,
including but not limited to:
• Road diets, and lane reductions to not less than one lane per direction
• Reduced lane widths
• Removal of turn lanes at intersections
• Consolidation of driveways
• Relocation of existing curb lines (not desired)
All of the roadway modifications, both at intersections and along the linear roadway would be subject to a
traffic analysis (see Task 2.5) that would follow the safety, feasibility and geometric development of
potential alternatives for active mode connections. A combination of the benefits and tradeoffs identified
in the traffic modeling, safety analysis, geometric analysis, public feedback (see Task 4) and meetings
between the City project manager, City staff and the Consultant, shall result in the selection of a preferred
alternative. Multiple alternatives may be identified within the limits of each project to be sensitive to the
context, traffic needs and active mode safety and connectivity. The Consultant will work with the City to
coordinate the selection of a preferred alternative with King County Parks who is conducting a study of
trail connections in the project area.
The alternatives process will assume;
• A minimum lane width of 11’ on arterials and collectors. Local residential streets have a minimum
lane width of 10’.
• A preference for a facility that appeals to a wide range of users (age, ability, comfort, etc.)
• A preference to limit street tree removal; or replace unsuitable trees with suitable tree selection
• A preference to limit modifications to Rainier Avenue/SR 167
• Improvements will be within the existing right of way to the extent possible
• Traffic impacts, as identified in Task 2.5, may be acceptable if a facility has strong safety and
connectivity benefits for active mode users.
• Two of the BNSF railroad crossings may be able to be removed, per further coordination between
the City and BNSF. Proposed removal of the crossings will be included in the alternatives only if
timing is expected to not affect project construction. If included in the alternative, coordination of
the crossing removal will be completed under a separate contract.
• Forward compatibility of the preferred alternative with a high comfort trail connection, beyond the
modifications proposed and designed as part of the project.
• The City must meet the requirements of the grant commitments
Consultant Deliverables
• Technical memorandum summarizing
o All alternatives considered
o Evaluation criteria
o Traffic analysis conducted (see Task 2.5)
o Process for selecting a preferred alternative
02.2.2 Traffic Analysis
Using traffic models provided by the City, historical traffic data provided by the City, and new traffic data
acquired as part of Task 04, the Consultant will provide a traffic analysis of the impacts of any alternatives
that are determined to be feasible and are to be considered by the City. The traffic analysis will include
assessment of level of service, seconds of delay and queue lengths, compared to existing conditions, to
determine the impact of an alternative.
02.2.3 Conceptual 10% Design
As part of the development of intersection alternatives that are considered the most feasible, the
Consultant will prepare exhibits that include curblines and channelization to visualize the impact the
alternative will have on the corridor. For the preferred alternative(s), the conceptual exhibits will be used
as the basis for 10% design drawings. The 10% design will consider:
• Paving layouts, if needed
• Impact on utilities, including existing stormwater facilities (not preferred)
• Impacts to intersections and driveways
• Channelization of intersections and crossings
• Signage per MUTCD
• Signal modifications
• Analysis of existing light levels at the midblock crossing and recommendations for added lighting
Consultant Deliverables
• Conceptual 10% design level corridor plans including:
o Cover sheet with vicinity map
o Curb and ramp modifications
o Striping and critical signing
o Drainage plans (if needed, LDC, Inc.)
o Traffic Signal Plans (if needed)
• Planning level cost estimate
• Design report documenting design decisions and standard references, as applicable
CAG-23-015 Future Conceptual 10% Design
As part of the development of linear alternatives that are considered the most feasible, the Consultant will
prepare cross sections and exhibits that include curblines and channelization to visualize the impact the
alternative will have on the corridor. For the preferred alternative(s), the conceptual exhibits will be used
as the basis for 10% design drawings. The 10% design will consider:
• Paving layouts and engineering-level cross section(s)
• Impact on utilities, including existing stormwater facilities
• Documentation of any right of way acquisitions, including temporary construction easements
• Impacts to intersections and driveways
• Channelization of intersections and crossings
• Signage per MUTCD
• Signal modifications
• Analysis of existing light levels and recommendations for added pedestrian-scale lighting
Consultant Deliverables
• Conceptual 10% design level corridor plans including:
o Cover sheet with vicinity map
o Typical roadway sections
o Sidewalk, shared Use path and curbs
o Striping and critical signing
o Urban Design and Streetscaping
o Drainage plans (if needed, LDC, Inc.)
o Traffic Signal Plans (if needed)
• Planning level cost estimate
• Design report documenting design decisions and standard references, as applicable
Schedule 02, Task 3 — 50% and 100% Design Plans,
Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E)
The Consultant will prepare and submit to the City for review and comment, design plans, specifications,
and estimates (PS&E) for:
• 50% level of design
• 90% level of design
• 100% level of design
Plan sheets will be developed at a 1”=20’ full size scale that allows for approximately 500 feet per plan
“window”. Two plan windows will be used on sheets where feasible to reduce the total number of sheets
and proposed work can be clearly and concisely conveyed to contractors. Topics may be combined on
sheets, as listed or per City approval to reduce the total number of sheets in the final package, but
completeness and clarity will be prioritized over sheet count.
The Consultant will submit the design plans for review by the City. The City’s review will identify issues,
resolve problems, recommend modifications, suggest actions required and provide direction and
guidance for the next stage of design. The City will closely monitor the design plan preparation process
and be responsive to communication from the Consultant to assist in avoiding substantial revision during
the review process. This effort shall not alter the Consultant’s responsibility for the work.
The Consultant will prepare the special provisions and applicable amendments to the contract provisions,
Divisions two through nine, as required for the improvements. The City of Renton will advise the Division
one specifications. The Consultant will compile the final specifications for bid. The contract provisions
shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of WSDOT and the City of Renton. The Consultant
shall prepare special provisions for those items not covered by the standard specifications, general
special provisions or amendments.
The Consultant will prepare quantity estimates and backup calculations in accordance with the WSDOT
bid item descriptions. Final quantity estimates will be prepared according to WSDOT format and backup
calculations for lump sum and unit price items will be provided. Quantity estimates will be used to prepare
the summary of quantity sheets, and all other material required for construction. Quantities will be
combined into a single bid package.
The Consultant will maintain a construction cost estimate throughout the project, updated at each design
milestone. The estimate will be developed in Excel format.
All electronic materials used to generate the Bid Set Plans, Specifications and Estimate will be submitted
to the City. Drawings will be submitted in PDF and AutoCAD/AutoCAD Civil 3D format. Specifications will
be submitted in editable Microsoft Word format. The Estimate will be submitted in editable Microsoft Excel
File names for submitted plans and specification files shall follow the convention:
02.3.1 50% Submittal
The 50% submittal will include drawings, special provisions, and the Engineer’s estimate. All 10% plan
submittal comments received will be incorporated into the submittal. The City will review the submittal and
return a consolidated set of comments to the Consultant, preferably in PDF format with plan markups
provided for context of comments. The review period will last a minimum of two weeks. The 50% plans
will include the following sheets, provided by Transpo unless otherwise indicated:
• Cover sheet with vicinity map and index
• Legend and abbreviations
• Demolition plans
• Roadway sections (if needed)
• Roadway paving plans
• Roadway Storm Plan and Profiles, if applicable (LDC)
• Striping and signing plans
• Traffic Signal Plans, notes and details
• Illumination plans, notes and details
The standard and custom design details will utilize City of Renton and WSDOT standards.
In addition to the plans and estimate, the Consultant will prepare a run list of special provisions for the
traffic signal, roadway illumination and other specialized design elements to be incorporated into the
project manual based on the current edition of the City’s standards, and the 2023 WSDOT Standard
Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction.
• City staff will review and provide written comments
• City staff to provide boilerplate and recently used special provisions, as requested, if available
Consultant Deliverables
• One electronic PDF copy of 50% Plans.
• 50% cost estimate in Excel format.
• 50% special provisions run list in Word format.
CAG-23-015 WSDOT Channelization Plan for Approval
The Consultant shall prepare a channelization plan for approval for intersection modifications at the
Rainier Avenue/SR 167/S 7th Street intersection. The latest version of the Northwest Region Intersection
/ Channelization Plan for Approval Checklist will be utilized. A draft copy including the preliminary design
will be submitted for review by the City and WSDOT. Comments from the City and WSDOT on the Plan
will be addressed and incorporated into the channelization plan, and resubmitted to WSDOT for approval.
Any additional review submittals required by WSDOT beyond the one described above shall be
considered extra services. Once WSDOT has given their approval, one final full-sized reproducible Mylar
set for WSDOT’s record copy, if required, will be produced.
Consultant Deliverables
• Draft WSDOT Channelization Plan for Approval
• Mylar plans for WSDOT (if required)
• Final signed WSDOT Channelization Plan for Approval
02.3.2 90% and 100% Submittal
The 90% and 100% submittal will include all drawings, special provisions, and the Engineer’s estimate.
The 50% Design Plan submittal comments will be incorporated into the 90% submittal. In addition to
modifications to the sheets identified for the 50% submittal, traffic signal wiring diagrams, signal details,
and traffic control plans will be prepared. The following additional sheets will be included with the 90%
submittal, provided by Transpo unless otherwise indicated. The 90% plans will be provided to the City for
review and comment, and the comments will be incorporated into the 100% submittal. No additional
sheets are anticipated at the 100% submittal level. The Consultant expects that no further changes to the
PS&E documents without the approval of the City will be made after the 100% submittal.
• Site preparation and TESC plans and details
• Roadway and curb ramp details
• Stormwater Details (LDC)
• Illumination Details
• Traffic Control Plans and Details
• Traffic Signal Wiring Diagram
• Traffic Signal Details
Consultant Deliverables (90%)
• Comment response letter/matrix from 50% submittal
• One electronic PDF copy of 90% Plans.
• 90% Cost estimate in Excel format.
• 90% Special provisions (except Division 1) in Word format.
• Draft Drainage Report in PDF format, if necessary (LDC)
Consultant Deliverables (100%)
• Comment response letter/matrix from 90% submittal
• One electronic PDF copy of Final Plans. Each sheet shall be stamped and signed by the
responsible engineer from the Consultant.
• 100% Cost estimate in Excel format.
• 100% Special provisions (except Division 1) in Word format.
• Final electronic CAD files.
• Final Drainage Report in PDF format, if necessary (LDC)
• WSDOT Local Programs Checklist
02.3.3 Future 50% Submittal
All elements of the 50% submittal described in Section 3.1 would be provided for the future project
elements (linear facility), if approved by the City. Section 3.3 will require written approval from the City
and negotiation of a supplemental fee at the time of authorization.
02.3.4 Future 90% and 100% Submittal
All elements of the 90% and 100% submittal described in Section 3.2 would be provided for the future
project elements (linear facility), if approved by the City. Section 3.4 will require written approval from the
City and negotiation of a supplemental fee at the time of authorization.
If authorized, the Consultant will provide a draft (at 90%) and final (at 100%) ISI Envision certification
application for the linear facility.
02.3.5 Future WSDOT Channelization Plan
The Consultant shall prepare a channelization plan for approval for the Rainier Avenue/SR 167/S 7th
Street intersection for any linear improvements affecting the intersection. The latest version of the
Northwest Region Intersection / Channelization Plan for Approval Checklist will be utilized. A draft copy
including the preliminary design will be submitted for review by the City and WSDOT. Comments from the
City and WSDOT on the Plan will be addressed and incorporated into the channelization plan, and
resubmitted to WSDOT for approval. Any additional review submittals required by WSDOT beyond the
one described above shall be considered extra services. Once WSDOT has given their approval, one
final full-sized reproducible Mylar set for WSDOT’s record copy, if required, will be produced.
Consultant Deliverables
• Draft WSDOT Channelization Plan for Approval
• Mylar plans for WSDOT (if required)
• Final signed WSDOT Channelization Plan for Approval
Schedule 02, Task 4 – Project Support
The Consultant will provide ongoing project support elements that will span the design process. Support
will include survey, traffic data acquisition, and support for public outreach and engagement, led by the
02.4.1 Survey
The Consultant, via subconsultants will provide topographical survey along S 7th Street in the project
limits. Survey will be completed between the centerline of S 7th Street to 10 feet outside of the existing
northern right of way. Survey control will be established within the project limits. The survey will establish
right of way for portions of the project for which a full topographic survey is being obtained.
The detailed limits of survey and scope of services from subconsultants are included in attachments to
this scope.
• The topographic survey will include all significant features, grade breaks. Ground shots will be
acquired on a 50’ grid, and contours will be shown at one-foot intervals.
• Surveyor or ROW consultant will provide title reports for properties being impacted for which
Right-of-way is required.
• Pre and post construction record of survey is not included in this scope of work.
• Utility locates will be called in within the survey limits
• Upon completion of 50% design and identification of potential conflicts, design pot-holes will be
performed, as needed
o Continuous locates may be investigated as a alternative to pot-holes
Consultant Deliverables
• Survey base map for engineering design in Civil3D 2020.
02.4.2 Traffic Data Acquisition
The Consultant will, via a vendor, acquire traffic data, including daily volumes and turning movement
counts, at the intersections of S 7th Street with Lind Ave SW, Hardie Ave SW and Rainier Ave S. The
data will be used to develop project concepts.
02.4.3 — Future Public and Stakeholder Involvement
The Consultant understands that the City will lead the public and stakeholder outreach. The Consultant
will provide material support for the outreach. Public outreach and stakeholder involvement will begin
during the alternatives evaluation phase (Tasks 2.1 and 2.4). Comments and feedback received at public
meetings shall inform the selection of a preferred alternative for each Project.
The City will arrange for and provide the invitations for an open house meeting. The Consultant will assist
the City with preparing materials for the open house meeting and attend the meeting to support the City.
The goal of the open house meeting will be to present the project to the public to confirm the design and
identify any early concerns that should be incorporated into the development of construction documents.
The Consultant will support the City project manager in preparing for, including preparation of exhibits,
presentations and handouts, City Council updates, as required. The Consultant will attend public
meetings and City Council meetings at the request of the City project manager.
The Consultant will also lead design coordination with King County Parks regarding the tie-in to existing
facilities on the west end of the project limits.
Consultant Deliverables
• Draft and final versions of project graphics for public meetings
• Presence at public meetings and/or Council meetings (up to four)
02.4.4 Future Right of Way Services
If right of way acquisition does become necessary to achieve the project goals, the Consultant will
prepare right of way figures documenting the extent of required right of way for permanent and temporary
acquisitions to support the final design. The Consultant will provide the City with legal descriptions for any
Temporary Construction Permits or Temporary Construction Easements or Acquisitions.
Schedule 02, Task 5 – Bid and Award Support
The Consultant will provide assistance during the bid and award of the construction contract. The
following tasks will be provided on an as-needed basis. Written authorization from the City will be
obtained prior to providing any of the following services:
• If requested, the Consultant will attend a pre-construction meeting with the construction
contractor to assist the City in responding to questions and inquires.
• If requested, the Consultant will assist the City during the bid period to answer any questions that
arise concerning the PS&E documents, and will assist the City in preparing any addenda
Consultant Deliverables:
• Attend and participate in pre-construction meeting.
• Prepare response to bidder questions and bid document addenda.
End Schedule 02
Transpo Group USA, Inc.
Cost Estimate Worksheet
Number / Project Name
1.20204.02/Renton S 7th Street
SUP_Schedule 01 & 02
Pay rates are effective from April 2, 2022 through June 30, 2023, within the ranges shown in the attachment.
Only key staff are shown and other staff may work on and charge to the project as needed by the project manager.
Admin 174.45%
job title Eng L6 Prin L7 Eng L4 Eng L5 Eng L5 Anyl L2 PA L4 PA L4
cost rate $78.25 $110.30 $56.79 $71.18 $65.12 $43.84 $44.68 $60.07
Overhead $136.50 $192.42 $99.08 $124.17 $113.60 $76.47 $77.94 $104.79
Fee (as a % of Labor)$23.47 $33.09 $17.04 $21.35 $19.54 $13.15 $13.40 $18.02
Fully Burdened Rate $238.22 $335.82 $172.91 $216.71 $198.26 $133.46 $136.02 $182.88
Work Task Hours Cost
1 Schedule 01, Task 01 - Project Management
2 Task 01.1 - Project Management (20 months)45 20 40 20 16 24 24 16 205 $41,253
4 Schedule 01, Task 2 - Alternatives Analysis & Conceptual (10%) Project Design
5 Task 01.2.1 - Alternatives Analysis 60 16 80 40 100 16 312 $57,690
6 Task 01.2.2 - Traffic Analysis 12 8 16 16 40 60 152 $27,717
7 Task 01.2.3 - Conceptual Design 40 8 60 40 240 388 $63,289
9 Schedule 01, Task 3 - 50% and 100% Design Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E)
10 Task 01.3.1 - 50% Design 68 16 100 138 480 802 $132,830
11 Illumination Design 8 4 48 120
12 Task 01.3.2 - 90% and 100% Design 84 13 81 90 352 620 $104,864
13 ISI Certification 30 2 8 40
15 Schedule 01, Task 4 – Project Support
16 Task 01.4.1 - Survey Management 2 4 4 10 $1,702
17 Task 01.4.2 - Traffic Data 1 2 3 $635
18 Task 01.4.3 - Public Involvement & meetings 32 8 24 80 100 244 $38,738
19 0 $0
1 Schedule 02, Task 01 - Project Management
2 Task 02.1 - Project Management (20 months)45 20 40 20 16 24 24 16 205 $41,253
4 Schedule 02, Task 2 - Alternatives Analysis & Conceptual (10%) Project Design
5 Task 02.2.1 - Alternatives Analysis 24 4 60 20 80 16 204 $34,622
6 Task 02.2.2 - Traffic Analysis 8 8 16 16 60 80 188 $33,399
7 Task 02.2.3 - Conceptual Design 16 4 40 24 100 184 $30,618
9 Schedule 02, Task 3 - 50% and 100% Design Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E)
10 Task 02.3.1 - 50% Design 24 6 60 36 150 276 $45,927
Task - WSDOT Channelization PFA 16 2 12 4 40 74 $12,763
11 Task 02.3.2 - 90% and 100% Design 18 5 45 27 113 208 $34,680
12 0 $0
13 Schedule 02, Task 4 – Project Support
14 Task 02.4.1 - Survey Management 2 4 4 10 $1,702
15 Task 02.4.2 - Traffic Data 1 2 3 $635
16 0 $0
Total Hours 498 138 682 491 136 1931 180 32 0 4088
Labor Costs $118,634 $46,343 $117,925 $106,405 $26,963 $257,711 $24,484 $5,852 $0 $704,316.33
Miscellaneous Expenses:Reimbursable Subconsultants:Subs
Item Cost Firm Cost
1 Federal Express / Courier $0 1 Land Development Consultants (Sch 01)$56,078.03
2 Phone $0 2 $1,500.00
3 Fax $0 3 $1,500.00
4 Postage $0 4 Land Development Consultants (Sch 02)$10,000.00
5 Graphic supplies $0 5 $1,500.00
6 Photography $0 6 $1,500.00
7 Travel expenses (mileage)$500
8 Reproduction $0 Total Subconsultants $72,078
9 Traffic counts $1,000
10 Traffic accident data $0
11 Spec. MPS model run $0
12 ISI Certification & Registration $20,000
Total Reimbursable Expenses $21,500
TOTAL ESTIMATE $797,894.36
RES Group NW (Sch 02)
Overhead Rate
Fee(as a % of Labor)
EnviroIssues (Sch 01)
RES Group NW (Sch 01)
EnviroIssues (Sch 02)
Cost Estimate Prepared on: 1/17/2023
Engineer/Planner/Analyst/Principal/Director - Level 7 $123.32 $215.13 $37.00 $375.45
Engineer/Planner/Analyst/Assoc Prin/Proj Adm - Level 6 $85.81 $149.70 $25.74 $261.25
Engineer/Planner/Analyst/Proj Adm - Level 5 $76.68 $133.77 $23.00 $233.45
Engineer/Planner/Analyst/Proj Adm - Level 4 $63.10 $110.08 $18.93 $192.11
Engineer/Planner/Analyst/Proj Adm - Level 3 $54.52 $95.11 $16.36 $165.99
Engineer/Planner/Analyst/Proj Adm - Level 2 $44.43 $77.51 $13.33 $135.27
Engineer/Planner/Analyst/Proj Adm - Level 1 $39.38 $68.70 $11.81 $119.89
Clerical/Intern L1 $25.00 $43.61 $7.50 $76.11
Intern Data Collectors $25.00 $43.61 $7.50 $76.11
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
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WSDOT Agreement:
Actuals Not To Exceed Table (ANTE)
All Inclusive
Hourly Billing
Rate NTE
Kirkland, WA 98034
12131 113th Ave NE, Suite 203
Transpo Group USA, Inc.
Job Classifications Direct Labor Hourly
Billing Rate NTE
City of Renton
Transpo Group USA, Inc.
12131 113th Ave NE, Suite 203, Kirkland, WA 98034
City of Renton
Transpo Group USA, Inc.
Transpo Group USA, Inc.
Transpo Group USA, Inc.
Transpo Group USA, Inc.
South 7th Street Active Mode ImprovementsJanuary 18, 2023