HomeMy WebLinkAboutREGULAR COUNCIL - 19 Oct 2015 - Agenda - Pdf AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, October 19, 2015 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION a) YWCA Week Without Violence - October 19 - 23, 2015. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 5. AUDIENCE COMMENT  Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting.  Each speaker is allowed five minutes.  The first comment period is limited to 30 minutes.  The second comment period, later on the agenda, is unlimited in duration.  When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of the October 12, 2015 Council meeting minutes Council Concur b) Mayor Law appoints Ms. Avni Mungra to the youth position of the Parks Commission for a term expiring on 6/1/2017. Refer to Community Services Committee c) City Clerk recommends adoption of a resolution declaring an emergency for purposes of repairing the sanitary sewer side sewer located at 926 and 930 Edmonds Ave. NE to provide the necessary clean-up to the home at 926 Edmonds Ave. NE to make it habitable. (See 8.b. for resolution.) Council Concur d) Administrative Services Department recommends approval of the reorganization of the IT Division with the conversion of the existing Business System Supervisor position (m26) to an Application Support Manager (m30), with the IT Division absorbing the additional cost of $9,288 during the current biennium. Refer to Finance Committee e) Police Department recommends approval of an Interagency Agreement with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to receive $12,700 in grant funds for the purpose of conducting multijurisdictional high visibility traffic safety emphasis patrols to reduce traffic related deaths and serious injuries. Council Concur f) Transportation Systems Division recommends approval of a Transportation Demand Management Implementation Interlocal Agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation, to accept funds in the amount of $81,272 for the 2015- 2017 Commute Trip Reduction program. (See 8.a. for resolution.) Council Concur 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Finance Committee: Vouchers; Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with LiDAR 8. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolutions: a) Declaring an Emergency for the Purposes of Repairing an Sanitary Sewer Backup at 926 and 930 Edmonds Ave. NE (See item 6.c.) b) Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement (See item 6.f.) Ordinances for second and final reading: c) Walker Street Vacation (First reading 10/12/2015) d) Establishment of a Salary Commission (First Reading 10/12/2015) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 10. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 7th Floor Conferencing Center October 19, 2015 Monday, 6:00 p.m. Community Survey | Regional Issues Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings IIYOF-—“Renton0Mayor’sOfficeProctamation‘14)ftereas,thisisthe20thanniversaryofYWCAWeekWithoutViolencecampaign;andWhereas,YWCAisthelargestproviderofdomesticviolenceservicesinthecountry,servingover2millionwomenandfamilieseachyear;and‘I/fr’hercas,oneinfourwomenwillexperiencesomeformofdomesticviolenceatsomepointintheirlives,and,onaverage,threewomenaremurderedeachdayatthehandsoftheirabusers;andWhereas,domesticviolenceoverwhelminglyimpactswomen,irrespectiveofsocioeconomicstatus,race,ethnicity,religiousaffiliationandsex;andWhereas,intimatepartnerhomicidesaccountfornearlyhalfofallwomenkilledeachyearintheU.S.,andofthesehomicides,morethanhalfareattributedtofirearmuse;and‘14)fiereas,CityofRentonisworkingtoimprovethereductionofdomesticviolenceinourregionwithawarenesstotheculturaldifferencesinourcommunity;Wow,therefore,I,DenisLaw,MayoroftheCityofRenton,doherebyproclaimOctober19through23,2015tobeYWCY1Week,witñoutT)iotenceintheCityofRenton,andencourageeveryoneinourcommunitytotakeanactiveroleinsupportingallvictimssotheycanleadhealthylivessafefromviolentandabusivebehavior.InwitnesswtiereqfIhavehereuntosetmyhandandcausedthesealoftheCityofRentontobeaffixedthis19thdayofOctober,2015.DenisLaw,MayorCityofRenton,WashingtonRentonCityHall•1055SouthGradyWay•Renton,Washington98057•rentonwa.goVAGENDA ITEM #3. a) October 12, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MINUTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, October 12, 2015 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Ed Prince, Council President Randy Corman Armondo Pavone Don Persson Marcie Palmer Councilmembers Absent: Ruth Pérez Greg Taylor MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS PÉREZ AND TAYLOR. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Megan Gregor, Deputy City Clerk Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs Administrator Iwen Wang, Administrative Services Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning & Natural Resources Director Karen Bergsvik, Human Services Manager Commander Paul Cline, Police Department SPECIAL PRESENTATION Seattle South Asian Film Festival (SSAFF). After thanking Council for providing the opportunity for her to speak, Festival Director Kiran Dhillon explained the history and purpose of the Festival. She also introduced this year's theme of "Coming Home" and played a short video previewing some of the films being showcased. The Festival will be held from AGENDA ITEM #6. a) October 12, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 15 - 25, 2015 at theaters in Seattle, Redmond, and Renton. For more information please visit tasveer.org. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2015 and beyond. The items noted were in regards to:  Preventative street maintenance continuing to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. AUDIENCE COMMENT a) Howard McOmber, Renton, and Fortress C.A. Smith Sr., Renton, along with a number of individuals impacted by the positive efforts of REACH, thanked Council for its support and for helping "make Renton a place where everyone belongs." b) Dr. Linda Smith, Renton, REACH Center of Hope Director, shared the REACH Board's appreciation to the City for supporting REACH in their efforts to eradicate homelessness and hunger in the Renton community. c) Kirk King, Seattle, shared some of his concerns regarding the negative impact that homeless vagrants are having on businesses and residents in the City of Renton. Additionally, he requested that Council find a way to work with the challenges this problem poses to the safety of Renton residents. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. a) Approval of the October 5, 2015 Council meeting minutes. Council Concur. b) Community & Economic Development Department recommended waiving all fees associated with the Right-of-Way vacation petition, VAC-15-002, and that the alley located at 555 SW Grady Way (between Seneca Ave SW and Lind Ave. SW) be vacated to D&C Investments, LLC. (See below for ordinance.) Council Concur. c) Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended adopting an ordinance establishing an independent salary commission for the purpose of reviewing and establishing any and all compensation that may be paid to, or received by, Renton City Councilmembers. (See below for ordinance.) Council Concur. d) Transportation Systems Division submitted South Lake Washington Roadway Improvements project (CAG-12-021); and requested approval of the project to initiate closeout, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $215,754.68, commencement of a 60- day lien period, and release of retainage in the amount of $95,174.28 to ICON Materials, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council Concur. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #6. a) October 12, 2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Ordinances for first reading: a) Walker Street Vacation - An ordinance was ready vacating an alley adjoining 555 SW Grady Way between Seneca Avenue SW and Lind Avenue SW (Dale Walker of D&C Investments, LLC, petitioner; VAC 15-002). MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/19/2015. CARRIED. b) Establishment of a Salary Commission - An ordinance was read amending Section 1-5-1 of Chapter 5, Council, of Title I (Administrative), adopting a new Chapter 20, entitled “Independent Salary Commission,” of Title II (Commissions and Boards), and amending Section 5-3-1 of Chapter 3, Salaries, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, establishing an independent salary commission. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 10/19/2015. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Committee meeting calendar. MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER A BRIEFING ON THE POLICE DEPARTMENT'S PROPOSED STAFFING INCREASE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENTS, cont. a) Issac Miles, Renton, suggested that City staff involve homeless people, and establish discourse with them, in their efforts to address the homelessness problem within the City of Renton. b) Diane Dobson, Renton, shared her concerns about safety issues within her neighborhood due to the increasing number of homeless people within the City. She shared some of her positive and negative experiences, suggested that the Renton Police Department take a more proactive approach to the homelessness problem, and urged Council to increase the level of consistency in communication regarding this issue. EXECUTUVE SESSION & ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR APPROXIMATELY 20 MINUTES TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION - RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) WITH NO OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED WHEN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION IS ADJOURNED. CARRIED. TIME 7:32 P.M. Executive session was conducted. There was no action taken. The executive session and Council meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder Monday, October 12, 2015 AGENDA ITEM #6. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar October 12, 2015 October 13, 2015 Tuesday CANCELED Transportation Committee, Chair Palmer October 19, 2015 Monday 4:15 PM Community Services Committee, Vice Chair Palmer 1. Recreation “Summer Wrap-up” CANCELED Public Safety Committee, Chair Pavone 5:00 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson – Council Conference Room 1. Vouchers 2. Emerging Issues in Revenue Streams 3. Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with LiDAR 6:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Prince – 7th Floor Conferencing Center 1. Community Survey 2. Regional Issues AGENDA ITEM #6. a) REGULAR COUNCIL - 19 Oct 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE: Appointment to Parks Commission RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Community Services Committee DEPARTMENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: April Alexander, Executive Assistant EXT.: 6520 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Mayor Law appoints Ms. Avni Mungra to the Parks Commission in the youth position to fill an unexpired term ending 6/1/17. EXHIBITS: A. Email to Mayor B. Anvi Mungra Parks Commission Application STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Concur with Mayor Law's appointment of Ms. Mungra to the youth position of the Parks Commission. AGENDA ITEM #6. b) CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION FOR BOA RDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMI7TEES If you are interested in participating in ioc&government by membership on any of the foUowing City boards, commissions,or committees,p’ease complete this application and return it to: Office of the Mayor City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Check the boards/commissions/comrnittees in which you are interested: U AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMIUEE U MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISS1ON U CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION*PARKS COMMISSION U HISTORICAL/MUSEUM BOARD U PLANNING COMMISSION’ U HOUSING AUTHORITY*U SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTE E* U HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE*U SISTER CITY COMMITTEE CUAUTLA U LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD*U SISTER C[P COMMITTEE NISHIWAKI U COMMUNITY PLAN ADVISORY BOARD:(Community Planning Area) Special membership requirements appIy Visit wwwrentonwagovor call 42543O65OO far details, Your application will be qiven every consideratian as uocancies occur. MR.EJ MS.NAME DATE ZIP CODEØ_ PHONE:DAYJD EVENING P?7 \EMAIL\\ RENTON RESIDENT?IF SO,SINCE WHEN?O cy —_______________ CITY OF FORMER RESIDENCE__________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL OCCUPATION EMPLOYER OCCUPATIONAL COMMUNITY ACTIVIT1ES (organacns/OubsJser groups. \D’h G c%)L ac \Vc Q(, REASON FOR APPLYING FOR THIS CAN ATTEND DAY CAN ATTEND N1GHT MEETiNG5? r Applications will be kept on file for one year.If you have questions about serving on a board, I commission,or committee,please feel free to contact the Mayor’s Office at 42543O65OO, AGENDA ITEM #6. b) 1726 llwaco Ave.NE Renton,WA 98059 October 1,2015 Ms.Terry Higashiyama Community Services Department-City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton,WA Subject;Renton Park Commission I Youth Park Board Member Dear Ms.Higashivama, My name is Avni Mungra.In my strong interest to be part of the Renton Park Commission as a Youth Park Board member please see my attached application anct resume. Since 1 was offered an opportunity to be part of the park board commission a couple of months aao,my interest has grown and I’ve realized that this is something that I want to he a part of.As 1 am waiting for my permanent position on the Renton park commission hoard I have been fortunate enough to attend many of the meetings and take part in some of the interesting activities such as seeing construction of the new library and helping out at the Renton river days. So far my experience lias been great and all the people on the hoard have been very helpful and if I am awarded a permanent position,I would like to continue to he part of the board.1 believe that this will help me to grow as a person while Fm helping and contributing to the community. My passidil is to obtain good education and to keep being involved in community activities which allow me to make positive contributions,for past lèw years I have been fortunate to he involved in Operation Night Watch,park cleanups and Northwest Harvest. My future goals are to graduate from Raisbeck Aviation high school and go on to getting•an engineering degree from University of Washington or UCLA.I believe that the opportunity as a youth board member will enhance my leadership and communication skills,which will be crucial to my further education. Please consider me for the position of youth park hoard member.You may contact rue anytime at (206)293—l 877 or by email at Thank you for reviewing my enclosed application and resume.I am looking forward to the interview and meeting with you. Sincerely, Avni Mungra AGENDA ITEM #6. b) Avni D,Mungra 1726 Ilwaco Ave.NE email:avnimungra@gmail.com Renton,Washington 9059 Education:Raisheck Aviation High school 9229 East Marginal Way S Tukwila,WA 98108 Graduation:Expected June 2019 Course of study:Big History.Physical Science and Physics of Flight, Aleebra.Literature/composition,Career Choices, Leadership,Speech &Debate Community Service/Volunteer Experience: 2015 Renton city park hoard commission youth member (Since April 2015) 201 3—Present Holiday staikitw for women’s shelter 201 3-Present Earth Day park cleanup 2011 —Present Operation night watch through Christian ministry!Seattle Rotary Accomplishments: 2015 Applied and accepted to Aviation High School (STEM School) 2014-2015 Selected to sing with Bella Cantare group 2011-2015 Perfect Attendance 2013-201-1 S.E.T.(Student Empowerment Team,McKnight Middle school) Skills/Certificates: Bilingual (English and able to speak and understand Gujarati) Experience with Microsoft Word,Excel,and PowerPoint Volunteer Certificate (hours) Received academics silver presidential awards all through middles school Activities/Hobbies: Robotics Indian Dance S.E.T Running (Track and field) AGENDA ITEM #6. b) April Alexander From:Terry Higashiyama Sent:Monday,October 05,2015 5:06 PM To:Denis Law Cc:‘Troy Wigestrand’;Roberta Graver;April Alexander Subject:FW:Avni Mungra -Cover letter and application Attachments:AvniMungra_CoverLetterApplResm.pdf I would like to request your approval to add Avni Mungra to the Park Commission as the student representative.Attached is her application and a cover letter.She has attended several meetings and would be a great addition to the Board.Let me know if you have any questions.I hope we can move this through the process quickly. lcrrv I Ilg;LSlliyalfla (‘its of Rcnton Coinnuniitv Servhes Adilhinistrator Pliolic:125—130—6606 V Cell:125—766—f)937 1 AGENDA ITEM #6. b) REGULAR COUNCIL - 19 Oct 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE: Emergency Repair of Sanitary Sewer Back-up at 926 & 930 Edmonds Ave. NE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ 50,000 Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ 50,000 Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ 50,000 City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: State law requires that, in the event of an emergency when the person designated by the governing body declares an emergency allowing the waiver of competitive bidding requirements, a written finding of the existence of an emergency must be made by the governing body and entered into the record no later than two weeks following the award of the contract. On October 7, 2015, Mayor Law made an emergency declaration so that competitive bidding laws could be waived to allow immediate emergency repair to clear the side sewers to our sewer main in Edmonds Avenue NE and to take immediate corrective action to provide the necessary clean-up to the home at 926 Edmonds Avenue NE to make it habitable. The repair work includes the lining and grouting of the existing side sewer for 930 Edmonds Avenue NE and the clean-up at 926 Edmonds Avenue NE. The City has selected Bravo Environmental NW Inc. to perform the repair work, Michels Corporation to reinstate the lateral at the City sewer main, and Servpro of Renton to provide the necessary clean-up to the home at 926 Edmonds Avenue NE. The repair work began on October 5 and is anticipated to be completed by October 20, 2015. The preliminary cost estimate for this work is in the $40,000 to $50,000 range. This work will be funded through the approved Wastewater Utility 2015 Capital Improvements Program Miscellaneous Sewer Projects budget (426.465065). EXHIBITS: A. Mayor's Declaration of Emergency B. Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution declaring an emergency for purposes of repairing the sanitary sewer side sewer located at 926 and 930 Edmonds Ave. NE and provide the necessary clean -up to the home at 926 Edmonds Ave. NE to make it habitable. AGENDA ITEM #6. c) EXECUTIVEDEPARTMENTMEM0RANDUMDATE:October7,2015TO:GreggZimmerman,PublicWorksAdministratorFROM:DenisLaw,MayorSUBJECT:DeclarationofEmergencySanitarySewerBackup926and930EdmondsAvenueNEAspartofcapitalimprovementworkperformedbytheWastewaterUtilityin2012,asewermainlocatedinaneasementadjacentto926EdmondsAvenueNEwaslinedwithacuredinplacelinertoformanewpipewithintheexistingconcretepipe.Aspartofthisworkwedeterminedwhichconnectionstothesewermainwereactiveandwhichwerenot.Unfortunatelywemissedanactiveconnectionthatserved930EdmondsAvenueNE.Forthis3-yearperiod,thesewagefrom930EdmondsAvenueNEhasbackedupwithinthesidesewerandisnowbackingupintoanolddualsidesewerconnectionthat926EdmondsAvenueNEhadintotheircrawlspaceofthehome.Theresultofthisbackupisthatthehomehasasignificantenoughvolumeofsewagetomakethehomenothabitable.Inordertoalleviatethehealthconcernsregardingthisunforeseensituation,theWastewaterUtilitymustbringincontractorsandspecialistsimmediatelytobothcleartheconnectionofthesidesewertooursewermainandtoprovidenecessarycleanuptothehomeat926EdmondsAvenueNEtomakeithabitable.Therefore,I,DenisLaW,MayoroftheCityofRenton,declareanemergencypursuanttotheprovisionsofRCW39.04.280andRentonPolicyandProcedure250-02,andauthorizeGreggZimmerman,PublicWorksAdministratortowaivecompetitivebiddingrequirementsandawardallnecessarycontractsandservicesonbehalfoftheCityofRentontoaddresstheemergencysituation.Inemergencysituations,RCW39.04.230requiresthatawrittenfindingoftheexistenceofanemergencybemadeandenteredintothepublicrecordnolaterthantwoweeksfollowingtheawardofthecontract.DenisLaw,MayorDatecc:RentonCityCouncilmembersJayCovington,ChiefAdministrativeOfficerLarryWarren,CityAttorneyJasonSeth,CityClerkLysHornsby,UtilitySystemsDirectorDaveChristensen,WastewaterUtilityManagerAGENDA ITEM #6. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. _______    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING AN  EMERGENCY FOR THE PURPOSES OF REPAIRING A SANITARY SEWER BACKUP  AT 926 AND 930 EDMONDS AVENUE NE.  WHEREAS, the City of Renton is a provider of sanitary sewer service; and   WHEREAS, the City of Renton owns, operates and maintains a sanitary sewer main  located in an easement adjacent to 926 Edmonds Avenue NE; and   WHEREAS, in 2012, a sewer main located in an easement adjacent to 926 Edmonds  Avenue NE was lined with a cured in place liner to form a new pipe within the existing concrete  pipe.  As part of this work the Wastewater Utility determined which connections to the sewer  main were active and which were not.  Unfortunately an active connection that served 930  Edmonds Avenue NE was missed.  For this three year period, the sewage from 930 Edmonds  Avenue NE has backed up within the side sewer and is now backing up into an old dual side  sewer connection that 926 Edmonds Avenue NE had into the crawl space of the home.  The  result of this backup is that the home has a significant enough volume of sewage to make the  home not habitable; and   WHEREAS, the Mayor has declared an emergency pursuant to the provisions of RCW  39.04.280 and Renton Policy and Procedure Manual 250‐02, paragraph 6.10.3 to authorize the  Public Works Administrator to waive competitive bidding requirements and to award all  necessary contracts to address the emergency for the repair of said side sewer from the  sanitary sewer main in Edmonds Avenue NE and the necessary cleanup to the home at 926  Edmonds Avenue NE to make it habitable;  AGENDA ITEM #6. c) RESOLUTION NO. _______  2   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:   SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects.   SECTION II. The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington finds an emergency  did exist at the time of the declaration of emergency by Mayor Denis Law.  By these written  recitals and findings, the City Council does hereby approve the Mayor’s emergency declaration  to waive competitive bidding requirements and to award all necessary contracts to address the  emergency for the repair of the aforesaid section of sanitary sewer main at 926 and 930  Edmonds Avenue NE and the necessary cleanup to the home at 926 Edmonds Avenue NE to  make it habitable.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _______________________, 2015.        ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk     APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _______________________, 2015.        ______________________________  Denis Law, Mayor            Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney    RES.1686:10/12/15:scr    AGENDA ITEM #6. c) REGULAR COUNCIL - 19 Oct 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE: Information Technology Application Support Manager RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Finance Committee DEPARTMENT: Administrative Services Department STAFF CONTACT: Iwen Wang, ASD Administrator EXT.: 6858 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ 9,288 Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: In February 2015, the Council approved the conversion of an existing Business Systems Analyst (a23) or System Analyst/Programmer position (a21) to a Business System Supervisor position (m26). After further review of the job duties and with recommendations from Human Resources, it was determined the body of work was more appropriately classified at the m30 manager level. Therefore, staff is requesting the conversion of the existing Business System Supervisor position to the Application Support Manager. Total pay differential at the maximum of the pay ranges will be approximately $9,288 per year and will be absorbed by the division’s budget during this biennium. The IT Division is structured in four sections each with a working manager or a supervisor except for the Application Systems section. The five positions in the section along with the three existing supervisors/manger all report directly to the IT Director. As with all supervisors/managers in the City, our directors are all “working” directors as well, managing specific projects and performing administrative and management duties. The addition of a manager position will provide relief to the IT Director, allowing more time for strategic and long term planning, will ensure day-to-day management and oversight of various long-term and short-term projects, and will provide growth opportunity for the existing business and systems analyst staff. This is a staffing change that we believe will continue to prepare the organization’s IT needs for the future. The position will be open to existing staff in the IT Division. The successful candidate will be placed in the manager position and his/her current position will then be eliminated; therefore there will be no change in FTE. EXHIBITS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends to approve the conversion of an existing Business System Supervisor position (m26) to an Application Support Manager (m30). AGENDA ITEM #6. d) REGULAR COUNCIL - 19 Oct 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE: Interagency agreement between Renton Police Department and Washington Traffic Safety Commission RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Police STAFF CONTACT: Chad Karlewicz, Commander EXT.: 7640 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ 12,700.00 Transfer Amendment: $ NA Amount Budgeted: $ NA Revenue Generated: $ 12,700.00 Total Project Budget: $ NA City Share Total Project: $ NA SUMMARY OF ACTION: Receive funds from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to conduct multijurisdictional, high visibility enforcement traffic safety emphasis patrols in support of Target Zero priorities of reducing traffic related deaths and serious injuries. EXHIBITS: A. Agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 1 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN RENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT AND WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Renton Police Department, hereinafter referred to as “AGENCY,” and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, hereinafter referred to as “WTSC.” THE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT is to provide funding for the Renton Police Department to conduct multijurisdictional, high visibility enforcement (HVE) traffic safety emphasis patrols (as outlined in Exhibit A), in support of Target Zero priorities. The Target Zero Manager (TZM) and/or Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL) assigned to the AGENCY’s county shall coordinate the Scope of Work as outlined below with the goal of reducing traffic related deaths and serious injuries. THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: STATEMENT OF WORK The AGENCY shall conduct specific HVE patrols as described in the Statement of Work attached as Exhibit A and as coordinated by the local TZM and/or LEL. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance of this Agreement shall commence on October 1, 2015 and remain in effect until September 30, 2016 unless terminated sooner, as provided herein. COMPENSATION AND CONDITIONS Compensation for the work provided in accordance with this Agreement has been established under the terms of RCW 39.34. The cost of accomplishing the work described in the Statement of Work will not exceed $12,700.00. Funds break down into the following enforcement overtime categories: Impaired Driving Patrols: $7700.00 Grant Award # MAP-21 Section 405d; CFDA # 20.616 Statewide Seat Belt Patrols: $1000.00 Grant Award # MAP-21 Section 405b; CFDA # 20.616 Statewide Distracted Driving Patrols: $1500.00 Grant Award # Section 402; CFDA # 20.600 Flex Funding: $2500.00 (Local DUI, Speed, Distracted, and Seat Belt Patrols) Grant Award # Section 402; CFDA # 20.600 Grant Award # MAP-21Section 405d; CFDA # 20.616 Motorcycle Safety: $0 Grant Award # Section 402; CFDA # 20.600 AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 2 These funds shall not be commingled and are only to be utilized for the specified emphasis area. SWV 0012200-00 (Agency) Statewide Vendor Number PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS: For each of the emphasis patrols listed above, Multijurisdictional High Visibility Enforcement Protocols, as outlined in Exhibit B of this document, will be followed. Exceptions to these protocols may only be provided by the WTSC Program Manager. Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Training Requirement The AGENCY certifies that all officers participating in traffic safety emphasis patrols are SFST trained. To meet this requirement: •Officer must be BAC certified and have passed the SFST refresher training within the prior three years, or •Officer must have successfully completed Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE), or •Officer must be a certified Drug Recognition Expert. SHIFT LENGTH: The AGENCY will not schedule individual officer overtime shifts for longer than eight hours. (WTSC understands there may be instances when more than eight hours are billed because of DUI processing, etc.) RESERVE OFFICERS: The AGENCY certifies that any reserve officer for whom reimbursement is claimed has exceeded his/her normal monthly working hours when participating in this emphasis patrol and is authorized to be paid the amount requested. Reserve officers may only be paid at the normal hourly rate and not at the 1.5 overtime rate. DISPATCH: WTSC will reimburse communications officers/dispatch personnel for work on this project providing Agency has received prior approval from the designated TZM. ALLOWABLE COSTS: The AGENCY will provide commissioned law enforcement with appropriate equipment (vehicle, radar, PBTs etc.) to participate in the emphasis patrols. WTSC will reimburse for overtime at 1.5 times officer’s normal rate plus AGENCY’s contributions to employee benefits including FICA, Medicare, Worker’s Compensation and unemployment. The total cost of salary and benefits shall not be exceeded in any one funding category and funds may not be commingled between campaign areas. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 3 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Participating law enforcement officers are required to make a minimum of 3 self-initiated contacts per hour of enforcement. Some violator contacts may result in related, time-consuming activity. This activity is reimbursable. Other activities, such as collision investigation or emergency response that are not initiated through emphasis patrol contact WILL NOT be reimbursed. BILLING PROCEDURE The AGENCY shall submit invoices for reimbursement with supporting documentation to WTSC monthly. All invoices for reimbursement shall be submitted using the A-19 attached as Exhibit C or its pre-approved equivalent. Payment to the AGENCY for approved and completed work will be made by warrant or account transfer by WTSC within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Upon expiration of the Agreement, any claim for payment not already made shall be submitted within 45 days after the expiration date of this Agreement. All invoices for goods received or services performed on or prior to June 30, must be received by WTSC no later than July 31. All invoices for goods or services performed on or prior to September 30, must be received by WTSC no later than November 15. Claims for reimbursement must include: a. Invoice Voucher (A19 Form). 1) Agency identified as the “Claimant” 2) Statewide Vendor Number 3) Federal Tax ID # 4) Original signature of the agency head, command officer or contracting officer, and 5) Other information denoted by arrows on the form. b. Payroll support documents (WTSC Proof Of Overtime Form, signed overtime slips, or other agreed upon payroll documentation.) c. Emphasis Patrol Activity Logs showing 3 or more self-initiated contacts per hour. The Invoice Voucher (A19 Form), payroll supporting documents, and Emphasis Patrol Activity Logs shall be submitted to the appropriate TZM or LEL for review and approval. The TZM will forward these documents to WTSC for processing and payment. OVERTIME REPORTING The AGENCY agrees to have all personnel who work HVE patrols complete officer Emphasis Patrol Activity Logs and submit to the local TZM or LEL within 48 hours of the end of all shifts worked. These same logs will also be part of the required back-up attached to reimbursement requests as outlined above (detailed above.) ADVANCE PAYMENTS PROHIBITED No payments in advance of or in anticipation of goods or services to be provided under this contract shall be made by the WTSC. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 4 AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. Upon agreement by the AGENCY and the local TZM, allocation categories may be increased or decreased without amending this agreement PROVIDED THAT the increase in the allocation does not exceed 50% of the original agreed amount for the specific category. Any increase in allocation exceeding 50% will require an amendment to this document. STATE AND FEDERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. ASSIGNMENT The work to be provided under this Agreement, and any claim arising thereunder, is not assignable or delegable by either party in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The AGENCY shall provide the WTSC a copy of all third-party contracts and agreements entered into for purposes of fulfilling the Statement of Work outlined in Exhibit A. All third-party awards must allow for the greatest practical competition in accordance with applicable procurement rules and procedures. ATTORNEYS’ FEES In the event of litigation or other action brought to enforce contract terms, each party agrees to bear its own attorney fees and costs. BUY AMERICA ACT The AGENCY will comply with the provisions of the Buy America Act (49 U.S.C. 5323(j)), which contains the following requirements: Only steel, iron and manufactured products produced in the United States may be purchased with Federal funds unless the Secretary of Transportation determines that such domestic purchases would be inconsistent with the public interest, that such materials are not reasonably available and of a satisfactory quality, or that inclusion of domestic materials will increase the cost of the overall project contract by more than 25 percent. Clear justification for the purchase of non-domestic items must be in the form of a waiver request submitted to and approved by the Secretary of Transportation. CONFIDENTIALITY / SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION The AGENCY shall not use or disclose any information concerning the WTSC, or information which may be classified as confidential, for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of this contract, except with prior written consent of the WTSC, or as may be required by law. COST PRINCIPLES Costs incurred under this Agreement shall adhere to provisions of OMB 2 CFR Part 225 and 49 CFR Part 18 for state and local agencies, OMB Circulars A-21 and A-110 for educational AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 5 institutions, and OMB Circular A-122 for nonprofit entities. The AGENCY shall not utilize Federal grant funds to replace routine and/or existing State or local expenditures; or utilize Federal grant funds for costs of activities that constitute general expenses required to carry out the overall responsibilities of State, local, or Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The AGENCY warrants that no person or selling agent has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established agents maintained by the AGENCY for the purpose of securing business. The WTSC shall have the right, in the event of breach of this clause by the AGENCY, to annul this contract without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the contract price or consideration or recover by other means the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION Instructions for Lower Tier Certification 1. By signing and submitting this proposal, the AGENCY (hereinafter in this section referred to as “prospective lower tier participant”) is providing the certification set out below. 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, participant, person, primary covered transaction, principal, proposal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definition and Coverage sections of 49 CFR Part 29. You may contact the person to whom this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR Part 9, subpart 9.4, debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -- Lower Tier Covered Transaction," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. (See below) 7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not proposed for debarment under AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 6 48 CFR Part 9, subpart 9.4, debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-procurement Programs. 8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is proposed for debarment under 48 CFR Part 9, subpart 9.4, suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -- Lower Tier Covered Transactions: 1. The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. 2. Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. DISPUTES In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be determined by a Dispute Board in the following manner: Each party to this Agreement shall appoint one member to the Dispute Board. The members so appointed shall jointly appoint an additional member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall review the facts, agreement terms and applicable statutes and rules and make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. As an alternative to this process, either of the parties may request intervention by the Governor, as provided by RCW 43.17.330, in which event the Governor's process will control. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 USC 8103 and 42 USC 12644), the AGENCY shall publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and shall specify the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such provision. The AGENCY shall establish a drug-free awareness program and require that employees provide notification of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such incident. The AGENCY shall notify WTSC within ten days after such notification by an employee engaged in the performance of the grant. Within 30 days, the AGENCY will take appropriate personnel action against such employee, up to and including termination, and require the employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 7 abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency. FEDERAL FUNDING ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY ACT (FFATA) In accordance with FFATA, the AGENCY shall, upon request, provide WTSC the names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated officers of the entity if: (i)the entity in the preceding fiscal year received— I.80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues in Federal awards; II.$25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from Federal awards; and (ii)the public does not have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives of the entity through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; FEDERAL LOBBYING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form- LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub-award at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grant, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. GOVERNANCE This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed to conform to those laws. In the event of an inconsistency in the terms of this Agreement, or between its terms and any applicable statute or rule, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a.Applicable state and federal statutes and rules; AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 8 b.Terms and Conditions of this agreement; c.Any Amendment executed under this Contract; d.Any Statement of Work executed under this Contract; and e.Any other provisions of the agreement, including materials incorporated by reference. INCOME Income earned by the AGENCY with respect to the conduct of the Statement of Work (e.g. sale of publications, registration fees, service charges) must be accounted for and income applied to project purposes or used to reduce project costs. INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law, the AGENCY shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless state, agencies of state and all officials, agents and employees of state, from and against all claims for injuries or death arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Contract. The AGENCY’s obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless includes any claim by the AGENCY’s agents, employees, representatives, or any subAGENCY or its employees . The AGENCY expressly agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the state for any claim arising out of or incident to AGENCY’s or any subAGENCY’s performance or failure to perform the Contract. The AGENCY’s obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the state shall not be eliminated or reduced by any actual or alleged concurrent negligence of state or its agents, agencies, employees and officials. The AGENCY waives its immunity under Title 51 RCW to the extent it is required to indemnify, defend and hold harmless state and its agencies, officials, agents or employees. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. LICENSING, ACCREDITATION AND REGISTRATION The AGENCY shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal licensing, accreditation and registration requirements/standards, necessary for the performance of this contract. NONDISCRIMINATION The CONTRACTOR will comply with all Federal statutes and implementing regulations relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a)Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88–352), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin (and 49 CFR Part 21); (b)Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681–1683 and 1685–1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c)Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101–336), as amended (42 U.S.C. 12101, et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities (and 49 CFR Part 27); (d)the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. 6101–6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e)the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (Pub. L.100–259), which requires Federal-aid recipients and all subrecipients to prevent discrimination and ensure nondiscrimination in all of their programs and activities; AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 9 (f)the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (Pub. L. 92–255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (g)the comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91–616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (h)Sections 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912, as amended (42 U.S.C. 290dd–3 and 290ee–3), relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (i)Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended (42 U.S.C. 3601, et seq.), relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (j)any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and (k)the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. In the event the CONTRACTOR is in non-compliance or refuses to comply with any nondiscrimination law, regulation, or policy, this Agreement may be rescinded, canceled or terminated in whole or in part, and the CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the WTSC. The CONTRACTOR shall, however, be given a reasonable time in which to cure this noncompliance. Any dispute may be resolved in accordance with the "Disputes" procedure set forth herein. POLITICAL ACTIVITY (HATCH ACT) The AGENCY will comply with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. 1501-1508) which limits the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. RECORDS MAINTENANCE The parties to this Agreement shall each maintain books, records, documents and other evidence that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended by either party in the performance of the service(s) described herein. These records shall be subject to inspection, review or audit by personnel of both parties, other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal officials so authorized by law. All books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this Agreement will be retained for six years after expiration and the Office of the State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the parties shall have full access and the right to examine any of these materials during this period. Records and other documents, in any medium, furnished by one party to this Agreement to the other party, will remain the property of the furnishing party, unless otherwise agreed. The receiving party will not disclose or make available this material to any third parties without first giving notice to the furnishing party and giving it a reasonable opportunity to respond. Each party will utilize reasonable security procedures and protections to assure that records and documents provided by the other party are not erroneously disclosed to third parties. RIGHT OF INSPECTION The AGENCY shall provide right of access to its facilities to the WTSC, or any of its officers, or to any other authorized agent or official of the state of Washington or the federal government, at all reasonable times, in order to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance, and/or quality assurance under this contract. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 10 The AGENCY shall make available information necessary for WTSC to comply with the right to access, amend, and receive an accounting of disclosures of their Personal Information according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) or any regulations enacted or revised pursuant to the HIPAA provisions and applicable provisions of Washington State law. The AGENCY shall upon request make available to the WTS and the U.S. Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services all internal policies and procedures, books, and records relating to the safeguarding, use, and disclosure of Personal Information obtained or used as a result of this contract. RIGHTS IN DATA Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Agreement shall be “works for hire” as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act and shall be owned by the WTSC and the State Of Washington. In the event the Materials are not considered “works for hire” under the U.S. Copyright laws, the AGENCY hereby irrevocably assigns all right, title, and interest in data, including all intellectual property rights, to the WTSC effective from the moment of creation. Data shall include, but not be limited to data, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to copyright, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights. The AGENCY may publish, at its own expense, the results of project activities without prior review by the WTSC, provided that any publications (written, visual, or sound) contain acknowledgment of the support provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the WTSC. Any discovery or invention derived from work performed under this project shall be referred to the WTSC, who will determine through NHTSA whether patent protections will be sought, how any rights will be administered, and other actions required to protect the public interest. SAVINGS In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this contract and prior to normal completion, the WTSC may terminate the contract under the "Termination for Convenience" clause, without the ten day notice requirement, subject to renegotiation at the WTSC’s discretion under those new funding limitations and conditions. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. STATE LOBBYING None of the funds under this program will be used for any activity specifically designed to urge or influence a State or local legislator to favor or oppose the adoption of any specific legislative proposal pending before any State or local legislative body. Such activities include both direct and indirect (e.g., "grassroots") lobbying activities, with one exception. This does not preclude a State official whose salary is supported with NHTSA funds from engaging in direct communications with State or local legislative officials, in accordance with customary State AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 11 practice, even if such communications urge legislative officials to favor or oppose the adoption of a specific pending legislative proposal. TAXES All payments accrued on account of payroll taxes, unemployment contributions, any other taxes, insurance or other expenses for the AGENCY or its staff shall be the sole responsibility of the AGENCY. TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notification to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE If, for any cause, either party does not fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions, the aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within fifteen (15) working days. If failure of violation is not corrected, this Interagency Agreement may be terminated immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the WTSC may, by 10 days written notice, beginning on the second day after the mailing, terminate this contract in whole or in part. If this contract is so terminated, the WTSC shall be liable only for payment required under the terms of this contract for services rendered or goods delivered prior to the effective date of termination. TREATMENT OF ASSETS 1.Title to all property furnished by the WTSC shall remain property of the WTSC. Title to all property furnished by the AGENCY, for the cost of which the AGENCY is entitled to be reimbursed as a direct item of cost under this contract, shall pass to and vest in the WTSC upon delivery of such property by the AGENCY. Title to other property, the cost of which is reimbursable to the AGENCY under this contract, shall pass to and vest in the WTSC upon (i) issuance for use of such property in the performance of this contract, or (ii) commencement of use of such property in the performance of this contract, or (iii) reimbursement of the cost thereof by the WTSC in whole or in part, whichever first occurs. 2.Any property of the WTSC furnished to the AGENCY shall, unless otherwise provided herein or approved by the WTSC, be used only for the performance of this contract. 3.The AGENCY shall be responsible for any loss or damage to property of the WTSC which results from the negligence of the AGENCY or which results from the failure on the part of the AGENCY to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound management practices. 4.If any WTSC property is lost, destroyed or damaged, the AGENCY shall immediately notify the WTSC and shall take all reasonable steps to protect the property from further damage. 5.The AGENCY shall surrender to the WTSC all property of the AGENCY prior to settlement upon completion, termination or cancellation of this contract. 6.All reference to the AGENCY under this clause shall also include AGENCY 's employees, agents or SubAGENCYs. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 12 WAIVER A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this Agreement shall not preclude that party from subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement unless stated to be such in a writing signed by an authorized representative of the party and attached to the original Agreement. DESIGNATED CONTACT The following named individuals will serve as designated contacts for each of the parties, for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Agreement: The Contact for the AGENCY is:The Contact for WTSC is: Name: Bill Judd Title: Sergeant Mailing Address: 1055 Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7500 Email: bjudd@rentonwa.gov Angie Ward Program Manager PO Box 40944 Olympia, WA 98501-0944 (360) 725 9888 award@wtsc.wa.gov IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. RENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT ___ Denis Law, Mayor Date Attest: ___________________________________ Jason Seth, Deputy City Clerk Date ________________________________ City Attorney, City of Renton Date WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION ____________________________________ Signature Chris Madill_________________________ Printed Name Deputy Director______________________________ Title Date AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 13 Exhibit A STATEMENT OF WORK 1.GOAL: To reduce traffic related deaths and serious injuries through aggressive impaired driving, occupant protection, speeding, motorcycle safety, and distracted driving multijurisdictional HVE patrols. 2.SCOPE OF WORK: Impaired Driving: Agency will engage in multijurisdictional HVE patrols, as part of the national effort, for all or part of the following dates: Holiday DUI Patrols; November 25, 2015 – January 1, 2016 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Labor Day DUI Crackdown; August 19 – September 5, 2016. These DUI patrols shall be deployed at locations where the data indicates that the most traffic safety benefit can be realized as determined by the local Traffic Safety Task Force. Whenever possible statewide mobilization patrols shall begin after 4:00 p.m. and will occur Friday-Sunday. Law enforcement officers will complete the Emphasis Patrol Activity Logs and forward to their Target Zero Manager within 48 hours of the completion of the DUI patrols. Funds permitting, the local Task Force may coordinate local HVE DUI patrols during the contract period. Dates may not coincide with any national/statewide or other local flex patrols. Dates of local patrols will be reported in advance to the WTSC on a quarterly basis by the county Target Zero Manager. Only work done on Task Force/TZM pre-approved dates will be considered for reimbursement. Seat Belts: Agency will engage in multijurisdictional HVE seat belt-focused patrols on some or all of the following dates as part of the national effort: Click it or Ticket - May 23 – June 5, 2016 These patrols shall be deployed at locations where the data indicates that the most traffic safety benefit can be realized as determined by the local Traffic Safety Task Force. Whenever possible these patrols shall occur in areas with the lowest seat belt use. Ideally, these patrols will not begin before 4:00 pm. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 14 Law enforcement officers will complete the Emphasis Patrol Activity Logs and forward to their Target Zero Manager within 48 hours of the completion of the seat belt patrols. Funds permitting, the local Task Force may coordinate local HVE seatbelt patrols during the contract period. Dates may not coincide with any national/statewide or other local flex patrols . Dates of local patrols will be reported in advance to the WTSC on a quarterly basis by the county Target Zero Manager. Only work done on Task Force/TZM pre-approved dates will be considered for reimbursement. Distracted Driving Agency may engage in multijurisdictional HVE distracted driving focused patrols, as part of the national effort, for all or part the following dates: U Drive. U Text. U Pay. – April 1 – 14, 2016 These patrols shall be deployed at locations where the data indicates that the most traffic safety benefit can be realized as determined by the local Traffic Safety Task Force. Wherever possible these patrols shall occur in areas with the highest number of distracted driving violations. Law enforcement officers will complete the Emphasis Patrol Activity Logs and forward to their Target Zero Manager within 48 hours of the completion of the distracted driving patrols. Funds permitting, the local Task Force may coordinate local HVE distracted driving patrols during the contract period. Dates may not coincide with any national/statewide or other local flex patrols. Dates of local patrols will be reported in advance to the WTSC on a quarterly basis by the county Target Zero Manager. Only work done on Task Force/TZM pre-approved dates will be considered for reimbursement. Motorcycle Safety Patrols - July 29, 2016 – August 14, 2016 These motorcycle safety patrols shall be deployed at locations where the data indicates that the most traffic safety benefit can be realized as determined by the local Traffic Safety Task Force. Patrols should focus on the illegal and unsafe driving actions of motorcycles. Patrols should also focus on the illegal and unsafe driving actions of all other motor vehicles when relating to motorcycles. This includes failure to yield to a motorcycle, following too closely to a motorcycle, etc. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 15 Whenever possible, AGENCY should include motorcycle officers in these patrols. Local Speeding Patrols Funds permitting, the local Task Force may coordinate local HVE patrols focused on speeding drivers during the contract period. Dates may not coincide with any national/statewide or other local flex patrols. Dates of local patrols will be reported in advance to the WTSC on a quarterly basis by the county Target Zero Manager. Only work done on Task Force/TZM pre-approved dates will be considered for reimbursement. CONDITIONS: For each of the emphasis patrols listed above, Multijurisdictional High Visibility Enforcement Protocols, as outlined in Exhibit B of this document will be followed. These protocols are incorporated in their entirety to this document by reference. Exceptions to these protocols may only be provided by the WTSC Program Manager. Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Training Requirement Agency certifies that all officers participating in these patrols are SFST trained. To meet this requirement: •Officer must be BAC certified and have passed the SFST refresher training within the prior three years, or •Officer must have successfully completed Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE), or •Officer must be a certified Drug Recognition Expert. Media Contacts: All of these patrols are conducted as part of a highly publicized, statewide effort. As such, publicity campaigns about these patrols are planned to alert the public to the fact that extra patrols are targeting these violations. Therefore, Agency must provide the names of at least two agency officers who can be available for media requests and questions. *At least one of the individuals listed below must be available for weekend media contacts, beginning at noon on Fridays before mobilizations: AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 16 Dave Leibman, Commander ________________________________ Name/Title Name/Title 425-430-7573 ________________________________ dleibman@rentonwa.gov Office Phone & e-mail Office Phone & e-mail 425-430-7500 _____________ ________________________________ Cell Phone Cell Phone x Available weekends per above?*x Available weekends per above?* Please return this signed MOU no later than October 15, 2015 to your Target Zero Manager: John Pagel Kent Police Department 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 _______________________________________________ Target Zero Manager will forward this signed document to: Angie Ward, WTSC 621 – 8th Avenue SW, Suite 409 PO Box 4094 4 Olympia, WA 98504-0944 360.725.9888 AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 17 Exhibit B Multijurisdictional High-Visibility Enforcement Protocols Purpose This protocol is intended to guide Target Zero Managers, Law Enforcement Liaisons, and law enforcement agencies in coordinating multijurisdictional high visibility enforcement (HVE) mobilizations to address impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding, and seat belt use. These mobilizations are funded by federal highway safety grants. Goal The goal of multijurisdictional high-visibility campaigns is to reduce fatal and serious injury collisions through the coordination of: Publicity addressing increased enforcement, and Increased contacts and arrests of violators. Method Funding from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) will support multijurisdictional HVE patrol activities to increase the number of officers working on impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding, and occupant protection enforcement. Public education and media will be coordinated by the Target Zero Manager and Law Enforcement Liaison. The law enforcement activity will support the media effort by demonstrating to the public that the media messages are true; i.e., that “extra enforcement patrols (with a particular focus) are going on now” so that the public takes the media messages seriously. The media work will support the police effort by encouraging voluntary compliance with the law. The objective of multijurisdictional HVE patrol activities is to change driver behavior by raising the awareness of increased enforcement. Definitions: HVE is enforcement of the law in conjunction with publicity that draws the attention of the public to the enforcement activity. Multijurisdictional enforcement is defined as a minimum of three law enforcement agencies (LEA’s) or patrol units participating at a designated date and time, enforcing a specific activity, in a location determined by the local Target Zero Task Force. AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 18 Responsibilities WTSC: Provide funding. Provide state/local traffic fatality and serious injury data. Coordinate paid media at the state level for statewide and local mobilizations (when possible). Lead news media efforts for: o Holiday DUI o Click It or Ticket o U Drive. U Text. U Pay. o Motorcycle Safety o Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Summarize statewide enforcement activity. Report results to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Target Zero Manager and Law Enforcement Liaison: Lead the development of Multijurisdictional High Visibility Enforcement Mobilization Plans. Submit local patrol plans for local DUI, seat belt, speeding, and distracted mobilizations to the WTSC on quarterly basis: Plans Due:For local patrols planned from: August 31, 2015 October 1 – December 31, 2015 October 31, 2015 January – March, 2016 January 30, 2016 April – June, 2016 April 30, 2016 July – September, 2016 *One yearly plan for local mobilizations may be submitted in lieu of four quarterly plans. Coordinate mobilization briefings. Lead news media and community outreach efforts for local mobilizations. Review and approve all MOUs, invoices, and other documentation before submission to WTSC. This includes follow-up on incomplete invoicing paperwork and Emphasis Patrol Activity Logs with unexplained low contacts. Submit statewide mobilization enforcement total sheet (by county) to WTSC within 72 hours of mobilization end date (hvetotals@wtsc.wa.gov) Submit local mobilization enforcement total sheet (by agency and task force) to WTSC within two weeks of patrol end date (hvetotals@wtsc.wa.gov) AGENDA ITEM #6. e) 19 Law Enforcement Agencies: Send a representative to local task force meetings to plan mobilization locations and exact dates. Ensure availability of agency media contact, noted on page 3 of this agreement, prior to and during all mobilization dates. Provide commissioned police officer(s) (active or paid reserve) with appropriate equipment (vehicle, radar, etc.) to participate in multijurisdictional HVE patrols. Ensure that officers assigned to the multijurisdictional HVE campaigns are qualified to enforce the impaired driving laws as outlined on page 2, section 3 of this agreement. Require all officers participating in multijurisdictional HVE patrols to attend mobilization briefings. Ensure officers working the overtime conduct a minimum of three (3) self-initiated contacts per hour. This is an enforcement activity that is intended to apprehend violators. It is expected that a Notice of Infraction/Citation (NOI/C) will be issued at contact unless circumstances dictate otherwise. It is understood that violator contacts may result in related, time-consuming activity. Such activity will be considered for reimbursement. Activity other than that initiated through HVE patrol contact (investigating collisions, emergency responses, etc.) will be the responsibility of the contracting agency and will not be reimbursed. Require officers to complete and submit multijurisdictional HVE patrol productivity on WTSC Emphasis Patrol Activity Log. _______________________________________ Agency Initial DATE ____________________________________________ TZM Initial DATE AGENDA ITEM #6. e) REGULAR COUNCIL - 19 Oct 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE: Washington State Department of Transportation 2015-2017 Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Dan Hasty, Transportation Planner EXT.: 7217 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ 81,272 Revenue Generated: $ 81,272 Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Implement a program in accordance with the state law to monitor Renton employers with Commute Trip Reduction (CTR)-affected worksites. This law was enacted as part of the Washington State Clean Air Act to provide measures that would improve air quality an d manage congestion by encouraging the use of alternatives to single occupancy vehicle commute travel through the use of incentives to employees at businesses with 100 or more employees arriving at work between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Funding provided by the state of Washington covers the expenses to implement state and local CTR laws. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement C. Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a 2-year agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation for performance of the Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement with a cost reimbursement to the city of $81,272 and present the Resolution for reading and adopti on. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:October 12, 2015 TO:Ed Prince, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Dan Hasty, Transportation Planner, x7217 SUBJECT:Washington State Department of Transportation 2015-2017 Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement ISSUE Should the Mayor and City Clerk execute a 2-year agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for performance of the Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement (i.e. Citywide Commute Trip Reduction Program) with a cost estimate reimbursement to the city of $81,272 and present the Resolution for reading and adoption? RECOMMENDATION Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a 2-year agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation for performance of the Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement with a cost reimbursement to the city of $81,272 and present the Resolution for reading and adoption. BACKGROUND The City of Renton implemented a program in accordance with the state law to monitor Renton employers with Commute Trip Reduction (CTR)-affected worksites. This law was enacted as part of the Washington State Clean Air Act to provide measures that would improve air quality and manage congestion by encouraging the use of alternatives to single occupancy vehicle commute travel through the use of incentives to employees at AGENDA ITEM #6. f) Ed Prince, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 2 of 2 October 12, 2015 businesses with 100 or more employees arriving at work between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. To support the state mandated CTR law, WSDOT historically has provided funding to jurisdictions with CTR-affected work sites based on the number of worksites being monitored. The grant funding will be placed into the general fund with expenditures and revenues expected to equal $81,272 (the amount of the grant) for the 2-year funding cycle ending in June 2017. Attachment:Federal/State Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement cc:Doug Jacobson, Deputy Public Works Administrator – Transportation Dan Hasty, Transportation Planner Heather Ulit, Administrative Secretary I – Transportation AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 1 of 16 Federal/State Transportation Demand Management Implementation Agreement Washington State Department of Transportation 310 Maple Park Avenue SE PO Box 47387 Olympia, WA 98504-7387 Contact Person: Kathy Johnston 360-705-7845 Contractor City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Federal ID #: 91-6001271 Contact Person: John (Dan) Hasty 425-430-7321 Project Costs:Scope of Project: Carry out the State Funds $81,272 Project as described in Exhibit 1, Project Contractor Funds $0 Scope of Work Total Project Cost $81,272 Agreement Number: GCB2159 Term of Project: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017 Service Area: Renton This AGREEMENT is entered into by the Washington State Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as “WSDOT” and the Contractor identified above, hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR”, and/or individually referred to as the “PARTY” and collectively referred to as the “PARTIES.” WHEREAS, RCW 70.94.521 through RCW 70.94.555 establishes the state’s leadership role, and the requirements and parameters to reduce traffic congestion, fuel use, and air pollution through commute trip reduction programs, including transportation demand management programs for growth and transportation efficiency centers (“GTEC”) in Washington State; and WHEREAS, RCW 47.06.050 requires that when planning capacity and operational improvements, the State’s first priority is to assess strategies to enhance the operational efficiency of the existing system, and states that strategies to enhance the operational efficiencies include, but are not limited to, access management, transportation system management, and demand management (“Strategies”); and WHEREAS, RCW 47.01.078 directs the State to develop strategies to reduce the per capita vehicle miles traveled, to consider efficiency tools including commute trip reduction and other demand management tools, and to promote the integration of multimodal planning in support of the transportation system policy goals described in RCW 47.04.280; and WHEREAS, the Legislature has directed the State to increase the integration of public transportation and the highway system, to facilitate coordination of transit services and planning, and to maximize opportunities to use public transportation to improve the efficiency of transportation corridors (RCW 47.01.330); and WHEREAS, RCW 47.80.010 encourages the State and local jurisdictions to identify opportunities for cooperation to achieve statewide and local transportation goals; and WHEREAS, the State of Washington in its Sessions Laws of 2015, Chapter10, Section 220 (6) and (7), authorizes funding for Public Transportation and Commute Trip Reduction programs AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 2 of 16 and other special proviso funding through the multi-modal transportation account as identified in the budget through its 2015-2017 biennial appropriations to WSDOT; and WHEREAS the WSDOT Public Transportation Division is responsible for administering funds on behalf of the Washington State Legislature; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of terms, conditions, performances and mutual covenants herein set forth and the attached Exhibit 1, “Project Scope of Work,” and Exhibit 2, “Project Progress Reports,” which are both incorporated and made a part of this AGREEMENT, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 Purpose of Agreement The purpose of this AGREEMENT is for WSDOT to provide funding to the CONTRACTOR to be used solely for activities undertaken to fulfill the requirements of RCW 70.94.521 through RCW 70.94.555, hereinafter known as the “Project.” Section 2 Scope of Work The CONTRACTOR agrees to perform all designated tasks of the Project under this AGREEMENT as described in Exhibit 1, “Project Scope of Work,” which by this reference is incorporated into this AGREEMENT as if fully set forth herein. Section 3 Term of Project The CONTRACTOR shall commence, perform and complete the Project within the time defined in the caption space header above titled “Term of Project” of this AGREEMENT regardless of the date of execution of this AGREEMENT, unless terminated as provided herein. The caption space header above entitled’ “Term of Project” and all caption space headers above are by this reference incorporated into this AGREEMENT as if fully set forth herein. Section 4 Project Costs The total reimbursable cost to accomplish the Project Scope of Work shall not exceed the “State Funds” detailed in the caption space header above titled “Project Costs.” The CONTRACTOR agrees to expend eligible “State Funds” together with any “Contractor Funds” identified above in the caption space header “Project Costs,” in an amount sufficient to complete the Project as detailed in Exhibit 1, “Project Scope of Work.” If at any time the CONTRACTOR becomes aware that the cost which it expects to incur in the performance of this AGREEMENT will differ from the amount indicated in the caption space titled “Project Costs” above, the CONTRACTOR shall notify WSDOT in writing within three (3) business days of making that determination. Section 5 Reimbursement and Payment A. Payment will be made with State Funds by WSDOT on a reimbursable basis for actual costs and expenditures incurred, while performing eligible direct and related indirect Project work during the Project period. Payment is subject to the submission to and approval by WSDOT of properly prepared invoices that substantiate the costs and expenses submitted by CONTRACTOR for reimbursement. Failure to send in progress reports and financial information as required in Section 7 – Progress Reports may delay payment. The CONTRACTOR must submit an invoice using either State of Washington Form A-19 (Invoice Voucher), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and by this reference incorporated into AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 3 of 16 this AGREEMENT or a format approved by WSDOT. Such invoices may be submitted no more than once per month and no less than once per year, during the course of this AGREEMENT. If approved by WSDOT, said invoices shall be paid by WSDOT within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice. B. The CONTRACTOR shall submit an invoice by July 15, 2016, for any unreimbursed eligible expenditures incurred between July 1, 2015, and June 30, 2016. If the CONTRACTOR is unable to provide an invoice by this date, the CONTRACTOR shall provide an estimate of the charges to be billed so WSDOT may accrue the expenditures in the proper fiscal period. Any subsequent reimbursement request submitted will be limited to the amount accrued as set forth in this section. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a final invoice to WSDOT no later than July 15, 2017. Any invoice received after July 15, 2017 will not be eligible for reimbursement. Section 6 Project Records The CONTRACTOR agrees to establish and maintain for the Project, either a separate set of accounts or, accounts within the framework of an established accounting system in order to sufficiently and properly reflect all eligible direct and related indirect Project costs incurred in the performance of this AGREEMENT. Such accounts are referred to herein collectively as the "Project Account." All costs claimed against the Project Account must be supported by properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, and payment vouchers evidencing in sufficient detail the nature and propriety of the costs claimed. Section 7 Progress Reports The CONTRACTOR shall submit quarterly progress reports to WSDOT so that WSDOT may adequately and accurately assess the progress made under the terms of this AGREEMENT. The progress reports shall be prepared as prescribed by WSDOT on the forms provided in Exhibit 2, “Project Progress Report” and/or as provided and modified by WSDOT staff. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a final progress report, as prescribed in Exhibit 4, “Final Project Progress Report” and/or as provided by WSDOT staff, with any changes to the form applied according to the agreement modification process in Section 9. Progress reports shall be submitted to WSDOT no later than forty-five (45) days from the end of each calendar quarter. Section 8 Audits, Inspections, and Retention of Records WSDOT auditor, federal auditor, state auditor, city auditor and any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine, during normal business hours and as often as they deem necessary, all of a party's records with respect to all matters covered by this AGREEMENT. Such auditors and representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payrolls, and other matters covered by this AGREEMENT. In order to facilitate any audits and inspections, all documents, papers, accounting records, and other materials pertaining to the Project shall be retained by the PARTIES for six years from the date of completion of the Project or the Project final payment date. However, in case of an audit and/or litigation or a claim, the CONTRACTOR must retain all records until the audit and/or litigation or claim is completed and fully resolved. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 4 of 16 Section 9 Agreement Modifications A.Either PARTY may request changes to this AGREEMENT, including changes in the Scope of Project. Such changes that are mutually agreed upon shall be incorporated as written amendments to this AGREEMENT. No variation or alteration of the terms of this AGREEMENT shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the PARTIES hereto. B.If an increase in funding by the funding source augments the CONTRACTOR’s allocation of funding under this AGREEMENT, the CONTRACTOR and WSDOT agree to enter into an amendment to this AGREEMENT, providing for an appropriate change in the Scope of Project and/or the Project Cost in order to reflect any such increase in funding. C.If a reduction of funding by the funding source reduces the CONTRACTOR’s allocation of funding under this AGREEMENT, the CONTRACTOR and WSDOT agree to enter into an amendment to this AGREEMENT providing for an appropriate change in the Scope of Project and/or the Project Cost in order to reflect any such reduction of funding. Section 10 Recapture Provision In the event that the CONTRACTOR fails to expend State Funds in accordance with state law and/or the provisions of this AGREEMENT, WSDOT reserves the right to recapture State Funds in an amount equivalent to the extent of noncompliance. Such right of recapture shall exist for a period not to exceed three (3) years following termination or expiration of this AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR agrees to repay such State Funds under this recapture provision within thirty (30) days of demand. Section 11 Limitation of Liability A. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless WSDOT, its agents, employees, and officers and process and defend at its own expense any and all claims, demands, suits at law or equity, actions, penalties, losses, damages, or costs (hereinafter referred to collectively as “claims”), of whatsoever kind or nature brought against WSDOT arising out of, in connection with or incident to this AGREEMENT and/or the CONTRACTOR’s performance or failure to perform any aspect of this AGREEMENT. This indemnity provision applies to all claims against WSDOT, its agents, employees and officers arising out of, in connection with or incident to the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, its agents, employees and officers. Provided, however, that nothing herein shall require the CONTRACTOR to indemnify and hold harmless or defend WSDOT, its agents, employees or officers to the extent that claims are caused by the acts or omissions of WSDOT, its agents, employees or officers. The indemnification and hold harmless provision shall survive termination of this AGREEMENT. B. The CONTRACTOR shall be deemed an independent contractor for all purposes, and the employees of the CONTRACTOR or its subcontractors and the employees thereof, shall not in any manner be deemed to be the employees of WSDOT. C. The CONTRACTOR specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by CONTRACTOR’s employees and/or subcontractors and solely for the purposes of this indemnification and defense, the CONTRACTOR specifically waives any immunity under the State Industrial Insurance Law, Title 51 Revised Code of Washington. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 5 of 16 D. In the event either the CONTRACTOR or WSDOT incurs attorney’s fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce the provisions of this section of this AGREEMENT against the other PARTY, all such fees, costs and expenses shall be recoverable by the prevailing PARTY. Section 12 Disputes A.If the PARTIES cannot resolve by mutual agreement, a dispute arising from the performance of this AGREEMENT the CONTRACTOR may submit a written detailed description of the dispute to the WSDOT Public Transportation Division’s Statewide Transportation Demand Management Programs Manager or the WSDOT Public Transportation Statewide Transportation Demand Management Programs Manager’s designee who will issue a written decision within ten calendar (10) days of receipt of the written description of the dispute. This decision shall be final and conclusive unless within ten (10) days from the date of CONTRACTOR’s receipt of WSDOT’s written decision, the CONTRACTOR mails or otherwise furnishes a written appeal to the Director of the WSDOT Public Transportation Division or the Director’s designee. In connection with any such appeal the CONTRACTOR shall be afforded an opportunity to offer material in support of its position. The CONTRACTOR’s appeal shall be decided in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal by the Director of the WSDOT Public Transportation Division or the Director’s designee. The decision shall be binding upon the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR shall abide by the decision. B.Performance During Dispute. Unless otherwise directed by WSDOT, the CONTRACTOR shall continue performance under this AGREEMENT while matters in dispute are being resolved. C.Claims for Damages. Should either PARTY to this AGREEMENT suffer injury or damage to person, property, or right because of any act or omission of the other PARTY or any of that PARTY’s employees, agents or others for whose acts it is legally liable, a claim for damages therefore shall be made in writing to such other PARTY within thirty (30) days after the first observance of such injury or damage. D.Rights and Remedies. All remedies provided in this AGREEMENT are distinct and cumulative to any other right or remedy under this document or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised independently, concurrently, or successively and shall not be construed to be a limitation of any duties, obligations, rights and remedies of the PARTIES hereto. No action or failure to act by the WSDOT or CONTRACTOR shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under this AGREEMENT, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of or acquiescence in any breach thereunder, except as may be specifically agreed in writing. E. Venue. In the event that either PARTY deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement, the PARTIES hereto agree that any such action shall be initiated in the Superior Court of the State of Washington situated in Thurston County. Section 13 Termination Either party, at its sole discretion, may terminate this Agreement in whole; or from time to time in part, whenever: 1.The other PARTY has breached the contract, and after fourteen (14) days written notice, has failed to correct the breach; or AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 6 of 16 2.The requisite state, local, or federal funding is reduced or becomes unavailable through failure of appropriation or otherwise; or 3.The continuation of the Project would not produce beneficial results commensurate with the further expenditure of funds; or 4.A request to terminate in whole or in part has been made in writing by the other PARTY. If this Agreement is terminated prior to fulfillment of the terms stated herein, the CONTRACTOR shall be reimbursed only for actual and eligible grant expenses incurred on the Project prior to the date of termination and as set forth in Section 5, Project Reimbursement and Payment, and shall not exceed the Total Project Amount as set forth in the caption header entitled “Project Amount”. Section 14 Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying A.No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal funds pursuant to a contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. B.If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this contract, a grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit the Standard Form - LLL, “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,” in accordance with its instructions. C.The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including sub-grants, and contracts and subcontracts under grants, sub-grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) which exceed $100,000, and that all such sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification as a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Section 15 Compliance with Laws and Regulations Each PARTY agrees to abide by all applicable state, local, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to those concerning employment, equal opportunity employment, nondiscrimination assurances, project record keeping necessary to evidence Agreement compliance, and retention of all such records. The CONTRACTOR will adhere to all of the nondiscrimination provisions in Chapter 49.60 RCW. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 7 of 16 Section 16 Nondiscrimination Provision No liability shall attach to the State or Federal Government except as expressly provided herein. The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate on the base of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any USDOT-assisted contract and/or agreement or in the administration of its DBE program or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26. The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of USDOT-assisted contracts and agreements. The WSDOT’s DBE program as required by 49 CFR Part 26 as approved by USDOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the CONTRACTOR of its failure to carry out its approved program, WSDOT may impose sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may in appropriate cases refer the matters for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). The CONTRACTOR agrees that it will be bound by the above equal opportunity clause with respect to its own employment practices when it participates in federally assisted work. Section 17 Suspension and Debarment The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply, and assures the compliance of each sub-recipient, lessee, third-party contractor, or other participant at any tier of the project, with the requirements of Executive Orders Numbers 12549 and 12689, “Debarment and Suspension, “31 USC § 6101 note, and U.S. DOT regulations, “Non-procurement Suspension and Debarment” 2 CFR Part 1200, which adopts and supplements the provisions of U.S. Office of Management and Budget (U.S. OMB) “Guidelines to Agencies on Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non- procurement),” 2 CFR Part 180. The CONTRACTOR agrees to, and assures that its sub- recipients, lessees, third-party contractors, and other participants at any tier of the Project will, search the Excluded Parties Listing System records at www.sam.gov before entering into any sub-agreement, lease, third-party contract, or other arrangement in connection with the Project, and will include a similar term or condition in each of its lower-tier covered transactions. Section 18 Forbearance by WSDOT Not a Waiver Any forbearance by WSDOT in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. Section 19 Waiver In no event shall any WSDOT payment of grant funds to the CONTRACTOR constitute or be construed as a waiver by WSDOT of any CONTRACTOR breach, or default, and shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to WSDOT with respect to any breach or default. In no event shall acceptance of any WSDOT payment of grant funds by the CONTRACTOR constitute or be construed as a waiver by CONTRACTOR of any WSDOT breach, or default which shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to CONTRACTOR with respect to any breach or default. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 8 of 16 Section 20 WSDOT Advice The CONTRACTOR bears complete responsibility for the administration and success of the work as it is defined in this AGREEMENT and any amendments thereto. Although the CONTRACTOR may seek the advice of WSDOT, the offering of WSDOT advice shall not modify the CONTRACTOR’s rights and obligations under this AGREEMENT and WSDOT shall not be held liable for any advice offered to the CONTRACTOR. Section 21 Governing Law, Venue, and Process This AGREEMENT shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the validity and performance thereof shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. In the event that either PARTY deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this AGREEMENT, the PARTIES hereto agree that any such action shall be initiated in the Superior Court of the State of Washington situated in Thurston County. Section 22 Severability If any covenant or provision of this AGREEMENT shall be adjudged void, such adjudication shall not affect the validity or obligation of performance of any other covenant or provision, or part thereof, that in itself is valid if such remainder conforms to the terms and requirements of applicable law and the intent of this AGREEMENT. No controversy concerning any covenant or provision shall delay the performance of any other covenant or provision except as herein allowed. Section 23 Counterparts This AGREEMENT may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original having identical legal effect. The CONTRACTOR does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements and their supporting materials contained and/or mentioned in such executed counterpart, and does hereby accept State Funds and agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. Section 24 Execution This AGREEMENT is executed by the Director of the Public Transportation Division, State of Washington, Department of Transportation, or the Director's designee, not as an individual incurring personal obligation and liability, but solely by, for, and on behalf of the State of Washington, Department of Transportation, in his/her capacity as Director of the Public Transportation Division. Section 25 Binding Agreement The undersigned acknowledges that they are authorized to execute the AGREEMENT and bind their respective agency(ies) and/or entitity(ies) to the obligations set forth herein. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 9 of 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have executed this AGREEMENT the day and year last signed below. WASHINGTON STATE CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: By: Brian Lagerberg Director, Public Transportation Print Name: Title: Who certifies proper authority to execute this AGREEMENT on behalf of the CONTRACTOR Date: Date: Approved as to form: By: Susan Cruise Assistant Attorney General Date: July 1, 2015 AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 10 of 16 EXHIBIT 1 Project Scope of Work Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) 1. Scope of Work A.Administrative Work Plan The CONTRACTOR agrees to submit to WSDOT an administrative work plan by the end of the first quarter of this agreement or when the CONTRACTOR submits its first invoice, whichever is sooner. The administrative work plan will include the following elements: 1. The work plan shall identify the deliverables, schedule, expected outcomes, performance measures and the budget specific to strategies associated with this AGREEMENT and other strategies as defined in the approved and locally adopted CTR or GTEC plans. These plans may include, but are not limited to, recruiting new employer worksites, reviewing employer programs, administering surveys, reviewing program exemption requests, providing employer training, providing incentives, performing promotion and marketing, and providing emergency ride home and other commuter services. 2.The administrative work plan budget shall identify how the CONTRACTOR will use the state funds provided in this AGREEMENT for each task. The work plan shall also provide an estimate of the other financial resources not provided in this AGREEMENT that will be used to complete each task. 3.The administrative work plan must be approved in writing by the WSDOT Project Manager, and shall be incorporated as a written amendment to the AGREEMENT. The administrative work plan may be amended based on mutual written agreement between the WSDOT Project Manager and the CONTRACTOR and shall be incorporated as a written amendment to this AGREEMENT. B.Work to be Performed The county or city, whichever applies, has enacted or will enact a Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) ordinance in compliance with RCW 70.94.521 through RCW 70.94.555. The CONTRACTOR agrees to implement a CTR program based on the approved administrative work plan and the draft or adopted local CTR plan and to comply with all provisions of the applicable county or city ordinance. C.Use of State Funds for Incentives The CONTRACTOR agrees to use State funds provided as part of this AGREEMENT in accordance with incentives guidance to be provided by WSDOT. D.Quarterly Progress Reports and Invoices The CONTRACTOR agrees to submit to WSDOT complete quarterly progress reports, as specified by WSDOT in Section 7 – Progress Reports of the AGREEMENT, in Exhibit 2, “Project Progress Report”, and as integrated with the deliverables identified in the administrative work plan, along with all invoices in accordance with Section 5 – Reimbursement and Payment of the AGREEMENT. All invoices shall be complete and AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 11 of 16 accurately reflect actual State funded expenditures. Only those activities identified in the CONTRACTOR’S approved administrative work plan will be reimbursed by WSDOT. E.Final Progress Report The CONTRACTOR agrees to submit to WSDOT a final progress report, a template of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 4, “Final Project Progress Report,” to replace the last quarterly progress report in the period of the AGREEMENT. The final progress report shall provide an estimate of the other financial resources not provided in this AGREEMENT that were used to complete each task and shall provide a list of the funds provided in this AGREEMENT that were disbursed by the CONTRACTOR to its eligible contracting partner(s). F.Funding Distribution The CONTRACTOR may distribute funds to local jurisdictions to include counties, cities, transit agencies, Transportation Management Associations, and Metropolitan Planning Organizations or other eligible organizations authorized to enter into agreements for the purposes of implementing CTR and/or GTEC, plans as applicable, and ordinances as authorized by RCW 70.94.527(5) and RCW 70.94.544. G.Implementation Plans The CONTRACTOR shall incorporate appropriate sections of the Project Scope of Work and incentives guidance, as well as the approved administrative work plan, in all agreements with eligible contracting partner(s), as necessary, to coordinate the development, implementation, and administration of such CTR and/or GTEC plans, and compliance with applicable ordinances. H.Appeals and Modifications The CONTRACTOR shall maintain an appeals process consistent with the Administrative Procedures section contained in the CTR Guidelines which may be obtained from WSDOT or found at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Transit/CTR/law.htm. I.Coordination with Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPO) The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate the development and implementation of its CTR and/or GTEC plan and programs with the applicable regional transportation planning organization (RTPO). The CONTRACTOR agrees to notify the RTPO of any substantial changes to its plans and programs that could impact the success of the regional CTR plan. The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide information about the progress of its CTR and/or GTEC plan and programs to the RTPO upon request. J.Survey Coordination The CONTRACTOR agrees to coordinate with WSDOT and its contracting partners for commute trip reduction employer surveys. K.Planning Data The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide WSDOT with the program goals established for newly affected worksites when they are established by the local jurisdiction. The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide WSDOT with updated program goals for affected worksites and jurisdictions as requested. These updates shall be submitted electronically in a format specified by WSDOT. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 12 of 16 L.Database Updates The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide WSDOT and the CONTRACTOR’s contracting partners with updated lists of affected or participating worksites, employee transportation coordinators, and jurisdiction contacts, as requested. These updates will be submitted in a format specified by WSDOT. AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 13 of 16 EXHIBIT 2 Project Progress Report Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Quarterly Project Report Reporting quarter:Date: Organization:Agreement number: Biennial targets Estimate of drive-alone trips to reduce to meet goal: Key deliverables: (from administrative work plan)  Completed activities this quarter  Planned activities for next quarter  Describe issues, risks or challenges and resolutions  Estimated expenditures of state funds for this quarter  AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 14 of 16 Exhibit 3 MINORITY BUSINESSES MARK BOX(ES) IF APPROPRIATE M W E % % VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (WARRANT TO BE PAYABLE TO) agency address city, state ZIP contact name Phone # email VENDOR’S CERTIFICATE. I here by certify under penalty of perjury that the items and total listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished and / or services rendered have been provided without discrimination on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, sex or age. BY (SIGNATURES IN INK) FEDERAL I.D. NUMBER OR SOCIAL SECURYTY NUMBER (FOR REPORTINGPERSONAL SVCS. CONTRACT PAYMENT TO IRS) 00-0000000 TITLE DATE INSTRUCTIONS TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Show complete detail for each item below. DATE DESCRIPTION CURRENT EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES TO DATE TDM Implementation/Administration and Employer Support Guaranteed Ride Home Employer Trainings/Networking            AGREEMEN T INVOICE xxxx DESCRIPTION Transportation Demand Management Implementation (TDM) BILLING PERIOD ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNT CONTROL SECTION FEDERAL JOB NUMBER WORK OP OJB SUB OBJ ORG. NUMBER EQUIPMENT NUMBER ORDER NUMBER NON-PARTICIPATING NET AMOUNT 1P0000-00 0723 NZ13 631020 TOTAL→ SIGNATURE OF APPROVING AUTHORITY DATE RECEIVING VERIFICATION (SIGNATURE) DATE RECEIVED CHECKED AND APPROVED FOR PROCESSING BY DATE WARRANT NUMBER VOUCHER NUMBER Invoice Voucher AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 15 of 16 EXHIBIT 4 Final Project Progress Report Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Final Project Report Biennium:2015-2017 Date: Organization:Agreement number:GCB Biennial targets Estimate of drive-alone trips to reduce to meet goal:  Deliverables: (from administrative work plan)  Describe your progress on each of your deliverables this biennium.  Did you meet your targets for this biennium? Why or why not? What were your major successes this biennium? How did they help you make progress toward the goals in your jurisdiction’s CTR plan(s)?  What were your major challenges this biennium? How did they hinder your progress toward the goals in your jurisdiction’s CTR plan(s)?  How do you measure the performance of your strategies?  What did you learn this biennium?  What would help you be more successful in the future? Please be specific (If it’s more resources, how much and what would they be for, etc.).  For each of the strategies in your administrative work plan, describe your expected outcomes, whether you met those outcomes, and why or why not. Strategy Expected outcomes Performance measures Outcomes met? Why or why not? AGENDA ITEM #6. f) GCB2159 Page 16 of 16 If your organization used other financial resources besides state CTR funds to implement the activities in your administrative work plan for this agreement, please provide the information below. Source of local funds Estimated funds spent this agreement How the funds were used Total local funds: If your organization disbursed any state CTR funds to other organizations to implement the activities in your administrative work plan for this agreement, please list the total amount disbursed for the biennium below. Organization Total disbursed this agreement Purpose of disbursal Total disbursement: AGENDA ITEM #6. f) CITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTONRESOLUTIONNO._______ARESOLUTIONOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,AUTHORIZINGTHEMAYORANDCITYCLERKTOENTERINTOANINTERLOCALAGREEMENTWITHTHEWASHINGTONSTATEDEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATIONENTITLED“TRANSPORTATIONDEMANDMANAGEMENTIMPLEMENTATIONAGREEMENT”.WHEREAS,theCityandtheWashingtonStateDepartmentofTransportationf”WSDOT”)areauthorized,pursuanttoRCWChapter39.34,theInterlocalCooperationAct,toenterintoaninterlocalgovernmentcooperativeagreement;andWHEREAS,RCW47.80.010encouragestheStateandlocaljurisdictionstoidentifyopportunitiesforcooperationtoachievestatewideandlocaltransportationgoals;andWHEREAS,theStateofWashingtoninitsSessionsLawsof2015,Chapter10,Section220(6)and(7),authorizesfundingforPublicTransportationandCommuteTripReductionprogramsandotherspecialprovisofundingthroughthemulti-modaltransportationaccountasidentifiedinthebudgetthroughits2015-2017biennialappropriationstoWSDOT;andWHEREAS,theWSDOTPublicTransportationDivisionisresponsibleforadministeringfundsonbehalfoftheWashingtonStateLegislature;NOW,THEREFORE,THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DOESRESOLVEASFOLLOWS:SECTIONI.Theaboverecitalsarefoundtobetrueandcorrectinallrespects.SECTIONII.TheMayorandCityClerkareherebyauthorizedtoenterintoaninterlocalagreementwithWSDOTentitledTransportationDemandManagementImplementationAgreement.1AGENDA ITEM #6. f) RESOLUTIONNO.______PASSEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILthis______dayof_____________________,2015.JasonA.Seth,CityClerkAPPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis______dayof___________________,2015.DenisLaw,MayorApprovedastoform:LawrenceJ.Warren,CityAttorneyRES.1614:9/1/15:scr2AGENDA ITEM #6. f) CITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTONRESOLUTIONNO.______ARESOLUTIONOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DECLARINGANEMERGENCYFORTHEPURPOSESOFREPAIRINGASANITARYSEWERBACKUPAT926AND930EDMONDSAVENUENE.WHEREAS,theCityofRentonisaproviderofsanitarysewerservice;andWHEREAS,theCityofRentonowns,operatesandmaintainsasanitarysewermainlocatedinaneasementadjacentto926EdmondsAvenueNE;andWHEREAS,in2012,asewermainlocatedinaneasementadjacentto926EdmondsAvenueNEwaslinedwithacuredinplacelinertoformanewpipewithintheexistingconcretepipe.AspartofthisworktheWastewaterUtilitydeterminedwhichconnectionstothesewermainwereactiveandwhichwerenot.Unfortunatelyanactiveconnectionthatserved930EdmondsAvenueNEwasmissed.Forthisthreeyearperiod,thesewagefrom930EdmondsAvenueNEhasbackedupwithinthesidesewerandisnowbackingupintoanolddualsidesewerconnectionthat926EdmondsAvenueNEhadintothecrawlspaceofthehome.Theresultofthisbackupisthatthehomehasasignificantenoughvolumeofsewagetomakethehomenothabitable;andWHEREAS,theMayorhasdeclaredanemergencypursuanttotheprovisionsofRCW39.04.280andRentonPolicyandProcedureManual250-02,paragraph6.10.3toauthorizethePublicWorksAdministratortowaivecompetitivebiddingrequirementsandtoawardallnecessarycontractstoaddresstheemergencyfortherepairofsaidsidesewerfromthesanitarysewermaininEdmondsAvenueNEandthenecessarycleanuptothehomeat926EdmondsAvenueNEtomakeithabitable;1AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTIONNO.______NOW,THEREFORE,THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DOESRESOLVEASFOLLOWS:SECTIONI.Theaboverecitalsarefoundtobetrueandcorrectinallrespects.SECTIONII.TheCityCounciloftheCityofRenton,WashingtonfindsanemergencydidexistatthetimeofthedeclarationofemergencybyMayorDenisLaw.Bythesewrittenrecitalsandfindings,theCityCouncildoesherebyapprovetheMayor’semergencydeclarationtowaivecompetitivebiddingrequirementsandtoawardallnecessarycontractstoaddresstheemergencyfortherepairoftheaforesaidsectionofsanitarysewermainat926and930EdmondsAvenueNEandthenecessarycleanuptothehomeat926EdmondsAvenueNEtomakeithabitable.PASSEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILthis______dayof_______________________,2015.JasonA.Seth,CityClerkAPPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis______dayof____________________.2015.DenisLaw,MayorApprovedastoform:LawrenceJ.Warren,CityAttorneyRES.1686:10/12/15:scr2AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) CITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTONRESOLUTIONNO._______ARESOLUTIONOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,AUTHORIZINGTHEMAYORANDCITYCLERKTOENTERINTOANINTERLOCALAGREEMENTWITHTHEWASHINGTONSTATEDEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATIONENTITLED“TRANSPORTATIONDEMANDMANAGEMENTIMPLEMENTATIONAGREEMENT”.WHEREAS,theCityandtheWashingtonStateDepartmentofTransportationf”WSDOT”)areauthorized,pursuanttoRCWChapter39.34,theInterlocalCooperationAct,toenterintoaninterlocalgovernmentcooperativeagreement;andWHEREAS,RCW47.80.010encouragestheStateandlocaljurisdictionstoidentifyopportunitiesforcooperationtoachievestatewideandlocaltransportationgoals;andWHEREAS,theStateofWashingtoninitsSessionsLawsof2015,Chapter10,Section220(6)and(7),authorizesfundingforPublicTransportationandCommuteTripReductionprogramsandotherspecialprovisofundingthroughthemulti-modaltransportationaccountasidentifiedinthebudgetthroughits2015-2017biennialappropriationstoWSDOT;andWHEREAS,theWSDOTPublicTransportationDivisionisresponsibleforadministeringfundsonbehalfoftheWashingtonStateLegislature;NOW,THEREFORE,THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DOESRESOLVEASFOLLOWS:SECTIONI.Theaboverecitalsarefoundtobetrueandcorrectinallrespects.SECTIONII.TheMayorandCityClerkareherebyauthorizedtoenterintoaninterlocalagreementwithWSDOTentitledTransportationDemandManagementImplementationAgreement.1AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) RESOLUTIONNO.______PASSEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILthis______dayof_____________________,2015.JasonA.Seth,CityClerkAPPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis______dayof___________________,2015.DenisLaw,MayorApprovedastoform:LawrenceJ.Warren,CityAttorneyRES.1614:9/1/15:scr2AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) CITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTONORDINANCENO._______ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,VACATINGANALLEYADJOINING555SWGRADYWAYBETWEENSENECAAVENUESWANDLINDAVENUESW(DALEWALKEROFD&CINVESTMENTS,LLC,PETITIONER;VAC15-002).WHEREAS,apetitionhasbeenfiledwiththeCityClerkoftheCityofRentononoraboutMay6,2015,pursuanttotherequirementsofRCW35.79,petitioningforthevacationofanalleyadjoining555SWGradyWaybetweenSenecaAvenueSWandLindAvenueSW,ashereinaftermoreparticularlydescribed,andthepetitionwassignedbytheownersofmorethantwo-thirds(2/3)ofthepropertyabuttinguponthestreetsoughttobevacated;andWHEREAS,theCityCouncil,byResolutionNo.4258,passedonJuly13,2015,setAugust3,2015,at7:00p.m.,intheCityCouncilChambersoftheCityofRentonasthetimeandplaceforapublichearingonthismatter;andtheCityClerkgavepropernoticeofthishearingasprovidedbylaw,andallpersonswereheardwhoappearedtotestifyinfavororinoppositiononthismatter,andtheCityCouncilconsideredallinformationandargumentspresentedtoit;andWHEREAS,theAdministratoroftheDepartmentofCommunityandEconomicDevelopmenthasconsideredthispetitionforvacation,andhasfoundittobeinthepublicinterestandforthepublicbenefit,andthatnoinjuryordamagetoanypersonorpropertieswillresultfromthisvacation;and1AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCENO.______WHEREAS,theCityCounciladoptstherecommendationoftheDepartmentofCommunityandEconomicDevelopmenttowaiveallfeespursuanttoRMC9-1O-14.Bforthestreetvacation;NOW,THEREFORE,THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DOESORDAINASFOLLOWS:SECTIONI.Thefollowingdescribedalley,adjoining555SWGradyWaybetweenSenecaAvenueSWandLindAvenueSW,towit:[SeeExhibits“A”and“B”attachedheretoandmadeaparthereofasiffullysetforthherein.]isherebyvacated.SECTIONII.PursuanttoRMC9-14-1O.B,allfeeshavebeenwaivedforthisrightofwayvacation.SECTIONIll.Thisordinanceshallbeeffectiveuponitspassage,approval,andfive(5)daysafterpublication.AcertifiedcopyofthisordinanceshallbefiledwiththeKingCountyRecorder’sOffice,andasotherwiseprovidedbylaw.PASSEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILthis______dayof_____________________,2015.JasonA.Seth,CityClerk2AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCENO.______APPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis_______dayof___________________,2015.DenisLaw,MayorApprovedastoform:LawrenceJ.Warren,CityAttorneyDateofPublication:_______________ORD.1879:8/24/15:scr3AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCENO.EXHIBIT“A”ALLEYVAC________ORDINANCENO.______THATPORTIONOFBLOCK27,C.DHILLMANSEARLINGTONGARDENSNO.1ADDITIONTORENTON,ACCORDINGTOTHEPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINVOLUME17OFPLATS,PAGE74,RECORDSOFKINGCOUNTY,WASHINGTON,DESCRIBEDASFOLLOWS:BEGINNINGATTHESOUTHWESTCORNEROFLOT31INSAIDBLOCK27;THENCENORTHEASTERLYALONGTHESOUTHLINEOFLOTS31THROUGH17TOITSINTERSECTIONWITHTHEWESTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAYMARGINOFLINDAVENUESW:THENCESOUTHERLYALONGSAIDWESTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAYMARGINTOITSINTERSECTIONWITHTHENORTHLINEOFLOT46OFSAIDBLOCK27,THENCESOUTHWESTERLYALONGTHENORTHLINEOFLOTS46THROUGH32OFSAIDBLOCK27TOITSINTERSECTIONWITHTHEEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAYMARGINOFSENECAAVENUESW,THENCENORTHERLYALONGSAIDEASTERLYRIGHT-OF-WAYMARGINTOTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING,SITUATEINTHESOUTHWESTQUARTEROFTHENORTHWESTQUARTEROFSECTION19,TOWNSHIP23NORTH,RANGE5EAST,W.M.,INTHECITYOFRENTON,KINGCOUNTY,WASHINGTON4’1Mt,4AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) ORDINANCENO.EXHIBITB”ALLEYVACORDINANCENO.s’N3340404swC01-405SCALE:i’.3OO’01503006004-’J---8424/EX—B/4—23-155AGENDA ITEM # 8. c) CITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTONORDINANCENO._______ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,AMENDINGSECTION1-5-1OFCHAPTER5,COUNCIL,OFTITLEI(ADMINISTRATIVE),ADOPTINGANEWCHAPTER20,ENTITLED“INDEPENDENTSALARYCOMMISSION,”OFTITLEII(COMMISSIONSANDBOARDS),ANDAMENDINGSECTION5-3-1OFCHAPTER3,SALARIES,OFTITLEV(FINANCEANDBUSINESSREGULATIONS)OFTHERENTONMUNICIPALCODE,ESTABLISHINGANINDEPENDENTSALARYCOMMISSION.WHEREAS,theRevisedCodeofWashington(RCW)section32.21.015authorizesmunicipalitiestoestablishanindependentsalarycommissionstoreviewandsetthesalariesforelectedofficials;andWHEREAS,TheCityCouncilcurrentlyreviewsandsetscompensationforthemembersoftheCityCouncil,whichwasmostrecentlydoneinJuly2004viaOrdinanceNo.5090;andWHEREAS,TheCityCouncilcurrentlysetscompensationfortheMayorbyordinanceinconjunctionwithregularbudgetprocesses;andWHEREAS,OrdinanceNo.5245adoptedonDecember11,2006setsthecompensationfortheelectedJudgetobeatleastninety-fivepercent(95%)ofadistrictcourtjudgesalarywhichisadjustedregularly;andWHEREAS,theCouncilwishestoaddressthecompensationoftheCityCouncilMembersinamoreconsistentanduniformmannerasotherelectedcityofficials;NOW,THEREFORE,THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DOESORDAINASFOLLOWS:1AGENDA ITEM # 8. d) ORDINANCENO.SECTIONI.Subsection1-5-1.Cofsubsection1-5-1,NumberofCouncilmembers;Duties;Salaries,ofChapter5,Council,ofTitleI(Administrative)oftheRentonMunicipalCode,isherebyamendedasfollows:C.ThesalariesoftheCouncilmembersareherebyfixedatninehundredfiftydollars($950.00)permonthplustwopercent(2%)ofsalaryfordeferredcompensation,plusforthoseCouncilmembersnotparticipatinginPERS,anextraonepointfourpercent(1.4%ofsalaryfordeferredcompensation.However,thecompensationofsuchelectedofficialswhofixtheirowncompensationshallnotbeincreasedduringtheirtermsofoffice,andaslimitedbytheConstitutionandstatutesoftheStateofWashington.ThesalariesofCouncilmembersmayalsobeadiustedaccordingtotheproceduresandrulesestablishedbychapterRMC2-20,IndependentSalaryCommission.SECTIONII.TitleII(CommissionsandBoards)oftheRentonMunicipalCode,isherebyamendedtoaddanewChapter20,entitled“IndependentSalaryCommission”toreadasfollows:CHAPTER20INDEPENDENTSALARYCOMMISSIONSECTION:2-20-1CommissionEstablished2-20-2Purpose2-20-3Qualifications2-20-4Membership2-20-5Meetings2AGENDA ITEM # 8. d) ORDINANCENO.2-20-6Responsibilities2-20-7EffectiveDate—Salaries2-20-8SalaryScheduleSubjectToReferendumPetition2-20-1COMMISSIONESTABLISHED:AnIndependentSalaryCommissionisherebyestablishedpursuanttoRCW35.21.015,hereinafterreferredtoastheCityofRentonIndependentSalaryCommission(“Commission”).2-20-2PURPOSE:TheCommissionshallreviewandestablishthesalariesoftheCouncilmembersandexercisethepowersandperformthedutiesestablishedbyRCW35.21.015,asnowexistingorhereafteramended.Forthepurposeshereof,thesalaryauthorityoftheindependentsalarycommissionshallincludeallcompensationthatmaybepaidtoorreceivedbycouncilmembers,whetherornotitisidentifiedassalary.2-20-3QUALIFICATIONS:A.MembersmustbearesidentoftheCityforatleastone(1)yearimmediatelyprecedingsuchappointment,andaregisteredvoterofKingCounty.B.Noofficer,official,oremployeeoftheCityoranyoftheirimmediatefamilymembersmayserveontheCommission.“Immediatefamilymember”asusedinthissubsectionmeanstheparents,spouse,siblings,children,ordependentrelativesoftheofficer,official,oremployee,whetherornotlivinginthehouseholdoftheofficer,official,oremployee.3AGENDA ITEM # 8. d) ORDINANCENO.2-20-4MEMBERSHIP:A.NumberofMembers:TheCommissionshallconsistoffive(5)members.B.Appointment:MembersshallbeappointedbytheMayor,subiecttoconfirmationbytheCityCouncil.Membersshallbeselectedwithoutrespecttopoliticalaffiliationsandshallservewithoutcompensation.C.Terms:MembersoftheCommissionshallservetheirtermuponappointmentandCouncilconfirmation,untilthesalaryreviewiscompleteandasalaryschedulehasbeenfiledwiththeCityClerkoruntildeterminationismadethatnosalaryadiustmentisappropriate.Nomembermaybeappointedtomorethantwo(2)termsontheCommission,whetherornotthosetermsareheldconsecutively.D.Removal:MembersmayberemovedbytheMayor,only,duringtheirtermsofofficeforcauseincludingincapacity,incompetence,neglectofduty,ormalfeasanceinofficeorforadisqualifyingchangeofresidence.E.Vacancies:Vacanciesoccurringshallbefilledfortheunexpiredterms,inthesamemannerasappointmentsinsubsectionBofthissection.F.Quorum:Three(3)membersshallconstituteaquorum.G.ChairandVice-Chair:TheCommissionshallelectachairandvice-chairfromamongitsvotingmembers.2-20-5MEETINGS:A.TheMayorwillappointappropriatestafftoassisttheCommission.4AGENDA ITEM # 8. d) ORDINANCENO._______B.TheCommissionshallkeepawrittenrecordofitsproceedings,whichshallbeapublicrecordinaccordancewithStatelaw,andshallactivelysolicitpubliccommentatallmeetings.ThemeetingsshallbesubjecttotheOpenPublicMeetingsAct,Chapter42.30RCW,asamendedorrecodified.C.TheCommissionshallmeetasoftenasnecessaryinordertofileaschedulewiththeCityClerk,onorbeforeNovember30,2015.Onceaschedulehasbeenfiled,theCommissionwillnotmeetuntiltheCityCouncilconfirmsanewCommissionforpurposesoffurtherstudyingCityCouncilcompensation.2-20-6RESPONSIBILITIES:TheCommissionshallhavethefollowingresponsibilities:A.TostudytherelationshipofsalariestothedutiesofCouncilPresidentandCouncilmembersandtostudythecostspersonallyincurredbyCouncilmembersinperformingsuchduties;B.TostudytherelationshipofRentonCouncilsalariesandbenefitstothosesalariesandbenefitsofCouncilmembersinsurroundingCityjurisdictionsandothercurrentmarketconditions;C.Toestablishsalaryandbenefitsbyeitherincreasingordecreasingtheexistingsalaryandbenefitsofeachpositionbyanaffirmativevoteofnotlessthanthree(3)members;andD.ToreviewandfileasalaryandcompensationschedulewiththeCityClerknolaterthanNovember30,2015.FutureCommissionsshallhaveninety(90)5AGENDA ITEM # 8. d) ORDINANCENO._______daysafterconfirmationbytheCityCounciltocompletetheirreviewandfilethenecessarysalaryandcompensationschedule.2-20-7EFFECTIVEDATE—SAlARIES:A.TheCommissionestablishedoramendedsalaryschedulewillbecomeeffectiveintheamounts,atthetimes,andundertheconditionsestablishedintheschedule.B.AnyincreaseordecreaseinsalaryshallbecomeeffectiveandincorporatedintotheCitybudgetwithoutfurtheractionoftheCityCouncilortheCommission.C.SalaryincreasesestablishedbytheCommissionshallbeeffectiveastoallCouncilelectedofficials,regardlessoftheirtermsofoffice.D.SalarydecreasesestablishedbytheCommissionshallbecomeeffectiveastoincumbentCouncilelectedofficialsatthecommencementoftheirnextsubsequenttermsofoffice.E.AnyadjustmentofsalarybytheCommissionshallsupersedeanyCityordinancerelatedtothebudgetortothefixingofsalaries.2-20-8SALARYSCHEDULESUBJECTTOREFERENDUMPETITION:A.SalaryincreasesanddecreasesshallbesubjecttoreferendumpetitioninthesamemannerasanordinanceuponfilingofsuchpetitionwiththeCityClerkwithinthirty(30)daysafterfilingofthesalaryschedule.Intheeventofthefilingofavalidreferendumpetition,thesalaryincreaseordecreaseshallnotgointoeffectuntilapprovedbyvoteofthepeople.6AGENDA ITEM # 8. d) ORDINANCENO.B.ReferendummeasuresunderthissectionshallbesubmittedtothevotersoftheCityatthenextfollowinggeneralormunicipalelectionoccurringthirty(30)daysormoreafterthepetitionisfiled,andshallbeotherwisegovernedbytheprovisionsoftheWashingtonStateConstitution,Chapter1-2RentonMunicipalCode,orlawsgenerallyapplicabletoreferendummeasures.SECTIONIII.Section5-3-1,SalariesofElectiveOfficers,ofChapter3,Salaries,ofTitleV(FinanceandBusinessRegulations)oftheRentonMunicipalCode,isherebyamendedasfollows:5-3-1SALARIESOFELECTIVEOFFICRIALS:Theelectiveofficials,consistingoftheMayorandmembersoftheCityCouncil,shallreceivethesalariesfixedandestablishedbyCityordinancesfromtimetotimeandasotherwiseprovidedbylaw.ThesalariesofCouncilmembersmayalsobeadjustedaccordingtotheproceduresandrulesestablishedbychapterRMC2-20,IndependentSalaryCommission.SECTIONIV.Thisordinanceshallbeeffectiveuponitspassage,approval,andthirty(30)daysafterpublication.PASSEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILthis_______dayof___________________,2015.JasonA.Seth,CityClerk7AGENDA ITEM # 8. d) ORDINANCENO.APPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis_______dayof_____________________,2015.DenisLaw,MayorApprovedastoform:Lawrencei.Warren,CityAttorneyDateofPublication:_______________ORD:1885:10/5/15:scr8AGENDA ITEM # 8. d)