HomeMy WebLinkAboutA_4_230308_Environ Review Submittal Reqts_CRBDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 Planning Division | 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200 |www.rentonwa.gov ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Published : 1/6/2021 PURPOSE To evaluate the environmental impacts of a proposal and to identify methods to reduce those impacts. During this review process environmental values are considered as well as technical and economic considerations. FREE PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Prior to submitting an application, the applicant should informally discuss the proposed development with the Planning Division. The Planning Division will provide assistance and detailed information on the City’s requirements and standards. For further information on this meeting, see the instruction sheet entitled "Pre-Application.” APPLICATION SCREENING A Pre-Submittal screening may be required prior to formal Land Use Review. The screening will be performed electronically via an FTP link that your Project Manager will provide to you. After you upload your submittal documents the Project Manager will review the submittal materials to ensure that requested revisions or missing items have been updated and/or corrected. If all required submittal items are provided and complete, unless waived by the Project Manager, staff will take in the application for official review. ELECTRONIC FILE STANDARDS All documents MUST be submitted electronically. Specific file naming conventions for submitted plans are required to facilitate the electronic plan review process. Failure to adhere to the sample file naming format listed in the Electronic File Standards may result in a request for resubmittal and/or delay the plan review process, deeming the application incomplete. COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED In order to accept your application, each of the numbered items must be submitted at the same time. Determination that an application is complete indicates only that the application is ready for review on its merits, not that the City will make a favorable decision on the application. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL HOURS Applications should be submitted to Planning Division staff electronically, not in person. Please email or call your assigned Project Manager to submit your application. If you have any Planning related questions you may reach out to Planning Customer Service at 425-430-7294 or planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov . ADDITIONAL PERMITS Additional permits from other agencies may be required. It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain these other approvals. Information regarding these other requirements may be found at https://apps.oria.wa.gov/opas/ Specific Code Section(s) related to this document RMC 4-9-070 Environmental Review Procedures RMC 4-8 Permits – General and Appeals ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 2 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 SOME KEY THINGS TO REMEMBER 1. City Staff or other agencies may request additional information during the review and decision-making process. 2. It is important that the applicant submit the requested material quickly to avoid delays in the process. 3. Any time spent gathering data and/or additional city review period will increase the time required to process the application. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS The submittal checklist is not an exhaustive list of submittal requirements and may be modified in cases where additional information is required to complete the review of an application. The applicant should contact the assigned Project Manager, if there are any questions regarding submittal requirements. All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff 1. Pre-Application Meeting Summary: If the application was reviewed at a “pre-application meeting”. 2. Waiver Form: A Waiver Form will be provided to you by City Staff during the Pre-Submittal Review. The Waiver Form should be submitted with the land use application. 3. Land Use Permit Master Application Form: The standardized application form used for the majority of land use permit applications including, but not limited to, the following: a. Owner, applicant, and contact person names, addresses and telephone numbers; b. Notarized signatures of all current property owners; c. Name of the proposed project; d. Project/property address; e. King County Assessor’s tax account number; f. Existing and proposed land uses; g. Existing and, if applicable, proposed Comprehensive Plan map designation; h. Existing and, if applicable, proposed zoning designation; i. Site area; j. Estimated project cost; k. Whether or not the project site contains any environmentally sensitive areas; and l. Property legal description. Note: The application must have notarized signatures of ALL current property owners listed on the Title Report. If the property owner is a corporation, the authorized representative must attach proof of signing authority on behalf of the corporation. The legal description of the property must be attached to the application form. 4. Fees: The application must be accompanied by the required application fee (see Fee Schedule). Please call 425-430-7294 to verify the exact amount required. Checks should be made out to the City of Renton and cannot be accepted for over the total fee amount. Credit cards may also be used to pay required application fees. Fees are paid at Cashier on the 1st Floor City Hall. 5. Project Narrative: A clear and concise description and summary of the proposed project, including the following: a. Project name, size and location of site; b. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties; c. Current use of the site and any existing improvements; d. Special site features (i.e., wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes); e. Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions; ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 3 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff f. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development (i.e., height, square footage, lot coverage, parking, access, etc.); g. Proposed off-site improvements (i.e., installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.); h. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project; i. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed; j. Number, type and size of trees to be removed; k. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City; and l. For shoreline applications only: i. Name of adjacent water area or wetlands, ii. Nature of existing shoreline – describe: • Type of shoreline (i.e., lake, stream, lagoon, marsh, bog, floodplain, floodway); • Type of beach (i.e., accretion, erosion, high bank-low bank); • Type of material (i.e., sand, gravel, mud, clay, rock, riprap); and • The extent and type of any bulkheading, and iii. The number and location of structures and/or residential units (existing and potential) which might have views obstructed as a result of the proposed project; and m. The proposed number, size, and density of the new lots, for subdivision applications only. 6. Environmental Checklist: The standard State of Washington form required under WAC 197-11- 742 and 197-11-960. Please ensure you have signed the checklist and that all questions on the checklist have been filled in. If a particular question on the checklist does not apply, fill in the space with “Not Applicable”. 7. Rezone, Variance, Modification, or Conditional Use Justification: Please contact the Planning Division to determine whether your project proposal triggers any additional land use permits. If so, additional information may be required. 8. Density Worksheet This can be found on the City’s website https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/DocView.aspx?id=8461915&dbid=0&repo=CityofRento n 9. Construction Mitigation Description: A written narrative addressing each of the following: a. Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates); b. Hours and days of operation; c. Proposed hauling/transportation routes; d. Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics; e. Any special hours proposed for construction or hauling (i.e. weekends, late nights); and f. Preliminary traffic control plan. Note: If your project requires the use of cranes, please contact the City’s Airport Manager at 425- 430-7471 to determine whether Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notification will be required. 10. Neighborhood Detail Map: Please provide a map, drawn at a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') or one inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200') (or other scale approved by the Planning Division Director or designee). The map shall show the location of the subject site relative to the property boundaries of the surrounding parcels within approximately one ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 4 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff thousand feet (1,000') or approximately two thousand five hundred feet (2,500') for properties over five (5) acres and identifying the subject site with a darker perimeter line than that of surrounding properties. The map shall also show the property’s lot lines, existing land uses, building outlines, City boundaries of the City of Renton (if applicable), north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet), graphic scale used for the map, and City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. (Amd. Ord. 4963, 5-13-2002) 11. Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign(s): A notarized statement signed by the applicant of applicant’s representative attesting that the required public information sign(s) has been installed in accordance with City Code requirements. 12. Site Plan: A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') (or other scale approved by the Planning Division Director or designee) clearly indicating the following: a. Name of proposed project; b. Date, scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the plan sheet; c. Drawing of the subject property with all property lines dimensioned and names of adjacent streets; d. Widths of all adjacent streets and alleys; e. The location of all existing public improvements including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, etc., along the full property frontage; f. Location and dimensions of existing and proposed structures, parking and loading areas, driveways, existing trees on and abutting the site, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, freestanding signs, easements, refuse and recycling areas, freestanding liquid fixtures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, storage areas, buffer areas, open spaces, and landscaped areas; g. The location and dimensions of natural features such as streams, lakes, marshes and wetlands. Include boundaries of utility, open space, and/or critical area(s) tracts, square footage, and purpose statement of each tract. Clearly delineate the critical area and buffer boundaries within the tract and indicate a dimension for buffer width; h. Ordinary high water mark, existing and proposed, and name of water body if applicable; i. For wireless communication facilities, indicate type and locations of existing and new plant materials used to screen facility components and the proposed color(s) for the facility; j. A legend listing the following must be included on one of the site plan sheets: i. Total square footage of the site, ii. Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use, iii. Total square footage of all buildings (footprint of each building), iv. Percentage of lot coverage, v. Square footage of all landscaping (total, parking lot, and wildlife habitat), vi. Allowable and proposed building height, vii. Building setbacks required by Code, viii. Proposed building setbacks, ix. Parking analysis, including: • Number of stalls required, by use; number of stalls provided, by use, • Sizes of stalls and angles, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 5 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff • Location and number of handicap stalls, compact, employee and/or guest parking stalls, • Location and size of curb cuts, • Traffic flow within the parking, loading, and maneuvering areas and ingress and egress, • Location of wheel stops, • Loading space, • Stacking space, • Location and dimensions of bicycle racks, carpool parking spaces, and other facilities designed to accommodate access to the site, • Square footage of interior parking lot landscaping; k. Footprint of all proposed buildings showing the location of building entrances, window openings, and landscape features (required for Urban Center Design Overlay District review packet only); l. Footprint of all abutting and adjacent buildings showing the location of building entrances, window openings, and landscape features (required for Urban Center Design Overlay District review packet only); m. For nonconforming use or structure rebuild approval permits: draw on the scaled plan the exact sizes and locations of existing structures and uses, whether damaged or not; write on the scaled plan the dates these structures/uses were established; on a separate sheet, identify the subject property, abutting lots and buildings and list adjacent and abutting land uses. 13. Architectural Elevations: A twenty four inch by thirty six inch (24" x 36") fully dimensioned architectural elevation plan drawn at a scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot (1/4" = 1') or one- eighth inch equals one foot (1/8" = 1') (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the “Permits” section of the currently adopted International Building Code and chapter 19.27 RCW (State Building Code Act, Statewide amendments), including, but not limited to, the following: a. Existing and proposed ground elevations; b. Existing average grade level underneath proposed structure; c. Height of existing and proposed structures showing finished roof top elevations based upon site elevations for proposed structures and any existing/abutting structures; d. Building materials and colors including roof, walls, any wireless communication facilities, and enclosures; e. Fence or retaining wall materials, colors, and architectural design; f. Architectural design of on-site lighting fixtures; and g. Cross-section of roof showing location and height of rooftop equipment (including air conditioners, compressors, etc.) and proposed screening. h. Required for the Urban Center Design Overlay District review packet. i. Identify building elevations by street name and orientation, i.e., Burnett Ave. (west) elevation. ii. Show the location of rooflines, doors and window openings. iii. Indicate typical detailing around doors, windows and balconies indicating finishes, color and reflectivity of glazing. iv. Identify offsets in walls intended to meet the minimum requirements for building modulation indicating the amount of offset. v. Show on each elevation any roof top elements such as mechanical and elevator penthouses that protrude above the parapet or penetrate the roof and would be visible from other buildings of the same height. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 6 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff vi. Photographs of proposed materials from manufacturers’ catalogues. A materials board showing actual materials and colors referenced on the architectural elevations is recommended. i. Required for shoreline permits: i. Include measurements of the existing and proposed elevations of the stream, river or lake bottom in relationship to the proposed structure, if the proposed structure is located fully or partially in, or over, the water. ii. Projects exceeding thirty five feet (35') in height must demonstrate compliance with the height requirement in RMC 4-3-090D7a. 14. Topography Map: A map showing the existing land contours using vertical intervals of not more than five feet (5'). For any existing buildings the map shall show the finished floor elevations of each floor of the building. 15. Landscape Plan, Conceptual: A fully dimensioned plan, prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of Washington, a certified nurseryman, or other similarly qualified professional, drawn at the same scale as the project site plan (or other scale approved by the Community and Economic Development Administrator), clearly indicating the following: a. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow; b. Location of proposed buildings, parking areas, access and existing buildings to remain; c. Names and locations of abutting streets and public improvements, including easements; d. Existing and proposed contours at five foot (5') intervals or less; e. Location, size, and purpose of planting areas, including those required in RMC 4-4-070, Landscaping, and those required in RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations; f. Location and height for proposed berming; g. Location and elevations for any proposed landscape-related structures such as arbors, gazebos, fencing, etc.; h. Location, size, spacing and names of existing and proposed shrubs, trees, ground covers, and decorative rockery or like landscape improvements in relationship to proposed and existing utilities; and i. The location, size and species of all protected trees on site. Protected trees shall have the approximate drip line shown (see RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations). 16. Tree Retention Worksheet: Please provide a completed City of Renton tree retention worksheet. https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/1/edoc/955781/Tree%20Retention%20Worksheet.pdf 17. Tree Retention/Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan: A completed tree retention worksheet accompanied by a full dimensional plan, drawn by a certified arborist or a licensed landscape architect, based on finished grade, drawn at the same scale as the project site plan with the northern property line at the top of the sheet, clearly showing the following: a. All property boundaries and adjacent streets; b. Location of all areas proposed to be cleared; c. Species and sizes of vegetation to be removed, altered or retained and the boundaries and predominant species of stands of trees consisting of five (5) or more trees. This requirement applies only to trees six inch (6") caliper and larger, fifty four inches (54") above grade, and the location, size and species of all protected trees on the site; d. For trees proposed to be retained, a complete description of each tree’s health, condition, and viability; ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 7 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff e. For trees proposed to be retained, a description of the method(s) used to determine the limits of disturbance (i.e., critical root zone, root plate diameter, or a case-by-case basis description for individual trees); f. For trees proposed to be preserved within a tree protection tract, any special instructions for maintenance (e.g., trimming, ground clearing, root pruning, monitoring, aftercare, etc.); g. For trees not viable for retention, the reason(s) for removal based on poor health, high risk of failure due to structure, defects, unavoidable isolation (i.e., high blow down potential), or unsuitability of species, etc., and for which no reasonable alternative action is possible (pruning, cabling, etc.); h. A description of the impact of necessary tree removal to the remaining trees, including those in a grove or on abutting properties; i. For development applications, a discussion of timing and installation of tree protection measures that must include fencing and be in accordance with the tree protection standards as outlined in RMC 4-4-130H9, Protection Measures During Construction; j. The suggested location and species of supplemental trees to be used when required. The report shall include planting and maintenance specifications; k. Future building sites and drip lines of any trees which will overhang/overlap a construction line; l. Location and dimensions of rights-of-way, utility lines, fire hydrants, street lighting, and easements; m. Where the drip line of a tree overlaps an area where construction activities will occur, this shall be indicated on the plan; n. For allowed activities, including allowed exemptions, modifications, and variances, show all trees proposed to be removed in priority tree retention areas: slopes twenty five percent (25%) to thirty nine percent (39%), high or very high landslide hazard areas, and high erosion hazard areas; o. Show trees to be removed in protected critical areas: wetlands, Shorelines of the State, streams and lakes, floodways, floodplain slopes forty percent (40%) or greater, very high landslide hazard areas, and critical habitat if the activity is exempt or allowed by the critical areas regulations in RMC 4-3-050C3, Exemptions – Critical Areas and Buffers; p. Show all trees to be retained in critical area buffers; and q. In all other areas of the site, trees to be removed may be indicated generally with clearing limit lines except for protected trees. The location, size, and species of all protected trees on a site shall be shown. The plan shall also differentiate any approved replacement trees from the protected trees. Replacement trees may be authorized in accordance with RMC 4-4- 130H1e, Replacement Requirements, and the number of replacement trees shall be determined pursuant to any planned replanting areas in accordance with RMC 4-4-130H1c, Calculating Tree Retention. 18. Arborist Report: A report prepared by a certified arborist or licensed landscape architect that correlates with the Tree Retention/Land Clearing Plan and identifies size, species, health, and reason for any removal. The report shall identify the limits of disturbance for all retained trees. 19. Wetland Assessment: A wetland assessment includes the following: a. A description of the project and maps at a scale no smaller than one inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200') showing the entire parcel of land owned by the applicant and the wetland ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 8 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff boundary surveyed by a qualified surveyor, and pursuant to RMC 4-3-050F2, Plans and Studies Required; b. A description of the vegetative cover of the wetland and adjacent area including identification of the dominant plant and animal species; c. A site plan for the proposed activity at a scale no smaller than one inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200') showing the location, width, depth and length of all existing and proposed structures, roads, stormwater management facilities, sewage treatment and installations within the wetland and its buffer; d. The exact locations and specifications for all activities associated with site development including the type, extent and method of operations; e. Elevations of the site and adjacent lands within the wetland and its buffer at contour intervals of no greater than five feet (5') or at a contour interval appropriate to the site topography and acceptable to the City; f. Top view and typical cross-section views of the wetland and its buffer to scale; g. The purposes of the project; h. Such other information as may be needed by the City, including but not limited to a study of hazards if present on site, the effect of any protective measures that might be taken to reduce such hazards; and any other information deemed necessary to verify compliance with the provisions of this Section. (Ord. 4587, 3-18-1996; Amd. Ord. 4835, 3-27-2000; Ord. 5137, 4-25- 2005; Ord. 5757, 6-1-2015) Note: Please provide a map and a report if ANY wetlands are located on the subject property or within 100 feet of the subject property. The wetland report/ delineation must be prepared by a qualified professional and include the information specified in RMC 4-8-120D.23. In addition, if any alteration to the wetland or buffer is proposed, a wetland mitigation plan is also required. See RMC 4-8-120D.23 for plan content requirements. 20. Standard Stream or Lake Study: A report shall be prepared by a qualified biologist and include the following information: a. Site Map: Site map(s) indicating, at a scale no smaller than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') (unless otherwise approved by the Community and Economic Development Administrator): i. The entire parcel of land owned by the applicant, including one hundred feet (100') of the abutting parcels through which the water body(ies) flow(s); ii. The ordinary high water mark (OHWM) determined in the field by a qualified consultant pursuant to RMC 4-3-050G7, Streams and Lakes, (the OHWM must also be flagged in the field); iii. Stream or lake classification, as recorded in the City of Renton’s COR Maps, the City’s online interactive mapping application available through the City’s website, for the City of Renton Water Class or RMC 4-3-090 (if unclassified, see “Supplemental Stream or Lake Study” below); iv. Topography of the site and abutting lands in relation to the stream(s) and its/their buffer(s) at contour intervals of two feet (2') where slopes are less than ten percent (10%), and of five feet (5') where slopes are ten percent (10%) or greater; v. One hundred (100) year floodplain and floodway boundaries, including one hundred feet (100') of the abutting parcels through which the water body(ies) flow(s); vi. Site drainage patterns, using arrows to indicate the direction of major drainage flow; vii. Top view and typical cross-section views of the stream or lake bed, banks, and buffers to scale; ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 9 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff viii. The vegetative cover of the entire site, including the stream or lake, banks, riparian area, and/or abutting wetland areas, extending one hundred feet (100') upstream and downstream from the property line. Include position, species, and size of all trees of at least six inch (6") caliper and larger, fifty four inches (54") above grade, and the location, size and species of all protected trees on the site that are within one hundred feet (100') of the OHWM, and the location of measures to protect trees on and abutting the site; ix. The location, width, depth, and length of all existing and proposed structures, roads, stormwater management facilities, wastewater treatment and installations in relation to the stream/lake and its/their buffer(s); and x. Location of site access, ingress and egress. b. Grading Plan: A grading plan prepared in accordance with RMC 4-8-120D7, and showing contour intervals of two feet (2') where slopes are less than ten percent (10%), and of five feet (5') where slopes are ten percent (10%) or greater. c. Stream or Lake Assessment Narrative: A narrative report, formatted to eight and one-half inches (8.5") by eleven inches (11"), shall be prepared to accompany the site plan and describes: i. The stream or lake classification as recorded in the City of Renton’s COR Maps, the City’s online interactive mapping application available through the City’s website, for the City of Renton Water Class or RMC 4-3-090; ii. The vegetative cover of the site, including the stream or lake, banks, riparian area, wetland areas, and flood hazard areas extending one hundred feet (100') upstream and downstream from the property line, including the impacts of the proposal on the identified vegetation; iii. The ecological functions currently provided by the stream/lake and existing riparian area and the impacts of the proposal on the identified ecological functions; iv. Observed or reported fish and wildlife that make use of the area including, but not limited to, salmonids, mammals, and bird nesting, breeding, and feeding/foraging areas, including the impacts of the proposal on the identified fish and wildlife; v. Measures to protect trees, as defined in RMC 4-11-200, and vegetation; and vi. For shorelines regulated under RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations, the study shall demonstrate if the proposal meets the criteria of no net loss of ecological functions as described in RMC 4-3-090D2. If the proposal requires mitigation for substantial impacts to the existing vegetation buffer in order to demonstrate no net loss of ecological functions, a supplemental stream or lake study is required. Note: Please provide a report containing the information specified in RMC Section 4-8-120D.19. In addition, if the project involves an unclassified stream, a supplemental stream or lake study is also required. If any alteration to a water-body or buffer is proposed a supplemental stream or lake study and mitigation plan are also required. 21. Flood Hazard Data: Flood hazard data includes: a. Plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area in question; existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage facilities, and the location of the foregoing; b. Elevation in relation to mean sea level of the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures; ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 10 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff c. Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure has been floodproofed; d. Certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that the floodproofing methods criteria in RMC 4-3-050I3c; and for any nonresidential structure meet the floodproofing; and e. Description of the extent to which a watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development. 22. Biological Assessment/Critical Areas Study: Projects with the potential to impact fish (Chinook salmon, bull trout, steelhead trout), unexpected, new, rare or other endangered species habitat (bald eagles) shall provide a biological assessment/critical area study. The purpose of this assessment is to determine whether a proposed action is likely to: (1) adversely affect listed or de-listed species or designated critical habitat; (2) jeopardize the continued existence of species that are proposed for listing, or unexpected, new or rare species; or (3) adversely modify proposed critical habitat. A biological assessment/critical area study is a written study that evaluates the proposal, all probable impacts and risks related to the critical area, and recommends appropriate mitigation measures to adequately protect the functions and values of the critical area, and preserve anadromous fish and their habitat. The assessment/study shall be prepared by a person with experience and training in the scientific discipline appropriate for the relevant critical area in accordance with WAC 365-195- 095(4). A qualified professional must have obtained a B.S. or B.A. or equivalent degree in biology, engineering, environmental studies, fisheries, geomorphology, biological assessment, or related field, and have at least five (5) years of related work experience. a. A qualified professional for wetlands must be a professional wetland scientist with at least two (2) years of full-time work experience as a wetlands professional, including delineating wetlands using the federal manuals and supplements, preparing wetlands reports, conducting function assessments, and developing and implementing mitigation plans. b. A qualified professional for Habitat conservation must have a degree in biology or a related degree and professional experience related to the subject species. c. A qualified professional for a geological hazard must be a professional engineer or geologist, licensed in the state of Washington. d. A qualified professional for Wellhead Protection Areas means a hydrogeologist, geologist, engineer, or other scientist with experience in preparing hydrogeologic assessments. The assessment/study shall use scientifically valid methods and studies in the analysis of critical area data and field reconnaissance and reference the source of the material used. Best available science is that scientific information applicable to the critical area prepared by local state or federal natural agencies or a qualified scientific professional that is consistent with the criteria established in WAC 395-195-900 through 365-195-925. The assessment/study shall contain, at a minimum, the following information, as applicable: a. The name and contact information of the applicant; b. The dates, names, and qualifications of the persons preparing the assessment/study and documentation of any fieldwork performed on the site; c. A description of the proposal and identification of the permits requested; d. A site plan showing: i. Identified critical areas, buffers and the development proposal with dimensions; ii. Topography at two-foot (2') intervals; iii. Limits of any areas to be cleared/impacted; and ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 11 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff iv. A description of the proposed stormwater management plan for the development and consideration of impacts to drainage alterations; e. Accurate identification, location, and characterization of critical areas, water bodies, and buffers adjacent to the proposed project area or potentially impacted by the proposed project; f. A statement specifying the accuracy of the assessment/study, assumptions used in the assessment/study, and explaining how best available science has been incorporated; g. Determination of the degree of hazard and risk from the proposal both on the site and on surrounding properties; h. An assessment of the probable cumulative impacts to the critical areas, their buffers and other properties resulting from the proposal; i. An evaluation of the project’s compliance with sections 7 and 9 of the Endangered Species Act; j. A description of reasonable efforts made to apply mitigation sequencing to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to critical areas; k. Plans for adequate mitigation to offset any impacts and an explanation of how best management practices will be used to minimize impacts to critical area; and l. Recommendations for maintenance, short-term and long-term monitoring, contingency plans and security requirements. 23. Geotechnical Report: A study prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practices and stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington which includes soils and slope stability analysis, boring and test pit logs, and recommendations on slope setbacks, foundation design, retaining wall design, material selection, and all other pertinent elements. If the evaluation involves geologic evaluations or interpretations, the report shall be reviewed and approved by a geologist. Further recommendations, additions or exceptions to the original report based on the plans, site conditions, or other supporting data shall be signed and sealed by the geotechnical engineer. If the geotechnical engineer who reviews the plans and specifications is not the same engineer who prepared the geotechnical report, the new engineer shall, in a letter to the City accompanying the plans and specifications, express his or her agreement or disagreement with the recommendations in the geotechnical report and state that the plans and specifications conform to his or her recommendations. If the site contains a geologic hazard regulated by the critical areas regulations, the preparation and content requirements of RMC 4-8-120D, Table 18 shall also apply. If the site is within a channel migration zone, within shoreline jurisdiction, the geotechnical report shall also include a geomorphic assessment by a Washington State licensed geologist with engineering geology or hydrogeology specialty license plus experience in conducting fluvial geomorphic assessments. 24. Habitat Data Report: If the project site contains or abuts a critical habitat per RMC 4-3-050F.2.b, please provide a report containing the information specified in RMC 4-8-120D.8. 25. Utilities Plan, Generalized: A plan drawn on twenty two inch by thirty four inch (22" x 34") plan sheets using a graphic scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') (or other scale or size approved by the Planning Division’s Development Engineering Manager or designee) clearly showing all existing (to remain) and proposed public or private improvements to be dedicated or sold to the public including, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, refuse areas, signage, freestanding lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, etc., along the full property frontage. The finished floor elevations for each floor of proposed and existing (to remain) structures shall be shown. (Amd. Ord. 4835, 3-27-2000) ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 12 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff 26. Drainage Control Plan: Plans drawn to scale and stamped by a State of Washington licensed engineer and complying with the requirements of RMC 4-6-030, Drainage (Surface Water) Standards, and the 2017 Surface Water Design Manual as adopted and amended by the City of Renton. (Amd. Ord. 4835, 3-27-2000; Ord. 5526, 2-1-2010) 27. Drainage Report: A report stamped by a State of Washington licensed engineer complying with the requirements stipulated by the City of Renton Survey and Drafting Standards, RMC 4-6-030, and the 2017 King County Surface Water Design Manual as adopted and amended by the City of Renton. The report (TIR) shall contain the following: • Table of Contents • Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet • Section 1: Project Overview • Section 2: Conditions and Requirements Summary • Section 3: Offsite Analysis • Section 4: Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design • Section 5: Conveyance System Analysis and Design • Section 6: Special Reports and Studies • Section 7: Other Permit • Section 8: CSWPPP Analysis and Design • Section 9: Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant • Section 10: Operations and Maintenance Manual. 28. Grading Plan: A twenty two inch by thirty four inch (22" x 34") plan drawn by a State of Washington licensed civil engineer at a scale of one inch to forty feet (1" to 40') (horizontal feet) and one inch to ten feet (1" to 10') (vertical feet) (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Planning Division Development Engineering Manager or designer) clearly indicating the following: a. Graphic scale and north arrow; b. Dimensions of all property lines, easements, and abutting streets; c. Location and dimension of all on-site structures and the location of any structures within fifteen feet (15') of the subject property or which may be affected by the proposed work; d. Accurate existing and proposed contour lines drawn at five foot (5'), or less, intervals showing existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage to include surrounding off- site contours within one hundred feet (100') of the site; e. Location of natural drainage systems, including perennial and intermittent streams, the presence of bordering vegetation, and floodplains; f. Setback areas and any areas not to be disturbed, including the location, size and species of all protected trees on site. Protected trees shall have the approximate drip line shown. The method of tree protection during grading and construction shall be shown. If grade changes in the vicinity of the protected trees are necessary, the method of reconciling the drip line with the finished elevation shall be included (see RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations); g. Finished contours drawn at five foot (5') intervals as a result of grading; h. Proposed drainage channels and related construction with associated underground storm lines sized and connections shown; and i. General notes addressing the following (may be listed on the cover sheet): i. Area in square feet of the entire property. ii. Area of work in square feet. iii. Both the number of tons and cubic yards of soil to be added, removed, or relocated. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 13 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 All Application Materials Required Unless Waived by City Staff REVIEW PROCESS Once a complete land use application package has been accepted for initial review, the Planning Division will post one notice of the pending application at or near the subject site and mail notices to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. The proposal will be routed to other City departments and other jurisdictions or agencies that may have an interest in the application. The reviewers have two (2) weeks to return their comments to the Planning Division. Within approximately two weeks, the Planning Division will prepare a report regarding the proposal’s compliance with applicable codes and the City’s review criteria. The application will then be presented to the City’s Environmental Review Committee. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) is comprised of the Administrator of Public Works, the Administrator of Community and Economic Development, the Administrator of Community Services, and the Fire Chief. The Committee is responsible for determining whether the proposal will result in significant adverse environmental impacts. To do this, the committee will consider such issues as environmental health hazards, wetlands, groundwater, energy and natural resources and will then issue its decision (Environmental Threshold Determination). The Environmental Review Committee will either issue a: • Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)- Make a determination the proposal will have no significant negative environmental impacts; or • Mitigated Determination of Non- Significance (DNS-M)-Make a determination the proposal, if modified, would have no significant negative environmental impacts; or • Determination of Significance (DS)-Make a determination the proposal will have significant adverse environmental impacts and require the applicant to submit an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared by a qualified consultant. Once the Environmental Review Committee has issued its Environmental Threshold Determination (provided an EIS is not required), a public notice of the Determination is issued and posted at or near the site. A 14-day appeal period commences following the publication date. At the discretion of the City, a separate and additional 15-day comment period may be added prior to the 14-day appeal period. The remainder of the review process iv. Type and location of fill origin, and destination of any soil to be removed from site. v. Finished floor elevation(s) of all structures, existing and proposed. 29. Traffic Study: A report prepared by a State of Washington licensed engineer containing the elements and information identified in the City of Renton “Policy Guidelines for Traffic Impact Analysis of New Development” in sufficient detail to define potential problems related to the proposed development and identify the improvements necessary to accommodate the development in a safe and efficient manner. 30. Colored Rendering: A computer-generated exterior color view of the proposed building(s), site, and landscaping in three (3) dimensional form. 31. Urban Design Regulations Review Packet: A set of submission materials required for projects subject to the Urban Design Regulations in RMC 4-3-100: a. Site plan, land use review; b. Elevations, architectural; c. Floor plans general; d. Narrative outlining how the applicant’s proposal addresses the City’s Urban Design Regulations. Note: Urban Design Regulation Check List can be found at https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Renton/html/Renton04/Renton0403/Renton0403100.ht ml ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS (CONT’D ) Page 14 of 14 | Published: 1/6/2021 Note: This handout shall not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The Applicant is responsible for compliance with all codes and regulations, whether or not described in this document. differs depending on whether a public hearing is required. Section 4-2-060 of the Renton Municipal Code stipulates whether or not a public hearing is required. Appeal and Reconsideration Process For Decisions: Any person, including the applicant, aggrieved by the granting or denial of an application, may make a written application for reconsideration to the Reviewing Official within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the decision. After review of the request, the Reviewing Official may take whatever action is deemed proper. The Reviewing Official’s written decision on the reconsideration request will be mailed to all parties of record within ten (10) days from the date the request was filed. If any party is still not satisfied after a reconsideration decision has been issued, an appeal may be submitted within fourteen (14) days to the City Clerk’s Office. An appeal may be filed without first requesting reconsideration by the Reviewing Official; however, it must be filed within fourteen (14) days of the date when the original decision was issued. See Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-8-110 for further information on the appeal process and time frames. Building and Construction Permit Issuance and Installation Od Improvements: In the City of Renton, a Building Permit must be obtained to build buildings and structures. A Construction Permit must be obtained to install utility lines, transportation improvements and undertake work in City rights-of-way. Building and Construction Permits are separate permits. Applicants are required to receive all land use permits and all appeal periods shall pass prior to applying for building and construction permits. Deferral of Improvements: If a developer wishes to defer certain on-site or off-site improvements (i.e. landscaping, curbs and sidewalks), written application with full and complete engineering drawings must be submitted to the Planning Division. The application should explain the reasons why such delay is necessary. If approval is granted, security in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, set-aside fund, assignment of funds, certified check or other type of security acceptable to the City shall be furnished to the City in an amount equal to a minimum of 150% of the estimated cost of the required improvements. RESOURCES City of Renton Forms Electronic File Standards