HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE Tiffany Park Early Clear and Grade 16055Ann, Sorry for the confusion around the basin area breakdowns for the TESC pond sizing’s. Referencing the calculations located within Exhibit H of the revised SWPPP we have provided the Input and Output files for both basins at 15-Minute time steps. The Basin Map included within that sections shows the respective tributary areas for each pond and their impervious/pervious coverage, which matches the input files. Please note that the Impervious areas shown include only the Right of Way (roadway & walkways) area. The remaining areas were considered to be Till Grass (Lawn). The reasoning behind this is that the lot areas will be hydroseeded during the periods in which these temporary erosion control ponds are in use. The homes and their associated impervious areas will not be in place during this phase of construction and it therefore seems unnecessary to oversize these temporary ponds for increased peak flows they will not encounter. The detention vault will be implemented as the permanent form of flow control prior to home construction. Let me know if this answers your questions or if you require any additional information. Thank you, Rob Gonia, EIT|Design Engineer Barghausen Consulting Engineers Office: (425) 251-6222 | Fax: (425) 251-8782 From: Barry Talkington Sent: Monday, May 01, 2017 11:18 AM To: Ann Fowler Cc: Barbara Yarington (Barbara.Yarington@mainvuehomes.com); Tom Barghausen; Rob Gonia Subject: RE: Tiffany Park Early Clear and Grade 16055 Thanks Ann. Rob will get you that info ASAP. Barry From: Ann Fowler [mailto:AFowler@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, May 01, 2017 11:18 AM To: Barry Talkington Cc: Barbara Yarington (Barbara.Yarington@mainvuehomes.com); Tom Barghausen; Rob Gonia Subject: RE: Tiffany Park Early Clear and Grade 16055 Barry – Mona and I are reviewing the revised plans now. Once the plans are approved, the final permit fees will need to be paid, the performance bond/surety posted and a pre-construction meeting will need to be held. I do have a question on the sediment pond sizing. The manual requires the developed condition 2-year peak flow using 15-minute time steps (at a minimum). The input criteria for the pervious/imperviou s areas does not appear to match the proposed developed conditions. Can you clarify the area breakdown used? ~Thanks Ann Fowler Civil Engineer II | CED AFowler@Rentonwa.gov | Phone: (425) 430-7382 P Please consider the environment before printing this email ELECTRONIC PLAN SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW HAS BEGUN! For more information on Electronic Plan Review, please click here <http://secure-web.cisco.com/1j-1Yxj6ORG1AryDgnuRKDjsqPKuO683qARS1s9de20w5CniGowMXKF20XnKI17fIXwhaoAKGOshlRIMFKnsfMGnYw5RIWUZZjy_P5a4 ux3lzz-dyguB3D8M1FbReNEjbNSkqdW9NJU534iy7EcNR48-5vQxIiEhxrylcYUMypDbel0yviiIvStfrQcbTq6uo2AGQG993ZDleV7ZcKhyBiWZaPBkeQVrXn2t_3SLqtyiqjmIthlXJxXb_CEBYTRG_00orPSsMfglVsyvne-NZWoSQqyDL3ERKh8MHaIIxm76qfq tvyaJXBdjJEiUtGmT9L-rNZW9NbeuXAt3frmilEQ/http%3A%2F%2Frentonwa.gov%2Fpaperless%2F> From: Barry Talkington [mailto:btalkington@barghausen.com] Sent: Monday, May 01, 2017 9:39 AM To: Ann Fowler <AFowler@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: Barbara Yarington (Barbara.Yarington@mainvuehomes.com) <Barbara.Yarington@mainvuehomes.com>; Tom Barghausen <tbarghausen@barghausen.com>; Rob Gonia <RGonia@barghausen.com> Subject: Tiffany Park Early Clear and Grade 16055 Good Morning Ann! As you are aware we sent you our Early Clear and Grade plans on 4/26 with the few minor corrections you requested. We are anxious to get our contractor out there to start clearing. The rodent abatement program has been completed (see attached). What are the next steps so we can get a precon set up and move forward? Thanks. Barry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Barry Talkington, P.E. Senior Project Engineer Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 18215 72nd Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 (425) 251-6222 - Phone (425) 251-8782 - Fax http://www.barghausen.com <http://www.barghausen.com/> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ �㹖뼋聾뢬粣幖䂻⽼Κ�朾桕턝볯踪ꕊ짷安쯱὏奒謆胅✇䐝�귌ꬷ�ꀒ㣼쀨윾ಎ趖赕櫰ރ뵾ㅽ෦찾襮갪㋾씉숬鎈梻Ǹu仫恌㑡�ࢯ吚ꔎ箯띆栂ꌅ늂彺奔祣�鮸ꌆ狃�ያ쿒ꍇ瞘엮䰽�亱짟躘ꘀ⑌ၲ襰닃�ᷠ䉹黣둛�²锪陓枉ᔿ얀킶䯯잦碝⬟콘猒謾ናثꎱ橢⧸뱦썇뇓鱘㒼ꊀ�卂ꨰ薯릠匓樊䀰颕죎闊军쳢찖캊所ৄ뉙饾銩㘢갴㿚쬗氦埅ꏧౘꈍ䦌Ց䴠⇥뗮澳�嫽쨎꤄뎁翠돇᩷퉴ႄﶅ荅斠ⅴဝ깒ᩎ즔轤﫠Ꮳ胘꿠建Ữ׶椼흋㥼繆蛉膄 㬪榑欌哪엷饻烓Ⲷ眈찎돩쮑蚆♟姽綁උ爍叇⵷㙔쁐蓘ᙐ廤�⠂꒓膛✠㬿ﵩ阖�㉆픱쎸ﴚ뺰嗧뤸佖ꫀ蟉襤펳脩錹薽ぃ邲驾㐓鈯𢡄손䅪뾅Ꝛ劒猡磫≐툑⁰〉튉볍鋧釃윻鈶㻬�럯꒍損ᬞᬟ짽ⲻ眛ѩﹺﯳ⽸ဳ君ꎀ狔Ꞓ樴낲ͣਛᅾᶷ痥콌ﲳ瘭贴ﷱᥳ㙣岫㒊ﰶ僱Ḣ?縹뢝蜎⎊뗙吱�᫪텝ꚏ趀顀鰒妹ȵ・贀ɀ궲⣃婙䊹⼼떴൲Յ냯䭥ʜ谉౅接쩉翝㸽⌉঩䱍䠩䡲⇒숐㘐耗䁍ᴺ钣伆�䢵ᠵ焰ŋ༐ꛅ䇼홟澇櫥德㏒曆涼밃ꐷ늲뵺伙윒帤笚 됬튙▾鉹䲵ꭱꑄ봤ꪋ쭟쯰區๋틖秮骺曁赾Ⰾ뿸왯ꀓ�䭿付﫹肨⟂䓦甆ꝩꆬ함⮐舚猹ᠹ膎汜᧯믍ꀚ級䪠㨃강㱊℧�촩﵃﹋泜쉜蜮੪⟧硅ⷍ횼䮧汃荥쪫癡衮ꍵ�ꗐ㘡ᇊ珆뿿戚臛疶껨괵촭�ꖪ꯹粎坘绛�땞덯孰뗯忴᪫㿝ﱳ 駿満ﯜ礟ⲿ븃•