HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Renton PW-Transportation Response 12-19-1712-19-17
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Development: Tiffany Park
RE: Retaining Wall
E-mail response from Barghausen:
Ann, after reviewing this with our team, I don’t believe that guardrails at the ends of the walls are
warranted. According to the AASHTO green book Clear Zones are not applicable to Local Urban Streets
(Section 5.3.4) which is exactly what this road is. The AASHTO manual does provide for Lateral Offsets on
urban streets of 1.5’ from face of curb, which we certainly comply with here. I would propose that we
install Object Markers on each end to delineate the ends of the wall to drivers and make the ends more
conspicuous. See detail below. I believe that we can lower the top of wall to the elevation of the sidewalk
which will satisfy the functionality concern of the barrier. I believe the remaining comments are minor and
can be quickly addressed with a revised plan. Can we get concurrence on what I have stated above that
these changes will result in the issuance of an approved wall permit. Thank you.
Response from City/PW/Transportation:
1. Refer to AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book), 6th
Edition, 2011, Chapter 5 – Local Roads and Streets, Section 5.3.4 Roadside Design:
Clear Zone
Clear zones are not applicable to local urban streets.
Lateral Offsets
Lateral offset is defined in Section 4.6.2. Further discussion and suggested guidance on
the application of lateral offsets is provided in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (9).
On all streets a minimum lateral offset of 0.5 m (1.5 ft) should be provided between the
curb face and obstructions such as utility poles, lighting poles, and fire hydrants. In areas
of dense pedestrian traffic, the construction of vertical curbing (typically 150 to 225 mm
(6 to 9 in.) high) aids in delineating areas with high-volume pedestrian traffic.
Trees are acceptable along local streets where speeds are 60 km/h (40 mph) or less,
where curbs are present, and where adequate sight distance is available from intersection
streets and driveways.
Guardrail is not used extensively on local streets except where there is a significant risk
to motorists and pedestrians, such as along sections with steep foreslopes and at
approaches to overcrossing structures.
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On facilities without a curb and with a shoulder width less than 1.2 m (4 ft), a minimum
lateral offset of 1.2 m (4 ft) from the edge of the traveled way should be provided.
Observations from this section in AASHTO.
The project is located on a local street. The area is designated as urban. Therefore,
AASHTO suggests that a full clear zone is not applicable. Refer to items 2 and 4 below. It
appears that AASHTO defines urban conditions to be where a street project is constructed
in a setting with established property boundaries, buildings and other permanent
appurtenances where right-of-way acquisition would be cost prohibitive. This is not really
applicable in this instance given this is a new development located on undeveloped
property. Additionally, the lateral offset is not necessarily a set 1.5 ft as indicated in the
response. There are two permanent hazards involved: 1) a drop off of approximately 20
ft; and 2) a permanent concrete barricade. Note that AASHTO lists various obstructions
but not these hazards. It goes on to suggest the application of guardrail where there is a
significant risk to motorists and pedestrians. These hazards would appear to represent a
significant risk to motorists.
2. Refer to AASHTO A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book), 6th
Edition, 2011,, Chapter 4 – Cross-Section Elements, Section 4.6.2 Lateral Offset:
In an urban environment, right-of-way is often extremely limited and in many cases it is
not practical to establish a full-width clear zone using the guidance in the AASHTO
Roadside Design Guide (13). These urban environments are characterized by sidewalks
beginning at the face of the curb, enclosed drainage, numerous fixed objects (e.g. signs,
utility poles, luminaire supports, fire hydrants, sidewalk furniture, etc.), and frequent
traffic stops. These environments typically have lower operating speeds and on-street
parking may be provided. In these environments, a lateral offset to vertical obstructions
(signs, utility poles, luminaire supports, fire hydrants, etc., including breakaway devices)
is needed to accommodate motorists operating on the roadway and parked vehicles. This
lateral offset to obstructions helps to:
• Avoid adverse impacts on vehicle lane position and encroachments into opposing or
adjacent lanes;
• Improve driveway and horizontal sight distances;
• Reduce the travel lane encroachments from occasional parked and disabled vehicles;
• Improve travel lane capacity; and
• Minimize contact between obstructions and vehicle mirrors, car doors, and trucks that
overhang the edge when turning.
Further discussion and suggested guidance on the application of lateral offsets is provided
in the Roadside Design Guide (13).
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When curb is present, the lateral offset is measured from the face of curb. The Roadside
Design Guide provides a discussion of lateral offsets where curbs are present. Traffic
barriers should be located in accordance with the Roadside Design Guide, which may
recommend that the barrier should be placed in front of or at the face of the curb.
On curbed facilities located in transition areas between rural and urban settings, there
may be opportunity to provide greater lateral offset in the placement of fixed objects.
These facilities are generally characterized by higher operating speeds and may have
sidewalks separated from the curb by a buffer strip.
On facilities without a curb and where shoulders are present, the Roadside Design Guide
provides suggested guidance concerning the provision of lateral offsets.
Observations from this section in AASHTO.
Note that this section does not discuss lateral offsets for hazards such as significant drop-
offs or concrete barricades.
3. Refer to AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Edition, 2011, Chapter 3 – Roadside Topography
and Drainage Features, 3.1 The Clear-Zone Concept, page 3-2, second paragraph:
The 1977 AASHTO Guide for Selecting, Locating, and Designing Traffic Barriers (1)
modified the earlier clear-zone concept by introducing variable clear-zone distances
based on traffic volumes, speeds, and roadside geometry. Table 3-1 can be used to
determine the suggested clear-zone distance for selected traffic volumes and speeds.
However, Table 3-1 provides only a general approximation of the needed clear-zone
distance. These data area based on limited empirical data that were extrapolated to
provide information for a wide range of conditions. The designer should keep in mind site-
specific conditions, design speeds, rural versus urban locations, and practicality. The
distances obtained from Table 3-1 should suggest only the approximate center of a range
to be considered and not a precise distance to be held as absolute. For roadways with low
traffic volumes, it may not be practical to apply even the minimum values found in Table
3-1. Refer to Chapter 12 for additional considerations for low-volume roadways and
Chapter 10 for additional guidance for urban applications.
Observations from this section in AASHTO.
Table 3-1 provides suggested clear zone distances based on design speeds, volumes and
roadside slopes. The main take away is that a designer is has some leeway to consider the
site specific conditions.
4. Refer to AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Edition, 2011, Chapter 10 – Roadside Safety in
Urban or Restricted Environments, 10.0 Overview, page 10-2, third paragraph:
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Section 2.1.2 mentions that the highway designer has a significant degree of control over
roadside geometry and appurtenances. That statement is more applicable for rural
conditions and especially so for new rural highways. In urban or restricted conditions, the
roadside environment (e.g., houses, businesses, trees, utility poles, signals, walkways) is
already established and less flexible. Consequently, the designer has the challenge of
providing roadside safety given the many preexisting constraints at hand.
Observations from this section in AASHTO.
The highlighted statement assumes a project is being constructed within an existing
corridor with established features. It does not appear to apply to a new development,
even though located within an urban setting.
5. Refer to AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Edition, 2011, Chapter 10 – Roadside Safety in
Urban or Restricted Environments, 10.1 Evaluation of Critical Urban Roadside Locations, first
Although the clear roadside concept is still the goal of the designer, many compromises
are likely in urban or restricted environment areas. One misconception is that a curb with
a 0.5 m (1.5 ft) lateral offset behind it satisfies the clear roadside concept. Realistically,
curbs have limited redirectional capabilities and these occur only at low speeds,
approximately 40 km/h (25 mph) or lower. Consequently, fixed objects located adjacent
to the travel lane, even in the presence of curbs, pose a potential hazard. Achieving the
clear zone distances suggested in Chapter 3 may be unlikely in an urban setting. As a
result, a secondary goal for roadside design in an urban setting is to identify critical urban
roadside locations – those that are more prone to crashes – and give these locations
priority attention for roadside safety improvements. One way to achieve this improved
safety is to establish specific lateral offsets for unique urban locations where the roadside
is not shielded by features such as on-street parking.
Observations from this section in AASHTO.
A lateral offset of 1.5 ft does not necessarily satisfy design requirements for roadside
safety in this case.
6. Refer to AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Edition, 2011, Chapter 10 – Roadside Safety in
Urban or Restricted Environments, Obstacles in Close Proximity to Curb Face of Lane
Historically, the lateral distance value (referred to as an operational offset) of 0.5 m (1.5
ft) has been considered a minimum lateral distance for placing the edge of objects from
the curb face. This minimum lateral offset was never intended to represent an acceptable
safety design criteria, though sometimes it has been misinterpreted as such. In a
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constrained urban environment, there is still a need to position rigid objects as far away
from the active traveled way as possible.
Research (5) has shown that in an urban environment, approximately 80 percent of
roadside crashes involved an object with a lateral offset from the curb face equal or less
than 1.2 m (4 ft) and more than 90 percent of urban roadside crashes have a lateral offset
less than or equal to 1.8 m (6 ft). Objects located on the outside of curves also are hit
more frequently than at other locations. It seems prudent, therefore, to achieve larger
lateral offsets at these curve locations. As Figure 10-1 illustrates, a recommended goal is
to achieve at least a 1.8 m (6 ft) lateral offset from the face of the curb at these outside-
of-curve locations while maintain at least a 1.2 m (4 ft) lateral offset elsewhere. For urban
locations without a vertical curb, lateral offsets of 3.6 m (12 ft) on the outside of
horizontal curves and 2.4 m (8 ft) at tangent locations are reasonable goals when the clear
zone widths suggested in Chapter 3 cannot be achieved.
In addition to creating a wider lateral offset on the outside of horizontal curves, attention
should be paid to sight distances at the inside of sharp horizontal curves to assure that it
is not obstructed by roadside objects. As indicated in Figure 10-1, a driver’s line of sight
that is suitable to provide the required stopping sight distance should be maintained.
Observations from this section in AASHTO.
A minimum lateral offset of 1.5 ft does not represent an acceptable safety design criterial
according to AASHTO. For urban setting AASHTO recommends a minimum lateral offset
of 6-ft for the outside of a curve. On the inside of curve, the lateral offset depends on
stopping sight distance.
7. Refer to AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Edition, 2011, Chapter 5 – Roadside Barriers, 5.2
Barrier Recommendations:
Barrier recommendations are based on the premise that a traffic barrier should generally
be installed if it reduces the severity of potential crashes. It is important to note that the
probability or frequency of run-off-the-road crashes is not directly related to the severity
of potential crashes. The mere installation of barriers could lead to higher incident rates
due to the proximity of the barriers to the traveled way.
Typically, barrier recommendations have been based on a subjective analysis of certain
roadside elements or conditions. A barrier is considered if the consequences of a vehicle
striking a fixed object or running off the road are believed to be more serious than hitting
a traffic barriers. While this approach can be used, often there are instances where it is
not immediately obvious whether the barrier of the unshielded conditions presents the
greater risk. Furthermore, the subjective method does not directly consider either the
probability of a crash occurring or the costs associated with shielded and unshielded
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Barrier installation criteria may also be established by using a benefit-cost analysis (B/C)
whereby factors, such as design speed and traffic volume, can be evaluated in relation to
barrier need. Costs associated with the barrier, such as installation costs, maintenance
costs, and crash costs, are compared to similar costs without barriers. This procedure is
typically used to evaluate three options: (1) remove or reduce the area of concern so that
it no longer requires shielding, (2) install an appropriate barrier, or (3) leave the area of
concern unshielded. The third option would normally be cost-effective only on facilities
with low volume, low speed, or both, or where engineering studies show the probability
of crashes is low. The Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) is an analysis procedure
that can be used to compare several alternative safety treatments and provide guidance
to the designer in selecting an appropriate design.
Observations from this section in AASHTO.
Due to the potential catastrophic result of an errant vehicle leaving the street and falling
off of the retaining wall, the decision was made to install a concrete traffic barricade on
top of the retaining wall. The lateral offset from the face of curb to the back face of
retaining wall is approximately 7.5-ft. This is more than the lateral offset distance of 6-ft
discussed in item 6, above.
The engineer of record is responsible for the design of the appropriate roadside safety
elements for this project. A guardrail protecting the ends of the concrete traffic barricade
would protect errant vehicles from two hazards: (1) ends of the concrete traffic barricades;
(2) drop off at the face of rockeries at the ends of the retaining wall. If the engineer of record
is comfortable with a lateral offset of approximately 7.5-ft to both hazards, and believes that
the site conditions, ADT and speed, justify no additional roadside safety features, the
engineer of record should provide a written statement stating this and site the applicable
design guide sections as justification. This statement shall be stamped and signed by the
engineer of record and will be entered in the permanent records for this retaining wall.