HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 13 Mar 2023 - Agenda - Pdf CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - Committee of the Whole Meeting 6:00 PM - Monday, March 13, 2023 7th Floor Council Chambers/Videoconference 1. INCLUSION AND EQUITY UPDATE a) Presentation If you would like to attend this week's meeting remotely, you can do so by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86753290028?pwd=M2pOc09HWWNrY05uVnlIWnpGS1E4UT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 867 5329 0028, Passcode: 881839 You can call through Zoom at (253) 215-8782 and use the Meeting ID. Presenters: Benita Rodriguez Horn Maryjane Van Cleave AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Background Recommendations, Rationale, Leads Discussion AGENDA ITEM #1. a) City of Renton contracted with Benita R. Horn in May 2014 for consulting services to move the needle on the goal of Inclusion by: Supporting systemic approaches within the city for achieving equitable outcomes in policies, programs and procedures. Providing and/or arranging for training to provide staff with tools and resources for incorporating equity and inclusion into their day-to-day work. Envisioning and implementing endeavors, activities and events that engaged community members in partnership with the City. Providing technical assistance and support to the Mayor, Council, Administrators, staff, boards & commissions, community partners and residents resulting in equitable outcomes. The final annual contract for these services completes on March 31, 2023. This presentation provides high level recommendations for building on work that has been done to continue forward movement on the goal of Inclusion. AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Continue external and internal Inclusion assessments to track progress on the goal of Inclusion and to aid in affirming progress on this goal. Use existing data from recent related assessments to minimize duplication and include a survey of staff. Rationale & Lead: A high level assessment was conducted in 2014 that included Council, Mayor, Administrators and their direct reports, community partners and residents. Staff were not included. Lead: EHHS/EXECUTIVE SERVICES AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Continue to ensure Administrators and Council have input on the knowledge and skills they desire to champion and lead equity and inclusion in the City. Rationale & Lead: In 2014 Administrators helped design and co- facilitate Inclusion workshops as a way to deepen their own knowledge and skills. All Council members attended this workshop. As a result of turnover, few of the initial Administrators and Council members are still in place. Lead: HRRM/EHHS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Continue to establish and expand on quantitative and qualitative metrics to track and regularly report progress on equity and inclusion. Rationale & Lead: In 2014 Administrators reported making some progress on the goal of Inclusion but felt a gap existed in consistently and uniformly gathering and reporting meaningful outcomes. This resulted in ongoing staff conversations and research that have created the foundation for moving forward on this recommendation. Lead: EHHS/EXECUTIVE SERVICES AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Continue to use and expand use of the Renton Equity Lens to support authentic community engagement and equitable outcomes in planning, projects, policy development and policy updates. Rationale & Lead: Renton Equity Lens (REL) was created in 2016; used to analyze hiring practices in 2017 and used to form the Equity Commission. From 2020 to 2021 staff were provided overviews of the REL. In October 2022 an expert in project management spent a full day training staff and project teams to use the REL in planning and project management. Staff are now equipped and can be accountable for using the REL. Lead: ELT/EHHS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Administrators, Council and Council Committees can consistently ask questions supporting use of the Renton Equity Lens, leading to equitable outcomes on recommendations presented to them. Rationale & Lead: Accountability becomes the norm through leadership coaching for success. Suggested questions: How and when was the Renton Equity Lens (REL) applied to this recommendation? How were stakeholders identified? At what point were stakeholders engaged in the process? How? What were the outcomes of the REL analysis? What strategies were put in place to mitigate unintended consequences? Lead: ELT/COUNCIL/EHHS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Standardize and schedule essential Inclusion workshops annually to keep up with turnover in staff, boards & commissions and Council (Inclusion Foundation Workshop, Renton Equity Lens Overview, Language Line, etc.). Rationale & Lead: In recent years staff turnover has been high; in November and January I led workshops for 120 new hires. To keep pace, regular versus “on call” training should be established on a City annual training calendar and/or added to the curriculum for NEO that is currently scheduled 3 times each year. Lead: HRRM/EHHS/EXECUTIVE SERVICES AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Continue making inclusive contracting a priority. Track and quantify results on contracting with minority, women-owned and disadvantaged small businesses (M/WBE and DBE). Act with urgency to provide equitable access and remove barriers to purchasing and contracting. Rationale & Lead: In 2017 Finance (ASD) began taking steps toward the goal of improving access to city purchasing and contracting services. In 2021 they held a workshop on Navigating City Contracting for M/WBE & DBE contractors. Progress was paused for the biennial budget process. Lead: FINANCE/EXECUTIVE SERVICES/EHHS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Explore the efficacy of operating agreements for city work groups, boards & commissions resulting in shared expectations of behavior and a foundation for collective and individual feedback and growth. Rational & Lead: Two Commissions already have operating agreements; one for several years and one recently adopted. The impact has been clarity on providing feedback and assessing productive behavior in these groups. Lead: EXECUTIVE SERVICES/EHHS (a proposal for this process has already been completed).AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Conduct research on a process for uniformly compensating certain community members for time spent on boards & commissions or providing input for various city engagement efforts. Rationale & Lead: An increasing number of jurisdictions have already implemented such a process to affirm the value of resident time spent contributing to city planning and projects. Renton currently does this for most community engagement activities. Lead: EXECUTIVE SERVICES/FINANCE AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Continue to use the Renton Business Plan to set priorties for Council and staff to align work throughout the city. Rationale & Lead: The Renton Business Plan Goals set the overarching priorities for the city and determines allocation of resources. Continue to use the Business Plan as a guide for the day-to-day work of each staff member. Lead: EXECUTIVE SERVICES/EHHS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) Continue to support and expand relationships with various groups of Renton residents to further community engagement and the voice of community in city government. Rationale & Lead: Since 2014 the City has helped launch community groups (MITF, RAAP, Latino Forum, Vietnamese/Chinese Forum) and partnered with others (LGBTQIA+ Community, Renton-King County Alliance for Justice, faith groups, youth groups, etc.). The value of input from these groups and partnering with them for city events and events in their respective communities has been tangible. Lead: EXECUTIVE SERVICES/ EHHS AGENDA ITEM #1. a) To what extent will these recommendations, once implemented, lead to your vision of equitable outcomes in the City of Renton?AGENDA ITEM #1. a)