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Contract - Volume 1
ContractNo.:CAG-22-265ContractProvisionsAwardAmount:AwardDate:AwardTo:PARKAVENUENEXTENSIONApedforBidApprovedforConstructionDate:Date:Submittedto:CityofRenton1055SouthGradyWayRenton,Washington98057Submittedby:7PERTEETPERTEETCOM801SECONDAVENUE.SUITE302SEATTLEWA98104206 4360515—CITYOF—Renton0PublicWorksDepartmentTransportationSystemsDivisionGeneralBidInformation:BuildersExchangeofWashington,Inc.(425)258-1303CityContact:HebéBernardo(425)430-7232ConsultantContact:PeterDeBoldt,P.E.(206)436-0515CityofRentonCONFORMED SET$3,636,341.81February 27, 2023Olson Brothers Excavating, Inc.6622 112th Street EastPuyallup, WA 98373DocuSign Envelope ID: E37B56EA-5943-4F13-B3C1-4ED607C321132/28/2023 | 2:43 PM PST CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON CONTRACT PROVISIONS for the Park Avenue N Extension November 2022 CITY OF RENTON 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 11/16/2022 Park Avenue N Extension Table of Contents CAG-22-265 November 2022 CITY OF RENTON Park Avenue N Extension Table of Contents VOLUME I I. CALL FOR BIDS II. INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS 1. INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS 2. SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY, CITY OF RENTON 3. SUMMARY OF AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT POLICY, CITY OF RENTON III. PROJECT PROPOSAL 1. * PROJECT PROPOSAL COVER SHEET 2. * PROPOSAL 3. * SCHEDULE OF PRICES 4. * NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION 5. * LOCAL AGENCY SUBCONTRACTOR LIST 6. * PROPOSAL FOR INCORPORATING RECYCLED MATERIALS INTO THE PROJECT 7. * CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION, WAGE LAW COMPLIANCE – RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA, WASHINGTON STATE PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS 8. * PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE 9. * PROPOSAL BID BOND IV. AGREEMENT FORMS 1. AGREEMENT 2. CONTRACT BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON 3. FAIR PRACTICES POLICY AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE * Submit as part of the bid. Submit within 10 days after Award. V. CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS 1. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Park Avenue N Extension Table of Contents CAG-22-265 November 2022 APPENDICES A – PREVAILING HOURLY MINIMUM WAGE RATES B – STANDARD PLANS (CITY OF RENTON AND WSDOT) C – POTHOLING DATA D – GEOTECHNICAL REPORT E – CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER GENERAL PERMIT F – BOEING ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS G – MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS H – BNSF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINENTANCE AGREEMENT I – BOEING PERMANENT EASEMENT J – DEWATERING PERMIT VOLUME II – PLANS City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ I. CALL FOR BIDS Park Avenue N Extension Call for Bids CAG-22-265 November 2022 CITY OF RENTON Park Avenue N Extension CAG-22-265 CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 PM on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at the lobby of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. All supplemental documents, that are allowed to be submitted after this date and time, shall be received at the lobby of Renton City Hall. Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read via Zoom video-conferencing web application (meeting information below) at 1:00 PM on Thursday, December 15, 2022. Any bids received after the published bid submittal time cannot be considered and will not be accepted. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85856163180?pwd=QXVzRTZTeWxiZlZFOWs4WW5oK20vUT09 Meeting ID: 858 5616 3180 Passcode: 617894 Approved plans, specifications, addenda, and plan holders list for this project are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc., at http://www.bxwa.com. Click on bxwa.com; Posted Projects; Public Works; City of Renton; Projects Bidding. (Note: Bidders are encouraged to Register as a Bidder, in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the Bidders List). Contact Builders Exchange of Washington at 425-258-1303 should you require further assistance. The City of Renton in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award. The improvement for which bids will be received is described below: Construct the Park Avenue N Extension project. The work includes but is not limited to: excavation; grading; sawcutting; removal of pavement; removal of concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk; water main installation; storm drainage installation; illumination system installation; traffic signal system installation; forming and placement of concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk and ADA curb ramps; paving with asphalt; paving with cement concrete; adjustments to utility frames, grates and covers; installation of street channelization; property restoration and all other work necessary to complete the Work as specified and shown in the Contract Provisions. The Work includes construction within the BNSF right of way. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk Published: November 10, 2022 and November 17, 2022 Daily Journal of Commerce Renton Reporter (online) 1 1 1 Addendum 1 (December 2, 2022) City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ II. INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS Park Avenue N Extension Information and Checklist for Bidders CAG-22-265 Page 1 of 4 November 2022 INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS The following supplements the information in the Call for Bids: 1. Special Project Information. The Contract Documents, including Standard Specifications, and all applicable laws and regulations apply to this project. The following items particular to this project are repeated here for emphasis: a. Prevailing Wages. This project has does not include federal funding. Therefore, only State Prevailing Wages must be paid on this project. The Prevailing Wages in effect at time of Advertisement are provided in Appendix A. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to obtain wage information for any work classifications that are not included. b. Coordination and Compliance with BNSF. This project involves work across and within BNSF right of way, including paving, trenching, and utility work. See the special provisions and Appendix H for BNSF requirements for the Contractor during construction, regarding scheduling, and for insurance. The Contractor, and all Subcontractors performing work within BNSF right of way, shall adhere to the requirements of Exhibit C and shall sign Exhibit C-1 within Appendix H. c. Boeing Insurance Requirements. The Contactor shall comply with the Boeing insurance requirements listed in Section 8.2 of the permanent easement on Boeing’s property. See Appendix I. d. Access during Construction. The Contractor shall maintain access for Boeing delivery vehicles during construction. See the special provisions and Plans for more information. e. Notice to Proceed Conditions. Contractor shall proceed with submittal review and material acquisition after execution of the Contract. Notice to Proceed will be issued when all necessary materials are in hand. f. NPDES Permit. The City of Renton will secure the NPDES permit and will be the sole owner of the permit. The Contractor shall abide by and be considered the operator of the construction site as described in the permit. The City of Renton shall file the Notice of Intent. See Special Provisions Section 1-07.6 for details. 2. Any prospective Bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the Bid Documents, shall request the explanation or interpretation in writing by the close of business five (5) business days preceding the bid opening to allow a written reply to reach all prospective Bidders before the submission of their Bids. Oral explanations, interpretations, or instructions given by anyone before the Award of Contract will not be binding on the City of Renton. 3. If a bidder has any questions regarding the project, the bidder may either: Submit questions in writing to Renton City Hall – Transportation Systems, 1055 S Grady Park Avenue N Extension Information and Checklist for Bidders CAG-22-265 Page 2 of 4 November 2022 Way, Renton, WA 98057, Attn: Hebé Bernardo, or Submit questions via e-mail: mailto: HBernardo@Rentonwa.gov. Put “Park Avenue N Extension” in the subject line No other type of inquiry will be accepted. 4. All bids must be self-explanatory. Partial bids will not be accepted. No opportunity will be offered for oral explanation except as the City of Renton may request further information on particular points. The bidder shall, upon request, furnish information to the City of Renton as to their financial and practical ability to satisfactorily perform the work. 5. The construction contract will be awarded by the City of Renton to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. The total bid amount of all schedules combined will be used to determine the low bidder. 6. The City of Renton reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any and/or all informalities. 7. Payment for this work will be made in cash warrants. 8. Bidders are not required to be in possession of a current City of Renton business license in order to bid on City projects. However, Contractors and all subcontractors of all tiers must be in possession of a current City business license while conducting work in the City. 9. Bidding Checklist Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name and address of the Bidder, and the name and number of the project for which the bid is submitted. It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed below and in the Table of Contents are included in their copy of the Contract Provisions. If documents are missing, it is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to contact the City of Renton to obtain the missing documents prior to the date and time that bids are due. The following documents shall be submitted with the bid. a. Project Proposal Cover Sheet - The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. b. Proposal – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. c. Schedule of Prices – The form(s) included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. Bidders must bid on all schedules and items shown on the Schedule of Prices. If any unit price is left blank, it will be considered no charge for that bid item, regardless of what has been placed in the extension column. Park Avenue N Extension Information and Checklist for Bidders CAG-22-265 Page 3 of 4 November 2022 d. Non-Collusion Declaration – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. e. Local Agency Subcontractor List - This form is available at http://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html. Bidder may download, print and complete the form to include with Bid. The DOT Form, DOT Form Number and revision date must match the form included in these Bid Documents, otherwise the Bid may be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid may be rejected. f. Proposal for Incorporating Recycled Materials into the Project – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. g. Contractor Certification, Wage Law Compliance – Responsibility Criteria, Washington State Public Works Contracts – This form is available at http://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html. Bidder may download, complete, print and sign the form to include with Bid. The DOT Form, DOT Form Number and revision date must match the form included in these Bid Documents, otherwise the Bid will be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid will be rejected. h. Proposal Signature Page – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. Evidence of signatory’s authority to sign the Proposal on behalf of the business entity shall be submitted with the Bid. Otherwise, the submitted Bid will be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid will be rejected. i. Proposal Bid Bond – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. If an attorney-in-fact signs bond, the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable, be properly executed by the Surety in accordance with the Surety’s by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions, and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures, and notaries. Failure to furnish a bid bond, as specified in Section 1-02.7, shall make the bid non-responsive and shall cause the bid to be rejected by the Contracting Agency. 10. Contract Checklist The following documents are to be executed by the successful Bidder within 10 calendar days after the award date. a. Agreement – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. Two originals shall be executed by the successful Bidder. b. Contract Bond – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. Two originals shall be executed by the successful Bidder and its surety company. This bond covers successful completion of all work and payment of all laborers, subcontractors, suppliers, etc. If an attorney-in-fact signs bond, the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable, be properly executed by the Park Avenue N Extension Information and Checklist for Bidders CAG-22-265 Page 4 of 4 November 2022 Surety in accordance with the Surety’s by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions, and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures, and notaries. c. Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. d. Certificates of Insurance – To be executed by an insurance company acceptable to the City, on ACORD Forms. Required coverages are listed in Section 1-07.18 of the Special Provisions. The City of Renton shall be named as “Additional Insured” on the insurance policies as well as the entities listed in Section 1-07.18(2) of the Special Provisions. e. Exhibit C, Contractor Requirements – An Exhibit C-1, executed by the prime Contractor, as included within these documents, and as required by Appendix H, shall be submitted. No substitutions will be accepted. Exhibits C-1, fully executed by the prime Contractor and all Subcontractors, are required prior to entrance upon railroad right of way. Appendix H is included as a draft version during this bidding period. The Contracting Agency will replace Appendix H, and the included Exhibit C-1, with the final and fully executed version after the bid opening. The final version of Appendix H will include signatures between the Contracting Agency and BNSF but will have no substantive changes, including no substantive changes to Exhibit C-1. 1 1 Addendum 1 (December 2, 2022) Park Avenue N Extension Summary of Fair Practices Policy CAG-22-265 November 2022 Park Avenue N Extension Summary of American Disabilities Act Policy CAG-22-265 November 2022 City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ III. PROJECT PROPOSAL Project Name: Park Avenue N Extension City Project Number: TED4003948 City Contract Number: CAG-22-265 Park Avenue N Proposal CAG-22-265 November 2022 PROPOSAL Park Avenue N Extension TO THE CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON Ladies and/or Gentlemen: The undersigned (Bidder) hereby certify that the Bidder has examined the location and construction details of the proposed work, has read and thoroughly understands the Contract Documents governing the work, and the nature of the work, and the method by which payment will be made for said work. Bidder hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work detailed in and in accordance with these Contract Documents, for the Total Bid Amount shown on the attached Schedule of Prices. The Bidder understands that the quantities mentioned herein are approximate only and are subject to increase or decrease, and hereby proposes to perform all quantities of work as either increased or decreased in accordance with the Contract Documents. As evidence of good faith, pursuant to RCW 35.23.352(1), an original Bid Proposal Deposit in the form of (check one) bid bond, or cashier's check (made payable to the City of Renton), or postal money order (made payable to the City of Renton), in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Total Bid Amount, is attached hereto. If a bid bond is signed by an attorney-in-fact, Bidder agrees that the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable, be properly executed by the Surety in accordance with the Surety’s by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions, and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures, and notaries. Bidder understands that Contract Award or Bid rejection will occur within 45 calendar days after the opening of bids, as specified in Section 1-03.2 of the Standard Specifications. Bidder further understands that should Bidder fail to enter into this contract in accordance with his or her Bid and furnish a contract bond within a period of ten (10) days from the date at which he or she is notified that he or she is the successful bidder, the Bid Proposal Deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Renton, as set forth in RCW 35A.40.200 and RCW 35.23.352 Bidder hereby agrees to complete the Physical Work in all respects within 100 working days. Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the Notice to Proceed date. Park Avenue N Extension Local Agency Non-Collusion Declaration CAG-22-265 November 2022 City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ IV. AGREEMENT FORMS 3/21/2023 Park Avenue N Extension Fair Practices and Non-Discrimination Declaration CAG-22-265 November 2022 FAIR PRACTICES AND NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY DECLARATION I, by signing the Agreement, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the following statements are true and correct: 1. That the undersigned person(s), firm, association or corporation affirms and subscribes to the Fair Practices and Non-discrimination policies set forth by the law and by City of Renton policy, adopted by Resolution No. 4085. 2. That by signing the signature page of this Agreement, I am deemed to have signed and to have agreed to the provisions of this declaration. City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ V. CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1 2 (December 10, 2020 APWA GSP) 3 4 The work on this project shall be accomplished in accordance with the Standard Specifications 5 for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 2022 edition, as issued by the Washington State 6 Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the American Public Works Association (APWA), 7 Washington State Chapter (hereafter “Standard Specifications”). The Standard 8 Specifications, as modified or supplemented by these Special Provisions, all of which are 9 made a part of the Contract Documents, shall govern all of the Work. 10 11 These Special Provisions are made up of both General Special Provisions (GSPs) from 12 various sources, which may have project-specific fill-ins; and project-specific Special 13 Provisions. Each Provision either supplements, modifies, or replaces the comparable 14 Standard Specification, or is a new Provision. The deletion, amendment, alteration, or addition 15 to any subsection or portion of the Standard Specifications is meant to pertain only to that 16 particular portion of the section, and in no way should it be interpreted that the balance of the 17 section does not apply. 18 19 The project-specific Special Provisions are not labeled as such. The GSPs are labeled under 20 the headers of each GSP, with the effective date of the GSP and its source. For example: 21 22 (March 8, 2013 APWA GSP) 23 (April 1, 2013 WSDOT GSP) 24 (WSDOT NWR February 11, 2002) 25 (******) Project-specific special provision 26 27 Also incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference are: 28 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, currently 29 adopted edition, with Washington State modifications, if any 30 Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, WSDOT/APWA, 31 current edition 32 City of Renton Standard Details, City of Renton Public Works Department, Current 33 Edition 34 Public Rights-Of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG), current edition 35 36 Contractor shall obtain copies of these publications, at Contractor’s own expense. 37 38 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 39 (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) 40 41 This Contract provides for the improvement of the Park Avenue N Extension, water line, 42 storm drainage, and other work, all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these 43 Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. 44 45 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 2 DIVISION 1 1 General Requirements 2 3 1-01.3 Definitions 4 (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 5 6 Delete the heading Completion Dates and the three paragraphs that follow it, and replace 7 them with the following: 8 9 Dates 10 Bid Opening Date 11 The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and reads the Bids. 12 Award Date 13 The date of the formal decision of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest 14 responsible and responsive Bidder for the Work. 15 Contract Execution Date 16 The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the Agency to the Contract. 17 Notice to Proceed Date 18 The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the Contract time begins. 19 Substantial Completion Date 20 The day the Engineer determines the Contracting Agency has full and unrestricted 21 use and benefit of the facilities, both from the operational and safety standpoint, any 22 remaining traffic disruptions will be rare and brief, and only minor incidental work, 23 replacement of temporary substitute facilities, plant establishment periods, or 24 correction or repair remains for the Physical Completion of the total Contract. 25 Physical Completion Date 26 The day all of the Work is physically completed on the project. All documentation 27 required by the Contract and required by law does not necessarily need to be 28 furnished by the Contractor by this date. 29 Completion Date 30 The day all the Work specified in the Contract is completed and all the obligations of 31 the Contractor under the contract are fulfilled by the Contractor. All documentation 32 required by the Contract and required by law must be furnished by the Contractor 33 before establishment of this date. 34 Final Acceptance Date 35 The date on which the Contracting Agency accepts the Work as complete. 36 37 Supplement this Section with the following: 38 39 All references in the Standard Specifications, Amendments, or WSDOT General Special 40 Provisions, to the terms “Department of Transportation”, “Washington State 41 Transportation Commission”, “Commission”, “Secretary of Transportation”, “Secretary”, 42 “Headquarters”, and “State Treasurer” shall be revised to read “Contracting Agency”. 43 44 All references to the terms “State” or “state” shall be revised to read “Contracting 45 Agency” unless the reference is to an administrative agency of the State of Washington, 46 a State statute or regulation, or the context reasonably indicates otherwise. 47 48 All references to “State Materials Laboratory” shall be revised to read “Contracting 49 Agency designated location”. 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 3 1 All references to “final contract voucher certification” shall be interpreted to mean the 2 Contracting Agency form(s) by which final payment is authorized, and final completion 3 and acceptance granted. 4 5 Additive 6 A supplemental unit of work or group of bid items, identified separately in the Bid 7 Proposal, which may, at the discretion of the Contracting Agency, be awarded in addition 8 to the base bid. 9 10 Alternate 11 One of two or more units of work or groups of bid items, identified separately in the Bid 12 Proposal, from which the Contracting Agency may make a choice between different 13 methods or material of construction for performing the same work. 14 15 Business Day 16 A business day is any day from Monday through Friday except holidays as listed in 17 Section 1-08.5. 18 19 Contract Bond 20 The definition in the Standard Specifications for “Contract Bond” applies to whatever 21 bond form(s) are required by the Contract Documents, which may be a combination of a 22 Payment Bond and a Performance Bond. 23 24 Contract Documents 25 See definition for “Contract”. 26 27 Contract Time 28 The period of time established by the terms and conditions of the Contract within which 29 the Work must be physically completed. 30 31 Notice of Award 32 The written notice from the Contracting Agency to the successful Bidder signifying the 33 Contracting Agency’s acceptance of the Bid Proposal. 34 35 Notice to Proceed 36 The written notice from the Contracting Agency or Engineer to the Contractor authorizing 37 and directing the Contractor to proceed with the Work and establishing the date on which 38 the Contract time begins. 39 40 Traffic 41 Both vehicular and non-vehicular traffic, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchairs, and 42 equestrian traffic. 43 44 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 45 46 1-02.1 Prequalification of Bidders 47 48 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 49 50 1-02.1 Qualifications of Bidder 51 (January 24, 2011 APWA GSP) 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 4 1 Before award of a public works contract, a bidder must meet at least the minimum 2 qualifications of RCW 39.04.350(1) to be considered a responsible bidder and qualified to 3 be awarded a public works project. 4 5 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications 6 (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) 7 8 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 9 10 Information as to where Bid Documents can be obtained or reviewed can be found in the 11 Call for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) for the work. 12 13 After award of the contract, plans and specifications will be issued to the Contractor at no 14 cost as detailed below: 15 16 To Prime Contractor No. of Sets Basis of Distribution Reduced plans (11" x 17") 5 Furnished automatically upon award. Contract Provisions 5 Furnished automatically upon award. Large plans (e.g., 22" x 34") 1 Furnished only upon request. 17 Additional plans and Contract Provisions may be obtained by the Contractor from the 18 source stated in the Call for Bids, at the Contractor’s own expense. 19 20 1-02.4 Examination of Plans, Specifications and Site Work 21 22 1-02.4(1) General 23 (June 24, 2021 APWA GSP Option A) 24 25 The first sentence of the seventh paragraph, beginning with “Any prospective Bidder 26 desiring…”, is revised to read: 27 28 Any prospective Bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the Bid 29 Documents, must request the explanation or interpretation in writing soon enough to 30 allow a written reply to reach all prospective Bidders before the submission of their 31 Bids. 32 33 1-02.4(2) Subsurface Information 34 (March 8, 2013 APWA GSP) 35 The second sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: 36 37 The Summary of Geotechnical Conditions and the boring logs, if and when included 38 as an appendix to the Special Provisions, shall be considered as part of the Contract. 39 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 5 1-02.5 Proposal Forms 1 (July 31, 2017 APWA GSP) 2 3 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 4 5 The Proposal Form will identify the project and its location and describe the work. It will 6 also list estimated quantities, units of measurement, the items of work, and the materials 7 to be furnished at the unit bid prices. The bidder shall complete spaces on the proposal 8 form that call for, but are not limited to, unit prices; extensions; summations; the total bid 9 amount; signatures; date; and, where applicable, retail sales taxes and acknowledgment 10 of addenda; the bidder’s name, address, telephone number, and signature; the bidder’s 11 UDBE/DBE/M/WBE commitment, if applicable; a State of Washington Contractor’s 12 Registration Number; and a Business License Number, if applicable. Bids shall be 13 completed by typing or shall be printed in ink by hand, preferably in black ink. The 14 required certifications are included as part of the Proposal Form. 15 16 The Contracting Agency reserves the right to arrange the proposal forms with alternates 17 and additives, if such be to the advantage of the Contracting Agency. The bidder shall 18 bid on all alternates and additives set forth in the Proposal Form unless otherwise 19 specified. 20 21 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal 22 23 (December 10, 2020 APWA GSP, Option B) 24 25 Supplement the second paragraph with the following: 26 4. If a minimum bid amount has been established for any item, the unit or lump sum 27 price must equal or exceed the minimum amount stated. 28 5. Any correction to a bid made by interlineation, alteration, or erasure, shall be 29 initialed by the signer of the bid. 30 31 Delete the last two paragraphs, and replace them with the following: 32 33 The Bidder shall submit with their Bid a completed Contractor Certification Wage Law 34 Compliance form, provided by the Contracting Agency. Failure to return this certification 35 as part of the Bid Proposal package will make this Bid Nonresponsive and ineligible for 36 Award. A Contractor Certification of Wage Law Compliance form is included in the 37 Proposal Forms. 38 39 The Bidder shall make no stipulation on the Bid Form, nor qualify the bid in any manner. 40 41 A bid by a corporation shall be executed in the corporate name, by the president or a 42 vice president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). 43 44 A bid by a partnership shall be executed in the partnership name, and signed by a 45 partner. A copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any 46 UDBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. 47 48 A bid by a joint venture shall be executed in the joint venture name and signed by a 49 member of the joint venture. A copy of the joint venture agreement shall be submitted 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 6 with the Bid Form if any UDBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an 1 agreement. 2 3 Add the following new section: 4 5 1-02.6(1) Recycled Materials Proposal 6 (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 7 8 The Bidder shall submit with the Bid, its proposal for incorporating recycled materials into 9 the project, using the form provided in the Contract Provisions. 10 11 1-02.7 Bid Deposit 12 (March 8, 2013 APWA GSP) 13 14 Supplement this section with the following: 15 16 Bid bonds shall contain the following: 17 1. Contracting Agency-assigned number for the project; 18 2. Name of the project; 19 3. The Contracting Agency named as obligee; 20 4. The amount of the bid bond stated either as a dollar figure or as a percentage which 21 represents five percent of the maximum bid amount that could be awarded; 22 5. Signature of the bidder’s officer empowered to sign official statements. The signature 23 of the person authorized to submit the bid should agree with the signature on the 24 bond, and the title of the person must accompany the said signature; 25 6. The signature of the surety’s officer empowered to sign the bond and the power of 26 attorney. 27 28 If so stated in the Contract Provisions, bidder must use the bond form included in the 29 Contract Provisions. 30 31 If so stated in the Contract Provisions, cash will not be accepted for a bid deposit. 32 33 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal 34 (June 17, 2021 APWA GSP, Option A) 35 36 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 37 38 Each Proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the Project Name and 39 Project Number as stated in the Call for Bids clearly marked on the outside of the 40 envelope, or as otherwise required in the Bid Documents, to ensure proper handling and 41 delivery. 42 43 To be considered responsive on a FHWA-funded project, the Bidder may be required to 44 submit the following items, as required by Section 1-02.6: 45 46 DBE Utilization Certification 47 DBE Written Confirmation Document from each DBE firm listed on the Bidder’s 48 completed DBE Utilization Certification (WSDOT 272-056) 49 Good Faith Effort (GFE) Documentation 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 7 DBE Bid Item Breakdown (WSDOT 272-054) 1 DBE Trucking Credit Form (WSDOT 272-058) 2 3 DBE Utilization Certification 4 The DBE Utilization Certification shall be received at the same location and no later than 5 the time required for delivery of the Proposal. The Contracting Agency will not open or 6 consider any Proposal when the DBE Utilization Certification is received after the time 7 specified for receipt of Proposals or received in a location other than that specified for 8 receipt of Proposals. The DBE Utilization Certification may be submitted in the same 9 envelope as the Bid deposit. 10 11 DBE Written Confirmation and/or GFE Documentation 12 The DBE Written Confirmation Documents and/or GFE Documents are not required to 13 be submitted with the Proposal. The DBE Written Confirmation Document(s) and/or GFE 14 (if any) shall be received either with the Bid Proposal or as a Supplement to the Bid. The 15 documents shall be received no later than 48 hours (not including Saturdays, Sundays 16 and Holidays) after the time for delivery of the Proposal. To be considered responsive, 17 Bidders shall submit Written Confirmation Documentation from each DBE firm listed on 18 the Bidder’s completed DBE Utilization Certification and/or the GFE as required by 19 Section 1-02.6. 20 21 DBE Bid Item Breakdown and DBE Trucking Credit Form 22 The DBE Bid Item Breakdown and the DBE Trucking Credit Forms (if applicable) shall be 23 received either with the Bid Proposal or as a Supplement to the Bid. The documents 24 shall be received no later than 48 hours (not including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) 25 after the time for delivery of the Proposal. To be considered responsive, Bidders shall 26 submit a completed DBE Bid Item Breakdown and a DBE Trucking Credit Form for each 27 DBE Trucking firm listed on the DBE Utilization Certification, however, minor errors and 28 corrections to DBE Bid Item Breakdown or DBE Trucking Credit Forms will be returned 29 for correction for a period up to five calendar days (not including Saturdays, Sundays 30 and Holidays) after the time for delivery of the Proposal. A DBE Bid Item Breakdown or 31 DBE Trucking Credit Forms that are still incorrect after the correction period will be 32 determined to be non-responsive. 33 34 Proposals that are received as required will be publicly opened and read as specified in 35 Section 1-02.12. The Contracting Agency will not open or consider any Bid Proposal that 36 is received after the time specified in the Call for Bids for receipt of Bid Proposals, or 37 received in a location other than that specified in the Call for Bids. The Contracting 38 Agency will not open or consider any “Supplemental Information” (DBE confirmations, or 39 GFE documentation) that is received after the time specified above, or received in a 40 location other than that specified in the Call for Bids. 41 42 If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal work processes of the 43 Contracting Agency so that Proposals cannot be received at the office designated for 44 receipt of bids as specified in Section 1-02.12 the time specified for receipt of the 45 Proposal will be deemed to be extended to the same time of day specified in the 46 solicitation on the first work day on which the normal work processes of the Contracting 47 Agency resume. 48 49 1-02.10 Withdrawing, Revising, or Supplementing Proposal 50 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 8 Delete this section, and replace it with the following: 1 2 After submitting a physical Bid Proposal to the Contracting Agency, the Bidder may 3 withdraw, revise, or supplement it if: 4 5 1. The Bidder submits a written request signed by an authorized person and 6 physically delivers it to the place designated for receipt of Bid Proposals, and 7 2. The Contracting Agency receives the request before the time set for receipt of 8 Bid Proposals, and 9 3. The revised or supplemented Bid Proposal (if any) is received by the Contracting 10 Agency before the time set for receipt of Bid Proposals. 11 12 If the Bidder’s request to withdraw, revise, or supplement its Bid Proposal is received 13 before the time set for receipt of Bid Proposals, the Contracting Agency will return the 14 unopened Proposal package to the Bidder. The Bidder must then submit the revised or 15 supplemented package in its entirety. If the Bidder does not submit a revised or 16 supplemented package, then its bid shall be considered withdrawn. 17 18 Late revised or supplemented Bid Proposals or late withdrawal requests will be date 19 recorded by the Contracting Agency and returned unopened. Mailed, emailed, or faxed 20 requests to withdraw, revise, or supplement a Bid Proposal are not acceptable. 21 22 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals 23 (October 1, 2020 APWA GSP) 24 25 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 26 27 1. A Proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected if: 28 a. The Bidder is not prequalified when so required; 29 b. The authorized Proposal form furnished by the Contracting Agency is not 30 used or is altered; 31 c. The completed Proposal form contains any unauthorized additions, deletions, 32 alternate Bids, or conditions; 33 d. The Bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the award, 34 or enter into the Contract; 35 e. A price per unit cannot be determined from the Bid Proposal; 36 f. The Proposal form is not properly executed; 37 g. The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Subcontractor list, if 38 applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6; 39 h. The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Disadvantaged Business 40 Enterprise Certification, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6; 41 i. The Bidder fails to submit written confirmation from each DBE firm listed on 42 the Bidder’s completed DBE Utilization Certification that they are in 43 agreement with the bidder’s DBE participation commitment, if applicable, as 44 required in Section 1-02.6, or if the written confirmation that is submitted fails 45 to meet the requirements of the Special Provisions; 46 j The Bidder fails to submit DBE Good Faith Effort documentation, if applicable, 47 as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the documentation that is submitted fails to 48 demonstrate that a Good Faith Effort to meet the Condition of Award was 49 made; 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 9 k. The Bidder fails to submit a DBE Bid Item Breakdown form, if applicable, as 1 required in Section 1-02.6, or if the documentation that is submitted fails to 2 meet the requirements of the Special Provisions; 3 l. The Bidder fails to submit DBE Trucking Credit Forms, if applicable, as 4 required in Section 1-02.6, or if the documentation that is submitted fails to 5 meet the requirements of the Special Provisions; 6 m. The Bid Proposal does not constitute a definite and unqualified offer to meet 7 the material terms of the Bid invitation; or 8 n. More than one Proposal is submitted for the same project from a Bidder 9 under the same or different names. 10 11 2. A Proposal may be considered irregular and may be rejected if: 12 a. The Proposal does not include a unit price for every Bid item; 13 b. Any of the unit prices are excessively unbalanced (either above or below the 14 amount of a reasonable Bid) to the potential detriment of the Contracting 15 Agency; 16 c. Receipt of Addenda is not acknowledged; 17 d. A member of a joint venture or partnership and the joint venture or 18 partnership submit Proposals for the same project (in such an instance, both 19 Bids may be rejected); or 20 e. If Proposal form entries are not made in ink. 21 22 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders 23 (May 17, 2018 APWA GSP, Option B) 24 25 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 26 27 A Bidder will be deemed not responsible if the Bidder does not meet the mandatory 28 bidder responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.350(1), as amended; or does not meet 29 Supplemental Criteria 1-7 listed in this Section. 30 31 The Contracting Agency will verify that the Bidder meets the mandatory bidder 32 responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.350(1), and Supplemental Criteria 1-2. Evidence 33 that the Bidder meets Supplemental Criteria 3-7 shall be provided by the Bidder as 34 stated later in this Section. 35 36 37 1. Delinquent State Taxes 38 39 A Criterion: The Bidder shall not owe delinquent taxes to the Washington State 40 Department of Revenue without a payment plan approved by the Department 41 of Revenue. 42 43 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign 44 a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the 45 Bidder does not owe delinquent taxes to the Washington State Department of 46 Revenue, or if delinquent taxes are owed to the Washington State 47 Department of Revenue, the Bidder must submit a written payment plan 48 approved by the Department of Revenue, to the Contracting Agency by the 49 deadline listed below. 50 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 10 2. Federal Debarment 1 2 A Criterion: The Bidder shall not currently be debarred or suspended by the 3 Federal government. 4 5 B. Documentation: The Bidder shall not be listed as having an “active exclusion” 6 on the U.S. government’s “System for Award Management” database 7 (www.sam.gov). 8 9 3. Subcontractor Responsibility 10 11 A Criterion: The Bidder’s standard subcontract form shall include the 12 subcontractor responsibility language required by RCW 39.06.020, and the 13 Bidder shall have an established procedure which it utilizes to validate the 14 responsibility of each of its subcontractors. The Bidder’s subcontract form 15 shall also include a requirement that each of its subcontractors shall have and 16 document a similar procedure to determine whether the sub-tier 17 subcontractors with whom it contracts are also “responsible” subcontractors 18 as defined by RCW 39.06.020. 19 20 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall 21 submit a copy of its standard subcontract form for review by the Contracting 22 Agency, and a written description of its procedure for validating the 23 responsibility of subcontractors with which it contracts. 24 25 4. Claims Against Retainage and Bonds 26 27 A Criterion: The Bidder shall not have a record of excessive claims filed against 28 the retainage or payment bonds for public works projects in the three years 29 prior to the bid submittal date, that demonstrate a lack of effective 30 management by the Bidder of making timely and appropriate payments to its 31 subcontractors, suppliers, and workers, unless there are extenuating 32 circumstances and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the 33 Contracting Agency. 34 35 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall 36 submit a list of the public works projects completed in the three years prior to 37 the bid submittal date that have had claims against retainage and bonds and 38 include for each project the following information: 39 40 • Name of project 41 • The owner and contact information for the owner; 42 • A list of claims filed against the retainage and/or payment bond for any of 43 the projects listed; 44 • A written explanation of the circumstances surrounding each claim and 45 the ultimate resolution of the claim. 46 47 5. Public Bidding Crime 48 49 A Criterion: The Bidder and/or its owners shall not have been convicted of a 50 crime involving bidding on a public works contract in the five years prior to the 51 bid submittal date. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 11 1 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign 2 a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the 3 Bidder and/or its owners have not been convicted of a crime involving bidding 4 on a public works contract. 5 6 6. Termination for Cause / Termination for Default 7 8 A Criterion: The Bidder shall not have had any public works contract terminated 9 for cause or terminated for default by a government agency in the five years 10 prior to the bid submittal date, unless there are extenuating circumstances 11 and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the Contracting Agency. 12 13 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign 14 a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the 15 Bidder has not had any public works contract terminated for cause or 16 terminated for default by a government agency in the five years prior to the 17 bid submittal date; or if Bidder was terminated, describe the circumstances. . 18 19 7. Lawsuits 20 21 A Criterion: The Bidder shall not have lawsuits with judgments entered against 22 the Bidder in the five years prior to the bid submittal date that demonstrate a 23 pattern of failing to meet the terms of contracts, unless there are extenuating 24 circumstances and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the 25 Contracting Agency 26 27 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign 28 a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the 29 Bidder has not had any lawsuits with judgments entered against the Bidder in 30 the five years prior to the bid submittal date that demonstrate a pattern of 31 failing to meet the terms of contracts, or shall submit a list of all lawsuits with 32 judgments entered against the Bidder in the five years prior to the bid 33 submittal date, along with a written explanation of the circumstances 34 surrounding each such lawsuit. The Contracting Agency shall evaluate these 35 explanations to determine whether the lawsuits demonstrate a pattern of 36 failing to meet of terms of construction related contracts 37 38 As evidence that the Bidder meets the Supplemental Criteria stated above, the 39 apparent low Bidder must submit to the Contracting Agency by 12:00 P.M. (noon) of the 40 second business day following the bid submittal deadline, a written statement verifying 41 that the Bidder meets the supplemental criteria together with supporting documentation 42 (sufficient in the sole judgment of the Contracting Agency) demonstrating compliance 43 with the Supplemental Criteria. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to request 44 further documentation as needed from the low Bidder and documentation from other 45 Bidders as well to assess Bidder responsibility and compliance with all bidder 46 responsibility criteria. The Contracting Agency also reserves the right to obtain 47 information from third-parties and independent sources of information concerning a 48 Bidder’s compliance with the mandatory and supplemental criteria, and to use that 49 information in their evaluation. The Contracting Agency may consider mitigating 50 factors in determining whether the Bidder complies with the requirements of the 51 supplemental criteria. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 12 1 The basis for evaluation of Bidder compliance with these mandatory and supplemental 2 criteria shall include any documents or facts obtained by Contracting Agency (whether 3 from the Bidder or third parties) including but not limited to: (i) financial, historical, or 4 operational data from the Bidder; (ii) information obtained directly by the Contracting 5 Agency from others for whom the Bidder has worked, or other public agencies or 6 private enterprises; and (iii) any additional information obtained by the Contracting 7 Agency which is believed to be relevant to the matter. 8 9 If the Contracting Agency determines the Bidder does not meet the bidder 10 responsibility criteria above and is therefore not a responsible Bidder, the Contracting 11 Agency shall notify the Bidder in writing, with the reasons for its determination. If the 12 Bidder disagrees with this determination, it may appeal the determination within two (2) 13 business days of the Contracting Agency’s determination by presenting its appeal and 14 any additional information to the Contracting Agency. The Contracting Agency will 15 consider the appeal and any additional information before issuing its final 16 determination. If the final determination affirms that the Bidder is not responsible, the 17 Contracting Agency will not execute a contract with any other Bidder until at least two 18 business days after the Bidder determined to be not responsible has received the 19 Contracting Agency’s final determination. 20 21 Request to Change Supplemental Bidder Responsibility Criteria Prior To Bid: Bidders 22 with concerns about the relevancy or restrictiveness of the Supplemental Bidder 23 Responsibility Criteria may make or submit requests to the Contracting Agency to 24 modify the criteria. Such requests shall be in writing, describe the nature of the 25 concerns, and propose specific modifications to the criteria. Bidders shall submit such 26 requests to the Contracting Agency no later than five (5) business days prior to the bid 27 submittal deadline and address the request to the Project Engineer or such other 28 person designated by the Contracting Agency in the Bid Documents. 29 30 1-02.15 Pre Award Information 31 (August 14, 2013 APWA GSP) 32 33 Revise this section to read: 34 35 Before awarding any contract, the Contracting Agency may require one or more of these 36 items or actions of the apparent lowest responsible bidder: 37 1. A complete statement of the origin, composition, and manufacture of any or all 38 materials to be used, 39 2. Samples of these materials for quality and fitness tests, 40 3. A progress schedule (in a form the Contracting Agency requires) showing the order 41 of and time required for the various phases of the work, 42 4. A breakdown of costs assigned to any bid item, 43 5. Attendance at a conference with the Engineer or representatives of the Engineer, 44 6. Obtain, and furnish a copy of, a business license to do business in the city or county 45 where the work is located. 46 7. Any other information or action taken that is deemed necessary to ensure that the 47 bidder is the lowest responsible bidder. 48 49 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 13 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids 1 (January 23, 2006 APWA GSP) 2 3 Revise the first paragraph to read: 4 5 After opening and reading proposals, the Contracting Agency will check them for 6 correctness of extensions of the prices per unit and the total price. If a discrepancy exists 7 between the price per unit and the extended amount of any bid item, the price per unit will 8 control. If a minimum bid amount has been established for any item and the bidder’s unit 9 or lump sum price is less than the minimum specified amount, the Contracting Agency will 10 unilaterally revise the unit or lump sum price, to the minimum specified amount and 11 recalculate the extension. The total of extensions, corrected where necessary, including 12 sales taxes where applicable and such additives and/or alternates as selected by the 13 Contracting Agency, will be used by the Contracting Agency for award purposes and to fix 14 the Awarded Contract Price amount and the amount of the contract bond. 15 16 1-03.1(1) Identical Bid Totals 17 (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 18 19 Revise this section to read: 20 21 After opening Bids, if two or more lowest responsive Bid totals are exactly equal, then 22 the tie-breaker will be the Bidder with an equal lowest bid, that proposed to use the 23 highest percentage of recycled materials in the Project, per the form submitted with the 24 Bid Proposal. If those percentages are also exactly equal, then the tie-breaker will be 25 determined by drawing as follows: Two or more slips of paper will be marked as follows: 26 one marked “Winner” and the other(s) marked “unsuccessful”. The slips will be folded to 27 make the marking unseen. The slips will be placed inside a box. One authorized 28 representative of each Bidder shall draw a slip from the box. Bidders shall draw in 29 alphabetic order by the name of the firm as registered with the Washington State 30 Department of Licensing. The slips shall be unfolded and the firm with the slip marked 31 “Winner” will be determined to be the successful Bidder and eligible for Award of the 32 Contract. Only those Bidders who submitted a Bid total that is exactly equal to the lowest 33 responsive Bid, and with a proposed recycled materials percentage that is exactly equal 34 to the highest proposed recycled materials amount, are eligible to draw. 35 36 1-03.3 Execution of Contract 37 (*****) 38 39 Revise this section to read: 40 41 Copies of the Contract Provisions, including the unsigned Form of Contract, will be 42 available for signature by the successful bidder on the first business day following award. 43 The number of copies to be executed by the Contractor will be determined by the 44 Contracting Agency. 45 46 Within 10 calendar days after the award date, the successful bidder shall return the 47 signed Contracting Agency-prepared contract, an insurance certification as required by 48 Section 1-07.18, a signed Exhibit C-1 within Appendix H as required by Section 1-07.28, 49 and a satisfactory bond as required by law and Section 1-03.4. Before execution of the 50 contract by the Contracting Agency, the successful bidder shall provide any pre-award 51 information the Contracting Agency may require under Section 1-02.15. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 14 1 Until the Contracting Agency executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the Contracting 2 Agency nor shall any work begin within the project limits or within Contracting Agency-3 furnished sites. The Contractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas 4 and for any materials ordered before the contract is executed by the Contracting Agency. 5 6 If the bidder experiences circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the 7 contract documents within the calendar days after the award date stated above, the 8 Contracting Agency may grant up to a maximum of 2 additional calendar days for return 9 of the documents, provided the Contracting Agency deems the circumstances warrant it. 10 11 1-03.4 Contract Bond 12 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) 13 14 Delete the first paragraph and replace it with the following: 15 16 The successful bidder shall provide executed payment and performance bond(s) for the 17 full contract amount. The bond may be a combined payment and performance bond; or 18 be separate payment and performance bonds. In the case of separate payment and 19 performance bonds, each shall be for the full contract amount. The bond(s) shall: 20 1. Be on Contracting Agency-furnished form(s); 21 2. Be signed by an approved surety (or sureties) that: 22 a. Is registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and 23 b. Appears on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State of Washington 24 published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, 25 3. Guarantee that the Contractor will perform and comply with all obligations, duties, 26 and conditions under the Contract, including but not limited to the duty and obligation 27 to indemnify, defend, and protect the Contracting Agency against all losses and 28 claims related directly or indirectly from any failure: 29 a. Of the Contractor (or any of the employees, subcontractors, or lower tier 30 subcontractors of the Contractor) to faithfully perform and comply with all contract 31 obligations, conditions, and duties, or 32 b. Of the Contractor (or the subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors of the 33 Contractor) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, lower tier 34 subcontractors, material person, or any other person who provides supplies or 35 provisions for carrying out the work; 36 4. Be conditioned upon the payment of taxes, increases, and penalties incurred on the 37 project under titles 50, 51, and 82 RCW; and 38 5. Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety’s officer empowered to sign 39 the bond; and 40 6. Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to sign official statements (sole 41 proprietor or partner). If the Contractor is a corporation, the bond(s) must be signed 42 by the president or vice president, unless accompanied by written proof of the 43 authority of the individual signing the bond(s) to bind the corporation (i.e., corporate 44 resolution, power of attorney, or a letter to such effect signed by the president or vice 45 president). 46 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 15 1-03.7 Judicial Review 1 (November 30, 2018 APWA GSP) 2 3 Revise this section to read: 4 5 Any decision made by the Contracting Agency regarding the Award and execution of the 6 Contract or Bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review 7 permitted under Washington Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the Superior 8 Court of the county where the Contracting Agency headquarters is located, provided that 9 where an action is asserted against a county, RCW 36.01.050 shall control venue and 10 jurisdiction. 11 12 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK 13 14 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, 15 Specifications, and Addenda 16 (December 10, 2020 APWA GSP) 17 18 Revise the second paragraph to read: 19 20 Any inconsistency in the parts of the contract shall be resolved by following this order of 21 precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2, 2 over 3, 3 over 4, and so forth): 22 1. Addenda, 23 2. Proposal Form, 24 3. Special Provisions, 25 4. Contract Plans, 26 5. Standard Specifications, 27 6. Contracting Agency’s Standard Plans or Details (if any), and 28 7. WSDOT Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 29 30 1-04.4 Changes 31 32 1-04.6 Variation in Estimated Quantities 33 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP, Option B; may not be used on FHWA-funded projects) 34 35 Revise the first paragraph to read: 36 37 Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of Work performed 38 and accepted in conformance with the Contract. When the accepted quantity of Work 39 performed under a unit item varies from the original Proposal quantity, payment will be at 40 the unit Contract price for all Work unless the total accepted quantity of any Contract item, 41 adjusted to exclude added or deleted amounts included in change orders accepted by both 42 parties, increases or decreases by more than 25 percent from the original Proposal 43 quantity, and if the total extended bid price for that item at time of award is equal to or 44 greater than 10 percent of the total contract price at time of Award. In that case, payment 45 for Contract Work may be adjusted as described herein: 46 47 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 48 49 1-05.3 Working Drawings 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 16 Section 1-05.3 is supplemented with the following: 1 2 (September 3, 2019 WSDOT GSP) 3 When submittals require review by the railroad, the Engineer will require up to *** 21 *** 4 calendar days from the date the submittals are received until they are returned to the 5 Contractor. If a submittal is returned unapproved and then resubmitted, then an additional 6 review time of up to *** 14 *** calendar days will be required. 7 8 If more than *** 21 *** calendar days are required for the Engineer's review of any 9 individual submittal or resubmittal, an extension of time will be considered in accordance 10 with Section 1-08.8. 11 12 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviations from Plans and Stakes 13 14 Section 1-05.4 is supplemented with the following: 15 16 (******) 17 Contractor Surveying - Structure 18 The Contracting Agency has provided primary survey control in the Plans. 19 20 The Contractor shall be responsible for setting, maintaining, and resetting all alignment 21 stakes, slope stakes, and grades necessary for the construction of bridges, noise walls, 22 and retaining walls. Except for the survey control data to be furnished by the Contracting 23 Agency, calculations, surveying, and measuring required for setting and maintaining the 24 necessary lines and grades shall be the Contractor's responsibility. 25 26 The Contractor shall inform the Engineer when monuments are discovered that were not 27 identified in the Plans and construction activity may disturb or damage the monuments. 28 All monuments noted on the plans “DO NOT DISTURB” shall be protected throughout the 29 length of the project or be replaced at the Contractors expense. 30 31 Detailed survey records shall be maintained, including a description of the work 32 performed on each shift, the methods utilized, and the control points used. The record 33 shall be adequate to allow the survey to be reproduced. A copy of each day's record shall 34 be provided to the Engineer within three working days after the end of the shift. 35 36 The meaning of words and terms used in this provision shall be as listed in "Definitions of 37 Surveying and Associated Terms" current edition, published by the American Congress 38 on Surveying and Mapping and the American Society of Civil Engineers. 39 40 The survey work by the Contractor shall include but not be limited to the following: 41 42 1. Verify the primary horizontal and vertical control furnished by the Contracting 43 Agency, and expand into secondary control by adding stakes and hubs as well 44 as additional survey control needed for the project. Provide descriptions of 45 secondary control to the Contracting Agency. The description shall include 46 coordinates and elevations of all secondary control points. 47 48 2. Establish, by placing hubs and/or marked stakes, the location with offsets of 49 foundation shafts and piles. 50 51 3. Establish offsets to footing centerline of bearing for structure excavation. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 17 1 4. Establish offsets to footing centerline of bearing for footing forms. 2 3 5. Establish wing wall, retaining wall, and noise wall horizontal alignment. 4 5 6. Establish retaining wall top of wall profile grade. 6 7 7. Establish elevation benchmarks for all substructure formwork. 8 9 8. Check elevations at top of footing concrete line inside footing formwork 10 immediately prior to concrete placement. 11 12 9. Check column location and pier centerline of bearing at top of footing 13 immediately prior to concrete placement. 14 15 10. Establish location and plumbness of column forms, and monitor column 16 plumbness during concrete placement. 17 18 11. Establish pier cap and crossbeam top and bottom elevations and centerline of 19 bearing. 20 21 12. Check pier cap and crossbeam top and bottom elevations and centerline of 22 bearing prior to and during concrete placement. 23 24 13. Establish grout pad locations and elevations. 25 26 14. Establish structure bearing locations and elevations, including locations of 27 anchor bolt assemblies. 28 29 15. Establish box girder bottom slab grades and locations. 30 31 16. Establish girder and/or web wall profiles and locations. 32 33 17. Establish diaphragm locations and centerline of bearing. 34 35 18. Establish roadway slab alignment, grades and provide dimensions from top of 36 girder to top of roadway slab. Set elevations for deck paving machine rails. 37 38 19. Establish traffic barrier and curb profile. 39 40 20. Profile all girders prior to the placement of any deadload or construction live load 41 that may affect the girder's profile. 42 43 The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency copies of any calculations and 44 staking data when requested by the Engineer. 45 46 The Contractor shall submit the computed elevations at the top of bridge decks as a Type 47 2 Working Drawing. The elevations shall be computed at tenth points along the centerline 48 of each girder web. 49 50 The Contractor shall ensure a surveying accuracy within the following tolerances: 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 18 Vertical Horizontal 1 1. Stationing on structures 0.02 feet 2 2. Alignment on structures 0.02 feet 3 3. Superstructure elevations 0.01 feet 4 variation from 5 plan elevation 6 4. Substructure 0.02 feet 7 variation from 8 Plan grades. 9 10 The Contracting Agency may spot-check the Contractor's surveying. These spot-checks 11 will not change the requirements for normal checking by the Contractor. 12 13 When staking the following items, the Contractor shall perform independent checks from 14 different secondary control to ensure that the points staked for these items are within the 15 specified survey accuracy tolerances: 16 17 Piles 18 Shafts 19 Footings 20 Columns 21 22 The Contractor shall calculate coordinates for the points associated with piles, shafts, 23 footings and columns. The Contracting Agency will verify these coordinates prior to 24 issuing approval to the Contractor for commencing with the survey work. The Contracting 25 Agency will require up to seven calendar days from the date the data is received to issuing 26 approval. 27 28 Contract work to be performed using contractor-provided stakes shall not begin until the 29 stakes are approved by the Contracting Agency. Such approval shall not relieve the 30 Contractor of responsibility for the accuracy of the stakes. 31 32 Payment 33 The Work described above under the subsection Contractor Surveying – Structure 34 shall be incidental to the Bid Item “Roadway Surveying.” 35 36 (January 13, 2021 WSDOT GSP) 37 Contractor Surveying - Roadway 38 The Contracting Agency has provided primary survey control in the Plans. 39 40 The Contractor shall be responsible for setting, maintaining, and resetting all alignment 41 stakes, slope stakes, and grades necessary for the construction of the roadbed, drainage, 42 surfacing, paving, channelization and pavement marking, illumination and signals, 43 guardrails and barriers, and signing. Except for the survey control data to be furnished 44 by the Contracting Agency, calculations, surveying, and measuring required for setting 45 and maintaining the necessary lines and grades shall be the Contractor's responsibility. 46 47 The Contractor shall inform the Engineer when monuments are discovered that were not 48 identified in the Plans and construction activity may disturb or damage the monuments. 49 All monuments noted on the plans “DO NOT DISTURB” shall be protected throughout the 50 length of the project or be replaced at the Contractors expense. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 19 Detailed survey records shall be maintained, including a description of the work 1 performed on each shift, the methods utilized, and the control points used. The record 2 shall be adequate to allow the survey to be reproduced. A copy of each day's record shall 3 be provided to the Engineer within three working days after the end of the shift. 4 5 The meaning of words and terms used in this provision shall be as listed in "Definitions of 6 Surveying and Associated Terms" current edition, published by the American Congress 7 on Surveying and Mapping and the American Society of Civil Engineers. 8 9 The survey work shall include but not be limited to the following: 10 11 1. Verify the primary horizontal and vertical control furnished by the Contracting 12 Agency, and expand into secondary control by adding stakes and hubs as well 13 as additional survey control needed for the project. Provide descriptions of 14 secondary control to the Contracting Agency. The description shall include 15 coordinates and elevations of all secondary control points. 16 17 2. Establish, the centerlines of all alignments, by placing hubs, stakes, or marks on 18 centerline or on offsets to centerline at all curve points (PCs, PTs, and PIs) and 19 at points on the alignments spaced no further than 50 feet. 20 21 3. Establish clearing limits, placing stakes at all angle points and at intermediate 22 points not more than 50 feet apart. The clearing and grubbing limits shall be 5 23 feet beyond the toe of a fill and 10 feet beyond the top of a cut unless otherwise 24 shown in the Plans. 25 26 4. Establish grading limits, placing slope stakes at centerline increments not more 27 than 50 feet apart. Establish offset reference to all slope stakes. If Global 28 Positioning Satellite (GPS) Machine Controls are used to provide grade control, 29 then slope stakes may be omitted at the discretion of the Contractor 30 31 5. Establish the horizontal and vertical location of all drainage features, placing 32 offset stakes to all drainage structures and to pipes at a horizontal interval not 33 greater than 25 feet. 34 35 6. Establish roadbed and surfacing elevations by placing stakes at the top of 36 subgrade and at the top of each course of surfacing. Subgrade and surfacing 37 stakes shall be set at horizontal intervals not greater than 50 feet in tangent 38 sections, 25 feet in curve sections with a radius less than 300 feet, and at 10-39 foot intervals in intersection radii with a radius less than 10 feet. Transversely, 40 stakes shall be placed at all locations where the roadway slope changes and at 41 additional points such that the transverse spacing of stakes is not more than 12 42 feet. If GPS Machine Controls are used to provide grade control, then roadbed 43 and surfacing stakes may be omitted at the discretion of the Contractor. 44 45 7. Establish intermediate elevation benchmarks as needed to check work 46 throughout the project. 47 48 8. Provide references for paving pins at 25-foot intervals or provide simultaneous 49 surveying to establish location and elevation of paving pins as they are being 50 placed. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 20 9. For all other types of construction included in this provision, (including but not 1 limited to channelization and pavement marking, illumination and signals, 2 guardrails and barriers, and signing) provide staking and layout as necessary to 3 adequately locate, construct, and check the specific construction activity. 4 5 10. Contractor shall determine if changes are needed to the profiles or roadway 6 sections shown in the Contract Plans in order to achieve proper smoothness 7 and drainage where matching into existing features, such as a smooth transition 8 from new pavement to existing pavement. The Contractor shall submit these 9 changes to the Engineer for review and approval 10 days prior to the beginning 10 of work. 11 12 The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency copies of any calculations and 13 staking data when requested by the Engineer. 14 15 The Contractor shall ensure a surveying accuracy within the following tolerances: 16 17 Vertical Horizontal 18 Slope stakes 0.10 feet 0.10 feet 19 Subgrade grade stakes set 20 0.04 feet below grade 0.01 feet 0.5 feet 21 (parallel to alignment) 22 0.1 feet 23 (normal to alignment) 24 25 Stationing on roadway N/A 0.1 feet 26 Alignment on roadway N/A 0.04 feet 27 Surfacing grade stakes 0.01 feet 0.5 feet 28 (parallel to alignment) 29 0.1 feet 30 (normal to alignment) 31 32 Roadway paving pins for 33 surfacing or paving 0.01 feet 0.2 feet 34 (parallel to alignment) 35 0.1 feet 36 (normal to alignment) 37 38 The Contracting Agency may spot-check the Contractor's surveying. These spot-checks 39 will not change the requirements for normal checking by the Contractor. 40 41 When staking roadway alignment and stationing, the Contractor shall perform 42 independent checks from different secondary control to ensure that the points staked are 43 within the specified survey accuracy tolerances. 44 45 The Contractor shall calculate coordinates for the alignment. The Contracting Agency will 46 verify these coordinates prior to issuing approval to the Contractor for commencing with 47 the work. The Contracting Agency will require up to seven calendar days from the date 48 the data is received. 49 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 21 Contract work to be performed using contractor-provided stakes shall not begin until the 1 stakes are approved by the Contracting Agency. Such approval shall not relieve the 2 Contractor of responsibility for the accuracy of the stakes. 3 4 Stakes shall be marked in accordance with Standard Plan A10.10. When stakes are 5 needed that are not described in the Plans, then those stakes shall be marked, at no 6 additional cost to the Contracting Agency as ordered by the Engineer. 7 8 Payment 9 Payment will be made for the following bid item when included in the proposal: 10 11 "Roadway Surveying", lump sum. 12 13 The lump sum contract price for "Roadway Surveying" shall be full pay for all labor, 14 equipment, materials, and supervision utilized to perform the Work specified, including 15 any resurveying, checking, correction of errors, replacement of missing or damaged 16 stakes, and coordination efforts. 17 18 (******) 19 Section 1-05.4 is further supplemented, prior to the “Payment” section for roadway 20 surveying, with the following: 21 Unless the Contractor elects to use the plan quantities included in the Bid form for 22 Roadway Excavation Including Haul as defined in Special Provision Section 2-03, the 23 Contractor shall have a Surveyor licensed in the State of Washington conduct ground 24 surveys at a minimum of 50-foot intervals throughout the length of the project in order 25 to determine pay quantities for all work described in Standard Specification 2-03, and 26 Special Provision Section 2-03. These surveys shall be conducted so as to develop 27 complete Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) at two key stages during the project 28 construction. These key stages are defined as follows: 29 30 1. “Existing Ground DTM” 31 Before any construction activity begins in order to establish a DTM of the 32 existing ground. 33 2. “Maximum Excavation DTM” 34 At the completion of all roadway excavation work to establish a DTM 35 representing the maximum roadway excavation conducted by the Contractor. 36 Excavation for work other than roadway excavation (such as, but not limited to, 37 utility trenches, illumination trenches, water line trenches, stormwater facilities, 38 and retaining walls) are measured and paid for in other areas of work. 39 40 The Contractor may choose to accept either or both of the Contracting Agency’s DTM 41 surfaces that were created during the project’s design phase for Items 1 and 2 above. 42 If the Contractor elects to do so, they must inform the Contracting Agency in writing of 43 this decision before any construction activity begins. Once the Contracting Agency 44 accepts the request, no adjustments to the design phase DTMs will be made or 45 allowed. 46 47 (******) 48 Licensed Surveyors 49 The Contractor shall be responsible for reestablishing or locating legal survey markers 50 such as GLO monuments or property corner monuments, conduct boundary surveys to 51 determine Contracting Agency right-of-way locations, and obtain, review and analyze 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 22 deeds and records as necessary to determine these boundaries. The Contracting Agency 1 will provide “rights of entry” as needed by the Contractor to perform the work. 2 3 The Contractor shall brush out or clear and stake or mark the right-of-way lines as 4 designated by the Engineer. 5 6 The Contractor shall inform the Engineer when monuments are discovered that were not 7 identified in the Plans and construction activity may disturb or damage the monuments. 8 All monuments noted on the plans “DO NOT DISTURB” shall be protected throughout the 9 length of the project or be replaced at Contractors expense. 10 11 When required, the Contractor shall prepare and file a Record of Survey map in 12 accordance with RCW 58.09 and provide a recorded copy to the Contracting Agency. The 13 Contracting Agency will provide all existing base maps, existing horizontal and vertical 14 control, and other material available with Washington State Plane Coordinate information 15 to the Contractor. The Contracting Agency will also provide maps, plan sheets, and/or 16 aerial photographs clearly identifying the limits of the areas to be surveyed. The 17 Contractor shall establish Washington State Plane Coordinates on all points required in 18 the Record of Survey and other points designated in the Contract documents. 19 20 Existing right of way documentation, existing base maps, existing horizontal and vertical 21 control descriptions, maps, plan sheets, aerial photographs and all other available 22 material may be viewed by prospective bidders at the office of the Engineer. 23 24 The Contractor shall perform all of the necessary calculations for the contracted survey 25 work and shall provide copies of these calculations to the Contracting Agency. Electronic 26 files of all survey data shall be provided and in a format acceptable to the Contracting 27 Agency. 28 29 All survey work performed by the Contractor shall conform to all applicable sections of 30 the Revised Code of Washington and the Washington Administrative Code. 31 32 The Contractor shall provide all traffic control, signing, and temporary traffic control 33 devices in order to provide a safe work zone. 34 35 Payment 36 The Work described above under the subsection Licensed Surveyors shall be incidental 37 to the Bid Item “Roadway Surveying.” 38 39 (******) 40 Contractor Surveying – ADA Features 41 ADA Feature Staking Requirements 42 The Contractor shall be responsible for setting, maintaining, and resetting all 43 alignment stakes, and grades necessary for the construction of the ADA features. 44 Calculations, surveying, and measuring required for setting and maintaining the 45 necessary lines and grades shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The Contractor 46 shall build the ADA features within the Specifications in the Standard Plans and 47 Contract Documents. 48 49 ADA Feature As-Built Measurements 50 The Contractor shall be responsible for providing electronic As-Built records of all 51 ADA feature improvements completed in the Contract. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 23 1 The survey Work shall include but not be limited to completing the measurements, 2 recording the required measurements and completing other data fill-ins found on the 3 ADA Measurement Forms, and transmitting the electronic Forms to the Engineer. 4 The ADA Measurement Forms are found at the following website location: 5 6 http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Design/ADAGuidance.htm 7 8 In the instance where an ADA Feature does not meet accessibility requirements, all 9 Work to replace non-conforming Work and then to measure, record the as-built 10 measurements, and transmit the electronic Forms to the Engineer shall be completed 11 at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency, as ordered by the Engineer. 12 13 Payment 14 The Work described above under the subsection Contractor Surveying – ADA Features 15 shall be incidental to the Bid Item “Roadway Surveying.” 16 17 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work 18 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 19 20 Supplement this section with the following: 21 22 If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified 23 in a written notice from the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by 24 the Contract Documents, the Engineer may correct and remedy such work as may be 25 identified in the written notice, with Contracting Agency forces or by such other means as 26 the Contracting Agency may deem necessary. 27 28 If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the Engineer 29 determines to be an emergency situation, the Engineer may have the defective and 30 unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, 31 or have work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using Contracting Agency 32 or other forces. An emergency situation is any situation when, in the opinion of the 33 Engineer, a delay in its remedy could be potentially unsafe, or might cause serious risk 34 of loss or damage to the public. 35 36 Direct or indirect costs incurred by the Contracting Agency attributable to correcting and 37 remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to 38 perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment will be deducted by the Engineer from 39 monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct and indirect costs shall 40 include in particular, but without limitation, compensation for additional professional 41 services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or 42 damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor’s unauthorized work. 43 44 No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in 45 the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Contracting Agency’s 46 rights provided by this Section. 47 48 The rights exercised under the provisions of this section shall not diminish the 49 Contracting Agency’s right to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages 50 with respect to the Contractor’s failure to perform the work as required. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 24 1-05.11 Final Inspection 1 2 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 3 4 1-05.11 Final Inspections and Operational Testing 5 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 6 7 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date 8 9 When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially complete, the Contractor 10 shall so notify the Engineer and request the Engineer establish the Substantial 11 Completion Date. The Contractor’s request shall list the specific items of work that 12 remain to be completed in order to reach physical completion. The Engineer will 13 schedule an inspection of the work with the Contractor to determine the status of 14 completion. The Engineer may also establish the Substantial Completion Date 15 unilaterally. 16 17 If, after this inspection, the Engineer concurs with the Contractor that the work is 18 substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer, by written notice to 19 the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date. If, after this inspection the 20 Engineer does not consider the work substantially complete and ready for its intended 21 use, the Engineer will, by written notice, so notify the Contractor giving the reasons 22 therefor. 23 24 Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever 25 is applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized 26 interruption, the work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The 27 Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a revised schedule indicating when the 28 Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. 29 30 The above process shall be repeated until the Engineer establishes the Substantial 31 Completion Date and the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for 32 final inspection. 33 34 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date 35 36 When the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final 37 inspection, the Contractor by written notice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a 38 final inspection. The Engineer will set a date for final inspection. The Engineer and the 39 Contractor will then make a final inspection and the Engineer will notify the Contractor in 40 writing of all particulars in which the final inspection reveals the work incomplete or 41 unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take such corrective measures as are 42 necessary to remedy the listed deficiencies. Corrective work shall be pursued vigorously, 43 diligently, and without interruption until physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This 44 process will continue until the Engineer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have been 45 corrected. 46 47 If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within 7 days after receipt of the 48 written notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon written notice to the 49 Contractor, take whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to 50 Section 1-05.7. 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 25 The Contractor will not be allowed an extension of contract time because of a delay in 1 the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Engineer’s right 2 hereunder. 3 4 Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the 5 Contracting Agency, in writing, of the date upon which the work was considered physically 6 complete. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the contract, but shall 7 not imply acceptance of the work or that all the obligations of the Contractor under the 8 contract have been fulfilled. 9 10 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing 11 12 It is the intent of the Contracting Agency to have at the Physical Completion Date a 13 complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of 14 machinery or other mechanical equipment; street lighting, electrical distribution or signal 15 systems; irrigation systems; buildings; or other similar work it may be desirable for the 16 Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final 17 inspection but prior to the physical completion date. Whenever items of work are listed in 18 the Contract Provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating 19 conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical 20 Completion Date. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any 21 items of workmanship, materials, or equipment which prove faulty, or that are not in first 22 class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and 23 equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the 24 Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which 25 they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing 26 and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 27 28 The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to 29 successfully complete operational testing, shall be included in the unit contract prices 30 related to the system being tested, unless specifically set forth otherwise in the proposal. 31 32 Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a 33 manufacturer’s guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the contract. 34 35 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor and Equipment of Contractor 36 (August 14, 2013 APWA GSP) 37 38 Delete the sixth and seventh paragraphs of this section. 39 40 1-05.15 Method of Serving Notices 41 (March 25, 2009 APWA GSP) 42 43 Revise the second paragraph to read: 44 45 All correspondence from the Contractor shall be directed to the Project Engineer. All 46 correspondence from the Contractor constituting any notification, notice of protest, notice 47 of dispute, or other correspondence constituting notification required to be furnished 48 under the Contract, must be in paper format, hand delivered or sent via mail delivery 49 service to the Project Engineer's office. Electronic copies such as e-mails or 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 26 electronically delivered copies of correspondence will not constitute such notice and will 1 not comply with the requirements of the Contract. 2 3 Add the following new section: 4 5 1-05.16 Water and Power 6 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 7 8 The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power 9 and water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the contract includes power 10 and water as a pay item. 11 12 Add the following new section: 13 14 1-05.18 Record Drawings 15 (March 8, 2013 APWA GSP) 16 17 The Contractor shall maintain one set of full size plans for Record Drawings, updated 18 with clear and accurate red-lined field revisions on a daily basis, and within 2 business 19 days after receipt of information that a change in Work has occurred. The Contractor 20 shall not conceal any work until the required information is recorded. 21 22 This Record Drawing set shall be used for this purpose alone, shall be kept separate 23 from other Plan sheets, and shall be clearly marked as Record Drawings. These Record 24 Drawings shall be kept on site at the Contractor’s field office, and shall be available for 25 review by the Contracting Agency at all times. The Contractor shall bring the Record 26 Drawings to each progress meeting for review. 27 28 The preparation and upkeep of the Record Drawings is to be the assigned responsibility 29 of a single, experienced, and qualified individual. The quality of the Record Drawings, in 30 terms of accuracy, clarity, and completeness, is to be adequate to allow the Contracting 31 Agency to modify the computer-aided drafting (CAD) Contract Drawings to produce a 32 complete set of Record Drawings for the Contracting Agency without further investigative 33 effort by the Contracting Agency. 34 35 The Record Drawing markups shall document all changes in the Work, both concealed 36 and visible. Items that must be shown on the markups include but are not limited to: 37 38 1. Actual dimensions, arrangement, and materials used when different than shown in 39 the Plans. 40 2. Changes made by Change Order or Field Order. 41 3. Changes made by the Contractor. 42 4. Accurate locations of storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water mains and other water 43 appurtenances, structures, conduits, light standards, vaults, width of roadways, 44 sidewalks, landscaping areas, building footprints, channelization and pavement 45 markings, etc. Include pipe invert elevations, top of castings (manholes, inlets, 46 etc.). 47 48 If the Contract calls for the Contracting Agency to do all surveying and staking, the 49 Contracting Agency will provide the elevations at the tolerances the Contracting Agency 50 requires for the Record Drawings. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 27 When the Contract calls for the Contractor to do the surveying/staking, the applicable 1 tolerance limits include, but are not limited to the following: 2 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 28 1 Vertical Horizontal As-built sanitary & storm invert and grate elevations ± 0.01 foot ± 0.01 foot As-built monumentation ± 0.001 foot ± 0.001 foot As-built waterlines, inverts, valves, hydrants ± 0.10 foot ± 0.10 foot As-built ponds/swales/water features ± 0.10 foot ± 0.10 foot As-built buildings (fin. Floor elev.) ± 0.01 foot ± 0.10 foot As-built gas lines, power, TV, Tel, Com ± 0.10 foot ± 0.10 foot As-built signs, signals, etc. N/A ± 0.10 foot 2 Making Entries on the Record Drawings: 3 4 5. Use erasable colored pencil (not ink) for all markings on the Record Drawings, 5 conforming to the following color code: 6 6. Additions - Red 7 7. Deletions - Green 8 8. Comments - Blue 9 9. Dimensions - Graphite 10 10. Provide the applicable reference for all entries, such as the change order number, 11 the request for information (RFI) number, or the approved shop drawing number. 12 11. Date all entries. 13 12. Clearly identify all items in the entry with notes similar to those in the Contract 14 Drawings (such as pipe symbols, centerline elevations, materials, pipe joint 15 abbreviations, etc.). 16 17 The Contractor shall certify on the Record Drawings that said drawings are an accurate 18 depiction of built conditions, and in conformance with the requirements detailed above. 19 The Contractor shall submit final Record Drawings to the Contracting Agency. 20 Contracting Agency acceptance of the Record Drawings is one of the requirements for 21 achieving Physical Completion. 22 23 Payment will be made for the following bid item: 24 25 Record Drawings (Minimum Bid $5,000) Lump Sum 26 Payment for this item will be made on a prorated monthly basis for work completed in 27 accordance with this section up to 75% of the lump sum bid. The final 25% of the lump 28 sum item will be paid upon submittal and approval of the completed Record Drawings set 29 prepared in conformance with these Special Provisions. 30 31 A minimum bid amount has been entered in the Bid Proposal for this item. The Contractor 32 must bid at least that amount. 33 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 29 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIALS 1 2 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use 3 4 1-06.1(4) Fabrication Inspection Expense 5 (June 27, 2011 AWPA GSP) 6 7 Delete this section in its entirety. 8 9 1-06.6 Recycled Materials 10 (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 11 12 Delete this section, including its subsections, and replace it with the following: 13 14 The Contractor shall make their best effort to utilize recycled materials in the construction 15 of the project. Approval of such material use shall be as detailed elsewhere in the 16 Standard Specifications. 17 18 Prior to Physical Completion the Contractor shall report the quantity of recycled materials 19 that were utilized in the construction of the project for each of the items listed in Section 20 9-03.21. The report shall include hot mix asphalt, recycled concrete aggregate, recycled 21 glass, steel furnace slag and other recycled materials (e.g. utilization of on-site material 22 and aggregates from concrete returned to the supplier). The Contractor’s report shall be 23 provided on DOT form 350-075 Recycled Materials Reporting. 24 25 Section 1-06.6 is supplemented with the following: 26 27 (******) 28 Recycled materials shall not be permitted in any construction north of the northern BNSF 29 right-of-way limit. 30 31 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 32 33 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed 34 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 35 36 Supplement this section with the following: 37 38 In cases of conflict between different safety regulations, the more stringent regulation 39 shall apply. 40 41 The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shall be the sole and 42 paramount administrative agency responsible for the administration of the provisions of 43 the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA). 44 45 The Contractor shall maintain at the project site office, or other well known place at the 46 project site, all articles necessary for providing first aid to the injured. The Contractor 47 shall establish, publish, and make known to all employees, procedures for ensuring 48 immediate removal to a hospital, or doctor’s care, persons, including employees, who 49 may have been injured on the project site. Employees should not be permitted to work 50 on the project site before the Contractor has established and made known procedures 51 for removal of injured persons to a hospital or a doctor’s care. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 30 1 The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy of 2 the Contractor’s plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage or injury resulting 3 from their failure, or improper maintenance, use, or operation. The Contractor shall be 4 solely and completely responsible for the conditions of the project site, including safety 5 for all persons and property in the performance of the work. This requirement shall apply 6 continuously, and not be limited to normal working hours. The required or implied duty of 7 the Engineer to conduct construction review of the Contractor’s performance does not, 8 and shall not, be intended to include review and adequacy of the Contractor’s safety 9 measures in, on, or near the project site. 10 11 1-07.1(2) Health and Safety 12 Section 1-07.1(2) is supplemented with the following: 13 14 (September 27, 2021 WSDOT GSP) 15 Governor’s Proclamation 20-05/21-14 16 The Contractor, by submitting its Bid, agrees that it will comply with Governor’s 17 Proclamations 20-05 as amended and 21-14 as amended, regarding COVID-19 18 Vaccination Requirements, and that it will require its workers, service providers, 19 subcontractors, suppliers, and their workers to comply as well. Furthermore, prior to 20 starting Work, the Contractor shall provide a Vaccine Declaration form (WSDOT 21 Form #271-050). 22 23 The Proclamations are available at: https://www.governor.wa.gov/office-24 governor/official-actions/proclamations 25 26 All costs related to the Governor’s Proclamations shall be considered included with 27 or incidental to other Bid items. 28 29 1-07.2 State Taxes 30 31 Delete this section, including its sub-sections, in its entirety and replace it with the following: 32 33 1-07.2 State Sales Tax 34 (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) 35 36 The Washington State Department of Revenue has issued special rules on the State 37 sales tax. Sections 1-07.2(1) through 1-07.2(3) are meant to clarify those rules. The 38 Contractor should contact the Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to 39 questions in this area. The Contracting Agency will not adjust its payment if the 40 Contractor bases a bid on a misunderstood tax liability. 41 42 The Contractor shall include all Contractor-paid taxes in the unit bid prices or other 43 contract amounts. In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included. 44 Section 1-07.2(2) describes this exception. 45 46 The Contracting Agency will pay the retained percentage (or release the Contract Bond if 47 a FHWA-funded Project) only if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State 48 Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract-related taxes have been 49 paid (RCW 60.28.051). The Contracting Agency may deduct from its payments to the 50 Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department of 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 31 Revenue, whether the amount owed relates to this contract or not. Any amount so 1 deducted will be paid into the proper State fund. 2 3 1-07.2(1) State Sales Tax — Rule 171 4 5 WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules, apply to building, repairing, or improving streets, 6 roads, etc., which are owned by a municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the 7 state, or by the United States, and which are used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic. 8 This includes storm or combined sewer systems within and included as a part of the 9 street or road drainage system and power lines when such are part of the roadway 10 lighting system. For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall include 11 Washington State Retail Sales Taxes in the various unit bid item prices, or other contract 12 amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, 13 equipment, or supplies used or consumed in doing the work. 14 15 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax — Rule 170 16 17 WAC 458-20-170, and its related rules, apply to the constructing and repairing of new or 18 existing buildings, or other structures, upon real property. This includes, but is not 19 limited to, the construction of streets, roads, highways, etc., owned by the state of 20 Washington; water mains and their appurtenances; sanitary sewers and sewage 21 disposal systems unless such sewers and disposal systems are within, and a part of, a 22 street or road drainage system; telephone, telegraph, electrical power distribution lines, 23 or other conduits or lines in or above streets or roads, unless such power lines become a 24 part of a street or road lighting system; and installing or attaching of any article of 25 tangible personal property in or to real property, whether or not such personal property 26 becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation. 27 28 For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall collect from the Contracting 29 Agency, retail sales tax on the full contract price. The Contracting Agency will 30 automatically add this sales tax to each payment to the Contractor. For this reason, the 31 Contractor shall not include the retail sales tax in the unit bid item prices, or in any other 32 contract amount subject to Rule 170, with the following exception. 33 34 Exception: The Contracting Agency will not add in sales tax for a payment the Contractor 35 or a subcontractor makes on the purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or 36 consumable supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included 37 in the unit bid item prices or in any other contract amount. 38 39 1-07.2(3) Services 40 41 The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the Contracting Agency on any 42 contract wholly for professional or other services (as defined in Washington State 43 Department of Revenue Rules 138 and 244). 44 45 1-07.4 Sanitation 46 47 Section 1-07.4(2) is supplemented with the following: 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 32 1 (******) 2 COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan (CHSP) 3 The Contractor shall prepare a project specific COVID-19 health and safety plan 4 (CHSP). The CHSP shall be prepared and submitted as a Type 2 Working Drawing 5 prior to beginning physical Work. The CHSP shall be based on the most current State 6 and Federal requirements. If the State or Federal requirements are revised, the 7 CHSP shall be updated as necessary to conform to the current requirements. 8 9 The Contractor shall update and resubmit the CHSP as the work progresses and 10 new activities appear on the look ahead schedule required under Section 1-08.3(2)D. 11 If the conditions change on the project, or a particular activity, the Contractor shall 12 update and resubmit the CHSP. Work on any activity shall cease if conditions prevent 13 full compliance with the CHSP. 14 15 The CHSP shall address the health and safety of all people associated with the 16 project including State workers in the field, Contractor personnel, consultants, project 17 staff, subcontractors, suppliers and anyone on the project site, staging areas, or 18 yards. 19 20 COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan (CHSP) Inspection 21 The Contractor shall grant full and unrestricted access to the Engineer for CHSP 22 Inspections. The Engineer (or designee) will conduct periodic compliance 23 inspections on the project site, staging areas, or yards to verify that any ongoing work 24 activity is following the CHSP plan. If the Engineer becomes aware of a 25 noncompliance incident either through a site inspection or other means, the 26 Contractor will be notified immediately (within 1 hour). The Contractor shall 27 immediately remedy the noncompliance incident or suspend all or part of the 28 associated work activity. The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that the 29 noncompliance incident has been corrected before the suspension will end. 30 31 1-07.5 Environmental Regulations 32 33 1-07.5(1) General 34 Section 1-07.5(1) is supplemented with the following: 35 36 (******) 37 Boeing Environmental Requirements 38 The Contracting Agency and Boeing have agreed to environmental provisions that 39 the Contractor shall follow throughout the project for all work occurring within the 40 limits of the permanent easement granted by Boeing. The Contractor shall prepare 41 the SPCC Plan and any other documentation in a manner that is consistent with the 42 provisions of the Contracting Agency and Boeing agreements. Copies of these 43 agreements are provided for the Contractor’s reference in Appendix F. The following 44 documents are included in that Appendix: 45 1. Soil Management Plan 46 2. Construction Water Management Plan 47 3. Stormwater Management and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 48 (SWPPP) 49 4. Spill Response Plan 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 33 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses 1 2 Section 1-07.6 is supplemented with the following: 3 4 (January 2, 2018 WSDOT GSP) 5 The Contracting Agency has obtained the below-listed permit(s) for this project. A copy of 6 the permit(s) is attached as an appendix for informational purposes. Copies of these 7 permits, including a copy of the Transfer of Coverage form, when applicable, are required 8 to be onsite at all times. 9 10 Contact with the permitting agencies, concerning the below-listed permit(s), shall be 11 made through the Engineer with the exception of when the Construction Stormwater 12 General Permit coverage is transferred to the Contractor, direct communication with the 13 Department of Ecology is allowed. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining 14 Ecology’s approval for any Work requiring additional approvals (e.g. Request for 15 Chemical Treatment Form). The Contractor shall obtain additional permits as necessary. 16 All costs to obtain and comply with additional permits shall be included in the applicable 17 Bid items for the Work involved. 18 19 *** Construction Stormwater General Permit (see Appendix E), 20 King County Construction Dewatering Permit (see Appendix J) *** 21 22 1-07.16 Protection and Restoration of Property 23 24 1-07.16(1) Private/Public Property 25 Section 1-07.16(1) is supplemented with the following: 26 27 (******) 28 Staging Area 29 The Contracting Agency has secured a staging area for use by the Contractor, see 30 the Construction Staging Plan in the Plans. Any modifications to this Construction 31 Staging Plan shall require approval by the Engineer. 32 33 1-07.17 Utilities and Similar Facilities 34 Section 1-07.17 is supplemented with the following: 35 36 (******) 37 Utility Potholing 38 The Contractor shall pothole utilities as directed by the Engineer to determine the 39 horizontal and vertical location of existing utilities in advance of the Contractor’s 40 operations. Potholing shall be provided by the Contractor at the following locations: 41 42 For unidentified utilities found during construction that the Engineer determines 43 may interfere with the Contractor’s operation; 44 To provide additional information on utility locations not available during the design 45 of the project at locations identified by the Engineer; 46 At locations identified by the Contractor when determined to be necessary to 47 prevent potential substantial delays in the project construction and approved by 48 the Engineer; 49 As a means coordinating identified utility relocations shown in the Plans or 50 identified in these Specifications; 51 When done at the request of a utility unless approved by the Engineer; 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 34 To determine the exact vertical or horizontal location of utilities in advance of the 1 Contractor’s excavation operations which are not likely to conflict with the final 2 improvements to be installed; or 3 As a means of determining the Contractor’s means and methods of constructing 4 the improvements to be installed by the Contractor. 5 6 The horizontal and vertical locations of potholed utilities shall be shown on the 7 Contractor’s maintained redlined Record Drawings for the project to a rag tape level of 8 accuracy. 9 10 Measurement 11 Potholing will be measured per each pothole required by the Engineer. 12 13 Payment 14 Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following Bid item when 15 included in the Proposal: 16 17 “Potholing”, per each. 18 The unit Contract price per each for “Potholing” shall constitute full compensation for 19 all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary and incidental to potholing utility 20 locations on the project, including restoration if required. 21 22 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance 23 24 Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: 25 26 1-07.18 Insurance 27 (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 28 29 1-07.18(1) General Requirements 30 A. The Contractor shall procure and maintain the insurance described in all 31 subsections of section 1-07.18 of these Special Provisions, from insurers with a current 32 A. M. Best rating of not less than A-: VII and licensed to do business in the State of 33 Washington. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to approve or reject the 34 insurance provided, based on the insurer’s financial condition. 35 36 B. The Contractor shall keep this insurance in force without interruption from the 37 commencement of the Contractor’s Work through the term of the Contract and for thirty 38 (30) days after the Physical Completion date, unless otherwise indicated below. 39 40 C. If any insurance policy is written on a claims made form, its retroactive date, 41 and that of all subsequent renewals, shall be no later than the effective date of this 42 Contract. The policy shall state that coverage is claims made, and state the retroactive 43 date. Claims-made form coverage shall be maintained by the Contractor for a 44 minimum of 36 months following the Completion Date or earlier termination of this 45 Contract, and the Contractor shall annually provide the Contracting Agency with proof 46 of renewal. If renewal of the claims made form of coverage becomes unavailable, or 47 economically prohibitive, the Contractor shall purchase an extended reporting period 48 (“tail”) or execute another form of guarantee acceptable to the Contracting Agency to 49 assure financial responsibility for liability for services performed. 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 35 D. The Contractor’s Automobile Liability, Commercial General Liability and Excess 1 or Umbrella Liability insurance policies shall be primary and non-contributory insurance 2 as respects the Contracting Agency’s insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool 3 coverage. Any insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by 4 the Contracting Agency shall be excess of the Contractor’s insurance and shall not 5 contribute with it. 6 7 E.The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency and all additional insureds with 8 written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days of their receipt of such 9 notice. 10 11 F. The Contractor shall not begin work under the Contract until the required 12 insurance has been obtained and approved by the Contracting Agency 13 14 G. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required 15 shall constitute a material breach of contract, upon which the Contracting Agency may, 16 after giving five business days’ notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, 17 immediately terminate the Contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such 18 insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so 19 expended to be repaid to the Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole discretion 20 of the Contracting Agency, offset against funds due the Contractor from the 21 Contracting Agency. 22 23 H. All costs for insurance shall be incidental to and included in the unit or lump 24 sum prices of the Contract and no additional payment will be made. 25 26 1-07.18(2) Additional Insured 27 All insurance policies, with the exception of Workers Compensation, and of 28 Professional Liability and Builder’s Risk (if required by this Contract) shall name the 29 following listed entities as additional insured(s) using the forms or endorsements 30 required herein: 31 the Contracting Agency and its officers, elected officials, employees, agents, and 32 volunteers 33 34 The above-listed entities shall be additional insured(s) for the full available limits of 35 liability maintained by the Contractor, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by 36 the Contractor are greater than those required by this Contract, and irrespective of 37 whether the Certificate of Insurance provided by the Contractor pursuant to 1-07.18(4) 38 describes limits lower than those maintained by the Contractor. 39 40 For Commercial General Liability insurance coverage, the required additional insured 41 endorsements shall be at least as broad as ISO forms CG 20 10 10 01 for ongoing 42 operations and CG 20 37 10 01 for completed operations. 43 44 1-07.18(3) Subcontractors 45 The Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor of every tier to provide insurance 46 coverage that complies with all applicable requirements of the Contractor-provided 47 insurance as set forth herein, except the Contractor shall have sole responsibility for 48 determining the limits of coverage required to be obtained by Subcontractors. 49 50 The Contractor shall ensure that all Subcontractors of every tier add all entities listed in 51 1-07.18(2) as additional insureds, and provide proof of such on the policies as required 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 36 by that section as detailed in 1-07.18(2) using an endorsement as least as broad as 1 ISO CG 20 10 10 01 for ongoing operations and CG 20 37 10 01 for completed 2 operations. 3 4 Upon request by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall forward to the 5 Contracting Agency evidence of insurance and copies of the additional insured 6 endorsements of each Subcontractor of every tier as required in 1-07.18(4) Verification 7 of Coverage. 8 9 1-07.18(4) Verification of Coverage 10 The Contractor shall deliver to the Contracting Agency a Certificate(s) of Insurance and 11 endorsements for each policy of insurance meeting the requirements set forth herein 12 when the Contractor delivers the signed Contract for the work. Failure of Contracting 13 Agency to demand such verification of coverage with these insurance requirements or 14 failure of Contracting Agency to identify a deficiency from the insurance documentation 15 provided shall not be construed as a waiver of Contractor’s obligation to maintain such 16 insurance. 17 18 Verification of coverage shall include: 19 1. An ACORD certificate or a form determined by the Contracting Agency to be 20 equivalent. 21 2. Copies of all endorsements naming Contracting Agency and all other entities 22 listed in 1-07.18(2) as additional insured(s), showing the policy number. The 23 Contractor may submit a copy of any blanket additional insured clause from its policies 24 instead of a separate endorsement. 25 3. Any other amendatory endorsements to show the coverage required herein. 26 4. A notation of coverage enhancements on the Certificate of Insurance shall not 27 satisfy these requirements – actual endorsements must be submitted. 28 29 Upon request by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall forward to the 30 Contracting Agency a full and certified copy of the insurance policy(s). If Builders Risk 31 insurance is required on this Project, a full and certified copy of that policy is required 32 when the Contractor delivers the signed Contract for the work. 33 34 1-07.18(5) Coverages and Limits 35 The insurance shall provide the minimum coverages and limits set forth below. 36 Contractor’s maintenance of insurance, its scope of coverage, and limits as required 37 herein shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage 38 provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the Contracting Agency’s recourse to 39 any remedy available at law or in equity. 40 41 All deductibles and self-insured retentions must be disclosed and are subject to 42 approval by the Contracting Agency. The cost of any claim payments falling within the 43 deductible or self-insured retention shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. In the 44 event an additional insured incurs a liability subject to any policy’s deductibles or self-45 insured retention, said deductibles or self-insured retention shall be the responsibility of 46 the Contractor. 47 48 1-07.18(5)A Commercial General Liability 49 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 37 Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on coverage forms at least as 1 broad as ISO occurrence form CG 00 01, including but not limited to liability arising 2 from premises, operations, stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-3 completed operations, personal and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an 4 insured contract. There shall be no exclusion for liability arising from explosion, 5 collapse or underground property damage. 6 7 The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide a per project 8 general aggregate limit, using ISO form CG 25 03 05 09 or an equivalent endorsement. 9 10 Contractor shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance arising out of the 11 Contractor’s completed operations for at least three years following Substantial 12 Completion of the Work. 13 14 Such policy must provide the following minimum limits: 15 $2,000,000 Each Occurrence 16 $4,000,000 General Aggregate 17 $2,000,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate 18 $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury each offence 19 $1,000,000 Stop Gap / Employers’ Liability each accident 20 21 1-07.18(5)B Automobile Liability 22 Automobile Liability shall cover owned, non-owned, hired, and leased vehicles; and 23 shall be written on a coverage form at least as broad as ISO form CA 00 01. If the 24 work involves the transport of pollutants, the automobile liability policy shall include 25 MCS 90 and CA 99 48 endorsements. 26 27 Such policy must provide the following minimum limit: 28 $1,000,000 Combined single limit each accident 29 30 1-07.18(5)C Workers’ Compensation 31 The Contractor shall comply with Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the 32 Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 33 34 1-07.18(5)D Excess or Umbrella Liability 35 (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 36 37 The Contractor shall provide Excess or Umbrella Liability insurance with limits of not less 38 than $2 million each occurrence and annual aggregate. This excess or umbrella liability 39 coverage shall be excess over and as least as broad in coverage as the Contractor’s 40 Commercial General and Auto Liability insurance 41 42 All entities listed under 1-07.18(2) of these Special Provisions shall be named as 43 additional insureds on the Contractor’s Excess or Umbrella Liability insurance policy. 44 45 This requirement may be satisfied instead through the Contractor’s primary Commercial 46 General and Automobile Liability coverages, or any combination thereof that achieves 47 the overall required limits of insurance. 48 49 Section 1-07.18 is supplemented with the following: 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 38 (******) 1 The Contractor shall comply with all of the right of entry and insurance requirements 2 identified in the Appendix H, Grade Crossing Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 3 4 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety 5 6 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic 7 (May 2, 2017 APWA GSP) 8 9 Revise the third sentence of the second paragraph to read: 10 11 Accessibility to existing or temporary pedestrian push buttons shall not be impaired; if 12 approved by the Contracting Agency activating pedestrian recall timing or other 13 accommodation may be allowed during construction. 14 15 Section 1-07.23(1) is supplemented with the following: 16 17 (******) 18 Boeing Trucks 19 The Contractor shall be required to accommodate truck movements into and out of 20 Boeing as required by Boeing. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer at least 5 21 working days written notice of any time that access by Boeing trucks would be 22 impacted. Before work proceeds, the Engineer will confirm with Boeing access by 23 their trucks can be impacted by the Contractor. If Boeing denies allowing impact to 24 their truck access, the Contractor shall reschedule their work to a mutually agreeable 25 time. No cost adjustments will be made to any item of work to accommodate the 26 mutually agreeable time. Vehicle lengths up to 94 feet are anticipated. Vehicle runs 27 may be daily. The Contractor shall modify the current traffic control to accommodate 28 these truck movements, and such work may include plating over trenches. Costs to 29 accommodate these truck movements will be incidental to other items of work, and 30 no cost adjustments will otherwise be made. 31 32 1-07.24 Rights of Way 33 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) 34 35 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 36 37 Street Right of Way lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are 38 indicated in the Plans. The Contractor’s construction activities shall be confined within 39 these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. 40 41 Generally, the Contracting Agency will have obtained, prior to bid opening, all rights of 42 way and easements, both permanent and temporary, necessary for carrying out the 43 work. Exceptions to this are noted in the Bid Documents or will be brought to the 44 Contractor’s attention by a duly issued Addendum. 45 46 Whenever any of the work is accomplished on or through property other than public 47 Right of Way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any 48 easement agreement obtained by the Contracting Agency from the owner of the private 49 property. Copies of the easement agreements may be included in the Contract 50 Provisions or made available to the Contractor as soon as practical after they have been 51 obtained by the Engineer. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 39 1 Whenever easements or rights of entry have not been acquired prior to advertising, 2 these areas are so noted in the Plans. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion 3 of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been 4 acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is 5 available or that the right of entry has been received. If the Contractor is delayed due to 6 acts of omission on the part of the Contracting Agency in obtaining easements, rights of 7 entry or right of way, the Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time. The 8 Contractor agrees that such delay shall not be a breach of contract. 9 10 Each property owner shall be given 48 hours notice prior to entry by the Contractor. This 11 includes entry onto easements and private property where private improvements must 12 be adjusted. 13 14 The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability to the 15 Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may 16 desire for temporary construction facilities, storage of materials, or other Contractor 17 needs. However, before using any private property, whether adjoining the work or not, 18 the Contractor shall file with the Engineer a written permission of the private property 19 owner, and, upon vacating the premises, a written release from the property owner of 20 each property disturbed or otherwise interfered with by reasons of construction pursued 21 under this contract. The statement shall be signed by the private property owner, or 22 proper authority acting for the owner of the private property affected, stating that 23 permission has been granted to use the property and all necessary permits have been 24 obtained or, in the case of a release, that the restoration of the property has been 25 satisfactorily accomplished. The statement shall include the parcel number, address, 26 and date of signature. Written releases must be filed with the Engineer before the 27 Completion Date will be established. 28 29 1-07.28 Railroads 30 (******) 31 32 Add the following new section: 33 34 The term Railroad Company shall be understood to mean each of the following railroad 35 companies: 36 37 *** BNSF *** 38 39 The Contractor shall keep the right of way and ditches of the Railroad Company open and 40 clean from any deposits or debris resulting from its operations. The Contractor shall be 41 responsible for the cost to clean and restore ballast of the Railroad Company which is 42 disturbed or becomes fouled with dirt or materials when such deposits or damage result 43 from the Contractor’s operations, except as provided elsewhere. 44 45 The Contractor shall cooperate with the Railroad Company and so conduct operations 46 that the necessary reconstruction of its facilities and the removal of existing facilities can 47 be accomplished without interruption of service. 48 49 The Contracting Agency has or will enter into an agreement with the Railroad Company 50 as specified in these provisions as contained in Appendix *** H ***. The Contractor and 51 all Subcontractors performing work within the BNSF right of way, shall comply with all 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 40 requirements in Exhibit C within Appendix H and sign/complete Exhibit C-1 within 1 Appendix H. Exhibit C-1 shall be submitted directly to the City of Renton Project Manager 2 with 10 days of award. 3 4 Construction Work by Railroad Company 5 The work by the Railroad Company as described below will be performed by the 6 Railroad Company with its own forces at no cost to the Contractor: 7 8 *** Modification to existing railroad tracks, 9 Installation of concrete/rubber crossing surfaces adjacent to tracks, 10 Installation of railroad track and railroad track supports, 11 Installation of crossing signal equipment (including pole foundations) and 12 crossing signal control house, 13 Installation of interface box, including terminals, 14 Installation of track components necessary to support the railroad signal 15 devices, 16 Changes to telephone, telegraph, signal, and/or wire lines and appurtenances 17 over or under the track that are in conflict with the Work. *** 18 19 1-07.28(1) General 20 21 The Contractor shall protect all of the Railroad Company’s property and facilities from 22 damage resulting from the Work. 23 24 The Contractor shall not interfere with or menace the integrity or safe and successful 25 operations of the Railroad Company or its appurtenances, trains, or facilities. 26 27 The Contractor shall not transport equipment, machinery, or materials across the Railroad 28 Company’s tracks, except at a public crossing, without the written consent of the Railroad 29 Company. 30 31 No Work shall commence within the Railroad Company’s Property unless and until the 32 Contractor has executed, delivered, and received in return the fully executed Contractor’s 33 Right-of-Entry Agreement or Permit from the Railroad Company, and has obtained all of 34 the insurance required by the Railroad Company as specified therein. All Work within the 35 Railroad Company’s right of way or within 25 feet of centerline of the nearest tracks shall 36 be in accordance with the Contractor’s Right of Entry Agreement or Permit. 37 38 The Contractor is responsible to participate in all coordination meetings with the Engineer 39 and Railroad Company, provide schedule information and Working Drawings, and provide 40 notifications as described herein. The Railroad Company will coordinate with the 41 Contracting Agency, review all Working Drawings, and supervise all Work on the Railroad 42 Right of Way. 43 44 No act of the Railroad Company in supervising or approving any Work shall reduce or 45 affect the liability of the Contractor for damages, expense, or cost which may result to the 46 Railroad Company from the construction of this Contract. 47 48 The Contractor shall call the One-Number Locator Service for field location of utilities within 49 the railroad right of way. Utilities may be present in the railbed that were not collected 50 during prior surveying efforts during project design. The provisions of Section 1-07.17 shall 51 apply within the Railroad Company right of way. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 41 1 1-07.28(2) Submittals and Working Drawings 2 3 All submittals and Working Drawings prepared by the Contractor for review by the Railroad 4 Company shall be Type 3 or 3E Working Drawings. The Contractor shall submit Working 5 Drawings to the Engineer. The Contracting Agency will coordinate Working Drawing review 6 with the Railroad Company. The Contractor shall develop a progress schedule that 7 includes Working Drawing reviews by the Railroad Company. 8 9 1-07.28(3) Protection of Railroad Right of Way and Other Property 10 11 At the Contractor’s expense, the Contractor shall exercise care and prosecute the Work 12 protecting the Railroad Company’s property, appurtenances, right of way, trains or 13 facilities, from damage, destruction, interference or injury caused by the Contractor’s 14 operations. 15 16 1-07.28(4) Protection of Railroad Operations 17 18 The Railroad Company will specify what periods will be available to the Contractor for 19 executing the Work in which the Railroad Company’s tracks will be obstructed or made 20 unsafe for operation of the railroad. No interference with BNSF Railway Company and 21 Union Pacific Railroad operations will be permitted between October 1 and December 31. 22 The Railroad Company may change these requirements to be more or less restrictive. 23 Requests for extensions of time due to additional railroad restrictions shall be in 24 accordance with Section 1-08.8. Railroad restrictions and changes to railroad restriction 25 will not be eligible for a cost adjustment. 26 27 In the event that an emergency occurs in connection with the Work specified, the Railroad 28 Company reserves the right to do any and all work that may be necessary to maintain 29 railroad traffic. If the emergency is caused by the Contractor, the Contractor shall be 30 responsible for all Railroad Company costs associated with the emergency response. 31 32 1-07.28(5) Railroad Company Training Required for Contractor Employees 33 34 Each person providing labor, material, supervision, or services connected with the Work 35 to be performed within 25 feet of the centerline of the tracks or within railroad property 36 shall complete a safety orientation session online at https://bnsfcontractor.com or 37 www.contractororientation.com, and agree to abide by all applicable safety regulations and 38 rules. 39 40 1-07.28(6) Railroad Protective Services 41 42 For purposes of Section 1-07.28, Railroad Protective Services shall mean work done by 43 the Railroad Company or its agents to protect the Railroad Company’s facilities, property, 44 and movement of its trains or engines, including railroad flagging and other devices, 45 required by the Railroad Company as a result of the Contractor’s operations. The 46 Contractor shall notify the Railroad Company a minimum of 30 calendar days in advance 47 of whenever the Contractor is about to perform Work within Railroad Company property or 48 within 25 feet of the centerline of tracks to enable the Railroad Company to provide flagging 49 or other Railroad Protective Services. 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 42 Protective Services, personnel and other measures required will in all cases be determined 1 by the Railroad Company. Nothing in these specifications will limit the Railroad Company’s 2 right to determine and assign the number of personnel, the classes of personnel for 3 Railroad Protective Services nor other Railroad Protective Services measures it deems 4 necessary. The Railroad Company will furnish such flaggers or inspectors as they deem 5 necessary. 6 7 The Contractor shall submit to the Railroad Company and the Engineer, in writing, an 8 itinerary of work within the Railroad Company’s right of way or otherwise requiring a 9 Railroad Company flagger for the following week. If such work spans multiple weeks, the 10 itinerary shall be provided in advance of each work week. 11 12 Unless otherwise provided, all personnel assigned by the Railroad Company, other than 13 those engaged in performing work by the Railroad Company as listed under Construction 14 Work by Railroad Company, will be considered Railroad Protective Services personnel. 15 16 The Railroad Company’s policy for assignment of railroad flaggers requires that the 17 flagging position is established for fixed work days and times. Any railroad flagging 18 performed outside of these parameters may be subject to overtime costs. The Contractor 19 shall verify with the Railroad Company what categories of railroad flagging constitute 20 overtime work and obtain prior authorization from the Engineer before coordinating with 21 the Railroad Company for flagging requiring overtime payments. 22 23 The Contracting Agency shall generally be responsible for payment of costs for Railroad 24 protective services. However, for this Contract the Contracting Agency’s payments shall 25 be limited to 40 working days maximum of Railroad protective services. The Contractor 26 may use additional days of Railroad protective service at the Contractor’s expense. See 27 Section 1-07.28(8). 28 29 1-07.28(7) Railroad Insurance 30 31 The Contractor, its subcontractors or agents, shall at its own expense, obtain and maintain 32 in force all insurance required by Railroad until the completion date of the contract as 33 described in Section 1-08.5 except as stated herein. 34 35 When all the Work involving construction activities within or immediately adjacent to the 36 railroad right of way is completed, the Contractor may make a written request to the 37 Engineer to be relieved of the responsibility to continue all or part of the insurance. If the 38 Engineer deems the portion of the Work in that area is complete, the Engineer may 39 approve the Contractor’s request. However, if for any reason the Contractor resumes or 40 starts new Work in that area (including being ordered to do so by the Engineer), the 41 insurance shall be reinstated by the Contractor before the Work is started. If the insurance 42 must be reinstated because of the Contractor’s operations or failure of the Contractor to 43 perform all the Contract requirements, the costs shall be the responsibility of the 44 Contractor. If the insurance must be reinstated because of changes to the Contract, the 45 costs will be considered in accordance with Section 1-04.4. 46 47 1-07.28(8) Measurement and Payment 48 49 The Contracting Agency will make payments to the Railroad for Railroad Protective 50 Services unless: 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 43 1. Such services result from the Contractor’s failure to comply with the terms and 1 conditions of its contract with the Contracting Agency or with its Contractor’s 2 Right of Entry Agreements with the Railroad Company. 3 4 2. The Contractor fails to obtain authorization from the Engineer prior to 5 coordinating with the Railroad Company for any flagging requiring overtime 6 payments as specified under Railroad Safety and Flagging. 7 8 3. The Contractor arranges for assignment of a railroad flagger and alters project 9 work so that a flagger is no longer needed, and adequate advance notice is not 10 provided to the Railroad Company of such change in the need for a flagger (i.e., 11 causing the Railroad Company to dispatch a flagger billable to the project when 12 one is not required). 13 14 4. The Contractor causes an emergency, as specified under Railroad Operations. 15 16 5. Protective services are required as a result of a request to the Railroad Company 17 for the Contractor’s convenience. 18 19 6. The Contract provides for a bid item in the Contract. 20 21 7. The Contractor exceeds the allowance of *** 40 *** working days of Railroad 22 Protective Services as defined in Section 1-07.28(6). 23 24 “Railroad Coordination”, lump sum. 25 The lump sum payment for “Railroad Coordination” shall be full pay for all costs to 26 comply with Section 1-07.28, including costs to comply with the requirements of 27 Exhibit C in Appendix H and utility locate services within the Railroad Company right 28 of way, except costs for Railroad Protective Services. 29 30 Based on the lump sum Contract price for “Railroad Coordination,” partial payments 31 will be made as follows: 32 33 1. When the Contractor has used 25 working days, 25 percent of the amount Bid 34 for railroad coordination will be paid. 35 2. When the Contractor has used 50 working days, 50 percent of the amount Bid 36 for railroad coordination will be paid. 37 3. When the Contractor has used 75 working days, 75 percent of the amount Bid 38 for railroad coordination will be paid. 39 4. When the Substantial Completion Date has been established for the project, 100 40 percent of the amount Bid for railroad coordination will be paid. 41 42 43 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 44 45 Add the following new section: 46 47 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters 48 (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) 49 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 44 Add the following new section: 1 2 1-08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference 3 (October 10, 2008 APWA GSP) 4 5 Prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstruction conference will be held 6 between the Contractor, the Engineer and such other interested parties as may be 7 invited. The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be: 8 1. To review the initial progress schedule; 9 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or 10 affected by the work; 11 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, approvals, 12 submittals, etc.; 13 4. To establish normal working hours for the work; 14 5. To review safety standards and traffic control; and 15 6. To discuss such other related items as may be pertinent to the work. 16 17 The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the preconstruction conference the following: 18 1. A breakdown of all lump sum items; 19 2. A preliminary schedule of working drawing submittals; and 20 3. A list of material sources for approval if applicable. 21 22 Add the following new section: 23 24 1-08.0(2) Hours of Work 25 (December 8, 2014 APWA GSP) 26 27 Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the 28 normal working hours for the Contract shall be any consecutive 8-hour period between 29 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, exclusive of a lunch break. If the 30 Contractor desires different than the normal working hours stated above, the request 31 must be submitted in writing prior to the preconstruction conference, subject to the 32 provisions below. The working hours for the Contract shall be established at or prior to 33 the preconstruction conference. 34 35 All working hours and days are also subject to local permit and ordinance conditions (such 36 as noise ordinances). 37 38 If the Contractor wishes to deviate from the established working hours, the Contractor 39 shall submit a written request to the Engineer for consideration. This request shall state 40 what hours are being requested, and why. Requests shall be submitted for review no 41 later than 3 working days prior to the day(s) the Contractor is requesting to change the 42 hours. 43 44 If the Contracting Agency approves such a deviation, such approval may be subject to 45 certain other conditions, which will be detailed in writing. For example: 46 1. On non-Federal aid projects, requiring the Contractor to reimburse the 47 Contracting Agency for the costs in excess of straight-time costs for Contracting 48 Agency representatives who worked during such times. (The Engineer may 49 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 45 require designated representatives to be present during the work. 1 Representatives who may be deemed necessary by the Engineer include, but are 2 not limited to: survey crews; personnel from the Contracting Agency’s material 3 testing lab; inspectors; and other Contracting Agency employees or third party 4 consultants when, in the opinion of the Engineer, such work necessitates their 5 presence.) 6 2. Considering the work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays as working 7 days with regard to the contract time. 8 3. Considering multiple work shifts as multiple working days with respect to contract 9 time even though the multiple shifts occur in a single 24-hour period. 10 4. If a 4-10 work schedule is requested and approved the non working day for the 11 week will be charged as a working day. 12 5. If Davis Bacon wage rates apply to this Contract, all requirements must be met 13 and recorded properly on certified payroll 14 15 1-08.1 Subcontracting 16 (May 30, 2019 APWA GSP, Option B) 17 18 Delete the ninth paragraph, beginning with “On all projects, the Contractor shall certify…”. 19 20 1-08.3 Progress Schedule 21 22 23 1-08.3(2)B Type B Progress Schedule 24 (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) 25 26 Revise the first paragraph to read: 27 28 The Contractor shall submit a preliminary Type B Progress Schedule at or prior to the 29 preconstruction conference. The preliminary Type B Progress Schedule shall comply 30 with all of these requirements and the requirements of Section 1-08.3(1), except that it 31 may be limited to only those activities occurring within the first 60-working days of the 32 project. 33 34 Revise the first sentence of the second paragraph to read: 35 36 The Contractor shall submit 5 copies of a Type B Progress Schedule depicting the entire 37 project no later than 21-calendar days after the preconstruction conference. 38 39 Payment 40 Section 1-08.3(5) is revised to read: 41 42 (******) 43 Payment will be made for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal: 44 45 “Min Bid Req – Type *** B *** Progress Schedule *** $2,500 ***”, lump sum. 46 47 The lump sum price shall be full pay for all costs for furnishing the Type *** B *** 48 Progress Schedule and preliminary Type *** B *** Progress Schedule. 49 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 46 Payment of 80 percent of the lump sum price will be made upon approval of the 1 Progress Schedule. 2 3 Payment will be increased to 100 percent of the lump sum price upon completion of 4 80 percent of the original total Contract Award amount. 5 6 All costs for providing Type A Progress Schedules and Weekly Look-Ahead 7 Schedules are considered incidental to other items of Work in the Contract. 8 9 No payment will be made for Schedule Updates that are required due to the 10 Contractor’s operations. Schedule Updates required by events that are attributed to 11 the actions of the Contracting Agency will be paid for in accordance with Section 1-12 09.4. 13 14 1-08.4 Prosecution of Work 15 16 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 17 18 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of Work 19 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) 20 21 Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed and the contract 22 bond and evidence of insurance have been approved and filed by the Contracting 23 Agency. The Contractor shall not commence with the work until the Notice to Proceed 24 has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities 25 on the project site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed Date, unless otherwise 26 approved in writing. The Contractor shall diligently pursue the work to the physical 27 completion date within the time specified in the contract. Voluntary shutdown or slowing 28 of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to 29 complete the work within the time(s) specified in the contract. 30 31 When shown in the Plans, the first order of work shall be the installation of high visibility 32 fencing to delineate all areas for protection or restoration, as described in the Contract. 33 Installation of high visibility fencing adjacent to the roadway shall occur after the 34 placement of all necessary signs and traffic control devices in accordance with 1-10.1(2). 35 Upon construction of the fencing, the Contractor shall request the Engineer to inspect the 36 fence. No other work shall be performed on the site until the Contracting Agency has 37 accepted the installation of high visibility fencing, as described in the Contract. 38 39 1-08.5 Time for Completion 40 (November 30, 2018 APWA GSP, Option A) 41 42 Revise the third and fourth paragraphs to read: 43 44 Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the Notice to Proceed Date. 45 46 Each working day shall be charged to the contract as it occurs, until the contract work is 47 physically complete. If substantial completion has been granted and all the authorized 48 working days have been used, charging of working days will cease. Each week the 49 Engineer will provide the Contractor a statement that shows the number of working days: 50 (1) charged to the contract the week before; (2) specified for the physical completion of 51 the contract; and (3) remaining for the physical completion of the contract. The 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 47 statement will also show the nonworking days and any partial or whole day the Engineer 1 declares as unworkable. Within 10 calendar days after the date of each statement, the 2 Contractor shall file a written protest of any alleged discrepancies in it. To be considered 3 by the Engineer, the protest shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to 4 ascertain the basis and amount of time disputed. By not filing such detailed protest in 5 that period, the Contractor shall be deemed as having accepted the statement as 6 correct. If the Contractor is approved to work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week (a 4-10 7 schedule) and the fifth day of the week in which a 4-10 shift is worked would ordinarily be 8 charged as a working day then the fifth day of that week will be charged as a working 9 day whether or not the Contractor works on that day. 10 11 Revise the sixth paragraph to read: 12 13 The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the completion date of the contract 14 after all the Contractor’s obligations under the contract have been performed by the 15 Contractor. The following events must occur before the Completion Date can be 16 established: 17 1. The physical work on the project must be complete; and 18 2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required by the contract and required 19 by law, to allow the Contracting Agency to process final acceptance of the contract. 20 The following documents must be received by the Project Engineer prior to 21 establishing a completion date: 22 a. Certified Payrolls (per Section 1-07.9(5)). 23 b. Material Acceptance Certification Documents 24 c. Monthly Reports of Amounts Credited as DBE Participation, as required by the 25 Contract Provisions. 26 d. Final Contract Voucher Certification 27 e. Copies of the approved “Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid” for the Contractor 28 and all Subcontractors 29 f. A copy of the Notice of Termination sent to the Washington State Department of 30 Ecology (Ecology); the elapse of 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the 31 Notice of Termination by Ecology; and no rejection of the Notice of Termination 32 by Ecology. This requirement will not apply if the Construction Stormwater 33 General Permit is transferred back to the Contracting Agency in accordance with 34 Section 8-01.3(16). 35 g. Property owner releases per Section 1-07.24 36 37 38 Section 1-08.5 is supplemented with the following: 39 40 (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) 41 This project shall be physically completed within *** 100 *** working days. 42 43 1-08.6 Suspension of Work 44 Section 1-08.6 is supplemented with the following: 45 46 (January 2, 2018 WSDOT GSP) 47 Contract time may be suspended for procurement of critical materials (Procurement 48 Suspension). In order to receive a Procurement Suspension, the Contractor shall within 49 21 calendar days after execution by the Contracting Agency, place purchase orders for 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 48 all materials deemed critical by the Contracting Agency for physical completion of the 1 contract. The Contractor shall provide copies of purchase orders for the critical materials. 2 Such purchase orders shall disclose the purchase order date and estimated delivery 3 dates for such critical material. 4 5 The Contractor shall show procurement of the materials listed below as activities in the 6 Progress Schedule. If the approved Progress Schedule indicates that the materials 7 procurement are critical activities, and if the Contractor has provided documentation that 8 purchase orders are placed for the critical materials within the prescribed 21 calendar 9 days, then contract time will be suspended upon physical completion of all critical work 10 except that work dependent upon the below listed critical materials: 11 12 *** Traffic signal poles and illumination poles *** 13 14 Charging of contract time will resume upon delivery of the critical materials to the 15 Contractor or 120 calendar days after execution by the Contracting Agency, whichever 16 occurs first. 17 18 (******) 19 1-08.6(1) Suspension Related to Railroad Construction Delays 20 21 The Contractor shall include in its Type B Progress Schedule a desired schedule for 22 completing the installation of earthwork activities within the BNSF easement area and 23 casing installation across the BNSF right of way. The Contractor is made aware that BNSF 24 must approve of this schedule prior to the Contractor performing earthwork or casing 25 installation in the BNSF right of way and that BNSF will complete various construction 26 activities within their right of way prior to the Work included in this project to be completed 27 by the Contractor. Such work potentially includes removal of existing tracks. 28 29 The Contractor shall prepare the Type B Progress Schedule showing the Contractor’s 30 desired start date for BNSF to complete the necessary advance work. The Contractor 31 shall assume that BNSF will start their advance work no more than 14 calendar days after 32 the Contractor’s desired BNSF start date and that BNSF will complete their work within 5 33 working days. The Contractor shall be prepared to install the casings and earthwork 34 during this 5-working-day window. BNSF will determine when during the 5-working-day 35 window the Contractor must install the casings and the Contractor shall do so the same 36 day as scheduled by BNSF. After the casings, casings backfill and earthwork are installed 37 by the Contractor, BNSF will complete their remaining track and panel installation work. 38 39 The Contractor shall provide at least 30 calendar days notice to BNSF communicating 40 the desired BNSF construction start date. 41 42 If the Contractor provides notice per the above requirement but BNSF does not comply 43 with starting or finishing their work, the Engineer may order suspension of all Work by the 44 Contractor. In making their determination, the Engineer may consider if other elements of 45 the Work can proceed while the work across the BNSF tracks is incomplete. 46 47 If a suspension occurs, the Contractor shall perform all maintenance during suspension 48 as required in Section 1-08.7 including maintenance of erosion control measures and 49 other elements of environmental compliance to conform to the requirements of the 50 Contract. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 49 Measurement and Payment 1 If the Work is suspended per Section 1-08.6(1), then the Contractor shall receive 2 payment per calendar day of suspension under the following Bid item when it is 3 included in the Proposal: 4 5 “Railroad Construction Suspension”, per day. 6 7 The quantity for “Railroad Construction Suspension” in the Proposal is the 8 Contracting Agency’s estimate for the maximum number of suspension days, but 9 more or fewer days may be required if a suspension occurs. 10 11 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages 12 (August 14, 2013 APWA GSP) 13 14 Revise the fourth paragraph to read: 15 16 When the Contract Work has progressed to Substantial Completion as defined in the 17 Contract, the Engineer may determine that the work is Substantially Complete. The 18 Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of the Substantial Completion Date. For 19 overruns in Contract time occurring after the date so established, the formula for 20 liquidated damages shown above will not apply. For overruns in Contract time occurring 21 after the Substantial Completion Date, liquidated damages shall be assessed on the 22 basis of direct engineering and related costs assignable to the project until the actual 23 Physical Completion Date of all the Contract Work. The Contractor shall complete the 24 remaining Work as promptly as possible. Upon request by the Project Engineer, the 25 Contractor shall furnish a written schedule for completing the physical Work on the 26 Contract. 27 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 50 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1 2 1-09.2 Weighing Equipment 3 4 1-09.2(1) General Requirements for Weighing Equipment 5 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP, Option 2) 6 7 Revise item 4 of the fifth paragraph to read: 8 9 4. Test results and scale weight records for each day’s hauling operations are provided 10 to the Engineer daily. Reporting shall utilize WSDOT form 422-027, Scaleman’s Daily 11 Report, unless the printed ticket contains the same information that is on the 12 Scaleman’s Daily Report Form. The scale operator must provide AM and/or PM tare 13 weights for each truck on the printed ticket. 14 15 1-09.2(5) Measurement 16 (May 2, 2017 APWA GSP) 17 18 Revise the first paragraph to read: 19 20 Scale Verification Checks – At the Engineer’s discretion, the Engineer may perform 21 verification checks on the accuracy of each batch, hopper, or platform scale used in 22 weighing contract items of Work. 23 24 1-09.6 Force Account 25 (October 10, 2008 APWA GSP) 26 27 Supplement this section with the following: 28 29 The Contracting Agency has estimated and included in the Proposal, dollar amounts for 30 all items to be paid per force account, only to provide a common proposal for Bidders. All 31 such dollar amounts are to become a part of Contractor's total bid. However, the 32 Contracting Agency does not warrant expressly or by implication, that the actual amount 33 of work will correspond with those estimates. Payment will be made on the basis of the 34 amount of work actually authorized by Engineer. 35 36 1-09.9 Payments 37 (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) 38 39 Delete the first four paragraphs and replace them with the following: 40 41 The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of Work performed according to the 42 Contract and as specified for payment. 43 44 The Contractor shall submit a breakdown of the cost of lump sum bid items at the 45 Preconstruction Conference, to enable the Project Engineer to determine the Work 46 performed on a monthly basis. A breakdown is not required for lump sum items that 47 include a basis for incremental payments as part of the respective Specification. Absent 48 a lump sum breakdown, the Project Engineer will make a determination based on 49 information available. The Project Engineer’s determination of the cost of work shall be 50 final. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 51 Progress payments for completed work and material on hand will be based upon progress 1 estimates prepared by the Engineer. A progress estimate cutoff date will be established 2 at the preconstruction conference. 3 4 The initial progress estimate will be made not later than 30 days after the Contractor 5 commences the work, and successive progress estimates will be made every month 6 thereafter until the Completion Date. Progress estimates made during progress of the 7 work are tentative, and made only for the purpose of determining progress payments. The 8 progress estimates are subject to change at any time prior to the calculation of the final 9 payment. 10 11 The value of the progress estimate will be the sum of the following: 12 1. Unit Price Items in the Bid Form — the approximate quantity of acceptable units of 13 work completed multiplied by the unit price. 14 2. Lump Sum Items in the Bid Form — based on the approved Contractor’s lump sum 15 breakdown for that item, or absent such a breakdown, based on the Engineer’s 16 determination. 17 3. Materials on Hand — 100 percent of invoiced cost of material delivered to Job site 18 or other storage area approved by the Engineer. 19 4. Change Orders — entitlement for approved extra cost or completed extra work as 20 determined by the Engineer. 21 22 Progress payments will be made in accordance with the progress estimate less: 23 1. Retainage per Section 1-09.9(1), on non FHWA-funded projects; 24 2. The amount of progress payments previously made; and 25 3. Funds withheld by the Contracting Agency for disbursement in accordance with the 26 Contract Documents. 27 28 Progress payments for work performed shall not be evidence of acceptable performance 29 or an admission by the Contracting Agency that any work has been satisfactorily 30 completed. The determination of payments under the contract will be final in accordance 31 with Section 1-05.1. 32 33 Supplement this section with the following: 34 35 (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) 36 Lump sum item breakdowns are not required when the bid price for the lump sum item is 37 less than $20,000. 38 39 1-09.11 Disputes and Claims 40 41 1-09.11(3) Time Limitation and Jurisdiction 42 (November 30, 2018 APWA GSP) 43 44 Revise this section to read: 45 46 For the convenience of the parties to the Contract it is mutually agreed by the parties that 47 any claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the Contracting Agency 48 arising from the Contract shall be brought within 180 calendar days from the date of final 49 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 52 acceptance (Section 1-05.12) of the Contract by the Contracting Agency; and it is further 1 agreed that any such claims or causes of action shall be brought only in the Superior Court 2 of the county where the Contracting Agency headquarters is located, provided that where 3 an action is asserted against a county, RCW 36.01.050 shall control venue and jurisdiction. 4 The parties understand and agree that the Contractor’s failure to bring suit within the time 5 period provided, shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. It is further 6 mutually agreed by the parties that when any claims or causes of action which the 7 Contractor asserts against the Contracting Agency arising from the Contract are filed with 8 the Contracting Agency or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the Contracting 9 Agency to have timely access to any records deemed necessary by the Contracting 10 Agency to assist in evaluating the claims or action. 11 12 1-09.13 Claims Resolution 13 14 1-09.13(3) Claims $250,000 or Less 15 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 16 17 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 18 19 The Contractor and the Contracting Agency mutually agree that those claims that total 20 $250,000 or less, submitted in accordance with Section 1-09.11 and not resolved by 21 nonbinding ADR processes, shall be resolved through litigation unless the parties mutually 22 agree in writing to resolve the claim through binding arbitration. 23 24 1-09.13(3)A Administration of Arbitration 25 (November 30, 2018 APWA GSP) 26 27 Revise the third paragraph to read: 28 29 The Contracting Agency and the Contractor mutually agree to be bound by the decision of 30 the arbitrator, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in 31 the Superior Court of the county in which the Contracting Agency’s headquarters is 32 located, provided that where claims subject to arbitration are asserted against a county, 33 RCW 36.01.050 shall control venue and jurisdiction of the Superior Court. The decision of 34 the arbitrator and the specific basis for the decision shall be in writing. The arbitrator shall 35 use the Contract as a basis for decisions. 36 37 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 38 39 1-10.2 Traffic Control Management 40 41 General 42 Section 1-10.2(1) is supplemented with the following: 43 44 (January 10, 2022 WSDOT GSP) 45 The Traffic Control Supervisor shall be certified by one of the following: 46 47 The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 48 27055 Ohio Ave. 49 Kingston, WA 98346 50 (360) 297-3035 51 https://www.nwlett.edu 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 53 1 Evergreen Safety Council 2 12545 135th Ave. NE 3 Kirkland, WA 98034-8709 4 1-800-521-0778 5 https://www.esc.org 6 7 The American Traffic Safety Services Association 8 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 9 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-1022 10 Training Dept. Toll Free (877) 642-4637 11 Phone: (540) 368-1701 12 https://altssa.com/training 13 14 Integrity Safety 15 13912 NE 20th Ave. 16 Vancouver, WA 98686 17 (360) 574-6071 18 https://www.integritysafety.com 19 20 US Safety Alliance 21 (904) 705-5660 22 https://www.ussafetyalliance.com 23 24 K&D Services Inc. 25 2719 Rockefeller Ave. 26 Everett, WA 98201 27 (800) 343-4049 28 https://www.kndservices.nethttps://www.ussafetyalliance.com/ 29 30 (January 5, 2015 WSDOT GSP) 31 The primary TCS shall have a minimum of 500 hours of experience providing traffic 32 control as a TCS or traffic control labor on multilane highways with a speed limit of 33 55 mph or greater. The Contractor shall submit a certification of the TCS’s 34 experience with the TCS designation. Documentation of experience shall be 35 available upon request by the Engineer. 36 37 1-10.3 Traffic Control Labor, Procedures, and Devices 38 39 1-10.3(3) Traffic Control Devices 40 Section 1-10.3(3) is supplemented with the following: 41 42 (******) 43 After the existing security fences north and south of the railroad tracks are removed, the 44 Contractor shall provide temporary chain link fencing at all times when BNSF flaggers are 45 not present. Temporary fencing shall be paid for in Section 8-12. When BNSF flaggers 46 are present, the Contractor may remove the temporary fencing. 47 48 1-10.3(3)C Portable Changeable Message Signs 49 Section 1-10.3(3)C is revised to read: 50 51 (January 10, 2022 WSDOT GSP) 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 54 Where shown on a traffic control plan or where ordered by the Engineer, the 1 Contractor shall provide, operate, and maintain a portable changeable message 2 sign (PCMS), mini portable changeable message sign (mPCMS), or truck-3 mounted PCMS. mPCMSs are compact version of full-size PCMSs. Truck-4 mounted PCMSs are permanently affixed to a traffic control vehicle and meant 5 to be mobile. 6 7 When feasible, position PCMS or mPCMSs to provide at least 2 feet of lateral 8 clearance from the nearest open lane and transversely delineate with at least 3 9 channelization devices. For truck-mounted PCMSs, provide 2 feet of lateral 10 clearance when feasible but transverse delineation is not required. 11 12 The Contractor shall remove these devices from the work zone clear zone when 13 not in use unless protected by barrier or guardrail. 14 15 1-10.4 Measurement 16 17 Reinstating Unit Items with Lump Sum Traffic Control 18 Section 1-10.4(3) is supplemented with the following: 19 20 (August 2, 2004 WSDOT GSP) 21 The Bid Proposal contains the item “Project Temporary Traffic Control,” lump sum 22 and the additional temporary traffic control items listed below. The provisions of 23 Section 1-10.4(1), Section 1-10.4(3), and Section 1-10.5(3) shall apply. 24 25 *** “Traffic Control Supervisor,” lump sum *** 26 27 END OF DIVISON 1 28 29 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 55 DIVISION 2 1 Earthwork 2 3 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS 4 5 2-02.1 Description 6 7 Section 2-02.1 is supplemented with the following: 8 9 (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) 10 This work shall consist of removing miscellaneous traffic items. 11 12 2-02.3 Construction Requirements 13 14 Section 2-02.3 is supplemented with the following: 15 16 (******) 17 Removal of Drainage Structures 18 Where shown in the Plans, or at other locations as determined by the Engineer, the 19 Contractor shall remove catch basins regardless of the size or type. Each catch basin 20 shall be removed in its entirety. Prior to backfilling the resultant void, the Contractor shall 21 plug and abandon the existing pipe(s) with commercial concrete in accordance with 22 Section 7-08.3(4). 23 24 Voids left by catch basin removal shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with 25 Section 2-03.3(14)C. 26 27 All materials removed shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed 28 of outside the project limits. 29 30 Removal of Pipe 31 The Contractor shall remove pipes where shown in the Plans. Pipes to be removed are 32 12 inches in diameter. 33 34 (February 17, 1998 WSDOT GSP) 35 Removal of Obstructions 36 The following items are included in the “Removal of Structures and Obstructions”. 37 Approximate quantities are provided for each item. 38 39 Boeing items: 40 Boeing security fence 820 LF 41 Boeing street light pole and foundation 1 EA 42 Boeing sign and post 1 EA 43 Boeing wood fence 20 LF 44 Vault frame and cover 3 EA 45 City items: 46 Street light pole and foundation 2 EA 47 Luminaire and bracket arms 3 EA 48 Mast arm pole and foundation 1 EA 49 Signal heads 7 EA 50 Emergency vehicle pre-emption unit 1 EA 51 Video detection cameras 3 EA 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 56 Pedestrian pushbuttons 2 EA 1 Controller cabinet and controller 1 EA 2 3 (******) 4 Removal and Disposal of Hazardous Material 5 Hazardous material is suspected to exist on this project. Limits of contamination are 6 unknown. The site history, prior studies and/or test results indicate a potential for 7 encountering contaminated soils and/or groundwater of unknown types. 8 9 Copies of the environmental requirements for work within the Boeing site are listed in 10 Appendix F. All necessary permits for this work will be furnished by the Contracting 11 Agency. The Contractor is responsible for all work, records, and reports required to 12 perform the work described in this section. The Contracting Agency will perform all testing 13 of suspected hazardous or contaminated material. 14 15 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately if contamination is discovered or is 16 suspected through observations such as an oily sheen or discolored soils that may or 17 may not emit strong chemical odors. 18 19 Contaminated Soil and Hazardous Material 20 The Engineer will determine the limits of excavation required. All material that is 21 designated by the Engineer to be removed shall be handled and stored in a manner that 22 prevents the spread of contamination to adjacent soil or water. Separate stockpiles shall 23 be maintained for known hazardous or contaminated material and for suspected 24 hazardous or contaminated material. The Contractor shall transport hazardous or 25 contaminated material and dispose of it at a permitted facility. The Contractor shall provide 26 the Engineer with a copy of the shipping manifest or bill of lading indicating the amount 27 of material hauled to disposal and bearing the disposal site operator’s confirmation for 28 receipt of the material. Manifests shall be submitted in accordance with Section 1-07.5(7). 29 30 Contaminated Water 31 All water that is suspected of being contaminated, shall be collected, handled and stored 32 in a manner that prevents the spread of contamination to adjacent soil or water. The 33 Contractor shall transport contaminated water and dispose of it at a permitted facility. The 34 Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a copy of the shipping manifest or bill of lading 35 indicating the amount of material hauled to disposal and bearing the disposal site 36 operator’s confirmation for receipt of the material. Manifests shall be submitted in 37 accordance with Section 1-07.5(7). 38 39 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters 40 41 Section 2-02.3(3) is supplemented with the following: 42 43 (September 8, 1997 WSDOT GSP) 44 The approximate thickness of the asphalt pavement is 8 inches. 45 46 (September 8, 1997 WSDOT GSP) 47 The approximate thickness of the cement concrete pavement is 10 inches. 48 49 Section 2-20.3(4) is revised to read: 50 51 (******) 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 57 2-02.3(4) Salvage 1 2 When salvageable material is to remain Contracting Agency property, the Specifications, 3 Plans, and/or Contracting Agency will identify the material and describe how the 4 Contractor shall remove it. Such material shall be stockpiled and/or delivered to the 5 following locations after first contacting the City’s representative, Eric Cutshall, at (425) 6 430-7400. The Contractor shall provide the agency a minimum of 2 working days notice 7 prior to delivering the equipment. 8 9 Signal poles shall be delivered to: 10 3410 NE 12th Street 11 Renton, WA 98056 12 13 All other City of Renton salvaged equipment shall be delivered to: 14 3555 NE 2nd Street 15 Renton, WA 98056 16 17 When materials are to be removed and salvaged to Boeing as identified on the Plans, the 18 Contractor shall notify Boeing’s representative, Lewis Larscheid, at (425) 306-6661 a 19 minimum of two days prior to delivering the equipment. 20 21 All Boeing equipment shall be salvaged to: 22 Tim Chapman, (253) 347-5884 23 4-78 Reclamation Yard 24 25 2-02.3(5) Decommissioning Existing Monitoring Wells 26 Section 2-02.3(5) is added as follows: 27 28 (******) 29 The Contractor shall decommission previously installed observation wells and 30 piezometers when dewatering/construction activities are complete, as determined 31 and directed by the Engineer. When existing observation wells or piezometers are 32 within the excavation zone, they shall be decommissioned prior to performing any 33 excavation Work. Refer to the Appendix D of this Project Manual for the Final 34 Geotechnical Report. The Contractor shall perform decommissioning activities in 35 accordance with WAC 173-160-381, and Washington State Department of Ecology 36 regulations. 37 38 2-02.4 Measurement 39 40 Section 2-02.4 is supplemented with the following: 41 42 (December 4, 2006 WSDOT GSP) 43 Hazardous material excavation including haul will be measured by the cubic yard. All 44 excavated material will be measured in the position it occupied before the excavation was 45 performed. An original ground measurement will be taken using cross-section or digital 46 terrain modeling survey techniques. The original ground will be compared with a survey 47 of the excavation area taken after the work is completed. 48 49 (******) 50 Removal of drainage Structures will be measured per each for each drainage Structure 51 removed. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 58 1 Decommissioning monitoring wells will be measured per each and will include all 2 piezometers. 3 4 2-02.5 Payment 5 6 Section 2-02.5 is supplemented with the following: 7 8 (December 4, 2006 WSDOT GSP) 9 “Hazardous Material Handling and Disposal”, by force account as provided in Section 1-10 09.6. 11 12 All costs associated with storing stockpiled hazardous waste and contaminated soils, 13 collecting, handling and storing contaminated water, loading the stockpiled material into 14 the hauling conveyance for transport to the disposal site, and transporting and disposing 15 of hazardous or contaminated materials at an approved facility will be paid by force 16 account under the item “Hazardous Material Handling and Disposal”. 17 18 To provide a common basis for all bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount 19 in the proposal to become a part of the Contractor’s total bid. 20 21 (******) 22 Removal of pipe, where required, is incidental to other items of work. 23 24 “Removing Drainage Structure”, per each. 25 The unit Contract price per each for “Removing Drainage Structure” shall include plugging 26 existing pipes at the removal point. 27 28 “Decommissioning Monitoring Well”, per each. 29 30 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 31 32 2-03.4 Measurement 33 34 Section 2-03.4 is supplemented with the following: 35 36 (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) 37 Only one determination of the original ground elevation will be made on this project. 38 Measurement for Roadway excavation and embankment will be based on the original 39 ground elevations recorded previous to the Award of this Contract. 40 41 If discrepancies are discovered in the ground elevations which will materially affect the 42 quantities of earthwork, the original computations of earthwork quantities will be adjusted 43 accordingly. 44 45 Earthwork quantities will be computed, either manually or by means of electronic data 46 processing equipment, by use of the average end area method or by the finite element 47 analysis method utilizing digital terrain modeling techniques. 48 49 (******) 50 The Contractor has the option of accepting the plan quantities in the original Bid Proposal 51 for Roadway Excavation Including Haul. If the Contractor elects to choose this option, 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 59 then the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Agency in writing before any construction 1 activity occurs that the Contractor is accepting the plan quantities in the original Bid 2 Proposal for Roadway Excavation Including Haul. Once the Contractor chooses to accept 3 the original plan quantities in the original Bid Proposal, there shall be no adjustment 4 allowed in those Bid Proposal quantities. In addition, if the Contractor chooses to accept 5 the original plan quantities in the Bid Proposal, the Contractor is not required to conduct 6 a survey to create either an Existing Ground DTM or a Maximum Excavation DTM, as 7 defined in Special Provision 1-05.4. 8 9 Where the Plans indicate removal of existing pavements, sidewalks, and curbs (including 10 gutters), those items shall be included in the measurement of roadway excavation and 11 not measured separately. 12 13 2-03.5 Payment 14 Section 2-03.5 is supplemented with the following: 15 16 (******) 17 If the Contractor elects to accept the quantities in the original Bid Proposal for Roadway 18 Excavation Incl. Haul, then the payments shall be made to the Contractor in two 19 installments: 50% of the Roadway Excavation Including Haul quantity will be paid when 20 the Contractor completes half of the roadway excavation schedule as defined in the Type 21 A Progress Schedule and the remaining 50% of the quantity after all roadway excavation 22 is completed. 23 24 25 2-09 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION 26 27 2-09.3 Construction Requirements 28 29 2-09.3(1) General Requirements 30 31 2-09.3(1)E Backfilling 32 The second paragraph of Section 2-09.3(1)E is revised to read: 33 34 (******) 35 Controlled density fill shall not be used as a backfill material. Allowed non-native 36 backfill materials are bank run gravel for trench backfill (see Section 7-09) for water 37 line backfill, gravel borrow (see Section 2-03) for utility casing backfilling across the 38 existing railroad embankment (see details in the Plans), and crushed surfacing top 39 course (see Section 4-04) for all other applications. 40 41 2-09.3(3) Construction Requirements, Structure Excavation, Class A 42 43 2-09.3(3)D Shoring And Cofferdams 44 45 Section 2-09.3(3)D is supplemented with the following: 46 47 (August 2, 2010 WSDOT GSP) 48 The Contractor shall protect the existing track and facilities of the Railroad 49 Company from damage due to the Contractor's operations, and shall shore all 50 excavation adjacent to the existing railroad track. Shoring shall be steel sheet 51 piling designed for a Cooper E-80 loading according to the American Railway 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 60 Engineering and Maintenance Association (AREMA) Manual For Railway 1 Engineering. Damage to the railroad track or railroad facilities, due to the 2 Contractor's operations, will be repaired by the Railroad at the Contractor's 3 expense. 4 5 2-13 DEWATERING 6 Section 2-13 is added as follows: 7 8 (******) 9 2-13.1 Description 10 11 This Section specifies the definition, responsibilities, and execution for control of groundwater. 12 Control of groundwater shall consist of the design, furnishing, installation, operation, 13 maintenance and removal of a groundwater control system to achieve proper completion of 14 all Work performed under this Contract. 15 16 Site soil and groundwater conditions are presented in the project geotechnical report, see 17 Appendix D. The use of the available data and information in no way relieves the Contractor 18 from the sole responsibility for proper installation, operation, maintenance, and any failure of 19 any component of the dewatering systems for the duration of this Contract. 20 21 The site is considered in a hydrostatically-controlled condition when the water table, 22 potentiometric or piezometer surface(s) of the penetrated or underlying aquifers are one (1) 23 foot below the bottom of any excavation. The Contractor shall also provide, operate, maintain, 24 and decommission whatever supplemental water control systems are necessary to complete 25 the Work specified in the Contract. 26 27 2-13.2 Vacant 28 29 2-13.3 Construction Requirements 30 31 2-13.3(1) General 32 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for acquainting itself with the soils reports that 33 are available for review, existing site conditions, and all regulatory requirements prior to 34 commencing with ground water control activities. 35 36 The Contractor shall provide, operate, maintain, and decommission ground water control 37 systems as needed for all excavations deeper than the ground water table. The ground 38 water control system shall be adequate to keep excavations sufficiently free of water to 39 prevent destabilization of soils and to allow for placement of backfill materials after soil 40 cleanup in dry conditions. The groundwater control system will maintain the groundwater 41 in a hydrostatically-controlled condition during excavation, and shall dewater and dispose 42 of the water so as not to cause injury to public or private property, or to cause a nuisance 43 or a menace to the public. 44 45 The Contractor shall control groundwater so as to prevent softening of the bottom of 46 excavations, or formation of “quick” conditions or “boils” during excavation. The 47 Contractor shall design, install, maintain and operate dewatering systems so as to prevent 48 removal of the natural soils. The Contractor shall maintain water levels two (2) feet below 49 the bottom of excavations at all times under all conditions. In addition, the Contractor 50 shall minimize ground water level drawdowns to avoid adverse impacts to adjacent 51 Structures. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 61 1 The Contractor shall employ materials, equipment, and construction methods commonly 2 used and proven as suitable for operation of construction dewatering systems. The 3 Contractor shall provide submittals and/or product data that demonstrate the suitability of 4 the materials and equipment proposed for use on these systems. The Contractor shall 5 test the dewatering system to the reasonable satisfaction of the Engineer and make 6 operational any deficiency prior to acceptance and payment. 7 8 If utilized, dewatering well or well point construction and abandonment shall be in 9 accordance with WAC 173-160. The Contractor shall obtain variances as required to 10 construct dewatering systems that achieve the level of ground water control specified. 11 12 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer seven (7) days prior to installation of any 13 dewatering wells or well points. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a well log 14 and formation samples at 5-foot intervals for each of the wells. 15 16 Dewatering wells, well points, or sump pumps shall be operated continuously for as long 17 as they are needed in a given area. Turning off wells or pumps at night and turning them 18 back on the next day will not be allowed in order to prevent rapid drawdown conditions in 19 the soils causing caving and sloughing of excavation slopes. Additionally, the pumping 20 rate shall be set low enough to minimize the silt mobilization during dewatering. 21 22 The Contractor shall provide backup systems for all ordinary emergencies, including 23 power outage and flooding, and shall have available at all times competent workers for 24 the continuous and successful operation of the ground water control system. The 25 Contractor shall not disable or shut down this system between shifts, on holidays, or 26 weekends, or during Work stoppages, without written permission from the Engineer. The 27 Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all electric power service connections to 28 the dewatering system components; the Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of 29 electric power used in the operation of the dewatering system. 30 31 During excavation, the Contractor shall also control surface runoff so as to prevent entry 32 or collection of water in excavations or in other isolated areas of the site. 33 34 Before the commencement of any dewatering, the Contractor shall obtain acceptance by 35 the Engineer of any proposed groundwater control system(s). 36 37 2-13.3(2) Submittals 38 Within two (2) weeks of the Notice to Proceed and prior to beginning Work, the Contractor 39 shall submit a detailed Dewatering Plan of its proposed ground water control system. 40 41 The Contractor’s Dewatering Plan shall be submitted to the Engineer for review, and shall 42 include complete design data showing methods and equipment the Contractor proposes 43 to utilize in installation and construction of the ground water control systems. The 44 Dewatering Plan shall include, at a minimum, placement of sumps, wells, or well points, 45 and plans for dealing with the effluent such as settlement tanks or other best management 46 practices. 47 48 Acceptance by the Engineer of the method, installation, and operation and maintenance 49 submitted by the Contractor shall not in any way relieve the Contractor from responsibility 50 for errors therein or from the entire responsibility for complete and adequate operation, 51 materials, installation, and maintenance of the groundwater control system. The 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 62 Contractor shall bear sole responsibility for proper design, installation, operation, 1 maintenance, and any failure of any component of the groundwater control system for the 2 duration of this Contract. 3 4 The Contractor shall review and comply with the dewatering permit obtained by the 5 Contracting Agency. See Appendix J. If the Contractor requires an alternative dewatering 6 site plan to what is included in the approved permit, the Contractor shall provide an 7 updated site plan to the Contracting Agency as part of the Dewatering Plan. 8 9 2-13.3(3) Treatment and Discharge of Water 10 The Contractor shall treat and discharge all dewatering effluent as specified herein and 11 in accordance with Section 2-14 of the Special Provisions. 12 13 The Contractor shall provide in-line, totalizing flow meters on the discharge pipe for each 14 discharge point or diversion of discharge. The flow meters will read in gallons per minute 15 for the range of flows pumped, and the Contractor shall provide evidence that the flow 16 meters are calibrated and installed to the manufacturer’s Specifications. 17 18 The Contractor shall extend discharge piping to discharge point(s) approved by the 19 Engineer and consistent with requirements of the discharge permits. 20 21 The quality of the groundwater discharged from the dewatering system shall not be 22 allowed to degrade the water quality of any surface waters. The Contractor shall provide 23 a water treatment system to meet storm or sanitary sewer Discharge Permit criteria for 24 contaminants, turbidity and suspended solids per Section 2-14.3(3) of the Special 25 Provisions. 26 27 2-13.3(4) Operation of Dewatering System 28 The Contractor shall design, construct, operate, and maintain any groundwater control 29 system such that foundation soils, natural or engineered, will not experience fines removal 30 upon pumping. 31 32 The Contractor shall bear full responsibility for all damages to Work in the excavation area 33 and for damages to any other area caused by the Contractor’s failure to maintain and 34 operate the system properly. 35 36 The Contractor shall use electrical generators or obtain electrical service from the utility 37 company and shall pay application fees. The Contractor shall pay for power usage fees 38 throughout the Contract period. The Contractor shall use this electric service solely to 39 power the ground water control system, separate from all other power needs. 40 41 The Contractor shall provide all of the equipment and fittings for monitoring sand content 42 and properly mount them near the system discharge point(s). The Contractor shall 43 monitor discharge from all parts of the system to ensure that the sand content of the 44 discharge water does not exceed ten (10) milligrams per liter (ppm) as determined by a 45 centrifugal, separating meter such that as that described in the Journal AWWA, 46:123 46 (February 1954) (Rossum Sand Tester) or equivalent. The Contractor shall take sand 47 content measurements daily in the presence of the Engineer until ten (10) days after the 48 last well has been installed and weekly thereafter. 49 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 63 2-13.3(5) System Removal 1 Upon written authorization of the Engineer, the Contractor shall remove from the site all 2 ground water control system elements. The Contractor shall assume ownership and 3 responsibility for the disposal of all dewatering pumps, pipes and other assorted system 4 hardware. The Contractor shall be or shall employ the services of a Washington-licensed 5 water well Contractor for any well abandonment. 6 7 2-13.4 Measurement 8 9 No specific unit of measurement will apply to the lump sum item of “Dewatering.” 10 11 2-13.5 Payment 12 Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following Bid item when it is 13 included in the Proposal: 14 15 “Dewatering”, lump sum: 16 The lump sum price Bid for “Dewatering” shall be full compensation for all Work to 17 dewatering excavations, including to design and submittal of a Dewatering Plan; 18 furnishing, installing, operation and removal of a dewatering system to control 19 groundwater as specified; and all Work to handle, store, test, settle or filter, and discharge 20 collected groundwater from dewatering operations for solids or turbidity to meet sanitary 21 sewer Discharge Permit criteria per Section 2-14.3(3) of the Special Provisions. No 22 additional payment will be made for treatment permits or delays encountered for 23 controlling and/or discharging ground water. 24 25 2-14 DEWATERING TREATMENT AND DISCHARGE 26 Section 2-14 is added as follows: 27 28 (******) 29 2-14.1 Description 30 31 This Work covers treatment and disposal of groundwater from dewatering operations in 32 accordance with Section 2-13 of the Special Provisions. 33 34 2-14.2 Vacant 35 36 2-14.3 Construction Requirements 37 38 2-14.3(1) General 39 The Contracting Agency shall obtain a permit(s) from King County to discharge collected 40 groundwater from dewatering operations into the Contracting Agency or King County 41 sewer system. Discharge to the sewer system will be via manholes or other approved 42 Contracting Agency Structures. 43 44 The Contractor shall provide and maintain a water treatment system that is capable of 45 treating and discharging water to the sanitary sewer system in accordance with the 46 discharge permit(s). The Contractor shall provide a water treatment system with the 47 treatment and storage capacity to manage collected groundwater from dewatering 48 operations without causing construction delays. The Contractor shall keep on hand, or 49 have immediate access to, spare components to prevent any breakdown of water 50 treatment. The materials and equipment used for the water treatment system may be new 51 or used but must be suitable for the Work and be maintained in good condition. The 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 64 Contractor shall provide a system capable of performing any or all of the following unit 1 process functions, as required by site conditions encountered and need to meet discharge 2 limits to the sanitary sewer or storm system: 3 1. Separation and recovery of all separate-phase, immiscible liquids or droplets 4 recovered with the water. 5 2. Removal of suspended solids by gravity separation, flocculation, and/or filtration. 6 3. Removal of any dissolved contaminants such as petroleum and chlorinated 7 solvents. 8 4. Effluent water storage and discharge flow metering. 9 10 The Contractor shall provide sufficient storage tanks for storing dewatering water pending 11 receipt of test results and implementation of any treatment, and subsequent retesting as 12 required to satisfy the permitting agency that the water to be discharged meets required 13 discharge limits. 14 15 The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times a flow meter to record water 16 discharged to the sewer system. The flow meter shall record instantaneous and totalized 17 flow. The Engineer reserves the right to install a redundant flow meter in series with the 18 Contractors meter. The Contractor shall choose the type and size of equipment and 19 components needed to accomplish the functions designated. 20 21 The Contractor shall connect to the sewer system for discharge of the treated water in 22 accordance with the requirements of the permit(s) to discharge. The Contractor shall 23 consult and arrange the connection location with the Contracting or Permitting Agency as 24 applicable. 25 26 The Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, traffic control, permits, and all other Work 27 for connecting to the sewer. 28 29 2-14.3(2) Waste Treatment Systems Control 30 The Contractor shall provide adequate system controls to permit unattended operation 31 with occasional operator checks for monitoring and adjustments. The Contractor shall 32 provide a notification system to alert an operator if the water treatment system 33 experiences conditions that will potentially cause the system to shutdown. The Contractor 34 shall provide high-level alarms on tanks to prevent overflow conditions. Alarms may cause 35 automatic actions to relieve the condition or may warn the operator. 36 37 The control system is subject to review and approval by the Engineer. If an upset condition 38 occurs, which may result in a release or non-conformance with the discharge permit, the 39 Contractor shall immediately suspend operation and notify the Engineer. 40 41 2-14.3(3) Waste Testing 42 The Contractor shall be responsible for all testing consistent with King County discharge 43 criteria and for meeting the requirements of the Discharge Permit prior to discharge to the 44 sanitary sewer, as applicable. Testing shall be required whether Contractor is treating 45 dewatering water for contaminants or not. The Contractor shall provide sampling ports 46 and the necessary valves for collecting water samples. All test results and volumes 47 discharged shall be provided to the Engineer on a daily basis, and reported as required 48 by the Discharge Permit(s). 49 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 65 If collected groundwater from dewatering operations after storage, settling, decanting, 1 filtering, and treatment to meet turbidity or suspended solids content criteria does not 2 meet the Discharge Permit criteria for dissolved chemical (e.g., petroleum or solvents) 3 constituents, the Contractor shall arrange for treatment and discharge or off-site disposal 4 of contaminated water. 5 6 Discharge Permit criteria, subject to change based on permits obtained, are summarized 7 below. 8 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 66 1 Selected Water Discharge Permit Criteria 2 (µg/L unless otherwise indicated) 3 Sanitary Sewer KCIWD (May – Oct) PCE 240 TCE 500 1,1, DCA 1700 1,2 DCA 170 1,1, DCE 3 1,2, DCE 2000 VC 12 Nonpolar FOG 100 mg/L Benzene 70 Toluene 1400 Ethylbenzene 1700 Other criteria No visible sheen Solids/turbidity 7 ml/L settleable solids Other contaminants Meet King County requirements 4 2-14.3(4) Waste Treatment 5 The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment, and perform all operations 6 required to design, furnish, install, test, operate, and maintain the water treatment 7 equipment, including: storage tanks, pumps, process equipment, water treatment 8 chemicals, water meters, process controls, operator alarms, piping to discharge point, 9 dikes, sandbags, electric power supply and distribution, domestic water supply and 10 distribution as required to treat the collected water. 11 12 The Contractor shall treat all the water collected by the dewatering system to the meet 13 the discharge permit requirements and these Provisions. The Contractor shall be 14 responsible for managing the treatment media in the system, e.g., spent filtration and 15 granular activated carbon adsorption media. 16 17 The Contractor shall locate water treatment and discharge equipment at a location on-18 site as approved by the Engineer. Protection of off-site facilities and designated on-site 19 facilities, during water treatment Work shall be solely the Contractor’s responsibility. 20 21 The Contractor shall be responsible for providing enough water storage capacity such 22 that the Work schedule is not adversely impacted. Any moving of tanks required to 23 continue with Work on the project site shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 24 25 The Contractor shall provide a qualified operator to supervise the water treatment 26 operation. Adequate freeze protection is required for all water treatment equipment. The 27 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 67 Contractor shall provide spill containment for any water treatment chemicals used on the 1 site, and will provide all necessary safety equipment and personnel protective equipment 2 for safe handling of contaminated water and water treatment chemicals. 3 4 2-16.3(5) Tank Cleaning 5 Tank cleaning shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall manage 6 sediments separated from the discharge water for disposal with excavated contaminated 7 soils ensuring that they meet Paint Filter Liquids Test (EPA SW-846 Method 9095B) 8 criteria (no free liquids) in accordance with all transportation laws and regulations and the 9 receiving landfill requirements. 10 11 2-14.4 Vacant 12 13 2-14.5 Payment 14 All costs to complete the Work in Section 2-14 will be paid as part of the lump sum item 15 “Dewatering” in Section 2-13. 16 17 END OF DIVISON 2 18 19 20 21 22 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 68 DIVISION 3 1 Aggregate Production and Acceptance 2 3 3-01 PRODUCTION FROM QUARRY AND PIT SITES 4 5 3-01.2 Material Sources, General Requirements 6 7 Section 3-01.2 is supplemented with the following: 8 9 (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) 10 Permits For Pit Operations In King County 11 The Contractor is advised that King County may require the Contractor to meet any or all 12 of the following listed conditions before considering issuance of a temporary permit for pit 13 operations within King County: 14 15 1. Security fences and locking gates shall be installed where deemed necessary 16 by the King County Department of Building. Cable or wire gates are not 17 acceptable. 18 19 2. Hours of operation shall be limited to: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 20 21 3. Access roads shall be improved and maintained to the satisfaction of the King 22 County Department of Public Works. A haul road agreement for County road 23 maintenance may be required. 24 25 All roads shall be swept, washed, or both, by the Contractor at the Contractor's 26 expense as often as the Department of Building deems necessary. 27 28 Property shall have functional access to an arterial level street. 29 30 4. All operations will have to be approved by King County Flood Control for 31 drainage plans, Washington State Department of Ecology, and Puget Sound Air 32 Pollution Control Authority. 33 34 Those properties near or adjacent to any water body shall have written approval 35 from the State of Washington Department of Fisheries. 36 37 The Contractor shall obtain a mining reclamation permit from the State of 38 Washington Department of Natural Resources for sites of over three acres in 39 size of disturbed land or resulting in pit walls more than thirty feet high and 40 steeper than one to one slope. 41 42 5. No stockpiling of foreign excavated material is permitted on the site except for 43 those materials to be used in the land rehabilitation of the subject property. 44 45 6. No signs other than signs required by Chapter 24.42, King County Zoning Code 46 are authorized as a result of the temporary permit. 47 48 7. Plans required: 49 50 a. Scale of Plot Plans 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 69 Site Size: less than 10 acres 1 inch = 50 feet 1 2 10 to 100 acres 1 inch = 100 feet 3 4 over 100 acres 1 inch = 200 feet 5 6 b. Contours 7 8 Show existing and proposed contours at 5-foot intervals. If existing and 9 proposed contours are superimposed upon one another it must be 10 clear as to which is which. Plans which incorporate a screening 11 process may be required by the County to distinguish said contours. 12 13 Finished contours must show how the property can be used under the 14 existing zoning. Plans showing daylighting of property to road grade 15 or below with high 2:1 slope walls will no longer be permitted within the 16 R, S, or G zones. The plans must contain large terraces which will 17 permit the lot sizes and roads that are permitted within the zone. 18 19 c. Sections 20 21 Show a minimum of two sections in each direction. 22 23 d. Maximum Slope 24 25 Cuts shall not be steeper in slope than two horizontal to one vertical 26 unless the owner furnishes a soils engineering or an engineering 27 geology report certifying that the site has been investigated and 28 indicating that the proposed deviation will not endanger any private 29 property or result in the deposition of debris on any public way or 30 interfere with any existing drainage course. 31 32 e. Fill Slopes 33 34 No fill shall be made which creates an exposed surface steeper in slope 35 than two horizontal to one vertical. 36 37 f. Benches on Slopes 38 39 There shall be a 10 foot wide bench sloped into the hillside for every 40 50 feet in height. 41 42 g. Setbacks 43 44 Material and vegetation shall be left in its natural state: 45 46 50 feet from any FP, A, G, S, or R zoned property; 47 48 20 foot setback which includes a 6 foot high planted berm along 49 any public right-of-way; 50 51 20 feet from M, B, or CG zoned property; 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 70 1 10 feet from QM or FR zoned property. 2 3 Plans shall show type of vegetation existing within the buffer zones. 4 5 h. Drainage 6 7 All drainage facilities shall be designed to carry surface waters to the 8 nearest practical street, storm drain, or natural water-course. 9 Adequate provision shall be made to prevent any surface waters from 10 damaging the face of an excavation or fill. All slopes shall be protected 11 from surface water runoff from above by berms or swales. 12 13 The Contractor is further advised that King County may require conditions which are in 14 addition to the foregoing list and that the County may reject permit applications at its 15 discretion because of the proposed operations proximity to schools, residential 16 neighborhoods, hospitals, arterials, or for other environmental conditions. 17 18 When there are discrepancies between the requirements of the State and the County the 19 more stringent specifications shall apply. 20 21 Should the Contractor fail to comply with any requirements of a temporary permit obtained 22 in the Contracting Agency's name, the Contracting Agency will take the necessary action 23 to meet these requirements and any costs incurred by the Contracting Agency will be 24 deducted from monies due or to become due the Contractor. 25 26 END OF DIVISON 3 27 28 29 30 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 71 DIVISION 4 1 Aggregate Production and Acceptance 2 3 4-04 BALLAST AND CRUSHED SURFACING 4 5 4-04.2 Material 6 Section 4-04.2 is supplemented with the following: 7 8 (******) 9 Sand shall meet the requirements of Fine Aggregate for Concrete per Section 9-03.1(2). 10 11 4-04.4 Measurement 12 Section 4-04.4 is supplemented with the following: 13 14 (******) 15 Sand shall be measured by the cubic yard for the Work of filling existing electrical vaults. 16 Sand shall not be measured if used with other elements of the Work. 17 18 4-04.5 Payment 19 Section 4-04.5 is supplemented with the following: 20 21 (******) 22 “Sand to Fill Vaults”, per cubic yard. 23 24 END OF DIVISON 4 25 26 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 72 DIVISION 5 1 Surface Treatments and Pavements 2 3 5-04 HOT MIX ASPHALT 4 (July 18, 2018 APWA GSP) 5 6 Delete Section 5-04 and amendments, Hot Mix Asphalt and replace it with the following: 7 8 5-04.1 Description 9 This Work shall consist of providing and placing one or more layers of plant-mixed hot mix 10 asphalt (HMA) on a prepared foundation or base in accordance with these Specifications 11 and the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical cross-sections shown in the Plans. The 12 manufacture of HMA may include warm mix asphalt (WMA) processes in accordance with 13 these Specifications. WMA processes include organic additives, chemical additives, and 14 foaming. 15 16 HMA shall be composed of asphalt binder and mineral materials as may be required, 17 mixed in the proportions specified to provide a homogeneous, stable, 18 and workable mixture. 19 20 5-04.2 Materials 21 Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: 22 Asphalt Binder 9-02.1(4) 23 Cationic Emulsified Asphalt 9-02.1(6) 24 Anti-Stripping Additive 9-02.4 25 HMA Additive 9-02.5 26 Aggregates 9-03.8 27 Recycled Asphalt Pavement 9-03.8(3)B 28 Mineral Filler 9-03.8(5) 29 Recycled Material 9-03.21 30 Portland Cement 9-01 31 Sand 9-03.1(2) 32 (As noted in 5-04.3(5)C for crack sealing) 33 Joint Sealant 9-04.2 34 Foam Backer Rod 9-04.2(3)A 35 The Contract documents may establish that the various mineral materials required for the 36 manufacture of HMA will be furnished in whole or in part by the Contracting Agency. If the 37 documents do not establish the furnishing of any of these mineral materials by the 38 Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall be required to furnish such materials in the 39 amounts required for the designated mix. Mineral materials include coarse and fine 40 aggregates, and mineral filler. 41 42 The Contractor may choose to utilize recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) in the production 43 of HMA. The RAP may be from pavements removed under the Contract, if any, or 44 pavement material from an existing stockpile. 45 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 73 The Contractor may use up to 20 percent RAP by total weight of HMA with no additional 1 sampling or testing of the RAP. The RAP shall be sampled and tested at a frequency of 2 one sample for every 1,000 tons produced and not less than ten samples per project. The 3 asphalt content and gradation test data shall be reported to the Contracting Agency when 4 submitting the mix design for approval on the QPL. The Contractor shall include the RAP 5 as part of the mix design as defined in these Specifications. 6 7 The grade of asphalt binder shall be as required by the Contract. Blending of asphalt binder 8 from different sources is not permitted. 9 10 The Contractor may only use warm mix asphalt (WMA) processes in the production of 11 HMA with 20 percent or less RAP by total weight of HMA. The Contractor shall submit to 12 the Engineer for approval the process that is proposed and how it will be used in the 13 manufacture of HMA. 14 15 Production of aggregates shall comply with the requirements of Section 3-01. 16 Preparation of stockpile site, the stockpiling of aggregates, and the removal of aggregates 17 from stockpiles shall comply with the requirements of Section 3-02. 18 19 5-04.2(1) How to Get an HMA Mix Design on the QPL 20 If the contractor wishes to submit a mix design for inclusion in the Qualified Products List 21 (QPL), please follow the WSDOT process outlined in Standard Specification 5-04.2(1). 22 23 5-04.2(1)A Vacant 24 25 5-04.2(2) Mix Design – Obtaining Project Approval 26 No paving shall begin prior to the approval of the mix design by the Engineer. 27 28 Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for all HMA not designated as Commercial HMA in 29 the contract documents. 30 31 Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of HMA 32 in the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, 33 gores, prelevel, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural applications of HMA accepted 34 by commercial evaluation shall be as approved by the Project Engineer. Sampling and 35 testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the option of the Project 36 Engineer. The Proposal quantity of HMA that is accepted by commercial evaluation will be 37 excluded from the quantities used in the determination of nonstatistical evaluation. 38 39 Nonstatistical Mix Design. Fifteen days prior to the first day of paving the contractor shall 40 provide one of the following mix design verification certifications for Contracting Agency 41 review; 42 43 The WSDOT Mix Design Evaluation Report from the current WSDOT QPL, or one 44 of the mix design verification certifications listed below. 45 The proposed HMA mix design on WSDOT Form 350-042 with the seal and 46 certification (stamp & sig-nature) of a valid licensed Washington State Professional 47 Engineer. 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 74 The Mix Design Report for the proposed HMA mix design developed by a qualified 1 City or County laboratory that is within one year of the approval date.** 2 3 The mix design shall be performed by a lab accredited by a national authority such as 4 Laboratory Accreditation Bureau, L-A-B for Construction Materials Testing, The 5 Construction Materials Engineering Council (CMEC’s) ISO 17025 or AASHTO 6 Accreditation Program (AAP) and shall supply evidence of participation in the AASHTO: 7 resource proficiency sample program. 8 9 Mix designs for HMA accepted by Nonstatistical evaluation shall; 10 11 Have the aggregate structure and asphalt binder content determined in accordance 12 with WSDOT Standard Operating Procedure 732 and meet the requirements of 13 Sections 9-03.8(2), except that Hamburg testing for ruts and stripping are at the 14 discretion of the Engineer, and 9-03.8(6). 15 Have anti-strip requirements, if any, for the proposed mix design determined in 16 accordance with AASHTO T 283 or T 324, or based on historic anti-strip and 17 aggregate source compatibility from previous WSDOT lab testing. 18 19 At the discretion of the Engineer, agencies may accept verified mix designs older than 12 20 months from the original verification date with a certification from the Contractor that the 21 materials and sources are the same as those shown on the original mix design. 22 23 Commercial Evaluation Approval of a mix design for “Commercial Evaluation” will be 24 based on a review of the Contractor’s submittal of WSDOT Form 350-042 (For commercial 25 mixes, AASHTO T 324 evaluation is not required) or a Mix Design from the current 26 WSDOT QPL or from one of the processes allowed by this section. Testing of the HMA by 27 the Contracting Agency for mix design approval is not required. 28 29 For the Bid Item Commercial HMA, the Contractor shall select a class of HMA and design 30 level of Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESAL’s) appropriate for the required use. 31 32 5-04.2(2)B Using Warm Mix Asphalt Processes 33 The Contractor may elect to use additives that reduce the optimum mixing temperature or 34 serve as a compaction aid for producing HMA. Additives include organic additives, 35 chemical additives and foaming processes. The use of Additives is subject to the following: 36 37 Do not use additives that reduce the mixing temperature more than allowed in 38 Section 5-04.3(6) in the production of mixtures. 39 Before using additives, obtain the Engineer’s approval using WSDOT Form 350-40 076 to describe the proposed additive and process. 41 42 5-04.3 Construction Requirements 43 44 5-04.3(1) Weather Limitations 45 Do not place HMA for wearing course on any Traveled Way beginning October 1st through 46 March 31st of the following year without written concurrence from the Engineer. 47 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 75 Do not place HMA on any wet surface, or when the average surface temperatures are less 1 than those specified below, or when weather conditions otherwise prevent the proper 2 handling or finishing of the HMA. 3 4 Minimum Surface Temperature for Paving 5 Compacted Thickness (Feet) Wearing Course Other Courses Less than 0.10 55◦F 45◦F 0.10 to .20 45◦F 35◦F More than 0.20 35◦F 35◦F 6 5-04.3(2) Paving Under Traffic 7 When the Roadway being paved is open to traffic, the requirements of this Section 8 shall apply. 9 10 The Contractor shall keep intersections open to traffic at all times except when paving the 11 intersection or paving across the intersection. During such time, and provided that there 12 has been an advance warning to the public, the intersection may be closed for the 13 minimum time required to place and compact the mixture. In hot weather, the Engineer 14 may require the application of water to the pavement to accelerate the finish rolling of the 15 pavement and to shorten the time required before reopening to traffic. 16 17 Before closing an intersection, advance warning signs shall be placed and signs shall also 18 be placed marking the detour or alternate route. 19 20 During paving operations, temporary pavement markings shall be maintained throughout 21 the project. Temporary pavement markings shall be installed on the Roadway prior to 22 opening to traffic. Temporary pavement markings shall be in accordance with Section 8-23 23. 24 25 All costs in connection with performing the Work in accordance with these requirements, 26 except the cost of temporary pavement markings, shall be included in the unit Contract 27 prices for the various Bid items involved in the Contract. 28 29 5-04.3(3) Equipment 30 31 5-04.3(3)A Mixing Plant 32 Plants used for the preparation of HMA shall conform to the following requirements: 33 34 1. Equipment for Preparation of Asphalt Binder – Tanks for the storage of asphalt 35 binder shall be equipped to heat and hold the material at the required temperatures. 36 The heating shall be accomplished by steam coils, electricity, or other approved 37 means so that no flame shall be in contact with the storage tank. The circulating 38 system for the asphalt binder shall be designed to ensure proper and continuous 39 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 76 circulation during the operating period. A valve for the purpose of sampling the 1 asphalt binder shall be placed in either the storage tank or in the supply line to the 2 mixer. 3 2. Thermometric Equipment – An armored thermometer, capable of detecting 4 temperature ranges expected in the HMA mix, shall be fixed in the asphalt binder 5 feed line at a location near the charging valve at the mixer unit. The thermometer 6 location shall be convenient and safe for access by Inspectors. The plant shall also 7 be equipped with an approved dial-scale thermometer, a mercury actuated 8 thermometer, an electric pyrometer, or another approved thermometric instrument 9 placed at the discharge chute of the drier to automatically register or indicate the 10 temperature of the heated aggregates. This device shall be in full view of the plant 11 operator. 12 3. Heating of Asphalt Binder – The temperature of the asphalt binder shall not 13 exceed the maximum recommended by the asphalt binder manufacturer nor shall 14 it be below the minimum temperature required to maintain the asphalt binder in a 15 homogeneous state. The asphalt binder shall be heated in a manner that will avoid 16 local variations in heating. The heating method shall provide a continuous supply 17 of asphalt binder to the mixer at a uniform average temperature with no individual 18 variations exceeding 25°F. Also, when a WMA additive is included in the asphalt 19 binder, the temperature of the asphalt binder shall not exceed the maximum 20 recommended by the manufacturer of the WMA additive. 21 4. Sampling and Testing of Mineral Materials – The HMA plant shall be equipped 22 with a mechanical sampler for the sampling of the mineral materials. The 23 mechanical sampler shall meet the requirements of Section 1-05.6 for the crushing 24 and screening operation. The Contractor shall provide for the setup and operation 25 of the field testing facilities of the Contracting Agency as provided for in Section 3-26 01.2(2). 27 5. Sampling HMA – The HMA plant shall provide for sampling HMA by one of the 28 following methods: 29 a. A mechanical sampling device attached to the HMA plant. 30 b. Platforms or devices to enable sampling from the hauling vehicle without 31 entering the hauling vehicle. 32 33 5-04.3(3)B Hauling Equipment 34 Trucks used for hauling HMA shall have tight, clean, smooth metal beds and shall have a 35 cover of canvas or other suitable material of sufficient size to protect the mixture from 36 adverse weather. Whenever the weather conditions during the work shift include, or are 37 forecast to include, precipitation or an air temperature less than 45°F or when time from 38 loading to unloading exceeds 30 minutes, the cover shall be securely attached to protect 39 the HMA. 40 41 The contractor shall provide an environmentally benign means to prevent the HMA mixture 42 from adhering to the hauling equipment. Excess release agent shall be drained prior to 43 filling hauling equipment with HMA. Petroleum derivatives or other coating material that 44 contaminate or alter the characteristics of the HMA shall not be used. For live bed trucks, 45 the conveyer shall be in operation during the process of applying the release agent. 46 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 77 5-04.3(3)C Pavers 1 HMA pavers shall be self-contained, power-propelled units, provided with an internally 2 heated vibratory screed and shall be capable of spreading and finishing courses of HMA 3 plant mix material in lane widths required by the paving section shown in the Plans. 4 5 The HMA paver shall be in good condition and shall have the most current equipment 6 available from the manufacturer for the prevention of segregation of the HMA mixture 7 installed, in good condition, and in working order. The equipment certification shall list the 8 make, model, and year of the paver and any equipment that has been retrofitted. 9 10 The screed shall be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations 11 and shall effectively produce a finished surface of the required evenness and texture 12 without tearing, shoving, segregating, or gouging the mixture. A copy of the manufacturer’s 13 recommendations shall be provided upon request by the Contracting Agency. Extensions 14 will be allowed provided they produce the same results, including ride, density, and surface 15 texture as obtained by the primary screed. Extensions without augers and an internally 16 heated vibratory screed shall not be used in the Traveled Way. 17 18 When specified in the Contract, reference lines for vertical control will be required. Lines 19 shall be placed on both outer edges of the Traveled Way of each Roadway. Horizontal 20 control utilizing the reference line will be permitted. The grade and slope for intermediate 21 lanes shall be controlled automatically from reference lines or by means of a mat 22 referencing device and a slope control device. When the finish of the grade prepared for 23 paving is superior to the established tolerances and when, in the opinion of the Engineer, 24 further improvement to the line, grade, cross-section, and smoothness can best be 25 achieved without the use of the reference line, a mat referencing device may be substituted 26 for the reference line. Substitution of the device will be subject to the continued approval 27 of the Engineer. A joint matcher may be used subject to the approval of the Engineer. The 28 reference line may be removed after the completion of the first course of HMA when 29 approved by the Engineer. Whenever the Engineer determines that any of these methods 30 are failing to provide the necessary vertical control, the reference lines will be reinstalled 31 by the Contractor. 32 33 The Contractor shall furnish and install all pins, brackets, tensioning devices, wire, and 34 accessories necessary for satisfactory operation of the automatic control equipment. 35 36 If the paving machine in use is not providing the required finish, the Engineer may suspend 37 Work as allowed by Section 1-08.6. Any cleaning or solvent type liquids spilled on the 38 pavement shall be thoroughly removed before paving proceeds. 39 40 5-04.3(3)D Material Transfer Device or Material Transfer Vehicle 41 A Material Transfer Device/Vehicle (MTD/V) shall only be used with the Engineer’s 42 approval, unless other-wise required by the contract. 43 44 Where an MTD/V is required by the contract, the Engineer may approve paving without an 45 MTD/V, at the request of the Contractor. The Engineer will determine if an equitable 46 adjustment in cost or time is due. 47 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 78 When used, the MTD/V shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and 1 prior to laydown by the paving machine. Mixing of the HMA shall be sufficient to obtain a 2 uniform temperature throughout the mixture. If a windrow elevator is used, the length of 3 the windrow may be limited in urban areas or through intersections, at the discretion of the 4 Engineer. 5 6 To be approved for use, an MTV: 7 8 1. Shall be self-propelled vehicle, separate from the hauling vehicle or paver. 9 2. Shall not be connected to the hauling vehicle or paver. 10 3. May accept HMA directly from the haul vehicle or pick up HMA from a windrow. 11 4. Shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to placement 12 into the paving machine. 13 5. Shall mix the HMA sufficiently to obtain a uniform temperature throughout the 14 mixture. 15 16 To be approved for use, an MTD: 17 18 1. Shall be positively connected to the paver. 19 2. May accept HMA directly from the haul vehicle or pick up HMA from a windrow. 20 3. Shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to placement 21 into the paving machine. 22 4. Shall mix the HMA sufficiently to obtain a uniform temperature throughout the 23 mixture. 24 25 5-04.3(3)E Rollers 26 Rollers shall be of the steel wheel, vibratory, oscillatory, or pneumatic tire type, in good 27 condition and capable of reversing without backlash. Operation of the roller shall be in 28 accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. When ordered by the Engineer for 29 any roller planned for use on the project, the Contractor shall provide a copy of the 30 manufacturer’s recommendation for the use of that roller for compaction of HMA. The 31 number and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture in compliance with 32 the requirements of Section 5-04.3(10). The use of equipment that results in crushing of 33 the aggregate will not be permitted. Rollers producing pickup, washboard, uneven 34 compaction of the surface, displacement of the mixture or other undesirable results shall 35 not be used. 36 37 5-04.3(4) Preparation of Existing Paved Surfaces 38 When the surface of the existing pavement or old base is irregular, the Contractor shall 39 bring it to a uniform grade and cross-section as shown on the Plans or approved by the 40 Engineer. 41 42 Preleveling of uneven or broken surfaces over which HMA is to be placed may be 43 accomplished by using an asphalt paver, a motor patrol grader, or by hand raking, as 44 approved by the Engineer. 45 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 79 Compaction of preleveling HMA shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer and may 1 require the use of small steel wheel rollers, plate compactors, or pneumatic rollers to avoid 2 bridging across preleveled areas by the compaction equipment. Equipment used for the 3 compaction of preleveling HMA shall be approved by the Engineer. 4 5 Before construction of HMA on an existing paved surface, the entire surface of the 6 pavement shall be clean. All fatty asphalt patches, grease drippings, and other 7 objectionable matter shall be entirely removed from the existing pavement. All pavements 8 or bituminous surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, soil, pavement grindings, and 9 other foreign matter. All holes and small depressions shall be filled with an appropriate 10 class of HMA. The surface of the patched area shall be leveled and compacted thoroughly. 11 Prior to the application of tack coat, or paving, the condition of the surface shall be 12 approved by the Engineer. 13 14 A tack coat of asphalt shall be applied to all paved surfaces on which any course of HMA 15 is to be placed or abutted; except that tack coat may be omitted from clean, newly paved 16 surfaces at the discretion of the Engineer. Tack coat shall be uniformly applied to cover 17 the existing pavement with a thin film of residual asphalt free of streaks and bare spots at 18 a rate between 0.02 and 0.10 gallons per square yard of retained asphalt. The rate of 19 application shall be approved by the Engineer. A heavy application of tack coat shall be 20 applied to all joints. For Roadways open to traffic, the application of tack coat shall be 21 limited to surfaces that will be paved during the same working shift. The spreading 22 equipment shall be equipped with a thermometer to indicate the temperature of the tack 23 coat material. 24 25 Equipment shall not operate on tacked surfaces until the tack has broken and cured. If the 26 Contractor’s operation damages the tack coat it shall be repaired prior to placement of the 27 HMA. 28 29 The tack coat shall be CSS-1, or CSS-1h emulsified asphalt. The CSS-1 and CSS-1h 30 emulsified asphalt may be diluted once with water at a rate not to exceed one part water 31 to one part emulsified asphalt. The tack coat shall have sufficient temperature such that it 32 may be applied uniformly at the specified rate of application and shall not exceed the 33 maximum temperature recommended by the emulsified asphalt manufacturer. 34 35 5-04.3(4)A Crack Sealing 36 37 5-04.3(4)A1 General 38 When the Proposal includes a pay item for crack sealing, seal all cracks ¼ inch in width 39 and greater. 40 41 Cleaning: Ensure that cracks are thoroughly clean, dry and free of all loose and foreign 42 material when filling with crack sealant material. Use a hot compressed air lance to dry 43 and warm the pavement surfaces within the crack immediately prior to filling a crack with 44 the sealant material. Do not overheat pavement. Do not use direct flame dryers. Routing 45 cracks is not required. 46 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 80 Sand Slurry: For cracks that are to be filled with sand slurry, thoroughly mix the 1 components and pour the mixture into the cracks until full. Add additional CSS-1 cationic 2 emulsified asphalt to the sand slurry as needed for workability to ensure the mixture will 3 completely fill the cracks. Strike off the sand slurry flush with the existing pavement surface 4 and allow the mixture to cure. Top off cracks that were not completely filled with additional 5 sand slurry. Do not place the HMA overlay until the slurry has fully cured. 6 7 The sand slurry shall consist of approximately 20 percent CSS-1 emulsified asphalt, 8 approximately 2 percent portland cement, water (if required), and the remainder clean 9 Class 1 or 2 fine aggregate per section 9-03.1(2). The components shall be thoroughly 10 mixed and then poured into the cracks and joints until full. The following day, any cracks 11 or joints that are not completely filled shall be topped off with additional sand slurry. After 12 the sand slurry is placed, the filler shall be struck off flush with the existing pavement 13 surface and allowed to cure. The HMA overlay shall not be placed until the slurry has fully 14 cured. The requirements of Section 1-06 will not apply to the portland cement and sand 15 used in the sand slurry. 16 17 In areas where HMA will be placed, use sand slurry to fill the cracks. 18 19 In areas where HMA will not be placed, fill the cracks as follows: 20 21 1. Cracks ¼ inch to 1 inch in width - fill with hot poured sealant. 22 2. Cracks greater than 1 inch in width – fill with sand slurry. 23 24 Hot Poured Sealant: For cracks that are to be filled with hot poured sealant, apply the 25 material in accordance with these requirements and the manufacturer’s recommendations. 26 Furnish a Type 1 Working Drawing of the manufacturer’s product information and 27 recommendations to the Engineer prior to the start of work, including the manufacturer’s 28 recommended heating time and temperatures, allowable storage time and temperatures 29 after initial heating, allowable reheating criteria, and application temperature range. 30 Confine hot poured sealant material within the crack. Clean any overflow of sealant from 31 the pavement surface. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor’s method of sealing 32 the cracks with hot poured sealant results in an excessive amount of material on the 33 pavement surface, stop and correct the operation to eliminate the excess material. 34 35 5-04.3(4)A2 Crack Sealing Areas Prior to Paving 36 In areas where HMA will be placed, use sand slurry to fill the cracks. 37 38 5-04.3(4)A3 Crack Sealing Areas Not to be Paved 39 In areas where HMA will not be placed, fill the cracks as follows: 40 41 A. Cracks ¼ inch to 1 inch in width - fill with hot poured sealant. 42 B. Cracks greater than 1 inch in width – fill with sand slurry. 43 44 5-04.3(4)B Vacant 45 46 5-04.3(4)C Pavement Repair 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 81 The Contractor shall excavate pavement repair areas and shall backfill these with HMA in 1 accordance with the details shown in the Plans and as marked in the field. The Contractor 2 shall conduct the excavation operations in a manner that will protect the pavement that is 3 to remain. Pavement not designated to be removed that is damaged as a result of the 4 Contractor’s operations shall be repaired by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the 5 Engineer at no cost to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall excavate only within 6 one lane at a time unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not 7 excavate more area than can be completely finished during the same shift, unless 8 approved by the Engineer. 9 10 Unless otherwise shown in the Plans or determined by the Engineer, excavate to a depth 11 of 1.0 feet. The Engineer will make the final determination of the excavation depth required. 12 The minimum width of any pavement repair area shall be 40 inches unless shown 13 otherwise in the Plans. Before any excavation, the existing pavement shall be sawcut or 14 shall be removed by a pavement grinder. Excavated materials will become the property of 15 the Contractor and shall be disposed of in a Contractor-provided site off the Right of Way 16 or used in accordance with Sections 2-02.3(3) or 9-03.21. 17 18 Asphalt for tack coat shall be required as specified in Section 5-04.3(4). A heavy 19 application of tack coat shall be applied to all surfaces of existing pavement in the 20 pavement repair area. 21 22 Placement of the HMA backfill shall be accomplished in lifts not to exceed 0.35-foot 23 compacted depth. Lifts that exceed 0.35-foot of compacted depth may be accomplished 24 with the approval of the Engineer. Each lift shall be thoroughly compacted by a mechanical 25 tamper or a roller. 26 27 5-04.3(5) Producing/Stockpiling Aggregates and RAP 28 Aggregates and RAP shall be stockpiled according to the requirements of Section 3-02. 29 Sufficient storage space shall be provided for each size of aggregate and RAP. Materials 30 shall be removed from stockpile(s) in a manner to ensure minimal segregation when being 31 moved to the HMA plant for processing into the final mixture. Different aggregate sizes 32 shall be kept separated until they have been delivered to the HMA plant. 33 34 5-04.3(5)A Vacant 35 36 5-04.3(6) Mixing 37 After the required amount of mineral materials, asphalt binder, recycling agent and anti-38 stripping additives have been introduced into the mixer the HMA shall be mixed until 39 complete and uniform coating of the particles and thorough distribution of the asphalt 40 binder throughout the mineral materials is ensured. 41 42 When discharged, the temperature of the HMA shall not exceed the optimum mixing 43 temperature by more than 25°F as shown on the reference mix design report or as 44 approved by the Engineer. Also, when a WMA additive is included in the manufacture of 45 HMA, the discharge temperature of the HMA shall not exceed the maximum recommended 46 by the manufacturer of the WMA additive. A maximum water content of 2 percent in the 47 mix, at discharge, will be allowed providing the water causes no problems with handling, 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 82 stripping, or flushing. If the water in the HMA causes any of these problems, the moisture 1 content shall be reduced as directed by the Engineer. 2 3 Storing or holding of the HMA in approved storage facilities will be permitted with approval 4 of the Engineer, but in no event shall the HMA be held for more than 24 hours. HMA held 5 for more than 24 hours after mixing shall be rejected. Rejected HMA shall be disposed of 6 by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency. The storage facility shall have 7 an accessible device located at the top of the cone or about the third point. The device 8 shall indicate the amount of material in storage. No HMA shall be accepted from the 9 storage facility when the HMA in storage is below the top of the cone of the storage facility, 10 except as the storage facility is being emptied at the end of the working shift. 11 12 Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) utilized in the production of HMA shall be sized prior to 13 entering the mixer so that a uniform and thoroughly mixed HMA is produced. If there is 14 evidence of the recycled asphalt pavement not breaking down during the heating and 15 mixing of the HMA, the Contractor shall immediately suspend the use of the RAP until 16 changes have been approved by the Engineer. After the required amount of mineral 17 materials, RAP, new asphalt binder and asphalt rejuvenator have been introduced into the 18 mixer the HMA shall be mixed until complete and uniform coating of the particles and 19 thorough distribution of the asphalt binder throughout the mineral materials, and RAP is 20 ensured. 21 22 5-04.3(7) Spreading and Finishing 23 The mixture shall be laid upon an approved surface, spread, and struck off to the grade 24 and elevation established. HMA pavers complying with Section 5-04.3(3) shall be used to 25 distribute the mixture. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the nominal compacted 26 depth of any layer of any course shall not exceed the following: 27 28 HMA Class 1” 0.35 feet 29 HMA Class ¾” and HMA Class ½” 30 wearing course 0.30 feet 31 other courses 0.35 feet 32 HMA Class ⅜” 0.15 feet 33 34 On areas where irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the use of mechanical 35 spreading and finishing equipment impractical, the paving may be done with other 36 equipment or by hand. 37 38 When more than one JMF is being utilized to produce HMA, the material produced for 39 each JMF shall be placed by separate spreading and compacting equipment. The 40 intermingling of HMA produced from more than one JMF is prohibited. Each strip of HMA 41 placed during a work shift shall conform to a single JMF established for the class of HMA 42 specified unless there is a need to make an adjustment in the JMF. 43 44 5-04.3(8) Aggregate Acceptance Prior to Incorporation in HMA 45 For HMA accepted by nonstatistical evaluation the aggregate properties of sand 46 equivalent, uncompacted void content and fracture will be evaluated in accordance with 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 83 Section 3-04. Sampling and testing of aggregates for HMA accepted by commercial 1 evaluation will be at the option of the Engineer. 2 3 5-04.3(9) HMA Mixture Acceptance 4 Acceptance of HMA shall be as provided under nonstatistical, or commercial evaluation. 5 6 Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for the acceptance of HMA unless Commercial 7 Evaluation is specified. 8 9 Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of HMA in 10 the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, 11 gores, prelevel, temporary pavement, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural 12 applications of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation shall be as approved by the 13 Engineer. Sampling and testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the 14 option of the Engineer. 15 16 The mix design will be the initial JMF for the class of HMA. The Contractor may request a 17 change in the JMF. Any adjustments to the JMF will require the approval of the Engineer 18 and may be made in accordance with this section. 19 20 HMA Tolerances and Adjustments 21 1. Job Mix Formula Tolerances – The constituents of the mixture at the time of 22 acceptance shall be within tolerance. The tolerance limits will be established as 23 follows: 24 For Asphalt Binder and Air Voids (Va), the acceptance limits are determined 25 by adding the tolerances below to the approved JMF values. These values will 26 also be the Upper Specification Limit (USL) and Lower Specification Limit 27 (LSL) required in Section 1-06.2(2)D2 28 Property Non-Statistical Evaluation Commercial Evaluation Asphalt Binder +/- 0.5% +/- 0.7% Air Voids, Va 2.5% min. and 5.5% max N/A For Aggregates in the mixture: 29 a. First, determine preliminary upper and lower acceptance limits by applying the 30 following tolerances to the approved JMF. 31 Aggregate Percent Passing Non- Statistical Evaluation Commercial Evaluation 1”, ¾”, ½”, and 3/8” sieves +/- 6% +/- 8% No. 4 sieve +/-6% +/- 8% No. 8 Sieve +/- 6% +/-8% No. 200 sieve +/- 2.0% +/- 3.0% b. Second, adjust the preliminary upper and lower acceptance limits determined 32 from step (a) the minimum amount necessary so that none of the aggregate 33 properties are outside the control points in Section 9-03.8(6). The resulting 34 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 84 values will be the upper and lower acceptance limits for aggregates, as well as 1 the USL and LSL required in Section 1-06.2(2)D2. 2 2. Job Mix Formula Adjustments – An adjustment to the aggregate gradation or 3 asphalt binder content of the JMF requires approval of the Engineer. Adjustments 4 to the JMF will only be considered if the change produces material of equal or 5 better quality and may require the development of a new mix design if the 6 adjustment exceeds the amounts listed below. 7 a. Aggregates –2 percent for the aggregate passing the 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″, and 8 the No. 4 sieves, 1 percent for aggregate passing the No. 8 sieve, and 0.5 9 percent for the aggregate passing the No. 200 sieve. The adjusted JMF shall be 10 within the range of the control points in Section 9-03.8(6). 11 b. Asphalt Binder Content – The Engineer may order or approve changes to 12 asphalt binder content. The maximum adjustment from the approved mix design 13 for the asphalt binder content shall be 0.3 percent 14 15 5-04.3(9)A Vacant 16 17 5-04.3(9)B Vacant 18 19 5-04.3(9)C Mixture Acceptance – Nonstatistical Evaluation 20 HMA mixture which is accepted by Nonstatistical Evaluation will be evaluated by the 21 Contracting Agency by dividing the HMA tonnage into lots. 22 23 5-04.3(9)C1 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation – Lots and Sublots 24 A lot is represented by randomly selected samples of the same mix design that will be 25 tested for acceptance. A lot is defined as the total quantity of material or work produced 26 for each Job Mix Formula placed. Only one lot per JMF is expected. A sublot shall be equal 27 to one day’s production or 800 tons, whichever is less except that the final sublot will be a 28 minimum of 400 tons and may be increased to 1200 tons. 29 30 All of the test results obtained from the acceptance samples from a given lot shall be 31 evaluated collectively. If the Contractor requests a change to the JMF that is approved, 32 the material produced after the change will be evaluated on the basis of the new JMF for 33 the remaining sublots in the current lot and for acceptance of subsequent lots. For a lot in 34 progress with a CPF less than 0.75, a new lot will begin at the Contractor’s request after 35 the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can be produced. 36 37 Sampling and testing for evaluation shall be performed on the frequency of one sample 38 per sublot. 39 40 5-04.3(9)C2 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation Sampling 41 Samples for acceptance testing shall be obtained by the Contractor when ordered by the 42 Engineer. The Contractor shall sample the HMA mixture in the presence of the Engineer 43 and in accordance with AASH-TO T 168. A minimum of three samples should be taken for 44 each class of HMA placed on a project. If used in a structural application, at least one of 45 the three samples shall to be tested. 46 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 85 Sampling and testing HMA in a Structural application where quantities are less than 400 1 tons is at the discretion of the Engineer. 2 3 For HMA used in a structural application and with a total project quantity less than 800 4 tons but more than 400 tons, a minimum of one acceptance test shall be performed. In all 5 cases, a minimum of 3 samples will be obtained at the point of acceptance, a minimum of 6 one of the three samples will be tested for conformance to the JMF: 7 8 If the test results are found to be within specification requirements, additional testing 9 will be at the Engineer’s discretion. 10 If test results are found not to be within specification requirements, additional testing 11 of the remaining samples to determine a Composite Pay Factor (CPF) shall be 12 performed. 13 14 5-04.3(9)C3 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation – Acceptance Testing 15 Testing of HMA for compliance of Va will at the option of the Contracting Agency. If tested, 16 compliance of Va will use WSDOT SOP 731. 17 18 Testing for compliance of asphalt binder content will be by WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 19 308. 20 21 Testing for compliance of gradation will be by FOP for WAQTC T 27/T 11. 22 23 5-04.3(9)C4 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation – Pay Factors 24 For each lot of material falling outside the tolerance limits in 5-04.3(9), the Contracting 25 Agency will determine a Composite Pay Factor (CPF) using the following price adjustment 26 factors: 27 28 Table of Price Adjustment Factors Constituent Facto r “f” All aggregate passing: 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″ and No.4 sieves 2 All aggregate passing No. 8 sieve 15 All aggregate passing No. 200 sieve 20 Asphalt binder 40 Air Voids (Va) (where applicable) 20 29 Each lot of HMA produced under Nonstatistical Evaluation and having all constituents 30 falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at the unit 31 Contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall outside the 32 nonstatistical tolerance limits in the Job Mix Formula shown in Table of Price Adjustment 33 Factors, the lot shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the 34 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 86 appropriate CPF. The nonstatistical tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the 1 CPF and the maximum CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup 2 samples of the existing sublots or samples from the Roadway shall be tested to provide a 3 minimum of three sets of results for evaluation. 4 5 5-04.3(9)C5 Vacant 6 7 5-04.3(9)C6 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation – Price Adjustments 8 For each lot of HMA mix produced under Nonstatistical Evaluation when the calculated 9 CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Mix Factor (NCMF) will be determined. The NCMF 10 equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 60 percent. The total job 11 mix compliance price adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCMF, the 12 quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and the unit Contract price per ton of mix. 13 14 If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its individual pay 15 factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the Composite Pay Factor (CPF). 16 17 5-04.3(9)C7 Mixture Nonstatistical Evaluation - Retests 18 The Contractor may request a sublot be retested. To request a retest, the Contractor shall 19 submit a written request within 7 calendar days after the specific test results have been 20 received. A split of the original acceptance sample will be retested. The split of the sample 21 will not be tested with the same tester that ran the original acceptance test. The sample 22 will be tested for a complete gradation analysis, asphalt binder content, and, at the option 23 of the agency, Va. The results of the retest will be used for the acceptance of the HMA in 24 place of the original sublot sample test results. The cost of testing will be deducted from 25 any monies due or that may come due the Contractor under the Contract at the rate of 26 $500 per sample. 27 28 5-04.3 (9)D Mixture Acceptance – Commercial Evaluation 29 If sampled and tested, HMA produced under Commercial Evaluation and having all 30 constituents falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at 31 the unit Contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall 32 outside the commercial tolerance limits in the Job Mix Formula shown in 5-04.3(9), the lot 33 shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate CPF. 34 The commercial tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the CPF and the 35 maximum CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the 36 existing sublots or samples from the street shall be tested to provide a minimum of three 37 sets of results for evaluation. 38 39 For each lot of HMA mix produced and tested under Commercial Evaluation when the 40 calculated CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Mix Factor (NCMF) will be determined. 41 The NCMF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 60 percent. 42 The Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCMF, 43 the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and the unit Contract price per ton of mix. 44 45 If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its individual pay 46 factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the Composite Pay Factor (CPF). 47 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 87 5-04.3(10) HMA Compaction Acceptance 1 HMA mixture accepted by nonstatistical evaluation that is used in traffic lanes, including 2 lanes for intersections, ramps, truck climbing, weaving, and speed change, and having a 3 specified compacted course thickness greater than 0.10-foot, shall be compacted to a 4 specified level of relative density. The specified level of relative density shall be a 5 Composite Pay Factor (CPF) of not less than 0.75 when evaluated in accordance with 6 Section 1-06.2, using a LSL of 92.0 (minimum of 92 percent of the maximum density). The 7 maximum density shall be determined by WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 729. The specified 8 level of density attained will be determined by the evaluation of the density of the 9 pavement. The density of the pavement shall be determined in accordance with WSDOT 10 FOP for WAQTC TM 8, except that gauge correlation will be at the discretion of the 11 Engineer, when using the nuclear density gauge and WSDOT SOP 736 when using cores 12 to determine density. 13 14 Tests for the determination of the pavement density will be taken in accordance with the 15 required procedures for measurement by a nuclear density gauge or roadway cores after 16 completion of the finish rolling. 17 18 If the Contracting Agency uses a nuclear density gauge to determine density the test 19 procedures FOP for WAQTC TM 8 and WSDOT SOP T 729 will be used on the day the 20 mix is placed and prior to opening to traffic. 21 22 Roadway cores for density may be obtained by either the Contracting Agency or the 23 Contractor in accordance with WSDOT SOP 734. The core diameter shall be 4-inches 24 minimum, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Roadway cores will be tested by 25 the Contracting Agency in accordance with WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 166. 26 27 If the Contract includes the Bid item “Roadway Core” the cores shall be obtained by the 28 Contractor in the presence of the Engineer on the same day the mix is placed and at 29 locations designated by the Engineer. If the Contract does not include the Bid item 30 “Roadway Core” the Contracting Agency will obtain the cores. 31 32 For a lot in progress with a CPF less than 0.75, a new lot will begin at the Contractor’s 33 request after the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can 34 be produced. 35 36 HMA mixture accepted by commercial evaluation and HMA constructed under conditions 37 other than those listed above shall be compacted on the basis of a test point evaluation of 38 the compaction train. The test point evaluation shall be performed in accordance with 39 instructions from the Engineer. The number of passes with an approved compaction train, 40 required to attain the maximum test point density, shall be used on all subsequent paving. 41 42 HMA for preleveling shall be thoroughly compacted. HMA that is used for preleveling wheel 43 rutting shall be compacted with a pneumatic tire roller unless otherwise approved by the 44 Engineer. 45 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 88 Test Results 1 For a sublot that has been tested with a nuclear density gauge that did not meet the 2 minimum of 92 percent of the reference maximum density in a compaction lot with a CPF 3 below 1.00 and thus subject to a price reduction or rejection, the Contractor may request 4 that a core be used for determination of the relative density of the sublot. The relative 5 density of the core will replace the relative density determined by the nuclear density gauge 6 for the sublot and will be used for calculation of the CPF and acceptance of HMA 7 compaction lot. 8 9 When cores are taken by the Contracting Agency at the request of the Contractor, they 10 shall be requested by noon of the next workday after the test results for the sublot have 11 been provided or made available to the Contractor. Core locations shall be outside of 12 wheel paths and as determined by the Engineer. Traffic control shall be provided by the 13 Contractor as requested by the Engineer. Failure by the Contractor to provide the 14 requested traffic control will result in forfeiture of the request for cores. When the CPF for 15 the lot based on the results of the HMA cores is less than 1.00, the cost for the coring will 16 be deducted from any monies due or that may become due the Contractor under the 17 Contract at the rate of $200 per core and the Contractor shall pay for the cost of the traffic 18 control. 19 20 5-04.3(10)A HMA Compaction – General Compaction Requirements 21 Compaction shall take place when the mixture is in the proper condition so that no undue 22 displacement, cracking, or shoving occurs. Areas inaccessible to large compaction 23 equipment shall be compacted by other mechanical means. Any HMA that becomes loose, 24 broken, contaminated, shows an excess or deficiency of asphalt, or is in any way defective, 25 shall be removed and replaced with new hot mix that shall be immediately compacted to 26 conform to the surrounding area. 27 28 The type of rollers to be used and their relative position in the compaction sequence shall 29 generally be the Contractor’s option, provided the specified densities are attained. Unless 30 the Engineer has approved otherwise, rollers shall only be operated in the static mode 31 when the internal temperature of the mix is less than 175°F. Regardless of mix 32 temperature, a roller shall not be operated in a mode that results in checking or cracking 33 of the mat. Rollers shall only be operated in static mode on bridge decks. 34 35 5-04.3(10)B HMA Compaction – Cyclic Density 36 Low cyclic density areas are defined as spots or streaks in the pavement that are less than 37 90 percent of the theoretical maximum density. At the Engineer’s discretion, the Engineer 38 may evaluate the HMA pavement for low cyclic density, and when doing so will follow 39 WSDOT SOP 733. A $500 Cyclic Density Price Adjustment will be assessed for any 500-40 foot section with two or more density readings below 90 percent of the theoretical 41 maximum density. 42 43 5-04.3(10)C Vacant 44 45 5-04.3(10)D HMA Nonstatistical Compaction 46 47 5-04.3(10)D1 HMA Nonstatistical Compaction – Lots and Sublots 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 89 HMA compaction which is accepted by nonstatistical evaluation will be based on 1 acceptance testing performed by the Contracting Agency dividing the project into 2 compaction lots. 3 4 A lot is represented by randomly selected samples of the same mix design that will be 5 tested for acceptance. A lot is defined as the total quantity of material or work produced 6 for each Job Mix Formula placed. Only one lot per JMF is expected. A sublot shall be equal 7 to one day’s production or 400 tons, whichever is less except that the final sublot will be a 8 minimum of 200 tons and may be increased to 800 tons. Testing for compaction will be at 9 the rate of 5 tests per sublot per WSDOT T 738. 10 11 The sublot locations within each density lot will be determined by the Engineer. For a lot 12 in progress with a CPF less than 0.75, a new lot will begin at the Contractor’s request after 13 the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can be produced. 14 15 HMA mixture accepted by commercial evaluation and HMA constructed under conditions 16 other than those listed above shall be compacted on the basis of a test point evaluation of 17 the compaction train. The test point evaluation shall be performed in accordance with 18 instructions from the Engineer. The number of passes with an approved compaction train, 19 required to attain the maximum test point density, shall be used on all subsequent paving. 20 21 HMA for preleveling shall be thoroughly compacted. HMA that is used to prelevel wheel 22 ruts shall be compacted with a pneumatic tire roller unless otherwise approved by the 23 Engineer. 24 25 5-04.3(10)D2 HMA Compaction Nonstatistical Evaluation – Acceptance Testing 26 The location of the HMA compaction acceptance tests will be randomly selected by the 27 Engineer from within each sublot, with one test per sublot. 28 29 5-04.3(10)D3 HMA Nonstatistical Compaction – Price Adjustments 30 For each compaction lot with one or two sublots, having all sublots attain a relative density 31 that is 92 percent of the reference maximum density the HMA shall be accepted at the unit 32 Contract price with no further evaluation. When a sublot does not attain a relative density 33 that is 92 percent of the reference maximum density, the lot shall be evaluated in 34 accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate CPF. The maximum CPF 35 shall be 1.00, however, lots with a calculated CPF in excess of 1.00 will be used to offset 36 lots with CPF values below 1.00 but greater than 0.90. Lots with CPF lower than 0.90 will 37 be evaluated for compliance per 5-04.3(11). Additional testing by either a nuclear 38 moisture-density gauge or cores will be completed as required to provide a minimum of 39 three tests for evaluation. 40 41 For compaction below the required 92% a Non-Conforming Compaction Factor (NCCF) 42 will be determined. The NCCF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 43 multiplied by 40 percent. The Compaction Price Adjustment will be calculated as the 44 product of CPF, the quantity of HMA in the compaction control lot in tons, and the unit 45 Contract price per ton of mix. 46 47 5-04.3(11) Reject Work 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 90 1 5-04.3(11)A Reject Work General 2 Work that is defective or does not conform to Contract requirements shall be rejected. The 3 Contractor may propose, in writing, alternatives to removal and replacement of rejected 4 material. Acceptability of such alternative proposals will be determined at the sole 5 discretion of the Engineer. HMA that has been rejected is subject to the requirements in 6 Section 1-06.2(2) and this specification, and the Contractor shall submit a corrective action 7 proposal to the Engineer for approval. 8 9 5-04.3(11)B Rejection by Contractor 10 The Contractor may, prior to sampling, elect to remove any defective material and replace 11 it with new material. Any such new material will be sampled, tested, and evaluated for 12 acceptance. 13 14 5-04.3(11)C Rejection Without Testing (Mixture or Compaction) 15 The Engineer may, without sampling, reject any batch, load, or section of Roadway that 16 appears defective. Material rejected before placement shall not be incorporated into the 17 pavement. Any rejected section of Roadway shall be removed. 18 19 No payment will be made for the rejected materials or the removal of the materials unless 20 the Contractor requests that the rejected material be tested. If the Contractor elects to 21 have the rejected material tested, a minimum of three representative samples will be 22 obtained and tested. Acceptance of rejected material will be based on conformance with 23 the nonstatistical acceptance Specification. If the CPF for the rejected material is less than 24 0.75, no payment will be made for the rejected material; in addition, the cost of sampling 25 and testing shall be borne by the Contractor. If the CPF is greater than or equal to 0.75, 26 the cost of sampling and testing will be borne by the Contracting Agency. If the material is 27 rejected before placement and the CPF is greater than or equal to 0.75, compensation for 28 the rejected material will be at a CPF of 0.75. If rejection occurs after placement and the 29 CPF is greater than or equal to 0.75, compensation for the rejected material will be at the 30 calculated CPF with an addition of 25 percent of the unit Contract price added for the cost 31 of removal and disposal. 32 33 5-04.3(11)D Rejection - A Partial Sublot 34 In addition to the random acceptance sampling and testing, the Engineer may also isolate 35 from a normal sublot any material that is suspected of being defective in relative density, 36 gradation or asphalt binder content. Such isolated material will not include an original 37 sample location. A minimum of three random samples of the suspect material will be 38 obtained and tested. The material will then be statistically evaluated as an independent lot 39 in accordance with Section 1-06.2(2). 40 41 5-04.3(11)E Rejection - An Entire Sublot 42 An entire sublot that is suspected of being defective may be rejected. When a sublot is 43 rejected a minimum of two additional random samples from this sublot will be obtained. 44 These additional samples and the original sublot will be evaluated as an independent lot 45 in accordance with Section 1-06.2(2). 46 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 91 5-04.3(11)F Rejection - A Lot in Progress 1 The Contractor shall shut down operations and shall not resume HMA placement until such 2 time as the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can be 3 produced: 4 5 1. When the Composite Pay Factor (CPF) of a lot in progress drops below 1.00 and 6 the Contractor is taking no corrective action, or 7 2. When the Pay Factor (PF) for any constituent of a lot in progress drops below 0.95 8 and the Contractor is taking no corrective action, or 9 3. When either the PFi for any constituent or the CPF of a lot in progress is less than 10 0.75. 11 12 5-04.3(11)G Rejection - An Entire Lot (Mixture or Compaction) 13 An entire lot with a CPF of less than 0.75 will be rejected. 14 15 5-04.3(12) Joints 16 17 5-04.3(12)A HMA Joints 18 19 5-04.3(12)A1 Transverse Joints 20 The Contractor shall conduct operations such that the placing of the top or wearing course 21 is a continuous operation or as close to continuous as possible. Unscheduled transverse 22 joints will be allowed and the roller may pass over the unprotected end of the freshly laid 23 mixture only when the placement of the course must be discontinued for such a length of 24 time that the mixture will cool below compaction temperature. When the Work is resumed, 25 the previously compacted mixture shall be cut back to produce a slightly beveled edge for 26 the full thickness of the course. 27 28 A temporary wedge of HMA constructed on a 20H:1V shall be constructed where a 29 transverse joint as a result of paving or planing is open to traffic. The HMA in the temporary 30 wedge shall be separated from the permanent HMA by strips of heavy wrapping paper or 31 other methods approved by the Engineer. The wrapping paper shall be removed and the 32 joint trimmed to a slightly beveled edge for the full thickness of the course prior to 33 resumption of paving. 34 35 The material that is cut away shall be wasted and new mix shall be laid against the cut. 36 Rollers or tamping irons shall be used to seal the joint. 37 38 5-04.3(12)A2 Longitudinal Joints 39 The longitudinal joint in any one course shall be offset from the course immediately below 40 by not more than 6 inches nor less than 2 inches. All longitudinal joints constructed in the 41 wearing course shall be located at a lane line or an edge line of the Traveled Way. A 42 notched wedge joint shall be constructed along all longitudinal joints in the wearing surface 43 of new HMA unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The notched wedge joint shall 44 have a vertical edge of not less than the maximum aggregate size or more than ½ of the 45 compacted lift thickness and then taper down on a slope not steeper than 4H:1V. The 46 sloped portion of the HMA notched wedge joint shall be uniformly compacted. 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 92 1 5-04.3(12)B Bridge Paving Joint Seals 2 3 5-04.3(12)B1 HMA Sawcut and Seal 4 Prior to placing HMA on the bridge deck, establish sawcut alignment points at both ends 5 of the bridge paving joint seals to be placed at the bridge ends, and at interior joints within 6 the bridge deck when and where shown in the Plans. Establish the sawcut alignment points 7 in a manner that they remain functional for use in aligning the sawcut after placing the 8 overlay. 9 10 Submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of the sealant manufacturer’s application 11 procedure. 12 13 Construct the bridge paving joint seal as specified ion the Plans and in accordance with 14 the detail shown in the Standard Plans. Construct the sawcut in accordance with the detail 15 shown in the Standard Plan. Construct the sawcut in accordance with Section 5-05.3(8)B 16 and the manufacturer’s application procedure. 17 18 5-04.3(12)B2 Paved Panel Joint Seal 19 Construct the paved panel joint seal in accordance with the requirements specified in 20 section 5-04.3(12)B1 and the following requirement: 21 22 1. Clean and seal the existing joint between concrete panels in accordance with 23 Section 5-01.3(8) and the details shown in the Standard Plans. 24 25 5-04.3(13) Surface Smoothness 26 The completed surface of all courses shall be of uniform texture, smooth, uniform as to 27 crown and grade, and free from defects of all kinds. The completed surface of the wearing 28 course shall not vary more than ⅛ inch from the lower edge of a 10-foot straightedge 29 placed on the surface parallel to the centerline. The transverse slope of the completed 30 surface of the wearing course shall vary not more than ¼ inch in 10 feet from the rate of 31 transverse slope shown in the Plans. 32 33 When deviations in excess of the above tolerances are found that result from a high place 34 in the HMA, the pavement surface shall be corrected by one of the following methods: 35 36 1. Removal of material from high places by grinding with an approved grinding 37 machine, or 38 2. Removal and replacement of the wearing course of HMA, or 39 3. By other method approved by the Engineer. 40 41 Correction of defects shall be carried out until there are no deviations anywhere greater 42 than the allowable tolerances. 43 44 Deviations in excess of the above tolerances that result from a low place in the HMA and 45 deviations resulting from a high place where corrective action, in the opinion of the 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 93 Engineer, will not produce satisfactory results will be accepted with a price adjustment. 1 The Engineer shall deduct from monies due or that may become due to the Contractor the 2 sum of $500.00 for each and every section of single traffic lane 100 feet in length in which 3 any excessive deviations described above are found. 4 5 When utility appurtenances such as manhole covers and valve boxes are located in the 6 traveled way, the utility appurtenances shall be adjusted to the finished grade prior to 7 paving. This requirement may be waived when requested by the Contractor, at the 8 discretion of the Engineer or when the adjustment details provided in the project plan or 9 specifications call for utility appurtenance adjustments after the completion of paving. 10 11 Utility appurtenance adjustment discussions will be included in the Pre-Paving planning 12 (5-04.3(14)B3). Submit a written request to waive this requirement to the Engineer prior to 13 the start of paving. 14 15 5-04.3(14) Planing (Milling) Bituminous Pavement 16 The planning plan must be approved by the Engineer and a pre planning meeting must be 17 held prior to the start of any planing. See Section 5-04.3(14)B2 for information on planning 18 submittals. 19 20 Locations of existing surfacing to be planed are as shown in the Drawings. 21 22 Where planing an existing pavement is specified in the Contract, the Contractor must 23 remove existing surfacing material and to reshape the surface to remove irregularities. The 24 finished product must be a prepared surface acceptable for receiving an HMA overlay. 25 26 Use the cold milling method for planing unless otherwise specified in the Contract. Do not 27 use the planer on the final wearing course of new HMA. 28 29 Conduct planing operations in a manner that does not tear, break, burn, or otherwise 30 damage the surface which is to remain. The finished planed surface must be slightly 31 grooved or roughened and must be free from gouges, deep grooves, ridges, or other 32 imperfections. The Contractor must repair any damage to the surface by the Contractor’s 33 planing equipment, using an Engineer approved method. 34 35 Repair or replace any metal castings and other surface improvements damaged by 36 planing, as determined by the Engineer. 37 38 A tapered wedge cut must be planed longitudinally along curb lines sufficient to provide a 39 minimum of 4 inches of curb reveal after placement and compaction of the final wearing 40 course. The dimensions of the wedge must be as shown on the Drawings or as specified 41 by the Engineer. 42 43 A tapered wedge cut must also be made at transitions to adjoining pavement surfaces 44 (meet lines) where butt joints are shown on the Drawings. Cut butt joints in a straight line 45 with vertical faces 2 inches or more in height, producing a smooth transition to the existing 46 adjoining pavement. 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 94 1 After planing is complete, planed surfaces must be swept, cleaned, and if required by the 2 Contract, patched and preleveled. 3 4 The Engineer may direct additional depth planing. Before performing this additional depth 5 planing, the Contractor must conduct a hidden metal in pavement detection survey as 6 specified in Section 5-04.3(14)A. 7 8 5-04.3(14)A Pre-Planing Metal Detection Check 9 Before starting planing of pavements, and before any additional depth planing required by 10 the Engineer, the Contractor must conduct a physical survey of existing pavement to be 11 planed with equipment that can identify hidden metal objects. 12 13 Should such metal be identified, promptly notify the Engineer. 14 15 See Section 1-07.16(1) regarding the protection of survey monumentation that may be 16 hidden in pavement. 17 18 The Contractor is solely responsible for any damage to equipment resulting from the 19 Contractor’s failure to conduct a pre-planing metal detection survey, or from the 20 Contractor’s failure to notify the Engineer of any hidden metal that is detected. 21 22 5-04.3(14)B Paving and Planing Under Traffic 23 24 5-04.3(14)B1 General 25 In addition the requirements of Section 1-07.23 and the traffic controls required in Section 26 1-10, and unless the Contract specifies otherwise or the Engineer approves, the 27 Contractor must comply with the following: 28 29 1. Intersections: 30 a. Keep intersections open to traffic at all times, except when paving or planing 31 operations through an intersection requires closure. Such closure must be kept to 32 the minimum time required to place and compact the HMA mixture, or plane as 33 appropriate. For paving, schedule such closure to individual lanes or portions 34 thereof that allows the traffic volumes and schedule of traffic volumes required in 35 the approved traffic control plan. Schedule work so that adjacent intersections are 36 not impacted at the same time and comply with the traffic control restrictions 37 required by the Traffic Engineer. Each individual intersection closure or partial 38 closure, must be addressed in the traffic control plan, which must be submitted to 39 and accepted by the Engineer, see Section 1-10.2(2). 40 b. When planing or paving and related construction must occur in an intersection, 41 consider scheduling and sequencing such work into quarters of the intersection, 42 or half or more of an intersection with side street detours. Be prepared to 43 sequence the work to individual lanes or portions thereof. 44 c. Should closure of the intersection in its entirety be necessary, and no trolley 45 service is impacted, keep such closure to the minimum time required to place and 46 compact the HMA mixture, plane, remove asphalt, tack coat, and as needed. 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 95 d. Any work in an intersection requires advance warning in both signage and a 1 number of Working Days advance notice as determined by the Engineer, to alert 2 traffic and emergency services of the intersection closure or partial closure. 3 e. Allow new compacted HMA asphalt to cool to ambient temperature before any 4 traffic is allowed on it. Traffic is not allowed on newly placed asphalt until approval 5 has been obtained from the Engineer. 6 2. Temporary centerline marking, post-paving temporary marking, temporary stop 7 bars, and maintaining temporary pavement marking must comply with Section 8-8 23. 9 3. Permanent pavement marking must comply with Section 8-22. 10 11 5-04.3(14)B2 Submittals – Planing Plan and HMA Paving Plan 12 The Contractor must submit a separate planing plan and a separate paving plan to the 13 Engineer at least 5 Working Days in advance of each operation’s activity start date. These 14 plans must show how the moving operation and traffic control are coordinated, as they will 15 be discussed at the pre-planing briefing and pre-paving briefing. When requested by the 16 Engineer, the Contractor must provide each operation’s traffic control plan on 24 x 36 inch 17 or larger size Shop Drawings with a scale showing both the area of operation and sufficient 18 detail of traffic beyond the area of operation where detour traffic may be required. The 19 scale on the Shop Drawings is 1 inch = 20 feet, which may be changed if the Engineer 20 agrees sufficient detail is shown. 21 22 The planing operation and the paving operation include, but are not limited to, metal 23 detection, removal of asphalt and temporary asphalt of any kind, tack coat and drying, 24 staging of supply trucks, paving trains, rolling, scheduling, and as may be discussed at the 25 briefing. 26 27 When intersections will be partially or totally blocked, provide adequately sized and 28 noticeable signage alerting traffic of closures to come, a minimum 2 Working Days in 29 advance. The traffic control plan must show where police officers will be stationed when 30 signalization is or may be, countermanded, and show areas where flaggers are proposed. 31 32 At a minimum, the planing and the paving plan must include: 33 34 1. A copy of the accepted traffic control plan, see Section 1-10.2(2), detailing each 35 day’s traffic control as it relates to the specific requirements of that day’s planing 36 and paving. Briefly describe the sequencing of traffic control consistent with the 37 proposed planing and paving sequence, and scheduling of placement of temporary 38 pavement markings and channelizing devices after each day’s planing, and paving. 39 2. A copy of each intersection’s traffic control plan. 40 3. Haul routes from Supplier facilities, and locations of temporary parking and staging 41 areas, including return routes. Describe the complete round trip as it relates to the 42 sequencing of paving operations. 43 4. Names and locations of HMA Supplier facilities to be used. 44 5. List of all equipment to be used for paving. 45 6. List of personnel and associated job classification assigned to each piece of paving 46 equipment. 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 96 7. Description (geometric or narrative) of the scheduled sequence of planing and of 1 paving, and intended area of planing and of paving for each day’s work, must 2 include the directions of proposed planing and of proposed paving, sequence of 3 adjacent lane paving, sequence of skipped lane paving, intersection planing and 4 paving scheduling and sequencing, and proposed notifications and coordinations 5 to be timely made. The plan must show HMA joints relative to the final pavement 6 marking lane lines. 7 8. Names, job titles, and contact information for field, office, and plant supervisory 8 personnel. 9 9. A copy of the approved Mix Designs. 10 10. Tonnage of HMA to be placed each day. 11 11. Approximate times and days for starting and ending daily operations. 12 13 5-04.3(14)B3 Pre-Paving and Pre-Planing Briefing 14 At least 2 Working Days before the first paving operation and the first planing operation, 15 or as scheduled by the Engineer for future paving and planing operations to ensure the 16 Contractor has adequately prepared for notifying and coordinating as required in the 17 Contract, the Contractor must be prepared to discuss that day’s operations as they relate 18 to other entities and to public safety and convenience, including driveway and business 19 access, garbage truck operations, Metro transit operations and working around energized 20 overhead wires, school and nursing home and hospital and other accesses, other 21 contractors who may be operating in the area, pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and 22 emergency services. The Contractor, and Subcontractors that may be part of that day’s 23 operations, must meet with the Engineer and discuss the proposed operation as it relates 24 to the submitted planing plan and paving plan, approved traffic control plan, and public 25 convenience and safety. Such discussion includes, but is not limited to: 26 27 1. General for both Paving Plan and for Planing Plan: 28 a. The actual times of starting and ending daily operations. 29 b. In intersections, how to break up the intersection, and address traffic control and 30 signalization for that operation, including use of peace officers. 31 c. The sequencing and scheduling of paving operations and of planing operations, 32 as applicable, as it relates to traffic control, to public convenience and safety, and 33 to other con-tractors who may operate in the Project Site. 34 d. Notifications required of Contractor activities, and coordinating with other entities 35 and the public as necessary. 36 e. Description of the sequencing of installation and types of temporary pavement 37 markings as it relates to planning and to paving. 38 f. Description of the sequencing of installation of, and the removal of, temporary 39 pavement patch material around exposed castings and as may be needed 40 g. Description of procedures and equipment to identify hidden metal in the 41 pavement, such as survey monumentation, monitoring wells, street car rail, and 42 castings, before planning, see Section 5-04.3(14)B2. 43 h. Description of how flaggers will be coordinated with the planing, paving, and 44 related operations. 45 i. Description of sequencing of traffic controls for the process of rigid pavement 46 base repairs. 47 j. Other items the Engineer deems necessary to address. 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 97 2. Paving – additional topics: 1 a. When to start applying tack and coordinating with paving. 2 b. Types of equipment and numbers of each type equipment to be used. If more 3 pieces of equipment than personnel are proposed, describe the sequencing of 4 the personnel operating the types of equipment. Discuss the continuance of 5 operator personnel for each type equipment as it relates to meeting 6 Specification requirements. 7 c. Number of JMFs to be placed, and if more than one JMF how the Contractor will 8 ensure different JMFs are distinguished, how pavers and MTVs are 9 distinguished if more than one JMF is being placed at the time, and how pavers 10 and MTVs are cleaned so that one JMF does not adversely influence the other 11 JMF. 12 d. Description of contingency plans for that day’s operations such as equipment 13 breakdown, rain out, and Supplier shutdown of operations. 14 e. Number of sublots to be placed, sequencing of density testing, and other 15 sampling and testing. 16 17 5-04.3(15) Sealing Pavement Surfaces 18 Apply a fog seal where shown in the plans. Construct the fog seal in accordance with 19 Section 5-02.3. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, apply the fog seal prior to 20 opening to traffic. 21 22 5-04.3(16) HMA Road Approaches 23 HMA approaches shall be constructed at the locations shown in the Plans or where staked 24 by the Engineer. The Work shall be performed in accordance with Section 5-04. 25 26 5-04.4 Measurement 27 HMA Cl. ___ PG ___, HMA for ___ Cl. ___ PG ___, and Commercial HMA will 28 be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.2, with no deduction being made 29 for the weight of asphalt binder, mineral filler, or any other component of the mixture. If the 30 Contractor elects to remove and replace mix as allowed by Section 5-04.3(11), the material 31 removed will not be measured. 32 33 Roadway cores will be measured per each for the number of cores taken. 34 35 Preparation of untreated roadway will be measured by the mile once along the centerline 36 of the main line Roadway. No additional measurement will be made for ramps, Auxiliary 37 Lanes, service roads, Frontage Roads, or Shoulders. Measurement will be to the nearest 38 0.01 mile. 39 40 Soil residual herbicide will be measured by the mile for the stated width to the nearest 0.01 41 mile or by the square yard, whichever is designated in the Proposal. 42 43 Pavement repair excavation will be measured by the square yard of surface marked prior 44 to excavation. 45 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 98 Asphalt for prime coat will be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.2. 1 2 Prime coat aggregate will be measured by the cubic yard, truck measure, or by the ton, 3 whichever is designated in the Proposal. 4 5 Asphalt for fog seal will be measured by the ton, as provided in Section 5-02.4. 6 7 Longitudinal joint seals between the HMA and cement concrete pavement will be 8 measured by the linear foot along the line and slope of the completed joint seal. 9 10 Planing bituminous pavement will be measured by the square yard. 11 12 Temporary pavement marking will be measured by the linear foot as provided in Section 13 8-23.4. 14 15 Water will be measured by the M gallon as provided in Section 2-07.4. 16 17 5-04.5 Payment 18 Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal: 19 20 “HMA Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 21 22 “HMA for Approach Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 23 24 “HMA for Preleveling Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 25 26 “HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 27 28 “Commercial HMA”, per ton. 29 30 The unit Contract price per ton for “HMA Cl. ___ PG ___”, “HMA for Approach Cl. ___ PG 31 ___”, “HMA for Preleveling Cl. ___ PG ___”, “HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. ___ PG ___”, 32 and “Commercial HMA” shall be full compensation for all costs, including anti-stripping 33 additive, incurred to carry out the requirements of Section 5-04 except for those costs 34 included in other items which are included in this Subsection and which are included in the 35 Proposal. 36 37 “Preparation of Untreated Roadway”, per mile. 38 39 The unit Contract price per mile for “Preparation of Untreated Roadway” shall be full pay 40 for all Work described under 5-04.3(4) , with the exception, however, that all costs 41 involved in patching the Roadway prior to placement of HMA shall be included in the unit 42 Contract price per ton for “HMA Cl. ___ PG ___” which was used for patching. If the 43 Proposal does not include a Bid item for “Preparation of Untreated Roadway”, the 44 Roadway shall be prepared as specified, but the Work shall be included in the Contract 45 prices of the other items of Work. 46 47 “Preparation of Existing Paved Surfaces”, per mile. 48 49 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 99 The unit Contract Price for “Preparation of Existing Paved Surfaces” shall be full pay for 1 all Work described under Section 5-04.3(4) with the exception, however, that all costs 2 involved in patching the Roadway prior to placement of HMA shall be included in the unit 3 Contract price per ton for “HMA Cl. ___ PG ___” which was used for patching. If the 4 Proposal does not include a Bid item for “Preparation of Untreated Roadway”, the 5 Roadway shall be prepared as specified, but the Work shall be included in the Contract 6 prices of the other items of Work. 7 8 “Crack Sealing”, by force account. 9 10 “Crack Sealing” will be paid for by force account as specified in Section 1-09.6. For the 11 purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has 12 entered an amount in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor. 13 14 “Pavement Repair Excavation Incl. Haul”, per square yard. 15 16 The unit Contract price per square yard for “Pavement Repair Excavation Incl. Haul” shall 17 be full payment for all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 5-04.3(4) 18 with the exception, however, that all costs involved in the placement of HMA shall be 19 included in the unit Contract price per ton for “HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. ___ PG ___”, 20 per ton. 21 22 “Asphalt for Prime Coat”, per ton. 23 24 The unit Contract price per ton for “Asphalt for Prime Coat” shall be full payment for all 25 costs incurred to obtain, provide and install the material in accordance with Section 5-26 04.3(4). 27 28 “Prime Coat Agg.”, per cubic yard, or per ton. 29 30 The unit Contract price per cubic yard or per ton for “Prime Coat Agg.” shall be full pay for 31 furnishing, loading, and hauling aggregate to the place of deposit and spreading the 32 aggregate in the quantities required by the Engineer. 33 34 “Asphalt for Fog Seal”, per ton. 35 36 Payment for “Asphalt for Fog Seal” is described in Section 5-02.5. 37 38 “Longitudinal Joint Seal”, per linear foot. 39 40 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Longitudinal Joint Seal” shall be full payment for 41 all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 5-04.3(12). 42 43 “Planing Bituminous Pavement”, per square yard. 44 45 The unit Contract price per square yard for “Planing Bituminous Pavement” shall be full 46 payment for all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 5-04.3(14). 47 48 “Temporary Pavement Marking”, per linear foot. 49 50 Payment for “Temporary Pavement Marking” is described in Section 8-23.5. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 100 “Water”, per M gallon. 1 2 Payment for “Water” is described in Section 2-07.5. 3 4 “Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment”, by calculation. 5 6 “Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in 7 Section 5-04.3(9)C6. 8 9 “Compaction Price Adjustment”, by calculation. 10 11 “Compaction Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in Section 5-12 04..3(10)D3. 13 14 “Roadway Core”, per each. 15 16 The Contractor’s costs for all other Work associated with the coring (e.g., traffic control) 17 shall be incidental and included within the unit Bid price per each and no additional 18 payments will be made. 19 20 “Cyclic Density Price Adjustment”, by calculation. 21 22 “Cyclic Density Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in Section 23 5-04.3(10)B. 24 25 5-05 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 26 27 5-05.1 Description 28 29 Section 5-05.1 is supplemented with the following: 30 31 (******) 32 This Work also consists of furnishing and placing decorative cement concrete pavement 33 at the locations and depths as shown in the Plans. 34 35 All cement concrete roadway paving shall be completed using high early strength (HES) 36 mixes as defined below. 37 38 5-05.2 Materials 39 40 Section 5-05.2 is supplemented with the following: 41 42 (August 6, 2012 WSDOT GSP) 43 Pigment color for cement concrete pavement shall be one chosen from the manufactures 44 and colors listed below: 45 46 Davis Color: Flagstone Brown 641 (Intersection Finish; Brick Finish) 47 Davis Color: Sandstone 5237 (Crosswalk Finish) 48 49 The pigment shall be incorporated in accordance with the manufacturer’s 50 recommendations. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 101 5-05.3 Construction Requirements 1 2 5-05.3(1) Concrete Mix Design for Paving 3 4 (******) 5 Both references to “35 percent” in the second paragraph of Item 1, Materials, in Section 5-6 05.3(1) are replaced with “30 percent.” 7 8 The second paragraph of Item 1, Materials, in Section 5-05.3(1) is supplemented with the 9 following: 10 11 (******) 12 The maximum cementitious material for any roadway mix design shall be 752 pounds per 13 cubic yard. 14 15 The first paragraph of Item 2, Submittals, in Section 5-05.3(1) is supplemented with the 16 following: 17 18 (******) 19 Minimum compressive strength for the 28-day strength tests shall be 3600 psi. 20 21 Item 2, Submittals, in Section 5-05.3(1) is supplemented with the following: 22 23 (******) 24 The mix shall be capable of meeting the requirements for opening to traffic (2,500 psi 25 minimum compressive strength) listed in Section 5-05.3(17) with 24 hours after placing the 26 cement concrete pavement. 27 28 Section 5-05.3 is supplemented with the following: 29 30 (******) 31 Decorative Cement Concrete Pavement 32 Decorative cement concrete shall meet the strength and timing requirements listed on 33 Section 5-05.3(1). 34 35 Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150, Type II. Aggregates shall conform to ASTM 36 C 33. Mixing water shall be fresh, clean, and potable. An air-entraining agent complying 37 with ASTM C 260 shall be used to achieve an entrained air content for the particular 38 concrete mix used in accordance with the published recommendations of the Portland 39 Cement Association and the American Concrete Institute. No admixtures containing 40 calcium chloride are permitted. 41 42 Decorative cement concrete shall have color mixed integral with the concrete prior to 43 placement. A clear sealer shall be applied to the cured cement concrete per manufacturer 44 recommendations. 45 46 The pattern of the decorative cement concrete pavement shall be approved by the 47 Engineer. Brick pattern shall use a running bond design. 48 49 Test Panels: Before the start of work, the Contractor must show evidence of successful 50 completion of similar installations. Construct a Job Site test panel for each individual color 51 and pattern or combination of color and pattern specified in the Contract at least 10 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 102 Working Days before placing patterned and/or colored concrete. The test panels must be 1 5’ x 5’ minimum, and constructed at a location selected by the Engineer. Construct as 2 many test panels as necessary to produce sample panels that meet the approval of the 3 Engineer. The permanent work must be consistent with the appearance of the approved 4 test panels. The test panels must not be incorporated into the Work and must be disposed 5 of under the Contract when directed by the Engineer. The approved test panel must be 6 used as the standard of comparison in determining acceptability of concrete surfaces. 7 8 5-05.3(17) Opening to Traffic 9 10 Section 5-05.3(17) is revised to read: 11 12 (August 7, 2017 WSDOT GSP) 13 Maturity Testing for Concrete Pavement 14 The pavement shall not be opened to traffic until the Strength-Maturity Relationship (SMR) 15 demonstrates the pavement has a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi and 16 approval of the Engineer. The pavement shall be cleaned prior to opening to traffic. 17 18 The Contractor shall establish a Maturity Value on the approved concrete mix through the 19 use of a testing program following the WSDOT Maturity Method Test Procedure for 20 estimating concrete strength. 21 22 The Contractor shall establish the SMR at least 14 calendar days prior to the production 23 pours. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 7 days prior to performing the SMR as to 24 the time, date and location where the SMR will be performed. The Contractor shall allow 25 WSDOT the opportunity to place maturity loggers in the test cylinders in order to calibrate 26 the WSDOT maturity meter. A SMR shall be developed for each mix used on the project. 27 Referenced SMRs from previous projects will not be allowed. 28 29 The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of the maturity logger/sensors within 30 the concrete pavement pour area. For panel replacements performed under Section 5-01, 31 place a minimum of four loggers/sensors at two different locations. Two in one of the first 32 few panel replacements and two in the last panel replacement of the day, each day. For 33 continuous concrete paving operations performed under Section 5-05, place a minimum 34 of four loggers/sensors, two at the beginning and two at the end of the concrete pour, each 35 day. The Contractor shall maintain the integrity of the logger/sensors and wires during 36 concrete pouring, finishing and curing operations or until the maturity information is no 37 longer needed. 38 39 The Contractor shall perform the Quality Control Procedure to Verify the Strength-Maturity 40 Relationship on days 1 and 2 of concrete placement as indicated in the test procedure. 41 42 The Contractor shall develop a Quality Control Plan based on the Strength-Maturity 43 Relationship to monitor and provide remedial action to ensure the concrete meets design 44 strengths. 45 46 Any alteration in mix proportions or source or type of any material, in excess of those 47 tolerable by batching variability shall require the development of a new SMR prior to its 48 use at the Contractors time and expense. Alterations include a change in type, source, or 49 proportion of cement, fly ash, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, or admixtures. A change 50 in water-to-cementitious material ratio greater than 5.0 percent requires the development 51 of a new SMR. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 103 1 Maturity Method Test Procedure 2 This test method provides a procedure for estimating concrete strength by means of the 3 maturity method. The maturity method is based on strength gain as a function of 4 temperature and time. This method is a modification of ASTM C1074 covering the 5 procedures for estimating concrete strength by means of the maturity method. 6 7 The maturity method consists of three steps: 8 9 Develop Strength-Maturity Relationship 10 Estimate in-place strength 11 Verify Strength-Maturity Relationship. 12 13 The Nurse-Saul “temperature-time factor (TTF)” maturity index shall be used in this test 14 method, with a datum temperature of 0 oC (32 oF). 15 16 Apparatus 17 If the maturity meter has input capability for datum temperature, verify that the proper 18 value of the datum temperature has been selected prior to each use. 19 Intellirock maturity system (or approved equivalent). This system shall include the 20 logger/sensor, handheld reader, and software. 21 The data obtained from the maturity meter shall be unalterable and un-interruptible. 22 The same brand and type of maturity meters shall be used in the field as those used 23 to develop and verify the strength-maturity relationship. 24 Logger/sensor wire grade shall be larger than or equal to 20 awg. 25 26 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 104 Contractors Procedure to Develop Strength-Maturity Relationship 1 2 Step Action 1 For every concrete design that will be evaluated by the maturity method, prepare a minimum of 21 cylinders in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 23. Additional cylinders should be cast to avoid having to repeat the procedure. The mixture proportions and constituents of the concrete shall be the same as those of the job concrete whose strength will be estimated using this practice. The minimum size of each batch shall be approximately 3 m3 (4 yd3). A mobile mixer may be used for batching provided it is to be used on the project. Calibration documentation shall be provided to the Engineer prior to batching. 2 Fresh concrete testing for each batch shall include concrete placement temperature, slump, and air content in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 309, FOP for AASHTO T 119, and FOP for AASHTO T 152. 3 Embed loggers/sensors in at least two cylinders. Loggers/sensors shall be placed 2-4 inches from any surface. Activate the loggers/sensors. 4 Cure the cylinders in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 23. 5 Perform compression strength tests in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 22 to target 2,500 psi for opening to traffic. In targeting the opening to traffic requirement and to properly characterize and validate the maturity calibration curve at least three target cylinder breaks must be broken prior to 2,500 psi. Test three cylinders at each age and compute the average strength. The cylinders with loggers/sensors may be tested if additional cylinders are needed. If a cylinder is obviously defective (for example, out of round, not square, damaged due to handling), the cylinder shall be discarded. If an individual cylinder strength is greater than 10 percent outside the average of three cylinders, the cylinder can be considered defective and be discarded. When two of the three cylinders are defective, a new batch must be evaluated unless additional acceptable cylinders are available. 6 At each test age, record the individual and average values of maturity and strength for each batch on a permanent data sheet 7 Plot the average strengths as a function of the average maturity values, with data points shown. Using a computer spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, calculate a point-to-point interpolation through the data. The resulting curve is the strength- maturity relationship to be used for estimating the strength of the concrete mixture placed in the field. When developing the SMR, the spreadsheet software allows the Contractor to develop the corresponding maturity equation, which defines the SMR. The Engineer should carefully examine the data for “outliers”, faulty cylinder breaks, or faulty maturity readings. The Engineer should use judgment to determine if certain points should be discarded, or retested, or whether the entire SMR should be regenerated. CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 105 Contractors Procedure to Estimate In-Place Strength 1 2 Step Action 1 Prior to or at the time of concrete placement, install loggers/sensors at the frequency specified. Loggers/sensors shall be placed a minimum of 2 ft. from a panel edge 4 to 5 inches from the panel surface. Loggers/sensors may be tied to reinforcing steel, but should not be in direct contact with the reinforcing steel or formwork. 2 As soon as practical after concrete placement, connect and activate the maturity meter(s). 3 The Contractor shall provide to the Engineer, prior to opening the pavement to traffic, encrypted data files (with software to read the files) of the maturity data from the loggers/sensors. Data shall be provided until the maturity is at a value that is equal to or greater than the required strength for that concrete mixture, as determined by the SMR. Additionally, data shall be provided on a record log. 3 Contractors Quality Control Procedure to Verify Strength-Maturity Relationship 4 5 Step Action 1 At the specified verification interval make three cylinders in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 23. 2 Embed a logger/sensor in one cylinder. Loggers/sensors shall be placed 2-4 inches from any surface. Activate the logger/sensor as soon as possible. 3 Cure the cylinders in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 23. 4 Perform compression strength tests on all three of the cylinders in accordance with FOP for AASHTO T 22 to verify strength and time to reach 2,500 psi for opening to traffic. Compute the average strength of the cylinders. If a cylinder is obviously defective (for example, out of round, not square, damaged due to handling), the cylinder shall be discarded. If any individual cylinder strength is greater than 10 percent outside the average of three cylinders, that cylinder will be considered defective and be discarded. When two of the three cylinders are defective, the verification procedure will have to be repeated starting at step 1. 5 Record on a permanent data sheet the maturity value at the time of compression testing and individual and average strengths established from the cylinder breaks. Also record the predicted strength based on the SMR established for that particular concrete design, and the percent difference between average and predicted values. The SMR is verified when the predicted strength established from the average SMR and the cylinder breaks are within 10 percent. A copy of the data sheet and an encrypted file for the maturity data shall be provided to the Engineer on a daily basis. 6 7 8 9 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 106 5-05.4 Measurement 1 2 The first paragraph of Section 5-05.4, including numbered list, and second paragraph are 3 revised to read: 4 5 (******) 6 Cement concrete pavement will be measured by the square yard of finished surface. 7 8 Section 5-05.4 is supplemented with the following: 9 10 (******) 11 Decorative cement concrete pavement will be measured by the square yard placed. 12 13 5-05.5 Payment 14 15 The second and third paragraphs of Section 5-05.5 are revised to read: 16 17 (******) 18 “Cement Conc. Pavement, (Thickness)”, per square yard. 19 20 The unit Contract price per square yard for “Cement Conc. Pavement, (Thickness)” shall 21 be full compensation for all costs incurred to carry out the requirements of Section 5-05 22 for non-decorative pavement. All costs associated with performing the magnetic pulse 23 induction thickness testing shall be included in the unit Contract price per square yard for 24 “Cement Conc. Pavement, (Thickness)”. 25 26 Section 5-05.4 is supplemented with the following: 27 28 (******) 29 “Decorative Cement Conc. Pavement, (Thickness) (_______ Finish)”, per square yard. 30 The unit Contract price per square yard for “Decorative Cement Conc. Pavement, 31 (Thickness) (_______ Finish)” shall be full pay for all costs incurred to perform the Work 32 in this Specification including the full pavement thickness and test panels. 33 34 END OF DIVISON 5 35 36 37 38 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 107 DIVISION 6 1 Structures 2 3 6-07 PAINTING 4 5 6-07.1 Description 6 7 Section 6-07.1 is supplemented with the following: 8 9 (******) 10 This work shall consist of painting systems and colors for metal elements as shown on the 11 Plans. 12 13 6-07.2 Materials 14 15 Section 6-07.2 is supplemented with the following: 16 17 (******) 18 Paint materials shall comply with the requirements in Section 9-08 unless described in this 19 section. 20 21 The Contractor shall submit (3) samples of each custom color, textures, and gloss for 22 approval. Metal coupon samples shall be three (3) inches by five (5) inches. Paint colors 23 and paint systems shall be as shown in the following table for the following items: 24 25 Paint Color/Paint System Table Specification Section Item Paint Color Paint System 9-29.6 9-29.18 9-29.20 9-29.25 Decorative Signal Poles Type II and III and associated sub-assemblies and terminal cabinets RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 9-29.6 Decorative Luminaire Poles and Bases RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 9-29.6 9-29.19 Decorative Signal Poles Type PPB and associated sub-assemblies RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 9-29.10 9-29.10(2) Decorative Luminaires RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 9-29.18(3) Video Detection System RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 26 All signal equipment to be installed on signal poles and mast arms shall be painted RAL 27 9005TX “Jet Black,” unless not available. All banding shall be in black color. The back of 28 street signs shall be in black color. 29 30 Decorative Signal and Luminaire Poles and Sub-Assemblies Paint Specifications 31 Steel poles and sub-assemblies shall be factory galvanized, primed and painted with 32 polyester Powder coating per Section 6-07 and Section 9-08 of the Standard 33 Specifications. 34 35 Decorative Luminaires, Terminal Cabinets, and Video Detection Systems Paint 36 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 108 Specifications 1 All decorative luminaire housings, signal pole terminal cabinets shall be factory primed and 2 painted with polyester powder coating to meet ASTM-B-117/D-2247 requirements to salt 3 spray and humidity resistance. The video detection system mounting hardware shall be 4 painted by manufacturer’s recommendations. The Contractor shall provide a sample to the 5 Engineer for approval prior to factory finish coating. Contractor shall provide one gallon of 6 touch-up paint to the City. 7 8 Galvanizing 9 All fabricated steel components and materials to be galvanized per ASTM 123. 10 All steel hardware components and materials to be galvanized per ASTM 153. 11 Aluminum materials surface shall be prepared per ASTM D1730 – 09 and factory powder 12 coated per Section 9-08.2 of the Standard Specifications. 13 14 Powder Coating Paint System 15 The powder coating paint system shall be composed of exterior grade pure polyester 16 TGIC, dry powder including resins and pigments in accordance with requirements of 17 AAMA 605.2, and shall have the following characteristics: 18 19 Glossy Surface Semi-Gloss Surface Mat Surface Thickness 2.5–3.5 mils/60–90 2.5–3.5 mils/60–90 2.5–3.5 mils/60– 90 Gloss (1) 80–90 55–70 15–25 Cross Hatch Adhesion (2) Pass 100% Pass 100% Pass 100% Mandrel Bending (3) 1/8/3 mm 5/32/4 mm 3/16/5 mm Erichsen Cupping ISO 1520 5/16/8 mm 1/4/7 mm 3/16/5 mm Impression Hardness (4) 95 95 95 Impact Test (5) Up to 160/lb. Up to 160/lb. Up to 160/lb. Pencil Hardness (6) 2H (min.) 2H (min.) 2H (min.) Dry Mill Test OK OK OK Salt Spray Test (7) 1500 h test, max. undercut 1/16/1 mm 1500 h test, max. undercut 1/16/1 mm 1500 h test, max. undercut 1/16/1 mm Humidity Resistance (8) 1500 h test, min. blisters 1/16/1 mm 1500 h test, min. blisters 1/16/1 mm 1500 h test, min. blisters 1/16/1 mm Key: (1) Gloss According to Gardner 60 degrees, ASTM D523. (2) Cross Hatch Adhesion, ASTM D3359, Method B. (3) Mandrel Bending Test, ASTM D522. (4) Impression hardness, ASTM B3363. (5) Impact Test, ASTM D2794; (0.1) inch distortion. (6) Pencil Hardness, ASTM B3363. CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 109 Glossy Surface Semi-Gloss Surface Mat Surface (7) Salt spray Resistance Test, ASTM B117. (8) Humidity Resistance Test, ASTM D2247. 1 6-07.3 Construction Requirements 2 3 Section 6-07.3 is supplemented with the following: 4 5 (******) 6 For any items that shall be painted by the Contractor, apply entire finish system in the 7 shop. Hold back finish system at all welded areas. Bolted connections should be primed 8 with a zinc-based primer compatible with the approved paint system. 9 10 Field touch-up painting shall consist of matching specified priming and painting for all 11 damaged and field repaired areas. Field welds and abrasions should be touched up after 12 installation. Touch up surface preparation with a zinc-based primer compatible with the 13 approved paint system, 2.5 to 3.5 mils DFT. 14 15 Preparation, cleaning, priming, shop painting, and field touch-up for all fabricated 16 decorative exterior metal work will be incidental to the associated bid items. 17 Immediately remove coatings that fall on surrounding areas and surfaces not scheduled 18 to be coated. 19 20 The Contractor shall submit three (3) samples of each custom color, textures, and gloss 21 for Engineer’s approval. Metal coupon samples shall be three (3) inches by five (5) inches. 22 23 6-07.3(11)A Painting Of Galvanized Surfaces 24 25 Section 6-07.3(11)A is supplemented with the following: 26 27 (******) 28 Clean surfaces to be powder coated in accordance with manufacturer’s written 29 instructions for surface preparation. 30 31 Install powder coatings in accordance with applicable codes and regulations and 32 manufacturer’s written instructions. 33 34 Applications of powder coating materials shall be performed in shop conditions, 35 except for touch-ups approved in advance by the Engineer. 36 37 Finished surfaces shall be fully and uniformly coated without pinholes, bubbles, sag, 38 runs, lumps, marks, or discoloration. 39 40 Surface finish shall be of consistent and uniform color, texture, and gloss to match 41 the approved sample. 42 43 After powder coating has been in place for at least 15 days, and within 30 days of 44 Substantial Completion, check all powder-coated surfaces for damage, missed 45 areas, and discoloration. 46 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 110 Prepare surfaces, and touch up damaged, missed, and discolored areas to bring 1 coating system to full dry film thickness in color and gloss matching that of adjacent 2 coated areas. 3 4 6-13 STRUCTURAL EARTH WALLS 5 6 6-13.2 Materials 7 8 Section 6-13.2 is supplemented with the following: 9 10 (January 2, 2018 WSDOT GSP) 11 Concrete Block Faced Structural Earth Wall Materials 12 General Materials 13 Concrete Block 14 Acceptability of the blocks will be determined based on the following: 15 16 1. Visual inspection. 17 18 2. Compressive strength tests, conforming to Section 6-13.3(4). 19 20 3. Water absorption tests, conforming to Section 6-13.3(4). 21 22 4. Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance in accordance with Section 23 1-06.3. 24 25 5. Freeze-thaw tests conducted on the lot of blocks produced for use in 26 this project, as specified in Section 6-13.3(4). 27 28 6. Copies of results from tests conducted on the lot of blocks produced 29 for this project by the concrete block fabricator in accordance with the 30 quality control program required by the structural earth wall 31 manufacturer. 32 33 The blocks shall be considered acceptable regardless of curing age when 34 compressive test results indicate that the compressive strength conforms to the 35 28-day requirements, and when all other acceptability requirements specified 36 above are met. 37 38 Testing and inspection of dry cast concrete blocks shall conform to ASTM C 140, 39 and shall include block fabrication plant approval by WSDOT prior to the start of 40 block production for this project. 41 42 Mortar 43 Mortar shall conform to ASTM C 270, Type S, with an integral water repellent 44 admixture as accepted by the Engineer. The amount of admixture shall be as 45 recommended by the admixture manufacturer. To ensure uniform color, texture, 46 and quality, all mortar mix components shall be obtained from one manufacturer 47 for each component, and from one source and producer for each aggregate. 48 49 Geosynthetic Soil Reinforcement 50 Geogrid reinforcement shall conform to Section 9-33.1, and shall be a product 51 listed in Appendix D of the current WSDOT Qualified Products List (QPL). The 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 111 values of Tal and Tult as listed in the QPL for the products used shall meet or 1 exceed the values required for the wall manufacturer’s reinforcement design as 2 specified in the structural earth wall design calculation and working drawing 3 submittal. 4 5 The minimum ultimate tensile strength of the geogrid shall be a minimum 6 average roll value (the average test results for any sampled roll in a lot shall 7 meet or exceed the values shown in Appendix D of the current WSDOT QPL). 8 The strength shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 6637, for multi-rib 9 specimens. 10 11 The ultraviolet (UV) radiation stability, in accordance with ASTM D 4355, shall 12 be a minimum of 70 percent strength retained after 500 hours in the 13 weatherometer. 14 15 The longitudinal (i.e., in the direction of loading) and transverse (i.e., parallel to 16 the wall or slope face) ribs that make up the geogrid shall be perpendicular to 17 one another. The maximum deviation of the cross-rib from being perpendicular 18 to the longitudinal rib (skew) shall be no more than 1 inch in 5 feet of geogrid 19 width. The maximum deviation of the cross-rib at any point from a line 20 perpendicular to the longitudinal ribs located at the cross-rib (bow) shall be 0.5 21 inches. 22 23 The gap between the connector and the bearing surface of the connector tab 24 cross-rib shall not exceed 0.5 inches. A maximum of 10 percent of connector 25 tabs may have a gap between 0.3 inches and 0.5 inches. Gaps in the remaining 26 connector tabs shall not exceed 0.3 inches. 27 28 The Engineer will take random samples of the geogrid materials at the job site. 29 Acceptance of the geogrid materials will be based on testing of samples from 30 each lot. A “lot” shall be defined as all geogrid rolls sent to the project site 31 produced by the same manufacturer during a continuous period of production at 32 the same manufacturing plant having the same product name. The Contracting 33 Agency will require 14 calendar days maximum for testing the samples after their 34 arrival at the WSDOT Materials Laboratory in Tumwater, WA. 35 36 The geogrid samples will be tested for conformance to the specified material 37 properties. If the test results indicate that the geogrid lot does not meet the 38 specified properties, the roll or rolls which were sampled will be rejected. Two 39 additional rolls for each roll tested which failed from the lot previously tested will 40 then be selected at random by the Engineer for sampling and retesting. If the 41 retesting shows that any of the additional rolls tested do not meet the specified 42 properties, the entire lot will be rejected. If the test results from all the rolls 43 retested meet the specified properties, the entire lot minus the roll(s) which failed 44 will be accepted. 45 46 All geogrid materials which have defects, deterioration, or damage, as 47 determined by the Engineer, will be rejected. All rejected geogrid materials shall 48 be replaced at no expense to the Contracting Agency. 49 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 112 Except as otherwise noted, geogrid identification, storage and handling shall 1 conform to the requirements specified in Section 2-12.2. The geogrid materials 2 shall not be exposed to temperatures less than –20F and greater than 122F. 3 4 Drainage Geosynthetic Fabric 5 Drainage geosynthetic fabric shall be a non-woven geosynthetic conforming to 6 the requirements in Section 9-33.1, for Construction Geotextile for Underground 7 Drainage, Moderate Survivability, Class B. 8 9 Proprietary Materials 10 Allan Block Wall 11 Wall backfill material placed in the open cells of the precast concrete blocks and 12 placed in the one to three foot zone immediately behind the precast concrete 13 blocks shall be crushed granular material conforming to Section 9-03.9(3). 14 15 GEOWALL Structural Earth Retaining Wall System 16 Connection pins shall be fiberglass conforming to the requirements of Basalite 17 Concrete Products, LLC. 18 19 KeyGrid Wall 20 KeyStone connection pins shall be fiberglass conforming to the requirements of 21 Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. 22 23 Landmark Retaining Wall 24 Lock bars shall be made of a rigid polyvinyl chloride polymer conforming to the 25 following requirements: 26 27 Property Value Specification Specific Gravity 1.4 minimum ASTM D 792 Tensile Strength at yield 2,700 psi minimum ASTM D 638 28 Lock bars shall remain sealed in their shipping containers until placement into 29 the wall. Lock bars exposed to direct sunlight for a period exceeding two months 30 shall not be used for construction of the wall. 31 32 Mesa Wall 33 Block connectors for block courses with geogrid reinforcement shall be glass 34 fiber reinforced high-density polypropylene conforming to the following minimum 35 material specifications: 36 37 Property Specification Value 38 Polypropylene ASTM D 4101 39 Group 1 Class 1 Grade 2 73 ± 2 percent 40 Fiberglass Content ASTM D 2584 25 ± 3 percent 41 Carbon Black ASTM D 4218 2 percent minimum 42 Specific Gravity ASTM D 792 1.08 ± 0.04 43 Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 44 at yield 8,700 ± 1,450 psi 45 Melt Flow Rate ASTM D 1238 0.37 ± 0.16 ounces/10 min. 46 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 113 Block connectors for block courses without geogrid reinforcement shall be glass 1 fiber reinforced high-density polyethylene (HDPE) conforming to the following 2 minimum material specifications: 3 4 Property Specification Value 5 HDPE ASTM D 1248 6 Type III Class A Grade 5 68 ± 3 percent 7 Fiberglass Content ASTM D 2584 30 ± 3 percent 8 Carbon Black ASTM D 4218 2 percent minimum 9 Specific Gravity ASTM D 792 1.16 ± 0.06 10 Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 11 at yield 8,700 ± 725 psi 12 Melt Flow Rate ASTM D 1238 0.11 ± 0.07 ounces/10 min. 13 14 6-13.3 Construction Requirements 15 16 (January 2, 2018 WSDOT GSP) 17 Concrete Block Faced Structural Earth Wall 18 Concrete block faced structural earth walls shall be constructed of only one of the 19 following wall systems. The Contractor shall make arrangements to purchase the 20 concrete blocks, soil reinforcement, attachment devices, joint filler, and all necessary 21 incidentals from the source identified with each wall system: 22 23 Allan Block Wall 24 Allan Block Wall is a registered trademark of the Allan Block Corporation 25 26 Allan Block Corporation 27 7424 W 78th Street 28 Bloomington, MN 55439 29 (800) 899-5309 30 FAX (952) 835-0013 31 www.allanblock.com 32 33 GEOWALL Structural Earth Retaining Wall System 34 GEOWALL is a registered trademark of Basalite Concrete Products, LLC 35 36 Basalite Concrete Products LLC 37 3299 International Place 38 Du Pont, WA 98327-7707 39 (800) 964-9424 40 FAX: (253) 964-5005 41 www.basalite.com 42 43 Redi-Rock Positive Connection System 44 Redi-Rock Positive Connection System is a registered trademark of Redi-Rock 45 International, LLC 46 Redi-Rock International, LLC 47 05481 US 31 South 48 Charlevoix, MI 49720 49 (866) 222-8400 50 FAX (231) 237-9521 51 www.redi-rock.com 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 114 Mesa Wall 1 Mesa Wall is a registered trademark of Tensar Corporation 2 3 Tensar Corporation 4 2500 Northwinds Parkway Suite 500 5 Atlanta, GA 30009 6 (770) 334-2090 7 FAX (678) 281-8546 8 www.tensarcorp.com 9 10 Landmark Retaining Wall System 11 Landmark Retaining Wall System is a registered trademark of Anchor Wall 12 Systems, Inc. 13 14 Anchor Wall Systems, Inc. 15 5959 Baker Road, Suite 390 16 Minnetonka, MN 55345-5996 17 (877) 295-5415 18 FAX (952) 979-8454 19 www.anchorwall.com 20 21 KeyGrid Wall 22 KeyGrid is a registered trademark of Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. 23 24 Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. 25 4444 West 78th Street 26 Minneapolis, MN 55435 27 (800) 747-8971 28 FAX (952) 897-3858 29 www.keystonewalls.com 30 31 (******) 32 Standard individual block units must have a dimension of 8 inches tall by 18 inches 33 wide by 12 inches deep. 34 35 6-13.3(2) Submittals 36 37 Section 6-13.3(2) is supplemented with the following: 38 39 (January 3, 2011 WSDOT GSP) 40 The following geotechnical design parameters shall be used for the design of the 41 structural earth wall(s): 42 43 Wall Name or No.: 1 44 45 Soil Wall Retained Foundation 46 Properties Backfill Soil Soil 47 Unit Weight 48 (pcf) 135 135 120 49 Friction Angle 50 (deg) 36 35 32 51 Cohesion (psf) 0 0 0 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 115 1 For the Service Limit State, the wall shall be designed to accommodate a 2 differential settlement of 2 inches per 100 feet of wall length. 3 4 For the Extreme Event I Limit State, the wall shall be designed for a horizontal 5 seismic acceleration coefficient kh of 0.253 g and a vertical seismic acceleration 6 coefficient kv of 0.0 g. 7 8 6-13.3(2)A Submittals 9 10 The second paragraph of Section 6-13.3(2)A is supplemented with the following: 11 12 (******) 13 8. The wall shall be designed to accommodate the “load analysis” values listed in the 14 “Transformer Pick” exhibit included in the Appendix G detailing the potential loading 15 applied by a crane above the retaining wall. 16 17 6-13.3(5) Precast Concrete Facing Panel and Concrete Block Erection 18 19 Section 6-13.3(5) is supplemented with the following: 20 21 (April 2, 2012 WSDOT GSP) 22 Specific Erection Requirements for Precast Concrete Block Faced Structural 23 Earth Walls 24 Landmark Retaining Wall 25 When placing each course of concrete blocks, the Contractor shall pull the 26 blocks towards the front face of the wall until the male key of the bottom face of 27 the upper block contacts and fits into the female key of the top face of the 28 supporting block below. 29 30 A maximum gap of 1/8-inch is allowed between adjacent concrete blocks, except 31 for the base course set of concrete blocks placed on the leveling pad. A 32 maximum gap of 1-inch is allowed between adjacent base course concrete 33 blocks, provided geosynthetic reinforcement for drains is in place over the gap 34 at the back face of the concrete blocks. 35 36 Lock bars shall be installed in the female key of the top face of all concrete block 37 courses receiving geogrid reinforcement. Gaps between adjacent lock bars in 38 the key shall not exceed 3-inches. The lock bar shall be installed flat side up, 39 with the angled side to the back of the concrete block, as shown in the shop 40 drawings. 41 42 Geogrid reinforcement shall be placed and connected to concrete block courses 43 specified to receive soil reinforcement. The leading edge of the geogrid 44 reinforcement shall be maintained within 1-inch of the front face of the 45 supporting concrete blocks below. Geogrid panels shall be abutted for 100 46 percent backfill coverage with less than a 4-inch gap between adjacent panels. 47 48 Backfill shall be placed and compacted level with the top of each course of 49 concrete blocks, and geogrid reinforcement placed and connected to concrete 50 block courses specified to receive soil reinforcement, before the Contractor may 51 continue placing the next course of concrete blocks. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 116 1 Mesa Wall 2 For all concrete block courses receiving geogrid reinforcement, the fingers of 3 the block connectors shall engage the geogrid reinforcement apertures, both in 4 the connector slot in the block, and across the block core. For all concrete block 5 courses with intermittent geogrid coverage, a #3 steel reinforcing bar shall be 6 placed, butt end to butt end, in the top block groove, with the butt ends being 7 placed at a center of a concrete block. 8 9 END OF DIVISON 6 10 11 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 117 DIVISION 7 1 Drainage Structures, Storm Sewers, Sanitary Sewers, Water Mains, and Conduits 2 3 7-01 DRAINS 4 5 7-01.5 Payment 6 Section 7-01.5 is supplemented with the following: 7 8 (******) 9 The unit Contract price per linear foot for underdrain pipe of any kind and size specified 10 shall be full pay for all labor, tools, materials, and equipment necessary to provide and 11 install the item complete including saw cutting; removal, hauling, and disposing of 12 pavement; Structure excavation including haul; bedding installation and materials; native 13 backfill installation; compaction; and cleaning (flushing) and testing the pipe. Furnishing 14 and installing non-native (imported) backfill when required by the Engineer shall be paid 15 as “Crushed Surfacing Top Course” per Section 4-04. However, if the non-native crushed 16 surfacing top course was previously installed in the location of the trench by the 17 Contractor as part of prior earthwork or grading activities, the re-installation of the non-18 native material volume is incidental to and included in the unit Contract price per linear 19 foot for underdrain pipe. 20 21 7-04 STORM SEWERS 22 23 7-04.2 Materials 24 The materials list in Section 7-04.2 is supplemented with the following: 25 26 (******) 27 Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe 9-05.13 28 29 7-04.5 Payment 30 Section 7-04.5 is supplemented with the following: 31 32 (******) 33 “Ductile Iron Storm Sewer Pipe ___ In. Diam.”, per linear foot. 34 35 (******) 36 The unit Contract price per linear foot for storm sewer pipe of any kind and size specified 37 shall be full pay for all labor, tools, materials, and equipment necessary to provide and 38 install the item complete including saw cutting; removal, hauling, and disposing of 39 pavement; Structure excavation including haul; bedding installation and materials; native 40 backfill installation; compaction; and cleaning (flushing) and testing the pipe. Furnishing 41 and installing non-native (imported) backfill when required by the Engineer shall be paid 42 as “Crushed Surfacing Top Course” per Section 4-04. However, if the non-native crushed 43 surfacing top course was previously installed in the location of the trench by the 44 Contractor as part of prior earthwork or grading activities, the re-installation of the non-45 native material volume is incidental to and included in the unit Contract price per linear 46 foot for storm sewer pipe. 47 48 7-05 MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS, AND DRYWELLS 49 50 7-05.3 Construction Requirements 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 118 7-05.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade 1 2 Section 7-05.3(1) is supplemented with the following: 3 4 (******) 5 The Contractor shall adjust manholes and catch basins with circular covers in 6 accordance with City of Renton Standard Plan 106. Shims shall not be used to 7 perform any manhole or catch basin adjustments. Mortar joints shall be 8 installed between risers and the joints shall remain visible from the inside of the 9 manhole or catch basin after completion of the adjustment. 10 11 7-05.4 Measurement 12 Section 7-05.4 is supplemented with the following: 13 14 (******) 15 Solid metal covers will be measured per each when installed on an existing Structure. 16 No measurement will be made when a solid cover is installed on a new Structure. 17 18 Connection to drainage structure is measured only when connecting new pipe to an 19 existing catch basin or inlet; connecting new catch basins or inlets to existing pipes will 20 not be measured. 21 22 7-05.5 Payment 23 Section 7-05.5 is supplemented with the following: 24 25 (******) 26 “Rectangular Solid Metal Cover”, per each. 27 The unit Contract price per each for “Rectangular Solid Metal Cover” shall be full pay 28 for procuring and installing the new cover, removal and disposal of the existing cover, 29 and adjustment of the structure to the finished ground elevation including restoration 30 of adjacent areas in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. 31 32 (******) 33 All costs associated with furnishing and installing open curb face frames on catch 34 basins as shown in the Plans shall be included in the unit Contract price for “Catch 35 Basin Type ____” or “Catch Basin Type 2 ____ In. Diam.” 36 37 7-08 GENERAL PIPE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 38 39 7-08.1 Description 40 Section 7-08.1 is supplemented with the following: 41 42 (******) 43 This Work also includes installing owner-furnished utility casings across the BNSF right 44 of way. 45 46 7-08.2 Materials 47 Section 7-08.5 is supplemented with the following: 48 49 (******) 50 Steel Casing Pipe 9-30.2(3) 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 119 7-08.3 Construction Requirements 1 2 7-08.3(5) Utility Casing 3 Section 7-08.3(5), including title, is added as follows: 4 5 (******) 6 The Contractor shall follow all trenching and pipe installation requirements in this 7 section for the utility casings. 8 9 The Contractor shall trench, install utility casings, and backfill only after BNSF has 10 removed existing rails and ties and prior to BNSF installing new rails and ties across 11 the horizontal trench limits. The Contractor shall coordinate with BNSF on scheduling 12 for this Work and complete the work within the time frame allotted by BNSF (which is 13 expected to be less than 12 hours). However, the Contractor shall understand that 14 BNSF may alter schedules and that the Contractor shall be available to complete the 15 trenching, casing installation, and backfilling at the schedule determined by BNSF. 16 17 The Contractor shall be ready to complete this Work any time after 5 working days 18 after Notice to Proceed. No claim by the Contractor shall be allowed if the Contractor 19 fails to complete this Work per these provisions and in coordination with BNSF. 20 21 The Contractor shall haul the owner-furnished casings to the project site from the 22 laydown area located immediately north of the BNSF railroad crossing at Oakesdale 23 Avenue SW depicted below. 24 25 26 27 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 120 The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing at no cost to the Contracting Agency 1 any steel casing that is damaged during transport from the laydown area to the project 2 site. 3 4 The owner-furnished steel casings are in 60-foot segment lengths weighing 125.6 lb/ft. 5 Three owner-furnished segments of casing will be provided at the laydown area. The 6 Contractor shall cut and weld the casing segments to achieve the lengths shown in the 7 Plans. Welds shall confirm to Section 6-03.3(25). 8 9 7-08.4 Measurement 10 The fifth paragraph of Section 7-08.4 is supplemented with the following: 11 12 (******) 13 Shoring or extra excavation class B shall be measured only where shoring would be 14 required (per Section 7-08.3(1)B) based on the depth of the trench and the elevation 15 of the existing ground surface. In other words, in circumstances where the Contractor 16 has completed earthwork and grading activities that modify the ground surface 17 elevation prior to installation of storm sewer pipes and where the Contractor would not 18 have been required to install shoring to comply with applicable local, State, and Federal 19 safety codes but for those earthwork and grading activities, the shoring shall not be 20 measured and shall be incidental to other items of Work. 21 22 Section 7-08.4 is supplemented with the following: 23 24 (******) 25 The length of utility casings will be number of linear feet of completed installation 26 measured along the invert of the casing. 27 28 7-08.5 Payment 29 The fourth paragraph of Section 7-08.5 is revised to read: 30 31 (******) 32 All costs associated with furnishing and installing bedding and native backfill material 33 within the pipe zone in the installation of culvert, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer pipes 34 shall be included in the unit Contract price for the type and size of pipe installed. 35 Furnishing and installing non-native (imported) backfill when required by the Engineer 36 shall be paid as “Crushed Surfacing Top Course” per Section 4-04, “Bank Run Gravel 37 for Trench Backfill” per Section 7-09, or “Gravel Borrow” per Section 2-03 per the 38 details in the Plans. However, if the non-native crushed surfacing top course, bank run 39 gravel for trench backfill, or gravel borrow was previously installed in the location of the 40 trench by the Contractor as part of prior earthwork or grading activities, the re-41 installation of the non-native material volume is incidental to and included in the unit 42 Contract price per linear foot for pipe. 43 44 Section 7-08.5 is supplemented with the following: 45 46 (******) 47 “Install Owner-Furnished Utility Casing”, per linear foot. 48 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Install Owner-Furnished Utility Casing” shall be full 49 pay for all labor, tools, materials, and equipment necessary to install the item complete 50 including hauling from the laydown areal; welding; saw cutting; removal, hauling, and 51 disposing of pavement; Structure excavation including haul; bedding installation and 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 121 materials; native backfill installation; compaction; and cleaning (flushing) the pipe. Furnishing 1 and installing non-native (imported) backfill when required by the Engineer shall be paid as 2 “Crushed Surfacing Top Course” per Section 4-04, “Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill” per 3 Section 7-09, or “Gravel Borrow” per Section 2-03. However, if the non-native backfill material 4 was previously installed in the location of the trench by the Contractor as part of prior earthwork 5 or grading activities, the re-installation of the non-native material volume is incidental to and 6 included in the unit Contract price per linear foot for casing. 7 8 9 7-09 WATER MAINS 10 11 7-09.3 Construction Requirements 12 13 7-09.3(17) Laying Ductile Iron Pipe With Polyethylene Encasement 14 Section 7-09.3(17), including title, is revised to read as follows: 15 (******) 16 17 7-09.3(17) Laying Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings With Polyethylene Encasement 18 The Contractor shall lay ductile iron pipe including fittings with a polyethylene 19 encasement. The polyethylene encasement shall also be installed on all 20 appurtenances, such as pipe laterals, couplings, fittings, and valves in accordance 21 with AWWA C105. The polyethylene encasement shall be tube-type, 8-mil 22 polyethylene plastic and black color. All damage to the polyethylene encasement 23 shall be repaired at the Contractor’s sole expense and repairs shall be made in 24 accordance with ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5-93. 25 26 Installation of the polyethylene encasement shall be considered incidental to the 27 installation of the pipe and no additional payment shall be allowed. 28 29 7-09.3(17) A Laying Restrained Joint Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 30 Section 7-09.3(17)A including title, is a new section: 31 32 Restrained joint Ductile Iron Water Pipe and Fittings shall be installed as shown on 33 the Plans. The Contractor shall submit a Water Main lay plan and the manufacturer’s 34 recommendations to the Engineer at least 20 working days prior to pipe installation. 35 This work shall include all equipment necessary to complete the work. 36 37 The restrained joint Water Main shall be fully extended by pulling on the joint after 38 the installation of the pipe segments as recommended by the manufacturer of the 39 restrained joint pipe, unless stated otherwise in the Drawings or Specifications. When 40 newly installed Water Main is pressurized, bending or buckling will not be allowed. 41 42 Where adjustment of the Water Main line and grade is required to avoid existing or 43 planned facilities, the use of mechanically jointed fittings may be used with Wedge 44 Restraint Glands to make the needed changes. The Contractor shall submit the 45 change requests to the Engineer for approval prior to installation. 46 47 7-09.3(19) Connections 48 49 7-09.3(19)A Connections to Existing Mains 50 Section 7-09.3(19) is supplemented with the following: 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 122 (******) 1 The Contractor shall not operate any valve on existing Water Main. 2 3 The City of Renton Water Operations and Maintenance staff will make all 4 connections to charged water mains and will operate all valves to accomplish 5 shutdowns and subsequent reactivation. The draining of existing water mains 6 will be done by City water maintenance staff. The Contractor shall provide 7 pumping and disposal of the water from the draining of the existing water mains 8 including de-chlorination of the water prior to disposal. 9 10 Connections to the existing water main shall not be made without first making 11 the necessary scheduling arrangements with the Engineer in advance. The 12 Contractor shall request water main shut-offs for connections of new water 13 mains to existing water mains at least ten (10) working days in advance for each 14 connection. Approval of connections to existing water main is contingent on the 15 Water Main and appurtenances being completely installed, tested, cleaned with 16 polypig, disinfected and flushed per Contract requirements. 17 18 City’s water operations and maintenance staff will notify in writing all water 19 customers affected by the shut-offs of the water mains at least 48 hours in 20 advance (not including weekends and holidays) of any water shut-offs. The 21 Contractor may be required to perform the connection during times other than 22 normal working hours. Water main shut-offs shall occur during non-holiday 23 weekdays unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. Water main 24 shut-offs shall not occur in the five (5) weekdays preceding or the day after the 25 major holidays listed below: 26 27 New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, 28 Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. 29 30 Due to the needs of various water customers in the project vicinity, water shut-31 off periods are limited to the times set forth below: 32 33 Days Hours 34 Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM 35 Friday to Sunday DO NOT SCHEDULE 36 37 The City of Renton’s Water Maintenance Manager, at his/her sole discretion, 38 may adjust the above shut-off periods in order to address specific project 39 circumstances and customer needs. No water main shutoffs affecting public 40 schools will be allowed during scheduled school hours. The City reserves the 41 right to re-schedule the connection if the work area is not ready at the scheduled 42 time for the connection. 43 44 Points of connection to existing water mains shall be exposed by hydro 45 excavation or potholing prior to trenching of the new water mains. Before the 46 installation of the new water mains, the Contractor shall field verify, in the 47 presence of the Engineer, the actual location and depth of the existing water 48 mains where new connections will be made to assure proper fit. Care shall be 49 taken not to disturb existing thrust blocks and soil bearing areas. After 50 excavation, the Contractor shall verify the dimensions, type, condition, and 51 roundness of the exposed water main. The Contractor shall immediately notify 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 123 the Engineer if the connection cannot be made as specified by the Contract 1 Plans in order that the connection detail may be revised. When necessary, the 2 profile shall be adjusted as directed by the Engineer to prevent abrupt changes 3 in grade and alignment of the water main and connection. 4 5 The Contractor shall provide all saw-cutting, removal and disposal of existing 6 surface improvements, excavation, haul and disposal of unsuitable materials, 7 shoring, de-watering, foundation material, at the connection areas before the 8 scheduled time for the connection by the City. The Contractor shall provide all 9 materials necessary for the City Water Maintenance personnel to install all 10 connections to existing water mains as indicated on the contract plans, including 11 fittings, couplings, pipe spools, shackle materials to complete the connections. 12 13 The City Water Operations and Maintenance staff will: 14 15 a) Deactivate and dewater the existing and new water main to perform the 16 connections. The Contractor shall provide pumping and disposal of the water 17 from the draining of the water mains including de-chlorination. 18 19 b) Cut, remove and dispose pipe sections as necessary to install the new 20 Materials with Contractor’s assistance 21 22 c) Swab all connecting pipe and fittings with 5-6%chlorine solution 23 24 d) Perform the connection work 25 26 e) Reactivate and flush the Water Main 27 28 The Contractor shall install the polywrap on all pipe and fittings at the connection 29 points and installed concrete thrust blocks per Contract standard plans and 30 specifications. 31 32 In addition to those connections shown on the Plans, segments of a new Water 33 Main may be placed in service prior to completion of the new Water Main. All 34 connection between the charged and uncharged segments of the new Water 35 Main, including connection to a new Tapping Tee and Valve will be done by the 36 City of Renton Water Operations and Maintenance staff. 37 38 Connections to existing water mains which include the cutting of the existing 39 water main for the installation of new in-line tee and valves shall be done in two 40 steps: 41 42 Step 1: Cut-in of existing water main for installation of in-line tee, valves and 43 appurtenances 44 45 The Contractor shall provide all materials necessary for the City Water 46 Maintenance personnel to cut the existing water main as indicated on the 47 contract plans for the installation of the in-line tee and valves, including but not 48 limited to the required fittings, couplings, pipe spools, shackle materials to 49 complete the cut-in. After the cut-in of the in-line tee and valves by City 50 personnel, the Contractor shall provide and install concrete blocking and 51 polyethylene encasement behind the tee and other fittings. A minimum 3-day 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 124 curing period is for all concrete blockings before a connection can be made to 1 the new water mains or new tapping valve. 2 3 Step 2: Connection of new water main to the above cut-in tee and valves, or to 4 a new tapping valve on existing water mains. 5 6 7-09.3(21) Concrete Thrust Blocking 7 Section 7-09.3(21), including title, is revised to read as follows: 8 9 (******) 10 7-09.3(21) Concrete Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Block 11 12 Concrete thrust blocking shall be placed at bends, tees, dead ends, crosses and on 13 other fittings in conformance to the City of Renton Standards Plans, latest revisions 14 and Contract Plans. 15 16 Concrete thrust collar and blocking and dead-man thrust blocking shall be installed 17 at locations shown on the plans and shall be in conformance with the Standard Plans 18 and contract Plans. Reinforcement steel shall be Grade 40 or better. 19 20 Blocking shall be poured in place Ready-Mix Concrete Class 3000 with a minimum 21 compressive strength at 28 days of 3,000 psi. Job site mixing, hand-mixed concrete 22 and mobile concrete mixers are not allowed. 23 24 All fittings to be blocked shall be wrapped with 8-mil polyethylene plastic. Concrete 25 blocking shall bear against solid undisturbed earth at the sides and bottom of the 26 trench excavation and shall be shaped and properly formed with plywood or other 27 acceptable forming materials so as not to obstruct access to the joints of the pipe, 28 bolts or fittings. The forms shall be removed prior to backfilling. Unacceptable 29 concrete blocking shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense. 30 31 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer at least 1 Working Day advance notice 32 before pouring concrete thrust blocking and 1 Working Day advance notice for 33 inspection and approval of all concrete blocking prior to backfilling. 34 35 7-09.3(23) Hydrostatic Pressure Test 36 Section 7-09.3(23) is revised to read as follows: 37 38 (******) 39 Water main and appurtenances including service connections to the meter setter 40 shall be tested in sections of convenient length under a hydrostatic pressure equal 41 to 150 psi in excess of that under which they will operate or in no case shall the test 42 pressure be less than 225 psi at the highest point on the water main. Pumps, gauges, 43 plugs, saddles, corporation stops, miscellaneous hose and piping, and measuring 44 equipment necessary for performing the test shall be furnished and operated by the 45 Contractor. 46 47 The Contractor shall obtain a hydrant meter permit from the City by completing a 48 permit application and making the required security deposits. The Contractor shall 49 use the City’s issued hydrant meter with an attached backflow prevention assembly 50 to draw water from the City’ water system to fill the water mains for poly-pigging, 51 testing, cleaning, disinfection and for subsequent flushing purposes. There will be a 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 125 charge for the water used for filling, testing, cleaning and disinfection of the water 1 mains. 2 3 Sections to be tested shall normally be limited to 1,500 feet or less. The Engineer 4 may require that the first section of pipe, not less than 1,000 feet in length, installed 5 by each of the Contractor’s crews, be tested in order to qualify the crew and the 6 materials. Pipe laying shall not be continued more than an additional 1,000 feet until 7 the first section has been tested successfully. 8 9 The pipeline shall be backfilled sufficiently to prevent movement of the pipe under 10 pressure. Thrust blocks shall be in place and time allowed for the concrete to cure 11 before testing. Where permanent blocking is not required, the Contractor shall furnish 12 and install temporary blocking and remove it after testing. 13 14 Before applying the specified test pressure, the water main shall be slowly filled and 15 air shall be expelled completely from the pipe, valves and hydrants. If permanent air 16 vents are not located at all high points, the contractor shall install corporation cocks 17 at such points so that the air can be expelled as the line is filled with water. After all 18 the air has been expelled, the corporation cocks shall be closed and the test pressure 19 applied. At the conclusion of the pressure test, the corporation cocks shall be 20 removed and plugged. 21 22 The Contractor shall perform a leakage test concurrently with the pressure test. The 23 pressure test shall be conducted for a 2-hour period. 24 25 The test shall be accomplished by pumping the main up to the required pressure, 26 stopping the pump for 2 hours, and then pumping the main up to the test pressure 27 again. During the test, the section being tested shall be observed to detect any visible 28 leakage. 29 30 A clean container shall be used for holding water for pumping up pressure on the 31 main being tested. This makeup water shall be sterilized by the addition of chlorine 32 to a concentration of 50 mg/l. 33 34 The acceptability of the pressure test and leakage test will be determined by two 35 factors as follows: 36 37 1. The loss in pressure shall not exceed 5 psi during the 2-hour test period. 38 2. The quantity of water lost from the main and appurtenances shall not exceed the 39 number of gallons during the 2-hour test period as listed in the following table. 40 41 Allowable leakage in gallons per 1000 ft. of pipeline* for a 2-hour test period 42 43 Nominal Pipe Diameter in inches Test Pressure in psi 4” 6" 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" 24" 400 0.6 0 0.9 0 1.2 0 1.5 0 1.8 0 2.4 0 3.0 0 3.6 0 375 0.5 8 0.8 7 1.1 6 1.4 5 1.7 4 2.3 3 2.9 1 3.4 9 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 126 350 0.5 6 0.8 4 1.1 2 1.4 0 1.6 9 2.2 5 2.8 1 3.3 7 275 0.5 0 0.7 5 1.0 0 1.2 4 1.4 9 1.9 9 2.4 9 2.9 9 250 0.4 7 0.7 1 0.9 5 1.1 9 1.4 2 1.9 0 2.3 7 2.8 5 225 0.4 5 0.6 8 0.9 0 1.1 3 1.3 5 1.8 0 2.2 5 2.7 0 200 0.4 2 0.6 4 0.8 5 1.0 6 1.2 8 1.7 0 2.1 2 2.5 5 1 *If the pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters, the allowable 2 leakage will be the sum of the computed leakage for each size. For those diameters 3 or pressures not listed, the formula below shall be used: 4 5 The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the number of gallons per 6 hour as determined by the formula: 7 8 𝐿=𝑆𝐷√𝑃 266,400 9 10 where: 11 L = Allowable leakage in gallons/hour 12 S = Gross length of pipe tested, feet 13 D = Nominal diameter of the pipe in inches 14 P = Test pressure during the leakage test in psi 15 16 The quantity of water required to restore the pressure shall be accurately determined 17 by either 1) pumping from an open container of suitable size such that accurate 18 volume measurements can be made by the Engineer or, 2) by pumping through a 19 positive displacement water meter with a sweep unit hand registering one (1) gallon 20 per revolution. The meter shall be approved by the Engineer. 21 22 Pressure gauges used in the test shall be accompanied with certifications of 23 accuracy from a testing Laboratory approved by the Engineer. 24 25 Any visible leakage detected shall be corrected by the Contractor regardless of the 26 allowable leakage specified above. Should the tested section fail to meet the 27 pressure test successfully as specified, the Contractor shall, at no additional expense 28 to the Contracting Agency, locate and repair the defects and then retest the pipeline. 29 30 All tests shall be made with the hydrant auxiliary gate valves open and pressure 31 against the hydrant inlet valve. After the test is completed, each valve shall be tested 32 by closing each in turn and relieving the pressure beyond. This test of the valve will 33 be acceptable if there is no immediate loss of pressure on the gauge when the 34 pressure comes against the valve being checked. The Contractor shall verify that the 35 pressure differential across the valve does not exceed the rated working pressure of 36 the valve. 37 38 Prior to calling out the Engineer to witness the pressure test, the Contractor shall 39 have all equipment set up completely ready for operation and shall have successfully 40 performed the test to ensure that the pipe is in satisfactory condition. 41 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 127 1 Defective materials or workmanship, discovered as a result of hydrostatic field test, 2 shall be replaced by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Contracting 3 Agency. Whenever it is necessary to replace defective material or correct the 4 workmanship, the hydrostatic test shall be re-run at the Contractor’s expense until 5 a satisfactory test is obtained. 6 7 7-09.3(24) Disinfection of Water Mains 8 9 7-09.3(24)A Flushing 10 Section 7-09.3(24)A including title is supplemented with the following: 11 12 (******) 13 7-09.3(24)A Polypigging and Flushing 14 15 Prior to disinfection and prior to final flushing of the Water Mains for bacteriological 16 sampling and testing, all Water Mains shall first be poly-pigged to remove any solids 17 or contaminated materials that may have entered or become lodged in the pipes 18 during installation. 19 20 The "Poly-pig" shall be light density foam (1-2 lbs/cubic-foot) with 90A durometer 21 urethane rubber coating on the rear of the "Poly-pig" only. The "Poly-pig" shall be 22 cylinder shaped with bullet nose or squared end. The “Poly-pigs” shall be inserted 23 in the pipes and retrieved form the pipes through launching stations with vertical 24 crosses and blow-off assemblies as shown and on the Contract Plans and Standard 25 Plans. 26 27 28 If the main cannot be poly-pigged, then a tap shall be provided large enough to 29 develop a flow velocity of at least 2.5 fps in the water main. 30 31 Taps required by the Contractor for temporary or permanent release of air, 32 chlorination or flushing purposes shall be provided by the Contractor as part of the 33 construction of water mains. 34 35 The Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of treated water flushed from mains 36 and shall neutralize the wastewater for protection of aquatic life in the receiving water 37 before disposal into any natural drainage channel, i.e., receiving water, waters of the 38 State, including wetlands. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of 39 disinfecting solution to the satisfaction of the Contracting Agency and local 40 authorities. At a minimum, chlorinated water shall be dechlorinated to a concentration 41 of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) or less, and pH adjustment to within 6.5 – 8.5 standard 42 units before discharging to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system 43 that drains to surface waters of the State. 44 45 If approved by the Engineer and by the local authority responsible for the sanitary 46 sewer system, disposal of treated water from mains may be made to an available 47 sanitary sewer, provided the rate of disposal will not overload the sewer. 48 49 7-09.3(24)D Dry Calcium Hypochlorite 50 Section 7-09.3(24)D is replaced with the following: 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 128 (******) 1 Dry calcium hypochlorite shall not be placed in the pipe as laid. 2 3 7-09.3(24)K Retention Period 4 Section 7-09.3(24)K is replaced with the following: 5 6 (******) 7 Treated water shall be retained in the pipe at least 16 hours but no longer than 8 48 hours. After the retention period, the chlorine residual shall be tested at all 9 pipe extremities and at other representative points and shall measure at least 10 10 mg/L. If a measurement of less than 10 mg/L is obtained repeat disinfection 11 is required. 12 13 7-09.3(24)N Final Flushing and Testing 14 Section 7-09.3(24)N is supplemented with the following: 15 16 (******) 17 Following chlorination, treated water shall be flushed from the newly-laid pipe 18 until the replacement water throughout its length shows, upon test, the absence 19 of chlorine. In the event chlorine is normally used in the source of supply, then 20 the tests shall show a residual not in excess of that carried in the water supply 21 system. 22 23 A sample tap shall be located ahead of the flushing hose for convenience and 24 for sanitary sampling. 25 26 Before placing the lines into service, two satisfactory reports taken at least 15 27 minutes apart from each sampling point shall be received from the local or State 28 Health Department or from a State accredited testing laboratory on samples 29 collected from representative points in the new system. Samples will be 30 collected and bacteriological tests obtained by the Engineer. 31 32 At a minimum, chlorinated water shall be dechlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 33 parts per million (ppm) or less, and pH adjustment to within 6.5 to 8.5 standard 34 units, if necessary, before discharging to surface waters of the State or to a storm 35 sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State.. 36 37 7-09.3(25) Joint Restraint Systems 38 Section 7-09.3(25) is added as follows: 39 40 (******) 41 General: 42 Where shown in the Plans, in the Specifications or required by the Engineer, joint 43 restraint system (shackle rods) shall be used. All joint restraint materials used shall 44 be those manufactured by Star National Products, 1323 Holly Avenue, PO Box 258, 45 Columbus Ohio 43216, unless an equal alternate is approved in writing by the 46 Engineer. 47 48 Materials: 49 Steel types used shall be: 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 129 High strength low-alloy steel (cor-ten), ASTM A242, heat-treated, superstar 1 "SST" series. 2 3 High strength low-alloy steel (cor-ten), ASTM A242, superstar "SS" series. 4 5 Items to be galvanized are to meet the following requirements: 6 7 ASTM A153 for galvanizing iron and steel hardware. 8 9 ASTM A123 for galvanizing rolled, pressed and forged steel shapes. 10 11 Joint restrainer system components: 12 13 Tiebolt: ASTM A242, type 2, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SST 7:5/8" for 2" 14 and 3" mechanical joints, 3/4" for 4" to 12" mechanical joints, ASTM A325, type 15 3D, except tensile strength of full-body threaded section shall be increased to 16 40,000 lbs. minimum for 5/8" and 60,000 lbs. minimum for 3/4" by heat treating 17 (quenching and tempering) to manufacturer’s reheat and hardness 18 Specifications. SST 753: 3/4" for 14" to 24" mechanical joints. Same ASTM 19 Specification as SST 7. SST 77: 3/4" same as SST 7, except 1" eye for 7/8" rod. 20 Same ASTM Specification as SST 7. 21 22 Tienut: Heavy hex nut for each tiebolt: SS8: 5/8" and 3/4", ASTM A563, grade 23 C3, or zinc plated. S8: 5/8" and 3/4", ASTM A563, grade A, zinc plated or hot-24 dip galvanized. 25 26 Tiecoupling: Used to extend continuous threaded rods and are provided with a 27 center stop to aid installation, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SS10: for 5/8" 28 and 3/4" tierods, ASTM A563, grade C3. S10: for 5/8" and 3/4" tierods, ASTM 29 A563, grade A. 30 31 Tierod: Continuous threaded rod for cutting to desired lengths, zinc plated or 32 hot-dip galvanized. SS12: 5/8" and 3/4" diameter, ASTM A242, type 2; ANSI 33 B1.1. S12: 5/8" and 3/4" diameter, ASTM A36, A307. 34 35 Tiewasher: Round flat washers, zinc plated or hot-dip galvanized. SS17: ASTM 36 A242, F436. S17: ANSI B18.22.1. 37 38 Installation: 39 Install the joint restraint system in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions 40 so all joints are mechanically locked together to prevent joint separation. Tie-bolts 41 shall be installed to pull against the mechanical joint body and not the MJ follower. 42 Torque nuts at 75-90 foot pounds for 3/4" nuts. Install tie-couplings with both rods 43 threaded equal distance into tie-couplings. Arrange tie-rods symmetrically around 44 the pipe. 45 46 Pipe Diameter Number of 3/4" Tie Rods Required 4” 2 6” 2 8” 2 10” 4 12” 4 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 130 14” 6 16” 6 18” 8 20 10 24” 12 1 Where a manufacturer’s mechanical joint valve or fitting is supplied with slots for "T" 2 bolts instead of holes, a flanged valve with a flange by mechanical joint adapter shall 3 be used instead, so as to provide adequate space for locating the tie-bolts. 4 5 Where a continuous run of pipe is required to be restrained, no run of restrained pipe 6 shall be greater than 60 feet in length between fittings. Insert long body solid sleeves 7 as required on longer runs to keep tie-rod lengths to the 60 foot maximum. Pipe 8 used in continuously restrained runs shall be mechanical joint pipe and tie-bolts shall 9 be installed as rod guides at each joint. 10 11 Where poly wrapping is required all tie-bolts, tie-nuts, tie-couplings, tie-rods, and tie-12 washers, shall be galvanized. All disturbed sections will be painted, to the Inspector’s 13 satisfaction, with Koppers Bitumastic No. 300-m, or approved equal. 14 15 Where poly wrapping is not required all tie-bolts, tie-nuts, tie-couplings, tie-rods and 16 tie-washers may be galvanized as specified in the preceding paragraph or plain and 17 painted in the entirety with Koppers Bitumastic No. 800-m, or approved equal. 18 19 Tie-bolts, tie-nuts, tie-couplings, tie-rods, and tie-washers shall be considered 20 incidental to installation of the pipe and no additional payment shall be made. 21 22 7-09.4 Measurement 23 Section 7-09.4 is revised to read as follows: 24 25 (******) 26 No measurement shall be made for clearing and grubbing, sawcutting, removal of existing 27 street pavement and sidewalks, protection of existing utilities and services, trench 28 excavation, placement and compaction of native backfill. 29 30 “Pipe, Water Main, (Material), (Class), (Size), with Polywrap, including Restrained-Joint 31 Fittings”, will be per Lineal Foot and will be based on the actual lineal footage measured 32 horizontally over the centerline of the installed pipe and fittings. No deductions will be 33 made for the linear length of fittings, valves, couplings, etc. contained within the measured 34 length. At changes in pipe size connected by a reducer, the point of measurement will be 35 taken as the midpoint of the reducer. 36 37 “Blowoff Assembly, (Size)”, will be per Each complete blowoff assembly installed in 38 conformance with the Contract Documents and Standard Plans. 39 40 “Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill” will be per Ton and will be based on the weight of 41 material installed into the Work. Certified weight tickets shall accompany each load, a 42 copy of tickets shall be given to the Engineer daily. Wasted materials will not be included 43 in the measurement or payment. Only materials placed within the pay limits shown will 44 be considered for measurement and payment. Material placed outside of the pay limits 45 shown on the Plans or as approved by the Engineer will be deducted from the certified 46 tickets. 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 131 1 “Connection to existing water main” will per Each connection for completion in 2 conformance with the Contract Documents. Each connection includes two separate steps 3 consisting of the initial cut-in of the existing water main and the final connection of the 4 new water main to the initial cut-in of the existing water main. 5 6 “Shoring or Extra Excavation Trench” will be per Lump Sum and will be based on a 7 percentage defined as the amount of water mains installed divided by the total length of 8 water mains shown to be installed. 9 10 “Concrete for Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Anchor Blocking” will be per Cubic Yard for 11 all concrete installed for thrust blocking, horizontal and vertical blocking and dead-man 12 anchor blocks in conformance with the Contract Documents and Standard Plans. 13 14 7-09.5 Payment 15 Section 7-09.5 is revised to read as follows: 16 17 (******) 18 “Pipe, Water Main, (Material), (Class), (Size), with Polywrap, including Restrained-19 Joint Fittings”, per linear foot. 20 21 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Pipe, Water Main, (Material), (Class), (Size), 22 with Polywrap, including Restrained-Joint Fittings”, shall cover the complete cost of 23 providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment required to complete the work specified 24 in the contract documents and plans, and shall include but not be limited to the 25 following: 26 27 Locating all existing utilities and potholing in advance to determine their 28 horizontal and vertical location, including potholing in advance for existing side 29 sewers and television inspection of existing sanitary sewer mains to determine 30 location of side sewer branches if necessary. 31 Saw cutting existing asphalt and concrete pavement up to 12-inches in depth, 32 trench excavation, and dewatering (if needed), 33 Removal, hauling and disposal of pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, surplus 34 and unsuitable excavated material including existing pipes and structures in the 35 excavation and the like, 36 Stockpiling suitable excavated material for use as pipe bedding and trench 37 backfill as directed by the Engineer, 38 Furnishing, installing, laying and jointing water pipes and fittings of the size, 39 type and class shown, polyethylene encasement, special fittings, horizontal 40 and vertical bends, Megalug-type restraint system for all mechanical joint 41 fittings and valves, sleeves, adapters, transition couplings, vertical crosses for 42 poly-pigging, foam polypigs, shackle rods, temporary blow-off assemblies and 43 feeder line to the new water mains, and all incidentals, 44 Deflecting the pipe as required to cross over or under existing and new buried 45 utilities, 46 Furnishing bedding materials, placing and compacting pipe bedding, 47 Furnishing and installing sand or foam cushioning between the water main and 48 other pipes where required, 49 Placing and compacting trench backfill, 50 Performing backfill compaction tests and furnishing test reports to the Engineer, 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 132 Testing, poly-pigging, disinfecting and flushing of new water mains and 1 appurtenances, 2 Replacing, protecting including hand digging as required and/or maintaining 3 existing utilities, rockeries, signs, mailboxes and the like 4 Furnishing and installing imported trench backfill will be paid under the specific 5 items set forth in the proposal and contract. 6 7 “Blowoff Assembly, (Size)”, per each. 8 9 The unit Contract price Bid per each for “Blowoff Assembly, (Size)”, shall cover the 10 complete cost of providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment required to complete 11 the work specified in the contract documents and plans, and shall include but not be 12 limited to the following: 13 14 Locating all existing utilities and potholing in advance to determine their 15 horizontal and vertical location, 16 Saw cutting, trench excavation, shoring and dewatering (if needed), 17 Removal, hauling and disposal of pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, surplus 18 and unsuitable excavated material including existing pipes and structures in the 19 excavation and the like, 20 Stockpiling suitable excavated material for use as pipe bedding and trench 21 backfill as directed by the Engineer, 22 Furnishing and installing pipe end cap with 2-inch tap, 2-inch blow-off valve, 23 stem extensions, valve box and cover, 2-inch galvanized pipe and nipples, 24 fittings, couplings, 2.5-inch adapter, 2.5-inch cap, polyethylene encasement, 25 meter box, shackle rods and concrete blocking. 26 Testing, disinfecting and flushing of blow-off assembly, 27 Placing and compacting trench backfill, 28 Replacing, protecting and/or maintaining existing utilities. 29 30 “Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill”, per ton. 31 32 The unit Contract price for “Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill” will be complete 33 compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, incidentals necessary to furnish 34 and install select import backfill, hauling, placement, compaction, performing backfill 35 compaction tests and furnishing test reports to the Engineer, removal, haul and 36 disposal of unsuitable excavated materials, waste and surplus materials, etc., required 37 to complete this item of Work in conformance with the Contract Documents. 38 39 “Connection to Existing Water Main”, per each. 40 41 The unit Contract price Bid per each for “Connection to Existing Water Main” shall 42 cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment required to 43 complete the Work specified in the Contract Documents and Plans, and shall include 44 but not be limited to the following: 45 46 Locating all existing utilities and potholing in advance to determine their 47 horizontal and vertical location, 48 Saw cutting existing asphalt and concrete pavement up to 12-inches in depth, 49 trench excavation, and dewatering (if needed), 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 133 Removal, hauling and disposal of pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, surplus 1 and unsuitable excavated material including existing pipes and Structures in 2 the excavation and the like, 3 Stockpiling suitable excavated material for use as pipe bedding and trench 4 backfill as directed by the Engineer, 5 Furnishing all required pipes, fittings, adapters, couplings and incidentals as 6 required for City of Renton’s Water Department’s personnel to perform the 7 initial cut-in installation of in-line tees, valves, and fittings on the existing water 8 main(s) to establish the line and grade of the new water main at each 9 connection to an existing water main, 10 Furnishing all required pipes, fittings, adapters, couplings and incidentals as 11 required for City of Renton’s Water Department’s personnel to perform the 12 second and final connection of the new water line to the existing water line and 13 to the valves installed during the initial cut-in as described above, 14 Placing and compacting trench backfill, 15 Performing backfill compaction tests and furnishing test reports to the Engineer, 16 Replacing, protecting and/or maintaining existing utilities. 17 18 “Shoring or Extra Excavation Trench”, lump sum. 19 20 Payment for the lump sum Contract price for “Shoring or Extra Excavation Trench” will 21 be made at the measured percentage amount for the pay period times the lump sum 22 amount bid, said payment will be complete compensation for all labor, equipment, 23 materials, hauling, planning, design, engineering, submittals, furnishing and 24 constructing and removal and disposal of such temporary sheeting, shoring, and 25 bracing to complete the work and ensure worker safety, as defined and shown in the 26 contract specifications and plans, and as required under the provisions of any permits 27 and in the requirements of OSHA and Chapter 49.17 RCW, and Chapter 39.04.180 28 RCW. 29 30 “Concrete for Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man Anchor Blocking”, per cubic yard. 31 32 The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Concrete for Thrust Blocking and Dead-Man 33 Anchor Blocking” shall cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, tools, 34 equipment required to complete the work specified in the contract documents and 35 plans, and shall include but not be limited to the following: 36 37 Locating all existing utilities and potholing in advance to determine their 38 horizontal and vertical location, 39 Saw cutting, trench excavation, shoring and dewatering (if needed), 40 Removal, hauling and disposal of pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, surplus 41 and unsuitable excavated material including existing pipes and structures in the 42 excavation and the like, 43 Stockpiling suitable excavated material for use as pipe bedding and trench 44 backfill as directed by the Engineer, 45 Furnishing and placing concrete for vertical and horizontal blocks, dead-man 46 anchor blocks, reinforcing steel, shackle rods, clamp assembly, anchor bolts, 47 turnbuckles, concrete form work, 48 Placing and compacting trench backfill, 49 Replacing, protecting and/or maintaining existing utilities. 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 134 7-12 VALVES FOR WATER MAINS 1 2 7-12.3 Construction Requirements 3 Section 7-12.3 is supplemented with the following: 4 5 (******) 6 An operating nut extension shall be installed when the ground surface is more than 7 36 inches above the valve operating nut. In standard valve boxes, which contain 8 valves 12 inch and smaller, the operating nut extension shall extend into the top 9 section of the valve box. Valve nut extensions shall be installed per the Standard 10 Plans. Tapping valves shall be hydrostatically tested prior to tapping the water main. 11 12 7-12.3(2) Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade 13 Section 7-12.3(2) is added as follows: 14 15 (******) 16 Existing valve boxes shall be adjusted to grade per the Standard Plans. Valve box 17 adjustments shall include, but not be limited to, the locations shown in the Plans. 18 19 Existing roadway valve boxes shall be adjusted to conform to final finished grades. In the 20 event that the existing valve box is plugged or blocked with debris, the Contractor shall 21 use whatever means necessary to remove such debris, leaving the valve installation in a 22 fully operable condition. 23 24 The valve box shall be set to an elevation tolerance of one-fourth inch (1/4") to one-half 25 inch (1/2") below finished grade. 26 27 7-12.4 Measurement 28 Section 7-12.4 is supplemented with the following: 29 30 (******) 31 “Adjust Existing Valve Box to Grade”, will be per Each and based on the complete existing 32 water valve box adjusted to finished grade per the Standard Plans and Contract. 33 34 “Gate Valve Assembly, (Size) Inches”, of the size, type and class specified shall be per 35 each for each type valve installed in conformance with the Contract Documents and 36 Standard Plans. 37 38 7-12.5 Payment 39 Section 7-12.5 is supplemented with the following: 40 41 (******) 42 “Adjust Existing Water Valve Box”, per each, shall be full compensation to perform the 43 Work as specified in the Standards Specifications and Standard Plans including the 44 furnishing, placing, resetting, adjustment of all accessories such as cast iron valve boxes 45 and covers as required to match the new pavement elevation. Also included in the unit 46 price are structure excavation, trench backfill and pavement restoration and restoration 47 of adjacent area directly surrounding the water valve box. 48 49 “Gate Valve Assembly, (Size) Inches”, of the size, type and class specified, per each, shall 50 cover the complete cost of providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment required to 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 135 complete the work specified in the contract documents and plans, and shall include but 1 not be limited to the following: 2 Locating all existing utilities and potholing in advance to determine their horizontal 3 and vertical location, 4 Saw cutting existing asphalt and concrete pavement up to 12-inches in depth, 5 trench excavation, and dewatering (if needed), 6 Removal, hauling and disposal of pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, surplus 7 and unsuitable excavated material including existing pipes and Structures in the 8 excavation and the like, 9 Stockpiling suitable excavated material for use as pipe bedding and trench backfill 10 as directed by the Engineer, 11 Furnishing and installing valves, restraining joint glands and followers system 12 equal to Megalug for mechanical-joint valves, pipe nipples, couplings, 13 Furnishing and installing valve boxes and covers including adjustments to finish 14 grade per Standard Details, valve stem extensions, valve marker posts, 15 polyethylene encasement, concrete blocking, and all incidentals, 16 Testing, poly-pigging, disinfecting and flushing of new valves, 17 Placing and compacting trench backfill, 18 Performing backfill compaction tests and furnishing test reports to the Engineer, 19 Replacing, protecting including hand digging as required and/or maintaining 20 existing utilities, rockeries, signs, mailboxes and the like 21 Furnishing and installing imported pipe bedding and imported trench backfill will 22 be paid under the specific items set forth in the proposal and contract. 23 24 25 7-14 HYDRANTS 26 27 7-14.3 Construction Requirements 28 29 7-14.3(1) Hydrant Assembly 30 Section 7-14.3(1), including title, is revised to read: 31 32 (******) 33 Where shown on the Plans, hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the 34 Standard Plans and Contract specifications. A minimum 3-foot radius unobstructed 35 working area shall be provided around all hydrants. The bottom surface of the 36 breakaway flange shall be set 2-inches minimum and 7-inches maximum above the 37 concrete shear block finished grade. 38 39 For each hydrant requiring vertical adjustment, see Section 7-14.3(6). 40 41 Fire hydrants shall be of such length as to be suitable for installation with connections 42 to 6", 8" and 10" piping in trenches 3 - 1/2 feet deep unless otherwise specified. The 43 hydrant shall be designed for a 4-1/2 foot burial where 12" and larger pipe is shown 44 unless otherwise noted in the Plans. 45 46 After installation hydrants shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test as specified in 47 Section 7-09.3(23). 48 49 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 136 The hydrant excavation shall be backfilled and compacted when installation and 1 testing are complete and accepted by the Engineer. 2 3 A concrete shear block as shown by the hydrant details on the Standard Plans shall 4 be constructed for all hydrants. Construction, Materials, and finishing of the concrete 5 shear block shall conform to Section 8-14, Cement Concrete Sidewalk. The shear 6 block shall be set flush with the immediately surrounding finish grade. 7 8 The Contractor shall flush, test and disinfect furnished hydrants and hydrant barrel 9 extensions according to Section 7-14.3(6). 10 11 Upon completion of the project, all fire hydrants shall be painted with two field coats 12 of Kelly-Moore/Preservative paint No. 5780-563 DTM Acrylic Gloss Safety Yellow or 13 approved equal. 14 15 Any hydrants not in service shall be identified by covering with a burlap or plastic bag 16 properly secured. 17 18 Fire hydrant assembly shall include: main line cast-iron or ductile iron tee (MJ x FL), 19 6" gate valve (FL x MJ), 6" DI spool (PE x PE) up to 18 feet in length, 5-1/4" MVO 20 fire hydrant (MJ connection), 4" x 5" Storz adapter with stainless steel cable, cast 21 iron valve box, cover, valve operating nut extension, 2-3/4" Cor-Ten shackle rods and 22 accessories, concrete blocks, shear block and blue pavement marker. 23 24 7-14.3(7) Remove and Salvage Hydrant 25 Section 7-14.3(7) is added as follows: 26 27 (******) 28 Existing hydrants shall be removed where shown in the Plans. Removed hydrants 29 shall be delivered to the City of Renton shops by the Contractor. The existing hydrant 30 lateral tee shall be removed from the main. 31 32 Unless a specific bid item has been included in the Proposal/Contract Document, 33 removing existing hydrants shall be incidental to and included in the various bid items. 34 35 7-14.4 Measurement 36 Section 7-14.4 is supplemented with the following: 37 38 (******) 39 Measurement for removing (including salvaging) hydrants will be made per each. 40 41 7-14.5 Payment 42 The third paragraph of Section 7-14.5 is revised to read: 43 44 (******) 45 The unit Contact price per each for “Hydrant Assembly” shall cover the complete cost 46 of providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment required to complete the Work 47 specified in the Contract Documents and Plans, and shall include but not be limited to 48 the following: 49 50 Locating all existing utilities and potholing in advance to determine their 51 horizontal and vertical location, 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 137 Saw cutting existing asphalt and concrete pavement up to 12-inches in depth, 1 trench excavation, and dewatering (if needed), 2 Removal, hauling and disposal of pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, surplus 3 and unsuitable excavated material including existing pipes and Structures in 4 the excavation and the like, 5 Removal and disposal of existing fire hydrants 6 Stockpiling suitable excavated material for use as pipe bedding and trench 7 backfill as directed by the Engineer, 8 Furnishing and installing new 5.25 MVO fire hydrant assembly, standpipe, 9 shoe, and 6-inch DI piping (up to 18 lineal feet per hydrant run), and Storz 10 quick connect adapter, 11 Furnishing and installing auxiliary shut-off valve and main line tee, valve box, 12 valve extension, 13 Furnishing and installing shackles, tie-rods, concrete blocking and support 14 blocking, and mechanical joint restraints Mega-Lugs type, washed drain rocks, 15 polyfilm 16 Adjust hydrant to finish grade with barrel extension and install concrete shear 17 block, 18 Placing and compacting trench backfill, 19 Testing, disinfecting and flushing of new hydrants, 20 Replacing, protecting and/or maintaining existing utilities, 21 Field painting the hydrants, 22 Furnish and install blue raised pavement marker, 23 Furnish and install rockery wall and grading to create a flat clear area around 24 hydrants. 25 26 Section 7-14.5 is supplemented with the following: 27 28 (******) 29 “Remove and Salvage Hydrant”, per each. 30 31 The unit Contract price per each for “Remove and Salvage Hydrant” shall be full pay 32 for all labor, tools, materials, and equipment necessary to remove the existing hydrant 33 and lateral, including but not limited to hydrant removal, excavation, lateral tee 34 removal, and backfilling activities. The removed hydrant shall be delivered to the 35 Contracting Agency. 36 37 7-19 SEWER CLEANOUTS 38 39 7-19.3 Construction Requirements 40 Section 7-19.3 is supplemented with the following: 41 42 (******) 43 7-19.3(1) Adjusting Sewer Cleanouts 44 Where shown in the Plans or where directed by the Engineer, the existing sanitary 45 sewer cleanouts shall be adjusted to extend to a point not less than 6 inches nor more 46 than 12 inches below the finished ground surface. 47 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 138 7-19.4 Measurement 1 Section 7-19.4 is supplemented with the following: 2 3 (******) 4 Adjustments of cleanouts will be measured per each. 5 6 7-19.5 Payment 7 Section 7-19.5 is supplemented with the following: 8 9 (******) 10 “Adjust Sanitary Sewer Cleanout”, per each. 11 12 END OF DIVISON 7 13 14 15 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 139 DIVISION 8 1 Miscellaneous Construction 2 3 8-01 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL 4 5 8-01.3 Construction Requirements 6 7 8-01.3(1) General 8 9 The second paragraph of Section 8-01.3(1) is deleted. 10 11 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION 12 13 8-02.2 Materials 14 15 The first paragraph of Section 8-02.2 is supplemented with the following: 16 17 (******) 18 River Rock 9-03.11(2), 4” to 6” size 19 Root Barrier 9-14.9 20 Mortar (Type 1) 9-20.4(2) 21 22 8-02.3 Construction Requirements 23 24 8-02.3(5)C Planting Area Preparation 25 Section 8-02.3(5)C is supplemented with the following: 26 27 (******) 28 Where tree planting is shown in the Plans, the Contractor shall install root barrier 29 extending 5’ on either side of the tree trunk along the adjacent curb and sidewalk 30 faces. The root barrier shall be installed no higher than 2” below the top of curb or 31 sidewalk and shall be continuous around the bed perimeter. Root barrier pieces 32 shall have with a minimum width of 18” and overlap adjacent root barrier pieces by 33 a minimum of 12”, secured with landscape staples as necessary. 34 35 Section 8-02.3 is supplemented with the following: 36 37 (******) 38 8-02.3(17) Property Restoration 39 The Contractor shall blend the new construction into developed private property adjacent 40 to the Project using similar materials to those existing, (e.g. sod shall be use match into 41 lawn areas, bark shall be used to match into planting areas, topsoil shall be used to match 42 into garden areas, etc.). 43 44 If the items used for the restoration have pay items in the Contract, they will be paid under 45 those items. 46 47 If restoration of adjacent property requires use of materials that have no pay items, 48 payment will be by force account under the item ”Property Restoration”. 49 50 8-02.3(18) River Rock Paving 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 140 The Contractor shall install 4- to 6-inch river rocks within mortar so that rocks are set in 1 place. Rocks shall be exposed at the surface, yielding a non-level finish. 2 3 8-02.4 Measurement 4 5 The first paragraph of Section 8-02.4 is revised to read: 6 7 (******) 8 Topsoil will be measured by the cubic yard in the haul conveyance at the point of delivery. 9 10 Bark or woodchip mulch and soil amendments will be measured by the acre or the square 11 yard along the grade and slope of the area covered immediately after placement. 12 13 Section 8-02.4 is supplemented with the following: 14 15 (******) 16 River rock paving will be measured by the square yard along the grade and slope of the 17 area covered immediately after placement. 18 19 Root barrier will be measured by the linear foot of barrier placed. 20 21 8-02.5 Payment 22 23 The fourth paragraph of Section 8-02.5 is revised to read: 24 25 (******) 26 “Topsoil Type ____", per cubic yard. 27 28 Section 8-02.5 is supplemented with the following: 29 30 (******) 31 “River Rock Paving”, per square yard. 32 33 “Root Barrier”, per linear foot. 34 35 “Property Restoration”, force account. 36 Payment for “Property Restoration” shall be by force account as described in Section 1-37 09.6 and no other compensation will be allowed. For the purpose of providing a common 38 Bid Proposal for all Bidders, and for that purpose only, the estimated cost of this Bid item 39 has been arbitrarily entered in the Proposal to become part of the total Bid by the 40 Contractor. 41 42 8-03 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 43 44 8-03.1 Description 45 46 Section 8-03.1 is revised to read: 47 48 (******) 49 This Work consists of designing and installing a public irrigation system in accordance 50 with these Specifications and as approved by the Engineer. Additionally, this Work 51 consists of restoring private irrigation systems that are impacted by construction. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 141 1 8-03.3 Construction Requirements 2 3 The first paragraph of Section 8-03.3 is revised to read: 4 5 (******) 6 The Contractor shall design the irrigation system and submit an Irrigation Plan to the 7 Engineer for approval. The Contracting Agency has included available record drawings 8 for the current public irrigation system along Logan Avenue N and N Southport Drive, and 9 the Contractor shall confirm the accuracy of the record drawings prior to this Work. The 10 Contractor may tie-in to the existing public irrigation system for power and water if the 11 Contractor deems that feasible. Location of pipe, tubing, sprinkler heads, emitters, valves, 12 and other equipment shall be as shown in the Contractor’s Irrigation Plan and shall be 13 the size and type indicated. No changes shall be made except as approved by the 14 Engineer. 15 16 Section 8-03.3 is supplemented with the following: 17 18 (******) 19 The Contractor shall not design or install a public irrigation system that connects to or 20 modifies any private irrigation systems. 21 22 The new system shall be an underground sprinkler irrigation system that provides efficient 23 and even irrigation of all planting areas (mulch, sod, etc.) on the drawings PL1 and PL2 24 with minimum overspray onto signs, paved areas, or non-planted areas and no overspray 25 onto buildings. 26 27 Irrigation equipment shall be coordinated to avoid overspray onto or spray blockage from 28 above grade utilities including, but not limited to, electric transformers, light standards, 29 and signal poles. 30 31 The Plans denote potential locations for a new double check valve and irrigation controller 32 cabinet for a new irrigation system. The Contractor may accept these locations or shown 33 or propose different locations within the available right of way and permanent easement 34 limits. In all cases, the Contractor shall avoid utility conflicts between new irrigation 35 system elements and existing or proposed utilities. 36 37 8-03.5 Payment 38 39 The third paragraph of Section 8-03.5 is revised to read: 40 41 (******) 42 All costs for development of the Irrigation Plan; furnishing and installing irrigation system 43 equipment and components; and initial and annual inspections and tests performed on 44 cross connection control devices and electrical wire testing during the life of the Contract 45 shall be included in the lump sum price for the complete irrigation system as shown in the 46 Plans or as otherwise approved by the Engineer. 47 48 For the purposes of bidding, the Contractor shall assume that a new a new irrigation 49 system is required with connections to the water line to be constructed as part of the 50 project and the existing Puget Sound Energy transformer illustrated on drawing PL1. If 51 the Contractor finds during site explorations after award of the contract that the existing 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 142 City of Renton irrigation system can be extended without needing a new double check 1 valve and/or irrigation controller, than the City and the Contractor shall negotiate a new 2 price for the lump sum irrigation cost per Section 1-09.5. 3 4 8-04 CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SPILLWAYS 5 6 8-04.3 Construction Requirements 7 8 8-04.3(1) Cement Concrete Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways 9 10 The first paragraph of Section 8-04.3(1) s revised to read: 11 12 (******) 13 All cement concrete curb, curb and gutter, gutter, and spillway shall be constructed 14 with air entrained concrete Class 4000 conforming to the requirements of Section 6-15 02. 16 17 Section 8-04.3(3) is revised to read: 18 19 (******) 20 8-04.3(3) Doweled Cement Concrete Curb 21 22 The requirements listed in Section 8-04.3(1) shall be applicable to doweled cement 23 concrete curbs. Steel reinforcing bars shall be spaced and dimensioned in 24 accordance with the details in the Plans. 25 26 8-04.4 Measurement 27 28 Section 8-04.4 is supplemented with the following: 29 30 (******) 31 Cement concrete curb transitions will be measured per each. 32 33 8-04.5 Payment 34 35 Section 8-04.5 is supplemented with the following: 36 37 (******) 38 “12-inch Cement Conc. Traffic Curb and Gutter”, per linear foot. 39 “Cement Conc. Traffic Curb and Gutter Transition”, per each. 40 “Cement Conc. Dowelled Traffic Curb”, per linear foot. 41 42 8-12 CHAIN LINK FENCE AND WIRE FENCE 43 44 8-12.3 Construction Requirements 45 Section 8-12.3 is supplemented with the following: 46 47 (******) 48 8-12.3(3) Temporary BNSF Chain Link Fencing 49 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 143 The Contractor shall provide temporary fencing north and south of the BNSF railroad 1 tracks after removal of the existing fencing that restricts access to the tracks. This 2 temporary fencing shall be in place to restrict pedestrian access to the BNSF railroad 3 tracks at all times that BNSF flaggers are not on site. When BNSF flaggers are on 4 site, the Contractor may remove or open the temporary fencing to facilitate access 5 across the railroad tracks. 6 7 The temporary fencing shall extend across the full length of fence openings on either 8 side of the BNSF railroad tracks as noted in the Plans and as directed by the 9 Engineer. 10 11 Temporary BNSF fencing shall be 6-foot-tall chain link fence and/or gates. Concrete 12 post bases may be used but are not required. The Contractor may erect fencing on 13 temporary and movable support systems as approved by the Engineer. The gap from 14 bottom of temporary fencing to the ground shall be a maximum of 1 foot. 15 16 All temporary fence elements shall be connected by bands, ties, or other measures 17 to adjacent temporary or permanent fencing elements so that there are no available 18 gaps for entry to the BNSF railroad track area. Connecting elements shall be 19 approved by the Engineer. 20 21 8-12.4 Measurement 22 Section 8-12.4 is supplemented with the following: 23 24 (******) 25 Temporary BNSF chain link fence will be measured by the linear foot of fence opening that is 26 closed by the temporary fencing. This measurement will include any distance closed by 27 temporary gate elements. This measurement will occur only once during the contract, on the 28 first day when temporary BNSF chain link fencing is used on site. Removal and reinstallation 29 of temporary BNSF chain link fencing will not be measured. 30 31 8-12.5 Payment 32 Section 8-12.5 is supplemented with the following: 33 34 (******) 35 “Boeing Security Gate”, per each. 36 The unit Contract price for “Boeing Security Gate” shall be full pay to procure and install the 37 gate, including posts, foundations, locks, and all other gate elements shown in the Plans. 38 39 “Boeing Security Fence”, per linear foot. 40 “Temporary Boeing Security Fence”, per linear foot. 41 The unit Contract price for “Boeing Security Fence” and “Temporary Boeing Security Fence” 42 per linear foot shall be full pay to procure and install the fencing, including posts, foundations, 43 ground rods, and all other fence elements shown in the Plans. The unit Contract price for 44 “Temporary Boeing Security Fence” per linear foot shall also include full pay to remove and 45 salvage the temporary fencing after the permanent fencing is installed per the Plans. 46 47 “Temporary BNSF Chain Link Fence”, per linear foot. 48 The unit Contract price for “Temporary BNSF Chain Link Fence” per linear foot shall be full 49 pay to procure, install, relocate as many times as necessary throughout the duration of the 50 Contract, and remove temporary chain link fencing within BNSF right of way, including posts, 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 144 foundations, temporary supports, or other elements required to complete the Work where 1 shown in the Plans. 2 3 8-14 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS 4 5 8-14.3 Construction Requirements 6 The first paragraph of Section 8-14.3 is revised to read: 7 8 (******) 9 The concrete in the sidewalks and curb ramps shall be air entrained Class 4000 in 10 accordance with the requirements of Section 6-02. 11 12 Section 8-14.3 is supplemented with the following: 13 14 (April 3, 2017 WSDOT GSP) 15 The Contractor shall request a pre-construction meeting with the Engineer to be held two 16 to five working days before any work can start on cement concrete sidewalks, curb ramps 17 or other pedestrian access routes to discuss construction requirements. Those attending 18 shall include: 19 20 1. The Contractor and Subcontractor in charge of constructing forms, and placing, 21 and finishing the cement concrete. 22 23 2. Engineer (or representative) and Project Inspectors for the cement concrete 24 sidewalk, curb ramp or pedestrian access route Work. 25 26 Items to be discussed in this meeting shall include, at a minimum, the following: 27 28 1. Slopes shown on the Plans. 29 30 2. Inspection 31 32 3. Traffic control 33 34 4. Pedestrian control, access routes and delineation 35 36 5. Accommodating utilities 37 38 6. Form work 39 40 7. Installation of detectable warning surfaces 41 42 8. Contractor ADA survey and ADA Feature as-built requirements 43 44 9. Cold Weather Protection 45 46 (January 7, 2019 WSDOT GSP) 47 Timing Restrictions 48 Curb ramps shall be constructed on one leg of the intersection at a time. The curb ramps 49 shall be completed and open to traffic within five calendar days before construction can 50 begin on another leg of the intersection unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer. 51 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 145 Unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer, the five calendar day time restriction begins 1 when an existing curb ramp for the quadrant or traffic island/median is closed to 2 pedestrian use and ends when the quadrant or traffic island/median is fully functional and 3 open for pedestrian access. 4 5 (January 7, 2019 WSDOT GSP) 6 Layout and Conformance to Grades 7 Using the information provided in the Contract documents, the Contractor shall lay out, 8 grade, and form each new curb ramp, sidewalk, and curb and gutter. 9 10 8-14.4 Measurement 11 The second paragraph of Section 8-14.4 is revised to read: 12 13 (******) 14 Cement concrete curb ramps will be measured by the square yard of finished surface including 15 the detectable warning surface, and the surface of the ramp. 16 17 8-14.5 Payment 18 The fifth paragraph of Section 8-14.5 is revised to read: 19 20 (******) 21 “Cement Conc. Curb Ramp Type ____”, per square yard. 22 23 8-20 ILLUMINATION, TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, INTELLIGENT 24 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL 25 26 8-20.1 Description 27 Section 8-20.1 is supplemented with the following: 28 29 (******) 30 The existing lighting circuits shall remain in operation until the new foundation, conduit work, 31 and wiring for the new system is in place and ready for transfer. Transfer shall be conducted 32 in the shortest time possible, not to exceed one 8-hour workday. The exact work plan and 33 schedule must be pre-approved by the Engineer. Work shall include all other items as shown 34 in the Plans or in these Special Provisions. 35 36 Existing lighting levels shall be maintained at all times unless specified otherwise by the City 37 Transportation Operations Manager. 38 39 All work shall be performed as shown in the Plans in accordance with applicable Standard 40 Specifications, Standard Plans, Amendments, City Standards, Puget Sound Energy 41 Standards, King County Standards included herein and the following Special Provisions. 42 43 The Work shall include the supply, testing and installation of all traffic signal hardware, 44 including the communication cable and interface system, and replacement/modification of an 45 existing system. 46 47 The Work shall also include removing existing traffic signal and illumination equipment, pull 48 boxes, poles, loop detectors, controller cabinets, service cabinets, and bases, and all 49 necessary associated equipment where applicable to complete the Work. 50 51 The Work will also include providing a complete, functional illumination system. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 146 1 The traffic signal at the intersections of Logan Avenue N, Park Avenue N, N Southport Drive, 2 and 757th Avenue (as labeled in the Plans), shall operate with a tandem configuration as 3 shown in the Plans. The signal system shall operate with emergency vehicle and railroad 4 preemption systems and connect to a Boeing activation unit. The Boeing activation unit shall 5 be configured to allow for user-actuation of the railroad preemption phasing for a period of 5 6 minutes. The Contractor shall provide and install an Interconnected Warning Label in the traffic 7 signal controller cabinet, which shall provide contact information for the City and Railroad 8 Company contacts. 9 10 8-20.1(1) Regulations and Code 11 Section 8-21.1(1) is supplemented with the following: 12 13 (******) 14 All materials and methods required under this section, unless otherwise superseded 15 herein, shall conform to the 2022 edition of the Washington State Department of 16 Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction 17 and Amendments (herein referred to as Standard Specifications), to all current 18 amendments to the Standard Specifications, to the latest edition of the State of 19 Washington Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (herein 20 referred to as the Standard Plans), to the State of Washington Sign Fabrication 21 Manual, to the City of Renton Standards and Details, to the latest edition of the 22 National Electric Code (NEC), and to the current edition of the Manual on Uniform 23 Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as adopted by the State of Washington. 24 25 Delete the first sentence of the first paragraph of Section 8-20.1(1) and replace with the 26 following: 27 28 (******) 29 All electrical equipment shall conform to the standards of the National Electrical 30 Manufacturers Association (NEMA), FHWA IP-78-16, the Radio Manufacturers 31 Association, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the American 32 Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the American 33 National Standards Institute (ANSI), the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), the 34 International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA), whichever is applicable, and to 35 other codes listed herein. 36 37 Where applicable, materials shall conform to the latest requirements of the 38 Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and Puget Sound Energy. 39 40 8-20.1(2) Industry Codes and Standards 41 Section 8-20.1(2) is supplemented with the following: 42 43 (******) 44 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), Secretary NESC, NESC Committee, IEEE 45 Post Office Box 1331, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331. 46 47 8-20.1(3) Permitting and Inspections 48 Section 8-20.1(3) is supplemented with the following: 49 50 (******) 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 147 The Contractor will be responsible for coordinating, obtaining, and paying for all 1 permits, including electrical service applications, necessary to complete this work in 2 a timely fashion. All costs to obtain and comply with electrical permits shall be 3 included in the applicable bid items for the work involved. All required electrical 4 permits shall be obtained before beginning trench excavation. 5 6 The City of Renton Electrical Inspector shall inspect and approve the electrical 7 portions of the project. The Contractor shall notify the Electrical Inspector at least 24 8 hours in advance of required field inspection. Before work begins, the Contractor 9 shall contact the Electrical Inspector to coordinate a schedule of electrical 10 inspections (call the request line at 425-430-7275). This project shall be 11 accomplished in compliance with WAC 296-46B-010 Traffic Management Systems 12 and shall conform to the current adopted version of the NEC. 13 14 Prior to PSE energizing service cabinets, an electrical inspection must be passed 15 with a copy of the electrical control permit and inspection sticker inside cabinets. 16 17 8-20.1(4) Restrictions on the Schedule of Work 18 Section 8-20.1(4) is added as follows: 19 20 (******) 21 Mast Arm Erection 22 Mast arms shall not be erected more than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the 23 signal system being turned on. 24 25 Work in Roadway 26 All work in the roadway is subject to the traffic control requirements specified in 27 Section 1-10. 28 29 30 8-20.1(5) Traffic Control during Construction 31 Section 8-20.1(5) is added as follows: 32 33 (******) 34 The Contractor shall include in the submitted traffic control plan, detailed plan during 35 roadway trenching, erection of mast arms, installation of vehicle detection, and other 36 activities requiring lane closures or detours. See Section 1-10 for traffic control 37 requirements and uniformed police officer requirements. 38 39 8-20.1(6) Errors and Omissions 40 Section 8-20.1(6) is added as follows: 41 42 (******) 43 The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer upon discovery of any errors or 44 omissions in the Contract Documents, in the layout as given by survey points and 45 instructions, or of any discrepancy between the Contract Documents and the 46 physical conditions of the locality. If deemed necessary, the Engineer shall rectify the 47 matter and advise the Contractor accordingly. Any work done after such discovery 48 without authorization by the Engineer will be done at the Contractor’s risk. 49 50 8-20.2 Materials 51 Section 8-20.2 is supplemented with the following: 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 148 1 (******) 2 Material requirements for signal, illumination and communication systems are contained 3 in Section 9-29 of the Standard Specifications and Section 9-29 of these Special 4 Provisions. 5 6 The Engineer reserves the right to inspect the manufacturing process of all materials. Final 7 inspection and acceptance of the installed materials will not be given until final installation 8 and testing has been completed on the systems. Approval to install materials and 9 equipment must be obtained from the Engineer at the job site before installation. 10 11 Controlled density fill shall meet the requirements of Section 2-09.3(1)E of the Standard 12 Specifications. 13 14 Crushed surfacing top course and crushed surfacing base course shall meet the 15 requirements of Section 9-03.9(3) of the Standard Specifications. 16 17 Bedding material shall consist of 5/8-inch minus crushed rock free of any deleterious 18 substances per Section 9-03.1(5)A of the Standard Specifications. 19 20 8-20.2(1) Equipment List and Drawings 21 Delete the first paragraph of Section 8-20.2(1) and replace with the following: 22 23 (******) 24 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a completed “Request for Approval of 25 Material” that describes the material proposed for use to fulfill the Plans and 26 Specifications. Request for Approval of Materials shall submitted with all traffic signal, 27 communication, and illumination materials in one complete package. 28 29 Delete the fourth paragraph of Section 8-20.2(2) starting with “The Contractor will not be 30 required…” 31 32 8-20.3 Construction Requirements 33 34 Section 8-20.3 is supplemented with the following: 35 36 (******) 37 Signal Installation Coordination with the City 38 The Contractor shall coordinate with City of Renton Transportation Maintenance Manager 39 (contact person: Eric Cutshall at 425-430-7423) for all required signal installation work 40 and testing. 41 42 Power Source Coordination 43 The Contractor shall coordinate all of the installation details for the electrical service 44 cabinet(s) with Puget Sound Energy. Within four (4) weeks after Notice to Proceed, the 45 Contractor shall meet with a PSE Representative (call 1-888-321-7779) in the field to 46 verify the location of power source as shown in the Plans and shall notify the Engineer 47 immediately if any conflicts exist. Except for the service connection, the PSE portion of 48 the installation shall be completed prior to installation of the service cabinet by the 49 Contractor. 50 51 8-20.3(1)D Illumination Requirements During Construction 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 149 Section 8-20.3(1)D is added as follows: 1 2 (******) 3 Existing or higher illumination levels shall be maintained by using existing or 4 temporary illumination until the new system is operational. The Contractor is 5 responsible for maintaining ten (10) feet clearance zone around existing aerial 6 primary power lines during the construction. Coordinate work with the power 7 company. 8 9 8-20.3(1)E Signalization Requirements During Construction 10 Section 8-20.3(1)E is added as follows: 11 12 (******) 13 Signal system shall remain fully operational during construction. Contractor shall 14 follow the Construction Sequencing and Traffic Control Plans to the extent allowed 15 by site conditions. Modifications to the existing signals must be approved by the 16 Engineer in the field prior to re-channelization for construction staging. Modifications 17 shall be provided at the Contractor’s expense. The costs for any changes to the 18 signal systems required for compliance with maintenance of traffic during 19 construction shall be incidental to the lump sum price of Signal Systems. 20 21 8-20.3(2) Excavating and Backfilling 22 Section 8-20.3(2) is supplemented with the following: 23 24 (******) 25 Underground utilities of record will be shown on the Plans insofar as information is 26 available. These, however, are shown for convenience only and the City assumes 27 no responsibility for improper locations or failure to show utility locations on the 28 construction plans. 29 30 The location of existing underground utilities, when shown on the Plans, is 31 approximate only, and the Contractor shall be responsible for determining their exact 32 location. The Contractor shall check with the utility companies concerning any 33 possible conflict prior to commencing excavation in any area, as not all utilities may 34 be shown on the Plans. 35 36 The Contractor shall be responsible for potholing for conflicts with underground utility 37 locations. Prior to construction, if any conflicts are expected, it shall be brought to the 38 attention of the Engineer for resolution. 39 40 The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for coordination with the utility 41 companies and arranging for the movement or adjustment, either temporary or 42 permanent, of their facilities within the project limits. 43 44 If a conflict is identified, the Contractor shall contact the Engineer. The Contractor 45 and City shall locate alternative locations for poles, cabinet, or junction boxes. The 46 Contractor shall get approval from the Engineer prior to installation. The Contractor 47 may consider changing depth or alignment of conduit to avoid utility conflicts. 48 49 Before beginning any excavation work for foundations, vaults, junction boxes or 50 conduit runs, the contractor shall confirm that the location proposed on the Contract 51 Plans does not conflict with utility location markings placed on the surface by the 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 150 various utility companies. If a conflict is identified, the following process shall be used 1 to resolve the conflict: 2 Contact the Engineer and determine if there is an alternative location for the 3 foundation, junction box, vault or conduit trench. 4 If an adequate alternate location is not obvious for the underground work, select 5 a location that may be acceptable and pothole to determine the exact location of 6 other utilities. Potholing must be approved by the Engineer. 7 If an adequate alternate alignment still cannot be identified following potholing 8 operations, the pothole area should be restored and work in the area should stop 9 until a new design can be developed. 10 The Contractor shall get approval from the Engineer prior to installation. 11 The Contractor may consider changing depth or alignment of conduit to avoid 12 utility conflicts. 13 14 The Contractor shall not attempt to adjust the location of an existing utility unless 15 specifically agreed to by the utility owner. 16 17 8-20.3(3) Removing and Replacing Improvements 18 Section 8-20.3(3) is supplemented with the following: 19 20 (******) 21 Salvaged Equipment 22 All existing equipment that is to be removed shall not be stockpiled within the job site 23 without the Engineer's approval. The following signal equipment shall remain the 24 property of the Contracting Agency and shall be disconnected, dismantled, stacked 25 separately and delivered to the Contracting Agency unless otherwise directed by 26 Transportation Maintenance Manager 27 Luminaire Standards and Mast Arms 28 Luminaires 29 Traffic Signal Controllers and Cabinets 30 Electrical Service Cabinets 31 Emergency Vehicle Detectors 32 Vehicle and Pedestrian Displays and Mounting Hardware 33 Pedestrian Pushbuttons 34 Terminal Cabinets 35 Visors 36 Back Plates 37 38 The Contractor shall give the Engineer fourteen (14) calendar days advance written 39 notice prior to delivery of removed materials to the City of Renton Signal Shop. 40 41 Controller cabinets shall not be removed until all associated electronic equipment is 42 removed by Contracting Agency traffic signals personnel. All other equipment shall 43 be removed by the Contractor and delivered within 24 hours following removal to the 44 Contracting Agency. 45 46 All removed equipment which remains the property of Renton shall be delivered to 47 Renton Corporate Yard between the hours of 8:30am and 2:30pm: 48 City of Renton Signal Shop 49 3555 NE 2nd Street BLDG B 50 Renton, WA 98056 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 151 Phone: 425-430-7423 1 2 Non-Salvaged Electrical Equipment 3 The Contractor shall: 4 Remove all wires for discontinued circuits from the conduit system. 5 Remove elbow sections of abandoned conduit entering junction boxes. 6 Remove abandoned conduit that is less than 24 inches finished grade, unless 7 otherwise indicated in the Plans. 8 Remove foundations in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 2-9 02.3(1). 10 Backfill voids created by removal of foundations and junction boxes. Backfilling 11 and compaction shall be performed in accordance with Standard Specifications 12 Section 2-09.3(1)E. 13 14 Pole Shaft and Mast Arm Identification 15 All removed mast arms and pole shafts shall be identified by paper identification tags 16 recording pole number, intersection location (such as SR XXX, leg XXX), and mast 17 arm length. Four (4) inch by 6 inch (minimum) tags shall be taped to corresponding 18 pole shafts and mast arms. Information on the mast arm tag shall match the 19 information on the corresponding pole shaft tag. Each tag shall be entirely covered 20 with clear acetate tap. The tape shall be wrapped one full circle around the shaft or 21 arm with a 1/2-inch minimum overlap at the ends and sides. The Contractor shall 22 bundle the complete signal bridge, poles standard assembly together. The assembly 23 consists of pole shaft, mast arm, and connecting bolts. Connecting bolts shall be 24 attached to the original mast arm base plate. 25 26 Dismantled equipment shall be clearly marked and all hardware saved in a heavy 27 duty burlap bag attached to the corresponding signal standard or mast arm. The 28 Contractor shall be responsible for loading, delivering and unloading the salvaged 29 signal equipment. The Engineer shall determine the condition of the signal 30 equipment. Material parts will only be accepted by the Contracting Agency if in 31 identical condition to that prior to removal. 32 33 If the Contractor's operation causes damage to a removed equipment, it shall be 34 repaired or replaced by the Contractor to the Engineer's satisfaction at no additional 35 cost to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall remove and dispose properly 36 all debris and signal equipment not identified for return to the Contracting Agency. 37 38 8-20.3(4) Foundations 39 40 Section 8-20.3(4) is supplemented with the following: 41 42 (******) 43 The anchor bolts shall match that of the device to be installed thereon. 44 45 Concrete shall be placed against undisturbed earth if possible. Disturbed earth or 46 backfill material shall be compacted to ninety-five (95) percent of the material's 47 maximum density. Before placing the concrete the Contractor shall block-out around 48 any other underground utilities that lie in the excavated base so that the concrete will 49 not adhere to the utility line. Sono tubes shall not be allowed on the project. Concrete 50 foundations shall be troweled, brushed, edged and finished in a workmanship-like 51 manner. Concrete shall be promptly cleaned from the exposed portion of the anchor 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 152 bolts and conduit after placement. All concrete foundations shall be Class 4000P 1 concrete. After the specified curing period, the Contractor may install the applicable 2 device thereon. 3 4 All concrete foundations shall be constructed in the manner specified below: 5 1. Where no sidewalks are to be installed, the grade for the top of the foundation 6 shall be as specified by the Engineer. 7 2. Where sidewalk or raised islands are to be constructed as a part of this 8 project, the top of the luminaire foundation shall be made flush with the 9 bottom of the sidewalk or island, or the top of the signal foundation shall be 10 made flush with the top of the sidewalk or island. 11 12 All concrete foundations shall be installed at locations per stationing on the Plans. 13 Pole locations shall be staked by the Contractor and locations shall be field verified 14 and approved by the Engineer in the field prior to excavation. 15 16 The Contractor shall secure the anchor bolts required for the item to be mounted on 17 the foundation. The Contractor shall also securely locate all conduit required, 18 including a spare 2-inch conduit to be used to connect the pole or controller cabinet 19 ground wire to the ground rod in the nearest J-box. 20 21 Location of all concrete foundations shall be approved by the Engineer prior to 22 excavation. 23 24 Construction Sequence 25 All excavation for a single pile cap foundation in which the drilled shafts are to be 26 constructed shall be completed before shaft construction begins. After shaft 27 construction is completed, all loose or displaced materials shall be removed from 28 around the shafts, leaving a clean solid surface to receive the footing concrete. 29 30 Shaft Excavation 31 1. Shafts shall be excavated to the required depth as shown in the Plans or as 32 required by the Engineer. The excavation shall be completed in a continuous 33 operation using equipment capable of excavating through the type of material 34 expected to be encountered. The concrete shall be placed within two hours 35 after the completion of shaft excavation and cleanout without any undue 36 delay. 37 2. If the shaft excavation is stopped with the approval of the Engineer, the shaft 38 shall be secured by the installation of a safety cover. It shall be the 39 Contractor's responsibility to ensure the safety of the shaft and the 40 surrounding soil and the stability of the sidewalls. A temporary casing should 41 be used if necessary to ensure such safety and stability. 42 3. Where caving conditions are encountered, due to soft soils or water intrusion, 43 no further excavation will be allowed until the Contractor selects a method to 44 prevent ground movement. The Contractor may elect to place a temporary 45 casing or use other methods approved by the Engineer. 46 4. The Contractor shall use appropriate means such as a clean-out bucket, to 47 clean the bottom of the excavation such that a minimum of 50 percent of the 48 base of each shaft will have less than 1inch of sediment at the time of 49 placement of the concrete. The maximum depth of sediment or any debris at 50 any place on the base of the shaft shall not exceed 2 inches. 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 153 6. If unexpected obstructions, which require specialized equipment and/or labor 1 are encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer promptly. 2 Excavation shall be continued as approved by the Engineer. 3 4 Excavation Inspection 5 1. The Contractor shall provide equipment for checking the dimensions and 6 alignment of each permanent shaft excavation. The dimensions and 7 alignment shall be determined by the Contractor with the approval of the 8 Engineer. 9 2. Final shaft depths shall be measured with a suitable weighted tape or other 10 approved methods after final clean-out. 11 3. Shaft cleanliness will be determined by the Engineer, by visual inspection. 12 4. The excavated shaft shall be approved by the Engineer prior to placing any 13 steel or concrete into the shaft. 14 15 Reinforcing Steel Cage Construction and Placement 16 1. The reinforcing steel cage consisting of longitudinal bars, ties, cage stiffener 17 bars, spacers, centralizers, and other necessary appurtenances shall be 18 completely assembled and placed as a unit immediately after the shaft 19 excavation is inspected and accepted prior to concrete placement. The 20 reinforcing cage shall be rigidly braced to retain its configuration during 21 handling and when lowered into the shaft, during placement of concrete and 22 extraction of the casing from the shaft. No loose bars will be permitted. The 23 reinforcing steel fabricator shall include bracing and any extra reinforcing 24 steel required to fabricate the cage in the shop drawings. 25 2. If the bottom of the constructed shaft elevation is lower than the bottom of the 26 shaft elevation in the Plans, a minimum of one half of the longitudinal bars 27 required in the upper portion of the shaft shall be extended the additional 28 length. Tie bars shall be continued for the extra depth, spaced on 1 feet 29 centers, and the stiffener bars shall be extended to the final depth. These 30 bars may be lap spliced, or un-spliced bars of the proper length may be used. 31 Welding to the planned reinforcing steel will not be permitted unless 32 specifically shown in either the Plans or Special Provisions. 33 3. The reinforcing steel in the shaft shall be tied and supported so that the 34 reinforcing steel will remain within allowable tolerances given in this 35 specification. Concrete spacers or other approved non-corrosive spacing 36 devices shall be used at sufficient intervals (near the bottom and at intervals 37 not exceeding 5 feet up the shaft) to insure concentric spacing for the entire 38 cage length. Spacers shall be constructed of approved material equal in 39 quality and durability to the concrete specified for the shaft. 40 5. The elevation of the top of the steel cage shall be checked before and after 41 the concrete is placed. If the rebar cage is not maintained within the specified 42 tolerances, corrections shall be made by the Contractor as required by the 43 Engineer. No additional shafts shall be constructed until the Contractor has 44 modified his rebar cage support in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 45 46 Concrete Placement 47 Concrete placement shall commence within two (2) hours after completion of the 48 excavation and shall be placed in one continuous operation to the top of the shaft. 49 Concrete shall be placed through a tremie. The tremie used shall consist of a tube of 50 one-piece construction. Concrete shall be placed through a hopper at the top of the 51 tube so that the concrete is deposited through the center of the reinforcing steel to 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 154 prevent segregation of the aggregates and splashing of concrete on the 1 reinforcement cage. The Contractor's proposed method for depositing concrete shall 2 have approval of the Engineer prior to concrete placement. The concrete on the top 3 5 feet of the shaft shall be vibrated. 4 5 Casing and Forming Removal 6 During casing removal, a minimum 5 foot head of concrete must be maintained to 7 balance the soil and water pressure at the bottom of the casing. This casing shall be 8 well coated with form oil prior to concrete placement. 9 10 All other forming materials shall be removed and adjacent area restored. 11 12 Construction Tolerances 13 1. The centerline of the drilled shaft shall be within 3 inches of the Plan position 14 in the horizontal plane, at the Plan elevation for the top of the shaft. 15 2. The vertical alignment of the shaft excavation shall not vary from the Plan 16 alignment by more than 1/4 inch per foot of depth. 17 3. After all the concrete is placed, the top of the reinforcing steel cage shall be 18 no more than 1/2 inch above and no more than 1/2 inch below the Plan 19 position. 20 4. The minimum diameter of the drilled shaft shall be 1inch less than the 21 specified shaft diameter. 22 5. The top elevation of the shaft shall have a tolerance of ±1/2 inch from the 23 Plan top of shaft elevation. 24 6. Excavation equipment and methods shall be designed so that the completed 25 shaft excavation will have a flat bottom. The cutting edges of excavation 26 equipment shall be normal to the vertical axis of the equipment within a 27 tolerance of± 3/8 inch per 12 inches of diameter. 28 29 Drilled shaft excavations constructed in such a manner that the concrete shaft cannot 30 be completed within the required tolerances are unacceptable. When approved, 31 corrections may be made to an unacceptable drilled shaft excavation by any 32 approved combination of the following methods: 33 34 1. Overdrill the shaft excavation to a larger diameter to permit accurate 35 placement of the reinforcing steel cage with the required minimum concrete 36 cover. 37 2. Increase the number and/or size of the steel reinforcement bars. 38 39 The approval of the correction procedures is dependent on analysis of the effect of 40 the degree of misalignment and improper positioning. Correction methods may be 41 approved as design analysis indicate. Redesign drawings and computations 42 prepared by the Contractor's Engineer shall be signed by a Professional Engineer 43 licensed in the State of Washington. Materials and work necessary, including 44 Engineering analysis and redesign, to effect corrections for out of tolerance drilled 45 shaft excavations shall be furnished at no cost to the Contracting Agency. 46 47 Submittals 48 1. Before placing the reinforcing steel, the Contractor shall submit shop 49 drawings to the Engineer for the reinforcing cage. 50 2. Work shall not proceed until the appropriate submittals have been approved 51 in writing by the Engineer. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 155 1 8-20.3(5) Conduit 2 8-20.3(5)A General 3 Section 8-20.3(5)A is supplemented with the following: 4 Pull strings shall be provided and installed by the Contractor. 5 When copper or fiber optic interconnect cable is part of a project, the conduit sweeps 6 bringing the interconnect cable into and out of the junction boxes shall be offset as directed 7 by the Engineer to accommodate the cable’s tendency to curl. The conduit sweep shall 8 have a minimum bend radius of 24-inches. 9 Conduits entering through the cabinet foundation shall be arranged toward the front of the 10 cabinet for maximum accessibility or as directed by the Engineer. 11 Conduits shall be capped during construction using manufactured seals to prevent 12 entrance of water and debris. Spare conduits shall be capped and labeled as City of 13 Renton conduits and shall include polyester detectable pull tape that meets or exceeds a 14 breaking strength of 900 lbs. Detectable pull tape shall also be added to conduits occupied 15 with non-electrical cables. 16 Where sidewalk panels need to be removed for the installation of conduit or junction boxes, 17 the Contractor is responsible for restoring the area near the back of sidewalk as needed 18 to repair damage from sidewalk panel formwork. 19 Where intercepting and splicing to an existing conduit is called out on the Plans, the 20 Contractor shall verify the conduit size and schedule before ordering the new conduit 21 sections. The size provided on the Plans is an estimation. 22 8-20.3(5)B Conduit Type 23 Delete the second paragraph (including numbered list) of Section 8-20.3(5)B and replace 24 with the following: 25 Rigid metal conduit (RMC) shall only be placed where indicated and shown on the Contract 26 Plans. 27 Section 8-20.3(5)B is supplemented with the following: 28 All conduit shall be rigid non-metallic unless noted otherwise in the Contract Plans or 29 Special Provisions. 30 All conduit openings shall be fitted with approved bell-ends or bushings. Wall thickness of 31 conduit shall be consistent within continuous conduit runs with no mixing of different 32 schedule types between terminations. 33 The Contractor shall provide all conduit and necessary fittings as needed. Conduit size 34 shall be as indicated on the wiring and conduit schedule shown on the Plans. 35 All joints shall be made with strict compliance to the manufacturer's recommendations 36 regarding cement used and environmental conditions. 37 Conduits shall be capped during construction using manufactured seals to prevent 38 entrance of water and debris. The conduits shall be cleaned before pulling wire and shall 39 include bonded ground wire (including spare conduits for locating purposes). 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 156 Spare conduits shall be capped and labeled "City of Renton" conduits. 1 8-20.3(5)E1 Open Trenching 2 Section 8-20.3(2)A is added as follows: 3 The Contractor shall provide trenching as specified herein, regardless of the material 4 encountered, as necessary for complete and proper installation of the signal, illumination 5 and ITS conduit. Trenching shall conform to the following: 6 Uniform Construction 7 Trenching for conduit runs shall be done in a neat manner, and the trench bottom shall be 8 graded to provide a uniform grade, with a width and depth as specified herein. All trenches 9 for placement of conduit shall be straight and as narrow in width as practical to provide a 10 minimum of pavement disturbance. 11 Trench Inspection 12 No work shall be covered until it has been examined by the Engineer or Inspector. Earth 13 which fills around and over the conduit shall be free of rocks greater than 2 inches up to a 14 depth of 6 inches. When trenching is being accomplished within the sidewalk area, the 15 backfill can be made with acceptable materials from the excavation and shall be 16 considered a necessary part of and incidental to the excavation in accordance with the 17 Standard Specifications. Hauling and disposal of un-used excavation material shall be 18 incidental to the cost of trenching or excavating. The compaction requirements for the 19 roadway backfill shall apply. 20 Saw Cut for Trench 21 Trenches in all paved areas shall be saw cut. The saw cuts shall be a minimum of 2-inches 22 deep and shall be parallel. Thoroughly clean saw cuts where necessary by the use of high 23 pressure water (1,400 psi or greater). All wastewater shall be collected and disposed of in 24 accordance with Section 1-07.15 of the Standard Specifications. Impervious surfaces 25 contaminated from cutting operations shall be cleaned in accordance with Section 1-07.15 26 of the Standard Specifications. 27 Pavement Removal 28 Pavement shall be removed in a manner approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall 29 take care in removing existing paving not to damage the pavement outside of the saw cut 30 lines. 31 Trench Depth 32 Trench depth shall provide 24 inches minimum of cover over all conduits unless agreed to 33 otherwise by the Engineer. Trench depth shall provide a minimum cover of 36 inches for 34 all conduits designated for fiber optic cabling. 35 Trench Width 36 The trench width shall be a minimum of 12 inches 37 Trenching in Landscaped Areas 38 Trenches shall be placed to have minimum impact on existing landscaping and irrigation 39 systems. Any damage due to the Contractor’s operation shall be repaired or replaced by 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 157 the Contractor at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 1 Trenching Through Concrete Sidewalk Areas 2 Trenching in these areas shall require removal and replacement of the concrete to the 3 limits of the existing sidewalk joints. The costs for removal and replacement shall be 4 incidental to the trenching. 5 8-20.3(5)F Damaged or Blocked Conduits 6 Section 8-20.3(5)F is added as follows: 7 Damaged or blocked conduits shall be repaired by the Contractor. The Contractor shall 8 attempt to remove debris in the conduit by blowing in air. The Contractor shall be careful 9 not to blow air towards the service or controller cabinet. If the blockage doesn’t break free, 10 the Contractor shall identify the potential blocked/damaged location using a fish tape. 11 Once the blockage location is identified, the Contractor shall attempt to remove the existing 12 cabling (if any) from the conduit. If the cabling is removed, the Contractor shall attempt to 13 pass a fish tape through the conduit again. If the fish tape passes through the conduit past 14 the identified blockage point easily, the Contractor shall attempt to reinstall all existing 15 cabling along with the new cabling called out in the Contract Plans. 16 If the existing cabling cannot be removed, or reinstalled after removal, the Contractor shall 17 excavate down to the conduit blockage point and repair the conduit break. The Contractor 18 shall obtain approval from the Engineer prior to removing existing cabling or beginning 19 excavation. All cabling shall be removed from the conduit prior to repairing the broken 20 conduit. Once the conduit is repaired, the Contractor shall restore the disturbed area. The 21 removal of cable, excavation, conduit repair, and surface restoration will be paid for by 22 change order or Minor Change as determined by the Engineer. The cost for other work 23 needed to identify and remedy blocked conduits as described in this Section shall be 24 incidental. 25 8-20.3(6) Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes 26 Section 8-20.3(6) is supplemented with the following: 27 All junction boxes and associated concrete pads shall be installed on compacted sub grade 28 which shall include six inches of 5/8th-inch minus crushed surfacing top course material 29 installed under and around the base of the junction box. The junction box shall include 30 installation of a 4" thick Class "B" cement concrete pad enclosing the junction box as per 31 the Plans, specifications and detail sheets. Concrete shall be promptly cleaned from the 32 junction box frame and lid. 33 If junction boxes are placed in the sidewalk, they shall not be placed closer than 12 inches 34 from the edge of any sidewalk or sidewalk joint. The frame and lid shall be from 0 to 3/16 35 inch below a straight edge laid across the sidewalk, and the lid shall be flat to a maximum 36 of 1/16 inch positive camber. Pre-molded joint filler for expansion joints shall be placed 37 around junction boxes installed in sidewalks. All junction boxes placed in the sidewalks 38 shall have skid resistant lids. 39 Junction boxes shall have galvanized steel locking lids and frames. 40 Wiring shall not be pulled into any conduit until all associated junction boxes have been 41 adjusted to or installed in their final grade and location, unless installation is necessary to 42 maintain system operation. If wire is installed for this reason, sufficient slack shall be left 43 to allow for final adjustment. 44 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 158 The Contractor shall not damage any existing conduits when replacing or excavating 1 existing junction boxes. The Contractor is to maintain the integrity of all junction boxes 2 during reconfiguration of the conduits, installation of new conduits or when excavating. 3 4 8-20.3(8) Wiring 5 Section 8-20.3(8) is supplemented with the following: 6 Contractor shall furnish and install new SC connectors to fiber optic cable, termination 7 panel, and provide patch cables for connection inside the traffic signal controller cabinet. 8 All illumination circuits shall be labeled with a PVC marking sleeve bearing the circuit 9 number at each junction box whether splices are present or not. Terminal strips in cabinets, 10 or when used as a connection device between conductors, shall bear the circuit numbers. 11 SEC fuse holders complete with pole and bracket cable shall be installed in any signal 12 standard or luminaire standard supporting a luminaire. Illumination wiring shall conform to 13 COR Standard Plans and these Special Provisions. 14 All stranded wires terminated at a terminal block shall have an open end, crimp style 15 solderless terminal connector, and all solid wires terminated at a terminal block shall have 16 an open end soldered terminal connector. All terminals shall be installed with a tool 17 designed for the installation of the correct type of connector and crimping with pliers, wire 18 cutters, etc., will not be allowed. All wiring inside the controller cabinet shall be trimmed 19 and cabled together to make a neat, clean appearing installation. No splicing of any traffic 20 signal conductor shall be permitted. All conductor runs shall be attached to appropriate 21 signal terminal boards with pressure type binding posts. 22 Service in 23 501 = line in, AC+ 24 502 = neutral in, AC- 25 503 = ground in, GND 26 27 Vehicle Heads: 28 Red: 611, 621, 631, 641, 651, 661, 671, 681 29 Yellow: 612, 622, 632, 642, 652, 662, 672, 682 30 Green: 613, 623, 633, 643, 653, 663, 673, 683 31 Pedestrian Heads: 32 Red: 7E1, 7F1, 7G1, 7H1 33 Yellow: 7E2, 7F2, 7G2, 7H2 34 Green: 7E3, 7F3, 7G3, 7H3 35 Overlap Heads: 36 Red: 6A1, 6B1, 6C1, 6D1 37 Yellow: 6A2. 6B2, 6C2, 6D2 38 Green: 6A3, 6B3, 6C3, 6D3 39 Pedestrian Detection: 40 Ped Call: 714, 724, 734, 744, 754, 764, 774, 784 41 Ped Returns: 715, 725, 735, 745, 755, 765, 775, 785 42 Preemption Detection: 43 +24VDC: 5AB1 = channels A & B, 5CD1 = channels C & D 44 Ground: 5AB3 = channels A & B, 5CD3 = channels C & D 45 Channel inputs: 5A2, 5B2, 5C2, 5D2 46 47 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 159 Auxiliary Preemption Detection: 1 865 = A1 2 866 = A2 3 867 = B1 4 868 = B2 5 869 = C1 6 870 = C2 7 871 = D1 8 872 = D2 9 10 * Overlap phase designator: A, B, C, D, P/E, P/F, P/G, P/H 11 12 For installing new cables in existing occupied or empty conduit, the Contractor shall be 13 responsible for the following steps: 1) Install a new pull rope using a rod/fish tape in the 14 conduit for pulling in the new cabling if a pull rope does not already exist. 2) If the 15 Contractor cannot get the rod/fish tape to pass through the conduit, the Contractor shall 16 blow air through the conduit to remove any debris blocking the rod/fish tape path. The 17 Contractor shall be careful not to blow air into controller or service cabinets. 3) If the 18 rod/fish tape still does not pass through the conduit after blowing air, the Contractor shall 19 disconnect a single existing wire as agreed to by the Engineer (if the conduit is occupied) 20 and use that wire to pull the new wiring plus a new cable to replace the existing cable that 21 is being used for pulling. 4) If no existing wire can be used to pull in the new wire, the 22 Contractor shall try another conduit run if one exists, or pull out all existing wiring from the 23 conduit and use to pull in the new wiring plus all new cabling to replace existing cabling. 24 Rodding, fish taping, blowing air, and disconnecting/ reconnecting cable shall be the 25 Contractor’s cost responsibility. In an event that none of these steps led to successful wire 26 installation, the Contractor shall install new conduit as directed by the Engineer. 27 8-20.3(9) Bonding, Grounding 28 Section 8-20.3(9) is supplemented with the following: 29 All street light standards, signal poles and other standards on which electrical equipment 30 is mounted shall be grounded to a copper clad metallic ground rod 5/8" in diameter x 8'0" 31 in length complete with a #8 AWG bare copper bonding strap located in the nearest 32 junction box. All signal controller cabinets and signal/lighting service cabinets shall be 33 grounded to a 5/8" in diameter x 8'0" in length copper clad metallic ground rod located in 34 the nearest junction box with a bare copper bonding strap sized in accordance with the 35 Plans, specifications and applicable codes. 36 Ground rods are considered miscellaneous items and all costs are to be included within 37 the Bid Items in the proposal. 38 Polyester detectable pull tape shall not be connected to the equipment-grounding system. 39 The Contractor shall provide and install bonding and grounding wires as described in 40 Standard Specifications and the National Electric Code for any new metallic junction box 41 and any modified existing junction boxes. For the purposes of this section, a box shall be 42 considered “modified” if new current-carrying conductors are installed, including low-43 voltage conductors, or if the box is adjusted to grade, or if the box lid is modified. 44 8-20.3(11) Testing 45 Section 8-20.3(11) is supplemented with following: 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 160 All work shall be completed in a manner that provides the Inspector and Engineer with full 1 knowledge of the construction. The work shall proceed in accordance with the approved 2 construction schedule previously supplied to and approved by the City. The Inspector and 3 Engineer may, at their option, require work completed without their knowledge or 4 inspection to be dismantled so that it can be inspected to their satisfaction. 5 Prior to schedule of turn-on, an electrical inspection must be passed with a copy of the 6 Electrical Control Permit in the service cabinet. 7 Signal Turn-On 8 A minimum of five (5) working days written notice will be required for signal turn-on. The 9 Contractor shall not pick up the controller cabinet from the Contracting Agency until power 10 is present at the site and all site preparation required to install the controller cabinet is 11 complete. All discrepancies and deficiencies must be corrected by the Contractor and re-12 inspected prior to requesting signal turn-on date. All functional tests required by the 13 Contract Specifications shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer 48 hours 14 prior to the turn-on date. 15 Signal turn-on shall not be allowed on Mondays, Fridays, weekends, holidays, and the 16 weekday immediately before and after a holiday. Signal turn-on shall be completed 17 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. on the day of the turn-on. No turn-on will be allowed 18 until the CITY OF RENTON TRANSPORATION MAINTENANCE MANAGER gives 19 approval. 20 The signal turn-on shall be by the City's Transportation MAINTENANCE MANAGER or his 21 representative. The Transportation MAINTENANCE MANAGER or his representative 22 shall enter all signal timing parameters as supplied by the OPERATIONS representative 23 and shall certify the intersection is operating and functioning in accordance with the 24 contract documents. The Contractor shall be present during the turn-on with adequate 25 equipment to repair any deficiencies in operation. 26 The traffic signal controller manufacturer's representative shall fully explain the operation 27 of all control equipment to the Operations representative prior to the turn-on procedure. 28 The Operations representative may contact the manufacturer to schedule the explanation 29 of the control equipment and the training session shall be provided if deemed necessary 30 by manufacturer's representative. 31 Requests for traffic signal turn on will not be considered until a pre-turn on inspection of 32 signal system has taken place. 33 Requests for signal turn on shall not be considered until electrical service to the 34 intersection has been provided and has been energized by the electric utility. 35 Channelization at the intersection must be complete per plan before requesting signal turn 36 on date. Any deletions of channelization prior to turn on must be approved by the 37 Transportation Maintenance Manager or representative. City forces shall provide, post 38 and maintain proper signing warning of new signal ahead. 39 8-20.3(13) Illumination Systems 40 Section 8-20.3(13) is supplemented with following: 41 Existing illumination shall not be removed until the temporary or new illumination system 42 is completed and operational. Temporary illumination shall not be removed until the new 43 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 161 permanent illumination system is completed and operational. If an existing street light is 1 in conflict with construction sequencing, a temporary lighting system shall be installed prior 2 to removal of the existing street light. 3 Light Standards shall be erected in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 8-4 20.3(4). 5 The illumination system shall be energized from a single photoelectric cell mounted in the 6 service cabinet in accordance with City of Renton Standard Detail 122.1. All luminaire 7 fixtures in the system shall incorporate a block out (shorting cap) for the photocell. 8 8-20.3(13)A Light Standards 9 Section 8-20.3(13)A is supplemented with following: 10 Lighting standards shall be fabricated in conformance with the methods and materials 11 specified on the pre-approved Plans and outlined in the Standard Specifications and these 12 Special Provisions. 13 Anchor bolts shall extend through the top heavy-hex nut two full threads to the extent 14 possible while conforming to the specified slip base clearance requirements. Anchor bolts 15 shall be tightened by the Turn-Of-Nut Tightening Method in accordance with Standard 16 Specifications Sections 6-03.3(33) and 8-20.3(4). 17 Installation of all nuts and bolts shall be performed with proper sized sockets, open end or 18 box wrenches. Use of pipe wrenches or other tools which can damage the galvanization 19 of the nuts and bolts will not be permitted. Tools shall be of a sufficient size and strength 20 to achieve adequate torqueing of the nut(s). 21 The grout pad shall not extend above the elevation of the bottom of the base. The 22 hand hole shall be located at 90 degrees to the davit arm on the side away from traffic. 23 A grounding lug or nut shall be provided in the handhole frame or inside the handhole 24 frame or inside the pole shaft to attach a ground bonding strap. 25 All poles and davit arms shall be designed to support a luminaire weight of 50 lbs. or more 26 and to withstand pressures caused by wind loads of 85 MPH with gust factor of 1.3. 27 All poles shall maintain a minimum safety factor of 4.38 PSI on yield strength of weight 28 load and 2.33 PSI for basic wind pressure. 29 Miscellaneous Hardware: 30 All hardware (bolts, nuts, screws, washers, etc.) needed to complete the installation shall 31 be stainless steel. 32 I.D. (Identification for poles): 33 In the event of any damage to City-provided poles, the Contractor shall provide a 34 combination of digits and letters on each pole (per luminaire schedules on illumination 35 plans), whether individual luminaire or signal pole with luminaire. The letter and numbers 36 combination shall be mounted at the 15 foot level on the pole facing approaching traffic. 37 Legends shall be sealed with transparent film, resistant to dust, weather and ultraviolet 38 exposure. The decal markers shall be either: 39 3 inch square with gothic gold or white reflectorized 2 inch legend on a black 40 background, or 41 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 162 3 inch square with black 2 inch legend on a white reflectorized background. 1 2 The I.D. number will be assigned to each pole at the end of the contract or project by the 3 Transportation Maintenance Manager. Cost for the decals shall be considered incidental 4 to the contract bid. 5 Light standards shall be 6063-T4 aluminum and shall meet the pole detail requirements 6 indicated below and the detail sheets in the Plans. 7 The pole shaft shall be provided with a 3" x 5" flush handhole near the base and a matching 8 metal cover secured with stainless steel screws or bolts. 9 The pole shall be adjusted for plumb after all needed equipment has been installed 10 thereon. After pole is installed and plumbed, nuts shall be tightened on anchor bolts using 11 proper sized sockets, open end, or box wrenches. Use of pliers, pipe wrenches, or other 12 tools that can damage galvanizing will not be permitted. Tools shall be of sufficient size to 13 achieve adequate torquing of the nuts. The space between the concrete foundation and 14 the bottom of the pole base plate shall be filled with a dry pack mortar grout and troweled 15 to a smooth finish conforming to the contour of the pole base plate. 16 17 Dry pack mortar grout shall consist of a 1:3 mixture of portland cement and fine sand with 18 just enough water so that the mixture will stick together on being molded into a ball by 19 hand, and will not exude moisture when so pressed. A one half-inch drain hole shall be left 20 in the bottom of the grout pad as shown on WSDOT Standard Detail J-28.40-02. 21 ID tag 22 Install ID tag on pole and in foundation per City Of Renton Standard plan 139. 23 In the event that the poles procured by the City have an anchor bolt circle or other design 24 element that is inconsistent with the foundation designs included in the Plans for light 25 poles, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and develop a revised foundation design 26 that achieves the structural requirements of the initial design and conforms to the pole 27 design as furnished by the City. 28 29 8-20.3(14) Signal Systems 30 8-20.3(14)B Signal Heads 31 Section 8-20.3(14)B is supplemented with following: 32 All vehicle and pedestrian signal heads shall be securely covered with opaque (non-33 translucent) light colored material between installation and signal turn-on. Signal heads 34 shall also be completely covered after testing and prior to signal turn-on. Visqueen duct 35 tape shall not be allowed to secure the covers to the signal heads. 36 Vehicle heads that are to remain covered for a period AFTER turn-on of the signal, shall 37 be covered with a heavy, waterproof, opaque canvas, white, yellow, or khaki in color, 38 securable by braided nylon rope labeled “OUT OF SERVICE”. 39 The Contractor shall provide and install all new vehicular signal head mounting hardware. 40 Mounting hardware will provide for a rigid connection between the signal head and mast 41 arm or pole. 42 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 163 Position of the signal heads shall be as specified on the Pole Specifications Plan. All signal 1 heads mounted on Type M mounts shall have the plumbizer between the top and second 2 display. The bottom housing of a signal face shall conform to the requirements as stated 3 in the current approved edition of the MUTCD. 4 The highest intensity of the red lens in the signal head shall be aimed at a point 4 times 5 the posted speed limit from the stop bar (measured in linear feet). Final orientation of signal 6 heads shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer in the field. 7 8-20.3(14)E Signal Standards 8 Section 8-20.3(14)E is supplemented with following: 9 Traffic signal standards shall be fabricated in conformance with the methods and materials 10 specified on the pre-approved plans and outlined in the Standard Specifications and these 11 Special Provisions, Sections 9-29.6(1)B Decorative Signal Poles. All Type II and III signal 12 standards shall have terminal cabinets and luminaire arm connection as described in 9-13 29.6(1)B. 14 15 While delivering the poles and arms to the job site and before they are installed, they shall 16 be transported and stored in a manner that will not inconvenience the public or damage 17 the surface finish. Poles shall be inspected by the Transportation Maintenance Department 18 prior to install. Poles shall be unwrapped for visual inspection by contractor prior to 19 inspection. Once approved poles can be installed. Extreme care shall be taken by the 20 Contractor during installation and pole erection to avoid damage to the finish. 21 22 The poles shall be installed on leveling nuts and washers secured to the anchor bolts and 23 with locking nuts and washers on the top of the base flange with a minimum of two full 24 threads extending beyond the locking nut. The side of the shaft opposite the load shall be 25 plumbed by adjusting the leveling nuts or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Leveling 26 nuts shall not be encased in the concrete foundation. The space between the concrete 27 base and the bottom of the pole flange shall be filled with dry pack mortar to completely fill 28 the space under the flange and be neatly troweled to the contour of the pole flange. A 29 barrier shall be placed around the anchor bolts to prevent grout from entering the conduits. 30 A plastic drain hose (3/8-inch diameter) shall be inserted through the mortar to provide the 31 drainage from the interior of the pole base and be trimmed flush with the interior and 32 exterior surface of the mortar. Dry pack mortar shall consist of a 1 to 3 mixture of cement 33 and fine sand. 34 35 Installation of all nuts and bolts shall be performed with proper sized sockets, open end or 36 box wrenches. Use of pipe wrenches or other tools which can damage the galvanization 37 of the nuts and bolts will not be permitted. Tools shall be of a sufficient size and strength 38 to achieve adequate torqueing of the nut(s). 39 40 All welds shall comply with the latest AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural 41 Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals. Welding inspection shall 42 comply with Standard Specifications Section 6-03.3(25)A Welding Inspection. 43 44 Hardened washers shall be used with all signal arm-connecting bolts instead of lock 45 washers. All signal arm AASHTO M 164 connecting bolts shall be tightened to 40 percent 46 of proof load. 47 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 164 Install a new ID tag on pole and in the foundation per City of Renton Standard Plan 139 1 (Signal Pole Foundation and Pole Identification Tag Detail). All pole shafts shall have nut 2 covers or decorative plate over locking nuts. 3 4 In the event that the poles procured by the City have an anchor bolt circle or other design 5 element that is inconsistent with the foundation designs included in the Plans for light 6 poles, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and develop a revised foundation design 7 that achieves the structural requirements of the initial design and conforms to the pole 8 design as furnished by the City. 9 10 8-20.3(14)F Opticom Priority Control Systems 11 Section 8-20.3(14)F is added as follows: 12 Emergency preemption detectors shall be installed in a drilled and tapped hole in the top 13 of the mast arm unless otherwise shown in the Plans. They shall be tightly fitted to point 14 in the direction shown in the plan view. Lead-in cable back to the controller shall be GTT 15 detector 138 cable, or equivalent, and shall have no splices. All lead-in cables shall be 16 connected to terminals in the controller cabinet as shown in the wiring diagram. The shields 17 shall be grounded to the grounding bar. A GPS opticom antenna shall be installed on top 18 of the luminaire pole that is closest to the signal cabinet. 19 8-20.3(14)G Terminal Cabinets 20 Section 8-20.3(14)G is added as follows: 21 The terminal cabinets shall be mounted on the pole using a 4 inch wide aluminum channel 22 away from the traffic side, with the bottom of the cabinet above the pedestrian signal heads 23 where present and in no case less than 8 feet above the ground level. Terminal cabinets 24 shall be factory finish painted to match signal pole color per Section 6-07 of these Special 25 Provisions. 26 8-20.3(14)H Pedestrian Push Button Assembly 27 Section 8-20.3(14)H is added as follows: 28 The Contractor shall furnish and field-install complete APS type pedestrian pushbutton 29 assemblies and signs on the signal poles and all associated equipment in the signal 30 cabinets. The position and orientation of the pedestrian push buttons shall be located as 31 shown on Plans; however, final positioning for the optimum effectiveness shall be 32 approved by the Engineer or Transportation Maintenance Manager. 33 8-20.3(15) Grout 34 Section 8-20.3(15) is supplemented with the following: 35 After the pole is plumbed the space between the concrete foundation and the bottom of 36 the pole base plate shall be filled with a dry pack mortar grout troweled to a smooth finish 37 conforming to the contour of the pole base plate. Dry pack mortar grout shall consist of a 38 1:3 mixture of Portland cement and fine sand with just enough water so that the mixture 39 will stick together on being molded into a ball by hand and will not exude moisture when 40 so pressed. A one half inch drain hole shall be left in the bottom of the grout pad as shown 41 on the standard detail. 42 8-20.3(16) Reinstalling Salvaged Material 43 Section 8-20.3(16) is supplemented with the following: 44 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 165 Signal Standards 1 Signal equipment and signs removed from existing signal standards shall be reinstalled 2 on new decorative signal standards with the same mountings as existing mountings and 3 at locations shown and noted on the Plans. 4 Wiring shall be fully restored to new decorative signal standards so that the signal, 5 including all reinstalled salvage equipment, is fully functional. 6 7 8-20.3(17) “As Built” Plans 8 Section 8-20.3(17) is supplemented with the following: 9 Upon completion of the construction and prior to the turn-on of any traffic control 10 equipment, the Contractor shall furnish an “as-built” plans of each intersection showing all 11 signal heads, pole locations, detectors, junction boxes, miscellaneous equipment, 12 conductors, cable wires up to the signal controller cabinet, and with a special symbol 13 identifying those items that have been changed from the original Contract Drawings. All 14 items shall be located within 1-foot horizontal distance and 6 inches vertical distance 15 above, below, or at the surface. 16 Fiber Optic “As Built” Records 17 The Contractor shall provide the City of Renton Transportation Maintenance Manager 18 (contact: Eric Cutshall at 425-430-7423) with a cable route diagram indicating the actual 19 cable route and "foot marks" for all junction boxes, for the entrance and exit to slack points 20 and at all termination points. The Contractor shall record these points during cable 21 installation. The Contractor shall provide Cable system "as-built" drawings showing the 22 exact cable route to the Transportation Maintenance Manager. 23 8-20.3(18) Video Detection System 24 Section 8-20.3(18) is added as follows: 25 The permanent video detection system shall consist of the following: 26 27 Video cameras, including camera enclosure, filter, sunshield and connector kit. 28 Camera mount assemblies, including extensions as specified in the Plans. 29 Video image processors 30 Remote communications module 31 9-inch Video Monitor, including cable 32 Programming devices and/or software 33 Remote management software 34 Camera lenses and lens adjustment modules 35 Surge Suppressor 36 Coaxial and power cables 37 All other equipment necessary for a fully operational video detection system. 38 Cameras shall be mounted at a sufficient height to prevent occlusion from cross traffic. 39 The Contractor shall provide the camera mounts and cable per these Specifications. The 40 Contractor shall install the cameras and controller cabinet video camera equipment under 41 the presence of City of Renton Transportation Maintenance Representative and the 42 Representative will program the cameras to provide detection. The Contractor shall notify 43 the Engineer 48 hours in advance of changes that will require reprogramming cameras. 44 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 166 8-20.3(19) Fiber Optic Networks 1 Section 8-20.3(19) is added as follows: 2 The Contractor shall coordinate with City of Renton Transportation Maintenance Manager 3 (contact person: Eric Cutshall at 425-430-7423) to coordinate fiber optic network work 4 14 working days prior to commencing this work. Contractor shall be responsible for pulling 5 all fiber, providing and installing patch panels in controller cabinets, splicing, and other 6 work necessary to complete the working fiber optic system as outlined on the Plans. 7 8-20.3(19)A Fiber Optic Patch Panels 8 Section 8-20.3(19)A is added as follows: 9 Install signal controller mounted patch panels for all fiber terminating applications. 10 Patch panels shall accept SC style connectors. 11 The Contractor shall provide all necessary tools, consumables, cleaner, mounting 12 hardware and other materials required for the complete installation of each patch panel. 13 A wiring diagram shall be supplied with each patch panel. The wiring diagram shall identify 14 the destination of each fiber terminated in the patch panel. The destination information 15 shall include at a minimum, an intersection name, cabinet number, patch panel number 16 and patch panel port. The wiring diagram shall be placed in a plastic sheet protector next 17 to the patch panel and a copy submitted to the City of Renton Transportation Maintenance 18 Manager with As-Built drawings. Each row of ports in the patch panels shall be labeled 19 with the associated port numbers with the assumption that the numbers increase from top 20 to bottom or left to right. 21 8-20.3(19)B Fiber Optic Cable Splicing 22 Section 8-20.3(19)B is added as follows: 23 Fiber optic cable splicing shall consist of adding SC connectors to existing spare fiber optic 24 cable. 25 8-20.3(19)C Fiber Optic Terminations 26 Section 8-20.3(19)C is added as follows: 27 All fiber splices and terminations shall be made in the presence of the Project 28 Representative. 29 8-20.3(19)D Fiber Optic Cable Labeling 30 Section 8-20.3(19)D is added as follows: 31 32 1. Permanent cable labels shall be used to identify fibers and patch cords at each 33 termination point. The cable labels shall consist of white colored heat shrink wraps 34 with the connector end labeled with the destination of the fiber on the other end of 35 the fiber port and the port number. 36 2. Each junction box, small cable vault and cabinet entered with the fiber optic cable 37 shall have the cable labeled with a permanent plastic marking tag that is securely 38 fastened to the cable. The labeling shall be of a consistent format that is approved 39 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 167 by the Project Representative. At a minimum, the label shall indicate the cable 1 owner, origin, destination (identified as a full cable termination location or trunk 2 splice location), fiber count and the cable number. The labeling shall be permanent 3 with legible manufactured labels. 4 3. A yellow #14 AWG trace wire shall be installed in all conduit containing fiber optic 5 cable. 6 4. In vault locations where the ### count fiber optic cable is installed, the label 7 attached to the ### count fiber optic cable shall also include the following 8 information in addition to the requirements outlined in the Section above: 9 Purchased with 2010/UA Sl Funds 10 Grant No. 201 0-SS-T)-0084 11 KC-RCECC redundant fiber contact 12 King County IT @ 206.263.7000 13 8-20.3(19)E Fiber Optic SC Connector 14 Section 8-20.3(19)E is added as follows: 15 The Fiber Optic SC Connector shall provide for the termination of the individual fiber optic 16 strands. 17 8-20.3(19)F Fiber Optic Cable Pre-Installation Testing 18 Section 8-20.3(19)F is added as follows: 19 Pre-installation tests shall be conducted on the cable reels prior to installation. These tests 20 shall be performed in accordance with EIA/TIA-455-78 for single-mode fibers using an 21 optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR). Both ends of the cable shall be accessible for 22 the tests, and it may be necessary to remove a portion of the protective wooden lagging 23 on the reel. Measurements shall be made using the 1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths, 24 and shall be compared to the factory test results. Test results shall be provided to the 25 Engineer and approved. 26 8-20.3(19)G Qualifications 27 Section 8-20.3(19)G is added as follows: 28 Qualifications as defined in Section 8-20.2(2) of these Special Provisions, shall be 29 submitted to the Engineer at least 30 calendar days prior to the splicing for approval of 30 qualifications. When performing a splice, the fusion set must be on a stable surface and 31 the splicing area must be relatively dust free. Therefore, it is required that the splicing 32 should be done in a van or tent and not in the open air, in a manhole or vault. 33 8-20.3(20) System Acceptance Testing for Fiber Optic Networks 34 Section 8-20.3(20) is added as follows: 35 8-20.3(20)A Testing and Commissioning 36 Section 8-20.3(20)A is added as follows: 37 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 168 The Contractor is responsible for demonstrating the functionality of the installed system 1 through testing. These tests shall be conducted in accordance with an approved test plan 2 that shall cover the key functional requirements of the Work. 3 The Contractor shall, at its cost, provide suitable test equipment, instruments and labor for 4 the purpose of tests. 5 The Contractor shall provide sufficient notice of not less than three (3) working days prior 6 to the commencement of the first test. The Contractor shall submit with this notice a 7 schedule of all tests covered by this notice. 8 8-20.3(20)B Test Plans 9 Section 8-20.3(20)B is added as follows: 10 The Contractor shall prepare an Acceptance Test Plan that outlines the procedures to be 11 used, the required test equipment, and the expected results. The plan shall include copies 12 of all test result forms to be completed. 13 The Contractor shall submit the test plan to the Engineer or its representative for approval. 14 The test plan must be approved at least ten (10) working days before a test is conducted. 15 The Contractor shall submit the completed test forms to the Engineer as soon as 16 practicable after the completion of the test whether witnessed by the Engineer or its 17 representative or not. 18 8-20.3(20)C Final Inspection 19 Section 8-20.3(20)C is added as follows: 20 Final Inspection will include the following activities: 21 The ‘as-built’ drawings and manuals will be examined by the Engineer’s 22 engineering personnel and involved parties for conformance to the Drawings, 23 Codes, Regulations, and General Accuracy. Any variation from specifications will 24 be highlighted. 25 Acceptance test results will be reviewed. 26 All aspects of the Work will be physically inspected to ensure that all work has been 27 completed in accordance with the Specifications. 28 Upon completion of all final inspection activities, any deficiencies will be recorded. 29 Deficiencies will be corrected by the appropriate party and may be then re-30 inspected by the Engineer. 31 The Final Inspection shall not be deemed complete until all deficiencies are 32 corrected. 33 8-20.3(20)D OTDR Testing 34 Section 8-20.3(20)D is added as follows: 35 Fiber Optic Testing that uses an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) shall adhere 36 to the following specifications: 37 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 169 Use an OTDR that is capable of storing traces electronically and save each final 1 trace. 2 The OTDR shall have suitable dynamic range and performance characteristics as 3 determined by the Power Utility. 4 Use a 1000’ fiber optic launch box to ensure that start of the fiber under test is not 5 in the “dead zone” of the OTDR. The first connector of the link under test shall be 6 visible on the trace. 7 Prior to testing, all fiber optic connectors and bare fiber ends are to be properly 8 cleaned using a residue free alcohol solution (better than 91% de-natured alcohol 9 and distilled water) and compressed air. 10 Expand the vertical and horizontal scales used on the OTDR to maximize the 11 amount of detail shown on the OTDR trace, even if these parameters can be 12 adjusted later using display software. 13 OTDR traces shall be recorded in suitable electronic format. As applicable, the 14 software and applicable licenses required to read the OTDR traces shall be 15 provided to the City at no extra charge. 16 Ensure that traces identify the end points of the fiber under test and the fiber 17 designation. If this information is not provided by the trace itself, provide a cross-18 reference table between the stored trace file name and the fiber designation. 19 8-20.3(20)E OTDR Testing of Spliced Fiber Links 20 Section 8-20.3(20)E is added as follows: 21 This describes the testing to be completed on all sections of the fiber network after splicing 22 is completed. For this section, a fiber link shall be defined as a continuous section of fiber 23 from connector to connector that may pass through a number of intermediate splices. 24 OTDR testing shall be completed as follows: 25 Test each fiber link in the cable at 1310 nm and 1550 nm, in each direction. 26 Verify that each completed fusion is less than 0.20 dB, measured as the average 27 of splice loss measured in each direction through the link. 28 Re-make any fusions in excess of 0.20 dB, unless the Engineer specifically 29 approves such high loss fusions, and re-test any fiber links that have been re-fused. 30 8-20.3(20)F Attenuation Testing 31 Section 8-20.3(20)F is added as follows: 32 This describes the attenuation testing to be completed on all sections of the fiber network 33 after splicing is completed. An optical power meter and light source shall be used to 34 measure end-to-end attenuation that will include fiber patch panel assembly connector 35 losses. Every spliced link with a connection at each end shall be tested at 1310 nm and 36 1550 nm. 37 Attenuation testing shall be completed as follows: 38 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 170 Test each fiber link in the cable at 1310 nm and 1550 nm. 1 Connect the optical source and meter together using a 10-foot patch cord. Record 2 the optical power received by the optical meter as the reference reading. 3 Without removing the patch cord from the optical source, measure the recorded 4 light level at the other end of the fiber link. Actual cable loss will be the measured 5 loss minus the initial power source reading. Record the actual cable loss on the 6 Acceptance Test Results forms. 7 Measure each fiber in both directions. (The loss over a fiber may not necessarily 8 be the same in each direction). 9 Re-measure the reference attenuation after every 200 measurements or every 4 10 hours, whichever occurs first. 11 8-20.3(20)G Submittals 12 Section 8-20.3(20)G is added as follows: 13 Provide one hard copy of the trace for every spliced fiber. Hard copy traces shall 14 be organized and bound in a logical order. 15 Submit, after approval of the hard copy traces, soft copies of all traces and 16 appropriate software to allow reading the traces. 17 Submit the results of every attenuation test. 18 19 8-20.3(21) Boeing Electrical System 20 Section 8-20.3(21) is added as follows: 21 22 (******) 23 Adjustments to the existing Boeing electrical system structures shall be in 24 conformance with Section 7-05.3(1) and 8-20.3(6) for manholes and vaults, 25 respectively. Adjustments shall be completed so that Boeing’s conduits and wiring 26 are not impacted and the Boeing power supply is not interrupted. 27 28 8-20.4 Measurement 29 Section 8-20.4 is supplemented with the following: 30 31 (******) 32 Adjustments of Boeing electrical structures will be measured per each. Each Boeing structure 33 adjusted during the project will be measured only once, regardless of the number of times it is 34 adjusted to grade during the various construction stages. 35 36 8-20.5 Payment 37 The second paragraph of Section 8-20.5 is supplemented with the following: 38 39 (******) 40 Directional boring of all conduits associated with the items “Illumination System _____” and 41 “Traffic Signal System ______” as shown in the Plans shall be included in the above pay items 42 and not paid separately. 43 44 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 171 Section 8-20.5 is supplemented with the following: 1 2 (******) 3 “Temporary Traffic Signal and Illumination System”, lump sum. 4 The lump sum Contract price for “Temporary Traffic Signal and Illumination System” shall be 5 full pay for altering the existing traffic signal and lighting systems as required during 6 construction, including rewiring, removing and reinstalling signal heads, bagging signal heads, 7 procuring and installing new equipment and wiring as required, salvaging materials after 8 decommissioning of the temporary traffic signal and/or illumination systems, restoring facilities 9 destroyed or damaged during construction, and for making all required tests. All additional 10 materials and labor, not shown in the Plans or called for herein and which are required to 11 complete the temporary electrical system, shall be included in the lump sum Contract price. 12 13 “Adjust Boeing Electrical Structure”, per each. 14 The unit Contract price per each for “Adjust Boeing Electrical Structure” shall be full pay for all 15 costs necessary to make the adjustment including restoration of adjacent areas in a manner 16 acceptable to the Engineer. 17 18 8-21 PERMANENT SIGNING 19 20 8-21.4 Measurement 21 Section 8-21.4 is supplemented with the following: 22 23 (April 6, 2015 WSDOT GSP) 24 Permanent Signing contain(s) the following approximate quantities of material and work: 25 26 13 (EA) new traffic posts 27 42 (EA) new traffic signs (340 SF of total new sign facing) 28 3 (EA) sign relocations 29 30 The quantities are listed only for the convenience of the Contractor in determining the 31 volume of work involved and are not guaranteed to be accurate. The prospective bidders 32 shall verify these quantities before submitting a bid. No adjustments other than for 33 approved changes will be made in the applicable sign structure lump sum contract price 34 even though the actual quantities required may deviate from those listed. 35 36 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING 37 38 8-22.1 Description 39 Section 8-22.1 is supplemented with the following: 40 41 (******) 42 Pavement markings shall conform to the following WSDOT Standard Plans and City of 43 Renton Standard Plans: 44 COR 109 PAVEMENT MARKING NOTES 45 COR 127 THERMOPLASTIC/PAINTED CROSSWALK 46 COR 128 THERMOPLASTIC/PAINTED PARALLEL CROSSWALK 47 M-3.10-04 LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION 48 M-3.20-03 LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION REDUCED TAPERS 49 M-3.30-04 LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION TEE INTERSECTION AND BACK-50 TO-BACK TURN LANES 51 M-3.40-04 TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN AND MEDIAN CHANNELIZATION 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 172 M-3.50-03 DOUBLE LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION 1 M-5.10-03 RIGHT TURN CHANNELIZATION 2 M-9.50-02 BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL LAYOUT 3 M-9.60-00 SHARED - USE PATH MARKINGS 4 M-11.10-03 RAILROAD CROSSING LAYOUT 5 M-12.10-02 ROUNDABOUT PAVEMENT MARKINGS 6 M-20.10-03 LONGITUDINAL MARKING PATTERNS 7 M-20.20-02 PROFILED AND EMBOSSED PLASTIC LINES 8 M-24.20-02 SYMBOL MARKINGS ~ TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR HIGH-SPEED 9 ROADWAYS 10 M-24.40-02 SYMBOL MARKINGS ~ TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR LOW-SPEED 11 ROADWAYS 12 M-24.60-04 SYMBOL MARKINGS MISCELLANEOUS 13 14 8-22.2 Materials 15 Section 8-22.2 Sentence #3 is deleted and replaced with the following: 16 17 (******) 18 Glass beads for Type A plastic shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 19 20 Section 8-22.2 is supplemented with the following: 21 22 (******) 23 Glass beads for Type D plastic and Bonded Core Elements shall be as shown in Section 24 9-34.4. 25 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 173 8-22.3 Construction Requirements 1 Section 8-22.3 is supplemented with the following: 2 3 (******) 4 Contractor shall notify the Engineer and request approval of the pre-mark 5 channelization at least 48 hours prior to placement of pavement markings. 6 7 All Pavement markings on concrete intersections shall be 3M Stamark all weather Tape 8 380AW and Contrast Tape 380AWE-5. 9 10 Thermal plastic on Asphalt shall contain 3M 50/50 wet/dry elements. 11 12 Temporary Pavement Marking 13 Temporary pavement markings shall be installed and maintained by the Contractor 14 whenever permanent pavement markings are included in the Contract and traffic is 15 released onto public streets or roadways prior to installation of permanent pavement 16 markings. The Contractor shall perform preliminary layout work to the satisfaction of the 17 Engineer prior to installation of temporary pavement markings. After approval of 18 permanent lane markings, the Contractor shall remove the temporary lane markings to 19 the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall install and remove approved 4 20 inch wide reflective traffic tape for temporary pavement markings as specified in the 21 Plans, these Special Provisions, or as directed by the Engineer. 22 23 Appropriately colored 4-inch-wide reflective traffic tape shall be installed with a skip 24 pattern based on a 10-foot unit consisting of a 1-foot line of tape and a 9-foot gap, 25 unless otherwise specified on the Plans or in the Special Provisions. Reflective traffic 26 tape markings shall generally follow the alignment for the permanent pavement 27 markings and double lines shall be used when specified for the permanent pavement 28 markings. 29 30 Reflective tape shall not be used when the temporary pavement markings are to be 31 exposed to traffic for more than two weeks without the written approval of the Engineer. 32 33 Paint lines shall be provided for temporary pavement marking conditions not applicable 34 for reflective tape. 35 36 All costs in connection with the use of (placement and removal) reflective traffic tape as 37 temporary pavement markings shall be incidental to other bid items. All costs for paint 38 lines and reflective pavement markers used for temporary traffic control will be paid 39 under those respective bid items. 40 41 8-22.3(3)E Installation 42 Section 8-22.3(3)E is modified as follows: 43 44 (******) 45 When applying paint, Type A or Type C material, ensure that both the pavement 46 surface and the air temperature at the time of application are not less than 50°F 47 and rising. When applying Type B or Type D material, ensure that both the 48 pavement surface and the air temperature at the time of application are not less 49 than 50°F and rising. 50 51 Section 8-22.3(3)E is supplemented with the following: 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 174 1 (******) 2 Profiled Type D lines shall be installed per WSDOT Standard Plan M-20.20-01. 3 4 8-22.3(3)G Glass Beads 5 Section 8-22.3(3)G is supplemented with the following: 6 7 (******) 8 Glass beads shall be applied to Type D markings at a rate of eight (8) to ten (10) 9 pounds per one hundred square feet. 10 11 Bonded core elements shall be applied to Type D markings at a rate of ten (10) 12 grams per four (4) inch wide by one (1) linear foot of marking. 13 14 8-22.3(6) Removing Pavement Markings 15 Section 8-22.3(6) is supplemented with the following: 16 17 (******) 18 Existing pavement markings within the construction limits, including stop bars, 19 traffic arrows, lane markers, and raised pavement markers shall be removed prior 20 to overlaying the roadway surface. 21 22 All conflicting channelization shall be removed as necessary by sand blasting to 23 install temporary pavement markings or after the final channelization has been 24 installed. 25 26 Removal of existing pavement markings shall be conducted using such methods to 27 prevent damage to the remaining pavement. The use of chemicals that may be 28 harmful to the pavement will not be allowed. Damaged pavement shall be replaced 29 at the Contractor's expense. 30 31 8-22.4 Measurement 32 33 The fourth and fifth paragraphs of Section 8-22.4 are revised to read: 34 35 (January 10, 2022 WSDOT GSP) 36 Wide dotted circulating lane line, wide solid lane line, strong lane line, wide edge line, 37 wide lane line, wide broken lane line, double wide lane line, wide dotted lane line, and 38 wide dotted extension line will be measured by the completed linear foot as “Painted Wide 39 Line”, “Plastic Wide Line”, “Profiled Plastic Wide Line”, Profiled Embossed Wide Line”, or 40 “Grooved Plastic Wide Line”. 41 42 The measurement for “Painted Wide Line”, “Plastic Wide Line”, “Profiled Plastic Wide 43 Line”, “Profiled Embossed Wide Line”, or “Grooved Plastic Wide Line” will be based on 44 the total length of each 8-inch wide line installed. No deduction will be made for the 45 unmarked area when the marking includes a broken or dotted line. 46 47 (******) 48 References to “Plastic” in the ninth and tenth paragraphs of Section 8-22.4 are replaced with 49 “Profiled Plastic”. 50 51 The second to last paragraph of Section 8-22.4 is revised to read: 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 175 1 (January 10, 2022 WSDOT GSP) 2 Removal of lines, regardless of width, will be measured by the linear foot, with no 3 deduction being made for the unmarked area when the marking includes a gap. 4 5 8-22.5 Payment 6 The twenty-first paragraph of Section 8-22.5 is replaced with the following: 7 8 (******) 9 “Profiled Plastic Crosshatch Marking”, per linear foot. 10 11 8-23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS 12 13 8-23.4 Measurement 14 15 (******) 16 Section 8-23.4 is revised to read: 17 18 (******) 19 Temporary pavement markings shall not be measured. 20 21 8-23.5 Payment 22 Section 8-23.5 is revised to read: 23 24 (******) 25 All temporary pavement markings will be incidental to other items. 26 27 28 END OF DIVISON 8 29 30 31 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 176 1 DIVISION 9 2 Materials 3 4 9-05.2(6) Perforated PVC Underdrain Pipe 5 6 Section 9-05.2(6) is supplemented with the following: 7 8 (******) 9 PVC couplings and fittings shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 278. 10 11 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING 12 13 9-14.1 Topsoil 14 15 9-14.1(1) Topsoil Type A 16 17 Section 9-14.1(1) is supplemented with the following: 18 19 (August 7, 2017 WSDOT GSP) 20 Topsoil Type A shall meet the following requirements: 21 22 1. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) of Topsoil Type A shall be a minimum of 5 23 milliequivalents CEC/100 g dry soil (U.S. EPA Method 9081). 24 25 2. Organic content greater than 8-percent but less than 15-percent as measured on a dry 26 weight basis using AASHTO T 267 Determination of Organic Content in Soils by Loss on 27 Ignition. 28 29 Topsoil Type A shall be 60-percent to 70-percent Sandy Loam and 40-percent to 30-30 percent Fine Compost by volume. Sandy Loam shall be as defined by the US Department 31 of Agriculture Soil Classification System. 32 33 The Contractor shall submit a Particle Size Analysis as a Type 1 Working Drawing from 34 an independent accredited soils testing laboratory indicating the Material source and 35 compliance with all Topsoil Type A specifications. The laboratory analysis shall be with a 36 sample size of no less than 2 pounds. 37 38 The Fine Compost shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-14.4(8). 39 40 9-14.4 Mulch and Amendments 41 42 9-14.4(8) Compost 43 44 Section 9-14.4(8) is supplemented with the following: 45 46 (January 3, 2010 WSDOT GSP) 47 Acceptance will be based upon a visual examination of the compost and US 48 Composting Council Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) certified laboratory test results 49 dated within 90 calendar days of the application. 50 51 (April 7, 2014 WSDOT GSP) 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 177 The compost product may contain biosolids as a feedstock. Biosolids compost 1 production and quality shall comply with WAC 173-308. 2 3 The Compost Submittal Requirements shall include a copy of the Coverage Under 4 the General Permit for Biosolids Management issued to the manufacturer by the 5 Department of Ecology in accordance with WAC 173-308 (Biosolids Management). 6 7 Section 9-14 is supplemented with the following: 8 9 (******) 10 9-14.9 Root Barrier 11 Root barrier shall be Style 889 Nylon from Jason Mills LLC or approved equal with flexible 12 mesh material, 100% nylon, raschel knit construction, minimum 10 ounces per square 13 yard, with firm/extra firm acrylic topical resin finish. 14 15 9-28 SIGNING MATERIALS AND FABRICATION 16 17 9-28.7 Process Colors 18 Section 9-28.7 is supplemented with the following: 19 (******) 20 Back of mast arm mounted signs and associated banding shall match signal mast arm 21 color. 22 Pedestrian signs (W11-2, W11-9, W15-1, and associated signs/plaques mounted on the 23 same post) shall be fluorescent yellow-green. 24 9-28.11 Hardware 25 26 Section 9-28.11 is supplemented with the following: 27 28 (August 3, 2015 WSDOT GSP) 29 Locknuts shown in the Plans specifying a locknut or locknut with nylon insert shall conform 30 to one of the following: 31 32 1. ANCO Pin Locknut, with stainless steel locking pin, as manufactured by Lok-Mor, Inc. 33 34 2. Tri-lock Locknut, as manufactured by Lok-Mor, Inc. 35 36 3. Grade DH or 2H hex or heavy hex nuts conforming to one of the ASTM material 37 specifications in the Locknut category of the Hardware table of this Section may be 38 modified by installing a nylon insert washer. A minimum of 60-percent of the original 39 number of threads shall meet the requirements of the applicable ASTM material 40 specification after insertion of the nylon insert washer. 41 42 4. Hex or heavy hex nuts conforming to one of the ASTM material specifications in the 43 Locknut category of the Hardware table of this Section may be modified by adding one of 44 the following products to a minimum of one-half of the internal threads of the nut and the 45 entire exterior top surface of the nut: 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 178 1 a. Nylok Blue Torq-Patch Locknut. 2 3 b. Nylok Precote 30. 4 5 c. ND Patch 360 Ring Patch. 6 7 The nuts with any of the three listed products are permitted for a single use only and shall 8 have a maximum of two nut widths of thread extending beyond the nut after installation. 9 10 The alternatives to locknuts specified in Standard Plans G-90.20, G-90.30, and J-75.41 11 are deleted and replaced with the four options specified above. 12 13 9-28.12 Reflective Sheeting 14 Section 9-28.12 is supplemented with the following: 15 (******) 16 All ground mounted S series school signs, pedestrian signs, and construction signs shall 17 be Type IX OmniView, Series T-9500 by Avery Dennison, or Type XI Diamond Grade, 18 Series 3990 by 3M. 19 All other ground mounted signs shall be Type IV High Intensity Prismatic, Series T-6500 by 20 Avery Dennison, or Type IV High Intensity Prismatic, Series 3930 by 3M. 21 Overhead signs shall be Type XI OmniCube, Series T-11500 by Avery Dennison, or Type 22 XI Diamond Grade DG3, Series 4000 by 3M. 23 24 9-29 ILLUMINATION, SIGNAL, ELECTRICAL 25 9-29.1 Conduit, Innerduct, and Outerduct 26 Section 9-29.1 is supplemented with the following: 27 (******) 28 The conduit PVC - non-metallic shall be of the two types indicated below: 29 1. Schedule 80 extra heavy wall PVC conforming to ASTM Standards, to be used in all 30 installations under roadways. 31 2. Schedule 40 heavy wall PVC conforming to ASTM Standards. 32 Add the following new section: 33 9-29.1(10) Conduit Sealing 34 Conduit Sealing 35 Cabinet conduit sealing shall be one of the following: 36 1. Duo-fill 400 – self expanding waterproof foam 37 2. Jackmoon – Triplex Duct Plugs 38 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 179 3. O-Z Gedney – Conduit Sealing Bushings 1 Mechanical plugs shall be installed per manufacturer’s recommendations. 2 9-29.2 Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes 3 9-29.2(1) Standard Duty and Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes 4 9-29.2(1)A Standard Duty Junction Boxes 5 Section 9-29.2(1)A is supplemented with the following: 6 (******) 7 Junction boxes shall be reinforced concrete with galvanized steel frame anchored in place 8 and galvanized steel cover plate with non-slip treatment. Grounding lugs shall be stainless 9 steel and shall be mechanically and electrically bonded. Junction boxes for copper wire 10 shall incorporate a locking lid. Junction boxes placed in the sidewalks shall have non-skid 11 lids. 12 13 Junction boxes shall be marked for use in accordance with the following schedule: 14 System Type Legend 15 Illumination LT 16 Traffic Signal TS 17 Interconnect Only COMM 18 Railroad BNSF 19 20 Concrete Junction Boxes 21 Both the slip-resistant lid and slip-resistant frame shall be treated with Mebac#1 as 22 manufactured by IKG industries, or SlipNOT Grade 3-coarse as manufactured by W.S. 23 Molnar Co. Where the exposed portion of the frame is ½ inch wide or less the slip-24 resistant treatment may be omitted on that portion of the frame. The slip-resistant lid 25 shall be identified with permanent marking on the underside indicating the type of 26 surface treatment (“M1” for Mebac#1; or “S3” for SlipNOT Grade 3-coarse) and the 27 year manufactured. The permanent marking shall be 1Ú8 inch line thickness formed with 28 a mild steel weld bead. 29 30 Type 1 and Type 2 junction boxes shall be as noted in the Plans and in conformance 31 with WSDOT Standard Plan J-40.10-04. 32 33 9-29.2(2) Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes 34 35 9-29.2(2)A Standard Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes 36 Section 9-29.2(2)A is supplemented with the following: 37 38 (August 1, 2016 WSDOT GSP) 39 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 180 Both the slip-resistant lid and slip-resistant frame shall be treated with Mebac#1 1 as manufactured by IKG industries, or SlipNOT Grade 3-coarse as 2 manufactured by W.S. Molnar Co. Where the exposed portion of the frame is ½ 3 inch wide or less the slip-resistant treatment may be omitted on that portion of 4 the frame. The slip-resistant lid shall be identified with permanent marking on 5 the underside indicating the type of surface treatment (“M1” for Mebac#1; or “S3” 6 for SlipNOT Grade 3-coarse) and the year manufactured. The permanent 7 marking shall be 1Ú8 inch line thickness formed with a mild steel weld bead. 8 9-29.3 Fiber Optic Cable, Electrical Conductors, and Cable 9 9-29.3(1) Fiber Optic Cable 10 Section 9-29.3(1) is supplemented with the following: 11 (******) 12 Install signal controller mounted patch panels for all fiber terminating applications. 13 Patch panels shall accept SC style connectors. 14 The Contractor shall provide all necessary tools, consumables, cleaner, mounting 15 hardware and other materials required for the complete installation of each patch panel. 16 A wiring diagram shall be supplied with each patch panel. The wiring diagram shall identify 17 the destination of each fiber terminated in the patch panel. The destination information 18 shall include at a minimum, an intersection name, cabinet number, patch panel number 19 and patch panel port. The wiring diagram shall be placed in a plastic sheet protector next 20 to the patch panel and a copy submitted to the Project Representative with As-Built 21 drawings. Each row of ports in the patch panels shall be labeled with the associated port 22 numbers with the assumption that the numbers increase from top to bottom or left to right. 23 The Contractor is responsible for demonstrating the functionality of the installed system 24 through testing. These tests shall be conducted in accordance with an approved test plan 25 that shall cover the key functional requirements of the Work. The Contractor shall, at its 26 cost, provide suitable test equipment, instruments and labor for the purpose of tests. 27 The Contractor shall provide sufficient notice of not less than three (3) working days prior 28 to the commencement of the first test. The Contractor shall submit with this notice a 29 schedule of all tests covered by this notice. 30 9-29.3(2) Electrical Conductors and Cable 31 Section 9-29.3(2) is supplemented with the following: 32 (******) 33 Each wire shall be numbered at each terminal end with a wrap-around type numbering 34 strip bearing the circuit number shown on the Plans. 35 The Contractor shall provide and install all the necessary wiring, fuses and fittings so as 36 to complete the installation of the signal and lighting equipment as shown on the Plans. 37 All materials and installation methods, except as noted otherwise herein, shall comply with 38 applicable sections of the National Electrical Code. 39 Communications cable shall meet REA specification PE-39 and shall have No. 19 AWG 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 181 wires with 0.008 inch FPA/MPR coated aluminum shielding. The cable shall have a 1 petroleum compound completely filling the inside of the cable. 2 9-29.3(2)H Three-Conductor Shielded Cable 3 Section 9-29.3(2)H is deleted and replaced with the following: 4 (******) 5 Three conductor shielded cable (3CS) for the detector circuit for optical fire preemption 6 receivers shall be Model 138 Opticom cable. 7 9-29.3(2)J Cable for Vehicle Video Detection Cameras 8 Section 9-29.3(2)J is added as follows: 9 (******) 10 Video detection cable shall be Ethernet type and conform to the video detection 11 manufacturer’s recommendations. 12 9-29.6 Light and Signal Standards 13 9-29.6(1) Steel Light and Signal Standards 14 Add the following new section: 15 (******) 16 9-29.6(1)A Decorative Signal Poles Type II and III 17 Section 9-29.6(1)A is a new section: 18 (******) 19 The decorative signal poles type II and III shall be per the Plans. 20 Poles and arms shall be factory galvanized, primed and finish coated as referenced in 21 Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. 22 23 9-29.6(1)B Decorative Signal Poles Type I 24 25 Section 9-29.6(1)B is added as follows: 26 (******) 27 Decorative Pole 28 Decorative signal poles shall be per the Plans. 29 Decorative Base 30 The decorative base shall be constructed of cast iron and shall comprise of two (2) parts 31 which are made in two (2) halves, resembling in design the VISCO OCT6 split base 32 assembly. The bottom of the base is designed to be assembled around the pole base plate 33 and has a bottom dimension of 18" point-to-point. The base is octagonal in design, and 34 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 182 the top decorative section of the base is designed to be assembled around the pole, and 1 shall have a 6" round I.D. to match the pole, with minimal clearance between base and 2 pole. The overall height of the base shall be 24” tall. This casting has a removable access 3 door that is positioned to match the handhole opening in the pole. The access door is 4 secured to the base with two (2) stainless steel tamper proof machine screws. Each part’s 5 half must bolt together in such a manner that there remains a minimal vertical seam, and 6 each part is free of voids, porosity, fins and generally have a smooth sand cast finish. 7 Pole and its subassemblies color shall be per Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. 8 9-29.6(1)C Signal Poles Type PPB 9 10 Section 9-29.6(1)C is added as follows: 11 (******) 12 Type PPB signal poles shall be per WSDOT Standard Plan J-20.10 and the Plans. 13 Type PPB signal poles shall be as noted on the approved Plans. 14 Pole and its subassemblies color shall be per Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. 15 9-29.6(1)D Signal Poles Type PS 16 Section 9-29.6(1)D is a new section: 17 (******) 18 The steel traffic poles shall be WSDOT Standard Plan J-20.16. 19 Poles and arms shall be factory galvanized, primed and finish coated as referenced in 20 Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. 21 9-29.6(1)E Decorative Pedestrian Luminaire Poles 22 Section 9-29.6(1)E is a new section: 23 (******) 24 Downtown decorative pedestrian luminaire poles and subassemblies shall be per City of 25 Renton Standard Plans 117.4 and 117.5. 26 Arterial street decorative roadway luminaire poles and subassemblies for all other areas 27 shall be per City of Renton Standard Plans 117.1 and 117.3. These poles shall not include 28 the decorative base cover shown in City of Renton Standard Plan 117.1. 29 Arterial street decorative pedestrian luminaire poles and subassemblies for all other areas 30 shall be per City of Renton Standard Plan 117.2. 31 Pole and its subassemblies color shall be per Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. 32 9-29.10(2) Decorative Luminaires 33 Section 9-29.10(2) is supplemented with the following: 34 (******) 35 Luminaire performance specifications shall be as follows: 36 1 1 Addendum 1 (December 2, 2022) 1 1 1 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 183 Roadway and pedestrian luminaires shall be LED type, wattages similar to the wattages 1 shown in the luminaire schedules on the Plans. The roadway and pedestrian luminaire 2 housing shall be dome shaped and similar to dimensions as shown on the Plans, made of 3 cast or spun aluminum with tempered flat glass lens attached to a round cast aluminum 4 lens frame with one or more latches to provide tool less access to the internal components, 5 upper section shall be round aluminum tubing with shallow dome shaped top cap. 6 Luminaire shall be IP66 certified and conform to UL 1598 standards or CSA certified. 7 Lens module shall be clear tempered flat glass assembled on a cast aluminum lens frame, 8 fitted with a silicon gasket compression system to attain an IP 66 rating. Upper housing 9 shall have a 1 ½” hole predrilled at 5 ¾” from top of 4” tubing (upper housing) to accept 1” 10 conduit that is party of the arm assembly. 11 LED module shall be mechanically secured on a die cast aluminum heat sink, minimum 12 70 CRI, correlated color temperature to be 4000 Kelvin, Type III Optics. 13 Driver module shall be auto adjustable 120-277VAC Class 1, wired at 240V, ROHS 14 compliant assembled on a tool less removable tray with quick disconnects resisting to 221 15 Degrees F (105 C), high power factor of 90%. Minimum starting temperature shall be -40 16 degrees, maximum operating temperature of 130 Degrees F. On board thermal protection 17 device reduces output current to 150mA if internal driver temperature (Tcase) exceeds 185 18 Degrees F (85 C), provide 3-pole 10KV surge protector per IEEE/ANSI C62.41.2 C High. 19 3-Wire Terminal Block shall be affixed to the bottom of the driver module tray which is 20 attached to the removable pole top cap, terminal block is pre-wired to driver module, 21 provide UL, pertinent luminaire codification labels affixed to inside of the luminaire housing. 22 Roadway and pedestrian luminaires shall be LED type, wattages similar to the wattages 23 shown in the luminaire schedules on the Plans 24 The roadway and pedestrian luminaire housing shall be dome shaped and similar to 25 dimensions as shown on the Plans, made of cast or spun aluminum with tempered flat 26 glass lens attached to a round cast aluminum lens frame with one or more latches to 27 provide tool less access to the internal components, upper section shall be round 28 aluminum tubing with shallow dome shaped top cap. Luminaire shall be IP66 certified and 29 conform to UL 1598 standards or CSA certified. 30 Optical assembly/reflector shall be made of pre-anodized aluminum, segmented in 31 multiple facets, ventilated perforations and heat sinks to maximize heat dissipation. 32 Reflector shall produce full cut-off Type III optics to meet the design/performance criteria, 33 4000K CCT. LED driver module rated for 120V-277V operation, high power factor (90%), 34 with a minimum starting temperature of -40 Degrees Fahrenheit, secured on a tool less 35 access tray with quick disconnects. Individual LED chips or modules shall be removable 36 by means of tool less access in the event they need to be replaced. LED driver not to 37 exceed 750 MA. 38 All decorative fixtures shall be of the same manufacturer and external appearance. 39 All exposed hardware is stainless steel, textured finish on fixture and arm shall be per 40 Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. 41 42 9-29.11(2) Photoelectric Controls 43 Section 9-29.11(2) is replaced with: 44 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 184 (******) 1 Photoelectric controls shall be a plug-in device, rated to operate on 120 volts, 60 Hz. The 2 unit shall consist of a light sensitive element connected to necessary control relays. The 3 unit shall be so designed that a failure of any electronic component will energize the 4 lighting circuit. 5 The photocell shall be a solid state device with stable turn-on values in the temperature 6 range of -55 degrees C to +70 degrees C. The photocell shall be rated as a ten-year (or 7 higher) life expectancy. 8 9 9-29.13 Control Cabinet Assemblies 10 9-29.13(1) Environmental, Performance and Test Standards for Solid-State Traffic 11 Controller 12 Section 9-29.13(1) is supplemented by adding the following: 13 (******) 14 The traffic signal controller assemblies, including the traffic signal controller, auxiliary 15 control equipment and cabinet shall be shop tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 16 Testing and check-out of all timing circuits, phasing and signal operation shall be at the 17 City of Renton Maintenance Signal Shop, Renton, Washington. The contractor shall give 18 the City of Renton Maintenance Signal Shop at least one week lead time to delivery. The 19 contractor shall deliver the controller and cabinet to the shop and shall pick up the units at 20 the end of the test period, deliver to the job site, and install. Allow for three weeks for 21 testing. 22 The Signal Shop will make space available to the Contractor for the required test 23 demonstrations. The Contractor shall assemble the cabinet and related signal control 24 equipment ready for testing. A complete demonstration by the Contractor of all integrated 25 components satisfactorily functioning shall start the test period. Any malfunction shall stop 26 the test period until all parts are satisfactorily operating. The test shall be extended until a 27 minimum of 72 hours continuous satisfactory performance of the entire integrated system 28 has been demonstrated. The demonstration by the Contractor to the Engineer of all 29 components functioning properly shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility 30 relative to the proper functioning of all aforestated control gear when field installed. 31 9-29.13(2) Traffic Signal Controller Assembly Testing 32 Section 9-29.13(2) is supplemented with the following: 33 (******) 34 The Contractor shall give fourteen (14) calendar days written notice to the Engineer prior 35 to delivering the signal control equipment to the City of Renton Maintenance Signal Shop. 36 The equipment shall be delivered far enough in advance of actual need to allow for testing 37 by the City of Renton Maintenance Signal Shop. This may involve retesting because of 38 failures or rejections. The City of Renton Maintenance Signal Shop may require thirty-five 39 (35) calendar days for testing the signal control equipment. This time will increase if the 40 equipment does not meet the contract requirements or is incomplete. If more than thirty-41 five (35) calendar days are required for any individual testing or retesting by the City of 42 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 185 Renton Maintenance Signal Shop. 1 Tests in environment chamber will only be run as needed for type changes. 2 Upon successful completion of testing by the City of Renton Maintenance Signal Shop, 3 the signal controller equipment shall be available for pickup. A certificate verifying 4 environmental testing, if required, shall be supplied in the cabinet to the City of Renton 5 Maintenance Signal Shop for each respective control cabinet. 6 The Contractor shall notify the City of Renton Maintenance Signal Shop in writing a 7 minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days before the Contractor is ready to pick up the signal 8 controller cabinet. The Contractor shall not pick up the controller cabinet from City of 9 Renton Maintenance Signal Shop until the electrical service is energized and all site 10 preparation required to install the controller cabinet is complete. 11 The supplier has five (5) working days to repair or replace any components that fail during 12 the testing process at no cost to the Contracting Agency. All failed or rejected equipment 13 shall be removed from the City of Renton Maintenance Signal Shop within seven (7) 14 calendar days following notification; otherwise, the failed or rejected equipment will be 15 returned, freight collect, to the Contractor. 16 9-29.13(3) Traffic Signal Controller 17 Section 9-29.13(3) is replaced with the following: 18 (******) 19 The NEMA controller shall be a SIEMENS M62 series ATC model EPAC6138M62 with a 20 8Mb data key and a removable display unit. 21 The controller shall be configurable to meet, at a minimum, all applicable sections of the 22 NEMA Standards Publication for TS2 and ATC standards. Traffic signal controller shall 23 operate within Temperature Range: -37°C to +74°C, Service Voltage: 89 to 135 VAC, 57 24 to 63 Hz, Power Consumption shall be typically 25 Watts and shall not exceed 120 Watts. 25 Traffic signal controller supplier shall provide a letter from an independent testing 26 laboratory certifying controller compliance to the environmental standards NEMA TS 2-27 2003 and ATC Standard version 5.2b upon request. 28 It shall be possible to configure the controller for multiple configurations including: ATC 29 Configuration: Standard version 5.2b specifications or TS-2 Type 2 NEMA Configuration: 30 NEMA TS2-2003 without ATC compliance. An upgrade kit shall be available to convert TS2 31 to ATC with simple tools 32 The controller shall be suitable for both a direct parallel connection to load switches and 33 detectors and an SDLC port to communicate with NEMA BIUs. 34 The CPU shall provide the following: 35 Linux Operating System with runtime license and Kernel x.y.z 36 MPC 8270 microprocessor operating at 266 MHz. 37 512 Megabytes minimum dynamic random-access memory (DRAM). 38 512 Megabytes minimum FLASH memory organized as a disk drive. 39 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 186 2 Megabytes minimum static random-access memory (SRAM). 1 Time of Day (TOD) clock with hours, minutes, seconds, month, year, and automatic day- 2 light savings time adjustment. TOD may be implemented in the CPU via electronic circuitry, 3 operating system software, or a combination. 4 During power failures, the SRAM and TOD shall be powered by STANDBY voltage from 5 the power supply. 6 The ATC Communication module shall be a plug-in type module, and shall provide the 7 following communications options: 8 Four built-in USB 2.0 ports 9 Built-in 10 Base-T Ethernet with four RJ-45 connectors. 10 Built-in 9pin EIA-574 SP8 Port for GPS connection 11 Built-in 8MB Data-key Port 12 Dedicated normally flashing red ‘CPU Active’ LED to indicate CPU failure. 13 In addition to ATC 5.2b requirements, the Power Supply shall provide the following: Line 14 Frequency Reference signal shall be generated by a crystal oscillator, which shall 15 synchronize to the 60-Hz VAC incoming power line at 120 and 300 degrees. A continuous 16 square wave signal shall be +5 VDC amplitude, 8.333ms half-cycle pulse duration, and 50 17 +/- 1% duty cycle. The Line Frequency Reference shall compensate for missing pulses 18 and line noise during normal operation. The Line Frequency Reference shall continue 19 through 450 mS power interruptions. 20 STANDBY voltage via supercapacitor for backup power during loss of service voltage shall 21 be provided. Supercapacitor shall have a minimum of 15-farad nominal size. No batteries 22 of any type are allowed. 23 In addition to ATC 5.2b requirements, Keyboard and Display shall provide the following: 24 Removable by pulling off, installed by pushing on, with retaining screw. 25 Emulation of terminal per Joint NEMA/AASHTO/ITE ATC Standard. 26 Key quantity and function per Joint NEMA/AASHTO/ITE ATC Standard. 27 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with 16 lines of 40 characters. 28 LCD contrast adjustment accomplished via the keypad, no contrast knob allowed. 29 Light-emitting diode backlight for the LCD. 30 Audible electronic bell. 31 Connector compatible with C60 of Joint NEMA/AASHTO/ITE ATC Standard, with the 32 addition of +5VDC supplied by the controller on C60, Pin 1. 33 Keyboard and display may be removed for cost savings by the Agency. 34 It shall be possible to view the active status screens simultaneously with other 35 programming menu screens. 36 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 187 It shall be possible to assign a specific menu screen to one of the available function buttons 1 on the keyboard. 2 The operator shall be able to evoke a Help screen using a clearly identified HELP button. 3 For ease of operation for first responders and agency staff, the controller shall provide a 4 clearly identified Auxiliary ON/OFF switch on the keypad. 5 In addition to ATC 5.2b requirements, the controller shall provide the following: 6 Built-in 10 Base-T Ethernet with five RJ-45 connectors on controller front panel. 7 Built-in Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned by Institute of Electrical and Electronic 8 Engineers (IEEE), two unique IP addresses for each controller. 9 Built-in 1200 bps Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modem. Modem is optional per Agency 10 specification. Choice of 2 or 4 wire operation per Agency specification. 11 Built-in EIA-232 port for uploading and downloading applications software, as well as to 12 update the operating system. 13 Built-in C60 connector for use with removable Keyboard and Display, Personal Computer 14 COM1 or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). C60 protocol per Joint NEMA/AASHTO/ITE 15 ATC standard. 16 Four built-in USB 2.0 ports on controller front panel. 17 In addition to the ATC 5.2b requirements, the controller housing shall provide the following: 18 One slot with card guides for standard Joint NEMA/AASHTO/ITE ATC modems. 19 Polycarbonate construction, except back panel, rear mounting tabs and power supply 20 mounting plate shall be aluminum for electrical grounding. 21 Built-in carrying handle. 22 Two adjustable front mounting feet, to raise the front cables and vary the display viewing-23 angle. 24 The controller identification label shall be located on the front of the controller and include 25 the controller part or model number, serial number and product code to decipher controller 26 month and year of manufacture. 27 Two Input / Output configurations shall be provided: 28 a. NEMA TS-2 Type 1 for serial connection to cabinet Bus Interface Unit 29 b. NEMA TS-2 Type 2 for direct parallel connection to load switches and detectors. 30 In addition to NEMA requirements, the controller shall provide the following: 31 a. Built-in 10 Base-T Ethernet with RJ-45 connector on controller front panel 32 b. Built-in Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned by Institute of Electrical and Electronic 33 Engineers (IEEE), one unique IP address for each controller. 34 c. Built-in Infrared (IR) wireless port compatible with Microsoft Windows for Pocket PC 35 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 188 Infrared RAW mode. 1 d. Built-in 1200 bps Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modem. Modem is optional per 2 Agency specification. Choice of 2 or 4 wire operation per Agency specification. 3 e. Built-in EIA-232 port for uploading and downloading applications software, as well as 4 to update the operating system. 5 f. Built-in C60 connector for use with removable Keyboard and Display, Personal 6 Computer COM1 or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). C60 protocol per Joint 7 NEMA/AASHTO/ITE ATC standard. 8 9-29.13(4) Traffic Signal Controller Software 9 The Section 9-29.13(4) is replaced with the following: 10 (******) 11 The controller shall function with Siemens SE-PAC firmware 3.57b or approved by 12 Transportation Maintenance Manager, Eric Cutshall, and shall also be completely operable 13 with TACTICS 3.0 central system or greater and SCOOT adaptive control system. 14 9-29.13(5) Flashing Operations 15 The following items in Section 9-29.13(5) are revised as follows: 16 (******) 17 2. Police Panel Switch. When the flash-automatic switch located behind the police panel 18 door is turned to the flash position, the signals shall immediately revert to flash as 19 programmed for emergency flash and apply stop time to the controller. When the switch 20 is placed on automatic, stop time shall be removed from the controller except when the 21 MMU has commanded flash operation. 22 3. Controller Cabinet Switches. When the flash-automatic switch located inside the 23 controller cabinet is placed in the flash position, the signals shall immediately revert to 24 flash; however, the controller shall continue to function. When the flash-automatic switch 25 is placed in the automatic position, the controller shall immediately resume normal cyclic 26 operation. Adjacent to the flash-automatic switch shall be a controller on-off switch. If the 27 flash-automatic switch is in the automatic position and the controller on-off switch is placed 28 in the OFF position, the signals shall immediately revert to flash. 29 5. Conflict Monitor. Upon sensing conflicting signals or unsatisfactory operation voltages, 30 the conflict monitor shall immediately cause the signal to revert to flash; however, the 31 controller shall stop time at the point of conflict. After the conflict monitor has been reset, 32 the controller shall immediately take command of the signal displays. 33 The following is a supplement: 34 6. Flash unit shall be a two-circuit type, capable of switching loads up to 1000 watts per 35 circuit alternately at a rate of 60 flashes per minute per circuit, plus or minus two flashes 36 per minute. 37 9-29.13(6) Emergency Pre-emption 38 Section 9-29.13(6) is replaced with the following: 39 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 189 (******) 1 Immediately after a valid call has been received, the preemption controls shall cause the 2 signals to display the required clearance intervals and subsequent preemption intervals. 3 Preemption shall sequence as noted in the contract. Preemption equipment shall be 4 installed so that internal wiring of the controller, as normally furnished by the manufacturer, 5 is not altered. Termination of the pre-emption sequence shall NOT place a call on all 6 vehicle and pedestrian phases. Pre-emption indicators, if required, shall turn on when the 7 controller reaches the pre-empted phase. 8 Emergency vehicle pre-emption shall be furnished as modules that plug directly into a rack 9 wired to accept GTT Opticom discriminator type units. The pre-emption system operation 10 shall be compatible with the 764 GTT company "Opticom" system which the City of Renton 11 is currently using and shall be capable of being activated by the same transmitters and 12 GPS Opticom antenna. 13 The optical signal discriminator system shall enable an authorized vehicle to remotely 14 control traffic control signals from a distance of up to 1800 feet (0.54 kilometers) along an 15 unobstructed "line of sight" path or within range of the antenna if the vehicle is equipped 16 with a GPS receiver. The system shall cause the traffic signals controller to move into an 17 appropriate fire pre-emption program. this optical discriminator shall interface to the 562 18 software, for field programmability. It shall consist of the following components: 19 1. Optical energy detectors which shall be mounted on the traffic signal mast arms and 20 shall receive the optical energy emitter's signal. There shall also be a GPS antenna on the 21 signal pole located closest to the traffic signal controller cabinet and shall receive a GPS 22 signal. 23 2. Discriminators which shall cause the signal controller to go into internal pre-emption 24 which will give the authorized vehicle the right of way in the manner shown on the phase 25 sequence diagram. 26 Optical Detector 27 1. Shall be of solid state construction. 28 2. Fittings shall meet the specifications of the system manufacturer to facilitate ease of 29 installation. 30 3. Shall operate over an ambient temperature range of -40F to +180F (-40C to +8531 C). 32 4. Shall have internal circuitry encapsulated in a semi-flexible compound and shall be 33 impervious to moisture. 34 5. Shall respond to the optical energy impulses generated by a pulsed Xenon source with 35 a pulse energy density of 0.8 micro joule per square meter at the detector, a rise time less 36 than one microsecond and half power point pulse width on not less than thirty 37 microseconds. 38 GPS Radio Unit Antenna 39 The Opticom GPS System assists authorized vehicles through signalized intersections by 40 providing temporary right-of-way through the use of common traffic controller functions. 41 The GPS receiver with antenna and a 2.4 GHz spread spectrum transceiver with antenna 42 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 190 shall be weather resistant RF energy-emitting Opticom 3100 GPS Radio Unit with 1 installation cable per manufacturer’s recommendations. 2 Discriminator 3 When a pre-emption detector detects an emergency vehicle, the phase selector shall hold 4 the controller in the required phase or advance directly to that phase after observing all 5 vehicle clearances. The phase selector shall hold the controller in the phase selected until 6 the detector no longer detects the emergency vehicle. 7 When the phase selector is responding to one detector, it shall not respond to any other 8 detector until calls from the first detector are satisfied. Indicator lights shall indicate power 9 on, signal being received, channel called. Switches shall control system power and 10 simulate detector calls for each phase. 11 Phase selectors shall be able to validate both IR detectors and GPS enabled receivers. 12 9-29.13(7) Wiring Diagrams 13 Section 9-29.13(7) is modified and supplemented by retaining the first three sentences 14 and replacing the remainder with: 15 (******) 16 The controller cabinet shall have a waterproof envelope with a side access attached to the 17 inside of the cabinet door. The cabinet shall be furnished with (3) complete sets of cabinet 18 prints. All cabinet wiring, and layout shall come on (1) E1 size sheet, multiple pages shall 19 not be allowed. Upon request (1) USB memory stick with AutoCAD v2016 (or previous) 20 cabinet drawing for the cabinet wiring can be provided direct to the agency. 21 9-29.13(9) Radio Interference Suppressors 22 Section 9-29.13(9) is supplemented by adding the following: 23 (******) 24 A Cornell-Dubiler radio interference filter NF 10801-1 30 amps or equivalent shall be used 25 to filter the A.C. power. Additionally, all power supplies shall have noise immunity from 26 other devices within the cabinet. 27 9-29.13(10) NEMA, TYPE 170E, 2070 Controllers and Cabinets 28 9-29.13(10)A Auxiliary Equipment for NEMA Controllers 29 Section 9-29.13.(10)A is revised as follows: 30 (*****) 31 The following auxiliary equipment shall be furnished and installed in each cabinet for 32 NEMA traffic-actuated controllers: 33 Auxiliary Panel 34 The cabinet shall include an auxiliary switch panel mounted to the interior side of the police 35 panel compartment on the cabinet door. The panel shall be secured to the police panel 36 compartment by (2) screws and shall be hinged at the bottom to allow access to the 37 soldered side of the switches with the use of only a Phillips screwdriver. Both sides of the 38 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 191 panel shall be silkscreened. Silk-screening on the backside of the switch panel shall be 1 upside down so that when the panel is opened for maintenance the silk-screening will be 2 right side up. All of the switches shall be protected by a hinged see-through Plexiglas cover. 3 At a minimum the following switches shall be included: 4 Controller ON/OFF Switch: There shall be a switch that renders the controller and load-5 switching devices electrically dead while maintaining flashing operations for purpose of 6 changing the controller or load-switching devices. The switch shall be a general-purpose 7 bat style toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. 8 Signals ON/OFF Switch: There shall be a switch that renders the field signal displays 9 electrically dead while maintaining controller operation for purpose of monitoring controller 10 operations. The switch shall be a general-purpose bat style toggle switch with .688-inch 11 long bat. 12 Stop Time Switch: There shall be a 3-position switch labeled “Normal” (up), “Off” (center), 13 and “On” (down). With the switch in the “Normal” position, a stop timing command shall be 14 applied to the controller by the police flash switch or the MMU (Malfunction Management 15 Unit). When the switch is in its “Off” position, stop timing commands shall be removed from 16 the controller. The “On” position shall cause the controller to stop time. The switch shall be 17 a general-purpose bat style toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. There shall be a red LED 18 indicator light that illuminates when stop time is applied. 19 Technician Flash Switch: There shall be a switch that places the field signal displays in 20 flashing operation while the controller continues to operate. This flash shall have no effect 21 on the operation of the controller or MMU. The switch shall be a general-purpose bat style 22 toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. 23 Vehicle Test Switches: All eight vehicle phase inputs shall have a 2 position (on, on) test 24 switch. Switches shall be labeled “On” (up) and “Test” (down). With the switches in the 25 “On” position normal operations of the vehicle detection. When in the “Test” position a 26 constant input shall be applied to the controller. The switches shall directly input a call to 27 the related controller vehicle phase without routing the call through the detector rack(s) 28 when activated. These switches shall be labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. 29 Pedestrian Test Switches: All eight pedestrian phase inputs shall have momentary 30 pushbutton test switches with black caps. The switches shall directly input a call to the 31 related controller pedestrian phase. These switches shall be labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 32 8. 33 Police Panel 34 Behind the police panel door there shall be switches for use by emergency personnel. The 35 wiring for these switches shall be accessible when the auxiliary panel is open. The 36 following switches shall be included; 37 Flash Switch: There shall be a switch for the police that puts the cabinet into flashing 38 operations. The switch shall have two positions, “Auto” (up) and “Flash” (down). The “Auto” 39 position shall allow normal signal operation. The “Flash” position shall immediately cause 40 all signal displays to flash as programmed for emergency flash and apply stop time to the 41 controller. When the police flash switch is returned to “Auto”, stop time shall be removed 42 from the controller except when the MMU has commanded flash operation. The effect shall 43 be to disable the police panel switch when the MMU has detected a malfunction and all 44 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 192 controller and MMU indications shall be available to the technician regardless of the 1 position of the police flash switch. The switch shall be a general-purpose bat style toggle 2 switch with .688-inch long bat. 3 Cables 4 All wire cable bundles shall be encased in flex or expandable braided sleeving along their 5 entire free length. 6 All SDLC cables shall be terminated on both ends, securely terminated to the SDLC 7 interface panel with screw type connection and professionally routed in the cabinet interior 8 to easily reach the load bay, controller, malfunction management unit and detector racks. 9 All SDLC connectors shall be fully populated with 15 pins each. 10 Flashing Operation 11 All cabinets shall be wired to flash for all vehicle channels. Flashing operation shall 12 alternate between the used vehicle phases 1, 4, 5, 8, OLA, OLD, OLE & OLG and 2, 3, 6, 13 7, OLB, OLC, OLF & OLH. Flash programming shall be either red, yellow or no flash simply 14 by changing wires on the front of the load-bay. 15 Detector Racks 16 At a minimum, the cabinet shall be wired to accommodate (32) channels of detection as 17 follows: 18 1. One detector rack shall be standard size and support (16) channels of loop detection, 19 (1) Buss Interface Unit (BIU) and (4) channel of Opticom™ preemption. This rack shall be 20 capable of using both two channel or four channel detection devices or Opticom™ cards. 21 2. One detector rack shall be half width size and support (16) channels of loop detection 22 and one (1) Buss Interface Unit (BIU). This rack shall be capable of using half width four 23 channel detection devices. 24 3. The loop cabling shall be connected via a 37-pin DB connector using spring clips. The 25 Opticom cable shall be connected via a 24-pin connector using locking latches. The power 26 cable shall be a 6-pin connector. All power wires shall be 18AWG. The addressing of 27 detector racks shall be accomplished via dipswitches mounted to the PCB. There shall be 28 the capability to turn off the TS2 status to the BIU for the uses of TS1 detector equipment 29 via dipswitches mounted to the PCB. There shall be a 34-pin connector using locking 30 latches that breaks the output from the detector to the input of the BIU, there shall also be 31 +24VDC and logic ground on this connector. All racks shall have space at the bottom front 32 for labeling. All racks shall be designed for horizontal stacking. Separate racks for 33 detection and preemption are not allowed. 34 Detection Panel 35 The detection panel shall support (32) channels of vehicle detection, (6) channels of 36 emergency vehicle preemption detection, (8) channels of auxiliary emergency vehicle 37 preemption detection, (8) channels of pedestrian detection and (8) pedestrian returns on 38 a single panel. The pedestrian call terminal block shall be (2) single row terminals. They 39 shall be connected by removable buss bars. 40 The loop wires shall be a 22AWG twisted pair, color coded as follows; channel one brown, 41 channel two red, channel three orange and channel four yellow. One of the twisted pair 42 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 193 wires of all colors shall have a white tracer and land on the second position terminal of 1 each loop. 2 The emergency preempt wires shall be color coded as follows; +24VDC orange, preempt 3 inputs yellow and ground blue. 4 This panel will be mounted on the left side of the cabinet below the bottom shelf. The panel 5 shall also include a (19) position solid aluminum, tin plated neutral and ground buss bars 6 with raised slotted & torque style screws heads. They shall be mounted vertically at the 7 bottom of the panel. 8 The Opticom and pedestrian terminal blocks shall be labeled as follows: 9 Opticom + orange: 5A1, 5B1, 5C1, 5D1 10 Opticom call yellow: 5A2, 5B2, 5B3, 5B4 11 Opticom – blue: 5A3, 5B3, 5C3, 5D3 12 Pedestrian Calls: 714, 724, 734, 744, 754, 764, 774, 784 13 Pedestrian returns: 715, 725, 735, 745, 755, 765, 775, 785 14 Power Supply Interface Panel 15 The power supply interface panel shall include terminations for all the cabinet power supply 16 inputs and outputs. It shall have a protective plastic cover. This panel shall be mounted on 17 the left wall of the cabinet. 18 SDLC Panel 19 The SDLC panel shall have (12) 15 socket DB connectors mounted to a PCB. The PCB 20 shall be mounted to an “L” bracket for attaching to cabinet “C” channel. All SDLC cables 21 shall attach with screw type retainers. There shall be one position with latching blocks to 22 mate with latching spring blocks. This panel shall be mounted on the left wall of the cabinet 23 between the shelves. 24 Video Detection Panel 25 The video detection interface panel shall be the single point interface for video power and 26 coax cabling. The panel shall have (6) individual coax surge arrestor EDCO CX06-M and 27 1 amp circuit breaker so that individual cameras can be replaced in the field without 28 disrupting the entire video detection system. A 10 position terminal block with #8 screws, 29 to provide termination for 120VAC and camera 120AC line. A solid aluminum tin plated 30 neutral and ground buss bar with raised slotted & torque style screw heads shall also be 31 mounted to this panel. 32 Service Surge Suppression 33 The cabinet shall be equipped with an CITEL surge protection device model DS72US-34 120S/G-F-ASSM mounted on the power panel. It shall be installed after the main breaker 35 (CB1). The auxiliary breaker (CB2) shall be wired after the SPD. (1) spare modular cube 36 for the MOV & GSG circuits shall be supplied with each cabinet. CITEL part numbers 37 DSM70U-210 and DSM70UG-600. 38 Power Panel 39 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 194 The power panel shall handle all the power distribution and protection for the cabinet and 1 shall be mounted in the bottom right side of the facility. All equipment shall be mounted on 2 a 12” x 17” or smaller silkscreened aluminum panel and include at a minimum the following 3 equipment: 4 • A 40-amp main breaker shall be supplied. This breaker shall supply power via CITEL 5 DS72US-120S/G-F-ASSM to the load bay, load switches, auxiliary panel, controller, MMU, 6 power supply, detector racks, quad & quad ITS smart convenience outlet. 7 • A 20-amp auxiliary breaker shall supply power to the fan, light and GFI 8 • A 15-amp auxiliary breaker shall supply power to the ITS compartment power panel. 9 This breaker shall have its own line in from the service cabinet & not pass through the UPS 10 equipment or main cabinet SPD. 11 • A 50-amp, 125 VAC radio interference line filter. 12 • A normally open, 50-amp, solid-state relay. The relay shall have a green LED light that 13 is on when energized. 14 • One see-through Plexiglas cover on stand-offs to protect maintenance personnel from 15 AC line voltages. It shall cover the top and front of the power panel. With cover on access 16 to the neutral and ground busses is possible. It shall also cover the utility power in terminal 17 block. The protective cover shall have a slot to access the field side of said power block 18 with a standard screwdriver. This shall be removable by loosening screws but without 19 removing screws. 20 • Two (19) position solid aluminum, tin plated neutral buss bar with raised slotted & 21 torque style screw heads. 22 • One (19) position solid aluminum, tin plated ground buss bar with raised slotted & 23 torque style screw heads. 24 Fiberoptic Termination Panel 25 The cabinet shall come with a 12-port wall mounted fiberoptic termination panel with 26 loaded duplex single-mode SC coupler plates and splice tray. The panel shall be a Corning 27 SPH-01P with (1) CCH-CP12-59 coupler plate. 28 Ethernet Switch 29 The RUGGEDCOM is a utility-grade, fully managed Ethernet switch, providing six or eight 30 ports of Gigabit Ethernet. Six 10/100/1000BaseTX triple speed copper ports are standard. 31 An additional two Gigabit fiber or copper ports can be added. Provide connections to a 32 cluster of field devices to a Gigabit Ethernet backbone. Provide two fiber optical Gigabit 33 Ethernet ports for creating a fiber optical backbone with high noise immunity and long-haul 34 connectivity. 35 The Ethernet switch shall be a SIEMENS/RuggedCom model RSG910c with (2) 99-25-36 0100 mini SFP transceivers SM LC 1310nm, 10km distance. The Ethernet switch 37 warrantees shall be in the name of City of Renton. 38 The following cables and cords shall be supplied with the Ethernet switch: 39 • Two single mode patch cords (LC to SC) 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 195 • One 16-gauge 3 conductor power adapter 1 • Four Cat6 patch cables 2 Malfunction Management Unit (MMU) 3 The cabinet shall come with a (MMU) that meets all the requirements of NEMA TS2-2003 4 while remaining downward compatible with NEMA TS1. It shall have (2) high contrast LCD 5 displays and an internal diagnostic wizard. It shall come with a 10/100 Ethernet port. It 6 shall come with software to run flashing yellow arrow operation. The MMU shall be an 7 Eberle Design, Inc. (EDI) model MMU2-16LEip. 8 Load Switch 9 The cabinet shall come with (16) load switches. All load switches shall be discreet type 10 and have LED indications for both the input and output side of the load. The load switches 11 shall be PDC model SSS-87 I/O. 12 Flasher 13 The cabinet shall come with (1) flasher. The flasher shall be discrete type and have LED 14 indications. The flasher shall be PDC model SSF-87. 15 Flasher Transfer Relay 16 The cabinet shall come with (8) heavy duty flash transfer relays. The relays shall be Detrol 17 Controls model 295. 18 Railroad Interface Panel 19 The cabinet shall come with a railroad interface panel. The panel shall be the x-RPS 20 railroad preemption system by Rio Grande Pacific Technologies. The railroad preemption 21 system shall include the following modules: x-RPS Processor+ Module and x-RPS 22 Expansion Module. The system shall be configured to provide a supervised single-break 23 system with advance pedestrian preemption (APP), advance preemption (AP), crossing-24 active (XR) circuit, gate down (GD) circuit, and traffic signal health (TSH) circuit. The 25 Expansion Module shall provide power to the LED blank-out sign shown in the Plans, 26 which shall be active during railroad preemption events. 27 The Contractor shall procure the railroad interface panel and the in-person technical setup 28 option available from Rio Grande Pacific Technologies. The technical setup option will 29 cover installation of the interface panel and testing of the system to meet operational 30 requirements. 31 Bus Interface Unit (BIU) 32 The cabinet shall come with (4) bus interface units (BIU). These shall meet all the 33 requirements of NEMA TS-2 1988 standards. In addition, all BIUs shall provide separate 34 front panel indicator LED’s for DC power status and SDLC Port 1 transmit and receive 35 status. The (BIU)’s shall be Eberle Design, Inc. (EDI) model BIU-700. 36 Power Supply (PS) 37 The cabinet shall come with a shelf mounted cabinet power supply meeting at minimum 38 TS 2-2003 standards. It shall be a heavy-duty device that provides +12VDC at 5 Amps / 39 +24VDC at 2 Amps / 12VAC at .25 Amp, and line frequency reference at 50 mA. The power 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 196 supply shall provide a separate front panel indicator LED for each of the four outputs. Front 1 panel banana jack test points for 24VDC and logic ground shall also be provided. The 2 power supply shall provide 5A of power and be able to cover the load of four (4) complete 3 detector racks. The (PS) shall be Eberle Design, Inc. (EDI) model PS250. 4 Detection Processor 5 Detection processors shall be provided for each video/radar multi-sensor devices in the 6 intersection. These shall be 2-channel processors that accept (NTSC) or (PAL) signals 7 from an external video source via BNC type connectors located on the front of the 8 processing unit. The sensor input shall also facilitate the data from the radar sensor. An 9 LED indicator shall be provided to indicate the presence of the sensor signal. The LED 10 shall illuminate upon valid sensor synchronization and turn off when the presence of a 11 valid sensor signal is removed. 12 One video output shall be provided. The real time video output shall have the capability 13 to show text and graphical overlays to aid in system setup. The overlays shall display real-14 time actuation of detection zones upon vehicle detection or presence. Four (4) open 15 collector outputs shall be provided. Additionally, the detection processor shall allow the use 16 of extension modules to provide up to 24 open collector contact closures per camera input. 17 Each open collector output shall be capable of sinking 30 mA at 24 VDC. Open collector 18 outputs will be used for vehicle detection indicators as well as discrete outputs for alarm 19 conditions. 20 The system shall be capable of automatically detecting a low-visibility condition such as 21 fog and respond by placing all effected detection zones in a constant call mode. A user-22 selected alarm output shall be active during the low-visibility condition that can be used to 23 modify the controller operation if connected to the appropriate controller input modifier. 24 The system shall automatically revert to normal detection mode when the low-visibility 25 condition no longer exists. 26 Placement of detection zones shall be done by using only a pointing device, and a 27 graphical interface built into the processor and displayed on a video monitor, to draw the 28 detection zones on the video image from each video camera. No separate computer shall 29 be required to program the detection zones. 30 Up to six video detection zones per sensor input shall have the capability to count the 31 number of vehicles detected. The zone shall also have the capability to calculate and 32 store average speed and lane occupancy at bin intervals. One radar sensor zone shall 33 also count vehicles, calculate, and store the average speed and lane occupancy across 34 the approach. In addition to the count type zone, the processor shall be able to calculate 35 and/or acquire average speed and lane occupancy using both video and radar sensors. 36 The processor shall support bicycle type zones where the zone can differentiate between 37 motorized vehicles and bicycles, producing a call for one but not the other. Bicycle zone 38 types shall only output when a bicycle is detected. Larger motorized vehicles such as cars 39 and trucks that traverse a bicycle zone shall not provide an output. Bicycle zones shall 40 have the ability to have extensions assigned to individual bicycle zones for applications 41 where the traffic controller does not have bicycle specific detection inputs. The DP shall 42 provide the ability to assign a separate output channel for bicycle zones to allow traffic 43 controllers to implement special bicycle timing for applications where the traffic controller 44 has separate bicycle detection inputs. 45 The detection processors shall be an Iteris model EDGE2-2N-PAK. 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 197 Remote Communication Module 1 A rack mount remote communications module shall be provided that allows for remote 2 viewing and management of detection processor programming zone information via 3 Ethernet communications. The module shall use MPEG4 or H.264 compression achieving 4 frames rates up to 30 frames per second. The video input shall be via (4) BNC connectors 5 with a DB15 spider cable. There shall be (4) RJ45 connectors for connection to extension 6 modules, and (1) RJ45 connector with 10/100TX connection for IP communications. 7 The remote communications module shall be an Iteris model EDGECONNECT-PAK. 8 Opticom 9 The cabinet shall come with (1) 4-channel rack mounted Opticom™ phase selector. This 10 device shall be capable of receiving encoded signals from Opticom series 700 emitters 11 and detectors. The Opticom™ phase selectors shall be Global Traffic Technologies model 12 764. 13 UPS System 14 The cabinet shall come with a complete uninterruptable power system (UPS) which shall 15 include at a minimum a UPS invertor module with SNMP adapter, automatic transfer switch 16 assembly, batteries, battery cables and a remote battery management system. All other 17 auxiliary equipment for a complete functioning UPS system shall be included. 18 UPS Module 19 The cabinet shall come with (1) FXM 1100W uninterruptible power supply invertor that 20 supplies clean reliable power control and management. It shall have Automatic Voltage 21 Regulation (AVR), an Ethernet SNMP interface and a control and power connection panel 22 that is rotatable for viewing in any vertical or horizontal orientation. It shall have nominal 23 dimensions of 5.22” x 15.5” x 8.75” and come with mounting brackets. The UPS module 24 shall be an Alpha model 017-230-23. 25 UATS/UGTS Assembly 26 The cabinet shall come with (1) universal automatic transfer switch and universal 27 generator transfer switch connected between the UPS module and the batteries. It shall 28 have surge protection, have dimensions of 3.25” x 15.5” x 6.00” and come with mounting 29 brackets. The ATS module shall be an Alpha model 020-168-25. 30 UPS Batteries 31 The cabinet shall come with (4) high performance silver alloy sealed valve regulated lead 32 acid AlphaCell™ XTV Gel Cell batteries with 112Ah runtime. The UPS batteries shall be 33 Alpha model 240XTV. 34 UPS Battery Harnesses 35 The cabinet shall come with (1) battery cable (10) foot long wired for (4) batteries. The 36 battery harness shall be Alpha model 740-628-32. 37 Battery Management System 38 The cabinet shall come with a Remote Battery Monitoring System (RBMS)™ battery 39 charge management system which extends battery operational life. It shall have (4) 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 198 BS3B01204-EQ sensors for (4) battery systems and shall be an Alpha model 0370260-1 002. 2 UPS Operation LED 3 The cabinet shall have an externally mounted 48V blue LED lamp which will indicate to 4 City of Renton personnel when the intersection is under UPS control. The LED needs to 5 be supplied with the cabinet but will be installed by City of Renton personnel. The LED 6 shall be a Noark model EX9IL2D6. 7 9-29.13(10)C NEMA Controller Cabinets 8 Section 9-29.13(10)C is supplemented with the following: 9 (******) 10 The standard traffic signal controller cabinet shall be a NEMA TS2 – Type 1, Western 11 Systems ITSP+2515509990, with all auxiliary equipment installed. 12 Cabinet Minimum Requirements 13 The cabinet shall be completely wired and tested to the 2003 NEMA Traffic Controller 14 Assemblies specification with NTCIP Requirements Version 02.06 (as amended here in). 15 In addition, and at a minimum, the following requirements shall be met: 16 City of Renton traffic signal cabinet specification shall supersede any applicable parts of 17 the State of Washington, Department of Transportation Standard Specifications and 18 Standard Plans. This specification shall apply to all controller cabinet types with noted 19 exceptions. 20 All items not covered by these specifications shall conform to State of Washington, 21 Department of Transportation Standard Specifications and Standard Plans. Traffic signal 22 cabinets shall also comply with NEMA specifications where applicable. 23 The controller cabinet shall be furnished and installed by the contractor. The controller 24 cabinet shall be equipped with all auxiliary equipment and plug-ins required to operate 8 25 vehicle phases, 4 pedestrian phases and 4 overlap phases (NEMA TS-2, Type 1). Solid 26 state switching devices shall conform to the provisions in Section Solid State Switching 27 Devices," of these Special Provisions and the following: 28 The cabinet manufacturer shall have pre-approval by the City of Renton, prior to bid letting, 29 on any cabinet that they propose to provide to the City. Said pre-approval shall have been 30 obtained no less than 10 days prior to the closing date of the bid. 31 The cabinet shall be designed for 16 channel operation where each load switch socket 32 can be configured for a vehicle phase, pedestrian phase or overlap operation. These load 33 switch sockets shall be configured in this manner without rewiring the back side of the 34 load-bay. BIU load switch drivers 1-16 shall be wired to their appropriate load switch 35 sockets via a terminal block located on the front side of the load bay, to allow voltage inputs 36 to the load switch sockets to be checked without lowering the load bay. 37 The cabinet shall be wired for a minimum of (32) channels of detection and (6) channels 38 of Opticom™ preemption. 39 The use of PC boards shall not be allowed except in detector racks, SDLC interface panels 40 or BIU cages. 41 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 199 The use of plug and play modules shall not be allowed, except in detector rack(s). 1 The cabinet shall be wired to provide a 55-pin “A” connector. 2 All cabinet 120VAC wires shall be 18AWG or greater, including controller “A” and MMU “A 3 & B” cables. 4 The complete cabinet assembly with electronics shall undergo complete input/output 5 function testing by the manufacturer before being released to the City of Renton. 6 The wired cabinet facility shall use the latest technology applicable and shall be 100% 7 compliant with Section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 8 requiring the use of American iron, steel and manufactured goods. 9 The cabinet assembly shall be completely manufactured in the United States of America. 10 Cabinet Enclosure 11 At a minimum the cabinets shall meet the following criteria: 12 1. It shall have nominal dimensions of 70” height x 44” width x 25.5” depth and meet the 13 footprint dimensions as specified in Section 7.3, table 7-1 of NEMA TS2 standards for a 14 Type P cabinet. The cabinet base shall have continuously welded interior mounting 15 reinforcement plates with the same anchor bolt hole pattern as the footprint dimensions. 16 2. Shall be fabricated from 5052-H32 0.125-inch thick aluminum. 17 3. The cabinet shall be double-flanged where it meets the cabinet door. 18 4. The top of the cabinet shall be sloped 1” towards the rear to facilitate water runoff. And 19 shall bend at a 90° angle at the front of the cabinet. Lesser slope angles are not allowed. 20 5. The inside of the cabinet shall have (3) separate compartments: 21 A. The main compartment shall be accessible from the front door and shall house the 22 cabinet load facilities and electronics. 23 B. The UPS compartment shall be accessible from the side door and shall contain the 24 UPS system batteries. The UPS inverter and transfer switch assemblies shall be mounted 25 in the UPS compartment but shall be accessible when the main compartment door is open. 26 C. The ITS compartment shall be accessible from the upper front door and shall house 27 ITS equipment, TSP equipment or third-party equipment that is part of the transportation 28 network but not part of the traffic signal operations. 29 6. The inside of the cabinet shall utilize C channel rails. (2) channels welded on the back 30 wall on 25” center and (4) channels welded on each side wall on 08” center with a 02” gap 31 between sets. The C channel rails on the back wall shall be 48” in length and start 05” from 32 the bottom of the cabinet interior. The C channel rails on the side walls shall be 48” in 33 length and start 05” from the bottom of the cabinet interior. Adjustable rails are not allowed. 34 7. The Cabinet shall be supplied with the following finishes; the interior natural mill finish. 35 The exterior natural mill finish. 36 8. All external fasteners shall be stainless steel. Pop rivets shall not be allowed on any 37 external surface. 38 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 200 9. The front door handle shall be ¾” round stock stainless steel bar. The side door shall 1 use a recessed hexagonal socket in lieu of a door handle. All door handle mechanisms 2 shall be interchangeable and field replaceable. 3 10. The main (front) door shall contain a police door with a conventional police lock. The 4 main door lock shall be a Best™ CX series green core lock with a deadbolt. The police 5 door shall be recessed so that it is flush with the main door. Closed-cell neoprene gasket 6 material shall be bonded to the enclosure door. The gasket shall cover all areas where the 7 door contacts the double flanged cabinet housing exterior and be thick enough to provide 8 a watertight seal. A stiffener plate shall be welded across the width of the inside of the main 9 door to prevent flexing. A bar stop shall be provided that provides a two-position, three-10 point stop accommodating open-angles of 90º, 125º, and 150º. A louvered air entrance 11 located at the bottom of the main door shall satisfy NEMA rod entry test requirements for 12 3R ventilated enclosures. Bearing rollers shall be applied to ends of door latches to 13 discourage metal-on-metal surfaces from rubbing. The lock assembly shall be positioned 14 so handle does not cause interference with key when opening the door. 15 11. The UPS (side) door shall be one-piece construction without any recessed 16 compartments. The side door lock shall be a Best™ CX series green core lock with a 17 deadbolt. Closed-cell neoprene gasket material shall be bonded to the enclosure door. 18 The gasket shall cover all areas where the door contacts the double flanged cabinet 19 housing exterior and be thick enough to provide a watertight seal. A bar stop shall be 20 provided that provides a two-position, three-point stop accommodating open-angles of 80º, 21 100º, and 120º. A louvered air entrance located at the bottom of the side door shall satisfy 22 NEMA rod entry test requirements for 3R ventilated enclosures. Bearing rollers shall be 23 applied to ends of door latches to discourage metal-on-metal surfaces from rubbing. Lock 24 assembly shall be positioned so handle does not cause interference with key when 25 opening the door. 26 12. The ITS (upper front) door shall be one-piece construction without any recessed 27 compartments. The ITS lock shall be a Best™ CX series green core lock with a tapered 28 bolt and shall accept the same key as the main door. Closed-cell neoprene gasket material 29 shall be bonded to the enclosure door. The gasket shall cover all areas where the door 30 contacts the double flanged cabinet housing exterior and be thick enough to provide a 31 watertight seal. A bar stop shall be provided that provides a two-position, three-point stop 32 accommodating open-angles of 90º, 125º, and 150º Closed-cell, neoprene gaskets shall 33 be bonded to the inside of the cabinet doors. The gaskets shall cover all areas where the 34 doors contact the double flanged cabinet housing exterior and be thick enough to provide 35 a watertight seal. 36 13. A key shall be provided for each cabinet lock. 37 14. The cabinet shall be equipped with a universal lock brackets capable of accepting 38 Best™ CX style lock or Corbin #2 tumbler series locks. 39 15. The cabinet shall be supplied with one (1) door switch which controls the cabinet 40 interior lighting circuits. 41 16. All exterior seams shall be manufactured with a neatly formed continuously weld 42 construction. The weld for the police door shall be done on the inside of the cabinet door. 43 All welds shall be free from burrs, cracks, blowholes or other irregularities. 44 17. The fan baffle panel seams shall be sealed with RTV sealant or equivalent material on 45 the interior of the cabinet. 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 201 18. The cabinet shall be UL listed. 1 19. The cabinet shall come with lifting ears affixed to the upper exterior of the cabinet. 2 These ears shall utilize only one bolt for easy reorientation. (The cabinet lifting ears shall 3 not be used when UPS batteries are installed). 4 20. The cabinet shall come with two (2) dual-ply Dustlock™ Media polyester, disposable 5 air filters; and the filter performance shall conform to listed UL 900 Class 2 and conform to 6 MERV-8 & ASHRAE Standard 52.2-1999. The filter element shall be secured to louvered 7 entrance on the main and UPS doors with a metal filter cover. The filter and metal cover 8 shall be secured to entrance on main and UPS doors by two (2) horizontally-mounted 9 restraints. 10 21. All cabinet doors shall be mounted with a single continuous stainless steel piano hinge 11 that runs the length of the door. The hinge shall be attached via stainless steel tamper 12 resistant bolts. 13 22. All steel incorporated in the cabinet shell shall be manufactured in the United States of 14 America. 15 23. The cabinet enclosure shall be an ITSP+ style Western Systems Part # 3017500080. 16 24. The cabinet top level wiring/assembly shall be Western Systems Part # 2515509990. 17 Labels 18 A permanent printed thermo vinyl, engraved or silk screened label shall be provided for all 19 terminals and sockets. Labels shall be legible and shall not be obstructed by cabinet wiring, 20 panels or cables. All labels shall conform to the designations on the cabinet wiring prints. 21 Shelves 22 Cabinet shall come with two (2) 33.25” double beveled shelves 10” deep that are reinforced 23 welded with V channel, fabricated from 5052-H32 0.125-inch thick aluminum with double 24 flanged edges rolled front to back. Slotted hole shall be inserted every 7” for the purpose 25 of tying off wire bundles. The UPS compartment shall come with (4) shelves designed to 26 hold batteries and capable of supporting 75lbs each. 27 Cabinet Layout 28 The shelves shall be populated as follows: 29 The controller and power supply shall be placed on the bottom shelf. The two (2) detector 30 racks and malfunction management unit shall be placed on the top shelf. 31 The roll out drawer shall be mounted under the bottom shelf just left of center. 32 Load bay shall be mounted on the back wall with 5” of clearance to the bottom of the 33 cabinet. 34 The detector panel for all field inputs shall be located on the lower left wall. 35 The 120VAC video power panel shall be mounted on the left wall above the detector panel. 36 The load resistor panel shall be mounted on the lower left wall under the bottom shelf. 37 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 202 The quad 120VAC convenience outlet shall be mounted on the left wall, near the top shelf. 1 The quad 120VAC ITS smart convenience outlet shall be mounted on the right wall, near 2 the top shelf. 3 The SDLC and power supply interface panels shall be located on the left wall between the 4 shelves. 5 The power panel shall be located on the lower right wall. 6 The Ethernet switch din-rail bracket shall be mounted on the right wall, between the 7 shelves on the back “C” channel rail set. 8 Ventilating Fans 9 The cabinet shall be provided with two (2) finger safe fan mounted on the right and left 10 sides of the cabinet plenum. The fans shall be thermostatically controlled separately 11 (adjustable between 4-176° Fahrenheit). Each fan shall have its own circuit consisting of 12 the following components. The safe touch thermostat, fuse holder and power terminal 13 block(s). These items shall be din rail mounted on right and left side of cabinet plenum. 14 Each fan shall be on separate independent circuit and capable of continued independent 15 operation. 16 Computer Shelf 17 A slide-out computer shelf 16” length by 12” width by 2” depth shall be installed below the 18 middle shelf underneath the controller. The shelf shall be mounted just right of center so 19 that controller cables will not interfere with the operation of the shelf when equipment is 20 installed. The shelf shall have a hinged cover that opens from the front and shall be 21 powder-coated black. It shall be a General Devices Part # VC4080-99-1168. The door 22 when fully extended shall hold up to 50lbs. 23 Main Panel Configuration (Load-Bay) 24 The design of the panel shall conform to NEMA TS2 Section 5, Terminals and Facilities, 25 unless modified herein. This panel shall be the termination point for the controller unit (CU) 26 MSA, (MMU) MSA & B cables, bus interface units 1 & 2 (BIU) and field terminal facilities. 27 The terminal and facilities layout shall be arranged in a manner that allows all equipment 28 in the cabinet and all screw terminals to be readily accessible by maintenance personnel. 29 The load-bay shall be fully wired and meet the following requirements: 30 • The load-bay shall have the following dimensions; constructed from aluminum with a 31 nominal thickness of 0.125”, a maximum height of 24” and maximum width of 28.5”. The 32 field terminals width shall be 31.5” including attached wiring bundles. 33 • The entire assembly shall roll down and provide access to all of the back of panel 34 wiring. All solder terminals shall be accessible when the load-bay is rolled down. The 35 assembly shall be able to roll down without requiring other components, cables or switches 36 to be removed. 37 • The load-bay shall be designed so that all other cabinet screw terminals are accessible 38 without removing cabinet electronics. 39 • All the controller (CU) and malfunction management (MMU) cables shall be routed 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 203 through the back of the load-bay so that they will not be subject to damage during load-1 bay roll down. 2 • The top of the load-bay panel shall attach directly to “C” channel rails and detach 3 without the use of tools or loose hardware for roll down purposes. 4 • The load-bay shall be balanced such that it will not roll down when the top of the load 5 bay is detached from the “C” channel, even when fully loaded with BIUs, load switches, 6 flasher and flash transfer relays. 7 • The load-bay facility shall be wired for 16 channels. Load switches 1-8 shall be vehicle 8 phases 1-8; load switches 9-16 shall be overlaps A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H. Overlaps A, B, C 9 & D shall be pedestrian phases 2, 4, 6 & 8. Load switches 1-16 shall be routed through a 10 flash transfer relay. 11 • (16) Load switch sockets in two rows of (8) spaced on 2” center per NEMA TS2 section 12, figure 5-2. 13 • (8) Flash transfer relay sockets. 14 • (1) Flasher socket. 15 • All load switches and flasher shall be supported by a bracket extending at least ½ the 16 length of the load switch. 17 • (2) Bus interface unit rack slots for BIU’s 1 and 2. The main panel BIU racks shall be 18 left of the load switches, placed vertically with BIU 1 above BIU 2. Both BIU racks shall 19 have the BIU stop brackets. 20 • BIU socket wire connections to the PCB shall be via (2) 34 pin connectors with locking 21 latches. 22 • All BIU wiring shall be soldered to backside of a screw terminal. All BIU functions shall 23 be accessible from a screw terminal. 24 • Wiring for one Type-16 MMU. All MMU wiring shall be soldered to backside of a screw 25 terminal. All MMU functions shall be accessible from a screw terminal. 26 • All 24 VDC relays shall have the same base socket, but it shall be different from the 27 120VAC relays. 28 • All 120VAC relays shall have the same base socket, but it shall be different from the 29 24VDC relays. (not applicable to flash transfer relays) 30 • The cabinet shall have a relay that drops +24VDC to the load switches when the 31 cabinet is in flash. 32 • load bay shall have terminals to access the flash circuits 1 and 2. 33 • The load-bay shall be silkscreened on both sides. Silkscreen shall be numbers and 34 functions on the front side, and numbers only on the back side. The back side shall have 35 labels upside down, so when load bay is rolled down labels will be oriented correctly for 36 maintenance or service personnel. 37 • The field terminals shall be labeled with 300 series numbers for load-bay wiring 38 purposes, and 600 & 700 series numbers for termination of field wiring. 39 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 204 Channel Wiring chart: 1 Red: 611, 621, 631, 641, 651, 661, 671, 681, 7E1, 7F1, 7G1, 7H1, 6A1, 6B1, 6C1, 6D1 2 Yellow: 612, 622, 632, 642, 652, 662, 672, 682, 7E2, 7F2, 7G2, 7H2, 6A2. 6B2, 6C2, 6D2 3 Green: 613, 623, 633, 643, 653, 663, 673, 683, 7E3, 7F3, 7G3, 7H3, 6A3, 6B3, 6C3, 6D3 4 The Don’t Walk, Ped Clearance and Walk indications shall utilize OLE thru OLG field 5 numbers. 6 • Field wiring terminations shall be per channel across the bottom of the load-bay. Each 7 channel shall have 3 terminations corresponding to the appropriate vehicle phase Red, 8 Yellow and Green. Default wiring shall be left to right vehicle phases 1-8, pedestrian 9 phases 2, 4, 6 & 8 (overlap channels E, F, G & H) and overlap channels A, B, C & D 10 following the order of the load switches. Field terminals shall be #10 screw terminal and 11 be rated for 600V. 12 • All cable wires shall be terminated. No tie-off of unused terminals will be allowed. 13 • Shall be 100% manufactured in the United States of America 14 All wiring shall conform to NEMA TS2 Section 5.2.5 and table 5-1. Conductors shall 15 conform to military specification MIL-W-16878D, Electrical insulated high heat wire, type 16 B. Conductors #14 or larger shall be permitted to be UL type THHN. Main panel wiring 17 shall conform to the following colors and minimum wire sizes: 18 Vehicle green load switch output 14 gauge brown 19 Vehicle yellow load switch output 14 gauge yellow 20 Vehicle red load switch output 14 gauge red 21 Pedestrian Don’t Walk switch 14 gauge orange 22 Pedestrian Walk switch 14 gauge blue 23 Pedestrian Clearance load switch 14 gauge yellow 24 Vehicle green load switch input 22 gauge brown 25 Vehicle yellow load switch input 22 gauge yellow 26 Vehicle red load switch input 22 gauge red 27 Pedestrian Don’t Walk input 22 gauge orange 28 Pedestrian Walk input 22 gauge blue 29 Pedestrian Clearance input 22 gauge yellow 30 Logic Ground 18 gauge white with red tracer 31 +24V DC 18 gauge red with white tracer 32 +12V DC 18 gauge pink 33 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 205 AC+ Line 14 gauge black 1 AC- Line 14 gauge white 2 Earth Ground 16 gauge green 3 AC line (load bay) 12/14 gauge black 4 AC neutral (load bay) 12/14 gauge white 5 Controller A cables 22 gauge blue with the exception of power wires (AC+ Black, 6 AC- White & Earth Ground Green) These wires shall be 18AWG 7 MMU A & B cables 22 gauge orange with the exception of power wires (AC+ Black, 8 AC- White & Earth Ground Green Start Delay Relay Common Black, Normally open Black 9 & Normally Closed Black) These wires shall be 18AWG 10 Four conductors will supply alternating current (AC) power to the load switch sockets. The 11 load switch sockets shall be supplied 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 & 13-16 by each conductor. 12 The field terminal blocks shall have a screw Type No. 10 post capable of accepting no less 13 than 3 No. 12 AWG wires fitted with spade connectors. Four (4) 12-position terminal blocks 14 shall be provided in a single row across the bottom of the main panel. Spade lugs from 15 internal cabinet wiring are not allowed on field terminal screws. There shall be a second 16 row of four (4) 12-position terminal blocks with screw type #10 above the field terminal 17 blocks. These blocks shall operate the flash program. It shall be changeable from the front 18 of the load-bay. 19 The power terminal blocks shall have a screw Type No. 10 post capable of accepting no 20 less than 3 No. 12 AWG wires fitted with spade connectors. One (1) 12-position terminal 21 block and one (1) 6-position terminal block shall be provided vertically on the right side of 22 the load bay. The placement of the power terminal block on any other panel shall not be 23 allowed. 24 All load switches, flasher, and flash transfer relay sockets shall be marked and mounted 25 with screws. Rivets and clip-mounting is unacceptable. 26 Wire size 16 AWG or smaller at solder joints shall be hooked or looped around the eyelet 27 or terminal block post prior to soldering to ensure circuit integrity. All wires shall have lugs 28 or terminal fittings when not soldered. Lap joint/tack on soldering is not acceptable. All 29 soldered connections shall be made with 60/40 solder and non-corrosive, non-conductive 30 flux. All wiring shall be run neatly and shall use mechanical clamps and conductors shall 31 not be spliced between terminations. Cables shall be sleeved in braided nylon mesh and 32 wires shall not be exposed. 33 Load-Bay and Panel Wire Termination 34 All wires terminated behind the main panel or on the back side of other panels shall be 35 SOLDERED. No pressure or solder-less connectors shall be used. Printed circuit boards 36 shall only be used on the load bay where connecting to the bus interface units (BIU). 37 Cabinet Light Assembly 38 The cabinet shall have three (3) LED lighting fixtures with 15 high power LEDs. LEDs shall 39 use a cool white color emitting 300Im min @ 12VDC/750mA. The LED shall be a Rodeo 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 206 Electronics TS-LED-05M02. The LED fixture shall be powered by a Mean Well class 2 1 power supply LPV-35-12 that shall be mounted on the inside top of the cabinet’s main 2 compartment, near the front edge. The cabinet light circuit shall be designed so all three 3 LED fixture can be installed in the cabinet without the need a of a second power supply. 4 The LEDs shall be attached in the cabinets upper compartment, main compartment, near 5 the front edge & under the cabinet drawer so that it remains stationary when drawer is 6 extended. An on/off switch that is turned on when the cabinet door is opened and off when 7 it is closed shall activate the lighting fixture(s) power supply. 8 Convenience Outlet 9 The cabinet shall be wired with one (1) convenience outlet with a ground fault interrupter 10 (GFI), one (1) quad convenience outlet without ground fault interrupters and one (1) quad 11 ITS smart convenience outlet without ground fault interrupters. The ground fault outlet 12 (GFI) shall be mounted on the right side of the cabinet on or near the power panel. The 13 quad convenience outlet shall be mounted on the left side near the top shelf. The quad 14 ITS smart convenience outlet shall be mounted on the right side near the top shelf. No 15 outlets shall be mounted on the door. The GFI power shall be fed through the auxiliary 16 breaker (CB2). The quad & quad ITS smart convenience outlets shall be fed through the 17 main breaker (CB1). 18 9-29.16 Vehicular Signal Heads, Displays, and Housing 19 9-29.16(2) Conventional Traffic Signal Heads 20 Section 9-29.16(2) is supplemented by adding the following: 21 (******) 22 Vehicular signal heads shall be by McCain, 12 inch lens sizes unless shown otherwise on 23 the signal Plans. 24 Each signal head shall have a 1/4 inch drain hole in its base. 25 Signal heads shall be mounted on the mast arm such that the red indicators lie in the same 26 plane and such that the bottom of the housing including a back plate of a signal head shall 27 not be less than 16 feet 6 inches nor more than 18 feet 6 inches above the grade at the 28 center of the roadway. 29 9-29.16(2)A Optical Units 30 Section 9-29.16(2)A has been revised as follows: 31 (******) 32 GE Light Emitting Diode (LED) light sources are required for all displays. 33 9-29.16(2)B Signal Housing 34 The fifth paragraph of Section 9-29.16(2)B has been revised as follows: 35 (******) 36 Each lens shall be protected with a removable visor. The visor shall be tunnel type unless 37 noted otherwise in the contract. Tunnel, cap, and cut away type visors shall be made of 38 aluminum throughout. Visors shall be flat black in color inside and shall be yellow baked 39 enamel on the outside. Visors shall have attaching ears for installation to the housing door. 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 207 The signal display shall have square doors. End caps shall be made from aluminum and 1 shall be installed with fittings to provide a watertight seal. A bead of silicone sealant shall 2 be applied around the perimeter of all top end cap openings prior to installation of the end 3 cap assembly. Plastic end caps shall utilize a threaded stud with seal and wing nut. End 4 caps shall have the same color as the signal housing. 5 Modular Signal Sections: 6 Each Section shall be 13.5” wide by 13.5” tall and 7.0” deep with 2.0” hole top and 7 bottom that fits 1.5” NPT fittings. Top and bottom of modular signal sections shall not 8 be curved in shape. 9 Shall include 72-tooth serrated boss and reinforcing ribs, top and bottom 10 Shall include Brass threaded inserts for visor attachment (4) 11 Housings shall have a cast boss for mounting a 5 or 6-position terminal block; one side 12 of terminal block with fast-on terminals, the other side with screw terminals 13 The words red, amber, and green shall be cast next to each boss to identify light source 14 lead wires 15 5 or 6-position terminal block shall be installed in center section (1) (alternate mounting 16 is available) 17 Shall include stainless steel door roll pins and eye bolt/wing nut assemblies 18 Shall include integral lugs on the housing and doors with stainless steel roll pins 19 provide effective door hinges 20 Shall include weathertight E.P.D.M. rubber door gasket 21 Shall be capable of supporting visors, back plates, and various mounting hardware 22 23 9-29.16(2)C Louvered Visors 24 Section 9-29.16(2)C has been revised as follows: 25 (******) 26 Where noted in the Contract, louvered tunnel visors shall be furnished and installed. 27 Directional louvers shall be constructed to have a snug fit in the signal visor. The outside 28 cylinder shall be constructed of aluminum, and the louvers shall be constructed of 29 anodized aluminum painted flat black. Dimensions and arrangement of louvers shall be as 30 shown in the contract. 31 9-29.16(2)D Back Plates 32 Section 9-29.16(2)d has been deleted and replaced with: 33 (******) 34 Back plates shall be furnished and attached to the signal heads. Back plates shall be 3-S 35 half-hard aluminum sheet, 0.058-inch minimum thickness, with 5-inch square cut border 36 and painted black in front and yellow in back. Back plates shall have 1” reflective yellow 37 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 208 tape border. 1 9-29.16(2)E Painting Signal Heads 2 Section 9-29.16(2)E has been revised as follows: 3 (******) 4 Traffic signal heads (vehicle and pedestrian) shall be finished with two coats of factory 5 applied traffic signal federal yellow baked enamel or shall be finished with a traffic signal 6 federal yellow oven baked powder coating comprised of resins and pigments. Aluminum 7 end caps and the back of back plates shall be painted to match the color of the signal 8 housing. The inside of visors, front of back plates, and louvers shall be finished with two 9 coats of factory applied flat black enamel. 10 9-29.17 Signal Head Mounting Brackets and Fittings 11 Section 9-29.17 is replaced as follows: 12 (******) 13 Mounting hardware will provide for a rigid connection between the signal head and mast 14 arm. All mounting hardware will be of the top-mount plumbizer type as shown on the 15 standard Plans, unless specified otherwise on the Plans. 16 Vehicle and pedestrian signal head mountings shall be as detailed in the Standard Plans. 17 Material requirements for signal head mounts are as follows: 18 Aluminum 19 1. Arms and slotted tube fittings for Type N mount (temporary signals only). 20 2. Tube clamp and female clamp assembly for Type N mount. 21 Bronze 22 1. Terminal compartments for Type A, B, C, F, H, and K mounts. 23 2. Collars for Type C, D, and F mounts. 24 3. Ell fittings for Type L and LE mounts. 25 4. Messenger hanger and wire entrance fittings for Type P, Q, R, and S mounts. 26 5. Balance adjuster for Type Q, R, and S mounts. 27 Galvanized Steel 28 1. Washers for Type A, B, C, D, F, H, and K mounts. 29 2. Fasteners for Type A, B, E, H, and K mounts. 30 Stainless Steel 31 1. All set screws and cotter Keys. 32 2. Bands for Type N mount. 33 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 209 3. Bolt, nut and washers for Type L mount. 1 4. Bolts, nuts, washers, and screw buckle swivels. 2 Steel 3 1. Center pipes, nipples, elbow and tee fittings for Type A, B, C, F, H, and K mounts. 4 2. Nipples for Type L, LE, and P mounts. 5 All other miscellaneous hardware shall be stainless steel. 6 All hardware for mounts shall be painted with two coats of factory applied traffic signal 7 federal yellow baked enamel. 8 Pins for messenger hanger fittings shall be a minimum of 1 /2 inch in diameter. 9 Terminal compartments for Type A, B, C, F, H, and K mounts shall contain a 12 section 10 terminal block. 11 All hardware for mounts shall be painted with two coats of factory applied traffic signal 12 Federal yellow baked enamel. 13 9-29.18 Vehicle Detector 14 9-29.18(3) Video Detection System 15 Section 9-29.18(3) is a new section: 16 (*****) 17 Vehicle Detection System: 18 The multi-sensor system shall utilize two different sensors of different technologies, video 19 imaging and radar, to detect and track licensed and unlicensed vehicles at distances over 20 500 feet (152 meters). The sensor system shall fuse vehicle information from the two 21 sensors to provide highly accurate and precise detection for simultaneous stop bar 22 presence detection, advanced detection, and special or advanced applications. 23 The multi-sensor system shall use a primary detector rack mounted processor to interface 24 with the traffic control cabinet. The module shall process information from both video 25 imaging and radar sensors simultaneously in real-time. 26 The multi-sensor detection system shall consist of a hybrid video camera/radar sensor, 27 detection processors (DP) capable of processing from one to two sensors, output 28 extension modules, surge suppressors, a setup tool, a monitor, and a pointing device. 29 The system shall include software that detects vehicles in multiple lanes. Video imaging 30 detection zones shall be defined using only an on-board video menu, a monitor, and a 31 pointing device to place the zones on a video image. Up to 24 video detection zones per 32 camera view shall be available. Five additional trigger zones for the radar sensor shall be 33 available and be configurable by using the same system setup menu on the DP. A 34 separate computer shall not be required to program the detection zones, but a PC-based 35 setup tool shall be provided free-of-charge if a user chooses this option for setup. A 36 portable tablet-based setup tool shall be available for sensor alignment and adjustment of 37 camera’s field of view and focus. 38 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 210 The field hardware shall consist of the following four elements: 1 a. Video imaging camera sensor 2 b. Radar sensor 3 c. Multi-sensor assembly 4 d. Sensor data combiner 5 6 Video Imaging Camera Sensor 7 The camera enclosure shall include a proportionally controlled Indium Tin Oxide heater 8 design that maximizes heat transfer to the lens. The output power of the heater shall vary 9 with temperature, to assure proper operation of the lens functions at low temperatures and 10 prevent moisture condensation on the optical faceplate of the enclosure. The transparent 11 coating shall not impact the visual acuity and shall be optically clear. 12 The camera sensor shall allow the user to set the focus and field of view via Wi-Fi 13 connectivity. 14 The camera shall produce a useable video image of the bodies of vehicles under all 15 roadway lighting conditions, regardless of time of day. The minimum range of scene 16 luminance over which the camera shall produce a useable video image shall be the 17 minimum range from nighttime to daytime, but not less than the range 1.0 lux to 10,000 18 lux. 19 The camera electronics shall include automatic gain control to produce a satisfactory 20 image at night. 21 The imager luminance signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) shall be more than 50 dB with the 22 automatic gain control disabled. 23 The imager shall employ three-dimensional dynamic noise reduction (3D-DNR) to remove 24 unwanted image noise. 25 The camera imager shall employ wide dynamic range (WDR) technology to compensate 26 for wide dynamic outdoor lighting conditions. The dynamic range shall be greater than 27 100 dB. 28 The camera shall be digital signal processor (DSP) based and shall use a CCD sensing 29 element and shall output color video with resolution of not less than 550 TV lines. The 30 color CCD imager shall have a minimum pixel count of 380K (NTSC) / 440K (PAL). 31 The camera sensor shall include an electronic shutter control based upon average scene 32 luminance and shall be equipped with an auto-iris lens that operates in tandem with the 33 electronic shutter. The electronic shutter shall operate between the ranges of 1/4 to 34 1/10,000th second. 35 The camera sensor shall utilize automatic white balance. 36 The camera sensor shall include a variable focal length lens with variable focus that can 37 be adjusted, without opening up the camera housing, to suit the site geometry by means 38 of a portable interface device designed for that purpose and manufactured by the detection 39 system supplier. 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 211 The horizontal field of view shall be adjustable from 4.6 to 53.6 degrees. This camera 1 configuration may be used for most detection approaches in order to minimize the setup 2 time. The lens shall be a 12x zoom lens with a focal length of 3.7mm to 44.0mm. The lens 3 shall also have an auto-focus feature with a manual override to facilitate ease of setup. 4 The camera shall incorporate the use of preset positioning that store zoom and focus 5 positioning information. The camera shall have the capability to recall the previously 6 stored preset upon application of power. 7 The camera shall be housed in a weather-tight sealed enclosure conforming to IP-67 8 specifications. The housing shall allow the camera to be rotated to allow proper alignment 9 between the camera and the traveled road surface. 10 The camera enclosure shall be equipped with a sunshield. The sunshield shall include a 11 provision for water diversion to prevent water from flowing in the camera's field of view. 12 The camera enclosure shall be designed so that the pan, tilt and rotation of the camera 13 assembly can be accomplished independently without affecting the other settings. 14 The glass face on the front of the enclosure shall have an anti-reflective coating to 15 minimize light and image reflections. 16 When mounted outdoors in the enclosure, the camera shall operate in a temperature range 17 from -30 oF to +165 oF (-34 °C to +74 °C) and a humidity range from 0% to 100% RH. 18 The camera sensor shall acquire its power from the sensor data combiner. 19 Recommended camera placement height shall be 18-33 feet (or 6-10 meters) above the 20 roadway, and over the traveled way on which vehicles are to be detected. For optimum 21 detection the camera should be centered above the traveled roadway. The camera shall 22 view approaching vehicles at a distance not to exceed 350 feet (107 meters) for reliable 23 detection (height to distance ratio of 10:100). Camera placement and field of view (FOV) 24 shall be unobstructed and as noted in the installation documentation provided by the 25 supplier. 26 The video signal shall be fully isolated from the camera enclosure and power cabling 27 A weather-proof protective cover shall be provided to protect all terminations at the 28 camera. 29 Radar Sensor 30 The radar sensor shall operate in the 24 GHz frequency band and shall operate on 1 of 7 31 available enumerated channels that is user selectable. 32 The radar detection range shall be over 500 feet (152 meters) minimum, +/- 5%. 33 The radar sensor shall be able to track up to 20 independent objects simultaneously. 34 Object speed detection shall be within a range of 0 to 150 miles per hour +/- 1.0 miles per 35 hour (240 km per hour ± 1.5 km per hour). 36 The radar sensor shall be able to detect vehicles in 1 to 4 traffic lanes. 37 The radar sensor shall be housed in a weather-tight sealed enclosure conforming to IP-67 38 specifications. The housing shall allow the radar to be adjusted to allow proper alignment 39 between the sensor and the traveled road surface. 40 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 212 When mounted outdoors in the enclosure, the radar shall operate in a temperature range 1 from -30 oF to +165 oF (-34 °C to +74 °C) and a humidity range from 0% to 100% RH. 2 The radar sensor shall communicate with the sensor data combiner. 3 The radar sensor shall acquire its power from the sensor data combiner. 4 Multi-Sensor Assembly 5 Both camera and radar sensors shall be housed in an overall, single enclosure assembly. 6 The overall size of the multi-sensor enclosure shall not exceed 14 inches x 15 inches x 17 7 inches (355mm x 380mm x 430mm). The overall weight of the multi-sensor unit shall not 8 exceed 11 pounds (5kg).The maximum power consumption for the multi-sensor assembly 9 shall be less than 10 watts typical, 20 watts peak. 10 Sensor Data Combiner 11 A sensor data combiner that combines sensor information from both video and radar 12 sensors shall be employed. The sensor data combiner shall supply primary power to each 13 sensor unit and shall facilitate digital communications between the sensor data combiner 14 and each of the sensor units. 15 The sensor data combiner shall communicate with the detection processor using a single 16 coax cable. Both video imaging and radar data shall use the single coax cable. 17 The sensor data combiner shall also employ industry standard Wi-Fi connectivity for 18 remote sensor system setup using a mobile programming device such as a netbook or 19 tablet computer. Video camera and radar sensor shall be able to be configured 20 independently. 21 The sensor data combiner shall be housed in a weather-tight sealed enclosure conforming 22 to IP-67 specifications. 23 Detection Processor (DP) 24 Detection processors shall be provided for each video/radar multi-sensor devices in the 25 intersection. These shall be 2-channel processors that accept (NTSC) or (PAL) signals 26 from an external video source via BNC type connectors located on the front of the 27 processing unit. The sensor input shall also facilitate the data from the radar sensor. An 28 LED indicator shall be provided to indicate the presence of the sensor signal. The LED 29 shall illuminate upon valid sensor synchronization and turn off when the presence of a 30 valid sensor signal is removed. 31 One video output shall be provided. The real time video output shall have the capability 32 to show text and graphical overlays to aid in system setup. The overlays shall display real-33 time actuation of detection zones upon vehicle detection or presence. Four (4) open 34 collector outputs shall be provided. Additionally, the detection processor shall allow the use 35 of extension modules to provide up to 24 open collector contact closures per camera input. 36 Each open collector output shall be capable of sinking 30 mA at 24 VDC. Open collector 37 outputs will be used for vehicle detection indicators as well as discrete outputs for alarm 38 conditions. 39 The system shall be capable of automatically detecting a low-visibility condition such as 40 fog and respond by placing all effected detection zones in a constant call mode. A user-41 selected alarm output shall be active during the low-visibility condition that can be used to 42 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 213 modify the controller operation if connected to the appropriate controller input modifier. 1 The system shall automatically revert to normal detection mode when the low-visibility 2 condition no longer exists. 3 Placement of detection zones shall be done by using only a pointing device, and a 4 graphical interface built into the DP and displayed on a video monitor, to draw the detection 5 zones on the video image from each video camera. No separate computer shall be 6 required to program the detection zones. 7 Up to six video detection zones per sensor input shall have the capability to count the 8 number of vehicles detected. The zone shall also have the capability to calculate and 9 store average speed and lane occupancy at bin intervals. One radar sensor zone shall 10 also count vehicles, calculate, and store the average speed and lane occupancy across 11 the approach. In addition to the count type zone, the processor shall be able to calculate 12 and/or acquire average speed and lane occupancy using both video and radar sensors. 13 The fully functional video detection systems shall be provided and installed by the 14 Contractor. The Contractor shall submit complete equipment list to the City Engineer for 15 approval prior to the systems purchase. The video detection system shall be capable of 16 providing presence vehicle detection and shall be expandable without removing or 17 replacing existing units. All materials furnished during construction for temporary and 18 permanent detection shall be new, unused, current production models and shall be items 19 currently in distribution. The video detection system shall have a minimum 18-month 20 warranty (from the time of permanent installation) against manufacturing defects in 21 materials and workmanship from the date of shipment. The Contractor shall supply the 22 warranty and all documentation necessary to maintain and operate the system to the COR 23 Transportation Operations Maintenance Representative prior to approval of the video 24 detection system by the Transportation Operations Maintenance Manager. 25 The Video Detection System shall consist of ITERIS video detection equipment, auxiliary 26 equipment, cameras, housings, and mounts, and all required mounting hardware, cables, 27 connectors, and wiring. The video detection camera mounting hardware shall be painted 28 per Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. The video detection equipment shall be of 29 the quantities shown in the Plans, and shall meet the following specifications (The 30 contractor shall submit to the COR Transportation Operations Maintenance Shop 31 Representative a detailed summary of video detection equipment prior to placing 32 an order): 33 Camera and Mounting: 34 Vantage RZ-4 Advanced WDR color camera with integrated weatherproof housing 35 The camera mounting hardware shall be Pelco Astro-Brac Extended Tilt & Pan mount with 36 cable mount and 72 inch tube to be mounted on mast arm. The cable mount shall be 37 suitable for the mast arm diameter at each camera installation location. The Contractor 38 shall have approval for the mounting location from the Transportation Operations 39 Maintenance Manager prior to installation. 40 and 41 Vantage Vector color camera with video and radar sensor fusion and with integrated 42 weatherproof housing. 43 The camera mounting hardware shall be mounted on a mast arm per manufacturer’s 44 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 214 recommendations. The Contractor shall have approval for the mounting location from the 1 Transportation Operations Maintenance Manager prior to installation. 2 Video Detection Board: 3 Iteris Dual Camera Processor that operable with above Camera model(s) Monitor 4 Equipment: 5 Include (1) shelf mounted 9” LCD color monitor and (1) computer optical USB mouse per 6 one signal cabinet Modem: 7 Edge Connect Network Modem 8 Surge Suppression: Each camera assembly shall have a surge suppressor which 9 shall be installed inside the traffic signal controller cabinet. The surge suppressor shall be 10 an EDCO CX06-BNCY meeting these specifications: 11 12 Peak Surge Current 5Ka Technology Hybrid, Solid State Attenuation 0.1dB @ 10 Mhz Response Time <1 nanosecond Protection Line to Ground Clamp Voltage 6 V Connectors BNC Impedance 75 ohms Environmental -40F to 185F Mechanical 4½" x 1½" x 1¼" 13 14 9-29.19 Pedestrian Push Buttons 15 Section 9-29.19 is replaced by the following: 16 (*****) 17 The Contractor shall furnish and install a fully functioning accessible pedestrian push 18 button system at locations specified in the Contract Plans. The pedestrian push button 19 system shall include the following items: 20 Pedestrian push button assemblies shall be ADA Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS), 21 “iNavigator 2-Wire Push Button Station”, Model IN23TN0-B, by Polara Engineering, Inc. 22 The push button assemblies shall include the following features: 23 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 215 Operates over a single pair of wires with the option of operating with a pedestrian head 1 control unit 2 All PBS wired in parallel, individually assignable to any phase 3 16 buttons can operate on a single iCCU (dependent on power requirements and wire 4 runs) 5 All sounds are synchronized 6 4 Locate Tone selectable options 7 13 Walk Sound selectable options, 3 of them custom options 8 7 Clearance Sound selectable options 9 Walk, Clearance, and Don’t Walk sounds automatically adjust to ambient 10 Separate ambient response settings for Locate Tone (for quiet ambient conditions) 11 Most sounds have independent Min/Max settable limits 12 Button vibrates during Walk 13 Button push confirmed by latching LED, tactile bounce, and audible “wait” sound 14 Extended button push can boost volume for next Walk and Clearance 15 Direction of travel message with extended button push, capable 16 Extended Push Priority: mutes all but selected crosswalk, capable 17 Extended Push activation settings: 0-6 second range, 0.5 second increments 18 Beaconing and Ping Pong features available 19 Select audio messages, change settings, and perform firmware updates wirelessly 20 using iOS (9.0+) or Android (5.0+) devices, or a Windows PC with Polara’s Bluetooth 21 Dongle 22 Built in health/event logging feature, up to 1000 events 23 False walk detection: four independent checks 24 External speaker option at time of order 25 External button input for bike lanes, horses, etc. 26 9”x15” Hi-Intensity Retroreflective MUTCD R10-3e 800H-84 countdown sign (per 27 WSDOT Standard Plan J-20.26) 28 Black button color 29 30 One Shelf Mount Central Control Unit shall be provided and installed in the traffic controller 31 cabinet per intersection as an interface between the signal controller and the pedestrian 32 push button stations. The Shelf Mount iNTELLIGENT CENTRAL CONTOL UNIT, Model 33 iCCU-S, by Polara Engineering, Inc., shall: 34 Designed to sit on a shelf, and interfaces to traffic cabinet either through the Polara 35 cable assembly, or a SDLC cable 36 Support full bidirectional Bus Interface Unit (BIU) capability allow the control unit to 37 get interval timing information and place calls to the traffic controller directly through 38 the SDLC interface the power supply and signaling interface between the existing 39 intersection Traffic Control Unit and the Push Button Stations installed on the 40 intersection include one (1) Custom Cable Harness, cable assembly with all cables 41 12-feet long for double wide cabinets 42 Accommodate up to 16 push button stations 43 Support SDLC communication in TS1 and TS2 cabinets 44 Include a front panel with a backlit LCD for displaying system status information 45 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 216 Perform setup functions via Ethernet or Wi-Fi/Bluetooth using a PC, iPhone or iPad 1 Provide free apps for both Windows PCs (Windows 7 or higher) and iOS (8.0 or 2 higher) devices. 3 Supports multiple configurations, with ability to change operational features based 4 on time of day 5 Include a built in conflict monitoring system that monitors pedestrian push button 6 stations and pedestrian signal head lights and powers off in the event of a conflict 7 Include health log data capture that is downloadable and contains extensive 8 status/fault reporting 9 Support remote monitoring over Ethernet 10 Include an Ethernet port for communication 11 Include a USB port 12 Include the Interconnect Board, Model iN2-ICB, for termination of field wiring 13 intersection/field button 14 Include two (2) SDLC Cables, Model iN2-SDLC-CABLE, a standard 6-feet long 15 SDLC cable 16 Include a three (3) year manufacturer limited warranty 17 Include one (1) power cable for 120VAC, 60Hz, 5A 18 9-29.20 Pedestrian Signals 19 9-29.20(1) LED Pedestrian Displays 20 Section 9-29.20(1) is supplemented with the following: 21 (*****) 22 The pedestrian signal shall be hand/man with a countdown feature. The hand and man 23 and countdown symbols shall have a uniform appearance; individual LEDs shall not be 24 visible. The hand and man symbols shall be on the left side superimposed and the 25 countdown symbol on the right side and shall comply with the latest MUTCD requirements. 26 The countdown feature shall allow countdown time to remain stored internally, even when 27 power is removed for extended periods of time, shall automatically adjust to traffic 28 controller interval changes and the symbol shall be minimum 9 inches high. 29 The housing shall be 18 inches and the face shall have z-crates. 30 Except as noted in the following pre-approved list of this section, samples of each item 31 shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. 32 9-29.25 Amplifier, Transformer, and Terminal Cabinets 33 Section 9-29.25 is supplemented as follows: 34 (******) 35 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 217 The terminal box shall be weather tight, have a single door with continuous hinge on one 1 side and screw hold-downs on the door locking side. All hardware will be stainless steel. 2 All mounting hardware shall be stainless steel and shall be incidental to the unit price of 3 terminal box. 4 Terminal blocks shall be 600V heavy duty, barrier type. Each terminal shall be separated 5 by a marker strip. The marker strip shall be permanently marked with the circuit number 6 indicated in the Plans. Each connector shall be a screw type with No. 10 post capable of 7 accepting no less than 3 #12 AWG wires fitted with spade tips. 8 Interconnect splice tower cabinets shall be Type F, with nominal dimensions of 22" high x 9 13" wide x 11" deep and constructed of cast aluminum and fitted with a Best internal lock. 10 9-29.26 PTZ Cameras 11 Section 9-29.26 is a new section: 12 (******) 13 PTZ cameras shall be Siqura PD910 and supplied as a unit including the following: 14 GENERAL 15 A. This product shall be manufactured by a firm whose quality system is in compliance 16 with the ISO-9001 17 B. All equipment and materials used shall be standard components that are regularly 18 manufactured and used in the manufacturer’s system. 19 C. All systems and components shall have been thoroughly tested and proven in 20 actual use. 21 D. All materials furnished under this item shall be compliant with 802.3 Ethernet 22 standards 23 E. All systems and components shall be provided with comprehensive repair and 24 spare parts replacement. The manufacturer on warranty and non-warranty items 25 shall guarantee the spare parts and the repair. 26 27 Camera Image sensor 1/2.8" Progressive scan CMOS Effective pixels 2065x1553 Min. illumination 0.04 lux Color, 0.002 lux B/W (F/1.6) Shutter speed 1 to 1/10,000 sec Day/Night IR-cut filter Lens 40x zoom IR Illumination 850 nm IR illumination distance 200m CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 218 Iris P-iris and auto-iris Focal length 4.3mm to 170 mm (F/1.6) Horizontal field of view 62° (W) to 2.0° (T) Lens material High-grade optical glass PTZ Pan range 360° Continuous rotation Tilt range -20° to +100° Number of presets 256 Preset speed 280°/s Manual speed 0.1°/s to 90°/s Pan; 0.1°/s to 55°/s Tilt Preset accuracy 0.16° Features Speed by zoom Sequence Scan 8 Cruise Scan 8 Autopan 4 Body material Aluminum alloy, ABS Internal demister/heater Standard Image control Dynamic range (WDR) 120 dB, dual exposure HDR White balance Auto, ATW, Manual, One push Image settings Contrast Brightness Saturation Hue Sharpness SNR Better than 54dB Noise reduction 3DNR, 2DNR, Color Low, mid, high (w/ Motion CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 219 Compensation) Image Stabilization Yes (Digital) Digital zoom 10x Text and picture overlay Compass, date & time, 4x line (40 characters each), preset title, image, image transparency Privacy masks 16 Image rotation 90°, 180°, 270° rotation Video Video compression H.265, H.264 (main or high profile); MJPEG Number of compression instances Any combination of H.265 or H.264 streams with possibly one MJPEG stream. Supported resolutions 2065x1553 (3MP); 1080p30,1280x1024; 720p30; 1024x768; 800x600; 720x567(D1); 640x480 (VGA); 352x288 (CIF) Max streaming (H264/H265/MJPEG) ≤ 60fps 2048x1536 1280x720 ≤ 60fps 2048x1536 800x600 720x480 352x240 ≤ 30fps 2048x1536 1920x1080 1280x1024 1280x1024 ≤ 30fps (dual shutter WDR) 2048x1536 1920x1080 1280x1024 720x480 Compression bit rate control Constant bit rate (CBR), variable bit rate (VBR), Low bit rate (LBR) Number of video output streams Up to 20 (RTSP) Total output data rate (max) 60 Mb/s CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 220 Video frame rate 1 to 60 fps, 1 to 50 fps Analog video output PAL/NTSC (BNC) Audio Audio compression G.711, G.726, AAC, LPCM Audio Input Line in Audio Output Line out Analytics Event detection Motion Detection; Audio detection Event Triggers External Input, Analytics, Network Failure Detection, Periodical Event, Manual Trigger Network Local storage Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC up to 128 GB; Network storage NAS (Support NFS, SMB/CIFS) Protocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, DHCP, PPPoE, Diamond*, NTCIP*. Security User authentication, IP filtering, Digest authentication (RTSP, HTTP) HTTPS encryption (TLS1.2); IEEE 802.1x port-based network access control Standard ONVIF (Profile S, Profile G, Profile Q), Siqura API Web browser IE 9, 10 and 11; limited support for Edge, Chrome, Firefox Network interface 10/100 Mb (RJ45) CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 221 Environmental Ingress protection level IP66 Ambient temperature (NEMA TS-2) -40 °C to +74 °C (-40 °F to +165 °F) Relative humidity 5 to 100% MTBF (@40°C) >200,000 h Vibration (NEMA TS-2) 5 to 30 Hz, 0.5 g during 1 h. (x, y, and z) Shock (NEMA TS-2) 10 g (x, y, and z) Max wind velocity 225 km/h (150 mph) Power supply 12Vdc, 24 Vac, 802.3bt Type 3 (Hi-PoE, 50 W) Power consumption Max. 39 W Mechanical Interfaces - Ethernet RJ45 - Alarm in / out 4x / 2x Terminal Block - 12Vdc Terminal Block - 24Vac Terminal Block - Audio in / out terminal Block - Video out BNC Connector - RS485 Terminal Block Dimensions Ø 207.4 x 300.4 mm with Sunshield Weight 3.8 kg Color RAL 9003 (signal white) CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 222 Camera mounting shall be per manufacturer’s recommendations. 1 Camera housing and all mounting equipment shall be painted as specified in 6-07 of these 2 Special Provisions. Cameras shall be mounted to the poles, at the locations shown on the 3 specifications and detail sheets, and per manufacturer’s recommendations. 4 PTZ System Cabling 5 POE Cable connections between the camera system and the controller cabinet shall be 6 per section 9-29.3(2)J of these Special Provisions and as shown in the Plans. The POE 7 cable ends shall be factory terminated. Cable installation shall only require installing the 8 connector shell at the camera end, and modifying the power cable at the cabinet end. The 9 POE cable used between the PTZ camera and the controller cabinet shall be compatible 10 with the video detection cameras and shall not exceed 200 feet in length. If POE cable 11 exceeds 200’ 120V power cable will need to be ran from camera to controller cabinet. 12 PTZ System Software 13 System shall include one (1) license of the compatible software and shall meet the 14 following requirements: 15 Highly customizable user interface 16 HD camera support 17 Failover server support 18 Scalable and Modular architecture 19 Support of graphical maps for easy localization 20 Centralized User Management 21 Automated switching to failover Server(s) 22 HD Quality Video in multiple compression standards 23 Automated Event – Reaction macro 24 Multiple time schedule based 25 Supports multiple security subsystems 26 27 28 9-30 WATER DISTRIBUTION MATERIALS 29 30 9-30.1 Pipe 31 Section 9-30.1 is supplemented with the following: 32 33 All materials for water distribution and transmission shall be new and undamaged. Prior 34 to ordering any pipe and fittings to be used in a potable water supply, the Contractor shall 35 submit the material source as required by Section 1-06.1 of the Standard Specifications. 36 All direct and indirect drinking water system components which come in contact with 37 potable water shall have National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) certification. All pipe and 38 fittings shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name, type, class, and thickness 39 as applicable and shall be marked on the component at the place of manufacture. 40 Marking shall be legible and permanent under normal conditions of handling and storage. 41 42 9-30.1(1) Ductile Iron Pipe 43 Section 9-30.1(1) is revised to read as follows: 44 45 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 223 1. Ductile iron pipe shall be centrifugally cast in 18 or 20 foot nominal lengths and 1 meet the requirements of AWWA C151. Ductile iron pipe shall have a double thick 2 cement mortar lining and a 1-mil thick seal coat meeting the requirements of 3 AWWA C104. Ductile iron pipe shall be minimum Standard Thickness Class 52 4 or the thickness class as shown in the Plans. Flanged ductile iron pipe shall be 5 Class 53 per AWWA C115. 6 7 2. Non-restrained joint shall be rubber gasket, push-on type joint (Tyton) or 8 mechanical joint (M.J.) conforming to AWWA C111, unless otherwise specified. 9 10 3. Restrained joints shall be as specified in Section 9-30.2(6). 11 12 4. Flanged joints shall conform to ANSI B16.1, class 125 drilling pattern, rated for 13 250 psi working pressure. Flanged ductile iron pipe shall be Class 53 per AWWA 14 C 115. Thicker Classes are acceptable. 15 16 The Contractor shall furnish certification from the manufacturer of the pipe and 17 gasket being supplied that the inspection and all of the specified tests have been 18 made and the results thereof comply with the requirements of the above referenced 19 standards. 20 21 9-30.1(2) Polyethylene Encasement 22 Section 9-30.1(2) is revised to read as follows: 23 24 Polyethylene encasement (plastic film wrap) shall be eight mil polyethylene, tube 25 type conforming to AWWA C105. All ductile iron pipes and fittings shall be installed 26 with a polyethylene encasement, tube-type and in black color. 27 28 9-30.2 Fittings 29 30 9-30.2(1) Ductile Iron Pipe 31 Section 9-30.2(1) is revised to read as follows: 32 33 Fittings for ductile iron pipe shall be ductile iron conforming to AWWA C110, and 34 AWWA C111 or AWWA C153 and shall be cement-lined conforming to AWWA C104. 35 All water main fittings shall be ductile iron, short body, cement lined and for pressure 36 rating of 350 psi for mechanical joint fittings and 250 psi for flange joint fittings, unless 37 otherwise specified. Metal thickness and manufacturing process shall conform to 38 applicable portions of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10. Mechanical joint, ductile iron, 39 compact fittings 24 inches and less shall conform to ANSI A21.53 (AWWA C153). 40 Flanged fittings, cast or ductile iron, shall conform to ANSI B16.1, class 125 drilling 41 pattern. 42 43 Ductile iron fittings include: tees, crosses, wyes, bends, adapters, sleeves, plugs, 44 caps, offsets, reducers, and ells. 45 46 Rubber gaskets for push-on joints (Tyton) or mechanical joint (M.J.) shall conform to 47 ANSI A21.11 / AWWA C111. Gasket materials for flange joints shall be neoprene, 48 Buna N, chlorinated butyl, or cloth-inserted rubber suitable for pressurized water 49 service purposes. Type of connections shall be specified as push-on joint (Tyton), 50 mechanical joint (M.J.), plain end (P.E.), flanged (FL), restrained joint (RJ) and 51 threaded. 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 224 1 Sleeves less than 12 inches in diameter shall be 12 inches minimum length and shall 2 be mechanical joint. Sleeves greater than 12 inches in diameter shall be of the long 3 body type and shall be 15 inches minimum length and shall be mechanical joint. 4 5 Where ductile iron pipe is to be joined to existing cast iron pipe of the same nominal 6 size and the outside diameter of the existing cast iron pipe is 0.05 inches or less from 7 the outside diameter of the ductile iron pipe being joined, the pipe shall be joined with 8 a mechanical joint sleeve. 9 10 Where ductile iron pipe is to be joined to existing cast iron pipe of the same nominal 11 size and the outside diameter of the existing cast iron pipe conforms to AWWA 1908 12 classifications A, B, C, D, or F, the pipe shall be joined with a transition mechanical 13 joint sleeve having a single-piece casting. Threaded pipe and flanges combinations 14 shall not be used. 15 16 Bolts in piping and fittings shall be malleable iron, Cor-ten or stainless steel. Bolts 17 and nuts for flanged pipe and fittings shall conform in size and length with 18 ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. Stainless steel bolts shall meet the requirements of 19 ASTM A-307, Grade A. Shackle rods shall be Cor-ten or stainless steel all thread 20 316SS. Stainless steel nuts and bolts shall be type 316SS. 21 22 Contractor shall provide Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance in accordance with 23 Section 1-06.3 Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance of the Standards 24 Specifications for all fittings and bolts to be used. 25 26 9-30.2(2) Galvanized Iron Pipe 27 Section 9-30.2(2) is a new section and shall read as follows: 28 29 Where galvanized iron pipe is specified, the pipe shall be standard weight, Schedule 30 40, steel pipe per Standard Specifications for black and hot-dipped, zinc coated 31 (galvanized) welded and seamless steel pipe for ordinary uses (ASTM A-120). 32 Fittings shall be screwed malleable iron galvanized per ANSI B16.3. 33 34 9-30.2(3) Steel Casing Pipe 35 Section 9-30.2(3) is a new section and shall read as follows: 36 37 Steel casing shall be black steel pipe conforming to ASTM A 53. Before installation, 38 coat casing exterior with shop-applied anticorrosive coating conforming to AWWA 39 C210. Minimum coating thickness shall be 16 mils dry film thickness (DFT); however, 40 thickness shall not exceed manufacturer’s recommended thickness. Coating type 41 shall be a polyamide epoxy-coal tar equal to Tnemec Hi-Build Theme-Tar, Series 42 46H-413. 43 44 Casing wall thickness shall be 0.250 inch for casings 24 inches or less in diameter 45 and 0.375 inch for casings over 24 inches in diameter. 46 47 Carrier pipe for water main shall be Restrained Joint Ductile Iron, Class 52. 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 225 1 9-30.2(4) Steel Pipe 2 Section 9-30.2(4), including title, is revised as follows: 3 4 9-30.2(4) Spacers and Seals for Steel Casing Pipe 5 6 Casing spacers shall be “centered positioning” type bands at least 12 inch in width, 7 and shall be either stainless steel or heavy duty fusion bonded epoxy coated steel. 8 Runners shall be 2-inch wide glass reinforced plastic securely bonded to the spacer, 9 and shall be aligned on the spacer along the axis of insertion of the water main into 10 the casing pipe. Runner length shall approximate the width of the spacer. Securing 11 the spacer to the water main shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s 12 instruction. The height of the risers and runners combined shall be sufficient to keep 13 the carrier pipe bell, couplings or fittings at least 0.75 inch from the casing pipe wall 14 at all times and provide at least 1-inch clearance between the runners and the top of 15 the casing wall, to prevent jamming during installation. 16 17 Acceptable spacers and end seals manufacturers are Pipeline Seal and Insulator 18 model S12G-2 for stainless steel and model C12G-2, C8G-2 for fusion-bonded and 19 coated steel, Cascade Waterworks Mfg. Co., Advance Products & Systems, Inc. or 20 approved equal. 21 22 9-30.2(6) Restrained Joints 23 Section 9-30.2(6), including title, is revised as follows: 24 25 9-30.2(6) Restrained Joint Pipe and Fittings 26 27 Restrained joints (RJ) ductile iron pipe and fittings, where required on the plans, shall 28 be flexible after assembly and be able to be disassembled. Restrained joints shall 29 meet the following criteria: 30 1. The restrained joint shall have a positive metal to metal contact locking 31 system without the use of gripping teeth. Gaskets for push-on joint pipe with 32 integrally molded steel or metal teeth or locking segments shall not be 33 allowed as substitutes for restrained-joint pipes. 34 2. The joint restraint system for the pipe shall be the same as the joint restraint 35 system for the pipe fittings, except as provided in item 4 below. 36 3. The joint restraint system for the pipe shall be boltless. 37 4. Where restrained joint fittings required on the plans cannot be furnished or 38 where restrained jointed fittings are required in areas that are known to be 39 subject to location adjustments, the Contractor may submit a lay plan showing 40 mechanically jointed fittings with wedge restraint glands for approval. 41 Mechanically jointed pipe with wedge restraint glands shall not be substituted 42 for restrained joint pipe. 43 44 Wedge Restraint Glands 45 46 Wedge restraint glands shall conform to AWWA C111, ASTM A 536-80 Grade 65-42-47 12. All bolts and wedges shall be ductile iron. Wedge shall be heat-treated to a 48 minimum 370 BHN. Wedge restraint glands shall be rated for 350 psi for pipe 12 49 inch in diameter and smaller. 50 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 226 1 9-30.2(7) Bolted, Sleeve-Type Couplings for Plain End Pipe 2 Section 9-30.2(7) is revised as follows: 3 4 Transition couplings, reducing couplings, transition reducing couplings, sleeves, 5 flexible couplings for water main shall be compression type by pipe manufacturer: 6 Romac or Ford or approved equal. Bolts and nuts shall be high strength, low alloy 7 steel, corrosion resistant per AWWA C111. Stainless steel bolts require anti-seize 8 compound. Heavy hex nuts shall be used. 9 10 The long body pattern with a minimum center ring or center sleeve length of 12-11 inches for pipe less than 12 inches in diameter and equal to or greater than the pipe 12 diameter for pipe greater than 12 inches in diameter. Solid sleeves (greater than 12 13 inch diameter) shall be a 15 inch minimum length. 14 15 9-30.3 Valves 16 Section 9-30.3 is supplemented with the following: 17 18 The valves shall be a standard pattern of a manufacturer whose products are approved 19 by the Engineer and shall have the name or mark of the manufacturer, year valve 20 casting was made, size and working pressure plainly cast in raided and legible letters 21 on the valve body. All valves shall be NSF approved and valve bodies shall be ductile 22 iron. All valves shall be stamped with “NSF APPROVED” and “DI”. 23 24 Where a valve is required to operate in a higher pressure environment than the Class 25 of valve specified in Section 9-30.3, the class of valve shall be as specified in the 26 Contract. 27 28 9-30.3(1) Gate Valves (3 to 16 inches) 29 Section 9-30.3(1) is replaced with the following: 30 31 All valve material shall be new and undamaged. Unless otherwise approved by the 32 Engineer, the same manufacturer of each item shall be used throughout the work. 33 All gate valves shall be ductile iron body, bronze mounted, resilient seat, non-rising 34 stem and shall be equipped with a standard two (2) inch square operating nut and 35 O-ring stem seals. Valves shall open counterclockwise when viewed from above. 36 Valves shall be designed for a minimum water operating pressure of 200 PSI. 37 38 Resilient seated gate valves shall be manufactured to meet or exceed the 39 requirements of AWWA Standard C-509 and C-515 latest revisions. 40 41 Valve ends shall be mechanical joints, flanged joints or mechanical by flanged joints 42 as shown on the project plans. Where restrained joints are called out, valve ends 43 shall be flanged with appropriate flange by restrained joint adapters. 44 45 All gate valves shall include an 8" x 24" cast iron gate valve box and extensions, as 46 required. A valve stem extension is required where the valve operating nut is more 47 than 3 feet below finished grade. Valve stem extensions are to be a minimum of 1 48 foot with only one extension per valve in shall be installed in accordance to the City 49 of Renton standard plans. 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 227 Acceptable gate valves are Clow, M & H/Kennedy, American Flow Control (ACIPCo), 1 Pratt/Mueller, US Metroseal or approved equal in sizes 16 inches and less. 2 3 Approval of valves other than models specified shall be obtained prior to bid opening. 4 5 9-30.3(3) Butterfly Valves 6 Section 9-30.3(3) is supplemented and revised as follows: 7 8 In addition to the requirements of section 9-30.3, water main butterfly valves shall 9 conform to AWWA C504 and shall be Class 150B. The valve shall be short-body 10 type and shall have flanged ends. Flanged ends shall be sized and drilled in 11 conformance with ANSI B16.1 Class 125. Valve shall be suitable for direct bury and 12 shall have a stem extension with AWWA 2-inch square operating nut and suitable 13 valve box. All butterfly valves bodies and discs shall be ductile iron. 14 15 The butterfly valves shall be manufactured by Henry Pratt Company, Mueller, 16 DeZurick, Mosser Valve Division of Olsen Technologies, Dresser 450, Pratt 17 Groundhog or approved equal. 18 19 9-30.3(4) Valve Boxes 20 Section 9-30.3(4) is revised to read as follows: 21 22 Valve boxes shall be installed on all buried valves. The box and lid shall be cast iron, 23 2-piece slip type with cast iron extension as necessary, conforming to the City of 24 Renton latest standard plans. The cover shall have the word “WATER” cast in it and 25 shall have cast-iron “ears” installed in the direction of the main. Valve box extension 26 pieces shall be provided for valves with groundcover in excess of the depth of the 27 standard valve box. 28 29 Acceptable manufacturers of valves boxes and covers are Olympic Foundry, Inc., 30 EJCO, Rich (Varnish Casting Corp.) 31 32 9-30.3(5) Valve Marker Posts 33 Section 9-30.3(5) is supplemented with the following: 34 35 Valve markers shall be Carsonite composite utility marker .375"x 6'-0" or approved 36 equal with blue label "water”. The valve markers shall be installed in conformance 37 with the City of Renton Standard Plans. 38 39 9-30.3(6) Valve Stem Extensions 40 Section 9-30.3(6) is revised to read as follows: 41 42 Valve stem extensions shall have a 2-inch square operating nut and self-centering 43 rockplate. A valve stem extension is required where the valve operating nut is more 44 than 3 feet below finished grade. Valve stem extensions are to be a minimum of 1 45 foot with only one extension per valve in shall be installed in accordance to the City 46 of Renton standard plans. 47 48 9-30.3(7) Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valves 49 Section 9-30.3(7) is supplemented with the following: 50 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 228 Combination air release/air vacuum valves shall comply with the requirements of 1 ANSI/AWWA C512. Air and vacuum release valves shall be APCO No. 143C- Valve 2 and Primer Corp, "Heavy-Duty," combination air release valve, Val-Matic No. 201C, 3 Crispin UL10 or approved equal. Installation shall be per the City of Renton Standard 4 Details, latest revision. Piping and fitting shall be copper or brass. Location of the 5 air release valve as show on the plans is approximate. The installation shall be set 6 at the actual high point of the line. 7 8 9-30.3(8) Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly 9 Section 9-30.3(8) is supplemented with the following: 10 11 Tapping sleeves shall be cast iron, ductile iron, or epoxy coated steel. Bolt and nuts 12 shall be Cor-Ten or stainless steel. 13 14 9-30.3(9) Blow-Off Assembly 15 Section 9-30.3(9) is a new section and shall read as follows: 16 17 Installation of blow-off assembly shall be per City of Renton Standard Details, latest 18 revision. Pipe and fittings shall be galvanized. Blow-off assembly shall be installed 19 at location(s) shown on the plans. Temporary blow-off assembly on new dead-end 20 water main shall be installed at location shown on the plans. Temporary blow-off 21 assemblies for testing and flushing of the new water mains will not be included under 22 this item and shall be considered incidental to the contract and no additional payment 23 shall be made. 24 25 9-30.5 Hydrants 26 Section 9-30.5 is revised to read as follows: 27 28 Fire hydrants shall conform to AWWA C502 and shall be of standard manufacture and of 29 a pattern approved by the City of Renton. The name or mark of the manufacturer, size of 30 the valve opening and year made shall be plainly cast in raised letters on the hydrant 31 barrel to be visible after the hydrant is installed. 32 33 Hydrants of the following manufacture and pattern have been approved by the City of 34 Renton. 35 36 Clow Medallion, M&H 929, Mueller Centurion Model A-423, Waterous Pacer, American 37 Darling Model B-62B, Kennedy K81D Guardian, East Jordan WaterMaster 5CD250. 38 39 9-30.5(1) End Connections 40 Section 9-30.5(1) is supplemented with the following: 41 42 Hydrant end connections shall be mechanical joint connection unless otherwise 43 specified in the description of the bid of proposal. 44 45 9-30.5(2) Hydrant Dimensions 46 Section 9-30.5(2) is replaced with the following: 47 48 Fire hydrants shall have a valve opening with minimum diameter of 5-1/4 inches, “O” 49 ring stem seal, two 2-1/2 inches National Standard Thread (N.S.T.) hose nozzle 50 connections, one 4-inches pumper port connection with City of Seattle standard 51 threats and with a 4.875” Seattle thread x 5” Storz adapter attached with a 1/8” 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 229 stainless steel cable. The shoe connection and hydrant connection inside pipe size 1 and auxiliary gate valve shall be 6 inches, mechanical joint with lugs. The operating 2 nut and port cap nuts are 1-1/4-inch pentagonal. 3 4 Hydrant restraint system shall be two 3/4-inch diameter Cor-Ten steel shackle rods 5 with a poured in place concrete thrust block behind the hydrant shoe. If a wedge 6 restraint system is used in lieu of shackle rods, mechanical joint pipe shall be used. 7 Hydrants shall be provided with a breakaway flange assembly and be equipped with 8 breaking devices at the sidewalk. 9 10 The hydrant curb stand section of the hydrant that is above ground including all 11 exposed surfaces of the breakaway flange shall be painted with 2 field coats of paint 12 Kelly-Moore Luxlite or approved equal in Safety Yellow color. 13 14 Fire hydrants shall be installed per City of Renton Standard Details for fire hydrants, 15 latest revisions. 16 9-34 PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIAL 17 18 9-34.3 Plastic 19 20 9-34.3(4) Type D – Liquid Cold Applied Methyl Methacrylate 21 Section 9-34.3(4) is supplemented with the following: 22 (******) 23 The profiled methyl methacrylate (MMA) material shall be formulated as a long-life 24 durable pavement marking system capable of providing a minimum of two years of 25 continuous performance. The material shall be a catalyzed methyl methacrylate (MMA), 26 wet-continuous reflective product and placed shall have a dry time (cure) to the touch of 27 no more than 30 minutes. The material shall be capable of retaining reflective glass 28 beads and ceramic micro-crystalline elements of the drop-on or spray-on type as 29 specified by the manufacturer. The binder shall be lead free and suitable for bituminous 30 and concrete pavements. The MMA shall be as detailed in the standard Plans 109, unless 31 specified otherwise on the Plans. 32 33 9-34.4 Glass Beads for Pavement Marking Materials 34 Section 9-34.4 is supplemented with the following: 35 (******) 36 Methyl Methacrylate Pavement Markings Optics 37 38 Glass Beads 39 Surface-drop glass beads shall be the “Utah Blend” with a Methacrylate compatible 40 coupling agent approved by the material manufacturer. 41 42 Glass beads shall be applied at a rate of eight (8) to ten (10) pounds per one hundred 43 square feet. 44 45 Bonded Core Elements 46 Surface-drop ceramic elements shall be the Series 50M or 70M with a Methacrylate 47 compatible coupling agent approved by the material manufacturer. Elements shall meet 48 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 230 or exceed a minimum initial value of 150 mcd for white and 125 mcd for yellow per ASTM 1 2176. 2 3 The bonded core reflective elements shall contain either clear or yellow tinted 4 microcrystalline ceramic beads bonded to the opacified core. These elements shall not 5 be manufactured using lead, chromate or arsenic. All “dry-performing” microcrystalline 6 ceramic beads bonded to the core shall have a minimum index of refraction of 1.8 when 7 tested using the liquid oil immersion method. All “wet performing” microcrystalline 8 ceramic beads bonded to the core shall have a minimum index of refraction of 2.30 when 9 tested using the liquid oil immersion method. 10 11 There are two gradations for the bonded core elements, standard size and “S” series. “S” 12 series is a slightly finer gradation of elements compared to standard. 13 14 Element Gradations Mass Percent Passing (ASTM D1214) US Mesh Micron Standard Elements “S” Series 12 1700 80-100 85-100 14 1410 45-80 70-96 16 1180 5-40 50-90 18 1000 0-20 5-60 20 850 0-7 0-25 30 600 0-7 15 A sample of bonded core reflective elements supplied by the manufacturer shall show 16 resistance to corrosion of their surface after exposure to a 1% solution (by weight) of 17 sulfuric acid. The 1% acid solution shall be made by adding 5.7 cc of concentrated acid 18 into 1000cc of distilled water. CAUTION: Always add the concentrated acid into the water, 19 not the reverse. 20 21 The bonded core elements are surface treated to optimize embedment and adhesion to 22 the MMA binder. Elements treated for use with MMA shall have identification on packaging 23 or label to indicate use with the MMA binder. 24 25 Bonded core elements shall be applied at a rate of ten (10) grams per four (4) inch wide 26 by one (1) linear foot of marking. 27 28 Reflectance 29 Typical initial retro reflectance values are shown in the Table below. Typical retro 30 reflectivity is averaged over many readings. Minimum Retro reflectivity results represent 31 average performance for smooth pavement surfaces. Values represent both standard and 32 "S" Series elements. Results may vary due to differences in pavement type and surface 33 roughness. Increased element drop rate may be necessary to compensate for increased 34 surface area characteristic of rough pavement surfaces. The initial retro reflectance of a 35 single installation shall be the average value determined by the measurement procedures 36 outlined in ASTM E 1710, using a 30-meter (98.4 feet) retro-reflectometer. RL shall be 37 expressed in units of millicandelas per square foot per foot-candle [mcd(ft-2)(fc-1)]. 38 39 The optics incorporated into the pavement marking system shall be tested and certified 40 by an independent laboratory to meet ASTM E2177 for wet-recovery and ASTM E2176 41 for wet-continuous performance levels. 42 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 231 1 The pavement marking system installed shall meet a minimum Dry reflectance value of 2 700 MCD/M2/LX for white pavement markings and 500 MCD/M2/LX for yellow pavement 3 markings and wet-recovery (as described by ASTM 2177) reflectance value of 375 4 MCD/M2/LX for white pavement markings and 280 MCD/M2/LX for yellow pavement 5 markings, and wet-continuous (as described by ASTM 2176 testing) reflectance values 6 of 150 MCD/M2/LX for white pavement markings and 125 MCD/M2/LX for yellow 7 pavement markings as measured with a 30 meter device approved by the Traffic 8 Engineering Division (TED). 9 10 The Contractor will be required to take and record readings every 500 feet utilizing a 30 11 meter device approved by the Traffic Engineering Division. These readings shall be 12 recorded on the daily report and submitted to the project engineer at the end of each work 13 day or shift. 14 15 Minimum Initial Retro Reflectance Values White Yellow Dry (ASTM E1710) 700 500 Wet recovery (ASTM E2177) 375 280 Wet continuous (ASTM E2176) 150 125 16 17 9-35 Temporary Traffic Control Materials 18 19 9-35.5 Portable Changeable Message Signs 20 Section 9-35.5 is revised to read: 21 22 (January 10, 2022 WSDOT GSP) 23 PCMS, mPCMS, and truck mounted PCMS shall meet the requirements of the 24 MUTCD and the following general requirements: 25 26 1. Use light emitting diode (LED) technology capable of emitting a yellow 27 or amber image when displayed with a flat black image matching the 28 background when not activated. 29 30 2. Be capable of displaying 3-lines of at least 8 alphanumeric characters 31 with a minimum of one pixel separation between each line. 32 33 3. Be capable of displaying 2 phases of messages at 2.0 second display 34 each in addition to 3 phases of messages at 1.5 second display each. 35 36 4. PCMS characters shall be at least 18 inches in height. 37 38 5. mPCMS characters shall be at least 12 inches in height. 39 40 6. Truck-mounted PCMS characters shall be at least 10 inches in height. 41 42 7. The sign display shall be covered by a stable, impact resistant 43 polycarbonate face. The sign face shall be non-glare from all angles 44 and shall not degrade due to exposure to ultraviolet light. 45 46 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 232 8. Be capable of simultaneously activating all pixels for the purpose of 1 pixel diagnostics. This feature shall not occur when the sign is 2 displaying an active message. 3 4 9. The light source shall be energized only when the sign is displaying an 5 active message. 6 7 10. Primary source of power shall be solar power with a battery backup to 8 provide continuous operation when failure of the primary power source 9 occurs. 10 11 11. The sign controller software shall be NTCIP compliant. 12 13 The PCMS panels and related equipment shall be permanently mounted on a 14 trailer or truck with all needed controls and power generating equipment. 15 16 17 END OF DIVISON 9 18 19 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 233 Appendices 1 (January 2, 2012 WSDOT GSP) 2 The following appendices are attached and made a part of this Contract: 3 4 APPENDIX A: 5 Prevailing Hourly Minimum Wage Rates. 6 7 APPENDIX B: 8 Standard Plans (City of Renton and WSDOT). 9 10 APPENDIX C: 11 Potholing Data. 12 13 APPENDIX D: 14 Geotechnical Report. 15 16 APPENDIX E: 17 Construction Stormwater General Permit. 18 19 APPENDIX F: 20 Boeing Environmental Agreements. 21 22 APPENDIX G: 23 Miscellaneous Documents. 24 25 APPENDIX H: 26 BNSF Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 27 28 APPENDIX I: 29 Boeing Permanent Easement. 30 31 APPENDIX J: 32 Dewatering Permit. 33 34 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 234 (January 10, 2022 WSDOT GSP) 1 Standard Plans 2 The State of Washington Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction M21-3 01, effective September 13, 2021, is made a part of this contract. 4 5 The Standard Plans are revised as follows: 6 7 B-90.40 8 Valve Detail – DELETED 9 10 C-8 11 DELETED 12 13 C-8A 14 DELETED 15 16 C-20.10 17 Note 1: “Refer to Standard Plan C-1b and C-20.11 for additional details not shown on this 18 plan.” is revised to read: “Refer to Standard Plan C-1b for additional details not shown on 19 this plan.” 20 21 C-60.10 22 Sheet 1, ADD Note: NOTE: STEEL WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT DEFORMED 23 FOR CONCRETE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR REINFORCING STEEL IN 24 ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION, SECTION 6-10.3 25 26 Sheet 2, New Note 5: The connecting pin may be fabricated with a forged head as shown 27 on Standard Plan C-60.15.” 28 29 C-60.80 30 DELETED 31 32 C-85.16 33 DELETED 34 35 C-85.20 36 DELETED 37 38 D-10.10 39 Wall Type 1 may be used if no traffic barrier is attached on top of the wall. Walls with traffic 40 barriers attached on top of the wall are considered non-standard and shall be designed 41 in accordance with the current WSDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) and the revisions 42 stated in the 11/3/15 Bridge Design memorandum. 43 44 D-10.15 45 Wall Type 2 may be used if no traffic barrier is attached on top of the wall. Walls with traffic 46 barriers attached on top of the wall are considered non-standard and shall be designed 47 in accordance with the current WSDOT BDM and the revisions stated in the 11/3/15 48 Bridge Design memorandum. 49 50 D-10.30 51 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 235 Wall Type 5 may be used in all cases. 1 2 D-10.35 3 Wall Type 6 may be used in all cases. 4 5 D-10.40 6 Wall Type 7 may be used if no traffic barrier is attached on top of the wall. Walls with traffic 7 barriers attached on top of the wall are considered non-standard and shall be designed 8 in accordance with the current WSDOT BDM and the revisions stated in the 11/3/15 9 Bridge Design memorandum. 10 11 D-10.45 12 Wall Type 8 may be used if no traffic barrier is attached on top of the wall. Walls with traffic 13 barriers attached on top of the wall are considered non-standard and shall be designed 14 in accordance with the current WSDOT BDM and the revisions stated in the revisions 15 stated in the 11/3/15 Bridge Design memorandum. 16 17 D-15.10 18 STD Plans D-15 series “Traffic Barrier Details for Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls” 19 are withdrawn. Special designs in accordance with the current WSDOT BDM are required 20 in place of these STD Plans. 21 22 D-15.20 23 STD Plans D-15 series “Traffic Barrier Details for Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls” 24 are withdrawn. Special designs in accordance with the current WSDOT BDM are required 25 in place of these STD Plans. 26 27 D-15.30 28 STD Plans D-15 series “Traffic Barrier Details for Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls” 29 are withdrawn. Special designs in accordance with the current WSDOT BDM are required 30 in place of these STD Plans. 31 32 G-90.11 33 DELETED 34 35 G-90.40 36 DELETED 37 38 J-10.16 39 Key Note 1, Standard Plan J-10.30 revised to Standard Plan J-10.14 40 41 J-10.17 42 Key Note 1, Standard Plan J-10.30 revised to Standard Plan J-10.14 43 44 J-10.18 45 Key Note 1, Standard Plan J-10.30 revised to Standard Plan J-10.14 46 47 J-20.26 48 Add Note 1, “1. One accessible pedestrian pushbutton station per pedestrian pushbutton 49 post.” 50 51 J-20.16 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 236 View A, callout, was – LOCK NIPPLE, is revised to read; CHASE NIPPLE 1 2 J-21.10 3 Sheet 1, Elevation View, Round Concrete Foundation Detail, callout – “ANCHOR BOLTS 4 ~ ¾” (IN) x 30” (IN) FULL THREAD ~ THREE REQ’D. PER ASSEMBLY” IS REVISED TO 5 READ: “ANCHOR BOLTS ~ ¾” (IN) x 30” (IN) FULL THREAD ~ FOUR REQ’D. PER 6 ASSEMBLY” 7 Sheet 1 of 2, Elevation view (Round), add dimension depicting the distance from the top 8 of the foundation to find 2 #4 reinforcing bar shown, to read; 3” CLR.. Delete “(TYP.)” from 9 the 2 ½” CLR. dimension, depicting the distance from the bottom of the foundation to find 10 2 # 4 reinf. Bar. 11 Sheet 1 of 2, Elevation view (Square), add dimension depicting the distance from the top 12 of the foundation to find 1 #4 reinforcing bar shown, to read; 3” CLR. Delete “(TYP.)” from 13 the 2 ½” CLR. dimension, depicting the distance from the bottom of the foundation to find 14 1 # 4 reinf. Bar. 15 Sheet 2 of 2, Elevation view (Round), add dimension depicting the distance from the top 16 of the foundation to find 2 #4 reinforcing bar shown, to read; 3” CLR. Delete “(TYP.)” from 17 the 2 ½” CLR. dimension, depicting the distance from the bottom of the foundation to find 18 2 # 4 reinf. Bar. 19 Sheet 2 of 2, Elevation view (Square), add dimension depicting the distance from the top 20 of the foundation to find 1 #4 reinforcing bar shown, to read; 3” CLR. Delete “(TYP.)” from 21 the 2 ½” CLR. dimension, depicting the distance from the bottom of the foundation to find 22 1 # 4 reinf. Bar. 23 Detail F, callout, “Heavy Hex Clamping Bolt (TYP.) ~ 3/4” (IN) Diam. Torque Clamping 24 Bolts (see Note 3)” is revised to read; “Heavy Hex Clamping Bolt (TYP.) ~ 3/4” (IN) Diam. 25 Torque Clamping Bolts (see Note 1)” 26 Detail F, callout, “3/4” (IN) x 2’ – 6” Anchor Bolt (TYP.) ~ Four Required (See Note 4)” is 27 revised to read; “3/4” (IN) x 2’ – 6” Anchor Bolt (TYP.) ~ Three Required (See Note 2)” 28 29 J-21.15 30 Partial View, callout, was – LOCK NIPPLE ~ 1 ½” DIAM., is revised to read; CHASE 31 NIPPLE ~ 1 ½” (IN) DIAM. 32 33 J-21.16 34 Detail A, callout, was – LOCKNIPPLE, is revised to read; CHASE NIPPLE 35 36 J-22.15 37 Ramp Meter Signal Standard, elevation, dimension 4’ - 6” is revised to read; 6’-0” 38 (2x) Detail A, callout, was – LOCK NIPPLE ~ 1 ½” DIAM. is revised to read; CHASE 39 NIPPLE ~ 1 ½” (IN) DIAM. 40 41 J-40.10 42 Sheet 2 of 2, Detail F, callout, “12 – 13 x 1 ½” S.S. PENTA HEAD BOLT AND 12” S. S. 43 FLAT WASHER” is revised to read; “12 – 13 x 1 ½” S.S. PENTA HEAD BOLT AND 1/2” 44 (IN) S. S. FLAT WASHER” 45 46 J-40.36 47 Note 1, second sentence; ”Finish shall be # 2B for backbox and # 4 for the cover.” Is 48 revised to read; ”Finish shall be # 2B for barrier box and HRAP (Hot Rolled Annealed and 49 Pickled) for the cover. 50 51 J-40.37 52 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 237 Note 1, second sentence; ”Finish shall be # 2B for backbox and # 4 for the cover.” Is 1 revised to read; ”Finish shall be # 2B for barrier box and HRAP (Hot Rolled Annealed and 2 Pickled) for the cover. 3 4 J-75.20 5 Key Notes, note 16, second bullet point, was: “1/2” (IN) x 0.45” (IN) Stainless Steel 6 Bands”, add the following to the end of the note: “Alternate: Stainless steel cable with 7 stainless steel ends, nuts, bolts, and washers may be used in place of stainless steel 8 bands and associated hardware.” 9 10 The following are the Standard Plan numbers applicable at the time this project was 11 advertised. The date shown with each plan number is the publication approval date 12 shown in the lower right-hand corner of that plan. Standard Plans showing different dates 13 shall not be used in this contract. 14 15 A-10.10-00........8/7/07 A-30.35-00.......10/12/07 A-50.10-01……...8/17/21 A-10.20-00......10/5/07 A-40.00-00.........8/11/09 A-50.40-01……...8/17/21 A-10.30-00......10/5/07 A-40.10-04.........7/31/19 A-60.10-03........12/23/14 A-20.10-00......8/31/07 A-40.15-00.........8/11/09 A-60.20-03.........12/23/14 A-30.10-00......11/8/07 A-40.20-04.........1/18/17 A-60.30-01..........6/28/18 A-30.30-01......6/16/11 A-40.50-02.........12/23/14 A-60.40-00..........8/31/07 16 B-5.20-03........9/9/20 B-30.50-03.........2/27/18 B-75.20-03..........8/17/21 B-5.40-02.........1/26/17 B-30.60-00……..9/9/20 B-75.50-01..........6/10/08 B-5.60-02.........1/26/17 B-30.70-04.........2/27/18 B-75.60-00............6/8/06 B-10.20-02........3/2/18 B-30.80-01..........2/27/18 B-80.20-00.........6/8/06 B-10.40-02........8/17/21 B-30.90-02........1/26/17 B-80.40-00.........6/1/06 B-10.70-02……8/17/21 B-35.20-00..........6/8/06 B-85.10-01.........6/10/08 B-15.20-01........2/7/12 B-35.40-00..........6/8/06 B-85.20-00..........6/1/06 B-15.40-01........2/7/12 B-40.20-00..........6/1/06 B-85.30-00..........6/1/06 B-15.60-02........1/26/17 B-40.40-02........1/26/17 B-85.40-00..........6/8/06 B-20.20-02.......3/16/12 B-45.20-01..........7/11/17 B-85.50-01.........6/10/08 B-20.40-04.......2/27/18 B-45.40-01..........7/21/17 B-90.10-00….......6/8/06 B-20.60-03.......3/15/12 B-50.20-00..........6/1/06 B-90.20-00..........6/8/06 B-25.20-02........2/27/18 B-55.20-03..........8/17/21 B-90.30-00..........6/8/06 B-25.60-02.........2/27/18 B-60.20-02..........9/9/20 B-90.40-01..........1/26/17 B-30.05-00……..9/9/20 B-60.40-01..........2/27/18 B-90.50-00..........6/8/06 B-30.10-03.........2/27/18 B-65.20-01..........4/26/12 B-95.20-02..........8/17/21 B-30.15-00……..2/27/18 B-65.40-00..........6/1/06 B-95.40-01..........6/28/18 B-30.20-04.........2/27/18 B-70.20-00..........6/1/06 B-30.30-03.........2/27/18 B-70.60-01..........1/26/17 B-30.40-03..........2/27/18 17 C-1....................9/9/20 C-22.16-07........9/16/20 C-60.70-00……9/24/20 C-1b...................9/9/20 C-22.40-08........9/16/20 C-60.80-00……..8/17/21 C-1d................10/31/03 C-22.45-05........9/16/20 C-70.15-00……..8/17/21 C-2c..................8/12/19 C-23.60-04........7/21/17 C-70.10-03........8/20/21 C-4f...................8/12/19 C.24.10-02........8/12/19 C-75.10-02........9/16/20 C-6a................10/14/09 C-25.20-07........8/20/21 C-75.20-03........8/20/21 C-7.....................6/16/11 C-25.22-06........8/20/21 C-75.30-03........8/20/21 C-7a...................6/16/11 C-25.26-05........8/20/21 C-80.10-02........9/16/20 C-8.....................2/10/09 C-25.30-01…….8/20/21 C-80.20-01........6/11/14 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 238 C-8a...................7/25/97 C-25.80-05........8/12/19 C-80.30-02........8/20/21 C-20.10-07.........8/20/21 C-60.10-01…….9/24/20 C-80.40-01........6/11/14 C-20.14-04..........8/12/19 C-60.15-00……..8/17/21 C-85.10-00........4/8/12 C-20.15-02..........6/11/14 C-60.20-00……9/24/20 C-85.11-01........9/16/20 C-20.18-03..........8/12/19 C-60.30-01……8/17/21 C-85.15-02........8/27/21 C-20.40-08..........8/20/21 C-60.40-00……..8/17/21 C-85-18-02........8/20/21 C-20.41-03..........8/20/21 C-60.45-00……..8/17/21 C-20.42-05..........7/14/15 C-60.50-00……..8/17/21 C-20.45.02..........8/12/19 C-60.60-00……..8/17/21 1 D-2.04-00........11/10/05 D-2.80-00........11/10/05 D-10.10-01......12/2/08 D-2.06-01........1/6/09 D-2.84-00........11/10/05 D-10.15-01......12/2/08 D-2.08-00........11/10/05 D-2.88-00........11/10/05 D-10.20-01.........8/7/19 D-2.32-00........11/10/05 D-2.92-00........11/10/05 D-10.25-01.........8/7/19 D-2.34-01........1/6/09 D-3.09-00........5/17/12 D-10.30-00.........7/8/08 D-2.36-03........6/11/14 D-3.10-01……5/29/13 D-10.35-00.........7/8/08 D-2.46-02……8/13/21 D-3.11-03……6/11/14 D-10.40-01......12/2/08 D-2.60-00........11/10/05 D-3.15-02……6/10/13 D-10.45-01......12/2/08 D-2.62-00........11/10/05 D-3.16-02……5/29/13 D-2.64-01........1/6/09 D-3.17-02……5/9/16 D-2.66-00........11/10/05 D-4.................12/11/98 D-2.68-00........11/10/05 D-6...................6/19/98 2 E-1....................2/21/07 E-4....................8/27/03 E-2....................5/29/98 E-4a..................8/27/03 3 F-10.12-04.......9/24/20 F-10.62-02........4/22/14 F-40.15-04........9/25/20 F-10.16-00.......12/20/06 F-10.64-03........4/22/14 F-40.16-03........6/29/16 F-10.18-02.........9/24/20 F-30.10-04........9/25/20 F-45.10-03........8/13/21 F-10.40-04...........9/24/20 F-40.12-03........6/29/16 F-80.10-04........7/15/16 F-10.42-00.........1/23/07 F-40.14-03........6/29/16 4 G-10.10-00........9/20/07 G-26.10-00……7/31/19 G-20.10-03........8/20/21 G-30.10-04.......6/23/15 G-22.10-04..........6/28/18 G-50.10-03.......6/28/18 G-24.10-00......11/8/07 G-90.10-03……7/11/17 G-24.20-01......2/7/12 G-90.20-05……7/11/17 G-24.30-02......6/28/18 G-90.30-04……7/11/17 G-24.40-07.....6/28/18 G-95.10-02........6/28/18 G-24.50-05.....8/7/19 G-95.20-03........6/28/18 G-24.60-05.....6/28/18 G-95.30-03........6/28/18 G-25.10-05.......9/16/20 5 H-10.10-00..........7/3/08 H-32.10-00.......9/20/07 H-70.10-02......8/17/21 H-10.15-00..........7/3/08 H-60.10-01.........7/3/08 H-70.20-02......8/17/21 H-30.10-00......10/12/07 H-60.20-01.........7/3/08 6 I-10.10-01.........8/11/09 I-30.20-00.........9/20/07 I-40.20-00.........9/20/07 I-30.10-02.........3/22/13 I-30.30-02.........6/12/19 I-50.20-01..........6/10/13 I-30.15-02.........3/22/13 I-30.40-02.......6/12/19 I-60.10-01..........6/10/13 I-30.16-01.........7/11/19 I-30.60-02.........6/12/19 I-60.20-01..........6/10/13 I-30.17-01.........6/12/19 I-40.10-00.........9/20/07 I-80.10-02..........7/15/16 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 239 1 J-10..................7/18/97 J-28.40-02......6/11/14 J-60.13-00…....6/16/10 J-10.10-04……9/16/20 J-28.42-01.......6/11/14 J-60.14-01……7/31/19 J-10.12-00……9/16/20 J-28.43-01.......6/28/18 J-75.10-02……7/10/15 J-10.14-00……9/16/20 J-28.45-03.......7/21/16 J-75.20-01……7/10/15 J-10.15-01........6/11/14 J-28.50-03.......7/21/16 J-75.30-02…….7/10/15 J-10.16-02……8/18/21 J-28.60-03.......8/27/21 J-75.41-01……6/29/16 J-10.17-02……8/18/21 J-28.70-03.......7/21/17 J-75.45-02……6/1/16 J-10.18-02……8/18/21 J-29.10-01.......7/21/16 J-80.10-01……8/18/21 J-10.20-04……8/18/21 J-29.15-01.......7/21/16 J-80.12-00……8/18/21 J-10.21-02……8/18/21 J-29.16-02.......7/21/16 J-80.15-00……6/28/18 J-10.22-02........8/18/21 J-30.10-00…...6/18/15 J-81.10-02……8/18/21 J-10.25-00……7/11/17 J-40.05-00……7/21/16 J-81.12-00……9/3/21 J-12.15-00……6/28/18 J-40.10-04…...4/28/16 J-86.10-00……6/28/18 J-12.16-00……6/28/18 J-40.20-03…...4/28/16 J-90.10-03…….6/28/18 J-15.10-01........6/11/14 J-40.30-04……4/28/16 J-90.20-03…….6/28/18 J-15.15-02……7/10/15 J-40.35-01……5/29/13 J-90.21-02……6/28/18 J-20.10-04........7/31/19 J-40.36-02……7/21/17 J-90.50-00……6/28/18 J-20.11-03........7/31/19 J-40.37-02……7/21/17 J-20.15-03........6/30/14 J-40.38-01.......5/20/13 J-20.16-02........6/30/14 J-40.39-00……5/20/13 J-20.20-02........5/20/13 J-40.40-02……7/31/19 J-20.26-01........7/12/12 J-45.36-00……7/21/17 J-21.10-04......6/30/14 J-50.05-00……7/21/17 J-21.15-01......6/10/13 J-50.10-01…….7/31/19 J-21.16-01......6/10/13 J-50.11-02…….7/31/19 J-21.17-01......6/10/13 J-50.12-02…….8/7/19 J-21.20-01......6/10/13 J-50.13-00…….8/22/19 J-22.15-02......7/10/15 J-50.15-01…….7/21/17 J-22.16-03......7/10/15 J-50.16-01…….3/22/13 J-26.10-03…..7/21/16 J-50.18-00…….8/7/19 J-26.15-01…..5/17/12 J-50.19-00…….8/7/19 J-26.20-01…..6/28/18 J-50.20-00…….6/3/11 J-27.10-01…..7/21/16 J-50.25-00…….6/3/11 J-27.15-00…..3/15/12 J-50.30-00…….6/3/11 J-28.10-02......8/7/19 J-60.05-01…….7/21/16 J-28.22-00.......8/07/07 J-60.11-00…....5/20/13 J-28.24-02.......9/16/20 J-60.12-00…....5/20/13 J-28.26-01......12/02/08 J-28.30-03......6/11/14 2 K-70.20-01.......6/1/16 K-80.35-01.......9/16/20 K-80.10-02.......9/25/20 K-80.37-01.......9/16/20 K-80.20-00.....12/20/06 K-80.32-00……8/17/21 K-80.34-00……8/17/21 3 L-10.10-02........6/21/12 L-40.15-01........6/16/11 L-70.10-01.......5/21/08 L-20.10-03........7/14/15 L-40.20-02........6/21/12 L-70.20-01.......5/21/08 L-30.10-02........6/11/14 4 M-1.20-04.........9/25/20 M-11.10-03........8/7/19 M-40.20-00......10/12/07 CITY OF RENTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION SPECIAL PROVISIONS November 2022 240 M-1.40-03.........9/25/20 M-12.10-02……9/25/20 M-40.30-01......7/11/17 M-1.60-03.........9/25/20 M-15.10-01........2/6/07 M-40.40-00......9/20/07 M-1.80-03.........6/3/11 M-17.10-02........7/3/08 M-40.50-00......9/20/07 M-2.20-03.........7/10/15 M-20.10-03........9/25/20 M-40.60-00......9/20/07 M-2.21-00……..7/10/15 M-20.20-02........4/20/15 M-60.10-01......6/3/11 M-3.10-04.........9/25/20 M-20.30-04........2/29/16 M-60.20-03......8/17/21 M-3.20-03.........9/25/20 M-20.40-03........6/24/14 M-65.10-03......8/17/21 M-3.30-04.........9/25/20 M-20.50-02........6/3/11 M-80.10-01......6/3/11 M-3.40-04.........9/25/20 M-24.20-02.......4/20/15 M-80.20-00......6/10/08 M-3.50-03.........9/25/20 M-24.40-02.......4/20/15 M-80.30-00......6/10/08 M-5.10-03.........9/25/20 M-24.60-04.......6/24/14 M-7.50-01.........1/30/07 M-24.65-00……7/11/17 M-9.50-02.........6/24/14 M-24.66-00……7/11/17 M-9.60-00……..2/10/09 M-40.10-03......6/24/14 1 2 3 City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX A – PREVAILING HOURLY MINIMUM WAGE RATES City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX B – STANDARD PLANS (CITY OF RENTON AND WSDOT) FACE OF CURB 6" CEMENT CONCRETE 1/2"R. .R SIDEWALK RAMP s" OR LANDING VARIES 51/2" 1"FROM ; 6"TOO 1/2"R. t"R. 1:24 g" 1 TOP OF p"R. ROADWAY 3/8"PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER fV CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB AT SIDEWALK RAMPS AND LANDINGS 1 1'-s" FACE OF ADJACENT CURB CEMENT CONCRETE s n. — TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER SEE DEPRESSED CURB DETAIL THIS SHEET FACE OF ADJACENT CURB 24 s, TOP OF r FLUSH WITH GUTTER 1" 1/2"R. ROADWAY PAN AT SIDEWALK Z„ RAMP ENTRANCE 1:12 1:24 i TOP OF O 1/2"R. ROADWAY 1 1 6" DEPRESSED CURB SECTION cO AT RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS ONLY. FOR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS SEE STD PLAN 104.2 1'-6" DEPRESSED CURB SECTION FACE OF CURB AT SIDEWALK RAMPS 6 1/2" 5 1/2" 1" 1/2"R. ` ,.R. FACE OF ADJACENT CURB TOP OF ROADWAYrr 0i e d 8,• GUTTER SURFACE y . • i.+ TO, e• . ? : PREMOLDED ' ' • JOINT FILLER 1 E FULL-DEPTH R 8 va^ EXPANSION JOINT 1"R. CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB DEPRESSED CURB DETAIL AT RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS,AND ALLEYS GENERAL NOTES: 1. See standard plans 102 and 101.1 for curb expansion and contraction joint spacing. II 2. Expansion joint shall be full depth,3/8"(in.)premolded joint filler. 3. For Depressed Monolithic Driveway Curb&Gutter Section,see Standard Plan 104.2 STD. PLAN — 101PUBLICWORKS CEMENT CONCRETE CURBS i,DEPARTMENT s Z, RAISED EDGE DETAIL 6 SIDEWALK LEVEL EXTEND SIDEWALK TRANSVERSE 1'•0" 1'-0" 3/8"(IN)PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER1l2" IN R JOINTS TO INCLUDE RAISED EDGE TYPICAL WHERE APPLICABLE ROU DING 0% P)1 il2" IN RaI FOR CURB DETAILS m 7' 1.5%SEE STD PLAN 101 1"(IN)R. S AQ. 1`t N • ' .:•. ..v,•+. CRIUSH D ROCK 8AS Nr" P ,F •'..r,,.'I, SEERAISEDEDGE I 1'-0" SIDEWALK DETAIL-THIS SHEET LTPICAL UNDER " CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE(CSTC) ALL CUT SIDEW/LLK LOPES` MIN.OMPACT TO 959 MOOIFlED PROCTOR WITH RAISED EDGE UNLESS REQUIREMENT WAIVED BY 112"(IN)R.(fYP.) ENGINEER)TYPICAL UNDER ALL CURB, GUTTER 6 SIDEWALK.CSTC UNDER 2.0% 5% FOR CURB DEfPJLS CURB&GUTTER TO BE 6"THICKNESS OR pP SEE STD PVW 101 MATCH EXISTING ROADWAY CRUSHED ROCK y i, ,,,!BASE,WHICHEVER IS GREATER(TYP.FOR 4F y. ALL CURB&GUTTER). vaYl",''` N} .::}::•r^ TOP OF CONC RTE 3'URFA Ew 2'-0" SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB MIN. ROU DING n(N)R.(TYP.) 2.0% FORCURBDETAILS 1.5% SEE STD PLAN 101 Q p .:• . t fJ"J yS_ 7,_ • r::iBRIDGEORPEDESTRUW5'aA RAILING`tv' y _.. ADJACENT TO CURB 1 FOR CURB DETAILS STEEP FILL SLOPES)BARRIER-SEE SIDEWALK SEE STD PLAN 101. CONTR4CT PLANS WALL OR BARRIER 1/2"(IN)R.(fYP.) FLUSH / ( SIDEWALK 1.5% s,t. ___.t. .1!2' N)R. n y`r` i•:t:VERTICAL WALL- SEE DETAIL r---- 3/8"(IN)PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER ADJACENT TO CURB AND RAILING OR WALL 3 8•(IN) PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER FOR SIDE TREATMEN7 SIDEWALK BUFFER STRIP SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO WALL DETAIL SIDEWALK SEE NOTE 10) SECTIONS 7/2"(IN)R. FOR CURB DETAILS1.5% L5%MIN. SEE STD PLAN 101 i v nt, — BROOMED FINISH r OR MATCH EXISTING r .1. '4"WIDE.SMOOTH5 /1 TROWELEO PERIMETER FINISHED GRADE 1"(IN)BELOW TOP OP CONCREfE 0 v SURFACE FOR PLANTING-FLUSH IF PAVED O fj' CEMENT CONCRETE CURB ADJACENT TO BUFFER STRIP O CURB AND C UTfER SHOWN) FOR CURB DETPJLS 5, O. SEE STD PLAN 101. f 5i. Z 1I6"TO 1/4" NOTES 1. Four feet of the sidewalk width shall / be the minimum pedestrian coNTixncrioN oirrr e' , 'IN SIDEWALK ONLY accessible route Paa free of vertipl o ' and horizontal obstructions.Gratings, ACCeSS COV@f5,JUf1CtlOf1 BOX2S, FULL-DEPTH EXPANSION JOINT IN BOTH Cable Vaults,PUII BOXOS 8 d Oth@f CURB AND SIDEWlLLK(SEE STD PU1N 301.1) appurtenances within the sidewalk ` sac s' C CONTRACTION JOINTmustbeflushwithsuriace,and match 9 grade of the sidewalk.JOINT AND FINISH DETAIL 2.Monolithic Cement Concrete Curb and I r • Sidewalk is not permitted in new For other referenced NOTES see I?o: construdion.When replacement work STD PLAN 1042. necessitates a Monolithic Cement Concrete Curb build per WSDOT PREMOLDE Standard Plan F-30.10.03. Paved surfaces must Comply with OINT FILLER STD PLAN 102.1 aS a Ilcabie. E FULL-DEPTH 3. Concrete to be 4,000 PSI. PP EXPANSION JOINT PUBLIC WORKS CEMENT CONCRETE P - 102 DEPARTMENT SIDEWALK F'f4C' F'r rrrc R.,. PATCHED AREA i A q COVER COVER PER STD PLAN 401 SEE NOTE 9) SEAL WITH AR 4000 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND DRY SAND AFTER P L A N PATCHING NTS OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF SEE NOTE 9) ADJUSTMENT RING AND x SEE NOTE 2 X gOTTOM OF FRAME t---- MORTAR JOINT(S) (3/8" MIN.-2" MAX.) ADJUSTMENT RING (1" MIN.). SEE SEE NOTE 3 AND SPECIAL PROVISION NOTE 6. 7-05.3(1). SECTION A-A NOTES 1. REMOVE PAVEMENT AND BASE MATERIALS FOR A DISTANCE 5. CONSTRUCTION AND ADJUSTMENT SHALL BE PERFORMED WHICH IS EQUAL TO THE DIAMETER OF THE FRAME PLUS ONE ONLY BY A JOURNEYMAN MASON. FOOT(MIN.). ADJUST CASTING FRAME TO PAVEMENT SURFACE USING RISER RINGS AND MORTAR. 6. ADJUSTMENT OF THE FRAME TO GRADE SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH ADJUSTMENT RINGS AND MORTAR ONLY. 2. REPLACE EXCAVATED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM OF 8"OF THE USE OF SHIMS IS PROHIBITED. HMA CLASS"PG 64-22(OR TO A DEPTH THAT S 2"BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE UPPER ADJUSTMENT RING WHICHEVER 7• FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO PAVEMENT GRADE BY IS GREATER)OR AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. TAPPING UNTIL FRAME IS FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT AS DETERMINED WITH A STRAIGHT EDGE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH. 3. ADJUSTMENT RINGS AND FRAME SHALL BE FULLY BEDDED IN MORTAR.MORTAR SHALL BE ASTM C270 FOR TYPE S. 8. ALL MORTAR JOINTS SHALL BE TRIMMED FLUSH AND REMAIN VISIBLE UPON COMPLETION. 4. MORTAR SHALL BE MIXED AND APPLIED PER MANUFACTURERS DIRECTIONS. 9. X=1'-0"MIN.TO 2'-6"MAX.-PER ENGINEER'S INSTRUCTION STD. PLAN - 106 j PUBLIC WORKS TY'CAL CONSTRUCTION A ROVED: al' DEPARTMENT AND ADJUSTMENT OF flMANNOLERISER3 e o r>tor DA E ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING WSDOT STD. PLANS, EXCEPT CROSSWALK MARKINGS AND STOP BARS SHALL BE PER CITY OF RENTON STD. PLANS 127 AND 128. WSDOT STD. PLANS NOT INCLUDED BELOW SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. M-3.10-04 LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION M-3.20-03 LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION REDUCED TAPERS M-3.30-04 LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION TEE INTERSECTION AND BACK-TO-BACK TURN LANES M-3.40-04 TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN AND MEDIAN CHANNELIZATION M-3.50-03 DOUBLE LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION M-5.10-03 RIGHT TURN CHANNELIZATION M-9.50-02 BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL LAYOUT M-9.60-00 SHARED - USE PATH MARKINGS M-11.10-03 RAILROAD CROSSING LAYOUT M-12.10-02 ROUNDABOUT PAVEMENT MARKINGS M-20.10-03 LONGITUDINAL MARKING PATTERNS M-20.30-04 LONGITUDINAL MARKING SUPPLEMENT WITH RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS M-20.20-02 PROFILED AND EMBOSSED PLASTIC LINES M-24.20-02 SYMBOL MARKINGS ~ TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR HIGH-SPEED ROADWAYS M-24.40-02 SYMBOL MARKINGS ~ TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR LOW-SPEED ROADWAYS M-24.60-04 SYMBOL MARKINGS MISCELLANEOUS LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONSIST OF PROFILED AND EMBOSSED METHYL METHACRYLATE MMA), OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE 2 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS WITH REFLECTORS SHALL BE REQUIRED ON ROADWAYS WITH SPEED LIMITS OF 30 MPH OR HIGHER, OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE 2 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS WITH REFLECTORS SHALL BE REQUIRED ON ROADWAYS WITH SPEED LIMITS OF 25 MPH OR LOWER, WHERE MINIMUM REQUIRED LIGHTING LEVELS ARE NOT MET AND/OR WHERE CITY OWNED STREET LIGHTS DO NOT EXIST, OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. PAVEMENT LETTERS, AND RED/GREEN PAVEMENT BACKGROUNDS SHALL CONSIST OF METHYL METHACRYLATE MMA), OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. PAVEMENT SYMBOLS, CROSSWALK MARKINGS, AND STOP BARS SHALL CONSIST OF THERMOPLASTIC, OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. THERMOPLASTIC SHALL CONTAIN 3M 50/50 WET/DRY ELEMENTS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. IF INSTALLED ON CONCRETE, PAVEMENT SYMBOLS, CROSSWALK MARKINGS, AND STOP BARS SHALL BE 3M STAMARK ALL WEATHER TAPE 380AW SERIES, OR APPROVED EQUAL. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS CONSISTING OF PAINT SHALL BE USED FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES, OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS WHERE ALL MARKINGS ARE TO CONSIST OF RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. IF APPROVED, LONGITUDINAL LANE MARKINGS SHALL FOLLOW WSDOT STD. PLAN M-20.50-02 LONGITUDINAL MARKING SUBSTITUTION W/RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS. PAVEMENT SURFACE AND AIR TEMPERATURE AT THE TIME OF PAVEMENT MARKING APPLICATION SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 50° F. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT POLE ELEVATION FOUNDATION SHALL SUPPORT POLE SHOWN IN STANDARD PLAN 117.1A FOUNDATION, AND ANCHOR BOLT DETAILS PER STANDARD PLAN 117.1A j jjDocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT FOUNDATION DETAILS POLE ELEVATION POLE CHAMBER DETAIL jj jDocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT BASE COVER DETAIL CABINET TOP PLATE DETAIL CABINET BOTTOM PLATE DETAIL CABINET CHAMBER DETAIL DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT LUMINAIRE ARM DETAILS LUMINAIRE ARM MOUNTING BRACKET DETAILS DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT Name Ave SE Name Ave SE DocuSign Envelope ID: B16CE03A-ED99-4F11-B559-FEB382C92BFB 7/30/2018 | 4:09 PM PDT DocuSign Envelope ID: 5D308A1A-204D-48E8-BB23-8A2834BB565E GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE FEATURES ARE TO BE MAINTAINED ON LEVEL GRADE IF THE SURFACE LEVEL FROM CONSTRUCTION IS CHANGED (I. E. JUNCTION BOXES, LUMINAIRE POLES, TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLES, SIGN POSTS). 2. ALL OTHER TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO BE ON LEVEL GRADE ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. 3. ALL EXISTING OR PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION FEATURES WITHIN THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHALL MEET CURRENT ADA STANDARDS(I.E. JUNCTION BOXES SHALL HAVE NON-SKID LIDS). 4. ALL NEW TRAFFIC SIGNALS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH FIBER COMMUNICATION CONNECTION TO CITY OF RENTON TRANSPORTATION FIBER OPTIC NETWORK. 5. ALL TRANSPORTATION ASSETS THAT ARE TO BE REMOVED AND THEN REINSTALLED AT A LATER DATE DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RE -INSTALLED TO CURRENT STANDARDS. 6. SIGNAL POLE, LUMINAIRE, AND CABINET FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE CLASS 4000P CONCRETE. 7. ALL PROPOSED SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATIONS AND EXISTING MODIFIED SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATIONS SHALL INCLUDE A CONCRETE PAD AROUND THE FOUNDATION. PROPOSED OR EXISTING SIDEWALK SHALL BE CONSIDERED PART OF THE FOUNDATION PAD. FOUNDATION PAD SHALL BE AT LEAST 2 FEET OFFSET FROM THE SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATION, AS SPACE ALLOWS. 8. WHEN THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL IS OPERATIONAL, VEHICLE DETECTION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND REMAIN FUNCTIONAL. NEW PERMANENT/TEMPORARY VIDEO DETECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL PRIOR TO DESTROYING ANY EXISTING VEHICLE DETECTION. 9. ALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, ILLUMINATION SYSTEMS, OR OTHER ELECTRICAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ARE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY CITY OF RENTON TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE INSPECTION WITH THE TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE MANAGER OR OTHER TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE REPRESENTATIVE. G• tY O TRANSPORTATION NOTES PUBLIC WORKS STD. PLAN - 135 F DEPARTMENT GAZOVED: 3/13/2019 1 4 DATE DocuSign Envelope ID: 5D308A1A-204D-48E8-BB23-8A2834BB565E EOU N D AT ON 14" (TYP) C O N S T. DATE M M /D D /YY DEPTH 11' 4 (TYP) 3 „ M EN S ON 36" R D BOLT LENGTH 54" BOLT D AMETER j4" VARIES POLE 4" (TYP),_FABRICATION DATE MM/DD/YY MANUFACTURER NAME 4„ (TYP) POLE HEG H T 3 5' 3 4)) MAST ARM M H 19' MAST ARM LENGTH 30' MAST ARM TENONS 8', 16', 24' NOTES: VARIES 1. TEXT SHALL BE ENGRAVED 0.014" DEEP 2. TAG SHALL BE MADE FROM 10 GAGE STAINLESS STEEL, RECESS FLUSH WITH TOP OF FINISHED FOUNDATION 3. 12 - 28 (NF) X 2" LONG STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS SHALL BE USED TO SECURE THE PLATE TO THE TOP OF FINISHED FOUNDATION, APPLY THREAD LOCKER TO SCREW THREADS TO BIND SCREWS AND ID TAG TOGETHER 4. TAGS SHALL BE SIZED TO ACCOMMODATE ALL INFORMATION SHOWN. INFORMATION SHOWN ABOVE IN THE RIGHT COLUMN IS FOR EXAMPLE PURPOSES ONLY, REPLACE WITH PROJECT SPECIFIC INFORMATION 5. POLE TAG SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE BASE OF THE POLE AND OPPOSITE OF THE MAST ARM G• tY O SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATION STD. PLAN - 139 PUBLIC WORKS AND POLE IDENTIFICATION TAG A ROVED: F DEPARTMENT DETAIL AZ 3/13/2019 1 4 DATE PRECAST BASE SECTION SEE NOTE 1 NOTES: 1.AS ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVES TO THE REBAR SHOWN IN THE PRECAST BASE SECTION, FIBERS (PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-05.50(9)), OR WIRE MESH HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT SHALL BE USED WITH THE MINIMUM REQUIRED REBAR SHOWN IN THE ALTERNATIVE PRECAST BASE SECTION. WIRE MESH SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN THE KNOCKOUTS. AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO THE REBAR SHOWN IN THE RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION, WIRE MESH HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED. 2.THE KNOCKOUT DIAMETER SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN 20". KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM TO 2.5" MAXIMUM. PROVIDE A 1.5" MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE. AFTER THE PIPE IS INSTALLED, FILL THE GAP WITH JOINT MORTAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.3. 3.THE MAXIMUM DEPTH FROM THE FINISHED GRADE TO THE LOWEST PIPE INVERT SHALL BE 5 FEET. 4.THE FRAME AND GRATE MUST BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLANGE DOWN. 5.THE PRECAST BASE SECTION MAY HAVE A ROUNDED FLOOR, AND THE WALLS MAY BE SLOPED AT A RATE OF 1H:24V OR STEEPER. 6.THE OPENING SHALL BE MEASURED AT THE TOP OF THE PRECAST BASE SECTION. 7.ALL PICKUP HOLES SHALL BE GROUTED FULL AFTER THE INLET HAS BEEN PLACED. USE GROUT TYPE 2 FOR NON-SHRINK APPLICATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-20.3(2). 8.ALL GRADE RINGS AND CASTINGS SHALL BE SET IN MORTAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.3. THEN APPLY MORTAR TO INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF ALL JOINTS, RINGS, RISERS, AND FRAMES. 9.MORTAR SHALL BE MIXED AND APPLIED PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS. 10.FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO PAVEMENT GRADE BY TAPPING UNTIL FRAME IS FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT AS DETERMINED WITH A STRAIGHT EDGE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH. 11.ALL MORTAR JOINTS SHALL BE TRIMMED FLUSH AND REMAIN VISIBLE UPON COMPLETION. FRAME AND VANED GRATE RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION 34" 24" 30 20 5" 5" 1", 2", 4", 6", 12", OR 24" ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" HEIGHT INCREMENT (SPACED EQUALLY), SEE NOTE 1 PIPE ALLOWANCES PIPE MATERIAL MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER REINFORCED OR PLAIN CONCRETE 12" ALL METAL PIPE 15" CPSSP*, STD. SPEC. 9-05.20 12" SOLID WALL PVC, STD. SPEC. 9-05.12(1)15" PROFILE WALL PVC, STD. SPEC. 9-05.12(2)15" CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE 26", S E E N O T E 6 22SE E N O T E 6 3"4"44"21" MIN.4" MI N. (T Y P.)3 BAR EACH SIDE 3 BAR EACH WAY 3 BAR EACH CORNER 3 BAR EACH CORNER 18" MIN.3 BAR HOOP ALTERNATIVE PRECAST BASE SECTION CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 STD. PLAN - 200. 00PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGregg Zimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS)DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/ 2' 11-1/2" 2' 2"4-3/4"4-3/4" 2' 7"1' 10" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" DRA I N 3' 4" 3' 3' 6-1/4" 1' 11-1/2" 2' 9-1/2"2' 5" 6" 8" 3' 8" 5-1/2" 6" 5' 5-3/4" ONE #4 BAR HOOP 4s EACH SIDE OF OPENING CONVERSION RISER Ø 2' 6" 8" CONVERSION RISER ADJUSTMENT RINGS CONVERSION RISER STD. PLAN - 200.40 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DEPTH: 3.52' TO IE OUT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT NOTES: 1.NO STEPS ARE REQUIRED WHEN HEIGHT IS 4' OR LESS. 2.THE BOTTOM OF THE PRECAST CATCH BASIN MAY BE SLOPED TO FACILITATE CLEANING. 3.THE RECTANGULAR FRAME AND GRATE MUST BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLANGE DOWN. THE FRAME MAY BE CAST INTO THE ADJUSTMENT SECTION. 4.KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MINIMUM TO 2.5" MAXIMUM. PROVIDE A 1.5" MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN THE KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE. AFTER THE PIPE IS INSTALLED, FILL THE GAP WITH JOINT MORTAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.3. 5.ALL GRADE RINGS, RISERS, AND CASTINGS SHALL BE SET IN MORTAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.3. 6.WHEN CONNECTING TO A NEW PIPE, USE A FLEXIBLE CONNECTOR (KOR-N-SEAL BOOT WITH CORRUGATED PIPE ADAPTER OR APPROVED EQUAL). WHEN CONNECTING TO AN EXISTING PIPE, USE A FABRICATED SAND COLLAR OF THE SAME MATERIAL AS THE CONNECTING PIPE. 7.MORTAR SHALL BE MIXED AND APPLIED PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS. 8.FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO PAVEMENT GRADE BY TAPPING UNTIL FRAME IS FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT AS DETERMINED WITH A STRAIGHT EDGE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH. 9.ALL MORTAR JOINTS SHALL BE TRIMMED FLUSH AND REMAIN VISIBLE UPON COMPLETION. CATCH BASIN FRAME AND VANED GRATE PER STD. PLAN 204.00 RECTANGULAR OR CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION (TWO SECTIONS MAX.) MORTAR, (TYP.), SEE NOTE 5 FLAT SLAB TOP SEE NOTE 6, TYP. REINFORCING STEEL, (TYP.) GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING PER WSDOT STD. SPECIFICATION SECTION 9-03.12(3) INTEGRAL BASE PRECAST WITH RISER STEPS OR LADDER 4" MIN. 16" MAX.28" MAX. 48", 54", 60", 72", 84", 96", 120" OR 144" 12" (TYP.) 24" MIN.12" MAX. 1" MIN. 2.5" MAX. 12" 6" 15' MAX. FOR MAINTENANCE SEPARATE BASE PRECAST O" RING 12" 6" CATCH BASIN DIMENSIONS CATCH BASIN DIAMETER MIN. WALL THICKNESS MIN. BASE THICKNESS MAXIMUM KNOCKOUT SIZE MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN KNOCKOUTS 48"4"6"36"8" 54"4.5"8"42"8" 60"5"8"48"8" 72"6"8"60"12" 84"8"12"72"12" 96"8"12"84"12" 120"10"12"96"12" 144"12"12"108"12" PIPE ALLOWANCES CATCH BASIN DIAMETER PIPE MATERIAL WITH MAXIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER CONCRETE ALL METAL CPSSP 1 SOLID WALL PVC 2 PROFILE WALL PVC 3 48"24"30"24"30"30" 54"30"36"30"36"36" 60"36"42"36"42"42" 72"42"54"42"48"48" 84"54"60"54"48"48" 96"60"72"60"48"48" 120"66"84"60"48"48" 144"78"96"60"48"48" 1 CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE (STD. SPEC. 9-05.20) 2 STD. SPEC. 9-05.12(1) 3 STD. SPEC. 9-05.12(2) CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 STD. PLAN - 201.00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT FRAME AND VANED GRATE ADJUSTMENT SECTION NOTES: 1.THE COVER OR GRATING OF A CATCH BASIN SHALL NOT BE ADJUSTED TO FINAL GRADE UNTIL THE FINAL ELEVATION OF THE PAVEMENT, GUTTER, DITCH, OR SIDEWALK IN WHICH IT IS TO BE PLACED HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, AND UNTIL PERMISSION THEREAFTER IS GIVEN BY THE ENGINEER TO MORTAR IN PLACE IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATION 7-05.3. 2.SHIMS SHALL NOT BE USED TO SET FRAME TO GRADE. THE USE OF SHIMS IS PROHIBITED. 3.A CONTINUOUS LAYER OF MORTAR SHALL BE PLACED BETWEEN ADJUSTMENT RINGS AND BRICKS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. 4.ONLY BY APPROVAL OF THE CITY, THE USE OF BRICKS IS PERMITTED WHERE THE BRICKS ARE STAGGERED TO CREATE A RUNNING BOND OR 12 BOND. 5.BASE SECTION SHALL BE SEALED TO THE BOTTOM AREA OF THE ADJUSTMENT SECTION WITH MORTAR. 6.MORTAR SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-04.3. 7.PICK / LIFTING HOLES ARE TO BE GROUTED WATER TIGHT. USE GROUT TYPE 2 FOR NON-SHRINK APPLICATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-20.3(2). 8.MORTAR SHALL BE MIXED AND APPLIED PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS. 9.FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO PAVEMENT GRADE BY TAPPING UNTIL FRAME IS FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT AS DETERMINED WITH A STRAIGHT EDGE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH. 10.ALL MORTAR JOINTS SHALL BE TRIMMED FLUSH AND REMAIN VISIBLE UPON COMPLETION. BASE SECTION SEE NOTE 4 CLEAN SURFACE AND BOTTOM AREA. PROVIDE UNIFORM CONTACT. THE SURFACE AREA OF THE BASE SECTION MUST BE MORTARED TO THE BOTTOM AREA OF THE ADJUSTMENT SECTION CATCH BASIN INSTALLATION STD. PLAN - 202.00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT NOTES: BOLT-DOWN SLOT DETAIL SEE NOTE 1 SECTION A TOP SECTION B SECTION C 1.BOLT-DOWN CAPABILITY IS REQUIRED ON ALL FRAMES, GRATES, AND COVERS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. PROVIDE TWO HOLES IN THE FRAME THAT ARE VERTICALLY ALIGNED WITH THE GRATE OR COVER SLOTS. THE FRAME SHALL ACCEPT THE 5/8"-11 NC x 2" ALLEN HEAD CAP SCREW BY BEING TAPPED, OR OTHER APPROVED MECHANISM. LOCATION OF BOLT-DOWN HOLES VARIES BY MANUFACTURER. 2.ALTERNATIVE REINFORCING DESIGNS ARE ACCEPTABLE IN LIEU OF THE RIB DESIGN. 3.REFER TO STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-05.15(2) FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 4.FOR FRAME DETAILS, SEE CITY OF RENTON STANDARD PLAN 204.00. 24" 1 1/2" 3" R26", SEE NOTE 2 BOLT-DOWN SLOT, SEE DETAIL AND NOTE121/2" DIA. HOLE 1 5/8" MAX. 4 3/4"1 1/2" 3" R39", SEE NOTE 2 1 1/2" 1/2" DIA. HANDLE 3/4" DIA. HOLE 5/8" 3/4" 4" 3 1/2" 5" 1/2" 3/4" 1 1/4" 5/8"ACB20" ISOMETRIC PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) RECTANGULAR SOLID METAL COVER STD. PLAN - 204.10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT NOTES: ISOMETRIC SECTION B TOPFOUNDRY NAMEDIFLOW SECTION A 1.BOLT-DOWN CAPABILITY IS REQUIRED ON ALL FRAMES, GRATES, AND COVERS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. PROVIDE TWO HOLES IN THE FRAME THAT ARE VERTICALLY ALIGNED WITH THE GRATE OR COVER SLOTS. THE FRAME SHALL ACCEPT THE 5/8"-11 NC x 2" ALLEN HEAD CAP SCREW BY BEING TAPPED, OR OTHER APPROVED MECHANISM. LOCATION OF BOLT-DOWN HOLES VARIES BY MANUFACTURER. 2.REFER TO STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-05.15(2) FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 3.FOR FRAME DETAILS, SEE STANDARD PLAN 204.00. FLOWFLOWBOLT-DOWN SLOT DETAIL SEE NOTE 1 1/2" 3/4" 1 1/4" 5/8" BOLT-DOWN SLOT, SEE DETAIL AND NOTE 1 20" 5" 5" 5" 3" 1" 3" 5" 5" 5" DIRECTION OF FLOW 24" 7 OR 8 EQUAL SPACES 1 5/8" MAX. A BOUTFALL TO STREAM DUMP NO POLLUTANTS 3/8" RECESSED LETTERING RECTANGULAR VANED GRATE STD. PLAN - 204.20 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT ISOMETRIC NOTES: SECTION B TOPFOUNDRY NAMEDIFLOW SECTION A 1.BOLT-DOWN CAPABILITY IS REQUIRED ON ALL FRAMES, GRATES, AND COVERS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. PROVIDE TWO HOLES IN THE FRAME THAT ARE VERTICALLY ALIGNED WITH THE GRATE OR COVER SLOTS. THE FRAME SHALL ACCEPT THE 5/8"-11 NC x 2" ALLEN HEAD CAP SCREW BY BEING TAPPED, OR OTHER APPROVED MECHANISM. LOCATION OF BOLT-DOWN HOLES VARIES BY MANUFACTURER. 2.REFER TO STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-05.15(2) FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. 3.USE ONLY IN SAGS ON VERTICAL CURVES. 4.FOR FRAME DETAILS, SEE STANDARD PLAN 204.00. FLOWFLOWBOLT-DOWN SLOT DETAIL SEE NOTE 1 1/2" 3/4" 1 1/4" 5/8" BOLT-DOWN SLOT, SEE DETAIL AND NOTE 1 20" 5" 5" 5" 3" 1" 3" 5" 5" 5" 24" 1 5/8" MAX. 4 EQUAL SPACES 4 EQUAL SPACES A BOUTFALL TO STREAM DUMP NO POLLUTANTS 3/8" RECESSED LETTERING RECTANGULAR BI-DIRECTIONAL VANED GRATE STD. PLAN - 204.30 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT COVER SECTION VIEW ASTM A48 CL35B00371780MO/ DA/YR X3717C1PTEON BOLTING DETAIL GASKET GROOVE DETAIL FRAME SECTION VIEW COVER BOTTOM VIEW PLAN VIEW DRAINIFCOMADEINUSA EJIW DUMPNO P OLL U T A N TS - DRAINS T O S T REAMR E N T O N NOTES:1.ALL COVERS SHALL BE LOCKING LID PER EJ No. 3717C1 OR APPROVED EQUAL.1/2" LETTERING BOLT HOLES - 3 PLACES EQUALLY SPACED 120° APART ON 23 1/16" DIA. B. C.1 1/4" LETTERING 1) 1" DIA. PICKHOLE 25" DIA.3/ 4"1"2 1/ 2"8 3/4"TYP.) 3) BLT SOC. (ALLEN HEAD)5/8"-11 x 1.5 SS RUBBER WASHER 5/ 8"25 1/4" DIA.26 1/2" DIA.23 3/8" DIA. CL OPEN 27 5/16" DIA.34 1/ 8" DIA.1 1/16"6"1/8" 1/4" 1 1/16"R1/8" 1/4" DIA. NEOPRENE GASKET STORM ROUND FRAME AND COVER STD. PLAN - 204. 50PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGregg Zimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS)DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/ 5" ECCENTRIC CONE SECTION 72" FLAT SLAB TOP RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION CIRCULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION PREFABRICATED LADDER STEP 84" or 96" FLAT SLAB TOP NOTES: 1.AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO REBAR, WIRE MESH HAVING A MINIMUM AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED FOR ADJUSTMENT SECTIONS. 48", 54", or 60" FLAT SLAB TOP 20"x24", 24" DIA., 48" DIA., OR 54" DIA. HOLE 6 BARS @ 7" SPACING 12" 2" (TYP.) 1" MIN. 2 1/2" MAX. 12" (TYP.) 12" 9" 6" 48" MAX. 24" MIN. 5 BARS @ 6" SPACING 20"x24", 24" DIA., 48" DIA., OR 54" DIA. HOLE 8" 2" (TYP.) 1" MIN. 2 1/2" MAX. TYPICAL ORIENTATION FOR ACCESS AND STEPS 6" 9 1/2" MAX. 12" MIN. 48" MIN. 24" MIN. 18" MIN. 42" MAX. 4 BARS @ 6" SPACING 20"x24" OR 24" DIA. HOLE 8" 2" (TYP.) 1" MIN. 2 1/2" MAX. 34" ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" HEIGHT INCREMENT (SPACED EQUALLY), SEE NOTE 1 34" 24" 30 20 5" 5" 1", 2", 4", 6", 12", OR 24" ONE #3 BAR HOOP FOR 6" HEIGHT INCREMENT (SPACED EQUALLY), SEE NOTE 1 1", 2", 4", 6", 12", OR 24" MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS FOR DRAINAGE STRUCTURES STD. PLAN - 204.60 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT 1.CONDITIONS OF USE 1.1.FOR PERMANENT STABILIZATION OF SLOPES 2H:1V OR GREATER AND WITH MORE THAN 10 FEET OF VERTICAL RELIEF. 1.2.IN CONJUNCTION WITH SEED FOR FINAL STABILIZATION OF A SLOPE, NOT FOR TEMPORARY COVER. HOWEVER, THEY MAY BE USED FOR TEMPORARY APPLICATIONS AS LONG AS THE PRODUCT IS NOT DAMAGED BY REPEATED HANDLING. 2.DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS 2.1.INSTALLATION IS CRITICAL TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THIS PRODUCT. IF GOOD GROUND CONTACT IS NOT ACHIEVED, RUNOFF CAN CONCENTRATE UNDER THE PRODUCT, RESULTING IN SIGNIFICANT EROSION. 2.2.JUTE MATTING MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH MULCH. EXCELSIOR, WOVEN STRAW, BLANKETS, AND COIR (COCONUT FIBER) BLANKETS MAY BE INSTALLED WITHOUT MULCH. 2.3.PURELY SYNTHETIC BLANKETS ARE ALLOWED, BUT SHALL ONLY BE USED FOR LONG-TERM STABILIZATION OF WATERWAYS. THE ORGANIC BLANKETS ARE BETTER FOR SLOPE PROTECTION AND SHORT-TERM WATERWAY PROTECTION BECAUSE THEY RETAIN AND PROVIDE ORGANIC MATTER TO THE SOIL, SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVING THE SPEED AND SUCCESS OF RE-VEGETATION. 2.4.DO NOT STRETCH BLANKETS/MATTINGS TIGHT - ALLOW THE ROLLS TO MOLD TO ANY IRREGULARITIES. 2.5.SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH BEFORE PLACEMENT FOR PROPER SOIL CONTACT. 2.6.STAPLING PATTERN AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. 2.7.IF THERE IS A BERM AT THE TOP OF SLOPE, ANCHOR UPSLOPE OF THE BERM. 2.8.FOR SLOPES LESS THAN 3H:1V, ROLLS MAY BE PLACED IN HORIZONTAL STRIPS. 2.9.LIME, FERTILIZE, AND SEED BEFORE INSTALLATION. PLANTING OF SHRUBS, TREES, ETC. SHOULD OCCUR AFTER INSTALLATION. 3.MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 3.1.GOOD CONTACT WITH THE GROUND MUST BE MAINTAINED, AND THERE MUST NOT BE EROSION BENEATH THE NET OR BLANKET. 3.2.AREAS OF THE NET OR BLANKET THAT ARE DAMAGED OR NOT IN CLOSE CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SHALL BE REPAIRED AND STAPLED. 3.3.IF EROSION OCCURS DUE TO POORLY CONTROLLED DRAINAGE, THE PROBLEM SHALL BE FIXED AND THE ERODED AREA PROTECTED. NOTES: 2" MIN. OVERLAP 6" MIN. OVERLAP ANCHOR IN 6" x 6" MIN. TRENCH AND STAPLE AT 12" INTERVALS BRING MATERIAL DOWN TO A LEVEL AREA, TURN THE END UNDER 4", AND STAPLE AT 12" INTERVALS STAPLE OVERLAPS 5' MAX. SPACING SLOPE INSTALLATIONS OF NETS AND BLANKETS STD. PLAN - 213.20 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT 1.CONDITIONS OF USE 1.1.SILT FENCE MAY BE USED DOWNSLOPE OF ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 1.2.SILT FENCE IS NOT INTENDED TO TREAT CONCENTRATED FLOWS, NOR IS IT INTENDED TO TREAT SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNTS OF OVERLAND FLOW. ANY CONCENTRATED FLOW MUST BE CONVEYED THROUGH THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND. 2.DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS 2.1.THE GEOTEXTILE USED MUST MEET THE STANDARD LISTED BELLOW. A COPY OF THE MANUFACTURER'S FABRIC SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE AVAILABLE ON SITE. 2.2.STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC REQUIRES WIRE BACKING TO INCREASE THE STRENGTH OF THE FENCE. WIRE BACKING OR CLOSER POST SPACING MAY BE REQUIRED FOR EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC IF FIELD PERFORMANCE WARRANTS A STRONGER FENCE. 2.3.WHERE THE FENCE IS INSTALLED, THE SLOPE SHALL NOT BE STEEPER THAN 2H:1V 2.4.IF A TYPICAL SILT FENCE IS USED, THE STANDARD 4"X4" TRENCH MAY BE REDUCED AS LONG AS THE BOTTOM 8 INCHES OF THE SILT FENCE FABRIC IS WELL BURIED AND SECURE IN A TRENCH THAT STABILIZES THE FENCE AND DOES NOT ALLOW WATER TO BYPASS OR UNDERMINE THE SILT FENCE. 2.5.FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG CONTOURS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 3.MAINTENANCE STANDARDS 3.1.ANY DAMAGE SHALL BE REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY. 3.2.IF CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE EVIDENT UPHILL OF THE FENCE, THEY MUST BE INTERCEPTED AND CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR POND. 3.3.IT IS IMPORTANT TO CHECK THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE FENCE FOR SIGNS OF THE FENCE CLOGGING AND ACTING AS A BARRIER TO FLOW AND THEN CAUSING CHANNELIZATION OF FLOWS PARALLEL TO THE FENCE. IF THIS OCCURS, REPLACE THE FENCE OR REMOVE THE TRAPPED SEDIMENT. 3.4.SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED WHEN SEDIMENT IS 6 INCHES HIGH. 3.5.IF THE FILTER FABRIC (GEOTEXTILE) HAS DETERIORATED DUE TO ULTRAVIOLET BREAKDOWN, IT SHALL BE REPLACED. NOTES: JOINTS IN FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE SPLICED AT POSTS. USE STAPLES, WIRE RINGS, OR EQUIVALENT TO ATTACH FABRIC TO POSTS 2"x2" 14 GAUGE WIRE, OR EQUIVALENT, IF STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC USED FILTER FABRIC 2' MIN. 12" MIN. 4"x4" MIN. TRENCH BACKFILL TRENCH WITH NATIVE SOIL OR 3/4" TO 1-1/2" WASHED GRAVEL 2"x4" WOOD POSTS, STEEL FENCE POSTS, OR EQUIVALENT (TYP.) 6' MAX. POST SPACING MAY BE INCREASED TO 8' IF WIRE BACKING IS USED AOS (ASTM D4751) 30-100 SIEVE SIZE (0.60-0.15mm) FOR SILT FILM 50-100 SIEVE SIZE (0.30-0.15mm) FOR OTHER FABRICS WATER PERMITTIVITY (ASTM D4491)0.02 SEC-1 MINIMUM GRAB TENSILE STRENGTH (ASTM D4632) 180 LBS. MIN. FOR EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC 100 LBS. MIN. FOR STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC GRAB TENSILE ELONGATION (ASTM D4632)30% MAX. (WOVEN) ULTRAVIOLET RESISTANCE (ASTM D4355)70% MIN. SILT FENCE STD. PLAN - 214.00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT NOTES: SECTION VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW DRAINAGE GRATE TRIM GRATE FRAME FILTERED WATER SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS OVERFLOW BYPASS BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE DRAINAGE GRATE RECTANGULAR GRATE SHOWN)RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (TYP.) OVERFLOW BYPASS (TYP.) BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE 1.PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS DOWNSLOPE AND WITHIN 500 FEET OF A DISTURBED OR CONSTRUCTION AREA, UNLESS THE RUNOFF THAT ENTERS THE CATCH BASIN WILL BE CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT POND OR TRAP. 2.INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE USED TO PROTECT THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 3.THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA MUST NOT BE LARGER THAN ONE ACRE. 4.SIZE THE BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE (BIGD) FOR THE STORMWATER STRUCTURE IT WILL SERVICE. 5.THE BIGD SHALL HAVE A BUILT-IN HIGH-FLOW RELIEF SYSTEM (OVERFLOW BYPASS). 6.THE RETRIEVAL SYSTEM MUST ALLOW REMOVAL OF THE BIGD WITHOUT SPILLING THE COLLECTED MATERIAL. 7.PERFORM MAINTENANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 8-01.3(15). 8.ANY SEDIMENT IN THE CATCH BASIN INSERT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS FILLED ONE-THIRD OF THE AVAILABLE STORAGE. THE FILTER MEDIA FOR THE INSERT SHALL BE CLEANED OR REPLACED AT LEAST MONTHLY. 5" MAX. CATCH BASIN INSERT STD. PLAN - 216.30 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT PLAN VIEW NOTES: 1.PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS DOWNSLOPE AND WITHIN 500 FEET OF A DISTURBED OR CONSTRUCTION AREA, UNLESS THE RUNOFF THAT ENTERS THE CATCH BASIN WILL BE CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT POND OR TRAP. 2.INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE USED TO PROTECT THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 3.THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA MUST NOT BE LARGER THAN ONE ACRE. 4.USE BLOCK AND GRAVEL TYPE SEDIMENT BARRIER WHEN CURB INLET IS LOCATED IN GENTLY SLOPING SEGMENT, WHERE WATER CAN POND AND ALLOW SEDIMENT TO SEPARATE FROM RUNOFF. 5.BARRIER SHALL ALLOW FOR OVERFLOW FROM SEVERE STORM EVENT. 6.INSPECT BARRIERS AND REMOVE SEDIMENT AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. SEDIMENT AND GRAVEL MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE TRAVELED WAY IMMEDIATELY. 7.BLOCK AND GRAVEL CURB INLET PROTECTION MAY ONLY BE USED IN LANES NOT OPEN TO TRAFFIC. SECTION A CATCH BASIN OVERFLOW WATER CATCH BASINCOVERBACKOFSIDEWALK 2"x4" WOOD STUD CURB INLET CONCRETEBLOCKSWIRESCREENORFILTERFABRIC 3/4" DRAIN GRAVEL WIRE SCREEN OR FILTER FABRIC 3/4" DRAIN GRAVEL POND HEIGHT 2"x4" WOOD STUD CATCH BASIN COVER CURBINLETA BLOCK AND GRAVEL CURB INLET PROTECTION STD. PLAN - 216.40 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT RIGID PIPE NOTES: 1.PIPE COMPACTION LIMITS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE FOR PIPE CONSTRUCTION IN AN EMBANKMENT. FOR PIPE CONSTRUCTION IN A TRENCH, THE HORIZONTAL LIMITS OF THE PIPE COMPACTION ZONE SHALL BE THE WALLS OF THE TRENCH. 2.O.D. IS EQUAL TO THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF A PIPE OR THE OUTSIDE SPAN OF PIPE-ARCH. 3.SEE STANDARD WSDOT/APWA SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09.4 FOR TRENCH WIDTH. 4.PIPE ZONE BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN 6" LOOSE LAYERS AND COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY. 5.EXCAVATE UNSTABLE MATERIAL DOWN TO FIRM SOIL AND REPLACE WITH FOUNDATION MATERIAL CLASS A OR B PER STANDARD WSDOT/APWA SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 9-03.17. GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING (WSDOT 9-03.12(3)) OR MAINTENANCE ROCK (WSDOT 9-03.9(4)) CIRCULAR PIPE FOUNDATION MATERIAL, IF REQUIRED, SEE NOTE 5 SPAN 6" PIPE - ARCH 6" PIPE TYPE MINIMUM COVER (FT)PUBLIC?PRIVATE? ALLOWED IN ZONE 1 OF THE APA? CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE 2.0 YES YES YES SPIRAL RIB STEEL PIPE 2.0 YES YES YES PLAIN CONCRETE PIPE (PCP)2.0 NO YES NO REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RCP) 1.0 YES YES NO CORRUGATED OR SPIRAL RIB ALUMINUM PIPE 2.0 YES YES NO DUCTILE IRON PIPE 1.0 YES YES YES FOUNDATION LEVEL RISE TRENCH WIDTH, SEE NOTE 3 CIRCULAR PIPE DIAMETER MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN BARRELS 12" TO 24"12" 30" TO 96"DIAMETER / 3 102" TO 180"48" PIPE-ARCH SPAN MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN BARRELS 18" TO 36"12" 43" TO 142"SPAN / 3 148" TO 199"48" TRENCH WIDTH, SEE NOTE 3 6" O.D. 6" FOUNDATION LEVEL PIPE ZONE BEDDING AND BACKFILL, SEE NOTE 4 FOUNDATION MATERIAL, IF REQUIRED, SEE NOTE 5 PIPE ZONE BEDDING AND BACKFILL, SEE NOTE 4 PIPE ZONE BEDDING AND COMPACTION - RIGID PIPE STD. PLAN - 220.00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT 12" MIN. 6" MIN. , SEE NOTE 4 EXISTING PAVEMENT SURFACE SURFACE RESTORATION AS SPECIFIED IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE" PER WSDOT STD. SPEC 9-03.9(3), "BANK RUN GRAVEL FOR TRENCH BACKFILL" PER WSDOT STD. SPEC 9-03.19, OR "GRAVEL BORROW" PER WSDOT STD. SPEC 9-03.14(1), COMPACTED TO 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY BENCH AS NEEDED FOR SHORING SYSTEM WHEN DEPTH IS 4' OR GREATER PIPE ZONE BEDDING AND BACKFILL PER STD. PLANS 220.00 AND 220.10 PIPE NEAT LINE TRENCH UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS SEE NOTE 1 NOTES: 1.SEE WSDOT/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 2-09.4 FOR MEASUREMENT OF TRENCH WIDTH. 2.EXCAVATIONS OVER 4' DEEP SHALL COMPLY WITH THE SAFETY STANDARD DESCRIBED IN CHAPTER 295-155 PART N OF THE WAC. 3.MAXIMUM BACKFILL DEPTH ABOVE PIPE SHALL NOT BE EXCEEDED, AS DETERMINED BY PIPE MANUFACTURER. 4.IN PAVED AREAS, IF PIPE HAS LESS THAN 3' OF COVER, USE "CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE" FOR THE ENTIRE BACKFILL DEPTH ABOVE PIPE ZONE. 5.SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. SEE STANDARD PLANS 110, 110.1, 110.2, AND 111 FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION REQUIREMENTS CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE" PER WSDOT STD. SPEC 9-03.9(3), COMPACTED TO 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY TYPICAL TRENCH AND BACKFILL STD. PLAN - 220.20 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT CCTV INSPECTION SPECIFICATIONS STD. PLAN - 266.00 GENERAL NOTES: 1.ALL NEWLY-INSTALLED AND NEWLY-REHABILITATED (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE) SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN MAIN LINES SHALL BE INSPECTED BY MEANS OF REMOTE CCTV. CCTV INSPECTIONS AND REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RENTON INSPECTOR ASSIGNED TO THE PROJECT PRIOR TO RECEIVING APPROVAL TO INSTALL PROJECT CURBS, GUTTERS, AND/OR PAVEMENT. 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL CCTV INSPECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SEWER SERVICE COMPANIES (NASSCO) PIPELINE ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (PACP). 3.ALL CCTV OPERATORS SHALL HAVE CURRENT NASSCO PACP CERTIFICATION. 4.CCTV INSPECTIONS SHALL BE RECORDED IN A GRANITENET COMPATIBLE FORMAT DATABASE USING THE LATEST SOFTWARE VERSION AND SUBMITTED WITH ELECTRONIC LINKS BETWEEN THE DATA AND THE VIDEO ON AN EXTERNAL HDD, DVD, OR FLASH DRIVE. 5.ALL CCTV INSPECTION REPORTS SHALL BE WITHIN +/- TWO (2) FEET OF THE MEASURED LINEAR FOOTAGE BETWEEN MANHOLES ALONG THE EXISTING PIPELINE CENTERLINE FROM THE START OF PIPE TO END OF PIPE. 6.ALL OWNER AND PACP REQUIRED HEADER INFORMATION MUST BE FULLY AND ACCURATELY ENTERED ON ALL CCTV REPORTS. WORK NOT FOLLOWING THESE SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE REJECTED AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RE-CCTV THE WORK. 7.THE DOCUMENTATION OF THE WORK SHALL CONSIST OF PACP CCTV REPORTS, PACP DATABASE, LOGS, ELECTRONIC REPORTS, ETC. NOTING IMPORTANT FEATURES ENCOUNTERED DURING THE INSPECTION. THE SPEED OF TRAVEL SHALL BE SLOW ENOUGH TO INSPECT EACH PIPE JOINT, TEE CONNECTION, STRUCTURAL DETERIORATION, INFILTRATION AND INFLOW SOURCES, AND DEPOSITS, BUT SHOULD NOT, AT ANY TIME, BE FASTER THAN 30 FEET PER MINUTE, EXCEPT AS NOTED OTHERWISE IN THIS DOCUMENT. 8.THE CAMERA MUST BE CENTERED IN THE PIPE TO PROVIDE ACCURATE DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS OF FEATURES IN THE SEWER AND THESE FOOTAGE MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE DISPLAYED AND DOCUMENTED ON THE VIDEO. ALL PACP OBSERVATIONS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY AUDIO AND ON A PACP LOG. ALL VIDEO MUST BE CONTINUOUSLY METERED FROM MANHOLE TO MANHOLE. ALL VIDEO RECORDING SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM STRUCTURE TO STRUCTURE WITH NO "PAUSING" OF THE VIDEO RECORDING DURING EACH PIPELINE INSPECTION. THE PIPE SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO THE CCTV INSPECTION TO ENSURE ALL DEFECTS, FEATURE, AND OBSERVATIONS ARE SEEN AND LOGGED. 9.JUST PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE CCTV INSPECTION, WHILE THE CCTV CAMERA IS IN PLACE AND RECORDING, WATER (CONTAINING DYE) SHALL BE INTRODUCED INTO THE UPSTREAM MANHOLE OF EACH PIPE SEGMENT UNTIL IT IS OBSERVED AND RECORDED FLOWING PAST THE CAMERA'S FIELD OF VISION IN ITS ENTIRETY. 10.THE CCTV CAMERA SHALL HAVE A WATER-LEVEL MEASURING DEVICE (BALL, CYLINDER, ETC.) ATTACHED THAT HAS 1/4" MARKINGS TO SHOW THE DEPTH OF WATER IN THE PIPE DURING THE CCTV INSPECTION. 11.ALL MANHOLES SHALL BE CHANNELED AND COATED PRIOR TO CCTV INSPECTION. 12.PER CITY OF RENTON SPECIFICATION 7-08.3(2)B, SEWER AND STORM DRAIN PIPELINE SHALL HAVE NO MORE THAN 1/2" OF PONDING TO BE CONSIDERED ACCEPTABLE. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT 10 FT EXISTING WATER LINE TESTING DETAIL EXISTING TEE, DEAD END LINE, CAP OR PLUG DO NOT DISTURB BLOCKING NEW WATER LINE U 2F VERTICAL CROSS (MJxFL) FOR POLYPIGGING 1—BLIND FLANGE ON TOP WITH 2"TAP & 2"PLUG 1—BLIND FLANGE ON BOTTOM 1—PLUG(MJ) W/2"TAP & 2" BLOW—OFF TEMP. BLOCK FINAL CONNECTION DETAIL EXIST. WATER LINE NEW WATER LINE 0 r— AFTER ALL TESTING, CLEANING BY POLYPIG AND DISINFECTION, REMOVE TEMP. BLOCK & BLOW—OFF & CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER LINE WITH SLEEVE (MJ) AND D.I. SPOOLS FINAL CONNECTION BY CITY FORCES Y STD. PLAN — 300.50as + PUBLIC WORKS CONNECTION TO WATER MAIN DEPARTMENT EXISTING TEE OR END LINE CAP N,tp MARCH 2010 TEMPORARY 2" GALVANIZED PIPE AND 2" GATE VALVE i n ya.zH:n.»xmxmrrni INSTALL 2" PLUG ON TOP BLIND FLANGE AFTER REMOVAL OF POLYPIG 3 FT MIN. COVER (10—INCH DIAMETER AND UNDER) 4 FT MIN. COVER (12—INCH DIAMETER AND OVER) a NEW WATER MAIN POLYPIG I> a VERTICAL CROSS FOR POLYPIGGING STATION: SIZE OF VERTICAL CROSS SHALL BE THE SAME AS SIZE OF MAIN LINE VERTICAL CROSS (MJ X FL) ONE BLIND FLANGE ON TOP OF CROSS WITH 2" TAP & 2" TEMPORARY BLOW—OFF ASSEMBLY REMOVE BLOW—OFF ASSEMBLY AND INSTALL 2" PLUG AFTER REMOVAL OF CLEANING "POLY—PIG") ONE BLIND FLANGE ON BOTTOM OF CROSS ONE PLUG (MJ) ON END OF CROSS CONCRETE BLOCKING ALL DEBRIS AND POLYPIGS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SUMP OF VERTICAL CROSS BEFORE DISINFECTION OF NEW WATER MAIN ZY Oe + PUBLIC WORKS POLY PIG STATION FOR CLEANING OF STD. PLAN — 300.6 DEPARTMENT WATER MAINS N,yp MARCH 2010 WATER MAIN (CARRIER PIPE) NOTES: 1.CASING SPACERS SHALL BE "CENTER POSITIONING" TYPE. 2.RUNNER WIDTH SHALL BE MINIMUM 2". 3.RUNNER HEIGHT SHALL BE SIZED TO PROVIDE: ·MINIMUM 3/4" BETWEEN CARRIER PIPE BELL AND CASING PIPE WALL AT ALL TIMES. ·MINIMUM 1" CLEARANCE BETWEEN RUNNERS AND TOP OF CASING WALL TO PREVENT JAMMING DURING INSTALLATION. 4.STEEL CASING DIAMETERS ARE "OUTSIDE DIAMETER" FOR 16" AND LARGER. 5.PROVIDE SHOP-APPLIED ANTI-CORROSIVE COATING ON CASING EXTERIOR CONFORMING TO AWWA C210. TNEMEC HI-BUILD TNEME-TAR SERIES 46H-413 OR EQUAL. MINIMUM COATING THICKNESS 16 MILS DFT, MAXIMUM COATING THICKNESS NOT TO EXCEED MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. CASING END SEAL WITH STAINLESS STEEL BANDS (SEE APPROVED MATERIALS LIST), EACH END BLACK STEEL CASING PIPE ONE SPACER SHALL BE PLACED ON THE SPIGOT END OF EACH SEGMENT AT THE LINE MARKING THE LIMIT OF INSERTION INTO THE BELL. WHEN THE JOINT IS COMPLETE, THE SPACER SHALL BE IN CONTACT WITH THE BELL OF THE JOINT SO THAT THE SPACER PUSHES THE JOINT AND RELIEVES COMPRESSION WITHIN THE JOINT END SPACER, 12" MAX FROM END OF CASING CARRIER PIPE DIAMETER 4"6"8"10"12"16" CASING PIPE DIAMETER (PUSH-ON JOINT CARRIER PIPE)10"12"14"16"20"26" CASING PIPE DIAMETER (MJ/MEGALUG CARRIER PIPE)14"16"18"20"24"30" CASING PIPE WALL THICKNESS SCHEDULE 20 OR GREATER SPACER BAND WIDTH 8" CASING SPACER SEPARATION 10' MAX ON CENTER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEMartin Pastucha Public Works Administrator STEEL PIPE CASING STD. PLAN - 300.8 1 1 Addendum 1 (December 2, 2022) FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE COREY—TYPE EQUAL TO IOWA F-5110 OR COMPRESSION TYPE SUCH AS CLOW MEDALLION; M & H 929, MUELLER SUPER CENTURION 200, AND WATEROUS PACER WITH 6" MECHANICAL JOINT INLET WITH LUGS. 5-1/4" MAIN VALVE OPENING. TWO 2-1/2" HOSE CONNECTIONS NATIONAL STANDARD THREADS. 4" PUMPER CONNECTION CITY OF SEATTLE THREADS WITH A STORZ ADAPTOR, 4.875" SEATTLE THREAD X 5" STORZ, ATTACHED WITH 1/8" STAINLESS STEEL CABLE. 1-1/4" PENTAGON OPERATING NUT. FIRE HYDRANT TO BE PAINTED WITH TWO COATS OF PAINT. KELLY— MOORE/PRESERVATIVE PAINT No. 5780-563 DTM ACRYLIC GLOSS, SAFETY YELLOW OR APPROVED EQUAL. PUMPER CONNECTION TO FACE ROADWAY OR AS DIRECTED BY RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. FIRE HYDRANT EXTENSION TO BE USED IF REQUIRED. MIN. 18" TO 20" BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR 12" BEHIND BACK OF 3' SIDEWALK THAT IS ADJACENT TO CURB 4.875" x 5" STORZ 5'x5'x6" THICK CONCRETE PAD AROUND HYDRANT. FINISH TO MATCH SIDEWALK. E EXPANSION JOINT AT 2` 1 BACK OF SIDEWALK fCONCRETE SIDEWALK OR PLANTING STRIP 36" MIN COVER TWO—PIECE CAST IRON VALVE BOX WITH LUG TYPE COVER. EQUAL TO OLYMPIC FOUNDRY CO. STANDARD 8" TOP SECTION WITH REGULAR BASE SECTION LENGTH TO FIT. VALVE NUT EXTENSION AS REQUIRED. RAISED PAVEMENT MARKER TYPE 88—A STIMSONITE TWO—WAY BLUE REFLECTIVE CONCRETE BLOCKING CONCRETE ' . THRUST BLOCK MAIN LINE TEE. WITH 6" FLANGE SIDE OUTLET. 6" GATE VALVE (FL X MJ) AWWA C-509, RESILIENT SEAT 6" DUCTILE IRON PIPE, CLASS 52 CEMENT LINED, LENGTH TO FIT 2-3/4" COR—TEN STEEL TIE RODS. 16" x 8" x 4" MININUM X1/2 YARD OF 1-1/4" WASHED DRAIN ROCK CONCRETE BEARING 1' ABOVE BOOT FLANGE. PLACE 8 MIL BLOCK UNDER HYDRANT POLYETHYLENE FILM AROUND TOP AND SIDES OF GRAVEL. 1 O FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY CUT D ONE MAN ROCK - 1 6 TE PAD LEVEL ALL GROUND MIN 3' RADIUS a elk 6" CONCRETE PAD FI LL HYDRANT LOCATION IN CUT OR FILL ZY STD. PLAN — 310.1 e + PUBLIC WORKS FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLYODEPARTMENT N,yp MARCH 2010 CONCRETE DEAD MAN BLOCKING WITH SHACKLE RODS TO CAP, BLOCK SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH, SIZE OF BLOCK TO BE DETERMINED BASED ON TEST PRESSURE OF WATER LINE AND SOIL CHARACTERISTICS. CAST IRON CAP OR PLUG WITH 2" IPS TAP SHALL BE A ROCKWELL 482 END CAP COUPLING. WATER MAIN 2" GALVANIZED IRON PIPE7 AS REQUIRED. 2" CLOSE NIPPLE 2" 90° ELBOW *2" GALVANIZED IRON PIPE, 12" LONG. PLAN TWO PIECE CAST IRON VALVE BOX VALVE NUT EXTENSION IF REQUIRED EQUAL TO RICH VALVE CO. STANDARD (SEE DWG BR46 / PAGE B090) 8" TOP SECTION, WITH REGULAR BASE SECTION LENGTH TO FIT. INSTALL 2" 90° ELBOW, SCREWED 2" PLUG, SCREWED 18" 2" GALVANIZED IRON PIPE 12" LONG - 2" GALVANIZED IRON PIPET"2 AS REQUIRED. RESILIENT GATE VE, SCREWED INSTALL 2" 90° ELBOW, SCREWED 2" GALVANIZED IRON PIPE AS REQUIRED. ELEVATION Y STD. PLAN — 340.2 et + PUBLIC WORKS 2" BLOW -OFF NTo DEPARTMENT TEMPORARY ASSEMBLY MARCH 2010 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of TransportationD/2D/215"D/2D/2D/3 9" PAVEMENT WITH PCCP WIDENING EXISTING DRILL AND GROUT WHENLANE WIDTHPLAN VIEW SECTION VIEW SECTION VIEWSECTION VIEW SECTION VIEW SECTION VIEW TRANSVERSE CONSTRUCTION JOINT LONGITUDINAL CONTRACTION JOINT TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION JOINT LONGITUDINAL JOINT PCCP TO HMA LONGITUDINAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT PCCP TO PCCP (SEE SECTION VIEWS) CONSTRUCTION JOINT (TYP.) TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION OR (SEE SECTION VIEWS) CONSTRUCTION JOINTS (TYP.) LONGITUDINAL CONTRACTION OR LANE WIDTHLANE WIDTH15' - 0" (TYP.)1' - 0"1' - 0"(SEE SECTION VIEW) LONGITUDINAL JOINT 1' - 6" ELEVATION VIEWDELEVATION VIEW A 12" D 15" DETAIL HMA TRANSITION A 12" D D/2 - 1" 5" 9" THICKNESS SLAB (D) CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL EXISTING APPROACH SLAB TRANSITION NO DOWEL BARS REQUIRED 1.25 × D ADDDDDDPCCP DEPTH OF (D) HMA SHOULDER IF REQUIRED HMA PCCP SHOULDER IF REQUIRED HMAEXISTING PCCP THE LAST PCCP PANEL PCCP @ 12" (IN) SPACING #5 BAR ~ 18" (IN) LONG A2' - 0" EXISTING PCCP PCCP SHOULDER WITH 1/2" (IN) RADIUS FINISH OUTER EDGE OF PCCP SHOULDER WITH 1/2" (IN) RADIUS FINISH OUTER EDGE OF PCCP ON 36" (IN) CENTERS #5 BAR × 30" (IN) LONG TIE BAR ~ ON 36" (IN) CENTERS #5 BAR × 30" (IN) LONG TIE BAR ~ CONTRACT) (EXISTING BEFORE APPROACH SLAB TYPICAL ALL LANES ON 36" (IN) CENTERS ~ #5 TIE BAR ~ 30" (IN) LONG NOTED IN THE PLANS TYPICAL ALL LANES UNLESS ON 12" (IN) CENTERS ~ 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. × 18" (IN) LONG DOWEL BARS ~ NO TAPER REQUIRED ON ASPHALT BASES USE ON GRANULAR BASES ONLY ~ SEE DEPTH 1" (IN) MIN. ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) MAX. ~ SAWED GROOVE ~ SECTION 5-04.3(12)A2 STANDARD SPECIFICATION, LONG ON 12" (IN) CENTERS 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. × 18" (IN) DOWEL BAR ~ LONG ON 12" (IN) CENTERS 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. × 18" (IN) DOWEL BAR ~ PAVEMENT JOINTS CEMENT CONCRETE STANDARD PLAN A-40.10-04 3" TO 4" 3" TO 4" DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLD/3 MAX. D/4 MIN. TO SEE OVER MIDPOINT OF BAR ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) MAX. SAWED GROOVE ~ STD. SPEC. SEC. 5-05.3(8)B SEE OVER MIDPOINT OF BAR ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) MAX. SAWED GROOVE ~ STD. SPEC. SEC. 5-05.3(8)B SEE DEPTH 1" (IN) MIN. ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) MAX. ~ SAWED GROOVE ~ STD. SPEC. SEC. 5-05.3(8)C SEE MAX. ~ DEPTH 1" (IN) MIN. ~ WIDTH 3/16" (IN) MIN. TO 5/16" (IN) SAWED GROOVE ~ STD. SPEC. SEC. 5-05.3(8)C STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER33238LES S UR WERDNA KRAM 0:: w J: (.) 1-w ....1 LL >-[!I ....1 0 (.) > [!I ~ c 1-z w ::2 w ~ D.. w 1-w 0:: (.) z 0 (.) 1-z w ::2 w (.) 3' -0" MAX. ON CENTER ~ 1'-6" NEW TIE BARS 3' -0" MAX. ON CENTER {SEE NOTE 1) 1' -6" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·, . ---------1~ .. . DOWEL BAR {TYP.) . . .-------__;__.;..,·· '-~-.--c--~ ~~-:~·:CN~ TRANSVERSE JOIN~------------------~---c-------~ c ~ ~- I I EXISTING PANEL I I I . I : EXISTING FULL PANEL EXISTING PARTIAL EXISTING EXISTING PARTIAL EXISTING : 1 C PANEL PARTIAL PARTIAL PANEL 1 I PANEL REPLA EMENT PANEL REPLACEMENT PANEL PANEL REPLACEMENT PANEL I I I I . EXISTING PANEL •• • 1 • EXISTING LONGITUDINAL ft---+---+-·-t· t___, .. r-"---+----1t-----'-+---+--+-+----1t---+---+--.-t--t---1t---+---+---+----1t--t-------'--:...------.:. t--------'----------1-~ _.--L ~~~~:-~--.,.,--· -~ L..: ----.---.-'-----:.:...- FULL PANEL REPLACEMENT SEE STD. PLAN A-40.10 FOR TRANSVERSE JOINT DETAILS SEE STD. PLAN A-40.10 FOR LONGITUDINAL JOINT DETAILS FULL PANEL REPLACEMENT FULLPANEL4 REPLACEMENT EXISTING PANEL .. •. FULL PANEL REPLACEMENT . •. EXISTING PARTIAL PANEL .. ' .. ' .. ' EXISTING PARTIAL PANEL ------------------------ ------------------------------PLAN-viEw----------------------\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \_ EXISTING EDGE /.1' 1'-6" MIN. TO 3'-0" MAX. PANEL REPLACEMENT OF SHOULDER {TYP.) ~ {SEE NOTE 1) NOTES EXISTING TRANSVERSE JOINT + 1'-0"MIN. '-61' {SEE NOTE 3) 1. Install tie bars across longitudinal joints between new panels (complete and partial) and existing cement concrete pavement lane or shoulder when four or more adjacent panels are replaced . Place new tie bars between existing tie bars. Tie bars are not installed between cement concrete pavement and hot mix asphalt shoulders . EXISTING LONGITUDINAL JOINT • I •. l ·I .. .. · EXISTING I CEMENT .1 CONCRETE· .. : PAVEMENT . 1 • . I .. ,1· EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT . I .. l I I I . .. I· 'I . I· . .. • -1. EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT.. · .... ----.,.-:----1------.----------------..:.......,r------+ _;------~·--:.!...- EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SAWED GROOVE {TYP.) FULL PANEL REPLACEMENT PLAN VIEW (/) 0:: 0:: ~ ~ ....1 z w w ~(.) oz co ~ ~ w ~ z FULL PANEL REPLACEMENT DETAIL EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2. Place a bond-breaking material such as polyethylene film, roofing paper, or other material approved by the Engineer along all existing concrete surfaces and between the bottom of the slab and bases prior to placing concrete. 3. Place new dowel bars between existing dowel bars. The 1' -0" dimension from the edge of the panel may be increased by 6" (in) to avoid bar in existing panel. 4. Bars shall meet the requirements of Standard Specification 9-07.5(1) or 9-07.5(2). EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1/2 CONCRETE PAVEMENT DEPTH 9" PANEL REPLACED SAWED GROOVE - 1 r SEE STD. PLAN A-40.10 1--------~-t-----.~~-----------------------CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION STANDARD PLAN A-60.10-03 DRILL 1 3/4" {IN) MIN. TO 2" {IN) MAX. DIAM. x 9" {IN) LONG HOLE IN EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE FOR NEW DOWEL BAR {TYP.) SECTION 0 NEW DOWEL BAR - 1 1/2" {IN) DIAM. x 18" {IN) SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ........ ... Washington State Department of Transportation 0:: w J: (.) 1-w ....1 LL ~ ....1 0 (.) > Ill 6'-0" MIN. 3'-0" 3'-0" 6'-0" MIN . 6'-0" MIN. MIN. MIN. EXISTING TRANSVERSE JOINT EXISTING TRANSVERSE JOINT EXISTING LONGITUDINAL JOINT I· . 1 .. I "I ·I .. SEE STD. PLAN A-40.10 I' ·· · EXISTING I I' · CEMENT .I FOR LONGITUDINAL 1 .• CONCRETE. . .: JOINT DETAILS :· PAVEMENT · I 1.: . ' I .. I ,1· ·1· EXISTING ·· · CEMENT CONCRETE· . PAVEMENT· EXISTING LONGITUDINAL JOINT EXISTING ·· · ·· · CEMENT CONCRETE . PAVEMENT .... .. ; .-;· . I' I EXISTING CEMENT 1 EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT : CONCRETE PAVEMENT . .-f ·... .: l . . . . ... . .--..,....---...L---r-----r--------------~ --~~-----~~-----~-~--------.,..-:----1----.....l...------.-----r-------------: -.-~ ~-----. ..:-:-..:-.:.. EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT DOWEL BAR (TYP.) PARTIAL PANEL REPLACEMENT C/)0:: O::w ~!z ...JW W(.) S:z oo 0 -s:o w -' z..- EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT , .I·" . . I, •• I, . . I . . I' I. '·I· 'I I . r : r I· I. '·I I I r : r . I· I '·I' I . I . I' : I' • I. I. •·I' I EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT . · EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1 • I 1.: I I·. I'' I . I .. I 1,; I I·. I•' I I I I I I· I I I I I I. I. I . I . I EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT l C/) O::o:: ~~ PARTIAL __. z PANEL ~ ~ REPLACEMENT g ~ $:~ w..-z EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT --..::. ·_,-._-.:..-..:.:.. _:_ ~-:.....: .:_._.:..-..:-..:.:..-L...-___ ___;;_....1...-_--L.....:---... ---·---_,_ . . . I.. . . L...=:...,....-------___;;-....1... __ __._._-:.. -·---.:.. _ . ..:._,_---I:._....:-:...--...:-_._ ... - SAWED GROOVE (TYP.) PLAN VIEW PARTIAL PANEL REPLACEMENT WITHOUT JOINT REPLACEMENT PANEL REPLACED SAWED GROOVE - + 1'-0"MIN. "'61' (SEE NOTE 3) EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 15" 1/2 CONCRETE I PAVEMENT DEPTH SEE STD. PLAN A-40.10 \ r-------------------------------~r---~-------:-----•-.-------.---- -·-T .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I. 6'-0" MIN. .I PLAN VIEW PARTIAL PANEL REPLACEMENT WITH JOINT REPLACEMENT r-----------------------~---------L.----------------------------I .··.\·.·... .··.· .. ·. NEW TIE BAR-#5 x 30" (IN) j DRILL 7/8" (IN) MIN. TO 1 1/8" (IN) MAX. DIAM. x 15" (IN) LONG HOLE IN EXISTING CEMENT CONCRETE FOR NEW TIE BAR CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION STANDARD PLAN A-60.10-03 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION SECTION 0 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ........ ... Washington State Department of Transportation SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation CROSSWALK ‘DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLPLAN VIEW SECTION4"SECTION C ROADWAY TOP OF SECTION ROADWAY TOP OF CURB RADIUS DETAIL WITH BUFFER A A C CURB RAMP CURB RAMP B LANDING CURB RAMP CURB RAMP (TYP.)4"ISOMETRIC VIEW D (TYP.)4"GRADE BREAK BREAK GRADE PAY LIMIT TYPE COMBINATION TYPE COMBINATION LANDING SEE CONTRACT PLANS LANDING (TYP.) 3" R. 1. 2. 3. 4. NOTES 5. 6. 7. 8. CURB RAMP LEGEND STANDARD PLAN F-40.14-03 D DETAIL 9. COMBINATION" PAY LIMIT ~ "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE SEE NOTE 6 CURB RAMPVARIES 5.0% MAX.COUNTER SLOPE SEE CONTRACT PLANS GRADE BREAK GRADE BREAK B AND GUTTER ~ CEMENT CONCRETE CURB SEE NOTES 4 & 6 PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ CEMENT CONCRETE SEE NOTE 9 SEE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ~ STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 SEE CONTRACT PLANS BUFFER STRIP (TYP.) ~ SEE CONTRACT PLANS MATCH SIDEWALK (4’ - 0" MIN.) ~ CONTRACT PLANS 4’ - 0" MIN. ~ SEE PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ CEMENT CONCRETE SEE NOTE 9 SEE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ~ STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 GUTTER ~ DEPRESSED CURB AND SEE NOTES 4 & 6 4’ - 0" MIN.15’ - 0" MAX. SEE NOTE 7 SEE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ~ STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ CEMENT CONCRETE SEE NOTE 9 4’ - 0" MIN. GUTTER ~ CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND SEE NOTES 4 & 6 CURB (TYP.) ~ CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN SEE NOTE 9 4’ - 0" MIN. SEE CONTRACT PLANS COMBINATION CURB RAMP * ** SLOPE IN EITHER DIRECTION DESIGN/FORMWORK (8.3% MAX.) 7.5% OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR DESIGN/FORMWORK (2% MAX.) 1.5 OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR (ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT BACK OF WALKWAY) 15’ - 0" MAX. (TYP.) SEE NOTE 7 15’ - 0" MAX. (TYP.) SEE NOTE 7 ******* * STRIP BUFFER PLANS SEE CONTRACT PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ CEMENT CONCRETE SEE NOTE 9 SEE 3/8" (IN) EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) ~ STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 3’ - 0" MIN. (TYP.) * SEE DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER ~ STANDARD PLAN F-10.12 AND NOTE 6 DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER ~ SEE NOTES 4 & 6 CURB AND GUTTER ~ CEMENT CONCRETE SEE NOTES 4 & 6 SEE 3/8" (IN) EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) ~ STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 1 1 1 STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 CONTRACTION JOINT EQUALLY SPACED 4’ - 0" MIN. OC. FOR CURB RAMP LENGTHS GREATER THAN 8’ - 0" PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINT (TYP.) ~ SEE Standard Specifications 8-14. Standard Plan F-30.10 Standard Plan F-10.12 material to retain. Landing will be at the same elevation as the Curb Ramp or Landing and there will not be Pedestrian Curb may be omitted if the ground surface at the back of the Curb Ramp and/or Curb Ramps and Landings shall receive a broom finish. See walkway. radius, the 15-foot max. length is measured on the inside radius along the back of the the abutting landing in the 15-foot max. measurement. When a ramp is constructed on a of ramp to match into the sidewalk over a horizontal distance of 15 feet. Do not included ramp is allowed to exceed 8.3%. Use a single constant slope from bottom of ramp to top Contract Plans). When applying the 15-foot max. length, the running slope of the curb The Curb Ramp length is not required to exceed 15 feet (unless otherwise shown in the Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb and Gutter, Pedestrian Curb, or Sidewalks. The Bid Item "Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type __" does not include the adjacent Curb, for width and placement of sidewalk. for Cement Concrete Sidewalk Details. See Contract Plans See Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb, Gutter and Pedestrian Curb details. for Curb, See Contract Plans for the curb design specified. See connects to the roadway. where the landing of the Curb Ramp or Landing, or in the Depressed Curb and Gutter Do not place Gratings, Junction Boxes, Access Covers, or other appurtenances on any part adjacent surface planes shall be flush. Where "GRADE BREAK" is called out, the entire length of the grade break between the two contained within the width of the crosswalk markings. At marked crosswalks, the connection between the curb ramp and the roadway must be STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERR ELLEZ TTOCS .R28680 (MKMXEPP]WMKRIHF]67GSXX>IPPIV (EXI (EXI SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation‘CROSSWALKSECTION CURB RAMP ISOMETRIC VIEW LANDING PEDESTRIAN CURB 90 ANGLE(TYP.)4"5.0% MAX. COUNTER SLOPE PLAN VIEW C A C B ‘CROSSWALK5’ - 0" MIN. PLAN VIEW STRIP BUFFER ROADWAY TOP OF A STRIP BUFFER 5’ - 0" MIN. SECTION B CLOSURE SIGN PEDESTRIAN CROSSING CLOSURE SIGN PEDESTRIAN CROSSING CURB FACE OF CURB FACE OF CURB RAMP VARY RADIUS MAY ISOMETRIC VIEW PAY LIMIT TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION A PAY LIMIT TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION B LANDING A BREAK GRADE GRADE BREAK GRADE BREAK TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION BTYPE SINGLE DIRECTION A CURB RAMP SEE CONTRACT PLANS WIDTH ~ 4’ 0" MIN. MATCH SIDEWALK CONTRACT PLANS BUFFER STRIP ~ SEE CURB RAMP LANDINGLANDING SEE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 SEE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 3" R. 3" R. 3" R. CDETAIL 1’ - 0" SLOPE IN EITHER DIRECTIONDRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLCURB RAMP SINGLE DIRECTION STANDARD PLAN F-40.16-03 GRADE BREAK SEE CONTRACT PLANS MATCH SIDEWALK WIDTH ~ 4’ 0" MIN. CURB RAMP CURB RAMP SIDEWALK ~ SEE NOTE 6 SIDEWALK ~ SEE NOTE 6 GRADE BREAK SIDEWALK ~ SEE NOTE 6 GRADE BREAK TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION B" PAY LIMIT ~ "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP SEE NOTE 7 TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION A" PAY LIMIT ~ "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP SEE NOTE 7 SIDEWALK ~ SEE NOTE 6 SEE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ~ STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ SEE NOTE 10 PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ SEE NOTE 10 PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ SEE NOTE 10 SEE CONTRACT PLANS WIDTH ~ 4’ 0" MIN. ~ MATCH SIDEWALK SIDEWALK ~ SEE NOTE 6 1. 2. 3. 4. NOTES 5. 6. 7. 8. LEGEND 9. *DESIGN/FORMWORK (2% MAX.) 1.5 OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR ** (ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT BACK OF WALKWAY) SEE NOTE 7 DESIGN/FORMWORK (8.3% MAX.) 7.5% OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR 10. 15’ - 0" MAX (TYP.) SEE NOTE 8 15’ - 0" MAX (TYP.) SEE NOTE 8 * CURB AND GUTTER ~ SEE NOTE 5 CURB AND GUTTER ~ SEE NOTE 5 ** CORNER 1" (IN) RADIUS 3/8" (IN) EXPANSION JOINT ~ SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 (TYP.) 5’ - 0" MIN. (TYP.) 15’ - 0" MAX SEE NOTE 8 ** SEE DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER ~ STANDARD PLAN F-10.12 * * *** JOINT ~ SEE 3/8" (IN) EXPANSION PLAN F-30.10 STANDARD SURFACE ~ SEE DETECTABLE WARNING STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 GUTTER ~ DEPRESSED CURB AND SEE NOTE 5 *(TYP.)4"1 1 STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 CONTRACTION JOINT EQUALLY SPACED 4’ - 0" MIN. OC. FOR CURB RAMP LENGTHS GREATER THAN 8’ - 0" PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINT (TYP.) ~ SEE * 1 Specifications 8-14. Standard Standard Plan F-30.10 F-10.12 Standard Plan Ramp or Landing and there will not be material to retain. Curb Ramp and/or Landing will be at the same elevation as the Curb Pedestrian Curb may be omitted if the ground surface at the back of the Curb Ramps and Landings shall receive a broom finish. See distance of 15 feet. ramp to top of ramp to match into the sidewalk over a horizontal allowed to exceed 8.3%. Use a single constant slope from bottom of (measured from back of sidewalk) the running slope of the curb ramp is otherwise in the Contract Plans). When applying the 15-foot max. length The Curb Ramp length is not required to exceed 15 feet (unless shown Curb, or Sidewalks. adjacent Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb and Gutter, Pedestrian The Bid Item "Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type __" does not include the Contract Plans for width and placement of sidewalk. for Cement Concrete Sidewalk Details. See See Pedestrian Curb details. for Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb, Gutter and See Contract Plans for the curb design specified. See Curb and Gutter where the Landing connects to the roadway. ances on any part of the Curb Ramp or Landing or in the Depressed Do not place Gratings, Junction Boxes, Access Covers, or other appurten- between the two adjacent surface planes shall be flush. Where "GRADE BREAK" is called out, the entire length of the grade break roadway must be contained within the width of the crosswalk markings. At marked crosswalks, the connection between the Landing and the permitted. This plan is to be used where pedestrian crossing in one direction is not STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERR ELLEZ TTOCS .R286804’ - 0" MIN.4’ - 0" MIN. WALKWAY WALKWAY DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (DWS) - DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP.) - SEE NOTE 3 BACK OF CURB - SEE NOTES 2 & 8 E C: T TRUNCATED DOME SECTION 0 TRUNCATED DOME SPACING SEE NOTE 3 SEE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR COLOR OF SURFACE TRUNCATED DOME DETAILS WALKWAY WIDTH OF WALKWAY LANDING CURB RAMP DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (DWS) SEE NOTE 3 BACK OF CURB MIN. MAX. A 1.60" 2.40" B 0.65" - C 0.45" 0.90" D 0.9" 1.40" E 0.2" 0.2" I WIDTH OF CUT ...J ...J w Cl Cl :::i z a:: w u. SINGLE DIRECTION CURB RAMP (GRADE BREAK BETWEEN CURB AND LANDING s 5 FT . FROM BACK OF CURB) (SEE NOTE 5) WHEELCHAIR DIRECTION CURB RAMP WALKWAY LANDING OF TRAVEL BACK OF CURB - SEE NOTE 2 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (DWS) SEE NOTE 3 SINGLE DIRECTION CURB RAMP (GRADE BREAK BETWEEN CURB AND LANDING > 5 FT. FROM BACK OF CURB) (SEE NOTE 5) CURB RAMP WIDTH OF WALKWAY WIDTH OF CURB RAMP, LANDING, OR WALKWAY ~ DETECTABLE WARNING - - DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (DWS) SEE NOTES 3 & 6 RAIL CURB RAMP, LANDING, CUT THROUGH OR WALKWAY DETECTABLE WARNING ~ - SURFACE (DWS) SEE NOTE 3 -I SEE TRUNCATED DOME DETAIL -THIS SHEET BACK OF CURB 2' -O" MIN . SEE NOTE 2 TYP. OF ALL APPLICATIONS MATCH TO WIDTH OF CURB RAMP CURB AND GUTIER LANDING, CUT-THROUGH OR WALKWAY DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE DETAIL LANDING 1 • THROUGH (TYP.) SEE NOTE 3 WIDTH OF CURB RAMP PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP (SEE NOTE 6) ISLAND CUT-THROUGH BACK OF CURB SEE NOTE 2 MEDIAN CUT-THROUGH SURFACE (TYP.) SEE NOTES 3 AND 8 WIDTH OF CUT-THROUGH WIDTH OF SHARED WALKWAY (TYP.) USE PA,~ OKI (TYP.) SHOULDER SHARED-USE PATH OR ROUNDABOUT SPLITTER WALKWAY ISLAND PAVEMENT EDGE PATH OR WALKWAY I • (TYP.) _ _.__ DIRECTION OF TRAVEL BACK OF CURB SEE NOTE 2 2' -O" NOTES 1. Permanent Detectable Warning Surfaces (DWS) shall extend the full width of the curb ramp, landing, or other roadway entrance as applicable. Exception: If the Manufacturer of the DWS requires a concrete border around the DWS, a variance of up to 2" (in) on each side of the DWS is permitted . 2. Permanent Detectable Warning Surfaces (DWS) shall be placed on a minimum 4" (in) thick concrete pad. The DWS panel shall be placed adjacent to the back of the curb and with no more than a 2" (in) gap between the DWS and the back of the curb measured at the center of the DWS panel. Exception : If the Manufacturer of the selected DWS requires a concrete border around the DWS, a variance of up to 2" (in) from the back of the curb is permitted (measured at the leading corners of the DWS panel). 3. The rows of truncated domes shall be aligned to be parallel to the direction of travel, and perpendicular to the grade break at the back of curb. 4. If curb and gutter are not present, such as a shared-use path connection, the Detectable Warning Surface shall be placed at the pavement edge. 5. See Standard Plans for sidewalk and curb ramp details. 6. If a curb ramp is required, the location of the Detectable Warning Surface must be at the bottom of the ramp and within the required distance from the rail crossing . 7. When the grade break between the curb ramp and the landing is less than or equal to 5 ft . from the back of curb at all points, place the Detectable Warning Surface on the bottom of the curb ramp directly above the grade break. 8. Glued or stick down Detectable Warning Surfaces are allowed only for temporary work zone applications . WIDTH OF CUT-THROUGH 2' -O" MIN. LEGEND MIN . Aug 30, 2021 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10-03 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET DETECTABLE WARNING BACK OF CURB DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (DWS) -SEE NOTE 3 SEE NOTE 2 WIDTH OF SURFACE (DWS) SEE NOTES 3 & 4 LANDING PARALLEL CURB RAMP PEDESTRIAN RAILROAD CROSSING (SEE NOTE 6) PLACEMENT GUIDELINES SHARED-USE PATH CONNECTION APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION ~ Aug 31, 2021 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER .... ...Washington Stole Department of Transportation 12' MIN . MAJOR SIGN EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY SHOULDER 6' MIN. SLOPE BREAK KEYNOTE 0 w 12' MIN . SIGN MIN. EDGE OF TRAVELED SHOULDER 6' I : WAY V (7' MIN.) SLOPE BREAK ....I ....I SIGN INSTALLATION w Cl IN FILL SECTION Cl ::i z c::: w LL I :;.: wCD 5' SIGNMIN. Cl , - EDGE OF TRAVELED vWAY J"l TRAFFIC BARRIER SIGN INSTALLATION BEHIND TRAFFIC BARRIER w EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY SIGN INSTALLATION IN CURB SECTION w 12' MIN . SHOULDER 6' MIN. I V (7' MIN .) i SIGN EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY FILL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 6H : 1V SLOPE BREAK SIGN INSTALLATION ON STEEP FILL SLOPES w 12' MIN . PRIMARYSHOULDER 6' SIGN MIN . ____1i,,r___ t O" MIN . [L_ 3" MAX . EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY SUPPLEMENTAL PLAQUE SLOPE BREAK SIGN WITH SUPPLEMENTAL PLAQUE INSTALLATION IN FILL SECTION w 12' MIN. SHOULDER SIGN:-M~~:1 I DITCH ct EDGE OF TRAVELED 1 :- -.,;,.,...'"" WAY v I(7' MIN .) 1 7' MIN. I SLOPE BREAK SIGN INSTALLATION IN DITCH SECTION ~ EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY w 12' MIN . SHOULDER 6' MIN. I SLOPE BREAK MULTIPLE SIGN POST INSTALLATION IN FILL SECTION w SIGN GUIDE OR DIRECTIONAL SIGN WITH SECONDARY SIGN INSTALLATION ON EXPRESSWAYS AND FREEWA VS SHOULDER w 12' MIN. I 4' EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY DITCH ct 1 :- v I (7' MIN.) ! I I SLOPE BREAK MULTIPLE SIGN POST INSTALLATION IN DITCH SECTION NOTES 1. Refer to the Sign Specification Sheet of the Contract for the 'V' and 'W distances. 2. The minimum vertical distance from the bottom of the sign to the ground shall not be less than 7' (ft) for signs located within the Design Clear Zone. 6H : 1V SLOPE OR FLATTER 3' (FT) MIN . FROM ANY POINT ALONG BOTTOM EDGE OF SIGN PANEL TO THE GROUND SIGN Aug 20, 2021 GROUND MOUNTED SIGN PLACEMENT STANDARD PLAN G-20.10-03 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION ~ Aug 20, 2021 STA TE DESIGN ENGINEER .... ...Washington Stole Department of Transportation ....1 ....1 w Cl Cl ::::i z 0:: w L1.. ~ ~ Cl SIGNAL STANDARD SIGNAL 1'-0' MIN. X/4 2'-6" MAX. X = 4' -0" OR LESS ALUMINUM WINDBEAM (TYP.) X/4 6" MIN. ' : ----~----~------- ' LEVEL MAST ARM BASE 1'-0' MIN. 1'-0" 2'-6" MAX. BACK OF SIGN PANEL VIEW-LOOKING FROM BACK X = MORE THAN 4' -0" BUT NOT MORE THAN 8' -0" ALUMINUM r WINDBEAM I I (TYP.) X/2 1'-0" 6" MIN. SIGNAL HEAD BACK PLATE SIGNAL HEAD /v BACK PLATE rq i, ~\ ~ "' ~ I ·~ ' ' A I \ I "!J~ : ------- ---- STANDARD ~f--~"""-..;.--"""~ ' ! I ! p SIGNAL STANDARD I I I g ~ .. . . . ~ ., ' ,-'r. -}~.-. -=.·.-:..·.-=-··=·· -·-· -------+------r~ ·i ~rn ___ . l ~~ MAST ARM BASE ' I~ I LJ----__ ,---- 1 ·r·-=.·~.-~-~--~ :T, 1+\ . : I q ! I I ip ! p L '.J-L .J- ~ BACK OF SIGN PANEL VIEW-LOOKING FROM BACK X = MORE THAN 8' -0" I 1'-0' MIN. 1'-0" EQUALLYS~ ~ ~ I 2'-6" MAX. I I I I I , LEVEL 1'-0" I ' j 6" MIN. SIGNAL HEAD K PLATE rBAC I \ d ! \cl d) \9! Rl f\ ~r-........,_ I I I . 6 lp y ,. r"'_ ~ : : ---------- I \~' 1!)1 ----~-----1--- I -----------;-ft ,_-1-----I I ~ r - - - 1 .. t ~ I 1 I -------=-----=-----=-------~-----. --:.i,i \ - --_J I MAST ARM ' 1 I~------~~----------- ---------------~-~ I RJ'"Y _____ I -----'. ''' ' I ' I I I \fl" U1 l: ! p !p ! p j -'\ ,.!,; '--. .l-'-ll: LEVEL I I I \_ lMNDBEAM I I I I I I I I MAST ARM BASE I BACK OF SIGN PANEL ~ (TYP.) VIEW-LOOKING FROM BACK MAST ARM-MOUNTED STREET NAME SIGNS s• (SEE NOTE 2) I .---.. I I DETAIL 0 TYPICAL FOR EACH CONNECTION BACK OF SIGN PANEL STEEL STRAP WINDBEAM NOTES 1. Mounting brackets with steel straps shall be a stainless steel band and buckle system product or an approved equal. Mounting brackets shall be universal channel clamps; steel straps shall be 3/4" (in) wide and 0.030" (in) thick. 2. All si_gns i_nstalled on ma~t arms or standards (poles) requ1re wmdbeams. All s1gns shall be installed with horizontal edges level. A skewed windbeam is required only when the sign is mounted within 12" (in) of the mast arm base (see Detaii"A"). 3. The street name sign shall be a maximum of 36 square feet and the sign height is a maximum of 3' (ft); signs larger than 36 square feet require a special design mast arm and signal pole. 3/16" (IN) ALUMINUM RIVET (TYP.) -4" (IN) MAX. SPACING BACK OF SIGN PANEL UNIVERSAL CHANNEL CLAMP (SEE NOTE 1) SIGN INSTALLATION ON SIGNAL AND LIGHT STANDARDS STANDARD PLAN G-30.10-04 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... TYPICAL MAST ARM INSTALLATION ... Washington State Department of Transportation ....1 ....1 w c c ::::i z 0::: w L1.. ~ ~ c DIMENSIONS A B 3'-0" 9" 4'-0" 1'-0" A ALUMINUM WIND BEAM ---------~--:: -----------------r -------·~· ---------~ ! B ________ L BACK OF SIGN PANEL 0 ..... 0 N 6 _z ~:s :!:a.. = c '7a:: r--j3 z ~ !/) w w rn SIGNAL OR LIGHT STANDARD I I >-LO N c:i ------ ;;; N c:i ------ ' II ;;; N c:i >- ------ ;;; N c:i LEVEL 0 ..... 0 N 6 z z ::5 ~ a.. 0 c ' a:: f-.. i3 z o( 1-!/) w w rn 4' 0" MAX - ric -~- I I I -I:. -I:" I I I -----------r I I I -- r I I I ~ lrALU WIN I --- MINUM DBEAM MOUNTING BRACKET AND STEEL STRAP (SEE NOTE 1) -------------- ---1 1" (TYP.) --- ~ BAG K OF SIGN PANEL SIGNAL OR UGH SIGNAL OR LIGHT STANDARD T STANDARD (REFER TO P DRAWINGS FOR v APPROVED SHO MAXIMUM ALLO WED SQUARE FOOTAGE) " SIGN INSTALLATION ON SIGNAL OR LIGHT STANDARD DIMENSIONS X y c D 3'-0" 2'-6" 1'-0" 6" 3'-0" 3'-0" 1'-0" 6" 3'-0" 4'-0" 1'-3" 9" 4'-0" 2'-6" 1'-3" 9" NOTE: Any Lane Use Sign greater than 7.5 sq ft. requires a Special Design Mast Arm and Signal Pole. y LEVEL I. X I I I I I ~! ' . ' · rv IIIII " ' II •II II II ' I ' ' ' I I I I I I I . . I I .I a.: ~ ..... t / v MOUNTING BRACKET AND STEEL STRAP (SEE NOTE 1) !~ ~ ~ BACK OF SIGN PANEL ~ .. C---j-Di D-j--c-- MAST ARM-MOUNTED LANE USE SIGNS 3/16" (IN) ALUMINUM RIVET (TYP.)-4" (IN) MAX. SPACING SIGN PANEL SECTION 0 SIGN INSTALLATION ON SIGNAL AND LIGHT STANDARDS STANDARD PLAN G-30.10-04 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation ISOMETRIC (STEEL POSTS SHOWN) SPLICE DETAILDRAWN BY: BILL BERENSSEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 1 (TYPI CAL)SHEET FLOWPROTECTED AREA PROTECTED AREA 6' - 0" MAX. SPACING PROTECTED AREA 9-33.2 (1), TABLE 6 SPECIFICATION SECTION STANDARDCOLOR - ORANGE ~ SEE GEOTEXTILE FOR HIGH VISIBILITY SILT FENCE4"2' - 0" MIN.~~4"~~ GEOTEXTILE FLOW IN TRENCH BURY GEOTEXTILE NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED BACKFILLED & NOTE (STEEL POSTS SHOWN) POST EVERY 6" (IN.) O.C. FASTEN GEOTEXTILE TO WITHOUT BACKUP SUPPORT TYPICAL HIGH VISIBILITY SILT FENCE 120# MIN. TENSILE STRENGTH, UV STABILIZED SELF-LOCKING TIE~NYLON 6/6 (MIN. GRADE), NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. TYPICAL INSTALLATION DETAIL PREVENT UNDERCUTTING FLOWS. RATING FLOWS. COMPACTION MUST BE ADEQUATE TO SURFACE FOLLOWING EXCAVATION TO AVOID CONCENT- AROUND TRENCH AS MUCH AS IS FEASIBLE, AND SMOOTH DURING EXCAVATION, MINIMIZE DISTURBING THE GROUND SILT FENCE HIGH VISIBILITY STANDARD PLAN I-30.17-01 SPECIFICATION, SECTION 8-01.3(9)A STANDARDPOST ~ SEE 4' - 0" MIN.(TYPICAL) WOOD OR STEEL POST ~ (TYPICAL) (GEOTEXTILE) FABRIC IN LOW SPOTS OR IN SUMP LOCATIONS. FENCE AT THE OVERLAP. JOINING SECTIONS SHALL NOT BE PLACED TO PREVENT SILT LADEN WATER FROM ESCAPING THROUGH THE SPLICED FENCE SECTIONS SHALL BE CLOSE ENOUGH TOGETHER (WOOD POSTS SHOWN) TO POST EVERY 6" (IN.) O.C. FASTEN GEOTEXTILE NOT G NIHSAW FO ET ATSGIW TRAH EED IL UJTCETIHCRA EPACS DN AL 1202/12/60 .PXE 22 41 .ON Install silt fencing parallel to mapped contour lines. reinstalled unless the Project Engineer approves the installation. splices are located in low or sump areas, the fence may need to be Splices shall never be placed in low spots or sump locations. If .Sections 8-01.3(9)A and 8-01.3(15) Standard Specification, Perform maintenance in accordance with fence (Typical). Angle Terminal end uphill 24" (in) to 48" (in) to prevent flow around ~A r Face of guardrai I ~~~------~~~------~~~~----~~-b< b< b< '\___ Back of curb X --.---r-----~ ~ ~ ~ ' N ~Edge of shoulder : !' ....... f : ' J-box :; = = = = :. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "-.....,...:.-~ -=-_ ~__, -_ ....-~ ....,...::.. ---' -,__ ---' _,.,_·::::i_,-:;: ...... •. L Con d u i t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ G-------E) Conduit reserve area 0 SECTION A-A 2' Conduit reserve area )IJaA PLAN ELECTRICAL CONDUIT PLACEMENT STANDARD PLAN J-10 APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Clifford E. Mansfield STATE DESIGN ENGINEER 07-18-97 DATE ~ WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ..,~ OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation BASE PLATE DETAIL TOP OF POST 1"THREADFOUNDATION DETAIL POST DETAIL ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE 10 9/16"A 7"6"1"3/16"ADETAIL PERSPECTIVE VIEW ELEVATION 1/8 * WALL POST DETAIL GROUNDING CONNECTION * 3. 2. 1. CONDUCTOR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING FLAT WASHER (TYP.) STAINLESS STEEL CONDUCTOR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING FINISHED GRADE 1/4-20 THREAD BOLT (TYP.) FIELD DRILL AND TAP FOR COMMERCIAL CONCRETE TOP OF POST SIDEWALK EDGE OF SIDEWALK TOP OF TOP OF FOUNDATION SQUARE 1' - 6"6"1' - 6"2' - 0"3' - 6"1/2"7"7" 3/16 1/8 SEE DETAIL AT LEFT GROUNDING CONNECTION ~ 4. NOTES 3" STEEL PIPE (SCHEDULE 40) PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON POST ~ GLUE PVC STUBOUT) WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION (DO NOT CONDUIT COUPLING ~ INSTALL FLUSH 1 - 2"AND FOUNDATION PUSHBUTTON POST (PPB) ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIANDRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLCONDUCTOR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING 4"9"2"MAX.1" - 2"SIGNAL (APS) ASSEMBLY ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN "H" = 5' - 0" OR18" (IN) MAXIMUM 10" (IN) OR LESS DESIRABLE ~ CONDUIT ELECTRICAL 1" (IN) DIAMETER BOLT CIRCLE 6" (IN) DIAMETER HOLE (TYP.) 5/8" (IN) DIAMETER HOLE (TYP.) 5/8" (IN) DIAMETER HOLE 1 1/2" (IN) DIAMETER PLATE 1/4" (IN) STEELBOLT CIRCLE 6" (IN) DIAMETER 3" (IN) PIPE CAP HOLE 5/8" (IN) DIAMETER (SCHEDULE 40) 3" (IN) STEEL PIPE (1/2" (IN) MINIMUM WELD) MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE WELD STUD TO POLE WALL TO 3/4" (IN) CHAMFER (TYP.) THREADED STUD STAINLESS STEEL 1/4" (IN) × 1 1/4" (IN) LONG DRAIN TUBE 3/8" (IN) STEEL PLATE 1/2" (IN) HOLE DIAMETER 3 9/16" (IN) STEEL HEX NUTS THREE 1/4" (IN) STAINLESS GRADE FINISHED RECOMMENDED CRIMPER WITH A MANUFACTURER'S CRIMP-ON CONNECTOR ~ CRIMPED CONDUCTOR AND FULL CIRCLE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING JOINT FILLER PREMOLDED NUT OR 5/8" (IN) MAXIMUM (TYP.) OF TWO THREADS ABOVE TOP OF REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT ~ MIN. WITH FLAT WASHER, TWO EACH 1/2" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUT, BASE PLATE ASSEMBLY ~ PER ANCHOR BOLT FLAT WASHERS ~ FOUR REQUIRED FOUR REQUIRED PER ANCHOR BOLT 1/2" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS ~ FOUR REQUIRED PER ASSEMBLY 1/2" (IN) × 18" (IN) FULL THREAD ANCHOR BOLT ~ ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE ~ TWO REQUIRED ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE ASSEMBLY (SEE NOTE 3)"H" PLUS 14" ~ (SEE NOTE 3)3" (IN) PIPE CAP 4. STANDARD PLAN J-20.10-04 5. 2" (IN) LONG PVC STUBOUT(TYP.)~ 2" ~ STANDARD PLUMBING INSTALL AFTER GROUT PAD ~ CONDUIT 1" (IN) DIAMETER ELECTRICAL Standard Plan J-20.26 Two button installation may require adaptor(s). Junction Box serving the Standard shall preferably be located 5' - 0" (10' - 0" Max.) from the Standard. Mounting distances vary between manufacturers. See manufacturers recommendations for mounting information. height to accommodate plaque and leave a 2" (in) space between signs. CROSSING TIME" above the Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) assembly. Add 14" (in) to post Where shown in the plans, install plaque (R10-32P) "PUSH BUTTON FOR 2 SECONDS FOR EXTRA for Accessible Pedestrian Pushbutton details.See 48821 NOSKCAJ TNILF MAILLIWSTATEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation BASE PLATE DETAIL DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT 4"6"6"3" # 4 (TYP.)1 # 4 (TYP.)1 REINFORCING STEEL BENDING DIAGRAM 2"TOP OF POST TEMPLATE ASSEMBLY ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) PLAN VIEW 1 1' - 6" 2 # 4 # 4 (TYP.)2 2 # 4 (TYP.) 2 # 4 (TYP.) # 4 1' - 6"1' - 6" 1 1/2" CLR. SIDEWALK TOP OF SIDEWALK TOP OF 3' - 6"6"6"(TYP.) 2 1/2" CLR. (TYP.)7"GRADE FINISHED SQUARE SQUARE 1' - 6" 1' - 6" ELEVATION POST WALL 1/8 *1/2"TOP OF POST PIPE CAP *1"THREAD1/2"FLAT WASHER (TYP.) STAINLESS STEEL CONFIGURATIONS VARY AMONG DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS SEE DETAIL GROUNDING CONNECTION ~7"7" ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE 1" `OF PUSHBUTTON 10"GROUNDING CONNECTION DETAIL 3/16 3/16"BSECTION 1/8 STANDARD AFTER PLUMBING GROUT PAD ~ INSTALL CONDUCTOR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING (DO NOT GLUE PVC STUBOUT) FLUSH WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION. CONDUIT COUPLING ~ INSTALL PERSPECTIVE VIEWDRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLB 3. 2. 1. 4. NOTES 5. 1 # 4 1' - 1" (TYP.) HOOK 135° 9.5"(TYP.)2 1/2"CLR.1 1/2" 3 1/2" PLATE 1/4" (IN) STEEL THREADED STUD STAINLESS STEEL 1/4" (IN) × 1-1/4" (IN) LONG 1/2" (IN) STEEL BASE PLATE 3/8" (IN) DRAIN TUBE POSSIBLE ~ 1/2" (IN) MINIMUM WELD WELD STUD TO POLE WALL TO MAXIMUM EXTENT CONDUIT ELECTRICAL 1" (IN) DIAMETER 3" (IN) PIPE CAP (SCHEDULE 40) 3" (IN) STEEL PIPE "H" = 5' - 0" ORELECTRICAL CONDUIT 1" (IN) DIAMETER (TYP) CHAMFER 3/4" (IN) TOP OF CURB STEEL HEX NUTS THREE 1/4" (IN) STAINLESS SEE DETAIL 1/2" (IN) BASE PLATE ~ SECTION A A 2" MAX.1 " MIN. TOTYPE PPB STANDARD DETAILS RECOMMENDED CRIMPER WITH A MANUFACTURER'S CRIMP-ON CONNECTOR ~ CRIMPED CONDUCTOR AND FULL CIRCLE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR GROUNDING EQUIPMENT PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER JOINT FILLER PREMOLDED 16 9/16"REQUIRED PER ANCHOR BOLT FLAT WASHERS ~ FOUR FOUR REQUIRED PER ANCHOR BOLT 1/2" (IN) DIAM. STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS ~ BOLTS ~ FOUR REQUIRED 1/2" (IN) × 24" (IN) FULL THREAD ANCHOR ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE ~ TWO REQUIRED ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE ASSEMBLY TOP OF NUT OR 5/8" (IN) MAXIMUM (TYP.) ANCHOR BOLT ~ MINIMUM OF TWO THREADS ABOVE 1/2" (IN) FLAT WASHER, TWO EACH REQUIRED PER 1/2" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUT, WITH BASE PLATE ASSEMBLY ~ CLR. 1 1/2" PLATE 1/2" (IN) STEEL (SCHEDULE 40) 3" (IN) STEEL PIPE 2 1/2" (IN) CLR.(SEE NOTE 3)HOLE (TYP.) 5/8" (IN) DIAM. BOLT CIRCLE 6" (IN) DIAM. HOLE 3 9/16" (IN) DIAM. HOLE (TYP.) 5/8" (IN) DIAM. BOLT CIRCLE 6" (IN) DIAM. HOLE 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. HOLE 5/8" (IN) DIAM. CURB BASE PUSHBUTTON WITH ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN STANDARD PLAN J-20.11-03"H" PLUS 14" ~ SEE NOTE 26. STD. SPEC. SECTN. 9-07.1(2) FOR BENDING DIAMETERS SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS SIGNAL (APS) ASSEMBLY ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN 1/4-20 THREAD BOLT (TYP.) FIELD DRILL AND TAP FOR PVC STUBOUT 2" (IN) LONG Standard Plan J-20.26 Two button installation may require adaptor(s). circle crimp-on connector (crimped with a manufacturer recommended crimper). with a connector suitable for use embedded in concrete: Provide 3' - 0" min. slack. Attach to pole grounding stud with a full Supplemental Grounding Conductor shall be non-insulated #4 AWG stranded copper and shall be clamped to vertical rebar Junction Box serving the Standard shall preferably be located 5' - 0" (10' - 0" Max.) from the Standard. Mounting distances vary between manufacturers. See manufacturers recommendations for mounting information. accommodate plaque and leave a 2" (in) space between signs. CROSSING TIME" above the Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) assembly. Add 14" (in) to the PPB post height to Where shown in the plans, install plaque (R10-32P) "PUSH BUTTON FOR 2 SECONDS FOR EXTRA for Accessible Pedestrian Pushbutton details.See 48821 NOSKCAJ TNILF MAILLIWSTATEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER 2' - 0" SQUARE FOUNDATION DETAILS PLAN VIEW 1' - 8"4"2' - 0"6"3' - 0"1 1/2" ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE 3/16 1/8 BASE PLATE DETAIL 9"9"1" TO 2" PLUMBING STANDARD GROUT PAD ~ INSTALL AFTER REINFORCING STEEL BENDING DIAGRAM 1' - 7"1' - 7"(TYP.) HOOK 135° 3 8' - 0"10' - 0"3' - 6"STD. SPEC. 9-07.1(2)FOR BENDING DIAMETER SEE GRADE FINISHED # 43 2' - 0" SQUARE (TYP.) 2 1/2" CLR. # 4 DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT ELEVATION FOUNDATION DETAIL 2"SECTION FOUNDATION TOP OF 3' - 2"2' - 7" 6 # 45 # 4 4 # 4 6 # 4 5 LEVELING NUT (TYP.) D ANCHOR BOLT CONDUCTOR EQUIPMENT GROUNDING G Y R 6 QUANTITIES LIST REINFORCING STEEL MARK 3QTY. 3 4 5 6 2 73 SEE GROUNDING CONNECTION ~ STANDARD PLAN J-20.20 1 1/2" HAND HOLE PERSPECTIVE VIEW 4 # 4 1' - 7"1' - 1"(TYP.) HOOK 135° DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELL4 2 1/2" D 5 1/4" # 4 # 456"2 1/2" CLR. (TYP.)CLR.CLR.1 1/2"(TYP.) # 4 # 4 FLUSH WITH SIDEWALK TOP OF FOUNDATION ~ TOP OF SIDEWALK 1 1 KEY NOTE 3"4"SIGNAL (APS) ASSEMBLY ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN # 43 2 1/2" CLR. # 43 BOLT CIRCLE 9" (IN) DIAMETER 3/4" (IN) STEEL BASE PLATE ~ SEE DETAIL IN GROUT PAD 3/8" (IN) I.D. DRAIN TUBE GROUT PAD IN CENTER OF 6" (IN) DIAM. HOLLOW (TYP.) 3/4" (IN) CHAMFER CURB TOP OF HOLE = POLE BASE + 1/6" (IN) 3/4" (IN) STEEL PLATE WITH CONTRACT FOR DIAMETER ELECTRICAL CONDUIT ~ SEE (SEE NOTE 5) CONDUCTOR CLAMP SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING (SEE NOTE 5) CONTRACT FOR DIAMETER ELECTRICAL CONDUIT ~ SEE TYPE 1 SIGNAL STANDARD DETAILS JOINT FILLER PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER PREMOLDED FOUR REQUIRED PER ANCHOR BOLT FLAT WASHERS ~ FOUR REQUIRED PER ANCHOR BOLT 3/4" (IN) DIAM. STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS ~ BOLT ~ FOUR REQUIRED 3/4" (IN) × 36" (IN) FULL THREAD ANCHOR ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE ~ TWO REQUIRED ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE ASSEMBLY OR 5/8" (IN) MAXIMUM (TYP.) TWO THREADS ABOVE TOP OF NUT PER ANCHOR BOLT ~ MINIMUM OF WITH FLAT WASHER, TWO EACH REQ'D 3/4" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUT, BASE PLATE ASSEMBLY ~ FOUNDATION. (DO NOT GLUE PVC STUBOUT) CONDUIT COUPLING ~ INSTALL FLUSH WITH TOP OF PLATE 1/4" (IN) STEEL HOLE (TYP.) 1" (IN) DIAMETER BOLT CIRCLE 9" (IN) DIAMETER HOLE (TYP.) 1" (IN) DIAMETER CENTER OF GROUT PAD 6" (IN) DIAMETER HOLLOW IN CURB BASE PUSHBUTTON WITH ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN STANDARD PLAN J-20.11-03 2" (IN) LONG PVC STUBOUT (TYPE 1 SHOWN) TYPE 1 SIGNAL POLE TYPE PS OR SIGNAL POLE TYPE PS OR TYPE 1 1' - 3 1/2"(TYP.)48821 NOSKCAJ TNILF MAILLIWSTATEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER ....1 ....1 w 0 0 ::::i z 0::: w u. :>-: m z ~ 0 TOP OF POLE 0 ' 1" (IN) DIAMETER HOLE (TYP.) 1/4" (IN) WEEP HOLE 3/4" (IN) STEEL PLATE MATCH LINE 1/4" (IN) WEEP HOLE BELOW MATCHLINE-SEE DETAILS ' _[ ON PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD I_ _w~H TYPE o MOUNT ' TYPE C MOUNT PLACEMENT 9" TAPERED STEEL SHAFT 9" (IN) DIAMETER BOLT CIRCLE 0 ' iio TOP OF POLE BASE PLATE DETAIL VIEW 0 INSTALL ROSETTE IF KNOCKOUT IS OPEN 1/4" (IN) WEEP HOLE LOCK NIPPLE OFFSET SLIPFITTER- OFFSET TO FRONT OF POLE TYPE D MOUNTING DETAIL TOP OF SIDEWALK CONCRETE FOUNDATION (SEE NOTE 1) MATCHLINE HAND HOLE (SEE NOTE 6) PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD WITH TYPE D MOUNT 1/4" (IN) WEEP HOLE OFFSET SLIPFITTER ABOVE MATCHLINE-USE DETAILS FOR PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD WITH TYPE C MOUNT TAPERED STEEL SHAFT (SEE NOTE 2) ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL (APS) (SEE NOTE 5) GROUNDING CONNECTION - SEE DETAIL NOTES 1. See Standard Plan J-21.1 0 for Signal Standard Foundation with Fixed Base and Slip Base details. 2. Steel shaft shall be tapered either round or dodecagon (12-sided), 11 gage, 4 1/2" (in) O.D. at slipfitter weld. Taper shall be 0.14" (in) per foot. 3. Welding of structures shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the AWS 01.1 Structural Welding Code -Steel. All butt welds shall be ground flush with base metal. 4. See Standard Plan J-20.26 for Accessible Pedestrian Pushbutton details. 5. See Standard Plan J-20.20 for Accessible Pedestrian Signal Standard Electrical details. 6. Hand holes shall include a removable, rain-tight cover and gasket, fastened with two stainless steel screws (ASTM 593). 7. Supplemental grounding conductor shall be non-insulated #4 AWG stranded copper and shall be clamped to vertical rebar with a connector suitable for use embedded in concrete. Provide 3' -0" min. slack. Attach to pole grounding stud with a full circle crimp-on connector (crimped with a manufacturer recommended crimper). 8. The junction box serving the standard shall preferably be located 5' -0" (1 0' -0" max.) from the standard. 9. Where shown in the plans, install plaque (R1 0 -32P) "PUSH BUTTON FOR 2 SECONDS FOR EXTRA CROSSING TIME" two inches above the Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) Assembly. POLE WALL SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 1/4" (IN) STAINLESS STEEL HEX NUT STAINLESS STEEL WASHERS (TYP.) 1/4" (IN) DIAMETER x 1 1/4" (IN) LONG STAINLESS STEEL STUD 1/4" (IN) STAINLESS STEEL NUT HEX (TYP.) FULL CIRCLE CRIMP-ON CONNECTOR (TYP.) EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR GROUNDING CONNECTION DETAIL EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (SE NOTE 8) TOP OF FOUNDATION SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (SEE NOTE 8) PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL STANDARD (TYPE PS) DETAILS STANDARD PLAN J-20.16-02 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION TYPE DMOUNT PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL STANDARD (FIXED BASE SHOWN) ~ PERSPECTIVE VIEW STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation 1/4" WEEP HOLE SEE NOTE3 FOR SIGNAL HEAD MOUNTING DETAILS; SEE STANDARD PLAN J-20.16 1/4" WEEP HOLE SLIPFITTER-OFFSET TOP MOUNT, PLACE OFFSET TO FRONT OF POLE, DRILL TO SEAT SET SCREWS BRONZE COLLAR AND TERMINAL COMPARTMENT IMSA 20-1 3C #14 CABLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL WIRING DETAIL (TYPE D MOUNTING SHOWN) IMSA 20-1 7C #14 CABLE -FROM CONTROLLER (SEE NOTE 3) DOUBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL WIRING DETAIL (TYPE C MOUNTING SHOWN) IMSA 20-1 7C OR 5C #14 CABLE- TO SIGNAL DISPLAY (SEE CONTRACT PLANS FOR WIRE SIZE AND QUANTITIES) 2C(SH)CONDUCTOR -FROM CONTROLLER ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON DETAILS- SEE STANDARD PLAN J-20.26 INSULINER SLEEVE ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON WIRING DETAIL POLE WALL STAINLESS STEEL NUT SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR -SEE NOTE 4 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR -SEE NOTE 5 STAINLESS STEEL WASHERS (TYP.) IMSA 20-1 7C OR 5C #14 CABLE-TO SIGNAL DISPLAY (SEE CONTRACT PLANS FOR WIRE SIZE AND QUANTITIES) GROUNDING 1/4" DIAMETER x 1" LONG STAINLESS STEEL STUD CONNECTION STAINLESS STEEL NUT FULL CIRCLE CRIMP-ON CONNECTOR (TYP.) 3/8" DRAIN TUBE GROUNDING CONNECTION DETAIL SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR-SEE NOTE 4-~ 2C (SH) CONDUCTOR -TO PUSHBUTTON (SEE CONTRACT PLANS FOR QUANTITIES) EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR-SEE NOTE 5 LEVELING NUT (TYP.) STEEL REINFORCING BAR (TYP.) CONDUIT COUPLING-INSTALL FLUSH WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION (DO NOT GLUE PVC STU BOUT) J ELECTRICAL CONDUIT-SEE CONTRACT PLAN FOR DIAMETER CONFIGURATIONS VARY AMONG DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS (SHOWN EXPLODED FOR CLARITY) FOUNDATION WIRING DETAIL NOTES 1. See Standard Plan J-21.1 0 for Signal Standard Foundation with Fixed Base and Slip Base details. 2. See Standard Specification 9-29.3 for Cable Conductor requirements. 3. Install heat shrink caps on all spare conductors not terminated on a terminal strip. 4. Supplemental grounding conductor shall be non-insulated #4 AWG stranded copper and shall be clamped to vertical rebar with a connector suitable for use embedded in concrete: provide 3' -0" min. slack. Attach to pole grounding stud with a full circle crimp-on connector (crimped with manufacturer's recommended crimper). 5. Equipment grounding conductor shall attach to grounding stud with a full circle crimp-on connector (crimped with a manufacurer's recommended crimper). 5C PEDESTRIAN HEAD TERMINATIONS TERMINAL COLOR USE NUMBER CODE 7*1 R DON'T WALK DISPLAY 7*2 G WALK DISPLAY 7*3 w NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR 7*6 B SPARE CONDUCTOR 1*7 0 SPARE CONDUCTOR * ASSOCIATED PHASE NUMBER 7C PEDESTRIAN HEAD TERMINATIONS TERMINAL COLOR USE NUMBER CODE 7*1 R DON'T WALK DISPLAY 7*2 G WALK DISPLAY 7*3 w NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR 7*6 B SPARE CONDUCTOR 7*1 0 DON'T WALK DISPLAY 7*2 BL WALK DISPLAY 7*3 WB NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR * ASSOCIATED PHASE NUMBER PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL STANDARD (TYPE PS) ELECTRICAL DETAIL STANDARD PLAN J-20.20-02 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Pasco Bakotich Ill 5120113 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON (APS) ASSEMBLY ~:::2::::::::::::::j INSULINER SLEEVE WIRE ROUTING PERSPECTIVE VIEW KEY ~FACEPLATE 1/4-20 x 3/8" LONG STAINLESS STEEL SCREW 1/4-20 STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS PUSHBUTTON FRAME ADAPTER @ 1/4-20 STAINLESS STEEL BOLT WI WASHER AND LOCK WASHER DRILL AND TAP SHAFT FOR 1/4" DIAM. BOLT ro ~ ffi PUSHBUTTON STATION DRILL AND TAP SHAFT FOR 5/8" WIRE GUIDE HOLE -ADD INSULINER 1\:: ~ [i] START CROSSING Wab:hFor Vehicles ~--~ OONISTART -~-IHih Crossing ~/1\~ II'Siartad m TIME REMAINNG lb Rnlsh C101181ng STEADY ~ DON'T CROSS PUSH BUTTON ~ TO CROSS ':I 9" R10-3e (RIGHT) /. [l] ST::ING Vahlclaa ,,_/ OON'TSTART '~~ - -RnBhen.smg ~/I\~ II'Siartad m TIME REMAINNG To Rnlah Crossing STUO\' ~ DONI CROSS • PUSH BUTTON TO CROSS ~ R10-3e (LEFT) PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON INSTRUCTIONAL SIGN /. [l] START CROSSING Wab:h For Vehicles ~--~ OONISTART -~-Rnlsh Crossing ~/1\~ II'Siartad m TIME REMAINNG lb Rnlah C101181ng STEADY ~ DON'T CROSS • PUSH BUTTON • TO CROSS R10-3e (MOD.) 6 ~ 0 0 @ @ 0 @ '------ 9" PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON FRAME ADAPTER 7 7 8 ATTACH SIGN TO ADAPTER- 1/4-20 x 3/8" STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS (TYP.) ATTACH ADAPTER TO PUSH- BUTTON STATION-1/4" DIAM. COUNTERSUNK HOLE, 3/8" LONG FLAT HEAD SCREWS (TYP.) ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON (PPB) DETAILS STANDARD PLAN J-20.26-01 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL (ASP) ASSEMBLY METAL POLE INSTALLATION APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Pasco Bakotich Ill 7112112 ----~=---------..... STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE PPB-M ISOMETRIC VIEW (METAL POLE SHOWN) ... Washington State Department of Transportation WOOD POLE INSTALLATION ALTERNATIVE 1 PPB-W 8 9 6 13 =====~====~ I I ~~======::~-~~~~~=~- WOOD POST COUNTERBORE -DIAMETER TO FIT CONDULET 8 9 11 (ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON -TEMPORARY TIMBER STRAIN POLE) KEY 1 FACE PLATE 1/4-20 x 3/8" LONG STAINLESS STEEL SCREW 1/4-20 STAINLESS STEEL SCREWS 4 PUSHBUTTON FRAME ADAPTER LAG BOLT WITH WASHER PUSHBUTTON STATION CONDUIT DIAMETER+ 1/8" HOLE THRU POLE CONDULET LIQUID-TITE FLEX CONDUIT ONE PIECE TWO HOLE CLAMP LAG BOLT INSULINER SLEEVE INSTALL FITTING WITH NYLON WASHER ON OUTSIDE OF HOUSING -SEAL WITH SILICONE AFTER UNIT IS FULLY ASSEMBLED 4 10 .... c::>-® PRE-DRILL (3) 1/4" WEEP HOLES IN BOTTOM RADIUS OF CONDUIT DRIP LOOP. REAM HOLES WITH DRILL BIT TO ELIMINATE BURRS ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL (ASP) ASSEMBLY WOOD POLE INSTALLATION ALTERNATIVE 2 PPB-W (ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON -TEMPORARY TIMBER STRAIN POLE) TEMPORARY TIMBER POLE 4 X 4 POST WOOD POLE INSTALLATION ALTERNATIVE 3 PPB-W (ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON -TEMPORARY TIMBER POLE) 8 ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PUSHBUTTON (PPB) DETAILS STANDARD PLAN J-20.26-01 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Pasco Bakotich Ill 7112112 ------~=--------------..... STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE ... Washington State Department of Transportation REINFORCING STEEL BENDING DIAGRAM SEE STD. SPEC. 9-07.1(2) FOR BENDING DIAM. I. 1'-7" .I ~ //-135" ~HOOK i'-G) (TYP.) ..... #4 1" (IN) DIAM. HOLE (TYP.) 3/4" (IN) STEEL PLATE WITH HOLE= POLE BASE + 1/6" (IN) 9" TAPERED STEEL SHAFT (SEE NOTE 1) 2 1/2" CLR. (TYP.) 9" (IN) DIAM. BOLT CIRCLE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 2'-0" b NOTES 1. Clamping bolts shall be tightened to 50 ft-lbs max. torque. After state inspection, burr threads to prevent nut rotation. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. 2. The final height of the Anchor Bolts shall be below the top of the slip plate assembly to ensure proper function of the slip base. 3. Supplemental grounding conductor shall be non-insulated #4 AWG stranded copper and shall be clamped to vertical rebar with a connector suitable for use embedded in concrete: Provide 3'-0" min. slack. Attach to pole grounding stud with a full circle crimp-on connector (crimped with a manufacturer recommended crimper). 4. Junction box serving the Standard shall preferably be located 5'-0" (10'-0" Max.) from the Standard. 5. Provide cable tie at wiring entering the junction box (for slip base installations only)-See Detail A, Standard Plan J-28.70. 6. Keeper Plate shall not extend beyond the edges of the pole base plate. BASE PLATE DETAIL CENTER ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY IN FOUNDATION SECTION 0 ...I ...I w 0 0 ::J z a:: w u. DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT @ #4 EIGHT REQ'D. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT CENTER ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY IN FOUNDATION SEE DETAILS ABOVE MATCHLINE FOR SECTION 0 SQUARE CONCRETE FOUNDAT~: ~-- MATCHLINE 3/4" (IN) CHAMFER (TYP.) UNPAVED SURFACE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT -SEE CONTRACT FOR DIAM. ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY - ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE- TWO REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY ANCHOR BOLTS - 3/4" (IN) x 30"(1N) FULL THREAD - THREE REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY 3/4" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS- FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT FLAT WASHERS- FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT 2 1/2" CLR. 2'-0" ROUND ELEVATION N a::ii ·<( N 0 b @#4 FIVE REQ'D. ROUND CONCRETE FOUNDATION DETAIL SIGNAL STANDARD USE DETAILS ABOVE MATCHLINE FOR ROUND CONCRETE FOUNDA-T~~ _\- 3/4" (IN) CHAMFER (TYP.) SLIPFITTER MATCHLINE G)#4 TOP OF POLE 0 a:: (§ z ~ en u. 0 1- J: (!) iii J: l THREE REQ'D. UNPAVED SURFACE =r@#4 C: ~ (TYP.) N::!: ELECTRICAL CONDUIT -SEE CONTRACT FOR DIAM. t ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE- TWO REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY ANCHOR BOLTS - 3/4" (IN) x 30"(1N) FULL THREAD - FOUR REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY 3/4" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS- FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT FLAT WASHERS- FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCHOR . '. '• '11~' II ' ' >! .···J·· .. "Q>II ' v. ~ -+-----.-- _:~_i~ ,· -;: '9';' c '-. ""---+--+-- '•. . ~ 2 1/2" CLR. 2'-0" SQUARE N ELEVATION Co FIXED BASE SQUARE CONCRETE FOUNDATION DETAIL b l SIGNAL STANDARD GROUNDING STUD WITH NUT - SEE STANDARD PLAN J-20.20 FOR GROUND CONNECTION DETAILS SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (SEE NOTE 3) 3/4" (IN) STEEL BASE PLATE (SEE DETAIL) GROUT PAD -INSTALL AFTER PLUMBING STANDARD UNPAVED SURFACE ' ' ' ' . ' EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 2" (IN) PVC STUBOUT BASE PLATE ASSEMBLY-3/4" (IN) DIAM. STEEL HEAVY HEX NUT, WITH FLAT WASHER-TWO EACH REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT-MINIMUM OF TWO THREADS ABOVE TOP OF NUT OR 5/8" (IN) MAXIMUM (TYP.) TOP OF FOUNDATION LEVELING NUT (TYP.) ____;_.__1 ~~ ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) CONDUIT COUPLING-INSTALL FLUSH WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION CLAMP CONDUCTOR TO ' ' STEEL REINFORCING WITH STEEL REINF~~CING LISTED CONNECTOR BARS • 1 : (DO NOT GLUE PVC STUBOUT) EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE i ELECTRICAL CONDUIT-SEE SUITABLE FOR USE I /-1-' CONTRACT FOR DIAMETER DETAIL 0 1" (IN) DIAM. HOLE (TYP.) 1/4" (IN) STEEL PLATE 1 1/2" 9" (IN) BOLT CIRCLE ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATE TYPE PS TYPE 1 RM & FB SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION DETAILS STANDARD PLAN J-21.10-04 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ...... ... Washington State Department of Transportation 1" (IN) DIAM. HOLE (TYP.) 7/8" (IN) DIAM. HOLE (TYP.) 6" (IN) DIAM. HOLE 5/8" (IN) R. (TYP.) I· 6" • ! • 9" 8 1/2" FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN, SEE BASE PLATE DETAIL 7" (IN) DIAM. HOLE ANCHOR PLATE- ASTM A572 GR. 50 ORASTM A588 0 C\1 ..... I I I I • I 1/ 6" i 8 1/2" .. . ' .. (28 GAGE SHEET METAL) 6" (IN) DIAM. HOLE KEEPER PLATE PLACE BETWEEN POLE BASE PLATE AND SLIP PLATE ON TOP OF MIDDLE WASHERS - SEE STANDARD PLAN J-28.42 HOLE DIAM. = POLE BASE+ 1/16" (IN) 0 C\1 BASE PLATE- ASTM A36 FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN, SEE SLIP AND ANCHOR PLATES DETAIL BASE PLATE DETAIL SLIP AND ANCHOR PLATES DETAIL KEEPER PLATE DETAIL .J .J w Cl Cl :J z 0::: w u.. c« TOWARD ROADWAY CENTER ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY IN FOUNDATION ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 0~ •< 1'10 MATCHLINE 7/8" (IN) DIAM. HOLE W/ SMOOTH CHAMFERED EDGES 1/2" (IN) THICK x 2" (IN) WIDE x 2 3/4" (IN) LONG STEEL BAR CENTER ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY IN FOUNDATION ELECTRICAL CONDUIT PLATE WASHER DETAIL 2'-0" SEE DETAILS ABOVE MATCHLINE -SECTION fi\ ®#4 EIGHT REQ'D. 2 1/2" CLR. (TYP.) SLIP PLATE ANCHOR PLATE 3/8 TAPERED STEEL SHAFT WALL BASE PLATE SECTION 0 SECTION SIGNAL STANDARD GROUNDING STUD WITH NUT - SEE STANDARD PLAN J-20.20 FOR GROUNDING CONNECTION DETAILS SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (SEE NOTE 3) 3/4" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUT AND HARDENED WASHER - TWO EACH REQUIRED PER ANCHOR BLOT 1 1/4" (IN) ANCHOR PLATE 3/8" (IN) I.D. DRAIN TUBE IN GROUT PAD TOP OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION UNPAVED SURFACE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR HEAVY HEX CLAMPING BOLT (TYP.) -3/4" (IN) DIAM. TORQUE CLAMPING BOLTS (SEE NOTE 3) 3/4" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUT (TYP.) -SIZE TO MATCH CLAMPING BOLT PLATE WASHER (TYP.) 3/4" (IN) BASE PLATE 28 GAGE KEEPER PLATE HARDENED ROUND WASHER (TYP.)-SIZE TO MATCH CLAMPING BOLT PAVED SURFACE 1 3/8" (IN) SLIP PLATE LEVELING NUT (TYP.) - 3/4" (IN) HEAVY HEX NUT AND HARDENED WASHER SEE DETAILS ABOVE MATCHLINE -SECTION FIXED BASE SQUARE CONCRETE ~ FOUNDATION, SHEET 1 -----FIXED BASE SQUARE CONCRETE \ V FOUNDATION, SHEET~_ .i._ _ _ : __ MATCH~t!E_ CLAMP CONDUCTOR TO STEEL REINFORCING WITH LISTED CONNECTOR SUITABLE FOR USE I CONDUIT COUPLING -INSTALL FLUSH WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION (DO NOT 3/4" (IN) CHAMFER UNPAVED SURFACE 3/4" (IN) CHAMFER (TYP.) UNPAVED SURFACE G) #4 EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE THREE REQ'D. PREMOULDED L' GLUE PVC STU BOUT) t ELECTRICAL CONDUIT - SEE CONTRACT FOR DIAM. STEEL REINFORCING BARS l ~ ,------=A~~~,~~~~~~~~~JOINT :LLER l 6" (IN) DIAM. HOLLOW IN CENTER OF GROUT PAD DETAIL 0 SQUARE FOUNDATION SHOWN ELECTRICAL CONDUIT - SEE CONTRACT FOR DIAM. ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBL STRAP TEMPLATE- THREE 1/4" (IN) STEEL BARS- TWO REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY 3/4" (IN) x 30" (IN) FULL THREAD ANCHOR BOLTS - THREE REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY 3/4" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS- FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT FLAT WASHERS- FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT 2 1/2" CLR. 2'-0" ROUND C\1 ELEVATION ROUND CONCRETE FOUNDATION DETAIL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT - SEE CONTRACT FOR DIAM. ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY STRAP TEMPLATE- THREE 1/4" (IN) STEEL BARS - TWO REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY 3/4" (IN) x 30" (IN) FULL THREAD ANCHOR BOLTS - THREE REQ'D. PER ASSEMBLY 3/4" (IN) DIAMETER STEEL HEAVY HEX NUTS- FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT FLAT WASHERS - FOUR REQ'D. PER ANCHOR BOLT 2'-0" SQUARE C\1 ELEVATION SLIP BASE SQUARE CONCRETE FOUNDATION DETAIL 1 3/16" (IN) DIAM. (TYP.) TACK WELD-AT ALL OVERLAPPING LOCATIONS (TYP.) 1/4" (IN) STEEL BAR (TYP.) - 2" (IN) WIDE x 1'-3" LONG STRAP TEMPLATE DETAIL TYPE PS TYPE 1 RM & FB SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION DETAILS STANDARD PLAN J-21.10-04 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET Washington State Department of Transportation ‘FORM (CLASS 4000P)METAL PIPE STAY-IN-PLACECONCRETE CAST WITHIN A CORRUGATEDPLACEMENT DETAILS AS REQUIRED ~ SEE EARTH EMBANKMENT EVENLY SPACED 8 - #8 BARS GROUND SLOPE 1 MAX. EARTH UNDISTURBED EXISTING GRADE GROUND SLOPE 1 MAX. EVENLY SPACED 8 - #8 BARS CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (TYP.) UNDISTURBED EARTH GLUE PVC STUBOUT) WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION (DO NOT CONDUIT COUPLING ~ INSTALL FLUSH GLUE PVC STUBOUT) WITH TOP OF FOUNDATION (DO NOT CONDUIT COUPLING ~ INSTALL FLUSH (TYP.) LIMITS OF EXCAVATION 7"‘DRILLED SHAFT (CLASS 4000P)AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH,CONCRETE CAST DIRECTLY 1’ - 0" CENTERS #4 HOOPS @ 3’ - 0" OR 4’ - 0" ROUND 1’ - 0" (TYP.) MIN.31 2 1/2" MAX.1 1/2" CLR.1’ - 6"2 CONCRETE CAST DIRECTLY AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH, DRILLED SHAFT 3’ - 0" SQUARE OR 4’ - 0" ROUND OR ROUND2 1/2" MAX.3" CLR. (TYP.)CLR.3"1’ - 6"MAX.7"MAX.2 1 MAX.MAX.CLR.3"8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. CONCRETE CAST WITHIN A CORRUGATED METAL PIPE STAY-IN-PLACE FORM1 1/2"CLR.DRAIN HOLE GROUT W / 3/8" STUD) (ROUTE CONDUCTOR TO GROUNDING COPPER ~ PROVIDE 3’ MIN. SLACK INSULATED #4 AWG STRANDED GROUNDING CONDUCTOR NON- STUD) (ROUTE CONDUCTOR TO GROUNDING COPPER ~ PROVIDE 3’ MIN. SLACK INSULATED #4 AWG STRANDED GROUNDING CONDUCTOR NON- 3 2’ - 0"2 2’ - 0"2 31 2 5 5 POLE MANUFACTURER PLATE SUPPLIED BY SIGNAL ANCHOR BOLTS & ANCHOR POLE MANUFACTURER PLATE SUPPLIED BY SIGNAL ANCHOR BOLTS & ANCHOR SIGNAL POLE SIGNAL POLE 1’ - 0" CENTERS #4 HOOPS @ ALTERNATE # 1 ALTERNATE # 2 FOUNDATION REINFORCEMENT AND BACKFILL DETAILFOUNDATION REINFORCEMENT DETAIL METAL (SUBSURFACE) FORM REQUIRED ALTERNATE #2 - CONSTRUCTION METHOD 1000 PSF 1500 PSF OR GREATER 2500 PSF 3’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" SQUARE 4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" SQUARE 4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" SQUARE 4’ - 0" ROUND 6’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 10’ - 0"10’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 6’ - 0"6’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 11’ - 0"11’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 18’ - 0"15’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 13’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 7’ - 0"7’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 15’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 20’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 18’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 15’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" OR GREATER 2500 PSF 1500 PSF 1000 PSF 3’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" SQUARE 4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" SQUARE 4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" SQUARE 4’ - 0" ROUND 9’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 11’ - 0" SPECIAL FOUNDATION TYPE SPECIAL FOUNDATION TYPE SPECIAL FOUNDATION TYPE 11’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 9’ - 0"9’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 12’ - 0"14’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 9’ - 0"10’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 16’ - 0"18’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 14’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 10’ - 0"11’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 18’ - 0" 13’ - 0" 13’ - 0" 21’ - 0" 12’ - 0"12’ - 0"10’ - 0"9’ - 0"9’ - 0"9’ - 0"9’ - 0"4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 9’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 14’ - 0"18’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 14’ - 0"16’ - 0" 13’ - 0" 21’ - 0"24’ - 0" 16’ - 0" 21’ - 0"23’ - 0" 18’ - 0" 28’ - 0" SPECIAL FOUNDATION TYPE SPECIAL FOUNDATION TYPE OR GREATER 2500 PSF 1500 PSF 1000 PSF 3’ - 0" ROUND 4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 4’ - 0" ROUND 3’ - 0" ROUND 4’ - 0" ROUND 6’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 10’ - 0"10’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 6’ - 0" 6’ - 0"6’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 7’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 9’ - 0" 11’ - 0"15’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 15’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 6’ - 0"7’ - 0" 13’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 18 - 0" 13’ - 0" 20’ - 0"25’ - 0" 14’ - 0" 21’ - 0" 13’ - 0" 18’ - 0" 9’ - 0"9’ - 0" 20’ - 0" 15’ - 0" 25’ - 0" 15’ - 0" 28’ - 0" OR GREATER 2500 PSF 1500 PSF 1000 PSF 10’ - 0" »¿FOR LATERAL BEARING PRESSURE = 2500 PSF & = 34, 1500 PSF & = 28, 1000 PS »¿FOR LATERAL BEARING PRESSURE = 2500 PSF & = 23, 1500 PSF & = 18, 1000 PS GROUND SLOPE = 3H : 1V OR FLATTER TYPE FOUNDATION BEARING PRESSURE ALLOWABLE LATERAL 700 BEARING PRESSURE ALLOWABLE LATERAL BEARING PRESSURE ALLOWABLE LATERAL BEARING PRESSURE ALLOWABLE LATERAL TYPE FOUNDATION TYPE FOUNDATION TYPE FOUNDATION 700 900 1350 1500 1500135090026002300190015001350900700 GROUND SLOPE = 3H : 1V OR FLATTER 900 1350 1500 1900 2600 260023001900 260023001900 9’ - 0" 20’ - 0" 15’ - 0" 25’ - 0" 15’ - 0" 28’ - 0" 3000 XYZ (FT‡) 2300 3000 20’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 12’ - 0" 18’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 10’ - 0" 15’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 8’ - 0" 9’ - 0" XYZ (FT‡) 12’ - 0" 23’ - 0" 18’ - 0" 23’ - 0" 3000 11’ - 0" 11’ - 0" 18’ - 0" 13’ - 0" 13’ - 0" 21’ - 0" 700 XYZ (FT‡) 3000 XYZ (FT‡) FOUNDATION DEPTH "D" TABLE GROUND SLOPE = GREATER THAN 3H : 1V TO 2H : 1V GROUND SLOPE = GREATER THAN 3H : 1V TO 2H : 1V NOTES PLACEMENT DETAILS AS REQUIRED ~ SEE EARTH EMBANKMENT ALTERNATE # 1 DRILLED SHAFT-TYPE CONSTRUCTION ALTERNATE # 2 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE TYPE CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN J-26.15 FOR PLACEMENT DETAILS SEE SIDEWALK OR ABOVE SOIL SURFACE ~ TOP OF FOUNDATION LEVEL W/ STANDARD PLAN J-26.15 FOR PLACEMENT DETAILS SEE SIDEWALK OR ABOVE SOIL SURFACE ~ TOP OF FOUNDATION LEVEL W/ DRAIN HOLE GROUT W / 3/8" (IN)DRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLEXISTING GRADE FOUNDATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL STANDARD STANDARD PLAN J-26.10-03 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET 1 1 1 Section 2-09.3(1)E. Standard Specification of and Compaction Method 1 cation Section 8-20.3(2) Standard Specifi- ance with Fill (CDF), or with soil in accord- backfilled with Controlled-Density quired. Excavated area shall be Shoring or Extra Excavation as re- entire paper or cardboard form portion. After concrete has cured, remove the Place the concrete foundation. necessary to remain plumb. smooth finish on final exposed cement concrete. Support the form as Continue forming to full height using paper or cardboard form to achieve a The top of the corrugated metal form shall terminate 1 foot below final grade. ation area and install a 36" or 48" diameter corrugated metal (pipe) form. When the existing soil will not retain a vertical face, over-excavate the found-D"SEE TABLE FOR FDN. DEPTH "44D"SEE TABLE FOR FDN. DEPTH "4 SEE NOTE 5 SUITABLE FOR USE EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE CLAMP CONDUCTOR TO STEEL REINFORCING WITH LISTED CONNECTOR CAP BOTH ENDS. CONDUIT SIZE AND QUANTITY AS SHOWN IN THE CONTRACT; PAPER OR CARDBOARD FORM SHALL NOT STAY-IN-PLACE for details.Standard Plan J-26.15 Install Signal Foundation Identification Tag. See values provided. depth requirements may be interpolated between the For design parameters between the values listed in Table, cured, this entire form shall be removed. (such as paper or cardboard). After the concrete has The top 2 feet of the foundation shall use a smooth form shall be increased by the depth of the Media Filter Drain. Drain, the foundation depth shown in the Contract Plans Where a foundation is constructed within a Media Filter Foundation Designs. through the Engineer for SpecialStructures Office WSDOT Bridge andrequire Special Design. Contact the Foundations not within the parameters of this standard selection. between arms, use larger XYZ value for foundation depth than 90. For Double Mast Arm Standards with 90 Standards where the angle between mast arms is other Special foundation design is required for Double Arm and Double Mast Arm Standards with 90 between arms. Foundations are designed for Single Mast Arm Standards Standards with a maximum mast arm length of 65’. Foundations are designed for Type II, III, and SD Signal Life/Recurrence Interval 50 years, and Fatigue Category III. Traffic Signals. Basic wind velocity is 90 mph, Design Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and Edition 2009 AASHTO Standard Specifications for This structure has been designed according to the Fifth 3" CLR. (TYP.) APPROVED FOR PUBLICATIONSTATEOFWASHINGT O NPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERREENIGNE LARUTCURTS 25470RICHARD P. ZEL D EN R UST 3/8" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR REINFORCEMENT u ii ~ I- NOTE TOP OF FOUNDATION LEVEL WITH GRADE SIDEWALK * = 2'-0" FOR 3'-0" DIAM. FOUNDATION 2'-6" FOR 4'-0" DIAM. FOUNDATION 2'-6" FOR 3'-0" SQUARE FOUNDATION <!) SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 5% 3'-0" FINSHED GRADE SLOPE= FLAT TO 2H: 1V (4H : 1V SLOPE SHOWN) (SHOWN REDUCED) PLAN SECTION 0 PLAN FOUNDATION IN OR NEAR SIDEWALK CASE A NOT STEEPER THAN 2H : 1V FINISHED GRADE u ii LL ~ I- SLOPE= 3H: 1V OR FLATTER BUT NOT FLATTER THAN 10H: 1V <!) SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 5% SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION-SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 ELEVATION EXISTING GRADE OR FILL SLOPE= 10H: 1V TO :S 3H: 1V CASEC NOT STEEPER THAN 1.5H : 1V PLAN <!) SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 5% PLAN <!) SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 5% ELEVATION EXISTING GRADE OR FILL SLOPE= FLAT TO 10H: 1V CASEB ELEVATION NOT STEEPER THAN 1.5H : 1V FINISHED GRADE SLOPE= STEEPER THAN 3H: 1V BUT NOT STEEPER THAN 2H : 1V SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION -SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 3'-0" FINISHED GRADE SLOPE= FLAT TO 10H: 1V (10H: 1V SLOPE SHOWN) SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION -SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 EXISTING GRADE OR FILL SLOPE = > 3H : 1V TO 2H : 1V CASED SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION PLACEMENTS STANDARD PLAN J-26.15-01 SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Pasco Bakotich Ill 05117112 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation 3/8" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER () u::: ~ I- EXISTING GRADE OR CUT SLOPE SLOPE= FLAT TO 2H: 1V (MAX. SLOPE SHOWN) TOP OF FOUNDATION LEVEL WITH GRADE SIDEWALK * = 2'-0" FOR 3'-0" DIAM. FOUNDATION 2'-6" FOR 4'-0" DIAM. FOUNDATION 2'-6" FOR 3'-0" SQUARE FOUNDATION G) SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 5% SLOPE TO MEET FINISHED GRADE -SEE SECTIONS FOR SLOPE SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION -SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 (SHOWN REDUCED) PLAN SECTION 0 FOUNDATION IN OR NEAR SIDEWALK CASEE EXISTING GRADE OR CUT SLOPE EXISTING SLOPE STEEPER THAN 10H : 1V TO!> 3H : 1V TOP OF FOUNDATION SIGNAL STANDARD LEVEL WITH GRADE (MAX. SLOPE SHOWN) _____ FOUNDATION /_-------x----SEE STANDARD / I '', PLAN J-26.10 // ................ ------·----------.... _ ',, ' / ' / /,.,..--, \ ~(!ffi): I-\ \ .. -........ _ . // / \ '., / I NOT STEEPER THAN2H: 1V ............. BACK SLOPE \,, -, _________ , ______ ............ ;'~' ... 0 ',,____ _ __ /,/ 0 ~· ------------------------SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION -SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 PLAN --- G) SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 5% ELEVATION PLAN ................................... SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION \ E STANDARD PLAN J-26,:~'~, I ' ' ----------· ~------.................. \ ' ' ' / /" -......_ \ I ! -rn~ ~\ \ \ f \ I -t--·-~t-I \-1/n// i \ '& ~ / J \ ......__ . / I "-------... __ 1 ______ ... /·~' / I c], / 0 ... 0+ / /,/ -----/// PLAN TOP OF FOUNDATION LEVEL WITH GRADE BACK SLOPE \ I. 3~· .I ~ I. 3~--o_ .. ____ J__ / _/ NOT STEEPER THAN 2H : 1V ..= (-~~·j.:_);~1~:'~6~-: ------ EX6~~~ ~~~ 7----f'' .. •··. ~6"u~A~T~~'f."E FLAT TO 10H: 1V STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 (MAX. SLOPE SHOWN) G) SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 5% ELEVATION EXISTING GRADE OR CUT SLOPE FLAT TO 10H: 1V CASEF --------------- NOT STEEPER THAN 1.5H : 1V --- ........................... ..................... ................. ----- EXISTING GRADE OR CUT SLOPE SLOPE STEEPER THAN 3H : 1V (2H : 1V MAX.) (MAX. SLOPE SHOWN) SLOPE TO MEET FINISHED GRADE -SEE SECTIONS FOR SLOPE ............. ............ ................ SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION -SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.1 0 ELEVATION --------G) SLOPE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION SLOPE NOT STEEPER THAN 5% EXISTING GRADE OR CUT SLOPE 10H : 1V TO S 3H : 1V CASEG EXISTING GRADE OR CUT SLOPE STEEPER THAN 3H : 1V (2H : 1V MAX.) CASEH SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION PLACEMENTS STANDARD PLAN J-26.15-01 SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Pasco Bakotich Ill 05117112 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK ~ -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 < OR ASP~CRETE PAVEMENT 3/8" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER ~ SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR REINFORCEMENT SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR REINFORCEMENT SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION- SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 4'-6" MIN. FROM THE FACE OF THE POLE TO THE BACK OF THE CURB OR EDGE OF SHOULDER 4'-6" MIN. I· ** CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 OR ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 3/8" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER NOTE * *=APPLIES TO THE SIDE OF THE FOUNDATION WHEN PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON IS TO BE INSTALLED. SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR REINFORCEMENT \\ 3/8" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER L---.;.;;..;-.,~---J 4'-6" MIN. CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK -SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 TRAFFIC ISLAND-SEE CONTRACT PLAN SHEETS F=========t~dF~OR DETAILS SEE TYPICAL SECTION FOR REINFORCEMENT \\ 3/8" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION-SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 FOUNDATION PARTIALLY WITHIN SIDEWALK SECTION SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION-SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 TO FACE OF STANDARD FOUNDATION WITHIN SIDEWALK OR TRAFFIC ISLAND SECTION DUAL PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON NOTE * = 2'-0" FOR 3'-0" DIAM. FOUNDATION 2'-6" FOR 4'-0" DIAM. FOUNDATION 2'-6" FOR 3'-0" SQUARE FOUNDATION SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION-SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 SINGLE PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON APPLY GROUT EVEN WITH THE BOTTOM OF THE ANCHOR PLATE AFTER PLUMBING THE STANDARD FOUNDATION OUTSIDE THE SIDEWALK SECTION 10 GAGE STAINLESS STEEL TAG- RECESS FLUSH WITH TOP OF SIGNAL FOUNDATION FINISHED FOUNDATION 1:::, IDENTIFICAT::::STANDARD HAND HOLE L~~--- FOUNDATION 3/8" MIN 1 (TYP.) 0.05" MIN. (TYP.) PROVIDE 3/8" DIAMETER DRAIN TUBE IN THE GROUT PAD WWF 4 X 4-w 2.9 X 2.9 AT CENTER OF EXTENDED SIDE WALK AT SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION 12-28 (NF) x 2" LONG STAINLESS STEEL SCREW-DRILL AND TAP FROM BOTTOM, LEAVE SCREW FLUSH WITH TOP. APPLY LOCKTITE TO SCREW THREADS TO BIND SCREWS AND I.D. TAG TOGETHER SEE CONTRACT PLANS FOR FOR EXTENDED SIDEWALK LAYOUT CLAMP CONDUCTOR TO STEEL REINFORCING WITH LISTED CONNECTOR SUITABLE FOR USE EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION -SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 • FOUNDATION ~ ..... z N ~ ~ ·~ a.: E ..... DEPTH SHAPE DIMENSION ALT.# 11' RD;············· 36"·············· 1··················· . ........ SQUARE OR ROUND ........ DIAMETER OR WIDTH . ....... ALTERNATE 1 OR 2-SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 NOTE NOTE REFER TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR PROJECT SPECIFIC INTERSECTION LAYOUTS & TRAFFIC ISLAND MATERIAL TYPE FOUNDATION PARTIALLY WITHIN SIDEWALK SECTION I I I I I I I I I . • . I I I I I I II I GROUNDING CONDUCTOR NON-INSULATED #4 AWG STRANDED COPPER-PROVIDE 3' MIN. SLACK (ROUTE CONDUCTOR TO GROUNDING STUD) FORM TO FINISH GRADE WHEN INSTALLING SIDEWALK OR TRAFFIC ISLAND 3/8" PREMOLDED JOINT FILLER SIDEWALK OR TRAFFIC ISLAND ROUGHENED CONCRETE SURFACE ..:·: ~~~~~~~~~4~ SIGNAL STANDARD FOUNDATION PLACEMENTS STANDARD PLAN J-26.15-01 SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION OBLIQUE VIEW REINFORCING AND ANCHOR BOLTS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY (GROUT PAD OPTION SHOWN) SIGNAL FOUNDATION IDENTIFICATION TAG DETAIL FOUNDATION REINFORCING ONLY PARTIALLY SHOWN FOR CLARITY. -SEE STANDARD PLAN J-26.10 FOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN. Pasco Bakotich Ill 05117112 STATE DESIGN ENGINEER DATE ..... TEXT SHALL BE ENGRAVED 0.014" DEEP TYPICAL SECTION ... Washington State Department of Transportation GROUNDING CONDUCTOR-NON-INSULATED #4 AWG STRANDED COPPER-PROVIDE 3'-0" MIN. SLACK (ROUTE CONDUCTOR TO LUMINAIRE GROUNDING STUD) CONDUIT COUPLING -INSTALL FLUSH WITH TOP OF BARRIER (DO NOT GLUE PVC STUBOUT) 3" (IN) DIAM. x 3/4" (IN) GROUT WELL (TYP.) ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.)- SEE TABLE HEAVY HEX NUT (TYP.)- SIZE TO MATCH ANCHOR BOLT - SEE TABLE ISOMETRIC VIEW SEE FIXED BASE FOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN PARTIAL ELEVATION VIEW SLIP BASE ROUND WASHER SIZE TO MATCH ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.)-SEE TABLE STRAP TEMPLATE ASSEMBLY (TYP.)- SEE DETAIL ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.)- SEE TABLE ( D + 1/16" (IN)) DIAM. HOLE (TYP.)- SEE TABLE ANCHOR BOLT ASSEMBLY (SLIP BASE SHOWN) 1/4" (IN) STEEL BAR (TYP.)- 2" (IN) WIDE x 1'-3" LONG ANCHOR BOLT TABLE LUMINAIRE MAST MAST ANCHOR BOLT HEIGHT (FT) ARM ARM DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (H1) TYPE (FT) non 20'TO 50' SINGLE 6' TO 16' 1" 3/4" (IN) CHAMFER (TYP.) #7 REINFORCING STEEL BAR #4 REINFORCING STEEL HOOP 0 1" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT-CAP EACH END-PROVIDE ADDITIONAL CON- DUIT FOR COMMUNICATION OR SIGNAL CABLE WHERE SHOWN IN THE CONTRACT EXTEND THE CONDUIT 6" (IN) MIN. BEYOND THE FOUNDATION OR THE CONTROLLED-DENSITY BACKFILL #4 HOOP (TYP.) CLAMP CONDUCTOR TO STEEL REINFORCING BAR WITH LISTED CONNECTOR SUITABLE FOR USE EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE CONCRETE CLASS 4000P #7 (TYP.) __L__--+- 1'-1" (TYP.) 36" EIGHT #7 BARS, EVENLY SPACED CENTER THE CONDUIT IN THE FOUNDATION 1'-3" DIAM. BOLT CIRCLE (TYP.) #4 HOOP (TYP.) TOP VIEW FIXED BASE I I ti +-+ I I I I rr-1-T-r 3/4" (IN) CHAMFER (TYP.) (!} Gz z-~~ a. en en = = ..... Cl ..... II II ~ © eoooiS enen • 'C'> a. a. 't eo en 0 0 .... w oo <ml- ::c::c ww 0 """" .... D.. D.. z ~~ ~~tll w I-~-> ::c --(!} LL._ .. w < .. wm D..W ~~ 2 1/2" CLR. +--+---1---+--+ +---------'-- 20'TO 50' DOUBLE 6'TOB' 1" SEE SLIP BASE FOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN 20'TO 45' DOUBLE 10' TO 16' 1" TOP VIEW ELEVATION VIEW 46'TO 50' DOUBLE 10' TO 16' 1 1/8" STRAP TEMPLATE ASSEMBLY FIXED BASE NOTES 1. See Standard Plan J-28.40 for Luminaire Pole base mounting details. 2. The Strap Templates shall be held in place by nuts, 6" (in) from the top of the foundation and 3" (in) from the bottom of the anchor bolts. Eighteen heavy duty hex nuts and six round washers are required for a slip base assembly. Eighteen heavy duty hex nuts and six plate washers are required for a fixed base assembly. 3. Use Steel Light Standard Foundation Type A on level ground or slopes not exceeding 4H : 1V. Use Type B for slopes steeper than 4H : 1V, but not exceeding 2H : 1V. Slopes steeper than 2H : 1V shall require a special design. 4. These foundations are designed for a minimum of 2000 PSF (TYPE A) or 1500 PSF (TYPE B) allowable lateral bearing pressure for the soil. A special foundation shall be required for soil with allowable lateral bearing pressure lower than 1500 PSF. 5. The Luminaire Pole height shall not exceed 50' (ft) (H1 ). 6. Slip bases shall not be installed on 50' (ft) (H1) poles with Double Mast Arms, nor on poles weighing more than 1 000 lbs. 7. Slip bases are required on poles installed inside the Design Clear Zone, and on poles installed behind traffic barrier that are within the traffic barrier deflection zone. 8. Foundations constructed within Media Filter Drains shall be increased in depth by the depth of the Media Filter Drain. 9. Exposed portions of the foundation shall be formed to create a Class 2 surface finish. All forming shall be removed upon completion of foundation construction. 10. For excavation, concrete placement, and backfill options, see METHOD 1 and METHOD 2 on Sheet 2 of 2. 11. The anchor bolts shall be high-strength steel, manufactured from ASTM F1554 Grade 1 05, with heavy hex nuts and hardened washers. Galvanize the anchor bolts according to ASTM F2329. 12. The foundation shall be grounded in accordance with the requirements of Standard Specification 8-20.3(4). 13. See Standard Plans C-8b and C-85.14 for steel light standards on traffic barrier. () tt SLIP BASE ~ I- FIXED BASE ANCHOR BOLT LAYOUT STEEL LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION TYPES A & B STANDARD PLAN J-28.30-03 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation EDGE OF SHOULDER ce m w w ~ ~ UNDISTURBED SOIL (TYP.) LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION 3' -0" DIAM. (CASE A SHOWN) METHOD 1 LUMINAIRE POLE POLE BASE SLOPE ROUNDING SLOPE 2H: 1V (MAX.) OR FLATTER CONCRETE CLASS 4000P UNDISTURBED SOIL NO SUBSURFACE FORM This option is used only when the existing soil in the hole will remain standing and the cement concrete can be placed with- out causing the soil to collapse. Concrete shall be cast directly against undisturbed soil. Auger the hole for the foundation. Use a paper or cardboard form to achieve a smooth finish on the final exposed cement concrete. Support the form as necessary to remain plumb. See Standard Plans J-28.24 and J-28.26 for maximum heights of exposed foundation when no embankment widening is to be installed. Place the concrete foundation. After concrete has cured, remove the paper or cardboard form portion. Construct the embankment widening (if required}. EMBANKMENT WIDENING EDGE OF SHOULDER ce m w w ~ ~ UNDISTURBED (TYP.) LUMINAIRE POLE POLE BASE NOTE These foundation Construction Methods are applicable to all Steel Light Standard Placement Cases. See Standard Plans J-28.22, J-28.24, and J-28.26. SLOPE ROUNDING EMBANKMENT WIDENING SLOPE 2H: 1V (MAX.) OR FLATTER TEMPORARY SLOPE OR SHORE AS REQUIRED (TYP.) 1-1-METAL FORM FOR LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION OVER-EXCAVATED AREA SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH CONTROLLED-DENSITY FILL (CDF), OR WITH COMPACTED BORROW IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 8-20.3(2) CONCRETE CLASS 4000P LIMITS OF STRUCTURE EXCAVATION 3'-0" DIAM. UNDISTURBED SOIL (CASE A SHOWN) METHOD 2 METAL (SUBSURFACE) FORM REQUIRED When the existing soil will not retain a vertical face, over-excavate the foundation area and install a 36" (in) diameter corrugated metal (pipe) form. The corrugated metal form shall not extend more than 5" (in) +/-1" (in) below any portion of the foundation that will remain exposed upon final grading. Continue forming to full height using a paper or cardboard form to achieve a smooth finish on final exposed cement concrete. Support the form as necessary to remain plumb. See Standard Plans J-28.24 and J-28.26 for maximum heights of exposed foundation when no embankment widening is to be installed. Place the concrete foundation. After concrete has cured, remove the paper or cardboard form portion. Backfill with controlled-density fill or compacted borrow in accord- ance with Standard Specification 8-20.3(2). Construct the embankment widening (if required}. STEEL LIGHT STANDARD FOUNDATION TYPES A & B STANDARD PLAN J-28.30-03 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION CONSTRUCTION METHODS STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation 4"6"3/16 POLE BASE PLATE6" DIAM. HOLE ELEVATION VIEW 1 A B C VIEW VIEW A 3/16 1"2 1/2"POLE BASE PLATE LUMINAIRE POLE LUMINAIRE POLE POLE BASE PLATE VIEW C B D A~~(TYP.) 1 TYPICAL HAND HOLE ORIENTATION 1" MIN. GROUNDING BOLT GROUNDING BOLT1 T 2 2 3 4 3 SECTION D POLE BASE PLATE t4 ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( T YP.) 4"(TYP.)1206"8 1/2"1" (TYP.)TOP VIEW POLE BASE PLATE DETAIL INSIDE EDGES ROUND AND SMOOTH HAND HOLE (COVER NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) LUMINAIRE POLE HAND HOLE POLE BASE PLATE LUMINAIRE POLE 35(TY P.)BOLT CIRCLE 1’ - 3" DIAM. HAND HOLE DETAILS POLE BASE AND STEEL LIGHT STANDARD STANDARD PLAN J-28.50-03 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET T .POLE FABRICATOR = RIM PLATE THICKNESS BY LUMINAIRE MINIMUM SIZE OPENING SHOWN VARIES AMONG MANUFACTURERS ~ CONFIGURATION AND LOCATION OF THE HAND HOLEDRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLt = SIZE OF FILLET WELD BY LUMINAIRE POLE FABRICATOR. 2" WIDE 3" (IN) LONG CLAMP ~ 1/8" (IN) THICK STEEL 1/4" (IN) THICK STEEL 2" (IN) WIDE 4" (IN) LONG CONDUCTOR ATTACHMENT BRACKET ~ BASE PLATE OR POLE WALL. TACK WELD IN ROOT OR CONTINUOUS SEAL WELD TO 1/4" (IN) THICK, OR NO THINNER THAN POLE WALL THICKNESS. FOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN, SEE VIEW ABOVE 11" (6" MIN.)BACK-UP RING CONTINUOUS 1/4" BACK-UP RING 6" (IN) DIAM. HOLE SEE TO STRUCTURE ~ UNLESS MOUNTEDSTD. PLAN J-28.45 CONDUCTOR ATTACHMENT FIXED OR SLIP BASE. MENTS ARE REQUIRED ON ALL POLES, MANUFACTURERS. CONDUCTOR ATTACH- FIGURATIONS VARY AMONG DIFFERENT CON-THE RETAINING WALL ~ SEE ORIENTATION FOR INSTALLATION ON BRIDGE OR STANDARD PLAN J-28.45 FOR PLATE THICKNESS, REFER TO NOTE 1 ) SCREWSASTM F 593STEEL ( FASTEN WITH TWO STAINLESS HOLE COVER WITH GASKET ~ REMOVABLE RAINTIGHT HAND ," SEE TABLE OND" : RADIUS = ( D/2+1/16" ) (TYP.) ~ FOR STANDARD PLAN J-28.30 FIXED BASE PLATE, : RADIUS = 9/16" (TYP.) ~ MATCH SLIP STANDARD PLAN J-28.42 SLIP BASE for details when Slip Base is required. Standard Plan J-28.42 See steel light standards are mounted on concrete traffic barrier. for foundation and base plate requirements when J-28.60 and Standard Plans C-8b, C-85.14, See AASHTO M 111. Galvanizing shall be in accordance with wiring details. for Standard Plan J-28.70 Round and smooth all edges along wire-way to protect conductors. See Plate notched surfaces shall be finished smooth. All Pole Base ASTM A36. or 1 1/2" (in) manufactured from ASTM A572 GR. 50, ASTM A588, from Pole Base Plate for a Fixed Base design shall be either 1 1/4" (in) steel manufactured ASTM A588. or ASTM A572 GR.50Pole Base Plate for a Slip Base design shall be 1 1/4" (in) steel manufactured from APPROVED FOR PUBLICATIONSTATEOFWASHINGT O NPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERREENIGNE LARUTCURTS 25470RICHARD P. ZEL D EN R UST TAPER DIVIDER ENDS NOTES TO MATCH INSIDE ~ -=:?---... ,,,,._-------<lllllllll> ~-JUNCTION BOX DIMENSION TABLE 1. All box dimensions are approximate. Exact configurations vary among manufacturers. TAPER OF BOX ""'-BOX INTERIOR LENGTH-1/16" (TYP.))---,-,-.,----,~ 5/16" (IN) X 1 1/2" (IN) s. s. 1/4 5/16" (IN) X 1" (IN) s. s. COUPLING NUT \ ~ BOX TYPE a:: ITEM c( b ..... SET SCREW (TYP.~ ~,, ---';:= _ (TYP.) -~--- 10 GAGE L..-----------------....1 GALVANIZED :::IE A OUTSIDE LENGTH OF JUNCTION BOX TYPE1 22" TYPE2 33" 2. Minimum lid thickness shown. Junction Boxes installed in sidewalks, walkways, and shared-use paths shall have a slip-resistant coating on the lid and lip cover plate, and shall be installed with the surface flush with and matched to the grade of the sidewalk, walkway, or shared-use path. The non-slip lid shall be identified with permanent markings on the underside, indicating the type of surface treatment (see Contract Documents for details) and the year of manufacture. The permanent marking shall be 1/8" (in) line thickness formed with a mild steel weld bead and shall be placed prior to hot-dip galvanizing. LID SUPPORT (TYP.) (SEE NOTE 3) GROUND STUD (SEE NOTE4) COUPLING NUT FOR ALTERNATIVE 2 - SEE SHEET2 LID LIFTING NOTCH - 1/4" (IN) X 3/4" (IN) HEADED ANCHOR SHEAR STUD-3/8" (IN) x 3" (IN) 10 COUNT STUDS EVENLY SPACED AROUND FRAME (PLACE TO SIDE OF LID BOLT DOWN SUPPORT A- NGLE WHEN USING LOCK- ING DETAIL ALTERNATIVE 2) (SEE NOTE 11) 1 3/8" (IN) DIAM. HOLE WITH 1/2-13 x 1 1/2 STAINLESS STEEL PENTA HEAD BOLT BOLT PLATE-SEE DETAIL TOP OF SOIL SURFACE OR FINISHED GRADE ~w oc ...J~ WCJ me ::!:w ::J::c :!:en zz ~u::: = w "<t::c Nl- 3/4 3/4 DIVIDER PLATE ELEVATION VIEW (FOR TYPE 2 JUNCTION BOX ONLY) A c E • I ----d 6----- LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY JUNCTION BOX (CONDUITS NOT SHOWN) A GROUNDING STUD (SEE NOTE 4) 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER PLATE ~ GRS CONDUIT SECTION 0 4" (TYP.) STEEL B OUTSIDE WIDTH OF JUNCTION BOX 17" 22 1/2" SIDE VIEW c INSIDE LENGTH OF JUNCTION BOX 18"-19" 28"-29" D INSIDE WIDTH OF JUNCTION BOX 13"-14" 17"-18" 3. Lid support members shall be 3/16" (in) minimum thick steel C, L, or T shape, welded to the frame. .I E LID LENGTH 17 5/8" 28 5/8" F LID WIDTH 12 5/8" 18 1/8" CAPACITY-CONDUIT DIAMETER 6" 12" 4. A 1/4-20 NC x 3/4" (in) stainless steel ground stud shall be welded to the bottom of the lid; include (2) stainless steel nuts and (2) stainless steel flat washers. 5. Bolts and nuts shall be liberally coated with anti-seize compound . 3/16" (TYP.) 6. Equipment Bonding Jumper shall be # 8 AWG min. x 4' (ft) of tinned braided copper. 0 ' ' ' ' ' DIAMOND PATTERN (SEE NOTE 2) 3/8" (IN} STEEL COVER LIP PLATE (TYP.) LID SUPPORT (TYP.) HEADED ANCHOR SHEAR STUD (TYP.) (SEE NOTE 11) 7. The System Identification letters shall be 1/8" (in) line thickness formed with a mild steel weld bead. See Cover Marking detail. Grind off diamond pattern before forming letters. For System Identification details, see Standard Specification 9-29.2(4}. 8. When required in the Contract, provide a 1 0" (in) x 27 1/2" (in), 10 gage divider plate, complete, with fasteners, in each Type 2 Junction Box where specified. 9. When required in Contract, provide a 12" (in) deep extension for each Type 2 Junction Box where specified. 10. See the Standard Specifications for alternative reinforcement and class of concrete. 11. Headed Anchor Shear Studs must be welded to the Steel Cover Lip Plate and wire tied in two places to the vertical Welded Wire Fabric when in contact with each other. Wire tie all other Headed Anchor Shear Studs to the horizontal Welded Wire Fabric. ~ 12. Lid Bolt Down Attachment Tab provides a method of retrofitting by using a mechanical process in lieu of ~ welding. Attachment Tab shown depicts a typical component arrangement; actual configurations of ~ assembly will vary among manufacturers. See approved manufacturers' shop drawings for specifics. ~ 13. Unless otherwise noted in the plans or approved by the Engineer, Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and 1 • f Pull Boxes shall not be placed within the sidewalks, walkways, shared use paths, traveled ways or paved 111<•• shoulders. All Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes placed within the traveled way or paved "-11~. shoulders shall be Heavy-Duty. WELDED WIRE HOOP (TYP.) (SEE NOTE 10) WWF WIRE TIED TO 14. Distance between the top of the conduit and the bottom of the Junction Box lid shall be 6" (in) min. to 8" (in) HEADED ANCHOR max. for final grade of new construction only. See Standard Specification 8-20.3(5}. Where adjustments fn\D SHEAR STUD (TYP.) are to be made to existing Junction Boxes, or for interim construction stages during the contract, the SECTION V limits shall be from 6" (in) min. to 10" (in) max. See Standard Specification 8-20.3{6}. PERSPECTIVE VIEW 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER LIP PLATE 0 Equipment Grounding j. B GROUND STUD (SEE NOTE 4) COUPLING NUT FOR ALTERNATIVE 2 - SEE DETAIL "E" ALTERNATIVE 2 TOP OF PAVED SURFACE b ' ;.... w ::cW l-en ~a:: o::J ....~o wU caw :!:en ::J~ ::!:u. zo ~a. ~~ N Conductor ~ Copper Solderless 3/8" (IN) STEEL Crimp Connector COVER LIP PLATE ~ Equipment Bonding Jumper (See Note 6) ~ See Contract for conduit size and number COVER MARKING DETAIL :::: 1"(TYP.>. 1 r-:::: 1"(TYP.) lli s_[ 1/2" (TYP.) 1=---f 1.1 1/2 MIN. 3 SECTION 0 (CONDUITS NOT SHOWN) LID SUPPORT (TYP.) - L SHAPE SHOWN (SEE NOTE 3) 3/8" (IN) x 3" (IN) HEADED ANCHOR SHEAR STUD (TYP.) WELDED WIRE FABRIC (TYP.) 0/'I'NF) 4x4-W2.9xW2.9 (6 GAGE) (SEE NOTE 10) WELDED WIRE HOOP (TYP.) W2.9 (6 GAGE) (SEE NOTE 1 0) LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY ~UNCTION BOX TYPES 1 & 2 STANDARD PLAN ~-40.10-04 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ...... ... Washington State Department of Transportation 1/2-13 x 1 1/2 S. S. PENTA HEAD BOLT AND 1/2" (IN) S. S. FLAT WASHER 1 LID LIFTING NOTCH -1/4" (IN) x 3/4" (IN) LID SUPPORT-L SHAPE SHOWN (SEE NOTE 3) 1 3/8" (IN) DIAM. HOLE BOLT PLATE CHANNEL- SEE DETAIL 1 5/8" (IN) SLOTTED S. S. CHANNEL WITH S. S. CHANNEL NUT AND SPRING LID SUPPORT- L SHAPE SHOWN (SEE NOTE 3) 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER LIP PLATE 3/16 WWF-TIED IN 2 PLACES TO HEADED ANCHOR SHEAR STUD WWF 4x4-W2.9xW2.9 (TYP.) (6 GAGE) (SEE NOTE 10) 3/8" (IN) X 3" (IN) HEADED ANCHOR SHEARSTUD- WELDEDTO LIP PLATE 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER LIP PLATE 3/16 WWF-TIED IN 2 PLACES TO HEADED ANCHOR SHEAR STUD WWF 4x4-W2.9xW2.9 (TYP.) (6 GAGE) (SEE NOTE 10) 3/8" (IN) X 3" (IN) HEADED ANCHOR SHEARSTUD- WELDEDTO LIP PLATE 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER PLATE - SHOWN CUT AWAY FOR CLARITY 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER LIP PLATE 1 1/2 LID SUPPORT- L SHAPE SHOWN (SEE NOTE 3) HEX COUPLING NUT LID BOLT DOWN ATTACHMENT TAB- SEE DETAIL WWF-WELDED TO LIP PLATE WELDED WIRE HOOP (TYP.) W2.9 (6 GAGE) (SEE NOTE 10) LID HOOK-1" (IN) x 1" (IN) x 3/16" (IN) ANGLE 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER LIP PLATE 3/16 LID SUPPORT - L SHAPE SHOWN (SEE NOTE 3) SECTION 0 WWF-TIED IN 2 PLACES TO EACH HEADED ANCHOR SHEAR STUD WWF 4x4-W2.9xW2.9 (TYP.) (6 GAGE) (SEE NOTE 10) 3/8" (IN) x 3" (IN) HEADED ANCHOR SHEAR STUD- WELDED TO LIP PLATE 1/2-13 x 1 1/2 S. S. PENTA HEAD BOLT AND 1/2" (IN) S. S. FLAT WASHER SLOTTED STEEL CHANNEL LID BOLT DOWN ATTACHMENT TAB-SEE DETAIL DETAIL 0 ALTERNATIVE 1 SHOWN 1 3/8" (IN) DIAM. HOLE BOLT PLATE CHANNEL- SEE DETAIL LID LIFTING NOTCH -1/4" (IN) x 3/4" (IN) 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER PLATE- SHOWN CUT AWAY FOR CLARITY 9/16" (IN) ~" DIAM. HOL_E I 1 1/2" ~1_1 i HEX COUPLING NUT S. S. 5/16-NC x 7/8" (IN) WITH BOLT DOWN ATTACHMENT TAB- SEE DETAIL S. S. 5/16-NC x 3/4" (IN) BOLT & THREE EACH S. S. 5/16" (IN) FLAT WASHERS LID BOLT DOWN SUPPORT ANGLE - 1 1/2" (IN) X 3" (IN) X 1/4" (IN) ANGLE DETAIL 0 ALTERNATIVE 2 SHOWN 1/2-13 x 1 1/2 S. S. PENTA HEAD BOLT AND 1/2" (IN) S. S. FLAT WASHER 1 1/8" (IN) x 2" (IN) 1/4" (IN) STEEL PLATE VERTICAL SLOT .) 1/8" (IN) X 3/4" (IN) ANGLE (TYP.) 1/4" (IN) S. S. PLATE LID SUPPORT-L SHAPE SHOWN (SEE NOTE 3) f-~-~----- DETAIL 0 ALTERNATIVE 2 SHOWN PERSPECTIVE VIEW 3/16 1 1/2 LID SUPPORT-L SHAPE SHOWN (SEE NOTE 3) EXPOSE LID BOLT DOWN SUPPORT ANGLE TO ATTACH ALTERNATIVE 2 LID BOLT DOWN ANGLE ATTACHMENT TAB LID BOLT DOWN SUPPORT ANGLE-2" (IN) X 2" (IN) X 1/4" (IN) ANGLE 1/2" (IN) S. S. HEX NUT 7/16" (IN) x 3/4" (IN) SLOT 1/2" (IN) S. S. HEX NUT 7/16" (IN) X 3/4" (IN) SLOT 9/16" (IN) DIAM. HOLE ALTERNATIVE 2 2" (IN) X 3" (IN) X 1/4" (IN) ANGLE LID BOLT DOWN ATTACHMENT TAB 1/2-13 x 1 1/2 S. S. PENTA HEAD BOLT AND 1/2" (IN) S. S. FLAT WASHER 3/8" (IN) STEEL COVER PLATE-SHOWN CUT AWAY FOR CLARITY (SEE NOTE 12) :...;;:;"~I 118" (IN) X 314" (IN) 1/4" (IN) STEEL PLATE l_ L STEELANGLE~ f t:..::l -=-=-=-=-=..::..::..::..::..::-=-=-=-=1 ~I ~ -114" (IN)~;'!~~ 1 1/2 LID SUPPORT- L SHAPE SHOWN (SEE NOTE 3) 4" 3 3/4" ~t ~t =1· ~·1 ~c::::=1· ~·1 --r-L t I 3/4" (IN) RADIUS 1/2" (IN) S. S. DETAIL 0 ALTERNATIVE 3 SHOWN DETAIL 0 ALTERNATIVE 3 SHOWN PERSPECTIVE VIEW 1/8" (IN) x 3/4" (IN) STEEL ANGLE -RIGHT ANGLE SHOWN, MIRROR IMAGE FOR LEFT ANGLE HEX NUT ALTERNATIVE 3 LID BOLT DOWN ATTACHMENT TAB (SEE NOTE 12) 1/8" (IN) x 3/4" (IN) STEEL ANGLE-MIRROR IMAGE FOR LEFT ANGLE ------------------ 2 1/2" -~ ~l_l ~ f~~ 5/8" (IN) X 1" (IN) HORIZONTAL SLOT 5/8" (IN) X 1" (IN) HORIZONTAL SLOT HEX COUPLING NUT S. S. 5/16-NC x 7/8" (IN) WITH s. s. 5/16-NC X 3/4" (IN) BOLT & (3 EACH) S. S. 5/16" (IN) FLAT WASHERS ALTERNATIVE 1 LID BOLT DOWN ATTACHMENT TAB (SEE NOTE 12) BOLT PLATE CHANNEL LOCKING LID STANDARD DUTY ~UNCTION BOX TYPES 1 & 2 STANDARD PLAN ~-40.10-04 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation ~---------------------------A--------------------------~ JUNCTION BOX DIMENSION TABLE c E G LOCKING BOLT I (TYP.)-SEE 7 DETAIL D I 1/8" GAP BETWEEN LIDS j I I ~J ~f I I «~ ~s tJ I I tJ I ({J u~ I i ::©~~. ~J u_ __ jJ : : I u_ __ ~ :------------·---------------'-----:::2: ~ ! = I LO ~@ I 0 \Ji6~E~· c::d I I I I I I I I :~:C -----f-------·--f----~ _.-:----1--·- Q LL ((J ! I ~ : ~ • + I I -----f--------,-------~-.. d ___ , __ ,_ m I J I l SEE DETAI'~ B ~ I I I ~----I I I 111 )I I 1(1 II I I L ___ l [ ___ _J I l_ --------------, ,-----------I ----I 11Q11 i I 1 ! rr----11 0 I I 111©11 " " . . " " ? «.J «'~ I :f «.'~ tJ f.( ( I ' ( I I l;r ! OFFSET STUD TO _/ ACCOMMODATE LIFT I HOLES (TYP.) I I I I 1" I 3 STUDS I 3 STUDS .:.... I" •I . . EVENLY SPACED EVENLY SPACED TOP VIEW -H---· ------- «J ------------ ((J -------- 0 ---¢-J---· ____ L._ ~ a.: t = ~ 1" f-- ·--· 0 Cl w ~ en ~ z w [ij lll::: 0::: <C :I!! A B c D E F G H I J K X ITEM TYPE4 OVERALL LENGTH 39" OVERALL WIDTH 34" JUNCTION BOX LENGTH 31" JUNCTION BOX WIDTH 26" LID OPENING LENGTH 24" LID OPENING WIDTH 19" TYPE 4 LID LENGTH 24" TYPE 4, 5 & 6 LID WIDTH 19" TYPE 5 & 6 LID LENGTH -- INSIDE BOX LENGTH 19" INSIDE BOX WIDTH 14" STIFFENER SPACING VARIES y STIFFENER SPACING VARIES z STIFFENER LENGTH 18 1/4" --0~ ·--· LO CAPACITY-CONDUIT DIAM. 6" 0 Equipment Grounding Conductor ~ Copper Solderless Crimp Connector ~ Equipment Bonding Jumper (See Note 8} 0 See Contract Plans and Special Provisions for conduit size and number LOCKING BOLT - SEE DETAIL D TOP OF SOIL SURFACE OR FINISHED GRADE Wb o~ ~ (!) :::i:o ::::>w ~ V5 -+----Z-::§~ -LL b w. •J:CO c--.1- ~ ....1 w Ill SEE DETAIL C I I 1 I .1 CRUSHED SURFACING I I 1 CONDUIT 4 / 1 COURSE) -PER STANDARD 1 \ PVC ~ I / /(BASE COURSE OR TOP \ \ I gb, oR, I// SPECIFICATION 9-03.9(3) \\ \ 'X6 cR ;// ,,, 0 0 SECTION 0 TOP OF PAVED SURFACE TOP OF BASE COURSE WELDED WIRE FABRIC fYW'JF) 4x4-W5xW5 (TYP.) -WIRE TIE AT ALL INTERSECTIONS 4 GRS CONDUIT ww ::ccn 1-0::: $:::::> 00 _.(.) ww lllOO .<( Zlll :§u.. = 0 Oc_ ~~ DIAMOND PATTERN (SEE NOTE 2) ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE 5 AND 6 SHOWN BOX TYPE TYPES 48" 37" 40" 29" 33 1/8" 22 1/8" -- 21 7/8" 16 3/8" 28" 17" VARIES VARIES 21 1/8" 12" TYPES 56" 44" 48" 36" 41 1/8" 29 1/4" -- 29" 20 3/8" 36" 24" VARIES VARIES 28 1/4" 24" NOTES 1. All box dimensions are approximate. Exact configurations vary among manufacturers. 2. All lid thicknesses are minimum. 3. Lid perimeter shall bear on frame. Mill to bearing seat and lid perimeter for full even contact after fabrication of frame and lid. Lid and frame units with uneven bearing will be rejected. 4. The installed lid and frame shall fit with full even contact around the peri- meter of a junction box after installation. Care shall be taken to prevent debris accumulation on the contact surfaces. 5. A 1/4-20 NC x 1" (in} S. S. ground stud shall be welded to the bottom of each lid: include (2} each S. S. nuts and (3} each S. S. flat washers. 6. The hinges shall allow the lids to open 180°. When lid assembly is Ductile Iron (Alternative} and equipped with Safety Bars, lids shall open 110°. 7. Bolts and nuts shall be liberally coated with anti-seize compound. 8. Connect Equipment Bonding Jumper to ground stud on lid. As an alterna- tive to ground stud connection, the Equipment Bonding Jumper shall be attached to the front face of the hinge pocket with a 5/16-20 NC x 1" (in} S. S. bolt, (2} each S. S. nuts, and (3} each S. S. flat washers. Equipment bonding jumper shall be #8 AWG min. x 4' (ft} of tinned braided copper. 9. The System Identification letters shall be 1/8" (in} line thickness formed by a mild steel weld bead. See Cover Marking details. Grind off diamond pattern before forming letters. Ductile iron lid lettering shall be recessed, 1/8" (in} line thickness. See Standard Specification 9-29.2(4) for details. 10. See Standard Specification 9-29.2(1)B for class of concrete. 11. Unless otherwise noted in the plans or approved by the Engineer, Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes shall not be placed within the traveled way or paved shoulders. All Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes placed within the traveled way or paved shoulders shall be Heavy-Duty. Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes shall not be installed in side- walks, walkways, and shared use paths. 12. Distance between the top of the conduit and the bottom of the Junction Box lid shall be 6" (in} min. to 8" (in} max., for final grade of new construction only. See Standard Specification 8-20.3(5). Where adjustments are to be made to existing Junction Boxes, or for interim construction stages during the contract, the limits shall be from 6" min. to 10" (in} max. See Standard Specification 8-20.3(6}. 13. Junction Box Types 4, 5, or 6 may be equipped with Ductile Iron (Alternative} Lid(s} and a Cast Iron (Alternative} Frame. Junction box shall meet the requirements of Standard Specification 9-29.2 and shall be in accordance with approved shop drawings. HINGE -SEE DETAIL E (NOTE 6) HEAVY-DUTY JUNCTION BOX TYPES 4, 5, & 6 STANDARD PLAN J-40.20-03 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation 9/16" (IN) DIAM. BOLT HOLE 3/8" (TYP.) STIFFENER PLATE (TYP.) 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM . HOLE PLAN VIEW LID TYPE 5 AND 6 SHOWN !._...-I I . x- 1 I I . . . ~'ks 1f (TYP.) SECTION 0 SECTION 0 HANDLE SLOT FRAME (OUTER) - L 2" (IN) X 2" (IN) X 1/4" (IN) (SEE NOTE 4) WWF -TIED IN 2 PLACES TO FRAME STUD (TYP.) COVER MARKING DETAIL FRAME STUD- 3/8" (IN) DIAM. X 8" (IN) DETAIL 0 :::: 1" (TYP.). 1 r-:::: 1" (TYP.) lli s_[ 112· (TYP.>.I [:_t PENTA HEAD BOLT ~;r::;~f"-11t~ ~~~D ~/'~;ij/)j tt SEE NOTE9 STIFFENER PLATE (TYP.) WASHER -S. S. 1 7/16" (IN) 0 . D. X 1/2" (IN) I. D. x 1/8" (IN) S. S. CHANNEL NUT WITH S. S. SPRING FRAME (INNER) EDGE OF LID FRAME STUD (TYP .) DETAIL 0 LOCKING BOLT VIEW0 SEE NOTE 3 LID GROUND STUD WITH NUT (SEE NOTE 5) (2) S. S. NUT (TYP.) (3) S. S. WASHER (TYP.) TERMINAL RING AND BONDING JUMPER S. S. 5/16-NC X 1" (IN) HEX COUPLING BOLT HEX COUPLING NUTS. S. 5/16-NC x 7/8" (IN) WITH S. S. 5/16-NC x 3/4" (IN) BOLT WITH (4) EACH S. S. FLAT WASHERS EQUIPMENT BONDING JUMPER FROM OTHER LID DETAIL 0 HINGE ALTERNATE LOCATION FOR EQUIPMENT BONDING JUMPER 3/8 LID S. S. PIN WITH SNAP RING GROOVE (TYP.) HANDLE STOP HANDLE -BENT 1/2" (IN) STEEL ROD, FLUSH WITH LID HANDLE STOP - 3 3/4" (IN} X 2" (IN) x 1/4" (IN} BOLT PLATE-3" (IN) x 2 1/2" (IN) x 1/2" (IN) THICK LID HANDLE 1/4" (IN) x 3" (IN) CHANNEL FRAME (OUTER) 1" (IN) X 1" (IN) X 1/4" (IN) (TYP.) DETAIL 0 TOP VIEW 3/4" (IN) DIAM . HOLE (TYP.) HEAVY-DUTY JUNCTION BOX TYPES 4, 5, & 6 STANDARD PLAN J-40.20-03 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation GROUNDING DETAILS TYPICAL STANDARD PLAN J-60.05-01 SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS 1. 2. 3. 4 11 14 10 11 23 14 14 9 23 23 11 4 10 11 11111123 111111 1 5 8 8 4 6 92388 8 9 9 99 8 11 10 12(SEE CONTRACT)12(SEE CONTRACT)1212272626278 8 10 11 28282828 28 28 28 28 2828 8 8 8 8 4 8 13 24 FRONT 34 33 8 13 13 23 8 11 9 4 8 8 34 FRONT 1128 8 9 11 3911 22 22 222222 22 2222 22 22 22 13 13 1313 131313 13 1313 39 13 14 13 8 4 4 14 13 14 13 14 13 9 9 14 13 33 ON SHEET 2 CONTINUED ON SHEET 2 CONTINUED 121212 10 10DRAWN BY: LISA CYFORD7 AND RIGID PVC CONDUIT (PVC) APPLICATION COMBINED GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) RIGID PVC CONDUIT (PVC) APPLICATION 10 10 40 40 40 40 4040 40 28 22 28 22 2228 23 23 23 23 23232323 41 41414141 41 41 41 41 41 41414141 42 43 43 42 RAILROADORROADWAYORROADWAYRAILROADSOURCE TO POWER NOTES 15 2 19 15 5 FRONT 3 43 428 5 15 215 25 40 10 3 40 888 8 4 13 12 FRONT 6 45 6 45 12 10 10 12 8 GROUND DETAILS 9 9 9 2 19 3 (SEE CONTRACT)3 8 4 25 5 444 FRONT 8 1212 8 34 33 1128 FRONT 12 12 39 4 11 22 12 12 12 33 34 20 21 12 11 10 22 4 4 8 9 ON SHEET 2 CONTINUED 12 12 GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) APPLICATION 10 40 404040 23 41 APPLICATION RMC APPLICATION PVC 15 15 9ROADWAYRAILROAD 1519 215 5 42 43 310 8 8 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 4 8 12 45 6 KEY 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 15 16 17 18 19 14 13 9 7 6 8 4 3 2 39 38 37 36 35 40 30 31 41 42 43 44 5 45 JUNCTION BOX EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SERVICE ENCLOSURE GROUNDED NEUTRAL BUS (COPPER) (TYP. ALL RMC CONDUIT TERMINATIONS) GROUNDING BUSHING BONDING JUMPER GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR SERVICE GROUND SERVICE NEUTRAL TO SERVICE NEUTRAL BUS CODE SIZE RMC CONCRETE COVER JUNCTION BOX OR 8" DRAIN TILE WITH APPROVED CLAMP EDGE OF FOUNDATION, POLE OR SERVICE SUPPORT GROUND ROD - GROUNDING BUSHING - GS COUPLING - APPROVED ADAPTER FITTING - GS FACTORY ELBOWS OPTION B - 10’ RMC - GROUNDING BUSHING - APPROVED ADAPTER FITTING OPTION A - 10’ RMC WITH FIELD BEND RIGID PVC CONDUIT (PVC) GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) COPPER SOLDERLESS CRIMP CONNECTOR (LUMINAIRE POLE AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE) ELECTRICAL LOAD SUPPORT UNGROUNDED CABINET NEUTRAL BUSS (COPPER) ITS CAMERA, RAMP METER, TRAFFIC DATA STATION, HIGHWAY ADVISORY RADIO CABINET MAIN BONDING JUMPER GROUND LUG WELDED TO CABINET WALL (W/ TINNED COPPER BUSS) BOX FRAME BONDING ATTACHMENT POINT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR NON-INSULATED (FROM REINFORCING CAGE) TRANSFORMER CABINET CABINET, CABLE VAULT, OR PULL BOX DETECTABLE UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE. COIL 2’ INSIDE CABLE VAULT OR PULL BOX BETWEEN SEPERATE SERVICES EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR CONNECTION POINT IN PVC OR PE INNERDUCT GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT OUTERDUCT WITH RIGID PVC OUTERDUCT WITH PVC OR PE INNERDUCT CABINET GROUNDING BUSS (COPPER) TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABINET EDGE OF FOUNDATION ITS CABINET PULL BOX CABLE VAULT BOX LID(S) GROUND STUD NON-METALLIC CONDUIT (PVC) SCHEDULE 80 HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE CONDUIT (HDPE) CODE SIZED PVC (TYP. ALL NON-METALLIC CONDUIT TERMINATIONS) END BELL BUSHING BRAIDED COPPER. GROUND STUD. # 8 AWG (MIN.) 4’ (FT) TINNED BONDING JUMPER ATTACHED TO BOX LID(S) COUPLING NUT BONDING JUMPER ATTACHED TO BOX WALL EQUIPMENT GROUNDING SYSTEM TO GROUNDING TERMINAL OR CONNECTION TO Electrical Code (No. 8 minimum). sized in accordance with the National grounding electrode conductors shall be Equipment grounding conductors and conductors shall be copper. Except for the above, all grounding neutral bar in the service enclosure. secure the service neutral to the copper type ground connector shall be used to conductors, an approved Al-Cu pressure- ment. If the utility uses aluminum service Service ground per serving utility require- number of circuits contained. for each conduit, regardless of the Only one grounding conductor is required on the basis of the largest conductor. grounding conductor shall be determined contained in one conduit, the size of the If parallel circuits of different sizes are STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER39820YELIAB HPESOJ ERODOEHT SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER GROUNDING DETAILS TYPICAL STANDARD PLAN J-60.05-01 FROM SHEET 1 CONTINUED FROM SHEET 1 CONTINUED SECTION 38 38 BDRAWN BY: LISA CYFORD1128 4 222341 9 13 14 44 SECTION (PVC) APPLICATION RIGID PVC CONDUIT 40 8 (PVC) APPLICATION RIGID PVC CONDUIT CONDUIT (RMC) AND STEEL RIGID METAL COMBINED GALVANIZED 1128 4 222341 9 13 14 44 8 23 8 11 28 4 29 14 FRONT 8 34 1123 8 28 29 FRONT 13 13 34 8 13 11 11 22 22 4 13 13 14 14 13 31 A 14 B 41 41 41 14 13 8 9 13 41 13 13 14 2828 40 APPLICATION CONDUIT (PVC) (RMC) AND RIGID PVC RIGID METAL CONDUIT GALVANIZED STEEL ITS - COMBINED NO METALLIC CONDUCTORS FIBER OPTIC CABLE ONLY, RIGID PVC CONDUIT (PVC) APPLICATION. RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC)AND ITS - COMBINED GALVANIZED STEEL 14 FRONT 8 34 13 11 4 31 FRONT 8 11 394 5 3 43 13 1519 215 1414 13 PVC CONDUIT (PVC) APPLICATION RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) AND RIGID ITS - COMBINED GALVANIZED STEEL 8 9 40 FRONT 834 13 11 FRONT 8 11 39 3 43 1313 42 1525 215 40 ONLY - NO METALLIC CONDUCTORS APPLICATION FIBER OPTIC CABLE ITS - RIGID PVC CONDUIT (PVC) ITS - RIGID PVC CONDUIT (PVC) APPLICATION APPLICATION CONDUIT (PVC) ITS - RIGID PVC 4 2223 828 29 41 11 1123282241 29 8 30 30 OR 30 29 8 8 41 28 GROUND OR EXISTING TOP OF PAVEMENT GROUND OR EXISTING TOP OF PAVEMENT 8 4 8 4 13 SHOWN 26 OR 27 POSSIBLE PLANS ~ SEE CONTRACT SERVICE FROM DIFFERENT SERVICE FROM DIFFERENT 6 31 45 45 4531 6 45 45 12"36 12"112328 29 4 12 FRONT 12 34 8 11 22 4 FROM SHEET 1 CONTINUED 12 29 A 41 1128222341 1128 8 9 222341 (RMC) APPLICATION RIGID METAL CONDUIT ITS - GALVANIZED STEEL (RMC) APPLICATION METAL CONDUIT GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID 44 1128222341 10 1128 9 222341 44 40 FRONT 834 11 4 31 FRONT 8 11 394 3 43 42 5 1519 215 12 12 1212 12 METALLIC CONDUCTORS FIBER OPTIC CABLE ONLY - NO METAL CONDUIT (RMC) APPLICATION ITS - GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) APPLICATION ITS - GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID 4 4 1122284123 42929 8 8 40 8 10 8 8 4 4 8 4 8 4 45 6 4531 SERVICE FROM DIFFERENT A411 2221 OR 30 41 28 4 11 2221 29 OR 30 29 41 28 11 2221 374 41 28 4 11 2221 OR 30 29 37 29 OR 29 OR 21 22 11 37 2221 11 STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER39820YELIAB HPESOJ ERODOEHT SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER GROUNDING DETAILS TYPICAL STANDARD PLAN J-60.05-01 15 2525 17 18 18 18 3 8 17 20 21 24 24 1’ - 0" NOM. 16 24 3 SUPPLEMENTAL GROUND 1 17 B 2SERVICE GROUND2SERVICE GROUND DETAILDETAIL 6’ - 0" MIN. 1515 32 325 3 15(TYP.)15 FOR PARTS SEE KEY ON SHEET 1 MIN. 6"DRAWN BY: LISA CYFORDA SERVICE CABINET TYPE D A B 6 3 RIGID PVC CONDUIT (PVC) APPLICATION SEE PLAN J-10.10 STANDARD1"8 18 19 417 5 3 5 4 19 5 4 15 318 18 16 SERVICE GROUNDSUPPLEMENTAL GROUND 1 NOM. 1’ - 0" 20 21 19 15 17 C 2SERVICE GROUND DETAIL DETAIL D 6’ - 0" MIN. 1515 (TYP.) 32 3 3 15 MIN. 6" SERVICE CABINET TYPE D C D GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) APPLICATION 6 3 SEE PLAN J-10.10 STANDARD1"2 17 2 1 3 B 6’ - 0" MIN. 1515 A 6 C 6’ - 0" MIN. 1515 D GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) APPLICATION 4 RIGID PVC CONDUIT (PVC) APPLICATION 4 6 4 5 lug on grounding bushing. grounding conductor shall not be routed through Grounding electrode conductor and equipment Type B modified service cabinet of foundation only. cabinet shall be installed on raised surface Type B service cabinet and transformer on lower surface of foundation only. Type D service cabinet shall be installed concept for Type E cabinet or transformer. Type D service cabinet shown. Use this derived systems Required at all service and separately required in the plans direct burial aerial feeds, or where grounding for luminaire standards with Required to supplement equipment PLAN J-10.20 STANDARDSEE PLAN J-10.20 STANDARDSEE STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER39820YELIAB HPESOJ ERODOEHT 0::: w ::c ~ w ....1 11.. ~ ....1 0 (.) ~ z ~ 0 KEY CD CENTER PIPE (]) CHASE NIPPLE G) NIPPLE 4 CD SERRATED ELBOW @SERRATED OR FLANGED ELBOW @ REAMED TEE WITH SET SCREW (j) REAMED ELBOW WITH SET SCREW SIDE MOUNT TYPE A -PEDESTRIAN TYPE H -VEHICLE @ BRONZE TERMINAL COMPARTMENT WITH: • GASKETED COVER •FASTENERS •WIRE LEADS • MOUNTING SADDLE FOR SIDE MOUNTS ON ROUND/TAPERED POLES -OMIT SADDLE ON MULTI-SIDED POLES •1/4" (IN) DIAM. DRAIN HOLE •12-POSITION TERMINAL STRIP • WIREWAY FOR SIDE MOUNTS @ BRONZE COLLAR -4 1/4" (IN) I. D. OFFSET OPENING W/SET SCREWS @) ORNAMENT CAP @ NEOPRENE GASKET @WASHER @ CONDUIT LOCKNUT @ TYPE E HINGE CLAMSHELL MOUNT -LEFT OR RIGHT, SEE CONTRACT @ FASTENER WITH SPACER- •1/2" (IN) LAG SCREWS ON WOOD POLE •1/2" (IN) BOLTS TAPPED TO METAL POLE @ FLATHEAD SOCKET BOLT @ 1/2" (IN) INSERT HOLE FOR EXTERNAL WIRE ENTRANCE (REQUIRED ON TIMBER POLE MOUNTING ONLY) @ TERMINAL BLOCK AND PHENOLIC TAG @ INSULINER-1" (IN) MIN. DIAM. HOLE @SIGNAL HEAD WITH BACKPLATE @ FIELD DRILL POLE AND INSERT AN INSULINER OR SIMILAR DEVICE TO PROTECT CONDUCTORS 4 9 TOP MOUNT @ SIMILAR TO @ WITH BRONZE INTEGRAL COLLAR TYPE D • PEDESTRIAN -OFFSET BRONZE COLLAR TO FRONT @ 1/2" (IN) DIAM. x 3" (IN) LONG BOLT WITH WASHER OR VEHICLE (SHOWN)-OFFSET BRONZE COLLAR TO BACK 15 15 15 SIDE MOUNT TYPE B • PEDESTRIAN TYPE K-VEHICLE TOP 5 1/2" oc=Jo ELEVATION TYPEE MOUNTING DETAILS 18 16 TOP MOUNT TYPE C -PEDESTRIAN TYPE F -VEHICLE 14 (! (]::::::::::::::::. .:i __ ,i :: i i :~~::::::::::::~\ f~] ! i :!_ .. ! i i <::::::::::::::\.-' PEDESTRIAN HEAD SIDE MOUNT (LEFT SIDE SHOWN) TYPE E -COUNTDOWN LED PEDESTRIAN HEAD NOTES 1. See Contract for head type, mounting height, and orientation . 2. All nipples, fittings, and center pipes shall be 1 1/2" (in) diameter. 3. Install neoprene gasket inside head when flanged elbows are supplied. 4. Extend wire sheath a minimum of 1" (in) inside all signal and sign housings and terminal compartments. 5. Apply bead of silicone to the serrated ring and around the perimeter of all top openings prior to installation of fittings. 6. See Standard Specification 9-29.16 for backplate requirements. Where required, prismatic sheeting shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The application surface of the backplate shall be cleaned, degreased with isopropyl alcohol, and dried prior to application of the sheeting. 7. Drill a 1/4" (in) drain hole in the bottom of each signal display assembly, and one in the bottom of each pedestrian head. When signal display assembly is mounted horizontally, drill a 1/4" (in) drain hole at the lowest point of each section of the signal assembly. SIGNAL HEAD MOUNTING DETAILS -POLE AND POST TOP MOUNTINGS STANDARD PLAN .J-75.10-02 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation 0:: w ::c ~ w ....1 L1.. ~ ~ ....1 0 (.) ~ ~ c KEY CD END CAP CD 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT LOCKNUT @ 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CHASE NIPPLE G) STEEL WASHER @ NEOPRENE GASKET @ BRONZE SERRATED ELL FITTING WITH: I ARM MOUNT TYPEL • 3/8" (IN) STAINLESS STEEL THROUGH BOLT AND NUTS • THREE STAINLESS STEEL SET SCREWS AT SLIPFITTER CONNECTION • THREE ALLEN HEAD STAINLESS STEEL SET SCREWS AT CONDUIT NIPPLE CONNECTION (J) SERRATED RING WITH PINS @ HEX LOCKNUT WITH: • TWO ALLEN HEAD STAINLESS STEEL SET SCREWS • PIN RECEPTACLES ® 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT NIPPLE @ 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. HEX LOCKNUT @ MOUNTING ASSEMBLY @ BRONZE ELEVATOR PLUMBIZER WITH 3/8" (IN) STAINLESS STEEL THROUGH BOLT, WASHERS, AND TWO NUTS @ ALUMINUM ARM WITH SET SCREW @ SLOTTED TUBE WITH CLOSURE STRIP @ 2 1/2" (IN) I.D. MIN. TUBE CLAMP @ INTERNALLY THREADED CLAMP ASSEMBLY WITH: • TWO SET SCREWS • 1/2" (IN) x 0.045" (IN) STAINLESS STEEL BANDS • 7/16" (IN) SCREW BUCKLES WITH SWIVELS, NUTS, AND WASHERS • BAND CLIPS WITH ALLEN HEAD STAINLESS STEEL SET SCREWS @ BRONZE MESSENGER HANGER WITH: • 1/2" (IN) DIAM. J-BOL TS • CABLE LOCK BAR •RIVET •COTTER KEY @ BRONZE INTERNALLY THREADED WIRE ENTRANCE WITH: • BUSHING INSERT OR RUBBER GROMMET • ALLEN HEAD STAINLESS STEEL SET SCREW @ BRONZE BALANCE ADJUSTER (WHERE REQUIRED) @MULTI-HEAD MOUNTING ASSEMBLY @ LOWER ARM ASSEMBLY @ SERRATED RING WITH NO PINS @ SERRATED WASHER @ 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. SERRATED OR FLANGED ELBOW 2 @ CENTER SUPPORT WITH 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. HUBS WITH COVER AND GASKET @ 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. SERRATED COUPLING @ 1 1/2" (IN) BREAKAWAY TETHER ASSEMBLY WITH OPTIONAL EXTENDER BAR @ SERRATED CROSS ARM MOUNT TYPE LE ARM MOUNT TYPEN ARM MOUNT TYPEM ARM MOUNT TYPE M-5S (TYPE M WITH 5-SECTION HEAD) HOUSING FIXTURE CONNECTION DETAIL NOTES 1. Type M mounting shall have "0" ring groove and seal on top and bottom of signal attachment. 2. Type M mounting for conventional heads shall have a 2" (in) diameter opening at the signal attachment. 3. Type M mounting for optically programmed heads shall have a 3 1/2" (in) diameter opening at the signal attachment. 4. Type N mounting with optically programmed heads shall be installed with 14" (in) nominal arms. 5. See Standard Plan J-75.30 for tether wire and backplate requirements. 6. Apply bead of silicone around the perimeter of all top end cap openings prior to installation of the end cap assembly. 7. See Standard Specification 9-29.16 for backplate requirements. Where required, prismatic sheeting shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The application surface of the backplate shall be cleaned, degreased with isopropyl alcohol, and dried prior to application of the sheeting. 8. Drill a 1/4" (in) drain hole in the bottom of each signal assembly. When signal display assembly is mounted horizontally, drill a 1/4" (in) drain hole at the lowest point of each section of the signal assembly. NOTE: BACKPLATES NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY SIGNAL HEAD MOUNTING DETAILS -MAST ARM AND SPAN WIRE MOUNTINGS STANDARD PLAN .J-75.20-01 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation 0:: w ::c ~ w ....1 L1.. ~ ....1 0 (.) ~ ~ c SPAN WIRE TYPE P (1 HEAD) SPAN WIRE TYPE P-55 (TYPE P WITH 5-SECTION HEAD) SPAN WIRE TYPE Q (2 HEADS) TYPER (3 HEADS) TYPES (4 HEADS) NOTE: BACKPLATES NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY SIGNAL HEAD MOUNTING DETAILS -MAST ARM AND SPAN WIRE MOUNTINGS STANDARD PLAN .J-75.20-01 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation KEY CD METAL OR TIMBER POLE (]) 2" (IN) x 3/16" (IN) S.S. TETHER WIRE BAND WITH TWO EACH: • 3/8" (IN)-16 NC x 3/4" (IN) S.S. HEX HEAD BOLT • LOCK WASHERS AND NUTS @ 5/16" (IN) EYE AND EYE TURNBUCKLE G) 3/8" (IN) MILD STEEL S-HOOK @ 1/8" (IN) S.S. WIRE ROPE CLAMP (U-BOLT TYPE) @ 1/8" (IN) S.S. TETHER WIRE (j) 1 1/2" (IN) BREAKAWAY TETHER ASSEMBLY WITH OPTIONAL EXTENDER BAR @ SIGNAL HEAD ® 6 x 8.2 LB/FT CHANNEL @)TWO EACH: SPAN WIRE MOUNT MAST ARM MOUNT • 1/2" (IN)-13 NC x 2 1/2" (IN) S.S. HEX HEAD BOLT • LOCK WASHERS (DRILL AND TAP POLE TOACCEPn @ WIREWAY (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEEn @METAL POLE @CABINET @ END BUSHING @ SEALING LOCKNUT @ WIRE ROPE THIMBLE @ CABINET WALL DRILLED 1/8" (IN) OVERSIZE OF NIPPLE @ CHANNEL DRILLED 1/8" (IN) OVERSIZE OF NIPPLE @ 2" (IN) DIAM. x 4" (IN) NIPPLE (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) @ POLE WALL DRILLED SO BUSHING WILL PASS THROUGH - HOLE SIZE TO BE A MAXIMUM OF 1/8" (IN) LARGER DIAMETER THAN THE CONDUIT NIPPLE END BUSHING -INSTALL NIPPLE IN POLE WITH BUSHING INSTALLED @ 6063 EXTRUDED ALUMINUM FRAME BLANK OUT SIGN WITH VISOR @ LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) BLANK OUT SIGN INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS 26" 21 .I 8 7 TETHER WIRE DETAIL ISOMETRIC VIEW ~ 12 @ TRANSLUCENT PLEXIGLASS SIGN FACE -SEE CONTRACT FOR LEGEND @ 1 1/2" (IN) CAST IRON HUB WITH 5/16" (IN) PIN AND COTTER KEY PLAN VIEW 21 @ SPAN WIRE MOUNT ASSEMBLY WITH: • 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT LOCKNUT • 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT NIPPLE • BRONZE MESSENGER HANGER WITH: -1/2" (IN) DIAM. J-BOL TS -CABLE LOCK BAR -RIVET -COTTER KEY • BRONZE INTERNALLY THREADED WIRE ENTRANCE WITH: -BUSHING INSERT -ALLEN HEAD S.S. SET SCREW @ ARM MOUNT ASSEMBLY WITH: • 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT LOCKNUT • BRONZE SERRATED ELL FITTING WITH: -3/8" (IN) S.S. THROUGH BOLT AND NUTS -THREE S.S. SET SCREWS AT SLIPFITTER CONNECTION -THREE ALLEN HEAD S.S. SET SCREWS AT CONDUIT NIPPLE CONNECTION • 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT NIPPLE • SERRATED RING WITH NO PINS @ SIDE POLE MOUNT ASSEMBLY WITH: • 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT LOCKNUT • 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. CONDUIT NIPPLE • SERRATED RING WITH NO PINS @ 1 1/2" (IN) SERRATED ELBOW @ 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. NIPPLE (DRILL AND TAP POLE TO ACCEPn @TWO EACH: • 1/2" (IN) -20 NF x 3/4" (IN) S.S. HEX HEAD BOLT • LOCK WASHERS (DRILL AND TAP POLE TO ACCEPn @ MOUNTING BRACKET @LOCKNUT LEGEND: S.S. "STAINLESS STEEL DRAWN BY: COLBY FLETCHER 24 ELEVATION VIEW I ~/ ~j SIDE POLE MOUNT ISOMETRIC VIEW INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS ® (f) C(0 c;v ~(;!) SCOOP FULL CIRCLE TUNNEL g~~O~~ ANGLE VISORS PERSPECTIVE VIEWS 45° SHOWN -SEE CONTRACT PLANS FOR ANGLE AND LENGTH "L" TO METAL OR TIMBER POLE 17 ::c 1/8" (IN) DRAIN HOLE 19 WIREWAY DETAIL ISOMETRIC VIEW 10 10 SECTION 0 ELEVATION VIEW CABINET MOUNTING DETAILS NOTES 1. Backplates shall be installed 14 with stainless steel screws and stainless steel washers. 2. Silicone top of channel and around nipples at openings into pole. 3. Breakaway tether extender bar shall extend one hole and one flat past tether wire. 1" (TYP.) RETRO-REFLECTIVE YELLOW TAPE -SEE -- STD. SPEC. 9-29.16 BACKPLATE DETAIL 8" (IN) OR 12" (IN) SECTIONS 8" (IN) SECTION X" 5 1/2" (IN) ± 1/2" (IN) 12" (IN) SECTION X = 5 1/2" (IN) ± 1/2" (IN) MISCELLANEOUS SIGNAL DETAILS STANDARD PLAN J-75.30-02 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation PULL BOX STANDARD PLAN J-90.10-03 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS NOTES 1. 3' - 8" 3' - 2"2' - 2"2' - 8"HEAVY DUTY LID SEE NOTE 1 5" MIN. TOP 3' - 0" 1' - 10"3' - 6"1' - 0"1' - 6"6"6"1/8 ISOMETRIC CUTAWAY (SHOWN WITH STANDARD DUTY LID) 3' - 8"2' - 8"DRAWN BY: LISA CYFORDPULL BOX ASSEMBLY 1 2 2 2' - 0"4 1/2"1' - 6" VIEW (LID NOT SHOWN) SECTION A B C SECTION B C A OF LID TO BOTTOM ASSISTED HINGED, SPRING STANDARD DUTY LID ~ SEE DETAIL S. S. BRIDLE RING ~ 1 1/2" (IN) DIAMETER (TYPICAL) 5/8" (IN) DIAM. THREADED INSERT (SEE NOTE 8) DIAMOND PATTERN (SEE NOTE 2) GROUND STUD (SEE NOTE 4) PATTERN DIAMOND (SEE NOTE 2) IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (SEE NOTE 6) GROUND STUD (SEE NOTE 4) RING AND LOCK RECESSED LIFTING CORNER (4 REQUIRED) IRON - 1 @ EACH GALVANIZED PULLING KNOCKOUT GROUND ROD (TYPICAL 4 PLACES) TO THE RE-BAR FRAME FOR TYING CORED HOLES IN BONDING JUMPER USE HOLE FOR 1/2-13 S. S. BOLT DRILL & TAP FOR ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND COAT LIBERALLY WITH PLACE 120° APART S. S. PENTA BOLTS DRILL & TAP FOR 1/2-13 EQUIPMENT BONDING JUMPER (SEE NOTE 5) 2 1/2" (IN) DIAM. DRAIN HOLE 6" (IN) DIAM. SUMP WITH CHANNEL (TYP.) 1 5/8" (IN) SLOTTED RACK ~ TYPE 304 S. S. HARDWARE MOUNTING 3. 4. 5. 2" (IN) DIAMETER LIFT HOLE ~ 1" (IN) TO SEE NOTE 1 (TYP.) KNOCKOUT 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. BOX LID 2. STEEL TO FRAME AND REINFORCING LEAD GROUND ROD BONDED GROUND INSERT WITH STEEL LENGTH THREADED BRASS 1/4-20 UNC × 1 11/16" (IN) MIN. 1 LOCKING COVER RING AND DUCTILE IRON 25" (IN) DIAM. CAST IRON (SEE NOTE 4) GROUND STUD 1 1' - 0" 3 3 SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION (SEE NOTE 6) AGENCY LOGO (SEE DETAIL, SHEET 2) (TYP.) LIFT HOLE conduit installation. #3 reinforcing bar shall be capable of being bent out of the way and restored, to allow for inserts, and concrete. The lid is an assembly consisting of the metal lid and frame, reinforcing steel, brass ground dimensions and the actual arrangement. Pull Box assembly will vary. Refer to the approved manufacturer's shop drawings for all This drawing depicts a typical Pull Box assembly. Reinforcing not shown. Each manufacturer's Conduit Capacity = 40 inches (sum total of all conduit diameters). Plastic plugs shall be put into the lid inserts after fabrication and the lid installation. Cement concrete shall be Class 4000. high x 3/16" (in) thick, flat area for lifting purposes. for additional details. Ductile iron lids shall also provide a minimum 1 1/2" (in) wide x 3 1/2" Standard Specification section 9-29.2(4) and COVER MARKING DETAILbe recessed. See be formed by casting or with a mild steel weld bead. Cover marking for ductile iron lids shall System identification letters shall use 1/8" (in) wide lines. Cover marking for steel lids shall copper. The bonding jumper between the lid and frame shall be #8 AWG (min.) x 4' (ft) tinned braided grounding and bonding details. forStandard Plan J-90.50shall include (3) S. S. nuts and (2) S. S. flat washers. See 5/8" (in) diameter cored hole in the ductile iron lid gusset as a ground stud. All ground studs anti-sieze compound. For Heavy Duty Lids, install a 1/2-13 UNC × 1 1/4" (in) S. S. bolt in a For Standard Duty Lids, attach a 1/4-20 UNC × 1" (in) S. S. ground stud, coated with shall be placed prior to galvanizing. of manufacture. The marking shall use 1/8" (in) thick lines formed with a weld bead, and indicating the type of surface treatment (see Contract Documents for details) and the year Slip-resistant lids shall be identified with a permanent marking on the underside of the lid, Minimum lid thickness shown. The diamond pattern shall be a minimum of 3/32" (in) thick. c.) Such that it is flush with the surface of the new overlay, when a new overlay is specified b.) 6" (in) for existing boxes with no roadway overlay a.) 9" (in) for all new installations The Heavy Duty Lid thickness varies by installation type:STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERYE LEEN .J WEHTTAM 46597 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER PULL BOX STANDARD PLAN J-90.10-03 D 6" ISOMETRIC CUTAWAY VIEW D BRIDLE RING DETAIL (SHOWN WITH HEAVY DUTY LID) LOGO DETAIL 9" DIAMETER 1 VERIFYFIELDVERIFY FIELD (TYP.) MIN. 1 HEAVY DUTY LID (SEE NOTE 1) CONCRETE PRIOR TO CASTING BOTTOM / WALL ROUGHENED SURFACE REQUIRED CENTERLINE SYMMETRICAL ABOUT STEEL REINFORCING (TYP. OF 4 PLACES) 6" BOTH ENDS 7.53" (TYP.) #3 REINFORCING BAR (TYP.) DUCTILE IRON LID GUSSETS DRILL INTO OR THROUGH DRILL OR TAP ~ DO NOT CORED HOLE ~ DO NOT SEE DETAIL BRIDLE RING ~ 1/2" (IN) - 13 HOLE IN FRAME FLANGE, DRILL AND TAP GROUND STUD - THREAD INTO PREDRILLED (SEE NOTE 4) BAR (TYP.) SPLICED #3 REINFORCING (SEE NOTE 12) BAR (TYP.) #3 REINFORCING (SEE NOTE 12) COMMERCIALLY) (FABRICATE IF NOT AVAILABLE S. S. 1/4" (IN) DIAM. WIRE SIZE 1 1/2" (IN) DIAM. BRIDLE RING ~ SEE NOTE 6 ~~1" (TYP.) 1/2" (TYP.) 1" (TYP.)~~ IT S IT S 1/4" CLEAR ALL AROUND COVER MARKING DETAILPULL BOX, SHEET 1, FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN PULL BOXSEE SEE NOTE 4 WITH ROUGHENED EDGES FACTORY CAST BLOCK OUT BOX LID REINFORCING STEEL BONDED TO FRAME AND WITH STEEL LEAD GROUND ROD THREADED BRASS GROUND INSERT 1/4-20 UNC × 1 11/16" (IN) MIN. LENGTH 1 1 OPEN BOTTOM PULL BOX ASSEMBLY * STAINLESS STEEL (S.S.) TYPE 304 OR TYPE 316 ASTM F593 OR A193, BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS ~ DRAWN BY: LISA CYFORDC SECTION C 2" CLEAR (TYP.) REINFORCING BAR TO END OF 1" MIN. (TYP.) 2"MAX.STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEERYE LEEN .J WEHTTAM 46597 APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation 1. 4’36’6’34’ BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 4’36’6’34’ BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 4’36’ BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT 6’34’3’3’ 3’3’ 3’3’ ARROW (TYP.) TEMPORARY TURN TWO-LANE ROADWAY ONE-WAY TWO-LANE ROADWAY TWO-WAY TWO-LANE LEFT TURN ROADWAY SHORT DURATION MARKING ~ TEMPORARY PAVEMENT STANDARD PLAN K-70.20-01 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETDRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLHOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT YELLOW TRPM (TYP.) YELLOW TRPM (TYP.) WHITE TRPM (TYP) for passing zones. and "PASS WITH CARE" signs shall be included For Hot Mix Asphalt Paving projects ~ "DO NOT PASS" NOTE (TYP.) OR PAINTED CENTER LINE YELLOW TEMPORARY TAPE (TYP.) OR PAINTED CENTER LINE WHITE TEMPORARY TAPE (TYP.) OR PAINTED CENTER LINE YELLOW TEMPORARY TAPE STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER29115 TEBSIN .C NHOJ ....I ....I w 0 0 ::i z 0::: w u. ;;.: CD I 0 Cl) 0 0::: <( 00 -, 0::: <( (/) :!!: (/) 0 0::: () TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN CENTER LINE SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH OF STORAGE LANE 50' i i 1 16' I i----i ....I :::::100· SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH OF STORAGE LANE 50' E + 50' :::::25' WIDE LANE LINE WHITE EDGE LINE DOUBLE CENTERLINE (YELLOW) (NARROW PATTERN) 500' MAX. i i 1 16' I tTYF~.j LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION IN TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE ....I APPROACH TAPER (SEE CONTRACT) WHITE EDGE LINE DOUBLE CENTERLINE (YELLOW) (NARROW PATTERN) TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANE TRANSITION ....I 50' E OPTIONAL DOTTED EXTENSION LINE YELLOW EDGE LINE WIDE LANE LINE DOUBLE CENTERLINE (YELLOW) (NARROW PATTERN) PAINTED OR PLASTIC MEDIAN -SEE DETAIL LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION IN PAINTED MEDIAN TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN CENTERLINE Cl) 0 0::: <( 00 z ffi -Cl) :!!: 0 0::: () NOTES CENTERLINE STRIPE (SEE NOTES) 1. The channelization shown on this plan assumes optimal roadway geometric design. The dimensions may vary to fit existing conditions. See Contract. 2. The channelization shown on this plan is for a two-lane highway. The channelization plan may be used on four-lane undivided highways with the appropriate considerations. 3. Centerline striping on the approach to raised channelization shall be No Pass in accordance with MUTCD figure 38-15. Centerline striping on the departure from raised channelization shall be determined by an engineering study. 4. Centerline srtiping on the approach to and departure from painted channelization shall be determined by an engineering study. 5. Centerline striping on four-lane undivided highways shall be a double centerline . 6. The two Type 2L (SL) Traffic Arrows shown in the left-turn storage lane are optional, but recommended. Arrows may be added for longer storage lanes or deleted for shorter storage lanes. See Contract Plans. POSTED DIMENSION SPEED E0 60MPH 180' 55 MPH 180' 50MPH 180' 45MPH 180' 40MPH 120' 35MPH 120' 30MPH 120' 25MPH 120' 20MPH 120' 0 Can be reduced to a minimum of 50' to increase storage capacity. LEGEND L = Lane Width. See Contract for specified lane widths. LT= Left -Turn Lane width. See Contract ~ Type 2L (SL) Traffic Arrow zr« DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC YELLOW CROSSHATCH MARKING YELLOW EDGE LINE V ~ 1)/v-<_ Sep 23 2020 2:03 PM ~ t /. I / / Walsh, Brian 20' MIN. 40' MAX. DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC PAINTED OR PLASTIC MEDIAN COMPOSED OF LONGITUDINAL MARKINGS YELLOW EDGE LINE TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN AND MEDIAN CHANNELIZATION STANDARD PLAN M-3.40-04 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION ~~,-----STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ... VI Washington State Department of Transportation (EXI VARIES 60' MIN. 50' 50' ....I VARIES WIDE LANE LINE DOTTED EXTENSION LINE 50' VARIES WIDE LANE LINE SEE CONTRACT APPROACH TAPER (SEE CONTRACT) D DOTTED EXTENSION LINE WHITE EDGE LINE LANE LINE DOUBLE-LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION WITH RIGHT TURN POCKET APPROACH TAPER (SEE CONTRACT) D LANE LINE CENTERLINE STRIPE -SEE NOTES DOUBLE CENTERLINE (YELLOW) (NARROW PATTERN) NOTES 1. The channelization shown on this plan assumes optimal roadway geometric design. The dimensions may vary to fit existing conditions. See Contract. 2. The channelization shown on this plan is for a two lane highway. The channelization plan may be used on four lane undivided highways with the appropriate consideratiions. 3. Centerline striping on the approach to raised channelization shall be No Pass in accordance with MUTCD Figure 38-15. Centerline striping on the departure from raised channelization shall be determined by an engineering study. 4. Centerline striping on the approach to and departure from painted channelization shall be determined by an engineering study. 5. Centerline striping on four lane undivided highways shall be double centerline. 6. All turn traffic arrows are optional, but recommended. Arrows may be added for longer storage lanes or deleted for shorter storage lanes. See Contract Plans. LEGEND L = Lane width. See Contract LT = Left-Turn lane width. See Contract ~ Type 2L (SL) Traffic Arrow ~ Type 2R (SR) Traffic Arrow STOPPING POINT ....I ....I w Cl Cl :::i z c:: w u. > CD I Cl TG~~ cl~~ ~====-cr-c±==~=========-cr-=""1 · · · - · - - --- - - - - - - - - --·-· ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· .·-I ·-·----~----·-· DOTTED EXTENSION LINE CENTERLINE STRIPE -SEE NOTES LANE LINE ..g-I DOTTED EXTENSION LINE DOUBLE-LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION WHITE EDGE LINE DOUBLE CENTERLINE (YELLOW) (NARROW PATTERN) VARIES -EQUAL SPACING VARIES -EQUAL SPACING 50' ....I OPTIONAL DOTTED EXTENSION LINE APPROACH TAPER (SEE CONTRACT) WHITE EDGE LINE PAINTED OR PLASTIC TRAFFIC DIVIDER -SEE DETAIL SINGLE LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION FACING OPPOSING DOUBLE LEFT TURNS CENTERLINE STRIPE -SEE NOTES DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC POSTED SPEED 60MPH 55MPH 50MPH 45MPH 40MPH 35MPH 30MPH 25MPH 20MPH D 420' 385' 350' 315' 280' 245' 210' 175' 140' WHITE CROSSHATCH MARKINGS 20' MIN. 40' MAX. WIDE LANE LINE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC PAINTED OR PLASTIC TRAFFIC DIVIDER COMPOSED OF LONGITUDINAL MARKINGS ~ t ,. J / / Walsh, Brian V--{)./v--<__ Sep 23 2020 3:44 PM cnsian DOUBLE LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION STANDARD PLAN M-3.50-03 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION ~ STATE DES--,-IG,-,N E,--N.,,-GIN--cE=ER,-------.... VI Washington State Department of Transportation (EXI APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET 1 2 3 KEY NOTES 6’ - 0"1’ - 0"2’ - 8"3’ - 0"3" 6" LAYOUT BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL DETAIL BIKE LANE ARROW GENERAL NOTEDRAWN BY: MARK SUJKA4.25 SQ.FT. MARKING AREATRAFFIC1 BIKE LANE EDGE OF 2 LANE BICYCLE ‘ 3 6’ - 0"6’ - 0"6’ - 0"10.27 SQ.FT. TOTAL MARKING AREA 6’ - 0"3’ - 4" DETAIL BIKE RIDER SYMBOL 6.02 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA STANDARD PLAN M-9.50-02 LAYOUT BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL See Contract for location and material requirements. GRID IS 1" (IN) SQUARE LANE LINE Bike Rider Symbol. 2’ (ft) x 6’ (ft) White Bike Lane Arrow. Bike Rider Symbol. includes Bike Lane Arrow and Bid Item "Bicycle Lane Symbol" STATE DESIGN ENGINEERSTATEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER36103 HSLAW .J NAIRB APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER Washington State Department of Transportation STANDARD PLAN M-11.10-03 LAYOUT RAILROAD CROSSING SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS LAYOUT 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 50 Ft. 100 Ft. 150 Ft. 225 Ft. 300 Ft. 375 Ft. 450 Ft. 550 Ft. 650 Ft.1EDGE LINE (SEE TABLE)DSTOP LINE EDGE LINE (SEE TABLE)DSTOP LINE ~~~~* * DMPH CENTERLINE ROADWAY LANE LINE OR CENTERLINE ROADWAY LANE LINE OR STANDARD SYMBOL 1 = 109.75 SQ.FT. (PER 12' (FT) WIDE LANE) TOTAL MARKING AREADRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLSEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 2 GENERAL NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. ` ROADWAY SEE NOTE 11SEE NOTE 1SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 2SEE NOTE 3SEE NOTE 324' - 0"31' - 0"16' - 0"20' - 0"16' - 0"20' - 0"24' - 0"31' - 0"15' - 0" (MIN.)15' - 0" MIN.)LAYOUT ALTERNATIVE R RRR (SEE CONTRACT) ARE APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS SHOWN and W10-1 sign information See contract for location, material requirements, imately 8' (ft) from RR gate. rail. If gate is present, place stop line approx- Place Stop Line 15' (ft) minimum from nearest 24" (in) white transverse line. transverse lines. "X" symbol, letters, and two 24" (in) white Bid Item "Railroad Crossing Symbol" includes W10-1 (B/Y)W10-1 (B/Y) STOP LINE EDGE LINE STOP LINE RAIL 6' - 0" FROM NEAREST (OPTIONAL) 4" WIDE PAVEMENT MARKING DYNAMIC ENVELOPE ~ DETAIL RR CROSSING (TRACKS OMITTED FOR CLARITY) 1 = 111.59 SQ.FT. (PER 12' (FT) WIDE LANE) TOTAL MARKING AREA SEE NOTE 315' (MIN.)STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER36103 HSLAW .J NAIRB SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER1' - 8"` LANE 6' - 8" 1' - 8" 8' - 0"20' - 0"6' - 0"20' - 0"7' - 0"7' - 0"` LANE 1' - 4" (TYP.)1' - 4" (TYP.) SYMBOL DETAIL 1' - 8"6' - 0"4' - 0"4' - 0" STANDARD PLAN M-11.10-03 LAYOUT RAILROAD CROSSING "R" DETAIL 6' - 0"1' - 2" GRID IS 1" (IN) SQUARE DETAIL ALTERNATIVE SYMBOLDRAWN BY: FERN LIDDELLSTANDARD SYMBOL DETAILS STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER36103 HSLAW .J NAIRB ....I ....I UJ Cl Cl :::i z 0:: UJ LL ;;.: cc I Cl 10' 30' -·1-· 10' ·1-· -l~ .. l .. l "" l ~--..,,,.~---~, --------\ YELLOW-=RLINE, CENTERLINE & LANE LINE WHITE -LANE LINE 10' l 30' 10' YELLOW NO-PASS LINE & TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN CENTERLINE 10' 10' l 30' 10' l l -~j ~: -,-:~~ . ~ -~~ --------YELLOW ~ REVERSIBLE LANE LINE l 30' l 10' l "\ I 00 t \~ITE WIDE BROKEN LANE LINE SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH ----------------\ YELLOW OR WHITE -SEE NOTE 2 EDGE LINE & SOLID LANE LINE NOTES 1. Dotted Extension Line shall be the same color as the line it is extending. 2. Edge Line shall be white on the right edge of traveled way, and yellow on the left edge of traveled way (on one-way roadways). Solid Lane Line shall be white. 3. The distance between the lines of the Double Centerline shall be 12" everywhere, except 4" for left-turn channelization and narrow roadways with lane widths of 10 feet or less. Local Agencies (on non-state routes) may specify a 4" distance for all locations. The distance between the lines of the Double Lane Line shall be 4". I SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH DOUBLE CENTERLINE & DOUBLE LANE LINE SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH YELLOW -DBL. CENTERLINE, WHITE -DBL. LANE LINE ~~I _________ :-s __ \ WHITE WIDE EDGE LINE & WIDE SOLID LANE LINE OPTION TO USE AS Cl RC ULA TORY ON ROUNDABOUT APPLICATIONS 1· SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH .c ~tc DOUBLE WIDE LANE LINE WHITE SEE CONTRACT FOR LENGTH Cl~ ____ \ ___ \ YELLOW BARRIER CENTERLINE V--()./v-,<.__ Sep 23 2020 3:46 PM ~ t 1. / / / Walsh, Brian LONGITUDINAL MARKING PATTERNS STANDARD PLAN M-20.10-03 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION ~~=,,-----STATE DESIGN ENGINEER .... VI Washington State Department of Transportation (EXI ....I ....I w 0 0 :::i z 0:: w LL .. l 3' l 9' l 3' l 9' l 3' l "'" t \Mil~;: I ~ DOTTED LANE LINE ··fl 6• fl 6• fl··. YELLOW OR IM<ITE -' = _____ c=J_~~ SEE NOTE 1 DOTTED EXTENSION LINE Roundabout Specific Lines 3' -O" 2' O" 3' -O" "'l l -l l" ~I ~I ~~==::f-12·· WIDE DOTTED ENTRY LINE WHITE l 4' -O" l 3' -O" l 4' -O" l 3' -O" .. .. l 3' l 9' l 3' l 9' l 3' l 9' l 3' l 9' l3'l~ ~-= WIDE DOTTED LANE LINE 6' -O" 6' -O" 6' -O" 6'-O" 6' -O" ·· ·_· -·1-· _·_· _·_· -·1-· -r · ~ l __ s" WIDE DOTTED EXTE_N_S-IO_N_LI_N_E____________ ~ WHITE .. ·1_· 6-· l 3 ·1_· 6-· l 3' l 60 l" ___:_____J__ ----~ J~WORIM<ITE STRONG LANE LINE -SEE NOTE 1 OPTION TO USE AS CIRCULATORY ON ROUNDABOUT APPLICATIONS l 4' -O" l .. 8" p' t 1. / / / Walsh, Brian V.--{)/v-,c._ Sep 23 2020 3:50 PM LONGITUDINAL MARKING PATTERNS STANDARD PLAN M-20.10-03 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION ~~,-----STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ... WIDE DOTTED CIRCULATING LANE LINE WHITE VI Washington State Department of Transportation (EXI SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET SIDE VIEW 4"4"23"23"4"23"4"23"4"4"4" 10’ - 0" TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 4"4"23"23"4"23"4"4" TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW 4"20"4"4"4"4"10"10" 2’ - 0"3’ - 0" TOP VIEW TOP VIEW DETAILW EMBOSSED PLASTIC FOR: PROFILED PLASTICFOR:PROFILED PLASTIC W 500 MILS MIN. SECTION 90 MILS MIN. 4" 3 1/2" 500 MILS MIN. DETAIL PERSPECTIVE VIEW DOUBLE WIDE LANE LINE ~ W = 8" REVERSIBLE LANE LINE ~ W = 4" WIDE BROKEN LANE LINE ~ W = 8" A GENERAL NOTE (SOLID LINE)(BROKEN LINE) (SOLID OR BROKEN LINE) (BROKEN LINE) NO-PASS LINE & TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN CENTERLINE~ W = 4" EDGE LINE & SOLID LANE LINE ~ W = 4" 100 TO 300 MILS 15 TO 30 MILS160 MILS MIN.4"SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW 1" (TYP.)~~ NO-PASS LINE ~ W = 4" WIDE LANE LINE & WIDE LINE ~ W = 8" 1/4"160 MILS MIN. 15 TO 30 MILS FOR: (SOLID OR BROKEN LINE) SIDE VIEW 500 MILS MIN. 1/4"1/4"1/4"160 MILS MIN. 15 TO 30 MILS 100 TO 300 MILS 500 MILS MIN. 4"0" TO 2" 23" 4"0" TO 2"0" TO 2" TOP VIEW ~~ 1" ~~»¿ DRAWN BY: COLBY FLETCHERSTANDARD PLAN M-20.20-02 PLASTIC LINES PROFILED AND EMBOSSED Standard Plan M-20.10 for pattern and color requirements.See FOR:W TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN CENTERLINE ~ W = 4" BARRIER CENTERLINE ~ W = 20" DOUBLE CENTERLINE & DOUBLE LANE LINE ~ W = 4" CENTERLINE & LANE LINE ~ W = 4" NO-PASS LINE & TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN CENTERLINE REVERSIBLE LANE LINE EDGE LINE & SOLID LANE LINE CENTERLINE & LANE LINE DOUBLE CENTERLINE & DOUBLE LANE LINE 1 1 1 1 1 A B B A A A4"W~~»¿ NO-PASS LINE EDGE LINE & SOLID LANE LINE REVERSIBLE LANE LINECENTERLINE & LANE LINE TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN CENTERLINE DOUBLE CENTERLINE & DOUBLE LANE LINE ~~ 1"~~ 1"~~ 1"~~ 1"4"NOT TO SCALE PROFILED PLASTIC PROFILED EMBOSSED PLASTIC WIDE DOTTED LANE LINE ~ W = 8" (W - 1/2") DOTTED LANE LINE ~ W = 4" DOTTED EXTENSION LINE APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER 36103 HSLAW .J NAIRB STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER DRAWN BY: COLBY FLETCHER5’ - 0"5’ - 8"8’ - 0"1’ - 3" ‘ & LANE SYMBOL 4" 8" TRAFFIC ARROW TYPE 3SR (RIGHT) TRAFFIC ARROW TYPE 1S TRAFFIC ARROW TYPE 2SR (RIGHT) (SHOWN AT REDUCED SCALE) TYPE 2SL TRAFFIC ARROW MIRROR IMAGE OF (SHOWN AT REDUCED SCALE) TYPE 3SL TRAFFIC ARROW MIRROR IMAGE OF NOTE 8’ - 0"2’ - 8"3’ - 0"1’ - 0"8"8"2’ - 4"1’ - 6" AXIS ELLIPSE "A" 1’ - 4" 1’ - 2" 1’ - 2" 10" ~ ELLIPSE "B" AXIS ELLIPSE "A" TYPE 2SL (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW 8’ - 0"2’ - 8"3’ - 0"1’ - 0"8"8" 1’ - 6"1’ - 2" 10" ~ ELLIPSE "B" AXIS 1’ - 4" 1’ - 2" 1’ - 0" 2’ - 4" ELLIPSE "B" AXIS ELLIPSE "A" TRAFFIC ARROW TYPE 4S 2’ - 4"13’ - 4"2’ - 8"3’ - 0"1’ - 0"8"8" 1’ - 6" AXIS ELLIPSE "A" 1’ - 2" 10" ~ ELLIPSE "B" AXIS 4’ - 1"4’ - 7"TYPE 3SL (LEFT) TRAFFIC ARROW 7.73 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA 8.03 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA 14.83 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA 12.86 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA STANDARD PLAN M-24.40-02 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS ELLIPSE "B" OF ELLIPSES CENTER POINT 7.73 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA 14.83 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA GRID IS 4" (IN) SQUARE ‘SYMBOL & LANE 3’ - 8"ELLIPSE "A" AXIS2’ - 0"ELLIPSE "B" AXIS‘ & LANE SYMBOL GRID IS 4" (IN) SQUARE OF ELLIPSES CENTER POINT 1’ - 4" 1’ - 2" ELLIPSE "A" ELLIPSE "B" 8" 1’ - 8"8"1’ - 0"3’ - 8"ELLIPSE "A" AXIS2’ - 0"ELLIPSE "B" AXISGRID IS 4" (IN) SQUARE OF ELLIPSES CENTER POINT SYMMETRICAL ABOUT ‘2’ - 4"3’ - 8"ELLIPSE "A" AXIS2’ - 0"ELLIPSE "B" AXIS‘ & LANE SYMBOL ELLIPSE "A" being placed on roadways with a posted speed limit of 40 mph or lower. Use the dimensions shown on this plan for each type of Traffic Arrow LOW-SPEED ROADWAYS TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR SYMBOL MARKINGS ~ APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER 36103 HSLAW .J NAIRB STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER ‘ LANE ( 2.05’)~~ ~~ 2’ - 0" 2’ - 5/8" 8" 1 ’ - 6 " 3 ’ - 6 " 6 ’ - 0 " »¿ 1 2 ’ - 0 " TRAFFIC ARROW TYPE 6SR (RIGHT) TRAFFIC ARROW TYPE 6SL (LEFT)13’ - 4"2’ - 8"3’ - 0"1’ - 0"8"1’ - 6" AXIS ELLIPSE "A" 1’ - 2" 10" ~ ELLIPSE "B" AXIS4’ - 1"4’ - 7"8" TYPE 7S TRAFFIC ARROW5’ - 4"2’ - 4"(SHOWN AT REDUCED SCALE) (MIRRORED ABOUT LANE CENTERLINE) MIRROR IMAGE OF TYPE 6SL 19.58 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA 15.94 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA 15.94 SQ.FT. MARKING AREA SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS STANDARD PLAN M-24.40-02 DRAWN BY: COLBY FLETCHER»¿ ‘SYMBOL 2’ - 0"2’ - 0"ELLIPSE "B" AXISOF ELLIPSES CENTER POINT 3’ - 8"ELLIPSE "A" AXIS‘SYMMETRICAL ABOUT GRID IS 4" (IN) SQUARE "A" ELLIPSE 1’ - 2" 1’ - 4" 8" 4’ - 8" 2’ - 4"1’ - 0" ‘ & LANE SYMBOL "B" ELLIPSE LOW-SPEED ROADWAYS TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR SYMBOL MARKINGS ~ APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION Washington State Department of Transportation STATE DESIGN ENGINEER 36103 HSLAW .J NAIRB STA TEOFWASHINGT O NR EGISTEREDPROFE S SIONAL ENGINEER 0 0::: 0 LL. >-() <( en ::::i > ID ~ 0 I enl-wU ii: ~ ~ !z :cO 1-U C>w z w ~en 1- () ~ 1-z 0 () w w en I en w ii: ~ ::c 1-(!) z w ....1 11'-6"-UNLESS NOTED "oTHERWISE IN CONTRACT STOP LINE WHITE OR YELLOW-SEE CONTRACT CHEVRON OR DIAGONAL CROSSHATCH MARKING W = 8" (IN) FOR POSTED SPEED LIMIT OF 40 MPH OR LOWER W = 12" (IN) FOR POSTED SPEED LIMIT OF 45 MPH OR HIGHER PAVED 7 SHOULDER LEDGE LINE MARKING AREA= 11.73 SQ.FT. HALF-MILE MARKER ~I LEDGE LINE \ MARKING AREA = 6.00 SQ. FT. FULL MILE MARKER ~PAVED SHOULDER AERIAL SURVEILLANCE MARKERS NOTE CENTERLINE OF JUNCTION BOX, ~ PULL BOX, OR CABLE VAULT 1. If Rumble Strips are present, install marking outside of the Rumble Strip. PAVED SHOULDER JUNCTION BOX, PULL BOX, OR CABLE VAULT MARKING AREA= 0.56 SQ. FT. JUNCTION BOX, PULL BOX, OR CABLE VAULT MARKINGS CENTERLINE OF '·,/ CROSS CULVERT -=--' _'_,_,_'____,_,:--___ .L_[_ __ EDGE LINE -(~.'¥ l_ YYi,,, PAVED__} ' SHOULDER ', MARKING AREA= 0.56 SQ. FT. CROSS CULVERT DRAINAGE MARKING ANGLE OF CROSS CULVERT EDGE LINE PAVED SHOULDER I· 2'-0" ·I 1m MARKING AREA = 1.06 SQ. FT. DRAINAGE STRUCTURE INLET DRAINAGE MARKING SYMBOL MARKINGS MISCELLANEOUS STANDARD PLAN M-24.60-04 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation I. 2'-0" .I GRID IS 4" (IN) SQUARE MARKING AREA= 1.41 SQ.FT. ACCESS PARKING SPACE SYMBOL (MINIMUM) I I,/ \ 1\ 1/1 \ I I / \ \ Lo ' 1/ \ C<l 4" \ \ ...:....._ I- 1\ v ~j ~ \ "'-...... ./ iYr ................. ...... v -- I. 3'-0" .I GRID IS 4" (IN) SQUARE MARKING AREA = 3.09 SQ.FT. 4" ACCESS PARKING SPACE SYMBOL (STANDARD) 1'-2" 3'-0" 1'-2" 5'-4" TOTAL MARKING AREA= 28.44 SQ.FT. WHITE= 9.76 SQ.FT. BLUE = 18.69 SQ.FT. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ACCESS PARKING SPACE SYMBOL (STANDARD) WITH BLUE BACKGROUND AND WHITE BORDER (REQUIRED FOR CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACES) b ' Co LL. 0 z 0 i= (..) w a: Ci c.,~ t 3" - 10" SYMBOL & LANE ct 6'-0" 3'-0" MARKING AREA= 12.08 SQ.FT. SPEED BUMP SYMBOL Cxl ~ a, ' ' C\1 C<l Cxl 2'-0" 10" 3'-8" TOTAL MARKING AREA= 13.44 SQ.FT. WHITE = 4.82 SQ.FT. BLUE = 8.62 SQ.FT. ACCESS PARKING SPACE SYMBOL (MINIMUM) WITH BLUE BACKGROUND AND WHITE BORDER (REQUIRED FOR CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACES) SYMBOL MARKING YIELD AHEAD SYMBOL YIELD LINE SYMBOL LL. 0 z ....1 0 w i= ~ ~ I- ll: Ci A SYMBOL & LANE ct YIELD AHEAD SYMBOL TYPE1 TYPE2 TYPE1 TYPE2 TYPE2 A B c 6'-0" 2'-6" 13'-0" 6'-0" 3'-0" 20'-0" 1'-0" 6" 1'-6" 2'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" 2'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" B c D N/A N/A 6" 1'-0" 1'-0" USE LESS THAN 45 MPH 45 MPH OR GREATER LESS THAN 45 MPH 45 MPH OR GREATER ROUNDABOUTENTRY * * MINIMUM OF 4 IN LANE LL. 0 z ....1 § ~ w I- ll: Ci MARKING AREA 25.90 SQ.FT. 36.54 SQ.FT. 0.75 SQ.FT. 3.00 SQ.FT. 3.00 SQ.FT. YIELD LINE SYMBOL (MULTIPLE SYMBOLS REQUIRED FOR TRANSVERSE YIELD LINE - SEE CONTRACT) SYMBOL MARKINGS MISCELLANEOUS STANDARD PLAN M-24.60-04 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION STATE DESIGN ENGINEER ..... ... Washington State Department of Transportation City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX C – POTHOLING DATA City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX D – GEOTECHNICAL REPORT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Park Avenue N Extension Renton, Washington HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Prepared for Perteet, Inc. & City of Renton October 14, 2022 Geotechnical Engineering Pavement Engineering Geoenvironmental Hydrogeology Inspection & Testing 21312 30th Dr. SE, STE. 110, Bothell, WA 98021 | 425.774.0106 | hwageo.com October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Perteet, Inc. 505 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Brent Powell, P.E. Subject: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Park Avenue N Extension Renton, Washington Dear Brent: As requested, HWA GeoSciences Inc. (HWA) has performed geotechnical engineering evaluations for the proposed Park Avenue N Extension Project in the City of Renton, Washington. The objective of this work is to evaluate subsurface conditions at the site and provide recommendations for design and construction of street improvements to accommodate the Landing and the Southport residential and office development. We appreciate the opportunity to provide geotechnical engineering services for this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or require additional information or services, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Sincerely, HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. Donald J. Huling, P.E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer Enclosure: Geotechnical Report Geotechnical Report i HWA GeoSciences Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1 1.1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................1 1.2 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING ............................................................................1 1.3 SURFACE CONDITIONS ...................................................................................1 2. FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING ......................................................2 2.1 GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS ..............................................2 2.2 GROUND WATER PUMPING TESTS ..................................................................2 2.3 LABORATORY TESTING .................................................................................2 3. SITE CONDITIONS ..........................................................................................................3 3.1 GENERAL GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS ................................................................3 3.2 SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS ....................................................................3 3.3 GROUND WATER CONDITIONS ......................................................................4 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................4 4.1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................4 4.2 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................5 4.2.1 Seismic Design Parameters ...........................................................5 4.2.2 Soil Liquefaction ...........................................................................6 4.2.3 Liquefaction-Induced Settlement ..................................................7 4.2.4 Post Liquefaction Residual Shear Strength ...................................8 4.3 EMBANKMENT SETTLEMENT .........................................................................8 4.4 SETTLEMENT MITIGATION OPTIONS ..............................................................9 4.4.1 Over-Excavation and Replacement with Structural Fill ................10 4.4.2 Preloading ......................................................................................10 4.4.3 Lightweight Backfill ......................................................................10 4.5 PREFERRED SETTLEMENT MITIGATION MEASURE .........................................11 4.6 SETTLEMENT MITIGATION MEASURE TO BE IMPLEMENTED ..........................12 4.7 WATER MAIN RAIL UNDERCROSSING OPTIONS.............................................12 4.7.1 Trenching Challenges ....................................................................12 4.7.2 Anticipated Ground Conditions .....................................................12 4.7.3 Dewatering ....................................................................................13 4.8 RETAINING WALLS ........................................................................................13 4.8.1 GBW Design Parameter Recommendations .................................13 4.8.2 Retaining Wall Global Stability ....................................................14 4.8.3 General Retaining Wall Subgrade Preparation .............................15 4.8.4 Retaining Wall Drainage ...............................................................15 4.9 CONVENTIONAL UTILITIES ............................................................................15 4.9.1 Open-cut Excavations ....................................................................15 4.9.2 Trench Subgrade Preparation ........................................................16 4.9.3 Pipe Bedding .................................................................................16 4.10 LUMINAIRE AND SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATIONS ..............................................16 4.10.1 Luminaire and Signal Pole Construction Considerations ..............19 4.11 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT .......................................................................19 4.12 PAVEMENT DESIGN .......................................................................................19 4.13 GENERAL EARTHWORK .................................................................................19 4.13.1 Structural Fill .................................................................................19 Geotechnical Report ii HWA GeoSciences Inc. 4.13.2 Trench Backfill ..............................................................................20 4.13.3 Temporary Excavations .................................................................21 4.13.4 Wet Weather Earthwork ................................................................21 5. CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS .....................................................................................22 6. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................24 FIGURES (Following Text) Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map Figures 2 Site and Exploration Plan Figure 3 Geologic Profile A-A’ Figure 4A BH-4 Water Level Data Figure 4B BH-5 Water Level Data Figure 5 Settlement Analysis – Traditional Fill Figure 6A Limits of Cellular Concrete Placement Along Centerline Figure 6B Limits of Cellular Concrete Placement West of Tracks Figure 7 Settlements Analysis – Cellular Concrete Figure 8 Boring BH-4 Pumping Test Results Figure 9 Boring BH-5 Pumping Test Results Appendix A: Logs of HWA Explorations Figure A-1 Legend of Terms and Symbols Used on Exploration Logs Figures A-2 to A-6 Logs of Borings BH-1 to BH-5 Appendix B: Laboratory Test Results Figures B-1 to B-4 Summary of Material Properties Figures B-5 to B-20 Grain Size Distributions Figures B-21 to B-22 Atterberg Limits GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL This report summarizes the results of the geotechnical engineering study performed by HWA GeoSciences Inc. (HWA) for the proposed Park Avenue N Extension Project in Renton, Washington. Figure 1, Site Vicinity Map, and Figure 2, Site and Exploration Plan, show the approximate location of the project alignment just north of Logan Avenue N and Park Avenue N. Our field work included drilling five (5) machine-drilled borings. Appropriate laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples to determine relevant engineering properties of the subsurface soils. Engineering analyses were conducted to develop recommendations for proposed retaining walls, signal pole foundations, luminaire foundations, railroad crossing arm foundations, stormwater facilities and launching and receiving pits for sanitary sewer extension. 1.2 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING It is our understanding that the City of Renton would like to implement street improvements to accommodate the Landing and the Southport residential and office development. The improvements would extend Park Avenue North to provide access to Southport, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) property, and The Boeing Company. Water main extensions may also be implemented to tie the proposed development into existing systems. The improvements will include increasing the grade along the proposed roadway; curb, gutter and pedestrian facility; illumination, landscaping, irrigation, storm drainage and water quality treatment, and intersection and signal system improvements. 1.3 SURFACE CONDITIONS The Park Avenue N alignment runs north-northwest to south-southeast and is predominantly flat at an elevation of about 28 feet above mean sea level (AMSL). It extends from the intersection with Logan Avenue North, where Park Avenue N turns into 757th Avenue on Boeing’s right of way to the BNSF railway to the north. The existing railroad tracks cross the alignment and are elevated on a mound of railroad ballast with an elevation of about 32 feet AMSL. The PSE property is at an elevation of approximately 24 feet AMSL. The existing roadway is surfaced with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement except at the intersection with Logan Avenue North and pedestrian crossings which are surfaced with concrete. Development along the alignment consists of heavy-industrial, residential and commercial properties. A PSE-owned electrical substation is located to the northeast of the intersection on Boeing property. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 2 HWA GeoSciences Inc. 2. FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 2.1 GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS Our geotechnical exploration program included surface reconnaissance of the alignment and drilling five (5) machine-drilled borings, designated BH-1 through BH-5. Boring locations were determined based on the locations of proposed improvements and are indicated on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 2. Three of these borings (BH-1, BH-2, and BH-3) were drilled by Geologic Drilling, Inc. of Bellevue, Washington, under subcontract to HWA. The remaining two borings (BH-4 and BH-5) were drilled by Holocene Drilling of Puyallup, Washington, under subcontract to HWA. Logs for borings BH-1 through BH-5 are presented in Appendix A of this report. In each boring, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampling was performed at selected intervals and the SPT resistance (“N-value”) of the soil was logged. This resistance, or N-value, provides an indication of relative density of granular soils and the relative consistency of cohesive soils. A geotechnical engineer from HWA logged the explorations and recorded pertinent information, including sample depths, stratigraphy, soil engineering characteristics, and ground water occurrence. Soil samples obtained from the explorations were classified in the field and representative portions were placed in plastic bags. These soil samples were then taken to our Bothell, Washington, laboratory for further examination and testing. The stratigraphic contacts shown on the exploration logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types; actual transitions may be more gradual. The soil and ground water conditions depicted are only for the specific date and location reported and, therefore, are not necessarily representative of other locations and times. 2.2 GROUND WATER PUMPING TESTS HWA completed ground water pumping tests at the two ground water monitoring wells (BH-4 and BH-5). Data collected from short-term pumping tests and grain size laboratory test results on selected soil samples were used along with applicable analytical methods to estimate hydraulic conductivity values for the subsurface soils within the project alignment. The hydraulic conductivity values are meant to be used to estimate the range of dewatering flowrates for anticipated dewatering activities associated with construction of the proposed improvements. 2.3 LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory tests were conducted at HWA’s Bothell, Washington laboratory, on selected samples retrieved from the borings to determine relevant index and engineering properties of the soils encountered at the site. The tests included visual classifications, natural moisture content, Atterberg Limits and grain size distribution. The tests were conducted in general accordance with appropriate American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. The test results October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 3 HWA GeoSciences Inc. and a discussion of laboratory test methodology are presented in Appendix B, and/or displayed on the exploration logs in Appendix A, as appropriate. 3. SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 GENERAL GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The project alignment is located within the Puget Lowland. The Puget Lowland has repeatedly been occupied by a portion of the continental glaciers that developed during the ice ages of the Quaternary period. During at least four periods, portions of the ice sheet advanced south from British Columbia into the lowlands of Western Washington. The southern extent of these glacial advances was near Olympia, Washington. Each major advance included numerous local advances and retreats, and each advance and retreat resulted in its own sequence of erosion and deposition of glacial lacustrine, outwash, till, and drift deposits. Between and following these glacial advances, sediments from the Olympic and Cascade Mountains accumulated in the Puget Lowland. According to the Geologic Map of King County, the project alignment is underlain by Holocene aged fill soils which are noted as being undocumented and may consist of a wide range of materials. This unit is shown to be underlain by Quaternary alluvium soils consisting of unconsolidated alluvial clay, silt, sand, gravel and cobbles. 3.2 SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS The soils encountered in our explorations consist of topsoil, fill material, and alluvial deposits. Multiple layers of alluvial material were noted alternating between silty sand and silt units. Further descriptions of soils encountered in our explorations are presented below in order of deposition, beginning with the most recently deposited. A general cross section along the project alignment is shown in Figure 3. The exploration logs in Appendix A provide more detail of subsurface conditions observed at specific locations and depths. • Topsoil: Topsoil was encountered in borings BH-1 and BH-2. This material was dark olive-brown and consisted of silty sand with rootlets. The topsoil layer extended from ground surface to a depth of approximately 1 foot below ground surface (bgs). • Fill: Fill was encountered in borings BH-1, BH-2, BH-3, and BH-5. In BH-1 and BH-2, the fill extended from the base of the topsoil to a depth of approximately 7 feet bgs. In BH-3 and BH-5, the fill extended from the base of the pavement section to a depth of approximately 7 feet bgs. The fill material was dark yellow-brown to olive-gray and consisted of silty sand with gravel. Fill soils were likely placed during construction of the original roadway. • Alluvium: Alluvium was encountered in all five borings extending beneath the fill soils, where present, to the final depth of each boring. These soil deposits consisted of olive- gray to grayish-brown, very soft to stiff silts, and very loose to medium dense silty sands. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 4 HWA GeoSciences Inc. Alluvial deposits are often deposited as fan structures that decrease in grain size from the source stream and overlap with multiple depositional generations resulting in interbedding. 3.3 GROUND WATER CONDITIONS Ground water seepage was observed in each boring. The depth to ground water was about 5 feet bgs in BH-2, BH-3 and BH-4, about 8 feet bgs in BH-5, and about 12 feet bgs in BH-1. This seepage was observed within both the fill soils and alluvial deposits. Ground water monitoring wells were installed at the location of borings BH-4 and BH-5. Ground water monitoring transducers were installed in each well to monitor ground water fluctuations over time at each location. Plots of ground water data collected between December 26th, 2018 and April 29th, 2020 are presented in Figures 4A and 4B for borings BH-4 and BH-5, respectively. At the client’s request, the ground water monitoring program was abandoned on April 29th, 2020 and the transducers were retrieved from both monitoring wells. Based on our scope of work, the monitoring wells will be decommissioned by the Contractor during construction. Short term, single well, pumping tests were conducted at BH-4 and BH-5 using a 12-volt electrical submersible pump. Response to pumping, and recovery after pumping, were measured using datalogging pressure transducers. BH-4 was pumped at a rate of 0.32 gallons per minute (gpm) for 30 minutes and exhibited a maximum of 0.4 feet drawdown. BH-5 was pumped at a rate of 1.7 gpm for 40 minutes and exhibited a maximum of 1.4 feet drawdown. Results of these pumping tests are provided in Figures 8 and 9 for borings BH-4 and BH-5, respectively. Prospective Contractors should be prepared to encounter and manage seasonally varying ground water conditions and in response to significant precipitation events that may develop above the low permeability silt layers encountered in the alluvial deposits. Increase in volume of ground water should be expected wherever excavations bisect existing utility trenches. Existing utility trench backfill is expected to be significantly more permeable than the fine-grained alluvial deposits. Therefore, perched ground water may collect and flow along the alignment of existing utility trenches. 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 GENERAL The subsurface soils along the alignment generally consist of fill underlain by alluvial deposits. The compressible layers of organic rich soils were encountered and are anticipated to be interbedded with the alluvial soils. These deposits are anticipated to undergo consolidation settlement upon the application of load and are likely liquefaction susceptible when saturated and placed under the influence of the design earthquake. The nature of the alluvial soils is such that construction of the roadway embankment is expected to result in settlement. The magnitudes of October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 5 HWA GeoSciences Inc. settlement and possible mitigation measures to reduce settlements are provided in the report below. However, we understand that the city has chosen to construct the roadway embankment with conventional construction practices and address settlement affects as they occur. Therefore, no settlement mitigation will be implemented. The subsurface soils along the project alignment consist of fill and alluvial soils with varying amounts of fines. The seasonal high ground water appears to be as high as 3.5 to 4 feet below ground surface in some areas. The site history is such that contaminated soils could be present across portions or all of the project alignment. Based on the high ground water levels and the potential for existing contaminated soils, we do not recommend the use of onsite infiltration as a means of stormwater management for this site. We understand that the project may potentially require installation of a steel casing for future water main expansions across the BNSF railroad right-of-way. It is our understanding that proposed improvements will require construction of retaining walls within the project alignment, possibly including the area near the potential trestle undercrossing. The walls are proposed to be constructed as modular block and structural earth retaining walls. Although we did not conduct any geotechnical borings in the area near the potential trestle undercrossing, it is our assumption that similar soil conditions, as observed in boring BH-3, exist near the potential structural earth wall as they do at the modular block wall. The subgrade soil conditions in the vicinity of these walls appear to be adequate to provide support for the walls. However, some scarifying and re-compaction of the disturbed medium dense to dense near- surface fill materials will be required and if soft spots are encountered additional remedial measures may be required. We understand that proposed improvements include installation of luminaire structures and signal poles. The subgrade soils along the alignment, including the area near the trestle undercrossing, are such that nonstandard foundation design for lateral bearing capacity of the associated foundations is anticipated at all proposed locations. 4.2 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS 4.2.1 Seismic Design Parameters Earthquake loading for the proposed improvements was developed in accordance with Section 3.4 of the AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Bridge Design, 2nd Edition, 2011 (AASHTO, 2011 with 2012, 2014 and 2015 Interim Revisions) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) amendments to the AASHTO Guide Specifications provided in the Bridge Design Manual (WSDOT, 2017). For seismic analysis, the Site Class is required to be established and is determined based on the average soil properties in the upper 100 feet below the ground surface. Based on our characterization of the subsurface conditions, the site class designation has been determined based on the principle that the consistency of the soils below the maximum depth of the borings are consistent or denser than the soil within the 61½ feet October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 6 HWA GeoSciences Inc. of depth explored. For this project, SPT blow counts obtained from our borings were utilized to classify the subject site as Seismic Site Class D. Therefore, Site Class D should be used with AASHTO seismic evaluations for this project. Table 1 presents recommended seismic coefficients for use with the General Procedure described in AASHTO (2011), which is based upon a design event with a 7 percent probability of exceedance in 75 years (equal to a return period of 1,033 years). Table 1. Seismic Coefficients for Evaluation Using AASHTO Guide Specifications calculated by USGS Seismic Hazard Map Site Class Peak Horizontal Bedrock Acceleration PBA, (g) Spectral Bedrock Acceleration at 0.2 sec Ss, (g) Spectral Bedrock Acceleration at 1.0 sec S1, (g) Site Coefficients Peak Horizontal Acceleration PGA, (g) Fpga Fa Fv D 0.434 0.989 0.283 1.166 1.104 2.033 0.506 Based on the above parameters the Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA (As) for Site Class D at the project site is 0.506 g. 4.2.2 Soil Liquefaction Liquefaction is a temporary loss of soil shear strength due to earthquake shaking. Loose, saturated cohesionless soils are the most susceptible to earthquake-induced liquefaction; however, recent experience and research has shown that certain silts and low-plasticity clays are also susceptible. Primary factors controlling the development of liquefaction include the intensity and duration of strong ground motions, the characteristics of subsurface soils, in-situ stress conditions and the depth to ground water. Based on the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual (GDM), the liquefaction susceptibility of the soils along the project alignment was determined utilizing the simplified procedure originally developed by Seed and Idriss (1971), updated by Youd et al (2001) and Idriss and Boulanger (2004, 2006). The simplified procedure is a semi-empirical approach which compares the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) required to initiate liquefaction of the material to the cyclic shear stress ratio (CSR) induced by the design earthquake. The factor of safety relative to liquefaction is the ratio of the CRR to the CSR; where this ratio is computed to be less than one, the analysis would indicate that liquefaction is likely to occur during the design earthquake. The CRR is primarily dependent on soil density, with the current practice being to base it on the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-value, corrected for energy consideration, fines content and earthquake magnitude. CSR is generally determined by the formulation developed by Seed and Idriss (1971) and relates October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 7 HWA GeoSciences Inc. equivalent shear stress caused in the soil at any depth to the effective stress at that depth and the peak ground acceleration at the surface. Ground water elevations were approximately 5 feet bgs at the site. Our explorations encountered fill soils underlain by interbedded alluvial sands, alluvial silts, and organic silts across the site. Based on the subsurface conditions encountered at the site, the potential for liquefaction is considered to be high during a seismic event due to very shallow ground water and loose liquefaction susceptible soils. Liquefaction analysis was completed utilizing LiquefyPro v5.9a. Results of our studies indicate that most of the encountered alluvial soils beneath the approximate 7 feet of fill soils would liquefy under a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.96 with a PGAm of 0.506g. Our analyses indicate that the loose to medium dense saturated fill and alluvial soil deposits, encountered below the project alignment, will liquefy during the 1,033-year design earthquake. As the alluvial soils extend past the termination depth of our geotechnical borings, we expect that potentially liquefiable soils will extend to great depths below the alignment, assuming the layers are fully saturated. 4.2.3 Liquefaction-Induced Settlement Unsaturated loose sand deposits tend to densify when they are subject to earthquake shaking. For saturated sand deposits, excess pore water pressure builds up during the earthquake excitation, leading to loss of strength or liquefaction. After the shaking stops, excess pore water pressures dissipate toward a zone where water pressure is relatively lower, usually the ground surface. The dissipation is accompanied by a reconsolidation of the loose sand (Ishihara and Yoshimine, 1992 & Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987). The reconsolidation is manifested at the ground surface as vertical settlement, usually termed as liquefaction-induced settlement or seismic settlement. The potential for liquefaction-induced settlement was evaluated at the railroad crossing. The methodologies used were developed by Idriss and Boulanger (2008) and are generally based on the relationship between cyclic stress ratio, corrected SPT blow counts, and volumetric strain. Using these methods, liquefaction-induced settlement at the railroad crossing was estimated to be between 7 to 12 inches. We expect that the liquefaction-induced settlement will be differential in nature between the approaches on either side and the railroad crossing. The proposed railroad crossing should be designed to be able to handle these liquefaction-induced settlements and associated differential settlements between the crossing and the adjacent road approaches on either side. Some proposed improvements may require reconstruction as a result of liquefaction induced settlements. Based on our analysis of liquefaction within observed soils in the borings, we calculate that up to 14 inches of total liquefaction induced settlement may occur at this site. Differential settlements are difficult to determine but are anticipated to be as high as 7 inches over a 50-foot span. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 8 HWA GeoSciences Inc. 4.2.4 Post Liquefaction Residual Shear Strength Upon initiation of liquefaction and the completion of earthquake shaking, the shear strength of the liquefiable soils may reduce to a residual shear strength. Residual shear strengths for the liquefiable soils encountered within the project alignment were determined using a weighted average of the results of the Seed (1987), Seed and Harder (1990), Olson and Stark (2002), Idriss and Boulanger (2007) and Kramer (2008) relationships. The residual shear strengths assigned are a function of the equivalent clean sand SPT value, (N1)60cs, the potential for void redistribution, and the initial effective overburden stress. Given the permeable nature of the overlying fill soils, we assumed void redistribution effects we be negligible when determining an estimate of residual shear strength. Post liquefaction residual shear strengths were used to evaluate retaining wall stability and non-standard signal pole foundations 4.3 EMBANKMENT SETTLEMENT It is our understanding that the proposed improvements will include raising the site grades to facilitate the proposed railroad crossing. These grade increases will result in increased load applied to the subsurface soils. As compressible soils are present across the site, we expect that proposed grade increases will result in consolidation settlements. Consolidation settlement results from the application of static loading on compressible soil deposits that are saturated and have not previously experienced similar loading conditions. Consolidation settlement occurs as both primary consolidation (short term consolidation) and secondary consolidation (long term consolidation). Both of these mechanisms are described below. Primary consolidation occurs immediately upon the application of load and is a result of pore water being expelled from the void space within the soil unit. As load is applied, the pore water pressure increases within the soil unit and slowly decreases as the pore water is expelled from the soil. As this process continues, the void space is reduced and the volume of the soil deposit decreases. This decrease in the volume results in a reduction in the thickness of the soil unit which manifests as settlement at the ground surface. The magnitude of primary consolidation is dependent on the geometry of the compressible soil unit, with respect to the applied load, and the compressibility properties of the subject soil. Secondary compression is a settlement phenomenon that occurs in soil deposits upon completion of the primary consolidation stage and can continue for many years. The magnitude of the secondary compression settlement is difficult to predict but is typically a small fraction (5 to 10%) of the settlement that occurs as primary consolidation for most mineral soils. Our primary settlement estimates are based on the results of Atterberg limit correlations for soils in which undisturbed samples were not obtained. A tabulation of primary consolidation properties for the underlying compressible soils is provided in Table 2. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 9 HWA GeoSciences Inc. We evaluated the anticipated consolidation settlements across the site based on the assumption that proposed fill area was constructed with conventional fill soils. The results of this analysis indicate that the use of conventional fill, to construct the proposed improvements, would result in settlement of both the proposed roadway and the existing railroad tracks. The settlement would be largest on the west side of the tracks, where the fill thickness is greatest. Static (non-seismic) settlements as great as 2 inches could occur along the railroad tracks due to construction of the roadway in this manner. Figure 5 shows anticipated primary settlement magnitudes across the site with call outs along the centerline of the road and along the centerline of the railroad tracks. It should be noted that secondary static settlement, roughly equal to 10 percent of the primary settlements shown in Figure 5, should also be expected. Constructing the proposed roadway with conventional fill would result in a localized sag in the rail line and likely require increased pavement maintenance. Several settlement mitigation options are available. 4.4 SETTLEMENT MITIGATION OPTIONS The magnitude of anticipated primary and secondary settlement associated with the proposed site grading is sufficient to induce damage to the proposed improvements and existing railroad tracks. Therefore, we recommend settlement mitigation be considered as a possible component of the project. There are several settlement mitigation measures that could be implemented to reduce or eliminate potential settlements associated with the compressible soils below the site. These Table 2. Soil Properties Used to Calculate Primary Consolidation Settlement Soil Type Laboratory Test Soil Boring Sample Number Depth of Sample (ft) Compression Index Cc Initial Void Ratio (eo) Compression Ratio (Ccε) Silt (ML) Atterberg Limits BH-1 S-4 10 to 11.5 0.29 1.2* 0.13 Silt (OH) Atterberg Limits BH-4 S-12 40 to 41.5 1.8 4.6 0.32 *Initial void ratio estimated from Atterberg Limit test results. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 10 HWA GeoSciences Inc. mitigation options include over-excavation and replacement, lightweight fill, preloading and pile supporting improvements. A description of each of these proposed options is provided below. 4.4.1 Over-Excavation and Replacement with Structural Fill Where compressible soils are located near the ground surface, over-excavation and replacement with compacted structural fill could be implemented to eliminate the potential of future settlements. However, subsurface investigations indicate that compressible soils were observed to extend to great depths across the site. Therefore, over-excavation and replacement would require very deep exactions that would require significant shoring. Additionally, the ground water level along the project site is such that over-excavation and replacement would most likely require dewatering. Due to the anticipated cost of over-excavation and replacement, we do not believe that it is a viable settlement mitigation option for the entire project area. 4.4.2 Preloading Preloading the road site would also be a viable way to reduce future settlements of the underlying compressible soils. Preloading involves placing a specified amount of soil or weight over a given area and allowing the weight to consolidate the underlying compressible soils prior to construction of the proposed improvements. Preloading has been used successfully on similar projects in the past. However, the viability of preloading requires time and space. We would expect the silt to take between 6 to 12 months to complete primary settlement using approximately 150 cubic yards of preload material. Therefore, the preload would need to be in place for at least 6 months to 1 year in order to successfully eliminate future settlements. This material would be placed 8 to 10 feet in height and would cover an area of approximately 400 square feet (20-foot by 20-foot) on both sides of the tracks. We would expect that the placement of a preload would cause significant disruptions to Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and Boeing operations due to its required size and location. Additionally, preloading would require the existing utilities to be diverted during the preload operation to prevent damage. Preloading would also result in a significant sag in the BNSF tracks. Based on the time requirements, the anticipated disruption, damage to the BNSF tracks, necessity to relocate the utilities during preloading, we do not believe that preloading the compressible soils is a viable option for this project. 4.4.3 Lightweight Backfill Lightweight fill material could be used to offset the load of proposed fill in order to eliminate the application of additional load on the underlying compressible soils. Several lightweight fill materials are available and have been used on past projects with success. These materials include Geofoam, bottom ash, light weight volcanic rock, glass cutlet and lightweight cellular concrete. Geofoam consists of proprietary light weight Styrofoam blocks that are readily available to Contractors and have been used successfully on numerous road projects. Geofoam can be October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 11 HWA GeoSciences Inc. obtained in a variety of unit weights. However, geofoam requires encapsulation in a sealed geomembrane to protect against degradation due to exposure to hydrocarbons. Additionally, geofoam would require the construction of a load distribution slab to allow for traffic loads over the foam. Therefore, given the cost associated with these items, geofoam may not be suitable for this project. Bottom Ash is a byproduct of coal fired power plants and weighs between 45 and 75 pounds per cubic foot. Bottom ash has been used on several road projects but is becoming hard to obtain. Light weight volcanic rock has been used as light weight fill in the past. Light weight volcanic rock generally weights approximately 45 to 60 pounds per cubic foot. However, there are no readily available sources of light weight volcanic rock in Washington State. Therefore, the cost associated with importing the material would be prohibitive for this project. Lightweight cellular concrete is a proprietary product that can be manufactured onsite to a wide range of unit weights (27 pcf to 120 pcf) and compressive strengths to match project requirements. Cellular concrete is widely available in Washington State and has been used successfully on road projects. Cellular concrete does not require encapsulation within a geomembrane and would not require a load distribution slab. Although it is not recommended, cellular concrete can be excavated for future utility needs if required. Additionally, the use of cellular concrete does not require the use of heavy compaction and vibration equipment which could lead to the deformation of soils around and below the railroad. We have received cost estimates ranging from $55 to $100 per cubic yard for cellular concrete on past projects. We believe that light weight cellular concrete would be a viable settlement mitigation measure for this project. 4.5 PREFERRED SETTLEMENT MITIGATION MEASURE Given the soil geometry and location of the project site, most of the above-described settlement mitigation options present significant challenges that make them less favorable for this project. Of the options available, the use of light weight cellular concrete would be the most advantageous to reduce anticipated settlements. Cellular concrete would be used to offset the dead loads associated with the proposed grade increases, resulting in a no-load increase scenario. This would require excavation and removal of 4 to 5 feet, depending on location, of existing soils and replacement with cellular concrete that would extend to the roadway subgrade elevation. HWA has conducted settlement analysis to determine the lateral extent of the cellular concrete that would be required to limit settlement of the BNSF railroad tracks to no more than 1/4 -inch. Our analysis indicates that cellular concrete would extend a minimum of 30 feet from the centerline of the railroad tracks to limit track settlement to ¼-inch. The cellular concrete geometry utilized in this analysis is provided in Figure 6A and Figure 6B. The orientation of the cross section provided in Figures 6A and 6B is shown in Figure 2. Anticipated site settlements, based on this geometry of cellular concrete, are provided in Figure 7. As shown in Figure 7, some roadway settlement would be expected to occur outside of the cellular concrete placement October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 12 HWA GeoSciences Inc. area. If these settlements would not be desirable, additional cellular concrete placement would be required to further reduce roadway settlements. Where placed, cellular concrete would consist of Type II cellular concrete, possessing a cast density ranging from 27 to 30 pounds per cubic foot and a minimum compressive strength of 40 to 50 pounds per square inch. The cellular concrete would be placed in a maximum 4-foot-thick layers. Cellular concrete does not require the installation of a gasoline resistant geomembrane. The cellular concrete would be installed with a cover of at least 2 feet of compacted structural fill to offset buoyancy forces in the event of seasonally high ground water levels. 4.6 SETTLEMENT MITIGATION MEASURE TO BE IMPLEMENTED It is our understanding that the City and BNSF have agreed to not implement any settlement mitigation measures as part of the project. The city has indicated that they prefer to construct the roadway embankment utilizing conventional fill soils, excepting that this will result in settlement of the roadway over time. The city has indicated that they will repair settlement-induced damage to the roadway and associated improvements, as they occur. 4.7 WATER MAIN RAIL UNDERCROSSING OPTIONS We understand that the city plans to install a new water line under the railroad tracks as part of this project. We understand that the city plans to install the proposed utilities utilizing standard cut and cover trenching techniques. 4.7.1 Trenching Challenges We understand the use of standard cut and cover trenching methods are being considered for installation of the proposed water line under the BNSF rail corridor. We expect that standard cut and cover trenching methods would be the best option for installation of the shallow water line. If the water line is to be installed at depths less than approximately 4-5 feet below ground surface, we expect that installation, with standard trenching techniques, will be feasible and dewatering will not be required. 4.7.2 Anticipated Ground Conditions Ground conditions along the proposed utility alignment are anticipated to consist of fill and relatively loose alluvial soil deposits, with a ground water level within 3.5 to 4 feet below the existing ground surface. The anticipated ground conditions along the trenchless crossing are depicted in the Geologic Profile, Figure 3. The alluvial deposits are expected to vary significantly in composition from location to location. The silt and organic silt layers encountered in the geotechnical borings should not be assumed to be connected or uniform from location to location. Although not encountered in our borings, the alluvial soils could contain large woody debris or other objects that could result in obstructions to various construction activities. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 13 HWA GeoSciences Inc. 4.7.3 Dewatering Ground water measurements, within the groundwater monitoring wells, suggest that the water level could be as high as 3.5 to 4 feet below existing ground surface at the location of the utility installations. Therefore, dewatering is expected to be required to install the utilities under the railroad. We recommend that the dewatering system consider potential impacts associated with settlement of the subsurface compressible soils. In the vicinity of settlement-sensitive structures, such as the railroad tracks, ground water monitoring wells should be established between the excavation and the structure to observe changes. The city and/or Contractor should survey the elevation of settlement sensitive structures prior to dewatering and monitor for settlement during construction. We recommend the Contractor be required to submit a dewatering plan for review by HWA to evaluate other potential impacts. We recommend the plans and specifications include provisions requiring Contractors to maintain a minimum and maximum drawdown from dewatering. The Contractor could use existing monitoring wells to aid in the determination of the effectiveness of the dewatering system. However, design and implementation of any dewatering system remains the responsibility of the Contractor. 4.8 RETAINING WALLS The proposed improvements will require construction of one retaining wall with the potential for a second. Wall No. 1 will be constructed along the south side of 757th Avenue and potential wall Wall No. 2 would be constructed along the west side of Lake Washington Boulevard N. Proposed wall designations and locations are shown on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 2. Wall No. 1 will be a Gravity Block Wall (GBW) with a height of be between 5 – 7 feet tall. Specifics associated with each proposed wall are indicated in Table 3. Table 3. Summary of Proposed Wall Type and Location Wall Designation Wall Location Wall Application Max Wall Height (ft) Proposed Wall Type Relevant Exploration Wall No. 1 South Side of 757th Avenue Fill Wall 5 GBW Boring BH-3 (Figure 2) 4.8.1 GBW Design Parameter Recommendations We assume that Wall No. 1 will consist of a Gravity Block Wall (GBW). The wall will consist of a proprietary wall system that the wall supplier will design for internal stability. The wall October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 14 HWA GeoSciences Inc. should be designed in accordance with AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. We recommend the walls be designed using the parameters presented in Table 4. For the Extreme Event I Limit State, the wall shall be designed for a horizontal seismic acceleration coefficient kh of one-half the peak ground acceleration or 0.253g and a vertical seismic acceleration coefficient kv of 0.0g (assuming the wall is free to move during a seismic event). Extreme Event I Limit State is defined in the AASHTO Standard Specifications as a safety check involving an extreme load event resulting from an earthquake in combination with the dead load and a fraction of live loads. Table 4. Recommended GBW Design Parameters Parameters to be Used for the Structural Earth Wall and Gravity Block Wall Soil Properties Wall Backfill* Retained Soil* Foundation Soil Unit Weight (pcf) 135 135 120 Friction Angle (deg) 36 35 32 Cohesion (psf) 0 0 0 AASHTO Load Group 1 AASHTO Load Group II Allowable Bearing Capacity (ksf) 3.0 4.5 Horizontal Seismic Acceleration Coefficient, kh (g) 0.253 * Gravel Borrow, as specified in Section 9-03.14(1) of WSDOT Standard Specifications * If geogrid reinforcing is to be used the gravel borrow should be limited to a maximum particle size of 1¼ inches. 4.8.2 Retaining Wall Global Stability Using the computer program SLIDE 5.0, we evaluated static, seismic and post liquefaction global stability of the potential Structural Earth Wall (SEW) and proposed Gravity Block Wall (GBW). Analyses were completed utilizing site topography determined in the field and wall geometry provided by Perteet. Factors of safety for static global stability in excess of 1.5 were calculated given the geologic conditions and a minimum wall embedment of 2 feet. Seismic stability was evaluated using a pseudo-static horizontal acceleration of 0.253 g, which is ½ of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) associated with the 1:1033-year design earthquake for this site location, as is standard of practice for yielding walls. From our analyses, we conclude that, under a design earthquake, a factor of safety for global stability greater than 1.1 will exist. Post liquefaction stability was evaluated using static loading condition and residual shear strengths for the liquefiable soils. From our analyses, we conclude that, under post liquefaction conditions, a factor of safety for global stability greater than 1.1 will exist. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 15 HWA GeoSciences Inc. Based on our analysis we conclude that the global stability of the walls will be adequate under static, seismic, and loading conditions if wall embedment of at least 2 feet is maintained for the walls. 4.8.3 General Retaining Wall Subgrade Preparation Subgrade preparation is important to limit differential settlement of the walls and maintain global stability. Disturbed, loose or soft soil conditions, as determined by HWA, should be removed and replaced with “Structural Backfill” in accordance with Section 4.13.1 of this report or be compacted to a firm and unyielding state as determined by HWA. All areas on which the walls will bear should be graded level perpendicular to the wall face and compacted in accordance with Section 2-03.3(14)D of the WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2018). We recommend an HWA geotechnical engineer, or their representative, be present during construction to verify the foundation of the wall requirements provided in this report are met. We recommend the bottom of the retaining walls be placed on a 1-foot-thick leveling pad consisting of crushed surfacing base course (CSBC) compacted to 95 percent of Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density, as determined by ASTM D 1557. This leveling pad should be graded to establish the proper wall batter. 4.8.4 Retaining Wall Drainage Proper wall construction and drainage is essential to prevent premature failure of the wall systems. We recommend installing a 6-inch-diameter perforated drainpipe behind the walls to convey all collected water to a suitable outlet. The pipe should be bedded and backfilled with Gravel Backfill for Drains, as specified in Section 9-03.12(4) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2018). The drainpipe should be sloped to drain and routed to an appropriate discharge location. 4.9 CONVENTIONAL UTILITIES 4.9.1 Open-cut Excavations We understand open-cut trenching will be used for all other utility improvements aside from being considered for the potential sewer main crossing under the BNSF right-of-way. Trench excavations for the pipelines can be accomplished with conventional excavation equipment such as backhoes and trackhoes. Trench excavation should be made with a smooth-edge (toothless) bucket or a bucket with a plate welded over the teeth to minimize disturbance to the pipe subgrade. Although not reported on the exploration logs, there is a potential for oversize objects, such as boulders or buried logs, to be encountered in the excavations. All open-cut excavations should be completed in accordance with Section 4.13.3 of this report. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 16 HWA GeoSciences Inc. 4.9.2 Trench Subgrade Preparation Subgrade preparation and verification should be performed at the base of all excavations. This work should be observed by the geotechnical consultant. Any soft or yielding materials identified at the base of the excavation should be removed and replaced with trench backfill as directed by the geotechnical consultant in the field. Any loose materials should be compacted prior to placement of pipe bedding or foundation pad for manhole structures. 4.9.3 Pipe Bedding The soils at, or near, the bottom of the proposed sewer line and manhole excavations are expected to consist of slightly silty to silty sand. We do not recommend pea gravel for use as pipe bedding material or backfill. To provide suitable support and bedding, we recommend the pipes be founded on suitable bedding material, such as Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding meeting the requirements of Section 9-03.12(3) of the Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2018). Pipe bedding should provide a firm uniform cradle for support of the pipes. A minimum 4-inch thickness of bedding material beneath the pipe should be provided. Prior to installation of the pipe, the pipe bedding should be shaped to fit the lower part of the pipe exterior with reasonable closeness to provide uniform support along the pipe. Pipe bedding material should be used as pipe zone backfill and placed in layers and tamped around the pipe to obtain complete contact. To protect the pipe, bedding material should extend at least 12 inches above the top of the pipe. 4.10 LUMINAIRE AND SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATIONS We understand the proposed improvements include installation of luminaire and signal poles along the project alignment, including the area near the trestle undercrossing. Based on subsurface soil conditions encountered during our explorations, non-standard foundation designs will be required for both luminaire and signal pole foundations. Since a non-standard design is recommended, the estimated friction angle and the passive pressure to assume when using the Brom’s method recommended in the Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (AASHTO, 2013) are provided below in Tables 5 and 6. Table 5 illustrates the design properties that should be utilized for the proposed structural fill that will be used to regrade the project site. Given the soil variability observed across the site, Table 6 illustrates the recommended design parameters, based on the soil conditions encountered in each of our subsurface explorations. The recommended parameters provided in Tables 5 and 6 should be used for non-standard foundation designs across the project site. We recommend that the design of specific foundations be based on the parameters associated with the nearest geotechnical boring to the subject foundation. For luminaires along Lake Washington Boulevard N, we recommend using the values provided for BH-3. It should be noted that liquefiable soils exist at each proposed foundation location. The onset of liquefaction will result in the reduction in the shear strength of the potentially liquefiable soils. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 17 HWA GeoSciences Inc. Therefore, additional parameters are provided at each boring location for the post liquefaction condition. These parameters should be considered for the post liquefaction condition. Table 5 Recommended Design Parameters for Signal Pole and Luminaire Foundations for Proposed Fill Soils Soil Type Ф (deg) Kp Moist Unit Weight (pcf) Buoyant Unit Weight (pcf) Factor of Safety Structural Fill 36 3.9 140 NA 3 Table 6: Recommended Design Parameters for Signal Pole and Luminaire Foundations for Existing Soils Boring Condition Soil Type Saturated Depth (ft) Ф (deg) Kp Moist Unit Weight (pcf) Buoyant Unit Weight (pcf) Factor of Safety BH-1 Static/Pseudo-Static Fill Unsaturated 0’ - 7’ 36 3.9 125 NA 3 Alluvium Unsaturated 7’ - 12' 26 2.5 120 NA 3 Alluvium Saturated 12' - Bottom 28 2.8 110 47.6 3 Post LQ Alluvium Saturated 12' - Bottom 10 1.4 110 47.6 3 BH-2 Static/Pseudo-Static Fill Unsaturated 0’ - 5’ 29 2.9 125 NA 3 Fill Saturated 5’ - 7' 36 3.8 125 62.6 3 Alluvium Saturated 7' - Bottom 27 2.6 110 47.6 3 Post LQ Fill/Alluvium Saturated 5' - Bottom 5 1.2 110 47.6 3 BH-3 Static/Pseudo-Static Fill Unsaturated 0’ - 5’ 36 3.9 125 NA 3 Fill Saturated 5’ - 7' 35 3.7 120 62.6 3 Alluvium Saturated 7' - Bottom 31 3.1 135 72.6 3 Post LQ Alluvium Saturated 7' - Bottom 5 1.2 135 72.6 3 BH-4 Static/Pseudo-Static Alluvium Unsaturated 0' - 5' 27 2.6 135 NA 3 Alluvium Saturated 5’ - 7 27 2.6 135 72.6 3 Alluvium Saturated 7 - Bottom 30 3.0 130 67.6 3 Post LQ Alluvium Saturated 5' - Bottom' 8 1.3 130 67.6 3 BH-5 Static/Pseudo-Static Fill Unsaturated 0’ - 7’ 38 4.2 125 NA 3 Alluvium Unsaturated 7’ - 9' 32 3.3 120 NA 3 Alluvium Saturated 9' - Bottom 32 3.3 110 47.6 3 Post LQ Alluvium Saturated 9' - Bottom 10 1.4 110 47.6 3 June 12, 2020 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 19 HWA GeoSciences Inc. 4.10.1 Luminaire and Signal Pole Construction Considerations While not encountered in any of our explorations, the Contractor should anticipate and make allowance for potential obstructions during advancement of the shaft excavations. Obstructions could be encountered in both the fill and the alluvial soil deposits. The shaft excavations for the proposed luminaire and signal pole locations will extend through loose and sometimes saturated fill and alluvial soils for the various proposed locations across the project. The Contractor should, therefore, be prepared to case the shaft excavations. Without careful casing placement and soil excavation, the loose to medium dense fill and alluvial soils are susceptible to caving resulting in detrimental loss of ground. Should this occur, it may be necessary to recover ground loss through immediate backfilling of the caved areas with controlled density fill (CDF), followed by re-drilling of the shaft(s) after the CDF has set sufficiently. Ground water was encountered in all the exploration borings. Therefore, ground water seepage into shaft excavations is expected to occur throughout the project alignment. Where ground water seepage is encountered and standing water is present at the base of the excavation, concrete should be pumped to the base of the excavation rather than end-dumped from the surface, to facilitate displacement of the standing water. 4.11 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT It is our understanding that onsite infiltration is a desirable means of stormwater management for this site. However, the relatively shallow nature of the ground water across the site, presence of near surface fine grained soils and the potential for soils and ground water contamination across the site are such that the use of onsite infiltration is not recommended. We recommend that other means of stormwater management be implemented for this site. 4.12 PAVEMENT DESIGN It is our understanding that pavement design for the project will be completed by Perteet. Therefore, no pavement design evaluations or recommendations have been completed by HWA. 4.13 GENERAL EARTHWORK 4.13.1 Structural Fill The site soils have a high fines content and are expected to be highly moisture sensitive. Therefore, we do not recommend that the site soils be reused as structural fill for this project. We recommend that structural fill for this project consist of imported clean, free-draining, granular soils free from organic matter or other deleterious materials. The structural fill material should be less than 4 inches in maximum particle dimension, with less than 7 percent fines (portion passing the U. S. Standard No. 200 sieve), as specified for “Gravel Borrow” in Section October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 20 HWA GeoSciences Inc. 9-03.14(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2018). The fine-grained portion of structural fill soils should be non-plastic. Structural fill soils should be moisture conditioned and compacted to the requirements specified in Section 2-03.3(14)C, Method C, of the WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2018); except the standard of compaction achieved shall not be less than 95 percent of the Maximum Dry Density (MDD) as determined for the fill material by test method ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). Subgrade compaction in road bed areas should conform to the requirements of Section 2-06.3(1) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2018). Achievement of proper density of a compacted fill depends on the size and type of compaction equipment, the number of passes, thickness of the layer being compacted, and soil moisture- density properties. In areas where limited space restricts the use of heavy equipment, smaller equipment can be used, but the soil must be placed in thin enough layers to achieve the required relative compaction. Generally, loosely compacted soils result from poor construction technique and/or improper moisture content. Soils with high fines contents are particularly susceptible to becoming too wet, and coarse-grained materials easily become too dry, for proper compaction. 4.13.2 Trench Backfill Existing materials along the alignment are anticipated to consist of silty sand and silt. Where these materials are encountered below the ground water table, they are likely to be too wet for compaction; however, these materials may be suitable for re-use as trench backfill if they can be properly moisture conditioned and placed within 3 percent of the optimum moisture content and meet the required compaction standard of 95 percent of the Maximum Dry Density (MDD) as determined by ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). If import materials are needed, we recommend using clean, free-draining, granular soils such as Gravel Borrow as specified in Section 9-03.14(1) of the Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2018) or Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill as specified in Section 9-03.19 of the Standard Specifications (WSDOT, 2018). As with the native materials, import materials should be placed within 3 percent of their optimum water content and compacted to 95 percent of their Maximum Dry Density (MDD) as determined by ASTM D1557. Trench backfill should be placed in lifts with a maximum uncompacted thickness of 8 to 12 inches (depending upon the nature of the fill material and the compaction equipment used) and densely compacted in a systematic manner. The Contractor should develop compaction methods that consistently produce adequate compaction levels. All backfilling operations should be monitored full-time by a qualified inspector and a sufficient number of in-place density tests should be performed as the fill is placed to determine that the required compaction is being achieved. During placement of the initial lifts, the trench backfill material should not be bulldozed into the excavation or dropped directly onto the pipe. Furthermore, heavy vibratory equipment should October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 21 HWA GeoSciences Inc. not be permitted to operate directly over the pipe until a minimum of 2 feet of backfill has been placed over the pipe bedding. A significant cause of trench settlement is inadequate shoring practices and inadequate compaction during shoring removal and backfilling. Special care must be taken to obtain good compaction up to the edges of the excavation as the shoring is removed. Moreover, attention must be paid to ensure good compaction around manholes. 4.13.3 Temporary Excavations Excavations on site can be accomplished with conventional excavating equipment such as backhoes and trackhoes. Because of the nature of the alluvial soils, the high ground water table, potential for flowing sands, and the depths of excavation, some excavations may require advance dewatering and shoring. Maintenance of safe working conditions, including temporary excavation stability, is the responsibility of the Contractor. In accordance with Part N of WAC (Washington Administrative Code) 296-155, latest revisions, all temporary cuts in excess of 4 feet in height should be sloped or shored. The existing native soils generally consist of very loose to loose sands and silty sands. These sand deposits, when de-watered, generally classify as Type C soil, per WAC 296-155, and, if no trench box is used, should be sloped no steeper than 1½H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical). Flatter side slopes will be required where ground water seepage is encountered. Lateral support for the trench walls should be provided by the Contractor to prevent loss of ground and possible distress to nearby ditches or roads. General recommendations for design and implementation of shoring and bracing systems are presented below. • Trench boxes should provide suitable support for trench excavations in native sandy soils provided the ground water level is lowered to at least 3 feet below the base of the excavation and settlement sensitive structures or utilities are not situated near the excavation. • Where a trench box is used to support an excavation in the alluvial soils, one or both sides of the trench are likely to cave against the box. The caving may extend out on either or both sides of the trench for a distance approximately equal to the depth of the trench. As a result, we recommend any excavations be positioned such that the nearest side of the trench box is at a distance no less than the depth of the excavation plus 10 feet from the nearest edge of the ditch. 4.13.4 Wet Weather Earthwork General recommendations relative to earthwork performed in wet weather or in wet conditions are presented below. These recommendations should be incorporated into the contract specifications. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 22 HWA GeoSciences Inc. • Earthwork should be performed in small areas to minimize exposure to wet weather. Excavation of unsuitable and/or softened soil should be followed promptly by placement and compaction of clean structural fill. The size and type of construction equipment used may need to be limited to prevent soil disturbance. Under some circumstances, it may be necessary to excavate soils with a backhoe to minimize subgrade disturbance caused by equipment traffic. • For wet weather conditions, the allowable fines content of the structural fill should be reduced to no more than 5 percent by weight of the portion of the fill material passing the ¾-inch sieve. The fines should be non-plastic. It should be noted this is an additional restriction on the structural fill materials specified. • The ground surface within the construction area should be graded to promote surface water run-off and to prevent ponding. • Within the construction area, the ground surface should be sealed on completion of each shift by a smooth drum vibratory roller, or equivalent, and under no circumstances should soil be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture infiltration. • Bales of straw and/or geotextile silt fences should be strategically located to control erosion and the movement of soil. 5. CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for the City of Renton and Perteet, Inc. for use in design of this project. This report should be provided in its entirety to prospective Contractors for bidding and estimating purposes; however, the conclusions and interpretations presented in this report should not be construed as our warranty of the subsurface conditions. Experience has shown that soil and ground water conditions can vary significantly over small distances. Inconsistent conditions can occur between explorations and may not be detected by a geotechnical study. If, during future site operations, subsurface conditions are encountered which vary appreciably from those described herein, HWA should be notified for review of the recommendations of this report, and revision of such if necessary. We recommend HWA be retained to review the plans and specifications to verify that our recommendations have been interpreted and implemented as intended. Sufficient geotechnical monitoring, testing, and consultation should be provided during construction to confirm the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should conditions revealed during construction differ from those anticipated, and to verify that the geotechnical aspects of construction comply with the contract plans and specifications. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, HWA attempted to execute these services in accordance with generally accepted professional principles and practices in the fields of geotechnical engineering and engineering geology in the area at the time the report was prepared. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 23 HWA GeoSciences Inc. No warranty, express or implied, is made. The scope of our work included environmental assessments or evaluations regarding the presence or absence of hazardous substances in the soil or ground water at this site. Our findings are presented in the Soil Characterization Report. HWA does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the Contractor’s operations and cannot be responsible for the safety of personnel other than our own on the site. As such, the safety of others is the responsibility of the Contractor(s). The Contractor(s) should notify the owner if it is considered that any of the recommended actions presented herein are unsafe. We appreciate the opportunity to provide geotechnical services on this project. Should you have any questions or comments, or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. Donald J. Huling, P.E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 24 HWA GeoSciences Inc. 6. REFERENCES American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2011, AASHTO guide specifications for LRFD seismic bridge design. Washington, DC: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Booth, D.B., Cox, B.F., Troost, K.A. and Wisher, A.P. 2007. Geologic Map of King County. University of Washington. Seattle, Washington. Scale 1:100,000. Burlington Northern Santa Fe, 2011, Utility Accommodation Policy, Engineering Services, BNSF Railway. Devlin, J.F., 2015, HydrogeoSieveXL: an Excel-Based Tool to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity From Grain-Size Analysis, Hydrogeology Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10040- 015-1255-0. Idriss, I.M, and Boulanger, RW, 2004, Semi-Empirical Procedures for Evaluating Liquefaction Potential During Earthquakes, presented at the Joint 11th ISCDEE & 3rd ICEGE, January, 2004. Idriss, I.M. and Boulanger, R.W., 2007, SPT- and CPT-Based Relationships for the Residual Shear Strength of Liquefied Soils, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, K. D. Pitilakis, ed., Springer, The Netherlands, 1-22. Idriss, I.M. and Boulanger, R.W., 2008, Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, California, MNO-12. Idriss, I.M., and Boulanger, R.W., 2006, “Semi-empirical procedures for evaluating liquefaction potential during earthquakes”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (ICSDEE): Part II, Volume 26, Issues 2–4, February–April 2006, Pages 115–130. Idriss, I.M., and Boulanger, R.W., 2007, Residual Shear Strength of Liquefied Soils, Proceedings of the 27th USSD Annual Meeting and Conference, Modernization and Optimization of Existing Dams and Reservoirs. Ishihara, K., and M. Yoshimine, 1992, Evaluation of settlements in sand deposits following liquefaction during earthquakes, Soils and Foundations 32(1), 173–188. Kramer, S.L., 2008, Evaluation of Liquefaction Hazards in Washington State, Washington State Department of Transportation, Report WA-RD. Olson, S.M. and Stark, T.D., 2002. Liquefied Strength Ratio from Liquefied Flow Failure Case Histories, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 39, June, PP629-647.3 Powers, J. Patrick, 1992. Construction Dewatering, New Methods and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Seed, H.B. and Idriss, I.M., 1971, Simplified Procedure for Evaluating Soil Liquefaction Potential. Journal of Soil Mechanics Foundation Division, ASCE, Vol. 97, No. SM9, pp. 1249-1273. Seed, R.B. and Harder, L.F. (1990) SPT-Based Analysis of Cyclic Pore Pressure Generation and Undrained Residual Strength. In: Duncan, J.M., Ed., Proceedings of the H.B. Seed Memorial Symposium, Vol. 2, BiTech Publishers, Richmond, 351-376. October 14, 2022 HWA Project No. 2017-147-21 Geotechnical Report 25 HWA GeoSciences Inc. Tokimatsu, K., and H.B. Seed, 1987, Evaluation of Settlements in Sands Due to Earthquake Shaking, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Volume 113, Issue 8. Vukovic, M., Soro, A., 1992, Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity of Porous Media From Grain-Size Composition. Miladinov, D., translator, Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, USA. Wiley & Sons, Inc. WSDOT, 2015, Geotechnical Design Manual, Washington State Department of Transportation. WSDOT, 2018, BridgeLink, Version 1.1.8, Computer Software. WSDOT, 2018, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, Washington State Department of Transportation. Youd, T.L., Idriss, I.M, et al., 2001, Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Summary Report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER/NSF Workshops on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol. 127, No. 10, October, 2001. © 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 DigitalGlobe ©CNES (2019) Distribution Airbus DS © 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 HERE HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. DRAWN BYCHECK BY DATE: ZN BFM 01.21.2019 FIGURE #1 PROJECT # 2017-147-21 VICINITY MAP S:\2017 PROJECTS\2017-147-21 PARK AVE N EXTENSION\CAD\2017-147-21 SITE PLAN.DWG <Fig 1> Plotted: 2/19/2019 1:48 PM PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 200 400 600 800 SCALE: 1" = 400' VICINITY MAP SITE MAP 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 SCALE: 1" = 2000' SITE PROJECT AREA © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 DigitalGlobe ©CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS 17+0016+0015+00A A'SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN 2A FIGURE NO. PROJECT NO. 2017-147-21 DRAWN BY BFM CHECK BY ZN DATE 01.21.2019 S:\2017 PROJECTS\2017-147-21 PARK AVE N EXTENSION\CAD\2017-147-21 SITE PLAN.DWG <Fig 2A> Plotted: 6/9/2020 10:53 AM PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON BASE MAP PROVIDED BY: PERTEET 0 20 40 60 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION Scale: 1" = 40'-0"SOUTHPORT DR. N.EXPLORATION LEGEND BH-1 APPROXIMATE LOCATION AND DESIGNATION OF GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS BH-1 BH-2 BH-3 BH-4 BH-5 PARK AVE . N . LOGA N A V E NA A' CROSS SECTIONA'A BB' C C' WALL 1 2 ? ?? ? ?? ? ?????? EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE BH-4(STA. 14+98.03, 24.46'RT)BH-3(STA. 15+88.66, 23.23'LT)BH-5(STA. 16+06.31, 91.70'RT)BH-1(STA. 16+92.71, 47.80'LT)BH-2(STA. 17+03.44, 43.77'RT)3 FIGURE NO. PROJECT NO. 2017-147-21 DRAWN BY BFM CHECK BY ZN DATE 01.21.2019 S:\2017 PROJECTS\2017-147-21 PARK AVE N EXTENSION\CAD\2017-147-21 SITE PLAN.DWG <Fig 3> Plotted: 2/19/2019 3:26 PM PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON GEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTION A-A' 14+00 14+20 14+40 14+60 14+80 15+00 -45' INFERRED GEOLOGIC CONTACT EXPLORATION DESIGNATION BOTTOM OF EXPLORATION WATER LEVEL IN WELL AND DATE BLOW COUNT "N-VALUE "BH-3LEGEND ELEVATIONSOILS LEGEND ALLUVIUM FILL 15+20 15+40 15+60 15+80 16+00 16+20 16+40 16+60 16+80 17+00 17+20 17+40 -50' -40' -35' -25' -20' -15' -10' -5' 0' 5' 10' 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' -30' STATION FILL ALLUVIUM The subsurface conditions shown are based on widely spaced borings and should be considered approximate. Furthermore the contact lines shown between units are interpretive in nature and may vary laterally or vertically over relatively short distances on site. A A' BNSF R/W Water Level Below Ground Surface(ft)Date and TimeBH‐4 Ground Water ElevationBH-4 WATER LEVEL DATA2017-147-21FIGURE NO.PROJECT NO.North Park Avenue ExtensionRenton, Washington4A Water Level Below Ground Surface(ft)Date and TimeBH‐5 Ground Water ElevationBH-5 WATER LEVEL DATA2017-147-21FIGURE NO.PROJECT NO.North Park Avenue ExtensionRenton, Washington4B Park Avenue N Extension - 60% Plans Page 004.pdn SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS – TRADITIONAL FILL PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 5 2017-147 FIGURE NO. PROJECT NO. NOTES • Settlements are presented in inches and distances are in feet. • Settlement analysis was performed assuming fill heights acquired by comparing the existing topographic profiles to the proposed fill grades provided by Perteet. • Conventional fill material was assumed for this analysis (unit weight of 140 pcf). Settlements Observed along the railway tracks. Settlements observed along roadway alignment. Maximum Settlement of 8.67 inches. Proposed Grade Light Weight Cellular Concrete Type II Structural Fill 1.5 1 No Excavation Permitted by BNSF Zone C Shoring Zone A Shoring Zone B Shoring Zone C ShoringZone A Shoring Zone B Shoring Light Weight Cellular Concrete Type II Structural Fill 2 1 1.5 1 Existing Railway ~3.4 Feet 7 Feet 6 Inches 30 Feet 12 Feet 6 Inches 12 Feet 12 Feet 6 Inches Excavation Permitted by BNSF 7 Feet 6 Inches ~3.4 Feet Offset required of Cellular Concrete 12 Feet Excavation Permitted by BNSF ~1.8 Feet Existing Grade ~5.0 Feet ~3.8 Feet ~2.0 Feet ~2.0 Feet 1 Traditional Fill 1.5 6A FIGURE NO. PROJECT NO. 2017-147-21 DRAWN BY SKS CHECK BY DJH DATE 02.06.2019 S:\2017 PROJECTS\2017-147-21 PARK AVE N EXTENSION\CAD\EXCAVATION DETAILS\2018-147-021 EXCAVATION DETAILS.DWG <Parallel> Plotted: 2/22/2019 11:56 AM LIMITS OF CELLULAR CONCRETE PLACEMENT ALONG CENTERLINE PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON NTS B B' 4 1 Proposed Roadway Light Weight Cellular Concrete Structural Fill ~3.0 Feet ~ 69 Feet ~5.0 Feet ~3.0 Feet ~2.0 Feet 1.5 1 HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. DRAWN BYCHECK BY DATE: DJH SKS 02.06.2019 FIGURE #6B PROJECT # 2017-147-21 LIMITS OF CELLULAR CONCRETE PLACEMENT ALONG CENTERLINE S:\2017 PROJECTS\2017-147-21 PARK AVE N EXTENSION\CAD\EXCAVATION DETAILS\2018-147-021 EXCAVATION DETAILS.DWG <Perpendicular> Plotted: 2/22/2019 11:56 AM PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON NTS C C' Park Avenue N Extension - 60% Plans Page 004.pdn SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS – CELLULAR CONCRETE PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 7 2017-147 FIGURE NO. PROJECT NO. NOTES • Settlements are presented in inches and distances are in feet. • Settlement analysis was performed assuming fill heights acquired by comparing the existing topographic profiles to the proposed fill grades provided by Perteet. • Conventional fill material was assumed for this analysis (unit weight of 140 pcf). Distances from railway tracks to placement of traditional fill at the base (30 feet) and the top (37 feet) of the fill. Settlements observed along the railway tracks. Settlements observed along roadway alignment. 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3Ground Water Level Below Ground Surface (ft)Date and Time BH-4 Pump Test BH-4 WATER LEVEL DATA 2017-147-21 FIGURE NO. PROJECT NO. North Park Avenue Extension Renton, Washington Start pumping (11:08 AM) 8 Stopped pumping (11:38 AM) 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10 10.1 10.2Ground Water Level Below Ground Surface (ft)Date and Time BH-5 Pump Test BH-5 WATER LEVEL DATA 2017-147-21 FIGURE NO. PROJECT NO. North Park Avenue Extension Renton, Washington Start pumping (1:06 PM) 9 Stopped pumping (1:46 PM) APPENDIX A HWA EXPLORATION LOGS Geotechnical Report A-1 HWA GeoSciences Inc. APPENDIX A HWA EXPLORATIONS HWA GeoSciences Inc. (HWA) conducted five (5) geotechnical borings in support of the design of the proposed Park Avenue North Extension Project in Renton, Washington. The five (5) borings were conducted on The Boeing Company and Puget Sound Energy properties. Three of these borings (BH-1 through BH-3) were advanced by Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. of Bellevue, Washington on December 20, 2018. BH-4 and BH-5 were advanced by Holocene Drilling, Inc. of Puyallup, Washington on December 21, 2018 and January 4, 2019. Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. used a limited access Mini Bobcat Drill Rig equipped for hollow stem auger drilling and a cathead hammer to advance the three borings. Holocene Drilling, Inc. used a Diedrich D-120 truck-mounted drill rig equipped for hollow stem auger and mud rotary drilling with an automatic hammer to advance the two borings. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampling was performed using a 2-inch outside diameter split- spoon sampler driven by a 140-pound manual rope and cathead hammer. During the SPT, samples were obtained by driving the sampler 18 inches into the soil with the hammer free-falling 30 inches. The numbers of blows required for each 6 inches of penetration were recorded. The Standard Penetration Resistance (“N-value”) of the soil is calculated as the number of blows required for the final 12 inches of penetration. This resistance, or N-value, provides an indication of relative density of granular soils and the relative consistency of cohesive soils; both indicators of soil strength and foundation bearing capacity. The locations of the boreholes were determined approximately in the field by pacing and taping distances from existing site features and are shown on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 2. A geotechnical engineer from HWA logged each exploration and recorded all pertinent information. Soil samples obtained from the boreholes were classified in the field and representative portions were sealed in plastic bags. These soil samples were then returned to our Bothell, Washington, laboratory for further examination and testing. Pertinent information including soil sample depths, stratigraphy, soil engineering characteristics, and ground water occurrence was recorded. The stratigraphic contacts shown on the individual exploration logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types; actual transitions may be more gradual. The soil and ground water conditions depicted are only for the specific date and locations reported and, therefore, are not necessarily representative of other locations and times. A legend of the terms and symbols used on the exploration logs is presented in Figure A-1. Summary logs of the borehole explorations are presented in Figures A-2 through A-6. A-12017-147-21 PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON SYMBOLS USED ON EXPLORATION LOGS LEGEND OF TERMS AND Clean Gravel (little or no fines) More than 50% of Coarse Fraction Retained on No. 4 Sieve Gravel with SM SC ML MH CH OH RELATIVE DENSITY OR CONSISTENCY VERSUS SPT N-VALUE Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Very Dense Dense N (blows/ft) 0 to 4 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 over 50 Approximate Relative Density(%) 0 -15 15 -35 35 -65 65 -85 85 -100 COHESIVE SOILS Consistency Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard N (blows/ft) 0 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 8 8 to 15 15 to 30 over 30 Approximate Undrained Shear Strength (psf) <250 250 - No. 4 Sieve Sand with Fines (appreciable amount of fines) amount of fines) More than 50% Retained on No. 200 Sieve Size Sand and Sandy Soils Clean Sand (little or no fines) 50% or More of Coarse Fraction Passing Fine Grained Soils Silt and Clay Liquid Limit Less than 50% 50% or More Passing No. 200 Sieve Size Silt and Clay Liquid Limit 50% or More 500 500 -1000 1000 -2000 2000 -4000 >4000 DensityDensity USCS SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Coarse Grained Soils Gravel and Gravelly Soils Highly Organic Soils GROUP DESCRIPTIONS Well-graded GRAVEL Poorly-graded GRAVEL Silty GRAVEL Clayey GRAVEL Well-graded SAND Poorly-graded SAND Silty SAND Clayey SAND SILT Lean CLAY Organic SILT/Organic CLAY Elastic SILT Fat CLAY Organic SILT/Organic CLAY PEAT MAJOR DIVISIONS GW SP CL OL PT GP GM GC SW COHESIONLESS SOILS Fines (appreciable LEGEND 2017-147-21.GPJ 2/22/19 PROJECT NO.:FIGURE: Coarse sand Medium sand SIZE RANGE Larger than 12 in Smaller than No. 200 (0.074mm) Gravel time of drilling) Groundwater Level (measured in well or AL CBR CN Atterberg Limits: LL = Liquid Limit California Bearing Ratio Consolidation Resilient Modulus Photoionization Device Reading Pocket Penetrometer Specific Gravity Triaxial Compression Torvane 3 in to 12 in 3 in to No 4 (4.5mm) No. 4 (4.5 mm) to No. 200 (0.074 mm) COMPONENT DRY Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch. MOIST Damp but no visible water. WET Visible free water, usually soil is below water table. Boulders Cobbles Coarse gravel Fine gravel Sand MOISTURE CONTENT COMPONENT PROPORTIONS Fine sand Silt and Clay 5 - 12% PROPORTION RANGE DESCRIPTIVE TERMS Clean Slightly (Clayey, Silty, Sandy) 30 - 50% Components are arranged in order of increasing quantities. Very (Clayey, Silty, Sandy, Gravelly) 12 - 30%Clayey, Silty, Sandy, Gravelly open hole after water level stabilized) Groundwater Level (measured at 3 in to 3/4 in 3/4 in to No 4 (4.5mm) No. 4 (4.5 mm) to No. 10 (2.0 mm) No. 10 (2.0 mm) to No. 40 (0.42 mm) No. 40 (0.42 mm) to No. 200 (0.074 mm) PL = Plastic Limit DD DS GS K MD MR PID PP SG TC TV Dry Density (pcf) Direct Shear Grain Size Distribution Permeability Approx. Shear Strength (tsf) Percent Fines%F Moisture/Density Relationship (Proctor) Approx. Compressive Strength (tsf) Unconfined CompressionUC (140 lb. hammer with 30 in. drop) Shelby Tube Small Bag Sample Large Bag (Bulk) Sample Core Run Non-standard Penetration Test 2.0" OD Split Spoon (SPT) NOTES: Soil classifications presented on exploration logs are based on visual and laboratory observation. Density/consistency, color, modifier (if any) GROUP NAME, additions to group name (if any), moisture content. Proportion, gradation, and angularity of constituents, additional comments. (GEOLOGIC INTERPRETATION) Please refer to the discussion in the report text as well as the exploration logs for a more complete description of subsurface conditions. Soil descriptions are presented in the following general order: < 5% 3-1/4" OD Split Spoon with Brass Rings (3.0" OD split spoon) TEST SYMBOLS SAMPLE TYPE SYMBOLS GROUNDWATER SYMBOLS COMPONENT DEFINITIONS GS GS AL GS AL GS GS GS GS S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 NR S-6a S-6b S-7 S-8 S-9 Dark olive-brown, silty SAND, moist. Rootlets. (TOPSOIL) Medium dense, rust-mottled, olive-gray, gravelly, silty SAND, moist. (FILL) Becomes dark gray. Very soft, dark grayish-brown, sandy SILT, moist. 2 inch layer of decomposed wood at approximately 8.5 feet. (ALLUVIUM) Driller added bentonite slurry to boring. Becomes olive-brown. Soft, dark olive-brown, slightly sandy SILT, moist. Low Plasticity. 2 inch layer of decomposed wood at 13 feet. No recovery. Very stiff, brown, organic SILT, wet. High plasticity. Medium dense, dark gray, very silty SAND, wet. Minor organics. Becomes slightly silty. 1 inch layer of decomposed wood at 21 feet. Medium stiff, dark gray, very sandy SILT, wet. Non-plastic. Medium dense, olive-brown, slightly silty SAND, wet. Driller reports 2 feet of heave. Borehole terminated 31.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Ground water seepage encountered at approximately 12 feet bgs during drilling. Borehole abandoned with 3/8 inch bentonite chips. 4-7-9 6-5-13 1-1-1 1-1-0 2-2-1 1-1-2 3-9-10 9-13-15 2-2-2 6-12-15 SM SM ML ML OH SM ML SW SM BORING-DSM 2017-147-21.GPJ 2/22/19 FIGURE:PROJECT NO.:2017-147-21 RENTON, WASHINGTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONDEPTH(feet)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5ELEVATION (feet)BH-1 PAGE: 1 of 1(blows/6 inches)GROUNDWATERPEN. RESISTANCELiquid LimitSYMBOL010203040 50 0 20 40 60 80 100SAMPLE TYPESAMPLE NUMBERNatural Water ContentUSCS SOIL CLASSWater Content (%) NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions applies only at the specified location and on the date indicated DESCRIPTION OTHER TESTSPlastic Limit BORING: and therefore may not necessarily be indicative of other times and/or locations. (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Blows per foot A-2 Standard Penetration Test DATE COMPLETED: 12/20/2018 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. DRILLING METHOD: Mini Bobcat Drill Rig, 2.25" ID HSA LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATE STARTED: 12/20/2018 SAMPLING METHOD: SPT w/ Cathead LOGGED BY: Z. Ngoma >>>>165 SURFACE ELEVATION: 28.0 feet GS AL GS GS GS AL GS S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 Dark olive-brown, silty SAND, moist. Rootlets. (TOPSOIL) Loose, rust-mottled, olive-gray, gravelly, silty SAND, moist. (FILL) Medium dense, rust-mottled, olive-gray, gravelly, silty SAND, wet. Soft, olive-gray, SILT, moist. Minor organics. Low plasticity. (ALLUVIUM) Becomes dark grayish-brown. Abundant organics. Soft, olive-brown, sandy SILT, moist. Abundant organics. Low plasticity. Becomes dark grayish-brown. Increasing sand content. Added bentonite slurry to boring. Stiff, olive-gray, very sandy SILT, moist. Decomposed wood fragment at 18.5 feet. Medium dense, dark gray, silty SAND, wet. Medium stiff, dark gray, SILT, wet. Minor organics. Low plasticity. Medium dense, dark gray, slightly silty SAND, wet. Borehole terminated 31.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Ground water seepage encountered at approximately 5 feet bgs during drilling. Borehole abandoned with 3/8 inch bentonite chips. 3-2-3 8-8-8 2-1-2 1-1-1 2-2-2 1-2-1 1-3-8 7-8-7 2-3-4 1-2-6 SM ML ML SM ML SP SM BORING-DSM 2017-147-21.GPJ 2/22/19 FIGURE:PROJECT NO.:2017-147-21 RENTON, WASHINGTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONDEPTH(feet)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5ELEVATION (feet)BH-2 PAGE: 1 of 1(blows/6 inches)GROUNDWATERPEN. RESISTANCELiquid LimitSYMBOL010203040 50 0 20 40 60 80 100SAMPLE TYPESAMPLE NUMBERNatural Water ContentUSCS SOIL CLASSWater Content (%) NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions applies only at the specified location and on the date indicated DESCRIPTION OTHER TESTSPlastic Limit BORING: and therefore may not necessarily be indicative of other times and/or locations. (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Blows per foot A-3 Standard Penetration Test DATE COMPLETED: 12/20/2018 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. DRILLING METHOD: Mini Bobcat Drill Rig, 2.25" ID HSA LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATE STARTED: 12/20/2018 SAMPLING METHOD: SPT w/ Cathead LOGGED BY: Z. Ngoma SURFACE ELEVATION: 28.0 feet GS GS HYD GS GS GS HYD GS GS GS GS GS HYD S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11a S-11b Medium dense, dark yellowish-brown, gravelly, slightly silty SAND, moist. (FILL) Medium dense, rust-mottled, olive-gray, gravelly, silty SAND, moist. Becomes gray, wet. Very loose, dark olive-brown, gravelly, silty SAND, moist. Abundant organics. (ALLUVIUM) Becomes wet. Minor organics. Loose, dark gray, SAND, wet. Added bentonite slurry to boring. Loose, dark gray-brown, silty SAND, wet. Minor organics. With a 4 inch silt lens at 16 feet. Loose, dark gray-brown, very gravelly SAND, wet. Becomes dark olive-brown. Loose, rust-mottled, olive-gray, gravelly, very silty SAND, wet. Medium stiff, dark gray-brown, very sandy SILT, wet. Loose, dark gray, silty SAND, wet. Borehole terminated 31.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Ground water seepage encountered at approximately 5 feet bgs during drilling. Borehole abandoned with 3/8 inch bentonite chips. 28-12-15 10-13-13 7-7-11 1-1-2 1-1-1 3-2-2 1-1-6 3-3-5 1-3-5 4-4-2 2-3-4 SP SM SM SM SP SM SP SM ML SM BORING-DSM 2017-147-21.GPJ 2/22/19 FIGURE:PROJECT NO.:2017-147-21 RENTON, WASHINGTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONDEPTH(feet)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5ELEVATION (feet)BH-3 PAGE: 1 of 1(blows/6 inches)GROUNDWATERPEN. RESISTANCELiquid LimitSYMBOL010203040 50 0 20 40 60 80 100SAMPLE TYPESAMPLE NUMBERNatural Water ContentUSCS SOIL CLASSWater Content (%) NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions applies only at the specified location and on the date indicated DESCRIPTION OTHER TESTSPlastic Limit BORING: and therefore may not necessarily be indicative of other times and/or locations. (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Blows per foot A-4 Standard Penetration Test DATE COMPLETED: 12/20/2018 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. DRILLING METHOD: Mini Bobcat Drill Rig, 2.25" ID HSA LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATE STARTED: 12/20/2018 SAMPLING METHOD: SPT w/ Cathead LOGGED BY: Z. Ngoma 122 SURFACE ELEVATION: 28.0 feet AL GS GS GS GS HYD GS GS GS S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 Soft, rust-mottled olive-gray, very sandy SILT, moist. Low plasticity. (ALLUVIUM) Becomes dark yellow-brown. Non-plastic. Very loose, rust-mottled, yellow-brown, very silty SAND, wet. Grades to dark gray. Becomes loose, dark gray. Becomes slightly gravelly. Becomes medium dense. Very loose, dark gray, slightly gravelly, slightly silty SAND, wet. Piece of decomposed wood in tip of sampler. Driller reports encountering decomposed wood from 20 feet to 23 feet. Medium dense, dark gray, silty SAND, wet. Driller reports drilling action at 27 feet. Medium dense dark gray, very gravelly, slightly silty SAND, wet. Driller reports drilling action ends at 32 feet. 1-1-2 1-2-2 1-1-1 2-3-5 2-3-4 2-2-2 7-6-5 1-1-1 6-4-4 12-9-9 ML SM SP SM SM SP SM SM BORING-DSM 2017-147-21.GPJ 2/22/19 FIGURE:PROJECT NO.:2017-147-21 RENTON, WASHINGTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONDEPTH(feet)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5ELEVATION (feet)BH-4 PAGE: 1 of 2(blows/6 inches)GROUNDWATERPEN. RESISTANCELiquid LimitSYMBOL010203040 50 0 20 40 60 80 100SAMPLE TYPESAMPLE NUMBERNatural Water ContentUSCS SOIL CLASSWater Content (%) NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions applies only at the specified location and on the date indicated DESCRIPTION OTHER TESTSPlastic Limit BORING: and therefore may not necessarily be indicative of other times and/or locations. (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Blows per foot A-5 Standard Penetration Test DATE COMPLETED: 1/4/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. DRILLING METHOD: Diedrich D-120 Truck Rig, 4.25" ID HSA LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATE STARTED: 1/4/2019 SAMPLING METHOD: SPT w/ Autohammer LOGGED BY: Z. Ngoma SURFACE ELEVATION: 27.0 feet GS HYD AL GS GS HYD GS HYD GS S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-15 Medium dense, dark gray, silty SAND, wet. Very soft, olive-brown, organic SILT, moist. High plasticity. Drove Shelby Tube at 50 feet and it was advanced 13 inches. Medium Dense, gray, silty SAND, moist. Driller reports gravelly drilling action at 51 feet. Becomes dark gray. Minor organics. Very stiff, dark olive-brown, sandy organic SILT, moist. High plasticity. Borehole terminated 61.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Ground water seepage encountered at approximately 5 feet bgs during drilling. Borehole completed as a 2-inch PVC well (DOE # BKC 472). 8-10-12 0-0-0 1-1-1 13-11-13 11-10-14 OH SM OH BORING-DSM 2017-147-21.GPJ 2/22/19 FIGURE:PROJECT NO.:2017-147-21 RENTON, WASHINGTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONDEPTH(feet)35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40ELEVATION(feet)BH-4 PAGE: 2 of 2(blows/6 inches)GROUNDWATERPEN. RESISTANCELiquid LimitSYMBOL010203040 50 0 20 40 60 80 100SAMPLE TYPESAMPLE NUMBERNatural Water ContentUSCS SOIL CLASSWater Content (%) NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions applies only at the specified location and on the date indicated DESCRIPTION OTHER TESTSPlastic Limit BORING: and therefore may not necessarily be indicative of other times and/or locations. (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Blows per foot A-5 Standard Penetration Test DATE COMPLETED: 1/4/2019 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. DRILLING METHOD: Diedrich D-120 Truck Rig, 4.25" ID HSA LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATE STARTED: 1/4/2019 SAMPLING METHOD: SPT w/ Autohammer LOGGED BY: Z. Ngoma >>128 SURFACE ELEVATION: 27.0 feet GS GS GS GS HYD GS GS HYD GS S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 Dense, olive-brown, gravelly, silty SAND, moist. (FILL) Becomes medium dense. Becomes dark gray-brown. Medium dense, olive-brown, silty SAND, moist. (ALLUVIUM) Becomes loose. Abundant organics. Stiff, dark gray, very sandy SILT, moist. Minor organics. Loose, dark gray, slightly gravelly, slightly silty SAND, wet. Medium dense, dark gray, SAND, wet. Becomes loose. Driller reports 8 inches of heave. Medium dense, dark gray, slightly silty SAND, wet. Driller reports 1 foot of heave. 8-14-22 10-11-12 7-8-9 4-5-5 2-3-5 3-3-6 1-1-5 7-9-10 5-5-7 2-2-6 7-7-8 SM SM ML SP SM SP SW SM SP BORING-DSM 2017-147-21.GPJ 2/22/19 FIGURE:PROJECT NO.:2017-147-21 RENTON, WASHINGTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONDEPTH(feet)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5ELEVATION (feet)BH-5 PAGE: 1 of 2(blows/6 inches)GROUNDWATERPEN. RESISTANCELiquid LimitSYMBOL010203040 50 0 20 40 60 80 100SAMPLE TYPESAMPLE NUMBERNatural Water ContentUSCS SOIL CLASSWater Content (%) NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions applies only at the specified location and on the date indicated DESCRIPTION OTHER TESTSPlastic Limit BORING: and therefore may not necessarily be indicative of other times and/or locations. (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Blows per foot A-6 Standard Penetration Test DATE COMPLETED: 12/21/2018 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. DRILLING METHOD: Diedrich D-120 Truck Rig, 4.25" ID HSA LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATE STARTED: 12/21/2018 SAMPLING METHOD: SPT w/ Autohammer LOGGED BY: Z. Ngoma SURFACE ELEVATION: 28.0 feet GS GS HYD GS GS HYD GS GS S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 Medium dense, dark gray, slightly gravelly, slightly silty SAND, wet. Driller reports 6 inches of heave. Hard, dark gray, slightly gravelly, very sandy SILT, moist. Minor organics. Blow counts may be exaggerated possibly due to obstruction (e.g., piece of wood). Medium dense, olive-brown, very silty SAND, moist. Minor organics. Very stiff, dark brown, sandy SILT, moist. Minor organics. Medium dense, dark gray, silty SAND, wet. Becomes rust-mottled, dark gray, very sandy. Minor organics. Borehole terminated at 61.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Ground water seepage encountered at approximately 8 feet bgs during drilling. Borehole completed as a 2-inch PVC well (DOE # BLI 700). Ground water level measured at 9 feet bgs on 12/27/18. 7-9-14 6-18-38 3-4-9 4-6-10 12-14-15 9-9-16 SM ML SM ML SM BORING-DSM 2017-147-21.GPJ 2/22/19 FIGURE:PROJECT NO.:2017-147-21 RENTON, WASHINGTON PARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONDEPTH(feet)35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40ELEVATION(feet)BH-5 PAGE: 2 of 2(blows/6 inches)GROUNDWATERPEN. RESISTANCELiquid LimitSYMBOL010203040 50 0 20 40 60 80 100SAMPLE TYPESAMPLE NUMBERNatural Water ContentUSCS SOIL CLASSWater Content (%) NOTE: This log of subsurface conditions applies only at the specified location and on the date indicated DESCRIPTION OTHER TESTSPlastic Limit BORING: and therefore may not necessarily be indicative of other times and/or locations. (140 lb. weight, 30" drop) Blows per foot A-6 Standard Penetration Test DATE COMPLETED: 12/21/2018 DRILLING COMPANY: Geologic Drill Partners, Inc. DRILLING METHOD: Diedrich D-120 Truck Rig, 4.25" ID HSA LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATE STARTED: 12/21/2018 SAMPLING METHOD: SPT w/ Autohammer LOGGED BY: Z. Ngoma >> SURFACE ELEVATION: 28.0 feet APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Geotechnical Report B-1 HWA GeoSciences Inc. APPENDIX B LABORATORY INVESTIGATION Representative soil samples obtained from the explorations were placed in plastic bags to prevent loss of moisture and transported to our Bothell, Washington, laboratory for further examination and testing. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples to characterize relevant engineering and index properties of the site soils. The laboratory testing program was performed in general accordance with appropriate ASTM Standards, as outlined below. MOISTURE CONTENT OF SOIL: The moisture content of selected soil samples (percent by dry mass) was determined in general accordance with ASTM D 2216. The results are shown at the sampled intervals on the appropriate summary logs in Appendix A. PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS: Selected granular samples were tested to determine the particle size distribution of material in accordance with ASTM D 422 (wash sieve or wash sieve and hydrometer methods). The results are summarized on the attached Particle-Size Distribution reports (Figures B-1 through B-16, Appendix B), which also provide information regarding the classification of the samples and the moisture content at the time of testing. LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, AND PLASTICITY INDEX OF SOILS (ATTERBERG LIMITS): Selected sample was tested using method ASTM D 4318, multi-point method. The results are reported on the attached Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index reports found in Figure B-6. BH-1,S-1 2.5 4.0 11.2 SM Olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel BH-1,S-2 5.0 6.5 10.8 25.8 51.3 23.0 SM Dark gray, silty SAND with gravel BH-1,S-3 7.5 9.0 57.1 0.4 16.4 83.1 ML Dark grayish-brown, SILT with sand and organics BH-1,S-4 10.0 11.5 41.9 41 27 14 ML Olive-brown, SILT BH-1,S-5 12.5 14.0 60.5 0.1 9.0 90.9 ML Dark olive-brown, SILT with organics BH-1,S-6a 17.5 18.3 165.4 217 163 54 OH Brown, organic SILT BH-1,S-6b 18.3 19.0 28.6 0.1 63.5 36.4 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-1,S-7 20.0 21.5 29.4 0.8 87.2 12.1 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-1,S-8 25.0 26.5 33.7 41.8 58.2 ML Dark gray, sandy SILT BH-1,S-9 30.0 31.5 24.0 0.7 88.4 10.9 SW-SM Olive-brown, well-graded SAND with silt BH-2,S-1 2.5 4.0 12.1 23.7 51.8 24.5 SM Light olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel BH-2,S-2 5.0 6.5 10.9 SM Light olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel BH-2,S-3 7.5 9.0 40.2 34 26 8 ML Olive-gray, SILT BH-2,S-4 10.0 11.5 58.6 2.9 20.1 77.0 ML Dark grayish-brown, SILT with sand and organics BH-2,S-5 12.5 14.0 52.2 ML Olive-brown, sandy SILT BH-2,S-6 15.0 16.5 45.7 43.7 56.3 ML Dark grayish-brown, sandy SILT BH-2,S-7 17.5 19.0 75.4 ML Light olive-brown, sandy SILT BH-2,S-8 20.0 21.5 28.5 86.9 13.1 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-2,S-9 25.0 26.5 45.4 27 23 4 ML Dark gray, SILT BH-2,S-10 30.0 31.5 31.0 90.1 9.9 SP-SM Dark gray, poorly graded SAND with silt(feet)TOP DEPTHSAMPLE DESCRIPTION Notes:ASTM SOILMOISTURECONTENT (%)ORGANIC% FINESSPECIFIC GRAVITYEXPLORATIONDESIGNATION1. This table summarizes information presented elsewhere in the report and should be used in conjunction with the report test, other graphs and tables, and the exploration logs. 2. The soil classifications in this table are based on ASTM D2487 and D2488 as applicable. MATERIAL PROPERTIES B-1 PAGE: 1 of 4 SUMMARY OF LIMITS (%) ATTERBERG BOTTOM DEPTHCONTENT (%)% SAND% GRAVELPIPLLL CLASSIFICATION(feet)2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: INDEX MATSUM 2 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON BH-3,S-1 0.0 1.5 12.5 29.1 60.7 10.3 SP-SM Dark yellowish-brown, poorly graded SAND with silt and gravel BH-3,S-2 2.5 4.0 13.9 SM Light olive-brown, silty SAND BH-3,S-3 5.0 6.5 11.9 21.7 52.7 25.6 SM Gray, silty SAND with gravel BH-3,S-4 7.5 9.0 122.4 28.8 49.1 22.1 SM Dark olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel and organics BH-3,S-5 10.0 11.5 50.2 0.6 80.9 18.5 SM Dark olive-brown, silty SAND with organics BH-3,S-6 12.5 14.0 23.6 97.0 3.0 SP Dark gray, poorly graded SAND BH-3,S-7 15.0 16.5 39.0 0.6 70.8 28.6 SM Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND with organics BH-3,S-8 17.5 19.0 12.9 37.3 60.5 2.1 SP Dark grayish-brown, poorly graded SAND with gravel BH-3,S-9 20.0 21.5 21.9 SP Olive-brown, poorly graded SAND with gravel BH-3,S-10 25.0 26.5 40.9 16.1 42.1 41.7 SM Olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel BH-3,S-11a 30.0 30.5 34.8 43.7 56.3 ML Dark grayish-brown, sandy SILT BH-3,S-11b 30.5 31.5 28.5 0.7 80.0 19.3 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-4,S-1 2.5 4.0 45.0 38 29 9 ML Grayish-brown, SILT BH-4,S-2 5.0 6.5 42.3 1.6 39.0 59.4 ML Dark yellowish-brown, sandy SILT BH-4,S-3 7.5 9.0 41.9 62.8 37.2 SM Very dark grayish-brown, silty SAND BH-4,S-4 10.0 11.5 34.7 75.6 24.4 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-4,S-5 12.5 14.0 37.6 SM Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND BH-4,S-6 15.0 16.5 29.7 7.6 68.5 24.0 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-4,S-7 17.5 19.0 34.7 SM Very dark grayish-brown, silty SAND(feet)TOP DEPTHSAMPLE DESCRIPTION Notes:ASTM SOILMOISTURECONTENT (%)ORGANIC% FINESSPECIFIC GRAVITYEXPLORATIONDESIGNATION1. This table summarizes information presented elsewhere in the report and should be used in conjunction with the report test, other graphs and tables, and the exploration logs. 2. The soil classifications in this table are based on ASTM D2487 and D2488 as applicable. MATERIAL PROPERTIES B-2 PAGE: 2 of 4 SUMMARY OF LIMITS (%) ATTERBERG BOTTOM DEPTHCONTENT (%)% SAND% GRAVELPIPLLL CLASSIFICATION(feet)2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: INDEX MATSUM 2 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON BH-4,S-8 20.0 21.5 35.6 9.6 78.8 11.7 SP-SM Dark gray, poorly graded SAND with silt BH-4,S-9 25.0 26.5 30.0 1.1 72.7 26.2 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-4,S-10 30.0 31.5 14.6 41.9 52.2 6.0 SP-SM Dark gray, poorly graded SAND with silt and gravel BH-4,S-11 35.0 36.5 28.7 5.0 73.3 21.7 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-4,S-12 40.0 41.5 127.6 134 87 47 OH Olive-brown, organic SILT BH-4,S-13 45.0 46.5 77.6 11.4 88.6 OH Olive-brown, organic SILT BH-4,S-14 50.0 51.1 22.1 86.9 13.1 SM Gray, silty SAND BH-4,S-15 55.0 56.5 26.5 3.3 81.1 15.6 SM Dark gray, silty SAND BH-4,S-15 60.0 61.5 83.9 1.7 22.6 75.7 OH Very dark grayish-brown, organic SILT BH-5,S-1 0.0 1.5 11.1 17.6 64.1 18.3 SM Olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel BH-5,S-2 2.5 4.0 8.9 SM Olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel BH-5,S-3 5.0 6.5 12.4 14.6 59.3 26.0 SM Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND BH-5,S-4 7.5 9.0 21.7 SM Olive-brown, silty SAND BH-5,S-5 10.0 11.5 37.9 0.7 61.1 38.2 SM Olive-brown, silty SAND BH-5,S-6 12.5 14.0 42.9 0.1 33.4 66.5 ML Dark gray, sandy SILT BH-5,S-7 15.0 16.5 29.8 7.3 83.7 9.0 SP-SM Very dark grayish-brown, poorly graded SAND with silt BH-5,S-8 17.5 19.0 20.5 SP Very dark gray, poorly graded SAND with gravel BH-5,S-9 20.0 21.5 18.5 2.3 93.4 4.3 SP Dark gray, poorly graded SAND BH-5,S-10 25.0 26.5 20.6 SP Very dark gray, poorly graded SAND with gravel BH-5,S-11 30.0 31.5 19.8 3.0 87.0 10.0 SW-SM Very dark grayish-brown, well-graded SAND with silt(feet)TOP DEPTHSAMPLE DESCRIPTION Notes:ASTM SOILMOISTURECONTENT (%)ORGANIC% FINESSPECIFIC GRAVITYEXPLORATIONDESIGNATION1. This table summarizes information presented elsewhere in the report and should be used in conjunction with the report test, other graphs and tables, and the exploration logs. 2. The soil classifications in this table are based on ASTM D2487 and D2488 as applicable. MATERIAL PROPERTIES B-3 PAGE: 3 of 4 SUMMARY OF LIMITS (%) ATTERBERG BOTTOM DEPTHCONTENT (%)% SAND% GRAVELPIPLLL CLASSIFICATION(feet)2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: INDEX MATSUM 2 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON BH-5,S-12 35.0 36.5 18.9 7.2 85.7 7.1 SP-SM Dark grayish-brown, poorly graded SAND with silt BH-5,S-13 40.0 41.5 43.7 10.2 30.4 59.4 ML Very dark gray, sandy SILT BH-5,S-14 45.0 46.5 71.9 0.1 57.1 42.8 SM Olive-brown, silty SAND BH-5,S-15 50.0 51.5 47.9 0.1 16.9 83.0 ML Dark brown, SILT with sand BH-5,S-16 55.0 56.5 27.3 0.2 82.3 17.5 SM Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND BH-5,S-17 60.0 61.5 36.5 52.5 47.5 SM Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND(feet)TOP DEPTHSAMPLE DESCRIPTION Notes:ASTM SOILMOISTURECONTENT (%)ORGANIC% FINESSPECIFIC GRAVITYEXPLORATIONDESIGNATION1. This table summarizes information presented elsewhere in the report and should be used in conjunction with the report test, other graphs and tables, and the exploration logs. 2. The soil classifications in this table are based on ASTM D2487 and D2488 as applicable. MATERIAL PROPERTIES B-4 PAGE: 4 of 4 SUMMARY OF LIMITS (%) ATTERBERG BOTTOM DEPTHCONTENT (%)% SAND% GRAVELPIPLLL CLASSIFICATION(feet)2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: INDEX MATSUM 2 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-2 S-3 S-5 5.0 - 6.5 7.5 - 9.0 12.5 - 14.0 #10 51.3 16.4 9.0 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-5 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 25.8 0.4 0.1 Sand % (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND with gravel (ML) Dark grayish-brown, SILT with sand and organics (ML) Dark olive-brown, SILT with organics Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-1 BH-1 BH-1 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 11 57 61 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 23.0 83.1 90.9 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-6b S-7 S-8 18.3 - 19.0 20.0 - 21.5 25.0 - 26.5 #10 63.5 87.2 41.8 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-6 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 0.1 0.8 Sand % (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND (ML) Dark gray, sandy SILT Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-1 BH-1 BH-1 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 29 29 34 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 36.4 12.1 58.2 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-9 S-1 S-4 30.0 - 31.5 2.5 - 4.0 10.0 - 11.5 #10 88.4 51.8 20.1 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-7 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 0.7 23.7 2.9 Sand % (SW-SM) Olive-brown, well-graded SAND with silt (SM) Light olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel (ML) Dark grayish-brown, SILT with sand and organics Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-1 BH-2 BH-2 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 24 12 59 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 10.9 24.5 77.0 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-6 S-8 S-10 15.0 - 16.5 20.0 - 21.5 30.0 - 31.5 #10 43.7 86.9 90.1 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-8 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 Sand % (ML) Dark grayish-brown, sandy SILT (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND (SP-SM) Dark gray, poorly graded SAND with silt Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-2 BH-2 BH-2 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 46 28 31 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 56.3 13.1 9.9 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-1 S-3 S-4 0.0 - 1.5 5.0 - 6.5 7.5 - 9.0 #10 60.7 52.7 49.1 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-9 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 29.1 21.7 28.8 Sand % (SP-SM) Dark yellowish-brown, poorly graded SAND with silt and gravel (SM) Gray, silty SAND with gravel (SM) Dark olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel and organics Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-3 BH-3 BH-3 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 12 12 122 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 10.3 25.6 22.1 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-5 S-6 S-7 10.0 - 11.5 12.5 - 14.0 15.0 - 16.5 #10 80.9 97.0 70.8 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-10 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 0.6 0.6 Sand % (SM) Dark olive-brown, silty SAND with organics (SP) Dark gray, poorly graded SAND (SM) Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND with organics Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-3 BH-3 BH-3 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 50 24 39 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 18.5 3.0 28.6 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-8 S-10 S-11a 17.5 - 19.0 25.0 - 26.5 30.0 - 30.5 #10 60.5 42.1 43.7 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-11 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 37.3 16.1 Sand % (SP) Dark grayish-brown, poorly graded SAND with gravel (SM) Olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel (ML) Dark grayish-brown, sandy SILT Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-3 BH-3 BH-3 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 13 41 35 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 2.1 41.7 56.3 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-11b S-2 S-3 30.5 - 31.5 5.0 - 6.5 7.5 - 9.0 #10 80.0 39.0 62.8 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-12 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 0.7 1.6 Sand % (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND (ML) Dark yellowish-brown, sandy SILT (SM) Very dark grayish-brown, silty SAND Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-3 BH-4 BH-4 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 29 42 42 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 19.3 59.4 37.2 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-4 S-6 S-8 10.0 - 11.5 15.0 - 16.5 20.0 - 21.5 #10 75.6 68.5 78.8 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-13 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 7.6 9.6 Sand % (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND (SP-SM) Dark gray, poorly graded SAND with silt Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-4 BH-4 BH-4 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 35 30 36 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 24.4 24.0 11.7 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-9 S-10 S-11 25.0 - 26.5 30.0 - 31.5 35.0 - 36.5 #10 72.7 52.2 73.3 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-14 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 1.1 41.9 5.0 Sand % (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND (SP-SM) Dark gray, poorly graded SAND with silt and gravel (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-4 BH-4 BH-4 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 30 15 29 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 26.2 6.0 21.7 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-13 S-14 S-15 45.0 - 46.5 50.0 - 51.1 55.0 - 56.5 #10 11.4 86.9 81.1 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-15 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 3.3 Sand % (OH) Olive-brown, organic SILT (SM) Gray, silty SAND (SM) Dark gray, silty SAND Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-4 BH-4 BH-4 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 78 22 27 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 88.6 13.1 15.6 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-15 S-1 S-3 60.0 - 61.5 0.0 - 1.5 5.0 - 6.5 #10 22.6 64.1 59.3 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-16 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 1.7 17.6 14.6 Sand % (OH) Very dark grayish-brown, organic SILT (SM) Olive-brown, silty SAND with gravel (SM) Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-4 BH-5 BH-5 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 84 11 12 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 75.7 18.3 26.0 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-5 S-6 S-7 10.0 - 11.5 12.5 - 14.0 15.0 - 16.5 #10 61.1 33.4 83.7 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-17 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 0.7 0.1 7.3 Sand % (SM) Olive-brown, silty SAND (ML) Dark gray, sandy SILT (SP-SM) Very dark grayish-brown, poorly graded SAND with silt Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-5 BH-5 BH-5 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 38 43 30 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 38.2 66.5 9.0 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-9 S-11 S-12 20.0 - 21.5 30.0 - 31.5 35.0 - 36.5 #10 93.4 87.0 85.7 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-18 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 2.3 3.0 7.2 Sand % (SP) Dark gray, poorly graded SAND (SW-SM) Very dark grayish-brown, well-graded SAND with silt (SP-SM) Dark grayish-brown, poorly graded SAND with silt Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-5 BH-5 BH-5 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 19 20 19 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 4.3 10.0 7.1 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-13 S-14 S-15 40.0 - 41.5 45.0 - 46.5 50.0 - 51.5 #10 30.4 57.1 16.9 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-19 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 10.2 0.1 0.1 Sand % (ML) Very dark gray, sandy SILT (SM) Olive-brown, silty SAND (ML) Dark brown, SILT with sand Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-5 BH-5 BH-5 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 44 72 48 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 59.4 42.8 83.0 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.0010.010.1110 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 50 SAMPLE S-16 S-17 55.0 - 56.5 60.0 - 61.5 #10 82.3 52.5 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SAND B-20 Coarse #60#40#20 Fine Coarse SYMBOL Gravel % 3"1-1/2"PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT#4 #200 0.2 Sand % (SM) Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND (SM) Dark grayish-brown, silty SAND Fines % 0.00050.005 CLAY BH-5 BH-5 SILT 3/4" GRAVEL 0.05 5/8" 70 #100 0.5 27 36 50 Medium Fine 3/8" 5 PI 90 10 % MC LL PLDEPTH ( ft.) PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D6913 17.5 47.5 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAGRSZ 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 % MC LL CL-ML MH SAMPLEPLASTICITY INDEX (PI)SYMBOL PL PI S-4 S-3 S-9 S-1 10.0 - 11.5 7.5 - 9.0 25.0 - 26.5 2.5 - 4.0 27 26 23 29 42 40 45 45 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT AND PLASTICITY INDEX OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D4318 CL (ML) Olive-brown, SILT (ML) Olive-gray, SILT (ML) Dark gray, SILT (ML) Grayish-brown, SILT B-21 14 8 4 9 CH CLASSIFICATION % Fines LIQUID LIMIT (LL) BH-1 BH-2 BH-2 BH-4 ML 41 34 27 38 DEPTH (ft) 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAATTB 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 DEPTH (ft) 17.5 - 18.3 40.0 - 41.5 (OH) Brown, organic SILT (OH) Olive-brown, organic SILT 163 87 BH-1 BH-4 S-6a S-12 CH MH B-22 LIQUID LIMIT (LL)PLASTICITY INDEX (PI)SYMBOL SAMPLE LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT AND PLASTICITY INDEX OF SOILS METHOD ASTM D4318 CLASSIFICATION % MC LL PL PI % Fines 217 134 54 47 165 128 CL-ML ML CL 2017-147-21PROJECT NO.: HWAATTB7 2017-147-21.GPJ 01/28/19 FIGURE: PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX E – CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER GENERAL PERMIT Issuance Date: November 18, 2020 Effective Date: January 1, 2021 Expiration Date: December 31, 2025 CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER GENERAL PERMIT National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity State of Washington Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington 98504 In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (State of Washington Water Pollution Control Act) and Title 33 United States Code, Section 1251 et seq. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (The Clean Water Act) Until this permit expires, is modified, or revoked, Permittees that have properly obtained coverage under this general permit are authorized to discharge in accordance with the special and general conditions that follow. __________________________________ Vincent McGowan, P.E. Water Quality Program Manager Washington State Department of Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................. ii SUMMARY OF PERMIT REPORT SUBMITTALS ...................................................................................... 1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3 S1. Permit Coverage .............................................................................................................................. 3 S2. Application Requirements ............................................................................................................... 7 S3. Compliance with Standards ............................................................................................................. 9 S4. Monitoring Requirements, Benchmarks, and Reporting Triggers ................................................. 10 S5. Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements ................................................................................ 17 S6. Permit Fees .................................................................................................................................... 20 S7. Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal .................................................................................................... 20 S8. Discharges to 303(D) or TMDL Waterbodies ................................................................................. 20 S9. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan .......................................................................................... 23 S10. Notice Of Termination ................................................................................................................... 32 GENERAL CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 34 G1. Discharge Violations....................................................................................................................... 34 G2. Signatory Requirements ................................................................................................................ 34 G3. Right of Inspection and Entry ......................................................................................................... 35 G4. General Permit Modification and Revocation ............................................................................... 35 G5. Revocation of Coverage Under tPermit ......................................................................................... 35 G6. Reporting a Cause for Modification ............................................................................................... 36 G7. Compliance with Other Laws and Statutes .................................................................................... 36 G8. Duty to Reapply.............................................................................................................................. 36 G9. Removed Substance ....................................................................................................................... 36 G10. Duty to Provide Information .......................................................................................................... 36 G11. Other Requirements of 40 CFR ...................................................................................................... 37 G12. Additional Monitoring .................................................................................................................... 37 G13. Penalties for Violating Permit Conditions ...................................................................................... 37 G14. Upset .............................................................................................................................................. 37 G15. Property Rights .............................................................................................................................. 37 G16. Duty to Comply .............................................................................................................................. 37 G17. Toxic Pollutants .............................................................................................................................. 38 G18. Penalties for Tampering ................................................................................................................. 38 G19. Reporting Planned Changes ........................................................................................................... 38 G20. Reporting Other Information ......................................................................................................... 38 G21. Reporting Anticipated Non-Compliance ........................................................................................ 38 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page ii G22. Requests to Be Excluded From Coverage Under the Permit ......................................................... 39 G23. Appeals........................................................................................................................................... 39 G24. Severability..................................................................................................................................... 39 G25. Bypass Prohibited .......................................................................................................................... 39 APPENDIX A – DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 42 APPENDIX B – ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................ 50 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of Required Submittals ................................................................................................ 1 Table 2 Summary of Required On-site Documentation ........................................................................... 2 Table 3 Summary of Primary Monitoring Requirements ....................................................................... 12 Table 4 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements ................................................................................. 14 Table 5 Turbidity, Fine Sediment & Phosphorus Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters ................................................................................................................ 22 Table 6 pH Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters ..................................................................... 22 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 1 SUMMARY OF PERMIT REPORT SUBMITTALS Refer to the Special and General Conditions within this permit for additional submittal requirements. Appendix A provides a list of definitions. Appendix B provides a list of acronyms. Table 1 Summary of Required Submittals Permit Section Submittal Frequency First Submittal Date S5.A and S8 High Turbidity/Transparency Phone Reporting As Necessary Within 24 hours S5.B Discharge Monitoring Report Monthly* Within 15 days following the end of each month S5.F and S8 Noncompliance Notification – Telephone Notification As necessary Within 24 hours S5.F Noncompliance Notification – Written Report As necessary Within 5 Days of non-compliance S9.D Request for Chemical Treatment Form As necessary Written approval from Ecology is required prior to using chemical treatment (with the exception of dry ice, CO2 or food grade vinegar to adjust pH) G2 Notice of Change in Authorization As necessary G6 Permit Application for Substantive Changes to the Discharge As necessary G8 Application for Permit Renewal 1/permit cycle No later than 180 days before expiration S2.A Notice of Permit Transfer As necessary G19 Notice of Planned Changes As necessary G21 Reporting Anticipated Non-compliance As necessary NOTE: *Permittees must submit electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) to the Washington State Department of Ecology monthly, regardless of site discharge, for the full duration of permit coverage. Refer to Section S5.B of this General Permit for more specific information regarding DMRs. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 2 Table 2 Summary of Required On-site Documentation Document Title Permit Conditions Permit Coverage Letter See Conditions S2, S5 Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) See Conditions S2, S5 Site Log Book See Conditions S4, S5 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) See Conditions S5, S9 Site Map See Conditions S5, S9 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS S1. PERMIT COVERAGE A. Permit Area This Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) covers all areas of Washington State, except for federal operators and Indian Country as specified in Special Condition S1.E.3 and 4. B. Operators Required to Seek Coverage Under this General Permit 1. Operators of the following construction activities are required to seek coverage under this CSWGP: a. Clearing, grading and/or excavation that results in the disturbance of one or more acres (including off-site disturbance acreage related to construction-support activity as authorized in S1.C.2) and discharges stormwater to surface waters of the State; and clearing, grading and/or excavation on sites smaller than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale, if the common plan of development or sale will ultimately disturb one acre or more and discharge stormwater to surface waters of the State. i. This category includes forest practices (including, but not limited to, class IV conversions) that are part of a construction activity that will result in the disturbance of one or more acres, and discharge to surface waters of the State (that is, forest practices that prepare a site for construction activities); and b. Any size construction activity discharging stormwater to waters of the State that the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology): i. Determines to be a significant contributor of pollutants to waters of the State of Washington. ii. Reasonably expects to cause a violation of any water quality standard. 2. Operators of the following activities are not required to seek coverage under this CSWGP (unless specifically required under Special Condition S1.B.1.b, above): a. Construction activities that discharge all stormwater and non-stormwater to groundwater, sanitary sewer, or combined sewer, and have no point source discharge to either surface water or a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State. b. Construction activities covered under an Erosivity Waiver (Special Condition S1.F). c. Routine maintenance that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of a facility. C. Authorized Discharges 1. Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity. Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, Permittees are authorized to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State. (Note that “surface waters of the Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 4 State” may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site.) 2. Stormwater Associated with Construction Support Activity. This permit also authorizes stormwater discharge from support activities related to the permitted construction site (for example, an on-site portable rock crusher, off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas, etc.) provided: a. The support activity relates directly to the permitted construction site that is required to have an NPDES permit; and b. The support activity is not a commercial operation serving multiple unrelated construction projects, and does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity; and c. Appropriate controls and measures are identified in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the discharges from the support activity areas. 3. Non-Stormwater Discharges. The categories and sources of non-stormwater discharges identified below are authorized conditionally, provided the discharge is consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit: a. Discharges from fire-fighting activities. b. Fire hydrant system flushing. c. Potable water, including uncontaminated water line flushing. d. Hydrostatic test water. e. Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate. f. Uncontaminated groundwater or spring water. g. Uncontaminated excavation dewatering water (in accordance with S9.D.10). h. Uncontaminated discharges from foundation or footing drains. i. Uncontaminated or potable water used to control dust. Permittees must minimize the amount of dust control water used. j. Routine external building wash down that does not use detergents. k. Landscape irrigation water. The SWPPP must adequately address all authorized non-stormwater discharges, except for discharges from fire-fighting activities, and must comply with Special Condition S3. At a minimum, discharges from potable water (including water line flushing), fire hydrant system flushing, and pipeline hydrostatic test water must undergo the following: dechlorination to a concentration of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) or less, and pH adjustment to within 6.5 – 8.5 standard units (su), if necessary. D. Prohibited Discharges The following discharges to waters of the State, including groundwater, are prohibited: Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 5 1. Concrete wastewater 2. Wastewater from washout and clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials. 3. Process wastewater as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 122.2 (See Appendix A of this permit). 4. Slurry materials and waste from shaft drilling, including process wastewater from shaft drilling for construction of building, road, and bridge foundations unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9.j. 5. Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance. 6. Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing. 7. Wheel wash wastewater, unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9. 8. Discharges from dewatering activities, including discharges from dewatering of trenches and excavations, unless managed according to Special Condition S9.D.10. E. Limits on Coverage Ecology may require any discharger to apply for and obtain coverage under an individual permit or another more specific general permit. Such alternative coverage will be required when Ecology determines that this CSWGP does not provide adequate assurance that water quality will be protected, or there is a reasonable potential for the project to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. The following stormwater discharges are not covered by this permit: 1. Post-construction stormwater discharges that originate from the site after completion of construction activities and the site has undergone final stabilization. 2. Non-point source silvicultural activities such as nursery operations, site preparation, reforestation and subsequent cultural treatment, thinning, prescribed burning, pest and fire control, harvesting operations, surface drainage, or road construction and maintenance, from which there is natural runoff as excluded in 40 CFR Subpart 122. 3. Stormwater from any federal operator. 4. Stormwater from facilities located on Indian Country as defined in 18 U.S.C.§1151, except portions of the Puyallup Reservation as noted below. Indian Country includes: a. All land within any Indian Reservation notwithstanding the issuance of any patent, and, including rights-of-way running through the reservation. This includes all federal, tribal, and Indian and non-Indian privately owned land within the reservation. b. All off-reservation Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the same. c. All off-reservation federal trust lands held for Native American Tribes. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 6 Puyallup Exception: Following the Puyallup Tribes of Indians Land Settlement Act of 1989, 25 U.S.C. §1773; the permit does apply to land within the Puyallup Reservation except for discharges to surface water on land held in trust by the federal government. 5. Stormwater from any site covered under an existing NPDES individual permit in which stormwater management and/or treatment requirements are included for all stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. 6. Stormwater from a site where an applicable Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirement specifically precludes or prohibits discharges from construction activity. F. Erosivity Waiver Construction site operators may qualify for an Erosivity Waiver from the CSWGP if the following conditions are met: 1. The site will result in the disturbance of fewer than five (5) acres and the site is not a portion of a common plan of development or sale that will disturb five (5) acres or greater. 2. Calculation of Erosivity “R” Factor and Regional Timeframe: a. The project’s calculated rainfall erosivity factor (“R” Factor) must be less than five (5) during the period of construction activity, (See the CSWGP homepage http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/index.html for a link to the EPA’s calculator and step by step instructions on computing the “R” Factor in the EPA Erosivity Waiver Fact Sheet). The period of construction activity starts when the land is first disturbed and ends with final stabilization. In addition: b. The entire period of construction activity must fall within the following timeframes: i. For sites west of the Cascades Crest: June 15 – September 15. ii. For sites east of the Cascades Crest, excluding the Central Basin: June 15 – October 15. iii. For sites east of the Cascades Crest, within the Central Basin: no timeframe restrictions apply. The Central Basin is defined as the portions of Eastern Washington with mean annual precipitation of less than 12 inches. For a map of the Central Basin (Average Annual Precipitation Region 2), refer to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/resourcesguida nce.html. 3. Construction site operators must submit a complete Erosivity Waiver certification form at least one week before disturbing the land. Certification must include statements that the operator will: a. Comply with applicable local stormwater requirements; and b. Implement appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs to prevent violations of water quality standards. 4. This waiver is not available for facilities declared significant contributors of pollutants as defined in Special Condition S1.B.1.b or for any size construction activity that could Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 7 reasonably expect to cause a violation of any water quality standard as defined in Special Condition S1.B.1.b.ii. 5. This waiver does not apply to construction activities which include non-stormwater discharges listed in Special Condition S1.C.3. 6. If construction activity extends beyond the certified waiver period for any reason, the operator must either: a. Recalculate the rainfall erosivity “R” factor using the original start date and a new projected ending date and, if the “R” factor is still under 5 and the entire project falls within the applicable regional timeframe in Special Condition S1.F.2.b, complete and submit an amended waiver certification form before the original waiver expires; or b. Submit a complete permit application to Ecology in accordance with Special Condition S2.A and B before the end of the certified waiver period. S2. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Permit Application Forms 1. Notice of Intent Form a. Operators of new or previously unpermitted construction activities must submit a complete and accurate permit application (Notice of Intent, or NOI) to Ecology. b. Operators must apply using the electronic application form (NOI) available on Ecology’s website (http://ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/index.html). Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper NOI. Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 c. The operator must submit the NOI at least 60 days before discharging stormwater from construction activities and must submit it prior to the date of the first public notice (See Special Condition S2.B, below, for details). The 30-day public comment period begins on the publication date of the second public notice. Unless Ecology responds to the complete application in writing, coverage under the general permit will automatically commence on the 31st day following receipt by Ecology of a completed NOI, or the issuance date of this permit, whichever is later; unless Ecology specifies a later date in writing as required by WAC173-226-200(2). See S8.B for Limits on Coverage for New Discharges to TMDL or 303(d)-Listed Waters. d. If an applicant intends to use a Best Management Practice (BMP) selected on the basis of Special Condition S9.C.4 (“demonstrably equivalent” BMPs), the applicant must notify Ecology of its selection as part of the NOI. In the event the applicant selects BMPs after submission of the NOI, the applicant must provide notice of the Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 8 selection of an equivalent BMP to Ecology at least 60 days before intended use of the equivalent BMP. e. Applicants must notify Ecology if they are aware of contaminated soils and/or groundwater associated with the construction activity. Provide detailed information with the NOI (as known and readily available) on the nature and extent of the contamination (concentrations, locations, and depth), as well as pollution prevention and/or treatment BMPs proposed to control the discharge of soil and/or groundwater contaminants in stormwater. Examples of such detail may include, but are not limited to: i. List or table of all known contaminants with laboratory test results showing concentration and depth, ii. Map with sample locations, iii. Related portions of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that address the management of contaminated and potentially contaminated construction stormwater and dewatering water, iv. Dewatering plan and/or dewatering contingency plan. 2. Transfer of Coverage Form The Permittee can transfer current coverage under this permit to one or more new operators, including operators of sites within a Common Plan of Development, provided: i. The Permittee submits a complete Transfer of Coverage Form to Ecology, signed by the current and new discharger and containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage and liability (including any Administrative Orders associated with the permit); and ii. Ecology does not notify the current discharger and new discharger of intent to revoke coverage under the general permit. If this notice is not given, the transfer is effective on the date specified in the written agreement. When a current discharger (Permittee) transfers a portion of a permitted site, the current discharger must also indicate the remaining permitted acreage after the transfer. Transfers do not require public notice. 3. Modification of Coverage Form Permittees must notify Ecology regarding any changes to the information provided on the NOI by submitting an Update/Modification of Permit Coverage form in accordance with General Conditions G6 and G19. Examples of such changes include, but are not limited to: i. Changes to the Permittee’s mailing address, ii. Changes to the on-site contact person information, and iii. Changes to the area/acreage affected by construction activity. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 9 B. Public Notice For new or previously unpermitted construction activities, the applicant must publish a public notice at least one time each week for two consecutive weeks, at least 7 days apart, in a newspaper with general circulation in the county where the construction is to take place. The notice must be run after the NOI has been submitted and must contain: 1. A statement that “The applicant is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit.” 2. The name, address, and location of the construction site. 3. The name and address of the applicant. 4. The type of construction activity that will result in a discharge (for example, residential construction, commercial construction, etc.), and the total number of acres to be disturbed over the lifetime of the project. 5. The name of the receiving water(s) (that is, the surface water(s) to which the site will discharge), or, if the discharge is through a storm sewer system, the name of the operator of the system and the receiving water(s) the system discharges to. 6. The statement: Any persons desiring to present their views to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding this application, or interested in Ecology’s action on this application, may notify Ecology in writing no later than 30 days of the last date of publication of this notice. Ecology reviews public comments and considers whether discharges from this project would cause a measurable change in receiving water quality, and, if so, whether the project is necessary and in the overriding public interest according to Tier II antidegradation requirements under WAC 173-201A-320. Comments can be submitted to: Department of Ecology, PO Box 47696, Olympia, Washington 98504-7696 Attn: Water Quality Program, Construction Stormwater. S3. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS A. Discharges must not cause or contribute to a violation of surface water quality standards (Chapter 173-201A WAC), groundwater quality standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC), sediment management standards (Chapter 173-204 WAC), and human health-based criteria in the Federal water quality criteria applicable to Washington. (40 CFR Part 131.45) Discharges that are not in compliance with these standards are prohibited. B. Prior to the discharge of stormwater and non-stormwater to waters of the State, the Permittee must apply All Known, Available, and Reasonable methods of prevention, control, and Treatment (AKART). This includes the preparation and implementation of an adequate SWPPP, with all appropriate BMPs installed and maintained in accordance with the SWPPP and the terms and conditions of this permit. C. Ecology presumes that a Permittee complies with water quality standards unless discharge monitoring data or other site-specific information demonstrates that a discharge causes or contributes to a violation of water quality standards, when the Permittee complies with the following conditions. The Permittee must fully: Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 10 1. Comply with all permit conditions, including; planning, sampling, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping conditions. 2. Implement stormwater BMPs contained in stormwater management manuals published or approved by Ecology, or BMPs that are demonstrably equivalent to BMPs contained in stormwater management manuals published or approved by Ecology, including the proper selection, implementation, and maintenance of all applicable and appropriate BMPs for on-site pollution control. (For purposes of this section, the stormwater manuals listed in Appendix 10 of the Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit are approved by Ecology.) D. Where construction sites also discharge to groundwater, the groundwater discharges must also meet the terms and conditions of this CSWGP. Permittees who discharge to groundwater through an injection well must also comply with any applicable requirements of the Underground Injection Control (UIC) regulations, Chapter 173-218 WAC. S4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS, BENCHMARKS, AND REPORTING TRIGGERS A. Site Log Book The Permittee must maintain a site log book that contains a record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements, including the installation and maintenance of BMPs, site inspections, and stormwater monitoring. B. Site Inspections Construction sites one (1) acre or larger that discharge stormwater to surface waters of the State must have site inspections conducted by a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL). Sites less than one (1) acre may have a person without CESCL certification conduct inspections. (See Special Conditions S4.B.3 and B.4, below, for detailed requirements of the Permittee’s CESCL.) Site inspections must include all areas disturbed by construction activities, all BMPs, and all stormwater discharge points under the Permittee’s operational control. 1. The Permittee must have staff knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The CESCL (sites one acre or more) or inspector (sites less than one acre) must have the skills to assess the: a. Site conditions and construction activities that could impact the quality of stormwater; and b. Effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quality of stormwater discharges. The SWPPP must identify the CESCL or inspector, who must be present on site or on-call at all times. The CESCL (sites one (1) acre or more) must obtain this certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training program that meets the minimum training standards established by Ecology. (See BMP C160 in the manual, referred to in Special Condition S9.C.1 and 2.) 2. The CESCL or inspector must examine stormwater visually for the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oil sheen. BMP effectiveness must be evaluated to Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 11 determine if it is necessary to install, maintain, or repair BMPs to improve the quality of stormwater discharges. Based on the results of the inspection, the Permittee must correct the problems identified, by: a. Reviewing the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and making appropriate revisions within 7 days of the inspection. b. Immediately beginning the process of fully implementing and maintaining appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs, within 10 days of the inspection. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when an extension is requested by a Permittee within the initial 10-day response period. c. Documenting BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. 3. The CESCL or inspector must inspect all areas disturbed by construction activities, all BMPs, and all stormwater discharge points at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any discharge from the site. (For purposes of this condition, individual discharge events that last more than one (1) day do not require daily inspections. For example, if a stormwater pond discharges continuously over the course of a week, only one (1) inspection is required that week.) Inspection frequency may be reduced to once every calendar month for inactive sites that are temporarily stabilized. 4. The Permittee must summarize the results of each inspection in an inspection report or checklist and enter the report/checklist into, or attach it to, the site log book. At a minimum, each inspection report or checklist must include: a. Inspection date and time. b. Weather information. c. The general conditions during inspection. d. The approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection. e. The approximate amount of precipitation within the last 24 hours. f. A summary or list of all implemented BMPs, including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or practices. g. A description of: i. BMPs inspected (including location). ii. BMPs that need maintenance and why. iii. BMPs that failed to operate as designed or intended, and iv. Where additional or different BMPs are needed, and why. h. A description of stormwater discharged from the site. The Permittee must note the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, and oil sheen, as applicable. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 12 i. Any water quality monitoring performed during inspection. j. General comments and notes, including a brief description of any BMP repairs, maintenance, or installations made following the inspection. k. An implementation schedule for the remedial actions that the Permittee plans to take if the site inspection indicates that the site is out of compliance. The remedial actions taken must meet the requirements of the SWPPP and the permit. l. A summary report of the inspection. m. The name, title, and signature of the person conducting the site inspection, a phone number or other reliable method to reach this person, and the following statement: I certify that this report is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Table 3 Summary of Primary Monitoring Requirements Size of Soil Disturbance 1 Weekly Site Inspections Weekly Sampling w/ Turbidity Meter Weekly Sampling w/ Transparency Tube Weekly pH Sampling 2 CESCL Required for Inspections? Sites that disturb less than 1 acre, but are part of a larger Common Plan of Development Required Not Required Not Required Not Required No Sites that disturb 1 acre or more, but fewer than 5 acres Required Sampling Required – either method 3 Required Yes Sites that disturb 5 acres or more Required Required Not Required 4 Required Yes 1 Soil disturbance is calculated by adding together all areas that will be affected by construction activity. Construction activity means clearing, grading, excavation, and any other activity that disturbs the surface of the land, including ingress/egress from the site. 2 If construction activity results in the disturbance of 1 acre or more, and involves significant concrete work (1,000 cubic yards of concrete or recycled concrete placed or poured over the life of a project) or the use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD], or fly ash), and stormwater from the affected area drains to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer stormwater collection system that drains to other surface waters of the State, the Permittee must conduct pH sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.D. 3 Sites with one or more acres, but fewer than 5 acres of soil disturbance, must conduct turbidity or transparency sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.C.4.a or b. 4 Sites equal to or greater than 5 acres of soil disturbance must conduct turbidity sampling using a turbidity meter in accordance with Special Condition S4.C.4.a. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 13 C. Turbidity/Transparency Sampling Requirements 1. Sampling Methods a. If construction activity involves the disturbance of five (5) acres or more, the Permittee must conduct turbidity sampling per Special Condition S4.C.4.a, below. b. If construction activity involves one (1) acre or more but fewer than five (5) acres of soil disturbance, the Permittee must conduct either transparency sampling or turbidity sampling per Special Condition S4.C.4.a or b, below. 2. Sampling Frequency a. The Permittee must sample all discharge points at least once every calendar week when stormwater (or authorized non-stormwater) discharges from the site or enters any on-site surface waters of the state (for example, a creek running through a site); sampling is not required on sites that disturb less than an acre. b. Samples must be representative of the flow and characteristics of the discharge. c. Sampling is not required when there is no discharge during a calendar week. d. Sampling is not required outside of normal working hours or during unsafe conditions. e. If the Permittee is unable to sample during a monitoring period, the Permittee must include a brief explanation in the monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR). f. Sampling is not required before construction activity begins. g. The Permittee may reduce the sampling frequency for temporarily stabilized, inactive sites to once every calendar month. 3. Sampling Locations a. Sampling is required at all points where stormwater associated with construction activity (or authorized non-stormwater) is discharged off site, including where it enters any on-site surface waters of the state (for example, a creek running through a site). b. The Permittee may discontinue sampling at discharge points that drain areas of the project that are fully stabilized to prevent erosion. c. The Permittee must identify all sampling point(s) in the SWPPP and on the site map and clearly mark these points in the field with a flag, tape, stake or other visible marker. d. Sampling is not required for discharge that is sent directly to sanitary or combined sewer systems. e. The Permittee may discontinue sampling at discharge points in areas of the project where the Permittee no longer has operational control of the construction activity. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 14 4. Sampling and Analysis Methods a. The Permittee performs turbidity analysis with a calibrated turbidity meter (turbidimeter) either on site or at an accredited lab. The Permittee must record the results in the site log book in nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs). b. The Permittee performs transparency analysis on site with a 1¾ inch diameter, 60 centimeter (cm)-long transparency tube. The Permittee will record the results in the site log book in centimeters (cm). Table 4 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Parameter Unit Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Benchmark Value Turbidity NTU SM2130 Weekly, if discharging 25 NTUs Transparency Cm Manufacturer instructions, or Ecology guidance Weekly, if discharging 33 cm 5. Turbidity/Transparency Benchmark Values and Reporting Triggers The benchmark value for turbidity is 25 NTUs. The benchmark value for transparency is 33 centimeters (cm). Note: Benchmark values do not apply to discharges to segments of water bodies on Washington State’s 303(d) list (Category 5) for turbidity, fine sediment, or phosphorus; these discharges are subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity. Refer to Special Condition S8 for more information and follow S5.F – Noncompliance Notification for reporting requirements applicable to discharges which exceed the numeric effluent limit for turbidity. a. Turbidity 26 – 249 NTUs, or Transparency 32 – 7 cm: If the discharge turbidity is 26 to 249 NTUs; or if discharge transparency is 32 to 7 cm, the Permittee must: i. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs, and no later than 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. ii. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. iii. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. b. Turbidity 250 NTUs or greater, or Transparency 6 cm or less: If a discharge point’s turbidity is 250 NTUs or greater, or if discharge transparency is less than or equal to 6 cm, the Permittee must complete the reporting and adaptive Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 15 management process described below. For discharges which are subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity, see S5.F – Noncompliance Notification. i. Within 24 hours, telephone or submit an electronic report to the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) number (or through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal [WQWebPortal] – Permit Submittals when the form is available), in accordance with Special Condition S5.A. • Central Region (Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat, Benton): (509) 575-2490 • Eastern Region (Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman): (509) 329-3400 • Northwest Region (Kitsap, Snohomish, Island, King, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000 • Southwest Region (Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Thurston, Pierce, Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, Wahkiakum, Clallam, Jefferson, Pacific): (360) 407-6300 These numbers and a link to the ERTS reporting page are also listed at the following website: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/index.html. ii. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. iii. Sample discharges daily until: a) Turbidity is 25 NTUs (or lower); or b) Transparency is 33 cm (or greater); or c) The Permittee has demonstrated compliance with the water quality standard for turbidity: 1) No more than 5 NTUs over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTUs, or 2) No more than 10% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTUs or greater; or *Note: background turbidity in the receiving water must be measured immediately upstream (upgradient) or outside of the area of influence of the discharge. d) The discharge stops or is eliminated. iv. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within seven (7) days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 16 v. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. Compliance with these requirements does not relieve the Permittee from responsibility to maintain continuous compliance with permit benchmarks. D. pH Sampling Requirements – Significant Concrete Work or Engineered Soils If construction activity results in the disturbance of 1 acre or more, and involves significant concrete work (significant concrete work means greater than 1000 cubic yards placed or poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project) or the use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD], or fly ash), and stormwater from the affected area drains to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State, the Permittee must conduct pH sampling as set forth below. Note: In addition, discharges to segments of water bodies on Washington State’s 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH are subject to a numeric effluent limit for pH; refer to Special Condition S8. 1. The Permittee must perform pH analysis on site with a calibrated pH meter, pH test kit, or wide range pH indicator paper. The Permittee must record pH sampling results in the site log book. 2. During the applicable pH monitoring period defined below, the Permittee must obtain a representative sample of stormwater and conduct pH analysis at least once per week. a. For sites with significant concrete work, the Permittee must begin the pH sampling period when the concrete is first placed or poured and exposed to precipitation, and continue weekly throughout and after the concrete placement, pour and curing period, until stormwater pH is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). b. For sites with recycled concrete where monitoring is required, the Permittee must begin the weekly pH sampling period when the recycled concrete is first exposed to precipitation and must continue until the recycled concrete is fully stabilized with the stormwater pH in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). c. For sites with engineered soils, the Permittee must begin the pH sampling period when the soil amendments are first exposed to precipitation and must continue until the area of engineered soils is fully stabilized. 3. The Permittee must sample pH in the sediment trap/pond(s) or other locations that receive stormwater runoff from the area of significant concrete work or engineered soils before the stormwater discharges to surface waters. 4. The benchmark value for pH is 8.5 standard units. Anytime sampling indicates that pH is 8.5 or greater, the Permittee must either: a. Prevent the high pH water (8.5 or above) from entering storm sewer systems or surface waters of the state; or b. If necessary, adjust or neutralize the high pH water until it is in the range of pH 6.5 to 8.5 (su) using an appropriate treatment BMP such as carbon dioxide (CO2) sparging, dry ice or food grade vinegar. The Permittee must obtain written approval from Ecology before using any form of chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging, dry ice or food grade vinegar. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 17 S5. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS A. High Turbidity Reporting Anytime sampling performed in accordance with Special Condition S4.C indicates turbidity has reached the 250 NTUs or more (or transparency less than or equal to 6 cm), high turbidity reporting level, the Permittee must notify Ecology within 24 hours of analysis either by calling the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) number by phone or by submitting an electronic ERTS report (through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal) – Permit Submittals when the form is available). See the CSWGP website for links to ERTS and the WQWebPortal. (http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/ construction/index.html) Also, see phone numbers in Special Condition S4.C.5.b.i. B. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) Permittees required to conduct water quality sampling in accordance with Special Conditions S4.C (Turbidity/Transparency), S4.D (pH), S8 (303[d]/TMDL sampling), and/or G12 (Additional Sampling) must submit the results to Ecology. Permittees must submit monitoring data using Ecology's WQWebDMR web application accessed through Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal. Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper copy DMR at: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 Permittees who obtain a waiver not to use WQWebDMR must use the forms provided to them by Ecology; submittals must be mailed to the address above. Permittees must submit DMR forms to be received by Ecology within 15 days following the end of each month. If there was no discharge during a given monitoring period, all Permittees must submit a DMR as required with “no discharge” entered in place of the monitoring results. DMRs are required for the full duration of permit coverage (from the first full month following the effective date of permit coverage up until Ecology has approved termination of the coverage). For more information, contact Ecology staff using information provided at the following website: www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/permits/paris/contacts.html. C. Records Retention The Permittee must retain records of all monitoring information (site log book, sampling results, inspection reports/checklists, etc.), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, copy of the permit coverage letter (including Transfer of Coverage documentation) and any other documentation of compliance with permit requirements for the entire life of the construction project and for a minimum of five (5) years following the termination of permit coverage. Such information must include all calibration and maintenance records, and records of all data used to complete the application for this permit. This period of retention must be extended during Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 18 the course of any unresolved litigation regarding the discharge of pollutants by the Permittee or when requested by Ecology. D. Recording Results For each measurement or sample taken, the Permittee must record the following information: 1. Date, place, method, and time of sampling or measurement. 2. The first and last name of the individual who performed the sampling or measurement. 3. The date(s) the analyses were performed. 4. The first and last name of the individual who performed the analyses. 5. The analytical techniques or methods used. 6. The results of all analyses. E. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee If the Permittee samples or monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by this permit using test procedures specified by Special Condition S4 of this permit, the sampling results for this monitoring must be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the Permittee’s DMR. F. Noncompliance Notification In the event the Permittee is unable to comply with any part of the terms and conditions of this permit, and the resulting noncompliance may cause a threat to human health or the environment (such as but not limited to spills or fuels or other materials, catastrophic pond or slope failure, and discharges that violate water quality standards), or exceed numeric effluent limitations (see S8 – Discharges to 303(d) or TMDL Waterbodies), the Permittee must, upon becoming aware of the circumstance: 1. Notify Ecology within 24 hours of the failure to comply by calling the applicable Regional office ERTS phone number (refer to Special Condition S4.C.5.b.i, or go to https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Get-involved/Report-an-environmental-issue to find contact information for the regional offices.) 2. Immediately take action to prevent the discharge/pollution, or otherwise stop or correct the noncompliance, and, if applicable, repeat sampling and analysis of any noncompliance immediately and submit the results to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation (See S5.F.3, below, for details on submitting results in a report). 3. Submit a detailed written report to Ecology within five (5) days of the time the Permittee becomes aware of the circumstances, unless requested earlier by Ecology. The report must be submitted using Ecology’s Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal) – Permit Submittals, unless a waiver from electronic reporting has been granted according to S5.B. The report must contain a description of the noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 19 The Permittee must report any unanticipated bypass and/or upset that exceeds any effluent limit in the permit in accordance with the 24-hour reporting requirement contained in 40 C.F.R. 122.41(l)(6). Compliance with these requirements does not relieve the Permittee from responsibility to maintain continuous compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit or the resulting liability for failure to comply. Upon request of the Permittee, Ecology may waive the requirement for a written report on a case-by-case basis, if the immediate notification is received by Ecology within 24 hours. G. Access to Plans and Records 1. The Permittee must retain the following permit documentation (plans and records) on site, or within reasonable access to the site, for use by the operator or for on-site review by Ecology or the local jurisdiction: a. General Permit b. Permit Coverage Letter c. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) d. Site Log Book e. Erosivity Waiver (if applicable) 2. The Permittee must address written requests for plans and records listed above (Special Condition S5.G.1) as follows: a. The Permittee must provide a copy of plans and records to Ecology within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. b. The Permittee must provide a copy of plans and records to the public when requested in writing. Upon receiving a written request from the public for the Permittee’s plans and records, the Permittee must either: i. Provide a copy of the plans and records to the requester within 14 days of a receipt of the written request; or ii. Notify the requester within 10 days of receipt of the written request of the location and times within normal business hours when the plans and records may be viewed; and provide access to the plans and records within 14 days of receipt of the written request; or Within 14 days of receipt of the written request, the Permittee may submit a copy of the plans and records to Ecology for viewing and/or copying by the requester at an Ecology office, or a mutually agreed location. If plans and records are viewed and/or copied at a location other than at an Ecology office, the Permittee will provide reasonable access to copying services for which a reasonable fee may be charged. The Permittee must notify the requester within 10 days of receipt of the request where the plans and records may be viewed and/or copied. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 20 S6. PERMIT FEES The Permittee must pay permit fees assessed by Ecology. Fees for stormwater discharges covered under this permit are established by Chapter 173-224 WAC. Ecology continues to assess permit fees until the permit is terminated in accordance with Special Condition S10 or revoked in accordance with General Condition G5. S7. SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL The Permittee must handle and dispose of solid and liquid wastes generated by construction activity, such as demolition debris, construction materials, contaminated materials, and waste materials from maintenance activities, including liquids and solids from cleaning catch basins and other stormwater facilities, in accordance with: A. Special Condition S3, Compliance with Standards. B. WAC 173-216-110. C. Other applicable regulations. S8. DISCHARGES TO 303(d) OR TMDL WATERBODIES A. Sampling and Numeric Effluent Limits For Certain Discharges to 303(d)-Listed Water Bodies 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies listed as impaired by the State of Washington under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus, must conduct water quality sampling according to the requirements of this section, and Special Conditions S4.C.2.b-f and S4.C.3.b-d, and must comply with the applicable numeric effluent limitations in S8.C and S8.D. 2. All references and requirements associated with Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act mean the most current listing by Ecology of impaired waters (Category 5) that exists on January 1, 2021, or the date when the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. B. Limits on Coverage for New Discharges to TMDL or 303(d)-Listed Waters Construction sites that discharge to a TMDL or 303(d)-listed waterbody are not eligible for coverage under this permit unless the operator: Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 21 1. Prevents exposing stormwater to pollutants for which the waterbody is impaired, and retains documentation in the SWPPP that details procedures taken to prevent exposure on site; or 2. Documents that the pollutants for which the waterbody is impaired are not present at the site, and retains documentation of this finding within the SWPPP; or 3. Provides Ecology with data indicating the discharge is not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of a water quality standard, and retains such data on site with the SWPPP. The operator must provide data and other technical information to Ecology that sufficiently demonstrate: a. For discharges to waters without an EPA-approved or -established TMDL, that the discharge of the pollutant for which the water is impaired will meet in-stream water quality criteria at the point of discharge to the waterbody; or b. For discharges to waters with an EPA-approved or -established TMDL, that there is sufficient remaining wasteload allocation in the TMDL to allow construction stormwater discharge and that existing dischargers to the waterbody are subject to compliance schedules designed to bring the waterbody into attainment with water quality standards. Operators of construction sites are eligible for coverage under this permit only after Ecology makes an affirmative determination that the discharge will not cause or contribute to the existing impairment or exceed the TMDL. C. Sampling and Numeric Effluent Limits for Discharges to Water Bodies on the 303(d) List for Turbidity, Fine Sediment, or Phosphorus 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for turbidity, fine sediment, or phosphorus must conduct turbidity sampling in accordance with Special Condition S4.C.2 and comply with either of the numeric effluent limits noted in Table 5 below. 2. As an alternative to the 25 NTUs effluent limit noted in Table 5 below (applied at the point where stormwater [or authorized non-stormwater] is discharged off-site), Permittees may choose to comply with the surface water quality standard for turbidity. The standard is: no more than 5 NTUs over background turbidity when the background turbidity is 50 NTUs or less, or no more than a 10% increase in turbidity when the background turbidity is more than 50 NTUs. In order to use the water quality standard requirement, the sampling must take place at the following locations: a. Background turbidity in the 303(d)-listed receiving water immediately upstream (upgradient) or outside the area of influence of the discharge. b. Turbidity at the point of discharge into the 303(d)-listed receiving water, inside the area of influence of the discharge. 3. Discharges that exceed the numeric effluent limit for turbidity constitute a violation of this permit. 4. Permittees whose discharges exceed the numeric effluent limit must sample discharges daily until the violation is corrected and comply with the non-compliance notification requirements in Special Condition S5.F. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 22 Table 5 Turbidity, Fine Sediment & Phosphorus Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters Parameter identified in 303(d) listing Parameter Sampled Unit Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Numeric Effluent Limit1 • Turbidity • Fine Sediment • Phosphorus Turbidity NTU SM2130 Weekly, if discharging 25 NTUs, at the point where stormwater is discharged from the site; OR In compliance with the surface water quality standard for turbidity (S8.C.2.a) 1 Permittees subject to a numeric effluent limit for turbidity may, at their discretion, choose either numeric effluent limitation based on site-specific considerations including, but not limited to, safety, access and convenience. D. Discharges to Water Bodies on the 303(d) List for High pH 1. Permittees who discharge to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH must conduct pH sampling in accordance with the table below, and comply with the numeric effluent limit of pH 6.5 to 8.5 su (Table 6). Table 6 pH Sampling and Limits for 303(d)-Listed Waters Parameter identified in 303(d) listing Parameter Sampled/Units Analytical Method Sampling Frequency Numeric Effluent Limit High pH pH /Standard Units pH meter Weekly, if discharging In the range of 6.5 – 8.5 su 2. At the Permittee’s discretion, compliance with the limit shall be assessed at one of the following locations: a. Directly in the 303(d)-listed waterbody segment, inside the immediate area of influence of the discharge; or b. Alternatively, the Permittee may measure pH at the point where the discharge leaves the construction site, rather than in the receiving water. 3. Discharges that exceed the numeric effluent limit for pH (outside the range of 6.5 – 8.5 su) constitute a violation of this permit. 4. Permittees whose discharges exceed the numeric effluent limit must sample discharges daily until the violation is corrected and comply with the non-compliance notification requirements in Special Condition S5.F. E. Sampling and Limits for Sites Discharging to Waters Covered by a TMDL or another Pollution Control Plan Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 23 1. Discharges to a waterbody that is subject to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus must be consistent with the TMDL. Refer to http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/tmdl/TMDLsbyWria/TMDLbyWria.html for more information on TMDLs. a. Where an applicable TMDL sets specific waste load allocations or requirements for discharges covered by this permit, discharges must be consistent with any specific waste load allocations or requirements established by the applicable TMDL. i. The Permittee must sample discharges weekly, unless otherwise specified by the TMDL, to evaluate compliance with the specific waste load allocations or requirements. ii. Analytical methods used to meet the monitoring requirements must conform to the latest revision of the Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants contained in 40 CFR Part 136. iii. Turbidity and pH methods need not be accredited or registered unless conducted at a laboratory which must otherwise be accredited or registered. b. Where an applicable TMDL has established a general waste load allocation for construction stormwater discharges, but has not identified specific requirements, compliance with Special Conditions S4 (Monitoring) and S9 (SWPPPs) will constitute compliance with the approved TMDL. c. Where an applicable TMDL has not specified a waste load allocation for construction stormwater discharges, but has not excluded these discharges, compliance with Special Conditions S4 (Monitoring) and S9 (SWPPPs) will constitute compliance with the approved TMDL. d. Where an applicable TMDL specifically precludes or prohibits discharges from construction activity, the operator is not eligible for coverage under this permit. S9. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The Permittee must prepare and properly implement an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction activity in accordance with the requirements of this permit beginning with initial soil disturbance and until final stabilization. A. The Permittee’s SWPPP must meet the following objectives: 1. To identify best management practices (BMPs) which prevent erosion and sedimentation, and to reduce, eliminate or prevent stormwater contamination and water pollution from construction activity. 2. To prevent violations of surface water quality, groundwater quality, or sediment management standards. 3. To control peak volumetric flow rates and velocities of stormwater discharges. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 24 B. General Requirements 1. The SWPPP must include a narrative and drawings. All BMPs must be clearly referenced in the narrative and marked on the drawings. The SWPPP narrative must include documentation to explain and justify the pollution prevention decisions made for the project. Documentation must include: a. Information about existing site conditions (topography, drainage, soils, vegetation, etc.). b. Potential erosion problem areas. c. The 13 elements of a SWPPP in Special Condition S9.D.1-13, including BMPs used to address each element. d. Construction phasing/sequence and general BMP implementation schedule. e. The actions to be taken if BMP performance goals are not achieved—for example, a contingency plan for additional treatment and/or storage of stormwater that would violate the water quality standards if discharged. f. Engineering calculations for ponds, treatment systems, and any other designed structures. When a treatment system requires engineering calculations, these calculations must be included in the SWPPP. Engineering calculations do not need to be included in the SWPPP for treatment systems that do not require such calculations. 2. The Permittee must modify the SWPPP if, during inspections or investigations conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is, or would be, ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The Permittee must then: a. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9 and make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the inspection or investigation. b. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible, addressing the problems no later than 10 days from the inspection or investigation. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when an extension is requested by a Permittee within the initial 10-day response period. c. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. The Permittee must modify the SWPPP whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State. C. Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) BMPs must be consistent with: 1. Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (most current approved edition at the time this permit was issued), for sites west of the crest of the Cascade Mountains; or Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 25 2. Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (most current approved edition at the time this permit was issued), for sites east of the crest of the Cascade Mountains; or 3. Revisions to the manuals listed in Special Condition S9.C.1 & 2, or other stormwater management guidance documents or manuals which provide an equivalent level of pollution prevention, that are approved by Ecology and incorporated into this permit in accordance with the permit modification requirements of WAC 173-226-230; or 4. Documentation in the SWPPP that the BMPs selected provide an equivalent level of pollution prevention, compared to the applicable stormwater management manuals, including: a. The technical basis for the selection of all stormwater BMPs (scientific, technical studies, and/or modeling) that support the performance claims for the BMPs being selected. b. An assessment of how the selected BMP will satisfy AKART requirements and the applicable federal technology-based treatment requirements under 40 CFR part 125.3. D. SWPPP – Narrative Contents and Requirements The Permittee must include each of the 13 elements below in Special Condition S9.D.1-13 in the narrative of the SWPPP and implement them unless site conditions render the element unnecessary and the exemption from that element is clearly justified in the SWPPP. 1. Preserve Vegetation/Mark Clearing Limits a. Before beginning land-disturbing activities, including clearing and grading, clearly mark all clearing limits, sensitive areas and their buffers, and trees that are to be preserved within the construction area. b. Retain the duff layer, native topsoil, and natural vegetation in an undisturbed state to the maximum degree practicable. 2. Establish Construction Access a. Limit construction vehicle access and exit to one route, if possible. b. Stabilize access points with a pad of quarry spalls, crushed rock, or other equivalent BMPs, to minimize tracking sediment onto roads. c. Locate wheel wash or tire baths on site, if the stabilized construction entrance is not effective in preventing tracking sediment onto roads. d. If sediment is tracked off site, clean the affected roadway thoroughly at the end of each day, or more frequently as necessary (for example, during wet weather). Remove sediment from roads by shoveling, sweeping, or pickup and transport of the sediment to a controlled sediment disposal area. e. Conduct street washing only after sediment removal in accordance with Special Condition S9.D.2.d. f. Control street wash wastewater by pumping back on site or otherwise preventing it from discharging into systems tributary to waters of the State. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 26 3. Control Flow Rates a. Protect properties and waterways downstream of construction sites from erosion and the associated discharge of turbid waters due to increases in the velocity and peak volumetric flow rate of stormwater runoff from the project site, as required by local plan approval authority. b. Where necessary to comply with Special Condition S9.D.3.a, construct stormwater infiltration or detention BMPs as one of the first steps in grading. Assure that detention BMPs function properly before constructing site improvements (for example, impervious surfaces). c. If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, protect these facilities from sedimentation during the construction phase. 4. Install Sediment Controls The Permittee must design, install and maintain effective erosion controls and sediment controls to minimize the discharge of pollutants. At a minimum, the Permittee must: a. Construct sediment control BMPs (sediment ponds, traps, filters, infiltration facilities, etc.) as one of the first steps in grading. These BMPs must be functional before other land disturbing activities take place. b. Minimize sediment discharges from the site. The design, installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls must address factors such as the amount, frequency, intensity and duration of precipitation, the nature of resulting stormwater runoff, and soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site. c. Direct stormwater runoff from disturbed areas through a sediment pond or other appropriate sediment removal BMP, before the runoff leaves a construction site or before discharge to an infiltration facility. Runoff from fully stabilized areas may be discharged without a sediment removal BMP, but must meet the flow control performance standard of Special Condition S9.D.3.a. d. Locate BMPs intended to trap sediment on site in a manner to avoid interference with the movement of juvenile salmonids attempting to enter off-channel areas or drainages. e. Provide and maintain natural buffers around surface waters, direct stormwater to vegetated areas to increase sediment removal and maximize stormwater infiltration, unless infeasible. f. Where feasible, design outlet structures that withdraw impounded stormwater from the surface to avoid discharging sediment that is still suspended lower in the water column. 5. Stabilize Soils a. The Permittee must stabilize exposed and unworked soils by application of effective BMPs that prevent erosion. Applicable BMPs include, but are not limited to: temporary and permanent seeding, sodding, mulching, plastic covering, erosion Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 27 control fabrics and matting, soil application of polyacrylamide (PAM), the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved, and dust control. b. The Permittee must control stormwater volume and velocity within the site to minimize soil erosion. c. The Permittee must control stormwater discharges, including both peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and stream bank erosion. d. Depending on the geographic location of the project, the Permittee must not allow soils to remain exposed and unworked for more than the time periods set forth below to prevent erosion. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest During the dry season (May 1 - September 30): 7 days During the wet season (October 1 - April 30): 2 days East of the Cascade Mountains Crest, except for Central Basin* During the dry season (July 1 - September 30): 10 days During the wet season (October 1 - June 30): 5 days The Central Basin*, East of the Cascade Mountains Crest During the dry Season (July 1 - September 30): 30 days During the wet season (October 1 - June 30): 15 days *Note: The Central Basin is defined as the portions of Eastern Washington with mean annual precipitation of less than 12 inches. e. The Permittee must stabilize soils at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. f. The Permittee must stabilize soil stockpiles from erosion, protected with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels. g. The Permittee must minimize the amount of soil exposed during construction activity. h. The Permittee must minimize the disturbance of steep slopes. i. The Permittee must minimize soil compaction and, unless infeasible, preserve topsoil. 6. Protect Slopes a. The Permittee must design and construct cut-and-fill slopes in a manner to minimize erosion. Applicable practices include, but are not limited to, reducing continuous length of slope with terracing and diversions, reducing slope steepness, and roughening slope surfaces (for example, track walking). b. The Permittee must divert off-site stormwater (run-on) or groundwater away from slopes and disturbed areas with interceptor dikes, pipes, and/or swales. Off-site stormwater should be managed separately from stormwater generated on the site. c. At the top of slopes, collect drainage in pipe slope drains or protected channels to prevent erosion. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 28 i. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the peak 10-minute flow rate from a Type 1A, 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate predicted by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM) to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped area.” ii. East of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Temporary pipe slope drains must handle the expected peak flow rate from a 6-month, 3-hour storm for the developed condition, referred to as the short duration storm. d. Place excavated material on the uphill side of trenches, consistent with safety and space considerations. e. Place check dams at regular intervals within constructed channels that are cut down a slope. 7. Protect Drain Inlets a. Protect all storm drain inlets made operable during construction so that stormwater runoff does not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or treated to remove sediment. b. Clean or remove and replace inlet protection devices when sediment has filled one- third of the available storage (unless a different standard is specified by the product manufacturer). 8. Stabilize Channels and Outlets a. Design, construct and stabilize all on-site conveyance channels to prevent erosion from the following expected peak flows: i. West of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Channels must handle the peak 10- minute flow rate from a Type 1A, 10-year, 24-hour frequency storm for the developed condition. Alternatively, the 10-year, 1-hour flow rate indicated by an approved continuous runoff model, increased by a factor of 1.6, may be used. The hydrologic analysis must use the existing land cover condition for predicting flow rates from tributary areas outside the project limits. For tributary areas on the project site, the analysis must use the temporary or permanent project land cover condition, whichever will produce the highest flow rates. If using the WWHM to predict flows, bare soil areas should be modeled as "landscaped area.” ii. East of the Cascade Mountains Crest: Channels must handle the expected peak flow rate from a 6-month, 3-hour storm for the developed condition, referred to as the short duration storm. b. Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes, and downstream reaches at the outlets of all conveyance systems. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 29 9. Control Pollutants Design, install, implement and maintain effective pollution prevention measures to minimize the discharge of pollutants. The Permittee must: a. Handle and dispose of all pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris that occur on site in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. b. Provide cover, containment, and protection from vandalism for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and other materials that have the potential to pose a threat to human health or the environment. Minimize storage of hazardous materials on-site. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) should be supplied for all materials stored. Chemicals should be kept in their original labeled containers. On-site fueling tanks must include secondary containment. Secondary containment means placing tanks or containers within an impervious structure capable of containing 110% of the volume of the largest tank within the containment structure. Double-walled tanks do not require additional secondary containment. c. Conduct maintenance, fueling, and repair of heavy equipment and vehicles using spill prevention and control measures. Clean contaminated surfaces immediately following any spill incident. d. Discharge wheel wash or tire bath wastewater to a separate on-site treatment system that prevents discharge to surface water, such as closed-loop recirculation or upland land application, or to the sanitary sewer with local sewer district approval. e. Apply fertilizers and pesticides in a manner and at application rates that will not result in loss of chemical to stormwater runoff. Follow manufacturers’ label requirements for application rates and procedures. f. Use BMPs to prevent contamination of stormwater runoff by pH-modifying sources. The sources for this contamination include, but are not limited to: bulk cement, cement kiln dust, fly ash, new concrete washing and curing waters, recycled concrete stockpiles, waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing, exposed aggregate processes, dewatering concrete vaults, concrete pumping and mixer washout waters. (Also refer to the definition for "concrete wastewater" in Appendix A – Definitions.) g. Adjust the pH of stormwater or authorized non-stormwater if necessary to prevent an exceedance of groundwater and/or surface water quality standards. h. Assure that washout of concrete trucks is performed off-site or in designated concrete washout areas only. Do not wash out concrete truck drums onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Washout of small concrete handling equipment may be disposed of in a formed area awaiting concrete where it will not contaminate surface or groundwater. Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge directly to groundwater or surface waters of the State is Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 30 prohibited. At no time shall concrete be washed off into the footprint of an area where an infiltration BMP will be installed. i. Obtain written approval from Ecology before using any chemical treatment, with the exception of CO2, dry ice or food grade vinegar, to adjust pH. j. Uncontaminated water from water-only based shaft drilling for construction of building, road, and bridge foundations may be infiltrated provided the wastewater is managed in a way that prohibits discharge to surface waters. Prior to infiltration, water from water-only based shaft drilling that comes into contact with curing concrete must be neutralized until pH is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5 (su). 10. Control Dewatering a. Permittees must discharge foundation, vault, and trench dewatering water, which have characteristics similar to stormwater runoff at the site, in conjunction with BMPs to reduce sedimentation before discharge to a sediment trap or sediment pond. b. Permittees may discharge clean, non-turbid dewatering water, such as well-point groundwater, to systems tributary to, or directly into surface waters of the State, as specified in Special Condition S9.D.8, provided the dewatering flow does not cause erosion or flooding of receiving waters. Do not route clean dewatering water through stormwater sediment ponds. Note that “surface waters of the State” may exist on a construction site as well as off site; for example, a creek running through a site. c. Other dewatering treatment or disposal options may include: i. Infiltration ii. Transport off site in a vehicle, such as a vacuum flush truck, for legal disposal in a manner that does not pollute state waters. iii. Ecology-approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies (See S9.D.9.i, regarding chemical treatment written approval). iv. Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval, if there is no other option. v. Use of a sedimentation bag with discharge to a ditch or swale for small volumes of localized dewatering. d. Permittees must handle highly turbid or contaminated dewatering water separately from stormwater. 11. Maintain BMPs a. Permittees must maintain and repair all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function in accordance with BMP specifications. b. Permittees must remove all temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs within 30 days after achieving final site stabilization or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 31 12. Manage the Project a. Phase development projects to the maximum degree practicable and take into account seasonal work limitations. b. Inspect, maintain and repair all BMPs as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Conduct site inspections and monitoring in accordance with Special Condition S4. c. Maintain, update, and implement the SWPPP in accordance with Special Conditions S3, S4, and S9. 13. Protect Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs The primary purpose of on-site LID Stormwater Management is to reduce the disruption of the natural site hydrology through infiltration. LID BMPs are permanent facilities. a. Permittees must protect all LID BMPs (including, but not limited to, Bioretention and Rain Garden facilities) from sedimentation through installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment control BMPs on portions of the site that drain into the Bioretention and/or Rain Garden facilities. Restore the BMPs to their fully functioning condition if they accumulate sediment during construction. Restoring the facility must include removal of sediment and any sediment-laden bioretention/ rain garden soils, and replacing the removed soils with soils meeting the design specification. b. Permittees must maintain the infiltration capabilities of LID BMPs by protecting against compaction by construction equipment and foot traffic. Protect completed lawn and landscaped areas from compaction due to construction equipment. c. Permittees must control erosion and avoid introducing sediment from surrounding land uses onto permeable pavements. Do not allow muddy construction equipment on the base material or pavement. Do not allow sediment-laden runoff onto permeable pavements or base materials. d. Permittees must clean permeable pavements fouled with sediments or no longer passing an initial infiltration test using local stormwater manual methodology or the manufacturer’s procedures. e. Permittees must keep all heavy equipment off existing soils under LID BMPs that have been excavated to final grade to retain the infiltration rate of the soils. E. SWPPP – Map Contents and Requirements The Permittee’s SWPPP must also include a vicinity map or general location map (for example, a USGS quadrangle map, a portion of a county or city map, or other appropriate map) with enough detail to identify the location of the construction site and receiving waters within one mile of the site. The SWPPP must also include a legible site map (or maps) showing the entire construction site. The following features must be identified, unless not applicable due to site conditions. 1. The direction of north, property lines, and existing structures and roads. 2. Cut and fill slopes indicating the top and bottom of slope catch lines. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 32 3. Approximate slopes, contours, and direction of stormwater flow before and after major grading activities. 4. Areas of soil disturbance and areas that will not be disturbed. 5. Locations of structural and nonstructural controls (BMPs) identified in the SWPPP. 6. Locations of off-site material, stockpiles, waste storage, borrow areas, and vehicle/equipment storage areas. 7. Locations of all surface water bodies, including wetlands. 8. Locations where stormwater or non-stormwater discharges off-site and/or to a surface waterbody, including wetlands. 9. Location of water quality sampling station(s), if sampling is required by state or local permitting authority. 10. Areas where final stabilization has been accomplished and no further construction-phase permit requirements apply. 11. Location or proposed location of LID facilities. S10. NOTICE OF TERMINATION Partial terminations of permit coverage are not authorized. A. The site is eligible for termination of coverage when it has met any of the following conditions: 1. The site has undergone final stabilization, the Permittee has removed all temporary BMPs (except biodegradable BMPs clearly manufactured with the intention for the material to be left in place and not interfere with maintenance or land use), and all stormwater discharges associated with construction activity have been eliminated; or 2. All portions of the site that have not undergone final stabilization per Special Condition S10.A.1 have been sold and/or transferred (per Special Condition S2.A), and the Permittee no longer has operational control of the construction activity; or 3. For residential construction only, the Permittee has completed temporary stabilization and the homeowners have taken possession of the residences. B. When the site is eligible for termination, the Permittee must submit a complete and accurate Notice of Termination (NOT) form, signed in accordance with General Condition G2, to: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 33 When an electronic termination form is available, the Permittee may choose to submit a complete and accurate Notice of Termination (NOT) form through the Water Quality Permitting Portal rather than mailing a hardcopy as noted above. The termination is effective on the 31st calendar day following the date Ecology receives a complete NOT form, unless Ecology notifies the Permittee that termination request is denied because the Permittee has not met the eligibility requirements in Special Condition S10.A. Permittees are required to comply with all conditions and effluent limitations in the permit until the permit has been terminated. Permittees transferring the property to a new property owner or operator/Permittee are required to complete and submit the Notice of Transfer form to Ecology, but are not required to submit a Notice of Termination form for this type of transaction. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 34 GENERAL CONDITIONS G1. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS All discharges and activities authorized by this general permit must be consistent with the terms and conditions of this general permit. Any discharge of any pollutant more frequent than or at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by the general permit must constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit. G2. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS A. All permit applications must bear a certification of correctness to be signed: 1. In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer. 2. In the case of a partnership, by a general partner of a partnership. 3. In the case of sole proprietorship, by the proprietor. 4. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. B. All reports required by this permit and other information requested by Ecology (including NOIs, NOTs, and Transfer of Coverage forms) must be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if: 1. The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and submitted to Ecology. 2. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility, such as the position of plant manager, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters. C. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under paragraph G2.B.2 above is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of paragraph G2.B.2 above must be submitted to Ecology prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative. D. Certification. Any person signing a document under this section must make the following certification: I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 35 G3. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY The Permittee must allow an authorized representative of Ecology, upon the presentation of credentials and such other documents as may be required by law: A. To enter upon the premises where a discharge is located or where any records are kept under the terms and conditions of this permit. B. To have access to and copy, at reasonable times and at reasonable cost, any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit. C. To inspect, at reasonable times, any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, methods, or operations regulated or required under this permit. D. To sample or monitor, at reasonable times, any substances or parameters at any location for purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act. G4. GENERAL PERMIT MODIFICATION AND REVOCATION This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 173-226 WAC. Grounds for modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination include, but are not limited to, the following: A. When a change occurs in the technology or practices for control or abatement of pollutants applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit. B. When effluent limitation guidelines or standards are promulgated pursuant to the CWA or Chapter 90.48 RCW, for the category of dischargers covered under this permit. C. When a water quality management plan containing requirements applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit is approved, or D. When information is obtained that indicates cumulative effects on the environment from dischargers covered under this permit are unacceptable. G5. REVOCATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT Pursuant to Chapter 43.21B RCW and Chapter 173-226 WAC, the Director may terminate coverage for any discharger under this permit for cause. Cases where coverage may be terminated include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Violation of any term or condition of this permit. B. Obtaining coverage under this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts. C. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge. D. Failure or refusal of the Permittee to allow entry as required in RCW 90.48.090. E. A determination that the permitted activity endangers human health or the environment, or contributes to water quality standards violations. F. Nonpayment of permit fees or penalties assessed pursuant to RCW 90.48.465 and Chapter 173-224 WAC. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 36 G. Failure of the Permittee to satisfy the public notice requirements of WAC 173-226-130(5), when applicable. The Director may require any discharger under this permit to apply for and obtain coverage under an individual permit or another more specific general permit. Permittees who have their coverage revoked for cause according to WAC 173-226-240 may request temporary coverage under this permit during the time an individual permit is being developed, provided the request is made within ninety (90) days from the time of revocation and is submitted along with a complete individual permit application form. G6. REPORTING A CAUSE FOR MODIFICATION The Permittee must submit a new application, or a supplement to the previous application, whenever a material change to the construction activity or in the quantity or type of discharge is anticipated which is not specifically authorized by this permit. This application must be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to any proposed changes. Filing a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not relieve the Permittee of the duty to comply with the existing permit until it is modified or reissued. G7. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS AND STATUTES Nothing in this permit will be construed as excusing the Permittee from compliance with any applicable federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations. G8. DUTY TO REAPPLY The Permittee must apply for permit renewal at least 180 days prior to the specified expiration date of this permit. The Permittee must reapply using the electronic application form (NOI) available on Ecology’s website. Permittees unable to submit electronically (for example, those who do not have an internet connection) must contact Ecology to request a waiver and obtain instructions on how to obtain a paper NOI. Department of Ecology Water Quality Program - Construction Stormwater PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 G9. REMOVED SUBSTANCE The Permittee must not re-suspend or reintroduce collected screenings, grit, solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of stormwater to the final effluent stream for discharge to state waters. G10. DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION The Permittee must submit to Ecology, within a reasonable time, all information that Ecology may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit or to determine compliance with this permit. The Permittee must also submit to Ecology, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit [40 CFR 122.41(h)]. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 37 G11. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 40 CFR All other requirements of 40 CFR 122.41 and 122.42 are incorporated in this permit by reference. G12. ADDITIONAL MONITORING Ecology may establish specific monitoring requirements in addition to those contained in this permit by administrative order or permit modification. G13. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING PERMIT CONDITIONS Any person who is found guilty of willfully violating the terms and conditions of this permit shall be deemed guilty of a crime, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Each day upon which a willful violation occurs may be deemed a separate and additional violation. Any person who violates the terms and conditions of a waste discharge permit shall incur, in addition to any other penalty as provided by law, a civil penalty in the amount of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for every such violation. Each and every such violation shall be a separate and distinct offense, and in case of a continuing violation, every day’s continuance shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct violation. G14. UPSET Definition – “Upset” means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology-based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of the following paragraph are met. A Permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset must demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that: 1) an upset occurred and that the Permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset; 2) the permitted facility was being properly operated at the time of the upset; 3) the Permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Special Condition S5.F, and; 4) the Permittee complied with any remedial measures required under this permit. In any enforcement proceeding, the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. G15. PROPERTY RIGHTS This permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege. G16. DUTY TO COMPLY The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a permit renewal application. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 38 G17. TOXIC POLLUTANTS The Permittee must comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish those standards or prohibitions, even if this permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. G18. PENALTIES FOR TAMPERING The Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this permit shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than two years per violation, or by both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committed after a first conviction of such person under this condition, punishment shall be a fine of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment of not more than four (4) years, or both. G19. REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES The Permittee must, as soon as possible, give notice to Ecology of planned physical alterations, modifications or additions to the permitted construction activity. The Permittee should be aware that, depending on the nature and size of the changes to the original permit, a new public notice and other permit process requirements may be required. Changes in activities that require reporting to Ecology include those that will result in: A. The permitted facility being determined to be a new source pursuant to 40 CFR 122.29(b). B. A significant change in the nature or an increase in quantity of pollutants discharged, including but not limited to: a 20% or greater increase in acreage disturbed by construction activity. C. A change in or addition of surface water(s) receiving stormwater or non-stormwater from the construction activity. D. A change in the construction plans and/or activity that affects the Permittee’s monitoring requirements in Special Condition S4. Following such notice, permit coverage may be modified, or revoked and reissued pursuant to 40 CFR 122.62(a) to specify and limit any pollutants not previously limited. Until such modification is effective, any new or increased discharge in excess of permit limits or not specifically authorized by this permit constitutes a violation. G20. REPORTING OTHER INFORMATION Where the Permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to Ecology, it must promptly submit such facts or information. G21. REPORTING ANTICIPATED NON-COMPLIANCE The Permittee must give advance notice to Ecology by submission of a new application or supplement thereto at least forty-five (45) days prior to commencement of such discharges, of any facility expansions, production increases, or other planned changes, such as process modifications, in the permitted facility or activity which may result in noncompliance with permit limits or conditions. Any maintenance of facilities, which might necessitate unavoidable interruption of Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 39 operation and degradation of effluent quality, must be scheduled during non-critical water quality periods and carried out in a manner approved by Ecology. G22. REQUESTS TO BE EXCLUDED FROM COVERAGE UNDER THE PERMIT Any discharger authorized by this permit may request to be excluded from coverage under the general permit by applying for an individual permit. The discharger must submit to the Director an application as described in WAC 173-220-040 or WAC 173-216-070, whichever is applicable, with reasons supporting the request. These reasons will fully document how an individual permit will apply to the applicant in a way that the general permit cannot. Ecology may make specific requests for information to support the request. The Director will either issue an individual permit or deny the request with a statement explaining the reason for the denial. When an individual permit is issued to a discharger otherwise subject to the construction stormwater general permit, the applicability of the construction stormwater general permit to that Permittee is automatically terminated on the effective date of the individual permit. G23. APPEALS A. The terms and conditions of this general permit, as they apply to the appropriate class of dischargers, are subject to appeal by any person within 30 days of issuance of this general permit, in accordance with Chapter 43.21B RCW, and Chapter 173-226 WAC. B. The terms and conditions of this general permit, as they apply to an individual discharger, are appealable in accordance with Chapter 43.21B RCW within 30 days of the effective date of coverage of that discharger. Consideration of an appeal of general permit coverage of an individual discharger is limited to the general permit’s applicability or nonapplicability to that individual discharger. C. The appeal of general permit coverage of an individual discharger does not affect any other dischargers covered under this general permit. If the terms and conditions of this general permit are found to be inapplicable to any individual discharger(s), the matter shall be remanded to Ecology for consideration of issuance of an individual permit or permits. G24. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby. G25. BYPASS PROHIBITED A. Bypass Procedures Bypass, which is the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility, is prohibited for stormwater events below the design criteria for stormwater management. Ecology may take enforcement action against a Permittee for bypass unless one of the following circumstances (1, 2, 3 or 4) is applicable. 1. Bypass of stormwater is consistent with the design criteria and part of an approved management practice in the applicable stormwater management manual. 2. Bypass for essential maintenance without the potential to cause violation of permit limits or conditions. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 40 Bypass is authorized if it is for essential maintenance and does not have the potential to cause violations of limitations or other conditions of this permit, or adversely impact public health. 3. Bypass of stormwater is unavoidable, unanticipated, and results in noncompliance of this permit. This bypass is permitted only if: a. Bypass is unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage. “Severe property damage” means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which would cause them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. b. There are no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime (but not if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance), or transport of untreated wastes to another treatment facility. c. Ecology is properly notified of the bypass as required in Special Condition S5.F of this permit. 4. A planned action that would cause bypass of stormwater and has the potential to result in noncompliance of this permit during a storm event. The Permittee must notify Ecology at least thirty (30) days before the planned date of bypass. The notice must contain: a. A description of the bypass and its cause b. An analysis of all known alternatives which would eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the need for bypassing. c. A cost-effectiveness analysis of alternatives including comparative resource damage assessment. d. The minimum and maximum duration of bypass under each alternative. e. A recommendation as to the preferred alternative for conducting the bypass. f. The projected date of bypass initiation. g. A statement of compliance with SEPA. h. A request for modification of water quality standards as provided for in WAC 173- 201A-110, if an exceedance of any water quality standard is anticipated. i. Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the bypass. 5. For probable construction bypasses, the need to bypass is to be identified as early in the planning process as possible. The analysis required above must be considered during Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 41 preparation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and must be included to the extent practical. In cases where the probable need to bypass is determined early, continued analysis is necessary up to and including the construction period in an effort to minimize or eliminate the bypass. Ecology will consider the following before issuing an administrative order for this type bypass: a. If the bypass is necessary to perform construction or maintenance-related activities essential to meet the requirements of this permit. b. If there are feasible alternatives to bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, stopping production, maintenance during normal periods of equipment down time, or transport of untreated wastes to another treatment facility. c. If the bypass is planned and scheduled to minimize adverse effects on the public and the environment. After consideration of the above and the adverse effects of the proposed bypass and any other relevant factors, Ecology will approve, conditionally approve, or deny the request. The public must be notified and given an opportunity to comment on bypass incidents of significant duration, to the extent feasible. Approval of a request to bypass will be by administrative order issued by Ecology under RCW 90.48.120. B. Duty to Mitigate The Permittee is required to take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge or sludge use or disposal in violation of this permit that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 42 APPENDIX A – DEFINITIONS AKART is an acronym for “All Known, Available, and Reasonable methods of prevention, control, and Treatment.” AKART represents the most current methodology that can be reasonably required for preventing, controlling, or abating the pollutants and controlling pollution associated with a discharge. Applicable TMDL means a TMDL for turbidity, fine sediment, high pH, or phosphorus, which was completed and approved by EPA before January 1, 2021, or before the date the operator’s complete permit application is received by Ecology, whichever is later. TMDLs completed after a complete permit application is received by Ecology become applicable to the Permittee only if they are imposed through an administrative order by Ecology, or through a modification of permit coverage. Applicant means an operator seeking coverage under this permit. Benchmark means a pollutant concentration used as a permit threshold, below which a pollutant is considered unlikely to cause a water quality violation, and above which it may. When pollutant concentrations exceed benchmarks, corrective action requirements take effect. Benchmark values are not water quality standards and are not numeric effluent limitations; they are indicator values. Best Management Practices (BMPs) means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other physical, structural and/or managerial practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the State. BMPs include treatment systems, operating procedures, and practices to control stormwater associated with construction activity, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. Buffer means an area designated by a local jurisdiction that is contiguous to and intended to protect a sensitive area. Bypass means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility. Calendar Day A period of 24 consecutive hours starting at 12:00 midnight and ending the following 12:00 midnight. Calendar Week (same as Week) means a period of seven consecutive days starting at 12:01 a.m. (0:01 hours) on Sunday. Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) means a person who has current certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training program that meets the minimum training standards established by Ecology (See BMP C160 in the SWMM). Chemical Treatment means the addition of chemicals to stormwater and/or authorized non-stormwater prior to filtration and discharge to surface waters. Clean Water Act (CWA) means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act enacted by Public Law 92-500, as amended by Public Laws 95-217, 95-576, 96-483, and 97-117; USC 1251 et seq. Combined Sewer means a sewer which has been designed to serve as a sanitary sewer and a storm sewer, and into which inflow is allowed by local ordinance. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 43 Common Plan of Development or Sale means a site where multiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules and/or by different contractors, but still under a single plan. Examples include: 1) phased projects and projects with multiple filings or lots, even if the separate phases or filings/lots will be constructed under separate contract or by separate owners (e.g., a development where lots are sold to separate builders); 2) a development plan that may be phased over multiple years, but is still under a consistent plan for long-term development; 3) projects in a contiguous area that may be unrelated but still under the same contract, such as construction of a building extension and a new parking lot at the same facility; and 4) linear projects such as roads, pipelines, or utilities. If the project is part of a common plan of development or sale, the disturbed area of the entire plan must be used in determining permit requirements. Composite Sample means a mixture of grab samples collected at the same sampling point at different times, formed either by continuous sampling or by mixing discrete samples. May be "time-composite" (collected at constant time intervals) or "flow-proportional" (collected either as a constant sample volume at time intervals proportional to stream flow, or collected by increasing the volume of each aliquot as the flow increases while maintaining a constant time interval between the aliquots. Concrete Wastewater means any water used in the production, pouring and/or clean-up of concrete or concrete products, and any water used to cut, grind, wash, or otherwise modify concrete or concrete products. Examples include water used for or resulting from concrete truck/mixer/pumper/tool/chute rinsing or washing, concrete saw cutting and surfacing (sawing, coring, grinding, roughening, hydro- demolition, bridge and road surfacing). When stormwater comingles with concrete wastewater, the resulting water is considered concrete wastewater and must be managed to prevent discharge to waters of the State, including groundwater. Construction Activity means land disturbing operations including clearing, grading or excavation which disturbs the surface of the land (including off-site disturbance acreage related to construction-support activity). Such activities may include road construction, construction of residential houses, office buildings, or industrial buildings, site preparation, soil compaction, movement and stockpiling of topsoils, and demolition activity. Construction Support Activity means off-site acreage that will be disturbed as a direct result of the construction project and will discharge stormwater. For example, off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas, and parking areas. Contaminant means any hazardous substance that does not occur naturally or occurs at greater than natural background levels. See definition of “hazardous substance” and WAC 173-340-200. Contaminated soil means soil which contains contaminants, pollutants, or hazardous substances that do not occur naturally or occur at levels greater than natural background. Contaminated groundwater means groundwater which contains contaminants, pollutants, or hazardous substances that do not occur naturally or occur at levels greater than natural background. Demonstrably Equivalent means that the technical basis for the selection of all stormwater BMPs is documented within a SWPPP, including: 1. The method and reasons for choosing the stormwater BMPs selected. 2. The pollutant removal performance expected from the BMPs selected. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 44 3. The technical basis supporting the performance claims for the BMPs selected, including any available data concerning field performance of the BMPs selected. 4. An assessment of how the selected BMPs will comply with state water quality standards. 5. An assessment of how the selected BMPs will satisfy both applicable federal technology-based treatment requirements and state requirements to use all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment (AKART). Department means the Washington State Department of Ecology. Detention means the temporary storage of stormwater to improve quality and/or to reduce the mass flow rate of discharge. Dewatering means the act of pumping groundwater or stormwater away from an active construction site. Director means the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology or his/her authorized representative. Discharger means an owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to regulation under Chapter 90.48 RCW or the Federal Clean Water Act. Domestic Wastewater means water carrying human wastes, including kitchen, bath, and laundry wastes from residences, buildings, industrial establishments, or other places, together with such groundwater infiltration or surface waters as may be present. Ecology means the Washington State Department of Ecology. Engineered Soils means the use of soil amendments including, but not limited, to Portland cement treated base (CTB), cement kiln dust (CKD), or fly ash to achieve certain desirable soil characteristics. Equivalent BMPs means operational, source control, treatment, or innovative BMPs which result in equal or better quality of stormwater discharge to surface water or to groundwater than BMPs selected from the SWMM. Erosion means the wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice, or other geological agents, including such processes as gravitational creep. Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs means BMPs intended to prevent erosion and sedimentation, such as preserving natural vegetation, seeding, mulching and matting, plastic covering, filter fences, sediment traps, and ponds. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are synonymous with stabilization and structural BMPs. Federal Operator is an entity that meets the definition of “Operator” in this permit and is either any department, agency or instrumentality of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal government of the United States, or another entity, such as a private contractor, performing construction activity for any such department, agency, or instrumentality. Final Stabilization (same as fully stabilized or full stabilization) means the completion of all soil disturbing activities at the site and the establishment of permanent vegetative cover, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as pavement, riprap, gabions, or geotextiles) which will prevent erosion. See the applicable Stormwater Management Manual for more information on vegetative cover expectations and equivalent permanent stabilization measures. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 45 Groundwater means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the land surface or a surface waterbody. Hazardous Substance means any dangerous or extremely hazardous waste as defined in RCW 70.105.010 (5) and (6), or any dangerous or extremely dangerous waste as designated by rule under chapter 70.105 RCW; any hazardous sub-stance as defined in RCW 70.105.010(14) or any hazardous substance as defined by rule under chapter 70.105 RCW; any substance that, on the effective date of this section, is a hazardous substance under section 101(14) of the federal cleanup law, 42U.S.C., Sec. 9601(14); petroleum or petroleum products; and any substance or category of substances, including solid waste decomposition products, determined by the director by rule to present a threat to human health or the environment if released into the environment. The term hazardous substance does not include any of the following when contained in an underground storage tank from which there is not a release: crude oil or any fraction thereof or petroleum, if the tank is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local law. Injection Well means a well that is used for the subsurface emplacement of fluids. (See Well.) Jurisdiction means a political unit such as a city, town or county; incorporated for local self-government. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits, and imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act, for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the State from point sources. These permits are referred to as NPDES permits and, in Washington State, are administered by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Notice of Intent (NOI) means the application for, or a request for coverage under this general permit pursuant to WAC 173-226-200. Notice of Termination (NOT) means a request for termination of coverage under this general permit as specified by Special Condition S10 of this permit. Operator means any party associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: • The party has operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications; or • The party has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a SWPPP for the site or other permit conditions (e.g., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the SWPPP or comply with other permit conditions). Permittee means individual or entity that receives notice of coverage under this general permit. pH means a liquid’s measure of acidity or alkalinity. A pH of 7 is defined as neutral. Large variations above or below this value are considered harmful to most aquatic life. pH Monitoring Period means the time period in which the pH of stormwater runoff from a site must be tested a minimum of once every seven days to determine if stormwater pH is between 6.5 and 8.5. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 46 Point Source means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, and container from which pollutants are or may be discharged to surface waters of the State. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture. (See the Fact Sheet for further explanation) Pollutant means dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, domestic sewage sludge (biosolids), munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste. This term does not include sewage from vessels within the meaning of section 312 of the CWA, nor does it include dredged or fill material discharged in accordance with a permit issued under section 404 of the CWA. Pollution means contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological properties of waters of the State; including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, or odor of the waters; or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive or other substance into any waters of the State as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render such waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to the public health, safety or welfare; or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses; or to livestock, wild animals, birds, fish or other aquatic life. Process Wastewater means any non-stormwater which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or waste product. If stormwater commingles with process wastewater, the commingled water is considered process wastewater. Receiving Water means the waterbody at the point of discharge. If the discharge is to a storm sewer system, either surface or subsurface, the receiving water is the waterbody to which the storm system discharges. Systems designed primarily for other purposes such as for groundwater drainage, redirecting stream natural flows, or for conveyance of irrigation water/return flows that coincidentally convey stormwater are considered the receiving water. Representative means a stormwater or wastewater sample which represents the flow and characteristics of the discharge. Representative samples may be a grab sample, a time-proportionate composite sample, or a flow proportionate sample. Ecology’s Construction Stormwater Monitoring Manual provides guidance on representative sampling. Responsible Corporate Officer for the purpose of signatory authority means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy- or decision-making functions for the corporation, or (ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided, the manager is authorized to make management decisions which govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long term environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures (40 CFR 122.22). Sanitary Sewer means a sewer which is designed to convey domestic wastewater. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 47 Sediment means the fragmented material that originates from the weathering and erosion of rocks or unconsolidated deposits, and is transported by, suspended in, or deposited by water. Sedimentation means the depositing or formation of sediment. Sensitive Area means a waterbody, wetland, stream, aquifer recharge area, or channel migration zone. SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) means the Washington State Law, RCW 43.21C.020, intended to prevent or eliminate damage to the environment. Significant Amount means an amount of a pollutant in a discharge that is amenable to available and reasonable methods of prevention or treatment; or an amount of a pollutant that has a reasonable potential to cause a violation of surface or groundwater quality or sediment management standards. Significant Concrete Work means greater than 1000 cubic yards placed or poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project. Significant Contributor of Pollutants means a facility determined by Ecology to be a contributor of a significant amount(s) of a pollutant(s) to waters of the State of Washington. Site means the land or water area where any "facility or activity" is physically located or conducted. Source Control BMPs means physical, structural or mechanical devices or facilities that are intended to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater. A few examples of source control BMPs are erosion control practices, maintenance of stormwater facilities, constructing roofs over storage and working areas, and directing wash water and similar discharges to the sanitary sewer or a dead end sump. Stabilization means the application of appropriate BMPs to prevent the erosion of soils, such as, temporary and permanent seeding, vegetative covers, mulching and matting, plastic covering and sodding. See also the definition of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs. Storm Drain means any drain which drains directly into a storm sewer system, usually found along roadways or in parking lots. Storm Sewer System means a means a conveyance, or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater. This does not include systems which are part of a combined sewer or Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. Stormwater means that portion of precipitation that does not naturally percolate into the ground or evaporate, but flows via overland flow, interflow, pipes, and other features of a stormwater drainage system into a defined surface waterbody, or a constructed infiltration facility. Stormwater Management Manual (SWMM) or Manual means the technical Manual published by Ecology for use by local governments that contain descriptions of and design criteria for BMPs to prevent, control, or treat pollutants in stormwater. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) means a documented plan to implement measures to identify, prevent, and control the contamination of point source discharges of stormwater. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 48 Surface Waters of the State includes lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, salt waters, and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the state of Washington. Temporary Stabilization means the exposed ground surface has been covered with appropriate materials to provide temporary stabilization of the surface from water or wind erosion. Materials include, but are not limited to, mulch, riprap, erosion control mats or blankets and temporary cover crops. Seeding alone is not considered stabilization. Temporary stabilization is not a substitute for the more permanent “final stabilization.” Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) means a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet state water quality standards. Percentages of the total maximum daily load are allocated to the various pollutant sources. A TMDL is the sum of the allowable loads of a single pollutant from all contributing point and nonpoint sources. The TMDL calculations must include a "margin of safety" to ensure that the waterbody can be protected in case there are unforeseen events or unknown sources of the pollutant. The calculation must also account for seasonable variation in water quality. Transfer of Coverage (TOC) means a request for transfer of coverage under this general permit as specified by Special Condition S2.A of this permit. Treatment BMPs means BMPs that are intended to remove pollutants from stormwater. A few examples of treatment BMPs are detention ponds, oil/water separators, biofiltration, and constructed wetlands. Transparency means a measurement of water clarity in centimeters (cm), using a 60 cm transparency tube. The transparency tube is used to estimate the relative clarity or transparency of water by noting the depth at which a black and white Secchi disc becomes visible when water is released from a value in the bottom of the tube. A transparency tube is sometimes referred to as a “turbidity tube.” Turbidity means the clarity of water expressed as nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) and measured with a calibrated turbidimeter. Uncontaminated means free from any contaminant. See definition of “contaminant” and WAC 173-340-200. Upset means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. Waste Load Allocation (WLA) means the portion of a receiving water’s loading capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLAs constitute a type of water quality based effluent limitation (40 CFR 130.2[h]). Water-Only Based Shaft Drilling is a shaft drilling process that uses water only and no additives are involved in the drilling of shafts for construction of building, road, or bridge foundations. Water Quality means the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water, usually with respect to its suitability for a particular purpose. Waters of the State includes those waters as defined as "waters of the United States" in 40 CFR Subpart 122.2 within the geographic boundaries of Washington State and "waters of the State" as defined in Chapter 90.48 RCW, which include lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, underground waters, salt Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 49 waters, and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the state of Washington. Well means a bored, drilled or driven shaft, or dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension. (See Injection Well.) Wheel Wash Wastewater means any water used in, or resulting from the operation of, a tire bath or wheel wash (BMP C106: Wheel Wash), or other structure or practice that uses water to physically remove mud and debris from vehicles leaving a construction site and prevent track-out onto roads. When stormwater comingles with wheel wash wastewater, the resulting water is considered wheel wash wastewater and must be managed according to Special Condition S9.D.9. Construction Stormwater General Permit Page 50 APPENDIX B – ACRONYMS AKART All Known, Available, and Reasonable Methods of Prevention, Control, and Treatment BMP Best Management Practice CESCL Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead CFR Code of Federal Regulations CKD Cement Kiln Dust cm Centimeters CPD Common Plan of Development CTB Cement-Treated Base CWA Clean Water Act DMR Discharge Monitoring Report EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERTS Environmental Report Tracking System ESC Erosion and Sediment Control FR Federal Register LID Low Impact Development NOI Notice of Intent NOT Notice of Termination NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit RCW Revised Code of Washington SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SWMM Stormwater Management Manual SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load UIC Underground Injection Control USC United States Code USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency WAC Washington Administrative Code WQ Water Quality WWHM Western Washington Hydrology Model City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX F – BOEING ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS Park Avenue North Extension Project 1 SPCC Plan Soil Management Plan Park Avenue North Extension Boeing Company Properties Prepared by Widener & Associates 1902 120th Pl SE STE 202 Everett, WA 98208 425-332-3961 November 24, 2020 A COMPLETE, UPDATED COPY OF THIS PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION ON THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES. Park Avenue North Extension Project 2 SPCC Plan Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 Site Description .......................................................................................................................... 3 Health and Safety ...................................................................................................................... 3 Documentation ........................................................................................................................... 3 Soil Characterization and Management ..................................................................................... 3 Boeing Property-Generated Soils ............................................................................................... 4 Equipment .................................................................................................................................. 5 Dust Control ............................................................................................................................... 5 Contact Information .................................................................................................................... 5 Potentially Contaminated Soil Notification Form ......................................................................... 7 Management Approval ............................................................................................................... 7 Park Avenue North Extension Project 3 Soil Management Plan Introduction This soil management plan (SMP) provides soil handling recommendations for construction and maintenance activities for the transportation project called the Park Avenue North Extension project within the City of Renton, WA (herein referred to as the “project”). The plan includes a summary of activities that have taken place at the site, with proposed mitigation as needed. The entire project includes properties within the City of Renton’s right of way, the BNSF railway right of way, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) property, and The Boeing Company property. Permanent easements and temporary construction easements will be acquired by the City of Renton for project construction and maintenance purposes. This SMP provides guidance to the City of Renton (City) employees and other contractors that will perform earthwork activities at the subject project site, specifically within The Boeing Company-owned property. The objectives of this plan are to (A) disclose the potential presence of potential contaminants of concern (COCs); (B) minimize risks to worker health/safety and the surrounding environment; and (C) outline general procedures for separating, handling, and disposing of contaminated soil if encountered during construction activities. This plan will be reviewed by The Boeing Company (Boeing)’s point of contact for approval prior to the execution of easements on Boeing property. Site Description The project site is located in the City of Renton in King County, WA at the Logan Ave N/Southport Dr N and Park Ave N intersection and the 757th Ave N and Park Ave N T- junction. It is located within Section 8 of Township 23 N and Range 5 E. The Boeing Company specifically owns parcel 0886600060, on which the City of Renton will have a permanent easement and a temporary construction easement in order to complete the project work. This document also applies to the project location within Boeing Property at the eastern end of 7th Avenue, near Logan Avenue North. Health and Safety Excavation and other major construction activities involving suspected contaminated soil shall be conducted by Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) trained personnel. Documentation Information regarding the location and characteristics of test-confirmed contaminated soils shall be documented in a notification form (as attached in Appendix A) so that future activities completed in those areas can be appropriately planned with regard to health and safety, characterization, and soil management. Forms should include: the date and time of discovery, the location of the soil, dimensions or volume of excavation, a physical description of the soil encountered, and the actions taken. Reports should be filed with local and state agencies and the Boeing point of contact should be notified of any suspected contamination stemming from Boeing-derived soils. Soil Characterization and Management Soils excavated for this project will be stockpiled and segregated according to its overlying property ownership. Therefore, Boeing-property generated soils will not be co- mingled with non-Boeing property generated soils. Field screening methods will be used Park Avenue North Extension Project 4 Soil Management Plan (including visual examination, water sheen testing, and headspace vapor testing using a photoionization detector (PID)) and soil samples will be collected as needed from these segregated soil stockpiles to evaluate their suitability for reuse as backfill. All on site soils removed during excavation will be used as backfill unless suspected of contamination or soil is unsuitable for City’s project use. Representative soil samples will be submitted for laboratory chemical analysis to characterize environmental conditions. Based on the surrounding land history, COCs could include, but not be limited to: petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), VOCs, SVOCs, metals, PAHs, and PCBs. Soils will be considered contaminated if: • contaminant concentrations for any analyte exceed MTCA Method A Unrestricted Land Use cleanup criteria; • contaminant concentrations meet or exceed dangerous waste and dangerous waste source criteria as defined in WAC 173-303; • metals exceed RCRA regulatory levels; or • physical evidence of contamination (sheen, odor, staining) is observed, unless additional chemical analysis is performed to further categorize the soil. Soils will be considered as “clean” if contaminants are not detected for any analyte at concentrations that exceed the respective reporting limit, and physical evidence of contamination (such as sheen, odor, or staining) is not observed. Soil categorized as dangerous waste or contaminated soils can be either loaded directly into trucks and transported for off-site permitted disposal, or can be temporarily stockpiled on plastic sheeting (such as Visqueen) or in designated, sealed containers on the project site, pending disposal or evaluation for reuse (See below for specific reporting and disposal requirements for all Boeing property-generated soils). Containers will be inspected regularly to ensure they remain environmentally clean. All stockpiled soils will be appropriately covered unless being moved or added to during on site work (defined as any activity involving physical alteration of the easement area for the purposes of initiating or continuing construction) and during any off-site transportation. Stockpiles on plastic sheeting will be surrounded by sandbags and all stockpiles (not being worked) will be covered with plastic sheeting to minimize contaminant runoff, leaching, and wind transport. Acceptable use of contaminated soil depends on the detected contaminants and concentrations. All dangerous waste shall be disposed of at an off-site, approved landfill. During project construction, backfilling of excavations will be first made with site soils removed during excavation, unless the soils are contaminated or not suitable for project use. Boeing Property-Generated Soils Soils excavated within the easement areas on The Boeing Company-owned properties will also have the following procedures attached to their handling and disposal: • If contamination is suspected, the Boeing point of contact will be notified • Work within the perimeter of suspected contamination will be stopped temporarily. Contractor will be directed to work in areas not within the suspected contamination. • Boeing soils will not be co-mingled with soils from other locations for disposal purposes. Stockpiles will be separated and protected. Park Avenue North Extension Project 5 Soil Management Plan • Sampling of suspected contaminated soils for disposal purposes will only be made after excavation and after a landfill disposal facility has been approved by both the City and Boeing. • City will notify the Boeing point of contact of soil analytical/waste profiling results prior to the disposal of soils off-site • City will notify the Boeing point of contact of the selected disposal facility in advance of soil disposal • Boeing-generated soils will be disposed of in the following order of preference: • Landfill as alternate daily cover • Direct landfill disposal as waste • City is prohibited from disposing of Boeing property soils for any unrestricted or sensitive re-use or other non-landfill disposal purposes • City will manage and provide appropriate disposal of all investigative-derived waste to an appropriate landfill, including any soil and wastewater not already addressed above • City will provide import fill profile data for environmental contaminants to the Boeing point of contact at least one week in advance for all imported soil or structural fill placed in the Easement Area. Boeing will respond within five days of receipt and will not unreasonably withhold approval. • Imported soil or structural fill with soil components must Washington MTCA Method A Unrestricted Land Use Criteria for the following analytes: • NWTPH (full range gas to heavy) + benzene • VOCs (EPA Method 8260B) • RCRA 8 metals + copper (Cu) • Advance approval is not required for crushed rock or landscaping topsoil if these meet applicable Washington Model Toxic Control Act requirements. Equipment Excavation equipment used to handle contaminated soils and vehicles driven over on- site fill shall be decontaminated at a designated vehicle wash area before exiting the site. Any decontamination water shall be contained onsite, sampled for COCs, and appropriately disposed of. Trucks used to transport contaminated soil offsite shall be covered with tarps to minimize wind-blown loss of contaminated materials. Dust Control Dust from the project site will be minimized by clearing only those areas where immediate activity will take place, maintaining original ground cover as long as practical, and spraying exposed surfaces with water or other suitable palliative as necessary (ensuring it will not leave the site as surface runoff). Contact Information If unexpected potentially contaminated soils, undocumented underground storage tanks (USTs) or potentially contaminated groundwater is discovered during construction activities, the contractor shall notify the City. If an undocumented UST is discovered, the Ecology Toxics Cleanup Program and the Renton Regional Fire Authority shall also be immediately notified. The below table provides contact information to be used in these scenarios. Park Avenue North Extension Project 6 Soil Management Plan Park Avenue North Extension Project 7 Soil Management Plan NAME TITLE PHONE ANGELLA MICKOWSKI Boeing Point of Contact 425-529-8410 HEBE BERNARDO Renton Point of Contact 206-503-4194 ROY GUNSOLUS Renton Regional Fire Authority 425-276-9500 MEDIA INQUIRES Ecology – Toxics Cleanup Program 360-407-6848 Potentially Contaminated Soil Notification Form A copy of the potentially contaminated soil notification form that will be used in the event of discovery is attached in Appendix A. Management Approval This Soil Management Plan is supported by management of the City of Renton and Widener & Associates having the authority to commit the necessary resources, including labor, equipment, and materials. The City assumes responsibility for all costs associated with complying with this plan, including any costs incurred by the City of stop-work events related to any unplanned or contingent events. Park Avenue North Extension Project Appendix A Soil Management Plan Potentially Contaminated Soil Notification Form General Information Date of Discovery: Time of Discovery Person Discovering Condition: Phone Number: Person Filling Out Form: Phone Number: Soil Characteristics Physical Characteristics: Odor: ___ YES (Describe) ________________ ___ NO Staining: ___ YES (Describe) ________________ ___ NO Other: ______________ ____________________ Soil Disturbed: ___ Soil In-Place ___ Soil Stockpiled Free Liquids: ___ YES (Content ______%) ___ NO Actions Taken: Estimated Volume of Contaminated Soil: Notification Contact Information Boeing Angella Mickowski 425-529-8410 Angella.Mickowski@boeing.com Environmental Professional Jordan Widener 510-725-2291 jordancw@widener-enviro.com City of Renton Hebe Bernardo 206-503-4194 hbernardo@rentonwa.gov Additional Information Park Avenue North Extension Project 1 Construction Water Management Plan Construction Water Management Plan Park Avenue North Extension Boeing Company Properties Prepared by Widener & Associates 1902 120th Pl SE STE 202 Everett, WA 98208 425-332-3961 November 24, 2020 Park Avenue North Extension Project 2 Construction Water Management Plan Introduction This construction water management plan provides wastewater handling recommendations for construction and maintenance activities for the transportation project called the Park Avenue North Extension project within the City of Renton, WA (herein referred to as the “project”). The plan includes a summary of activities that have taken place at the site, with proposed mitigation as needed. The entire project includes properties within the City of Renton’s right of way, the BNSF railway right of way, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) property, and The Boeing Company property. Permanent easements and temporary construction easements will be acquired by the City of Renton for project construction and maintenance purposes. This purpose of this plan is to address methods for management and disposal of wastewater generated by the project. The project work includes the following elements: • The extension of Park Ave N to north of the BNSF Railroad tracks that are located between 757th Ave and Puget Sound Energy Property • Construction of a pedestrian sidewalk below an existing trestle bridge northeast of the Lake Washington Blvd/Garden Ave N and N Southport Dr intersection. • clearing and grubbing • relocation of Boeing’s electrical distribution system • paving of roadway, sidewalk, curbs and gutters • stormwater conveyance system installation • signalization and signage installation • construction of a railroad crossing • casing installation for sanitary sewer and water • illumination installation • landscaping • slope protection • underground utility relocation within a duct bank • in-kind trestle bridge replacement The project site is located in the City of Renton in King County, WA at the Logan Ave N/Southport Dr N and Park Ave N intersection and the 757th Ave N and Park Ave N T-junction. The trestle crossing is located directly northeast of the Lake Washington Blvd/Garden Ave N and N Southport Dr intersection. It is located within Section 8 of Township 23 N and Range 5 E. The Boeing Company specifically owns parcel 0886600060, on which the City of Renton will have a permanent easement and a temporary construction easement in order to complete the project work. This document also applies to work on the Boeing Company properties located at the eastern end of 7th Street, near Logan Avenue North. Management of Wastewater Wastewater, for the purposes of this plan, is defined as contaminated or polluted waters as encountered or produced by this project. Wastewater generated onsite as a byproduct of the construction of the Park Avenue North Extension Project will not be discharged to surface waters of the state. Many provisions for the management of wastewater are included in the SWPPP plan, however this document will provide the following key provisions for construction water on Boeing property as agreed to by the company and the City of Renton (City) for the Park Avenue North Extension Project (Project): • The project is not expected to encounter contaminated groundwater as a result of excavation, but in the event that this occurs, procedures as outlined in the Stormwater Park Avenue North Extension Project 3 Construction Water Management Plan Pollution Prevention plan (SWPPP) and Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) should be followed. Excerpts of these plans are included below for quicker reference. A list of contacts is provided in each of these documents as well as below. • Any wastewater or stormwater discharge to City sanitary or storm sewer systems will require local utility approval as described in the CSWGP. All wastewater collected and removed off-site for disposal will be documented and information provided to the Boeing point of contact. • The City will monitor and sample wastewater and stormwater as required and will provide these results to the Boeing point of contact promptly. • The City shall be responsible for all costs associated with complying with the plan, including any costs incurred by the City for stop-work events related to any unplanned or contingent events. The following sections are relevant to the management of wastewater and are also found within the SWPPP and SPCC. CONTAMINATED MATERIALS – PLAN AND PROCEDURE (as adapted from the project SPCC and SWPPP) Spill Response Table 1, below, outlines the response procedures that the City of Renton shall follow for the scenarios described below, indicating that if hazardous materials are encountered or spilled to soil or water (including stormwater) during construction, the City of Renton shall do everything possible to control and contain the material until appropriate measures can be taken. The City shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations for spill response and cleanup. The response procedures include a description of the actions the City of Renton shall take to address each task shown in the tables as well as the specific on-site, spill response equipment that shall be used to perform each task. If the City of Renton will use a Subcontractor for spill response, provide contact information for the Subcontractor in Table 2 and, in the appropriate table below, identify when the Subcontractor shall be used and the actions that the City of Renton shall take at the site while waiting for the Subcontractor to respond. If the City of Renton encounters unanticipated pre-existing contamination within the Project area during Project work, the City of Renton shall immediately notify the Department of Ecology and the Boeing point of contact. In addition, for all regulated waste, prior to disposal, the City shall provide the waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to the Boeing point of contact. The City shall provide the Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. For all non-regulated waste, the City shall provide advance notification to the Boeing point of contact of the waste disposal characterization and the selected disposal facility. Per agreement with Boeing, the City shall be responsible for all costs associated with complying with this Spill Response Plan, including any costs incurred by the City for stop-work events related to any unplanned or contingent events. Park Avenue North Extension Project 4 Construction Water Management Plan Table 1 Spill Response Procedures, Including Actions to be Taken and Equipment to be Used Hazardous Material and Location Spill Response Task Assess the Spill Secure the Area Contain and Eliminate the Spill Source Clean Up Spilled Material Decontaminate Equipment Dispose of Spilled & Contaminated Material1 Construction Equipment Various locations during construction. Determine what material has been spilled, approximate amount of material spilled and where spilled material has gone and is going. Call on-site spill responder listed in Table 2. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved to be cleaned up by on-site personnel and equipment, call spill response subcontractor listed in Table 2. If spill is an immediate threat to human health or property, call 911. Report spill to PE, Boeing Point of contact, and to agencies as listed in Table 2. Shut down work in areas affected by spill, remove non- response personnel from spill area, and prevent access to spill area by non- response personnel. If safe to do so, eliminate spill source by shutting off equipment, closing leaking vales, etc. If safe to do so, contain spill using spill pads, spill booms, and absorbent from spill kits. If spill is not too large, dangerous, or involved, clean up spilled material. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved, work with spill response subcontractor and emergency personnel to clean up spill. Decontaminate all non-disposable equipment used in or contaminated during spill response. Disposal of spilled and contaminated material and all decontamination fluids in accordance with all regulations at a legally permitted facility. Prior to disposal of regulated waste, City shall provide City’s waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to the Boeing point of contact. City shall provide Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. For non- regulated waste, the City shall provide advance notification to Boeing point of contact of waste disposal characterization and selected disposal facility. Within 7 days of disposal, provide documentation substantiating such disposal to the PE. As applicable, verify completed remediation of spill impacts to soils, groundwater, surface water, stormwater, or other environmental media. Park Avenue North Extension Project 5 Construction Water Management Plan Hazardous Material and Location Spill Response Task Assess the Spill Secure the Area Contain and Eliminate the Spill Source Clean Up Spilled Material Decontaminate Equipment Dispose of Spilled & Contaminated Material1 Diesel Transfer Tanks Installed in onsite work trucks. Trucks with transfer tanks will be located in the staging area. The trailer mounted transfer tank will be located in the staging area within a secondary containment area. Determine what material has been spilled, approximate amount of material spilled and where spilled material has gone and is going. Call on-site spill responder listed in Table 2. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved to be cleaned up by on-site personnel and equipment, call spill response subcontractor listed in Table 2. If spill is an immediate threat to human health or property, call 911. Report spill to PE, Boeing point of Contact, and to agencies as listed in Table 2. Shut down work in areas affected by spill, remove non- response personnel from spill area, and prevent access to spill area by non- response personnel. If safe to do so, eliminate spill source by shutting off equipment, closing leaking vales, etc. If safe to do so, contain spill using spill pads, spill booms, and absorbent from spill kits. If spill is not too large, dangerous, or involved, clean up spilled material. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved, work with spill response subcontractor and emergency personnel to clean up spill. Decontaminate all non-disposable equipment used in or contaminated during spill response. Disposal of spilled and contaminated material and all decontamination fluids in accordance with all regulations at a legally permitted facility. Prior to disposal of regulated waste, City shall provide City’s waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to the Boeing point of contact. City shall provide Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. For non- regulated waste, the City shall provide advance notification to Boeing point of contact of waste disposal characterization and selected disposal facility. Within 7 days of disposal, provide documentation substantiating such disposal to the PE. As applicable, verify completed remediation of spill impacts to soils, groundwater, surface water, stormwater, or other environmental media. Small Power Tools Determine what material has been spilled, approximate amount of Shut down work in areas affected by spill, remove non- If safe to do so, eliminate spill source by shutting off If spill is not too large, dangerous, or involved, clean up spilled material. Park Avenue North Extension Project 6 Construction Water Management Plan Hazardous Material and Location Spill Response Task Assess the Spill Secure the Area Contain and Eliminate the Spill Source Clean Up Spilled Material Decontaminate Equipment Dispose of Spilled & Contaminated Material1 Power tools will be stored in secondary containment enclosures in the staging area when not in use. Power tools will be used in various locations as need throughout the site. material spilled and where spilled material has gone and is going. Call on-site spill responder listed in Table 2. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved to be cleaned up by on-site personnel and equipment, call spill response subcontractor listed in Table 2. If spill is an immediate threat to human health or property, call 911. Report spill to PE, Boeing point of contact, and to agencies as listed in Table 2. response personnel from spill area, and prevent access to spill area by non- response personnel. equipment, closing leaking vales, etc. If safe to do so, contain spill using spill pads, spill booms, and absorbent from spill kits. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved, work with spill response subcontractor and emergency personnel to clean up spill. Decontaminate all non-disposable equipment used in or contaminated during spill response. Disposal of spilled and contaminated material and all decontamination fluids in accordance with all regulations at a legally permitted facility. Prior to disposal of regulated waste, City shall provide City’s waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to the Boeing point of contact. City shall provide Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. For non- regulated waste, the City shall provide advance notification to Boeing point of contact of waste disposal characterization and selected disposal facility. Within 7 days of disposal, provide documentation substantiating such disposal to the PE. As applicable, verify completed remediation of spill impacts to soils, groundwater, surface water, stormwater, or other environmental media. Notes: 1 Spilled fuel, petroleum product and hazardous materials, contaminated stormwater, contaminated soil and water, and all cleanup supplies shall be transported off site for disposal at a facility approved by the Department of Ecology. No potentially hazardous materials, contaminated soil or water, or cleanup supplies may be discharged to any sanitary sewer without approval of the local sewer authority. Contaminated stormwater will not be discharged to any sanitary sewer without approval of the local sewer authority. ◼ Petroleum products, fuel, and hazardous material spills shall be addressed and shall be prevented from reaching discharge poi nts or any bodies of water. ◼ It is acceptable to combine materials covered by the same response procedures, as long each material is clearly identified. Park Avenue North Extension Project 7 Construction Water Management Plan Table 2 Responsible Personnel Responsibility Name and Title Contact Information Boeing Point of Contact Angella Mickowski Company: Boeing Phone: 425-529-8410 City of Renton Project Manager Hebé Bernardo, Project Manager Company: City of Renton Cell Phone: 206-503-4194 On-Site Spill Responder, Updating SPCC Plan Jordan Widener, Project Biologist Company: Widener & Associates Office Phone: 425-332-3961 Cell Phone: 510-725-2291 Spill Response Subcontractor (if used) Park Avenue North Extension Project 8 Construction Water Management Plan Wastewater Quality Sampling Turbidity Sampling Requirements include calibrated turbidity meter or transparency tube to sample site discharges for compliance with the CSWGP. Sampling will be conducted at all discharge points at least once per calendar week. Method for sampling turbidity: Turbidity Sampling Method Turbidity Meter/Turbidimeter (required for disturbances 5 acres or greater in size) x Transparency Tube (option for disturbances less than 1 acre and up to 5 acres in size) The benchmark for turbidity value is 25 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and a transparency less than 33 centimeters. If the discharge’s turbidity is 26 to 249 NTU or the transparency is less than 33 cm but equal to or greater than 6 cm, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9. Make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. If the turbidity exceeds 250 NTU or the transparency is 6 cm or less at any time, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Telephone or submit an electronic report to the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) within 24 hours. https://www.ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Get-involved/Report-an-environmental-issue • Northwest Region (King, Kitsap, Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. 4. Continue to sample discharges daily until one of the following is true: • Turbidity is 25 NTU (or lower). • Transparency is 33 cm (or greater). • Compliance with the water quality limit for turbidity is achieved. o 1 - 5 NTU over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTU o 1% - 10% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTU or greater • The discharge stops or is eliminated. Park Avenue North Extension Project 9 Construction Water Management Plan pH Sampling pH monitoring is required for “Significant concrete work” (i.e. greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete over the life of the project).The use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD] or fly ash) also requires pH monitoring. For significant concrete work, pH sampling will start the first day concrete is poured and continue until it is cured, typically three (3) weeks after the last pour. For engineered soils and recycled concrete, pH sampling begins when engineered soils or recycled concrete are first exposed to precipitation and continues until the area is fully stabilized. If the measured pH is 8.5 or greater, the following measures will be taken: 1. Prevent high pH water from entering storm sewer systems or surface water. 2. Adjust or neutralize the high pH water to the range of 6.5 to 8.5 su using appropriate technology such as carbon dioxide (CO2) sparging (liquid or dry ice). 3. Written approval will be obtained from Ecology prior to the use of chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging or dry ice. Method for sampling pH: pH Sampling Method X pH meter X pH test kit Wide range pH indicator paper Reporting and Record Keeping Site Log Book A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: • A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements • Site inspections • Sample logs Records Retention Records will be retained during the life of the project and for a minimum of three (3) years following the termination of permit coverage in accordance with Special Condition S5.C of the CSWGP. Permit documentation to be retained on-site: • CSWGP • Permit Coverage Letter • SWPPP • Site Log Book Permit documentation will be provided within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. A copy of the SWPPP or access to the SWPPP will be provided to the public when requested in writing in accordance with Special Condition S5.G.2.b of the CSWGP. Park Avenue North Extension Project 10 Construction Water Management Plan Reporting Discharge Monitoring Reports Cumulative soil disturbance is less than one (1) acre; therefore, Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) will not be submitted to Ecology because water quality sampling is not being conducted at the site. Notification of Noncompliance (6.2.2) If any of the terms and conditions of the permit is not met, and the resulting noncompliance may cause a threat to human health or the environment, the following actions will be taken: 1. Ecology will be notified within 24-hours of the failure to comply by calling the applicable Regional office ERTS phone number (Regional office numbers listed below). 2. The City of Renton will notify the Boeing point of contact of any noncompliance within 24 hours. 3. Immediate action will be taken to prevent the discharge/pollution or otherwise stop or correct the noncompliance. If applicable, sampling and analysis of any noncompliance will be repeated immediately and the results submitted to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation. 4. A detailed written report describing the noncompliance will be submitted to Ecology within five (5) days, unless requested earlier by Ecology. Specific information to be included in the noncompliance report is found in Special Condition S5.F.3 of the CSWGP. Anytime turbidity sampling indicates turbidity is 250 NTUs or greater, or water transparency is 6 cm or less, the Ecology Regional office will be notified by phone within 24 hours of analysis as required by Special Condition S5.A of the CSWGP. • Northwest Region at (425) 649-7000 for Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, or Whatcom County Include the following information: 1. Your name and / Phone number 2. Permit number 3. City / County of project 4. Sample results 5. Date / Time of call 6. Date / Time of sample 7. Project name In accordance with Special Condition S4.D.5.b of the CSWGP, the Ecology Regional office will be notified if chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging is planned for adjustment of high pH water. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for Park Avenue North Extension Project Specifically for: The Boeing Company Permanent and Temporary Construction Easement Properties Prepared for: Department of Ecology Northwest Regional Office Permittee / Owner Developer Operator / Contractor City of Renton, WA City of Renton TBD Renton, WA Update as necessary. Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) Name Organization Contact Phone Number Jordan Widener Widener & Associates 510-725-2291 SWPPP Prepared By Name Organization Contact Phone Number Teddi McFall Widener & Associates 425-332-3961 SWPPP Preparation Date November 24, 2020 Project Construction Dates Activity / Phase Start Date End Date Construction 03/15/2020 10/15/2021 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym / Abbreviation Explanation 303(d) Section of the Clean Water Act pertaining to Impaired Waterbodies BMP(s) Best Management Practice(s) CESCL Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead CO2 Carbon Dioxide CSWGP Construction Stormwater General Permit CWA Clean Water Act DMR Discharge Monitoring Report DO Dissolved Oxygen Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency ERTS Environmental Report Tracking System ESC Erosion and Sediment Control GULD General Use Level Designation NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units NWRO Northwest Regional Office of the Department of Ecology pH Power of Hydrogen RCW Revised Code of Washington SPCC Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure su Standard Units SWMMEW Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington SWMMWW Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan TESC Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load WAC Washington Administrative Code WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation WWHM Western Washington Hydrology Model Project Information (1.0) Project/Site Name: Park Avenue North Extension Street/Location: Logan Ave N/Southport Dr N and Park Ave N intersection and the 757th Ave N and Park Ave N T-junction; Eastern end of 7th Street, near Logan Ave City: Renton State: WA Zip code: 98057 Receiving waterbody: Lake Washington Existing Conditions (1.1) Total acreage (including support activities such as off-site equipment staging yards, material storage areas, borrow areas). Total acreage: 1.6 acres Disturbed acreage: 1.3 acres Existing structures: traffic signals, curbs and gutters, sidewalk, signage, catch basins, roadway, fencing, and a railroad track Landscape topography: The steepest slope on the entire project site is around 4%. The site is generally flat. Drainage patterns: The project area generally directs roadway runoff to catch basins along the roadway and flows through a closed conveyance system to be treated. Existing Vegetation: Grasses, small shrubs, blackberry. Critical Areas (wetlands, streams, high erosion risk, steep or difficult to stabilize slopes): No wetlands or streams are present within the project area or on Boeing-owned properties. The project is within a high susceptibility area for liquefaction during seismic events. List of known impairments for 303(d) listed or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the receiving waterbody: Lake Washington, downstream of the project area, is on the 303(d) list for bacteria There are no suspected or known contaminants associated with the Boeing Company property easements on which construction activity will take place. Proposed Construction Activities (1.2) Description of site development (example: subdivision): The City of Renton is proposing the extension of Park Ave N to extend north of the BNSF railroad tracks that are located between 757th Ave and Puget Sound Energy property. Also included in this project will be the construction of a pedestrian sidewalk below an existing trestle bridge northeast of the Lake Washington Blvd/Garden Ave N and N Southport Dr intersection. Included in this plan is an area near the eastern end of 7th Street, near Logan Avenue, where the Boeing Company proposes to install a new gate system. Description of construction activities (example: site preparation, demolition, excavation): The project will include clearing and grubbing; paving of roadway, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters; stormwater conveyance system installation, signalization, signage, the construction of a railroad crossing, casing installation for sanitary sewer and water, illumination installation, landscaping, slope protection, underground utility relocation within a duct bank (to be conducted by Boeing, and in-kind trestle bridge replacement (to be conducted by BNSF). Description of site drainage including flow from and onto adjacent properties: The site drainage largely is composed of roadway runoff, which is collected in catch basins and is directed to piped stormwater systems, as shown on maps in Appendix A. Description of final stabilization (example: extent of revegetation, paving, landscaping): A landscaping plan has been developed which includes the planting of native trees and shrubs. Sod lawn on topsoil will be placed in the grassy areas temporarily impacted by the project. Paving will occur within the existing right of way surrounding the Boeing Property and areas where pavement, curbs and gutters will be removed will be revegetated and landscaped with shrubs and trees. Contaminated Site Information: Proposed activities regarding contaminated soils or groundwater (example: on-site treatment system, authorized sanitary sewer discharge): In the event contaminated soils or groundwater is encountered within the Boeing Company Easement property, the Soil Management Plan and/or Spill Response Plan shall be referenced and all appropriate agencies shall be contacted immediately. Provisions for Boeing-Owned Property (1.3) This plan applies to those areas contracted by the City of Renton and The Boeing Company as permanent and temporary construction easement areas. Specific provisions to these properties and this plan are as follows: • The City of Renton (City) will be in compliance with any other Construction Stormwater Permit (CSP) that covers the Easement Area, whether it belongs to Boeing or another party, if still in place during the City’s easement-related construction activities. • The City will apply for and comply with any now or later required stormwater permits of any kind. • The City construction of stormwater collection and conveyance structures will ensure that City and Boeing stormwater flows shall remain segregated to the greatest extent possible as now provided for in the City’s stormwater infrastructure and drainage plan. • City maintenance of the easement area stormwater drains or other infrastructure (including cleanups and response to impacts from spills) will continue for as long as the easement is in effect. • The Boeing point of contact will be provided a copy of all stormwater monitoring and sampling results/reports. • The City will notify the Boeing point of contact of any permit violations within 24 hours of the violation’s inception or as soon as practicable. • The City shall implement any corrective actions required by regulators related to stormwater violations. • The City shall be responsible for all costs associated with complying with the plans, including any costs incurred by the City of stop-work events related to unplanned or contingent events. Construction Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) (2.0) The SWPPP is a living document reflecting current conditions and changes throughout the life of the project. These changes may be informal (i.e. hand-written notes and deletions). Update the SWPPP when the CESCL has noted a deficiency in BMPs or deviation from original design. The 13 Elements (2.1) Element 1: Preserve Vegetation / Mark Clearing Limits (2.1.1) List and describe BMPs: High Visibility Fence Installation Schedules: Install and maintain HVF prior to land clearing activities to establish clearing limits. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Ensure plastic fencing at least four feet in height is fastened to posts every 6 inches with a polyethylene tie to maintain rigidity and to prevent sagging.If the fence has been damaged or visibility reduced, it shall be repaired or replaced immediately and visibility restored. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Element 2: Establish Construction Access (2.1.2) List and describe BMPs: Stabilized Construction Access Wheel Wash Construction Road/Parking Area Stabilization Installation Schedules: A stabilized construction access will be constructed if existing pavement is not used according to specifications detailed in BMP C105. A wheel wash will be used if the stabilized construction access is not preventing sediment from being trafficked offsite. Stabilize roads and parking areas for use by construction traffic according to BMP C107. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Any sediment that is tracked onto pavement shall be removed by shoveling or streetsweeping (by hand or with a highefficiency sweeper.The sediment collected by sweeping shall be removed or stabilized onsite. The wheel wash should start each day with fresh water and be changed a minimum of once per day. All wheel wash wastewater shall be controlled on-site and CANNOT be discharged into waters of the State. Inpect stabilized areas regularly. Perform street cleaning at the end of each day or more often if necessary. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Element 3: Control Flow Rates (2.1.3) Will you construct stormwater retention and/or detention facilities? Yes No The existing catchbasins will be modified to the new roadway alignment. Temporary collection and treatment of runoff will occur during project construction. Will you use permanent infiltration ponds or other low impact development (example: rain gardens, bio-retention, porous pavement) to control flow during construction? Yes No List and describe BMPs: Wattles Sediment Trap Installation Schedules: Install wattles in disturbed areas requiring immediate erosion protection, on exposed soils during the period of short construction delays, and on slopes requiring stabilization until permanent vegetation can be established. Before any land disturbance, sediment traps along with other perimeter controls shall be installed and demonstrated to function properly. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Ensure wattles are in contact with soil and fully entrenched, inspecting after significant rainfall or storms, repairing any areas where wattles are not tightly abutted or water has scoured beneath the wattles. Sediment shall be removed from sediment traps when it reaches the 1-foot depth. Any damage to the trap embankments or slopes shall be repaired. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Element 4: Install Sediment Controls (2.1.4) List and describe BMPs: Brush Barrier (2-5 ft height, 5-15 ft width, to be used downslope of disturbed areas, installed on contours) Silt Fence (downslope of disturbed areas, for flows less than 0.5 cfs, use geotextile fabric meeting standards described in BMP C233) Wattles (cylinders of plant material or wood fiber or shavings to be used in disturbed areas requiring immediate erosion protection, can capture and retain sediment) Sediment Trap (a small temporary ponding area with gravel outlet to collect and store sediment) Installation Schedules: Construct all sediment control BMPS prior to land disturbing activities. Construct silt fences in areas of clearing, grading, or drainage prior to starting those activities. Direct any stormwater to the above BMPs until new curb, gutter, and catchbasin can be installed. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Ensure no signs of erosion or concentrated runoff under or around the brush barrier; maintain dimensions of brush barrier. Repair damage to silt fencing immediately, intercept and convey all evident concentrated flows uphill of the silt fence to a sediment trapping BMP. Check uphill sides of silt fencing for clogging, if occurring, replace silt fence and remove trapped sediment. Remove sediment deposits when deposits reach 1/3 height of silt fence. Replace geotextile fabric that has deteriorated due to UV breakdown. Ensure wattles are in contact with soil and fully entrenched, inspecting after significant rainfall or storms, repairing any areas where wattles are not tightly abutted or water has scoured beneath the wattles. Sediment shall be removed from sediment traps when it reaches the 1-foot depth. Any damage to the trap embankments or slopes shall be repaired. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Element 5: Stabilize Soils (2.1.5) West of the Cascade Mountains Crest Season Dates Number of Days Soils Can be Left Exposed During the Dry Season May 1 – September 30 7 days During the Wet Season October 1 – April 30 2 days Soils must be stabilized at the end of the shift before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast. Anticipated project dates: Start date: February 2020 End date: February 2021 Will you construct during the wet season? Yes No List and describe BMPs: Temporary and Permanent Seeding Mulching Plastic Covering Sodding Topsoiling/Composting Dust Control Installation Schedules: Seed disturbed areas that have reached final grade or that will remain unworked for more than 30 days where not sodding. Mulch to a minimum of 2 inch depth on finished grade of soil. Mulch around all tree and shrub plantings, tapering to crown and forming a 2 to 3-inch continuous berm around the plant. Install plastic covering to provide immediate, short-term erosion protection to slopes and disturbed areas, provide water collection measures at the base of slopes Sodding will be used to establish turf for immediate erosion protection throughout the disturbance limits on Boeing property. Sod will be shaped and smoothed and installed according to BMP C124 in the 2019 Western Washington Stormwater Management Manual and project landscaping plans. 24 inches of topsoil type A shall be placed in all landscape planting areas and sod areas shall receive 6 inches of fine graded topsoil type A before sod laydown. Dust control will be used and repeated as needed to prevent wind transport of dust from disturbed soil surfaces onto roadways and drainage ways. Use street sweepers and remove mud and dirty promptly. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Reseed and mulch as needed to achieve adequate cover. Supply seeded areas with adequate moisture. Replace torn plastic sheetings and completely remove when no longer needed. Sod will be examined, and if the grass is unhealthy, the cause shall be determined and appropriate action taken to reestablish healthy groundcover. Topsoil stockpiles shall be inspected regularly and stabilized. Protect from compaction once placed and established. Respray water on areas as necessary to keep dust to a minimum. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Element 6: Protect Slopes (2.1.6) Will steep slopes be present at the site during construction? Yes No List and describe BMPs: Temporary and permanent Seeding Mulching Plastic Covering Sodding Topsoiling/Composting Installation Schedules: No steep slopes are present within the project area within Boeing Easement property. See above Element 5 for installation schedules for the above BMPs. Inspection and Maintenance plan: See above Element 5 for inspection and maintenance plan for the above BMPs. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Element 7: Protect Drain Inlets (2.1.7) List and describe BMPs: Inlet Protection Installation Schedules: Prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area, provide inlet protection at inlets that are operational for all storm drain inlets downslope and within 500 feet of a disturbed or construction area according to BMP C220. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Inspect all forms of inlet protection frequently, clean and replace clogged catch basin filters. Do not wash sediment into storm drains when cleaning. Stockpile and stabilize excavated material as appropriate. Inlets will be inspected weekly at a minimum and daily during storm events. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Element 8: Stabilize Channels and Outlets (2.1.8) Provide stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes, and downstream reaches, will be installed at the outlets of all conveyance systems. No conveyance channels, streams, or natural drainage points exist within the Boeing-owned easement property. Runoff from the area is normally directed into a curb and gutter system where it is collected via catchbasins and is directed underneath the roadway in a piped system. Element 9: Control Pollutants (2.1.9) The following pollutants are anticipated to be present on-site: Table 2 – Pollutants Pollutant (and source, if applicable) Petroleum products – fuel for machinery and equipment Concrete Painting products Pollutants, including construction materials, waste materials, and fuels will be stored in a location and containers away from stormwater runoff. Excavated materials will be stockpiled and covered according to the Soil Management Plan. All construction materials and fuels will be stored in locked areas or transported off site when not in use. Known contaminants will be transported offsite to be disposed of in appropriate sites or landfills. List and describe BMPs: Concrete washout area Installation Schedules: Install concrete washout area at an approved off-site or designated on-site location. Construct and maintain in sufficient quantity and size to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. Incorporate requirements for concrete waste management into concrete supplier and subcontracter agreements. Inspection and Maintenance plan: Inspect and verify concrete washout areas are in place prior to the commencement of concrete work. Dispose of hardened concrete on a regular basis. Inspect concrete washout areas daily to verify continued performance. Maintain and clean according to specifications listed in BMP C154. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Will maintenance, fueling, and/or repair of heavy equipment and vehicles occur on-site? Yes No Equipment servicing and fueling requiring the use of petroleum products will be performed in locations away from drainage areas and outside of any easements on Boeing property. Spill kits will be located around the site and onsite personnel will sign the spill control plan document. All onsite personnel shall know the location of all spill kits and oil absorbent booms. Personnel will know the contents of each spill kit and demonstrate knowledge of the use of spill containment materials and PPE. Fuel on site will likely exceed 100 gallons, and will be contained in either transfer tanks in work trucks (for diesel) or in secondary containers made of impervious plastic with lids (for unleaded gasoline, oils, and equipment grease). List and describe BMPs: S455 BMPs for Spill Prevention and Cleanup, S412 BMPs for Loading and Unloading Areas for Liquid or Solid Material Installation Schedules: When BMP needed as determined by site inspector, CESCL or contractor personnel. Inspection and Maintenance plan: When repair needed. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Will wheel wash or tire bath system BMPs be used during construction? Yes No Will pH-modifying sources be present on-site? Yes No If yes, check the source(s). Table 3 – pH-Modifying Sources None X Bulk cement Cement kiln dust Fly ash Other cementitious materials New concrete washing or curing waters Waste streams generated from concrete grinding and sawing X Exposed aggregate processes Dewatering concrete vaults Concrete pumping and mixer washout waters X Recycled concrete Other (i.e. calcium lignosulfate) [please describe] BMPs used to prevent pH-modifying sources from contaminating stormwater: List and describe BMPs: BMP C154 Concrete Washout Area, BMP C151 Concrete Handling Installation Schedules: When BMP needed as determined by site inspector, CESCL or contractor personnel. Inspection and Maintenance plan: When repair needed. Responsible Staff: On site CESCL, site inspector and contractor personnel. Concrete trucks must not be washed out onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Excess concrete must not be dumped on-site, except in designated concrete washout areas with appropriate BMPs installed. Element 10: Control Dewatering (2.1.10) No dewatering is expected within the Boeing-owned easement property. Table 4 – Dewatering BMPs X Infiltration Transport off-site in a vehicle (vacuum truck for legal disposal) Ecology-approved on-site chemical treatment or other suitable treatment technologies Sanitary or combined sewer discharge with local sewer district approval (last resort) Use of sedimentation bag with discharge to ditch or swale (small volumes of localized dewatering) Element 11: Maintain BMPs (2.1.11) All temporary and permanent Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to ensure continued performance of their intended function. Maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with each particular BMP specification (see Volume II of the SWMMWW or Chapter 7 of the SWMMEW). Visual monitoring of all BMPs installed at the site will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of any stormwater or non-stormwater discharge from the site. If the site becomes inactive and is temporarily stabilized, the inspection frequency may be reduced to once every calendar month. All temporary ESC BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be stabilized on-site or removed. Disturbed soil resulting from removal of either BMPs or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized. Additionally, protection must be provided for all BMPs installed for the permanent control of stormwater from sediment and compaction. BMPs that are to remain in place following completion of construction shall be examined and restored to full operating condition. If sediment enters these BMPs during construction, the sediment shall be removed and the facility shall be returned to conditions specified in the construction documents. Element 12: Manage the Project (2.1.12) The project will be managed based on the following principles: • The Boeing point of contact will receive a copy of all stormwater monitoring and sampling results/reports. • The Boeing point of contact will be notified by the City of any permit violations within 24 hours. • Projects will be phased to the maximum extent practicable and seasonal work limitations will be taken into account. • Inspection and monitoring: o Inspection, maintenance and repair of all BMPs will occur as needed to ensure performance of their intended function. o Site inspections and monitoring will be conducted in accordance with Special Condition S4 of the CSWGP. Sampling locations are indicated on the Site Map. Sampling station(s) are located in accordance with applicable requirements of the CSWGP. • Maintain an updated SWPPP. o The SWPPP will be updated, maintained, and implemented in accordance with Special Conditions S3, S4, and S9 of the CSWGP. As site work progresses the SWPPP will be modified routinely to reflect changing site conditions. The SWPPP will be reviewed monthly to ensure the content is current. Table 5 – Management x Design the project to fit the existing topography, soils, and drainage patterns x Emphasize erosion control rather than sediment control x Minimize the extent and duration of the area exposed x Keep runoff velocities low x Retain sediment on-site x Thoroughly monitor site and maintain all ESC measures x Schedule major earthwork during the dry season Other (please describe) Element 13: Protect Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs (2.1.13) No LIDs currently or will exist within the Boeing-owned easement property. Pollution Prevention Team (3.0) Table 7 – Team Information Title Name(s) Phone Number Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) Jordan Widener 510-725-2291 Resident Engineer TBD Boeing Point of Contact Angella Mickowski 425-529-8410 Emergency Ecology Contact Tricia Miller 425-649-7201 Emergency Permittee/ Owner Contact Hebe Bernardo 206-503-4194 Non-Emergency Owner Contact Bob Hanson 425-985-0123 Monitoring Personnel Jordan Widener 510-725-2291 Ecology Regional Office Northwest Region 425-649-7000 Monitoring and Sampling Requirements (4.0) Monitoring includes visual inspection, sampling for water quality parameters of concern, and documentation of the inspection and sampling findings in a site log book. A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: • A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements • Site inspections • Stormwater sampling data Create your own Site Inspection Form or use the Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form found on Ecology’s website. https://www.ecology.wa.gov/Regulations-Permits/Permits- certifications/Stormwater-general-permits/Construction-stormwater-permit File a blank form under Appendix D. The site log book must be maintained on-site within reasonable access to the site and be made available upon request to Ecology or the local jurisdiction. Site Inspection (4.1) Site inspections will be conducted at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours following any discharge from the site. For sites that are temporarily stabilized and inactive, the required frequency is reduced to once per calendar month. The discharge point(s) are indicated on the Site Map (see Appendix A) and in accordance with the applicable requirements of the CSWGP. Stormwater Quality Sampling (4.2) Turbidity Sampling (4.2.1) Requirements include calibrated turbidity meter or transparency tube to sample site discharges for compliance with the CSWGP. Sampling will be conducted at all discharge points at least once per calendar week. Method for sampling turbidity: Table 8 – Turbidity Sampling Method Turbidity Meter/Turbidimeter (required for disturbances 5 acres or greater in size) x Transparency Tube (option for disturbances less than 1 acre and up to 5 acres in size) The benchmark for turbidity value is 25 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and a transparency less than 33 centimeters. If the discharge’s turbidity is 26 to 249 NTU or the transparency is less than 33 cm but equal to or greater than 6 cm, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Review the SWPPP for compliance with Special Condition S9. Make appropriate revisions within 7 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period. 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. If the turbidity exceeds 250 NTU or the transparency is 6 cm or less at any time, the following steps will be conducted: 1. Telephone or submit an electronic report to the applicable Ecology Region’s Environmental Report Tracking System (ERTS) within 24 hours. https://www.ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Get-involved/Report-an-environmental-issue • Central Region (Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, Yakima): (509) 575-2490 • Eastern Region (Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman): (509) 329-3400 • Northwest Region (King, Kitsap, Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom): (425) 649-7000 • Southwest Region (Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum,): (360) 407-6300 2. Immediately begin the process to fully implement and maintain appropriate source control and/or treatment BMPs as soon as possible. Address the problems within 10 days of the date the discharge exceeded the benchmark. If installation of necessary treatment BMPs is not feasible within 10 days, Ecology may approve additional time when the Permittee requests an extension within the initial 10-day response period 3. Document BMP implementation and maintenance in the site log book. 4. Continue to sample discharges daily until one of the following is true: • Turbidity is 25 NTU (or lower). • Transparency is 33 cm (or greater). • Compliance with the water quality limit for turbidity is achieved. o 1 - 5 NTU over background turbidity, if background is less than 50 NTU o 1% - 10% over background turbidity, if background is 50 NTU or greater • The discharge stops or is eliminated. pH Sampling (4.2.2) pH monitoring is required for “Significant concrete work” (i.e. greater than 1000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete over the life of the project).The use of engineered soils (soil amendments including but not limited to Portland cement-treated base [CTB], cement kiln dust [CKD] or fly ash) also requires pH monitoring. For significant concrete work, pH sampling will start the first day concrete is poured and continue until it is cured, typically three (3) weeks after the last pour. For engineered soils and recycled concrete, pH sampling begins when engineered soils or recycled concrete are first exposed to precipitation and continues until the area is fully stabilized. If the measured pH is 8.5 or greater, the following measures will be taken: 1. Prevent high pH water from entering storm sewer systems or surface water. 2. Adjust or neutralize the high pH water to the range of 6.5 to 8.5 su using appropriate technology such as carbon dioxide (CO2) sparging (liquid or dry ice). 3. Written approval will be obtained from Ecology prior to the use of chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging or dry ice. Method for sampling pH: Table 8 – pH Sampling Method X pH meter X pH test kit Wide range pH indicator paper Discharges to 303(d) or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Waterbodies (5.0) 303(d) Listed Waterbodies (5.1) Is the receiving water 303(d) (Category 5) listed for turbidity, fine sediment, phosphorus, or pH? Yes No List the impairment(s): The receiving waterbody Lake Washington, is impaired for: Bacteria only. TMDL Waterbodies (5.2) There is not a TMDL for receiving water bodies for this project. Reporting and Record Keeping (6.0) Record Keeping (6.1) Site Log Book (6.1.1) A site log book will be maintained for all on-site construction activities and will include: • A record of the implementation of the SWPPP and other permit requirements • Site inspections • Sample logs Records Retention (6.1.2) Records will be retained during the life of the project and for a minimum of three (3) years following the termination of permit coverage in accordance with Special Condition S5.C of the CSWGP. Permit documentation to be retained on-site: • CSWGP • Permit Coverage Letter • SWPPP • Site Log Book Permit documentation will be provided within 14 days of receipt of a written request from Ecology. A copy of the SWPPP or access to the SWPPP will be provided to the public when requested in writing in accordance with Special Condition S5.G.2.b of the CSWGP. Updating the SWPPP (6.1.3) The SWPPP will be modified if: • Found ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. • There is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the State. The SWPPP will be modified within seven (7) days if inspection(s) or investigation(s) determine additional or modified BMPs are necessary for compliance. An updated timeline for BMP implementation will be prepared. Reporting (6.2) Discharge Monitoring Reports (6.2.1) Cumulative soil disturbance is less than one (1) acre; therefore, Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) will not be submitted to Ecology because water quality sampling is not being conducted at the site. Notification of Noncompliance (6.2.2) If any of the terms and conditions of the permit is not met, and the resulting noncompliance may cause a threat to human health or the environment, the following actions will be taken: 1. Ecology will be notified within 24-hours of the failure to comply by calling the applicable Regional office ERTS phone number (Regional office numbers listed below). 2. The City of Renton will notify the Boeing point of contact of any noncompliance within 24 hours. 3. Immediate action will be taken to prevent the discharge/pollution or otherwise stop or correct the noncompliance. If applicable, sampling and analysis of any noncompliance will be repeated immediately and the results submitted to Ecology within five (5) days of becoming aware of the violation. 4. A detailed written report describing the noncompliance will be submitted to Ecology within five (5) days, unless requested earlier by Ecology. Specific information to be included in the noncompliance report is found in Special Condition S5.F.3 of the CSWGP. Anytime turbidity sampling indicates turbidity is 250 NTUs or greater, or water transparency is 6 cm or less, the Ecology Regional office will be notified by phone within 24 hours of analysis as required by Special Condition S5.A of the CSWGP. • Central Region at (509) 575-2490 for Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, or Yakima County • Eastern Region at (509) 329-3400 for Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, or Whitman County • Northwest Region at (425) 649-7000 for Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, or Whatcom County • Southwest Region at (360) 407-6300 for Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, or Wahkiakum Include the following information: 1. Your name and / Phone number 2. Permit number 3. City / County of project 4. Sample results 5. Date / Time of call 6. Date / Time of sample 7. Project name In accordance with Special Condition S4.D.5.b of the CSWGP, the Ecology Regional office will be notified if chemical treatment other than CO2 sparging is planned for adjustment of high pH water. Appendix/Glossary A. Site Map B. BMP Detail C. Site Inspection Form D. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) Appendix A. Site Map Legend 757th Project Area Trestle Pedestrian Undercrossing Project Area 7th St Area Project ± Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community 0 350 700 Feet Park Ave North Extension Vicinity Map City of Renton, WA L a k e W a s h i n g t o n 757th Ave NELogan Ave NA c c e s s R d N Southport DrP a r k A v e N29303128272625242330.64832230.4905143222 32 28 28 27 2 4 283229 29 312827 2 3 2829 303028282 723 28 28 2 7 282827302632 Legend Boeing Parcel 088660006003 Existing Roadway and Curb Storm and Sewer SSWR lines and manholes STRM lines, catchbasins, manholes Topography TINN, TOPO Proposed ProjectElements Proposed Asphalt; Curb; Ramps; Sidewalk Proposed Cut Limits Proposed Fence Proposed Fill Limits Proposed Wall± Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community 0 30 60 Feet Park Ave North Extension Site Map 757th Avenue Project Area City of Renton, WA 29282726 2524 23 3031322221333029333023 3030322833 292830303029283133 757th Ave NEN Southport DrL a k e W a s h i n g t o n B l v d N Legend Pedestrian Trestle Project Area Boeing Parcel 088660006003 Railroad Tracks Topography (TINN, TOPO) STRM Catchbasins, Lines, Manholes SS Lines and Manholes± Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community 0 30 60 Feet Park Ave North Extension Site Map Pedestrian TrestleProject Area City of Renton, WA 31303228 2927 3130 322 8 2927Logan Ave NLegend Parcels Project Limits Existing Utilities Comm & Fiber Irrigation Natural Gas Utility Pole Power Sanitary Sewer and Manholes Storm and Manholes Traffic Water ± Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community 0 30 60 Feet Park Ave North Extension Site Map 7th Street Project Area City of Renton, WA 7th Street Survey 5/1/20: Alliance Geomatics Appendix B. BMP Detail Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Chapter 4 - BMP Standard Specifications Prepared by: Washington State Department of Ecology Water Quality Program December 2014 Publication No. 14-10-055 (A revision of Publication No. 12-10-030) A-1 Recommended Standard Notes for Introduction: Erosion Control Plans The following standard notes are suggested for use in erosion control plans. Local jurisdictions may have other mandatory notes for construction plans that are applicable. Plans should also identify with phone numbers the person or firm responsible for the preparation of and maintenance of the erosion control plan. Standard Notes Approval of this erosion/sedimentation control (ESC) plan does not constitute an approval of permanent road or drainage design (e.g. size and location of roads, pipes, restrictors, channels, retention facilities, utilities). The implementation of these ESC plans and the construction, maintenance, replacement, and upgrading of these ESC facilities is the responsibility of the applicant/contractor until all construction is completed and approved and vegetation/landscaping is established. The boundaries of the clearing limits shown on this plan shall be clearly flagged in the field prior to construction. During the construction period, no disturbance beyond the flagged clearing limits shall be permitted. The flagging shall be maintained by the applicant/contractor for the duration of construction. The ESC facilities shown on this plan must be constructed in conjunction with all clearing and grading activities, and in such a manner as to insure that sediment and sediment laden water do not enter the drainage system, roadways, or violate applicable water standards. The ESC facilities shown on this plan are the minimum requirements for anticipated site conditions. During the construction period, these ESC facilities shall be upgraded as needed for unexpected storm events and to ensure that sediment and sediment-laden water do not leave the site. The ESC facilities shall be inspected dail y by the applicant/contractor and maintained as necessary to ensure their continued functioning. The ESC facilities on inactive sites shall be inspected and maintained a minimum of once a month or within the 48 hours following a major storm event. At no time shall more than one foot of sediment be allowed to accumulate within a trapped catch basin. All catch basins and conveyance lines shall be cleaned prior to paving. The cleaning operation shall not flush sediment laden water into the downstream system. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed at the beginning of construction and maintained for the duration of the project. Additional measures may be required to insure that all paved areas are kept clean for the duration of the project. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-1 Chapter 4 - Best Management Practices Standards and Specifications Best Management Practices (BMPs) are defined as schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and structural and/or managerial practices, that when used singly or in combination, prevent or reduce the release of pollutants to waters of Washington State. This chapter contains standards and specifications for temporary BMPs to be used as applicable during the construction phase of a project. Often using BMPs in combination is the best method to meet Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements. None of the BMPs listed below will work successfully through the construction project without inspection and maintenance. Regular inspections to identify problems with the operation of each BMP, and the timely repair of any problems are essential to the continued operation of the BMPs. Section 4.1 contains the standards and specifications for Source Control BMPs. Section 4.2 contains the standards and specifications for Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs. The standards for each individual BMP are divided into four sections: 1. Purpose 2. Conditions of Use 3.Design and Installation Specifications 4.Maintenance Standards Note that the “Conditions of Use” refers to site conditions. As site conditions change, BMPs must be changed to remain in compliance. 4.1 Source Control BMPs This section contains the standards and specifications for Source Control BMPs. Table 4.1.1, below, shows the relationship of the BMPs in Section 4.1 to the Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Elements described in Section 3.3.3. Elements not shown on Table 4.1.1 are not satisfied through installation of Source Controls. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-2 Table 4.1.1 Source Control BMPs by SWPPP Element BMP or Element Name Element #1 Preserve Vegetation/ Mark Clearing Limits Element #2 Establish Construction Access Element #5 Stabilize Soils Element #6 Protect Slopes Element #8 Stabilize Channels and Outlets Element #9 Control Pollutants Element #11 Maintain BMPs Element #12 Manage the Project Element #13 Protect Low Impact Development BMP C101: Preserving Natural Vegetation BMP C102: Buffer Zones BMP C103: High Visibility Fence BMP C105: Stabilized Construction Entrance / Exit BMP C106: Wheel Wash BMP C107: Construction Road/Parking Area Stabilization BMP C120: Temporary and Permanent Seeding BMP C121: Mulching BMP C122: Nets and Blankets BMP C123: Plastic Covering BMP C124: Sodding BMP C125: Topsoiling / Composting BMP C126: Polyacrylamide (PAM) for Soil Erosion Protection BMP C130: Surface Roughening BMP C131: Gradient Terraces BMP C140: Dust Control BMP C150: Materials on Hand BMP C151: Concrete Handling BMP C152: Sawcutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention BMP C153: Material Delivery, Storage and Containment BMP C154: Concrete Washout Area BMP C160: Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead BMP C162: Scheduling Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-3 BMP C101: Preserving Natural Vegetation Purpose The purpose of preserving natural vegetation is to reduce erosion wherever practicable. Limiting site disturbance is the single most effective method for reducing erosion. For example, conifers can hold up to about 50 percent of all rain that falls during a storm. Up to 20-30 percent of this rain may never reach the ground but is taken up by the tree or evaporates. Another benefit is that the rain held in the tree can be released slowly to the ground after the storm. Conditions of Use Natural vegetation should be preserved on steep slopes, near perennial and intermittent watercourses or swales, and on building sites in wooded areas. •As required by local governments. •Phase construction to preserve natural vegetation on the project site for as long as possible during the construction period. Design and Installation Specifications Natural vegetation can be preserved in natural clumps or as individual trees, shrubs and vines. The preservation of individual plants is more difficult because heavy equipment is generally used to remove unwanted vegetation. The points to remember when attempting to save individual plants are: •Is the plant worth saving? Consider the location, species, size, age, vigor, and the work involved. Local governments may also have ordinances to save natural vegetation and trees. •Fence or clearly mark areas around trees that are to be saved. It is preferable to keep ground disturbance away from the trees at least as far out as the dripline. Plants need protection from three kinds of injuries: •Construction Equipment - This injury can be above or below the ground level. Damage results from scarring, cutting of roots, and compaction of the soil. Placing a fenced buffer zone around plants to be saved prior to construction can prevent construction equipment injuries. •Grade Changes - Changing the natural ground level will alter grades, which affects the plant's ability to obtain the necessary air, water, and minerals. Minor fills usually do not cause problems although sensitivity between species does vary and should be checked. Trees can typically tolerate fill of 6 inches or less. For shrubs and other plants, the fill should be less. When there are major changes in grade, it may become necessary to supply air to the roots of plants. This can be done by placing a layer of gravel and a tile system over the roots before the fill is made. A tile Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-4 system protects a tree from a raised grade. The tile system should be laid out on the original grade leading from a dry well around the tree trunk. The system should then be covered with small stones to allow air to circulate over the root area. Lowering the natural ground level can seriously damage trees and shrubs. The highest percentage of the plant roots are in the upper 12 inches of the soil and cuts of only 2-3 inches can cause serious injury. To protect the roots it may be necessary to terrace the immediate area around the plants to be saved. If roots are exposed, construction of retaining walls may be needed to keep the soil in place. Plants can also be preserved by leaving them on an undisturbed, gently sloping mound. To increase the chances for survival, it is best to limit grade changes and other soil disturbances to areas outside the dripline of the plant. •Excavations - Protect trees and other plants when excavating for drainfields, power, water, and sewer lines. Where possible, the trenches should be routed around trees and large shrubs. When this is not possible, it is best to tunnel under them. This can be done with hand tools or with power augers. If it is not possible to route the trench around plants to be saved, then the following should be observed: Cut as few roots as possible. When you have to cut, cut clean. Paint cut root ends with a wood dressing like asphalt base paint if roots will be exposed for more than 24-hours. Backfill the trench as soon as possible. Tunnel beneath root systems as close to the center of the main trunk to preserve most of the important feeder roots. Some problems that can be encountered with a few specific trees are: •Maple, Dogwood, Red alder, Western hemlock, Western red cedar, and Douglas fir do not readily adjust to changes in environment and special care should be taken to protect these trees. •The windthrow hazard of Pacific silver fir and madrona is high, while that of Western hemlock is moderate. The danger of windthrow increases where dense stands have been thinned. Other species (unless they are on shallow, wet soils less than 20 inches deep) have a low windthrow hazard. •Cottonwoods, maples, and willows have water-seeking roots. These can cause trouble in sewer lines and infiltration fields. On the other hand, they thrive in high moisture conditions that other trees would not. •Thinning operations in pure or mixed stands of Grand fir, Pacific silver fir, Noble fir, Sitka spruce, Western red cedar, Western hemlock, Pacific dogwood, and Red alder can cause serious disease problems. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-5 Disease can become established through damaged limbs, trunks, roots, and freshly cut stumps. Diseased and weakened trees are also susceptible to insect attack. Maintenance Standards Inspect flagged and/or fenced areas regularly to make sure flagging or fencing has not been removed or damaged. If the flagging or fencing has been damaged or visibility reduced, it shall be repaired or replaced immediately and visibility restored. •If tree roots have been exposed or injured, “prune” cleanly with an appropriate pruning saw or loppers directly above the damaged roots and recover with native soils. Treatment of sap flowing trees (fir, hemlock, pine, soft maples) is not advised as sap forms a natural healing barrier. BMP C102: Buffer Zones Purpose Creation of an undisturbed area or strip of natural vegetation or an established suitable planting that will provide a living filter to reduce soil erosion and runoff velocities. Conditions of Use Natural buffer zones are used along streams, wetlands and other bodies of water that need protection from erosion and sedimentation. Vegetative buffer zones can be used to protect natural swales and can be incorporated into the natural landscaping of an area. Critical-areas buffer zones should not be used as sediment treatment areas. These areas shall remain completely undisturbed. The local permitting authority may expand the buffer widths temporarily to allow the use of the expanded area for removal of sediment. Design and Installation Specifications •Preserving natural vegetation or plantings in clumps, blocks, or strips is generally the easiest and most successful method. •Leave all unstable steep slopes in natural vegetation. •Mark clearing limits and keep all equipment and construction debris out of the natural areas and buffer zones. Steel construction fencing is the most effective method in protecting sensitive areas and buffers. Alternatively, wire-backed silt fence on steel posts is marginally effective. Flagging alone is typically not effective. •Keep all excavations outside the dripline of trees and shrubs. •Do not push debris or extra soil into the buffer zone area because it will cause damage from burying and smothering. •Vegetative buffer zones for streams, lakes or other waterways shall be established by the local permitting authority or other state or federal permits or approvals. Maintenance Standards Inspect the area frequently to make sure flagging remains in place and the area remains undisturbed. Replace all damaged flagging immediately. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-6 BMP C103: High Visibility Fence Purpose Fencing is intended to: 1.Restrict clearing to approved limits. 2. Prevent disturbance of sensitive areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left undisturbed. 3. Limit construction traffic to designated construction entrances, exits, or internal roads. 4. Protect areas where marking with survey tape may not provide adequate protection. Conditions of Use To establish clearing limits plastic, fabric, or metal fence may be used: •At the boundary of sensitive areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left uncleared. •As necessary to control vehicle access to and on the site. Design and Installation Specifications High visibility plastic fence shall be composed of a high-density polyethylene material and shall be at least four feet in height. Posts for the fencing shall be steel or wood and placed every 6 feet on center (maximum) or as needed to ensure rigidity. The fencing shall be fastened to the post every six inches with a polyethylene tie. On long continuous lengths of fencing, a tension wire or rope shall be used as a top stringer to prevent sagging between posts. The fence color shall be high visibility orange. The fence tensile strength shall be 360 lbs./ft. using the ASTM D4595 testing method. If appropriate install fabric silt fence in accordance with BMP C233 to act as high visibility fence. Silt fence shall be at least 3 feet high and must be highly visible to meet the requirements of this BMP. Metal fences shall be designed and installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. Metal fences shall be at least 3 feet high and must be highly visible. Fences shall not be wired or stapled to trees. Maintenance Standards If the fence has been damaged or visibility reduced, it shall be repaired or replaced immediately and visibility restored. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-7 BMP C105: Stabilized Construction Entrance / Exit Purpose Stabilized Construction entrances are established to reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads by vehicles or equipment. This is done by constructing a stabilized pad of quarry spalls at entrances and exits for construction sites. Conditions of Use Construction entrances shall be stabilized wherever traffic will be entering or leaving a construction site if paved roads or other paved areas are within 1,000 feet of the site. For residential construction provide stabilized construction entrances for each residence, rather than only at the main subdivision entrance. Stabilized surfaces shall be of sufficient length/width to provide vehicle access/parking, based on lot size/configuration. On large commercial, highway, and road projects, the designer should include enough extra materials in the contract to allow for additional stabilized entrances not shown in the initial Construction SWPPP. It is difficult to determine exactly where access to these projects will take place; additional materials will enable the contractor to install them where needed. Design and Installation Specifications See Figure 4.1.1 for details. Note: the 100’ minimum length of the entrance shall be reduced to the maximum practicable size when the size or configuration of the site does not allow the full length (100’). Construct stabilized construction entrances with a 12-inch thick pad of 4- inch to 8-inch quarry spalls, a 4-inch course of asphalt treated base (ATB), or use existing pavement. Do not use crushed concrete, cement, or calcium chloride for construction entrance stabilization because these products raise pH levels in stormwater and concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. A separation geotextile shall be placed under the spalls to prevent fine sediment from pumping up into the rock pad. The geotextile shall meet the following standards: Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D4751) 200 psi min. Grab Tensile Elongation (ASTM D4632) 30% max. Mullen Burst Strength (ASTM D3786-80a) 400 psi min. AOS (ASTM D4751) 20-45 (U.S. standard sieve size) • Consider early installation of the first lift of asphalt in areas that will paved; this can be used as a stabilized entrance. Also consider the installation of excess concrete as a stabilized entrance. During large concrete pours, excess concrete is often available for this purpose. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-8 •Fencing (see BMP C103) shall be installed as necessary to restrict traffic to the construction entrance. •Whenever possible, the entrance shall be constructed on a firm, compacted subgrade. This can substantially increase the effectiveness of the pad and reduce the need for maintenance. •Construction entrances should avoid crossing existing sidewalks and back of walk drains if at all possible. If a construction entrance must cross a sidewalk or back of walk drain, the full length of the sidewalk and back of walk drain must be covered and protected from sediment leaving the site. Maintenance Standards Quarry spalls shall be added if the pad is no longer in accordance with the specifications. •If the entrance is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement, then alternative measures to keep the streets free of sediment shall be used. This may include replacement/cleaning of the existing quarry spalls, street sweeping, an increase in the dimensions of the entrance, or the installation of a wheel wash. •Any sediment that is tracked onto pavement shall be removed by shoveling or street sweeping. The sediment collected by sweeping shall be removed or stabilized on site. The pavement shall not be cleaned by washing down the street, except when high efficiency sweeping is ineffective and there is a threat to public safety. If it is necessary to wash the streets, the construction of a small sump to contain the wash water shall be considered. The sediment would then be washed into the sump where it can be controlled. •Perform street sweeping by hand or with a high efficiency sweeper. Do not use a non-high efficiency mechanical sweeper because this creates dust and throws soils into storm systems or conveyance ditches. •Any quarry spalls that are loosened from the pad, which end up on the roadway shall be removed immediately. •If vehicles are entering or exiting the site at points other than the construction entrance(s), fencing (see BMP C103) shall be installed to control traffic. •Upon project completion and site stabilization, all construction accesses intended as permanent access for maintenance shall be permanently stabilized. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-9 Figure 4.1.1 – Stabilized Construction Entrance Approved as Equivalent Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP C105. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology’s website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.html BMP C106: Wheel Wash Purpose Wheel washes reduce the amount of sediment transported onto paved roads by motor vehicles. Conditions of Use When a stabilized construction entrance (see BMP C105) is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto pavement. •Wheel washing is generally an effective BMP when installed with careful attention to topography. For example, a wheel wash can be detrimental if installed at the top of a slope abutting a right-of-way where the water from the dripping truck can run unimpeded into the street. Driveway shall meet the requirements of the permitting agency It is recommended that the entrance be crowned so that runoff drains off the pad Provide full width of ingress/egress area 12” min. thickness Geotextile 4’ – 8” quarry spalls Install driveway culvert if there is a roadside ditch present Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-10 •Pressure washing combined with an adequately sized and surfaced pad with direct drainage to a large 10-foot x 10-foot sump can be very effective. •Discharge wheel wash or tire bath wastewater to a separate on-site treatment system that prevents discharge to surface water, such as closed-loop recirculation or upland land application, or to the sanitary sewer with local sewer district approval. •Wheel wash or tire bath wastewater should not include wastewater from concrete washout areas. Design and Installation Specifications Suggested details are shown in Figure 4.1.2. The Local Permitting Authority may allow other designs. A minimum of 6 inches of asphalt treated base (ATB) over crushed base material or 8 inches over a good subgrade is recommended to pave the wheel wash. Use a low clearance truck to test the wheel wash before paving. Either a belly dump or lowboy will work well to test clearance. Keep the water level from 12 to 14 inches deep to avoid damage to truck hubs and filling the truck tongues with water. Midpoint spray nozzles are only needed in extremely muddy conditions. Wheel wash systems should be designed with a small grade change, 6- to 12-inches for a 10-foot-wide pond, to allow sediment to flow to the low side of pond to help prevent re-suspension of sediment. A drainpipe with a 2- to 3-foot riser should be installed on the low side of the pond to allow for easy cleaning and refilling. Polymers may be used to promote coagulation and flocculation in a closed-loop system. Polyacrylamide (PAM) added to the wheel wash water at a rate of 0.25 - 0.5 pounds per 1,000 gallons of water increases effectiveness and reduces cleanup time. If PAM is already being used for dust or erosion control and is being applied by a water truck, the same truck can be used to change the wash water. Maintenance Standards The wheel wash should start out the day with fresh water. The wash water should be changed a minimum of once per day. On large earthwork jobs where more than 10-20 trucks per hour are expected, the wash water will need to be changed more often. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-11 Figure 4.1.2 – Wheel Wash Notes: 1. Asphalt construction entrance 6 in. asphalt treated base (ATB). 2. 3-inch trash pump with floats on the suction hose. 3. Midpoint spray nozzles, if needed. 4. 6-inch sewer pipe with butterfly valves. Bottom one is a drain. Locate top pipe’s invert 1 foot above bottom of wheel wash. 5. 8 foot x 8 foot sump with 5 feet of catch. Build so the sump can be cleaned with a trackhoe. 6. Asphalt curb on the low road side to direct water back to pond. 7. 6-inch sleeve under road. 8.Ball valves. 9. 15 foot. ATB apron to protect ground from splashing water. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-12 BMP C107: Construction Road/Parking Area Stabilization Purpose Stabilizing subdivision roads, parking areas, and other on-site vehicle transportation routes immediately after grading reduces erosion caused by construction traffic or runoff. Conditions of Use Roads or parking areas shall be stabilized wherever they are constructed, whether permanent or temporary, for use by construction traffic. •High Visibility Fencing (see BMP C103) shall be installed, if necessary, to limit the access of vehicles to only those roads and parking areas that are stabilized. Design and Installation Specifications •On areas that will receive asphalt as part of the project, install the first lift as soon as possible. •A 6-inch depth of 2- to 4-inch crushed rock, gravel base, or crushed surfacing base course shall be applied immediately after grading or utility installation. A 4-inch course of asphalt treated base (ATB) may also be used, or the road/parking area may be paved. It may also be possible to use cement or calcium chloride for soil stabilization. If cement or cement kiln dust is used for roadbase stabilization, pH monitoring and BMPs (BMPs C252 and C253) are necessary to evaluate and minimize the effects on stormwater. If the area will not be used for permanent roads, parking areas, or structures, a 6-inch depth of hog fuel may also be used, but this is likely to require more maintenance. Whenever possible, construction roads and parking areas shall be placed on a firm, compacted subgrade. •Temporary road gradients shall not exceed 15 percent. Roadways shall be carefully graded to drain. Drainage ditches shall be provided on each side of the roadway in the case of a crowned section, or on one side in the case of a super-elevated section. Drainage ditches shall be directed to a sediment control BMP. •Rather than relying on ditches, it may also be possible to grade the road so that runoff sheet-flows into a heavily vegetated area with a well-developed topsoil. Landscaped areas are not adequate. If this area has at least 50 feet of vegetation that water can flow through, then it is generally preferable to use the vegetation to treat runoff, rather than a sediment pond or trap. The 50 feet shall not include wetlands or their buffers. If runoff is allowed to sheetflow through adjacent vegetated areas, it is vital to design the roadways and parking areas so that no concentrated runoff is created. •Storm drain inlets shall be protected to prevent sediment-laden water entering the storm drain system (see BMP C220). Maintenance Standards Inspect stabilized areas regularly, especially after large storm events. Crushed rock, gravel base, etc., shall be added as required to maintain a Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-13 stable driving surface and to stabilize any areas that have eroded. Following construction, these areas shall be restored to pre-construction condition or better to prevent future erosion. Perform street cleaning at the end of each day or more often if necessary. BMP C120: Temporary and Permanent Seeding Purpose Seeding reduces erosion by stabilizing exposed soils. A well-established vegetative cover is one of the most effective methods of reducing erosion. Conditions of Use Use seeding throughout the project on disturbed areas that have reached final grade or that will remain unworked for more than 30 days. The optimum seeding windows for western Washington are April 1 through June 30 and September 1 through October 1. Between July 1 and August 30 seeding requires irrigation until 75 percent grass cover is established. Between October 1 and March 30 seeding requires a cover of mulch with straw or an erosion control blanket until 75 percent grass cover is established. Review all disturbed areas in late August to early September and complete all seeding by the end of September. Otherwise, vegetation will not establish itself enough to provide more than average protection. • Mulch is required at all times for seeding because it protects seeds from heat, moisture loss, and transport due to runoff. Mulch can be applied on top of the seed or simultaneously by hydroseeding. See BMP C121: Mulching for specifications. • Seed and mulch, all disturbed areas not otherwise vegetated at final site stabilization. Final stabilization means the completion of all soil disturbing activities at the site and the establishment of a permanent vegetative cover, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as pavement, riprap, gabions, or geotextiles) which will prevent erosion. Design and Installation Specifications Seed retention/detention ponds as required. Install channels intended for vegetation before starting major earthwork and hydroseed with a Bonded Fiber Matrix. For vegetated channels that will have high flows, install erosion control blankets over hydroseed. Before allowing water to flow in vegetated channels, establish 75 percent vegetation cover. If vegetated channels cannot be established by seed before water flow; install sod in the channel bottom—over hydromulch and erosion control blankets. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-14 •Confirm the installation of all required surface water control measures to prevent seed from washing away. •Hydroseed applications shall include a minimum of 1,500 pounds per acre of mulch with 3 percent tackifier. See BMP C121: Mulching for specifications. •Areas that will have seeding only and not landscaping may need compost or meal-based mulch included in the hydroseed in order to establish vegetation. Re-install native topsoil on the disturbed soil surface before application. •When installing seed via hydroseeding operations, only about 1/3 of the seed actually ends up in contact with the soil surface. This reduces the ability to establish a good stand of grass quickly. To overcome this, consider increasing seed quantities by up to 50 percent. •Enhance vegetation establishment by dividing the hydromulch operation into two phases: 1.Phase 1- Install all seed and fertilizer with 25-30 percent mulch and tackifier onto soil in the first lift. 2.Phase 2- Install the rest of the mulch and tackifier over the first lift. Or, enhance vegetation by: 1. Installing the mulch, seed, fertilizer, and tackifier in one lift. 2. Spread or blow straw over the top of the hydromulch at a rate of 800-1000 pounds per acre. 3.Hold straw in place with a standard tackifier. Both of these approaches will increase cost moderately but will greatly improve and enhance vegetative establishment. The increased cost may be offset by the reduced need for: •Irrigation. •Reapplication of mulch. •Repair of failed slope surfaces. This technique works with standard hydromulch (1,500 pounds per acre minimum) and BFM/MBFMs (3,000 pounds per acre minimum). •Seed may be installed by hand if: •Temporary and covered by straw, mulch, or topsoil. •Permanent in small areas (usually less than 1 acre) and covered with mulch, topsoil, or erosion blankets. •The seed mixes listed in the tables below include recommended mixes for both temporary and permanent seeding. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-15 •Apply these mixes, with the exception of the wetland mix, at a rate of 120 pounds per acre. This rate can be reduced if soil amendments or slow-release fertilizers are used. •Consult the local suppliers or the local conservation district for their recommendations because the appropriate mix depends on a variety of factors, including location, exposure, soil type, slope, and expected foot traffic. Alternative seed mixes approved by the local authority may be used. •Other mixes may be appropriate, depending on the soil type and hydrology of the area. •Table 4.1.2 lists the standard mix for areas requiring a temporary vegetative cover. Table 4.1.2 Temporary Erosion Control Seed Mix % Weight % Purity % Germination Chewings or annual blue grass Festuca rubra var. commutata or Poa anna 40 98 90 Perennial rye - Lolium perenne 50 98 90 Redtop or colonial bentgrass Agrostis alba or Agrostis tenuis 5 92 85 White dutch clover Trifolium repens 5 98 90 •Table 4.1.3 lists a recommended mix for landscaping seed. Table 4.1.3 Landscaping Seed Mix % Weight % Purity % Germination Perennial rye blend Lolium perenne 70 98 90 Chewings and red fescue blend Festuca rubra var. commutata or Festuca rubra 30 98 90 Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-16 •Table 4.1.4 lists a turf seed mix for dry situations where there is no need for watering. This mix requires very little maintenance. Table 4.1.4 Low-Growing Turf Seed Mix % Weight % Purity % Germination Dwarf tall fescue (several varieties) Festuca arundinacea var. 45 98 90 Dwarf perennial rye (Barclay) Lolium perenne var. barclay 30 98 90 Red fescue Festuca rubra 20 98 90 Colonial bentgrass Agrostis tenuis 5 98 90 •Table 4.1.5 lists a mix for bioswales and other intermittently wet areas. Table 4.1.5 Bioswale Seed Mix* % Weight % Purity % Germination Tall or meadow fescue Festuca arundinacea or Festuca elatior 75-80 98 90 Seaside/Creeping bentgrass Agrostis palustris 10-15 92 85 Redtop bentgrass Agrostis alba or Agrostis gigantea 5-10 90 80 *Modified Briargreen, Inc. Hydroseeding Guide Wetlands Seed Mix Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-17 •Table 4.1.6 lists a low-growing, relatively non-invasive seed mix appropriate for very wet areas that are not regulated wetlands. Apply this mixture at a rate of 60 pounds per acre. Consult Hydraulic Permit Authority (HPA) for seed mixes if applicable. Table 4.1.6 Wet Area Seed Mix* % Weight % Purity % Germination Tall or meadow fescue Festuca arundinacea or Festuca elatior 60-70 98 90 Seaside/Creeping bentgrass Agrostis palustris 10-15 98 85 Meadow foxtail Alepocurus pratensis 10-15 90 80 Alsike clover Trifolium hybridum 1-6 98 90 Redtop bentgrass Agrostis alba 1-6 92 85 * Modified Briargreen, Inc. Hydroseeding Guide Wetlands Seed Mix •Table 4.1.7 lists a recommended meadow seed mix for infrequently maintained areas or non-maintained areas where colonization by native plants is desirable. Likely applications include rural road and utility right-of-way. Seeding should take place in September or very early October in order to obtain adequate establishment prior to the winter months. Consider the appropriateness of clover, a fairly invasive species, in the mix. Amending the soil can reduce the need for clover. Table 4.1.7 Meadow Seed Mix % Weight % Purity % Germination Redtop or Oregon bentgrass Agrostis alba or Agrostis oregonensis 20 92 85 Red fescue Festuca rubra 70 98 90 White dutch clover Trifolium repens 10 98 90 Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-18 •Roughening and Rototilling: •The seedbed should be firm and rough. Roughen all soil no matter what the slope. Track walk slopes before seeding if engineering purposes require compaction. Backblading or smoothing of slopes greater than 4H:1V is not allowed if they are to be seeded. •Restoration-based landscape practices require deeper incorporation than that provided by a simple single-pass rototilling treatment. Wherever practical, initially rip the subgrade to improve long-term permeability, infiltration, and water inflow qualities. At a minimum, permanent areas shall use soil amendments to achieve organic matter and permeability performance defined in engineered soil/landscape systems. For systems that are deeper than 8 inches complete the rototilling process in multiple lifts, or prepare the engineered soil system per specifications and place to achieve the specified depth. •Fertilizers: •Conducting soil tests to determine the exact type and quantity of fertilizer is recommended. This will prevent the over-application of fertilizer. •Organic matter is the most appropriate form of fertilizer because it provides nutrients (including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in the least water-soluble form. •In general, use 10-4-6 N-P-K (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) fertilizer at a rate of 90 pounds per acre. Always use slow-release fertilizers because they are more efficient and have fewer environmental impacts. Do not add fertilizer to the hydromulch machine, or agitate, more than 20 minutes before use. Too much agitation destroys the slow-release coating. •There are numerous products available that take the place of chemical fertilizers. These include several with seaweed extracts that are beneficial to soil microbes and organisms. If 100 percent cottonseed meal is used as the mulch in hydroseed, chemical fertilizer may not be necessary. Cottonseed meal provides a good source of long-term, slow-release, available nitrogen. •Bonded Fiber Matrix and Mechanically Bonded Fiber Matrix: •On steep slopes use Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM) or Mechanically Bonded Fiber Matrix (MBFM) products. Apply BFM/MBFM products at a minimum rate of 3,000 pounds per acre of mulch with approximately 10 percent tackifier. Achieve a minimum of 95 percent soil coverage during application. Numerous products are available commercially. Installed products per manufacturer’s instructions. Most products require 24-36 hours to cure before rainfall and cannot be installed on wet or saturated soils. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-19 Generally, products come in 40-50 pound bags and include all necessary ingredients except for seed and fertilizer. •BFMs and MBFMs provide good alternatives to blankets in most areas requiring vegetation establishment. Advantages over blankets include: •BFM and MBFMs do not require surface preparation. •Helicopters can assist in installing BFM and MBFMs in remote areas. •On slopes steeper than 2.5H:1V, blanket installers may require ropes and harnesses for safety. •Installing BFM and MBFMs can save at least $1,000 per acre compared to blankets. Maintenance Standards Reseed any seeded areas that fail to establish at least 80 percent cover (100 percent cover for areas that receive sheet or concentrated flows). If reseeding is ineffective, use an alternate method such as sodding, mulching, or nets/blankets. If winter weather prevents adequate grass growth, this time limit may be relaxed at the discretion of the local authority when sensitive areas would otherwise be protected. •Reseed and protect by mulch any areas that experience erosion after achieving adequate cover. Reseed and protect by mulch any eroded area. •Supply seeded areas with adequate moisture, but do not water to the extent that it causes runoff. Approved as Equivalent Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP C120. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology’s website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.html. BMP C121: Mulching Purpose Mulching soils provides immediate temporary protection from erosion. Mulch also enhances plant establishment by conserving moisture, holding fertilizer, seed, and topsoil in place, and moderating soil temperatures. There is an enormous variety of mulches that can be used. This section discusses only the most common types of mulch. Conditions of Use As a temporary cover measure, mulch should be used: •For less than 30 days on disturbed areas that require cover. •At all times for seeded areas, especially during the wet season and during the hot summer months. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-20 •During the wet season on slopes steeper than 3H:1V with more than 10 feet of vertical relief. Mulch may be applied at any time of the year and must be refreshed periodically. •For seeded areas mulch may be made up of 100 percent: cottonseed meal; fibers made of wood, recycled cellulose, hemp, kenaf; compost; or blends of these. Tackifier shall be plant-based, such as guar or alpha plantago, or chemical-based such as polyacrylamide or polymers. Any mulch or tackifier product used shall be installed per manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, mulches come in 40-50 pound bags. Seed and fertilizer are added at time of application. Design and Installation Specifications For mulch materials, application rates, and specifications, see Table 4.1.8. Always use a 2-inch minimum mulch thickness; increase the thickness until the ground is 95% covered (i.e. not visible under the mulch layer). Note: Thickness may be increased for disturbed areas in or near sensitive areas or other areas highly susceptible to erosion. Where the option of “Compost” is selected, it should be a coarse compost that meets the following size gradations when tested in accordance with the U.S. Composting Council “Test Methods for the Examination of Compost and Composting” (TMECC) Test Method 02.02-B. Coarse Compost Minimum Percent passing 3” sieve openings 100% Minimum Percent passing 1” sieve openings 90% Minimum Percent passing ¾” sieve openings 70% Minimum Percent passing ¼” sieve openings 40% Mulch used within the ordinary high-water mark of surface waters should be selected to minimize potential flotation of organic matter. Composted organic materials have higher specific gravities (densities) than straw, wood, or chipped material. Consult Hydraulic Permit Authority (HPA) for mulch mixes if applicable. Maintenance Standards •The thickness of the cover must be maintained. •Any areas that experience erosion shall be remulched and/or protected with a net or blanket. If the erosion problem is drainage related, then the problem shall be fixed and the eroded area remulched. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-21 Table 4.1.8 Mulch Standards and Guidelines Mulch Material Quality Standards Application Rates Remarks Straw Air-dried; free from undesirable seed and coarse material. 2"-3" thick; 5 bales per 1,000 sf or 2-3 tons per acre Cost-effective protection when applied with adequate thickness. Hand-application generally requires greater thickness than blown straw. The thickness of straw may be reduced by half when used in conjunction with seeding. In windy areas straw must be held in place by crimping, using a tackifier, or covering with netting. Blown straw always has to be held in place with a tackifier as even light winds will blow it away. Straw, however, has several deficiencies that should be considered when selecting mulch materials. It often introduces and/or encourages the propagation of weed species and it has no significant long- term benefits. It should also not be used within the ordinary high-water elevation of surface waters (due to flotation). Hydromulch No growth inhibiting factors. Approx. 25-30 lbs per 1,000 sf or 1,500 - 2,000 lbs per acre Shall be applied with hydromulcher. Shall not be used without seed and tackifier unless the application rate is at least doubled. Fibers longer than about ¾-1 inch clog hydromulch equipment. Fibers should be kept to less than ¾ inch. Compost No visible water or dust during handling. Must be produced per WAC 173-350, Solid Waste Handling Standards, but may have up to 35% biosolids. 2" thick min.; approx. 100 tons per acre (approx. 800 lbs per yard) More effective control can be obtained by increasing thickness to 3". Excellent mulch for protecting final grades until landscaping because it can be directly seeded or tilled into soil as an amendment. Compost used for mulch has a coarser size gradation than compost used for BMP C125 or BMP T5.13 (see Chapter 5 of Volume V of this manual) It is more stable and practical to use in wet areas and during rainy weather conditions. Do not use near wetlands or near phosphorous impaired water bodies. Chipped Site Vegetation Average size shall be several inches. Gradations from fines to 6 inches in length for texture, variation, and interlocking properties. 2" thick min.; This is a cost-effective way to dispose of debris from clearing and grubbing, and it eliminates the problems associated with burning. Generally, it should not be used on slopes above approx. 10% because of its tendency to be transported by runoff. It is not recommended within 200 feet of surface waters. If seeding is expected shortly after mulch, the decomposition of the chipped vegetation may tie up nutrients important to grass establishment. Wood-based Mulch or Wood Straw No visible water or dust during handling. Must be purchased from a supplier with a Solid Waste Handling Permit or one exempt from solid waste regulations. 2” thick min.; approx. 100 tons per acre (approx. 800 lbs. per cubic yard) This material is often called “hog or hogged fuel.” The use of mulch ultimately improves the organic matter in the soil. Special caution is advised regarding the source and composition of wood-based mulches. Its preparation typically does not provide any weed seed control, so evidence of residual vegetation in its composition or known inclusion of weed plants or seeds should be monitored and prevented (or minimized). Wood Strand Mulch A blend of loose, long, thin wood pieces derived from native conifer or deciduous trees with high length-to-width ratio. 2” thick min. Cost-effective protection when applied with adequate thickness. A minimum of 95-percent of the wood strand shall have lengths between 2 and 10-inches, with a width and thickness between 1/16 and ⅜-inches. The mulch shall not contain resin, tannin, or other compounds in quantities that would be detrimental to plant life. Sawdust or wood shavings shall not be used as mulch. (WSDOT specification (9-14.4(4)) Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-22 BMP C122: Nets and Blankets Purpose Erosion control nets and blankets are intended to prevent erosion and hold seed and mulch in place on steep slopes and in channels so that vegetation can become well established. In addition, some nets and blankets can be used to permanently reinforce turf to protect drainage ways during high flows. Nets (commonly called matting) are strands of material woven into an open, but high-tensile strength net (for example, coconut fiber matting). Blankets are strands of material that are not tightly woven, but instead form a layer of interlocking fibers, typically held together by a biodegradable or photodegradable netting (for example, excelsior or straw blankets). They generally have lower tensile strength than nets, but cover the ground more completely. Coir (coconut fiber) fabric comes as both nets and blankets. Conditions of Use Erosion control nets and blankets should be used: •To aid permanent vegetated stabilization of slopes 2H:1V or greater and with more than 10 feet of vertical relief. •For drainage ditches and swales (highly recommended). The application of appropriate netting or blanket to drainage ditches and swales can protect bare soil from channelized runoff while vegetation is established. Nets and blankets also can capture a great deal of sediment due to their open, porous structure. Nets and blankets can be used to permanently stabilize channels and may provide a cost- effective, environmentally preferable alternative to riprap. 100 percent synthetic blankets manufactured for use in ditches may be easily reused as temporary ditch liners. Disadvantages of blankets include: •Surface preparation required. •On slopes steeper than 2.5H:1V, blanket installers may need to be roped and harnessed for safety. •They cost at least $4,000-6,000 per acre installed. Advantages of blankets include: •Installation without mobilizing special equipment. •Installation by anyone with minimal training •Installation in stages or phases as the project progresses. •Installers can hand place seed and fertilizer as they progress down the slope. •Installation in any weather. •There are numerous types of blankets that can be designed with various parameters in mind. Those parameters include: fiber blend, mesh strength, longevity, biodegradability, cost, and availability. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-23 Design and Installation Specifications •See Figure 4.1.3 and Figure 4.1.4 for typical orientation and installation of blankets used in channels and as slope protection. Note: these are typical only; all blankets must be installed per manufacturer’s installation instructions. •Installation is critical to the effectiveness of these products. If good ground contact is not achieved, runoff can concentrate under the product, resulting in significant erosion. •Installation of Blankets on Slopes: 1.Complete final grade and track walk up and down the slope. 2.Install hydromulch with seed and fertilizer. 3.Dig a small trench, approximately 12 inches wide by 6 inches deep along the top of the slope. 4.Install the leading edge of the blanket into the small trench and staple approximately every 18 inches. NOTE: Staples are metal, “U”-shaped, and a minimum of 6 inches long. Longer staples are used in sandy soils. Biodegradable stakes are also available. 5. Roll the blanket slowly down the slope as installer walks backwards. NOTE: The blanket rests against the installer’s legs. Staples are installed as the blanket is unrolled. It is critical that the proper staple pattern is used for the blanket being installed. The blanket is not to be allowed to roll down the slope on its own as this stretches the blanket making it impossible to maintain soil contact. In addition, no one is allowed to walk on the blanket after it is in place. 6. If the blanket is not long enough to cover the entire slope length, the trailing edge of the upper blanket should overlap the leading edge of the lower blanket and be stapled. On steeper slopes, this overlap should be installed in a small trench, stapled, and covered with soil. •With the variety of products available, it is impossible to cover all the details of appropriate use and installation. Therefore, it is critical that the design engineer consult the manufacturer's information and that a site visit takes place in order to ensure that the product specified is appropriate. Information is also available at the following web sites: 1. WSDOT (Section 3.2.4): http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/NR/rdonlyres/3B41E087-FA86-4717- 932D-D7A8556CCD57/0/ErosionTrainingManual.pdf 2.Texas Transportation Institute: http://www.txdot.gov/business/doing_business/product_evaluation/ erosion_control.htm Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-24 •Use jute matting in conjunction with mulch (BMP C121). Excelsior, woven straw blankets and coir (coconut fiber) blankets may be installed without mulch. There are many other types of erosion control nets and blankets on the market that may be appropriate in certain circumstances. •In general, most nets (e.g., jute matting) require mulch in order to prevent erosion because they have a fairly open structure. Blankets typically do not require mulch because they usually provide complete protection of the surface. •Extremely steep, unstable, wet, or rocky slopes are often appropriate candidates for use of synthetic blankets, as are riverbanks, beaches and other high-energy environments. If synthetic blankets are used, the soil should be hydromulched first. •100-percent biodegradable blankets are available for use in sensitive areas. These organic blankets are usually held together with a paper or fiber mesh and stitching which may last up to a year. •Most netting used with blankets is photodegradable, meaning they break down under sunlight (not UV stabilized). However, this process can take months or years even under bright sun. Once vegetation is established, sunlight does not reach the mesh. It is not uncommon to find non-degraded netting still in place several years after installation. This can be a problem if maintenance requires the use of mowers or ditch cleaning equipment. In addition, birds and small animals can become trapped in the netting. Maintenance Standards •Maintain good contact with the ground. Erosion must not occur beneath the net or blanket. •Repair and staple any areas of the net or blanket that are damaged or not in close contact with the ground. •Fix and protect eroded areas if erosion occurs due to poorly controlled drainage. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-25 Min. 2“Overlap Slope surface shall be smooth beforeplacement for proper soil contact. Stapling pattern as permanufacturer’s recommendations. Do not stretch blankets/mattings tight -allow the rolls to mold to any irregularities. For slopes less than 3H:1V, rollsmay be placed in horizontal strips. If there is a berm at thetop of slope, anchorupslope of the berm. Anchor in 6"x6" min. Trenchand staple at 12" intervals. Min. 6" overlap. Staple overlapsmax. 5" spacing. Bring material down to a level area, turnthe end under 4" and staple at 12" intervals. Lime, fertilize, and seed before installation.Planting of shrubs, trees, etc. Should occurafter installation. Figure 4.1.3 – Channel Installation Figure 4.1.4 – Slope Installation Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-26 BMP C123: Plastic Covering Purpose Plastic covering provides immediate, short-term erosion protection to slopes and disturbed areas. Conditions of Use Plastic covering may be used on disturbed areas that require cover measures for less than 30 days, except as stated below. •Plastic is particularly useful for protecting cut and fill slopes and stockpiles. Note: The relatively rapid breakdown of most polyethylene sheeting makes it unsuitable for long-term (greater than six months) applications. •Due to rapid runoff caused by plastic covering, do not use this method upslope of areas that might be adversely impacted by concentrated runoff. Such areas include steep and/or unstable slopes. •Plastic sheeting may result in increased runoff volumes and velocities, requiring additional on-site measures to counteract the increases. Creating a trough with wattles or other material can convey clean water away from these areas. •To prevent undercutting, trench and backfill rolled plastic covering products. •While plastic is inexpensive to purchase, the added cost of installation, maintenance, removal, and disposal make this an expensive material, up to $1.50-2.00 per square yard. •Whenever plastic is used to protect slopes install water collection measures at the base of the slope. These measures include plastic- covered berms, channels, and pipes used to covey clean rainwater away from bare soil and disturbed areas. Do not mix clean runoff from a plastic covered slope with dirty runoff from a project. •Other uses for plastic include: 1. Temporary ditch liner. 2. Pond liner in temporary sediment pond. 3.Liner for bermed temporary fuel storage area if plastic is not reactive to the type of fuel being stored. 4. Emergency slope protection during heavy rains. 5. Temporary drainpipe (“elephant trunk”) used to direct water. Design and Installation Specifications •Plastic slope cover must be installed as follows: 1. Run plastic up and down slope, not across slope. 2.Plastic may be installed perpendicular to a slope if the slope length is less than 10 feet. 3.Minimum of 8-inch overlap at seams. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-27 4.On long or wide slopes, or slopes subject to wind, tape all seams. 5.Place plastic into a small (12-inch wide by 6-inch deep) slot trench at the top of the slope and backfill with soil to keep water from flowing underneath. 6.Place sand filled burlap or geotextile bags every 3 to 6 feet along seams and tie them together with twine to hold them in place. 7.Inspect plastic for rips, tears, and open seams regularly and repair immediately. This prevents high velocity runoff from contacting bare soil which causes extreme erosion. 8. Sandbags may be lowered into place tied to ropes. However, all sandbags must be staked in place. •Plastic sheeting shall have a minimum thickness of 0.06 millimeters. •If erosion at the toe of a slope is likely, a gravel berm, riprap, or other suitable protection shall be installed at the toe of the slope in order to reduce the velocity of runoff. Maintenance Standards •Torn sheets must be replaced and open seams repaired. •Completely remove and replace the plastic if it begins to deteriorate due to ultraviolet radiation. •Completely remove plastic when no longer needed. •Dispose of old tires used to weight down plastic sheeting appropriately. Approved as Equivalent Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP C123. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology’s website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.html BMP C124: Sodding Purpose The purpose of sodding is to establish permanent turf for immediate erosion protection and to stabilize drainage ways where concentrated overland flow will occur. Conditions of Use Sodding may be used in the following areas: •Disturbed areas that require short-term or long-term cover. •Disturbed areas that require immediate vegetative cover. •All waterways that require vegetative lining. Waterways may also be seeded rather than sodded, and protected with a net or blanket. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-28 Design and Installation Specifications Sod shall be free of weeds, of uniform thickness (approximately 1-inch thick), and shall have a dense root mat for mechanical strength. The following steps are recommended for sod installation: •Shape and smooth the surface to final grade in accordance with the approved grading plan. The swale needs to be overexcavated 4 to 6 inches below design elevation to allow room for placing soil amendment and sod. •Amend 4 inches (minimum) of compost into the top 8 inches of the soil if the organic content of the soil is less than ten percent or the permeability is less than 0.6 inches per hour. See http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/swfa/organics/soil.html for further information. •Fertilize according to the supplier's recommendations. •Work lime and fertilizer 1 to 2 inches into the soil, and smooth the surface. •Lay strips of sod beginning at the lowest area to be sodded and perpendicular to the direction of water flow. Wedge strips securely into place. Square the ends of each strip to provide for a close, tight fit. Stagger joints at least 12 inches. Staple on slopes steeper than 3H:1V. Staple the upstream edge of each sod strip. •Roll the sodded area and irrigate. •When sodding is carried out in alternating strips or other patterns, seed the areas between the sod immediately after sodding. Maintenance Standards If the grass is unhealthy, the cause shall be determined and appropriate action taken to reestablish a healthy groundcover. If it is impossible to establish a healthy groundcover due to frequent saturation, instability, or some other cause, the sod shall be removed, the area seeded with an appropriate mix, and protected with a net or blanket. BMP C125: Topsoiling / Composting Purpose Topsoiling and composting provide a suitable growth medium for final site stabilization with vegetation. While not a permanent cover practice in itself, topsoiling and composting are an integral component of providing permanent cover in those areas where there is an unsuitable soil surface for plant growth. Use this BMP in conjunction with other BMPs such as seeding, mulching, or sodding. Note that this BMP is functionally the same as BMP T5.13 (see Chapter 5 of Volume V of this manual) which is required for all disturbed areas that will be developed as lawn or landscaped areas at the completed project site. Native soils and disturbed soils that have been organically amended not only retain much more stormwater, but they also serve as effective Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-29 biofilters for urban pollutants and, by supporting more vigorous plant growth, reduce the water, fertilizer and pesticides needed to support installed landscapes. Topsoil does not include any subsoils but only the material from the top several inches including organic debris. Conditions of Use •Permanent landscaped areas shall contain healthy topsoil that reduces the need for fertilizers, improves overall topsoil quality, provides for better vegetal health and vitality, improves hydrologic characteristics, and reduces the need for irrigation. •Leave native soils and the duff layer undisturbed to the maximum extent practicable. Stripping of existing, properly functioning soil system and vegetation for the purpose of topsoiling during construction is not acceptable. Preserve existing soil systems in undisturbed and uncompacted conditions if functioning properly. •Areas that already have good topsoil, such as undisturbed areas, do not require soil amendments. •Restore, to the maximum extent practical, native soils disturbed during clearing and grading to a condition equal to or better than the original site condition’s moisture-holding capacity. Use on-site native topsoil, incorporate amendments into on-site soil, or import blended topsoil to meet this requirement. •Topsoiling is a required procedure when establishing vegetation on shallow soils, and soils of critically low pH (high acid) levels. •Beware of where the topsoil comes from, and what vegetation was on site before disturbance, invasive plant seeds may be included and could cause problems for establishing native plants, landscaped areas, or grasses. •Topsoil from the site will contain mycorrhizal bacteria that are necessary for healthy root growth and nutrient transfer. These native mycorrhiza are acclimated to the site and will provide optimum conditions for establishing grasses. Use commercially available mycorrhiza products when using off-site topsoil. Design and Installation Specifications Meet the following requirements for disturbed areas that will be developed as lawn or landscaped areas at the completed project site: •Maximize the depth of the topsoil wherever possible to provide the maximum possible infiltration capacity and beneficial growth medium. Topsoil shall have: •A minimum depth of 8-inches. Scarify subsoils below the topsoil layer at least 4-inches with some incorporation of the upper material to avoid stratified layers, where feasible. Ripping or re- structuring the subgrade may also provide additional benefits regarding the overall infiltration and interflow dynamics of the soil system. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-30 •A minimum organic content of 10% dry weight in planting beds, and 5% organic matter content in turf areas. Incorporate organic amendments to a minimum 8-inch depth except where tree roots or other natural features limit the depth of incorporation. •A pH between 6.0 and 8.0 or matching the pH of the undisturbed soil. •If blended topsoil is imported, then fines should be limited to 25 percent passing through a 200 sieve. •Mulch planting beds with 2 inches of organic material •Accomplish the required organic content, depth, and pH by returning native topsoil to the site, importing topsoil of sufficient organic content, and/or incorporating organic amendments.When using the option of incorporating amendments to meet the organic content requirement, use compost that meets the compost specification for Bioretention (See BMP T7.30 in Chapter 7 of Volume V of this manual), with the exception that the compost may have up to 35% biosolids or manure. •Sections three through seven of the document entitled, Guidelines and Resources for Implementing Soil Quality and Depth BMP T5.13 in WDOE Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, provides useful guidance for implementing whichever option is chosen. It includes guidance for pre-approved default strategies and guidance for custom strategies. Check with your local jurisdiction concerning its acceptance of this guidance. It is available through the organization, Soils for Salmon. As of this printing the document may be found at: http://www.soilsforsalmon.org/pdf/Soil_BMP_Manual.pdf. •The final composition and construction of the soil system will result in a natural selection or favoring of certain plant species over time. For example, incorporation of topsoil may favor grasses, while layering with mildly acidic, high-carbon amendments may favor more woody vegetation. •Allow sufficient time in scheduling for topsoil spreading prior to seeding, sodding, or planting. •Take care when applying top soil to subsoils with contrasting textures. Sandy topsoil over clayey subsoil is a particularly poor combination, as water creeps along the junction between the soil layers and causes the topsoil to slough. If topsoil and subsoil are not properly bonded, water will not infiltrate the soil profile evenly and it will be difficult to establish vegetation. The best method to prevent a lack of bonding is to actually work the topsoil into the layer below for a depth of at least 6 inches. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-31 •Field exploration of the site shall be made to determine if there is surface soil of sufficient quantity and quality to justify stripping. Topsoil shall be friable and loamy (loam, sandy loam, silt loam, sandy clay loam, and clay loam). Avoid areas of natural ground water recharge. •Stripping shall be confined to the immediate construction area. A 4- inch to 6-inch stripping depth is common, but depth may vary depending on the particular soil. All surface runoff control structures shall be in place prior to stripping. •Do not place topsoil while in a frozen or muddy condition, when the subgrade is excessively wet, or when conditions exist that may otherwise be detrimental to proper grading or proposed sodding or seeding. •In any areas requiring grading remove and stockpile the duff layer and topsoil on site in a designated, controlled area, not adjacent to public resources and critical areas. Stockpiled topsoil is to be reapplied to other portions of the site where feasible. •Locate the topsoil stockpile so that it meets specifications and does not interfere with work on the site. It may be possible to locate more than one pile in proximity to areas where topsoil will be used. Stockpiling of topsoil shall occur in the following manner: •Side slopes of the stockpile shall not exceed 2H:1V. •Between October 1 and April 30: •An interceptor dike with gravel outlet and silt fence shall surround all topsoil. •Within 2 days complete erosion control seeding, or covering stockpiles with clear plastic, or other mulching materials. •Between May 1 and September 30: •An interceptor dike with gravel outlet and silt fence shall surround all topsoil if the stockpile will remain in place for a longer period of time than active construction grading. •Within 7 days complete erosion control seeding, or covering stockpiles with clear plastic, or other mulching materials. •When native topsoil is to be stockpiled and reused the following should apply to ensure that the mycorrhizal bacterial, earthworms, and other beneficial organisms will not be destroyed: 1.Re-install topsoil within 4 to 6 weeks. 2. Do not allow the saturation of topsoil with water. 3. Do not use plastic covering. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-32 Maintenance Standards •Inspect stockpiles regularly, especially after large storm events. Stabilize any areas that have eroded. •Establish soil quality and depth toward the end of construction and once established, protect from compaction, such as from large machinery use, and from erosion. •Plant and mulch soil after installation. •Leave plant debris or its equivalent on the soil surface to replenish organic matter. •Reduce and adjust, where possible, the use of irrigation, fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, rather than continuing to implement formerly established practices. BMP C126: Polyacrylamide (PAM) for Soil Erosion Protection Purpose Polyacrylamide (PAM) is used on construction sites to prevent soil erosion. Applying PAM to bare soil in advance of a rain event significantly reduces erosion and controls sediment in two ways. First, PAM increases the soil’s available pore volume, thus increasing infiltration through flocculation and reducing the quantity of stormwater runoff. Second, it increases flocculation of suspended particles and aids in their deposition, thus reducing stormwater runoff turbidity and improving water quality. Conditions of Use PAM shall not be directly applied to water or allowed to enter a water body. In areas that drain to a sediment pond, PAM can be applied to bare soil under the following conditions: •During rough grading operations. •In Staging areas. •Balanced cut and fill earthwork. •Haul roads prior to placement of crushed rock surfacing. •Compacted soil roadbase. •Stockpiles. •After final grade and before paving or final seeding and planting. •Pit sites. •Sites having a winter shut down. In the case of winter shut down, or where soil will remain unworked for several months, PAM should be used together with mulch. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-33 Design and Installation Specifications PAM may be applied with water in dissolved form. The preferred application method is the dissolved form. PAM is to be applied at a maximum rate of 2/3 pound PAM per 1,000 gallons water (80 mg/L) per 1 acre of bare soil. Table 4.1.9 can be used to determine the PAM and water application rate for a disturbed soil area. Higher concentrations of PAM do not provide any additional effectiveness. Table 4.1.9 PAM and Water Application Rates Disturbed Area (ac) PAM (lbs) Water (gal) 0.50 0.33 500 1.00 0.66 1,000 1.50 1.00 1,500 2.00 1.32 2,000 2.50 1.65 2,500 3.00 2.00 3,000 3.50 2.33 3,500 4.00 2.65 4,000 4.50 3.00 4,500 5.00 3.33 5,000 The Preferred Method: •Pre-measure the area where PAM is to be applied and calculate the amount of product and water necessary to provide coverage at the specified application rate (2/3 pound PAM/1000 gallons/acre). •PAM has infinite solubility in water, but dissolves very slowly. Dissolve pre-measured dry granular PAM with a known quantity of clean water in a bucket several hours or overnight. Mechanical mixing will help dissolve the PAM. Always add PAM to water - not water to PAM. •Pre-fill the water truck about 1/8 full with water. The water does not have to be potable, but it must have relatively low turbidity – in the range of 20 NTU or less. •Add PAM /Water mixture to the truck •Completely fill the water truck to specified volume. •Spray PAM/Water mixture onto dry soil until the soil surface is uniformly and completely wetted. An Alternate Method: PAM may also be applied as a powder at the rate of 5 lbs. per acre. This must be applied on a day that is dry. For areas less than 5-10 acres, a hand- held “organ grinder” fertilizer spreader set to the smallest setting will work. Tractor-mounted spreaders will work for larger areas. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-34 The following shall be used for application of powdered PAM: •Powered PAM shall be used in conjunction with other BMPs and not in place of other BMPs. •Do not use PAM on a slope that flows directly into a stream or wetland. The stormwater runoff shall pass through a sediment control BMP prior to discharging to surface waters. •Do not add PAM to water discharging from site. •When the total drainage area is greater than or equal to 5 acres, PAM treated areas shall drain to a sediment pond. •Areas less than 5 acres shall drain to sediment control BMPs, such as a minimum of 3 check dams per acre. The total number of check dams used shall be maximized to achieve the greatest amount of settlement of sediment prior to discharging from the site. Each check dam shall be spaced evenly in the drainage channel through which stormwater flows are discharged off-site. •On all sites, the use of silt fence shall be maximized to limit the discharges of sediment from the site. •All areas not being actively worked shall be covered and protected from rainfall. PAM shall not be the only cover BMP used. •PAM can be applied to wet soil, but dry soil is preferred due to less sediment loss. •PAM will work when applied to saturated soil but is not as effective as applications to dry or damp soil. •Keep the granular PAM supply out of the sun. Granular PAM loses its effectiveness in three months after exposure to sunlight and air. •Proper application and re-application plans are necessary to ensure total effectiveness of PAM usage. •PAM, combined with water, is very slippery and can be a safety hazard. Care must be taken to prevent spills of PAM powder onto paved surfaces. During an application of PAM, prevent over-spray from reaching pavement as pavement will become slippery. If PAM powder gets on skin or clothing, wipe it off with a rough towel rather than washing with water-this only makes cleanup messier and take longer. •Some PAMs are more toxic and carcinogenic than others. Only the most environmentally safe PAM products should be used. The specific PAM copolymer formulation must be anionic. Cationic PAM shall not be used in any application because of known aquatic toxicity problems. Only the highest drinking water grade PAM, certified for compliance with ANSI/NSF Standard 60 for Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-35 drinking water treatment, will be used for soil applications. Recent media attention and high interest in PAM has resulted in some entrepreneurial exploitation of the term "polymer." All PAM are polymers, but not all polymers are PAM, and not all PAM products comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60. PAM use shall be reviewed and approved by the local permitting authority. • PAM designated for these uses should be "water soluble" or "linear" or "non-crosslinked". Cross-linked or water absorbent PAM, polymerized in highly acidic (pH<2) conditions, are used to maintain soil moisture content. • The PAM anionic charge density may vary from 2-30 percent; a value of 18 percent is typical. Studies conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/ARS demonstrated that soil stabilization was optimized by using very high molecular weight (12- 15 mg/mole), highly anionic (>20% hydrolysis) PAM. • PAM tackifiers are available and being used in place of guar and alpha plantago. Typically, PAM tackifiers should be used at a rate of no more than 0.5-1 lb. per 1000 gallons of water in a hydromulch machine. Some tackifier product instructions say to use at a rate of 3 –5 lbs. per acre, which can be too much. In addition, pump problems can occur at higher rates due to increased viscosity. Maintenance Standards • PAM may be reapplied on actively worked areas after a 48-hour period. • Reapplication is not required unless PAM treated soil is disturbed or unless turbidity levels show the need for an additional application. If PAM treated soil is left undisturbed a reapplication may be necessary after two months. More PAM applications may be required for steep slopes, silty and clayey soils (USDA Classification Type "C" and "D" soils), long grades, and high precipitation areas. When PAM is applied first to bare soil and then covered with straw, a reapplication may not be necessary for several months. • Loss of sediment and PAM may be a basis for penalties per RCW 90.48.080. BMP C130: Surface Roughening Purpose Surface roughening aids in the establishment of vegetative cover, reduces runoff velocity, increases infiltration, and provides for sediment trapping through the provision of a rough soil surface. Horizontal depressions are created by operating a tiller or other suitable equipment on the contour or by leaving slopes in a roughened condition by not fine grading them. Use this BMP in conjunction with other BMPs such as seeding, mulching, or sodding. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-36 Conditions for Use • All slopes steeper than 3H:1V and greater than 5 vertical feet require surface roughening to a depth of 2 to 4 inches prior to seeding.. • Areas that will not be stabilized immediately may be roughened to reduce runoff velocity until seeding takes place. • Slopes with a stable rock face do not require roughening. • Slopes where mowing is planned should not be excessively roughened. Design and Installation Specifications There are different methods for achieving a roughened soil surface on a slope, and the selection of an appropriate method depends upon the type of slope. Roughening methods include stair-step grading, grooving, contour furrows, and tracking. See Figure 4.1.5 for tracking and contour furrows. Factors to be considered in choosing a method are slope steepness, mowing requirements, and whether the slope is formed by cutting or filling. • Disturbed areas that will not require mowing may be stair-step graded, grooved, or left rough after filling. • Stair-step grading is particularly appropriate in soils containing large amounts of soft rock. Each "step" catches material that sloughs from above, and provides a level site where vegetation can become established. Stairs should be wide enough to work with standard earth moving equipment. Stair steps must be on contour or gullies will form on the slope. • Areas that will be mowed (these areas should have slopes less steep than 3H:1V) may have small furrows left by disking, harrowing, raking, or seed-planting machinery operated on the contour. • Graded areas with slopes steeper than 3H:1V but less than 2H:1V should be roughened before seeding. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including "track walking," or driving a crawler tractor up and down the slope, leaving a pattern of cleat imprints parallel to slope contours. • Tracking is done by operating equipment up and down the slope to leave horizontal depressions in the soil. Maintenance Standards • Areas that are graded in this manner should be seeded as quickly as possible. • Regular inspections should be made of the area. If rills appear, they should be re-graded and re-seeded immediately. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-37 Figure 4.1.5 – Surface Roughening by Tracking and Contour Furrows Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-38 BMP C131: Gradient Terraces Purpose Gradient terraces reduce erosion damage by intercepting surface runoff and conducting it to a stable outlet at a non-erosive velocity. Conditions of Use • Gradient terraces normally are limited to denuded land having a water erosion problem. They should not be constructed on deep sands or on soils that are too stony, steep, or shallow to permit practical and economical installation and maintenance. Gradient terraces may be used only where suitable outlets are or will be made available. See Figure 4.1.6 for gradient terraces. Design and Installation Specifications • The maximum vertical spacing of gradient terraces should be determined by the following method: VI = (0.8)s + y Where: VI = vertical interval in feet s = land rise per 100 feet, expressed in feet y = a soil and cover variable with values from 1.0 to 4.0 Values of “y” are influenced by soil erodibility and cover practices. The lower values are applicable to erosive soils where little to no residue is left on the surface. The higher value is applicable only to erosion-resistant soils where a large amount of residue (1½ tons of straw/acre equivalent) is on the surface. • The minimum constructed cross-section should meet the design dimensions. • The top of the constructed ridge should not be lower at any point than the design elevation plus the specified overfill for settlement. The opening at the outlet end of the terrace should have a cross section equal to that specified for the terrace channel. • Channel grades may be either uniform or variable with a maximum grade of 0.6 feet per 100 feet length (0.6%). For short distances, terrace grades may be increased to improve alignment. The channel velocity should not exceed that which is nonerosive for the soil type. • All gradient terraces should have adequate outlets. Such an outlet may be a grassed waterway, vegetated area, or tile outlet. In all cases the outlet must convey runoff from the terrace or terrace system to a point where the outflow will not cause damage. Vegetative cover should be used in the outlet channel. • The design elevation of the water surface of the terrace should not be lower than the design elevation of the water surface in the outlet at their junction, when both are operating at design flow. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-39 •Vertical spacing determined by the above methods may be increased as much as 0.5 feet or 10 percent, whichever is greater, to provide better alignment or location, to avoid obstacles, to adjust for equipment size, or to reach a satisfactory outlet. The drainage area above the terrace should not exceed the area that would be drained by a terrace with normal spacing. •The terrace should have enough capacity to handle the peak runoff expected from a 2-year, 24-hour design storm without overtopping. •The terrace cross-section should be proportioned to fit the land slope. The ridge height should include a reasonable settlement factor. The ridge should have a minimum top width of 3 feet at the design height. The minimum cross-sectional area of the terrace channel should be 8 square feet for land slopes of 5 percent or less, 7 square feet for slopes from 5 to 8 percent, and 6 square feet for slopes steeper than 8 percent. The terrace can be constructed wide enough to be maintained using a small vehicle. Maintenance Standards •Maintenance should be performed as needed. Terraces should be inspected regularly; at least once a year, and after large storm events. Figure 4.1.6 – Gradient Terraces Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-40 BMP C140: Dust Control Purpose Dust control prevents wind transport of dust from disturbed soil surfaces onto roadways, drainage ways, and surface waters. Conditions of Use • In areas (including roadways) subject to surface and air movement of dust where on-site and off-site impacts to roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely. Design and Installation Specifications •Vegetate or mulch areas that will not receive vehicle traffic. In areas where planting, mulching, or paving is impractical, apply gravel or landscaping rock. •Limit dust generation by clearing only those areas where immediate activity will take place, leaving the remaining area(s) in the original condition. Maintain the original ground cover as long as practical. •Construct natural or artificial windbreaks or windscreens. These may be designed as enclosures for small dust sources. •Sprinkle the site with water until surface is wet. Repeat as needed. To prevent carryout of mud onto street, refer to Stabilized Construction Entrance (BMP C105). •Irrigation water can be used for dust control. Irrigation systems should be installed as a first step on sites where dust control is a concern. •Spray exposed soil areas with a dust palliative, following the manufacturer’s instructions and cautions regarding handling and application. Used oil is prohibited from use as a dust suppressant. Local governments may approve other dust palliatives such as calcium chloride or PAM. •PAM (BMP C126) added to water at a rate of 0.5 lbs. per 1,000 gallons of water per acre and applied from a water truck is more effective than water alone. This is due to increased infiltration of water into the soil and reduced evaporation. In addition, small soil particles are bonded together and are not as easily transported by wind. Adding PAM may actually reduce the quantity of water needed for dust control. Use of PAM could be a cost-effective dust control method. Techniques that can be used for unpaved roads and lots include: •Lower speed limits. High vehicle speed increases the amount of dust stirred up from unpaved roads and lots. •Upgrade the road surface strength by improving particle size, shape, and mineral types that make up the surface and base materials. •Add surface gravel to reduce the source of dust emission. Limit the amount of fine particles (those smaller than .075 mm) to 10 to 20 percent. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-41 •Use geotextile fabrics to increase the strength of new roads or roads undergoing reconstruction. •Encourage the use of alternate, paved routes, if available. •Restrict use of paved roadways by tracked vehicles and heavy trucks to prevent damage to road surface and base. •Apply chemical dust suppressants using the admix method, blending the product with the top few inches of surface material. Suppressants may also be applied as surface treatments. •Pave unpaved permanent roads and other trafficked areas. •Use vacuum street sweepers. •Remove mud and other dirt promptly so it does not dry and then turn into dust. •Limit dust-causing work on windy days. •Contact your local Air Pollution Control Authority for guidance and training on other dust control measures. Compliance with the local Air Pollution Control Authority constitutes compliance with this BMP. Maintenance Standards Respray area as necessary to keep dust to a minimum. BMP C150: Materials on Hand Purpose Keep quantities of erosion prevention and sediment control materials on the project site at all times to be used for regular maintenance and emergency situations such as unexpected heavy summer rains. Having these materials on-site reduces the time needed to implement BMPs when inspections indicate that existing BMPs are not meeting the Construction SWPPP requirements. In addition, contractors can save money by buying some materials in bulk and storing them at their office or yard. Conditions of Use • Construction projects of any size or type can benefit from having materials on hand. A small commercial development project could have a roll of plastic and some gravel available for immediate protection of bare soil and temporary berm construction. A large earthwork project, such as highway construction, might have several tons of straw, several rolls of plastic, flexible pipe, sandbags, geotextile fabric and steel “T” posts. •Materials are stockpiled and readily available before any site clearing, grubbing, or earthwork begins. A large contractor or developer could keep a stockpile of materials that are available for use on several projects. •If storage space at the project site is at a premium, the contractor could maintain the materials at their office or yard. The office or yard must be less than an hour from the project site. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-42 Design and Installation Specifications Depending on project type, size, complexity, and length, materials and quantities will vary. A good minimum list of items that will cover numerous situations includes: Material Clear Plastic, 6 mil Drainpipe, 6 or 8 inch diameter Sandbags, filled Straw Bales for mulching, Quarry Spalls Washed Gravel Geotextile Fabric Catch Basin Inserts Steel “T” Posts Silt fence material Straw Wattles Maintenance Standards • All materials with the exception of the quarry spalls, steel “T” posts, and gravel should be kept covered and out of both sun and rain. • Re-stock materials used as needed. BMP C151: Concrete Handling Purpose Concrete work can generate process water and slurry that contain fine particles and high pH, both of which can violate water quality standards in the receiving water. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. Use this BMP to minimize and eliminate concrete, concrete process water, and concrete slurry from entering waters of the state. Conditions of Use Any time concrete is used, utilize these management practices. Concrete construction projects include, but are not limited to, the following: • Curbs • Sidewalks • Roads • Bridges • Foundations • Floors • Runways Design and Installation • Assure that washout of concrete trucks, chutes, pumps, and internals is performed at an approved off-site location or in designated concrete Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-43 Specifications washout areas. Do not wash out concrete trucks onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. Refer to BMP C154 for information on concrete washout areas. •Return unused concrete remaining in the truck and pump to the originating batch plant for recycling. Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. •Wash off hand tools including, but not limited to, screeds, shovels, rakes, floats, and trowels into formed areas only. •Wash equipment difficult to move, such as concrete pavers in areas that do not directly drain to natural or constructed stormwater conveyances. •Do not allow washdown from areas, such as concrete aggregate driveways, to drain directly to natural or constructed stormwater conveyances. •Contain washwater and leftover product in a lined container when no formed areas are available. Dispose of contained concrete in a manner that does not violate ground water or surface water quality standards. •Always use forms or solid barriers for concrete pours, such as pilings, within 15-feet of surface waters. •Refer to BMPs C252 and C253 for pH adjustment requirements. •Refer to the Construction Stormwater General Permit for pH monitoring requirements if the project involves one of the following activities: •Significant concrete work (greater than 1,000 cubic yards poured concrete or recycled concrete used over the life of a project). •The use of engineered soils amended with (but not limited to) Portland cement-treated base, cement kiln dust or fly ash. •Discharging stormwater to segments of water bodies on the 303(d) list (Category 5) for high pH. Maintenance Standards Check containers for holes in the liner daily during concrete pours and repair the same day. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-44 BMP C152: Sawcutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention Purpose Sawcutting and surfacing operations generate slurry and process water that contains fine particles and high pH (concrete cutting), both of which can violate the water quality standards in the receiving water. Concrete spillage or concrete discharge to surface waters of the State is prohibited. Use this BMP to minimize and eliminate process water and slurry created through sawcutting or surfacing from entering waters of the State. Conditions of Use Utilize these management practices anytime sawcutting or surfacing operations take place. Sawcutting and surfacing operations include, but are not limited to, the following: • Sawing • Coring • Grinding • Roughening • Hydro-demolition • Bridge and road surfacing Design and Installation Specifications • Vacuum slurry and cuttings during cutting and surfacing operations. • Slurry and cuttings shall not remain on permanent concrete or asphalt pavement overnight. • Slurry and cuttings shall not drain to any natural or constructed drainage conveyance including stormwater systems. This may require temporarily blocking catch basins. • Dispose of collected slurry and cuttings in a manner that does not violate ground water or surface water quality standards. • Do not allow process water generated during hydro-demolition, surface roughening or similar operations to drain to any natural or constructed drainage conveyance including stormwater systems. Dispose process water in a manner that does not violate ground water or surface water quality standards. • Handle and dispose cleaning waste material and demolition debris in a manner that does not cause contamination of water. Dispose of sweeping material from a pick-up sweeper at an appropriate disposal site. Maintenance Standards Continually monitor operations to determine whether slurry, cuttings, or process water could enter waters of the state. If inspections show that a violation of water quality standards could occur, stop operations and immediately implement preventive measures such as berms, barriers, secondary containment, and vacuum trucks. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-45 BMP C153: Material Delivery, Storage and Containment Purpose Prevent, reduce, or eliminate the discharge of pollutants to the stormwater system or watercourses from material delivery and storage. Minimize the storage of hazardous materials on-site, store materials in a designated area, and install secondary containment. Conditions of Use These procedures are suitable for use at all construction sites with delivery and storage of the following materials: • Petroleum products such as fuel, oil and grease • Soil stabilizers and binders (e.g., Polyacrylamide) • Fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides • Detergents • Asphalt and concrete compounds • Hazardous chemicals such as acids, lime, adhesives, paints, solvents, and curing compounds • Any other material that may be detrimental if released to the environment Design and Installation Specifications The following steps should be taken to minimize risk: • Temporary storage area should be located away from vehicular traffic, near the construction entrance(s), and away from waterways or storm drains. • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be supplied for all materials stored. Chemicals should be kept in their original labeled containers. • Hazardous material storage on-site should be minimized. • Hazardous materials should be handled as infrequently as possible. • During the wet weather season (Oct 1 – April 30), consider storing materials in a covered area. • Materials should be stored in secondary containments, such as earthen dike, horse trough, or even a children’s wading pool for non-reactive materials such as detergents, oil, grease, and paints. Small amounts of material may be secondarily contained in “bus boy” trays or concrete mixing trays. • Do not store chemicals, drums, or bagged materials directly on the ground. Place these items on a pallet and, when possible, and within secondary containment. • If drums must be kept uncovered, store them at a slight angle to reduce ponding of rainwater on the lids to reduce corrosion. Domed plastic covers are inexpensive and snap to the top of drums, preventing water from collecting. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-46 Material Storage Areas and Secondary Containment Practices: •Liquids, petroleum products, and substances listed in 40 CFR Parts 110, 117, or 302 shall be stored in approved containers and drums and shall not be overfilled. Containers and drums shall be stored in temporary secondary containment facilities. •Temporary secondary containment facilities shall provide for a spill containment volume able to contain 10% of the total enclosed container volume of all containers, or 110% of the capacity of the largest container within its boundary, whichever is greater. •Secondary containment facilities shall be impervious to the materials stored therein for a minimum contact time of 72 hours. •Secondary containment facilities shall be maintained free of accumulated rainwater and spills. In the event of spills or leaks, accumulated rainwater and spills shall be collected and placed into drums. These liquids shall be handled as hazardous waste unless testing determines them to be non-hazardous. •Sufficient separation should be provided between stored containers to allow for spill cleanup and emergency response access. •During the wet weather season (Oct 1 – April 30), each secondary containment facility shall be covered during non-working days, prior to and during rain events. •Keep material storage areas clean, organized and equipped with an ample supply of appropriate spill clean-up material (spill kit). •The spill kit should include, at a minimum: •1-Water Resistant Nylon Bag •3-Oil Absorbent Socks 3”x 4’ •2-Oil Absorbent Socks 3”x 10’ •12-Oil Absorbent Pads 17”x19” •1-Pair Splash Resistant Goggles •3-Pair Nitrile Gloves •10-Disposable Bags with Ties •Instructions Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-47 BMP C154: Concrete Washout Area Purpose Prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater from concrete waste by conducting washout off-site, or performing on-site washout in a designated area to prevent pollutants from entering surface waters or ground water. Conditions of Use Concrete washout area best management practices are implemented on construction projects where: • Concrete is used as a construction material • It is not possible to dispose of all concrete wastewater and washout off-site (ready mix plant, etc.). • Concrete trucks, pumpers, or other concrete coated equipment are washed on-site. • Note: If less than 10 concrete trucks or pumpers need to be washed out on-site, the washwater may be disposed of in a formed area awaiting concrete or an upland disposal site where it will not contaminate surface or ground water. The upland disposal site shall be at least 50 feet from sensitive areas such as storm drains, open ditches, or water bodies, including wetlands. Design and Installation Specifications Implementation The following steps will help reduce stormwater pollution from concrete wastes: • Perform washout of concrete trucks at an approved off-site location or in designated concrete washout areas only. • Do not wash out concrete trucks onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. • Do not allow excess concrete to be dumped on-site, except in designated concrete washout areas. • Concrete washout areas may be prefabricated concrete washout containers, or self-installed structures (above-grade or below-grade). • Prefabricated containers are most resistant to damage and protect against spills and leaks. Companies may offer delivery service and provide regular maintenance and disposal of solid and liquid waste. • If self-installed concrete washout areas are used, below-grade structures are preferred over above-grade structures because they are less prone to spills and leaks. • Self-installed above-grade structures should only be used if excavation is not practical. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-48 Education •Discuss the concrete management techniques described in this BMP with the ready-mix concrete supplier before any deliveries are made. •Educate employees and subcontractors on the concrete waste management techniques described in this BMP. •Arrange for contractor’s superintendent or Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) to oversee and enforce concrete waste management procedures. •A sign should be installed adjacent to each temporary concrete washout facility to inform concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper facilities. Contracts Incorporate requirements for concrete waste management into concrete supplier and subcontractor agreements. Location and Placement •Locate washout area at least 50 feet from sensitive areas such as storm drains, open ditches, or water bodies, including wetlands. •Allow convenient access for concrete trucks, preferably near the area where the concrete is being poured. •If trucks need to leave a paved area to access washout, prevent track- out with a pad of rock or quarry spalls (see BMP C105). These areas should be far enough away from other construction traffic to reduce the likelihood of accidental damage and spills. •The number of facilities you install should depend on the expected demand for storage capacity. •On large sites with extensive concrete work, washouts should be placed in multiple locations for ease of use by concrete truck drivers. On-site Temporary Concrete Washout Facility, Transit Truck Washout Procedures: •Temporary concrete washout facilities shall be located a minimum of 50 ft from sensitive areas including storm drain inlets, open drainage facilities, and watercourses. See Figures 4.1.7 and 4.1.8. •Concrete washout facilities shall be constructed and maintained in sufficient quantity and size to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. •Washout of concrete trucks shall be performed in designated areas only. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-49 • Concrete washout from concrete pumper bins can be washed into concrete pumper trucks and discharged into designated washout area or properly disposed of off-site. • Once concrete wastes are washed into the designated area and allowed to harden, the concrete should be broken up, removed, and disposed of per applicable solid waste regulations. Dispose of hardened concrete on a regular basis. • Temporary Above-Grade Concrete Washout Facility • Temporary concrete washout facility (type above grade) should be constructed as shown on the details below, with a recommended minimum length and minimum width of 10 ft, but with sufficient quantity and volume to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. • Plastic lining material should be a minimum of 10 mil polyethylene sheeting and should be free of holes, tears, or other defects that compromise the impermeability of the material. • Temporary Below-Grade Concrete Washout Facility • Temporary concrete washout facilities (type below grade) should be constructed as shown on the details below, with a recommended minimum length and minimum width of 10 ft. The quantity and volume should be sufficient to contain all liquid and concrete waste generated by washout operations. • Lath and flagging should be commercial type. • Plastic lining material shall be a minimum of 10 mil polyethylene sheeting and should be free of holes, tears, or other defects that compromise the impermeability of the material. • Liner seams shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. • Soil base shall be prepared free of rocks or other debris that may cause tears or holes in the plastic lining material. Maintenance Standards Inspection and Maintenance • Inspect and verify that concrete washout BMPs are in place prior to the commencement of concrete work. • During periods of concrete work, inspect daily to verify continued performance. • Check overall condition and performance. • Check remaining capacity (% full). • If using self-installed washout facilities, verify plastic liners are intact and sidewalls are not damaged. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-50 • If using prefabricated containers, check for leaks. • Washout facilities shall be maintained to provide adequate holding capacity with a minimum freeboard of 12 inches. • Washout facilities must be cleaned, or new facilities must be constructed and ready for use once the washout is 75% full. • If the washout is nearing capacity, vacuum and dispose of the waste material in an approved manner. • Do not discharge liquid or slurry to waterways, storm drains or directly onto ground. • Do not use sanitary sewer without local approval. • Place a secure, non-collapsing, non-water collecting cover over the concrete washout facility prior to predicted wet weather to prevent accumulation and overflow of precipitation. • Remove and dispose of hardened concrete and return the structure to a functional condition. Concrete may be reused on-site or hauled away for disposal or recycling. • When you remove materials from the self-installed concrete washout, build a new structure; or, if the previous structure is still intact, inspect for signs of weakening or damage, and make any necessary repairs. Re-line the structure with new plastic after each cleaning. Removal of Temporary Concrete Washout Facilities • When temporary concrete washout facilities are no longer required for the work, the hardened concrete, slurries and liquids shall be removed and properly disposed of. • Materials used to construct temporary concrete washout facilities shall be removed from the site of the work and disposed of or recycled. • Holes, depressions or other ground disturbance caused by the removal of the temporary concrete washout facilities shall be backfilled, repaired, and stabilized to prevent erosion. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-51 Figure 4.1.7a – Concrete Washout Area Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-52 Figure 4.1.7b – Concrete Washout Area Figure 4.1.8 – Prefabricated Concrete Washout Container w/Ramp Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-53 BMP C160: Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Purpose The project proponent designates at least one person as the responsible representative in charge of erosion and sediment control (ESC), and water quality protection. The designated person shall be the Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) who is responsible for ensuring compliance with all local, state, and federal erosion and sediment control and water quality requirements. Conditions of Use A CESCL shall be made available on projects one acre or larger that discharge stormwater to surface waters of the state. Sites less than one acre may have a person without CESCL certification conduct inspections; sampling is not required on sites that disturb less than an acre. • The CESCL shall: • Have a current certificate proving attendance in an erosion and sediment control training course that meets the minimum ESC training and certification requirements established by Ecology (see details below). Ecology will maintain a list of ESC training and certification providers at: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/cescl.html OR • Be a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC); for additional information go to: www.cpesc.net Specifications • Certification shall remain valid for three years. • The CESCL shall have authority to act on behalf of the contractor or developer and shall be available, or on-call, 24 hours per day throughout the period of construction. • The Construction SWPPP shall include the name, telephone number, fax number, and address of the designated CESCL. • A CESCL may provide inspection and compliance services for multiple construction projects in the same geographic region. Duties and responsibilities of the CESCL shall include, but are not limited to the following: • Maintaining permit file on site at all times which includes the Construction SWPPP and any associated permits and plans. • Directing BMP installation, inspection, maintenance, modification, and removal. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-54 •Updating all project drawings and the Construction SWPPP with changes made. •Completing any sampling requirements including reporting results using WebDMR. •Keeping daily logs, and inspection reports. Inspection reports should include: •Inspection date/time. •Weather information; general conditions during inspection and approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection. •A summary or list of all BMPs implemented, including observations of all erosion/sediment control structures or practices. The following shall be noted: 1. Locations of BMPs inspected. 2. Locations of BMPs that need maintenance. 3. Locations of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or intended. 4. Locations of where additional or different BMPs are required. •Visual monitoring results, including a description of discharged stormwater. The presence of suspended sediment, turbid water, discoloration, and oil sheen shall be noted, as applicable. •Any water quality monitoring performed during inspection. •General comments and notes, including a brief description of any BMP repairs, maintenance or installations made as a result of the inspection. •Facilitate, participate in, and take corrective actions resulting from inspections performed by outside agencies or the owner. BMP C162: Scheduling Purpose Sequencing a construction project reduces the amount and duration of soil exposed to erosion by wind, rain, runoff, and vehicle tracking. Conditions of Use The construction sequence schedule is an orderly listing of all major land- disturbing activities together with the necessary erosion and sedimentation control measures planned for the project. This type of schedule guides the contractor on work to be done before other work is started so that serious erosion and sedimentation problems can be avoided. Following a specified work schedule that coordinates the timing of land- disturbing activities and the installation of control measures is perhaps the most cost-effective way of controlling erosion during construction. The removal of surface ground cover leaves a site vulnerable to accelerated Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-55 erosion. Construction procedures that limit land clearing provide timely installation of erosion and sedimentation controls, and restore protective cover quickly can significantly reduce the erosion potential of a site. Design Considerations •Minimize construction during rainy periods. •Schedule projects to disturb only small portions of the site at any one time. Complete grading as soon as possible. Immediately stabilize the disturbed portion before grading the next portion. Practice staged seeding in order to revegetate cut and fill slopes as the work progresses. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-56 4.2 Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs This section contains the standards and specifications for Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs. Table 4.2.1, below, shows the relationship of the BMPs in Section 4.2 to the Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Elements described in Section 3.3.3. Table 4.2.1 Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs by SWPPP Element BMP or Element Name Element #3 Control Flow Rates Element #4 Install Sediment Controls Element #6 Protect Slopes Element #7 Protect Drain Inlets Element #8 Stabilize Channels and Outlets Element #9 Control Pollutants Element #10 Control De-Watering Element #13 Protect Low Impact Development BMP C200: Interceptor Dike and Swale BMP C201: Grass-Lined Channels BMP C202: Channel Lining BMP C203: Water Bars BMP C204: Pipe Slope Drains BMP C205: Subsurface Drains BMP C206: Level Spreader BMP C207: Check Dams BMP C208: Triangular Silt Dike (TSD) (Geotextile Encased Check Dam) BMP C209: Outlet Protection BMP C220: Storm Drain Inlet Protection BMP C231: Brush Barrier BMP C232: Gravel Filter Berm BMP C233: Silt Fence BMP C234: Vegetated Strip BMP C235: Wattles BMP C236: Vegetated Filtration BMP C240: Sediment Trap BMP C241: Temporary Sediment Pond Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-57 BMP C250: Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment BMP C251: Construction Stormwater Filtration BMP C252: High pH Neutralization Using CO2 BMP C253: pH Control for High pH Water BMP C200: Interceptor Dike and Swale Purpose Provide a ridge of compacted soil, or a ridge with an upslope swale, at the top or base of a disturbed slope or along the perimeter of a disturbed construction area to convey stormwater. Use the dike and/or swale to intercept the runoff from unprotected areas and direct it to areas where erosion can be controlled. This can prevent storm runoff from entering the work area or sediment-laden runoff from leaving the construction site. Conditions of Use Where the runoff from an exposed site or disturbed slope must be conveyed to an erosion control facility which can safely convey the stormwater. •Locate upslope of a construction site to prevent runoff from entering disturbed area. •When placed horizontally across a disturbed slope, it reduces the amount and velocity of runoff flowing down the slope. •Locate downslope to collect runoff from a disturbed area and direct water to a sediment basin. Design and Installation Specifications •Dike and/or swale and channel must be stabilized with temporary or permanent vegetation or other channel protection during construction. •Channel requires a positive grade for drainage; steeper grades require channel protection and check dams. •Review construction for areas where overtopping may occur. •Can be used at top of new fill before vegetation is established. •May be used as a permanent diversion channel to carry the runoff. •Sub-basin tributary area should be one acre or less. •Design capacity for the peak volumetric flow rate calculated using a 10-minute time step from a 10-year, 24-hour storm, assuming a Type 1A rainfall distribution, for temporary facilities. Alternatively, use 1.6 times the 10-year, 1-hour flow indicated by an approved continuous runoff model. For facilities that will also serve on a permanent basis, consult the local government’s drainage requirements. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-58 Interceptor dikes shall meet the following criteria: Top Width 2 feet minimum. Height 1.5 feet minimum on berm. Side Slope 2H:1V or flatter. Grade Depends on topography, however, dike system minimum is 0.5%, and maximum is 1%. Compaction Minimum of 90 percent ASTM D698 standard proctor. Horizontal Spacing of Interceptor Dikes: Average Slope Slope Percent Flowpath Length 20H:1V or less 3-5%300 feet (10 to 20)H:1V 5-10%200 feet (4 to 10)H:1V 10-25%100 feet (2 to 4)H:1V 25-50%50 feet Stabilization depends on velocity and reach Slopes <5% Seed and mulch applied within 5 days of dike construction (see BMP C121, Mulching). Slopes 5 - 40% Dependent on runoff velocities and dike materials. Stabilization should be done immediately using either sod or riprap or other measures to avoid erosion. •The upslope side of the dike shall provide positive drainage to the dike outlet. No erosion shall occur at the outlet. Provide energy dissipation measures as necessary. Sediment-laden runoff must be released through a sediment trapping facility. •Minimize construction traffic over temporary dikes. Use temporary cross culverts for channel crossing. Interceptor swales shall meet the following criteria: Bottom Width 2 feet minimum; the cross-section bottom shall be level. Depth 1-foot minimum. Side Slope 2H:1V or flatter. Grade Maximum 5 percent, with positive drainage to a suitable outlet (such as a sediment pond). Stabilization Seed as per BMP C120, Temporary and Permanent Seeding, or BMP C202, Channel Lining, 12 inches thick riprap pressed into the bank and extending at least 8 inches vertical from the bottom. •Inspect diversion dikes and interceptor swales once a week and after every rainfall. Immediately remove sediment from the flow area. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-59 •Damage caused by construction traffic or other activity must be repaired before the end of each working day. Check outlets and make timely repairs as needed to avoid gully formation. When the area below the temporary diversion dike is permanently stabilized, remove the dike and fill and stabilize the channel to blend with the natural surface. BMP C201: Grass-Lined Channels Purpose To provide a channel with a vegetative lining for conveyance of runoff. See Figure 4.2.1 for typical grass-lined channels. Conditions of Use This practice applies to construction sites where concentrated runoff needs to be contained to prevent erosion or flooding. •When a vegetative lining can provide sufficient stability for the channel cross section and at lower velocities of water (normally dependent on grade). This means that the channel slopes are generally less than 5 percent and space is available for a relatively large cross section. •Typical uses include roadside ditches, channels at property boundaries, outlets for diversions, and other channels and drainage ditches in low areas. •Channels that will be vegetated should be installed before major earthwork and hydroseeded with a bonded fiber matrix (BFM). The vegetation should be well established (i.e., 75 percent cover) before water is allowed to flow in the ditch. With channels that will have high flows, erosion control blankets should be installed over the hydroseed. If vegetation cannot be established from seed before water is allowed in the ditch, sod should be installed in the bottom of the ditch in lieu of hydromulch and blankets. Design and Installation Specifications Locate the channel where it can conform to the topography and other features such as roads. •Locate them to use natural drainage systems to the greatest extent possible. •Avoid sharp changes in alignment or bends and changes in grade. •Do not reshape the landscape to fit the drainage channel. •The maximum design velocity shall be based on soil conditions, type of vegetation, and method of revegetation, but at no times shall velocity exceed 5 feet/second. The channel shall not be overtopped by the peak volumetric flow rate calculated using a 10-minute time step from a 10-year, 24-hour storm, assuming a Type 1A rainfall distribution. Alternatively, use 1.6 times the 10-year, 1-hour flow indicated by an approved continuous runoff model to determine a flow rate which the channel must contain. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-60 • Where the grass-lined channel will also function as a permanent stormwater conveyance facility, consult the drainage conveyance requirements of the local government with jurisdiction. • An established grass or vegetated lining is required before the channel can be used to convey stormwater, unless stabilized with nets or blankets. • If design velocity of a channel to be vegetated by seeding exceeds 2 ft/sec, a temporary channel liner is required. Geotextile or special mulch protection such as fiberglass roving or straw and netting provides stability until the vegetation is fully established. See Figure 4.2.2. • Check dams shall be removed when the grass has matured sufficiently to protect the ditch or swale unless the slope of the swale is greater than 4 percent. The area beneath the check dams shall be seeded and mulched immediately after dam removal. • If vegetation is established by sodding, the permissible velocity for established vegetation may be used and no temporary liner is needed. • Do not subject grass-lined channel to sedimentation from disturbed areas. Use sediment-trapping BMPs upstream of the channel. • V-shaped grass channels generally apply where the quantity of water is small, such as in short reaches along roadsides. The V-shaped cross section is least desirable because it is difficult to stabilize the bottom where velocities may be high. • Trapezoidal grass channels are used where runoff volumes are large and slope is low so that velocities are nonerosive to vegetated linings. (Note: it is difficult to construct small parabolic shaped channels.) • Subsurface drainage, or riprap channel bottoms, may be necessary on sites that are subject to prolonged wet conditions due to long duration flows or a high water table. • Provide outlet protection at culvert ends and at channel intersections. • Grass channels, at a minimum, should carry peak runoff for temporary construction drainage facilities from the 10-year, 24-hour storm without eroding. Where flood hazard exists, increase the capacity according to the potential damage. • Grassed channel side slopes generally are constructed 3H:1V or flatter to aid in the establishment of vegetation and for maintenance. • Construct channels a minimum of 0.2 foot larger around the periphery to allow for soil bulking during seedbed preparations and sod buildup. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-61 Maintenance Standards During the establishment period, check grass-lined channels after every rainfall. •After grass is established, periodically check the channel; check it after every heavy rainfall event. Immediately make repairs. •It is particularly important to check the channel outlet and all road crossings for bank stability and evidence of piping or scour holes. •Remove all significant sediment accumulations to maintain the designed carrying capacity. Keep the grass in a healthy, vigorous condition at all times, since it is the primary erosion protection for the channel. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-62 Figure 4.2.1 – Typical Grass-Lined Channels Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-63 OVERCUT CHANNEL 2'(50mm) TOALLOW BULKING DURING SEEDBED PREPARATION TYPICAL INSTALLATION WITH EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS OR TURF REINFORCEMENT MATS Intermittent Check Slot Longitudinal Anchor Trench Shingle-lap spliced ends or begin new roll in an intermittent check slot Prepare soil and apply seed before installing blankets, mats or other temporary channel liner system / NOTES: 1 Design velocities exceeding 2 ft/sec (0.5m/sec) require temporary blankets, mats or similar liners to protect seed and soil until vegetation becomes established. 2 Grass-lined channels with design velocities exceeding 6 ft/sec (2m/sec) should include turf reinforcement mats. Fig ure 4.2 .2 – Temporary Channel Liners Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-64 BMP C202: Channel Lining Purpose To protect channels by providing a channel liner using either blankets or riprap. Conditions of Use When natural soils or vegetated stabilized soils in a channel are not adequate to prevent channel erosion. • When a permanent ditch or pipe system is to be installed and a temporary measure is needed. • In almost all cases, synthetic and organic coconut blankets are more effective than riprap for protecting channels from erosion. Blankets can be used with and without vegetation. Blanketed channels can be designed to handle any expected flow and longevity requirement. Some synthetic blankets have a predicted life span of 50 years or more, even in sunlight. • Other reasons why blankets are better than rock include the availability of blankets over rock. In many areas of the state, rock is not easily obtainable or is very expensive to haul to a site. Blankets can be delivered anywhere. Rock requires the use of dump trucks to haul and heavy equipment to place. Blankets usually only require laborers with hand tools, and sometimes a backhoe. • The Federal Highway Administration recommends not using flexible liners whenever the slope exceeds 10 percent or the shear stress exceeds 8 lbs/ft2. Design and Installation Specifications See BMP C122 for information on blankets. Since riprap is used where erosion potential is high, construction must be sequenced so that the riprap is put in place with the minimum possible delay. • Disturbance of areas where riprap is to be placed should be undertaken only when final preparation and placement of the riprap can follow immediately behind the initial disturbance. Where riprap is used for outlet protection, the riprap should be placed before or in conjunction with the construction of the pipe or channel so that it is in place when the pipe or channel begins to operate. • The designer, after determining the riprap size that will be stable under the flow conditions, shall consider that size to be a minimum size and then, based on riprap gradations actually available in the area, select the size or sizes that equal or exceed the minimum size. The possibility of drainage structure damage by children shall be considered in selecting a riprap size, especially if there is nearby water or a gully in which to toss the stones. • Stone for riprap shall consist of field stone or quarry stone of approximately rectangular shape. The stone shall be hard and angular Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-65 and of such quality that it will not disintegrate on exposure to water or weathering and it shall be suitable in all respects for the purpose intended. •A lining of engineering filter fabric (geotextile) shall be placed between the riprap and the underlying soil surface to prevent soil movement into or through the riprap. The geotextile should be keyed in at the top of the bank. •Filter fabric shall not be used on slopes greater than 1-1/2H:1V as slippage may occur. It should be used in conjunction with a layer of coarse aggregate (granular filter blanket) when the riprap to be placed is 12 inches and larger. BMP C203: Water Bars Purpose A small ditch or ridge of material is constructed diagonally across a road or right-of-way to divert stormwater runoff from the road surface, wheel tracks, or a shallow road ditch. See Figure 4.2.3. Conditions of use Clearing right-of-way and construction of access for power lines, pipelines, and other similar installations often require long narrow right-of-ways over sloping terrain. Disturbance and compaction promotes gully formation in these cleared strips by increasing the volume and velocity of runoff. Gully formation may be especially severe in tire tracks and ruts. To prevent gullying, runoff can often be diverted across the width of the right-of-way to undisturbed areas by using small predesigned diversions. •Give special consideration to each individual outlet area, as well as to the cumulative effect of added diversions. Use gravel to stabilize the diversion where significant vehicular traffic is anticipated. Design and Installation Specifications Height: 8-inch minimum measured from the channel bottom to the ridge top. •Side slope of channel: 2H:1V maximum; 3H:1V or flatter when vehicles will cross. •Base width of ridge: 6-inch minimum. •Locate them to use natural drainage systems and to discharge into well vegetated stable areas. •Guideline for Spacing: Slope % Spacing (ft) < 5 125 5 - 10 100 10 - 20 75 20 - 35 50 > 35 Use rock lined ditch Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-66 •Grade of water bar and angle: Select angle that results in ditch slope less than 2 percent. •Install as soon as the clearing and grading is complete. Reconstruct when construction is complete on a section when utilities are being installed. •Compact the ridge when installed. •Stabilize, seed, and mulch the portions that are not subject to traffic. Gravel the areas crossed by vehicles. Maintenance Standards Periodically inspect right-of-way diversions for wear and after every heavy rainfall for erosion damage. •Immediately remove sediment from the flow area and repair the dike. •Check outlet areas and make timely repairs as needed. •When permanent road drainage is established and the area above the temporary right-of-way diversion is permanently stabilized, remove the dikes and fill the channel to blend with the natural ground, and appropriately stabilize the disturbed area. Figure 4.2.3 – Water Bar Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-67 BMP C204: Pipe Slope Drains Purpose To use a pipe to convey stormwater anytime water needs to be diverted away from or over bare soil to prevent gullies, channel erosion, and saturation of slide-prone soils. Conditions of Use Pipe slope drains should be used when a temporary or permanent stormwater conveyance is needed to move the water down a steep slope to avoid erosion (Figure 4.2.4). On highway projects, pipe slope drains should be used at bridge ends to collect runoff and pipe it to the base of the fill slopes along bridge approaches. These can be designed into a project and included as bid items. Another use on road projects is to collect runoff from pavement and pipe it away from side slopes. These are useful because there is generally a time lag between having the first lift of asphalt installed and the curbs, gutters, and permanent drainage installed. Used in conjunction with sand bags, or other temporary diversion devices, these will prevent massive amounts of sediment from leaving a project. Water can be collected, channeled with sand bags, Triangular Silt Dikes, berms, or other material, and piped to temporary sediment ponds. Pipe slope drains can be: • Connected to new catch basins and used temporarily until all permanent piping is installed; • Used to drain water collected from aquifers exposed on cut slopes and take it to the base of the slope; • Used to collect clean runoff from plastic sheeting and direct it away from exposed soil; • Installed in conjunction with silt fence to drain collected water to a controlled area; • Used to divert small seasonal streams away from construction. They have been used successfully on culvert replacement and extension jobs. Large flex pipe can be used on larger streams during culvert removal, repair, or replacement; and, • Connected to existing down spouts and roof drains and used to divert water away from work areas during building renovation, demolition, and construction projects. There are now several commercially available collectors that are attached to the pipe inlet and help prevent erosion at the inlet. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-68 Design and Installation Specifications Size the pipe to convey the flow. The capacity for temporary drains shall be sufficient to handle the peak volumetric flow rate calculated using a 10- minute time step from a 10-year, 24-hour storm event, assuming a Type 1A rainfall distribution. Alternatively, use 1.6 times the 10-year, 1-hour flow indicated by an approved continuous runoff model. Consult local drainage requirements for sizing permanent pipe slope drains. • Use care in clearing vegetated slopes for installation. • Re-establish cover immediately on areas disturbed by installation. • Use temporary drains on new cut or fill slopes. • Use diversion dikes or swales to collect water at the top of the slope. • Ensure that the entrance area is stable and large enough to direct flow into the pipe. • Piping of water through the berm at the entrance area is a common failure mode. • The entrance shall consist of a standard flared end section for culverts 12 inches and larger with a minimum 6-inch metal toe plate to prevent runoff from undercutting the pipe inlet. The slope of the entrance shall be at least 3 percent. Sand bags may also be used at pipe entrances as a temporary measure. • The soil around and under the pipe and entrance section shall be thoroughly compacted to prevent undercutting. • The flared inlet section shall be securely connected to the slope drain and have watertight connecting bands. • Slope drain sections shall be securely fastened together, fused or have gasketed watertight fittings, and shall be securely anchored into the soil. • Thrust blocks should be installed anytime 90 degree bends are utilized. Depending on size of pipe and flow, these can be constructed with sand bags, straw bales staked in place, “t” posts and wire, or ecology blocks. • Pipe needs to be secured along its full length to prevent movement. This can be done with steel “t” posts and wire. A post is installed on each side of the pipe and the pipe is wired to them. This should be done every 10-20 feet of pipe length or so, depending on the size of the pipe and quantity of water to divert. • Interceptor dikes shall be used to direct runoff into a slope drain. The height of the dike shall be at least 1 foot higher at all points than the top of the inlet pipe. • The area below the outlet must be stabilized with a riprap apron (see BMP C209 Outlet Protection, for the appropriate outlet material). Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-69 • If the pipe slope drain is conveying sediment-laden water, direct all flows into the sediment trapping facility. • Materials specifications for any permanent piped system shall be set by the local government. Maintenance Standards Check inlet and outlet points regularly, especially after storms. The inlet should be free of undercutting, and no water should be going around the point of entry. If there are problems, the headwall should be reinforced with compacted earth or sand bags. • The outlet point should be free of erosion and installed with appropriate outlet protection. • For permanent installations, inspect pipe periodically for vandalism and physical distress such as slides and wind-throw. • Normally the pipe slope is so steep that clogging is not a problem with smooth wall pipe, however, debris may become lodged in the pipe. Figure 4.2.4 – Pipe Slope Drain Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-70 BMP C205: Subsurface Drains Purpose To intercept, collect, and convey ground water to a satisfactory outlet, using a perforated pipe or conduit below the ground surface. Subsurface drains are also known as “french drains.” The perforated pipe provides a dewatering mechanism to drain excessively wet soils, provide a stable base for construction, improve stability of structures with shallow foundations, or to reduce hydrostatic pressure to improve slope stability. Conditions of Use Use when excessive water must be removed from the soil. The soil permeability, depth to water table and impervious layers are all factors which may govern the use of subsurface drains. Design and Installation Specifications Relief drains are used either to lower the water table in large, relatively flat areas, improve the growth of vegetation, or to remove surface water. Relief drains are installed along a slope and drain in the direction of the slope. They can be installed in a grid pattern, a herringbone pattern, or a random pattern. • Interceptor drains are used to remove excess ground water from a slope, stabilize steep slopes, and lower the water table immediately below a slope to prevent the soil from becoming saturated. Interceptor drains are installed perpendicular to a slope and drain to the side of the slope. They usually consist of a single pipe or series of single pipes instead of a patterned layout. • Depth and spacing of interceptor drains --The depth of an interceptor drain is determined primarily by the depth to which the water table is to be lowered or the depth to a confining layer. For practical reasons, the maximum depth is usually limited to 6 feet, with a minimum cover of 2 feet to protect the conduit. • The soil should have depth and sufficient permeability to permit installation of an effective drainage system at a depth of 2 to 6 feet. • An adequate outlet for the drainage system must be available either by gravity or by pumping. • The quantity and quality of discharge needs to be accounted for in the receiving stream (additional detention may be required). • This standard does not apply to subsurface drains for building foundations or deep excavations. • The capacity of an interceptor drain is determined by calculating the maximum rate of ground water flow to be intercepted. Therefore, it is Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-71 good practice to make complete subsurface investigations, including hydraulic conductivity of the soil, before designing a subsurface drainage system. • Size of drain--Size subsurface drains to carry the required capacity without pressure flow. Minimum diameter for a subsurface drain is 4 inches. • The minimum velocity required to prevent silting is 1.4 ft./sec. The line shall be graded to achieve this velocity at a minimum. The maximum allowable velocity using a sand-gravel filter or envelope is 9 ft/sec. • Filter material and fabric shall be used around all drains for proper bedding and filtration of fine materials. Envelopes and filters should surround the drain to a minimum of 3-inch thickness. • The outlet of the subsurface drain shall empty into a sediment pond through a catch basin. If free of sediment, it can then empty into a receiving channel, swale, or stable vegetated area adequately protected from erosion and undermining. • The trench shall be constructed on a continuous grade with no reverse grades or low spots. • Soft or yielding soils under the drain shall be stabilized with gravel or other suitable material. • Backfilling shall be done immediately after placement of the pipe. No sections of pipe shall remain uncovered overnight or during a rainstorm. Backfill material shall be placed in the trench in such a manner that the drain pipe is not displaced or damaged. • Do not install permanent drains near trees to avoid the tree roots that tend to clog the line. Use solid pipe with watertight connections where it is necessary to pass a subsurface drainage system through a stand of trees. • Outlet--Ensure that the outlet of a drain empties into a channel or other watercourse above the normal water level. • Secure an animal guard to the outlet end of the pipe to keep out rodents. • Use outlet pipe of corrugated metal, cast iron, or heavy-duty plastic without perforations and at least 10 feet long. Do not use an envelope or filter material around the outlet pipe, and bury at least two-thirds of the pipe length. • When outlet velocities exceed those allowable for the receiving stream, outlet protection must be provided. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-72 Maintenance Standards Subsurface drains shall be checked periodically to ensure that they are free-flowing and not clogged with sediment or roots. •The outlet shall be kept clean and free of debris. •Surface inlets shall be kept open and free of sediment and other debris. •Trees located too close to a subsurface drain often clog the system with their roots. If a drain becomes clogged, relocate the drain or remove the trees as a last resort. Drain placement should be planned to minimize this problem. •Where drains are crossed by heavy vehicles, the line shall be checked to ensure that it is not crushed. BMP C206: Level Spreader Purpose To provide a temporary outlet for dikes and diversions consisting of an excavated depression constructed at zero grade across a slope. To convert concentrated runoff to sheet flow and release it onto areas stabilized by existing vegetation or an engineered filter strip. Conditions of Use Used when a concentrated flow of water needs to be dispersed over a large area with existing stable vegetation. •Items to consider are: 1. What is the risk of erosion or damage if the flow may become concentrated? 2.Is an easement required if discharged to adjoining property? 3. Most of the flow should be as ground water and not as surface flow. 4. Is there an unstable area downstream that cannot accept additional ground water? •Use only where the slopes are gentle, the water volume is relatively low, and the soil will adsorb most of the low flow events. Design and Installation Specifications Use above undisturbed areas that are stabilized by existing vegetation. If the level spreader has any low points, flow will concentrate, create channels and may cause erosion. •Discharge area below the outlet must be uniform with a slope flatter than 5H:1V. •Outlet to be constructed level in a stable, undisturbed soil profile (not on fill). •The runoff shall not re-concentrate after release unless intercepted by another downstream measure. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-73 Densely vegetated for aMin. of 100' and slopeless than 5:1 Pressure-Treated 2"x10" 1' Min.2:1 Max.3' Min. •The grade of the channel for the last 20 feet of the dike or interceptor entering the level spreader shall be less than or equal to 1 percent. The grade of the level spreader shall be 0 percent to ensure uniform spreading of storm runoff. •A 6-inch high gravel berm placed across the level lip shall consist of washed crushed rock, 2- to 4-inch or 3/4-inch to 1½-inch size. •The spreader length shall be determined by estimating the peak flow expected from the 10-year, 24-hour design storm. The length of the spreader shall be a minimum of 15 feet for 0.1 cfs and shall increase by 10 feet for each 0.1 cfs thereafter to a maximum of 0.5 cfs per spreader. Use multiple spreaders for higher flows. •The width of the spreader should be at least 6 feet. •The depth of the spreader as measured from the lip should be at least 6 inches and it should be uniform across the entire length. •Level spreaders shall be setback from the property line unless there is an easement for flow. •Level spreaders, when installed every so often in grassy swales, keep the flows from concentrating. Materials that can be used include sand bags, lumber, logs, concrete, and pipe. To function properly, the material needs to be installed level and on contour. Figures 4.2.5Figure425 and 4.2.6 provide a cross-section and a detail of a level spreader. A capped perforated pipe could also be used as a spreader. Maintenance Standards The spreader should be inspected after every runoff event to ensure that it is functioning correctly. •The contractor should avoid the placement of any material on the structure and should prevent construction traffic from crossing over the structure. •If the spreader is damaged by construction traffic, it shall be immediately repaired. Figure 4.2.5 – Cross Section of Level Spreader Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-74 Figure 4.2.6 – Detail of Level Spreader BMP C207: Check Dams Purpose Construction of small dams across a swale or ditch reduces the velocity of concentrated flow and dissipates energy at the check dam. Conditions of Use Where temporary channels or permanent channels are not yet vegetated, channel lining is infeasible, and/or velocity checks are required. •Check dams may not be placed in streams unless approved by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife. Check dams may not be placed in wetlands without approval from a permitting agency. •Do not place check dams below the expected backwater from any salmonid bearing water between October 1 and May 31 to ensure that there is no loss of high flow refuge habitat for overwintering juvenile salmonids and emergent salmonid fry. •Construct rock check dams from appropriately sized rock. The rock used must be large enough to stay in place given the expected design flow through the channel. The rock must be placed by hand or by mechanical means (no dumping of rock to form dam) to achieve complete coverage of the ditch or swale and to ensure that the center of the dam is lower than the edges. •Check dams may also be constructed of either rock or pea-gravel filled bags. Numerous new products are also available for this purpose. They tend to be re-usable, quick and easy to install, effective, and cost efficient. •Place check dams perpendicular to the flow of water. •The dam should form a triangle when viewed from the side. This prevents undercutting as water flows over the face of the dam rather than falling directly onto the ditch bottom. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-75 • Before installing check dams impound and bypass upstream water flow away from the work area. Options for bypassing include pumps, siphons, or temporary channels. • Check dams in association with sumps work more effectively at slowing flow and retaining sediment than just a check dam alone. A deep sump should be provided immediately upstream of the check dam. • In some cases, if carefully located and designed, check dams can remain as permanent installations with very minor regrading. They may be left as either spillways, in which case accumulated sediment would be graded and seeded, or as check dams to prevent further sediment from leaving the site. • The maximum spacing between the dams shall be such that the toe of the upstream dam is at the same elevation as the top of the downstream dam. • Keep the maximum height at 2 feet at the center of the dam. • Keep the center of the check dam at least 12 inches lower than the outer edges at natural ground elevation. • Keep the side slopes of the check dam at 2H:1V or flatter. • Key the stone into the ditch banks and extend it beyond the abutments a minimum of 18 inches to avoid washouts from overflow around the dam. • Use filter fabric foundation under a rock or sand bag check dam. If a blanket ditch liner is used, filter fabric is not necessary. A piece of organic or synthetic blanket cut to fit will also work for this purpose. • In the case of grass-lined ditches and swales, all check dams and accumulated sediment shall be removed when the grass has matured sufficiently to protect the ditch or swale - unless the slope of the swale is greater than 4 percent. The area beneath the check dams shall be seeded and mulched immediately after dam removal. • Ensure that channel appurtenances, such as culvert entrances below check dams, are not subject to damage or blockage from displaced stones. Figure 4.2.7 depicts a typical rock check dam. Maintenance Standards Check dams shall be monitored for performance and sediment accumulation during and after each runoff producing rainfall. Sediment shall be removed when it reaches one half the sump depth. • Anticipate submergence and deposition above the check dam and erosion from high flows around the edges of the dam. • If significant erosion occurs between dams, install a protective riprap liner in that portion of the channel. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-76 Approved as Equivalent Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP C207. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology’s website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.html Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-77 Figure 4.2.7 – Rock Check Dam Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-78 BMP C208: Triangular Silt Dike (TSD) (Geotextile-Encased Check Dam) Purpose Triangular silt dikes may be used as check dams, for perimeter protection, for temporary soil stockpile protection, for drop inlet protection, or as a temporary interceptor dike. Conditions of use •May be used on soil or pavement with adhesive or staples. •TSDs have been used to build temporary: 1. sediment ponds; 2. diversion ditches; 3.concrete wash out facilities; 4. curbing; 5.water bars; 6.level spreaders; and, 7.berms. Design and Installation Specifications Made of urethane foam sewn into a woven geosynthetic fabric. It is triangular, 10 inches to 14 inches high in the center, with a 20-inch to 28-inch base. A 2–foot apron extends beyond both sides of the triangle along its standard section of 7 feet. A sleeve at one end allows attachment of additional sections as needed. •Install with ends curved up to prevent water from flowing around the ends. •The fabric flaps and check dam units are attached to the ground with wire staples. Wire staples should be No. 11 gauge wire and should be 200 mm to 300 mm in length. •When multiple units are installed, the sleeve of fabric at the end of the unit shall overlap the abutting unit and be stapled. •Check dams should be located and installed as soon as construction will allow. •Check dams should be placed perpendicular to the flow of water. •When used as check dams, the leading edge must be secured with rocks, sandbags, or a small key slot and staples. •In the case of grass-lined ditches and swales, check dams and accumulated sediment shall be removed when the grass has matured sufficiently to protect the ditch or swale unless the slope of the swale is greater than 4 percent. The area beneath the check dams shall be seeded and mulched immediately after dam removal. Maintenance • Triangular silt dams shall be inspected for performance and sediment Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-79 Standards accumulation during and after each runoff producing rainfall. Sediment shall be removed when it reaches one half the height of the dam. •Anticipate submergence and deposition above the triangular silt dam and erosion from high flows around the edges of the dam. Immediately repair any damage or any undercutting of the dam. BMP C209: Outlet Protection Purpose Outlet protection prevents scour at conveyance outlets and minimizes the potential for downstream erosion by reducing the velocity of concentrated stormwater flows. Conditions of use Outlet protection is required at the outlets of all ponds, pipes, ditches, or other conveyances, and where runoff is conveyed to a natural or manmade drainage feature such as a stream, wetland, lake, or ditch. Design and Installation Specifications The receiving channel at the outlet of a culvert shall be protected from erosion by rock lining a minimum of 6 feet downstream and extending up the channel sides a minimum of 1–foot above the maximum tailwater elevation or 1-foot above the crown, whichever is higher. For large pipes (more than 18 inches in diameter), the outlet protection lining of the channel is lengthened to four times the diameter of the culvert. •Standard wingwalls, and tapered outlets and paved channels should also be considered when appropriate for permanent culvert outlet protection. (See WSDOT Hydraulic Manual, available through WSDOT Engineering Publications). •Organic or synthetic erosion blankets, with or without vegetation, are usually more effective than rock, cheaper, and easier to install. Materials can be chosen using manufacturer product specifications. ASTM test results are available for most products and the designer can choose the correct material for the expected flow. •With low flows, vegetation (including sod) can be effective. •The following guidelines shall be used for riprap outlet protection: 1. If the discharge velocity at the outlet is less than 5 fps (pipe slope less than 1 percent), use 2-inch to 8-inch riprap. Minimum thickness is 1-foot. 2. For 5 to 10 fps discharge velocity at the outlet (pipe slope less than 3 percent), use 24-inch to 48-inch riprap. Minimum thickness is 2 feet. 3. For outlets at the base of steep slope pipes (pipe slope greater than 10 percent), an engineered energy dissipater shall be used. •Filter fabric or erosion control blankets should always be used under riprap to prevent scour and channel erosion. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-80 • New pipe outfalls can provide an opportunity for low-cost fish habitat improvements. For example, an alcove of low-velocity water can be created by constructing the pipe outfall and associated energy dissipater back from the stream edge and digging a channel, over- widened to the upstream side, from the outfall. Overwintering juvenile and migrating adult salmonids may use the alcove as shelter during high flows. Bank stabilization, bioengineering, and habitat features may be required for disturbed areas. This work may require a HPA. See Volume V for more information on outfall system design. Maintenance Standards • Inspect and repair as needed. • Add rock as needed to maintain the intended function. • Clean energy dissipater if sediment builds up. BMP C220: Storm Drain Inlet Protection Purpose Storm drain inlet protection prevents coarse sediment from entering drainage systems prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area. Conditions of Use Use storm drain inlet protection at inlets that are operational before permanent stabilization of the disturbed drainage area. Provide protection for all storm drain inlets downslope and within 500 feet of a disturbed or construction area, unless conveying runoff entering catch basins to a sediment pond or trap. Also consider inlet protection for lawn and yard drains on new home construction. These small and numerous drains coupled with lack of gutters in new home construction can add significant amounts of sediment into the roof drain system. If possible delay installing lawn and yard drains until just before landscaping or cap these drains to prevent sediment from entering the system until completion of landscaping. Provide 18-inches of sod around each finished lawn and yard drain. Table 4.2.2 lists several options for inlet protection. All of the methods for storm drain inlet protection tend to plug and require a high frequency of maintenance. Limit drainage areas to one acre or less. Possibly provide emergency overflows with additional end-of-pipe treatment where stormwater ponding would cause a hazard. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-81 Table 4.2.2 Storm Drain Inlet Protection Type of Inlet Protection Emergency Overflow Applicable for Paved/ Earthen Surfaces Conditions of Use Drop Inlet Protection Excavated drop inlet protection Yes, temporary flooding will occur Earthen Applicable for heavy flows. Easy to maintain . Large area Requirement: 30’ X 30’/acre Block and gravel drop inlet protection Yes Paved or Earthen Applicable for heavy concentrated flows. Will not pond. Gravel and wire drop inlet protection No Applicable for heavy concentrated flows. Will pond. Can withstand traffic. Catch basin filters Yes Paved or Earthen Frequent maintenance required. Curb Inlet Protection Curb inlet protection with a wooden weir Small capacity overflow Paved Used for sturdy, more compact installation. Block and gravel curb inlet protection Yes Paved Sturdy, but limited filtration. Culvert Inlet Protection Culvert inlet sediment trap 18 month expected life. Design and Installation Specifications Excavated Drop Inlet Protection - An excavated impoundment around the storm drain. Sediment settles out of the stormwater prior to entering the storm drain. • Provide a depth of 1-2 ft as measured from the crest of the inlet structure. • Slope sides of excavation no steeper than 2H:1V. • Minimum volume of excavation 35 cubic yards. • Shape basin to fit site with longest dimension oriented toward the longest inflow area. • Install provisions for draining to prevent standing water problems. • Clear the area of all debris. • Grade the approach to the inlet uniformly. • Drill weep holes into the side of the inlet. • Protect weep holes with screen wire and washed aggregate. • Seal weep holes when removing structure and stabilizing area. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-82 •Build a temporary dike, if necessary, to the down slope side of the structure to prevent bypass flow. Block and Gravel Filter - A barrier formed around the storm drain inlet with standard concrete blocks and gravel. See Figure 4.2.8. •Provide a height of 1 to 2 feet above inlet. •Recess the first row 2-inches into the ground for stability. •Support subsequent courses by placing a 2x4 through the block opening. •Do not use mortar. •Lay some blocks in the bottom row on their side for dewatering the pool. •Place hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with ½-inch openings over all block openings. •Place gravel just below the top of blocks on slopes of 2H:1V or flatter. •An alternative design is a gravel donut. •Provide an inlet slope of 3H:1V. •Provide an outlet slope of 2H:1V. •Provide a1-foot wide level stone area between the structure and the inlet. •Use inlet slope stones 3 inches in diameter or larger. •Use gravel ½- to ¾-inch at a minimum thickness of 1-foot for the outlet slope. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-83 Figure 4.2.8 – Block and Gravel Filter Gravel and Wire Mesh Filter - A gravel barrier placed over the top of the inlet. This structure does not provide an overflow. •Use a hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with ½-inch openings. •Use coarse aggregate. •Provide a height 1-foot or more, 18-inches wider than inlet on all sides. •Place wire mesh over the drop inlet so that the wire extends a minimum of 1-foot beyond each side of the inlet structure. •Overlap the strips if more than one strip of mesh is necessary. Ponding Height Notes: 1. Drop inlet sediment barriers are to be used for small, nearly level drainage areas. (less than 5%) 2. Excavate a basin of sufficient size adjacent to the drop inlet. 3. The top of the structure (ponding height) must be well below the ground elevation downslope to prevent runoff from bypassing the inlet. A temporary dike may be necessary on the downslope side of the structure. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-84 •Place coarse aggregate over the wire mesh. •Provide at least a 12-inch depth of gravel over the entire inlet opening and extend at least 18-inches on all sides. Catchbasin Filters – Use inserts designed by manufacturers for construction sites. The limited sediment storage capacity increases the amount of inspection and maintenance required, which may be daily for heavy sediment loads. To reduce maintenance requirements combine a catchbasin filter with another type of inlet protection. This type of inlet protection provides flow bypass without overflow and therefore may be a better method for inlets located along active rights-of-way. •Provides 5 cubic feet of storage. •Requires dewatering provisions. •Provides a high-flow bypass that will not clog under normal use at a construction site. •Insert the catchbasin filter in the catchbasin just below the grating. Curb Inlet Protection with Wooden Weir – Barrier formed around a curb inlet with a wooden frame and gravel. •Use wire mesh with ½-inch openings. •Use extra strength filter cloth. •Construct a frame. •Attach the wire and filter fabric to the frame. •Pile coarse washed aggregate against wire/fabric. •Place weight on frame anchors. Block and Gravel Curb Inlet Protection – Barrier formed around a curb inlet with concrete blocks and gravel. See Figure 4.2.9. •Use wire mesh with ½-inch openings. •Place two concrete blocks on their sides abutting the curb at either side of the inlet opening. These are spacer blocks. •Place a 2x4 stud through the outer holes of each spacer block to align the front blocks. •Place blocks on their sides across the front of the inlet and abutting the spacer blocks. •Place wire mesh over the outside vertical face. •Pile coarse aggregate against the wire to the top of the barrier. Curb and Gutter Sediment Barrier – Sandbag or rock berm (riprap and aggregate) 3 feet high and 3 feet wide in a horseshoe shape. See Figure 4.2.10. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-85 •Construct a horseshoe shaped berm, faced with coarse aggregate if using riprap, 3 feet high and 3 feet wide, at least 2 feet from the inlet. •Construct a horseshoe shaped sedimentation trap on the outside of the berm sized to sediment trap standards for protecting a culvert inlet. Maintenance Standards •Inspect catch basin filters frequently, especially after storm events. Clean and replace clogged inserts. For systems with clogged stone filters: pull away the stones from the inlet and clean or replace. An alternative approach would be to use the clogged stone as fill and put fresh stone around the inlet. •Do not wash sediment into storm drains while cleaning. Spread all excavated material evenly over the surrounding land area or stockpile and stabilize as appropriate. Approved as Equivalent Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP C220. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology’s website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.html Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-86 Figure 4.2.9 – Block and Gravel Curb Inlet Protection A Plan View Wire Screen or Filter Fabric Catch Basin Curb Inlet Concrete Block Ponding Height Overflow 2x4 Wood Stud (100x50 Timber Stud) Concrete Block Wire Screen or Filter Fabric Curb Inlet ¾" Drain Gravel (20mm) ¾" Drain Gravel (20mm)Section A - A Back of Curb Concrete Block 2x4 Wood Stud Catch BasinBack of Sidewalk NOTES: 1. Use block and gravel type sediment barrier when curb inlet is located in gently sloping street segment, where water can pond and allow sediment to separate from runoff. 2. Barrier shall allow for overflow from severe storm event. 3. Inspect barriers and remove sediment after each storm event. Sediment and gravel must be removed from the traveled way immediately. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-87 Figure 4.2.10 – Curb and Gutter Barrier Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-88 If required, drape filter fabricover brush and secure in 4"x4"min. trench with compactedbackfill. Min. 5' wide brush barrier withmax. 6" diameter woody debris.Alternatively topsoil strippingsmay be used to form the barrier. Anchor downhill edge offilter fabric with stakes,sandbags, or equivalent. 2' Min. Height BMP C231: Brush Barrier Purpose The purpose of brush barriers is to reduce the transport of coarse sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. Conditions of Use •Brush barriers may be used downslope of all disturbed areas of less than one-quarter acre. •Brush barriers are not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor are they intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Any concentrated flows must be conveyed through the drainage system to a sediment pond. The only circumstance in which overland flow can be treated solely by a brush barrier, rather than by a sediment pond, is when the area draining to the barrier is small. •Brush barriers should only be installed on contours. Design and Installation Specifications •Height 2 feet (minimum) to 5 feet (maximum). •Width 5 feet at base (minimum) to 15 feet (maximum). •Filter fabric (geotextile) may be anchored over the brush berm to enhance the filtration ability of the barrier. Ten-ounce burlap is an adequate alternative to filter fabric. •Chipped site vegetation, composted mulch, or wood-based mulch (hog fuel) can be used to construct brush barriers. •A 100 percent biodegradable installation can be constructed using 10- ounce burlap held in place by wooden stakes. Figure 4.2.11 depicts a typical brush barrier. Maintenance Standards •There shall be no signs of erosion or concentrated runoff under or around the barrier. If concentrated flows are bypassing the barrier, it must be expanded or augmented by toed-in filter fabric. •The dimensions of the barrier must be maintained. Figure 4.2.11 – Brush Barrier Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-89 BMP C232: Gravel Filter Berm Purpose A gravel filter berm is constructed on rights-of-way or traffic areas within a construction site to retain sediment by using a filter berm of gravel or crushed rock. Conditions of Use Where a temporary measure is needed to retain sediment from rights-of- way or in traffic areas on construction sites. Design and Installation Specifications •Berm material shall be ¾ to 3 inches in size, washed well-grade gravel or crushed rock with less than 5 percent fines. •Spacing of berms: −Every 300 feet on slopes less than 5 percent −Every 200 feet on slopes between 5 percent and 10 percent −Every 100 feet on slopes greater than 10 percent •Berm dimensions: −1 foot high with 3H:1V side slopes −8 linear feet per 1 cfs runoff based on the 10-year, 24-hour design storm Maintenance Standards •Regular inspection is required. Sediment shall be removed and filter material replaced as needed. BMP C233: Silt Fence Purpose Use of a silt fence reduces the transport of coarse sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. See Figure 4.2.12 for details on silt fence construction. Conditions of Use Silt fence may be used downslope of all disturbed areas. •Silt fence shall prevent soil carried by runoff water from going beneath, through, or over the top of the silt fence, but shall allow the water to pass through the fence. •Silt fence is not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor is it intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Convey any concentrated flows through the drainage system to a sediment pond. •Do not construct silt fences in streams or use in V-shaped ditches. Silt fences do not provide an adequate method of silt control for anything deeper than sheet or overland flow. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-90 Figure 4.2.12 – Silt Fence Design and Installation Specifications •Use in combination with sediment basins or other BMPs. •Maximum slope steepness (normal (perpendicular) to fence line) 1H:1V. •Maximum sheet or overland flow path length to the fence of 100 feet. •Do not allow flows greater than 0.5 cfs. •The geotextile used shall meet the following standards. All geotextile properties listed below are minimum average roll values (i.e., the test result for any sampled roll in a lot shall meet or exceed the values shown in Table 4.2.3): Table 4.2.3 Geotextile Standards Polymeric Mesh AOS (ASTM D4751) 0.60 mm maximum for slit film woven (#30 sieve). 0.30 mm maximum for all other geotextile types (#50 sieve). 0.15 mm minimum for all fabric types (#100 sieve). Water Permittivity (ASTM D4491) 0.02 sec-1 minimum Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D4632) 180 lbs. Minimum for extra strength fabric. 100 lbs minimum for standard strength fabric. Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D4632) 30% maximum Ultraviolet Resistance (ASTM D4355) 70% minimum •Support standard strength fabrics with wire mesh, chicken wire, 2-inch x 2-inch wire, safety fence, or jute mesh to increase the strength of the fabric. Silt fence materials are available that have synthetic mesh backing attached. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-91 •Filter fabric material shall contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of six months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0°F. to 120°F. •One-hundred percent biodegradable silt fence is available that is strong, long lasting, and can be left in place after the project is completed, if permitted by local regulations. •Refer to Figure 4.2.12 for standard silt fence details. Include the following standard Notes for silt fence on construction plans and specifications: 1.The contractor shall install and maintain temporary silt fences at the locations shown in the Plans. 2. Construct silt fences in areas of clearing, grading, or drainage prior to starting those activities. 3.The silt fence shall have a 2-feet min. and a 2½-feet max. height above the original ground surface. 4.The filter fabric shall be sewn together at the point of manufacture to form filter fabric lengths as required. Locate all sewn seams at support posts. Alternatively, two sections of silt fence can be overlapped, provided the Contractor can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, that the overlap is long enough and that the adjacent fence sections are close enough together to prevent silt laden water from escaping through the fence at the overlap. 5.Attach the filter fabric on the up-slope side of the posts and secure with staples, wire, or in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Attach the filter fabric to the posts in a manner that reduces the potential for tearing. 6.Support the filter fabric with wire or plastic mesh, dependent on the properties of the geotextile selected for use. If wire or plastic mesh is used, fasten the mesh securely to the up-slope side of the posts with the filter fabric up-slope of the mesh. 7. Mesh support, if used, shall consist of steel wire with a maximum mesh spacing of 2-inches, or a prefabricated polymeric mesh. The strength of the wire or polymeric mesh shall be equivalent to or greater than 180 lbs. grab tensile strength. The polymeric mesh must be as resistant to the same level of ultraviolet radiation as the filter fabric it supports. 8.Bury the bottom of the filter fabric 4-inches min. below the ground surface. Backfill and tamp soil in place over the buried portion of the filter fabric, so that no flow can pass beneath the fence and scouring cannot occur. When wire or polymeric back-up support Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-92 mesh is used, the wire or polymeric mesh shall extend into the ground 3-inches min. 9.Drive or place the fence posts into the ground 18-inches min. A 12–inch min. depth is allowed if topsoil or other soft subgrade soil is not present and 18-inches cannot be reached. Increase fence post min. depths by 6 inches if the fence is located on slopes of 3H:1V or steeper and the slope is perpendicular to the fence. If required post depths cannot be obtained, the posts shall be adequately secured by bracing or guying to prevent overturning of the fence due to sediment loading. 10. Use wood, steel or equivalent posts. The spacing of the support posts shall be a maximum of 6-feet. Posts shall consist of either: •Wood with dimensions of 2-inches by 2-inches wide min. and a 3-feet min. length. Wood posts shall be free of defects such as knots, splits, or gouges. •No. 6 steel rebar or larger. •ASTM A 120 steel pipe with a minimum diameter of 1-inch. •U, T, L, or C shape steel posts with a minimum weight of 1.35 lbs./ft. •Other steel posts having equivalent strength and bending resistance to the post sizes listed above. 11.Locate silt fences on contour as much as possible, except at the ends of the fence, where the fence shall be turned uphill such that the silt fence captures the runoff water and prevents water from flowing around the end of the fence. 12. If the fence must cross contours, with the exception of the ends of the fence, place gravel check dams perpendicular to the back of the fence to minimize concentrated flow and erosion. The slope of the fence line where contours must be crossed shall not be steeper than 3H:1V. •Gravel check dams shall be approximately 1-foot deep at the back of the fence. Gravel check dams shall be continued perpendicular to the fence at the same elevation until the top of the check dam intercepts the ground surface behind the fence. •Gravel check dams shall consist of crushed surfacing base course, gravel backfill for walls, or shoulder ballast. Gravel check dams shall be located every 10 feet along the fence where the fence must cross contours. •Refer to Figure 4.2.13 for slicing method details. Silt fence installation using the slicing method specifications: Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-93 1. The base of both end posts must be at least 2- to 4-inches above the top of the filter fabric on the middle posts for ditch checks to drain properly. Use a hand level or string level, if necessary, to mark base points before installation. 2.Install posts 3- to 4-feet apart in critical retention areas and 6- to 7- feet apart in standard applications. 3.Install posts 24-inches deep on the downstream side of the silt fence, and as close as possible to the filter fabric, enabling posts to support the filter fabric from upstream water pressure. 4.Install posts with the nipples facing away from the filter fabric. 5.Attach the filter fabric to each post with three ties, all spaced within the top 8-inches of the filter fabric. Attach each tie diagonally 45 degrees through the filter fabric, with each puncture at least 1-inch vertically apart. Each tie should be positioned to hang on a post nipple when tightening to prevent sagging. 6.Wrap approximately 6-inches of fabric around the end posts and secure with 3 ties. 7. No more than 24-inches of a 36-inch filter fabric is allowed above ground level. Compact the soil immediately next to the filter fabric with the front wheel of the tractor, skid steer, or roller exerting at least 60 pounds per square inch. Compact the upstream side first and then each side twice for a total of four trips. Check and correct the silt fence installation for any deviation before compaction. Use a flat-bladed shovel to tuck fabric deeper into the ground if necessary. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-94 Figure 4.2.13 – Silt Fence Installation by Slicing Method Maintenance Standards •Repair any damage immediately. •Intercept and convey all evident concentrated flows uphill of the silt fence to a sediment pond. •Check the uphill side of the fence for signs of the fence clogging and acting as a barrier to flow and then causing channelization of flows parallel to the fence. If this occurs, replace the fence or remove the trapped sediment. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-95 •Remove sediment deposits when the deposit reaches approximately one-third the height of the silt fence, or install a second silt fence. •Replace filter fabric that has deteriorated due to ultraviolet breakdown. BMP C234: Vegetated Strip Purpose Vegetated strips reduce the transport of coarse sediment from a construction site by providing a temporary physical barrier to sediment and reducing the runoff velocities of overland flow. Conditions of Use • Vegetated strips may be used downslope of all disturbed areas. •Vegetated strips are not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor are they intended to treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Any concentrated flows must be conveyed through the drainage system to a sediment pond. The only circumstance in which overland flow can be treated solely by a strip, rather than by a sediment pond, is when the following criteria are met (see Table 4.2.4): Table 4.2.4 Contributing Drainage Area for Vegetated Strips Average Contributing area Slope Average Contributing area Percent Slope Max Contributing area Flowpath Length 1.5H:1V or flatter 67% or flatter 100 feet 2H:1V or flatter 50% or flatter 115 feet 4H:1V or flatter 25% or flatter 150 feet 6H:1V or flatter 16.7% or flatter 200 feet 10H:1V or flatter 10% or flatter 250 feet Design and Installation Specifications •The vegetated strip shall consist of a minimum of a 25-foot flowpath length continuous strip of dense vegetation with topsoil. Grass- covered, landscaped areas are generally not adequate because the volume of sediment overwhelms the grass. Ideally, vegetated strips shall consist of undisturbed native growth with a well-developed soil that allows for infiltration of runoff. •The slope within the strip shall not exceed 4H:1V. •The uphill boundary of the vegetated strip shall be delineated with clearing limits. Maintenance Standards •Any areas damaged by erosion or construction activity shall be seeded immediately and protected by mulch. •If more than 5 feet of the original vegetated strip width has had vegetation removed or is being eroded, sod must be installed. •If there are indications that concentrated flows are traveling across the buffer, surface water controls must be installed to reduce the flows Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-96 entering the buffer, or additional perimeter protection must be installed. BMP C235: Wattles Purpose Wattles are temporary erosion and sediment control barriers consisting of straw, compost, or other material that is wrapped in biodegradable tubular plastic or similar encasing material. They reduce the velocity and can spread the flow of rill and sheet runoff, and can capture and retain sediment. Wattles are typically 8 to 10 inches in diameter and 25 to 30 feet in length. Wattles are placed in shallow trenches and staked along the contour of disturbed or newly constructed slopes. See Figure 4.2.14 for typical construction details. WSDOT Standard Plan I-30.30-00 also provides information on Wattles (http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Design/Standards/Plans.htm#SectionI) Conditions of Use • Use wattles: • In disturbed areas that require immediate erosion protection. • On exposed soils during the period of short construction delays, or over winter months. • On slopes requiring stabilization until permanent vegetation can be established. • The material used dictates the effectiveness period of the wattle. Generally, Wattles are typically effective for one to two seasons. • Prevent rilling beneath wattles by properly entrenching and abutting wattles together to prevent water from passing between them. Design Criteria • Install wattles perpendicular to the flow direction and parallel to the slope contour. • Narrow trenches should be dug across the slope on contour to a depth of 3- to 5-inches on clay soils and soils with gradual slopes. On loose soils, steep slopes, and areas with high rainfall, the trenches should be dug to a depth of 5- to 7- inches, or 1/2 to 2/3 of the thickness of the wattle. • Start building trenches and installing wattles from the base of the slope and work up. Spread excavated material evenly along the uphill slope and compacted using hand tamping or other methods. • Construct trenches at intervals of 10- to 25-feet depending on the steepness of the slope, soil type, and rainfall. The steeper the slope the closer together the trenches. • Install the wattles snugly into the trenches and abut tightly end to end. Do not overlap the ends. • Install stakes at each end of the wattle, and at 4-foot centers along entire length of wattle. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-97 •If required, install pilot holes for the stakes using a straight bar to drive holes through the wattle and into the soil. •Wooden stakes should be approximately 3/4 x 3/4 x 24 inches min. Willow cuttings or 3/8-inch rebar can also be used for stakes. •Stakes should be driven through the middle of the wattle, leaving 2 to 3 inches of the stake protruding above the wattle. Maintenance Standards •Wattles may require maintenance to ensure they are in contact with soil and thoroughly entrenched, especially after significant rainfall on steep sandy soils. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-98 Figure 4.2.14 – Wattles Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-99 •Inspect the slope after significant storms and repair any areas where wattles are not tightly abutted or water has scoured beneath the wattles. Approved as Equivalent Ecology has approved products as able to meet the requirements of BMP C235. The products did not pass through the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) process. Local jurisdictions may choose not to accept this product approved as equivalent, or may require additional testing prior to consideration for local use. The products are available for review on Ecology’s website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/equivalent.html BMP C236: Vegetative Filtration Purpose Vegetative Filtration may be used in conjunction with BMP C241 Temporary Sediment Ponds, BMP C206 Level Spreader and a pumping system with surface intake to improve turbidity levels of stormwater discharges by filtering through existing vegetation where undisturbed forest floor duff layer or established lawn with thatch layer are present. Vegetative Filtration can also be used to infiltrate dewatering waste from foundations, vaults, and trenches as long as runoff does not occur. Conditions of Use • For every five acre of disturbed soil use one acre of grass field, farm pasture, or wooded area. Reduce or increase this area depending on project size, ground water table height, and other site conditions. •Wetlands shall not be used for filtration. •Do not use this BMP in areas with a high ground water table, or in areas that will have a high seasonal ground water table during the use of this BMP. •This BMP may be less effective on soils that prevent the infiltration of the water, such as hard till. •Using other effective source control measures throughout a construction site will prevent the generation of additional highly turbid water and may reduce the time period or area need for this BMP. •Stop distributing water into the vegetated area if standing water or erosion results. Design Criteria •Find land adjacent to the project that has a vegetated field, preferably a farm field, or wooded area. •If the project site does not contain enough vegetated field area consider obtaining permission from adjacent landowners (especially for farm fields). •Install a pump and downstream distribution manifold depending on the project size. Generally, the main distribution line should reach 100 to 200-feet long (many large projects, or projects on tight soil, will Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-100 require systems that reach several thousand feet long with numerous branch lines off of the main distribution line). •The manifold should have several valves, allowing for control over the distribution area in the field. •Install several branches of 4” schedule 20, swaged-fit common septic tight-lined sewer line, or 6” fire hose, which can convey the turbid water out to various sections of the field. See Figure 4.2.15. •Determine the branch length based on the field area geography and number of branches. Typically, branches stretch from 200-feet to several thousand feet. Always, lay branches on contour with the slope. •On uneven ground, sprinklers perform well. Space sprinkler heads so that spray patterns do not overlap. •On relatively even surfaces, a level spreader using 4-inch perforated pipe may be used as an alternative option to the sprinkler head setup. Install drain pipe at the highest point on the field and at various lower elevations to ensure full coverage of the filtration area. Pipe should be place with the holes up to allow for a gentle weeping of stormwater evenly out all holes. Leveling the pipe by staking and using sandbags may be required. •To prevent the over saturation of the field area, rotate the use of branches or spray heads. Do this as needed based on monitoring the spray field. •Monitor the spray field on a daily basis to ensure that over saturation of any portion of the field doesn’t occur at any time. The presence of standing puddles of water or creation of concentrated flows visually signify that over saturation of the field has occurred. •Since the operator is handling contaminated water, physically monitor the vegetated spray field all the way down to the nearest surface water, or furthest spray area, to ensure that the water has not caused overland or concentrated flows, and has not created erosion around the spray nozzle. •Monitoring usually needs to take place 3-5 times per day to ensure sheet-flow into state waters. Do not exceed water quality standards for turbidity. •Ecology strongly recommends that a separate inspection log be developed, maintained and kept with the existing site logbook to aid the operator conducting inspections. This separate “Field Filtration Logbook” can also aid the facility in demonstrating compliance with permit conditions. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-101 Maintenance Standards • Inspect the spray nozzles daily, at a minimum, for leaks and plugging from sediment particles. • If erosion, concentrated flows, or over saturation of the field occurs, rotate the use of branches or spray heads or move the branches to a new field location. • Check all branches and the manifold for unintended leaks. Flowpath Guidelines for Vegetative Filtration Average Slope Average Area % Slope Estimated Flowpath Length (ft) 1.5H:1V 67% 250 2H:1V 50% 200 4H:1V 25% 150 6H:1V 16.7% 115 10H:1V 10% 100 Figure 4.2.15 – Manifold and Braches in a wooded, vegetated spray field Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-102 BMP C240: Sediment Trap Purpose A sediment trap is a small temporary ponding area with a gravel outlet used to collect and store sediment from sites cleared and/or graded during construction. Sediment traps, along with other perimeter controls, shall be installed before any land disturbance takes place in the drainage area. Conditions of Use Prior to leaving a construction site, stormwater runoff must pass through a sediment pond or trap or other appropriate sediment removal best management practice. Non-engineered sediment traps may be used on-site prior to an engineered sediment trap or sediment pond to provide additional sediment removal capacity. It is intended for use on sites where the tributary drainage area is less than 3 acres, with no unusual drainage features, and a projected build-out time of six months or less. The sediment trap is a temporary measure (with a design life of approximately 6 months) and shall be maintained until the site area is permanently protected against erosion by vegetation and/or structures. Sediment traps and ponds are only effective in removing sediment down to about the medium silt size fraction. Runoff with sediment of finer grades (fine silt and clay) will pass through untreated, emphasizing the need to control erosion to the maximum extent first. Whenever possible, sediment-laden water shall be discharged into on-site, relatively level, vegetated areas (see BMP C234 – Vegetated Strip). This is the only way to effectively remove fine particles from runoff unless chemical treatment or filtration is used. This can be particularly useful after initial treatment in a sediment trap or pond. The areas of release must be evaluated on a site-by-site basis in order to determine appropriate locations for and methods of releasing runoff. Vegetated wetlands shall not be used for this purpose. Frequently, it may be possible to pump water from the collection point at the downhill end of the site to an upslope vegetated area. Pumping shall only augment the treatment system, not replace it, because of the possibility of pump failure or runoff volume in excess of pump capacity. All projects that are constructing permanent facilities for runoff quantity control should use the rough-graded or final-graded permanent facilities for traps and ponds. This includes combined facilities and infiltration facilities. When permanent facilities are used as temporary sedimentation facilities, the surface area requirement of a sediment trap or pond must be met. If the surface area requirements are larger than the surface area of the permanent facility, then the trap or pond shall be enlarged to comply with the surface area requirement. The permanent pond shall also be divided into two cells as required for sediment ponds. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-103 Either a permanent control structure or the temporary control structure (described in BMP C241, Temporary Sediment Pond) can be used. If a permanent control structure is used, it may be advisable to partially restrict the lower orifice with gravel to increase residence time while still allowing dewatering of the pond. A shut-off valve may be added to the control structure to allow complete retention of stormwater in emergency situations. In this case, an emergency overflow weir must be added. A skimmer may be used for the sediment trap outlet if approved by the Local Permitting Authority. Design and Installation Specifications • See Figures 4.2.16 and 4.2.17 for details. • If permanent runoff control facilities are part of the project, they should be used for sediment retention. • To determine the sediment trap geometry, first calculate the design surface area (SA) of the trap, measured at the invert of the weir. Use the following equation: SA = FS(Q2/Vs) where Q2 = Design inflow based on the peak discharge from the developed 2-year runoff event from the contributing drainage area as computed in the hydrologic analysis. The 10-year peak flow shall be used if the project size, expected timing and duration of construction, or downstream conditions warrant a higher level of protection. If no hydrologic analysis is required, the Rational Method may be used. Vs = The settling velocity of the soil particle of interest. The 0.02 mm (medium silt) particle with an assumed density of 2.65 g/cm3 has been selected as the particle of interest and has a settling velocity (Vs) of 0.00096 ft/sec. FS = A safety factor of 2 to account for non-ideal settling. Therefore, the equation for computing surface area becomes: SA = 2 x Q2/0.00096 or 2080 square feet per cfs of inflow Note: Even if permanent facilities are used, they must still have a surface area that is at least as large as that derived from the above formula. If they do not, the pond must be enlarged. • To aid in determining sediment depth, all sediment traps shall have a staff gauge with a prominent mark 1-foot above the bottom of the trap. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-104 Surface area determinedat top of weir Note: Trap may be formed by berm or bypartial or complete excavation Discharge to stabilizedconveyance, outlet, orlevel spreader ¾" - 1.5"Washed gravel Geotextile Flat Bottom 1' Min. Overflow 1' Min. 4' Min. RipRap2"-4" Rock 1' Min. 1.5' Min. 3.5'-5' 3H : 1 V M a x . • Sediment traps may not be feasible on utility projects due to the limited work space or the short-term nature of the work. Portable tanks may be used in place of sediment traps for utility projects. Maintenance Standards • Sediment shall be removed from the trap when it reaches 1-foot in depth. • Any damage to the pond embankments or slopes shall be repaired. Figure 4.2.16 – Cross Section of Sediment Trap Figure 4.2.17 – Sediment Trap Outlet Native soil or compacted backfill Geotextile Min. 1' depth 2"-4"' rock Min. 1' depth 3/4"-1.5" washed gravel 6' Min. 1' Min. depth overflow spillway Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-105 BMP C241: Temporary Sediment Pond Purpose Sediment ponds remove sediment from runoff originating from disturbed areas of the site. Sediment ponds are typically designed to remove sediment no smaller than medium silt (0.02 mm). Consequently, they usually reduce turbidity only slightly. Conditions of Use Prior to leaving a construction site, stormwater runoff must pass through a sediment pond or other appropriate sediment removal best management practice. A sediment pond shall be used where the contributing drainage area is 3 acres or more. Ponds must be used in conjunction with erosion control practices to reduce the amount of sediment flowing into the basin. Design and Installation Specifications • Sediment basins must be installed only on sites where failure of the structure would not result in loss of life, damage to homes or buildings, or interruption of use or service of public roads or utilities. Also, sediment traps and ponds are attractive to children and can be very dangerous. Compliance with local ordinances regarding health and safety must be addressed. If fencing of the pond is required, the type of fence and its location shall be shown on the ESC plan. • Structures having a maximum storage capacity at the top of the dam of 10 acre-ft (435,600 ft3) or more are subject to the Washington Dam Safety Regulations (Chapter 173-175 WAC). • See Figures 4.2.18, 4.2.19, and 4.2.20 for details. • If permanent runoff control facilities are part of the project, they should be used for sediment retention. The surface area requirements of the sediment basin must be met. This may require temporarily enlarging the permanent basin to comply with the surface area requirements. The permanent control structure must be temporarily replaced with a control structure that only allows water to leave the pond from the surface or by pumping. The permanent control structure must be installed after the site is fully stabilized. . • Use of infiltration facilities for sedimentation basins during construction tends to clog the soils and reduce their capacity to infiltrate. If infiltration facilities are to be used, the sides and bottom of the facility must only be rough excavated to a minimum of 2 feet above final grade. Final grading of the infiltration facility shall occur only when all contributing drainage areas are fully stabilized. The infiltration pretreatment facility should be fully constructed and used with the sedimentation basin to help prevent clogging. • Determining Pond Geometry Obtain the discharge from the hydrologic calculations of the peak flow for the 2-year runoff event (Q2). The 10-year peak flow shall be used if Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-106 the project size, expected timing and duration of construction, or downstream conditions warrant a higher level of protection. If no hydrologic analysis is required, the Rational Method may be used. Determine the required surface area at the top of the riser pipe with the equation: SA = 2 x Q2/0.00096 or 2080 square feet per cfs of inflow See BMP C240 for more information on the derivation of the surface area calculation. The basic geometry of the pond can now be determined using the following design criteria: • Required surface area SA (from Step 2 above) at top of riser. • Minimum 3.5-foot depth from top of riser to bottom of pond. • Maximum 3H:1V interior side slopes and maximum 2H:1V exterior slopes. The interior slopes can be increased to a maximum of 2H:1V if fencing is provided at or above the maximum water surface. • One foot of freeboard between the top of the riser and the crest of the emergency spillway. • Flat bottom. • Minimum 1-foot deep spillway. • Length-to-width ratio between 3:1 and 6:1. • Sizing of Discharge Mechanisms. The outlet for the basin consists of a combination of principal and emergency spillways. These outlets must pass the peak runoff expected from the contributing drainage area for a 100-year storm. If, due to site conditions and basin geometry, a separate emergency spill- way is not feasible, the principal spillway must pass the entire peak runoff expected from the 100-year storm. However, an attempt to provide a separate emergency spillway should always be made. The runoff calculations should be based on the site conditions during construction. The flow through the dewatering orifice cannot be utilized when calculating the 100-year storm elevation because of its potential to become clogged; therefore, available spillway storage must begin at the principal spillway riser crest. The principal spillway designed by the procedures contained in this standard will result in some reduction in the peak rate of runoff. However, the riser outlet design will not adequately control the basin discharge to the predevelopment discharge limitations as stated in Minimum Requirement #7: Flow Control. However, if the basin for a permanent stormwater detention pond is used for a temporary Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-107 sedimentation basin, the control structure for the permanent pond can be used to maintain predevelopment discharge limitations. The size of the basin, the expected life of the construction project, the anticipated downstream effects and the anticipated weather conditions during construction, should be considered to determine the need of additional discharge control. See Figure 4.2.21 for riser inflow curves. Figure 4.2.18 – Sediment Pond Plan View Figure 4.2.19 – Sediment Pond Cross Section Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-108 Perforated polyethylene drainage tubing, diametermin. 2" larger than dewatering orifice.Tubing shall comply with ASTM F667 and AASHTO M294 Polyethylene cap Provide adequate strapping Dewatering orifice, schedule, 40 steel stub min. Diameter as per calculations Alternatively, metal stakes and wire may be used to prevent flotation 2X riser dia. Min. Concrete base Corrugatedmetal riser Watertightcoupling 18" min. 6" min. Tack weld 3.5" min. Figure 4.2.20 – Sediment Pond Riser Detail Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-109 Figure 4.2.21 – Riser Inflow Curves Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-110 Principal Spillway: Determine the required diameter for the principal spillway (riser pipe). The diameter shall be the minimum necessary to pass the site’s 15-minute, 10-year flowrate. If using the Western Washington Hydrology Model (WWHM), Version 2 or 3, design flow is the 10-year (1 hour) flow for the developed (unmitigated) site, multiplied by a factor of 1.6. Use Figure 4.2.21 to determine this diameter (h = 1-foot). Note: A permanent control structure may be used instead of a temporary riser. Emergency Overflow Spillway: Determine the required size and design of the emergency overflow spillway for the developed 100-year peak flow using the method contained in Volume III. Dewatering Orifice: Determine the size of the dewatering orifice(s) (minimum 1-inch diameter) using a modified version of the discharge equation for a vertical orifice and a basic equation for the area of a circular orifice. Determine the required area of the orifice with the following equation: 5.0 5.0 3600x6.0 )2( Tg hAAs o = where Ao = orifice area (square feet) As = pond surface area (square feet) h = head of water above orifice (height of riser in feet) T = dewatering time (24 hours) g = acceleration of gravity (32.2 feet/second2) Convert the required surface area to the required diameter D of the orifice: o o AADx54.13x24==π The vertical, perforated tubing connected to the dewatering orifice must be at least 2 inches larger in diameter than the orifice to improve flow characteristics. The size and number of perforations in the tubing should be large enough so that the tubing does not restrict flow. The orifice should control the flow rate. • Additional Design Specifications The pond shall be divided into two roughly equal volume cells by a permeable divider that will reduce turbulence while allowing movement of water between cells. The divider shall be at least one- half the height of the riser and a minimum of one foot below the top of the riser. Wire-backed, 2- to 3-foot high, extra strength filter fabric supported by treated 4"x4"s can be used as a divider. Alternatively, staked straw bales wrapped with filter fabric (geotextile) may be used. If the pond is more than 6 feet deep, a different mechanism must be proposed. A riprap embankment is one acceptable method of Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-111 separation for deeper ponds. Other designs that satisfy the intent of this provision are allowed as long as the divider is permeable, structurally sound, and designed to prevent erosion under or around the barrier. To aid in determining sediment depth, one-foot intervals shall be prominently marked on the riser. If an embankment of more than 6 feet is proposed, the pond must comply with the criteria contained in Volume III regarding dam safety for detention BMPs. • The most common structural failure of sedimentation basins is caused by piping. Piping refers to two phenomena: (1) water seeping through fine-grained soil, eroding the soil grain by grain and forming pipes or tunnels; and, (2) water under pressure flowing upward through a granular soil with a head of sufficient magnitude to cause soil grains to lose contact and capability for support. The most critical construction sequences to prevent piping will be: 1. Tight connections between riser and barrel and other pipe connections. 2. Adequate anchoring of riser. 3. Proper soil compaction of the embankment and riser footing. 4. Proper construction of anti-seep devices. Maintenance Standards • Sediment shall be removed from the pond when it reaches 1–foot in depth. • Any damage to the pond embankments or slopes shall be repaired. BMP C250: Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment Purpose This BMP applies when using stormwater chemicals in batch treatment or flow-through treatment. Turbidity is difficult to control once fine particles are suspended in stormwater runoff from a construction site. Sedimentation ponds are effective at removing larger particulate matter by gravity settling, but are ineffective at removing smaller particulates such as clay and fine silt. Traditional erosion and sediment control BMPs may not be adequate to ensure compliance with the water quality standards for turbidity in receiving water. Chemical treatment can reliably provide exceptional reductions of turbidity and associated pollutants. Chemical treatment may be required to meet turbidity stormwater discharge requirements, especially when construction is to proceed through the wet season. Conditions of Use Formal written approval from Ecology is required for the use of chemical treatment regardless of site size. The Local Permitting Authority may also Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-112 require review and approval. When approved, the chemical treatment systems must be included in the Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Design and Installation Specifications See Appendix II-B for background information on chemical treatment. Criteria for Chemical Treatment Product Use: Chemically treated stormwater discharged from construction sites must be nontoxic to aquatic organisms. The Chemical Technology Assessment Protocol (CTAPE) must be used to evaluate chemicals proposed for stormwater treatment. Only chemicals approved by Ecology under the CTAPE may be used for stormwater treatment. The approved chemicals, their allowable application techniques (batch treatment or flow-through treatment), allowable application rates, and conditions of use can be found at the Department of Ecology Emerging Technologies website: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/technologies.ht ml. Treatment System Design Considerations: The design and operation of a chemical treatment system should take into consideration the factors that determine optimum, cost-effective performance. It is important to recognize the following: • Only Ecology approved chemicals may be used and must follow approved dose rate. • The pH of the stormwater must be in the proper range for the polymers to be effective, which is typically 6.5 to 8.5 • The coagulant must be mixed rapidly into the water to ensure proper dispersion. • A flocculation step is important to increase the rate of settling, to produce the lowest turbidity, and to keep the dosage rate as low as possible. • Too little energy input into the water during the flocculation phase results in flocs that are too small and/or insufficiently dense. Too much energy can rapidly destroy floc as it is formed. • Care must be taken in the design of the withdrawal system to minimize outflow velocities and to prevent floc discharge. Discharge from a batch treatment system should be directed through a physical filter such as a vegetated swale that would catch any unintended floc discharge. Currently, flow-through systems always discharge through the chemically enhanced sand filtration system. • System discharge rates must take into account downstream conveyance integrity. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-113 Polymer Batch Treatment Process Description: A batch chemical treatment system consists of the stormwater collection system (either temporary diversion or the permanent site drainage system), a storage pond, pumps, a chemical feed system, treatment cells, and interconnecting piping. The batch treatment system shall use a minimum of two lined treatment cells in addition to an untreated stormwater storage pond. Multiple treatment cells allow for clarification of treated water while other cells are being filled or emptied. Treatment cells may be ponds or tanks. Ponds with constructed earthen embankments greater than six feet high or which impound more than 10 acre-feet require special engineering analyses. The Ecology Dam Safety Section has specific design criteria for dams in Washington State (see http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wr/dams/GuidanceDocs.html ). Stormwater is collected at interception point(s) on the site and is diverted by gravity or by pumping to an untreated stormwater storage pond or other untreated stormwater holding area. The stormwater is stored until treatment occurs. It is important that the holding pond be large enough to provide adequate storage. The first step in the treatment sequence is to check the pH of the stormwater in the untreated stormwater storage pond. The pH is adjusted by the application of carbon dioxide or a base until the stormwater in the storage pond is within the desired pH range, 6.5 to 8.5. When used, carbon dioxide is added immediately downstream of the transfer pump. Typically sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is used as a base, although other bases may be used. When needed, base is added directly to the untreated stormwater storage pond. The stormwater is recirculated with the treatment pump to provide mixing in the storage pond. Initial pH adjustments should be based on daily bench tests. Further pH adjustments can be made at any point in the process. Once the stormwater is within the desired pH range (dependant on polymer being used), the stormwater is pumped from the untreated stormwater storage pond to a treatment cell as polymer is added. The polymer is added upstream of the pump to facilitate rapid mixing. After polymer addition, the water is kept in a lined treatment cell for clarification of the sediment-floc. In a batch mode process, clarification typically takes from 30 minutes to several hours. Prior to discharge samples are withdrawn for analysis of pH, flocculent chemical concentration, and turbidity. If both are acceptable, the treated water is discharged. Several configurations have been developed to withdraw treated water from the treatment cell. The original configuration is a device that withdraws the treated water from just beneath the water surface using a Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-114 float with adjustable struts that prevent the float from settling on the cell bottom. This reduces the possibility of picking up sediment-floc from the bottom of the pond. The struts are usually set at a minimum clearance of about 12 inches; that is, the float will come within 12 inches of the bottom of the cell. Other systems have used vertical guides or cables which constrain the float, allowing it to drift up and down with the water level. More recent designs have an H-shaped array of pipes, set on the horizontal. This scheme provides for withdrawal from four points rather than one. This configuration reduces the likelihood of sucking settled solids from the bottom. It also reduces the tendency for a vortex to form. Inlet diffusers, a long floating or fixed pipe with many small holes in it, are also an option. Safety is a primary concern. Design should consider the hazards associated with operations, such as sampling. Facilities should be designed to reduce slip hazards and drowning. Tanks and ponds should have life rings, ladders, or steps extending from the bottom to the top. Polymer Batch Treatment Process Description: At a minimum, a flow-through chemical treatment system consists of the stormwater collection system (either temporary diversion or the permanent site drainage system), an untreated stormwater storage pond, and the chemically enhanced sand filtration system. Stormwater is collected at interception point(s) on the site and is diverted by gravity or by pumping to an untreated stormwater storage pond or other untreated stormwater holding area. The stormwater is stored until treatment occurs. It is important that the holding pond be large enough to provide adequate storage. Stormwater is then pumped from the untreated stormwater storage pond to the chemically enhanced sand filtration system where polymer is added. Adjustments to pH may be necessary before chemical addition. The sand filtration system continually monitors the stormwater for turbidity and pH. If the discharge water is ever out of an acceptable range for turbidity or pH, the water is recycled to the untreated stormwater pond where it can be retreated. For batch treatment and flow-through treatment, the following equipment should be located in a lockable shed: • The chemical injector. • Secondary containment for acid, caustic, buffering compound, and treatment chemical. • Emergency shower and eyewash. • Monitoring equipment which consists of a pH meter and a turbidimeter. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-115 System Sizing: Certain sites are required to implement flow control for the developed sites. These sites must also control stormwater release rates during construction. Generally, these are sites that discharge stormwater directly, or indirectly, through a conveyance system, into a fresh water. System sizing is dependent on flow control requirements. Sizing Criteria for Batch Treatment Systems for Flow Control Exempt Water Bodies: The total volume of the untreated stormwater storage pond and treatment ponds or tanks must be large enough to treat stormwater that is produced during multiple day storm events. It is recommended that at a minimum the untreated stormwater storage pond be sized to hold 1.5 times the runoff volume of the 10-year, 24-hour storm event. Bypass should be provided around the chemical treatment system to accommodate extreme storm events. Runoff volume shall be calculated using the methods presented in Volume 3, Chapter 2. Worst-case land cover conditions (i.e., producing the most runoff) should be used for analyses (in most cases, this would be the land cover conditions just prior to final landscaping). Primary settling should be encouraged in the untreated stormwater storage pond. A forebay with access for maintenance may be beneficial. There are two opposing considerations in sizing the treatment cells. A larger cell is able to treat a larger volume of water each time a batch is processed. However, the larger the cell the longer the time required to empty the cell. A larger cell may also be less effective at flocculation and therefore require a longer settling time. The simplest approach to sizing the treatment cell is to multiply the allowable discharge flow rate times the desired drawdown time. A 4-hour drawdown time allows one batch per cell per 8-hour work period, given 1 hour of flocculation followed by two hours of settling. If the discharge is directly to a flow control exempt receiving water listed in Appendix I-E of Volume I or to an infiltration system, there is no discharge flow limit. Ponds sized for flow control water bodies must at a minimum meet the sizing criteria for flow control exempt waters. Sizing Criteria for Flow-Through Treatment Systems for Flow Control Exempt Water Bodies: When sizing storage ponds or tanks for flow-through systems for flow control exempt water bodies, the treatment system capacity should be a factor. The untreated stormwater storage pond or tank should be sized to hold 1.5 times the runoff volume of the 10-year, 24-hour storm event minus the treatment system flowrate for an 8-hour period. For a chitosan- enhanced sand filtration system, the treatment system flowrate should be sized using a hydraulic loading rate between 6-8 gpm/ft². Other hydraulic Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-116 loading rates may be more appropriate for other systems. Bypass should be provided around the chemical treatment system to accommodate extreme storms. Runoff volume shall be calculated using the methods presented in Volume 3, Chapter 2. Worst-case land cover conditions (i.e., producing the most runoff) should be used for analyses (in most cases, this would be the land cover conditions just prior to final landscaping). Sizing Criteria for Flow Control Water Bodies: Sites that must implement flow control for the developed site condition must also control stormwater release rates during construction. Construction site stormwater discharges shall not exceed the discharge durations of the pre-developed condition for the range of pre-developed discharge rates from ½ of the 2-year flow through the 10-year flow as predicted by an approved continuous runoff model. The pre-developed condition to be matched shall be the land cover condition immediately prior to the development project. This restriction on release rates can affect the size of the storage pond and treatment cells. The following is how WWHM can be used to determine the release rates from the chemical treatment systems: 1.Determine the pre-developed flow durations to be matched by entering the existing land use area under the “Pre-developed” scenario in WWHM. The default flow range is from ½ of the 2-year flow through the 10-year flow. 2. Enter the post developed land use area in the “Developed Unmitigated” scenario in WWHM. 3. Copy the land use information from the “Developed Unmitigated” to “Developed Mitigated” scenario. 4. While in the “Developed Mitigated” scenario, add a pond element under the basin element containing the post-developed land use areas. This pond element represents information on the available untreated stormwater storage and discharge from the chemical treatment system. In cases where the discharge from the chemical treatment system is controlled by a pump, a stage/storage/discharge (SSD) table representing the pond must be generated outside WWHM and imported into WWHM. WWHM can route the runoff from the post- developed condition through this SSD table (the pond) and determine compliance with the flow duration standard. This would be an iterative design procedure where if the initial SSD table proved to be inadequate, the designer would have to modify the SSD table outside WWHM and re-import in WWHM and route the runoff through it again. The iteration will continue until a pond that complies with the flow duration standard is correctly sized. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-117 Notes on SSD table characteristics: • The pump discharge rate would likely be initially set at just below ½ of the 2-year flow from the pre-developed condition. As runoff coming into the untreated stormwater storage pond increases and the available untreated stormwater storage volume gets used up, it would be necessary to increase the pump discharge rate above ½ of the 2-year. The increase(s) above ½ of the 2-year must be such that they provide some relief to the untreated stormwater storage needs but at the same time will not cause violations of the flow duration standard at the higher flows. The final design SSD table will identify the appropriate pumping rates and the corresponding stage and storages. • When building such a flow control system, the design must ensure that any automatic adjustments to the pumping rates will be as a result of changes to the available storage in accordance with the final design SSD table. 5. It should be noted that the above procedures would be used to meet the flow control requirements. The chemical treatment system must be able to meet the runoff treatment requirements. It is likely that the discharge flow rate of ½ of the 2-year or more may exceed the treatment capacity of the system. If that is the case, the untreated stormwater discharge rate(s) (i.e., influent to the treatment system) must be reduced to allow proper treatment. Any reduction in the flows would likely result in the need for a larger untreated stormwater storage volume. If the discharge is to a municipal storm drainage system, the allowable discharge rate may be limited by the capacity of the public system. It may be necessary to clean the municipal storm drainage system prior to the start of the discharge to prevent scouring solids from the drainage system. If the municipal storm drainage system discharges to a water body not on the flow control exempt list, the project site is subject to flow control requirements. Obtain permission from the owner of the collection system before discharging to it. If system design does not allow you to discharge at the slower rates as described above and if the site has a retention or detention pond that will serve the planned development, the discharge from the treatment system may be directed to the permanent retention/detention pond to comply with the flow control requirement. In this case, the untreated stormwater storage pond and treatment system will be sized according to the sizing criteria for flow- through treatment systems for flow control exempt water bodies described earlier except all discharge (water passing through the treatment system and stormwater bypassing the treatment system) will be directed into the permanent retention/detention pond. If site constraints make locating the untreated stormwater storage pond difficult, the permanent retention/detention pond may be divided to serve as the untreated stormwater Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-118 storage pond and the post-treatment flow control pond. A berm or barrier must be used in this case so the untreated water does not mix with the treated water. Both untreated stormwater storage requirements, and adequate post- treatment flow control must be achieved. The post-treatment flow control pond’s revised dimensions must be entered into the WWHM and the WWHM must be run to confirm compliance with the flow control requirement. Maintenance Standards Monitoring: At a minimum, the following monitoring shall be conducted. Test results shall be recorded on a daily log kept on site. Additional testing may be required by the NPDES permit based on site conditions. Operational Monitoring: • Total volume treated and discharged. • Flow must be continuously monitored and recorded at not greater than 15-minute intervals. • Type and amount of chemical used for pH adjustment. • Amount of polymer used for treatment. • Settling time. Compliance Monitoring: • Influent and effluent pH, flocculent chemical concentration, and turbidity must be continuously monitored and recorded at not greater than 15-minute intervals. pH and turbidity of the receiving water. Biomonitoring: Treated stormwater must be non-toxic to aquatic organisms. Treated stormwater must be tested for aquatic toxicity or residual chemicals. Frequency of biomonitoring will be determined by Ecology. Residual chemical tests must be approved by Ecology prior to their use. If testing treated stormwater for aquatic toxicity, you must test for acute (lethal) toxicity. Bioassays shall be conducted by a laboratory accredited by Ecology, unless otherwise approved by Ecology. Acute toxicity tests shall be conducted per the CTAPE protocol. Discharge Compliance: Prior to discharge, treated stormwater must be sampled and tested for compliance with pH, flocculent chemical concentration, and turbidity limits. These limits may be established by the Construction Stormwater General Permit or a site-specific discharge permit. Sampling and testing for other pollutants may also be necessary at some sites. pH must be within the range of 6.5 to 8.5 standard units and not cause a change in the pH of the receiving water of more than 0.2 standard units. Treated stormwater samples and measurements shall be taken from the discharge pipe or another location representative of the nature of the treated stormwater discharge. Samples used for determining compliance with the water quality standards in the receiving water shall Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-119 not be taken from the treatment pond prior to decanting. Compliance with the water quality standards is determined in the receiving water. Operator Training: Each contractor who intends to use chemical treatment shall be trained by an experienced contractor. Each site using chemical treatment must have an operator trained and certified by an organization approved by Ecology. Standard BMPs: Surface stabilization BMPs should be implemented on site to prevent significant erosion. All sites shall use a truck wheel wash to prevent tracking of sediment off site. Sediment Removal and Disposal: •Sediment shall be removed from the storage or treatment cells as necessary. Typically, sediment removal is required at least once during a wet season and at the decommissioning of the cells. Sediment remaining in the cells between batches may enhance the settling process and reduce the required chemical dosage. •Sediment that is known to be non-toxic may be incorporated into the site away from drainages. BMP C251: Construction Stormwater Filtration Purpose Filtration removes sediment from runoff originating from disturbed areas of the site. Background Information: Filtration with sand media has been used for over a century to treat water and wastewater. The use of sand filtration for treatment of stormwater has developed recently, generally to treat runoff from streets, parking lots, and residential areas. The application of filtration to construction stormwater treatment is currently under development. Conditions of Use Traditional BMPs used to control soil erosion and sediment loss from sites under development may not be adequate to ensure compliance with the water quality standard for turbidity in the receiving water. Filtration may be used in conjunction with gravity settling to remove sediment as small as fine silt (0.5 µm). The reduction in turbidity will be dependent on the particle size distribution of the sediment in the stormwater. In some circumstances, sedimentation and filtration may achieve compliance with the water quality standard for turbidity. The use of construction stormwater filtration does not require approval from Ecology as long as treatment chemicals are not used. Filtration in conjunction with polymer treatment requires testing under the Chemical Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (CTAPE) before it can be initiated. Approval from the appropriate regional Ecology office must be obtained at each site where polymers use is proposed prior to use. For more guidance on stormwater chemical treatment see BMP C250. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-120 Design and Installation Specifications Two types of filtration systems may be applied to construction stormwater treatment: rapid and slow. Rapid sand filters are the typical system used for water and wastewater treatment. They can achieve relatively high hydraulic flow rates, on the order of 2 to 20 gpm/sf, because they have automatic backwash systems to remove accumulated solids. In contrast, slow sand filters have very low hydraulic rates, on the order of 0.02 gpm/sf, because they do not have backwash systems. Slow sand filtration has generally been used to treat stormwater. Slow sand filtration is mechanically simple in comparison to rapid sand filtration but requires a much larger filter area. Filtration Equipment. Sand media filters are available with automatic backwashing features that can filter to 50 µm particle size. Screen or bag filters can filter down to 5 µm. Fiber wound filters can remove particles down to 0.5 µm. Filters should be sequenced from the largest to the smallest pore opening. Sediment removal efficiency will be related to particle size distribution in the stormwater. Treatment Process Description. Stormwater is collected at interception point(s) on the site and is diverted to an untreated stormwater sediment pond or tank for removal of large sediment and storage of the stormwater before it is treated by the filtration system. The untreated stormwater is pumped from the trap, pond, or tank through the filtration system in a rapid sand filtration system. Slow sand filtration systems are designed as flow through systems using gravity. Maintenance Standards Rapid sand filters typically have automatic backwash systems that are triggered by a pre-set pressure drop across the filter. If the backwash water volume is not large or substantially more turbid than the untreated stormwater stored in the holding pond or tank, backwash return to the untreated stormwater pond or tank may be appropriate. However, other means of treatment and disposal may be necessary. •Screen, bag, and fiber filters must be cleaned and/or replaced when they become clogged. •Sediment shall be removed from the storage and/or treatment ponds as necessary. Typically, sediment removal is required once or twice during a wet season and at the decommissioning of the ponds. Sizing Criteria for Flow-Through Treatment Systems for Flow Control Exempt Water Bodies: When sizing storage ponds or tanks for flow-through systems for flow control exempt water bodies the treatment system capacity should be a factor. The untreated stormwater storage pond or tank should be sized to hold 1.5 times the runoff volume of the 10-year, 24-hour storm event minus the treatment system flowrate for an 8-hour period. For a chitosan- enhanced sand filtration system, the treatment system flowrate should be sized using a hydraulic loading rate between 6-8 gpm/ft². Other hydraulic Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-121 loading rates may be more appropriate for other systems. Bypass should be provided around the chemical treatment system to accommodate extreme storms. Runoff volume shall be calculated using the methods presented in Volume 3, Chapter 2. Worst-case conditions (i.e., producing the most runoff) should be used for analyses (most likely conditions present prior to final landscaping). Sizing Criteria for Flow Control Water Bodies: Sites that must implement flow control for the developed site condition must also control stormwater release rates during construction. Construction site stormwater discharges shall not exceed the discharge durations of the pre-developed condition for the range of pre-developed discharge rates from 1/2 of the 2-year flow through the 10-year flow as predicted by an approved continuous runoff model. The pre-developed condition to be matched shall be the land cover condition immediately prior to the development project. This restriction on release rates can affect the size of the storage pond, the filtration system, and the flow rate through the filter system. The following is how WWHM can be used to determine the release rates from the filtration systems: 1. Determine the pre-developed flow durations to be matched by entering the land use area under the “Pre-developed” scenario in WWHM. The default flow range is from ½ of the 2-year flow through the 10-year flow. 2. Enter the post developed land use area in the “Developed Unmitigated” scenario in WWHM. 3. Copy the land use information from the “Developed Unmitigated” to “Developed Mitigated” scenario. 4. There are two possible ways to model stormwater filtration systems: a. The stormwater filtration system uses an untreated stormwater storage pond/tank and the discharge from this pond/tank is pumped to one or more filters. In-line filtration chemicals would be added to the flow right after the pond/tank and before the filter(s). Because the discharge is pumped, WWHM can’t generate a stage/storage /discharge (SSD) table for this system. This system is modeled the same way as described in BMP C250 and is as follows: While in the “Developed Mitigated” scenario, add a pond element under the basin element containing the post-developed land use areas. This pond element represents information on the available untreated stormwater storage and discharge from the filtration system. In cases where the discharge from the filtration system is controlled by a pump, a stage/storage/discharge (SSD) table representing the pond must be generated outside WWHM and Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-122 imported into WWHM. WWHM can route the runoff from the post-developed condition through this SSD table (the pond) and determine compliance with the flow duration standard. This would be an iterative design procedure where if the initial SSD table proved to be out of compliance, the designer would have to modify the SSD table outside WWHM and re-import in WWHM and route the runoff through it again. The iteration will continue until a pond that enables compliance with the flow duration standard is designed. Notes on SSD table characteristics: •The pump discharge rate would likely be initially set at just below ½ if the 2-year flow from the pre-developed condition. As runoff coming into the untreated stormwater storage pond increases and the available untreated stormwater storage volume gets used up, it would be necessary to increase the pump discharge rate above ½ of the 2-year. The increase(s) above ½ of the 2-year must be such that they provide some relief to the untreated stormwater storage needs but at the same time they will not cause violations of the flow duration standard at the higher flows. The final design SSD table will identify the appropriate pumping rates and the corresponding stage and storages. •When building such a flow control system, the design must ensure that any automatic adjustments to the pumping rates will be as a result of changes to the available storage in accordance with the final design SSD table. b. The stormwater filtration system uses a storage pond/tank and the discharge from this pond/tank gravity flows to the filter. This is usually a slow sand filter system and it is possible to model it in WWHM as a Filter element or as a combination of Pond and Filter element placed in series. The stage/storage/discharge table(s) may then be generated within WWHM as follows: (i)While in the “Developed Mitigated” scenario, add a Filter element under the basin element containing the post-developed land use areas. The length and width of this filter element would have to be the same as the bottom length and width of the upstream untreated stormwater storage pond/tank. (ii)In cases where the length and width of the filter is not the same as those for the bottom of the upstream untreated stormwater storage tank/pond, the treatment system may be modeled as a Pond element followed by a Filter element. By having these two elements, WWHM would then generate a SSD table for the storage pond which then gravity flows to the Filter element. The Filter element downstream of the untreated stormwater Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-123 storage pond would have a storage component through the media, and an overflow component for when the filtration capacity is exceeded. WWHM can route the runoff from the post-developed condition through the treatment systems in 4b and determine compliance with the flow duration standard. This would be an iterative design procedure where if the initial sizing estimates for the treatment system proved to be inadequate, the designer would have to modify the system and route the runoff through it again. The iteration would continue until compliance with the flow duration standard is achieved. 5. It should be noted that the above procedures would be used to meet the flow control requirements. The filtration system must be able to meet the runoff treatment requirements. It is likely that the discharge flow rate of ½ of the 2-year or more may exceed the treatment capacity of the system. If that is the case, the untreated stormwater discharge rate(s) (i.e., influent to the treatment system) must be reduced to allow proper treatment. Any reduction in the flows would likely result in the need for a larger untreated stormwater storage volume. If system design does not allow you to discharge at the slower rates as described above and if the site has a retention or detention pond that will serve the planned development, the discharge from the treatment system may be directed to the permanent retention/detention pond to comply with the flow control requirements. In this case, the untreated stormwater storage pond and treatment system will be sized according to the sizing criteria for flow- through treatment systems for flow control exempt waterbodies described earlier except all discharges (water passing through the treatment system and stormwater bypassing the treatment system) will be directed into the permanent retention/detention pond. If site constraints make locating the untreated stormwater storage pond difficult, the permanent retention/detention pond may be divided to serve as the untreated stormwater discharge pond and the post-treatment flow control pond. A berm or barrier must be used in this case so the untreated water does not mix with the treated water. Both untreated stormwater storage requirements, and adequate post- treatment flow control must be achieved. The post-treatment flow control pond’s revised dimensions must be entered into the WWHM and the WWHM must be run to confirm compliance with the flow control requirement. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-124 BMP C252: High pH Neutralization Using CO2 Purpose When pH levels in stormwater rise above 8.5 it is necessary to lower the pH levels to the acceptable range of 6.5 to 8.5, this process is called pH neutralization. pH neutralization involves the use of solid or compressed carbon dioxide gas in water requiring neutralization. Neutralized stormwater may be discharged to surface waters under the General Construction NPDES permit. Neutralized process water such as concrete truck wash-out, hydro- demolition, or saw-cutting slurry must be managed to prevent discharge to surface waters. Any stormwater contaminated during concrete work is considered process wastewater and must not be discharged to surface waters. Reason for pH Neutralization: A pH level range of 6.5 to 8.5 is typical for most natural watercourses, and this neutral pH is required for the survival of aquatic organisms. Should the pH rise or drop out of this range, fish and other aquatic organisms may become stressed and may die. Calcium hardness can contribute to high pH values and cause toxicity that is associated with high pH conditions. A high level of calcium hardness in waters of the state is not allowed. The water quality standard for pH in Washington State is in the range of 6.5 to 8.5. Ground water standard for calcium and other dissolved solids in Washington State is less than 500 mg/l. Conditions of Use Causes of High pH: High pH at construction sites is most commonly caused by the contact of stormwater with poured or recycled concrete, cement, mortars, and other Portland cement or lime containing construction materials. (See BMP C151: Concrete Handling for more information on concrete handling procedures). The principal caustic agent in cement is calcium hydroxide (free lime). Advantages of CO2 Sparging: • Rapidly neutralizes high pH water. • Cost effective and safer to handle than acid compounds. • CO2 is self-buffering. It is difficult to overdose and create harmfully low pH levels. • Material is readily available. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-125 The Chemical Process: When carbon dioxide (CO2) is added to water (H2O), carbonic acid (H2CO3) is formed which can further dissociate into a proton (H+) and a bicarbonate anion (HCO3-) as shown below: CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3- The free proton is a weak acid that can lower the pH. Water temperature has an effect on the reaction as well. The colder the water temperature is the slower the reaction occurs and the warmer the water temperature is the quicker the reaction occurs. Most construction applications in Washington State have water temperatures in the 50°F or higher range so the reaction is almost simultaneous. Design and Installation Specifications Treatment Process: High pH water may be treated using continuous treatment, continuous discharge systems. These manufactured systems continuously monitor influent and effluent pH to ensure that pH values are within an acceptable range before being discharged. All systems must have fail safe automatic shut off switches in the event that pH is not within the acceptable discharge range. Only trained operators may operate manufactured systems. System manufacturers often provide trained operators or training on their devices. The following procedure may be used when not using a continuous discharge system: 1. Prior to treatment, the appropriate jurisdiction should be notified in accordance with the regulations set by the jurisdiction. 2. Every effort should be made to isolate the potential high pH water in order to treat it separately from other stormwater on-site. 3. Water should be stored in an acceptable storage facility, detention pond, or containment cell prior to treatment. 4.Transfer water to be treated to the treatment structure. Ensure that treatment structure size is sufficient to hold the amount of water that is to be treated. Do not fill tank completely, allow at least 2 feet of freeboard. 5. The operator samples the water for pH and notes the clarity of the water. As a rule of thumb, less CO2 is necessary for clearer water. This information should be recorded. 6. In the pH adjustment structure, add CO2 until the pH falls in the range of 6.9-7.1. Remember that pH water quality standards apply so adjusting pH to within 0.2 pH units of receiving water (background pH) is recommended. It is unlikely that pH can be adjusted to within 0.2 pH units using dry ice. Compressed carbon dioxide gas should be introduced to the water using a carbon dioxide diffuser located near Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-126 the bottom of the tank, this will allow carbon dioxide to bubble up through the water and diffuse more evenly. 7. Slowly discharge the water making sure water does not get stirred up in the process. Release about 80% of the water from the structure leaving any sludge behind. 8. Discharge treated water through a pond or drainage system. 9. Excess sludge needs to be disposed of properly as concrete waste. If several batches of water are undergoing pH treatment, sludge can be left in treatment structure for the next batch treatment. Dispose of sludge when it fills 50% of tank volume. Sites that must implement flow control for the developed site must also control stormwater release rates during construction. All treated stormwater must go through a flow control facility before being released to surface waters which require flow control. Maintenance Standards Safety and Materials Handling: • All equipment should be handled in accordance with OSHA rules and regulations. • Follow manufacturer guidelines for materials handling. Operator Records: Each operator should provide: • A diagram of the monitoring and treatment equipment. • A description of the pumping rates and capacity the treatment equipment is capable of treating. Each operator should keep a written record of the following: • Client name and phone number. • Date of treatment. • Weather conditions. • Project name and location. • Volume of water treated. • pH of untreated water. • Amount of CO2 needed to adjust water to a pH range of 6.9-7.1. • pH of treated water. • Discharge point location and description. A copy of this record should be given to the client/contractor who should retain the record for three years. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-127 BMP C253: pH Control for High pH Water Purpose When pH levels in stormwater rise above 8.5 it is necessary to lower the pH levels to the acceptable range of 6.5 to 8.5, this process is called pH neutralization. Stormwater with pH levels exceeding water quality standards may be treated by infiltration, dispersion in vegetation or compost, pumping to a sanitary sewer, disposal at a permitted concrete batch plant with pH neutralization capabilities, or carbon dioxide sparging. BMP C252 gives guidelines for carbon dioxide sparging. Reason for pH Neutralization: A pH level range of 6.5 to 8.5 is typical for most natural watercourses, and this pH range is required for the survival of aquatic organisms. Should the pH rise or drop out of this range, fish and other aquatic organisms may become stressed and may die. Conditions of Use Causes of High pH: High pH levels at construction sites are most commonly caused by the contact of stormwater with poured or recycled concrete, cement, mortars, and other Portland cement or lime containing construction materials. (See BMP C151: Concrete Handling for more information on concrete handling procedures). The principal caustic agent in cement is calcium hydroxide (free lime). Design and Installation Specifications Disposal Methods: Infiltration •Infiltration is only allowed if soil type allows all water to infiltrate (no surface runoff) without causing or contributing to a violation of surface or ground water quality standards. •Infiltration techniques should be consistent with Volume V, Chapter 7 Dispersion Use BMP T5.30 Full Dispersion Sanitary Sewer Disposal •Local sewer authority approval is required prior to disposal via the sanitary sewer. Concrete Batch Plant Disposal •Only permitted facilities may accept high pH water. •Facility should be contacted before treatment to ensure they can accept the high pH water. Stormwater Discharge Any pH treatment options that generate treated water that must be discharged off site are subject to flow control requirements. Sites that must implement flow control for the developed site must also control Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 4-128 stormwater release rates during construction. All treated stormwater must go through a flow control facility before being released to surface waters which require flow control. Volume II – Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention - December 2014 Res-1 Resource Materials Association of General Contractors of Washington, Water Quality Manual. Clark County Conservation District, Erosion and Runoff Control, January 1981. King County Conservation District, Construction and Erosion Control, December 1981. King County Department of Transportation Road Maintenance BMP Manual (Final Draft), May 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual, September 1998. Maryland Erosion and Sedimentation Control Manual, 1983. Michigan State Guidebook for Erosion and Sediment Control, 1975. Snohomish County Addendum to the 1992 Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin, September 1998. University of Washington, by Loren Reinelt, Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector Training Manual, Center for Urban Water Resources Management, October 1991. University of Washington, by Loren Reinelt, Processes, Procedures, and Methods to Control Pollution Resulting from all Construction Activity, Center for Urban Water Resources Management, October 1991. Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, 2nd Edition, 1980. Appendix C. Site Inspection Form Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Page 1 Project Name Permit # Inspection Date Time Name of Certified Erosion Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) or qualified inspector if less than one acre Print Name: Approximate rainfall amount since the last inspection (in inches): Approximate rainfall amount in the last 24 hours (in inches): Current Weather Clear Cloudy Mist Rain Wind Fog A. Type of inspection: Weekly Post Storm Event Other B. Phase of Active Construction (check all that apply): Pre Construction/installation of erosion/sediment controls Clearing/Demo/Grading Infrastructure/storm/roads Concrete pours Vertical Construction/buildings Utilities Offsite improvements Site temporary stabilized Final stabilization C. Questions: 1. Were all areas of construction and discharge points inspected? Yes No 2. Did you observe the presence of suspended sediment, turbidity, discoloration, or oil sheen Yes No 3. Was a water quality sample taken during inspection? (refer to permit conditions S4 & S5) Yes No 4. Was there a turbid discharge 250 NTU or greater, or Transparency 6 cm or less?* Yes No 5. If yes to #4 was it reported to Ecology? Yes No 6. Is pH sampling required? pH range required is 6.5 to 8.5. Yes No If answering yes to a discharge, describe the event. Include when, where, and why it happened; what action was taken, and when. *If answering yes to # 4 record NTU/Transparency with continual sampling daily until turbidity is 25 NTU or less/ transparency is 33 cm or greater. Sampling Results: Date: Parameter Method (circle one) Result Other/Note NTU cm pH Turbidity tube, meter, laboratory pH Paper, kit, meter Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Page 2 D. Check the observed status of all items. Provide “Action Required “details and dates. Element # Inspection BMPs Inspected BMP needs maintenance BMP failed Action required (describe in section F) yes no n/a 1 Clearing Limits Before beginning land disturbing activities are all clearing limits, natural resource areas (streams, wetlands, buffers, trees) protected with barriers or similar BMPs? (high visibility recommended) 2 Construction Access Construction access is stabilized with quarry spalls or equivalent BMP to prevent sediment from being tracked onto roads? Sediment tracked onto the road way was cleaned thoroughly at the end of the day or more frequent as necessary. 3 Control Flow Rates Are flow control measures installed to control stormwater volumes and velocity during construction and do they protect downstream properties and waterways from erosion? If permanent infiltration ponds are used for flow control during construction, are they protected from siltation? 4 Sediment Controls All perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence, wattles, compost socks, berms, etc.) installed, and maintained in accordance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Sediment control BMPs (sediment ponds, traps, filters etc.) have been constructed and functional as the first step of grading. Stormwater runoff from disturbed areas is directed to sediment removal BMP. 5 Stabilize Soils Have exposed un-worked soils been stabilized with effective BMP to prevent erosion and sediment deposition? Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Page 3 Element # Inspection BMPs Inspected BMP needs maintenance BMP failed Action required (describe in section F) yes no n/a 5 Stabilize Soils Cont. Are stockpiles stabilized from erosion, protected with sediment trapping measures and located away from drain inlet, waterways, and drainage channels? Have soils been stabilized at the end of the shift, before a holiday or weekend if needed based on the weather forecast? 6 Protect Slopes Has stormwater and ground water been diverted away from slopes and disturbed areas with interceptor dikes, pipes and or swales? Is off-site storm water managed separately from stormwater generated on the site? Is excavated material placed on uphill side of trenches consistent with safety and space considerations? Have check dams been placed at regular intervals within constructed channels that are cut down a slope? 7 Drain Inlets Storm drain inlets made operable during construction are protected. Are existing storm drains within the influence of the project protected? 8 Stabilize Channel and Outlets Have all on-site conveyance channels been designed, constructed and stabilized to prevent erosion from expected peak flows? Is stabilization, including armoring material, adequate to prevent erosion of outlets, adjacent stream banks, slopes and downstream conveyance systems? 9 Control Pollutants Are waste materials and demolition debris handled and disposed of to prevent contamination of stormwater? Has cover been provided for all chemicals, liquid products, petroleum products, and other material? Has secondary containment been provided capable of containing 110% of the volume? Were contaminated surfaces cleaned immediately after a spill incident? Were BMPs used to prevent contamination of stormwater by a pH modifying sources? Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Page 4 Element # Inspection BMPs Inspected BMP needs maintenance BMP failed Action required (describe in section F) yes no n/a 9 Cont. Wheel wash wastewater is handled and disposed of properly. 10 Control Dewatering Concrete washout in designated areas. No washout or excess concrete on the ground. Dewatering has been done to an approved source and in compliance with the SWPPP. Were there any clean non turbid dewatering discharges? 11 Maintain BMP Are all temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs maintained to perform as intended? 12 Manage the Project Has the project been phased to the maximum degree practicable? Has regular inspection, monitoring and maintenance been performed as required by the permit? Has the SWPPP been updated, implemented and records maintained? 13 Protect LID Is all Bioretention and Rain Garden Facilities protected from sedimentation with appropriate BMPs? Is the Bioretention and Rain Garden protected against over compaction of construction equipment and foot traffic to retain its infiltration capabilities? Permeable pavements are clean and free of sediment and sediment laden- water runoff. Muddy construction equipment has not been on the base material or pavement. Have soiled permeable pavements been cleaned of sediments and pass infiltration test as required by stormwater manual methodology? Heavy equipment has been kept off existing soils under LID facilities to retain infiltration rate. E. Check all areas that have been inspected. All in place BMPs All disturbed soils All concrete wash out area All material storage areas All discharge locations All equipment storage areas All construction entrances/exits Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Form Page 5 F. Elements checked “Action Required” (section D) describe corrective action to be taken. List the element number; be specific on location and work needed. Document, initial, and date when the corrective action has been completed and inspected. Element # Description and Location Action Required Completion Date Initials Attach additional page if needed Sign the following certification: “I certify that this report is true, accurate, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief” Inspected by: (print) (Signature) Date: Title/Qualification of Inspector: Appendix D. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) Park Avenue North Extension Project 1 SPCC Plan Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan (Spill Response Plan) Park Avenue North Extension Boeing Company Properties Prepared by Widener & Associates 1902 120th Pl SE STE 202 Everett, WA 98208 425-332-3961 November 24, 2020 Widener & Associates SHALL MAINTAIN A COMPLETE, UPDATED COPY OF THIS PLAN IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION ON THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES. Park Avenue North Extension Project 2 SPCC Plan Table of Contents SPCC Plan Implementation Requirements ..................................................................... 3 SPCC Plan Elements ...................................................................................................... 4 1. Responsible Personnel ........................................................................................... 4 2. Spill Reporting ........................................................................................................ 6 3. Project and Site Information ................................................................................... 8 4. Potential Spill Sources ............................................................................................ 9 5. Pre-Existing Contamination .................................................................................. 11 6. Spill Prevention and Response Training ............................................................... 11 7. Spill Prevention ..................................................................................................... 11 8. Spill Response ...................................................................................................... 14 9. Project Site Map ................................................................................................... 18 10. Spill Report Form(s) ............................................................................................ 18 Management Approval .................................................................................................. 18 SPCC Plan Acknowledgement Form (to be signed by all Project person nel) ................ 19 APPENDIX A SPILL OR INCIDENT REPORT FORM .................................................. 21 Park Avenue North Extension Project 3 SPCC Plan SPCC Plan Implementation Requirements The purpose of this SPCC Plan is to protect human health and the environment from spills and releases of “hazardous materials,” to mean any material, including any substance, waste, or combination thereof, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause, or significantly contribute to, a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, safety, property, or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed . Widener and Associates shall update this SPCC Plan throughout the Project so that the written Plan reflects actual site conditions and practices. The City of Renton shall fully implement this SPCC Plan, as accepted and updated, at all times. This Spill Response Plan shall address methods for the City of Renton’s immediate response to spills or releases of regulated or Hazardous Substances as required by law as a result of the Grantee’s use or authorized or unauthorized public use of the Easement Area and as long as the Easement is in effect. Park Avenue North Extension Project 4 SPCC Plan SPCC Plan Elements 1. Responsible Personnel Table 1.1 identifies the name(s), title(s), and contact information for the personnel responsible for implementing and updating the SPCC Plan, and for responding to spills. If spill response Subcontractor(s) will be used for spill response (as described in Section 8, Spill Response, below), the Subcontractor(s) company name(s) and contact information are also included in Table 1.1. Table 1 Responsible Personnel Responsibility Name and Title Contact Information Boeing Point of Contact Angella Mickowski Company: Boeing Phone: 425-529-8410 City of Renton Project Manager Hebé Bernardo, Project Manager Company: City of Renton Cell Phone: 206-503-4194 On-Site Spill Responder, Updating SPCC Plan Jordan Widener, Project Biologist Company: Widener & Associates Office Phone: 425-332-3961 Cell Phone: 510-725-2291 Park Avenue North Extension Project 5 SPCC Plan Park Avenue North Extension Project 6 SPCC Plan 2. Spill Reporting In the event of a spill, the City of Renton will immediately* notify: a. Angella Mickowski The Boeing Company (425) 529-8410 b. Jordan Widener Project Biologist Widener and Associates (510) 725-2291 c. The Federal, State, and Local Agencies listed in Table 2. Table 2 Project-Specific Federal, State, and Local Agencies to be Notified in the Event of a Spill Type of Discharge Who to Notify Time to Notify A spill or discharge to soil, which is NOT an immediate threat. Ecology’s 24-Hour Spill Response Team: 1-800-258-5990 Within 24 hours A spill or release to water Ecology’s 24-Hour Spill Response Team: 1-800-258-5990 AND Washington Emergency Management Division: 1-800-258-5990 OR 1-800-OILS911 AND Ecology Regional Office: Southwest Region: 360-407-6300 Immediately* A spill or discharge of oil or hazardous substances which presents a threat to human or health, welfare, or the environment. Ecology’s 24-Hour Spill Response Team: 1-800-258-5990 AND Washington Emergency Management Division: 1-800-258-5990 OR 1-800-OILS911 AND Ecology Regional Office: Southwest Region: 360-407-6300 AND 911 Immediately* Park Avenue North Extension Project 7 SPCC Plan Type of Discharge Who to Notify Time to Notify A spill or discharge which might cause bacterial contamination of shellfish. WA State Department of Health: 1-360-236-3330 AND Ecology’s 24-Hour Spill Response Team: 1-800-258-5990 AND Ecology Regional Office: Southwest Region: 360-407-6300 Immediately* * Immediately: without reasonable delay, promptly Park Avenue North Extension Project 8 SPCC Plan 3. Project and Site Information A. The project work includes the following elements: • The extension of Park Ave N to north of the BNSF Railroad tracks that are located between 757th Ave and Puget Sound Energy Property • Construction of a pedestrian sidewalk below an existing trestle bridge northeast of the Lake Washington Blvd/Garden Ave N and N Southport Dr intersection. • clearing and grubbing • relocation of Boeing’s electrical distribution system • paving of roadway, sidewalk, curbs and gutters • stormwater conveyance system installation • signalization and signage installation • construction of a railroad crossing • casing installation for sanitary sewer and water • illumination installation • landscaping • slope protection • underground utility relocation within a duct bank • in-kind trestle bridge replacement B. The site location and boundaries: The project site is located in the City of Renton in King County, WA at the Logan Ave N/Southport Dr N and Park Ave N intersection and the 757th Ave N and Park Ave N T-junction. The trestle crossing is located directly northeast of the Lake Washington Blvd/Garden Ave N and N Southport Dr intersection. It is located within Section 8 of Township 23 N and Range 5 E. The Boeing Company specifically owns parcel 0886600060, on which the City of Renton will have a permanent easement and a temporary construction easement in order to complete the project work. This document also applies to work on the Boeing Company properties located at the eastern end of 7th Street, near Logan Avenue North. C. The drainage pathways from the site: See Table 3 D. Nearby waterways and sensitive areas and their distances from the site: There are no mapped waterways near the project site. The project is within the Cedar Valley Sole Source Aquifer, as listed below in Table 3. Table 3 Nearby Waterways1 and Sensitive Areas2 Waterway1 or Sensitive Area2 Distance from Project Site Direction of waterway Flow from Project Site Runoff Drainage Pathway from Site Lake Washington 0.25 miles - Runoff generally flows northeastward towards Lake Washington from the project site through stormwater catchbasins and underground pipes. Park Avenue North Extension Project 9 SPCC Plan Waterway1 or Sensitive Area2 Distance from Project Site Direction of waterway Flow from Project Site Runoff Drainage Pathway from Site Cedar Valley Aquifer Area SSA Within project site - - Notes: 1 Waterways include streams, creeks, rivers, Puget Sound, etc. 2 Sensitive areas are areas that typically contain populations that could be particularly sensitive to a hazardous materials spill or release. Such areas include locations that provide habitat for threatened or endangered species, nursing homes, hospitals, child care centers, etc. Sensitive areas also include areas where groundwater is used for drinking water, such as wellhead protection zones and sole source aquifer recharge areas. 4. Potential Spill Sources A description of each potential fuel, petroleum product and other hazardous material brought or generated on-site is set forth in Table 4.1. The potential fuel, petroleum product and other hazardous materials listed on Table 4.1 include materials used for operating, refueling, maintaining, and cleaning equipment. Park Avenue North Extension Project 10 SPCC Plan Table 4 Fuel, Petroleum Product and other Hazardous Materials Brought or Generated On-Site Hazardous Material Name Intended Use of Material Est. Max. Amount of Material On-Site at Any One Time Material Staging, Use, and Storage Location(s), & Material Storage and Secondary Containment Practices and Structures1 Distance of Material Staging, Use, and Storage Locations from Nearby Waterways2 and Sensitive Areas3 Diesel Fuel Construction equipment, generators 400 gallons +/- Transfer tanks in work trucks; One trailer mounted 300+/-gallon tank All fueling of equipment will be conducted at a specific location within the staging area. Refueling area will be approximately 100’ from any water body. All fueling activities will be performed outside of the Boeing Easement area. Unleaded Gasoline Small power tools, ie. Chainsaw, cutoff saw, gas drills 15 Gallons Gasoline containers will be stored in secondary container with lid. Container is made of durable plastic and can accommodate three 5-gallon fuel containers. Fueling small hand tools will be at a specific location within the staging area isolated from construction activities and site congestion or within temporary containment area. Delo 400 Oil (15W-40) Equipment maintenance 5 Gallons Oil will be stored will be stored in a secondary container with lid. Container is made of durable plastic. Any equipment service or maintenance will be conducted at the same location as the fueling area. 2-cycle Oil Mix for small 2-stroke engine tools Less than Gallon Oil will be stored in a secondary container with lid. Container is made of durable plastic. Fueling small hand tools will be at a specific location within the staging area and away from construction activities Heavy Duty Equipment Grease Construction equipment 5 cases Grease will be stored in a secondary container with lid. Container is made of durable plastic. Grease added to equipment will be performed at the same general location as the fueling area. Notes: 1 See also Section 7.D (Spill Prevention, secondary containment and structures may be described in Table 4 or under Section 7D. 2 Waterways include streams, creeks, sloughs, rivers, Puget Sound, etc. 3 Sensitive areas are areas that typically contain populations that could be particularly sensitive to a hazardous materials spill or release. Such areas include wetlands, areas that provide habitat for threatened or endangered species, nursing homes, hospitals, child care centers, etc. Sensitive areas also include areas where groundwater is used for drinking water, such as wellhead protection zones and sole source aquifer recharge areas. Park Avenue North Extension Project 11 SPCC Plan 5. Pre-Existing Contamination The project site within Boeing property has no known or confirmed contamination within its boundaries. 6. Spill Prevention and Response Training All onsite personnel are required to read and sign this SPCC plan document. The SPCC plan will be posted in the onsite construction office. Additional copies will be located in spill kits. All onsite personnel will be aware of these locations. Coordination of resources from assessment, notification to cleanup and disposal shall be the responsibility On-Site Spill Responders listed in Table 1. If it necessary for both responders to be absent from site, a second or third On-Site Spill Responder shall be temporarily appointed. All onsite personnel shall know the location of all spill kits and oil absorbent booms. Personnel will know the contents of each spill kit and demonstrate knowledge of the use of spill containment materials and PPE. Fuel and equipment service locations will be established and strictly enforced. Existing environmentally sensitive areas and waterways shall be identified and discussed. Site drainage to these areas will also be identified and discussed. Fueling of equipment within or near any water body will not be permitted. Personnel will be encouraged to bring to the attention of the Implementing and Updating SPCC Plan Contact personal listed in Table 1 any changes in drainage as construction proceeds. Review of the SPCC plan will be conducted on an ongoing basis throughout construction of the project. The plan will be updated as needed. 7. Spill Prevention A. Spill response kit contents and location(s) (see Table 7). Appropriately stocked spill response kits shall be maintained in close proximity to hazardous materials and equipment and shall be immediately accessible to all Project personnel. Table 7 Spill Response Kit Contents and Locations Type of Spill Kit Spill Kit Contents Spill Kit Location(s) Vehicle Spill Kit Absorbent pads, garbage bags (PPE: safety glasses, gloves) All work trucks 55 Gallon Drum Spill Kit Absorbent pads, garbage bags, air horn to get attention of those working nearby, personal protective equipment (PPE, such as safety glasses, gloves) A complete copy of SPCC Plan 1) Placed near active work zone 2) Placed near equipment fueling area 5 Gallon Equipment Spill Kit Absorbent pads, garbage bags, air horn to get attention of those working nearby, personal protective equipment (PPE, such as safety glasses, gloves) A complete copy of SPCC Plan Placed in construction equipment Park Avenue North Extension Project 12 SPCC Plan Type of Spill Kit Spill Kit Contents Spill Kit Location(s) Disposal Drum N/A Near 55 Gallon Drum Spill Kits 1) Placed near active work zone 2) Placed near equipment fueling area B. Security measures for potential spill sources: Fuel transfer tanks located in construction work trucks will not be left onsite after hours unattended. The diesel fuel tank located on a trailer will be secured with a lock. Marking paint will not be left onsite or will be locked in the onsite office trailer. All potentially hazardous materials will be enclosed in containers and will not be left out in the open. Equipment is equipped with lockable fuel caps. C. Methods used to prevent stormwater from contacting fuel, petroleum products and hazardous materials: Equipment servicing and fueling requiring the use of petroleum products will be performed in locations away from drainage areas. In the event of a high water or flooding event, all equipment and materials containing hazardous materials will be evacuated to high ground. D. Secondary containment for each potential spill source listed in Section 4, above: The secondary containment will be built and maintained following the guidelines from Washington State Department of Transportation Secondary Containment manual dated August 2011 and information from Department of Ecology. 1) Be designed and installed to completely surround the tank. Be capable of preventing a release from the tank from migrating laterally or vertically into the surrounding soil. The liner must be free of cracks or gaps. 2) The liner must be capable of containing a release volume equal to the capacity of the largest dangerous waste tank enclosed by the liner. 3) WSDOT Specification 1-07.15(1) requires the capacity to equal 110% of the volume of the largest tank (or container) within the contained structure. 4) Be designed to prevent run-on or infiltration of precipitation inside the liner or be provided with additional volume to contain the rainfall from a 25-year, 24-hour storm. Park Avenue North Extension Project 13 SPCC Plan 5) The containment must effectively hold a spill for at least 72 hours. 6) Type of liner must be impervious and is chemically compatible to hold a spill without disintegrating. Secondary containment systems will be provided/ built around equipment and materials containing hazardous materials including generators and the fuel transfer trailer. Containment areas will be inspected daily for any deficiencies. E. Best Management Practices (BMP) Methods used to prevent discharges to ground or water during mixing and transfers of hazardous materials, petroleum product and fuel: Fueling equipment: 1) Fueling equipment will be conducted at specific, repeated location within the designated fueling areas, outside of Boeing easement areas. 2) Nozzles used in equipment fueling shall be equipped with an automatic shut-off to prevent overfill. 3) Equipment fueling will be monitored by onsite personnel at all times. 4) Fuel tanks shall not be “topped off” to reduce the risk of overfilling. 5) Fuel transfer tanks, hoses and nozzles shall be inspected prior to refueling equipment. Fueling small power: 1) Fueling power equipment will be conducted at a temporary containment area, 50ft from any body of water. 2) Fueling of power tools will be over a containment area to reduce the risk of overfilling onto the ground. 3) Absorbent pads will be strategically placed on and around the tool to capture any contaminants. 4) Mixing fuel will be conducted over a containment area. Absorbent pads will be placed to capture contaminants. F. Routine equipment, storage area, and structure inspection and maintenance practices to prevent drips, leaks or failures of hoses, valves, fittings, containers, pumps, or other systems that contain or transfer hazardous materials. Equipment will be inspected daily by the operator or mechanic prior to the start of work each day. Inspection check list includes and is not limited to following: walk around inspection of machine for any signs of leaks (including odor), review of integrity of all machinery components, check all fluid levels, inspection of all hoses, fittings and connections, and an equipment operations check. Daily equipment inspections prior to the start of work each day shall ensure all equipment is free of all external petroleum-based products and is in good working order. Small power tools will be inspected daily for leaks and ensure they are properly functioning prior to use. Hazardous material containers will be inspected daily by the On-Site Spill Responder listed in Table 1. Tanks will be inspected for any signs of leaks. All hoses, fittings and connections will be inspected for signs of leaks. Park Avenue North Extension Project 14 SPCC Plan Weather will be monitored by the On-Site Spill Responder listed in Table 1 to proactivity mitigate events that may compromise spill containment systems. Actions may include but are not limited to moving equipment and containment systems, shutting down construction activities, and covering containment systems. 8. Spill Response Tables 8A and 8B, below, outline the response procedures that the City of Renton shall follow for the scenarios described in the tables below, indicating that if hazardous materials are encountered or spilled to soil or water (including stormwater, as described in Section 7C) during construction, the City of Renton shall do everything possible to control and contain the material until appropriate measures can be taken. The City shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations for spill response and cleanup. The response procedures include a description of the actions the City of Renton shall take to address each task shown in the tables as well as the specific on-site, spill response equipment that shall be used to perform each task. If the City of Renton will use a Subcontractor for spill response, provide contact information for the Subcontractor in Table 1 and, in the appropriate table below, identify when the Subcontractor shall be used and the actions that the City of Renton shall take at the site while waiting for the Subcontractor to respond. If the City of Renton encounters unanticipated pre-existing contamination within the Project area during Project work, the City of Renton shall immediately notify the Department of Ecology and the Boeing point of contact. In addition, for all regulated waste, prior to disposal, the City shall provide the waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to the Boeing point of contact. The City shall provide the Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. For all non-regulated waste, the City shall provide advance notification to the Boeing point of contact of the waste disposal characterization and the selected disposal facility. Per agreement with Boeing, the City shall be responsible for all costs associated with complying with this Spill Response Plan, including any costs incurred by the City for stop-work events related to any unplanned or contingent events. Park Avenue North Extension Project 15 SPCC Plan Table 8A Spill Response Procedures, Including Actions to be Taken and Equipment to be Used Hazardous Material and Location Spill Response Task Assess the Spill Secure the Area Contain and Eliminate the Spill Source Clean Up Spilled Material Decontaminate Equipment Dispose of Spilled & Contaminated Material1 Construction Equipment Various locations during construction. Determine what material has been spilled, approximate amount of material spilled and where spilled material has gone and is going. Call on-site spill responder listed in Table 1. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved to be cleaned up by on-site personnel and equipment, call spill response subcontractor listed in Table 1. If spill is an immediate threat to human health or property, call 911. Report spill to PE, Boeing Point of contact, and to agencies as listed in Table 2. Shut down work in areas affected by spill, remove non-response personnel from spill area, and prevent access to spill area by non-response personnel. If safe to do so, eliminate spill source by shutting off equipment, closing leaking vales, etc. If safe to do so, contain spill using spill pads, spill booms, and absorbent from spill kits. If spill is not too large, dangerous, or involved, clean up spilled material. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved, work with spill response subcontractor and emergency personnel to clean up spill. Decontaminate all non-disposable equipment used in or contaminated during spill response. Disposal of spilled and contaminated material and all decontamination fluids in accordance with all regulations at a legally permitted facility. Prior to disposal of regulated waste, City shall provide City’s waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to the Boeing point of contact. City shall provide Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. For non-regulated waste, the City shall provide advance notification to Boeing point of contact of waste disposal characterization and selected disposal facility. Within 7 days of disposal, provide documentation substantiating such disposal to the PE. As applicable, verify completed remediation of spill impacts to soils, groundwater, surface water, stormwater, or other environmental media. Diesel Transfer Tanks Determine what material has been spilled, approximate amount of material spilled and Shut down work in areas affected by spill, remove non-response If safe to do so, eliminate spill source by shutting off equipment, closing If spill is not too large, dangerous, or involved, clean up spilled material. Park Avenue North Extension Project 16 SPCC Plan Hazardous Material and Location Spill Response Task Assess the Spill Secure the Area Contain and Eliminate the Spill Source Clean Up Spilled Material Decontaminate Equipment Dispose of Spilled & Contaminated Material1 Installed in onsite work trucks. Trucks with transfer tanks will be located in the staging area. The trailer mounted transfer tank will be located in the staging area within a secondary containment area. where spilled material has gone and is going. Call on-site spill responder listed in Table 1. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved to be cleaned up by on-site personnel and equipment, call spill response subcontractor listed in Table 1. If spill is an immediate threat to human health or property, call 911. Report spill to PE, Boeing point of Contact, and to agencies as listed in Table 2. personnel from spill area, and prevent access to spill area by non-response personnel. leaking vales, etc. If safe to do so, contain spill using spill pads, spill booms, and absorbent from spill kits. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved, work with spill response subcontractor and emergency personnel to clean up spill. Decontaminate all non-disposable equipment used in or contaminated during spill response. Disposal of spilled and contaminated material and all decontamination fluids in accordance with all regulations at a legally permitted facility. Prior to disposal of regulated waste, City shall provide City’s waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to the Boeing point of contact. City shall provide Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. For non-regulated waste, the City shall provide advance notification to Boeing point of contact of waste disposal characterization and selected disposal facility. Within 7 days of disposal, provide documentation substantiating such disposal to the PE. As applicable, verify completed remediation of spill impacts to soils, groundwater, surface water, stormwater, or other environmental media. Small Power Tools Power tools will be stored in secondary containment enclosures in the staging area when not in use. Determine what material has been spilled, approximate amount of material spilled and where spilled material has gone and is going. Call on-site spill responder Shut down work in areas affected by spill, remove non-response personnel from spill area, and prevent access to spill area by non-response personnel. If safe to do so, eliminate spill source by shutting off equipment, closing leaking vales, etc. If safe to do so, contain spill using spill pads, spill booms, and absorbent from spill kits. If spill is not too large, dangerous, or involved, clean up spilled material. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved, work with spill response subcontractor and emergency personnel to clean up spill. Park Avenue North Extension Project 17 SPCC Plan Hazardous Material and Location Spill Response Task Assess the Spill Secure the Area Contain and Eliminate the Spill Source Clean Up Spilled Material Decontaminate Equipment Dispose of Spilled & Contaminated Material1 Power tools will be used in various locations as need throughout the site. listed in Table 1. If spill is too large, dangerous, or involved to be cleaned up by on-site personnel and equipment, call spill response subcontractor listed in Table 1. If spill is an immediate threat to human health or property, call 911. Report spill to PE, Boeing point of contact, and to agencies as listed in Table 2. Decontaminate all non-disposable equipment used in or contaminated during spill response. Disposal of spilled and contaminated material and all decontamination fluids in accordance with all regulations at a legally permitted facility. Prior to disposal of regulated waste, City shall provide City’s waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to the Boeing point of contact. City shall provide Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. For non-regulated waste, the City shall provide advance notification to Boeing point of contact of waste disposal characterization and selected disposal facility. Within 7 days of disposal, provide documentation substantiating such disposal to the PE. As applicable, verify completed remediation of spill impacts to soils, groundwater, surface water, stormwater, or other environmental media. Notes: 1 Spilled fuel, petroleum product and hazardous materials, contaminated stormwater, contaminated soil and water, and all cleanup supplies shall be transported off site for disposal at a facility approved by the Department of Ecology. No potentially hazardous materials, contaminated soil or water, or cleanup supplies may be discharged to any sanitary sewer without approval of the local sewer authority. Contaminat ed stormwater will not be discharged to any sanitary sewer without approval of the local sewer authority. ◼ Petroleum products, fuel, and hazardous material spills shall be addressed and shall be prevented from reaching discharge points or any bodies of water. ◼ It is acceptable to combine materials covered by the same response procedures, as long each material is clearly identified. Park Avenue North Extension Project 18 SPCC Plan 9. Project Site Map A Project site map, clearly showing each of the following items, is attached: A. Site location and boundaries; B. Site access roads; C. Drainage pathways from the site; D. Nearby waterways1 and sensitive areas2; E. Hazardous materials, equipment, and decontamination areas identified in Section 4 (Potential Spill Sources), above; F. Pre-existing contamination or contaminant sources described in Section 5 (Pre-Existing Contamination), above; and G. Spill prevention and response equipment described in Section 7 (Spill Prevention) and Section 8 (Spill Response), above. Note: 1. Waterways include streams, creeks, and rivers. 2. Sensitive areas are areas that typically contain populations that could be particularly sensitive to a hazardous materials spill or release. Such areas include wetlands, areas that provide habitat for threatened or endangered species, nursing homes, hospitals, child care centers, etc. Sensitive areas also include areas where groundwater is used for drinking water, such as wellhead protection zones and sole source aquifer recharge areas. 10. Spill Report Form(s) A copy of the spill report form that will be used in the event of a release or spill is attached. Management Approval This SPCC Plan is supported by management of the City of Renton and Widener & Associates having the authority to commit the necessary resources, including labor, equipment, and materials, to expeditiously control and remove any harmful quantity of hazardous materials spilled or released to the waters or land of the State of Washington. ________________ ______________________________ Date Hebé Bernardo Project Manager City of Renton ________________ ______________________________ Date Jordan Widener President Widener & Associates Park Avenue North Extension Project 19 SPCC Plan SPCC Plan Acknowledgement Form (to be signed by all Project personnel) This is to certify that I have read this Project SPCC Plan and understand its contents. I have attended a Project orientation meeting discussing the elements of this SPCC Plan and the safety and health hazards associated with SPCC operations to be performed at this Project. Failure to comply with the requirements contained in this SPCC Plan may result in my removal from the Project. PRINT NAME SIGNATURE DATE Park Avenue North Extension Project 20 SPCC Plan APPENDIX A SPILL OR INCIDENT REPORT FORM Instructions: Complete for any type of petroleum product or hazardous materials/waste spill or incident. 1. Contractor: Name and Title of Person Responsible for Spill Response: ______________________________ Phone Number:_________________________________________________________________ 2. General Spill Information: Common Name of Spilled Substance: ______________________________________________ Quantity Spilled (Estimate): _______________________________________________________ Describe Concentration of Material (Estimate): ________________________________________ Date of Spill: _____/_____/______ Time Spill Started: _____ AM _____ PM Time Spill Ended: _____ AM _____ PM 3. Spill Location and Conditions: Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________ Street Address and/or Milepost, City: _______________________________________________ Weather Conditions: ____________________________________________________________ If Spill to Water, Name of Water Body (if ditch or culvert, identify the water body that the structure discharges to): ____________________________________________________________________________ Identify the Discharge Point: _____________________________________________________ Estimate the Depth and Width of the Water Body: ____________________________________ Estimate Flow Rate (i.e., slow, moderate, or fast): ____________________________________ Describe Environmental Damage (i.e., fish kill?): ______________________________________ 4. Actions Taken: To Contain Spill or Impact of Incident: ______________________________________________ To Cleanup Spill or Recover from Incident: ___________________________________________ To Remove Cleanup Material: _____________________________________________________ To Document Disposal: __________________________________________________________ To Prevent Reoccurrence: ________________________________________________________ Park Avenue North Extension Project 21 SPCC Plan 5. Reporting the Spill: List all agencies contacted; include names, dates, and phone numbers for people you spoke with: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Record ERTS #, if issued by Ecology: ______________________________________________ 6. Person Responsible for Managing Termination/Closure of Incident or Spill: Name and Phone: ______________________________________________________________ Address and Fax: _______________________________________________________________ 7. Additional Notes/Information (if necessary): Spills to water: Immediately call the National Response Center (1-800-424-8802), Ecology’s 24- Hour Spill Response Team (1-800-258-5990), and the Ecology Southwest Regional Office (1- 360-407-6300). Spills to soil that may be an immediate threat to health or the environment (i.e., explosive, flammable, toxic vapors, shallow groundwater, nearby creek, etc.): Call the Ecology Northwest Regional Office immediately (1-425-649-7000). If not immediately threatening, but may be a threat to human health or the environment, report to Ecology within 24 hours. Note: Project specific permits may have additional reporting requirements. Legend 757th Project Area Trestle Pedestrian Undercrossing Project Area 7th St Area Project ± Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community 0 350 700 Feet Park Ave North Extension Vicinity Map City of Renton, WA L a k e W a s h i n g t o n 757th Ave NELogan Ave NA c c e s s R d N Southport DrP a r k A v e N29303128272625242330.64832230.4905143222 32 28 28 27 2 4 283229 29 312827 2 3 2829 303028282 723 28 28 2 7 282827302632 Legend Boeing Parcel 088660006003 Existing Roadway and Curb Storm and Sewer SSWR lines and manholes STRM lines, catchbasins, manholes Topography TINN, TOPO Proposed ProjectElements Proposed Asphalt; Curb; Ramps; Sidewalk Proposed Cut Limits Proposed Fence Proposed Fill Limits Proposed Wall± Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community 0 30 60 Feet Park Ave North Extension Site Map 757th Avenue Project Area City of Renton, WA 29282726 2524 23 3031322221333029333023 3030322833 292830303029283133 757th Ave NEN Southport DrL a k e W a s h i n g t o n B l v d N Legend Pedestrian Trestle Project Area Boeing Parcel 088660006003 Railroad Tracks Topography (TINN, TOPO) STRM Catchbasins, Lines, Manholes SS Lines and Manholes± Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community 0 30 60 Feet Park Ave North Extension Site Map Pedestrian TrestleProject Area City of Renton, WA 31303228 2927 3130 322 8 2927Logan Ave NLegend Parcels Project Limits Existing Utilities Comm & Fiber Irrigation Natural Gas Utility Pole Power Sanitary Sewer and Manholes Storm and Manholes Traffic Water ± Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community 0 30 60 Feet Park Ave North Extension Site Map 7th Street Project Area City of Renton, WA 7th Street Survey 5/1/20: Alliance Geomatics City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX G – MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS SHEET:1 OF 1SCALE:AS SHOWNAPPROVED BY: DRAWN BY:M.A.DATE:4/8/201916151413121110987654321SITE LAYOUTTHE BOEING COMPANYBOEING RENTON, WATRANSFORMER PICKGENERAL NOTES:1.LOAD WEIGHT PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER.2.EXISTING SUPPORT SURFACE TO BE VERIFIED BY OTHERS.MAXIMUM OUTRIGGER LOADS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.REV # REVISIONSCHK BYDATEREV BYJHGFEDCBAJHGFEDCBA16151413121110987654321TITLE:PROJECT:CUSTOMER:DESCRIPTION:OFFICES:SEATTLE DIVISION -1821 180TH ST S.E.BOTHELL, WA 98031(206)·784·1054PORTLAND DIVISION -5730 NE 138TH AVEPORTLAND, OR 97320(503)·283·3111DISCLOSURE:THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF NESS & CAMPBELL CRANE, INC.THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, DISCLOSEDTO OTHERS, OR USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THAT FORWHICH IT WAS FURNISHED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OFNESS & CAMPBELL CRANE, INC.CRANE #1 - GROVE GMK 7550BOOM LENGTH131.7 FTJIB LENGTHN/ABASE100% OUTRIGGERSCOUNTERWEIGHT264,500 LBSPLAN VIEWELEVATION VIEWLOOKING NORTHEAST℄CRANEROTATION℄HOOKLOAD ANALYSISCOMPONENTPAYLOAD(LBS)BLOCK(LBS)RIGGING(LBS)TOTAL WEIGHT(LBS)RADIUS(FT)CAPACITY(LBS)% OFCAPACITYNORTH TRANSFORMER73,6003,97050078,07055145,00054%SOUTH TRANSFORMER73,6003,97050078,0709090,00087%N75TH AVENUE R55'R20'-11"CWT(E) FENCEREMOVE PORTIONIN CONFLICT WITHOUTRIGGERS4 4 ' - 1 1 "15'-5"99'-8"(E) POWER LINESTO BE DE-ENERGIZEDR90'6'x10'x12"WOOD MATTYP. EACH O/R All Terrain crane550 tons Grove gmk7550 BOOM LENGTHS: 53 to 197 ft JIB LENGTHS: 82 to 240 ft JIB OFFSETS: luffing This information is for reference use only. operators manuals should be consulted and adhered to. please contact ness campbell at info@nesscampbell.com for further information. portland office: 503.283.3111 seattle office: 206.784.1054 www.nesscampbell.com Dimensions ' " . tires' " . tires R ' " ' " R ' " R ' " Shown with th axle ' "° ' " " " ' " ' "' " ' " ' "' "' " ' "' " ' " ' "' " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' "' " ' " ' "' " '' " This information is for reference use only. operators manuals should be consulted and adhered to. please contact ness campbell at info@nesscampbell.com for further information. portland office: 503.283.3111 seattle office: 206.784.1054 www.nesscampbell.com Working range Main boom 197' 179' 163'148'132'125'116'100'89'84'68'53'H [ft] 0 82° MAXBOOM ANGLE 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 102030405060708090100110120130140150160170180190200 R[ft] 197 ft main boom Hook heights shown in the working diagram do not consider loaded boom deflection.Height from the ground in feetOperating radius in feet from axis of rotation 3 075 102 Crane with 264 500 lbs ( 120 t) counterweight (outrigger base 28.7 x 29.2 ft) Main boom - fixed length in ft 360° Lifting capacities in 1000 lbs Slewing range Radius in feet 115.9 115.9 115.9 124.7 124.8 125.1 131.7 131.7 131.7 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.88 0.44 0.00Tel. sec. I 0.44 0.44 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.44 0.44 0.44Tel. sec. II 0.44 0.44 0.88 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.44 0.44 0.88Tel. sec. III 0.44 0.88 0.88 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.88 0.88Tel. sec. IV 20.0 372.0 258.0 210.0 195.0 284.0 238.0 25.0 346.0 230.0 185.0 171.0 256.0 210.0 254.0 238.0 192.0 30.0 316.0 206.0 164.0 153.0 232.0 187.0 228.0 215.0 172.0 35.0 282.0 185.0 146.0 136.0 206.0 166.0 207.0 198.0 156.0 40.0 246.0 170.0 133.0 123.0 187.0 151.0 186.0 180.0 141.0 45.0 217.0 154.0 119.0 112.0 170.0 137.0 170.0 168.0 130.0 50.0 193.0 143.0 110.0 101.0 154.0 124.0 155.0 155.0 119.0 55.0 174.0 133.0 102.0 95.0 143.0 115.0 143.0 145.0 110.0 60.0 157.0 123.0 93.0 88.0 132.0 107.0 133.0 136.0 103.0 65.0 142.0 116.0 87.0 81.0 121.0 98.0 123.0 128.0 96.0 70.0 127.0 109.0 82.0 75.0 111.0 91.0 113.0 119.0 89.0 75.0 114.0 103.0 77.0 71.0 104.0 85.0 106.0 113.0 84.0 80.0 104.0 97.0 72.0 66.0 95.0 80.0 100.0 107.0 80.0 85.0 94.0 91.0 67.0 62.0 86.0 75.0 92.0 98.0 76.0 90.0 86.0 87.0 64.0 58.0 78.0 70.0 84.0 90.0 72.0 95.0 79.0 84.0 60.0 55.0 70.0 66.0 77.0 82.0 68.0 100.0 73.0 79.0 57.0 53.0 64.0 63.0 70.0 76.0 64.0 105.0 50.0 59.0 59.0 65.0 70.0 61.0 110.0 48.0 54.0 56.0 60.0 65.0 59.0 115.0 55.0 61.0 56.0 1160SLI Code 10 m/s Max. permitted windspeed Lifting capacity charts acc. to 85% ( lbs / ft ) Main boom 2 - 4 3 075 920 en GMK 7450 1 Drew Allemandi From:compucrane@manitowoc.com Sent:Monday, April 8, 2019 8:11 AM To:Drew Allemandi Subject:Outrigger Pad Load Query GMK7550 w/ Main Boom Only - English Outrigger Pad Loads Always confirm that the lifted load and configuration are approved in the load chart. Boom Length: 131.7 ft [44-44-44-88] Counterweight: 264500# Cwt Outriggers: 28.7 x 29.2 Load Radius: 55 ft Load Weight: 78070 lbs Slew Angle: 0° = Directly Over Rear 112820 lbs Fwd-Lt 112820 lbs Fwd-Rt 155561 lbs Aft-Lt 155561 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 45° = Over Rear Left Outrigger 131776 lbs Fwd-Lt 106192 lbs Fwd-Rt 165827 lbs Aft-Lt 132922 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 90° = Directly Over Left Side 151939 lbs Fwd-Lt 115766 lbs Fwd-Rt 157837 lbs Aft-Lt 111229 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 135° = Over Front Left Outrigger 161513 lbs Fwd-Lt 135929 lbs Fwd-Rt 136136 lbs Aft-Lt 103185 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 180° = Directly Over Front 154830 lbs Fwd-Lt 154830 lbs Fwd-Rt 113505 lbs Aft-Lt 113505 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 225° = Over Front Right Outrigger 135929 lbs Fwd-Lt 161513 lbs Fwd-Rt 103185 lbs Aft-Lt 136136 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 270° = Directly Over Right Side 115766 lbs Fwd-Lt 151939 lbs Fwd-Rt 2 111229 lbs Aft-Lt 157837 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 315° = Over Rear Right Outrigger 106192 lbs Fwd-Lt 131776 lbs Fwd-Rt 132922 lbs Aft-Lt 165827 lbs Aft-Rt Maximum Outrigger Pad Loads 161513 lbs Fwd-Lt 161513 lbs Fwd-Rt 165827 lbs Aft-Lt 165827 lbs Aft-Rt Compu-Crane Support Manitowoc Cranes – Shady Grove T 1.800.348.0620 Integrity, Commitment to Stakeholders, and Passion for Excellence. [http://www.manitowoc.com/en/safetyimage/worksafe.png] 1 Drew Allemandi From:compucrane@manitowoc.com Sent:Monday, April 8, 2019 8:12 AM To:Drew Allemandi Subject:Outrigger Pad Load Query GMK7550 w/ Main Boom Only - English Outrigger Pad Loads Always confirm that the lifted load and configuration are approved in the load chart. Boom Length: 131.7 ft [44-44-44-88] Counterweight: 264500# Cwt Outriggers: 28.7 x 29.2 Load Radius: 90 ft Load Weight: 78070 lbs Slew Angle: 0° = Directly Over Rear 44799 lbs Fwd-Lt 44799 lbs Fwd-Rt 223336 lbs Aft-Lt 223336 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 45° = Over Rear Left Outrigger 120441 lbs Fwd-Lt 21209 lbs Fwd-Rt 271387 lbs Aft-Lt 123134 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 90° = Directly Over Left Side 210243 lbs Fwd-Lt 57188 lbs Fwd-Rt 232921 lbs Aft-Lt 35905 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 135° = Over Front Left Outrigger 270424 lbs Fwd-Lt 122789 lbs Fwd-Rt 121503 lbs Aft-Lt 21554 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 180° = Directly Over Front 222632 lbs Fwd-Lt 222632 lbs Fwd-Rt 45490 lbs Aft-Lt 45490 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 225° = Over Front Right Outrigger 122789 lbs Fwd-Lt 270424 lbs Fwd-Rt 21554 lbs Aft-Lt 121503 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 270° = Directly Over Right Side 57188 lbs Fwd-Lt 210243 lbs Fwd-Rt 2 35905 lbs Aft-Lt 232921 lbs Aft-Rt Slew Angle: 315° = Over Rear Right Outrigger 21209 lbs Fwd-Lt 120441 lbs Fwd-Rt 123134 lbs Aft-Lt 271387 lbs Aft-Rt Maximum Outrigger Pad Loads 270424 lbs Fwd-Lt 270424 lbs Fwd-Rt 271387 lbs Aft-Lt 271387 lbs Aft-Rt Compu-Crane Support Manitowoc Cranes – Shady Grove T 1.800.348.0620 Integrity, Commitment to Stakeholders, and Passion for Excellence. [http://www.manitowoc.com/en/safetyimage/worksafe.png] OUTRIGGER CRIBBING WORKSHEET PROJECT: BOEING RENTON, TRANSFORMER PICK ENGINEER: MICHAEL ALLEMANDI DATE: 4/8/2019 GIVEN: OUTRIGGER LOAD - P:271,300 LBS ULTIMATE SURFACE BEARING PRESSURE (q u) - PSF:12,000 PSF FACTOR OF SAFETY (FS):2 ALLOWABLE SURFACE BEARING PRESSURE (q a) - PSF:6,000 PSF TIMBER WIDTH - B:6 FT TIMBER LENGTH - L:10 FT TIMBER DEPTH - D:1.00 FT MODULUS OF ELASTICITY - E:1,200,000 PSI SECTION MODULUS - S=BD2/6:1728 IN3 MOMENT OF INERTIA - I=BD 3/12:10,368 IN4 DENSITY OF WOOD - ρ:32 LBS/FT3 MAT WEIGHT - W:1,920 LBS ALLOWABLE MAT BENDING STRESS - F bt: 1,400 PSI FOR OAK ALLOWABLE MAT SHEAR STRESS - F vt:200 PSI FOR OAK BEARING WIDTH OF OUTRIGGER PAD - C:2 FT STEP 1: CALCULATE EFFECTIVE LENGTH BASED ON BENDING STRENGTH OF MAT EQ. 4.21 - ALLOWABLE BENDING MOMENT - M n=Fbt*S:201,600 FT-LB EQ. 19 - Leff:8.71 FT GOVERNS a=qaB:36,000 LB/FT b=-2qaBC-W:-145,920 LBS c=qaBC2+2CW-8Mn:-1,461,120 FT-LB STEP 2: CALCULATE EFFECTIVE LENGTH BASED OF SHEAR STRENGTH OF MAT EQ. 4.24 - ALLOWABLE SHEAR - Vn=FvtBD/1.5:115,200 LB EQ. 23 - Leff:10.43 FT a=qaB:36,000 LB/FT b=-2Vn-qaBC-2qaBD-W:-376,320 LBS c=CW+2WD:7,680 FT-LB STEP 3: CALCULATE EFFECTIVE LENGTH BASED ON DEFLECTION EQ. 31 - Leff:12.86 FT CANTILEVERED LENGTH - Lc=(0.06EI/.9q aB)1/3:5.43 FT STEP 4: CALCULATE ACTUALS USING DETERMINED L eff CONTROLLING EFFECTIVE LENGTH - L eff:8.71 FT EFFECTIVE WIDTH - B eff:6.00 FT EQ. 33 - CANTILEVERED LENGTH - L c=(Leff-C)/2:3.36 FT EQ. 34 -ACTUAL BENDING MOMENT - M a=((P/LeffB)*BLc 2)/2:175,367 FT-LB EQ. 4.6 - ACTUAL BENDING STRESS - fb=Ma/S:1,218 PSI < Fb OKAY 87% EQ. 35a - ACTUAL SHEAR - Va=((P/LeffB)*B*(Lc-D):73,368 LB EQ. 4.14a - ACTUAL SHEAR STRESS - fv=1.5Va/BD:127 PSI < Fv OKAY 64% EQ 4.29 - DEFLECTION Δ=((P/LeffB)BLC 4/8EI:0.07 IN OKAY 13% EQ. 36 - ULTIMATE PRESSURE UNDER MAT - q t=(P+W)/LeffBeff:5227 PSF<qa OKAY 87% REFERENCE: MOBILE CRANE SUPPORT HANDBOOK, DUERR, 2015 CSJ Completed by District Approval Parallel Street Name Crossing Street Name Railroad SECTION 1: GEOMETRY DATA & DEFAULTS GEOMETRIC DATA FOR CROSSING 1.Clear storage distance (CSD, feet) ……………………...………1. 2.Minimum track clearance distance (MTCD, feet) ………….…2. 3.Stop bar setback distance (SBD, feet) …………………………3.Enter "0" if no stop bar is present 4. 4. 5. 5. 6.Approach grade. % ( 0 if approach is on downgrade) …………6. 7. 7. DESIGN VEHICLE DATA 8.Select Design Vehicle School Bus Intermediate Truck Interstate Semi-Truck Other 9.Default design vehicle length (feet) …………………...…………9.Based on selected Design Vehicle a.9a.Use only if "Other" selected as Design Vehicle 10. 10. Sum of line 9 and 9a 11. 11. Based on selected Design Vehicle 12.Passenger car vehicle length (LV, feet)…………...…..………12.Default value Remarks Angle of turn at Intersection (Θ, degrees)……...……...……… Additional vehicle length, if needed (feet) ………………… Total design vehicle length (DVL, feet) ………………………… Texas Department of Transportation GUIDE FOR DETERMINING TIME REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL PREEMPTION AT HIGHWAY-RAIL GRADE CROSSINGS City County Railroad Contact Railroad Show North Arrow District Date Crossing DOT# NOTE: After approval by the District, a copy of this form, along with the traffic signal design sheets and the phasing diagrams for normal and preempted operation, shall be placed in the traffic signal cabinet. See Section 7 for traffic signal timings. Phone Centerline turning radius of design vehicle (R, feet)……….…. Width of receiving approach (B, feet)……………...…………… Offset distance of left turn stop bar (OSB, feet)…………….….… Page 1 Form 2304 (Rev. 7/17) Version 07/12/2017 RESET Renton, WA n/a 6/22/2022 King Perteet Inc. Northwest í Southport Dr/Logan Ave Park Ave BNSF Railway Stephen Semenick 979302J (206) 625-6152 157 2 32' minus Line 10 due to pre-signal (SU 30 to end of SBD) 10 42 44 0.0 On downgrade 91 4 55 -25 30 41 19 Preempt verification and response time 13. Preempt delay time (seconds) ……………………………………………………13. 14. Controller response time to preempt (seconds) …………………………………14. Manufacturer: Firmware Version: 15. Preempt verification and response time (seconds): add lines 13 and 14 …………………………………15. Worst-case conflicting vehicle time Value may be adjusted to meet local 16. Minimum green time during right-of-way transfer (seconds) …………………16. 17. Other green time during right-of-way transfer (seconds) ………………………17. 18. Yellow change time (seconds) ……………………………………………………18. 19. Red clearance time (seconds) ……………………………………………………19. 20. Worst-case conflicting vehicle time (seconds): add lines 16 through 19 ……………………20. Worst-case conflicting pedestrian time Value may be adjusted to meet local 21. Minimum walk time during right-of-way transfer (seconds) ……………………21. 23. Vehicle yellow change time, if not included on line 22 (seconds) ……………23. 24. Vehicle red clearance time, if not included on line 22 (seconds) ……………24. 25. Worst-case conflicting pedestrian time (seconds): add lines 21 through 24 ………………25. Worst-case conflicting vehicle or conflicting pedestrian time Worst-case conflicting vehicle or conflicting pedestrian time (seconds): 27. Right-of-way transfer time (seconds): add lines 15 and 26 …………………………………………………………27. 28. Are there left-turns towards the tracks? Yes No 29. 29. LTL = ∏RΘ/180 30. 30. Default value Distance required to clear left-turning truck from travel lanes on track clearance approach (feet): ……........……..… Additional time required to clear left-turning truck from travel lanes on track clearance approach (seconds): ……...... Worst-case Left Turning Truck time (seconds): if Line 28 = 'Yes', use line 32; otherwise Use 0 ………………..……………………………. 34. Queue start-up distance, L (feet): add lines 1 through 3 ………….………....34. 35. Time required for design vehicle to start moving (seconds): calculate as 2+(L÷20) ………35. 36. 36. 37. Time for design vehicle to accelerate through the DVCD (seconds), level terrain …………37. 38. Factor to account for slower acceleration on uphill grade ………………………………….38. 40. 40. SECTION 4: MAXIMUM PREEMPTION TIME CALCULATION 41. Right-of-way transfer time (seconds): line 27 ……………………………………41. 42. Queue clearance time (seconds): line 40 ………………………………………42. 43. Desired minimum separation time (seconds) ……………………………………43. Typcial Value 44. Maximum preemption time for Queue Clearance (seconds): add lines 41 through 43 …………………44. Time for design vehcle to accelerate through DVCD (seconds), adjusted for grade: multiply lines 37 and 38 ……………………………………………………………………………39. Refer to instructions for pedestrian 22. Pedestrian clearance time during right-of-way transfer (seconds) ………….…22. 26. 26. maximum of lines 20 and 25 ………………..……………………...……..………………………...………… Remarks Remarks Remarks SECTION 2: RIGHT-OF-WAY TRANSFER TIME CALCULATION Remarks Remarks conditions SECTION 3: QUEUE CLEARANCE TIME CALCULATION Equation: (line 4 + line 5 + line 12 - line 11 ) + line 29 + line 10 Equation: [(line 31 * 3600) / (line 30 * 5280) - line 18 - line 19] 31. 31. 32. 32. 33. 33. Travel speed of left-turning truck (SLTT, mph): …………..….. Queue clearance time (seconds): add lines 33, 35 and 39 …………………………………………… 39. Distance traveled by truck during left-turn (LTL, feet): …...... Design vehicle clearance distance, DVCD (feet): add lines 2, 3 and 10...… conditions truncation guidance Page 2 0 0.0 Siemens M62 0.0 5 0 4.0 1.0 10.0 0 22 4.0 Adv. Ped Preempt Time: South xwalk=75' 1.0 75' / 3.5 s/ft = 22s + Y + AR = 27s 27.0 27.0 27.0 4 0 10 0 0.0 0.0 169 10.5 42 8.4 1.00 8.4 18.9 27.0 18.9 0.0 45.9 SECTION 5: SUFFICIENT WARNING TIME CHECK 45. Required minimum time, MT (seconds): per regulations ………………………45. Clearance time, CT (seconds): (line 2 -35) / 10 (rounded up to nearest second)……………...…………...……………………… Total minimum warning time, MWT, needed (seconds): add lines 45 and 46 (excludes buffer time and equipment response time)……………………………… Required advance preemption time (APT) from railroad (seconds): subtract line 47 from line 44, round up to nearest full second, enter 0 if less than 0 ………………………………........ 49. APT currently provided by railroad (seconds): Enter "0" if new crossing or signal …………………….………………….49. Remarks: Preempt Trap Check 50. Warning Time Variability (Select One) Consistent Warning Times Low Warning Time Variability High Warning Time Variability 51. APT required or provided (seconds): maximum of Line 48 or Line 49………51. See Instructions for details. 52. Multiplier for maximum APT due to train handling ………………………………52. 53. Maximum APT (seconds): multiply line 51 and 52 ……………………………53. 54. Minimum duration for the track clearance green interval (seconds) …………54. 55. Track Clearance Green Time to avoid Preempt Trap (seconds): add lines 53 and 54 .…………………55. Clearing of Clear Storage Distance 56. Time waiting on left-turn truck (seconds): line 33 ………………………………………………56. 57. Time required for design vehicle to start moving (seconds): line 35 …………………………57. 58. Design vehicle clearance distance (DVCD, feet): line 36 …………….………58. Is the clear storage distance (CSD) less than or equal to the design vehicle length (DVL)? YES. The design vehicle MUST clear through the entire CSD. (CSD will be entered in Line 59). NO. The design vehicle may clear through a portion of the CSD. Do you want to clear the design vehicle through the entire CSD? YES. Clear the entire CSD. (CSD will be entered in Line 59). NO. Clear the crossing ONLY. (DVL will be entered in Line 59). 59. Portion of CSD to clear during track clearance phase (feet) 59. 60. Design vehicle relocation distance (DVRD, feet): add lines 58 and 59 ………60. 61. Time required to accelerate design vehicle through DVRD (seconds), level terrain: ………61. 62. Factor to account for slower acceleration on uphill grade ………………………………….62. 63. 63. 64. Time to clear portion of clear storage distance (seconds): add lines 56, 57 and 63 ……………………64. 65. Track clearance green interval (seconds): maximum of lines 55 or 64, round up to nearest full second ……… 65. Maximum Duration of Track Clearance Green after gates are down (in absence of a gate down circuit) 66. Total time to complete track clearance green (seconds): line 27 + line 65 ………………………….....66. 67. 67. 68. Maximum Duration of Track Clearance Green after gates are down (seconds): Line 66 - Line 67 ………………68. Total time before gates are down (seconds): subtract 5 seconds from line 44 (per AREMA Manual) ………………………………….………...……………...…………..…………… Time required to accelerate design vehicle through DVRD (seconds), adjusted for grade: multiply lines 61 and 62 ………………....…………………………………………. Remarks 47. Remarks SECTION 6: TRACK CLEARANCE GREEN TIME CALCULATION (IF NO GATE DOWN CIRCUIT PROVIDED) If the required advance preemption time (line 48) is greater than the amount of advance preemption time currently provided by the railroad (line 49), additional warning time must be requested from the railroad. Alternatively, the maximum preemption time (line 48) may be decreased after performing an engineering study to investigate the possibility of reducing the values on lines 13, 16, 17, 21, 22 and 43. If CSD < DVL, you must clear the design vehicle through the entire CSD during the traffic clearance phase; however, if CSD > DVL, you should consider providing enough time to clear the design vehicle from the crossing. 46. 48. 46. 47. 48. Page 3 20 0 20 26 0 Input #1 - advance pedestrian preemption time for pedestrian clearance = 27 seconds Input #2 - advance vehicle preemption time = 6 seconds Total advance preemption time request = 27 + 6 = 33 seconds Adv. vehicle time calculated as 19 seconds (from Line 42) minus 10 seconds BNSF buffer time minus 3 seconds flashing red RR lights time = 6 seconds additional time required for queue clearance of assumed worst-case scenario (SU-30 backed to pre-signal stop bar). 4 26 1.00 26.0 15 41.0 0.0 10.5 42 4 4 30 72 11.2 1.00 11.2 21.6 41 68.0 40.9 28 SECTION 7: SUMMARY OF CONTROLLER PREEMPTION SETTINGS 69. Duration Time (seconds) …………………………………………………………69. 70. Preempt Delay Time (seconds) …………………………………………………70. Right of Way Transfer Phase 71. Minimum Green Interval (seconds) ………………………………………………71. 72. Pedestrian Walk Interval (seconds) ………………………………………………72. 73. Pedestrian Clearance Interval (Flashing "DON’T WALK", seconds) …………73. 74. Yellow Change Interval (seconds) ………………………………………………74. 75. All Red Vehicle Clearance (seconds) ……………………………………………75. Track Clearance Phase 76. Green Interval (seconds) (in the absence of gate down circuit) ………………76. 77. Green Interval (seconds) with gate down circuit ………………………………77. 78. Yellow Change Interval (seconds) ………………………………...……………78. 79. All Red Vehicle Clearance (seconds) ……………………………………………79. Exit Phase 80. Dwell/Cycle Minimum Green Time (seconds) …………………………………80. 81. Yellow Change Interval (seconds) ………………………………………………81. 82. All Red Vehicle Clearance (seconds) ……………………………………………82. Remarks: Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Page 4 0 Default Value 0 From Line 13 5 From Line 16 0 From Line 21 22 From Line 22 4.0 From Line 18 1.0 From Line 19 41 From Line 65 19 From Line 40 4.0 From Line 18 1.0 From Line 19 0 Default Value 4.0 From Line 18 1.0 From Line 19 Section 6 not applicable; gate down circuit provided. City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX H – BNSF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 1 of 57 GRADE CROSSING CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BNSF File No.: BF10018353 Mile Post 3.70 Line Segment 0405 U.S. DOT Number 979302J Seattle Spur Subdivision This Agreement (“Agreement”), is executed to be effective as of __________________________ (“Effective Date”), by and between BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("BNSF"), and the City of Renton, a political subdivision of the State of Washington ("Agency”). RECITALS: WHEREAS, BNSF owns and operates a line of railroad in and through the City of Renton, State of Washington; WHEREAS, in the interest of aiding vehicular travel and public safety, the Agency is undertaking a project to extend the existing roadway known as Park Avenue and as a result construct a new at-grade crossing, located at BNSF Line Segment 0405 and Milepost 3.70, and designated by D.O.T. No. 979302J, by constructing the new roadway, curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm drain, utilities, street lighting, traffic signals, and installing railroad crossing signals and activation equipment within the existing roadway easement across the BNSF right-of-way as indicated on the Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, pursuant to BF10016799, BNSF is willing to proceed with the Crossing Project; WHEREAS, the Agency desires to preempt the highway traffic control signals with the grade crossing warning devices shown on Exhibit A; and 2 of 57 WHEREAS, “BNSF” agrees to allow the Agency to preempt the highway traffic control signals with the grade crossing warning devices indicated on Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the parties agree that the RAILROAD will receive no ascertainable benefit from the installation of advance warning signs, pavement marking stop bars or crossing signal equipment (hereinafter collectively called, “Crossing Signal Equipment”); and WHEREAS, the Agency also desires BNSF to install a new crossing surface at Park Avenue with a new concrete and rubber crossing surface; WHEREAS, the Agency is paying for the acquisition and installation of crossing signal equipment and the new crossing surface at Park Avenue WHEREAS, the BNSF agrees to purchase and install, at AGENCY’S sole expense, the crossing signal equipment and the new crossing surface described in the scope of work herein, and upon the terms and conditions set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1) SCOPE OF WORK 1. The term "Project" as used herein includes any and all work related to the construction of the new Park Avenue extension which includes constructing the new roadway, curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm drain, utilities, street lighting, power and signal conduits , and traffic signals by Agency and installation of crossing signals/activation equipment/new crossing surfaces at U.S. D.O.T No. 979302J, (hereinafter referred to as the "Crossing") by BNSF, more particularly described on the Exhibit A, including, but not limited to, any and all changes to telephone, telegraph, signal and electrical lines and appurtenances, temporary and permanent track work, fencing, grading, alterations to or new construction of drainage facilities, preliminary and construction engineering and contract preparation. 3 of 57 2) RAILROAD OBLIGATIONS In consideration of the covenants of Agency set forth herein and the faithful performance thereof, BNSF agrees as follows: 1. Upon Agency’s payment to BNSF of an administrative fee in the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($2,500), together with the Temporary Construction License Fee in the sum of Seventy One Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($71,000.00), BNSF hereby grants to Agency, its successors and assigns, upon and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, a temporary non-exclusive license (hereinafter called, “Temporary Construction License”) to construct the Crossing across or upon the portion of BNSF's right-of-way described further on Exhibit A-1, attached hereto and incorporated herein, excepting and reserving BNSF’s rights, and the rights of any others who have obtained, or may obtain, permission or authority from BNSF, to do the following: (a) Operate, maintain, renew and/or relocate any and all existing railroad track or tracks, wires, pipelines and other facilities of like character upon, over or under the surface of said right- of-way; (b) Construct, operate, maintain, renew and/or relocate upon said right-of-way, without limitation, such facilities as the BNSF may from time to time deem appropriate; (c) Otherwise use or operate the right-of-way as BNSF may from time to time deem appropriate. The term of the Temporary Construction License begins on the Effective Date and ends on the earlier of (i) substantial completion of the improvements, or (ii) twelve (18) months following the Effective Date. The Temporary Construction License and related rights given by BNSF to Agency in this provision are without warranty of title of any kind, express or implied, and no covenant of warranty of title will be implied from the use of any word or words herein contained. The Temporary Construction License is for construction of the Crossing only and shall not be used by Agency for any other purpose. Agency acknowledges and agrees that Agency shall not have the right, under the Temporary Construction License, to use the Crossing for any other purpose than construction. In the event Agency is evicted by anyone owning, or claiming title to or any interest in said right-of-way, BNSF will not be liable to Agency for any 4 of 57 damages, losses or any expenses of any nature whatsoever. The granting of similar rights to other s, subsequent to the date of this Agreement, will not impair or interfere with the rights granted to Agency herein. Upon Agency’s payment to BNSF of the additional sum of Two Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($228,000.00), such payment to be made within thirty (30) days of issuing the Notice to Proceed pursuant to Article III, Section 16 of this Agreement, and provided further that Agency is in compliance with the term and conditions of this Agreement, BNSF will grant to Agency, its successors and assigns, an easement (hereinafter called, the “Easement”) to enter upon and use that portion of BNSF’s right-of-way as is necessary to use and maintain the Crossing, substantially in the form of Exhibit B attached to this Agreement. If Agency fails to pay BNSF within the thirty day time period set forth in the preceding sentence, BNSF may stop construction of the Project until full payment is received by BNSF. 2. BNSF will furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment for railroad work required for the construction of the Project, such railroad work and the estimated cost thereof being as shown on Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof. In the event construction on the Project has not commenced within six (6) months following the Effective Date, BNSF may, in its sole and absolute discretion, revise the cost estimates set forth in said Exhibit D. In such event, the revised cost estimates will become a part of this Agreement as though originally set forth herein. Any item of work incidental to the items listed on Exhibit D not specifically mentioned therein may be included as a part of this Agreement upon written approval of Agency, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Construction of the Project must include the following railroad work by BNSF: (a) Procurement of materials, equipment and supplies necessary for the railroad work; (b) Preliminary engineering, design, and contract preparation; (c) Furnishing of flagging services during construction of the Project as required and set forth in further detail on Exhibit C, attached to this Agreement and made a part hereof; (d) Furnishing engineering and inspection as required in connection with the construction of the Project; 5 of 57 (e) Installation of concrete crossing surface for the one track complete with new rail, ties, ballast, fasteners, along with appropriate surfacing, to carry the improved roadway and sidewalks; (a) Installation of Crossing Signal Equipment and Crossing Signal Control House as shown on Exhibit A; (b) Provide an interface box, with contact terminals, mounted on side of Crossing Signal Control House; (c) Installation of track components necessary to support the railroad signal devices; (d) Make such changes in the alignment, location and elevation of its telephone, telegraph, signal and/or wire lines and appurtenances along, over or under the tracks, both temporary and permanent, as may become necessary by reason of the construction of the Project. 3. BNSF will do all railroad work set forth in Article II, Section 2 above on an actual cost basis, when BNSF, in its sole discretion, determines it is required by its labor agreements to perform such work with its own employees working under applicable collective bargaining agreements. 4. Agency agrees to reimburse BNSF for work of an emergency nature caused by Agency or Agency’s contractor in connection with the Project which BNSF deems is reasonably necessary for the immediate restoration of railroad operations, or for the protection of persons or BNSF property. Such work may be performed by BNSF without prior approval of Agency and Agency agrees to fully reimburse BNSF for all such emergency work. 5. BNSF may charge Agency for insurance expenses, including self-insurance expenses, when such expenses cover the cost of Employer's Liability (including, without limitation, liability under the Federal Employer's Liability Act) in connection with the construction of the Project. Such charges will be considered 6 of 57 part of the actual cost of the Project, regardless of the nature or amount of ultimate liability for injury, loss or death to BNSF's employees, if any. 6. During the construction of the Project, BNSF will send Agency progressive invoices detailing the costs of the railroad work performed by BNSF under this Agreement. Agency must reimburse BNSF for completed force-account work within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice for such work. Upon completion of the Project, BNSF will send Agency a detailed invoice of final costs, segregated as to labor and materials for each item in the recapitulation shown on Exhibit D. Pursuant to this section and Article IV, Section 7 herein, Agency must pay the final invoice within ninety (90) days of the date of the final invoice. BNSF will assess a finance charge of .033% per day (12% per annum) on any unpaid sums or other charges due under this Agreement which are past its credit terms. The finance charge continues to accrue daily until the date payment is received by BNSF, not the date payment is made or the date postmarked on the payment. Finance charges will be assessed on delinquent sums and other charges as of the end of the month and will be reduced by amounts in dispute and any unposted payments received by the month’s end. Finance charges will be noted on invoices sent to Agency under this section. 3) AGENCY OBLIGATIONS In consideration of the covenants of BNSF set forth herein and the faithful performance thereof, Agency agrees as follows: 1. Agency must furnish to BNSF plans and specifications for the Project. Said plans (reduced size 11” x 17”), showing the plan and profile of the roadway work on BNSF right -of-way and marked as Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, must be submitted to BNSF for the development of railroad cost estimates. 2. Agency must make any required application and obtain all required permits and approvals for the construction of the Project. 3. Agency must acquire all rights of way necessary for the construction of the Project. 4. Agency must make any and all arrangements, in compliance with BNSF’s Utility Accommodation Manual (http://www.bnsf.com/communities/faqs/pdf/utility.pdf), for the 7 of 57 installation or relocation of wire lines, pipe lines and other facilities owned by private persons, companies, corporations, political subdivisions or public utilities other than BNSF which may be necessary for the construction of the Project. 5. Agency must construct the Project as shown on the attached Exhibit A and do all work (“Agency’s Work”) provided for in the plans and specifications for the Project, except railroad work that will be performed by BNSF hereunder. Agency must furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment for the performance of Agency’s Work. The principal elements of Agency’s Work are as follows: (a) Design and construction of Park Avenue roadway extension which includes constructing the new roadway, curb and gutter, storm drains, utilities, street lighting, power and signal conduits , sidewalks, and traffic/pedestrian signals (b) Installation of a pavement marking stop bar in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (hereinafter called, “MUTCD”); (c) Installation of advance warning signs in accordance with the MUTCD (d) Perform all necessary grading and paving, including backfill of excavations and restoration of disturbed vegetation on BNSF’s right-of-way; (e) Provide suitable drainage, both temporary and permanent; (f) Provide all barricades, lights, flagmen or traffic control devices necessary for preventing vehicular traffic from using a portion of the Crossing, during the installation of the concrete crossing surfaces, and also during the installation of the Crossing Signal Equipment. 8 of 57 (g) Construct asphalt/concrete roadway surface on approaches to each track. Roadway surface will match elevation of the Main (and Siding) Track crossing surface(s) and remain level to a point at least thirty (30) feet from nearest rail. Any concrete headers will be constructed no closer than 5’-6” (preferably 6’-0”) from centerline of each track to provide for a minimum of 11’-0” (preferably 12’-0”) opening for track and railroad crossing surface; (h) Provide and place six (6) to twelve (12) inch wide section of asphalt between roadway concrete headers (and sidewalks) and the new concrete crossing surfaces. (i) Job site cleanup including removal of all construction materials, concrete debris, surplus soil, refuse, contaminated soils, asphalt debris, litter and other waste materials to the satisfaction of BNSF; (j) Provide BNSF in writing with the total time required from start of preempt cycle of highway traffic control signals until arrival of the train at the highway-rail crossing. (k) Connect the highway traffic control signals to the contact terminals in the interface box including all necessary cable and conduit. (l) Install the new highway traffic control signals. 6. The Agency will approve the location of the signals and signal bungalow prior to the installation by BNSF. 9 of 57 7. The Agency must have advanced railroad crossing signs and standard pavement markings in place at the crossing shown on Exhibit A (if the same are required by the MUTCD) prior to the acceptance of this Project by the Agency. 8. The Agency must give BNSF’s Manager Public Projects written notice to proceed (“Notice to Proceed”) with the railroad portion of the work after receipt of necessary funds for the Project. BNSF will not begin the railroad work (including, without limitation, procurement of supplies, equipment or materials) until written Notice to Proceed is received from Agency. 9. The Agency’s Work must be performed by Agency or Agency's contractor in a manner that will not endanger or interfere with the safe and timely operations of BNSF and its facilities. 10. For any future inspection or maintenance, either routine or otherwise, performed by subcontractors on behalf of the Agency, Agency shall require the subcontractors to comply with the provisions of the attached Exhibit C and execute the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit C-1. Prior to performing any future maintenance with its own personnel, Agency shall: comply with all of BNSF’s applicable safety rules and regulations; require any Agency employee performing maintenance to complete the safety training program at the BNSF’s Internet Website “www.BNSFContractor.com”; notify BNSF when, pursuant to the requirements of Exhibit C, a flagger is required to be present; procure, and have approved by BNSF’s Risk Management Department, Railroad Protective Liability insurance. . 11. Agency must require its contractor(s) to notify BNSF's Roadmaster at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to requesting a BNSF flagman in accordance with the requirements of Exhibit C attached hereto. Additionally, Agency must require its contractor(s) to notify BNSF’s Manager of Public Projects thirty (30) calendar days prior to commencing work on BNSF property or near BNSF tracks. 12. Agency must include the following provisions in any contract with its contractor(s) performing work on said Project: 10 of 57 (a) The Contractor is placed on notice that fiber optic, communication and other cable lines and systems (collectively, the “Lines”) owned by various telecommunications companies may be buried on BNSF’s property or right -of- way. The locations of these Lines have been included on the plans ba sed on information from the telecommunications companies. The contractor will be responsible for contacting BNSF and the telecommunications companies and notifying them of any work that may damage these Lines or facilities and/or interfere with their service. The contractor must also mark all Lines shown on the plans or marked in the field in order to verify their locations. The contractor must also use all reasonable methods when working in the BNSF right -of-way or on BNSF property to determine if any other Lines (fiber optic, cable, communication or otherwise) may exist. (b) Failure to mark or identify these Lines will be sufficient cause for BNSF’s engineering representative James Halbert at James.Halbert@bnsf.com to stop construction at no cost to the Agency or BNSF until these items are completed. (c) The Contractor will be responsible for the rearrangement of any facilities or Lines determined to interfere with the construction. The Contractor must cooperate fully with any telecommunications company(ies) in performing such rearrangements. (d) In addition to the liability terms contained elsewhere in this Agreement, the contractor hereby indemnifies, defends and holds harmless BNSF for, from and against all cost, liability, and expense whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorney’s fees and court costs and expenses) arising out of or in any way contributed to by any act or omission of Contractor, its subcontractors, agents and/or employees that cause or in any way or degree contribute to (1) any damage to or destruction of any Lines by Contractor, and/or its subcontractors, agents and/or employees, on BNSF’s property or within BNSF’s right -of-way, (2) any injury to or death of any person employed by or on behalf of any telecommunications company, and/or its contractor, agents and/or employees, on BNSF’s property or within BNSF’s right-of-way, and/or (3) any claim or cause of action for alleged loss of profits or revenue by, or loss of service by a customer or user of such telecommunication company(ies). THE LIABILITY ASSUMED BY PROVIDER WILL APPLY ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF PROVIDER, ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, AND WILL NOT BE AFFECTED BY THE FACT, IF IT IS A FACT, THAT THE DAMAGE, DESTRUCTION, INJURY, DEATH, CAUSE OF ACTION OR CLAIM WAS OCCASIONED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF BNSF, ITS AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES OR OTHERWISE, EXCEPT TO THE 11 of 57 EXTENT THAT SUCH CLAIMS ARE PROXIMATELY CAUSED BY THE INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OR SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF BNSF. It is mutually negotiated between the parties that the indemnification obligation shall include all claims brought by Provider’s employees against BNSF, its agents, servants, employees or otherwise, and Provider expressly waives its immunity under the industrial insurance act (RCW Title 51) and assumes potential liability for all actions brought by its employees. 13. Agency must require compliance with the obligations set forth in this agreement, including Exhibit C and Exhibit C-1, and incorporate in each prime contract for construction of the Project, or the specifications therefor (i) the provisions set forth in Article III and IV; and (ii) the provisions set forth in Exhibit C and Exhibit C-l, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. 14. Except as otherwise provided below in this Section 13, all construction work performed hereunder by Agency for the Project will be pursuant to a contract or contracts to be let by Agency, and all such contracts must include the following: (a) All work performed under such contract or contracts within the limits of BNSF's right- of-way must be performed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with plans and specifications approved by BNSF; (b) Changes or modifications during construction that affect safety or BNSF operations must be subject to BNSF's approval; (c) No work will be commenced within BNSF's right-of-way until each of the prime contractors employed in connection with said work must have (i) executed and delivered to BNSF an agreement in the form of Exhibit C-l, and (ii) delivered to and secured BNSF's approval of the required insurance; and (d) If it is in Agency’s best interest, Agency may direct that the construction of the Project be done by day labor under the direction and control of Agency, or if at any time, in the opinion of Agency, the contractor has failed to prosecute with diligence 12 of 57 the work specified in and by the terms of said contract, Agency may terminate its contract with the contractor and take control over the work and proceed to complete the same by day labor or by employing another contractor(s) provided; however, that any contractor(s) replacing the original contractor(s) must comply with the obligations in favor of BNSF set forth above and, provided further, that if such construction is performed by day labor, Agency will, at its expense, procure and maintain on behalf of BNSF the insurance required by Exhibit C-1. (e) To facilitate scheduling for the Project, Agency shall have its contractor give BNSF’s Roadmaster 30 days advance notice of the proposed times and dates for work windows. BNSF and Agency’s contractor will establish mutually agreeable work windows for the Project. BNSF has the right at any time to revise or change the work windows, due to train operations or service obligations. BNSF will not be responsible for any additional costs and expenses resulting from a change in work windows. Additional costs and expenses resulting from a change in work windows shall be accounted for in the contractor’s expenses for the Project. 15. Agency must advise the appropriate BNSF Manager Public Projects, in writing, of the completion date of the Project within thirty (30) days after such completion date. Additionally, Agency must notify BNSF's Manager Public Projects, in writing, of the date on which Agency and/or its Contractor will meet with BNSF for the purpose of making final inspection of the Project. 16. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, AGENCY HEREBY RELEASES, INDEMNIFIES, DEFENDS AND HOLDS HARMLESS BNSF, ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES, PARTNERS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS FOR, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, FINES, PENALTIES, COSTS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, LIENS, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, DEMANDS, JUDGMENTS AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, COURT COSTS AND ATTORNEYS’ FEES) OF ANY NATURE, KIND OR DESCRIPTION OF ANY PERSON (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE EMPLOYEES OF THE PARTIES HERETO) OR ENTITY DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, RESULTING FROM OR RELATED TO (IN WHOLE OR IN PART) (I) THE USE, OCCUPANCY OR PRESENCE OF AGENCY, ITS CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS IN, ON, OR ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, (II) THE PERFORMANCE, OR FAILURE TO PERFORM BY THE AGENCY, ITS CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS, ITS WORK OR ANY 13 of 57 OBLIGATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, (III) THE SOLE OR CONTRIBUTING ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF AGENCY, ITS CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS IN, ON, OR ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, (IV) AGENCY’S BREACH OF THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION LICENSE OR EASEMENT GRANTED TO AGENCY PURSUANT TO ARTICLE II OF THIS AGREEMENT, (V) ANY RIGHTS OR INTERESTS GRANTED TO AGENCY PURSUANT TO THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION LICENSE OR EASEMENT DISCUSSED IN ARTICLE II OF THIS AGREEMENT, (VI) AGENCY’S OCCUPATION AND USE OF BNSF’S PROPERTY OR RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SUBSEQUENT MAINTENANCE OF THE TRAIL BY AGENCY, OR (VII) AN ACT OR OMISSION OF AGENCY OR ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, INVITEES, EMPLOYEES OR CONTRACTORS OR ANYONE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY EMPLOYED BY ANY OF THEM, OR ANYONE THEY CONTROL OR EXERCISE CONTROL OVER. THE LIABILITY ASSUMED BY AGENCY WILL APPLY ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF AGENCY, ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, AND THIS WILL NOT BE AFFECTED BY THE FACT, IF IT IS A FACT, THAT THE DAMAGE, DESTRUCTION, INJURY OR DEATH WAS OCCASIONED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF BNSF, ITS AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES OR OTHERWISE, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH CLAIMS ARE PROXIMATELY CAUSED BY THE INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OR SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF BNSF. It is mutually negotiated between the parties that the indemnification obligation shall include all claims brought by Agency’s employees against BNSF, its agents, servants, employees or otherwise, and Agency expressly waives its immunity under the industrial insurance act (RCW Title 51) and assumes potential liability for all actions brought by its employees. 4) JOINT OBLIGATIONS IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, the parties hereto mutually agree to the following: 1. All work contemplated in this Agreement must be performed in a good and workmanlike manner and each portion must be promptly commenced by the party obligated hereunder to perform the same and thereafter diligently prosecuted to conclusion in its logical order and sequence. Furthermore, any changes or modifications during construction which affect BNSF will be subject to BNSF's approval prior to the commencement of any such changes or modifications. 14 of 57 2. The work hereunder must be done in accordance with the Exhibit A and the detailed plans and specifications approved by BNSF. 3. Agency must require its contractor(s) to reasonably adhere to the Project's construction schedule for all Project work. The parties hereto mutually agree that BNSF's failure to complete the railroad work in accordance with the construction schedule due to inclement weather or unforeseen railroad emergencies will not constitute a breach of this Agreement by BNSF and will not subject BNSF to any liability. Regardless of the requirements of t he construction schedule, BNSF reserves the right to reallocate the labor forces assigned to complete the railroad work in the event of an emergency to provide for the immediate restoration of railroad operations of either BNSF or its related railroads, or to protect persons or property on or near any BNSF owned property. BNSF will not be liable for any additional costs or expenses resulting from any such reallocation of its labor forces. The parties mutually agree that any reallocation of labor forces by BNSF pursuant to this provision and any direct or indirect consequences or costs resulting from any such reallocation will not constitute a breach of this Agreement by BNSF. 4. BNSF will have the right to stop construction work on the Project if any of the following events take place: (i) Agency (or any of its contractors) performs the Project work in a manner contrary to the plans and specifications approved by BNSF; (ii) Agency (or any of its contractors), in BNSF’s opinion, prosecutes the Project work in a manner that is hazardous to BNSF property, facilities or the safe and expeditious movement of railroad traffic; (iii) the insurance described in the attached Exhibit C-1 is canceled during the course of the Project; or (iv) Agency fails to pay BNSF for the Temporary Construction License or the Easement pursuant to Article II, Section 1 of this Agreement. The work stoppage will continue until all necessary actions are taken by Agency or its contractor to rectify the situation to the satisfaction of BNSF’s Division Engineer or until proof of additional insurance has been delivered to and accepted by BNSF. In the event of a breach of (i) this Agreement, (ii) the Temporary Construction License, or (iii) the Easement, BNSF may immediately terminate the Temporary Construction License or the Easement. Any such work stoppage under this provision will not give rise to any liability on the part of BNSF. BNSF’s right to stop the work is in addition to any other rights BNSF may have including, but not limited to, actions or suits for damages or lost profits. In the event that BNSF desires to stop construction work on the Project, BNSF agrees to immediately notify the following individual in writing: 15 of 57 Robert Hanson Transportation Design Manager 1055 S. Grady Way – 5th Floor Renton, WA, 98057 206-507-4814 bhanson@rentonwa.gov 5. Agency must supervise and inspect the operations of all Agency contractors to ensure compliance with the plans and specifications approved by BNSF, the terms of this Agreement and all safety requirements of BNSF. If BNSF determines that proper supervision and inspection are not being performed by Agency personnel at any time during const ruction of the Project, BNSF has the right to stop construction (within or adjacent to its operating right -of-way). Construction of the Project will not proceed until Agency corrects the situation to BNSF’s reasonable satisfaction. If BNSF feels the situation is not being corrected in an expeditious manner, BNSF will immediately notify Robert Hanson for appropriate corrective action. 6. Pursuant to this section and Article II, Section 6 herein, Agency must, reimburse BNSF in full for the actual costs of all work performed by BNSF under this Agreement (including taxes, such as applicable sales and use taxes, business and occupation taxes, and similar taxes). 7. All expenses detailed in statements sent to Agency pursuant to Article II, Section 6 herein will comply with the terms and provisions of the Title 23 U.S. Code, Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations, and the Federal-Aid Policy Guide, U.S. Department of Transportation, as amended from time to time, which manual is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement by reference. The parties mutually agree that BNSF's preliminary engineering, design, and 16 of 57 contract preparation costs described in Article II, Section 2 herein are part of the costs of the Project even though such work may have preceded the date of this Agreement. 8. The construction of the Project will not commence until Agency gives BNSF's Manager Public Projects thirty (30) days prior written notice of such commencement. The commencement notice will reference BNSF's file number BF10018353 and D.O.T. Crossing No. 979302J and must state the time that construction activities will begin. 9. In addition to the terms and conditions set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, BNSF and the Agency agree to the following terms upon completion of construction of the Project: (a) Agency will own and be fully responsible for repairs, maintenance, future construction or reconstruction of the Park Avenue roadway. (b) Agency will maintain the elevation of the Park Avenue roadway approaches to match the elevation on the railroad track crossing surfaces and to be no more than three (3) inches above or six (6) inches below top -of-rail elevation at a distance measured thirty (30) feet from the nearest rail.. (c) Agency will maintain the advanced railroad crossing warning signs and pavement markings and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify BNSF for any claims, damages or losses, in whole or in part, caused by or due to the Agency’s failure to maintain the advanced warning signs and markings or other requirements of the MUTCD. (d) Agency will do nothing and permit nothing to be done in the maintenance of the Park Avenue roadway, which will interfere with or endanger facilities of BNSF. 17 of 57 (e) It is expressly understood by Agency and BNSF that any right to install utilities will be governed by a separate permit or license agreement between the parties hereto. (f) BNSF will operate and maintain the Crossing Signal Equipment, Crossing Signal House, and the new crossing surface in proper condition. Agency shall pay to BNSF the Agency’s share of the annual inspection and maintenance costs for specific components of the Crossing Signal Equipment and Crossing Signal House within thirty (30) days of the date of any invoice for such costs. The Crossing Signal Equipment and Crossing Signal House contain 64 AAR units per Exhibit E. The annual maintenance cost per AAR unit is $Two Hundred Seventy-Eight and 25/100 Dollars ($278.25) based on 2021 rates. The Agency will reimburse BNSF for 50% of the annual maintenance costs, which, as of 2021 AAR unit rates, is calculated to be $17,808.00. To provide for a current cost to maintain signals, the 2021 rate will be increased or decreased based on AAR Indexes of Railroad Material Prices and Wage Rates, Railroad Class I, Material Price, Wage Rates and Supplements combined for Western District, with rate to be revised in the future with adjustment computer based on relationship of the previous year’s index to the index for the year 2021. In the event the Agency fails to reimburse BNSF pursuant to this provision, finance charges will be assessed on any unpaid amounts pursuant to Article II, Section 6 above. (a) Notwithstanding the preceding provision, if any regulations, ordinances, acts, rules or other laws subsequently passed or amended by the Agency or any other governmental or legislative authority increase the Agency’s portion of maintenance cost under this Agreement, BNSF will receive the benefit of any such regulations, ordinances, acts, rules or other laws and the Agency’s increased portion of maintenance costs will be incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. (b) If a railway or highway improvement project necessitates rearrangement, relocation, or alteration of the Crossing Signal Equipment, Crossing Signal House, or the new crossing surface installed hereunder, the costs for such rearrangement, relocation or alteration will be the responsibility of the party requesting such changes. (c) If any of the Crossing Signal Equipment is partially or wholly destroyed, then such repair and/or replacement costs must be distributed among the parties as follows: 18 of 57 (d) In the event the BNSF’s sole negligence destroys or damages the Crossing Signal Equipment and/or the Crossing Signal House, BNSF must, at its sole cost and expense, replace or repair such Crossing Signal Equipment and/or Crossing Signal House. (e) In the event the Crossing Signal Equipment is damaged or destroyed by any other cause, Agency must reimburse BNSF for the costs to replace or repair such Crossing Signal Equipment and/or Crossing Signal House. (f) If the Crossing Signal Equipment and/or Crossing Signal House installed hereunder cannot, through age, be maintained, or by virtue of its obsolescence, requires replacement, the cost of installation of the new crossing signal equipment and/or new crossing signal house will be paid by the Agency. (g) BNSF will operate and maintain, at its expense, the necessary relays and other materials required to preempt the highway traffic control signals with the grade crossing warning devices. (h) BNSF will operate and maintain, at its expense, the railroad crossing warning devices up to the contact terminals in the interface box. (i) Agency will own, operate and maintain, at its expense, the highway traffic control signals up to and including connection to the contact terminals in the interface box including all necessary cable and conduit. (j) Agency will, at its expense, procure temporary traffic control and temporary roadway closures in advance of future crossing surface maintenance projects completed by BNSF. BNSF and Agency shall coordinate in a timely manner to schedule the temporary traffic control and temporary roadway closures to accommodate BNSF’s periodic maintenance. 19 of 57 (k) BNSF and Agency agree to share cost of future crossing surface maintenance/replacement. Cost share obligations for each party will be determined via future funding agreement. BNSF and Agency will work in good faith to execute a funding agreement in advance of crossing surface maintenance/replacement. 10. Agency must notify and obtain prior authorization from BNSF's Manager of Public Projects before entering BNSF's right-of-way for Inspection and Maintenance purposes and the BNSF Manager of Public Projects will determine if flagging is required. If the con struction work hereunder is contracted, Agency must require its prime contractor(s) to comply with the obligations set forth in Exhibit C and Exhibit C-1, as the same may be revised from time to time. Agency will be responsible for its contractor(s) compliance with such obligations. 11. Any books, papers, records and accounts of the parties hereto relating to the work hereunder or the costs or expenses for labor and material connected with the construction will at all reasonable times be open to inspection and audit by the agents and authorized representatives of the parties hereto, as well as the State of Washington and the Federal Highway Administration, for a period of one (1) year from the date of the final BNSF invoice under this Agreement. 12. The covenants and provisions of this Agreement are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, neither party hereto may assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder wi thout the prior written consent of the other party. 13. In the event construction of the Project does not commence within 12 months of the Effective Date, this Agreement will become null and void. 14. Neither termination nor expiration of this Agreement will release either party from any liability or obligation under this Agreement, whether of indemnity or otherwise, resulting from any acts, omissions or events happening prior to the date of termination or expiration. 20 of 57 15. To the maximum extent possible, each provision of this Agreement will be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. If any provision of this Agreement is prohibited by, or held to be invalid under, applicable law, such provision will be ineffective so lely to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity and the remainder of the provision will be enforceable. 16. This Agreement (including exhibits and other documents, manuals, etc. incorporated herein) is the full and complete agreement between BNSF and Agency with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes any and all other prior agreements between the parties hereto. 17. Any notice provided for herein or concerning this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed sufficiently given when sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties at the following addresses: BNSF: BNSF's Manager Public Projects 605 Puyallup Ave Tacoma, WA 98421 Agency: Robert Hanson Transportation Design Manager 1055 S. Grady Way – 5th Floor Renton, WA, 98057 206-507-4814 bhanson@rentonwa.gov 21 of 57 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and attested by its duly qualified and authorized officials as of the day and year first above written. BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY By: Printed Name: Title: City of Renton By: Date: ______________________ Printed Name: Armondo Pavone Title:Mayor 22 of 57 Attest: _____________________________________Date:____________________ Title: City Clerk Approved as to Form: ________________________________ Shane Moloney, City Attorney Clb 10/24/22 (967 folder 4) 23 of 57 Exhibit A SHEET INDEXPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONRENTON PROJECT NO. CAG-22-265CONTACTS:VICINITY MAPCOUNCIL MEMBERS:ARMANDO PAVONEMAYOR:CITY OFFICIALS:CARMEN RIVERARANDY CORMAN, PRESIDENTVALERIE O'HALLORANRYAN McIRVINRUTH PÉREZED PRINCEKIM-KHÁNH VĂNPARK AVE N EXTENSIONPROJECT SITEAPPROVED FOR BIDNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 GN.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256CV11B. POWELLCOVER, INDEX AND VICINITY MAPLOGAN AVE N VAULTSPROJECT SITE11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 GN.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256G12B. POWELLLEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 AL.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256AL13B. POWELLALIGNMENT AND CONTROL PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 SP.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256SP14B. POWELLSITE PREPARATION PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 RS.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256RS15B. POWELLTYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 RS.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256RS26B. POWELLTYPICAL ROADWAY SECTIONS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 PR.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256RP17B. POWELLROADWAY PROFILE11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 PV.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256PV18B. POWELLPAVING AND GRADING PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 JT.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256JT19B. POWELLJOINTING PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 MD 1-2.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256∆° ∆° ∆° ∆° ∆° ∆ ∆° ∆° ∆° ∆° MD110B. POWELLMISCELLANEOUS DETAILS∆∆° 11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 MD 1-2.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256MD211B. POWELLMISCELLANEOUS DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT 17-170 PARK AVE N EXTENSION Existing Conditions SurveyTHIS SURVEY IS IN THE CITY OF RENTON COORDINATE SYSTEMXXXXXXXXXNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 MD 3-4.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256MD312B. POWELLMISCELLANEOUS DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT THIS SURVEY IS IN THE CITY OF RENTON COORDINATE SYSTEMNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 MD 3-4.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256MD413B. POWELLMISCELLANEOUS DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 MD 5-6.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256MD514B. POWELLMISCELLANEOUS DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 MD 5-6.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256MD615B. POWELLMISCELLANEOUS DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 MD 7.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256MD716B. POWELLMISCELLANEOUS DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT THIS SURVEY IS IN THE CITY OF RENTON COORDINATE SYSTEMPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOHPOHPOHPOHPSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSD SDNO PARKINGDUCTBANKSSCOPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSXXNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 WL.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256WL117B. POWELLWALL PLAN, PROFILE AND DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 DR.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A10/202256DR118T. CHEONGDRAINAGE PLANP. BUCHANAN11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 DR.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A10/202256DR219T. CHEONGDRAINAGE PROFILEP. BUCHANAN11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 DR.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A10/202256DR320T. CHEONGDRAINAGE PROFILEP. BUCHANAN11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 WT.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256WA121T. CHEONGWATER PLAN11-09-2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 WT.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256WA222T. CHEONGWATER PROFILE11-09-2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 CH.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256CH123B. POWELLCHANNELIZATION AND SIGNING PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 CH.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256ONLYONLYCH224B. POWELLCHANNELIZATION AND SIGNING DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT STRUCTURAL NOTESNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:Structural Drawing.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEP. SRENGS. CHUDGARS. CHUDGARCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A10/202256P. SRENGCHUDGARUSED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT POLE FOUNDATIONSNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:Structural Drawing.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEP. SRENGS. CHUDGARS. CHUDGARCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A10/202256P. SRENGCHUDGARUSED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT CURB REINFORCEMENT DETAILSNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:Structural Drawing.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEP. SRENGS. CHUDGARS. CHUDGARCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A10/202256P. SRENGCHUDGARUSED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 IL.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256IL128B. POWELLILLUMINATION PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 IL.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256IL229B. POWELLILLUMINATION DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 SG.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256SG130B. POWELLTRAFFIC SIGNAL PLANXX11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 SG.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256ONLYLoganAve NSouthportNDrParkAve N757thAveLEFT TURNYIELDON GREENSG231B. POWELLTRAFFIC SIGNAL DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 SG.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256³SG332B. POWELLTRAFFIC SIGNAL DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 SG.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256SG433B. POWELLTRAFFIC SIGNAL DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 SG.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/20225646POLE 11D9POLE 10POLE 14C2C1VDC H4142VDC EEVP DPOLE 123534EVP EVDC F47POLE 4POLE 16POLE 1566POLE 176465POLE 6313233EVP FVDC GD8POLE 5SG534B. POWELLTRAFFIC SIGNAL WIRING DIAGRAM43POLE 1311/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 SG.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/2022566112EVP AVDC A1162EVP BA2A182VDC D81EVP C67684948B22829222151B1B3VDC C63VDC BPTZPOLE 7POLE 3POLE 9POLE 2POLE 8POLE 1PTZEVP GPSPOLE 20POLE 19POLE 18POLE 22POLE 21SG635B. POWELLTRAFFIC SIGNAL WIRING DIAGRAM6911/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TS.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256ONLYLoganAve NSouthportNDrEVP CA1A2TEMP POLE #2XXVDC4241TEMP POLE #16869TS136B. POWELLTEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 RR.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256RR137B. POWELLRAILROAD CROSSING PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT CR O S S I N GRAILROAD CROSSINGRAILROADNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 RR.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256RR238B. POWELLRAILROAD CROSSING DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBY APP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 PL.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256PL139J. WALKERPLANTING PLANUSED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBY APP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 PL.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256PL240J. WALKERPLANTING DETAILSUSED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 CS.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256CS141B. POWELLCONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 CS.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256CS242B. POWELLCONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256TC143B. POWELLTRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256ROADONE LANERIGHTLANEENDSCLOSEDSIDEWALKROADONE LANECROSS HERESIDEWALK CLOSEDKEEPRIGHTTC244B. POWELLTRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256MUSTRIGHT LANETURN RIGHTCROSS HERESIDEWALK CLOSEDTC345B. POWELLTRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256MUSTRIGHT LANETURN RIGHTKEEPRIGHTTC446B. POWELLTRAFFIC CONTROL PLANKEEPRIGHT11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256ROADONE LANERIGHTLANEENDSCLOSEDSIDEWALKROADONE LANETRAFFIC CONTROL PLANTC547B. POWELL11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256ROADONE LANEROADONE LANETC648B. POWELLTRAFFIC CONTROL PLANCROSS HERESIDEWALK CLOSED11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256TC749B. POWELLTRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 SA.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256SA150B. POWELLCONSTRUCTION STAGING SITE PLAN11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT ONLYHANDLINGMATERIALNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 VD.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256VD151T. CHEONGLOGAN AVE N VAULTSVICINITY MAP AND VAULT DETAILSBOEING11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT Hl5NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 VD.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256VD252T. CHEONGBOEINGLOGAN AVE N VAULTSVICINITY MAP AND VAULT DETAILS11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC-V.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256LOGAN AVE N VAULTSTRAFFIC CONTROL PLANWORKROADAHEADCLOSEDRIGHT LANEAHEADTC853T. CHEONGBOEING11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC-V.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256WORKROADAHEADLEFTLANECLOSEDAHEADROADWORKAHEADTC954T. CHEONGLOGAN AVE N VAULTSTRAFFIC CONTROL PLANMERGE WITHBIKESTRAFFICBOEING11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT RRPH5NUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC-V.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256CLOSEDLEFT LANEAHEADWORKROADAHEADTC1055T. CHEONGLOGAN AVE N VAULTSTRAFFIC CONTROL PLANWORKROADAHEADKEEPRIGHTBOEING11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT RRR R MPHl5M PHl5ONLY HANDLI N G MATERI A LNUMBERBYAPP.REVISION DESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:DESIGN BY:CHECK BY:PROJ MGR: FILE:20160266 TC-V.dwgCITY OF RENTONBY:DATE:APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONDATEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO.FED AID NO.DATE: SHEET NO.OFSURVEYED:1 ALLIANCEN. EATONP. DE BOLDTP. DE BOLDTCITY OF RENTONPARK AVENUE N EXTENSIONCAG-22-265N/A8/202256CLOSEDLEFT LANEAHEADWORKROADAHEADWORKROADAHEADWORKROADAHEADTC1156T. CHEONGLOGAN AVE N VAULTSTRAFFIC CONTROL PLANKEEPRIGHTBOEINGMERGE WITHBIKESTRAFFIC11/11/2022USED FOR BNSF C&M EXH IB IT A ONLYCONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW PLANS IN VOLUME 2 OF CONTRACT EXHIBIT "A-1 Legal" A PORTION OF ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 0823059027 IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EASTERNMOST POINT OF LOT 6 OF THE BINDING SITE PLAN FOR BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF LOGAN AVENUE NORTH; ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 20041223000856, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THENCE NORTH 46°12’25” WEST, ALONG THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 83.75 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 0823059027; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 46°12’25” WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHEAST LINE AND SAID BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL NO. 0823059027, A DIST ANCE OF 25.34 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; THENCE SOUTH 46°36’56” WEST, ALONG THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 13.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 47°42’47” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.87 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 48°37’57” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A D ISTANCE OF 37.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°22’46” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.33 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°57’47” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°22’49” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°37’51” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°42’51” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 264.73 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 26°08’22” WEST, A DISTANCE OF 76.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE SOUTH 50°43’13” WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHWEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 89.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26°08’22” EAST, A DISTANCE OF 76.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE NORTH 50°42’51” EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 89.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. HAVING AN AREA OF 6,674 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. EXHIBIT “B” MEMORANDUM OF EASEMENT Form 704CM; Rev. 08/17/11 1 EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PARK AVENEUE NORTH EXTENSION, RENTON, WA (C&M Agreement) THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES ("Easement Agreement") is made and entered into as of the _______ day of _____________________ 2022 ("Effective Date"), by and between BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("Grantor"), and THE CITY OF RENTON, a political subdivision of the State of Washington ("Grantee"). A. Grantor owns or controls certain real property situated at or near the vicinity of Renton, County of King, State of Washington at Mile Post 3.73, on Line Segment 405, as described or depicted on Exhibit "A" and described on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Premises"). B. Grantor and Grantee have entered into that certain Construction and Maintenance Agreement dated as of ______________________________________ concerning improvements on or near the Premises (the “C&M Agreement”). C. Grantee has requested that Grantor grant to Grantee an easement over the Premises for the Easement Purpose (as defined below). D. Grantor has agreed to grant Grantee such easement, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Easement and in the C&M Agreement incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this instrument which terms shall be in full force and effect for purposes of this Easement even if the C&M Agreement is, for whatever reason, no longer in effect. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing recitals which are incorporated herein, the mutual promises contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: Section 1 Granting of Easement. 1.1 Easement Purpose. The "Easement Purpose" shall be for the purposes set forth in the C&M Agreement. Any improvements to be constructed in connection with the Easement Purpose are referred to herein as "Improvements" and shall be constructed, located, configured and maintained by Grantee in strict accordance with the terms of this Easement Agreement and the C&M Agreement. 1.2 Grant. Grantor does hereby grant unto Grantee a non -exclusive easement ("Easement") over the Premises for the Easement Purpose and for no other purpose. The Easement is granted subject to any and all restrictions, covenants, easements, licenses, permits, leases and other encumbrances of whatsoever nature whether or not of record, if any, relating to the Premises and subject to all with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, restrictions, covenants and court or administrative decisions and orders, including Environmental Laws (defined below) and zoning laws (collectively, "Laws"),. Grantor may not make any alterations or improvements or perform any maintenance or repair activities within the Premises except in accordance with the terms and conditions of the C&M Agreement. 1.3 Reservations by Grantor. Grantor excepts and reserves the right, to be exercised by Grantor and any other parties who may obtain written permission or authority from Grantor: (a) to install, construct, maintain, renew, repair, replace, use, operate, change, modify and relocate any existing pipe, power, communication, cable, or utility lines and appurtenances and other facilities or structures of like character (collectively, "Lines") upon, over, under or across the Premises; (b) to install, construct, maintain, renew, repair, replace, use, operate, change, modify and relocate any tracks or additional facilities or structures upon, over, under o r across the Premises; and Form 704CM; Rev. 08/17/11 2 (c) to use the Premises in any manner as the Grantor in its sole discretion deems appropriate, provided Grantor uses all commercially reasonable efforts to avoid material interference with the use of the Premises by Grantee for the Easement Purpose. Section 2 Term of Easement. The term of the Easement, unless sooner terminated under provisions of this Easement Agreement, shall be perpetual. Section 3 No Warranty of Any Conditions of the Premises . Grantee acknowledges that Grantor has made no representation whatsoever to Grantee concerning the state or condition of the Premises, or any personal property located thereon, or the nature or extent of Grantor's ownership interest in the Premises. Grantee has not relied on any statement or declaration of Grantor, oral or in writing, as an inducement to entering into this Easement Agreement, other than as se t forth herein. GRANTOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE DESIGN OR CONDITION OF ANY PROPERTY PRESENT ON OR CONSTITUTING THE PREMISES, ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, THE QUALITY OF THE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP OF ANY SUCH PROPERTY, OR THE CONFORMITY OF ANY SUCH PROPERTY TO ITS INTENDED USES. GRANTOR SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE TO GRANTEE OR ANY OF GRANTEE'S CONTRACTORS FOR ANY DAMAGES RELATING TO THE DESIGN, CONDITION, QUALITY, S AFETY, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY PROPERTY PRESENT ON OR CONSTITUTING THE PREMISES, OR THE CON FORMITY OF ANY SUCH PROPERTY TO ITS INTENDED USES. GRANTEE ACCEPTS ALL RIGHTS GRANTED UNDER THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT IN THE PREMISES IN AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS" CONDITION, AND SUBJECT TO ALL LIMITATIONS ON GRANTOR'S RIGHTS, INTERESTS AND TITLE TO THE PREMISES. Grantee has inspected or will inspect the Premises, and enters upon Grantor's rail corridor and property with knowledge of its physical condition and the danger inherent in Grantor's rail operations on or near the Premises. Grantee acknowledges that this Easement Agreement does not contain any implied warranties that Grantee or Grantee's Contractors (as hereinafter defined) can successfully construct or operate the Improvements. Section 4 Nature of Grantor's Interest in the Premises. GRANTOR DOES NOT WARRANT ITS TITLE TO THE PREMISES NOR UNDERTAKE TO DEFEND GRANTEE IN THE PEACEABLE POSSESSION OR USE THEREOF. NO COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT IS MADE. In case of the eviction of Grantee by anyone owning or claiming title to or any inter est in the Premises, or by the abandonment by Grantor of the affected rail corridor, Grantor shall not be liable to refund Grant ee any compensation paid hereunder. Section 5 Improvements. Grantee shall take, in a timely manner, all actions necessary and proper to the lawful establishment, construction, operation, and maintenance of the Improvements, including such actions as may be necessary to obtain any required permits, approvals or authorizations from applicable governmental authorities. Any and all cuts and fills, excavations or embankments necessary in the construction, maintenance, or future alteration of the Improvements shall be made and maintained in such manner, form and extent as will provide adequate drainage of and from the adjoining lands a nd premises of the Grantor; and wherever any such fill or embankment shall or may obstruct the natural and pre-existing drainage from such lands and premises of the Grantor, the Grantee shall construct and maintain such culverts or drains as may be requisi te to preserve such natural and pre-existing drainage, and shall also wherever necessary, construct extensions of existing drains, culverts or ditches through or along the premises of the Grantor, such extensions to be of adequate sectional dimensions to preserve the present flowage of drainage or other waters, and of materials and workmanship equally as good as those now existing. In the event any construction, repair, maintenance, work or other use of the Premises by Grantee will affect any Lines, fences, buildings, improvements or other facilities (collectively, "Other Improvements"), Grantee will be responsible at Grantee’s sole risk to locate and make any adjustments necessary to such Other Improvements. Grantee must contact the owner(s) of the Other Improvements notifying them of any work that may damage these Other Improvements and/or interfere with their service and obtain the owner’s written approval prior to so affecting the Other Improvements. Grantee must mark all Other Improvements on the Plans and Specifications and mark such Other Improvements in the field in order to verify their locations. Grantee must also use all reasonable methods when working on or near Grantor property to determine if any Other Improvements (fiber optic, cable, communi cation or otherwise) may exist. The Grantee agrees to keep the above-described premises free and clear from combustible materials and to cut and remove or cause to be cut and removed at its sole expense all weeds and vegetation on said premises, said Form 704CM; Rev. 08/17/11 3 work of cutting and removal to be done at such times and with such frequency as to comply with Grantee and local laws and regulations and abate any and all hazard of fire. Section 6 Taxes and Recording Fees. Grantee shall pay when due any taxes, assessments or other charges (collectively, "Taxes") levied or assessed upon the Improvements by any governmental or quasi - governmental body or any Taxes levied or assessed against Grantor or the Pr emises that are attributable to the Improvements. Grantee agrees to purchase, affix and cancel any and all documentary stamps in the amount prescribed by statute, and to pay any and all required tra nsfer taxes, excise taxes and any and all fees incidental to recordation of the Memorandum of Easement. In the event of Grantee 's failure to do so, if Grantor shall become obligated to do so, Grantee shall be liable for all costs, expenses and judgments t o or against Grantor, including all of Grantor's legal fees and expenses. Section 7 Environmental. 7.1 Compliance with Environmental Laws. Grantee shall strictly comply with all federal, state and local environmental Laws in its use of the Premises, inc luding, but not limited to, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended (RCRA), the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollutio n Act, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CER CLA) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (collectively referred to as the "Environmental Laws"). Grantee shall not maintain a "treatment," "storage," "transfer" or "disposal" facility, or "underground storage tank," as those terms are defined by Environmental Laws, on the Premises. Grantee shall not handle, transport, release or suffer the release of "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substances", as "hazardous waste" and "hazardous substances" may now or in the future be defined by any Environmental Laws. 7.2 Notice of Release. Grantee shall give Grantor immediate notice to Grantor's Resource Operations Center at (800) 832-5452 of any release of hazardous substances on or from the Premises, violation of Environmental Laws, or inspection or inquiry by governmental authorities charged with enforcing Environmental Laws with respect to Grantee's use of the Premises. Grantee shall use its best efforts to promptly respond to any release on or from the Premises. Grantee also shall give Grantor immediate noti ce of all measures undertaken on behalf of Grantee to investigate, remediate, respond to or otherwise cure such release or violation. 7.3 Remediation of Release. In the event that Grantor has notice from Grantee or otherwise of a release or violation of Environmental Laws which occurred or may occur during the term of this Easement Agreement, Grantor may require Grantee, at Gran tee's sole risk and expense, to take timely measures to investigate, remediate, respond to or otherwise cure such release or vio lation affecting the Premises. If during the construction or subsequent maintenance of the Improvements, soils or other materials considered to be environmentally contaminated are exposed, Grantee will remove and safely dispose of said contaminated soils. Determination of soils contamination and applicable disposal procedures thereof, will be made only by an agency having the capacity and authority to make such a determination. 7.4 Preventative Measures. Grantee shall promptly report to Grantor in writing any conditions or activities upon the Premises known to Grantee which create a risk of harm to persons, property or the environment and shall take whatever action is necessary to prevent injury to persons or property arising out of such conditions or activities; provided, however, that Grantee's reporting to Grantor shall not relieve Grantee of any obligation whatsoever imposed on it by this Easement Agreement. Grantee shall promptly respond to Grantor's request for information regarding said condi tions or activities. 7.5 Evidence of Compliance. Grantee agrees periodically to furnish Grantor with proof satisfactory to Grantor that Grantee is in compliance with this Section 7. Should Grantee not comply fully with the above - stated obligations of this Section 7, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision hereof, Grantor may, at its option, terminate this Easement Agreement by serving five (5) days' notice of termination upon Grantee. Upon termination, Grantee shall remove the Imp rovements and restore the Premises as provided in Section 9. Form 704CM; Rev. 08/17/11 4 Section 8 Default and Termination. 8.1 Grantor's Performance Rights. If at any time Grantee, or Grantee's Contractors, fails to properly perform its obligations under this Easement Agreement, Grantor, in its sole discretion, may: (i) seek specific performance of the unperformed obligations, or (ii) at Grantee's so le cost, may arrange for the performance of such work as Grantor deems necessary for the safety of its rail operations, activities and property, or to avoid or remove any interference with the activities or property of Grantor, or anyone or anything presen t on the rail corridor or property with the authority or permission of Grantor. Grantee shall promptly reimburse Grantor for all costs of work performed on Grantee's behalf upon receipt of an invoice for such costs. Grantor's failure to perform any obligations of Grantee or Grantee's Contractors shall not alter the liability allocation set forth in this Easement Agreement. 8.2 Abandonment. Grantor may, at its option, terminate this Easement Agreement by serving five (5) days' notice in writing upon Grantee if Grantee should abandon or cease to use the Premises for the Easement Purpose. Any waiver by Grantor of any default or defaults shall not constitute a waiver of the right to terminate this Easement Agreement for any subsequent default or defaults, nor shall any such waiver in any way affect Grantor's ability to enforce any section of this Easement Agreement. 8.3 Effect of Termination or Expiration. Neither termination nor expiration will release Grantee from any liability or obligation under this Easement, whether of indemnity or otherwise, resulting from any acts, omissions or events happening prior to the date of termi nation or expiration, or, if later, the date the Premises are restored as required by Section 9. 8.4 Non-exclusive Remedies. The remedies set forth in this Section 8 shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other remedies that Grantor may have under the C&M Agreement, at law or in equity. Section 9 Surrender of Premises. 9.1 Removal of Improvements and Restoration. Upon termination of this Easement Agreement, whether by abandonment of the Easement or by the exercise of Grantor's te rmination rights hereunder, Grantee shall, at its sole cost and expense, immediately perform the following: (a) remove all or such portion of Grantee's Improvements and all appurtenances thereto from the Premises, as Grantor directs at Grantor's sole discretion; (b) repair and restore any damage to the Premises arising from, growing out of, or connected with Grantee's use of the Premises; (c) remedy any unsafe conditions on the Premises created or aggravated by Grantee; and (d) leave the Premises in the condition which existed as of the Effective Date. 9.2 Limited License for Entry. If this Easement Agreement is terminated, Grantor may direct Grantee to undertake one or more of the actions set forth above, at Grantee's sole cost, in which case Grantee shall have a limited license to enter upon the Premises to the extent necessary to undertake the actions directed by Grantor. The terms of this limited license include all of Grantee's obligations under this Easement Agreement. Termination will not release Grantee from any liability or obligation under this Easement Agreement, whether of indemnity or otherwise, resulting from any acts, o missions or events happening prior to the date of termination, or, if later, the date when Grantee's Improvements are removed and the Premises are restored to the condition that existed as of the Effective Date. If Grantee fails to surrender the Premises to Grantor upon any termination of the Easement, all liabilities and obligations of Grantee hereunder shall continue in effect unt il the Premises are surrendered. Form 704CM; Rev. 08/17/11 5 Section 10 Liens. Grantee shall promptly pay and discharge any and all liens arising o ut of any construction, alterations or repairs done, suffered or permitted to be done by Grantee on the Premises or attributable to Taxes that are the responsibility of Grantee pursuant to Section 6. Grantor is hereby authorized to post any notices or take any other action upon or with respect to the Premises that is or may be permitted by Law to prevent the attachment of any such liens to any portion of the Premises; provided, however, that failure of Grantor to take any such action shall not relieve Gran tee of any obligation or liability under this Section 10 or any other section of this Easement Agreement. Section 11 Tax Exchange. Grantor may assign its rights (but not its obligations) under this Easement Agreement to Goldfinch Exchange Company LLC, an exchange intermediary, in order for Grantor to effect an exchange under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. In such event , Grantor shall provide Grantee with a Notice of Assignment, attached as Exhibit C, and Grantee shall execute an acknowledgeme nt of receipt of such notice. Section 12 Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder by one party to the o ther shall be delivered in the manner set forth in the C&M Agreement. Notices to Grantor under this Easement shall be delivered to the following address: BNSF Railway Company, Real Estate Department, 2500 Lou Menk Drive, Ft. Worth, TX 76131, Attn: Permits, or such other address as Grantor may from time to time direct by notice to Grantee. Section 13 Recordation. It is understood and agreed that this Easement Agreement shall not be in recordable form and shall not be placed on public record and any such recording shall be a breach of this Easement Agreement. Grantor and Grantee shall execute a Memorandum of Easement in the fo rm attached hereto as Exhibit "B" (the "Memorandum of Easement") subject to changes required, if any, to conform such form to local recording requirements. The Memorandum of Easement shall be recorded in the real estate records in the county where the Premises are located. If a Memorandum of Easement is not executed by the parties and recorded as described above within 30 days of the Effective Date, Grantor shall have the right to terminate this Easement Agreement upon notice to Grantee. Section 14 Miscellaneous. 14.1 All questions concerning the interpretation or application of provisions of this Easement Agreement shall be decided according to the substa ntive Laws of the State of [Texas] without regard to conflicts of law provisions. 14.2 In the event that Grantee consists of two or more parties, all the covenants and agreements of Grantee herein contained shall be the joint and several covenants and a greements of such parties. This instrument and all of the terms, covenants and provisions hereo f shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon each of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors and assigns and shall run with and be binding upon the Premises. 14.3 If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this Easement Agreement, the prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and necessary disbursements in addition to any other relief to which such party or parties may be entitled. 14.4 If any provision of this Easement Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future Laws, such provision will be fully sev erable and this Easement Agreement will be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision is not a part hereof, and the remaining provisions hereof will remain in full force and effect. In lieu of any illegal, invalid or une nforceable provision herein, there will be added automatically as a part of this Easement Agree ment a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid and enforceable. 14.5 This Easement Agreement is the full and complete agreement between Grantor and Grantee with respect to all matters relating to Grantee's use of the Premises, and supersedes any and all other agreements between the parties hereto relating to Grantee's use of the Premises as described herein. However, Form 704CM; Rev. 08/17/11 6 nothing herein is intended to terminate any surviving obligation of Grantee or Grantee's obligation to defend and hold Grantor harmless in any prior written agreement between the parties. 14.6 Time is of the essence for the performance of this Easement Agreement. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 15. Grantee acknowledges that a material consideration for this agreement, without which it would not be made, is the agreement between Grantee and Grantor, that the Grantee shall pay upon return of this Agreement signed by Grantee to Grantor's Broker a processing fee in the amount of $2,500.00 over and above the agreed upon Acquisition Price. Said fee shall be made payable to BNSF Railway Company by a separate check. Witness the execution of this Easement Agreement as of the date first set forth above. GRANTOR: BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation By: Name: Title: GRANTEE: THE CITY OF RENTON, a political subdivision of the State of Washington By: Name: Title: EXHIBIT "A" Premises EXHIBIT "A-1 Legal" A PORTION OF ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 0823059027 IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EASTERNMOST POINT OF LOT 6 OF THE BINDING SITE PLAN FOR BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF LOGAN AVENUE NORTH; ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 20041223000856, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THENCE NORTH 46°12’25” WEST, ALONG THE NORT HEAST LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 83.75 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 0823059027; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 46°12’25” WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHEAST LINE AND SAID BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL NO. 0823059027, A DISTANCE OF 25.34 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; THENCE SOUTH 46°36’56” WEST, ALONG THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 13.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 47°42’47” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.87 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 48°37’57” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.0 0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°22’46” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.33 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°57’47” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°22’49” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°37’51” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°42’51” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 264.73 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 26°08’22” WEST, A DISTANCE OF 76.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE SOUTH 50°43’13” WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHWEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 89.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26°08’22” EAST, A DISTANCE OF 76.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE NORTH 50°42’51” EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 89.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. HAVING AN AREA OF 6,674 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Page 1 of 5 MEMORANDUM OF EASEMENT THIS MEMORANDUM OF EASEMENT is hereby executed this ________ day of_________________, 2022, by and between BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("Grantor"), whose address for purposes of this instrument is 2500 Lou Menk Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76131, and THE CITY OF RENTON, a political subdivision of the State of Washington ("Grantee"), whose address for purposes of this instrument is 1055 Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98057, which terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall include, wherever the context permits or requires, singular or plural, and the heirs , legal representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties: WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantor owns or controls certain real property situated in King County, Washington as described on Exhibit "A" and described on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Premises'); WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee entered into an Easement Agreement, dated _____________________________, 2022 (the "Easement Agreement") which set forth, among other things, the terms of an easement granted by Grantor to Grant ee over and across the Premises (the "Easement"); and WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee desire to memorialize the terms and conditions of the Easement Agreement of record. For valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledg ed, Grantor does grant unto Grantee and Grantee does hereby accept from Grantor the Easement over and across the Premises. The term of the Easement, unless sooner terminated under provisions of the Easement Agreement, shall be perpetual. All the terms, conditions, provisions and covenants of the Easement Agreement are incorporated herein by this reference for all purposes as though written out at length herein, and both the Easement Agreement and this Memorandum of Easement shall be deemed to constitu te a single instrument or document. This Memorandum of Easement is not intended to amend, modify, supplement, or supersede any of the provisions of the Easement Agreement and, to the extent there may be any conflict or inconsistency between the Easement Agreement or this Memorandum of Easement, the Easement Agreement shall control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor and Grantee have executed this Memorandum of Easement to as of the date and year first above written. Page 2 of 5 GRANTOR: BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation By: Name: Title: STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF TARRANT § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the ______ day of _________________, 2022, by ______________________________ (name) as ___________________________________(title) of BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation. Notary Public My appointment expires: (Seal) Page 3 of 5 GRANTEE: THE CITY OF RENTON, a political subdivision of the State of Washington By: Name: Title: STATE OF _______________ § § COUNTY OF _____________ § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the ______ day of _______________________, 201_, by ___________________________________ (name) as ______________________________(title) of ___________________________________, a ________________________________________. Notary Public My appointment expires: (Seal) Page 4 of 5 EXHIBIT "A” Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT "A-1” Legal" A PORTION OF ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 0823059027 IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EASTERNMOST POINT OF LOT 6 OF THE BINDING SITE PLAN FOR BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF LOGAN AVENUE NORTH; ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN AUDITOR’S FILE NO. 20041223000856, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THENCE NORTH 46°12’25” WEST, ALONG THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID LOT, A DISTANCE OF 83.75 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE BOUNDARY OF ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 0823059027; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 46°12’25” WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHEAST LINE AND SAID BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL NO. 082305 9027, A DISTANCE OF 25.34 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; THENCE SOUTH 46°36’56” WEST, ALONG THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 13.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 47°42’47” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.87 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 48°37’57” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°22’46” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.33 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°57’47” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°22’49” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°37’51” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 37.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 50°42’51” WEST, ALONG SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF 264.73 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 26°08’22” WEST, A DISTANCE OF 76.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE SOUTH 50°43’13” WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHWEST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 89.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26°08’22” EAST, A DISTANCE OF 76.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL; THENCE NORTH 50°42’51” EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHEAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 89.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. HAVING AN AREA OF 6,674 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 34 of 57 EXHIBIT "C" CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS 1.01 General: • 1.01.01 The Contractor must cooperate with BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as "Railway" where work is over or under on or adjacent to Railway property and/or right-of-way, hereafter referred to as "Railway Property", during the construction of _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. • 1.01.02 The Contractor must execute and deliver to the Railway duplicate copies of the Exhibit “C-1” Agreement, in the form attached hereto, obligating the Contractor to provide and maintain in full force and effect the insurance called for under Section 3 of said Exhibit “C-1”. Questions regarding procurement of the Railroad Protective Liability Insurance should be directed to Rosa Martinez at Marsh, USA, 214-303-8519. • 1.01.03 The Contractor must plan, schedule and conduct all work activities so as not to interfere with the movement of any trains on Railway Property. • 1.01.04 The Contractor's right to enter Railway's Property is subject to the absolute right of Railway to cause the Contractor's work on Railway's Property to cease if, in the opinion of Railway, Contractor's activities create a hazard to Railway's Property, employees, and/or operations. Railway will have the right to stop construction work on the Project if any of the following events take place: (i) Contractor (or any of its subcontractors) performs the Project work in a manner contrary to the plans and specifications approved by Railway; (ii) Contractor (or any of its subcontractors), in Railway’s opinion, prosecutes the Project work in a manner which is hazardous to Railway property, facilities or the safe and expeditious movement of railroad traffic; (iii) the insurance described in the attached Exhibit C-1 is canceled during the course of the Project; or (iv) Contractor fails to pay Railway for the Temporary Construction License or the Easement. The work stoppage will continue until all necessary actions are taken by Contractor or its subcontractor to rectify the situation to the satisfaction of Railway’s Division Engineer or until additional insurance has been delivered to and accepted by Railway. In the event of a breach of (i) this Agreement, (ii) the Temporary Construction License, or (iii) the Easement, Railway may immediately terminate the Temporary Construction License or the Easement. Any such work stoppage under this provision will not give rise to any liability on the part of Railway. Railway’s right to stop the work is in addition to any other rights Railway may have including, but not limited to, actions or suits for damages or lost profits. In the event that Railway desires to stop construction work on the Project, Railway agrees to immediately notify the following individual in writing: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 35 of 57 • 1.01.05 The Contractor is responsible for determining and complying with all Federal, State and Local Governmental laws and regulations, including, but not limited to environmental laws and regulations (including but not limited to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended; the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Act, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, CERCLA), and health and safety laws and regulations. The Contractor hereby indemnifies, defends and holds harmless Railway for, from and against all fines or penalties imposed or assessed by Federal, State and Local Governmental Agencies against the Railway which arise out of Contractor's work under this Agreement. • 1.01.06 The Contractor must notify Agency at and Railway's Manager Public Projects, telephone number ( ) at least thirty (30) calendar days before commencing any work on Railway Property. Contractor’s notification to Railway must refer to Railway's file ___________. • 1.01.07 For any bridge demolition and/or falsework above any tracks or any excavations located with any part of the excavations located within, whichever is greater, twenty-five (25) feet of the nearest track or intersecting a slope from the plane of the top of rail on a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope beginning at eleven (11) feet from centerline of the nearest track, both measured perpendicular to center line of track, the Contractor must furnish the Railway five sets of working drawings showing details of construction affecting Railway Property and tracks. The working drawing must include the proposed method of installation and removal of falsework, shoring or cribbing, not included in the contract plans and two sets of structural calculations of any falsework, shoring or cribbing. For all excavation and shoring submittal plans, the current “BNSF-UPRR Guidelines for Temporary Shoring” must be used for determining the design loading conditions to be used in shoring design, and all calculations and submittals must be in accordance with the current “BNSF-UPRR Guidelines for Temporary Shoring”. All submittal drawings and calculations must be stamped by a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the state the project is located. All calculations must take into consideration railway surcharge loading and must be designed to meet American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (previously known as American Railway Engineering Association) Coopers E-80 live loading standard. All drawings and calculations must be stamped by a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the state the project is located. The Contractor must not begin work until notified by the Railway that plans have been approved. The Contractor will be required to use lifting devices such as, cranes and/or winches to place or to remove any falsework over Railway's tracks. In no case will the Contractor be relieved of responsibility for results obtained by the implementation of said approved plans. • 1.01.08 Subject to the movement of Railway's trains, Railway will cooperate with the Contractor such that the work may be handled and performed in an efficient manner. The Contractor will have no claim whatsoever for any type of damages or for extra or additional compensation in the event his work is delayed by the Railway. 1.02 Contractor Safety Orientation 36 of 57 • 1.02.01 No employee of the Contractor, its subcontractors, agents or invitees may enter Railway Property without first having completed Railway’s Engineering Contractor Safety Orientation, found on the web site www.BNSFContractor.com. The Contractor must ensure that each of its employees, subcontractors, agents or invitees completes Railway’s Engineering Contractor Safety Orientation through internet sessions before any work is performed on the Project. Additionally, the Contractor must ensure that each and every one of its employees, subcontractors, agents or invitees possesses a card certifying completion of the Railway Contractor Safety Orientation before entering Railway Property. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of the Railway Contractor Safety Orientation. The Contractor must renew the Railway Contractor Safety Orientation annually. Further clarification can be found on the web site or from the Railway’s Representative. 1.03 Railway Requirements • 1.03.01 The Contractor must take protective measures as are necessary to keep railway facilities, including track ballast, free of sand, debris, and other foreign objects and materials resulting from his operations. Any damage to railway facilities resulting from Contractor's operations will be repaired or replaced by Railway and the cost of such repairs or replacement must be paid for by the Agency. • 1.03.02 The Contractor must notify the Railway's Division Engineer ________________________ at (_____)_________________ and provide blasting plans to the Railway for review seven (7) calendar days prior to conducting any blasting operations adjacent to or on Railway's Property. • 1.03.03 The Contractor must abide by the following temporary clearances during construction: ▪ 15’-0” Horizontally from centerline of nearest track ▪ 21’-6” Vertically above top of rail ▪ 27'-0" Vertically above top of rail for electric wires carrying less than 750 volts ▪ 28'-0" Vertically above top of rail for electric wires carrying 750 volts to 15,000 volts ▪ 30'-0" Vertically above top of rail for electric wires carrying 15,000 volts to 20,000 volts ▪ 34'-0" Vertically above top of rail for electric wires carrying more than 20,000 volts • 1.03.04 Upon completion of construction, the following clearances shall be maintained: ▪ 25’ Horizontally from centerline of nearest track ▪ 23’ 6” Vertically above top of rail • 1.03.05 Any infringement within State statutory clearances due to the Contractor's operations must be submitted to the Railway and to the Agency and must not be undertaken until approved in writing by the Railway, and until the Agency has obtained any necessary authorization from the State Regulatory Authority for the infringement. No extra compensation will be allowed in the event the Contractor's work is delayed pending Railway approval, and/or the State Regulatory Authority's approval. 37 of 57 • 1.03.06 In the case of impaired vertical clearance above top of rail, Railway will have the option of installing tell-tales or other protective devices Railway deems necessary for protection of Railway operations. The cost of tell-tales or protective devices will be borne by the Agency. • 1.03.07 The details of construction affecting the Railway's Property and tracks not included in the contract plans must be submitted to the Railway by Agency for approval before work is undertaken and this work must not be undertaken until approved by the Railway. • 1.03.08 At other than public road crossings, the Contractor must not move any equipment or materials across Railway's tracks until permission has been obtained from the Railway. The Contractor must obtain a "Temporary Construction Crossing Agreement" from the Railway prior to moving his equipment or materials across the Railways tracks. The temporary crossing must be gated and locked at all times when not required for use by the Contractor. The temporary crossing for use of the Contractor will be constructed and, at the completion of the project, removed at the expense of the Contractor. • 1.03.09 Discharge, release or spill on the Railway Property of any hazardous substances, oil, petroleum, constituents, pollutants, contaminants, or any hazardous waste is prohibited and Contractor must immediately notify the Railway's Resource Operations Center at 1(800) 832-5452, of any discharge, release or spills in excess of a reportable quantity. Contractor must not allow Railway Property to become a treatment, storage or transfer facility as those terms are defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or any state analogue. • 1.03.10 The Contractor upon completion of the work covered by this contract, must promptly remove from the Railway's Property all of Contractor's tools, equipment, implements and other materials, whether brought upon said property by said Contractor or any Subcontractor, employee or agent of Contractor or of any Subcontractor, and must cause Railway's Property to be left in a condition acceptable to the Railway's representative. 1.04 Contractor Roadway Worker on Track Safety Program and Safety Action Plan: • 1.04.01 Each Contractor that will perform work within 25 feet of the centerline of a track must develop and implement a Roadway Worker Protection/On Track Safety Program and work with Railway Project Representative to develop an on track safety strategy as described in the guidelines listed in the on track safety portion of the Safety Orientation. This Program must provide Roadway Worker protection/on track training for all employees of the Contractor, its subcontractors, agents or invitees. This training is reinforced at the job site through job safety briefings. Additionally, each Contractor must develop and implement the Safety Action Plan, as provided for on the web site www.BNSFContractor.com, which will be made available to Railway prior to commencement of any work on Railway Property. During the performance of work, the Contractor must audit its work activities. The Contractor must designate an on-site Project Supervisor who will serve as the contact person for the Railway and who will maintain a copy of the Safety Action Plan, safety audits, and Material Safety Datasheets (MSDS), at the job site. 38 of 57 • 1.04.02 Contractor shall have a background investigation performed on all of its employees, subcontractors and agents who will be performing any services for Railroad under this Agreement which are determined by Railroad in its sole discretion a) to be on Railroad’s property, or b) that require access to Railroad Critical Infrastructure, Railroad Critical Information Systems, Railroad’s Employees, Hazardous Materials on Railroad’s property or is being transported by or otherwise in the custody of Railroad, or Freight in Transit involving Railroad. The required background screening shall at a minimum meet the rail industry background screening criteria defined by the e-RAILSAFE Program as outlined at www.eVerifile.com, in addition to any other applicable regulatory requirements. Contractor shall obtain written consent from all its employees, subcontractors or agents screened in compliance with the e-RAILSAFE Program to participate in the Program on their behalf and to release completed background information to Railroad’s designee. Contractor shall be subject to periodic audit to ensure compliance. Contractor subject to the e-RAILSAFE Program hereunder shall not permit any of its employees, subcontractors or agents to perform services hereunder who are not first approved under e- RAILSAFE Program standards. Railroad shall have the right to deny entry onto its premises or access as described in this section above to any of Contractor's employees, subcontractors or agents who do not display the authorized identification badge issued by a background screening service meeting the standards set forth in the e-RAILSAFE Program, or who in Railroad's opinion, which may not be unreasonable, may pose a threat to the safety or security of Railroad's operations, assets or personnel. Contractors shall be responsible for ensuring that its employees, subcontractors and agents are United States citizens or legally working in the United States under a lawful and appropriate work VISA or other work authorization. 1.05 Railway Flagger Services: • 1.05.01 The Contractor must give Railway’s Roadmaster (telephone ________) a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days advance notice when flagging services will be required so that the Roadmaster can make appropriate arrangements (i.e., bulletin the flagger’s position). If flagging services are scheduled in advance by the Contractor and it is subsequently determined by the parties hereto that such services are no longer necessary, the Contractor must give the Roadmaster five (5) working days advance notice so that appropriate arrangements can be made to abolish the position pursuant to union requirements. • 1.05.02 Unless determined otherwise by Railway’s Project Representative, Railway flagger will be required and furnished when Contractor’s work activities are located over, under and/or within twenty-five (25) feet measured horizontally from centerline of the nearest track and when cranes or similar equipment positioned beyond 25-feet from the track centerline could foul the 39 of 57 track in the event of tip over or other catastrophic occurrence, but not limited thereto for the following conditions: • 1.05.02a When, upon inspection by Railway’s Representative, other conditions warrant. • 1.05.02b When any excavation is performed below the bottom of tie elevation, if, in the opinion of Railway's representative, track or other Railway facilities may be subject to movement or settlement. • 1.05.02c When work in any way interferes with the safe operation of trains at timetable speeds. • 1.05.02d When any hazard is presented to Railway track, communications, signal, electrical, or other facilities either due to persons, material, equipment or blasting in the vicinity. • 1.05.02e Special permission must be obtained from the Railway before moving heavy or cumbersome objects or equipment which might result in making the track impassable. • 1.05.03 Flagging services will be performed by qualified Railway flaggers. • 1.05.03a Flagging crew generally consists of one employee. However, additional personnel may be required to protect Railway Property and operations, if deemed necessary by the Railways Representative. • 1.05.03b Each time a flagger is called, the minimum period for billing will be the eight (8) hour basic day. • 1.05.03c The cost of flagger services provided by the Railway will be borne by Agency. The estimated cost for one (1) flagger is approximately between $800.00- $1,600.00 for an eight (8) hour basic day with time and one-half or double time for overtime, rest days and holidays. The estimated cost for each flagger includes vacation allowance, paid holidays, Railway and unemployment insurance, public liability and property damage insurance, health and welfare benefits, vehicle, transportation, meals, lodging, radio, equipment, supervision and other costs incidental to performing flagging services. Negotiations for Railway labor or collective bargaining agreements and rate changes authorized by appropriate Federal authorities may increase actual or estimated flagging rates. THE FLAGGING RATE IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF PERFORMANCE BY THE CONTRACTOR HEREUNDER WILL BE USED TO CALCULATE THE ACTUAL COSTS OF FLAGGING PURSUANT TO THIS PARAGRAPH. • 1.05.03d The average train traffic on this route is ______ freight trains per 24-hour period at a timetable speed ______ MPH and ______ passenger trains at a timetable speed of ______ MPH. 40 of 57 1.06 Contractor General Safety Requirements • 1.06.01 Work in the proximity of railway track(s) is potentially hazardous where movement of trains and equipment can occur at any time and in any direction. All work performed by contractors within 25 feet of any track must be in compliance with FRA Roadway Worker Protection Regulations. • 1.06.02 Before beginning any task on Railway Property, a thorough job safety briefing must be conducted with all personnel involved with the task and repeated when the personnel or task changes. If the task is within 25 feet of any track, the job briefing must include the Railway's flagger, as applicable, and include the procedures the Contractor will use to protect its employees, subcontractors, agents or invitees from moving any equipment adjacent to or across any Railway track(s). • 1.06.03 Workers must not work within 25 feet of the centerline of any track wit hout an on track safety strategy approved by the Railway’s Project Representative. When authority is provided, every contractor employee must know: (1) who the Railway flagger is, and how to contact the flagger, (2) limits of the authority, (3) the method of communication to stop and resume work, and (4) location of the designated places of safety. Persons or equipment entering flag/work limits that were not previously job briefed, must notify the flagger immediately, and be given a job briefing when working within 25 feet of the center line of track. • 1.06.04 When Contractor employees are required to work on the Railway Property after normal working hours or on weekends, the Railway's representative in charge of the project must be notified. A minimum of two employees must be present at all times. • 1.06.05 Any employees, agents or invitees of Contractor or its subcontractors under suspicion of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or in the possession of same, will be removed from the Railway's Property and subsequently released to the custody of a representative of Contractor management. Future access to the Railway's Property by that employee will be denied. • 1.06.06 Any damage to Railway Property, or any hazard noticed on passing trains must be reported immediately to the Railway's representative in charge of the project. Any vehicle or machine which may come in contact with track, signal equipment, or structure (bridge) and could result in a train derailment must be reported immediately to the Railway representative in charge of the project and to the Railway's Resource Operations Center at 1(800) 832-5452. Local emergency numbers are to be obtained from the Railway representative in charge of the project prior to the start of any work and must be posted at the job site. • 1.06.07 For safety reasons, all persons are prohibited from having pocket knives, firearms or other deadly weapons in their possession while working on Railway's Property. • 1.06.08 All personnel protective equipment (PPE) used on Railway Property must meet applicable OSHA and ANSI specifications. Current Railway personnel protective equipment requirements are listed on the web site, www.BNSFContractor.com, however, a partial list of the requirements include: a) safety glasses with permanently affixed side shields (no yellow lenses); 41 of 57 b) hard hats; c) safety shoe with: hardened toes, above-the-ankle lace-up and a defined heel; and d) high visibility retro-reflective work wear. The Railway’s representative in charge of the project is to be contacted regarding local specifications for meeting requirements relating to hi-visibility work wear. Hearing protection, fall protection, gloves, and respirators must be worn as required by State and Federal regulations. (NOTE – Should there be a discrepancy between the information contained on the web site and the information in this paragraph, the web site will govern.) • 1.06.09 THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOT PILE OR STORE ANY MATERIALS, MACHINERY OR EQUIPMENT CLOSER THAN 25'-0" TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE NEAREST RAILWAY TRACK. MATERIALS, MACHINERY OR EQUIPMENT MUST NOT BE STORED OR LEFT WITHIN 250 FEET OF ANY HIGHWAY/RAIL AT-GRADE CROSSINGS OR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION CROSSING, WHERE STORAGE OF THE SAME WILL OBSTRUCT THE VIEW OF A TRAIN APPROACHING THE CROSSING. PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK, THE CONTRACTOR MUST ESTABLISH A STORAGE AREA WITH CONCURRENCE OF THE RAILWAY'S REPRESENTATIVE. • 1.06.10 Machines or vehicles must not be left unattended with the engine running. Parked machines or equipment must be in gear with brakes set and if equipped with blade, pan or bucket, they must be lowered to the ground. All machinery and equipment left unattended on Railway's Property must be left inoperable and secured against movement. (See internet Engineering Contractor Safety Orientation program for more detailed specifications) • 1.06.11 Workers must not create and leave any conditions at the work site that would interfere with water drainage. Any work performed over water must meet all Federal, St ate and Local regulations. • 1.06.12 All power line wires must be considered dangerous and of high voltage unless informed to the contrary by proper authority. For all power lines the minimum clearance between the lines and any part of the equipment or load must be; 200 KV or below - 15 feet; 200 to 350 KV - 20 feet; 350 to 500 KV - 25 feet; 500 to 750 KV - 35 feet; and 750 to 1000 KV - 45 feet. If capacity of the line is not known, a minimum clearance of 45 feet must be maintained. A person must be designated to observe clearance of the equipment and give a timely warning for all operations where it is difficult for an operator to maintain the desired clearance by visual means. 1.07 Excavation: • 1.07.01 Before excavating, the Contractor must determine whether any underground pipe lines, electric wires, or cables, including fiber optic cable systems are present and located within the Project work area. The Contractor must determine whether excavation on Railway’s Property could cause damage to buried cables resulting in delay to Railway traffic and disruption of service to users. Delays and disruptions to service may cause business interruptions involving loss of revenue and profits. Before commencing excavation, the Contractor must contact BNSF’s Field Engineering Representative (______________). All underground and overhead wires will be considered HIGH VOLTAGE and dangerous until verified with the company having ownership of the line. It is the Contractor's responsibility to notify any other companies that have underground utilities in the area and arrange for the location of all underground utilities 42 of 57 before excavating. • 1.07.02 The Contractor must cease all work and notify the Railway immediately before continuing excavation in the area if obstructions are encountered which do not appear on drawings. If the obstruction is a utility and the owner of the utility can be identified, then the Contractor must also notify the owner immediately. If there is any doubt about the location of underground cables or lines of any kind, no work must be performed until the exact location has been determined. There will be no exceptions to these instructions. • 1.07.03 All excavations must be conducted in compliance with applicable OSHA regulations and, regardless of depth, must be shored where there is any danger to tracks, structures or personnel. • 1.07.04 Any excavations, holes or trenches on the Railway's Property must be covered, guarded and/or protected when not being worked on. When leaving work site areas at night and over weekends, the areas must be secured and left in a condition that will ensure that Railway employees and other personnel who may be working or passing through the area are protected from all hazards. All excavations must be back filled as soon as possible. 1.08 Hazardous Waste, Substances and Material Reporting: • 1.08.01 If Contractor discovers any hazardous waste, hazardous substance, petroleum or other deleterious material, including but not limited to any non-containerized commodity or material, on or adjacent to Railway's Property, in or near any surface water, swamp, wetlands or waterways, while performing any work under this Agreement, Contractor must immediately: (a) notify the Railway's Resource Operations Center at 1(800) 832-5452, of such discovery: (b) take safeguards necessary to protect its employees, subcontractors, agents and/or third parties: and (c) exercise due care with respect to the release, including the taking of any appropriate measure to minimize the impact of such release. 1.09 Personal Injury Reporting • 1.09.01 The Railway is required to report certain injuries as a part of compliance with Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) reporting requirements. Any personal injury sustained by an employee of the Contractor, subcontractor or Contractor's invitees while on the Railway's Property must be reported immediately (by phone mail if unable to contact in person) to the Railway's representative in charge of the project. The Non-Employee Personal Injury Data Collection Form contained herein is to be completed and sent by Fax to the Railway at 1(817) 352-7595 and to the Railway’s Project Representative no later than the close of shift on the date of the injury. 43 of 57 NON-EMPLOYEE PERSONAL INJURY DATA COLLECTION (If injuries are in connection with rail equipment accident/incident, highway rail grade crossing accident or automobile accident, ensure that appropriate information is obtained, forms completed and that data entry personnel are aware that injuries relate to tha t specific event.) Injured Person Type: Passenger on train (C) Non-employee (N) (i.e., emp of another railroad, or, non-BNSF emp involved in vehicle accident, including company vehicles) Contractor/safety sensitive (F) Contractor/non-safety sensitive (G) Volunteer/safety sensitive (H) Volunteer/other non-safety sensitive (I) Non-trespasser (D) - to include highway users involved in highway rail grade crossing accidents who did not go around or through gates Trespasser (E) - to include highway users involved in highway rail grade crossing accidents who went around or through gates Non-trespasser (J) - Off railroad property If train involved, Train ID: ________________________________ Transmit attached information to Accident/Incident Reporting Center by: Fax 1-817-352-7595 or by Phone 1-800-697-6736 or email to: Accident-Reporting.Center@BNSF.com Officer Providing Information: (Name) (Employee No.) (Phone #) 44 of 57 REPORT PREPARED TO COMPLY WITH FEDERAL ACCIDENT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND PROTECTED FROM DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO 49 U.S.C. 20903 AND 83 U.S.C. 490 45 of 57 NON-EMPLOYEE PERSONAL INJURY DATA COLLECTION INFORMATION REQUIRED TO BE COLLECTED PURSUANT TO FEDERAL REGULATION. IT SHOULD BE USED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS ONLY AND IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PRESUME ACCEPTANCE OF RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY. 1. Accident City/St: 2. Date: Time: County: 3. Temperature: 4. Weather: (if non BNSF location) Mile Post / Line Segment: 5. Driver’s License No (and state) or other ID: SSN (required): 6. Name (last, first, mi): 7. Address: City: St: Zip: 8. Date of Birth: and/or Age: Gender: (if available) Phone Number: Employer: Zip: 9. Injury: 10. Body Part: (i.e., Laceration, etc.) (i.e., Hand, etc.) 11. Description of Accident (To include location, action, result, etc.): 12. Treatment: First Aid Only Required Medical Treatment Other Medical Treatment 13. Dr. Name: Date: 14. Dr. Address: Street: City: St: Zip: 15. Hospital Name: 16. Hospital Address: Street: City: St: Zip: 17. Diagnosis: 46 of 57 EXHIBIT "C-1" Agreement Between BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY and the CONTRACTOR Railway File: ___________________________________ Agency Project: ___________________________________ [Insert contractor’s legal name here](hereinafter called “Contractor”), has entered into an agreement (hereinafter called “Agreement”) dated ______________, 202_, [insert the date of the contract between the Agency and the Contractor here] with City of Renton for the performance of certain work in connection with the following project:___________________ Performance of such work will necessarily require Contractor to enter BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY (hereinafter called "Railway") right of way and property (hereinafter called "Railway Property"). The Agreement provides that no work will be commenced within Railway Property until the Contractor employed in connection with said work for City of Renton (i) executes and delivers to Railway an Agreement in the form hereof, and (ii) provides insurance of the coverage and limits specified in such Agreement and Section 3 herein. If this Agreement is executed by a party who is not the Owner, General Partner, President or Vice President of Contractor, Contractor must furnish evidence to Railway certifying that the signatory is empowered to execute this Agreement on behalf of Contractor. Accordingly, in consideration of Railway granting permission to Contractor to enter upon Railway Property and as an inducement for such entry, Contractor, effective on the date of the Agreement, has agreed and does hereby agree with Railway as follows: 1) RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY Contractor hereby waives, releases, indemnifies, defends and holds harmless Railway for all judgments, awards, claims, demands, and expenses (including attorneys' fees), for injury or death to all persons, including Railway's and Contractor's officers and employees, and for loss and damage to property belonging to any person, arising in any manner from Contractor's or any of Contractor's subcontractors' acts or omissions or any work performed on or about Railway’s property or right-of-way. This obligation shall not include such claims, costs, damages, or expenses which may be caused by the sole negligence of Railway or its contractors, agents or employees; Provided, that if the claims or damages are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence or other acts or omissions of (a) Railway, its contractors, 47 of 57 agents or employees and (b) Contractor, its subcontractors, agents or employees, this provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the Contractor, its subcontractors, agents or employees. It is mutually negotiated between the parties that the indemnification obligation shall include all claims brought by Contractor’s employees against Railway, its agents, servants, employees or otherwise, and Contractor expressly waives its immunity under the industrial insurance act (RCW Title 51) and assumes potential liability for all actions brought by its employees. THE INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATION ASSUMED BY CONTRACTOR INCLUDES ANY CLAIMS, SUITS OR JUDGMENTS BROUGHT AGAINST RAILWAY UNDER THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEE'S LIABILITY ACT, INCLUDING CLAIMS FOR STRICT LIABILITY UNDER THE SAFETY APPLIANCE ACT OR THE LOCOMOTIVE INSPECTION ACT, WHENEVER SO CLAIMED. Contractor further agrees, at its expense, in the name and on behalf o f Railway, that it will adjust and settle all claims made against Railway, and will, at Railway's discretion, appear and defend any suits or actions of law or in equity brought against Railway on any claim or cause of action arising or growing out of or in any manner connected with any liability assumed by Contractor under this Agreement for which Railway is liable or is alleged to be liable. Railway will give notice to Contractor, in writing, of the receipt or dependency of such claims and thereupon Contractor must proceed to adjust and handle to a conclusion such claims, and in the event of a suit being brought against Railway, Railway may forward summons and complaint or other process in connection therewith to Contractor, and Contractor, at Railway's discretion, must defend, adjust, or settle such suits and protect, indemnify, and save harmless Railway from and against all damages, judgments, decrees, attorney's fees, costs, and expenses growing out of or resulting from or incident to any such claims or suits. In addition to any other provision of this Agreement, in the event that all or any portion of this Article shall be deemed to be inapplicable for any reason, including without limitation as a result of a decision of an applicable court, legislative enactment or regulatory order, the parties agree that this Article shall be interpreted as requiring Contractor to indemnify Railway to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. It is mutually understood and agreed that the assumption of liabilities and indemnification provided for in this Agreement survive any termination of this Agreement. 48 of 57 2) TERM This Agreement is effective from the date of the Agreement until (i) the completion of the project set forth herein, and (ii) full and complete payment to Railway of any and all sums or other amounts owing and due hereunder. 3) INSURANCE Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain during the life of this Agreement the following insurance coverage: A. Commercial General Liability insurance. This insurance shall contain broad form contractual liability with a combined single limit of a minimum of $2,000,000 each occurrence and an aggregate limit of at least $4,000,000 but in no event less than the amount otherwise carried by the Contractor. Coverage must be purchased on a post 2004 ISO occurrence form or equivalent and include coverage for, but not limit to the following: Bodily Injury and Property Damage Personal Injury and Advertising Injury Fire legal liability Products and completed operations This policy shall also contain the following endorsements, which shall be indicated on the certificate of insurance: The definition of insured contract shall be amended to remove any exclusion or other limitation for any work being done within 50 feet of railroad property. Waver of subrogation in favor of and acceptable to Railway. Additional insured endorsement in favor of and acceptable to Railway. Separation of insureds. The policy shall be primary and non-contributing with respect to any insurance carried by Railway. It is agreed that the workers’ compensation and employers’ liability related exclusions in the Commercial General Liability insurance policy(s) required herein are intended to apply to employees of the policy holder and shall not apply to Railway employees. No other endorsements limiting coverage as respects obligations under this Agreement may be included on the policy with regard to the work being performed under this agreement. 49 of 57 B. Business Automobile Insurance. This insurance shall contain a combined single limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, and include coverage for, but not limited to the following: Bodily injury and property damage Any and all vehicles owned, used or hired The policy shall also contain the following endorsements or language, which shall be indicated on the certificate of insurance: Waiver of subrogation in favor of and acceptable to Railway. Additional insured endorsement in favor of and acceptable to Railway. Separation of insureds. The policy shall be primary and non-contributing with respect to any insurance carried by Railway. C. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability insurance including coverage for, but not limited to: Contractor’s statutory liability under the worker’s compensation laws of the state(s) in which the work is to be performed. If optional under State law, the insurance must cover all employees anyway. Employers’ Liability (Part B) with limits of at least $500,000 each accident, $500,000 by disease policy limit, $500,000 by disease each employee. This policy shall also contain the following endorsements or language, which shall be indicated on the certificate of insurance: Waiver of subrogation in favor of and acceptable to Railway. A. Railroad Protective Liability insurance naming only the Railway as the Insured with coverage of at least $2,000,000 per occurrence and $6,000,000 in the aggregate. The policy Must be issued on a standard ISO form CG 00 35 12 04 and include the following: Endorsed to include the Pollution Exclusion Amendment Endorsed to include the Limited Seepage and Pollution Endorsement. Endorsed to remove any exclusion for punitive damages. No other endorsements restricting coverage may be added. The original policy must be provided to the Railway prior to performing any work or services under this Agreement Definition of “Physical Damage to Property” shall be endorsed to read: “means direct and accidental loss of or damage to all property owned by any named 50 of 57 insured and all property in any named insured’ care, custody, and control arising out of the acts or omissions of the contractor named on the Declarations. In lieu of providing a Railroad Protective Liability Policy, Licensee may participate (if available) in Railway’s Blanket Railroad Protective Liability Insurance Policy. Other Requirements: Where allowable by law, all policies (applying to coverage listed above) shall contain no exclusion for punitive damages. Contractor agrees to waive its right of recovery against Railway for all claims and suits against Railway. In addition, its insurers, through the terms of the policy or policy endorsement, waive their right of subrogation against Railway for all claims and suits. Contractor further waives its right of recovery, and its insurers also waive their right of subrogation against Railway for loss of its owned or leased property or property under Contractor’s care, custody or control. Allocated Loss Expense shall be in addition to all policy limits for coverages referenced above. Contractor is not allowed to self-insure without the prior written consent of Railway. If granted by Railway, any self-insured retention or other financial responsibility for claims shall be covered directly by Contractor in lieu of insurance. Any and all Railway liabilities that would otherwise, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, be covered by Contractor’s insurance will be covered as if Contractor elected not to include a deductible, self-insured retention or other financial responsibility for claims. Prior to commencing services, Contractor shall furnish to Railway an acceptable certificate(s) of insurance from an authorized representative evidencing the required coverage(s), endorsements, and amendments. The certificate should be directed to the following address: BNSF Railway Company c/o CertFocus P.O. Box 140528 Kansas City, MO 64114 Toll Free: 877-576-2378 Fax number: 817-840-7487 Email: BNSF@certfocus.com www.certfocus.com 51 of 57 Contractor shall notify Railway in writing at least 30 days prior to any cancellation, non - renewal, substitution or material alteration. Any insurance policy shall be written by a reputable insurance company acceptable to Railway or with a current Best’s Guide Rating of A- and Class VII or better, and authorized to do business in the state(s) in which the service is to be provided. If coverage is purchased on a “claims made” basis, Contractor hereby agrees to maintain coverage in force for a minimum of three years after expiration, cancellation or termination of this Agreement. Annually Contractor agrees to provide evidence of such coverage as required hereunder. Contractor represents that this Agreement has been thoroughly reviewed by Contractor’s insurance agent(s)/broker(s), who have been instructed by Contractor to procure the insurance coverage required by this Agreement. Not more frequently than once every five years, Railway may reasonably modify the required insurance coverage to reflect then-current risk management practices in the railroad industry and underwriting practices in the insurance industry. If any portion of the operation is to be subcontracted by Contractor, Contractor shall require that the subcontractor shall provide and maintain insurance coverage(s) as set forth herein, naming Railway as an additional insured, and shall require that the subcontractor shall release, defend and indemnify Railway to the same extent and under the same terms and conditions as Contractor is required to release, defend and indemnify Railway herein. Failure to provide evidence as required by this section shall entitle, but not require, Railway to terminate this Agreement immediately. Acceptance of a certificate that does not comply with this section shall not operate as a waiver of Contractor's obligations hereunder. The fact that insurance (including, without limitation, self-insurance) is obtained by Contractor shall not be deemed to release or diminish the liability of Contractor including, without limitation, liability under the indemnity provisions of this Agreement. Damages recoverable by Railway shall not be limited by the amount of the required insurance coverage. In the event of a claim or lawsuit involving Railway arising out of this agreement, Contractor will make available any required policy covering such claim or lawsuit. These insurance provisions are intended to be a separate and distinct obligation on the part of the Contractor. Therefore, these provisions shall be enforceable and Contractor shall be bound thereby regardless of whe ther or not indemnity provisions are determined to be enforceable in the jurisdiction in which the work covered hereunder is performed. 52 of 57 For purposes of this section, Railway shall mean “Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC”, “BNSF Railway Company” and the subsidiaries, successors, assigns and affiliates of each. 4) SALES AND OTHER TAXES In the event applicable sales taxes of a state or political subdivision of a state of the United States are levied or assessed in connection with and directly related to any amounts invoiced by Contractor to Railway (“Sales Taxes”), Railway shall be responsible for paying only the Sales Taxes that Contractor separately states on the invoice or other billing documents provided to Railway; provided, however, that (i) nothing herein shall preclude Railway from claiming whatever Sales Tax exemptions are applica ble to amounts Contractor bills Railway, (ii) Contractor shall be responsible for all sales, use, excise, consumption, services and other taxes which may accrue on all services, materials, equipment, supplies or fixtures that Contractor and its subcontract ors use or consume in the performance of this Agreement, (iii) Contractor shall be responsible for Sales Taxes (together with any penalties, fines or interest thereon) that Contractor fails to separately state on the invoice or other billing documents provided to Railway or fails to collect at the time of payment by Railway of invoiced amounts (except where Railway claims a Sales Tax exemption), and (iv) Contractor shall be responsible for Sales Taxes (together with any penalties, fines or interest thereon) if Contractor fails to issue separate invoices for each state in which Contractor delivers goods, provides services or, if applicable, transfers intangible rights to Railway. Upon request, Contractor shall provide Railway satisfactory evidence that all taxes (together with any penalties, fines or interest thereon) that Contractor is responsible to pay under this Agreement have been paid. If a written claim is made against Contractor for Sales Taxes with respect to which Railway may be liable for under th is Agreement, Contractor shall promptly notify Railway of such claim and provide Railway copies of all correspondence received from the taxing authority. Railway shall have the right to contest, protest, or claim a refund, in Railway’s own name, any Sales Taxes paid by Railway to Contractor or for which Railway might otherwise be responsible for under this Agreement; provided, however, that if Railway is not permitted by law to contest any such Sales Tax in its own name, Contractor shall, if requested by Railway at Railway’s sole cost and expense, contest in Contractor’s own name the validity, applicability or amount of such Sales Tax and allow Railway to control and conduct such contest. Railway retains the right to withhold from payments made under this Agreement amounts required to be withheld under tax laws of any jurisdiction. If Contractor is claiming a withholding exemption or a reduction in the withholding rate of any jurisdiction on any payments under this Agreement, before any payments are made (and in each succeeding period or year as required by law), Contractor agrees to furnish to Railway a properly completed exemption form prescribed by such jurisdiction. Contractor shall be responsible 53 of 57 for any taxes, interest or penalties assessed against Ra ilway with respect to withholding taxes that Railway does not withhold from payments to Contractor. 1) EXHIBIT “C” CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS The Contractor must observe and comply with all provisions, obligations, requirements and limitations contained in the Agreement, and the Contractor Requirements set forth on Exhibit “C” attached to the Agreement and this Agreement, including, but not be limited to, payment of all costs incurred for any damages to Railway roadbed, tracks, and/or appurtenances thereto, resulting from use, occupancy, or presence of its employees, representatives, or agents or subcontractors on or about the construction site. Contractor shall execute a Temporary Construction Crossing Agreement or Private Crossing Agreement (http://www.bnsf.com/communities/faqs/permits-real-estate/), for any temporary crossing requested to aid in the construction of this Project, if approved by BNSF. 2) TRAIN DELAY Contractor is responsible for and hereby indemnifies and holds harmless Railway (including its affiliated railway companies, and its tenants) for, from and against all damages arising from any unscheduled delay to a freight or passenger train which affects Railway's ability to fully utilize its equipment and to meet customer service and contract obligations. Contractor will be billed, as further provided below, for the economic losses arising from loss of use of equipment, contractual loss of incentive pay and bonu ses and contractual penalties resulting from train delays, whether caused by Contractor, or subcontractors, or by the Railway performing work under this Agreement. Railway agrees that it will not perform any act to unnecessarily cause train delay. For loss of use of equipment, Contractor will be billed the current freight train hour rate per train as determined from Railway's records. Any disruption to train traffic may cause delays to multiple trains at the same time for the same period. Additionally, the parties acknowledge that passenger, U.S. mail trains and certain other grain, intermodal, coal and freight trains operate under incentive/penalty contracts between Railway and its customer(s). Under these arrangements, if Railway does not meet its contract service commitments, Railway may suffer loss of performance or incentive pay and/or be subject to penalty payments. Contractor is responsible for any train performance and incentive penalties or other contractual economic losses actually incurred by Railway which are attributable to a train delay caused by Contractor or its subcontractors. The contractual relationship between Railway and its customers is proprietary and confidential. In the event of a train delay covered by this Agreement, Railway will share information relevant to any train delay to the extent consistent with Railway confidentiality 54 of 57 obligations. The rate then in effect at the time of performance by the Contractor hereunder will be used to calculate the actual costs of train delay pursuant to this agreement. Contractor and its subcontractors must give Railway’s representative (___________________) _____ (__) weeks advance notice of the times and dates for proposed work windows. Railway and Contractor will establish mutually agreeable work windows for the project. Railway has the right at any time to revise or change the work windows due to train operations or service obligations. Railway will not be responsible for any additional costs or expenses resulting from a change in work windows. Additional costs or expenses resulting from a change in work windows shall be accounted for in Contractor’s expenses for the project. Contractor and subcontractors must plan, schedule, coordinate and conduct all Contractor's work so as to not cause any delays to any trains. 55 of 57 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR LEGAL NAME BNSF Railway Company By: ____________________________ By: _____________________________ Printed Name: ____________________ Name: __________________________ Manager Public Projects Title: ___________________________ Accepted and effective this ______day of 20__. Contact Person: __________________ Address: _______________________ City: ___________________________ State: _______ Zip: ______________ Fax: ____________________________ Phone: _________________________ E-mail: _________________________ 56 of 57 Exhibit D – Railroad Cost Estimates ***** MAINTAIN PROPRIETARY CONFIDENTIALITY ***** BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY FHPM ESTIMATE FOR CITY OF RENTON LOCATION SCOPA DETAILS OF ESTIMATE PLAN ITEM :000343228 VERSION :4 PURPOSE, JUSTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION PARK AVE - RENTON, WA; INSTALL FLASHERS / GATES / PREEMPTION; NORTHWEST DIV; SEATTLE SUBDIV; LS 405; MP 3.70; DOT# PENDING; SEQ# 80021. MONTHLY POWER UTILITY COST CENTER : 61504. THE MATERIAL LIST BELOW REFLECTS TYPICAL REPRESENTATIVE PACKAGES USED FOR ESTIMATING PURPOSES ONLY. THIS ESTIMATE IS GOOD FOR 180 DAYS. THE ESTIMATE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN COST FOR LABOR, MATERIAL, AND OVERHEAD. CONTRACTS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED FOR PORTIONS OF SIGNAL WORK ON THE BNSF RAILROAD. ******************************* SIGNAL WORK ONLY ******************************* THE CITY OF RENTON IS FUNDING 100% OF THIS PROJECT. MAINTAIN PROPRIETARY CONFIDENTIALITY. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE IS FHWA ** BUY AMERICA(N) APPLIES ** DESCRIPTION QUANTITY U/M COST TOTAL $ ********** LABOR ********** ELECTRICAL LABOR F/SIGNAL EQUIPMENT 54.0 MH 2,542 INSTALL INSULATED JOINT 38.08 MH 1,351 PLACE FIELD WELDS - CAP 75.9 MH 2,853 SIGNAL FIELD - INSTALL 1200.0 MH 47,465 SIGNAL SHOP LABOR - CAP 0.01 MH 1 PAYROLL ASSOCIATED COSTS 35,436 DA OVERHEADS 58,834 EQUIPMENT EXPENSES 12,055 INSURANCE EXPENSES 9,485 TOTAL LABOR COST 170,022 170,022 ************* MATERIAL ************* INSUL JT W/PLATES-GENERIC-40 FT-BONDED FOR 4.0 EA **9,000 WELDKIT, GENERIC FOR ALL RAIL WEIGHTS 8.0 KT **600 ADV PREEMPT PACKAGE 1.0 LS N 6,594 ARRESTOR, MDSA-2 XS 1.0 EA N 737 BATTERY, VGL-255 10.0 EA N 2,597 BATTERY, VGL-350 9.0 EA N 3,053 BELLS 3.0 EA N 621 BUNGALOW 8X8 W/ AC 1.0 LS N 14,458 BUNGALOW MATERIAL 1.0 LS N 7,564 CABLE, 2C/6 TW 1000.0 FT N 1,580 CABLE, 3C/2 250.0 FT N 1,893 CABLE, 5C/10 220.0 FT N 502 CABLE, 5C/6 800.0 FT N 4,200 CABLE, 7C/14 800.0 FT N 1,696 CHARGERS, 12/80 (20/40/60)2.0 EA N 3,009 ELECTRICAL MATERIAL 1.0 LS N 1,500 EVENT RECORDER 1.0 EA N 5,684 FIELD MATERIAL 1.0 LS N 7,372 FILL DIRT 20.0 CY N 500 FLASHER ASSEMBLY, COMPLETE 1.0 EA N 3,913 FOUNDATION, CONCRETE 3.0 EA N 824 GATE MECHANISM, S-60 2.0 EA N 10,961 GATE SAVER 2.0 EA N 2,604 LED LIGHT 12.0 EA N 2,571 RING-10 1.0 EA N 110 SIDELIGHT, 1-WAY 1.0 EA N 853 SIGN, STOP AND WAIT 2.0 EA N 58 SURFACE ROCK 10.0 CY N 500 TRACK DRIVER, TD4 1.0 EA N 716 MATERIAL HANDLING 480 ONLINE TRANSPORTATION 1 USE TAX 9,282 OFFLINE TRANSPORTATION 1,085 TOTAL MATERIAL COST 107,118 107,118 ********** OTHER ********** AC POWER SERVICE 1.0 EA N 5,000 BUNGALOW, WIRE AND TEST 1.0 LS N 9,000 CONTRACT ENGINEERING 1.0 LS N 12,000 CONTRACT FLAGGING/SIGNS/CONES 1.0 LS N 7,000 DIRECTIONAL BORING 350.0 FT N 17,500 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULT 1.0 LS N 30,000 TOTAL OTHER ITEMS COST 80,500 80,500 PROJECT SUBTOTAL 357,640 CONTINGENCIES 35,563 BILL PREPARATION FEE 3,933 GROSS PROJECT COST 397,136 LESS COST PAID BY BNSF 0 TOTAL BILLABLE COST 397,136 ***** MAINTAIN PROPRIETARY CONFIDENTIALITY ***** BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY FHPM ESTIMATE FOR CITY OF RENTON LOCATION SCOPA DETAILS OF ESTIMATE PLAN ITEM :237727000 VERSION :1 PURPOSE, JUSTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION PIP NWW DIV SEATTLE SUB SPUR SUB LS 405 MP 3.70 - 100% BILLABLE TO CITY OF RENTON -- PARK AVENUE EXTENSION PROJECT SURFACE ESTIMATE. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY U/M COST TOTAL $ ********** LABOR ********** FLAGGING - PUBLIC CROSSING - CAP 360.0 MH 12,798 REPLACE PUBLIC CROSSING - TOTAL REHAB 104.0 MH 3,418 REPLACE TRACK PANELS - CAP 128.0 MH 4,206 SURFACE TRACK - REPLACEMENT - CAP 72.0 MH 2,441 UNLOAD BALLAST - REPLACEMENT - CAP 9.0 MH 296 UNLOAD CROSSING MATERIAL - PUBLIC - CAP 52.0 MH 1,709 PAYROLL ASSOCIATED COSTS 16,254 DA OVERHEADS 26,986 EQUIPMENT EXPENSES 12,894 INSURANCE EXPENSES 4,350 TOTAL LABOR COST 85,352 85,352 ************* MATERIAL ************* BALLAST NT, SYSTEM AVERAGE COST 150.0 NT **1,646 JOINT, COMPROMISE, 115 LB/112 LB, LH, 3L & 4L 4.0 PR **1,136 PNL TRK, 40FT,136SC,10FT,PNDRL,WOOD 4.0 EA **28,144 RAIL, TRANSITION 115/90, BLANK ENDS, 25 FT 4.0 EA 6,604 RAIL, TRANSN,136/115,BLANK ENDS, NEW TO NEW RAIL,4.0 EA 4,900 SPIKE, TBR SCREW 3/4"X13", F/ROAD XING 234.0 EA **480 WELDKIT, GENERIC FOR ALL RAIL WEIGHTS 8.0 KT **600 XING CONC 136LB 10FT TIES TANGENT 104.0 FT **17,878 XING CONC RAMP 136LB COMPLETE SET 1.0 ST **329 MATERIAL HANDLING 3,083 ONLINE TRANSPORTATION 2,326 USE TAX 5,957 OFFLINE TRANSPORTATION 740 TOTAL MATERIAL COST 73,823 73,823 ********** OTHER ********** TOTAL OTHER ITEMS COST 0 0 PROJECT SUBTOTAL 159,175 CONTINGENCIES 15,164 BILL PREPARATION FEE 1,744 GROSS PROJECT COST 176,083 LESS COST PAID BY BNSF 0 TOTAL BILLABLE COST 176,083 Page 5 of 5 57 of 57 Exhibit E – Signal AAR Units and Maintenance Costs Exhibit E BNSF will operate and maintain the Crossing Signal Equipment, Crossing Signal House, and the new crossing surface in proper condition. The Agency will reimburse BNSF for 50% of the annual maintenance costs, which, as of 2021 AAR unit rates, is calculated to be $17,808.00. City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX I – BOEING PERMANENT EASEMENT Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 1 of 16 After recording return document to: City of Renton City Clerk Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 3232 Document Title:Permanent Easement Reference Number of Related Document:N/A Grantor(s):The Boeing Company,a Delaware corporation Grantor”) Grantee:City of Renton,a noncharter code city under RCW 35A,and a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Washington Grantee”) Abbreviated Legal Description:Ptn Lot 6,Boeing Lakeshore Landing,a Binding Site Plan, Recorded Dec.23,2004,King County Recording No.20041223000856,King County Full Legal Description on page:Exhibit A 1 Assessor's Tax Parcel Number:0886600060 PERMANENT EASEMENT For and in consideration of good and valuable consideration,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,THE BOEING COMPANY,a Delaware corporation,Grantor"herein),hereby grants and conveys to THE CITY OF RENTON,a Washington municipal corporation,and its franchisees and permittees,Grantee"herein),for the purposes hereinafter set forth,a non exclusive permanent easement hereinafter Easement”),over,across,under,and through the real property Property”),in King County,Washington,as described in Exhibit A 1 Legal Description of the Property),such easement to take up the portion of such Property Easement Area”)as is described in Exhibit A 2 Legal Description of the Easement Area), depicted on Exhibit A 3 Map Exhibit of the Easement Area)and Exhibit B Supplemental Environmental Terms and Conditions),which such exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Grantor represents and warrants that is the owner of the Property. This Easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms,conditions and covenants,which Grantor and Grantee hereby promise to faithfully and fully observe and perform. CAG-21-087 1. Purpose. Subject to the limitations set forth in this instrument,this Easement is for public street purposes and constructing and maintaining street improvements over the Easement Area as a segment of an extension project of Park Avenue North, and public and private underground utilities as determined by the Grantee. Grantee, its successors and/or assigns, and their agents or contractors and employees shall have full right to enter at all times upon said premises to survey, construct, repair, remove, replace, reconstruct, inspect, improve and maintain said street improvements and underground utilities. Grantee shall not under any circumstances perform any of the following actions on the Easement Premises: fueling, refueling, maintenance, repair, washing, or other service of any vehicle, equipment, or other item. Nothing in this Easement grants any right to Grantee to perform any of the preceding actions on any other property owned, leased, or controlled by the Grantor. 2. Compensation. 2.1 Base Price, Amount. The base price compensation for this Easement is $640,000 six hundred forty thousand dollars and zero cents) ("Base Price"). 2.2 Cost to Cure. 2.2.1 Elements. In addition to the Base Price, as a cost to cure, Grantee agrees to pay Grantor (1) the full cost of designing and reconstructing Grantor's electrical distribution system that currently exists within the Easement Area, based upon final plans that are mutually acceptable to Grantor and Grantee, (2) the full cost of designing and moving Grantor's existing protected site entrance currently located at Lake Washington Boulevard N. ("Existing Protected Site Entrance"), to a new location on Logan Avenue N. at approximately N. 7th Street ("New Protected Site Entrance"), based upon final plans that are mutually acceptable to Grantor and Grantee, and (3) the full cost of closing and removing the Existing Protected Site Entrance once the New Protected Site Entrance is complete. 2.2.2 Amount. Total compensation to Grantor for the cost to cure work described in Section 2.2.1 is estimated at $1,355,481. Compensation shall be paid based upon work performed and documented to Grantee's satisfaction, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 2.2.3 Method of Payment. On a monthly or no less than quarterly basis, Grantor will send Grantee invoices documenting progress completed on the cost to work in Section 2.2.1. Grantor shall also submit a final invoice within six (6) months of completion of all work. Payment shall be made by Grantee for work performed within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt and approval by the appropriate Grantee representative of the invoice. Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 2 of 16 2.2.4 Place of Payment. All payments from Grantee to Grantor shall be paid to: The Boeing Company Global Real Estate PO Box 842289 Dallas TX 75284-2289 Reference: GG 16703000 I GGPSSG11058 I SSG11058 I X I GG I PUCR 1699 2.3 Timing and Effect of Payment of Base Price. This Easement shall not take effect unless and until Grantor receives one-half of the Base Price. Grantee shall pay to Grantor the second half of the Base Price within thirty (30) days of Grantor issuing a Notice to Proceed to its contractor of the cost to cure work described in Section 2.2.1 for the reconstruction of Grantor's electrical distribution system that currently exists within the Easement Area. 3. CONDITION; "AS IS"; DISCLAIMER. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS EASEMENT, THE PROPERTY, AND ALL OTHER GOODS OR SERVICES PROVIDED OR TO BE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS EASEMENT ARE BEING PROVIDED TO GRANTEE "AS IS, WHERE IS" WITH ALL FAULTS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. 4. Environmental Matters.This Section 4 shall govern environmental matters under this Easement. 4.1 "Environmental Laws and Requirements" Defined. As used herein the term Environmental Laws and Requirements" means any and all federal, state, local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations and/or common law relating to environmental protection, contamination, the release, generation, production, transport, treatment, processing, use, disposal, or storage of Hazardous Substances, and the regulations promulgated by regulatory agencies pursuant to these laws, and any applicable federal, state, and/or local regulatory agency-initiated orders, requirements, obligations, directives, notices, approvals, licenses, or permits, including but not limited to those for the reporting, investigation, cleaning, or remediation of Hazardous Substances on the Easement Area. 4.2 "Hazardous Substances" Defined. As used herein, the term "Hazardous Substances" means any hazardous, toxic, chemical, or dangerous substance, pollutant, contaminant, waste or material, including petroleum, which is regulated under any and all federal, state, or local statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, or common law relating to chemical management, environmental protection, contamination, or cleanup including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 3 of 16 Liability Act of 1980 as amended (42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq.), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as amended (42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq.) or any other federal, state, county, or city law, or any other ordinance or regulation existing or which may exist. 4.3 Compliance with Environmental Laws and Requirements; Hazardous Conditions. 4.3.1 Compliance with Environmental Laws and Requirements. At all times Grantee shall comply with all Environmental Laws and Requirements in connection with its operations and business in, around, or impacting the Agreement and the Easement Area; and Grantee shall not cause, permit or allow the presence of and shall not generate, release, store, or deposit any Hazardous Substances on or about the Easement Area in violation of any Environmental Laws and Requirements, or in a manner which may give rise to liability for environmental cleanup, damage to property, or personal injury to Grantor, or any other person; and Grantee shall not release any Hazardous Substances into the soil, water(including groundwater) or air of the Easement Area or onto any other adjoining property in violation of Environmental Laws and Requirements, or in a manner which may give rise to liability for environmental cleanup, damage to property, or personal injury to Grantee or any other person. 4.3.2 Hazardous Conditions. In the event that in connection with any construction, maintenance or repair activity that Grantee undertakes or in connection with any other activity performed by Grantee in connection with the exercise of its rights under this Easement, Grantee encounters,or suspects that it has encountered any Hazardous Substances in the Easement Area, which could present a risk to persons in or around the area or which may result in a release to the environment, or which in Grantor's good faith opinion will or may require a response by Grantor pursuant to the Order defined in Section 4.4), Grantee shall immediately report the condition to Grantor and shall stop work in the area in which the suspected Hazardous Substances were encountered. It is contemplated by the parties that if remediation of the area is necessary, Grantee will take the lead on coordinating the remediation in consultation with Grantor and in compliance with the requirements of the Order, as may be further set forth in the Environmental Management Plans (defined in Section 4.5). 4.4 Permits, Licenses & Approvals; Ecology Order. Grantee shall obtain all permits, licenses, and approvals required under Environmental Laws for operation and maintenance of its use of the Easement Area for the duration of this Easement, and shall promptly provide copies to Grantor's personnel identified in Section 4.7. For informational purposes, Grantor has provided to Grantee a copy of Agreed Order 8191 between The Boeing Company and The Washington Department of Ecology(the"Order"). Grantee acknowledges that the Order is the binding legal obligation of Grantor. Grantee Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 4 of 16 shall comply with the Environmental Management Plans' (which are defined in Section 4.5) requirements for Project compliance with the Agreed Order. 4.5 Compliance with Environmental Management Documents. Inasmuch as this Easement allows Grantee to use Grantor's private property permanently for a public use, while Grantor, as the owner of the property subject to this Easement remains potentially responsible for environmental liabilities related to the Property, the Parties agree that, for the duration of this Permanent Easement, the Grantee shall conduct its operations on the Easement Area in conformance with the Environmental Management Plans, provided for in this Section 4.5 and in Exhibit B. The following is a summary of the requirements of the respective Environmental Management Plans that will be put in place pursuant to this Section 4.5: Grantee will perform Grantee's "Onsite Work" (defined below) pursuant and subject to the "Environmental Management Plans." The Environmental Management Plans are: Soil Management Plan as detailed in subsection 1 below. ii. Construction Water Management Plan as detailed in subsection 2 below. iii. Stormwater Management and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP) as detailed in subsection 3 below. iv. Spill Response Plan as detailed in subsection 4 below. The requirements for such Environmental Management Plans and an agreed process for developing the written Environmental Management Plans are set out in this Section 4.5 and in Exhibit B, which is attached to this Permanent Easement and is by this reference incorporated in this Permanent Easement. Onsite Work" means any activity involving physical alteration of the Easement Area for the purposes of initiating or continuing construction. Onsite Work includes work done in preparation for the extension of Park Avenue North, work done to complete such extension, and work done for maintenance, repair, replacement, and/or renewal of such extension after the extension of Park Avenue North has been placed into service. Before commencing any Onsite Work, Grantee shall: (a) prepare the Environmental Management Plans; (b) obtain Grantor's approval for the Environmental Management Plans; and (c) obtain all permits, licenses, and approvals required under Environmental Laws and Requirements, including, but not limited to a Construction Stormwater Permit for construction projects, and shall promptly provide copies to Grantor's Environmental Project Manager in accordance with Section 4.7 of this Easement (Notice). Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 5 of 16 1. Soil Management Plan. Grantee shall implement the Soil Management Plan in the course of performing work in connection with the Easement. 2. Construction Water Management Plan. Grantee shall implement the Construction Water Management Plan in the course of performing work in connection with the Easement. 3. Stormwater Management Plan. Grantee shall implement the Stormwater Management Plan and/or SWPPP both in the course of performing work in connection with the Easement and at all times throughout the term of the Easement as it relates to the Easement Area. 4. Spill Response Plan. Grantee shall implement the Spill Response Plan in the course of performing work in connection with the Easement and at all times throughout the term of the Easement as it relates to the Easement Area. 4.6 Notices and Testing. In the event that Grantee is notified of any investigation or violation of any Environmental Laws and Requirements arising from Grantee's activities at the Easement Area or under this Easement, Grantee shall immediately deliver to Grantor a copy of such notice. In such event or in the event Grantor reasonably believes that a violation of Environmental Laws and Requirements exists arising based upon Grantee's activities, Grantor may, upon notice to Grantee, conduct such tests and studies relating to compliance by Grantee with Environmental Laws and Requirements or the alleged presence of Hazardous Substances upon the Easement Area or under this Easement as Grantor reasonably deems necessary or desirable,and to the extent any such tests and studies indicate non-compliance by Grantee with Environmental Laws and Requirements or the presence of Hazardous Substances upon the Easement Area or under this Easement, based upon Grantee's activities, then Grantor shall supply Grantee with all information Grantor obtained from such tests and studies. Grantor's inspection and testing rights are for Grantor's own protection only, and Grantor has not, and shall not be deemed to have, assumed any responsibility to Grantee or any other party for compliance with Environmental Laws and Requirements, as a result of the exercise, or non-exercise of such rights. 4.7 Grantee shall make required notifications to the Grantor under this Environmental Matters Section to the contacts listed below. To: Johnathan Sherman Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 6 of 16 johnathan.w.sherman@boeing.com 253-218-5053 Grantor may update this list of contacts by providing written notice to Grantee. Grantor will maintain a single point of contact for purposes of this Section 4.7. However, Grantor may name other individuals to act as points of contact for purposes of specific issues that may arise under any of the Environmental Management Plans. 4.8 Environmental Indemnity. Grantee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Grantor, and its directors, officers, employees, agents, assigns, and attorneys from any and all claims, losses, damages, response costs, and expenses arising out of or in any way relating to Grantee's violation of any Environmental Laws and Requirements or any of the provisions of this Easement (including, but not limited to, the requirements of this Easement related to Grantee's responsibility for spill response on the Easement Area), or to the generation, release, storage, deposit or disposal of Hazardous Substances, to the extent caused by Grantee, its agents, employees, contractors and invitees at any time during the term of this Easement, including but not limited to: (1) claims of third parties, including governmental agencies,for damages(including personal injury and/or property damage), response costs, fines, penalties, injunctive or other relief; (2) the cost, expense, or loss to Grantor of any injunctive relief, including preliminary or temporary injunctive relief, applicable to the Grantor or the Easement Area; and (3) the expense of reporting the existence of Hazardous Substances to any agency of any state government or the United States as required by applicable laws or regulations, before and after any trial or appeal therefrom whether or not taxable as costs; all of which shall be paid by Grantee when accrued. 4.9 Future Construction or Major Modification. In the event Grantee engages in future projects to replace, reconstruct, inspect, improve or maintain said street improvements and underground utilities, it shall provide notice to Grantor's contact identified in Section 4.7 and follow the requirements set out in Exhibit B. 4.10 Remedies. Should Grantee at any time be in noncompliance of any of the terms of this Easement or under any and all applicable Environmental Laws and Requirements, Grantee shall at its own expense promptly remedy such noncompliance and shall remove or remediate any unsafe condition that Grantee has caused to occur and clean up or remediate any Hazardous Substance that Grantee has caused to be released at or from the Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantor may exercise its remedies without delivering a prior notice to Grantee (1) in case of emergency or(2) in situations where the Grantee is taking an action or permitting a condition to continue that constitutes a Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 7 of 16 violation of the Order or would contravene the requirements of a permit to which Grantor is subject. 5. Grantee's Use of the Easement Area; Compliance with Laws. 5.1 Grantee's Use of the Easement Area. Grantee shall use,or allow the use of,the Easement Area only for the purposes set forth in Section 1 of this Easement. Grantee shall exercise its rights under this Easement so as to minimize, and avoid if reasonably possible, interference with Grantor's retained rights to the Easement Area. 5.2 Compliance with Laws and Rules. Grantee shall at all times exercise its rights herein in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Grantee shall obtain all permits and approvals required by any governmental agencies that may be necessary to Grantee's intended use of the Easement Area. 6. Grantor's Use of the Easement Area and Access by Grantor during Construction. Grantor's activities will not interfere with the Grantee's full use and enjoyment of the rights acquired pursuant to this Easement. 7. Grantor's Use of the Easement Area Following Construction. 7.1 Grantor shall have a permanent right to enter at all times upon the Easement Area to survey, construct, repair, remove, replace, reconstruct, inspect, improve and maintain its underground utilities. Except as provided in Section 7.3,Grantor shall exercise its rights under this Easement so as to minimize, and avoid if reasonably possible, interference with Grantee's use of the Easement Area as set forth in Section 5. Prior to any activity pursuant to this Section 7.1, that disturbs or interferes with Grantee's use of the Easement Area, Grantor shall reach mutual written agreement with Grantee regarding time, duration, traffic control, and other aspects of such activity so as to minimize its impact on Grantee's use; Grantee shall not unreasonably withhold its agreement. Grantor acknowledges and agrees that any closures of 24 hours or longer in duration require review and approval by the City of Renton City Council. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantor may take the actions provided for in Section 7.3 without first obtaining the agreement of Grantee. 7.2 Grantor shall upon completion of any work within the Easement Area, restore the surface of the Easement Area and any public or private improvements therein disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantor. Provided, however, Grantor, its successors, assigns and/or subsequent Grantees, will not alter or improve the Easement Area or grant any easements over, under, upon, and/or Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 8 of 16 across said property without firs t obtaining the written consent of the Grantee. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld by the Grantee. 7.3 Notwithstanding any provision in this Easement to the contrary, The Boeing Company shall have the right to cross upon the surface of the Easement Area with its vehicles, whether licensed or not, and may restrict, without permission from Grantee, public access across the Easement Area for periods of time not to exceed a five-minute duration only for the purpose of moving airplane fuselages, and not to exceed four times per day. The Boeing Company shall provide flaggers and other devices as may be required to safely manage traffic during such periods of public access restriction. Grantee acknowledges that the foregoing restrictions apply to the activities of The Boeing Company and do not apply to the activity of Burlington Northern or any other railroad operating on tracks that the extension of Park Avenue will cross. Grantor and Grantee acknowledge and agree that neither of them has any power, right, or authority to control the movement of trains along such tracks, nor to prevent, regulate, or sanction any rail operator who blocks passage on the Easement Area in connection with its rail operations. Where the term "The Boeing Company" is used in this Section 7.3 it refers to the original grantor of this Easement and denotes rights and obligations that are personal to The Boeing Company, that do not run with the land, that are non-assignable, and that expire at such time The Boeing Company no longer owns the Property. 8. Indemnity and Insurance. 8.1 Grantee will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, Grantor and its officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, and invitees (hereinafter "Indemnitees") from and against all actions, causes of action, liabilities, claims, suits, penalties, fines, judgments, liens, awards and damages of any kind whatsoever (hereinafter "Claims"), for injury to or death of any person (including without limitation claims brought by employees or invitees of Grantee or employees or invitees of any contractor of Grantee hereinafter"Contractor")) or damage to or loss of any property, and expenses, costs of litigation, and reasonable attorneys' fees related thereto, or incident to establishing the right to indemnification, to the extent such Claims arise out of or are in any way related to this Easement or the presence on the Easement Property of Grantee, any Contractor or their respective employees or invitees, PROVIDED that nothing in this Section 8.1 is intended to require the Grantee to indemnify Grantor or any of the Indemnitees for any Claim to the extent it is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Grantor or an Indemnitee and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, nothing in this Section 8.1 is intended to require the Grantee to indemnify Grantor or any Indemnitee for injuries arising out of the unauthorized entry of an employee or contractor of Grantor onto the area of the Easement Area being used by Grantee as a work area. Grantee expressly waives any immunity under industrial insurance whether arising from Title 51 Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 9 of 16 of the Revised Code of Washington or any other statute or source, to the extent of the indemnity set forth in this paragraph. In the event that Grantee is successful in proving that the foregoing indemnity is limited by RCW 4.24.115, Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnitees to the full extent allowed by RCW 4.24.115. In no event shall Grantee's obligations hereunder be limited to the extent of any insurance available to or provided by Grantee. Grantee shall require each Contractor who desires access to the Easement Property to provide an indemnity, enforceable by and for the benefit of the Indemnitees, to the same extent required of the Grantee. 8.2 Grantee shall ensure that its contractors carry and maintain, Commercial General Liability insurance with available limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, and property damage combined, Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) general aggregate. Any policy which provides the insurance required under this paragraph shall: (a) be endorsed to name "The Boeing Company and its subsidiaries and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, attorneys and assigns" as additional insureds (hereinafter "Additional Insured") with respect to any liability arising out of Grantee's presence on the Easement Area (or such contractor's presence as the case may be), (b) be endorsed to be primary to any insurance maintained by The Boeing Company; (c) contain a severability of interest provision in favor of the Additional Insured and (d) contain a waiver of any rights of subrogation against the Additional Insured. If licensed vehicles will be used in connection with this permit, Grantee shall ensure that its contractors who use licensed vehicles in connection with this Easement carry and maintain, Automobile Liability insurance covering all vehicles, whether owned, hired, rented, borrowed or otherwise, with limits of liability of not less than One Million Dollars 1,000,000) per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. Grantee shall ensure that its contractors cover or maintain, insurance in accordance with the applicable laws relating to workers' compensation, with respect to all of their respective employees working on or about the Easement Area, regardless of whether such coverage of insurance is mandatory or merely elective under the law. No contractor shall access the Easement Area unless such Contractor shall have first provided a certificate of insurance reflecting full compliance with the requirements set forth herein. Such certificate shall list The Boeing Company as certificate holder and shall be kept current and in compliance throughout the period of this permit and shall provide for thirty (30) days advance written notice to Grantee in the event of cancellation. The insurance provisions in this Section 8.2 can be substituted with self-insurance. Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 10 of 16 9. Notices. All notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be sent (a) by nationally recognized overnight courier service with all charges for next business day delivery prepaid or(b) by PDF or similar attachment to an email, provided that such email attachment shall be followed within three (3) business days by delivery of such notice pursuant to clause (a) above, and shall be effective upon receipt at the appropriate address below except for environmental matters covered by Section 4.7 provided that if any notice or other communication to be delivered by email attachment as provided above cannot be transmitted because of a problem affecting the receiving party's computer, the deadline for receiving such notice or other communication shall be extended through the next business day): To Grantor:The Boeing Company c/o MBG Consulting, Inc. 980 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1000 Chicago, IL 60611 With A Copy To: The Boeing Company Attn: Marc Poulin 153 James S. McDonnell Blvd. M/C S221-1499 Hazelwood, MO 63042 And The Law Department Attn: Real Estate Counsel The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, M/C 11-XT Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Phone: 206-662-6588 To Grantee:Public Works Administrator City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Email: mpastucha@rentonwa.gov Phone: (425) 430-7311 Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 11 of 16 Per Sept 23, 2021 letter, add: Global Real State, MC S221-1400 6200 JS McDonnel Blvd Bulk Mail 101 Dock Berkeley, MO 63134 Attention: Rela Estate Manager With A Copy To: City Attorney City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Email: smoloney@rentonwa.gov Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice in the manner detailed in this Section 9. Rejection or other refusal to accept or the inability to deliver because of changed address of which no notice was given shall be deemed to constitute receipt of the notice, demand, request or communication sent. The attorneys for any party hereto shall be entitled to provide any notice that a party desires to provide or is required to provide hereunder. 10. Limited Warranties. The rights granted herein are subject to permits, leases, licenses, and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the Easement Area. Grantor shall warrant its title to the Easement Area against any person claiming through Grantor, but not otherwise. Any plans, specifications, or drawings (collectively, "Submittal") provided by Grantee to Grantor pursuant to this Easement are for Grantor's informational purposes only. Any analysis, review or approval by Grantor, or Grantor's failure to analyze, review or approve such Submittal (including failure to discover any error or defect in such Submittal) shall not relieve Grantee of any of its obligations under this Easement. Grantor hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, with respect to any such Submittal developed, reviewed or approved by Grantor as a condition of this Easement. 11. Covenants Running with the Land; Successors and Assigns. The terms and conditions of this Easement shall be covenants running with the land except as expressly stated otherwise in this instrument, and except as expressly stated otherwise in this instrument shall burden and benefit the Grantor, the Grantee, and their respective successors and assigns in interest as owners of the Property (in the case of the Grantor and its successors and assigns) or as grantees of the rights hereunder (in the case of the Grantee and its successors and assigns). Except as expressly stated otherwise in this instrument, upon transfer of title to the Property by Grantor or assignment of its rights hereunder as grantee by Grantee, the benefits and burdens of this Easement shall pass to the transferee, and the transferor shall be liable only for those matters that arose during the period of such transferor's ownership of the Property or of the rights of the Grantee,as the case may be, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. 12. No Merger of Estates. The Easement granted herein shall not be extinguished or terminated by operation of the doctrine of merger or otherwise due to the existing or future common ownership of the real property described herein. Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 12 of 16 13. Complete Agreement. This Easement contains the entire agreement of the partieswithrespecttothissubjectmatterandsupersedesallpriororcontemporaneouswritingsor discussions relating to the easement provided for herein. This Easement may not be amended except by a written document executed after the date hereof by the duly authorized representatives of Grantor and Grantee. This Easement includes Exhibits A-1,A-2, A-3, and B, which by this reference are incorporated into this Easement. 14. Governing Law. This Easement shall be governed by the laws of the State ofWashington, exclusive of its choice of law rules. DATED April 12,2021 Grantee: Grantor: The City of Renton The Boeing Company By: Its: Mayor Armondo Pavone Its: Authorized Signatory Date: 2--/I O/2D2A Attest: p.oc445 0 ikEN 704, Jason A.Seth,City Clerk Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 13 of 16 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Washington ) ss. County of King Rm6 Pam I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 1' `cistAcr is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the er\c 9or . of The City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation, to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. oNNW\IIIIIt11AR. 1j4 Cj 57922 fA= y Dated: Li- a aI 0at F 4h ea a•• IWAS\'` 4- Notary blic icrvendfo State of Washington, residing at Cc? My appointment expires Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 14 of 16 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Missouri ) ) County of St. Louis )ss. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,PrJ ODUN is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Authorized Signatory of The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation, to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 2/0/2.24 MARGAUX I.DAMES NOTARY PUBLIC-NOTARY SEAL STATE OF MISSOURI O I '' `^' U MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 3,2024 VST.LOUIS COUNTY COMMISSION#20657436 Notary pu lic in and for the State of Missouri, residing at St. Louis County My appointment expires AUGUST Q) 12024 Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 15 of 16 EXHIBIT A-1 Legal Description of the Property) EXHIBIT A-2 Legal Description of the Permanent Easement Area) EXHIBIT A-3 Map Exhibit of the Easement Area) EXHIBIT B Basic Requirements for Environmental Management Plans Park Ave Permanent Easement Page 16 of 16 EXHIBIT A-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY LOT 6, BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING,A BINDING SITE PLAN, RECORDED DECEMBER 23,2004, UNDER RECORDING NO.20041223000856, IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED OF DEDICATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON, RECORDED DECEMBER 12,2006, RECORDERS NO.20061212000338;AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED OF DEDICATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON, RECORDED NOVEMBER 2,2009, RECORDERS NO.20091102002105;AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED OF DEDICATION TO THE CITY OF RENTON, RECORDED NOVEMBER 2,2009, RECORDERS NO.20091102002360;AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO CITY OF RENTON,A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION BY DEED OF DEDICATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10,2015 UNDER RECORDING NOS. 20150910000182 AND 20150910000183 AND RE-RECORDED JULY 07, 2016 UNDER RECORDING NO. 20160707000538. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 088660-0060-03 it EXHIBIT A-2 PERMANENT EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF LOT 6 OF THE BINDING SITE PLAN FOR BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN AUDITOR'S FILE NO.20041223000586, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EASTERNMOST POINT OF SAID LOT 6,SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF LOGAN AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 43°47'24"WEST,ALONG THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID LOT AND SAID NORTH MARGIN,A DISTANCE OF 290.47 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 933.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12°43'42"AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 207.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING,SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 55.50 FEET,THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 5°01'42"WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 39°49'29"AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 38.58 FEET; THENCE NORTH 55°12'13"WEST A DISTANCE OF 41.41 FEET; THENCE NORTH 26°08'22"WEST A DISTANCE OF 70.82 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID LOT; THENCE SOUTH 50°42'51"WEST,ALONG SAID LINE,A DISTANCE OF 96.53 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 26°08'22" EAST A DISTANCE OF 117.23 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID LOT AND SAID NORTH MARGIN,SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 933.50 FEET,THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 24°42'24"WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, LINE,AND MARGIN THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8°46'30"AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 142.97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. HAVING AN AREA OF 13,278 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. E ! A Nrl, M1 AJ o A.ww I cf) c": nrStki P. Clsr ca EXHIBIT A-3 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. SEC.8,T.23 N., R.5 E.,W.M. 0823059078 PUGET SOUND ENERGY LOT 6, BINDING SITE PLAN AF#20041223000856 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 0886600060 6y3 1- THE BOEING COMPANY 00o a S 43°47'24"W 0,' 290.47' \ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. L=38.58' 0823059027 6:5'° 0=39°49'29" BNSF RAILROAD PERMANENT \i„ EASEMENT L=207.38' R=933.50' ooe5 1TI 0=12°43'42" lag Dig POBPO i cu, 93 . er(.._.)NORTH Pv\ N OGPNV 77 12, G ii.i \ POC:POINT OF COMMENCEMENT POB: POINT OF BEGINNING 0 60 720 SCALE/N FEET PARK AVENUE N EXTENSION 1 ALLIANCE PERMANENT EASEMENT GEOMATICS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 086600060 SURVEYING & MAPPING RENTON, WASHINGTON 1261A 120TH AVE NE Ph:(425)598-2200 Bellevue,Washington 98005 Fax:(425)502-8067 DRAWN BY: J GARVIN DATE: OCTOBER 8, 2020 EXHIBIT B Basic Requirements for Environmental Management Plans The Boeing Company ("Boeing") and the City of Renton (the "City") will agree on a set of environmental plans to be referenced in the Permanent Easement and the Temporary Construction Easement (collectively, the "Easements"). The set of environmental plans will consist of the following four plans: (1) Soil Management Plan; (2) Construction Water Management Plan; (3) Stormwater Management and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP); and (4) Spill Response Plan. These four plans are, collectively, the "Environmental Management Plans." This document sets forth certain terms that will be included in the Environmental Management Plans and the process that will apply to finalizing the Environmental Management Plans. If, during the term of the Permanent Easement, the City proposes to conduct Onsite Work, as defined in the Easements, it will either adhere to the Environmental Management Plans or, in advance, it will propose a new set of Environmental Management Plans to govern such work following the same process described in Section B below. A. TERMS Below are terms that the Parties agree will be included in the Environmental Management Plans. 1. Soil Management Plan The City's Soil Management Plan shall address methods for the following: i. Stockpiling and segregating soils during excavation, which methods shall exclude any comingling of Boeing-property generated soils with non-Boeing property generated soils. ii. Managing any containers brought on site for holding soils and wastewater during Onsite Work (defined as: any activity involving physical alteration of the Easement Area for the purposes of initiating or continuing construction) among other things to ensure that containers are and remain environmentally clean. iii. Methods to backfill excavations first with all site soils removed during excavation, unless suspected contamination is encountered, or soils are not suitable for City's project use. iv. Procedures to ensure soils/rocks are appropriately covered during construction and any off-site transportation. v. Procedures in the event suspected contamination is encountered during construction, including the following: Notification of suspected contamination to Boeing's point of contact. Determination and implementation by the City of characterization, excavation, profiling, and disposal requirements for excavated soil and other excavated material. vi. With respect to soils that have been excavated, or will/may be excavated, for project construction purposes that are not able to be replaced on-site, and the soils were not removed because of suspected contamination: City to ensure soils from Boeing properties are not comingled with soils brought in from other locations for disposal purposes. City may only sample for environmental characterization/disposal purposes after excavation and after City determination that soils may not be replaced on-site. City notification of Boeing point of contact of soil analytical/waste profiling results prior to disposal of soils off-site. City notification of Boeing point of contact of selected disposal facility in advance of proper soil disposal at off-site facility. Methods to ensure disposal of property soils in the following order of preference: i. Landfill as alternate daily cover. ii. Direct landfill disposal as waste. iii. City is prohibited from disposing of Boeing property soils for any unrestricted or sensitive re-use, or other non-landfill disposal purposes. ix. City management and appropriate disposal of all investigative-derived waste to an appropriate landfill, including any soil and wastewater not already addressed above. x. If City plans to import soil or structural fill with soil components for placement in the Easement Area, City to provide import fill profile data for environmental contaminants to Boeing point of contact for prior approval at least one week in advance. Boeing will respond within five days of receipt and will not unreasonably withhold approval. Imported soil or structural fill with soil components must meet Washington Model Toxics Control Act Method A Unrestricted Land Use Criteria for the following analytes: NWTPH (full range gas to heavy) + benzene VOCs (EPA Method 82608) RCRA 8 metals + copper(Cu) Advance approval not required for crushed rock or landscaping topsoil if these meet applicable Washington Model Toxics Control Act requirements. The Soil Management Plan shall state that the City is responsible for all costs associated with complying with the plan, including any costs incurred by the City for stop-work events related to any unplanned or contingent events. 2. Construction Water Management Plan The City's Construction Water Management Plan shall address methods for the following: i. Management and disposition of all water streams generated by the City's Onsite Work at the Property, including excavation dewatering, any wastewater discharge to sanitary or any construction dewatering water discharged to storm sewer [including as covered by any discharge permits that City will procure], and wastewater removed off-site for disposal. ii. Providing for the City's prompt provision of the City's wastewater monitoring/sampling results to the Boeing point of contact. The Construction Water Management Plan shall state that the City is responsible for all costs associated with complying with the plan, including any costs incurred by the City for stop-work events related to any unplanned or contingent events. 3. Stormwater Management and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The City's Stormwater Management Plan and/or SWPPP shall address methods for all legally- required and otherwise appropriate storm water management practices, including the following: i. City compliance with any other existing Construction Stormwater Permit (CSP) that covers the Easement Area, whether it belongs to Boeing or another party, if still in place during the City's Easement-related construction activities. ii. City application for and compliance with any now or later required stormwater permits of any kind. iii. City construction of stormwater collection and conveyance structures to ensure that City and Boeing stormwater flows shall remain segregated to the greatest extent possible as now provided for in the City's stormwater infrastructure and drainage plan. iv. City maintenance of Easement Area stormwater drains or other infrastructure including clean-outs and response to any impacts from spills)for as long as the Easement is in effect. v. Provision to Boeing point of contact a copy of all stormwater monitoring and sampling results/reports. vi. City notification to Boeing point of contact of any permit violations within 24 hours of the violation's inception or as soon as practicable. vii. City implementation of any corrective actions required by regulators related to stormwater violations. The Stormwater Management Plan and/or SWPPP shall state that the Cityis responsible forpo all costs associated with complying with the plan(s), including any costs incurred by the City for stop- work events related to any unplanned or contingent events. 4. Spill Response Plan The City's Spill Response Plan shall address methods for the following: i. City's immediate (with "immediate" to be defined in plan) response to spills or releases of regulated or Hazardous Substances as required by law as a result of the Grantee's use or authorized or unauthorized public use of the Easement Area and as long as the Easement is in effect. ii. City's immediate (same note as above re "immediate") notification to Boeing point of contact of any spills or releases of regulated or Hazardous Substance and associated response actions taken. iii. City's handling, removal, and disposal of all such spills and releases, including City sampling to verify completed remediation of spill impacts to soils, groundwater, surfacee water, stormwater, or other environmental media as applicable. iv. City's determination of waste characterization for disposal purposes, including the following: a. For regulated waste, prior to disposal, City shall provide City's waste characterization/profile and selected disposal location to Boeing point of contact. City shall provide Boeing point of contact verification of final disposal after completion. b. For non-regulated waste, City shall provide advance notification to Boeing point of contact of waste disposal characterization and selected disposal facility. v. City shall comply with applicable laws and regulations for spill response and clean-up. The Spill Response Plan shall state that the City is responsible for all costs associated with complying with the plan, including any costs incurred by the City for stop-work events related to any unplanned or contingent events. B. PROCESS Below is the agreed process for development and finalizing of the Environmental Management Plans. 1. The City will deliver to Boeing's point of contact proposed written plans for each of the four Environmental Management Plans. 2. Boeing will review each submission and will either approve or reject each submission within 14 calendar days of receipt. If Boeing does not respond within 14 calendar days, the plan will be deemed accepted by Boeing. This section applies both to original and revised submissions. 3. If Boeing determines it will reject all or portions of any of the Environmental Management Plans, it will provide detailed comments explaining the basis for its objections. For each plan so rejected, the City then will provide a revised plan addressing Boeing's comments. The EHS Project Managers of the parties will meet as necessary to engage in prompt and good faith dialog in an effort to resolve Boeing's comments. This paragraph applies both to original and revised submissions. 4. In the event the EHS Project Managers are unable to resolve issues of dispute, the issues will be referred to the Boeing Renton Site EHS Director and the City's Environmental Manager for resolution. The On Site Work will not proceed absent a resolution of the dispute. City of Renton Contract Provisions for Park Avenue N Extension ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX J – DEWATERING PERMIT Industrial Waste Program Individual Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering Alternative Formats On Request 206-477-5300 TTY Relay: 711 Instructions It may be possible to send water from construction sites into the sanitary sewer if approved by the King County Industrial Waste Program (KCIW) and the local sewer agency. Who needs approval Most construction projects discharging to sanitary sewers in King County’s Wastewater Service area (including combined sewers that carry stormwater and sewage in the older parts of Seattle) need approval. • Single family residential construction projects should check with the local city or sewer agency. KCIW does not require applications from these projects. • Projects discharging to separated storm sewers or surface water bodies do not need approval from wastewater utilities. Check with the appropriate entity: • Contaminated site any size: Washington State Department of Ecology • Clean site more than 1 acre: Washington State Department of Ecology • Clean site less than 1 acre: Local jurisdiction’s stormwater utility How to get approval to discharge to sanitary sewers 1. Contact the local sewer agency. Confirm they accept water from construction sites. Confirm the location and conditions for discharging to their system. A list of local agencies is available: http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/wtd/About/SewerAgencies.aspx 2. Select your King County construction dewatering application (individual or general). 3. Download, complete, print and sign your application. Scan your signed application and submit it to King County via email: info.KCIW@kingcounty.gov. 4. Contact the local sewer agency for permission to connect to their system and any additional requirements. Select your King County application KCIW offers two types of authorizations for discharging construction water to sanitary sewers: Individual and General. You may be able to use the simpler form, General Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering, if your project meets all of the following criteria: • Site is not contaminated. • Site is less than 1 acre. • Project will discharge less than 25,000 gallons per day (gpd) to the sanitary sewer. • Site has a sedimentation tank. If your project does not meet all four criteria, you must use this form, Individual Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering. Both forms are available at www.kingcounty.gov/industrialwaste. Applying for a General Authorization is easier and requires less documentation (no exhibits) than an Individual Authorization. No reporting is necessary once the General Authorization is approved. Tips for a Successful Application • Complete one application for each construction site. • Answer all questions; use additional pages, if needed. (See the application checklist on page 2.) • Make sure the authorized representative (site owner) signs this application. (See pages 3 and 4.) • Keep the original signed application in your records until the project is complete. • For questions, contact KCIW at info.KCIW@kingcounty.gov or 206-477-5300. Project Meets All Criteria Apply for General Authorization Apply for Individual Authorization Yes No Industrial Waste Program Individual Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering 2 Application Checklist Before submitting your application, use this checklist to make sure you have included all the necessary information and documentation. Checklist for Individual Authorization Application Application Component and Page Number Completed Signature of authorized representative or owner (page 3) ☒ Signed signature delegation if authorized representative or owner is delegating signature authority (page 4) ☐ Project Information (page 5) ☒ Detailed project information (pages 6 and 7) ☒ Exhibit A, Site Plan (page 8) ☒ Exhibit B, Wastewater Treatment System Description (page 8) ☒ Exhibit C, Dewatering Schedule (required for sites requesting discharge approval for longer than six months) (page 8) ☒ Exhibit D, Description of Contamination (required for sites with known groundwater or sediment contamination) (page 8) ☒ IndustrialWaste ProgramKingCountyIndividualAuthorizationApplicationforConstructionDewateringRequiredSignatureNOTE:Aconstructionsiteownermustsignthispageand/orthereversepagetodelegatesignatureauthority.King CountyCode28.82.050requiresasignaturefroman“authorizedrepresentative”onallwastewaterapplicationsandreports.Anauthorizedrepresentativeisresponsiblefortheaccuracyoftheinformationprovided. Forconstructionprojects,itisthesiteowner.Theauthorized representative maybeoneofthefollowing:A.Thepresident,secretary, treasurer,oravice-presidentofthecorporationinchargeofaprincipal businessfunctionor anyotherpersonwhoperformssimilar policyordecision-makingfunctionsB.Themanagerofoneormore manufacturing,production,oroperatingfacilities,butonlyifthemanager:1.Isauthorizedtomakemanagementdecisionsthatgoverntheoperationoftheregulatedfacilityincludinghavingtheexplicitorimplicit dutyofmaking majorcapitalinvestmentrecommendations,andinitiateanddirectother comprehensive measurestoassurelong-tennenvironmental compliancewithenviromentallawsandregulations;2.Canensurethatthenecessary systemsareestablishedoractionstakentogather completeandaccurateinformationforcontrolmechanism requirementsandknowledgeableofKingCountyreportingrequirements;and;3.Has beenassignedordelegatedtheauthoritytosigndocuments,inaccordancewithcorporate proceduresC.AgeneralpartnerorproprietorforapartnershiporproprietorshipD.Adirectororhighestofficialappointedordesignatedtooverseetheoperationandperformanceoftheindustryiftheindustrialuserisagovernment agencyE.Anindividualand!orposition—delegatedinwritingby oneofthefirstfour(A—Dabove)—whoisresponsibleforthe overalloperationofthefacilityfromwhichthedischargeoriginatesorhasoverallresponsibilityforenvironmentalmattersforthecompanyoragency.Usetheformonreversetodelegatesignatureauthority.Icertifyunderpenaltyoflawthatthisdocumentandallattachmentswerepreparedundermydirectionorsupervisioninaccordancewithasystemdesignedtoassurethatqualifiedpersonnelproperlygatherandevaluatetheinformationsubmitted.Basedon myinquiryof thepersonorpersonswhomanagethesystem,orthosepersonsdirectlyresponsibleforgatheringtheinformation, theinformationsubmittedis,tothebestofmyknowledgeandbelief,true,accurate,andcomplete.Iamaware thattherearesignificantpenaltiesforsubmittingfalseinformation, including thepossibilityoffineandimprisonmentforknowingviolations.MartinPastucha1055S.GradyWayNameStreetAddressPublicWorks DirectorRenton,WA98057TitleCity,State, andZipCityofRentonmpastucharentonwa.govCompanyNameEmail(425)430-7394PhoneSignatureCellPhone(optional)Date3 Industrial Waste Program Individual Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering 4 Delegation of Signature Authority Form This form is only required if the authorized representative wishes to delegate signature authority. Use additional copies of this page to delegate to additional people or positions. Person Delegating Signature Authority By signing below, I certify that I am authorizing the following person(s) and/or position(s) to receive signature authority . I am an authorized representative for the company named in this application because I meet the following definition listed on the reverse page: A B C D Name Street Address Title City, State, and Zip Company Name Email Phone Signature Cell Phone (optional) Date Person(s) and /or Position(s) Receiving Signature Authority 1. 2. Name or Position Name or Position Title Title Company Name Company Name Phone Street Address Phone Street Address Email City, State, and Zip Code Email City, State, and Zip Code Signature Signature 3. 4. Name or Position Name or Position Title Title Company Name Company Name Phone Street Address Phone Street Address Email City, State, and Zip Code Email City, State, and Zip Code Signature Signature Industrial Waste Program Individual Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering 5 Project Information Applicant/Project Name City of Renton/Park Avenue North Extension Project Project Location (Address, City, and Zip Code) Logan Ave N/Southport Dr N and Park Ave N intersection and the 757th Ave N and Park Ave N T-Junction; Eastern end of 7th Street, near Logan Ave NOTE: The site owner will be issued the discharge approval ; the contractor or consultant will be sent a copy. Site/Project Owner (Must be authorized or delegated signatory) Contractor/Consultant Name Robert Hanson, P.E. Ross Widener Title Transporation Design Manager Company City of Renton Public Works Widener and Associates Mailing address 1055 South Grady Way 1902 120th Place SE Suite 202 City/state/zip code Renton, WA 98057 Everett, WA 98208 Office telephone no. (425) 430-7223 (425)332-3961 Cellphone no. Fax no. Email address bhanson@rentonwa.gov ross@widener-enviro.com Primary person to be contacted about this application if not listed above (name, address, telephone, email) NOTE: Use attachments, if necessary, to provide the following information. Detailed description of project construction The City of Renton is proposing the extension of Park Ave N to extend north of the BNSF railroad tracks that are located between 757th Ave and the Southport property. The Boeing Company also proposes to install a new gate system near the eastern end of 7th Street near Logan Avenue. The project will include clearing and grubbing; paving of roadway, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters; stormwater conveyance system installation, signalization, signage, the construction of a railroad crossing, casing installation for sanitary sewer and water, illumination installation, landscaping, slope protection, underground utility relocation within a duct bank (to be conducted by Boeing). Start date of dewatering June 24, 2021 End date of dewatering September 1, 2022 Site size 1.6 acres Environmental permits issued for the site that are relevant to this project (for example: NPDES, Ecology Notice of Intent) SEPA Determination Industrial Waste Program Individual Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering 6 Detailed Project Information Follow these instructions to complete the table below: • Process or activity generating wastewater. Enter a brief process number and name for each process and activity (for example: 1. well dewatering, 2. wheel wash, 3. equipment cleaning, 4. concrete curing, 5. jet grouting, 6. contaminated stormwater runoff). • Substances and/or pollutants in wastewater. List all substances in the wastewater (such as sediment/solids, caustic and/or acidic, oil and grease, other contaminants if groundwater or soil is contaminated). • Type of pretreatment. For each waste stream, identify the type of wastewater pretreatment you will provide (such as filtration, chemical precipitation, settling, pH neutralization, electrocoagulation, chitosan). King County policy requires t hat at a minimum, an appropriately sized settling tank (weir tank preferred) must be installed to provide gravity separation. • Frequency of discharge. Indicate the frequency of discharge. Enter "continuous" if you will discharge continuously to the sewer as the wastewater is generated or "batch" if you will store wastewater and discharge it to the sewer in batches. • Discharge point. Enter the manhole or side sewer location approved by the local city or sewer agency for temporary connection to the sewer. • Daily quantity discharged. Calculate the projected daily maximum discharge volume for each process or activity and then the total for all processes and activities. Process or Activity Number Process or Activity that Generates Wastewater Substances and/or Pollutants in Wastewater Type of Pretreatment Frequency of Discharge (continuous or batch) Discharge Point if known (manhole, side sewer location) Maximum Daily Quantity Discharged (gallons) 1 Excavation dewatering iron and other metals settling continuous 400 gpm max manhole 88,000 Total maximum daily discharge volume 88,000 Water Quantity Balance Calculations For each process or activity listed in the table above, thoroughly document the information, methods, and assumptions used to calculate your site’s water quantity balance. Use a storm event of 2 inches per 24 hours to calculate the maximum daily stormwater runoff volume. Add attachments if you need more space. Industrial Waste Program Individual Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering 7 Detailed Project Information (continued) If your project will discharge greater than 25,000 gpd during November through April, explain in detail why discharge to surface water is not feasible. Groundwater is anticipated to be high metals such as arsenic, copper, iron, and zinc which is not suitable for discharge into Lake Washington. Is there known groundwater or soil contamination on site? There is suspected soil contamination in the project vicinity based on historical and current industrial uses though none has been confirmed. No specific source of groundwater contamination is known in the vicinity. If yes, provide a summary of the contamination, site history, and sources of contamination. Submit Exhibit D (see page 8). Groundwater sampling was conducted in the project area, which found high levels of metals such as copper and zinc. No other contamination was found. Analysis results from the groundwater sampling is attached. The groundwater well location which was sampled is shown on the site plan. Does this site have a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan that outlines best management practices (BMPs)? Yes If yes, the plan must be available onsite for reference throughout the project. No If no, please explain: Contact the local sewer agency (city or sewer district) to receive instructions on discharge conditions . (www.kingcounty.gov/environment/wtd/About/SewerAgencies.aspx) and complete the following: Name and telephone number of the local city or sewer district personnel you contacted. Joe Stowell (425)430-7212 Maximum discharge rate (gpm) specified by the local city or sewer district contact. 600 gpm Sewer account number or billing method that the local city or sewer district will use to assess sewer fees. Paid through the City of Renton Industrial Waste Program Individual Authorization Application for Construction Dewatering 8 Exhibits Exhibits A and B are required for all applications. A. Site Plan. Attach a site plan that shows the location of activities or processes generating wastewater, settling ponds/tanks or other wastewater treatment system components, wastewater conveyance lines, temporary points of discharge (approved by the local city or sewer district), groundwater and/or sediment sampling locations, streets, and public sewer and storm drainage facilities. B. Wastewater Treatment System. Attach a description of the proposed wastewater treatment system, including the following: 1. Diagrams, specification sheets, and basic design data for system components (for example, pumps, tanks, mixers). 2. Schematic flow diagram of the treatment process that shows system piping, tanks, and control features. 3. Maximum flow rate for the system. NOTE: KCIW may require an engineering justification and/or other evidence demonstrating that discharge from the site will meet applicable permit effluent limitations. Minimum Standards for Rectangular Sedimentation Tank Design is available here: http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/wastewater/IndustrialWaste/GettingDischargeApproval/Construction/Sedimentati on_tank s.aspx. Exhibit C is required for approval of projects that will discharge longer than six months: C. Dewatering Schedule. Attach a wastewater discharge schedule indicating when each activity or process is expected to generate wastewater for the duration of the project. For each process and discharge period, specify the projected maximum daily discharge volume. (See example below.) NOTE: The chart below is included as an example only. You may create a similar table or use a different format, provided it includes the requested information. Exhibit D is required for sites with known groundwater or sediment contamination: D. Description of contamination sources and chemical characteristics. Attach a summary (preferably in table format) of all available groundwater and/or sediment quality data. Indicate groundwater and/or sediment sample locations on the site plan (Exhibit A). 48080 Boeing Park Ave No. Extension This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATIONWGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Notes 05/27/2021 Legend 54 0 27 54 Feet Gary Merlino Construction Adam Hallerman (206) 255-2598 Ductbank TrenchDischarge from Baker Tank to King County Metro Sewers 18,000 Gallon Weir tank Ductbank Trench Weir Tank Discharge point Well Point Coated Road Plates Well Point Pump Note: 2nd 18,000g banker tank to be added in location if needed Steel Tank Overview: Features: Specs: 18,100 gallon open top weir tanks from Rain for Rent come with over and under weirs for separation of oils or particulates. This tank has a standard “V” shaped floor for ease of draining all stored liquids completely through a 4” butterfly valve with Buna seals standard. Store and separate liquids with confidence with Rain for Rent’s 18,100 gallon open top weir tank. Permanently attached axels for maximum maneuverability allow this 18,100 gallon tank to be moved with ease on the jobsite and a safety staircase ensures proper protection for workers on site. Open-Top Weir Accessories: • Spillguard • Suction and discharge piping • Level gauges Manways Three 22” hatches Material Steel Capacity 18,100 gallons Dry weight 27,000 lbs. Footprint: 516” x 96” x 126”800-742-7246 rainforrent.com PUMPS • TANKS • FILTRATION • PIPE • SPILLGUARDS Rain for Rent is a registered trademark of Western Oilfields Supply Company. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. May 12, 2021 Widener & Associates Jordan Widener Attention Jordan Widener: RE:Park Ave North Work Order Number:2105063 10108 32nd Ave W Everett, WA 98204 3600 Fremont Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98103 T: (206) 352-3790 F: (206) 352-7178 info@fremontanalytical.com Fremont Analytical, Inc. received 1 sample(s) on 5/6/2021 for the analyses presented in the following report. Brianna Barnes This report consists of the following: - Case Narrative - Analytical Results - Applicable Quality Control Summary Reports - Chain of Custody All analyses were performed consistent with the Quality Assurance program of Fremont Analytical, Inc. Please contact the laboratory if you should have any questions about the results. Thank you for using Fremont Analytical. Sincerely, Project Manager Mercury by EPA Method 245.1 Total Metals by EPA Method 200.8 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D www.fremontanalytical.com Original DoD-ELAP Accreditation #79636 by PJLA, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and QSM 5.3 for Environmental Testing ORELAP Certification: WA 100009 (NELAP Recognized) for Environmental Testing Washington State Department of Ecology Accredited for Environmental Testing, Lab ID C910 Page 1 of 26 05/12/2021Date: Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 Work Order Sample Summary Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Date/Time ReceivedDate/Time Collected 2105063-001 Park N 05/04/2021 8:14 AM 05/06/2021 7:41 AM Note: If no "Time Collected" is supplied, a default of 12:00AM is assigned Original Page 2 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates 5/12/2021 Case Narrative 2105063 Date: WO#: I. SAMPLE RECEIPT: Samples receipt information is recorded on the attached Sample Receipt Checklist. II. GENERAL REPORTING COMMENTS: Results are reported on a wet weight basis unless dry-weight correction is denoted in the units field on the analytical report ("mg/kg-dry" or "ug/kg-dry"). Matrix Spike (MS) and MS Duplicate (MSD) samples are tested from an analytical batch of "like" matrix to check for possible matrix effect. The MS and MSD will provide site specific matrix data only for those samples which are spiked by the laboratory. The sample chosen for spike purposes may or may not have been a sample submitted in this sample delivery group. The validity of the analytical procedures for which data is reported in this analytical report is determined by the Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) and the Method Blank (MB). The LCS and the MB are processed with the samples and the MS/MSD to ensure method criteria are achieved throughout the entire analytical process. III. ANALYSES AND EXCEPTIONS: Exceptions associated with this report will be footnoted in the analytical results page(s) or the quality control summary page(s) and/or noted below. Original Page 3 of 26 5/12/2021 Qualifiers & Acronyms 2105063 Date Reported: WO#: Qualifiers: * - Flagged value is not within established control limits B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Dilution was required E - Value above quantitation range H - Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded I - Analyte with an internal standard that does not meet established acceptance criteria J - Analyte detected below Reporting Limit N - Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC) Q - Analyte with an initial or continuing calibration that does not meet established acceptance criteria S - Spike recovery outside accepted recovery limits ND - Not detected at the Reporting Limit R - High relative percent difference observed Acronyms: %Rec - Percent Recovery CCB - Continued Calibration Blank CCV - Continued Calibration Verification DF - Dilution Factor DUP - Sample Duplicate HEM - Hexane Extractable Material ICV - Initial Calibration Verification LCS/LCSD - Laboratory Control Sample / Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate MCL - Maximum Contaminant Level MB or MBLANK - Method Blank MDL - Method Detection Limit MS/MSD - Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate PDS - Post Digestion Spike Ref Val - Reference Value REP - Sample Replicate RL - Reporting Limit RPD - Relative Percent Difference SD - Serial Dilution SGT - Silica Gel Treatment SPK - Spike Surr - Surrogate Original www.fremontanalytical.com Page 4 of 26 Project:Park Ave North Client Sample ID:Park N Collection Date:5/4/2021 8:14:00 AM Matrix:Groundwater Client:Widener & Associates Lab ID:2105063-001 Analyses Result Qual Units Date AnalyzedDFRL Analytical Report 5/12/2021 2105063 Date Reported: Work Order: Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D Analyst:KTBatch ID: 32225 Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12)Q 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.25 µg/L 1ND Chloromethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.750 µg/L 1ND Vinyl chloride 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.350 µg/L 1ND Bromomethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.20 µg/L 1ND Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Chloroethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.00 µg/L 1ND 1,1-Dichloroethene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Acetone 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM6.00 µg/L 1ND Methylene chloride 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.750 µg/L 1ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,1-Dichloroethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND (MEK) 2-Butanone 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.50 µg/L 1ND Chloroform 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.400 µg/L 1ND 1,1-Dichloropropene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Carbon tetrachloride 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.750 µg/L 1ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.400 µg/L 1ND Benzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.440 µg/L 1ND Trichloroethene (TCE)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Bromodichloromethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Dibromomethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Toluene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.750 µg/L 1ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.25 µg/L 1ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.350 µg/L 1ND 1,3-Dichloropropane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.400 µg/L 1ND Dibromochloromethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.00 µg/L 1ND 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.300 µg/L 1ND 2-Hexanone (MBK)5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.00 µg/L 1ND Chlorobenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.300 µg/L 1ND Ethylbenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.400 µg/L 1ND m,p-Xylene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.00 µg/L 1ND o-Xylene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Original Page 5 of 26 Project:Park Ave North Client Sample ID:Park N Collection Date:5/4/2021 8:14:00 AM Matrix:Groundwater Client:Widener & Associates Lab ID:2105063-001 Analyses Result Qual Units Date AnalyzedDFRL Analytical Report 5/12/2021 2105063 Date Reported: Work Order: Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D Analyst:KTBatch ID: 32225 Styrene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Isopropylbenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Bromoform 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.400 µg/L 1ND n-Propylbenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Bromobenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.250 µg/L 10.314 2-Chlorotoluene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 4-Chlorotoluene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND tert-Butylbenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.400 µg/L 1ND 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.750 µg/L 1ND sec-Butylbenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 4-Isopropyltoluene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND n-Butylbenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.00 µg/L 1ND 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.500 µg/L 1ND Naphthalene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM1.25 µg/L 1ND 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM0.700 µg/L 1ND Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM80.7 - 121 %Rec 1103 Surr: Toluene-d8 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM84.5 - 116 %Rec 1103 Surr: 1-Bromo-4-fluorobenzene 5/7/2021 7:22:15 PM86 - 108 %Rec 1101 Mercury by EPA Method 245.1 Analyst:WFBatch ID: 32253 Mercury 5/11/2021 1:41:32 PM0.100 µg/L 10.516 Total Metals by EPA Method 200.8 Analyst:EHBatch ID: 32247 Arsenic 5/10/2021 10:31:16 PM1.00 µg/L 12.05 Cadmium 5/10/2021 10:31:16 PM0.200 µg/L 11.47 Chromium 5/10/2021 10:31:16 PM1.00 µg/L 16.41 Copper 5/10/2021 10:31:16 PM2.00 µg/L 1147 Lead 5/10/2021 10:31:16 PM0.500 µg/L 113.3 Nickel 5/10/2021 10:31:16 PM3.00 µg/L 15.64 Original Page 6 of 26 Project:Park Ave North Client Sample ID:Park N Collection Date:5/4/2021 8:14:00 AM Matrix:Groundwater Client:Widener & Associates Lab ID:2105063-001 Analyses Result Qual Units Date AnalyzedDFRL Analytical Report 5/12/2021 2105063 Date Reported: Work Order: Total Metals by EPA Method 200.8 Analyst:EHBatch ID: 32247 Silver 5/10/2021 10:31:16 PM0.250 µg/L 1ND Zinc 5/10/2021 10:31:16 PM2.50 µg/L 1362 Original Page 7 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Total Metals by EPA Method 200.8 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:MB-32247 Batch ID:32247 Analysis Date:5/10/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:MBLKW RunNo:67147 SeqNo:1353114 MBLKSampType: Arsenic 1.00ND Cadmium 0.200ND Chromium 1.00ND Copper 2.00ND Lead 0.500ND Nickel 3.00ND Silver 0.250ND Zinc 2.50ND Sample ID:LCS-32247 Batch ID:32247 Analysis Date:5/10/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:LCSW RunNo:67147 SeqNo:1353115 LCSSampType: Arsenic 100.0 108 85 1151.00 0108 Cadmium 5.000 111 85 1150.200 05.54 Chromium 100.0 114 85 1151.00 0114 Copper 100.0 112 85 1152.00 0112 Lead 50.00 110 85 1150.500 055.0 Nickel 100.0 113 85 1153.00 0113 Silver 5.000 113 85 1150.250 05.66 Zinc 100.0 108 85 1152.50 0108 Sample ID:2105117-001ADUP Batch ID:32247 Analysis Date:5/10/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67147 SeqNo:1353117 DUPSampType: Arsenic 30 R1.00 2.517 200ND Cadmium 300.200 0ND Chromium 301.00 1.739 56.6ND Original Page 8 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Total Metals by EPA Method 200.8 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105117-001ADUP Batch ID:32247 Analysis Date:5/10/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67147 SeqNo:1353117 DUPSampType: Copper 302.00 3.710 25.92.86 Lead 300.500 0ND Nickel 303.00 0ND Silver 300.250 0ND Zinc 302.50 24.34 10.721.9 NOTES: R - High RPD due to low analyte concentration. In this range, high RPD's may be expected. Sample ID:2105117-001AMS Batch ID:32247 Analysis Date:5/10/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67147 SeqNo:1353118 MSSampType: Arsenic 500.0 113 70 1301.00 2.517570 Cadmium 25.00 104 70 1300.200 0.0400026.1 Chromium 500.0 109 70 1301.00 1.739548 Copper 500.0 99.8 70 1302.00 3.710503 Lead 250.0 93.6 70 1300.500 0.4650234 Nickel 500.0 106 70 1303.00 1.509532 Silver 25.00 98.8 70 1300.250 024.7 Zinc 500.0 102 70 1302.50 24.34535 Sample ID:2105117-001AMSD Batch ID:32247 Analysis Date:5/10/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67147 SeqNo:1353119 MSDSampType: Arsenic 500.0 117 70 130 301.00 2.517 569.6 3.01587 Cadmium 25.00 107 70 130 300.200 0.04000 26.14 2.6226.8 Chromium 500.0 117 70 130 301.00 1.739 547.9 6.86587 Copper 500.0 109 70 130 302.00 3.710 502.9 8.60548 Lead 250.0 98.4 70 130 300.500 0.4650 234.4 5.04247 Original Page 9 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Total Metals by EPA Method 200.8 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105117-001AMSD Batch ID:32247 Analysis Date:5/10/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67147 SeqNo:1353119 MSDSampType: Nickel 500.0 113 70 130 303.00 1.509 532.1 5.85564 Silver 25.00 102 70 130 300.250 0 24.69 3.5325.6 Zinc 500.0 107 70 130 302.50 24.34 535.4 4.39559 Original Page 10 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Mercury by EPA Method 245.1 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:MB-32253 Batch ID:32253 Analysis Date:5/11/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:MBLKW RunNo:67158 SeqNo:1353402 MBLKSampType: Mercury 0.100ND Sample ID:LCS-32253 Batch ID:32253 Analysis Date:5/11/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:LCSW RunNo:67158 SeqNo:1353403 LCSSampType: Mercury 2.500 108 85 1150.100 02.71 Sample ID:2105063-001BDUP Batch ID:32253 Analysis Date:5/11/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:Park N RunNo:67158 SeqNo:1353405 DUPSampType: Mercury 20 R0.100 0.5160 200ND NOTES: R - High RPD due to low analyte concentration. In this range, high RPD's may be expected. Sample ID:2105063-001BMS Batch ID:32253 Analysis Date:5/11/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:Park N RunNo:67158 SeqNo:1353406 MSSampType: Mercury 2.500 83.8 70 1300.100 0.51602.61 Sample ID:2105063-001BMSD Batch ID:32253 Analysis Date:5/11/2021 Prep Date:5/10/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:Park N RunNo:67158 SeqNo:1353407 MSDSampType: Mercury 2.500 90.2 70 130 200.100 0.5160 2.610 5.952.77 Original Page 11 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:LCS-32225 Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:LCSW RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351745 LCSSampType: Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12)20.00 90.4 80 1201.25 018.1 Chloromethane 20.00 95.2 80 1200.750 019.0 Vinyl chloride 20.00 107 80 1200.350 021.3 Bromomethane 20.00 142 80 120 S1.20 028.3 Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11)20.00 106 80 1200.500 021.2 Chloroethane 20.00 111 80 1201.00 022.1 1,1-Dichloroethene 20.00 104 80 1200.500 020.9 Acetone 50.00 127 80 120 S6.00 063.3 Methylene chloride 20.00 109 80 1200.750 021.8 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 20.00 104 80 1200.500 020.9 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)20.00 103 80 1200.500 020.5 1,1-Dichloroethane 20.00 111 80 1200.500 022.1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 20.00 108 80 1200.500 021.5 (MEK) 2-Butanone 50.00 123 80 120 S1.50 061.3 Chloroform 20.00 108 80 1200.500 021.6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA)20.00 105 80 1200.400 021.1 1,1-Dichloropropene 20.00 109 80 1200.500 021.9 Carbon tetrachloride 20.00 107 80 1200.750 021.5 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC)20.00 106 80 1200.400 021.1 Benzene 20.00 112 80 1200.440 022.4 Trichloroethene (TCE)20.00 104 80 1200.500 020.8 1,2-Dichloropropane 20.00 114 80 1200.500 022.7 Bromodichloromethane 20.00 109 80 1200.500 021.8 Dibromomethane 20.00 107 80 1200.500 021.3 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 20.00 110 80 1200.500 021.9 Toluene 20.00 111 80 1200.750 022.2 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 20.00 110 80 1200.500 022.0 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK)50.00 103 80 1201.25 051.3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 20.00 107 80 1200.350 021.4 1,3-Dichloropropane 20.00 108 80 1200.500 021.7 Original Page 12 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:LCS-32225 Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:LCSW RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351745 LCSSampType: Tetrachloroethene (PCE)20.00 103 80 1200.400 020.7 Dibromochloromethane 20.00 110 80 1201.00 022.0 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)20.00 106 80 1200.300 021.2 2-Hexanone (MBK)50.00 113 80 1201.00 056.3 Chlorobenzene 20.00 102 80 1200.500 020.4 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.00 102 80 1200.300 020.4 Ethylbenzene 20.00 106 80 1200.400 021.1 m,p-Xylene 40.00 104 80 1201.00 041.6 o-Xylene 20.00 104 80 1200.500 020.9 Styrene 20.00 103 80 1200.500 020.6 Isopropylbenzene 20.00 104 80 1200.500 020.9 Bromoform 20.00 111 80 1200.500 022.1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.00 110 80 1200.400 021.9 n-Propylbenzene 20.00 105 80 1200.500 021.0 Bromobenzene 20.00 98.6 80 1200.500 019.7 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.00 105 80 1200.250 021.1 2-Chlorotoluene 20.00 106 80 1200.500 021.1 4-Chlorotoluene 20.00 104 80 1200.500 020.9 tert-Butylbenzene 20.00 103 80 1200.500 020.6 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 20.00 103 80 1200.400 020.7 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 20.00 99.6 80 1200.750 019.9 sec-Butylbenzene 20.00 104 80 1200.500 020.9 4-Isopropyltoluene 20.00 103 80 1200.500 020.5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 20.00 105 80 1200.500 021.1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 20.00 104 80 1200.500 020.7 n-Butylbenzene 20.00 110 80 1200.500 022.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20.00 105 80 1200.500 020.9 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 20.00 109 80 1201.00 021.8 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.00 107 80 1200.500 021.4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 20.00 102 80 1200.500 020.3 Original Page 13 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:LCS-32225 Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:LCSW RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351745 LCSSampType: Naphthalene 20.00 106 80 1201.25 021.2 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 20.00 99.4 80 1200.700 019.9 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 25.00 107 80 12026.8 Surr: Toluene-d8 25.00 107 80 12026.8 Surr: 1-Bromo-4-fluorobenzene 25.00 108 80 12027.1 Sample ID:MB-32225 Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:MBLKW RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351743 MBLKSampType: Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12)Q1.25ND Chloromethane 0.750ND Vinyl chloride 0.350ND Bromomethane 1.20ND Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11)0.500ND Chloroethane 1.00ND 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.500ND Acetone 6.00ND Methylene chloride 0.750ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.500ND Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)0.500ND 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.500ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.500ND (MEK) 2-Butanone 1.50ND Chloroform 0.500ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA)0.400ND 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.500ND Carbon tetrachloride 0.750ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC)0.400ND Benzene 0.440ND Original Page 14 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:MB-32225 Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:MBLKW RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351743 MBLKSampType: Trichloroethene (TCE)0.500ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.500ND Bromodichloromethane 0.500ND Dibromomethane 0.500ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.500ND Toluene 0.750ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.500ND Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK)1.25ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.350ND 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.500ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE)0.400ND Dibromochloromethane 1.00ND 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)0.300ND 2-Hexanone (MBK)1.00ND Chlorobenzene 0.500ND 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.300ND Ethylbenzene 0.400ND m,p-Xylene 1.00ND o-Xylene 0.500ND Styrene 0.500ND Isopropylbenzene 0.500ND Bromoform 0.500ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.400ND n-Propylbenzene 0.500ND Bromobenzene 0.500ND 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.250ND 2-Chlorotoluene 0.500ND 4-Chlorotoluene 0.500ND tert-Butylbenzene 0.500ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.400ND Original Page 15 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:MB-32225 Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:MBLKW RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351743 MBLKSampType: 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.750ND sec-Butylbenzene 0.500ND 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.500ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.500ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.500ND n-Butylbenzene 0.500ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.500ND 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1.00ND 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.500ND Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.500ND Naphthalene 1.25ND 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.700ND Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 25.00 105 80.7 12126.3 Surr: Toluene-d8 25.00 104 84.5 11626.0 Surr: 1-Bromo-4-fluorobenzene 25.00 100 86 10825.1 Sample ID:2105062-001ADUP Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351740 DUPSampType: Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12)30 Q1.25 0ND Chloromethane 300.750 0ND Vinyl chloride 300.350 0ND Bromomethane 301.20 0ND Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11)300.500 0ND Chloroethane 301.00 0ND 1,1-Dichloroethene 300.500 0ND Acetone 306.00 0ND Methylene chloride 300.750 0ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 300.500 0ND Original Page 16 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105062-001ADUP Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351740 DUPSampType: Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)300.500 0ND 1,1-Dichloroethane 300.500 0ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 300.500 0ND (MEK) 2-Butanone 301.50 0ND Chloroform 300.500 0ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA)300.400 0ND 1,1-Dichloropropene 300.500 0ND Carbon tetrachloride 300.750 0ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC)300.400 0ND Benzene 300.440 0ND Trichloroethene (TCE)300.500 0ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 300.500 0ND Bromodichloromethane 300.500 0ND Dibromomethane 300.500 0ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 300.500 0ND Toluene 300.750 0ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 300.500 0ND Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK)301.25 0ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 300.350 0ND 1,3-Dichloropropane 300.500 0ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE)300.400 0ND Dibromochloromethane 301.00 0ND 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)300.300 0ND 2-Hexanone (MBK)301.00 0ND Chlorobenzene 300.500 0ND 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 300.300 0ND Ethylbenzene 300.400 0ND m,p-Xylene 301.00 0ND o-Xylene 300.500 0ND Styrene 300.500 0ND Original Page 17 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105062-001ADUP Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351740 DUPSampType: Isopropylbenzene 300.500 0ND Bromoform 300.500 0ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 300.400 0ND n-Propylbenzene 300.500 0ND Bromobenzene 300.500 0ND 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 300.250 0ND 2-Chlorotoluene 300.500 0ND 4-Chlorotoluene 300.500 0ND tert-Butylbenzene 300.500 0ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 300.400 0ND 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 300.750 0ND sec-Butylbenzene 300.500 0ND 4-Isopropyltoluene 300.500 0ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 300.500 0ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 300.500 0ND n-Butylbenzene 300.500 0ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 300.500 0ND 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 301.00 0ND 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 300.500 0ND Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 300.500 0ND Naphthalene 301.25 0ND 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 300.700 0ND Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 25.00 106 80.7 121 026.6 Surr: Toluene-d8 25.00 104 84.5 116 026.1 Surr: 1-Bromo-4-fluorobenzene 25.00 99.2 86 108 024.8 Original Page 18 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105042-001AMS Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351738 MSSampType: Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12)20.00 58.4 8.59 1681.25 011.7 Chloromethane 20.00 75.1 31.6 1660.750 015.0 Vinyl chloride 20.00 97.9 57.3 1480.350 019.6 Bromomethane 20.00 153 36.5 1771.20 030.6 Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11)20.00 98.1 80.9 1360.500 019.6 Chloroethane 20.00 173 73.2 140 S1.00 034.6 1,1-Dichloroethene 20.00 105 87.9 1310.500 021.0 Acetone 50.00 97.4 59.8 1396.00 048.7 Methylene chloride 20.00 101 85.1 1270.750 020.1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 20.00 106 87.7 1280.500 021.3 Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)20.00 106 63 1410.500 021.3 1,1-Dichloroethane 20.00 105 79.9 1380.500 021.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 20.00 106 87.1 1260.500 021.2 (MEK) 2-Butanone 50.00 104 64.9 1361.50 052.2 Chloroform 20.00 127 89.6 126 S0.500 025.3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA)20.00 107 90.8 1270.400 021.3 1,1-Dichloropropene 20.00 114 90.7 1290.500 022.9 Carbon tetrachloride 20.00 106 90.1 1290.750 021.3 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC)20.00 105 80.7 1310.400 020.9 Benzene 20.00 107 86.9 1300.440 12.0133.4 Trichloroethene (TCE)20.00 108 83.2 1300.500 021.6 1,2-Dichloropropane 20.00 113 79.8 1350.500 022.5 Bromodichloromethane 20.00 122 78.1 1330.500 024.3 Dibromomethane 20.00 104 77.9 1340.500 020.7 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 20.00 113 75.1 1280.500 022.6 Toluene 20.00 106 85 1340.750 12.0733.4 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 20.00 112 69.7 1350.500 022.3 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK)50.00 129 58.7 1481.25 064.5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 20.00 107 77.5 1320.350 021.4 1,3-Dichloropropane 20.00 104 77.4 1330.500 020.8 Original Page 19 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105042-001AMS Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351738 MSSampType: Tetrachloroethene (PCE)20.00 105 84.6 1330.400 021.0 Dibromochloromethane 20.00 99.7 74.6 1331.00 019.9 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)20.00 102 75.7 1320.300 020.4 2-Hexanone (MBK)50.00 128 56 1531.00 064.0 Chlorobenzene 20.00 103 94.8 1150.500 2.28122.9 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.00 98.9 87.1 1190.300 019.8 Ethylbenzene 20.00 -52.4 89.5 129 SE0.400 134.0124 m,p-Xylene 40.00 -70.9 88.2 127 SE1.00 349.3321 o-Xylene 20.00 -91.6 89.6 120 SE0.500 278.8261 Styrene 20.00 158 89.6 117 S0.500 031.7 Isopropylbenzene 20.00 107 90.4 1270.500 19.7241.2 Bromoform 20.00 106 70.3 1330.500 021.2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.00 114 76.7 1370.400 022.9 n-Propylbenzene 20.00 101 87 133 E0.500 43.1263.2 Bromobenzene 20.00 103 92.5 1140.500 020.5 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.00 -9.73 89.4 125 SE0.250 124.9123 2-Chlorotoluene 20.00 146 89.2 126 S0.500 029.3 4-Chlorotoluene 20.00 180 90.5 123 S0.500 035.9 tert-Butylbenzene 20.00 109 90.2 1250.500 021.8 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 20.00 108 66.9 1310.400 021.6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 20.00 119 70.1 1300.750 023.7 sec-Butylbenzene 20.00 111 85.8 1340.500 3.04525.2 4-Isopropyltoluene 20.00 112 88 1270.500 5.00227.5 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 20.00 108 93.4 1180.500 021.6 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 20.00 106 93.5 1170.500 0.898122.1 n-Butylbenzene 20.00 199 79 138 S0.500 039.7 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20.00 106 92.3 1190.500 0.456121.7 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 20.00 171 59.6 144 S1.00 034.3 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.00 -69.2 89 126 SE0.500 191.5178 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 20.00 100 71.3 1390.500 020.0 Original Page 20 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105042-001AMS Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1351738 MSSampType: Naphthalene 20.00 -30.5 52.4 150 SE1.25 129.9124 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 20.00 116 66.9 1360.700 023.2 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 25.00 102 80.7 12125.4 Surr: Toluene-d8 25.00 104 84.5 11626.1 Surr: 1-Bromo-4-fluorobenzene 25.00 112 86 108 S27.9 NOTES: S - Analyte concentration was too high for accurate spike recovery(ies). S - Outlying surrogate recovery attributed to TPH interference. E - Estimated value. The amount exceeds the linear working range of the instrument. Sample ID:2105060-001BDUP Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1352139 DUPSampType: Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12)30 Q1.25 0ND Chloromethane 300.750 0ND Vinyl chloride 300.350 0ND Bromomethane 301.20 0ND Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11)300.500 0ND Chloroethane 301.00 0ND 1,1-Dichloroethene 300.500 0ND Acetone 306.00 0ND Methylene chloride 300.750 0ND trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 300.500 0ND Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)300.500 0ND 1,1-Dichloroethane 300.500 0ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 300.500 0ND (MEK) 2-Butanone 301.50 0ND Chloroform 300.500 0ND 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA)300.400 0ND 1,1-Dichloropropene 300.500 0ND Original Page 21 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105060-001BDUP Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1352139 DUPSampType: Carbon tetrachloride 300.750 0ND 1,2-Dichloroethane (EDC)300.400 0ND Benzene 300.440 0ND Trichloroethene (TCE)300.500 0ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 300.500 0ND Bromodichloromethane 300.500 0ND Dibromomethane 300.500 0ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 300.500 0ND Toluene 300.750 0ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 300.500 0ND Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK)301.25 0ND 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 300.350 0ND 1,3-Dichloropropane 300.500 0ND Tetrachloroethene (PCE)300.400 0ND Dibromochloromethane 301.00 0ND 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)300.300 0ND 2-Hexanone (MBK)301.00 0ND Chlorobenzene 300.500 0ND 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 300.300 0ND Ethylbenzene 300.400 0ND m,p-Xylene 301.00 0ND o-Xylene 300.500 0ND Styrene 300.500 0ND Isopropylbenzene 300.500 0ND Bromoform 300.500 0ND 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 300.400 0ND n-Propylbenzene 300.500 0ND Bromobenzene 300.500 0ND 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 300.250 0ND 2-Chlorotoluene 300.500 0ND Original Page 22 of 26 Project:Park Ave North CLIENT:Widener & Associates Work Order:2105063 QC SUMMARY REPORT Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260D 5/12/2021Date: Sample ID:2105060-001BDUP Batch ID:32225 Analysis Date:5/7/2021 Prep Date:5/7/2021 Analyte Result SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC RPD Ref Val %RPDLowLimitHighLimit RPDLimit Qual Units:µg/L RL Client ID:BATCH RunNo:67097 SeqNo:1352139 DUPSampType: 4-Chlorotoluene 300.500 0ND tert-Butylbenzene 300.500 0ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 300.400 0ND 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 300.750 0ND sec-Butylbenzene 300.500 0ND 4-Isopropyltoluene 300.500 0ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 300.500 0ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 300.500 0ND n-Butylbenzene 300.500 0ND 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 300.500 0ND 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 301.00 0ND 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 300.500 0ND Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 300.500 0ND Naphthalene 301.25 0ND 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 300.700 0ND Surr: Dibromofluoromethane 25.00 102 80.7 121 025.5 Surr: Toluene-d8 25.00 103 84.5 116 025.8 Surr: 1-Bromo-4-fluorobenzene 25.00 101 86 108 025.2 Original Page 23 of 26 Date Received:5/6/2021 7:41:00 AM Client Name:WIDEN Work Order Number:2105063 Sample Log-In Check List Clare GriggsLogged by: Item Information How was the sample delivered?Client Is Chain of Custody complete?Yes No Not Present Was an attempt made to cool the samples?Yes No NA Are samples properly preserved?Yes No Was preservative added to bottles?Yes No NA Did all samples containers arrive in good condition(unbroken)?Yes No Does paperwork match bottle labels?Yes No Are matrices correctly identified on Chain of Custody?Yes No Is it clear what analyses were requested?Yes No Is there headspace in the VOA vials?Yes No NA 1. 2. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.Were all holding times able to be met?Yes No Chain of Custody Log In 7.Were all items received at a temperature of >2°C to 6°C Yes No NA 8.Sample(s) in proper container(s)?Yes No 9.Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)?Yes No Special Handling (if applicable) 18. 19. Was client notified of all discrepancies with this order?Yes No NA Person Notified:Jordan Widener Date:5/6/2021 Regarding:Confirming analysis/sample volume. Via:eMail Phone Fax In Person Additional remarks: Client Instructions:Only analyze for VOCs & Metals. By Whom:Clare Griggs Coolers are present?Yes No NA3. Shipping container/cooler in good condition?Yes No4. Custody Seals present on shipping container/cooler? (Refer to comments for Custody Seals not intact) Yes No Not Present5. * Item #Temp ºC Sample 14.9 Page 1 of 1Note: DoD/ELAP and TNI require items to be received at 4°C +/- 2°C* Original Page 24 of 26 Page 25 of 26 Page 26 of 26edit per JW 5/6/21 -CG