HomeMy WebLinkAboutKP - Prog. Mtg. 013 Notes_ 3.9.2023.pdfProgress Meeting Agenda – Kiwanis Park Improvements Page 1 of 5 ` PROGRESS MEETING AGENDA PROJECT: Kiwanis Park Improvements, CAG-22-013 DATE: March 9, 2023, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM LOCATION: Kiwanis Park RE: Progress Meeting 013 Items discussed and decisions reached are in BOLD lettering. 1. Sign-in Attendees: City of Renton Alan J. Wyatt, PPNR – Capital Projects Manager Erica Schmitz, PPNR - Director Bruce Dees & Associates Michael Faulkner, Sr. Landscape Architect/Project Manager Terra Dynamics, Inc. Jarod Emerson, Sr. Project Manager Chris Polk, Superintendent 2. Safety/Incident Report: TDI – No report of incidents. 3. Review of previous meeting notes: A. No response, edits, or comments on Progress Meeting No. 12 – 2.23.2023. 4. Review of current work in progress: A. Site Access Control B. Site General a. Tree Protection b. TESC Stormwater Pollution Prevention c. Protection of New Work and Existing Conditions d. Earthwork C. Playground a. EWF installation D. Ballfield a. Backstop fencing status b. Dugouts E. Tennis Court a. Tennis court fencing installed, pending installation of gate? F. Irrigation G. Union Avenue Streetscape a. Sidewalk b. Retaining wall finish Progress Meeting Agenda – Kiwanis Park Improvements Page 2 of 5 H. Decorative Fence/Mow Strip I. Electrical/Communication a. Light post installation b. Communication conduits/pull boxes - Per details 2/E2.0 and 4/E2.0 there should be a junction box at every light pole. There are also some separate boxes for conduit runs labeled as "future camera" within the park, but they don't occur at every light pole location. Sheets E1.1, E1.2, and E1.3 indicate the "future comm" and "future camera" conduit routing and box locations. c. Place PK nail into concrete curb at sleeve locations. J. Pavilion/Parent Plaza a. Structure erection K. Portland Loo L. PSE – Primary Electrical Service – COR permit issued to PSE. Coordination of electrical installation, pending work Feb 24, 2023. 5. Review of scheduled work: A. Union Ave. Streetscape – HIGH PRIORITY Scheduled retaining wall finish, concrete sidewalk placement and crosswalks 1. Union Avenue Crosswalk at Honeydew Elem. – Mid-Winter break February 20 - 24. Work delayed due to cold weather conditions in placing concrete. To be rescheduled with weather permitting – potential schedule at Spring break. B. North end sidewalk, pending PSE electrical primary service – schedule as soon as possible with PSE. TDI to coordinate schedule with PSE. a. Landscape planting and irrigation – in-progress. C. Decorative Fence and Mow Strip a. Mow Strip concrete placement – in-progress to complete at entrance, south and north ends. b. Fence installation D. Storm Drainage Revisions – storm drainage connection to neighborhood drainage to park storm drainage system. Change Order #3 issued to TDI for work for storm water revision. Schedule for work to start in next 2 to 3 weeks. E. Utilities – a. Coordination with PSE on providing new primary electrical service. Tentative schedule – Feb 2023. Coordination with PSE on site access. City of Renton currently approving agreement with PSE and pending receipt of invoice from PSE. Work is delayed until agreement with PSE is complete, and invoice approved. Work to commence as soon as possible and coordinated with Terra Dynamics, Inc. b. Hot Box cover over the water service vault. Box received and preparation of site being prepared. c. Water standpipe – painted blue d. Power for Park Signage – coordination with site electrical. TDI to contact COR/PPNR to coordinate signage location. e. Coordination and location of communication pull boxes and conduit with electrical pull boxes and conduits? F. Walks – layout & placement of curbs G. Ballfield – a. Backstop Progress Meeting Agenda – Kiwanis Park Improvements Page 3 of 5 b. Layout for dugouts, plaza area c. Finish grading for sodding – sodding for outfield completed, pending completion around perimeter of outfield areas. d. Sodding – schedule refer to Item 6N Sodding for updated schedule. Sodding for outfield completed, pending completion around perimeter of outfield areas. H. Parent Plaza – a. Shelter erection – in-progress pending final roof details. b. Site furnishing schedule, schedule to receive benches/site furnishings – shipping date of March 20, 2023 I. Tennis Court – a. Installation of gate J. Portland Loo – a. Footings for Portland Loo – building pad - pending layout of concrete pad. b. Utility connections K. Playground – a. Schedule for EWF- refer to Item 6M for updated schedule for sodding. L. Parking Lot – BDA provided ASI 11 for TDI on asphalt improvements. 6. Schedule and sequencing for Work. – TDI – based on updated schedule 2/23/2023. Copy of updated schedule attached to PROGRESS MEETING NOTES. A. PSE Connection – Work to be rescheduled with PSE following approval of agreement, with work proceeding as soon as possible. TDI to coordinate with PSE. B. Elementary School Ramp – 2/24/23 – 2/24/23 – reschedule pending weather conditions. C. Decorative Fence Footings – 2/27/23 – 3/1/23 D. Concrete Entry Ramp and Wall – 2/23/23 – 3/1/23 E. Fence Mow Strip – 3/1/23 – 3/3/23 F. Trench Drain – 2/20/23 – 3/3/23 G. Landscape Irrigation and Planting @ Union Ave. – 2/27/23 – 3/3/23 H. Light Pole Bases – 3/2/23 – 3/3/23 I. Portland Loo Foundation – 3/1/23 – 3/7/23 J. Portland Loo Plumbing – 3/6/23 – 3/8/23 K. Portland Loo Install – 3/13/23 – 3/16/23 L. Poligon Shelter Building – 2/2/23 – 3/10/23 M. Playground EWF – 3/13/23 – 3/16/23 N. Field Sod – 2/27/23 – 2/28/23 O. Electrical Pole Bases and Bench Footings – 3/6/23 – 3/8/23 P. Field Backstop Lumber – 3/1/23 – 3/9/23 Q. Trench Drain Ballfield – 3/6/23 – 3/10/23 R. French Drains – 1/6/23 – 3/10/23 S. Storm Drainage Sewer Revisions per ASI #09 – 3/13/23 – 3/17/23 T. Substantial Completion – 3/31/2023 a. Consultant Walkthrough b. Contractor/Consultant/COR Walkthrough U. Final Completion – 30 calendar days from date of Substantial Completion 7. Coordination issues, field observations, problems, and decisions. A. HIGH PRIORITY - Storm drainage from neighborhood on park development – coordination with COR Storm Water, BDA, TDI, AND PPNR. Progress Meeting Agenda – Kiwanis Park Improvements Page 4 of 5 B. Completion of concrete retaining wall finish, sidewalk, and crosswalks at Union Ave. C. PSE coordination for primary power installation – scheduled for Feb 24, 2023.PSE work to be delayed and rescheduled pending acceptance of agreement between COR and PSE. D. Park monumental signage – pending revised shop dwgs from TDI for review and approval. E. Parking lot improvements – mtg with COR and AE to review recommendations on pavement work and impact on drainage – Feb 16. COR CED accepts recommendation of pavement crush, reapply, and new surface course. F. Playground – net climber connections – safety? Turn child swings to inside of playground. G. Storm Drainage Revisions – coordination with BP Gas Line for storm drainage crossing. TDI called BP Gas Line and coordinating crossing of proposed new storm drainage lines. H. Front entrance walk – skateboard deterrent paving surface modifications. I. Berm Grading – Parks Maintenance coordination, acceptance of grade of slope between tennis court and north walk. Require transitional grading at berm between upper curved walk, east lawn, and playground area. 8. Non-conforming work, status of correction: A. Union Avenue streetscape sidewalk grades, RFI #20 response issued. B. Damage to water vault at Union Avenue – replace top of water vault as required. C. Damage to 2” water vault at Union Avenue – replace water vault as required. D. Grading north site, west of tennis court – regrade of berm E. Concrete spilled on new asphalt trail – at light post base, north walk F. Damaged curb – playground sidewalk – replace damaged curb G. Damaged curb – north walk – replace damaged curb H. North retaining wall terminus – acceptance with credit for south wall extension I. Tree Maintenance – trimming of roots, removal of debris, maintenance of tree protection J. Concrete cracked corners or incomplete concrete terminus at paving section from north walk to parent plaza area. 9. Review of submittals/RFI’s: BDA A. Submittals: Review current attached update/status of Submittal Log prepared by Bruce Dees & Associates, Inc. – Review and check Submittal Review from BDA, 1.30.2023. B. RFI’s: - BDA Update 10. Supplemental instructions to contractor – Field Authorization (ASI): A. ASI No. 1 – Poligon Shelter Wood Stain – ASI issued B. ASI No. 2 – CB#206 and New Pipe Locations – COP and CO C. ASI No. 3 – Tennis Court Mow strip – COP and CO D. ASI No. 4 – Existing Field Underdrains – ASI issued E. ASI No. 5 – Adjustment at North Edge of Field – ASI issued. F. ASI No. 6 – French Drain Relocation – ASI issued. G. ASI No. 7 – Limits of Grading – CO#2 Credit H. ASI No. 8 – Quick Coupling Valves – TDI to add quick coupling valves at front entrance. I. ASI No. 9 – Storm Water Revisions – Issued CO#3 for Storm Drainage Work J. ASI No. 10 – Reveal at Front Planter Curb/Wall K. ASI No. 11 – Parking Lot Asphalt Overlay 11. Cost Proposal Request: Progress Meeting Agenda – Kiwanis Park Improvements Page 5 of 5 A. Quick Coupling Device – pending COP from TDI, issued ASI #08 – Jan 20. B. COP #15 – RFA Box Enlargement – BDA review and provide COR with recommendations. C. COP #16 – Light Pole Conversion Couplings – BDA review and provide COR with recommendations. 12. Contract modifications – Change Orders: A. CO#01 – Issued on November 22, 2022 B. CO#02 – issued on February 10, 2023 C. CO#03 – issued on February 20, 2023 13.Coordination with Park Staff/City of Renton: A. Pat Decaro – COR Bldg. Inspector – all COR utility connections and work. 14. Pay Application: A. Union Ave. ROW – Rule 171 B. Pay Application No. 9 submitted by TDI on 3.3.23, Currently under review by BDA and COR. 15. Other business relating to project: A. Irrigation Water Pressure Testing – to be rescheduled pending acceptable weather conditions as soon as possible. TDI to coordinate with BDA and COR date for pressure testing. B. Kiwanis Club – Park tour – March 21, 2023, 8:00 – 9:00, 5-visitors. Notify TDI of request to provide hard hats and safety vests for visitors. C. Next Progress Meeting No. 14: To be determined and scheduled. D. Substantial Completion – March 31, 2023. COR provide a summary of the requirements for completion items to TDI, per Contract Documents. E. Concrete layout of additional control joint and pavement surface discussed for entrance. Additional control joint to be added between proposed 5’ OC control joints and heavy broom finish. F. TDI to notify COR when rough grade is established for berms and east lawn for review. G. Poles and curb stops are not to be added at bike racks. Reflective warning tape to be added to bike racks. End of Meeting 10:10 AM. We believe the above record to be an accurate summary of decisions and related discussions. We would appreciate notification of exceptions to this record within three (3) business days of receipt. Failing such notification, we will consider this a statement of fact with which you concur.