HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet AGENDA Firefighters' Pension Board Meeting 2:00 PM - Thursday, March 23, 2023 7th Floor Council Conference Room 720, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a) January 26, 2023 3. CORRESPONDENCE 4. MONTHLY STATEMENTS a) December 2023 b) January 2023 5. MONTHLY BILLS AND PENSION PAYMENTS a) February 2023 b) March 2023 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES FIREFIGHTERS’ PENSION BOARD CITY OF RENTON January 26, 2022 ________________________________________________________________________ Armondo Pavone, Mayor Valerie O’Halloran, Finance Committee Chair - Absent Jason Seth, City Clerk Ray Barilleaux, Fire Department Representative - Absent Bruce Phillips, Fire Department Representative Chuck Christenson, Alternate Fire Department Representative Kari Roller, Finance Administrator Sean Hollingsworth, Finance Representative ________________________________________________________________________ The regular meeting of the Firefighters’ Pension Board was called to order by Mayor Armondo Pavone at 2:02 p.m. In attendance were Armondo Pavone, Mayor; City Clerk Jason Seth; and Fire Department Representatives Bruce Phillips and Chuck Christenson. Additionally, Kari Roller, Finance Administrator and Sean Hollingsworth, Finance Department Representative, were in attendance. MINUTES APPROVAL MOVED BY CHRISTENSON, SECONDED BY PHILLIPS, THE PENSION BOARD APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 21, 2022 MEETING. CARRIED. MONTHLY STATEMENT The October 2022, November 2022, and December 2022 financial reports were reviewed. Total cash/investment balance was, as of December 31, 2022, $8,723,804.29. MONTHLY BILLS AND PENSION PAYMENTS MOVED BY CHRISTENSON, SECONDED BY PHILLIPS, THE BOARD APPROVE THE PENSION/MEDICAL PAYMENTS OF $18,660.26 FOR DECEMBER 2022, AND $18,660.26 FOR JANUARY 2023, TO BE PAID BY THE FIREFIGHTERS’ PENSION FUND. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS The Renton Regional Fire Authority notified the board that Ray Barilleaux was elected to serve as Fire Department Representative for the term January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pavone adjourned the meeting at 2:06 p.m. Jason Seth, MMC City Clerk/Public Records Officer Secretary, Firefighters’ Pension Board AGENDA ITEM #2. a) CITY OF RENTON - FIREFIGHTER'S PENSION FUND CASH & INVESTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2022 Firefighter's Pension Fund Comparison of Cash and Investment Activity CURRENT 2022 2022 LAST YEAR 2021 2021 ACTIVITY: MONTH YTD BUDGET CURR MO ACTUAL BUDGET BEGINNING CASH/INV BALANCE 8,729,031.77 8,371,183.05 8,082,836.54 8,378,694.32 7,908,311.54 7,908,312.00 RECEIPTS: Fire Insurance Premium Tax 0.00 182,840.98 165,000.00 0.00 171,853.42 160,000.00 Investment Interest 23,419.46 406,059.76 125,000.00 11,432.39 530,397.79 225,000.00 DISBURSEMENTS: Fire Pension 18,660.26 222,792.82 200,000.00 18,943.66 227,254.70 200,000.00 Fire Pension Medical 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Office/Operating Supplies 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.00 0.00 475.00 Actuarial/Firemen's Pens 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 12,125.00 10,000.00 ENDING CASH/INV BALANCE $8,733,790.97 $8,733,790.97 $8,172,362 $8,371,183.05 $8,371,183.05 $8,082,837 CURRENT PREVIOUS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR ACTIVITY: MONTH MONTH CURR MO PREV MO CASH/State Investment Pool $8,213,702.10 $8,209,037.14 $7,765,724.31 $7,771,110.64 INVESTMENTS: Federal National Mortgage Assn 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Treasury Strips & Zero Coupon Bonds 510,740.11 510,740.11 600,333.41 600,333.41 Interest Receivable 9,348.76 9,254.52 5,125.33 7,250.27 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $8,733,790.97 $8,729,031.77 $8,371,183.05 $8,378,694.32 The State Investment Pool interest 4.1194% 3.7566% 0.0907% 0.0861% 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillions of Dollars2022 2021 H:\FINANCE\FINPLAN\FIREPEN\1_Fire_Pension Stmt.xls\Dec 22 Page 1 3/7/2023 AGENDA ITEM #4. a) CITY OF RENTON - FIREFIGHTER'S PENSION FUND CASH & INVESTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT AS OF JANUARY 31, 2023 Firefighter's Pension Fund Comparison of Cash and Investment Activity CURRENT 2023 2023 LAST YEAR 2022 2022 ACTIVITY: MONTH YTD BUDGET CURR MO ACTUAL BUDGET BEGINNING CASH/INV BALANCE 8,733,790.97 8,733,790.97 8,460,708.00 8,371,183.05 8,371,183.05 8,082,836.54 RECEIPTS: Fire Insurance Premium Tax 0.00 0.00 175,000.00 0.00 182,840.98 165,000.00 Investment Interest 15,311.88 15,311.88 225,000.00 1,816.74 406,059.76 125,000.00 DISBURSEMENTS: Fire Pension 18,660.26 18,660.26 240,000.00 20,826.44 222,792.82 200,000.00 Fire Pension Medical 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Office/Operating Supplies 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.00 0.00 475.00 Actuarial/Firemen's Pens 0.00 0.00 13,000.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 ENDING CASH/INV BALANCE $8,730,442.59 $8,730,442.59 $8,607,233 $8,352,173.35 $8,733,790.97 $8,172,362 CURRENT PREVIOUS LAST YEAR LAST YEAR ACTIVITY: MONTH MONTH CURR MO PREV MO CASH/State Investment Pool $8,208,615.04 $8,213,702.10 $7,745,189.87 $7,765,724.31 INVESTMENTS: Federal National Mortgage Assn 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Treasury Strips & Zero Coupon Bonds 510,740.11 510,740.11 600,333.41 600,333.41 Interest Receivable 11,087.44 9,348.76 6,650.07 5,125.33 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $8,730,442.59 $8,733,790.97 $8,352,173.35 $8,371,183.05 The State Investment Pool interest 4.3952% 4.1194% 0.0909% 0.0907% 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMillions of Dollars2023 2022 H:\FINANCE\FINPLAN\FIREPEN\1_Fire_Pension Stmt.xls\Jan 23 Page 1 3/7/2023 AGENDA ITEM #4. b) FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION BOARD PENSION/RETRO PAYMENTS FOR FEBRUARY 2023 Recipient Pension Amt Retro Total 4 ANKENY, Charlie (Captain) $800.42 592.00           $1,392.42 5 BARILLEAUX, Ray (Battalion Chief) ‐ ‐                 $0.00 1 BERGMAN, Claudette (Widow) $259.66 ‐                 $259.66 4 CHRISTENSON, Chuck (Firefighter) $880.29 511.92           $1,392.21 5 GEISSLER, Dick (Fire Chief) $831.32 819.60           $1,650.92 1 GOODWIN, Kathryn Lorayne (Widow) $1,408.99 ‐                 $1,408.99 1 JONES, Evelyn M. (Widow) $527.21 ‐                 $527.21 4 LAVALLEY, Theodele (Captain) $1,099.44 592.00           $1,691.44 5 MATTHEW, James (Deputy Chief) $239.88 239.88           $479.76 1 MC LAUGHLIN, Barbara M. (Widow) $1,216.63 ‐                 $1,216.63 4 NEWTON, Gary (Lieutenant) $916.89 528.50           $1,445.39 5 NICHOLS, Gerald (Battalion Chief) $1,429.49 683.00           $2,112.49 2 PARKS‐ANDREASON, Arlene (Widow) $1,030.70 559.00           $1,589.70 5 PHILLIPS, Bruce H. (Deputy Chief) $1,202.69 819.60           $2,022.29 1 PRINGLE, Barb $756.63 ‐                 $756.63 1 PRINGLE, S. Joan (Widow) $3,479.25 ‐                 $3,479.25 3 RIGGLE, Arduth S. (Widow) $93.75 ‐                 $93.75 4 RUPPRECHT, Jim (Firefighter D Step) $624.13 446.50           $1,070.63 1 SMITH, Shirley (Widow) $528.01 ‐                 $528.01 1 STROM, Doris (Widow) $4,410.99 ‐                 $4,410.99 1 TODD, Tess R. (Widow) $597.81 ‐                 $597.81 2 TONDA, Lila Jean (Widow) $766.48 721.20           $1,487.68 4 VACCA, Nick (Lieutenant) $941.63 503.50           $1,445.13 1 WALLS, Camille (Widow) $316.95 ‐                 $316.95 1 WEISS, Cheryl (Widow) $1,317.72 ‐                 $1,317.72   Total Expenses:  Pension/Medical $25,676.96 $7,016.70 $32,693.66 1 Widows ‐ Disability. Includes a 4.6% CPI increase effective July 1st, 2022 per RCW 41.16.145 2 Widows ‐ Service. Includes a 10.49% COLA Adj. Effective Janaury 1st, 2023. 3 Widows ‐ Service prior to 1969. Includes a 4.6% CPI increase effective July 1st, 2022 per RCW41.16.145 4 Retirees ‐ Disability after 1961. Includes a 10.49% COLA Adj. Effective Janaury 1st, 2023. 5 Retirees ‐ Service after 1969. Includes a 10.49% COLA Adj. Effective Janaury 1st, 2023. Total Pension Payments for February, 2022 20,826.44 Total Medical Payments in February, 2022 0.00 Total Expenses:  Medical/Pension 20,826.44 Prior Year Pension/Medical Payments: 4_SUMMARY.xls 2/7/2023 AGENDA ITEM #5. a) FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION BOARD PENSION/RETRO PAYMENTS FOR MARCH 2023 Recipient Pension Amt Retro Total 4 ANKENY, Charlie (Captain) $800.42 ‐                 $800.42 5 BARILLEAUX, Ray (Battalion Chief) ‐ ‐                 $0.00 1 BERGMAN, Claudette (Widow) $259.66 ‐                 $259.66 4 CHRISTENSON, Chuck (Firefighter) $880.29 ‐                 $880.29 1 GOODWIN, Kathryn Lorayne (Widow) $1,408.99 ‐                 $1,408.99 1 JONES, Evelyn M. (Widow) $527.21 ‐                 $527.21 4 LAVALLEY, Theodele (Captain) $1,099.44 ‐                 $1,099.44 5 MATTHEW, James (Deputy Chief) $239.88 ‐                 $239.88 1 MC LAUGHLIN, Barbara M. (Widow) $1,216.63 ‐                 $1,216.63 4 NEWTON, Gary (Lieutenant) $916.89 ‐                 $916.89 5 NICHOLS, Gerald (Battalion Chief) $1,429.49 ‐                 $1,429.49 2 PARKS‐ANDREASON, Arlene (Widow) $1,030.70 ‐                 $1,030.70 5 PHILLIPS, Bruce H. (Deputy Chief) $1,202.69 ‐                 $1,202.69 1 PRINGLE, Barb $756.63 ‐                 $756.63 1 PRINGLE, S. Joan (Widow) $3,479.25 ‐                 $3,479.25 3 RIGGLE, Arduth S. (Widow) $93.75 ‐                 $93.75 4 RUPPRECHT, Jim (Firefighter D Step) $624.13 ‐                 $624.13 1 SMITH, Shirley (Widow) $528.01 ‐                 $528.01 1 STROM, Doris (Widow) $4,410.99 ‐                 $4,410.99 1 TODD, Tess R. (Widow) $597.81 ‐                 $597.81 2 TONDA, Lila Jean (Widow) $766.48 ‐                 $766.48 4 VACCA, Nick (Lieutenant) $941.63 ‐                 $941.63 1 WALLS, Camille (Widow) $316.95 ‐                 $316.95 1 WEISS, Cheryl (Widow) $1,317.72 ‐                 $1,317.72   Total Expenses:  Pension/Medical $24,845.64 $0.00 $24,845.64 1 Widows ‐ Disability. Includes a 4.6% CPI increase effective July 1st, 2022 per RCW 41.16.145 2 Widows ‐ Service. Includes a 10.49% COLA Adj. Effective Janaury 1st, 2023. 3 Widows ‐ Service prior to 1969. Includes a 4.6% CPI increase effective July 1st, 2022 per RCW41.16.145 4 Retirees ‐ Disability after 1961. Includes a 10.49% COLA Adj. Effective Janaury 1st, 2023. 5 Retirees ‐ Service after 1969. Includes a 10.49% COLA Adj. Effective Janaury 1st, 2023. Total Pension Payments for March, 2022 20,826.44 Total Medical Payments in March, 2022 0.00 Total Expenses:  Medical/Pension 20,826.44 Prior Year Pension/Medical Payments: 4_SUMMARY.xls 3/6/2023 AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 5 0 7 5 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   CHARLIE D. ANKENY (CAPTAIN) Retired under LEOFF effective 8/27/1989.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: 21 Years, 6 Months Service; Receives 50% of current Captain's rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $800.42 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $6,237.50 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 5,437.08 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $800.42 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $11,584.00 Captain Rank 891.00 Longevity 21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $12,475.00  @ 50% = $6,237.50 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 5,437.08 $5,437.08 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 5,190.53 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $800.42 $246.55 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 0 9 2 7 3 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 0 4 2 4 Pension Payment For:   CLAUDETTE BERGMAN  (WIDOW OF RONALD) Retired under LEOFF effective 9/21/1977.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: 14 Years, 1 Month Service; Receives 50% of current Fire Fighter D rank. Deceased 07/19/1999 E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $259.66 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $4,211.93 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 3,952.27 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $259.66 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $4,026.70 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.60% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $4,211.93 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 3,952.27 $3,952.27 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 3,773.05 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $259.66 $179.22 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 1 5 3 8 9 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   CHUCK CHRISTENSON (FIRE FIGHTER E) Retired under LEOFF effective 3/18/1994.  Disability City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year of service, not to exceed 60%.  27 Years, 4 months service = 54% of current Fire Fighter E rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $880.29 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $5,391.36 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,511.07 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $880.29 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $8,914.00 Fire Fighter E Step 1,070.00 Longevity 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $9,984.00  @ 54% = $5,391.36 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 4,511.07 $4,511.07 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% $4,306.51 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $880.29 $204.56 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 3 0 5 4 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   KATHRYN LORAYNE GOODWIN (WIDOW OF DONALD) Retired under LEOFF effective 11/12/1981. Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  30 Yrs. 11 Mos. service = 60% of current Fire Fighter D rank. Deceased 12/03/2011  E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $1,408.99 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $5,430.44 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,021.45 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $1,408.99 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $5,191.62 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.6% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $5,430.44 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 4,021.45 $4,021.45 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 3,839.09 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $1,408.99 $182.36 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 3 9 8 0 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  EVELYN M. JONES (WIDOW OF GERALD D. JONES FF D STEP) Retired under LEOFF effective 9/24/1986.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  21 Yrs. 8 Mos. service = 50% of current Fire Fighter D rank. Deceased 05/07/2006 E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $527.21 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $4,592.30 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,065.09 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $527.21 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $4,390.34 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.6% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $4,592.30 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 4,065.09 $4,065.09 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 3,880.75 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $527.21 $184.34 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 4 3 7 4 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   THEODELE LAVALLEY (CAPTAIN) Retired under LEOFF effective 3/5/1981.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year of service, not to exceed 60%.  19 Yrs. 3 Mos. service + other City service (2 yrs 5 mos)= 21years 8 months 50% of current Captain rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $1,099.44 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $6,237.50 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 5,138.06 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $1,099.44 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $11,584.00 Captain 891.00 Longevity 21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $12,475.00  @ 50% = $6,237.50 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 5,138.06 $5,138.06 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 4,905.07 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $1,099.44 $232.99 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 4 7 6 2 7 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   JAMES MATTHEW (DEPUTY CHIEF) Retired under LEOFF effective 3/31/98  SERVICE City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  31 Yrs., 11 mos. service = 60% of current Battalion Chief rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $239.88 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $8,637.60 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 8,397.72 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $239.88 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $13,326.00 Battalion Chief 1,070.00 Longevity 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $14,396.00  @ 60% = $8,637.60 LEOFF Pension reduced benefit per state report to 3/31/2023 8,397.72 $8,397.72 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 8,016.92 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $239.88 $380.80 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 4 8 3 5 9  PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   BARBARA M. MC LAUGHLIN (Widow of John BATTALION CHIEF) Retired under LEOFF effective 2/9/1995.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year of service, not to exceed 60%.  29 years of service = 58% of current Battalion Chief rank. Deceased 09/01/2013 E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $1,216.63 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $7,402.13 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 6,185.50 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $1,216.63 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $7,076.60 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.6% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $7,402.13 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 6,185.50 $6,185.50 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 5,905.01 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $1,216.63 $280.49 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 5 5 4 1 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   GARY NEWTON (LIEUTENANT) Retired under LEOFF effective 8/12/1986.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year of service, not to exceed 60%.  20 Yrs. 7 Mos. service = 50% of current Lieut. rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $916.89 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $5,571.00 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,654.11 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $916.89 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $10,251.00 Lieutenant 891.00 Longevity 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $11,142.00  @ 50% = $5,571.00 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 4,654.11 $4,654.11 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 4,443.06 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $916.89 $211.05 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 5 5 5 3 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   GERALD H. NICHOLS (BATTALION CHIEF) Retired under LEOFF effective 4/1/1984.  Service. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year of service, not to exceed 60%.  25 Yrs. 10 Mos. service = 50% of current Battalion Chief rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $1,429.49 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $7,198.00 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 5,768.51 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $1,429.49 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $13,326.00 Battalion Chief 1,070.00 Longevity  25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $14,396.00  @ 50% = $7,198.00 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 5,768.51 $5,768.51 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 5,506.93 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $1,429.49 $261.58 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 6 0 5 1 1 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   ARLENE PARKS‐ANDREASON (Widow of Kenneth R. Parks‐LIEUTENANT) Retired under LEOFF effective 2/16/1986. Service. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year of service, not to exceed 60%.  26 Yrs. service = 52% of current Lieutenant rank. Deceased December 1998 E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $1,030.70 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $5,886.92 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,856.22 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $1,030.70 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $10,251.00 Lieutenant 1,070.00 Longevity 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $11,321.00  @ 52% = $5,886.92 LEOFF Pension reduced benefit per state report to 3/31/2023 4,856.22 $4,856.22 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 4,636.01 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $1,030.70 $220.21 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 6 1 6 7 5 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   BRUCE H. PHILLIPS (DEPUTY CHIEF) Retired under LEOFF effective 2/1/1986. Service. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year of service, not to exceed 60%.  31 Yrs. 1 Mo. service = 60% of current Battalion Chief rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $1,202.69 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $8,637.60 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 7,434.91 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $1,202.69 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $13,326.00 Battalion Chief 1,070.00 Longevity 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $14,396.00  @ 60% = $8,637.60 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 7,434.91 $7,434.91 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 7,097.77 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $1,202.69 $337.14 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 6 3 5 4 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  BARB PRINGLE  (WIDOW OF ARTHUR J. PRINGLE (CAPTAIN)) Retired under LEOFF effective 1/29/1983.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year of Service, not to exceed 60%.  25 Yrs. service = 50% of current Captain rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011 $756.63 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $5,815.24 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 5,058.61 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $756.63 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $5,559.50 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.60% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $5,815.24 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 5,058.61 $5,058.61 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 4,829.22 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $756.63 $229.39 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 6 3 5 7 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  S. JOAN PRINGLE Widow of Lieutenant Jack Pringle, date of death 7/27/1968. Monthly E 611.000000.005.517.21.20.011   ‐ $3,479.25 Widow's Pension Increase Effective July 1 each year: 2012 Increase 7/1/12: 2.7% on 2,619.07 = $2,689.78 2013 Increase 7/1/13: 2.5% on 2,689.78 = $2,757.02 2014 Increase 7/1/14: 2.0% on 2,757.02 = $2,812.16 2015 Increase 7/1/15: 2.0% on 2,812.16 = $2,868.40 2016 Increase 7/1/16: 2.0% on 2,868.40 = $2,925.77 2017 Increase 7/1/17: 2.2% on 2,925.77 = $2,990.14 2018 Increase 7/1/18: 3.1% on 2,990.14 = $3,082.83 2019 Increase 7/1/19: 3.2% on 3,082.83 = $3,181.48 2020 Increase 7/1/20: 2.5% on 3,181.48 = $3,261.02 2021 Increase 7/1/21: 2.0% on 3,261.02 = $3,326.24 2022 Increase 7/1/22: 4.6% on 3,326.24 = $3,479.25 AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 6 8 4 6 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  ARDUTH S. RIGGLE (Widow of David E. FF D STEP) Retired under LEOFF effective 2/28/1988.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  19 Yrs. 7 Mos. service = 50% of current Fire Fighter D rank. Deceased 08/25/2016 E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $93.75 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $4,221.00 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,127.25 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $93.75 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $4,035.37 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.6% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $4,221.00 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 4,127.25 $4,127.25 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 3,940.10 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $93.75 $187.15 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 6 9 9 4 1 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   JAMES M RUPPRECHT (Fire Fighter D) Retired under LEOFF effective 4/30/1987.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  18 Yrs. 9 Mos. service = 50% of current Fire Fighter D rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $624.13 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $4,705.00 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,080.87 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $624.13 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $8,875.00 Fire Fighter D Step 535.00 Longevity 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $9,410.00  @ 50% = $4,705.00 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 4,080.87 $4,080.87 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 3,895.82 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ City Pays $624.13 $185.05 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 7 5 5 1 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  Shirley Smith (Widow of LeRoy Smith FIRE FIGHTER D STEP) Retired under LEOFF effective 3/1/1974.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  13 Yrs. 6 Mos. service. Receives 50% of current Fire Fighter D rank. Deceased 07/29/2016  E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $528.01 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $4,140.72 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 3,612.71 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $528.01 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $3,958.62 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.6% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $4,140.72 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 3,612.71 $3,612.71 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 3,448.89 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $528.01 $163.82 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 7 8 6 6 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  DORIS M STROM (Widow of Karl Strom) Widow of Fire Fighter Karl Strom, date of death 7/26/09. Retired under City Pension System, Service Connected Disability. Received 50% of Fire Fighter's Salary Increase, per Escalator Clause. Monthly E 611.000000.005.517.21.20.011   ‐ $4,410.99 Widow's Pension Increase Effective July 1 each year: 2011 Increase 7/1/11: 2.0% on 3,255.33 = $3,320.44 2012 Increase 7/1/12: 2.7%on 3,320.44 =$3,410.09 2013 Increase 7/1/13: 2.5%on 3,410.09 =$3,495.34 2014 Increase 7/1/14: 2.0% on 3,495.34 = $3,565.25 2015 Increase 7/1/15: 2.0% on 3,565.25 = $3,636.56 2016 Increase 7/1/16: 2.0% on 3,636.56 = $3,709.29 2017 Increase 7/1/17: 2.2% on 3,709.29 = $3,790.89 2018 Increase 7/1/18: 3.1% on 3,790.89 = $3,908.41 2019 Increase 7/1/19: 3.2% on 3,908.41 = $4,033.48 2020 Increase 7/1/20: 2.5% on 4,033.48 = $4,134.32 2021 Increase 7/1/21: 2.0% on 4,134.32 = $4,217.01 2022 Increase 7/1/22: 4.6% on 4,217.01 = $4,410.99 AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 8 1 5 7 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  TESS R. TODD (Widow of Franklin L. Todd FF step D) Retired under LEOFF effective 1/3/1972.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  14 Yrs. service. Receives 50% of current Fire Fighter D rank. Deceased 12/11/2013 E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $597.81 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $4,131.06 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 3,533.25 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $597.81 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $3,949.38 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.60% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $4,131.06 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 3,533.25 $3,533.25 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 3,373.03 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $597.81 $160.22 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 8 1 6 6 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:   LILA JEAN TONDA (Widow of Ernie Tonda, Captain) Retired under LEOFF effective 10/01/1977.  Service City Comparison:  2% for each completed year of service, not to exceed 60%.  33 Yrs. 5 Mo. service =  Receives 60% of current Captains rank Deceased 10/03/2005 E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $766.48 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $7,592.40 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 6,825.92 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $766.48 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $11,584.00 Captain Rank 1,070.00 Longevity 33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $12,654.00  @ 60% = $7,592.40 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 6,825.92 $6,825.92 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 6,516.39 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $766.48 $309.53 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 8 5 1 7 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  NICK A. VACCA (LIEUTENANT per order    of King County Superior Court 88‐2‐15799‐5) Retired under LEOFF effective 3/9/1983.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  14 Yrs. 9 Mos. service. Receives 50% of current Lieutenant rank. E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $941.63 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $5,304.00 Adjustment per City increase for rank. (Escalator Clause) LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,362.37 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $941.63 ============== 2022 City Increase Effective 01/01/2022 ‐ 3.0% $10,251.00 Lieutenant 357.00 Longevity 14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $10,608.00  @ 50% = $5,304.00 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 4,362.37 $4,362.37 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 4,164.55 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $941.63 $197.82 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 8 7 1 1 5 0 8 7 1 1 0 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  CAMILLE WALLS (Widow of Kenneth Walls) Retired under LEOFF effective 8/9/1988.  Duty Disability. City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  20 Yrs. service. Receives 50% of current Fire Fighter D rank. Deceased 08/08/2008 E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $316.95 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $4,521.41 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 4,204.46 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $316.95 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $4,322.57 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.60% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $4,521.41 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 4,204.46 $4,204.46 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 4,013.80 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $316.95 $190.66 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b) 0 9 0 2 8 3 PENSION PAYMENT FOR MONTH OF  MARCH, 2023 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pension Payment For:  CHERYL WEISS (Widow of Larry Weiss) Retired under LEOFF effective 3/30/94.  Disability City Comparison: Allowed 2% credit for each completed year  of service, not to exceed 60%.  28 completed years service. Receives 56% of current Battalion Chief salary. Deceased  E 611.000000.005.589.30.00.011     ‐ $1,317.72 separate check CITY PENSION‐‐41.18 $7,555.65 Adjustment per City CPI LEOFF PENSION‐41.26 6,237.93 LEOFF Adjustment each April per CPI. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    CITY PAYS $1,317.72 ============== 2022 Widow CPI Increase Effective 7/01/2022 $7,223.37 2021 Maximum Benefit 4.60% 2022 Annual CPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $7,555.65 LEOFF Pension to 3/31/2023 6,237.93 $6,237.93 LEOFF 4/1/2022 ‐ 3/31/2023 4.75% 5,955.06 LEOFF 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 1.90% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City Pays $1,317.72 $282.87 4.75% Increase ============== AGENDA ITEM #5. b)