HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem6__171010_V1K.    DECISION  –  PRELIMINARY  SHORT  PLAT  (SEE  ATTACHED)   THE  LIMELITE  SHORT  PLAT,  FILE  NO.  LUA14-­‐001083;  SHPL-­‐A;  IS  APPROVED   AND  SUBJECT  TO  THE  FOLLOWING  CONDITIONS:     1. The  applicant  shall  demolish  and/or  remove  all  existing  structures  proposed   for  removal  prior  to  Final  Short  Plat  recording.    A  demolition  permit  shall  be   obtained  and  final  inspection  performed  for  those  structures  demolished.       LL:  All  existing  structures  will  be  removed  after  the  Final  Short  Plat  recording.  This   will  only  happen  once  we  begin  our  construction  process.  A  permit  will  be  obtained   and  final  inspection  performed  for  those  structures  to  be  demolished.     2. The  applicant  shall  provide  detailed  landscape  plans  for  both  on-­‐site  and  off-­‐ site  landscaping  to  the  Current  Planning  Project  Manager  at  the  time  of   construction  permit  review.    The  detailed  landscape  plans  shall  be  reviewed   and  approved  prior  to  construction  permit  issuance.     LL:  See  approved  construction  set.  See  also  “Item  13”  from  the  final  short  plat   submittal  set  as  prepared  by  Root  of  Design.     3. The  applicant  shall  provide  a  report  prepared  by  a  qualified  arborist  that   evaluates  and  determines  whether  or  not  trees  identified  to  be  retained  can   be  retained  throughout  construction  and  not  impact  the  health  of  the  tree.  If   it  is  identified  that  the  trees  for  retention  cannot  be  retained  through   construction,  an  updated  tree  retention  plan  and  if  necessary,  tree   replacement  plan,  shall  be  provided  for  review  and  approval  by  the  Current   Planning  Project  Manager  prior  to  construction  permit  issuance.       LL:  See  approved  construction  set.  See  also  “Item  23”  from  the  final  short  plat   submittal  set  as  prepared  by  John  Kenney  of  Steep  Slope  Tree  Consulting.       4. The  corner  lot,  Lot  3,  be  required  to  have  25  percent  openings  of  windows   and/or  doors  on  the  facades  facing  public  streets.         LL:  This  item  can  only  be,  and  will  be  addressed  at  time  of  building  design  and   permit.     5. The  approved  access  points  for  the  residential  lots  shall  be  as  shown  on  the   preliminary  short  plat  layout  submitted  by  GeoDimensions  (Exhibit  3,  titled   “Proposed  Lot  Layout,  Sheet  3  of  4,  dated  7/30/14).  In  addition,  the  shared   driveway  access  easements  as  shown  on  the  GeoDimensions  layout  (Exhibit   3,  titled  “Proposed  Lot  Layout,  Sheet  3  of  4,  dated  7/30/14)  shall  be  recorded   on  the  face  of  the  short  plat.       LL:  This  item  has  been  addressed  and  was  resolved  with  the  approved  construction   set  for  civil  development.     6.  All  curb  cuts  shall  be  no  closer  than  50  feet  from  the  northwest  corner  of  the   property  where  the  SE  162nd  St  and  114th  Ave  SE  streets  intersect.    A  note  to  this   effect  shall  be  placed  on  the  face  of  the  short  plat  and  shown  on  the  construction   engineering  plans.     LL:  This  item  has  been  addressed  and  was  resolved  with  the  approved  construction   set  for  civil  development.     7.  If  plans  change  as  a  result  of  revisions  needed  to  meet  condition  of  approval   number  5  above,  such  changes  shall  be  provided  to  the  Current  Planning  Project   Manager  for  review  and  approval  prior  to  the  issuance  of  the  construction  permit.     LL:  N/A     8.  The  applicant  must  provide  sufficient  information  to  show  how  the  students  that   walk  to  school  would  have  a  safe  walking  route  if  bussing  is  not  provided.  If  a  safe   route  to  school  is  not  identified,  then  the  applicant  will  be  required  to  provide  a  safe   walking  path,  which  may  entail  some  off-­‐site  improvements.       LL:  This  item  has  been  addressed  and  was  resolved  with  the  approved  construction   set  for  civil  development.  See  “safe  walking  route.”     9.  A  qualified  geotechnical  engineering  service  shall  be  retained  by  the  applicant  to   conduct  a  review  of  final  project  plans  and  specifications,  and  to  monitor  the   construction  of  geotechnical  elements.       LL:  This  item  was  addressed  and  created  by  PanGeo,  as  approved  by  the  final   construction  set.     10.  Water  and  Sewer  availability  certificates  from  Soos  Creek  Water  and  Sewer   District  shall  be  provided  as  part  of  construction  permit  application.     LL:  Water  and  availability  certificates  have  been  provided  and  permits  have  been   issued  by  Soos  Creek  for  water  and  sewer  install.