HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_Civil_170621_V11257+7$&2%(//5(1721:$6+,1*7211(7+675((7,03529(0(173/$16$35,/1257+%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//7,7/(6+((77$&2%(//7$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$11111117CORRECTIONS - RESUBMIT08/11/2017 Ann FowlerDEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISIONRECEIVED06/29/2017 Ann FowlerDEVELOPMENT ENGINEERINGCOVER PAGE SHALL INCLUDE: VERTICAL DATUM: TIE TO MINIMUM OF 2 COR BENCHMARKSHORIZONTAL COORDINATES - WASHINGTON STATE PLAN NORTH, NAD 83(91-HARN) ON AT LEAST 2 EXTERIOR LOT/BOUNDARY CORNERS MUST BESHOWN.CONTACT INFORMATION (APPLICANT, DEVELOPER, ENGINEER, SURVEYOR,LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDERS)SITE DATA:TAX PARCEL/PLAT NUMBERPROJECT ADDRESS(ES)SITE AREA (SF AND ACRES)DISTURBED AREA (SF AND ACRES)GROSS IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF AND ACRES)NET NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF AND ACRES)IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE BASED ON GROSS IMPERVIOUS AREA (%)BUILDING COVERAGEBUILDING SIZES (SF)PARKING COUNT (VEHICLE AND BICYCLE)NET DENSITYZONING (INCLUDE ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AND MAX ALLOWEDBUILDING COVERAGE PER ZONING)SETBACKSif any utility easements for the cityare being created or released,please provide documentation forreview and/or start the releaseprocess.TED-40-3960R-396001NOTE THESE NUMBERS TO BE INPUT ON THE COR TITLEBLOCK.NOTE THESE NUMBERS TO BE INPUT ON THE COR TITLE BLOCK.1700291117-00028815-000014drawing are not toscale. please providescaled drawings (typ ofall sheets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this pipe is noted as beingremoved. showremoval/replacement ofasphaltTED-40-3960R-39600315-00001417-00028817002911the existing water meters for domestic andirrigation will need to be relocated. relocationto be completed by city forces under a separatewater service permit. show actual location ofthe existing water meters and the proposed newlocation based on the revised building layout.call-out existing waterappurtenances. identify anythat are to remain andprovide details for anythat need to be relocatedbased on the revisedbuilding location. (typ)PROTECT EXISTING BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLYDURING CONSTRUCTIONPROTECT EXISTINGHYDRANT DURINGCONSTRUCTIONPROTECT EXISTINGBLOW-OFF DURINGCONSTRUCTIONPROTECT EXISTINGWATER METERDURINGCONSTRUCTIONMETER TO BEREMOVED ANDCAPPED AT MAINLINE IF IT IS NOTRE-USED FOR NEWBUILDING (BY CITYFORCES) 5:5:5:5:5:5:5:3/3/3/3/3/ 3/3/3/5:1(7+675((7:+,70$1&71( )((7:,'( :,'7+9$5,(6 9$6+21&7 1 (9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/3/3/3/67235:5:5:5:5:'2127(17(53/(;,67,1*675($0/(*(1'%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//($6(0(173/$17$&2%(//7$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111&TED-40-3960R-39600415-00001417-00028817002911 5:5:5:5:5:5:5:3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/5:1(7+675((7:+,70$1&71( )((7:,'( :,'7+9$5,(6 9$6+21&7 1 (9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/3/3/3/67235:5:5:5:5:'2127(17(53/(;,67,1*675($0%0/$1'86('$7$3$5.,1*63$&(6/(*(1'3$5.,1*6(7%$&.6%8,/',1*6(7%$&.6%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//6,7(3/$17$&2%(//7$&2%(//$1111111/8$ &35$$$1111111&the driveway, as shown here,does not match the standarddetail provided on sheet c-503.update driveway to match detail remove ada ramps shown. utilizethe city standard drivewaydetail.TED-40-3960R-396005INSTALL RIGHT TURN ONLYSIGNLEADER POINT TO LIGHTPOLE15-00001417-00028817002911water meters to berelocated outside ofparking area.preference isinstallation inlandscaping strip. 5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:*$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$63/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/ 3/ 3/3/ 3/ 3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/ 3/6723*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6'2127(17(53/3/3/7(7(7(7(7(7( 7( 7(6767676767676767676767/(*(1'%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//*5$',1*3/$17$&2%(//$1111111/8$ &35$$$1111111&7$&2%(//3/TED-40-3960R-39600615-00001417-00028817002911PROVIDE A SWALE WITHDECORATIVE ROCK ANDVEGETATION TO PREVENTEROSION FORCONCENTRATED SHEET FLOWPROVIDE A SWALEWITH DECORATIVEROCK ANDVEGETATION TOPREVENT EROSIONFOR CONCENTRATEDSHEET FLOW %+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//6:333/$1127(67$&2%(//$1111111/8$ &35$$$1111111&7$&2%(//TED-40-3960R-39600715-00001417-00028817002911use erosion control notes from the city of renton amendments tothe 2009 kcswdm reference section 7-b.add surface water standard plan notes from reference section 7-badd water plan general notes - cor stdplan 300.0add sanitary sewer notes andspecification from city of rentonstandard details 5:5:5:5:5:5:5:(((((( 3/ (((((3/3/3/3/ 3/3/3/5:1(7+675((7:+,70$1&71( )((7:,'( :,'7+9$5,(6 9$6+21&71 (9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/3/3/3/67235:5:5:5:5:6)6)6)6) 6) 6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)6)*$6*$6*$6*$6'2127(17(53/(;,67,1*675($06)/(*(1'%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//6:333/$17$&2%(//$1111111/8$ &35$$$1111111&7$&2%(//TED-40-3960R-39600815-00001417-00028817002911 '867&21752/08/&+,1*%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//6:333/$1127(6$1''(7$,/67$&2%(//$1111111/8$ &35$$$1111111&7$&2%(//TED-40-3960R-39600915-00001417-00028817002911use city of rentonstd detail 215.10 <$5',1/(73527(&7,216(&7,2167250,1/(7'5$,13527(&7,21%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//6:333/$1127(6$1''(7$,/67$&2%(//$1111111/8$ &35$$$1111111&7$&2%(//TED-40-3960R-39601015-00001417-00028817002911use cor std plan214.00use cor std plan216.20use cor std plan216.30use cor std plan216.40 %+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//6:333/$1127(6$1''(7$,/67$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111&7$&2%(//TED-40-3960R-39601115-00001417-00028817002911use cor std plan214.00include thesein the tirrather thanthe civil plans %+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//6:333/$1127(6$1''(7$,/67$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111&7$&2%(//TED-40-3960R-39601215-00001417-00028817002911include thesein the tirrather thanthe civil plans 5:5:5:5:5:5:5:6$16$167676767676767676767676767676767676767676767676767676767676767676$16$16$16$16$16$16$16$16$16$16$16$16$1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::((((*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6::*$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 (( 3/ (((((3/3/3/3/ 3/3/3/5:1(7+675((7:+,70$1&71( )((7:,'( :,'7+9$5,(6 9$6+21&7 1 (9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/3/3/3/67235:5:5:5:5:6$16$16$167676767*$6*$6*$6*$66$16$16$1'2127(17(53/:::::::7(7(7(6$1(;,67,1*675($06767676767/(*(1'$&%67&%&%&%&%&%6$16$16$167&%67&%67&%&%&%&%676&26&2670%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/$$$1111111/8$ &$1111111357$&2%(//87,/,7<3/$17$&2%(//67&7$&2%(//min 7-ft between sanitarysewer and edge of raingardenTED-40-3960R-396013S-396001W-396001WTR-27-3960WWP-27-396015-00001417-000288170029111.5" service connectionsmust be downstream ofthe water meter andcannot be connecteddirectly to the 8" watermain.show the removal of theexisting hydrant serviceline and fitting. identifynew fittings forrelocated service line.include existinginvert and proposedrim elevationsprovide proposedinvert and rimelevations for allsanitary sewercleanouts.water meter should belocated in a level,unobstructed area asclose to the City main aspossible, with thedistance not to exceed50-ft. meters to commercialdevelopments should belocated near drivewayentrances within theright-of-way or withinpublic utility easements inlandscape areas, and nearaccess driveways.identify each existing water appurtenance and show the location of therelocated water meters, or other appurtenances, for both irrigation anddomestic water service.There is an existing 1" domestic water meter and a 1" irrigation water metercurrently located on the site. the existing 1" domestic service should be cutand capped at the main. show the location of the new proposed 1.5" domesticwater service line and meter.any trash enclosureswhich direct drainage tothe sanitary sewer systemshall be equipped with aroof. a separate buildingpermit is required for thetrash enclosure.as proposed, the areas draining to therain garden are required to beanalyzed as bypass area from theexsiting conveyance system inaccordance with section section1.2.3.e of the city of rentonamendments to the 2009 kcswdm. theapplicant will need to include adiscussion in the tir showingcompliance with all criteria outlinedin the manual.alternatively, the release from therain garden can be routed to theexisting conveyance system.due to the high-use site,enchanced water quality isrequired prior to thedownstream connections.Provide call out. Is this acatch basin or yard drain?RELOCATE EXISTING BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLYWITHIN NEW PLANTER AREA (BY CITYFORCES)ADJUST EXISTINGBLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY TOFINISH GRADE (BYCITY FORCES)RELOCATEEXISTING HYDRANTIN PLANTER STRIP -MIN. 24" FROMFACE OF NEW CURB(BY CITY FORCES)ADJSUT ALL WATERVALVES TO FINISHGRADE PER CITYSTANDARDSSHOW SIZE OF NEWWATER METERINSTALL RPBABACKFLOW PREVENTIONASSEMBLY IN "HOT BOX"PER CITY STANDARDDETAILS 350.2LOCATE METER ANDRPBA IN PLANTER STRIP. %+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//'(7$,/67$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111&7$&2%(//TED-40-3960R-39601415-00001417-00028817002911 &/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/&/%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//'(7$,/67$&2%(//7$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111&TED-40-3960R-39601515-00001417-00028817002911this detail is not referenced in theplan sheets. show where this is beingused.identify which sizesystem is being used onthe site. &/&/&/&//,*+732/()281'$7,216&+('8/(xxxxxxx.(<127(6%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//'(7$,/67$&2%(//7$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111&TED-40-3960R-39601615-00001417-00028817002911 %+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//7$&2%(//7$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111'(7$,/6&35(&$67&21&5(7(672500$1+2/(176TED-40-3960R-39601715-00001417-00028817002911any trash enclosures whichdirect drainage to the sanitarysewer system shall be equippedwith a roof. a separate buildingpermit is required. 6(&7,21%;;;;6(&7,21%;;%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//'(7$,/67$&2%(//7$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111&TED-40-3960R-39601815-00001417-00028817002911remove ada ramps atdriveway. use cor stdplan for drivewayinstallation.use corstd plan405 176%+6;1(4'0610,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'66RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/7$&2%(//'(7$,/67$&2%(//$111111135 &/8$$$$1111111&7$&2%(//adjust profile andsection drawings tomore accuratelydisplay the associateddimensions.TED-40-3960R-39601915-00001417-00028817002911include city of rentonstandard details 260.00 and260.10show the inlet from theroof drains.8-13% - referencesection c.2.5 of the2009 kcswdm.show the generallocation of the fabricin the schematicprofilecoordinate withlandscape architect toshow these plants on thelandscaping plans. Markup Summary_v1 Redlines Subject: Text Box Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 1 (10) Subject: Callout Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: jcisneros NOTE THESE NUMBERS TO BE INPUT ON THE COR TITLE BLOCK. Subject: Callout Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: jcisneros NOTE THESE NUMBERS TO BE INPUT ON THE COR TITLE BLOCK. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: jcisneros R-396001 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: aaskren if any utility easements for the city are being created or released, please provide documentation for review and/or start the release process. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014&CEIVED017 Ann Fowler NT ENGINEERING 170029117 $&2%(//$$$1111111NOTE THESE NUMBERS TO BE INPUT ON THE COR TITLE BLOCK. %+6;1(4'0610 ,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(17216 7$&2%(//7,7/(6+((7 $1111 7 NOTE THESE NUMBERS TO BE INPUT ON THE COR TITLEBLOCK.& 8$17-000288+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396001 if any utility easements for the cityare being created or released,please provide documentation forreview and/or start the releaseprocess.35 /8 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: Ann Fowler COVER PAGE SHALL INCLUDE: VERTICAL DATUM: TIE TO MINIMUM OF 2 COR BENCHMARKS HORIZONTAL COORDINATES - WASHINGTON STATE PLAN NORTH, NAD 83 (91-HARN) ON AT LEAST 2 EXTERIOR LOT/BOUNDARY CORNERS MUST BE SHOWN. CONTACT INFORMATION (APPLICANT, DEVELOPER, ENGINEER, SURVEYOR, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDERS) SITE DATA: TAX PARCEL/PLAT NUMBER PROJECT ADDRESS(ES) SITE AREA (SF AND ACRES) DISTURBED AREA (SF AND ACRES) GROSS IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF AND ACRES) NET NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF AND ACRES) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE BASED ON GROSS IMPERVIOUS AREA (%) BUILDING COVERAGE BUILDING SIZES (SF) PARKING COUNT (VEHICLE AND BICYCLE) NET DENSITY ZONING (INCLUDE ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AND MAX ALLOWED BUILDING COVERAGE PER ZONING) SETBACKS Subject: Text Box Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Author: Ann Fowler drawing are not to scale. please provide scaled drawings (typ of all sheets) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 2 (5) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 7 7$&2%(//$$$1111111COVER PAGE SHALL INCLUDE: VERTICAL DATUM: TIE TO MINIMUM OF 2 COR BENCHMARKSHORIZONTAL COORDINATES - WASHINGTON STATE PLAN NORTH, NAD 83(91-HARN) ON AT LEAST 2 EXTERIOR LOT/BOUNDARY CORNERS MUST BESHOWN. CONTACT INFORMATION (APPLICANT, DEVELOPER, ENGINEER, SURVEYOR,LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDERS) SITE DATA:TAX PARCEL/PLAT NUMBERPROJECT ADDRESS(ES)SITE AREA (SF AND ACRES)DISTURBED AREA (SF AND ACRES)GROSS IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF AND ACRES)NET NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA (SF AND ACRES)IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE BASED ON GROSS IMPERVIOUS AREA (%)BUILDING COVERAGEBUILDING SIZES (SF)PARKING COUNT (VEHICLE AND BICYCLE)NET DENSITYZONING (INCLUDE ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AND MAX ALLOWEDBUILDING COVERAGE PER ZONING)SETBACKS $$$1111111TED-40-3960CTIONS - RESUBMIT /2017 Ann Fowler drawing are not toscale. please providescaled drawings (typ ofall sheets)35 /8 15-000014& 8$17-000288$$$1111111TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Author: jcisneros R-396002 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 3 (14) Subject: Callout Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Abdoul Gafour PROTECT EXISTING BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY DURING CONSTRUCTION Subject: Callout Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Abdoul Gafour PROTECT EXISTING WATER METER DURING CONSTRUCTION METER TO BE REMOVED AND CAPPED AT MAIN LINE IF IT IS NOT RE-USED FOR NEW BUILDING (BY CITY FORCES) Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Ann Fowler the existing water meters for domestic and irrigation will need to be relocated. relocation to be completed by city forces under a separate water service permit. show actual location of the existing water meters and the proposed new location based on the revised building layout. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: jcisneros R-396003 Subject: Highlight Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Ann Fowler Subject: Text Box Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Callout Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Ann Fowler call-out existing water appurtenances. identify any that are to remain and provide details for any that need to be relocated based on the revised building location. (typ)&17002911+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396002 $$$1111111TED-40-396067 676767 67 6767 6$16$16$16$16$16$16$1::::: :: : 3/ 3/3/3/ 3/ 3/9$6+ 21 & 7 1 (9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/ 3/3/ 67 67 67 3/ &% &% &% &% 6$1 &% &% PROTECT EXISTING BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLYDURING CONSTRUCTION 5:5:5:5: 6$1 6$1 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67767 67 6$16$16$16$16$16$1::::::::: :::::: ( *$6*$6*$6*$6 :: *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6*$6 ( ( ( ( ((((71( )((7:,'( :,'7+9$5,(6 5:5: 5: &% &% &% 6$1 67 &% &% &2 6&26&2   PROTECT EXISTINGWATER METERDURINGCONSTRUCTIONMETER TO BEREMOVED ANDCAPPED AT MAINLINE IF IT IS NOTRE-USED FOR NEWBUILDING (BY CITYFORCES) 5:5:6$16$167676767676767 6767 67676767 67 67 67 6$16$1 6$1 6$16$16$16$16$16$16$1:: : : : : :: : : :::: :::*$6*$6 *$6( ( ( (3/3/:+,70$1&71( )((7:,'( 9$6+21 & 7 1 (9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/3/ 5: 5: 5:5:67 67 67 3/ &% &% &%6$1 6$1 67 &% 67&% &% &% 6&26&2 %+6;1(4'0610 the existing water meters for domestic andirrigation will need to be relocated. relocationto be completed by city forces under a separatewater service permit. show actual location ofthe existing water meters and the proposed newlocation based on the revised building layout. +&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396003 35 /8 15-00001467 67676767676767 6$1 6$1 6$1 6$1 6$1 6$16$1: : ::::: :::3/ 3/3/3/ 3/ 9$ 6 +21 &7  1 (9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/ 3/3/ 67 67 67 3/ &% &% &% &%6$1 &% &%call-out existing waterappurtenances. identify anythat are to remain andprovide details for anythat need to be relocatedbased on the revisedbuilding location. (typ) Subject: Highlight Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Ann Fowler Subject: Callout Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Ann Fowler this pipe is noted as being removed. show removal/replacement of asphalt Subject: Text Box Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Callout Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Abdoul Gafour PROTECT EXISTING HYDRANT DURING CONSTRUCTION Subject: Callout Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Abdoul Gafour PROTECT EXISTING BLOW-OFF DURING CONSTRUCTION Subject: Text Box Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 4 Page Label: 4 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 4 (5) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 4 Page Label: 4 Author: jcisneros R-396004 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 4 Page Label: 4 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 4 Page Label: 4 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 3/ 3/3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/3/ 67 67 67(; &% &%this pipe is noted as beingremoved. showremoval/replacement ofasphalt & 8$17-0002885:5:5:6$1 6$1676767 6767676767676767 6$16$16$16$16$16$1:::::::::*$6 *$6 *$6*$6((((((70$1&71( )((7:,'( 5:5:5:5:3/ &% &% &%&2 6&2 PROTECT EXISTINGHYDRANT DURINGCONSTRUCTION 5:5:5:6$16$167676767676$16$1::::: :*$6*$6*$6 *$6( ( (((1( )((7:,'( 5:5:5:&%  PROTECT EXISTINGBLOW-OFF DURINGCONSTRUCTION &17002911&17002911+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396004 35 /8 15-000014$$$1111111TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 4 Page Label: 4 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Pen Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: bmahn ~ 5 (10) Subject: Callout Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: bmahn INSTALL RIGHT TURN ONLY SIGN Subject: Text Box Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: jcisneros R-396005 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: Ann Fowler water meters to be relocated outside of parking area. preference is installation in landscaping strip. Subject: Callout Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: Ann Fowler the driveway, as shown here, does not match the standard detail provided on sheet c-503. update driveway to match detail remove ada ramps shown. utilize the city standard driveway detail. Subject: Callout Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: bmahn LEADER POINT TO LIGHT POLE Subject: Text Box Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288& 8$17-000288 5:5:5: 1(7+675((7 :,'7+9$5,(6             INSTALL RIGHT TURN ONLYSIGN +&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396005 /8 3515-000014%02%(//$$$1111111TED-40-3960$7$ 3$&(6 /(*(1' (7%$&.6 (7%$&.6 /8$ 35water meters to berelocated outside ofparking area.preference isinstallation inlandscaping strip. 5:5:5:    7$&2%(// the driveway, as shown here,does not match the standarddetail provided on sheet c-503.update driveway to match detail remove ada ramps shown. utilizethe city standard drivewaydetail. 5: 3/ 3/3/3/ 3/9$6+21& 7 1(9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/3/3/  '2127(17(5 3/                     LEADER POINT TO LIGHTPOLE 8$ & 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 5 Page Label: 5 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: Ann Fowler PROVIDE A SWALE WITH DECORATIVE ROCK AND VEGETATION TO PREVENT EROSION FOR CONCENTRATED SHEET FLOW 6 (10) Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: Ann Fowler PROVIDE A SWALE WITH DECORATIVE ROCK AND VEGETATION TO PREVENT EROSION FOR CONCENTRATED SHEET FLOW Subject: Text Box Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Highlight Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: Ann Fowler Subject: Text Box Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: jcisneros R-396006 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Highlight Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: Ann Fowler Subject: Text Box Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288&17002911*$6*$6*$6*$6 *$6 7( 7( 7( 7( PROVIDE A SWALE WITHDECORATIVE ROCK ANDVEGETATION TO PREVENTEROSION FORCONCENTRATED SHEET FLOW 5:5:5:3/3/3/7$&2%(//$$$111 PROVIDE A SWALEWITH DECORATIVEROCK ANDVEGETATION TOPREVENT EROSIONFOR CONCENTRATEDSHEET FLOW &17002911+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396006 /8 3515-000014$$$1111111TED-40-39608$ & 17-000288 Subject: Highlight Page Index: 6 Page Label: 6 Author: Ann Fowler Subject: Text Box Page Index: 7 Page Label: 7 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 7 (8) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 7 Page Label: 7 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 7 Page Label: 7 Author: Ann Fowler add water plan general notes - cor std plan 300.0 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 7 Page Label: 7 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 7 Page Label: 7 Author: jcisneros R-396007 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 7 Page Label: 7 Author: Ann Fowler add sanitary sewer notes and specification from city of renton standard details Subject: Text Box Page Index: 7 Page Label: 7 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 7 Page Label: 7 Author: Ann Fowler use erosion control notes from the city of renton amendments to the 2009 kcswdm reference section 7-b. add surface water standard plan notes from reference section 7-b Subject: Text Box Page Index: 8 Page Label: 8 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 8 (5)8$ & 17-000288/8 3515-000014add water plan general notes - cor stdplan 300.0 $$$1111111TED-40-3960+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396007 add sanitary sewer notes andspecification from city of rentonstandard details &170029117$&2%(//$$$1111111use erosion control notes from the city of renton amendments tothe 2009 kcswdm reference section 7-b.add surface water standard plan notes from reference section 7-b &17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 8 Page Label: 8 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 8 Page Label: 8 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 8 Page Label: 8 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 8 Page Label: 8 Author: jcisneros R-396008 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 9 Page Label: 9 Author: Ann Fowler use city of renton std detail 215.10 9 (6) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 9 Page Label: 9 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 9 Page Label: 9 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 9 Page Label: 9 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 9 Page Label: 9 Author: jcisneros R-396009 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 9 Page Label: 9 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911$$$1111111TED-40-39608$ & 17-000288/8 3515-000014+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396008 use city of rentonstd detail 215.10 8$ & 17-000288$$$1111111TED-40-3960/8 3515-000014+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396009 &17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: Ann Fowler use cor std plan 216.30 10 (9) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: jcisneros R-396010 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: Ann Fowler use cor std plan 216.20 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: Ann Fowler use cor std plan 214.00 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: Ann Fowler use cor std plan 216.40 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 10 Page Label: 10 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 11 Page Label: 11 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 11 (7) use cor std plan216.30 7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396010 use cor std plan216.20 8$ & 17-000288&17002911use cor std plan214.00 use cor std plan216.40 $$$1111111TED-40-3960/8 3515-000014$$$1111111TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 11 Page Label: 11 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 11 Page Label: 11 Author: Ann Fowler include these in the tir rather than the civil plans Subject: Text Box Page Index: 11 Page Label: 11 Author: jcisneros R-396011 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 11 Page Label: 11 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 11 Page Label: 11 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 11 Page Label: 11 Author: Ann Fowler use cor std plan 214.00 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 12 Page Label: 12 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 12 (6) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 12 Page Label: 12 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 12 Page Label: 12 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 12 Page Label: 12 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960&17002911$$$1111111include thesein the tirrather thanthe civil plans +&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396011 35 /8 15-000014& 8$17-000288use cor std plan214.00 &17002911& 8$17-00028835 /8 15-000014$$$1111111TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 12 Page Label: 12 Author: Ann Fowler include these in the tir rather than the civil plans Subject: Text Box Page Index: 12 Page Label: 12 Author: jcisneros R-396012 Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Abdoul Gafour RELOCATE EXISTING HYDRANT IN PLANTER STRIP - MIN. 24" FROM FACE OF NEW CURB (BY CITY FORCES) 13 (28) Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler ADJSUT ALL WATER VALVES TO FINISH GRADE PER CITY STANDARDS Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: jcisneros S-396001 Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler due to the high-use site, enchanced water quality is required prior to the downstream connections. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Line Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Abdoul Gafour Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler provide proposed invert and rim elevations for all sanitary sewer cleanouts. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 include thesein the tirrather thanthe civil plans +&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396012 5:5:5:6$16$167 67 6767676767676767 6$ 6$16$1:::::::::: *$6*$6 *$6 *$6(((((:+,70$1&71( )((7:,'( 6723 5:5:5:*$6*$6 '2127(17(5 3/:::7(6767 &% RELOCATEEXISTING HYDRANTIN PLANTER STRIP -MIN. 24" FROMFACE OF NEW CURB(BY CITY FORCES)5:5:5 6767 676767676767 67 6$16$16$16$16$16$16$1: : : :::: :::*$6 *$6 *$6 3/((3/3/3/ 3/ 3/ 9$6+2 1 & 7 1 (9$6+21&71(3/ 3/ 3/3/3/3/67236$1 6$1 6$1 67 67 676$16$ '2127(17(5 3/ : : : 7(7(7( 6$1 (;,67,1* 67 67 &% &% &% &% &%6$1 &% &% 6&26&2 ADJSUT ALL WATERVALVES TO FINISHGRADE PER CITYSTANDARDS &203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(17 $11 S-396001 5:5: 5: 6767 6767676767 67 67 6$16$16$16$16$16$16$1: : : :::: :::6*$6 *$6 *$6 3/ 3/3/3/ 3/ 3/ 3 9$6+ 2 1  &7 1 (9$6+21&71( 3/3/3/3/ 3/3/67236$1 6$1 6$1 67 67 67 6$1 6$1 '2127(17(5 3/:::7( 7( 7( 6$1(;,67,1*6 67 67&% &% &% &% &%6$1 &% &% 6&26&2 6RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/ due to the high-use site,enchanced water quality isrequired prior to thedownstream connections.8$ & 17-00028867 67::: 5: &%/8$ &5provide proposedinvert and rimelevations for allsanitary sewercleanouts./8 3515-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler include existing invert and proposed rim elevations Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler show the removal of the existing hydrant service line and fitting. identify new fittings for relocated service line. Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler identify each existing water appurtenance and show the location of the relocated water meters, or other appurtenances, for both irrigation and domestic water service. There is an existing 1" domestic water meter and a 1" irrigation water meter currently located on the site. the existing 1" domestic service should be cut and capped at the main. show the location of the new proposed 1.5" domestic water service line and meter. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: rstraka Provide call out. Is this a catch basin or yard drain? Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler as proposed, the areas draining to the rain garden are required to be analyzed as bypass area from the exsiting conveyance system in accordance with section section 1.2.3.e of the city of renton amendments to the 2009 kcswdm. the applicant will need to include a discussion in the tir showing compliance with all criteria outlined in the manual. alternatively, the release from the rain garden can be routed to the existing conveyance system. Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler SHOW SIZE OF NEW WATER METER INSTALL RPBA BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY IN "HOT BOX" PER CITY STANDARD DETAILS 350.2 LOCATE METER AND RPBA IN PLANTER STRIP.&17002911,1&203/,$1&(:,7 include existinginvert and proposedrim elevations 5:5:6$16$167 67 67 67 67676767 676767676767 67 6$16$16$1 6$1 6$1 6$16$16$16$1:::: : :::::::: :*$6*$6((((:+,70$1&71( )((7:,'( 9$6+21&71(3/ 3/ 3/3/5:5:5:67'2127(17(5 3/:7( 7( &% &%6$1 6$1 67 &% 67 &% 26&2 show the removal of theexisting hydrant serviceline and fitting. identifynew fittings forrelocated service line. 5: 5:6$1 6$1 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 6767 676767676767 67 6$16$1 6$1 6$1 6$1 6$1 6$16$16$16$1: : : : : : :::::::: :::*$6 *$6 *$6( ( ( (3/3/3/:+,70$1&71( )((7:,'( 9$6+ 21 & 7  1(9$6+21&71(3/ 3/ 3/ 3/3/ 3/3/ 6723 5:5: 5: 5: 6$1 6$1 6$1 67 67 67 676$1'2127(17(5 3/ : :7(7( 7( 6$1 67 &% &% &% &%6$1 6$1 67 &% 67&% &% &% 6&26&2 %+6;1(4'0610 ,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(1721 $111 7$&2%(//87,/,7<3/$1&identify each existing water appurtenance and show the location of therelocated water meters, or other appurtenances, for both irrigation anddomestic water service.There is an existing 1" domestic water meter and a 1" irrigation water metercurrently located on the site. the existing 1" domestic service should be cutand capped at the main. show the location of the new proposed 1.5" domesticwater service line and meter.$$$1111111TED-40-39605:67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 676$16$16$1 :::::::::::( ( *$6*$6*$6*$6*$6 :*$6*$6* ((7+675((7 :,'7+9$5,(6 5: *$6*$6*$6*$66$1:::: 67 $ &%67 6$1 67 &% &% 670 Provide call out. Is this acatch basin or yard drain? 5:5:5:67 67 67 67 67 67 67 ::::: ((( *$6*$6*$6*$6*$6 5: 1(7+675((7 :,' 67 67 &%67 67$$$11111117$&2%(//as proposed, the areas draining to therain garden are required to beanalyzed as bypass area from theexsiting conveyance system inaccordance with section section1.2.3.e of the city of rentonamendments to the 2009 kcswdm. theapplicant will need to include adiscussion in the tir showingcompliance with all criteria outlinedin the manual. alternatively, the release from therain garden can be routed to theexisting conveyance system.5:5: 5: 5: 6$1 6$1 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 6767676767676767 67 67 67676767 6$1 6$1 6$1 6$1 6$16$16$16$16$16$16$16$16$1: : : ::::::::: : : ::: :: (:: *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 *$6 ( ( ( ( ( ( (3/3/:+,70$1& 7   1 (     ) ( ( 7  : , ' ( 9$6+2 1  &7  1 ( 9$6+ 2 1  & 7  1 (3/3/3/3/ 3/ 6723 5: 5: 5: 5: 5: 6$1 6$1 6$1 67 67 67*$6*$6*$6*$6 6$16$16$1'2127(17(5 3/ : : : : : :: 7(7( 7( 67 67 67 &% &% &% &%6$1 6$1 67 &% 67&% 67 &% &% &% 6&26&2 670 %+6;1(4'0610 ,1&203/,$1&(:,7+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6$1111111 7$&2%(//87,/,7<3/$1& SHOW SIZE OF NEWWATER METERINSTALL RPBABACKFLOW PREVENTIONASSEMBLY IN "HOT BOX"PER CITY STANDARDDETAILS 350.2LOCATE METER ANDRPBA IN PLANTER STRIP. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: jcisneros WTR-27-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: jcisneros R-396013 Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Abdoul Gafour ADJUST EXISTING BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY TO FINISH GRADE (BY CITY FORCES) Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler water meter should be located in a level, unobstructed area as close to the City main as possible, with the distance not to exceed 50-ft. meters to commercial developments should be located near driveway entrances within the right-of-way or within public utility easements in landscape areas, and near access driveways. Subject: Line Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Abdoul Gafour Subject: PolyLine Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Abdoul Gafour Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler min 7-ft between sanitary sewer and edge of rain garden Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: jcisneros WWP-27-3960 Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler any trash enclosures which direct drainage to the sanitary sewer system shall be equipped with a roof. a separate building permit is required for the trash enclosure. Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Abdoul Gafour RELOCATE EXISTING BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY WITHIN NEW PLANTER AREA (BY CITY FORCES)$$$1111111WTR-27-39602)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396013 5:5:6$1 6$167676767676$16$16$1::::::: :6*$6 *$6*$6 *$ (((((()((7:,'( 67235:5:5:*$6 '2127(17(5:::::7(67 67 67 67 &% 670ADJUST EXISTINGBLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY TOFINISH GRADE (BYCITY FORCES) 67 67 67 676$16$16$16$1::::::: (5:5:$1 67 &% &% water meter should belocated in a level,unobstructed area asclose to the City main aspossible, with thedistance not to exceed50-ft. meters to commercialdevelopments should belocated near drivewayentrances within theright-of-way or withinpublic utility easements inlandscape areas, and nearaccess driveways.355:5:5:67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 :::::::: ((( ( *$ *$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6*$6 (3/1(7+675((7 :,'7+9$5,(6 6$1 ::($067 67 $ &%67 67 min 7-ft between sanitarysewer and edge of raingarden $$$1111111WWP-27-39603/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 67 6$1 (;,67,1* &% any trash enclosureswhich direct drainage tothe sanitary sewer systemshall be equipped with aroof. a separate buildingpermit is required for thetrash enclosure.676767676767 6$16$16$16$16$16$16 :::: :::3/ 3/3/3/ 3/ 9$6+21 & 7 1(9$6+21&71(3/3/3/3/3/ 67 67 67 3/ &% &% 6$1 &% &%RELOCATE EXISTING BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLYWITHIN NEW PLANTER AREA (BY CITYFORCES) Subject: Callout Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: Ann Fowler 1.5" service connections must be downstream of the water meter and cannot be connected directly to the 8" water main. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 13 Page Label: 13 Author: jcisneros W-396001 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 14 Page Label: 14 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 14 (5) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 14 Page Label: 14 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 14 Page Label: 14 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 14 Page Label: 14 Author: jcisneros R-396014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 14 Page Label: 14 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 15 Page Label: 15 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 15 (8) Subject: Callout Page Index: 15 Page Label: 15 Author: Ann Fowler identify which size system is being used on the site. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 15 Page Label: 15 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 5:5:5:6$1 6$167676767676767 6767 6$16$16$16$16$16$1::::::::: : :*$6 *$6 *$6 *$6((((( (&71( )((7:,'( 67235:5:5:5:*$6*$6 '2127(17(5 3/ : : : : : 7( 7( 67 67 67 &% 67 &% 6&2 670 1.5" service connectionsmust be downstream ofthe water meter andcannot be connecteddirectly to the 8" watermain. ,1&203/,$ W-396001 & 8$17-000288&17002911$$$1111111TED-40-3960+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111  R-396014 35 /8 15-000014$$$1111111TED-40-3960identify which sizesystem is being used onthe site. 35 & 8$17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 15 Page Label: 15 Author: Ann Fowler this detail is not referenced in the plan sheets. show where this is being used. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 15 Page Label: 15 Author: jcisneros R-396015 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 15 Page Label: 15 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 15 Page Label: 15 Author: Ann Fowler Subject: Text Box Page Index: 15 Page Label: 15 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 16 Page Label: 16 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 16 (5) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 16 Page Label: 16 Author: jcisneros R-396016 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 16 Page Label: 16 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 16 Page Label: 16 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 16 Page Label: 16 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014  this detail is not referenced in theplan sheets. show where this is beingused.  +&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396015 &17002911/8 15-000014& 8$17-000288+&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111  R-396016 &17002911$$$1111111TED-40-396035 /8 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 17 Page Label: 17 Author: jcisneros R-396017 17 (6) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 17 Page Label: 17 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 17 Page Label: 17 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 17 Page Label: 17 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 17 Page Label: 17 Author: Ann Fowler any trash enclosures which direct drainage to the sanitary sewer system shall be equipped with a roof. a separate building permit is required. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 17 Page Label: 17 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 18 Page Label: 18 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 18 (7) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 18 Page Label: 18 Author: Ann Fowler use cor std plan 405 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 18 Page Label: 18 Author: jcisneros R-396018 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 18 Page Label: 18 Author: Ann Fowler remove ada ramps at driveway. use cor std plan for driveway installation.  +&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396017 &17002911& 8$17-000288$$$1111111TED-40-3960,1&2 any trash enclosures whichdirect drainage to the sanitarysewer system shall be equippedwith a roof. a separate buildingpermit is required.35 /8 15-000014&17002911use cor std plan 405  +&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396018 remove ada ramps atdriveway. use cor stdplan for drivewayinstallation. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 18 Page Label: 18 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 18 Page Label: 18 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 18 Page Label: 18 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288 Subject: Callout Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler show the inlet from the roof drains. 19 (11) Subject: Text Box Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: jcisneros TED-40-3960 Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler coordinate with landscape architect to show these plants on the landscaping plans. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler 15-000014 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler include city of renton standard details 260.00 and 260.10 Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler 8-13% - reference section c.2.5 of the 2009 kcswdm. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: jcisneros R-396019 35 /8 15-000014$$$1111111TED-40-3960& 8$17-000288show the inlet from theroof drains.$$$1111111TED-40-39606RXWK0DLQ6WUHHW6XLWH$NURQ2+ )D[&$/,)62/ coordinate withlandscape architect toshow these plants on thelandscaping plans.35 /8 15-000014include city of rentonstandard details 260.00 and260.10 8-13% - referencesection c.2.5 of the2009 kcswdm. +&,7<2)5(172167$1'$5'6 $1111111R-396019 Subject: Text Box Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler 17002911 Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler adjust profile and section drawings to more accurately display the associated dimensions. Subject: Callout Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler show the general location of the fabric in the schematic profile Subject: Text Box Page Index: 19 Page Label: 19 Author: Ann Fowler 17-000288&17002911176 adjust profile andsection drawings tomore accuratelydisplay the associateddimensions. show the generallocation of the fabricin the schematicprofile & 8$17-000288