HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractCAG-23-037 Washington State 1W,,� Department of Transportation Local Programs State Funding Agency and Address Agreement City of Renton Work by Public 1055 S Grady Way Agencies Renton, WA 98057 Agreement Number Maximum Amount Authorized Location and Description of Work (See also Exhibit "A") LPG % 0 S" o $210,000 1.405144th Gateway and Green-Scaping Improvement Project For Signage and a 'Green-Scaped' entry into the city of Renton as a part of the 1.405INE 44th St Interchange, which will be a rebuilt interchange with Participating Percentage Project Number 100% HLP-0405(009) roundabouts as part ofthe 1-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes nrriiae4 This AGREEMENT is made and entered into between the STATE OF WASHINGTON, Department of Transportation, acting by and through the Secretary of Transportation, hereinafter called the "STATE," and the above named organization, hereinafter call the "AGENCY." WHEREAS, the AGENCY is planning the work shown above, and in connection therewith, the AGENCY has requested financial assistance for the project or program, and WHEREAS, the AGENCY has requested funds for the above shown project or program, which has been selected by the STATE for funding assistance. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Type of Work Estimate of Funding (1) Estimated Total Project Funds (2) Estimated Agency Funds (3) Estimated State Funds PE a. Agency $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 b. Other Consultant $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 c. Other d. State Services $ 1,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,000.00 e. Total PE Cost Estimate (a+b+c+d) $ 66,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 51,000.00 Right of Way f. Agency g. Other h. Other i. State Services J, Total RRIW Cost Estimate (f+g+h+i) $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Construction k. Contract I. Other m. Other n. Other o. Agency p. State Services q. Total CN Cost Estimate (k+l+m+n+o+p) $ o.o0 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 r. Total Project Cost Estimate (e+j+q) $ 66,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 51,000.00 DOT Form 140-087 Page 1 Revised 06/2022 General The AGENCY agrees to perform the above described work in accordance with the Project Application attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and made a part of this AGREEMENT. Plans, specifications, and cost estimates shall be prepared by the AGENCY in accordance with the current State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction and adopted design standards, unless otherwise noted. The AGENCY will incorporate the plans and specifications into the AGENCY's project and thereafter advertise the resulting project for bid and, assuming bids are received and a contract is awarded, administer the contract, or if the project is of a size which the AGENCY is authorized to perform with its own forces under the laws of the State of Washington, the AGENCY may proceed with its own forces. All work performed under this AGREEMENT shall comply with the applicable provisions of state law. I I Payment The STATE, in consideration of the faithful performance of the work to be performed by the AGENCY, agrees to reimburse the AGENCY for the percentage of the actual direct and related indirect cost of the work shown above, up to the "MAXIMUM AMOUNT AUTHORIZED". The agency will comply with Governmental Accounting Auditing and Financial Reporting Standards and applicable state law and local regulations, policies and procedures. No payment will be made for work done prior to execution of this AGREEMENT. Partial payments shall be made by the STATE, upon request of the AGENCY, to cover costs incurred. These payments are not to be more frequent than one (1) per month. It is agreed that any such partial payment will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and that, at the time of the final audit, all required adjustments will be made and reflected in a final payment. The AGENCY agrees to submit a final bill to the STATE within forty-five (45) days after the AGENCY has completed work. . The AGENCY agrees that all costs in excess of the amount authorized and the AGENCY's matching funds shall be the responsibility of the AGENCY. Audit The AGENCY agrees that an audit may be conducted by the STATE. During the progress of the work and for a period not less than three (3) years from the date of final payment to the AGENCY, the records and accounts pertaining to the work and accounting thereof are to be kept available for inspection and audit by the STATE and copies of all records, accounts, documents, or other data pertaining to the project will be furnished upon request. If any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced, the records and accounts along with supporting documentation shall be retained until all litigation, claim, or audit finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim, or audit continues past the three-year retention period. IV Legal Relations No liability shall attach to the AGENCY or the STATE by reason of entering into this AGREEMENT except as expressly provided herein. V Nondiscrimination The AGENCY agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination and agrees to require the same of all subcontractors providing services or performing any work using funds provided under this AGREEMENT. VI Venue For the convenience of the parties to this AGREEMENT, it is agreed that any claims and/or causes of action which the AGENCY has against the STATE, growing out of this AGREEMENT or the project or program with which it is concerned, shall be brought only in the Superior Court for Thurston County. VII Termination The Secretary of the Department of Transportation may terminate this AGREEMENT if the funding becomes unavailable or if the Secretary determines that it is in the best interest of the STATE. VIII Final Report and Final Inspection Within ninety (90) days following the completion of the project and submission of the final billing for the project, a final report and/or final inspection shall be submitted to the Director, Highways & Local Programs containing the following information: Non -Capital Projects 1. A description of the project or program. 2. A summary of actual costs of the project or program. 3. An evaluation of the project or program. This should address aspects such as transportation and/or other benefits to the public. Capital Projects 1. A final inspection is required. IX Supplement This agreement may be modified or supplemented only in writing by parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year last written below. AGENCY By: Title: Armondo Pavone, Mayor ATTEST: DOT Form 140-087 Jason A. Seth, City Clerk Revised 06/2022 2/27/2023 STATE By: a..,�LEH ro ;.• . ......... Date: 9 Digitally signed by Stephanie StephanieTaxraK Date: 2023.04.11 17:02:03-07'00' Director, Local Programs Page 2 HLP-0405(009) Exhibit A I��1I liVashington State 7Yansportation Building Department of Transportation 310 Maple Park Avenue S.E. P,O. Box 47300 Olympia, WA 98504-7300 360-705-7000 June 14 2019 M:1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov Mr. Jim Seitz Public Works Administrator -Transportation City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057-3232 I-405/441 Gateway Signage & Green-Scaping Improvements 2019-21 Transportation Budget Dear Mr. 4i � State Funding WSDOT is pleased to advise you that the above mentioned project was selected to receive funding through the 2019-21 Transportation Budget. The state funding is limited as shown below: I-405/4411 Gateway Signage & Green-Scaping Improvements $210,000 Scope: For signage and a `green-scaped' entry into the city of Renton as part of the I-405/NE 441h St Interchange, which will be a rebuilt interchange with roundabouts as part of the 1-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes project. In order to meet state requirements, the following are required: • Project expenditures incurred before receiving notice from Local Programs of state fund authorization are not eligible for reimbursement. ■ Please refer to the Local Programs web page for detailed authorization information, including: (littl2://www.wsdot.wa.gov/localprograniL/) aids/) ✓ Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual for detailed requirements; ✓ Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) amendments, as applicable; ✓ Funding and billing forms; ✓ Quarterly Project Report required to be completed by the end of March, June, September and December each year. To access the database you will need an account name and password. Your account name is Renton and your password is Rento553. The password is case sensitive. As a reminder, Local Programs encourages all agencies to submit monthly progress billings to ensure timely reimbursement of eligible expenditures. For assistance please contact Mehrdad Moini, your Region Local Programs Engineer, at 206.440.4734. Sincerely, Kathleen B. Davis Director Local Programs KBD:st:sas cc: Kelly McGourty, Transportation Director, PSRC Mehrdad Moini, Northwest Region Local Programs Engineer, MS NB82-121