HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA77-086 • 04 R�1 V •• o • THE CITY OF RENTON - - Q` MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ® CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER Q- L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 04TEO SEPit�O • May 30, 1978 • N. C. Kretzer Asst. Manager - Property Management Burlington Northern Lobby 2, Central Building Seattle, WA 98104 RE: File No. PP-086-78; Orillia Industrial Park Preliminary Plat. • Dear Mr. Kretzer: Upon receipt of your letter of May 25, 1978, I found sufficient justification to grant an extension of six months of your preliminary plat. Therefore,- the final plat of your property must be filed by January 9, 1979. (II L. Rick_Beeler • Hearing Examiner cc: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Councilman George J. Perry, Chairman, Planning & Development Committee Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney 1el Mead, City Clerk Warren C. ,Gonnason, Public Works Director Parties of Record (A304.2 3 4 56 co c1\ t , ,17,51 0.4 IWO BURLINGTON NORTHERN Lobby 2 Central Building INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND Seattle,Washington 98104 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (206) 625-6682 Mr. L. Rick Beeler May 25, 1978 Hearing Examiner The City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Beeler: Please be referred to your letter, no date but received in this office May 25, 1978, RE: Orillia Industrial Park Preliminary Plat; PP-086-77, regarding request of Glacier Park Company for extension of time for filing of final plat on our Industrial Site at Renton, Washington. I wish to apologize for not being more specific in my original request. Due to the large amount of acreage to be platted, we had discussed with City departments the possibility of platting this property into at least two phases and possibly three phases. Apparently, we did not understand the ordinance provision with the six-month limit. With the amount of acreage involved, it is virtually impossible to complete the entire design of the utilities, drainage and flood requirements, trackage, street construction, etc., within a six-month period. We can fully understand the time limit requirement on small industrial sites and residential plats; but due to the size and complexity of our plat, we are unable to complete the final plat of the entire plat on or before June 9, 1978. Therefore, Glacier Park Company is requesting a six-month extension. As a matter of information, Mr. Smith of the City Planning Department advised this date that final plat hearing on Division I of our final plat is to be heard June 6, 1978. Very truly yours,ee , C`,C. Iretz� Asst. Manager - Property Management File: RE-1400(II) - Orillia RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER MAY 301978 AM PM 71819110,111121.1 i213141516 z,;S4,,i-- n pf ' �� - 0 0.�? PP-- n z 6- 7 2 BURLINGTON NORTHERN : �" 04* Lobby 2 Central Building INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND Seattle, Washington 98104 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (206) 625-6682 • The Honorable C. J. Delaurenti May 10, 1978 and City Council City of Renton Renton; Washington 98055 Dear Mayor Delaurenti: Please be referred to our previous correspondence and my letter of August 30, 1977, regarding fees charged for filing plats with the City of Renton, Washington. — The Spacaeark Company is presently filing its final plat on Division I of BN Orillia Industrial Park o£�rrte any Apparently, there is some confusion on our part regarding the fees and it will be appreciated if you would arrange to have this matter put on- the agenda for the meeting of the Renton City Council May 15, 1978. Very truly yours, (1, /1 �, : -W-c.Zli\.-.. . Gordon qvia ager - Property Management . • • 1) , 1, �M N,i , 1978 ,, ' RECEIVED ': CITY of REN I ON > Cie, CLERK'S OFFICE.Is -:ca� .-; f . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 15 , 1978 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, CHARLES F. SHANE, COUNCIL BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR- THORPE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, Acting City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON Y . ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; CAPT. PHELAN, Police Rep. , DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Corrections and/or additions : Councilwoman Thorpe requested Page 2 Appointments to Human Rights Commission, include: Councilwoman Thorpe asked for summary and background information on appointees , response being that information would be furnished at a later time. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired re inclusion of Councilman Stredicke' s remarks concerning parking near Longacres which are listed on the bottom of Page 2. Councilwoman Thorpe requested inclusion of her inquiry of City Attorney Warren (Page 3, Paragraph 3) re charges and use of City property, being advised by the City Attorney that deter- mination was usually the Council 's responsibility. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY , COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 8, 1978 AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Ways and .Means Committee Chairman Stredicke requested Councilwoman Thorpe receive copies of letters re back- ground information on Human Rights appointments. SPECIAL AWARDS Mayor Delaurenti presented special awards for outstanding service to Wilkie Lew and Christopher Wright as members of the Human Rights and Affairs Commission. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel , 221 Wells Ave. N. , discussed new appointments to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission, objecting that the three new Human Rights and appointees are employed at The RnPinn rompany and noted difficul- Affairs Commission ties that could arise. Mrs . Vaupel called attention to ordinance Appointments requirement that members demonsLraLe interest and/or expertise in civil and human rights . Following discussion, it was noted the State , Human Rights Commission would be in effect in the event of conflict of interest with the local Commission. Traffic Richard Brumfield, 2024 Dayton Ct. SE, represented Rolling Hills Circulation Home Owners Association and objected to funneling of traffic through Rolling Hills Area residential street, Edmonds Drive SE onto arterial, Edmonds .Ave. SE Petition filed (County designation 116th SE ) via residential street, SE 21st St. , with Council and favored closing of SE 21st Street. Alison Satterlee, 2010 4/10/78 Access Edmonds Dr. SE, confirmed Mr. Brumfield' s comments and objected Parkwood Homes to the opening of Parkwood Division No. 3 through the existing residential area, objected to using of residential streets as arterials. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY , COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND DISCUSS THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT FROM 5/2/78. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Mrs. Satterlee noted concern was using residential street as connector to 116th SE and the added traffic from 100 new homes . Councilman Stredicke established the number of homes - 128 existing with 100 proposed in the two adjoin- ing developments with two accesses on -Puget Drive and one on Edmonds Ave SE. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall maps to discuss the subdivisions and noted public hearincs in 1969 when the Council • approved Plan C for this area. Moved by Thorpe, Second Clymer, Council authorize connection of the new subdivision to old at Edmonds Dr. SE, proceed with hearings for vacation of stub street and provide break-down barrier to allow Fire Department access. Roll Call : 3-Aye: Clymer, Stredicke, Thorpe; 4-No : Trimm, Shane, Shinpoch and perry. Failed. • • - I ‘,.), ,\f,',`,,,,,?,,,,Hi.' Renton City Council 5/15/78 Page 2 Audience Comment -. Continued ' Access to Proposed motion by Thorpe to barricade Edmonds Dr. SE so that, two sub- Parkwood Homes divisions do not connect, failed to receive a Second. Upon inquiry Continued Fire Chief Geissler noted 45 second delay with break-down barrier,, Renton fire equipment would not arrive from Edmonds , but District #40 by mutual agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SHANE, TO REFER THE MATTER OF PARKWOOD ACCESS BACK TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Dessie. Olague, 2004 Edmonds Dr. SE, reaueste1d separate entrance and exit for Parkwood Homes No. 3, that the area not be connected with existing development. Donald Zeman, 1906 Edmonds Dr. 'SE, also requested the subdivisions be maintained separately, objecting to through traffic, stub street being most r direct route to County and nearest shopping center for the area. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE FOLLOWING CORRESPONDENCE ITEM. CARRIED. Glacier Park Letter from Burlington Northern, Industrial Development and Platting Fees Property Management Department, Manager J. J. Gordon, referred Orillia Industria to previous correspondence and his letter of 8/30/77 re fees Park Div. #1 charged for filing plats with the City. The letter noted that Glacier Patk Co. is presently filing its final plat on Dvn., I of BN Orillia :Industrial Park of Renton, noted confusion on their part regarding fees and asked that the matter be on the Council agenda 5/15/78. Mr. James Gordon outlined the history of events from meeting 4/5/77 with the Planning Staff re filing of prelimi- nary plat. and fees, revision of industrial platting fees, submit- , tal of final plat Div. #1 , being advised that revised fees were not made retroactive by the City Council . Mr. Gordon asked review of permit fees by the Council . MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND TRIMM, REFER THE MATTER OF PERMIT FEES (INCLUDING DRAINAGE ORDINANCE PERT. MIT FEES) TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND CITY ATTORNEY TO REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED. BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Time: 9:30 p.m. Council reconvened at 10:23 p.m. ' Roll Call : All Council Members present as previously shownf' OLD BUSINESS Moved by Shane, Second Thorpe, Council review the Human Rights Human Rights and Affairs Commission appointments. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND Ordinance THORPE, REFER THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION ORDINANCE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW, INCLUDING VOTING PROCEDURES.. CARRIED. Revenue Moved by Shane, Second Trimm, the Administration furnish report Report of all unanticipated revenue received. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY THORPE, SECOND SHANE, THE ADMINISTRATION PROVIDE SUMMARY REPORT TO COUNCIL BY JUNE 1 , 1978 OF REVENUE, INCLUDING ALL UNANTICIPATED REVENUE i' AND WHETHER. REVENUE RECEIVED MEETS THE AMOUNT BUDGETED. CARRIED. ;; Short Plats Moved by Shane, Second Trimm, the subject of short plats be referred to the, Planning and Development Committee for review and report back. Roll Call : 2-Aye: Trimm, Shane; 5-NO: Clymer, Shinpoch, Stredicke, Thorpe and Perry. Motion Failed. AWC Survey MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND SHANE, FINANCE DIRECTOR COMPLETE FISCALPOR- TION ASSOC. OF WASHINGTON CITIES' SURVEY RE THE CITY AND FORWARD TO. SPEAKER BAGNARIOL. CARRIED. Victoria Park Councilman' Stredicke, Acting Chairman of the Joint Meeting of the Open Space Community Services Committee representing the City Council and the Application King County Council (Members Chow, Grant and Lowry) presented Public Hearing minutes of the 5/11/78 meeting concerning Application OSC-108-77 Joint with for Open Space Taxation Designation by Victoria Park Homeowners' King County Association. The minutes explained Victoria Park Homeowner's Council Association's request for open space: taxation designation ,of six parcels of property containing 3.28 acres and of Spokesperson Anita Warren's presentation. Following testimony,. 'King County Councilman Grant declared that the Joint Committee found the request for open space taxation designation OSC-108-77 falls within the definition of: . i RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 9 , 1978 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, KENNETH D. BRUCE, COUNCIL BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR- THORPE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. ROLL CALL. OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; STAFF DEL MEAD, City Clerk; LAWRENCE WARREN, Acting City Attorney; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; :DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; CAPT. BUFF, Police Representative; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON; Renton Record Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 19, 1977 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. SPECIAL AWARDS Mayor Delaurenti presented special award to Logan Garrison, Plan- Logan Garrison ping Commission Member having served since June; 1975; Chairman 6/76 - 7/77. George Perry Mayor Delaurenti presented outgoing Council President George J. Perry with special award for service to the City, having served as Council President during the year 1977. BID OPENING Five bids were received and opened for Bond sale of the City of Senior Center Renton Limited General Obligation Bonds in amount of $900,000 - 1978 Bonds $900,000 for the Senior Citizen Center. (See attached tabulation) See later bid award. AUDIENCE COMMENT Craig Colt, Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the State Human Rights Commission, asked to speak re the Human Rights Ordinance, noting willingness to wait until ordinance introduced. (See later - Ordinances and Resolutions) CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items , previously distributed to all Council Members are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Voucher Approval The Ways and Means Committee recommended Council approval for Vouchers No. 16399 through 16543 in the amount of $151 ,141 .22 plus LID No. 302 Revenue Warrant R-10 $5,174 and Cash Warrants C-12 and C-13 $4,870 and $304 respectively, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers #16392 through 16398 machine voided. Council concurrence. Springbrook Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of the 75% Springbrook Annexation annexation petition certified valid by the Planning Department that signatures thereon represented ownership of 75.6% of the assessed valuation, at least 75% required by law. The Springbrook Annexa- Public Hearing tion located in the area south of SW 43rd/Ca.rr Rd. and east of SR 2/27/78 167 and north of South 192nd St. Circulation of the petition was authorized at the preliminary meeting held by the Council 12/20/76 at which time owners agreed to accept the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and assume any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. The letter recommended that Monday 2/27/78 be set for public hearing on the proposed annexation. Council concurrence Mayor' s Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Councilman Thomas Trimm Appointments to the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System LEOFF Board Disability Board, replacing Councilman Kenneth Bruce; appointment effective 1/9/78 to 3/1/80. The letter also reappointed Councilwoman Barbara Shinpoch to a two-year term on the LEOFF Disability Board t . ' (C,, p . 1? c6 ' 77 )' /o6 -7' -_ -- A Renton City Council 1/9/78 Page 2 Consent Agenda LEOFF Board effective to 3/1/80, having served on the Board since 11/1/76 Continued completing the term of former Councilman Robert McBeth. Informa- tion only, no Council action required. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed James Dalpay, 1030 N. 38th St. , to Position No. 2 on the Board of Adjustment completing the term of John Qualls , who has resigned. Appointment effective to 9/6/79. The letter explained Mr. Dalpay is engaged in home build- ing and land development. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Claims for Two claims for damages were filed by Washington Natural Gas Co. Damages (1 ) In amount of $33.30 alleging damage to service at 2624 Jones ' NE; (2) In amount of $129.59 alleging corrosion to service at 611 Renton Ave. S. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Hearing Examiner Preliminary Plat 086-77 and Exception 106-77, Glacier Park Company, Decision property located south of existing Mobile Oil and Olympic Pipeline Preliminary Plat Oil distribution facility, west of East Valley Rd. and north of and Exception SW 43rd St. , request for proposed industrial park plat was approved Glacier Park with conditions. The exception was requested to the Subdivision ordinance regarding length and width of cul-de-sac and block re- quirements within the preliminary plat for proposed industrial park with streets and utilities for future commercial and indus- trial development. Council approval . Hearing Examiner ' Rezone 105-77 Ivan G. and George S. Werstiuk, Hearing Examiner Decision approved Rezone to R 2, SR-2 and R-1 subject to conditions for Werstiuk Rezone five acres located on the east side of Kennewick P1 . NE between NE 30th and the old Pacific Coast RR right-of-way. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee for proper ordinance. Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Approval CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Burning Permits Letter from Fire Chief Geissler reported increasing difficulty in denial of Residential Burning Permits except for the limited period during Spring and Fall Clean-up; that the permits could be issued at several periods without problems for the Fire Depart- ment and be in compliance with the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency' s Regulations and aid in eliminating hazards from yard debris. The letter requested authority to issue Residential Burning Permits at the discretion of the Fire Chief between 10/1 and 4/30 each year, being in compliance with Puget Sound Air Pol- lution Control Agency Regulations. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE (NEWLY TO BE CREATED) PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Human Rights Letter from James V. Medzegian, President of the Renton Chamber Ordinance of Commerce pointed out the proposed Human Rights ordinance is a duplication of existing Federal and State laws and suggested the ordinance is not needed by the City. The letter also stated the duplication would impose further burdens and expense on the City and on the business community and recommended against adop- tion of the ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL WITHHOLD ACTION UNTIL ORDINANCE IS PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Transamerica Writ of Certiorari has been filed against the City by Transamerica Development Co. Development Co. alleging (1 ) erroneous legal determinations and vs. City illegal procedures; (2) acted illegally; (3) exceeded jurisdiction Case No. 838799 and (4) proceeded in conflict with the course of the common law; inadequate notice, encouraging taking of plaintiff' s land without fair compensation, arbitrary and capricious action, etc. Letter from Acting City Attorney Warren reported that on 1/6/78 Judge Goodloe of the King County Superior Court issued Certiorari against the City to permit Court review of the changes in the Comp- rehensive Plan for Renton Hill ; requiring the City to certify all y 7 ; OF RA 4 0 THE CITY OF RENTON V MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o-23 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER p st- L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 "P4TfO SEP1*7 December 22, 1977 Members, Renton City Council RE: File No. PP-086-77 & Renton, Washington E-106-77, Glacier Park Co. Dear Members of Council: Attached is the Examiner's Report and Recommendation on the referenced preliminary plat request, dated December 16, 1977. The appeal period for the application expires on December 30, 1977, and the report is being forwarded to you for review by the Planning and Development Committee following the seven-day period stipulated in the recently revised ordinance and resolution on Hearing Examiner procedures. The complete file will be transmitted to the City Clerk on January 3, 1978, and will be placed on the Council agenda on January 9, 1978. If you require additional information or assistance in this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sinc-rel,y, `' L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner Attachment December 16, 1977 OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, APPLICANT: Glacier Park Company FILE NO. PP-086-77 E-106-77 LOCATION: Property located south of the existing Mobil Oil and Olympic Pipeline Oil Products distribution facility, north of S.W. 43rd Street, west of East Valley Road and east of the existing main north/south railroad track lines. , SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests preliminary plat approval for a proposed industrial park plat to allow construction of streets and utilities for future commercial and industrial development. The applicant also requests exception to the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the maximum 500 foot length requirement for cul-de-sacs and the maximum/minimum lengths and widths requirements for blocks within Section 9-1108.24 of the Subdivision Ordinance. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on December 1, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on December 6, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Glacier Park Fill Permits, dated November 19, 1975 and October 13, 1976 (by reference) . Exhibit #3: Vicinity Map Exhibit #4: Storm Drainage Plan Exhibit #5: Sewer Plan Exhibit #6: Water Plan Exhibit #7: Plat Map with staff notes included Exhibit #8: Street Cross-Section Exhibit #9: Environmental Impact Statement, dated October 22, 1975 (by reference) . Exhibit #10: Letter from Gary Crutchfield, Assistant Planner, City of Tukwila, dated December 1, • 1977.. Exhibit #11: Aerial Photo of Site Exhibit #12: Optional 39-acre Wetland Agreement with City of Renton (conditions of fill permit, by reference) . PP-086-77 Page Two E-106-77 Mr. Smith advised that the Utilities Division had added notations on Exhibit #6 revising pipe sizes on Lind Avenue S.W. from 12 inches to 16 inches and requiring a 20-foot easement at all property lines at back of lots. Revisions had also been made on Exhibit #8 designating Longacres Parkway a minimum 90-foot roadway. Mr. Smith noted that the definition of block lengths and widths should be clarified in order to review the request for exception from the Subdivision Ordinance for length of cul-de-sacs. He submitted the following additional exhibit into the record: Exhibit #13: Letter from Jim Harris, Planning Director, City of Kent, dated November 29, 1977. The Examiner asked a representative of the Fire Department to testify. Responding was: Ed Wooton Fire Department I ' Mr. Wooton emphasized that comments referenced in Item 0.14.C. of Exhibit #1 recommending a proposed connection between S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street to provide additional east-west access for emergency vehicles should be revised to propose that the connection be mandatory. The Examiner called for a recess at 10:05 a.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:20 a.m. The Examiner asked the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: J. .J. Gordon Manager, Property Management Division Burlington Northern Company Lobby 2, Central Building Seattle, WA 98104 Mr. Gordon indicated basic agreement with the report but wished to clarify certain points and offer alternative solutions to the recommendation. The Examiner asked Mr. Gordon if he had received advance copies of Exhibit #10, letter from City of Tukwila. The applicant indicated that a copy received prior to the hearing from Mr. Smith contained revisions that had not previously been reviewed by the applicant. He also congratulated Mr. Smith; on his thorough presentation of a complicated application, but expressed concern with stipulations contained in the report for donations, contributions and mitigation for wildlife habitat. He noted that although the report estimated that a total of 4% of property had been donated, the actual figure exceeded 30% including a 20-acre wetland donation, an additional optional 39-acre site, and all public rights-of-way. He explained that as a requirement of a prior fill permit, •the city had required 39 acres to be set aside for an optional acquisition by the city for wetland area and noted that the two- year option period will expire in February, 1978. Mr. Gordon indicated that the option remained open to the city but objected to dedication of the subject 39 acres as recommended in the Planning Department staff report. He also objected to donation of 40 feet on each side of Springbrook Creek because of the uncertainty of extension of Strander Boulevard adjacent to the 20-acre wetland site and the possibility of creation of an LID which would constitute double payment to the city for property already donated by the applicant. Further objections included a recommendation in Item 0.8 for provision of bicycle and pedestrian paths connecting to the P-1 Channel from S.W. 33rd Street and S.W. 38th Street because such installation caused division of the site and the applicant expressed a preference for provision of pathways in alternate locations. He indicated cooperation with King County and the Corp of Engineers to develop the channel and the desire to reserve the property in lieu of a donation. He questioned Item 0.14.D. regarding provision of a minimum 20-foot wide fire lane at the ends of all cul-de-sacs to the nearest drainage channel; and Item 0.15 which recommended that Phase I be limited to the area between the East Valley Road and Lind Avenue S.W. He preferred inclusion of property to S.W. 43rd Street and Longacres Parkway in Phase I so that the parcel remained in an L-shaped single configuration. He objected to being penalized for a drainage problem that had been created by design and development by the city and other facilities in the surrounding area. Other objections included recommendations in Item P.9. for provision of an 80-foot right-of-way along the East Valley Road and additional right-of-way along S.W. 43rd Street until such time as federal funding is acquired to proceed with the project. He submitted quit claim deeds provided him by the city granting property along S.W. 43rd Street to the City of Renton subsequent to acquisition of federal funding of the project. The deeds (4) were labeled Exhibit #14. Mr. Gordon indicated that the Public Works Department had been unsuccessful as of August 5, 1977 in acquiring funding for widening and improvement of the roadway. The Examiner indicated that the matter would be researched. Mr. Gordon concluded his testimony by reiterating previous objections relating to donations and mitigation for wildlife habitat and indicated his desire to complete the application review in an expeditious manner. PP-086-77 Page Three E-106-77 The Examiner entered the Preliminary Plat as revised on October 18, 1977 into the record as Exhibit #15. The Examiner asked for further testimony in support of the application. Responding was: Albert Hebrank Gardner Engineers, Inc. Arctic Building Seattle, WA 98104 Mr. Hebrank addressed the recommended revisions to the proposed cul-de-sacs as noted in Exhibit #1. He felt that the Fire Department was concerned only with the paved width of the roadways to allow access for emergency vehicles when the streets were congested with parked cars. Since widening the cul-de-sacs increases the setback requirements and decreases useable area of the lots, Mr. Hebrank proposed that the pavement width be extended to 44 feet but additional widening and improving of the right-of-way to a 60-foot width be accomplished through utilization of a utility easement. He concurred in the recommendation to connect S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street but requested an option to revise the configuration location. He also agreed to provision of 20-foot wide fire lanes at the ends of cul-de-sacs but questioned the need for provision of bicycle and pedestrian lanes to waterways. He expressed his intent to cooperate with the Public Works Department in coordinating conditions and recommendations of the proposal. The Examiner asked for further testimony in support of the application. Responding was: Don Cowles Manager, Industrial Development Division Burlington Northern Lobby 3, Central Building Seattle, WA 98104 Mr. Cowles objected to Item 0.4 of Exhibit #1 which recommends establishing restrictive covenants to encourage control of use of certain exterior building materials. He explained that the proposed industrial development would attract customers owning distribution businesses which would utilize railroad transportation facilities, and which may, for economic reasons, construct buildings with all-metal exteriors. He emphasized that the park will not contain similar businesses as are located in Andover Park in Tukwila, and noted that the area projected for heavy industrial uses had been reduced recently. He indicated that if covenants were required in the final recommendation, a request would be made to allow all-metal exterior buildings in the area west of Longacres Parkway for heavy industrial useage and excluded from the covenants. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was: Leonard Steiner Audubon Society 13239 N.E. 100th Kirkland, WA 98003 Mr. Steiner indicated that he was not opposed to development or progress, but was concerned that consideration be given to conservation of wildlife and nature in large developments, and noted that the site contains habitat for large numbers of water fowl and a small number of birds of prey. He designated on the map, Exhibit #7, the location of the marsh in relationship to the 20-acre wetland site and objected to the construction of' the P-i channel through the marshland area. He recalled that originally the proposed Longacres Parkway would extend northerly beyond the 20-acre site and streets would provide a natural barrier for the marsh. He encouraged revising the plat map to define the 20-acre and the 39-acre optional site as the actual marshland area, and indicated that attempts to provide funding were currently being made, but he encouraged donation of the 39-acre site for wildlife habitat if such attempts were unsuccessful. He also felt that traffic circulation in the area required comprehensive review and favored widening and improvement of S.W. 43rd Street. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding input from the Audubon Society in drafting the Environmental Impact Statement, Mr. Steiner responded that the society had been involved in hearings on the subject for several years. Mr. Smith reported that the location of the marsh is designated in the E.I.S. The Examiner asked for further comments in opposition to the request. There was no response. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for additions, corrections or modifications to Exhibit #1. Mr. Smith referred to the Subdivision Ordinance requirements in responding to comments from the applicant relative to dedication of property in the Springbrook Creek area and the P-1 channel. PP-086-77 Page Four E-106-77 He stated that although he understood the applicant's reservation regarding the dedication of property in the P-1 channel, the Subdivision Ordinance contains authority to impose requirements for such dedications as well as requirements for full-width streets within the plat. He noted that the improved width of cul-de-sacs in a manufacturing park is subject to Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. He felt that in order to alleviate traffic impact in the proposal, coordination between the city and the applicant would be necessary to arrive at a specific design scheme. Regarding the department's recommendation relating to all-metal building exteriors, Mr. Smith reported that the City Council had established a policy for industrial parks to ensure an aesthetic appearance and he stressed that the park is adjacent to suburban residential areas and should contain well-designed and constructed structures. In response to Mr. Steiner's comments, he advised that the city has surpassed other cities in efforts to protect wetland areas and mitigate wildlife habitat and indicated that design alternatives exist on the P-1 channel to ensure compatibility with the existing wetland area. He expressed expectation that the existing dirt road could be eliminated through the wetland area and the position of the marsh area shifted within the 20-acre site to utilize the marshland habitat to its full extent. • In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding replatting the wetland to a configuration denoted on Exhibit #7, Mr. Steiner indicated that it was unlikely that wildlife would relocate to the revised site because of lack of dense vegetation, but felt that replanting and dredging could be accomplished to provide some habitat. He indicated his willingness to work with the Planning Department to obtain funding to conserve the 39-acre site. Mr. Cowles noted that the 20-acre wetland site was not included as part of the plat. He inquired if stipulations in the Manufacturing Park Ordinance prohibited the • construction of all-steel buildings. Mr. Smith indicated that the requirement does not exist in the ordinance. The Examiner referred to Section 4-2303.2.C. of the Mining, Grading and Excavation Ordinance which allows the Examiner the responsibility to approve the use and site plan for the proposal. Mr. Cowles restated Mr. Hebrank's suggestion that utility easements on each side of the cul-de-sacs be utilized for setbacks and landscaping requirements to provide. dual useage of dedicated property. Mr. Gordon also asked for clarification regarding the necessity of a fire lane right-of-way from the cul-de-sacs to Springbrook Creek. Mr. Wooton indicated that he would obtain clarification from the. Fire Chief and report back later in the hearing. Mr. Gordon also objected to right-of-way width requirements recommended in Exhibit #1 as being excessive of recommended requirements of the Public Works Department for S.W. 43rd Street. The Examiner asked a representative of the Public Works Department to respond. Responding was: Paul Lumbert Traffic Engineering Specialist Mr. Lumbert reported that right-of-way requirements noted on Exhibit #14 indicated an adjustment to the right-of-way alignment proposed for the five-lane section of S.W. 43rd Street, and noted that the three-lane alignment is slightly different from the proposed five-lane roadway. Mr. Smith advised that dedication of property would be required to provide adequate area for a 90-foot right-of-way and technicalities of the proposal would be coordinated by the Planning and Public Works Departments. In response to Mr. 1 Steiner's comments, Mr. Gordon reported that the Glacier Park fill permit required that . filling not occur west of Lind Avenue and north of the site and noted that the route for the P-1 channel is designated by the King County Division of Hydraulics and allows no control to the applicant. The meeting was recessed at 11:55 a.m. and was reconvened at 1:30 p.m. The Examiner . asked Mr. Wooton, Fire Department, to respond to previous inquiries relating to provision of access to the proposed cul-de-sacs from Springbrook Creek. Mr. Wooton clarified that although the department was not concerned with provision of a minimum 20-foot wide fire lane right-of-way at the ends of all cul-de-sacs as stated in Item 14.D. of Exhibit #1, peripheral access as noted in Item 14.C. was still recommended. Mr. Hebrank advised • that peripheral access for emergency vehicles was included in the fire code and established at the time of construction and not included in the plat proposal. Mr. Hebrank responded to comments made by Mr. Smith in his presentation regarding alignment of Lind Avenue at S.W. 43rd Street and the P.I.E. truck access at S. 43rd Street in Kent. He reported that although alignment did not occur in the original submittal, the situation had been corrected in Exhibit, #7, and alignment now occurs because of a curve on Lind Avenue north of S.W. 41st Street. In response to Mr. Steiner's comments he clarified that :the 39-acre site had been offered to the City of ' ' Renton for a two-year optional purchase period soon to expire in February, 1978, and that it had been included in the preliminary plat design for review. 'He indicated that the plat be approved including the 39-acre parcel until such time as the city makes a decision on purchase. Mr. Gordon concurred with Mr. Hebrank's comments regarding • inclusion of the site in the preliminary plat until such time as the city reaches a • decision on extension of the option. He also emphasized that the plat should be • PP-086-77 Page Five E-106-77 • reviewed as an industrial park and not a residential plat. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding phasing, Mr. Gordon indicated that development of the plat would proceed in two phases, although certain flexibility was requested in establishing the phasing. Regarding the Examiner's question relating to dedication of property along Springbrook Creek, Mr. Gordon indicated willingness to reserve the property but not dedicate it to the city. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding consideration of connecting Lind Avenue to'S.W. 43rd Street, S.W. 42nd Street to S.W. 41st Street, S.W. 39th to S.W. 38th Street, and S.W. 31st Street to S.W. 30th Street, Mr. Hebrank advised that because of creation of hazardous intersections, division of lots, and creating additional crossings on Springbrook Creek such connections were undesirable. The Examiner asked if it would be possible or desirable to extend S.W. 29th to avoid access to the East Valley Road. Mr. Cowles responded that in the Six-Year Street Program the East Valley Road is scheduled to be widened from S.W. 16th Street to off-ramp of SR-167 and additional right-of-way would be required for the widening project in 1979 to provide an adequate access for those lots along the East Valley Road. Referring to previous inquiries by the Examiner regarding connections of cul-de-sacs and crossings of Springbrook Creek, Mr. Cowles advised that because of proposed east-west crossings of Strander Boulevard, S.W. . 43rd Street, and S.W. 34th Street; and north-south' crossings on Longacres Parkway, Lind Avenue S.W. and the East Valley Road reasonable circulation is provided for major access. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding a 35,000 square foot triangular piece of property located at the S.W. corner abutting Longacres Parkway, block 9 adjacent to lot 3, Mr. Cowles indicated that it was not a desirable parcel of property but was necessary to provide track to serve the properties on the other side and would be dedicated and utilized for installation of lead track. The Examiner noted that on the aerial photo, Exhibit #11, Springbrook Creek may require a large bridge. Mr. Cowles indicated that the photo was out of date and that a culvert facility has been installed at that location. The Examiner asked Mr. Lumbert to comment regarding previous discussion on the possibility of connecting cul-de-sacs shown on the plat, map. Mr. Lumbert reported that a connection of, S.W. 42nd Street to. Lind Avenue should only be considered if S.W. 41st Street and S.W. 42nd Street were aligned, and commented that the proposed access grid as established was satisfactory and acceptable. The Examiner asked Mr. Lumbert if requirements for an exception from the Subdivision Ordinance for cul-de-sac length were met by the request. Mr. Lumbert responded that although the majority of cul-de-sacs could be defined as minor terminal streets according to ordinance requirements, the final development and traffic generation would determine the useage of the access streets. He felt that a connection between S.W. 39th and S.W. 42nd Streets would alleviate congestion and expedite traffic through the site. Regarding the minimum 80-foot right-of-way requested for the East Valley Road, the Examiner asked Mr. Lumbert to explain the proposal. Mr. Lumbert indicated that the roadway was proposed to be widened per the Six-Year Street Program which would facilitate better access for the existing 60-foot street and would require dedication of an additional 10 feet on the applicant's site. The Examiner asked if the revision noted in red on Exhibit #7 for a proposed connection between S.W. 38th Street and S.W. 33rd Street was acceptable to the Traffic Engineering Division. Mr. Lumbert felt that although conformance to the configuration shown may not be necessary, a connection was desirable. The Examiner asked for a recommendation on the proposed railroad. crossings. Mr. Lumbert indicated that permanent crossings would be required on the major arterials which may be signalized depending upon traffic volume. He advised that the location of crossings on Lind Avenue were acceptable; however, two crossings on Longacres Parkway were in close proximity to one another and it would be preferable if they were combined into one crossing to expedite traffic. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding dedication for roadway access, Mr. .Smith indicated that the Public Works Department and the applicant had agreed that no more than 45 feet or half of the roadway would be contained in the wetland area. The Examiner noted that the applicant had indicated certain reservations about dedication of land along Springbrook, Creek as well as along the P-1 channel and asked Mr. Smith • to respond to these concerns. Mr. .Smith reported that the land designated for the P-1 channel was not intended to be dedicated and because..Strander Boulevard crosses a section of the wetland area, the recommendation was based upon requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and conformance to the Comprehensive Plan. The Examiner asked if the procedure for reserving separate tracts for landscape or drainage open space for use at a later date had been acceptable in the past. Mr. Smith advised that because the application set a precedent in this regard, certain review of the reserve designations should be made but the city would require specific requirements prior to development. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding satisfaction of Mr. Steiner's concerns for wildlife habitat at the time of donation of the 20-acre site, Mr. Smith reviewed past history of preservation of wetland areas, and indicated that although additional wetland was desired, conservationists had appreciated all donations to date. He reported PP-086-77 Page Six E-106-77 that the city was attempting to mitigate the habitat by reorienting and redesigning the storm drainage system to flow into the wetland area and the P-1 channel. He noted that other alternatives included dedication of wetland along Springbrook Creek and opening the east side of the wetland area. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for further comments. Mr. Smith deferred the matter of the 20-foot fire access to the Fire Department for final review, but recommended the 20-foot • pedestrian walkway remain in the requirements for the plat. He also noted that the plat plan should designate a proposed width of S.W. 43rd Street of 90 feet per approval of the Public Works Department. Mr. Smith indicated that the Planning Department would coordinate final design of connective roadways with the applicant. The Examiner reported that the hearing would be closed with an option to reopen it at a later date if clarification of a specific matter was required. He indicated that if the hearing was not reopened, the Examiner's Report and Recommendation would be published within 21 days of the date of the hearing. Mr. Gordon indicated his concurrence in the Examiner's requests but expressed a concern for expeditious review. The Examiner asked for further comments. ,Since_ there were none, the hearing on Item #PP-086-77 and E-106-77 was closed by the Examiner at 2:30 p.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS:•..Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and-enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for approval of a preliminary plat of an approximately 464 acre industrial park and approval of Exceptions from the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental ' Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C. , an environmental impact statement was issued on October 22, 1975 for the subject proposal by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official. 4. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. • 6. The proposal is compatible with the applicable requirements of Sections 4-713 (H-1) • and 4-730 (M-P) of Title IV, Code of General Ordinances. 7. Special permits for filling the site were approved on November 19, 1975 and October 13, 1976. Surface water drainage and erosion control measures remain to ' be completed in the landfill operation. 8. A Special Permit is required per Section 4-2303.2 for the site plan and uses to be located on the site. 9. An L.I.D. for construction of Lind Avenue S.W. is scheduled for implementation the • • / first part of 1978. Other streets within the plat will be constructed by the applicant. Pedestrian and bicycle access has been included in the design of Lind Avenue S.W. and Longacres Parkway. A recommendation was not made for these facilities in other streets in the plat, S.W. 43rd Street or the East Valley Road. However, within the plat these facilities have been provided at the end of S.W. 30th Street, S.W. 31st Street, and S.W. 39th Streetto connect to Springbrook Creek, and objection was not expressed to their provision at S.W. 33rd Street and S.W. 38th Street to connect to the P-1 drainage channel. (See Exhibit #7, a reduced copy of which is attached.) 10. A 120-foot area for Springbrook Creek was set aside in the plat for surface water drainage and wildlife habitat mitigation. Staff favored dedication of the land to the public, but the applicant favored retention of the land while reserving it for public use in perpeetuity. 11. Plans for utilities have been submitted and reviewed by appropriate departments which continue to coordinate city requirements with the applicant. 12. Sufficient area has been dedicated to the public in the 20-acre wetland to: satisfy PP-086-77 Page Seven E-106-77 the 2% wildlife habitat mitigation of Resolution No. 1923. An additional 39 acres is the subject of an option of the city for purchase by February, 1978. Contingent upon purchase by the city, the 39 acres was included in the plat. 13. The Fire Department does not require fire access to Springbrook Creek or the P-1 drainage channel as recommended in the staff report, Exhibit #1. 14. A marsh containing birds is located at the southwest area of the city's 20-acre wetland and the plat. Salvation of these birds requires sensitive treatment and appropriate landscaping of the 20-acre wetland and the Springbrook Creek area. The Seattle Audubon Society is able to assist in this preservation endeavor. 15. The applicant agreed with the staff recommendation to connect S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street and to connect S.W. 33rd Street and S.W. 38th Street. Some doubt existed in the opinion of staff as to whether S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street qualified as a "minor terminal street. . ." (cul-de-sac) of Section 9-1108.24.A. (6) . 16. The plat will be developed in two phases. In the first phase is the area east of Lind Avenue S.W. and the area south of what would be S.W. 40th Street. 17. Streets have been located to interface with the cities of Kent and Tukwila street systems. Responses to the proposal were received from these jurisdictions (Exhibits #10 and #13) . 18. An alternative to the staff recommendation of wider cul-de-sac streets (page 6, item 14. A and B) was suggested by the applicant. It was proposed that the pavement be widened to 44 feet as recommended, but that the total right-of-way remain unchanged. Easements would be created outside the right-of-way for utilities with landscaping. 19. Railway access for all but two lots is proposed in the plat. 20. Strander Boulevard at the northern property line will take slightly more than 2 acres of the city's 20-acre wetland area if the proposed alignment is continued westward from this plat. The wildlife habitat remaining in the plat, however, will remain over the 2% minimum of Resolution No. 1923. 21. S.W. 43rd Street has been designated as an Industrial Arterial and the East Valley Road as an Industrial Collector. Per Section 9-1108.7, the arterial requires a 90-foot right-of-way and the collector an 80-foot right-of-way. Accordingly, ten feet of property is required along the East Valley Road. Sufficient right-of-way exists in S.W. 43rd Street. 22.. Opposition was not expressed to providing peripheral landscaping and entrance landscaping per the staff recommendation. 23. Corner lots are to be platted wider than interior lots per Section 9-1108.24.E. (d) . Some corner lots apprently do not meet this requirement. An Exception was not requested. 24. The Examiner must approve the location and routes of the railroad tracks per Section 9-1108.24.F. 25. All of the proposed cul-de-sacs are greater than 500 feet (Section 9-1108.24.A. (b) ; therefore, an Exception was required per Section 9-1109. 26. Blocks No. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 do not meet the block length and/or width requirements of Section 9-1108.24.D, thereby requiring the requested Exception per Section 9-1109. 27. No opposition was expressed to the staff recommendation that Longacres Parkway be constructed of a 90-foot right-of-way with landscaped median and edges per the Parkway cross section of the Arterial and Streets Plan. A meandering bicycle path and pedestrian path are included along either side of the Parkway. 28. The preliminary plat requirements of Section 9-1106.2.I. have been submitted. 29. Restrictive covenants were not submitted. PP-0 77 Page Eight E-106-77 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal generally conforms to the goals and objectives of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan, except as noted herein. 2. The 20-acre wetland dedicated to the city is part of the wildlife habitat mitigation per Resolution No. 1923 and the Green River Comprehensive Plan required for the subject property and the Green River Valley. Wildlife that exists at the northwest corner of the site, adjacent to and together with the westerly portion of the 20-acre wetland, will require the wetland for survival. However, appropriate additional plant material will be required. Additional habitat area will be set aside in the Springbrook Creek area, which can also be supplemented with appropriate plant material. Therefore, it appears that the proposal, through incorporation of this plant material, very satisfactorily conforms to Resolution No. 1923. 3. The reduction of the 20 acre wetland area by the alignment of Strander Boulevard is a problem for resolution by the city since the wetland is owned by the city. , Assistance is provided in the proposal by 1) sufficient right-of-way provided in , the south half of Strander Boulevard to shift the road northward, and 2) the expressed willingness by the applicant to cooperate with the city in the realignment. Directly impacted by the alignment will be the northerly properties, not necessarily the applicant. 4. Preservation of the Springbrook Creek area should be accomplished by retention in private ownership (and maintenance) and reservation as open space for use by the public. This conforms to the policy of the City Council, e.g. Tiffany Park Division No. 3. The applicant and Planning Department staff should create the appropriate implementing restrictive covenant. 5. The P-1 drainage channel should be reserved for the public since this channel will serve many properties in the Green River Valley for the purpose of public health, safety and welfare. Public access for pedestrian and bicycle use should be provided to the channel. 6. The railroad network on the site will be extensive but has caused only one potential problem in crossing one of the proposed streets. In the southwest portion of the site the railroad crosses Longacres Parkway at two points within approximately 265 feet. Concern by the Traffic Engineering Division of the Public Works Department is appropriate. This problem should be resolved prior to the final plat (Section 9-1108.24.E and Green River Comprehensive Plan, page 6).. 7. In accordance with the revisions indicated on Exhibit #7, attached, the vehicular circulation is satisfactory. Additional study of the revisions is necessary by the applicant and city staff, however, sufficient direction exists to prepare the final plat. However, additional consideration should be given to: a. Connecting S.W. 33rd Street, S.W. 31st Street and S.W. 30th Street to form a minor east-west through access road. b. Connecting S.W. 42nd Street and S.W. 41st Street. c. Extending S.W. 29th Street one more lot to the east. d. Restricting any direct access along the East Valley Road and S.W. 43rd Street. 8. A perimeter landscaping buffer would conform to the objectives of page 6, Green River Comprehensive Plan. The staff recommendation of a 15-foot buffer appears reasonable. Within the landscape scheme for the buffer should be integrated the landscaping to define and emphasize ingress and egress points to the site (page 6, Green River Comprehensive Plan) . All entrances to the site along S.W. 43rd Street and the East Valley Road should be so defined and emphasized. To a lesser extent the entrance from Strander Boulevard should be treated in this manner. 9. Page 8, Green River Comprehensive Plan recommends that future phases of development be rehabilitiated for wildlife preservation purposes until the land is actually developed. If the record phase of the proposal is beyond the near future, hydroseeding and/or landscaping should be implemented as appropriate during the first phase of the project. PP-0t o-77 Page Nine E-106-77 10. Although apparently all of the corner lots do not conform to Section 9-1108.24.E. (d) , this requirement is specified for approval of the Planning Department. Therefore, the conformance with the requirement should be reviewed again, and any changes, if any, made to the plat map. 11. Since 'the East Valley Road is designated as an Industrial Collector, the necessary ten feet of land for the required public right-of-way should be dedicated to the public. 12. Conformance with the design considerations of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan can be most appropriately reviewed during the special permit process required for any development of the site. It should be clear that the design objectives of the Green River Valley require structures of appropriate design. Each special permit will be reviewed accordingly. • 13. Regarding the requested Exceptions, the Springbrook Creek- creates ". . .special physical circumstances. . ." (Section 9-1109.1.A) that cause difficulty in designing the plat. These circumstances do not deprive the applicant of the ". . .reasonable use or development. . ." of the land but somewhat increase the difficulty of design and development. In order to achieve the number of lots that are proposed, the Exceptions are necessary. Otherwise, larger and fewer lots would result. \The same rights and privileges are enjoyed by the applicant and surrounding property owners. Any hardship created by the physical limitations of the site do not apply to these rights and.privileges (Section' 9-1109.1.B) . Granting the Exceptions will not be ". . .detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity." (Section 9-1109,1.C) It is doubtful that ,a difference could be discerned at the site between development with and without the Exceptions. The Exceptions requested from Sections 9-1108.24.A(6) and 9-1108.24.D should be granted. RECOMMENDATION AND DECISION: Based upon the record, testimony, findings and conclusions the Examiner recommends that the City Council approve the preliminary plat of Orillia Industrial Park subject to the following conditions: 1. Springbrook, Creek and P-1 drainage channel be reserved for drainage, wildlife habitat and public access in perpetuity. Pedestrian and bicycle easements of 20 feet are to connect the cul-de-sacs shown on Exhibit #7 and S.W. 38th Street with the creek and channel. 2. Springbrook Creek and P-1 drainage channel are to be improved for wildlife habitat per Resolution NO. 1923 and in of recommendations, by the Seattle Audubon Society. , The .Planning Department shall review and approve the plant materials and landscaping for these areas. 3. Public Works •and Planning Department resolution relative to the subject site of the alignment of Strander Boulevard to minimize impacts upon the city°s 20-acre wetland. 4. Public Works Department review of the closely spaced railroad crossings at the southwest portion of the site. If found necessary, appropriate revisions to their location should'be made. 5. Public Works and Planning Department review of: a. Connecting S.W. 33rd Street, S.W. 31st Street and S.W. 30th Street. b. Connecting S.W. 42nd Street and S.W. 41st Street. c. Extending S.W. 29th Street one more lot to the east. • d. Restricting any direct access to the East Valley Road and S.W. 43rd Street. e. Design of the cul-de-sacs per the applicant's suggestion Of increased paving. This review is to be made with the applicant to determine if the above can be implemented. Any necessary revisions should be made per the approval of these departments. PP-Obi- 17 Page Ten E-106-77 6. Corrections made to the plat map (Exhibit #15) per the plat map (Exhibit #7) as approved by the Planning Department. - 7. Fifteen-foot perimeter landscape buffer and landscaping of ingress and egress points per approval of the Planning Department. The landscape buffer should include material for wildlife habitat but be of predominantly screening material. Access points should be defined and emphasized, particularly along S.W. 43rd Street and the East Valley Road. All landscaping is to be of a continuous plan. 8. Any portion of the site which will not be developed in the near future is to be hydroseeded and/or landscaped per review and approval of the Planning Department. 9. Review by the Planning Department of conformance of corner lots with Section 9-1108.24.E. (d) . Any appropriate changes should be made to the plat map. 10. Dedication of ten (10) feet for public right-of-way along the East Valley Road. 11. Incorporation of the above in restrictive covenants where appropriate, per the Planning Department for submittal with the final plat. It is the decision of the Examiner to approve Exceptions from Sections 9-1108.24.A. '(6) and 9-1108.24.D based upon the criteria of Section 9-1109.1.A and C. A copy of the plat map, revised per the above, is to be sent to the Seattle Audubon Society via Mr. Leonard Steiner. ORDERED THIS 16th day of December, 1977. L. Ri k Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of December, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: • Ed Wooton J. J. Gordon, Burlington Northern, Lobby 2, Central Bldg. Seattle, WA 98104 Albert Hebrank, •Arctic Building, Seattle, WA 98104 Dori Cowles, Burlington Northern, Lobby 3, Central' Bldg. Seattle, WA 98104 Leonard Steiner, 13239 N.E. 100th, Kirkland, WA 98003 Paul Lumbert Mort Thomas, Arctic Building, Seattle, WA 98104 Carl C. Sternoff, 225-140 N.E. , Bellevue, WA 98005 TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of December, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Larry Warren, City Attorney • Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request far reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before December 30, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied Upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. • An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and Meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk'e office, first floor of City Hall, or. same may be purchased at cost in said office. i. • • .11Cfit • .n ia_i • i 1 1 I I I 1Am. .1%K. O j e .:� •^ ,, ' p/�', < I I I I I : i I I I I •.m<.. • ' I Go.' I '• r .7�-�,i..-���1 �II (pl a 4i _. .__.',_ I i r • I I i i 1 M2 D. i 1, 1 I ! ! I I 1 I I i 1 ``' _ �, ,`1 ve. ■� 1. , - f1 i i B .I n bw _ ]�1e�'-:„ ' ' o I x.` - ,'<r 1-.. t11 ♦ ! .lid ...1,• I e --"® _ I • ' �•1 1 • O;, �- ° I..• y ., ea ‘% ; 6) : - r-r \ . ' - /11,1 ,r . (... • he- • q; s.. J. -. 1114 - . -- —.ws..w..... •: :. - .. 1 .. .910 i § t' i NSW& •El „. ..'5).'' • . S I Siw ' a . 4 1 • • PRELIMINARY PLAT • ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF Rinn-ON F v H IBIT NO. t1_Asis__ t.czcut v . 41:44. RA;kuaoAlo © swat. 1- NO. PP 08G- . 7 Toro6RANA4 ..6........ Lar Uuvc . • . • 0 %� NCI : . . _ or-7.--. _ .1. -----G _ _ __ SIV.A4IDElt IIIN P - 3 G r _ — — es —-- —-- _ __ .1.__ r r I r-- I il 1' ReNtw4 .S ." •S N _f U . .0 f3 ••060 iii 1 ' He-DI . , • . p . . , -I • Iu ,-1 H-i • 1I 1 1I G ' . • .1..,.....--BI :._....,�. _. _._. _ _.J i , M-P PF 5w 43 Ro ST: T PRELIMINARY PLAT_ - EXCEPTION : GLACIER PARK CO. ; . Appl . No . PP-086-77 and Appl . No . ,E- 106-7.7 ; Preliminary Plat for Orillia Industrial District and Exception from Subdivision Ordi- nance ; property located south of existing Mobil and Olympic Petroleum Distribution facility north of S . W. 43rd and westerly of East Valley 1 Road. APPLICANT GLACIER PARK COMPANY TOTAL AREA ±594 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS E . Valley Road and S . W . 43rd Street I EX ! SiINu ZONING M-P and H- 1 EXISTING USE Vacant PROPOSED USE Manufacturing Park COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park COMMENTS 41 0 THE CITY OF RENTON `� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o35 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 43- p �� L. RICK BEELER , 235-2593 �aTfO SEPW' January 3, 1978 Mr. J. J. Gordon RE: File No. PP-086-77 & Manager, Property Management Division E-106-77, Glacier Park Co. Burlington Northern 437 Central Building, Lobby 2 810 3rd Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Dear Mr. Gordon: This is to notify you that the above referenced requests, which were approved subject to conditions as noted on the Examiner's report of December 16, 1977, have not been appealed within the time period set by ordinance, and therefore, this application is being submitted to the City Clerk for transmittal to the City Council for final approval. You will receive notification of final approval upon adoption of an ordinance by the City Council. Si � • L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner cc:✓Del Mead, City Clerk Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Off'4 0 THE CITY OF RENTON ZMUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 0 . L CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER co- 'O Q- L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 0 'P44'O SEP-0 December 22, 1977 Members, Renton City Council RE: File No. PP-086-77 & Renton, Washington E-106-77, Glacier Park Co. Dear Members of Council: Attached is the Examiner's Report and Recommendation on the referenced preliminary plat request, dated December 16, 1977. The appeal period for the application expires on December 30, 1977, and the report is being forwarded to you for review by the Planning and Development Committee following the seven-day period stipulated in the recently revised ordinance and resolution on Hearing Examiner procedures. The complete file will be transmitted to the City Clerk on January 3, 1978, and will be placed on the Council agenda on January 9, 1978. If you require additional information or assistance in this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sincere , L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner Attachment OF RSA „ ; ® THE CITY OF RENTON V �� Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 wow o� Mom411 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI • MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 'O q- L. RICK BEELER . 235-2593 o+''tO SEP'�*-10� December 22, 1977 Members, Renton City Council RE: File No. PP-086-77 & Renton, Washington E-106-77, Glacier Park Co. Dear Members of Council: Attached is the Examiner's Report and Recommendation on the referenced preliminary plat request, dated December 16, 1977. The appeal period for the application expires on December 30, 1977, and the report is being forwarded to you for review by the Planning and Development Committee following the seven-day period stipulated in the recently revised ordinance and resolution on Hearing Examiner procedures. The complete file will be transmitted to the City Clerk on ,January 3, 1978, and will be placed on the Council agenda on January 9, 1978. If you require additional information or assistance in this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sinc rely 2 t--- L. Rick Beeler Hearing Examiner Attachment AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING State of Washington) County of King Marilyn J. Petersen , being first duly sworn, upon oath disposes and states : That on the 16thday of December , 19 77 , affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below-entitled application or petition. 41 Subscribed and sworn this /iday of Se 1977 . Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton Application, Petition or Case: Glacier Park Co. , PP-086-77, E-092-77 (The mi,nute,6 contain a £Lst o the panties o6 necond) December 16, 1977 • OFFICE OF THE LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO.\THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL. APPLICANT: Glacier Park Company FILE NO. PP-086-77 E-106-77 LOCATION: Property located south of the existing Mobil Oil and Olympic Pipeline Oil Products distribution facility, north of S.W. 43rd Street, west of East Valley Road and east of the existing main north/south railroad track lines. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Applicant requests preliminary plat approval for a proposed industrial park plat to allow construction of streets and utilities for future commercial and industrial development. The applicant also-requests exception to the Subdivision Ordinance regarding the maximum 500 foot length requirement for cul-de-sacs and the maximum/minimum lengths and widths requirements for blocks within Section 9-1108.24 of the Subdivision Ordinance. SUMMARY OF Planning Department: Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Hearing Examiner: Approval with conditions. PLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department staff report was received by the REPORT: Examiner on December 1, 1977. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Planning Department report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing was opened on December 6, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were sworn. It was reported that the Hearing Examiner and the applicant had received and reviewed the Planning Department report, and the report was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. Michael Smith, Planning Department, reviewed Exhibit #1, and entered the following additional exhibits into the record: Exhibit #2: Glacier Park Fill Permits, dated November 19, 1975 and October 13, 1976 (by reference) . Exhibit #3: Vicinity Map Exhibit #4: Storm Drainage Plan Exhibit #5: Sewer Plan Exhibit #6: Water Plan Exhibit #7: Plat Map with staff notes included Exhibit #8: Street Cross-Section Exhibit #9: Environmental Impact Statement, dated October 22, 1975 (by reference) . Exhibit #10: Letter from Gary Crutchfield, Assistant planner, City of Tukwila, dated December 1, 1977. Exhibit #11: Aerial Photo of Site Exhibit #12: Optional 39-acre Wetland Agreement with City of Renton (conditions of fill permit, by reference) . . , • i PP-086-77 Page Two E-106-77 Mr. Smith advised that the Utilities Division had added notations on Exhibit #6 revising pipe sizes on Lind Avenue S.W. from 12 inches to 16 inches and requiring a 20-foot easement at all property lines at back of lots. Revisions had also been made on Exhibit #8 desig nating Longacres Parkway a minimum 90-foot roadway. Mr. Smith noted that the definition of block lengths and widths should be clarified in order to review the request for exception from the Subdivision Ordinance for length of cul-de-sacs. He submitted the following additional exhibit into the record: Exhibit #13: Letter from Jim Harris, Planning Director, City of Kent, dated November 29, 1977. The Examiner asked a representative of the Fire Department to testify. Responding was: Ed Wooton Fire Department Mr. Wooton emphasized that comments referenced in Item 0.14.C. of Exhibit #1 recommending a proposed connection between S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street to provide additional east-west access for emergency vehicles should be revised to propose that the connection be mandatory. The Examiner called for a recess at 10:05 a.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:20 a.m. The Examiner asked the applicant if he concurred in Exhibit #1. Responding was: J. J. Gordon Manager, Property Management Division Burlington Northern Company Lobby 2, Central Building Seattle, WA 98104 Mr.. Gordon indicated basic agreement with the report but wished to clarify certain points and offer alternative solutions to the recommendation. The Examiner asked Mr. Gordon if he had received advance copies of Exhibit #10, letter from City of. Tukwila. The applicant indicated that a copy received prior to the hearing from Mr. Smith contained revisions that had not previously been reviewed by the applicant. He also congratulated Mr. Smith on his thorough presentation of a complicated application, but expressed concern with stipulations contained in the report for donations, contributions and mitigation for wildlife habitat. He noted that although the report estimated that a total of 4% of property had been donated, the actual figure exceeded 30% including a 20-acre wetland donation, an additional optional 39-acre site, and all public rights-of-way. He explained that as a requirement of a prior fill permit, the city had required 39 acres to be set aside for an optional acquisition by the city for wetland area and noted that the two- year option period will expire in February, 1978. Mr. Gordon indicated that the option remained open to the city but objected to dedication of the subject 39 acres as recommended in the Planning Department staff report. He also objected to donation of 40 feet on each side of Springbrook Creek because of the uncertainty of extension of Strander Boulevard adjacent to the 20-acre wetland site and the possibility of creation of an LID which would constitute double payment to the city for property already donated by the applicant. Further objections included a recommendation in Item 0.8 for provision of bicycle and pedestrian paths connecting to the P-1 Channel from S.W. 33rd Street and S.W. 38th Street because such installation caused division of the site and the applicant expressed a preference for provision of pathways in alternate locations. He indicated cooperation with King County and the Corp of Engineers to develop the channel and the desire to reserve the 'property in lieu of a donation. He questioned Item 0.14.D. regarding provision of a minimum 20-foot wide fire lane at the ends of all cul-de-sacs to the nearest drainage channel; and Item 0.15 which recommended that Phase I be limited to the area between the East Valley Road and Lind Avenue S.W. He preferred inclusion of property to S.W. 43rd Street and Longacres Parkway in Phase I so that the parcel remained in an L-shaped single configuration. He objected to being penalized for drainage problem that had been created by design and development by the city and other facilities in the surrounding area. Other objections included recommendations in Item P.9. for provision of an 80-foot right-of-way along the East Valley Road and additional right-of-way along S.W. 43rd Street until such time as federal funding is acquired to proceed with the project. He submitted quit claim deeds provided him by the city granting property along. S.W. 43rd Street to the City of Renton subsequent to acquisition of federal funding of the project. The deeds (4) were labeled Exhibit #14. Mr. Gordon indicated that the Public Works Department had been unsuccessful as of August 5, 1977 in acquiring funding for widening and improvement of the roadway. The Examiner indicated; that the matter would be researched. Mr. Gordon concluded his testimony by reiterating previous objections relating to donations and mitigation for wildlife habitat and indicated his desire to complete the application review in an expeditious manner. PP-086-77 Page Three E-106-77 The Examiner entered the Preliminary Plat as revised on October 18, 1977 into the record as Exhibit #15. The Examiner asked for further testimony in support of the application. Responding was: Albert Hebrank Gardner Engineers, Inc. Arctic Building Seattle, WA 98104 Mr. Hebrank addressed the recommended revisions to the proposed cul-de-sacs as noted in Exhibit #1. He felt that the Fire Department was concerned only with the paved width of the roadways to allow access for emergency vehicles when the streets were congested with parked cars. Since widening the cul-de-sacs increases the setback requirements and decreases useable area of the lots, Mr. Hebrank proposed that the pavement width be extended to 44 feet but additional widening and improving of the right-of-way to a 60-foot width be accomplished through utilization of a utility easement. He concurred in the recommendation to connect S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street but requested an option to revise the configuration location. He also agreed to provision of 20-foot wide fire lanes at the ends of cul-de-sacs but questioned the need for provision of bicycle and pedestrian lanes to waterways. He expressed his intent to cooperate with the Public Works Department in coordinating conditions and recommendations of the proposal. The Examiner asked for further testimony in support of the application. Responding was: Don Cowles Manager, Industrial Development Division Burlington Northern Lobby 3, Central Building Seattle, WA 98104 Mr. Cowles objected to Item 0.4 of Exhibit #1 which recommends establishing restrictive covenants to encourage control of use of certain exterior building materials. He explained that the proposed industrial development would attract customers owning distribution businesses which would utilize railroad transportation facilities, and which may, for economic reasons, construct buildings with all-metal exteriors. He emphasized that the park will not contain similar businesses as are located in Andover Park in Tukwila, and noted that the area projected for heavy industrial uses had been reduced recently. He indicated that if covenants were required in the final recommendation, a request would be made to allow all-metal exterior buildings in the area west of Longacres Parkway for heavy industrial useage and excluded from the covenants. The Examiner asked for testimony in opposition to the application. Responding was: Leonard Steiner Audubon Society 13239 N.E. 100th Kirkland, WA 98003 Mr. Steiner indicated that he was not opposed to development or progress, but was concerned that consideration be given to conservation of wildlife and nature in large developments, and noted that the site contains habitat for large numbers of water fowl and a small number of birds of prey. He designated on the map, Exhibit #7, the location of the marsh in relationship to the 20-acre wetland site and objected to the construction of the P-1 channel through the marshland area. He recalled that originally the proposed Longacres Parkway would extend, northerly beyond the 20-acre site and streets would provide a natural barrier for the marsh. He encouraged revising the plat map to define the 20-acre and the 39-acre optional site as the actual marshland area, and indicated that attempts to provide funding were currently being made, but he encouraged donation of. the 39-acre site for wildlife habitat if such attempts were unsuccessful. He also felt that traffic circulation in the area required comprehensive review and favored widening and improvement of S.W. 43rd Street. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding input from the Audubon Society in drafting the Environmental Impact Statement, Mr. Steiner responded that the society had been involved in hearings on the subject for several years. Mr. Smith reported that the location of the marsh is designated in the E.I.S. The Examiner asked for further comments in opposition to the request. There was no response. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for additions, corrections or modifications to Exhibit #1. Mr. Smith referred to the Subdivision Ordinance requirements in responding to comments from the applicant relative to dedication of property in the Springbrook Creek area and the P-1 channel. PP-086-77 Page Four E-106-77 He stated that although he understood the applicant's reservation regarding the dedication of property in the P-1 channel, the Subdivision Ordinance contains authority to impose requirements for such dedications as well as requirements for full-width streets within the plat. He noted that the improved width of cul-de-sacs in a manufacturing park is subject to Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. He felt that in order to alleviate traffic impact in the proposal, coordination between the city and the applicant would be necessary to arrive at a specific design scheme. Regarding the department's recommendation relating to all-metal building exteriors, Mr. Smith reported that the City Council had established a policy for industrial parks to ensure an aesthetic appearance and he stressed that the park is adjacent to suburban residential areas and should contain well-designed and constructed structures. In response to Mr. Steiner's comments, he advised that the city has surpassed other cities in efforts to protect wetland areas and mitigate wildlife habitat and indicated that design alternatives exist on the P-1 channel to ensure compatibility with the existing wetland area. He expressed expectation that the existing dirt road could be eliminated through the wetland area and the position of the marsh area shifted within the 20-acre site to utilize the marshland habitat to its full extent. 1 In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding replatting the wetland to a configuration denoted on Exhibit #7, Mr. Steiner indicated that it was unlikely that wildlife would relocate to the revised site because of lack of dense vegetation, but felt that replanting and dredging could be accomplished to provide some habitat. He indicated his willingness to work with the Planning Department to obtain funding to conserve the 39-acre site. Mr. Cowles noted that the 20-acre. wetland site was not included as part of the plat. He inquired if sti ulations in the ManufacturingPark Ordinance q p prohibited the construction of all-steel buildings. Mr. Smith indicated that the requirement does not exist in the ordinance. The Examiner referred to Section 4-2303.2.C. of the Mining, Grading and Excavation Ordinance which allows the Examiner the responsibility to approve the use and site plan for the proposal. Mr. Cowles restated Mr. Hebrank's suggestion that utility easements on each side of the cul-de-sacs be utilized for setbacks and i landscaping requirements to provide dual useage of dedicated property. Mr. Gordon also' asked for clarification regarding the necessity of a fire lane right-of-way from the cul-de-sacs to Springbrook Creek. Mr. Wooton indicated that he would obtain clarification from the Fire Chief and report back later in the hearing. Mr. Gordon also objected to right-of-way width requirements recommended in Exhibit #1 as being excessive of recommended requirements of the Public Works Department for S.W. 43rd Street. The Examiner asked a representative of the Public Works Department to respond. Responding was: i Paul Lumbert • Traffic Engineering Specialist Mr. Lumbert reported that right-of-way requirements noted on Exhibit #14 indicated an I, adjustment ,to the right-of-way alignment proposed for the five-lane section of S.W. 43rd Street, and noted that the three-lane alignment is slightly different from the proposed five-lane roadway. Mr. Smith advised that dedication of property would be required to provide adequate area for a 90-foot right-of-way and technicalities of the proposal Would be coordinated by the Planning and Public Works Departments. In response to' Mr. I Steiner's comments, Mr. Gordon reported that the Glacier Park fill permit required that filling not occur west of Lind Avenue and north of the site and noted that the route for the P-1 channel is designated by the King County Division of Hydraulics and allows no control to the applicant. The meeting was recessed at 11:55 a.m. and was reconvened at 1:30 p.m. The Examiner I asked Mr. Wooton, Fire Department, to respond to previous inquiries relating to provision of access to the proposed cul-de-sacs from Springbrook Creek. Mr. Wooton clarified that although the department was not concerned .with provision of a minimum 20-foot wide fire lane right-of-way at the ends of all cul-de-sacs as stated in Item 14.D. of Exhibit #1; peripheral access as noted in Item 14.C. was still recommended. Mr. Hebrank advised that. peripheral access for emergency vehicles was included in .the fire code and established at the time of construction and not included in the plat proposal. Mr. Hebrank responded to comments made by Mr. Smith in his presentation regarding alignment of Lind Avenue at S.W. 43rd Street and the P.I.E. truck access at S. 43rd . Street in Kent. He reported that although alignment did not occur in the original submittal, the situation had been corrected in Exhibit #7, and alignment now occurs because of a curve on Lind Avenue north of S.W. 41st Street. In response to Mr. Steiner's comments he clarified that the 39-acre site had been offered to the City of Renton for a two-year optional purchase. period soon to expire in February, 1978, and that it had been included in the preliminary plat design for-review. He. indicated that the plat be approved including the ,39-acre parcel until such time as the city makes a decision on purchase. Mr. Gordon concurred with Mr. Hebrank's comments regarding inclusion of the site in the preliminary plat until such time as the city reaches.a • decision on extension of the option. He also emphasized that the plat should be PP-086-77 Page Five E-106-77 reviewed as an industrial park and not a residential plat. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding phasing, Mr. Gordon indicated that development of the plat would proceed in two phases, although certain flexibility was requested in establishing the phasing. Regarding the Examiner's question relating to dedication of property along Springbrook Creek, Mr. Gordon indicated willingness to reserve the property but not dedicate it to the city. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding consideration of connecting Lind Avenue to S.W. 43rd Street, S.W. 42nd Street to S.W. 41st Street, S.W. 39th to S.W. 38th Street, and S.W. 31st Street to S.W. 30th Street, Mr. Hebrank advised that because of creation of hazardous intersections, division of lots, and creating additional crossings on Springbrook Creek such connections were undesirable. The Examiner asked if it would be possible or desirable to extend S.W. 29th to avoid access to the East Valley Road. Mr. Cowles responded that in the Six-Year Street Program the East Valley Road is scheduled to be widened from S.W. 16th Street to off-ramp of SR-167 and additional right-of-way would be required for the widening project in 1979 to provide an adequate access for those lots along the East Valley Road. Referring to previous inquiries by the Examiner regarding connections of cul-de-sacs and crossings of Springbrook Creek, Mr. Cowles advised that because of proposed east-west crossings of Strander Boulevard, S.W. 43rd Street, and S.W. 34th Street; and north-south crossings on Longacres Parkway, Lind Avenue S.W. and the East Valley Road reasonable circulation is provided for major access. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding a 35,000 square foot triangular piece of property located at the S.W. corner abutting Longacres Parkway, block 9 adjacent to lot 3, Mr. Cowles indicated that it was not a desirable parcel of property but was necessary to provide track to serve the properties on the other side and would be dedicated and utilized for installation of lead track. The Examiner noted that on the aerial photo, Exhibit #11, Springbrook Creek may require a large bridge. Mr. Cowles indicated that the photo was out of date and that a culvert facility has been installed at that location. The Examiner asked Mr. Lumbert to comment regarding previous discussion on the possibility of connecting cul-de-sacs shown on the plat map. Mr. Lumbert reported that a connection of S.W. 42nd Street to Lind Avenue should only be considered if S.W. 41st Street and S.W. 42nd Street were aligned, and commented that the proposed access grid as established was satisfactory and acceptable. The Examiner asked Mr. Lumbert if requirements for an exception from the Subdivision Ordinance for cul-de-sac length were met by the request. Mr. Lumbert responded that although the majority of cul-de-sacs could be defined as minor terminal streets according to ordinance requirements, the final development and traffic generation would determine the useage of the access streets. He felt that a connection between S.W. 39th and S.W. 42nd Streets would alleviate congestion and expedite traffic through the site. Regarding the minimum 80-foot right-of-way requested for the East Valley Road, the Examiner asked Mr. Lumbert to explain the proposal. Mr. Lumbert indicated that the roadway was proposed to be widened per the Six-Year Street Program which would facilitate better access for the existing 60-foot street and would require dedication of an additional 10 feet on the applicant's site. The Examiner. asked if the revision noted in red on Exhibit #7 for a proposed connection between S.W. 38th Street and S.W. 33rd Street was acceptable to the Traffic Engineering Division. Mr. Lumbert felt that although conformance to the configuration shown may not be necessary, a connection was desirable. The Examiner asked for a recommendation on the proposed railroad crossings. Mr. Lumbert indicated that permanent crossings would be required on the major arterials which may be signalized depending upon traffic volume. He advised that the location of crossings on Lind Avenue were acceptable; however, two crossings on Longacres Parkway were in close proximity to one another and it would be preferable if they were combined into one crossing to expedite traffic. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding dedication for roadway access, Mr. Smith indicated that the Public Works Department and the applicant had agreed that no more than 45 feet or half of the roadway would be contained in the wetland area. The Examiner noted that the applicant had indicated certain reservations about dedication of land along Springbrook Creek as well as along the P-1 channel and asked Mr. Smith to respond to these concerns. Mr. Smith reported that the land designated for the P-1 channel was not intended to be dedicated and because Strander Boulevard crosses a section of the wetland area, the recommendation was based upon requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and conformance to the Comprehensive Plan. The Examiner asked if the procedure for reserving separate tracts for landscape or drainage open space for use at a later date had been acceptable in the past. Mr. Smith advised that because the application set a precedent in this regard, certain review of the reserve designations should be made but the city would require specific requirements prior to development. In response to the Examiner's inquiry regarding satisfaction of Mr. Steiner's concerns for wildlife habitat at the time of donation of the 20-acre site, Mr. Smith reviewed past history of preservation of wetland areas and indicated that although additional wetland was desired, conservationists had appreciated all donations to date. He reported PP-086-77 Page Six E-106-77 that the city was attempting to mitigate the habitat by reorienting and redesigning the storm drainage system to flow into the wetland area and the P-1 channel. He noted that other alternatives included dedication of wetland along Springbrook Creek and opening the east side of the wetland area. The Examiner asked Mr. Smith for further comments. Mr. Smith deferred the matter of the • 20-foot fire access to the Fire Department for final review, but recommended the 20-foot pedestrian walkway remain in the requirements for the plat. He also noted that the plat plan should designate a proposed width of S.W. 43rd Street of 90 feet per approval of the Public Works Department. Mr. Smith indicated that the Planning Department would coordinate final design of connective roadways with the applicant. The Examiner reported that the hearing would be closed with an option to reopen it at a later date if clarification of a specific matter was required. He indicated that if the hearing was not reopened, the Examiner's Report and Recommendation would be published within 21 days of the date of the hearing., Mr. Gordon indicated his concurrence in the Examiner's requests but expressed a concern for expeditious 'review. The Examiner asked for further comments. - Since there were none, the hearing on Item #PP-086-77 and E-106-77 was closed by the Examiner at 2:30 p.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The request is for approval of a preliminary plat of an approximately 464 acre industrial park and approval of Exceptions from the Subdivision Ordinance. • 2. The Planning Department report accurately sets forth the issues, applicable policies and provisions, findings of fact, and departmental recommendations in this matter and is hereby attached as Exhibit #1 and incorporated in this report by reference as set forth in full therein. 3. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as amended by R.C.W. 43.21.C. , an environmental impact statement was issued on October 22, 1975 for the subject proposal by Gordon Y. Ericksen, responsible official. 4. Plans• for the proposal have been reviewed by all city departments affected by the impact of this development. 5. All existing utilities are available and in close proximity. 6. The proposal is compatible 'withthe applicable requirements of Sections 4-713 (H-1) and 4-730 (M-P) of Title IV, Code of General Ordinances. 7. Special permits for filling the site were approved on November 19, 1975 and October 13, 1976. Surface water drainage and erosion control measures remain to be completed in the landfill operation. 8. A Special Permit is required per Section 4-2303.2 for the site plan and uses to be located on the site. 9. An L.I.D. for construction of Lind Avenue S.W. is scheduled for implementation the first part of 1978. Other streets within the plat will be constructed by the applicant. Pedestrian and bicycle access has been included in the design of Lind Avenue S.W. and Longacres Parkway. A recommendation was not made for these facilities in other streets in the plat, S.W. 43rd Street or the East Valley Road. However, within the plat these. facilities.. have been provided at the end of S.W. 30th Street, S.W. 31st Street, and S.W. 39th Street.to connect to Springbrook • Creek, and objection was not expressed to their provision at S.W. 33rd Street and S.W. 38th Street to connect to the P-1 drainage channel. (See Exhibit #7, a reduced copy of which is. attached.) 10. A 120-foot area for Springbrook Creek.was set aside in the plat for surface water drainage and wildlife habitat mitigation. Staff favored dedication of the land to the public, but the' applicant favored retention of the land while reserving it for public use in perpetuity. 11. Plans for utilities have been submitted and reviewed by appropriate departments which continue to coordinate city requirements with the applicant. ' 12. Sufficient area has been dedicated to the public in the 20-acre wetland to satisfy PP-086-77 Page Seven E-106-77 the 2% wildlife habitat mitigation of Resolution No. 1923. An additional 39 acres is the subject of an option of the city for purchase by February, 1978. Contingent upon purchase by the city, the 39 acres was included in the plat. 13. The Fire Department does not, require 'fire access .to Springbrook Creek or the P-1 drainage channel as recommended in the staff report, Exhibit #1. 14. A marsh containing birds is located at the southwest area of the city's 20-acre wetland and the plat. Salvation of these birds requires sensitive treatment and appropriate landscaping of the 20-acre wetland and the Springbrook Creek area. The Seattle Audubon Society is able to assist in this preservation endeavor. 15. The applicant agreed with the staff recommendation to connect S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street and to connect S.W. 33rd Street and S.W. 38th Street. Some doubt existed in the opinion of staff as to whether S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street qualified as a "minor terminal street. . . " (cul-de-sac) of Section 9-1108.24.A. (6) . • 16. The plat will be developed in two phases. In the first phase is the area east of Lind Avenue S.W. and the area south of what would be S.W. 40th Street. 17. Streets have been located to interface with the' cities of Kent and Tukwila street systems. Responses to the proposal were received from these jurisdictions (Exhibits #10 and #13) . 18. An alternative to the staff recommendation of wider cul-de-sac streets (page 6, item 14. A and B) was suggested by the applicant. , It was proposed that the pavement Abe widened to 44, feet as recommended, but that the total right-of-way remain unchanged. Easements would be created outside the right-of-way for utilities with landscaping. 19. Railway access for all but two lots is proposed in the plat. • 20. Strander Boulevard at the northern property line will take slightly more than 2 acres of the city's 20-acre wetland area if the proposed alignment is continued westward from this plat. The wildlife habitat remaining in the plat, however, will remain over the 2% minimum of Resolution No. 1923. 21. S.W. 43rd Street has been designated as an Industrial Arterial and the East Valley Road as an Industrial Collector. Per Section 9-1108.7, the arterial requires a 90-foot right-of-way and the collector an 80-foot right-of-way. Accordingly, ten feet of property is required along the East Valley Road. Sufficient right-of=way exists in S.W. 43rd Street. 22. Opposition was 'not expressed to providing peripheral landscaping and entrance landscaping per the staff recommendation. 23. Corner lots are to be platted wider than interior lots per Section 9-1108.24.E. (d) . Some corner lots apprently do not meet this requirement. An' Exception was not requested. 24, The Examiner must approve the location and routes of the railroad tracks per Section 9-1108.24.F. 25. All of the proposed cul-de-sacs are greater 'than 500 feet (Section 9-1108.24.A. (b) ; therefore, an Exception was required per Section 9-1109. 26. Blocks No. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 do not meet the block length and/or width requirements of Section 9-1108.24.D, thereby requiring the requested, Exception per Section 9-1109. 27. No opposition was expressed to the staff recommendation that Longacres Parkway be constructed of a 90-foot right-of-way with landscaped median and edges per the Parkway cross section of the Arterial and Streets Plan. A meandering bicycle path and pedestrian path are included along either side of the Parkway. 28. The preliminary plat requirements of Section 9-1106.2.I. have been submitted. 29. Restrictive covenants were not submitted. • PP-086-c Page Eight E-106-7% CONCLUSIONS: • 1. The proposal generally conforms to the goals and objectives of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan, except as noted herein. 2. The 20-acre wetland dedicated to the city is part of the wildlife habitat mitigation per Resolution No. 1923 and the Green River Comprehensive Plan required for the subject property and the Green River Valley. Wildlife that exists at the northwest corner of the site, adjacent to and together with the westerly portion Of the 20-acre wetland, will require the wetland for survival. However, appropriate j additional plant material will be required. Additional habitat area will be set aside in the Springbrook Creek area, which can also be supplemented with appropriate plant material. Therefore, it appears that the proposal, through incorporation of this plant material, very satisfactorily conforms to Resolution No. 1923. 3. The reduction of the 20 acre wetland area by the alignment of Strander Boulevard is a problem for resolution by the city since the wetland is owned by the city. Assistance is.provided in the proposal by 1) sufficient right-of-way provided in the south half of Strander Boulevard to shift the road northward, and 2) the expressed willingness by the applicant to cooperate with the city in the realignment. Directly impacted by the. alignment will be the northerly properties, not necessarilly the applicant. 4. Preservation of the Springbrook Creek area should be accomplished by retention in private ownership (and maintenance) and reservation as open space for use by the public. This conforms to •the policy of the City Council, e.g. Tiffany Park Division No: 3. The applicant and Planning Department staff should create the appropriate implementing restrictive covenant. 5. The P-1 drainage channel should be reserved for the public since this channel will serve many properties in the Green River Valley for the purpose of public health, safety and welfare. Public access for pedestrian and bicycle use should be • provided to the channel. 6. The railroad network on the site will be extensive but has caused only one potential problem in crossing one of the proposed streets. In the southwest portion of the site the railroad crosses Longacres Parkway at two points within approximately 265 feet. Concern by the Traffic Engineering Division of the Public Works Department is appropriate. This problem should be resolved prior to the final plat (Section 9-1108.24.E and Green River Comprehensive Plan, page 6) . 7. In accordance with the revisions indicated on Exhibit #7, attached, the vehicular circulation is satisfactory. Additional study of the revisions is necessary by the applicant and city staff, however, sufficient direction exists to prepare the final plat. However, additional consideration should be given to: a. Connecting S.W. 33rd Street, S.W. 31st Street and S.W. 30th Street to form a minor east-west through access road. b. Connecting S.W. 42nd Street and S.W. 41st Street. c. Extending S.W. 29th Street one more lot to the east. d. Restricting any direct access along the East Valley Road and S.W. 43rd Street.L 8. A perimeter landscaping buffer would conform to the objectives of page 6, Green River Comprehensive Plan. The staff recommendation of a 15-foot buffer appears reasonable. Within the landscape scheme for the buffer should be integrated the landscaping to define and emphasize ingress and egress points to the site (page 6, Green River Comprehensive Plan) . All entrances to the site along S.W. 43rd Street and the East Valley Road should be so defined and emphasized. To a lesser extent the entrance from Strander Boulevard should be treated in this manner. 9. Page 8, Green River Comprehensive Plan recommends that future phases of development be rehabilitiated for wildlife preservation purposes until the land is actually developed. If the record phase of the proposal is beyond the near future, hydroseeding and/or landscaping should be implemented as appropriate during the first phase of the project. PP-:, -77 Page Nine E-106-77 10. Although apparently all of the corner lots do not conform to Section 9-1108.24.E. (d) , this requirement is specified for approval of the Planning Department. Therefore, the conformance with the requirement should be reviewed again, and any changes, if any, made to the plat map. 11. Since the East Valley Road is designated as an .Industrial Collector, the necessary ten feet of land for the required public right-of-way should be dedicated to the public. 12. Conformance with the design considerations of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan can be most appropriately reviewed during the special permit process required for any development of the site. It should be clear that the design objectives of the Green River Valley require structures of appropriate design. Each special permit will be reviewed accordingly. 13. Regarding the requested Exceptions, the Springbrook Creek creates ". . .special physical circumstances. . ." (Section 9-1109.1.A) that cause difficulty in designing the plat. These circumstances do not deprive the applicant of the ". . .reasonable use or development. . ." of the land but somewhat increase the difficulty of design and development. In order to achieve the number of lots that are proposed, the Exceptions are necessary. Otherwise, larger and fewer lots would result. The same rights and privileges are enjoyed by the applicant and surrounding property owners. Any hardship created by the physical limitations of the site do not apply to these rights and privileges (Section 9-1109.1.B) . Granting the Exceptions will not be ". . .detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity. " (Section 9-1109.1.C) It is doubtful that a difference could be discerned at the site between development with and without the Exceptions. The Exceptions requested from Sections 9-1108.24.A(6) and 9-1108.24.D should be granted. RECOMMENDATION AND DECISION: Based upon the record, testimony, findings and conclusions the Examiner recommends that the City Council approve the preliminary plat of Orillia Industrial Park subject to the following conditions: 1. Springbrook Creek and P-1 drainage channel be reserved for drainage, wildlife habitat and public access in perpetuity. Pedestrian and bicycle easements of 20 feet are to connect the cul-de-sacs shown on Exhibit #7 and S.W. 38th Street with the creek and channel. 2. Springbrook Creek and P-1 drainage channel are to be improved for wildlife habitat per Resolution No. 1923 and in consideration of recommendations by the Seattle Audubon Society. The Planning Department shall review and approve the plant materials and landscaping for these areas. 3. Public Works and Planning Department resolution relative to the subject site of the alignment of Strander Boulevard to minimize impacts upon the city's 20-acre wetland. 4. Public Works Department review of the closely spaced railroad crossings at the southwest portion of the site. If found necessary, appropriate revisions to their location should be made. 5. Public Works and Planning Department review of: a. Connecting S.W. 33rd Street, S.W. 31st Street and S.W. 30th Street. b. Connecting S.W. 42nd Street and S.W. 41st Street. c. Extending S.W. 29th. Street one more lot to the east. d. Restricting any direct access to the East Valley Road and S.W. 43rd Street. e. Design of the cul-de-sacs per the applicant's suggestion of increased paving.. This review is to be made with the applicant to determine if the above can be implemented. Any necessary revisions should be made per the approval of these departments. PP-086-, Page Ten E-106-77 6. Corrections made to the plat map (Exhibit #15) per the plat map (Exhibit #7) as approved by the Planning Department. 7. Fifteen-foot perimeter landscape buffer and landscaping of ingress and egress points per approval of the Planning Department. The landscape buffer should include material for wildlife habitat but be of predominantly screening material. Access points should be defined and emphasized, particularly along S.W. 43rd Street and the East; Valley Road. All landscaping is to be of a continuous plan. 8. Any portion of the site which will not be developed in the near future is to be hydroseeded and/or landscaped per review and approval of the Planning Department. 9. Review by the Planning Department of conformance of corner lots with Section 9-1108.24.E. (d) . Any appropriate changes should be made to the plat map. 10. Dedication of ten (10) feet for public right-of-way along the East Valley Road. 11. Incorporation of the above in restrictive covenants where appropriate, per the Planning Department for submittal with the final plat. It is the decision of the Examiner to approve Exceptions from Sections 9-1108.24.A. (6) and 9-1108.24.D based upon the criteria of Section 9-1109.1.A and C. A copy of the plat map, revised per the above, is to be sent to the Seattle Audubon Society via Mr. Leonard Steiner. • ORDERED THIS 16th day of December, 1977. = z' l , L. Ri k Beeler Land Use Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of December, 1977 by Affidavit of Mailing to the parties of record: Ed Wooton J. J. Gordon, Burlington Northern, Lobby 2, Central Bldg. Seattle, WA 98104 Albert Hebrank, Arctic Building, Seattle, WA 98104 Don Cowles, Burlington Northern, Lobby 3, Central Bldg. Seattle, WA 98104 Leonard Steiner, 13239 N.E. 100th, Kirkland, WA 98003 Paul Lumbert Mort Thomas, Arctic Building, Seattle, WA 98104 Carl C. Sternoff, 225-140 N.E. , Bellevue, WA 98005 TRANSMITTED THIS 16th day of December, 1977 to the following: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti Council President George J. Perry Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director Ron Nelson, Building Division Larry Warren, City Attorney Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before December 30, 1977. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk accompanying a filing fee of $25.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection in the City Clerk's office, first floor of City Hall, or same may be purchased at cost in said office. .... • ', ' -111...; "...If ' . . . • i 'hC141‘0(a/rk —7w— t atemniikAitagt,,,_, ..._ 0" 1r ..• 1.. ... . . 1! IN ' . 1 03 . . . . 1 , 1 . 3,)1. 1 10411310444 0 11...E0 PAWS ' \ i.' i 1 I C• MT.6 .. e ' • No. • . I . \, 1 • ............... . . '_111,.:_i rer:.. 'AL....... ' .%. . , co ,' WV, I., A.. I 1 1 . II r ' . .. -.• GI. . - Igo ItiDee T •VeOCI . 1 i I I 1 It i : i 04111F, .• Si) • ... .J • r , r i . iti,-.' 1104 0 1 3 SI e :• ': .I , : : . a (9 • elo. It — I -7: t* ."7 A • C.Ou• :. • • . li Iiii6iii 21).Z.•;tam.?'• '41 : r--4. 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'-,. - - () ..... - ... _ ..* . ,-.. .CD .. • '1,,., , . • . .4 i.. .... .'..'•, , / , • . . .•. , ,. .......01 Sfr..)43410. 4ir. ................ /7 . . • :(AN •PRELIMINARY PL.iT ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF 'RENTON• , . . . . EXHIBIT NO 7 ( . . . EmR-iiNsIsED t. IzEoucEb) 4itiii-- RAlutoac. • 40 isi..oc•g. : ' . .:.„'\I NO. PP-084- 7 2 . . . TorociRthpm ..., ........ 'LOT LING (:) t.cit NON4:416k • • . . ; . , . . . . ; • . . • . • . , • • .1 . __ .6 _ r . STRA4.1DF. VNP , • G T J .— 2S -- ----- --- '7 - -V _ �4 , -- __� -�-___ --- r t . . , , • • : _I r ?, . . - at rr 'tUKWILL,�► 1Tt.. i' • T 4 _ . 1. a •a • .. .. •• -, me • ;•7 vi ‘e,011960 a § HI • .. ,> > - - ,...J _,.. a ..` . 11 '_ I . H-1 II 1 , • tI G M-P1 1 1 ) I: I T.4+...-..............:............. • _. ..._. ...ii Ffti' SW 43mo ST I °° . ITT PRELIMINARY PLAT - EXCEPTION : GLACIER PARK CO . ; Appl . No . PP-086- 77 and Appi . No . E- 106-77 ; Preliminary Plat for Orillia Industrial District and Exception. from Subdivision Ordi - nance ; property located south of existing Mobil and Olympic Petroleum Distribution facility north of S . W. 43rd and westerly of East Valley Road. APPLICANT GLACIER PARK COMPANY TOTAL AREA ±594 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS E . Valley Road and S . W . 43rd Street EX ! '.; I INu. ZONING M-P and H- 1 EXISTING USE Vacant PROPOSED USE Manufacturing Park COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing .Park COMMENTS !//' • . _ n I t5ERVED FOR RECORDER'S USR, • • If �� RECEIVED • CITY OF RENTON \ • HEARING EXAMINER • . i• Der 61977 • • • Avi -/c • .I " t8I9116411 ill243s4s5;6 r • II' r Quit Claim Deed • (CORPORATE FORM) THE GRANTOR Glacier Park Co. • • • for and in consideration of . conveys and quit claims to City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation the following described real estate,situated in the County of King State of Washington, together with all after acquired tide of the grantors) therein: That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 31, Township 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M., described as follows: a. Beginning. at the SW corner of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 31; thence S 89°04'16" E 40.40 feet; thence N 0°47'43" E 50.00 feet to a point on the Nly R/W margin of S.W. 43rd St. (S. 180th St.) and the point of beginning of this description. • Thence S 89°04'16" E 718.42 feet along said Nly R/W margin; thence N 88°36'37" W 718.28 feet to a point on the Ely R/W margin of Lind Ave. S.W.; thence S 1°23'23" W 5.77 feet along said Ely R/W margin of Lind Ave. S.W. to the point of beginning. • • • • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and Its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of ,19 • By President. • By STATE OF WASHHINGTON, ) Secretary. }ss. County of On this .. day of • ,19 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly conmii.i.,ioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the President and • Secretary, respectively,of • the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and•acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness try hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. • • • • Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at . . . • . •..... ..„. . . I . I i .• . , I . SCALE :1''=100' N to GLACIER P A R K CO. z 2 ,A . .A., . .• 'CI .0) • / .,- . CU . 0 . . ....i . . . . . • . . . .. 0 .._ A:2,073.62 SO.FT I • 718.29' PROPOSED R/W VW. - • - • 2.34' S. °04'16”E-\\ 234.62' • A z 221.163S:7.F. • i v°0- . - - •.i 4."..5". ,.1.• ._. .. • -1. -0 K. - o•cz, 69 o • s.68°36'37" -.4- 89•204•60E. EXISTING R/W LINE _ 1--.1 v 71942' • \\\.s.._ 0.40 - 4 EXIST E S 68°04 16 E -- • . S 096°367 EE. •,5 .4. S.W. CORNER OF q 01, SEC.3I-23-5 NEW e S.W. 43 RD ST. e0\0 • 4) 4.e•.i, • • : • 1 ! . ' • • i • . . • • . : . . • ... 1H1 NERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE, r; • • • • • • • • • • ' • •! '.ice✓ • • • • • • • • Quit Claim Deed (CORPORATE FORM) • • • THE GRANTOR Glacier Park Co. • for and in consideration of conveys and quit claims to City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation the following described real estate,situated in the County of King State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 36, Township 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M. described as follows: • • Beginning at the S.W. corner of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 36; thence N 1°48'27" E, 30.00 feet, along the west line of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Sec. 36, to a point on the Nly R/W margin of S.W. 43rd St. (S. 180th St.) and the 'point cf beginning of this description; thence S 87°56'40" E 1335.26 feet along said Nly R/W margin to the east line of NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 36; thence N 2°04'18" E, 33.51 feet, along said east line; thence N 88°36'37" W, 1335.44 feet, to a point on the west line of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 36; thence S 1°48'27" W, 17.99 feet, to the point of beginning. • • • • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper,officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of ,19 By President. • • By • .Secretary. STATE OF WASHINGTON, r ss. County of ) On this day of ,19 before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the President and Secretary, respectively,of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument,•and acknowledged the said instrument to he the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the use and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above %%ritten. • • Notary Public in end for the State of Washington, residing at . . •. . . • . 1. . . .• , , SCALE.I • iii •••••! ••6..--.0--,.., P4 RK CC. • n.. i . ....1 CO 'a Wi n ci 10 ..., . 1 AREA z 27,424.379 SOFT I...10'ROADWAY EASM.T. e• . . S. 89°04'16"E. • . . PROPOSED FVW ; , I 88°36.37E i a ,_. -.• ,i / 17,1-04$ .! 1/929.647:7 . • _ • A ' uo - /-cIV://7/ ///1_17.//////// 1 / :(`•13 a EXIST. R/W LINE . . SW. CORNER OF . . N.W.I/4 OF KW.5/4 SEC. 31-23-5 NEW S. 88° 36 37 E. , .. €-/ S.W. 43RD ST. ; - • _ .. 4 • • • , . - • -- - . . . , • • . . - . • . - - . . . . . • •- - • . . i . ; • • • DRAwN v-sz,c, c....2-11-1e DATE.,__ • DESic.,,L0 -7L g CRECx EC ‘-'.'.5 • \ W 'sl.' ESERVEO FOR RECORDER'S USE. f • Quit Claim Deed (CORPORATE FORM) THE GRANTOR Glacier Park Co. for and in consideration of conveys and quit claims to City of Renton, A Municipal Corporation the following described real estate,situated in the County of King State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: That portion of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 31, Township 23 N., Range 5 E., WM. described as follows: • Beginning at the SW corner of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said section 31; • thence N 2°04'18" E 30.00 feet to a point on the Nly R/W margin of S.W. 43rd St. (S.180th St.) and the point of beginning; thence S 89°04'16" E 920.64 feet along said Nly R/W margin to a point on the east line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said section 31; thence N 0°23'23" E 26.09 feet along said east line; : • Thence N 88°36'37" W 920.20 feet to a point on the West line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said section 31; thence S 2°04'18" W 33.51 feet along said west line to the point of beginning. Less West 10 feet thereof. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of ,19 By • President. By Secretary. STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. County of On this day of ,19 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and to me known to be the President and Secretary, respectively,of the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, • residing at .. . ..................-- ,_ • 14 . . • . . •. , . ,.. . . : . . . • • . . • . I . •G 1..e.CiEi-: . - PARK .- _ I • r L.. 2 . • • , . - - • in • . • • SCALE lu=40 i • ' 43 •; • le— . . ... 21 • eu PROPOSED R/W UNE ' • Z.- o, . . • Y• —‘••••`-elee.r.••••4-Atet-•OSec.•.• 4.emorea?ktr...-r.r,tnn:weite”..r!..z..-0,e's'-4-r-40 4,-,-S 82°19.58"f' i • . ...- : cd -,, :: ......• A: 13,306.38 SO.FT. ;:-.x-r-1—' -', :::-.:'''' :=..' ' : . ' - :‘ . • . .o . . .. Exisr R/W LINE--7 1. - 1 th 1 -2"-•!:'- S'88° be E: .. "'•191.47' •- S P9°48'4 "E / 114 90. e . I (DI . i . • ‘, V N.E. CORNER -.- .. HA DAMS D.C 4 II4.00" NEW €S. I \ EXIST. q. . W. 3RD ST. S 88°48'46"E • : N SS°36' .37"W . . i . . • DRAWN, J A 047 r g 174 DESIGNED CHECKED EL'S , . I ; I . I • t . \ • tfi ; Tr'+►s?A'E RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE, • • • • • • . Quit Claim Deed • (CORPORATE FORM) THE GRANTOR Glacier Park Co. • for and in consideration of • conveys and quit claims to City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation • the following described real estate,situated in the County of King State of Washington,together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: • That portion of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 36, Township 23 N., Range 4 E., W.M. 'described as follows: • .• Beginning at the NE corner of jlenry Adams Donation Claim; thence S 88°48'45" E 114 feet, thence N. 1°ll'15"-W- '30 feet to a point on the Nly R/W margin of S.W. 43rd St. (S. 180th St.), said point being the true point of beginning of this description. . Thence N 1°11'15" E 30.46 feet; thence N 82°19'58" W 137.88 feet; thence N 86°54'16" W 168.18 feet, more or less to a point on the Ely margin of Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way; thence southerly along said right-of-way margin 50.07 feet, more or less, to the Nly right—of—way margin of S.W. 43rd St. (S. 180th St.); thence S 88°21'02" E along said Nly R/W margin 191.47 feet; thence S 88°48' 45" E 114 feet to the true point of beginning. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of ,19 • By President. • By • STATE OF WASHINGTON, Sedetaiy. - County of • On this • day of ,19 before me,•the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and tome known to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of • • • the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. - Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, ►esidine at • •IIa., • SCALE l"r100' • • • '3 L_ L C iER 117 A i'1%i i t•-.. • • T. L. ! :_ J 3 =,�r i x ' N 2°O4'I8"E 33.5i' . 499 7"E - PROPOSED R/W LINE _ . - \ ; SSD°3S'37'E 1335.44' r7 ♦ ♦. /f , ! � < < r! / / / r ! ! ♦ ! / /A=34376.94$O. FT: / i / / J/� / 7 / j / / i /L- -- PROPOSED ( S.W. 43RD Sr-f EXIST. R/W LINE C POF l/' N.E.I/4 . SEC.36-23-4 " . - ~ CITY OF anavai Fsc,, _7 November 29 , 1977 �F3�Iti TA Michael L. Smith, Associate Planner Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Ave.' S. Renton, Washington 98055 RE: Subdivision file No. PP-086077 Dear Mike: I am enclosing a copy of a memo from Kent' s Public Works Department concering the above referenced plat. We have no other input to the plat. Thank you for the opportunity to respond. ry truly yours, J mes P. Harris lanning Director /lm RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINEW DEC 61977 AM PM 7,81gtiOdlei2a1,2r8a4 ,6 A EXHIBIT NO. / - Pailitb N€(A. % ITEM NO. ,- 0Y4 — 7 2 NOv 30 1977 — / oto - a c." ----- - �yyy y � }v Iy ; ,cY� t 9 „t f#s •1t�4Gr� r `,"F�i "1 �Q i► y? ', � tN �''r•..f f'l ?nk. ,sic} t�.A' ��'D';i� "vim, u wn s ,.r�,.,A�Oi:�.4010, . - rec_.n tiIPc c�� r,;;YS`+�* I �• � Y.ti��ll�i;1i+ 'y P. O. BOX 310 / 220 SO.41h AVE. / KENT,WASHINGTON 98031 / 'F.Ep!'rt;_ (206) 852-2412 I r Li - DEPARTMENT 'OF PUBLIC WORKS • INTEROFFICE MEMO • 1 1'0: Planning Director FROM: Director of Public Works • R G EIVED DATE : November 29, 1977 SUBJECT: Renton Proposed Industrial Plat NOV 29 1977 Pile No.--Iy 092-77 Jim, KENT PLANNING DEPT. • My- only .input to the proposed plat is relative to the need for additional right-of-way for the future five-lane section of S.W. 43rd (South 180th) and for assurance that the north-south streets align with Kent streets. The development of properties adjacent to S.W. 43rd are the primary generator of the need for a five-lane section. It is logical to expect this plat to include a right-of-way addition as a part of the-plat. ' The map does not show adjacent properties and streets, hence it is not possible to determine where Longacres Parkway and Lind Avenue are with respect to 80th Avenue and the entrance to P. I.E. • • • bw IN RECEIVED '/C% U : NOV 30 1977 t`-94 DEp F f`/ { 1 PLANNING PARKS G BUILDING ■CI Y of u UKW iLA RECREATION OFFICE of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT jjam�— p-.t� • - ram REL[ \iEb YY�®� 1 December 1977 .a Planning Department - City of Renton �.p ..D.�.G� 200 Mill Avenue South �'/V Renton, Washington 98055 • ATTN: Mr. Michael L. Smith RE: PRELIMINARY PLAT OF GLACIER INDUSTRIAL PARK (FILE #PP-086-77) Dear Mr. Smith: Thank you for the notice of hearing on 6 December 1977 for the above-referenced project. As you already know, this office is keenly interested in the results of that re- view as Burlington Northern has filed a Preliminary Plat application for that portion of the planned industrial park which lies within the corporate limits of Tukwila and the Tukwila Planning Commission will conduct a public•hearing on 15 December 1977. After meeting with our Fire and Public Works Departments, this office has con- cluded the S.W. 33rd Street cul-de-sac does not promote orderly and efficient development of the serviced land area. It appears the S.W. 38th Street cul-de- sac (within Renton) fails in the same respect. Toward resolution of this problem, this office anticipates recommendation to the Tukwila Planning Commission that the right-of-way pattern be established in a manner similar to the attached map. Obviously, alteration of 'the right-of-way pattern in Tukwila is futile if not complemented within the Renton portion, and vice versa. In order to determine the usefulness of our anticipated recommendation to the Tukwila Planning Commis- sion, this office requests the right-of-way pattern depicted in the attached map be considered by your office as a reasonable amendment to the Preliminary Plat which will promote orderly and efficient development of the affected land area as well as ensure appropriate circulation for public safety purposes. Since7ly, RECEIVED Ga ry y Crut hfi el d CITY .®F RENTON Assistant Planner HEARING EXAMINER Tm Y GC/ch DEC 61977 EXT _ _�t O. / Attachment: as AM PM ITEM NO g. -1 cc: Dir, OCD 718,91101111121112131415,6 P1 ng Supv _ D �� ' 7 6230 Southcenter Boulevard d Tukwila, Washington :-3'S8 a (206) 242-2l77 . I $ .` }. PRI_UMI'!ARY PLA1 feet, J P i- _` ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK 2 ¢pi,14141^667/ AE. U • ei ' -- - - I1 ff' .1°Z"'.- "'-.:.1...... t. i /'NOPOSEC! PI CNANNE: .. o 11 I 1 1 rFI- 1 - III • _ - -.....-.\. - -__.__.._.,._:__z z...... 1 -- •zi . , ,, iv--:-.____.... . /...3._:. . . ........ . 1.-1--;:r 117::;ttf:-.° 0. 1 1 t i.... ......... • O e i• !`�- ---- .-•- I , 1_____,1 _,. LOP/6/;(H/t P4RAW4r ft. 1 , 1 •I I es.;i N, ' %%\s . I 1 ! I if _, . . ,,, 1 . ss 7 sr, •rs,\ r ,. (n I " _• \� %% , ' `� ��_ ♦ ---. nC'—Ilj—__.IO N t. g`: • I ♦ ♦` I I Ir I 4` I `♦ �♦2 ♦♦r ri >F 1— V- e Pl R N. :.1 'Q.' 0 Ii Pirt A i! e •ll \ L• ‘ss, ., `73\ 2,_ \ 1 41 ` i j $8 ryl�; ® --n; •� ♦ 1 _ _I. a r_' ---- Q-3i_ d____..__ •� g/ CI �i RECEIVED CYTY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEC C31977 PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER AM PIS Zi�o�t(4iDli12i1 i2�3�4e5,fr PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 6 , 1977 EXHIBIT NO. / APPLICANT: GLACIER PARK COMPANY ITEM O� �' , �l eft- FILE NO . : PP-086-77 ; PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR _ ‘2 ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON , AND - /06— �7 -E 092 77 ; EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE A. SUMMARY OF REQUEST : Applicant requests preliminary plat approval for a proposed industrial park plat to allow construction of streets and utilities for future commercial and industrial development. The applicant also requests exception to the subdivision ordi - nance regarding the maximum 500 foot length requirement for cul -de-sacs and the maximum/minimum lengths and widths require- ments for blocks within Section 9- 1108 . 24 of the Subdivision Ordinance . B . GENERAL INFORMATION : 1 . Owner of Record : GLACIER PARK COMPANY 2 . Applicant : GLACIER PARK COMPANY 3. Location : Property located south of the exist- ing Mobil Oil and Olympic Pipeline Oil Products distribution facility, north of S . W. 43rd Street , west of East Valley Road ' and east of the existing main north/south railroad track lines . 4. Legal Description : A detailed legal description is avail - able on file in the Renton Planning Department. 5. Size of Property : Approximately 464 acres . 6. Access : Via East Valley Road , .S .W. 43rd Street , together with the proposed Lind Avenue S. W . and Longacres Parkway. 7 . Existing Zoning : M-P , Manufacturing Park ; H-1 , Heavy Industry . 8. Existing Zoning M-P , Manufacturing Park; in the Area : H-1 , Heavy Industry ; L-1 , Light Industry; and G, General Classification District . 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan : Manufacturing Park 10. Notification : The applicant was notified in writing of the hearing date. Notice was prop- erly published in the Record-Chronicle and posted in six places on or near the site as required by City ordinance . C . PURPOSE OF REQUEST : To prepare the subject site for future individual sale and develop- ment pursuant to manufacturing park , comprehensive plan , and sub- division ordinance requirements . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE TWO RE : PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON , AND EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE D. HISTORY/BACKGROUND : The subject site was annexed to the City on April 15 , 1959 by Ordinance No . 1743 . The site was rezoned to .M-P , Manufacturing Park and H- 1 , Heavy Industry on December 8 , 1975 by Ordinance No . 2992 . The twenty acre wetland area was deeded to the City on February 20, 1976. The special permit for fill and grade was initially granted for certain phases on November 19 , 1975 , subsequent phases to complete the filling project were approved on. October 13 , 1976.. A tentative plat for the subject industrial park was approved by the Planning Department on May 27 , 1977 together with certain comments and proposed revisions to the plat . E . PHYSICAL BACKGROUND : 1 . Topography : The site i.s relatively level due to the fill operation except for the area of Springbrook Creek which has been retained in its natural state as part of th.e special permit approval . 2 . Soils : Primary Urban land (UR ) from the fill operation , soils information has been received from King County Conservation District of the Soil Conservation Service . The property has since been filled with a suitable granular material to a height acceptable to King County Hydraulics for flood proofing . 3 . Vegetati.on : Some grass and scrub brush have regenerated on certain older portions of the filled site . The area sixty feet along both sides of the center line of Springbrook Creek has been retained in its natural state , retaining certain large trees and existing natural vegetation . 4. Wildlife : The existing vegetation on the site along Spring- brook Creek provides suitable habitat for birds and small mammals . 5. Water : The proposed drainage plan indicates suitable drainage measures and drainage towards the existing Spring- brook channel area which also would filter into the twenty acre wetland area . The area for the proposed P-1 Channel has also been indicated on the plat and is proposed to be left in its natural state as a wildlife habitat and storm water retention area until such time as the P-1 Channel is constructed . 6. Land Use : The Mobil Oil Company and Olympic Pipeline petroleum storage and distribution facilities are located directly north of the subject site. The existing Sternoff metal recycling operation is located west of the southwest corner of the sub- ject site . Longacres Racetrack is located approximately one- half mile north of the subject site and various light industrial and commercial uses are located along - the East Valley Road east of the subject site . Other property generally surrounding the subject site is presently undeveloped . F . NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS : The subject site is located in a transitional area from undeveloped wetland to various industrial and commercial uses . • PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER ' PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE THREE RE : PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON , AND EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE G . PUBLIC SERVICES : 1 . Water and Sewer : Water and sewer utilities together with storm water facilities are part of the proposed Lind Avenue extension from S . W. 16th Street to S . W. 43rd Street . Other utilities will be required as per the submitted, utility plans as part of approved preliminary plat . 2. Fire Protection : Provided by the Renton Fire Department as per ordinance requirements . See attached Fire Department comments . 3 . ' Transit : Metro Transit Route No . 155 operates along S . W. 43rd Street adjacent to the southerly portion of the subject site . 4 . Schools : The project is located within the Renton School District. No schools are located near the subject site within the valley area . 5 . Parks : Although there are no recreational type parks within. the general area there are established proposed greenbelt wet- land areas consisting of the existing 20 acre ,wetland area in the central portion of the valley just north of the subject site, the various drainage channels which include the P-9 .and P-1 Drainage Channels , and the existing Springbrook Creek Drainage Channel which is proposed as a greenbelt area on the plat. H. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE. ZONING CODE : 1 . 4-730, M-P , Manufacturing Park District 2 . 4 . 713 , H-1 , Heavy Industry District 3 . 4-712 , L- 1 , Light Industry District 4 . 4-711 , B- 1 , Business District I . APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENTS : 1 . Renton Subdivision Ordinance , Section 9-1106 , Section 9-1108 . 24 , Section 9-1109, Exceptions . 2 . Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan , June 1976 , Goals , page 4 , and Objectives , pages 5 through 8 . 3 . Resolution No . 1923 , Agreement between the City of Renton and the Soil Conservation Service regarding wetland and wildlife habitat . . J . IMPACTS. ON NATURAL SYSTEMS : The primary impact on the natural systems occured at the time of filling of the subject site . The additional actual platting of the subject site will not create any direct impacts . However , eventual development of the subject site will create additional traffic noise , and air pollution on and near the subject site . These and other impacts have been addressed in the final Environmental Impact Statement for Orillia Industrial District dated October 22 , 1975. PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE FOUR RE : PRELIMINARY ,PLAT APPROVAL FOR ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON , AND EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE K. SOCIAL IMPACTS : Platting and eventual development of the subject site will have certain social impacts relating to employment opportunities and additional residential and commercial spinoff development related to the subject proposal . L . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT/THRESHOLD DETERMINATION : Pursuant to the City of Renton ' s Environmental Ordinance and the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 , as amended ( RCW 43 . 21C ) , an environmental impact statement was prepared for the subject proposal and the final impact statement was issued on October 22 , 1975 . A copy of said impact statement is on file in the Renton Planning Department , the city ' s SEPA public information. center . M. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : A vicinity map and site map are attached . N . AGENCIES/DEPARTMENTS CONTACTED : 1 . . King County Hydraulics Division 2 . Other pertinant local and state agencies 3 . City of Renton Utilities Division 4. City of Renton Traffic Engineering Division 5 . City of Renton Engineering Division 6. City of Renton Fire Department O. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS : 1 . The proposed plat is consistent with the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan , June 1976 , Land Use Element , Figure 2 ; the goals , page 4 ; and the land use objectives , page 5 . 2 . Glacier Park Company has previously donated 20 acres near the northerly portion of the subject site for wetland wild- life purposes . An additional 39 acres east and south of . the 20 acres have been excluded from filling and made available to the City for purchase . The P-1 ' channel ( 14 . 8± acres ) and Springbrook Creek ( 10. 6± acres ) have also been excluded from filling and the platting to conform to the Comprehen- sive Plan , the Valley Drainage Plan , and Resolution No . 1923 adopted by the City Council in conjunction with the Soil Conservation Service drainage project . These areas should be dedicated to the public as part of the plat , per Section 9-1108 . 19. 3. Proposed development for the subject site will be commercial , light industrial and certain heavy industrial uses allowed in an M-P zone . All uses should be developed to ordinance standards and be consistent with the site objectives , page 7 , of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan . 4 . Buildings with all -metal exteriors and no additional facade treatment are generally considered incompatible with the pur- pose and intent of the Manufacturing Park Zone , the aesthetic design objectives of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan , and the design standards normally considered appropriate for an Industrial Park concept . Therefore , to encourage high quality building design and architectural character , restric- tive covenants should be considered that would control the use of certain exterior materials and encourage good design and architectural treatment . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE FIVE RE : PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON , AND EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 5 . Springbrook Creek should be designated on the plat map in the areas near the east side of Longacres Parkway and along the east side of the City ' s 20 acre wetland area to provide consistency with the City ' s Comprehensive Plan . 6. Sewer , water , and storm drainage plans have been reviewed by the Public Works Department and approved . However , final review and approval is usually necessary after pre- liminary plat approval during construction phases . 7 . The Lind Avenue L . I . D . from S . W. 16th Street to S . W. 43rd Street has been approved and is near the construction phase . Sidewalks and street trees are not included in the L . I . D . However , sidewalk and bike paths will be provided in a meandering scheme along both sides of Lind Avenue ( bike path on one side , pedestrian on the other ) together with the street trees and landscaping at the time of individual site development . All streets not developed by L . I . D . will be constructed to full improvements required by ordinance . 8 . Bicycle and pedestrian paths have also been proposed at the ends of S . W. 30th Street , S . W. 31st Street , and S . W. 39th Street to connect and extend along Springbrook Creek . To further conform t.o the circulation and recreation objectives of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan , bike and pedestrian paths should be provided from the ends of S . W. 33rd Street and S . W. 38th Street to the proposed P-1 channel . 9. The Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan ( page 6 ) indicates that"whenever feasible , unique natural features should be incorporated into developmental plans to preserve the char- acter of the Valley . " Certain large trees and vegetation have been preserved along Springbrook Creek . This area , together with the P-1 channel area and the optional 39 acre area , should be preserved as part of preliminary plat approval to meet the developmental , recreational , and wild- life preservation goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan . 10. The drainage channels and Springbrook Creek , in keeping with the recreation and aesthetic objectives of the Compre- hensive Plan , should be respected as an integral developmental asset. Plat and ultimate site developments should be designed and developed to enhance these unique features . (Objectives , Comprehensive Plan , pages 6 , 7 , and 8 ) 11 . Certain elements of the proposed circulation and access plan are iinconsistent with the Green River Valley Compre- hensive Plan objectives and the requirements of Section 9- 1108-24. The applicant has requested an exception from the Subdivision Ordinance to allow cul -de-sacs in excess of 500 feet in length . All the proposed cul -de-sacs exceed the 500 foot maximum. 12 . The Examiner , in granting an exception , must find that those three elements stipulated in Section 9-1109. 1 are pertinent to the subject application . 13. The requirement of 9-1109. 1 . A regarding physical circumstances affecting the strict application of the ordinance appears to apply in this case due to the location and retention of Springbrook drainage channel and the size of the proposed industrial tracts . This is the largest plat ever proposed in the City, and is designed to accommodate some large industrial / commercial operations . These elements together create unusual • PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE SIX RE : PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON , AND EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE physical conditions whereby long cul -de-sacs and blocks are necessary in-lieu of cost prohibitive channel crossings and street extensions . The basic grid system of arterials and collectors provides for adequate circulation and is consistent with the arterials and streets plan . However , cul -de-sacs generally create certain access problems , traffic congestion , potential fire and emergency vehicular access problems , and circulation problems .. It is felt that because of the physical conditions mentioned above (Section 9-1109 . 1 . A) the unique character of the proposed plat , and the development or improvement of certain roads beneficial to surrounding prop- erties (Section 9-1109. 1 . B ) , the proposed exception is reasonable . 14. Based on the need for adequate fire and emergency access ( see comments from Fire Department ) , proper ingress/egress , circu- lation , and traffic movement ( see comments from Traffic Engineering Division ) , certain conditions consistent with Section 9-1109. 1 , 9-1109. 1 . C , and the circulation objectives of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan should be required as a necessary part of the Exception Application approval . These include ; A. All cul -de-sacs to be widened to sent rights-of-way with 44 feet curb to curb street width , together with required standard improvements for such width .. B. All cul -de-sac radii , both right-of-way and street width , to be 'increased. proportionate to the increased street and right-of-way and improvement widths . (85 foot minimum radius ) C . A street should be provided connecting S . W. 39th Street with S . W. 42nd Street per the recommendation of the Fire Department. D. A minimum twenty foot wide fire lane right-of-way shall be provided at the ends of all cul -de-sacs to the nearest drainage channel to provide additional fire access in con- junction with the proposed bicycle and pedestrian pathways . E . Certain large lots at the ends of the proposed cul -de-sacs do not have much access along the street '(approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the cul -de-sacs as proposed ) . This will become critical if there is ever reason to further sub- divide the property. Section 9-1108 . 24 . A(4 ) requires that "There shall be no private streets in any subdivision , and every lot and block shall be served from a publicly dedicated street . There shall be no privately held or owned reserve strips paralleling or terminating street ends or otherwise controlling access to streets . " This require- ment is quite explicit and applies to the proposed cul -de- sac ends as well as any future subdivision of the lots . F. The exception approval recommendation does not apply to the area west of Longacres Parkway. In discussions with both City of Renton Fire and Traffic Departments , and the City of Tukwila Planning Department , the proposed cul -de-sacs do not appear to be adequate to provide access and circulation to this large area (approximately 113 acres ) . It is City of Tukwila ' s intent to require as part of the plat within its jurisdiction that S. W. 33rd Street be shifted to align with S . W. 34th Street and that it be extended approximately half-way to the P-1 Channel then looped southward to connect with a similar extension and loop on S . W. 38th Street within Renton . Upon review by the various PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT T.O HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER fi , 1977. PAGE SEVEN RE : PRELIMINARY . PLAT APPROVAL FOR ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON , AND EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE city departments it is our recommendation to concur in this amendment as it is consistent with the circulation requirements of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan and the Subdivision Ordinance . 15 . The proposed plat will be final platted in phases , Phase I comprising the area between East Valley Road and Lind Avenue S . W . 16 . Requests for comments have been sent to King County , Department of Ecology , adjacent cities , and other private and public organizations and agencies . No responses have been received to date . 17 . Rail crossings of streets have been minimized as much as possible (Section 9-1108 . 24 . F ) . However , because of the basic rail orientation of the developer and the proposed industrial park a greater number of crossings were necessary . 18. The proposed alignment of Strander Boulevard indicates that the south half of the proposed 90 foot right-of-way will be located on the City of Renton ' s 20 acre wetland area . This area should be impacted as little as possible . Loss of this wetland area will be further mitigated by dedication of the portion of the Springbrook Greenbelt within Glacier Park Company ' s ownership . 19 . Sufficient right-of-way should be dedicated as part of the plat along East Valley Road to make that facility an 80. foot collector right-of-way , for anticipated future traffic and circulation , and access needs for the general area . This has been so designated on the proposed plat map . It appears that sufficient right-of-way for the S .W. 43rd Street (total 100 feet) has not been dedicated on the plat. Sufficient right-of-way along the Glacier' Park Company side of S .W . '43rd Street should be dedicated on the plat map . 20. Periphery planting suitable to create a destinctive image should be provided around the boundary streets of the park consistent with the specific objective of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan , page 6 . 21 . All railroad crossings should be reviewed by the Public Works Department , and their construction and signal and/or safety apparatus approved . All crossings should be permanent. Signalization may be necessary at crossings along the arterial streets. P . PLANNING RECOMMENDATION : Recommend approval of the proposed preliminary plat and erxception based on the above analysis , the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan , June 1976 , and the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-1108 and 9-1109) , subject to ; 1 . Conditions for all cul -de-sacs and streets east of Long- acres Parkway as stipulated in number 14--A through E above . 2. S .W. 38th Street on the west side of Longacres Parkway shall be extended and looped northward to connect with the proposed loop road within and recommended by the City of Tukwila . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER 6 , 1977 PAGE EIGHT RE : PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL. PARK OF RENTON , AND EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 3 . Provision for dedication of the portions of the Spring- brook drainage greenbelt within Glacier Park Company ownership , ( i . e . , forty feet on both sides of the existing forty foot channel owned by the drainage district ). . This greenbelt area ( total 120 feet ) shall be retained in its natural state. Development occurring near the channel and twenty acre wetland area shall be aesthetically compatible with the character of the channel. The objective of the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan as well as Resolution No . 1923 and Ordinance Landscaping requirements shall pertain to development and landscaping along these areas and the proposed P- 1 drainage channel , to enhance the recreation , aesthetic , and wildlife habitat potential of these areas , and the image of the proposed industrial park. 4. The Springbrook drainage/greenbelt shall be indicated on the plat map near the east side of Longacres Parkway and along the east side of the twenty acre wetland area , to correspond with the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan . 5 . The proposed cross sections for Longacres Parkway shall depict a minimum 90 foot standard parkway facility with. median planters together with planters on either side of , the street ( see cross section of typical parkway , City of Renton Arterials and Streets Plan , 1965 ) . 6 . Final Public Works Department approval of proposed sewer water , water and storm drainage plans . The storm drainage problem occurring on properties north of the subject site must be resptved . The Public Works Depart- ment shall require that which is necessary in terms of additional storm drainage facilities to relieve the present problems both north of the subject site and along East Valley Road . 7 . Hydroseeding of fill area slopes to control erosion and siltation shall be required as soon as possible per the previous special permit approval . 8. A pedestrian/bicycle pathway shall be indicated on the plat map (minimum 20 foot width) extending from the west end of S. W. 38th Street to the proposed P-1 channel . All similar pathways within the plat shall be paved a minimum ten feet in width , and appropriately landscaped and improved as part of the plat improvements subject to Planning Department approval . 9 . A minimum 80 foot right-of-way shall be provided along the East Valley Road as shown on the plat map , and suffi - cient right-of-way shall . be dedicated on the plat map along S . W. 43rd Street to provide a minimum 100 foot right-of-way. 10. No more than the southerly 45 feet of the proposed Strander Boulevard right-of-way shall encroach into the twenty acre wetland area . The dedication of the Springbrook Creek drainage/greenbelt as required in number 3 above will mitigate the loss within this wetland area . 11 , Provision of a meandering type bicycle path on one side of Lind Avenue S . W. and Longacres Parkway and a pedestrian path on the other side of each of these streets . These facilities shall be planned and improved as part of individual site development , as they have not been included in the Lind Avenue L . I . D . PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO HEARING EXAMINER • PUBLIC HEARING OF DECEMBER 6, 1977 PAGE NINE RE : PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON , AND EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 12 . Railroad crossing design , location , and signalization shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 13. Provision of a minimum 15 foot landscape buffer around the periphery of the industrial park along the East Valley Road , S . W. 43rd Street and along the proposed arterials ( Lind Avenue S . W. and Longacres Parkway) as per the Green River Valley Comprehensive Plan Objective , page 6 . Such landscaping shall be accomplished at the time of individual site development . The major entrances to the park should have additional landscape areas to define and establish the industrial park character . 14. Final Public Works Department approval of all utilities plans . 15 . Final Public Works Department and Planning Department approval of street designs and cross sections . I ; i L ' _ , i i :L:; ;, . `till ['': isi' iEST 0 : PUE LI_C...'e-ORKS DIRECTOR BUILDING..- . --_ ION ENG_I_iIEERI i.G—. EIS 2- .1 _ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION sz c-"Ioeu-rS oN k'-b`G- . .. 1UTILITIESDI`VISION '�`'`` FIRE DEPARTMENT : - - - r HEALTH DEPARTMENT i , F ROF1 : PLANNING DEPARTMENT_-__. Ct•I ;, _>111TH _ --------- Contact Person RE : 11Ll.r,&_. Ito170s..11-:+4L _ - ' .J7_E-1`U► P� y ci-At_--- T der- c-''a, - 77 - Please review the attached information regarding the subject propbsa.l and return it to the Planning Department by � /, y -7 Z _ _ with your written recommendation . Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. •1 Thank you , PLANNING DEPARTMENT • L47 W/C-41" / t 14.--1 V / ____ Date / //77 ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED 101e/77 PLEASE REVIEW THIS PPLICATION FOR: o tJ REZONE CO N./ MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL FitC pi-4r SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE , BEFORE41/2.5777 X Co ). ?ox, c ‘..-laE- Sic 1-0-54 .y5. $+.o G K• UE,4 7THs 4 oM Pf H S . SIGNATURE OR INITAL • DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL DATE • BUILDING TR ,:. Gam- /j- 72- 77 AFFIC E�� ENGINEERING} //C 17�77 HEALTH //- /7- 7 ? REVIEWER ' S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS : Tr all i i .4ct'ice• - /4 re co vvovtc-vuzi /o WI a ) eilit•41-(Aiami -reav we t"At-i's opt to C u I be - Sac 's • -- Also Lo 'AiJ -v'c cc, e a l �c 4. o- s vi 3 5`"J St S o as -to .�O,, �.,. a �' �► v u `t''omt-t e. u); �� SW 3ISI ST e w.T� SW 38 '3ct. .logKed o k *L des{ 4 a 7' act l 003 . PLEASE SIGN THE E . I . W . : MEMORANDUM MIKE SMITH , PLANNING DATE 11 /30/77 TO , FROM FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU SUBJECT OR I LL I A INDUSTRIAL PARK674.4srrivki Review of preliminary plat for Orillia Industrial Park of Renton by Fire Chief Geissler shows the following requirements and supersedes any previous letters or memorandums : 1 . Cul -de-sac dedicated street widths of seventy feet minimum required with actual street width of forty-four foot minimum with radius of cul -de-sacs in proportion. 2. Dedicated street access joining S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street required. 3 . Realignment of S.W. 33rd and S.W. 38th as proposed by the City of Tukwila . jb L, ( r� IZS 5 z. Li a frt.- F i-1% t , G l/L/if . L/�i�� r--L..• ' t so c V.,.f t_ !Nc/'P i L L S 11.4 G„'tD 7-/-1% A rirS :,T t7 it_ a ) T j t I Tp k-u Y'k L.L r C / /'I-L"/ f I LLiY ` rs L/,.a/` Sri(E. c.c.t/t,; .. , �, C./r%/iir/-/. ALL si D c; 'Ft L..itrnS c /4G •• G , . . . r . . • C : .,,, .,, ci. j 1. l 1 ; • • . , , , _— tS - -----'- -- --- '-- 1 Ifs ..... _ 1 1 • , 1 ; ' . : , i_ri" , : _ . z N . 0 ,. r I rd UM P . ... .. .� - i H-1 1 a . 4. a] as 45 J a .+- 39 F G„960• .� F a J 14 j i° H 2 `I 3 I . y 0 lip II . - H ' . • , 3 i', G i i li': • bil :, .. !iiii7.11:L_ ::i.. H: . le!I p� . . 1 M M-P '.4:..,1, : _ , , , _ , _ : PRELIMINARY PLAT - EXCEPTION.: GLACIER PARK CO. ; Appl . No . PP-086-77 and Appl . No . E-106-77 ; Preliminary Plat for Orillia Industrial District and Exception from Subdivision 'Ordi - nance; property located south of existing Mobil and Olympic' Petroleum Distribution facility north of S . W. 43rd and westerly of, East Valley Road. ' • APPLICANT GLACIER PARK COMPANY TOTAL AREA ±594 acres . PRINCIPAL ACCESS E. Valley Road and S. W. 43rd Street EXISTING ZONING M-P and H- 1 • EXISTING USE Vacant ' PROPOSED USE Manufacturing Park COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Manufacturing Park COMMENTS '- ffida vit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Margaret Harbaugh being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that She is the Chief Clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) NOTICE OF • times a week. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and PUBLIC HEARING has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred RENTON LAND USE to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- HEARING EXAMINER paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, RENTON,WASHINGTON and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained A PUBLIC HEARING at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton WILL BE HELD BY THE ' Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the RENTON LAND USE Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING g �TOtiCe of Public IN THE COUNCIL CHAM- Washin ton.That the annexed is aBERS, CITY HALL, RE- NTON,WASHINGTON,ON - Hearing DECEMBER 6, 1977, AT 9:00 A.M:TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETI- TIONS: • as it was published in regular issues(and not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period 1•GLACIER FOR PANY:APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT AP- PROVAL FOR INDUST • - of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the R IAL- SUBDIVISION, File No. PP-086-77, AND AP- PLICATION FOR EXCEP- 27 day of November ,19.I 7 7 ,and ending the TION TO THE SUBDIVI- SION. ORDINANCE, File . No. E-092-77; property lo- cated south of existing Mobil day of ,19 ,both dates and.Olympic-Petroleum Dis- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- tribution facility north of S.W. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee 43rd and westerly of the East Valley Highway. Legal . ed for the foregoing description on file in Renton charg ed g C publication is the sum of S2Q.9.1.3 which Planning Department. has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the ALL INTERESTED PER- first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent SONS TO SAID PETITIONS insertion. ARE INVITED TO BE PRE- '' ( SENT AT THE PUBLIC P\ait G_.0 r "..,, l Iam, HEARING ON DECEMBER JJ 6, 1977, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPI- Chief Clerk NIONS. ' • • Gordon Y. Erickson Renton Planning Director • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27 day of Published in The Renton Record-Chronicle November 27,1977.R4689. November , 19...77 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, ✓`�;s t-r ��. residing at Kent, King County. �y r�6`\i i 0 f> 'N N. i � —Passed by the Legisla ture,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June `�' 'mod`'s 9th, 1955. V q g tri —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. �C� 0 �v3'', ex.:/j: -__ PLANNit4--," I . I 'Ilir :It •'�• • • • • • • • • • • • ?i p • �,L" • oil /' PRELIMINARY PLAT S,.., z. _ . • _ I • '`":.;,. ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK IIse Z›,;.,' p.,l.1%6(44mN7i OF RENTON „�, N� • • o -II • t". ; PROPOSED I P.I L'HANNE..- • I 1 1 1 1 -- I 1 1 1 i~�1 r,.c -.+ I " 1 1 1 , 1 7.A --- - -... _ .. -.- ---- • 1 11 1 ; - .__ _ __1 111 .--------- __1 -I 1 1 { W _ ................... _ - - -- _ ---_ A 1' 1 , 1 PIn _ ---------- _ - I1 , 1 I -- i 11 'I' 1 I .1%1 1 I i I i .y4__ I I • 4.l,. .g d �4 I I ,ii L.i .:,,,,,,.\s , - -----"------------- 6 LONGAcRF..S PARKWAY 4. -'—' - ' Pi N , / n .,` N p \ I I f \ co . \ • -e I-lit i :1", I • o y,® a-.. I�/ \`\ `\ ,yri� O E5D T-- " "j. i-' — Sad-..- .- _6 _.— . U I I " 1 I \\; I •. -‘\" ki `x \ �`� 'l \ `� 1y ? 16ISj i I Il ni I \\ �P � . /1 i I \ _ � e 1 e^ s <\ \ ii . ICF • `I `\. 'n ♦♦ ♦\` ,;� ♦x. I 3 N :%%,.:\....4.41I2•••••- flay V� O• \ l Vp�.-�-- _-t._.._.I--_•• I t-- _._:: r.-_.___. I .. - CREEK' w1'+t •T.:..-.. e v 0 . I.: _.......2_7"/':3 . ?:;;.r.) _ I 1ra I clo / / / / \ O n O 1 7(J] / / / ii / O f' 1-.1 60 / ; I , i o ---- .1 n A LS r y/ rsl: / � a In n -,-,-___-- il 0 i ,O Z77S- :r ylsco _ _ L/ND a/o �Jo 'yam♦ pan - J r 'ENUE I • __ , ' 1 [TIT— I 1 N i GOD 1 C� II / I 1 • i O ,1 Im,m N L / \ l i^ % sj lo•o ` `` s U 1 El fa _-1 \`\\ olJ 'i all i. O G�//- I 9i5' I`\\� �.IS5` - -_-+, fN(le // T < • \\ \\ -- I� i. ru 690 •• ©o • 'ez3"'- Es, 6eo._,60 i '",i':. © ip jy \\,• \ 1111 O.. 34U♦.. N _car. __ 8 • ,..: ._ , u• m • ^ f� 1 \ `�� o `♦ .'. g1J `\g `n"O u ..-ate-``+ -. ,rC+ -._ _®23 _ 6fi6 O �-- �r Sri_.._ _,=i1 __.._ _—ee s - - "S 1' ` Y 0 27 \ .l'S _ fI ill: EAST VALLEY H/GHWAY CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT PLAT APPLICATION FILE NO . P' O1 ' 77 MAJOR PLAT OF :` ` DATE REC' D �. -/ TENTATIVE f�� �(l /�D �` APPLICATION FEE $ �✓/e 41G. g! PRELIMINARY 0 111 '4 ENVIRONMENTAL FINAL SEP `3 a( I` REVIEW FEE $ • • ,� RECEIPT NO . ..?.370 � i~ w SM NO. \ D E�p P U D N O. iPPLICANT TO COMPLETE ITEMS I THROUGH 7 : Plat Name & Location ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF RENTON POR SEC. 30 & 31 T 23N R 5 E & POR. SEC 25 & 26 T 23N R 4 E No. Lots 64 Total Acreage 464.35 Zoning MP, H-1, G Owner GLACIER PARK COMPANY Phone (206) 625-6111 Address SEATTLE WA 98104 Underground Utilities : ( Yes No Not Installed Telephone ( X ) ( ) ( ) Electric (. X ) ( ) ( ) Street Lights ( X ) ( ) • ( ) Natural Gas ( X ) ( ) ( ) TV Cable ( ) ( X ) ( ) p . Sanitation & Water: ( X ) City Water ( X ) Sanitary Sewers ( ) Water District No . ( ) Dry Sewers ( ) Septic Tanks 7 . Vicinity and plat maps as required by Subdivision Ordinance. ti . DATE REFERRED TO: ENGINEERING PARKS • BUILDING HEALTH TRAFFIC ENG. STATE HIGHWAY FIRE COUNTY PLANNING BD. PUBLIC WORKS OTHER 9 . STAFF ACTION: TENTATIVE PLAT APPROVED DENIED APPEALED EXPIRED . J . LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 'S ACTION: SHORT PLAT APPROVED DENIED PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED ? .L . CITY COUNCIL ACTION: PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED DENIED FINAL PLAT APPEALED EXPIRED d. 2 . DEFERRED IMPROVEMENTS : DATE DATE ,. BOND NO. AND TYPE GRANTED EXPIRES AMOUNT i ' Planning Dept . P .U. :1 /77 AFFIDAVIT • • I , J. J. Gordon , being duly sworn , declare that I am the owner of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before me , this 8th day of' September , 1977 Notary Public in and for the State of . Washington, residing at./ ,1, —, 4, .k_ - . GLACIER PARK COMPANY • J ' 4• Manager - Pro Vam � of Notary,)ublic) (Si lure of Owner) Manage, • Lobby 2, •Central Bldg. A ,_ Z,_, e. 4 . . Seattle, WA 98104 • (Address) (Address) • • (City) (State) 625-6682 (Telephone) (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) • CERTIFICATION This is to certify: tea=t he foregoing application has been inspected by me and has been to - d ®© b.Qkt orough and complete in every particular and to conform to thygtions of the Renton Planning Department ov bucC) pplication . Z SEP 13 isn Date Receive , 19 By: . % DEPPR� Renton Planning Dept ' 2-73 GARDNER ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS / PLANNERS / SURVEYORS Since 1883 Arctic Building Penthouse, Seattle,Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 624-5265 TO: Mr. Gordon Erickson- PlennirVt Direetc a DATE: 29 September 1977 City of Renton JOB NO. 1211 200 mill Avenue South RE: Fir,ntrm 'Jn 02n5c ATTN : WE ARE SENDING YOU, El ATTACHED El UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: • COPIES DESCRIPTION ;w,_, apl r^[r nri Plp.n for Preliminary Plat of O iflia Induotrial Park, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: )0 FOR APPROVAL 0 APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ❑ RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR USE 0 APPROVED AS NOTED 0 SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ AS REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS 0 RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPY TO: SIGNED: • M I s . F I I •/ze ; &oaame Inc Crty d J• .-eon• l • I Ron. I TUKWILA,Y sw ME J N \ O ru•.`Yr ds II J �D N r ® y r. Fi Qo ece Dil n L REMTON P6ao eC . i 5W I T—�I 1 1450 I �6 O IO] 203 GAD Ea0 I �TT�\) Beale Q,c9ne , I / I I 1 ' 11 441.r - leer y --_ 11 A� v • s'rr•.� .a.I I I / I I (1 i �remoe.e•l {_/ 1 r j i i I -- I i I I/ f a1a 1 i I I r',\! 1 1 I I I I - 1,....1 SW, •n 1 L DESCRIPTION ��f / ki I Q 1 1 I� I 1 I I f � SW 3/st St I SITE I o \ t, % The NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 25-23-4 g 1 i I I m 1 "V I I " together with that portion of the NE //4 of b- W I ' I I I I r c 1 I 1 I * I 1T f the S.W. 1/4 of Section 25-23-4 lying Eos1 of € = I ! / I I 1 I 1 I I I . • ---- I-2uH 7--- the west line of proposed P-/ Channel together g I i I I II I I - 1 17001 I }. 8 7. 1 I hoot J I� with that portion of the S.W. //4 of the NE/f4 m' C3 1 590 I $W -33 rd St I 8 I VICINITY MAP of Section 25-23-4 and of the SE//4 of the I I I I I I tool I 'Scale 1"=1/2 mile NW //4 of said Section 25-23-4 lying Southerly , i i I 1 I I 1 I I • os of the Northerly rnargin of proposed P-I / o 1.1 m N o , Iu Channel and lying Easterly of the Westerly ' I 1 1 1 y I I & C margin of proposed P-% Channel. i i C X I I 1 I 1�, i I I I . a CI / i M1 I I ! I ' 1720 1 I ' Q`.i I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I SW. 34fh St. ,1 Total Acreage - 72.5acres :/„....."/I — I 5Rant`�„ Co, I I I `I ��760` ,1 1 Number of Lots - 6 I I Cc'e` Ra'}' Ifill' 1 I 1Area of Smallest Lot - 5 O acres I I I I I II ` I` ll ` 1 I -- Water-City of Renton1 I 1 1 1�Sewer Disposal-Sonilory Sewer to Metro I1 I I I IJ I I \ \ II II t I ' ' Surface Runoff-Storm Drains,Hped to Springbr /o Creek III I I I Iy I i I I \� 1�� O Land Use Classification -Hhnufcctunnq Pork-Heavy (Renton pJrlion1 w000sed 11 QWWW oils Light Industry (Tukwila portion) o.aunge Coo • • FUPeA / CI..A Fa.— — orswu�as �'M v,, PRELIMINARY PLAT l ( a t�a�E gEaa .EEe.laaa IM-M Ert'. b:C'E^.5 yEEi OF ccwitzJl�,.1,Gia[Erzi .LL j' a SCALEti BURLINGTON NORTHERN I211 "'�c; we I,ee:',/ e ,.,., Is ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OF TUKWILA ant-2 Jae No • Pioneer Tr ational Title Insurance. m an p Yom ?` 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98104 • TELEPHONE (206) 682-6600 PLAT CERTIFICATE REFER T0: ,�� �F RF :J1; : A-174171 � R�C��j CD�j\\ UNITIT EG C 0\i PROPOSED PLAT OF: ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK �UL is 1977 • l GLACIER PARK CO. • 4/G, . 437 CENTRAL BLDG. DEPa�„ 810 THIRD AVENUE • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON • ATTENTION: JIM GORDON DATE: JUNE 22, 1977 AT 8:00 A.M. GENTLEMEN: THIS IS A CERTIFICATE AS OF THE DATE MENTIONED ABOVE. THIS COMPANY CERTIFIES THAT RECORD TITLE IS VESTED IN PARCEL A: DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AS TO THAT PORTION CONDENMED FOR DRAINAGE DITCH IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 32912; AND IN GLACIER PARK COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, AS TO THE REMAINDER OF PARCEL (A) PARCEL B: DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AS TO THAT PORTION OF SAID GO•IERNMENT LOT 1 CONDEMNED FOR DRAINAGE DITCH IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 32912; AND IN GLACIER PARK COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION. AS TO THE REMAINDER OF PARCEL ( B) ; PARCEL C: DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1• KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AS TO THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES CONDEMNED FOR DRAINAGE DITCH IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 32912; AND IN GLACIER PARK COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, AS TO ThE REMAINDER OF PARCEL (C) ; PARCEL D: • GLACIER PARK COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION 4-174171 PAGE 1 . — PARCEL E: DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AS TO PORTION LYING WITHIN 10 FOOT AND 40 FOOT DRAINAGE DITCHES; AND GLACIER PARK COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, AS TO THE REMAINDER PARCEL F: GLACIER PARK COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION PARCEL G: DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AS TO THE EAST 20 FEET OF SAID PARCEL G ; AND GLACIER PARK COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, AS TO THE REMAINDER OF PARCEL G. AND IS A CERTIFICATE FOR A PLAT OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: PARCEL (A) ALL THAT PORTION OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING WESTERLY OF EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY; EXCEPT THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; AND EXCEPT THE FRACTIONAL NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30 (ALSO KNOWN AS GOVERNMENT LOT 1). PARCEL ( B) THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING WESTERLY OF THE EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY AS CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NOS. 1107035 AND 3960399 THROUGH 3960405 INCLUSIVE; EXCEPT THE WEST 33 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 510698; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 2660649; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 8.5 FEET OF THE EAST 397.40 FEET AS MEASURED ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SOUTH 180TH STREET CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 7401170.344; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN THE SOUTH 50 FEET AND THE WEST 40 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 7603010529; ALSO GOVERNMENT LOT 1 (ALSO KNOWN AS THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER) IN SAID SECTION 31; EXCEPT THAT PORTION DEEDED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 2660650; AND EXCEPT COUNTY ROAD NO. 324 ( VOLUME 7 OF COMMISSIONER' S RECORDS, PAGE 329) . PARCEL (C) A-174171 'PAGE 2 - THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF DEEDED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 2660648. PARCEL (D) THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE- SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL IE) _ THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL ( F) THAT PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF GOVERNMENT LOT 7, IN SECTION 25; ' TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON (ALSO KNOWN AS THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER) LYING EAST OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY; EXCEPT ANY PORTION LYING WITHIN 'THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. , RIGHT OF WAY, AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 15 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL ( G) THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 7603250650 WHICH CONVEYED PREMISES ARE DISCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THOSE PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOT 9 AND OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W. M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 20 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 9 AND 1254.20 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE; THENCE NORTH 88°24'48" WEST 1029.43 FEET MORE OR LESS TO A POINT 300 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 9; THENCE SOUTH 1001'49" WEST ON A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 300 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 9 AND THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, A DISTANCE OF 845.23 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°24'48" EAST 1032.55 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT 20 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 0°49' 10" EAST 845.19 FEET TO PLACE OF BEGINNING. FREE FROM ALL LIENS, ENCUMBRANCES AND OBJECTIONS, EXCEPT AS A-174171 PAGE 3 - " • FOLLOWS: I. GENERAL TAXES, AS FOLLOWS, PLUS INTEREST AFTER DELINQUENCY: FOR YEAR AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID 1977 $25,269.51 $12.634.76 BEING COUNTY TREASURER'S PARCEL NO. 885700-0005-02, 302305-9008-05, 9010-01, 9009-04, 9017-04, AND 9059-03 SAID TAXES AFFECT: PARCEL (A) GENERAL TAXES, AS FOLLOWS, PLUS INTEREST AFTER DELINQUENCY: FOR YEAR AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID 1977 $13,015.90 $6,507.95 BEING COUNTY TREASURER'S PARCEL NO. 312305-9012-08, 9077-00, AND 9108-03 SAID TAXES AFFECT: PARCEL (B) GENERAL TAXES, AS FOLLOWS, PLUS INTEREST AFTER DELINQUENCY: FOR YEAR AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID 1977 $8,409.84 $4,204.92 BEING COUNTY TREASURER' S PARCEL NO. 362304-9001-07 SAID TAXES AFFECT: PARCEL (C) GENERAL TAXES, AS FOLLOWS, PLUS INTEREST AFTER DELINQUENCY: FOR YEAR AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID 1977 $26,219.85 $13, 109.94 BEING COUNTY TREASURER' S PARCEL NO. 252304-9040-03, 9030-05, 9018-01 , 09 SAID TAXES AFFECT: PARCELS (D) , (E) ,9036 AND-(F) ANO 9038-07 GENERAL TAXES, AS FOLLOWS, PLUS INTEREST AFTER DELINQUENCY: FOR, YEAR AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID 1977 $5,215.38 $2,607.69 BEING COUNTY TREASURER'S PARCEL NO. 252304-9005-06 SAID TAXES AFFECT: PARCEL (G) GENERAL TAXES ARE SHOWN AS EXEMPT ON THE GENERAL TAX ROLLS FOR THE YEAR 1977 DRAINAGE DITCH PROPERTY 2. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF $155,755. 38 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT UNDER DISTRICT 302, ASSESSMENT NO. 2/14, FILED WITH THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF RENTON ON APRIL 11, 1977, THE LIEN OF WHICH, AS BETWEEN GRANTOR AND GRANTEE AND VENDOR AND VENDEE IN THE ABSENCE OF EXPRESS AGREEMENT AS TO PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENT, ATTACHED THIRTY DAYS AFTER SAID DATE. AFFECTS PORTION OF PARCEL A A-174171 PAGE 4 - • • 3. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF $77,877.69 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT UNDER DISTRICT 302, ASSESSMENT NO. 2/11, FILED WITH THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF RENTON ON APRIL 11, 1977, THE LIEN OF WHICH, AS BETWEEN GRANTOR AND GRANTEE AND VENDOR AND VENDEE IN THE ABSENCE OF EXPRESS AGREEMENT AS TO PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS, ATTACHED THIRTY DAYS AFTER SAID DATE. AFFECTS PORTION OF PARCEL A 4. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF $38,938.81 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT UNDER DISTRICT 302, ASSESSMENT NO. 2/12, FILED WITH THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF RENTON ON APRIL 11, 1977, THE LIEN OF WHICH, AS BETWEEN GRANTOR • AND GRANTEE AND VENDOR AND VENDEE IN THE ABSENCE OF EXPRESS AGREEMENT AS TO PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS, ATTACHED THIRTY DAYS AFTER SAID DATE. AFFECTS PORTION OF PARCEL A 5. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF $38,938.84 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT UNDER DISTRICT 302, ASSESSMENT NO. 2/13, FILED WITH THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF RENTON ON APRIL . 11, 1977, THE LIEN OF WHICH, AS BETWEEN GRANTOR AND GRANTEE AND VENDOR AND VENDEE IN THE ABSENCE OF EXPRESS AGREEMENT AS TO PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS, ATTACHED THIRTY DAYS AFTER SAID DATE. AFFECTS A PORTION OF PARCEL :A 6. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF $91.305.70 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT UNDER DISTRICT 302, ASSESSMENT NO. 3/17, FILED WITH THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF RENTON ON APRIL 11, 1977, THE LIEN OF WHICH, AS BETWEEN GRANTOR AND GRANTEE AND VENDOR AND VENDEE IN THE ABSENCE OF EXPRESS AGREEMENT AS TO PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS, ATTACHED THIRTY DAYS AFTER SAID DATE. AFFECTS A PORTION OF PARCEL 8 7. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF $141,005.82 FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT UNDER DISTRICT 302, ASSESSMENT NO. 3/18, FILED WITH THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF RENTON ON APRIL 11, 1977, THE LIEN OF WHICH, AS BETWEEN GRANTOR AND' GRANTEE AND VENDOR AND VENDEE IN THE :-ABSENCE OF EXPRESS AGREEMENT AS TO PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS, ATTACHED THIRTY DAYS AFTER SAID DATE. • AFFECTS A PORTION OF PARCEL B 8. ASSESSMENT OF $9083.49 FOR SANITARY SEWERS UNDER ORDINANCE 3033,' DISTRICT 298, ASSESSMENT NO. 2/12, PAYABLE IN 10 ANNUAL INSTALMENTS PLUS INTEREST AT 7 PER CENT PER ANNUM FROM JUNE 20, 1977. THE NEXT INSTALMENT WILL BE DELINQUENT JUNE 20, 1978, IF UNPAID. AFFECTS A PORTION OF PARCEL B 9. ASSESSMENT OF $14974.59 FOR SANITARY SEWERS UNDER ORDINANCE 3033, DISTRICT 298 , ASSESSMENT NO. 43, PAYABLE IN 10 ANNUAL INSTALMENTS PLUS INTEREST AT 7 PER CENT PER ANNUM FROM JUNE 20, 1977. THE NEXT INSTALMENT WILL BE DELINQUENT JUNE 20, 1978, LF UNPAID. AFFECTS A PORTION OF PARCEL A • A-174171 PAGE 5 - + 10. ASSESSMENT OF $14971.41 FOR SANITARY SEWERS UNDER ORDINANCE 3033r DISTRICT 298, ASSESSMENT NO. 1/5, PAYABLE IN 10 ANNUAL INSTALMENTS PLUS INTEREST AT 7 PER CENT PER ANNUM FROM JUNE 20, 1977. THE NEXT INSTALMENT WILL BE DELINQUENT JUNE 20, 1978, IF UNPAID. AFFECTS A PORTION OF PARCEL A 11. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF $2923.75 FOR SANITARY SEWERS UNDER DISTRICT 273, ASSESSMENT NO. PG-12, FILED WITH THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF RENTON ON JUNE 21, 1971, THE LIEN OF WHICH, AS BETWEEN GRANTOR AND GRANTEE AND VENDOR AND VENDEE IN THE ABSENCE OF EXPRESS AGREEMENT AS TO PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS, ATTACHED THIRTY DAYS AFTER SAID DATE. AFFECTS A PORTION OF PARCEL D 12. EASEMENT FOR ROAD OVER AND ACROSS THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30, WHICH EASEMENT CONTAINS PROVISION FOR BEARING EQUAL COST OF MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF SAID COMMON ROAD BY THE COMMON USERS, RECORDED OCTOBER 26, 1945, UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 3512623. 13. TERMS OF THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO FEBRUARY 25, 1911, BY AND BETWEEN JOHN WINSTON AND H. H. A. HASTINGS, RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1911, UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 733381; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF THE SAID H. H. A. HASTINGS, OR HIS ASSIGNS, OF DITCHES THEN EXISTING, OR TO BE THEREAFTER DUG, IN OR UPON A PORTION OF PARCEL A, SAID DITCHES TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE DRAINING OF CERTAIN LANDS PURCHASED BY SAID H. H. A. HASTINGS. 14. RIGHT OF THE OWNERS OF PREMISES ADJOINING THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30 IN A SIXTY FOOT ROAD, RESERVED IN DEED FROM ANGUS MACKINTOSH AND ELIZABETH MACKINTOSH, HIS WIFE9 TO JOHN FERGUSON, RECORDED IN VOLUME 13 OF DEEDS, PAGE 646, SAID ROAD BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PIECE OF LAND OUT OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30 OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO MAKE A ROAD • WAY OF SIXTY FEET IN WIDTH TO CONNECT THE- PIECES OF LAND IN SAID SECTION THIS DAY SOLD BY PARTIES OF THE FIRST PART TO HENRY HARRIS. 15. RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED EXECUTED BY : JOHN WINSTON AND CLARA WINSTON, HIS WIFE RECORDED : FEBRUARY 14, 1912 FILED WITH THE REGISTRAR AUDITOR'S NO.: 791914 AS FOLLOWS: A STRIP OF LAND ONE ROD WIDE ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THIS TRACT SHALL BE LEFT OPEN FOR USE AS A PRIVATE ROADWAY UNTIL IT SHALL BE REPLACED BY A PUBLIC ROAD ALONG THE SAME LINE. AFFECTS THE SOUTH HALF OF SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30 16. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. A-174171 PAGE 6 - o FOR : SEWER LINE IN FAVOR OF MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION RECORDED : OCTOBER 25, 1967 AUDITOR' S NO.: 6255262 AFFECTS : A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES TO THE RECORD OF WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR FULL PARTICULARS • 17. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE. PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : UNDERGROUND WATER LINE IN FAVOR OF : CITY OF -RENTON RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1976 AUDITOR'S NO. : 7608160613 AFFECTS : A PORTION OF PARCEL (A) • 18. ' RESERVATION CONTAINED IN DEEDS COVERING AN UNDIVIDED ONE-EIGHTEENTH INTEREST FROM DORIS SMITH TEALE, AN UNDIVIDED ONE-TWELFTH INTEREST FROM CORAL LOWRY, AN UNDIVIDED ONE-TWELFTH INTEREST FROM MILDA LOWRY DINE, AN UNDIVIDED ONE-SIXTH INTEREST FROM KARMEN KINGERY, AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST FROM ELAINE RUMBERGER, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF CORA M. CULLITON, DECEASED, AN UNDIVIDED ONE-EIGHTEENTH INTEREST FROM EDITH SMITH BLACKLEDGE AND AN UNDIVIDED ONE-EIGHTEENTH INTEREST FROM FLORENCE SMITH TOWN, . RECORDED MARCH 7, 1955 UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NOS. 4547626 THROUGH 4547632, RESPECTIVELY, SAID RESERVATION BEING AS FOLLOWS: RESERVING UNTO THE FIRST. PARTY THE RIGHT TO RETAIN 50 PER CENT OF ANY AND ALL ROYALTIES WHICH MAY BE DERIVED FROM ALL OIL PRODUCED ON OR FROM SAID PROPERTY. AFFECTS NORTH 401.2 FEET OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF NORTHWEST QUARTER SAID SECTION 31 19. CONDEMNATION BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON OF RIGHT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR, BY DECREE ENTERED : .MARCH 20, 1962 . CASE NO. : SC 570903 20. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : SOUTH RENTON SEWER TRUNK LINE IN FAVOR OF : THE MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE AFFECTS : A PERMANENT EASEMENT OVER THE SOUTHERLY 10 FEET AND THE EASTERLY 15 FEET OF PARCEL B CONDEMNED IN : 698266 21. AGREEMENT EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HEREIN NAMED UPON THE CONDITIONS THEREIN PROVIDED. ` BETWEEN : THE CITY' OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND GLACIER PARK COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION DATED : MARCH 4, 1969 RECORDED : MARCH 6, 1969 A-174171 PAGE 7 - AUDITOR' S NO. : 6479469 PROVIDING : FOR INSTALATION OF WATER MAIN SYSTEM, FIRE HYDRANTS, ETC. ACROSS THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 31 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 36 22. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT FOR A PUBLIC UTILITY (STREET IMPROVEMENT) IN FAVOR OF : THE CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION RECORDED : JANUARY 17, 1974 AUDITOR' S NO. : 7401170342 AFFECTS : BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF S.W. 43RD STREET ( KNOWN AS S. 180TH STREET ) AND THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY ( KNOWN AS S.M. NO. 167) ; THENCE NORTH 89°04' 26" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY PROPERTY LINE, 397.40 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°04' 26" WEST, 175.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0°53' 34" EAST, 28.5 FEET ; THENCE SOUTH 89°04'26" EAST, 587.09 FEET BEING A POINT 5.00 FEET MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY FROM THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY, THENCE NORTH 37°10' 19" EAST, 287. 51 FEET PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, THENCE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 871.77 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 72.51 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 57°35'38" EAST, 5.00 FEET BEING A POINT ON THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS 876.77 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 72.93 FEET, THEN CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 37°10' 19" WEST 308.64 FEET TO A POINT 40.00 FEET MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY FROM THE EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY CENTERLINE AND 38. 5 FEET MEASURED PERPENDICULARLY FROM THE S.W. 43RD STREET CENTERLINE; THENCE NORTH 89°04'26" WEST, 403.63 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°55134"' WEST, 8.5 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 23. EASEMENT FOR PIPELINE ALONG THE EASTERLY FENCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 31 LYING WESTERLY OF EAST VALLEY HIGHWAY, EXCEPT THE 401. 2 FEET THEREOF AND EXCEPT COUNTY ROADS DISCLOSED BY PROCEEDINGS IN SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 698266 24. RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED EXECUTED BY : BROADACRES, INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION RECORDED : APRIL 1 , 1975 AUDITOR' S NO. : 7504010479 AS FOLLOWS: SAVING AND RESERVING, HOWEVER, UNTO SAID GRANTOR, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, ALL OF THE COAL, OIL, GAS, CASINGHEAD GAS AND ALL ORES AND MINERALS OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE UNDERLYING THE SURFACE OF THE PREMISES A-174171 PAGE 8 - HEREIN CONVEYED, TOGETHER WITH FULL RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND LICENSE AT ANY TIME AND ALL TIMES TO EXPLORE, OR DRILL FOR AND TO PROTECT, CONSERVE, MINE, TAKE, REMOVE AND MARKET ANY AND ALL SUCH PRODUCTS IN ANY MANNER WHICH WILL NOT DAMAGE STRUCTUES NOR DISTURB THE SURFACE NOR INTERFERE WITH THE USE OF THE PREMISES HEREIN CONVEYED. AFFECTS A PORTION OF ' THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 31 25. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : A SEWER LINE IN FAVOR OF : MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION RECORDED : FEBRUARY 9, 1968 AUDITOR' S NO.: 6302862 AFFECTS : 15 FEET STRIP ACROSS WESTERLY PORTION OF PARCELS G, E AND C 26. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : A SEWER LINE IN FAVOR OF : MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION RECORDED : JUNE 16, 1969 AUDITOR' S NO. : 6525163 AFFECTS PORTIONS OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 OF SECTION 31 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SAID PORTION BEING DESCRIBED IN THIS EASEMENT BEING INCLUDED IN A STRIP OF LAND 10 FEET IN WIDTH LYING NORTHERLY OF AND ADJOINING THE NORTH LINE OF SOUTH 180TH STREET, BETWEEN THE EAST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND A LINE DISTANT 22.5 FEET EASTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER ( 1/4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER ( 1/4) • OF SAID SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 27. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : PUBLIC UTILITIES IN FAVOR OF : CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION RECORDED : DECEMBER 23, 1970 AUDITOR' S NO.: 6726584 AFFECTS : BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 25 WITH THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 694 FEET; THENCE EAST 2,631.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY 45 FEET ALONG THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF SAID ROAD ALONG THE EXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH; THENCE WEST 2, 575.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY PARALLEL WITH AND 15.01. FEET EAST OF THE A-174171 PAGE 9 • NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 25; THENCE WEST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 28. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : PUBLIC UTILITIES INCLUDING WATER AND SEWER WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES , IN FAVOR OF : CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION RECORDED : NOVEMBER 18, 1971 AUDITOR'S NO. : 7111180358 AFFECTS : BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 25 WITH THE EAST MARGIN OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 694 FEET; THENCE EAST A DISTANCE OF 2,631.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY 45 FEET ALONG THE WEST MARGIN OF A ROAD ALONG THE DRAINAGE DITCH; THENCE WEST 2,575.67 FEET; SOUTHWESTERLY PARALLEL WITH AND 15.01 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 25; THENCE WEST TO THE BEGINNING. 29. . EASEMENT RIGHTS TO A 15 FOOT STRIP AND A 40 FOOT STRIP OF LAND LYING WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SECTION 25 AS PROVIDED BY INSTRUMENTS RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NOS. 2924029 THROUGH 2924033 30. RIGHT OF WHITE RIVER POWER COMPANY TO DIVERT FROM THE CHANNEL OF WHITE RIVER ANY OF THE WATER OF SAID RIVER TO CARRY THE SAME INTO ANY OTHER CHANNEL IT MAY DEEM DESIRABLE, AS GRANTED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 3, 1902 UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 248293. AFFECTS GOVERNMENT LOT 7 AND THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25 31. EASEMENT FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE OVER SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25 AS GRANTED TO CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY, A WISCONSIN CORPORATION, BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE NO. 1232949. aLtob7/ BY- _ AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY w • MS/AB 0547 CC: GARDNER ENGINEERS, INC. / CITY •OF RENTON / HANK RADTKE A-174171 PAGE 10 CITY OF RENTON N0.4 _ 2343 FINANCE DEPARTMENT • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 9-c23 19 7 7 RECEIVED OF -- aticialt DoLh rjE • a g46-7 cr'24,,1 4-4-L, TOTAL GWEN E. MARSHALL„ FINANCE DIRECTOR BY � pF - v o THE CITY OF RENTON .a f_•` MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 ?., 0 ''':h CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 O,Q4tr.-co SEPS-���Q, November 17 , 1977 Glacier Park Company 437 Central Building 810 Third Avenue Seattle , Washington 98104 RE : NOTICE OF APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR 64 LOT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION, FILE NO. PP-086-77, AND APPLICATION FOR EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, FILE NO. E-092-77; property located south of existing Mobil and Olympic Petroleum Distribution Facility north of S.W. 43rd and westerly of the East Valley Highway. Dear Sirs : The Renton Planning Department formally accepted the above mentioned application on November 15 , 1977 . A public hearing before the City of Renton Hearing Examiner has been set for December 6 , 1977 , at 9 : 00 a . m. . Representatives of the applicant are asked to be present . All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing . If you have any further questions , please call the Renton Planning Department , 235-2550. Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director B y . Michael L . Smf h /Associate Planner MLS :wr cc : Albert J . Hebrank , Gardner Engineers ! Jam` 1` /ry -� -- Nu1ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL, RENTON , WASHINGTON , ON DECEMBER 6 , 19 77 , AT 9 :00 A. M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: 1 . GLACIER PARK COMPANY ; APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION , File No. PP-086-77 , AND APPLICATION FOR EXCEPTION TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE , File No. E-092-77; property located south of existing Mobil and Olympic Petroleum Distribution facility north of S .W. 43rd and westerly of the East Valley Highway. Legal description on file in Renton Planning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 6 , 1977 , AT 9 : 00 A. M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS . GORDON Y . ERICKSEN PUBLISHED November 25, 1977 RENTON PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION I , MICHAEL L . SMITH , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and \s ,orn,:: to before )r e, a Not ry , Pt'b1 i c . _ on the A2—day of k3n�(Jek er �. ' 19 -r( • 5 SIGNED • Introduced Bernice Stern y114' No. 73-802 MOTION NO; - 1=5 A MOTION concurring with the recommendation of the Zoning and Subdivision Examiner in the 2 application for Unclassified Use Permit petitioned by GLACIER PARK COMPANY, designated 3 Land Use Management File No. 316-73-P, changing two conditions, and adding a condition. 4 5 THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL, by this Motion, does accept the i 6 report of the Zoning and Subdivision Examiner dated November 29, 7 1973 , which was filed with the Clerk of the Council on December 8 5, 1973 , regarding the application for an Unclassified Use Permit 9 petitioned by Glacier Park Company, designated by the Land Use 10 Management Division, Department of Community and Environmental 11 Development, as No. 316-73-P, and the Council does concur with 12 the recommendations contained therein with the following changes 13 in Conditions 3 . b. and 3 .c. : 14 3 .b. All land within 75 feet of the following adjacent properties : to the north, Tax Lots 65, 122, 177, 15 198, 234 and the easterly 300 feet of Tax Lots 242 and 260. 16 17 3 .c. All land within 20 feet of the north boundary and 20 feet of the west boundary of the Lutheran 18 Church properties . 19 The following condition is hereby added to the report : 20 13 . The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, any property owner against damage due to diminishing 21 of or contamination of existing domestic water supply by reason of carrying out the terms of this 22 permit . 23 PASSE this 4/24., day of /j✓ , 19 75/ 24 KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING 0 WASHINGTON 25 26 27 Ch rman 28 ATTEST: 29 • 30 Clerk or the Council • , I • I I I • I ••• i [�=•-`�., ' 31 I I • F' CT 32 éi4\ s) - I I 33 1 I 30N 21511 •tl ...�- -----• �� I I,. II ; I I .. • I C 1 1 �� 9 N�/!!! • DAP P i , 316-=,;j—P Page • Testifying regarding his concerns was : Rev. James Koehler, Pastor King of Kings. Lutheran Church 18207 - 108th S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Rev. Koehler entered the following exhibit: Exhibit # 2 - Letter dated October 15, . 1973 from King of Kings Lutheran Church stating their concerns. Testifying in support was : Woodrow Taylor, attorney representing applicant Burlington Northern 840 Central Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Mr. Taylor made reference to plate 4. of the applicant' s plans in his discussions of buffering. Also testifying in support was: Taylor Nordquist, engineer representing applicant Burlington Northern 840 Central Building Seattle, Washington 98104 ' Testifying in opposition was : • • James Huber 18249 - 108th S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 • • A . Taylor offered the following exhibit: Exhibit # 3 - •Panoramic photograph of area south and west the church. .sir. Taylor proceeded with his presentation. -- — -- - •:he Examiner and Mr. Kohler addressed questions to Mr. Taylor and to Mr. Nordquist. mr. Taylor directed questions to Mr. Nordquist regarding the applicant' s This matter was recessed at 10:20 A.M. , and reconvened at 10 :23 A.M. , October 16, 1973. Mr. Taylor continued to question Mr. Nordquist. • • Mr. Taylor offered the following exhibits : Exhibit # 4 - Panoramic photo dated December 28, 1967 of the . subject .property looking from _east-- of- 108th.-_ _ _ Exhibit # 5 - Panoramic photo dated m000mbor 28, 1907 otgt as subject property taken east of 108th. • • • • • 1 . f_) \(2!'‘4° QUITCLAIM DEED The Grantor, GLACIER PARK COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, does by these presents donate, convey, grant and quitclaim unto the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, Grantee, under the terms and conditions herein set forth, the following described property situated in King County, Washington: All those portions of Government Lot 9 and of the South- east Quarter the Rangeh4aEtW4Martdescribed Section follows- Beginning at a Township 23 North, C 1) 1. �� point 20 feet west of the east line of Government Lot 9 and 1254 . 20 feet south of the north line; Thence North 88°24 '48" West 1029 .43 feet more or less to a point 300 feet east of the west line of Government Lot 9; Thence South 1°01 '49" West on a line parallel to and 300 feet east of the west line of Government Lot 9 and the west line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 25 845.23 feet; Thence South 88°24 '48" East 1032 . 55 feet more or less to a point. 20 feet west of the east line of said South- east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; Thence North 0°49 ' 10" East 845.19 feet to place of beginning. SUBJECT TO A RESERVATION to Grantor of all coal, oil, gas, casinghead gas and all ores and minerals of every kind and nature underlying the surface of the premises, gether with the full right, privilege and license at any and all times to explore or drill for and to protect, conserve, mine, take, remove and market any and all such products in any manner which will not damage or disturb structures and other improvements , and Grantor to restore the premises to substantially the same condition existing immediately prior to any such exploration or drilling . THIS GRANT AND DONATION is made to enable the Grantee to set aside these or comparable lands for wetland, wildlife habitat, open space or greenbelt purposes, in the general vicinity of where the same are located. If the Grantee shall determine that it should need to sell, trade, exchange, encumber, or pledge said lands to accomplish said purpose, this grant includes the right to do so without approval of the Grantor so long as the lands or the proceeds therefrom are used for said purposes. a • LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF. PARCEL i1 OPL FEE PROPERTY NO. 15 • • That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M. , County of King, - 0 State of Washington, described as follows: • ( v Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 25; (v2f thence South 0°49' 10" West, along the East line of said `' ' Section 25 a distance of 180.01 feet to an intersection with a line parallel to and 180 feet Southerly, measured at right angles to the North line of said Section 25; thence North 89°52' 01" West , parallel with sai.d' North line, 20.00 feet t:e an intersection with a line parallel to and 20 feet Westerly, measured at right angles to the East line of said Section 25; thence South 0°49' 10" West along said parallel linc,,554.32fect to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 88024'48" West a distance of 1027 .(S0 feet to a point; thence South 1°01' 19" West, 525. 16 feet to a point; thence South 83°24'48" .East 1029.43 feet to a point on a line parallel to and 20 feet Westerly of, measured at right angles to the East line of said Section 25; thence North 0°49' 10" East along said parallel line, 520.05 feet to the True Point of Beginning and containing • in all' 12.28 acres , more or less, BUT RESERVING unto the Grantor, its successors and assigns a permanent easement for road purposes over, across and upon the northerly 30 feet thereof; • I�wQ TOGETHER with a permanent non-exclusive easement for road4purposes, for the benefit of the property conveyed over, across and upon: (1) The Southerly 30 feet of Tract No. 2. • (2) A 60 foot wide strip of land in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. described as follows: The Southerly 30 feet of Tract No. 3 and Tract No. 5 and • • the Northerly 30 feet of Tract No. 4. • SUBJECT TO: • • (1) Declaration of Protective Covenants dated February 16, 1965, executed by Glacier Park Company, a corporation, and recorded March 9, 1965, under Auditor' s File No. 5852490, records of King County; (2) Reservations and exceptions contained in deed dated August 12, 1965 from Glacier Park Company, a corporation, to Grantor, recorded in Volume No. 4698 of Deeds, Page 290, records of King County; (3) Easement: for power line ('ransmisien over a portion of the property conveyed, as granted by instrument dated February 14, 1966, i n favor of Puget Sound Power and Light Company and recorded March 1, 1966 under Auditor's File No. 5994715, records of King County. �.,._,... .. pate denied • �' Date appealed Appeal action Remarks_ • • • • • y69 ROUTE SCHEDULE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ROUTED 1! /i /77 PLEASE EVIEW THIS 4PPLICATION FOR: REZONE Wr.qmprmoexCa V MAJOR PLAT SITE APPROVAL .Pc0- 1"4)' P4"4r SHORT PLAT SPECIAL PERMIT WAIVER SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE , BEFORE,I/25/?7 SX o).) 1>c- s c. Ltri•34 SIGNATURE cP G Iz- CCKv C7T}1s 117t}4 S . OR INITAL DEPARTMENT . APPROVAL DENIAL DATE ,.., BUILDING • • - ��� C� TRAFFIC EN //-7 Z-27 ENGINEE ING) 1� /1h7/77 ,;r1.7:\ Ss) (FI R-D I " ' 1}( HEALTH REVIEWER ' S COMMENTS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS : 4Tralfic � -r ..� Wog/d recow,frv► fO7c` GJd/d?) eitt- wt -s'-eevv;Ye $ U I ac' �S t A l s o U)a (d -re co.Ee. e veal We s vJ •3 st S o as to -t ro b 1n„. a 'exc-'4- t.,; + sf Svc 3 I s"t. e w:r4sw ,3813c6 J4,4eci at,. -4'(Q. e c-t -6`t a v a a J y 0 a� PLEASE SIGN THE E . I .W . : I,d LJ;!,I_; . N. 1Lr i AL r,EV 1 EW r:,L.QdEST TO : PUfsLIC _I, KS DIRECTOR,, BUILDI _-ITION R-I - -- --- TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVIS ON ¢ C4PIS CL71.S UTILITIES DIVISION S AP-L FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM : PLANNING DEPARTMENT IL(ick-JAL, St�t�TW Contact Person R E : 012►�.r A I IJ 070 p,ity. / PP t_I M i.1/4_, Y V Tr Fr- --77 Please review the attached information regarding the subject proposal and return it to the Planning Department by _ /eV/ V-77 with your written recommendation . Your response will be included as part of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner. Thank you , ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT ice 1/ ci&&2&(/ Date /, //77 t. . MEMORANDUM To MIKE SMITH, PLANNING — DATE 11 /30/77 FROM FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU SUBJECT OR I LL I A INDUSTRIAL PARK SX42rrivtil Review of preliminary plat for Orillia Industrial Park of Renton by Fire Chief Geissler shows the following requirements and supersedes any previous letters or memorandums : 1 . Cul -de-sac dedicated street widths of seventy feet minimum required with actual street width of forty-four foot minimum with radius of cul -de-sacs in proportion . 2. Dedicated street access joining S.W. 39th Street and S.W. 42nd Street required. 3 . Realignment of S.W. 33rd and S.W. 38th as proposed by the City of Tukwila . • jb MEMO RANDU TO . '%(^t�1 ik--1 OK)/..NA&t.._) P-0I--- 7,1J DATE jiik- V77 FROM Y-(,tA4 SUBJECT 1 f)WI-11'J\ 22A.-!r.ar�f is r� C`_�{'C_i o <_.i ir1,L ATT-i cA4G v ,/� 2� C S 1vV2-v„t Drz-•A.t 14.1,-) C • C.- v p .+. j �►=- ef:"ZA t 1? 5 iYe- t iL t_ FAilz-AL- . A,,( L '1�-/fi t NJ 1 4E7 x f iz.G S 5 kc,D A l ti Gt:r�1"" r tZ._ �=Vtl=tti s�Jp Si� Gtc tG comv� i•`ri;S (�C [ ��r�i7 ikiCi • 1 HI 5 F eA c r� •Tv I ; T ;. t�s DA r s .►-C (-(t~/�(c ► kJ( , /Liq, , '- 1l_LC4 / I7uSTt-tl� ��IZt` \. S l,J r rt- );<L fr( o s vor£. S Pc rL SILWC/4_ FL-C) G -tAc ('c5 r-L cvr�i� l�i�i°iLo (Z.0 Ck ►, �T/-sc-r-(L ./z.S 2_ vAT"lz/2. o T V/k LL(E / /� '7 /c l 12.1rti.T-1)}-(/rUG (C Lt/--c rS Lenci� Corti/1-6 A s ( D, o r c t_c -FL S C /4-G of R�� 4 41► o C.) oo THE CITY OF RENTON "�}, z .. s;� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 t�� W, .' . c., s,(1 .,7 �,. O 6., � —4 CHARLES J. DELAUREIVTI MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 O4)4,fD SE � November 1 , 1977 • Kjell Stoknes , Director Office of Community Development 6230 Southcenter Boulevard . Tukwila , Washington 98188 Dear Mr . Stoknes : Attached for your review and comment is a copy of the Burlington Northern proposed Preliminary Plat for Orillia Industrial Park . We would appreciate receipt of any response you might have as soon as possible so that your comments can be entered into the Staff Report and Land Use Hearing Examiner record . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Plann ' ng irector. ^ ) • Michael L . ith Associate Planner GYE : MLS : Im1 Attachment ► 41 — o THE CITY OF RENTON ` 2 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 z o p ..� CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 50 • 235-2550 "P'ifO SE PS-'c° November 1 , 1977 Albert J . Hebrank Gardner Engineers , Inc . Arctic Building Penthouse Seattle , Washington 98104 Dear Mr . Hebrank : The Planning Department has reviewed the revised Preliminary Plat received October 19, 1977 , and has the following comments : 1 . The location of the Springbrook Creek drainage channel / •greenbelt has not been indicated on the plat map along the westerly portion of tract8, block 6 , and across the northwest corner of tract 7 , block 4 , as per our previous discussion at the October 11 , 1977 , meeting . 2 . It appears from the revised plat drawing that the northerly 90 feet of the land previously donated to the City for wetland , ' wildlife habitat purposes will contain the full width of the proposed Strander Boulevard.. The property was conveyed to the City for "certain wetland , wildlife habitat , open space , or greenbelt purposes . " Use of the site for road purposes would not be compatible with the original intent of the conveyance and the City ' s Comprehen- sive Plan . Therefore , the plat map should reflect a general shift of the wetland area south a distance of 90 feet to off-set the resultant loss in wetland area with the construction of Strander Boulevard . If the area south of the 20 acre wetland area has been filled , then an equivalent shift on the easterly side of Springbrook Creek would be an alternative . 3 . We have received your letter requesting certain exceptions to the Subdivision Ordinance . • A fee of $100 is required by City Ordinance with the filing of the exception requests . Please forward the proper fee to the Finance Department . Mr . Albert J . Hebrank November 1 , 1977 Page Two We have accepted the Preliminary Plat on the basis that the abovementioned corrections will be made to the plat maps . December 6 , 1977 , has been tentatively set as the Hearing Examiner Public Hearing date . We hope to receive the changes as soon as possible so that we may complete the review process . If you have any questions , please contact this department . Very truly yours , • Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director_ • Michael L . Smith Associate Planner GYE : HLS : lml • cc : Don Cowles , Burlington Northern Jim Gordon , Burlington Northern bc : Mayor • • � A o TH1; CITY OF ENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 yy_ 4'ti;• °' . CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O 235-2550 lfDSEP�� O� October 31 , 1977 • Gary Crutchfield Office of Community Development City of Tukwila 6230 Southcenter Boulevard Tukwila , Washington 98188 • RE : ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK PRELIMINARY PLAT • Dear Mr. Crutchfield : The Planning Department has reviewed the portion of the Orillia Industrial Park Plat within the City of Tukwila and has the follow-. ing comments : 1 . Longacres Parkway , within the City of Renton , is designated as a full parkway facility with landscaped median strip and land- scaping and other improvements on both sides of the street . A minimum ninety ( 90 ) foot right-of-way is required to accom- . modate such a roadway . • 2 . It appears that- the proposed cul -de-sac does not provide sufficient access for the large tracts 5 and 6 . A similar cul -de-sac is proposed farther south within the City of • Renton . Together, the two cul -de-sacs provide minimal access to the approximate combined 113 acres proposed for develop- ment west of Longacres Parkway . We recommend that the two cul -de-sacs be linked with a loop connecting road . 3. Possible location for pedestrian and bike paths within the plat should be studied , perhaps at the ends of streets extending toward and adjacent to the proposed drainage channel . We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposed plat. If you have any further questions , please contact this department. Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Direr // (Michael L . Smith • Associate Planner MLS :wr • �ni Y of TUKWIL <• ;: \ / OFFICE of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 25 October 1977 Mr. Gordon Y. Ericksen, Director Department of Planning City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue, City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 RE: Glacier Park Preliminary Plat • Dear Mr . Ericksen : Please find attached a copy of the Preliminary Plat proposed by Burlington Northern for the portion of planned Glacier Park which lies within the corporate limits Of Tukwila. This office will appreciate any pertinent comments returned by 2 November 1977 . A public hearing is tentatively scheduled for 8 : 00 P.M. Thursday, 17 November 1977 at the City Hall Council Chambers , 14475 - 59th Avenue South in Tukwila. Sincerely, • • 1 . Gary Crutchfield Assistant Planner GC/ch = =`= R�\ Attachment : as f \ RECEJVEb �� 1/� L 1J OCT 27 1977 i30tz/,: .od o Y'u.fiwil,� t;ash.ington 98188 ® (206) 2.12-2177 • • • • • . \,i / ` 1 ! � I r• A ,..T; I ,14.At I ;!;/ \ /qo E, OrOOGS,[ IK I RonC.fy 01 1` TL:K\YIU / �--.:-i . —s;r /V_\\\v / I ,\ i Renton �. "5®. !/ tiff j O I 1fI 1 /t -sro: :': jL IdI I I ..;,,II I i� • 1 -'°° so aro r n000,[a ^, --�-- - . T. I ,1° I J �1 !!r I K..• 1«I a.:,:�� j j l i I I �i I I I i r ��''/ - - • 1•I 1 1 ' Is 1 I" l at (, ---- • f r• I •-� -� d �1. f I I I • M 4[S'^S,e T.,.t _—; 1 .. r ,I\�v -_ 1 I I I I 11 i t WI-a.-W[ l ;It r I �' I + r ! 1 i i� ,�i ) 1 I s ! I • I tr 1 f ' � I � � r I ! 1 .1 ' '1 \' 'IN1 • CESCRIPT/Oh! f o I ISITE 1r 1 �I ! I ! ? sW 3/5t s, i J �/ -'11 I The NW //4•cf the SE I/4 of Sechon 2:-23-4 it 1 1/ I " a \ t, I ( i • - - 1 y \r- ..�/ Il i !o;elher InLh that{rrhon of the NE I/4 of R IJaJ III i ' 1 f3 `� i I �' /G� - �i 1 , the S W /fJ of Section 25-23-4 lying East of § = 1 I ( a - I j Gp 1- ! • - - 1 ----- -I--- - --- the west line of proposed P-I C.onne/ together •Ir I ! I I i i I i ' I 1 i ' • with that-portion of the SW. I/4 of the NE MI ,2 V I I 1 5Pn I I I I I'n I ' /, 1 i`� - - 1 VICINITY MAP of Section"25-23-4 and of the SE 1/4 of the T • i $W 33rd St $; '+: h:?_ Sce'e i•=12 m::e NW 1/4 of sold Section u-23-4/yi,:g =octherly II r I i••� --��-` I �^t"' I _ ' of the Northerly morgnn of proposed P-1 I o ( /!1 / ! I I o I • '! 1� • - j Channel and-lying Easterly of the Westerly 1 I 1 1 f —t] 1,2 1 I I ,^, '"2 4 • 1 margin of proposed P-/ Channel. Q 1• y , �--I r, i I 13 I I �)I I nil�1 • " j o 3 II 1% 1 '' I -- I IM ' I e I •I �i CZ H,/(, f ^I 1 -II f I iT f; ;q I,i,7 I II,i • Toted Acreage - 72 5 acres I 1 _ �'S ,.. 1 i t I ` I ` \ • Yamber of Lois - 5 '1( ., R.++.n cr[ 750-1 y 1 r�' •;G��•u rn, Co ml I ! 1 I� 1 1 Arco of Smallest Lar -5 C-cores • I j • i t I L�" ' I ,1 l 11 •t Water-CI y of Renton j I; 1 1 ( ( • I I I '! •�,�L——— i ..ver O,sposa/-Soneory Sewer to Me/ro I I 1 11 I 11 1 t '4�I Surface RonoJ/-Starr;Crmrs,Pped to SonngbrErk Creek p I; I ;i �I � 1 �� 2 1 J 1 1/,', oI Lend Ilse Cbmhc:hm -1.l.•rc!cuurr.x Pert-Heavy (Renton portion) Rm.., oa.a[ge 01n L,C,/i h%.Jstry !Ti••i:w,/a plrhanl D,.aap[Plca • i 1 Fy�-� , . r t �' • • (A . ECEI\'ED �o, , 1,1 OCT 27 1977 1 • _ • \NGDEPP�/ r.i4f1-{ \\CIACrEN.r.0 SEEa .rCr� �l II�AnY r .H 1J.1� �r.•r w. , ...v r.-ru_w rw I.wr..s•....1..• I t .. `� 2__- _ —�.. 1 BURL GTON NO.RTHEP ^I I 1 11/1 14 oC i OSER 1977 File: 1162 Mr. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton Washington 98055 Re: Orillia Industrial Park, Renton Dear Mr. Ericksen: We request that exceptions to dimensional requirements of the sub-division ordinance be granted regarding lengths of cul-de- sacs, and lengths and widths of blocks in the above referenced plat. The nature of the development and its requirement for large lots along with topographic restraints imposed 'by the location of Sprirgbrook Creek make the design of smaller blocks difficult and impractical. Further, the blocks will be broken up by fire lanes along lot lines, the details of which will be worked out with the Fire Department prior to filing of the final plat. In addition all of the blocks contain railroad right-of-way which separates lots within the block. Yours very truly, GARDa3E'R EI %INLERS, TIlC. • Albert J. hebra_nk AJh/bet ` , fh '4�` ; : rECEJl.j � ®\ • OCT 19 12n 'I 11c A. tie �f: 4 ., o THE CITY' OF RENTON U. `/ ® MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200'MILL AVE. SO..RENTON: WASH. 98055 0 , CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR ` • ' .PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,o 235 - 2550 04TFD SE1:11 - October 11 , 1977 MEMORANDUM TO: Files .: FROM: Michael Smith , Associate Planner RE: ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK PRELIMINARY -PLAT - MEETING WITH BURLINGTON/NORTHERN , OCT. 11 , 1977 Gordon Ericksen , 'Planning Director, and I ' met today with repre- sentatives of Burlington Northern Railroad and its consultants , Gardner Engineers , regarding the proposed Orillia Industrial Park Preliminary Plat. The primary topics of. discussion . in- cluded: 1.. Valley drainage and the P-channel project , storm d;r'ainage and retention . We indicated that the 'additional ' 39 acres of wetland should be preserved and not included in the plat until the drainage channel project is constructed . 2. We discussed the Springbrook Channel , its storm water retention capacity, recreational and aesthetic value .' .': It was noted that it should be indicated on the plat map in the area adjacent to the 20 acre wetland area near Longacres Parkway. 3. We then discussed traffic circulation and the width of. various rights-of-way. It was noted that Longacres:, Par, k way must be a minimum 90 feet . They indicated that, changes would be made . 4 . Pedestrian and bike pathways along Springbrook Creek and at the ends of proposed cul -de-sacs to Springbrook.. These had been indicated on the proposed plat but not clearly defined or explained. 5 . Lot arrangements , sizes , and configurations , railroad spur track locations , and land use implication of the proposed plat were discussed . • ' Files October 14, 1977 Page Two 6 . It was noted that if the plat design were to remain as proposed , certain exceptions to the Subdivision Ordinance regarding cul -de-sac lengths and lot and block widths would need to be requested. They indicated that they would pursue the exception alternative . The application procedures and fee were explained. 7. The location of the proposed Strander Boulevard extension along the northerly boundary of the site and its relation- ship to the City' s wetland area was discussed . It was requested that the engineers determine the location of the wetland area relative to this proposed street . We indicated that it would not be acceptable for the street to utilize City owned wetlands . 8. Timing of the plat was discussed. Six months was stated as a reasonable time for preliminary plat approval of such a large proposal . ' MLS :wr • RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 1977 MINUTES Present: Patricia Seymour-Thorpe , Richard Stredicke; Di hton, Warren Gonnason, Gordon icksen: Jim Gordon, Mr. Kretzer and Mr. Nordquist, representing Burlington Northern; Bob Johnston, representing The Boeing Company; Mr. R. J. Fenton • The Committee reviewed the latest draft of the Drainage Ordinance. The changes in that section relating to single family residences was clarified for Mr. ' R. J. Fenton. Representatives from Burlington Northern:expressed con- cern about having to comply with overlapping authorities . Mr. Gonnason explained that the ordinance was modeled after the King County Ordinance and should not be in conflict. The fee schedule was also discussed, especially relative to double fee in the event of subdivision platting at the same time. The staff was asked to research com- parable fee structures from other ordinances and suggest some ways of making fees compatible with:..other applications that may be in process . Mr. Bob Johnston,. of The Boeing Company, questioned, the section of the ordinance relating to Section 8 , D. Mr. Johnston noted that the word "asphaltic" should be "impervious . " The Committee concurred. The •next meeting date to discuss the ordinance was set for October 11, 1977. Next, the Committee reviewed the communications received from Jim Gordon and the City Attorney relative to Burling- • ton Northern property north of the Cedar River. Recommendation: that the Council authorize the City Attorney to proceed with legal steps , including condem- nation, to acquire the property. • (7, ,tror. ; PEERED/o (( OCT 11 1977 /4/Q DE P AR- F...: ,4 pF R• A, .► r - o THE CITY OF RENTON <r MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 ^ Cr) CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0. 0�� September 23 , 1977 235-2550 4 O SEP1�. J . J . Gordon , Manager Property Management Department Burlington Northern Lobby 2 , Central Building Seattle , Washington 98104 RE : PRELIMINARY PLAT, ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK Dear Mr. Gordon : The Planning Department received the $16 ,846 . 59 fee for your proposed preliminary plat of Orillia Industrial Park on September 23 , 1977 . Attached is your receipt for this fee amount. We had previously received from Gardner Engi - neers copies of the proposed plat . Prior to formal accept- ance of the plat and establishment of a hearing date with the Land Use Hearing .Examiner , we would appreciate a meeting with you and your engineers to review the information sub- mitted to date . During initial review of the proposed plat , it appears that you will need to apply for an exception to the Sub- division Ordinance requirements for maximum cul -de-sac length and block length . This can be done in writing at the time of preliminary plat submittal . Also , certain drainage plans and street cross-sections have not yet been submitted for the preliminary plat application . A refund or a credit towards final plat fees for any amount paid over the revised fee schedule presently under study by City Council may be possible based on City Council final action on this matter . Please indicate as soon as possible a meeting date which is most convenient for you . Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Pl anni rJ.g D,i'rector� x` M chael( L "Smt Associate Planner MLS :wr cc : N. C . Kretzer Don Cowles Gardner Engineers r' y � BURLINGTON NORTHERN Lobby 2 Central Building INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND Seattle,Washington 98104 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (206) 625-6682 Mr. Gordon Y. Erickson, Planning Director September 22, 1977 City of Renton Municipal Building File: RE-1400 Orillia, WA 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: I have been advised by Gardner Engineers, Inc. , our consulting engineers, that preliminary plat of our Orillia Industrial Park at Renton, Washington, has been submitted to your department for processing, and attached hereto is Glacier Park Company check No. 1748 in the amount of $16,846.59 to cover filing fee of the preliminary plat. In your letter of May 13, 1977, you stated you had recommended to the city council an amended plat fee to be used and matter had been referred to the council committee for further study. As of this date, we have had no indication from the council that recommendation had been made by the council committee back to the city council and, in the event the fees are reduced to the realistic figure you recommended, we would appreciate receiving refund on any amount in excess of the proposed fees if approved. Very truly yours, J. J. Gordon Manager - Property Management . f, 1 .�,�/ C`�. ` By: N. C. Kretz�r � Senior Real Estate Representative Att. j 0� �' /i/�.D "'/-\ K\' 'Vl\,-._ 1'U q--?.k c. 4-13 zI qy eF F <2NG DE. 2 `�:.'\ GARDNER ENutn1EERS, INC. =' , CONSULTING ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS/Est. 1883 Arctic Building Penthouse, Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 624-5265 12 September 1977 File: 1162 • Mr. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director City of Renton 200 Mill Ave South Renton Washington 98055 Re: Preliminary Plat Orillia Industrial Park of Renton • .Dear Mr. Ericksen: We are submitting the above preliminary plat including plat application, affidavit, eight (8) sets of sheets 1 and 2 of the plat and six (6) sets of the water and sewer layout. The .check for the fee is delayed but should be sent to you shortly. Very truly yours, GARDNER ENGINEERS, INC. *%- , Mortimer H. Thomas MHT/bet Enc. Alt- U I /9<\, \ / / C ,\( �D 0' 72). f t r t �� •�, MORTIMER H. THOMAS • ALBERT J. HEBRANK • ALBERT M. ARNETT • L. J. LOCKE • W.T. SPRAKE OF J „ ice, 0 THE CITY OF RENTON z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 0 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT cc-; p9 �Q- 235 2550 qT f0 SEPZ-oe MEMORANDUM September 9 , 1977 TO: Pat Seymour-Thorpe , Chairwoman Members , Community Services Committee FROM: Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director RE : FEE SCHEDULE - INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION The attached breakdown is in response to your request for additional information on industrial subdivision fees . • At the time of the proposed revision in April , Burling- _ ton Northern ' s total fee was calculated at approximately $41 ,740 . The recommended changes would drop the amount to approximately $15 , 180 . (Refer to April 14, 1977 , memo. ) The $15 ,000± figure is based on Gary Kruger ' s analysis of in-house cost, as indicated in the memo of September 6th . The comparative data is for the Seattle Metro area . Please advise , if you desire additional input. GYE :wr Attachments, ' cc : Mayor Council President Public Works Director l,1= F?f. 'l* .. t. e® r 4- THE CITY OF RENTON .i. ;_. .v.2 4..-—.L.7._\ MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 0 PLANNING I)EI'.aRTNI1.:tiT =� �6`@ 235- 2550 TFc sEPS � September 6 , 1977 • MEMORANDUM TO : Gordon Y. Ericksen , Planning Director ✓ FROM : Gary R. Kruger , Senior Planner RE : REVISED FEE SCHEDULE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISIONS In response to your request , the methodology employed to obtain data for the suggested industrial fee revisions was to determine the amount of time required by the various people to review the 465± acres that Burlington Northern p-roposes. to develop in the Green River Valley . Most of the people involved were interviewed regarding the amount of time anticipated to re-view-thei-r part=icul=ar -area- of concern . Many of the people indicated that their estimates were on the conservative side due to the complications that could occur in a project of this magnitude . Overhead- (37%) was added to -the hourly rate. of- each _em:plbyee to determine the anticipated cost of each person by department . The various department costs plus a reserve ( safety factor) were totaled . Below is listed the data by department : DEPARTMENTAL COSTS FOR 465± ACRE INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION Planning Department : Tentative 90 hours $ 1 , 000 Preliminary 170 hours 1 , 900 Final 80 hours 800 TOTAL 340 hours $ 3 ,700 Public Works Department : Drainage and Storm Sewers 120 hours $ 1 , 150 Traffic 200 hours 2 , 240 Water and Sanitary Sewers 120 hours 1 , 480 Warren Gonnason 32 hours 650 Richard Houghton 32 hours_ 510 TOTAL 504 hours $ 6 , 030 • Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director September 6 , 1977 Page Two DEPARTMENTAL COSTS FOR 465± ACRE INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION - cont ' d . : Hearing Examiner ' s Office : Hearing Examiner 80 hours $ 846 Secretary 80 hours 494 TOTAL 160 hours $ 1 ,340 Miscellaneous---Dcpa-r-t-ments : - City Clerk ' s .Office 20 hours $ 150 City Council 50 hours 200 Mayor ' s Office 20 hours 400 TOTAL 90 hours $ 750 MINIMUM TOTAL 1 ,094 hours $ 11 ,820 * RESERVE 300 hours $ 3 ,300 TOTAL $ 15 ,120 *-Includes--unde-re-stimailarr =o;-time due to--unanticipated problems and/or complexities ; also may take care of inflation for a few years . With the above total in mind , the preliminary and final fees were suggested that would approximate the above total . The existing tentative fee appear to be reasonable. A comparison of subdivision for various jurisdictions in King County are listed below: INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION FEES COMPARISON CITY PRELIMINARY FEES FINAL FEES Auburn $ 50 or $2. 00/lot $ 50 or $2 . 00/lot Kent $ 150 . 00 $ 15/acre (max . $400 ) King County $ 50 + $5 . 00/lot (max . $500) Public Works Dept . costs - Ki r-klan-d- - - $200--+ $20-. 00/•l of $200 + $200/ lot Renton - Existing $200 + $1 . 00/1 ,000 Sq . Ft . $100 + $1 , 00/1 ,000 SQ . Ft . Recommended $200 + $20. 00/acre $100 + S10 . 00/acre Tukwila $ 50 + $10. 00/lot (max . $250) $ 10/ lot (max . $150) . , 6. ov RP, • THE CITYT u �� .1- OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 o p '� CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING I)EP.. RT\IENT 0 235-2550 41FD SEPTE-e April 14, 1977 MEMORANDUM TO: Gordon Y. Ericksen; Planning Director FROM: Gary R. Kruger, Senior Planner Michael L. Smith, Associate Planner RE : FEE SCHEDULE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISIONS The fee schedule for industrial subdivisions has been reviewed. The present schedule appears to be excessive based upon the assumption that the fees should cover the costs incurred in reviewing the application-. The reviewing departments were con- tacted regarding their respective costs. The recommended fee schedule will approximate such a breakdown, INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION FEE SCHEDULES -:-STATUS TENTATIVE.- - - - PRELIMINARY FINAL Existing $50. plus $2./acre $200 . plus $100 . plus $1./1,000 Sq. -Ft.:-q• . $1./1,000 Sq.Ft. Recommended SAME $200. plus $100 . plus $20./acre $10 ./acre Illustrated below is the differences between the two fee schedules , as they would apply to the Burlinton Northern application of 465± acres. FEE SCHEDULES APPLIED TO BURLINGTON NORTHERN STATUS TENTATIVE PRELIMINARY FINAL TOTAL Existing $ 930 $ 20,455 $ 20 ,355 $ 41,740 Recommended $ 930 $ 9 ,500 $ 4 , 750 $ 15 ,180 Difference -0- $ 10,955 $ 15 , 605 $ 26 ,560 GRK:MLS :ms -, pF 0 THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL C .� %60 r, Z ,r.,i_''zr _ p MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 . 235-2583 o+�TEto SEP-07- September 2, 1977 • To: Gordon Y. Ericksen Planning Director From: "Patricia Seymour-Thorpe Chairwoman - Community Services Committee We have just received the attached letter from Mr. J. J. Gordon regarding the industrial subdivision platting fees . I have informed him that the Com- mittee has met to discuss this item, but meanwhile, we are working on other matters as well, notably, the complicated acquisition of Burlington Northern property north of the Cedar River and the drainage ordinance. I have assured him he would be notified when the Committee discusses this item again. In preparation for that, would you please obtain in- formation from adjacent communities and King County relative to their fees for industrial subdivisions . Lest we be placed in the precarious position of merely "oiling a squeaking wheel, " the Committee will need more background before a recommendation can be forthcoming. Sincerely, "4";?At Patricia Seymour-Thorpe Councilwoman PST:bd Attachment cc: Mayor Delaurenti George Perry Community Service Committee Members /% `'= CH �I�,Irh O f` Ui.1 . Lu ,�,,``, /ni III : DE? i • !, BURLINGTON NORTHERN Lobby 2 Central Building INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND Seattle,Washington 98104 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (206) 625-6682 Mr. Charles J. Delaurenti, Mayor August 30, 1977 City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 File: RE 1400, Orillia, WA • Dear Mayor Delaurenti: • Please be referred to my previous correspondence having to do with new fees being charged by the City of Renton for filing of plats for industrial sites, subdivisions, etc. , wherein I had requested_a possible review of these fees in order that some relief could be afforded us in filing our preliminary and final plats on our Orillia Industrial Park, which fees will be in excess of $32,000. A recent check with your City Planning Department develops that recommendation of these fees was referred back to committee for further review, but as of this date no action has been taken. Within the next two weeks we hope to submit our preliminary plat to the Renton City Council for their consideration and approval, and anything you can do to have these fees reviewed and possibly reduced will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, _ (*),2 d . Gordon ager - Property Management cc: v Councilwoman Pat Seymour-Thorpe C RECEIVED REC DIED SEP 1 1977 SEP 1 1977 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S OFFICE CITY COUNCIL RENTON, WA UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 35 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 August 24 , 1977 - - Mike Smith Renton Planning Dept. Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, WA 98055 • • Dear Mr. Smith: Thanks for the opportunity to review the Orilla Industrial park Plan. My comments are attached and I am looking forward to assisting your department with the incorporation on soils and related resource data into future development sites. If I can be of further assistance, please advice. Sincerely, C gjee- Joseph Henry District Conservationist JH:bj Attachment • lJ OTHER CONSIDERATIONS The soils contained within this site (Woodinville silt loam, Tukwila muck, Snohomish silt loam, Puyallup fine sandy loam, and Puget silty clay loam) are considered prime agricultural soils. The site should be graded in small workable units, in order to minimize the amount of exposed bare soil at anyone time, thus reducing the potential for erosion by wind or traps should be installed in order -to prevent resulting sediment from being trans- ported into the Green River or into the creek and waterways located on or nearby the site. The Orilla Industrial. Park will cover 464 acres. In creating such a large impenetrable surface, it is quite important that a surface drainage system is implemented such that this additional source of runoff and discharge will not distrub the Green River or the small creeks in the area. Open space might be considered. In addition to the aesthetical aspects, well located open spaces, and vegetation would help to decrease surface runoff. • SOIL RELATED PROBLEMS Puget silty clay loam and Snohomish silt loam have moderate shrink-swell potential and Tukwila muck has a high potential. All soils with the exception of Puyallup fine sandy loam are highly corrosive to steel. Tukwila muck soils are highly corro- sive to concrete and Snohomish silt loam soils are moderately corrosive. Puget silty clay loam, Snohomish silt loam and Tukwila muck soils are unsuitable as road fill due to their poor drainage characteristics and high organic matter contents, organic matter being unstable. This proposed industrial park is in an area of potential flooding (see attached map of Green River Valley Flood Plain) , Woodinville silt loam, Tukwila muck, Snohomish silt loam, Puyallup fine sandy loam and Puget silty clay loam soils have severe limitations for foundations and shallow excavations, due to seasonal high water table and the high organic contents in these soils. It would probably be advantageous to first drain these soils. Foundation modifications might be utilized to compensate for the unstable organic matter. A subsurface drainage system would be necessary for the elimination of the high water table. , ' L. • �4. Ij 0 r ,. , n -, ''. r • sells woixstElT* 1f �tv "':srtr:xN FILE #: SOI I. 'l'YPE : WO, Tur So, Py, Pu Foundation Shallow Septic 'kink MAP 0: for low P;xcavn.-• I'I I Le s Buildings Lions Fielcl:, Itt'gret of Limitation : SEVERE • SEVERE a A Rea: on for Limitation**: • NL--.-..___.. Seasonal High Water Table ( X) (X ) ( ) Flood Hazard ( X) ( ) ( ) Lew Shear Strength ( ) (X ) ( ) Slope ( X) ( ) ( ) Slippage Potential ( ) ( ) ( ) Compressibility ( ) ( ) • ( ) Organic Soil ( X) (X ) ( ) Shrink Swell Potential ( ) ( ') ( ) Pollution Potenti.ial ( ) ( ) ( ) Coarse Textured Subsoil ( ) ( ) ( ) Very Slow Permeability in Subsoil ' ' ( ' ) ' • ( ) ( ) Very Gravelly ( , ) ( ) ( ) Depth to Bedrock, 20-40" ( ) ' • . ( ) ( ) • Soli, RELATED COMMENTS: . SEE ATTACHED SHEET *** Recommendations: Essential ,( X ) 1. Install streets, utilities and storm drains prior to construction. . • ( X ) 2. Design and management of surface drainage systems should be planned prior to construction and implemented according to that plan. All water should be conveyed to a safe, non-erosive outlet . ( X ) 3. Design and management of sub--tturface drainage system should be planned prior to coneLructi.on and implemented according to that plan. All water should be conveyed to a safe, • non-erosive outlet. ( X ) 4. Avoid soil disturbance during rainy seoason. ( X ) 5. Seeding, mulching, netting and mechanical forms of pro- . tection can be used to stabilize exposed soils. ( ) 6. Brush and small trees should be chipped for erosion controlling mulch material. ( ) 7. All merchantable timber that must be removed because of construction should be harvested. •( ) S. Avoid over-the-slope dumping of soil., vegetative waste or debris. C ( X ) '). (Denuded ground should be protected as soon as construction allows,, but .nut later than October 1.. ( X ) 10. All road designs should utilize available soils' information. ( X ) !. 11. All stockpiles of excavated soil should have erosion I protection at all times. . . • . ( X ) 12• . An explanation of what is to be de_on with excavated soil should accompany the final.plan, • Other Considerations: • ' . SEE- ATTACHED SHEET t • * This worksheLt is based on the document titled' Soil Survey of King Coun�tyy. Area, Washington, prepared by the USDA Soil Conserv{ttion 'Service in pooperatjon yitt) the. Wiie 4tngton .Agricul t- Ural Experiment Station, issued In November 1;)73 . . ++ 'There may be corrective measuresI'or the •itbpVO Hoi.In' 1.im.j tatlonH. Sotno M141/ )jot be ec elloml- . call ly feasible. A consulting engineer, using on-site investigation, might'propoHtaltublo alternatives. • ***All recommendations are desirable and should be taken into consideration when making land use decisions. These are recommended by the King County Conservation District using information provided them by the Soil Conservation Service. Comments concurred in by: I Ki ubCounty Conservation Dist.ri ot, • ' ' stri e , Consorvationi Date l Dear G/at/P®' Ar k de Pay' ' Enclosed is the soils review you requested. It is made up 4 into two '?arts 1. :;liito sheets are the soils information sheets. 2 .. Yellow sheets are the guide sheets. The soils review is of an area delineated on the map attached to the white ' sheets.heetso The map has red lines (soil boundaries) and red letters (soil symbols) . The letters that correspond to your soils have been checked on the white sheets. Check to see if the profile description approximates the soil on your land. To do this, dig a small hole three to four feet deed, and insect the soil. If you have a totally different soil than the ;Profile description contact the office again for further help. If the .profile is similar, turn to the yellow sheet and use this data. This information was obtained from the 1973 ' ing County Soil Curvev . Ring County Conservation District 35 South Grady Tay • Renton; '7asllington 98055 Phone 22G--48G7 ',. ,.. ; ' . • , . , . • • . . ' . • • . • . . • ' . • . . . ' • . -- ,,..,,....1.0.....:-„"...•44,P~$0.- .. .V..v4-.1pireppy _ 1 1/• - -- • .. . II , •. • . . . , ?.. ' •. I .'- ''. -7-"'.-.-'Y'•'• 'dilW---..m..--,..7pitiafti •-....- — . Os.:..,I 1 . . . ._....,.::..:: ,:.:::::-.0•\‘:" 7 m• - , G).'*110; // o . , c 1 C.11 ii 4: . .... ... . .. .. ,.. . , ... . . ..... .._ •- _,_i.,...:::-...;:-......,., ..„. ,.. .L...,.._J ....,,, .--L.-,:):.,-..J...- .. , ...,.•..., .. " • .. ... .. 00. . .:. d. . cl v J . l i . na I • . . .' . . . • P . • OM.-::"- . ( ....i ... .11 ...... ... .. _ _, 3,,rn 2 • ' 0 • oS Ittf . •4J,L • mi --I r. . .., 1 110AJ,S)H 0 ' I. .--',-7 MI I II. .,,,, I bTI A: 7 it r 1 .62 . z 1,i•I', .V53-. • —.•-• • ‘ *I' . i 'I 11/4 I I e . • GUIDE FOR TO'7N AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Source: Soil Survey, King County Area, Uashington; 1973) SOIL (S) 7 Ed Pc L/5; Nk Pk Ng (See accom- panying soil information sheet to verify your soil type) , LIMITATIONS FOR SEPTIC TANK FILTER FIELDS: Problem: A severe limitation exists for these soils due to flood hazard and on the Ng unit a seasonal high water table. (depth 2-3 feet) . Helpful Suggestions* : It is advised not to put filter fields in these soils. A community sewer system may be necessary. Contact the King County Environmental Health Department for further information. LIHTITATIONS FOR LOU BUILDINGS PT-oblem7 A severe limitation exists for these soils because of flood hazard: and on the Nk, Ng soils low strength. Helpful Suggestions* : A complete drainage system around the foundation is a must. A soils and noundati,on engineer may be needed for foundation design. King Countytflood plain zoning regulations must be followed. • LIMITATION FOR SHALLOT' EXCAVATIONS: (depth fo. 6 feet or less, such uses include buried utility line, pipelines, cables , basements , and open ditches) . Problem: A severe limitation exists due to a flooding hazard. There is also a seasonal high water table to present which may cause problems if excavating is carried out during the wet season. Check accompanying soils information sheet for depth of seasonal high water table. Helpful Suggestions* . Excavation should be carried out during th' drier periods when flooding is unlikely to occur. (Best months June through September) . OTHER CONSIDERATIO'?S *In some cases the above suggestions will not alleviate the problem but will only reduce the impact of limitations GUIDE FOR TO;INN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Source Soil Survey, King County Area; I''ashington, 1973) SOIL (S) ! No ./ So Sh Br Ma Sr _ Pu Os Re Ea Su (See accompanying soil informa- tion to verify your soil type) . LIMITATIONS FOR SEPTIC TANK FILTER FIELDS : Problem° These soils have a severe rating for filter fields because of flooding hazard, and seasonal high Swater table (check soil handout for depth) . Helpful Suggestions* : It is best not to place filter fields in these soils because of the high potential for failure. A community sewer system must be anticipated. LIMITATIONS FOR LOW BUILDINGS : Problem° These soils have a severe rating due to a seasonal high water table at or near the surface and flooding hazard . In addition the Sr,. Su,, No, So, Sh, Pu, tao, Os, Ea soils units have low strength. The Su, Pu, Wo and Sh units have a moderate shrink-swell Potential which could cause foundation cracking.. The So , Sr, and Wo units also have high shrink and low swell po`centials; high corrosi- vity to uncoated steel,. Helpful Suggestions* : Subsurface drainage around the foundation is a must. A soils and foundation engineer should be consulted. King • County flood plain zoning regulations must be followed. Contact ':ing County Land Use Management. • LIMITATIONS FOR SIIALLOTI EXCAVATIONS : (depth of G feet or less - such uses include buried utility lines, pipelines, basements and open ditches) . Problem: A severe limitation exists due to a seasonal high wager table and/or flood hazard and excess humus. Helpful Suggestions: Excavations should be made during the drier periods (Best months: June through September) . OTHER CONSIDERATIONS : *In some cases the above ideas will not alleviate the problem entirely but will only reduce the impact of the limitations. • •o GUIDE FOR TO1'TN AND COUNTRY PL?1NNING (Source: Soil Survey, King County Area, Washington, 1973) SOIL (S) : Or Orcas neat Sm Shalc a muck • Sk Seattle muck Tu Tukwila muck LIMITATIONS FOR SEPTIC TANK FILTER FIELD: Problem: These soils have severe limitations for filter fields because of a seasonal high water table at or near the surface • (0-1 fobt). and they are . also organic soils which are considered unsuitable for filter fields. Helpful Suggestions: It is best to avoid placing filter fields in these soils. LIMITATIONS FOR FOUNDATIONS FOR LOW BUILDINGS : Problem: These soils have severe limitations for foundations because of them being organic soils. Organic soils have high shrink and low swell potential which can damage structures . They have moderate to high corrosivity on concrete. . Under the AASHO engineering classification system,; organic soils are • in the A-8 group which have the lowest load hearing strength when wet. Seasonal high water table is at a depth of 0-1 foot. LIMITATIONS FOR SHALLOW EXCAVATIONS : (depth of 6 feet or less - such uses include buried utility lines, pipelines, sewers, cables, basements, and open ditches) . Problem: These soils have a severe limitation due to a seasonal high water table at or near the surface and because they are organic soils . • Helpful Suggestions* : Excavating during the dry season (May through September) may help. • *In some cases the above ideas will not alleviate the problem entirely, but will only reduce the impact of the limitation. • • • • • • SOIL INFORMATION SI+.DL1 (Source- Soil Survey►, Icing County Area, Washington, 1973) SOIL:. (Tu) -- Tukwila muck This soil __as slopes less than 1 percent. PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Depth from surface: 0-60 inches - black to very dark brown muck Please -Tote: These manning units may include soils having different characteristics than what has been described. Consult the soils survey report for descritions of included soils. SOIL fUALITIES- �� Permeability; Hoderate Rooting Depth 50 inches or more if properly drained • Available T.1atc-r Capacity: High Depth to Seasonal High Water Table: 3--1 foot Runoff bonded Erosion Hazarc? ° Slight F • • "OIL INFORMATION SET (Source: Soil Surveys icing County Area , T•iashington, 1973) • SOIL: (T°o) - Woodinville silt loam This soil has slopes less than 2 percent. • PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Depth from surface. • 0-33 inches - gray silt_, clay loam 33-60 inches - greenish-gray silt loam Please ;ote: These r;a7ping units may include soils having different characteristics than what has been described. Consult the soils survey report for descriptions of included soils k SOIL QUALITIES: Permeability i.oderately slow Rooting Depth: GO inches or more Available 7:7ater Capacity: High Runoff : Slow Erosion Hazard: Slight Stream overflow is a severe hazard unless flood protection is rov i c.ed, ri SOIL INFORTiATION SHEET (Source: Soil Survey, King County Area, Washington, 1973) SOIL.: (Pt) - Puget silty clay loam This soil has slopes less than 1 percent s PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Depth from surface. 0-G0 inches dominantly mottled dark grayish-brown and grayish-brown silty clay loam.. Please Note: These mapping units may include soils having different characteristics than what has been described. Consult the soils survey report for descriptions of included soils. ; SOIL QUALITIES: Permeability: Slow Rooting Depth: If drained, roots penetrate with difficulty to 60 inches Available Water Capacity: High Depth to Seasonal High Water Table: 0--1 foot Runoff: Slow to ponded Erosion Hazard: Slight Stream overflow is a severe hazard • • ;OIL INFORMATION S7'- T (Source; Soil Sur7ey, King County Area, t7ashington, 1973) SOIL; (So) - Snohomish silt loam This soil has slopes less than 2 percent. • PROFILE UESCRIPTTON: Depth froth surface.. 0•-17 inches -- dark grayish-brown silt loam, clay loam 17--27 inches -- • black mucky peat 27-60 inches dark gray loamy fine sand Please Note: These mapping' units may incl„r1P. soils having different • what has been desc__. he. . Consul tb soils =�. report for desk-Ljpt+ions of included soils of SOIL QUALITIES : Permeability Hoderate in upper part; moderately raid in lower part Rooting Depth: 60 inches or more. if properly drained Available UaLer Capacity: High • Depth tc Scascnal High Water Table 7 0-1 foot Runoff: Slow Erosion IT z. rd: Slight Stream overflow is a severe hazard • 4 OF R • �i THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 z o V' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR O PLANNING DEPARTMENT O 235-2550 'PA SEPW4 • July 7 , 1977 Richard Bowen • Industrial Development Department Burlington Northern Railroad 800 - 3rd Avenue , Lobby 3 Seattle , Washington 98104 Dear Mr. Bowen : RE : ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK--TRUCK TERMINALS IN IAA-P DISTRICT The Renton Planning Department has reviewed the mattera of truck freight terminals and their relationship to the City Zoning Ordi - nance and the previous land use planning for Orillia Industrial Park. We have also ,conducted field investigations of similar operations in Seattle , Tukwila , and Kent. As a result of this study , it is our interpretation that such uses are more reason- ably related to the Heavy Industrial ( H- 1 ) Zone . This is based upon the intensity and traffic generated by the use , its size , the architectural character; building size , and the amount of bulk storage of trucks and trailers accessory to the use . Although the Zoning Code allows "express and hauling companies " in a Manufacturing .Park (M-P ) District , the above listed elements tend to reflect a use that is quite different and more intense than the normal office/warehouse/distribution type facility generally allowed in an M-P zone . During rezoning and land use planning for the Orillia Industrial Park , several large areas in the westerly portion near the main track line were zoned for heavy industry , while the outer portions of the park generally east of Longacres ` Parkway were planned fon smaller light industry and manufacturing park uses , as well as some commercial areas . Therefore , it is this department ' s determination that such truck terminal uses could be allowed only upon special use review and approval within the manufacturing park area . The building design should be aesthetically compatible with the manufacturing park concept by utilizing concrete -or aggregate rather than metal structures with an architecturally designed office area near the Richard Bowen Industrial Development Department Burlington Northern Railroad July 7 , 1977 Page Two street frontage . The primary concern in site plan approval as required in the M-P zone will be in attaining a structure that is compatible with normal lighter intensity uses and fulfills the purpose and intent of the Manufacturing Park Zone . This will require additional landscaping sufficient to screen heavily uti - lized loading and storage areas . The large amounts of paving and building area will require additional landscape buffering along the site perimeter and in certain areas within the site . The requirements of the Bulk Storage Ordinance may apply , depending on the amount of exterior equipment and supply storage related to the subject use . You have also asked for a response to the question of sale of certain parcels prior to filing the final plat for Orillia Indus- trial Park . According to state law, property must first be subdivided prior to sale to other parties . However, this does not preclude the possibility of sale and development to City standards of tract or parcel of land legally subdivided prior to the October 1971 publication date of the City ' s Subdivision Ordi - nance . We hope that these comments will be helpful to you in further planning and development of uses that are compatible with the manufacturing park concept and create a pleasing addition to Orillia Industrial Park and 'the community. Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen Planning Director - Michael L . Sm th Associate Planner GYE : MLS :wr cc : C . J . Delaurenti , Mayor J . J . Gordon , Property Mgr . Don Cowles , Mgr. of Ind . Dev . Neil Krutzer Bernard Carmin , architect r.:'''' - BURLINGTON NORTHERN ,/ c c P- -.., ELi. 2.'"1:::.-:-J -/K-\'' R\lhiv'C'''*:.:' / \L ,L..'..1 u ,,,';:;.:. 800 Third AvenueENGINEERING DEPARTM,,i1Tai7/24 Seattle, Washir.ton 98104 Seattle Region Telephone (206) MAin 4-1900 State of Washington June 22, 1977 Department of Ecology - Northwest Regional Office . . File: APE G-76-9 • 4350 - 150th Avenue N. E. Redmond, Washington 98052 Attention: Mr. Roy C. Bishop Dear Sir: Please refer to your letter of May 27 , 1977; forwarding Flood Control Zone Permit No. 1-2583-2 for placement of land fill on the BN's Glacier Park Company property in Renton and Tukwila, Washington. We do not feel that the requirement set forth in the proposed permit on page 2, paragraph 8A, namely, "the finished first floor elevation of • • • any future buildings must be at or above 22.8 feet mean.sea. level U.S.G.S. datum," to be proper for this last phase of our industrial development project. - We respectfully request that you reconsider this provision of the permit inasmuch as our development to date has been predicated on the basis that the 100 year flood elevation of this area would be to elevation.14.3., using this same datum. .In your reconsideration,--you are.-r-eque.sted to also take into account the active plans of the BN and other property owners to take affirm- , ative action to find the local share of the flood control project and to provide wetland and storage areas. Yours truly, C. F. Intlekofer Director, Engineering • By: T. C. Nordquist Principal Construction Engineer s State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 2 June 22, 1977 • cc: Mr. William B , Gillespie Division Engineer Division of Hydraulics King County Department of Public Works 900 King County Administration Building 500 - Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 Mr. Warren C. Gonnason, Director Public Works.Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 • Mr e c on Erickson, Director Planning Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Mr. Kjell M. Stoknes Planning Director City of Tukwila • 6230 Southcenter Boulevard Tukwila, Washington 98188 Mr. Steve Hall Public Works Director City of Tukwila 6230 Southcenter Boulevard Tukwila, Washington 98188 BURLINGTON NORTHERN Lobby 2 Central Building INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND Seattle, Washington 98104 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (206) 624-1900 Mr. Michael L. Smith June 15, 1977 Associate Planner City of Renton File: RE-1400 Municipal Building Orillia Industrial 200 Mill Avenue South Park Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Smith: In accordance with discussion at our meeting June 9, 1977, regarding easements for fire lanes, attached hereto is copy of proposed plat filed with the City of Kent and you will note easement has been designated for fire access, sewer and water, and feel that this type of access could be incorporated into certain sections of our proposed plat of our Orillia Park. Very truly yours, J. J. Gordon Manager - Property Management //7 C,7e,- By f . C. Kretzer Senior Real Estate Representative Att. 4 OF prrrivt24/A a( duN ; 977 (/ CITY OF .TUK'WILA PLANNING DIVISION CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DATE: June 13, 1977 PROPOSED ACTION: WAIVER from Resolution #489 to Grade and Fill APPLICANT: Glacier Park Co. (Burlington Northern) LOCATION: East of Burlington Northern Lead Tracks SIZE: 55 acres ZONE: M-1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Industrial SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: • • The Glacier Park Company (Burlington Northern Railroad) proposes to fill and grade approximately 55 acres of their property lying within Tukwila City limits and east of the Burlington Northern lead tracks, (SEE, Attach- ment "A") . The proposed action is a part of a larger filling and grading proposal of several hundred acres of railroad land lying in the City of Renton and for which an environmental impact statement '(EIS) has been pre- pared. The EIS which was prepared in 1975 considered the anticipated impacts of grading and filling, subdivision, and ultimate industrial development of the entire Glacier Park Company property. The "Summary" from this EIS is attached to the staff report as Attachment "B". Burlington Northern's fill proposal requires a waiver from Resolution #489, section 4.C. , due to the fact that it is a land use action upon which an EIS has been prepared that has identified significant environmental impacts which will not be mitigated. Below is a staff analysis of the evaluation criteria regarding waiver requests: CRITERIA #1: Is the. proposed action consistent with the presently emerging Land Use Policy Plan? ANALYSIS: As far as proposed land use is concerned, the contemplated use of the property is industrial . Therefore, it would appear that the proposed use of the ' property is consistent with the emerging land use plan map which the City has been considering for the past several months since this property is pro- posed as "Light Industrial". City Council Page 2 • Staff Report Certain policies of the emerging Plan are relevant to this proposal , par- ticularly from the Natural Environment element: Objective 3, Policy 4: Discourage filling, grading, or excavations of land when not in conjunction with actual development of the land." The intent of the above policy is to preserve the natural environment on all sites until it is absolutely "necessary" to disturb it in order to de- velop the site. This policy attempts to prolong a site's usefulness as wildlife habitat, aesthetic amenity, and open space for as long as is prac- ticable. The proposed action is merely a fill and grade, not a development proposal . In fact, the land in Tukwila has not even been subdivided nor is there presently a public right-of-way which reaches the site. Objective 2, Policy 1: "Strive to retain viable areas of wooded hill- sides, agricultural lands, wetlands, streams, and the Green River for: wildlife habitat." The above policy is self-explanatory. Grading and filling the site would remove virtually all of the existing vegetation and in the process destroy existing wildlife habitat. CRITERIA #2: Does the proposed action represent a unique condition which is insignificant in scale and to which no other apparent altern- atives are reasonable? • ANALYSIS: The proposed action does not represent a unique condition. Because of the size of the project area (55+ acres) , the action is not insignificant in scale. The only alternative to grading and filling is not grading and fil- ling. In this case, this alternative may be a reasonable one until such time as the property is subdivided and is "readied" for development. Otherwise, a significantly large site may be graded and filled, and then remain idle and vacant for many years. CRITERIA #3: If the request for waiver involves grading, excavation, filling or development in geographical areas identified as having potential natural limitations for development, are mitigating Measures provided? The proposal involves filling and grading in a part of the Green River flood- plain where wetland areas, are prominant. Some of these wetland areas are located on the subject site. Burlington Northern has dedicated approximately 20 acres of wetlands within their overall project site to the City of Renton to mitigate adverse impacts created by the filling of other wetlands on the site. No wetlands are proposed to be retained on that portion lying within Tukwila, however. CRITERIA#4: Do the requirements contained in Resolution #489 impose a special hardship to a site for which a waiver of the provisions would not necessitate a major policy eommitment prior to the adoption of the Land Use Policy Plan? City Council Page 3 Staff Report In this case, where the proposed action is for filling and grading only__and where no immediate development is proposed (the property is not yet subdivided) , the requirements of Resolution #489 do not impose a special hardship. The issuance of a fill/grade permit on this site could commit the City to issuing such a permit for any other site within the City where development is not • necessarily proposed. This type of policy commitment is not consistent with the objectives of the Natural Environment element of the emerging Plan. RECOMMENDATION: It appears from the emerging Land Use Plan Map that it is the land use policy of the City to designate industrial use for the subject property. But, at the same time, it is also the intention of the City to guard the integrity of its natural environment (as expressed in Natural Environment element policies). Therefore, staff recommends that the grading and fill permit not be reviewed or issued until a final plat has been approved on the subject site. • • 1;r wl r r tt_ r S r i i i C i • ' R +` o + lt1 ea., x�V� 1 � • \IanJC� A 1 1 bl VY`v�16/tV�1 ,f,,�s / O •,, - -741 ,4, ( frilpi ''''' =1�I _ aIiiii: �«4110‘m �� CITY OF TOKWILA .k m..i.. ,. M+r. =1 .- li � \ SITS OF WAIVE : . p i r n i t w+o..3 \ MNA OIL t_ _ - +.II n uon sc &/ Qu e r Fa (� W. n , ..',, • �._y I \U3 .y __\.,,, Ut,c r�i,n6 M v� N o,rlln a r+n (Z R mot'-illw + , ill•• + wn +* a _•.J x II - r �r �\ � , \ 7 • I '11 r �+1 cI 1 -u - U_== n L 1 ppp I +�.nT 'Ai S 1 I I �S bbf ST" L ail � ; 1 1 +Sw n I 11111 L__ = a - E ; . IN 51:It I V ST4' .1•111\*L. .*. ,r aI n •+I .1 •• 1 ' slron pp I • 4` — 6i4c of wp0.e-ipt ,---` �S 1 YI parwvi -- n BouLt] 11 I y J R ; ►V p ( • J 1 v ❑5� 1 . 1 / + bb 1 ( Tlmnu CITY LIWIS 1 ,,\ 1 I '•O� o�..�.. • \/ \•.= • • SUMMARY • OCT 21 197, Date: AttgatAAAfitAit fta Nature bf This Report: Nofc- -MAP 5kw,wt.a ;5 -f uwA ttu_ Final Environmental Impact Statement • ! 1it5 c& tiL _ iltAA'A 1 owku '1-t4 eel pis - c;t I w r04A:1 Sponsor: City of Renton of (3ua l,1�vt,A- vn tJaYtkurw Kr, Ji KUL. IMA3 t. D f tiw ec't vv Planning Department La d i i-o , -fin , Contact: James L. Magstadt "Wu( 440444• Type of Proposed Action: -fir 4 ppor11av -tv opt ' I The City of Renton proposes to perform administrative processing of requests by the Glacier Park Company (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant) for permits. to fill and grade. These requests involve property in Southwest Renton, commonly known .as the Orillia Industrial District (hereinafter re- ferred .to as the. Project) . A portion of the Project lies within the corporate limits of the City of Tukwila and .is not addressed by this report. Justification for the Proposed Actions: The proposed actions are in.conformance with the City's legally established administrative policies and procedures. The Applicant's requests have been submitted in the prescribed format. - Official Title of the Proposed Action: o Special Permit to Fill and Grade • Grading License • Summary of Impacts to the Environment: 1 . Topography, Geomorphology, and Soil Resources Site preparation will involve filling and grading of the subject site . and these activities will constitute changes to the topography. The potential agricultural productivity of prime agricultural soils will be foregone as a result of filling and eventual use of the site for more intensive uses. 137 .acres have been previously filled in recent years leaving a balance of 457 acres to be filled within the City of Renton +; corporate limits. The associated reduction in crop-forage-livestock producing capacity is irrevocable. • • • • 2. Hydrology and Water Quality Surface runoff water from the Project site during and after placement of fill will contain an increased load of sediment compared to present conditions. Runoff carrying sediment will be-controlled by limiting filling and grading activities to the dry season and by pro- viding temporary retention of runoff water within the project site. Subsequent to filling and grading, it can be anticipated that ultimate industrial development of the site will increase the total runoff water volume and street-surface contaminants will be introduced, further affecting water quality. 3. Vegetation Although an extensive vegetational cover exists over much of the site, only selected areas are representative of the plant communities which existed prior to man's intervention. Past changes to the site include use for agricultural purposes and extensive filling. Since the time of these activities, plant communities have become considerably re-established. Elsewhere bog communities and relatively thick forested areas exist. Grading and filling resulting from the proposed action will involve the covering of all vegetation except where the land surface presently exists at elevations of 18 feet above mean sea level or higher. Vegetation will not be disturbed on the portion of the project site to be dedicated to the City as a greenbelt. 4. Wildlife • Plant communities on the Project site support significant bird and mammal populations. There are widely diverse plant communities on this site and large amount of "edge habitat" is found between the vegetational types. Edge habitats, as a general rule are productive in terms of animal popula- • tions. Filling and grading will result in the removal of wildlife habitat, except in the green belt area. Tht Project site represents one of the few remaining undeveloped properties in the lower Green-Duwamish River valley within the City of Renton. Many of the species of animals which were known to be present in the Puget Sound lowland have been disappearing as urbanization proceeds. Some of the disappearing species are replaced by others which can better adapt to altered habitats resulting from man's activities. Activities result- ing from the proposed action will promote a continuation of this regional trend. 5. Noise • The noise resulting from the filling and grading operation can be controlled at acceptable levels by adhering to simple noise control pro- cedures. As a result, noise from construction equipment per se should not be greater than that of many vehicles now using S.W. 43rd Street and Valley Freeway. 0 i 4 4 Noise impacts resulting from the anticipated ultimate development will be related to the cumulative effects of a variety of new land uses that will occur in the area including the expansion of existing tran- sportation facilities. Existing noise sources already in the vicinity will , for the most part, overshadow noise resulting from new land _uses. 6. Air Quality Filling and grading activities resulting from the proposed action will temporarily increase dust in the vicinity of the site. Subsequent to filling and grading, anticipated ultimate development will result in some degradation of air quality although there will be compliance with all applicable air quality regulations. 7. Traffic The initial filling operation will require transport of approximately 60? of the needed fill material from a location outside of the City of Renton in King County (about 3 miles southeast of the site) . Fill truck traffic from this borrow site will occur over a period of two years. The balance of the fill material will come from. an undeter- mined number of additional sources. Impact from importing the remaining fill material is expected to be less than during the..initial two years since import will occur over the entire period of Project development. It is aniticpated that, upon full development, the project site will generate approximately 50,000 trips per day: This traffic will be distributed on the nearby freeways and arterials towards urban centers roughly in proportion to the population concentrations. The existing . transportation network (both freeways and arterials) will probably require improvements to accommodate such increases in traffic. CITY OF TUKWILA cA,, ,f "G;" APPLICATION FOR WAIVER From the Provisions of Resolution Number 489 (Please type or print) Date of Application: Citl ✓7Q': 2-/ / 97 7 Name of Applicant: 6;.`(7Ci ere Perk r7 n jf Mailing Address: L th hJ z C 0,74 vct I F id,cf, City: S =C 1- G Zip: 575T/ /7 Phone: &G,S Ownership Interest in Property: 4+ Legal. Description of Property Affected: A-4-tmC,hr'r • General Location of Property: 5 .' L an() cle.V r - j..0 Oe yct S 1. State specifically the action in Resolution No. 489, Section 4 to which you are requesting a waiver: C-2- ° JJ. Zood T 2. Describe specifically the action you are proposing, including dimensional infor- mation about the development, site maps, etc. , if available: Pi/Jihl *U° T)r-e leaf("i \fiS'Idr7 anC1 Y 3. What is your justification for your request: (Please refer to items 1 - 4 on the cover sheet and respond to them. ) /1101, VL :TOOL Is-y1 a ', 7 ` n5 P Sc)14 ; PVGlpic) Sr' plot 5/- u s 4,v 1ndvc1, iql dvo' J • (attach additional sheet, if necessary) 4. What other factual evidence is relevant to your request for waiver (such as exist- ing development in the vicinity of your property, soils and geologic investiga- tions, etc. ) : Rev4t1si/ s ni p , la c col-orb/0 w►f/7 aim": J.D)-:c,P05gj- - (Attach any other information available which substantiates your request) (Owner) _ A -' et?"—eiLt1 (for office use only) Date Received: Received by: Date scheduled before City Council : Action of City Council : - • Date of City Council Action: CD BURLINGTON NORTHERN Lobby 2 Central Building INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND Seattle, Washington 98104 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT Telephone (206) 624-1900 Mr. Michael L. Smith June 9, 1977 Associate Planner Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 y' Dear Mr. Smith: In accordance with instructions in your letter of May 13, 1977, attached hereto is Glacier Park Company Check #5072 in the amount of $322.00, covering the Environmental Checklist Fee, based upon an assessed value of $3,180,000.00. I am also attaching Glacier Park Co. Check #5073 in the amount of $824.26 covering the Tentative Plat Application Fee, based upon a gross acreage of 464.35 acres, less P-1 Channel and Springbrook Creek, Lind Ave. L.I.D. and property under option to the City of Renton. When fees have been determined for filing of preliminary and final plat with the City, please advise. Very truly yours, J. J. Gordon Manager - Property Management By: / / C. Kre er Sr. Real Estate Representative NCK:jr • Encls. RE-1400-Orillia, Wa. �F >11- 1 Pg. DIED 2� JUN 9 1977 q2 � IG DEP��/ Eight Hundred Twenty-four and 26/100 Dollars 824.26 The City of Renton May 20, 1977 Municipal Building i - . 200 Mill Avenue South Cvta,,e,_ --e 1 • • Renton, Washington 98055 1• 1 ! • / . ._ .. . . .._._ . _ . . .. , 1744 1:09Go...000 II: 20...aa L 2 210 . • . . , GieVAFRVARKCOMPANY . IED #45-77 .- "'Ali '.,li 1. Pt PASf DETACH THIS PORTION DEFORE DEPOSIT 5073 • , . r . No. 1744 . . . , For: Tentative plat application fee for Burlington Northern . 1 . Orillia Industrial Park Plat - $50 plus $2 per acre . . . • • . covering gross area less right of way for P-1 Channel, - i i .. Springbrook Creek, Lind Avenue L.I.D. and property under option to the City of Renton - $824.26 . .. . - i i . i . , . :. , ! . . 1 . AFE G-76-9 : [ File: RE-1400 - Orillia, WA [ BN 2845 Orillia, WA . . . • 4.1 . . . . • ".... - "-^q',:'";'''`.''''..1-7:4:',7‘'2' -':":::;1.2•.,.:''. ' . i, . • . ''''.77'! ::'.,.1*; :: :'. 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'" .t: '-: :.::tir'F'::::.:- .:',.. :i;'-';:i.-: ,-:-..,;.- ' ....iv....'.:.• !':."1"..;17:::: ;;.,- -,-.:,::..:,, ' • ' _ , Three Hundred Twenty-two and no/100 Dollars 322.00 The City of Renton • May 20, 1977 Municipal Building • 200 Mill Avenue South .Cc ,a4 €( • Renton, Washington 98055 • • 1743 I:0960.0o° LI: 20"""88 L 2 211' J I Gl ACll Ii f'AI'il(COMi'ANY IED #44-77 ii It 1' ' D)1.IACH THIS POP, ION REFOR[ DEPOSIT' 50 / ?+ -' • • No. 1743 F • or: Environmental checklist fee for Burlington Northern . Orillia Industrial Park Plat fee based on $5 for the first $10,000 valuation and $1 for each additional , $10,000 valuation - $322.00 • • is AFE G-76-9 . • File: RE-1400 - Orillia, WA II • BN 2845 Orillia, WA. or- • • • +ram}v • • :Sty y a.GSd� is- ;a.�.i` _ • • �i�: - ,- i - • gP' :tip- ▪ • . .l� c_� '�'"''�• • i:.":.!'t'ti-is': `'i::•K:"i.r.;• .. `: .c_ -.1"`. • • is • - -yxiuy � -w' 4' 't�,� 4 =r:t" • . I .+ �__.._.,:.lk:'�.�s�x � �c__a(:�.� .��.,::.5� .....x'L- . }si'lY.✓f�•ia1 ,t t • •'rf'K!Fa ,sn_..�c�i.^.e�,.<.., . .. ,. .\.,. !-. • . 1.!';,s./. . si.::.;: - :', . : ,•.i. . .r. ,i.t • = ` • CITY OF RENTON No. 1119 FINANCE DEPARTMENT • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 1 fin- 19 7 • , RECEIVED OF R - - 1(QAX>- •�(,C)? C6/111 ay a f �i12vt1f ,12n4n- 1 (,gyp .Qi �t 00 • • • TOTAL J l4 6, 6 . GWEN E. MARSHALfL� FI ANCE DIRECTOR BY 0 W E v'D`1.43! - • • • ' ;/ c_ • ict; • /i• • .y . •• • . . � 0F THE CITY OF RENTON Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT p 235-2550 4?4rfo SFPSE ' May 27 , 1977 James J. Gordon, Manager Property Management Burlington Northern Central Building - Lobby 2 Seattle, Washington 98104 RE: TENTATIVE PLAT--ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK Dear Mr. Gordon: The various city departments have reviewed the subject tentative plat application, and have the following concerns and comments - 1. In view of the present status of the SCS drainage project the additional 39 acre wetland area will need to be excluded at this time from the proposed plat and utilized as additional storm water retention area. This will be necessary until such time as the proposed Valley drainage system is constructed. Also, any fill and development must meet revised King County Hydraulics ' requirements for flood proofing. 2 . The east-west connector arterial between the West Valley Highway (at Strander Boulevard) and the East Valley Road should be indicated on the plat map. This will be an arterial street which would require a minimum 90 foot right-of-way or 45 feet on the Burlington Northern property. 3. Longacres Parkway is proposed as a parkway system and will require a minimum 100 foot right-of-way with a landscaped median strip, perimeter landscaping; and meandering bikeway and pedes- trian sidewalk, as per the City' s Streets and Arterial Plan, and the Subdivision Ordinance. 4. The Utilities Division and Fire Department are concerned about the Utilities plan and the proposed dead-end water mains . This should be reviewed together with other aspects of the Utilities Plan with these departments. 5. It appears that there is insufficient access to certain blocks and areas . This affects the safety and emergency access to the sites, the circulation and traffic patterns, the utilities , and the public access to certain greenbelt areas. The access and circulation system also effects the sizes and shapes of the tracts which in turn determine to a great extent the types of land uses for those properties. It is felt that the tracts should be tames J. Gordon, Manage_: ' Property Management Burlington Northern RE: Tentative Plat--Orillia Industrial Park May 27 , 1977 Page Two generally smaller and evenly shaped as much as possible around the perimeter of the site and near Springbrook Creek. The larger and uneven shaped tracts (i .e. , the long narrow sites) should be related toward the interior of the site zoned H-1 because the uses that would normally locate on these sites would be related more to heavy industry or large warehousing/distribu- tion operations. This would be more consistent with the City' s Comprehensive Plan for the area and the railroad' s proposed land uses as previously indicated during the EIS and fill permit process. A copy of the suggested revisions to streets is attached. Either longer and wider cul-de-sacs should be used, or they should be connected through to other streets as indicated. 6 . A cul-de-sac should be placed approximately midway between S.W. 34th Street and S.W. 41st Street extending eastward from Lind Avenue S.W. to the second railroad spur track. This will pro- vide better fire and emergency access and reduce the extreme length of the tracts to allow lighter uses consistent with planning for the area. 7 . The S.W. 39th Street cul-de-sac should be connected to Longacres Parkway for the same reasons as stated in #6 above, and to provide increased public access to the Springbrook greenbelt area. Another alternative may be to widen this street to 70 feet, and lengthen and widen the cul-de-sac to the Springbrook greenbelt. • 8 . The S.W. 31st Street and the S.W. 30th Street cul-de-sacs should be connected or similarly widened and lengthened as indicated in #7 above. 9 . The S.W. 29th Street cul-de-sac should be lengthened to the second railroad spur to provide better access and street frontage to the interior lots . 10 . If S.W. 39th Street is not extended to Longacres Parkway an addi- tional cul-de-sac will be necessary in the approximate area between S.W. 34th Street and S.W. 38th Street, extending eastward from Longacres Parkway to the Springbrook greenbelt area. 11. S. W. 34th Street should be extended to Longacres Parkway. 12 . S.W. 34th Street and S.W. 38th Street should be extended to the proposed P-1 Channel and connected to each other to form a loop- road. This should be coordinated with the City of Tukwila. The Tukwila Planning and Public Works Departments have received and are reviewing a copy of the proposed plat. James J. Gordon, Managor Property Management Burlington Northern RE : Tentative Plat--Orillia Industrial Park May 27 , 1977 Page Three 13 . Design proposals pertaining to the street lighting system for the plat should be reviewed with the Traffic Engineering Department. 14. A bikeway/pedestrian access easement should be added along the Springbrook greenbelt area from Longacres Parkway to the wetland area. The portion of the Springbrook greenbelt area along the east side of the city' s wetland area should be indicated on the plat map, together with the Springbrook wetland area near Long- acres Parkway. - 15. Sidewalks should be reduced from 6 feet to 4 feet with correspond- ing increase in the planter areas . 16 . Additional areas for landscaping should be set aside along the park perimeter roads and major entrances to enhance the image and set the theme and quality of the industrial park. 17 . The environmental checklist was reviewed together with the previous Final Environmental Impact Statement for Orillia Industrial District issued on October 21, 1975 , and other EIS ' s issued for projects in the Valley. This has been determined to be sufficient to fulfill the requirements of SEPA for the subject platting phase of develop- ment. Although minor changes in the proposal have occurred since the document was published, this does not affect the overall con- tent and applicability of the document. However, the requirement to exclude the 39 acre wetland area from the proposed plat is a result of recent flood proofing information and amended require- ments established by King County Hydraulics , and the continued stagnation of the SCS drainage project. We hope that these initial comments will be helpful to you in preparing a preliminary plat that results in a -functional, safe, and attractive industrial park addition to the city of Renton. A detailed review will also be conducted at the preliminary plat stage. If you need any addi- tional information or wish to discuss these comments further, please contact this department. Very truly yours , Gordon Y. Erick n P1 nning Dir ctor /' Michael L. Smith MLS:ms Associate Planner Attachment cc : Fire Department Public Works Department Gardner Engineers , Inc. Attn: Al Hebrank .1. �► - 0 THE CITY OF RENTON . .:r. :^-� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n e� s�<= obi L CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O,pgT Q- 235-2550 FO SFP1C- May 20 , 1977 King County Department of Hydraulics King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 ATTENTION:. Larry Gibbons Gentlemen: RE: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Pursuant to your request for additional information-,,_ the Renton Planning Department issued a Final Environmental Impact Statement according to state law on 'pctober 22 , 1975. This statement pertained to the entire anticipated indus- trial park development --including the initial fill- operation phases. Subsequent to the issuance of the Final EIS the Renton Planning Commission issued a Special Use Permit for fill and grade with conditions and restrictions on November 19 , -1975 and on October 13, 1976. If you need any further information regarding this matter, please advise. Very truly yours, Gordon Y. Ericksen Plaing Dectoit^ efe Michael L. Smith Associate Planner • • MLS:ms cc: C. J. Delaurenti, Mayor James J. Gordon, Property Management Div. , Burlington Northern Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director 1 pF4 R 41 -,., 0 THE CITY OF RENTON • n`� Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 O '� CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT p �� May 13, 1977 235-2550 #P4 OSFP1 J . J . Gordon , Manager Property Management Division Glacier Park Company 810 Third Avenue Seattle , Washington 98104 Dear Mr. Gordon : The Planning Department has reviewed the fee schedule for industrial plats and proposed revised figures based on a study of potential City review time for each plat- ting phase. It is this department ' s determination that the existing tentative plat fee is reasonable. There- fore , you should pay this fee in conjunction with the present tentative plat application as soon as possible , together with the environmental checklist fee. This department has recommended to the City Council an amended preliminary plat fee of $200 plus $20 per acre and an amended final plat fee of $100 plus $10 per acre . The matter was referred to Council committee for further study . We will inform you of any City Council action on this matter. Very truly yours , Gordon Y. Ericksen Plan ing Dire for # 4,141r/ Mir hael L . Smith Associate Planner GYE : MLS :wr cc : Gardner Engineering , Inc . pF R, , THE CITY OF RENTON J AR MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT CZ 4 235-2550 .P4tED SEP1V' MEMORANDUM May 9 , 1977 TO : Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director FROM: Michael Smith , Associate Planner Joan Lankford , Assistant Planner/Landscape Architect RE: LIND AVENUE LID ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS As per the Council ' s request, Joan and I have reviewed the possible alternative design concepts for the Lind Avenue street LID proposal . It is our feeling that, when an 80 foot right-of-way is utilized , a center medium s.tri.p would reduce the amount of landscaping area along the sides of the street , thereby decreasing both the industrial park concept and the possi - bilities of meandering both bike-path and pedestrian side- walks . Therefore , it appears that Alternate "A," indicating an 80 foot right-of-way with greenbelts on either side , together with a bike-path and pedestrian sidewalk , is the most desirable alternative . Attached is a plan view of a typical roadway section , which indicates a possible meandering design for the bike-path and • pedestrian sidewalk which utilizes both the street landscap- ing and the individual property owner required landscaping under the manufacturing park standards . The width of the pedestrian sidewalk can be reduced to approximately five feet and still be functional . We did review the possibility of a median landscape strip and feel it is a possible alter- native—only when used in a total 90 foot right-of-way with the landscape areas along the sides of the street in the same proportions as Alternate "A, " thereby creating a composite of Alternates "A" and "B" within said 90 feet. We did not have an opportunity to research specific cost figures ; Gordon Y . Ericksen , Planning Director May 9 , 1977 Page Two however, in working with the Public Works Department , it was determined that the landscape median strip would result in an increased cost per lineal foot of approximately $13 . This was computed utilizing the total lineal feet of Lind Avenue from S. W. 16th to S. W. 43rd and substracting approxi - mate amounts for left-turn lanes at anticipated cross--s-treets . It is our feeling that any concept utilized will require master planning to develop a consistent , well planned land- scaping and pedestrian/bikeway circulation system. MLS :wr Attachment Renton City Council 5/9/77 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued LID #304 Inez M. Moritz, 2525 NE 24th St. ; Mary A. Scannell 2508 NE 24th; Aloha Ranch and petition bearing 10 signatures. Letter from Public Works Direc- tor Gonnason reported protest letters from property owners amounted to 75% of the total cost. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. M0VED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL TERMINATE LID # 304, ALOHA RANCH. CARRIED. (Time: 8:40 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, pub- L. I.D. #298 lished and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened hearing to Sewers consider the final assessment roll in amount of $ 223,523.33, sanitary E.Valley Hwy. sewers installed in East Valley Highway near SW 43rd St. Letters of protest were read from Attorney for Gary Merlino, also amended protest for LID #298 on behalf of Gary Merlino from Attorney Phillip T. Ordinance #3135 Hutchinson protest assessment as excessive, claiming limited use due Confirming to configuration and compared with sewer usage of other tracts of simi- Amended lar square footage within district. Letter of protest from Emilio Assessment Roll Pierotti objected to assessment for pumping station as of no use to his Adopted later property. Letter from Gonnason noted 18.05% protest. Phillip Hutchinson, Attorney for Gary Merlino explained objection to method of assessment for long, narrow lot. Public Works Director Gonnason detailed develop- ment of LID, termination of earlier district 5/75; new petition filed 3/76; and used wall map to show properties . Gonnason explained earlier meetings and agreement re inclusion of pump station cost and front foot method of assessment, except Merlino and Pierotti . Gonnason explained reasons for assessment method and that other properties would be assessed for another LID on Lind Ave. where properties bordered on that develop- ment. Gonnason explained reduction of 100 ft. to frontage of Merlino property and 9% reduction in costs to all properties due to lower con- struction costs than anticipated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING, CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL AS PRESENTED, Councilman Stredicke noted need for installation of private sewer sys- tem in property depth of 120 ft. MOTION CARRIED. (Time 9:08 p.m. ) MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER LID TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMIT- TEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted , pub- CATV Ordinance lished and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the pub- lic hearing to consider the proposed cable television franchise ordi- nance, hearing having been continued from 3/21/77 and 4/25/77. Jim Hurd, Director of the Office of Cable TV, City of Seattle and employed • by various cities for CATV Service, explained changes to the ordinance which had been made in coordination with Community Services Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee and input from the industry, including referral to city' s standards for senior citizen rates to prevent revision of ordinance for change in structure; length of franchise changed to 15 yrs . ; minimum 10% of total gross revenue to be applied to systems expansion; restriction that TV companies cannot go into repair business . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE , COUNCIL APPROVE ORDINANCE AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later first reading. ) ,/ PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and i, L. I . D. #302 published, according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing` Lind Ave. SW continued from 5/2/77, to consider preliminary assessment roll for Local Street Improvement District No. 302 to construct and improve Lind Ave. SW Improvement between SW 17th St. and SW 43rd St. ; Roll in amount of $1 ,895,793.80, Public Works Director Gonnason explained hearing continued at Council 's request for reallocation to properties protesting because of fill , as well as design review on Lind Ave. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain $48,000 for fill of Summers and Edwards properties reallocated over entire district as entire district benefits, Gonnason explained street design, sidewalks , bike paths , median strip and danger with large industrial trucks , meandering bikeways; also that Lind Ave. SW is classified as industrial collector and secondary arterial . The Planning Director Ericksen presented portion of City code with 1 Renton City Council 5/9/77 Page 3 Public Hearing - Continued #302 standards for development of public right-of-way, explaining plans Street meet City' s criteria for industrial collector with 80' r/w, 44' street Improvements width and explained parkway design of proposed Longacres Parkway. Lind Ave. SW Property owner, Robert Edwards, 1913 91st NE, Bellevue, protested even though acknowledging reduction of assessment below assessed valuation of property. Frank Edwards, 12546 39th NE, Seattle, inquired regard- ing width of right-of-way for. street. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:45 p.m. Roll Call : All Council members present except Councilman Grant. Frank Edwards explained that develop- ment of the property was not scheduled and questioned fairness of donating right-of-way for the street, then being assessed for develop- ment of same. James Gordon, Property Manager, Glacier Park, Seattle, called attention that no protests were filed by Metro, Golden Grain Macaroni Co. , Mobile Oil or Olympic Pipeline and noted area land prices and indicated brokerage advice that upon completion of improvements , ie • sewer, water, street, a value of $20,000 per acre. Mr. Gordon objected to median strip design due to heavy truck turning. Don Cowles, Burling- ton Northern Industrial Development, asked alternative to median landscaping as cuts could not be determined until property developed, noting attractive development of Lind Ave north of FAI-405, objecting to increased cost with median design and noting City's responsibility to upkeep of the median. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUN- CIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY • PERRY, Council proceed with the L. I .D. and adopt alternate "A" plan for Lind Ave. SW as recommended by the Planning Department. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT REVISED PRE- L. I .D. to LIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL AND AUTHORIZE BID CALL PER ALTERNATE PLAN "A". Proceed SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUN- , CIL REFER THE L. I .D. TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (10:13 pm) CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distriubted to all Council members, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Vouchers The Ways• and Means Committee recommended Council approval for Vouchers No. 13687 through No. 13848 in the amount of $171.1,297,36 having received Departmental approval as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. Recommendation included for payment of LID No. 298 Revenue • Warrant No. R-6 in amount of $14,566. 37 and Cash Warrant No. C-8 in like amount. Council concurrence recommended. Proposed LID #306 Petition was filed for creation of a sanitary sewer between Sunset Blvd. NE and FAI-405, north of NE 7th St. Refer to Public Works • Department for certification. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed B. J . Richardson, 479 Harring- Police Civil ton NE to 6-yr term in Police Civil Service Commission, term expiring Service 6/1/83. Mr. Richardson was appointed to the Commission last October to complete the unexpired term of Virginia Busato who had resigned. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointed Nathaniel W. Weathers, Jr. , Park Board 3905 NE 6th St. , and Mrs. Nancy Mathews , 4125 NE 17th St. , to the Park Board to fill the two new positions authorized by recently-adopted Ordinance No. 3127. The letter recommended staggered terms of a 3-yr and a 4-yr term in order to avoid three positions on the board expiring at the same time; ordinance provides for 4-yr terms effective 6/1/77 • through 6/1/81 . The letter also reappointed Ron Regis to the Park Board for a 4-yr term to expire 6/1/81 . Mr. Regis, 824 Jefferson NE, has • served on the Park Board since 1964. Refer' to the Ways and Means Committee. Use of Public Letter from DeWayne Stalvig, Secretary of the Renton Merchants Associ.a- Right-of-Way tion requested use of public right-of-way for annual Sidewalk Sale, on 7/14 to 15 and 7/19; also requesting two banners to be placed over right-of-way on 7/7/77 and also concession stand for the Sidewalk Sale. Refer to Public Works Department and Public Services Committee. . ` � �/���r � �^ ' - ,�vo� ' - ' -- ' )7h(d'='.~ �7 � ------ - ' -- - --'--------'' ' -- �c� r`vx' =�-^ -~ ----__-_'__'--_----_-__'--_'---_ � . ' <L /�°' /« .<i' - --~ '------'-----'------------------- --- ~ . � .. w- 7 � - - ---'---'--' ----- ------'--�----'----'------' - � '----- ---------- ------------------'i/-'---^��------------- .� -' --- ---------' --'------ -----'-------'- ' -- | || � ' �� -- -'---_-- - ---' --__--_-' ' _ �------------���_����� � - - -------- -- - ' '- - - '-------------'--- -- - � _-'__-- ---- ' ' ' -'- '- ------' ----- ----'---- -- .| ' ------------ . ' - - '--' -_'_ __--_-_-_-'-__----'__�____-_'-....... __--_'_-___-- � ` -----' - '-�t ' -------------- -- ------'------------'-- �---------~-- , -----------l�'--'�----- ' --- ' MEMORANDUM DATE: April 25, 1977 TO: Michael Smith, Planning Department FROM: Del Bennett, Deputy Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Tentative Plat =- Glacier Park Co. - Green River Valley Orillia Industrial Park Street width on the industrial access roads is 36 feet curb-to-curb, which is in accordance with the plat ordinance. However, we would recommend to the Developer a minimum width of 40 feet curb-to-curb. A 40-foot width would allow two trucks to pass should cars be parked opposite one another on the street. A 36-foot width could restrict passage of large vehicles. We would bring to the attention of the Developer that the City has economic considerations for future maintenance and energy costs incurred by a new street lighting system. Therefore, we request to review with the Developer final design proposals pertaining to street lighting. CEM:ad • • °F R.�� THE CITY OF RENTON 41 ; ; CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR 0 .1 °`,„„„ FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS q- MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVE. S. • RENTON WA. 98055 • 235 2642 �4TFD SEPj •�O CHIEF: GEORGE H.WILLIAMS ASST.CHIEF:DICK GEISSLER TO: Planning Department April 21 , 1977 FROM: Fire Prevention SUBJECT: Orillia Industrial Park • A review of •plans for the proposed Orillia Industrial Park indicate a number of dead-end cul -de- sacs and dead-end water mains . These items are of great concern to this office be- cause they would, if permitted, reduce the fire protection to that area. Cul -de- sacs offer only one means of access to buildings being served , and crossing these roads by railroad tracks compound the problem. It is reasonable to assume that in the event of any vehicular •accident or railroad mishap these cul -de- sacs would be impassable. Also, in the event of an emergency, • either fire or aid emergency equipment would be unable to provide needed protection . Dead-end mains are prohibited if such main is over fifty . (50) feet long. Provisions shall be made wherever appro- priate in any project for looping all dead-end or tempo- rarily dead-end mains . • i I E. V. Wooton , Jr. Inspector • 1\ OF R� THE CITY OF RENTON Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 c-)O 4 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT D ��' 235-2550 fO SFP1 ' April 18, 1977 The Honorable C. J . Delaurenti , Mayor Renton , Washington RE: CITY OF RENTON FEE SCHEDULE - INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISIONS Dear Mayor Delaurenti : In response to a request by Burlington Northern Railroad, the Planning Department staff has undertaken review of the industrial platting fee schedules presently imposed by the City of Renton . Burlington Northern indicated concern , since the estimated permit fee to carry the proposed valley industrial park from a tentative state through final stages would amount to approximately $40,000. At the time the industrial platting fee was established , it was the intent to cover the costs accrued by the City and to allow for any contingencies that might occur. It is estimated in the particular case of Burlington Northern that the City' s costs will amount to approximately $12,000 to $15 ,000 for the review process by all concerned City departments . In view of the large tract of land involved , Burlington Northern ' s fee would exceed normal estimated City costs by approximately $25, 000 to $30,000 (note attached memo) . It is ,. therefore , the recommendation of the Planning Department that the industrial platting fee be revised as follows : Tentative No change . Preliminary $200. 00 basic fee plus $20. 00 per acre. Final $100. 00 basic fee plus $10. 00 per acre . The fee thus established would cover estimated City costs plus some allowance for contingencies . Very ruly yours , ion Y ick en ' lanni g D rector GYE :wr Attachments 1 i OF R� u ;; 7 THE CITY OF RENTON 2 .� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 �,o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT O94TFD SEPI�-�0�� 235- 2550 April 14, 1977 MEMORANDUM TO: Gordon Y. Ericksen, Planning Director FROM: Gary R. Kruger, Senior Planner Michael L. Smith, Associate Planner • RE: FEE SCHEDULE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISIONS The fee schedule for industrial subdivisions has been reviewed. The present schedule appears to be excessive based upon the assumption that the fees should cover the costs incurred in reviewing the application. The reviewing departments were con- tacted regarding their respective costs. The recommended fee schedule will approximate such a breakdown, t ;: :;.:- . INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION FEE SCHEDULES STATUS TENTATIVE PRELIMINARY FINAL Existing $50. plus $2./acre $200. plus $100. plus $1./1,000 Sq. Ft. $1./1,000 Sq.Ft. Recommended SAME $200. plus $100. plus . $20./acre $10./acre Illustrated below is the differences between the two fee schedules, as they would apply to the Burlinton Northern application of 465± acres. FEE SCHEDULES APPLIED TO BURLINGTON NORTHERN STATUS TENTATIVE PRELIMINARY FINAL TOTAL Existing $ 930 $ 20,455 $ 20,355 $ 41,740 Recommended $ 930 $ 9,500 $ 4,750 $ 15,180 Difference -0- $ 10,955 ' $ 15,605 $ 26,560 GRK:MLS:ms CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT REVISED FEE SCHEDULE As Adopted in 1977 Budget Effective January 1 , 1977 APPLICATION FEE Rezone $100 plus $10 per acre Special Permit $100 plus $10 per acre Site Approval $100 plus $ 5 per acre Comprehensive Plan Amendment $150 • Exception $100 Waiver $ 50 Open Space $ 30 . Shoreline Management $ 50 if value less than $10 ,000 $100 if value from $10 ,000 to $ 50 ,000 • $150 if value from $50 ,000 to $100 , 000 $200 plus . 01% of value over $100 ,000 Grading and Filling Permits 8100 plus $25 per acre Plats : Short Plat $100 Tentative Plat $ 50 plus $ 2 per acre Preliminary $100 plus $ 8 per lot Preliminary Industrial $200 plus $ 1 per 1 , 000 square feet of land area Final $ 50 plus $ 4 per lot Final Industrial $100 plus $ 1 per 1, 000 square feet of land area P . U . D. : Tentative $100 plus $10 per acre Preliminary Plan $250 plus $20 per acre with $1 ,000 maximum Final Plan $250 plus $20 per acre Master Plan $250 plus $20 per acre Environmental Impact Review: Environmental Checklist Review/Threshold Deter- mination $ 5 if value less than $10 ,000 $ 5 plus $1 per $1 ,000 of value greater than $10 ,000 Pre-Draft Consultation Report $100 plus .$25 per acre Environmental Impact Statement , Draft, and Final (Costs of Coordination and Review) $100 plus equivalent of City cost incurred Mobile Home Parks : Tentative $ 50 plus $ 1 per acre Preliminary $100 plus $ 5 per lot Final $ 50 plus $2 . 50 per lot / . . _. . . .... _ .. , .. _. .: ::ENT DATE ROUTED PLEASE RF'!- E..,: THIS APPLICATION FOR• .. , los ... • — — .R F-i:0: F VE."" 7-: . __, 0 :„.....„,u:. „...„ , ,._====.=...... SPEC: ;-.:_ ERMIT '..:AIVER , ...=== ..... SHO :',F: : NE V,1-,,NAGE...E::T PERMIT OR EXEMPTION AND RETURN TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH ANY COMMENTS YOU MIGHT HAVE , BEFORE 444477 ._,IGATU. E 11,141004: CCAMVAted Ilk liNihmr6125. 14' 6 d A nr) ,.., DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL , --7 DIL e _ V 411151P-• •_ \(' T. __..>s,___ Z!_ 1//7/7 ..• i. ENGINEERING " X , ---/ --" 72 a/v A , .. gut. AHEALTH n 4 . F kniallia ' 10 Ammo • REVIEER ' S COnL- JS OR APPROVAL CONDITIONS : SIGN THE E . I . I.t , : ROUTING FOR REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORMS TO : 0 Finance Department N • ' re Department Library Department Park Department Police Department ►:I Public Works Department Building Div .5 C. Traffic Engineering Div . Engineering Div . (. Utilities Engineering Div : FROM : Planning Department , (signed by responsible official or his , designee) MICA%aSVitliet , SUBJECT : Review of ECF- Z4( 007? ; Application No . : Q42. 77 Action Name yh15(. 4.4k tvit cUsa . ►1Actd ( GJ DIsfrlet Tck4Eh*t t. ?tut. Please review the attached . ' Review requested by ( date) : I isr 1 REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : G Comments : _ �� '''/— .- {,)- o-C,t., 1 // 6-c Q 7 / Vz------- , `f -/2-')7 Signatuj�f rector or Authorized Representative Date i REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : �i 7e�.i 7,6� Comments : Apo, G &ceL-1 )) - � Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 6-76 (OVER) i ,, REVIEW BY OTHER CITY _ 3ARTMENTS : Department : //-77./ L-<- /lc 1, /!ty��.___���_ Comments : v /16"—LYE c) .` J. • Signature of Director outhori ed RepresentatiV ' Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS :. 61. . Department : q c, o m e n t s : v ..,, goefilvtgA.4ft-i: tvulPiNieriLl IN I sml 410 I NI : D� ,$ r tye1t e Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date REVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : , G Comments : ,StE ;;/iCr/�o'J A C/C' Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date _ kEVIEW BY OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS : Department : Comments : • 1 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date