HomeMy WebLinkAbout00-C_Submittal_Letter_230407_v1.pdf April 7, 2023 ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Alex Morganroth City of Renton Community and Economic Development Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Application for Preliminary Plat, SEPA, and Site Plan Review Preliminary Plat of Harmony Ridge King County Parcel No. 202305-9067 15509 – 116th Ave SE City File No. PRE21-000408 Our Job No. 22298 Dear Alex: On behalf of Ichijo USA Co., Ltd. we are submitting the formal application for a Preliminary Plat, SEPA, and Site Plan Review. The project is proposed as a preliminary plat of 21 residential lots and one church lot that will be developed with 21 detached single-family homes, public roads, and tracts for tree retention and stormwater. Existing utilities serve the site, including water, sewer, power, natural gas, telephone, and cable. Stormwater will be routed to a new underground vault system that will discharge west of the site via an off-site easement. This submittal is provided as a complete application for the permit reviews noted above with all items listed in the submittal checklists, as applicable. As listed in the Submittal Requirements Checklists for Preliminary Plat, SEPA, and Site Plan Review, the following items have been uploaded as required: 1. Submittal Checklists a. Preliminary Plat b. SEPA c. Site Plan Review 2. City of Renton Pre-Application Meeting Summary dated December 9, 2021 3. Submittal Requirements Waiver Form 4. Land Use Permit Master Application Form 5. Project Narrative prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated March 13, 2023. 6. SEPA Environmental Checklist prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated March 2023. 7. City of Renton Density Worksheet 8. Construction Mitigation Description prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated April 7, 2023 9. Title Report with attachments issued by Chicago Title dated March 21, 2023. 10. King County Plat Name Reservation Certificate (pending) City of Renton Community and Economic Development Department - 2 - October 4, 2022 11. Neighborhood Detail Map 12. Affidavits of Posting (pending – signs in process) a. Public Information Sign b. Photos c. Public Outreach Sign d. Photos e. Map 13. Proof of Neighborhood Meeting Package, including: a. Notice provided to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the proposed development site b. Mailing list used to send out meeting notices c. An Affidavit of Service by Mailing for the neighborhood meeting dated January 20, 2023 d. An Affidavit of Posting Meeting Location sign for neighborhood meeting dated February 2, 2023 e. Neighborhood meeting sign-in sheet f. Materials presented at the meeting g. Notes of the meeting with a summary of oral comments received at the meeting (no written comments were submitted to the applicant) 14. Preliminary Plat Plan Set prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated April 5, 2023, including: a. Preliminary Cover Sheet b. Existing Conditions c. Preliminary Plat d. Lot 22 Site Plan e. Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan f. Preliminary 116th Ave Frontage Improvements g. Preliminary Road Profiles h. Preliminary Road Cross Sections i. Preliminary Utility Plan j. Preliminary Tree Inventory Plan k. Preliminary Landscape Plans 15. Boundary, Topographic, and Tree Surveys prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated April 7, 2023. 16. Tree Retention Worksheet (see also Arborist Report and Tree Replacement and Landscape Plan) City of Renton Community and Economic Development Department - 3 - October 4, 2022 17. Preliminary Tree Protection Plan prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. dated January 24, 2023 18. Geotechnical Report prepared by Earth Solutions NorthWest, LLC dated November 21, 2022 19. Preliminary Technical Information Report prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. dated February 2, 2023. 20. Traffic Impact Assessment prepared by TENW dated December 5, 2022 21. Reduced (8.5- by 11-inch) Preliminary Plat Plan Set 22. Mailing List (label template) of property owners within 300 feet 23. One (1) copy of the Colored Maps, including: a. Neighborhood Detail Map b. Site Plan The enclosed materials comprise complete applications for Preliminary Plat and SEPA Review. Please route and review the enclosed materials at your earliest convenience. The applicant looks forward to working with the City on this project. Please contact me at this office with any plan review comments or questions. Thank you. Respectfully, Ivana Halvorsen Senior Planner IH/kb 22298c.004.docx enc: As Noted cc: Kanon Kupferer, Ichijo USA Co., Ltd. Barry J. Talkington, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc.