HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-PN_Project_Narrative_230313_v1.pdf - 1 - Narrative PROJECT NARRATIVE for PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HARMONY RIDGE Prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. March 13, 2023 SITE DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located at 15509 116th Avenue SE (APN 202305-9067). The project site totals 271,429 square feet (6.23 acres) in area and is currently developed with a church, Montessori school, accessory structures and 41 parking stalls. The existing topography descends generally from east to west, with an estimated 25 feet of elevation change across the site. Vegetation consists mainly of deciduous trees, evergreen trees, brambles, with some landscaping associated with the church. The site accesses from 116th Avenue SE, which is classified as a Minor Arterial and currently has a 30-foot right- of-way on the project side. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project is to subdivide 6.23 acres into 21 new single-family lots for future single-family homes and reserve one lot for the church and school with associated parking that will remain. The site has a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of Residential Low Density and a zoning designation of Residential-8 dwelling units per net acre (8 du/ac). UTILITIES: Water exists in 116th Avenue SE and will be extended into the site as new mains. Sewer will be provided by City of Renton with the construction of a new offsite main from the site to Puget Drive SE. Dry utilities will be extended in a combined trench. REQUIRED NARRATIVE ITEMS PROJECT NAME, SIZE, AND LOCATION OF SITE · Project Name: Harmony Ridge Preliminary Plat · Gross Site Area: 6.23 acres · Location: 15509 SE 116th Street · Parcel No. 202305-9067 LAND USE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT · SEPA Determination · Preliminary Plat · Lot Line Adjustment ZONING DESIGNATION OF THE SITE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES · Site: R-8 · Adjacent properties: R-8 CURRENT USE OF THE SITE AND ANY EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS The site currently contains a church, Montessori school and outbuildings with associated parking. SPECIAL SITE FEATURES (i.e., WETLANDS, WATER BODIES, STEEP SLOPES) - 2 - Narrative The site contains moderate slopes and no special features. STATEMENT ADDRESSING SOIL TYPE AND DRAINAGE CONDITIONS Per the Geotechnical Engineering Report "Underlying topsoil, native soils were classified primarily as silty sand with gravel (USCS: SM), consistent with local geologic mapping designations of ground moraine deposits (Qgt), otherwise known as glacial till. Variations in soil gradation were locally observed and included areas of increased gravel, silt, and sand contents; however, silty sand with gravel sand should be considered the predominant underlying soil type. Soils within the upper approximate three to five feet of existing grades were generally characterized as medium dense; thereafter, native soils become dense to very dense, extending to the terminus of each test pit location, which occurred between about 8 and 14 feet bgs. The referenced WSS resource indicates the site is underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Map Unit Symbol: AgC). This soil series is associated with ridges and hills and is derived from glacial drift. Based on the soil conditions encountered during the subsurface exploration, native soils are considered representative of ground moraine deposits, in accordance with local mapping designations." Stormwater runoff generated by the lots will be collected and routed through a system of catchbasins and pipes to a new detention and water quality vault along the southern boundary of the site. After treatment and detention, the project will release stormwater to the natural location via offsite pipes and catchbasins to the existing system in Puget Drive SE. PROPOSED USE OF THE PROPERTY AND SCOPE OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The proposed project is a single-family residential project consisting of infill development of an underutilized church property. The proposed project is to construct 21 single-family lots with associated roads and utilities while reserving one lot for the existing church, associated school and parking. FOR PLATS, INDICATE THE PROPOSED NUMBER, NET DENSITY, AND RANGE OF SIZES (NET LOT AREA) OF THE NEW LOTS The project will contain 21 lots for detached single-family residences. The lots range in area from 5,000 square feet to 5,866 square feet, with an average area of 5,205 square feet. The gross site area is 271,429 square feet (6.23 acres). The net site area is 4.0 acres. Net density of the project is 5.25 dwelling units per net acre (du/acre). Each lot contains a minimum of 250 square feet of private open space in their rear yards. ACCESS The project will construct two new public road segments including Road A, extending from 116th Avenue SE to the west property line and Road B, a cul-de-sac road. Both roads will provide direct access for the residential lots and Road A will provide a new driveway to the church lot. Street widening and improvements will be constructed on 116th Avenue SE along the entire property's frontage. PROPOSED OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS (i.e., INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALKS, FIRE HYDRANTS, SEWER MAIN, ETC.) Off-site construction includes storm and sewer utility extensions from the site to the northwest to Puget Drive SE. Street improvements, including pavement widening, curb and gutter, sidewalks, street trees, and street lighting will occur on 116th Avenue SE along the property's frontage. One or more fire hydrants will be relocated, installed, or removed. TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST AND ESTIMATED FAIR MARKET VALUE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT - 3 - Narrative The construction costs and fair market value are to be determined. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND TYPE OF MATERIALS INVOLVED IF ANY FILL OR EXCAVATION IS PROPOSED Approximately 24,000 cubic yards of total grading will be necessary for the project. Approximately 20,000 cubic yards of fill will be needed (see Preliminary Grading Plan). At this time, the source of fill material is unknown; that information will be provided, as required, as part of the grading and construction permit process. Export of material is not expected. NUMBER, TYPE, AND SIZE OF ANY TREES TO BE REMOVED Please refer to the Tree Retention and Credit Worksheet when reviewing this section. As noted in the Arborist Report there are 308 significant trees on the site requiring 92 retained trees to satisfy the 30 percent retention standard. The project will remove 245 trees and retain 63 trees, a deficit of 29 trees to meet the 30 percent standard. In conformance with the replacement criteria below, the project proposes to plant 163 trees (326 tree credits) in lieu of retention of 30 percent of the trees on the site. Replacement Criteria: Replacement planting in lieu of minimum tree retention may be granted for situations where: a) There are special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property; or Response: The subject property has special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location, and surroundings as follows: · The site is generally triangular in shape which is inefficient for subdivision design (shape); · A large portion of the site will be retained by the church where limited tree retention is possible, but where all possible trees are preserved (size); · A road bisects the north half of the site to promoted future planned neighborhood connectivity (location); · Topography dictates the location of the drainage facility to be located in the southwest corner of the site where there are trees that will be unavoidably impacted by grading for the vault, access, and pipes (topography); · Many of the removed trees on the site are cottonwood and maple, which are low quality trees that can be replaced with a mix of new trees that will provide a buffer to the surrounding neighborhood and increase the tree diversity on the site (surroundings); · Neighbors surrounding the property have complained to the church for years about trees and/or branches falling off the deciduous trees into their yards. At the neighborhood meeting, several neighbors to the south and west requested removal of maple and cottonwood trees at the southern border of the site due to the hazards noted above (surroundings). b) The strict application of the code would prevent reasonable use of property; or Response: This does not apply. - 4 - Narrative c) The strict application of the code would prevent compliance with minimum density requirements of the zone; or Response: This does not apply. d) The project is a short plat with four (4) or fewer lots. Response: This does not apply. The project's required tree credits are 150 tree credits. As noted on the Tree Retention and Credit Worksheet, the project complies with 374 retained tree credits. EXPLANATION OF ANY LAND TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY The project will dedicate variable for right-of-way at 116th Avenue SE and the future public roads within the plat. The total area of public road dedication is approximately 50,820 square feet. ANY PROPOSED JOB SHACKS, SALES TRAILERS, AND/OR MODEL HOMES Sales trailers, job shacks, and/or model homes will be proposed as allowed by code. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 1. Haul Routes: A construction plan indicating haul routes and hours, construction hours, and a traffic control plan must be submitted to the Development Services Division for approval prior to a construction permit being issued. 2. Haul Hours: Haul hours shall be restricted to the hours between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 3. Permitted Work Hours in or Near Residential Areas: Construction activities that require construction or building permits and that are conducted in residential areas or within 300 feet of residential areas shall be restricted to the following hours: a. Single-Family Remodel or Single-Family Addition Construction Activities: Single-family remodel or single-family addition construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays and Sundays shall be restricted to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. b. Commercial, Multi-Family, New Single-Family, and Other Nonresidential Construction Activities: Commercial, multi-family, new single-family, and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 4. Emergency Extensions to Permitted Work Hours: The Development Services Division Director is authorized to grant an extension of working time during an emergency. An emergency shall include, but is not limited to, natural and manmade disasters. 5. Temporary Erosion Control: Temporary erosion control must be installed and maintained for the duration of the project. This work must comply with the Surface Water Design Manual and must be approved by the Renton Development Services Division.