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Surety - Bond Quantity Worksheet 4.28.2023.pdf
1055 South Grady Way – 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430‐7200••Section I: Project Information•••Section II: Bond Quantities Worksheets•• Section II.a EROSION CONTROL (Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC))• Section II.b TRANSPORTATION (Street and Site Improvements)• Section II.c DRAINAGE (Drainage and Stormwater Facilities): • Section II.d WATER ‐ONLY APPLICABLE IF WATER SERVICE IS PROVIDED BY CITY OF RENTON• Section II.e SANITARY SEWER ‐ ONLY APPLICABLE IF SEWER SERVICE IS PROVIDED BY CITY OF RENTON••••••Section III. Bond Worksheet• This section calculates the required Permit Bond for construction permit issuance as well as the required Maintenance Bond for project close‐out submittals to release the permit bond on a project. All unit prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, and taxes. Complete the 'Quantity' columns for each of the appropriate section(s). Include existing Right‐of‐Way (ROW), Future Public Improvements and Private Improvements.The 'Quantity Remaining' column is only to be used when a project is under construction. The City allows one (1) bond reduction during the life of the project with the exception of the maintenance period reduction.Excel will auto‐calculate and auto‐populate the relevant fields and subtotals throughout the document. Only the 'Quantity' columns should need completing.Additional items not included in the lists can be added under the "write‐in" sections. Provide a complete description, cost estimate and unit of measure for each write‐in item. Note: Private improvements, with the exception of stormwater facilities, are not included in the bond amount calculation, but must be entered on the form. Stormwater facilities (public and private) are required to be included in the bond amount.BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONSThis worksheet is intended to be a "working" copy of the bond quantity worksheet, which will be used throughout all phases of the project, from initial submittal to project close‐out approval. Submit this workbook, in its entirety, as follows:The following forms are to be completed by the engineer/developer/applicant as applicable to the project: The Bond Worksheet form will auto‐calculate and auto‐populate from the information provided in Section I and Section II.This section includes all pertinent information for the projectSection II contains a separate spreadsheet TAB for each of the following specialties: (1) electronic copy (.xlsx format) and (1) hard copy of the entire workbook for civil construction permit submittal. Hard copies are to be included as part of the Technical Information Report (TIR).(1) electronic copy (.xlsx format) and (1) hard copy of the entire workbook for final close‐out submittal.This section must be completed in its entiretyInformation from this section auto‐populates to all other relevant areas of the workbookPage 1 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetINSTRUCTIONSUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 ϭϬϱϱ^ŽƵƚŚ'ƌĂĚLJtĂLJʹϲƚŚ&ůŽŽƌͮZĞŶƚŽŶ͕tϵϴϬϱϳ;ϰϮϱͿϰϯϬͲϳϮϬϬĂƚĞWƌĞƉĂƌĞĚ͗EĂŵĞ͗WZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶEŽ͗&ŝƌŵEĂŵĞ͗&ŝƌŵĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗WŚŽŶĞEŽ͘ŵĂŝůĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗WƌŽũĞĐƚEĂŵĞ͗ WƌŽũĞĐƚKǁŶĞƌ͗WůĂŶη;>hͿ͗ WŚŽŶĞ͗WĞƌŵŝƚη;Ϳ͗ĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗^ŝƚĞĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗^ƚƌĞĞƚ/ŶƚĞƌƐĞĐƚŝŽŶ͗ ĚĚƚΖůWƌŽũĞĐƚKǁŶĞƌ͗WĂƌĐĞůη;ƐͿ͗ WŚŽŶĞ͗ĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗ůĞĂƌŝŶŐĂŶĚŐƌĂĚŝŶŐŐƌĞĂƚĞƌƚŚĂŶŽƌĞƋƵĂůƚŽϱ͕ϬϬϬďŽĂƌĚĨĞĞƚŽĨƚŝŵďĞƌ͍zĞƐͬEŽ͗EKtĂƚĞƌ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞWƌŽǀŝĚĞĚďLJ͗/ĨzĞƐ͕WƌŽǀŝĚĞ&ŽƌĞƐƚWƌĂĐƚŝĐĞWĞƌŵŝƚη͗^ĞǁĞƌ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞWƌŽǀŝĚĞĚďLJ͗^/d/DWZKsDEdKEYhEd/dztKZ<^,dWZK:d/E&KZDd/KE/dzK&ZEdKE/dzK&ZEdKEWŚŽŶĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌ^ƚĂŵƉZĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ;ĂůůĐŽƐƚĞƐƚŝŵĂƚĞƐŵƵƐƚŚĂǀĞŽƌŝŐŝŶĂůǁĞƚƐƚĂŵƉĂŶĚƐŝŐŶĂƚƵƌĞͿůĞĂƌŝŶŐĂŶĚ'ƌĂĚŝŶŐ hƚŝůŝƚLJWƌŽǀŝĚĞƌƐEͬWƌŽũĞĐƚ>ŽĐĂƚŝŽŶĂŶĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ WƌŽũĞĐƚKǁŶĞƌ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ,ŽŵĞĞƉŽƚ͕/ŶĐƚůĂŶƚĂ͕'ĞŽƌŐŝĂϯϬϯϯϵϮϬϮϯϬϱϵϬϬϳ͕ϵϭϱϰϲϬϬϬϭϬ,ŽŵĞĞƉŽƚ͕/ŶĐϮϭͲϬϬϬϰϱϮ ;ϳϳϬͿϰϯϯͲϴϮϭϭϰͬϮϴͬϮϬϮϯWƌĞƉĂƌĞĚďLJ͗&KZWWZKs>WƌŽũĞĐƚWŚĂƐĞϭŽůĚĂŬΛůĂƌƐĂŶĚĞƌƐĞŶ͘ĐŽŵĂŶŝĞů:͘ŽůĚĂŬWZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶEŽ͘>ĂƌƐŶĚĞƌƐĞŶΘƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ͕/ŶĐ͘ϰϲϵϰt:ĂĐƋƵĞůLJŶǀĞŶƵĞ͕&ƌĞƐŶŽ͕ϵϯϳϮϮ;ϱϱϵͿϮϳϲͲϮϳϵϬϵϬϭ^'ƌĂĚLJǁĂLJϮϰϱϱWĂĐĞƐ&ĞƌƌLJZĚĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂůWƌŽũĞĐƚKǁŶĞƌdĂůďŽƚZĚ^Θ^'ƌĂĚLJtĂLJϮϮϬϬϯϭϲϴĚĚƌĞƐƐďďƌĞǀŝĂƚĞĚ>ĞŐĂůĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ͗ďďƌĞǀŝĂƚĞĚ>ĞŐĂůŝƚLJ͕^ƚĂƚĞ͕ŝƉWĂŐĞϮŽĨϭϱZĞĨϴͲ,ŽŶĚYƵĂŶƚŝƚLJtŽƌŬƐŚĞĞƚ^d/KE/WZK:d/E&KZDd/KEhŶŝƚWƌŝĐĞƐhƉĚĂƚĞĚ͗ϬϭͬϬϳͬϮϬϮϮsĞƌƐŝŽŶ͗ϬϭͬϬϳͬϮϬϮϮWƌŝŶƚĞĚϰͬϮϴͬϮϬϮϯ 10.1%2 All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, and taxes. City of Renton Sales Tax is:1 Select the current project status/phase from the following options: For Approval ‐ Preliminary Data Enclosed, pending approval from the City; For Construction ‐ Estimated Data Enclosed, Plans have been approved for contruction by the City; Project Closeout ‐ Final Costs and Quantities Enclosed for Project Close‐out Submittal66,192.12$ Total Estimated Construction CostsEA + B + C + D178,164.65$ Estimated Civil Construction Permit ‐ Construction Costs2Stormwater (Drainage) C5,063.50$ As outlined in City Ordinance No. 4345, 50% of the plan review and inspection fees are to be paid at Permit Submittal. The balance is due at Permit Issuance. Significant changes or additional review cycles (beyond 3 cycles) during the review process may result in adjustments to the final review fees.Roadway (Erosion Control + Transportation)D85,439.53$ WaterA21,469.50$ Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer)BPage 3 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION I PROJECT INFORMATIONUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168UnitReference # Price Unit Quantity CostBackfill & compaction‐embankmentESC‐17.50$ CYCheck dams, 4" minus rockESC‐2SWDM$ EachCatch Basin ProtectionESC‐3145.00$ EachCrushed surfacing 1 1/4" minusESC‐4WSDOT 9‐03.9(3)110.00$ CYDitchingESC‐510.50$ CYExcavation‐bulkESC‐62.30$ CYFence, siltESC‐7SWDM$ LFFence, Temporary (NGPE)ESC‐81.75$ LFGeotextile FabricESC‐93.00$ SYHay Bale Silt TrapESC‐100.60$ EachHydroseedingESC‐11SWDM$ SYInterceptor Swale / DikeESC‐121.15$ LFJute MeshESC‐13SWDM$ SYLevel SpreaderESC‐142.00$ LFMulch, by hand, straw, 3" deepESC‐15SWDM$ SYMulch, by machine, straw, 2" deepESC‐16SWDM$ SYPiping, temporary, CPP, 6"ESC‐1713.75$ LFPiping, temporary, CPP, 8"ESC‐1816.00$ LFPiping, temporary, CPP, 12"ESC‐1920.50$ LFPlastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbaggedESC‐20SWDM$ SYRip Rap, machine placed; slopesESC‐21WSDOT 9‐13.1(2)51.00$ CYRock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1'ESC‐22SWDM,050.00$ EachRock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1'ESC‐23SWDM,675.00$ EachSediment pond riser assemblyESC‐24SWDM,525.00$ EachSediment trap, 5' high berm ESC‐25SWDM$ LFSed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway berm section ESC‐26SWDM$ LFSeeding, by handESC‐27SWDM$ SYSodding, 1" deep, level groundESC‐28SWDM$ SYSodding, 1" deep, sloped groundESC‐29SWDM$ SYTESC SupervisorESC‐30125.00$ HRWater truck, dust controlESC‐31SWDM 5.4.7160.00$ HRUnitReference # Price Unit Quantity CostEROSION/SEDIMENT SUBTOTAL:SALES TAX @ 10.1%EROSION/SEDIMENT TOTAL:(A)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROLDescription No.(A)WRITE‐IN‐ITEMS Page 4 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.a EROSION_CONTROLUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostGENERAL ITEMS Backfill & Compaction‐ embankment GI‐1 7.00$ CYBackfill & Compaction‐ trench GI‐2 10.25$ CYClear/Remove Brush, by hand (SY) GI‐3 1.15$ SYBollards ‐ fixed GI‐4 275.00$ EachBollards ‐ removable GI‐5 520.00$ EachClearing/Grubbing/Tree Removal GI‐6 11,475.00$ AcreExcavation ‐ bulk GI‐7 2.30$ CYExcavation ‐ Trench GI‐8 5.75$ CYFencing, cedar, 6' high GI‐9 23.00$ LFFencing, chain link, 4' GI‐10 44.00$ LFFencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6' high GI‐11 23.00$ LFFencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 20' GI‐12 1,600.00$ EachFill & compact ‐ common barrow GI‐13 28.75$ CYFill & compact ‐ gravel base GI‐14 31.00$ CYFill & compact ‐ screened topsoil GI‐15 44.75$ CYGabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh GI‐16 74.50$ SYGabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh GI‐17 103.25$ SYGabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh GI‐18 172.00$ SYGrading, fine, by hand GI‐19 2.90$ SYGrading, fine, with grader GI‐20 2.30$ SYMonuments, 3' Long GI‐21 1,025.00$ EachSensitive Areas Sign GI‐22 8.00$ EachSodding, 1" deep, sloped ground GI‐23 9.25$ SYSurveying, line & grade GI‐24 975.00$ DaySurveying, lot location/lines GI‐25 2,050.00$ AcreTopsoil Type A (imported) GI‐26 32.75$ CYTraffic control crew ( 2 flaggers ) GI‐27 137.75$ HRTrail, 4" chipped wood GI‐28 9.15$ SYTrail, 4" crushed cinder GI‐29 10.25$ SYTrail, 4" top course GI‐30 13.75$ SYConduit, 2" GI‐31 5.75$ LFWall, retaining, concrete GI‐32 63.00$ SFWall, rockery GI‐33 17.25$ SFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:(B)(C)(D)(E)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTSQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)Page 5 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.b TRANSPORTATIONUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTSQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)ROAD IMPROVEMENT/PAVEMENT/SURFACINGAC Grinding, 4' wide machine < 1000sy RI‐1 34.50$ SYAC Grinding, 4' wide machine 1000‐2000sy RI‐2 18.25$ SYAC Grinding, 4' wide machine > 2000sy RI‐3 11.50$ SYAC Removal/Disposal RI‐4 40.00$ SYBarricade, Type III ( Permanent ) RI‐5 64.25$ LFGuard Rail RI‐6 34.50$ LFCurb & Gutter, rolled RI‐7 19.50$ LFCurb & Gutter, vertical RI‐8 14.25$ LF 1251,781.25Curb and Gutter, demolition and disposal RI‐9 20.50$ LFCurb, extruded asphalt RI‐10 6.25$ LFCurb, extruded concrete RI‐11 8.00$ LFSawcut, asphalt, 3" depth RI‐12 3.00$ LFSawcut, concrete, per 1" depth RI‐13 5.00$ LFSealant, asphalt RI‐14 2.25$ LFShoulder, gravel, 4" thick RI‐15 17.25$ SYSidewalk, 4" thick RI‐16 43.50$ SY 34314,920.50Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and disposal RI‐17 37.00$ SYSidewalk, 5" thick RI‐18 47.00$ SYSidewalk, 5" thick, demolition and disposal RI‐19 46.00$ SYSign, Handicap RI‐20 97.00$ EachStriping, per stall RI‐21 8.00$ EachStriping, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk ) RI‐22 3.50$ SFStriping, 4" reflectorized line RI‐23 0.55$ LFAdditional 2.5" Crushed Surfacing RI‐24 4.15$ SYHMA 1/2" Overlay 1.5" RI‐25 16.00$ SYHMA 1/2" Overlay 2" RI‐26 20.75$ SYHMA Road, 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RI‐27 32.25$ SYHMA Road, 2", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500SY RI‐28 24.00$ SYHMA Road, 4", 6" rock, First 2500 SY RI‐29 51.75$ SYHMA Road, 4", 6" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY RI‐30 42.50$ SYHMA Road, 4", 4.5" ATB RI‐31 43.50$ SYGravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY RI‐32 17.25$ SYGravel Road, 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SY RI‐33 11.50$ SYThickened Edge RI‐34 10.00$ LFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:16,701.75(B)(C)(D)(E)Page 6 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.b TRANSPORTATIONUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTSQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)PARKING LOT SURFACING No.2" AC, 2" top course rock & 4" borrow PL‐1 24.00$ SY2" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base course PL‐2 32.00$ SY4" select borrow PL‐3 5.75$ SY1.5" top course rock & 2.5" base course PL‐4 16.00$ SYSUBTOTAL PARKING LOT SURFACING:(B)(C)(D)(E)LANDSCAPING & VEGETATION No.Street Trees LA‐1 900.00$ 32,700.00Median Landscaping LA‐2Right‐of‐Way Landscaping LA‐3 3,500.00$ 13,500.00Wetland Landscaping LA‐4SUBTOTAL LANDSCAPING & VEGETATION:6,200.00(B)(C)(D)(E)TRAFFIC & LIGHTING No.Signs TR‐1Street Light System ( # of Poles) TR‐2 16,500.00$ 349,500.00Traffic Signal TR‐3Traffic Signal Modification TR‐4SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC & LIGHTING:49,500.00(B)(C)(D)(E)WRITE‐IN‐ITEMSRight‐of‐Way Irrigation 2,500.00$ 12,500.00APS Push Buttons 900.00$ 32,700.00SUBTOTAL WRITE‐IN ITEMS:5,200.00STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBTOTAL: 77,601.75SALES TAX @ 10.1% 7,837.78STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL: 85,439.53(B)(C)(D)(E)Page 7 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.b TRANSPORTATIONUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostDRAINAGE (CPE = Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, N12 or Equivalent) For Culvert prices, Average of 4' cover was assumed. Assume perforated PVC is same price as solid pipe.) Access Road, R/D D‐1 30.00$ SY* (CBs include frame and lid)Beehive D‐2 103.00$ EachThrough‐curb Inlet Framework D‐3 460.00$ EachCB Type I D‐4 1,725.00$ EachCB Type IL D‐5 2,000.00$ EachCB Type II, 48" diameter D‐6 3,500.00$ Each for additional depth over 4' D‐7 550.00$ FTCB Type II, 54" diameter D‐8 4,075.00$ Each for additional depth over 4' D‐9 570.00$ FTCB Type II, 60" diameter D‐10 4,225.00$ Each for additional depth over 4' D‐11 690.00$ FTCB Type II, 72" diameter D‐12 6,900.00$ Each for additional depth over 4' D‐13 975.00$ FTCB Type II, 96" diameter D‐14 16,000.00$ Each for additional depth over 4' D‐15 1,050.00$ FTTrash Rack, 12" D‐16 400.00$ EachTrash Rack, 15" D‐17 470.00$ EachTrash Rack, 18" D‐18 550.00$ EachTrash Rack, 21" D‐19 630.00$ EachCleanout, PVC, 4" D‐20 170.00$ EachCleanout, PVC, 6" D‐21 195.00$ EachCleanout, PVC, 8" D‐22 230.00$ Each 1230.00Culvert, PVC, 4" D‐23 11.50$ LFCulvert, PVC, 6" D‐24 15.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 8" D‐25 17.00$ LF 2574,369.00Culvert, PVC, 12" D‐26 26.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 15" D‐27 40.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 18" D‐28 47.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 24" D‐29 65.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 30" D‐30 90.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 36" D‐31 150.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 8" D‐32 22.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 12" D‐33 33.00$ LFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:4,599.00(B) (C) (D) (E)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)Page 8 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)DRAINAGE (Continued)Culvert, CMP, 15" D‐34 40.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 18" D‐35 47.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 24" D‐36 64.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 30" D‐37 90.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 36" D‐38 150.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 48" D‐39 218.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 60" D‐40 310.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 72" D‐41 400.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 8" D‐42 48.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 12" D‐43 55.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 15" D‐44 89.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 18" D‐45 100.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 24" D‐46 120.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 30" D‐47 145.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 36" D‐48 175.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 42" D‐49 200.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 48" D‐50 235.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 6" D‐51 16.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 8" D‐52 18.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 12" D‐53 27.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 15" D‐54 40.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 18" D‐55 47.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 24" D‐56 64.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 30" D‐57 90.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 36" D‐58 149.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 6" D‐59 69.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 8" D‐60 83.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 12" D‐61 96.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 15" D‐62 110.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 18" D‐63 124.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 24" D‐64 138.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 30" D‐65 151.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 36" D‐66 165.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 48" D‐67 179.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 54" D‐68 193.00$ LFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:(B) (C) (D) (E)Page 9 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)DRAINAGE (Continued)Culvert, LCPE, 60" D‐69 206.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 72" D‐70 220.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 6" D‐71 48.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 8" D‐72 60.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 12" D‐73 85.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 15" D‐74 122.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 18" D‐75 158.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 24" D‐76 254.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 30" D‐77 317.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 36" D‐78 380.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 48" D‐79 443.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 54" D‐80 506.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 60" D‐81 570.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 72" D‐82 632.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 6" D‐83 96.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 8" D‐84 100.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 12" D‐85 100.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 15" D‐86 103.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 18" D‐87 106.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 24" D‐88 119.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 30" D‐89 136.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 36" D‐90 185.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 48" D‐91 260.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 54" D‐92 381.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 60" D‐93 504.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 72" D‐94 625.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 6" D‐95 70.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 8" D‐96 101.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 12" D‐97 121.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 15" D‐98 148.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 18" D‐99 175.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 24" D‐100 200.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 30" D‐101 227.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 36" D‐102 252.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 48" D‐103 279.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 54" D‐104 305.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 60" D‐105 331.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 72" D‐106 357.00$ LFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:(B) (C) (D) (E)Page 10 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)Specialty Drainage ItemsDitching SD‐1 10.90$ CYFlow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+) SD‐3 32.00$ LF French Drain (3' depth) SD‐4 30.00$ LFGeotextile, laid in trench, polypropylene SD‐5 3.40$ SYMid‐tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deep SD‐6 2,300.00$ EachPond Overflow Spillway SD‐7 18.25$ SYRestrictor/Oil Separator, 12" SD‐8 1,320.00$ EachRestrictor/Oil Separator, 15" SD‐9 1,550.00$ EachRestrictor/Oil Separator, 18" SD‐10 1,950.00$ EachRiprap, placed SD‐11 48.20$ CYTank End Reducer (36" diameter) SD‐12 1,375.00$ EachInfiltration pond testing SD‐13 143.00$ HRPermeable Pavement SD‐14Permeable Concrete Sidewalk SD‐15Culvert, Box __ ft x __ ft SD‐16SUBTOTAL SPECIALTY DRAINAGE ITEMS:(B) (C) (D) (E)STORMWATER FACILITIES (Include Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch)Detention Pond SF‐1 Each Detention Tank SF‐2 Each Detention Vault SF‐3 Each Infiltration Pond SF‐4 Each Infiltration Tank SF‐5 Each Infiltration Vault SF‐6 Each Infiltration Trenches SF‐7 Each Basic Biofiltration Swale SF‐8 Each Wet Biofiltration Swale SF‐9 Each Wetpond SF‐10 Each Wetvault SF‐11 Each Sand Filter SF‐12 Each Sand Filter Vault SF‐13 Each Linear Sand Filter SF‐14 Each Proprietary Facility SF‐15 Each Bioretention Facility SF‐16 Each SUBTOTAL STORMWATER FACILITIES:(B) (C) (D) (E)Page 11 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)WRITE‐IN‐ITEMS (INCLUDE ON‐SITE BMPs)WI‐1WI‐2WI‐3WI‐4WI‐5WI‐6WI‐7WI‐8WI‐9WI‐10WI‐11WI‐12WI‐13WI‐14WI‐15SUBTOTAL WRITE‐IN ITEMS:DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES SUBTOTAL: 4,599.00SALES TAX @ 10.1%464.50DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES TOTAL: 5,063.50(B) (C) (D) (E)Page 12 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostConnection to Existing Watermain W‐1 3,400.00$ Each 26,800.00Ductile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 4 Inch Diameter W‐2 58.00$ LFDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 6 Inch Diameter W‐3 65.00$ LFDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 8 Inch Diameter W‐4 75.00$ LFDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 10 Inch Diameter W‐5 80.00$ LFDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 12 Inch Diameter W‐6 145.00$ LFGate Valve, 4 inch Diameter W‐7 1,225.00$ EachGate Valve, 6 inch Diameter W‐8 1,350.00$ Each 22,700.00Gate Valve, 8 Inch Diameter W‐9 1,550.00$ EachGate Valve, 10 Inch Diameter W‐10 2,100.00$ EachGate Valve, 12 Inch Diameter W‐11 2,500.00$ EachFire Hydrant Assembly W‐12 5,000.00$ Each 210,000.00Permanent Blow‐Off Assembly W‐13 1,950.00$ EachAir‐Vac Assembly, 2‐Inch Diameter W‐14 3,050.00$ EachAir‐Vac Assembly, 1‐Inch Diameter W‐15 1,725.00$ EachCompound Meter Assembly 3‐inch Diameter W‐16 9,200.00$ EachCompound Meter Assembly 4‐inch Diameter W‐17 10,500.00$ EachCompound Meter Assembly 6‐inch Diameter W‐18 11,500.00$ EachPressure Reducing Valve Station 8‐inch to 10‐inch W‐19 23,000.00$ EachWATER SUBTOTAL:19,500.00SALES TAX @ 10.1% 1,969.50WATER TOTAL: 21,469.50(B) (C) (D) (E)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR WATERQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)Page 13 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.d WATERUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 CED Permit #:22003168Existing Future Public PrivateRight‐of‐Way Improvements Improvements(D) (E)Description No. Unit Price Unit Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. Cost Quant. CostClean Outs SS‐1 1,150.00$ EachGrease Interceptor, 500 gallon SS‐2 9,200.00$ EachGrease Interceptor, 1000 gallon SS‐3 11,500.00$ EachGrease Interceptor, 1500 gallon SS‐4 17,200.00$ EachSide Sewer Pipe, PVC. 4 Inch Diameter SS‐5 92.00$ LFSide Sewer Pipe, PVC. 6 Inch Diameter SS‐6 110.00$ LFSewer Pipe, PVC, 8 inch Diameter SS‐7 120.00$ LF 38646,320.00Sewer Pipe, PVC, 12 Inch Diameter SS‐8 144.00$ LFSewer Pipe, DI, 8 inch Diameter SS‐9 130.00$ LFSewer Pipe, DI, 12 Inch Diameter SS‐10 150.00$ LFManhole, 48 Inch Diameter SS‐11 6,900.00$ Each 213,800.00Manhole, 54 Inch Diameter SS‐13 6,800.00$ EachManhole, 60 Inch Diameter SS‐15 7,600.00$ EachManhole, 72 Inch Diameter SS‐17 10,600.00$ EachManhole, 96 Inch Diameter SS‐19 16,000.00$ EachPipe, C‐900, 12 Inch Diameter SS‐21 205.00$ LFOutside Drop SS‐24 1,700.00$ LSInside Drop SS‐25 1,150.00$ LSSewer Pipe, PVC, ____ Inch Diameter SS‐26Lift Station (Entire System) SS‐27 LSSANITARY SEWER SUBTOTAL:60,120.00SALES TAX @ 10.1% 6,072.12SANITARY SEWER TOTAL: 66,192.12(B) (C) (D) (E)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR SANITARY SEWERQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B) (C)Page 14 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.e SANITARY SEWERUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023 1055 South Grady Way – 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430‐7200Date:Name:Project Name: PE Registration No:CED Plan # (LUA):Firm Name:CED Permit # (C):Firm Address:Site Address:Phone No.Parcel #(s):Email Address:Project Phase: Site Restoration/Erosion Sediment Control Subtotal (a)Existing Right‐of‐Way Improvements Subtotal (b) (b)173,101.15$ Future Public Improvements Subtotal(c)‐$ Stormwater & Drainage Facilities (Public & Private) Subtotal(d) (d)5,063.50$ (e)(f)Site RestorationExisting Right‐of‐Way and Storm Drainage ImprovementsMaintenance Bond35,632.93$ Bond Reduction2Construction Permit Bond Amount 3Minimum Bond Amount is $10,000.001 Estimate Only ‐ May involve multiple and variable components, which will be established on an individual basis by Development Engineering.2 The City of Renton allows one request only for bond reduction prior to the maintenance period. Reduction of not more than 70% of the original bond amount, provided that the remaining 30% willcover all remaining items to be constructed. 3 Required Bond Amounts are subject to review and modification by Development Engineering.* Note: The word BOND as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to the City of Renton.** Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead, profit, and taxes. (559) 276‐2790 DZoldak@larsandersen.comHome Depot, Inc21‐000452901 S Grady way2023059007, 9154600010FOR APPROVAL220031684694 W Jacquelyn Avenue, Fresno, CA 93722264,715.22$ P (a) x 100%SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET BOND CALCULATIONS4/28/2023Daniel J. ZoldakPE Registration No.Lars Andersen & Associates, Inc.R((b x 150%) + (d x 100%))S(e) x 150% + (f) x 100%Bond Reduction: Existing Right‐of‐Way Improvements (Quantity Remaining)2Bond Reduction: Stormwater & Drainage Facilities (Quantity Remaining)2T(P +R ‐ S)Prepared by:Project InformationCONSTRUCTION BOND AMOUNT */**(prior to permit issuance)EST1((b) + (c) + (d)) x 20%‐$ MAINTENANCE BOND */**(after final acceptance of construction)‐$ 173,101.15$ 264,715.22$ ‐$ ‐$ 5,063.50$ ‐$ Page 15 of 15Ref 8‐H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION III. BOND WORKSHEETUnit Prices Updated: 01/07/2022Version: 01/07/2022Printed 4/28/2023