HomeMy WebLinkAbout01_230116 CUP Submittal Corrections 1 Response Letter
55 South Atlantic Street, Suite 301 • Seattle, WA 98134 • (206) 682.7525
City of Renton | CED | Planning Division
1055 S Grady Way | 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057
Virtual Permit Center | Online Applications and Inspections
(425) 430-7312 | aweihs@rentonwa.gov
RE: ARB - CUP Submittal Comments 11/04/22
Address: 720 Rainier Ave S, Renton WA 98057
Reference #: PRE21-000333
Project Name: ARB Flagship Store: Tenant Improvement & Change of Use
Dear Angelea,
Thank you for sending review comments of the project referred above. Below are our responses (in italics)
to your Submittal Comments from Nov. 4th, 2022. I have included the wording from your correction
letters for your reference. All corrections are indicated by Revision symbol #1 on the drawing sheets.
Conditional Use Permit Review
3.) Land Use Permit Master Application Form: The standardized application form used for the majority
of land use permit applications – Note: The application must have notarized signatures of ALL current
property owners listed on the Title Report. If the property owner is a corporation, the authorized
representative must attach proof of signing authority on behalf of the corporation. The legal description of
the property must be attached to the application form.
Comment: provide proof of authorization on behalf of corporation.
BA: See attached PDF “3. Land Use Permit Master Application” page two which includes a
notary public stamp from the State of Washington.
5.j.) Project Narrative: A clear and concise description and summary of the proposed project, including
the following; j. Number, type and size of trees to be removed;
Comment: please clarify that no existing trees are present on site.
BA: See attached PDF “Conditional Use Permit Project Narrative” page one where we confirm
and state in highlighted text “There are no trees within our property lines per Surveyor & Geotech
Reports. And we do acknowledge the 7” DEC. tree outside of our property line located on the existing
sidewalk per Surveyor.”
5.k.) Project Narrative: A clear and concise description and summary of the proposed project, including
the following; k. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City.
Comment: pre-application comments regarding ROW improvements were based on a scope of
work that did not include an addition. ROW improvements and dedication may be required. please
contact development engineering regarding ROW requirements.
BA: See attached PDF “Conditional Use Permit Project Narrative” page two where we address
ROW & Frontage Improvements for this project in highlighted text. Also see sheet A0.2 “SITE PLAN”
where we show the frontage align with the north and south properties. A new pedestrian scale light will
55 South Atlantic Street, Suite 301 • Seattle, WA 98134 • (206) 682.7525
be installed between the two (2) existing pedestrian lights per Michael Sippo’s recommendation. Existing
three (3) private lights along west property line to be removed as part of ROW frontage improvements.
Existing vaults on the north side will need to be modified to be ADA compliant and non-slip. Michael
Sippo is aware & confirm we are relocating our curb entrance to the property.
7.) Conditional Use Permit Justification, RMC 4-9-030E: A written description/justification setting forth
the reasons in favor of the application and addressing the criteria listed below except for wireless
communication facilities and increases to maximum height and/or density which can be found under their
own subsection in RMC 4-9030E:
Comment: The justification needs to clarify how each of the criteria are met.
BA: See attached PDF “Conditional Use Permit Justification” where additional information in
highlighted text was added to address justification needs to clarify how each criteria are met.
9.) Easements, Existing: A recorded document by the property owner granting one or more privileges
to use the owner’s land to and/or for the use by the public, a corporation or another person or entity.
Easements may be referenced by property deed and are identified in the property title report.
Comment: a full title report was not provided, therefore easements could not be verified. provided
recorded documents for all easements.
BA: See folder “9. 11. 221116 11-Title Report” for provided recorded document for all
10.) Construction Mitigation Description: A written narrative – Comment: Required
BA: See attached PDF “Construction Mitigation Description” for a written narrative addressing
the required items per CUP Submittal requirements document.
11.) Plat Certificate or Title Report: A document prepared by a title insurance company documenting
the ownership and title of all interested parties in the plat, subdivision, or dedication and listing all
Comment: A full title report is required, including all easements.
BA: See folder “9. 11. 221116 11-Title Report” for provided recorded document for all
13.) Plat Certificate or Title Report: A document prepared by a title insurance company documenting
the ownership and title of all interested parties in the plat, subdivision, or dedication and listing all
Comment: A full title report is required, including all easements.
BA: See folder “9. 11. 221116 11-Title Report” for provided recorded document for all
14.) Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign(s): A notarized statement signed by the applicant
of applicant’s representative attesting that the required public information sign(s) has been installed in
accordance with City Code requirements.
Comment: Required
BA: Per our Meeting 11/8/2022 this will be handled later after CUP approval.
15.f.) Site Plan: A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1"
= 20') (or other scale approved by the Planning Division Director or designee); f. Location and dimensions
of existing and proposed structures, parking and loading areas, driveways, existing trees on and abutting
the site, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, freestanding signs, easements, refuse and recycling
55 South Atlantic Street, Suite 301 • Seattle, WA 98134 • (206) 682.7525
areas, freestanding liquid fixtures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, storage areas, buffer
areas, open spaces, and landscaped areas;
Comment: Identify Fence Height
BA: See sheet A0.2 “SITE PLAN” for identified fence height on plan. Along the west property line
frontage the following note was added “(N) 4’-0” FENCE & GATE” to comply per RMC 4-4-040-E2
requirements. Along the south, east, and north existing property lines the follow note was added “6’-0”
FENCE, TYP” per plan comments above.
15.j.) Site Plan: j. A legend listing the following must be included on one of the site plan sheets:
Comment: Required
BA: See sheet A0.2 “SITE PLAN” for added “SITE PLAN LEGEND” per comment above.
15.j.iv) Site Plan: j. iv. Percentage of lot coverage
Comment: Required
BA: See sheet A0.2 “SITE PLAN” for added “LOT COV. CALCULATIONS” to include existing,
max allowed, and proposed lot coverage per comment above.
15.j.viii)Site Plan: j. viii. Proposed building setbacks
Comment: Show setback on all sides at narrowest point
BA: See sheet A0.2 “SITE PLAN” for added setback dimensions on all sides (rear yard, two side
yards, and front yard) at all narrowest points per comment above. Setback Requirements also on sheet
per RMC 4-2-120A requirements.
15.j.ix) Site Plan: j. ix. Parking analysis
Comment: Required
BA: See sheet A0.5 “PARKING & CALCULATIONS” to comply Per RMC 4-11-060 DEFINITIONS
F and RMC 10-10-13 & 4-4-080-F10D. We confirm that our property requires 29.13 stalls, round up to
30 stalls required. And we are proposing 31 parking stalls (24 in parking lot + 7 in garage).
16.b.) Architectural Elevations: A twenty four inch by thirty six inch (24" x 36") fully dimensioned
architectural elevation plan drawn at a scale of one-fourth inch equals one foot (1/4" = 1') or one-eighth
inch equals one foot (1/8" = 1'); b. Existing average grade level underneath proposed structure;
Comment: Provide grade plane calculation and label grade plane on elevations. label building
height from grade plane.
BA: See Sheet A2.0 “EXT ELEVATIONS” for added “AVERAGE GRADE CALCULATIONS” and confirm
average grade is 26’. Also see drawing detail 1 / A2.0 “EXT ELEVATION – S” for proposed building
height from grade plane per comment above.
22.) Tree Retention Worksheet: Please provide a completed City of Renton tree retention worksheet.
Comment: This item was not waived. the new worksheet is provided in the email. Specifically, the
tree credit requirement section needs to be completed.
BA: See attached PDF “22. Tree Retention and Tree Credit Worksheet_ARB.pdf” for completed
tree credit requirement per comment above.
31.) Letter of Understanding Geologic Risk: The applicant, or the owner of the site, shall submit a letter
to the City, with the plans and specifications, stating that he or she understands and accepts the risk of
developing in an unstable area and that he or she will advise, in writing, any prospective purchasers of the
site, or any prospective purchasers of structures or portions of structures on the site, of the unstable
potential of the area.
Comment: This Letter is required
55 South Atlantic Street, Suite 301 • Seattle, WA 98134 • (206) 682.7525
BA: See attached letter “Conditional Use Permit Letter of Understanding Geologic Risk” where
we confirm and understand and accept the risk of developing in an unstable area per requirements
above. We also include the following in the letter that “Mitigation measures will be incorporated into
the proposed project per Geotech Report & Study attached from Geotech Consultants, Inc. received on
April 19, 2022. The Report includes a description of existing site conditions as well as recommendations
for seismic considerations, reinforced foundations, slabs-on-grade, additional services and other specific
recommendations contained within the report.”
32.) Utilities Plan, Generalized: A plan drawn on twenty two inch by thirty four inch (22" x 34") plan
sheets using a graphic scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20')
Comment: update utilities plan to show that garbage/recycling area will be served by an oil/water
separator and sanitary sewer connection. also, the addition may require additional mitigation by renton
regional fire authority and include fire service and/or sprinklers. a reduced pressure is required
downstream of the domestic meter. show on plans how this will be accomplished.
BA: See attached Civil sheet C1 “UTILITIES PLAN” for updated plan per comment above.
33.) Drainage Control Plan: Plans drawn to scale and stamped by a State of Washington licensed
engineer and complying with the requirements of RMC 4-6-030, Drainage (Surface Water) Standards, and
the 2017 Surface Water Design Manual.
Comment: Update drainage control plan showing how all sections of the 2022 rswdm are being
met including onsite bmp's as applicable.
BA: See attached Civil sheet C2 “DRAINAGE CONTROL PLAN” for updated plan per comment
34.) Drainage Report: A report stamped by a State of Washington licensed engineer complying with the
requirements stipulated by the City of Renton Survey and Drafting Standards, RMC 4-6-030, and the 2017
King County Surface Water Design Manual as adopted and amended by the City of Renton.
Comment: Since the project is now proposing an addition and modification of areas outside of the
building including the frontage the technical information report needs to address all the requirements of
"full drainage review" and not just "targeted drainage review".
BA: See attached Civil Drainage Report per comment above.
35.) Grading Plan: A twenty two inch by thirty four inch (22" x 34") plan drawn by a State of
Washington licensed civil engineer at a scale of one inch to forty feet (1" to 40')
Comment: Show additional information on grading plan such as finished floor elevations and an
ADA accessible route of travel from the row and ada parking stalls to the building entrance. fully detailed
grades are not necessary but at least enough information to show that ada can be met.
BA: See attached Civil sheet C3 “GRADING PLAN” for updated plan per comment above.
38.) Hazardous Materials Management Statement: A statement
Comment: Required
BA: See attached new letter “Conditional Use Permit Hazardous Materials Management
Statement” which confirm and include an inventory of hazardous materials expected to be on site, and a
description of how the requirements in RMC 4-4-030C7, Construction Activity Standards – Zones 1 and
2, will be met by the applicant.
41.) Urban Design Regulations Review Packet: A set of submission materials required for projects
subject to the Urban Design Regulations in RMC 4-3-100
Comment: Please note, the proposal does not comply with the following design standards. The
Design will be reviewed in more detail during formal review with complete application. Modulation: All
55 South Atlantic Street, Suite 301 • Seattle, WA 98134 • (206) 682.7525
building facades shall include modulation or articulation at intervals of no more than forty feet (40').
Modulations shall be a minimum of two feet (2') deep, sixteen feet (16') in height, and eight feet (8') in
width. Buildings greater than one hundred sixty feet (160') in length shall provide a variety of modulations
and articulations to reduce the apparent bulk and scale of the facade (illustration in District B, below); or
provide an additional special feature such as a clock tower, courtyard, fountain, or public gathering area.
Windows: The south facade (new addition) appears to be visible to the public. Any facade visible to the
public shall be comprised of at least fifty percent (50%) transparent windows and/or doors for at least the
portion of the ground floor facade that is between four feet (4') and eight feet (8') above ground (as
measured on the true elevation). Where windows or storefronts occur, they must principally contain clear
glazing. Tinted, dark, and highly reflective (mirror-type) glass and film are prohibited.
BA: See attached PDF “Urban Design Regulations Narrative” in highlighted text where we
address the following items to be in compliance with Urban Design Regulations RMC 4-3-100
requirements above:-- 2. Parking & Vehicular Access - parking stall requirements (30 stalls required, 31
proposed); 5. Ground Level Details – Façade and transparency Calculation requirements (Confirm that
west and south facades are comprised of at least 50% transparent windows and doors for at least the
portion of the ground floor façade that is between 4’ and 8’ above ground; and 5. Building Materials –
Description of Façade textures visible to the public include prefab. Metal panels, vertical corrugated
metal panels, ALUCOBOND ® PLUS Exterior panel, exterior stone panels, gray painted stucco, painted
graphics along north CMU wall, and powder-coated grey and red paint metal exterior finishes.
42.) Screening Detail, Refuse/Recycling: A detailed plan drawing, prepared to scale, showing location
within property boundaries, heights, elevations, and building materials of proposed screening or of
proposed plantings.
Comment: Location is Required
BA: See sheet A3.0 “TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN” for added “Trash Enclosure Location” Key plan
per comment above.
All requested corrections are clouded on the drawing sheets. Please call me if you have any questions or
comments. Thank you.
Kevin J. Broderick