HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-23 Traffic Calming - Contract ProvisionsGeneral Bid Informaon: Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc. (425) 258-1303 City Contact: Blake Costa (425) 757-9994 Consultant Contact: Brent Powell, P.E. (206) 436-0515 Award Amount: ________________ Award Date: ________________ Award To: ________________ ________________ ________________ Contract No.: CAG-23-141 2022-23 TRAFFIC CALMING Approved for Bid _______________________ _________ City of Renton Date: Contract Provisions Submi’ed to: City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Submi’ed by: Approved for Construcon _______________________ _________ City of Renton Date: LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N Project No.: TRO4104163 Public Works Department Transportation Systems Division PERTEET.COM 801 SECOND AVENUE, SUITE 302 SEATTLE, WA 98104 206.436.0515 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON CONTRACT PROVISIONS for the 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N May 2023 CITY OF RENTON 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Table of Contents CAG-23-141 May 2023 CITY OF RENTON 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Table of Contents VOLUME I I. CALL FOR BIDS II. INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS 1. INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS 2. SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY, CITY OF RENTON 3. SUMMARY OF AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT POLICY, CITY OF RENTON III. PROJECT PROPOSAL 1. * PROJECT PROPOSAL COVER SHEET 2. * PROPOSAL 3. * PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE A) 4. * NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION 5. * LOCAL AGENCY SUBCONTRACTOR LIST 6. * PROPOSAL FOR INCORPORATING RECYCLED MATERIALS INTO THE PROJECT 7. * CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION, WAGE LAW COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA, WASHINGTON STATE PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS 8. * PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE 9. * PROPOSAL BID BOND IV. AGREEMENT FORMS 1. v AGREEMENT 2. v CONTRACT BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON 3. v FAIR PRACTICES AND NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY DECLARATION * Submit as part of the bid. v Submit within 10 days after Award. V. CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS 1. SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPENDICES A PREVAILING HOURLY MINIMUM WAGE RATES B STANDARD PLANS (CITY OF RENTON AND WSDOT) VOLUME II PLANS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK City of Renton Contract Provisions for 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N ______________________________________________________________________________ I. CALL FOR BIDS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2022–23 Traffic Calming – Lake Washington Boulevard N Call for Bids CAG-23-141 May 2023 CITY OF RENTON 2022–23 Traffic Calming – Lake Washington Boulevard N CAG-23-141 CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 1:00 PM on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at the lobby of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. All supplemental documents, that are allowed to be submitted after this date and time, shall be received at the lobby of Renton City Hall. Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read via Zoom video-conferencing web application (meeting information below) at 1:00 PM on Thursday, June 8, 2023. Any bids received after the published bid submittal time cannot be considered and will not be accepted. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81935542426?pwd=aUZETGJmWnJ2OUpQV2lQSThCT2xYUT09 Meeting ID: 819 3554 2426 Passcode: 570737 Approved plans, specifications, addenda, and plan holders list for this project are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc., at http://www.bxwa.com. Click on bxwa.com; Posted Projects; Public Works; City of Renton; Projects Bidding. (Note: Bidders are encouraged to Register as a Bidder, in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the Bidders List). Contact Builders Exchange of Washington at 425-258-1303 should you require further assistance. The City of Renton in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award. The improvement for which bids will be received is described below: Construct the Renton Traffic Calming – Lake Washington Boulevard project. The work includes but is not limited to: paving with asphalt; installation of street channelization; installation of signing and all other work necessary to complete the Work as specified and shown in the Contract Provisions. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk Published: May 17, 2023 and May 24, 2023 Daily Journal of Commerce Renton Reporter (online) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK City of Renton Contract Provisions for 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N ______________________________________________________________________________ II. INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Information and Checklist for Bidders CAG-23-141 Page 1 of 3 May 2023 INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS The following supplements the information in the Call for Bids: 1.Special Project Information. The Contract Documents, including Standard Specifications, and all applicable laws and regulations apply to this project. The following items particular to this project are repeated here for emphasis: a.Prevailing Wages. This project has does not include federal funding. Therefore, only State Prevailing Wages must be paid on this project. The Prevailing Wages in effect at time of Advertisement are provided in Appendix A. It is the Bidders responsibility to obtain wage information for any work classifications that are not included. 2.Any prospective Bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the Bid Documents, shall request the explanation or interpretation in writing by the close of business five (5) business days preceding the bid opening to allow a written reply to reach all prospective Bidders before the submission of their Bids. Oral explanations, interpretations, or instructions given by anyone before the Award of Contract will not be binding on the City of Renton. 3.If a bidder has any questions regarding the project, the bidder may either: Submit questions in writing to Renton City Hall Transportation Systems, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, Attn: Blake Costa, or Submit questions via e-mail: mailto: bcosta@rentonwa.gov. Put 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N in the subject line No other type of inquiry will be accepted. 4.All bids must be self-explanatory. Partial bids will not be accepted. No opportunity will be offered for oral explanation except as the City of Renton may request further information on particular points. The bidder shall, upon request, furnish information to the City of Renton as to their financial and practical ability to satisfactorily perform the work. 5.The construction contract will be awarded by the City of Renton to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder. The total bid amount of all schedules combined will be used to determine the low bidder. 6.The City of Renton reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any and/or all informalities. 7.Payment for this work will be made in cash warrants. 8.Bidders are not required to be in possession of a current City of Renton business license in order to bid on City projects. However, Contractors and all subcontractors of all tiers must be in possession of a current City business license while conducting work in the City. 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Information and Checklist for Bidders CAG-23-141 Page 2 of 3 May 2023 9.Bidding Checklist Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name and address of the Bidder, and the name and number of the project for which the bid is submitted. It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed below and in the Table of Contents are included in their copy of the Contract Provisions. If documents are missing, it is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to contact the City of Renton to obtain the missing documents prior to the date and time that bids are due. The following documents shall be submitted with the bid. a.Project Proposal Cover Sheet - The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. b.Proposal The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. c.Schedule of Prices The form(s) included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. Bidders must bid on all schedules and items shown on the Schedule of Prices. If any unit price is left blank, it will be considered no charge for that bid item, regardless of what has been placed in the extension column. d.Non-Collusion Declaration The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. e.Local Agency Subcontractor List - This form is available at http://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html. Bidder may download, print and complete the form to include with Bid. The DOT Form, DOT Form Number and revision date must match the form included in these Bid Documents, otherwise the Bid may be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid may be rejected. f.Proposal for Incorporating Recycled Materials into the Project The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. g.Contractor Certification, Wage Law Compliance Responsibility Criteria, Washington State Public Works Contracts This form is available at http://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html. Bidder may download, complete, print and sign the form to include with Bid. The DOT Form, DOT Form Number and revision date must match the form included in these Bid Documents, otherwise the Bid will be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid will be rejected. h.Proposal Signature Page The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. Evidence of signatorys authority to sign the Proposal on behalf of the business entity shall be submitted with the Bid. Otherwise, the submitted Bid will be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid will be rejected. 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Information and Checklist for Bidders CAG-23-141 Page 3 of 3 May 2023 i.Proposal Bid Bond The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. If an attorney-in-fact signs bond, the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable, be properly executed by the Surety in accordance with the Suretys by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions, and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures, and notaries. Failure to furnish a bid bond, as specified in Section 1-02.7, shall make the bid non-responsive and shall cause the bid to be rejected by the Contracting Agency. 10.Contract Checklist The following documents are to be executed by the successful Bidder within 10 calendar days after the award date. a.Agreement The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. Two originals shall be executed by the successful Bidder. b.Contract Bond The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. Two originals shall be executed by the successful Bidder and its surety company. This bond covers successful completion of all work and payment of all laborers, subcontractors, suppliers, etc. If an attorney-in-fact signs bond, the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable, be properly executed by the Surety in accordance with the Suretys by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions, and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures, and notaries. c.Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted. d.Certificates of Insurance To be executed by an insurance company acceptable to the City, on ACORD Forms. Required coverages are listed in Section 1-07.18 of the Special Provisions. The City of Renton shall be named as Additional Insured on the insurance policies as well as the entities listed in Section 1-07.18(2) of the Special Provisions. 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Summary of Fair Practices Policy CAG-23-141 May 2023 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Summary of American Disabilities Act Policy CAG-23-141 May 2023 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK City of Renton Contract Provisions for 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N ______________________________________________________________________________ III. PROJECT PROPOSAL Project Name: 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N City Project Number: TRO4104163 City Contract Number: CAG-23-141 COMPANY: ________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: ________________________________________ FAX NO.: ________________________________________ TOTAL BID AMOUNT (ALL SCHEDULES): ________________________________________ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Proposal CAG-23-141 May 2023 PROPOSAL Renton Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard TO THE CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON Ladies and/or Gentlemen: The undersigned (Bidder) hereby certify that the Bidder has examined the location and construction details of the proposed work, has read and thoroughly understands the Contract Documents governing the work, and the nature of the work, and the method by which payment will be made for said work. Bidder hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work detailed in and in accordance with these Contract Documents, for the Total Bid Amount shown on the attached Schedule of Prices. The Bidder understands that the quantities mentioned herein are approximate only and are subject to increase or decrease, and hereby proposes to perform all quantities of work as either increased or decreased in accordance with the Contract Documents. As evidence of good faith, pursuant to RCW 35.23.352(1), an original Bid Proposal Deposit in the form of (check one) bid bond, or cashier’s check (made payable to the City of Renton), or  postal money order (made payable to the City of Renton), in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Total Bid Amount, is attached hereto. If a bid bond is signed by an attorney-in-fact, Bidder agrees that the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable, be properly executed by the Surety in accordance with the Suretys by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions, and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures, and notaries. Bidder understands that Contract Award or Bid rejection will occur within 45 calendar days after the opening of bids, as specified in Section 1-03.2 of the Standard Specifications. Bidder further understands that should Bidder fail to enter into this contract in accordance with his or her Bid and furnish a contract bond within a period of ten (10) days from the date at which he or she is notified that he or she is the successful bidder, the Bid Proposal Deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Renton, as set forth in RCW 35A.40.200 and RCW 35.23.352 Bidder hereby agrees to complete the Physical Work in all respects within 13 working days. Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the Notice to Proceed date. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE A) 202223 TRAFFIC CALMING LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID Note: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of Bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only in dollars and cents, i.e. to two (2) decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be rejected as unresponsive. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. Item No.Item Description Spec. Section Quantity Unit Unit Price*Amount 202223 TRAFFIC CALMING LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N SCHEDULE A ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION 1 SPCC Plan 1-07.15 1 LS 2 Mobilization 1-09.7 1 LS 3 Project Temporary Traffic Control 1-10 1 LS 4 Speed Cushion 5-04 20 EA 5 Erosion Control and Water Pollution Prevention 8-01 1 LS 6 Flexible Guide Post with Curb Base 8-10 49 EA 7 Flexible Object Marker 8-10 3 EA 8 Permanent Signing 8-21 1 LS 9 Plastic Traffic Letter 8-22 80 EA 10 Plastic Speed Cushion Chevron 8-22 20 EA 11 Paint Line 8-22 2,660 LF 12 Temporary Pavement Marking Short Duration 8-23 240 LF Total Schedule A (Roadway Construction)* ................................... $ _________________ *All applicable sales tax shall be included in the unit and lump sum Bid price per Section 1-07.2(1) and WAC 458-20-171. TOTAL OF SCHEDULES: Schedule A brought forward $___________________________ TOTAL BID AMOUNT $___________________________ Note: Determination of low Bidder will be based solely on the Total Bid Amount. 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Local Agency Non-Collusion Declaration CAG-23-141 May 2023 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Local Agency Subcontractor List CAG-23-141 May 2023 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Proposal For Incorporating Recycled Materials CAG-23-141 May 2023 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Contractor Certification, Wage Law Compliance Responsibility Criteria CAG-23-141 May 2023 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Proposal Signature Page CAG-23-141 May 2023 PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE By signing below, Bidder acknowledges receipt and understanding of the following Addenda to the Bid Documents: Addendum No.Date of Receipt Addendum No. Date of Receipt 1 3 2 4 NOTE: A Proposal may be considered irregular and may be rejected if the receipt of Addenda is not acknowledged. The bidder is hereby advised that by signature of this proposal he/she is deemed to have acknowledged all requirements and signed all certificates contained herein. [Signature of Authorized Official] *[Business Name] [Printed Name][Address Line 1] [Title][Address Line 2] [Date][Telephone Number] * NOTE: Evidence of the signatorys authority to si gn the Proposal on behalf of the business entity shall be submitted with the Bid. Otherwise, the submitted Bid will be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid will be rejected. NOTE: The address and phone number listed above will be used for all communications regarding this proposal. Type of business entity (e.g. corporation, partnership, etc.): State of Incorporation, or State where business ent ity was formed: 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Proposal Signature Page CAG-23-141 May 2023 WA State Contractors Registration # UBI # Industrial Insurance Account # Employment Security Department # State Excise Tax Registration # DUNS #N/A Project #TRO4104163 City Contract #CAG-23-141 The Surety Company which will furnish the required Contract Bond is [Surety][Address Line 1] [Telephone Number][Address Line 2] 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Proposal Bid Bond to the City of Renton CAG-23-141 May 2023 PROPOSAL BID BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, [Bidder] _________________________________ of [address] ______________________________________________________ as Principal, and [Surety] _________________________________________ a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ________________________ as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations, as Surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound unto the City of Renton in the full sum of five (5) percent of the total bid amount of the proposal of said Principal for the work hereinafter described, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of the bond is such, that whereas the Principal herein is herewith submitting his/her or its sealed proposal for the following public works construction project, to wit: 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N said bid and proposal, by reference thereto, being made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, If the said proposal bid by said Principal be accepted, and the contract be awarded to said Principal, and if said Principal shall duly make and enter into and execute said contract and shall furnish contract bond as required by the City of Renton within a period of ten (10) days from and after said award, exclusive of the day of such award, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain and be in full force and effect. IN THE EVENT, the Principal, following award, fails to execute an Agreement with the City of Renton in accordance with the terms of the Proposal and furnish a contract bond with Surety or Sureties approved by the City of Renton within ten (10) days from and after said award, then Principal shall forfeit the Bid Bond/Bid Proposal Deposit or Surety shall immediately pay and forfeit to the City of Renton the amount of the Proposal Bid Bond, as set forth in RCW 35A.40.200 and RCW 35.23.352. This Proposal Bid Bond shall be governed and construed by the laws of the State of Washington, and venue shall be in King County, Washington. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be signed and sealed this ________ day of ____________________, 20______. 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Proposal Bid Bond to the City of Renton CAG-23-141 May 2023 PRINCIPAL SURETY [Principal][Surety] [Signature of Authorized Official][Signature of Authorized Official] [Printed Name][Printed Name] [Title][Title] [Date][Date] Name and address of local office of Agent and/or Surety Company: Telephone: Surety WAOIC # Surety NAIC # City of Renton Contract Provisions for 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N ______________________________________________________________________________ IV. AGREEMENT FORMS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Renton Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard Agreement CAG-23-141 Page 1 of 2 May 2023 AGREEMENT CONTRACT NO. CAG-23-141 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ________ day of ________________, ________ by and between the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as City and _______________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as Contractor. WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and attached and made a part of this agreement, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment for: 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N in accordance with and as described in the attached plans and specifications, and the 2023 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, as prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) which are by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof and, shall perform any changes in the work in accord with the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor, of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in these Contract Documents except those items mentioned therein to be furnished by the City. 2. The City hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to employ, and does employ the Contractor to provide the materials and to do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and furnish the same in accord with the attached plans and specifications and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the attached specifications and the schedule of unit or itemized prices at the time and in the manner and upon the conditions provided for in this contract The sum total of all progress payments is not to exceed the Total Bid Amount listed in the Schedule of Prices incorporated into this contract, unless the Total Bid Amount is amended by change order(s) prepared and executed in accordance with these Contract Documents. 3. The Contractor for himself/herself, and for his/her heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to full performance of all covenants required of the Contractor in the contract. Renton Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard Agreement CAG-23-141 Page 2 of 2 May 2023 4. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this contract, except as provided herein. 5. In the event litigation is commenced to enforce this contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs, including reasonable attorneys and expert witness fees. 6. This contract is executed in two (2) identical counterparts, by the parties, each of which shall for all purposes be deemed and original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor has executed this instrument, on the day and year first below written and the Mayor has caused this instrument to be executed by and in the name of the City of Renton the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR CITY OF RENTON [Signature of Authorized Official] *Armondo Pavone, Mayor [Title] ATTEST [Business Name] Jason Seth, City Clerk [Date] * NOTE: Evidence of the signatorys authority to si gn the Agreement on behalf of the business entity shall be submitted. CONTRACTOR ADDRESS FOR GIVING NOTICES CITY OF RENTON ADDRESS FOR GIVING NOTICES Transportation Systems Division Renton City Hall 5 th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 202223 Traffic Calming -- Lake Washington Boulevard N Page 1 of 2 Contract Bond to the City of Renton CAG-23-141 May 2023 CONTRACT BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON Bond No. ________________ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, (CONTRACTOR/PRINCIPAL) ______________________ of [address]________________________________________________ as PRINCIPAL , and (SURETY)_________________________________________ a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ________________________ as a SURETY corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become SURETY upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations, as SURETY , are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Renton (CITY/OWNER) in the sum of________________________________________________ US Dollars ($________________________) Total Contract Amount, for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our heirs, successors, assigns, executors, administrators and personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Renton. Dated at _____________, Washington, this ________ day of ____________________, 20______. NOW, THEREFORE THE CONDITIONS OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION ARE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, under and pursuant to Contract No. CAG-23-141 providing for construction of the 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N; the PRINCIPAL has accepted, or is about to accept, the Contract, and undertake to perform the Work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth. The SURETY indemnifies, defends, and protects and holds the CITY/OWNER, its officers, agents, and assigns harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, causes of action, damages, and costs for such payments for labor, equipment, and materials by satisfying all claims and demands incurred under the Contract, and reimbursing and paying CITY/OWNER all expenses that CITY/OWNER may incur in making good any default by PRINCIPAL; and, against any claim of direct or indirect loss resulting from the failure of the PRINCIPAL, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, (or the subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors of the PRINCIPAL) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors material persons, and all persons who shall supply such contractor or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work; and, against any claim of direct or indirect loss resulting from the failure of the PRINCIPAL, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns (or any of the employees, subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors of the PRINCIPAL) to faithfully perform the Contract. The indemnities to CITY/OWNER shall also inure to the benefit of the Consulting Engineers and other design professionals retained by OWNER in connection with the Project. No change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the Work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect SURETY ’s obligation on the Contract Bond. SURETY , for value received, hereby waives notice of any change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract or the Work to be performed thereunder and agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the PRINCIPAL shall automatically increase the obligation of the SURETY on this Contract Bond and notice to SURETY is not required for such increased obligation. This Contract Bond shall be governed and construed by the laws of the State of Washington, and 202223 Traffic Calming -- Lake Washington Boulevard N Page 2 of 2 Contract Bond to the City of Renton CAG-23-141 May 2023 venue shall be in King County, Washington. FURTHERMORE, this Contract Bond shall be satisfied and released only upon the conditions that PRINCIPAL or SURETY: Faithfully performs all provisions of the Contract and changes authorized by CITY/OWNER in the manner and within the time specified as may be extended under the Contract; Pay, in accordance with Chapters 39.08, 39.12 and 60.28 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the sums due all workers, laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, material suppliers, and all other persons or agents who supply labor, equipment, or materials for carrying on of such work under the Contract; Pay all taxes, increases and penalties, if any, incurred on or related to the Contract under Titles 50 and 51 Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and any and all taxes imposed on the Principle under Title 82 RCW or any other law; Receives a written discharge/release of bond from CITY, signed by the Mayor or by a duly authorized representative of CITY. This Contract Bond shall be executed in two (2) original counterparts, and shall be signed by the parties duly authorized officers. This Contract Bond will only be accepted if is accompanied by a fully executed and original power of attorney for the office executing on behalf of the SURETY. PRINCIPAL SURETY [PRINCIPAL][SURETY] [Signature of Authorized Official][Signature of Authorized Official] [Printed Name][Printed Name] [Title][Title] [Date][Date] Name and address of local office of Agent and/or SURETY Company: Telephone: 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N Fair Practices and Non-Discrimination Declaration CAG-23-141 May 2023 FAIR PRACTICES AND NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY DECLARATION I, by signing the Agreement, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the following statements are true and correct: 1. That the undersigned person(s), firm, association or corporation affirms and subscribes to the Fair Practices and Non-discrimination policies set forth by the law and by City of Renton policy, adopted by Resolution No. 4085. 2. That by signing the signature page of this Agreement, I am deemed to have signed and to have agreed to the provisions of this declaration. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK City of Renton Contract Provisions for 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N ______________________________________________________________________________ V. CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS 2 3 4 (December 10, 2020 APWA GSP) 5 6 The work on this project shall be accomplished in accordance with the Standard 7 Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 2023 edition, as issued by the 8 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the American Public Works 9 Association (APWA), Washington State Chapter (hereafter “Standard Specifications”). The 10 Standard Specifications, as modified or supplemented by these Special Provisions, all of 11 which are made a part of the Contract Documents, shall govern all of the Work. 12 13 These Special Provisions are made up of both General Special Provisions (GSPs) from 14 various sources, which may have project-specific fill-ins; and project-specific Special 15 Provisions. Each Provision either supplements, modifies, or replaces the comparable 16 Standard Specification, or is a new Provision. The deletion, amendment, alteration, or 17 addition to any subsection or portion of the Standard Specifications is meant to pertain only 18 to that particular portion of the section, and in no way should it be interpreted that the 19 balance of the section does not apply. 20 21 The project-specific Special Provisions are not labeled as such. The GSPs are labeled 22 under the headers of each GSP, with the effective date of the GSP and its source. For 23 example: 24 25 (March 8, 2013 APWA GSP) 26 (April 1, 2013 WSDOT GSP) 27 28 Also incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference are: 29 · Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, currently 30 adopted edition, with Washington State modifications, if any 31 · Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, WSDOT/APWA, 32 current edition 33 · WSDOT Construction Manual, current edition 34 · American Water Works Association Standards, current edition 35 · City of Renton Standard Details, City of Renton Public Works Department, current 36 edition 37 38 Contractor shall obtain copies of these publications, at Contractor’s own expense. 39 40 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 41 The work to be performed under this contract consists of furnishing of materials, equipment, 42 tools, labor, and other work or items incidental thereto (excepting any materials, equipment, 43 utilities, or service, if any specified herein to be furnished by Owner or others), and 44 performing all Work as required by the contract in accordance with the Contract Documents, 45 all of which are made a part hereof. 46 This project provides for construction of *** HMA speed cushions, including sawcutting and 47 grinding, and associated signing and channelization *** and other work necessary to 48 complete the work as specified and shown in the Contract Documents. 49 50 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-2 DIVISION 1 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2 3 1-01 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 4 5 1-01.3 Definitions 6 (January 19, 2022 APWA GSP) 7 8 Delete the heading Completion Dates and the three paragraphs that follow it, and replace 9 them with the following: 10 11 Dates 12 Bid Opening Date 13 The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and reads the Bids. 14 Award Date 15 The date of the formal decision of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest 16 responsible and responsive Bidder for the Work. 17 Contract Execution Date 18 The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the Agency to the Contract. 19 Notice to Proceed Date 20 The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the Contract time begins. 21 Substantial Completion Date 22 The day the Engineer determines the Contracting Agency has full and unrestricted 23 use and benefit of the facilities, both from the operational and safety standpoint, any 24 remaining traffic disruptions will be rare and brief, and only minor incidental work, 25 replacement of temporary substitute facilities, plant establishment periods, or 26 correction or repair remains for the Physical Completion of the total Contract. 27 Physical Completion Date 28 The day all of the Work is physically completed on the project. All documentation 29 required by the Contract and required by law does not necessarily need to be 30 furnished by the Contractor by this date. 31 Completion Date 32 The day all the Work specified in the Contract is completed and all the obligations of 33 the Contractor under the contract are fulfilled by the Contractor. All documentation 34 required by the Contract and required by law must be furnished by the Contractor 35 before establishment of this date. 36 Final Acceptance Date 37 The date on which the Contracting Agency accepts the Work as complete. 38 39 Supplement this Section with the following: 40 41 All references in the Standard Specifications or WSDOT General Special Provisions, to 42 the terms “Department of Transportation”, “Washington State Transportation 43 Commission”, “Commission”, “Secretary of Transportation”, “Secretary”, “Headquarters”, 44 and “State Treasurer” shall be revised to read “Contracting Agency”. 45 46 All references to the terms “State” or “state” shall be revised to read “Contracting 47 Agency” unless the reference is to an administrative agency of the State of Washington, 48 a State statute or regulation, or the context reasonably indicates otherwise. 49 All references to “State Materials Laboratory” shall be revised to read “Contracting 50 Agency designated location”. 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-3 All references to “final contract voucher certification” shall be interpreted to mean the 1 Contracting Agency form(s) by which final payment is authorized, and final completion 2 and acceptance granted. 3 4 Additive 5 A supplemental unit of work or group of bid items, identified separately in the Bid 6 Proposal, which may, at the discretion of the Contracting Agency, be awarded in addition 7 to the base bid. 8 9 Alternate 10 One of two or more units of work or groups of bid items, identified separately in the Bid 11 Proposal, from which the Contracting Agency may make a choice between different 12 methods or material of construction for performing the same work. 13 14 Business Day 15 A business day is any day from Monday through Friday except holidays as listed in 16 Section 1-08.5. 17 18 Contract Bond 19 The definition in the Standard Specifications for “Contract Bond” applies to whatever 20 bond form(s) are required by the Contract Documents, which may be a combination of a 21 Payment Bond and a Performance Bond. 22 23 Contract Documents 24 See definition for “Contract”. 25 26 Contract Time 27 The period of time established by the terms and conditions of the Contract within which 28 the Work must be physically completed. 29 30 Notice of Award 31 The written notice from the Contracting Agency to the successful Bidder signifying the 32 Contracting Agency’s acceptance of the Bid Proposal. 33 34 Notice to Proceed 35 The written notice from the Contracting Agency or Engineer to the Contractor authorizing 36 and directing the Contractor to proceed with the Work and establishing the date on which 37 the Contract time begins. 38 39 Traffic 40 Both vehicular and non-vehicular traffic, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchairs, and 41 equestrian traffic. 42 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-4 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 1 2 1-02.1 Prequalification of Bidders 3 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 4 5 1-02.1 Qualifications of Bidder 6 (January 24, 2011 APWA GSP) 7 8 Before award of a public works contract, a bidder must meet at least the minimum 9 qualifications of RCW 39.04.350(1) to be considered a responsible bidder and qualified to 10 be awarded a public works project. 11 12 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications 13 (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) 14 15 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 16 17 Information as to where Bid Documents can be obtained or reviewed can be found in the 18 Call for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) for the work. 19 20 After award of the contract, plans and specifications will be issued to the Contractor at no 21 cost as detailed below: 22 23 To Prime Contractor No. of Sets Basis of Distribution Reduced plans (11" x 17") 5 Furnished automatically upon award. Contract Provisions 5 Furnished automatically upon award. Large plans (e.g., 22" x 34") 0 Furnished only upon request. 24 Additional plans and Contract Provisions may be obtained by the Contractor from the 25 source stated in the Call for Bids, at the Contractor’s own expense. 26 27 1-02.4 Examination of Plans, Specifications, and Site of Work 28 29 1-02.4(1) General 30 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP Option A) 31 32 The first sentence of the ninth paragraph, beginning with “Prospective Bidder desiring…”, 33 is revised to read: 34 35 Prospective Bidders desiring an explanation or interpretation of the Bid Documents, 36 shall request the explanation or interpretation in writing soon enough to allow a written 37 reply to reach all prospective Bidders before the submission of their Bids. 38 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-5 1-02.5 Proposal Forms 1 (July 31, 2017 APWA GSP) 2 3 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 4 5 The Proposal Form will identify the project and its location and describe the work. It will 6 also list estimated quantities, units of measurement, the items of work, and the materials 7 to be furnished at the unit bid prices. The bidder shall complete spaces on the proposal 8 form that call for, but are not limited to, unit prices; extensions; summations; the total bid 9 amount; signatures; date; and, where applicable, retail sales taxes and acknowledgment 10 of addenda; the bidder’s name, address, telephone number, and signature; the bidder’s 11 UDBE/DBE/M/WBE commitment, if applicable; a State of Washington Contractor’s 12 Registration Number; and a Business License Number, if applicable. Bids shall be 13 completed by typing or shall be printed in ink by hand, preferably in black ink. The 14 required certifications are included as part of the Proposal Form. 15 16 The Contracting Agency reserves the right to arrange the proposal forms with alternates 17 and additives, if such be to the advantage of the Contracting Agency. The bidder shall 18 bid on all alternates and additives set forth in the Proposal Form unless otherwise 19 specified. 20 21 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal 22 (December 10, 2020 APWA GSP, Option B) 23 24 Supplement the second paragraph with the following: 25 4. If a minimum bid amount has been established for any item, the unit or lump sum 26 price must equal or exceed the minimum amount stated. 27 5. Any correction to a bid made by interlineation, alteration, or erasure, shall be 28 initialed by the signer of the bid. 29 30 Delete the last two paragraphs, and replace them with the following: 31 32 The Bidder shall submit with their Bid a completed Contractor Certification Wage Law 33 Compliance form, provided by the Contracting Agency. Failure to return this certification 34 as part of the Bid Proposal package will make this Bid Nonresponsive and ineligible for 35 Award. A Contractor Certification of Wage Law Compliance form is included in the 36 Proposal Forms. 37 38 The Bidder shall make no stipulation on the Bid Form, nor qualify the bid in any manner. 39 40 A bid by a corporation shall be executed in the corporate name, by the president or a 41 vice president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). 42 43 A bid by a partnership shall be executed in the partnership name, and signed by a 44 partner. A copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any 45 UDBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. 46 47 A bid by a joint venture shall be executed in the joint venture name and signed by a 48 member of the joint venture. A copy of the joint venture agreement shall be submitted 49 with the Bid Form if any UDBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an 50 agreement. 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-6 Add the following new section: 1 2 1-02.6(1) Recycled Materials Proposal 3 (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 4 5 The Bidder shall submit with the Bid, its proposal for incorporating recycled materials into 6 the project, using the form provided in the Contract Provisions. 7 8 1-02.7 Bid Deposit 9 (March 8, 2013 APWA GSP) 10 11 Supplement this section with the following: 12 13 Bid bonds shall contain the following: 14 1. Contracting Agency-assigned number for the project; 15 2. Name of the project; 16 3. The Contracting Agency named as obligee; 17 4. The amount of the bid bond stated either as a dollar figure or as a percentage which 18 represents five percent of the maximum bid amount that could be awarded; 19 5. Signature of the bidder’s officer empowered to sign official statements. The signature 20 of the person authorized to submit the bid should agree with the signature on the 21 bond, and the title of the person must accompany the said signature; 22 6. The signature of the surety’s officer empowered to sign the bond and the power of 23 attorney. 24 25 If so stated in the Contract Provisions, bidder must use the bond form included in the 26 Contract Provisions. 27 28 If so stated in the Contract Provisions, cash will not be accepted for a bid deposit. 29 30 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal 31 32 (******) 33 34 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 35 36 Each Proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the Project Name and 37 Project Number as stated in the Call for Bids clearly marked on the outside of the 38 envelope, or as otherwise required in the Bid Documents, to ensure proper handling and 39 delivery. 40 41 Proposals that are received as required will be publicly opened and read as specified in 42 Section 1-02.12. The Contracting Agency will not open or consider any Bid Proposal that 43 is received after the time specified in the Call for Bids for receipt of Bid Proposals, or 44 received in a location other than that specified in the Call for Bids. The Contracting 45 Agency will not open or consider any “Supplemental Information” (DBE confirmations, or 46 GFE documentation) that is received after the time specified above, or received in a 47 location other than that specified in the Call for Bids. 48 49 If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal work processes of the 50 Contracting Agency so that Proposals cannot be received at the office designated for 51 receipt of bids as specified in Section 1-02.12 the time specified for receipt of the 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-7 Proposal will be deemed to be extended to the same time of day specified in the 1 solicitation on the first work day on which the normal work processes of the Contracting 2 Agency resume. 3 4 1-02.10 Withdrawing, Revising, or Supplementing Proposal 5 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) 6 7 Delete this section, and replace it with the following: 8 After submitting a physical Bid Proposal to the Contracting Agency, the Bidder may withdraw, 9 revise, or supplement it if: 10 11 1. The Bidder submits a written request signed by an authorized person and physically 12 delivers it to the place designated for receipt of Bid Proposals, and 13 2. The Contracting Agency receives the request before the time set for receipt of Bid 14 Proposals, and 15 3. The revised or supplemented Bid Proposal (if any) is received by the Contracting 16 Agency before the time set for receipt of Bid Proposals. 17 18 If the Bidder’s request to withdraw, revise, or supplement its Bid Proposal is received 19 before the time set for receipt of Bid Proposals, the Contracting Agency will return the 20 unopened Proposal package to the Bidder. The Bidder must then submit the revised or 21 supplemented package in its entirety. If the Bidder does not submit a revised or 22 supplemented package, then its bid shall be considered withdrawn. 23 24 Late revised or supplemented Bid Proposals or late withdrawal requests will be date 25 recorded by the Contracting Agency and returned unopened. Mailed, emailed, or faxed 26 requests to withdraw, revise, or supplement a Bid Proposal are not acceptable. 27 28 1-02.12 Public Opening of Proposals 29 Supplement Section 1-02.12 with the following: 30 31 (******) 32 The Contracting Agency reserves the right to postpone the date and/or time that sealed bids 33 are due and the bid opening. Notification to all bidders of any change will be by addenda. 34 35 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals 36 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 37 38 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 39 40 1. A Proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected if: 41 a. The Bidder is not prequalified when so required; 42 b. The authorized Proposal form furnished by the Contracting Agency is not 43 used or is altered; 44 c. The completed Proposal form contains any unauthorized additions, deletions, 45 alternate Bids, or conditions; 46 d. The Bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the award, 47 or enter into the Contract; 48 e. A price per unit cannot be determined from the Bid Proposal; 49 f. The Proposal form is not properly executed; 50 g. The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a subcontractor list (WSDOT 51 Form 271-015), if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6; 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-8 h. The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Disadvantaged Business 1 Enterprise Certification (WSDOT Form 272-056), if applicable, as required in 2 Section 1-02.6; 3 i. The Bidder fails to submit Written Confirmations (WSDOT Form 422-031) 4 from each DBE firm listed on the Bidder’s completed DBE Utilization 5 Certification that they are in agreement with the bidder’s DBE participation 6 commitment, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the written 7 confirmation that is submitted fails to meet the requirements of the Special 8 Provisions; 9 j. The Bidder fails to submit DBE Good Faith Effort documentation, if applicable, 10 as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the documentation that is submitted fails to 11 demonstrate that a Good Faith Effort to meet the Condition of Award was 12 made; 13 k. The Bidder fails to submit a DBE Bid Item Breakdown (WSDOT Form 272-14 054), if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the documentation that 15 is submitted fails to meet the requirements of the Special Provisions; 16 l. The Bidder fails to submit DBE Trucking Credit Forms (WSDOT Form 272-17 058), if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the documentation that 18 is submitted fails to meet the requirements of the Special Provisions; 19 m. The Bid Proposal does not constitute a definite and unqualified offer to meet 20 the material terms of the Bid invitation; or 21 n. More than one Proposal is submitted for the same project from a Bidder 22 under the same or different names. 23 24 2. A Proposal may be considered irregular and may be rejected if: 25 a. The Proposal does not include a unit price for every Bid item; 26 b. Any of the unit prices are excessively unbalanced (either above or below the 27 amount of a reasonable Bid) to the potential detriment of the Contracting 28 Agency; 29 c. Receipt of Addenda is not acknowledged; 30 d. A member of a joint venture or partnership and the joint venture or 31 partnership submit Proposals for the same project (in such an instance, both 32 Bids may be rejected); or 33 e. If Proposal form entries are not made in ink. 34 (******) 35 36 Supplement this section with the following: 37 38 3. A Proposal will be considered irregular and may be rejected if: 39 a. The Bidder fails to submit with their Bid Proposal, evidence of signatory’s 40 authority to sign the Bid Proposal on behalf of the business entity, as required 41 in Section 1-02.6. 42 43 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders 44 (May 17, 2018 APWA GSP, Option B) 45 46 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 47 48 A Bidder will be deemed not responsible if the Bidder does not meet the mandatory 49 bidder responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.350(1), as amended; or does not meet 50 Supplemental Criteria 1-7 listed in this Section. 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-9 The Contracting Agency will verify that the Bidder meets the mandatory bidder 1 responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.350(1), and Supplemental Criteria 1-2. Evidence 2 that the Bidder meets Supplemental Criteria 3-7 shall be provided by the Bidder as 3 stated later in this Section. 4 5 1. Delinquent State Taxes 6 7 A. Criterion: The Bidder shall not owe delinquent taxes to the Washington State 8 Department of Revenue without a payment plan approved by the Department 9 of Revenue. 10 11 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign 12 a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the 13 Bidder does not owe delinquent taxes to the Washington State Department of 14 Revenue, or if delinquent taxes are owed to the Washington State 15 Department of Revenue, the Bidder must submit a written payment plan 16 approved by the Department of Revenue, to the Contracting Agency by the 17 deadline listed below. 18 19 2. Federal Debarment 20 21 A. Criterion: The Bidder shall not currently be debarred or suspended by the 22 Federal government. 23 24 B. Documentation: The Bidder shall not be listed as having an “active exclusion” 25 on the U.S. government’s “System for Award Management” database 26 (www.sam.gov). 27 28 3. Subcontractor Responsibility 29 30 A. Criterion: The Bidder’s standard subcontract form shall include the 31 subcontractor responsibility language required by RCW 39.06.020, and the 32 Bidder shall have an established procedure which it utilizes to validate the 33 responsibility of each of its subcontractors. The Bidder’s subcontract form 34 shall also include a requirement that each of its subcontractors shall have and 35 document a similar procedure to determine whether the sub-tier 36 subcontractors with whom it contracts are also “responsible” subcontractors 37 as defined by RCW 39.06.020. 38 39 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall 40 submit a copy of its standard subcontract form for review by the Contracting 41 Agency, and a written description of its procedure for validating the 42 responsibility of subcontractors with which it contracts. 43 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-10 4. Claims Against Retainage and Bonds 1 2 A. Criterion: The Bidder shall not have a record of excessive claims filed against 3 the retainage or payment bonds for public works projects in the three years 4 prior to the bid submittal date, that demonstrate a lack of effective 5 management by the Bidder of making timely and appropriate payments to its 6 subcontractors, suppliers, and workers, unless there are extenuating 7 circumstances and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the 8 Contracting Agency. 9 10 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall 11 submit a list of the public works projects completed in the three years prior to 12 the bid submittal date that have had claims against retainage and bonds and 13 include for each project the following information: 14 15 • Name of project 16 • The owner and contact information for the owner; 17 • A list of claims filed against the retainage and/or payment bond for any of 18 the projects listed; 19 • A written explanation of the circumstances surrounding each claim and 20 the ultimate resolution of the claim. 21 22 5. Public Bidding Crime 23 24 A. Criterion: The Bidder and/or its owners shall not have been convicted of a 25 crime involving bidding on a public works contract in the five years prior to the 26 bid submittal date. 27 28 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign 29 a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the 30 Bidder and/or its owners have not been convicted of a crime involving bidding 31 on a public works contract. 32 33 6. Termination for Cause / Termination for Default 34 35 A. Criterion: The Bidder shall not have had any public works contract terminated 36 for cause or terminated for default by a government agency in the five years 37 prior to the bid submittal date, unless there are extenuating circumstances 38 and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the Contracting Agency. 39 40 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign 41 a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the 42 Bidder has not had any public works contract terminated for cause or 43 terminated for default by a government agency in the five years prior to the 44 bid submittal date; or if Bidder was terminated, describe the circumstances. 45 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-11 7. Lawsuits 1 2 A. Criterion: The Bidder shall not have lawsuits with judgments entered against 3 the Bidder in the five years prior to the bid submittal date that demonstrate a 4 pattern of failing to meet the terms of contracts, unless there are extenuating 5 circumstances and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the 6 Contracting Agency. 7 8 B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign 9 a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the 10 Bidder has not had any lawsuits with judgments entered against the Bidder in 11 the five years prior to the bid submittal date that demonstrate a pattern of 12 failing to meet the terms of contracts, or shall submit a list of all lawsuits with 13 judgments entered against the Bidder in the five years prior to the bid 14 submittal date, along with a written explanation of the circumstances 15 surrounding each such lawsuit. The Contracting Agency shall evaluate these 16 explanations to determine whether the lawsuits demonstrate a pattern of 17 failing to meet of terms of construction related contracts 18 19 As evidence that the Bidder meets the Supplemental Criteria stated above, the 20 apparent low Bidder must submit to the Contracting Agency by 12:00 P.M. (noon) of the 21 second business day following the bid submittal deadline, a written statement verifying 22 that the Bidder meets the supplemental criteria together with supporting documentation 23 (sufficient in the sole judgment of the Contracting Agency) demonstrating compliance 24 with the Supplemental Criteria. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to request 25 further documentation as needed from the low Bidder and documentation from other 26 Bidders as well to assess Bidder responsibility and compliance with all bidder 27 responsibility criteria. The Contracting Agency also reserves the right to obtain 28 information from third-parties and independent sources of information concerning a 29 Bidder’s compliance with the mandatory and supplemental criteria, and to use that 30 information in their evaluation. The Contracting Agency may consider mitigating 31 factors in determining whether the Bidder complies with the requirements of the 32 supplemental criteria. 33 34 The basis for evaluation of Bidder compliance with these mandatory and supplemental 35 criteria shall include any documents or facts obtained by Contracting Agency (whether 36 from the Bidder or third parties) including but not limited to: (i) financial, historical, or 37 operational data from the Bidder; (ii) information obtained directly by the Contracting 38 Agency from others for whom the Bidder has worked, or other public agencies or 39 private enterprises; and (iii) any additional information obtained by the Contracting 40 Agency which is believed to be relevant to the matter. 41 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-12 If the Contracting Agency determines the Bidder does not meet the bidder 1 responsibility criteria above and is therefore not a responsible Bidder, the Contracting 2 Agency shall notify the Bidder in writing, with the reasons for its determination. If the 3 Bidder disagrees with this determination, it may appeal the determination within two (2) 4 business days of the Contracting Agency’s determination by presenting its appeal and 5 any additional information to the Contracting Agency. The Contracting Agency will 6 consider the appeal and any additional information before issuing its final 7 determination. If the final determination affirms that the Bidder is not responsible, the 8 Contracting Agency will not execute a contract with any other Bidder until at least two 9 business days after the Bidder determined to be not responsible has received the 10 Contracting Agency’s final determination. 11 12 Request to Change Supplemental Bidder Responsibility Criteria Prior To Bid: Bidders 13 with concerns about the relevancy or restrictiveness of the Supplemental Bidder 14 Responsibility Criteria may make or submit requests to the Contracting Agency to 15 modify the criteria. Such requests shall be in writing, describe the nature of the 16 concerns, and propose specific modifications to the criteria. Bidders shall submit such 17 requests to the Contracting Agency no later than five (5) business days prior to the bid 18 submittal deadline and address the request to the Project Engineer or such other 19 person designated by the Contracting Agency in the Bid Documents. 20 21 1-02.15 Pre Award Information 22 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 23 24 Revise this section to read: 25 26 Before awarding any contract, the Contracting Agency may require one or more of these 27 items or actions of the apparent lowest responsible bidder: 28 1. A complete statement of the origin, composition, and manufacture of any or all 29 materials to be used, 30 2. Samples of these materials for quality and fitness tests, 31 3. A progress schedule (in a form the Contracting Agency requires) showing the order 32 of and time required for the various phases of the work, 33 4. A breakdown of costs assigned to any bid item, 34 5. Attendance at a conference with the Engineer or representatives of the Engineer, 35 6. Obtain, and furnish a copy of, a business license to do business in the city or county 36 where the work is located. 37 7. Any other information or action taken that is deemed necessary to ensure that the 38 bidder is the lowest responsible bidder. 39 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-13 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 1 2 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids 3 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 4 5 Revise the first paragraph to read: 6 7 After opening and reading proposals, the Contracting Agency will check them for 8 correctness of extensions of the prices per unit and the total price. If a discrepancy exists 9 between the price per unit and the extended amount of any bid item, the price per unit 10 will control. If a minimum bid amount has been established for any item and the bidder’s 11 unit or lump sum price is less than the minimum specified amount, the Contracting 12 Agency will unilaterally revise the unit or lump sum price, to the minimum specified 13 amount and recalculate the extension. The total of extensions, corrected where 14 necessary, including sales taxes where applicable and such additives and/or alternates 15 as selected by the Contracting Agency, will be used by the Contracting Agency for award 16 purposes and to fix the Awarded Contract Price amount and the amount of the contract 17 bond. 18 19 1-03.1(1) Identical Bid Totals 20 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 21 22 Revise this section to read: 23 24 After opening Bids, if two or more lowest responsive Bid totals are exactly equal, then 25 the tie-breaker will be the Bidder with an equal lowest bid, that proposed to use the 26 highest percentage of recycled materials in the Project, per the form submitted with the 27 Bid Proposal. If those percentages are also exactly equal, then the tie-breaker will be 28 determined by drawing as follows: Two or more slips of paper will be marked as follows: 29 one marked “Winner” and the other(s) marked “unsuccessful”. The slips will be folded to 30 make the marking unseen. The slips will be placed inside a box. One authorized 31 representative of each Bidder shall draw a slip from the box. Bidders shall draw in 32 alphabetic order by the name of the firm as registered with the Washington State 33 Department of Licensing. The slips shall be unfolded and the firm with the slip marked 34 “Winner” will be determined to be the successful Bidder and eligible for Award of the 35 Contract. Only those Bidders who submitted a Bid total that is exactly equal to the lowest 36 responsive Bid, and with a proposed recycled materials percentage that is exactly equal 37 to the highest proposed recycled materials amount, are eligible to draw. 38 39 1-03.3 Execution of Contract 40 (January 19, 2022 APWA GSP) 41 42 Revise this section to read: 43 44 Within 3 calendar days of Award date (not including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays), 45 the successful Bidder shall provide the information necessary to execute the Contract to 46 the Contracting Agency. The Bidder shall send the contact information, including the full 47 name, email address, and phone number, for the authorized signer and bonding agent to 48 the Contracting Agency. 49 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-14 Copies of the Contract Provisions, including the unsigned Form of Contract, will be 1 available for signature by the successful bidder on the first business day following award. 2 The number of copies to be executed by the Contractor will be determined by the 3 Contracting Agency. 4 5 Within 10 calendar days after the award date, the successful bidder shall return the 6 signed Contracting Agency-prepared contract, an insurance certification as required by 7 Section 1-07.18, a satisfactory bond as required by law and Section 1-03.4, the Transfer 8 of Coverage form for the Construction Stormwater General Permit with sections I, III, and 9 VIII completed when provided. Before execution of the contract by the Contracting 10 Agency, the successful bidder shall provide any pre-award information the Contracting 11 Agency may require under Section 1-02.15. 12 13 Until the Contracting Agency executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the Contracting 14 Agency nor shall any work begin within the project limits or within Contracting Agency-15 furnished sites. The Contractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas 16 and for any materials ordered before the contract is executed by the Contracting Agency. 17 18 If the bidder experiences circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the 19 contract documents within the calendar days after the award date stated above, the 20 Contracting Agency may grant up to a maximum of 2 additional calendar days for return 21 of the documents, provided the Contracting Agency deems the circumstances warrant it. 22 23 1-03.4 Contract Bond 24 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) 25 26 Delete the first paragraph and replace it with the following: 27 28 The successful bidder shall provide executed payment and performance bond(s) for the 29 full contract amount. The bond may be a combined payment and performance bond; or 30 be separate payment and performance bonds. In the case of separate payment and 31 performance bonds, each shall be for the full contract amount. The bond(s) shall: 32 1. Be on Contracting Agency-furnished form(s); 33 2. Be signed by an approved surety (or sureties) that: 34 a. Is registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and 35 b. Appears on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State of Washington 36 published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, 37 3. Guarantee that the Contractor will perform and comply with all obligations, duties, 38 and conditions under the Contract, including but not limited to the duty and obligation 39 to indemnify, defend, and protect the Contracting Agency against all losses and 40 claims related directly or indirectly from any failure: 41 a. Of the Contractor (or any of the employees, subcontractors, or lower tier 42 subcontractors of the Contractor) to faithfully perform and comply with all contract 43 obligations, conditions, and duties, or 44 b. Of the Contractor (or the subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors of the 45 Contractor) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, lower tier 46 subcontractors, material person, or any other person who provides supplies or 47 provisions for carrying out the work; 48 4. Be conditioned upon the payment of taxes, increases, and penalties incurred on the 49 project under titles 50, 51, and 82 RCW; and 50 5. Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety’s officer empowered to sign 51 the bond; and 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-15 6. Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to sign official statements (sole 1 proprietor or partner). If the Contractor is a corporation, the bond(s) must be signed 2 by the president or vice president, unless accompanied by written proof of the 3 authority of the individual signing the bond(s) to bind the corporation (i.e., corporate 4 resolution, power of attorney, or a letter to such effect signed by the president or vice 5 president). 6 7 1-03.7 Judicial Review 8 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 9 10 Revise this section to read: 11 12 All decisions made by the Contracting Agency regarding the Award and execution of the 13 Contract or Bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review 14 permitted under Washington Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the Superior 15 Court of the county where the Contracting Agency headquarters is located, provided that 16 where an action is asserted against a county, RCW 36.01.050 shall control venue and 17 jurisdiction. 18 19 1-04 SCOPE OF THE WORK 20 21 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, 22 Specifications, and Addenda 23 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 24 25 Revise the second paragraph to read: 26 27 Any inconsistency in the parts of the contract shall be resolved by following this order of 28 precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2, 2 over 3, 3 over 4, and so forth): 29 1. Addenda, 30 2. Proposal Form, 31 3. Special Provisions, 32 4. Contract Plans, 33 5. Standard Specifications, 34 6. Contracting Agency’s Standard Plans or Details (if any), and 35 7. WSDOT Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 36 37 1-04.4 Changes 38 (January 19, 2022 APWA GSP) 39 40 The first two sentences of the last paragraph of Section 1-04.4 are deleted. 41 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-16 1-04.6 Variation in Estimated Quantities 1 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP, Option B) 2 3 Revise the first paragraph to read: 4 5 Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of Work performed 6 and accepted in conformance with the Contract. When the accepted quantity of Work 7 performed under a unit item varies from the original Proposal quantity, payment will be at 8 the unit Contract price for all Work unless the total accepted quantity of the Contract 9 item, adjusted to exclude added or deleted amounts included in change orders accepted 10 by both parties, increases or decreases by more than 25 percent from the original 11 Proposal quantity, and if the total extended bid price for that item at time of award is 12 equal to or greater than 10 percent of the total contract price at time of award. In that 13 case, payment for contract work may be adjusted as described herein: 14 15 1-04.8 Progress Estimates and Payments 16 Section 1-04.8 is supplemented as follows: 17 (******) 18 The Contractor is encouraged to provide to the Engineer prior to progress payments an 19 estimate of lump sum work accomplished to date. The Engineer’s calculations and decisions 20 shall be final in regard to the actual percentage of any lump sum pay item accomplished and 21 eligible for payment unless another specific method of calculating lump sum payments is 22 provided elsewhere in the specifications. 23 24 The Contractor shall show in their progress payment application the amount of that payment 25 that is attributed to each of the Bid Schedules, as applicable. 26 27 Add the following new section: 28 29 1-04.12 Contractor-Discovered Discrepancies (New Section) 30 (******) 31 Upon receipt of award of Contract, the Contractor shall carefully study and compare all the 32 components of the Contract Documents and other instructions, and check and verify all field 33 measurements. Contractor shall, prior to ordering material or performing work, report in 34 writing to Engineer any error, inconsistency, or omission discovered in respect to design, 35 mode of construction, or depiction of existing conditions that would affect the work. Any work 36 done after such discovery, until correction of Plans or authorization of extra work is given by 37 the Engineer will be done at Contractor’s risk. If extra work is involved, the procedure shall 38 be as provided in Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications or as otherwise provided for 39 in the Contract.40 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-17 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1 2 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work 3 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 4 5 Supplement this section with the following: 6 7 If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified 8 in a written notice from the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by 9 the Contract Documents, the Engineer may correct and remedy such work as may be 10 identified in the written notice, with Contracting Agency forces or by such other means as 11 the Contracting Agency may deem necessary. 12 13 If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the Engineer 14 determines to be an emergency situation, the Engineer may have the defective and 15 unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, 16 or have work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using Contracting Agency 17 or other forces. An emergency situation is any situation when, in the opinion of the 18 Engineer, a delay in its remedy could be potentially unsafe, or might cause serious risk 19 of loss or damage to the public. 20 21 Direct or indirect costs incurred by the Contracting Agency attributable to correcting and 22 remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to 23 perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment will be deducted by the Engineer from 24 monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct and indirect costs shall 25 include in particular, but without limitation, compensation for additional professional 26 services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or 27 damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor’s unauthorized work. 28 29 No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in 30 the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Contracting Agency’s 31 rights provided by this Section. 32 33 The rights exercised under the provisions of this section shall not diminish the 34 Contracting Agency’s right to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages 35 with respect to the Contractor’s failure to perform the work as required. 36 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-18 1-05.11 Final Inspection 1 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 2 3 1-05.11 Final Inspections and Operational Testing 4 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 5 6 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date 7 When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially complete, the Contractor 8 shall so notify the Engineer and request the Engineer establish the Substantial 9 Completion Date. The Contractor’s request shall list the specific items of work that 10 remain to be completed in order to reach physical completion. The Engineer will 11 schedule an inspection of the work with the Contractor to determine the status of 12 completion. The Engineer may also establish the Substantial Completion Date 13 unilaterally. 14 15 If, after this inspection, the Engineer concurs with the Contractor that the work is 16 substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer, by written notice to 17 the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date. If, after this inspection the 18 Engineer does not consider the work substantially complete and ready for its intended 19 use, the Engineer will, by written notice, so notify the Contractor giving the reasons 20 therefor. 21 22 Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever 23 is applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized 24 interruption, the work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The 25 Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a revised schedule indicating when the 26 Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. 27 28 The above process shall be repeated until the Engineer establishes the Substantial 29 Completion Date and the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for 30 final inspection. 31 32 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date 33 When the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final 34 inspection, the Contractor by written notice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a 35 final inspection. The Engineer will set a date for final inspection. The Engineer and the 36 Contractor will then make a final inspection and the Engineer will notify the Contractor in 37 writing of all particulars in which the final inspection reveals the work incomplete or 38 unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take such corrective measures as are 39 necessary to remedy the listed deficiencies. Corrective work shall be pursued vigorously, 40 diligently, and without interruption until physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This 41 process will continue until the Engineer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have been 42 corrected. 43 44 If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within 7 days after receipt of the 45 written notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon written notice to the 46 Contractor, take whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to 47 Section 1-05.7. 48 The Contractor will not be allowed an extension of contract time because of a delay in 49 the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Engineer’s right 50 hereunder. 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-19 Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the 1 Contracting Agency, in writing, of the date upon which the work was considered 2 physically complete. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the 3 contract, but shall not imply acceptance of the work or that all the obligations of the 4 Contractor under the contract have been fulfilled. 5 6 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing 7 It is the intent of the Contracting Agency to have at the Physical Completion Date a 8 complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of 9 machinery or other mechanical equipment; street lighting, electrical distribution or signal 10 systems; irrigation systems; buildings; or other similar work it may be desirable for the 11 Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final 12 inspection but prior to the physical completion date. Whenever items of work are listed in 13 the Contract Provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating 14 conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical 15 Completion Date. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any 16 items of workmanship, materials, or equipment which prove faulty, or that are not in first 17 class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and 18 equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the 19 Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which 20 they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing 21 and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 22 23 The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to 24 successfully complete operational testing, shall be included in the unit contract prices 25 related to the system being tested, unless specifically set forth otherwise in the proposal. 26 27 Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a 28 manufacturer’s guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the contract. 29 30 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor and Equipment of Contractor 31 (August 14, 2013 APWA GSP) 32 33 Delete the sixth and seventh paragraphs of this section. 34 35 1-05.15 Method of Serving Notices 36 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 37 38 Revise the second paragraph to read: 39 40 All correspondence from the contractor shall be directed to the project engineer. All 41 correspondence from the contractor constituting any notification, notice of protest, notice of 42 dispute, or other correspondence constituting notification required to be furnished under the 43 contract, must be in paper format, hand delivered or sent via mail delivery service to the 44 project engineer's office. Electronic copies such as e-mails or electronically delivered copies 45 of correspondence will not constitute such notice and will not comply with the requirements 46 of the contract.47 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-20 Add the following new section: 1 2 1-05.16 Water and Power 3 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 4 5 The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power 6 and water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the contract includes power 7 and water as a pay item. 8 9 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL 10 11 1-06.1 Approval of Materials Prior to Use 12 13 1-06.1(2) Request for Approval of Materials (RAM) 14 Supplement this section with the following: 15 16 (******) 17 The Contractor shall submit RAMs to allow enough time for review and approval prior to 18 incorporation of the materials into the work. Time for Engineer review of RAMs will be up to 7 19 calendar days from the date each RAM is submitted until it is returned to the Contractor. The 20 Contractor shall not proceed with the Work represented by the RAM until comments from the 21 Engineer have been addressed. 22 23 1-06.6 Recycled Materials 24 (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 25 26 Delete this section, including its subsections, and replace it with the following: 27 28 The Contractor shall make their best effort to utilize recycled materials in the construction 29 of the project. Approval of such material use shall be as detailed elsewhere in the 30 Standard Specifications. 31 32 Prior to Physical Completion the Contractor shall report the quantity of recycled materials 33 that were utilized in the construction of the project for each of the items listed in Section 34 9-03.21. The report shall include hot mix asphalt, recycled concrete aggregate, recycled 35 glass, steel furnace slag and other recycled materials (e.g. utilization of on-site material 36 and aggregates from concrete returned to the supplier). The Contractor’s report shall be 37 provided on DOT form 350-075 Recycled Materials Reporting. 38 39 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 40 41 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed 42 (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 43 44 Supplement this section with the following: 45 46 In cases of conflict between different safety regulations, the more stringent regulation 47 shall apply. 48 49 The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shall be the sole and 50 paramount administrative agency responsible for the administration of the provisions of 51 the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA). 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-21 The Contractor shall maintain at the project site office, or other well known place at the 1 project site, all articles necessary for providing first aid to the injured. The Contractor 2 shall establish, publish, and make known to all employees, procedures for ensuring 3 immediate removal to a hospital, or doctor’s care, persons, including employees, who 4 may have been injured on the project site. Employees should not be permitted to work 5 on the project site before the Contractor has established and made known procedures 6 for removal of injured persons to a hospital or a doctor’s care. 7 8 The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy of 9 the Contractor’s plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage or injury resulting 10 from their failure, or improper maintenance, use, or operation. The Contractor shall be 11 solely and completely responsible for the conditions of the project site, including safety 12 for all persons and property in the performance of the work. This requirement shall apply 13 continuously, and not be limited to normal working hours. The required or implied duty of 14 the Engineer to conduct construction review of the Contractor’s performance does not, 15 and shall not, be intended to include review and adequacy of the Contractor’s safety 16 measures in, on, or near the project site. 17 18 1-07.2 State Taxes 19 Delete this section, including its sub-sections, in its entirety and replace it with the following: 20 21 1-07.2 State Sales Tax 22 (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) 23 24 The Washington State Department of Revenue has issued special rules on the State 25 sales tax. Sections 1-07.2(1) through 1-07.2(3) are meant to clarify those rules. The 26 Contractor should contact the Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to 27 questions in this area. The Contracting Agency will not adjust its payment if the 28 Contractor bases a bid on a misunderstood tax liability. 29 The Contractor shall include all Contractor-paid taxes in the unit bid prices or other 30 contract amounts. In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included. 31 Section 1-07.2(2) describes this exception. 32 33 The Contracting Agency will pay the retained percentage (or release the Contract Bond if 34 a FHWA-funded Project) only if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State 35 Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract-related taxes have been 36 paid (RCW 60.28.051). The Contracting Agency may deduct from its payments to the 37 Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department of 38 Revenue, whether the amount owed relates to this contract or not. Any amount so 39 deducted will be paid into the proper State fund. 40 41 1-07.2(1) State Sales Tax — Rule 171 42 WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules, apply to building, repairing, or improving streets, 43 roads, etc., which are owned by a municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the 44 state, or by the United States, and which are used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic. 45 This includes storm or combined sewer systems within and included as a part of the 46 street or road drainage system and power lines when such are part of the roadway 47 lighting system. For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall include 48 Washington State Retail Sales Taxes in the various unit bid item prices, or other contract 49 amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, 50 equipment, or supplies used or consumed in doing the work. 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-22 1 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax — Rule 170 2 WAC 458-20-170, and its related rules, apply to the constructing and repairing of new or 3 existing buildings, or other structures, upon real property. This includes, but is not 4 limited to, the construction of streets, roads, highways, etc., owned by the state of 5 Washington; water mains and their appurtenances; sanitary sewers and sewage 6 disposal systems unless such sewers and disposal systems are within, and a part of, a 7 street or road drainage system; telephone, telegraph, electrical power distribution lines, 8 or other conduits or lines in or above streets or roads, unless such power lines become a 9 part of a street or road lighting system; and installing or attaching of any article of 10 tangible personal property in or to real property, whether or not such personal property 11 becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation. 12 13 For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall collect from the Contracting 14 Agency, retail sales tax on the full contract price. The Contracting Agency will 15 automatically add this sales tax to each payment to the Contractor. For this reason, the 16 Contractor shall not include the retail sales tax in the unit bid item prices, or in any other 17 contract amount subject to Rule 170, with the following exception. 18 19 Exception: The Contracting Agency will not add in sales tax for a payment the Contractor 20 or a subcontractor makes on the purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or 21 consumable supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included 22 in the unit bid item prices or in any other contract amount. 23 24 1-07.2(3) Services 25 The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the Contracting Agency on any 26 contract wholly for professional or other services (as defined in Washington State 27 Department of Revenue Rules 138 and 244). 28 29 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses 30 Section 1-07.6 is supplemented with the following: 31 32 (******) 33 The City of Renton shall provide the Right of Way Use Permit to the Contractor prior to the 34 pre-Construction meeting. The Contractor will not be responsible for obtaining any additional 35 permits for this project, including a Construction Stormwater General Permit. 36 37 1-07.7 Load Limits 38 Section 1-07.7 is supplemented with the following: 39 40 (March 13, 1995, WSDOT GSP, Option 6) 41 42 If the sources of materials provided by the Contractor necessitate hauling over roads other 43 than State Highways, the Contractor shall, at the Contractor’s expense, make all 44 arrangements for the use of the haul routes. 45 46 1-07.9(2) Posting Notices 47 Item number 11 in Section 1-07.9(2) is revised to read: 48 49 (January 10, 2022 WSDOT GSP) 50 11. F700-074-000 – Your Rights as a Worker in Washington State by Washington 51 State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I). Post on all projects. 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-23 Utilities and Similar Facilities 1 Section 1-07.17 is supplemented with the following: 2 3 (******) 4 Locations and dimensions shown in the Plans for existing buried facilities are in 5 accordance with available information obtained without uncovering, measuring or other 6 verification. The Contractor shall determine the true location, and the depictions on the 7 Plans shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to locate utilities. 8 9 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance 10 Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: 11 12 1-07.18 Insurance 13 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 14 15 1-07.18(1) General Requirements 16 A. The Contractor shall procure and maintain the insurance described in all subsections of 17 section 1-07.18 of these Special Provisions, from insurers with a current A. M. Best 18 rating of not less than A-: VII and licensed to do business in the State of Washington. 19 The Contracting Agency reserves the right to approve or reject the insurance provided, 20 based on the insurer’s financial condition. 21 22 B. The Contractor shall keep this insurance in force without interruption from the 23 commencement of the Contractor’s Work through the term of the Contract and for thirty 24 (30) days after the Physical Completion date, unless otherwise indicated below. 25 26 C. If any insurance policy is written on a claims-made form, its retroactive date, and that of 27 all subsequent renewals, shall be no later than the effective date of this Contract. The 28 policy shall state that coverage is claims made and state the retroactive date. Claims-29 made form coverage shall be maintained by the Contractor for a minimum of 36 months 30 following the Completion Date or earlier termination of this Contract, and the Contractor 31 shall annually provide the Contracting Agency with proof of renewal. If renewal of the 32 claims made form of coverage becomes unavailable, or economically prohibitive, the 33 Contractor shall purchase an extended reporting period (“tail”) or execute another form of 34 guarantee acceptable to the Contracting Agency to assure financial responsibility for 35 liability for services performed. 36 37 D. The Contractor’s Automobile Liability, Commercial General Liability and Excess or 38 Umbrella Liability insurance policies shall be primary and non-contributory insurance as 39 respects the Contracting Agency’s insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool 40 coverage. Any insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by the 41 Contracting Agency shall be excess of the Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute 42 with it. 43 44 E. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency and all additional insureds with 45 written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days of their receipt of such 46 notice. 47 48 F. The Contractor shall not begin work under the Contract until the required insurance has 49 been obtained and approved by the Contracting Agency 50 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-24 G. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall 1 constitute a material breach of contract, upon which the Contracting Agency may, after 2 giving five business days’ notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately 3 terminate the Contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any 4 and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the 5 Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, 6 offset against funds due the Contractor from the Contracting Agency. 7 8 H. All costs for insurance shall be incidental to and included in the unit or lump sum prices 9 of the Contract and no additional payment will be made. 10 11 1-07.18(2) Additional Insured 12 All insurance policies, with the exception of Workers Compensation, and of Professional 13 Liability and Builder’s Risk (if required by this Contract) shall name the following listed 14 entities as additional insured(s) using the forms or endorsements required herein: 15  the Contracting Agency and its officers, elected officials, employees, agents, and 16 volunteers 17 18 The above-listed entities shall be additional insured(s) for the full available limits of liability 19 maintained by the Contractor, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by the 20 Contractor are greater than those required by this Contract, and irrespective of whether the 21 Certificate of Insurance provided by the Contractor pursuant to 1-07.18(4) describes limits 22 lower than those maintained by the Contractor. 23 24 For Commercial General Liability insurance coverage, the required additional insured 25 endorsements shall be at least as broad as ISO forms CG 20 10 10 01 for ongoing 26 operations and CG 20 37 10 01 for completed operations. 27 28 1-07.18(3) Subcontractors 29 The Contractor shall cause each subcontractor of every tier to provide insurance coverage 30 that complies with all applicable requirements of the Contractor-provided insurance as set 31 forth herein, except the Contractor shall have sole responsibility for determining the limits of 32 coverage required to be obtained by subcontractors. 33 34 The Contractor shall ensure that all subcontractors of every tier add all entities listed in 35 1-07.18(2) as additional insureds, and provide proof of such on the policies as required by 36 that section as detailed in 1-07.18(2) using an endorsement as least as broad as ISO CG 20 37 10 10 01 for ongoing operations and CG 20 37 10 01 for completed operations. 38 39 Upon request by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall forward to the Contracting 40 Agency evidence of insurance and copies of the additional insured endorsements of each 41 subcontractor of every tier as required in 1-07.18(4) Verification of Coverage. 42 43 1-07.18(4) Verification of Coverage 44 The Contractor shall deliver to the Contracting Agency a Certificate(s) of Insurance and 45 endorsements for each policy of insurance meeting the requirements set forth herein when 46 the Contractor delivers the signed Contract for the work. Failure of Contracting Agency to 47 demand such verification of coverage with these insurance requirements or failure of 48 Contracting Agency to identify a deficiency from the insurance documentation provided shall 49 not be construed as a waiver of Contractor’s obligation to maintain such insurance. 50 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-25 Verification of coverage shall include: 1 1. An ACORD certificate or a form determined by the Contracting Agency to be equivalent. 2 2. Copies of all endorsements naming Contracting Agency and all other entities listed in 3 1-07.18(2) as additional insured(s), showing the policy number. The Contractor may 4 submit a copy of any blanket additional insured clause from its policies instead of a 5 separate endorsement. 6 3. Any other amendatory endorsements to show the coverage required herein. 7 4. A notation of coverage enhancements on the Certificate of Insurance shall not satisfy 8 these requirements – actual endorsements must be submitted. 9 10 Upon request by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall forward to the Contracting 11 Agency a full and certified copy of the insurance policy(s). If Builders Risk insurance is 12 required on this Project, a full and certified copy of that policy is required when the 13 Contractor delivers the signed Contract for the work. 14 15 1-07.18(5) Coverages and Limits 16 The insurance shall provide the minimum coverages and limits set forth below. Contractor’s 17 maintenance of insurance, its scope of coverage, and limits as required herein shall not be 18 construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance, 19 or otherwise limit the Contracting Agency’s recourse to any remedy available at law or in 20 equity. 21 22 All deductibles and self-insured retentions must be disclosed and are subject to approval by 23 the Contracting Agency. The cost of any claim payments falling within the deductible or self-24 insured retention shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. In the event an additional 25 insured incurs a liability subject to any policy’s deductibles or self-insured retention, said 26 deductibles or self-insured retention shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 27 28 1-07.18(5)A Commercial General Liability 29 Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on coverage forms at least as broad 30 as ISO occurrence form CG 00 01, including but not limited to liability arising from premises, 31 operations, stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-completed operations, 32 personal and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. There shall 33 be no exclusion for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property 34 damage. 35 36 The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide a per project 37 general aggregate limit, using ISO form CG 25 03 05 09 or an equivalent endorsement. 38 39 Contractor shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance arising out of the 40 Contractor’s completed operations for at least three years following Substantial Completion 41 of the Work. 42 43 Such policy must provide the following minimum limits: 44 $1,000,000 Each Occurrence 45 $2,000,000 General Aggregate 46 $2,000,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate 47 $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury each offence 48 $1,000,000 Stop Gap / Employers’ Liability each accident 49 50 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-26 1-07.18(5)B Automobile Liability 1 Automobile Liability shall cover owned, non-owned, hired, and leased vehicles; and shall be 2 written on a coverage form at least as broad as ISO form CA 00 01. If the work involves the 3 transport of pollutants, the automobile liability policy shall include MCS 90 and CA 99 48 4 endorsements. 5 6 Such policy must provide the following minimum limit: 7 $1,000,000 Combined single limit each accident 8 9 1-07.18(5)C Workers’ Compensation 10 The Contractor shall comply with Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the 11 Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 12 13 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety 14 15 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic 16 17 Section 1-07.23(1) is supplemented with the following: 18 19 (******) 20 Lane closures are subject to the following restrictions: 21 22 The Contractor may use the traffic control plan provided in the contract plans or may 23 choose to develop modified traffic control plans. Should the contractor choose to 24 provide a modified traffic control plan, it shall comply with the requirements of Section 25 1-10.2(2) of the Standard Specifications and follow the guidelines. 26 27 The Contractor shall submit the project specific Traffic Control Plan (TCP) to the 28 Engineer for approval at least five (5) working days before the date of work. All traffic 29 control plans MUST be approved prior to commencing the work. The TCP information 30 and guidelines can be obtained online at: 31 https://www.rentonwa.gov/city_hall/public_works/transportation_systems/operations/t32 raffic/traffic_control_plans. Review, revision of the TCP may take up to 3 weeks. The 33 Contractor is alerted that no work affecting traffic operations (including work in clear 34 zones) will be performed until the TCP is approved. 35 36 The TCP Submittal shall also include necessary phasing and sequencing diagrams to 37 clarify the proposed order of work and work zones. Sample sequencing and 38 Construction Channelization Plans are included in the Contract Documents which 39 may be used as a basis for this submittal. However, Traffic Control Plans and 40 Phasing and Sequencing Plans are the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 41 42 Lane closures are not allowed on any of the following: 43 44 1. A holiday 45 2. A holiday weekend; holidays that occur on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday 46 are considered a holiday weekend. A holiday weekend includes Saturday, 47 Sunday, and the holiday. 48 3. After *** 2:00 p.m. *** on the day prior to a holiday or holiday weekend 49 4. Before *** 7:00 a.m. *** on the day after the holiday or holiday weekend. 50 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-27 If the Engineer determines the permitted closure hours adversely affect traffic, the 1 Engineer may adjust the hours accordingly. The Engineer will notify the Contractor in 2 writing of any change in the closure hours. 3 4 The following minimum Traffic Control requirements shall be maintained during the 5 construction of the project: 6 7 1. The Typical Traffic Control Plan indicates the minimum number of lanes required. 8 Additional lane closures will only be permitted as identified under ‘Special 9 Roadway Conditions’ of this Section. 10 11 2. The Contractor shall maintain two-way traffic along streets throughout the project 12 site, except as specifically allowed under the ‘Special Roadway Conditions’ 13 described below. 14 15 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying all affected property owners prior 16 to commencing the barricading of streets, sidewalks, and driveways. 17 18 4. All driveways shall remain fully open to traffic at all times except as necessary to 19 permit curing of construction materials or for short periods of time as required for 20 excavations as specifically allowed. See “Special Driveway Conditions” below for 21 additional information. 22 23 5. Detours will not be allowed except as noted herein. 24 25 6. Traffic Safety Drums with flashers in addition to temporary striping shall be used 26 to channelize traffic through construction zones. Opposing lanes of traffic shall be 27 separated by pylons when clearance for drums is not adequate. 28 7. Temporary paint striping, reflective marking tape, and/or retroreflective tubular 29 markers shall be required for each shift of traffic control. Paint, reflective marking 30 tape, and/or retroreflective tubular markers used for temporary striping shall meet 31 the requirement of Section 8-23 of the Standard Specifications. 32 33 8. The Contractor provided Traffic Control Plans shall lay out traffic control device 34 spacing, tapers, etc., to scale, shall contain accurate dimensions and legends 35 and shall be signed by the preparer. 36 37 Traffic Control and Phasing Conditions 38 In developing the Progress Schedule, the Contractor shall carefully consider the following 39 restrictions. No additional payment shall be made to the Contractor from the Contracting 40 Agency due to time constraints imposed by these requirements. 41 42 Phasing 43 The contractor shall phase and sequence the work to meet the following restrictions: 44 1. Any location with pavement removed (including ground/planed pavement) shall 45 be restored per the Plans the same day. 46 2. A group of speed cushions at a single location along the roadway shall be 47 completed before the public regains full use of the roadway at that location 48 without temporary traffic control. At a minimum, this includes installation of the 49 following items for that single location per the Plans: 50 a. Speed Cushing paving 51 b. Temporary chevron markings 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-28 c. Physical Channelization devices - Flexible posts with curbing, object 1 markers (where designated on the plans) 2 3. The work may be phased to construct one side of the roadway at a time at any 3 given location, given that Items 1 and 2 are met. 4 5 Special Roadway Conditions 6 At least one through travel lane in each direction shall remain open to traffic at all 7 times except as specifically allowed in this section. 8 9 Full use of all travel lanes shall be maintained outside of the hours of work. 10 The following closures will be allowed when approved by the Engineer and as 11 indicated on the Contractor’s approved traffic control plan(s): 12 13 Existing travel lanes on Lake Washington Boulevard within the project limits may 14 be reduced to the following typical minimum widths during construction of the 15 project, provided they are indicated as such in the approved Temporary Traffic 16 Control Plan: 17 a. Through Lanes: 10 feet. 18 c. Left Turn Lanes: 11 feet 19 20 Special Driveway Conditions 21 Except as specifically allowed otherwise in this section, the following conditions shall 22 apply to all driveways within the limits of the project: 23 24 1. All driveways shall remain fully open to traffic at all times except as necessary 25 to permit curing of construction materials, or for short periods of time as 26 required for excavations as specifically allowed below. 27 2. At least one (1) driveway per parcel shall remain open at all times unless 28 otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer and affected property owner. If 29 a parcel has only one driveway, and no legal right to cross an adjacent parcel 30 to access the affected parcel, then the Contractor shall construct the driveway 31 one-half at a time or, with the Engineer’s approval, make other temporary 32 improvements as necessary to allow suitable passage of vehicles. 33 3. Business owners and/or residents shall be notified in writing at least 2 34 working days in advance of any planned driveway closures. 35 4. All driveways shall be restored with permanent proposed pavement surfaces, 36 metal plates, and/or hot mix asphalt and re-opened to traffic at the end of 37 each work day. 38 39 Additional Construction Under Traffic Requirements 40 1. The Contractor, at his or her sole expense, may seek approval for extended or modified 41 working hours. Such Plans must be approved by the Contracting Agency. 42 2. Existing pedestrian and bicycle access shall be maintained and the work, with the least 43 possible inconvenience or delay. 44 45 1-07.24 Rights of Way 46 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) 47 48 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 49 50 Street Right of Way lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are 51 indicated in the Plans. The Contractor’s construction activities shall be confined within 52 these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. 53 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-29 Generally, the Contracting Agency will have obtained, prior to bid opening, all rights of 1 way and easements, both permanent and temporary, necessary for carrying out the 2 work. Exceptions to this are noted in the Bid Documents or will be brought to the 3 Contractor’s attention by a duly issued Addendum. 4 5 Whenever any of the work is accomplished on or through property other than public 6 Right of Way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any 7 easement agreement obtained by the Contracting Agency from the owner of the private 8 property. Copies of the easement agreements may be included in the Contract 9 Provisions or made available to the Contractor as soon as practical after they have been 10 obtained by the Engineer. 11 12 Whenever easements or rights of entry have not been acquired prior to advertising, 13 these areas are so noted in the Plans. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion 14 of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been 15 acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is 16 available or that the right of entry has been received. If the Contractor is delayed due to 17 acts of omission on the part of the Contracting Agency in obtaining easements, rights of 18 entry or right of way, the Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time. The 19 Contractor agrees that such delay shall not be a breach of contract. 20 21 Each property owner shall be given 48 hours notice prior to entry by the Contractor. This 22 includes entry onto easements and private property where private improvements must 23 be adjusted. 24 25 The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability to the 26 Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may 27 desire for temporary construction facilities, storage of materials, or other Contractor 28 needs. However, before using any private property, whether adjoining the work or not, 29 the Contractor shall file with the Engineer a written permission of the private property 30 owner, and, upon vacating the premises, a written release from the property owner of 31 each property disturbed or otherwise interfered with by reasons of construction pursued 32 under this contract. The statement shall be signed by the private property owner, or 33 proper authority acting for the owner of the private property affected, stating that 34 permission has been granted to use the property and all necessary permits have been 35 obtained or, in the case of a release, that the restoration of the property has been 36 satisfactorily accomplished. The statement shall include the parcel number, address, 37 and date of signature. Written releases must be filed with the Engineer before the 38 Completion Date will be established. 39 40 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 41 42 Add the following new section: 43 44 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters 45 (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) 46 47 Add the following new section: 48 49 1-08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference 50 (October 10, 2008 APWA GSP) 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-30 Prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstruction conference will be held 1 between the Contractor, the Engineer and such other interested parties as may be 2 invited. The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be: 3 1. To review the initial progress schedule; 4 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated 5 or affected by the work; 6 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, 7 approvals, submittals, etc.; 8 4. To establish normal working hours for the work; 9 5. To review safety standards and traffic control; and 10 6. To discuss such other related items as may be pertinent to the work. 11 12 The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the preconstruction conference the 13 following: 14 1. A breakdown of all lump sum items; 15 2. A preliminary schedule of working drawing submittals; and 16 3. A list of material sources for approval if applicable. 17 18 Add the following new section: 19 20 1-08.0(2) Hours of Work 21 (December 8, 2014 APWA GSP) 22 23 Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the 24 normal working hours for the Contract shall be any consecutive 8-hour period between 25 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, exclusive of a lunch break. If the 26 Contractor desires different than the normal working hours stated above, the request 27 must be submitted in writing prior to the preconstruction conference, subject to the 28 provisions below. The working hours for the Contract shall be established at or prior to 29 the preconstruction conference. 30 31 All working hours and days are also subject to local permit and ordinance conditions (such 32 as noise ordinances). 33 34 If the Contractor wishes to deviate from the established working hours, the Contractor 35 shall submit a written request to the Engineer for consideration. This request shall state 36 what hours are being requested, and why. Requests shall be submitted for review no 37 later than 3 working days prior to the day(s) the Contractor is requesting to change the 38 hours. 39 40 If the Contracting Agency approves such a deviation, such approval may be subject to 41 certain other conditions, which will be detailed in writing. For example: 42 1. On non-Federal aid projects, requiring the Contractor to reimburse the 43 Contracting Agency for the costs in excess of straight-time costs for Contracting 44 Agency representatives who worked during such times. (The Engineer may 45 require designated representatives to be present during the work. 46 Representatives who may be deemed necessary by the Engineer include, but are 47 not limited to: survey crews; personnel from the Contracting Agency’s material 48 testing lab; inspectors; and other Contracting Agency employees or third party 49 consultants when, in the opinion of the Engineer, such work necessitates their 50 presence.) 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-31 2. Considering the work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays as working 1 days with regard to the contract time. 2 3. Considering multiple work shifts as multiple working days with respect to contract 3 time even though the multiple shifts occur in a single 24-hour period. 4 4. If a 4-10 work schedule is requested and approved the non working day for the 5 week will be charged as a working day. 6 5. If Davis Bacon wage rates apply to this Contract, all requirements must be met 7 and recorded properly on certified payroll 8 9 1-08.1 Subcontracting 10 (May 30, 2019 APWA GSP, Option B) 11 12 Delete the ninth paragraph, beginning with “On all projects, the Contractor shall certify…”. 13 14 1-08.3 Progress Schedule 15 16 1-08.3(2) Progress Schedule Types 17 18 1-08.3(2)A Type A Progress Schedule 19 (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) 20 21 Revise this section to read: 22 23 The Contractor shall submit 2 copies of a Type A Progress Schedule no later than at 24 the preconstruction conference, or some other mutually agreed upon submittal time. 25 The schedule may be a critical path method (CPM) schedule, bar chart, or other 26 standard schedule format. Regardless of which format used, the schedule shall 27 identify the critical path. The Engineer will evaluate the Type A Progress Schedule 28 and approve or return the schedule for corrections within 15 calendar days of 29 receiving the submittal. 30 31 1-08.4 Prosecution of Work 32 Delete this section and replace it with the following: 33 34 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of Work 35 (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) 36 37 Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed and the contract 38 bond and evidence of insurance have been approved and filed by the Contracting 39 Agency. The Contractor shall not commence with the work until the Notice to Proceed 40 has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities 41 on the project site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed Date, unless otherwise 42 approved in writing. The Contractor shall diligently pursue the work to the physical 43 completion date within the time specified in the contract. Voluntary shutdown or slowing 44 of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to 45 complete the work within the time(s) specified in the contract. 46 47 When shown in the Plans, the first order of work shall be the installation of high visibility 48 fencing to delineate all areas for protection or restoration, as described in the Contract. 49 Installation of high visibility fencing adjacent to the roadway shall occur after the 50 placement of all necessary signs and traffic control devices in accordance with 1-10.1(2). 51 Upon construction of the fencing, the Contractor shall request the Engineer to inspect the 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-32 fence. No other work shall be performed on the site until the Contracting Agency has 1 accepted the installation of high visibility fencing, as described in the Contract. 2 (******) 3 4 Add a new Section 1-08.4(1) as follows: 5 6 1-08.4(1) Daily Notification of Planned Work Location (New Section) 7 For each day work is scheduled to be performed, the Contractor shall contact and inform 8 the Engineer of the location and the anticipated start time. This shall be done no less 9 than 12-hours in advance. If changes are made between the initial notification and when 10 the work is to be performed, the Contractor shall contact the Engineer with an update 11 prior to the start of work. 12 13 1-08.5 Time for Completion 14 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP, Option A) 15 16 Revise the third and fourth paragraphs to read: 17 18 Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the Notice to Proceed Date. 19 Each working day shall be charged to the contract as it occurs, until the contract work is 20 physically complete. If substantial completion has been granted and all the authorized 21 working days have been used, charging of working days will cease. Each week the 22 Engineer will provide the Contractor a statement that shows the number of working days: 23 (1) charged to the contract the week before; (2) specified for the physical completion of 24 the contract; and (3) remaining for the physical completion of the contract. The statement 25 will also show the nonworking days and all partial or whole days the Engineer declares 26 as unworkable The statement will be identified as a Written Determination by the 27 Engineer. If the Contractor does not agree with the Written Determination of working 28 days, the Contractor shall pursue the protest procedures in accordance with Section 1-29 04.5. By failing to follow the procedures of Section 1-04.5, the Contractor shall be 30 deemed as having accepted the statement as correct. If the Contractor is approved to 31 work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week (a 4-10 schedule) and the fifth day of the week 32 in which a 4-10 shift is worked would ordinarily be charged as a working day then the 33 fifth day of that week will be charged as a working day whether or not the Contractor 34 works on that day. 35 36 Revise the sixth paragraph to read: 37 38 The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the completion date of the contract 39 after all the Contractor’s obligations under the contract have been performed by the 40 Contractor. The following events must occur before the Completion Date can be 41 established: 42 1. The physical work on the project must be complete; and 43 2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required by the contract and required 44 by law, to allow the Contracting Agency to process final acceptance of the contract. 45 The following documents must be received by the Project Engineer prior to 46 establishing a completion date: 47 a. Certified Payrolls (per Section 1-07.9(5)). 48 b. Material Acceptance Certification Documents 49 c. Monthly Reports of Amounts Credited as DBE Participation, as required by the 50 Contract Provisions. 51 d. Final Contract Voucher Certification 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-33 e. Copies of the approved “Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid” for the Contractor 1 and all Subcontractors 2 f. A copy of the Notice of Termination sent to the Washington State Department of 3 Ecology (Ecology); the elapse of 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the 4 Notice of Termination by Ecology; and no rejection of the Notice of Termination 5 by Ecology. This requirement will not apply if the Construction Stormwater 6 General Permit is transferred back to the Contracting Agency in accordance with 7 Section 8-01.3(16). 8 g. Property owner releases per Section 1-07.24 9 10 (******) 11 Section 1-08.5 is supplemented with the following: 12 13 Items 2c and 2f in the sixth paragraph do not apply to this Contract. 14 15 (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) 16 Section 1-08.5 is supplemented with the following: 17 18 This project shall be physically completed within *** 13 *** working days. 19 20 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages 21 (March 3, 2021 APWA GSP, Option B) 22 23 Revise the second and third paragraphs to read: 24 25 Accordingly, the Contractor agrees: 26 27 1. To pay (according to the following formula) liquidated damages for each working 28 day beyond the number of working days established for Physical Completion, 29 and 30 2. To authorize the Engineer to deduct these liquidated damages from any money 31 due or coming due to the Contractor. 32 33 Liquidated Damages Formula 34 35 LD=0.15C/T 36 37 Where: 38 39 LD = liquidated damages per working day (rounded to the nearest dollar) 40 C = original Contract amount 41 T = original time for Physical Completion 42 43 When the Contract Work has progressed to Substantial Completion as defined in the 44 Contract, the Engineer may determine the Contract Work is Substantially Complete. The 45 Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of the Substantial Completion Date. For 46 overruns in Contract time occurring after the date so established, the formula for 47 liquidated damages shown above will not apply. For overruns in Contract time occurring 48 after the Substantial Completion Date, liquidated damages shall be assessed on the 49 basis of direct engineering and related costs assignable to the project until the actual 50 Physical Completion Date of all the Contract Work. The Contractor shall complete the 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-34 remaining Work as promptly as possible. Upon request by the Project Engineer, the 1 Contractor shall furnish a written schedule for completing the physical Work on the 2 Contract. 3 4 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 5 6 1-09.2 Weighing Equipment 7 8 1-09.2(1) General Requirements for Weighing Equipment 9 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP, Option 2) 10 11 Revise item 4 of the fifth paragraph to read: 12 13 4. Test results and scale weight records for each day’s hauling operations are provided 14 to the Engineer daily. Reporting shall utilize WSDOT form 422-027, Scaleman’s Daily 15 Report, unless the printed ticket contains the same information that is on the 16 Scaleman’s Daily Report Form. The scale operator must provide AM and/or PM tare 17 weights for each truck on the printed ticket. 18 19 1-09.2(5) Measurement 20 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 21 22 Revise the first paragraph to read: 23 24 Scale Verification Checks – At the Engineer’s discretion, the Engineer may perform 25 verification checks on the accuracy of each batch, hopper, or platform scale used in 26 weighing contract items of Work. 27 28 1-09.6 Force Account 29 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 30 31 Supplement this section with the following: 32 33 The Contracting Agency has estimated and included in the Proposal, dollar amounts for 34 all items to be paid per force account, only to provide a common proposal for Bidders. All 35 such dollar amounts are to become a part of Contractor's total bid. However, the 36 Contracting Agency does not warrant expressly or by implication, that the actual amount 37 of work will correspond with those estimates. Payment will be made on the basis of the 38 amount of work actually authorized by the Engineer. 39 40 1-09.8 Payment For Material On Hand 41 The last paragraph of Section 1-09.8 is revised to read: 42 43 (August 3, 2009 WSDOT GSP, Option 1) 44 The Contracting Agency will not pay for material on hand when the invoice cost is less than 45 $2,000. As materials are used in the work, credits equaling the partial payments for them 46 will be taken on future estimates. Each month, no later than the estimate due date, the 47 Contractor shall submit a letter to the Engineer that clearly states: 1) the amount originally 48 paid on the invoice (or other record of production cost) for the items on hand, 2) the dollar 49 amount of the material incorporated into each of the various work items for the month, and 3) 50 the amount that should be retained in material on hand items. If work is performed on the 51 items and the Contractor does not submit a letter, all of the previous material on hand 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-35 payment will be deducted on the estimate. Partial payment for materials on hand shall not 1 constitute acceptance. Any material will be rejected if found to be faulty even if partial 2 payment for it has been made. 3 4 1-09.9 Payments 5 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 6 7 Section 1-09.9 is revised to read: 8 9 The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of Work performed according to the 10 Contract and as specified for payment. 11 12 The Contractor shall submit a breakdown of the cost of lump sum bid items at the 13 Preconstruction Conference, to enable the Project Engineer to determine the Work 14 performed on a monthly basis. A breakdown is not required for lump sum items that 15 include a basis for incremental payments as part of the respective Specification. Absent 16 a lump sum breakdown, the Project Engineer will make a determination based on 17 information available. The Project Engineer’s determination of the cost of work shall be 18 final. 19 20 Progress payments for completed work and material on hand will be based upon 21 progress estimates prepared by the Engineer. A progress estimate cutoff date will be 22 established at the preconstruction conference. 23 24 The initial progress estimate will be made not later than 30 days after the Contractor 25 commences the work, and successive progress estimates will be made every month 26 thereafter until the Completion Date. Progress estimates made during progress of the 27 work are tentative, and made only for the purpose of determining progress payments. 28 The progress estimates are subject to change at any time prior to the calculation of the 29 final payment. 30 31 The value of the progress estimate will be the sum of the following: 32 1. Unit Price Items in the Bid Form — the approximate quantity of acceptable units of 33 work completed multiplied by the unit price. 34 2. Lump Sum Items in the Bid Form — based on the approved Contractor’s lump sum 35 breakdown for that item, or absent such a breakdown, based on the Engineer’s 36 determination. 37 3. Materials on Hand — 100 percent of invoiced cost of material delivered to Job site 38 or other storage area approved by the Engineer. 39 4. Change Orders — entitlement for approved extra cost or completed extra work as 40 determined by the Engineer. 41 42 Progress payments will be made in accordance with the progress estimate less: 43 1. Retainage per Section 1-09.9(1), on non FHWA-funded projects; 44 2. The amount of progress payments previously made; and 45 3. Funds withheld by the Contracting Agency for disbursement in accordance with the 46 Contract Documents. 47 48 Progress payments for work performed shall not be evidence of acceptable performance 49 or an admission by the Contracting Agency that any work has been satisfactorily 50 completed. The determination of payments under the contract will be final in accordance 51 with Section 1-05.1. 52 53 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-36 Failure to perform obligations under the Contract by the Contractor may be decreed by the 1 Contracting Agency to be adequate reason for withholding any payments until compliance 2 is achieved. 3 4 Upon completion of all Work and after final inspection (Section 1-05.11), the amount due 5 the Contractor under the Contract will be paid based upon the final estimate made by the 6 Engineer and presentation of a Final Contract Voucher Certification to be signed by the 7 Contractor. The Contractor's signature on such voucher shall be deemed a release of all 8 claims of the Contractor unless a Certified Claim is filed in accordance with the 9 requirements of Section 1-09.11 and is expressly excepted from the Contractor’s 10 certification on the Final Contract Voucher Certification. The date the Contracting Agency 11 signs the Final Contract Voucher Certification constitutes the final acceptance date 12 (Section 1-05.12). 13 14 If the Contractor fails, refuses, or is unable to sign and return the Final Contract Voucher 15 Certification or any other documentation required for completion and final acceptance of 16 the Contract, the Contracting Agency reserves the right to establish a Completion Date 17 (for the purpose of meeting the requirements of RCW 60.28) and unilaterally accept the 18 Contract. Unilateral final acceptance will occur only after the Contractor has been 19 provided the opportunity, by written request from the Engineer, to voluntarily submit such 20 documents. If voluntary compliance is not achieved, formal notification of the impending 21 establishment of a Completion Date and unilateral final acceptance will be provided by 22 email with delivery confirmation from the Contracting Agency to the Contractor, which will 23 provide 30 calendar days for the Contractor to submit the necessary documents. The 30 24 calendar day period will begin on the date the email with delivery confirmation is received 25 by the Contractor. The date the Contracting Agency unilaterally signs the Final Contract 26 Voucher Certification shall constitute the Completion Date and the final acceptance date 27 (Section 1-05.12). The reservation by the Contracting Agency to unilaterally accept the 28 Contract will apply to Contracts that are Physically Completed in accordance with 29 Section 1-08.5, or for Contracts that are terminated in accordance with Section 1-08.10. 30 Unilateral final acceptance of the Contract by the Contracting Agency does not in any 31 way relieve the Contractor of their responsibility to comply with all Federal, State, tribal, 32 or local laws, ordinances, and regulations that affect the Work under the Contract. 33 34 Payment to the Contractor of partial estimates, final estimates, and retained percentages 35 shall be subject to controlling laws. 36 37 1-09.11 Disputes and Claims 38 39 1-09.11(3) Time Limitation and Jurisdiction 40 (December 30, 2022 APWA GSP) 41 42 Revise this section to read: 43 44 For the convenience of the parties to the Contract it is mutually agreed by the parties that 45 all claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the Contracting Agency 46 arising from the Contract shall be brought within 180 calendar days from the date of final 47 acceptance (Section 1-05.12) of the Contract by the Contracting Agency; and it is further 48 agreed that all such claims or causes of action shall be brought only in the Superior 49 Court of the county where the Contracting Agency headquarters is located, provided that 50 where an action is asserted against a county, RCW 36.01.050 shall control venue and 51 jurisdiction. The parties understand and agree that the Contractor’s failure to bring suit 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-37 within the time period provided, shall be a complete bar to all such claims or causes of 1 action. It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when claims or causes of action 2 which the Contractor asserts against the Contracting Agency arising from the Contract 3 are filed with the Contracting Agency or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the 4 Contracting Agency to have timely access to all records deemed necessary by the 5 Contracting Agency to assist in evaluating the claims or action. 6 7 1-09.13 Claims Resolution 8 9 1-09.13(3)A Arbitration General 10 (January 19, 2022 APWA GSP) 11 12 Revise the third paragraph to read: 13 14 The Contracting Agency and the Contractor mutually agree to be bound by the decision 15 of the arbitrator, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered 16 in the Superior Court of the county in which the Contracting Agency’s headquarters is 17 located, provided that where claims subject to arbitration are asserted against a county, 18 RCW 36.01.050 shall control venue and jurisdiction of the Superior Court. The decision 19 of the arbitrator and the specific basis for the decision shall be in writing. The arbitrator 20 shall use the Contract as a basis for decisions. 21 22 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 23 24 1-10.2 Traffic Control Management 25 26 1-10.2(1) General 27 Section 1-10.2(1) is supplemented with the following: 28 29 (October 3, 2022 WSDOT GSP) 30 The Traffic Control Supervisor shall be certified by one of the following: 31 32 The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 33 27055 Ohio Ave. 34 Kingston, WA 98346 35 (360) 297-3035 36 https://www.nwlett.edu 37 Evergreen Safety Council 38 12545 135th Ave. NE 39 Kirkland, WA 98034-8709 40 1-800-521-0778 41 https://www.esc.org 42 43 The American Traffic Safety Services Association 44 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 45 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-1022 46 Training Dept. Toll Free (877) 642-4637 47 Phone: (540) 368-1701 48 https://atssa.com/training 49 50 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-38 Integrity Safety 1 13912 NE 20th Ave. 2 Vancouver, WA 98686 3 (360) 574-6071 4 https://www.integritysafety.com 5 6 US Safety Alliance 7 (904) 705-5660 8 https://www.ussafetyalliance.com 9 10 K&D Services Inc. 11 2719 Rockefeller Ave. 12 Everett, WA 98201 13 (800) 343-4049 14 https://www.kndservices.net 15 16 1-10.2(2) Traffic Control Plans 17 Replace Section 1-10.2(2) with the following: 18 19 (******) 20 When the Contractor’s chosen method of performing the Work in the Contract requires some 21 form of temporary traffic control, the Contractor shall prepare and submit site-specific traffic 22 control plan(s) that show(s) the Contractor’s method of handling vehicle, bicycle, and 23 pedestrian traffic. All construction signs, flaggers, spotters, and other traffic control devices 24 required to support the Work shall be shown on the traffic control plan(s). 25 26 Traffic Control Plans shall be used in conjunction with WSDOT Traffic Control Plans. Said 27 WSDOT Traffic Control Plans shall not be used as Contractor’s Traffic Control Plan. 28 Example Traffic Control Plans are included in the plans as Typical Traffic Control Plans. The 29 Contractor may choose to adopt this plan for specific locations, times, and work activities for 30 which it may apply. 31 32 The Traffic Control Plans shall address pedestrian and bicycle paths and provide a 33 continuous accessible route through the construction zone at all times of day. 34 35 If flagging is proposed, the Contractor’s traffic control plan(s) shall show locations for 36 required advance warning signs and a safe, protected location for the flagging station. 37 Contractor-proposed traffic control plan(s) shall conform to the established standards for 38 plan development as shown in the MUTCD, Part 6. The Contractor-developed plan(s) shall 39 be submitted to the Engineer for approval at least 10 calendar days in advance of the time 40 the signs and other traffic control devices are scheduled to be installed and utilized. The 41 Contractor shall be solely responsible for submitting any proposed traffic control plan or 42 modification, obtaining the Engineer’s approval and providing copies of the approved Traffic 43 Control Plans to the Traffic Control Supervisor. 44 45 1-10.3 Traffic Control Labor, Procedures, and Devices 46 47 Section 1-10.3 is supplemented as follows: 48 49 (******) 50 At the end of each working day, provisions shall be made for the safe passage of vehicle traffic, 51 bicycles, and pedestrians during non-working hours. 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-39 DIVISION 5 1 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS 2 3 5-04 HOT MIX ASPHALT 4 (January 31, 2023 APWA GSP) 5 6 Delete Section 5-04, Hot Mix Asphalt, and replace it with the following: 7 8 5-04.1 Description 9 10 This Work shall consist of providing and placing one or more layers of plant-mixed hot 11 mix asphalt (HMA) on a prepared foundation or base in accordance with these 12 Specifications and the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical cross-sections shown 13 in the Plans. The manufacture of HMA may include warm mix asphalt (WMA) processes 14 in accordance with these Specifications. WMA processes include organic additives, 15 chemical additives, and foaming. 16 17 HMA shall be composed of asphalt binder and mineral materials as may be required, 18 mixed in the proportions specified to provide a homogeneous, stable, 19 and workable mixture. 20 21 5-04.2 Materials 22 23 Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: 24 Asphalt Binder 9-02.1(4) 25 Cationic Emulsified Asphalt 9-02.1(6) 26 Anti-Stripping Additive 9-02.4 27 HMA Additive 9-02.5 28 Aggregates 9-03.8 29 Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 9-03.8(3)B, 9-03.21 30 Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles (RAS) 9-03.8(3)B, 9-03.21 31 Mineral Filler 9-03.8(5) 32 Recycled Material 9-03.21 33 34 The Contract documents may establish that the various mineral materials required for 35 the manufacture of HMA will be furnished in whole or in part by the Contracting Agency. 36 If the documents do not establish the furnishing of any of these mineral materials by the 37 Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall be required to furnish such materials in the 38 amounts required for the designated mix. Mineral materials include coarse and fine 39 aggregates, and mineral filler. 40 41 The Contractor may choose to utilize recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) in the production 42 of HMA. The RAP may be from pavements removed under the Contract, if any, or 43 pavement material from an existing stockpile. 44 45 The Contractor may use up to 20 percent RAP by total weight of HMA with no additional 46 sampling or testing of the RAP. 47 48 If the Contractor wishes to utilize High RAP/Any RAS, the design must be listed on the 49 WSDOT Qualified Products List (QPL). 50 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-40 1 The grade of asphalt binder shall be as required by the Contract. Blending of asphalt 2 binder from different sources is not permitted. 3 4 The Contractor may only use warm mix asphalt (WMA) processes in the production of 5 HMA with 20 percent or less RAP by total weight of HMA. The Contractor shall submit to 6 the Engineer for approval the process that is proposed and how it will be used in the 7 manufacture of HMA. 8 9 Production of aggregates shall comply with the requirements of Section 3-01. 10 Preparation of stockpile site, the stockpiling of aggregates, and the removal of 11 aggregates from stockpiles shall comply with the requirements of Section 3-02. 12 13 5-04.2(1) How to Get an HMA Mix Design on the QPL 14 If the Contractor wishes to submit a mix design for inclusion in the Qualified Products List 15 (QPL), please follow the WSDOT process outlined in Standard Specification 5-04.2(1). 16 17 5-04.2(1)A Vacant 18 19 5-04.2(2) Mix Design - Obtaining Project Approval 20 No paving shall begin prior to the approval of the mix design by the Engineer. 21 22 Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for all HMA not designated as Commercial HMA 23 in the Contract documents. 24 25 Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of HMA 26 in the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, 27 gores, prelevel, temporary pavement, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural 28 applications of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation shall be as approved by the 29 Project Engineer. Sampling and testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will 30 be at the option of the Project Engineer. The Proposal quantity of HMA that is accepted 31 by commercial evaluation will be excluded from the quantities used in the determination 32 of nonstatistical evaluation. 33 34 Nonstatistical Mix Design. Fifteen days prior to the first day of paving the Contractor 35 shall provide one of the following mix design verification certifications for Contracting 36 Agency review; 37 38 · The WSDOT Mix Design Evaluation Report from the current WSDOT QPL, or 39 one of the mix design verification certifications listed below. 40 · The proposed HMA mix design on WSDOT Form 350-042 with the seal and 41 certification (stamp & signature) of a valid licensed Washington State 42 Professional Engineer. 43 · The Mix Design Report for the proposed HMA mix design developed by a 44 qualified City or County laboratory that is within one year of the approval date. 45 46 The mix design shall be performed by a lab accredited by a national authority such as 47 Laboratory Accreditation Bureau, L-A-B for Construction Materials Testing, The 48 Construction Materials Engineering Council (CMEC’s) ISO 17025 or AASHTO 49 Accreditation Program (AAP) and shall supply evidence of participation in the AASHTO: 50 resource proficiency sample program. 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-41 Mix designs for HMA accepted by Nonstatistical evaluation shall: 1 2 · Be designed for ***3*** million equivalent single axle loads (ESALs). 3 · Have the aggregate structure and asphalt binder content determined in 4 accordance with WSDOT Standard Operating Procedure 732 and meet the 5 requirements of Sections 9-03.8(2), except that Hamburg testing for ruts and 6 stripping are at the discretion of the Engineer, and 9-03.8(6). 7 · Have anti-strip requirements, if any, for the proposed mix design determined in 8 accordance with AASHTO T 283 or T 324 or based on historic anti-strip and 9 aggregate source compatibility from previous WSDOT lab testing. 10 11 At the discretion of the Engineer, agencies may accept verified mix designs older than 12 12 months from the original verification date with a certification from the Contractor that the 13 materials and sources are the same as those shown on the original mix design. 14 15 Commercial Evaluation Mix Design. Approval of a mix design for “Commercial 16 Evaluation” will be based on a review of the Contractor’s submittal of WSDOT Form 350-17 042 (for commercial mixes, AASHTO T 324 evaluation is not required) or a Mix Design 18 from the current WSDOT QPL or from one of the processes allowed by this section. 19 Testing of the HMA by the Contracting Agency for mix design approval is not required. 20 21 For the Bid Item Commercial HMA, the Contractor shall select a class of HMA and 22 design level of ESALs appropriate for the required use. 23 24 5-04.2(2)B Using Warm Mix Asphalt Processes 25 The Contractor may elect to use additives that reduce the optimum mixing temperature 26 or serve as a compaction aid for producing HMA. Additives include organic additives, 27 chemical additives and foaming processes. The use of Additives is subject to the 28 following: 29 30 · Do not use additives that reduce the mixing temperature more than allowed in 31 Section 5-04.3(6) in the production of mixtures. 32 · Before using additives, obtain the Engineer’s approval using WSDOT Form 350-33 076 to describe the proposed additive and process. 34 35 5-04.3 Construction Requirements 36 37 5-04.3(1) Weather Limitations 38 Do not place HMA for wearing course on any Traveled Way beginning October 1st 39 through March 31st of the following year without written concurrence from the Engineer. 40 41 Do not place HMA on any wet surface, or when the average surface temperatures are 42 less than those specified below, or when weather conditions otherwise prevent the 43 proper handling or finishing of the HMA. 44 45 Minimum Surface Temperature for Paving 46 Compacted Thickness (Feet) Wearing Course Other Courses Less than 0.10 55°F 45°F 0.10 to .20 45°F 35°F More than 0.20 35°F 35°F 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-42 (*****Section 5-04.3(2) Paving Under Traffic removed from January 31, 2023 APWA 1 GSP*****) 2 3 5-04.3(3) Equipment 4 5 5-04.3(3)A Mixing Plant 6 Plants used for the preparation of HMA shall conform to the following requirements: 7 8 1. Equipment for Preparation of Asphalt Binder – Tanks for the storage of 9 asphalt binder shall be equipped to heat and hold the material at the required 10 temperatures. The heating shall be accomplished by steam coils, electricity, or 11 other approved means so that no flame shall be in contact with the storage tank. 12 The circulating system for the asphalt binder shall be designed to ensure proper 13 and continuous circulation during the operating period. A valve for the purpose of 14 sampling the asphalt binder shall be placed in either the storage tank or in the 15 supply line to the mixer. 16 2. Thermometric Equipment – An armored thermometer, capable of detecting 17 temperature ranges expected in the HMA mix, shall be fixed in the asphalt binder 18 feed line at a location near the charging valve at the mixer unit. The thermometer 19 location shall be convenient and safe for access by Inspectors. The plant shall 20 also be equipped with an approved dial-scale thermometer, a mercury actuated 21 thermometer, an electric pyrometer, or another approved thermometric 22 instrument placed at the discharge chute of the drier to automatically register or 23 indicate the temperature of the heated aggregates. This device shall be in full 24 view of the plant operator. 25 3. Heating of Asphalt Binder – The temperature of the asphalt binder shall not 26 exceed the maximum recommended by the asphalt binder manufacturer nor shall 27 it be below the minimum temperature required to maintain the asphalt binder in a 28 homogeneous state. The asphalt binder shall be heated in a manner that will 29 avoid local variations in heating. The heating method shall provide a continuous 30 supply of asphalt binder to the mixer at a uniform average temperature with no 31 individual variations exceeding 25°F. Also, when a WMA additive is included in 32 the asphalt binder, the temperature of the asphalt binder shall not exceed the 33 maximum recommended by the manufacturer of the WMA additive. 34 4. Sampling and Testing of Mineral Materials – The HMA plant shall be equipped 35 with a mechanical sampler for the sampling of the mineral materials. The 36 mechanical sampler shall meet the requirements of Section 1-05.6 for the 37 crushing and screening operation. The Contractor shall provide for the setup and 38 operation of the field-testing facilities of the Contracting Agency as provided for in 39 Section 3-01.2(2). 40 5. Sampling HMA – The HMA plant shall provide for sampling HMA by one of the 41 following methods: 42 a. A mechanical sampling device attached to the HMA plant. 43 b. Platforms or devices to enable sampling from the hauling vehicle without 44 entering the hauling vehicle. 45 46 5-04.3(3)B Hauling Equipment 47 Trucks used for hauling HMA shall have tight, clean, smooth metal beds and shall have a 48 cover of canvas or other suitable material of sufficient size to protect the mixture from 49 adverse weather. Whenever the weather conditions during the work shift include, or are 50 forecast to include precipitation or an air temperature less than 45°F or when time from 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-43 loading to unloading exceeds 30 minutes, the cover shall be securely attached to protect 1 the HMA. 2 3 The Contractor shall provide an environmentally benign means to prevent the HMA 4 mixture from adhering to the hauling equipment. Excess release agent shall be drained 5 prior to filling hauling equipment with HMA. Petroleum derivatives or other coating 6 material that contaminate or alter the characteristics of the HMA shall not be used. For 7 live bed trucks, the conveyer shall be in operation during the process of applying the 8 release agent. 9 10 5-04.3(3)C Pavers 11 HMA pavers shall be self-contained, power-propelled units, provided with an internally 12 heated vibratory screed and shall be capable of spreading and finishing courses of HMA 13 plant mix material in lane widths required by the paving section shown in the Plans. 14 15 The HMA paver shall be in good condition and shall have the most current equipment 16 available from the manufacturer for the prevention of segregation of the HMA mixture 17 installed, in good condition, and in working order. The equipment certification shall list 18 the make, model, and year of the paver and any equipment that has been retrofitted. 19 20 The screed shall be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations 21 and shall effectively produce a finished surface of the required evenness and texture 22 without tearing, shoving, segregating, or gouging the mixture. A copy of the 23 manufacturer’s recommendations shall be provided upon request by the Contracting 24 Agency. Extensions will be allowed provided they produce the same results, including 25 ride, density, and surface texture as obtained by the primary screed. Extensions without 26 augers and an internally heated vibratory screed shall not be used in the Traveled Way. 27 28 When specified in the Contract, reference lines for vertical control will be required. Lines 29 shall be placed on both outer edges of the Traveled Way of each Roadway. Horizontal 30 control utilizing the reference line will be permitted. The grade and slope for intermediate 31 lanes shall be controlled automatically from reference lines or by means of a mat 32 referencing device and a slope control device. When the finish of the grade prepared for 33 paving is superior to the established tolerances and when, in the opinion of the Engineer, 34 further improvement to the line, grade, cross-section, and smoothness can best be 35 achieved without the use of the reference line, a mat referencing device may be 36 substituted for the reference line. Substitution of the device will be subject to the 37 continued approval of the Engineer. A joint matcher may be used subject to the approval 38 of the Engineer. The reference line may be removed after the completion of the first 39 course of HMA when approved by the Engineer. Whenever the Engineer determines that 40 any of these methods are failing to provide the necessary vertical control, the reference 41 lines will be reinstalled by the Contractor. 42 43 The Contractor shall furnish and install all pins, brackets, tensioning devices, wire, and 44 accessories necessary for satisfactory operation of the automatic control equipment. 45 46 If the paving machine in use is not providing the required finish, the Engineer may 47 suspend Work as allowed by Section 1-08.6. Any cleaning or solvent type liquids spilled 48 on the pavement shall be thoroughly removed before paving proceeds. 49 50 (*****Section 5-04.3(3)D Material Transfer Device or Material Transfer Vehicle removed 51 from January 31, 2023 APWA GSP*****) 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-44 1 5-04.3(3)E Rollers 2 Rollers shall be of the steel wheel, vibratory, oscillatory, or pneumatic tire type, in good 3 condition and capable of reversing without backlash. Operation of the roller shall be in 4 accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. When ordered by the Engineer 5 for any roller planned for use on the project, the Contractor shall provide a copy of the 6 manufacturer’s recommendation for the use of that roller for compaction of HMA. The 7 number and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture in compliance 8 with the requirements of Section 5-04.3(10). The use of equipment that results in 9 crushing of the aggregate will not be permitted. Rollers producing pickup, washboard, 10 uneven compaction of the surface, displacement of the mixture or other undesirable 11 results shall not be used. 12 13 5-04.3(4) Preparation of Existing Paved Surfaces 14 When the surface of the existing pavement or old base is irregular, the Contractor shall 15 bring it to a uniform grade and cross-section as shown on the Plans or approved by the 16 Engineer. 17 18 Preleveling of uneven or broken surfaces over which HMA is to be placed may be 19 accomplished by using an asphalt paver, a motor patrol grader, or by hand raking, as 20 approved by the Engineer. 21 22 Compaction of preleveling HMA shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer and may 23 require the use of small steel wheel rollers, plate compactors, or pneumatic rollers to 24 avoid bridging across preleveled areas by the compaction equipment. Equipment used 25 for the compaction of preleveling HMA shall be approved by the Engineer. 26 27 Before construction of HMA on an existing paved surface, the entire surface of the 28 pavement shall be clean. All fatty asphalt patches, grease drippings, and other 29 objectionable matter shall be entirely removed from the existing pavement. All 30 pavements or bituminous surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, soil, pavement 31 grindings, and other foreign matter. All holes and small depressions shall be filled with an 32 appropriate class of HMA. The surface of the patched area shall be leveled and 33 compacted thoroughly. Prior to the application of tack coat, or paving, the condition of 34 the surface shall be approved by the Engineer. 35 36 A tack coat of asphalt shall be applied to all paved surfaces on which any course of HMA 37 is to be placed or abutted; except that tack coat may be omitted from clean, newly paved 38 surfaces at the discretion of the Engineer. Tack coat shall be uniformly applied to cover 39 the existing pavement with a thin film of residual asphalt free of streaks and bare spots at 40 a rate between 0.02 and 0.10 gallons per square yard of retained asphalt. The rate of 41 application shall be approved by the Engineer. A heavy application of tack coat shall be 42 applied to all joints. For Roadways open to traffic, the application of tack coat shall be 43 limited to surfaces that will be paved during the same working shift. The spreading 44 equipment shall be equipped with a thermometer to indicate the temperature of the tack 45 coat material. 46 47 Equipment shall not operate on tacked surfaces until the tack has broken and cured. If 48 the Contractor’s operation damages the tack coat it shall be repaired prior to placement 49 of the HMA. 50 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-45 The tack coat shall be CSS-1, or CSS-1h emulsified asphalt. The CSS-1 and CSS-1h 1 emulsified asphalt may be diluted once with water at a rate not to exceed one-part water 2 to one-part emulsified asphalt. The tack coat shall have sufficient temperature such that 3 it may be applied uniformly at the specified rate of application and shall not exceed the 4 maximum temperature recommended by the emulsified asphalt manufacturer. 5 6 5-04.3(4)A Crack Sealing 7 When the Proposal includes a pay item for crack sealing, seal cracks in accordance with 8 Section 5-03. 9 10 5-04.3(4)B Vacant 11 12 (*****Section 5-04.3(4)C Pavement Repair removed from January 31, 2023 APWA 13 GSP*****) 14 15 5-04.3(5) Producing/Stockpiling Aggregates and RAP 16 Aggregates and RAP shall be stockpiled according to the requirements of Section 3-02. 17 Sufficient storage space shall be provided for each size of aggregate and RAP. Materials 18 shall be removed from stockpile(s) in a manner to ensure minimal segregation when 19 being moved to the HMA plant for processing into the final mixture. Different aggregate 20 sizes shall be kept separated until they have been delivered to the HMA plant. 21 22 5-04.3(5)A Vacant 23 24 5-04.3(6) Mixing 25 After the required amount of mineral materials, asphalt binder, recycling agent and anti-26 stripping additives have been introduced into the mixer the HMA shall be mixed until 27 complete and uniform coating of the particles and thorough distribution of the asphalt 28 binder throughout the mineral materials is ensured. 29 30 When discharged, the temperature of the HMA shall not exceed the optimum mixing 31 temperature by more than 25°F as shown on the reference mix design report or as 32 approved by the Engineer. Also, when a WMA additive is included in the manufacture of 33 HMA, the discharge temperature of the HMA shall not exceed the maximum 34 recommended by the manufacturer of the WMA additive. A maximum water content of 2 35 percent in the mix, at discharge, will be allowed providing the water causes no problems 36 with handling, stripping, or flushing. If the water in the HMA causes any of these 37 problems, the moisture content shall be reduced as directed by the Engineer. 38 39 Storing or holding of the HMA in approved storage facilities will be permitted with 40 approval of the Engineer, but in no event shall the HMA be held for more than 24 hours. 41 HMA held for more than 24 hours after mixing shall be rejected. Rejected HMA shall be 42 disposed of by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency. The storage 43 facility shall have an accessible device located at the top of the cone or about the third 44 point. The device shall indicate the amount of material in storage. No HMA shall be 45 accepted from the storage facility when the HMA in storage is below the top of the cone 46 of the storage facility, except as the storage facility is being emptied at the end of the 47 working shift. 48 49 Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) utilized in the production of HMA shall be sized prior 50 to entering the mixer so that a uniform and thoroughly mixed HMA is produced. If there is 51 evidence of the recycled asphalt pavement not breaking down during the heating and 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-46 mixing of the HMA, the Contractor shall immediately suspend the use of the RAP until 1 changes have been approved by the Engineer. After the required amount of mineral 2 materials, RAP, new asphalt binder and asphalt rejuvenator have been introduced into 3 the mixer the HMA shall be mixed until complete and uniform coating of the particles and 4 thorough distribution of the asphalt binder throughout the mineral materials, and RAP is 5 ensured. 6 7 5-04.3(7) Spreading and Finishing 8 The mixture shall be laid upon an approved surface, spread, and struck off to the grade 9 and elevation established. HMA pavers complying with Section 5-04.3(3) shall be used 10 to distribute the mixture. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the nominal 11 compacted depth of any layer of any course shall not exceed the following: 12 13 HMA Class 1” 0.35 feet 14 HMA Class ¾” and HMA Class ½” 15 wearing course 0.30 feet 16 other courses 0.35 feet 17 HMA Class ⅜” 0.15 feet 18 19 On areas where irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the use of mechanical 20 spreading and finishing equipment impractical, the paving may be done with other 21 equipment or by hand. 22 23 When more than one JMF is being utilized to produce HMA, the material produced for 24 each JMF shall be placed by separate spreading and compacting equipment. The 25 intermingling of HMA produced from more than one JMF is prohibited. Each strip of HMA 26 placed during a work shift shall conform to a single JMF established for the class of HMA 27 specified unless there is a need to make an adjustment in the JMF. 28 29 5-04.3(8) Aggregate Acceptance Prior to Incorporation in HMA 30 For HMA accepted by nonstatistical evaluation, the aggregate properties of sand 31 equivalent, uncompacted void content, and fracture will be evaluated in accordance with 32 Section 3-04. Sampling and testing of aggregates for HMA accepted by commercial 33 evaluation will be at the option of the Engineer. 34 35 5-04.3(9) HMA Mixture Acceptance 36 Acceptance of HMA shall be as provided under nonstatistical, or commercial evaluation. 37 38 Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for the acceptance of HMA unless Commercial 39 Evaluation is specified. 40 41 Commercial evaluation will be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of HMA 42 in the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, 43 gores, prelevel, temporary pavement, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural 44 applications of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation shall be as approved by the 45 Engineer. Sampling and testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the 46 option of the Engineer. 47 48 The mix design will be the initial JMF for the class of HMA. The Contractor may request a 49 change in the JMF. Any adjustments to the JMF will require the approval of the Engineer 50 and may be made in accordance with this section. 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-47 HMA Tolerances and Adjustments 1 1. Job Mix Formula Tolerances – The constituents of the mixture at the time of 2 acceptance shall be within tolerance. The tolerance limits will be established as 3 follows: 4 5 For Asphalt Binder and Air Voids (Va), the acceptance limits are determined 6 by adding the tolerances below to the approved JMF values. These values 7 will also be the Upper Specification Limit (USL) and Lower Specification Limit 8 (LSL) required in Section 1-06.2(2)D2 9 10 Property Non-Statistical Evaluation Commercial Evaluation Asphalt Binder +/- 0.5% +/- 0.7% Air Voids, Va 2.5% min. and 5.5% max N/A 11 For Aggregates in the mixture: 12 13 a. First, determine preliminary upper and lower acceptance limits by applying 14 the following tolerances to the approved JMF. 15 16 Aggregate Percent Passing Non-Statistical Evaluation Commercial Evaluation 1”, ¾”, ½”, and 3/8” sieves +/- 6% +/- 8% No. 4 sieve +/-6% +/- 8% No. 8 Sieve +/- 6% +/-8% No. 200 sieve +/- 2.0% +/- 3.0% 17 b. Second, adjust the preliminary upper and lower acceptance limits 18 determined from step (a) the minimum amount necessary so that none of 19 the aggregate properties are outside the control points in Section 9-20 03.8(6). The resulting values will be the upper and lower acceptance limits 21 for aggregates, as well as the USL and LSL required in Section 1-22 06.2(2)D2. 23 24 2. Job Mix Formula Adjustments – An adjustment to the aggregate gradation or 25 asphalt binder content of the JMF requires approval of the Engineer. Adjustments 26 to the JMF will only be considered if the change produces material of equal or 27 better quality and may require the development of a new mix design if the 28 adjustment exceeds the amounts listed below. 29 30 a. Aggregates –2 percent for the aggregate passing the 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″, and 31 the No. 4 sieves, 1 percent for aggregate passing the No. 8 sieve, and 0.5 32 percent for the aggregate passing the No. 200 sieve. The adjusted JMF shall 33 be within the range of the control points in Section 9-03.8(6). 34 b. Asphalt Binder Content – The Engineer may order or approve changes to 35 asphalt binder content. The maximum adjustment from the approved mix 36 design for the asphalt binder content shall be 0.3 percent. 37 38 5-04.3(9)A Vacant 39 40 5-04.3(9)B Vacant 41 42 (*****Section 5-04.3(9)C Mixture Acceptance – Nonstatistical Evaluation removed from 43 January 31, 2023 APWA GSP*****) 44 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-48 5-04.3 (9)D Mixture Acceptance – Commercial Evaluation 1 If sampled and tested, HMA produced under Commercial Evaluation and having all 2 constituents falling within the tolerance limits of the job mix formula shall be accepted at 3 the unit Contract price with no further evaluation. When one or more constituents fall 4 outside the commercial tolerance limits in the Job Mix Formula shown in 5-04.3(9), the 5 lot shall be evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2 to determine the appropriate 6 CPF. The commercial tolerance limits will be used in the calculation of the CPF and the 7 maximum CPF shall be 1.00. When less than three sublots exist, backup samples of the 8 existing sublots or samples from the street shall be tested to provide a minimum of three 9 sets of results for evaluation. 10 11 For each lot of HMA mix produced and tested under Commercial Evaluation when the 12 calculated CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Mix Factor (NCMF) will be 13 determined. The NCMF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 14 60 percent. The Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment will be calculated as the product 15 of the NCMF, the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons, and the unit Contract price per ton of 16 mix. 17 18 If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these Specifications, its individual 19 pay factor will be considered 1.00 in calculating the CPF. 20 21 5-04.3(10) HMA Compaction Acceptance 22 HMA mixture accepted by nonstatistical evaluation that is used in traffic lanes, including 23 lanes for intersections, ramps, truck climbing, weaving, and speed change, and having a 24 specified compacted course thickness greater than 0.10-foot, shall be compacted to a 25 specified level of relative density. The specified level of relative density shall be a CPF of 26 not less than 0.75 when evaluated in accordance with Section 1-06.2, using a LSL of 27 92.0 (minimum of 92 percent of the maximum density). The maximum density shall be 28 determined by WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 729. The specified level of density attained 29 will be determined by the evaluation of the density of the pavement. The density of the 30 pavement shall be determined in accordance with WSDOT FOP for WAQTC TM 8, 31 except that gauge correlation will be at the discretion of the Engineer, when using the 32 nuclear density gauge and WSDOT SOP 736 when using cores to determine density. 33 34 Tests for the determination of the pavement density will be taken in accordance with the 35 required procedures for measurement by a nuclear density gauge or Roadway cores 36 after completion of the finish rolling. 37 38 If the Contracting Agency uses a nuclear density gauge to determine density the test 39 procedures FOP for WAQTC TM 8 and WSDOT SOP T 729 will be used on the day the 40 mix is placed and prior to opening to traffic. 41 42 Roadway cores for density may be obtained by either the Contracting Agency or the 43 Contractor in accordance with WSDOT SOP 734. The core diameter shall be 4-inches 44 minimum, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Roadway cores will be tested by 45 the Contracting Agency in accordance with WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 166. 46 47 If the Contract includes the Bid item “Roadway Core”, the cores shall be obtained by the 48 Contractor in the presence of the Engineer on the same day the mix is placed and at 49 locations designated by the Engineer. If the Contract does not include the Bid item 50 “Roadway Core”, the Contracting Agency will obtain the cores. 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-49 For a lot in progress with a CPF less than 0.75, a new lot will begin at the Contractor’s 1 request after the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can 2 be produced. 3 4 HMA mixture accepted by commercial evaluation and HMA constructed under conditions 5 other than those listed above shall be compacted on the basis of a test point evaluation 6 of the compaction train. The test point evaluation shall be performed in accordance with 7 instructions from the Engineer. The number of passes with an approved compaction 8 train, required to attain the maximum test point density, shall be used on all subsequent 9 paving. 10 11 HMA for preleveling shall be thoroughly compacted. HMA that is used for preleveling 12 wheel rutting shall be compacted with a pneumatic tire roller unless otherwise approved 13 by the Engineer. 14 15 Test Results 16 For a sublot that has been tested with a nuclear density gauge that did not meet the 17 minimum of 92 percent of the reference maximum density in a compaction lot with a CPF 18 below 1.00 and thus subject to a price reduction or rejection, the Contractor may request 19 that a core be used for determination of the relative density of the sublot. The relative 20 density of the core will replace the relative density determined by the nuclear density 21 gauge for the sublot and will be used for calculation of the CPF and acceptance of HMA 22 compaction lot. 23 24 When cores are taken by the Contracting Agency at the request of the Contractor, they 25 shall be requested by noon of the next workday after the test results for the sublot have 26 been provided or made available to the Contractor. Core locations shall be outside of 27 wheel paths and as determined by the Engineer. Traffic control shall be provided by the 28 Contractor as requested by the Engineer. Failure by the Contractor to provide the 29 requested traffic control will result in forfeiture of the request for cores. When the CPF for 30 the lot based on the results of the HMA cores is less than 1.00, the cost for the coring will 31 be deducted from any monies due or that may become due the Contractor under the 32 Contract at the rate of $200 per core and the Contractor shall pay for the cost of the 33 traffic control. 34 35 5-04.3(10)A HMA Compaction – General Compaction Requirements 36 Compaction shall take place when the mixture is in the proper condition so that no undue 37 displacement, cracking, or shoving occurs. Areas inaccessible to large compaction 38 equipment shall be compacted by other mechanical means. Any HMA that becomes 39 loose, broken, contaminated, shows an excess or deficiency of asphalt, or is in any way 40 defective, shall be removed and replaced with new hot mix that shall be immediately 41 compacted to conform to the surrounding area. 42 43 The type of rollers to be used and their relative position in the compaction sequence 44 shall generally be the Contractor’s option, provided the specified densities are attained. 45 Unless the Engineer has approved otherwise, rollers shall only be operated in the static 46 mode when the internal temperature of the mix is less than 175°F. Regardless of mix 47 temperature, a roller shall not be operated in a mode that results in checking or cracking 48 of the mat. Rollers shall only be operated in static mode on bridge decks. 49 50 5-04.3(10)B HMA Compaction - Cyclic Density 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-50 Low cyclic density areas are defined as spots or streaks in the pavement that are less 1 than 90 percent of the theoretical maximum density. At the Engineer’s discretion, the 2 Engineer may evaluate the HMA pavement for low cyclic density, and when doing so will 3 follow WSDOT SOP 733. A $500 Cyclic Density Price Adjustment will be assessed for 4 any 500-foot section with two or more density readings below 90 percent of the 5 theoretical maximum density. 6 7 5-04.3(10)C Vacant 8 9 (*****Section 5-04.3(10)D HMA Nonstatistical Compaction removed from January 31, 10 2023 APWA GSP*****) 11 12 5-04.3(11) Reject Work 13 14 5-04.3(11)A Reject Work General 15 Work that is defective or does not conform to Contract requirements shall be rejected. 16 The Contractor may propose, in writing, alternatives to removal and replacement of 17 rejected material. Acceptability of such alternative proposals will be determined at the 18 sole discretion of the Engineer. HMA that has been rejected is subject to the 19 requirements in Section 1-06.2(2) and this specification, and the Contractor shall submit 20 a corrective action proposal to the Engineer for approval. 21 22 5-04.3(11)B Rejection by Contractor 23 The Contractor may, prior to sampling, elect to remove any defective material and 24 replace it with new material. Any such new material will be sampled, tested, and 25 evaluated for acceptance. 26 27 5-04.3(11)C Rejection Without Testing (Mixture or Compaction) 28 The Engineer may, without sampling, reject any batch, load, or section of Roadway that 29 appears defective. Material rejected before placement shall not be incorporated into the 30 pavement. Any rejected section of Roadway shall be removed. 31 32 No payment will be made for the rejected materials or the removal of the materials 33 unless the Contractor requests that the rejected material be tested. If the Contractor 34 elects to have the rejected material tested, a minimum of three representative samples 35 will be obtained and tested. Acceptance of rejected material will be based on 36 conformance with the nonstatistical acceptance Specification. If the CPF for the rejected 37 material is less than 0.75, no payment will be made for the rejected material; in addition, 38 the cost of sampling and testing shall be borne by the Contractor. If the CPF is greater 39 than or equal to 0.75, the cost of sampling and testing will be borne by the Contracting 40 Agency. If the material is rejected before placement and the CPF is greater than or equal 41 to 0.75, compensation for the rejected material will be at a CPF of 0.75. If rejection 42 occurs after placement and the CPF is greater than or equal to 0.75, compensation for 43 the rejected material will be at the calculated CPF with an addition of 25 percent of the 44 unit Contract price added for the cost of removal and disposal. 45 46 5-04.3(11)D Rejection - A Partial Sublot 47 In addition to the random acceptance sampling and testing, the Engineer may also 48 isolate from a normal sublot any material that is suspected of being defective in relative 49 density, gradation or asphalt binder content. Such isolated material will not include an 50 original sample location. A minimum of three random samples of the suspect material will 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-51 be obtained and tested. The material will then be statistically evaluated as an 1 independent lot in accordance with Section 1-06.2(2). 2 3 5-04.3(11)E Rejection - An Entire Sublot 4 An entire sublot that is suspected of being defective may be rejected. When a sublot is 5 rejected a minimum of two additional random samples from this sublot will be obtained. 6 These additional samples and the original sublot will be evaluated as an independent lot 7 in accordance with Section 1-06.2(2). 8 9 5-04.3(11)F Rejection - A Lot in Progress 10 The Contractor shall shut down operations and shall not resume HMA placement until 11 such time as the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the Specifications can 12 be produced: 13 14 1. When the CPF of a lot in progress drops below 1.00 and the Contractor is taking 15 no corrective action, or 16 2. When the Pay Factor (PF) for any constituent of a lot in progress drops below 17 0.95 and the Contractor is taking no corrective action, or 18 3. When either the PF for any constituent or the CPF of a lot in progress is less than 19 0.75. 20 21 5-04.3(11)G Rejection - An Entire Lot (Mixture or Compaction) 22 An entire lot with a CPF of less than 0.75 will be rejected. 23 24 5-04.3(12) Joints 25 26 5-04.3(12)A HMA Joints 27 28 5-04.3(12)A1 Transverse Joints 29 The Contractor shall conduct operations such that the placing of the top or wearing 30 course is a continuous operation or as close to continuous as possible. Unscheduled 31 transverse joints will be allowed, and the roller may pass over the unprotected end of the 32 freshly laid mixture only when the placement of the course must be discontinued for such 33 a length of time that the mixture will cool below compaction temperature. When the Work 34 is resumed, the previously compacted mixture shall be cut back to produce a slightly 35 beveled edge for the full thickness of the course. 36 37 A temporary wedge of HMA constructed on a 20H:1V shall be constructed where a 38 transverse joint as a result of paving or planing is open to traffic. The HMA in the 39 temporary wedge shall be separated from the permanent HMA by strips of heavy 40 wrapping paper or other methods approved by the Engineer. The wrapping paper shall 41 be removed and the joint trimmed to a slightly beveled edge for the full thickness of the 42 course prior to resumption of paving. 43 44 The material that is cut away shall be wasted and new mix shall be laid against the cut. 45 Rollers or tamping irons shall be used to seal the joint. 46 47 5-04.3(12)A2 Longitudinal Joints 48 The longitudinal joint in any one course shall be offset from the course immediately 49 below by not more than 6 inches nor less than 2 inches. All longitudinal joints 50 constructed in the wearing course shall be located at a lane line or an edge line of the 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-52 Traveled Way. A notched wedge joint shall be constructed along all longitudinal joints in 1 the wearing surface of new HMA unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The 2 notched wedge joint shall have a vertical edge of not less than the maximum aggregate 3 size or more than ½ of the compacted lift thickness and then taper down on a slope not 4 steeper than 4H:1V. The sloped portion of the HMA notched wedge joint shall be 5 uniformly compacted. 6 7 (*****Section 5-04.3(12)B Bridge Paving Joint Seals removed from January 31, 2023 8 APWA GSP*****) 9 10 5-04.3(13) Surface Smoothness 11 The completed surface of all courses shall be of uniform texture, smooth, uniform as to 12 crown and grade, and free from defects of all kinds. The completed surface of the 13 wearing course shall not vary more than ⅛ inch from the lower edge of a 10-foot 14 straightedge placed on the surface parallel to the centerline. The transverse slope of the 15 completed surface of the wearing course shall vary not more than ¼ inch in 10 feet from 16 the rate of transverse slope shown in the Plans. 17 18 When deviations in excess of the above tolerances are found that result from a high 19 place in the HMA, the pavement surface shall be corrected by one of the 20 following methods: 21 22 1. Removal of material from high places by grinding with an approved grinding 23 machine, or 24 2. Removal and replacement of the wearing course of HMA, or 25 3. By other method approved by the Engineer. 26 27 Correction of defects shall be carried out until there are no deviations anywhere greater 28 than the allowable tolerances. 29 30 Deviations in excess of the above tolerances that result from a low place in the HMA and 31 deviations resulting from a high place where corrective action, in the opinion of the 32 Engineer, will not produce satisfactory results will be accepted with a price adjustment. 33 The Engineer shall deduct from monies due or that may become due to the Contractor 34 the sum of $500.00 for each and every section of single traffic lane 100 feet in length in 35 which any excessive deviations described above are found. 36 37 When utility appurtenances such as manhole covers and valve boxes are located in the 38 traveled way, the utility appurtenances shall be adjusted to the finished grade prior to 39 paving. This requirement may be waived when requested by the Contractor, at the 40 discretion of the Engineer or when the adjustment details provided in the project plan or 41 specifications call for utility appurtenance adjustments after the completion of paving. 42 43 Utility appurtenance adjustment discussions will be included in the Pre-Paving and Pre-44 Planing Briefing (5-04.3(14)B3). Submit a written request to waive this requirement to the 45 Engineer prior to the start of paving. 46 47 5-04.3(14) Planing Bituminous Pavement 48 The planing plan must be approved by the Engineer and a pre-planing meeting must be 49 held prior to the start of any planing. See Section 5-04.3(14)B2 for information on planing 50 submittals. 51 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-53 1 Where planing an existing pavement is specified in the Contract, the Contractor must 2 remove existing surfacing material and to reshape the surface to remove irregularities. 3 The finished product must be a prepared surface acceptable for receiving an HMA 4 overlay. 5 6 Use the cold milling method for planing unless otherwise specified in the Contract. Do 7 not use the planer on the final wearing course of new HMA. 8 9 Conduct planing operations in a manner that does not tear, break, burn, or otherwise 10 damage the surface which is to remain. The finished planed surface must be slightly 11 grooved or roughened and must be free from gouges, deep grooves, ridges, or other 12 imperfections. The Contractor must repair any damage to the surface by the Contractor’s 13 planing equipment, using an Engineer approved method. 14 15 Repair or replace any metal castings and other surface improvements damaged by 16 planing, as determined by the Engineer. 17 18 A tapered wedge cut must be planed longitudinally along curb lines sufficient to provide a 19 minimum of 4 inches of curb reveal after placement and compaction of the final wearing 20 course. The dimensions of the wedge must be as shown on the Drawings or as specified 21 by the Engineer. 22 23 A tapered wedge cut must also be made at transitions to adjoining pavement surfaces 24 (meet lines) where butt joints are shown on the Drawings. Cut butt joints in a straight line 25 with vertical faces 2 inches or more in height, producing a smooth transition to the 26 existing adjoining pavement. 27 28 After planing is complete, planed surfaces must be swept, cleaned, and if required by the 29 Contract, patched and preleveled. 30 31 The Engineer may direct additional depth planing. Before performing this additional 32 depth planing, the Contractor must conduct a hidden metal in pavement detection survey 33 as specified in Section 5-04.3(14)A. 34 35 5-04.3(14)A Pre-Planing Metal Detection Check 36 Before starting planing of pavements, and before any additional depth planing required 37 by the Engineer, the Contractor must conduct a physical survey of existing pavement to 38 be planed with equipment that can identify hidden metal objects. 39 40 Should such metal be identified, promptly notify the Engineer. 41 42 See Section 1-07.16(1) regarding the protection of survey monumentation that may be 43 hidden in pavement. 44 45 The Contractor is solely responsible for any damage to equipment resulting from the 46 Contractor’s failure to conduct a pre-planing metal detection survey, or from the 47 Contractor’s failure to notify the Engineer of any hidden metal that is detected. 48 49 5-04.3(14)B Paving and Planing Under Traffic 50 51 5-04.3(14)B1 General 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-54 In addition, the requirements of Section 1-07.23 and the traffic controls required in 1 Section 1-10, and unless the Contract specifies otherwise or the Engineer approves, the 2 Contractor must comply with the following: 3 1. Intersections: 4 a. Keep intersections open to traffic at all times, except when paving or planing 5 operations through an intersection requires closure. Such closure must be kept 6 to the minimum time required to place and compact the HMA mixture, or plane 7 as appropriate. For paving, schedule such closure to individual lanes or portions 8 thereof that allows the traffic volumes and schedule of traffic volumes required in 9 the approved traffic control plan. Schedule work so that adjacent intersections 10 are not impacted at the same time and comply with the traffic control restrictions 11 required by the Traffic Engineer. Each individual intersection closure or partial 12 closure must be addressed in the traffic control plan, which must be submitted to 13 and accepted by the Engineer, see Section 1-10.2(2). 14 b. When planing or paving and related construction must occur in an 15 intersection, consider scheduling and sequencing such work into quarters of the 16 intersection, or half or more of an intersection with side street detours. Be 17 prepared to sequence the work to individual lanes or portions thereof. 18 c. Should closure of the intersection in its entirety be necessary, and no trolley 19 service is impacted, keep such closure to the minimum time required to place 20 and compact the HMA mixture, plane, remove asphalt, tack coat, and as 21 needed. 22 d. Any work in an intersection requires advance warning in both signage and a 23 number of Working Days advance notice as determined by the Engineer, to alert 24 traffic and emergency services of the intersection closure or partial closure. 25 e. Allow new compacted HMA asphalt to cool to ambient temperature before 26 any traffic is allowed on it. Traffic is not allowed on newly placed asphalt until 27 approval has been obtained from the Engineer. 28 29 2. Temporary centerline marking, post-paving temporary marking, temporary stop 30 bars, and maintaining temporary pavement marking must comply with Section 31 8-23. 32 3. Permanent pavement marking must comply with Section 8-22. 33 34 5-04.3(14)B2 Submittals - Planing Plan and HMA Paving Plan 35 The Contractor must submit a separate planing plan and a separate paving plan to the 36 Engineer at least 5 Working Days in advance of each operation’s activity start date. 37 These plans must show how the moving operation and traffic control are coordinated, as 38 they will be discussed at the pre-planing briefing and pre-paving briefing. When 39 requested by the Engineer, the Contractor must provide each operation’s traffic control 40 plan on 24 x 36 inch or larger size Shop Drawings with a scale showing both the area of 41 operation and sufficient detail of traffic beyond the area of operation where detour traffic 42 may be required. The scale on the Shop Drawings is 1 inch = 20 feet, which may be 43 changed if the Engineer agrees sufficient detail is shown. 44 45 The planing operation and the paving operation include, but are not limited to, metal 46 detection, removal of asphalt and temporary asphalt of any kind, tack coat and drying, 47 staging of supply trucks, paving trains, rolling, scheduling, and as may be discussed at 48 the briefing. 49 50 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-55 When intersections will be partially or totally blocked, provide adequately sized and 1 noticeable signage alerting traffic of closures to come, a minimum 2 Working Days in 2 advance. The traffic control plan must show where police officers will be stationed when 3 signalization is or may be, countermanded, and show areas where flaggers are 4 proposed. 5 6 At a minimum, the planing and the paving plan must include: 7 8 1. A copy of the accepted traffic control plan, see Section 1-10.2(2), detailing each 9 day’s traffic control as it relates to the specific requirements of that day’s planing 10 and paving. Briefly describe the sequencing of traffic control consistent with the 11 proposed planing and paving sequence, and scheduling of placement of 12 temporary pavement markings and channelizing devices after each day’s planing, 13 and paving. 14 2. A copy of each intersection’s traffic control plan. 15 3. Haul routes from supplier facilities, and locations of temporary parking and 16 staging areas, including return routes. Describe the complete round trip as it 17 relates to the sequencing of paving operations. 18 4. Names and locations of HMA supplier facilities to be used. 19 5. List of all equipment to be used for paving. 20 6. List of personnel and associated job classification assigned to each piece of 21 paving equipment. 22 7. Description (geometric or narrative) of the scheduled sequence of planing and of 23 paving and intended area of planing and of paving for each day’s work, must 24 include the directions of proposed planing and of proposed paving, sequence of 25 adjacent lane paving, sequence of skipped lane paving, intersection planing and 26 paving scheduling and sequencing, and proposed notifications and coordinations 27 to be timely made. The plan must show HMA joints relative to the final pavement 28 marking lane lines. 29 8. Names, job titles, and contact information for field, office, and plant supervisory 30 personnel. 31 9. A copy of the approved Mix Designs. 32 10. Tonnage of HMA to be placed each day. 33 11. Approximate times and days for starting and ending daily operations. 34 35 5-04.3(14)B3 Pre-Paving and Pre-Planing Briefing 36 At least 2 Working Days before the first paving operation and the first planing operation, 37 or as scheduled by the Engineer for future paving and planing operations to ensure the 38 Contractor has adequately prepared for notifying and coordinating as required in the 39 Contract, the Contractor must be prepared to discuss that day’s operations as they relate 40 to other entities and to public safety and convenience, including driveway and business 41 access, garbage truck operations, transit operations and working around energized 42 overhead wires, school and nursing home and hospital and other accesses, other 43 Contractors who may be operating in the area, pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and 44 emergency services. The Contractor, and Subcontractors that may be part of that day’s 45 operations, must meet with the Engineer and discuss the proposed operation as it 46 relates to the submitted planing plan and paving plan, approved traffic control plan, and 47 public convenience and safety. Such discussion includes, but is not limited to: 48 49 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-56 1. General for both the Paving and Planing: 1 a. The actual times of starting and ending daily operations. 2 3 b. In intersections, how to break up the intersection, and address traffic control 4 and signalization for that operation, including use of peace officers. 5 c. The sequencing and scheduling of paving operations and of planing operations, 6 as applicable, as it relates to traffic control, public convenience and safety, and 7 other Contractors who may operate in the Project limits. 8 d. Notifications required of Contractor activities and coordinating with other entities 9 and the public as necessary. 10 e. Description of the sequencing of installation and types of temporary pavement 11 markings as it relates to planning and paving. 12 f. Description of the sequencing of installation of, and the removal of, temporary 13 pavement patch material around exposed castings and as may be needed. 14 g. Description of procedures and equipment to identify hidden metal in the 15 pavement, such as survey monumentation, monitoring wells, streetcar rail, and 16 castings, before planing as per Section 5-04.3(14)B2. 17 h. Description of how flaggers will be coordinated with the planing, paving, and 18 related operations. 19 i. Description of sequencing of traffic controls for the process of rigid pavement 20 base repairs. 21 j. Other items the Engineer deems necessary to address. 22 23 2. Paving – additional topics: 24 a. When to start applying tack and coordinating with paving. 25 b. Types of equipment and numbers of each type of equipment to be used. If 26 more pieces of equipment than personnel are proposed, describe the 27 sequencing of the personnel operating the types of equipment. Discuss the 28 continuance of operator personnel for each type of equipment as it relates to 29 meeting Specification requirements. 30 c. Number of JMFs to be placed, and if more than one JMF is used, how the 31 Contractor will ensure different JMFs are distinguished, how pavers and how 32 MTVs are distinguished, and how pavers and MTVs are cleaned so that one 33 JMF does not adversely influence the other JMF. 34 d. Description of contingency plans for that day’s operations such as equipment 35 breakdown, rain out, and supplier shutdown of operations. 36 e. Number of sublots to be placed, sequencing of density testing, and other 37 sampling and testing. 38 39 5-04.3(15) Sealing Pavement Surfaces 40 Apply a fog seal where shown in the plans. Construct the fog seal in accordance with 41 Section 5-02.3. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, apply the fog seal prior to 42 opening to traffic. 43 44 5-04.3(16) HMA Road Approaches 45 Construct HMA approaches at the locations shown in the Plans or where staked by the 46 Engineer, in accordance with Section 5-04. 47 48 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-57 (*****Section 5-04.4 Measurement removed from January 31, 2023 APWA GSP*****) 1 2 (*****Section 5-04.5 Payment removed from January 31, 2023 APWA GSP*****) 3 (End of January 31, 2023 APWA GSP) 4 5 Section 5-04.3 is supplemented with the following new section: 6 7 (******) 8 5-04.3 (17) Speed Cushions 9 Speed cushions shall be installed as shown in the Plans. Acceptable tolerances will be 10 up to 1/4 inch. Speed cushions shall be constructed with HMA CL 3/8 inch PG 58H-22 11 for 3 million design ESALs. Mixture acceptance will be by Commercial Evaluation at the 12 option of the Engineer in accordance with 5-04.3(9). HMA Compaction Acceptance will 13 be by Visual Evaluation per Standard Specification 5-04.3(10). 14 15 The Contractor shall conduct the excavation operations in a manner that will protect the 16 pavement that is to remain. Pavement not designated to be removed that is damaged 17 as a result of the Contractor’s operations shall be repaired by the Contractor to the 18 satisfaction of the Engineer at no cost to the Contracting Agency. 19 20 Asphalt for tack coat shall be required as specified in Section 5-04.3(4). A heavy 21 application of tack coat shall be applied to all surfaces of existing pavement in the 22 speed cushion area. 23 24 Placement of the HMA backfill shall be accomplished in lifts not to exceed 0.35-foot 25 compacted depth. Lifts that exceed 0.35-foot of compacted depth may be accomplished 26 with the approval of the Engineer. Each lift shall be thoroughly compacted by a 27 mechanical tamper or a roller. 28 29 Construction joints shall be sealed per standard specification 5-03.3(3)C. 30 31 5-04.4 Measurement 32 Section 5-04.4 is supplemented with the following: 33 34 (******) 35 Speed Cushion will be measured per each cushion installed. 36 37 5-04.5 Payment 38 Section 5-04.5 is supplemented with the following: 39 40 (******) 41 “Speed Cushion”, per each. 42 The Bid item price for “Speed Cushion” includes all costs for the work required to layout 43 and construct each speed cushion including pavement preparation, sawcut, planing 44 bituminous pavement, haul and disposal or removal materials, and all work required to 45 haul, place, and compact the asphalt mix into the shape required, including application 46 of tack coat and sealants. 47 48 49 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-58 DIVISION 8 1 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 2 3 8-01 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL 4 5 8-01.3 Construction Requirements 6 7 8-01.3(9) Sediment Control Barriers 8 9 8-01.3(9)D Inlet Protection 10 (******) 11 12 Section 8-01.3(9)D is supplemented with following: 13 14 At existing inlets with an open curb, the Contractor shall provide a protective system 15 that restricts sediment entry into the inlet. This device may be a combination of 16 elements below and above the inlet grate or a combined system such as the Grainger 17 Ultratech Inlet Guard. 18 19 The system shall not include any objects that protrude more than 6 inches from the face 20 of curb into the roadway and/or bicycle lane. Therefore, designs such as City of Renton 21 Standard Plan 216.40 and 216.50 shall not be used. 22 23 The inlet protection systems for open-curb inlets shall be approved by the Engineer 24 prior to implementation. 25 26 8-10 GUIDE POSTS 27 28 8-10.2 Materials 29 Section 8-10.2 is supplemented with following: 30 31 (******) 32 Flexible Guide Post with Curb Base 33 Flexible Guide Posts shall be MP Flex Post SPEC-MP2 (white, 36” high, open round 34 top, with MUTCD compliant retroreflective sheeting) by Impact Recovery Systems, or 35 approved equal. 36 37 Post curb bases shall be Tuff Curb XLP (white, with white reflectors) by Impact 38 Recovery Systems, or approved equal. 39 40 (******) 41 Flexible Object Marker 42 Flexible Object Markers shall be 12” Large Hazard Markers (12” x 36” object marker, 43 48” overall height, black surface mount fixed base) by Impact Recovery Systems or 44 approved equal. 45 46 Bases shall be anchor-bolted per the manufacturer’s installation instructions. 47 48 8-10.3 Construction Requirement 49 Section 8-10.3 is supplemented with following: 50 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-59 Flexible Object Marker Removal 1 Existing flexible object makers conflicting with proposed pavement markings shall be 2 removed. 3 4 The Contractor shall remove flexible object markers and epoxy using a method that will 5 not damage the pavement to remain. 6 7 Divots or indentations in the pavement, resulting from the marker removal, shall be 8 repaired using an asphalt/sand slurry mixture. 9 10 8-10.4 Measurement 11 Section 8-10.4 is supplemented with following: 12 13 Flexible Object Marker will be measured by the unit for each marker furnished and 14 installed. 15 16 Flexible Guide Post With Curb Base will be measured by the unit for each marker 17 furnished and installed. 18 19 Flexible Object Marker Removal will not be measured. 20 21 8-10.5 Payment 22 Section 8-10.5 is supplemented with following: 23 24 “Flexible Guide Post With Curb Base” per each. 25 Payment for Flexible Guide Post with Curb Base shall include all costs for procuring and 26 installing the markers and Tuff Curb post bases and any other work or materials 27 required for the work as required by the specifications or plans. 28 29 “Flexible Object Marker” per each. 30 Payment for Flexible Object Marker shall include all costs for procuring and installing 31 the markers and bases and any other work or materials required for the work as 32 required by the specifications or plans. 33 34 There will be no payment for Flexible Object Marker Removal. The cost for Flexible 35 Object Marker Removal shall be incidental to “Speed Cushion” in Section 5-04. 36 37 8-21 PERMANENT SIGNING 38 39 8-21.2 Materials 40 Section 8-21.2 is supplemented with the following: 41 42 (******) 43 Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections as applicable unless 44 noted: 45 Painting 6-07 46 Permanent Signing 8-21 47 Signing Materials and Fabrication 9-28 48 49 Lettering and border graphics shall be white, non-reflective, in an opaque, white 2-mil 50 cast vinyl adhesive graphic film with matte finish, clear, removable, pressure-sensitive 51 adhesive (solvent acrylic) for exterior signage application and have a life performance of 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-60 (7) years durability, UV resistant, chemical and moisture resistant. 1 2 Sign Name Signs shall have 2-mil cast vinyl adhesive graphic film with matte finish, 3 clear, removable, pressure-sensitive adhesive (solvent acrylic) for exterior signage 4 application and have a life performance of (7) years durability, UV resistant, chemical 5 and moisture resistant, applicable for color printing application. 6 7 Aluminum sheet shall conform to ASTM B209M – 07 Standard Specification for 8 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate. 9 10 Fasteners to secure sign plates into places shall be Type 316 stainless steel. Zinc-plated 11 fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633, Class FE/ZN 5. 12 13 Custom colored digitally printed logo shall have coefficient of retroreflection varying 14 between that of the base sheeting as given in Table B, and zero (opaque) depending on 15 the hue and saturation (or chromaticity and lightness) of the custom color. 16 17 Conformance to standard chromaticity and luminance factor requirements shall be in 18 accordance with ASTM E1164. 19 20 Conformance to coefficient of retroreflection requirements shall be in accordance with 21 ASTM E810 “Test Method for Coefficient of Retroreflection of Retroreflective Sheeting”. 22 23 Minimum percentage of retroflection retained after 8 years shall be minimum of 24 70%. 25 26 Adhesive and film properties shall be applied to test panels and conditioned in 27 accordance with ASTM D4956 and test methods and conditions shall conform to ASTM 28 D4956. 29 30 The following properties shall conform to the requirements in ASTM D4956: 31 1. Adhesion 32 2. Outdoor weathering - retained coefficient of retroreflection- colorfastness 33 3. Shrinkage 34 2. Flexibility 35 3. Liner removal 36 4. Impact resistance 37 38 Gloss test method shall be in accordance with ASTM D523. Rating shall not be less than 39 50. 40 41 Optical stability of the sheeting shall retain a minimum of 85% and a maximum of 115% 42 of the original coefficient of retroreflection. 43 44 Street Name Signs on signal mast arms shall be provided with a warranty for signs made 45 with custom colors. The areas of the signs featuring custom colors shall be warrantied 46 against excessive fading, discoloring, cracking, crazing, peeling, blistering and loss of 47 reflectivity such that signs become visually unsuitable for their intended purpose for a 48 period of eight years. 49 50 8-21.3 Construction Requirements 51 (******) 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-61 Section 8-21.3 is supplemented with the following: 1 Surface of street name sign plate shall be prepared by sheeting manufacturer’s 2 recommendations. 3 4 Vinyl adhesive graphic film shall be positioned at zero degree application angle at +4°C 5 minimum (air and substrate) per manufacturer’s recommendation. 6 7 Sign Code Numbers indicated on the Plans are in reference to the Washington State 8 Department of Transportation Sign Fabrication Manual and the Manual on Uniform Traffic 9 Control Devices (MUTCD). 10 11 Upon completion of the project, the Contractor shall reset all signs that have been 12 disturbed or removed during the construction in their permanent location to the 13 satisfaction of the City. Existing concrete at the base of signpost shall be removed prior 14 to installation in new concrete. 15 16 Relocated signs shall be installed on new painted Telis bar as shown in the Plans or 17 attached to light poles where noted on the Plans. 18 19 Telis bar sign poles shall be powder coated and color per Section 6-07 if the pole is 20 located in the City Of Renton Streetscape boundary. All other sign installations shall be 21 non-painted Telis bar sign post. 22 23 All costs associated with resetting, relocation and removal & replacement of existing signs 24 shall be included in the lump sum “Permanent Signing”. Any sign that is relocated or 25 reinstalled shall be bought up to current City Of Renton Standard. 26 The Contractor shall coordinate with King County Metro for the removal and relocation of 27 all bus stop signs within the project area. Any damage due to the Contractor’s negligence 28 before the end of the project shall be replaced by the Contractor with no additional 29 compensation allowed. 30 31 Any damage due to the Contractor’s negligence before the end of the project shall be 32 replaced by the Contractor with no additional compensation allowed. 33 The Contractor shall request from the Engineer electronic graphic files prior to street 34 name sign samples approval. The Contractor shall provide graphic artwork, catalog cut 35 sheet and a full scale sample of all street name signs mounted on signal mast arms for 36 Engineer’s approval, prior to manufacturing. 37 38 The Contractor shall provide three (3) copies of shop drawings for fabrication, fastening 39 locations, and installation of all street name sign types prior to fabrication, for Engineer’s 40 approval. 41 42 8-21.4 Measurement 43 Section 8-21.4 is supplemented with the following: 44 45 (April 6, 2015 WSDOT GSP) 46 Permanent Signing contain(s) the following approximate quantities of material and work: 47 22 (EA) new traffic posts 48 55 (EA) new traffic signs 49 2 (EA) sign and post removal including all relevant items of work specified in 8-21 50 1 (EA) sign relocation (mounted height adjustment) including all relevant items of 51 work specified in 8-21 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-62 The quantities are listed only for the convenience of the Contractor in determining the 1 volume of work involved and are not guaranteed to be accurate. The prospective 2 bidders shall verify these quantities before submitting a bid. No adjustments other than 3 for approved changes will be made in the applicable sign structure lump sum contract 4 price even though the actual quantities required may deviate from those listed. 5 6 8-22 PAVEMENT MARKING 7 8 8-22.1 Description 9 Section 8-22.1 is supplemented with the following: 10 11 (******) 12 Pavement markings shall conform to the following WSDOT Standard Plans and City of 13 Renton Standard Plans: 14 COR 109 PAVEMENT MARKING NOTES 15 M-80.30-00 TRAFFIC LETTERS AND NUMERALS (LOW SPEED ROADWAYS) 16 17 8-22.2 Materials 18 The third sentence Section 8-22.2 is deleted and replaced with the following: 19 20 (*****) 21 Glass beads for Type A plastic shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 22 23 Section 8-22.2 is supplemented with the following: 24 25 (*****) 26 Glass beads for Type D plastic and Bonded Core Elements shall be as shown in Section 27 9-34.4. 28 29 8-22.3 Construction Requirements 30 Section 8-22.3 is supplemented with the following: 31 32 (*****) 33 Contractor shall notify the Engineer and request approval of the pre-mark channelization 34 at least 48 hours prior to placement of pavement markings. 35 36 Thermal plastic on Asphalt shall contain 3M 50/50 wet/dry elements. 37 38 Speed Cushion Chevron 39 Speed cushion chevrons shall be Type B plastic and shall be constructed in accordance 40 with the Contract Documents. 41 42 8-22.3(3) Marking Application 43 Section 8-22.3(3) is supplemented with the following: 44 45 (******) 46 Paint applied over an existing paint marking shall require a single application meeting the 47 requirements for the second coat of paint. 48 49 8-22.3(3)E Installation 50 Section 8-22.3(3)E is modified as follows: 51 When applying paint, Type A or Type C material, ensure that both the pavement surface 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-63 and the air temperature at the time of application are not less than 50°F and rising. When 1 applying Type B or Type D material, ensure that both the pavement surface and the air 2 temperature at the time of application are not less than 50°F and rising. 3 4 Section 8-22.3(3)E is supplemented with the following: 5 Profiled Type D lines shall be installed per WSDOT Standard Plan M-20.20-01. 6 7 8-22.3(3)G Glass Beads 8 Section 8-22.3(3)G is supplemented with the following: 9 10 Glass beads shall be applied to Type D markings at a rate of eight (8) to ten (10) pounds 11 per one hundred square feet. 12 13 Bonded core elements shall be applied to Type D markings at a rate of ten (10) grams per 14 four (4) inch wide by one (1) linear foot of marking. 15 16 8-22.4 Measurement 17 Section 8-22.4 is supplemented with the following: 18 19 (******) 20 Speed cushion chevron markings will be measured per each for each marking placed. 21 22 8-22.5 Payment 23 Section 8-22.5 is supplemented with the following: 24 25 (******) 26 “Plastic Speed Cushion Chevron”, per each. 27 28 8-23 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT MARKINGS 29 30 8-23.3 Construction Requirements 31 32 8-23.3(2) Preliminary Spotting 33 34 Section 8-23.3(2) is supplemented with the following: 35 36 (******) 37 The Contractor shall perform preliminary layout work to the satisfaction of the Engineer 38 prior to installation of temporary pavement markings. After approval of permanent lane 39 markings, the Contractor shall remove the temporary lane markings to the satisfaction of 40 the Engineer. 41 42 The Contractor shall install and remove approved 4 inch wide reflective traffic tape for 43 temporary pavement markings as specified in the Plans, these Special Provisions, or as 44 directed by the Engineer. 45 46 8-23.3(4) Pavement Marking Application 47 48 8-23.3(4)A Temporary Pavement Markings – Short Duration 49 50 Replace Section 8-23.3(4)A with the following: 51 52 2022–23 TRAFFIC CALMING – LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD N May 2023 SP-64 (******) 1 Temporary pavement markings – short duration shall be in accordance with the Standard 2 Plans and meet the following requirements: 3 4 Temporary Center Line and Lane Line – Appropriately colored BROKEN yellow 4-inch-5 wide reflective traffic tape shall be installed with a skip pattern based on a 10-foot unit 6 consisting of a 1-foot line of tape and a 9-foot gap, unless otherwise specified on the 7 Plans or in the Special Provisions. 8 9 Temporary Edge Line – A SOLID continuous line shall be used on the edges of 10 Traveled Way, including bike lane lines. 11 12 Temporary Miscellaneous Pavement Markings – A solid symbol or linear marking for 13 traffic arrows, HOV lane symbols, and other markings made with white paint or tape. 14 Symbols should mimic those shown in the Standard Plans. 15 16 Reflective traffic tape markings shall generally follow the alignment for the permanent 17 pavement markings and double lines shall be used when specified for the permanent 18 pavement markings. 19 20 Reflective tape shall not be used when the temporary pavement markings are to be 21 exposed to traffic for more than two weeks without the written approval of the Engineer. 22 Paint lines shall be provided for temporary pavement marking conditions not applicable 23 for reflective tape. 24 City of Renton Contract Provisions for 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX A PREVAILING HOURLY MINIMUM WAGE RATES City of Renton Contract Provisions for 202223 Traffic Calming Lake Washington Boulevard N ______________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX B STANDARD PLANS (CITY OF RENTON AND WSDOT) ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING WSDOT STD. PLANS, EXCEPT CROSSWALK MARKINGS AND STOP BARS SHALL BE PER CITY OF RENTON STD. PLANS 127 AND 128. WSDOT STD. PLANS NOT INCLUDED BELOW SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. M-3.10-04 LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION M-3.20-03 LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION REDUCED TAPERS M-3.30-04 LEFT-TURN CHANNELIZATION TEE INTERSECTION AND BACK-TO-BACK TURN LANES M-3.40-04 TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN AND MEDIAN CHANNELIZATION M-3.50-03 DOUBLE LEFT TURN CHANNELIZATION M-5.10-03 RIGHT TURN CHANNELIZATION M-9.50-02 BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL LAYOUT M-9.60-00 SHARED - USE PATH MARKINGS M-11.10-03 RAILROAD CROSSING LAYOUT M-12.10-02 ROUNDABOUT PAVEMENT MARKINGS M-20.10-03 LONGITUDINAL MARKING PATTERNS M-20.30-04 LONGITUDINAL MARKING SUPPLEMENT WITH RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS M-20.20-02 PROFILED AND EMBOSSED PLASTIC LINES M-24.20-02 SYMBOL MARKINGS ~ TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR HIGH-SPEED ROADWAYS M-24.40-02 SYMBOL MARKINGS ~ TRAFFIC ARROWS FOR LOW-SPEED ROADWAYS M-24.60-04 SYMBOL MARKINGS MISCELLANEOUS LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONSIST OF PROFILED AND EMBOSSED METHYL METHACRYLATE MMA), OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE 2 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS WITH REFLECTORS SHALL BE REQUIRED ON ROADWAYS WITH SPEED LIMITS OF 30 MPH OR HIGHER, OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE 2 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS WITH REFLECTORS SHALL BE REQUIRED ON ROADWAYS WITH SPEED LIMITS OF 25 MPH OR LOWER, WHERE MINIMUM REQUIRED LIGHTING LEVELS ARE NOT MET AND/OR WHERE CITY OWNED STREET LIGHTS DO NOT EXIST, OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. PAVEMENT LETTERS, AND RED/GREEN PAVEMENT BACKGROUNDS SHALL CONSIST OF METHYL METHACRYLATE MMA), OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. PAVEMENT SYMBOLS, CROSSWALK MARKINGS, AND STOP BARS SHALL CONSIST OF THERMOPLASTIC, OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. THERMOPLASTIC SHALL CONTAIN 3M 50/50 WET/DRY ELEMENTS, OR APPROVED EQUAL. IF INSTALLED ON CONCRETE, PAVEMENT SYMBOLS, CROSSWALK MARKINGS, AND STOP BARS SHALL BE 3M STAMARK ALL WEATHER TAPE 380AW SERIES, OR APPROVED EQUAL. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS CONSISTING OF PAINT SHALL BE USED FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES, OR UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. LONGITUDINAL PAVEMENT MARKINGS WHERE ALL MARKINGS ARE TO CONSIST OF RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL FROM CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION. IF APPROVED, LONGITUDINAL LANE MARKINGS SHALL FOLLOW WSDOT STD. PLAN M-20.50-02 LONGITUDINAL MARKING SUBSTITUTION W/RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS. PAVEMENT SURFACE AND AIR TEMPERATURE AT THE TIME OF PAVEMENT MARKING APPLICATION SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 50° F. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT BAND - OR MOUNTING ON EXISTING METAL POLE OR LUMINAIRE MIN. NOTES 1. DIMENSIONS FOR THE PARTS USED TO ASSEMBLE THE BASE CONNECTIONS ARE INTENTIONALLY NOT SHOWN. BASE CONNECTIONS ARE PATENTED, MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS THAT ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH NCHRP 350 CRASH TEST CRITERIA. THE BASE CONNECTION DETAILS ARE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ONLY TO ILLUSTRATE HOW THE PARTS ARE ASSEMBLED. 2. A 2- (IN) POST WITH A 2 1/4" (IN) PSST ANCHOR OR A 2 1/4" (IN) POST WITH A 2 1/2" (IN) PSST ANCHOR MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. SEE CONTRACT PLANS. 3. PERFORATED SQUARE STEEL POST SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSOOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-06. 4. USE ONLY BASE CONNECTION MANUFACTURER SUPPLIED HARDWARE THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 9-06 AND 9-28. EDGE OF TRAVELED ROADWAY 90-F,3C FOR REFLECTORIZED SIGNS: MOUNT FACING 3'(degree) OUTWARD IF SIGN IS WITHIN 30 FEET OF ROADWAY SIGN FACE ORIENTATION BOLT STOPGN POST TYPE ST -4 SIGN SUPPORT OST SUPPORT — 2.25" HOT—DIP GALV., ANCHOR ON CRE 1E MOUNTING ON METAL POST SIGN MOUNTING ON SINGLE STD. PLAN- 129isPUBLICWORKSMETALPOSTAPPROVED: tiZ + DEPARTMENT ( ADOPTED ( /V nerc SIGN POST s LOWER SIGN e 5/16" (IN) CORNER BOLT IN) POST SUPPORT OR 3/6' FLANGED SHOULDER BOLT NTH NUT AND WASHERS 2 REQUIRED (TYP.) BOLT STOPGN POST TYPE ST -4 SIGN SUPPORT OST SUPPORT — 2.25" HOT—DIP GALV., ANCHOR ON CRE 1E MOUNTING ON METAL POST SIGN MOUNTING ON SINGLE STD. PLAN- 129isPUBLICWORKSMETALPOSTAPPROVED: tiZ + DEPARTMENT ( ADOPTED ( /V nerc DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D9B0DA8-0385-4664-AE66-57BFF1561D7F 7/27/2022 | 5:44 PM PDT NOTES: SECTION VIEW ISOMETRIC VIEW DRAINAGE GRATE TRIM GRATE FRAME FILTERED WATER SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS OVERFLOW BYPASS BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE DRAINAGE GRATE RECTANGULAR GRATE SHOWN)RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (TYP.) OVERFLOW BYPASS (TYP.) BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE 1.PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS DOWNSLOPE AND WITHIN 500 FEET OF A DISTURBED OR CONSTRUCTION AREA, UNLESS THE RUNOFF THAT ENTERS THE CATCH BASIN WILL BE CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT POND OR TRAP. 2.INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE USED TO PROTECT THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 3.THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA MUST NOT BE LARGER THAN ONE ACRE. 4.SIZE THE BELOW INLET GRATE DEVICE (BIGD) FOR THE STORMWATER STRUCTURE IT WILL SERVICE. 5.THE BIGD SHALL HAVE A BUILT-IN HIGH-FLOW RELIEF SYSTEM (OVERFLOW BYPASS). 6.THE RETRIEVAL SYSTEM MUST ALLOW REMOVAL OF THE BIGD WITHOUT SPILLING THE COLLECTED MATERIAL. 7.PERFORM MAINTENANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATION 8-01.3(15). 8.ANY SEDIMENT IN THE CATCH BASIN INSERT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS FILLED ONE-THIRD OF THE AVAILABLE STORAGE. THE FILTER MEDIA FOR THE INSERT SHALL BE CLEANED OR REPLACED AT LEAST MONTHLY. 5" MAX. CATCH BASIN INSERT STD. PLAN - 216.30 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED: DATEGreggZimmerman Public Works Administrator UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE (NTS) DocuSign Envelope ID: 6EECF5B6-602A-4E4A-B436-A317AA638878 9/28/2018 | 9:45 AM PDT