HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-17-203 CERTIFICATE OF MAYOR APPROVING ISSUANCE OF OBLIGATIONS BY HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF RENTON (Golden Cedars Project) � I am in receipt of the attached letter from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton (the"Authority") dated October 30, 2017 (the "Authority Letter"), advising the City of Renton, Washington (the "City") that the Authority intends to issue certain obligations (the"Obligations") pursuant to a plan of financing, which may consist of multiple issues as described in the Authority Letter (the "Plan of Financing") with respect to the project further described below (the"Project"). The Authority has advised the City that the Project will be owned, for federal income tax purposes, by Golden Cedars LLLP, a Washington limited liability limited partnership of which the Authority is the sole general partner (the"Bonower") and that proceeds of the Obligations will be used to make a loan or loans to the Borrower. The Obligations, the Project and the proposed financing are further described below: Project Description: Finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of three aparhnent complexes containing a total of approximately 369 dwelling units, to provide housing for low-income persons, as qualified , residential rental projects under Section 142(d} of the Code _ Maximum Amount of Obligations: $58,000,000 Project-Owrier/Operator: Golden Cedars LLLP, a Washington limited liability limited partnership of which the Authority is the sole general partner Project Locations: Golden Pines: 2901 NE 10`�' Street, Renton, . Washington Cedar River i errrac�: 51 Burnett�verrae S. Renton, Washington Cedar Park: 408, 432, 450, 454, and 458 Monroe Avenue NE, Renton, Washington The Mayor is a City-wide elected official, the City has jurisdiction over the location of the Project and the Authoriry has advised the City that the Authority's bond counsel has determined.that the Mayor represents the City for the purposes of the approval of the issuance of the Obligations pursuant to the Plan of Financing as required by Section 147(� of the Code. 51G44646� I, Denis Law, Mayor of the City of Renton, Washington, approve each issue of the Obligations that is timely issued by the Authority for the Project in accordance with the Plan of Financing for the Project as described herein and in the Authority Letter. This approval is intended solely to comply with the requirements of Section 147(� of the Code. This approval is not intended to imply that the Obligations are issued on behalf of the City, that the City has approved the form of documents relating to the Obligations, that the City has approved underlying credit issues regarding the Project, or that the City is under any duty or has any responsibility for the payment of the Obligations or for fulf llment of the Authority's obligations under documents relating to the Project or Plan of Financing. �� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this instrument this 3` � ay of ;�d�,✓, 2017. � � Denis Law,Mayor City of Renton, Washington 51644646.2 � i ��N�oN HOUS�Nc � AU�-HOR1'i� RE�iITON HOIJSIIVG 1�lJTFi�RITY = P.O.Box 2316• Renton,WA 98056-0316 Office 425/2261850•Fax 425/271-8319 EovA��o�S��c "ITY 1-800-833-6388�� cNPoa,urmTr wtiv�v.rentonhousina.arQ October 30, 2017 Honorable Mayor Denis Law City of Renton Renton City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Re: Housing Authority of the City of Renton—Golden Cedars Project Dear Mayor Law: The Housing Authority of the City of Renton (the "Authority"), a housing authority created under chapter 35.82 of the Revised Code of Washington (the "Housing Authorities Law"), is planning the rehabilitation of the following three apartment complexes, known collectively as the Golden Cedars Project(the "Project"): 1. Golden Pines, located at 2901 NE 10`h Street; Renton, Washington, 2. Cedar River Terrace, Iocated at 51 Burnett Avenue S. Renton, Washington, and 3. Cedar Park, located at 408, 432, 450,454, and 458 Monroe Avenue NE, Renton, Washington. The renovated Project will provide a total of approximately 369 unit of housing for low-income persons in the City of Ftenton, �Nashington (fhe "City"). As further described below, the Authority is requesting your approval of the issuance of tax- exempt qualified private activity obligations (the "Qbligations") to fnancP ,�portion of thp costs of the Project. Although the City's approval is required for the issuance of the Obligafions, it does not create or imply any responsibility on the part of the City to issue the Obligations, to pay debt service on the Obligations or to determine whether the Obligations or the Project are financially feasible. The financing sources for the Project will include low income housing tax credits, the Obligations, and other loans. In order to qualify for low income housing t� credits, the Project must be owned by a private entity. Here, ownership of the Project for federal income tax purposes will be transferred via a long-term lease to Golden Cedars LLLP (the "Borrower"), a Washington limited liability limited partnership of which the Authority is the sole general partner. The Authority will issue the Obligations as a conduit issuer and use the proceeds of the sale of the Obligations to make a loan or loans to the Borrower to f nance the costs of the Project. x , . The Obligations will be issued for the Projeet pursuant to a plan of financing within the meaning of applicable Treasury Regulations (the "Plan of Financing") and (a)may eonsist of a line of credit and/or one or more issues (including refunding issues) of revenue bond anticipation notes to provide interim financing for the Project and one or more issues (including refunding issues) of long- term revenue bonds or notes to provide permanent financing for the Project; and (b) will be issued in accordance with a schedule such that the first issue of the Obligations for the Project will be issued no later than one year after the clate of txie Mayor's approval and any subsequent issue for the Project will be issued .no later than three years after the issue date of the first such issue for the Project. The maximum aggregate principal amount of Obligations issued for the Project will not exceed $58,000,000. In caleulating the maximum aggregate principal amount of the Obligations issued for the Project pursuant to the Plan of Financing, the principal amount of any issue of Obligations used to currently refund a prior issue of Obligations will be disregarded to the extent that the principal amount of such refunding issue does not exceed the outstanding principal arnount of the prior is5ue. Unlike "governmental" taa�-exempt bonds, qualified private activity bonds may finance a facility to be used primarily by a private entity, so long as 95% o£ the proceeds of the bonds are applied to a qualifying purpose (here,provision of low-income housing) and certain other requirements are met. Among the special requirements applicable to qualified private activity bonds are those contained in Section 147(� of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"}. Under these provisions, added 'by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act and therefore often referred to by the acronym "TEFRA", are notiee, hearing and local government approval requirements. These TEFRA requirements are intended to provide opportunities for the public to be rnade aware of projects to be financed�vith tax-exempt qualified private activity bonds. Section 147(� of the Code requires that a qualified private activity bond be approved by (a)the governmental unit that issues the bond, or on behalf of which such bond is issued, and (b)a governmental unit having jurisdiction over the area in which the financed facility is located. A bond may be approved by the "applicable elected representative" of a governmenta.l unit, The City has jurisdiction over the location of the Project. Therefore, approval by the City constitutes approval by a governmental unit having jurisdiction over the area in which the financed facility is located. Tn addition, as explained below, the Authority's bond counsel has advised us that approval by the City satisfies the requirement for approval by the governmental unit that issues the Obligations, in this case, the Authority. Here, the Authority is serving as the issuer of the tax-exempt Obligations. Because the members of the Autho:ity governing body are appointed, rather than elected, the Authority does not have its ow.n "appli.cable elected re�resent�ti�e" fo�' p��?�,+oses �f thP TEFRA requireme??ts. The � Authority's bond counsel has advised us that; because the City activated the Authority(Resolution 559 of the City Council of the City of Renton adopted September 2, 1941) under the Housing Authorities Law and appoints members to the Authority's governing body, the "applicable elected representative" of the City is treated as the "applicable elected representative" of the Authority for TEFRA purposes. Our bond counsel has further advised that the Citq's Mayor, as the City's chief elected executive . officer, is an "applicable elected representative" of the City and represents the City for ,purposes of TEFR.A approval. Approval by the Mayor satisfies both the "issuer"' TEFRA approval requirements and the"jurisdietion"TEFRA approval requirements. The approval of the applicable elected representative must be made "after a public hearing following reasonable public notice." The Treasury Regulations on this topic provide that notice is presumed reasonable if is published no fewer than 14 days before the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation available to residents of that locality. The Authority published a notice of a public hearing with respect to the Project and the Obligations on October 9, 2017, in The Daily .Tournal of 51'6446462 *_. . � ; Commerce,:a.newspaper of general circulation in the City. A copy of the affidavit of ptiblication of this notice is enclosed. The:Treasury Regulations also provide that a public hearing "means a forurri providing a reasonable opjiortunity for interested individuals to express their views; tioth orally and in writing, ori the proposed issue of:bonds and the loeation and nature of a proposed facility to be financed." The Authority held a hearing regarding the proposed Obligations and the Project :on Octobei 25, 2017. As shown in the enclosed hearing minutes; no one from the public appeared to . present testimony or provided writteri.testimony in advance of the hearing. Although approval;of the City is required for issuar�ce of tax-exempt qualified private activity bonds to finanee the Project, this approval is intended solely to comply with tlie requirernents of Section 147(� o�the Code and is not intended to irriply that the Obligations are issued on belialf of the City, that the City has appraved the form of documents relating to the Obligations, that the City has: . . approved underlying credit issues regarding the Project, or that the City is under any duty.or has any responsibility for tlie payment of the Obligations or�ar fulfillment of.the Authority's or the Borrower's obligations under documents�relating to the Project or the Plan of Finaricing. _ `I'he Authorit res ectfull . re uests that ou execute the enclos.ed certificate indicatin our Y p Y q Y gY approval of the issuance of the Obligations pursuant:to the Plan of Firiaricing for the Project: Please do not hesitate to contact.:me, or our bond eourisel (Allison Scliwartzman (206) 447=5406) witli any: , questions or if we may be of assistance. Sincerely, Ma rk Gr p i Director: Ericl. . � 51644646.7 . . . � MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING _ The Housing Authority of the City of Renton (the "Authority") conducted a public hearing on.. : Wednesday, October 25,2017,at 3:00 p.m.; at the offices of the Authority located at 2900 NE l Ocn Street, Renton, Washington.. T1ie purpose of the hearing was to corisider public testimoriy on the proposed issuance by the Authority; pursuant to chapter 35.82 RCW arid a plan of financing witli respect to tlie project described below (the"Project"),.of certain obligations fhe interest on wliich will be excluded from. gross income for federai income tax purposes pursuant to Sections 103 and 142.of the Internal _ Revenue Code of 1986; as amended.(the"Code"): ' Proj ect Description: . Finance the acquisition.and rehabilitatio.n of three apartment complexes containing a tofal of approximately 369 dwelling units,to provide ; housing far low-income persons, as qualified residential rental projects under Sectian 142(d) o the Code � 1Vlaximum Amount of Obligations: $58,000,000 _ Proj.ect Owner/Operator: Golden Cedars LLLP, a Washirigton limited liability limited partnership of wliich the Authority � is the sole general partner Project Locations: ' Golden Pines: 2901 NE l Oth Street,Renton, Washington . . Cedar River.Terrace: 51 Burriett Avenue S. R.enton, Washington Cedar Fark: 408, 432, 450,454, anci 458 Monroe Avenue NE, Rentoi�, `3Jashi�igton The hearing was called to order by 1Vlark Gropper of the Authority, �t 3:00 p:m. No one from the : public appeared to present testimony; aiid no written comments were received prior to or at the hearing. The hearing was adjourried at 3:15 p.rri. Mark Gro per, irector . . S 1 G44647.2 " � � � � TEFRA PIJ�LIC FlEAR'ING � , ifi d���x��p��'�1����,4.'� � $ ; �� i ,T � � �� . �"y�� �•�1 ���b f r" M1 ,}' d '��z .� � k p �: .,..,�. .t.°- ,+rk1L.+6Gs,.E' .�:.w, T iwav.>,wa.zd..-r—...=.'",'9'.�'�A.:,,F`i�."'....« q�r a b k �d P ^u.e . �� .,t�✓��i�' <.�_�.�,.�.�'nC�i!'�` . .. I�/fZ�GrG�_ . , . . �,f M { � / � -.. ��!`t� t�3�. � 4'���:��•: i,,a.� 1.a,.,""1' °��,d��'� • '*A'. 1�,�`r'Q.r_ �.4/: f: V e . .�. . . . .. - , .. . . '. .' c . . tt� (. �. :.' .. ' .::.': .' . : :. . !.1�..:. .. .::� : ..�. .. _:: 1 � . STATE OF�WASHINGTC�le1 --KTNG CO�J1e1TY _SS, �54590 No.. FOS7'ER.PEPPER PLLC . Affidadit of Publication The undersigned,on oath states:th.at he is an authorized represenfative of The D.ai1y Journal of Cominerce,a daily newspaper,which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general eirculation and it is now and has been.for more than six_moinths prior to the date:of pulilication hereinafter referred to,published in ; the Engl'ish language continuously as a daily newspaper in Seattle,King Gouilty,V✓ashington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of this newspaper.:The Daily Journal of Commerce was on the 12`h day of June, 1941,approved as a legal newspape�•by the Superior Gourt of.King County. The notice in the exact form annexed;was published in regular issues of`I'he Daily Journal of Commerce,.which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period,The annexed notice,:a PNPH:GOLDEN GEDARS LLLP was publislied on 10/09/17 �,�,��'�'��4�ltt�filie�'ee charged for.the foregoing publication is Ut s,ti; ` of$ _.4 80 which ainount fias been . �a��,...����•�;1�o� /� � *,,, : .• �f,.. .rA"!M"s�a,y��►+. p�- ! _ ; 5:- :�OT �,���s,: _ _ ,� �: � �Qp.����* -` . . I��% A'�- e,��= �Z.�`� Subscribed and sw�,rn to before me on . • �]� g 'o ,o ��CIC ��:: �y: - '! E'�'�+ri�''9. g, . .•� �e . 1O109/2017 _ � � ��!1a:ii.+¢``` ..+ �a'�r .� . ' .. !_ � � � .. . .. . . . . ., . . �r�:'� ���ti` . .. � •��� �. , .� ..: . , . . �.i�a`�����,,�" _ No�� : -. 1. . r ` asfiingtofi, . - . ._ . ��i si g'.. eattle:. : . Affidavit of Publication State of Washin�ton, I�ing County NOTICE Or PUBLIC 2A hoius prior to the time of the HEARING hearing,at(425)22G-1860. /s/1VIaz•k Gropper, The Housing Authority of the �xecutive Director City oF Renton (the "Authority") Date of publication in �vill hold a public hearing on the Seattle Daily Journal of Wednesday, October 25, 2017, at 3:00 m., at tlie offices of the Commerce,October 9,2017. Authori y located at 2900 NE 10/9(354690) lOth Street,Renton,Washington, on the proposed issuance Uy the AuthoLity pursuant to chapter 35,82 RCW and a plan of financ- ing with respect to the project described below(the"Project°)of certain obligations the interest on which will be excluded fi•om gross income for f'ederal income t:�x pur- po�es pursuant to Sections 103 and lA`L of the Internal Revenue Code of 198G, as amended (the "Code"). Project Description: Finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of three apartment complexes con- tainin� a total of approximately 3G9 dwelling units, to provide housing foi• low-income persons, as qualified residential rental projects under Section 14`L(d) of the Code Maximum Amount of Obliga- tions:$68,000,000 Project Owner/Operator:Golden Cedars LLLP,a Washington lim- ited liability limited partnership of which the Authority is the sole generalpartner Project Locations: Golden Pines: `L�JUi NE lOth Street,Renton,Washington Cedar River Terrace:61 Burnett Avenue S.Renton,Washington Cedar Park: 408, 432, 45U, 454,and�t58 Monroe Avenue NE, Renton,Washington The pnblic is invited to attenc� the hearing and present oral or written testimony regarding the project,or to submit written com- ments �to the Authority at the above address to be received no later than the time of the hear- ing.7'he hearin�shall conatitute the public hearing required by Section 1�7(f} of the Code. The Authority iscommitted to provid- ing equal access to individuals with disabilities,consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other sCate and federal laws prohibiY,ing discriminatiion against inclividuals with disabili- ties.Anyone requiring an accom- modation to participate in this hearing or to obtain informa- tion subject to this notice should contact the Authority, at least