HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 1 �RIGlP�AL�FA�E rlC��dF4 P/�GES CAG-17-050, Adden #1-17 � CITY OF -����� �� �� � AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR LIFT STAT14iV AND FORCE MAIN REHABILITATION GROUP 1 FACILITIES- PREDESIGN CAG-17-050 THlS AMENDMENT, dated August 9, 2017, is by and between the City of Renton (the "City"j, a Washington municipal corporation, and RH2 Engineering, Inc. ("Consuitant"), a Washington corporation. The City and the Consultant are referred to collectively in this Amendment as the "Parties." Once fully executed by the Parties, this Amendment is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. Whereas, the City engaged the services of the Consultant under Agreement CAG-17-050, dated March 20, 2d17, to provide necessary services for the Lift Station and Force Main Rehabilitation Group 1 Facilities - Predesign (referred fio herein as the "Agreem�ent"�;�..� K,� --•.,.,� , .: , ��. g �, ,��:� ,�s .,.�.w.. Whereas, the Parties wish to amend the Ag�eement to change"the scope of worEc and change the compensation in order to provide replacement telemetry panel for the existing Oakesdale Avenue and Rainier Avenue pump stations. NOW THEREFORE, It is mutually agreed upon that CAG-17-050 is amended as follows: 1. Scope of Work: Section 1, Scope of Work, is amended to add work as specified in Exhibit A-1, which is attached and inco�porated herein. 2. Compensation: Section 4, Compensation, is amended so that the maximum amount of compensation payable to Consultant is increased from $176,379 to $203,450, plus any applicable state and local sales taxes. The additionai compensation shall be paid based upon Work actually perforrned according ta the rate(s) or amounts specified in Exhibit C- 3, which is attached and incorporated herein. 3. All terms of the Agreement not explicitly modified herein shall remain in full force and effect and such terms shall apply to Work performed according to this Amendment as if fully set forth herein. OR4Gl�tAL I F'AGE N�J v10F� PAGES IN WITNESS WHEREOf, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Agreement as of the date last signed by the Parties below. CITY OF RENTON CONSULTAIVT � /�� gY- � By: i�'i%'� � �( . Gregg Zim e m Tony V./P rdi Public Works Administrator Presi��'nt ��//7 Date Date � Approved as to Legal Form „�j�1t,� i�" Shane Moloney Renton City Attorney Contrect Template Updated OS/34/2017 Page 2 of 2 �� � � � � ` '� :�i/ OR1Gih�AL l PACF hlt� �J QF� pAGES EXHIBIT A-1 Scope of Work Amendment No. 1 to CAG-17-050 City of Renton Lift Station and Force Main Rehabilitation Group 1 Facilities Stormwater Pump Station Telemetry Panel Replacement August 2017 Background 7he City of Renton(Cityj has three �3}stormwater pump stations:the Rainer Pump Station,Oakesdale Pump 5tation, and Strander Boulevard Pump Station. Both the Rainer and Oakesdale Pump Stations have obsolete Rugid telemetry equipment that is becoming harder to maintain due to failing equipment and unavailability of spare parts. The Strander Boulevard Pump Station is equipped with newer Allen-8radley control equipment that the City has standardized on for its sewer pump stations.The City is in the process of replacing existing wastewater telemetry panels with Allen-Bradley based telemetry panels. Task 3.9 Qf the original scope of work includes preparation of conceptual electrical/contro) ptans for the telemetry improvemen#s at the Cottonwood and East Valley Lift Stations. As part of this contract amendment, The City has requested that RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RN2) design replacements for the existing telemetry panels at the City's Rainer and Oakesdale stormwater pump stations. In addition,the City has also requested that the additional design work needed to prepare the final telemetry replacement plans and specifications for the Cottonwood and East Valley Lift Stations be included with this amendment.The City has requested that a telemetry panel be included in the design to be used as a spare for wastewater.It is desired that all five(5)wastewater/stormwater pump station telemetry panels be fabricated at the same time. The new stormwater telemetry panels will be Allen-Bradley based to match the wastewater telemetry panel design standard. Services during building and installation of these panels will be addressed via a subsequent amendment. The City has chosen to include the engineering costs for the stormwater pump stations in the existing professional services agreement for the Lift Station and Force Main ReMabilitation for the following two primary reasons 1. The wastewater utility has already begun design of new tontrol equipment for all of its pump stations. Adding the design and fabrication of the stormwater pump station panels to the wastewater work will result in economies of scale in design, bidding,and fabrication;and 2. The stormwater pump stations are operated by the wastewater utilities personnel. A uniform, consistent product,designed and fabricated at the same time,will make maintenance simpier for the City's maintenance staff. The following Scope of Work includes preparation of construction documents for fabrication of the rep{acement stormwater pump station telemetry panels at the Rainer and Oakesdale Pump Stations, preparation of construction contract documents for fabrication of the replacement sewer lift station telemetry panels at the Cottonwood and East Valley Lift Stations as well as a spare telemetry panel, a�d services during bidding. Future phases of the project may include design and bidding of the telemetry panel installation, sei-vices during construction, control system software development, and SCADA integration. RH2's services for these future phases may be completed as part of a future contract amendment. The 1 9/9/26ll 10:17 AM 1;\Data\REN\Sll�037\Contract�Amend No.1\Amend Nn.1 EXHI0IT A SOW_Stormwa�er Pump 5[aqon TelemeGyPanel Replacement.dooc {�RIGI�IAL � PAGE N�?�t�F� F'AGES City of Renton Amendment No.1 l.ift Station and Force Main Refiabilitation Group 1 Facilities Exhibit A-1 Stormwater Pump Station Telemetry Panel Replacement Scope of Work delineation between Stormwater and Sewer facilities for the design has been identified below so that the City can separate out costs between departments. The project administration and services during bidding tasks are shown as one common task for both s#ormwater and sewer. For internal accounting purposes,the City can consider this a 50/50 split between the two departments for each of these tasks. DEFINITIONS SCADA — Supervisory cont�ol and data acquisitian. Distribu#ed computer control system used for monitoring and controlling remote City water and wastewater facilities. PLC— Programmable logic controller. Industrial monitoring and control computer used for controlling and monitoring of the reservoirs. MTU—Master telemetry unit.This refers to the central City headquarters SCADA equipment. NMI—Human machine interface.The Microsoft Windows-based graphical computer interFace used by City stafF for monitoring the entire SCADA system. OI—Operator interface.Graphical touch screen provided at remote facilities for operator monitoring and control of a facility while onsite. O&M—Operations and maintenance. QA/QC—Quality assurance and quality control. Task 5— Project Administration Objective: Administer project reco�ds and coordinate with the project team. App�oach: S.1 Manage the RH2 project team to track work elements accomplished,work items planned for the next phase, personnel hours, scope changes, time, and budget needed to complete the work. Prepare weekly progress reports to summarize work accomplished for the week, anticipate work for the following weeks,and ide�tify potential problems or changes.Submit a monthly invoice summarizing cos#s and remaining budget. RH2 Deliverables: • Weekly action-item list and project report. • Monthly invoices. • Meeting agendas and minutes,issued eiectronically(PDF). Task 6—Stormwater Purr�p Station Telemetry Panel Upgrades Design Objective: Prepare bid-ready design plans and specifications for the proposed control system work at the Rainier and Oakesdale Pump 5tations. Approach: 6.1 Prepare Rainer and Oakesdale Pump Stations Telemetry Replacement Electrical Plans — Prepare electrical plans for the fabrication of the proposed telernetry panels at the pump stations. 2 8/9/2017 i0:17 AM 1;\Data�(1EN\117-037�Contract\Amend No.1\Amend Na.1 EXHtBIT A_SOW_Stormwater Pump Statlon Teleme[ry Panel Neplacement.doa Of�ICINAL I PA�E RIC?�h� g PAGES City of Rentan Amendment No. 1 lift S#ation and Force Main Rehabilitation Group 1 Facilities Exhibit A-1 Stormwater Pump Station Telemetry Panel Replacement Scope of Work 6.2 Prepare Technicaf Specifications — prepare specifications using RH2's standard technical specifications. Review and update the City's standard specifications and general conditions as warranted for this project. 6.3 Submit 90-percent Documents for City Review and Edit Plans—Design progress submittals shall be made at the 90-percent design stage and will include specifications and drawings. The 90-percent documents will be submitted to the City, and after a review period, RH2 will attend one (1) review meeting with the City, Upon completion of addressing the 90-percent comments,RH2 wil!submit a set of documents to the City for final comment(s). 6.4 Perform QA/QC and Internal Review—Provide QA/QC services as part of this Scope of Work.Services will include a formal internal QA/QC process, which provides review of RH2's design and final deliverables. 6.5 Prepare Cost Estimates—Prepare 90-percent and final construction cast estimates. Assumptions: Refer to ihe attached Fee Estimate (Exhibit G3J for an estimate of time required for design tasks.Revisions due to chonges in design criteria ofter those etements have been designed will require a scope of wark and fee estimate amendment. RH2 Deliverables: • 90-percent design plan reviews. • In-house Qq/QC reviews. • 90-percent and final construction cost estimates in electronic format(PDFj. Task 7—Sewer Lift Station Telemetry Panei Upgrades Design Objective: Advance the design of the conceptual telemetry improvements plans developed under Task 3.9 for the Cottonwood and East Vafley Lift Stations to bid-ready design plans and specifications. Approach: 7.1 Prepare Cottonwood and East Valley Lift Stations Telemetry Replacement Electrical Pians—Prepare electrical plans for the fabrication of the proposed telemetry panels at the lift stations. Prepare electrical plans for the fabrication of the spare(ift station telemetry panel. 7.2 Prepare Technica{ Specifications — Prepare specifications using RH2's standard technical speci�cations. Review and update the City's standard specifications and general conditions as warranted for this project. 7.3 Submit 90-percent Documents for City Review and Edit Plans— Design progress submittals shall be made at the 90-percent design stage and will include specifications and drawings. The 90-percent documents wili be submitted to the City, and after a review period, RH� will attend one (1) review meeting with the City. Upon completion of addressing the 90-percent cornments, RH2 will submit a set of documents ta the City for final comment(s). 7.4 Perform QA/QC and Internal Review—Provide Qq/QC services as part ofthis Scope of Work.Services will include a formal internal QA/QC process, which provides review of RH2's design and final delive�ables. 7.5 Prepare Cost Estimates—Prepare 90-percent and final construction cost estimates. 3 8/9j201710:1]AM 1:\Data\ftEN�117•937\Contrad\Amend No.1\Amend No.1 EXHI6IT A SOW Scormwater Pump Statlon Tekme[ry Panel Replacement.doa ORIGlt�ll�� I {'AC�E I�10 t(/01= 4 PAGES City of Renton Amendment lVo.l Lift Station and Force Main Rehabilitation Group 1 Facilities Exhibit A-1 Stormwater Pump S#ation Telemetry i�anel Replacement Scope of Work Assumptians: Refer to the attached Fee Estimate (Exhibit G3)for an esiimate of time required for design tasks.Revisions due to changes in design criteria after tl�ose elements have been designed wi!!require o scope of work and fee estimare amendment RH2 Deliverables: • 90-percent design plans and specificatians. • In-house QA/QC reviews. • 90-percent and final construction cost estimates in electronic format{PDF). Task S—Services During Bidding Objective; Provide assistan�e to the City during project bidding. Approach: 8.1 Prepare Final Bid Documents—Coordinate with the City in providing final bid documents to bidders. !t is assumed that five (5J sets of bid documents with half-sized(11-inch by 17-inch) plans wiJl be prnduced,wi#h three(3J sets of each being for Ciry staff,and two{2)sets of each for RH2.Bidders wi II receive electronic PDF versions only.RH2 will provide PDF versions of the plans and speci�cations to the City. 8.2 Respond to Bidder Questions— Respond to bidders' technical questions, as needed, during the bidding process. !t is assumed that the City wi!! respond to procedural questions. RN2 wrll not coordinate directly with bidders;RH2 wil!receive bidder questions from fhe City and respond fo the City. 8.3 Prepare Project Bid Addendum—Prepare up to one (1)addendum in electronic format for the City to distribute ta the plan holders. Assumptions: In the event the City prefers hard copies of bid sets for prospective bidders, ti►ese can be prepared by RH2 and provided to the City using oursiandard hourly rotes and charges. The City will publish the odvertisement in the required newspapers. The City will receive all bidder q�estions and record them for forwarding to RH2 at the City's distretion. The City wil!conduct the 6id opening. It is assumed that RH2 will not ottend. RH2's review of the bids will be limited to the Schedule of Prices ond checking references. The City will review all ather elements of the bid propasals,as they deem oppropriate. The City will handle bid award and construction contract execution. Provided by City of Renton: • Advertisement for bid. � Receive,record,and provide responses to questions from bidders. ■ Bid opening. • Submit bids for bid tabulation. RHZ Deli�erables: • Five(5)sets o#bid documents with half-size(11-inch by 17-inch) plans. Two (2)sets shall be for RN2 use and file. 4 8/9/2017 10:17 pM !:\Da[a\REN�S17•037\[ontrect�Amend No.1\Amend No.1 ExHl91T A SOW Stormwater Pump Statlan Teiemetry Panel ReplacemenC,doa oai��r���I r-���r�� �c�r- $ Pa�ts City of Renton Amendment No.1 Lift Station and Force Main Rehabilitation Group!Facilities Exhibit A-1 Stormwater Pump Station Telemetry Panel Replacement Scope of Work � Bid-ready plans and specifications in electronic format (PDF} for the City's use in producing bid sets for electronic distribution. • Responses to bidder questions transmitted by the City to RN2. • Up to one�1�addendum in electronic format(PDF). Project Schedule RH2 will commence work upon receipt of an executed amendment and will provide 90-percent plans and specifications for client review and comment within forty-five(45)days. Final plans and specifications will be delivered within fifteen (15)days of receipt of City review comments. 5 8/9/261710:17 AM 1:\Data\REN\117-037�Contrect\Amend No,i\Amend No.1_EXHIBITA SOW_S[armwater PumpStatlon Telemetry Panel Replacement.dn[r ORIGIt�AL ( f�1rE h���OFv PAGES EXHIBIT C-3 City of Renton Amendment No.1 to CAG-17-050 Lift Station and Force Main Rehabilitation Group 1 Facilities Stormwater Pump Statlon Telemetry Panel Replacement Fee Estimate Des�t�ption Tatai Tatal Labor ToWI Expense Totai Cost --------_....�.�._..__ ____.._....—_.._---.....-------._.__.........,.V_ Haurs Ciassfflcatlon Task 5 ProJect Administratlon 6 S 1,278 $ - $ 1,278 Task 6 Stormwater Pump Station Telemetry Panel Upgrades Design 65 S 11,187 $ 888 $ 1t,075 7ask 7 Sewer Lift Station Telemetry Panel Upgrades Desfgn 59 $ 9,422 $ 668 $ 10,09D Task S Servkes During Bidding 19 S 3,349 $ 278 $ 3,627 Amendment No.i to CAG-17-050 144 $ 25,236 $ 1,835 $ 27,071 Wastewater ABacaUon 67 $ 11,736 $ 807 $ 12,543 Stormwater Allocation 78 $ 13,501 $ 1,027 $ 14,528 � l:�pab4tENU17-037�[onlnctWmendNo.l�AmentlNo.1_E7tHIBlTt-3_ffE SmrmwalerPumpSbtbn7ekmelrypanelReplacemen4�h� 81§R03730:1lAM