HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project Narrative_Comcast Kent Vista_230607_v1.pdf Comcast Kent Vista Fiber Optic Hub Modification Exhibit 1 1. Project Narrative: A clear and concise description and summary of the proposed project, including the Following (applicant response in dark blue/bold): a. Project name, size and location of site: Project Name: Comcast Kent Vista Secondary Fiber Hub Upgrade Size: 2025 SF tract within a 57,847 SF parent parcel Address: 18809 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98058 b. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties: R-8 c. Current use of the site and any existing improvements: Existing Comcast Fiber Hub with existing shelter, generator and other improvements defined in RMC4-11-210 as a Utility-Medium Use. The current site serves over 140,000 residential customers together with several hundred commercial users (including hundreds of cell sites which use Comcast for “back-haul” services to the wireless carrier “switch”.) d. Special site features (i.e., wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes): None e. Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions: IBC Soil Classification “D” f. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development (i.e., height, square footage, lot coverage, parking, access, etc.): Modification to the existing use with the addition of a new 10’6” x 21’ walk-in equipment shelter, replacement Level 2, Sound attenuated 100KW diesel generator and addition two battery back-up cabinets all on free standing concrete slabs. The entire project will be surrounded by a 9’ CMU retaining wall/fence on the E, W and S sides of the project with a 7’ architectural steel fence on the North with access gates. Functional use of the project will remain as a Utility-Medium Use as at present. g. Proposed off-site improvements (i.e., installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.): None h. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project: $200,000. i. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed: Limited excavation is proposed for slabs for construction of the CMU wall and equipment slabs. j. Number, type and size of trees to be removed: None k. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City: None 2. Environmental Checklist: The standard State of Washing form required under WAC 197-1—742 and 197-11-960. Project has been found to be exempt per discussions with Alex Morganroth, Senior Planner. 3 . Conditional Use Permit Justification, RMC 4-9-030E: A written description/justification setting forth the reasons in favor of the application and addressing the criteria listed below except for wireless communication facilities and increases to maximum height and/or density which can be found under their own subsection in RMC 4-9030E: a. Consistency with Plans and Regulations: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general goals, objectives, policies and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning regulations, and any other plans, programs, maps, or ordinances of the City of Renton. A Utility Medium Use is allowed in R-8 zones with an Administrative Conditional Use Permit per Table 4-2-060 b. Appropriate Location: The proposed location shall not result in the detrimental overconcentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed location shall be suited for the proposed use. The Comcast Fiber Hub use pre-dates the current platting of the parent parcel for six, single family homes. The proposed use is a continuation of the current use of Tract A for a Utility-Medium Use which will further mitigate impacts on the proposed surrounding homes with the installation of a 9’ tall CMU fence/retaining wall to shield surrounding properties and uses from the current and expanded use of the Tract. c. Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The project will be enclosed by a 9’ split face, concrete masonry wall (height is variable as to exposure from adjacent residential lots – see Page C-3 of Exhibit 2) which in turn will be screened by a 6’ tall wooden fence and landscaping to be installed as part of the separate, approved Short Plat R406201. d. Compatibility: The proposed use shall be compatible with the scale and character of the neighborhood. As mentioned in Section 3B (above) use of the dedicated tract pre-dates any residential use. The proposed modification is consistent with the prior use and every attempt is being made to mitigate any potential impact by more completely obscuring the current and proposed use behind a concrete masonry wall. e. Parking: Adequate parking is, or will be made, available. Upon completion of the project there will be only 1 – 4 technician visits per month for equipment testing and maintenance. Parking will occur on the North side of the project within the easement area on 116th Avenue. (See Exhibit 5.) f. Traffic: The use shall ensure safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians and shall mitigate potential effects on the surrounding area. See above for levels of traffic upon completion. The facility itself will have no impact on movement of vehicles or pedestrians in the surrounding area. g. Noise, Light and Glare: Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use shall be evaluated and mitigated. A separate Noise study was conducted by Greenbush and Associates and is include in this application as Exhibit 3. The result of that study is that a CMU wall and sound attenuating panels (on the North) are proposed to attenuate any noise emanating from the equipment to be installed as part of the Fiber Hub Modification. Emergency Power (not included in the Noise analysis) will be provided by a Level 2 sound attenuated 100KW generator. h. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by buildings, paving, or critical areas. Additional landscaping may be required to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. No new, additional landscaping is proposed as the exterior of Tract A is under different ownership and as a condition of approval of the Short Plat for that project. That applicant is required to install a 6’ wooden fence and landscaping on adjacent lots which will provide the needed buffering to adjacent properties. No interior landscaping of Tract A is proposed as all usable space will be occupied by Fiber Optic Hub equipment. 4. Easements, Existing: A recorded document by the property owner granting one or more privileges to use the owner’s land to and/or for the use by the public, a corporation or another person or entity. Easements may be referenced by property deed and are identified in the property title report. See attached Exhibits 4 and 5. 5. Construction Mitigation Description: A written narrative addressing each of the following: • Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates): Start 1 July 2023 – End 1 September 2023 • Hours and days of operation: Site is an unmanned fiber optic hub therefore there are no hours of operation. • Proposed hauling/transportation routes: Generally South on 108th Ave SE, then East on SE 186th Street to 116th Ave SE then South to 188th Street. • Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic, and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics: Construction would result in a temporary increase in air pollution, including emissions from equipment and dust from construction activities. Most diesel equipment uses low sulfur fuel to minimize emissions and contractors will be encouraged to use low sulfur diesel or alternative fuel sources. Applicant will work to minimize idling diesel engines, will suppress as necessary any construction dust by utilizing water sprays and will load trucks leaving or entering so as to minimize dropping of materials or debris on the street. • Any special hours proposed for construction or hauling (i.e. weekends, late nights): None • Preliminary traffic control plan: Not required. Parent parcel will be used for marshalling of men, equipment and materials. Note: If your project requires the use of cranes, please contact the City’s Airport Manager at 425-430-7471 to determine whether Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) notification will be required. 6. Plat Certificate or Title Report: A document prepared by a title insurance company documenting the ownership and title of all interested parties in the plat, subdivision, or dedication and listing all encumbrances. In the case of a final play, the certificate shall be dated within forty-f ive (45) days prior to the approval of the final plat. See attached Exhibit 6. This title report and document identified as Exhibits 4 and 5 regarding perpetual easement granted to Northwest Cablevision for Tract A establish the right of Comcast as the successor in interest to NCI to make application for the modification of this facility without further approval from the easement grantor or current parcel owner. 7. Neighborhood Detail Map: Please provide a map, drawn at a scale of one-inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') or one-inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200') (or other scale approved by the Planning Division Director or designee). See Attached Exhibit 7. 8. Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign(s): A notarized statement signed by the applicant of applicant’s representative attesting that the required public information sign(s) has been installed in accordance with City Code requirements. To be posted within 5 days of acceptance of Admin CUP Application. 9. Site Plan: A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1”=20’) (or another scale approved by the Planning Division Director or designee). See Attached Construction Documents Exhibit 2 Page A-2 10. Architectural Elevations: See attached Construction documents. Exhibit 2 page 12 and following. 11. Landscaping Plan, Conceptual: A fully dimensioned plan, prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of Washington, a certified nurseryman, or other similar qualified professional, drawn at the same scale as the project site plan. Not applicable and not provided as no landscaping is anticipated due to the limited space within Tract A for necessary Fiber Optic Hub equipment. Mitigation of visual impacts to surrounding lots in the new plat will be accomplished by the parcel owner complying with plat Conditions of Approval for the installation of a 6’ wooden fence along with landscaping as shown on excerpt from the plat approval documents (See Exhibit 8.) 12. Landscaping Plan, Detailed: A fully dimensioned plan, prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of Washington, a certified nurseryman, or other similarly qualified professional, drawn at the same scale as the project site plan. Not Applicable. 13. Floor Plans: A basic line drawing plan of the general building layout: See Exhibit 2 Page A-2 14. Topography Map: A map showing the existing land contours using vertical intervals of not more than five feet (5'). For any existing buildings the map shall show the finished floor elevations of each floor of the building. See Exhibit 9. 15. Tree Retention/Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan: Not Applicable. No trees present on Tract A 16. Tree Retention Worksheet: Not Applicable. No trees present on Tract A 17. Arborist Report: Not Applicable. No trees present on Tract A 18. Wetland Assessment: Not performed. Site is not in a designated wetland. See Exhibit 10 19. Wetland Mitigation Plan-Preliminary: Not Applicable. See Item 18. 20. Habitat Data Report: Not performed. 21. Standard Stream or Lake Study: Not performed. 22. Flood Hazard Data: See Exhibit 10. Site is not located in an identified flood hazard zone. 23. Biological Assessment/Critical Area Study: Not performed. 24. Geotechnical Report: Not performed. 25. Letter of Understanding Geologic Risk: Not applicable 26. Drainage Control Plan: See Exhibit 11 27. Drainage Report: See Exhibit 11 28. Grading Plan: Not applicable. No grading will occur. Trenching will be done for footings and slabs required for the project. 29. Traffic Study: Not performed. 30. Colored Rendering: Not developed. 31. Hazardous Materials Management Statement: A statement which includes: A description of refueling of construction vehicles that will occur on the site and an inventory of hazardous materials expected to be temporarily stored, dispensed, used, or handled on the site. No refueling of construction vehicles will occur on site. Hazardous materials to be installed post construction consists of diesel fuel for the emergency back-up generator and absorbed glass matt batteries in two (2) battery back-up cabinets. Volumes to be supplied in Final Construction documents for building permit submittals. A description of how the requirements in RMC 4-4-030C7, Construction Activity Standards – Zones 1 and 2, will be met by the applicant. Construction Debris: Construction debris, such as concrete, lumber, etc., will be removed and not buried on site. Understood and agreed to by applicant. Construction Activity Standards – Aquifer Protection Area (APA) Zones 1 and 2: The following standards shall apply to construction activities occurring in the Aquifer Protection Area if construction vehicles will be refueled on site and/or the quantity of hazardous materials that will be stored, dispensed, used, and handled on the construction site, exclusive of the quantity of hazardous materials contained in fuel or fluid reservoirs of construction vehicles, will exceed twenty (20) gallons. As near as applicant can determine from City of Redmond Maps, the proposed project falls outside of APA zones 1 and 2 (subject to correction during intake review.) 32. Inventory of Existing Sites: Not Applicable. Tract is the only Comcast Fiber Optic Hub in the City of Renton. 33. Map of View Area: Not applicable. Tract and proposed project are not residential in nature. 34. Urban Design Regulations Review Packet: A set of submission materials required for projects subject to the Urban Design Regulations in RMC 4-3-100: Not applicable. 35. Screening Detail, Refuse/Recycling: Not applicable. Tract and proposed project are not residential in nature. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 36. SPECIAL FENCE PERMIT JUSTIFICATION – 9’ Split Face Concrete Masonry Fence (on W, S and E) and 7’ Impasse II “Stronghold” steel fence (with integral sound attenuation panels) on the N. The special fence permit application is being submitted to provide: • Essential physical security for a critical Fiber Optic secondary hub portion of the area wide communication infrastructure that serves over 140,000 customers in Renton and surrounding areas as well as serving several hundred commercial customers and wireless communication facilities in Renton and the surrounding area • A physical buffer (retaining wall) to contain a built-up portion of the new residential plat to the west of the fiber optic hub and thus avoid drainage and run-off into the Fiber Optic hub tract; • A sound barrier to the surrounding planned residential lots and the school to the North from any noise generated by routine or emergency operation of communication equipment; and • A visual buffer between the pre-existing Fiber Optic hub and the proposed residential lots to the East and South. The proposed 9’ Split-face, concrete masonry unit wall of three sides of the proposed facility upgrade (measured internal to Tract A) will, in conjunction with the required 6’ wooden fence and landscaping (part of the recent plat approval) will further mitigate any visual impact of the pre-existing Fiber Optic hub. Specific Code Justification measures: a. Permanent landscaping: Is required around the perimeter of the three sides of Tract A (the proposed project site) as a Condition of Approval of Plat R406219. See Exhibit 8. Insufficient room exists within Tract A (the Fiber Hub for an internal landscaping (unneeded as this is an unoccupied Medium Utility) and no vested right exists for Comcast to install any landscaping on the exterior of Tract A all of which is owned by another entity. b. Quality Fence Material, e.g. cedar fencing: Split face CMU is a “quality fence material” which will further be enhanced by the presence of a 6’ cedar fence running along three sides of Tract A along with landscaping (see above). The North side of the project which contains access gates to the Fiber Hub will consist of a decorative but substantial, steel fence and gate(s) modified for sound attenuation. See Exhibit 2, Page 8. c. Modulation of the Fence: This design feature is not possible given the physical limitations of Tract A. Any modulation would need to either encroach onto the residential plats to the East and South or intrude into Tract A and thus limit the ability of Comcast to install vital fiber optic equipment. d. Similar design and material as other fences in the surrounding neighborhood: This measure will be met through the integration of the required fencing of Plat R406219 around the perimeter of the Split Face CMU wall thus resulting in a visual appearance consistent with other portions of the recently approved residential Plat. e. Increased setbacks from the adjacent sidewalk: Not Applicable. No residential sidewalks abut Tract A. f. Ornamental Materials or construction treatment such as wrought iron: The proposed CMU all and Impasse II fence meet both of these requirements. g. Orientation of the finished face of the fence toward the street; and other comparable construction or design methods. The steel Impasse II portion of the fence is oriented toward the street and adjacent school. Thus this requirement is met. Other portions of the CMU fence are contiguous to either a residential lot, an access easement for the Plat lots or the parking lot and storm water detention site to the West.