HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAP_Neighborhood Map_Comcast Kent Vista_230607_v1.pdfKing C ou nty A ss e sso r 's Offi ce, Kin g C ounty GIS C e nte r, Kin g C o unty, Kin g cou n tyAssessor's Office, Ki ng Co u nty G IS Cen ter King C ounty Date: 3 /3/202 3 Th e infor matio n in clu de d on t his map has been comp ile d b y Kin g Count y staf f from a variety of source s an d is su bject to cha ng ewithout n otice. Kin g Co unt y makes no re present ations o r wa rra nties, exp re ss o r im plied , a s to accu ra cy, complet en ess, t ime lin ess,or rig hts to the use of such informa tion . This d ocu me nt is not intended for u se as a survey pr od uct. King Cou nty shall n ot be lia blefor a ny g en er al, sp ecial, indirect, incide ntal, o r conse qu en tial damag es including , but not limited to , lost revenu es or lo st profitsresulting from th e use or m isu se of t he info rmat ion cont aine d on this map . An y sale of this map or in formation o n t his map isprohibited except by written p er mission of King County.±