HomeMy WebLinkAboutL_Day Short Plat_Easements_230514_v1.pdfl , �� i°y a� aQA,b� �gi,•go y°Ap �.� • ° ►,go- 143 •i qo N lvglf gqe, dsNp F qM� �Met�■y,' ems_. FOR iv A. a roQas h .:e *i ikae.°a MA s.Ma P M O RtA F b O 1 A r� q �'• •YOO SP43 dp 4 411 b Mp .� fl �1 r t ad► M O OA O �1pp ppq •� I' A• S�+Mi~93 O n1F r17 ► .40 tl ia,, Aopw{ Ng° �a H°oo q m ad road o M 1.. eMN�l Q veA�.�.{°r" • OiGo •• O. Ab.tO O EDtl►r.•me RR V �°C •°vim 00p0 O o• aa r� d •Q • SM 1 oV • •.I.R m OO. MQaM�d O i, ~ i o�G•isq��a A O 0 O M Id �O M m � ~ so aFCNC M°FMaq {1°7 " o' i wOM 0 ~ �Aom l ���00 Oive, .OVA i. cRo0 SP®pq. pO�iLiL110, 8.21 bvo '3''80O aA � �.� � V ~^O •� ■ MA�i�A•C C M• .09nQ e M • p pp� yl0 OA M AV'O FOa .lp p,Mt1tl Att00 ftl• e91 ! pgtl !. ! .b A O {• G 0-0 M reel 1aa so W'j m �n goo 0 ■< O � m e v d a Oj A lO A d ,M Id�F�, f�Q.I 11.pi o .ei • (• ' r AGSM �R OppI. Ai Ol .tl "v PV 4ptl21. 0a to •d ao�Fo e m• CaFO� My s Q a �o 40 Is pu � w�� oq °tloes���eA F-A 0.4 ^cIIRfly+�. °�Ip o .eitiMvII Al OF5 A.Opmp0pa xoa a l DES TE" F � l0 �'►,1� 1 pp 4�I��tYQp� � fa N a 'NdJn F1,4 A mu< Adp11 i 049. y w' man EN I Mpp 4YOON n ;a'E +\ sN1 51 oE C M ♦ � ~ d p m Q o ate+ O AY A MOP M i . ` 0.0 O ° c 7 0 0", o Ogoo ` 0.4 rl� ° m Y M e m 0 s '►.go41 E ark3 �ptD ��°pV otl°ii++ OAK Y .0 cl W ` d00� 06p w ► W O .0 yOdO � Ake 04f o Sane snp 30-47 3728rA7 lj) sap 3-�7 61 �� Thn :i02'tILMQate2T Improvc2anrt Company, a Dalxare Qc2�p To tho Puhut 9�.und P�:xor k LSgt2t Ccmpany a 'taaaeg Co:�2 to aoll and cybtuait1711anni:�20o2dondthe 9i2of�the 2iF.trs2:d Y}contractad .:f Sec 33, in tp 23 N R 5 R NH kcx, end �{SDitlls, tho 6rantoe hae obtnlned a ppra:t I'm ad i11111tu N. Oordon acroeoapn�ttofondrpromloca nrAtdeal2•eaaanlesaeaforla6ti:,entmSthe granted (aon't) rca 997-2m OWNEEMb Now therefore rp dues hby permit the Evantec, its c and A to construct operate and taaintaln bylectrlc tranomisa.on llaoo with the neceenary poi cc xicvea, fixturco anchors and guys to be located within st_ip or land or the width of 60 ft being 30 Ct w1do cn each aide on i the fit. des 0ovt subs center lines. ?h: N and S center lines of the U of the It and SW} the E and M center lines of tha wk of hVt , Y} of N} and w! or SO all its ad Sac 33 Sub however to an ease in the public for any public rds heretofore laid out or established and new existing over and across any part or the premises This a grant is made upon the conditions that the grantee will Indemnify and nave harmless the grantor fa all lose or damage to its pty er the pty of others and fm injuries to prrsons occasioned partly or wholly, directly or indirei'ly, by the cone ructlin, maintenance, operation or presence of ad Electric transmission lines on thn pramioca I1►W, od fp has caused these presets to be aid with Ito core of a.*wl signed by Its vice Pram Northwestern Improvataent Company By J, M. llughes, Vice Pros Corp al Attoet0 C. N. t Rachald, SeC't RG4 Ramsey cc Minn Sep 1i by J. M. Hughes, Vice Pram of fp (of) bcf e R. Bialenborg zip for Raaney cc Minn Ina Aug 5-541 487 C7X�(C47Ct,2 _Zul� y a�� _ �D•'G%Gr/1�� O%/-"�C/-C-�(� Gl/c,Gs'1'N/'G_l�'G� iG-t� /!�� /J_P/I.4e�7�t�c e� /�� p. �T/-� l�i� 2%ur// IJicGzux.�4 -TiGL� G?tic�� vd� YvLe� .UJi��U�w G� fde Lwe oar- �Grq- G� ���Q2jGii�Ge�rttir2�r� qw-d 10 a? 1j,o L�%y- G'LGL-fJ GC -II ['it�1-�t� Pam/ Q4 JGt/i - c _ i / p al"i [�L 488 / w e) 1,64i,�z�LA-���iaeti a eve Llau - AZ.,Ae Jr i i For a valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. the Grantor(s), Janes C. Martin and Audrey J. Martin, Husband and wife hereby graut 9 and convey 3 10 the Grantee(s), Any future purchasers of Lot #S C , D and 1 #(lJ�il`4 tjW,1yided in Short Plat #573073 an file in his/her successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to eoustruct, improve, repair and maintain said Actress Road in accordance with established Road Maint- across over and upon , uumpiete xoau feet of the following land, located in. King County. State of Washington, to -wit: Total Area Tract $. Block 2. PORmEmlin Gomm TRACTS DIVISION NO. 3. accoding to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats. page 73, records of King County, ifashingtons EXCEPT the south 120 feett AND EXCEPT the O west 200 feets SUBJECT TO rights, restrictions and conditions of said plat. Also known as Lot D of tat -recorded Short Plat # 573073 situate In the County of King, State of Washington.94 J B RECD F 5.00 tf� CASHSL ****5.00 uuuu 35 The Grantor(s) shall make no use of the land occupied by said Easeaent except for access, egress and maintenance as provided in Short Plat maintenance In exercising the rights herein granted the Grantee(sIftskier successors and assigns, may, - pass and repass over said Rrivate access road and may east and remove brush, trees and other obstructions which in the opinion of the GraWee(s) interfere(s) with said Dassac The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all subsequent owners thereof. In Wit ess Whereof, t said Grantor(s) have executed this instrument thit': of ar STATE OF WASHINGTON, �• ) } ss_ (Individual Adomaladga(satj.tM County of j I, LI A ANotary Public in and for the State of Washington. residua at, 2� do hereby certify tjkat on this day of 34�4_�e sonally appeared before me to me known f6 be'the individuals described in and who eex cut-ed/the within instrument and acknowledged that signed the same as free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and pulYposes herein mentioned: GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this /Ldayef 2 YI J Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residih'g in said County. . HUD for Record at Request of MAT111la. MAY OWMI. WA Fare OI t t IN - � MA7mtW. MAY NOT aE-Rn9000[:FD IN WHOit iIR IN PART IN ANY FORT/ WNA I f i LED for Record 9 Request of GPM- Oct 5 21, '95 l,l, ay M0951 6 REED r 6.00 HSL r. st.kG.00 55 DECLARATION OF EASEMENT THE UNDERSIGNED, James C. Martin and Audrey J. Martin do make and enter into this Declaration of Easement this 2;::� day of October, 1985. WITHESSETH: WHEREAS, James C. and Audrey J. Martin are the owners of the following parcels of property situated in NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIVISION No. 3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, page 73, records of King County, Washington and fully described as follows: PARCEL B The South 120 feet of the West 200 feet of Tract 4, Lo Block 2 of said Division 3 also known as Lot 080 of King 0 County Short Subdivision No. 573073, approved on January 12, 1979 (Being Tax Parcel No. 619780-0262-06). O PARCEL C m The West 200 feet, less the South 120 feet of Tract 4, Block 2 of said Division 3, also known as Lot 'C' of King County Short Subdivision No. 573073, approved on January 12, 1979 (Being Tax Parcel No. 619780-0263-05). PARCEL 1 Lot No. 1 of King County Short Plat No. 11b1U51, recorded under File No. 8302040667, records of King County, Washington. PARCEL 2 Lot No. 2 of King County Short Plat No. 1181051, recorded under File No. 8302040667, records of King County, Washington. all of which property is situated in King County, Washington. WHEREAS, the undersigned desire by this instrument to declare, establish and grant an easement fzr in.grczz, egress and utilities in, under and upon a portion of Baia Parcels B, C, 1 and 2, for the use and benefit of all said Parcels. NOW THEREFORE, the Undersigned do hereby declare, grant, convey and establish an easement for utilities and for ingress and egress in, over, upon and under the following described property: That portion of tract 4, block 2, Northwestern Garden Tracts Division No. 3, according' to the plat thereof recorded in Vol. 47 of Plats, page 73, records of King County Washington, described as follows: The South 24 feet of Lots 1 t 2 as shown on Short Plat 1161051 and as recorded under Recorder's No. 8302040667, records of King County, Washington together with that portion of said Tract 4 beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 2 also being the Southeast corner of Lot C as shown on the records of the survey drawing recorded under Recorder's Certificate No. 8508299003 records of King County, Washington E:C:3E Page 1 ; `�T/ thence N 89016127' W along the south line of said lot C a distance 90.00 feet thence along a curve to the right the center of which bears N 89'16127' W having a radius of 35.00 feet through a central angle of 316042129' an arc distance of 193.47 feet thence S 89.16,270 E, a distance of 99.77 feet to the East line of said Lot C thence S 01.18'16' W along said East line, a distance of 24.00 feet to the point of beginning for the sole and exlusive use and benefit of the owners and the successors and assigns of the owners of the above described Parcels B, C, 1 and 2. The installation, said easement maintenance, repair and improvement of shall be made in accordance with that certain Maintenance Agreement filed for record on under King County Recorder's File No. All of the land described herein shall be heldL,used, conveyed, leased, encumbered, rented and improved subject to the within declared Easement and subject to all the covenants, conditions, restrictions and reservations contained in said Maintenance Agreement. The Undersigned do further revoke, withdraw and declare to be null and void that certain instrument entitled 'Easement' which was executed by the Undersigned under date of September 15, 1985 and filed for record under King County Recorder's File No. 8509260784. DATED_ Seae- -2���Z ames C. Martrn Ad STATE OF WASHINGTON ) �`� COUNTY OF /[J�(r ss. On this day personally appeared before and Audrey 3. Martin, me James C. Martin to me known to be the described in and who executed n and foregoing individuals the withi instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and therein mentioned. purposes GIVEN under my band and official seal this 2 October, 1985. �_ day of Notary Public in a or`. �" Of Washington, siding it '. 0296r Page 2 -o `kr � Instrument Number: 20190319001173 Document:EAS Rec: $103.00 Page-] Record Date:3/19/2019 3:50 PM King County, WA After Recording mail to: Tuscany Constructions P.O.. Box 6187 Bellevue, WA. 98008 FJ FIRST AMERICAN W 1125z� Wig 20190319001173 K[WG COUNTY, WA DOCUMENT TITLE: Utility Easement Agreement REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF RELATED DOCUMENTS: Additional reference numbers on page(s) _ of document. GRANTOR: 1. Tuscany Construction LLC GRANTEE: 1. Owen 1. and Nanine I. Day ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tax parcel #619780-0263,619780-0265, 619780- 0080 (, o+ Additional legal on page _ of document. Y11-� rS3� Z�� ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NO(S). =61980-0263, 619780-0265, 619780-0080 UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT I THIS ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this 3rd day of March 2019 by Tuscany Construction LLC ("Grantor") and Owen I. Day and Nanine I. Day (Grantees"), based upon the following: i RECITALS i A. Tuscany Construction LLC is the owner of that certain real property located in King County, Washington, and legally described as tax parcel # 619780-0263 and 6197800265, located in Renton, WA 98059 ("Grantor's Property"). Exhibit "A" Said documents were filed of record as an accomadation only. It has not been examI ed as to Owen Da Utility Easement/5 8Y03!/017415.00001 pr°Der execution or as to Its Y Y @ etfe -L L'p.7fl title Instrument Number: 20190319001173 Document:EAS Rec: $103.00 Page Record Date:3/19/2019 3:50 PM King County, WA B. Owen I. Day and Nanine I. Day are the owners of that certain real property located in King County, Washington, and is legally described as tax parcel #619780-0080, located in Renton, WA 98059 (Grantee's Property). Exhibit `B" C. Tuscany Construction LLC desires to provide the Grantees with the following non- exclusive easement for utility access, j �4010 I DQ1� IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned covenant, stip�late and agree as follows: 1. Grant of Easement to Grantee's. Tuscany Construction LLC grants and conveys to Grantee a perpetual, NON-EXCLOSIVE EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES ACROSS THE SOUTH 24 FEET OF LOTS C AND D, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 1181051, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8302040667, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. that portion of Grantor's property. 2. Easement to Remain Clear. No party may place, store, construct, erect or install upon the Easement anything that impedes the free use across the Easement. 3. Severability. The invalidation by any court of any reservation, covenant, restriction, limitation or agreement herein contained shall in no way affect any of the other provisions hereof and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 4. Runs With the Land. This Agreement constitutes a covenant running with the land affecting Grantor's Property, and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective owners, and their successors and assigns. 1 5. Attorneys' Fees. If any party brings a Iegal proceeding to enforce or obtain a declaration of its rights under this Agreement; including any arbitration or action to enforce any lien for maintenance costs, the prevailing1parting in such legal proceeding shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs and attorneys' fees from the nonprevailing party. DATED this 14" Y 0 F MACH Tuscany Owen jia iliiy Easement/,f Y03 Wl7415.00001 Instrument Number: 20190319001173 Document:EAS Rec: $103.00 Page-: Record Date:3/19/2019 3:50 PM King County, WA By: Robert P. Wenzl its Managing Member STATE OF WASHINGTON } } ss: COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisf who appeared before me, and said person mentioned property and he signed the ins - voluntary act for the uses and purposes mftvA DATED: A,igdst 1 .2019. (Use this space for notarial stamp/seal) DAVID E JOHANSEN NOTARY PUBLIC OMM STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION -EXPIRES JULY 29, 2022 evidence that Robert P. Wenzl is the person wledged that he is the owner of the above t and acknowledged it to be his free and instrument. C' 6 Frmt Name: NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at 5bJ` ,01' 5- My Appointment expires: n Owen Day Utility Easementl5@8Y03!101741 5.00001 3 Instrument Number: 20190319001173 Document:EAS Rec: $103.00 Page Record Date:3/19/2019 3:50 PM King County, WA r EXHIBIT A Legal Description — Tuscany Construction LLC I THE WEST 200 FEET OF TRACT 4, BLOCK 2 OF NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 73, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 120 FEET; i (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT C, UNRECORDED G COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO.573073, APPROVED JANUARY 12, 1979). PARCEL A-1: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER AND ACROSS THE SOUTH 24 FEET OF LOTS 1 AND 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 1181051, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8302040667, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 11181051, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO.8302040667, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B-1: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AS CREATED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1985, UNDER RECORDING NO. 8510080951, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Tax Parcel Number: 619780026305 and 619780026503 Situs Address: 11818 SE 186th Street, Renton, WA 98058 Owen Day Utility Easementl5@8Y03!1017415.00001 I Instrument Number: 20190319001173 Document:EAS Rec: $103.00 Page-! Record Date:3/19/2019 3:50 PM King County, WA Exhibit "B" ' LOT 4, BLOCK 1, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS, DIVISION NO.3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 73, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE NORTH 65 FEET OF THE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF. APN: 6197800080 Owen Day Utility Easement/5@8Y03!/017415.00001